The Impact School of Faith is more focused on Faith and self-confidence, how it works, and how to apply it in our life. we're providing deeper knowledge of faith throughout the word of God by inspiring people and teaching them how to walk, live and overcome by Faith. Our hope is to inspire, to motivate and transform people lives forever. we will also interview amazing people and learn from their experiences in life, learn what they have been through and how they survive or how they overcame those challenges. We will also offer motivation mindset strategies that will lead to success.
Comment surmonter la dépression, l’inquiétude et l’anxiété de manière très simple.
Au cours de cet épisode, nous allons voir comment Surmonter de manière très simple l’inquiétude, la dépression et l’anxiété. A travers ce verset: « Ne crains rien, car je suis avec toi; Ne promène pas des regards inquiets, car je suis ton Dieu; Je te fortifie, je viens à ton secours, Je te soutiens de ma droite triomphante. » Ésaïe 41:10 le Life Coach explique comment surmonter Surmonter de manière très simple l’inquiétude, la dépression et l’anxiété a partir de son témoignage personnel en démontrant aussi comment il faut avoir confiance en soi. il explique combien la Foi en Dieu est très important et La confiance en soi est définie comme étant : une Assurance, une hardiesse, un courage qui vient de la conscience qu’on a de la valeur. C’est un sentiment qu’on est capable de faire quelque chose. Ce n’est pas une pensée, par exemple « Je pense que je suis capable de… ». C’est plutôt « Je sens que je suis capable de… ». La confiance en soi, ça se passe à l’intérieur, dans le cœur. Ralph Waldo Emerson dit : La confiance en soi est le premier secret du succès. Brian Tracy dans son ouvrage intituler le pouvoir de la confiance en soi, il dit : devenez impossible a arrêtez, irrésistible et audacieux dans toutes les sphères de votre vie. …et qui est différent de l’estime de soi. On confond souvent confiance en soi et estime de soi. Alors que la confiance fait référence à la capacité de réaliser quelque chose, l’estime réfère à la valeur qu’on ressent pour soi-même.
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1/2/2023 • 21 minutes, 44 seconds
The Difference Between Faith and Hope
This episode provide a very clear understanding about Faith and Hope, because a lot of people confuse themselves when comes about these two concepts some people apply hope where it's not needed so that why from this episode we will explain what makes the difference between fait and hope and also how we can use them.
What is Faith?
Faith is the strong trust and confidence in something or someone. It is the strong, and unwavering belief we have in something. We use the term faith when we are talking about a thing that cannot be proved by evidence; it is a belief that is not based on proof. Having faith in someone is having a firm belief in that person, believing that this person will always help us and will not be disloyal to us.
Faith in religion refers to the strong trust in God and the doctrines of that religion. The concept of faith can differ from one religion to another, yet faith is an essential component of any religion. We need to faith to believe in and follow a religion, on the other hand, we also need faith to become an atheist. The term faith has different connotations in different contexts. The following sentences will help you to understand these connotations.
What is Hope
Hope is a feeling of expectation and desire for a particular thing to happen. We use the term hope when we are not sure whether something will definitely happen or not, but we want it to happen. We also use hope to refer to something good that we want to happen in the future, or a confident feeling about what will happen in the future.
(Faith is the complete confidence and trust in someone or something. Hope is a feeling of expectation and desire for a particular thing to happen. This is the main difference between faith and hope.)
The bible tells us in Hebrews 11:1 that “Faith is the assurance of things hoped for.” So clearly faith has an assurance that hope doesn’t have. Hope is always saying “maybe,” but faith is always very confident. Much more confident than is hope.
So now, let see why it’s very important to know the difference between faith and hope from these couple of examples.
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12/16/2022 • 17 minutes, 24 seconds
Comment rebondir après un échec
Comment rebondir après un échec
A en croire de nombreux experts, échouer serait bon pour réussir, planter un projet ou une entreprise n’est pas indispensable pour arriver ensuite vers le succès, mais de nombreux entrepreneurs aujourd’hui reconnus ont essuyé un ou plusieurs échecs dans leurs vies.
Rebondir nécessite du temps, et une vision proactive
Les études le prouvent : un entrepreneur peut apprendre de l’échec de son entreprise une fois qu’il est capable d’utiliser les informations liées au « pourquoi » de cet échec, et les mettre en action pour son nouveau projet. Cet apprentissage n’est pas immédiat, mais nécessite au contraire le temps de digérer l’échec : « l’échec n’est plus douloureux lorsque le fait de penser aux évènements qui ont entrainé cet échec ne génèrent plus de sentiments négatifs. Les personnes pour lesquelles l’échec est très douloureux en tirent moins de connaissances que les personnes pour lesquelles la douleur est passée et moindre.
Pour bien se relever après un échec, il faut donc du temps et surtout être proactif. Occuper son esprit, faire autres choses, c’est une voie vers la guérison et une étape importante pour panser les plaies. L’échec est toujours dur à encaisser mais il peut aussi permettre de réajuster ses projets et de rebondir. Alors, comment faire de l’échec un tremplin et non un naufrage? Comment retrouver sa confiance en soi et sa motivation? Imaginer que vous venez de perdre ou rater votre diplôme ou un emploi, vous êtes complètement découragé car vous avez beaucoup travaille, ce normal de se sentir abattu et anéanti et incapable de réagir.
L’échec nous plombe et nous emplit presque toujours d’émotions négatives : l’abattement, le découragement, la tristesse, la colère etc.… eh oui, avant de vous assurer que l’échec est un tremplin formidable, reconnaissons d’abord qu’il est toujours dur à encaisser! Et si c’est un premier échec, c’est encore plus dur. Vous avez envie de pleurer toute la journée, de ne voir personne et de vous enfermer dans votre chambre. C’est normal, il faut boire cette potion amère et laisser couler vos larmes.
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10/6/2022 • 17 minutes, 27 seconds
Christian’s mindset of faith
After you come to Christ, God gives you new ways of thinking about Him, about Heaven, about yourself, your circumstances, the world around you, and life in general. He gives you new information and shows you how to relate with other people.
Don’t act like the rest of the world, but be transformed by renewing your mind, as the scripture tells us in Romans 12:2…, changing your way of thinking, accepting God’s thoughts and opinions, exchanging your ideas for His, and learning to think and talk like Him.
But remember, you can’t think like God except if you have the right material to think on, which is His word. God’s words are His thoughts clothed in vocabulary.
God has shown us that we can influence our thinking to become more productive, successful, and prosperous. You can manage your mind and bring forth excellence, greatness, success, and prosperity. This is your responsibility, and God expects you to do it.
If God is telling you to be transformed by the renewing of your mind, it means He’s letting you know that you’re the one to make it happen. He’s instructing you to do it because He’s put the ability within you.
Christian mindset goes beyond thinking. It’s surrendering the mind over to God and finding Christ’s wisdom. Where building an unshakable foundation in God through a living faith becomes the greatest defense against disobedience.
And when the mind aligns itself with God’s will, nothing can penetrate the bond Christ gives to the Lord’s faithful believers.
A lot of people proclaim Jesus, but their lives don’t reflect God’s presence. So, it’s crucial to know Christ, and this starts with a mindset center in Christian action.
Spiritual warfare is real and begins in the mind. Every human struggle with thoughts of good and evil. And this has been true since Adam and Eve fell from God’s grace. We are born with sin, and Christ died so we can be free from its paralyzing grip.
Our minds are an incredible part of God’s creation. God’s enemy knows the best way to attack is corrupting the mind. This makes our brains vulnerable to evil, so it’s imperative to let Christ guide our thoughts. We don’t have the strength to fight off temptation, but Christ does and without His aid we lose the battle.
When God gives His gift of salvation, the mindset of the believer is changed. This awakening to His presence is so incredible it has a profound impact on your life. Here confession of sin, repentance and selfless service become joyful experiences. Real faith embraces Christ’s sovereignty with the mind, heart, and soul. So, a Christian mindset is a spiritual way of living instead of collective thoughts. Action is key in God’s kingdom and a spiritual sound mind bears eternal fruit.
Your mind is unlimited in its potential to create whatever you desire. When you put your mind-power to work, the possibilities are endless. There’re no limits to what you can achieve, and absolutely no restrictions to how high you can propel yourself.
What you become in life is largely determined by the content and quality of your mind, because with your mind you can change anything about you.
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