Motivational podcast in Nepali language designed to help listeners tap into their inner strength and achieve their goals. Whether you're looking to advance your career, start a new business, or improve your overall well-being, it will provide you with the inspiration and tools you need to take your life to the next level. So join us and let's explore the limitless possibilities of your life together! #nepalimotivation #nepalipodcast
सफलताक ा सूत्रहरु | Collection of Nepali motivational speeches |
सफलताका सूत्रहरु | Collection of Nepali motivational speeches |
1/20/2024 • 23 minutes, 18 seconds
त्यसैले म चस्मा लगाउने गर्दछु | Poem | Dedicated to Mayor Balen Shah |
मेयर बालेन शाह प्रती समर्पित कविता
म एउटा समय
मेरो मन र मस्तिस्क बिचको द्वन्द
बाट उत्पन्न भएको ज्वाला र धुवाको मुस्लो
मेरो चस्मा नलगाएको आँखा मार्फत प्रस्फुटन गराउदै छु
समयको गती नत छिटो नत ढिलो
सधैं टथस्त अनी चलिरहन्छ निरन्तर
नत रोकेर रोकिन्छ, नत छेकेर छेकिन्छ
नदिको बहाव झै बगिरहन्छ बर्तमान बाट भाबिस्य तिर
ती सडक र गल्लीहरु जहाँ थिए अझै पनि त्यही छन
हिजो हालत जे थियो, आज पनि अवस्था त्यही छ
तर मेरो प्रबाह कहिले रोकिएन
सधैं चलि चलिरह्यो नीरन्तर
मेरो मनले भन्छ म बिस्तारै चल्नु पर्दछ
किनभने बहेल गाडा अनी ठेला वाला
हरुलाई पनि त सङ्गै लिएर हिंड्नु छ
फेरी त्यही मन ले भन्छ, होइन म छिटो दौडिनु पर्दछ
किनभने तिब्र गतिमा चल्ने सुपरकार, बुलेट बाइक
अनी अन्तरिक्ष यानहरुलाई पनि त भेटाउनु पर्ने छ
तर मेरो मस्तिस्क भने स्पस्ट छ
कि मेरो गती नत छिटो चल्छ नत ढिलो
सधैं टथस्त अनी निरन्तर
सबैलाई सँगसङ्गै लैजानु पर्दछ
यो यात्राामा समाहित गराएर
ब्यबस्था परिवर्तन धेरै पटक भयो
तर समाज जही को त्यही
बिधी र बिधान समय सँगै चल्न खोज्दछ
तर चलन किन पछाडि ?
मेरो मनले त समाज र यहाँको चलन लाई नै अङ्गाल्न खोज्दछ
तर मास्तिस्क भने बिधी र ब्यबस्था रोज्दछ
म एउटा समय
मेरो चस्मा नलगाएको आँखाले
यो दुनियाँलाई अवलोकन गर्दछु
इज्जत लुटिएर बन्धक बनाइएकी प्रकृतिकी सन्तान उनी ऊद्दारको पर्खाइमा बसिरहेकी छिन्
त्यो गुहारको चित्कार सुन्दैन कसैले किनकी उनी अन्डरग्राउन्ड पुरिएकी छिन्
खुला आकाश मुनी स्वछ्छ र निस्चल भइ
आमाको काखमा रमाउने उनको पहिचान
आज खोसिएको
एउटा दृष्टिबिहिनले देख्न सक्दछ
तर आँखामा कालो पट्टी बाधेर दृष्टिबिहीनताको अभिनय गर्नेले कदापी देख्न सक्दैन
समयको प्रबाह सँगै पाप पनि पखालिन्छ भन्ने यहाँ एउटा भ्रम छ
दशकहरु बीत्दै जान्छन अनी शताब्दी पनि आउछ तर यथार्थ सधैं यथार्थ रहन्छ
यो यथार्थ लुकाइएको छ, पुरियेको छ
डोजर लिएर यसको खोजिमा हरेक दिन निस्किने गर्दछु
खनेर शायद यथार्थ भेटियेला तर नाङ्गो आँखाले देख्न असम्भव छ
त्यसैले, म चस्मा लगाउने गर्दछु
7/2/2023 • 3 minutes, 12 seconds
काल्पनिक संसारलाई वास्तविकमा रूपान्तरण गर | Power of imagination | Nepali Podcast | The Motivation Station |
The power of imagination is ultimate creative power, more powerful than knowledge and beginning of creation. If you live in an imaginary world, that means you have the strong desire of something, or may be you have a potential waiting for perfect opportunity. Do not wait for that opportunity, otherwise you might end up spending your whole life waiting. So, jump in to that long and difficult process today, right now, this eventually transforms your imaginary world to a real world.
5/13/2023 • 11 minutes, 29 seconds
पहिलो उडान || Experiencing the First Fly || The Motivation Station || Nepali Motivational Podcast ||
The bird who dares to fall is the bird who learns to fly.
3/29/2023 • 4 minutes, 48 seconds
आत्मविश्वास किन जरुरी छ ? Nepali Motivational Podcast
Self belief determines what we do, how we do it, and how we see our accomplishments in relation to the rest of the world. Self-beliefs are so powerful that the evaluations will strongly influence the careers we seek, the relationships we pursue, and ultimately what we do or do not accomplish in life.
3/22/2023 • 6 minutes, 11 seconds
बिहान सबेरै उठ्ने बानी बसाल || Morning Motivation || Nepali Motivational Podcast ||
To overcome negative tendencies within ourselves, we must first recognize and acknowledge them. This requires self-awareness and honesty with ourselves. We should also identify the triggers that lead to these negative tendencies and take steps to avoid or manage them. we should develop positive habits and practices that can help us counteract these negative tendencies. we should be patient with ourselves and understand that change takes time and effort. Celebrate small victories and progress towards our goals, and don't give up if setbacks occur. With determination and the right tools, we can overcome the devil within us and live a happier, more fulfilling life.
3/4/2023 • 5 minutes, 40 seconds
वर्तमान क्षणमा बाँच्नुहोस्, उज्ज्वल भविष्य आफै बन्नेछ | How to live in the present moment | Nepali Motivational Podcast |
When you practice being present, you're building good habits for your future well-being. Present moment awareness over time has also been found to decrease stress and abrupt changes in your mood because you have more control over your thoughts.
2/16/2023 • 12 minutes, 37 seconds
Valentine’s Day को सुरुवात यसरि भयो | History of Valentine’s Day in Nepali | Nepali podcast |
The ancient Romans may also be responsible for the name of our modern day of love. Emperor Claudius II executed two men — both named Valentine — on Feb. 14 of different years in the third century. Their martyrdom was honored by the Catholic Church with the celebration of St. Valentine's Day.
2/7/2023 • 4 minutes, 8 seconds
हार मान्नु जीवनको विकल्प होइन | Quick motivation for start of the day | Nepali Motivational Podcast |
It is important to make the most of every moment in life and to use our time wisely. One way to do this is to set goals and make a plan to achieve them, while also taking time to enjoy the present and appreciate the little things.
1/28/2023 • 3 minutes, 27 seconds
आफ्नो प्रशंसक र आलोचक आँफै हुनुपर्छ | Nepali Motivational Podcast |
Being your own biggest fan and critic means being both supportive and self-critical in your personal and professional development. As your biggest fan, you should be confident in your abilities and celebrate your successes. You should also be willing to take risks and try new things, even if they may be challenging.