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The Nacho Kids Podcast: Blended Family Lifesaver Cover
The Nacho Kids Podcast: Blended Family Lifesaver Profile

The Nacho Kids Podcast: Blended Family Lifesaver

English, Parenting, 1 season, 242 episodes, 6 days, 12 hours, 38 minutes
Stepfamilies and blended families are very challenging. With a failure rate of over 70%, it's clear that blended families need help. Nacho Kids founders and blended family coaches, Lori and David Sims, are here to help blended families save their sanity and relationships. You'll hear the hosts and guests discuss the struggles and successes of blended family life and learn how the Nacho Kids Method is changing lives and saving relationships around the world.
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244: What We Say, What We Mean, And What We Hear

In this episode, Lori and David Sims, founders of Nacho Kids Nacho Parenting, talk about communication. Specifically what you say versus what you mean and what you hear versus what was said. Communication is vital to every relationship, and it’s important to make sure you are clear in what you are saying and that you aren’t misunderstanding what is being said.  In this episode, we discuss the following: What you say What you don’t say What they say What we hear  Nacho Kids Academy Success Story: “If I could, I’d fly to Lori and David and hug their necks! They are the reason my partner and I are still together. They are the reason we fought for our relationship instead of giving up when things were hard!. They are just awesome! I love them!” ~ S.M.
2/2/202443 minutes, 47 seconds
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243: Wills And Estate Planning In The Blend

In this episode, Lori and David Sims, founders of Nacho Kids Nacho Parenting, talk about wills and estate planning in the blend. Should a stepparent be expected to leave their stepkids something in their will? Should a stepparent be expected to leave their stepkids the same thing they leave their bio kids? What is fair?  In this episode, we discuss the following: Expectations of stepparents to put stepkids in their wills.  How bio kids would feel if stepkids were put in bio parents will. Does it need to be equal between step and bio kids? Talking to an estate planning attorney. Should you purchase life insurance to just have something to leave your kids/stepkids? Nacho Kids Academy Success Story: “My life sucked so bad. I hated waking up every day. I ran across the Nacho Kids podcast and heard about the Academy. I joined immediately. It was the best decision I ever made. I feel like the old me and love myself and my life again. I can’t thank Lori and David enough for what they do for stepfamiies.” ~ C.N.
1/26/202448 minutes, 12 seconds
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242: Feeling Like You Have No Control In The BLend

In this episode, Lori and David Sims, founders of Nacho Kids Nacho Parenting, talk about how stepparents often feel they have no control in their blended home. In this episode, we discuss the following: No control over the stepkids. No control over how your partner parents. No control over the other parent. The ultimate control is letting go of things you can’t control, but instead controlling how you let things affect you. Nacho Kids Nacho Parenting Success Story: “I recently heard about Nacho Kids from my therapist. She told me to join the Academy and give it 30 days. Boy what a difference taking the Nacho Boot Camp made in our blend! My therapist is even amazed at how things improved so quickly in our blend!” ~ R.H.
1/18/202424 minutes, 56 seconds
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241: Part 2 Lori And David Share Some Nacho Rules

In this episode, Lori and David Sims, founders of Nacho Kids Nacho Parenting, share some Nacho rules with listeners. In this episode, we discuss the following: You can’t expect your significant other to parent like you think they should. You can’t control what happens at the “other parent’s house”. You can’t discipline them like your own. You can’t expect the stepkids to treat you with respect if your significant other doesn’t make them. You can’t feel guilty for not loving them like your own. Nacho Kids Nacho Parenting Success Story: “I would like to start off by saying how blessed I am to have stumbled upon your podcast a couple of months back. You all have not only saved my marriage but also played such an important role in my life as a stepmom and mom of an ours baby.” ~ S.A.
1/12/202429 minutes, 52 seconds
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240: Lori & David Talk About Some Nacho Rules

1/5/202430 minutes, 25 seconds
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239: Stepmom Considers One Of Her Stepkids As Her Own

12/29/20231 hour, 16 minutes, 54 seconds
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NKP238: Stepmom Accused of Abuse

** Disclaimer- Accusation Of Abuse ** In this episode, Lori Sims, co-founder of Nacho Kids Nacho Parenting, talks to a full-time childless stepmom. This stepmom has been blending for fourteen years, and has three adult stepkids. After one of her stepkids accused her of abuse, stepmom moved out of the home. She did not return to the home until after the stepkid had moved out.   In this episode, we discuss the following: Being a childless stepmom Accused of abuse by stepkid Moving out of the blended home Living separately because of the stepkids Never being mom even though bio mom is not in the picture Nacho Kids Academy Nacho Parenting Success Story: “I’ve been on this blended family journey for three years. It is the hardest thing I have ever done. I decided to join this Nacho Academy to see if it would help. Honestly, I didn’t have much hope that it would. Boy was I shocked! Within 2 weeks, I noticed a positive change in our blend. Here we are 6 months later and are happier than I ever thought we’d be. It took work, but it was so worth it!” ~ A.K.  
12/22/20231 hour, 12 minutes, 48 seconds
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237: Stepdad Nick Rothwell

** Disclaimer: Mention of alcoholism and miscarriage **   In this episode, Lori Sims, co-founder of Nacho Kids Nacho Parenting, talks to Nick Rothwell. Nick is a stepdad to three stepkids. Nick realized he needed to change the way he interacted with his stepkids in order to have a better blend.   In this episode, we discuss the following: Being a stepdad and not a bio dad When the stepkids dad loses visitation Seeing the blend as a family Feeling the need to save your partner and their kids Apologizing    Nacho Kids Academy Nacho Parenting Success Story: “It’s crazy how this Nacho stuff changed our blend! We are finally happy! Thanks Dave and Lori for all you do to save blended families like ours!” ~ F.R.  
12/15/20231 hour, 7 minutes, 21 seconds
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236: Jeanette Soltys ~ Stepmom And Divorce & Custody Attorney

In this episode, Lori and David Sims, founders of Nacho Kids Nacho Parenting, talk to Jeanette Soltys a divorce and custody attorney, and also a stepmom! The hardest part of her blend is dealing with what the kids say to their other bio parent and assumptions being made about their home. She works to help couples have a more amicable and less costly divorce and custody agreement.  In this episode, we discuss the following: Being a stepmom and a Divorce and custody attorney Co-parenting relationships Differences in parenting Family court systems shortcomings Needing your own space as a stepparent Joint family rules for the blend Nacho Kids Academy Nacho Parenting Success Story: “As a relationship therapist, I had to check out this Nacho thing my clients kept mentioning. I read the stuff online on the website and the Facebook pages and the Facebook group. I decided to be fair about my assessment, so I joined the Academy. I can’t tell you how much I learned in the Academy! As a relationship therapist I don’t know everything and appreciate this resource for me to help my clients.” ~ G.W.  
12/8/20231 hour, 5 minutes, 46 seconds
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235: Interview With Kari Kling

In this episode, Lori and David Sims, founders of Nacho Kids Nacho Parenting, interview Kari Kling. Kari grew up in blended families and shares her story about the differences she experienced in her blends.  In this episode, we discuss the following: Having divorced parents when it wasn’t the norm Learning to have a stable committed relationship after having divorced parents Not all blends are the same for the stepkid It’s not always fair between bio and stepkids Stepkids feel they have no say Nacho Kids Academy Nacho Parenting Success Story: “I was miserable and thinking of leaving my wife. I was tired of fighting about the kids. We found the Nacho Method and joined the Academy three months ago, and our lives are so much better! Thank you Nacho!” ~ R.M.  
12/1/20231 hour, 12 minutes, 6 seconds
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234: Nacho Stepmom Refers To Her Stepkids As Hers

11/24/20231 hour, 16 minutes, 9 seconds
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233: Talking Expectations With Alison O'Mahony ~ Be Stepwise

In this episode, Lori Sims, founder of Nacho Kids Nacho Parenting, talks with Alison O’Mahony of Be Step Wise about expectations. We have expectations every day from almost everyone we encounter. Why do we have these expectations? What expectations should we have in the blend? Are these expectations realistic?   In this episode, we discuss the following: Feeling different towards kids Can’t love people on demand Expectations = Disappointment   Nacho Kids Academy Nacho Parenting Success Story: “My life will forever be better because of Lori and David’s Nacho Academy!” ~ T.P.  
11/17/20231 hour, 6 minutes, 15 seconds
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232: Stepmom Has Come To Terms That She'll Always Being An Outsider

In this episode, Lori Sims, founder of Nacho Kids Nacho Parenting, interviews a stepmom from Pennsylvania. This stepmom has been blending for five years, has four bio kids ages nineteen to thirty, and has four stepkids ages twelve to twenty three. Her kids’ bio dad is not in the picture, and her stepkids’ bio mom is two-faced.   In this episode, we discuss the following: Being ignored by the stepkid Coming to terms you’ll always be an outsider as the stepmom Parental Alienation Expectations Boundaries Nacho Kids Academy Nacho Parenting Success Story: “When a licensed therapist with 30+ years experience refers you to the Nacho Academy, it just goes to show you how good this Nacho thing is! It’s a game changer!” ~ J.F.  
11/10/20231 hour, 12 minutes, 28 seconds
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231: Jason Kreidman ~ Dad University

In this episode, Lori Sims, founder of Nacho Kids Nacho Parenting, interviews Jason Kreidman with Dad University. Jason struggled with the transition from being single to a married dad with kids. He found himself overwhelmed and stressed out with the increase in responsibilities and demands. He was taking his stress out on his young children and recognized that he needed to change the way he was doing things in order to be a successful father.    In this episode, we discuss the following: Being a recovering yeller Taking responsibility for self Empathy Parenting out of guilt Expectations Nacho Kids Academy Nacho Parenting Success Story: “My attorney recommended the Nacho Academy to me. It completely changed how I interacted with my ex and saved me a ton of money in attorney’s fees! Thank you Nacho creators!” ~ R. M.  
11/3/20231 hour, 12 minutes, 30 seconds
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230: Lori Sims & Tracy Dalgleish Talk Boundaries And Expectations

In this episode, Lori Sims, founder of Nacho Kids Nacho Parenting, interviews Dr. Tracy Dalgleish.   In this episode, we discuss the following: Boundaries Negative relationship cycles Expectations vs reality Wise mind vs reactive mind 4 C’s - Curiosity, Compassion, Connection, and Collaboration Nacho Kids Academy Nacho Parenting Success Story: “The Nacho Kids Academy changed my life! ” ~ E.P.  
10/27/20231 hour, 16 minutes, 41 seconds
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229: Stepmom With Hers, His, And Ours Kids

In this episode, Lori Sims, founder of Nacho Kids Nacho Parenting, talks to stepmom Kim. Kim has been blending for nine years, has two bio kids, three stepkids, and one ours kid. The stepkids are with her and her husband full-time. The first few years of the blend, the kids got along great! Things got difficult. Kim’s bio daughter clashed with Kim’s husband. Things got so bad, her daughter decided to go live with her bio dad.  In this episode, we discuss the following: Having the stepkids full-time When your bio kid and partner clash Playing tit for tat When your bio kid decides to live with their other parent What her parents said versus what she heard Nacho Kids Academy Nacho Parenting Success Story: “When I became part of the Nacho Academy, it wasn’t out by choice. My wife would play the courses aloud so I couldn’t help but hear them. I tell you what, I’ve never heard anyone in my life make more sense about why stepfamilies struggle so much. I started looking forward to hearing the courses. One day, it t clicked with me and my wife why we were struggling so much! We hadn’t grieved our “nuclear dreams” as Lori calls them. With guidance from Lori & Dave, we grieved those nuclear dreams and set realistic blended family dreams, which are none. Lori always says, you need to let go of those blended family expectations, they are only causing you disappointment. We can’t recommend the Academy enough! It really is life changing!” ~ B.C.  
10/20/20231 hour, 9 minutes, 37 seconds
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228: CA Stepmom Being A Stepkid Versus Being A Stepmom

DISCLAIMER:  Mention of abuse and suicide in this episode. In this episode, Lori Sims, founder of Nacho Kids Nacho Parenting, welcomes a previous stepmom back to share her story of being a stepkid versus being a stepmom. Stepmom had a lot of resentment towards her dad for not being a part of her life. She would visit her dad in the summer, until she chose to go live with him and her stepmom. She expected her blend as a stepmom to be like the blend she grew up in. And it was not.  In this episode, we discuss the following: Being a stepkid Seeing bio dad in summer to living with bio dad Blended expectations Stepmom given the parental authority The power of words Nacho Kids Academy Nacho Parenting Success Story: “Being a therapist, I thought I would know how to “blend” and make our family be like a nuclear family. I had no clue! I joined the Nacho Kids Academy and was able to get the help I truly needed. There is no shame in therapists needing help too!” ~ A.B.  
10/13/20231 hour, 25 minutes, 12 seconds
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227: Stepmom Sets Boundaries

In this episode, Lori Sims, founder of Nacho Kids Nacho Parenting, talks to a stepmom who has been blending for ten years, has three stepkids, three bio kids, and one ours kid. She did not go in expecting to be the stepkids mom. Nor did she expect bio mom would be a stalker! The preacher at the church they all attended even told Bio Mom she couldn’t sit behind her ex, stepmom, and the kids. Like many stepmoms, she wishes she would have found Nacho Kids Nacho Parenting sooner.   In this episode, we discuss the following: Importance of incorporating similar rules in homes prior to blending Putting your own kids on the back burner Bio mom leaves Bio mom returns About to split up because of the kids Nacho Kids Academy Nacho Parenting Success Story: “My life sucked. Blending sucked. I was miserable. A guy at work told me about this Nacho thing. I joined their school because the Facebook group was not teaching me anything. Within two weeks, I was singing the Nacho praises. If you are on the fence, do it! My life doesn’t suck anymore.” K.B.  
10/6/202354 minutes, 32 seconds
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226: Stepmom And Her Husband Nacho Each Other's Kids

In this episode, Lori Sims, founder of Nacho Kids Nacho Parenting, interviews a stepmom who has been blending for three years, has three bio kids 50/50, and two stepkids 50/50. Struggling with differences in parenting, she looked for information and found the Nacho Kids podcast. Something that was said in that podcast clicked! That’s when her Nacho journey began! And now she and her husband Nacho each other’s kids!  In this episode, we discuss the following: Differences in parenting Nachoing each other’s kids Feeling second  Negative thinking Co-parenting dreams versus reality Nacho Kids Academy Nacho Parenting Success Story: “I felt as if I had made the biggest mistake of my life after I married my husband. Things changed in our home, and not for the better. It didn’t make sense. I read about Nacho Parenting a few months before in the Atlantic and decided it couldn’t hurt to join their Academy. At their recommendation, I started the Nacho Kids Bootcamp and was truly shocked when I immediately saw positive changes in our home! My husband was shocked! I kept doing the work and I got so much out of the bootcamp, I decided to stay a member for at least another month. I enjoy the anonymous community and I want to take their Change Your Stinking Thinking Challenge. I just love that name! ~ J.S.  
9/29/20231 hour, 15 minutes, 25 seconds
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225: Stepmom Struggling With Infertility Loves Stepdaughter As Her Own

In this episode, Lori, founder of Nacho Kids Nacho Parenting, interviews a stepmom who has been blending for four years, has one stepdaughter 50/50, and is struggling with fertility issues. Despite the relationship with bio mom not being as smooth as before stepmom moved in, stepmom is very involved with stepdaughter and said she considers her as her own daughter.  In this episode, we discuss the following: Infertility as a stepmom When your partner wants you to co-parent the stepkid Feeling like a nuclear family when you are in a blend When bio mom lies about your partner Moving into the home your partner shared with their ex Nacho Kids Academy Nacho Parenting Success Story: “I don’t normally leave reviews but felt I had to leave one for the Nacho Parenting Academy. I had just met a guy that had kids and really liked him when I heard about the Nacho Parenting stuff and found it very interesting. When our relationship got more serious, I asked him to join the Academy with me so we could educate ourselves more on the method and other methods prior to physically moving in together. He agreed. After watching several of the courses, we both looked at each other and said, “This is genius!”. Needless to say, things have progressed in our relationship and we are planning to get married, and we both agree that once we get married, my role will not change. I will continue to be supportive of my partner, but I won’t parent his kid. Thank you Nacho for giving us a great start to our blend!” ~ E.H.  
9/22/20231 hour, 10 minutes, 54 seconds
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224: Stepmom Regrets Pushing Her Partner To Get More Time With His Kids

In this episode, Lori, founder of Nacho Kids Nacho Parenting, interviews a stepmom from California! Being a stepkid herself, she thought her blend with her husband would be like the one she had as a stepkid. Of course, this blend was nothing like the one she knew. Her partner and his ex had a casual schedule regarding visitations and stepmom thought it should be more defined visitation and pushed her partner to get more time with his kids. This is something she regrets.  In this episode, we discuss the following: Stepkid turned stepmom Partner feeling in the middle of step and other bio parent Coming in as super stepmom Food issues Some relationships are strained from the beginning Nacho Kids Academy Nacho Parenting Success Story: “I had decided to leave my husband. I heard a friend mention the Nacho Kids podcast. I chose an episode at random to listen to. In that episode, the host said, “If you leave this blend, the likelihood of ending up in another blend is very high. Unless you work on the issues in your current blend, you’re going to have the same struggles in the next blend.” This hit me like a ton of bricks! I loved my husband, I was just tired from the blended stress. After hearing this and thinking a lot about it, I decided to work on our marriage! Thank you to the Nacho Kids podcast for reminding me my marriage was worth fighting for!” ~ C.S.  
9/15/20231 hour, 43 minutes, 22 seconds
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223: Healing After Partner Had Affair With High Conflict Bio Mom

In this episode, Lori, founder of Nacho Kids Nacho Parenting, interviews a stepmom from Idaho. She has two stepkids, with two different bio moms, and one child of her own. To add to the stress of blending, three months before this stepmom and her partner married, he had an affair with one of his kid’s bio moms. Stepmom chose to forgive him and work on healing from the affair. When stepmom became depressed from the blended stress, she started researching and found the Nacho Kids Academy!    In this episode, we discuss the following: Healing after an affair Things changed after marriage Complaining about the stepkids Fighting amongst the bio and stepkids The art of re-engaging Nacho Kids Academy Nacho Parenting Success Story: “When my husband and I got married, we thought we would be one big happy family like the Brady Bunch. We tried our best to nourish the relationships in the blend between the stepparents and kids and between the kids. Nothing worked. It was horrible. Thankfully, I heard of Nacho Kids Nacho Parenting and joined their Academy. I cannot tell you how much the Academy helped us! We might not be like the Brady Bunch, but we finally have a blend everyone is happy in! If you are struggling in your blend, do not hesitate to join the Nacho Academy! You won’t regret it.” ~ R.N.  
9/8/20231 hour, 22 minutes, 30 seconds
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222: Stepmom Was Judgmental Before Having Kids Of Her Own

In this episode, Lori, founder of Nacho Kids Nacho Parenting, interviews stepmom Jenn. Jenn has been blending for 5 years, has three stepkids, and two “ours” kids. Like many stepmoms, Jenn came in gung ho ready to win stepmom of the year! As with every blend, the relationships have changed in her blend over time.    In this episode, we discuss the following: Adding an “ours” kid to the blend Learning from Nacho Letting go of the nuclear family dreams Ebbs and flows of relationships in the blend Nacho Kids Academy Nacho Parenting Success Story: “I’m a marriage counselor who is in a blended family. I found out about Nacho and decided to look further into it. I was amazed at what all is taught in the Nacho Kids Academy! There are so many tools to help you with your blend and in other areas of your life! I’m definitely referring the Academy to some of my clients and friends! One of them will be my wife!” ~ J.Q.  
9/1/20231 hour, 11 minutes, 48 seconds
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221: Stepmom Given Authority To Parent Her Stepkids

In this episode, Lori, founder of Nacho Kids Nacho Parenting, interviews stepmom Ashley. Ashley has been blending for five years, has two stepkids and two ours kids.  Ashley was also a stepkid herself, and considers her stepdad her dad.  In this episode, we discuss the following: Different parenting styles Stepparent is with the kids more than the bio parent Your partner is still close with their ex  Stepparent dealing with the ex more than their partner does Trying to be fair between the kids   Nacho Kids Academy Nacho Parenting Success Story: “I truly hated my life before I found Nacho. I was depressed, anxious and felt completely alone. By joining the Nacho Academy, I met people just like me! I was not alone! Not only was I not alone, but I now had friends with a common goal of learning to Nacho and better our blends! It has been awesome seeing all of us grow together and find happiness in the blend.” ~ A.N.  
8/25/20231 hour, 12 minutes, 13 seconds
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220: Interview With Alison O'Mahony ~ Be Stepwise

In this episode, Lori, founder of Nacho Kids Nacho Parenting, interviews stepmom Alison with Be Stepwise. Alison, who was a stepkid herself, has been blending for 28 years, has two stepkids and two bio kids. Her stepkids' mom was deceased and their grandmother took on a mothering role. Alison’s mother also passed away, so Alison felt she could relate to her stepkids’ loss of their mother. In this episode, we discuss the following: When the grandmother takes over the mothering role Stepparents finding fault with stepkids Kids still grieving when parent re-partners Stepparents should not assume their role as a parent Personal growth as a stepmom Nacho Kids Academy Nacho Parenting Success Story: “Because of Nacho Parenting, I was able to come off my depression medicine! I never thought I’d be able to do that! Even my doctor is impressed with the results of Nacho Parenting. After seeing the change it made in me, she said she’s going to refer patients to the Nacho Academy!” H.H.  
8/18/20231 hour, 8 minutes, 31 seconds
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219: Rebuilding After Parental Alienation

In this episode, Lori, founder of Nacho Kids Nacho Parenting, interviews bio dad Eric. Eric was alienated from his kids by his ex. Thankfully, the family court system recognized the alienation and ruled in Eric’s favor. But unfortunately, there was no support for him to rebuild those relationships after being alienated and therapy seemed to make things worse.  In this episode, we discuss the following: Dealing with parental alienation The family court system and parental alienation Partner needing to Nacho Therapy can make things worse The effects of parental alienation Nacho Kids Academy Nacho Parenting Success Story: “I was to the point I hated my stepkids. I never said it out loud, but my husband knew. A coworker mentioned Nacho Parenting to me when she saw how miserable I was after getting the stepkids. I figured it couldn’t hurt to look into it. Thank goodness I did! It has changed my life! Thank you Nacho for saving us!” F.W.  
8/11/20231 hour, 23 minutes, 27 seconds
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218: Interview With Monica Chaney ~ The Worthy Stepmom

In this episode, Lori, founder of Nacho Kids Nacho Parenting, interviews Monica Chaney of The Worthy Stepmom. Monica is childfree by choice, has been blending for eleven years, and has three stepkids. Recently Monica gained a stepmother herself when her dad, who is 81 years young, got remarried!  In this episode, we discuss the following: Being a childfree stepmom Becoming a stepkid as an adult Different kinds of love Being second wife Taking things personally   Nacho Kids Academy Nacho Parenting Success Story: “This step family journey is not for the weak. We have been struggling for so long and we were tired. We decided to check out this Nacho Parenting thing we heard about on Headline News when Lori and David were guests. We cannot believe the change Nachoing has had on our step family in just a few weeks! We are so glad we decided to join the Nacho Academy instead of continuing to live in a state of unhappiness and stress.” L.Q.  
8/4/20231 hour, 25 minutes, 12 seconds
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217: What Is It Costing You To Not Listen ~ Christine Miles

In this episode, Lori, founder of Nacho Kids Nacho Parenting, interviews Christine Miles, author of “What Is It Costing You To Not Listen?”. One of the biggest struggles couples have, in nuclear and blended families, is communication. Listening plays an integral part of communicating, and unfortunately not many have been taught how to listen.   . In this episode, we discuss the following: Enemies of listening Compass questions Flashlight tool Knowing where you are in the story   Nacho Kids Academy Nacho Parenting Success Story: “I wish I could hug Lori and David’s necks! They never gave up on me, even when I wanted to give up on myself. They told me some hard truths that I had been denying for years. Accepting these truths put me on the path to healing and learning to Nacho!” A.H.  
7/28/202352 minutes, 32 seconds
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216: Stepmom Feels Unsafe Around Stepkid

In this episode of Nacho Kids, Lori, founder of Nacho Kids Nacho Parenting, interviews stepmom Jane. Jane has been blending for over seven years, has one stepdaughter, and two ours kids.  Jane’s stepdaughter’s bio mom was diagnosed with cancer and didn’t make it, unfortunately. However, something amazing happened while bio mom was ill.   In this episode, we discuss the following: Things change when stepmom gets pregnant Bio mom gets cancer Bio mom passed away Stepmom steps up for bio mom Feeling unsafe around your stepkid Nacho Kids Academy Nacho Parenting Success Story: “When I first heard of Nacho Parents, I thought it was crazy. It was the opposite of everything we had heard about stepfamilies. We got to the point a few years later when we were not doing well. In fact, we were talking about living separately. I heard Lori say on her podcast that living separately doesn’t fix things and you will have stepfamily challenges even after the kids move out. So I talked to my wife and she agreed to give it a try. Six months later and we are happier than we have ever been!” J.D.  
7/21/20231 hour, 26 minutes, 28 seconds
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215: David Shubert ~ Author of "Parental Alienation Is Abuse"

In this episode of Nacho Kids, Lori, founder of Nacho Kids Nacho Parenting, interviews David Shubert. David has experienced parental alienation and decided to write a book titled "Parental Alienation Is Abuse" to share his story with others. It is heartbreaking to hear what he, as an alienated parent, has gone through.  In this episode, we discuss the following: Wife took his kids out of the country and didn’t come back The family court system/contempt The White House said they would help Drinking to dull the pain Brief reunification  Check out David's YouTube channel Nacho Kids Academy Nacho Parenting Success Story: “I wish I would have found the Nacho Academy sooner. It has made a tremendous improvement in our blend! If you are on the fence about joining the Academy, do it now, you won’t regret it!”  K.F.  
7/14/20231 hour, 31 minutes, 33 seconds
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214: Stepmom Treated With Disdain And Disrespect

In this episode of Nacho Kids, Lori, founder of Nacho Kids Nacho Parenting, interviews stepmom Michelle who was a stepkid herself. Being a child of three divorces, she feels she can be an ally instead of an enemy to her stepkids. Blending for eight years, she has three stepkids and no bio kids. Straight out of the gate she realized this was different from the blends she grew up in because she never treated her stepmoms the way stepdaughter was treating her.   ** Disclaimer: Mention of suicidal thoughts. **   In this episode, we discuss the following: Begin misunderstood in your role as a stepparent. Being treated with disdain and disrespect They are Nacho Kids Don’t take it personally Relationships can change like the wind Nacho Kids Academy Nacho Parenting Success Story: “Six months ago I was in tears. Today, I am also in tears but for a different reason. Today’s tears are tears of happiness. My blend is blending and happy! I can’t believe it! Working with David and Lori was the best thing we could have ever done. It was immediately obvious David and Lori truly cared about helping blended families and wanted us to succeed as much as we wanted to succeed. They helped us through some rough waters and if it wasn’t for them, I would have jumped ship after hiding all the life buoys!”
7/7/20231 hour, 17 minutes, 52 seconds
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213: Full-time Stay-At-Home Stepmom Going Through IVF

In this episode of Nacho Kids, Lori Sims interviews a stepmom who is going through IVF. Blending for over three years, having been married a year and a half, this stepmom has a five-year-old stepdaughter whose husband has full custody.  *** Disclaimer: Mention of alcoholism in this podcast episode *** In this episode, we discuss the following: Childless full-time stepmom going through IVF High-conflict bio mom with addiction issues Having supportive in-laws Guardian Ad Litems Adding an “ours” baby Nacho Kids Academy Nacho Parenting Success Story: “My husband wouldn’t stop parenting my kid. I hated it. He was constantly on my kid about performing chores. Which would be fine; however, he never told his kid to do anything. He’d take away my son’s electronics as punishment for my son not being ready to walk out the door the minute he was supposed to in the mornings. If it was his daughter running late, it was no issue. I couldn’t take it any longer. I had already started looking at housing options for my son and me. After looking into this Nacho stuff after hearing a podcast, I realized this might could help us. I told my husband, “I can’t take the stress anymore and need you to please try this for 30 days for the sake of our marriage.” A week later, he agreed. 30 days later, and we are better than we have ever been. It has not been perfectly smooth sailing, but the improvement is astonishing! We even decided to stay longer in the Academy to take another one of the challenges! Nacho Parenting  saved our marriage!” E.H.  
6/30/20231 hour, 11 minutes, 24 seconds
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212: Stepmom Who Is A Christian Counselor

In this episode of Nacho Kids, Lori, co-founder of Nacho, interviews a stepmom who is a Christian counselor. She has two adult stepkids and two bio kids. She met the stepkids when they were 20 & 22 years old. Her relationship with the stepkids changed after the bio mom passed away.  In this episode, we discuss: Not forcing relationships Adult stepkids  When a bio parent passes away Walking away from toxicity Being blocked/unfriended on Facebook Nacho Kids Academy Nacho Parenting Success Story: “I debated joining the Nacho Kids Academy for several months. Honestly, I didn’t want to pay for it. Then I realized a divorce would cost me a lot more and I didn’t want our “ours” kid growing up in a split home. I started with the Nacho Kids Boot Camp. It was not easy, but I stuck with it. I was determined to work on our blend for 30 days then I’d reassess things. Within the first two weeks, my partner noticed positive changes with me and with their kids! We were in awe of how quickly we saw results when I started Nachoing properly! I chose to stay in the Academy to do the other challenges and to continue to have the support of the community!  Thank you, Lori and David, for helping stepfamilies and teaching them the tools to better their blend!” ~ J.Q.  
6/23/20231 hour, 20 minutes, 16 seconds
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211: Stepmom Who Tried To Take Her Own Life

** DISCLAIMER ** This episode contains mention of suicide and abortion.  On this episode of Nacho Kids, Lori interviews a guest who shares their experience with the challenges of blended families. From managing schedules and family dynamics, to personal struggles with mental health, the guest provides valuable insights and advice for navigating difficult situations. Tune in to hear how they've learned to let go of control in certain areas and prioritize their own well-being while still being a supportive member of their blended family. In this episode, we discuss: Mental health in the blend Camp Counselor mode Letting the bio parent cook and care for their kids Boundaries Being a stepkid then a stepmom Nacho Kids Academy Nacho Parenting Success Story: Before discovering the Nacho Kids Academy, our stepfamily was facing numerous challenges that seemed insurmountable. The constant conflicts, misunderstandings, and lack of harmony were tearing us apart, leaving us feeling overwhelmed and hopeless. It felt like we were trapped in a never-ending cycle of frustration and resentment. But then, like a ray of hope, we stumbled upon the Nacho Kids website and saw the link to the Academy and everything changed. From the very first moment, we knew we had found a lifeline that would help us navigate the complexities of our stepfamily dynamics. The guidance, resources, and support provided by Lori  & David turned out to be the key ingredients in rebuilding our bonds and creating a loving and united family unit. Their Nacho Academy not only provided us with invaluable knowledge about the unique challenges of blended families but also empowered us with practical strategies to address those challenges head-on. The courses were comprehensive, well-structured, and tailored to our specific needs. We learned how to deal with difficult ex-partners, manage conflicts, and most importantly, to stop reacting and start responding. One of the most transformative aspects of the Nacho Kids Academy was the emphasis on self-care and personal growth. Through their guidance, we discovered the importance of taking care of ourselves and nurturing our own mental and emotional well-being. This newfound self-awareness allowed us to approach our stepfamily dynamics with more empathy, understanding, and patience. It enabled us to break free from the negative patterns of the past and create a healthier and happier environment for everyone involved. The supportive community of like-minded individuals within the Academy was another incredible asset. We connected with other stepfamilies who were going through similar challenges, shared our experiences, and gained valuable insights. The sense of camaraderie and encouragement we received from this community was truly uplifting and provided us with the strength to persevere during the most challenging times. Today, thanks to the Nacho Kids Academy, we can proudly say that we have rebuilt the bonds within our stepfamily. Our home is filled with love, respect, and understanding. We have learned to embrace our unique family dynamics, celebrating our differences and cherishing the beautiful relationships we have built. The transformation we have experienced is nothing short of remarkable, and it is all thanks to the exceptional guidance and support we received from Lori and David. If you are a struggling stepfamily, feeling lost and hopeless, we wholeheartedly recommend the Nacho Kids Nacho Parenting Method and the Nacho Kids Academy. It is a beacon of hope in a sea of challenges, offering the tools and support needed to transform your stepfamily dynamics. With their guidance, you too can rebuild your bonds, create a harmonious environment, and thrive in the blend. Nachoing changed our lives, and we are forever grateful for the positive impact it has had on our stepfamily journey. ~ G.S.  
6/16/20231 hour, 29 minutes, 1 second
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210: Interview With Ginger Gentile ~ Reversing Parental Alienation

On this episode of Nacho Kids, Lori is joined by guest Ginger Gentile, a filmmaker who focuses on issues related to parental alienation. The podcast focuses on practical strategies that parents can use to reconnect with their estranged children, including changing their mindset, practicing unconditional love, and prioritizing their children's well-being. The episode highlights the need for greater awareness of parental alienation. In this episode, we discuss: Erasing Dad & Erasing Family Documentaries Don’t give up Reversing parental alienation Thinking more positively Unconditional love To watch Ginger's documentary for free:  For Ginger's coaching programs and courses: Nacho Kids Academy Nacho Parenting Success Story: "I’m only writing this because I can’t believe it and want to tell others what this Nacho Parenting did to our family. My wife signed up for the Academy one night when she was crying in bed and feeling hopeless. I knew nothing about it but thought it sounded stupid. The next night she came to me and said she finally had hope! Over the next 3 months, our lives changed tremendously! We had a few hiccups along the way, so she reached out on the Q & A calls and community and got help directly from the creators of the method. Things are so much better now! She no longer cries at night or walks around with a distraught look. The cloud over our house is gone. Everyone is so much better! I no longer think it’s stupid. Thank you both for helping us!” T.P.  
6/9/202358 minutes, 1 second
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209: Stepmom Talks Parenting All The Children In Her Blend

On this episode of Nacho Kids, Lori talks with stepmom who was struggling to find her footing raising her partner's children. She shares the challenges of balancing being a caregiver and maintaining her own mental health, including the burnout she experienced and how she overcame it. We also hear about the difficulties of co-parenting with a controlling ex and navigating the boundaries between bio and step-parenting. In this episode, we discuss: Sharing parenting of your kid with your partner Co-parenting with a controlling ex Boundaries Different parenting styles Guilty Parent Syndrome   Nacho Kids Academy Nacho Parenting Success Story: "I grew up in a stepfamily so I thought I would know what to do and how to do it when I became a stepdad. Man, was I wrong! I didn’t understand why her kids didn’t like me. I had a great stepdad growing up. In fact, I refer to him as Dad. I did fatherly things with and for these stepkids but they still seemed to reject me. My wife suggested I look into this taco, I mean nacho thing. I told her I would not join a Facebook group to get help from a bunch of strangers who are only there because they have the same problem you do, so their advice is mute. She laughed and said I was in luck, there was an Academy. So, I figured what the heck, it can't hurt to see what it’s about and we truly needed help. It was the best decision I ever made! My wife talks about how much happier I am now, and it’s true. My stress level went down drastically. I am happier than I have been in a long time! ! She’s happier now, and so are the kids! I’ll never look at taco, I mean nachos the same again! Thanks Lori & Dave” ~ C.C.
6/2/20231 hour, 26 minutes, 38 seconds
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208: Bio Mom Who Is A Certified Parent Coach

*** DISCLAIMER: Mention of addiction  In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids Nacho Parenting, interviews a bio mom who is a certified parent coach. She has been blending for over 30 years. Her relationship with her ex has been a bit challenging, to say the least. In this episode, we discuss: Dealing with a narcissistic ex The family court system Expectations of the stepparent Relationship between bio mom and stepmom Transition days Nacho Kids Academy Nacho Parenting Success Story: "Thank you so much for everything. The work you do is so important and life-changing!” ~ A.M.
5/26/202349 minutes, 55 seconds
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207: Stepmom From England With An Ours Kid

DISCLAIMER: Mention of sexual abuse In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids Nacho Parenting, interviews a stepmom from England. This stepmom has been blending for a little over five years, and has two stepkids and one ours kid. Like many stepmoms, her blended journey hasn’t been butterflies and unicorns. Dealing with a high-conflict bio mom and toxic in-laws has made her blend very challenging. Her best advice is “Nacho!”.  In this episode, we discuss: Dealing with a high-conflict bio mom Dealing with toxic in-laws Stepparent alienation Wrongful accusations against stepmom Nacho Kids Academy Nacho Parenting Success Story: "I finally decided to join the Nacho Academy instead of trying to weed through bad advice for how to properly Nacho in the Facebook group. I was floored by all the content and resources in the Academy! The Boot Camp was amazing, and the Change Your Stinking Thinking challenge truly changed my life! I intend to stay a member in order to have these resources to fall back on and to keep being a part of the Q & A calls. They are extremely helpful! I honestly believe if I hadn’t joined the Academy and did the challenges, I would be divorced. If you are on the fence about joining the Academy for help, do it! You won’t regret it!” ~ J.W.   
5/19/20231 hour, 34 minutes, 7 seconds
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206: Stepmom With Bio & Ours Kids

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids Nacho Parenting, interviews a stepmom who has been blending for almost 3 years, has one stepkid, one bio kid and one ours kid. The hardest part of blending for her has been juggling the differences of everyone involved in the blend.  In this episode, we discuss: Blends created out of loss When your bio child longs for a family Not bonding with your stepkid Moving into the home your partner shared with their ex Nacho Kids Academy Nacho Parenting Success Story: "Before I found the Nacho method and the Nacho Academy, I was depressed and wanted to give up, not only on my marriage but life in general. Being a part of the Academy helped me to understand the blended dynamics and realize I was not alone in these challenges. The Boot Camp and Change Your Thinking Challenges in the Academy were so helpful! I am thankful for Lori & David and all they do to help struggling stepfamilies!  ” ~ S.C.  
5/12/20231 hour, 42 minutes, 28 seconds
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205: Stepmom Learns To Nacho

*** Disclaimer: Mention of Sexual Abuse In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids Nacho Parenting, chats with a stepmom that was also a stepkid herself. She has been blending for 8 years, has one stepdaughter and one bio daughter. There is a 20 year age difference between her and her partner. She learned to Nacho and things have greatly improved.  In this episode, we discuss: Being a stepkid then becoming a stepmom Benefits of learning to Nacho Relationships between stepkid and bio kid Dealing with parental alienation Nacho Kids Academy Nacho Parenting Success Story: "When I first heard of Nacho Kids I thought it was a bunch of crap. I was mom to my stepkids. Then things changed. The stepkids hated me and blamed me for everything. My husband was tired of being stuck in the middle. We were about to split up just to stop the fighting.  I decided to look back into the Nacho stuff and give it a try. I am so glad I did! It changed my life! We are doing great now! And I have the tools to deal with future issues as they arise. Thank you Nacho creators! ” ~ T.N.  
5/5/20231 hour, 11 minutes, 49 seconds
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204: Stepmom On The Crazy Train Returns

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids Nacho Parenting, chats with Stepmom on the Crazy Train! She is a return guest! She was previously on our podcast on episode #125! She has been blending for eight years, has one stepson, and one bio son. She went from being a part-time stepmom to a full-time stepmom. Dealing with mental health/neurodivergence adds to their blended challenges. In this episode, we discuss: Part-time to full-time stepmom Blending challenges with mental health/neurodivergence Dealing with the unknown trauma of the stepkid Resetting the blend Nacho Kids Academy Nacho Parenting Success Story: "I hated my stepkids. I resented my husband. I hated myself. I wanted to disappear. I heard an episode on the nacho kids podcast and cried. I immediately signed up for the Nacho Kids Academy! I cannot tell you how much the Academy helped me! I like my stepkids now! My husband and I get along so much better! We actually have family game night each week and everyone looks forward to it! Thank you Lori & David for saving my marriage and my life!” ~ A.J.  
4/28/20231 hour, 23 minutes
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203: Adult Stepkids With Lori Sims & Claudette Chenevert

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids Nacho Parenting, chats with Claudette Chenevert - The Stepmom Coach! Claudette and Lori both have bio kids and adult stepkids. Stepparents often think things will magically get better when the stepkid turns 18. This may be the case if the stepparent’s partner, the bio parent, is paying child support. Other than that, at 18, there is no magic wand, the stepkids don’t disappear into adult land, and if the bio parent has guilty parent syndrome, that won’t change either.  In this episode, we discuss: When they turn 18 When they come back - boomerang stepkids/bio kids Bio parents are still parents after the kids turn 18 Charging rent to the kids that come back Setting boundaries Nacho Kids Academy Nacho Parenting Success Story: "Best thing I ever did. The first year was complete hell but then I found Nacho Kids Academy, took a leap of faith and joined. I have been a member of the Academy for a year now and it is the best thing I ever did. ... "  D.K.  
4/21/20231 hour, 9 minutes, 46 seconds
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202: Let's Talk About Therapy With Anna de Acosta

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids Nacho Parenting, and Anna de Acosta talk about therapy! Too many people end up picking a therapist based on location and insurance, without vetting the therapist to see if they would be a good fit. More time is spent researching which air fryer is best than time spent searching for a therapist.  In this episode, we discuss: What to do when your partner doesn’t want to get help Finding the right therapist The importance of therapy No shame in getting help Nacho Kids Nacho Parenting Success Story: "I have wanted to give up MANY times. At the suggestion of a friend, I joined the Nacho Kids Academy to see if it could help. I had nothing to lose at this point. Through the Nacho Kids Academy, and Lori & David’s help, I no longer have those thoughts of giving up! My relationship with my partner is so much better, my stress is amazingly lower, and my stepkid told me they loved me for the first time after only three months of my being a part of the Academy and Nachoing. I love myself and my blend now! I am so thankful I found the Nacho Academy!” L.C.  
4/14/20231 hour, 24 minutes, 44 seconds
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201: Lori Chats With Cecile & Frank Of Ella's Blended Family

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids Nacho Parenting, chats with Cecile and Frank of Ella’s Blended Family. The have been blending for nine years and each brought two kids into the marriage. Cecile and her kids moved into Frank and his kids’ house. Best advice from Frank: “Don’t take it personally.” In this episode, we discuss: Moving into “THEIR” house Bedroom assignments and kids Can you really treat the kids equally? When the stepkids are indifferent towards you Trying to love the stepkids when they hurt your bio kids Nacho Kids Nacho Parenting Success Story: “When I first heard of Nacho I thought it was the stupidest thing I had ever heard of. Several years later, my husband and I were about to call it quits. Then I saw Nacho mentioned on HLN of all places and thought I’d give it a shot. I joined the Nacho Kids Academy and within 1 week, I felt better and felt hope that I hadn’t felt in a long time. Two years after doing the Academy, we are going strong! Thank you Nacho Kids for saving our marriage!”      B. P.  
4/7/20231 hour, 7 minutes, 42 seconds
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200: Lori & David Celebrate Their 200th Podcast Episode And Talk Nacho

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori and David, co-founders of Nacho Kids Nacho Parenting, celebrate their 200th podcast episode! They talk about the Nacho Method and address some misconceptions about the method. In this episode, we discuss: Nacho misconceptions Nacho truths Being a team while Nachoing Things won’t always be this way Nacho Kids Nacho Parenting Success Story: “Before I learned to Nacho, I hated my blended life. Nothing we did prepared us for how hard it would be to blend. I found Nacho Kids Nacho Parenting one night as I was crying in bed trying to figure out what went so terribly wrong. I read some of the blogs and found their podcast. I listened to the podcast and immediately knew these people understood. I joined the Nacho Kids Academy the next day. I have taken the Boot Camp and Thinking Challenges and participated in other things in the Academy. I cannot tell you how much my life changed from this! Our blend isn’t perfect, but we are happy! We are happy! Thank you Nacho Kids! Lori & David you are awesome! We will never forget what you have done for us.” A.G.  
3/31/20231 hour, 9 minutes, 40 seconds
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199: Interview With Alicia Krasko ~ The Stepmom Side

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids Nacho Parenting, interviews Alicia Krasko of “The Stepmom Side”. Alicia has been blending for eight years, has two adult stepkids and a three year old “ours” daughter. Something unique about Alicia’s blend is her husband is 16 years older than her! The hardest part of blending for her was finding her role in the blend. In this episode we discuss: Feeling everyone in the blend would be happy if you weren’t there Societal expectations Stepparent PTSD Everyone struggles in the blend Working on yourself to better your blend Adding an “ours” kid to the blend Nacho Kids Nacho Parenting Success Story: Definitely has redeemed my sanity, my marriage & relationship with my step-son! I’ve been able to begin nachoing and feel a huge weight lifted from me. I can’t wait to join the academy. Thank you! " Mrs. C  
3/24/20231 hour, 23 minutes, 30 seconds
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198: Sarah Beth Hurley ~ The Yarning Shaman

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids Nacho Parenting, interviews Sarah Hurley of The Yarning Sharman. Sarah has been blending for 7 years, has one stepkid, three bio kids, and one adopted son. Her stepson lives 1300 miles away.    In this episode we discuss: When stepkid lives far away The family court system Being a stepkid Boundaries for self Dealing with a high conflict bio mom Nacho Kids Nacho Parenting Success Story: "I was starting to think I was losing my mind because I was feeling so overwhelmed by the changes of being in a new home, blending, etc. - until I found you! Now I know I am not alone AND also probably not losing my mind. Thank you! "  A.H.  
3/17/20231 hour, 33 minutes, 10 seconds
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197: Interview With Toni Graham ~ My Blended Chaos

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids Nacho Parenting, interviews Toni Graham of My Blended Chaos. Toni has been blending for five years, has two stepkids, two bio kids, and one “ours” kid. This is her second blend, her first blend was when she was 19 years old and was completely different from her current blend.   In this episode we discuss: When bio mom gets upset that stepmom is pregnant Adding an “ours” kid to the blend Putting your marriage first Differences in blends Growing up in a blend that was like a nuclear family Nacho Kids Nacho Parenting Success Story: "If you are a stepmom struggling in any way, you’ve come to the right place. ... I could write a book on how much these podcasts and the Nacho Kids Academy have helped me personally. David and Lori, I can not thank you guys enough for bringing this concept out into the world. ... Almost every podcast I’ve listened to I will go from giggling my butt off to crying tears of relief, that somebody else gets it! I no longer feel alone in this stepmom journey and I feel so validated now. Thank you, thank you, thank you! You guys are truly amazing." M.C.  
3/10/20231 hour, 15 minutes, 5 seconds
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196: Full-time Stepmom Whose Bio Kid and Stepkid Have No Contact With The Other Bio Parent

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids Nacho Parenting, interviews an anonymous stepmom from Idaho. This stepmom has one stepkid full-time, one bio kid full-time, and two “ours” kids. The hardest part of her blend has been enforcing the same rules and expectations. Neither the stepkid’s, nor the bio kid’s other bio parent is in their lives.  In this episode we discuss: Having all the kids all the time Absent bio parents Deciding what’s in your own kid’s best interest Stepping back Nacho Kids Nacho Parenting Success Story: “I cannot thank Lori & David enough for what they do! The Nacho Kids Academy truly saved my marriage and my relationships within the blend. Before the Academy, I was at wits end and ready to throw in the towel. The Academy helped me to Nacho properly, which I was not doing, and to understand the blended dynamics better while doing a lot of self-development. Our blend is so much better because of Nacho!” D.M.  
3/3/20231 hour, 9 minutes, 20 seconds
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195: Stepmom With Lots Of Blended Experience Part II

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids Nacho Parenting, continues her interview with stepmom Shelley. Shelley was a guest on podcast episode 192 but there was more to talk about. She has four bio kids and three stepkids. Things got so bad at one point, she actually moved out of the home for 16 months. Like many bio parents, Shelley experienced some craziness with the family court system. In this episode, we discuss: Moving out of the home because of the stepkids Feeling husband picked his kids over her Responding versus reacting The Family Court system Disrespect between couples Nacho Kids Nacho Parenting Success Story: “Thank you for everything you guys do. I’ve been a long time listener over the years and am signing up for round number two [of the Nacho Kids Academy] for a nacho refresher.” - K.N.  
2/24/20231 hour, 21 minutes, 15 seconds
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194: Things Were Great For This Childless Stepmom In The Beginning

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids Nacho Parenting, interviews stepmom Nicole. Nicole has been blending for over two years, has two stepkids and her partner has a stepkid from a previous relationship that he refers to as his son. Although her partner was a stepdad, he doesn’t see her struggles as a stepmom. In this episode we discuss: Being a childless stepmom Things change Realizing your contributions to the issues Transition days Very little “no kid” time Nacho Kids Nacho Parenting Success Story: " The Nacho Kids Nacho Parenting Method changed my life! I used to hate my stepkids and wanted to throw in the towel. Now, I truly enjoy being around them now! I NEVER thought this would happen! I also learned to apply the Nacho method to other areas of my life! It is not only for helping blended families, it’s a way of life!” ~ D.S.  
2/17/20231 hour, 42 minutes, 21 seconds
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193: Childfree Stepmom Is 23 Years Younger Than Her Partner

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids Nacho Parenting, interviews stepmom Mel. Mel is a childfree stepmom, has been blending about four years, has three stepkids and her partner is 23 years older than her.  In this episode we discuss: Being a childfree stepmom Age gaps between partners Different bonds with different kids Setting boundaries Transition days Nacho Kids Nacho Parenting Success Story: " I just started to nacho this week and our relationship was better this week…” ~ D.M.  
2/10/20231 hour, 24 minutes, 57 seconds
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192: Stepmom With Lots Of Blended Experience

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids Nacho Parenting, interviews stepmom Shelley. Shelley has four bio kids and three stepkids.  Like most blended families, in the beginning, things were good. Until they weren’t.  In this episode we discuss: Both adults bringing “babies” into the blend Guilty Parent Syndrome Dealing with different types of stepparents Different parenting styles/expectations Expectations of stepparents Nacho Kids Nacho Parenting Success Story: “I just wanted to say thank you. I learned about you a few years ago, probably during one of the hardest years of my life. Newly married with a stepdaughter and a very complex bio-mother situation. I spent that year holed up in my room reading books and listening to podcasts about stepparenting. I have come a long way since then and can see the light now. Your approach has been instrumental in that transition. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.” ~ JJ
2/3/20231 hour, 12 minutes, 49 seconds
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191: The Professional Stepdad And Nacho Parenting Misconceptions

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori and David, founders of Nacho Kids Nacho Parenting, interview the Professional Stepdad, Franco Zavala. Franco has been blending for 13 years, has no biological children, and has five stepkids. The bio dad to Franco’s stepkids passed away.  In this episode we discuss: Being a stepdad to kids whose dad is deceased Being a childless stepdad Misconceptions of Nacho Parenting Letting the bio parent parent
1/27/20231 hour, 35 minutes
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190: Stepmom Used To Avoid The Stepkids

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews stepmom Carol. Carol has been married for two years, has three stepkids, and two bio kids. Two of the stepkids are a lot younger than her bio kids. Carol and her husband have had to deal with a high-conflict bio mom who has tried to damage their marriage.  In this episode we discuss: Finding the balance Letting the bio parents parent Parental alienation Dealing with a high conflict bio mom Custody battles
1/20/20231 hour, 4 minutes, 51 seconds
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189: Stepmom's Husband Lost Time With His Kid

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews stepmom Jamie. Jamie has been blending for 12 years. She has two stepkids, two bio kids, and one surprise “ours” kid. Jamie and her husband have to deal with a high-conflict bio mom and had to go to court to get permission to take the kids to Disney. When one of Jamie’s stepkids didn’t want to go to their moms anymore, her husband went to court, and the judge ended up taking time away from him and giving bio mom custody. In this episode, we discuss: Dealing with a high conflict bio mom The court system taking time away from bio dad You knew what you were getting into Stepfamily stigma in churches Transition days
1/13/20231 hour, 25 minutes, 15 seconds
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188: Becoming A Full-time Stepmom Overnight

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews a stepmom from Washington. She has been with her husband for 12 years, but technically became a stepmom 3 years ago when the stepkid moved in full-time suddenly.  In this episode we discuss: Becoming a stepmom full-time When the bio mom abandons the stepkid Stepmom coming in trying to fix things Stepmom realizing she needs to Nacho
1/6/20231 hour, 8 minutes, 54 seconds
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187: Nacho Mama & The Unapologetic Stepmom 3 Years Later

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, and Emili Wadkins from The Unapologetic Stepmom chat! Emili was a guest on episode #13 of the Nacho Podcast over three years ago! Emili has been blending for eight years, has 2 stepkids, and four ours kids.   Fitting the ours kids lives into the stepkids lives Nachoing and relationship with the Nacho Kid Stepfamily expectations Court system Child support Growing as a stepmom
12/30/20221 hour, 20 minutes, 10 seconds
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186: Interview With Dr. James & Ginger Dellaripa ~ The Family Core

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews Dr. James & Ginger Dellaripa. James and Ginger have been blending for 12 years. Ginger brought one child into the marriage, James brought two kids into the marriage, and they have two “ours” kids. As a couple, they have created The Family Core. The Family Core is a family resource planning system.  In this episode, we discuss: Bringing ours kids into the blend Parallel parenting  Eight year-court battle Kids get along great The Family Core system
12/23/20221 hour, 30 minutes, 28 seconds
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185: Interview With Anthony Cancel ~ Pro Se Dad

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews Anthony Cancel of Pro Se Dad and Pro Se Family Foundation. Anthony helps people understand the family court system and aids them in understanding pro se representation. In this episode, we discuss: Knee-jerk reactions to get an attorney Is the judge corrupt or within their rights of the law Using the skills outside of the courtroom Taking the emotion out of it Learn to work the problem
12/16/20221 hour, 11 minutes, 10 seconds
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184: Stepmom Who Used To Be High Conflict

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews stepmom Clarissa. She has been blending for eight years, and has one stepson and two bio kids. Clarissa admits that she was once a high-conflict stepmom.  In this episode, we discuss: Learning what stepmom role should be You can’t care more than the bio parents When you get stepkid full-time Boundaries Expectations
12/9/20221 hour, 19 minutes, 48 seconds
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183: Stepmom Known As The Friend

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews a stepmom known as “The Friend.” She has been blending for three years, has two stepsons, and one “ours” son.   In this episode, we discuss: Being the friend Letting go of titles Kids being kids Thinking before you speak
12/2/20221 hour, 22 minutes, 27 seconds
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182: Stepcouple Experiencing Parental Alienation

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori and David, co-founders of Nacho Kids, interview a stepmom and bio dad. They have been blending for two years; unfortunately, bio dad is experiencing parental alienation.   In this episode, we discuss: Non-existent relationship between stepmom and stepdaughter Dealing with parental alienation as a bio parent Watching your spouse deal with parental alienation Having a crappy attorney
11/25/20221 hour, 28 minutes, 37 seconds
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181: Adoptive Mom Who Doesn't Love Her Adopted Kids Like Her Own

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews adoptive mom Laura. Laura has seven bio kids and three adopted kids. Laura discusses how despite the societal pressure and judgment, she doesn’t love her adopted kids like she does her own. *** Disclaimer: Mention of suicide and fetal alcohol syndrome. *** In this episode, we discuss: Adoptive parents not loving the adopted kids like their own Speaking with an adoption therapist Normalizing that your love for your adopted kids can be different than the love for your bio kids
11/18/20221 hour, 16 minutes, 20 seconds
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180: Interview With Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby - Importance Of Vetting A Therapist

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori and David, founders of Nacho Kids, interview Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby, PhD, LMFT, LP, BCC. She has a Master’s Degree in Counseling Psychology from the University of Colorado, and a PhD in Counseling Psychology from the University of Northern Colorado. She is also the host of  “The Love, Happiness, & Success Podcast”. In this episode, we discuss: Bullying Negative thinking Thinking patterns The importance of vetting a therapist
11/11/20221 hour, 39 minutes, 22 seconds
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179: Stepmom Who Blocked Bio Mom

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews a stepmom from Pennsylvania. She has been blending for three years, has two stepkids, one ours kid, and another ours kid on the way.  In this episode, we discuss: Changes in visitation schedules Nachoing Dealing with a high conflict bio mom Not caring more than the bio parent Blocking bio mom
11/4/20221 hour, 14 minutes, 37 seconds
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178: Becoming A Full-time Stepmom Unexpectedly

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews stepmom Amy. Amy was a widow before becoming a stepmom. She has been blending for two years, has two stepkids, and one ours kid.  In this episode, we discuss: Grieving the nuclear family dreams Becoming a full-time stepmom unexpectedly Having one stepkid with you, and one alienated The stepkids going back and forth between homes The stepmom label
10/28/20221 hour, 14 minutes, 52 seconds
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177: Interview With Dr. Tara Egan ~ Egan Counseling & Consulting

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori and David, founders of Nacho Kids, interview Dr. Tara Egan of Egan Counseling & Consulting. Dr. Tara Egan also has a podcast, “One Day You’ll Thank Me.” She has been blending for seven years, is a bio mom to two kids, and a stepmom to four stepkids.  In this episode, we discuss: Starting off slowly Blended challenges Disengaging BIFF Thinking positively
10/21/20221 hour, 25 minutes, 15 seconds
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176: Interview With Josh & Kristy Groce ~ Perfectly Blended

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori and David, founders of Nacho Kids, interview Josh & Kristy Groce of the Perfectly Blended Podcast. They have been blending for over 10 years and have two bio kids each.  *** Disclaimer: Mention of abuse and alcoholism. *** In this episode, we discuss: Doing everything wrong When stepkid is mean to bio kid Overcoming blended challenges Being perfectly blended ~ or not
10/14/20221 hour, 33 minutes, 42 seconds
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175: Stepmom's Husband Awarded Custody After Bio Mom Failed To Manage Child's Medical Condition

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews stepmom Hays. Hays grew up in a blended family and has been blending with her husband for 2-½ years, has two stepkids and one bio kid. Her husband was recently awarded custody of his daughter due to bio mom neglecting the child’s medical condition. In this episode, we discuss: Growing up in a blended family vs becoming a stepmom When bio parent neglects child’s medical needs Family court - guardian ad litem Dealing with an insane bio mom
10/7/20221 hour, 31 minutes, 48 seconds
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174: Interview With Ashley Gerhard ~ Phoenix Transformation

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews Ashley Gerhard of Phoenix Transformation ~ Phoenix Parent Coaching. Ashley has been blending for three years and has three stepkids and four bio kids. Ashley comes from a blended family herself.  In this episode, we discuss: Growing up in a blended family vs becoming a stepmom Shifting your perspective with Nachoing Boundaries Being a sensitive stepmom
9/30/20221 hour, 7 minutes, 43 seconds
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173: Interview With Shawn Simon ~ Author of "Stepping Into A New Role: Stories From Stepmoms"

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews Shawn Simon, author of “Stepping Into A New Role: Stories from Stepmoms.” Shawn has been blending for 17 years, has two stepkids, and has no bio kids, but has dogs..  In this episode, we discuss: Being a childless stepmom Dealing with a high conflict ex When stepkid is mean to your animals You knew what you were getting into
9/23/20221 hour, 20 minutes, 34 seconds
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172: Stepmom Fights Being The Parent That Cares The Most

  In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews a stepmom that fights being the parent that cares the most. She’s been blending for six years and has three stepkids and three ours kids! In this episode, we discuss: Being a child of divorce and a stepmom Fighting being the parent that cares the most Court Trauma How Nachoing has helped Co-parenting with bio mom
9/16/20221 hour, 4 minutes, 2 seconds
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171: Interview With An Adult Stepkid

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori and David, founders of Nacho Kids, interview an adult stepkid. She shares with us what it was like growing up as a stepkid! In this episode, we discuss: Being the eldest sibling Mini-parent Moving into stepdad’s home Dinnertime  Bonds with stepsiblings
9/9/20221 hour, 6 minutes, 12 seconds
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170: Stepmom Turned Nacho Mom

** Disclaimer: This episode contains discussion of addiction and alcoholism. **  In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews a stepmom who has been blending for 1-½ years and Nachoing for about 5 months. She has three stepkids and two bio kids.  In this episode, we discuss: Kids wanting a family Coming into the stepkids' lives at older ages It’s ok that you are not a nuclear family Stop comparing! Loving them like your own without parenting like your own
9/2/20221 hour, 23 minutes, 47 seconds
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169: Stepmom’s Husband Received Primary Custody & Gave It Up

** Disclaimer: This episode may contain adult language- we tried to remove all of them, but in case we missed one. **  In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews a stepmom from Colorado. She has been blending for six years and has one stepson and one “ours” kid.  In this episode, we discuss: Fighting for custody and then giving it up Dealing with a high conflict bio mom Husband and his stepkids from his previous blend Not caring more than the bio parents
8/26/20221 hour, 33 minutes, 41 seconds
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168: Interview With A Husband's Wife

*** Disclaimer: Mention of sexual abuse, violence, miscarriage, and witchcraft *** In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews a husband’s wife. She has been blending for ten years, her husband has two kids, and they have six kids together. In this episode, we discuss: Stepping out of the stepmom role Changes in visitation Being threatened by the stepkid Being accused of abuse by stepkid
8/19/20221 hour, 1 minute, 3 seconds
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167: Childfree Stepmom Nachos

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews a childfree stepmom from Arizona. She has been blending for seven years and has three stepkids. She has an extraordinary relationship with one of her stepdaughters.  In this episode, we discuss: Feeling like you don’t belong Feeling a lack of control in your own home Having a mother/daughter relationship with stepkid Being a collection of everyone’s demands Focusing on your marriage
8/12/20221 hour, 42 minutes, 25 seconds
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166: Bio Dad Hasn't Talked To His Kids In Four Years

**DISCLAIMER- Mention of suicide *** In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews a bio dad who hasn’t seen his kids in four years. After years of parental alienation, he worked hard to rebuild the relationships with his kids, and things were going well. Three to four months after a great time with them on a week-long vacation, things changed. He received a long text message that they didn’t want to be a part of his life anymore.  In this episode, we discuss: Family court system - ugly divorce Parental alienation Child support Rebuilding relationships with bio kids Losing contact with the kids again
8/5/20221 hour, 38 minutes, 22 seconds
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165: Interview With Stepcouple In Canada

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori and David, founders of Nacho Kids, interview stepcouple Chelsie and Greg in Canada. Chelsie & Greg have been blending for three years, Greg has one bio child and Chelsie has two bio children.  In this episode, we discuss: Being a teacher and a stepmom Wanting to blend quickly Parenting differences When blending changes the “birth order” Agreements between partners
7/29/20221 hour, 23 minutes, 16 seconds
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164: Interview With Todd Jensen ~ Research Assistant Professor

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews Todd Jensen ~ a Research Assistant Professor that has researched stepfamilies and the well-being of children.  In this episode, we discuss: Antiquated views of gender roles Reasons for stepfamilies have changed Different roles of a stepparent Nacho Kids philosophy misunderstood
7/22/202256 minutes, 15 seconds
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163: Stepmom Who Told Bio Dad To Be A Disney Dad

*** DISCLAIMER *** This episode contains mention of suicide. In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews stepmom Jaime from Queensland. Jaime has been blending for three years and has two stepkids and no bio kids. Unfortunately, she was painted to be the evil stepmother by the family court reporter. In this episode, we discuss: Stepkids with Autism and ADHD Parental alienation Bio mom removing the kids from school Family court reporter issues PTSD from the family court experience
7/15/20221 hour, 23 minutes, 30 seconds
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162 : Stepmom Who Is The Breadwinner

  *** DISCLAIMER *** This episode contains mention of suicide. In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids interviews stepmom Jaime. Jaime has been blending for 7 years and has two stepkids, four bio kids, and one ours kid. She is the home's breadwinner, which is a challenge because of the blend. In this episode, we discuss: Dealing with the stepkids’ behavior Being traumatized by the blend Different parenting styles Finances in the blend When the stepkids move into the stepmom’s house
7/8/20221 hour, 30 minutes, 27 seconds
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161: Stepmom Who Runs The Household

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids interviews a stepmom from Colorado. This stepmom has been blending for four years and has four stepkids, three bio kids, and two ours kids.  In this episode, we discuss: Dealing with the exes Stepmom and chore charts for the kids, including stepkids Being a stay-at-home mom/stepmom and having stepkids every other week Butting heads with your stepkid When hygiene lacks at bio mom’s house
7/1/20221 hour, 12 minutes, 25 seconds
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160: Being The Only Stepmom In Your Circle

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids interviews stepmom Mel. Mel has been blending for almost 8 years, has four stepkids and one bio kid. Mel’s daughter is with them full-time and they have the stepkids all the time except every other weekend.  In this episode, we discuss: Being the only stepmom in your circle Being a full-time stepmom When your partner is the father figure for your bio daughter Stepkids becoming distant When your partner is harsh with your child
6/24/20221 hour, 13 minutes, 20 seconds
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159: Full-Time New Zealand Stepmom Who Nachos

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori and David, founders of Nacho Kids interview stepmom Carolyn. Carolyn, a school teacher, has been blending for three years and has three bio kids and three stepkids. She is a full-time stepmom as bio mom is deceased. The hardest part of blending for her has been learning to deal with emotional triggers. In this episode, we discuss: When bio mom is deceased When a bio parent moves far away Wanting to be a good “mom” to the stepkids that lost their bio mom When the stepkids expect you to leave Being a school teacher and thinking it would help with the stepparent role
6/17/20221 hour, 30 minutes, 55 seconds
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158: Stepmom Whose Husband Had A Crappy Attorney

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids interviews stepmom Lauren. Lauren has been blending for 5 years, has one stepson, and no bio or “ours” children. Her husband recently finished a court case with bio mom and he had a crappy attorney! In this episode, we discuss: Getting past the emotions of raising a child that isn’t yours Resistance to the blend Things have gotten better over time When bio mom acts like you don’t exist Visitation schedule changes
6/10/20221 hour, 17 minutes, 38 seconds
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157: Stepmom Blamed For Stepkids Leaving

*** DISCLAIMER: Mention of suicide in this podcast. *** In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori and David Sims, founders of Nacho Kids, interview stepmom Danielle. She has been blending for four years, has two stepkids and one bio kid.  A few years ago the oldest stepkid moved in with bio mom and recently the younger stepkid stopped coming for visits. Unfortunately, Danielle’s husband blames her for this. In this episode, we discuss: Blending household expectations Different rules different homes Being blamed for the stepkids going to live with the other bio parent Both bio parents Nachoing each other’s kids Rebuilding relationships In this episode, we discuss: Blending household expectations Different rules different homes Being blamed for the stepkids going to live with the other bio parent Both bio parents Nachoing each other’s kids Rebuilding relationships
6/3/20221 hour, 16 minutes, 11 seconds
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156: Bio Mom Whose Kids Were Nacho'd By Their Stepmom

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews bio mom Lala, who is also a stepmom.  Lala’s bio kids' stepmom Nacho’d them and that was the best thing she ever did for any of them. In this episode, we discuss: When the stepparent Nachos your bio kids Dealing with exes Wishing family could feel more cohesive Being viewed as a high-conflict bio mom Having different stepparent roles than your spouse
5/27/20221 hour, 34 minutes, 33 seconds
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155: Stepmom Who Takes Nachoing To A New Level

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews stepmom Rebecca. Rebecca has been blending for 4 years, is childfree, and has two stepkids. Over the years, her role in the blend has changed. In this episode, we discuss: Knowing the stepkids aren’t going away Needing to change your role in the blend Not wanting to be around your stepkids When your partner wishes you’d be more present Feeling like a stranger in your own home
5/20/20221 hour, 21 minutes, 38 seconds
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153: Stepmom Who Does Not Nacho

*** DISCLAIMER: This episode contains discussions of miscarriages and has adult content. *** In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews stepmom Jen. Stepmom Jen has been blending for 5 years and has one stepson who is 10-years-old. She is currently expecting an “ours” child. In this episode, we discuss: Dealing with a high-conflict bio mom Parenting the stepkid and not needing to Nacho Partner wants nothing to do with their ex Loving your stepkid but realizing that love will be different for the “ours” kid When bio parent doesn’t follow through with discipline stepmom set
5/6/20221 hour, 18 minutes, 33 seconds
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152: The Last 3-4 Years Of This 21 Year Blend Has Been The Hardest

*** DISCLAIMER: This episode contains discussions of drug abuse. *** In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews stepmom Jodi. Stepmom Jodi has been blending for 21 years, but the last three to four years have been the hardest. She has a 31-year-old stepdaughter, a 15-year-old “ours” son, and an 11-year-old “ours” daughter. Luckily Jodi and the bio mom have always gotten along.  In this episode, we discuss: When things get bad many years into the blend When stepkid creates an unsafe environment for the “ours” kids Dealing with a high-conflict stepparent in the other home Significant other never expecting the stepparent to be a parent Being a stepkid and then becoming a stepparent
4/29/20221 hour, 32 minutes, 31 seconds
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151: Stepmom Pressured To Be Super Stepmom

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews a stepmom from California. This stepmom has been blending for 2-½ years and has two stepkids and one bio kid. She, like many stepmoms, felt alone in her stepmom journey because none of her friends could relate to being a stepmom. In this episode, we discuss: Blending too fast Feeling pressured to be super stepmom Feeling alone in the stepmom journey Changes in relationships after move in together Going from parenting the stepkids to Nacho
4/22/20221 hour, 20 minutes, 8 seconds
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150: Full-Time Stepmom And Bio Mom

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews Rose. Rose is a full-time stepmom and full-time bio mom. She has been blending for 4 years and has two stepkids, two bio kids, and one “ours” kid. Rose has had to deal with the stepkids lying and making false accusations, being violent, and trying to split up her and her husband. In this episode, we discuss: Being a full-time stepmom and full-time bio mom Not letting disagreements about the stepkids affect your relationship with your partner When a stepkid is violent with your bio or “ours” kid Counseling seemed to make things worse with the stepdaughter Everyone struggling to be a family unit
4/15/20221 hour, 36 minutes
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149: Interview With Summer Butler ~ Blended Book Co.

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews Summer Butler with the Blended Book Co., author of “BLENDED: Aligning the Hierarchy of Heart + Home”. Summer and her husband have been blending for 11 years. She has two teenage stepsons and one “ours” son. The hardest part of blending for them was their marriage, not the stepkids. The personal baggage that was brought into their marriage caused them to struggle. In this episode, we discuss: Baggage brought into the relationship Growing up in a split family Having the stepkids full-time except every other weekend Losing yourself in the blend Different expectations for the stepkids vs. bio kid Check out Summer’s website: For more information about the event in Fort Worth, Texas, April 29-30, 2022 with Laura Petherbridge, go to
4/8/20221 hour, 7 minutes, 16 seconds
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148: Stepmom Whose Stepkids No Longer Come For Visitation

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews stepmom Britt. Britt has been blending for over 4 years, has four stepkids, one bio son, and a daughter on the way. The hardest part of blending for her has been dealing with her significant other having Guilty Parent Syndrome and issues with the bio mom. Her best advice is to Nacho.  In this episode, we discuss: Guilty Parent Syndrome Bio mom and her family causing issues in the blend Stepkids choosing to not visit Relationships with the stepkids changing Stepkids blaming the stepmom for wrecking their nuclear home For more information about the event in Fort Worth, Texas, April 29-30, 2022 with Laura Petherbridge, go to
4/1/20221 hour, 43 minutes, 14 seconds
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147: Stepmom Who Lost Stepson To Suicide

*** DISCLAIMER: Episode discusses suicide *** In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews stepmom Heather. Heather and her husband have been blending for 7 years.  She has two stepsons, one of which unfortunately took his own life last year.  In this episode, we discuss: Age gaps in the blend Being from a blend versus being in one Guilty Parent Syndrome Different relationships between stepmom and stepkids Losing a stepkid to suicide For more information about the event in Fort Worth, Texas, April 29-30, 2022 with Laura Petherbridge, go to
3/31/20221 hour, 26 minutes
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146: Stepmom Who Sees Her Stepkid More Than Her Own Bio Kid

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews stepmom Laura. Laura has been blending for 2 years, has one bio daughter and one stepson. Her husband has his bio kid full-time and Laura has her bio kid forty percent of the time.  In this episode, we discuss: Custody changes When you have your bio kid less than your significant other has theirs When you and your partner both Nacho each other’s kids Being a stepkid yourself and then becoming a stepmom Good intentions aren’t always viewed as such For more information about the event in Fort Worth, Texas, April 29-30, 2022 with Laura Petherbridge, go to
3/18/20221 hour, 7 minutes, 33 seconds
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145: Childless Stepmom With Two Teenage Stepkids

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews a childless stepmom who was a stepchild herself. She has been blending for two years and has two teenage stepkids. In this episode, we discuss: Bonding more with one stepkid than another Being “Mom” to the stepkid When bio mom is an elusive magical creature who visits occasionally Becoming a stepmom after being a stepkid For more information about the event in Fort Worth, Texas, April 29-30, 2022 with Laura Petherbridge, go to
3/11/20221 hour, 15 minutes, 21 seconds
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144: Stepmom Whose Stepkid Moved In Full-Time

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews a stepmom in Pennsylvania. This stepmom has been blending for 4.5 years, has a teenage stepkid who moved in full-time last summer, and a bio daughter who she has 85% of the time. In this episode, we discuss: Visitation changes Non-enforcement of household expectations ADHD Kids Teenage stepkid Not liking your stepkids For more information about the event in Fort Worth, Texas, April 29-30, 2022 with Laura Petherbridge, go to
3/4/20221 hour, 16 minutes, 8 seconds
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143: Stepmom Whose Stepson Calls Her Mom

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews stepmom Janajah. Janajah has been blending for five years and has one stepson and no bio kids. The first year of the blend her significant other had shared custody, but bio mom wouldn’t let bio dad see the child. For the past four years, stepson has been staying with stepmom and bio dad. In this episode, we discuss: Visitation changes Learning where your place is in the blend Not taking things personally Teachers being put in the middle Not having alone time with your significant other For more information about the event in Fort Worth, Texas, April 29-30, 2022 with Laura Petherbridge, go to
2/25/20221 hour, 7 minutes, 30 seconds
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142: Stepmom From Australia

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews stepmom Priscilla. Priscilla has been blending for six years, has two teenage stepkids, and five bio kids. She was also a stepdaughter herself. In this episode, we discuss: Stepkid lying about bio kid Being forced to call stepdad “dad” Guilty Parent Syndrome Stepkid doesn’t like stepmom Bio mom wanting family “back” For more information about the event in Fort Worth, Texas, April 29-30, 2022 with Laura Petherbridge, go to
2/18/20221 hour, 11 minutes, 27 seconds
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141: Becoming A Stepmom At 16

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews a stepmom in Tennessee. She became a stepmom at 16-years-old! She has been blending for three years, has a 10-year-old stepson, a two-year-old “ours” son, and a daughter on the way. In this episode, we discuss: Becoming a stepmom at 16 Dealing with different parenting styles Relationship with bio mom changes When mother-in-law is like mom to stepkid For more information about the event in Fort Worth, Texas, April 29-30, 2022 with Laura Petherbridge, go to
2/11/20221 hour, 5 minutes, 16 seconds
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140: Interview With Martin & Maria Erlandsson Of The Swedish Podcast Bonus Pappa Plus Mama

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori and David, co-founders of Nacho Kids, interview Martin & Maria Erlandsson of the Swedish Podcast Bonus Pappa Plus Mama! They have been blending for six years. Maria has four bio kids and Martin has no bio kids.  In this episode, we discuss: Being a stepparent with no kids of your own Wanting the stepparent to be a parent Relationships with the exes Not using the word “step” in your blend For more information about the event in Fort Worth, Texas, April 29-30, 2022 with Laura Petherbridge, go to
2/4/20221 hour, 27 minutes, 54 seconds
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139: Parental Alienation As A Bio Mom & Stepmom

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori and David, co-founders of Nacho Kids, interview stepmom Linda. Linda has been blending for three years, has three stepkids and two bio kids. Unfortunately, Linda is experiencing parental alienation as a bio mom and a stepmom. In this episode, we discuss: Rejection from the stepkids Harassment for stepkids and bio moms Complete alienation from bio kids Significant other in denial   For more information about the event in Fort Worth, Texas with Laura Petherbridge, go to
1/28/20221 hour, 20 minutes, 48 seconds
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138: Bio Dad Talks About His Wife Nachoing

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews a bio dad whose wife is an admitted control freak. They have been blending for two years and he has two bio daughters with a very high conflict bio mom.  In this episode, we discuss: Dealing with a high conflict ex Guilty parent syndrome What Nachoing did to their family Compound conflictions Parental alienation For more information about the event in Fort Worth, Texas with Laura Petherbridge, go to
1/21/20221 hour, 16 minutes, 5 seconds
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137: Control Freak Learns To Nacho

1/14/20221 hour, 30 minutes, 24 seconds
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136: Interview With Lisa Goodpaster ~ Parental Alienation

** Disclaimer - mention of molestation and adult language ** In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews Lisa Goodpaster of The Stephood Project. Lisa is a stepmom but is currently going through a divorce. Lisa was a victim of parental alienation as a child and shares her story.  In this episode, we discuss: Being a child of parental alienation Going through a divorce Spending more time with stepmom than bio parent Reconnecting with the alienated parent Complex trauma
1/7/20221 hour, 23 minutes, 40 seconds
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135: Stepmomzilla Turns To Nacho - Part 2

** Disclaimer - mention of suicide ** In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews stepmom Michelle. Michelle’s husband was a guest on our podcast on episode 84! They have been blending for 4-½ years. She has one bio son and 5 stepkids.  In this episode, we discuss: Adult stepkids living at home Marrying a widower Being a stepmomzilla Learning to Nacho Stepkid’s choices could cause issues for custody of bio son
12/31/20211 hour, 5 minutes, 15 seconds
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134: Stepmomzilla Turns To Nacho - Part 1

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews stepmom Michelle. Michelle’s husband was a guest on our podcast on episode 84! They have been blending for 4-½ years. She has one bio son and 5 stepkids.  In this episode, we discuss: Adult stepkids living at home Marrying a widower Being a stepmomzilla Learning to Nacho Stepkid’s choices could cause issues for custody of bio son
12/24/20211 hour, 15 minutes, 20 seconds
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133: Widow With 6 Kids Marries Widower & Becomes A Stepmom To 2

*** Disclaimer *** - This episode has mention of drug addiction.  In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews stepmom Liz Colvard. Liz was a widow with six bio kids and married a widower with two kids. She and her husband married after knowing each other for only four months and have been blending for 2-½ years. In this episode, we discuss: Being a widow with six bio kids Becoming a stepmom to kids whose bio mom has passed away Realizing you can’t parent your stepkids like you do your bio kids Stepkids with behavior and learning issues You can’t love problems away
12/17/20211 hour, 29 minutes, 7 seconds
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132: Interview With Dr. Sonia Cann-Milland

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews stepmom Dr. Sonia Cann-Milland. Sonia has been blending for 16 years, has three stepkids and two bio kids, one of which is on the spectrum.  In this episode, we discuss: Bio kids going to live with the other bio parent Having a bio child on the spectrum Bio kids’ relationship with their stepmom Blended families and schools Transition periods
12/10/20211 hour, 12 minutes, 47 seconds
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131: Bio Dad Of 10 Shares His Perspective On The Blend

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews bio dad Robert! Robert is the husband of our guest last week, Paula. Robert has 10 bio kids and married Paula who had no bio children. He shares with us the blend and the struggles from his viewpoint.  In this episode, we discuss: Blending from a bio dad’s perspective The stepparent wanting the stepkids to have more rules/consequences Different parenting styles Moving into the stepparent’s home Being lax in parenting as a bio parent
12/3/20211 hour, 23 minutes, 57 seconds
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130: Childless Stepmom To 10 Stepkids

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews stepmom Paula. Paula has been blending for 8 years, has no bio kids of her own, and has 10 stepkids! There are two bio moms, one of which is absent. In this episode, we discuss: Being a childless stepmom Having 10 stepkids Dealing with effects of an absent bio mom Significant other wanting the stepparent to love kids like their own Nachoing
11/26/20211 hour, 20 minutes, 38 seconds
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129: Stepmom's Grandson and Stepkid Are The Same Age

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews stepmom Kathy. Kathy has been blending for 5 years, has two bio kids, and six stepkids ages 43 to 9! Her grandson and stepdaughter are the same age and she is struggling with her husband not Nachoing her grandson.  In this episode, we discuss: Blended challenges as a grandmother Having a stepkid the same age as your grandkid Unexpected changes in the blend Stepdaughter being jealous of stepmom Significant other not Nachoing the step-grandkid
11/19/20211 hour, 27 minutes, 31 seconds
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128: Stepmom With An Ours Baby

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews a stepmom from Texas! This stepmom has been blending for over 4 years. She has one stepdaughter and a 7-month old ours baby! She is also a stepchild herself. In this episode, we discuss: Not having a court order for visitation or child support Being a stepkid Having an ours baby in the blend Boundaries with the bio mom
11/12/20211 hour, 10 minutes, 28 seconds
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127: Stepmom And Bio Mom Are Friends

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews stepmom Cari Ray! Cari and Lori have actually known each other since they were teenagers when Lori dated Cari’s stepbrother. Cari is a bio mom to two boys and a stepmom to two girls! She's been blending for four years and has a great handle on Nachoing! In this episode, we discuss: Learning to pause Different relationships with the “other” parent Being friends with bio mom and how it affects the blend Not responding to high conflict situations Stepkid messes
11/5/20211 hour, 28 minutes, 29 seconds
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126: Childfree Stepmom Pushed To Love Stepkid

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews stepmom Whitney. Whitney has been blending for 6 years and has one 14-year-old stepdaughter. She is childfree and loving it! Like many stepmoms, Whitney struggled with not taking things personally, feeling alone in the struggle, and letting go of some of the need for control in the home.  In this episode, we discuss: Not taking things personally Being pushed to tell stepkid you love them Feeling rejected by the stepkid Having a dad who is a stepkid Seeing a therapist
10/29/20211 hour, 9 minutes, 53 seconds
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125: Stepmom On The Crazy Train

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews “Stepmom on the crazy train in southwest Missouri”. She’s been blending for 7 years, has a 13-year-old stepson, and a 12-year-old bio son. Her stepson has been diagnosed with ADHD, ODD, OCD, anxiety, and PTSD. She and her husband dated briefly 20 years ago and found their way back to each other. She joined the Nacho Kids Academy to help with her blended struggles and has even taught her son how to Nacho! In this episode, we discuss: Desiring to be a nuclear family Wanting to be “Super Stepmom” Dealing with a high conflict bio mom Having a stepkid with mental health challenges Your significant other becoming less attractive because of his lack of parenting
10/22/20211 hour, 13 minutes, 32 seconds
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124: Stepmom Whose Stepkids Tattle On Her

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews stepmom Shay. Shay has been blending for 5 years, has two stepkids, three bio kids, and one “ours” kid. The hardest part of the blend for Shay has been the lack of respect from stepkids since the visitation schedule changed.   In this episode, we discuss: Visitation schedule changes Summer visitation challenges Stepkids tattling on the stepmom When the bio parent is a “Disney Dad” Not wanting to bond with the stepkids
10/15/20211 hour, 9 minutes, 35 seconds
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123: Stepdad Who Feels Taken Advantage Of

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori and David, co-founders of Nacho Kids, interview John Burwell. John is a stepdad in his blend of four years. He has two adult bio sons and two stepdaughters, ages 21 and 12. John takes care of his blend financially but is expected to step back from any parenting of his youngest stepdaughter. John is dealing with feeling used, taken advantage of, and not part of the family.  In this episode, we discuss: Stepdads struggle too Financially providing for your stepkid only to be told not to parent the stepkid Loyalty binds When bio dad decides to re-enter the picture When bio dad chooses to not help financially
10/8/20211 hour, 12 minutes, 32 seconds
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122: Stay-at-home Bio Dad To Four Girls Talks About The Blend

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews Chris Burcher a stay-at-home dad. Chris is the bio dad in the blend and has been blending for 6 years. He has four daughters, including one of which is an “ours” daughter.  Chris understands the challenges his wife has had to deal with being a stepmom.  In this episode, we discuss: Being a stay-at-home dad When the kids don’t like the new girlfriend/stepmom Adding an “ours” baby to the blend Being stuck in the middle of the wife and bio kids Being accused of not loving the “ours” baby as much as the kids from the first marriage
10/1/20211 hour, 12 minutes, 29 seconds
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121: Interview With Ron Deal

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori and David, founders of Nacho Kids, interview Ron Deal.  Ron has a new book out discussing preparing to blend. Nacho Kids, along with Ron, cannot express enough the importance of preparing to blend prior to blending.   In this episode, we discuss: Preparing To Blend Lack of counselors and therapists that understand the blend "Coupleness" versus "Famliness"  Today isn’t representative of every day in the future Lack of blended family support in churches
9/24/20211 hour, 22 minutes, 19 seconds
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120: Stepmom From Texas ~ Party of 10+

*** Disclaimer: This episode has mention of abuse - physical and drug, and murder. *** In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews a Texas stepmom! This Texas stepmom has grown children but married a man with kids still at home. She has four bio kids and four stepkids (one of which is not her husband’s bio child) ranging in age from 29 to 8 years old. She and her husband also have custody of her niece, and at one point had a foster child too. They’ve been blending 3-½ years and the best advice she’s received is to not judge her significant other for his differences in parenting styles. In this episode, we discuss: Having adult bio kids and stepkids still in the home Having different parenting styles than your significant other Being a stepkid  When your bio kid doesn’t like your partner When one of your stepkids isn’t your partner’s biological child
9/17/20211 hour, 9 minutes, 8 seconds
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119: Tracy Poizner Of The Essential Stepmom & Lori Sims Talk Nacho

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, and Tracy Poizner of the Essential Stepmom sit down for a chat. They entertain us with a little blended family skit about what is not Nachoing. Together, they are proof the blend doesn’t have to suck. In this episode, we discuss: Seeing things differently Communication is key in the blended family Examples of NOT Nachoing Blending is not the same for the childless stepmom Stepkid vs Bio kid cup on the counter
9/10/202156 minutes, 5 seconds
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118: Interview With Gabby Gast

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews stepmom Gabby Gast. Gabby has been blending for four years, has a stepson who is nine and two adopted kids from her first marriage, a ten-year-old daughter and an eight-year-old son. Eight months into her current relationship, she was diagnosed with end-stage cystic fibrosis and had to have a lung transplant. The hardest part of the blend for her is how bio mom’s toxicity affects stepson’s relationships with her and her husband.  In this episode, we discuss: Loyalty binds between kids and bio parent Toxic bio mom Having different parenting styles Resentment in the blend A reset in the blend
9/3/20211 hour, 22 minutes, 58 seconds
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117: Stepmom Who Kicks Butt

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews stepmom Samantha Seff - MMA fighter. Samantha has been blending for 4-½ years and is a stepmom to two stepkids, ages 18 and 17, who are with them fifty percent of the time. The bio mom is very high-conflict and that is the hardest part of their blend. The best advice she has received is learning when to step back and Nacho!   In this episode, we discuss: Dealing with a high-conflict bio mom Feeling unappreciated Being OCD and dealing with stepkids’ messes  Blended family expectations Date nights
8/27/20211 hour, 26 minutes, 25 seconds
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116: You Thought Your Bio Mom Was Crazy

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori & David, founders of Nacho Kids, interview step couple EB & Hector who are expecting their first “ours” baby. They have been blending 2.5 years and Hector has two bio kids ages 7 and 6 full-time except every other weekend. When Hector got custody of his kids full-time, EB knew she needed help and joined the Nacho Kids Academy.  In this episode, we discuss: Adding an “ours” kid to the blend Custody changes Dealing with a crazy high conflict bio mom Getting help with the blend Being determined to make the blend work
8/20/20211 hour, 14 minutes, 56 seconds
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115: Claudette Chenevert ~ The Stepmom Coach ~ The 2021 Stepfamily Summit

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews The Stepmom Coach ~ Claudette Chenevert! Claudette has been blending for over 30 years and has been helping stepmoms for over 20 years! In 2020, Claudette released The Stepfamily Summit where stepfamily experts shared their wisdom with stepparents! The 2020 Stepfamily Summit was so successful, she’s hosting another one this year! And Nacho Kids is blessed to be a part of this summit as well! In this episode, we discuss: The 2021 Stepfamily Summit Micro-communities Self-care What to expect from the summit Why this summit is so awesome, besides the fact Nacho Kids is a part of it
8/13/20211 hour, 28 minutes, 50 seconds
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114: Full-time Childless Stepmom Who Nachos Like A Queen

*** DISCLAIMER: This episode includes mention of domestic violence, PTSD, and suicidal thoughts. *** In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews childless/childfree stepmom Melissa. Melissa has been blending for five years and has a 21-year-old stepson and a 12-year-old stepdaughter full time. Melissa’s husband was in an abusive relationship with his kids’ mother. He fought for his kids in court and won full custody two and a half years ago.  In this episode, we discuss: Parental Alienation High conflict bio mom Being a childless or childfree stepmom Using the Nacho Kids Method properly ~ Nachoing Child support ~ lack of
8/6/20211 hour, 26 minutes, 58 seconds
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113: Stepmom To Stepkid With ODD - Oppositional Defiant Disorder

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews stepmom Rebeccah. Rebeccah is a behavior analyst and stepmom to two stepsons, one of which has ODD - oppositional defiant disorder and the other has ADHD. Rebeccah shares with us information about ODD and how it impacted her blend.  In this episode, we discuss: What ODD is  Being a childless stepmom When the bio parents don’t get their bio kids help  Using the Nacho Kids method, “Nachoing” When a stepkid refuses to come for visitation
7/30/20211 hour, 8 minutes, 3 seconds
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112: Stepkids Attempting & Threatening Suicide Because Of Blended Issues

*** DISCLAIMER: Episode includes discussion of suicide attempts and threats *** In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews a childless stepmom in Detroit. This stepmom has been blending for 2-½ years and has three stepkids ages 19, 13, and 11. Amongst the three stepkids, one attempted suicide, and two have threatened to. In this episode, we discuss: Parental Alienation The bio parents not getting along When the dynamics change Helping the other bio parent not feel threatened Transition days between homes
7/23/20211 hour, 5 minutes, 51 seconds
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111: Blended Couple Didn't Think Blending Would Be This Hard

  In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews blended couple, Jessica and Mark!  They have been blending for 4-½ years. Mark has three daughters ages 20, 18, and 16, and together they have a two-year-old son. Jessica was an “ours” child in her blend and thought that experience would make their blend a little “easier”. That wasn’t the case.  In this episode, we discuss: Adding an “ours” kid to the blend Lowering expectations The grieving process of blending Co-parenting with the ex The stepparent telling the bio parent how to parent
7/16/20211 hour, 40 minutes, 38 seconds
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110: Full-time Stepmom To Three Stepkids With An Absent Bio Mom

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews a stepmom with three stepkids and one bio kid. The stepkids’ bio mom is absent the majority of the time but does resurface occasionally. Stepmom has been blending for seven years. When bio mom resurfaces, it only causes issues in the blend.  In this episode, we discuss: Being a full-time stepmom with an absent bio mom It’s not about you Knowing when to step back Food issues in the blend Being a teacher and Nachoing
7/9/20211 hour, 20 minutes, 39 seconds
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109: Canadian Stepmom's Significant Other Agreed To Have Two More Kids

*** Trigger warning: Postpartum depression is discussed in this episode *** In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews a Canadian stepmom who has been blending for 2-½ years with three stepkids and one ours baby. Prior to dating her significant other, she told him if he didn’t want two more kids, that was a deal-breaker for her. He agreed; however, after them having one child together he seems to not want another. In this episode, we discuss: Moving away from friends and family Dealing with a high conflict bio mom Significant other changing their mind about more kids Finances Postpartum Depression
7/2/20211 hour, 14 minutes, 53 seconds
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108: Super Stepmom Gets Overwhemled

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews stepmom Debora. Debora, who moved to the US from Brazil, has been blending for 16 months and is a stepmom to three stepkids and a mom to two bio kids. In the beginning, the kids got along great!  In this episode, we discuss: Not having enough bedrooms for each kid to have their own Having a significant other who is a control freak Having a good relationship with bio mom Stepkid’s extracurricular activities Significant other having PTSD - Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
6/25/20211 hour, 7 minutes, 17 seconds
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107: Stepmom With One Psycho Bio Mom And One Cool Bio Mom

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews stepmom Silvia. Silvia has been blending for about a year and a half. She has two stepkids from different bio moms and one bio kid. The hardest part of blending for her is the differences in parenting. The best advice she’s received about blending is to Nacho!   In this episode, we discuss: Having a special needs child Differences in parenting Messy stepkids Guilty Parent Syndrome Nachoing putting more responsibility on the bio parent
6/18/20211 hour, 10 minutes, 5 seconds
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106: Widowed Couple Has 9 Kids In Their Blend

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori and David, co-founders of Nacho Kids, interview stepmom Kari. Kari and her husband both lost their spouses from previous marriages. Kari has five bio kids and her husband, Andy, has 4 bio kids! Yep, NINE kids total between them!!   In this episode, we discuss: Being a widow and remarrying Having mom eyes without the voice Nachoing homework & chores  Never having a “break” Moving into an existing home
6/11/20211 hour, 27 minutes, 19 seconds
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105: Childless Stepmom Nachos Her Stepkids But Her Partner Won't Nacho Her Dogs

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews stepmom Amy. Amy has been blending for nine years. She is a childless stepmom with two adult stepkids. Amy Nachos her stepkids but her significant other won’t Nacho her dogs, which of course are like her kids!   In this episode, we discuss: Being a childless stepmom Boundaries and expectations Losing a parent at a young age  Having a rocky relationship with a stepparent Stepfamily trips/vacations
6/4/20211 hour, 30 minutes, 33 seconds
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104: Discussing Parental Paralysis With Tracy Poizner ~ Essential Stepmom

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori and David, founders of Nacho Kids, interview Tracy Poizner of the Essential Stepmom.  Tracy is a mom and a stepmom. She helps parents and children improve their physical, mental, and emotional well-being. As a parenting strategist, she teaches divorced dads how to raise children to become prosperous adults despite high conflict custody or limited visitation.  In this episode, we discuss: Parenting Paralysis Discipline Modeling the values you want your kids and stepkids to have Guilty Parent Syndrome
5/28/20211 hour, 11 minutes, 18 seconds
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103: Childless Stepmom To Three Stepdaughters

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews a childless stepmom to three stepdaughters. One of her stepdaughters is not biologically her husband’s child.  This stepmom has been blending for three and a half years and struggles with a high conflict bi-polar bio mom.  In this episode, we discuss: Dealing with a high conflict bi-polar bio mom Telling your significant other about the Nacho Kids method Nachoing what causes you stress House rules Nachoing bio mom
5/21/20211 hour, 11 minutes, 30 seconds
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102: Stepmom Who Nachos Twin Stepdaughters Differently

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews stepmom Morgan! Morgan has been blending for five years, married two of those years, has two teenage twin stepdaughters, and two teenage bio sons! She also has a seven-year-old daughter, whom her husband is adopting. The bio father to her seven-year-old daughter was fighting her for custody while he was in the work release program in jail! In this episode, we discuss: The family court system Nachoing one stepchild differently, or more, than another Significant other wanting to adopt one of the bio children Attending functions with the ex  When bio mom has no rules
5/14/20211 hour, 31 minutes, 13 seconds
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101: Stepmum Who Is Being Investigated Because Of Facebook Posts

*** Disclaimer: This episode may not be suitable for children *** In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews Lisa, a stepmum from the UK! Lisa has been blending for about three years. She is a bio mom to adult bio kids and has a five-year-old stepdaughter. Her husband expects her to be “mom” to her stepdaughter and this is causing a lot of problems. Lisa, like many stepmoms, uses Facebook groups to talk about her stepmum struggles. Unfortunately, someone anonymously sent screenshots of her Facebook posts to child services and now Lisa is under investigation.    In this episode, we discuss: When your significant other wants you to “replace” the bio mom Dealing with a high conflict bio mom Bio mom not getting her kid on her scheduled time Facebook - not a “safe” place  Boundaries
5/7/20211 hour, 30 minutes, 21 seconds
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100: Another Nacho Kid's Viewpoint

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori and David, founders of Nacho Kids, interview David’s oldest son, Avery. David always felt Avery was impacted the most, out of all his kids, by his divorce from their mom. When Avery was a teenager, Lori had the fear a lot of stepparents have about their stepkids. The fear of the stepkids never moving out! Avery proved Lori's fears to be wrong when he joined the Air Force! Avery is now married to a lovely young lady and is doing awesome! He is an outstanding young man that David and Lori are very proud of! In this episode, we discuss: The kid’s viewpoint of divorce Bouncing back and forth between homes Blended family expectations Blended family realities Lori Nachoing
4/30/20211 hour, 29 minutes, 6 seconds
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099: Stepmom Who Went Off On The Bio Parents

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews stepmom Karen. Karen has been blending for five years and has a seven-year-old stepson. She Nachos stepson’s bio mom and due to stepson’s behavior recently taking a turn for the worse, Karen has had to step back a good bit in her stepmother role and start Nachoing her stepson. In this episode, we discuss: Feeling like you gave your life up for the blend Learning your place in the blend Stepparent role is ever-evolving and changing Nachoing the bio mom Thinking about adding an “ours” kid to the blend
4/23/20211 hour, 14 minutes, 4 seconds
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098: Inappropriate Touching Between Bio Kid And Stepkid

*** Disclaimer: This episode contains discussions of inappropriate sexual behavior between a bio kid and a stepkid. *** In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews stepmom Jane. Jane has been blending for five years and has three stepkids and three bio kids.  Jane admits to being a high-conflict bio mom in the past and feels it hurt her kids’ relationships with their dad and stepmom. Jane is currently struggling with the fallout of her bio son and stepdaughter engaging in inappropriate sexual behavior.  In this episode, we discuss: Being a high conflict bio mom Dealing with an overstepping bio mom Not being first Pushing relationships in the blend Dealing with inappropriate sexual behavior with bio and stepkid
4/16/20211 hour, 21 minutes, 20 seconds
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097: Interview With Elise Buie ~ Family Law Attorney

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori and David, founders of Nacho Kids, interview Elise Buie ~ Family Law Attorney in Washington state. She is a mom to four and a stepmom to two. Elise says her kids are very different than her husband’s kids because her husband’s kids were raised by military parents and are very disciplined, and let’s just say her’s aren’t as disciplined.   In this episode, we discuss: Family court system issues Differences between how bio kids and stepkids were raised Food fights Post-divorce issues How to co-parent like CEOs
4/9/20211 hour, 15 minutes, 58 seconds
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096: Stepmom Whose Husband Won't Nacho Her Kids Part 2 ~ Mini-wife Syndrome

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, continues her interview with the Yankee Stepmom. Blending for 4-½ years, having four stepkids and two bio kids - one of which is adopted, the Yankee Stepmom and Lori discuss Mini-Wife Syndrome!  In this episode, we discuss: Mini-wife making you feel like the other woman Mini-wife parenting other kids Daddy’s girl vs mini-wife syndrome Does bio dad discourage or encourage the mini-wife behavior Touching between mini-wife and bio dad
4/2/20211 hour, 15 minutes, 58 seconds
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095: Stepmom Whose Husband Won't Nacho Her Bio Kids

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews the Yankee Stepmom. The Yankee Stepmom has been blending for 4-½ years, has four stepkids and two bio kids - one of which is adopted. She learned to Nacho and wishes her husband would do the same. Unfortunately, her husband not nachoing her bio kids has caused a lot of stress in the home and she is thinking it may be best for her adopted son to go live with his bio dad for a year - 14 hours away.  In this episode, we discuss: Moving into the house the significant other shared with the ex Bio mom overstepping When your significant other won’t Nacho Considering letting your bio child go live with the other bio parent Being put on antidepressants after becoming a stepmom
3/26/20211 hour, 18 minutes, 33 seconds
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094: Stepmom Whose Counselor Told Her To Back Off

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews stepmom Holly. Holly and her significant other have been blending for eight years. Holly has a stepdaughter who is 13, a bio daughter who is 10, and two “ours” daughters ages 7 and 1. She and her stepdaughter started getting close which upset the bio mom. When stepdaughter was about 10, she and Holly started having issues, so Holly and her husband went to marriage counseling. The counselor told Holly she needed to back off.  In this episode, we discuss: Being a stepkid Relationships between “ours" kids and stepkid When stepkid is an only child at the other home Letting the bio parent handle the discipline Being told you need to step back
3/19/202157 minutes, 23 seconds
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093: Stepmom Required To Meet Bio Mom

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori and David, founders of Nacho Kids, interview stepmom Kaila. Kaila and her significant other have been blending for about a year. She has a stepson that is 7 years old and a stepdaughter that is 3 years old. Part of the custody agreement between Kaila’s significant other and the bio mom was that bio mom would meet Kaila before she met the kids and Kaila had to wait four months before meeting the kids.  In this episode, we discuss: Not knowing anything about stepfamilies Realizing you are not their mom Being/feeling second Wanting a child of your own Nachoing
3/12/20211 hour, 28 minutes, 9 seconds
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092: Blended Couple Who Is Rockin' The Blend

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori and David, founders of Nacho Kids, interview blended couple Crystal & Mike. Crystal has no children of her own, and Mike has two kids - a son who is 15 years old and a daughter who is 13 years old. They have been blending for 3 years and have the kids fifty percent of the time. Crystal’s hardest part of blending was feeling like she didn’t belong in the pre-made family.  In this episode, we discuss: Being a stepkid Living close to the bio mom Disney Dad Coming into a ready-made family
3/5/20211 hour, 25 minutes, 39 seconds
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091: Stepmom Who Nachos Discipline With Her Bonus Kids

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews stepmom Kayala. Kayala has been blending for three years and has two stepkids - one of which is neurodivergent, two bio kids, and an ours kid. Kayala grew up in a blended family where her dad was kind of pushed out of the picture. She has a good relationship with her stepkids now, but it wasn’t always that way.  In this episode, we discuss: Being a stepkid Dealing with a high conflict bio mom Gentle parenting Not being one family
2/26/20211 hour, 9 minutes, 33 seconds
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090: Interview With Mary Lynn Bradshaw ~ The Suburban Urban Mom

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews Mary Lynn Bradshaw of The Suburban Urban Mom YouTube channel. When Lori ran across Mary Lynn talking about Nachoing on her channel she thought she was going to hear someone talk about how Nachoing is so bad or wrong information about Nachoing. Surprisingly, Mary Lynn “got it”. Lori was shocked! She had to reach out to Mary Lynn and ask her to be a guest! Mary Lynn has been blending for 7 years and is a full-time stepmom. She has one teenage stepdaughter, a teenage bio son, and a 4-year-old ours child. Nacho was a turning point for Mary Lynn and her stepdaughter. In this episode, we discuss: Being a full-time stepmom Nachoing and the Nacho Kids method  When your significant other still has a relationship with bio mom’s family Gratitude journals Having an ours baby
2/18/20211 hour, 48 minutes, 30 seconds
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089: A Couple Who Fought To Be A Nuclear Family

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews Aimee & John who have been blending for almost eight years. Aimee has an 11-year-old son, John has a 9-year-old daughter, and they have a 1-½-year-old son together. From the beginning of their marriage and for years they tried to force a nuclear family out of the blend and felt rejected when it backfired. They found the Nacho Kids method and decided to give it a try! In this episode, we discuss: Trying to force the blend Parental alienation The family court system and court orders Coordinating schedules with the kids The Nacho Kids method works
2/12/20211 hour, 18 minutes, 22 seconds
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088: Interview With Jonnie Jensen ~ Team Super Dad

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, continues their “Month Of Men” with an interview with Jonnie Jensen of Team Super Dad! Jonnie became a stepchild after his mom passed away when Jonnie was 9-years-old and his dad remarried. Jonnie’s stepmom didn’t come into the blend trying to shape or overly mother him and his brother, she just joined the ride. Of course, some thought it was wrong of her not to try to take over the motherly role since the bio mom had passed away. When Jonnie grew up and got married, he married a lady with a 6-year-old son.  The hardest part of being a stepdad for Jonnie was having to be the primary parent when his wife was ill. Jonnie and his wife had two beautiful children before they decided to separate. After several years in the court system, Jonnie finally was able to get 50/50 with his biological kids. Jonnie and his stepson do not have much of a relationship as the stepson felt after Jonnie and his mom split up that it would hurt his mom if he continued to have a relationship with Jonnie. Jonnie started Team Super Dad to help fathers, and those in fatherly roles, discover their true powers and create an epic life. In this episode, we discuss: Being a stepkid after losing your mother Being a stepdad Don’t shout, hug it out! Parallel parenting Team Super Dad
2/5/20211 hour, 32 minutes, 42 seconds
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087: Interview With Matt Larson ~ The Human Improvement Project

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, continues their “Month Of Men” with an interview with Matt Larson of The Human Improvement Project! Matt has a great desire to help children. He worked with the federal government to help get the Adam Walsh Child Protection Act bill passed and more recently helped create the “Happy Child” parenting app! Although Matt is not a stepparent, his advice can be applied to the blend, especially when the Nacho stepparent starts the re-engagement process. And of course, we know many stepparents are also bio parents and can benefit from this interview and his “Happy Child” app. Join us as Matt talks to us about improving our long term well being.   In this episode, we discuss: The Human Improvement Project Improving your long term well being  Happiness and unhappiness chemicals in our body The 20-second hug Building deep bonds
1/29/20211 hour, 32 minutes, 45 seconds
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086: Interview With Joel Hawbaker ~ 10CBF Blended Family Podcast

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori and David, founders of Nacho Kids, continue their “Month Of Men” with an interview with Joel Hawbaker of the 10 CBF Blended Families Podcast. Joel is the bio dad of two beautiful teenage girls who he adores. Joel isn’t a stepdad, but he is a stepkid and gives us a great view on being a stepkid of military parents. He lived with his mom full time and went to his dad’s every other weekend. Until Joel could drive, his dad still came by and took him and his siblings to school in the mornings because of his mom’s work schedule. Joel, like many parents - I’d even venture to say ALL parents- has had a few struggles in parenting and building healthy relationships with his kids. Joel is blessed to have his awesome wife of a little over six years by his side. She has a good relationship with the stepkids and is an amazing stepmom! We hope to interview his lovely wife in the future!  In this episode, we discuss: Being a stepkid Differences in the blend When the bio kids want to live with the other parent Co-parenting The Mason jar idea
1/22/20211 hour, 18 minutes, 7 seconds
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085: Ex-Stepdad Knows His Girlfriend Won't "Love The Stepkid As Her Own"

*** DISCLAIMER:  This episode discusses potential child support arrearages and may be sensitive to some. *** In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews bio dad Jordan in Nacho Kids' "Month Of Men”! Jordan is from Ontario, Canada, and has been blending for three years. He has a daughter from a previous relationship and an “ours kid” with his girlfriend.  In the interview, Lori gets a bit wound up with the subject of the family court system. As Jordan shares his experience with Canada's family court system, it becomes clear the family court system needs an overhaul in more places than just the US. Part of Jordan’s family court situation includes his ex taking him back to court for back child support. We understand this can be a sensitive topic for many.  In this episode, we discuss: The family court system Child support arrears  Not loving the stepkid as your own Dealing with a high conflict bio mom Being denied extra visitation time with, or more access to, your child
1/15/20211 hour, 36 minutes, 56 seconds
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084: Widower Becomes A Stepdad

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews a stepdad! Michael, who was adopted, became a widower and later became a stepdad. Michael and his wife have been blending for three years. He has three bio kids, one of which is still living at home, and one stepson that lives with them full-time. Like so many stepfamilies, things were ok before the marriage and the first year, then things went south. One of his kids just wanted things back the way they were before Michael got remarried and threatened to leave if Michael didn’t leave his new wife. Michael did not cave into his son’s demands and explained to him that was not an option. One day his wife told him she wanted to Nacho one of the stepkids and when she started Nachoing, he saw improvements. Michael and his wife have decided they want to have blended family small groups to help other blended families succeed in the blend!  In this episode, we discuss: Unrealistic expectations Being a widower and stepmom feeling like she’s competing with a ghost Stepkids threatening to leave Guilty parent syndrome How Nachoing helped their blend
1/8/20211 hour, 23 minutes, 39 seconds
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083: Interview With A Nacho Kid

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori and David, founders of Nacho Kids, interview one of David’s triplets, Ethan. Ethan talks about how things were before and after Lori started Nachoing. They reminisce about the bad and good times. Lori is very proud of Ethan and the young man he has become, and no, she didn’t think he would turn out so awesome! Ethan shares some tips for stepkids and stepparents too.  In this episode, we discuss: Stepkid's view before and after Nachoing The good, the bad, and the really ugly Blending between the kids How bio dad helped build the relationship with the stepmom and stepkids Advice to stepkids and stepmoms from a stepkid
1/1/20211 hour, 12 minutes, 11 seconds
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082: Stepmom Who Says Her Stepkids Are "Her Kids"

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews stepmom Mallory. Mallory has been blending for 3-½ years. She has three stepkids that are with her and her husband fifty percent of the time. Currently, they have no “ours” kids but are hoping to change that soon!  Their hardest part of blending is the high conflict bio mom. Mallory feels bio mom is intrusive during their visitation time.  In this episode, we discuss: Being a childless stepmom and wanting kids of your own Stepkids calling stepmom “Mom” Nachoing when needed Bio mom overstepping Bio mom keeping the stepkids from her own bio mom
12/25/20201 hour, 13 minutes, 22 seconds
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081: Stepmom Whose Husband Lives With His Mom When He Has His Son

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews stepmom Kelli. Kelli has been blending for 5-½ years and has two stepkids, two bio kids, and one ours kid. She and her husband have an interesting dynamic with their blend. The stepdaughter lives with bio dad’s stepmom and sees bio dad one night a week outside of the home. Recently stepson, who has visitation every other week with his bio dad, has been staying with bio dad at bio dad’s mother’s house during his visitation time with bio dad. The weeks stepson is back with his bio mom, bio dad goes back home to Megan.      In this episode, we discuss: Negative impact of changing from every other weekend to 50/50 visitation Sibling promotion of parental alienation Bio parent’s fear of losing their kids Stepparent being responsible for distance learning with stepkid Refusing to give up
12/18/20201 hour, 18 minutes, 41 seconds
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080: Interview With Megan Bottom ~ Broken2Blessed

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori & David, founders of Nacho Kids, interview Megan Bottom with Broken2Blessed. Megan has been blending for 10 years and has three bio kids and three stepkids. As Megan and her now-husband were moving her and Megan’s kids to Texas, Megan found out the court did not rule in her favor to take the kids with her to Texas. She left her bio kids with their dad in Nevada and moved to Texas. In hindsight, Megan realizes it was best for her kids to stay with their dad. As a stepmom, Megan, like many stepmoms, made a lot of mistakes with the stepkids over the years. One day, while watching television while she was unemployed, Megan saw an ad on television for Liberty University and decided to become a Christian Counselor and went on to get her Masters in Pastoral Counseling.  In this episode, we discuss: Moving away from your bio kids Co-parenting with your significant other’s ex  Stepmom mistakes Picking your battles Mini-wife syndrome
12/11/20201 hour, 13 minutes
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079: Stepkid Who Became A Full-time Stepmom To Five Stepkids

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews stepmom Jasmine! Jasmine has been blending for three years and is a full-time stepmom to five stepkids! Yes, five! She also has one bio daughter and an “ours” son. Jasmine admits that she herself has been high conflict in the past. Being a stepkid herself, Jasmine tries to see things from the stepkids’ perspectives, and also from the bio mom’s perspective. As we know blending isn’t easy and it hasn’t been unicorns and rainbows for Jasmine either. After having a “come to Jesus” meeting with her significant other, they agreed she’d Nacho his teenage son’s and let him parent them, and she’d parent the girls, including stepdaughter, and of course the “ours” baby.   In this episode, we discuss: Being close in age to your oldest stepkid Being a high conflict stepmom Trying to understand bio moms absence Looking at things from the stepkids’ perspectives Being a stepkid that only saw her bio mom during the summer
12/4/20201 hour, 14 minutes, 12 seconds
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078: Stepmom Who Thought She Knew What She Was Getting Into

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews stepmom Nicole! Nicole has been blending for four years, has twin stepsons, three bio kids, and one “ours” kid. This is Nicole’s second blend. The first one was “easy peasy”, so of course Nicole thought she knew what she was getting into. Boy, was she wrong! Unlike the bio mom in her first blend, the bio mom in her second blend is very high conflict! Before she knew it, Nicole became so angry and resentful. Thankfully she found the Nacho Kids method and it saved her sanity and totally changed her life!  In this episode, we discuss: Differences in blends Parental Alienation Caring more than the bio parent Nachoing is life-changing Expectations of stepkids
11/27/20201 hour, 24 minutes, 55 seconds
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077: From Every Other Weekend To Full-Time Stepmom

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews stepmom Courtney! She has been blending for 13 years and has one stepdaughter and one bio daughter. Courtney tried to be cordial to the bio mom and helped her out several times, only to have bio mom cross the line. Needless to say, Courtney no longer cares about being nice to bio mom. In a twist of events,  her stepdaughter who used to come for visitation every other weekend was placed in full-time emergency custody of Courtney’s husband earlier this year. This change definitely has created some challenges in their blend, but thankfully Nacho has been their blended family lifesaver! In this episode, we discuss: Unexpected visitation changes Two-faced bio mom Parental alienation Bio mom coming to the home for pickups/dropoffs Toxic relationship between stepkid and bio mom
11/20/20201 hour, 2 minutes, 59 seconds
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076: Full-time Childless Stepmom To Three Teenage Stepdaughters

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori and David, founders of Nacho Kids, interview stepmom Kayla! Kayla, a childless stepmom, has been blending for 14 months and has three teenage stepdaughters! Being a high-school teacher, Kayla thought “she knew what she was getting into”! Considering she was around teenagers all day, she’d have no issues being a stepmom to three teenage girls fairly easily. Let’s just say, she was proven wrong. Being a full-time stepmom has been a bit of a challenge. Kayla recently decided to get help with her blend and join the Nacho Kids Academy! She’s already seeing positive changes in her blend in a short time.   In this episode, we discuss: Knowing what you are getting into Being a full-time childless stepmom Nacho finally “clicking” Identifying triggers/stressors Setting boundaries Feeling guilty about Nachoing
11/13/20201 hour, 26 minutes, 10 seconds
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075: A Nacho Stepmom In Dubai

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews stepmom Hannah! Hannah and her husband have been blending for six years and live in Dubai. Her stepson and stepdaughter live in Australia. Until recently, they would get the stepkids for two weeks every quarter and a month at Christmas. Due to the stress of her blend, Hannah sought help. She got a therapist, joined the Nacho Kids Academy, learned to Nacho and it has changed her life! In this episode, we discuss: Being an overinvolved stepmom Thoughts of giving up Nachoing and it’s benefits The importance of boundaries  How to handle bio mom’s lies Parential Alienation
11/6/20201 hour, 46 minutes, 48 seconds
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074: Interview With Heidi Farrell ~ Not Just A Stepmom

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews Heidi Farrell, founder of Not Just A Stepmom. Heidi has been blending 10 years. She has two stepkids and three “ours” kids. Not long after they married, her husband got full custody of his kids, making Heidi a full-time stepmom. Heidi shares a funny story about them telling her stepkids that she was pregnant. And how they messed this up two out of the three times! In this episode, we discuss: Being a full-time stepmom  Telling the stepkids you are pregnant Not seeing disrespect the same way Importance of setting boundaries Nachoing the things that cause you stress
10/30/20201 hour, 26 minutes, 24 seconds
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073: Stepmom Struggling To Set Boundaries

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori and David, founders of Nacho Kids, interview stepmom Diane. Diane is a people pleaser and struggles with setting boundaries. Like this stepmom, oftentimes people feel as if they are being a bad person, rude, mean, or disrespectful, and then they feel guilty for setting boundaries. However, Diane was forced to set boundaries with her oldest of four stepdaughters due to the stepdaughter’s behavior. It’s still not easy and Diane struggles with guilt for setting the boundaries.  In this episode, we discuss: Dealing with the bio mom because your significant other doesn’t want to Being a people pleaser and struggling with boundaries Dealing with a stepkid that lies, steals, and manipulates Issues from not having a set schedule with the stepkids Having healthy boundaries
10/23/20201 hour, 10 minutes, 47 seconds
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072: Interview with Craig & Gina Morgan ~ Blended Together Forever

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori and David, founders of Nacho Kids, interview Craig and Gina Morgan. Craig and Gina are the founders of Blended Together Forever ~ Making The Family Whole Again. They have been blending for 24 years! Craig entered the blend with one son and one daughter, while Gina came into the blend with four boys, and they have one son together. Their blend was not easy, but they made it! They are sharing their story with other blended families in hopes to help their blends stay blended together forever!  In this episode, we discuss: When the bio kids want to live with the other parent Developmental grief Blended challenges don’t end when the kids turn 18 Healthy expectations Just letting things happen
10/16/20201 hour, 16 minutes, 32 seconds
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071: Stepmom Who Had Given Up

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori and David, founders of Nacho Kids, interview stepmom Noel. Noel has been blending for three years. She has three bio children and four stepchildren. Noel, like many stepmoms, came in and stepped into the “Mom” role. Also like many stepmoms, she was struggling hard in the blend and had a mental breakdown. She had given up hope. She signed up for the Nacho Kids Academy as a last-ditch effort to save their marriage and you won’t believe what happened!  In this episode, we discuss: Unrealistic expectations Struggling to stand up for your bio kids Realizing it’s not a stepkid problem, but a bio parent problem Guilty Parent Syndrome What joining the Nacho Kids Academy did for their marriage/blend
10/9/20201 hour, 32 minutes, 10 seconds
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070: Interview With Dorcy Pruter ~ Founder of Conscious Co-parenting Institute

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori and David, founders of Nacho Kids, interview Dorcy Pruter, founder of Conscious Co-parenting Institute. Dorcy experienced parental alienation firsthand with her own father being alienated from her and by seeing her husband being alienated by his kids. Her personal experience and training have allowed her to help others who are suffering from parental alienation.  Through reunification coaching and co-parenting education, Dorcy provides strategies and solutions for parents and children to reconnect, or stay connected, during and after a high-conflict divorce. The primary focus of Dorcy’s work at the Conscious Co-Parenting Institute is high-conflict custody disputes involving “Parental Alienation.” Her goal is to help establish custody plans and co-parenting roles that encourage positive relationships between children and BOTH parents.    In this episode, we discuss: Parental Alienation Triggered emotions Bio parent telling the kid lies about the other bio parent Stepparent and control No Response Needed
10/2/20201 hour, 27 minutes, 2 seconds
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062: Stepmom With Brady Bunch Dreams

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori and David, founders of Nacho Kids, interview stepmom Michelle. Michelle and her husband have been blending for five years. Michelle has three biological daughters and her husband has three biological sons and one biological daughter. Her bio kids and her stepkids attend the same school, which adds some unique challenges. Michelle and her husband were on the verge of divorce and met with a counselor. The counselor’s lack of blended family knowledge resulted in them not getting the help they needed. They went through several counselors before Michelle joined the Nacho Kids Academy. Through her work in the Academy, she has made great progress!   In this episode, we discuss: Dealing with a high conflict bio dad Finding the right help for your blend Brady Bunch dreams Comparing your home to the other home Vacations with the stepkids and bio kids The Nacho Kids Academy
9/25/20201 hour, 18 minutes, 56 seconds
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069: Stepmom Offended By Nacho

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews stepmom Courtney, who listened to the Nacho Kids podcast and was offended! Courtney, a stepkid herself, has been blending three years and has four stepkids, with two different bio moms. One of the bio moms has really put Courtney and her husband through the wringer and they didn’t have any recourse because of the court order’s wording.  In this episode, we discuss: Dealing with a high conflict bio parent Court orders and grey areas When the other bio parent is single When the bio parent works out of town a lot A stepkid being born after the blend starts
9/25/20201 hour, 34 minutes, 41 seconds
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068: Ooops! She Did It Again!

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews stepmom Peggy. Peggy is in her second blend. Yep, she decided to do it again! She has two stepkids in her current blend and two bio kids. Peggy has experienced some unique challenges in her blend related to parental alienation with the stepkids and also the death of her bio kids’ father last year. Through her challenges, Peggy has learned so much and learned what does and doesn’t work for her blend.   In this episode, we discuss: Differences in blends Stepkids interacting with bio kids Guilty Parent Syndrome Meeting the “King of Nerds” and dealing with his “Joker” ex-wife Leaving discipline to the bio parent
9/18/20201 hour, 5 minutes, 14 seconds
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067: Interview With Karalee Katsambanis - Author of "Stepparenting With Purpose"

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori and David, founders of Nacho Kids, interview Karalee Katsambanis - author of “Stepparenting With Purpose: Everything you wanted to know but were too afraid to ask”. Karalee has been blending 15 years, has two stepkids, and three “ours” kids. She is Australian so you know Lori had a fit over Karalee’s accent!   In this episode, we discuss: Never meeting the bio mum  Being the first “stepmum” amongst your friends Not all counselors understand stepparenting Mother’s Day Focusing more on the stepkids instead of your own kids
9/11/20201 hour, 37 minutes, 40 seconds
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066: Stepson Was Sexually Inappropriate With Bio Son

*** DISCLAIMER *** Trigger Warning - Inappropriate Sexual Behavior  In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori and David, founders of Nacho Kids, interview an anonymous stepmom from Florida. This stepmom has been blending for five years, has one stepson and two bio sons. About six weeks after they were married, something unthinkable happened. Her stepson was sexually inappropriate with her bio son. Of course, this is something no one is ever prepared to have to deal with, nor do they expect to have to deal with, but she agreed to share her story with us in hopes of helping someone that may be going through something similar.    In this episode, we discuss: Inappropriate behavior between step-siblings The shame and embarrassment  The importance of open communication  Seeing things from a different perspective The long-lasting effects 
9/4/20201 hour, 41 minutes, 13 seconds
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065: Childless Stepmom Turns To Nacho

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews childless stepmom, Dani. Dani has been blending for six years and has three stepkids, ages 20,18, and 15. She has no children of her own. In the beginning, the stepkids were with them every other weekend, then that changed to every other week. Like most blended families, things changed when Dani and her husband got married. Also like most blended families, she didn’t research blended families prior to blending because she didn’t see the need. Needless to say, the need arose. She came across the Nacho Kids podcast and something resonated with her. She started Nachoing, and it did her good!    In this episode, we discuss: When the visitation with the stepkids increase Why getting married changes things Stepmom needing control Feeling defeated Letting blended issues consume your life
8/28/20201 hour, 13 minutes, 34 seconds
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064: Stepmom Shares Her Biggest Regret

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews a Nacho Stepmom from Washington State who shares with us her biggest stepmom regret! This stepmom has been blending about four years, she has an 11-year-old stepson, a 9-year-old stepdaughter, a 4-year-old bio daughter, 7-year-old bio son, and a 7-year-old bio daughter. Yep, twins! Like many stepmoms, she was struggling in the “blend”. We’ll just say a high-conflict bio mom didn’t make things any easier for her. She started looking for help and found the Nacho Kids method. Once she started implementing what she learned, things got better instantly!  In this episode, we discuss: Dealing with a high conflict bio mom Struggling to adjust to the blend Nachoing helped Dinner time issues What she’s learned
8/21/20201 hour, 20 minutes, 16 seconds
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063: Evil Stepmom From The UK

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews Helen, an evil stepmom from the UK. Of course, she really isn’t evil but the bio mom told the stepkids she was! She has been blending for about two and a half years and has two stepdaughters. Helen has learned a lot in her short time in the blend. Like many other stepmoms, she came into the blend and took on the role of the main disciplinarian. One reason she took on this role was that her partner had Guilty Parent Syndrome. Eventually, the stress of being the main disciplinarian and feeling as if she didn’t have her partner’s support when she disciplined the stepkids, led her to Nacho. Since Nachoing, things have gotten better.    In this episode, we discuss: Dealing with a high conflict bio mom Struggling to adjust to the blend Being the main disciplinarian Feeling last on a list of anybody’s priorities Time to Nacho
8/14/20201 hour, 33 minutes, 54 seconds
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061: Interview With Kristen Skiles ~ Stepmomming

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori and David, founders of Nacho Kids, interview Kristen Skiles with Stepmomming. Kristen has been blending for three years, has a 10-year old stepdaughter, and was a stepchild herself. Although she was a stepchild herself, Kristen still faced many blended family challenges. Kristen and the bio mom had a unique relationship in the beginning and were considered best friends! After some struggles and boundaries being set, Kristen and the bio mom’s relationship changed, but they still remain friends.     In this episode, we discuss: Being friends with the bio mom Unrealistic expectations Resentment Understanding Nachoing Being a childless stepmom
7/31/20201 hour, 27 minutes, 51 seconds
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060: From Every Other Weekend Stepmom To Full-Time Stepmom

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews stepmom Joni. Joni has been blending 5 years, has two stepkids, and two “ours” kids. At the beginning of the blend, Joni’s husband only had visitation with his kids every other weekend. About two years ago, that changed and her husband got full custody. Joni has learned a lot since their blended dynamics have changed. Joni “gets” the Nacho Kids method and utilizes it in her blend!    In this episode, we discuss: How being a teacher can make it harder on stepmoms Changes in custody with the bio parents Different levels of nachoing between stepkids Expectations of the blend Taking things personally
7/24/20201 hour, 51 minutes, 27 seconds
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059: Interview With Ali Wilkins ~ Stepcoupling

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews Ali Wilks from Stepcoupling! Ali has been blending for 13 years and has three stepkids, ages 18, 16, and 11, and two “ours” kids, ages 11 and 9. Her stepkids’ mom passed away seven years ago adding some unique challenges to the blend. Ali, like many stepmoms, has experienced struggles in her blend. Her biggest struggle was with her stepdaughter. Thankfully, she and her stepdaughter went to therapy together and things have improved.    In this episode, we discuss: Bringing an “ours” kid into the blend Letting go of the “One big happy family” dreams Nachoing isn’t easy Not claiming the stepkids as your own Focusing on your marriage
7/17/20201 hour, 27 minutes, 50 seconds
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058: Interview With Anna de Acosta ~ The Mindful Stepmom

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews Anna de Acosta ~ The Mindful Stepmom. Anna has been blending for eight years, has two stepkids, and has three “ours” kids. Anna and her husband have had his kids full time for the past few years. She and her husband parallel parent with the stepkids’ bio mom, and Anna does not Nacho.   In this episode, we discuss: Letting go of the outcome Triggers Having the stepkids full time Having control issues Healthy boundaries
7/10/20201 hour, 30 minutes, 56 seconds
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057: The Goody Two Shoes Stepmom

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews a stepmom from Idaho, who she loving refer to as “The Goody Two Shoes Stepmom”. This stepmom has been through a lot! She had an evil stepmom growing up and her dad chose the evil stepmom over her. Prior to this blended relationship, she was a widow. She has been blending for three years and has two stepchildren and one “ours” child with her husband. As a stepmom, she is very involved and does not Nacho her stepkids; however, she does Nacho the high conflict bio mom!     In this episode, we discuss: Dealing with a high conflict bio mom When your significant other doesn’t want to ”rock the boat” with the bio mom Having an evil stepmom Being a widow  Boundaries
7/3/20201 hour, 17 minutes, 30 seconds
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056: Stepmom Who Tried To Make The World "Fair"

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews a stepmom who tried to make the world “fair”. This stepmom has been blending for 10-½ years and has two stepsons and three bio kids. She refers to her blended family as “The Brady Bunch On Steroids!” Three years ago she started Nachoing after one of the stepkids accused her of abuse.   In this episode, we discuss: Trying to make things “fair” Disney Dad syndrome Bio mom trying to turn the kids against the bio dad and stepmom Loyalty binds to bio mom The stepkids lying about the stepmom
6/26/20201 hour, 49 minutes, 12 seconds
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055: Stepmom Who Has Five Stepkids With Three Bio Moms & Four Bio Kids

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori and David, co-founders of Nacho Kids, interview stepmom Paige. Paige has been blending for two and a half years and has four bio kids and five stepkids! Not only does she have a bunch of kids in the blend, but there are also three bio moms! Like many stepmoms, Paige went overboard with parenting her younger stepkids. Thankfully she found Nachoing to help her!    In this episode, we discuss: Taking things personally Stepmom expectations Her husband’s thoughts on her Nachoing Flipping out on the stepkids Feeling like roommates with your significant other
6/19/20201 hour, 36 minutes
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054: Stepmom Who Was A Secret

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews a from Wisconsin. This stepmom has one stepkid and two “ours” kids, one of which is autistic. Her stepdaughter did not know about the stepmom until a week after she had the first “ours” baby. The stepdaughter comes for visitation every other weekend but the stepmom doesn’t spend time with the stepdaughter alone. Her significant other wants her to love his daughter like her own and told her when they got engaged that she needed to spend time with his daughter.   In this episode, we discuss: Stepmom not spending time alone with the stepkid The significant other wanting you to love their kid like your own   Summer visitation Poor eating habits of the stepkid Nachoing
6/12/20201 hour, 18 minutes, 35 seconds
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053: Stepmom With An Extremely High Conflict Bio Mom

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews stepmom Jennifer. Jennifer has been with her significant other for six years and married for three and a half years. She has two stepkids and one “ours” kid. Jennifer wasn’t around the stepkids a lot prior to the marriage and believes if she would have spent a lot more time with the stepkids prior to marriage, she may not have gotten married. With each life event in Jennifer and her husband’s life, the high conflict bio mom was triggered to start something. This seems to be a very common occurrence in blended families.     In this episode, we discuss: Kids from high conflict divorces Being a positive and happy place for the stepkids Telling the stepkids “I’m not your mom” The family court system Psychological strain from court battles Dealing with a very high conflict bio mom
6/5/20201 hour, 49 minutes, 31 seconds
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052: The Family Court System Failed This Stepmom's Husband & Stepkids

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews stepmom Shannon from New York. Shannon has been blending for seven years. She has two stepkids, a stepdaughter who is 10 and a stepson who is twelve. Shannon also has an “ours” daughter who is six. She and her husband have been through a lot with the stepkids. When the stepson started touching the stepdaughter inappropriately at the bio mom’s house and bio mom didn’t think it was a big deal, bio-dad went to court for emergency custody, which he was granted until the hearing. At the hearing, bio-dad lost and the kids were returned to the bio mom. Since then, the stepdaughter does not want to come back to dad’s house because she thinks what her brother did wasn’t “that bad” and she’s upset that her dad reacted the way he did. Shannon’s husband has not seen his kids outside of therapy appointments since this happened. The therapy appointments with the son go well, but the daughter still refuses to even talk to him. Stepmom is doing her best to be supportive of her husband during all this.    In this episode, we discuss: Going into the blend with nuclear family expectations Stepmoms being scapegoats Family court issues Having an “ours” kid in the blend The significant other parenting their kids and their “ours” kids differently
5/29/20201 hour, 48 minutes, 21 seconds
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051: Stepmom Nachos One Stepkid And Not The Other

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews stepmom Crista. Crista has been blending for 3-½ years and has two stepdaughters. Crista and her husband have one step-daughter, age 9,  50% of the time, and the other stepdaughter, age 11, full time. The youngest step-daughter and Crista get along great! The relationship between the oldest stepdaughter and Crista, is a bit more challenging.     In this episode, we discuss: Nachoing one stepkid and not the other Not setting yourself up for rejection You can’t care more than the bio parents Stepmom burnout Nachoing lowering your stress
5/22/20201 hour, 27 minutes, 26 seconds
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050: Interview With Sarah Harris ~ Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, Registered Play Therapist, Board Certified Telementalhealth Provider

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews Sarah Harris. Sarah is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, a Registered Play Therapist, and a Board Certified Telemental health provider. Sarah has been in the mental health field for 14 years.  In this episode, we discuss: Overly engaged stepparents Viewing yourself as a Nanny/Babysitter Regulating emotions Nachoing - the art of non-attachment Understanding our triggers
5/15/20201 hour, 39 minutes, 12 seconds
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049: Stepkid Turned Stepmom

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews stepmom Megan. Megan is a stepkid herself. As a stepkid, Megan didn’t like her stepdad telling her mom how to parent her, so Megan went to live with her grandparents when she was 13 and never moved back in with her mom and stepdad. Megan has two bio children of her own and has been in two blended relationships. She has been in her current blended relationship for three years and her stepdaughter lives with them full time. Megan and her significant other have had some trying times with bio mom and the family court system. It took Megan two years to figure out her role in the blend, and now Nachos.    In this episode, we discuss: Being a stepkid with a stepparent that tells the bio parent how to parent Dealing with a bio mom that has drug issues When the other bio parent lives in a different state Your significant other expecting you to be “Mom” When the stepparent pushes the bio parent to get custody 
5/8/20201 hour, 46 minutes, 59 seconds
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048: Stepmom And Bio Dad Moved 12 Hours Away From His Kids

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori and David, co-founders of Nacho Kids, interview stepmom Katie. Katie is a childless stepmom who has been blending 10 years. She has three stepkids and one grand stepkid. Katie is a stepkid herself and has a good relationship with her stepdad. Katie and her husband recently moved 12 hours away from her husband’s kids.    In this episode, we discuss: Being a childless stepmom Finding your own way to connect with the stepkids Moving into the house your significant other and their ex shared Nachoing the mother-in-law Christmas
5/1/20201 hour, 46 minutes, 33 seconds
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047: Third Time's The Charm Stepmom?

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews Tracy, a stepmom that is in her third blended relationship!!! Yes, third! In all, she’s been in blended relationships for 19 years. And let’s just say there were a bunch of bio moms in the blends too! She has definitely gained a lot of experience throughout these blends! She is a Nacho Mom now and it only took her three blended relationships to figure out that Nachoing is what works best for her.  In this episode, we discuss: Differences in blends Multiple bio moms Nacho misconceptions The significant other wanting the stepmom to parent only in certain ways When the significant other tries to force the stepmom and stepkid to love each other When one of the kids still lives at home after 18
4/24/20201 hour, 16 minutes
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046: Childless Stepmom With An Autistic Stepson

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori and David, co-founders of Nacho Kids, interview Rochelle, a childless stepmom with one stepson who is autistic. In her blend, she has dealt with a high conflict bio mom and a custody change of stepson. Nachoing helped Rochelle to have a relationship with her stepson. Rochelle is also a button pusher like David and they bonded over that, much to Lori’s dismay. Lori thinks highly of Rochelle, regardless of her button-pushing.      In this episode, we discuss: Hich conflict bio mom Parental Alienation Changs in custody Having an autistic stepkid Button pushing and Lori’s struggle to understand it
4/17/20201 hour, 55 minutes, 35 seconds
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045: Stepmom Who Regrets Helping Her Husband Get Custody Of His Kids

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori and David, co-founders of Nacho Kids, interview Maria, a two-time stepmom. Maria’s first blend lasted two years and she had three stepkids, and brought three bio kids into the blend. Her second blend is going on eight years, and she now has four stepkids. Having learned a lot in her first blend, Maria was much more cautious going into the second blend! Although she was cautious going into the second blend, she helped her husband get custody of his kids, which she does regret. Maria is a certified divorce coach and does mediation of parenting plans for divorcing families and parents that have outgrown their parenting plans that were a part of their original agreement. Maria has come a long way in her blends and offers great advice to our listeners!   In this episode, we discuss: Learning from the first blend Regretting helping your husband to get custody of his kids Realizing when you are a very large contributing factor to the blended problems Being set up by the significant other to fail Nachoing is a way of life
4/10/20201 hour, 41 minutes, 4 seconds
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044: Interview With Bobbi Wilcox ~ Blended Families United

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews Bobbi Wilcox - founder of Blended Families United and author of “Reconciled - A Story of Divorce, redemption, and A Blended Family United”.  Bobbi is not a stepmom but has witnessed blending through her husband being a stepdad to her children. Bobbi and her husband also have a child together. Bobbi dealt with some issues with her bio kids and her ex-husband, who she refers to as her “wasband”, when he and his new partner spoke negatively about her and downplayed her as a mom. Needless to say, this greatly impacted her kids. Over time, Bobbi and her “wasband” were able to reconcile and have a good co-parenting relationship. Bobbi’s story is a very unique one and we are thankful for her sharing her story with us and our listeners.    In this episode, we discuss: The bio kids stop coming for visitation The ex speaking negatively about the other bio parent Reconciling with the ex and mending the co-parenting relationship Bobbi’s unique definition of a blended family Hurt that comes from a blend not working    
4/3/20201 hour, 22 minutes, 46 seconds
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043: Stepmom Hospitalized Due To Blended Stress

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews stepmom Sabrina. Sabrina is a stepchild herself and has been blending for seven years. She has two stepsons ages 15 and 13. Sabrina and her husband have a very high conflict bio mom. The high conflict bio mom absconded with the stepkids and blocked Sabrina and her husband (bio dad) from contacting them. This bio mom was also very abusive to bio dad during their marriage. We all know the stress from the blend can be overwhelming and Sabrina is proof of that! She was hospitalized for a week due to what ended up being stress from the blend.    In this episode, we discuss: Parental Alienation Dealing with an extremely high conflict and narcissistic bio mom Stress from the blend Bio mom banning stepmom from her state Deciding when to not fight bio mom anymore   Rate & Review Our Podcast Please rate and review our podcast on iTunes and Stitcher. This helps others find the podcast and lets us know what our listeners want to hear.   Explore these Resources In this episode, we mentioned the following resources: Nacho Kids Facebook group Nacho Kids Facebook page  Nacho Kids Academy Facebook page   Our Purpose Nacho Kids' purpose is to dramatically reduce the blended family and stepfamily failure rate by providing the information and tools needed to live a successful and healthy blended life.   Follow or Subscribe To Our Podcast On the web: iTunes: Stitcher: Google Play:   Join The Conversation If you’d like to be a guest on the Nacho Kids Podcast, reach out to us and we’ll see what we can do! Or if you have a question you’d like us to answer, send us a message! We are very thankful to all of our guests and our listeners. Our hope for you is that something you hear here will help you in your blend!
3/27/20201 hour, 30 minutes, 38 seconds
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042:A Stepdaughter Molested By Her Stepbrother

**Disclaimer: This episode may not be suitable for children, or some adults, as molestation is the main topic discussed.**   In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori and David, co-founders of Nacho Kids, interview a stepdaughter from Illinois. “Stepdaughter” became a stepkid at 18 months old. She had two older stepbrothers. One of which molested her from the age of eight years old until around the age of 14 years old. She never told her dad about the molestation, but recently confided in her mom. As you can imagine, the stepdaughter’s childhood was taken from her because of the actions of her stepbrother. Stepdaughter still lives with her dad and stepmom, so, unfortunately, she still sees her abuser at times.  Not too long ago, the stepbrother decided to ask her if she remembered “how much fun they had as kids” and would she want to do it again. We were shocked, and proud, to learn that stepdaughter didn’t believe this most recent unpleasant encounter with the stepbrother was a set back in the progress she had previously made in therapy. This was a very touching interview with stepdaughter. It was so great to hear her be able to laugh and cut up with us despite the struggles she’s endured. In fact, I don’t know that we have ever laughed so much with a guest. We thank her for sharing her story with us and you, and we will continue to cheer her own as she attempts to heal from this horrible experience.    In this episode, we discuss: Being treated differently than the other kids Being molested by a step-sibling The fear of telling what happened The struggles to overcome the past When the past raises it’s ugly head Having a daughter that is also a stepdaughter   Rate & Review Our Podcast Please rate and review our podcast on iTunes and Stitcher. This helps others find the podcast and lets us know what our listeners want to hear.   Explore these Resources In this episode, we mentioned the following resources: Nacho Kids Facebook group Nacho Kids Facebook page  Nacho Kids Academy Facebook page National Sexual Assault Hotline: 1-800-656-4673 National Sexual Assault website   Our Purpose Nacho Kids' purpose is to dramatically reduce the blended family and stepfamily failure rate by providing the information and tools needed to live a successful and healthy blended life.   Follow or Subscribe To Our Podcast On the web: iTunes: Stitcher: Google Play:   Join The Conversation If you’d like to be a guest on the Nacho Kids Podcast, reach out to us and we’ll see what we can do! Or if you have a question you’d like us to answer, send us a message! We are very thankful to all of our guests and our listeners. Our hope for you is that something you hear here will help you in your blend!
3/20/20201 hour, 43 minutes
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041: A Neurodivergent Stepmom

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews a neurodivergent stepmom from Texas. This stepmom has been blending for five years. She has one biological son and one stepdaughter. When this stepmom was diagnosed, things began to make a lot more sense to her in regards to the struggles she had experienced in her past. She shares with us her story and tips for stepparents with neurodivergent stepkids in hopes of helping the stepparent better understand the stepkid and their challenges. In this episode, we discuss: Neurodivergence Expectations of a neurodivergent individual Meltdowns versus tantrums Communication with a neurodivergent person Three things stepparents should know about neurodivergent stepkids Benevolent sexism   Rate & Review Our Podcast Please rate and review our podcast on iTunes and Stitcher. This helps others find the podcast and lets us know what our listeners want to hear.   Explore these Resources In this episode, we mentioned the following resources: Nacho Kids Facebook group Nacho Kids Facebook page  Nacho Kids Academy Facebook page   Our Purpose Nacho Kids' purpose is to dramatically reduce the blended family and stepfamily failure rate by providing the information and tools needed to live a successful and healthy blended life.   Follow or Subscribe To Our Podcast On the web: iTunes: Stitcher: Google Play:   Join The Conversation If you’d like to be a guest on the Nacho Kids Podcast, reach out to us and we’ll see what we can do! Or if you have a question you’d like us to answer, send us a message! We are very thankful to all of our guests and our listeners. Our hope for you is that something you hear here will help you in your blend!
3/13/20201 hour, 24 minutes, 23 seconds
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040: A Stepmom Who Attempted Suicide

**Disclaimer: This episode may not be suitable for children, and could be a trigger for some adults, as suicide is the main topic of discussion and rape is also mentioned.** In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori and David, co-founders of Nacho Kids, interview founder of “The Starving Stepmom” - LauraBeth Ferguson. She is also co-author of “Daily Bread for The Starving Stepmom” with Melanie Anthony. LauraBeth was a single mom for eight years. She was raised in a blended family and she thought her experience as a stepchild would be beneficial when she married a military man with full custody of his own kids. As many stepmoms do, LauraBeth jumped in full force in the “mom” role. And also as many bio parents do, her husband wanted her to be “mom” to his kids in all ways except for when it came to disciplining them. As the stepkids caregiver, while her husband was deployed, the stepdaughter accused LauraBeth of abuse. This accusation and things that resulted from it eventually led to the unthinkable… LauraBeth tried to commit suicide. Thankfully, she was unsuccessful and now shares her story in hopes of helping others.   In this episode, we discuss: Being raised in a blended family Bonds with stepparents Being a full-time stepmom Being the target of the stepkid’s lies LauraBeth’s suicide attempt and recovery Warning signs of suicide to watch for  Having a plan when suicidal thoughts try to creep in Rate & Review Our Podcast Please rate and review our podcast on iTunes and Stitcher. This helps others find the podcast and lets us know what our listeners want to hear.   Explore these Resources In this episode, we mentioned the following resources: Nacho Kids Facebook group Nacho Kids Facebook page  Nacho Kids Academy Facebook page The Starving Stepmom Facebook page Suicide Prevention Hotline CALL: 1-800-273-8255 CHAT ONLINE: HTTPS://SUICIDEPREVENTIONLIFELINE.ORG/CHAT/ WWW.SUICIDEPREVENTIONLIFELINE.ORG Crisis Text Line UNITED STATES, TEXT “HOME” TO 741741 CANADA, TEXT “HOME” TO 686868 UK, TEXT “HOME” TO 85258 WWW.CRISISTEXTLINE.ORG   Our Purpose Nacho Kids' purpose is to dramatically reduce the blended family and stepfamily failure rate by providing the information and tools needed to live a successful and healthy blended life.   Follow or Subscribe To Our Podcast On the web: iTunes: Stitcher: Google Play: Join The Conversation If you’d like to be a guest on the Nacho Kids Podcast, reach out to us and we’ll see what we can do! Or if you have a question you’d like us to answer, send us a message! We are very thankful to all of our guests and our listeners. Our hope for you is that something you hear here will help you in your blend!
3/6/20202 hours, 4 minutes, 46 seconds
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039: Interview With Stepmom Princess Lauren

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori and David, co-founders of Nacho Kids, interview stepmom Princess Lauren. Lauren has been blending for 8 years. She has two stepkids and one “ours” kid. Things were great with the blend in the beginning, but when stepmom became pregnant things changed. Lauren admits her over-involvement as a stepmom caused issues in their blend and that’s why she started Nachoing.     In this episode, we discuss: Being an overly involved stepmom Stepkid challenges from an “ours” kid coming into the picture Guilty Parent Syndrome Parental alienation Forcing stepkids to come for visitation Stepmom moving into the house that was shared by bio mom and bio dad   Rate & Review Our Podcast Please rate and review our podcast on iTunes and Stitcher. This helps others find the podcast and lets us know what our listeners want to hear.   Explore these Resources In this episode, we mentioned the following resources: Nacho Kids Facebook group Nacho Kids Facebook page  Nacho Kids Academy Facebook page   Our Purpose Nacho Kids' purpose is to dramatically reduce the blended family and stepfamily failure rate by providing the information and tools needed to live a successful and healthy blended life.   Follow or Subscribe To Our Podcast On the web: iTunes: Stitcher: Google Play:   Join The Conversation If you’d like to be a guest on the Nacho Kids Podcast, reach out to us and we’ll see what we can do! Or if you have a question you’d like us to answer, send us a message! We are very thankful to all of our guests and our listeners. Our hope for you is that something you hear here will help you in your blend!
2/28/20201 hour, 38 minutes, 7 seconds
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038: Stepkid Turned Stepmom Twice

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews a stepmom that was a stepkid herself. Not surprisingly, she didn’t like her stepdad when he married her mom. This is her third marriage and second blend. She has one bio son from her second marriage, in which her husband passed away from cancer. She is a Nacho Mama and is a member of the Nacho Kids Academy! And, we had the pleasure of meeting her in person at the Stepmoms Alive Conference in Austin, Texas this year!  In this episode, we discuss: Being a stepkid Becoming a stepmom mom two times Stepkids turning into feral cats  Dealing with stepkids whose bio mom passed away Nachoing isn’t just disengaging - what it is Rate & Review Our Podcast Please rate and review our podcast on iTunes and Stitcher. This helps others find the podcast and lets us know what our listeners want to hear. Explore these Resources In this episode, we mentioned the following resources: Nacho Kids Facebook group Nacho Kids Facebook page  Nacho Kids Academy Facebook page   Our Purpose Nacho Kids' purpose is to dramatically reduce the blended family and stepfamily failure rate by providing the information and tools needed to live a successful and healthy blended life. Follow or Subscribe To Our Podcast On the web: iTunes: Stitcher: Google Play: Join The Conversation If you’d like to be a guest on the Nacho Kids Podcast, reach out to us and we’ll see what we can do! Or if you have a question you’d like us to answer, send us a message! We are very thankful to all of our guests and our listeners. Our hope for you is that something you hear here will help you in your blend!
2/21/20201 hour, 16 minutes, 58 seconds
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037: Stepmom With Inactive Bio Mom

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews a stepmom from Alabama! She has been blending for four years, has two bio daughters, one stepson, and one "ours" kid. Her significant other is in the military which adds a twist to the blended dynamic. Stepmom from Alabama’s significant other has had one heck of a time dealing with the bio mom and the court system. In this episode, we discuss: Stepkid going from only child to middle child in the blend The family court system When bio mom doesn’t want her kid and then does Different loves between stepmom and stepkids vs mom and bio kids Dealing with the in-laws in the blend Rate & Review Our Podcast Please rate and review our podcast on iTunes and Stitcher. This helps others find the podcast and lets us know what our listeners want to hear. Explore these Resources In this episode, we mentioned the following resources: Nacho Kids Facebook group Nacho Kids Facebook page  Nacho Kids Academy Facebook page   Our Purpose Nacho Kids' purpose is to dramatically reduce the blended family and stepfamily failure rate by providing the information and tools needed to live a successful and healthy blended life. Follow or Subscribe To Our Podcast On the web: iTunes: Stitcher: Google Play: Join The Conversation If you’d like to be a guest on the Nacho Kids Podcast, reach out to us and we’ll see what we can do! Or if you have a question you’d like us to answer, send us a message! We are very thankful to all of our guests and our listeners. Our hope for you is that something you hear here will help you in your blend!
2/14/20201 hour, 19 minutes, 48 seconds
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036: Interview With The Buckeye Bonusmom

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews the creator of the Buckeye Bonusmom Facebook Group, Lisa Teal Webb. Lisa is a childless stepmom and has been blending for 15 years and has three stepsons that she lovingly calls the weasels. And recently, Lisa has started round two of the blend as she calls it.  She has become a stepmom to the “weasels” younger sister that shares the same bio mom as they do. She lovingly refers to her as “weaselette”.  In this episode, we discuss: Setting boundaries with the bio mom What being a “Bonus Mom” means to her Learning to be flexible Loving the stepkids like your own as a childless stepmom Kids playing houses against each other Rate & Review Our Podcast Please rate and review our podcast on iTunes and Stitcher. This helps others find the podcast and lets us know what our listeners want to hear. Explore these Resources In this episode, we mentioned the following resources: Nacho Kids Facebook group Nacho Kids Facebook page  Nacho Kids Academy Facebook page Buckeye Bonusmoms Facebook page Buckeye Bonusmom Facebook group (private) Our Purpose Nacho Kids' purpose is to dramatically reduce the blended family and stepfamily failure rate by providing the information and tools needed to live a successful and healthy blended life. Follow or Subscribe To Our Podcast On the web: iTunes: Stitcher: Google Play: Join The Conversation If you’d like to be a guest on the Nacho Kids Podcast, reach out to us and we’ll see what we can do! Or if you have a question you’d like us to answer, send us a message! We are very thankful to all of our guests and our listeners. Our hope for you is that something you hear here will help you in your blend!
2/7/20201 hour, 23 minutes, 30 seconds
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035: The Globe-Trotting Stepmom

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori and David, co-founders of Nacho Kids, interview stepmom Ariyana. Ariyana has been blending for five years. She came into the blend as a childless stepmom to two stepdaughters but had a child of her own not too long ago. Ariyana is also a stepchild herself and thought her experience in a stepfamily growing up would help her with her blend. She realized she was wrong. Ariyana is a member of the Nacho Kids Academy and has made great strides in bettering her blend. We are very proud of her and know she has put in a lot of hard work to get to where she is.    Also in this episode, Lori and David announce the winners of the Nacho Kids Academy scholarships from the Nacho Kids podcast review challenge! In this episode, we discuss: Custody agreements and court orders Parental alienation Physical and emotional aspects of divorce Dealing with a high conflict bio mom Transition times for stepkids when they come back from the other parent Benefits of being a Nacho Kids Academy member Misconceptions of Nachoing /The Nacho Kids method in Facebook groups Learning to pause Rate & Review Our Podcast Please rate and review our podcast on iTunes and Stitcher. This helps others find the podcast and lets us know what our listeners want to hear. Explore these Resources In this episode, we mentioned the following resources: Nacho Kids Facebook group Nacho Kids Facebook page  Nacho Kids Academy Facebook page   Our Purpose Nacho Kids' purpose is to dramatically reduce the blended family and stepfamily failure rate by providing the information and tools needed to live a successful and healthy blended life. Follow or Subscribe To Our Podcast On the web: iTunes: Stitcher: Google Play: Join The Conversation If you’d like to be a guest on the Nacho Kids Podcast, reach out to us and we’ll see what we can do! Or if you have a question you’d like us to answer, send us a message! We are very thankful to all of our guests and our listeners. Our hope for you is that something you hear here will help you in your blend!  
1/31/20202 hours, 2 minutes, 16 seconds
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034: Stepmom With Night & Day Blends

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews stepmom Niki. This is Niki’s second blend! She has been in this blend for seven years and has three step kids and three bio kids. Surprisingly, Niki still has contact with her stepdaughter from her first blend. Niki thought her second blend would be like her first, and boy was she wrong. The two blends were as different as night and day.  In this episode, we discuss: Differences in blends Finding balance Losing yourself in the blend Different parenting styles Being a High Conflict Stepmom Realizing your own contributions to the blended issues Rate & Review Our Podcast Please rate and review our podcast on iTunes and Stitcher. This helps others find the podcast and lets us know what our listeners want to hear. Explore these Resources In this episode, we mentioned the following resources: Nacho Kids Facebook group Nacho Kids Facebook page  Nacho Kids Academy Facebook page   Our Purpose Nacho Kids' purpose is to dramatically reduce the blended family and stepfamily failure rate by providing the information and tools needed to live a successful and healthy blended life. Follow or Subscribe To Our Podcast On the web: iTunes: Stitcher: Google Play: Join The Conversation If you’d like to be a guest on the Nacho Kids Podcast, reach out to us and we’ll see what we can do! Or if you have a question you’d like us to answer, send us a message! We are very thankful to all of our guests and our listeners. Our hope for you is that something you hear here will help you in your blend!
1/24/20201 hour, 29 minutes, 36 seconds
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033: Stepmom vs A Free-Spirited Bio Mom

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori and David, co-founders of Nacho Kids, interview stepmom Heather. Heather has been blending for seven years and is a childless stepmom to a 13-year-old stepdaughter and 15-year-old stepson. Heather has been able to build a decent relationship with her stepkids and actually handles communication with the bio mom. In this episode, we discuss: The Stepmom handling communication with the bio mom Nachoing in certain areas Waiting to be introduced to the stepkids In-law struggles Rate & Review Our Podcast Please rate and review our podcast on iTunes and Stitcher. This helps others find the podcast and lets us know what our listeners want to hear. Explore these Resources In this episode, we mentioned the following resources: Nacho Kids Facebook group Nacho Kids Facebook page  Nacho Kids Academy Facebook page   Our Purpose Nacho Kids' purpose is to dramatically reduce the blended family and stepfamily failure rate by providing the information and tools needed to live a successful and healthy blended life. Follow or Subscribe To Our Podcast On the web: iTunes: Stitcher: Google Play: Join The Conversation If you’d like to be a guest on the Nacho Kids Podcast, reach out to us and we’ll see what we can do! Or if you have a question you’d like us to answer, send us a message! We are very thankful to all of our guests and our listeners. Our hope for you is that something you hear here will help you in your blend!  
1/17/20201 hour, 17 minutes
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032: Interview With Elliott Katz ~ Author "Being The Strong Man A Woman Wants"

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews Elliott Katz. Elliott is the author of “Being The Strong Man A Woman Wants - Timeless wisdom on being a man". Elliott has great advice for single dads in the dating world and shares his personal experiences of dating after divorce.  In this episode, we discuss: Men being “the nice guy” Women need men to make them feel special Guilty Parent Syndrome Fear of the stepkid not moving out Conflict between your bio kids and your spouse Realizing our own contributions to the struggles of the blend Rate & Review Our Podcast Please rate and review our podcast on iTunes and Stitcher. This helps others find the podcast and lets us know what our listeners want to hear. Explore these Resources In this episode, we mentioned the following resources: Nacho Kids Facebook group Nacho Kids Facebook page  Nacho Kids Academy Facebook page Elliott’s Facebook page Amazon link to Elliott’s book   Our Purpose Nacho Kids' purpose is to dramatically reduce the blended family and stepfamily failure rate by providing the information and tools needed to live a successful and healthy blended life. Follow or Subscribe To Our Podcast On the web: iTunes: Stitcher: Google Play: Join The Conversation If you’d like to be a guest on the Nacho Kids Podcast, reach out to us and we’ll see what we can do! Or if you have a question you’d like us to answer, send us a message! We are very thankful to all of our guests and our listeners. Our hope for you is that something you hear here will help you in your blend!  
1/11/20201 hour, 20 minutes, 47 seconds
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031: Two Time Stepmom

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews stepmom Emily. This is Emily’s second blended relationship. She has been blending six years and has one stepdaughter in this blend. She has two bio sons, which her husband adopted, and two “ours” sons.  In this episode, we discuss: Second go-round in a blended relationship  The family court system High Conflict Bio Mom When bio mom keeps the child away from dad because of child support First right of refusal Stepdaughter calling stepmom “Mom” Nachoing Rate & Review Our Podcast Please rate and review our podcast on iTunes and Stitcher. This helps others find the podcast and lets us know what our listeners want to hear. Explore these Resources In this episode, we mentioned the following resources: Nacho Kids Facebook group Nacho Kids Facebook page  Nacho Kids Academy Facebook page Our Purpose Nacho Kids' purpose is to dramatically reduce the blended family and stepfamily failure rate by providing the information and tools needed to live a successful and healthy blended life. Follow or Subscribe To Our Podcast On the web: iTunes: Stitcher: Google Play: Join The Conversation If you’d like to be a guest on the Nacho Kids Podcast, reach out to us and we’ll see what we can do! Or if you have a question you’d like us to answer, send us a message! We are very thankful to all of our guests and our listeners. Our hope for you is that something you hear here will help you in your blend!
1/3/20201 hour, 28 minutes, 15 seconds
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030: The Crazy Stepmom

**Disclaimer: Parts of this podcast episode are adult in nature and not appropriate for children.** In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews “The Crazy Stepmom!” She and her significant other have been together off and on for 16 years. She has one, and possibly two stepkids, from her significant other’s infidelity.  She is also aware of additional instances of infidelity that did not result in a child. Her significant other is diagnosed as a narcissist.  In this episode, we discuss: Infidelity that resulted in a stepchild Resentment from cheating Narcissism Self-blame when someone cheats Anxiety Forcing the bio dad to be a parent Rate & Review Our Podcast Please rate and review our podcast on iTunes and Stitcher. This helps others find the podcast and lets us know what our listeners want to hear. Explore these Resources In this episode, we mentioned the following resources: Nacho Kids Facebook group Nacho Kids Facebook page  Nacho Kids Academy Facebook page Our Purpose Nacho Kids' purpose is to dramatically reduce the blended family and stepfamily failure rate by providing the information and tools needed to live a successful and healthy blended life. Follow or Subscribe To Our Podcast On the web: iTunes: Stitcher: Google Play: Join The Conversation If you’d like to be a guest on the Nacho Kids Podcast, reach out to us and we’ll see what we can do! Or if you have a question you’d like us to answer, send us a message! We are very thankful to all of our guests and our listeners. Our hope for you is that something you hear here will help you in your blend!
12/27/20191 hour, 24 minutes, 20 seconds
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029: Stepmom With A Bunch Of Kids

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori & David, co-founders of Nacho Kids, interview  stepmom Casey, who is also a stepchild herself! Casey has been blending for 4.4 years, has four two stepsons ages 11 and 9, and two stepdaughters ages 9 and 7, and has three bio daughters ages 11, 11, and 10. Yep, she has stepkids that are twins and bio kids that are twins!   In this episode, we discuss: The wonderful family court system When your husband doesn’t parent like you think he should Calling the stepmom “Mommy” Bashing the other parent Parental binds/bonds “Unfairness” between bios and stepkids when it comes to chores   Rate & Review Our Podcast Please rate and review our podcast on iTunes and Stitcher. This helps others find the podcast and lets us know what our listeners want to hear.   Explore these Resources In this episode, we mentioned the following resources: Nacho Kids Facebook group Nacho Kids Facebook page  Nacho Kids Academy Facebook page     Our Purpose Nacho Kids' purpose is to dramatically reduce the blended family and stepfamily failure rate by providing the information and tools needed to live a successful and healthy blended life.   Follow or Subscribe To Our Podcast On the web: iTunes: Stitcher: Google Play:   Join The Conversation If you’d like to be a guest on the Nacho Kids Podcast, reach out to us and we’ll see what we can do! Or if you have a question you’d like us to answer, send us a message! We are very thankful to all of our guests and our listeners. Our hope for you is that something you hear here will help you in your blend!  
12/20/20191 hour, 24 minutes, 22 seconds
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028: Super Stepmom Turned Nacho Mom

***Disclaimer: This episode contains adult content and language In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews stepmom Nicole. Nicole has been blending for 11 years, has three stepkids and two bio moms. One of the bio moms died from a drug overdose. Nicole is also a stepchild herself and considers her stepdad her dad. She felt prepared for the blend because of her own experience of being a stepchild, but she found out differently and went from “Super Stepmom” to “Nacho Mom” to save her sanity and her blended relationships.  In this episode, we discuss: Being a stepmom to a stepkid whose bio mom died Super Stepmom dreams to Nacho Kids Blended Family Lifesaver Examples of Nachoing From Nacho Supreme to re-engaging Being adopted and becoming a stepchild Rate & Review Our Podcast Please rate and review our podcast on iTunes and Stitcher. This helps others find the podcast and lets us know what our listeners want to hear.   Explore these Resources In this episode, we mentioned the following resources: Nacho Kids Facebook group Nacho Kids Facebook page  Nacho Kids Academy Facebook page 12 Days of Christmas Nacho Kids   Our Purpose Nacho Kids' purpose is to dramatically reduce the blended family and stepfamily failure rate by providing the information and tools needed to live a successful and healthy blended life.   Follow or Subscribe To Our Podcast On the web: iTunes: Stitcher: Google Play:   Join The Conversation If you’d like to be a guest on the Nacho Kids Podcast, reach out to us and we’ll see what we can do! Or if you have a question you’d like us to answer, send us a message! We are very thankful to all of our guests and our listeners. Our hope for you is that something you hear here will help you in your blend!
12/13/20191 hour, 37 minutes, 5 seconds
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027: Gungho Stepmom Who Realized She Was Overstepping

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews stepmom Emily who has been blending for three years. She is a stepmom to a sassy four-year-old that is with her and her husband fifty percent of the time. Emily is an “ours” kid herself. Emily started off being a gungho stepmom, like many of us, then she realized she was overstepping in her stepmom role.  In this episode, we discuss: Becoming a stepmom and forgetting who you are & hitting rock bottom Overstepping in the stepmom role The bio parent can’t parent if the stepparent doesn’t let them Being an “ours” baby Letting the stepkid lead the relationship Outside influences on the blend Rate & Review Our Podcast Please rate and review our podcast on iTunes and Stitcher. This helps others find the podcast and lets us know what our listeners want to hear. Explore these Resources In this episode, we mentioned the following resources: Nacho Kids Facebook group Nacho Kids Facebook page  Nacho Kids Academy Facebook page   Our Purpose Nacho Kids' purpose is to dramatically reduce the blended family and stepfamily failure rate by providing the information and tools needed to live a successful and healthy blended life. Follow or Subscribe To Our Podcast On the web: iTunes: Stitcher: Google Play: Join The Conversation If you’d like to be a guest on the Nacho Kids Podcast, reach out to us and we’ll see what we can do! Or if you have a question you’d like us to answer, send us a message! We are very thankful to all of our guests and our listeners. Our hope for you is that something you hear here will help you in your blend!
12/6/20191 hour, 37 minutes, 17 seconds
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026: A British Nacho Mom

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori and David, co-founders of Nacho Kids, interview stepmom Rhianna. Rhianna has been blending for four years. Rhianna has one seven-year-old stepdaughter and no bio kids. Her stepdaughter has Autism, OCD, ODD, and hypermobility. Rhianna is a mental health nurse and her husband has a background of working with adults with learning disabilities.  In this episode, we discuss: Autism Lowering expectations Stepmom doing too much Nick Vujicic Calming boxes   Rate & Review Our Podcast Please rate and review our podcast on iTunes and Stitcher. This helps others find the podcast and lets us know what our listeners want to hear.   Explore these Resources In this episode, we mentioned the following resources: Nacho Kids Facebook group Nacho Kids Facebook page  Nacho Kids Academy Facebook page Nick Vujicic Information on calming boxes     Our Purpose Nacho Kids' purpose is to dramatically reduce the blended family and stepfamily failure rate by providing the information and tools needed to live a successful and healthy blended life.   Follow or Subscribe To Our Podcast On the web: iTunes: Stitcher: Google Play:   Join The Conversation If you’d like to be a guest on the Nacho Kids Podcast, reach out to us and we’ll see what we can do! Or if you have a question you’d like us to answer, send us a message! We are very thankful to all of our guests and our listeners. Our hope for you is that something you hear here will help you in your blend!
11/29/20191 hour, 32 minutes, 8 seconds
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025: Nachoing Saved This Stepmom's Sanity

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews stepmom Christina. Christina has been blending for 8-½ years. Not only does Christina work with autistic children, but her daughter is also on the spectrum. She has two stepsons ages thirteen and eleven, and two biological daughters ages fourteen and thirteen, as well as a 6-year-old ours kid.  In this episode, we discuss: Nacho Kids saving her sanity Very high conflict bio mom who threatened to make stepmom lose her baby Taking things personally Stepmoms trying to fix everything Stepkids need support too House rules   Rate & Review Our Podcast Please rate and review our podcast on iTunes and Stitcher. This helps others find the podcast and lets us know what our listeners want to hear.   Explore these Resources In this episode, we mentioned the following resources: Nacho Kids Facebook group Nacho Kids Facebook page  Nacho Kids Academy Facebook page   Our Purpose Nacho Kids' purpose is to dramatically reduce the blended family and stepfamily failure rate by providing the information and tools needed to live a successful and healthy blended life.   Follow or Subscribe To Our Podcast On the web: iTunes: Stitcher: Google Play:   Join The Conversation If you’d like to be a guest on the Nacho Kids Podcast, reach out to us and we’ll see what we can do! Or if you have a question you’d like us to answer, send us a message! We are very thankful to all of our guests and our listeners. Our hope for you is that something you hear here will help you in your blend!
11/22/20191 hour, 36 minutes, 44 seconds
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024: Stepmom Who Records Arguments

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori and David, co-founders of Nacho Kids, interviews a childless stepmom. She has two stepkids with her boyfriend that is 14 years older than her. They record their blended arguments to be able to look back and see how they handled similar issues in the past. In this episode, we discuss: Being a childless stepmom Dealing with a high-conflict bio mom Recording your arguments Boundaries Guilty parent syndrome Rate & Review Our Podcast Please rate and review our podcast on iTunes and Stitcher. This helps others find the podcast and lets us know what our listeners want to hear. Explore these Resources In this episode, we mentioned the following resources: Nacho Kids Facebook group Nacho Kids Facebook page  Nacho Kids Academy Facebook page   Our Purpose Nacho Kids' purpose is to dramatically reduce the blended family and stepfamily failure rate by providing the information and tools needed to live a successful and healthy blended life.   Follow or Subscribe To Our Podcast On the web: iTunes: Stitcher: Google Play:   Join The Conversation If you’d like to be a guest on the Nacho Kids Podcast, reach out to us and we’ll see what we can do! Or if you have a question you’d like us to answer, send us a message! We are very thankful to all of our guests and our listeners. Our hope for you is that something you hear here will help you in your blend!
11/15/20191 hour, 17 minutes, 43 seconds
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023: Stepmom As A Result Of Infidelity

**Disclaimer: Parts of this podcast episode are adult in nature and not appropriate for children.** In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews a stepmom that became a stepmom to one of her stepkids as the result of infidelity when her significant other cheated on her with her best friend. Over the years, she has been more of a parent to this stepkid than the bio parents and has had to push her significant other to have a relationship with this child. Currently, she and the bio mom have a good relationship. She is so invested in this child, she wants to take over bio dad’s custody.   In this episode, we discuss: Having a stepkid as a result of infidelity When the stepmom is more of a parent than the bio parent Considering a stepchild truly as your child Letting the stepkid call the stepmom “Mom”  Importance of being thankful Rate & Review Our Podcast Please rate and review our podcast on iTunes and Stitcher. This helps others find the podcast and lets us know what our listeners want to hear.   Explore these Resources In this episode, we mentioned the following resources: Nacho Kids Facebook group Nacho Kids Facebook page  Nacho Kids Academy Facebook page   Our Purpose Nacho Kids' purpose is to dramatically reduce the blended family and stepfamily failure rate by providing the information and tools needed to live a successful and healthy blended life.   Follow or Subscribe To Our Podcast On the web: iTunes: Stitcher: Google Play:   Join The Conversation If you’d like to be a guest on the Nacho Kids Podcast, reach out to us and we’ll see what we can do! Or if you have a question you’d like us to answer, send us a message! We are very thankful to all of our guests and our listeners. Our hope for you is that something you hear here will help you in your blend!
11/8/20191 hour, 26 minutes, 7 seconds
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022: A Two-Time Stepmom

**Disclaimer: Parts of this podcast episode are adult in nature and not appropriate for children.** In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori and David, co-founders of Nacho Kids, interview a stepmom that parents six children with six other adults in three other households! Stepmom Heather is in her third marriage and second blend! She has three bio kids from her first marriage, one bio kid and two stepkids from her second marriage, and two stepkids from her third marriage. Her second marriage didn’t work out because her husband at the time couldn’t deal with her bio kid’s high conflict bio dad. And, here’s a new twist… bio mom to her current stepkids is her tenant!!  In this episode, we discuss: Significant other wanting to be a playmate to his kids Nachoing one stepkid and not the other Letting the stepkids and stepparent create their own dance How Nachoing saved her sanity Feeling like an outsider in the blend Rate & Review Our Podcast Please rate and review our podcast on iTunes and Stitcher. This helps others find the podcast and lets us know what our listeners want to hear.   Explore these Resources In this episode, we mentioned the following resources: Nacho Kids Facebook group Nacho Kids Facebook page  Nacho Kids Academy Facebook page   Our Purpose Nacho Kids' purpose is to dramatically reduce the blended family and stepfamily failure rate by providing the information and tools needed to live a successful and healthy blended life.  Follow or Subscribe To Our Podcast On the web: iTunes: Stitcher: Google Play: Join The Conversation If you’d like to be a guest on the Nacho Kids Podcast, reach out to us and we’ll see what we can do! Or if you have a question you’d like us to answer, send us a message! We are very thankful to all of our guests and our listeners. Our hope for you is that something you hear here will help you in your blend!  
11/1/20191 hour, 45 minutes, 1 second
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021: Interview With Celia Kibler ~ Pumped Up Parenting

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori and David, founders of Nacho Kids, interview stepmom Celia Kibler! Celia is the founder of Pumped up Parenting and Funfit Family Fitness. She has been blending for 25 years! She has two biological children from her first husband and gained three stepkids when she remarried.   In this episode, we discuss: Stepkids being treated as guests Family pictures in the blend Not taking things personally Criticizing the other bio parent to the kids Differences between the two homes Rate & Review Our Podcast Please rate and review our podcast on iTunes and Stitcher. This helps others find the podcast and lets us know what our listeners want to hear.   Explore these Resources In this episode, we mentioned the following resources: Nacho Kids Facebook group Nacho Kids Facebook page  Nacho Kids Academy Facebook page Family Pictures in the Blend - Blog by Nacho Kids Pumped Up Parenting  Funfit Family Fitness   Our Purpose Nacho Kids' purpose is to dramatically reduce the blended family and stepfamily failure rate by providing the information and tools needed to live a successful and healthy blended life. Follow or Subscribe To Our Podcast On the web: iTunes: Stitcher: Google Play: Join The Conversation If you’d like to be a guest on the Nacho Kids Podcast, reach out to us and we’ll see what we can do! Or if you have a question you’d like us to answer, send us a message! We are very thankful to all of our guests and our listeners. Our hope for you is that something you hear here will help you in your blend!
10/25/20191 hour, 52 minutes, 11 seconds
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020: The Struggles Of Being A Childless Stepmom

  In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews childless stepmom, Heather. She has been blending for five years and is a very involved stepmom with her seven-year-old stepson. Heather is also a stepkid herself, which always gives us another perspective!   In this episode, we discuss: The struggles of being a childless stepmom Having an “ours” kid or not Stepmom resentment How the relationship between the stepkids and stepparent change over time Rate & Review Our Podcast Please rate and review our podcast on iTunes and Stitcher. This helps others find the podcast and lets us know what our listeners want to hear.   Explore these Resources In this episode, we mentioned the following resources: Nacho Kids Facebook group Nacho Kids Facebook page  Nacho Kids Academy Facebook page   Our Purpose Nacho Kids' purpose is to dramatically reduce the blended family and stepfamily failure rate by providing the information and tools needed to live a successful and healthy blended life.   Follow or Subscribe To Our Podcast On the web: iTunes: Stitcher: Google Play: Join The Conversation If you’d like to be a guest on the Nacho Kids Podcast, reach out to us and we’ll see what we can do! Or if you have a question you’d like us to answer, send us a message! We are very thankful for all of our guests and our listeners. Our hope for you is that something you hear here will help you in your blend!
10/18/20191 hour, 22 minutes, 14 seconds
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019: A Childless Widow Turned Stepmom

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews stepmom Sylvia! Sylvia has been blending for 11 years, has three adult stepkids, and no biological children. She was a widow before marrying her current husband and becoming a step person. Yes, I said “step person”. Sylvia and I talk about the title “Stepmom” and how it puts too much stress on a person to fill a “mom” role when they aren't the mom.   In this episode, we discuss: The “stepmom” title Being dedicated to your relationship with your significant other Nachoing your significant other What the Nacho Kids method is not Rate & Review Our Podcast Please rate and review our podcast on iTunes and Stitcher. This helps others find the podcast and lets us know what our listeners want to hear.   Explore these Resources In this episode, we mentioned the following resources: Nacho Kids Facebook group Nacho Kids Facebook page  Nacho Kids Academy Facebook page Our Purpose Nacho Kids' purpose is to dramatically reduce the blended family and stepfamily failure rate by providing the information and tools needed to live a successful and healthy blended life.   Follow or Subscribe To Our Podcast On the web: iTunes: Stitcher: Google Play: Join The Conversation If you’d like to be a guest on the Nacho Kids Podcast, reach out to us and we’ll see what we can do! Or if you have a question you’d like us to answer, send us a message! We are very thankful for all of our guests and our listeners. Our hope for you is that something you hear here will help you in your blend!  
10/11/20191 hour, 33 minutes, 34 seconds
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018: Interview With Claudette Chenevert ~ The Stepmom Coach

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori Sims, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews Claudette Chenevert! Claudette is a stepmom of 29 years!! She has two stepdaughters and one biological son. Claudette is a stepmom coach and author of the book “The Stepmoms Book of Boundaries: How and Where to Draw the Line - For a Happier, Healthier Stepfamily”.   In this episode, we discuss: Blended families are like micro-communities Believing in your relationship Mental awareness House rules & consequences Not rushing things   Rate & Review Our Podcast Please rate and review our podcast on iTunes and Stitcher. This helps others find the podcast and lets us know what our listeners want to hear.    
10/4/20191 hour, 35 minutes, 37 seconds
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017: Interview With Melanie Anthony ~ Stepmoms Alive

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews Melanie Anthony, founder of Stepmoms Alive! Stepmoms Alive is an annual event in Austin, TX to equip and encourage stepmoms for their journey! Nacho Kids will be speaking at this event in January of 2020! Melanie has been a stepmom for eleven years! She has twin stepdaughters and one bio daughter. She is also co-author of a devotional for stepmoms, “Daily Bread for the Starving Stepmom”.    Rate & Review Our Podcast Please rate and review our podcast on iTunes and Stitcher. This helps others find the podcast and lets us know what our listeners want to hear.
9/27/20191 hour, 12 minutes, 14 seconds
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016: Interview With Ron Deal ~ Smart Stepfamilies & Family Life Blended

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori and David Sims, founders of Nacho Kids, interview Ron Deal! Ron Deal, an expert in stepfamily relationships, serves as President of Smart Stepfamilies™ and Director of Family Life Blended®, a division of Family Life®. He is the author of “The Smart Stepfamily”, “The Smart Stepmom” (co-authored with Laura Petherbridge), “The Smart Stepdad”, and “The Smart Stepfamily Marriage”. His latest book “The Smart Stepfamily: Guide To Financial Planning”, co-authored with Greg Pettys and David Edwards, was just released! Ron also just started a podcast earlier this year! Rate & Review Our Podcast Please rate and review our podcast on iTunes and Stitcher. This helps others find the podcast and lets us know what our listeners want to hear.
9/20/20191 hour, 26 minutes, 47 seconds
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015: Interview With Melissa Brown ~ Blended Family Podcast

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori and David Sims, founders of Nacho Kids, interview Melissa Brown founder of the “Blended Family Podcast”. Melissa started her podcast four years ago! She has two bio kids and two stepkids.  Melissa is another stepmom that has made it over ten years in the blend!   In this episode, we discuss: When will the stepkids move out Guilty parent syndrome Letting go Changing your focus Gratitude   Rate & Review Our Podcast Please rate and review our podcast on iTunes and Stitcher. This helps others find the podcast and lets us know what our listeners want to hear.   Explore these Resources In this episode, we mentioned the following resources: Nacho Kids Facebook group Nacho Kids Facebook page  Nacho Kids Academy Facebook page Blended Family Podcast Our Purpose Nacho Kids' purpose is to dramatically reduce the blended family and stepfamily failure rate by providing the information and tools needed to live a successful and healthy blended life.   Follow or Subscribe To Our Podcast On the web: iTunes: Stitcher: Google Play: Join The Conversation If you’d like to be a guest on the Nacho Kids Podcast, reach out to us and we’ll see what we can do! Or if you have a question you’d like us to answer, send us a message! We are very thankful for all of our guests and our listeners. Our hope for you is that something you hear here will help you in your blend!
9/13/20191 hour, 30 seconds
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013: Interview With Emili Wadkins ~ The Unapologetic Stepmom

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori & David Sims, founders of Nacho Kids, interview Emili Wadkins. Emili started her Facebook Group, The Unapologetic Stepmom, in 2017, and it is the largest stepmom group on Facebook! Emily is a bio mom to two little girls and a baby boy! She has two stepkids - a stepson and a stepdaughter.  In this episode, we discuss: Phrases stepmoms hate to hear Misconceptions of Nachoing Holidays & stepfamilies Unrealistic expectations   Rate & Review Our Podcast Please rate and review our podcast on iTunes and Stitcher. This helps others find the podcast and lets us know what our listeners want to hear.
8/30/20191 hour, 2 minutes, 57 seconds
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012: Interview With Deanna Kaech - Merged Family Initiative

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori & David Sims, founders of Nacho Kids, interview Deanna Keach, co-founder of Merged Family Initiative. Deanna has been blending for 21 years! She has three stepdaughters and one biological daughter. In this episode, we discuss: The Five Love Languages Common courtesy House rules and consequences Transition times for the stepkids Stepping back so the bio parents can parent   Rate & Review Our Podcast Please rate and review our podcast on iTunes and Stitcher. This helps others find the podcast and lets us know what our listeners want to hear.
8/23/20191 hour, 33 minutes, 53 seconds
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011: From Summertime Stepmom To 50/50 Stepmom

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori Sims, founder of Nacho Kids, interviews a stepmom of four years that has two bio kids and one stepkid. The stepkid had summer visitation until recently when Patti and her husband moved to a small town to be closer to his kids. Not just any small town, but the same small town where high conflict bio mom and stepkid live!     In this episode, we discuss: Changes in visitation Stepmom working from home and being the primary caregiver to the stepkid Letting go of control Nachoing reduces stress Loyalty binds   Rate & Review Our Podcast Please rate and review our podcast on iTunes and Stitcher. This helps others find the podcast and lets us know what our listeners want to hear.
8/16/20191 hour, 27 minutes, 59 seconds
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010: A Stepkids View Of Nachoing!

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori and David Sims, the founders of Nacho Kids interview one of David’s kids, Lori’s stepkid, Branson! Branson is the oldest of the triplets and was the most vocal in his dislike for Lori and the blend. He was also the “ring leader” for the “Burn Lori at the Stake”, as Lori calls it. If you want to see what Nachoing does to the stepkids, watch this!   In this episode, we discuss: Stepkid's thoughts before marriage, after marriage, and before and after Nachoing Stepkid’s view of stepmom Lori Stepkid’s expectations of bio kids In-law involvement Lori’s re-engaging  Stepkid’s view of bio dad when things were bad with stepmom  
8/9/201936 minutes, 18 seconds
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009: Interview with Kristie Carpenter of "The Blended Family Mom"

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori and David Sims, the founders of Nacho Kids interview Kristie Carpenter. Kristie’s first husband passed away. She has two bio children and married Dan, who also has two bio children. One of her stepkids is autistic and the other was an adult when they started blending. At the suggestion of her counselor, Kristie started journaling when she was upset. This turned into her using her journaling to write her first devotional “The Blended Family Mom”.  She later wrote her second devotional “Blended Family Moments”.   In this episode, we discuss: Bio parents not parenting like we think they should You can’t be one foot out the door High Conflict Bio Mom Guilty Parent Syndrome Letting things go Rate & Review Our Podcast Please rate and review our podcast on iTunes and Stitcher. This helps others find the podcast and lets us know what our listeners want to hear.
8/2/20191 hour, 15 minutes, 13 seconds
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008: Interview With Tracy Poizner ~ The Essential Stepmom

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori and David Sims, the founders of Nacho Kids, interview Tracy Poizner of The Essential Stepmom. Tracy has over 20 years of experience in natural healing and 10 years dealing with behavioral problems with kids. She is a stepmom to three and a bio mom to one. In this episode, we discuss: Parental Alienation Facebook groups Stepparent burnout Journaling Please rate and review this podcast on iTunes or wherever you listen. We appreciate it more than you know. Check out all the notes for this show at
7/26/20191 hour, 25 minutes, 16 seconds
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007: Stepmom Who Couldn't Be Like Her Stepmom

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, the founder of Nacho Kids interviews Victoria! Victoria is in year 9 of the blend. She has one bio child and two stepkids. Victoria also had a stepmom and she felt that would help her in the blend, but it didn’t really work out that way.   In this episode, we discuss:   Nachoing isn’t easy. Stepkid loyalty to Bio Mom. Setting boundaries with Bio Mom. The need to Nacho. Family counseling bringing up bad memories.   Rate & Review Our Podcast Please rate and review our podcast on iTunes and Stitcher. This helps others find the podcast and lets us know what our listeners want to hear.   Find this episode on our website at
7/19/20191 hour, 16 minutes, 20 seconds
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006: Interview With Laura Petherbridge - The Smart Stepmom

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori and David Sims, interview Laura Petherbridge!! Laura is very well known in the stepfamily group! Laura has been a stepmom for 30+ years and has two stepsons!! She serves couples and single adults with topics on spiritual growth, relationships, stepfamilies, co-parenting, single parenting, divorce prevention, and divorce recovery. She is an international speaker and author of four books including, When “I Do” Becomes “I Don’t”—Practical Steps for Healing During Separation and Divorce, and The Smart Stepmom, co-authored with stepfamily expert Ron Deal and endorsed by Gary Chapman (Five Love Languages), 101 Tips for The Smart Stepmom—Expert Advice from One Stepmom to Another and Quiet Moments for the Stepmom Soul-a devotional.   In this episode, we discuss: Stepkids embracing stepdads and stepmoms differently The expectation put on stepmoms to love their stepkids like their own Guilty parent syndrome House rules & consequences Tips from her book 101 Tips for the Smart Stepmom   Please rate and review our podcast on iTunes, Google Play, and Stitcher. This helps others find the podcast and lets us know what our listeners want to hear.
7/12/20191 hour, 12 minutes, 14 seconds
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005: Stepmom With 6 Stepkids And 3 Bio Kids

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori and David Sims, interview stepmom Jeanne. Jeanne has been a stepmom for 4 years and has 6 stepkids, 3 bio kids, and no “ours” kids.  In this episode, we discuss: Parental custody of the stepkids changing A deceased bio parent Stepkid and bio kid competition w/ stepparent An absent bio parent The bio parent being a tactful parent Please rate and review our podcast on iTunes, Google Play, and Stitcher. This helps others find the podcast and lets us know what our listeners want to hear.
7/5/201952 minutes, 37 seconds
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004: A Stepmom Who Knew What She Was Getting Into

Lori and David speak with stepmom Susan! Susan has been blending for 2-½ years, has one bio child, and four stepkids. In this episode, we discuss: A LOT! Really! You’ll see. Dealing with two bio moms. Being a stepchild. You won’t believe this part! Grey Rock Method Narcissists Knowing what you are getting into! (She said it, not me.) Please rate and review this podcast on iTunes, Google Play, and Stitcher. This helps others find the podcast and lets us know what our listeners want to hear. Podcast show notes are available here:
6/29/201950 minutes, 57 seconds
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003: A Stepmom That Experienced Stepkid Custody Changes

Lori and David interview stepmom Emily! Emily has been blending for over 10 years! She has one stepkid and no biological children. There’s a unique twist to her story!! In this episode, we discuss: Beating the blending odds! Stepkid’s custody schedule changes. (She definitely did not know what she was getting into!) Having a high conflict bio parent. When there isn’t a need to nacho. Please rate and review this podcast on iTunes, Google Play, and Stitcher. This helps others find the podcast and lets us know what our listeners want to hear. Podcast show notes are available here:
6/28/201952 minutes, 51 seconds
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002: A Childless Stepmom Of 10 Years

Lori and David interview stepmom Rebeccah!  In this episode, we discuss: Being a childless stepmom by choice  What over a decade in the blend is like Guilty Parent Syndrome  Please rate and review this podcast on iTunes, Google Play, and Stitcher. This helps others find the podcast and lets us know what our listeners want to hear. Podcast show notes are available here:
6/28/20191 hour, 5 minutes, 1 second
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001: Nachoing, Nacho Kids, And The Academy

Lori and David Sims, the founders of Nacho Kids share a little bit of their story and the story of Nacho Kids.   In this episode, we discuss: A little backstory of Lori & David  The “birth” of Nacho Kids Lori going Nacho Supreme  The history of the growth of Nacho Kids Please rate and review this podcast on iTunes, Google Play, and Stitcher. This helps others find the podcast and lets us know what our listeners want to hear. Podcast show notes are available here: Nacho Kids' purpose is to dramatically reduce the blended family and stepfamily failure rate by providing the information and tools needed to live a successful and healthy blended life.
6/28/201950 minutes