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Yoga Boss: Business Coaching For Yoga Teachers Cover
Yoga Boss: Business Coaching For Yoga Teachers Profile

Yoga Boss: Business Coaching For Yoga Teachers

English, Finance, 1 season, 216 episodes, 4 days, 1 hour, 29 minutes
Do you feel like you were meant to have a successful career in the yoga industry? Like you got into this industry to truly help your students but maybe you’re struggling to build a solid business foundation. Or you know that marketing your yoga business is essential, but don’t know how to make it effective for you? Maybe you have already had some success but you’re ready to scale to six figures. To build a profitable business it takes serious business skills, and a Yoga Boss mindset. When you’re ready to work on your yoga business, instead of in it this is the podcast for you. I’m Jackie Murphy, the business coach just for yoga teachers.
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Action Takers Are Money Makers

Ready to work less in your business AND make more money?Keep listening. Because I know you didn't start your business to be burnt out and overwhelmed.You started it because it's something you're truly passionate about. And you want that passion to help you build a life you love - not take away from it! What's going to make the difference for you is getting into BIG action. And not staying stuck in inaction.This means not waiting for the "perfect circumstances" until you take action like showing up in social media or talking to people about your course.And not getting stuck in the "idea phase" of deciding your offer, your pricing, your niche. Inaction keeps you from serving the students you're meant to serve.But it's not your fault if you feel stuck. Doing the same things you've always done (i.e. never risking failure) feels like it'll keep you safe - at least to the primitive part of your brain! Your job is to bring awareness to what's going on here. And to intentionally choose what you want to create.  You have to be willing to get out of your comfort zone and take Big Action to put yourself in the right position for the opportunities to grow your business when they come.Wealth loves speed. So go take Big Action. And watch your wealth grow!IN THIS EPISODE, YOU'LL LEARN:Why taking more action is going to make you more money How to stop doing work "in your head" and start doing it out in the worldHow to organize your schedule using Free Days, Implementation Days and Delivery DaysWhat we're doing in the Grow Mastermind In-Person Retreat that demonstrates big action perfectly!Get more!Find out if the Grow Mastermind is the right fit for you: Message me @thebusinessofyoga on IGRegister for The Grow Challenge (Feb 19-23rd 2024) to learn how to make more in your Yoga Business and keep more profit!Follow @thebusinessofyoga on Instagram  The Business of Yoga Course and Membership is open now. Join here.Private Business Coaching Available: Apply here
2/20/202417 minutes, 50 seconds
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When it feels like you've tried everything...

Have you ever hit a point in your business where it feels like you've tried everything, but you still haven't been able to accomplish your goal?How do you know what to do next?? This episode is for you.We're going to talk about the necessary shifts in your mindset and your actions, if you're not seeing the success you want.    You may have only scratched the surface of what you could be doing towards your goals! It's easy to spend a lot of time doing busywork that doesn't actually move your business forward. Inside the episode, I explain exactly how to tell if you're taking "action for action's sake" and why it's not generating results.  It's also easy to avoid the risky, uncomfortable things that will truly create the success you want!Today, I share how my expectations were off about what it would take to achieve a specific goal — and what I did next. And I share the scary decision I recently made to move my business forward (and what I'm expecting out of it)!Here's the truth: I don't want you to try to hit your goals.I want you to decide. Go all in. Do what it takes, for as long as it takes, to succeed.And don't be afraid of failing along the way!Yoda had it right: "Do or do not, there is no try.”  IN THIS EPISODE, YOU'LL LEARN:The 3 types of "return on investment" to look for from your actions, to see if they'll move your business forward vs. if they're busyworkWhat specific data to look to find out if you've really "tried everything" Why your expectations of what you'll need to do might be offGet more!Register for The Grow Challenge (Feb 19-23rd 2024) to learn how to make more in your Yoga Business and keep more profit!Follow @thebusinessofyoga on Instagram  The Business of Yoga Course and Membership is open now. Join here.Private Business Coaching Available: Apply here
2/13/202424 minutes, 44 seconds
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Plan a Maternity Leave & Hit Your Business Goals

Want to take time off and still hit your revenue goals? This is the episode for you! Even if you're not planning a maternity leave, but want to limit the hours/week you work, this episode will break down the steps you need to take to make the money you want to.In this episode, I share my personal experience of planning and taking time off for both of my sons. And I get real about what was hard, what worked well and what you can learn from it!Here's what changed the game for me: Having a very clear and specific goal in mind.Not just a revenue goal — a time goal. How much money do you want to make, and how much time do you want to take off?I help you know how to answer these questions, and walk you through my own processes for pausing clients, setting up evergreen and waitlist offers and honoring boundaries for my self-care (and more!).IN THIS EPISODE, YOU'LL LEARN:How to set up your business to take off the time you want, and still make the money you wantWhy you'll have more success when you take away any "shoulds" and shame around taking time off, and create your plan based on what's going to truly support youPersonal answers to questions I've received on IG about maternity leave and hitting goals (and how things were different for my first and second sons!)Get more!Follow @thebusinessofyoga on Instagram  The Business of Yoga Course and Membership is open now. Join here.Private Business Coaching Available: Apply here
1/30/202426 minutes, 33 seconds
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Is it wrong to want to make more in your yoga business?

Welcome to episode 206, "Is it wrong to want to make more in your yoga business?" First, an invite! Whether your January is already full of momentum, or you want to kick it into gear, you're invited to The GROW Challenge - starting Jan 29th 2024. It's designed to help you make more and keep more profit in your business. See you inside!In this episode, I explore the feelings of guilt and resistance that can come up when you think about wanting to make more money in your yoga business.You may have a dream of making six, or even seven figures in your yoga business. But you may also question whether that's greedy or wrong!Here's the truth: Your desire to grow will only serve the world. As you grow the students you serve, you help them become the people they need to be to go out and serve others. The ripple effect is so much more than you can ever imagine.  When you stop believing the lie that what you want "isn't meant for you," your desire, fueled with certainty, gets you into action. And that action brings your desire to fruition. IN THIS EPISODE, YOU’LL LEARN: Who most of the money made in the Yoga Industry goes to (hint: it's not yoga instructors!)Why it matters that 90% of women-owned businesses never reach $100kHow to think about what you want in a way that propels you to action, rather than puts you in an energy of lackThe mindset shift you need to build an unstoppable businessGet more!Join The GROW Challenge - starts Jan 29th 2024!Follow @thebusinessofyoga on Instagram  The Business of Yoga Course and Membership is open now. Join here.Private Business Coaching Available: Apply here
1/23/202418 minutes, 58 seconds
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The 2024 Vision Workshop

Welcome to Yoga Boss episode 205, "The 2024 Vision Workshop.”We're going to talk about the the importance of creating a clear vision for your life and business in the future year 2024. The Importance of Goal Setting and SupportReflecting on the Past Year: Gratitude and DesireCreating Your Vision for the FutureVision Meditation: Imagining Your Future SelfIdentifying Your Whys and Embracing Your Future IdentityIn this episode, we cover how to visualize the wealth, success, and lifestyle changes you want to achieve, link them to tangible business goals, and translate these into everyday actions.IN THIS EPISODE, YOU’LL LEARN: The Business of Yoga Course and Membership is open now. Join here.Private Business Coaching Available: Apply hereThe importance of the role of a yoga mindset combined with a clear business strategy.The Power of Imagination and Wealth Consciousness
1/9/202435 minutes, 18 seconds
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Your Marketing Plan for 2024

Welcome to Yoga Boss episode 204, "Your Marketing Plan for 2024.”We're going to talk about the difference between a successful yoga business owner and someone who isn't quite successful and what really matters.The importance of  understanding what makes you unique.Consumers right now Are willing to spend money with specialists.Marketing is all about building and deepening relationships.Marketing in 2024 boils down to two things: building relationships and deepening relationships.In this episode, We are going to cover how you can build a sustainable business so that you don't have to teach all the time and all the places to all the people but still make the money that you want to make.IN THIS EPISODE, YOU’LL LEARN: Join The Grow Mastermind waitlist here.The Business of Yoga Course and Membership is open now. Join here.Private Business Coaching Available: Apply hereMarketing in 2024 boils down to two things: building relationships and deepening relationships.The importance of being unique.
1/2/202420 minutes, 52 seconds
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Creating a Island Movement & Five Figure Months with Mariesa

Welcome to Yoga Boss episode 203, “Creating a Island Movement & Five Figure Months with Mariesa .”This episode features our special guest Mariesa Barbara, founder of Island Movement Yoga and Wellness Center in St. Croix, US Virgin Islands.Reflections on the purpose of yoga practice and its influence over Mariesa's career path.Discussions around the process of expanding a business.Strategies used in transitioning to a new business location.Importance of community-building in the business.Trust yourself in business decisions.In this episode, Mariesa  shares how she navigated her transition from being an employee to a successful business owner, how she grew her membership and the importance of community in her business.Mariesa's Bio: As a yoga teacher and Doctor of Physical Therapy, I intertwine my love of ancient wisdom & practices with my scientific background. I am the founder of Island Movement Yoga and Wellness Center in St. Croix, US Virgin Islands. I am in the pursuit to feel alive, and my passion is holding space for community. IN THIS EPISODE, YOU’LL LEARN: Join The Grow Mastermind waitlist here.The Business of Yoga Course and Membership is open now. Join here.Private Business Coaching Available: Apply hereMariesa can be reached at: www.islandmovementstx.comwww.mypelvichealing.comInstagram: @island.movement @its.mariesaUseful lessons Mariesa learnt in her business journey.The Importance of marketing strategy.
12/26/202352 minutes, 39 seconds
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Youtube Channel to Yoga Life Book: Guest Interview with Brett Larkin

Welcome to Yoga Boss episode 202, “Youtube Channel to Yoga Life Book: Guest interview with Brett Larkin.”In this episode, Brett Larkin and I discuss getting into the yoga industry with the aim of helping students but struggling to make money, marketing your business, scaling to six-figures, and maintaining a yoga boss mindset.This episode features our special guest Brett Larkin, founder of Uplifted Yoga and author of 'Yoga Life Habits, Poses, and Breathwork to Channel Joy Amidst the Chaos'.The post-COVID Yoga business landscape as a hybrid of in-person and online.The importance of finding a yoga style that brings balance.Business trends change and to not take these fluctuations personally.The importance of understanding your dominant 'dosha' or mind-body type. The concept of 'soulmate' yoga poses to balance your nervous system quickly and effectively.In this episode, Brett and I discuss how she started out in the yoga industry, her journey of venturing into yoga business and handling motherhood.Brett's Bio:  Brett Larkin is the founder of Uplifted Yoga® and the author of Yoga Life: Habits, Poses, and Breathwork to Channel Joy Amidst the Chaos. Her Online Yoga Teacher Trainings have set the standard for quality online certification since 2015 and matriculated thousands of yoga teachers. Brett’s award-winning YouTube channel with over half a million subscribers and Uplifted Yoga Podcast empower you to actively design your life using yoga’s ancient wisdom. Yoga enthusiasts love her courses on Kundalini Yoga, Prenatal Yoga, and the Uplifted Yoga® Academy. Learn more at BrettLarkin.comIN THIS EPISODE, YOU’LL LEARN: Join The Grow Mastermind waitlist here.The Business of Yoga Course and Membership is open now. Join here.Private Business Coaching Available: Apply hereFind Brett on Instagram here and on Twitter hereThe importance of having a certain level of detachment and maintaining a stable relationship with your business as you go through revenue fluctuations.Brett's Yoga Life Coaching Certification program as a response to the changing market demands.
12/19/202354 minutes, 51 seconds
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Q&A Episode: Strategies, Challenges, and the Yoga Boss Mindset

Welcome to Yoga Boss episode 201, “Q&A Strategies, Challenges, and the Yoga Boss Mindset.”In this episode, I answer a series of questions related to concerns and challenges you're facing in the yoga industry. When to quit a full-time job to pursue a career in yoga.How to manage workshop requests at your studio. How to deal with the issue of clients trying to negotiate pricing.What to post on social media other than yoga poses. The importance of business strategies and adopting a yoga boss mindset for success.I also share some of my favorite business books for listeners to explore.In this episode, I answer your questions about the business of yoga  based on questions submitted by listeners.   IN THIS EPISODE, YOU’LL LEARN: Join The Grow Mastermind waitlist here.The Business of Yoga Course and Membership is open now. Join here.Private Business Coaching Available: Apply hereThe importance of adopting a yoga boss mindset.Business book recommendations to further your study on the topics discussed today.
12/12/202322 minutes, 2 seconds
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Number One Problem Stopping Yoga Business Owners: Confusion

Welcome to Yoga Boss episode 200, “Number One Problem Stopping Yoga Business Owners: Confusion.”In this episode, I talk to you about the confusion we feel as new business owners and what to do about it. You will begin to master skills that you once felt were difficult by repeating them over and over.Business is a lot of decisions stacked on top of each other. Often, this creates confusion for new business owners. When you are stuck in confusion, you are stuck in inaction.Instead of resisting the feeling, allow yourself to feel and process the emotion of confusion. Give yourself a deadline to make your decisions. Allow yourself to entertain all the possibilities open to you by asking yourself, “If I had to know, what would I do.”The resistance you feel when you make decisions means growth. In this episode, we talk about the three important things you can do in December to promote business growth.  IN THIS EPISODE, YOU’LL LEARN: Join The Grow Mastermind waitlist here.The Business of Yoga Course and Membership is open now. Join here.Private Business Coaching Available: Apply hereTips for when you feel confused in your business.Taking action brings clarity and information for your business.
12/4/202319 minutes, 57 seconds
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Grow Your Yoga Business This December

Welcome to Yoga Boss episode 199, “Grow Your Business This December.”  In this episode, I talk about growing your business this December.  Schedule work hours on your calendar with details of what you will be working on and why.  Decide on the results you will get from the scheduled work you put on your calendar.  Create an experience your students will want to talk about and share with their network.  Start talking about the offers you plan to introduce in January in December.Build excitement for your future offer so your audience is excited ahead of time when the offer launches. In this episode, we talk about the three important things you can do in December to promote business growth. IN THIS EPISODE, YOU’LL LEARN: The Business of Yoga Course and Membership is open now. Join here.Private Business Coaching Available: Apply hereThe importance of surprising and delighting your customers.The importance of talking about your offer before it is available.
11/28/202315 minutes, 28 seconds
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Business Transformation with Brandy and Sian

Welcome to Yoga Boss Episode 197, "Business Transformation with Brandy and Sian."Brandy and Sian share their journey with yoga. Brandy discusses integrating pranayama and its impact on mindset and body connection. She discovered yoga's meditative side due to injuries. Sian shares how she was a professional stunt performer, which provided challenges of constant injuries and feeling rootless due to all the travel involved with her job. She found solace and consistency in yoga.It is important to talk about the results people will get from practicing yoga in your marketing boldly.Listening to the podcast helped both to pivot and expand  their business when circumstances in their life changed. Overcoming guilt and having confidence and trust in yourself help you expand and grow as a yoga business owner.Creating content will help your future clients build the "trust" factor, building a relationship to work with you.Practicing personal detachment from outcomes is essential for business growth. After retiring from her job as a performance artist at 35, Sian began a journey of healing and recovering from multiple injuries. This journey eventually led to the discovery of her overriding passion and mission as a coach: Helping everyday athletes enjoy their bodies more, move better, and mitigate injury risk through mobility and strength training. Sian is a certified NASM personal trainer. Functional Range Conditioning Mobility Specialist® Licensed Kinstretch@ provider, Functional Range Strength Coach, and 200hr YA registered yoga teacher. Visit Sian's website Segura, owner of Solshine Yoga in Clemson, SC, and lead instructor for The Empowered Yoga Teacher 200-Hour Training, is dedicated to inspiring others to lead their best lives. Through the years, Brandy has gone through tremendous growth, as a practitioner, a teacher, and most of all, a business owner. As her own journey has evolved, she has gained invaluable insights into what it takes to run a business and stay heart-centered and true to her core values. She has built her company from grassroots beginnings into a thriving multi-six-figure business, and she believes that by aligning with one's own purpose and serving others, anyone can achieve similar success. You can find Brandy on her website, or, or on Instagram @brandy_yoga "In this episode, guests Brandy and Sian share their transformative journeys with yoga and business coaching, discussing personal growth, the pivotal role of mindset, and the impact of coaching on personal and professional levels."IN THIS EPISODE, YOU'LL LEARN:- Private Business Coaching Available: Apply here- The Business of Yoga Course Membership Now Open. Click here- Episode 156, "My Failed Launch" here- Why it is important to communicate your passion point to people.
11/14/202354 minutes, 1 second
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How to create an offer.

Welcome to Yoga Boss episode 198, “How to Create An Offer." The Business of Yoga course and membership is finally here! This course offers foundational business skills for yoga professionals at an accessible rate.November 10th is the FINAL DAY to join and get the Founding Member Rate + The Double Book BonusThere is a need to bridge the gap between extensive yoga knowledge and a lack of business acumen in the yoga community.The Business of Yoga is a comprehensive, five-module, self-paced course covering business foundation, marketing, selling, delivery, and mindset for yoga teachers and studio owners.Purchasing the course includes 30 days in the Business of Yoga membership for free.The membership includes live weekly coaching and community interaction so you connect with other business owners for collaboration and support.When you’re distracted with doubt, you’re distracted from the students that you’re meant to serve.In this episode, we talk about the importance of having the skills needed to run a profitable yoga business, as well as the benefits of having a community of like-minded yoga teachers.IN THIS EPISODE, YOU’LL LEARN: The Business of Yoga Course and Membership is open now. Join here.Private Business Coaching Available: Apply hereThe importance of having a foundational offerThe importance of being able to communicate that offer to your students. 
11/10/202318 minutes, 7 seconds
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Introducing: The Business Of Yoga Course & Membership

Welcome to Yoga Boss episode 196, “Introducing: The Business of Yoga Course & Membership.” The Business of Yoga course and membership is finally here! This course offers foundational business skills for yoga professionals at an accessible rate.There is a need to bridge the gap between extensive yoga knowledge and a lack of business acumen in the yoga community.The Business of Yoga is a comprehensive, five-module, self-paced course covering business foundation, marketing, selling, delivery, and mindset for yoga teachers and studio owners.Purchasing the course includes 30 days in the Business of Yoga membership for free.The membership includes live weekly coaching and community interaction so you connect with other business owners for collaboration and support.When you’re distracted with doubt, you’re distracted from the students that you’re meant to serve.In this episode, we talk about the importance of having the skills needed to run a profitable yoga business, as well as the benefits of having a community of like-minded yoga teachers.IN THIS EPISODE, YOU’LL LEARN: The Business of Yoga Course and Membership is open now. Join here.Private Business Coaching Available: Apply hereThe importance of having business skills as a yoga teacher.The importance of having a powerful reference group.
11/7/202320 minutes, 12 seconds
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300% Business Growth With Bethany Bouquet

Welcome to Yoga Boss Episode 195, “300% Business Growth with Bethany Bouquet”In this episode, I chat with Bethany, who started her journey with an ambition to run a half marathon in 2019. Bethany neglecting to stretch led to tight muscles and an overuse injury.  She turned to yoga for relief and found a passion for it.We chat about:The importance of niching down and speaking the language of your target audience.Taking calculated risks and being fearless in your business approach.The power of specialization, consistency in branding, and value creation for clients.Time management, financial growth strategies, and the significance of networking.Bethany Bouquet is a passionate half marathoner, registered yoga teacher, and dedicated running coach. Her extensive knowledge in both yoga and long-distance running equips her to support runners in reaching their goals. Her holistic training approach, integrating yoga and myofascial release techniques into running training, paves the way for runners to not only feel better and recover faster but also to make it to the finish line in peak form. Bethany can be found on Instagram and Facebook or her website Listen to her podcast: this episode, we explore Bethany's transformative journey from a running injury in 2019 to discovering her passion for yoga and discuss yoga business, including effective branding, fearless business strategies, and the significance of networking.IN THIS EPISODE, YOU’LL LEARN:-The Passion To Profit Masterclass on November 6th, 2023, at 12:00 p.m. EST. Register here-Private Business Coaching Available: Apply here-New Membership coming soon: Waitlist-Some of Bethany’s key takeaways from being coached by Jackie.-How to get your offer seen by those who need it.
10/31/202350 minutes, 23 seconds
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Hitting $100k With Heather From We Be Yoga Studio

Welcome to Yoga Boss Episode 194, “Hitting $100k With Heather From We Be Yoga Studio” Heather found strength in the ancient practice of yoga. She shares the parallels between the 12-step program and yoga's core principles that fostered a transformative personal recovery.The challenges of building a studio and balancing passion and practicality. The truths about growth pitfalls.The mistake of trying to cater to everyone. Why a strong niche can be a game-changer.Heather Petrosky is the owner of We Be Yoga studio in Warrington, Pa. She loves practicing and teaching yoga but also loves business and learning how to nurture and foster the growth of a community of seekers. She is a sober woman and believes deeply that her best work is when she is serving the recovery community.  Heather can be found on Instagram @webeyogastudio, on Facebook at We Be Yoga or on her website this episode, we explore the power of mindset, the value of clarity, and why sometimes, taking that leap of faith in business can set the stage for monumental growth.IN THIS EPISODE, YOU’LL LEARN: -The Passion To Profit Masterclass on November 6th, 2023, at 12:00 p.m. EST. Register here -Private Business Coaching Available: Apply here-New Membership coming soon: Waitlist-The power of blending yoga and addiction recovery-The insight: “If I’m selling to everyone, I’m offering nothing,”
10/24/202346 minutes, 36 seconds
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5 Key Parts Of Marketing Your Yoga Business

Welcome to Yoga Boss Episode 193, “5 Key Parts Of Marketing Your Yoga Business.” Yoga teachers know that marketing is essential for their yoga business to thrive. But marketing is more than just posting on a social media channel or emailing a newsletter. Instead of searching for marketing ‘tactics’, you must learn how to market a business of any size. In this episode, I discuss the 5 key marketing parts you must have for your marketing to be intentional and effective. IN THIS EPISODE, YOU’LL LEARN: -Private Business Coaching Available: Apply here-New Membership coming soon: Waitlist-What two marketing mistakes do most yoga teachers and studio owners make? -The five key parts of a marketing strategy that will help you build a sustainable, profitable business. 
10/17/202317 minutes, 24 seconds
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Your Reference Group Determines Your Success

Welcome to Yoga Boss Episode 192, "Your Reference Group  Determines Your Success ."Success isn't just about business strategy but also the community you surround yourself with.David M. Cullen conducted a survey and concluded that your reference group can predict 99 percent of your success, so choosing a group of people who have what you want or are a few steps ahead of you is crucial.Creating a reference group within your yoga business is important to help your students stay committed and accountable.In this episode, I discuss the importance of surrounding yourself with individuals who have achieved your desired goals or are a step ahead of where you would like to be.You will learn:-Private Business Coaching Available: Apply here-New Membership coming soon: Waitlist-Why the people you surround yourself with matters-The importance of having a reference group when it comes to your yoga business
10/10/202313 minutes, 1 second
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Name Your Offer

Welcome to Yoga Boss Episode 191, "Name Your Offer ."It can be tough for yoga teachers and studio owners to come up with the perfect name for their offerings.It's understandable that they may spend a lot of time and money trying to get it just right.You want to attract more students. BONUS: Download the guide to get three strategies for creating a heartfelt and effective name for your offer. In this episode I give you tips that will help you name your offer within ten minutes: You will learn:-Private Business Coaching Available: Apply here-New Membership coming soon: Waitlist-Strategies for naming your offer-The importance of naming your offer clearly -The PDF download for naming your offer: Download Here
10/3/202318 minutes, 7 seconds
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Meant For More

Welcome to Yoga Boss Episode 190, "Meant For More."If you have had the internal nudge that you are meant for more, this feeling is unique. And, I encourage you to notice and honor it.These gentle nudges are like a GPS of our lives, and it is our responsibility to honor them. Embrace the fear you may feel, it isn't there to halt your dreams, it is there to ensure you take the necessary steps to reach your dreams. In this episode I give you tips that will help you move forward when you know you are meant for more..You will learn:-Private Business Coaching Available: Apply here-New Membership coming soon: Waitlist-Strategies for overcoming feat associated with pursuing your dreams in the yoga industry.-The importance of embracing your unique calling and believing in your potential for more significant impact.-Practical steps to use fear as a guide rather than a roadblock in achieving your goals.
9/26/202316 minutes, 38 seconds
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Sell To Type of Buyers

Welcome to Yoga Boss Episode 188, "Sell To Types Of Buyers." There is a way for you to work with more students in your business, and all it requires is a simple tweak in your business foundation. Most yoga businesses structure their offers based on the different types of services they offer. Think: How often students can visit, how many classes they will get. When you sell to type of service you are leaving money on the table and making more work for yourself. In this episode I am going to teach you a simple way to sell to type of buyers instead. You will learn: -Private Business Coaching Available: Apply here -New Membership coming soon: Waitlist -What does it look like to sell to type of service-Why it doesn't work -How to sell to type of buyers -Bonus Workshop inside membership: Four Types of Buyers 
9/19/202317 minutes, 30 seconds
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What to do if your success feels fragile.

Welcome to a riveting episode of Yoga Boss, Episode 188 - "What to do if your success feels fragile." Have you ever stood on the precipice of success, feeling the exhilaration but also grappling with that nagging sense of vulnerability?If you've ever questioned whether your hard-earned success might slip through your fingers, this episode is your lifeline. We're delving deep into the very real and relatable struggles that come with achieving success, especially in the dynamic world of yoga.In this episode you'll learn: What success is by definition5 step process for consistent successHow to continue your track record of successWhether you're a seasoned yogi or just starting your entrepreneurial journey, this episode will resonate with you. Join us as we delve into the raw, unfiltered reality of what it means when your success feels fragile, and discover how to forge a future of resilience, growth, and fulfillment.Don't miss out on this captivating episode of Yoga Boss. Your own story of triumph and stability awaits, and we're here to guide you through it. Tune in now!
9/12/202316 minutes, 37 seconds
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Yoga is not a commodity.

Welcome to Yoga Boss episode 186, “Yoga is not a commodity.” There may be a way for you to increase your revenue without having to work more hours… And as a yoga business owner, that probably is exactly what you want. Listen, this isn’t too good to be true. We aren’t just blowing smoke. When you understand that yoga is not a commodity, you can confidently price your service in a way that grows your revenue.  You don’t need to serve more students. You might not need to work longer hours. You just have to understand the value of your offer.IN THIS EPISODE, YOU’LL LEARN: -What a commodity is -Why yoga is not a commodity -How  to price your offer in a strategic way to grow your revenue -What yoga is (hint: a service)-How you can differentiate your service and increase your prices. -The Profitable Yoga Boss Free Course: Click here 
9/5/202318 minutes, 59 seconds
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Be Bold In Your Marketing Online

8/21/202314 minutes, 21 seconds
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5 Ways To Earn Trust From Your Audience

Welcome to Yoga Boss episode 184, "5 Ways To Earn Trust From Your Audience." Are you ready to learn how to build a loyal and engaged following? Do you want to connect authentically with your audience and make a lasting impact on their lives? If so, this is the episode for you. Trust is the cornerstone of any successful business, and this episode offers practical and actionable strategies to help you forge deeper connections and make a meaningful impact.So, grab your favorite yoga mat, find a cozy spot, and tune in this episode. In this episode you'll learn: -Why it is important to build know, like and trust -Defining what trust means to you -Understanding 5 elements of trust -Examples of how to build all 5 elements of trust -The Profitable Yoga Boss Free Course: Click here 
8/14/202319 minutes, 20 seconds
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Healthy Detachment From Your Business

Welcome to Yoga Boss episode 183, "Healthy Detachment From Your Business." If your sense of self-worth or self-value changes based on the bottom line of your business or how productive you were in a day, this podcast is for you... Unhealthy attachments in your business create worry, stress, and overwhelm. In order to build a lifelong sustainable business, you must create a healthy detachment. Tune into this podcast to learn how to feel safe, confident and have emotional balance regardless of what your business is doing. In this episode you will learn: What an unhealthy business relationship looks like How to tell if you have an unhealthy attachment to your business Why it is important to have a healthy detachment How to create a healthy detachment in your businessEnroll in The Profitable Yoga Business Free Course Now: Click Here
8/7/202322 minutes, 23 seconds
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Strategically Selling A Yoga Retreat with Stacey Stufflebeam

Welcome to Yoga Boss episode 182, "Strategically Selling A Yoga Retreat with Stacey Stufflebeam." Are you ready to take your yoga business to new heights and explore the rewarding world of hosting a yoga retreat?We understand that you might have some doubts and fears holding you back. Questions like, "Will it sell out?" or "Can I turn a profit?" are common concerns, but you don't have to face them alone.Introducing the latest episode of the Yoga Boss podcast, where we feature the incredible success story of our client, Stacey Stufflebeam.Stacey had dreamed of hosting a yoga retreat since 2007, and now, she has turned that dream into a reality. The best part? Stacey's very first retreat sold out with an astonishing 9 spots booked on the very first day!How did she achieve this? You'll find out when you tune in to the podcast.In this inspiring episode, you'll discover:Stacey's winning strategy for a successful retreat launch.How to confidently believe in your offer and create an irresistible experience for your participants.Valuable insights on how Stacey selected the perfect location for her retreat.The surprising secret behind achieving her revenue goal for 2023 halfway through the year (hint: it wasn't having everything figured out ahead of time).Ready to feel empowered and ready to host your very own yoga retreat?Don't miss out on this insightful podcast episode that will provide you with the essential tools and knowledge to make your dream retreat a resounding success.Don't let doubts and fears stand in the way of your dreams any longer.Stacey's story is proof that with determination and the right approach, you can achieve your goals and build a flourishing yoga business.Let's take this journey together. 
7/31/202351 minutes, 19 seconds
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Staying Gritty To Hit Your Goal: Lesson From Taylor Swift

7/17/202315 minutes, 51 seconds
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Follow Up Mindset

7/3/202314 minutes, 50 seconds
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Guilt or Growth: Embracing the journey when you miss the mark.

Welcome to Yoga Boss episode 179, "Guilt or Growth: Embracing the journey when you miss the mark." Are you a new yoga teacher striving to build a thriving career? In this empowering episode of Yoga Boss, join host Jackie Murphy as she shares invaluable insights and inspiring stories to help you navigate the ups and downs of your yoga teaching journey. Delving into the profound topic of "Guilt or Growth: What to Do When You Miss the Mark," Jackie invites you to embrace the concept of growth over guilt.Discover the incredible story of meditation teacher Jay Shetty, who transformed his setbacks into opportunities for growth. Learn how resilience, determination, and a commitment to personal growth can lead to extraordinary success. Jackie provides practical strategies to navigate challenges, overcome self-doubt, and find the lessons hidden within each experience. Embrace the unique journey of being a new yoga teacher and let go of guilt, focusing instead on personal development and the path towards becoming the best yoga teacher you can be.Tune in to Yoga Boss Episode 179 and gain the inspiration and guidance you need to navigate challenges and embrace growth on your journey. 
6/26/202315 minutes, 49 seconds
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Q&A: Typical Schedule, Confident & Retention, Business when Life Hands You Unexpected Events

Welcome to Yoga Boss Podcast - Episode 178, "Q&A: Typical Schedule, Confident & Retention, Business when Life Hands You Unexpected Events."Gain Expert Insights and Strategies to Build a Profitable Yoga BusinesAre you a yoga teacher or studio owner dreaming of a profitable and thriving yoga business? Look no further! Welcome to the Yoga Boss podcast, where we provide valuable resources and expert advice for your entrepreneurial journey.In Episode 178, join host Jackie Murphy as she dives deep into the burning questions from yoga professionals just like you. Discover Jackie's secrets to success as she reveals her typical schedule as a dedicated mom and CEO, offering invaluable tips on finding balance and maximizing productivity in your own life.Boosting confidence as a yoga teacher is essential, especially when faced with challenges in student retention. Get ready to overcome self-doubt as Jackie addresses this common concern head-on, sharing actionable advice to help you create an inclusive environment that keeps your students coming back for more.Life is unpredictable, and unexpected events can often throw us off track. However, as yoga entrepreneurs, we have the power to adapt and thrive amidst adversity. Jackie opens up about her own personal experiences, growth, and the valuable lessons she's learned when life takes unexpected turns. Gain inspiration and practical guidance on navigating challenges and emerging stronger in your yoga business journey.Tune in to Episode 178 of Yoga Boss now and unlock the secrets to building a profitable and fulfilling yoga business. Take control of your destiny and become the Yoga Boss you've always aspired to be. Listen to the podcast episode now and transform your yoga business!
6/19/202329 minutes, 10 seconds
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Define Your Business Values: An Exercise

Welcome to Yoga Boss episode 177, "Define Your Business Values: An Exercise." Welcome to "Yoga Boss," the podcast designed specifically for yoga teachers and studio owners who are ready to build a profitable and purpose-driven yoga business. In this special episode, Episode 177, titled "Define Your Business Values: An exercise," we're diving deep into a transformative exercise that will help you unlock the true potential of your yoga business.If you're tired of feeling overwhelmed by indecision, comparison, and the pressure to conform to a particular business mold, then you're in the right place. In this episode of Yoga Boss, we're delving into the powerful exercise of defining your top five business values. Think of them as your internal GPS, guiding you through the complexities and choices of the yoga business landscape. By understanding and embracing your core values, you'll gain clarity, confidence, and a solid foundation upon which to build your thriving yoga business.Join Jackie Murphy, who has walked the path of successful yoga entrepreneurship themselves, as they share personal stories, practical insights, and actionable strategies. IN THIS EPISODE, YOU’LL LEARN:Uncover the importance of identifying your business values as a yoga teacher or studio owner.Learn strategies to overcome indecision and comparison paralysis in your journey as a yoga boss.Discover how to leverage your unique strengths to stand out in a crowded market.Gain practical tips on using your business values as a guiding compass in decision-making and goal-setting.Whether you're an experienced yoga professional or just starting your entrepreneurial journey, this episode will provide you with the tools and insights you need to define your business values and create a thriving yoga business that aligns with your authentic self.Don't forget to subscribe to Yoga Boss and stay tuned for future episodes, where we'll continue to explore various aspects of building a profitable yoga business while staying true to your unique values.Remember, you have the power to be a Yoga Boss and make a significant impact on the world. It's time to define your business value and let your light shine.
6/12/202319 minutes, 38 seconds
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How to stop feeling self conscious about marketing and selling.

Welcome to Yoga Boss episode 176, "How to stop feeling self conscious about marketing and selling."Are you tired of feeling self-conscious every time you show up to market and sell your products or services? Imagine a world where you can confidently record an Instagram story without worrying about what others may think of you. We know it is possible and we're here to show you how!In this episode, we dive deep into the topic of self-consciousness in the business world and provide you with effective strategies to overcome it. We understand that feeling self-conscious is a common experience, but we firmly believe that it doesn't have to hold you back any longer.Join us as we unveil a simple yet powerful question that can help you break free from self-consciousness and embrace your true potential. We'll guide you through the process step by step, empowering you to regain your confidence and proudly present yourself and your business to the world.We've also prepared nine different prompts designed to supercharge your marketing and selling efforts. These prompts will inspire and guide you to create compelling content that resonates with your target audience, ultimately driving your business towards success.Don't miss out on this transformative episode that could change the way you approach marketing and selling forever. Tune in now and unlock your full potential as a confident, persuasive entrepreneur.IN THIS EPISODE, YOU’LL LEARN:-5 months into the year, stay committed to your goal -90 Day Challenge is happening inside the Yoga Boss Group -Why do we feel self-conscious-How it affects your business -Exactly what to ask yourself to stop feeling self-conscious-How to help people in your marketing and selling -Review the podcast 
6/5/202323 minutes, 10 seconds
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How to track social media metrics to hit your business goals.

Welcome to Yoga Boss episode 175, "How to track social media metrics to hit your business goals.'According to data, businesses that use social media for sales are 51% more likely to hit their revenue goals. Using social media to market and sell your business is vital in 2023. However, using social media to sell isn't as simple as posting consistently and waiting for sales. There are specific metrics you can track to know if you are on your way to hitting your revenue goals from social media. In this episode, I outline the specific metrics you should track based on your business goals. In this episode, you'll learn: -Rate and review the podcast-Something BIG is coming!-Why small goals matter -How to know if you are on your way to hit your revenue goals -Three business goals you may have -Which metrics to track based on your business goals 
5/22/202314 minutes, 24 seconds
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Leaving your 9-5? Interview with Jake Murphy

5/15/202326 minutes, 10 seconds
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If your students wanted it, would they buy?

Welcome to the Yoga Boss podcast episode 173, "If your students wanted it, would they buy?" You'll probably heard the phrase, "If they wanted it they would buy..." And this belief is a costly error in your business. Your students are not meant to be the sales person of your business. It simply isn't true that if they wanted your offer, they would buy. Understand this false belief and how to overcome this in your business. In the episode we cover: -The New Student Solution 5 Day Training -The Profitable Yoga Boss Group Open Enrollment -False Thought, "If they wanted it they would buy" -Why this thought error exist -How to overcome it -Why it is so important to lean in Check Out these link: The New Student Solution: Profitable Yoga Boss Group: 
5/8/202316 minutes, 31 seconds
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Avoid Burnout as A Yoga Business Owner

Welcome to the Yoga Boss podcast episode 172, "Avoid Burnout As A Yoga Business Owner." Running a business can take on toil on your mind, body and spirit. It is vital for you to understand two concepts in your yoga business. Your production and your production capability. Understanding how to maintain your production capability is the key to avoiding burnout in your business. Tune into this episode to learn why you have to prioritize your rest. In the episode we cover: -The New Student Solution 5 Day Training -Two a-ha's from taking an in person yoga class -Definition of Production -Definition of Production Capability -Taking Rest to grow Check Out these link: The New Student Solution: Profitable Yoga Boss Group:
5/1/202314 minutes, 13 seconds
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Master Customer Support To Grow with Kristen Alanah

Welcome to Yoga Boss episode 171, "Master Customer Support To Grow with Kristen Alanah ." When you have stellar customer support, your business is more profitable. It is said that improving your retention rate with customers by 5% adds 30% profitability to your business. Therefore it is vital for you to learn how to deliver an amazing customer experience. On this episode of the Yoga Boss podcast, I am joined by the Profitable Yoga Boss Group Co-Coach Kristen Alanah. In addition to being a coach, Kristen is director of customer support for a 50 million dollar company. She brings her expertise in deliver customer support for your clients and your team. IN THIS EPISODE YOU’LL LEARN:-Definition of customer support-Why stellar customer support matters-What to do when customers are unhappy -How to utilize the same skills to lead a team -How to retain your team members -Why customer support is the best part of business Apply For The Profitable Yoga Boss Group: with Kristen: Recommendation:
4/24/202354 minutes, 16 seconds
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The Infinite $1k Course

Welcome to Yoga Boss episode 170, "The Infinite $1k Course." Join The Infinite $1k Course now: INFINITE $1KAre you ready to make money?The Infinite $1k is a step-by-step course designed to teach Yoga Teachers how to make their first $1,000 so they can do it again and again. You have a passion for teaching yoga. Turn your passion into profit.  Learn exactly what to do to become an impactful and paid yoga teacher.
4/20/202315 minutes, 8 seconds
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Advice For New Yoga Teachers

Welcome to Yoga Boss episode 169, "Advice For New Yoga Teachers." When you graduate from teacher training sometimes you are left questioning, "What now?"Or "Where do I go from here?" Maybe you'll end up at google as I did. Or ask a mentor teacher whose teaching style you admire. But sometimes the advice you'll get will leave you wanting. Tune into this episode for my advice for new teachers that will actually help you attract students and make money from your new certification. IN THIS EPISODE YOU’LL LEARN:-What type of advice is out there-When to listen to that advice -What advice you actually need to make money as a yoga teacher Register to Grow For Good: For The Profitable Yoga Boss Group: Peak Offer:
4/17/202314 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Six Figure Launch Debrief

Welcome to Yoga Boss episode 168, "Six Figure Launch Debrief." We just wrapped up our March enrollment of The Profitable Yoga Boss Group. In today's podcast, I am walking you through a debrief of this launch in this podcast. Our recording-breaking sales happened after our most recent "failed" launch. And I am sharing everything that worked so you can use it in your business too. Im not special, record-breaking sales are possible for you. Listen to this podcast to hear the lessons I've learned launching The Profitable Yoga Boss Group and hear what worked this time around. You can take these lessons right into your business. IN THIS EPISODE YOU’LL LEARN:-The Masterclass: Grow For Good April 18th, 2023-Six Figure Launch Lessons-How I failed at this goal for a year -Using the same workshop again and again to convert paid students -Being willing to stack your offer with value -The risk you have been avoiding may pay off -Following up with leads (SNEAK PEAK OFFER COMING SOON) -Apply for The Profitable Yoga Boss GroupRegister Grow For Good: For The Profitable Yoga Boss Group: Peak Offer:
4/10/202325 minutes, 11 seconds
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How to handle good or bad Luck in business

Welcome to Yoga Boss episode 167, "Good Luck Or Bad Luck In Business."Ever feel like you are stuck in a rut of bad luck in your business? Or maybe you are experiencing the high of 'success' right now. The business has high points and low points. But how does luck play a role in business?Tune into this podcast to learn how to handle moments of 'bad luck' and moments of 'good luck.' In this episode we cover the following: -Yoga Boss Updates -Two levers in business (Cutting expenses)-Good Luck and Bad Luck in business-Zen Short Story "The Farmer's Luck"-How to handle good or bad luck   Apply for the Profitable Yoga Boss Group Now:
4/3/202310 minutes, 22 seconds
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8 Figure Online Membership Business with Corinne Crabtree

Welcome to Yoga Boss episode 166, "8 Figure Online Membership Business with Corinne Crabtree. " A new guest interview with Master Weight and Life Coach Corinne Crabtree. "Corinne Crabtree is a Master Certified Weight and Life Coach with a missionto help every woman break generational curses in order to improve theirpersonal health and wealth. Corinne lost 100lbs 15 years ago and ever since,she has dedicated her life to teaching women how to do the same.She’s the host of the wildly successful podcast, Losing 100lbs with Corinne,which has been downloaded over 50 million times in 160 countries. Over 1a million women have taken her free weight loss course and Corinne nowserves over 14,000 paid members in the No BS Weightloss Program.After being a featured expert at The Life Coach School and having herbusiness rank #1052 in the Inc. 5000 Fastest Growing Businesses of 2022."If you run an online membership this podcast is for you.  In this interview, we cover the following: -Corinne's journey from selling for $5.95 to having three successful businesses -When to raise your prices in your business-Why do you have to keep selling a membership after the first purchase -How to grow with referrals when your first start your membership -How to think about investing in business skills as an entrepreneur   Connect with CorinneLosing 100 Podcast/No BS Weightloss ProgramFacebook - - @Corinne_CrabtreeInstagram - @NoBSBusinessWomen
3/20/202347 minutes, 52 seconds
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How to make social media work for your business.

Welcome to Yoga Boss episode 165, "How to make social media work for your business."How are you using social media in your business? If your goal is to grow as an influencer, this is not the podcast for you. If you want to use social media to grow your revenue in your business, this tune in. In this episode we cover: -Purposeful Platform BONUS inside of The Profitable Yoga Boss Group -The difference between influencing and using social media for business -What doesn't work -Getting stuck in the scroll -Which metrics to track on social media  Apply for the Profitable Yoga Boss Group Now:
3/16/202311 minutes, 50 seconds
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How to make your workshops work.

Welcome to Yoga Boss episode 164, "How to make your workshops work." Not all workshops are created equally. Not all workshops will help you create more paid students in your business.  Maybe you are using workshops to market your business...but you are spending more time teaching and delivering without seeing students convert.  Listen to this episode to learn how to distinguish between a workshop that sells and a workshop that doesn't. Listen to this episode to turn on the money flow in 2023. In this episode we cover the following: -The Profitable Yoga Boss Group Monthly Bonus workshops-The Workshop Workshop March 24th, 2023 -The Profitable Yoga Boss Group OPEN Apply now-Exact outline for workshops that create more paid students  -Workshops are not all created equal. -Apply for The Yoga Boss Group now to get the workshopAs mentioned in the
3/15/20238 minutes, 46 seconds
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7 Types of Buyers with my client Brandi Healy

Welcome to Yoga Boss episode 163, "7 Types of Buyers with my client Brandi Healy." A new client interview with Yoga Teacher and Human Design guide  Brandi Healy. "Brandi Healy - Yoga Teacher and Human Design Guide. Brandi is a 200-hour RYT and an affiliate with Human Design Blueprint. She is also the Director of Customer Experience and Training for a national wellness retailer and a mom of 2 based in Long Beach, CA."We tend to assume that the way WE make decisions, is how all people make decisions. In business, this means we think how we buy is how everyone likes to buy...This isn't true. There are 7 different types of decision-makers according to humans design. Listen to this podcast so that you can know how to sell to all of your potential students. In this client interview, we cover the following: -Open Enrollment with The Workshop Workshop & Purposeful Platform Bonus -12 Month Payment Plan for The Profitable Yoga Boss Group -What human design is -7 Types of Decision makers according to human design -Questions to ask each type in a sales conversation-Brandi's experience inside The PYBGThe Profitable Yoga Boss Group OPEN ENROLLMENT March 13th-17th 2023Apply For The Profitable Yoga Boss Group: with Brandi: Website: @modernredheadLook up your Human Design: Look Up Your Human Design Save 10% on a Blueprint book with code BRANDIHEALY10
3/13/202356 minutes, 47 seconds
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What can you get done in one 8 hour day? 1-1 VIP Bonus Testimonial

Welcome to Yoga Boss episode 121, "What can you get done in one 8-hour day? 1-1 VIP Bonus Testimonial?"Inside The Profitable Yoga Boss Group, you can add a private VIP day experience. 8 hours, you, me, and your business. What can you accomplish in 8 hours? More than you know. Listen to my client Katie's experience inside her VIP Day experience.  IN THIS EPISODE YOU’LL LEARN:-Purposeful Profit 2023 Save Your Seat Now -VIP Bonus Day inside The Profitable Yoga Boss Group-The Pre-work for VIP Day-What we accomplished in 8 hours-After the VIP day....sprints!Register Now Purposeful Profit 2023 with Katie here: Book:
3/6/202346 minutes, 29 seconds
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Which strategy should you use in your business?

Welcome to Yoga Boss episode 161, "WHICH STRATEGY SHOULD YOU USE IN YOUR BUSINESS?"When you google "Yoga Business Strategy" it is quite alarming... It is clear that google alone would lead you down a long, lonely road. Let me explain, ALL of the strategies google gives you are marketing strategies. And a solid marketing strategy is only one piece of the puzzle. One of the most common questions I get is, "What strategy should I use in my business?" And I get it, using strategies that will work is very important. And you actually need 3 types of strategies to build a profitable, sustainable yoga business. IN THIS EPISODE YOU’LL LEARN:-Purposeful Profit 2023 Save Your Seat Now -Marketing strategies in the yoga industry-Google results for yoga business strategies -How many strategies do you need-Why it works-Apply for The Profitable Yoga Boss GroupRegister Now Purposeful Profit 2023
2/27/202319 minutes, 53 seconds
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The Money Tree: Growing Your Business

Welcome to Yoga Boss episode 159, "The Money Tree: Growing Your Business." If there is a way that you could have your highest revenue month while you relax on the beach... It is possible for you to have the resources to make more money while you work less. Growing your business without working more is a possibility. In this podcast episode, you’ll learn the necessary step you have to take in order to grow your business.   In this episode we cover the following: -First step in business to is build, then grow. -In order to grow you have to think like a business owner-a lesson from my money tree-how to decide what to grow (not all offers can come with you)As mentioned in the episode:
2/20/202310 minutes, 31 seconds
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What matters more than strategy?

Welcome to Yoga Boss episode 159, "What matters more than strategy?." You want a business strategy that is going to work, right? As a business owner, you’ve probably spent time searching for the right strategy to use to attract new students and grow your business. And there is no shortage of strategies out there. But there is something else that matters more than any strategy you could find. Your skills.  “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” In this podcast episode, you’ll learn the difference between strategy and skills so that you stop searching for the ‘right’ strategy and spend time moving the needle forward in your business. What is the real value of being able to distinguish between strategy and skills? You’ll create a business that is resilient in any economic environment. You want a business that lasts, right?  It’s time to learn how to fish. In this episode we cover the following: -The Money and Yoga Masterclass: Buy Now-Celebrating my client Sam from The Profitable Yoga Boss Group-Definition of strategy -Examples of successful strategies -Definition of skills -Why skills matter in your business  -How to use any strategy and have it work -Why it works-Apply for The Profitable Yoga Boss GroupAs mentioned in the episode:
2/13/202323 minutes, 48 seconds
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Sales Tip To Increase Conversion Rates.

Welcome to Yoga Boss episode 158, "Sales Tip To Increase Conversion Rates." You may hate selling...Or maybe you know it's essential but your emotions stop you from feeling bold, clear, and confident in sales conversations. In this episode, I give one quick mindset shift to improve your conversion rates and make selling easier. Like I tell my clients, "The more you sell, the more you sell." Mastering sales skills is key for any wellness business that wants to thrive. In this episode we cover the following: -The Money and Yoga Masterclass: Buy Now-The Secret Of Sales Page member bonus -Conversion Rates -Increasing your conversion rates with one perspective switch-Why it works-Apply for The Profitable Yoga Boss GroupAs mentioned in the episode:
2/6/202318 minutes, 55 seconds
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Should I call myself a coach?

Welcome to Yoga Boss episode 157, "Should I call myself a coach?" Have you ever spent time wondering what to call yourself?Are you stuck in naming your business? This is what I call a trap of indecision. Instead of mastering selling or getting bold in your marketing, you spend precious work hours deciding what to call yourself. While your business needs a name, what you call yourself doesn't determine your success. If you have ever considered changing your title from yoga teacher to coach, this episode is specifically for you.  And if you have gotten stuck in indecision, this episode is for you.In this episode we cover the following: -Why a name doesn't determine your success-Why you may be tricked into thinking you'd make more money if you changed your title...-How much the yoga and wellness industry is worth right now-The Money and Yoga Masterclass Feb. 2nd, 2023-What to focus on instead that actually helps your business grow -Your invitation to the Money and Yoga Masterclass As mentioned in the episode:
1/30/202315 minutes, 36 seconds
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My Failed Launch

Welcome to Yoga Boss episode 156, "My Failed Launch ." Real talk friends, I just missed my sales goal massively. Ever want a peak behind the curtain of a multiple-six-figure business? This is it. In this episode, I am going behind the scenes of my latest launch and how it 'failed.' There is no pretty sugar-coated ending to this story (yet). This is just the real and raw experience of being a business owner. Failure happens to us all, learn how I am dealing with it in my business. In this episode we cover the following: -What a launch is. -My personal most recent launch failure. -How much money I spent on paid marketing, and how much money I made. -How I am learning from this launch. -How I deal with rejection and failure: hint very slowly.  -Your invitation to the Money and Yoga Masterclass As mentioned in the episode:
1/23/202326 minutes
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Turn on The Money Flow in 2023

Welcome to Yoga Boss episode 155, "Turn on The Money Flow in 2023." You want to make a revenue jump. Maybe you want to go from $1k months to $5k months. Or you are ready to take your studio to $40k months. Money flowing into your business doesn't just happen because you want it. Money flows when you are all-in and your commitment is reflected in ALL of your actions.  Listen to this episode to turn on the money flow in 2023. In this episode we cover the following: -The Yoga Boss Podcast episodes are released on MONDAYS now-The Money and Yoga Masterclass Feb. 2nd, 2022 -The Profitable Yoga Boss Group OPEN-Money isn’t flowing into your business in the amount you want. -Money flows when you are all-in. -Being all-in requires daily devotion-Exercises to evaluate if you have been 'all-in' in marketing, selling, and your offer. As mentioned in the episode:
1/16/202328 minutes, 24 seconds
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Make Your 2023 Goal Inevitable

Welcome to Yoga Boss episode 154, "Make Your 2023 Goal Inevitable." New year, New Goal. Right? But how do you make hitting your goals inevitable... Most New Year's resolutions fail by the end of January. This happens for one reason. People think about the actions they will take or stop taking...and that's it. Actions are only one piece of the puzzle. Actions alone do NOT ensure your success with your goals. Listen to this episode to learn two other critical pieces of setting goals that make hitting your goals inevitable.  In this episode we cover the following: -The Profitable Yoga Boss Group Open Enrollment-Why coaching is so effective -Why changing action alone isn't enough to hit your goals-What actually determines your actions   -Questions to ask yourself to make your 2023 goals inevitable-How to make decisions during the year to stay on track with your goalsAs mentioned in the episode: 
1/6/202321 minutes, 1 second
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Running a profitable studio in 15 hours a week with Katelyn Maginnes

Welcome to Yoga Boss episode 151, "Running a profitable studio in 15 hours a week with Katelyn Maginnes." We are back with a special guest-hosted podcast from clients inside The Profitable Yoga Boss Group. Katelyn Maginnes is wife to a traveling golf broadcaster and mom to an energetic toddler. They spend as much time outside as possible. She enjoys gardening and growing her own food. She loves cooking for her family and believes food is medicine. Just as she thinks that movement is medicine, she grew up a dancer; the dance studio was the first place she discovered movement as medicine for her soul. Now she has yoga as medicine for both body and mind.​She has been teaching power yoga since 2016. A 300hr Certified Baptiste Leader (2018) and RYT- 500 (2021). She is also trained in aerial yoga. She is passionate about empowering others, primarily through the transformational power of yoga.She currently lives in historic downtown Wilmington - 2 blocks from her studio, Port City Power Yoga. Katelyn believes in creating your life exactly as you want, one moment at a time. After recording this episode Katelyn went on to hit her first $9k month, congrats! What You’ll Learn from this Episode: -Katelyn's journey of opening a yoga studio -Her goal of $9k in 15 hours a week -Her decision to invest in the group -What her biggest takeaway from the group has been   Feature on the show: The Profitable Yoga Boss Group: with Katelyn Maginnes: Website: Instagram:
12/30/202215 minutes
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How To Take Advantage of An Opportunity + Profitable Kids Yoga Business Journey with Gina Velez

 Welcome to Yoga Boss episode 152, " Profitable Kids Yoga Business Journey with Gina Velez." We are back with a special guest-hosted podcast from clients inside The Profitable Yoga Boss Group. Gina is a Kid’s Yoga Specialist, performer, and performing arts teacher in Southern California. Yoga and meditation are two practices that have positively changed her life and it’s now her mission to share these self-help tools with everyone she can. A 200hr RYT & 95hr RCYT, Gina enjoys teaching all modalities of yoga from heated vinyasa, and gentle Hatha, to restorative, and more. Mostly, she loves planting the seeds of mindfulness in young minds and watching them bloom and grow forever. When not on her mat, you can find Gina at the beach with her Golden Retriever Harpo (Oprah backward), teaching theatre to teens, and performing on a stage, probably singing showtunes. What you'll learn in this episode: -Note from Jackie -How to use opportunities that arise in your business-Gina's experience inside The Profitable Yoga Boss Group -The $3k in 30-day challenge -Gina's decision to shift to kid's yoga instead of opening a studio -New and improved relationship with money -The New Student Solution invite -The Profitable Yoga Boss Group enrollment  Featured on this episode: The New Student Solution Free Training: Profitable Yoga Boss Group: https://www.profitableyogaboss.comConnect with Gina:
12/23/202228 minutes, 17 seconds
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From Marketing Dread to Double The Revenue while having fun with Kathy Bedward

Welcome to Yoga Boss episode 151, "From Marketing Dread to Double The Revenue while having fun with Kathy Bedward." We are back with a special guest-hosted podcast from clients inside The Profitable Yoga Boss Group. Kathy Bedward is a weight loss life coach. In her program, Trust the Journey, she teaches you to lose weight with self-love, and without dieting.  Kathy teaches you how to lose weight without counting calories, without being hungry all the time, without meal-prepping for hours, and without going on a “fake-food” diet.  You eat real food that you actually enjoy eating, in a way that is aligned with your body and with your life. With Kathy, you learn the tools that you need to lose weight for the last time, and to feel confident that the weight is never coming back. And the best part of your journey is that you build a beautiful and loving relationship with yourself and your body. You get to have the body and the life that you are meant to have.What You’ll Learn from this Episode: -Kathy's experience inside The Profitable Yoga Boss Group-What surprised Kathy about The Profitable Yoga Boss Group-How The Universe dropped The Yoga Boss podcast into Kathy's life -Three steps Kathy teaches her clients that align with The Yoga Boss Podcast-Why Kathy overcame building her business on her own and joined a community-Kathy's experience learning marketing and selling  -The Copy Course inside the group -Kathy's biggest transformation outside of doubling her revenue  -The quality of the coaching in the group Feature on the show: The Profitable Yoga Boss Group: with Kathy: Website: www.kathybedward.comEmail: kathy@kathybedward.comInstagram: @kathybedward (link: business page: @TTJCOACHING (link: personal account: Kathy Bedward (link:
12/16/202232 minutes, 20 seconds
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Being The Boss of Your Business and Life with Ashley Sorensen

Welcome to Yoga Boss episode 150, "Being the Boss Of Your Business and Life with Ashley Sorensen." We are back with a special guest-hosted podcast from clients inside The Profitable Yoga Boss Group. Ashley Sorensen is the creator + owner of Energy Flow Yoga, home of yoga + cyclical living for a more pleasurable period, aligned energy, and badass confidence!In the signature MOON FLOW Program, Ashley guides her students to better understand their menstrual cycles - both the science + energetics- to create healthy, pain-free, regular periods, feel more connected + confident in their bodies, and welcome more ease, joy, and flow into their lives.After struggling through resolving her own painful period issues, Ashley saw just how much education we were missing in regards to our bodies, and especially our menstrual cycles. She has made it her mission to empower menstruators with the education they need and deserve to not only create healthy, regular cycles, but to harness this inherent cyclical wisdom + create more fully aligned lives.Ashley joined the PYBG about a year and a half ago and has grown her business from just a dream to a fully operational success! In this episode, she shares what she loved about the group and what she struggled with; as well as a little bit about what she does.Connect with Ashley: IG @cyclical_yogawww.cyclical-yoga.comSpotify- Cyclical Yoga PodcastWhat You’ll Learn from this Episode: -Ashley's journey from teaching group yoga classes to having a thriving business -The results Ashley has had from The Profitable Yoga Boss Group -Why stepping into the Yoga Boss Mindset changed her business and her life -How to make strategic decisions quickly in your business and why it matters -How to prioritize and focus on revenue-producing actions Feature on the show: The Profitable Yoga Boss Group:
12/9/202236 minutes, 54 seconds
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Find the Magic Of Building A Yoga Business

Welcome to Yoga Boss episode 149, "Find the Magic Of Building A Yoga Business." Most yoga teachers and studio owners enter this industry because they genuinely DESIRE to share yoga. However, as you grow your business and learn the skills required to run a profitable yoga business, that genuine love for yoga can quickly turn into burnout. Instead of being in love with teaching yoga and your business, you'll start to feel dependent. When this happens it's vital that you return to the true heart of your business. Turn into this episode to genuinely WANT to get up and work in your yoga business. In this episode we cover the following: -Check-in with your Q4 and the Yoga Year for a successful 2022-Starting your yoga career from desire - "I want to have a yoga business," instead of "I have to go teach today." - Wanting actually to sell and market your yoga offer -Two questions to ask to shift back into desire in your business -Dependency with the tools you use Check out these links: Leave a review for Yoga Boss: Click Here Free Course: Profitable Yoga Boss Group:
12/2/202215 minutes, 28 seconds
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The Secret To A Sustainable Yoga Business: Revenue vs Profit

Welcome to Yoga Boss episode 148, "The Secret To A Sustainable Yoga Business: Revenue vs Profit." Are you growing your business to six figures? Or are you scaling to multiple six-figures and the seven-figure mark?Knowing your next revenue milestone is a key factor in creating a sustainable yoga business...but it isn't the most important factor. In this episode, we discuss the difference between revenue and profit. Building a sustainable yoga business starts with building a profitable yoga business. You deserve to make the money you want to make in your business AND support yourself. In this episode we cover the following: -The secret behind revenue-driven marketing -Difference between revenue vs profit -How to create a profitable yoga business -Ensuring your ego isn't driving your business results -Profitable Yoga Offers Check out these links: Leave a review for Yoga Boss: Click Here Free Course: Profitable Yoga Boss Group:
11/25/202216 minutes, 14 seconds
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Step away from admin work and become a better CEO

Welcome to Yoga Boss episode 147, "Step away from admin work and become a better CEO ."   Becoming a CEO is a role that you have to learn how to embody and it is vital to scaleable profitable yoga business. Sometimes yoga teachers get stuck in admin work and wonder why the work they are doing isn't creating the result they want. Admin work is necessary but it doesn't drive the business forward Listen to this podcast to determine if you are spending too much time operating as the admin in your business. Step into the role of the CEO and operate more effectively than ever before. In this episode we cover: -How important podcast reviews are, please review! -Giving time vs letting time be taken from you -Podcast episode 135 create a profitable business in one hour a day-The definition of CEO work -The definition of admin work -Why acting as CEO is so vital -Taking the podcast to the next level Check out these links: Leave a review for Yoga Boss: Click Here Free Course: Profitable Yoga Boss Group:
11/18/202217 minutes, 33 seconds
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Are you making demands or ethically selling?

Welcome to Yoga Boss episode 146, "Are you making demands or ethically selling?" You know that marketing your business is imperative. You also know that inviting students to your paid offer is vital.   But are you accidentally making demands of your students? No one likes to be on the receiving end of a demand...especially future students. Listen in to see if you are making bold offers in your business, or if you've accidentally pushed students away with your demands. You'll learn how to make BETTER offers that support your students' journey and help make marketing and selling FUN. In this episode we cover: -Taking the podcast to the next level (FREE training) -Why coaching is so effective -Ethically selling vs unintentional demands -Why selling might feel icky for you-How to stop making demands -How to start ethically sellingAs mentioned in the episode: 
11/11/202214 minutes, 45 seconds
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Behind The Scenes: An interview with Yoga Boss host Jackie Murphy

Welcome to Yoga Boss episode 145, "Behind The Scenes: An interview with Yoga Boss host Jackie Murphy." Our co-coach Kristen Alanah takes the mic today and interviews Yoga Boss creator Jackie Murphy. Ever wondered about Jackie's own story? Kristen asks all the juicy questions about how Jackie created this business and where she sees it going in the future. In this episode we cover: -Jackie's introduction to yoga (she was 15!) -How Jackie knew it was time to switch to business coaching-What Jackie is most proud of building her business -Where the Yoga Boss world is headed 
11/4/202236 minutes, 32 seconds
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Interview with The Profitable Yoga Boss Coach Kristen Alanah

Welcome to Yoga Boss episode 144, "Interview with The Profitable Yoga Boss Coach Kristen Alanah." Kristen is the FIRST co-coach inside The Profitable Yoga Boss Group.  She is a certified yoga teacher and coach. As we grow our business, it is imperative that every client receive high-quality, high-touch coaching. Kristen is here to help us do just that.  In this episode you will get a behind the scenes look at how Yoga Boss is growing and Kristen is supporting all of our clients.  In this episode we cover: -Kristen's background with yoga -How Kristen and I met (it's been years in the making) -The 3 top Mistakes she has seen yoga teachers making -The 3 top qualities of success yoga teachers and studio owners  
10/28/202242 minutes, 24 seconds
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Holiday Season Selling

Welcome to Yoga Boss episode 143, "Holiday Season Selling."   The holiday season is around the corner. It is NEVER too early to start planning your business strategy for this holiday season. You need a clear message for the holidays and a clear offer for your ideal students. Many of the holiday season strategies you hear are outdated and will lead to burnout. In this podcast, I will tell you exactly what to focus on to make this holiday season the most profitable and enjoyable one yet. Listen Now. In this episode we cover the following: -Open Enrollment For The Profitable Yoga Boss Group-Why it is never too early to think about your holiday strategies -Outdates strategies that won't work in 2022 -New strategies that work for a sustainably profitable yoga business -Apply for The Profitable Yoga Boss Group  Check out these links: Information and Application for The Profitable Yoga Boss Group:
10/21/202224 minutes, 19 seconds
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Details and FAQ The Profitable Yoga Boss Group

Welcome to episode 142, "Details and FAQ The Profitable Yoga Boss Group." Enrollment is OPEN for The Profitable Yoga Boss Group! If you have been curious about joining The Profitable Yoga Boss Group this podcast is perfect for you. In this episode, I break down the details of The Profitable Yoga Boss Group. Listen in to determine if The Profitable Yoga Boss Group is the next right step for your business.  Apply here:
10/14/202233 minutes, 54 seconds
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How to Use Consistency To Retain New Students

Welcome to Yoga Boss episode 141, "How to Use Consistency To Retain New Students."   Inside The New Student Solution Free 5-Day Training, I am teaching you exactly what to say and when to retain new students in your business. This podcast is BONUS material for that training. Consistency has been proven to improve student retain and is vital for scaling your business. Most yoga teachers and studio owners don't prioritize consistency until it is too late. Learn exactly how creating a consistent business impacts your retention rates.   In this episode, I teach you the three areas you need to ensure consistency in retaining new students. Listen in and complete the actions to retain students in your business longer.  In this episode we cover the following: -The New Student Solution Training-Why is consistency so crucial for retaining new students -How consistency creates trust - Three areas to ensure consistency in-Joining The New Student Solution Free Five-Day Training Check out these links: The New Student Solution:
10/7/202216 minutes, 43 seconds
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What would I do to get more students in my yoga business.

Welcome to Yoga Boss episode 140, "What would I do to get more students in my yoga business."   Whether you are just starting out and want to get your very first student... Or you've got 100 members and want 1000 members in your membership... Creating the quality and quantity of new students you want in your business is 100% within your control. In this episode, I teach you a three-step process to step into the CEO role and create new students in your business. Listen in and complete the actions to see your business grow.   In this episode we cover: -The New Student Solution Training-Three Step Process for getting new students into your business-What your brain wants to resist -How to overcome resistance and get into action-Method for sorting your ideas for attracting new student -Joining The New Student Solution Free Five-Day Training Check out these links: The New Student Solution:
9/30/202224 minutes, 13 seconds
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My $400k Launch Strategy

Welcome to Yoga Boss episode 139, "My $400k Launch Strategy." Launching has been a routine part of my business for the past two years. In this episode, I am sharing my exact launch strategy that has brought in over $400k. If you've ever wondered what kind of planning, implementation, and evaluation goes on behind the scenes at Yoga Boss, tune into this podcast. We've now set up our launches to be the most effective and FUN part of our business. Listen now. In this episode we cover:  -Defining clearly what a launch is  -When to start launching your business-Muscular vs Organic Energy-My launch strategy -Why launches are so important for the long-term growth of your business  -The New Student Solution 5 Day Training Oct. 10th-14th 2022 Want More:  The Profitable Yoga Business Free Course: Profitable Yoga Boss Group Waitlist:
9/23/202235 minutes, 14 seconds
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Using Testimonials In Your Yoga Business

Welcome to Yoga Boss episode 138, "Using Testimonials In Your Yoga Business." Within the Yoga Industry, we are missing out on a KEY strategy for converting and retaining students: Testimonials. Client testimonials are an easy way to help students feel more comfortable and safe to buy your offer. Maybe you feel awkward asking for testimonials? Maybe you ask but never actually get the testimonials you want. Maybe you have testimonials but don’t know how to share them effectively. This episode is for you. We cover how to generate, create and utilize client testimonials in your yoga business to convert and retain more students. In this episode we cover: -Why is it essential to use client testimonials in your business-Common thought error that keeps yoga teachers from asking for testimonials -Three essential steps to generate effective testimonials -When and how to share testimonials with your audience-The New Student Solution: 5-Day Free Training To Attract, Convert and Retain New Students in your yoga business (Coming Soon!) -Joining The Profitable Yoga Boss Group Waitlist Check out these links: The Profitable Yoga Boss Group Waitlist:
9/16/202224 minutes, 17 seconds
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Selling more students with Active Listening

Welcome to Yoga Boss episode 137, "Selling more students with Active Listening." As an entrepreneur, you will always be marketing and selling. But most yoga teachers and studio owners are ONLY marketing their businesses. They haven't created the space actually to sell in their business...How do you know if this is you? What are you spending your time doing most in your business: talking or listening?Marketing is all about talking to people. Selling is about deeply, and actively listening to your students.  Active listening is a skill you have to develop and hone over time. When you learn how to listen to your students you will naturally increase your conversion rate. In this episode we cover: -The Waitlist For The Profitable Yoga Boss Group -Upcoming 5-Day New Student Training -The difference between marketing and selling -How to use active listening in your sales calls -Mastering 1-1 Sales Calls  in order to then sell to a larger audience -Using active listening to make it easier and more comfortable for your students to buy Check out these links: The Profitable Yoga Boss Group Waitlist:  
9/9/202226 minutes, 13 seconds
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Which Marketing Platform Should You Use?

Welcome to episode 136, "Which Marketing Platform Should You Use?" Ever spent time wondering which platform to choose for your business? Maybe you are using a platform but wondering if it is actually going to work for you. This is a decision all business owners make. Choosing a platform for marketing your business doesn't have to be overwhelming. This podcast is for you. Choosing a platform for your business is equal parts strategy and alignment. In this episode, I teach you what doesn't work when choosing a platform and how to choose a marketing platform for your business. In today’s episode, you’ll learn:What doesn't work when you are choosing a strategyUsing the ability to doubt your thoughtsHow to strategically choose a platform The CEO mindset will help make any platform work. Featured on this episode: The Profitable Yoga Business Free Course:
9/2/202220 minutes, 11 seconds
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Create A Profitable Yoga Business in One Hour A Day

Welcome to episode 135, "Create A Profitable Yoga Business in One Hour A Day."In this episode, I teach you how to build a profitable yoga business working just one hour per day. In today’s episode, you’ll learn:Open Enrollment for the next Profitable Yoga Boss Group Oct. 14th, 2022 Why you might think just doing more is the answer.  How to stop overworking and create your business in one hour a day. How working one hour a day will improve your marketing and selling. Featured on this episode: Get on The Profitable Yoga Boss Group Waitlist:
8/26/202224 minutes
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Doubling The Studio's Revenue in Four Months with Johanna

Welcome to Yoga Boss episode 134, "Doubling The Studio's Revenue in Four Months with Johanna." A new client interview with Johanna of Youyoga. "Johanna is 25 Years old and runs her own Yogastudio called Youyoga. She runs it with my amazing business partner and they currently have a team of 6 Yoga teachers who work with us. Their studio supports people in the rush hour of their lives to overcome chronic stress in order to live a healthier life full of joy and presence.  She is also doing my master's degree in educational science by the side." In this client interview we cover: -How Johanna gained clarity around their niche and offers. -Doubling the studio revenue in four months. -Hiring a team of 6 teachers and corporate clients  -Becoming a more confident leader -Figure out to truly nourish your students-Selling in an organic way that only gets better The Profitable Yoga Boss Group OPEN ENROLLMENT August 12th-August 19thApply For The Profitable Yoga Boss Group: with Johanna: Website: https://youyoga-rostock.deInstagram: youyoga_rostock
8/19/202247 minutes, 28 seconds
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Dream to Reality: Opening for a thriving yoga studio with Robyn Gornicki-Davis

Welcome to Yoga Boss episode 132, "Dream to Reality: Opening for a thriving yoga studio with Robyn Gornicki-Davis," A new client interview with Robyn! "Robyn is the founder of Serenity Power Yoga.  Robyn’s passion for yoga and how it has helped improve her life is  “why” she opened a yoga studio.  Everyone deserves Yoga.   Yoga is more than just Warrior 1 or Handstand.  Yoga is a connection with your whole self mind, body, and spirit."In this client interview we cover: -Robyn's journey to becoming a yoga teacher and studio owner over 50-Leaving behind a 26 year career for her dream business -How Robyn is creating a thriving community and studio-Robyn's perspective on putting herself out there in her marketing-Thinking like a CEO shifting from 'hobby' to business Connect with RobynWebsite: Instagram: @serenitypoweryogaFacebook Page: Serenity Power Yoga Email List Opt-In: Join The Profitable Yoga Boss Group Waitlist: www.
8/5/202246 minutes, 42 seconds
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Consistent $3k Months working on the business one hour per day with Mary Kate Vanecko

Welcome to Yoga Boss episode 131, "Consistent $3k Months working on the business one hour per day with Mary Kate Vanecko," A new client interview with Mary Kate! "Mary Kate Vanecko is the founder of MAVA Boxing, the only program that connects boxing with functional strength training to help high performers build muscle, reduce stress, and connect to their greatness. She is a boxing trainer, yoga instructor, and former Division I athlete fiercely dedicated to using movement to help people expand what they think is possible in their lives."In this client interview we cover: -Shifting from teaching drop-in classes for a couple of hundred bucks a month to $3k monthly revenue. -Creating and owning your unique offer and brand -Working one hour per day ON the business -Raising your price and selling more  -Thinking like a CEO shifting from 'hobby' to business -Learning how to put yourself out there and own expert energy, Connect with Mary Kate Website: @marykatevanecko Email: people can sign up for a free boxing consult workout Join The Profitable Yoga Boss Group Waitlist: www.
7/29/202250 minutes
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Believe In Yourself As CEO

Welcome to episode 130, "Believe In Yourself As CEO."Ever had the thought "Maybe, I'm just not good at business?" Or "Maybe a profitable yoga business isn't meant for me, I don't know if I could."You are not alone. Many yoga teachers don't have a business education and mistakenly believe they aren't meant to be business owners.  And, here is the truth. You are capable of being a Yoga Boss, a CEO.  And doing it in a way that feels ethical, and aligned for you. This podcast is for you. Believing in yourself as the CEO is a must for any yoga teacher or studio owner who is serious about going to six figures and beyond  However, it doesn't just happen overnight. In this episode, I teach you how to cultivate the mindset required to believe in yourself as a CEO. In today’s episode, you’ll learn:Open Enrollment for The Profitable Yoga Boss Group August 12th -August 19thYoga Teacher to Yoga Boss MindsetWhy you might not believe you are 'good at business.'The CEO mindset that will help you believe in yourself Featured on this episode: Get on The Profitable Yoga Boss Group Waitlist: 
7/22/202233 minutes, 57 seconds
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Marketing That Creates Connection

Welcome to episode 129, "Marketing That Creates Connection."Is your marketing converting students the way you'd like it to be?You may be missing one key piece of marketing: connection. In this episode, I dive into how to create marketing that connects with your students.  Implement this practice and then let me know how it works for you!  In today’s episode, you’ll learn:Why we buy as humansHow to create more connection in your marketingWhy standing out is so important for your businessFeatured on this episode:Get The Profitable Yoga Business Free Course: Get on The Profitable Yoga Boss Group Waitlist: 
7/15/202224 minutes, 13 seconds
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Hit Your Goal in 2022: A Practical Exercise

Welcome to episode 128, "Hit Your Goal in 2022."Want to know how to make hitting your 2022 goals easier? This episode is a practical exercise you can use DAILY in your business that will make achieving your goal simpler and easier. Implement this practice and then let me know how it works for you!  In today’s episode, you’ll learn:5 Step Daily Practice That Will Help You Hit Your 2022 GoalThe best way to write down your goals Why a daily goal practice helps you achieve more in your businessFeatured on this episode:Get The Profitable Yoga Business Free Course: Get on The Profitable Yoga Boss Group Waitlist: 
7/8/202222 minutes, 8 seconds
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Trigger The Sale

Welcome to episode 127, "Trigger The Sale."Have you been selling with a false sense of urgency just to get a few students to buy hopefully? This podcast is for you. You do not have to use sleazy, dishonest sales tactics in your business. Actually, I highly advise you don't. You can increase your conversion rates, and increase your revenue when you fully understand what triggers your students to buy. In this podcast, you will learn what triggers your students to buy and how you can use that in your marketing and selling. In today’s episode, you’ll learn:Unethical sales tactics that erode your student's trust. Why do you feel like you have to create 'urgency.'What actually triggers a sale in your business. How to use this in your marketing and selling to increase your conversion rates. Featured on this episode:Get The Profitable Yoga Business Free Course: Get on The Profitable Yoga Boss Group Waitlist: 
7/1/202222 minutes, 32 seconds
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Loving Your Offer

Welcome to episode 126, "Loving Your Offer."Are you one of the yoga teachers or studio owners with a menu of offerings that aren't selling the way you want them to? Maybe you have an offer but you aren't sure that it is exactly right for your students and are wondering if it's time to change it.  Your offer is the foundation of your business. And your relationship with your offer can often determine your revenue.  This podcast is for you. Loving your offer is a must for any yoga teacher or studio owner who is serious about going to six figures and beyond  However, it doesn't just happen overnight. In this episode, I teach you how to love your offer in your business so that you can sell more of it. In today’s episode, you’ll learn:Why loving your offer is so important for your marketing and selling.The common mistakes yoga teachers make when picking an offer. How to know if it is time to change your offer. Three key thoughts to loving your offer. Featured on this episode:Get The Profitable Yoga Business Free Course: Get on The Profitable Yoga Boss Group Waitlist: 
6/24/202221 minutes, 46 seconds
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Create more content in less time

Welcome to episode 125, "Create more content in less time."Do you ever sit down to write a post, only to get up an hour later with nothing written? Or maybe you send a weekly newsletter to your email list, but it takes you days to write? You are not alone. Creating content for your students is a valuable way to market your business, and nurture your students. However, it shouldn't be take up all of your time. In this episode I teach you why creating content can take so much time, and what you need to think about to create more content in less time. In today’s episode, you’ll learn:How to tell if you are taking too long creating content Why you are spending so much time perfecting your content What you have to think on purpose as the CEO of your business to create content quickly Why it is valuable to create more content in less timeFeatured on this episode:Get The Profitable Yoga Business Free Course: 
6/17/202221 minutes, 1 second
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Unintentional vs Intentional Marketing

Welcome to episode 124, "Unintentional vs Intentional Marketing."What is the point of marketing your business? Is your marketing purpose driven? In this episode, I teach you the purpose of marketing your yoga business, and how to market your business with intention.   Marketing should feel just like teaching a class. Service driven. Easy. Sustainable. If your burnout from marketing your business or struggling with feelings that you 'aren't good at marketing,' this podcast is for you.  In today’s episode, you’ll learn:We are hiring! Difference between unintentional and intentional marketing. How this shows up in the three phases of business.  The key to writing a compelling Call To Action. Featured on this episode:Get The Profitable Yoga Business Free Course: 
6/10/202231 minutes, 45 seconds
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When people say no to your offer....

Welcome to episode 123, "When people say no to your offer..."Getting "no's" in your business is part of the journey. It's inevitable and it's not a problem. As a business owner, it is imperative to understand WHY your students say no to your offer. This episode breaks down exactly what happens when students say no and a three-step process for converting more students to your paid offer. In today’s episode, you’ll learn:Enrollment for the next Profitable Yoga Boss Group this Fall. What makes "No" a problem in your business.How to get fewer No's and convert more students. Three keys to selling your offer with a higher conversion rate. Featured on this episode:Get on the waitlist for The Profitable Yoga Boss Group Now:
6/3/202218 minutes, 56 seconds
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Opening a Yoga Studio and hitting $5k months with Tarah Mancl

Welcome to Yoga Boss episode 122, "Opening a Yoga Studio and hitting $5k months with Tarah Mancl." "Tarah Mancl is the owner of  The Wellness Barn Studio. She is a 200- Registered Yoga Teacher, Board Certified Health Coach for private clients and group classes, A member of the American Association of Drugless Practitioners, small business owner, a Coaching Circle Coach at The Institute of Integrative Nutrition, Yoga Journal Conference Assistant and BEST of all a Mom to three amazing kids! Tarah takes a holistic approach to Yoga and Health Coaching that includes nutrition, physical activity and movement, stress reduction and mindfulness, and strengthening of the mind + body connection. Her wellness approach is more than just being free from an illness it is a holistic process of change and growth from the inside out! "In this client interview we cover: -Leaving a 'safe' job to follow her passion-Trusting anxiety for a reason -Finding an authentic offer -Opening a studio -Showing up and making decisions like a CEO -Marrying health coaching and yoga together-Learning how to put yourself out there and stick with it  Website: www.thewellnessbarnstudio.comInstagram: The Wellness Barn Studio or TMANCL
5/27/202257 minutes, 48 seconds
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How to Triple Your Revenue and Work Less with Lisa O'Connor.

Welcome to Yoga Boss episode 121, "How to Triple Your Revenue and Work Less with Lisa O'Connor." "Lisa O’Connor owns a yoga studio right outside Boston, in Quincy Massachusetts. Her yoga studio focuses on the power and benefits of yoga for anyone and everyone if you are willing to let yoga work for you. The studio offers classes from power yoga, to chair yoga. This broad range of class offerings allows yoga to reach so many different types of people and reach them wherever their yoga practice currently is and then help it grow. Lisa is a 200-hour RYT (and a pediatric nurse)." In this client interview we cover: -How to show up and get results in any room-Creating a thriving yoga studio while working full time -Marketing and selling strategies for a yoga studio -What it is like to be coached -How Lisa tripled her revenue and went from teaching 6 classes to 2 classes a week Connect with Lisa here: Website: www.capellayoga.comInstagram: Capella Yoga up for The Profitable Yoga Boss Group Today: WORKBOOK BONUS ENDS MAY 20th 2022 Schedule a consultation call:
5/20/202253 minutes, 7 seconds
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$18k Revenue Months & Quitting Corporate Job with Karina Baldwin

Welcome to Yoga Boss episode 120, "$18k Revenue Months & Quitting Corporate Job with Karina Baldwin" "Karina is a yoga teacher and Hiking Yoga and Meditation Retreat host who helps you filter out all the influence of those around you to rediscover your truest self! She has a Masters's in Sport and Performance Psychology, is a Mental Performance Coach for the US Army, she is a ski instructor and self proclaimed Nature Queen"In this client interview we cover: -Knowing when you to leave a corporate job-Growing from $5k to $18k months-What to do when your spiral out - Taking time off to process big decisions-How much can change in a year -The importance of going big, you can do it. Website: Instagram: Page: OPEN:
5/13/20221 hour, 5 minutes, 23 seconds
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Selling More Online Memberships at a Higher Price with Stacey Stufflebeam

Welcome to Yoga Boss episode 119, "Selling More Online Memberships at a Higher Price with Stacy Stufflebeam." "Stacey Stufflebeam has taught yoga for 15 years and is the founder of Stacey Stufflebeam Yoga, an online yoga membership designed to help you find peace and feel better in the present moment. The membership helps you conquer self-doubt and build self-confidence with on-demand yoga and meditation classes to practice when it fits your schedule and 3 Livestream classes every week, which are also recorded and uploaded to an archive."In this client interview we cover: -Trusting the call to become a yoga teacher -Creating and owning your unique process -Feeling comfortable with making offers -Raising your price and selling more  -Showing up and making decisions like a CEO -Learning how to put yourself out there and stick with it Website: www.staceystufflebeam.comInstagram: @staceystufflebeamFacebook Page: Email List Opt In:
5/6/20221 hour, 4 minutes, 6 seconds
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The Profitable Yoga Boss Group Q&A

Welcome to Yoga Boss episode 118, "The Profitable Yoga Boss Group Q&A." What is the Profitable Yoga Boss Group? What will I learn there? Who is this group perfect for? How will this group help me build a profitable, sustainable yoga business? Will this group help me with my offer, price and grow my student following? I've been getting lots of questions about The Profitable Yoga Boss Group. In this episode I am going to answer all of them right here. Join me today to discover everything there is to know about The Profitable Yoga Boss Group. We cover: -How this program will transform you, and your business -What is inside the program -Why I create the group -Who is it for -How to know if it's a right fit for you -What the community is like -plus more questions! Applications for The Profitable Yoga Boss Group open May 13th, 2022. You have until May 20th, 2022 to sign to receive a special bonus. Feature on the show: -The Entrepreneurs Mat Leave Podcast 
4/29/202224 minutes, 35 seconds
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100 No's

Welcome to episode 117, "100 No'ss." Your brain registers rejection as a life or death situation...however in order to create a multiple six-figure yoga business rejections is part of the journey. In this episode I will teach you how to overcome your fear of hearing "no," and ensure your future success. Whether you are marketing or selling in your business, getting 100 No's is the fastest way to grow. In today’s episode, you’ll learn:Celebration of the March Profitable Yoga Boss GroupInaction or action that doesn't create results Inviting in 100 No's Four steps to use while you create results in your business Featured on this episode:Doors to The Profitable Yoga Boss Group Open May 13th, 2022:
4/22/202222 minutes, 57 seconds
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Holding Space In Your Business

Welcome to episode 116, "Holding Space In Your Business." As yoga teachers, we hold space for our students all of the time. We know how to offer our full presence, compassion, and being without judgment. But most yoga teachers are not using this tool in their business. When you aren't holding space in your business it will slow you down, cause you to quit early, and not make the revenue you want to make. In this episode I will teach you how to hold space in your business, and why it matters so much to your success. In today’s episode, you’ll learn:Definition of Holding Space How to know if you are NOT holding space in your businessWhy Holding Space in your business matters How to Hold Space in your business Featured on this episode:Doors to The Profitable Yoga Boss Group Open May 13th, 2022: https://www.profitableyogaboss.comThe Profitable Yoga Business Free Course: on this episode:Doors to The Profitable Yoga Boss Group Open May 13th 2022 Haven’t left a review yet? Click here to tell us what you think of The Yoga Boss Podcast
4/15/202220 minutes, 23 seconds
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Decide To Be Successful

Welcome to episode 115, " Decide To Be Successful." Students ask me all the time, "I just don't know if this will work or not." They are asking me for validation of their yoga business 'working.' And this my friends, is always my sign that they haven't intentionally decided to be successful. The decision for success is available to us all, and you can make it today. In this episode, you'll learn how to go from fear, and doubt to inevtiable success. In today’s episode, you’ll learn:How to know if your yoga business, "will work" or not. How doubt, worry, and fear rob you from living yoga How to intentionally create a successful yoga business Why it is so important to decide ahead of time Actions to create success in your business Featured on this episode:Doors to The Profitable Yoga Boss Group Open May 13th 2022 Haven’t left a review yet? Click here to tell us what you think of The Yoga Boss Podcast
4/8/202221 minutes, 22 seconds
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4 Vital Business Lessons You Need To Know

Welcome to episode 114, " 4 Vital Business Lessons You Need To Know." It is embedded in our patriarchal society that you have to 'learn' only from people who are 'more experienced' than you. This couldn't be further from the truth, and it is a thought error that is slowing you down. In order to build your business effectively, you have to know how to always be learning in business. In this episode, I break down 4 vital business lessons you need to know from an unlikely source. In today’s episode, you’ll learn:The common problem you experience when you believe people with 'more money can be your only teachers4 vital business lessonsFeatured on this episode:Doors to The Profitable Yoga Boss Group Open in March! Join NowHaven’t left a review yet? Click here to tell us what you think of The Yoga Boss Podcast
3/25/202218 minutes, 34 seconds
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Making money easily as a yoga teacher with Kasidy Kersey

Welcome to Yoga Boss episode 113, "Making money easily as a yoga teacher with Kasidy Kersey." "Kasidy Kersey is the founder and CEO of Marina Bay Yoga, a virtual and mobile yoga studio that serves ambitious leaders and high achievers with private and corporate yoga classes and self-mastery coaching. Kasidy specializes in stress management and helps busy professionals live more peaceful purpose-filled lives".In this client interview we cover: -How to make money easily as a yoga teacher -Refining your niche as a yoga teacher -Implementing from the podcast -Doubling your business revenue -Avoiding blame, or deflection of your results -Showing up as a leader -Step to show up as a leader today Website: marinabayyoga.comInstagram:  ; Page: List Opt-In:
3/18/20221 hour, 4 minutes, 23 seconds
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From new teacher to stepping into the CEO role with Johanna Montenegro.

Welcome to Yoga Boss episode 112, "Stepping into the CEO role with Johanna Montenegro." The Profitable Yoga Boss Group is OPEN for enrollment from March 11th-March 25th 2022. The first step is to sign up for a 30 minute consultation call to get your profitable business blueprint and see if you are the right fit for the group.  Click below to sign up."Johanna Montenegro, Licensed Professional Counselor, and RYT200. Owner of The Mindful Collective Studio just outside San Antonio, TX. We offer aerial yoga, traditional yoga, workshops, and events that promote mind-body wellness. "Inside The Profitable Yoga Boss Group Johanna became the new owner of The Mindful Collective Studio. She has rebranded, creating a new vision for the studio, and growing her revenue.  In this episode we discuss Johanna's experience inside The Profitable Yoga Boss Group and so much more: -How to get your team of teachers onboard-Enrolling students and teachers in your vision for your business-How to transition leadership, branding, etc. -Becoming a leader and CEO Connect with Johanna: Website: Instagram: Page: List Opt In:
3/11/202259 minutes, 10 seconds
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How to stop waiting and build the business you've been dreaming of with Sandy Raper.

Welcome to Yoga Boss episode 111, "How to stop waiting and build the business you've been dreaming of with Sandy Raper." "A modern yogi and entrepreneur, Sandy Raper finds balance and sustainability as a wife and mother of three boys, while cultivating longevity as a yoga teacher, educator, and trainer for twenty years now. Out of a strong passion to inspire and support yoga teachers, Sandy developed her Beyond Yoga Teacher Training Mentorship Program to offer support and guidance for teachers to refine, grow and develop themselves beyond the foundation of teacher training. Sandy created her Beyond Yoga Teacher Training Podcast in October 2020 as yet another resource for her to share, encourage and support yoga teachers around the globe." Inside The Profitable Yoga Boss Group Sandy has transitioned her offer, started working less with more clarity in her yoga business. In this episode we discuss Sandy's experience inside The Profitable Yoga Boss Group and so much more: -200 hr teacher training myths -How to stop 'waiting' and get out of hovering -Getting clear on her message-Taking 100% responsibility for results -Becoming a leader and CEO Connect with Sandy: Instagram: @sandyraperyoga @byttpodcast Facebook Page: Sandy Raper Yoga Email List Opt-In:
3/4/202249 minutes, 42 seconds
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ANNOUNCEMENT: LIVE EVENT Purposeful Profit 2.0

Purposeful Profit is back and better than ever! Join Jackie LIVE for the new 3 Day event - Purposeful Profit 2.0. It’s 3 days of intensive training that will have you smashing goals in 2022. If you are a yoga teacher or studio owner who knows they are meant for more impact this is the training for you. The party starts on March 9th and goes until the  11th. Mark your calendars because you won’t want to miss this. Replays are available until March 16thThe Purposeful Profit 2.0 is going to be THE virtual event that helps your hit your 2022 goals. Click here to register today!
3/2/20226 minutes, 7 seconds
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Return Clients Interview

Welcome to episode 110, " Return Clients Interview " In this episode, I am joined by 4 of my returning clients to share their experience working with The Yoga Boss process time and time again. Maya Basik today’s episode, you’ll learn:Why longevity and depth matter in your business Benefit of sticking with one method for your business Client testimonials of working with The Yoga Boss process repeatedly Featured on this episode:Purposeful Profit 2.0 Doors to The Profitable Yoga Boss Group Open in March! Click here to join the waitlist.Haven’t left a review yet? Click here to tell us what you think of The Yoga Boss Podcast
2/25/20221 hour, 17 minutes, 40 seconds
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4 common problems you'll experience from $0-$100k

Welcome to episode 109, " 4 common problems you'll experience from $0-$100k." Whether you are just starting out as a yoga teacher or you've already hit six figures, there are 4 common problems you will face. In order to overcome any problem that comes your way you need a process for handling any mind drama that comes your way at any revenue stage.In this episode I break down the most common problem you'll experience at each revenue milestone in your business. In today’s episode, you’ll learn:The common problem you'll face when you first start your business What happens after you've made some money, and are working to make your next $5k How to move through the revenue ceiling of $8k-$10k monthsWhat to do to scale to multiple five-figure months and beyondFeatured on this episode:Purposeful Profit 2.0 Doors to The Profitable Yoga Boss Group Open in March! Click here to join the waitlist.Haven’t left a review yet? Click here to tell us what you think of The Yoga Boss Podcast
2/18/202230 minutes, 39 seconds
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Bonus Episode: The Drop In Series With Susanne Rieker

Welcome to Yoga Boss: The Drop-In Series. Bonus Episodes designed to give you an in-depth, insider look at what it is like to build a career and thrive in the yoga industry. Our conversation is with Susanne Rieker, the host of the Blissful Biz podcast. Susanna says, "I’ve been working in digital marketing since 1997 (what I like to call the era of the wild, wild web) and helped launch websites for BMW, Coca Cola, and many others. I’ve started my first online business, a yoga retreat directory, in 2013. Then I went to Bali for a yoga teacher training…These days I work with yoga teachers and wellness entrepreneurs to build and leverage their online platforms. And I’m devoted to helping well entrepreneurs bring their vision to life, to make a bigger impact and help more people." Website: 
2/16/202244 minutes, 14 seconds
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Overcome Imposter Syndrome to build a wellness business with Andrea Nordling

Welcome to episode 108, " Overcome Imposter Syndrome to build a wellness business with Andrea Nordling."I am so happy to introduce you to my colleague and friend, Andrea Nordling. Andrea helps nutritionists and health coaches build a profitable practice. Building a business in the wellness industry requires confidence. Whether you are a nutritionist or yoga studio owner building self-confidence, and overcoming doubt is vital to your growth. One of the biggest reasons wellness professionals in all modalities don’t grow their businesses is Imposter SyndromeYou do not want to miss the insights this discussion brought to light on all the sneaky ways this elusive “imposter syndrome” shows up for all of us, including where we both see it in OUR businesses.Andrea Nordling host The Profitable Nutritionist Podcast: The Profitable Yoga Business Free Course Here: 
2/11/202255 minutes, 31 seconds
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Bonus Episode: The Drop In Series With Erika Belanger

Welcome to Yoga Boss: The Drop-In Series. Bonus Episodes designed to give you an in-depth, insider look at what it is like to build a career and thrive in the yoga industry. Our conversation is with Erika Belanger. Erika is a yoga teacher, the host of the On & Off Your Mat Podcast, and a transformational life coach. Being a teacher is part of who she is, and she uses yoga, podcasting, and life coaching as different entry points all aiming to help her students and clients move from surviving to thriving. Her radiant spirit and engaging sense of humor create light-hearted practices focused on awareness, intentional movement, and self-care. She empowers her students and clients to awaken to themselves, become embodied, and build the life of their dreams.Website : www.erikabelanger.comIG :@erika.belanger & @onandoffyourmatpodcast
2/9/202244 minutes, 46 seconds
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Avoid these 2 time wasting mistakes...

Welcome to episode 107, "2 Mistakes That Cost You Time ." Don't have enough time to work on your yoga business? Maybe you feel like you are in constant hustle mode, and can't keep up. Burnout, hustle, overworking are all common in a yoga business. But it doesn't have to be this way. Sound too good to be true? It's not. You can hit your revenue goals, and take 3 days off every week. You can make six figures and take 3 months off every year. There are 2 mistakes you are making that are costing you energy, and leaving money on the table. Learn how to make more in less time with more ease. In today’s episode, you’ll learn:Why do we think more time equals more money. What actual creates money2 mistakes you are making that are wasting your timeFeatured on this episode:Get visible with my new FREE guide – 44 Ways to Get More Visible to Your Ideal Clients! Click here to download!Doors to The Profitable Yoga Boss Group Open in March! Click here to join the waitlist.Haven’t left a review yet? Click here to tell us what you think of The Yoga Boss Podcast
2/4/202226 minutes, 30 seconds
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Your Students Are A Mirror

Welcome to episode 106, "Your Students Are A Mirror  ." There is an abundant amount of students who are meant to work with you.  And they don't just show up by random chance. Do you how to turn on the steady stream? There is only one thing you need to know. Your students are a mirror. This episode will give you an exercise to look into the mirror of students (or lack thereof) and know exactly what to do to attract easy, wonderful students. No more confusion. It is a simple problem you can fix today.  In today’s episode, you’ll learn:Your yoga mat is a mirror in your practiceYour students are a mirror in your businessClear up the mystery of attracting students to you. Featured on this episode:Get visible with my new FREE guide – 44 Ways to Get More Visible to Your Ideal Clients! Click here to download!Doors to The Profitable Yoga Boss Group Open in March! Click here to join the waitlist.Haven’t left a review yet? Click here to tell us what you think of The Yoga Boss Podcast
1/28/202223 minutes, 49 seconds
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Create a magnetic brand and attract students to you.

Welcome to episode 105, "Create a magnetic brand and attract students to you ." You want new students to effortlessly walk into your studio? People to DM you 'out of the blue' to book your privates? You have to attract students to your business like a magnet. This is not only possible but it is simple. There is a clear three-part process to creating a magnetic brand that attracts students to your business. No more convincing. No more hustle. Learn how to naturally pull your most ideal students in In today’s episode, you’ll learn:Why having a magnetic brand matters Why everyone can create a magnetic brandThree things you need to do in order to attract students to you. Featured on this episode:Get visible with my new FREE guide – 44 Ways to Get More Visible to Your Ideal Clients! Click here to download!Doors to The Profitable Yoga Boss Group Open in March! Click here to join the waitlist.Haven’t left a review yet? Click here to tell us what you think of The Yoga Boss Podcast
1/21/202221 minutes, 18 seconds
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Convert Your Audience To Paid Students

Welcome to episode 104, "Convert Your Audience To Paid Students ." If you have an engaged audience of students, but no one is actually buying your offer...You've got a sales problem. You are probably sitting on your next paid student right now. All you have to do is learn how to convert them to your paid offer intentionally. You don't need to use email marketing or build out your studio first. People will pay you now when you know how to sell. In today’s episode, you’ll learn:Why you aren't converting students to paid students yet The number one mindset shift that will help you convert students5 steps to implement now to convert your audience to paid student Featured on this episode:Get visible with my new FREE guide – 44 Ways to Get More Visible to Your Ideal Clients! Click here to download!Doors to The Profitable Yoga Boss Group Open in March! Click here to join the waitlist.Haven’t left a review yet? Click here to tell us what you think of The Yoga Boss Podcast
1/14/202229 minutes, 12 seconds
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#1 Branding Mistake In Your Yoga Business

Welcome to episode 103, "#1 Branding Mistake In Your Yoga Business." Misunderstanding what your brand actually is will cost you time, and lots of money.  Most yoga teachers and studio owners know that they need a brand...but far too many make the #1 branding mistake.In order to create a six-figure brand, you just need to know exactly what a brand is. I’m sharing the number one branding mistake yoga teachers make, and what you need to focus on instead. In today’s episode, you’ll learn:Where the industry is headed in five years. How to be a part of leveling up the yoga industry--for good.  The number one branding mistake yoga teachers and studio owners make.  Why branding is vital to standing out--and building a profitable business. Featured on this episode:Get visible with my new FREE guide – 44 Ways to Get More Visible to Your Ideal Clients! Click here to download!Doors to The Profitable Yoga Boss Group Open in March! Click here to join the waitlist.Haven’t left a review yet? Click here to tell us what you think of The Yoga Boss Podcast
1/7/202220 minutes, 21 seconds
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The thing you HAVE to sell to retain new students.

Welcome to episode 102, "The thing you HAVE to sell to retain new students." In January yoga businesses will see an increase of 34% to 50% new students...thanks new years resolutions. But most people give up on their new year's resolutions within 32 days. So, as a business owner, you need a strategy for retaining those new students.It's not the time for you to hustle, push, burn out for the rest of the year. You just need to know exactly what you need to sell your new students. I’m sharing how to retain new students now and in the future. In today’s episode, you’ll learn:Why you need to move from muscle not momentum in your business. How to tell if you are selling the container or the result. The thing you have to sell in order to retain new students. Why selling is in service of your students Featured on this episode:Get visible with my new FREE guide – 44 Ways to Get More Visible to Your Ideal Clients! Click here to download!Doors to The Profitable Yoga Boss Group Open in March! Click here to join the waitlist.Haven’t left a review yet? Click here to tell us what you think of The Yoga Boss Podcast
12/31/202124 minutes, 34 seconds
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How To Increase Your Visibility & Grow Your Yoga Business

Welcome to episode 101, "How To Increase Your Visibility & Grow Your Yoga Business."  One of the major things I work on with my clients is how to get visible. People have to know you exist before they can hire you. The best way to make this happen is by increasing awareness of your business – the number of eyeballs that are on YOU and your business. There are many ways you can do this. I’m sharing how to overcome the fear of being visible so you can actually start taking action. In today’s episode, you’ll learn:Why the fear of being visibility is so common.How to overcome the fear of visibility, and how to know if it's holding you back.How knowing exactly who you are is required in businessWhy getting visible is so important for your businessFeatured on this episode:Get visible with my new FREE guide – 44 Ways to Get More Visible to Your Ideal Clients! Click here to download!Doors to The Profitable Yoga Boss Group Open in March! Click here to join the waitlist.Haven’t left a review yet? Click here to tell us what you think of The Yoga Boss PodcastYoga Boss Episode, "More Marketing Doesn't Mean More Money. Acres of Diamonds" – Listen Now
12/24/202121 minutes, 15 seconds
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Mindfully Evaluating 2021

Welcome to Yoga Boss Episode 100, "Evaluating 2021." Have you ever felt like you might not 'have what it takes to build a business? Maybe you've been taking the same action week after week and still aren't seeing results. Or you've been thinking that you need to work on yourself, first before you can actually make the money you want to make. This is the result of not mindfully evaluating your business. It happens when you don't know how to accurately evaluate your business, in order to actually problem solve and create new results. Evaluating is a high-value habit.  But we can't evaluate accurately with judgment. In this episode I break down: - What mindful evaluation is-How to tell if you are evaluating correctly -What data to collect in your business -Why you are as smart as a rocket scientist -The skill you have to learn to have massive success in business
12/17/202123 minutes, 39 seconds
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Transactional vs Relational Marketing

Welcome to Yoga Boss Episode 99 "Transactional vs Relational Marketing." Have you ever found yourself frustrated and wanting to quit a strategy you are using in your business because you aren't seeing results fast enough? Maybe you've been posting on social media hoping for a boost in followers. Or you've been offering free meditations for your audience weekly hoping for sales calls. This is transactional marketing, and it isn't in alignment with a yoga business. Transactional marketing happens when you get attached to a specific outcome or expected result. Let me be clear, we all want to make money in our business. But we can make money without attachment, and actually serve our students in a higher quality way. In this episode I break down: - What transactional marketing is -How to tell if you've fallen into the transactional marketing trap -Why it doesn't work -How to use relational marketing to build a sustainable business -Why relational marketing works 
12/10/202125 minutes, 39 seconds
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How To Create A Successful Yoga Business

Welcome to Yoga Boss episode 98, "How To Create A Successful Yoga Business ." Building a successful yoga business doesn't come down to luck. You don't have to be in the 'right' city. You don't have to be an extrovert. You don't have to create an online course. Building a successful yoga business is all about stepping into the role of CEO. When you own the seat of the CEO there is no obstacle that can derail your success. Everything is solvable. In this episode I break down: - 5 steps to creating a successful yoga business -How to solve problems that you will experience in your business Want to take this episode further and apply this work in your business? Get the Purposeful Profit 3 Day Training: Get access now. 
12/3/202120 minutes, 48 seconds
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Profitable Yoga Boss Concept: Intentional Marketing

Welcome to Yoga Boss episode 97, "Profitable Yoga Boss Concept: Intentional Marketing" Marketing is not about promoting yourself... If you are marketing your business without a strategy you'll end up posting, emailing, creating flyers without seeing a return on your work. You need a marketing strategy....and no I don't mean a content calendar (content calendars are not an actual strategy). In this episode I break down: -What marketing is-How to know if you have a marketing strategy-What simple, effective marketing you have to do-The Intentional Marketing strategy I teach my clients Join The Profitable Yoga Boss Group :
11/26/202124 minutes, 19 seconds
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Client Interview: Understanding Your Nervous System in Business Katie's $50k+ 2021

Welcome to Yoga Boss episode 96, "Client Interview: $50k and your nervous system with Katie Olderman." We've got another client interview today. My client Katie is on the podcast sharing about her success this year making $50k in her first year of business. Katie shares how she uses anxiety as a superpower in her business. We touch on what it:-Katie's business journey -How to use anxiety as a superpower-Why it is so important to regulate your nervous system-How to make CEO level decisions in your business-Tools for navigating anxiety, stress, and burnout in business. Katie words, "I started working with Jackie right when I started my business. I was still working to get my hours for certification actually so I wasn’t even full-time yet. We’ve now worked together for over a year and my business has grown tremendously since then. When we started working together, I was averaging $600 - $1,200 a month. I took a few months off at the end of 2020 to study for my licensing exam (which I passed). In 2021, my first full year in business, I’m making more like $4,000 – 6,000 a month, on average and I am fully booked and have been for months.I know I probably could be making a lot more because this process works like a charm every time, but I have anxiety and I have one of those “super smart” brains that look for every possible reason something won’t work, so it’s taken me a bit longer to get on board with “this will work for me too”. But it will. And if it will work for me and my uber challenging/highly clever brain trained-to-look-for-danger-everywhere, it will work for you." Check Out Katie here:  Instagram:
11/19/202143 minutes, 45 seconds
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Profitable Yoga Boss Concept: Ethical Sales

Welcome to Yoga Boss episode 95, "Profitable Yoga Boss Concept: Ethical Sales " Selling is vital to your business creating revenue. Selling is a skill you can practice and master...when you have the right tools. In this episode I break down: -What selling actually is -How to know if you are not selling ethically in your business. -What it means to sell ethically in your business -Three things you have to do to ethical sell in your business Join The Profitable Yoga Boss Group :
11/17/202123 minutes, 18 seconds
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Make It Inevitable: Client Success Stories From The Profitable Yoga Boss Group

Welcome to episode 94, "Make It Inevitable: Client Success Stories From The Profitable Yoga Boss Group." In this episode, I am joined by 3 of my amazing clients from the very first Profitable Yoga Boss Group. You'll hear from: Ally clients made their investment back plus so much more within their first round of the group. In this episode we cover: -How to make your investment back when you join The Profitable Yoga Boss Group -The common obstacles of believing 'you' can't do it -How they overcame doubt, fear, and indecision in business -Their current success in business, and how that success will compound This is also your invitation to join the November Profitable Yoga Boss Group. Enrollment is OPEN now. Sign up for a FREE 45-minute call to get your Business Blueprint, and see if you are a right fit for the group. you are ready to grow your business to six figures and beyond with less hustle and more ease this is the group for you. Make it inevitable. Learn to love selling just as much as you love teaching. Master marketing to consistently bring in new students, and retain them. Learn to think like a business owner, a Yoga Boss. Take the first step now:
11/12/20211 hour, 11 minutes, 24 seconds
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Yoga Is Easy To Sell

Welcome to Yoga Boss episode 93, "Yoga Is Easy To Sell." Listen, you weren't trained on how to sell. So either you aren't selling at all in your business, and your still making some money. Or you are trying to use dated corporate tactics to sell (Think: 4 SPOTS LEFT). You have to understand how this impacts your student experience. When it comes to selling yoga it's easy. In this episode: -What happens when you don't sell -Three easy steps to start selling today -Creating higher conversion rates Purposeful Profit November 11th-13th: The Profitable Yoga Boss Group Waitlist: this podcast? Share with your friends and other yoga teachers. Every single yoga teacher belongs here, and every single yoga teacher who wants a successful business is capable of creating one. Or leave a review on Apple iTunes.
11/5/202120 minutes, 29 seconds
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Business Debt

Welcome to Yoga Boss episode 92, "Business Debt: How A Business Owner Thinks About Debt ."Many yoga teachers struggle with leveraging debt in their business effectively because they aren't clear on what debt actually is. When it comes to business, access to debt is a privilege and creates possibility. In this episode: -I break down what you've been taught about debt -Why unintentional thinking around debt hinders your growth -How to think of debt like a CEO -What debt actually is. Join The Profitable Yoga Boss Group Waitlist: this podcast? Share with your friends and other yoga teachers. Every single yoga teacher belongs here, and every single yoga teacher who wants a successful business is capable of creating one. Or leave a review on Apple iTunes.
10/29/202129 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Yoga Industry and Covid: Grow Your Momentum

Welcome to Yoga Boss episode 91, "The Yoga Industry and Covid: Maintain Momentum."The ongoing Covid-19 Pandemic has affected the yoga industry at large. You can still maintain momentum in your business though. In this episode I break down: -What creates momentum in your business -How covid sped up consumer behavior in the industry -Understanding what consumers are looking for now -Keeping momentum in your business in the matter what Join The Profitable Yoga Boss Group Waitlist: this podcast? Share with your friends and other yoga teachers. Every single yoga teacher belongs here, and every single yoga teacher who wants a successful business is capable of creating one. Or leave a review on Apple iTunes.
10/22/202129 minutes, 34 seconds
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Should I hire a yoga mentor or a business coach?

Welcome to Yoga Boss episode 90, "Should I hire a yoga mentor or a business coach? Many yoga teachers and studio owners looking to hire a yoga mentor to help them grow their careers. Depending on what your goal is there is a time to hire a  mentor and a time to hire a coach. Listen to this episode to know whether or not you should work with a business coach or yoga mentor. In this episode I break down: -The definition of a mentor-The definition of a coach -When to hire a mentor-When to hire a coach -Telling your students that you are the perfect fit for them. Enjoy this podcast? Share with your friends and other yoga teachers. Every single yoga teacher belongs here, and every single yoga teacher who wants a successful business is capable of creating one. Or leave a review on Apple iTunes.
10/15/202119 minutes, 4 seconds
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Grow Your Yoga Business in 90 Days

Welcome to Yoga Boss episode 89, "Grow Your Yoga Business in 90 Days." We've got 90 days in 2021... it's go time. Regardless of when you listen to this episode, commit to your yoga business for the next 90 days. So often I see yoga teachers and studio owners put too much between them and making money. You don't need tons of time. You just need 90 days to create real momentum in your business. Here is how to grow your business in 90 days:In this episode I break down: -The three things you need to do to grow your yoga business in 90 days. -Productive vs Unproductive Drama -Not waiting for inspiration to show up and market your business -Becoming the CEO now and making decisions quickly. Enjoy this podcast? Share with your friends and other yoga teachers. Every single yoga teacher belongs here, and every single yoga teacher who wants a successful business is capable of creating one. Or leave a review on Apple iTunes.
10/8/202120 minutes, 51 seconds
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Copy Writing 101: Marketing That Works

Welcome to Yoga Boss Episode 88, "Copy Writing 101: Marketing That Works." You know marketing your yoga business is essential, but do you know how to make your marketing effective? Effective marketing creates awareness for your business AND converts your audience to paid clients. If you aren't seeing results from your marketing you may have a copy problem..In this episode I break down: -What copywriting is. -How do you know if you have a copy problem in your business -What excellent copywriting does -Three ways to write copy that stands out, and converts. Enjoy this podcast? Share with your friends and other yoga teachers. Every single yoga teacher belongs here, and every single yoga teacher who wants a successful business is capable of creating one. Or leave a review on Apple iTunes.
10/1/202120 minutes, 26 seconds
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Client Interview: Brand New Teacher To $5k Months with Karina

Welcome to Yoga Boss episode 87, "Client Interview: Brand New Teacher To $5k Months  with Karina." We've got another client interview today. My client Karina is on the podcast sharing about her years of experience in the yoga industry. We touch on what it:-Getting certified during Covid -Taking action to gain confidence -How she committed to her business: taking the Yoga Boss call in the middle of the night. -Replacing her salary within 4 months of starting her business Check out Karina: IG: www.karinasyoga.com10 Day Meditation Challenge for FREE:
9/24/202154 minutes, 1 second
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Client Interview: $6k to $14k months working less with Ally

Welcome to Yoga Boss episode 86, "Client Interview: $6k to $14k months working less with Ally." We've got another client interview today. My client Ally is on the podcast sharing about her years of experience in the yoga industry. We touch on what it:-Navigating a studio through Covid 19 -Transitioning from 14 classes per week to 5 classes per week -Delegating in your business makes you money -Overdelivering for your students -How Ally is making more than her banking salary ever could've been Ally's words, "Do something you LOVE - my first year of business took place during a pandemic and I still woke up every morning excited to go to work. We all have to make a living and if you make a living following your heart and your dharmic path, even the worst days will be enjoyable. Also, join Yoga Boss if you have the opportunity. Having Jackie as a sounding board and the support of my group this year has given me the boost of confidence and a level of support that allows me to show up as my best self in my business and it shows in our financial statements. " Check Out Ally here: Website: Instagram: and Page: Page: this podcast? Share with your friends and other yoga teachers. Every single yoga teacher belongs here, and every single yoga teacher who wants a successful business is capable of creating one. Or leave a review on Apple iTunes.
9/17/20211 hour, 4 minutes, 20 seconds
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More Marketing Doesn't Mean More Money: Acres of Diamonds

Welcome to Yoga Boss Episode 85, "More Marketing Doesn't Mean More Money: Acres of Diamonds " Growing your audience and growing your business are two different things. You might have made the mistake of thinking that more or 'better' marketing is the answer to you building a profitable business. Marketing is key to business but too much marketing can actually hold you back from making money. In this episode I break down: -How the Acres of Diamonds story relates to business -How to know if you are over-marketing -What is possible for you when you shift your focus from marketing to sellingEnjoy this podcast? Share with your friends and other yoga teachers. Every single yoga teacher belongs here, and every single yoga teacher who wants a successful business is capable of creating one. Or leave a review on Apple iTunes.
9/10/202123 minutes, 28 seconds
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7 Figure Yoga Business: Client Interview with Susi Hately

Welcome to Yoga Boss Episode 84, "7 Figure Yoga Business Client Interview with Susi Hately"We've got another client interview today. My client, Susi Hately, is on the podcast sharing about her years of experience in the yoga industry. We touch on what it:-Why it is so important to implement -Surrounding yourself with people who think the way you want to think -Women, Yoga and Money -Leaving behind 'bro-marketing' for a yoga centered approach to business -Focusing on your best client as the way to 7 figure business Check Out Susi Here: this podcast? Share with your friends and other yoga teachers. Every single yoga teacher belongs here, and every single yoga teacher who wants a successful business is capable of creating one. Or leave a review on Apple iTunes.
9/3/202154 minutes, 41 seconds
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Money is never a fluke.

Welcome to Yoga Boss Episode 83, "Money is never a fluke." When you make money in your yoga business, your brain will tell you it was just 'luck.' If you are new to business it will tell you it's beginners luck... There is no such thing when it comes to making money in your business. In this episode I break down: -Why believing your revenue in your business is fluke is such a problem -Where the term 'fluke' came from and what it actually means-How to know exactly how to make money, as much as you want. Enjoy this podcast? Share with your friends and other yoga teachers. Every single yoga teacher belongs here, and every single yoga teacher who wants a successful business is capable of creating one. Or leave a review on Apple iTunes.
8/27/202121 minutes, 49 seconds
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It Is Okay To Charge For Yoga

Welcome to Yoga Boss Episode 82, "How To Not Feel Guilt Charging." So many yoga teachers tell me that they feel bad, even guilty, for charging for yoga. In this podcast, I debunk the idea that it is bad or wrong to make money as a yoga teacher. We discuss how to use your professional expertise to create opportunities and serve a wide range of students. This is about charging less to feel better. This is about viewing your pricing as ethical, and intentional. You must listen to this episode if you've ever wondered: -If your price to 'too high' -If there is a 'cap' for what it is okay to charge -If you can make your business accessible to all and still make a profit. Enjoy this podcast? Share with your friends and other yoga teachers. Every single yoga teacher belongs here, and every single yoga teacher who wants a successful business is capable of creating one. Or leave a review on Apple iTunes.
8/20/202129 minutes, 43 seconds
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What you've done in the past is irrelevant.

Welcome to Yoga Boss Episode 81, "What you've done in the past is irrelevant." What you have or haven't until this moment is irrelevant when it comes to making becoming a profitable yoga boss. Telling yourself that you should've already gotten started, doesn't help you start today...Telling yourself that you didn't get the certifications that you already needed...Telling yourself you needed a bigger audience already to start posting...What you haven't done in the past is not relevant for what you can create in the future. Put down your past.   The impossible is temporary. Become a profitable yoga boss. Enjoy this podcast? Share with your friends and other yoga teachers. Every single yoga teacher belongs here, and every single yoga teacher who wants a successful business is capable of creating one. Or leave a review on Apple iTunes.
8/13/202113 minutes, 49 seconds
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Pricing 2.0

Welcome to Yoga Boss Episode 80, "Pricing 2.0."  Choosing the 'right' price for your offer can sometimes seem like one big puzzle. Tune into this episode to learn how to price your offer in a way that supports your business, long-term. You learn: -Price being a reaction vs being a decision -How your price filters for your best client -Choosing your price, and sticking with it. Enjoy this podcast? Share with your friends and other yoga teachers. Every single yoga teacher belongs here, and every single yoga teacher who wants a successful business is capable of creating one. Or leave a review on Apple iTunes.
8/6/202115 minutes, 8 seconds
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Realistic Vs Resourceful

Welcome to Yoga Boss Episode 79, "Realistic Vs Resourceful."  We are taught to be 'realistic' in our lives. This employee-level thinking can keep you stuck in your current reality, and make it very hard to create the business you want.   Tune into this episode to learn: -What it means to be realistic -What problems this creates in your business-The solution: being resourceful. -The importance of knowing that you are capable of creating the business you want. Enjoy this podcast? Share with your friends and other yoga teachers. Every single yoga teacher belongs here, and every single yoga teacher who wants a successful business is capable of creating one. Or leave a review on Apple iTunes.
7/30/202128 minutes, 48 seconds
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How To Make Money

Welcome to Yoga Boss Episode 78, "How To Make Money." Making money in your business can feel daunting, confusing, and overwhelming. AND it's not actually even something you need to do.... Wait what? That's right.  In this episode I teach you how to think about money in a BRAND new way, that will make it flow right into your business. And we break down, in the most simple and easiest way, how to make money in your yoga business. Most yoga teachers put way too much between them and making money in their business. This podcast is designed to get you making money, now. Enjoy this podcast? Leave a review on Apple iTunes. We will be raffling off Apple Airpods for new reviews on the podcast. It's simple. Leave me a review, and send an email to letting me know it's done. You'll be entered to win. 
7/23/202127 minutes, 23 seconds
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Yoga Boss Group Invitation + Testimonials

ARE YOU COMMITTED TO BUILDING A PROFITABLE YOGA BUSINESS? you are making your first $100 or $100K, the process is the same. Building a profitable yoga business does not mean working more. It’s about making the money you want, with the most impact possible for your students, in less time. In the Yoga Boss Group Coaching Program, we keep it simple. The process is repeatable and easy to work. We do less of what you ‘think’ will make you successful, and more of what actually matters. We work on the process again and again. All the way to 100K. THAT WILL BE THE HARDEST PART This group will be rigorous and moves fast. It will require transformation. While there is lots of love and support, there is little emotional hand-holding. You will learn how to embody the CEO, a Yoga Boss, to problem-solve for your business. In the Yoga Boss Group Coaching Program, you will set a clear revenue goal. You will drop indulging in confusion, and implement on such a larger scale. You’ll master commitment, and having your own back. You will build your business your way and finally drop doubt and drama. Everyone works together. We build together. In the Yoga Boss Group Coaching Program, we don't judge. We don't exclude based on seniority or experience. We work together. Not only will you fit in, you already belong here.Here is What You Get: Weekly Group Coaching For Six Months FB Community For Coaching And CollaborationAccess To The Yoga Boss Membership Portal Personal Guidance and MentorshipMoney-Back Guarantee
7/19/202116 minutes, 44 seconds
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When You Want To Quit

Welcome to Yoga Boss Episode 77, "When You Want To Quit."  In this authentic and vulnerable podcast, Jackie speaks to those moments in a business where you want to throw in the towel, and quit.  Tune into this episode to learn: -When to step back and let it be. -How exactly to overcome negative emotions in business. -How to turn negative experiences into gold-The importance of knowing your powerful capabilities as a human This episode is designed to be one on repeat. Whenever you go through negative emotion, or want to quit, pop this on and give it a listen. Enjoy this podcast? Share with your friends and other yoga teachers. Every single yoga teacher belongs here, and every single yoga teacher who wants a successful business is capable of creating one. Or leave a review on Apple iTunes.
7/18/202121 minutes, 50 seconds
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Bonus Episode: The Drop In Series with Christa Janine

Welcome to Yoga Boss: The Drop In Series. Bonus Episodes designed to give you an in-depth, insider look at what it is like to build a career and thrive in the yoga industry. Our third conversation is with Christa Janine. Christa Janine, 500hr RYT | 200hr E-RYT, is a health and wellness professional who has been teaching yoga since 2012. Since then she has launched a successful virtual fitness studio hosting private and sold-out group classes weekly, a life coaching business running group and individual programs, and several workshops for yoga study and business. Things we cover on the podcast: -Hustling teaching group classes -Partnering with brands as an influencers -Burning 'it' down in order to rebuild -Christa's experience after her apartment caught fire-Where Christa see the indutry going. Enjoy! Connect with Christa:
7/12/202142 minutes, 37 seconds
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Action without attachment to create $4K months with Maria Loida

Welcome To Yoga Boss Episode 76, "Action without attachment to create $4K months with Maria Loida." Meet my client, Maria Loida. Maria is an Executive Coach, and Yoga Teacher - I help women level up at work without burning out or sacrificing their families, personal lives, their mental and physical health.In this podcast we discuss: -Self Care in the yoga industry -Taking the principles of yoga into the corporate world -What it takes to find your niche -Should you have a Youtube Channel-Overcoming the fear of serving just ONE person- Going deeper, not wider in the Yoga Industry -Stepping into the role of CEO -The importance of making decisions and going for it -Start with what you've got -Action without attachment in business -Business is practicing yoga at a very high levelInstagram: @mariaroseloida - List: www.marialoida.comFacebook: Maria Loida - Page: Maria Loida - List:
7/9/20211 hour, 3 minutes
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Invite: Purposeful Profit 3 Day Live Experience For Yoga Teachers and Studio Owners

Build a sustainable, impactful, and profitable business. It is easier than you think. TIRED OF PUTTING IN 100% EFFORT FOR NO RESULTS? Building a profitable business doesn’t require luck. It doesn’t even require a large audience. Spending hours hustling and see little to no return is the OLD way of doing business. If you don’t have the three key pieces of training—you’ll continue to feel overwhelmed, confuses, and burnout. It isn’t about perfecting your website. A profitable yoga business is not just available for a select ‘few’ with the right timing, and magnetic personality.  When you too busy to even practice yoga yourself, you are definitely not making the money that is available to you. You certainly won’t impact your students the way you crave too.  This isn’t your fault, no one has ever taught you what you need to know to build a purposeful and profitable business. YOU NEED AN EFFECTIVE BUSINESS STRATEGY. This is where the doubt ends. You’ll become the CEO who knows exactly how to make money. You’ll finally feel confidently equipped with the tools you need to make the impact you want. The industry is rapidly shifting. It’s time to step up your game. No more burnout.  No more confusion. No more doubt. This isn’t about inauthentic marketing messages. You don’t template for emails. Or a content calendar crafted for you. This is simple, doable, and impactful. This is about becoming the CEO of your business and your life.You’ll learn: What Yoga Teachers and Studio Owners THINK creates success. ⁣What actually creates success, and how to get into action quickly. ⁣The most effective, long-lasting marketing strategy in the industry. ⁣How to sell in a way that feels authentic and aligned with the practice of yoga. ⁣What it takes to create SUSTAINABLE success to build a lifetime career in the industry.⁣And so much more.Sign Up:
7/8/202110 minutes, 10 seconds
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Embodied Evolution: Fluid business growth with Maya Basik

Welcome to Yoga Boss Episode 75, "Embodied Evolution: Fluid business growth with Maya Basik." Maya Basik, a long-time client, is back on the podcast for round II. We dive into her evolution as CEO and leader in her business. Maya has seen quantum leaps in her business revenue, learned to market authentically, and sell the offer that feels aligned with her soul. Tune into to uncover what it takes to build a yoga business from the ground up and take it $9k months. You can follow Maya on Instagram here: this podcast? Share with your friends and other yoga teachers. Every single yoga teacher belongs here, and every single yoga teacher who wants a successful business is capable of creating one. Or leave a review on Apple iTunes.
7/2/202158 minutes, 1 second
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I'm Not Good Enough

Welcome to Yoga Boss Episode 74, "I'm not good enough."  Every single yoga teacher seems to struggle with one belief: not being good enough. This belief isn't your fault, and is hiding your true power. Tune into this episode to learn: -Where the "I'm not good enough" lie actually comes from.-How exactly it is holding you back in your business (In all things from your niche, marketing, selling and CEO mindset). -Yoga philosophy to overcome this lie -What is possible when you banish the "Im not good enough" story forever. This is a must listen episode for every single yoga teacher who hasn't become full self-expressed in their practice, business and life. Enjoy this podcast? Share with your friends and other yoga teachers. Every single yoga teacher belongs here, and every single yoga teacher who wants a successful business is capable of creating one. Or leave a review on Apple iTunes.
6/25/202122 minutes, 56 seconds
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Interview With My Husband: Jake Murphy

Welcome to Yoga Boss Episode 73 "Interview With My Husband." Ever wonder what it is like to be married to an entrepreneur? Curious about how we handle a baby, two businesses, and building a life? Get the inside details of Jake's perspective of the Yoga Boss coaching business. We touch on: -Trusting yourself as CEO-Hardest moments of entrepreneurship -How to redefine gender roles in a relationship (Jake does all the cooking). -Being human, and building a business. Enjoy this podcast? Share with your friends and other yoga teachers. Every single yoga teacher belongs here, and every single yoga teacher who wants a successful business is capable of creating one. Or leave a review on Apple iTunes.
6/18/202128 minutes, 8 seconds
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CEO Entitlement

Welcome to Yoga Boss Episode 72 "CEO Entitlement" There is a big difference between wanting a profitable yoga business....and being committed to building a profitable yoga business. Listen to this episode to understand why CEO entitlement can rob you of your dream business, and how to shift out of it. It might be hard work, but it is totally worth doing. Enjoy this podcast? Share with your friends and other yoga teachers. Every single yoga teacher belongs here, and every single yoga teacher who wants a successful business is capable of creating one. Or leave a review on Apple iTunes.
6/11/202121 minutes, 35 seconds
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Client Concept: Love Your Students

Welcome to Yoga Boss Episode 71 "Client Concept: Love Your Students." Your client concept is simply the way you view your clients. In this episode of Yoga Boss, I teach you why it is important to be aware of your client concept, and how to create a client concept from your highest self in order to serve their highest self. Your client concept informs how you do everything in your business. Create more love for your clients, and future clients on purpose. Enjoy this podcast? Share with your friends and other yoga teachers. Every single yoga teacher belongs here, and every single yoga teacher who wants a successful business is capable of creating one. Or leave a review on Apple iTunes.
6/4/202126 minutes, 27 seconds
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Bonus Episode: The Drop In Series With Kathleen Schauer

Welcome to Yoga Boss: The Drop In Series. Bonus Episodes designed to give you an in-depth, insider look at what it is like to build a career and thrive in the yoga industry. Our second conversation is with Kathleen Schauer. Kathleen is expert in all things boutique fitness. She opened the first CorePower Yoga in North Carolina, and grew an incredibly successful set of studios.  Things we cover on the podcast: -Quitting your job for a career in the yoga industry-Finding your niche, and brand even within a brand-How to manage 30+ Yoga Teachers-How to shift from working in the studio everyday to working on the business-Knowing when it is time to walk away from teaching group classes Enjoy! Connect with Kathleen:
5/31/202148 minutes, 41 seconds
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Pricing Drama

Welcome to Yoga Boss Episode 70, "Pricing Drama. " Feel conflicted about your price? Don't know what to charge?Do you hate hearing "It's too expensive?" Pricing drama is common in a yoga business--but it doesn't have to be. I teach you where pricing drama comes from, and how to clear it up. For good. Less drama, more yoga. Enjoy this podcast? Share with your friends and other yoga teachers. Every single yoga teacher belongs here, and every single yoga teacher who wants a successful business is capable of creating one. Or leave a review on Apple iTunes.
5/28/202121 minutes, 9 seconds
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Bonus Episode: The Drop In Series With Maggie Umberger

Welcome to Yoga Boss: The Drop In Series. Bonus Episodes designed to give you an in-depth, insider look at what it is like to build a career and thrive in the yoga industry. Our first conversation is with Maggie Umberger. Maggie is a yoga teacher, retreat leader and movement expert in Chicago. Things we cover on the podcast: -Horizontal Hostility in the yoga industry -Transitioning to full time teacher from corporate. -Bridge jobs and opportunities -When to teach for free as a paid teacher-Knowing your who and why as a teacher Enjoy! Connect with Maggie: https://maggieumberger.comInstagram: Yoga Teacher Training:
5/24/202156 minutes, 44 seconds
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The Divine Feminine CEO

Welcome to Yoga Boss Episode 69, "The Divine Feminine CEO. " In our current society there is a dichotomy between being the CEO role, and being an artist. This leaves us believing we can either do what we love, or we can make money. In this podcast we reimagine the CEO role to embody not only the traditional masculine energy, but the divine feminine energy as well. Enjoy this podcast? Share with your friends and other yoga teachers. Every single yoga teacher belongs here, and every single yoga teacher who wants a successful business is capable of creating one. Or leave a review on Apple iTunes.
5/21/202121 minutes, 37 seconds
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How To Be Consistent In Your Business

Welcome to Yoga Boss Episode 68 " How to be consistent in your business. " Consistency is key, we all know that. However, it doesn't make it easy.  So many yoga teachers struggle to show up consistently in their business. In this episode I show you why your brain isn't wired for long term consistent growth, and how to rewire it to create compound results in your business. Enjoy this podcast? Share with your friends and other yoga teachers. Every single yoga teacher belongs here, and every single yoga teacher who wants a successful business is capable of creating one. Or leave a review on Apple iTunes.
5/14/202121 minutes, 31 seconds
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4 Steps To 100K

Welcome to Yoga Boss Episode 67 " 4 Steps to 100K. " Having a simple, doable process makes building a profitable business so much easier. When you aren't making the money you want to make, using this 4 step process will help you identify what is off, and how to get on track.  The Yoga Boss four step process will take your business all the way to 100K and beyond.  It is a process anyone can use. Tune in to listen to the simple 4 step process. Enjoy this podcast? Share with your friends and other yoga teachers. Every single yoga teacher belongs here, and every single yoga teacher who wants a successful business is capable of creating one. Or leave a review on Apple iTunes.Apply for the Yoga Boss Group Coaching Program:
5/7/202122 minutes, 5 seconds
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From Corporate Job To Full Time Yoga Boss With Reagan Sobel

Welcome to Yoga Boss Episode 66 "From Corporate Job To Full Time Yoga Boss With Reagan Sobel." Reagan Sobel is a yoga teacher and retreat leader who coordinates yoga events at various venues in Charleston and leads retreats around the world. She is passionate about teaching her students to integrate mindfulness and spirituality into daily life. This past year Regan used the Yoga Boss process and philosophy to surpass her salary, quit her job and set her business from scratch in less than a year. Listen to how she created an amazing events, overdelivers for her students and creates her dream schedule.  Tune into this episode for so many gems of wisdom from Reagan. Website: www.reagansobelyoga.comInstagram: this podcast? Share with your friends and other yoga teachers. Every single yoga teacher belongs here, and every single yoga teacher who wants a successful business is capable of creating one. Or leave a review on Apple iTunes.
4/30/202145 minutes, 43 seconds
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Content Batching

Welcome to Yoga Boss Episode 65 " Content Batching. " You have genius within you. Accessing your own genius on demand is a practice. The more skilled you become of going within, and creating content for your people, the easier it is to content batch. Content batching is creating content for weeks, and months ahead of time. It is the secret to building a business that you can take time away from, and scale effectively. Tune in to listen to how I content batched for my entire maternity leave. Enjoy this podcast? Share with your friends and other yoga teachers. Every single yoga teacher belongs here, and every single yoga teacher who wants a successful business is capable of creating one. Or leave a review on Apple iTunes.Join us in the Yoga Boss Facebook Group: on the waitlist now to build your thriving yoga business in 2021:
4/23/202119 minutes, 22 seconds
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Effective Marketing

Welcome to Yoga Boss Episode 64 " Effective Marketing." Marketing is two parts. Bringing new people into your world, i.e. meeting people. And nurturing the current people in your world. In order to see the results you want in your business, listen to this episode to make sure you are not under-marketing. Enjoy this podcast? Share with your friends and other yoga teachers. Every single yoga teacher belongs here, and every single yoga teacher who wants a successful business is capable of creating one. Or leave a review on Apple iTunes.Join us in the Yoga Boss Facebook Group: on the waitlist now to build your thriving yoga business in 2021:
4/16/202115 minutes, 54 seconds
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Welcome to Yoga Boss Episode 62, "Indecision." One of the biggest predictors of success in business is how quickly you make decisions and implement. Most of us struggle with indecision before you've made a decision and indecision afterwards. Both keep you from taking action. In this episode I teach you how to be aware of your brain creating indecision, and how to have your own back with all the decisions you'll make in your business. Enjoy this podcast? Share with your friends and other yoga teachers. Every single yoga teacher belongs here, and every single yoga teacher who wants a successful business is capable of creating one. Or leave a review on Apple iTunes.Join us in the Yoga Boss Facebook Group: on the waitlist now to build your thriving yoga business in 2021:
4/9/202119 minutes, 45 seconds
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Level Up Your Student Experience

Welcome to Yoga Boss Episode 62 "Level Up Your Student Experience." The experience that your student has while working with you, matters. It starts from the moment they meet you, and continues even after they've worked with you. In this episode I teach you how to level up your students experience, and in return create a stronger foundation for your business.   Enjoy this podcast? Share with your friends and other yoga teachers. Every single yoga teacher belongs here, and every single yoga teacher who wants a successful business is capable of creating one. Or leave a review on Apple iTunes.Join us in the Yoga Boss Facebook Group: on the waitlist now to build your thriving yoga business in 2021:
4/2/202122 minutes, 48 seconds
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Write Better Copy

Welcome to Yoga Boss Episode 61, "Write better copy." Copy is the words that sell in your business. When you start out, your copy will mostly come from sharing your experience of yoga. Overtime, you'll gain the capacity to write more effective copy that compels your audience into action. In this episode I teach you how to move from beginner copy to copy that serves your students.  Enjoy this podcast? Share with your friends and other yoga teachers. Every single yoga teacher belongs here, and every single yoga teacher who wants a successful business is capable of creating one. Or leave a review on Apple iTunes.Join us in the Yoga Boss Facebook Group: on the waitlist now to build your thriving yoga business in 2021:
3/26/202115 minutes, 8 seconds
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All Or Nothing Thinking

Welcome to Yoga Boss Episode 60 "All or Nothing Thinking. " Most of us struggle with all or nothing thinking--that our business is either working or it's not working. All or nothing thinking is our primitive brains way of avoid discomfort, because it limits cognitive dissonance. The problem is this type of thinking typically stops us from taking action in our business. There is an easy way out of all or nothing thinking that ensures you keep making progress every single day in business. Listen in. Enjoy this podcast? Share with your friends and other yoga teachers. Every single yoga teacher belongs here, and every single yoga teacher who wants a successful business is capable of creating one. Or leave a review on Apple iTunes.Join us in the Yoga Boss Facebook Group: on the waitlist now to build your thriving yoga business in 2021:
3/19/202118 minutes, 1 second
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Why You Feel Salesy

Welcome to Yoga Boss Episode 59 " Why You Feel Salesy. " Most yoga teachers doubt their ability, or desire to sell. However, in this episode I teach you how we are always selling and how to sell in your business in a way that feels good.  In this podcast we cover why you feel sales, and how to remove any sort of 'icky' feeling around being in business. Selling is a part of life. Selling is a part of business. Learning to sell in a way you love, is a must. Enjoy this podcast? Share with your friends and other yoga teachers. Every single yoga teacher belongs here, and every single yoga teacher who wants a successful business is capable of creating one. Or leave a review on Apple iTunes.Join us in the Yoga Boss Facebook Group: on the waitlist now to build your thriving yoga business in 2021:
3/12/202122 minutes, 10 seconds
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$7.50 Per Hour To Expected 200K Revenue with Kelsey Harrison

Welcome to Yoga Boss Episode 58 "$7.50/hour to 200K expected revenue with Kelsey Harrison." Kelsey Harrison is a Yoga and Adventure Retreat Leader. GetWildRetreats is founded on bringing you back to your most WILD and authentic self while creating confidence and community. This past year Kelsey used the Yoga Boss process and philosophy to surpass her salary, quit her job and set her business up to make 200k in 2021. Listen to how she created an amazing community, mastered marketing and transitioned to entrepreneurship full time. Tune into this episode for so many gems of wisdom from Kelsey. You can follow Kelsey on Instagram here: / find her website here: https://www.getwildkelsey.comEnjoy this podcast? Share with your friends and other yoga teachers. Every single yoga teacher belongs here, and every single yoga teacher who wants a successful business is capable of creating one. Or leave a review on Apple iTunes.
3/5/202144 minutes, 46 seconds
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The Power Of Emotion

Welcome to Yoga Boss Episode 57 "The Power Of Emotion. " In business, your thoughts create how you feel day to day. Your feels will determine the results that you create in the short-term and long-term. When you learn to master how you want to feel in your business, it makes creating 100k inevitable. I teach you the four questions to ask yourself daily to use the power of emotion to fuel your business.  Enjoy this podcast? Share with your friends and other yoga teachers. Every single yoga teacher belongs here, and every single yoga teacher who wants a successful business is capable of creating one. Or leave a review on Apple iTunes.Join us in the Yoga Boss Facebook Group: on the waitlist now to build your thriving yoga business in 2021:
2/26/202112 minutes, 11 seconds
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Investing In Your Business

Welcome to Yoga Boss Episode 56 "Investing In Your Business." Many yoga teachers invest in their talent, and miss the opportunity to invest in their business.In this episode I teach you the distinction between spending money and investing like a CEO to create a high return. Investing in your business can propel you forward to the revenue you want, if you do it strategically and with the right commitment. Is it time to invest?  Enjoy this podcast? Share with your friends and other yoga teachers. Every single yoga teacher belongs here, and every single yoga teacher who wants a successful business is capable of creating one. Or leave a review on Apple iTunes.Join us in the Yoga Boss Facebook Group: on the waitlist now to build your thriving yoga business in 2021:
2/19/202119 minutes, 1 second
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The Scientific Process

Welcome to Yoga Boss Episode 55 "The Scientific Process." The scientific process is the process that successful entrepreneurs use in their business. The only way to know what works in your business is to create a hypothesis, test it and evaluate. You never know what is working, until it does. Use this podcast to tap into the scientific process and create success, for good.  Enjoy this podcast? Share with your friends and other yoga teachers. Every single yoga teacher belongs here, and every single yoga teacher who wants a successful business is capable of creating one. Or leave a review on Apple iTunes.Join us in the Yoga Boss Facebook Group: on the waitlist now to build your thriving yoga business in 2021:
2/12/202111 minutes, 41 seconds
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Compelling Offers

Welcome to Yoga Boss Episode 54  "Compelling Offers." Our work as CEO's is to make strong compelling offers that get our students to take action. You make so many offers in your business. Small offers like following your Instagram Page. Big offers like your paid offer. Learning to master making offers in a way that creates results is a skill you can develop. I'll teach you everything you need to make your offer compelling, and get students reaching out to work with you.  Enjoy this podcast? Share with your friends and other yoga teachers. Every single yoga teacher belongs here, and every single yoga teacher who wants a successful business is capable of creating one. Or leave a review on Apple iTunes.Join us in the Yoga Boss Facebook Group: on the waitlist now to build your thriving yoga business in 2021:
2/5/202114 minutes, 48 seconds
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Hard Work Vs Hustle

Welcome to Yoga Boss Episode 53 "Hard Work Vs Hustle. " Hustle does not make achieving your goals happen any faster. It's actually the opposite. In this podcast, you'll understand the key distinction between hustling to 100k and working hard to 100k. This will make all the difference in staying committed to your goals, and getting there without burnout.  Enjoy this podcast? Share with your friends and other yoga teachers. Every single yoga teacher belongs here, and every single yoga teacher who wants a successful business is capable of creating one. Or leave a review on Apple iTunes.Join us in the Yoga Boss Facebook Group: on the waitlist now to build your thriving yoga business in 2021:
1/29/202120 minutes, 46 seconds
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The Four Yoga Teacher Archetypes

Welcome to Yoga Boss Episode 52 " The Four Yoga Teacher Archetypes."  One of the main reasons that entrepreneurs fail in business is because they believe their problems are unique, and unsolvable. Over ten years in the yoga industry and coaching hundreds of yoga teachers, I have found that there are four main problems yoga teachers face in building a profitable business. In this episode I break down the four main yoga teacher archetypes, and how to overcome the four main problems you'll face.  Enjoy this podcast? Share with your friends and other yoga teachers. Every single yoga teacher belongs here, and every single yoga teacher who wants a successful business is capable of creating one. Or leave a review on Apple iTunes.Join us in the Yoga Boss Facebook Group: on the waitlist now to build your thriving yoga business in 2021:
1/22/202120 minutes, 57 seconds
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The Motivational Triad

Welcome to Yoga Boss Episode 51 " The Motivational Triad."  Your primitive brains operates from a Motivational Triad: Seek pleasure, be efficient and avoid discomfort. This triad help keep our species alive, but is the biggest obstacle to you hitting 100K in your business. In this episode, I teach you the three essential things you have to do in order to intentionally overcome your brains predisposition and create new results in your business. You will learn why it is essential for you to rewire your brain to think like a CEO instead of letting your primitive brain run your business. Enjoy this podcast? Share with your friends and other yoga teachers. Every single yoga teacher belongs here, and every single yoga teacher who wants a successful business is capable of creating one. Or leave a review on Apple iTunes.Join us in the Yoga Boss Facebook Group: on the waitlist now to build your thriving yoga business in 2021: Episode On FacebookTwitterLinkedInMore OptionsEmail Link to EpisodeDirect Link to MP3Embed this ONE EpisodeView Episode Stats
1/15/202119 minutes, 35 seconds
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Make The Process FUN

Welcome to Yoga Boss Episode 50 " Make The Process Fun."  A lot of people misunderstand that hardwork can be fun.They think making 100K will be tough, grueling, and filled with hardship. In this weeks podcast I teach you why FUN is the most important part of  achieving your goals. When you learn how to make the process, the journey fun, it makes achieving your goals that much easier, even when it's hard work. Enjoy this podcast? Share with your friends and other yoga teachers. Every single yoga teacher belongs here, and every single yoga teacher who wants a successful business is capable of creating one. Or leave a review on Apple iTunes.Join us in the Yoga Boss Facebook Group: on the waitlist now to build your thriving yoga business in 2021:
1/8/202123 minutes, 3 seconds
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Self Concept: This Is Who I am Now

Welcome to Yoga Boss Episode 49 " Self Concept: This Is Who I Am Now."  Your self concept is constantly evolving. It is the way you perceive yourself, and how you imagine other people perceive you. Operating from your future self concept is the quickest way to make your 2021 goals a reality. You do not need to attach your self concept to your current circumstances. You get to decide your Self Concept based on who you are becoming. Enjoy this podcast? Share with your friends and other yoga teachers. Every single yoga teacher belongs here, and every single yoga teacher who wants a successful business is capable of creating one. Or leave a review on Apple iTunes.Join us in the Yoga Boss Facebook Group: on the waitlist now to build your thriving yoga business in 2021:
1/1/202119 minutes, 36 seconds
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Grow Your Email List By 100 Subcribers

Welcome to Yoga Boss Episode 48 " Grow Your Email List By 100 Subscribers. " Want to grow your email list by 100 subscribers? In this podcast we cover WHY it is vital to use email marketing for your business. I also teach you how to build your email list. It isn't just about putting free content into the world, and hoping people sign up. We dive into exactly how to market and 'sell' free content in a way that actually serves your audience.  Enjoy this podcast? Share with your friends and other yoga teachers. Every single yoga teacher belongs here, and every single yoga teacher who wants a successful business is capable of creating one. Or leave a review on Apple iTunes.Join us in the Yoga Boss Facebook Group: on the waitlist now to build your thriving yoga business in 2021:
12/25/202013 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Marketing Game

Welcome to Yoga Boss Episode 47 "The Marketing Game. " You are not 'bad' at marketing. Marketing is a game. It takes practice, skill and determination. In this podcast, we dive deeper into the Marketing Game you play in business. There are two types of marketing you have to master: awareness marketing and nurture marketing. Listen in to strategically determine what to focus on in your business. Enjoy this podcast? Share with your friends and other yoga teachers. Every single yoga teacher belongs here, and every single yoga teacher who wants a successful business is capable of creating one. Or leave a review on Apple iTunes.Join us in the Yoga Boss Facebook Group: on the waitlist now to build your thriving yoga business in 2021:
12/18/202024 minutes, 8 seconds
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Improving Your Retention Rate

Welcome to Yoga Boss Episode 46 "Improving Your Retention Rate. " If you are brining new students into your business, but still are struggling to build a profitable business it is probably because of a low retention rate. In this podcast, I teach you why it is important to know your retention rate. Then we cover exactly how to improve your retention rate to build a strong, thriving business.  Enjoy this podcast? Share with your friends and other yoga teachers. Every single yoga teacher belongs here, and every single yoga teacher who wants a successful business is capable of creating one. Or leave a review on Apple iTunes.Join us in the Yoga Boss Facebook Group: on the waitlist now to build your thriving yoga business in 2021:
12/11/202014 minutes, 11 seconds
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How To Build A Six Figure Business With Anxiety

Welcome to Yoga Boss Episode 45 "How To Build A Six Figure Business With Anxiety. " Ambition and anxiety go hand in hand. Anxiety is an emotion that comes up a lot while you are doing something new, like building and scaling to six figures in your business. Join me on this podcast for a frank discussion of my own personal experience creating a six figure business with anxiety. I'll teach you what to NOT do, and my four steps to coaching yourself through anxiety. Enjoy this podcast? Share with your friends and other yoga teachers. Every single yoga teacher belongs here, and every single yoga teacher who wants a successful business is capable of creating one. Or leave a review on Apple iTunes.Join us in the Yoga Boss Facebook Group: on the waitlist now to build your thriving yoga business in 2021:
12/4/202029 minutes, 6 seconds
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Grateful Evaluation: Prep For The BEST 2021

Welcome to Yoga Boss Episode 44 "Grateful Evaluation: Prep for the BEST 2021 " The first step to creating, and executing your BEST business year in 2021 is reflecting. Join me in this podcast as I teach you exactly HOW to reflect to create compound results over time.  Then we dive into reflecting on each part of your business with a grateful heart. This is the first step to a FREE workshop coming in December to set you up for year over year revenue growth in 2021.  Get out a piece of paper, and get grateful!Enjoy this podcast? Share with your friends and other yoga teachers. Every single yoga teacher belongs here, and every single yoga teacher who wants a successful business is capable of creating one. Or leave a review on Apple iTunes.Join us in the Yoga Boss Facebook Group: on the waitlist now to build your thriving yoga business in 2021:
11/27/202023 minutes, 8 seconds
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Your Social Media Strategy

Welcome to Yoga Boss Episode 43 "Your Social Media Strategy. " Social Media is always evolving. I break down the emerging social media trends in 2020, and give you a 3 part social media strategy to implement in your business. This episode is to get your marketing thriving, and teach you how to shift your social media strategy to build deeper connections online. It is not about just pretty yoga photos anymore, tune in to learn more!Enjoy this podcast? Share with your friends and other yoga teachers. Every single yoga teacher belongs here, and every single yoga teacher who wants a successful business is capable of creating one. Or leave a review on Apple iTunes.Join us in the Yoga Boss Facebook Group:
11/20/202022 minutes, 24 seconds
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How To Break Up With Your Yoga Studio

Welcome to Yoga Boss Episode 42 "How To Break Up With Your Studio. " Typically at some point in your career you will end up leaving a yoga studio. In this episode I teach you how to know when it is time to leave your studio, and how to leave in a supportive, loving way.  There is a way to transition to entrepreneurship with ease. Learn the four steps, and the three things you have to have in place before you leave.  Enjoy this podcast? Share with your friends and other yoga teachers. Every single yoga teacher belongs here, and every single yoga teacher who wants a successful business is capable of creating one. Or leave a review on Apple iTunes.
11/13/202024 minutes, 37 seconds
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Talent Only Takes You So Far.

Welcome to Yoga Boss Episode 41 "Talent Only Takes You So Far. " The biggest thing that stops yoga teachers from building a profitable business is investing in only their talent. We spend time, money investing in being a 'great teacher' assuming if we are talented enough, the money will come. There are 4 other roles you have to play in your business to build cash flow. You are already a talented teacher, it's time to get grounded in the role of CEO. Enjoy this podcast? Share with your friends and other yoga teachers. Every single yoga teacher belongs here, and every single yoga teacher who wants a successful business is capable of creating one. Or leave a review on Apple iTunes.
11/6/202017 minutes, 55 seconds
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Building A Business With A Full Time Job with Megan Wing

Welcome to Yoga Boss Episode 40 "Fully booked with a full time job with Megan Wing." Megan is a first grade teacher, and in the past three months she has built a fully booked business from the ground up. Tune into this podcast to listen to how she has used coaching to fuel all of her goals in her life, start a business and replace her 9-5 salary.  Tune into this episode for so many gems of wisom from Megan. You can follow Megan on Instagram here: find her website here: this podcast? Share with your friends and other yoga teachers. Every single yoga teacher belongs here, and every single yoga teacher who wants a successful business is capable of creating one. Or leave a review on Apple iTunes.
10/30/202032 minutes, 53 seconds
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Creating a successful heart centered business with Maya Basik

Welcome to Yoga Boss Episode 39 "Creating a successful heart centered business with Maya Basik. " Since our work together, my client Maya has created a successful, fully booked business that is aligned and heart centered. Maya has beautifully woven together  her love for yoga, expertise in the lunar cycle to help women live in alignment on and off the mat. Tune into this episode for so many gems of wisom from Maya. You can follow Maya on Instagram here: this podcast? Share with your friends and other yoga teachers. Every single yoga teacher belongs here, and every single yoga teacher who wants a successful business is capable of creating one. Or leave a review on Apple iTunes.
10/23/202032 minutes, 47 seconds
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Create Results Faster

Welcome to Yoga Boss Episode 38 "Create Results Faster. " Want to get to 8K months faster? In this episode I teach you exactly how to create more impactful, effective, faster results in your business. We will dive into the science behind why yoga and mediation work and how you can use that same science to work your business. 8K months are literally just a meditation away.  Enjoy this podcast? Share with your friends and other yoga teachers. Every single yoga teacher belongs here, and every single yoga teacher who wants a successful business is capable of creating one. Or leave a review on Apple iTunes.
10/16/202022 minutes, 36 seconds
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Goal Forecasting

Welcome to Yoga Boss Episode 37 "Goal Forecasting" You've been goal forecasting in your business, you just didn't know it. Learning how to set goals, and predict what will happen in your business intentionally will help you hit your revenue goals much faster.  Enjoy this podcast? Share with your friends and other yoga teachers. Every single yoga teacher belongs here, and every single yoga teacher who wants a successful business is capable of creating one. Or leave a review on Apple iTunes.
10/9/202024 minutes, 32 seconds
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Scaling to 8K Months

Welcome to Yoga Boss Episode 36 "Scaling to 8K Months." Most Yoga teachers spend time as an employee at some point in our careers. There are certain beliefs we learn as employees that hold us back from making 100K in our business.This episode is designed to help you shed those old, limiting ideas and create a business without an income ceiling.   Listen to this episode as I dive into how to uncover unhelpful employee based limitation and how to overcome them.100K is the starting point in entrepreneurship. Enjoy this podcast? Share with your friends and other yoga teachers. Every single yoga teacher belongs here, and every single yoga teacher who wants a successful business is capable of creating one. Or leave a review on Apple iTunes.
10/2/202027 minutes, 32 seconds
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Your Thoughts About Money

Welcome to Yoga Boss Episode 35 "Your thoughts about money." We each have a relationship with money. Our relationship with money impacts what we think we are capable of making in our business.  In this episode, I teach you the three steps to take to navigate your thoughts about money in a way that serves you and others. Not making money, not hitting your goal? This is for you. Enjoy this podcast? Share with your friends and other yoga teachers. Every single yoga teacher belongs here, and every single yoga teacher who wants a successful business is capable of creating one. Or leave a review on Apple iTunes.
9/25/202026 minutes, 39 seconds
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When You Aren't Making Money...

Welcome to Yoga Boss Episode 34 "When You Aren't Making Money..." Building a business is the hardest, most rewarding thing you can do. And, it doesn't have to be a rollercoaster. In this episode, I teach you how to step out of the drama when you aren't making money, and get to a place that will actually make you more money. Not making money, not hitting your goal? This is for you. Enjoy this podcast? Share with your friends and other yoga teachers. Every single yoga teacher belongs here, and every single yoga teacher who wants a successful business is capable of creating one. Or leave a review on Apple iTunes.
9/19/202027 minutes, 25 seconds
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Build Your Business Now

Welcome to Yoga Boss Episode 33 "Build Your Business Now." The first Yoga Sutra says, "Yoga starts now." Yoga happens in the present moment. This is true for your business. Your business exist now or does not exist. The time to build a business is now, never in the future or the past. Waiting to get started? This is for you. Enjoy this podcast? Share with your friends and other yoga teachers. Every single yoga teacher belongs here, and every single yoga teacher who wants a successful business is capable of creating one. Or leave a review on Apple iTunes. 
9/11/202028 minutes, 14 seconds
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Stop Searching, Start Selling

Welcome to Yoga Boss Episode 32 "Stop Searching, Start Selling."  Stuck searching for the right niche, offer, positioning, brand, copy? This will always create $0.00 in your business.I teach you how to overcome the desire to search for answers externally.   This is the level up from employee thinking to thinking like a true Yoga Boss. Consider there is no one right way, you choose the way and make it right.   Enjoy this podcast? Share with your friends and other yoga teachers. Every single yoga teacher belongs here, and every single yoga teacher who wants a successful business is capable of creating one. Or leave a review on Apple iTunes. 
9/4/202027 minutes, 57 seconds
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Exponential Growth

Welcome to Yoga Boss Episode 31 "Exponential Growth."  Most people never go beyond average levels of success, and average levels of thinking. This is what holds people back from making the revenue they want.  Growing exponentially in your business is simple.Increase your capacity to think as a high level CEO. Increase your action until you create the result you want. In this podcast I teach you the four stages of exponential growth, and how to move into higher levels of thinking and action. Enjoy this podcast? Share with your friends and other yoga teachers. Every single yoga teacher belongs here, and every single yoga teacher who wants a successful business is capable of creating one. Or leave a review on Apple iTunes. 
8/28/202026 minutes, 45 seconds
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Make Offers, Make Money.

Welcome to Yoga Boss Episode 30 "Make Offers. Make Money."  Making offers is how you make money in your business. You have everything you need now to make money, go offer your help.  The first day that you make an offer is the first day that you are in business. The more offers that you make, the more money you will make. Make your offer's direct, compelling. Do this consistently. Enjoy this podcast? Share with your friends and other yoga teachers. Every single yoga teacher belongs here, and every single yoga teacher who wants a successful business is capable of creating one. Or leave a review on Apple iTunes. 
8/21/202023 minutes, 37 seconds
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The Sold Out Mindset

Welcome to Yoga Boss Episode 29 "The Sold Out Mindset." True, lasting change does not come from willpower or force. In order to consistently sell out your classes, you need to master The Sold Out Mindset. The Sold Out Mindset is the fastest, most simple way of creating a six-figure yoga business. In this podcast, I teach you why it is so important to master The Sold Out Mindset, and 3 mindset shifts you have to make. Enjoy this podcast? Share with your friends and other yoga teachers. Every single yoga teacher belongs here, and every single yoga teacher who wants a successful business is capable of creating one. Or leave a review on Apple iTunes. 
8/14/202029 minutes, 59 seconds
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How To Sell Out Your Class In 3 Steps

Welcome to Yoga Boss Episode 28 "How To Sell Out Your Class in 3 Steps" Ever wondered how to sell out your yoga class? Instead of focusing on hands-on assist, using names, or creating a unique experience, I am giving you 3 proven steps to take to sell out your paid offer. Implementing these three steps is easy, doable, and FUN. Selling out your classes shouldn't be something that happens by chance or luck, I'll teach you how to consistently sell out your offer class after class. Enjoy this podcast? Share with your friends and other yoga teachers. Every single yoga teacher belongs here, and every single yoga teacher who wants a successful business is capable of creating one. Or leave a review on Apple iTunes. 
8/7/202028 minutes, 18 seconds
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Your Manager Score

Welcome to Yoga Boss Episode 27 "Your Manager Score." When we set out to build a six-figure yoga business, there are three roles we have to play: -Entrepreneur-Manager-Employee Each role is important. What will determine your long term success though, is your internal manager. In this episode, I teach you how to give your inner manager their Manager Score. We dive into what makes a successful inner manager and how to cultivate that. This is a must-listen episode to cultivate a highly functional team for your business, even if you are going at it alone. Enjoy this podcast? Share with your friends and other yoga teachers. Every single yoga teacher belongs here, and every single yoga teacher who wants a successful business is capable of creating one. Or leave a review on Apple iTunes. 
7/31/202020 minutes, 14 seconds
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How To Create Consistent Revenue In Your Business

Welcome to Yoga Boss Episode 26 "How To Create Consistent Revenue." Are you setting and hitting your revenue goal every month? I hope you are. Being able to set and hit your monthly goals is key to building consistent revenue for your business. However, creating consistent revenue doesn't have to be hard to do. In this episode, I am breaking down the three mistakes entrepreneurs make that lead to inconsistent revenue. Additionally, I will tell you the exact three things you need to do to create consistent revenue. Implementing these three things will you get making money and start achieving your revenue goals each month in your business. Enjoy this podcast? Share with your friends and other yoga teachers. Every single yoga teacher belongs here, and every single yoga teacher who wants a successful business is capable of creating one. Or leave a review on Apple iTunes. 
7/24/202025 minutes, 32 seconds
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5 Keys To A Successful Business

Welcome to Yoga Boss Episode 25 "5 Keys To A Successful Business." Do you have a big impossible goal for your business? I hope you do. Goals that are big, scary, and seem impossible are what help us grow as humans. However, building a successful business doesn't have to be incredibly difficult. In this episode, I am breaking the five key things you have to do to actually start achieving your big impossible goals. Implementing these five keys to success will help you get moving, and start achieving your goals in your business. Enjoy this podcast? Share with your friends and other yoga teachers. Every single yoga teacher belongs here, and every single yoga teacher who wants a successful business is capable of creating one. Or leave a review on Apple iTunes. 
7/17/202029 minutes, 9 seconds
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People Pleasing In Business

Welcome to Yoga Boss! Episode 24 is People Pleasing in your business. Are you a people pleaser? If so, it is showing up in your business and stopping you from creating the results you want to create. In this episode I dive into: -What people pleasing really is. -Why people pleasing is actually impossible.-Signs that you might be people-pleasing in your business-How to stop people-pleasing in order to hit your revenue goals. 
7/10/202021 minutes, 16 seconds
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Think Like An Entrepreneur

Welcome to Yoga Boss Podcast Episode 23 Think Like An Entrepreneur. Our brain is hardwired to help us solve problems. So the questions that we ask ourselves are so important to creating a high-quality business. Learn the number one mental shift you have to make leaving your corporate job to teaching yoga fulltime. 
7/3/202012 minutes, 41 seconds
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It's too good to be true...

We ALL experience the fear of the 'other shoe dropping,' at some point in our lives and in our business. This common problem is simple to overcome if you are aware of what to look out for. In this episode, I dive into the all too common self-sabotage behaviors that we pick up right after a big success. 
6/26/202015 minutes, 57 seconds
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Pick A Niche For Your Business

Welcome to Yoga Boss episode 21!  We are diving into picking a NICHE. There are common pitfalls and lots of drama that can STOP you from making money when it comes to picking a niche in your business. I teach you when to pick a niche, and how to know if you are ready. Then what to do to avoid the drama, and get into making money. 
6/19/202020 minutes, 29 seconds
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The How Isn't Necessary

Most of us have goals we want to accomplish. Big goals. Our brains default is search for the exact 'how.' Our brains want a detailed plan before we get started. Learn how to overcome the desire to know-how, and get started on your business today. 
6/12/202017 minutes, 26 seconds
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No Space For Perfectionism

Welcome to Yoga Boss Episode 20. We dive into what perfectionism. Exactly what results from the desire for perfectionism creates for you and your business. Then I speak directly how to overcome perfectionist tendencies and show up in your business and in your life. 
6/5/202020 minutes, 26 seconds
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Why You Quit On Your Business

Welcome to Yoga Boss! Today we are diving into "Why You Quit On Your Business." There are three main reasons why we quit on our goals. We cover how to know if 'it's not working,' and HOW to hit your goals. 
5/29/202025 minutes, 2 seconds
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Sales 101 (Have FUN selling yoga)

Welcome to Yoga Boss! For so many yoga teachers 'sales' is almost a bad word. In this episode, I teach you WHY we tend to have a hard time selling yoga. We dive into what to actually do in a sales conversation to connect with your ideal students. 
5/22/202022 minutes, 57 seconds
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The Comparison Trap

Welcome to Yoga Boss! Our brains are wired to naturally compare and judge. This isn't a problem until we make it mean something about ourselves and our business. In this episode I teach you why we compare, why it is a problem, and what to do about it. Mentioned in the episode: The Sweat Method Membership:
5/15/202022 minutes, 19 seconds
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One Question To Hit Your Revenue Goal

Welcome to Yoga Boss Episode 15. Our brains are wired to look to the past to create predictable, safe results. However, in order to hit 100K in your yoga business, and do something you've never done before you have to look to the future for what is possible. In this episode, I teach you the one question to ask yourself daily in order to hit your revenue goals in your business. 
5/8/202020 minutes, 49 seconds
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Organic Marketing

Welcome to Yoga Boss Episode 14! We dive into Organic Marketing. It is a common misconception that you need a website, and a marketing budget to build a yoga business. In this episode, I teach the Organic Marketing strategy that all my clients use. 
5/1/202020 minutes, 48 seconds
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How To Stand Out (Is the market oversaturated?)

Welcome to Yoga Boss Episode 13. The most common complaint I hear from yoga teachers is, "The market is oversaturated." This belief is holding you back from building the business you want to have. We dive into why the market might NOT be oversaturated. I will teach you how to stand out in any market, no matter what. Show Notes: Womens Circle: Teachers Live Q & A Sign Up
4/24/202017 minutes, 45 seconds
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Belief Series: Belief In Your Students

Welcome to Yoga Boss. The third and final installment of the Belief Series is believing in your students. We speak about how to believe in your students. and this impacts your messaging in such an important way. 
4/17/202019 minutes, 56 seconds
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Belief Series: Belief In Your Product.

Welcome to Yoga Boss Episode 11. We are diving into the second part of the belief series. We cover belief in your product. I show you how to know if you have it or not, the three parts of believing in your product, and how to create belief. 
4/10/202015 minutes, 45 seconds
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Belief Series: Belief In Yourself

Welcome to Yoga Boss! Episode 10 we dive into how to believe in yourself as a yoga teacher, and a six-figure business owner.  We dive into the two types of confidence, and how you need both to build a business. 
4/3/202020 minutes, 14 seconds
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The Five Lies About How The Yoga World Works (That Hold You Back).

Welcome to Yoga Boss Episode 9! We are diving into the five lies of how the yoga world works and how these hold you back. I teach you how to know if something is serving you in making six figures as a yoga teacher-or not. 
3/27/202026 minutes, 22 seconds
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How To Overcome Any Obstacle.

Welcome back! Yoga Boss Episode 8: How to Overcome Any Obstacle. Our obstacles are what stand in between where we are, and where we want to be. This episode will show WHY our obstacles stand in our way, and how to create strategies for each obstacle. 
3/20/202017 minutes, 30 seconds
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Special Episode: Healing in Chaos

Welcome to Yoga Boss! This is a special episode designed to help you navigate, serve and heal through the current circumstances. 
3/15/202015 minutes, 52 seconds
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Overcome Imposter Syndrome

Welcome to Yoga Boss Episode 7! Learn how all yoga teachers deal with Imposter Syndrome, and learn how to identify it in your own life. 
3/13/202023 minutes, 54 seconds
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How to choose a price.

Welcome to Yoga Boss Episode 6. We are diving into finding the right price for your yoga offer. Have you doubted what to charge? This podcast is for you. 
3/6/202019 minutes, 11 seconds
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Make Money As A Yoga Teacher

Welcome to Yoga Boss Episode 5! We dive into two questions: 1. Is it okay to make money as a yoga teacher? 2. If it is okay to make money, how? 
2/28/202023 minutes, 37 seconds
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Evaluate, Breath, Keep Going.

Welcome to Yoga Boss Episode 4. We have so many ideas that never turn into reality. This podcast is all about how to turn your idea of a yoga business into a reality. 
2/21/202019 minutes, 11 seconds
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Notice Discomfort, Act Anyways

Welcome to Yoga Boss, episode 3! Our brains are wired to seek pleasure, avoid pain and be efficient. This means when we attempt to build a yoga business discomfort will be a part of the ride. That is okay. This podcast is how to take action even though you feel fear, doubt or worry. 
2/11/202021 minutes, 1 second
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The Three Things You Have To Have To Build A Yoga Business.

Welcome Yoga Boss, Episode 2. Today we dive into the three things you have to have in order to build a yoga business. It's simple, it's effective and it's something you can implement today. 
2/10/202020 minutes, 42 seconds
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How To Start Building Your Yoga Business Today

Welcome to Yoga Boss, Episode 1! One of the most frustrating things for my clients is their seemingly inability to actually take action in order to build their yoga business. They all want to have amazing business sharing the gift of yoga. And they try and try and try.But they just can't get themselves motivated to do it.In Yoga Boss, we use a tool called, The Model created by Brooke Castillo. This tool helps you get to action and achieve all of your goals.   When it comes to building a yoga business, if you ask yourself why you are doing something that you are doing, why you are feeling the way you are feeling, the answer that you give yourself will always be a thought. 
2/10/202028 minutes, 12 seconds