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The Brian Nichols Show

English, News media, 1 season, 847 episodes, 6 days, 22 hours, 3 minutes
Are you tired of partisan politics? Do you want to hear the news without the media narrative? Do you want to be more "well-rounded" as a person? Do you want to get to know and learn from noted entrepreneurs, elected officials, C-level executives, economists, & more? Look no further. Welcome to The Brian Nichols Show.
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815: Teachers Packing HEAT - Crazy Idea or Common Sense?

Have you ever wondered if the heroes who could save students' lives in the first critical moments of a school shooting might already be there on campus? What if the very teachers teaching our kids could also help protect them if the unthinkable happened? Studio Sponsor: Cardio Miracle - "The finest heart and health supplement in the world!": In this riveting episode of The Brian Nichols Show, host Brian Nichols interviews Laura Carno, head of FASTER Colorado. FASTER trains school staff like teachers, janitors and nurses in firearms and emergency response so they can serve as armed first responders if a shooting breaks out. Brian and Laura have a fascinating discussion around why FASTER is so crucial for school safety in an age where response times are growing longer and attacks can unfold in seconds. Laura shares the origins of FASTER, details what their intensive training curriculum for school staff looks like, and explains how parents and administrators can get FASTER implemented in their districts. She makes an impassioned case for why schools should guard our children at least as closely as we guard luxury goods or politicians. Brian weighs in on how solutions like FASTER empower ordinary citizens to take responsibility for protecting themselves rather than waiting helplessly for the cavalry. If you care about keeping kids safe and bolstering Second Amendment rights, you can't afford to miss this lively, thoughtful discussion. Tune in to hear Brian and Laura's perspectives on everything from response times during past school shootings to how policies in Colorado have evolved when it comes to campus carry. They also touch on how parents everywhere can get involved with efforts in their own states. ❤️ Order Cardio Miracle ( with code TBNS at checkout for 15% off and take a step towards better heart health and overall well-being! 🎙️ Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show, available on YouTube, Rumble, and Ben Swann's Sovren. With over 810 episodes featuring local candidates, elected officials, economists, CEOs, and more, each show educates, enlightens, and informs. 🔗Follow Brian on social media: ( & Facebook ( 🔔 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show for more captivating interviews and insights into libertarian solutions for local problems! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/26/202431 minutes, 25 seconds
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814: Are You Ready to Stop Feeling Stuck & Unlock Your TRUE Potential!?

Are you feeling stuck in life, lacking purpose and meaning? Do you want to break free, discover your true calling, and start living a fulfilling life? Studio Sponsor: Cardio Miracle - "The finest heart and health supplement in the world!": On today's episode of The Brian Nichols Show, transformational coach Carol Szuky joins host Brian Nichols to share her incredible story of overcoming adversity, finding abundance through self-love and intention, and now guiding others to unlock their greatest potential. Carol candidly opens up about the mistakes she made earlier in life due to societal pressures and not trusting her own instincts. After years of feeling like an outsider, she embraced her uniqueness and now leverages her ultra-empathy and “grandma energy” to deeply understand clients' underlying emotions and motivations. Her practical blend of spirituality helps people take aligned action and manifest the joyful lives they deserve. Diving into the role of parenting, Carol stresses the importance of unconditional love and allowing children space to make some mistakes while guiding them back to their own special life path. She and Brian explore how cultivating self-trust and intuition from a young age helps avoid common pitfalls they experienced growing up. On empathy's role in society, Carol explains how an empathic mindset breeds understanding, even of those committing terrible acts, by getting to the human “why” behind outward behaviors. Brian ties this to current events highlighting the risk of instantly judging world leaders without attempting to walk in their shoes first. If you seek to unlock abundant living, find your higher purpose, raise conscious kids, or simply better understand yourself and others, don't miss this profound and uplifting conversation with mentor Carol Szuky! ❤️ Order Cardio Miracle ( with code TBNS at checkout for 15% off and take a step towards better heart health and overall well-being! 🎙️ Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show, available on YouTube, Rumble, and Ben Swann's Sovren. With over 810 episodes featuring local candidates, elected officials, economists, CEOs, and more, each show educates, enlightens, and informs. 🔗Follow Brian on social media: ( & Facebook ( 🔔 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show for more captivating interviews and insights into libertarian solutions for local problems! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/22/202436 minutes, 35 seconds
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813: Peaceful Protesters ATTACKED - Violent Attacker FREE!?

What happens when you try to peacefully protest for medical freedom, but get violently attacked instead – and then face criminal charges? Studio Sponsor: Cardio Miracle - "The finest heart and health supplement in the world!": On this eye-opening episode of The Brian Nichols Show, Brian talks with guest Kevin Mackie about his harrowing experience defending medical freedom protesters from assault, only to have the justice system turn against him. Joining the discussion is Mackie’s lawyer, Ilya Feoktistov. Mackie recounts how he was moved to protest COVID vaccine clinics for children after researching concerns around their safety. On July 8th, 2022, his group faced a violent assault while demonstrating at a clinic in Massachusetts. Rather than defend the victims, local officials conspired to charge Mackie instead. Feoktistov provides further context around the full video evidence exonerating Mackie, though prosecutors refuse to review it. Shockingly, the actual attacker faced minimal charges thanks to a “sweetheart deal.” Meanwhile, Mackie continues battling inflated allegations that contradict documented facts. Throughout the saga spanning years now, officials leveraged trespassing and other inflated charges to target Mackie for his activism. Uncovered emails reveal coordination between police and state health officials around suppressing his protest message. The uphill legal fight continues. Nichols spotlights the politicized failings of the justice system through Mackie’s case. He issues an urgent call to action for viewers to support Mackie’s defense fund, attend the April trial, and apply public pressure however possible. This chilling abuse of authority must not go unchallenged. ❤️ Order Cardio Miracle ( with code TBNS at checkout for 15% off and take a step towards better heart health and overall well-being! 🎙️ Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show, available on YouTube, Rumble, and Ben Swann's Sovren. With over 810 episodes featuring local candidates, elected officials, economists, CEOs, and more, each show educates, enlightens, and informs. 🔗Follow Brian on social media: ( & Facebook ( 🔔 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show for more captivating interviews and insights into libertarian solutions for local problems! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/19/202434 minutes, 10 seconds
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812: Winning Hearts, Minds, AND Elections - How Libertarians Can WIN in 2024

Are you tired of the same old political rhetoric from the two major parties? Do you believe in the power of liberty but feel torn between the need for ideological purity and the desire to win elections? Join Brian Nichols on a special Sunday episode of The Brian Nichols Show as he tackles the critical debate within the Libertarian Party: Principle vs. Pragmatism. Studio Sponsor: Cardio Miracle - "The finest heart and health supplement in the world!": In this thought-provoking episode, Brian delves deep into the heart of the Libertarian movement, arguing that the path to success lies in embracing both educational evangelism and policy pragmatism. With the 2024 election on the horizon, he calls for a big tent strategy that welcomes both radicals and new converts, aiming to shift public opinion and secure policy victories. Discover how Libertarian campaigns can serve as powerful educational tools, persuading voters by clearly communicating libertarian solutions to current issues. Learn about the importance of participating in elections with the intent to win, and how the Libertarian Party can offer a vision that challenges the status quo, appealing to disenfranchised voters looking for alternatives. Brian addresses the critiques of both purely educational and purely pragmatic approaches to elections, proposing a healthy dose of both to advance liberty. He emphasizes the need for unity within the Libertarian Party, urging members to focus on areas of agreement and work together to make a difference in the upcoming election. Don't miss this compelling episode of The Brian Nichols Show. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more insightful discussions on politics, libertarianism, and how to effectively communicate the message of liberty. Share this episode with fellow liberty lovers and join the conversation on social media. Together, we can change the world, one election at a time. ❤️ Order Cardio Miracle ( with code TBNS at checkout for 15% off and take a step towards better heart health and overall well-being! 🎙️ Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show, available on YouTube, Rumble, and Ben Swann's Sovren. With over 810 episodes featuring local candidates, elected officials, economists, CEOs, and more, each show educates, enlightens, and informs. 🔗Follow Brian on social media: ( & Facebook ( 🔔 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show for more captivating interviews and insights into libertarian solutions for local problems! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/18/202422 minutes, 13 seconds
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811: The Kitchen Table Strategy - Changing Minds Where It Matters Most

Can a New Revolution of Ideas Rescue America from Political Despair? Studio Sponsor: Cardio Miracle - "The finest heart and health supplement in the world!": Brian Nichols dives deep into whether a grassroots movement focused on timeless truths rather than politicians could spark a national renewal. He analyzes the growing feeling of political homelessness across the spectrum and how ordinary folks are losing faith in the partisan status quo. Is there a path forward that transcends the stale left vs right culture wars? In this solo episode, Brian pushes back on the gloomy predictions he heard from a recent podcast episode. The hosts seemed resigned to an authoritarian tide that cannot be turned back. However, Brian draws hope from the liberty uprising sparked by Ron Paul. If we focus on winning hearts and minds in our communities rather than forcing top-down change, American exceptionalism can thrive again. The path to healing the fraying social fabric runs through schools, churches, and kitchen tables - not Washington D.C. As the professional political class grandstands, there are openings for governors and mayors to be closer to the people. Brian advocates for empowered citizens over bureaucrats, for activated communities over federal one-size-fits-all policies. Together, we can roll back the creeping centralized power through voluntary civic action. Grassroots charity beats bureaucratic welfare every time. Ordinary folks are aching to rediscover the lost anchors that once promoted opportunity. Clear visions straight from those facing problems first-hand can emerge to remind Americans our best days lie ahead. This is how we put society back together - through casual conversations that rekindle shared hopes. Brian invites you not to lose hope but to spread useful ideas that better real lives right now! ❤️ Order Cardio Miracle ( with code TBNS at checkout for 15% off and take a step towards better heart health and overall well-being! 🎙️ Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show, available on YouTube, Rumble, and Ben Swann's Sovren. With over 810 episodes featuring local candidates, elected officials, economists, CEOs, and more, each show educates, enlightens, and informs. 🔗Follow Brian on social media: ( & Facebook ( 🔔 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show for more captivating interviews and insights into libertarian solutions for local problems! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/15/202427 minutes, 26 seconds
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810: Charged $23K Tax to Build on My Own Land?!

Can local governments charge you thousands of dollars just to build a home on your own land? Studio Sponsor: Cardio Miracle - "The finest heart and health supplement in the world!": That's the key question explored in this episode of The Brian Nichols Show. Host Brian Nichols is joined by guest Brian Hodges, a senior attorney from the Pacific Legal Foundation, to discuss an outrageous $23,000+ fee charged to retiree George Sheetz simply for obtaining a permit to build a home. The exorbitant charge was labeled a "traffic impact mitigation fee" by El Dorado County, California. However, as Brian Hodges explains, the fee had little to do with the actual traffic impact caused by George Sheetz's modest single-family home. Instead, it was an illegal scheme by the county to generate revenue for road projects by disproportionately targeting future residents who had no say in the decision. After being stonewalled in California's state courts, the case made its way to the U.S. Supreme Court. As Brian Hodges outlines, the central issue is whether legislative bodies should be exempt from constitutional restraints on imposing permit fees and conditions. Based on questioning, he is cautiously optimistic that the Court will reject California's dystopian rule allowing unchecked power. A win could have major implications for reining in outrageous fees that drive up housing prices nationwide. The case has sparked surprising bipartisan support from both property rights advocates and affordable housing groups who recognize the threats posed by unlimited government overreach. As this episode makes clear, upholding constitutional checks and balances is critical, regardless of whether decisions come from an administrator or a legislative body. Tune in to hear the inside story direct from the Pacific Legal Foundation attorney fighting this landmark battle on behalf of George Sheetz all the way to the highest court in the land. ❤️ Order Cardio Miracle ( with code TBNS at checkout for 15% off and take a step towards better heart health and overall well-being! 🎙️ Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show, available on YouTube, Rumble, and Ben Swann's Sovren. With over 805 episodes featuring local candidates, elected officials, economists, CEOs, and more, each show educates, enlightens, and informs. 🔗Follow Brian on social media: ( & Facebook ( 🔔 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show for more captivating interviews and insights into libertarian solutions for local problems! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/12/202427 minutes, 15 seconds
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809: Did We Cure Cancer & No One Notice?

Have you ever wondered if there are alternative cancer therapies beyond just chemo, radiation and surgery? What if tools existed that could actually treat or even cure cancers without the often harsh side effects of conventional approaches? Studio Sponsor: Cardio Miracle - "The finest heart and health supplement in the world!": On today's episode of The Brian Nichols Show, Brian interviews filmmaker and investigative journalist Megan Smith about her eye-opening research into possibly effective yet rarely used cancer therapies. After losing her husband to cancer and feeling his chemo treatment did more harm than good, Megan set out to uncover suppressed treatments that get to the root metabolic causes of cancer instead of just attacking cell DNA. The conversation exposes how natural substances like laetrile (B17) and innovative technologies like Dr. Burzynski’s anti-neoplastons have shown incredible results reversing late-stage cancers, even though they’ve faced massive legal and regulatory pushback. Megan also breaks down the strong connection between diet, environment, stress levels and cancer risk - explaining easy things we can all start doing today to clean up our lives and better prevent oncological diseases. Throughout the discussion, Megan emphasizes that many cancer alternatives focus on oxygenation, sugar reduction, detoxing and supporting mitochondria - whereas mainstream therapies often make patients sicker in the process. Her passion comes from a desire to provide fellow cancer sufferers and their families the hope and healing options her late husband never received. Discover the total health picture when it comes to cancer. Does this suppressed information make you rethink everything we’re told about cancer treatment and what’s possible? Dive deeper by listening to today's episode! ❤️ Order Cardio Miracle ( with code TBNS at checkout for 15% off and take a step towards better heart health and overall well-being! 🎙️ Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show, available on YouTube, Rumble, and Ben Swann's Sovren. With over 805 episodes featuring local candidates, elected officials, economists, CEOs, and more, each show educates, enlightens, and informs. 🔗Follow Brian on social media: ( & Facebook ( 🔔 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show for more captivating interviews and insights into libertarian solutions for local problems! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/9/202427 minutes, 25 seconds
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808: Bill Maher EXPOSED as FAKE "Libertarian"

Will Bidenomics cripple Joe Biden’s chances at a second term? Plus, why is Bill Maher still saying he's a "libertarian"? Studio Sponsor: Cardio Miracle - "The finest heart and health supplement in the world!": On today's episode, host Brian Nichols is riding solo as he dives into the Biden administration’s economic policies and how they have led to rampant inflation that is squeezing American families. Nichols highlights how the excessive government spending and expansion of the national debt under Biden have directly fueled higher prices. He slams the White House for refusing to take accountability and instead trying to paint a rosier picture of the economy. The administration touts ideas like “Bidenomics” while avoiding the true economic pain happening across the country. The episode then shifts to an appearance Patrick Bet-David made on Bill Maher’s Club Random podcast. Nichols plays a clip where Maher tries to defend his “libertarian principles", but ends up exposing himself as more of a partisan Democrat. Nichols argues that Maher uses the label for edginess without understanding what it truly means. He contrasts this with the consistent libertarian principles espoused by Ron Paul. Nichols ends by emphasizing the importance of believing people when they tell you who they are. He says many so-called “David Boaz libertarians” on Twitter fail to meet voters where they are on the issues. In contrast, Nichols positions himself as a “Ron Paul libertarian” focused on real solutions instead of virtue signaling. If you want to hear a no-holds-barred critique of Bidenomics and fake libertarianism, be sure to check out this episode of The Brian Nichols Show! Nichols brings his signature wit and wisdom to analyzing the critical economic issues impacting Americans right now. ❤️ Order Cardio Miracle ( with code TBNS at checkout for 15% off and take a step towards better heart health and overall well-being! 🎙️ Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show, available on YouTube, Rumble, and Ben Swann's Sovren. With over 805 episodes featuring local candidates, elected officials, economists, CEOs, and more, each show educates, enlightens, and informs. 🔗Follow Brian on social media: ( & Facebook ( 🔔 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show for more captivating interviews and insights into libertarian solutions for local problems! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/7/202427 minutes, 4 seconds
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807: Systemic FAILURE - Why is this Ex-Cop Calling for Citizens to Battle Police Corruption!?

Has policing in America become too militarized and corrupt? Former LEO Dr. Byron Davis pulls back the curtain in this hard-hitting interview. Studio Sponsor: Cardio Miracle - "The finest heart and health supplement in the world!": Dr. Byron Davis has a unique perspective as both a former law enforcement officer and an activist lobbying for police reform. In this interview, host Brian Nichols digs deep into the root causes behind growing claims of overreach and corruption. What structural flaws allow bad actors to repeatedly infiltrate the ranks? Can citizens really enact change against police unions and entrenched political interests? Davis traces much of today’s problems to a lack of proper accountability. Without term limits for appointed positions, cronyism spreads as reform attempts face institutional blockade. He argues everyday citizens can spark real investigations through coordinated FOIA requests - resulting already in some Tennessee resignations and ongoing TBI probes. The controversial policy of civil asset forfeiture demonstrates overfinancialization incentives according to both Nichols and Davis. Designed to hurt drug traffickers, it often ensnares regular citizens carrying cash while providing slush funding for some departments. Complete abolishment legislation could find broad non-partisan appeal. Back the Blue? Davis suggests nationwide training and hiring standards would reduce incidents of misconduct. Culturally, some tradeoff exists between effective interdiction of organized crime and preservation of civil liberties - particularly in jurisdictions along major drug transit routes. Responsible leaders must manage that balance carefully in light of rising cartel infiltration. Overall an insightful look behind the Thin Blue Line with a whistleblower unafraid to call corruption where he sees it. There are glimmers of hope though if enough citizens awaken to diligently exercise their oversight authority starting at the local ballot box. Can the system still reform itself - or is the institutional rot now simply too deep? ❤️ Order Cardio Miracle ( with code TBNS at checkout for 15% off and take a step towards better heart health and overall well-being! 🎙️ Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show, available on YouTube, Rumble, and Ben Swann's Sovren. With over 805 episodes featuring local candidates, elected officials, economists, CEOs, and more, each show educates, enlightens, and informs. 🔗Follow Brian on social media: ( & Facebook ( 🔔 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show for more captivating interviews and insights into libertarian solutions for local problems! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/5/202431 minutes, 36 seconds
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806: Grid-Locked - Is the Power Grid America's Fatal Flaw?

Have you ever wondered what would happen if the US power grid failed? Studio Sponsor: Cardio Miracle - "The finest heart and health supplement in the world!": In this episode of The Brian Nichols Show, we explore that question and more with special guest Robert Bryce - host of the Power Hungry podcast. They start off discussing the fragility of the US electric grid, using the 2021 Texas blackouts from Winter Storm Uri as a case study. Bryce explains how the crony capitalist approach to electricity pioneered by Enron made systems more vulnerable to disruption in California. He also argues for the need to embrace nuclear power to ensure grid reliability and meet climate goals. The two delve into energy subsidies, with Bryce highlighting how solar and wind get hundreds of times more federal funding per unit of energy than nuclear power and other sources. He calls this distortion of the market "terrible for the poor and middle class." When it comes to solutions, Bryce asserts that strong, bipartisan federal government support for nuclear is essential. On threats to the grid, Bryce warns that it is vulnerable not just to severe weather events, but also physical attacks, cyber-attacks, and even internal sabotage by environmental groups. Yet he says many policy decisions to address undermine reliability based on emotion rather than sound engineering. Bryce concludes by emphasizing the need for clear-eyed, sober decision-making on energy and power. He plugs his new docu-series "Juice: Power Politics and the Grid" which provides an in-depth look at these issues. ❤️ Order Cardio Miracle ( with code TBNS at checkout for 15% off and take a step towards better heart health and overall well-being! 🎙️ Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show, available on YouTube, Rumble, and Ben Swann's Sovren. With over 800 episodes featuring local candidates, elected officials, economists, CEOs, and more, each show educates, enlightens, and informs. 🔗Follow Brian on social media: ( & Facebook ( 🔔 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show for more captivating interviews and insights into libertarian solutions for local problems! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/1/202426 minutes, 34 seconds
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805: Grabbing the Wheel - Libertarians' Chance to Steer the GOP

The Republican Party is at a crossroads after repeated neocon failures. With Nikki Haley's campaign crashing and burning, is the establishment losing its grip? Host Brian Nichols believes constitutional conservatives and libertarians now have a golden opportunity to reshape the GOP's platform around civil liberties, fiscal responsibility, decentralization and non-interventionism. But is the window already closing? Studio Sponsor: Cardio Miracle - "The finest heart and health supplement in the world!": In today's episode, Brian discusses how the seeds of change within the GOP were planted over 10 years ago during the Tea Party movement. He explores the undercurrent of populist anger against the political elite, which has been simmering beneath the surface. Brian argues that Donald Trump tapped into this resentment during his rapid ascent, despite not being a libertarian himself. His presidency, however, paved the way for more liberty-minded leaders such as Rand Paul and Thomas Massie to be elected. Brian then shifts focus to the decline of neoconservative favorites like Nikki Haley, suggesting that their failures have cleared the path for a libertarian takeover of the GOP. He sees an urgent need to fill the policy void with a consistent small-government approach that resonates with populist and America First voters. Despite critics' views that the Trump coalition was an anomaly and things will eventually return to the status quo, Brian is convinced that the working-class citizens Trump attracted are here to stay. He believes that on issues like immigration, spending, and civil liberties, they see the efficacy of libertarian solutions over those of the traditional political establishment. Brian emphasizes the importance of focusing on shared goals such as ending wasteful wars, promoting economic freedom, prioritizing workers, and upholding civil rights. He believes that libertarians can bring together various factions within the GOP, including swing voters who want little government intervention in their lives. Brian concludes his analysis by stating that with neoconservative influence at its lowest point in three decades, this moment represents a generational opportunity for libertarians. As the establishment becomes increasingly irrelevant, he calls on principled and confident libertarian leaders to seize control of the GOP. He believes that the party that harnesses populist energy and the public's desire for sensible policies will win long-term electoral success. However, Brian raises a critical question: Is time running out for libertarians to establish their position within the party? Tune in to find out! ❤️ Order Cardio Miracle ( with code TBNS at checkout for 15% off and take a step towards better heart health and overall well-being! 🎙️ Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show, available on YouTube, Rumble, and Ben Swann's Sovren. With over 800 episodes featuring local candidates, elected officials, economists, CEOs, and more, each show educates, enlightens, and informs. 🔗Follow Brian on social media: ( & Facebook ( 🔔 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show for more captivating interviews and insights into libertarian solutions for local problems! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/30/202420 minutes, 6 seconds
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804: Faith, Firearms & Freedom - One Man’s Vermont Standoff

Have you ever wondered how far local governments will go to make an example out of someone they disagree with? Studio Sponsor: Cardio Miracle - "The finest heart and health supplement in the world!": In this eye-opening episode, host Brian Nichols talks to Daniel Banyai, a Vermont resident who built a firearms training facility on his rural property, only to become the target of an intense backlash from local officials, and even an alleged local Ku Klux Klan group. We learn how Daniel purchased 30 acres of land in rural Vermont to open a small firearms education facility for safety training and practice. Though he went through proper permitting procedures, the town did not approve of having a gun range so closeby. A few years later, Daniel faced organized opposition from not only the town but also an extremist group called the "Warren Switch Clan," claiming to include local KKK members. The discussion covers whether Vermont's pro-gun reputation is accurate, why Daniel refuses to back down despite endless legal battles, and what "winning" would look like in this case. Daniel explains how he realized in 2019 that the fight had become bigger than himself, after local minority groups who had experienced discrimination reached out to him for support. Daniel emphasizes the importance of accountability and using his upcoming documentary to shine a light on the shocking attitudes and behaviors still present in parts of Vermont. Though he may never gain acceptance locally, Daniel hopes to make an example through nonviolent means like protests and constitutional activities. Ultimately, it's a startling portrait of abuse of power and discrimination hiding below the surface of a supposedly progressive state. Tune in to hear the full story direct from Daniel and decide for yourself what should be done when local governments overstep in such dramatic fashion. ❤️ Order Cardio Miracle ( with code TBNS at checkout for 15% off and take a step towards better heart health and overall well-being! 🎙️ Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show, available on YouTube, Rumble, and Ben Swann's Sovren. With over 800 episodes featuring local candidates, elected officials, economists, CEOs, and more, each show educates, enlightens, and informs. 🔗Follow Brian on social media: ( & Facebook ( 🔔 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show for more captivating interviews and insights into libertarian solutions for local problems! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/26/202419 minutes, 11 seconds
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803: CBDCs & the WEF's Great Reset Agenda

Have you heard about CBDCs (central bank digital currencies) and how they could threaten your financial freedom? Studio Sponsor: Cardio Miracle - "The finest heart and health supplement in the world!": On today's episode, Brian is once again joined by fellow entrepreneur and freedom fighter Clay Clark. Together, they break down what central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) are, why leaders like Donald Trump and Vivek Ramaswamy are speaking out against them, and what their implementation could mean for your ability to control your own money. Clay gives an in-depth explanation of the technocratic elite's plans, covering everything from programmable digital money to the quantum dot technology that could store medical records under people's skin. He connects the dots to the World Economic Forum's great reset agenda, making it clear why CBDCs must be resisted. The conversation then turns to practical action steps listeners can take right now. Clay stresses the urgent need to donate to the legal defense fund for Peter Navarro, one of Trump's top economic advisors. He also shares his compelling "Paul Revere" approach to waking up friends and family to the truth through simple phone calls. This jam-packed episode is full of bombshell information about CBDCs and the globalist takeover. Learn why Clay believes we only have until November 2024 to save America. Tune in now to inform yourself during this pivotal window of opportunity! Links Clay Mentions During Show: ❤️ Order Cardio Miracle ( with code TBNS at checkout for 15% off and take a step towards better heart health and overall well-being! 🎙️ Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show, available on YouTube, Rumble, and Ben Swann's Sovren. With over 800 episodes featuring local candidates, elected officials, economists, CEOs, and more, each show educates, enlightens, and informs. 🔗Follow Brian on social media: ( & Facebook ( 🔔 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show for more captivating interviews and insights into libertarian solutions for local problems! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/24/202429 minutes, 35 seconds
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802: Is the 2024 Election the Most Important Election of our Lifetime?

Is the 2024 election the most pivotal moment in our lifetime when it comes to preserving liberty in America? I explore why this may be our last opportunity to reverse the decades-long expansion of centralized government power that threatens Constitutional freedoms. Studio Sponsor: Cardio Miracle - "The finest heart and health supplement in the world!": In this episode, host Brian Nichols makes the case for why the 2024 presidential election is shaping up to be the most consequential election in our lifetime. He argues that with the massive expansion of federal power in recent decades under both parties, we are reaching an ideological precipice when it comes to issues of centralized planning versus individual liberty. Tracing the growth of government authoritarianism back to FDR's New Deal era, Brian shows how admin after admin, both Democrat and Republican, have presided over more bureaucracy, red tape, and encroachments on freedoms. He contrasts the stark differences between the two major parties, presenting 2024 as a "fork in the road" for America's future direction. Using compelling examples like soaring inflation, decaying infrastructure, and out-of-control healthcare costs, Brian demonstrates the contemporary failures of big government overreach across every facet of society. He suggests we may be creeping towards an oppressive totalitarian-style state if current trajectories continue. Inspired by America's founders who devised a system to disperse power and prevent centralized tyranny, Brian makes a his case for why this election offers perhaps the clearest ideological choice between the path towards more freedom or inevitable serfdom. He firmly states this is without a doubt the most important election of our era. A must-listen episode for any freedom-loving citizen. Dive in and decide where you stand at the political crossroads ahead! ❤️ Order Cardio Miracle ( with code TBNS at checkout for 15% off and take a step towards better heart health and overall well-being! 🎙️ Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show, available on YouTube, Rumble, and Ben Swann's Sovren. With over 800 episodes featuring local candidates, elected officials, economists, CEOs, and more, each show educates, enlightens, and informs. 🔗Follow Brian on social media: ( & Facebook ( 🔔 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show for more captivating interviews and insights into libertarian solutions for local problems! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/22/202418 minutes, 9 seconds
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801: Buried in Waste - Using Tech to Dig Our Way Out of the Trash Pileup

With global waste projected to rise 70% by 2050, we're facing a trash avalanche of epic proportions. So how do we stop our cities from being buried in waste? Studio Sponsor: Cardio Miracle - "The finest heart and health supplement in the world!": On this episode of The Brian Nichols Show, Brian digs deep with pioneering waste data expert Electra Coutsoftides, CEO of waste solutions firm X Works, on how data analytics can help propel cities toward a zero-waste future. They explore the overlooked world of global waste trading, where recyclables and waste commodities are imported and exported on a massive scale that will shock you. Electra explains how the EU is demanding digital passports to track waste origins and destinations. X Works provides software to meet these emerging regulations. Their platform also uses AI to analyze images of waste and identify mismatches between claimed and actual materials. This mitigates illegal dumping by verifying credibility along the supply chain. A key threat they are combatting is waste trading scams that cost companies huge sums of money. Scammers promise access to waste materials in exchange for large upfront deposits, then disappear with the cash. X Works certification and verification protects traders. This transparency and accountability will be crucial for managing the waste crisis ahead. Looking locally, Electra discusses X Works partnerships with US logistics firms to bring their waste-tracking solutions stateside. With Brian’s firsthand view of overflowing trash in the streets of Philadelphia, it is clear smart waste policies are needed to avoid drowning in our own waste. X Works offers a technology-driven path ahead through the trash pileup projected in our collective future. Tune into this eye-opening discussion to learn about the overlooked world of global waste trading and hi-tech solutions that could just dig our cities out of projected trash overload! ❤️ Order Cardio Miracle ( with code TBNS at checkout for 15% off and take a step towards better heart health and overall well-being! 🎙️ Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show, available on YouTube, Rumble, and Ben Swann's Sovren. With over 800 episodes featuring local candidates, elected officials, economists, CEOs, and more, each show educates, enlightens, and informs. 🔗Follow Brian on social media: ( & Facebook ( 🔔 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show for more captivating interviews and insights into libertarian solutions for local problems! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/16/202418 minutes, 9 seconds
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800: The COVID Awakening - When Doctors Started Asking Questions

What if everything we were told about COVID-19 was wrong? Today's guest is blowing the lid off the COVID narrative. Studio Sponsor: Cardio Miracle - "The finest heart and health supplement in the world!": When COVID-19 first emerged, the medical community scrambled to understand this mysterious new virus. As a hospitalist working on the frontlines, Richelle Voth witnessed firsthand how protocols like Remdesivir failed to improve patient outcomes. After researching alternative therapies, she began utilizing repurposed drugs like Ivermectin with great success. However, she faced pushback for questioning official narratives. In this interview, Voth details how COVID-19 and its "accepted" treatments caused a disturbing array of neurological, cardiac, and other adverse reactions in her patients. She recounts one remarkable recovery where Ivermectin resolved acute psychosis in a patient with no other explanation. As more patients shared similar stories, Voth could no longer ignore the correlations. She explains her journey of overcoming fear to "Follow the Science". Voth provides glimmers of hope amongst the grim research emerging about COVID treatments. At her functional medicine clinic, Meehan MD, her team takes an individualized, root-cause approach to restore health in those suffering post-COVID/treatment complications. She discusses innovative lab testing and novel treatments personalized to each patient. Even for complex cases, creative medical detectives like Voth help patients reclaim their vitality. Host Brian Nichols explores why public trust in health institutions has eroded after years of shifting narratives, goalpost moving, and vilification of dissenting experts. Voth explains how physicians can rebuild trust through transparency, patient autonomy, and reclaiming the sacred patient-doctor relationship. She believes we can create positive change by giving patients ownership in their care. If you've felt gaslit by official COVID responses or are struggling with lingering symptoms, don't miss this empowering conversation. Richelle Voth brings integrity, clinical wisdom, and hope that recovery is possible, even from adverse treatment reactions. Together, we can re-envision a new era of medicine that honors the sovereignty of both patient and physician! ❤️ Order Cardio Miracle ( with code TBNS at checkout for 15% off and take a step towards better heart health and overall well-being! 🎙️ Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show, available on YouTube, Rumble, and Ben Swann's Sovren. With over 800 episodes featuring local candidates, elected officials, economists, CEOs, and more, each show educates, enlightens, and informs. 🔗Follow Brian on social media: ( & Facebook ( 🔔 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show for more captivating interviews and insights into libertarian solutions for local problems! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/11/202434 minutes, 36 seconds
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799: Dude Looks Like a Lady? - Navigating the Gray Areas on Drag Queen Story Hours & Parental Rights

What if there was a REAL third option for West Virginia voters that could shake up the status quo? Libertarian candidate for Governor Erika Kolenich makes her bold case on why she should be the one to fill that role. Studio Sponsor: Cardio Miracle - "The finest heart and health supplement in the world!": On today's episode of The Brian Nichols Show, we welcome Erika Kolenich, Libertarian candidate for Governor of West Virginia in 2024. Brian and Erika dive deep into why she's running and what she hopes to accomplish. They discuss the major problems facing West Virginia, like the crisis in the jail system and the failures of the Republican establishment to deliver on promises of change. Erika outlines her plans for criminal justice reform to reduce overcrowding in jails by releasing nonviolent drug offenders. Erika argues this would also help fill job vacancies across the state. She also digs into cutting burdensome regulations to make it easier for small businesses to thrive. Her goal - bust down barriers and let the free market work its magic. The conversation shifts to a lively debate around social issues and the boundaries between parental rights, government overreach, and potential harm. They analyze tough questions around things like drag queen story hours through a libertarian lens. As they wrap up, Brian challenges Libertarian candidates to run smarter campaigns that focus on meeting voters where they are instead of just winning arguments. Erika makes an appeal to West Virginians to get involved with the Libertarian Party and support her insurgent campaign to shake up the establishment. If you want to hear an in-depth discussion on the direction of West Virginia and a compelling case for a new voice in the Governor's office, don't miss this episode of The Brian Nichols Show! ❤️ Order Cardio Miracle ( with code TBNS at checkout for 15% off and take a step towards better heart health and overall well-being! 🎙️ Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show, available on YouTube, Rumble, and Ben Swann's Sovren. With over 800 episodes featuring local candidates, elected officials, economists, CEOs, and more, each show educates, enlightens, and informs. 🔗Follow Brian on social media: ( & Facebook ( 🔔 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show for more captivating interviews and insights into libertarian solutions for local problems! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/8/202432 minutes, 54 seconds
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798: America's Hidden Blueprint for a Less Divided Future

Could the purposes of the US Constitution really be contained in a single paragraph? Studio Sponsor: Cardio Miracle - "The finest heart and health supplement in the world!": On today's episode, host Brian Nichols explores this intriguing idea with constitutional expert Christopher Nesbitt. Their illuminating discussion tackles fundamental questions about America’s founding principles. Delving into the preamble of the Constitution, Nesbitt shares his motivation behind writing an in-depth “guide” to properly understanding every word within this vital section. He explains why comprehension has become so critical in today’s polarized climate. The conversation spotlights the overlooked differences between “liberty” versus “freedom” - a nuance many don’t grasp. Nesbitt offers insight through examining dictionary definitions from the era, helping clarify the Founders’ precise intended meanings. Analyzing modern applications, Nichols raises interesting examples related to COVID vaccine mandates. They debate potential conflicts between individual liberty and collective public good. This thought-provoking dialogue explores how constitutional principles apply to contemporary challenges. Throughout the wide-ranging nonpartisan discussion, Nesbitt emphasizes the unifying power of developing a complete grasp of the Constitution’s purposes. He makes a compelling case that shared understanding facilitates cooperation and progress. Gain perspective on America’s core ideals - watch this episode to hear an expert breakdown of the preamble’s significance in everyday life and politics! ❤️ Order Cardio Miracle ( with code TBNS at checkout for 15% off and take a step towards better heart health and overall well-being! 🎙️ Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show, available on YouTube, Rumble, and Ben Swann's Sovren. With over 790 episodes featuring local candidates, elected officials, economists, CEOs, and more, each show educates, enlightens, and informs. 🔗Follow Brian on social media: ( & Facebook ( 🔔 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show for more captivating interviews and insights into libertarian solutions for local problems! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/5/202431 minutes, 12 seconds
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797: America LAST - How D.C. Politicians Have FAILED Working Americans

Is America losing its global leadership role? 🇺🇸 This congressional candidate argues YES - and reveals what's needed to restore America's power on the world stage. Studio Sponsor: Cardio Miracle - "The finest heart and health supplement in the world!": Michael Nixon, a veteran and hospital executive running for Congress in Georgia's 2nd district, joins host Brian Nichols to discuss his bid to flip the long-held Democratic seat. Nixon provides an insider's perspective into the declining state of America's military, explaining how poor leadership and dangerous policies have diminished troop morale and emboldened enemies. Sharing firsthand accounts from his deployments abroad, Nixon spotlights the shifting global perceptions of the U.S. over the past 20 years. Once viewed as liberators, American troops now face growing anti-American sentiments. Nixon traces the roots of this hostility and proposes solutions to restore America's standing. Pivoting to domestic issues, Nixon breaks down the economic struggles crippling his impoverished district. He slams the failures of career politicians from both parties to improve conditions for working-class Americans. Nixon lays out his vision for fiscal responsibility in D.C., eliminating government waste, and bringing industry and jobs back home. Committed to bipartisan solutions, Nixon aims to forge unity around common-sense policies supported by both parties. By returning power to the states, securing the border, and upholding the rule of law, he believes America can reclaim its rightful place as the world's shining city on a hill. Learn why Nixon believes America's future depends on electing citizen legislators willing to stand up to the D.C. establishment. Discover how his real-world experience can help strengthen America at home and abroad! ❤️ Order Cardio Miracle ( with code TBNS at checkout for 15% off and take a step towards better heart health and overall well-being! 🎙️ Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show, available on YouTube, Rumble, and Ben Swann's Sovren. With over 790 episodes featuring local candidates, elected officials, economists, CEOs, and more, each show educates, enlightens, and informs. 🔗Follow Brian on social media: ( & Facebook ( 🔔 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show for more captivating interviews and insights into libertarian solutions for local problems! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/1/202427 minutes, 47 seconds
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796: Is Our Food System Failing Us?

Studio Sponsor: Cardio Miracle - "The finest heart and health supplement in the world!": Can our broken food system be transformed to empower families and restore health? Is our current food system failing us? In this eye-opening episode, host Brian Nichols digs deep into the flaws plaguing America's food production with holistic health expert Sonia Gomez. They explore the rampant use of toxic chemicals and unhealthy farming practices that are destroying our health. Can we transform this broken system? Nichols and Gomez provide shocking statistics about the rise of autoimmune diseases and food sensitivities, highlighting the dangerous link to conventional fertilizers and pesticides. Gomez shares her personal health journey and mission to create abundance through clean food after overcoming illness herself. Together, they dissect the political and corporate interests contaminating our food supply, keeping Americans dependent on medications to merely manage symptoms. Gomez offers simple, practical solutions families can implement right now to take control of their health, starting with small steps like visiting local farmers' markets. You’ll discover sustainable growing systems that allow you to become self-reliant and secure your family’s access to nutrient-dense food. Nichols and Gomez explore the mental, physical and spiritual benefits of connecting with nature through homesteading. This isn’t just about survival - it’s about living life to the fullest. If you want to learn how to safeguard your health and build a lasting legacy, don’t miss this paradigm-shifting conversation... Discover the first crucial step to changing the world - beginning with yourself! ❤️ Order Cardio Miracle ( with code TBNS at checkout for 15% off and take a step towards better heart health and overall well-being! 🎙️ Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show, available on YouTube, Rumble, and Ben Swann's Sovren. With over 790 episodes featuring local candidates, elected officials, economists, CEOs, and more, each show educates, enlightens, and informs. 🔗Follow Brian on social media: ( & Facebook ( 🔔 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show for more captivating interviews and insights into libertarian solutions for local problems! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/28/202330 minutes, 55 seconds
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795: The Cyber COLD WAR & the Erosion of Liberty

Studio Sponsor: Cardio Miracle - "The finest heart and health supplement in the world!": Could critical infrastructure already be held hostage by silent cyberwars secretly unfolding behind the scenes? On today's episode of The Brian Nichols Show, Brian interviews cybersecurity expert Cyrus Nooriala on escalating cyber threats. Together they unpack and examine the precarious lack of security pervading both personal technology and business networks, leaving users and companies dangerously exposed. Delving into ominous examples like the Stuxnet virus and recent Iranian utility hacks, Nooriala outlines the constant probing of systems by state actors seeking leverage in global conflicts. With references ranging from Soviet tyranny to the suspicious Israeli border breach preceding recent violence, he constructs a disturbing narrative of cyber warfare rapidly intensifying across the Middle East and beyond. Exploring defensive fundamentals like network monitoring, penetration testing, and employee education, Nooriala stresses the multifaceted nature of business cybersecurity. He details how seemingly innocuous activities like pirated downloads can open companies to crippling lawsuits and security disasters. The conversation then begins its conclusion with a disturbing analysis of how cyber-attacks could lead to infrastructure sabotage and kinetic warfare. While cautioning that absolute privacy remains impossible given legal backdoors in commercial encryption, Nooriala argues knowledge itself creates crucial protection against exploitation. He urges individuals to scrutinize the true reach of household technology, warning device cameras and microphones enable mass warrantless surveillance by Big Tech and government alike. In this riveting edition of The Brian Nichols Show, Nooriala pierces the veil shrouding the silent cyber battles unfolding across the globe. Tune in as he distills actionable methods for securing both personal and business digital worlds against the rising tide of cyber warfare threatening us all! ❤️ Order Cardio Miracle ( with code TBNS at checkout for 15% off and take a step towards better heart health and overall well-being! 🎙️ Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show, available on YouTube, Rumble, and Ben Swann's Sovren. With over 790 episodes featuring local candidates, elected officials, economists, CEOs, and more, each show educates, enlightens, and informs. 🔗Follow Brian on social media: ( & Facebook ( 🔔 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show for more captivating interviews and insights into libertarian solutions for local problems! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/26/202325 minutes, 15 seconds
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794: Selling Below the Surface - Navigating Hidden Buying Motivators Beneath the Surface

Studio Sponsor: Cardio Miracle - "The finest heart and health supplement in the world!": What if everything you thought you knew about sales was just the tip of the iceberg? In this episode of The Brian Nichols Show, guest Karl Becker argues that truly masterful selling requires going deeper to uncover powerful human truths most tactics never reach. Host Brian Nichols and guest Karl Becker dive into the idea of "iceberg selling" - understanding the 90% that lies below the surface when connecting with potential customers. Becker shares his origin story of discovering sales as a survival tactic due to struggles with dyslexia, leading to a career coaching teams to "bring out the best in individuals." The two discuss key mindsets for sales success, including focusing on lifetime value of client relationships rather than short-term transactions. Becker outlines his "5 best practices of iceberg selling", including doing research on prospects beforehand and guiding conversations by understanding "their world." Nichols and Becker explore ideas around qualifying ideal customer profiles, avoiding aggressive selling tactics, building rapport through genuine curiosity, and framing sales as a "journey" rather than a "sprint to the finish line." Becker also shares suggestions for those new to sales on how to get started being an "effective communicator." As takeaways, the two emphasize the power of the Golden Rule in sales - "treating others the way you want to be treated". Nichols concludes that understanding context and "why people buy" allows you to truly "meet them where they're at", which Becker agrees is the key to sales success. ❤️ Order Cardio Miracle ( with code TBNS at checkout for 15% off and take a step towards better heart health and overall well-being! 🎙️ Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show, available on YouTube, Rumble, and Ben Swann's Sovren. With over 790 episodes featuring local candidates, elected officials, economists, CEOs, and more, each show educates, enlightens, and informs. 🔗Follow Brian on social media: ( & Facebook ( 🔔 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show for more captivating interviews and insights into libertarian solutions for local problems! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/22/202331 minutes, 30 seconds
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793: This Guy Just Made Libertarian Electoral History - Here's How

Studio Sponsor: Cardio Miracle - "The finest heart and health supplement in the world!": What’s the secret blueprint that allowed a 28-year-old libertarian phenom to infiltrate a rural Indiana city council seat in the heart of America’s red state country? How often do we see Libertarian candidates fall flat on election day? Too often! But what if this time was different? Listen in as host Brian Nichols interviews Clayton Soultz, a 28-year-old Libertarian who just won his election to the Jonesborough City Council in Indiana. Find out Clayton's secrets to running a winning local campaign, like convincing the incumbent to step down, going door-to-door to meet constituents face-to-face, and focusing on issues voters truly care about rather than pushing rigid Libertarian ideology. You'll learn why focusing on likability and relationship building at the local level leads to more victories than national Libertarian figureheads preaching big ideas without local followthrough. Hear Clayton's tips for picking winnable races in small towns thirsty for new leadership. Understand how to leverage single issues like water quality regulation and perceived state government overreach during COVID restrictions. Get fired up as Clayton describes his 60-year vision for the Libertarian slow march through government institutions. If you're fed up with Libertarian losses and ready for pragmatic winning strategies tailored to the hyperlocal level, this is the can't-miss episode for you! Clayton shows how being the voice for disgruntled voters on issues that directly impact their lives is the antidote for ineffective purist politicking. Tune in to get his take on nullifying state and federal tyranny through municipal government participation. You'll walk away understanding why Libertarians must contest elections at the lowest levels now in order to build the infrastructure and credibility needed to compete statewide and nationally down the road! ❤️ Order Cardio Miracle ( with code TBNS at checkout for 15% off and take a step towards better heart health and overall well-being! 🎙️ Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show, available on YouTube, Rumble, and Ben Swann's Sovren. With over 790 episodes featuring local candidates, elected officials, economists, CEOs, and more, each show educates, enlightens, and informs. 🔗Follow Brian on social media: ( & Facebook ( 🔔 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show for more captivating interviews and insights into libertarian solutions for local problems! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/19/202329 minutes, 55 seconds
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792: The Prohibitionists are BACK - Rules, Bans, Killjoys, & Dealing with the FUN POLICE

Studio Sponsor: Cardio Miracle - "The finest heart and health supplement in the world!": They call themselves the "Fun Police" - but are they really just modern-day prohibitionists trying to ruin a good time? In this episode, we expose the truth behind these moral busybodies. On today's episode. we're introduced to the concept of the "Fun Police" - self-appointed guardians of morality who oppose vices and nightlife. We explore how these naysayers have used social media to amplify their message of disapproval and condemnation. Brian's guest, Bill Wirtz, explains the history of prohibitionists and temperance movements. We learn how they've shifted strategy over time - becoming more lenient on hard drugs but stricter on gambling, vaping, and sugary drinks. Bill argues for a classically liberal approach focused on informed adult consumers. Brian and Bill debate key issues like advertising, public health advocacy, changing cultural norms, and finding the right balance between freedom and regulation. They discuss the unintended consequences of outright bans and "quasi-prohibition." The two share final thoughts on decentralization of policy, leading by example vs. government force, acknowledging harms vs. autonomy, and changing culture through open debate rather than imposition. Bill also invites listeners to check out his podcast series "The Fun Police." This episode takes a thoughtful look at how we approach vices as a society. It's an insightful dialogue that raises questions about the role of government, business, community, and personal responsibility when it comes to consumer choice. Give it a listen - you might be surprised at what side you come down on! ❤️ Order Cardio Miracle ( with code TBNS at checkout for 15% off and take a step towards better heart health and overall well-being! 🎙️ Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show, available on YouTube, Rumble, and Ben Swann's Sovren. With over 780 episodes featuring local candidates, elected officials, economists, CEOs, and more, each show educates, enlightens, and informs. 🔗Follow Brian on social media: ( & Facebook ( 🔔 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show for more captivating interviews and insights into libertarian solutions for local problems! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/14/202329 minutes, 37 seconds
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791: Cancelling Cancel Culture - How this Baker is Living Her Values Out LOUD

Studio Sponsor: Cardio Miracle - "The finest heart and health supplement in the world!": What does it take to stand up for your rights and keep your business open during government lockdowns? Jen Jacobson Brusa shares her incredible story of grit and overcoming adversity. Jen started her cheesecake business, Beloved Cheesecakes, in Oregon right before the COVID lockdowns began. As a single mom of 3 boys, she knew she had to stay open to provide for her family. Even as the only business defying lockdown orders in her town, Jen stood firm in her convictions. Facing backlash but seeing God provide, Jen shared how her business ended up on Fox & Friends. Now, after 4 years, she has moved to a much larger location. Jen explains how letting go of caring what people think and finding freedom through following her values empowered her. Diving into parenting styles, Jen contrasts indulgent parents doing everything for their kids with her approach of discipline, consequences, and not sheltering her boys from reality. She shares how through God's faithfulness, her kids have their own strong relationships with Him. Jen and host Brian Nichols explore how lack of grit and tenacity is a major issue with younger generations today. They discuss the entitlement mentality and need for problem-solving skills versus being handed everything. Jen emphasizes that overcoming challenges grows character and determination. Want to order amazing cheesecakes yourself? Jen talks about Beloved Cheesecakes' holiday flavors and nationwide shipping! She also shares where you can find her business on social media to order cheesecakes online! ❤️ Order Cardio Miracle ( with code TBNS at checkout for 15% off and take a step towards better heart health and overall well-being! 🎙️ Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show, available on YouTube, Rumble, and Ben Swann's Sovren. With over 780 episodes featuring local candidates, elected officials, economists, CEOs, and more, each show educates, enlightens, and informs. 🔗Follow Brian on social media: ( & Facebook ( 🔔 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show for more captivating interviews and insights into libertarian solutions for local problems! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/11/202330 minutes, 42 seconds
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790: How is TikTok Shaping Gen Z's Ideology?

Studio Sponsor: Cardio Miracle - "The finest heart and health supplement in the world!": How are Gen Z becoming increasingly progressive and left-leaning? What's the real impact of social media and how young people form their worldviews today? In this eye-opening episode, host Brian Nichols digs deep with commentator Olivia Rondeau on the ideological shifts happening with younger generations. They explore how Gen Z are being shaped by social media platforms like TikTok, the emergence of "social death" for dissenting views, and the long-term risks if we don't course-correct. Rondeau shares her first-hand experience getting sucked into leftist ideology online as a teen and how she eventually broke out. She contrasts the differences between past and present social media, explaining why today's algorithms and influences make it far more difficult. Nichols and Rondeau also discuss constructive solutions, like the need for more nuanced right-wing voices to meet Gen Z where they are. Rondeau emphasizes that conservatives must be better at welcoming those who leave the left and not dismiss them as "unsaveable". This vital conversation breaks down all the key factors in generational shifts happening before our eyes. Learn why we urgently need a different approach to counter manipulation and reach young minds more effectively! ❤️ Order Cardio Miracle ( with code TBNS at checkout for 15% off and take a step towards better heart health and overall well-being! 🎙️ Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show, available on YouTube, Rumble, and Ben Swann's Sovren. With over 780 episodes featuring local candidates, elected officials, economists, CEOs, and more, each show educates, enlightens, and informs. 🔗Follow Brian on social media: ( & Facebook ( 🔔 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show for more captivating interviews and insights into libertarian solutions for local problems! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/8/202334 minutes, 33 seconds
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789: The COVID Pandemic's Surprising Silver Lining - Fueling the School Choice Movement

Studio Sponsor: Cardio Miracle - "The finest heart and health supplement in the world!": A landmark new poll shows a monumental shift - with 2/3 of parents now supporting school choice, signaling a major change in the conversation around education options for families. Brian Nichols welcomes Matt Frendewey, an education reformer with 15 years experience, to discuss a new YouGov poll showing overwhelming support for school choice. The 2020 pandemic exposed problems in traditional public schools, leading many parents to explore new options. Enrollment numbers show more families moving to charter, private, homeschooling and microschools. The poll found strong majorities support ending zip code-based school assignment, expanding education savings accounts (ESAs) and expanding education tax credits. This support crossed partisan lines and was especially high among Black and lower-income Americans. More states are responding by passing new and expanded school choice laws. Matt explains how the education system was founded on racist beliefs about the "inherited ability" to sort children. It remains focused on the system over individual students and their needs. The teachers union continues to defend this outdated model, while even many teachers are fleeing to start alternative schools. Attacks on homeschooling signal establishment fears about empowering parents. Brian and Matt discuss how culture shapes policy - the shift in public opinion will drive more political changes favoring school choice at the state level. Matt predicts funding will become more flexible and portable, not limited to public-to-private transfers. Barriers like zip code restrictions will eventually fail to meet family demand. To conclude, Matt invites listeners to get involved lobbying their states if on the cusp of passing new laws, and to partner with Yes. Every Kid. Foundation. & Brian promotes his school choice bumper stickers and merch, promoting parent power over educational freedom. ❤️ Order Cardio Miracle ( with code TBNS at checkout for 15% off and take a step towards better heart health and overall well-being! 🎙️ Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show, available on YouTube, Rumble, and Ben Swann's Sovren. With over 780 episodes featuring local candidates, elected officials, economists, CEOs, and more, each show educates, enlightens, and informs. 🔗Follow Brian on social media: ( & Facebook ( 🔔 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show for more captivating interviews and insights into libertarian solutions for local problems! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/5/202329 minutes, 43 seconds
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788: Common Ground for Uncommon Times - How to Break Bread Without Breaking Bonds

Studio Sponsor: Cardio Miracle - "The finest heart and health supplement in the world!": Are political debates ruining your holiday dinners? Brian Nichols and Jeremy Todd reveal the conversational landmines libertarians should avoid if they want productive discussion. In this info-packed episode, Brian and Jeremy analyze the topics actually coming up around real holiday dinner tables. Beyond expected fare like the economy and 2024 candidates, they note rising discussion of crime rates and immigration policy. Tackling the realities behind these hot-button issues, they explain why rational debate often falls flat and how to foster true dialogues. Jeremy stresses stopping reflexive arguments that entrench people deeper in their views. He advocates asking gentle questions to understand others' mindsets before countering them. Learn tips like finding common ground, however small, ensuring those opposed still like you, and guiding people to arrive at their own conclusions. Shifting to libertarian solutions, Brian and Jeremy admit the Libertarian Party faces real voter skepticism and ballots stacked against it. Still, they share smart strategies for demonstrating the tangible impact of protest votes. These steps offer disenchanted citizens meaningful options for registering discontent while keeping alternative parties viable. Local-level activism emerges as the clearest path forward. Jeremy discloses how shockingly easy and impactful running for city council or county chair roles can be. Taking on even these 'two hours a week' commitments represents a powerful counterforce to the 'oatmeal in suits' currently populating halls of power through grassroots efforts. Don't miss this deep-dive episode if you crave less polarized, more nuanced, and solution-oriented political talk. Brian and Jeremy deliver beyond expected partisan squabbling to uncover communication insights that could truly enhance your next holiday gathering! ❤️ Order Cardio Miracle ( with code TBNS at checkout for 15% off and take a step towards better heart health and overall well-being! 🎙️ Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show, available on YouTube, Rumble, and Ben Swann's Sovren. With over 780 episodes featuring local candidates, elected officials, economists, CEOs, and more, each show educates, enlightens, and informs. 🔗Follow Brian on social media: ( & Facebook ( 🔔 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show for more captivating interviews and insights into libertarian solutions for local problems! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/2/202340 minutes, 37 seconds
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787: Cities Under Siege - How Bail Reform Let Violent Criminals Run Free

Studio Sponsor: Cardio Miracle - "The finest heart and health supplement in the world!": Have cities gone crazy with “bail reform” and helping violent criminals get out of jail? Find out in this eye-opening talk with bail reform expert Ken Good. In this episode of The Brian Nichols Show, host Brian Nichols dives deep into the concerning impacts of bail reform with returning guest Ken Good, a bail reform attorney from Texas. They examine how progressive DAs and liberal policies have contributed to the rise in crime, violence, and chaos sweeping America's major cities. Nichols and Good have an insightful discussion around the hypocrisy of the left when it comes to crime statistics and the real experiences of business owners and citizens in inner cities. They also explore the lack of criminal accountability, the decriminalization of offenses, and the frightening consequences of getting rid of laws around drugs. Good provides excellent analysis around the failures of risk assessment tools, the problems with releasing everyone on personal bonds, and the importance of having accountability across the board for both misdemeanors and felonies. He talks about the reversible court decisions, politically motivated arguments, and poor public safety outcomes stemming from bail reform experiments gone wrong. If you want the truth about what's really happening with crime and punishment in America, don't miss this episode. Tune in to hear these two experts break down the facts and provide solutions around restoring safety through proper bail reform! ❤️ Order Cardio Miracle ( with code TBNS at checkout for 15% off and take a step towards better heart health and overall well-being! 🎙️ Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show, available on YouTube, Rumble, and Ben Swann's Sovren. With over 780 episodes featuring local candidates, elected officials, economists, CEOs, and more, each show educates, enlightens, and informs. 🔗Follow Brian on social media: ( & Facebook ( 🔔 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show for more captivating interviews and insights into libertarian solutions for local problems! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/20/202335 minutes, 6 seconds
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786: How Changes to Antitrust Laws Could Crush Innovation & Jack Up Your Prices

Studio Sponsor: Cardio Miracle - "The finest heart and health supplement in the world!": Do you want Washington bureaucrats deciding what prices stores can charge you? Changes coming to antitrust law could make that a reality. Join host Brian Nichols and special guest Carl Szabo as they dive into a HOT debate on antitrust laws and how proposed changes could lead to the government controlling prices. This controversial topic has huge implications for your wallet, with antitrust enforcers like Senator Elizabeth Warren's "acolytes" aiming to limit big tech and e-commerce companies like Amazon and Google. Get the insider scoop straight from Szabo, an expert in internet law, on how this could reduce innovation and jack up costs. Nichols and Szabo don't just present problems - they offer ACTIONABLE solutions normal citizens can take. Learn about the proposed One Agency Act which could streamline antitrust enforcement and preserve the consumer-friendly standard that's fueled growth for decades. Szabo highlights specific cases where mergers and acquisitions were blocked despite benefiting consumers. The lively back-and-forth between Nichols and Szabo covers a range of angles on antitrust laws. They steelman the counterargument - does consolidation always lead to monopoly pricing power? How do you balance competition and innovation? Szabo argues today's tech giants offer more choice than ever thanks to constantly improving quality and lowering costs. Tune in to hear the most compelling points made on both sides of this divisive issue. Beyond antitrust laws, Nichols and Szabo delve into broader themes like the importance of economic freedom and America's unique innovative spirit. Szabo contrasts the creativity unleashed in America versus other parts of the world constrained by excessive regulation. You'll come away with a deeper appreciation for the conditions that have made the U.S. a global leader in pioneering new technologies. If you want an uncensored, razor-sharp analysis of antitrust laws from experts on the front lines, this episode is a must-listen. Nichols and Szabo pull no punches in scrutinizing policies they feel would stifle innovation and hurt consumers. Their knowledgeable discussion will leave you better equipped to evaluate changes that could impact your finances and economic opportunities. Tune in now to get pumped up and informed! ❤️ Order Cardio Miracle ( with code TBNS at checkout for 15% off and take a step towards better heart health and overall well-being! 🎙️ Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show, available on YouTube, Rumble, and Ben Swann's Sovren. With over 780 episodes featuring local candidates, elected officials, economists, CEOs, and more, each show educates, enlightens, and informs. 🔗Follow Brian on social media: ( & Facebook ( 🔔 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show for more captivating interviews and insights into libertarian solutions for local problems! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/16/202331 minutes, 21 seconds
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785: Inside Real-Life Rescue Missions - How Project Dynamo Saves Lives When No One Else Can

Studio Sponsor: Cardio Miracle - "The finest heart and health supplement in the world!": What happens when Americans are stranded overseas in danger with nowhere to turn? Meet the daring veterans behind Project Dynamo, a group risking it all on secret missions to save lives. On today's episode, host Brian Nichols welcomes back Project Dynamo CEO Bryan Stern for an eye-opening look at this unique nonprofit. When disaster strikes abroad and citizens have no government help, Stern's team jumps into action. They've now evacuated over 7,000 people from war/disaster zones worldwide. Stern takes us inside October's mission to Israel during active rocket attacks. Dealing with canceled flights and closed borders, the challenges were immense. The team persevered despite taking enemy fire themselves, demonstrating their commitment to saving lives. Their work shows what everyday heroes are capable of. The conversation covers everything from coordinating with the Taliban to the dangers of cheering on Hamas without understanding reality. Stern stresses the need for truth and empathy amid polarization. His field insights add valuable nuance on complex global issues. Throughout the discussion, Nichols and Stern focus on real solutions over empty rhetoric. They offer encouragement that good people united by purpose can change the world. By supporting Project Dynamo, listeners have the chance to be part of the mission. This episode offers an eye-opening look at unsung heroes making a difference. Listen as two thoughtful voices cut through the confusion to advocate empathy and tangible action. With powerful stories from the front lines, it’s a conversation that will restore your hope! ❤️ Order Cardio Miracle ( with code TBNS at checkout for 15% off and take a step towards better heart health and overall well-being! 🎙️ Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show, available on YouTube, Rumble, and Ben Swann's Sovren. With over 780 episodes featuring local candidates, elected officials, economists, CEOs, and more, each show educates, enlightens, and informs. 🔗Follow Brian on social media: ( & Facebook ( 🔔 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show for more captivating interviews and insights into libertarian solutions for local problems! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/15/202335 minutes, 49 seconds
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784: Reawakening America - Clay Clark Explains Why Biblical Illiteracy BLINDS People

Studio Sponsor: Cardio Miracle - "The finest heart and health supplement in the world!": Get ready to reawaken America with Clay Clark and Brian Nichols in this can't-miss discussion on taking back our country through grassroots activism and entrepreneurship! Clay Clark, founder of the Reawaken America Tour, joins Brian Nichols to discuss the mission behind Reawaken America: uniting patriotic Americans under the shared values of faith, freedom and entrepreneurship. The tour features speakers like General Flynn and Eric Trump, who offer inspiration for getting involved in politics and business to save the nation.  Diving into the roots of America's slumber, Clay argues it stems from a lack of biblical literacy. By returning to scripture, we can recognize the false prophets and agendas at work today. For those wary of religion, Clay suggests focusing on the unifying facts of election fraud, medical fraud and media lies.   When asked how to motivate the apathetic, Clay emphasizes outreach through Christ's return by recommitting to God, sharing the gospel, and raising strong families. While prophecy is unfolding, we should still take action as entrepreneurs - Clay shares uplifting stories of businesses grown through his Thrive Time workshops. Want to get involved? Clay offers Brian Nichols' audience a chance to win VIP backstage passes to an upcoming Reawaken America Tour event in California by requesting tickets on their website. Join other patriots to connect, learn and take the nation back! Don't miss this lively discussion on the state of the nation and our power to change it by tuning in to The Brian Nichols Show, where Clay provides inspiration, tough truths and practical steps for reawakening and saving America! ❤️ Order Cardio Miracle ( with code TBNS at checkout for 15% off and take a step towards better heart health and overall well-being! 🎙️ Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show, available on YouTube, Rumble, and Ben Swann's Sovren. With over 780 episodes featuring local candidates, elected officials, economists, CEOs, and more, each show educates, enlightens, and informs. 🔗Follow Brian on social media: ( & Facebook ( 🔔 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show for more captivating interviews and insights into libertarian solutions for local problems! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/11/202324 minutes, 3 seconds
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783: Empowering Women's Right to Self-Defense - Alicia Garcia on Personal Protection & Gun Rights

Studio Sponsor: Cardio Miracle - "The finest heart and health supplement in the world!" How can gun education counter violence while also empowering minorities? Alicia Garcia joins The Brian Nichols Show to discuss second amendment rights, personal defense, and her lawsuit against Colorado's Governor Jared Polis. In this engaging episode, host Brian Nichols and guest Alicia Garcia dive into the importance of self-defense for all individuals regardless of gender, size or ability. Garcia highlights the apathy around Second Amendment rights and her mission to preserve gun rights by suing the state of Colorado over their unconstitutional 3-day waiting period law. Garcia explains how Colorado's strict gun laws prevent citizens from protecting themselves despite rising crime, homelessness and threats of violence. She argues passionately that the right to bear arms is a natural civil right, and that the most vulnerable populations like women, elders and children deserve their right to self-defense. Nichols and Garcia have an insightful discussion on how society and parents have failed to teach self-reliance, confidence and situational awareness to the younger generations. Garcia stresses the need for real bonding, empathy, nature connection and mentors to raise strong, capable youth. Ultimately, Garcia implores people to get out of their echo chambers and have open conversations across divides. She believes that building bridges through thoughtful dialogue is the only way to move forward on the gun debate and make real progress. Don't miss this thought-provoking episode with Alicia Garcia on empowering self-defense, preserving constitutional rights, the importance of raising self-reliant youth, and creating change through open communication! ❤️ Order Cardio Miracle with code TBNS at checkout for 15% off and take a step towards better heart health and overall well-being! 🎙️ Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show, available on YouTube, Rumble, and Ben Swann's Sovren. With over 780 episodes featuring local candidates, elected officials, economists, CEOs, and more, each show educates, enlightens, and informs. 🔔 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show for more captivating interviews and insights into libertarian solutions for local problems! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/9/202334 minutes, 54 seconds
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782: The Ideal Voter Persona - Who Libertarians Should Target in 2024

Studio Sponsor: Cardio Miracle - "The finest heart and health supplement in the world!" Libertarian politics can be frustrating. Brian Nichols has the solution on how to spread the message more effectively. On this solo episode of The Brian Nichols Show, Brian tackles a common issue libertarians face - no one listening when they discuss their political beliefs. He explains it's not the just messenger, but the audience, and libertarians need to identify their Ideal Voter Persona (IVP). Brian outlines 3 types of voters libertarians should target: the disillusioned voter tired of the two parties, the politically "homeless" independent thinker, and the libertarian base wanting less government. To win these groups over, Brian advises focusing messaging on shared values and pragmatic solutions, not just political philosophy. He evaluates the strategies of several libertarian presidential candidates like Josh Smith, Michael Rectenwald, Mike ter Maat, Jacob Hornberger and Chase Oliver. Brian critiques their outreach and recommends concentrating on 2-3 issues like inflation and dissatisfaction with the two major parties. Brian stresses presenting libertarianism as an attainable alternative. Don't just tout policies, explain their real-life impact on voters. He uses eliminating the Department of Education as an example - discuss the implications for students. Brian says no candidate is perfect, so libertarians should work together respectfully to improve messaging and outreach. Infighting will only turn voters away. Brian challenges libertarians to focus on inclusive, collaborative solutions over petty internal conflicts. He uses a car dealership analogy to illustrate how buyers will be wary of obvious dysfunction. To earn votes, libertarians must run unified campaigns that clearly communicate benefits to voters. Brian says the libertarian message itself is strong, but outreach must improve to achieve electoral success. This introspective solo episode provides pragmatic advice for spreading the libertarian message. Brian draws on his media expertise to outline specific steps for broadening the appeal of libertarianism. An essential listen for libertarian-leaning voters and anyone dissatisfied with the two major parties! ❤️ Order Cardio Miracle with code TBNS at checkout for 15% off and take a step towards better heart health and overall well-being! 🎙️ Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show, available on YouTube, Rumble, and Ben Swann's Sovren. With over 770 episodes featuring local candidates, elected officials, economists, CEOs, and more, each show educates, enlightens, and informs. 🔔 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show for more captivating interviews and insights into libertarian solutions for local problems! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/3/202322 minutes, 16 seconds
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781: RFK Jr. & Trump - A Power Ticket Against the Globalists?

Studio Sponsor: Cardio Miracle - "The finest heart and health supplement in the world!" Get ready for a fiery discussion on medical freedom, Big Pharma tyranny, and why RFK Jr. could be the perfect storm in the 2024 presidential election. Brian Nichols welcomes Kevin Jenkins, an advisor to Robert F. Kennedy Jr., to discuss RFK Jr.'s independent presidential run. They provide context around why RFK Jr. is seen as a major threat to both establishment parties, given his outspoken criticism of the COVID-19 response and refusal to bow to corporate interests. Jenkins argues RFK Jr. has the courage to fight the globalists and "tell the American people the truth." He cites examples like RFK Jr's focus on medical racism, parental rights, border security, and reparations. While not perfect, Jenkins says RFK Jr.'s boldness is waking people up worldwide. Nichols and Jenkins touch on how RFK Jr. was proven right about COVID-19 vaccines not stopping transmission. They discuss medical apartheid and how RFK Jr. has consistently stood against vaccine mandates. Jenkins argues RFK Jr. "shook up the world" by questioning the official narrative. Looking ahead to 2024, Jenkins lays out a blueprint for RFK Jr. to win, arguing he must stay hyper-focused on "America First" issues rather than get distracted by consultants. They discuss a potential Trump-Kennedy ticket uniting against the "corporatocracy." In the end, both Nichols and Jenkins express optimism that brave leaders like RFK Jr. can help preserve America's constitutional republic. Jenkins closes with a call to action for all patriots to join the fight by supporting leaders not beholden to the globalists. ❤️ Order Cardio Miracle with code TBNS at checkout for 15% off and take a step towards better heart health and overall well-being! 🎙️ Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show, available on YouTube, Rumble, and Ben Swann's Sovren. With over 770 episodes featuring local candidates, elected officials, economists, CEOs, and more, each show educates, enlightens, and informs. 🔔 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show for more captivating interviews and insights into libertarian solutions for local problems! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/31/202334 minutes, 48 seconds
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780: Surviving DOOMSDAY - When Disaster Strikes, Will You Be Ready?

Studio Sponsor: Cardio Miracle - "The finest heart and health supplement in the world!" Are you prepared for disaster? Learn how to survive economic collapse, pandemics, and loss of law and order from retired Air Force Colonel Drew Miller of Fortitude Ranch. In this episode of The Brian Nichols Show, host Brian Nichols interviews Dr. Drew Miller, founder of Fortitude Ranch, America’s largest survival community. They discuss how to prepare for disasters like economic collapse, pandemics, loss of law and order, and other scenarios. Miller explains that new technologies like AI, nanotech and biotech are increasing the likelihood of catastrophes that could lead to collapse. Miller warns that threats like solar flares, cyber attacks, EMPs or bio-weapons could take down critical infrastructure like the power grid. With 90% of the population unprepared, the death toll could be massive. He criticizes the lack of government action to harden the grid against EMPs. Miller also alerts listeners to the coming H5N1 avian flu pandemic, which the WHO confirms is now spreading amongst cats in Poland near the Russian border. Nichols and Miller explore how the massive size of government has made critical systems vulnerable. With bio-labs worldwide, regulating biotech is impossible. Miller argues that gain-of-function virus research, though intended for good, enables individuals to engineer deadly pandemics. Survival will go to politicians in bunkers, criminals, and groups like Fortitude Ranch. Miller explains how Fortitude Ranch provides affordable survival community memberships starting at $1000 per person annually. With 7 locations currently and expanding through franchising, Fortitude Ranch features lodging, food, training, ranges, and recreation. Members vacation up to 2 weeks a year for free at any location. Miller emphasizes that city dwellers especially need a bug-out plan and location. He advises relocating to rural areas and joining preparedness networks. Listen to the full episode to learn how Fortitude Ranch can help you survive disasters with your mental and physical health intact! ❤️ Order Cardio Miracle with code TBNS at checkout for 15% off and take a step towards better heart health and overall well-being! 🎙️ Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show, available on YouTube, Rumble, and Ben Swann's Sovren. With over 770 episodes featuring local candidates, elected officials, economists, CEOs, and more, each show educates, enlightens, and informs. 🔔 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show for more captivating interviews and insights into libertarian solutions for local problems! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/27/202331 minutes, 57 seconds
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779: True Conspiracies - How False Flags & Fake News Craft the Narrative through LIES

Studio Sponsor: Cardio Miracle - "The finest heart and health supplement in the world!" What happens when conspiracy theories turn out to be true? On this edition of The Brian Nichols Show, host Brian Nichols has an in-depth discussion with Connor Boyack from the Libertas Institute about "true conspiracies" - theories that were once dismissed but later proven to be fact. They delve into a number of historical examples, including Project MK Ultra, Operation Northwoods, the Tuskegee Experiments, and more. Boyack provides fascinating details on these "true conspiracies," explaining how the government and other entities have deceived the public throughout history to advance certain agendas. He makes the case that we should be more skeptical when presented with narratives from official sources, given this track record of lies and manipulation. Nichols and Boyack also examine how emotions are exploited to manufacture consent, using recent Middle East conflicts as a case study. They discuss the techniques of "engineering consent" and how these psychological tactics are being employed in the modern "mind war." In addition, the two liberty advocates talk about focusing your activism locally and outline strategies for creating change starting with your own family and sphere of influence. They share inspirational examples of young people who have made an impact after learning history and principles from resources like Boyack's Tuttle Twins books. This jam-packed episode of The Brian Nichols Show is full of eye-opening information about government conspiracies, war propaganda, mass manipulation, and more. Tune in to hear this insightful discussion about real conspiracies that have shaped world events and what we can do to spread truth! Get the new book! -> The Tuttle Twins Guide to True Conspiracies - The Tuttle Twins ❤️ Order Cardio Miracle with code TBNS at checkout for 15% off and take a step towards better heart health and overall well-being! 🎙️ Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show, available on YouTube, Rumble, and Ben Swann's Sovren. With over 770 episodes featuring local candidates, elected officials, economists, CEOs, and more, each show educates, enlightens, and informs. 🔔 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show for more captivating interviews and insights into libertarian solutions for local problems! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/26/202335 minutes, 45 seconds
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778: When SEEING is No Longer BELIEVING - AI Fakes & Government Propaganda

Studio Sponsor: Cardio Miracle - "The finest heart and health supplement in the world!" What if AI takes propaganda to unimaginable new levels? Gain a new perspective on artificial intelligence and propaganda in this thought-provoking episode of The Brian Nichols Show, as host Brian Nichols and economist Joe Gulesserian dive deep into the rise of propaganda, its origins in WWI, and how AI could take disinformation to the next level. Joe provides a historical overview, explaining how President Woodrow Wilson pioneered propaganda tactics in 1917 to sway public opinion and support US involvement in WWI. He formed the Committee of Public Information led by journalist George Creel, who recruited media, academics and community leaders to spread pro-war messaging. This led to the world's first "Ministry of Propaganda". The conversation then shifts to how AI and automation could amplify propaganda in frightening new ways. Joe explains emerging AI capabilities like automated content generation, social media manipulation, and targeted messaging. He warns how bad actors could leverage these tools to spread disinformation at scale and sow division. Brian poses thoughtful questions about the responsibility of citizens to counter propaganda in the AI age. He challenges listeners to get smart on AI and use it as a force for truth rather than deception. Joe offers ideas like leveraging AI's pattern recognition abilities for rigorous fact-checking of media and government claims. To ground the discussion, Brian brings up real-world examples like the spread of fake videos and claims about the Israel-Gaza conflict on social media. This highlights how AI propaganda tactics are already creating confusion about global events. This thought-provoking episode will open your eyes to the dark side of AI. Brian and Joe deliver an insightful dialogue full of history, hypotheticals, and calls to action. Tune in to gain a deeper understanding of propaganda's evolution into the algorithmic age! ❤️ Order Cardio Miracle with code TBNS at checkout for 15% off and take a step towards better heart health and overall well-being! 🎙️ Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show, available on YouTube, Rumble, and Ben Swann's Sovren. With over 770 episodes featuring local candidates, elected officials, economists, CEOs, and more, each show educates, enlightens, and informs. 🔔 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show for more captivating interviews and insights into libertarian solutions for local problems! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/20/202330 minutes, 56 seconds
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777: Why Sales + Marketing = SUCCESS for Small Business Owners

Studio Sponsor: Cardio Miracle - "The finest heart and health supplement in the world!" Are you a small business owner struggling to grow your business online? This episode of The Brian Nichols Show is an absolute must-listen! Brian sits down with digital marketing expert Remso Martinez to uncover the keys to implementing a successful digital marketing strategy. Remso shares his extensive experience consulting and coaching small businesses on how to leverage online marketing tools to drive more traffic, leads and sales. From starting with the basics like getting a website and social media presence to more advanced tactics like SEO, content marketing and email lists, Remso provides tangible, actionable advice A major focus of the discussion is helping small business owners understand their customers' problems and pain points so they can create trust and value through content. Remso stresses going where your customers are, building long-term relationships, and quantifying your efforts with key performance indicators. Some highlights include common objections small businesses face when trying digital marketing, how to maximize limited resources and bandwidth as a solopreneur, and why integrating marketing and sales creates a powerful 1-2 punch. Remso also announces the launch of his free eBook "The Small Business Owner's Digital Marketing Handbook" which condenses many of the key digital marketing topics covered in this interview into an actionable game plan. He shares why he created this resource - to empower entrepreneurs with the knowledge to implement digital marketing themselves rather than rely on expensive agencies. Grab the eBook using the link in the show notes for a crash course on SEO, social media, email, and more! With insightful discussion and tons of practical tips, this episode is perfect for new and aspiring entrepreneurs looking to get their business up and running online. It's also useful for seasoned business owners who need guidance on leveraging digital marketing tools and strategies to maximize growth. Don't miss this energetic and enlightening conversation! And be sure to subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show so you never miss an episode! ❤️ Order Cardio Miracle with code TBNS at checkout for 15% off and take a step towards better heart health and overall well-being! 🎙️ Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show, available on YouTube, Rumble, and Ben Swann's Sovren. With over 770 episodes featuring local candidates, elected officials, economists, CEOs, and more, each show educates, enlightens, and informs. 🔔 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show for more captivating interviews and insights into libertarian solutions for local problems! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/17/202333 minutes, 31 seconds
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776: Alone No More - How the WhiteFlag App is Rewriting the Rules on Peer Support

Studio Sponsor: Cardio Miracle - "The finest heart and health supplement in the world!" Struggling with depression or anxiety? Feeling alone and with no one to talk to? This powerhouse episode of The Brian Nichols Show tackles the taboo topic of mental health head on. Host Brian Nichols is joined by guests Spike Cohen and Jonny McCoy, founder of the revolutionary app WhiteFlag, as they dive deep into creating community support systems. Get ready to have your perspective on mental health radically transformed. Johnny shares his incredibly moving personal story of trauma and adversity that led him to eventually create WhiteFlag. After suffering immensely with no real support system, Johnny realized the incredible power of truly connecting with others going through similar struggles. White Flag allows users to instantly and anonymously find someone to relate to, no matter how dark or stigmatized the issue may be. Spike also provides tremendous insight, drawing parallels between the mission of WhiteFlag and his own organization, You Are The Power. They both aim to empower individuals by showing them they are not alone. Spike explains the science behind why human connection is so critical in mental health crises and details tangible ways WhiteFlag has already saved thousands of lives. Brian then weighs in on how this decentralized, community-driven approach to mental health is visionary and revolutionary. By removing gatekeepers and embracing authentic peer support, WhiteFlag gets to the heart of what works. Brian shares his own struggles with weight and how connecting with someone going through the same thing was transformational. Johnny and Spike deliver an inspiring call to action, inviting listeners to get involved with WhiteFlag's mission. You can also support their efforts by investing in WhiteFlag's current crowdfunding campaign here. Whether you are struggling and need support or are healed enough to help others, WhiteFlag provides an incredible opportunity to change lives. Download the app and see the power of community that'll give you a new appreciation for mental health and human connection! ❤️ Order Cardio Miracle with code TBNS at checkout for 15% off and take a step towards better heart health and overall well-being! 🎙️ Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show, available on YouTube, Rumble, and Ben Swann's Sovren. With over 770 episodes featuring local candidates, elected officials, economists, CEOs, and more, each show educates, enlightens, and informs. 🔔 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show for more captivating interviews and insights into libertarian solutions for local problems! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/13/202354 minutes, 44 seconds
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775: Echoes of the Holocaust? - Israel Under Attack + Holistic Health w/ Dr. Hadar Elbaz

Studio Sponsor: Cardio Miracle - "The finest heart and health supplement in the world!" The tragic situation unfolding in Israel, holistic health solutions, and standing against evil - an emotional and enlightening conversation with Dr. Hadar Elbaz. On this hard-hitting episode of The Brian Nichols Show, Brian has an emotional conversation with Dr. Hadar Elbaz about the devastating attacks happening in Israel. As a native Israeli with family there, Dr. Elbaz provides heartbreaking firsthand accounts of the murders, kidnappings and torture occurring. They discuss why it's critical we don't turn a blind eye and how this echoes the horrors of the Holocaust. Switching gears, Brian and Dr. Elbaz explore holistic approaches to health and wellness. With Dr. Elbaz's background in functional medicine and Chinese medicine, she explains how she treats patients by looking at root causes instead of just symptoms. This includes analyzing bloodwork, sleep, nutrition, mental health and more to formulate customized treatment plans using herbs, supplements and lifestyle changes. Dr. Elbaz outlines how in Chinese medicine, meridians and neurovascular points correlate to different organs and functions in the body. By treating these, along with adrenals, liver, gallbladder and more, the goal is to bring patients back into homeostasis and alignment. She also emphasizes the importance of proper sleep, movement, sunlight, community and other pillars of health. Throughout the conversation, Brian and Dr. Elbaz stress the significance of facing evil directly, calling it what it is, and standing up against injustice. While being tolerant, they agree society has become too politically correct at the cost of truth and morality. This poignant episode leaves listeners informed, enlightened and motivated to fight for good. Don't miss this impactful audio and video episode of The Brian Nichols Show, now available on all major podcast platforms, YouTube, Rumble and more! ❤️ Order Cardio Miracle with code TBNS at checkout for 15% off and take a step towards better heart health and overall well-being! 🎙️ Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show, available on YouTube, Rumble, and Ben Swann's Sovren. With over 770 episodes featuring local candidates, elected officials, economists, CEOs, and more, each show educates, enlightens, and informs. 🔔 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show for more captivating interviews and insights into libertarian solutions for local problems! Adult Spike Support:   Medical Emergency Kit:  (Use code "HADAR" for discount for any products there!) Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/11/202333 minutes, 5 seconds
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774: Why is this Libertarian Taking on Lauren Boebert in Colorado?!

Libertarian candidate James Wiley is stirring up Colorado politics by challenging incumbent Congresswoman Lauren Boebert - hear why he believes Boebert has failed to uphold her so-called "values". In this episode of The Brian Nichols Show, host Brian Nichols interviews James Wiley, the Libertarian candidate running against incumbent GOP Congresswoman Lauren Boebert in Colorado's 3rd district. The race is already shaking up Colorado politics, as Wiley accuses Boebert of abandoning her campaign promises. Nichols and Wiley discuss the controversial agreement between the Libertarian Party of Colorado and state Republicans, in which the LP agreed not to run candidates against GOP incumbents who pledged to uphold libertarian principles. Boebert refused, opening the door for Wiley's challenge. Wiley argues Boebert falsely claimed to support liberty and has failed to hold the government accountable. Wiley lays out his platform focused on election integrity, investigating Covid crimes, and fighting child trafficking. He believes the Libertarian Party must overthrow and replace the GOP in Colorado to create real change. Nichols reflects on the need for people to speak out against problems rather than rationalize them away, using poor conditions in blue cities as examples. Wiley states his goal is to eliminate the federal government entirely and shares his vision for an inevitable libertarian paradise with personal responsibility and freedom. He asks for support from voters interested in shaking up the status quo. Nichols and Wiley also discuss the importance of grounding politics in reality. Don't miss this lively discussion on the state of politics in Colorado and beyond! Wiley makes the case for his underdog challenge to Congresswoman Boebert and outlines his bold libertarian vision! ❤️ Order Cardio Miracle with code TBNS at checkout for 15% off and take a step towards better heart health and overall well-being! 🎙️ Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show, available on YouTube, Rumble, and Ben Swann's Sovren. With over 770 episodes featuring local candidates, elected officials, economists, CEOs, and more, each show educates, enlightens, and informs. 🔔 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show for more captivating interviews and insights into libertarian solutions for local problems! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/5/202327 minutes, 27 seconds
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773: Planning for Economic CRISIS - Expert Tips to Recession-Proof Your Family's Finances

With an uncertain economic future ahead, how can you protect your finances and prepare for the worst? Financial advisor Joseph Lombardi joins The Brian Nichols Show to share crucial advice your family needs to hear. Brian Nichols welcomes Joseph Lombardi, founder of IronHawk Financial, to discuss how families can financially prepare for economic uncertainty. Lombardi explains the 4 major economic risks we face: interest rates, inflation, taxes, and projected market returns. He advises viewers to budget, pay down debt, and invest in alternative assets outside the stock market. Lombardi points to the car repossession rate skyrocketing 1600% as an indicator of people overextending themselves financially. Full car lots also signal an impending downturn. Historically the car market falls, then housing, then stocks. Without savings and non-market assets, many will be caught unprepared when their home and retirement accounts lose value. To prepare, Lombardi says budget every dollar, pay down high interest debt before investing, and convert paper assets like 401Ks to liquid, tax-free, divorce-proof assets with benefits beyond just returns. Most Americans just pay fees to fund someone else's Lamborghini and get nothing in return. Lombardi warns against market volatility. Returns won't always be 10% yearly. Expect corrections. With debt and no strategy, you'll be blindsided. To eat this elephant, focus on one bite at a time. Isolate priorities, address them, then move to the next. His advice has protected clients for 20 years without losing anyone a dollar. Don't overextend yourself financially. Lombardi critiques those spending wildly on credit cards and racking up debt. Get your house in order first. Then build wealth sustainably. With expertise from an award-winning advisor, this video provides priceless advice to keep your family secure! ❤️ Order Cardio Miracle with code TBNS at checkout for 15% off and take a step towards better heart health and overall well-being! 🎙️ Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show, available on YouTube, Rumble, and Ben Swann's Sovren. With over 770 episodes featuring local candidates, elected officials, economists, CEOs, and more, each show educates, enlightens, and informs. 🔔 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show for more captivating interviews and insights into libertarian solutions for local problems! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/3/202326 minutes, 13 seconds
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772: The Creativity CRISIS - Chad Stewart on Igniting Creativity & Preparing the Leaders of Tomorrow

Are schools killing our kid's creativity? Get ready to dive into a fascinating discussion on creativity, education, and empowering the next generation with Brian Nichols and bestselling children's book author Chad Stewart. In today's episode of The Brian Nichols Show, Brian and Chad expose how traditional schooling methods are killing creativity in kids. They reference eye-opening research showing creativity scores dropping from 98% in 5-year-olds to just 12% by age 15. Chad shares his insights from personally presenting to over 40,000 students on a national school tour. He observed how the industrialized education model of conformity and standardization stifles curiosity, risk-taking, and imagination. Yet, creativity remains the number one skill employers desire globally. Chad takes us behind the scenes of his award-winning children's book series Britfield. Chad wrote Britfield over 10 years to provide an antidote to the saturation of nonsensical fantasy genres. The fast-paced contemporary adventure novels inspire kids to connect with relatable characters and themes. Brian and Chad discuss how books like Britfield help instill critical thinking and problem-solving versus magical thinking. The two explore solutions for nurturing creativity including homeschooling, modeling creative pursuits as parents, and giving kids space for free play and exploration. Chad shares how the homeschooling revolution is yielding some of the most incredible, well-rounded students he's ever met. Brian emphasizes how focusing on the next generation, rather than just current affairs, is key for building the future. Chad gives recommendations for parents and kids including writing stories together and turning interests into projects. He advises removing limiting vocabulary like "can't" and finding ways to pursue passions. Chad recaps how Britfield is bringing creativity and empowerment to classrooms nationwide. This compelling discussion will give you hope and energize you to foster the promise in our youth. Tune in to learn how to spark creativity, reimagine education, and equip the next generation with the skills they need to thrive. Discover how we can each play a part in shaping the leaders of tomorrow! 🎙️ Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show, available on YouTube, Rumble, and Ben Swann's Sovren. With over 750 episodes featuring local candidates, elected officials, economists, CEOs, and more, each show educates, enlightens, and informs. 🔔 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show for more captivating interviews and insights into libertarian solutions for local problems! ❤️ Order Cardio Miracle with code TBNS at checkout for 15% off and take a step towards better heart health and overall well-being. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/28/202334 minutes, 10 seconds
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771: How Does this Creator use Comics on the Frontlines of the Culture War!?

Forget politics as usual. This comic creator is using superheroes to spark a libertarian renaissance. On today's episode of The Brian Nichols Show, Brian is joined by comic provocateur Jack Llyod, who is on a mission to shake up the culture using comics. Follow Jack's journey from lawyer to teacher to comic scribe bent on vividly bringing voluntarism to life. Jack unveils The Voluntaryist, his cosmic limited series that flips the script on the conventional comic universe. When a young man gains uncanny powers after a mysterious event, he's marked for capture by the government goons. Will our reluctant hero embrace freedom or fall prey to the authoritarian regime? The philosophical underpinnings come to life in this action saga. Brian and Jack analyze why libertarians have struggled in pop culture while progressives have thrived. Jack emphasizes the need for killer stories and stellar visuals to succeed, looking to trailblazers like Eric July. The independent comic renaissance opens new doors, and the enthusiastic response proves there's a desire for edgy liberty stories. Brian describes the importance of engagement through culture, using the power of mythos seen in everything from Star Wars to Harry Potter. Compelling stories seed ideas in hearts and minds. Thus, creators play a pivotal role in the war of ideas through art. Brian and Jack issue a call to creative arms to produce culture that shifts freedom forward. From music to movies, quality and execution are essential. Passionate art to change worldviews is within reach. Find out more about Jack's epic libertarian quest at - and get ready to join the comics insurgency! 🎙️ Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show, available on YouTube, Rumble, and Ben Swann's Sovren. With over 750 episodes featuring local candidates, elected officials, economists, CEOs, and more, each show educates, enlightens, and informs. 🔔 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show for more captivating interviews and insights into libertarian solutions for local problems! ❤️ Order Cardio Miracle with code TBNS at checkout for 15% off and take a step towards better heart health and overall well-being. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/26/202328 minutes, 40 seconds
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770: Biden's Woke Agenda BACKFIRES

Discover the shocking truth behind Black Lives Matter “security payments” in this eye-opening interview! Brian Nichols and Ted Harvey expose the utter hypocrisy of progressive politics in today's episode of The Brian Nichols Show, as they dive deep into allegations against "Squad" member Cori Bush funneling BLM donations to her husband’s “security firm”. Did Bush exploit a social movement to enrich her family? Harvey then analyzes recent polls showing Trump beating Biden in a hypothetical 2024 rematch - is Biden's radical left agenda backfiring with mainstream Americans? Could growing dissent over open borders, transgender athletes, and woke indoctrination hand Trump another victory? Harvey and Nichols don't just rant about problems - they discuss solutions. Learn communication tactics to persuade average voters on issues they truly care about. Should conservatives focus on national debates or hyperlocal outreach? Can the right message bring auto workers and unions on board? Biden's crises keep compounding, from inflation to looming recession. Harvey argues Republicans must become the party of the "forgotten worker" if they want to win. Powerful insight from two political insiders on how to defeat the left in 2022 and 2024. An episode packed with shocking scandals, polling analysis, and actionable advice. Join two champions of liberty as they expose hypocrisy and light a path to save America! 🎙️ Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show, available on YouTube, Rumble, and Ben Swann's Sovren. With over 750 episodes featuring local candidates, elected officials, economists, CEOs, and more, each show educates, enlightens, and informs. 🔔 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show for more captivating interviews and insights into libertarian solutions for local problems! ❤️ Order Cardio Miracle with code TBNS at checkout for 15% off and take a step towards better heart health and overall well-being. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/21/202335 minutes, 59 seconds
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769: They Want to DISARM You - Maj Toure's Urgent Message Every American MUST Hear

In this jam-packed episode of The Brian Nichols Show, gun rights activist Maj Toure returns to the program to provide key insights into the wins and losses in gun rights legislation across America. He stresses the importance of not letting up - we must continue challenging legislation that infringes on Constitutional rights. Toure outlines actionable solutions those in restrictive "blue" states can take, emphasizing the need to sue municipalities and states denying gun rights. He also outline specific policies Philadelphia should implement to curb its rising violent crime, including firearms training, licensure accessibility, and addressing root causes like addiction and poverty. The conversation shifts to effective communication strategies for winning over anti-gun voices. Toure stresses leading with empathy, sharing facts, then developing solutions together. Building relationships is critical. Toure concludes with the challenges of leading Black Guns Matter, including fundraising. He makes an appeal for 2800 supporters to donate $100 each towards purchasing a permanent building for empowerment programs at GiveSendGo - Solutionary Center: The Leader in Freedom Fundraising. This wide-ranging discussion provides invaluable insights and strategies for advancing the Second Amendment fight. Don't miss Maj Toure's return to The Brian Nichols Show - an enlightening conversation perfect for any gun rights supporter! 🎙️ Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show, available on YouTube, Rumble, and Ben Swann's Sovren. With over 750 episodes featuring local candidates, elected officials, economists, CEOs, and more, each show educates, enlightens, and informs. 🔔 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show for more captivating interviews and insights into libertarian solutions for local problems! ❤️ Order Cardio Miracle with code TBNS at checkout for 15% off and take a step towards better heart health and overall well-being. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/19/202325 minutes, 38 seconds
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768: Biden White House In CRISIS - Is This The Beginning Of The End?

Is Biden's presidency unraveling? It's even worse than that, according to Scotty Saks. According to Scotty, leading military insiders predict Biden's downfall. But is America ready for what comes next? Buckle up as we analyze Scotty's take on 3 years of Biden, the disastrous fallout, where we go from here, and how to take our country back. Brian Nichols welcomes Scotty Saks, a 40-year mainstream media veteran turned whistleblower. He drops bombshells about Peter Jennings and Johnny Cash allegedly exposing media and music as "a Luciferian satanic cult.” In Scotty's view, we've been brainwashed by mainstream narratives, but Scotty's sources claim the military is quietly taking control to remove Biden and reveal the truth. Scotty describes an apparent executive order signed by Trump in his final days in office, leaving the military in charge, and leading to two factions battling for power. He believes the "White Hats" recognize Trump as the actual president and aim to expose the Deep State's supposed crimes, including stolen elections, 9/11, JFK, and more via an Emergency Broadcast System. Scotty recounts alleged eyewitness evidence of rampant pedophilia, citing his work with James Brown's band. He argues Biden is just an "actor" under Obama's supposed control, in his opinion, heading us toward a one-world government of central bank digital currency and WHO totalitarian health control. Brian emphasizes keeping an open yet questioning mindset, rather than blindly believing or dismissing conspiracies outright. He observes people bravely engaging in once-taboo discussions, moving past the narrow Overton window of allowable opinion. Brian encourages listeners to tune in and engage with unconventional perspectives while maintaining a healthy skepticism. According to him, we must avoid remaining distracted and complacent, and instead carefully consider claims like Scotty's, even if we don't ultimately agree with everything presented. Scotty concludes by urging local action and getting involved in city councils, county boards, and sheriff races to take back control. With elites supposedly captured at every level, change starts in our own backyards, he says. And while his shocking interview may alarm some listeners, we emerge with new perspectives, even if we don't agree with everything said. Knowledge is power as we strive to reclaim America. ❤️ Order Cardio Miracle with code TBNS at checkout for 15% off and take a step towards better heart health and overall well-being. 🎙️ Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show, available on YouTube, Rumble, and Ben Swann's Sovren. With over 750 episodes featuring local candidates, elected officials, economists, CEOs, and more, each show educates, enlightens, and informs. 🔔 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show for more captivating interviews and insights into libertarian solutions for local problems! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/15/202335 minutes, 27 seconds
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767: Trump-DeSantis 2024 - The Ticket to Stop a "Fascist Coup"?

Is a Trump-DeSantis presidential ticket in 2024 the key to saving America from a fascist takeover? Brian Nichols explores this critical question with Carter Clews of Constitutional Rights PAC on today's episode of The Brian Nichols Show. Nichols and Clews dive deep into the current state of affairs in America, with Clews asserting we are in the midst of a fascist takeover by big government and big business that is trampling individual freedoms. He argues the conservative establishment is doing nothing to stop this, despite having the power. Looking ahead to 2024, they debate whether Trump alone or Trump paired with DeSantis or someone like Tulsi Gabbard or RFK Jr could turn things around. Clews believes the establishment will corrupt the election to install their chosen candidate. Clews outlines four scenarios where he thinks the election could be manipulated, including corruption of the Dem primaries, general election fraud, taking out Trump directly, or even assassination. He stresses the need for citizens to pressure their representatives to take action. Nichols presses Clews on the best course of action, whether working within the GOP or going outside it. Clews argues Republicans must stop being "deaf-mutes" and fight back, through impeachment and other means - the people must get vocal. Listen for a passionate discussion of the threats to democracy and how citizens can fight back. Don't miss this timely episode of The Brian Nichols Show with Carter Clews of Constitutional Rights PAC. 🎙️ Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show, available on YouTube, Rumble, and Ben Swann's Sovren. With over 750 episodes featuring local candidates, elected officials, economists, CEOs, and more, each show educates, enlightens, and informs. 🔔 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show for more captivating interviews and insights into libertarian solutions for local problems! ❤️ Order Cardio Miracle with code TBNS at checkout for 15% off and take a step towards better heart health and overall well-being. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/12/202331 minutes, 52 seconds
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766: Your Potential UNLOCKED - The NFL Exec's Secrets to Playing Offense through Adversity 🔓

Want to learn how to consistently make better decisions and take action? In this jam-packed episode of The Brian Nichols Show, former NFL exec Paul Epstein reveals his proven formula for playing offense in business and life. Host Brian Nichols digs into Paul's 15 years working for NFL and NBA teams. Paul shares how he learned to thrive in adverse environments, from selling the struggling LA Clippers to guiding the 49ers through national controversy. Despite setbacks, he focused on controlling the controllables - his mindset, work ethic and attitude. Brian and Paul also discuss the importance of will versus skill. Paul explains his hiring philosophy - choosing people based on skill but evaluating them on "will." He only required three daily things: work ethic, positivity and coachability. This built loyalty and unleashed people's potential. Making fast, confident decisions is crucial but difficult. Paul introduces his "head-heart-hands" framework. First align your mindset and authenticity, then take action. If your head and heart agree, it's a "green light" to move forward. If divided, solve the gap. This prevents analysis paralysis and indecision. Playing offense requires decisiveness and comfort with imperfect action. Focus on daily progress - "experience, information, relationships" - not outcomes. Brian also shares how this mindset also helped him enable his 180lbs weight loss journey and how confidence comes from consistently acting on values. Learn Paul's complete playbooks for playing offense and making better decisions. Get his free confidence quiz and keys to build unshakeable confidence at Powerful insights from an NFL insider on unlocking your potential! 🎙️ Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show, available on YouTube, Rumble, and Ben Swann's Sovren. With over 750 episodes featuring local candidates, elected officials, economists, CEOs, and more, each show educates, enlightens, and informs. 🔔 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show for more captivating interviews and insights into libertarian solutions for local problems! ❤️ Order Cardio Miracle with code TBNS at checkout for 15% off and take a step towards better heart health and overall well-being. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/8/202332 minutes, 21 seconds
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765: JAB or JOB? - Your Legal Rights Against Forced Vaccination at Work

Were you pressured by your employer to take the jab? Did you lose your job for refusing the jab? Attorney Ben Carlisle returns to The Brian Nichols Show to reveal your legal rights and options if your employer-mandated the vaccine - revealing the recourse you have if injured or fired over the jab. Get informed on your legal rights as an employee impacted by workplace vaccine coercion in this hard-hitting discussion. Brian and Ben expose the illusion of choice many employees faced when pressured to take the COVID shot. With families dependent on their jobs, workers felt compelled to comply despite hesitations. Yet Ben explains how collectively resisting could prevent forced mandates in the future. This lively discussion delivers uncensored truth on the wins, losses and realities facing employees impacted by employer vaccine mandates. You'll learn the key differences between injury claims for mandated versus incentivized employees, why healthcare workers hold power through united opposition, whether wrongful termination lawsuits have worked, and what to do if misled by vaccine incentives. If you are one of the countless people dealing with consequences of employer vaccine mandates, do not miss this must-listen episode. The Brian Nichols Show offers straight-shooting insights on using sales and marketing techniques for effective political communication. Brian and his guests tackle controversial topics through a solutions-focused lens. If you are seeking nuanced conversations on critical issues bypassed by mainstream media, this program delivers. Join attorney Ben Carlisle in this riveting discussion lifting the veil on employer vaccine mandates. From coercion to cover-ups, no stone is left unturned. 🎙️ Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show, available on YouTube, Rumble, and Ben Swann's Sovren. With over 750 episodes featuring local candidates, elected officials, economists, CEOs, and more, each show educates, enlightens, and informs. 🔔 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show for more captivating interviews and insights into libertarian solutions for local problems! ❤️ Order Cardio Miracle with code TBNS at checkout for 15% off and take a step towards better heart health and overall well-being. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/6/202341 minutes, 51 seconds
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764: The Political Marketing Playbook - The Ultimate Guide to Political Marketing Campaigns

Get ready folks - we're diving into the secrets of killer political marketing campaigns in this can't-miss episode of The Brian Nichols Show. I sit down with Robert Lee from Lesix Media to pick his brain on what makes some campaigns absolutely crush it with voters while others flop big time. Robert's got the insider scoop drawn straight from his experience working with winning candidates across the board. So what's the secret sauce? Robert says it all starts with truly understanding voters' problems then offering up solutions that make their lives better. He's seen this formula succeed even when up against way bigger budgets. It's all about showing the people you genuinely care and will address their real concerns. Another hot tip - old-school door-knocking works magic. Brian highlights how Operation Win at the Door has helped Young Americans for Liberty elect hundreds of state reps through grassroots hustle and human contact. Sure it's hard work, but nothing beats face-to-face time with actual voters. Robert also shares the importance of having strong problem-solving skills- something he learned from his master salesman father. Understanding needs and guiding people to solutions translates perfectly into the political realm. The bottom line? This episode brings pure gold if you want to learn how to craft winning campaigns. Robert reveals proven secrets for connecting with constituents and communicating solutions-focused messages! 🎙️ Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show, available on YouTube, Rumble, and Ben Swann's Sovren. With over 750 episodes featuring local candidates, elected officials, economists, CEOs, and more, each show educates, enlightens, and informs. 🔔 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show for more captivating interviews and insights into libertarian solutions for local problems! ❤️ Order Cardio Miracle with code TBNS at checkout for 15% off and take a step towards better heart health and overall well-being. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/3/202330 minutes, 3 seconds
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763: Who Do You Call When Your Government ABANDONS You? - Project Dynamo & the Veterans Saving Lives (When Government Won't)

When disaster strikes, who will come to the rescue when your government ignores its responsibilities?  On today's episode of The Brian Nichols Show, Brian explores this vital question in a riveting conversation with Bryan Stern, founder of Project Dynamo. This non-profit deploys teams of special forces veterans to save lives when governments fail to act. From the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan to the devastating Maui wildfires, Bryan shares dramatic stories of his nonprofit's real-world rescue missions. He reveals how they mobilized to Maui in just 16 hours, while the government took 6 days. Bryan makes an impassioned case: disaster response merits the same scrutiny as national security threats. By investigating failures in Maui, we can prevent future catastrophes. He argues if we could put a man on the moon decades ago, why can’t we save lives today? But Project Dynamo needs public support to sustain their lifesaving work. Bryan makes an urgent appeal for you to donate, share their story, and raise awareness. Join him and Brian in this stirring call to empower everyday heroes filling the grey void when official help fails to arrive. Watch now for Bryan’s dramatic firsthand stories of hostage rescues and disaster response. 🎙️ Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show, available on YouTube, Rumble, and Ben Swann's Sovren. With over 750 episodes featuring local candidates, elected officials, economists, CEOs, and more, each show educates, enlightens, and informs. 🔔 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show for more captivating interviews and insights into libertarian solutions for local problems! ❤️ Order Cardio Miracle with code TBNS at checkout for 15% off and take a step towards better heart health and overall well-being. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/1/202336 minutes, 19 seconds
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762: Texas Border Chaos EXPOSED - America First Republican Demands Action on Border Betrayal

The Texas Border Chaos EXPOSED- Republican outsider Julie Clark blows the whistle on the lawless crisis Democrats are hiding. This shocking truth should alarm you and compel all Americans to take action. In this explosive interview on The Brian Nichols Show, Julie rips the lid off the horrific conditions at the Texas border. She reveals chilling threats posed by traffickers, cartels, and an unknown influx of potentially dangerous migrants. Julie describes the complete loss of sovereignty, how ranchers and homeowners are losing everything. She explains the corrupt forces enabling this humanitarian and security catastrophe. And she exposes the incumbent Republican congressman ACTIVELY fighting to keep the border open and flood America with unknown migrants. Their actions betray constituents, taxpayers and all citizens, says Julie. Julie then makes an impassioned, compelling case for sealing the border and restoring law and order. This is a must-watch episode for every American who cares about the future of our country. 🎙️ Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show, available on YouTube, Rumble, and Ben Swann's Sovren. With over 750 episodes featuring local candidates, elected officials, economists, CEOs, and more, each show educates, enlightens, and informs. 🔔 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show for more captivating interviews and insights into libertarian solutions for local problems! ❤️ Order Cardio Miracle with code TBNS at checkout for 15% off and take a step towards better heart health and overall well-being. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/30/202323 minutes, 18 seconds
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761: Who is Vivek Ramaswamy & Why does he have the GOP Establishment Running SCARED?

Vivek Ramaswamy DOMINATED the Chaotic GOP Debate! 😱 Here's Why He's Got the Establishment Running Scared. Brian Nichols and returning guest Kenny Cody dive into the "undercard" GOP Presidential Debate. Political outsider Vivek Ramaswamy came out of nowhere (or did he??) to completely dominate the stage, stealing the spotlight from traditional Republicans with his bold, anti-establishment style. His sharp wit and maverick stance reminded many of Donald Trump's breakthrough in 2016. But could Vivek actually INHERIT the MAGA movement and become the next standard bearer for the GOP? Kenny argues Vivek understands the party's base better than veteran politicians like Nikki Haley and Chris Christie. His meteoric rise proves Republican voters are DONE with the old establishment guard. But not everyone is convinced Vivek is the next Trump. Brian sees key differences in their communication styles that could appeal to disaffected voters seeking substance over bluster. The debate over Vivek's future prospects gets heated. Will he earn a cabinet position, VP nomination or make a presidential run in 2028? And where does this leave Trump in 2024? If you want to find out why Vivek's breakout debate is making waves and threatening the GOP establishment, do not miss today's episode of The Brian Nichols Show! 🎙️ Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show, available on YouTube, Rumble, and Ben Swann's Sovren. With over 750 episodes featuring local candidates, elected officials, economists, CEOs, and more, each show educates, enlightens, and informs. 🔔 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show for more captivating interviews and insights into libertarian solutions for local problems! ❤️ Order Cardio Miracle with code TBNS at checkout for 15% off and take a step towards better heart health and overall well-being. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/26/202334 minutes, 38 seconds
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760: Libertarians Can WIN - How This Nurse Became Mayor as a Libertarian with Over 60% of the Vote

Are you tired of two-party politics and looking for real CHANGE? Learn how this small town Mayor WON with 60% as a Libertarian! 😮 On today's episode of The Brian Nichols Show, Brian interviews Aron Lam, a nurse turned Mayor of Keenesburg, Colorado. After supporting Ron Paul and leaving the GOP, Aron joined the libertarian Mises Caucus. When searching for a winnable race, he discovered his town's mayoral election had low turnout. By getting involved locally first, Aron built relationships door-to-door. Instead of rigid ideology, he focused his campaign on fixing local problems like high water bills and business obstacles. His strategy paid off - Aron won the Mayor's race with 60% of the vote on a shoestring budget. Since taking office, Aron has shaken things up. He removed obstructionist city officials, allowed a farmer's market, and legalized selling eggs from backyard chickens. Aron is proof that libertarians can win local races by focusing on constituents, not just philosophy. Are you ready to get involved in your community? Learn how Aron won his race and how YOU can do it too! Hit subscribe and click the notification bell so you don't miss the next episode! 🎙️ Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show, available on YouTube, Rumble, and Ben Swann's Sovren. With over 750 episodes featuring local candidates, elected officials, economists, CEOs, and more, each show educates, enlightens, and informs. 🔔 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show for more captivating interviews and insights into libertarian solutions for local problems! ❤️ Order Cardio Miracle with code TBNS at checkout for 15% off and take a step towards better heart health and overall well-being. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/25/202332 minutes, 47 seconds
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BONUS: Winning Local Elections - A Blueprint for Libertarian Success

Think winning elections as a libertarian is impossible? Think again! Brian Nichols delivers paradigm-shifting advice for Libertarian candidates seeking local office. This training session empowers Libertarians with proven sales, marketing, and communication tactics to compete and WIN against establishment party opponents. Get ready for an eye-opening masterclass on how to sell your message, connect with voters, and secure victory on election day. Learn how to laser-focus your campaign on the 1-2 issues voters truly care about. Craft compelling stories that appeal to emotions and transform apathetic citizens into activists. Master the art of negative campaigning against incumbents without getting dirty. Discover Brian's secrets for comfortable and effective fundraising calls. Discover why yard signs are an ineffective waste of money compared to personalized voter interactions. And so much more game-changing strategies in this content-rich training! Brian Nichols has worked with hundreds of candidates seeking office and knows first-hand what works. He understands the challenges libertarians face and provides actionable solutions to overcome them. This training draws on his expertise in marketing, sales, and communication to arm liberty candidates with an arsenal of tactics to win elections. Any candidate, regardless of party, can benefit from applying these universal voter engagement and messaging principles. Are you ready to shock the establishment and get libertarian voices elected to local office? This electric training will reveal tried and tested methods to do just that. Brian Nichols brings the wisdom and high-energy motivation to inspire a new wave of victorious liberty candidates. Tap into these insights and watch your campaign transform before your eyes! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/24/20231 hour, 10 minutes, 4 seconds
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759: Cold Calling Mastery with The SDR Whisperer - Prospecting SECRETS from a Pastor Turned Sales Pro

Get pumped, because this episode of The Brian Nichols Show is about to equip you with the secrets to crush cold calling! 📞💥 Join Brian as he interviews Jacob Tacher from "The SDR Whisperer", a former pastor who mastered the art of sales prospecting. Learn how evangelizing strangers gave him an edge on the phone. Discover his tactics for making instant emotional connections during calls. 🎯 You'll also realize why top salespeople should take a page from great podcast hosts - it's all about active listening and next-level questioning! Brian explains how this approach fueled his success. Plus, Jacob's tips for adjusting when prospects don't respond. 💡 If you're ready to transform your cold-calling game, this is the episode for you! Jacob unpacks universal skills to connect with prospects like a pro.🏅 Get your notes ready and hit subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show! Join the movement and develop conversational intelligence on the phone, in business, and in politics. Let's go!  🎙️ Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show, available on YouTube, Rumble, and Ben Swann's Sovren. With over 750 episodes featuring local candidates, elected officials, economists, CEOs, and more, each show educates, enlightens, and informs. 🔔 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show for more captivating interviews and insights into libertarian solutions for local problems! ❤️ Order Cardio Miracle with code TBNS at checkout for 15% off and take a step towards better heart health and overall well-being. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/16/202332 minutes, 41 seconds
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758: KIDS FIRST- Designing an Education System That WORKS 🏫

School's back in session, but should your kids return to the traditional public system? Brian Nichols tackles this hot topic in a fascinating discussion with education insider Jon England on today's episode of The Brian Nichols Show, where you'll learn the real scoop on innovative alternatives beyond government schools! This jam-packed episode will shake up all your assumptions about education in the 21st century... Buckle up for a wild ride through alternatives transforming how kids learn today. From homeschooling hippies to microschooling entrepreneurs, this in-depth discussion dispels myths and illuminates just how many options exist outside the tired public school model. You'll hear insider takes on overturning the socialization stigma, innovative models tailored for low-income and working parents, and why COVID cracked open the floodgates of change. England brings his boots-on-the-ground experience as an educator to expose the complex money and power dynamics underpinning the resistance. Nichols and England leave no stone unturned detailing the personalized potential unlocked when parents are truly empowered to customize their kids' education. From pods to co-ops and beyond, this forward-thinking episode equips you with the knowledge and inspiration needed to reinvent school for the next generation. The future of education is here. How will you harness it to help your children thrive? Find out on this electrifying episode of The Brian Nichols Show! 🎙️ Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show, available on YouTube, Rumble, and Ben Swann's Sovren. With over 755 episodes featuring local candidates, elected officials, economists, CEOs, and more, each show educates, enlightens, and informs. 🔔 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show for more captivating interviews and insights! ❤️ Order Cardio Miracle with code TBNS at checkout for 15% off and take a step towards better heart health and overall well-being. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/14/202324 minutes, 11 seconds
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757: Skinwalkers, UFOs👽, & Conspiracy - Legends, Lore, & Government Lies

Dive into a mind-bending episode of The Brian Nichols Show as they delve into skinwalkers & aliens and their impact on politics. Returning to the riveting Conspiracy Corner is Aidan Mattis, unveiling the enigma of Skinwalker Ranch and UFOs. Uncover the secrets behind the term "Skinwalker," a shape-shifting, cannibalistic monster that transcends reality. Unveil the mythology surrounding Skinwalkers, intricately woven into the historical fabric of Utah basin and Dark Canyon. Meet the Sherman family, who stumbled upon a larger-than-life wolf on Skinwalker Ranch, sparking a series of bizarre events. Encounter UFO sightings and unexplainable anomalies that shroud the ranch in mystery. From spatial distortions to enigmatic aircraft shapes, delve into a realm where reality intertwines with the unknown. Is the UFO fascination a governmental smokescreen? Discover the intricate dance between UFOs, aliens, and the political landscape. Explore how the government wields the allure of extraterrestrial narratives to divert attention from crucial events like indictments and scandals. Unearth how UFOs become the ultimate shiny object, captivating the collective consciousness while evading the weightier truths of our times. Listen to this thought-provoking analysis of government-crafted alien narratives. Reflect on the roots of this phenomenon in the 1947 Roswell event, propelling an era of extraterrestrial fascination. Delve into the libertarian perspective, which grapples with skepticism towards government claims on alien existence. Challenge preconceived notions, as Nichols navigates through historical events that have shaped our modern beliefs. Prepare to be captivated by Aidan Mattis' groundbreaking perspectives! Embrace The Lower Lodge, a refreshing deviation from mainstream narratives, exposing the real truths that shape our world. Gain insights into the ever-evolving mindset of Gen Z, yearning for authenticity and challenging established paradigms. Support Aidan's journey by subscribing to The Lower Lodge on social media and Patreon, empowering the quest for genuine understanding. Buckle up for a roller-coaster of revelations, where politics, myth, and reality collide in ways you've never imagined. Are aliens mere government ploys, or do they hold the key to an astonishing realm? Uncover the layers of intrigue and deception, all in one mind-bending episode! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/10/202338 minutes, 6 seconds
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756: Winning Hearts & Votes - The Power of Persuasion in Political Campaigns

Dive into the latest riveting episode of The Brian Nichols Show, where host Brian Nichols engages in an electrifying conversation with Woodrow Johnston, a seasoned Republican political strategist and Senior Vice President at McShane LLC, as they dive deep into the idea of turning traditionally blue seats red and shaking up establishment red strongholds! Get ready to supercharge your political strategy with sales and marketing tactics that will revolutionize the way you campaign. Listen as Johnston spills the beans on how he's clinched over 55 campaign excellence awards and powered over 160 victorious races across the nation and unveils his battle-tested secrets for flipping the script and winning hearts by meeting voters where they stand on the issues they cherish. From turning a blue ocean into a crimson tide to crafting a campaign message that resonates like a symphony, Johnston delivers a masterclass on creating impactful campaigns that captivate, persuade, and ultimately conquer. Discover the untapped potential of laser-focused issue advocacy, the art of driving home your message, and why tapping into voter emotions is the key to victory. From Idaho's immigration uproar to the dynamics of positive vs. negative campaigns, Johnston shatters conventional campaign wisdom, revealing an uncharted roadmap to political triumph! Ready to skyrocket your political game? Don't miss this game-changing episode of The Brian Nichols Show. Subscribe now for a front-row seat to this thrilling conversation that will reshape your approach to winning in the political arena. And catch the video version on YouTube and all unplayed episodes on your favorite podcast platform. Get ready to conquer campaigns with cutting-edge tactics that will leave your competition in the dust. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/8/202326 minutes, 42 seconds
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755: Redefining Humanity - Elon Musk's Neuralink Visionary Technology or Ethical Dilemma?

In this episode of The Brian Nichols Show, listen as Brian Nichols is joined once again by Clay Clark to delve into the current political ideology of the average Democrat and how the right can effectively counter left-wing arguments. But that's just the beginning! Brace yourself as the discussion takes an unexpected turn towards the mind-boggling concept of human beings as hackable animals. Discover how advances in technology have made it possible to hack and monitor everything, raising fascinating questions about the essence of our souls and free will. Hold on tight as the conversation shifts towards the revolutionary vision of the legendary entrepreneur, Elon Musk! Explore the groundbreaking potential of Neuralink , a brain implant that aims to restore eyesight and even cure conditions like obesity, autism, depression, and schizophrenia. But what implications could this hold for the future? The FDA's green light has stirred up controversy, sparking debates that you won't want to miss! The episode culminates with a call to action for Christians to be a positive example in the darkness, honor business dealings, and uphold God's principles. But that's not all! Prepare to be enlightened about the impact of central bank digital currencies on economic freedom, and how this ties into the reawakening of America. Subscribe now to The Brian Nichols Show on YouTube, Rumble, and Ben Swann's Sovren to stay informed on the latest developments! With over 750 episodes, you'll be educated and enlightened like never before. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/4/202322 minutes, 9 seconds
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754: Libertarian Solutions for Local Problems - Brittany Kosin's Vision for Warwick Township

Join host Brian Nichols in this episode as he sits down with Brittany Kosin, a former ER nurse and volunteer firefighter running for Warwick Township Supervisor in Pennsylvania. With a focus on local issues and libertarian solutions, Brittany aims to provide residents with a different choice in their township, respecting individuality and diverse opinions. One of the key challenges in Warwick Township is escalating taxation, a major concern for residents. While the supervisors claim not to have raised millage, a significant number of home reassessments result in increased taxes, creating a disparity in property values. Brittany proposes lowering the millage, given the township's $16 million surplus, enabling it to function effectively while maintaining a strong foundation. Furthermore, she advocates for property rights, empowering owners to make decisions about their properties. In addition to taxation, Brian and Brittany delve into crucial economic issues. They explore the impact of permits on businesses, the amusement tax, and the proposed acquisition of water supplies by Aqua, emphasizing the importance of maintaining independence and self-reliance. Plus, discover how Brittany plans to empower the Volunteer Fire Company through tax incentives amid the challenges posed by the pandemic and declining volunteerism. Brittany Kosin for PA - A Different Voice in Politics! Don't miss this inspiring episode and learn how Libertarians can win by running for local office and making a positive impact on policy. Support Brittany Kosin's campaign on her website, and connect with her on Facebook and Twitter. 🎙️ Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show, available on YouTube, Rumble, and Ben Swann's Sovren. With over 750 episodes featuring local candidates, elected officials, economists, CEOs, and more, each show educates, enlightens, and informs. 🔔 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show for more captivating interviews and insights into libertarian solutions for local problems! ❤️ Order Cardio Miracle with code TBNS at checkout for 15% off and take a step towards better heart health and overall well-being. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/3/202326 minutes, 6 seconds
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753: EXPOSING Big Pharma's Grip on Education

Join Brian Nichols and special guest Angie Wong in this explosive episode of The Brian Nichols Show as they delve deep into two critical issues shaping our society today. First, they tackle the alarming rise of the "elderly caucus" in the 2020s, with prominent figures like Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and Mitch McConnell taking the reins in Washington, D.C. The implications of ageism and mental capacity are fiercely debated, as these influential individuals shape laws that will impact our generation and those to come. Next, they shed light on the hidden agenda of gender-affirming care in schools, a growing concern in first-world nations. Angie exposes the confusion caused among children and the lack of media coverage on this crucial topic. From government schools to YouTube influencers like Mr. Beast, the indoctrination is spreading, and Big Pharma's influence is at the heart of the matter. The future of our education system and the well-being of our children are at stake! Tune in for a thought-provoking discussion that uncovers the root causes of these cultural wars and offers a path towards a more effective education system. Don't miss the chance to be part of this vital conversation! Like, subscribe, and share The Brian Nichols Show to support independent media and stay up-to-date with future episodes. Join the audience on YouTube to share your thoughts on these pressing issues. Cardio Miracle (15% off using code TBNS): Cardio Miracle - Nitric Oxide Supplement – CardioMiracle Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/1/202328 minutes, 59 seconds
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752: Bidenomics EXPOSED - Inflation, Rising Costs, & Energy Crisis

Join host Brian Nichols and special returning guest Steve Hayes in this explosive episode of The Brian Nichols Show, as they delve deep into the world of Bidenomics and its impact on the American economy. Discover the truth behind the marketing facade, as they reveal how inflation, rising costs, and soaring energy prices are silently crippling hardworking Americans. But fear not! There's a glimmer of hope on the horizon—the Fair Tax proposal. Get ready to be blown away by this revolutionary plan to eliminate the income tax, personal corporate tax, payroll tax, and even the IRS! Imagine taking home 100% of your paycheck without any deductions! The proposal introduces a national retail sales tax on new goods and services, providing individuals with a prebate to cover fair taxes on essential purchases up to the poverty level for their family size. This tax reform promises a more effective system that benefits everyone, regardless of income level. Say goodbye to reckless spending and hello to a brighter, economically stable future. But that's not all! This episode also uncovers the shocking developments in Hunter Biden's plea deal saga. The implications of Biden's involvement in business discussions and the possible impact on his decision-making process are explored, along with the pressures mounting on his party's nomination. Discover how the once-glistening name of the Biden family is losing its luster, causing a seismic shift in the political landscape. Learn about the growing demand for transparency, accountability, and an end to the corrupt practices of lobbyists. Support The Brian Nichols Show and its mission for truth by using code "TBNS" for 15% off the Magic Money Tree Shirt. If you're ready to be educated, enlightened, and informed, hit that "like" button, subscribe, and download all unplayed episodes! With hundreds of guests and over 750 episodes, The Brian Nichols Show is your gateway to unfiltered insights into pressing issues that shape our world. Join the conversation, challenge the status quo, and be part of a movement for change. The future of America's economy and politics lies in your hands! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/29/202331 minutes, 8 seconds
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751: Bitcoin - The Future of Money in a Digital World!?

Get ready for an episode of The Brian Nichols Show that will leave you questioning the way you view money! Join host Brian Nichols as he teams up with Adam O'Brien, the brilliant mind behind, to unravel the mysteries of Bitcoin and its limitless possibilities in the world of cryptocurrency. Listen as Adam shares his incredible journey with Bitcoin, starting way back in 2013 and leading him to establish multiple Bitcoin ATMs across Canada. His mission? To empower individuals with financial freedom and self-custodial banking, transforming the way we handle money forever. Hold on tight as you witness Adam's eye-opening revelations with the Canadian protests in Ottawa. Learn how government mandates can freeze bank accounts and funds, raising serious concerns about the safety of your hard-earned money in the digital era. But that's not all! Prepare to be enlightened by the potential consequences of financial assets being switched off without warning. This is a wake-up call for every Bitcoin investor to stay informed and be prepared for whatever the future holds. Explore the true autonomy of Bitcoin, allowing you to control your funds and financial assets without the fear of censorship or external interference. Embrace the revolution of decentralized finance and seize the power to shape your financial destiny! Plus, don't miss our exclusive offer from Cardio Miracle, your ultimate solution for heart health and overall well-being. Enhance your blood flow, oxygen levels, and energy, supporting a healthier and more vibrant life! Hit that subscribe button now and share this eye-opening episode with your friends! Get ready to be educated, enlightened, and informed like never before! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/28/202329 minutes, 9 seconds
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750: Why Does this Black Conservative Support Jason Aldean?

Are you ready to embark on an extraordinary intellectual journey? Look no further! The Brian Nichols Show presents an electrifying episode that will not only captivate your mind but also ignite your passion for positive change. Join host, Brian Nichols, alongside the guest, Christian Watson, a black conservative standing tall for Jason Aldean amidst the "Try That in a Small Town" controversy. In this thought-provoking conversation, Brian and Christian delve into the profound significance of local communities and the immense power of fostering strong relationships within them. Discover why these close-knit bonds serve as the very lifeblood of American society, shaping the values that define us. Listen as Christian introduces his trailblazing organization, Color Us United. With a mission to advocate for a race-blind America, this extraordinary initiative seeks to erase the lines that divide us and promote harmony among all individuals. Explore as Christian unpacks the revolutionary M.E.D.S Framework, a game-changing alternative to DEI. Emphasizing high-quality outcomes instead of division, this visionary approach paves the way for a more inclusive and united society. The episode concludes with a compelling call-to-action: focusing on empowering individuals and building authentic connections through meaningful interactions, transcending the boundaries of group identities. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to be part of the transformative discussion! Support our amazing sponsors, Cardio Miracle and the Proud Libertarian shop at (USE CODE TBNS for 15% OFF AT EACH!), and join the movement towards a brighter and more cohesive America. Like, share, and subscribe now to unlock the keys to a stronger, more united future! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/26/202330 minutes, 47 seconds
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749: Rethinking the College Experience - Student Loan Forgiveness & the Decline in Confidence for College

In this captivating episode of The Brian Nichols Show, host Brian Nichols and guest JP Kirby, founder of Student Rights Inc., delve into the unprecedented decline of confidence in higher education in the United States. Uncover the staggering $116 billion student loan forgiveness proposal under the Biden administration and its implications for the future of education and student freedoms. American confidence in higher education has reached an all-time low, with many questioning the value of a college degree. JP Kirby sheds light on the indoctrination camps that exist on college campuses, breeding grounds for Marxist ideologies that stifle free speech and intellectual diversity. The combination of censorship and high costs for low-value education leaves a generation of students at a crossroads. JP Kirby speaks to empowering students to lead a movement and push back against restrictive policies. By teaming up with their classmates and engaging with campus administrators, students can reclaim their freedoms. Kirby highlights the need for students to be selective about their education and consider alternative paths to gain valuable skills without accumulating massive debt. Listen as Nichols advocates for responsible citizenship and the importance of a Federalist approach to national policies. He emphasizes the power of local communities and the role of Libertarians in bringing positive change. Through a responsible, freedom-focused approach, the show encourages viewers to become active participants in shaping a better society. Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show for exclusive interviews with thought leaders like JP Kirby and gain insights into crucial issues that impact your future. Subscribe, like, and download all episodes on platforms like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, YouTube, and more to stay informed and join the movement challenging the status quo. Take charge of your future, support independent media, and be a force for positive change! With 745 episodes packed with wisdom and inspiration, The Brian Nichols Show offers a journey toward a brighter and more responsible future. Don't miss this empowering discussion - join the movement now! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/21/202329 minutes, 53 seconds
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748: Grassroots Efforts & Local Elections - Establishing Trust with Voters

Discover the captivating journey of Joshua Toms, a former liberal turned Libertarian City Council candidate, as he joins host Brian Nichols on The Brian Nichols Show. Together, they delve into Toms' transformation from left-leaning politics to embracing property rights and the democratization of government. Tune in to learn how Toms' unique experiences in countries like China have shaped his views on wealth, social, and class disparities. Gain insights into the impact of local politics and why Toms believes that being involved at the grassroots level can lead to tangible wins for the Libertarian movement. As Toms sets his sights on Lebanon, Ohio's City Council, discover the pressing issues he aims to tackle. Explore his plans for affordable housing, improved transportation, and better education within the local community. By focusing on these vital areas, Toms seeks to make a direct impact on the lives of his constituents. Join the conversation on The Brian Nichols Show to gain a deeper understanding of libertarian candidates' political beliefs and their commitment to addressing critical community issues. In this thought-provoking episode, the discussion extends beyond local politics, touching upon the government's encroachment on citizens' rights and the role of technology in various countries. Delve into the complexities of government overreach, the impact of COVID-19 on politics, and the potential for sanctuary states to protect individual rights. Gain insights into the use of advanced technologies like shotput, triangulate microphones, and Stingray devices, and their implications for privacy and personal freedoms. Discover why transparency, accountability, and grassroots efforts are essential in combating government overreach and fostering a more inclusive and just society. Unlock a wealth of knowledge and engaging dialogue by subscribing to The Brian Nichols Show on iTunes, Spotify, YouTube, and other platforms. Dive into this episode to gain valuable insights into the political landscape, the fight against government overreach, and the path to a more transparent and accountable government. Don't miss this opportunity to support independent media and the Libertarian movement by liking, subscribing, and following The Brian Nichols Show on various social media platforms. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/17/202324 minutes, 45 seconds
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747: Decoding the Path to Victory - 2024 Election Insights for Trump, Desantis, Vivek, RFK Jr., & Biden

Discover the winning strategies for the top GOP and DNC candidates in this captivating episode of The Brian Nichols Show. Host Brian Nichols is joined by political consultant Rory McShane, who shares his extensive experience working with prominent players in the political industry. Gain insights into the path to victory for Joe Biden and RFK Jr., both Democratic contenders, as McShane delves into the crucial elements needed for a successful campaign. Explore the advantages that Democrats possess, giving them a competitive edge. Discover the key factors that could lead to Biden's defeat. Uncover the significance of the "lesser of all evils" test in politics and its impact on voter preferences. Delve into the rise of RFK Jr., a left-wing upstart challenging Biden, and his focus on states where independents can vote in Democratic primaries. Explore the importance of issue profiles and the challenges RFK Jr. faces in beating a well-funded opponent with a superior organization. Witness the emergence of Vivek Ramaswamy, a billionaire mogul captivating the GOP primaries with his conservative ideas and potential to unite Trump supporters. Join Nichols and McShane as they dissect the operational tactics of candidates like Ron DeSantis and Donald Trump and discuss the shifting landscape of the Republican Party. Gain valuable insights into how candidates can establish their campaign narratives, find their voice, and address the issues that resonate with voters. Discover the significance of identifying heroes and villains in a campaign and how it contributes to a compelling narrative. Don't miss this thought-provoking episode that offers a deep dive into the strategies, challenges, and future prospects of the top candidates in the 2024 election. Subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show on your favorite podcast platform, and visit McShane LLC's website for more political insights and support. Use code "TBNS" for an exclusive 15% discount on the Michael Scott 2024 shirt featured on the show, available at Proud Libertarian. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/15/202326 minutes, 18 seconds
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746: The Populist Wave - How RFK Jr., Trump, & Ramaswamy are Reshaping the 2024 Elections

Embark on a riveting journey into the realm of populism and its profound impact on the 2024 elections on today's episode of The Brian Nichols Show. Join host Brian Nichols and returning guest Kenny Cody as they unravel the surging popularity of populism, a strategy that pits the common man against the elite, including corporations and the rich. Discover the essence of populism as a potent ideological strategy embraced by both the right and left sides of the political spectrum. Witness the rise of influential figures like RFK Jr., Donald Trump, and Vivek Ramaswamy, who have harnessed populism's power to amplify the voices of the common man and bring forth pragmatic solutions to their concerns. Immerse yourself in the discussion as Brian Nichols and Kenny Cody delve into the implications of this populist wave in shaping the 2024 elections and the future of politics itself. Uncover the complexities surrounding the opposition to populism, including the demonization of Bernie Sanders and the challenges faced by moderates and libertarians. Gain insights into the dynamic landscape of the Republican Party, with the rise of self-funded candidates like Vivek Ramaswamy, who utilize populism to connect with voters on critical issues such as partying, Julian Assange, and Edward Snowden. Explore the interplay between populism and the Department of Justice, as it becomes increasingly intertwined with politics, leading to a surge in populist sentiments among the electorate. Prepare to be enlightened by the concluding remarks, where the power of populism as a compelling tool to connect with voters and drive change in politics is emphasized. Witness the thought-provoking analysis of Vivek Ramaswamy's authenticity and effectiveness as a Republican candidate, challenging the dominance of figures like Trump and offering a unique vision for the future. Experience the pulse of the political landscape as Brian Nichols and Kenny Cody navigate the intricate nuances of populism, leaving you with a deeper understanding of its profound implications in the realm of politics. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/10/202334 minutes, 45 seconds
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745: Supreme Court Smackdown - Pacific Legal Foundation's Supreme Court's Victories Explored

Get ready for an exhilarating discussion on the victories at the Supreme Court as The Brian Nichols Show teams up with The Pacific Legal Foundation, a trailblazing nonprofit public interest law firm championing liberty for over 50 incredible years! Brace yourself as Brian Nichols and special guest Jim Burling delve into the epic battle for fair treatment and property rights, combating governmental overreach based on race and color. In a groundbreaking twist, the Biden administration's attempt to unilaterally forgive loans worth a staggering $440 to $480 billion was crushed by the Supreme Court. Discover how this historic decision highlighted the vital significance of the Constitution's separation of powers, proving that no president can act solely on personal whims. This landmark victory sets a powerful precedent for future cases, signaling a potential shift toward a more pro-Liberty lens. Prepare for a double whammy of legal triumphs! Explore the major questions doctrine, which the Supreme Court utilized twice in recent years to counter excessive regulations imposed by the EPA. Witness the Court's ruling in the Sackett v. EPA case, empowering property owners to challenge federal wetland jurisdiction. This groundbreaking decision not only safeguards property rights but also affects tens of millions of acres nationwide, making it a game-changer for environmental groups. Immerse yourself in the astonishing tale of Larry Wilkins, a retired military veteran, and his fight to protect his property from trespassers. Discover how a divided Supreme Court decision breathed new life into Wilkins' battle against the Forest Service, granting him the opportunity to secure his property rights and shield himself and his beloved feline companion, Mr. Kitty, from the dangerous consequences of public access. But wait, there's more! Unearth the inspiring story of Geraldine Tyler, a 94-year-old widow, and her fight against home equity theft. Witness how the Supreme Court unequivocally declared this practice unconstitutional, emphasizing the importance of safeguarding property rights and shielding individuals from government overreach. Delve into the profound impact of this ruling, which will prevent millions of dollars in profits at the expense of citizens, setting a precedent that no one should have their hard-earned equity unjustly seized. Join Jim Burling, a legal champion from the Pacific Legal Foundation, as he discusses these monumental victories and sheds light on the organization's mission to defend constitutional rights. Visit to explore a treasure trove of fascinating cases and support their endeavors. Subscribe to The Brian Nichols SHow podcast, featuring 740 thought-provoking episodes with enlightening guests, providing education, enlightenment, and information that will leave you inspired and informed. Don't miss out on this extraordinary journey through legal triumphs! Click now to dive into the electrifying world of The Brian Nichols Show and the Pacific Legal Foundation. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/6/202324 minutes
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744: Unapologetically American - July 4th & the Ideas that Defined America

Step back in time and join us for a throwback episode of The Brian Nichols Show, where we transport you to July 4th, 2022. In this captivating discussion, host Brian Nichols is joined by Kenny Cody, a returning guest and advocate for the timeless principles of freedom. Get ready to be inspired as Brian and Kenny delve into the importance of celebrating July 4th and the profound ideas that shaped our nation. As they explore the significance of liberty and freedom, they remind us why America was once considered one of the freest countries in the world. But this episode is not just a nostalgic journey. It sheds light on the significance of America first ideals, particularly for conservatives who have often felt overlooked in the larger liberty movement. Kenny passionately argues that libertarians too should embrace these principles, which prioritize the core tenets of liberty and freedom. Venturing into the realm of politics, Brian and Kenny discuss how conservatives can leverage these ideals to secure victories and shape the future of governance. They tackle the challenges posed by virtue signaling, which has left conservatives feeling marginalized on issues such as guns and abortion. By celebrating recent milestones like the overturning of Roe v Wade, they challenge the false narratives that seek to vilify pro-life advocates. The conversation takes us back to the founding principles of America, emphasizing the importance of individualism and limiting the encroachment of a bloated federal government. Brian and Kenny passionately advocate for embracing one's beliefs with pride, refusing to bow down to bureaucratic or authoritarian pressures. As this throwback episode reaches its end, Brian and Kenny inspire us to set the narrative rather than explain our beliefs. Drawing wisdom from historical figures like Thomas Jefferson, they highlight the power of shaping conversations and standing firm in our convictions. Join us on this thrilling journey as The Brian Nichols Show ignites your passion for liberty, America first ideals, and the unapologetic celebration of your beliefs. Tune in to this captivating throwback episode and embark on a voyage toward a prosperous future, where freedom reigns supreme. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/5/202331 minutes, 57 seconds
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743: Affirmative Action OVERTURNED! - Supreme Court Shockwaves & The Biden Administration's Struggles

In this riveting episode of The Brian Nichols Show, prepare to have your mind blown as host Brian Nichols dives deep into the Supreme Court's groundbreaking decision to strike down affirmative action. Discover the far-reaching implications this decision holds for our society and the ongoing battle against the radical leftist agenda. Joining Brian as a returning special guest is Ted Harvey, former senator from Colorado and founder of Stop Hillary PAC and conversation takes a shocking turn as the duo delves into Joe Biden's handling of the Hunter Biden scandals. Uncover the startling truths behind the Biden family's legal troubles, and the efforts made by the administration to protect the President from the mounting evidence against his son. As the intensity builds, the specter of potential impeachment looms over the United States. Get ready for a rollercoaster ride as they reveal an exclusive poll results on public sentiment regarding Hunter Biden's legal issues. Witness the growing dissatisfaction among Americans towards the political class and their ability to evade accountability. Brace yourself for the explosive revelations surrounding the corruption within the Biden family and the intelligence community's alleged coup against Donald Trump. But that's not all! They tackle yet another burning issue – Joe Biden's faltering leadership on the economy. Uncover the stark divide within the Democrat Party as Biden's approval ratings plummet. Explore the impact of rising inflation, skyrocketing gas prices, and interest rate hikes on everyday Americans. The fragile state of the economy and its potential consequences on the 2024 elections will leave you on the edge of your seat. To support the fight against the radical left and stay informed, don't miss your chance to support the The Brian Nichols Show. Share this episode, tag Brian "@BNicholsLiberty," and spread the word on social media. Consider making a donation to the program as well to help us reach more people! Be sure to follow The Brian Nichols Show on platforms like YouTube Music, Spotify, and Apple Podcasts. With over 740 other thought-provoking episodes, subscribing to the show is a must for anyone seeking truth and enlightenment. Join the community on YouTube, Rumble, and Ben Swann's Independent Media Sovren to expand the reach and impact of this invaluable resource. The Brian Nichols Show is your passport to uncovering the hidden truths and fighting for liberty. By supporting the show and spreading its content, you can help educate others and bring about positive change. Strap in and embark on an exhilarating journey towards a brighter future for our nation! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/30/202328 minutes, 30 seconds
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742: Debunking the Debunkers - The TRUTH Behind CO2, Forrest Fires, and Climate Change

Get ready for an electrifying episode of The Brian Nichols Show as Dr. Patrick Moore, former environmentalist and Greenpeace leader, returns to the program to debunk the debunkers and challenge the climate change conversation. In this captivating discussion, Dr. Moore reveals the truth behind the modern warming period and the role of CO2 in our atmosphere. Discover Dr. Moore's compelling argument that CO2 is not actually adding to the global atmosphere and oceans. Surprisingly, the CO2 we are putting into the atmosphere originated from there in the first place! Unveiling the fascinating connection between fossil fuels and the environment, he explains how the carbon in these fuels once existed in the environment and is now being replenished to a healthy level. But that's not all! Prepare to have your perspective shifted as Dr. Moore delves into the importance of CO2 for plant growth. Did you know that plants thrive on more CO2 than is naturally present in the atmosphere? Greenhouse growers worldwide intentionally inject additional CO2 into their environments to achieve astonishing growth rates. The increase in CO2 levels has even contributed to a 30% growth boost in natural forests and farm crops. In his groundbreaking book, "Fake Invisible Catastrophes and Threats of Doom", Dr. Moore dismantles the myths and narratives surrounding global warming and climate change. Listen as Dr. Moore explores the downward trend in species extinction and uncovers intriguing insights about forest fires, polar bear populations, and the Great Barrier Reef. Don't miss this thought-provoking conversation that challenges mainstream narratives and encourages scientific debate. Dr. Patrick Moore's revelations will leave you questioning everything you thought you knew about climate change. Be sure to subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show on Rumble and Ben Swann's Sovren Media for exclusive content, and visit Dr. Moore's Twitter handle, @EcoSenseNow, to dive deeper into his work.  Get ready to expand your knowledge and join the conversation today! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/29/202330 minutes, 13 seconds
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741: World War III!? - Epstein, CBDCs, Global Alliances, & the Road to Global Transformation

Get ready to embark on a mind-bending journey into the hidden world of politics and finance in this captivating episode of The Brian Nichols Show. Join host Brian Nichols as he sits down with Clay Clark and Aaron Antis to expose shocking truths that will leave you questioning everything you thought you knew. Buckle up as Clark pulls back the curtain on central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) and their potential to reshape our lives. Prepare to be astonished as he reveals the mind-boggling connection between MIT and the infamous Jeffrey Epstein, a name synonymous with scandal and controversy. Discover the jaw-dropping secrets surrounding Epstein's alleged pedophilia and his sinister temple dedicated to Satan. But that's just the tip of the iceberg. Hold on tight as Clark unveils groundbreaking RNA-modifying nanotechnology, poised to force its way into our bodies. Imagine a world where your very DNA is altered without your consent. It's a future we can't afford to ignore. But the revelations don't stop there. The dynamic duo of Clark and Antis unveil the shocking truth behind the BRICS alliance, a powerhouse conglomerate comprising Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. Now joined by Saudi Arabia, Iran, Turkey, France, and Venezuela, they are plotting the introduction of a game-changing gold-backed digital currency. This unprecedented move could reshape the global financial landscape, and most of the world doesn't even know it's happening. Prepare to have your worldview shattered as they expose the imminent threat of de-dollarization, an event equivalent to losing a World War. The stage is set, and the world teeters on the edge, while the masses remain blissfully unaware. It's a race against time to uncover the truth and seize control of our future. In this mind-blowing conclusion, The Brian Nichols Show unveils the urgent need for everyone to grasp the intricacies of CBDCs and their far-reaching political implications. The battlefields of World War III have shifted, with financial weapons becoming the silent destroyers. The time has come to awaken from our slumber and navigate the uncertain terrain of the digital currency revolution. Join us on this electrifying journey as we uncover secrets that will leave you breathless. Subscribe now and share this eye-opening episode with your friends. Together, we can take charge of our destiny and forge a brighter future. Don't miss your chance to be part of this global awakening! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/27/202322 minutes, 47 seconds
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740: The Press Corps vs. The President - Uncovering the Truth About Biden's LIES

Experience the explosive drama in this gripping episode of The Brian Nichols Show! Join host Brian Nichols and returning guest Kenny Cody as they delve into the scandalous controversy surrounding Joe Biden and Hunter Biden that has the White House press corps turning against them. Brace yourself as the show uncovers leaks from whistleblowers and the IRS, exposing Biden's lies about his knowledge of Hunter's business dealings and the use of his name in negotiations. With passion and hope, Kenny calls upon Republicans to step up and combat corruption in the federal judiciary. He critically examines leaked documents, text messages, and WhatsApp conversations involving the White House press corps, questioning the President's decision to invite Hunter Biden to a state dinner. Shouldn't the leader of the nation be protecting the integrity of the federal government rather than corrupting it to shield his own son? These questions ignite a fiery debate about ethics, accountability, and the role of the press secretary. As the conversation intensifies, Kenny passionately expresses his disbelief in the press corps and the media, lamenting the lack of journalistic integrity and accountability. He yearns for a return to true journalism, where tough questions are asked and the truth is sought. Can the American people trust the press to deliver accurate information, or are they being deceived? Prepare for a jaw-dropping conclusion as the podcast episode tackles corruption within the Department of Justice and federal law enforcement agencies. While Attorney General Merrick Garland argues that the integrity of these institutions is crucial for American democracy and the safety of its citizens, critics argue that blindly defending these departments equates to surrendering our minds and power. Democracy demands accountability and the ability to criticize those in power. Kenny urges viewers to vote out dishonest individuals and challenge the government's actions, asserting that the current administration is eroding democracy. Don't miss this thrilling episode of The Brian Nichols Show, where the truth is unveiled, and democracy hangs in the balance. Be sure to grab your own Michael Scott 2024 shirt, and join the conversation on social media. Hit the subscribe button and brace yourself for the hard-hitting truth in each episode! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/25/202331 minutes, 42 seconds
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739: From Spoilers to Allies - LP of Colorado and the GOP's Game-Changing Pact

Prepare to have your mind blown as Brian Nichols, host of The Brian Nichols Show, teams up with Jordan Marinovich for an episode that will leave you on the edge of your seat! Get ready for a political rollercoaster ride as the Libertarian Party of Colorado (LP of Colorado) and the Republican Party of Colorado form an unprecedented alliance that will shatter the status quo. In a historic agreement that defies expectations, the LP of Colorado vows to refrain from running spoiler candidates when the GOP presents liberty-oriented contenders. But buckle up, because this pact ignites a firestorm of controversy that threatens to consume them all. Will this bold move be the key to a new era of politics or a catastrophic collision of ideologies? Hold on tight as the LP of Colorado embarks on a journey of reinvention, shaking up the political landscape. Their relentless pursuit of change is bolstered by a powerful social media presence, especially on Twitter, where they have become a force to be reckoned with after Elon Musk's takeover. But not everyone is cheering for the LP's revolution. They face fierce opposition from critics who accuse them of being too right-leaning and jeopardizing their credibility. Will the LP of Colorado's bold strategy to attract more liberty voters while maintaining their libertarian roots be their ultimate triumph or downfall? Prepare to have your perceptions shattered as The Brian Nichols Show delves deep into the heart of Colorado's political landscape. Uncover the secrets, power plays, and behind-the-scenes machinations that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Don't miss this explosive episode, filled with shocking revelations, strategic alliances, and the relentless pursuit of a libertarian vision. Smash that subscribe button, hit like, and share this mind-blowing content on YouTube, Sovren, Rumple, Spotify, and Apple Podcasts! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/23/202327 minutes, 35 seconds
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738: Tartarian Mud Flood: A Tale of Hidden Cities and Ancient Enigmas

Uncover the mind-bending Tartarian mud flood conspiracy on The Brian Nichols Show! Join host Brian Nichols and returning guest Aidan Mattis as they dive into a "hidden history" wiped out in the 18th or 19th century. Discover the shocking claims of an ancient civilization spanning from Russia to Florida, building cities like Chicago and New York. But who covered it up? Was it the French, Spanish, English, or even the Roman Catholic Church?  Prepare to be captivated as we explore "unearthed photographs and videos", revealing cities hidden beneath the earth. Could the Tartarians have harnessed electricity from thin air? Or was Tartary simply an empire destroyed to rival European powers? Join the debate! But beware! This conspiracy challenges established historical narratives, and not everyone is convinced. Historians, scholars, and Mattis' professor shed light on the flaws and misunderstandings. Yet, the allure of secrets and hidden truths remains irresistible.  Question everything as we discuss mysterious mud volcanoes, the landing of Atlantis survivors in Ireland, and the startling connections between ancient beliefs and modern religions.  Get ready for a thrilling journey through history, exposing lies and rewriting the narrative. Discover the power of skepticism and the need for accountability in governments and education.  Don't miss this eye-opening episode on The Brian Nichols Show! Engage your curiosity, challenge the status quo, and join the conversation. Watch now and be prepared to question everything you thought you knew about our past. Hit that play button and uncover the truth! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/20/202324 minutes, 17 seconds
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737: The War Between Donald Trump & the Deep State

Join The Brian Nichols Show as they delve into the war between Donald Trump and the deep state in this thought-provoking podcast episode. Kenny Cody joins host Brian Nichols as they explore how the deep state has weaponized itself against political opponents, leading to a negative perception of America's legitimate democracy. Cody further analyzes the potential impact of the upcoming 2024 election on the deep state's ongoing battle with Donald Trump. Experience a deep dive into the intricate dynamics between the deep state and political figures that shape our nation. Discover the House Judiciary Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, established in January 2023, which has shed light on how the deep state, including agencies like the FBI, CIA, and IRS, has targeted conservatives. Witness the awakening of conservatives across the country as they recognize the subversion of America's democracy by these entrenched bureaucracies. Uncover the hidden workings of the deep state shadow government, which has evolved into a unilateral decision-making body within our government. Gain insight into how the deep state apparatus has reacted to the Biden presidency, often favoring one side of the political spectrum while neglecting the other. Explore the influence of individuals like Julian Assange, whose exposure of federal government corruption has garnered the attention of conservatives such as Matt Gaetz, Lauren Boebert, Thomas Massie, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Donald Trump, and Vivek Ramaswamy, who have expressed interest in pardoning him. Witness the efforts of House Republicans who have formed a committee to investigate the deep state and surveillance state, marking a significant shift within the conservative movement. This echoes historical precedents like John F. Kennedy's anti-CIA stance and Ronald Reagan's approach towards the FBI and CIA. Gain an understanding of the current political landscape and the potential consequences of the deep state's actions. Unravel the intricacies of Congress passing a bill in January 2023 to establish a committee investigating the weaponization of the federal government. Hear personal anecdotes from host Brian Nichols, highlighting how even staunch supporters of the GOP, like his father, have begun questioning the integrity of institutions like the CIA, FBI, and Department of Justice. Delve into the concerns raised by Cody and Nichols, questioning whether it is too late to counter the weaponized deep state apparatus and how it may impact President Joe Biden and his political rivals. Gain insights into the upcoming 2024 election and the potential ramifications of Donald Trump's re-election. Witness how a victory for Trump would serve as a significant rebuke of Democratic politics and the federal government's weaponization. Explore the ongoing legal battles faced by Trump, including weak indictments, politically motivated attacks, and voter skepticism. Consider the deep state's vulnerability and the potential for significant reform if Trump were to secure another term. Cody and Nichols contemplate the role of Republicans, conservatives, and libertarians in challenging and dismantling the weaponization of politics. Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show as Kenny Cody and Brian Nichols engage in thought-provoking discussions surrounding the deep state, political warfare, and the quest for a more transparent and accountable government. Don't miss out on their next episode, and join the conversation by following their social media handles, subscribing to their YouTube channel, and supporting independent media platforms like Rumble and Ben Swan's Sovren. Together, let's be part of the movement to restore integrity and fight against the weaponization of politics. Visit The Brian Nichols Show website to become part of the Good People Network and stay informed on their latest episodes. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/16/202329 minutes, 28 seconds
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736: The Gold New Deal - Mike ter Maat's Libertarian Vision & Presidential Aspirations

Discover how Mike ter Maat, a Libertarian candidate for the 2024 presidential election, is revolutionizing American politics in this captivating episode of The Brian Nichols Show. Ter Maat firmly believes that the Libertarian Party provides a compelling alternative to the stagnant two-party system. His vision extends beyond winning the election; he aims to inspire a new generation of libertarian voters and thinkers. In this thought-provoking conversation, Ter Maat echos host Brian Nichols' mantra of meeting people where they're at, focusing on the issues they genuinely care about, rather than engaging in fruitless arguments. He sheds light on the growing sense of authoritarianism in the United States, pointing out how the two major parties incessantly fight against each other, leaving little room for progress. Ter Maat advocates for a bold strategy to ensure the Libertarian Party's impact in the upcoming presidential cycle. By committing to the edgiest platform possible, he aims to distinguish the party from its counterparts. He vehemently opposes military intervention and passionately promotes fiscal conservatism. Additionally, he advocates for criminal justice reform and highlights the importance of market forces in the policing industry. Ter Maat's platform, the Gold New Deal, seeks to reduce government spending, eliminate the national debt, and foster economic growth through the implementation of a gold-backed currency and free market principles. With conviction, Ter Maat argues against Social Security, deeming it unethical to subject future generations to a system that offers, at best, a meager rate of return. He firmly believes that the federal government has no ethical or logical role in this business, and it is crucial to communicate this truth to the American people, as no one else will. He encourages voters to align with their principles and support the party that best represents their values. When it comes to messaging, Ter Maat emphasizes the importance of appealing to undecided voters whose values align with libertarianism. He acknowledges the concerning presence of individuals who blindly follow instructions, regardless of their political affiliation. Nevertheless, he stresses the need to reach out to like-minded individuals and use language that resonates with them. Ter Maat encourages frustrated voters to engage in the political system in a manner consistent with their values, emphasizing that every vote counts. He also emphasizes the significance of speaking truth, even when it is uncomfortable or unpopular, and warns against distorting libertarian messaging to conform to certain demographics' beliefs, as this can have dire consequences. Join Brian Nichols in this compelling episode as he delves deep into Mike ter Maat's vision for a Libertarian America. Gain valuable insights, challenge the status quo, and explore the possibilities of a truly alternative political future. Subscribe now and be part of the conversation! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/15/202335 minutes, 27 seconds
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735: Building a Stronger America - Ryan Binkley's Presidential Vision

Join Ryan Binkley's movement to bring unity and bipartisan solutions to the United States! In this captivating episode of The Brian Nichols Show, host Brian Nichols sits down with Binkley to explore his powerful vision for a better America. From addressing financial, healthcare, and border crises to prioritizing American infrastructure, Binkley offers innovative ideas and a fresh approach to governance. Binkley understands the urgency of addressing the national debt crisis. His strategy centers on promoting economic growth, reducing government spending, and reforming entitlement programs. He criticizes the government for sending billions of dollars to foreign countries while American infrastructure suffers. With Binkley's leadership, American infrastructure will take precedence, and aid will be extended to foreign nations only when absolutely necessary. Recognizing the lack of Republican representation in urban America, Binkley believes in the power of freedom and smaller government to resonate with these communities. He proposes a privately funded reinvestment in urban America through community programs, schools, after-school initiatives, job training trade centers, and education. By uplifting our cities and creating opportunities, we can bridge the divide and empower all communities. Binkley sheds light on the staggering healthcare inflation rates, which exceed regular inflation by 40%. This unsustainable trend erodes our economy. To combat this, he advocates for a volunteer movement called "Serving and Volunteering for Education" (SAVE). Volunteers will provide tutoring to young students, boosting education levels and reducing healthcare-related expenses in the long run. Check out Ryan Binkley's campaign for a stronger, united America! Tune in to this thought-provoking episode of The Brian Nichols Show, visit Binkley's website, follow him on social media, and donate even just $1 to help him reach the critical milestone of 40,000 unique donors. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/13/202329 minutes, 4 seconds
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734: Targeting Trump - Trump's Indictment & Republican Leadership at a Crossroads

Are the Republicans losing their fight against the Democratic Left? Join us on The Brian Nichols Show as Kenny Cody from Newsmax uncovers the alarming lack of Republican leadership and their capitulation on critical issues. In this episode, we delve into the controversial debt ceiling debate and the shocking indictment of Donald Trump by Joe Biden, a move that has never been seen before. The division within the Republican Party caused by the debt ceiling bill is on full display, with some Republicans voting in favor while others stand against it. The lack of collaboration and a unified party message is making the Republicans appear foolish in the eyes of the public. Kenny passionately argues that Republicans must abandon centrism and bipartisanship in today's political climate. Instead, they should fervently champion their core values against the socialist Democrats. He passionately discusses the targeted attacks on Trump, pointing out that he is the candidate the establishment, bureaucracy, and nanny state despise the most. The fear they hold for Trump's potential in the 2024 election only fuels his confidence to shake up the status quo. But what if Trump wins in 2024? Kenny explores the intriguing notion of a scorched earth strategy, envisioning Trump gutting federal departments and combating the deep state head-on. He boldly suggests that Trump's indictment is nothing but a political ploy orchestrated by the current administration, weaponizing the Department of Justice against a political rival. And remarkably, this calculated attack might play right into Trump's hands, boosting his momentum in the 2024 primary, where he is expected to be the Republican nominee. Could this political disarray lead the United States down a treacherous path towards a banana republic? Will the indictment serve as a rallying cry for Republicans? Can independents be swayed by the perception that Trump is being unjustly targeted by the DOJ, FBI, and CIA? These crucial factors could shape the destiny of the 2024 election, potentially leading to Trump's triumph and a seismic shift in American politics. Don't miss this thought-provoking episode of The Brian Nichols Show as we analyze the struggles of Republican leadership, the unprecedented targeting of Trump, and the implications they hold for the future of our nation. Subscribe now and join the conversation to gain deep insights into the current political landscape! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/10/202338 minutes, 2 seconds
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733: Cardio Miracle - Fighting Heart Disease & Exposing Pharmaceutical Industry Secrets

On today's episode of The Brian Nichols Show, prepare to be captivated by an extraordinary story of resilience and discovery as John Helwlett shares his story of a harrowing brush with death, and how his journey takes a dramatic turn when he stumbles upon the miracle supplement that changed his life forever. In this riveting episode, John recounts his fateful emergency appendectomy seventeen years ago, where everything that could go wrong did. Lost in intensive care, five pints of blood down, and on the brink of delirium, John's survival seemed bleak. But a twist of fate, a muscle relaxant, and unwavering faith granted him a miraculous recovery. Against all odds, the bleeding stopped, and John emerged from the ordeal battered yet determined. Join Brian and John as they delve into the transformative powers of nitric oxide, the miracle molecule that led to a Nobel Prize in 1998. Inspired by this revelation and armed with invaluable knowledge from Louis Attenborough's groundbreaking book, "The Cardiovascular Cure," John set out on a mission to combat heart disease. The result? Cardio Miracle, a groundbreaking nitric oxide supplement that offers a real breakthrough in cardiology prevention and rejuvenation. Discover the secrets behind Cardio Miracle's 53 powerful ingredients, including organic fruits, vegetables, amino acids, and rare botanical extracts. Brian exposes the pharmaceutical industry's agenda, revealing how they profit from perpetuating health issues rather than solving them. Unleash the true potential of your heart health as John explains how nitric oxide optimizes overall well-being and how his supplement has garnered acclaim from experts across various disciplines. Are you ready to take control of your own medical destiny? Cardio Miracle empowers you to make informed choices without needing a doctor's prescription. Experience the astonishing benefits of this safe, effective, and meticulously tested supplement firsthand. Witness a quick turnaround in your health and embrace the convenience of instant gratification. Don't miss out on this life-changing discussion. Head over to The Brian Nichols Show on YouTube and be part of a movement that challenges the status quo. Your health is an investment worth making, and Cardio Miracle is your ultimate key to unlocking a vibrant, disease-free life. Learn more and get your Cardio Miracle today at, and use code TBNS at checkout for 15% off your order! Join the revolution for better health and freedom. Together, let's reclaim our well-being and stand up for liberty! Relevant Links and Resources Cardio Miracle website: "No More Heart Disease" book: "The Cardiovascular Cure" book: Social Media Handles and CTAs Follow Brian Nichols on Twitter: @BNicholsLiberty Follow John Hewlett on Twitter: @CardioMiracle Visit the Cardio Miracle website: Use promo code TBNS at checkout for a discount on Cardio Miracle. Follow Brian Nichols on Facebook: @BNicholsLiberty Subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show on YouTube: Support The Brian Nichols Show on Rumble: Support The Brian Nichols Show on Sovren: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/9/202334 minutes, 56 seconds
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732: From Pulpit to Podium - Pastor Brian Gibson's Political Mastery for Faithful Victory

Get ready for an explosive episode as Pastor Brian Gibson shares his awe-inspiring journey of organizing 5000 churches to combat government tyranny during the COVID pandemic. Join host Brian Nichols as he delves into the powerful strategies of using sales and marketing in politics, meeting people where they're at, and safeguarding religious liberty protected by the First Amendment. Prepare to be captivated by the profound impact of the pandemic and the relentless woke agenda challenging biblical principles. Experience Pastor Gibson's unwavering determination as he fearlessly fights against it, advocating the Bible as the ultimate solution. Gain unique insights into the influence of church attendance on conservative voting patterns and why parents should protect their children from the failing government school system. Discover Pastor Gibson's game-changing strategy to win local school boards and counter the Marxist agenda infiltrating our educational institutions. Unravel the truth behind separating your children from these broken systems and explore the invaluable teachings of his book, "Love Handles", which empowers families to honor one another and embrace biblical principles. Join the thought-provoking discussion on a potential third-great awakening, urging a return to personal redemption and community values. Embrace the significance of local involvement and the preservation of our cherished religious freedoms. Stay connected with Pastor Brian Gibson and support independent media platforms that bravely expose the truth. Don't miss out on this electrifying episode of The Brian Nichols Show, where Pastor Gibson, alongside influential guests, unveils the dangers threatening our society. Subscribe now and join the fight against tyranny, as Brian Nichols empowers listeners to defend freedom and embrace truth! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/8/202326 minutes
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731: Debt Ceiling Countdown: America's Ticking Time Bomb & a Middle Class Being Inflated Away

Join Brian Nichols in a captivating episode of The Brian Nichols Show, where he engages in a thought-provoking discussion with author and entrepreneur Joe Gulesserian. Together, they dive deep into the current state of the economy, the looming debt ceiling crisis, and the impact of inflation on the middle class. In this episode, Joe Gulesserian reveals startling insights from his book, "The Practical MBA and Economics," shedding light on the hidden consequences of inflation. Discover how the middle class, unaccustomed to inflation, may face unforeseen challenges in navigating this economic phenomenon. Gain a deeper understanding of the potential long-term effects and the time it takes for the true impact of inflation to be felt. Delve into the complexities of the debt ceiling crisis and its intersection with political turmoil. Explore the alarming possibility that the middle class could be "inflated away," while those with substantial assets benefit. Uncover the potential motivations behind government actions, such as lockdowns and designating essential workers, and their impact on the middle class. Additionally, learn about the role of central banks and excessive government spending in fueling inflation, and the dire consequences it holds for the middle class. Brian and Joe stress the significance of connecting with the public on the issues they truly care about, ultimately fostering effective governance. Explore the repercussions of the coronavirus pandemic and the subsequent government interventions that transformed a minor issue into a widespread crisis. Gain insights into the unsustainable debt burden carried by the US government and the ramifications it has on the economy and society. Don't miss this compelling episode of The Brian Nichols Show, where you'll gain valuable insights into the intricate web of our economy, the debt ceiling crisis, inflation, and their profound impact on the middle class. Prepare to uncover hidden truths, challenge your perspective, and explore potential solutions to the economic challenges we face as a society. Tune in now and embark on a journey towards economic enlightenment! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/31/202332 minutes, 50 seconds
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730: Marxism in the Classroom - Unmasking Randi Weingarten & The Dark Truth of the American Federation of Teachers

Discover the shocking truth behind Randi Weingarten's controversial reign as the face of the American Federation of Teachers in this riveting episode of The Brian Nichols Show! Join Brian Nichols and Steve Abramowitz as they fearlessly dissect Weingarten's actions, shining a light on her advocacy for detrimental policies that have wreaked havoc on American students and families. In a no-holds-barred conversation, these podcast hosts spare no punches as they expose the devastating effects of school closures, mandatory masks, and vaccine mandates, all while Weingarten shamelessly seeks millions in aid for Ukraine. Prepare yourself for a thought-provoking exchange as Brian Nichols and Steve Abramowitz, unyielding in their mission to uncover the truth, delve into the heart of the matter. Steve boldly names Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona as the second-worst figure in politics during the COVID era, (behind only Anthony Fauci). But the spotlight quickly turns to the National Education Association and its leader, Becky Pringle, as Steve fearlessly accuses her of subscribing to a Marxist communist ideology. In a stunning revelation, Brian Nichols and Steve Abramowitz expose the dark underbelly of the teacher's unions, boldly stating that they have transformed into money laundering organizations funneling funds to Democratic politicians. They shed light on a shocking statement by a former teacher union boss, who shamelessly admitted that prioritizing children's welfare would only occur when students themselves contribute to political campaigns. Alarmed by the indoctrination and manipulation of young minds, Brian passionately urges listeners to join the fight against this madness, declaring that it's high time to stand up and denounce the blatant falsehoods. Parents, heed the call to protect your children's education! Brian and Steve emphasize the crucial role of parental involvement in shaping the future of our youth. With a powerful example of Riley Gaines, an NCAA swimmer forced to compete against a transgender individual without prior notification, Steve reveals the stark reality of unisex locker rooms and the lack of transparency surrounding this contentious issue. Brian shares his frustration at the suppression of open discourse on this topic, celebrating Steve's courage in engaging in these crucial conversations. Brace yourself for an eye-opening episode that will empower you to challenge the status quo and demand accountability for our children's well-being. Don't miss this electrifying episode of The Brian Nichols Show as Brian Nichols and Steve Abramowitz take a stand against the oppressive policies propagated by Randi Weingarten and the American Federation of Teachers. Engage in this captivating dialogue, soak in the revelations, and join the movement to reclaim our children's education from the clutches of misguided agendas. Together, we can ignite change and ensure a brighter future for generations to come. Subscribe now and be part of the revolution! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/29/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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729: 2024 SHOWDOWN - Trump, DeSantis, & the GOP Battle for the 2024 Nomination!

On today's episode, Brian Nichols and Kenny Cody dive headfirst into the fiercely competitive field vying for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination. While Donald Trump remains the front-runner, a myriad of contenders patiently await their moment on the back bench. In this thrilling episode, they reveal the powerhouses who are dominating the race and vying for the coveted Republican crown. Hold your breath as they unravel the rankings and assess the strengths, weaknesses, and unique attributes of each contender. Discover who is leading the pack, who is gaining momentum, and who faces uphill battles in their pursuit of the nomination. Find out if Larry Elder's unyielding conservatism has propelled him to the forefront of the race, or if Ron DeSantis' dynamic leadership and proven track record have positioned him as a front-runner. Uncover the latest on Donald Trump's influence and popularity within the party, and whether his previous presidency gives him an edge. Witness the meteoric rise of Vivek Ramaswamy and his unconventional (yet successful) approach to politics, as well as Tim Scott's unwavering commitment to conservative principles that has captured the attention of many. Explore Nikki Haley's experience as a diplomat and her ability to resonate with a wide range of Republican voters. Join our experts as they analyze the rankings, taking into account policy positions, messaging strategies, and public perception. Gain unique insights into the contenders' campaign tactics, fundraising prowess, and their ability to connect with voters on a personal level. Don't miss this riveting episode, where the hierarchy of the 2024 GOP nomination race is unveiled. Tune in now to stay informed on the latest rankings, learn about the strengths and weaknesses of each contender, and gain a competitive edge in following the thrilling Republican quest for the 2024 presidential election. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/26/202337 minutes, 28 seconds
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728: Down the Rabbit Hole - A Journey into the Dark World of Conspiracy, Legend, and Lore

Uncover the mind-bending secrets of conspiracy, legend, and lore in this riveting episode of The Brian Nichols Show! Join Brian Nichols and Aidan Mattis, a former member of Triggered Millennials turned YouTube sensation, as they dive headfirst into the enigmatic world of the Bohemian Grove, the Illuminati, and more. It's a rollercoaster of unexpected twists and eye-opening revelations that will leave you questioning everything you thought you knew. In an intriguing twist of fate, Aidan Mattis, the mastermind behind The Lore Lodge YouTube channel, takes center stage alongside Brian Nichols to explore the lingering connection between gun control and conspiracy theories. Delve into their captivating discussion as they dissect the underlying principles of liberty, individualism, and freedom. Brace yourself for shocking revelations about the infamous Charles Manson and his alleged involvement in the MK Ultra program. Discover the unsettling truth behind the secret gatherings at the Bohemian Grove and the grave consequences that follow those who dare to venture too close. Prepare to have your worldview shattered as Aidan unveils a new approach to spreading the principles of liberty without the confines of politics. Witness the power of factual information as he exposes the truth behind the scenes, presenting a compelling case that transcends party lines. Brace yourself for an intellectual journey that transcends conspiracy theories and sheds light on the true dangers of big government. Brian commends Aidan's unwavering commitment to presenting information in a factual manner, allowing viewers to draw their own conclusions. But the intrigue doesn't stop there! Join Aidan and Brian as they explore the value of entertainment in the liberty movement. Learn how Aidan's YouTube channel, The Lore Lodge, serves as a gateway to imparting principles of liberty without a political slant. Uncover the resounding success of Aidan's thought-provoking podcast, The Weird Bible, which has already captivated an audience of 30,000 viewers. Brian emphasizes the importance of cultural influence and engaging conversations as vital components of the liberty movement. Don't miss this captivating episode of The Brian Nichols Show, where conspiracy, liberty, and entertainment intertwine in an unforgettable exploration of the unknown. Unlock the hidden truths, challenge your beliefs, and embark on a thought-provoking journey that will leave you yearning for more. Subscribe now and join the ranks of those who dare to question the narrative and seek a deeper understanding of the world around us. The time for enlightenment is now! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/24/202343 minutes, 13 seconds
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727: A Culture on Fire - Libertinism vs. Libertarianism

In this captivating episode of The Brian Nichols Show, host Brian Nichols engages in a thought-provoking conversation with special guest Shane, co-host of The Hapatarians Show. Join them as they dive deep into the pressing topic of libertarians needing a strong presence in the cultural conversation to ensure their ideas are heard and represented. Shane raises a compelling point, suggesting that the window of opportunity may be closing for libertarians to have a meaningful impact on the cultural landscape. Explore with Brian and Shane the intricate differences between libertarianism and libertinism, shedding light on the need for libertarians to be acutely aware of this distinction. It's a battle against time to ensure their core principles aren't diluted or misunderstood in a rapidly changing world. Venturing further, Shane and Brian stress the vital importance of actively participating in the cultural conversation. Discover how their discussion unpacks the power of standing up against unjust ideologies while maintaining a principled approach that doesn't rely on government intervention. As libertarians, they champion the idea of setting narratives rather than merely reacting to them, aiming to shape a society that upholds values and condemns harmful perspectives. Get ready for an eye-opening segment where Shane and Brian confront the reality of politics and the pragmatic strategies libertarians must employ to effect change. Embrace the realism that emerges as they emphasize the need for active involvement in local politics, even if it means navigating through a murky landscape. Understand that speaking out against injustice and taking action to preserve their cherished values are essential steps towards making a lasting impact. Prepare to be captivated by this compelling episode as Shane and Brian uncover the hidden truths behind the libertarian struggle for cultural relevance. Discover the powerful notion that to truly make a difference, libertarians must harness the tools of politics, understanding that working within the existing system is often the most effective means of achieving their goals. Don't miss out on this engaging discussion that challenges preconceived notions and invites libertarians to take their place at the forefront of the cultural conversation. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/22/202332 minutes, 56 seconds
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726: Trump's Achilles' Heel - Will Trump's Pandemic Handling Make or Break His 2024 Fate?

Get ready for an electrifying episode of The Brian Nichols Show that will leave you on the edge of your seat! Join host Brian Nichols and the dynamic Kenny Cody as they dive headfirst into the thrilling world of American politics, with a laser focus on the one and only Donald Trump and his role within the GOP. Buckle and prepare to be captivated by their insights as they dissect Trump's jaw-dropping performance at a recent CNN Town Hall, where he commanded the room and left everyone spellbound. Hold onto your hats as Kenny, a seasoned economics teacher, columnist, and a force to be reckoned with in the Republican Party, makes his triumphant return to The Brian Nichols Show. Drawing on his expertise, Kenny unveils mind-blowing strategies that could reshape the political landscape. Brace yourself for a rollercoaster of emotions as they explore whether Trump is the ultimate game-changer for the 2024 election. Sparks fly as Brian and Kenny engage in a fierce debate over Trump's handling of the lockdowns, dissecting his every move and unraveling the consequences for his presidential prospects. This episode is not for the faint of heart! Immerse yourself in the thrill of the political battlefield as The Brian Nichols Show takes you on a wild ride through the highs and lows of Trump's journey. Will he emerge as the unstoppable force in the GOP's quest for victory, or will his handling of the pandemic prove to be his Achilles' heel? Tune in now to witness the drama, the passion, and the game-changing insights that could shape the future of American politics forever. Don't miss out on this heart-pounding, mind-expanding experience! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/19/202349 minutes, 2 seconds
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725: The Forbidden Truth - EXPOSING the Sinister Web of Lies from China's Communist Regime

Get ready to embark on an electrifying journey with The Brian Nichols Show as host Brian Nichols unveils a riveting episode that will leave you on the edge of your seat! Join him and special guest Nicole Tsai from the New Federal State of China as they dive deep into the heart-wrenching battle for freedom against the oppressive clutches of the Chinese Communist Party. Brace yourself for an explosive exploration of resilience, courage, and the unstoppable quest for liberty! In this gripping episode, Brian Nichols and Nicole Tsai pull back the curtain on the remarkable story of Mr. Miles Guo, the visionary founder of the New Federal State of China. Prepare to be captivated by the audacious mission to bring freedom and democracy to 1.4 billion Chinese people, defying the tyrannical actions of the Communist Party. Witness the power of unity and the unwavering determination to fight against oppression. Hold onto your seats as you discover the shocking truths behind the Communist Party's reign of terror. Brian Nichols and Nicole Tsai expose the unimaginable atrocities committed by the CCP, as well as the deep-rooted corruption that has enabled its global reach. Uncover the jaw-dropping revelations about the role played by Wall Street, Silicon Valley, and other US entities in perpetuating this ruthless regime. But that's not all! Prepare to be inspired as Nicole Tsai reveals potential strategies to create a new, free China without widespread bloodshed. Delve into the impactful measures of imposing sanctions on CCP kleptocrats, decoupling from the regime, and holding accountable those who profit from slave and forced labor. Gain insight into the deadly threat the CCP poses to the US and the urgent need for awareness and action. Don't miss out on this exhilarating episode that promises to challenge your perspective, ignite your passion for justice, and leave you hungry for change. Be a part of the movement to support the New Federal State of China in their relentless pursuit of liberty. Tune in now and witness the epic battle against oppression that will reshape the course of history! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/15/202330 minutes, 18 seconds
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724: Trump's Triumph - The Celebrity Storm that Rocked Politics & Unleashed the Third Party Revolution

Get ready for an electrifying episode of The Brian Nichols Show that will leave you on the edge of your seat! Join host Brian Nichols as he dives headfirst into the murky waters of American politics with none other than the enigmatic William "Bill" Buckley O'Reilly, formerly of the Federalist Party of America. Brace yourself for a rollercoaster of revelations as they unravel the secrets behind the infamous two-party system. Hold onto your hats as Bill fearlessly shares his journey from loyal Republican to revolutionary political disruptor. Witness the clash of ideologies as Brian, a former die-hard Republican himself, empathizes with the formidable challenge of escaping the clutches of the established duopoly. Together, they expose the harsh truths and hidden obstacles faced by those who dare to challenge the political status quo. But that's not all! Prepare to have your mind blown as Bill unveils his audacious vision for a political revolution. Buckle up as they explore the critical importance of influential figures who can spearhead a much-needed third party. They'll take you on a wild ride through the maze of fame, fortune, and the ever-elusive search for an independent political personality that could shatter the current political landscape. Hold onto your seats as they reveal the shocking truth behind the rise of Donald Trump and the insatiable hunger for an alternative voice that swept the nation. Feel the palpable frustration of a populace longing for authentic choices, yearning for a leader who truly understands and represents their values. It's a thrilling exploration of the American desire for change and the untapped power of the people to reshape the political narrative. Don't miss out on this exhilarating episode that promises to challenge your preconceptions, ignite your passion for change, and leave you hungry for a political landscape bursting with vibrant options. Get ready for an adrenaline-fueled journey that will have you hooked from the very first minute. Tune in now and join the movement to redefine the future of American politics! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/12/202331 minutes, 15 seconds
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723: Can We Survive the Dark Side of Drone Technology?

If you're interested in the intersection of technology and society, you won't want to miss this thought-provoking discussion between Brian Nichols and Thomas Banks on The Brian Nichols Show. As a technology CEO with a passion for tech, Banks brings a unique perspective to the table as Banks and Nichols explore the implications of drone technology and the challenges posed by technology run amok. In his book, 'Indefensible', Banks explores the consequences of new technologies such as drones and AI, arguing that they have the potential to cause significant harm if used in the wrong way. From drones carrying explosives in Ukraine to the thousands of people killed while using their cell phones while driving, Banks reminds us that we must be careful when creating and using new technologies. As the conversation unfolds, Banks and Nichols discuss both the positives and negatives of drone technology, including the need for companies to adjust to the changing landscape of technology and the concerns that come along with it. While Banks paints a worst-case scenario, he ultimately hopes that people will find ways to counteract the potential danger. He even discusses a mobile game in his book that attempts to solve the problem of an uncontrollable terror threat by redirecting drones. Whether you're interested in technology, society, or simply enjoy thought-provoking conversations, this episode of The Brian Nichols Show is not to be missed. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/10/202330 minutes, 40 seconds
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722: Become the Best Version of Yourself 🧘‍♂️

Are you feeling stressed and anxious during these uncertain times? Do you want to learn how to revamp your sales and messaging strategies to stay competitive in the recession? Look no further than The Brian Nichols Show! In this episode, Brian Nichols, Liberty activist and podcast host, shares his insights on stress and anxiety management. He encourages listeners to focus on meeting people where they are at on the issues they care about, outsourcing tasks, and reaching out for help from supporters and professionals. These practical methods can help you become the best version of yourself and thrive in these challenging times. But that's not all! Brian also shares his personal experience on balancing multiple roles, including his tips on using a calendar to prioritize tasks, instilling new healthy habits, and stepping outside of your comfort zone. With Brian's practical advice, you'll learn how to make positive changes in your life and become more efficient and productive. So, whether you're a business owner looking to stay competitive or an individual looking to take care of your physical and mental health, this episode of The Brian Nichols Show has something for you. Tune in for an engaging and informative discussion on Liberty activism, stress and anxiety management, and more. Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn from one of the best in the game! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/8/202320 minutes, 33 seconds
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721: Combating the Censorship Machine 📰

Are you tired of feeling like you're only getting one side of the story from corporate media outlets? Do you want to learn how to fight back against media conglomerates and get your message out to the masses? Then buckle up and get ready for a high-energy episode of The Brian Nichols Show! In this episode, Brian Nichols and Cory Haag dive deep into the challenges of getting their publication, Liberty Uncensored, to reach people despite censorship. They discuss the importance of sales and marketing strategies to meet people where they are and combat algorithms that prevent relevant information from being seen. You won't want to miss their insights and tactics for fighting back against the media machine! Cory Haag, founder and editor-in-chief of Liberty Uncensored, shares his passion for introducing people to the freedom community and providing them with up-to-date information on the subject. He wants to bridge the gap between those unaware of the movement and the people already involved, and he's doing it with a physical publication that's professional-looking, informative, and exciting. Get ready for a front-row seat as Brian and Cory discuss the latest articles, including a revisionist history of African Americans, agorism, and anarchism, as well as poems, stories, and talks with freedom fighters on their substack. The Brian Nichols Show is the place to be if you want to learn how to fight back against media censorship and get your message out to the world. Join Brian and Cory as they share their passion for liberty and give you the tools you need to make a difference. This episode is fast-paced and high-energy, so grab some popcorn, sit back, and get ready for an unforgettable ride! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/4/202331 minutes, 25 seconds
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720: Free Speech UNDER ATTACK 😡

Freedom of speech is under attack! Are you prepared to fight for your right to speak your mind? In this powerful episode of The Brian Nichols Show, host Brian Nichols is joined by guest Larry Ward from the Constitutional Rights PAC to discuss the chilling effects of censorship and cancel culture on our First Amendment rights. They delve into the recent example of Tucker Carlson on Fox News, whose voice was almost silenced by powerful interests seeking to control the narrative. But the most shocking revelation comes when they reveal the dangerous precedent set by Fox News' settlement with Dominion for a staggering $800 million in response to lawsuits. This is a chilling reminder of just how easily our freedom of speech can be silenced and how expensive it can be to fight for it. Don't let your voice be silenced! Join Brian Nichols and Larry Ward as they fight for our right to free speech and protect our First Amendment rights. Tune in now to The Brian Nichols Show for this dramatic and powerful discussion. Like and subscribe to stay informed on the latest episodes and be a part of the fight for freedom of speech! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/2/202327 minutes, 17 seconds
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719: Living Free in an Unfree World - A Libertarian's Guide

Are you feeling frustrated and overwhelmed as a libertarian in today's world? Don't despair! Tune in to this electrifying podcast where Brian Nichols and Matt Kibbe reveal how to thrive as a libertarian in a hostile environment. Discover the power of storytelling, practical solutions, and finding common ground with those who don't share your views. Matt shares his journey to the liberty movement, including how a Rush album led him to the genius of Ayn Rand and eventually to producing videos that reached a broad audience. But it's not just about winning arguments - Brian suggests teaching the fundamentals of sales and marketing to win in politics and meet people where they're at on the issues they care about. Matt takes it a step further with his new talk, BE THE LIVING, which offers a positive, upbeat, liberty-based version of Jordan Peterson's teachings. And that's not all! Brian and Matt also tackle the important issues of healthcare, education, and economic inequality, providing practical solutions to help disadvantaged people. Don't miss out on this thrilling podcast full of inspiring stories, practical solutions, and a path forward for the liberty movement. Join the conversation and learn how to make a positive impact in a world that needs it more than ever. Get ready to be motivated, uplifted, and energized! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/28/202326 minutes, 46 seconds
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718: The Libertarian Party - Fighting for Liberty in the Age of COVID-19

Are you fed up with the endless political bickering between the Democrats and Republicans? Are you tired of feeling like your voice doesn't matter? Then you need to tune in to this episode of The Brian Nichols Show, where Brian welcomes Todd Hagopian, a veteran member of the Libertarian Party, to discuss the possibility of a third-party candidate in the upcoming election. Todd and Brian don't hold back as they dive into the need for sales and marketing strategies in politics and how a third-party candidate could use these tactics to their advantage. They discuss the potential for a third-party candidate, like a Libertarian, to challenge the two-party system and provide a viable alternative for Americans who are looking for real change. But it's not just talk – Todd shares real-world examples of how the Libertarian Party has become a refuge for many Americans who have had their rights infringed upon during the COVID-19 pandemic. He notes that the party was one of the few voices advocating for individual liberty during this time, and it's this kind of bold leadership that sets the Libertarian Party apart from other conservative groups. The conversation then takes a deep dive into the state of the economy and how both sides of the political aisle have contributed to its current state. Todd argues that people are starting to see the negative effects of government programs put in place by Biden and his administration. He believes that people are feeling the effects of inflation and decreasing home prices, and that it's time for a new kind of leadership to step up and make a real difference. Finally, Todd and Brian discuss the potential for Liberty Republicans to join the Libertarian Party. Todd makes a compelling case that money is a big factor in why Liberty Republicans are staying with the GOP, and he lays out a plan for how the Libertarian Party can attract these individuals and make a real impact. So if you're ready to hear an honest and no-holds-barred conversation about the future of American politics, then you need to tune in to this episode of The Brian Nichols Show. Todd and Brian will leave you feeling inspired and energized to make a real change in the world – so what are you waiting for? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/26/202325 minutes, 57 seconds
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717: Renewed Purpose and Meaning: The Connection between Parenting and Perseverance

Are you ready to be inspired and energized by the ultimate discussion on parenting, sales, and marketing? Look no further than the Mean Age Daydream podcast, where host Brian McWilliams and guest Brian Nichols share their experiences and insights on the joys and challenges of becoming a parent. Get ready for a conversation that will make you laugh, cry, and reconsider your entire outlook on life. Nichols shares how his mission to help others articulate their ideas through sales and marketing has been re-energized by his experiences as a parent, while McWilliams discusses the joy of seeing life through his children's eyes. But that's not all - they also explore the importance of perseverance and how looking into the eyes of one's child can provide a renewed sense of purpose and meaning. And if you're interested in the concept of liberty, Nichols explains how his mindset has evolved over the years, and why he now focuses on playing defense and explaining why liberty makes sense. This episode is not just informative - it's also thought-provoking and entertaining (be sure to stick around until the end when they touch on Chelsea Handler's remarks about the joys of not having children). So, whether you're a parent or not, this conversation will leave you feeling energized and inspired to make the most of every moment in life. Don't miss the Mean Age Daydream podcast with Brian McWilliams and Brian Nichols. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/24/202355 minutes, 59 seconds
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716: How Can You Reprogram Your Brain for Success & Freedom? 🧠🤯

Looking for a way to reprogram your brain for success and overcome bad habits? Look no further than this episode of The Brian Nichols Show! Join host Brian Nichols and member of the Good People Network, Michael Pickens, CEO of a CBD manufacturing company and certified hypnotherapist, as they discuss how good people can make a difference in the world by subconscious reprogramming, botanicals or a combination of the two. In addition to sharing his expertise in sales, marketing, and politics, Pickens dives deep into the power of subconscious reprogramming. He reveals how repetition can lead to addiction, but by replacing bad habits with good ones, you can reprogram your brain for success and achieve your goals. But that's not all! Pickens also shares his mini-course on reprogramming the subconscious mind for success and freedom, and Brian Nichols shares his personal experience using CBD to combat stress and sports injuries. So if you're ready to learn how to reprogram your brain, overcome addictions, and achieve success, this episode is a must-watch! Tune in now to join the conversation and discover how good people like you can make a difference in the world. Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show for more insightful discussions! LINKS - Good People Network: Subconscious Reprogramming Mini-Course: Pac Crest Botanicals (use discount code Brian to save 25% on your order): TBNS Patreon: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/21/202323 minutes, 45 seconds
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715: How to Break Free from FEAR & Turn Setbacks into SUCCESS

Are you tired of feeling stuck in your comfort zone? Are you ready to break free from your fear of failure and start taking risks? Then you need to watch this episode of The Brian Nichols Show, where host Brian Nichols and author Andrew Thorp King discuss the power of embracing failure. In his book "Failure Rules: The Five Rules of Failure for Entrepreneurs, Creatives, and Authentics", King shares his personal journey of embracing failure and using it as a tool for growth and success. He encourages listeners to see failure as an opportunity to learn, rather than a setback, and offers practical strategies for using failure as a catalyst for change. During their conversation, King and Nichols discuss the "failure purify" rule and how it can help you identify and eliminate faulty thinking, habits, and worldviews. They also explore how failure can be used to open up new perspectives and opportunities for success. With actionable advice and inspiring stories, this episode is a must-watch for anyone looking to overcome their fear of failure and start living life to the fullest. But that's not all - this episode also includes exclusive behind-the-scenes content for Patreon subscribers. By becoming a Patreon subscriber, you'll get access to even more insights and advice from Brian Nichols and his guests. Plus, if you're looking for personalized coaching and guidance, check out Brian Nichols Consulting to set up a one-on-one with Brian. Don't let fear hold you back any longer. Embrace failure, learn from your mistakes, and start living the life you've always dreamed of. Watch this episode of The Brian Nichols Show today and start your journey to success! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/19/202337 minutes, 11 seconds
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714: What REALLY Happened Inside the Capitol Building? - Adam Johnson's Firsthand Account of the J-6 Protest

Get ready for an eye-opening episode of The Brian Nichols Show! Host Brian Nichols sits down with Adam Johnson, the man behind the viral photo of him walking through the Capitol Building during the J-6 protests with a podium and a smile. In this exclusive interview, Adam sets the record straight and reveals the truth behind the media's portrayal of the events that unfolded on that fateful day. As a stay-at-home dad with five sons, Adam attended the Trump rally to witness what he calls the "last hurrah" of the Trump presidency. But what he experienced at the Capitol Building was beyond his expectations. In this candid conversation, Adam describes the protest as peaceful but chaotic, with flash bangs and tear gas being used against the protesters. Adam and Brian discuss the stark contrast in treatment between peaceful protesters and the violent rioters. Adam shares his personal experience of being sentenced to prison for 75 days and fined $5,000 for peacefully protesting, while dispelling the false narrative of him leaving the building with a piece of furniture. This episode provides a unique perspective on the J-6 protest, shedding light on the untold truths and complexities of the events. Adam's firsthand account challenges the mainstream narrative and encourages viewers to question the media's portrayal of the events that unfolded that day. Don't miss this captivating interview on The Brian Nichols Show, where politics, sales, and marketing collide. Hit that like button, subscribe for more thought-provoking content, and share with others who seek the truth about the J-6 protests. Get ready for a riveting episode that will challenge your perceptions and leave you wanting more! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/17/202323 minutes, 54 seconds
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713: How Does Your Personal Story Influence Your Political Beliefs?

Get ready for an eye-opening episode of The Brian Nichols Show that delves deep into the impact of personal experiences on voting and Brian's unique perspectives on politics, economics, and culture. As a captivating Q&A session with the audience unfolds, Brian shares his journey towards libertarianism and his passion for understanding others' stories. Born and raised in Northern New York, Brian's early interest in politics was shaped by his father, a 15-year legislator who exposed him to influential figures like Hillary Clinton (*sensible chuckle*). This foundation led to Brian's involvement in college politics, where he faced challenges in effectively communicating his thoughts and ideas. But instead of giving up, Brian was fueled by a desire to better understand the culture of his generation, leading him on a path of exploration and discovery. In this episode, Brian not only shares his personal experiences but also provides valuable insights on how personal experiences can shape one's political beliefs and voting behavior. But that's not all. Brian also shares his unique perspectives on politics, economics, and culture, providing thought-provoking insights that will challenge conventional wisdom and spark lively discussions. His engaging Q&A session with the audience reveals his passion for understanding others' stories, as he encourages listeners to support The Brian Nichols Show by leaving a five-star review, joining the Patreon, and becoming part of the Good People Network on Facebook. With Brian's dynamic storytelling and thought-provoking discussions, The Brian Nichols Show is not to be missed. Revisit older episodes of the show to discover more incredible stories and groundbreaking discussions. Join Brian Nichols as he explores the world of politics, economics, and culture through the lens of personal experiences, and learn how to navigate the ever-changing landscape by tuning in to The Brian Nichols Show today! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/14/202331 minutes, 19 seconds
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712: How Can the Good People Network Empower You to Change the World?

Join Brian Nichols, host of The Brian Nichols Show, as he discusses the power of sales and marketing strategies in politics and introduces the Good People Network! In this episode, Brian kicks things off by speaking to the importance of adapting your sales and messaging tactics during an upcoming recession, and how to connect with your audience on the issues they truly care about. Are you ready to enhance your strategies? Learn more at! Discover the Good People Network, a Facebook group dedicated to bringing together individuals who strive to solve society's pressing problems from a positive, solutions-focused perspective. Engage with The Brian Nichols Show community, contribute to conversations, and help create lasting positive change in the world. What solutions do you have to offer? Brian emphasizes the growth of the Good People Network, showcasing the incredible services provided by its members and the impact it has on communities. Join the network, collaborate, and take action without seeking permission – because good people can do good things! Are you one of the good people ready to make a difference? The Good People Network aims to promote positive change, share ideas, and create opportunities for engagement and partnership. Hosted on Facebook, the network encourages market demand for solutions that tackle social issues and foster positive transformation. What social issues are you passionate about solving? Subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show for more insights on sales, marketing, and politics, and become a part of the Good People Network today! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/12/202311 minutes, 55 seconds
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711: Do You Know What's REALLY in Your Cannabis Products? 🌿

Do you know what's really in your CBD products? Are you concerned about the lack of transparency in the cannabis industry? Do you want to ensure that the CBD products you're buying are safe and effective? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you won't want to miss this episode of The Brian Nichols Show! In this episode, Brian Nichols interviews Brian Fitzpatrick, the CEO of Qredible, a company focused on making the cannabis and CBD industry more transparent and connecting consumers to quality brands. They discuss the importance of third-party verification and testing of CBD products, as well as the lack of transparency in the industry that has led to fraudulent misrepresentations. Qredible uses blockchain technology and artificial intelligence to verify and authenticate the products of brands in the CBD and hemp industry, providing consumers with assurance that they're not unknowingly ingesting harmful substances. And with the launch of a free app later this year, consumers can easily access the research Qredible has compiled about the products they're buying. So if you're interested in learning more about how Qredible is making the cannabis industry safer for consumers, tune in and watch this episode now! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/10/202327 minutes, 52 seconds
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710: How Can Optimism Help You Overcome Frustration in Your Libertarian Journey?

Are you a libertarian feeling frustrated and stressed about being ignored or even opposed in a world that doesn't always value individual liberty? Then you don't want to miss this episode of The Brian Nichols Show! Brian shares his insights on how libertarians can use sales and marketing strategies to build trust with non-libertarians and win in the world of politics. Libertarians have great ideas, but they often struggle to connect with mainstream people because of their unconventional views. It's time to break out of the groupthink mentality and reach out to those who may not be familiar with libertarianism. By using marketing and sales tactics, you can build trust with others and make a real impact.\ Brian also shares his personal approach to coping with the stress and frustration of being a libertarian. He emphasizes the importance of physical health, as it is the foundation for living a free lifestyle. He shares his personal journey from weighing 385 pounds to becoming a fitness enthusiast, and how this has helped him maintain his optimism and motivation. Optimism and motivation are crucial when communicating with others about libertarian ideas. It's important to lead with positivity and focus on the positive impact you can make. Change takes time, and it's important to recognize that everyone has their own individual trigger event that got them thinking differently. By focusing on local issues that are relevant to your audience and meeting people where they are on the issues, you can make a real difference. So if you're feeling frustrated and stressed as a libertarian, don't give up hope! Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show to learn how you can use sales and marketing strategies, prioritize your physical health, and maintain your optimism and motivation to win in the world of politics. And don't forget to email Brian for extra help! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/7/202323 minutes, 5 seconds
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709: How Can Libertarians Balance Principles and Pragmatism in Politics?

Hey libertarians, are you looking to make a real difference in politics but not sure where to start? Are you struggling to find the balance between principles and pragmatism? Look no further because in this episode of The Brian Nichols Show, Brian will share his insights on how to succeed in politics. Brian stresses the importance of understanding the basics of sales and marketing to make a real impact in politics. He advises that it's crucial to meet your audience where they're at on the issues they care about, while still staying true to your core principles. By doing so, you can make a real difference in the political landscape. Balancing principles and pragmatism can be challenging. Brian understands that there's no right or wrong answer, but suggests that being strategic is key. He encourages libertarians to identify the main "bedbug" issue for their target audience and focus on that issue above all others. This approach can help you effectively reach your audience and create a real impact in politics. So, if you're a libertarian looking to make a difference in politics, be sure to tune in to The Brian Nichols Show. Brian is passionate about helping libertarians succeed by teaching them the fundamentals of sales and marketing while encouraging them to stay true to their principles. And if you have any questions for Brian, don't hesitate to email him at By following Brian's advice and tuning in to his show, you'll gain valuable insights on how to make a difference in politics while staying true to your principles. Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn from one of the best! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/5/202327 minutes, 51 seconds
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708: How to Use Sales & Marketing Strategies to Change Politics FOREVER

Are you tired of politics being all talk and no action? Do you want to learn how to influence the direction of the country and make a real impact? Then you need to tune in to The Brian Nichols Show, where host Brian Nichols teaches you how to apply sales and marketing strategies to politics. For six years, Brian has been discussing this topic and advocating for a deeper approach to changing people's hearts and minds. He believes that instead of just winning arguments, it's crucial to meet people where they're at on the issues the care about and teach the fundamentals of sales and marketing. By doing so, you can bring libertarian ideas to a new audience, offer tangible solutions, and win elections. But that's not all! The Brian Nichols Show is back with a brand new approach to Selling Liberty. With longer-form content and behind-the-scenes exclusives on their Patreon page, the show will focus on meeting people where they're at on the issues they care about. Brian will discuss how the show changed its approach to Selling Liberty and answer listener questions. So if you're ready to learn how to make a real impact and influence the direction of the country, tune in to The Brian Nichols Show. It's time to bypass the traditional barriers of politics and bring about real change. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/3/202324 minutes
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707: How the COVID Pandemic EXPOSED our Broken Education System

Are you tired of feeling like you have no control over your child's education? Have you ever wanted to take a more active role in what your child learns, but felt like you didn't have the resources to do so? Well, you're not alone. Many parents have felt the same way, and that's why on this episode of The Brian Nichols Show, Brian sat down with Jon England, an education policy worker at the Libertas Institute, to discuss how to give parents more control when it comes to the public education system. Jon England knows a thing or two about education. He was a teacher and principal in the public school system for 14 years before shifting his focus to empowering parents. During their conversation, Jon explained how the COVID pandemic revealed the amount of coursework children were doing, and how it gave parents a chance to see what their children were learning (or not learning). This realization has caused parents to become more involved in their child's education, and Jon encourages parents to take advantage of the resources available to them. One of those resources is the Utah Fits All Scholarship, which Jon discussed on the show. This scholarship allows parents to choose how their child is educated by giving them state funding that can be used for private school tuition, tutors, micro schools, curriculum at home, and other expenses. This gives parents the power to be the consumer rather than just a passive receiver of education. Brian even reflected on his own experience, where his mother took him to kindergarten orientation, and how it emphasized the importance of parents having more control over their child's education. Parents have also discovered that homeschooling can be more beneficial for their children, as it takes less time and allows them to build stronger relationships with their kids. The pandemic has forced parents to become more involved in their children's education, as they discover the benefits of homeschooling and the issues present in public schools. In Utah, parents have even fought against mask mandates when returning to school due to the pandemic, which has caused them to delve further into what is happening in the school system. So, if you're a parent who wants more control over your child's education, then this is the episode for you. Jon England and Brian Nichols discuss the resources available to parents, the benefits of homeschooling, and how the pandemic has forced parents to become more involved in their children's education. It's time for parents to take an active role in their child's education and give them the best chance for success. Don't miss this episode of The Brian Nichols Show. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/24/202327 minutes, 11 seconds
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706: Big Changes Coming to The Brian Nichols Show!

Are you ready for some exciting news? The Brian Nichols Show is changing for the better! In this episode, Brian explains why he is reducing the number of episodes per week from five to three, and how this will benefit you as a listener. He also reveals a new structure for his episodes, featuring longer form conversations with guests behind a paywall on his Patreon page. If you love the show and want to support it while getting access to even more valuable content, this is your chance! But don’t worry, the show is not going away! Brian is just adjusting his schedule to make room for his first child! He wants to be a great dad while still delivering quality content to you. That’s why he decided to produce fewer, but longer episodes per week. This way, you can enjoy more in-depth discussions with guests without feeling overwhelmed by too many episodes. And if you want even more content from The Brian Nichols Show, you can become a patron and join the Patreon page. There, you will find exclusive content from each guest that is not available anywhere else. You will also get access to more one on one conversations with Brian where he shares his thoughts and opinions on various topics. By becoming a patron, you will be supporting the show and helping it grow! So what are you waiting for? Tune in to this episode of The Brian Nichols Show and find out what’s new and exciting! And don’t forget to subscribe to the Patreon page if you want more value from the show. You won’t regret it! The Brian Nichols Show is all about educating, enlightening and informing you on how to sell liberty to the masses. Brian interviews experts from various fields and industries who share their insights on how to apply sales and marketing skills to the world of politics. Whether you are a libertarian, conservative, or centrist, you will learn something new from every episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/21/202315 minutes, 39 seconds
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705: Say Goodbye to Complicated Taxes with the FairTax

Do you ever get that sinking feeling when you think about filing your taxes? It's a tedious and complicated process that takes up a significant chunk of your time and money. Well, what if we told you that there's a better way to do taxes, one that's simpler, fairer, and more efficient? On the latest episode of The Brian Nichols Show, Mike Saliba joins Brian to discuss the FairTax system, an alternative to the traditional income tax and sales tax system. This revolutionary tax system would change the way we think about taxes and potentially generate economic growth in the process. But how does it work? The FairTax system is a single point-of-sale consumption tax on new goods and services that would replace the existing income tax, gift tax, estate tax, Social Security tax, and Medicare tax. This means that instead of paying taxes on your income, you would only pay taxes when you purchase goods and services. Sounds fair, right? Mike and Brian discuss how the FairTax system would be beneficial to the economy and create a simplified tax system. They also talk about how this system is equitable, as all individuals would pay the same amount, regardless of their income level. Plus, it would be more efficient than the current tax system, as it would reduce the number of loopholes, deductions, and credits. But that's not all! The FairTax system has bipartisan support and appeals to Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, and independents alike. It would also eliminate the tax advantage of coming to the country without documentation and create a financial incentive to do so above board. So, if you're tired of the traditional income tax system and want a better way to do taxes, tune in to The Brian Nichols Show to learn more about the FairTax system. Trust us, your wallet (and your sanity) will thank you. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/20/202323 minutes, 36 seconds
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704: No More Silenced Voices - Protecting Your Content from Censorship

Are you tired of having your voice silenced by big tech companies? Are you tired of having your content taken down in a matter of seconds? Well, you're not alone. In this episode of The Brian Nichols Show, Brian is joined by Darrell Becker, co-creator of Content Safe, a video distribution company, to discuss how content creators can fight back against censorship. Darrell knows firsthand the importance of having a platform to express uncensored thoughts, and he's here to share his knowledge and expertise with you. In this episode, you'll learn about the difficulties content creators face when their message goes against the agenda of big tech companies. You'll discover how Content Safe can help protect your content from censorship by providing services such as security, distribution, and monetization. You'll also hear about the different platforms you can use to share your content and grow your audience, from YouTube to Rumble to RSS feeds. But that's not all! Brian and Darrell will also share their own experiences as content creators and discuss the impact that censorship can have on your message and your ability to reach your audience. You'll learn about the benefits of using Content Safe to simplify the republishing process and distribute your content across multiple channels, giving you the potential to reach a larger audience than ever before. So if you're tired of being silenced by big tech companies and want to take control of your online presence, be sure to tune in to this exciting episode of The Brian Nichols Show. With Brian and Darrell's expert guidance, you'll learn how to fight back against censorship and protect your content, no matter what platform you choose to share it on. Don't miss out! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/17/202330 minutes, 25 seconds
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703: When the Government Takes Your Home 🏡

Do you feel like the government is taking advantage of vulnerable groups and stealing their property? If so, then you won't want to miss this episode of The Brian Nichols Show! Brian Nichols and Jim Burling, Vice President of Legal Affairs for the Pacific Legal Foundation, will discuss how to fight government interference and protect property owners. In this episode, you'll hear about Geraldine Tyler, a 94-year-old woman who had her property taken away by the government due to unpaid taxes. She was left out $25,000, and the government doesn't even have to return the property in 14 states! Burling will argue at the Supreme Court that this is a violation of the eighth amendment's excessive fines clause and the fifth and fourteenth amendment's takings clause. Will the Supreme Court recognize the injustices faced by vulnerable groups and put a stop to it? But that's not all. Nichols and Burling will also discuss the Supreme Court case Wilkins v. United States. This case draws attention to the issue of equity, as those who can least afford it are the ones being targeted. Wilkins is a property owner from Montana who owns land along a dirt road in a rural national forest area. The Forest Service had asked the prior owner of the property for permission to access the road for timber harvesting, and the owner agreed, granting an easement for the Forest Service to use. What will the Supreme Court decide in this case? If you're interested in protecting property rights and fighting against government interference, then this episode is a must-listen. Nichols and Burling explore how we can fight back against injustices faced by vulnerable groups, and you won't want to miss it! So grab your headphones and get ready for a thought-provoking and engaging discussion on The Brian Nichols Show! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/16/202326 minutes, 25 seconds
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702: Dr. Anthony Fauci & The Pharmaceutical Industry's Dirty Secrets

Are you tired of being lied to by the medical and pharmaceutical industries? Do you want to know the truth about the COVID-19 pandemic? Then you won't want to miss this explosive episode of The Brian Nichols Show, featuring the renowned Dr. Jason Dean from Brave TV! As a Doctor of Chiropractic who specializes in functional nutrition, Dr. Dean has been pushing the truth for decades. He knows that knowledge is key, and that America is dying due to a lack of it. In this electrifying episode, Brian and Dr. Dean pull back the curtain on the corruption, lies, and deceitfulness of the COVID-19 pandemic, and reveal the shocking truth about the pharmaceutical and public health sectors. Did you know that pharmaceutical companies are making huge amounts of money, while the public suffers? Or that Dr. Anthony Fauci made a $400,000 commission check? This conversation exposes the industrial elite who have taken over the medical pharmaceutical world and become buddy-buddy with the government. It's a massive elephant in the room, but Brian and Dr. Dean discuss how we can combat this corruption and address this critical issue. Dr. Dean is passionate about knowledge and fighting the good fight. He knows that the brainwashing of society is complete, and those who are broken by it need help. That's why he's dedicated his life to helping people understand the truth. In this episode, he and Brian provide valuable insights and practical solutions for those who want to take back control of their lives. Don't miss this gripping episode of The Brian Nichols Show with Dr. Jason Dean from Brave TV. Get ready to learn the truth about the medical and pharmaceutical industries and how you can take action and fight for what's right! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/15/202327 minutes, 50 seconds
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701: Together We CAN - The Coalition Effect

Are you ready to explore the power of building coalitions to create a more free world? In this episode, Brian Nichols and Larry Sharpe dive deep into the need for building coalitions to create a more free world. Larry Sharpe, a New Yorker fighting to restore normalcy and the state, joins Brian to discuss the problems with the current political system. They explore how building coalitions can be used to accomplish certain goals and how it could help us move beyond the never-ending feud between Democrats and Republicans. The conversation then shifts to the need for centralization and diversification within New York State. They explore the challenges of balancing the needs of people in urban areas with those in rural areas and how we can find a compromise that benefits everyone. The discussion then moves on to suggest alternatives for the current system, such as rank choice voting, ballot access, sane gun regulations, police reform, ending the War on Drugs, and supporting local people, unions, credit unions, and coops. They explore how these alternatives can lead to a more just society and help us move beyond the current political gridlock. The conversation concludes with a suggestion that if the government owes people money, they should be allowed to use it to start a coop, with the government matching the amount, and that if a business shuts down, be allowed to buy it, so they can still keep their jobs. Larry Sharpe critiques both parties for their lack of substantive solutions, noting that the Democrats have an answer of “more money, more debt, more programs,” while the Republicans have an answer of “give me $10 a day.” He calls on people to look beyond party allegiance and take the hand that will help them out of their troubles, regardless of whether it is a capitalist, socialist, or communist solution. Don't miss this captivating and insightful conversation on The Brian Nichols Show. Tune in now to learn how building coalitions can create a more free world and how we can move beyond the current political gridlock. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/14/202331 minutes, 13 seconds
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700: Bringing Calvin Coolidge Back to Life with AI

Are you looking for a fun and educational book to teach your children about American history? Look no further than "Calvin the Coolest President," the new children's book written by Austin and Stephanie Petersen. Join Brian Nichols as he interviews the couple about their new book and how it can inspire young minds. As a married couple with a shared passion for limited government and freedom, Austin and Stephanie Petersen have been working hard to spread the message of liberty. From Austin's Libertarian presidential campaign in 2015 to their current work with and their new children's book, the Petersens are dedicated to creating value in the libertarian movement. Their new book, "Calvin the Coolest President," is a fun and educational way to teach children about American history. Based on the life of Calvin Coolidge, the book is generated using ChatGPT and contains factual information about the former president. The illustrations in the book were created using an AI tool called MidJourney, which gives a unique depiction of Coolidge. The Petersens hope that their book will help parents and educators educate children on the importance of American history and inspire young minds to learn more. As Austin explains, "We want to create something that not only teaches children about American history but also inspires them to want to learn more and be curious about the world around them." Join Brian Nichols as he talks to Austin and Stephanie Petersen about their new children's book and how it can be a valuable tool in teaching young minds about American history. Don't miss this episode of The Brian Nichols Show and be sure to grab a copy of "Calvin the Coolest President" for the young readers in your life. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/13/202327 minutes, 38 seconds
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699: When Hackers ATTACK - Are You Prepared?

FREE WEBINAR: Take Control of Your Online Privacy (March 14th at 8:00PM EST). Are you concerned about the safety of your personal information in the digital age? Are you worried about the increasing threats posed by big tech, big brother, and hackers? If so, you won't want to miss this episode of The Brian Nichols Show featuring Glenn Meder. In this episode, Glenn Meder discusses the three main types of threats that are present in our society today. He sheds light on the organized nature of hackers who work with scammers to make money off of unsuspecting people. He gives an example of how scammers use fake ransomware notices to get people to call a number that is not actually Apple, which allows them to manipulate and pressure people into losing hundreds of thousands of dollars. The conversation is incredibly eye-opening, as it highlights the importance of being vigilant and informed in the digital space. It's not just enough to trust that the companies we interact with online have our best interests at heart. We need to be aware of the tactics used by hackers and scammers, and take the necessary precautions to protect ourselves. Glenn Meder's insights are invaluable, and he suggests looking up a video on YouTube that goes into further detail on this topic. And speaking of YouTube, Brian also mentions his fondness for Corridor Crew, a channel featuring CGI artists who have been experimenting with AI and showing the ways it can be used for good AND evil. Don't miss this episode of The Brian Nichols Show, as it offers valuable information on how to protect yourself in the digital age! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/10/202324 minutes, 45 seconds
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698: The Death of Journalism - A Deep Dive into the Penn State Scandal

Are you ready for an episode of The Brian Nichols Show that will leave you questioning everything you thought you knew about the Penn State scandal and the current state of journalism? Look no further! In this episode, Brian Nichols sits down with special guest, John Ziegler, to discuss the fallacy of the Penn State scandal and how it relates to the current COVID-19 pandemic. Get ready to have your mind blown as Ziegler reveals the shocking truth behind the Joe Paterno, Jerry Sandusky scandal and how it was all based on false accusations. But the conversation doesn't stop there! Ziegler also shares his thoughts on the current state of journalism and why he believes it's at a crossroads. From the impact of COVID-19 to Donald Trump's conspiracy theories, Ziegler provides a no-holds-barred look at the state of journalism today. If you're someone who's interested in uncovering the truth and gaining insightful knowledge about two of the most controversial topics in recent history, then this episode is a must-watch! Get ready to be captivated by Brian Nichols and John Ziegler as they dive deep into the Penn State scandal and the future of journalism. Don't miss out on this must-see episode of The Brian Nichols Show! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/9/202326 minutes, 49 seconds
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697: January 6 & the SHOCKING TRUTH About Government Geofence Warrants

Ever wonder how the government is accessing private citizens' data and using it to target individuals without evidence of "wrongdoing" (like with January 6th)? If so, you won't want to miss the latest episode of The Brian Nichols Show. Join Brian Nichols as he talks with Connor Boyack, the head of the Libertas Institute, a non-profit organization that advocates for laws to increase freedom.  In this episode, they delve into the government's ability to use geofence warrants to track individuals and their phones, and the technology behind these warrants that allows the government to collect and store data about the location of devices for years. But that's not all. Connor shares a disturbing story about his friend Scott, who was interrogated by the FBI without an attorney present simply because he was near the Capitol on J6.  This episode will leave you thinking about the government's use of private information and how it affects our individual freedoms. Tune in now for an eye-opening conversation that you won't want to miss! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/8/202326 minutes, 37 seconds
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696: Bill Gates, Jeffrey Epstein, CBDCs, and the GREAT RESET

Do you want to know what Bill Gates and Jeffrey Epstein have in common? Or how about the fact that your vaccine records or financial records could be stored under your skin using quantum dot technology? These are just a few of the mind-blowing revelations that you'll discover in this episode of The Brian Nichols Show. Join Brian Nichols and Clay Clark as they dive deep into the world of CBDCs (central bank digital currencies) and the agenda behind the Great Reset. Clay, a successful business owner and podcast host, is on a mission to expose the truth and empower business owners to prepare for the upcoming recession. But it's not all doom and gloom. Brian and Clay are here to empower you to take action and fight back against the oppressive measures being put in place. So if you're ready to have your mind blown and discover the truth about the CBDCs and the Great Reset, don't miss this episode of The Brian Nichols Show. Get ready to be empowered and inspired to take action and fight for your freedom! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/7/202321 minutes, 58 seconds
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695: Artistic Expression Meets Political Ideology

Do you want to hear a fresh and inspiring take on Liberty-based ideas? Then you don't want to miss this episode of The Brian Nichols Show! In this episode, Brian Nichols speaks with Kate Barnett from Dark Entries Design, a talented artist and interior designer who is bringing a Liberty-based mind to her work. Kate's unique approach to design is refreshing and inspiring, and her passion for creating personalized spaces that reflect her clients' values and personalities is truly remarkable. But Kate's story is not just about design. It's about how art, politics, and personal values intersect in unexpected ways. From her childhood love for drawing to her interest in politics and her dedication to creating spaces free from government intervention, Kate's story is a testament to the power of Liberty-based ideas in all aspects of life. And the best part? Kate's approach to interior design is truly unique. She listens to her clients and gathers their inspirations and preferences before creating a realistic 3D rendering of the space. Her deliverables are detailed plans that include all the necessary materials, furniture, and goods, ensuring that her clients' spaces are tailored to their tastes and needs. If you're looking for an inspiring conversation that challenges the status quo, this is the episode for you. So tune in and get ready to be inspired by Kate Barnett's unique approach to Liberty-based interior design! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/6/202323 minutes, 17 seconds
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694: House on FIRE- America's Dark Future & The Power of Narrative

Are you ready for a thought-provoking conversation about the current state of America? Then you need to check out The Brian Nichols Show! In this episode, Brian is joined by Matt Battaglia, master storyteller from Free the People, to discuss his new book House on Fire. This isn't your ordinary political discussion. Matt's new book House on Fire is a cautionary tale, taking elements of the past three years and fictionalizing them to make it into a story. It is emotionally driven and explores the darkest parts of society and the cycle of destruction that could occur if it continues. It's like a dystopian novel come to life, and you won't be able to look away. During their conversation, Matt and Brian discuss how stories have the power to change the world. They believe that it is important for people to tell stories to set narratives and respond to errors in order to preserve truth. They also delve into the current pandemic and the supply chain issues that have arisen, such as the increase in beef prices and difficulty in finding eggs. They suggest that Matt's new book can be read into in different ways, making it perfect for those who love a good debate. But this isn't just a discussion about politics and society. It's about the power of storytelling and how it can make a difference in the world. Matt has been working for Free the People for some time, producing documentaries and the show Kibbe on Liberty, and has been drawing comics for many years. His experience in storytelling shines through in this episode, and you won't want to miss a second of it. So, if you're looking for a unique and engaging discussion about the current state of America and the power of storytelling, then The Brian Nichols Show is for you. Tune in to learn how to use sales and marketing to win conversations about political issues and hear from a master storyteller about his new book House on Fire. Get ready for a discussion that will leave you thinking long after it's over! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/3/202331 minutes, 20 seconds
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693: Building Trust - Libertarians and the Black Community

Are you tired of the same old boring news shows that don't give you the in-depth analysis you crave? Look no further than The Brian Nichols Show, where Brian and his guests aren't afraid to dive deep into the issues that matter most to you. In this episode, Brian sits down with Jeff Charles, host of A Fresh Perspective with Jeff Charles, to discuss the challenges of reaching out to Black Americans to promote libertarian ideals. Jeff brings his unique perspective as a contributor for Red State, Liberty Nation, and Newsweek Opinion, and his podcast takes a more nuanced approach to the news of the day. But that's not all. Brian and Jeff also touch on the weaknesses of the Republican Party and the Liberty movement in their approach to black voters. They discuss how the Libertarian approach to police reform, such as ending qualified immunity, could be successful in gaining the support of black Americans. So, if you're looking for a show that will provide you with fresh perspectives, insights, and in-depth analysis, The Brian Nichols Show is the one for you. Don't miss this episode and join the conversation on how we can work towards a better future for all. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/2/202329 minutes, 22 seconds
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692: Debunking National Divorce MYTHS

Are you tired of the same old political debates that never seem to go anywhere? Are you looking for a fresh perspective on American governance? Then you won't want to miss this episode of The Brian Nichols Show, featuring a thought-provoking conversation with Daniel Miller, the president of the Texas Nationalist Movement. Miller challenges viewers to think outside the box and consider the concept of national divorce - the idea that states should reassess their relationship with the federal government and prioritize self-governance. He offers compelling examples from around the world of successful self-governance movements and argues that the time has come for states to take control of their own destinies. In this episode, Brian and Daniel delve into the reality of city-states existing within states and examine the greater Idaho movement, as well as the 51st state movements in Colorado and New York. Miller offers a fresh perspective on the idea of national divorce, pushing viewers to think critically about the influence of the federal union and the impact it has on policy decisions. If you're ready for a lively and engaging discussion that challenges the status quo and pushes the boundaries of traditional political discourse, then you won't want to miss this episode of The Brian Nichols Show. Join Brian and Daniel as they explore the concept of national divorce and inspire viewers to think critically about governance and self-determination in America. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/1/202326 minutes, 2 seconds
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691: Science for Sale - BIG PHARMA is Killing Our Health

Are you ready to discover the key to unlocking your best self and living a life of freedom and happiness? Then you won't want to miss this electrifying episode of The Brian Nichols Show, where Brian welcomes Dr. Jen VanDeWater from The Wellness Company to discuss how to improve total body wellness. In this riveting conversation, you'll hear Brian's personal journey from being morbidly obese to achieving true freedom and happiness by prioritizing his health. Dr. Jen VanDeWater will share her own experiences working in the pharmaceutical industry and how it led her to question the traditional status quo solutions. She'll share her three-legged stool approach to wellness - mind, body, and spirit - and how it can help you achieve optimal health and wellbeing. But that's not all! You'll also learn about the importance of natural supplementation and how it can help you overcome deficiencies caused by not getting enough natural sunlight. Dr. Jen will also reveal how her company is providing unbiased scientific information and quality products to help people make the best choices for their health and wellbeing. This episode of The Brian Nichols Show is an exciting and engaging conversation about how you can take control of your health and live your best life. So, if you're ready to learn how to prioritize your health, overcome traditional solutions, and discover the natural ways to boost your health and immunity, then this is the episode for you! Don't miss out on this fascinating conversation that could change your life forever! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/28/202327 minutes, 50 seconds
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690: Saving the World from Nuclear Annihilation

Are you concerned about the possibility of nuclear war? Do you want to know how you can make a difference and ensure that leaders hear your voice? If so, you won't want to miss this episode of The Brian Nichols Show! In this episode, Brian Nichols welcomes guest Brian Kunkoski, the host of the Free State Podcast in Maryland, to discuss the recent controversial rally called Rage Against the War Machine. Kunkoski, a registered Libertarian, is a passionate advocate for ending the war and bloodshed and preventing a potential nuclear conflict. But this episode isn't just about the dangers of nuclear war. Nichols and Kunkoski also dive into local politics, discussing the bills in legislation at the county and state levels, and the importance of setting a narrative and leading the charge when it comes to Ukraine. The conversation is lively and thought-provoking, touching on a variety of topics that are sure to captivate any viewer. They discuss how the global elite may be more on board with nuclear war than people realize, and how NATO's expanding borders could be putting us all in danger. But it's not all doom and gloom. Nichols and Kunkoski offer practical advice on how to make a difference, from showing up in numbers and arm in arm, to emailing and calling your senators and making your voice heard. They emphasize the importance of coming together, regardless of your political ideology, to prevent a potential nuclear conflict and end the bloodshed. So if you want to learn more about how you can make a difference and ensure that leaders hear your voice, don't miss this episode of The Brian Nichols Show. It's a must-watch for anyone who cares about the future of our planet and the safety of our world. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/27/202324 minutes, 30 seconds
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689: Sales and Marketing Techniques for Winning in Politics

Are you tired of feeling helpless when it comes to politics? Do you want to make a change but don't know where to start? Look no further than the latest episode of The Brian Nichols Show! In this episode, host of Finding Freedom, John Odermatt, is joined by special guest Brian Nichols, creator of The Brian Nichols Show. Together, they dive into the world of local politics and how you can make a real difference in your community. But this isn't just any political discussion. Brian brings his expertise in sales and marketing to the table, showing how these skills can be used to win in politics. He even shares his new book, 'How to WIN Your Local Election', which outlines the strategies and messaging needed to make your campaign a success. Brian's own journey to success is an inspiration in itself. After realizing that simply talking about libertarianism wasn't enough, he changed the format of his show to focus on motivating people to take action and make a real difference in their communities. And with his background in sales and marketing, he brings a unique perspective to the world of politics. So if you're ready to make a change and take your political activism to the next level, don't miss this episode of The Brian Nichols Show. With Brian's expertise and passion for the cause, you're sure to come away with the skills and inspiration you need to make a real difference in your community. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/24/202343 minutes, 12 seconds
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688: Why Libertarians Need to Prioritize CULTURE WARS

How can cultural conversations help spread the Libertarian message? Tune into The Brian Nichols Show, where host Brian Nichols and guest Brian McWilliams of the "Mean Age Daydream" podcast discuss the power of cultural conversations in spreading the Libertarian message. McWilliams argues that Libertarians should take advantage of social media to engage people in conversations about trending topics and add their insight. He emphasizes that culture leads politics and engaging in cultural conversations is essential for political success. Nichols agrees and adds that Libertarians often have fun conversations about culture that can help spread the Libertarian message. But it's not just about having fun conversations. Nichols and McWilliams discuss the importance of prioritizing culture wars over election campaigns to spread the Libertarian message. They emphasize the need for leaders that people can look up to and emulate, rather than those who are "hot messes." They cite a recent podcast episode about beloved author Roald Dahl as an example of how engaging in cultural conversations can help spread the Libertarian message. The conversation also touches on how culture is impacting discussions about the COVID-19 pandemic, with McWilliams pointing out how the New York Times published an opinion piece that allowed a discussion of the effectiveness of masks. Culture is being used to discuss how to live our lives, run our businesses, and educate our children, making cultural conversations essential for political success. Nichols also shares his experience making YouTube shorts that have been successful in engaging people, even if they love or hate the content. He emphasizes the importance of using social media to get people engaged and shares a meme of a woman working out numbers in her head as an example of how people engage with content. So if you want to learn how to spread the Libertarian message through cultural conversations, tune into The Brian Nichols Show. It's time to prioritize culture wars and engage people on important topics. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/23/202325 minutes, 24 seconds
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687: The COVID Mask Delusion - Revealing the MYTHS Surrounding Mask Mandates

Are you tired of conflicting information about masks and their effectiveness in preventing the spread of respiratory illnesses? Look no further than The Brian Nichols Show! For 3 years, we have been questioning the mainstream narrative and challenging the consensus, and now scientific studies are backing up their claims. Join host Brian Nichols as he dives into the science behind mask mandates and discusses how dissenting viewpoints are essential to the scientific process. In a recent New York Times article, Oxford epidemiologist Tom Jefferson concluded that there is no evidence that masks make any difference and that the studies that initially persuaded policymakers to impose mask mandates were flawed observational studies. But why were we forced to wear masks for so long without concrete evidence of their effectiveness? The Brian Nichols Show isn't afraid to ask the tough questions and challenge the mainstream experts and pundits who were wrong about mask mandates. From the Director of the CDC to conspiracy theorists and quack cure peddlers, the show covers it all. Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show and join the discussion today! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/22/202317 minutes, 30 seconds
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686: Gary Plauché - The Father Who Stood Up Against EVIL

Get ready for a gripping episode of The Brian Nichols Show! Brian is joined by Jody Plauché, author of "Why, Gary? Why?", a book that details Jody's harrowing experience of being abducted and sexually assaulted by his karate teacher at just 11 years old. Jody shares his story of how his father, Gary Plauché, took matters into his own hands and killed the abuser in a shocking act of vigilantism that sparked national controversy. Jody's story is not just a true crime tale, it's a cautionary tale about the importance of being vigilant and recognizing red flags of sexual abuse. In his book, Jody draws on his experience as a certified sexual assault counselor to provide valuable information for parents, victims, and survivors of sexual assault. Join Brian and Jody as they delve into the dark side of human nature and the power of personal growth. Jody reflects on his own childhood and the red flags he noticed in retrospect, urging parents to be vigilant and protect their children from abuse. He shares his personal journey of healing and how he hopes to use his experience to help others. This episode is a must-listen for anyone interested in true crime, personal growth, or understanding the warning signs of sexual abuse. Don't miss out on this powerful conversation between Brian and Jody as they explore the limits of self-defense, the importance of safety, and the power of healing. Tune in now! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/21/202323 minutes, 13 seconds
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685: Beating Fear in Sales & Storytelling - The Fearless Mindset for Success

Are you tired of feeling stuck in your personal or professional life because of fear? Do you struggle to create compelling stories that captivate your audience and drive sales? Then get ready for a super-helpful episode of The Brian Nichols Show that will inspire and empower you to conquer your fears and become a master storyteller! Join Brian Nichols and his guest, John Livesay, The Pitch Whisperer, as they discuss how John's experience as a former lifeguard has influenced his career in sales and storytelling. John shares a story of how he used techniques from his lifeguarding days to help a young girl overcome her fear of jumping off the high dive. Little did he know that those same techniques would later help him in his sales career. But that's just the beginning. John and Brian dive deep into the topic of fear and how it can hold us back in all areas of life. John shares his expert advice on how to overcome fear of rejection, fear of the unknown, and fear of failure, so you can break through the barriers that are holding you back and achieve your full potential. And if you're struggling to create compelling stories that captivate your audience and ultimately drive sales, John has some game-changing insights for you. He shares a simple checklist for crafting a story that is clear, concise, and compelling, and emphasizes the importance of incorporating emotions into your story to make it truly unforgettable. So if you're ready to take your life and career to the next level, tune in to this episode of The Brian Nichols Show. It's packed with practical advice, inspiring stories, and powerful insights that will help you conquer your fears and become a master storyteller! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/20/202322 minutes, 47 seconds
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684: The Libertarian Solution to Poverty

Are you tired of the same old political solutions to complex problems? Do you want to explore innovative, outside-the-box ideas that can actually make a difference in society? Then you need to check out today's episode of The Brian Nichols Show! In this episode, Brian discusses how a libertarian society can effectively address income inequality and poverty. Forget about big government solutions that only create more problems. Instead, Brian explores the power of free markets, personal responsibility, and voluntary charity to create a more just and free society. Whether you're a long-time libertarian or just curious about alternative political philosophies, you won't want to miss this episode. It's full of insights and ideas that challenge the status quo and encourage viewers to think critically about the issues that matter most. And that's not all! The Brian Nichols Show is a podcast that covers a wide range of topics related to libertarianism, from economics and foreign policy to social issues and culture. With engaging guests and thought-provoking discussions, it's the perfect place to stay informed and engaged on the latest developments in the world of libertarianism. So what are you waiting for? Check out The Brian Nichols Show today, and join the conversation about how we can create a freer, more prosperous, and more just society. Don't forget to leave a five-star review on Apple Podcasts and share the show with your friends.  And if you find value in the podcast, consider making a donation to support the show and help ensure that we can continue to promote libertarian values and ideas for years to come! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/17/20236 minutes, 21 seconds
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683: End of the Line for Career Politicians

Are you tired of seeing the same career politicians in Congress? Then you need to watch this episode of The Brian Nichols Show! Michael Corbin, a Congressional candidate from Georgia (D7), joined Brian to discuss term limits and the need for change in the political landscape. Corbin is a strong advocate for term limits and has been working on legislation to eliminate the 50 plus-one rule in Georgia to end run-offs. He shared his passion for raising awareness about this issue and why it's critical for a functioning democracy. This episode is a must-watch for anyone who wants to see change in politics. So, if you're tired of career politicians and want to see change in politics, be sure to check out this episode of The Brian Nichols Show! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/16/202321 minutes, 36 seconds
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682: How to Win Over Conservatives with Libertarian Ideas - A Sales and Marketing Approach

In this episode of The Brian Nichols Show, Brian explores how libertarians can win over conservative voters. He emphasizes the importance of finding common ground and focusing on sales and marketing fundamentals to make the libertarian argument more accessible. By highlighting shared values, libertarians can build relationships with conservatives and work towards a freer, more prosperous future. Throughout the episode, Brian offers practical tips on how to address common misconceptions around libertarianism and showcase how libertarianism is not just about being against the government, but also about creating a better society. He emphasizes the importance of personal responsibility, individual rights, and free markets in achieving this goal. The Brian Nichols Show is an engaging and informative podcast that offers a fresh perspective on politics and society. With its focus on lively and respectful dialogue and practical advice, it's a must-listen for anyone looking to understand how to win over conservative voters to the libertarian philosophy! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/15/20239 minutes, 36 seconds
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681: Why Ron DeSantis COULD Be Our Next President

Are you ready to dive into the world of politics and learn about the potential 2024 GOP presidential candidate, Ron DeSantis? The Brian Nichols Show has got you covered with this exciting episode featuring Gabriel Llanes, the executive director for Ready for Ron. The real question is, why Ron DeSantis? Gabriel argues that DeSantis is a great choice for president due to his experience in the military and his commitment to cutting spending and taxes. He believes that DeSantis would be careful in his foreign policy, as he is a veteran and knows the difficulty of putting troops in harm's way. The conversation delves into the 'Stop the Sexualization of Children Act' in Florida, highlighting DeSantis' dedication to protecting the youth and ensuring a safe future for our country. With issues such as what is being taught in schools due to COVID-19 raising red flags for parents, it is important for politicians to meet people where they are at on the issues they care about. So, are you ready to join the Ready for Ron campaign and learn about the potential future of our country? Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show and hear the engaging conversation for yourself! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/14/202326 minutes, 25 seconds
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680: Business Meets Politics - Fundraising Insights from the Pros

Are you curious about the key to authentic connections in both business and politics? Get ready for another game-changing episode of The Brian Nichols Show as Brian is joined by business expert Fred Cary! Fred, a seasoned entrepreneur with a proven track record of success, shares his insider knowledge on the importance of speaking to customers like they're your own children and the value of differentiation in fundraising. In this enlightening conversation, Fred also delves into the nitty-gritty of fundraising and reveals the biggest mistake people make when trying to raise capital. You'll learn what investors really want to hear and how to frame the conversation in a way that will capture their attention. So, don't miss out on this exciting episode of The Brian Nichols Show! Whether you're an entrepreneur, business owner, or simply interested in the intersection of business and public policy, tune in to learn the secrets to success and take your goals to the next level! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/13/202326 minutes, 51 seconds
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679: How Libertarianism is changing the way we think about Sales & Marketing

Are you tired of traditional sales and marketing tactics that rely on trickery and manipulation? The Brian Nichols Show is here to show you a different approach! Join Brian as he explores the exciting world of libertarianism and how it's changing the way sales and marketing are done. With its focus on free markets, non-aggression, property rights, and freedom, libertarianism is creating new opportunities and giving people the power to choose. In this episode, Brian will delve into the shift towards a libertarian approach to sales and marketing, driven by the rise of social media, increasing consumer awareness, and the need for trust and reputation in business. Say goodbye to the days of traditional sales tactics and hello to creative, authentic, and sustainable business practices. With the principles of libertarianism at the forefront, businesses can build genuine relationships with their target audience, offer valuable incentives, provide exceptional customer service, and use data and analytics to make informed decisions. Don't miss this opportunity to learn about the future of sales and marketing. Get ahead of the curve and understand how to make the most of the shift towards libertarianism. Network with other like-minded individuals, explore new markets, and take advantage of the freedom of choice. Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show and discover how libertarianism is changing the game! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/10/20239 minutes, 39 seconds
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678: How to Build Trust (Works EVERY SINGLE Time)

Get ready to take your leadership skills to the next level! In this episode of The Brian Nichols Show, Brian sits down with trust expert and author of "Building Trust: Exceptional Leadership in an Uncertain World" , Darryl Stickel, to uncover the secrets of building trust in any situation. With 20 years of experience studying trust building, Darryl shares his insights on how trust can lead to better returns for shareholders, increased employee engagement, and a more harmonious society. But it's not just about the theory, this episode offers real solutions for the challenges we face in today's world. With the Covid-19 pandemic causing widespread distrust, Brian and Darryl offer their expert advice on how to rebuild trust and foster relationships in these uncertain times. You won't want to miss this engaging conversation as Brian and Darryl delve into the ten levers of trust building and the critical role of empathy and communication in bridging the gap between two sides. This is your chance to learn from the best and become a trust-building master! Don't miss out on the latest episode of The Brian Nichols Show. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/9/202326 minutes, 25 seconds
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677: Can a "libertarian" be a Republican?

Are you tired of feeling torn between your libertarian beliefs and the political landscape? Do you want to know how to successfully integrate your principles into the world of politics? Look no further! In this episode of The Brian Nichols Show, we're taking on the hottest debate in the liberty political arena: can a libertarian be a Republican? Our host, Brian Nichols has insider knowledge on what it takes to be a successful Republican libertarian and he's sharing it all with you. From the difference between "small-l libertarians" and "big-L libertarians", to the challenges and opportunities of combining the two ideologies, Brian will leave no stone unturned. Ready to shake things up? Learn from the best with Brian's tips on staying true to your principles while navigating the complex world of politics. Get a sneak peek at successful libertarian Republicans like Thomas Massie and Rand Paul and see how they're making their mark on the party. It's time to take control of your political future. Sign up for Brian's FREE e-book, "How to WIN Your Local Election," and join his exclusive Candidate School where you'll learn from the top political minds. Don't miss this opportunity to join the conversation and become a game-changer in the world of politics. Subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show now and get ready for a journey that will leave you inspired and empowered! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/8/202310 minutes, 6 seconds
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676: You’re Probably Spending Too Much on Healthcare, & You Don't Have To

Are you tired of overspending on healthcare? Do you feel like you're in the dark when it comes to choosing the right coverage for you and your family? Look no further! In this episode of The Brian Nichols Show, Brian sits down with health insurance expert Matt Allen to uncover the secrets of the industry and arm you with the knowledge you need to make smart decisions about your health coverage. Matt shares his years of experience in the field and offers custom solutions to help you save money on your healthcare expenses, without sacrificing the coverage you need. From exploring group health plans to talking to an independent broker, you'll learn about the options available to you that the industry doesn't want you to know about! But that's not all. Brian and Matt also tackle the fundamental question of what health insurance should actually be paying for. They challenge the status quo and explore the differences between health insurance and other types of insurance. This thought-provoking discussion will have you rethinking your approach to healthcare and better equipped to navigate the complex world of insurance. Don't miss this chance to learn from the experts and take control of your healthcare expenses. Tune in now to The Brian Nichols Show and discover how you can get the coverage you need at a price you can afford! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/7/202330 minutes, 23 seconds
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675: The Liberty Youth Coalition is Going to be a GAME CHANGER in 2023

Get ready for an electrifying episode of The Brian Nichols Show! Join Brian as he sits down with a young revolutionary who is changing the future of the libertarian movement! Discover how Gen Z is set to bring liberty-based solutions to the forefront with the Liberty Youth Coalition leading the charge. In this episode, Brian and special guest Ezra Wyrick discuss the cutting-edge tools of mass mobilization, education, restoration, and mutual aid that are being used to inspire and empower a new generation of liberty warriors. Hear about the Liberty Youth Coalition, a daring new organization dedicated to spreading the message of liberty to young people and discover how they are making a real difference. Get an insider's look at the outlook of Gen Z when it comes to social and political issues. Learn how young people are using their voices and their energy to make a change and how libertarianism is capturing their hearts and minds. Find out how Ezra and the Liberty Youth Coalition are dedicated to ensuring that the next generation understands the economic aspects of libertarianism and the importance of personal responsibility. This episode of The Brian Nichols Show is a must-watch for anyone who is passionate about the future of our society and the role that young people are playing in shaping it. Don't miss your chance to be a part of this groundbreaking conversation. Join the revolution and tune in now! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/6/202323 minutes, 11 seconds
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674: The Shocking Truth Behind Invisible Trillions - The Price of Secrecy in Capitalism

Are you ready to uncover the world of financial secrecy and corruption? Join Brian Nichols and guest , Raymond Baker, as they dive into the world of "Invisible Trillions" in this eye-opening episode of The Brian Nichols Show. Raymond, an expert with 35 years in the business world and author of "Capitalism's Achilles Heel", argues that the separation of capitalism and democracy could lead to the downfall of our democratic capitalist system. But it's not all doom and gloom. Raymond suggests the solution lies in transparency and accountability, which can come from both the government and private sector. With Brian, they explore the role of both entities in solving this problem and the importance of leading by example. Don't miss this chance to gain insight from Raymond's new book, "Invisible Trillions", and learn how you can play a part in promoting fairness and transparency in the business world. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/3/202326 minutes, 24 seconds
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673: Conservative Journalist Explains How Media Censorship Hurts Conservative Voices

Join Brian Nichols and special guest Angie Wong on The Brian Nichols Show as they delve into the important issues facing the country today. The show focuses on the Legacy PAC, an organization aimed at creating the next generation of conservative leaders in America. Discover the values of the America First agenda and what it means for the future of the country. Get a glimpse into the current state of American politics and what the future may hold. Hear Angie's thoughts on the recent split in Congress, the Biden administration's challenges, and the upcoming vote on the debt ceiling. Be part of the discussion as Angie predicts the pendulum swinging back to the middle and the importance of addressing key pressure points in American politics. Angie also tackles the pressing issue of censorship in the media and how it affects conservative voices. Angie provides insights on the role of AI in shaping the future language and the censorship of conservative voices on platforms like YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook. Learn more about the Newsmax and OAN story with AT&T and the consequences of censorship in the future. Go behind the scenes with exclusive insights into what's really happening in today's thought-provoking and informative look into the future of America. With recent guests like Ben Swann, Tony Brasunas, and Angie Wong, we're bringing you all sorts of inside-scoops on the future of journalism, politics, and the country.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/2/202328 minutes, 16 seconds
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672: The TRUTH Behind MrBeast Helping 1,000 Blind People See For The First Time

Today we delve into the heated debate over YouTube sensation - MrBeast.  His recent act of generosity - funding cataract surgeries for 1,000 people - has taken the internet by storm, with 59 million views in just three days. But, not everyone is applauding his efforts, including Twitch streamer and political commentator, Hasan Piker. Piker questions the morality of a wealthy YouTuber providing access to life-changing surgeries while many Americans struggle to afford it. But, what if it's the government's failure to solve these problems that leads to individuals like MrBeast needing to step in in the first place?  By taking personal responsibility and making a difference, MrBeast is showing us the power of individual action and charity.  So, where do you stand? Is MrBeast a true champion of social good and is using his platform to create positive change? Or is he simply taking advantage of the less fortunate while monetizing content?  Join us as we dive into this compelling debate and discover what it means to embrace self-reliance, individual responsibility, and private charity. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/1/202311 minutes, 13 seconds
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671: The Rise of Gen Z - A New Era For Liberty Begins

This episode of The Brian Nichols Show delves into the current state of the Libertarian Party and their messaging strategy. Join the discussion as our host, Brian Nichols, and special guest, Chase Oliver, examine the impact of the Mises Caucus on the party and address the elephant in the room - how the party leadership of yesteryear failed to push back against government mandates during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. Learn how to effectively reach out to the next generation of voters and engage with them on the issues they care about, without sacrificing your principles as Chase shares his personal experience of running for Congress in a blue district and provides tips on how to connect with voters outside of your political circle. Later, we explore the changes in the country's political dynamic, including the influence of 9/11 and the pandemic on personal freedom. Chase says that it's time for libertarians to step up, be professional in their messaging, and meet voters where they are. Embrace empathy and positivity, and watch as you connect with the next generation of voters and the Gen Z vote. Don't miss this must-see episode, where you'll gain valuable insights, actionable advice, and the chance to turn the tide for the future of liberty. Join us now to start your journey to a better, freer world! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/31/202328 minutes, 59 seconds
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670: The COVID Conspiracy - UNMASKED

Get ready to dive into the political side of the COVID-19 pandemic! On this episode of The Brian Nichols Show, host Brian Nichols is joined by Nick Hudson from Panda, a multidisciplinary organization that provides insightful analysis on COVID-19. Nick reveals that the pandemic is not just a medical issue, but a political one as well. Discover the surprising connections between the intelligence agencies of Western nations and the spread of COVID-19, including the use of fake videos and a plot to keep the truth from the public. Explore the shocking claims that the COVID-19 pandemic wasn't caused by a virus, but by the spread of panic and hysteria triggered by high sensitivity PCR tests. The conversation delves into the impact this had on healthcare standards, leading to people being isolated, moved from facility to facility, and denied treatment, resulting in increased deaths. The data does not support a viral spread, but instead supports the spread of testing kits. This episode of The Brian Nichols Show is not just about the COVID-19 pandemic but also highlights the increasing awareness of political and global events among people. Join in as Nick shares his optimism for a better future and the growing number of people waking up to the truth. Don't miss this thought-provoking discussion on misinformation, conspiracy theories, and censorship. Will our message be censored again on social media? Stay tuned! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/30/202328 minutes, 47 seconds
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669: The Power of Questioning the Status Quo - The Liberty Movement's Secret Weapon

Are you ready to make a real impact in your community by helping "sell" the liberty movement? Tune in to our latest episode, where Brian Nichols plays the role of guest/salesperson for the Liberty movement, joining Forrest Mommy and Hex on their "Golden Showers Sunday Stream", where Brian went on to discuss the importance of authenticity in selling the idea of freedom and individual rights.  Discover how building a culture of liberty starts with getting people to question their current status quo and the importance of planting the seeds of this idea for long-term success. Don't miss this thought-provoking conversation and learn how to be a catalyst for change.  And for those interested in running for local office, Brian offers valuable insights in his ebook "How to Win Your Local Elections" and a one-on-one candidate school program. Listen now and start taking action in your community today! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/27/202359 minutes, 41 seconds
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668: Stop the Empty Promises - Libertarian Ronald Tracy Robison's Plan for a Prosperous Jacksonville

Are you tired of politicians making empty promises and not addressing the real issues in your city? Look no further than Libertarian candidate Ronald Tracy Robison, who is running for city council in Jacksonville, Florida. In this episode, Robison sits down with host Brian Nichols to discuss the negative impact of government intervention on the free market during the COVID-19 pandemic, specifically in the supply chain and the resulting economic deficit. He also cites the shut down of 130 businesses and 67% of jobs not returning as a result of the safer at home law implemented by the Republican mayor. Robison also shares his thoughts on the negative impact of the CDC moratorium on the housing market, leading to a rise in crime and homelessness. He also discusses the current housing market in Jacksonville and how it is not as strong as it appears, with debt being moved from one sector to the next, resulting in higher costs for housing. But Robison doesn't just point out the problems, he also offers solutions. He suggests that private companies can be contracted to fix infrastructure issues such as flooding in the Ocean Way area and proposes regular inspections to prevent similar issues in the future. He also expresses his support for school choice, and argues that property tax reform would be necessary in order to support school choice and vouchers for other schools. Don't miss this opportunity to hear from a candidate who truly wants to make a difference in Jacksonville. Tune in now and be part of the change you want to see in your community! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/26/202326 minutes, 19 seconds
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667: The Truth Behind the Headlines - A Reality Check (w/ Ben Swann)

Are you tired of feeling like the mainstream media is hiding the truth from you? Look no further, because in this episode, host Brian Nichols sits down with investigative journalist and head of Sovren, Ben Swann. With over 20 years of experience in broadcast journalism, including stints at CBS, NBC, and Fox News affiliates, Ben is a true expert in uncovering the truth behind the headlines. But it's not just Ben's experience that makes this episode a must-watch. It's his shocking and eye-opening stories of the deception and lies present in the media, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. He exposes how big tech companies have worked together with the corporate media to eliminate independent voices and competition through the Trusted News Initiative (TNI).  Don't miss this opportunity to hear from a true expert in the field and to learn how to navigate the world of news and information with a critical eye! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/25/202326 minutes, 29 seconds
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666: Bringing Real Change to Jacksonville - A Libertarian's Perspective with Eric Parker

Attention all Jacksonville residents! Join us as our guest, Eric Parker, Libertarian running for a seat on the Jacksonville City Council, shares his journey of switching from a district race to an at-large seat and the challenges he faced as a third-party candidate in the process.  He also shares his plans to address the issues that affect the City of Jacksonville, such as the gas tax, which disproportionately affects the working poor, and housing prices, which have risen due to a shortage of rental properties caused by restrictive zoning laws. Eric explains how he plans to deregulate zoning laws and allow for more growth in housing to help solve these problems.  Don't miss this opportunity to learn about the potential for real change in Jacksonville and the importance of libertarians running for local office.  It's time to meet people where they're at on the issues they care about, and Eric Parker is the candidate to do just that. Tune in now and be a part of this enlightening conversation! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/24/202327 minutes, 24 seconds
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665: The Intersection of Fitness & Politics - How Government Impacts Our Health & Wellness

On this episode of The Brian Nichols Show, we delve into the government's response to COVID-19 and how it relates to our overall health and wellness. Brian Nichols and guest, Kaleena George, share their belief that the government's response was misguided and that there may have been a different approach. They also discuss the Kaleena's background in the fitness industry and her experience working in a hospital during the pandemic. The conversation also touches on the vaccine, the force and coercion used to get people to take it, and the issue of obesity in the US. Kaleena highlights the importance of being a smart consumer and knowing where our food comes from, and Brian shares a graphic that shows the tripling of obesity rates in the US from 1987 to 2021. The episode discusses possible reasons for this increase, such as Big Pharma, big food, and the loss of nutritional value in food. Tune in to understand the intersection of fitness and politics and how it impacts our health and wellness! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/23/202328 minutes, 55 seconds
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664: Steven Crowder vs The Daily Wire - A Lesson in Collaboration & Building Something Bigger

Are you tired of petty squabbles and infighting within the libertarian movement? Look no further, because in this episode of The Brian Nichols Show, we're diving deep into the recent dispute between The Daily Wire and conservative media personality Steven Crowder. But this isn't just another fight between two big names, it's a reminder of the importance of unity and collaboration within the movement. We'll be breaking down the specific accusations made by Crowder and The Daily Wire's response, as well as discussing whether or not the clauses in question are standard in the industry and if they were fair. But that's not all, we'll also be exploring the harm that this kind of public dispute causes to the movement's reputation and effectiveness. Don't miss out as we delve into the importance of putting aside personal differences and focusing on the bigger picture in order to further the liberty movement!  Tune in and subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show for more enlightening discussions on libertarian news and ideas! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/20/202311 minutes, 47 seconds
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663: The Media's War on Truth - How to Spot Propaganda and Censorship

Join host Brian Nichols on this explosive episode of The Brian Nichols Show as he sits down with guest Tony Brasunas, a former corporate media insider, to discuss the shocking truth about the media's role in dividing Americans.  Tony, who is currently writing a book about his experiences called "Red, White and Blind", shares his personal story of being terminated from Huffington Post for advocating for Bernie Sanders during the 2016 Democratic primary. In this episode, Tony delves into his book, which exposes the censorship and deception in the media and how it affects everyone, not just one side of the political spectrum. He also provides specific examples of censorship in recent events such as the Jeffrey Epstein case, the origin of the Coronavirus, the Hunter Biden laptop story, and the Russian bounties story.  Later, Brian and Tony share their final thoughts and discuss the importance of media consciousness and balancing one's media diet to see different sides of issues. Don't miss this eye-opening episode of The Brian Nichols Show as we uncover the truth behind the corporate media's manipulation of news narratives. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/19/202328 minutes, 50 seconds
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662: Shaping the Narrative - How Libertarians Can Impact the Culture War

Are you tired of feeling left out of the cultural conversation? Are you ready to take a stand and shape the narrative to reflect your libertarian values?  Then it's time to dive into the dreaded "culture war"!  In this episode of The Brian Nichols Show, Brian explains why it's crucial for libertarians to actively participate in cultural conversations and work towards building a culture of our own.  With the influence of media, the entertainment industry, and social media on shaping public opinion, it's more important than ever for libertarians to have a strong presence in the cultural arena. But it's not just about promoting our own ideas, it's also about defending our values and principles against those who seek to undermine them.  Don't wait any longer, join the culture war and make your voice heard! Together, we can work towards a world where freedom is valued over government control and coercion. So, are you ready to take a stand and shape the narrative? Listen to today's episode to find out how you can make a difference! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/18/202311 minutes, 2 seconds
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661: Cities of the Future - How Market Urbanism is Transforming Cities Worldwide

Are you tired of living in a city that doesn't work for you? Are you ready to learn about a new approach to urbanism that combines free market principles and innovative solutions?  Look no further! In this episode of The Brian Nichols Show, we dive deep into the topic of market urbanism and its potential to revolutionize the way cities function.  Our guest, Scott Beyer, is a leading expert in the field and will explain how market urbanism can address issues like housing, transportation, and city administration. He'll also share real-life examples of "startup cities" and how they're being implemented around the world. Don't miss this opportunity to hear from an industry leader and learn about a new approach that can improve your city and your life!  And don't forget to check out episode 428 for a closer look at Próspera; a prime example of market urbanism in action! ➡ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/17/202326 minutes, 16 seconds
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660: Unlock Your Freedom - The Intersection of Health, Fitness, & Liberty

Are you ready to take control of your health and live life to the fullest as a member of the liberty movement? Look no further than today's episode of The Brian Nichols Show!  In this episode, we delve into the connection between living a healthy life and living a free life for individuals within the liberty movement. Join host, Brian Nichols, as he shares his personal story of overcoming obesity and the importance of personal autonomy in the fight for freedom.  Alongside him, Kyle Matovcik, host of In Liberty and Health, shares his weight loss journey and the link between health and liberty for those in the movement. Together, they offer practical advice on how to make positive changes in health and fitness to gain more freedom and autonomy in our fight for liberty.  From nutrition, exercise, and finding a diet that works for you within the context of the liberty movement, to resistance training and its benefits for our fight for freedom, this episode is packed with valuable information.  Don't miss out on this opportunity to take charge of your health and become a stronger advocate for liberty. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/16/202333 minutes, 8 seconds
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659: A Beginner's Guide to Selling Freedom with a Smile

Are you tired of struggling to explain libertarianism to your friends and family? The Brian Nichols Show is here to help! In this episode, we'll teach you the basics of sales and marketing and how you can use them to effectively explain libertarianism to others. Host Brian Nichols takes you through a step-by-step process of how to sell the ideas of liberty and free markets, so you can finally stop losing friends over politics.  Learn how to connect with people on the issues they care about, use humor and real-life examples to make your point, and build trust with others by keeping an open mind. We'll also cover how to avoid common mistakes when trying to sell libertarianism, including being too technical and not understanding the mindset of your audience. This episode is full of practical advice that you can implement immediately, so don't miss out! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/13/202310 minutes, 24 seconds
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658: From Ordinary to Extraordinary - Harnessing the Power of Storytelling to Stand Out in Sales

In this episode of The Brian Nichols Show, get ready to discover the game-changing power of storytelling in sales.  Join host Brian Nichols as he sits down with serial entrepreneur, Tom Jackobs, to hear how he went from a 16-year-old kid with a dream of starting a DJ business to building over a dozen successful businesses. Tom shares the secret weapon that helped him skyrocket his sales - storytelling. He shares how personal and client testimonial stories helped him create a human connection with his prospects and close more deals.  Discover the science behind storytelling and how it triggers emotions in both the storyteller and the audience. Learn how to use storytelling to make a lasting impact in even the driest of industries like cybersecurity!  This episode is packed with actionable tips and strategies for sales professionals and entrepreneurs looking to boost their sales. Don't miss out on the chance to take your sales to the next level with the power of storytelling.  Tune in now! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/12/202325 minutes, 42 seconds
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657: Follow the Science - Uncovering Government Censorship & Corruption During COVID-19 Lockdowns

In this episode of The Brian Nichols Show, host Brian Nichols takes listeners on a journey to uncover the truth behind the COVID-19 lockdowns. From his own personal experience of fleeing a blue city and moving to the Midwest, to an in-depth analysis of the science and politics behind the lockdowns, this episode leaves no stone unturned.  Joining Brian is filmmaker, Hawk Jensen from the Sound Mind Creative Group, who has been working on a groundbreaking series, "Follow the Science: Lockdowns Go Viral", that delves into the mysteries surrounding the pandemic.  They reveal the untold story behind the manipulation of minds, the suppression of dissenting voices, and the rewiring of our brains through technology, that led to mass compliance and acceptance of the lockdowns. As the pilot episode is about to be released, listeners will be the first to get a sneak peek of this highly-anticipated series.  But it's not just about the past - Hawk is optimistic that the absurdity of the situation has awakened many people who are now questioning what they have been told, leading to a new world of individuals who are more aware of their own individuality and more resistant to control and manipulation.  Don't miss this eye-opening episode of The Brian Nichols Show, as we uncover the truth behind the COVID-19 lockdowns! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/11/202329 minutes, 19 seconds
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656: A Look at the Libertarian Party's Success and Growth Strategies: Insights w/ Angela McArdle

In this episode of The Brian Nichols Show, Brian welcomes back Angela McArdle, chair of the Libertarian Party, to discuss the progress and challenges the party has faced over the past year.  We start by discussing the financial state of the party, with Angela sharing that the LP ended the year on a strong financial point, with revenue close to $2 million, the strongest in 20 years. Angela also talks about the outreach efforts the party has undertaken in the past six months, including a big Bitcoin live stream and outreach to the Bitcoin community, and building relationships with social media influencers in the health and fitness community. She highlights the importance of cultivating relationships with people who are not afraid of risk-taking and want to stand up for what's right. We also touch on the ongoing challenges faced by the party, including the fear of change and the risk of the consequences that come with it. We discuss the importance of building confidence within the party and the need for more members who are fearless and courageous. And finally, we wrap things up by discussing the importance of messaging, voter outreach, and fundraising when running for local office. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/10/202328 minutes, 35 seconds
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655: Standing Up for Small Business - The Inspiring Story of Beloved Cheesecakes' Battle Against COVID-19 Government Mandates

Join us as we speak with Jen Jacobson, owner of Beloved Cheesecakes, about her experience as a small business owner who fought back against the government mandates during the COVID-19 pandemic.  Jen faced challenges and backlash from the government for keeping her business open, but she persevered and fought for her rights. Instead of shutting her doors during the pandemic, she chose to keep open and serve her customers. She showed that small businesses are ESSENTIAL to local communities; that they should not be shut down just because of a government mandate. Later, Jen shares her personal journey in Oregon and touches the ongoing divide between left and right on the COVID-19 issue. She outlines the challenges of being a small business owner and how she was able to overcome them and shares her thoughts on the current political climate in our country, including why it is so important for all opinions to be heard and respected. We also discuss the double standard in politics and the importance of understanding voter outreach and fundraising for those running for local office. Jen is a model for small business owners in standing up for their rights and for the importance of grassroots organizing. She is a great example that small businesses can be forces for positive change in the world, and we need more people like her. Tune in for an inspiring and informative conversation! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/9/202330 minutes, 15 seconds
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654: How to WIN Your Local Election - FREE EBOOK SNEAK PEEK!

Are you thinking about running for local office? Or have your already tossed your hat in the ring? Either way, my new free ebook, "How to WIN Your Local Election", is here to help you succeed! In this episode, you'll get a sneak peek at some of the valuable tips and strategies contained in the first two chapters. From crafting a compelling campaign message to building a dedicated campaign team, this ebook covers everything you need to know to run a successful campaign. Don't miss out on this valuable resource - download your copy today! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/6/202315 minutes, 25 seconds
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653: The Prophecies of Ron Paul

In this episode, we examine the predictions made by former US Representative and presidential candidate Ron Paul and see how they have come true. We discuss eight different predictions, including the housing market crash, the decline of the US dollar, the rise of cryptocurrency, the expanding surveillance state, the increasing national debt, the rise of populism, the increasing polarization of politics, and the increasing influence of special interests. Through this retrospective look at Ron Paul's predictions, we explore the insights and foresight of this influential political figure and consider the implications of his prophecies for the future. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/5/202313 minutes, 52 seconds
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652: Empathy & Understanding - Key Strategies for Effectively Selling Libertarian Ideas

As libertarians, we often focus on individual liberty and personal responsibility when discussing how to solve America’s problems. But it's also important to consider the perspectives and experiences of those around us. Many Americans are struggling with a lack of economic opportunity and have been left behind by the current system. Increasingly, these individuals are looking to government as the only viable solution to their problems. In this episode, we explore how libertarians can use empathy and understanding to better understand and connect with others, and ultimately sell libertarian ideas to a wider audience. We discuss the importance of listening and asking questions, as well as the role of storytelling and building trust. We also address common misconceptions about libertarianism and offer strategies for combating them. Tune in to learn how you can use empathy and understanding to more effectively advocate for libertarianism. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/4/202312 minutes, 59 seconds
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651: Breaking the Taboo - The Case for Legalizing Psychedelics

In this episode of The Brian Nichols Show, we speak with criminal justice policy analyst Amy Pomeroy about the movement to legalize psychedelics.  We explore the arguments in favor of legalization, including the potential for psychedelics to be used as a treatment for mental health conditions, the cultural and spiritual significance of these substances, and the impact on the criminal justice system.  We also discuss the challenges and hurdles that must be overcome in order for legalization to be successful, and consider the future of psychedelic use for both medicinal and recreational purposes. Join us for a thought-provoking conversation about the complexities of psychedelic policy and the possibilities for a brighter future. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/3/202323 minutes, 13 seconds
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650: 3 Tips for Effectively Communicating Libertarian Ideas to Mainstream Audiences

As libertarians, we often face challenges when it comes to communicating our ideas to traditional or mainstream audiences.  It can be difficult to convince others to consider our positions, especially when they seem to go against the status quo.  But it doesn't have to be this way! With a little help, we can effectively connect with others and reach a wider audience.  In this video, we'll be sharing some tips on how to effectively communicate libertarian ideas to mainstream audiences. Tune in to learn more! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/2/202318 minutes, 44 seconds
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649: Living By Your Principles - Brian Nichols on "In Liberty and Health"

In this episode of "In Liberty and Health," host Kyle Matovcik sits down with guest Brian Nichols to discuss the importance of living by your principles. Brian shares his insights on how our principles guide our actions and shape the person we become, and offers advice on staying true to your values in the face of challenges. This engaging and thought-provoking conversation is sure to inspire and motivate listeners looking to deepen their understanding of the role of principles in their lives and how to live a fulfilling and meaningful life. Tune in to hear more from Brian Nichols on "In Liberty and Health." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/22/202258 minutes, 30 seconds
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648: Why Should Sales Professionals and Entrepreneurs Consider Libertarianism?

In this episode of The Brian Nichols Show, Brian discusses the similarities between libertarians, sales professionals, and entrepreneurs. He argues that sales professionals and entrepreneurs should consider libertarianism as a means to not only enact their political ideas, but also the values they embrace in their daily business endeavors. Brian highlights how principles such as avoiding debt, making smart investments, and understanding the importance of incentive structures are already enacted in the world of business and sales. He also discusses how libertarianism's focus on individual responsibility and freedom align with the principles and values of those in the sales and business world. Brian concludes by inviting sales professionals and entrepreneurs to consider libertarianism as a viable political option and to learn more about its principles and values. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/21/202213 minutes, 44 seconds
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647: The Twitter Files - FBI EDITION (Insights & Analysis)

In this episode, host Brian Nichols is joined by special guest Olivia Rondeau to discuss the latest developments in the world of Twitter.  We delve into the latest Twitter files and discuss the relationship between the platform and the FBI, as well as the various details that have come to light about the inner workings of the company. We also explore the impact that Twitter has on political discourse and the role it plays in shaping public opinion. We also discuss her new new podcast, "Undoctrination", which is set to launch on January 19th. This show aims to reach out to young people, Gen Z, women, and minorities and promote the message that there is no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to ideology. OH!! By the way... are you a candidate or thinking of tossing your hat in the ring this coming 2023 election cycle?   Whether it's local, state, or national office, my new Candidate School 101 course will give you weekly strategy sessions, roundtable discussions with other candidates, plus extra resources to help you CRUSH your election!   Try your EXCLUSIVE risk-free trial and get a complimentary "Campaign Messaging Scorecard" of your current campaign messaging with actionable recommendations on how to improve it. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/20/202226 minutes, 38 seconds
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646: How to Make Compelling Arguments that Win Over Voters? Expert Tips w/ VA Delegate Nick Freitas

On today's episode of The Brian Nichols Show, I'm joined by VA Delegate Nick Freitas to discuss the art of making effective arguments and pitches. Instead of focusing on winning arguments, Nick & I discuss the importance of meeting people where they're at on the issues they care about, and how to structure a convincing argument. Nick shares his background in the military and his experience as a delegate in the Virginia House of Representatives, as well as his views on the liberty wing of politics and philosophy. He discusses the importance of being able to explain your positions on issues to a broader audience, and how to present logical and compelling arguments that resonate with people. This episode will be helpful for anyone looking to improve their communication skills and effectively persuade others, whether you're a politician, public speaker, or just someone who wants to be more effective at persuading others. Don't miss it! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/19/202231 minutes, 7 seconds
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645: Are You Ready for RON?!

Are you Ready for Ron?! Ready for Ron is the only credible independent group working to draft Florida Governor Ron DeSantis for President in 2024. Their new initiative is focused on recruiting military, veterans, and their families to sign their petition and encourage Governor DeSantis to run. Listen as we're joined by Captain Bob "Shoebob" Carey, US Navy (Ret), of Ready for Ron to discuss why he feels Governor DeSantis is the best candidate for President. We also discuss how Governor DeSantis has the opportunity to be a game-changer in the Republican Primary and why Florida is crucial for their success. OH!! By the way... are you a candidate or thinking of tossing your hat in the ring this coming 2023 election cycle?   Whether it's local, state, or national office, my new Candidate School 101 course will give you weekly strategy sessions, roundtable discussions with other candidates, plus extra resources to help you CRUSH your election!   Try your EXCLUSIVE risk-free trial and get a complimentary "Campaign Messaging Scorecard" of your current campaign messaging with actionable recommendations on how to improve it.   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/16/202224 minutes, 40 seconds
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644: Sell More by Criticizing Less

Discover the power of persuasive influence with Brian Nichols as he explores the art of selling liberty through compassion and understanding. In this episode of The Brian Nichols Show, you'll learn how to revolutionize your approach to political discourse and captivate the hearts and minds of those around you. Are you tired of ineffective criticism and the alienation that comes with it? Let Brian show you how a simple shift in perspective can make all the difference. Hear his personal story of how a doctor's heartfelt expression of love impacted his life, and learn how to apply these principles to your own activism. Ready to transform the way you communicate and make a lasting impact on the world? Join Brian as he uncovers the secrets of selling liberty by criticizing less, and discover a new way to reach people on a deeper level. Get ready to take your activism to the next level - tune in now! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/15/202214 minutes, 9 seconds
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643: End the Duopoly: New Indie Film "LET'S PARTY" Challenges Two-Party System

Are you tired of feeling trapped by the two-party system in the United States? Do you believe that supporting third parties is not a wasted effort? If so, then you'll love the new indie film "LET'S PARTY". In this thought-provoking movie, director Brad Lyon (@BradLeoLyon) challenges the notion that the only viable political options in America are limited to the Democratic and Republican parties. Through engaging storytelling and compelling arguments, "LET'S PARTY" makes a powerful case for the importance of supporting third parties and breaking the duopoly. This is a re-airing of our popular episode featuring the movie's director, so don't miss your chance to see it again and spread the word. Together, we can end the duopoly and open up the political landscape to new possibilities! OH!! By the way... are you a candidate or thinking of tossing your hat in the ring this coming 2023 election cycle?   Whether it's local, state, or national office, my new Candidate School 101 course will give you weekly strategy sessions, roundtable discussions with other candidates, plus extra resources to help you CRUSH your election!   Try your EXCLUSIVE risk-free trial and get a complimentary "Campaign Messaging Scorecard" of your current campaign messaging with actionable recommendations on how to improve it. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/14/202239 minutes, 56 seconds
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642: How Libertarians Can Effectively Communicate with Gen Z!?

In this episode, we're excited to bring you an interview with Theodore Gercken, the head of the Libertarian Youth Caucus.  We'll highlight the challenges that libertarians face in connecting with this younger generation, and offer some solutions for overcoming these obstacles. Tune in to hear Theodore's Gen Z insights and advice on how to engage with Gen Z and effectively communicate our message.  Don't miss this opportunity to learn more about how to connect with the next generation of political activists! OH!! By the way... are you a candidate or thinking of tossing your hat in the ring this coming 2023 election cycle?   Whether it's local, state, or national office, my new Candidate School 101 course will give you weekly strategy sessions, roundtable discussions with other candidates, plus extra resources to help you CRUSH your election!   Try your EXCLUSIVE risk-free trial and get a complimentary "Campaign Messaging Scorecard" of your current campaign messaging with actionable recommendations on how to improve it. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/13/202228 minutes, 6 seconds
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641: Benghazi - 10 Years Later

In this special episode of the program, we are joined by former US diplomat Ethan Chorin to discuss the events of Benghazi - 10 Years Later.  Chorin was one of a few US diplomats posted to Libya in 2004 and was in Benghazi at the time of the attack on the US mission in 2012. We will delve into the political climate at the time, the aftermath of the attack, and Chorin's thoughts on the current state of affairs in Libya. Chorin brings a unique perspective to the conversation, having been on the ground in Libya during a crucial time in the country's history. He will provide insight into the events leading up to the attack on the US mission, as well as the response from the US government. We will also discuss the ongoing conflict and instability in Libya, and what the future may hold for the country. In addition to his diplomatic experience, Chorin is also a political analyst and author (Benghazi! A New History of the Fiasco that Pushed America and its World to the Brink), with a deep understanding of the complex dynamics at play in Libya. Tune in for a fascinating and informative conversation with an insider's perspective on Benghazi. OH!! By the way... are you a candidate or thinking of tossing your hat in the ring this coming 2023 election cycle?   Whether it's local, state, or national office, my new Candidate School 101 course will give you weekly strategy sessions, roundtable discussions with other candidates, plus extra resources to help you CRUSH your election!   Try your EXCLUSIVE risk-free trial and get a complimentary "Campaign Messaging Scorecard" of your current campaign messaging with actionable recommendations on how to improve it. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/12/202227 minutes, 52 seconds
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640: The Road to Texas Independence

On today's episode, we're joined once again by Daniel Miller, the president of the Texas Nationalist Movement, to discuss TEXIT, the movement advocating for Texas to become an independent nation. Listen as we talk about the history of the movement and its growing support, as well as the challenges and potential obstacles it faces. Don't miss this fascinating conversation with a leading figure in the fight for Texas independence. Be sure to hit that subscribe button and join the discussion in the comments below! OH!! By the way... are you a candidate or thinking of tossing your hat in the ring this coming 2023 election cycle?   Whether it's local, state, or national office, my new Candidate School 101 course will give you weekly strategy sessions, roundtable discussions with other candidates, plus extra resources to help you CRUSH your election!   Try your EXCLUSIVE risk-free trial and get a complimentary "Campaign Messaging Scorecard" of your current campaign messaging with actionable recommendations on how to improve it. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/9/202232 minutes, 54 seconds
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639: The Rise of the Educational Entrepreneur

On today's episode, I'm once again joined by Kerry McDonald, Senior Education Fellow from FEE (the Foundation for Economic Education)! In this episode, we explore the rise of educational entrepreneurship during the COVID-19 pandemic. As schools and universities closed their doors, many educators took the opportunity to start their own businesses, providing online learning resources and services. With the future of education uncertain, educational entrepreneurship offers a viable career option for educators looking to take control of their own destiny. Tune in to learn more about this exciting trend and how you can join the ranks of successful educational entrepreneurs. OH!! By the way... are you a candidate or thinking of tossing your hat in the ring this coming 2023 election cycle?   Whether it's local, state, or national office, my new Candidate School 101 course will give you weekly strategy sessions, roundtable discussions with other candidates, plus extra resources to help you CRUSH your election!   Try your EXCLUSIVE risk-free trial and get a complimentary "Campaign Messaging Scorecard" of your current campaign messaging with actionable recommendations on how to improve it. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/8/202226 minutes, 25 seconds
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638: Elon Musk & "The Twitter Files"

On today's episode, I'm joined once again by Jack Hunter from BASED Politics, this time talking about the recent release of "The Twitter Files" that is exposing all sorts of corruption behind the scenes. Jack and I talk about the corruption that has been exposed, including how Twitter censors conservatives, how they use their power to get Democrats elected, and much more. We also discuss how these files confirm what we already knew about Twitter and other social media companies: they don't care about free speech, they're helping the government and political actors censor speech, and even ban people for their political views.  OH!! By the way... are you a candidate or thinking of tossing your hat in the ring this coming 2023 election cycle?   Whether it's local, state, or national office, my new Candidate School 101 course will give you weekly strategy sessions, roundtable discussions with other candidates, plus extra resources to help you CRUSH your election!   Try your EXCLUSIVE risk-free trial and get a complimentary "Campaign Messaging Scorecard" of your current campaign messaging with actionable recommendations on how to improve it. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/7/202224 minutes, 47 seconds
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637: What's Next for the GOP?

On today's episode, I'm joined once again by Ted Harvey from to discuss the future of the GOP as we head towards the 2024 election.  Ted and I discuss what he thinks is going to happen with Republican leadership and if he thinks they will be able to win back the White House in 2024. We also talk about his predictions for who will be running against Trump in 2024, as well as what kind of issues we're going to see come up during this election cycle. OH!! By the way... are you a candidate or thinking of tossing your hat in the ring this coming 2023 election cycle?   Whether it's local, state, or national office, my new Candidate School 101 course will give you weekly strategy sessions, roundtable discussions with other candidates, plus extra resources to help you CRUSH your election!   Try your EXCLUSIVE risk-free trial and get a complimentary "Campaign Messaging Scorecard" of your current campaign messaging with actionable recommendations on how to improve it. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/6/202226 minutes, 58 seconds
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636: Is this the End of the Communist Chinese Party!?

On today's episode, I'm joined once again by Jason Szeftel to discuss all of the recent happenings in China, namely, the recent nationwide protests in response to the CCP's authoritarian response to COVID. We'll also talk about whether or not this is the end of the Chinese Communist Party and what it means for them going forward. The world has been shocked by the images coming out of China over the past few weeks, with millions of people taking to the streets across the country. These protests have been met with varying levels of force by authorities. Is this a sign that Chinese citizens are finally rising up against an oppressive government and demanding more rights? Jason has done extensive research on both China and its political history, and today he'll help us sort through what these demonstrations mean for China's future—and for our own! OH!! By the way... are you a candidate or thinking of tossing your hat in the ring this coming 2023 election cycle?   Whether it's local, state, or national office, my new Candidate School 101 course will give you weekly strategy sessions, roundtable discussions with other candidates, plus extra resources to help you CRUSH your election!   Try your EXCLUSIVE risk-free trial and get a complimentary "Campaign Messaging Scorecard" of your current campaign messaging with actionable recommendations on how to improve it. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/5/202225 minutes, 26 seconds
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635: Did The Science™ of COVID Change? Or Did The Science™ Move the Goalposts?

On today's episode, I'm going back to January 2021, when we were joined by our good friend, Nick Hudson from PANDA, where Nick outlined how the government lockdowns and the related intrusions on civil liberties posed a serious threat not only to lives, but to civilization itself. Nick's message was powerful and clear then as it is now: that the science was not "settled" when discussing COVID-19 as The Science™ tried to claim back in 2021, and that it was essential for us to keep fighting for justice in the name of all those who had died and suffered. OH!! By the way... are you a candidate or thinking of tossing your hat in the ring this coming 2023 election cycle?   Whether it's local, state, or national office, my new Candidate School 101 course will give you weekly strategy sessions, roundtable discussions with other candidates, plus extra resources to help you CRUSH your election!   Try your EXCLUSIVE risk-free trial and get a complimentary "Campaign Messaging Scorecard" of your current campaign messaging with actionable recommendations on how to improve it. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/2/202237 minutes, 23 seconds
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634: How Can Libertarians can Take on the Duopoly (and Win) using Guerrilla Politics!?

On today's episode, I'm going back to 2020 with a conversation with Curt (Libertarian) from Checkmate the State to discuss his awesome article over on Substack, "How Libertarians can Take on the Duopoly and Win". Curt's article breaks down why libertarians need to take advantage of the current political climate and how they can do it. He also talks about how important it is for libertarians to get involved in the political process, even if they don't want to vote or run for office themselves. I really enjoyed this conversation and I think you will too! OH!! By the way... are you a candidate or thinking of tossing your hat in the ring this coming 2023 election cycle?   Whether it's local, state, or national office, my new Candidate School 101 course will give you weekly strategy sessions, roundtable discussions with other candidates, plus extra resources to help you CRUSH your election!   Try your EXCLUSIVE risk-free trial and get a complimentary "Campaign Messaging Scorecard" of your current campaign messaging with actionable recommendations on how to improve it. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/1/202244 minutes, 53 seconds
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633: 5 Ways to INSTANTLY Improve Your Persuasion & Communication Skills OVERNIGHT

On today's episode, I'm riding solo as I outline 5 Ways to INSTANTLY Improve Your Persuasion & Communication Skills OVERNIGHT. Persuasion is a crucial skill for anyone in business—whether you're convincing your boss to give you a raise or trying to close a client on the phone. But it's not as easy as it sounds. In fact, some people spend years learning how to persuade others and still don't get it right! So, what are some ways that you can improve your persuasion skills and be a better communicator?  It's a question asked by politicians, business leaders, psychologists, and just about anyone who wants to be successful in life. The answer is not as simple as some would make it out to be.  OH!! By the way... are you a candidate or thinking of tossing your hat in the ring this coming 2023 election cycle?   Whether it's local, state, or national office, my new Candidate School 101 course will give you weekly strategy sessions, roundtable discussions with other candidates, plus extra resources to help you CRUSH your election! Try your EXCLUSIVE risk-free trial and get a complimentary "Campaign Messaging Scorecard" of your current campaign messaging with actionable recommendations on how to improve it.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/30/202211 minutes, 43 seconds
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632: What Does It Take To Win Elections?

What does it take to win elections? On today's episode, I'm joined by Bryan Rivera from Texas Hometown Strategies to talk about how actually win elections using door-knocking/canvassing, hard work, and more! Bryan is one of the most sought-after consultants in Texas, and he has an incredible track record of helping candidates win. I wanted to talk to Bryan because he works magic on campaigns, and as someone who's worked dozens of campaigns myself, I wanted to learn his secrets.  Bryan's a great guy and easy to talk to, so if you want some advice on how to win elections, this is the episode for you. We'll cover: -Why door-knocking and canvassing are critical for winning elections -The benefits of organizing events with volunteers -How to stay connected with voters in your district -And more! OH!! By the way... are you a candidate or thinking of tossing your hat in the ring this coming 2023 election cycle?   Whether it's local, state, or national office, my new Candidate School 101 course will give you weekly strategy sessions, roundtable discussions with other candidates, plus extra resources to help you CRUSH your election! Try your EXCLUSIVE risk-free trial and get a complimentary "Campaign Messaging Scorecard" of your current campaign messaging with actionable recommendations on how to improve it. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/29/202231 minutes, 28 seconds
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631: Fact Don't Care About Feelings...?

"Facts don't care about your feelings."   Hmm, where have we heard that before?   While the "facts over feelings" approach to selling politics may be the favorite of some conservative talking heads, let's look at the fact that the most persuasive people in the world use emotions. If you're a salesperson, you know that it's easy to fall into a trap of thinking that all you have to do is present the facts about your product or service—but that's not enough. You've got to make sure your audience is emotionally invested in what you're telling them. You can't just tell them that your product is better—you have to show them why it's better! And if you don't do this, they won't care about what you have to say—and then they won't buy from you. Today, I'm riding solo today to talk about the importance of not simply focusing on facts and figures when selling, but also on emotions and feelings. OH!! By the way... are you a candidate or thinking of tossing your hat in the ring this coming 2023 election cycle? Whether it's local, state, or national office, my new Candidate School 101 course will give you weekly strategy sessions, roundtable discussions with other candidates, plus extra resources to help you CRUSH your election! Try your EXCLUSIVE risk-free trial and get a complimentary "Campaign Messaging Scorecard" of your current campaign messaging with actionable recommendations on how to improve it. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/28/202211 minutes, 59 seconds
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630: Selling Libertarianism at the Thanksgiving Dinner Table

Do you have family members who believe in big government, who think that taxes are good and that they're paying into a system that helps everyone? How do you convince them otherwise? Do you try to educate them on all the ways that government harms people through its programs and policies, or do you just tell them about how it's stealing from them? On today's episode, I'm heading over to Dan "Taxation is Theft" Behrman's aptly named podcast, "Taxation is Theft" from back in 2020. The topic we discussed fits perfectly with everyone likely sitting down for Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow - how do we sell liberty to those outside of our bubble? We talked about some tactics for convincing people outside of our bubble - but let's get real: most of us don't have time for an hour-long conversation about politics at Thanksgiving. What can we do when faced with these conversations as quickly as possible? We've got some tips for that too! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/23/20221 hour, 22 minutes, 16 seconds
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629: Can We Solve Our Mental Health Crisis via Psychedelic Pharmaceutical Medicines?

On today's episode, I'm joined by Chad Harman, Chief Executive Officer of Psycheceutical, who answers that very question and how his team at Psycheceutical is helping blaze the trail forward in this space. Psycheceutical is focused on developing innovative solutions to society's most pressing problems using psychedelics as medicines. Through their research, they've found that psychedelics are a powerful tool for treating mental health issues like depression and anxiety. They believe that psychedelics have the potential to be used as a therapeutic aid for people with conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and even schizophrenia—all without the side effects of current pharmaceutical medications. In this conversation, we discuss: -The current state of our mental health crisis and what it's doing to us as a society -How psychedelic pharmaceuticals can help treat depression and other disorders -How Psycheceutical is making this happen now instead of later - How psychedelic medicines can help people with mental health problems - Why there are so many misconceptions around these drugs Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/22/202231 minutes, 59 seconds
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628: Can We Sell More Liberty By Saying Less?

Want to sell more?   Then try saying less.   Sounds counterintuitive, I know. But it’s true.   In fact, many of the most successful consumer brands and political organizations in the world do just that—and it works for them.   So, how can we do the same thing in the world of liberty politics? Can we sell more liberty by saying less?   Here's the thing: people are busy. They don't have time to read long emails/posts or watch long videos—and they definitely don't have time to sit through your long, rambling pitch.   Couple that with the fact that they have to worry about literally everything else in their lives and you've got a recipe for disaster. But what if we could cut through all of that clutter and get straight to the point? What if we could give people the information they need, quickly and concisely, so they don't have to wade through all of our political jargon?   Well, have no fear... not only is it possible, but on today's episode, I'm going to show you how. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/21/202210 minutes, 28 seconds
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627: What's Next For MAGA & Donald Trump!?

On today's episode, I'm joined once again by IFBB pro Marc Lobliner, this time discussing the culture of the GOP and what's next for MAGA and Donald Trump. Marc has been a close friend of mine for years and has always been one of my favorite people to talk politics with. He has a unique insight into the Republican party, which he brings to the table in this episode. We discuss whether or not Trump is still relevant, and what his future may hold. We also discuss the GOP, who they are and what they stand for, as well as the current state of the party and what's next for the GOP. It's definitely one of my favorite episodes yet! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/18/202230 minutes, 1 second
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626: Building a Culture of Liberty with Black Guns Matter

On today's episode, I'm joined by Maj Toure from Black Guns Matter to discuss the importance of building a culture of liberty when reaching out to black Americans. Maj is an incredible advocate for liberty and self-ownership. His organization has helped bring many people into the Libertarian movement and he's a true inspiration to us all. We talk about: -The importance of building trust in order to reach out effectively to black Americans -How people can get started on their own journey towards freedom through Black Guns Matter workshops -A radical program that will help violence reduction in black communities by using firearms as a way to empower young people and teach them how to be responsible gun owners Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/17/202227 minutes, 6 seconds
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625: Activists vs Candidates Who's Most Effective??

In the greater liberty movement, you'll find more often than not that our candidates running for office are also our most vocal activists. But is that the best way to approach running for office?  It's not uncommon to see a candidate run for office and then lose, only to then become even more vocal. As an example, when Ron Paul lost his bid for the presidency in 2008 and 2012, he became even more outspoken about it than before.  Today, we go back to 2020 when Larry Sharpe joined the program to help outline how both candidates and activists are needed in the great liberty movement, and how each serves very different/unique roles in the greater scheme of things. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/16/202243 minutes, 16 seconds
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624: Americans HATE Each Other - And That's a Problem

The United States is often thought of as a melting pot, where people from all over the world come together and work together to build a better future. But it looks like that ain't happening anymore. According to a recent study, Americans are more divided than ever before, as the report found that over the past three decades, Americans have become increasingly segregated by political ideology.  This is especially true when it comes to social media. The study found that most Americans now surround themselves with people who think like them, and as a result, are less likely to seek out different perspectives or engage in meaningful conversation. So, what can we do about it? On today's episode, we go back to 2020 with my interview with Associate Professor of Philosophy Kevin Vallier joins the show to discuss his new book, "Trust in a Polarized Age". We dive into what exactly has changed in America and why it's causing us to distrust each other more than ever before. Kevin and I talk about the philosophical roots of our political polarization, why someone would want to live in a bubble, and how we can break out of it. We also discuss what it means to be "trustworthy" in today's polarized political climate. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/15/202249 minutes, 46 seconds
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623: JUSTICE for Workers Injured By Employer-Mandated Vaccines

On today's episode, I'm joined by Ben Carlisle, the worker’s rights attorney for New York seeking to obtain justice for workers who were injured by the COVID vaccines. Ben explains how his team has been working tirelessly to help get COVID vaccine victims compensated and treated. He also shares some insight into how these victims will be able to obtain compensation in the future as well as what he thinks this means for other workers across the country who have been injured by their employer-mandated vaccines. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/14/202228 minutes, 42 seconds
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622: Can Libertarianism Help Save the WORLD?!

I'm sure you've heard that libertarianism is the political philosophy of selfishness and anarchy. But what if I told you that it's not? What if I told you that libertarianism is the only political philosophy that offers us a chance to truly save the world? On today's episode, I present a series of reasons why libertarianism offers some brilliant solutions to many of the world's problems. We'll talk about 5 ways in which libertarianism can save humanity: Libertarianism recognizes the beauty and importance of individual identity and freedom Libertarian education reforms will help children focus on true education versus blind indoctrination Libertarian taxation reforms would unleash economic growth and prosperity by eliminating corporate loopholes while empowering entrepreneurs/business owners Libertarian policies eliminate government overreach, allowing individuals and their communities to have more autonomy Libertarianism can help prevent nuclear war" What are your thoughts? Do you think libertarianism can save the world? Let me know down below in the comments! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/11/202219 minutes, 21 seconds
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621: 3 Biases Faced When Selling Liberty

On today's episode, I'm riding solo discussing the 3 common biases you'll face when selling liberty. In this video, we'll discuss: - The first bias is the ostrich bias. This is when people refuse to acknowledge that a negative outcome is coming from a decision they made, so they "put their heads in the sand". - The second bias is confirmation bias. This is when people listen only to what they want to hear and ignore all other information presented to them. - The third bias is bandwagon bias/groupthink. This happens when individuals with similar beliefs come together and form their own group, which causes them to "go along" with one another and ignore any opposing views that are presented to them. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/10/202212 minutes, 29 seconds
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620: GOP... WTF Just Happened?!

On today's episode, I'm joined once again by Kenny Cody, walking through the less-than-stellar election results for the GOP last night during the midterm elections. Yeah... uh... GOP... What The F*** Just Happened?! We're talking about how this very lukewarm GOP win could have happened and what it means for the future for Trump, Ron DeSantis, and the GOP going forward. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/9/202240 minutes, 46 seconds
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BONUS: Liberty Strategy, Marketing, & Messaging (Brian Nichols on Radical w/ Shane Hazel)

On today's episode, I'm sharing my appearance over on Radical with Shane Hazel! Listen as we talked liberty strategy, marketing, and messaging that WINS! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/8/202256 minutes, 28 seconds
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619: A Look at NY & PA (Election 2022)

On today's episode, I'm joined once again by Mahgdalen Rose to talk about the upcoming 2022 midterm elections and what to expect in NY and PA.  We'll be talking about the candidates, issues, and everything you need to know before the big day. Leave your 2022 election result prediction down below in the comments! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/7/202226 minutes, 45 seconds
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618: CONFIRMED!? - Donald Trump 2024!?

This is not a drill: Donald Trump is running for president again. On today's episode, I'm riding solo discussing the breaking news that Donald Trump appears poised to launch his return bid to the White House in 2024. How will Donald Trump’s re-election campaign affect the Republican Party? What does it mean for Libertarians? And what does the return of Trump mean for Republicans who have been desperate to move on from his presidency? What are your thoughts on Donald Trump’s third run for the White House?  Let me know in the comments below! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/4/202216 minutes, 58 seconds
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617: BONUS - Understanding Local Politics (Brian Nichols on The Boss Hog of Liberty Podcast)

I joined the amazing crew over at The Boss Hog of Liberty last night to talk about the importance of local politics, creating a culture of liberty (before trying to make political wins), and how politics change from locality to locality. What are politics like where you live? Let us know down below in the comment! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/4/20221 hour, 27 minutes, 23 seconds
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616: GOP vs. LP? - Are We Winning Hearts & Minds, Winning Elections, or Both?

Are we winning hearts and minds, winning elections, or both? On today's episode, I'm joined by Kenny Cody and Jeremy Todd to talk about Blake Masters recently receiving the endorsement of Libertarian US Senate candidate, Marc Victor, and the implications of that endorsement. Kenny and Jeremy also discuss the importance of winning hearts and minds as well as elections, how the LP can grow beyond party politics, and much more. Listen as we discuss what it means for the liberty movement and Libertarian Party in 2022, and what it means for the future of politics. We'll also talk about what the endorsement means for Victor's campaign and why he endorsed Masters. Let us know your thoughts down below in the comments! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/2/202259 minutes, 57 seconds
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615: Can this Libertarian Candidate for Governor Help Free Pennsylvania From Tyranny?

On today's episode, I'm joined by Matt Hackenburg, Libertarian candidate for Governor of Pennsylvania. Matt is running on a platform of liberty and freedom. He believes that the state should not be involved in any way in people's lives, except to protect their rights. We discuss what he plans to do as governor if he wins and how he hopes to bring about a more free and open society in Pennsylvania. I had a great time talking with Matt and hope you enjoy our conversation! Episode Outline:  Can This Libertarian Help Free Pennsylvania From Tyranny? Why Matt is running for office as a libertarian. How do we afford to heat our homes in the winter? What will Governor Hackenberg do to help the residents of Pennsylvania? What would Matt do differently going forward if another Covid-19 strain popped up? What would Matt do differently to help people feel more free to defend themselves in Pennsylvania? What does Matt consider to be success? Where can you reach out to Matt? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/1/202223 minutes, 18 seconds
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614: Do We Need to Declare a Pandemic Amnesty?

On today's episode, I'm riding solo once again to talk about a recent article over at The Atlantic by Emily Oster - "Let's Declare a Pandemic Amnesty". Emily, who forced her kids to mask while hiking OUTSIDE now says we need to forgive one another for what we did and said when we were "in the dark about COVID". Today, I outline why my answer to her plea is an emphatic "NO". Give your thoughts down below in the comments! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/31/202233 minutes, 13 seconds
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613: So... How DO We Sell Our Ideas?

On today's episode, I'm riding solo once again, today sharing my reaction towards a recent episode of Dave Smith's "Part of the Problem" where Dave gave his take as to how we sell our ideas. After listening to his recent episode of "Part of the Problem" (How We Sell Our Ideas), I've got to say—he's spot on. Dave shares his take on how we sell our ideas, and it never hurts to take a step back and evaluate our actions in the context of what we're trying to accomplish. If you want to sell your ideas, maybe you need to be more strategic about how you present them! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/28/202224 minutes, 34 seconds
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612: Does Democracy Sell?

On today's episode, I'm joined riding solo, sharing my thoughts on Justin Amash's remarks at the LP of Illinois State Gala, where he proposed that Libertarians should take "democracy, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights" as their messaging differentiators when trying to sell our ideas. Is he right? I can't help but think that if we follow through with this strategy, we'll end up selling a lot of things that are not inherently Libertarian—the same way that "Hope & Change" was a message that appealed to many people who don't know what they're getting behind when they hear it.  The truth is that most Americans aren't really interested in hearing about democracy right now—rather, they're interested in security and prosperity for themselves and their families.  Personally, I don't think that message doesn't address either of those concerns, but you tell me... Does democracy sell? Let us know down below in the comments! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/27/202223 minutes, 48 seconds
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611: Fighting for What Matters - Kyle Sefcik, Unaffiliated Write-In for Governor of Maryland

On today's episode, I'm joined once again by Kyle Sefcik, Unaffiliated Write-In for Governor of Maryland! We discuss how he got into politics, what he's doing to fight for what matters and how we can all do the same. What are some of the issues that are most important to you? Let us know in the comments below! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/21/202244 minutes, 23 seconds
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610: 10 Years of Legal Recreational Cannabis

On today's episode, I'm joined by Brian Vicente and Mason Tvert as we celebrate the 10th anniversary of Amendment 64, which legalized cannabis in Colorado.  A lot has changed since then—and a lot more will change in the next 10 years!  We will be discussing their experience working with the legal cannabis industry in Colorado over the past 10 years, what they've learned along the way, and where they see things going in the future! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/20/202227 minutes, 21 seconds
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609: How Do We Fix Our Broken Voting Systems?!

On today's episode, we're going back to an episode from the 2020 election cycle, as we listen to our conversation with Aaron Hamlin from the Center for Election Science who explains how approval voting can help fix our broken voting systems. Aaron shares his thoughts on why approval voting is such a promising solution to the problems with our current voting systems and why we need to implement it sooner rather than later. He also talks about how approval voting could be implemented on a state-by-state basis and what it would take for that to happen. We hope you enjoy this episode! If you have any questions or comments, please leave them in the comments section below or send us an email at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/19/202235 minutes, 29 seconds
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608: Eternal Spring - The Falun Gong's Fight Against Communist Chinese Party Propaganda & Persecution

On today's episode, I'm joined by Jason Loftus, filmmaker and director of Eternal Spring (2022). Eternal Spring is a documentary that shows the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China, who have been targeted by the Communist Chinese Party for their belief systems. When Falun Gong was first introduced to China in the 1990s, it quickly gained popularity among Chinese citizens who were looking for a way to improve their health and spiritual well-being. By 1999, there were a reported 70 million practicing Falun Gong members in China. That same year, however, the Chinese Communist Party outlawed the practice of Falun Gong altogether and began a brutal campaign against its practitioners. Today, we discuss the Falun Gong's fight against Chinese Communist Party propaganda and persecution, as we dig into the story of a group of heroes who sought to highjack the CCP corporate television broadcasts in 2002. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/18/202223 minutes, 54 seconds
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607: Can this Libertarian from Louisiana Help Change the Future of America!?

On today's episode, I'm joined by Rufus Craig, Libertarian candidate for Congress (LA-6). Rufus is an independent thinker who's not afraid to stand up for what he believes in. He has a history of challenging the status quo, whether it be through his work as a lawyer or his campaign to change the future of our country. In this episode we talk about: -Why he decided to run for office -His approach to politics and how it differs from other candidates' approaches -The importance of voting and getting informed about policy issues Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/17/202227 minutes, 48 seconds
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606: How Can Sales Strategies Help Push Musicians & Artists to the Next Level!?

On today's episode, I'm over on Chis Goyzueta's podcast, "Making it with Chris G", where I'm helping explain how sales strategies can help musicians and artists take their craft to the next level. You'll hear us discuss: -How to tap into your own skills to create more opportunities in your industry -How to identify who your audience really is and what they really want -Why it's important for you to be real about what you're offering your fans If you're looking for some new ways to boost your sales this year, then this episode is for YOU! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/14/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 5 seconds
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605: How Can Addressing Mental Health Help Fix Our Politics?

On today's episode, I'm joined by Libertarian candidate for Congress, Sean Armstrong (NJ-9). We talk about how addressing mental health can help fix our politics. Sean is a strong advocate for one of the most important issues of our time: mental health.  Sean is running to fix the problems in our politics by addressing mental health. Listen in as we talk about how he plans to change the way we think about mental health and how it relates to politics. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/13/202227 minutes, 42 seconds
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604: How Does this Libertarian Candidate Plan to Take back Our Rights, Liberties, & Freedoms!?

On today's episode, I'm joined by Libertarian candidate for Congress, Tonya Millis! We're talking about what it's like to run as a third-party candidate in the United States and how she plans to take back our rights, liberties, and freedoms. Tonya is running for U.S. Congress and she talks with me today about the Libertarian Party's beliefs on healthcare, taxes, the federal government, and more! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/12/202226 minutes, 38 seconds
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603: Changing Hearts, Minds, & Laws to Build a Freer Society

On today's episode, I'm joined by Connor Boyack from the Libertas Institute! Connor and I discuss the ways in which his organization is changing hearts and minds to build a freer society by using writing not children's books, but family resources in their Tuttle Twin series. We also talk about how they use market-based solutions (like Opportunity Sandboxes) to create change, and how they're working to make people aware of the power they have to change their government. It's a great conversation about an important topic, so I hope you enjoy it! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/11/202231 minutes
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602: Remembering Gary Collins (1970-2022) - Do the Right Thing, Even When Everything Seems Wrong

Hey folks... a much more somber episode today, as today we remember the life of our good friend, Gary Collins. Gary passed away last month, stunning those of us who loved him and cherished his friendship. Gary has joined us here at The Brian Nichols Show many a time, teaching us life lessons, how to live "the Simple Life", and how to best balance our three-legged stool in life.  Today, I wanted to share some of my favorite memories and moments from my having Gary on the program over the years. Please take some time to listen to his words and take them to heart... life is far too short otherwise. I'm going to miss you, my friend. Until we meet again. In Memory of Gary Collins (1970-2022). "Doing the right thing is always harder than doing the wrong thing." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/10/20221 hour, 25 minutes, 58 seconds
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601: Nuclear Energy & the Future Nuclear-Based Power - Nuclear Solutions for Energy Independence & Planetary Prosperity

On today's episode, we're going back into the archives as we listen to my conversation with Mark Schneider on the future of nuclear energy. Nuclear energy is one of the most controversial energy sources in modern society. Supporters claim it's clean and cheap, while detractors point to safety concerns and nuclear waste as reasons why it should be phased out. But what do we actually know about nuclear energy? Is there a future for it? And what are some alternatives that might help us achieve a cleaner, more sustainable world? Original Show Notes (July 2021): Many people are turning away from conventional power, and opting for sustainable solutions. Nuclear power plants may not be spiking headlines, but they are being eyed as a viable option for the future. The future of nuclear energy production is in strong hands because unlike many other aspects of life, nuclear power is an option that will ALWAYS be needed. Mark Schneider joins the program to help show how the advancements in nuclear energy have created solutions that answer the questions of climate change, energy independence, and planetary prosperity. But what about the common objections we hear about nuclear energy? Are nuclear power plants safe? Are nuclear power plants efficient? Are nuclear power plants bad for the environment? Can nuclear waste be recycled? Mark answers and overcomes all those objections (and more) on today's information-packed episode of The Brian Nichols Show! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/7/202231 minutes, 38 seconds
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600: Black Liberation Through the Marketplace - Hope, Heartbreak, and the Promise of America

On today's episode, I'm joined by Rachel Ferguson and Marcus Witcher to discuss their new book, "Black Liberation Through the Marketplace: Hope, Heartbreak, and the Promise of America". If we face America’s racial history squarely, will it mean that the American project is a failure? Conversely, if we think the American project is a worthy endeavor, do we have to lie, downplay or equivocate about our past? Join us as we discuss the topic of black liberation through the marketplace in an optimistic tone that takes into account both hope and heartbreak in our nation's history. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/6/202231 minutes, 46 seconds
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599: 3 Ways Libertarians Can "WOW!" Their Target Market

Hey guys! On today's episode, I'm riding solo, outlining 3 ways libertarians can WOW their target market to help WIN their elections! Libertarians have a tough road ahead of them. They're fighting for a cause that is misunderstood by many, and they're up against some of the biggest corporations and most powerful political parties in the world. But guess what? Libertarians are fighting for something great—something worth fighting for. That's why it's important for libertarians to understand how to connect with their target market. In this episode, I'll show you 3 ways you can WOW your target market so they know what you're all about and get on board with your message! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/5/202214 minutes, 55 seconds
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598: Elon Musk to Officially Buy Twitter - (And Ruffles Feathers For Asking Question on Ukraine?)

On today's episode, I'm joined by John Odermatt to discuss Elon Musk officially positioning himself to move forward with his acquiring Twitter, PLUS we talk about him trying to avoid World War III/nuclear war over the Russia/Ukraine conflict. This is a big day for Twitter, and it's a big day for Elon Musk. The Tesla CEO has officially announced that he will be buying out Twitter from its current shareholders in an effort to turn it into a profitable company. But how will this work? And why does he want it so badly? In addition to talking about the implications of this news for Twitter and Elon Musk himself, we also talked about how he's been involved in some pretty controversial issues recently—like his trying to cool tensions in a possible WWIII/nuclear war situation. Studio Sponsor ➡ Stratus ip: Don't let cyber attacks or old technology slow your company down. Learn more at or schedule a consultation at  Stratus ip - Business Technology - Simplified Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/4/202227 minutes, 19 seconds
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597: Don't Argue with Donkeys - (Even When they Say the Grass is Blue!)

On today's episode, I'm joined by some very special guests: donkeys! Okay, no, that's not true... actually, it's me riding solo, but today, we're talking about why you should never, and I mean NEVER, argue with donkeys. Even if they say the grass is blue. But… why not? Why would a donkey ever even suggest that the grass was anything other than green? This week, we're going to explore this question and more as I take you through the old tale of why you should never argue with a donkey, no matter what color it claims its grass is. And how does this apply to sales and politics?? The answer might surprise you. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/3/202216 minutes, 7 seconds
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596: Winning Libertarian Solutions For Indiana (And Beyond!)

On today's episode, I'm joined once again by James Sceniak, Libertarian candidate for US Senate in Indiana! We're going to talk about James' platform and how it aligns with the Libertarian party's values. We'll also discuss how he plans to be a voice for the people of Indiana—and how that can translate across the country. I hope you enjoy this conversation as much as I did! Show Outline -What’s going on in Indiana? -How do we get more Libertarians into positions of power to make a difference? -James talks about his new fix to the broken healthcare system for our veterans. -The Federal Reserve directly affects inflation, and we have to explain how. -What’s the libertarian approach to medical freedom and why does it matter? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/30/202233 minutes
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595: 4 Steps to Overcome Political Apathy/Status Quo

Hi, folks! I'm back again, and today I'm talking about overcoming political apathy and the status quo in 4 easy steps! We all know that the world is a mess right now. But we also know that it's up to us—the people—to make it a better place. So how do we get out there and make our voices heard? Well, today I'll be sharing my thoughts on how we can overcome political apathy and the status quo in 4 easy steps. Let me know what you think in the comments below! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/29/202220 minutes, 28 seconds
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594: Saving Our Cities - How Market Urbanism Brings Free-Market Policies to Urban Issues

On today's episode, we're going back a few years to a conversation with Scott Beyer from the Market Urbanism Report. Scott is an expert in urban policy and has been writing about the issues facing our cities for years. In this episode, Scott talks about how market urbanism can help solve some of the biggest challenges facing cities today. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/28/202236 minutes, 56 seconds
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593: Building a Culture of Liberty

Today I'm joined once again by Spike Cohen to talk about how we can effectively build a culture of liberty. To start, what is a culture of liberty? It's not just the principles that we stand for, but also the way in which we implement them. How can we make sure that our actions are consistent with the values we espouse? And how do we build a culture that reinforces those values? Spike and I talk about what it means to live as a libertarian in today's world, and how you can make sure that your actions match your words. We'll also discuss how to identify opportunities for growth within yourself and within others, so that you can all work together toward common goals—and maybe even create some new ones along the way! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/27/202228 minutes, 40 seconds
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592: The Expat Money Summit PREVIEW with Mikkel Thorup!

Today I sit down with the Founder and Host of the Expat Money Show and of the Expat Money Summit - Mikkel Thorup! Today, Mikkel returns to the program to reintroduce expatriation, why so many folks are looking to live elsewhere, and how the Expat Money Summit and it's 30+ speakers will leave you with a wealth of knowledge at this FREE event! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/26/202227 minutes, 35 seconds
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591: To Sell Freedom, Listen More

On today's episode, we're going back to January 2021, when I joined Matt Kibbe on his program, Kibbe on Liberty. He and I talked about the biggest issue facing America at the time: how do we sell freedom? We talked about how the problem of selling freedom has two parts—the first being that people don't know what they want until they see it, and the second being that people think they want freedom but actually want something else (like security or safety). We also talked about the importance of listening to what people are saying and not just assuming you know what they want. I'm a firm believer in the power of listening—after all, it's how I got my start as a consultant. In fact, I used a lot of the same techniques that Matt and I talk about here to help me learn about my clients' needs. I hope you enjoy this trip to yesteryear as much as I did! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/23/202250 minutes, 30 seconds
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590: A United Kingdom in Transition - How Have British Efforts to Enforce Equality Have Led to a Woke Totalitarianism!?

On today's episode, I'm joined by British libertarian political content creator Jess Gill. Jess is a passionate advocate for freedom and equality, but she believes that the current wave of woke totalitarianism—which she calls "totalitarian equality"—has gone too far. In this episode, Jess will explain how Britain's efforts to enforce equality have led to totalitarianism, and how we can make sure that it doesn't happen here. Later, we dig into the broken NHS system, and how that has led to nearly 7 MILLION folks on the waiting list in the UK. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/22/202223 minutes, 26 seconds
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589: Service vs. Sales - 4 Surefire Ways to Become an Order Maker, Not an Order Taker

Today, I'm riding solo to teach you a few ways to be sure you don't get stuck in the rut of becoming an order taker versus an order maker. In this video, we'll cover 4 surefire ways to become an order maker, not an order taker. What is the difference between service and sales? What do you have control over and what do you need to let go of? How can you be sure your customers are happy with their purchase? These are just a few questions we'll answer on today's episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/21/202214 minutes, 50 seconds
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588: Good People Bring Out the Good in People - The Importance of Community, Shared Intel, Knowledge Exchange, & Support

On today's episode, I'm joined by Remso Martinez to discuss his new Substack venture, "Club Memos", that focuses on creating a community of good people. As we talk about how he got started, Remso shares his thoughts on how communities can help us grow and learn from one another. We then move on to discuss how he came to the conclusion that there are some things you can only learn through experience, which is why he believes that when it comes to knowledge exchange, it's important to share what you know with others so that they can benefit from your experience. We also talk about the importance of having shared intel and knowledge exchange within our communities in order to help each other out in times of need. The more people who are part of your community means there will be more people who have access to the information you have collected over time. This makes it easier for them to help themselves out when they need something specific or just want support from someone else who has been through something similar before them. I've known Remso for about a number of years and have been thoroughly impressed with his ability to connect with others and create meaningful relationships with them. This quality is what drove him to start Club Memos—a group dedicated to connecting like-minded individuals who want to be part of something bigger than themselves. Studio Sponsor ➡ Stratus ip: Don't let cyber attacks or old technology slow your company down. Learn more at or schedule a consultation at  Stratus ip - Business Technology - Simplified Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/20/202227 minutes, 10 seconds
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587: Debunking Common Cannabis Myths

On today's episode, I'm joined by Jordan Lams from Moxie to debunk some of the most common cannabis myths. We'll be talking about everything from "cannabis is a gateway drug" to "cannabis kills brain cells." We'll also discuss whether or not you can overdose on cannabis, if it's addictive, and why it's illegal in so many places. So sit back, relax, take a hit, and let's get ready to debunk some myths. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/19/202229 minutes, 58 seconds
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586: Empathy: The Missing Piece in Your Sales Puzzle

Discover the power of empathy in sales and politics in this exciting episode of The Brian Nichols Show! Join Brian Nichols as he shares a captivating success story from a sales cycle he was working on, showcasing the importance of empathy in achieving outstanding results. Get ready to learn how empathy can help you connect with customers and prospects on a deeper level and drive your sales success to the next level. In this episode, Brian discusses the story of a bank looking for a new phone solution to replace their outdated system. When the initial agreement was reached, the deal fell through due to an unforeseen family situation of the head of the IT department. However, by demonstrating empathy, Brian and his team were able to secure the deal and achieve a win-win outcome for both parties. Empathy is key in building authentic relationships, treating people as real individuals, and understanding their personal pain points. Don't miss this opportunity to learn from one of the experts in sales and marketing! Brian also highlights how this concept applies to political communication and how empathy can lead to a better understanding of people's concerns and bring them to different ideas. Plus, join the movement and support Young Americans for Liberty, a sponsor of the show, in their mission to elect pro-liberty candidates across the country. Share the episode, give it a five-star rating, and offer your support. Get ready to master the art of empathy and drive your success to new heights! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/16/202221 minutes, 56 seconds
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585: Remaking the Federal Government - From Big, Bulky, & Misguided to Lean, Decentralized, & Relevant

Hey everyone! Welcome to today's episode, where I'm joined once again by Fred Eberlein to discuss his new book, The 90-Degree Turn. The book looks at remaking the federal government from the top-down, bottom-up. It's a great conversation about how we can use technology and change our collective mindset to make our government more relevant, decentralized, and flexible. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/15/202224 minutes, 35 seconds
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584: What Venezuela Can Teach Us About Inflation

Inflation. What is it? How does it impact people in different countries around the world? On today's episode, I'm joined by Jorge Jraissati, Director of Alumni of Students For Liberty, to talk about the impacts of inflation and what we can learn about inflation from his home country of Venezuela. Inflation is a phenomenon that impacts everyone differently depending on their circumstances. But in the end, it always comes down to money—and how much you have, or don't have. It's really important to understand how inflation happens so that we can prepare ourselves for the future and plan accordingly. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/14/202226 minutes, 8 seconds
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583: Why Modern Monetary Theory Loses to Basic Economics EVERY TIME

On today's episode, I'm joined by Jon Miltimore from FEE to talk about why modern monetary theory loses to basic economics every time. We go over the basics of MMT—its ideas of fiat currency, how it's different from other forms of money, and why it's so popular with politicians who have no idea what they're talking about. We also discuss how these ideas have been used to justify policies in for thousands of years—which hurt working people and make things worse for our economy long-term. Finally, we'll cover how the MMTers' theory has been disproved in practice and how we can use basic economic principles to understand the problems with their theory. In our discussion, we'll look at: -Why MMT is considered neo-Keynesianism -How an understanding of money and banking are essential to understanding modern monetary theory -The role of inflation in MMT and its effects on real wages -Why inflation doesn't help workers in a recession -How monetary policy affects unemployment Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/13/202228 minutes, 5 seconds
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582: Call Scripting 101 - Proven Call Scripting Tips to Help you DOMINATE Cold Calling & Prospecting

On today's episode, I'm riding solo, giving you proven call scripting tips to help you dominate cold calling and prospecting. Call scripting is the framework that you use to guide your conversations with prospects, and it's a crucial part of cold calling. Today, I'll also be sharing some of my own personal call scripts that have worked for me and will give you some tips on how to create a great script that will help you in your day-to-day sales activities. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/12/202219 minutes, 8 seconds
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581: Republicans Need to Start Playing OFFENSE

On today's episode, I'm joined by Kenny Cody to talk about why Republicans need to start playing offense versus constantly playing defense to Democratic narratives. We discuss how Democrats have found success in the past by telling voters they're the party that cares about people, while Republicans are just the party of the rich. And we talk about how this strategy has helped them win over some of our own voters—which means if you're a Republican and want to win elections, you need to start talking about issues that resonate with more than just your base. We'll also discuss some examples of how framing works in practice, and what Republicans can do differently this time around! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/9/202228 minutes, 26 seconds
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580: Enough is Enough - It's Time to End the WARS, Fix Our MONEY, & Restore Our CIVIL RIGHTS

On today's episode, I'm joined by Chris Russomanno, Libertarian candidate for Congress in New Jersey. He's going to tell us why it's time to end the wars, fix our money, and restore our civil rights. We'll be discussing how the United States is currently involved in an endless war on terror funded by The Fed's endless printing of money that has cost us trillions of dollars while also infringing on our civil rights through mass surveillance, indefinite detention without trial, torture, and assassination by drone strikes. Chris is a passionate advocate for ending the wars that have become a core part of our political system. He wants to fix our money system so we can finally get rid of the debt that has been strangling us for decades. And he believes that restoring civil rights will help us restore our country to its former glory. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/8/202226 minutes, 27 seconds
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579: Meeting People Where They're At - (On the Issues THEY Care About)

Today on the podcast, I'm joined by Spike Cohen to discuss how we can do a much better job of speaking to the issues that matter to people if we simply ask them. Listen where we discuss how we can do a much better job of speaking to the issues that matter to people by simply asking them. No matter what your political persuasion is or what your beliefs are on any particular issue, it's important to remember that if you're trying to persuade someone who doesn't agree with you, it's not enough just to tell them what they should be thinking—you have to meet them where they are, and ask them what they care about. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/7/202210 minutes
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578: The Danger of "DO SOMETHING!" Politics

Do you ever feel like your government is making decisions without really knowing what it's doing? Rodgir Cohen does, and that's why he's running for Redlands City Council. He wants to bring common sense and reason back to government.  On today's episode, Rodgir and I discuss the danger of "do something" politics and how this type of thinking can lead to bad policy and harm innocent people. We also discuss why it's important for citizens to be informed on issues so that they can make informed decisions. I hope you enjoy this discussion as much as I did! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/6/202225 minutes, 35 seconds
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577: Without Choice, You Can't Have Liberty - Meet the Libertarian Choice for Alabama's 7th Congressional District

On today's episode, I join Gavin Goodman to discuss why he's running for Congress in Alabama's 7th Congressional District. Gavin is a Libertarian who believes that without choice, you can't have liberty. He explains why he thinks the best way to promote personal freedom and civil liberties is through limited government: less taxation, less regulation, and more personal responsibility. We talk about what the Libertarian party stands for and how it differs from the Republican and Democratic parties, why he thinks it's important to have more people like him in Congress, and what his campaign is all about. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/5/202228 minutes, 5 seconds
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576: We Are Libertarians Reunion at the Boss Hog of Liberty - (And the Great Aldi Debate)

On today's episode, I join Jeremiah Morrell, Chris Spangle, and Aaron Ewart over on The Boss Hog of Liberty podcast. We discuss our recent We Are Libertarians reunion at the Boss Hog of Liberty, as well as the Great Aldi Debate. Original Show Notes: Episode 267 of Boss Hog of Liberty is out! Jeremiah Morrell, Zach Burcham, Chris Spangle, and Brian Nichols are the voices. We get a network update, a surprise visit by Aaron Ewert, the Spangle Aldi anger is directly challenged by a buffet of groceries. Brian emceed a political rally, and a former Vice Presidential candidate found Spangle in a park. This is old school, wandering classic WAL network. Our program is community supported on Patreon. Do your part by chipping into the cause by donating monthly at any level at and receive even more BONUS coverage and content. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/2/20221 hour, 26 minutes, 4 seconds
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575: When You're Explaining, You're LOSING - How to Reject False Narratives & Replace Them with Your Own

On today's episode I'm joined by Carla Gericke from the Free State Project to discuss the importance of setting your own narratives versus responding to the narratives set by others. Whether it's the media, a friend, or even a complete stranger, we are constantly bombarded with narratives about how things work. But what if we were in charge of setting our own narratives? What if you could control how you're perceived and what people think about you? That's exactly what Carla has done with her life-long mission to create a libertarian community in New Hampshire that is completely independent from any government control. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/1/202230 minutes, 13 seconds
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574: 4 EFFECTIVE Sales Pitches from 4 Former Presidents

In today's episode, I'm walking through 4 speeches/ads from 4 past presidents and outlining why they worked and what we can learn from them. I want to start by saying that when you're trying to sell something, there's a lot of different ways you could go about it: You could be like Ronald Reagan's 1984 "Morning in America" ad that was so effective at selling America on Reagan's vision that it helped him win reelection in an absolute landslide. You could be like Bill Clinton in 1992 and appeal to their sense of patriotism and vision. Or you could be like Barack Obama in 2008 and use a personal narrative to draw people in and a sense of a unifying message. Or one like Donald Trump in 2016 who helped draw contrast to the pain the customer already knows versus a better future. (And if you want to see all four of these things done well, check out my video "4 EFFECTIVE Sales Pitches From 4 Former Presidents.") But the thing that makes these speeches/ads so effective isn't just their delivery—it's also the way they frame their messages in terms of deeper themes or values that resonate with people across demographics. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/31/202219 minutes, 11 seconds
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573: Candidate School 101 - What Are the Top Areas Political Candidates Are Lacking?!

On today's episode I'm joined by Morgan Bonwell from Right Strategies. We're talking about what it takes to be a political candidate in today's world. We've got a lot of questions to answer: How do you find the right consultants? What are the top areas political candidates are lacking? And how can you get your message out there without getting drowned out by your competitors? Morgan is here to answer all of these questions and more! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/30/202223 minutes, 53 seconds
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572: Rethinking the Death Penalty - Why Should Conservatives be Concerned About the Death Penalty?

Today we're joined by Demetrius Minor from Conservatives Concerned About the Death Penalty. Demetrius is an advocate for criminal justice reform and he's been working for years to get conservatives to rethink the death penalty. And you know what? He's right—there are plenty of reasons why conservatives should be concerned about the death penalty. The death penalty isn't cost-effective, it doesn't deter crime, and it can be applied unfairly. It also doesn't work as a deterrent and often isn't even used as punishment by states that still have it on the books. If you're interested in learning more about Conservatives Concerned About the Death Penalty (CCADP), visit their website at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/29/202228 minutes, 36 seconds
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571: Messaging Matters - Where's the Line Between Bold Messaging vs. Toxic Messaging?

Where's that fine line between being bold and being toxic? With the LPNH's recent controversial John McCain tweet, that topic of conversation has popped back up... So, who better to talk about this than LPNH's own Jeremy Kauffman!? Jeremy is running for US Senate in New Hampshire and joins the show to talk about where the line is (is there a line?) when balancing a bold messaging with controversy. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/26/202229 minutes, 19 seconds
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570: Teaching Freedom - To Restore American Liberty, We Need Colleges that Actually Teach the Liberal Arts

Collectivists of many stripes—but one aim—have been eating away at our free society for over one hundred years. If we want to reverse America’s current slide into authoritarianism and actively move towards a fully free society, we need to be as clear about our goals as the collectivists have been about theirs. And theirs have always been power and control—to that end, ingeniously using indoctrination masquerading as education. So, what to do? Marsha Enright joins the program to show how Reliance College will focus on utilizing the Montessori method - an educational philosophy that has been ahead of its time for 100 years in understanding the importance of human development to optimal learning and growth - as the basis for her new college, Reliance College ( Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/25/202226 minutes, 13 seconds
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569: Never Fly Solo & The 7 Wingman Principles

On today's episode, I'm joined by Lt. Col Waldo Waldman to talk about leading with courage, building trusting partnerships, and reaching new heights in business. We've all heard the old saying that you're only as good as your wingman. But what does that mean? And how do you build trust with your partners? And how can you lead with a single-minded focus on success? These are just some of the questions we'll be answering today. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/24/202225 minutes, 57 seconds
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568: Biden Leaning Toward CANCELING Student Loan Debt - $10k/borrower

President Biden reportedly plans to announce a long-awaited plan to forgive up to $10,000 in student loans and extend the COVID pause in repayments one more time. The forgiveness plan is expected to benefit most borrowers making less than $125,000 a year. It is designed to help young borrowers and give Biden’s Democratic allies a crucial boost ahead of the fall midterm elections. The repayment freeze is expected to be extended until the end of the year. Joining me to break this down is Clint Russell from the Liberty Lockdown Podcast! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/23/202233 minutes, 16 seconds
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567: ANTHONY FAUCI TO RESIGN IN DECEMBER - (Animal-Tested / Tortured Beagles Nationwide Celebrate!)

Today we're talking about the announcement that Anthony Fauci is resigning his post at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. Jeffrey Tucker joins me to talk about why we should be happy that a man who has been a part of the HHS since 1984 is finally stepping down, how much harm Fauci has done to public health and the trust in science, as well as what it means for our country moving forward. We also discuss how this announcement should be a call to action for all of us, who have been fighting against government overreach into our lives, to continue fighting. BEAGLE TORTURE EPISODE: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/22/202223 minutes, 16 seconds
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566: Why Libertarians Need to Know Their Market & Meet Them Where They're At

On today's episode, I talk about how the Libertarian Party will find success when they adopt the approach of knowing their market and meeting them where they're at on the issues they care about. Libertarians need to know that there are many people who have never been exposed to libertarianism before, so we need to meet them where they're at on the issues that matter most to them. This is so we can show them how libertarian principles of individual liberty and voluntary association work for them. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/19/20228 minutes, 20 seconds
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565: The Reasons to Celebrate Liz Cheney's Loss are MANY

Liz Cheney, the daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney and a former State Department official under George W. Bush, is best known for her conservative political views and her distaste for President Donald Trump. She ran in the Republican primary for Wyoming's at-large congressional district this week, but unsurprisingly lost to Trump-endorsed candidate Harriet Hageman by a whopping margin of 66% to 29%. Cheney's loss means that she'll have to find another way to make herself relevant—and it looks like she has no shortage of ideas. After her loss, she said that she may consider running for PRESIDENT in 2024. But here's the thing: after losing so badly, it seems unlikely that Liz Cheney will be able to win another one anytime soon. Her future...? Well… then she'll just be a token Republican on some progressive panel on cable television. Guest: Kenny Cody Article: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/18/202228 minutes, 20 seconds
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564: What Ron Paul Taught Us About Speaking Truth (Even When the Crowd Seems Against You)

On today's episode, I explain how we can learn from Ron Paul's 2008 campaign when it comes to standing out from the crowd and building long-term trust. Ron Paul was an outsider in the 2008 presidential race. He wasn't part of the establishment and he had a lot of so-called "controversial" ideas that didn't seem to appeal to many people. But despite this, he managed to get a lot of votes—and even more importantly, his message resonated with people who may not have voted for him but still felt something about what he said. So how did he do it? Ron Paul spoke truth, even when it seemed like nobody else was listening. He spoke up for himself and his beliefs—even if nobody else agreed with him at first. And by doing this, he built trust over time, which allowed him to continue speaking truth until eventually his ideas were adopted by others who had been waiting for someone like him to show them what they could do together in order to change their communities and the world around them! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/17/20229 minutes, 27 seconds
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563: How is Executive Order 14067 Actually Communism in its Purest Form?!

Is Executive Order 14067 actually communism in its purest form.!? Well, today's episode is a great place to start. Clay Clark, CEO of and host of the Thrivetime Show, returns to the program to explain how Executive Order is essentially copying one right out of the Chinese social credit system. Strap in... — there's more than just that going on here! This episode also covers: What exactly is EO 14067? How does it work? Why should we care? Clay's BOMBS: Is Biden Planning On Removing the Cash In America Beginning On December 13th 2022? - Sec. 4. Policy and Actions Related to United States Central Bank Digital Currencies. (a) The policy of my Administration on a United States CBDC is as follows: What Is Executive Order 14067? | Does the Central Bank Digital C Read Section 4 of Executive Order 14067 | Will Freedom Die On December 13th 2022? | Read Executive Order 14067 - Why is the World Economic Forum logo 666? - See the World Economic Forum Logo - Why is the CERN Logo 666? - See their logo - “11 And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.” - Revelation 9:11 WATCH - Why did CERN name the internet “WWW” which is “666” in Hebrew? - Why is the Word Corona 666? Why does Microsoft have a patent with a WO-2020-060606 publication number? - Why Is the Google Chrome Logo 666? - Why is Congress working on legislation HR 666? - Read - Why is Congress working on legislation HR 6666? - Read The United Nations Placed the “Guardian of Nations” Statue In Front of the United Nations Building Located At 405 East 42nd Street New York, New York 10017 **See **Watch - United Nations "Guardian of Nations" Statue | Why Does the United National Sculpture Look Like the Beast Described In Daniel 7 and Revelation 13? Why is Putin seeking to Cement Ties With Iran, Turkey in Rare Trip Abroad? Ezekiel Chapter 38: 1-6 GOG = Prince, Ruler or The Head Magog = Modern Russian “38 And the word of the Lord came unto me, saying, 2 Son of man, set thy face against Gog, the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him, 3 And say, Thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I am against thee, O Why is Putin seeking to Cement Ties With Iran, Turkey in Rare Trip Abroad? Ezekiel Chapter 38: 1-6 GOG = Prince, Ruler or The Head Magog = Modern Russian Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/17/202226 minutes, 28 seconds
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562: How Can Libertarians Break Past the "Little Fish in Little Pond Syndrome"!?

On today's episode, I talk about how Libertarians can learn a thing or two from Republicans and Democrats when it comes to building coalitions. If you're a Libertarian, then chances are you have your own little pond that you swim in—and that's OK! But it's also important to realize that every little fish needs to reach out of the water sometimes. That means reaching out to people who aren't like you, having conversations with them, and learning from them. You don't want to be an echo chamber—you want to break past the "little fish in little pond" syndrome and build coalitions with people who aren't exactly like you. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/15/20228 minutes, 47 seconds
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561: What's it Like Playing Basketball in Europe!?

Hunter Wynn sits down with former NBA player Paul Shirley to catch up on what he's been up to lately over at The Process as well as sharing stories from his time as a professional basketball player in Europe.  Paul shares his experiences with being shorted on his contract, playing for teams owned by Chinese oligarchs, dodging projectiles while playing on the court and many more! You can buy Paul's book : "The Process is the Product" here on Amazon: Check out his website: Twitter: @paulthenshirley Instagram: @paulthenshirley email: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/12/202255 minutes, 28 seconds
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560: Can this Libertarian Offer Colorado a True Liberty Alternative?!

On today's episode, Brian Peotter joins the program to talk about why he's running for US Senate in Colorado as a Libertarian. Brian is running on a platform of true liberty—one that promises no new taxes and no government interference in your life. He believes that Colorado needs an alternative to the status quo—a real option that will let voters make their own choices about what they do with their money and time. Brian thinks that Libertarians are the best hope for restoring the American dream—and he thinks it's time for Colorado to take the first step toward reclaiming its independence from big government. We want to know: Do you think Brian can offer Colorado a real alternative? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/11/202228 minutes, 54 seconds
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559: The Power of Retaining Creative Independence

Chris Goyzueta has been in the content creation business for decades, and he's seen the industry evolve dramatically. In today's episode, Chris returns to the show to talk about The Power of Retaining Creative Independence. Watch and listen as Chris discusses the importance of retaining creative independence in your business. He also talks about how to maintain a healthy balance between collaboration and independence, as well as ways to set up your company so that you can retain creative control without sacrificing growth opportunities. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/10/202231 minutes, 10 seconds
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558: How Have Politics Changed Since the Election of Trump? (Audience Q&A)

On today's episode, we're talking about how politics have changed since the election of Donald Trump... PLUS... I'll be answering questions from the audience and discussing how I think politics will change in the future. We'll also go over some of your favorite questions, like the future of libertarianism and what the differences are between conservatives and libertarians. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/9/202223 minutes, 33 seconds
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557: Young Americans For Liberty Revolution 2022: RECAP

I had a GREAT time joining our friends over at Young Americans For Liberty at Revolution 2022 this past weekend! Today, I recap some of my favorite takeaways from the event, and why I am SO EXCITED for the prospects of liberty post-Rev22!!! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/8/202218 minutes, 28 seconds
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556: Meet the CYPHERPUNK STOCKBROKER Running for US Senate in New Hampshire!

On today's episode, I'm joined at Young Americans for Liberty's Revolution 2022 by Bruce Fenton, Republican candidate for US Senate and cyberpunk stockbroker! Bruce is running on a platform of privacy, decentralization, and digital freedom. In this episode, we talk about his campaign and how the principles behind those ideas can change our world. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/6/202225 minutes, 49 seconds
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555: Strategic Voting 101: GOP vs LP - Which Path is Best for Liberty?

On today's episode, we're going to dig into strategic voting. If you're a libertarian, you're probably wondering: which path is best for liberty? Should I vote for the Libertarian Party and hope for the best, or should I vote for the Republican Party and try to change it from the inside? Fortunately, there's an answer: strategic voting! When you use strategic voting, you put your vote where it will have the most impact—and that means voting for whichever party has the best chance of winning. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/3/202214 minutes, 8 seconds
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554: What Has Government Done to Our Money?

 The Mises Institute may sound like an academic institution, but it's actually an organization dedicated to promoting the Austrian school of economics and libertarian ideals. And when it comes to money, they know what they're talking about. On today's I'm joined by Tho Bishop to talk about how of all the economic problems, money is possibly the most tangled, and perhaps where we most need perspective. Tho talks about how inflation is a tax on savers, and why this hurts everyone who isn't rich. He also explains why central banks are not necessary, and how governments have ruined our money for centuries—and continue to do so today. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/2/202229 minutes, 18 seconds
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553: Getting Comfortable with Uncomfortable Conversations

On today's episode, I'm going to talk about how we have to actually talk to people about the issues that matter to them, even when those conversations might become uncomfortable. It can be scary to bring up the things that are most important to you. It can feel like you're going out on a limb and opening yourself up for criticism or judgment. But it's important! We have so many problems in our world today, and they're not going away unless we talk about them—and don't just listen, but also talk back. So take a deep breath, and let's get started! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/1/202210 minutes, 45 seconds
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552: The Rise of the Celebritarian Politico

On today's episode, we discuss how the role of celebrity helps candidates achieve political victories. In this new age of politics, it's important to have an understanding of what makes a candidate appealing to voters. In this video, we'll take a look at the rise of the celebritarian politico—a politician who uses their popularity as a celebrity to win elections and advance their political agenda. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/26/20229 minutes, 19 seconds
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551: The Power of Persona

Brad Polumbo and I discuss the idea that persona plays a larger role than policy in the world of politics. We talk about how politicians can use their personas to win over voters, even when they don't have a strong political record. We also touch on how politicians can use their personas to shape policy in ways that will help them win elections. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/22/202211 minutes, 7 seconds
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550: The Worst LP Messaging Fails in Recent History

The Libertarian Party is known for its commitment to freedom, but sometimes that can get a little… off track.  In today's video, we look at some of the worst messaging fails from the Libertarian Party in recent history, and see how we can avoid them in our own messaging going forward. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/21/20227 minutes, 42 seconds
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549: The Basics of Liberty Sales & Marketing

Hey, everyone! Today's episode is all about the basics of liberty sales and marketing. One of the bigger problems that the liberty movement has had is the inability to communicate our ideas to your average person. To fix that, today we're addressing some of the basics of liberty sales and marketing. So let's get started! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/20/202210 minutes, 30 seconds
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548: Why Does This Libertarian Think Florida Deserves a More Pro-Liberty Governor than Ron DeSantis?

Hector Roos is running as a Libertarian to offer Florida a more "pro-liberty" candidate than Ron DeSantis. He believes that Florida deserves a more "pro-liberty" candidate for governor, and he's hoping his message will resonate with voters in the upcoming election. On today's episode, Hector explains why he wants to be the next governor of Florida and why he thinks Ron DeSantis hasn't been the best choice for Floridians and won't be for their future. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/19/202229 minutes, 35 seconds
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547: HERO 22-Year-Old Ends Mass-Shooting - How a Good Guy with a Gun Stops a Bad Guy with a Gun

When a madman with a rifle started shooting at an Indiana mall this past weekend, a good guy with a gun stopped him—and saved countless lives. The 22-year-old hero was at the mall when he saw the madman pull out his weapon and start shooting. He immediately pulled out his concealed pistol and killed the shooter. Unfortunately, three people were killed in this attack, but thanks to this brave young man, many more lives were saved than lost. Brandon Williamson from Young Americans for Liberty joins the program to outline how this conversation on self-defense is a winning one, with this being a perfect example. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/18/202231 minutes, 27 seconds
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546: Why Don't Libertarians Ever Win?

In our society, we're taught that winning arguments is the most important thing. But what if it's not? What if the most important thing is actually helping your fellow Americans on the issues that impact them the most? On today's episode, I'm going to talk about why libertarians should stop trying to win arguments and instead spend more time actually helping their fellow Americans on the issues that impact them the most. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/15/202212 minutes, 11 seconds
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545: The Alpha Mission - A New Vision of Black Wall Streets Across the Country!

Imagine how much better our country will be when we prove that the Free Enterprise System works for everyone, through the voluntary cooperation of people of good will. From the Abolitionist to the Civil Rights movement- there has never been a movement that fights for equal ECONOMIC opportunity until now. It’s called ALPHA MISSION. Thanks to some of history’s great thinkers, we have made progress in the past, and that is replicable today if we do the same things that they did. Robert Blackwell Jr. joins the program today to outline how the "JUST DO BUSINESS" approach is the pathway for ending the generational poverty of black communities across the country, by proving that the Free Enterprise System works for everyone. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/14/202225 minutes, 12 seconds
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544: Is Joe Biden 2024 Already TOAST? - Why do a Majority of Democrats NOT Want Biden to Run Again?

A new poll from the New York Times revealed that a whopping 64% of Democratic voters don’t want Joe Biden to run again in 2024. Oh, and even better - his overall approval rating has just dropped to 33%.  The results of the NYT/Siena College poll also found that only 13% of Americans believe the country is heading on the right track.  Of those who said they planned to vote in the 2024 Democratic primary and preferred a candidate other than Biden, 33% cited the president’s age as the most important reason, followed by his job performance at 32% and 12% simply just wanting someone new.  So, where does that leave Joe Biden for 2024? Heck, where does that leave the Democrats? I break down what the Democrats might do (*Hillary Clinton has entered the chat*) on today's episode! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/13/202220 minutes, 13 seconds
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543: Evolution 2.0 - Breaking the Deadlock Between Darwin and Design

Evolution 2.0 chronicles bestselling author Perry Marshall's 10-year journey of in-depth research. As an Electrical Engineer, author of an Ethernet book and world-renowned business consultant, Perry connects the dots in a new refreshing way. He tackles hard questions about evolution with precision, making it clear when information is proven with hard data and when it can only be inferred. This book will open your eyes and transform your thinking about life, evolution, and creationism. You'll gain a deeper appreciation for our place in the universe. You'll the see the world around you as you've never seen it before: adaptive, efficient, and incredibly elegant. $10 Million Technology Prize: Origin of Information is one of the central problems in modern biology. No one knows where the genetic code came from; no one knows how the first cell developed. To solve this, the author has organized a Private Equity Investment group, Natural Code LLC. They are offering a prize, reminiscent of the X-Prize, for a natural process that produces coded information. The prize amount is $10 million USD! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/12/202230 minutes, 24 seconds
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542: What's Happening to Our Men? - How the "Average Guy" From Yester-year Doesn't Fit in 2022

Being a man in 2022 is a LOT different than being a man in 1952 was... but what has changed?? And why has it changed? And why are men struggling now more than they ever have? Cathy Reisenwitz from "Sex and the State" joins us on today's episode of The Brian Nichols Show to outline why so many men are a shell of themselves, and why our fetishization of yester-year only makes things worse. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/11/202225 minutes, 37 seconds
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541: Attaching Emotion to Meaning - 5 Steps to Make Your Solution STICK

On today's episode, I'm going to share five steps you can take to help your prospect better understand the value of your solution by attaching emotion to meaning. Emotion is one of our most powerful drivers. It can help us make decisions and act on them, but it also helps us remember things better. When we attach emotion to something our brain makes it stick so we don't forget it later on. So how do we use this in sales and marketing? Well, if you're trying to get people interested in buying your product or service, then you need them to be excited about it—and that excitement is going to come from how much of an emotional tie they see in the meaning of your solution. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/8/202214 minutes
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540: Fighting For America - Why Tom Norton Is Running for Congress in M-2 to Defend Our Values!

Tom Norton has a simple message: he's running for Congress because he wants to defend our values. As a resident of M-2, Tom is deeply concerned about the direction our country is headed and wants to do what he can to ensure that American citizens are protected and represented. Tom believes that we must stand up for our rights as Americans and fight back against those who want to take them away. He knows how important it is to protect our constitutional rights, and he will continue fighting until they are safe again. Listen as Tom outlines his vision for M-2 and how he's Fight For America just like he did when he served overseas! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/7/202220 minutes, 57 seconds
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539: Revolution 22 - How Young Americans For Liberty is Helping Make Liberty Win!

Young Americans for Liberty (YAL) is the most active and effective pro-liberty youth organization advancing liberty on the campus and in American electoral politics. Their four-step mission is to identify, educate, train, and mobilize youth activists to make liberty win. Today, Dan Taylor (VP of Campus) joins the program to promote their biggest event of the year, Revolution22, and how YAL is helping make liberty win by meeting people where they're at on the issues they care about. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/6/202229 minutes, 22 seconds
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538: Beware of Common Good Conservatives! - Why 'Common Good' Conservatism Is a Recipe for Failure

Common good conservatives argue that America’s economic and cultural problems are rooted in libertarianism. They believe the Republican Party and the conservative movement has failed to address the needs of the American people because they have “outsourced” their economic policy to libertarians. Today, Charles Sauer (President of The Market Institute) joins the program and makes his case how it's not the libertarians who are failing, but rather, the failed policies of the common good conservatives like Josh Hawley, Tom Cotton, and JD Vance. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/5/202230 minutes, 44 seconds
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537: Time For TEXIT!? - How Texas Is ONE VOTE AWAY From Declaring Independence from the USA!

Texans, it's time to TEXIT. Today's guest is Daniel Miller, President of the Texas National Movement and vocal advocate for TEXIT! TEXIT is the term used to refer to Texas exiting the union and becoming an independent, self-governing nation. TEXIT is not Texas independence.  Rather, TEXIT is the process that gets Texas to independence.  TEXIT means that Texans determine their own laws and not 2.5 million unelected bureaucrats in Washington. It means that Texans get a government that begins and ends at the borders of Texas. It means an end to the giant sucking sound of $103-$160 billion dollars per year being siphoned from the pockets of Texas taxpayers. Most importantly, it means that for the first time in Texan's lives that they control their own destiny. TEXAS + EXIT = TEXIT Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/4/202229 minutes, 35 seconds
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536: Proud To Be an American - Why Libertarians & Conservatives Need to Be Unashamedly America First

With July 4th approaching closely, Americans look to their inner patriot to reflect on why they are proud to be an American in celebrating our independence from Great Britain.  With most excited about spending the holiday with friends, family, and colleagues, it is hard to deny that this is the most patriotic day of the year.  In the past few months, however, many on the left have questioned why any American should be proud of their country with the state it’s currently in, reflecting on the Uvalde massacre and the Supreme Court’s recent ruling that overturned Roe v. Wade.  It seems as if progressives will look for any reason they can to despise the country that has given them everything while attempting to make conservatives feel guilty for their belief systems being the reason  The United States is on the decline in their eyes. Unfortunately, this is no surprise, but conservatives must finally embrace the hate and be proud of their values. Kenny Cody returns to the program to discuss all this and more on our July 4th Special! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/1/202232 minutes, 35 seconds
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535: Meet TPN! - The New Social Media Alternative to Facebook Built For Freedom

Entrepreneurs and influencers feel their businesses are suffering because of limited exposure on traditional social media platforms.  There’s no space on the internet for people who value family, faith, free speech and enterprise. We are the muted voices of America.  Today's guest was in search of a platform for people to share their lives, opinions, and information without fear, judgment or censorship - A place where free speech is respected and upheld. That’s why Ryan Chamberlin created the True Patriot Network. He wanted to provide his community a place where everyone can share their thoughts and everyday life without fear of censorship or judgment.  Business owners, entrepreneurs, and families alike will have a hub to connect and exchange ideas openly and in a respectful, family-friendly manner. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/30/202229 minutes, 38 seconds
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534: Take A Break - How to Know When It's Time to Take Some Time Away From Politics

Political fatigue is real. And too often, folks can get consumed in their political selves, letting it consume who they are, what they do, and where they spend their time. How do you know when it's time to take a break? I'll answer that question on today's episode, plus outline why it's okay for you to take your much needed break from politics! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/29/202214 minutes, 5 seconds
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533: The 90-Degree Turn - Remaking Washington D.C. and Turning the Federal Government on its Head! (w/ JB Fred Eberlein)

Rather than traditional top-down government, today's guest (Fred Eberlein) advocates for a bottom-up approach that right sizes the Federal Government’s bureaucracy while re-aligning it with local needs, defined by "we the people". His book argues that Washington’s complexity and size provide camouflage to a political system corrupted by fundraising-centric politics. With no end in sight to the Federal Government’s chronic inefficiency, his book calls for removing Congress from its control over spending and returning that responsibility to state governments. Washington will not be fixed by bi-partisanship or budget cuts. Its reckless spending habits run too deep, as does the need for ever grander political campaigns. A Plan B is needed if the USA we cherish is to endure. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/28/202233 minutes, 8 seconds
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532: Get Paid In Crypto - Learn How to Automatically Convert Your Paycheck into Cryptocurrency! (w/ Paul Bradley)

Have you always been interested in getting involved with cryptocurrencies, but was never sure the best way to start? What if you could simply have your employer put a portion of your paychecks in the wallet of your choice as either Bitcoin, Litecoin, or Ethereum?  Paul Bradley, COO and Co-Founder of joins the program to show how GetHedge is answering that very question by automatically converting your pay into crypto. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/27/202227 minutes, 49 seconds
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531: THEY ACTUALLY DID IT: The Supreme Court Overturns Roe v Wade!!

After weeks of waiting for the final decision to come down from the Supreme Court regarding Roe V Wade, the SCOTUS has actually gone ahead and struck down the 50-year ruling. What are the implications politically? And what can the Libertarian Party do to reach voter who have otherwise been weary of the LP's platform. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/24/202235 minutes, 31 seconds
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530: Why You Still Need to Learn Basic Sales Skills, Even if You're Not In Sales!

You need to learn basic sales skills, even if you're not in sales.  Don't believe me?  Give me 7 minutes on today's episode to make my case to why you should not only learn said basic sales skills, but show you just how doing so can make you a superstar in so many unexpected ways. WANT TO BOOST YOUR SALES TEAMS NUMBERS, BUT AREN'T SURE WHERE TO START? - Contact for a 15-minute one-on-one! . "If I had a dollar for every time I had someone tell me that they hate sales, well, I wouldn't be in sales anymore.   I have friends in all of the STEM fields, and nearly all of them have a sense of superiority because they're doing something with the "hard sciences", and they all laugh at the idea of doing sales as a career.   And then it's my turn to laugh.   Because regardless of their perception, they too are in sales, they just don't know it (or refuse to accept it).   You see, everything in life is sales." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/23/202214 minutes, 11 seconds
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529: Don't Be Fooled - Colorado Governor Jared Polis is No Moderate or Libertarian (ANALYSIS)

Gov. Jared Polis (D-Colorado) has often been cited by libertarians as being "one of the most libertarian governors in the country". A personal friend of former Libertarian Congressman Justin Amash and frequent guest on various libertarian outlets (like Reason), Polis has filtered with Libertarians for years.  But does his governance in Colorado actually hold up to his supposed libertarian bona fides? Today, we dig through an article written by Joshua Sharf (Newsweek) who gives his not-so-rosy take on Gov. Polis' supposed libertarian leanings.  "In the last month or so, the Colorado governor's publicity people have been busy. Polis has written an op-ed in the Washington Post defending charter schools. Libertarian journalist Nick Gillespie recorded a glowing podcast profile for Reason. There was a holiday weekend puff piece in The Hill. And this Monday, the Wall Street Journal praised Polis for standing up to the climate lobby. All of these pieces have one aim: to make the progressive Democratic governor look as though he's not all that progressive—indeed, maybe he's a moderate or even a liberal with libertarian leanings, who'll keep the government off your back. I frequently hear out-of-state conservatives, hopeful for someone to pull the Democrats back from their current woke insanity, offer this description as their impression of Polis. Those of us who've seen his governance here in Colorado up close and personal know better."   Article Discussed on Today's Episode: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/22/202219 minutes, 49 seconds
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528: It's Official: Biden is the Worst President of the 21st Century! (with Sen. Ted Harvey)

On today's episode of The Brian Nichols Show, I'm joined by retired Colorado State Senator Ted Harvey, who serves as the Chairman of the Committee to Defeat the President ( "Work in politics long enough, and you start overthinking it. Who’s the target audience? What’s the key talking point? How do you persuade him or her to support you? In 2022, Republicans cannot fall into the trap of second-guessing themselves and overcomplicating the talking points. The path forward is simple. All signs point to a “red wave.” Every indicator shows President Biden floundering. His approval rating is stuck in the 30s. Just this week, an ABC News/Ipsos poll revealed only 28% of Americans support Mr. Biden’s handling of inflation. Republicans are running against Mr. Biden — end of story. That is the answer to all questions. The blueprint is simple: Expose Mr. Biden for his litany of failures since January 2021 — drive the point home, again and again. Why? Because Mr. Biden is the worst American president in decades." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/21/202227 minutes, 6 seconds
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527: The Establishment is Terrified- Could France's Populist Uprising Be Good News For Libertarians?!

Marine Le Pen's National Rally won 89 of the 577 seats in the National Assembly on Sunday - a dramatic increase from its starting point of just 8, and one of the most significant recent results for populist politics in Europe. With the anti-establishment sentiment running strong throughout America, could that mean good news for Libertarians in the 2022 elections? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/20/202221 minutes, 5 seconds
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526: How is this BLIND Musician Making Liberty FUN Again!? (w/ Shawn Osborne)

Music is a language that transcends so many different barriers. Amongst those barriers is the growing political divide that continues to separate us Americans. We know that liberty solutions will help solve a lot of the problems we see in the world, so what if we were able to use music to bring liberty solutions to those who might be open to our message? Shawn Osborne believes music can do just that! And by having FUN with his music, he's absolutely helping make liberty FUN again along the way!   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/18/202227 minutes, 12 seconds
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525: Messaging Matters - Why Libertarians Have Continued to Lose the Battle for Hearts & Minds (feat. Brian Nichols)

We've been focusing on messaging here on the program for a number of years, so I thought it good to bring back up the importance of messaging and why effective messaging has been one of the areas we libertarians have been failing the most.  "Once we start to build this case that libertarian solutions work, then more and more people just by the virtue of seeing it work, the market is going to show, hey, this alternative way of doing things works, and all of a sudden, more people will start to gravitate that way.  We see it in the marketplace right now. And I believe it will be an inevitable reaction as well when people start to see it working within their own communities. And going back to the whole emotions versus logic and reason.  Isn't it wild? When you hear folks like Ben Shapiro, who will say very adamantly, that facts don't care about your feelings? I mean, sure, facts don't care about your feelings, but feelings sell. And that's where we're losing the battle. It's the battle on actually appealing to people's feelings, and appealing to people's emotions." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/16/202219 minutes, 44 seconds
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524: Why is This Liberty REPUBLICAN Running to Reclaim his Old State Senate Seat in Maine? (w/ Eric Brakey)

On today's episode of The Brian Nichols Show, friend of the show Eric Brakey returns to outline why he's looking to reclaim his old state senate seat in Maine, and what issue he's looking to help address for your average voter in main.  "I've been knocking a lot of doors, talking with a lot of voters... I am running to reclaim my state senate seat that I held in Maine for I held it for two terms in the past from 14 to 18. And I left, I stepped aside from that to run for US Senate and Congress over two terms. Neither of those races worked out how we hope but we did get the message of freedom out there, which I think inspired a lot of new activists who are making a difference today.  But yeah, I am running to reclaim my old state senate seat. It's been great to reconnect with a lot of my former constituents. So hopefully, who will be my constituents once again after this election cycle and boy people are hurting out there.  Inflation is is is really hurting people. I mean, it's universal from truckers to soccer moms, I go door to door everyone is talking about the price of gas is concerned about how they're going to afford their next fill-up, and man, we're looking at, you know, gas station just down the road... For me, we're looking at $5.21 a gallon for the lowest grade gas.  Boy, it's it's all of the warnings about inflation and the out-of-control spending and the printing of trillions of dollars out of thin air that us libertarians have been warning about for decades. Now. It's all coming to a head. And nobody outside the liberty movement seems to have any idea how to talk about this. And, you know, it puts us in a great position where we are the ones with the answers, because we are the only ones who understand how we got here." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/15/202229 minutes, 45 seconds
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523: The Art of Influence (How if You're Winsome, You May Win Some!) (w/ Chris Widener)

On today's episode of The Brian Nichols Show, Chris Widener joins the program to outline how you can influence others by being winsome... and hey, you may even win some! "One of the phrases that I coined is that in order to win some, you must be winsome. And, and I really believe that. You can't be a jerk.  You know, sometimes, the Bible says to speak the truth in love. And I think that's a great merger, right? You want to speak the truth, but you want to do it in love.  Some people, they won't speak the truth. They say, "I'm not gonna say anything, everybody can do whatever they want to do, I'm not gonna say something's wrong..."  And they just love everybody.  Well, a society of people doesn't move forward if you just do that.  But then there's other people who just speak the truth. And they don't demonstrate the love, and people's look at them like, "Wow, well now you're kind of a jerk." You know, speaking the truth in love means considering the other person's interests and doing it out of helping the other person. But sometimes you need to say something that they're not necessarily going to like.  And you know, there's an old biblical proverb that says, "wounds from a friend can be trusted." I want people to know that even though it might hurt, you can trust me that I'm saying it, because I believe that it's the right thing, and it'll help you out.  We need to be winsome, you know, the old Ronald Reagan, happy warrior kind of thing. And I just, I think that we would do far better if we could do that." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/14/202227 minutes, 9 seconds
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522: 5 Ways to CRUSH Your Sales Quota, Even During a Recession!

On today's episode, I answer the top question that's been hitting my inbox the past few weeks; "Brian... how on earth am I supposed to sell during a recession!?" I hear you. Budgets are getting frozen and slashed. Jobs are being terminated. The economy feels like it's headed to a standstill. Naturally, the idea of trying to sell during this type of climate can feel daunting. But have no fear, as today, I'm outlining 5 ways you can be sure to CRUSH your sales quota, even during a recession! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/13/202217 minutes, 40 seconds
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521: Becoming Assertive in 6 Easy Steps (Even If You Don't Think There's an Assertive Bone in Your Body!)

Last Morning Sales Huddle, we outlined the importance of assertiveness. And I'm sure some of you read the post, rolled your eyes and thought, "Yeah, that sounds all well and good, Brian. But how do I actually become assertive if I'm not assertive already??" Great question!!  Okay, so we've gone through and outlined why you should become assertive and how it will impact your business success and your personal life success. So how does one actually become assertive? Here are some quick, easy ways for you to become instantly more assertive - Overnight. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/10/202214 minutes, 38 seconds
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520: Could the FAIRtax Ultimately Lead to Abolishing the IRS!? (w/ Steve Hayes)

On today's episode of The Brian Nichols Show, we're actually talking about abolishing the IRS! But we're doing it in a roundabout way! Listen as Steve Hayes from the Americans for Fair Taxation joins us to outline how the FAIRtax could actually help us abolish the IRS on our path of eliminating the income tax. "We started working on this idea of eliminating the income tax, totally eliminating it, and replacing it with an excise tax - effectively what we had in the Constitution, which is a retail sales tax on the federal level. It would be on new goods and purchases - and emphasize new - not used, but new goods and purchases, and retail services. If you go get your haircut, you get it if you're a lady and you get a manicure, those are retail, those are going to be subject to the fair tax. The fair tax rate is 23%. The idea is that what you're going to do is get your entire paycheck. Because we fund the government differently. We don't fund it with an income tax and the payroll taxes like now - we fund it by giving you all of your money so that you're in charge of how much tax you pay.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/9/202231 minutes, 25 seconds
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519: Proven Sales & Marketing Strategies That WORK! (feat. Brian Nichols)

What if you could reach your target market on the exact issues they care about? That's the question I answered (amongst many others!) when I joined the Inventor Network's Virtual Summit last evening! Listen as I give my presentation, "Proven Sales & Marketing Strategies That WORK!" here on today's episode! "The world has changed over the past few years. With the advent of COVID-19, and what we're doing today. So not only has the world changed, but also, the world of sales and marketing has changed. So it's important for us to not only make sure we're addressing what's changed, but also, as we're moving forward, make sure that the strategies we're implementing in the world of marketing and sales are keeping up with the times as well." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/8/202227 minutes
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518: How Is this Old-School Retro Gamer Enhancing the Sales Experience!? (w/ Richard Blank)

On today's episode of The Brian Nichols Show, I'm joined by Richard Blank (CEO of Costa Rica's Call Center) who give us some real, authentic means to enhance the sales experience for both the prospect AND the salesman.  "Well, since I grew up in the 70s, and 80s, I loved going to arcades - and I'm a retro gamer. I don't have a PlayStation or an Xbox. I'm an old-school gamer. And so my passion turned into an obsession.  And once I started making a little money and have the room here at the center, I started treasure hunting. And there are people down here with pinball machines and jukeboxes and a lot of toys that one man's trash is another man's treasure.  And so call me Oscar the Grouch, I'll be willing to drive a couple hours to find myself a classic rock cooler, or a pinball machine. And so most of these games are older than the agents here, I created a happy neutral environment so people can meet others from different departments that can let off steam - they can recharge batteries. And imagine an environment where you can hang out and play some games together.  And so, for me, I felt it was very important. It reduces attrition. When people are best friends with other people, they usually stay at a company." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/7/202231 minutes, 44 seconds
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517: Why is this Military Veteran & Journeyman Electrician Running for Hayward City Council!? (w/ Michael Lema)

On today's episode of The Brian Nichols Show, I'm joined by Hayward City Council candidate Michael Lema, who is seeking to bring liberty based solutions to Alameda County! "I decided to run because, in March of 2020, I got out of the Marine Corps after serving five and a half years. And I got back in mid-March, March 15, and I went to go work my first job as a normal person again. And they laid me off right after my first day. They're like, "Hey, come back in two weeks, this whole COVID thing is serious. We'll call you when it's time to come back to work." Two weeks rolled around, I call them back like, "Hey, I'm ready to go back to work.", and they say, "Like not yet, call us back in another two weeks." So I call them back again in two weeks. And they're like, "You know what, we'll just call you." And so I was laid off for two months, and I couldn't take it anymore. So I got a new job, which is my current job, now as the lead journeyman electrician for a crane company. And that was going great. I got sent off to the field, though, to a national laboratory, where I'm at. And my boss had given me an envelope with a paper in it saying I'm allowed to drive. And I was really confused. Why he said, "Well, in my county and in my state there was a statewide curfew that you were not allowed to drive after 6 pm." And that was the tipping point for me." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/6/202227 minutes, 44 seconds
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516: Why Being Controversial Only Gets You So Far (feat. Mahgdalen Rose)

Mahgdalen Rose returns to the program on a special solo episode, discussing why being controversial can only get you so far! "It's one thing to say everything controversial you can to get yourself trending on CNN or Twitter, Instagram.  But it's another thing for soccer moms to go vote for you. It's another thing for fathers to go vote for you. It's another thing for business owners to believe that you'll have their back if something happens in the state and they need more time and they need small business loans." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/3/202210 minutes, 47 seconds
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515: Could This Libertarian Actually WIN This Board of Supervisors Seat!? (w/ Kelly Carden)

Kelly Carden has been in Kern County for most of his life, and is so much a part of the community that he is willing to put his name on the line to fix its problems.  He knows what the county needs, and is not afraid to say it.  He is also a Libertarian, allowing him to approach our problems from an out-of-the-box and bipartisan perspective badly needed in politics today. Today, Kelly returns to The Brian Nichols Show to outline why he's running for Kern County Board of Supervisors! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/2/202230 minutes, 24 seconds
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514: Policing Bodies: Law, Sex Work, and Desire in Johannesburg (w/ India Thusi)

Sex work occupies a legally gray space in Johannesburg, South Africa, and police attitudes toward it are inconsistent and largely unregulated. This results in both room for negotiation that can benefit sex workers and extreme precarity, where the security police provide can be taken away at a moment's notice.  There is growing concern about the appropriate role for police, if any, in society. Many people around the world are examining policing in response to incidents of violence within marginalized communities. In recent decades, police have taken on additional responsibilities as administrators of social welfare and adopters of community policing.  Yet, it remains an open debate whether policing and criminalization bring additional security and human rights protection, especially for historically stigmatized populations. Within this social context, Thusi examines the policing of sex work in Johannesburg, and whether a human rights approach to sex work should ever contribute to more policing, even if the policing is limited to sex workers’ clients.  Challenging discourses about sexuality and gender that inform its regulation, Thusi exposes the limitations of dominant feminist arguments regarding the legal treatment of sex work. This in-depth, historically informed ethnography illustrates the tension between enforcing a country's laws and protecting human rights. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/1/202225 minutes, 7 seconds
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513: The Libertarian Party & The Great Reno Reset (w/ Stephen Decker & Jeremy Todd)

The Reno Reset is real! And with it, a new leadership at the helm of the third largest political party in the United States - The Libertarian Party. After 4 years of building an infrastructure, the Mises Caucus has officially secured leadership roles across the LNC. Now what? Well, that's why Stephen Decker and Jeremy Todd are joining me on today's episode! Both had the opportunity to attend the Libertarian Party national convention this past weekend, and with that, give us their take as to what we can expect next now that the Mises Caucus firmly has grasp of the party. "If I'm giving advice to the Mises Caucus, is that alright, it's no longer about the Mises Caucus now. All right? It is about the Libertarian Party, and you need to own that name, "The Libertarian Party". It is no longer "this person joined the Mises Caucus!" but "that person has joined the Libertarian Party". And so make us all one... help unify the party." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/31/202239 minutes, 20 seconds
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512: You Need To Be More Assertive, Dammit!

The customer is always right. Yep. We've all heard that saying many a time. And unfortunately, too many sales pros believe that this old way of thinking is actually true.    You know, the idea that the rep who does whatever their prospect asks and wants is the one who kills it month after month.    But is that really the case? Is the customer always right? Ask any seasoned sales professional, and they'll tell you that not only is this plain wrong, but in fact, it's an almost guaranteed way to sabotage any sale.    Instead of playing the role of order-taker, we have to play the role of consultant. And with that, it requires us to be assertive.    Now assertiveness itself can get a bad rap, as people can easily misinterpret assertiveness as pushy or rude. But what do we mean when we're talking about assertiveness?    And what role does assertiveness play in helping you close more business?  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/27/202213 minutes, 20 seconds
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511: The Zombie Economics of Inflation and Unemployment (w/ Prof. Alex Salter)

Today's guest (Prof. Alex Salter) recently joined Phil Magness and wrote an article for The Hill outlining how bad economic ideas can have a frustratingly long shelf life. Amid surging consumer and producer prices, the apparent tradeoff between inflation and unemployment has become a hot topic. There’s just one problem: the tradeoff doesn’t exist. Economists have known this for 40 years. Policymakers and commentators asserting otherwise should get with the program. "In policymaking circles - public economics commentators - (those sorts of positions), there persists this myth that there's a steady and exploitable trade-off between unemployment and inflation. The idea is you can quote-unquote, "run the economy hot", in which case you're gonna get low unemployment, but you have to put up with high inflation. Or if you want to try and bring down inflation, you have to put up with not-so-good labor markets, and higher unemployment. In brief, this view is bogus. There's nothing to it. There is absolutely no reason why you can't have strong labor markets, and low and stable inflation. You can even have strong labor markets with no inflation." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/26/202228 minutes, 35 seconds
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510: Biden's Foreign Policy Report Card - The Good, The Bad, & The "Meh" (with Prof. Sarah Burns)

Returning to the program today is Professor Sarah Burns (Associate Professor of Political Science at the Rochester Institute of Technology) to give her report card grade of the Biden administration's foreign policy priorities - namely Afghanistan, Ukraine/Russia, and China/Taiwan. "My difficulty with Biden is he's also an he's definitely an elder statesman. And he's also a former cold warrior. So when you're thinking about how he's going to view the world, he's going to view it as this is my legacy. We're returning to great power struggles, you know, how should he respond to that?" Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/25/202237 minutes, 29 seconds
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509: How Do We Fix the Old, Broken Libertarian Messaging? (Brian Nichols on In Liberty & Health)

On today's episode, I joined Kyle Matovcik over on his program, "In Liberty and Health". We covered a TON of topics (like my weight loss, my move from Philly, and more!), but we spent a vast majority of our time focusing on fixing our old, broken libertarian messaging. Are we up for the task? Give a listen! "The voter doesn't want to hear what it means to be a libertarian. Why? Because they don't care. Why should they care? What does it mean to them - what being a libertarian means to us? What they want to see is (and what we should be showing is), what do the libertarian ideas mean, for me, as it pertains to the political process. We have done a terrible job in being able to connect the dots. What we've done is we say, "look at this book, it's amazing. It's got all the amazing answers to life's problems. And it's all right here. And all you have to do is you have to read this book, and then another one, and another one, and another one." And we good idea, people with death, instead of saying, "Hey, I noticed that while you were at the grocery store, today, you are complaining about how the grocery cart isn't as full as it used to be, when you're putting $100 worth of food in into the cart? Well, maybe we can talk about how we got here, right? I mean, would that be something you'd be open to discussing?", and then all of a sudden, you're talking about something that's real to them. And then you can start to position a libertarian solution." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/25/20221 hour, 48 seconds
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508: Why Does This Libertarian Farmer Want To Be Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania? (w/ Tim McMaster)

Returning to the program today is Tim McMaster, Libertarian candidate for Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania! "It's really good to be out front and center with the local people. And as they say, 'all politics is local'.  And I truly believe that, because every issue that we face on the local issue, if you just expand that out, essentially, that's on the state level on the national level as well, with some exceptions. But overall, people are concerned about the same things - how they're going to feed their kids, you know, are they going to raise their kids properly? How are they going to educate their kids? Are they going to have anything to leave their kids? Is it gonna be all taken from your property taxes or some other kind of government extortion program? Those are really the top-of-mind things that I've really been focusing on."  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/23/202230 minutes, 56 seconds
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507: The Top 3 Ways Libertarians Scare Away The Liberty Curious (w/Chris Goyzueta)

Where do Libertarians drop the ball when trying to win people's hearts and minds? Sadly, in far too many areas... "The Professor" Chris Goyzueta returns to the program to help me as we outline the top 3 ways that Libertarians scare away the liberty curious. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/20/202234 minutes, 41 seconds
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506: Hunny, Where's All The Baby Formula? (w/ Kenny Cody)

Ask any parent with a newborn, and the fear is real... Where's all the baby formula!? Store shelves are empty, and the Biden Administration was caught seemingly off-guard by the nationwide baby formula shortage.  Kenny Cody returns to help explain how we got here. Also discussed: the GOP primary in Pennsylvania is SO CLOSE between Dr. Oz and McCormick! What happens next!? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/19/202227 minutes, 23 seconds
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505: The United States and its Long History of "Misinformation" (w/ Caleb Franz)

Does this sound familiar?  The looming threat of war hovers over the United States like a vulture circling its prey. A deadly virus is running through the population, forcing many to avoid highly populated areas. Furthermore, the nation is reaching a level of political division so severe that it threatens the stability of the country. While you might think this is a description of the U.S. circa 2022, these were actually the circumstances that the nation found itself in at the beginning of the Adams administration.  This backdrop isn't all these two periods of history have in common, either. As Americans today are engaged in a great debate over how to handle the spread of misinformation, it would behoove us to reflect on how the first generation of Americans overcame this very issue.  Efforts to contain misinformation have become a growing point of contention in the United States as of late. Social media giants flag and deplatform individuals who spread allegedly false information at an increasing rate. Of course, who gets to distinguish between genuinely false information and areas with legitimate room for disagreement is where things get messy.  Today, Caleb Franz returns to the program to outline misinformation throughout history, and the role free speech plays in fighting actual misinformation. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/18/202228 minutes, 19 seconds
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504: How Has Inflation Impacted Small Business? (with David Belman)

Inflation has been felt at the grocery store, at the gas pump, at the car dealership, traveling.... okay, pretty much everywhere. And yes, that means that the home building industry has been hit just as hard. How hard has it been hit? Well, returning to the program today is David Belman (Belman Homes) who outlines how the supply chain issues, when coupled with the increase in interest rates and inflation, has been a perfect storm for the home building industry. "When you put all the regulation that you have in, in our [home building] industry, right now, it's adding $94,000 to the cost of a new home due to local state and federal regulation. And you talk about these young kids and they're going to work and trying to get money so they can buy a house and they can't afford it because the government's costing so much money before you even put a shovel on the ground. So that's what I'm really passionate about is really trying to help the housing affordability issue because it'll help everybody because housing is something that everybody should have access to." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/17/202224 minutes, 45 seconds
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503: Why It's Okay To Say "No" & Celebrating Greatness

On today's episode of The Brian Nichols Show, I'm riding solo, talking about why it's okay to say "no" in both life and in sales. Later, I dig into why I think it's important we focus on celebrating greatness, and then finally, I wrap up by outlining my strategies to effectively listen to podcasts. "As a matter of fact, it might be the thing that's actually holding you back in sales. There's only one thing that each of us experiences in the exact same way. And that's time. T ime is the ultimate non-renewable resource. It doesn't matter where you're born, what family you're born to, how much money you have your predicaments in life or any other extraneous situation you can think of time evens all playing fields, and saying the word know gives you control of dictating who does and who doesn't get part of that time." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/16/202214 minutes, 35 seconds
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502: What Makes a Great Story? - Storytelling 101 with Billy Madison

Yup... we're talking storytelling using *that* Billy Madison. Or at least, we'll be using the scene that features the book, "The Puppy Who Lost His Way" and why Billy didn't find the children's book as compelling as Ms. Lippy had hoped.  Oh, and did you know we can use storytelling in sales? It's true! And not only can you use storytelling, but it'll be a GAMECHANGER. What makes a good story? Take a listen to find out! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/13/202211 minutes, 38 seconds
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501: Did This College Student Really Get Expelled For Refusing The COVID Booster Shot!? (w/ Ellie Puentes)

"My body, my choice" doesn't seemingly apply to those refusing the COVID booster. At least, that's how it appears, as today's guest (Ellie Puentes) was EXPELLED FROM COLLEGE for the the audacity of refusing to take the COVID booster... all this after having an adverse reaction to the second dose of her COVID vaccine! Listen as Ellie outlines her experience being expelled by Union College and how far the COVID insanity gone. " I'm fully vaccinated. I received my second dose back in September, but I got so sick from it to the point where I ended up hospitalized and continued to have something to this day. And before getting the vaccine, I had no health issues. So when I got an email from my school, reminding me to get the booster vaccine, I sent out an email with my concerns, and my request for an exemption was denied. They denied my hospital documents. They denied a letter written by my doctor, you know, who's known me longer than administration of Union, where he stated it's ill-advised for me to receive the booster right now, and they denied that." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/12/202223 minutes, 40 seconds
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500: 5 of My Favorite Episodes From Over the Past 500 Shows (feat. Brian Nichols)

After 4 and 1/2 years, we've hit an incredible milestone at The Brian Nichols Show. Not only have we hit the top 1.5% of podcasts globally, but we have just reached our 500th episode! Today, I'm sharing 5 of my favorite conversations from the past 500 episodes! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/11/202247 minutes, 32 seconds
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499: Capitalizing on the Parallel Economy & Defeating Wokeness (with Michael Seifert of PublicSq)

On today's episode of The Brian Nichols Show, I'm joined by Michael Seifert (CEO + Founder of PublicSq.) joins the program to introduce PublicSq - a platform that is connecting freedom-loving Americans with local community, reliable information, and the businesses that share their values. "There is a whole separate economy emerging for the people that are just tired of the wokeness. And they just want a break. And they want to support businesses that make them proud to be an American. That's what people want to feel. And for us, you know, the goal is, let's capitalize on that. Let's actually build that community with that mission at the forefront, especially for the small businesses and local communities. Our kind of mission is how can I help the one location coffee shop feel that same sort of magic, And it's been pretty cool to see that come to life." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/10/202225 minutes, 57 seconds
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498: How to Talk About Roe v. Wade / Abortion without Tempers Flaring (with Olivia Rondeau)

The conversation towards abortion/Roe v. Wade has always been a heated discussion... but does it have to be that way? Returning to the program today is Oliva Rondeau, who joins us to walk through this often difficult and delicate subject, and how we can best avoid the usual demonization. "The answer lies in communities, how these communities take care of their pregnant women and pregnant teens who are in a tough situation, and how we view these pregnant women and pregnant teens and try to end the stigma. Because people make mistakes, it takes two people, like... we're all adults here. So let's let's kind of end the, 'us versus them',  As we go more and more polarized and more and more separate, you'll see that, as we demonize each other, the situation does not solve itself." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/9/202236 minutes, 9 seconds
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497: Fake Invisible Catastrophes and Threats of Doom! (with Dr. Patrick Moore)

Returning to The Brian Nichols Show today is Dr. Patrick Moore (Author, "Fake Invisible Catastrophes and Threats of Doom") to discuss how most of the scare stories in the media today are based on things that are invisible, like CO2 and radiation, or very remote, like polar bears and coral reefs. Thus, the average person cannot observe and verify the truth of these claims for themselves. They must rely on activists, the media, politicians, and scientists - all of whom have a huge financial and/or political interest in the subject - to tell them the truth. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/6/202230 minutes, 54 seconds
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496: Tolerance vs. Acceptance & Setting Narratives vs. Responding to Narratives (feat. Brian Nichols)

On today's episode, I'm flying solo, talking about the difference between tolerance and acceptance, plus how to start resetting narratives vs. responding to narratives. "I think it's pretty obvious that the main thing we can take away is that it's important for us when we're speaking the truth and selling the ideas and solutions that we bring to the table from the liberty perspective, that instead of being squishy and trying not to offend, that It's important to make definitive and declarative positions based on not only what you believe, but also in the face of that which you disagree with…" Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/5/202214 minutes, 4 seconds
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495: May the Fourth Be With You! (Politics & Star Wars w/ Stephen Kent from Nov. 2020)

(Today's episode originally aired in November 2020 and is getting a special re-air with today being May 4th!) "So this is how liberty dies... with thunderous applause...". I bet you've heard that phrase used when discussing politics, right? Well, like many other examples, it is just one parallel between the world of "Earthly politics" and the world of "Star Wars politics". Joining the show to help outline just how much our world and the Star Wars world share is host of "Beltway Banthas" and political commentator Stephen Kent! Find Stephen and Beltway Banthas: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/4/202250 minutes
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494: What are the Top-3 Issues Libertarians Should Be Focusing Messaging Towards? (with Clint Russell)

Today on The Brian Nichols Show, Clint Russel (Host, Liberty Lockdown) returns to the program to help outline the top-3 issues we libertarians/liberty world should be focusing on in order to meet people where they're at on the issues they care about - specifically with an election less than 6 short months away! "Libertarians need to get out of the hypothetical... like we are dealing with the real ramifications - ramifications of statism. And we have answers. And we also have the diagnosis as to why we're in the position we're in. So you don't need to talk hypotheticals - like this is actually happening to people in their real lives. And that's why it's such a fertile ground from which we can work, you know? Like, this is our opportunity - I really believe that this is the greatest opportunity in my lifetime, to try and help people. And if that's what you are motivated by, well, then you should wake up every day just roaring to go."  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/3/202234 minutes, 23 seconds
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493: Can't Sell, Won't Sell - Advertising, Politics, & Culture Wars (with Steve Harrison)

On today's episode of The Brian Nichols Show, I'm joined by Steve Harrison, author of "Can't Sell Won't Sell: Advertising, politics and culture wars. Why adland has stopped selling and started saving the world": "The advertising industry has lost interest in selling.  According to the IPA, we face "a crisis of effectiveness". And our politics are to blame. We're now so left-leaning, we're no longer willing to stoke capitalism's engine of growth. Instead, we've embraced a new raison d'etre: we're saving the world.  But how genuine is our commitment to social justice? Who's buying our purpose-driven campaigns? And what of the angry mainstream who are alienated by the agenda we're imposing upon them? Most urgently, as businesses close and millions of families face unemployment in the post-pandemic recession, will advertising rediscover its commercial purpose and help revive the free market?  Or will an out-of-touch industry double down on social purpose and drift further to the margins of British life? This is the choice we face, and it's one that adland cannot shirk." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/2/202227 minutes, 45 seconds
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492: How is this Libertarian Candidate Fighting Back Against Local Career Politicians? (with Tara Murphy)

On today's episode of The Brian Nichols Show, Tara Murphy (candidate for Branchburg Township Committee, NJ) joins the program to outline what issues she's focusing on during her candidacy, namely how she is taking on career politicians who have grown deaf to the needs and concerns of their constituents. "I've lived in my town [Branchburg, NJ) for about 11 years. And more and more every year, there's more building and less open space in the town. And we get a lot of flooding because of it. And this is usually brushed off by the current township administration. So I'm running for township committee this year against two Republican incumbents prioritizing open space and freedom for residents over the overdevelopment - both commercial and residential in the town, which is causing flooding. The town has been run by Republicans for at least 25 years, maybe longer. And there are no term limits. ...last year, the mayor told me that businesses were more important than residents. In 2020, the township overturned a marijuana referendum, saying that the people did not know what they were voting for when they voted to legalize marijuana. The township also regularly disregards the master plan for building and grants variances very, very easily. So that is why I'm running for township this year." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/30/202224 minutes, 53 seconds
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491: A Libertarian Alternative for POTUS!? (with Mike ter Maat)

On today's episode of The Brian Nichols Show, I'm joined once again by Mike ter Maat! However... this time, he's announced that he's seeking to be the Libertarian Party candidate for 2024! "I think that the big basket, of course, is that the Democratic Party and the and the Republican Party have gone off the rails in terms of their respect for the Constitution. They hate each other so much that they are willing to do anything to suppress each other, including lying to the media - they're authoritarian bent is really coming to fruition. Both parties now claim that the other is fraudulent, that others are cheating and that their presidential wins are not legitimate. Neither party cares about the Constitution anymore. And, and that comes to bear in people's lives in very real ways. And not just because people are sick of hearing them make fools of themselves on television, although that's pretty significant." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/28/202229 minutes, 13 seconds
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490: Building a Story Brand and Using the Right Strategies (with Morgan Bonwell)

On today's episode of The Brian Nichols Show, I'm joined by Morgan Bonwell (Founder, Right Strategies) to discuss the importance of building a storybrand to help candidates and campaigns effectively meet their constituents where they're at on the issues they care about. "So, the story brand framework, steps follow the basic concept of a hero meeting a guide. First, the customer has a problem that needs solved. And they're introduced to a guide. And that guide gives them a plan or a solution, and calls them to action, where they either achieved success, and how they can ultimately avoid failure. So in the book, it talks about using this method in business and marketing your product. But as I started to develop this concept, while implemented, implementing it in my own business, I was like, wow, candidates could really use this."  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/27/202231 minutes, 29 seconds
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489: It Didn't Have To Be This Way: How a Crumbling Economy Will Cause More Death than COVID-19 (from April 2020)

*Today's episode comes from April 2020, when economist Dan Mitchell joined the program and outlined exactly what would transpire (and ultimately has transpired) over the past two years of COVID mandates and lockdowns.* [ORIGINAL SHOW NOTES] As weeks go by with the economy stuck on pause due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many economists are starting to sound the alarm that the impact of our economy screeching to a halt could cause as much, if not more long-term death and prolonged hardship than the virus itself. Dan J. Mitchell, a libertarian economist with a Ph.D. in Economics from George Mason University and founder for the Center for American Prosperity is amongst those economists raising his voice in concern. Mitchell joins The Brian Nichols Show today to discuss one of his more recent articles that discusses that very concern, titled, "The Temporary Tradeoff Between Health Outcomes and Economic Outcomes". Listen as we discuss his article and then dig deeper into the dangers of a stagnant economy as it pertains to both the economic and physical health of the nation and more! Find Dan Mitchell Online- Website: Twitter: Facebook: Dan's Article, "The Temporary Tradeoff Between Health Outcomes and Economic Outcomes": Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/26/202240 minutes, 37 seconds
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488: Elon Musk: The New King of Twitter (with Josie)

Today I am once again joined by Josie ( on The Brian Nichols Show, this time discussing Elon Musk's purchase of Twitter. "Elon knows what people want. He knows how to how to reach people - he listens to them. And he knows that there is a yearning for normalcy. And people don't want a "New World Order" - people just want the order of the world that they already have. So he sees that, and he calls himself a free speech solutionist. And I see him listening to the people and doing you know, he does a lot of polls, for instance. And he's got such a big following that they're not getting trolled, so he listens to the people - he takes consensus. And I believe we're going to see him doing a lot of what the people who are using his platform want to see done. " Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/25/202227 minutes, 19 seconds
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487: The Rise of Celebrity Conservatism (with Kenny Cody)

On today's episode of The Brian Nichols Show, I'm once again joined by Kenny Cody to discuss "The Rise of Celebrity Conservatism".: "I think we really have to look at how much we can capitalize on Republicans and people who are celebrities and are ready to come out of their shells. Hollywood and the left ostracize celebrities that sort of have these right-leaning tendencies hit for their conservative belief systems. And now you have these two people (Herschel Walker & Dr. Oz) who are now running as Republicans with "R"s next to their name on ballots And I think the shift within the Republican Party's direction is a good thing, because you're kind of making people come out unashamed to be with conservatives anymore." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/22/202231 minutes, 40 seconds
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486: How I Battled My Food Addiction & Lost 180lbs (Brian Nichols on The Business Addicts Podcast)

(This episode originally appeared over on The Business Addicts Podcast: SUBSCRIBE HERE) Brian Nichols shares his story of hope with us in this episode. Going from living in addiction to making choices to change his life, he lost half his body weight and is now empowering all who encounter him to be their best selves. Food addiction isn't necessarily one that gets much publicity... but that doesn't make it any less of a real addiction! Addiction comes in all forms and is not limited to the "mainstream" substances we might think of when we use the term. Brian is the host of The Brian Nichols Show and serves as a Director of Sales Development in the greater telecommunications/cybersecurity industry. Having spent years working with C-Level executives to help them "future-proof" their company's infrastructure for an uncertain future, Brian is taking that industry experiencing and bringing it to the liberty movement. Instead of focusing on libertarians being right, Brian believes in teaching the basic fundamentals of sales and their application in the world of politics, teaching you how to ask better questions to help change people’s minds. Listen to his Podcast The Brian Nichols Show Find Brian at: Brian's LinkedIn Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/21/20221 hour, 3 minutes, 34 seconds
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485: Theory of Constraints Economics: Reality, Freedom and Progress (w/ Jorge Gonzalez Moore)

On today's episode of The Brian Nichols Show, I'm joined by Jorge Gonzalez Moore (Author of Theory of Constraints Economics: Reality, Freedom and Progress) where discuss solutions available to solve our societal and economic woes: "And this is a thing in theory constraints... As you have a system and you need to understand the system. What you want to understand is, what is the core problem, or the constraints of the system. And all the rest are just undesirable effects of that a fundamental constraint, or fundamental core problem. Okay, let's start listing all the undesirable effects that we see in our daily life dealing with economics. And so the starting point is to list those sets of symptoms. And then, well, the end result, if we're able to find the causality between each of those symptoms, should be the core problem. And that's where we need to focus everyone to find a solution.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/20/202228 minutes, 25 seconds
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484: Biden's War on "Ghost Guns" and the Second Amendment (w/ Matt Larosiere from FPC)

On today's episode of The Brian Nichols Show, I'm joined by Matt Larosiere from the Firearms Policy Coalition "You know, the fight for the Second Amendment is a fight. It's an ongoing fight. And so we have to properly watch our opponent telegraphing their moves and respond to them. So this rule does not ban you from making your own good at home - doesn't ban anything to do with 3D printing - what it is trying to do is to make a legal nightmare for people who want to help you do that for people who want to sell you the products....the incomplete receivers, the completion jigs and stuff like that. That's what they're trying to get at with this rule. It does not actually touch home building. But it touches everything around it to the point that they're trying to just raise the cost and complexity of building a gun yourself. And I think that's just as horrible as trying to attack it at its core." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/19/202225 minutes, 50 seconds
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483: How Do We Change Hearts and Minds? (w/ Remso Martinez & Brian Nichols)

How do we actually change hearts and minds? Is it by showing people how right we are? Do we have to show them all of our principles and ideas to get them interested in the ideas of liberty? Or rather, is it more effective to invest in utilizing proven sales and marketing skills that WIN in the world of business, and bring them to the world of politics? I join Remos Martinez to discuss! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/19/202240 minutes, 11 seconds
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482: Why Do the Elites HATE Elon Musk So Much!? (with Hannah Cox & Brad Polumbo)

On today's episode of The Brian Nichols Show, I'm joined by Hannah Cox and Brad Polumbo to discuss Elon Musk potentially buying Twitter, and why the elites have been reacting like it's "the end of the world". "I just I find it funny because, you know, for a long time when people on the right complained about Twitter, they were told it's a private company, they can do whatever they want by liberals and by the left. And to be clear, people like him, and I agreed with them, right. But now all of a sudden, they're very mad about what might happen with a private company. And so really, it's like libertarians are over here on an island actually holding this consistent belief." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/15/202230 minutes, 4 seconds
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481: Know Your Market - And Meet Them Where They're At (feat. Brian Nichols)

Focus on those who are in your target market, and then focus on the issues they care about.  That's the theme of today's Morning Sales Huddle on The Brian Nichols Show! "This is where we've missed so badly over the past few years, - we have in, our heads - who our ideal customer is based on what we want them to be, But not who they actually are. So if you want to actually meet people where they're at on the issues they care about, well, good, because that's going to help lead to positive success. But if you're focused on just talking about the things that you want them to care about, and that's the only thing that you focus on, well, congratulations, you'll be speaking to a party of one; and that will be you.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/14/202211 minutes, 8 seconds
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480: The Universal Rules of Life - 27 Secrets for Managing Time, Stress, and People (with Dr. Nabil Fanous)

On today's episode of The Brian Nichols Show, I am joined by Dr. Nabil Fanous to discuss his new book, The Universal Rules of Life - 27 Secrets for Managing Time, Stress, and People: Developed by Dr Nabil Fanous—a surgeon, university professor and sought-after speaker—The Universal Rules of Life offers valuable insights into effective time management, personal fulfillment, and the path to professional success. Discover the easy and smart answers to the following questions that have intrigued you for years: What’s the one sentence that will get you what you want 50% of the time? What are the 3 time management secrets of doing what you don’t have time to do? What are the 4 best-kept and indispensable secrets to achieving happiness? How you can create a commanding presence, before you even utter a word? How you can mesmerize anyone you talk to? What are the 9 crucial steps for prevention and early detection of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s disease? What should you do when you feel torn between several options, and can’t make a decision? How you can break the “I will” habit, and do now what you've always wanted to do, but never did? How can you get people to appreciate you, to relish hearing from you, and compete to get together with you? How you can give criticism and disagree, yet remain liked and respected? How can you solve any worrisome problem in less than 5 minutes? How can you create smart effortless habits that simplify your life? What are the 2 questions you must ask yourself when faced with a life crisis or a serious health problem? What’s the secret recipe for managing the difficult people in your life? What are the 2 questions that will instantly make you feel better when you’re disappointed or depressed? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/13/202230 minutes, 8 seconds
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479: What Does the Senate’s $52 Billion Bill Mean For U.S. Microchip Manufacturing? (with Lewis Black)

On today's episode of The Brian Nichols Show, Lewis Black (CEO of Almonty Industries) returns to the program to discuss inflation, supply chain issues, and semiconductor shortage: "The demand for semiconductors through the COVID lockdown was quite unexpected. Obviously, there was an enormous demand for consumer goods, phones, computers, so we put a huge sort of drag on the sector. Then we couple that with increasing demand across the board, as we've reopened, we've got a lack of raw materials to actually produce them. And then, just to really put the icing on the cake, this push towards a greener future has put a dramatic effect on the supply chain for semiconductors. So for instance, a normal regular gasoline vehicle has somewhere in the region of 800 to 1000 semiconductors. An EV has more than double that. So if you're looking to ultimately replace gasoline vehicles with EVs, you'll know where you're gonna need double the number of semiconductors to make that happen. And this just doesn't exist - that capacity... that outputs - does not exist currently." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/12/202224 minutes, 43 seconds
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478: The Gaslighting of the "Disinformation and the Erosion of Democracy" Conference (with Arthur Long)

"The best way to combat real disinformation is not gate-keeping and algorithmic censorship. It’s asking tough questions and having real conversations." On today's episode of The Brian Nichols Show, Arthur Long of The Chicago Thinker joins the program to discuss the “Disinformation and the Erosion of Democracy” conference and how The Chicago Thinker smoked some of "the most trusted names in news". From The Chicago Thinker: "This week, the University of Chicago’s Institute of Politics (IOP) and The Atlantic magazine hosted a “Disinformation and the Erosion of Democracy” conference, and we have to hand it to IOP Director David Axlerod for bringing in true experts on the subject. The conference featured some of America’s greatest purveyors of disinformation, such as Barack Obama, Brian Stelter, Anne Applebaum, and a few token conservatives, including Jonah Goldberg and Adam Kinzinger.  The media, government, and academia elites speaking at the conference weren’t expecting to be challenged as they self-righteously spewed more lies—but our team at the Chicago Thinker was prepared to hold them accountable.  Student journalists from the Chicago Thinker respectfully listened, asked honest questions, and reported. Our efforts soon went viral, garnering millions of views on social media. We successfully turned the IOP’s “Disinformation Conference” on its head and sparked a national conversation about the corporate media’s disinformation.  If this week has taught us anything, it’s that the regime media is incredibly fragile. If a couple hard-hitting questions from college students can rattle the elites to such a degree, just think what would happen if our peers at other universities follow our lead. Here’s how we smoked some of America’s most corrupt, partisan liars." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/11/202230 minutes, 52 seconds
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477: Stop Persuading And Start Winning! (feat. Brian Nichols)

On today's episode of The Brian Nichols Show, I sit down and go over one of our Morning Sales Huddles! "No, we aren't wasting our time trying to win arguments. Rather, we're focusing and leading by example with conviction.   When you lead with conviction, it gives you the opportunity to win. And when you win, you don't even need to think about wasting your time arguing or persuading.   Good ideas, when backed with conviction, will win the day."  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/8/20229 minutes, 17 seconds
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476: Unleashing the Power of Educational Entrepreneurialism! (with Kerry McDonald)

On today's episode of The Brian Nichols Show with guest Kerry McDonald, Senior Education Fellor from FEE (the Foundation for Economic Education): "I mean there's a lot we could dwell on in terms of what is negatively happening in education. But I think that there are a lot of good things happening. Actually, as difficult and devastating as the pandemic response has been over the past couple of years, the real upshot is that parents have been put in charge of their children's education in ways that were unimaginable pre-2020. Not only beginning in 2020, with school closures and recognizing the power and influence of teachers unions, and keeping schools closed influencing CDC policy, which we saw last year, I think it's really just opened a lot of parents' eyes. And they've been more interested and curious about various other education options for their children. So we've seen not only kind of record rates of parents removing their children from assigned district schools for homeschooling, creating pandemic pods - that in many cases have now turned into full-fledged micro-schools - but we've also seen tremendous support for school choice policies that enable education funding to follow students instead of going to these bureaucratic school systems that are increasingly unresponsive to parent needs. So there's a lot we could say about the negative aspects of American education today, but I think there are tremendous positives as well. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/7/202227 minutes, 36 seconds
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475: Elon Musk - The New King of Twitter? (with Eric Brakey from Free American Now)

From Eric Brakey's Free America Now Podcast! "Brian Nichols (host of the "Brian Nichols Show"), fresh off his appearance on "Timcast IRL" joins Free America Now to discuss parental rights in education and Elon Musk, the new King of Twitter." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/6/202245 minutes, 23 seconds
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474: Is Larry Sharpe New York State's Last Hope? (with Larry Sharpe)

On today's episode of The Brian Nichols Show with Larry Sharpe (Candidate for New York State Governor): "New York State - for those of you watching or listening who may not know - is an absolutely beautiful, amazing state. It is a true example of diversity... whether you want the biggest city in the nation, beautiful mountains, falls, rivers, lakes, if you want the opera or if you want hiking, if you want skiing, or you have baseball, football, hockey, and basketball, whatever is your thing. It is here in this state, from beaches to mountaintops, wherever you can imagine. You want to go boating, you want to go fishing? Yes, it is here in this state. The problem isn't the state. The problem is the government. The government is so oppressive. It literally breaks up families. My mom died in South Carolina my step pop died in South Carolina because it couldn't afford to live here. You, Brian, said you've already left your family and friends here. So what's the hope? The hope is in getting people in New York State to realize there are answers." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/5/202230 minutes
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473: Mastering the Upsell (with Victor Antonio)

On today's episode of The Brian Nichols Show with sales legend and author. Victor Antonio: "The job of the salesperson is to sell value. So, if somebody questions what they're selling us, you mean, "I should go back and sell them more?" No, we don't go back and sell more, we go back and help more, we add more value to what we've already sold. If you're selling something that's worthwhile, why not keep selling them more of it? If it's helping their business grow, value for value, there's people who are willing to pay what you have to offer."  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/4/202236 minutes, 20 seconds
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472: How Web3 is Inspiring a Cultural Revolution (with Nick Beato from Blackchip DAO)

On today's episode of The Brian Nichols Show with Nick Beato from Blackchip DAO: "There's a massive cultural revolution occurring. We're transitioning from these centralized traditional hierarchy, government structures, these voting mechanisms that, there's only a couple of decision-makers in some of these big businesses. And it impacts all of us. So we're transitioning, and we've been hurt before we've been lied to before. Centralized authority is, they're bound by, microeconomic variables. Whereas, when you create this pure democratic structure that is a DAO, that's - that's incredibly trustless - it's the only structure that allows for people, complete strangers who have never met, that come from all walks of life to communicate and contribute to satisfy a particular mission. And you know, we're talking about a structure here that allows for everyone to have a voice... you can make proposals to the community, and you could vote on those proposals. And everyone's equal. And I think it's an incredibly, incredibly new concept for people." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/30/202226 minutes, 33 seconds
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471: You Can Do It! Spread Positivity... Recklessly! (feat. Brian Nichols)

On today's episode of The Brian Nichols Show, it's you and me again for a one-on-one Morning Sales Huddle! "Now, we're going to be talking about the ideas of spreading positivity today. Because if you look around the world, everybody seems to be negative all the time. And it's exhausting. And frankly, I'm tired of it. I think we need to be the change we wish to see in the world. And yes, it's easy to follow, you know, the easy path. And that is the path of least resistance. And then many times ends up being the one where we complain where we go out and we spread negativity. But today I'll talk about spreading positive positivity recklessly.  You can do it." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/29/202213 minutes, 36 seconds
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470: Spreading Liberty Across the World! (with Joshua Eakle from Students For Liberty)

On today's episode of The Brian Nichols Show with Joshua Eakle from Students For Liberty: "Students for Liberty is the largest international student group focused on furthering the values of classical liberalism. We have students in over 114 countries on every inhabited continent. We, last year had, I think, almost 3000 events with almost a million attendees. And we're growing like crazy, you know, this year where I think we grew our budget by 30, or 40%. And we're just kind of experiencing meteoric growth moving upwards and onwards, spreading the values of liberty across the world. Our mission is to educate, develop and empower the next generation of leaders for liberty. And we're different from other student groups in the sense that we are truly decentralized and bottom-up. So those of you interested in libertarian ideas, a lot of organizations like talk about it. But then when it actually comes to living those values, we have built our organization to operate in that way." - Joshua Eakle, Global Marketing Director of Students For Liberty Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/28/202225 minutes, 39 seconds
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469: Why This Chinese Immigrant Fears the United States is on a Path to Communism (with Lily Tang Williams)

“I fear the country I love is becoming like the country I left.” Lily Tang Williams was a law school assistant professor at Fudan University, Shanghai, China who immigrated to America and became an entrepreneur and an educator.  Born to illiterate working-class parents in China’s western Sichuan province just before Mao’s Cultural Revolution, Lily Tang Williams grew up experiencing extremely poor living conditions, food rationing, social chaos, and Communist indoctrination. In 1988, Lily Tang Williams decided to study in the U.S., leaving her position with only $100 in her pocket and $1200 in debt to her American sponsor, a Fulbright professor at the University of Texas at Austin. Though she could not speak English fluently she was determined to achieve success in this country, earning a Master’s degree in Administration and Planning from the School of Social Work at the University of Texas at Austin.  Is the United States quickly becoming more like the communist state she fled? And if so, how did it get so bad, so fast? Lily is now seeking the GOP primary for Congress in New Hampshire, with the goal of helping to "Keep the American Dream Alive". Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/25/202230 minutes, 55 seconds
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468: Upending Outdated Approaches to Medical Research & Enabling Universal Access to Medical Care with the CURE Chain (with Jim Nasr & Jacob Beckley)

Jacob Beckley joined us on the program recently to discuss how his organization, The Beckley Foundation, is leading the fight against pediatric cancer by utilizing the CURE token. This revolutionary way of funding healthcare has changed the way research is funded. Well, today, Jacob returns to the program, but this time, he brings a friend... Jim Nasr, tech innovator and CEO of Acoer, which is an award-winning tech firm specializing in user-friendly blockchain development. Today, they help outline the technical structuring and architecture of the CURE Chain. "Supporting childhood cancer research, patients and their families is a compassionate effort, and I'm pleased we are able to make even a small difference", says Beckley, "but it's the tip of an iceberg fraught with underlying problems in an industry disinterested in change". He goes on to describe two fundamental healthcare industry problems at opposite ends of the delivery system. "Researchers need to share data, every day, real-time, in an anonymous, secure system. COVID vaccines are an example of the speed and acuity that can be brought to bear through real-time collaboration. That same process needs to be replicated every day, in every way, on every research project. By the time professional papers are published and peer-reviewed, it's already old news". At the other end of the spectrum Beckley talks about his primary goal: patient access. " All the medical research, innovation and development in the world is worthless if patients are unable to access it due to economics or geography. Healthcare access should not be limited to the wealthy, the insured, or the geographically well located. Healing is for everyone." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/24/202229 minutes, 13 seconds
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467: It's Time to ReAwaken America! (with Clay Clark & Aaron Antis)

The past few years have truly exposed how far away from common principles and values we have drifted. Whereas we use to look back to commonalities, we now see constant division, the misinformation, and manipulation. Thankfully, more and more people are waking up to the insanity and are taking a stand. Today I'm joined by Clay Clark and Aaron Antis, both of whom have made it their goal to help ReAwaken America, and are doing so by bringing the word of God and conservative values to the people on their ReAwaken America Tour. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/23/202230 minutes, 55 seconds
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466: Getting Back to the Basics (with Cory Bray)

No secret sauce or magic pills can substitute the basic fundamentals to sales success.  That's why Cory Bray, renowned sales trainer and Managing Director of ClozeLoop, joins the program today; to outline how getting back to the basics is far more important in advancing your skills as a sales professional versus some top-secret tips or secrets that are pushed on the regular. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/22/202226 minutes, 50 seconds
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465: Social Media Censorship Laws Will Backfire! (with Steve DelBianco from NetChoice)

Joining the program today is Steve DelBianco (President and CEO for NetChoice), where we discuss some of the common misconceptions regarding "Big Tech Censorship", plus how repealing Section 230 is nothing more than a red herring when it comes to policy. NetChoice is leading lawsuits in Texas and Florida -- which introduced legislation to prevent social media companies from monitoring content on their platforms -- to block these bills to protect free speech and keep government out of private businesses’ decisions.    Legislation like this empowers state governments to police and control speech online, violating the First Amendment rights of online businesses. These bills trample the First Amendment by allowing the government to force private businesses to host speech they’d otherwise remove or restrict. Internet platforms have a First Amendment protection to curate content and decide whether to host specific kinds of speech.  NPR-ization of the Internet: Proponents of these laws claim they will protect free expression and free enterprise when they actually move us closer to state-run media and state-run internet. This is exactly why our Founders created the First Amendment—to protect us from the government telling us what we can and cannot say. Unintended Consequences: The law would prohibit social media companies from moderating just about any content — as the court noted. That means social media platforms would be compelled to host hate speech, violent content, X-rated content, etc. With so much inappropriate content and spam, platforms would lose their value to users, especially given that the law prohibits them from curating (organizing) content in certain ways. In addition to being unconstitutional, these bills are short-sighted: laws like this may be appealing to those frustrated by some social media companies blocking some views and content, but they certainly backfire. Slippery Slope: The Constitution prohibits federal and state governments, not private actors, from restricting Americans’ right to free expression. If the government can force private internet platforms to host certain speech, it’s a short stop before that’s applied to Christian bakers who don’t want to bake custom cakes for same-sex marriages or pro-BLM bakers who don’t want to bake custom cookies for the police union’s holiday party. Private businesses can’t become a vessel for the government’s preferred messaging or else we risk the First Amendment’s entire purpose: to protect private Americans’ and private businesses’ rights to think freely, speak freely, associate freely, and align their actions with their beliefs as they see fit. Internet platforms have a First Amendment right to curate content and decide whether to host specific kinds of speech.   Ripple Effects: These unconstitutional laws threaten all our First Amendment freedoms. If we accept the basic premise that a majority can enact a law that infringes the rights of the minority (or alternatively, if a minority can infringe the rights of the majority), we’re in deep trouble. Bottomline: Once you accept gov’t compelled speech in the social media context, it’ll just be a matter of time before there’s public pressure (whether from the majority or minority) to force another industry to do the same in another context. For example, Democrats could force oil and gas companies to disclose “facts” about climate change. has addition information on the importance of protecting “Content Moderation” freedom: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/21/202235 minutes, 59 seconds
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464: The Blue Divide: Policing and Race in America (with Will Moravits, PhD)

The deaths at the hands of police of George Floyd, Michael Brown, Breonna Taylor, and other Black Americans spurred national outrage—but now what? To make progress on the complex issues surrounding race and policing, Americans must begin a conversation rooted in mutual respect and in facts. Laying the groundwork for productive engagement,  Dr. Will Moravits joins the program today and details how police officers are trained in the use of force and the choices they confront. In his new book, "The Blue Divide", Moravits analyzes the past decade’s highest-profile cases of police use of force against people of color and looks more broadly at the criminal justice system, use of force, and the tragic disconnection between police officers and the communities of color they are sworn to protect. A former police officer, Moravits brings a uniquely informed, mutually sympathetic point of view that can be heard by everyone who has an opinion about American policing—good, bad, or unsure about what to do to ensure safety and justice for all. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/18/202235 minutes, 5 seconds
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463: Time and Beauty: Why Time Flies and Beauty Never Dies (with Dr. Adrian Bejan)

Time and beauty are two of our most visceral perceptions. Yet, their nature is seldom questioned. In this groundbreaking new work, Dr. Adrian Bejan -- a true 'original' among physicists -- explains, in a scholarly yet colorful style, the scientific basis for the perception of time and beauty. Organized into three main ideas, the book begins first with the perception of time. The author expounds on why we feel that time flies faster as we get older. Perceived time, also called 'mind time, ' is different from clock time. In this context, time is another word for 'perceived change'. Next, readers will discover that beauty is appealing because beautifully-shaped images are scanned faster by two eyes. To observe our immediate surroundings and to understand them faster is highly advantageous to survival; hence, there is an underlying evolutionary advantage to our discernment for ideal ratios, shapes, and beauty at large. Finally, time and beauty are jointly understood to explain why the global pandemic had decelerated our mind time. This understanding arms us with techniques to slow down our mind time (which accelerates with age), and to create the conditions for living longer and more creatively. Scientists may have contemplated aspects of time and beauty separately. In contrast, the author submits an original and rewarding approach to understanding them together. In the process, key questions to our cognition are answered. Why does the mind 'try' to make sense of a new mental image? Why is there a natural tendency to organize a new input and mentally position it among past perceptions? Through physics, the book offers a general answer: to empower the individual with speed and clarity of thought, understanding, decision-making and movement. The same answer holds for the other disparate perceptions illustrated in this book, from time and beauty to ideas, message, shape, perspective, art, science, illusions, and dreams. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/17/202229 minutes, 26 seconds
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462: Talkin' Politics & Religion Without Killin' Each Other (with Corey Nathan)

From politics, religion, COVID talk, and more, it seems having some difficult conversations is more difficult than ever. Does it have to be that way? Corey Nathan says that talking about difficult topics doesn't have to be as bad as we think.  Joining us today on the program, Corey shares how we can be better prepared to engage in those sometimes difficult to have conversations, and thus giving us a chance to redeem some relationships along the way. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/16/202232 minutes, 25 seconds
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461: NFL Extravaganza: BuyTheBroncos DOA! (with Sean O'Brien)

The Denver Broncos are officially up for sale, and a group of cryptocurrency enthusiasts are planning on putting their hat in the ring! A decentralized autonomous organization, more commonly known as a DAO is raising the $4 billion USD in capital needed to acquire the Broncos. One of the major players spearheading the efforts is Sean O’Brien. Sean joins the program to discuss buying the Denver Broncos, who are valued at just under $4 billion USD, making for the largest price tag in the history of North American sports. If they successfully bought the franchise, it would give people partial ownership of the team and they will be given the ability to control how the team is governed. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/15/202227 minutes, 55 seconds
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460: Restoring Reason! (with Dr. Travis Corcoran)

Frustration. Confusion. Anxiety. Despair. These are the symptoms of sensory overload, a state of mind in which we increasingly find ourselves. We’re drowning in data supplied by entities with no regard for our best interests.  Your intellectual freedom is at stake, threatened by everything from academia and Big Tech to the media and government. Fortunately, you have a way to take back personal control, and it’s a solution founded upon ancient philosophy.  In Restoring Reason, philosopher Dr. Travis Corcoran demonstrates how the liberal arts provide us with a skillset to evaluate knowledge and draw our own conclusions for clarity, confidence, and freedom. Dr. Corcoran explains the trivium—knowledge, understanding, and wisdom—and the foundation it lays for making high-quality decisions for a high-quality life. Restoring Reason is an intellectual self-defense manual to make sense of the world we live in. Including an analysis of the five biggest social engineers today, including corporate interests and legacy media, this reproducible, systematic framework will help you see truth, deny falsehoods, and lead a fulfilled, independent life.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/14/202227 minutes, 8 seconds
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459: Fighting Addiction with The Freedom Model (with Mark Scheeren)

For those influenced by our recovery-centered culture for decades – which includes just about everyone in America today – The Freedom Model opens your eyes to the truth that the conventional view of addiction is patently false and addiction is really just another word for habits based on learned preferences. Addiction is a cultural construct based on a host of myths, junk-science, misinformation, fear, lies, and shaming. All of this is harmful to any individual’s belief that they have the ability to change their habits for the better. The Freedom Model rejects these myths, damaging rhetoric, and tactics meant to coerce and create forced abstinence in the user. The Freedom Model helps each person bring their innate power of choice back front and center by challenging all of the pillars of addiction myths our society has constructed. Today, Mark Scheerenm, Chairman of Baldwin Research Institute and author of The Freedom Model for Addictions joins the program to show how embracing freedom and autonomy over one's self can help us shatter our old, outdated, recovery-centered culture in lieu of real results. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/11/202230 minutes, 32 seconds
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458: Fighting Pediatric Cancer with Cryptocurrency!? (with Jacob Beckley from The Beckley Foundation).

How can cryptocurrency help fight pediatric cancer!? Jacob Beckley (Chairman of The Beckley Foundation & Founder/CEO of CURE Token) joins the program to outline how cryptocurrency and the blockchain help pool the needed talent from the medical, scientific, and business communities. allowing them to join forces on an entirely voluntary basis to create awareness, identify promising initiatives and support research into cures for the most virulent and underfunded forms of childhood cancer. CURE is dedicated to using the power of decentralized finance to help rid the planet of dreadful diseases like cancer. Partnering with global research teams and drawing from a wealth of experience in the innovation, technological, and charitable sectors, CURE aims to go one step further than simply becoming the world's most successful charity token. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/10/202229 minutes, 20 seconds
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457: Sell Liberty with Jeremy Todd (feat Anthony Welti)

Very excited to spend some time with activist and creator of Anthony Welti ! We’ll discuss the next leg of his adventure, being a homeschool dad, taking risks, and creating the world you want. This is an absolute can’t miss! Possible added bonus: one or both of their baby boys make an appearance as we are working dads Tune in! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/9/202237 minutes, 57 seconds
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456: The We Are Libertarians Network takes over the Boss Hog of Liberty Podcast!

The WAL Network took over the Boss Hog of Liberty studios last week, as we all got together to celebrate our being in the same state (FINALLY!) and what's ahead for the network. Original Show Notes: Episode 243 of Boss Hog of Liberty is out! It’s a full house. Jeremiah Morrell, Dakota Davis, Jesse Riddle, Brian Nichols, Zach Burcham, and Chris Spangle. A full programmed episode, We start with some WAL network talk, exploring the secret sauce of the other episodes, gas prices are insane due to world affairs, Spangle attempts to explain Russia to us. The guys throw a small fit about possibly lighting $35,000 on fire in front of the town this July. Food and Beverage tax wishlist recommendations are out, and we explore the options. Jeremiah Morrell and Dakota Davis discuss the happenings of their rural Indiana county week to week. The Boss Hog of Liberty is a local show with a national impact because everyone in the world lives in a county similar to theirs. The crew details their lives and gives interview opportunities to the world's top experts in politics, policy, economics, and anything else they find interesting! Listen today, and support the show on Patreon at  Part of the We Are Libertarians Podcast Network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/9/20221 hour, 43 minutes, 8 seconds
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455: Where's the Liberty Movement Headed? (feat. Brian Nichols)

The future for the liberty movement is bright... and I have proof! Listen as I talk about my talk at the LP of Indiana State Convention, plus the rock-solid proof I have that shows, without a doubt, that we in the liberty movement are WINNING. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/7/202226 minutes, 23 seconds
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454: What's the DNA of a Top Sales Pro? (with Tim Wackel)

How do the top sales pros get to where they are? Hard work? DNA? A little of both? Tim Wackel returns to the program to answer that question posed by our audience, discussing what he's discovered to be the top-5 traits that the best of the best exemplify. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/3/202237 minutes, 7 seconds
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453: What's the ACTUAL State of the Union? (with Kevin Warmhold)

What do you think about the current state of our union? If you ask today's guest and I (Kevin Warmhold), you'll be shocked to hear our take... Yeah, the state of our union? It ain't good. Where have things gone so wrong? And is there hope at getting things back on track? From COVID to Inflation to War in Ukraine and more, Kevin Warmhold and I outline how we got here and where we (hopefully) are headed. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/2/202232 minutes, 19 seconds
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452: Libertarian Party of Pennsylvania Chair Candidate Rob Cowburn

Last week, we heard from Kristine Cousler-Womack, who joined the program to focus on her message of libertarian unity in seeking to be elected Libertarian Party of Pennsylvania Chair. Today, Rob Cowburn joins the program, who is also seeking the role of LPPA Chair, but takes a few different (but meaningful!) approaches regarding how the role of Chair should be executed, which he argues people should consider for making their decision (like bringing libertarian principles back into libertarian messaging).   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/1/202230 minutes, 53 seconds
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451: Why Waste Time Say Lot Word, When Few Word Do Trick? (feat. Brian Nichols)

Today, we're sitting down one-on-one, as I cover two of our most recent Morning Sales Huddles: "Why Waste Time Say Lot Word, When Few Word Do Trick?" & "Why Do So Many People Hate Salesman?" Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/28/202218 minutes, 43 seconds
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450: WAR! Russia Invades Ukraine - How'd We Get Here? (with Reed Cooley)

History doesn't necessarily repeat itself... but it certainly rhymes. At least, that's what we're seeing happen over in Eastern Europe, as the Russian Federation has officially invaded Ukraine. How'd we get to this point? And how do we make sense of all of it? Reed Cooley joins the program to give the Sparknotes history of the Russian/Ukraine conflict, plus what we can do in the future to avoid conflicts such as this. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/25/202226 minutes, 32 seconds
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449: Meet James Sceniak, Candidate for Libertarian Candidate for US Senate (Indiana)

James is seeking the nomination to be the Libertarian candidate in the US Senate race in Indiana. James joins the program to outline his vision for the Hoosier state and how federal policy has lost its way. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/24/202226 minutes, 10 seconds
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448: Libertarian Party of Pennsylvania Chair Candidate Kristine Cousler-Womack

Meet Kristine Cousler-Womack, candidate for LPPA Chair who wants to focus on unity for Libertarians. Kristine joins the program to outline her vision as chair: - The election success in 2021 in York County and within PA - Kristine's goals for election cycle in 2022/ballot access - Kristine's goals for setting up for the Moulton Maneuver in 2023 so that we can be even more successful than 2021 ( with a goal of 300 elected that year, at least!) - Uniting the state party and finding common ground for everyone to work together Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/23/202230 minutes, 14 seconds
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447: Economics For Business (with Hunter Hastings)

Hunter Hastings from Economics For Business (a project of the Mises Institute) joins the program to discuss the amazing success being found in connecting with business owners and entrepreneurs who see the value in approaching business through the principles of Austrian economics. Building a business, managing a project, launching an innovation – these are journeys from your imagination to the marketplace and customer satisfaction. Economics For Business have systematized the journey steps based on the value generation principles of Austrian economics. Tools, Intelligence, and Community – Built for Business. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/22/202230 minutes, 15 seconds
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446: Sell Different! (with Lee Salz)

Lee Salz, author of "Sell Different", joins the program to show how being authentic, asking the right types of questions, and making your buyer a superstar can help you differentiate your way to success! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/21/202232 minutes, 13 seconds
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445: Meet William Henry, Candidate for Libertarian Candidate for US Senate (Indiana)

Election season is upon us! Meet one of the our first block of candidates; William Henry! William is seeking the nomination to be the Libertarian candidate in the US Senate race in Indiana. William joins the program to outline his vision for the Hoosier state and how federal policy has lost its way. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/18/202230 minutes, 38 seconds
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444: Sell Liberty with Jeremy Todd (feat Stephen Decker)

Hall of Fame Salesman and Liberty Lover Stephen Decker joins us to talk motivation, selling past barriers, and focus on personal growth! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/16/202254 minutes, 18 seconds
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443: Why are Democrats Changing their Tone on COVID Policy? -with Jon Miltimore

Are Democrats having a change of heart on COVID policy? Or is mid-term polling having an influence on their decisions? Jon Miltimore, managing editor at FEE,org, joins the program to discuss where the nation is at in the war on COVID and how we should treat those who are changing their tone on mandates. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/14/202224 minutes, 9 seconds
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442: How The Fairness Center is Helping Fight Corrupt Public Unions (with Nathan McGrath)

Corrupt public sector unions have met their match... Nathan McGrath returns to the program to speak to how The Fairness Center has had some great wins in recent months as they've fought back against corrupt public-sector unions on behalf of workers seeking to break away from their unions. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/12/202229 minutes, 35 seconds
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441: Libertarian Party Chair Candidate Angela McArdle Returns!

It's election season! On Tuesday, we heard from Tony D'Orazio who is seeking the role of Libertarian Party Chair... and today, we continue with our focus on LP politics as Angela McArdle, past-LP Chair candidate and Chair of the LP of Los Angeles, makes her return to the program! Listen as she outlines her vision for the party, who the LP's target market is, and what the top issues we should be focussing our messaging around. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/11/202229 minutes, 8 seconds
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440: Affirmative Action Heads to the Supreme Court (with Dr. Frederick M Lawrence)

Dr. Frederick M Lawrence returns to the program to discuss the Supreme Court taking on Affirmative Action policies, with a 6-3 conservative majority putting the practice of Affirmative Action on shakey ground. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/10/202218 minutes, 16 seconds
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439: Meet Libertarian Party Chair Candidate Tony D'Orazio!

With the 2022 Libertarian Party National Convention just a few short months away, the race to become chair of the Libertarian Party is heating up! Past guest and current chair of the LP of Los Angeles, Angela McArdle, is one nominee seeking the nomination... The other is today's guest - Tony D'Orazio! Tony is currently the first Vice-Chair of the Libertarian Party of New York and had previously served as Chair of the state party and an At-Large Committee Member before that. He also has been active at the county level – serving as vice-chair of the Monroe County Libertarian Party for three years. Today, Tony joins the program to outline his vision for the Libertarian Party, who our target market is, what the top issues if the day are (and what our messaging should be), and how LP National did on addressing the government lockdowns. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/8/202231 minutes, 9 seconds
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438: How NFTs Will Change The World (feat. Chris Goyzueta & Brian Nichols)

Raise your hand if you've ever heard of someone mocking NFTs. Yep, same here. More often than one would expect, honestly. While some merely associate NFTs with digital artwork, today we are joined by marketing professor/guru Chris Goyzueta, who dispels that myth so you don't make that mistake again! From voting to contracts, NFTs will revolutionize hundreds of thousands of ways we do things. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/7/202231 minutes, 17 seconds
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437: Fighting the Culture with Great Storytelling with CEO Marcus Pittman

Unfiltered by Hollywood or church ladies, Loor is a crowdfunding platform that enables filmmakers to build whatever they want without the restrictive woke agenda, and get paid while doing it. Why should out-of-touch Hollywood Executives spend your subscription money on content you hate? With LOOR, you can fund the new movies and TV shows that you want to see. Marcus Pittman is the CEO of and joins the program to show how content creators can fight back against Hollywood and create incredible content that people actually want to see. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/5/202232 minutes, 13 seconds
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BONUS: Snowmageddon? Can You Trust the Weatherman? Meet Brian Nichols! (Brian Nichols on The Boss Hog of Liberty Podcsat)

(Today's episode feature's yours truly joining good friend and fellow WAL podcaster Jeremiah Morrell on The Boss Hog of Liberty!) Episode 240 of Boss Hog of Liberty is out! Jeremiah Morrell with special guest, Brain Nichols! Lots of local news at the top of the show; candidates on and off the ballot; turmoil with Memorial Park; looking for another new Park Superintendent. A winter event is hitting the midwest right now…Is it a snowmaker? Is it anything? Depends on what website you read. Oh, and it is groundhog day…Spoiler alert, the groundhog didn't make it. Brian shares the story of his show, why he hates Philadelphia, what makes Indiana great, and confesses that he doesn't yet have a favorite gas station…But we also have not had a drive-by shooting, so he is pretty excited about that. And we need to get him a copy of Hoosiers, ASAP. Our program is community supported on Patreon. Do your part by chipping into the cause by donating monthly at any level at and receive even more BONUS coverage and content. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/3/20221 hour, 19 minutes, 50 seconds
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436: Building Trust & Leading Without Politics (feat. Brian Nichols)

(Today's episode covers two of our Morning Sales Huddles!) People are overly weary of political solutions. So, instead of leading with politics, let's lead with tangible solutions that address the problems people face versus achieving particular political agendas. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/2/202217 minutes, 50 seconds
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435: Sell Liberty - Framing Matters! (feat. Jeremy Todd & Brian Nichols)

How you frame your solution can matter more than you realize.  While many people focus on features and benefits, customers care about solutions. So, instead of framing in the mindset of "techs and specs" and "good ideaing" people to death, let's frame things with the goal of focusing on results. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/1/202246 minutes, 18 seconds
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434: History is Written By Telling Stories -with Caleb Franz

The best historians can tell the best stories... and a lot of those stories oppose the accepted narratives of the historical establishments.  That's why Caleb Franz returns to the program to promote season 2 of his phenomenal program, "Profiles in Liberty" (available over on the We Are Libertarians Network!). Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/31/202230 minutes, 26 seconds
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433: A Radicalized Generation -with Angelo Veltri

Why has Gen Z gotten more radical than generations past? Oh, you didn't realize Gen Z has gotten more radical? Yeah, neither did I! Today's guest is Angelo Veltri, Gen Z'er and host of the Liberty Hour Podcast, who joins the program to explain how today's youngest generation is quickly turning into one of the most radicalized. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/25/202230 minutes, 7 seconds
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432: I'm Back! (feat. Brian Nichols)

Hey there, folks!!! I've missed ya, and I'm so excited to be back in the swing of things, now officially moved out of Philadephia and settled in Indiana! Today, it's you and me. Our focus? Where we're headed as a community, how we win in 2022, and where we should be focusing our time and efforts. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/24/202222 minutes, 3 seconds
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431: Musicians have the Blueprint to End Poverty (feat. Chris Goyzueta)

Chris Goyzueta returns to the program, today showing how Musicians have the Blueprint to End Poverty! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/19/20221 hour, 1 minute, 33 seconds
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430: The Collapse of Build Back Better (feat Mahgdalen Rose)

Mahgdalen Rose returns to the program to discuss the lessons NOT learned by Democrats, which has resulted in the ultimate demise of Biden's Build Back Better agenda. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/14/202213 minutes, 11 seconds
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429: Goodbye, Philadelphia! (feat. Brian Nichols)

I've been MIA the past few days... why? Because I've been moving out of Philadelphia! Today, I go solo and talk about my move out of Philly, plus the importance of surrounding yourself with people who share similar values and goals. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/12/202218 minutes, 4 seconds
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428: Próspera: The Most Libertarian Business and Living Environment in the World -with Joel Bomgar

If we started from scratch, what would genuinely free business and living environments look like? At Próspera, they're doing their best to find out. Joel Bomgar (President) joins the program to promote Próspera: a new, private special economic zone taking shape on the island of Roatan in Honduras – and it’s arguably the most libertarian business and living environment in the world. They’ve taken the lessons and best practices from other special economic zones and created something new under the sun: * A business environment with the flexibility to lower costs, spur innovation and speed time to market by eliminating layers of regulation and cronyism. Próspera can create its own regulatory and tax structures; businesses can “import” their preferred regulatory frameworks from scores of countries, or propose entirely new structures. * A community of residents, e-residents and workers with some of the strongest human rights and legal protections in the world. (Residents have a literal legal contract with the government, their rights fully enforceable.) * A framework for governance as a service applicable to any nation that wants to jump-start investment and give citizens a faster track to prosperity. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/7/202230 minutes, 51 seconds
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427: THROWBACK: Building Libertarian Micro-Experiments (March, 2020)

Today's THROWBACK episode comes from March 2020 where Joe McKinney from Startup Societies Foundation, where we talk about the importance of stopping arguing about who's solutions are best, and instead, start building them instead! Original Show Notes: This week I'm joined by the CEO of the Startup Societies Foundation, Joe McKinney! The Startup Societies Foundation is a non-profit that supports an ecosystem of entrepreneurs building libertarian micro-experiments. Today Joe and I focus on entrepreneurs putting liberty into practice, as we dig into a practical "how-to-guide" for entrepreneurs to build small libertarian experiments using Special Economic Zone frameworks, at low cost. Find the "How-to-Guide": Find Startup Societies Foundation Online: Find Startup Societies Foundation on Facebook: Find Startup Societies Foundation on Twitter: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/7/202238 minutes, 32 seconds
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426: The Best Weapon Against COVID: Being Physically Fit -with Marc Lobliner

Amazingly, nearly 2 years into this pandemic, and one of the most basic truths continues to get labeled as "misinformation". Being physically fit has been and will continue to be one of the most surefire ways to avoid serious consequences of COVID. This seems like common sense, yet today's guest (Marc Lobliner) points out how many in our bureaucratic health institutions argue that the mRNA vaccines are the only means of true protection against the virus. (For those of you who listen with children, today's episode contains explicit language.) Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/5/202243 minutes, 43 seconds
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425: Don't Be Afraid to Fail (feat. Brian Nichols)

Failing means you tried, which is more than many folks can say they've done.  So, don't be afraid of failure. But rather, embrace it. All that and more discussed on today's solo episode of The Brian Nichols Show. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/4/202216 minutes, 48 seconds
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424: Gifting the Opportunity of Being Wrong (feat. Brian Nichols)

How can giving someone the opportunity to be wrong help us win more deals? Or specifically, how can we give others room for redemption in regards to being wrong over the past two years regarding the pandemic? Brian Nichols is solo on today's episode, where he outlines how your superpower might be that of simply gifting them the opportunity to be wrong. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/3/202218 minutes, 54 seconds
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423: 2021's TOP 3 STORIES OF THE YEAR (Crossover episode with Eric Brakey from Free America Now)

On this special CROSSOVER episode, Eric Brakey (Free America Now) and Brian Nichols (The Brian Nichols Show) team up to break down the top 3 stories of 2021. How did the liberty movement do when discussing these stories? And where can we do better? Find out on today's episode! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/1/20221 hour, 30 minutes, 16 seconds
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422: THROWBACK: Libertarian Messaging with Jacob Hornberger (February, 2020)

This THROWBACK episode brings us to February 2020, where I sat down with then-candidate Jacob Hornberger to discuss his seeking the Libertarian Party nomination, plus what he considers to be effective liberty-based messaging coming from the top of the ticket. Original Show Notes: Episode 100 is here! Not only do we have a new intro song to debut, but we're also joined by and incredible guest! Today, I am joined by Libertarian Party presidential nominee/Mises Caucus endorsed candidate... the great Jacob Hornberger! Jacob joins the show to outlines how he would carry the libertarian message forward in the general election and why he would be the best choice to be that messenger. And as an aside... thank you to each of you amazing members of the audience. Without your love, support, and encouragement, Episode 100 would never have happened. Here's to the next 100 episodes of educating, enlightening, and informing! Bio: Website: Facebook: Twitter: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/31/202137 minutes, 58 seconds
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421: THROWBACK: Foreign Policy Realism -with Pratik Chougule (January, 2020)

Pratik Chougule believes we need to be realistic vs. idealistic when talking about foreign policy. This THROWBACK episode brings us to a world where the United States and Iran were facing growing tensions and some in the neocon world to start beating the war drums. Original Show Notes: With commentators proclaiming that World War III is just around the corner due to increasing tensions between the United States and Iran, the United States' foreign policy is at the forefront of the national conversation. With conservative pundits like Ben Shapiro singing the praises of President Trump's more hawkish approach to the increasing tensions with Iran (which Shapiro has seemingly toned down in recent days), I thought it would be a great opportunity to have a former self-described "neocon" who ended up becoming a "foreign policy realist" on the show to discuss their own personal growth and change of mindset. Joining the show is Pratik Chougule. Chougule is a researcher at Boston College's Center for International Higher Education, where he is writing a book about American universities in the greater Middle East. He was previously an executive editor at The American Conservative and managing editor at The National Interest. During the 2016 election cycle, Chougule served as policy coordinator on the presidential campaigns of Donald Trump and Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee. From 2008-2009, Chougule was a George W. Bush appointee at the State Department in the Office of the Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security. Chougule graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Brown University and holds a JD from Yale Law School. Listen as Chougule discusses his take on foreign policy, his critiques of the traditional neocon/hawkish foreign policy, the rising tensions of Iran, and finally his perspective of where the world stands after the 2020 election with regards to foreign relations and policy. Support the We Are Libertarians Network Rebranding! -> Find Chougule Online: Twitter: Facebook: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/29/202133 minutes, 10 seconds
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420: Find Your Niche, Then Sell With Passion (feat. Brian Nichols)

Don't try and be something for everyone. Because when your market is everyone, it's actually nobody. So, what to do instead? Focus on your niche! And when you do, do so with passion! Learn more on today's Morning Sales Huddle with Brian Nichols! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/28/202116 minutes
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419: Let's Talk Omicron -with Dr. Eric Larson

Dr. Eric Larson has seen some of the worst of the pandemic over the nearly 2 years that have passed since mass hysteria hit the world in early-2020. But with the new Omicron variant sweeping the globe (and seemingly pushing the dreaded Delta variant to the side), could this be a light at the end of the tunnel? Is this thing actually coming to an end? Dr. Larson gives his take, plus takes on the arrogance of Dr. Fauci and the insanity of vaccine mandates in light of Omicron. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/27/202145 minutes, 44 seconds
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418: THROWBACK: How Libertarians Can Win (January, 2020)

On this THROWBACK episode, I'm joined by good friend, Elain Joan! Listen as we outline timeless truths in the worlds of sales, politics, and campaigning. ORIGINAL SHOW NOTES: It's hard to imagine, but we're just 10 months or so away from the 2020 election. Wild, isn't it? With the Democratic Debates seemingly taking the national conversation towards the brink of outright socialism, and Trump deciding whether or not to start World War III (I'm kidding of course... right?), it seems that most Americans are searching for a candidate that they can support that, well, isn't as crazy as everyone else. It's why candidates like Mike Bloomberg have essentially decided to spend a substantial fortune on trying to win the presidency, and why the Libertarian Party has an absolutely epic opportunity to win over some hearts and minds by being the adult in the room. But the real question for the Libertarian Party is, well, will the be the adults in the room? That's why I'm joined today by Elaine Joan, who is an independent campaign consultant and widely known political commentator, "Libertarian Redhead", who helps me break down some of the problems in Libertarian candidacies past, how Libertarian campaigns can catch on in the future, and which candidates seeking the Libertarian Party nomination can lead the LP to the most success in 2020 If you're considering running for elected office as a Libertarian, then please consider this as a complimentary consulting session between two seasoned political veterans (tips are appreciated in the form of shares, reviews, and Patreon support). Bio: Elaine Joan is an independent campaign consultant and political commentator; you may know her as Libertarian Redhead on Facebook and Twitter. She has previously been a Libertarian Party of Tennessee Executive Committee member. She has a track record for lobbying legislative issues like 3rd party ballot access, ending the death penalty, and civil asset forfeiture. In 2018 she took a position as the Data Director for Elect Liberty PAC during the midterm elections in New Mexico and she is currently working with Voice for America PAC in Indianapolis. Find Elaine Online: Facebook: Twitter: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/27/20211 hour, 2 minutes, 34 seconds
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417: THROWBACK: How to Have Impossible Conversations (January, 2020)

On this THROWBACK episode, I play Nostradamus and outline how, in January 2020, how important it would be for us to focus on taking on those sometimes difficult and, dare I say it, impossible conversations. ORIGINAL SHOW NOTES: 2020 will certainly present its share of challenges. Among them being that of having tough discussions with our friends, family, coworkers, etc... on issues that are politically and emotionally charged. To start off the year, I wanted to take a second and go solo to discuss a phenomenal book I've been reading, "How to Have Impossible Conversation: A Very Practical Guide" by Peter Boghossian, where Boghossian outlines strategies to bring people who disagree into useful, productive engagement with one another. Discussed today are some tools I've used (unintentionally, at that!) from the book, and some real-life examples of me using them both in my personal life and on the show with folks who have vastly disagreements with your favorite host. And finally, as I mentioned at the close of the show, if you're interested in sharing your story of utilizing some of these techniques yourself, email me at or tag me on social media (@BNicholsLiberty both on Twitter and on Facebook). My conversation with Keith Rubino from March 2019: Where to purchase "How to Have Impossible Conversation: A Very Practical Guide": The Reason Podcast Episode mentioned: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/25/202140 minutes, 25 seconds
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416: THROWBACK: Turning the Tables on Obesity (Brian Nichols on Your Better Life Podcast - December, 2019)

On this THROWBACK episode, I joined Gary Collins over on his program, the "Your Better Life Podcast"! ORIGINAL SHOW NOTES: Usually we discuss politics here on The Brian Nichols Show, but in a few past episodes, we've focused on some other topics, like how to find happiness (with Tim Preuss) and living "Your Better Life" (with Gary Collins). Today, we're sticking with that theme, only this time, it's my appearance on someone else's show... Today is my appearance on Amazon best-selling author Gary Collin's podcast, the "Your Better Life Podcast"! Listen as I discuss my personal battle with obesity and my ultimately losing 180lbs! From Your Better Life Podcast ( Brian Nichols host, of The Brian Nichols Show, drops by for a chat. Brain shares how he lost 180 pounds and is now focused on being as healthy as he possibly can be. He has not only changed his health, but most importantly changed his life. Topics Discussed with Brian Nichols: -A bit about Brian -What is the Brian Nichols Show and what is it about -Brian’s childhood and how he became obese -Dealing with being overweight and the obstacles he faced -Brian’s wake up call that made him take action -Our broken healthcare system -How he lost 180 pounds -His shift in mindset outside of just losing the weight -Why taking charge of your life is the key to happiness -His new lease on life and his new direction -His advice for those fighting being overweight Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/25/20211 hour, 34 minutes, 44 seconds
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415: THROWBACK: Thomas Massie Says "The Deep State is Real!" (November, 2019)

On this THROWBACK episode, I'm joined by Congressman Thomas Massie! Listen as we go back to November of 2019, where Trump was facing impeachment (the first time) and the Deep State establishment had just snuck through an extension of the Patriot Act into a continuing resolution passed through Congress right at the end of the year. Original Show Notes: At The Brian Nichols Show, my goal is to leave my audience educated, enlightened, and informed. For today's episode, I feel confident that each of you will finish the show feeling that all three of those boxes were checked, as I am joined by the one and only, Congressman Thomas Massie! Listen as Congressman Massie joins The Brian Nichols Show to discuss his entry into the liberty movement/politics, the impeachment inquiry into President Trump, and the sneaky manner in which the establishment snuck in an extension of the Patriot Act into the most recent continuing resolution passed through Congress. Find Congressman Massie Online- Website: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/24/202131 minutes, 19 seconds
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414: THROWBACK: Andrew Yang and the Curious Case of Universal Basic Income (November, 2019)

On this THROWBACK episode, I'm joined once again by economist Max Gulker! Listen as we go back to the end of 2019 (right when the Democratic primaries were kicking off) when Andrew Yand was mixing things up in the Democratic primaries, where we discussed Yang's economic policies, namely, his universal basic income proposal to give every American $1,000 a month. Original Show Notes: Andrew Yang is easily one of the most interesting candidates running for the Democratic Party nomination. His economic ideas have captivated his supporters, the "Yang Gang", leaving a nice portion of Americans arguing it's #TimeForYang. Today, I have Max Gulker from the American Institute for Economic Research return to the show to offer his expert analysis of Andrew Yang's economic policies, namely, his universal basic income proposal to give every American $1,000 a month. Find Max Online- Twitter: Email: Website: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/23/202134 minutes, 52 seconds
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413: THROWBACK: Elizabeth Warren's Economics of Magical Thinking (November, 2019)

On this THROWBACK episode, I'm joined once again by economist Max Gulker! Listen as we go back to the end of 2019 (right when the Democratic primaries were kicking off) when Elizabeth Warren was one of the leading voices on the Democratic stage, where we discussed Warren's tax plans, anti-billionaire rhetoric, wealth tax, and plan to rule the American economy through the force of government regulatory agencies. Original Show Notes: If you have friends who are Elizabeth Warren fans, then this most definitely is the episode you should send their way, as today I am joined once again by Max Gulker from the American Institute for Economic Research! Max joins the show to help me break down Elizabeth Warrens tax plans (one of her many plans), her anti-billionaire rhetoric, he proposed wealth tax, and outline her plan to rule the American economy through the force of government regulatory agencies. Max's Article- "Elizabeth Warren and the Economics of Magical Thinking" Find Max Online- Twitter: Email: Website: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/22/202131 minutes, 49 seconds
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412: THROWBACK: School Choice and Why it Matters (October, 2019)

This THROWBACK episode features Michael Torres discussing how school choice can help parents get the quality education their children deserve. ORIGINAL SHOW NOTES: Our old, exclusionary, geographically-based education system is not educating children the way it promises to. Parents have been fighting for the ability to get their kids into schools that don’t constantly fail them decade after decade, only to be denied by the public education establishment, and the various policies promoted by the school choice movement give parents autonomy over their children’s education. Joining The Brian Nichols Show today is Michael Torres from the Commonwealth Foundation. Michael is the Senior Communications Office over at the Commonwealth Foundation and joins the show to help dispel some myths regarding school choice and to speak to the value that school choice has in helping further our youths' education. Find the Commonwealth Foundation Online: Facebook: Twitter: Find Michael Online: Twitter: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/21/202138 minutes, 24 seconds
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411: THROWBACK: Nobody Knows How to Make a Pizza by Julie Borowski (October, 2019)

This THROWBACK episode features Julie Borowski discussing her awesome kids book, "Nobody Knows How to Make a Pizza". This book will make a great Christmas present for any littler liberty-lover in your life! ORIGINAL SHOW NOTES: Did you know that nobody knows how to make a pizza? Wait, you disagree? Okay, let's try this- Did you know there's not a single person on Earth who has the skills and knowledge to make something as deceptively simple as a cheese pizza? As a matter of fact, it takes millions of people, all with specialized skills – and what’s more, there are no central planners or people managing the process. So how do they do it? That's the premise of the new children's book, "Nobody Knows How to Make a Pizza" by Julie Borowski! Listen as Julie joins the show to discuss her book to the liberty-loving audience of The Brian Nichols Show! Buy Nobody Knows How to Make a Pizza: Find Julie on Twitter: Find Julie on Facebook: Find Julie on Instagram: Find Julie on Youtube: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/20/202118 minutes, 59 seconds
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410: THROWBACK: How to Succeed in Politics [and Other Forms of Devil Worship] with Remso Martinez (October, 2019

This THROWBACK episode features our good friend, Remso Martinez, discussing his phenomenal book, "How to Succeed in Politics [and Other Forms of Devil Worship]". This book will make a great gift to any politico in your life! ORIGINAL SHOW NOTES: Two men separated by time embark on parallel paths to succeed in the blood sport that is professional politics. In the aftermath of the 2016 election, a young political operative named Art Brown finds himself about to sit at the right hand of power in Washington D.C only to end up falling out of the insider-circles he spent years trying to find acceptance in. The other man would start his political path as one of the most progressive statesmen in the south, only to evolve into the villain of the civil rights movement- George C. Wallace. Filled with political intrigue and suspense that spans among generations, along with that classic gonzo humor Remso W. Martinez has become known for, “How to Succeed in Politics (and Other Forms of Devil Worship)” is a dark comedy that will force you to ask whether success at all costs is worth losing your humanity in the process. Today's episode features all that and more, as we are once again joined by Remso to discuss his newest book, "How to Succeed in Politics (and Other Forms of Devil Worship)"! Purchase an autographed "How to Succeed in Politics (and Other Forms of Devil Worship" using this exclusive link to Brian Nichols Show listeners (Makes a great stocking stuffer/gift!): Remso's Past Appearances on The Brian Nichols Show- 20: Stay Away From The Libertarians! with Remso Martinez: 37: Censorship Online Can Happen to You with Remso Martinez: BONUS- The Weekly Standard is Dead So Who is Next on The Remso Martinez Experience: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/19/202140 minutes, 32 seconds
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409: Government Is The Problem, Not The Solution -with Alex Salter

Stop Asking Government to Solve the Problems Caused by Government! That's the theme of today's episode, as Alexander Salter returns to the program to outline how many well-intentioned government solutions end up only adding to the problems they're trying to solve! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/17/202132 minutes, 15 seconds
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408: Take Your Time to Get Ahead (feat. Brian Nichols)

How can taking your time help you get ahead in sales, especially when so many people seem to fail? I answer that question on today's solo Morning Sales Huddle Episode of The Brian Nichols Show! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/16/202116 minutes, 36 seconds
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407: How to Build a "Dream Team" -with Dane Espegard

How can dreaming big and focusing on bettering the individual help us build phenomenal teams? Dane Espegard is the author of "The Dream Machine: A Leader's Guide to Creating Teams of High Performers Who Achieve Extraordinary Outcomes", and joins the program to share his system for developing a culture centered on dream planning and goal realization. Being part of a dreams culture means creating a unique list of desired experiences, whether it’s achieving a fitness goal, learning a hobby, or exploring a country never visited. From concept to execution, Dane gives us a tangible process for helping turn dreams into reality and infuse more life into each day. Listen as Dane outlines how you and your team can maximize potential with this step-by-step guide for transforming your culture and driving your organization to the next level. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/15/202134 minutes, 14 seconds
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406: The Human Element (feat. Brian Nichols)

What's the Human Element, and how can it be the reason between you being a superstar in sales versus an average player? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/14/202117 minutes, 59 seconds
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405: What On Earth is Happening at the Libertarian Party of Delaware!? -with Amy LePore

Amy LePore joins the program to help give insight into the recent revelations and happenings in the Libertarian Party of Delaware. In what appears to be a New Hampshire 2.0 situation, Amy outlines how a rogue faction of party members have tried to disenfranchise an entire roster of registered party members. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/13/202129 minutes, 25 seconds
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404: THROWBACK: Steve Milloy on The Global Climate Strike, Greta Thunberg, and Climate Change (September, 2019)

Here's a special THROWBACK episode where Steve Milloy and I addressed "the next big crisis"- climate change. (ORIGINAL SHOW NOTES FROM SEPTEMBER, 2019) Have you been finding yourself questioning the narratives being promoted by those taking part in the Global Climate Strike? Did you raise an eyebrow when Greta Thunberg gave her captivating (and divisive) speech at the United Nations? Or perhaps have you found yourself feeling uneasy at the prospects of a "Green New Deal"? Well, look no further than today's episode, as I am joined by former Trump EPA transition team member and founder of, Steve Milloy! Listen as Steve and I discuss climate change, popular narratives surrounding climate change, the Global Climate Strike, Greta Thunberg, and the hidden agenda of the Green New Deal. Bio: Steve Milloy is a recognized leader in the fight against junk science with more than 20 years of experience, and is credited with popularizing the term “junk science.” He is the founder and publisher of, and an environmental and public health consultant. Milloy is a biostatistician and securities lawyer who has also been a registered securities principal, investment fund manager, non-profit executive, and a print/web columnist on science and business issues. Milloy has also authored over 600 articles/columns published in major newspapers/web sites, including the Wall Street Journal, Investor’s Business Daily,, Financial Times, National Post (Canada), USA Today, Los Angeles Times, Washington Times, New York Post, New York Sun and other print and web outlets. Milloy was the co-founder and managing principal of Free Enterprise Action Fund (2004-2009), the first pro-free enterprise activist mutual fund, which merged with the Congressional Effect in July 2009. Find Steve Online- Website: Twitter: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/13/202138 minutes, 31 seconds
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403: Sell Liberty with Jeremy Todd: Looking Forward to 2022

Jeremy Todd is solo on today's "Looking Forward" episode of Sell Liberty! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/12/202147 minutes, 40 seconds
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402: The Free Market Musician (w/ Rebecca Day on the "Making it with Chris G" Podcast with Chris Goyzueta)

In an industry dominated by progressive politics, Rebecca day stands tall as The Free Market Musician. This episode originally aired over on Chris Goyzueta's program, "Making it with Chris G". Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/11/20211 hour, 46 minutes, 8 seconds
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401: Failed Promises - What's Holding Republicans Back?

Are you tired of the same old Republican Party? Join guest host Kenny Cody as he sounds the alarm on the current state of the GOP. He exposes the lack of fiscal responsibility, erosion of western and Judeo-Christian values, and the rise of moderate members who hinder progress. Find out how the "DC insiders" are putting their own interests ahead of the party and the American people. Get ready to hear examples of Republicans like McConnell and Romney who are not committed to the party or the President. Kenny argues that the solution? Learn how you can help primary "squish" Republicans and hold the party accountable for its actions. Get ready for a thought-provoking episode that will leave you energized and inspired to make a difference! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/10/202119 minutes, 41 seconds
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400: Dear Georgia Republicans- "You're Welcome!" -with Shane Hazel (Libertarian Candidate for Governor)

Is Shane Hazel playing spoiler in Georgia in running as a Libertarian? Or are the Republicans just running terrible candidates that aren't focusing on the issues their voters care about, so they're looking elsewhere? One Georgian GOP Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene seems to think it's the latter, which is why she shot out a tweet thread raising the alarm on the rise of one Shane Hazel. So, naturally, I asked Shane to return to the program to address those questions head-on, in another fun-filled episode of The Brian Nichols Show! Shane Hazel: "...let's just say for the sake of argument, I did cost the Republicans the [Georgia Senate] election, man, you better, as Republicans, you have to be extremely thankful look at what's going on in DC right now. With the ridiculous amounts of spending with the authoritarian overreach with you know, what was for Pelosi up there with the National Guard guarding Congress. Like, when when you see all of this and you go, man, the Republicans aren't in control right now. They are not in control in the Senate. They're not in control in the House. They're not in control the White House. Well, you're welcome. You're welcome. If I if I'm to blame for that you get as Republicans, you get to blame all of this on Democrats." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/8/202133 minutes, 34 seconds
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399: Before You Change the World, First You Must Focus on Changing Yourself -with Gary Collins

As Victor Antonio says in our intro, "at the end of the day, you're selling change". Change. Yes, we all want to change the world. But before we change the world, we must first focus on changing ourselves. How? Gary Collins from The Simple Life returns to the program to outline how, in a world of constant change and transformation, keeping your three-legged stool even separates those who win and those who lose in this game of life. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/7/202136 minutes, 12 seconds
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398: Breaking Through the Pluralistic Ignorance (feat. Brian Nichols)

How fear can hold us back in a constant state of pluralistic ignorance.? I take on pluralistic ignorance and its underlying BFF, FEAR, on today's solo episode of The Brian Nichols Show! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/6/202116 minutes, 50 seconds
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397: Sell Liberty with Jeremy Todd (feat Drew Cook)

Drew Cook " The Clean Libertarian" joins Jeremy Todd on today's episode of Sell Liberty to discuss effective strategies on winning "normies" on drug decriminalization. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/4/20211 hour, 1 minute, 18 seconds
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396: Cutting Through the Clutter -with Art Sobczak

Art Sobczak: "The only way to cut through the clutter is to have a message that is going to resonate with the prospect and what's going on in their world, right at that very moment." If you want to have more opportunities to sell your solution, service, or idea, it starts with being smart and focusing on who you're selling to versus what it is that you're selling! Art Sobczak is a renowned sales legend, author of "Smart Calling: Eliminate the Fear, Failure, and Rejection from Cold Calling", and host of The Art of Sales Podcast and joins the program to show us how talking about the issues we care about is far less effective than talking about the issues our prospect cares about. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/3/202135 minutes, 5 seconds
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395: THROWBACK: From Leftist to Libertarian -with Steffi [Cole] Petersen (August, 2019)

How does someone find themselves drifting away from leftism, and instead towards libertarianism? That's the theme of today's THROWBACK episode, where I was joined by the ever-amazing Steffi (Cole) Petersen! Original Show Notes: I dare say that most of us know folks within the libertarian movement who came from the more conservative side of things, heck, with yours truly being one of them. But those who ventured to libertarianism from the left are much fewer in our ranks, despite them sharing our many of our values. Today's guest is one of those unicorns who went from leftist to libertarian, and I wanted to have her on my show to discuss her conversion as she started going down the libertarian rabbit hole; the one and only Steffi Cole. Listen as Seffi talks about her path to libertarianism from the left, her involvement in libertarian politics and political campaigns (like Austin Petersen's US Senate campaign), and more! Bio: Steffi was born and raised in Michigan and "has been a passionate, hardworking nerd ever since she was little". After learning about economics and watching lots of videos about government in 2009, she found herself in the Tea Party movement. She became a huge fan of Ron Paul during his 2012 Presidential campaign. In 2017-2018, she volunteered doing social media, graphic design, and volunteer training for the Austin Petersen for US Senate campaign. She is currently a YouTuber, Brand Ambassador for 1776 United, and liberty promoter for products, people, and ideas. She is on a journey to learn as much as she can about history, government, and the Constitution! Find Steffi Online- Youtube: Twitter: Instagram: Goodreads: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/2/202135 minutes, 29 seconds
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394: Meeting People Where They're At... ON THE ISSUES THEY CARE ABOUT. (feat. Brian Nichols)

Stop talking about what you care about. And if someone told you that that's not a good idea...? Then who are you taking advice from? I go solo on today's episode, as I address the most recent squabbles taking place in the Liberty Movement, this time focusing on messaging and solutions in regards to homelessness and sex work. Why are we having this debate right now when the topic of conversation should be centered around the skyrocketing inflation, economic uncertainty, and the government response to the new variant? Great question... and I address on today's episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/1/202119 minutes, 46 seconds
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393: What Does It Mean to Be Free? -with Laura Lington

When you're free, with an idea, you can change the world. That's the underlying theme of the new children's book written by today's guest, Laura Lington! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/30/202133 minutes, 40 seconds
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392: Be a Difference-Maker and Never Coast to the Finish Line (feat. Brian Nichols)

The secrets to sales success start with us getting laser-focused down to the one thing (and only one thing) that's actually holding you back… That is...? You! You can always be a difference-maker! You can always push harder than your top competitor. Personal development is just as important as learning the secret tips and tricks to sales success, which is why we need you to be the best version of yourself! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/29/202114 minutes, 47 seconds
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391: The #1 Thing Holding You Back From Closing More Business (feat. Brian Nichols)

Brian Nichols: "Why why is it so hard to close business? Because we make it harder than it actually has to be." Check out today's special solo episode where we dig into how to adapt with the changes, plus helping things make sense when closing business! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/26/202116 minutes, 3 seconds
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BONUS: Brian Nichols Talking Polarization on The Liberty Tree Podcast

Happy Thanksgiving! Here's a special BONUS episode, where yours truly joined Trent Ortner discuss the recent uptick in polarization in the country, how it's effecting our daily lives, and how sales & marketing can ultimately help show us a path out of the mess. Original Show Notes: @libertytreepod Twitter Brian Nichols: @BNicholsLiberty Trent Ortner: @trentortner @untyrannycaucus Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/25/202142 minutes, 4 seconds
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390: Did You Know You Are Being Forced To Pay $20 Billion For Animal Experiments? -with Justin Goodman from the White Coat Waste Project

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11/24/202134 minutes, 12 seconds
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389: We Need to Stop Looking at Politics as a Hobby -with Marc Clair

Marc Clair: "I think that, in many ways, politics was like still like a hobby. To me, it was just a fun thing to talk about. Now, I can go to Libertarian Party conventions and hang out with like-minded people, and we can go party afterwards to hang out on Bourbon Street, we can make jokes about Mises and Rothbard. And we all get it and it's not weird. It's fun people you can get along with. And that's kind of like how I took it... and the candidates who run in the LP... we know they're not going to win. And they know, they come on my show, and I invite them on, they tell me, they're not going to win. And we all agree they're not going to win. And it's all fun, it's all well and good. But now, after the last year, this isn't a game anymore. This is actually affecting everybody's life now. No one can really say they're not affected by this stuff at this point." Marc Clair from the amazing Lions of Liberty returns to the program discuss his focus on personal development, time spent in politics, and addressing the fact that politics aren't a game anymore. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/23/202135 minutes, 9 seconds
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388: THROWBACK: Dismantling the Two-Party System by Changing the Way We Vote -with Aaron Hamlin (August, 2019)

After a whirlwind of a week, I'm finally getting back into the swing of things... so, today will feature one of our "THROWBACK" episodes, and then getting back into the swing of things before Thanksgiving with two AMAZING conversations dropping... One with good friend and leader of the fearless crew at the Lions of Liberty, Marc Clair, talking about his journey away from the world of politics and instead towards personal development. The other is with Justin Goodman from the White Coat Waste Project who digs into the Fauci #BeagleGate insanity, the insane places your tax dollars go (like animal testing!), and the true origins of COVID-19 (hint, it's not a bat). Today, we're swinging back to August of 2019 with Aaron Hamlin from The Center For Election Science, who shows us how changing the way we vote can help us fix our broken voting system! Original Show Notes: "My vote just doesn't matter..." Have you heard this before? Or perhaps have you caught yourself saying that exact same phrase? Don't worry, you're not alone.  As a matter of fact, I've said as much myself. With the "choose-one" voting system, many voters feel that their votes simply don't matter in today's electoral system. That's where today's guest, Aaron Hamlin, and the organization he co-founded, "The Center for Election Science", comes into play. See, Aaron and his team have been on a mission to help change the way that American voters look at the electoral system by helping promote and institute alternative voting methods, like that of the "approval voting", can help third-party and independent candidates gain momentum, eliminate the "spoiler effect", and actually win elections! Listen to learn how The Center for Election Science has been promoting approval voting, some wins they've tallied up, and the future prospects of changing our outdated voting system! Aaron's Bio: Aaron Hamlin is the executive director and co-founder of The Center for Election Science. He’s been featured as an electoral systems expert on, NPR, Free Speech TV, Inside Philanthropy, 80K Hours, and Popular Mechanics, and has given talks across the country on voting methods. He’s written for Deadspin, USA Today Magazine, Independent Voter Network, and others. Additionally, Aaron is a licensed attorney with two additional graduate degrees in the social sciences.Find The Center for Election Science Online: https://www.electionscience.orgFind The Center for Election Science on Facebook: The Center for Election Science on Twitter: The Center for Election Science: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/22/202140 minutes, 6 seconds
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387: Sell Liberty with Jeremy Todd (feat Natalie McCown)

Defense attorney Natalie McCown joins Jeremy Todd to talk about the Kyle Rittenhouse trial, prosecutors, and the justice system. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/20/202150 minutes, 26 seconds
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386: THROWBACK: Self Defense is a Human Right -with Caleb Shumate (July, 2019)

A special Throwback episode featuring good friend of the show, Caleb Shumate! With the Kyle Rittenhouse trial coming out on the side of self-defense, our throwback episode digs into why the ability to defend oneself is a human right, particularly for those who don't have the physical ability to do so without the help of a firearm, Original show notes from July 2019: Man, I sure missed you all last week while I was on vacation! But thankfully, we're back on track with our regularly scheduled programming, as this week I am joined by Caleb Shumate! Caleb is a passionate advocate for liberty and storyteller with a deep appreciation of history. Today he joins the show to discuss one of his more recent articles over at The Libertarian Republic- “Colt Made Me Equal”: A Disabled Libertarian’s Case For Gun Ownership. Listen as Caleb explains the importance of gun ownership, especially for those individuals who may be at a physical disadvantage when compared to those who might seek to cause them harm. We also touch on Caleb's experience as someone with cerebral palsy and how despite his physical limitations, he has found himself rejecting the concepts of government handouts and has embraced libertarianism and constitutional conservatism. Find Caleb's Article: Find Caleb at The Libertarian Republic: Find Caleb on Twitter: Find Caleb on Facebook: Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/20/202136 minutes, 38 seconds
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385: Conservative Purism (Cody's Concerns feat. Kenny Cody)

Kenny Cody: "What 'concern purism' will do is create and value conservative fiscal policy. Because I every single Republican has to be relying on that issue." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/19/202119 minutes, 24 seconds
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384: Controlling the Conversation and Planting Seeds with the Right People (feat. Brian Nichols)

It's a one-one-one with you and me for today's Morning Sales Huddle solo short. Being bold and principled allows you to control the conversation, but also gives you the opportunity to plant seeds with the right people in your market. Brian: "Instead of responding to narratives, we have to get better at confidently and articulately setting the narrative and thus setting the conversation. Otherwise, we're constantly playing catch up and constantly trying to explain ourselves versus being bold and reaching people on the truth versus the bias."  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/17/202115 minutes, 12 seconds
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383: What Has Happened to Australia?! -with Stuart from LibertyDownUnder.

Stuart (LibertyDownUnder): "I see this over the place... see certain people stopping them [pro-liberty activists) from speaking out. We've had police coming to people's houses door-knocking for memes that they've made online. In Melbourne, we had the police who went to the house of a woman who was pregnant, because she shared one post on Facebook about the protests. People being locked up, a guy who got eight months behind bars, who ran Instagram account that was anti-lockdown. He got eight months behind bars because of it. When we had the treaty protests, Facebook stopped the live streams. So you couldn't even do live streams to show what's happening on the ground. At the same time, the Victorian police got a no-fly order over Melbourne. So the civilian helicopters couldn't fly over it and get aerial shots of having the protests were. So it's their collaboration by the media outlets, social media and the police." Today, Stuart from LibertyDownUnder joins the program to highlight what is happening in Australia during an era of COVID. We've all seen the pictures and videos, but to hear the stories coming from someone on the ground, first-hand is truly eye-opening. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/16/202130 minutes, 52 seconds
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382: Astroworld Could Have Been Prevented... Here's How (feat. Chris Goyzueta)

Chris Goyzueta: "People in the liberty movement are starting to do events, and they're starting to map big events where 1000s of people are showing up... so, talking about security is important and needs to be taken very seriously. Because if you look at the events of AstroWorld, again, nine people died, potentially more, and 11 had cardiac arrest, and over 300 people were injured, and it all could have been avoided." Chris G takes over our traditional "Monday Marketing/Sales" episode to talk about something the tragedy at Astroworld, how it could have been avoided, and what we in the liberty movement need to learn from this horrible event when planning our events in the future. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/15/202130 minutes, 44 seconds
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381: THROWBACK: A Conversation with Congressman Justin Amash (June, 2019)

Congressman Amash joined The Brian Nichols Show to discuss his tenure in Congress, the principles that he leans on when crafting legislation, the rationale behind his public statements regarding President Trump's "impeachable offenses", and the manner in which populism and nationalism have taken over the Republican Party in an era of Trump. Original Show Notes: Welcome to The Brian Nichols Show! For you first time listeners, I am your humble host, Brian Nichols, and here at The Brian Nichols Show, our goal is to educate, enlighten, and inform. Today is no exception, as I am joined by Congressman Justin Amash. Congressman Amash has been making headlines as of late, with his being the first Republican in Congress to assert that President Trump committed potentially impeachable offenses in regards to his actions and potential obstruction of justice as it relates to the Mueller Investigation. Congressman Amash joins The Brian Nichols Show to discuss his tenure in Congress, the principles that he leans on when crafting legislation, the rationale behind his public statements regarding President Trump's "impeachable offenses", and the manner in which populism and nationalism have taken over the Republican Party in an era of Trump. Later, we discuss Congressman Amash's fierce opposition to the surveillance state, focusing on his staunch opposition to the Patriot Act, FISA, and his recent attempts to reign in FISA Section 702, which would have helped put a stop to warrantless FISA surveillance. We conclude our conversation by addressing the elephant (or porcupine?) in the room... Will Congressman Amash seek to fight President Trump at the ballot box in 2020 by primarying Trump as a Republican, or rather as the top of the Libertarian Party ticket? A transcript can be found here. Follow Congressman Amash on Twitter: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/15/202136 minutes, 44 seconds
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380: Sell Liberty with Jeremy Todd (Guest: Eric Ward)

Don’t miss this special episode of Sell Liberty with Jeremy Todd, as we are joined by Eric Ward owner of 4WardDefense, LLC and we discuss this 2A hornets nest, our right to self-defense, and how to be effective in persuading others to join us. Live on Thursday evenings on the Sell Liberty FB page! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/13/202158 minutes, 26 seconds
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379: Why Are Blue-Collar Voters Abandoning the Democratic Party? -with Eric Brakey

Eric Brakey from Free America Now returns to the program to discuss the blue-collar departure from the Democratic Party, women having to sign up for the draft(!?), and Young American's for Liberty signing up 100,000 college liberty activists! Eric Brakey: "This is a shift that has been taking place slowly over a long period of time, but has really accelerated to the point where you look at the US Senate... I think that Joe Manchin is perhaps one of the most interesting people of the moment because he is the last blue dog Democrat in that entire body... ...He is a conservative Democrat, not as conservative as I'd like, certainly, but he's been the lone voice there... In 1992, West Virginia, voted for Bill Clinton by 13 percentage points. Fast forward to 2016; they voted against Hillary Clinton and for Donald Trump by 40 percentage points. So we're talking about literally a shift of over a majority of the voting population there. So it has shifted, hard red. And why is that?" Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/12/202141 minutes
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378: Ron Paul & Taking on the NeoCons (feat. Jack Hunter)

Jack Hunter: "But Ron Paul had a big impact in 2008, where he sort of sucker-punch the tail end of the Bush-Cheney Republican Party. And it's something that people remember to this day."  Jack Hunter joins us for a special solo-short! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/11/202114 minutes, 23 seconds
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377: Setting Narratives (Instead of Responding to Them!) and Yak Yak Bourbon! -with Carla Howell

Carla Howell: "And so, what we should have been hearing over the last six months when we tune into libertarian or conservative, truly fiscally conservative podcasts and media is what would happen if we cut federal spending in half... we'd eventually end the income tax and we would be restoring health freedom...  And we should be talking and talking and talking repeatedly about cutting the federal government in half." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/10/202135 minutes, 4 seconds
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376: Trigger Event Selling (with Craig Elias)

Craig Elias: "There's push, and there's pull. And if there is no push, it's really hard to pull someone enough to have them leave something they're already generally happy with. And have them know or get to know the devil they didn't originally know because the argument is; Better the devil I know, than the devil I don't. And that's why it's so hard to move people from one place to another. Craig Elias is the creator of Trigger Event Selling , and the Chief Catalyst of SHiFT Selling, Inc. For almost 20 years, Craig used Trigger Event strategies to become a top sales performer at EVERY company that has hired him – including WorldCom where he was named the #1 salesperson within six months of joining the company. Craig’s Trigger Event strategies have: Won him a $1,000,000 prize in a global “Billion-Dollar Idea” pitch competition Earned him coverage on NBC news, in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Nikkei Marketing Journal, Business 2.0, The Globe and Mail, The National Post, Sales and Marketing magazine, Venture Magazine, Calgary Inc. Earned his last company, the distinction as one of “Silicon Valley’s 40 hottest” and one of Dow Jones 50 most promising companies in North America Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/9/202133 minutes, 2 seconds
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375: Being Courageous in the Name of Freedom & Truth (Feat. Dr. Adrian Bejan)

Dr. Adrian Bejan: "The word freedom is very important, because it's not discussed freely and openly and courageously in academia." Standing for freedom and standing for what is right is no easy task. Academia has made it a point to change the meaning of words, all while making the ideas of freedom appear selfish and backwards. Thankfully, one Dr. Adrian Bejan is standing against the horde, fighting back in the name of freedom and truth. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/8/202119 minutes, 53 seconds
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374: Sunday Candidate Highlight Series: Mike ter Maat for US Congress (Florida District 20)

Mike ter Maat makes a strong case: "If you’re looking for a fresh new approach to protecting your liberty, your right to an equal shot in a growing economy, and an equal shot at justice, you’re not just a Libertarian, you’re a part of this campaign." Learn more about Mike and the special election taking place on January 11, 2022 in Florida's 20th Congressional Dictrict! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/7/202136 minutes, 42 seconds
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373: Sell Liberty with Jeremy Todd (Guest: Shaye Herrington)

Social Media and Branding expert Shaye Herrington joins Jeremy Todd in the Sell Liberty lounge to discuss strategies to grow your influence online and her recent journey that's turned her into a leader of her peers! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/6/20211 hour, 3 minutes, 53 seconds
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372: Conform Or Be Cast Out -with Logan Albright

Logan Albright makes the argument that we need to promote nonconformity. His book, "Conform Or Be Cast Out", specifically focuses on the ways in which society has historically identified those who are different with literal evil, whether it be demonic possession, witchcraft, or devil worship, and covers everything from religious freedom to medical abnormalities. Also, how does this conformity mindset impact our modern discourse as it pertains to COVID? Buy Conform Or Be Cast Out Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/5/202132 minutes, 20 seconds
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371: Civil Disobedience (feat. Fritz from FritzCast)

Fritz from Fritz cast joins the program for a special solo short, today talking about Civil Disobedience "But you don't have to be violent to be revolutionary. Being revolutionaries, something as simple as businesses in New York, banding together, stating that they will not comply with orders put out by the governor or then or the mayor of New York City. It could be a business, like In N Out Burger telling San Francisco in California, "We're not your police force and we're not gonna be and you can't stop us"." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/4/202116 minutes, 31 seconds
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370: Why Did This Former Socialist Embrace Free-Market Healthcare? -with Lee Kurisko

Lee Kurisko joins the program to show how lived experiences can do to destroy formerly held beliefs. A former socialist, Lee explains why he has become a vocal supporter of free-market healthcare solutions and an open opponent to socialized medicine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/3/202132 minutes, 42 seconds
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369: ELECTION NIGHT 2021: What Comes Next? (feat. Brian Nichols)

What comes next after Tuesday's election? That's the topic of today's ELECTION NIGHT SPECIAL! Have winning arguments been advancing liberty? Or rather, has it been the Selling Liberty approach to liberty that has had the most success? You know my bias, but I outline why it's so silly wasting time arguing on today's solo episode! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/2/202120 minutes, 40 seconds
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368: We're Winning (feat. Brian Nichols)

The tides are turning... I can feel it You can feel it. The corporate press can feel it. Something big is happening. And why? Because of us. We're winning the battle for hearts and minds, and it starts with how we've been approaching politics. Instead of arguing. we're meeting people where they're at on the issues they care about with real, tangible solutions. So, for today's episode, I recap all that's transpired since January here on the program, plus some exciting new changes happening both personally and professionally, and what to expect as we wrap up 2021 and head into 2022. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/1/202128 minutes, 15 seconds
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367: THROWBACK: Government Stinks. See How "We Do Better" -with Rick Rivkin

Original Show Notes from June 2019: The government stinks. I know it. You know it. We all know it. So, instead of sending your hard earned money to the government every year to do "societal good", why not send it to nonprofits who actually, ya know, know what they're doing and do it well? That's where "We Do Better" comes into play. We Do Better seeks to promote the freedom and well-being of all Americans by maximizing the quality and accessibility of public services and accountability in their provision. We Do Better is one of the leaders in advocating for charitable credits in cities, counties, states, and nationwide that allow taxpayers to direct a portion of their taxes to organizations that meet human needs in their communities. Listen as Rick Rivkin (part of We Do Better's national team) joins The Brian Nichols Show to discuss how easy it is to become an advocate of We Do Better's mission. Later, Rick discusses some of the wins that We Do Better has under their belt, different means of grassroots outreach that We Do Better has taken advantage of, and how easy it is for anyone to have their tax dollars go towards charities they care about rather than go to our inefficient government. Learn More About We Do Better: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/1/202125 minutes, 24 seconds
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366: Sell Liberty with Jeremy Todd (Guest: DL Cummings)

Jeremy Todd is joined by one of the coolest people... DL Cummings! Together they discuss all of this “time preference” stuff from an entrepreneur’s perspective, being a dad, and empathy as our greatest weapon. Live on the Sell Liberty FB and Sell Liberty YouTube on Thursday evenings at 9pm Eastern/8pm Central Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/30/20211 hour, 37 minutes, 13 seconds
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365: How Do You Ask Great Questions?! -with Tim Wackel

Asking great questions. It is both a science AND an art. So... how do you ask great questions? Tim Wackel is a sales legend, serving as the founder and president of The Wackel Group, which serves as a training and consulting firm focused onons find, win, and keep customers for life. Wackel is one of today’s most popular business speakers who has mastered the ability to make information entertaining, memorable, and easy to understand. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/29/202133 minutes, 20 seconds
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364: The Art of Being Different (feat. Brian Nichols)

How can being different help you be a better sales pro? No kidding, it's probably one of the most important things you can do to INSTANTLY boost your up your wins. Why? Because being different helps you stand out from the competition. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/28/202117 minutes
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363: Homefront Battle Buddies -with Adam Kokesh

How are these libertarians helping veterans in need? Adam Kokesh returns to the program to discuss the brand new non-profit, the Homefront Battle Buddies, which focuses on offering a network and support system for veterans in need. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/27/202136 minutes, 6 seconds
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362: Focusing on What Your Average Voter Cares About (feat. Kenny Cody)

"The average American cares about what affects their wallet, their children, and the people around them, their friends, their family, their jobs. They don't care about some monument, they don't care about something getting tore down, they don't really care about our livelihoods getting tore down now, we may think a central problem is the opposition. But the central problem ism is within our own ideology. We need to figure out how to appeal to people and populism is that way."  Kenny Cody returns to help guide candidates towards the issues their voters care about. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/26/202116 minutes, 1 second
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361: Let's Fix This Fundraising Email... -with Jeremy Todd

Ever have someone "oversell" to you? It's painful. And yet, that's actually exactly how I felt after reading a recent fundraising email from LP National. No, this is not a "crap on the LP" episode. This is a "show where the LP went wrong and how they can do better" episode, as Jeremy Todd returns to help me re-write this fundraising email so it's more effective! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/25/202138 minutes, 12 seconds
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360: What Makes Something a "Right"? -with Dan "Taxation is Theft!" Behrman

Is a "right" truly the opposite of a "wrong"? And how does something become a "right"? And who the heck enforces what is/is not a "right"!? Yeah, this stuff can get confusing, which is why we have Dan "Taxation is Theft!" Behrman returning to the program to talk about all things pertaining to "rights". Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/24/202139 minutes, 48 seconds
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359: Sell Liberty with Jeremy Todd (Guest: Mike Abramowitz)

Business Owner, Author, Speaker, Community Activist, and New DAD Mike Abramowitz joins us to discuss the secret of compounding actions and what the last year has changed for him! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/23/20211 hour, 7 minutes, 32 seconds
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358: Violent Crime is on the Rise... Why? -with Larry Newman

Since 2020, violent crime statistics have been skyrocketing... why? Larry Newman joins the program to outline his take as to why we've seen such an increase in violent crime, where he sees these trends heading if things don't change, and what action items he feels the audience could take to help make things better, Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/22/202135 minutes, 7 seconds
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357: Don't Get Precious with Your Platforms! (feat. Chris Goyzueta)

Be ahead the game AND your competition by not getting precious with your platforms! Chris Goyzeuta, our friendly hometown marketing professor, joins us on today's solo-short talking all things marketing... specifically, not getting stuck using one platform over the others. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/21/202120 minutes, 31 seconds
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356: THROWBACK: The Tragedy in Venezuela- with Hillary Andaluz Aguilar

Original Show Notes: Listen as Hillary explains how Chavez and the concepts of socialism took control of Venezuela through the use of divisiveness, cause by building resentment between the differing wage classes. Later, Hillary discusses the deteriorating of the Venezuelan economy caused by the socialist policies of Chavez, the death of Chavez, and the new rule under Maduro. Finally, we conclude by discussing what those in favor of socialism today should learn from the failed socialist policies in Venezuela so that we never fall in the same way as Venezuela has. Again, I don't ask this often, but if you could please share today's episode with your family and friends, especially those in need of hearing the truth as to what socialism has done to Venezuela, that would be absolutely incredible. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/20/202148 minutes, 16 seconds
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355: Be the Mentor You Wish You Had (feat. Caleb Franz)

Caleb Franz returns to the program with a special solo-short on today's episode! Show Notes: We all know somebody who is in need of guidance, whether that be professional, philosophical, or personal. It's not natural for us to want to go out of our way, and help shape someone's life when yours is falling apart or just won't come together in the first place. Yet this is exactly what we need to do to secure a better future, both for ourselves and as a movement. Be the mentor that you wish you could have had when you were younger.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/19/202115 minutes, 53 seconds
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354: Using Twitch to Grow and Connect with Your Audience -with Chris Goyzueta

Could Twitch be a haven for free speech in an era of Big Tech censorship? That's the question I asked one professor of marketing, Chris Goyzueta, who returns to the program to help explain why Twitch is one of the fastest-growing video platforms you need to be aware of! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/18/202141 minutes, 46 seconds
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353: Sunday Candidate Highlight Series: New Jersey Libertarian Gubernatorial Candidate Gregg Mele Returns!

Now that the GOP and Democrats have chosen their respective nominees in Jack Ciattarelli and Incumbent Governor Phil Murphy, the contrast is clear: Gregg Mele is the only candidate embracing liberty. That's especially true, as Gregg points out that the new GOP nominee Jack Ciattarelli is nothing more than "Murphy-Lite", touting progressive belief that barely differentiate him from his Democratic counterpart. What does Gregg see as the top issues needing addressed in New Jersey? And how does he plan to address those issues as a Libertarian governor? All that and more discussed as Gregg Mele returns to The Brian Nichols Show's Sunday Candidate Highlight Series! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/17/202134 minutes, 12 seconds
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352: Sell Liberty with Jeremy Todd (Guest: Spike Cohen)

Spike Cohen joined Jeremy for the FIRST EVER EPISODE of Sell Liberty that aired LIVE EXCLUSIVELY on the Sell Liberty Facebook page.   They talked shop, strategy, and sharpened your conversations with normies. Oh, and be sure to stick around for a special announcement at the end! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/16/20211 hour, 26 minutes, 41 seconds
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351: How Occupational Licensing Adds to the Monopoly on Fear -with Shoshana Weissmann

How has occupational licensing added to the monopoly of fear? Shoshana Weissmann returns to the program to show how many of these "feel good" policies end up causing more harm than good. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/15/202139 minutes, 16 seconds
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350: BONUS: Questioning "Unquestionable" Federal Power (feat. Brian Nichols on Free America Now w/ Eric Brakey)

I had the chance to join good friend Eric Brakey on his new program, "Free America Now", where we discussed the "unquestionable" federal power being cited by Jen Psaki in regards to enforcing mandates. Find the original episode: GO SUBSCRIBE TO FREE AMERICA NOW Original Show Notes: Biden’s Press Secretary, Jen Psaki, says it “unquestionable” that federal policies trump state policies, as the White House imposes vaccine mandates on all of America. Brian Nichols joins renegade statesman Eric Brakey to question the “unquestionable.” Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/14/20211 hour, 6 minutes, 37 seconds
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349: Why is New Hampshire Becoming a Sanctuary for Liberty? -with Carla Gericke

Why is New Hampshire Becoming a Sanctuary for Liberty? In short, it's because of people like today's guest and the rest of her team at the Free State Project! Carla Gericke returns to the program outlining the recent wins the FSP has experience, plus we discuss Carla's brand new program, "The Caral Gericke Show". Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/13/202134 minutes, 40 seconds
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348: Giving the GOP Some "Tough Love" (feat. Mahgdalen Rose)

Switching things up and having our "Saturday Guest" episode air a tad early this week in prepartion for the launch of "Sell Liberty" with Jeremy on Saturday! Today, we're joined again by Mahgdalen Rose, who's helping us better understand the temperature of the GOP, where it's headed, and some "tough" love to the GOP for future success. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/12/202112 minutes, 43 seconds
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347: NEW PODCAST! Introducing "Sell Liberty" -with Jeremy Todd

Meet the new podcast on The Brian Nichols Show, Sell Liberty, hosted by our good friend, Jeremy Todd! Jeremy joins our Monday episode to dig into his goal for the show, and what you can come to expect as a listener each week! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/11/202134 minutes, 11 seconds
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346: THROWBACK: The Green New Deal, Climate Change, and Skeptic's Stance (feat. Max Gulker)

We Need To Talk About The Inconvenient Truth About the Green New Deal. Original Show Notes From 2018: Wow! What a year! This will be the final episode of The Brian Nichols Show for 2018! But don't you worry, I have a special episode in store for you next week from my appearance on a different podcast... a podcast hosted by a dear friend of The Brian Nichols Show. To wrap up the 2018 season of The Brian Nichols Show, I am joined by Max Gulker from the American Institute for Economic Research! Max is an economist over AIER and has holds a PhD in economics from Stanford University and a BA in economics from the University of Michigan. Prior to AIER, Max spent time in the private sector, consulting with large technology and financial firms on antitrust and other litigation. Max joins The Brian Nichols Show to discuss one of his latest pieces from AIER- "The Inconvenient Truth About the Green New Deal". With the rise of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her promoting of the "Green New Deal", Max took an economist's look at the topic to see the true economic consequences of passing a "Green New Deal" versus letting the market decide what the best solution would be. We also take some time to discuss Max's background, as he came to libertarianism from the left-side of the political isle. With that, I hope you enjoy this week's episode! It has been an absolute pleasure sharing these 50 episodes with you during 2018. I cannot wait to kick things off strong in 2019! Have a safe and happy holiday with you friends, family, and loved ones. Max's Bio: Max Gulker is an economist and writer who joined AIER in 2015. His research often focuses on free markets and technology, including blockchain and cryptocurrencies, the sharing economy, and internet commerce. He is a frequent speaker at industry conferences, especially on blockchain technology. Max’s research and writing also touch on other economic topics, including governance, competition, and small businesses. Max holds a PhD in economics from Stanford University and a BA in economics from the University of Michigan. Prior to AIER, Max spent time in the private sector, consulting with large technology and financial firms on antitrust and other litigation. Find Max Online- Email: Website: Twitter: @maxgAIER Link to Max's Article Discussed on this Week's Show- The Inconvenient Truth About the Green New Deal: (Here's some additional articles from Max!)- The Dangerous Fantasy of a ‘Jobs Guarantee’: Over Half of Millennials Identify as Socialist. Here’s How to Change Their Minds: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/11/202151 minutes, 9 seconds
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345: Give Millennials Some Credit! (feat. Eric Brakey)

The Millennial generation gets a bit of a bad rap... Eric Brakey wants to change that, as today he returns to the program on our special "Saturday Solo Short"! Eric explains where Millennials get things wrong (like some embracing socialism), where we are getting things right, and how we can help pick up the pieces when things get worse. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/9/202115 minutes, 3 seconds
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344: We Need to Talk About the Hysteria from the Left -with Brad Polumbo

"We need to pass this bill... otherwise... PEOPLE WILL DIE." No, the hysteria from the left isn't new, but it's certainly occurring much more frequently. Brad Polumbo returns to the program to address some of the latest hysteria, ranging from the "looming evictions crisis" that wasn't, plus a look at the increased spending proposals being brought before Congress. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/8/202135 minutes, 55 seconds
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343: Building Rapport with Your Prospects by Treating them Like Normal People (feat. Brian Nichols)

Today we cover two of our Morning Sales Huddles, "How To Better Understand Your Prospects" & "Why Should You Treat Your Prospects Like Normal People?" for our solo short! Don't miss the Morning Sales Huddle every morning! Sign up today! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/7/202112 minutes, 45 seconds
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342: Telling Stories with Max Justice! -with Patrick Kerby

How can storytelling help us expose the masses to underlying principles they already agree with for the long game? Patrick Kerby, creator of Max Justice, joins the program to discuss! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/6/202136 minutes, 6 seconds
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341: Applying the Laws of Physics to Sales (feat. Jeremy Todd)

What can we learn from Isaac Newton when it comes to sales? It comes down to the laws of physics, and today, Jeremy Todd explains how the two go hand in hand when making the sale! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/5/202113 minutes, 32 seconds
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340: Closing Freedom (Sales Guide For Today's Liberty Activist) -with Harrison Kemp

If you're a liberty activist looking for an easy to read, practical guide to helping elect libertarian and liberty candidates, then today's episode is for you! Harrison Kemp joins the show to discuss his new book, "Closing Freedom (Sales Guide For Today's Liberty Activist)". Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/4/202134 minutes, 14 seconds
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339: THROWBACK: Irreconcilable Politics: Our Rights Under a Just Government (feat. Michael T. Hutchins)

Show Notes From Original Episode: On today's episode of The Brian Nichols Show, I am joined by Michael T. Hutchins, author of Irreconcilable Politics: Our Rights Under a Just Government. Michael was trained as an economist and has over thirty years of experience in finance. Much of his career was in investment banking at Salomon Brothers and UBS. He is currently the executive vice president at Freddie Mac, responsible for the investments and capital markets division. Hutchins earned his PhD in economics from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. In Irreconcilable Politics, Michael explores successful models in which differing political views exist yet do not impinge on agreements being reached, and also dissects the dynamics of modern social decision-making. Listen as we discuss the theory of “collectivity,” needed reform to government structure, and modern social decision-making in the 21st century. Later, we discuss the concepts of voluntary government and the interrelationship between political ideology and centralized governmental decisions. We conclude by taking a closer look at collective rules, services, and decisions, and why voting, freedom of speech, and freedom of the press are not in and of themselves sufficient control rights for citizens of a diverse country like the United States and discuss how our divided nation struggling to reach political agreement and how the structure of the federal and state governments interfere with this effort. Find Michael Hutchins Online: Purchase Irreconcilable Politics: Our Rights Under a Just Government: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/3/202133 minutes, 35 seconds
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338: Fight Clubs, Dinosaurs, and Freedom (feat. Remso Martinez)

What is freedom if your life isn't better? Remso W. Martinez, host of On The Run, explains this and more on today's special solo short! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/2/202113 minutes, 27 seconds
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337: The Superpower of Being a Good Person -with Adam Crigler

In a world full of sadness and despair, how can doing good and being good to others be your superpower? Adam Crigler joins the program to outline how being a good person helps answer a lot of the longing questions in life. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/1/202138 minutes, 44 seconds
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336: The Serial Position Effect (feat. Jeremy Todd)

Why do some things stick and others get forgotten? Jeremy Todd returns to the program on today's solo short to explain! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/30/202114 minutes, 32 seconds
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335: You're Selling Change! -with Victor Antonio

Stop overthinking the sales process... remember that you're selling change! That's the message of today's guest, as sales legend Victor Antonio joins the program to help outline the "why" in "why people buy". But let's take that a bit further... why do people buy in politics? Can we approach politics the same way we approach the decision-making processes for B2B & B2C sales? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/29/202137 minutes, 43 seconds
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334: The Responsibility of Freedom (feat. Jeremy Todd)

Why personal development is one of the missing pieces in the greater liberty movement? Jeremy Todd returns for another solo short to show how the liberty movement can learn from sales pros when it comes to getting better and self-reflecting. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/28/202115 minutes, 46 seconds
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333: How To Effectively Prospect (And Get Results!) -with Jeremy Todd

How can being a master at prospecting make you a master at sales? Jeremy Todd returns to the program to discuss that, plus how your referral network can become a goldmine for new business. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/27/202151 minutes, 25 seconds
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332: THROWBACK: Economics and Liberty (feat. Steve Horwitz)

The late and great Steve Horwitz on the economics of liberty. Original Show Notes: Listen as Steve and I discuss a number of economic topics, starting with an in-depth discussion on minimum wage, universal basic income (UBI), automation, and artificial intelligence. Next, we discuss trade in the era of Trump, focusing specifically on the differences between “free-trade” vs “fair-trade” and the dangers of economic nationalism. We conclude today’s episode with a critique of democratic socialism while presenting a realistic libertarian alternative. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/26/202147 minutes, 55 seconds
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331: Let's Talk About Abortion (feat. Kimberly Ross)

Often regarded as the third rail in political discourse, Kimberly Ross and other pro-life advocates are leading the charge in bringing the abortion issue to the top of the national conversation. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/25/202115 minutes, 18 seconds
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330: The Day New York City Died -with Jeffrey Tucker

Why is March 12, 2020 the "Day New York City Died"? Jeffrey Tucker returns to the program to give his take, plus we dig into his new article over at the Brownstone Institute- The Wrecking of New York City: Accident or Design? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/24/202133 minutes, 26 seconds
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329: How Do You Build Relationship with Total Strangers? (feat. Chris Goyzueta)

How do you build a relationship with total strangers? Chris G returns to the program to show how adding value with the right audience might be part of the answer! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/23/202118 minutes, 58 seconds
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328: Keep Talking About Afghanistan!-with Mahgdalen Rose

Why does this Gen Z activist want to keep Afghanistan in the national discourse? Mahgdalen Rose returns to the program to explain why the financial, domestic, and international implications require us to keep talking about our ending our 20 year war. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/22/202132 minutes, 50 seconds
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327: Speak Your Customer's Language (feat. Brian Nichols)

Speak your customer's language with the right messaging. On today's solo short, I'm taking you to my Morning Sales Huddle, where we're outlining how proper messaging helps you speak to your customer's in their own language. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/21/202116 minutes, 14 seconds
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326: Be Free and Sell Liberty -with Anthony Welti

People do business with those they know, like, and trust. Anthony Welti joins the program to show how becoming the trusted advisor helped him win people over (not by focusing on winning arguments!). Plus, learn how he's meeting people where they're at on his "Be Free!" tour! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/20/202138 minutes, 18 seconds
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325: The Blue Checks War on Truth (feat. Olivia Rondeau)

Oliva Rondeau takes on the groupthink of the blue checks on today's Solo Short! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/18/202113 minutes, 27 seconds
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324: Are COVID Hospitalizations Being Overreported? -with Todd Kenyon

Why does a new study suggests that almost half of those hospitalized with COVID-19 have mild or asymptomatic cases? Todd Kenyon from PANDA joins the program to dig into the numbers and try to help figure out what's going on. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/17/202134 minutes, 31 seconds
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323: What is Libertarian Paternalism? (feat. Jeremy Todd)

What if your prospect doesn't value liberty the same as you? Don't worry, that happens more often than not, and it's okay! Jeremy Todd joins the program for a Solo Sales Short to help you overcome that very situation! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/16/202126 minutes, 40 seconds
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322: Why Have Over 5 Million Kids Left Public Schools?-with Kerry McDonald

Government mandates and the long-term harm done to behavioral development of kids might have something to do with it. As a matter of fact, that's exactly right, according to today's guest! And that's why Kerry McDonald joins the program today to help raise awareness to the impact of these restrictions and their long-term implications on children. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/15/202136 minutes, 30 seconds
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321: Lessons Learned From Chocolate Cake (feat. Jeremy Todd)

What lessons can we learn from chocolate cake? Jeremy Todd returns for another Sales Solo to answer that very question! Also, what if you're responsible for your failures...? And what if that's actually a good thing? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/14/202117 minutes, 18 seconds
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320: The Expectancy Theory (Why Do People Take Action?) -with Jeremy Todd

What are the 3 parts to the "why" in "why" people take action? Jeremy Todd returns to the program to wrap up the final installment of our series on empathy in sales, as today Jeremy helps us focus on the world of behavioral economics and The Expectancy Theory. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/13/202135 minutes, 9 seconds
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319: THROWBACK: Republican Liberty Caucus vs. Libertarian Party (feat. Alexander Snitker, August 2018)

Libertarian Party versus the Republican Liberty Caucus...? No, it's not a binary decision, but listen we go back in the archives on this THROWBACK episode as RLC executive director Alexander Snitker and I discuss the respective roles of the Libertarian Party and the RLC. We also tackle the question as to which organization is better at advancing liberty, the need for the Libertarian Party to take itself seriously, the issues with current [past] LP leadership, and the vision of the RLC going forward, including their partnering with Young American's For Liberty's "Operation Win at the Door" campaign. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/12/202149 minutes, 15 seconds
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318: Universal Medical Care from Conception to End of Life: The Case for A Single-Payer System -with Murray Sabrin

Why has medical care become so complicated—and expensive? Dr. Murray Sabrin joins the program to answer that very question, as it is one of the underlying topics in his new book, Universal Medical Care from Conception to End of Life: The Case for A Single-Payer System. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/10/202138 minutes, 1 second
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317: Becoming the Trusted Advisor (feat. Brian Nichols)

How can using expert insights help you become your prospect's go-to trusted advisor? On today's solo episode, Brian takes you on the journey of becoming your prospect's trusted advisor, showing how specific expert analysis (versus a data dump) will help you close more sales in both business and politics. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/9/202113 minutes, 52 seconds
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316: College Students Fighting Back, Rand Paul Was Right, and #FireFauci -with Trent Ortner

Learn how college students are fighting back against campus administrations and their restrictive COVID policies, as today I'm once again joined by Trent Ortner! Also, how about that... Rand Paul was right about Fauci! Find the Question Everything & Stop Trusting Government Bureaucrats swag here. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/8/202136 minutes, 30 seconds
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315: Building a Stronger Relationship with your Fans, Customers and Voters! (feat. Chris Goyzueta)

How do you take your superfans and ensure they are fans for life? Chris Goyzueta takes the mic on today's mini marketing episode! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/7/202114 minutes, 58 seconds
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314: 3 Easy Ways to Get New Customers -with Chris Goyzueta

How can the right combination for ads, content, and networking win you customers for life? Marketing extraordinaire Chris Goyzeta returns to the program on today's episode to outline just that, plus we dig into the importance of building up your online communities on a platform you own (no rented land!). Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/6/202144 minutes
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313: THROWBACK: Collectivism in America (feat. Jeffrey A Tucker, August 2018)

How has the collectivism outlined in this episode in this 2018 episode manifested in 2021? This throwback episode with Jeffrey A Tucker from August 2018 covers all the bases, as we discussed the rise of collectivism from the left and the right, Jordan Peterson and his role in advocating individualism and being an "Alt-right killer through education", the dynamic between immigration and the welfare state, Trump's economic nationalism, and predictions for the elections coming down the road... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/5/202153 minutes, 28 seconds
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312: Making the Liberty Movement Less Vicious and Live Longer at the Same Time (feat. Jess Mears)

"For people really to flourish, they need to have a community. And when people come to the Liberty movement and find a community that's unwelcoming they're not going to stick around. So you've probably heard before that like 90% of success is showing up. Well, what can people show up to in the Liberty movement?" Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/4/202111 minutes, 48 seconds
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311: Is There a Hole in Ethereum? -with Donnie Gebert

"All of the stuff in the real crypto ecosphere is built on a theory. So the way I like a level playing field and when I can't play my game, because you know, when I can't do stuff in a market, because the market seems to have some sort of weird dynamic to it."  The world of cypto is changing at a rapid pace, and Donnie Gebert joins the program to help catch you up to speed with all that's transpired. Also, with the relationship between Syscoin and Ethereum, one start to wonder if there's a hole in Ethereum... Youtube Video Mentioned: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/3/202133 minutes, 24 seconds
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310: The Pygmalion Effect (feat. Jeremy Todd)

Jeremy Todd is back to show you how to use self-fulfilling prophecies to your advantage! If you enjoy today's daily episode, make sure to give it a share! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/2/202119 minutes
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309: Learn the Secret Cheat Code to Starting Killer Sales Conversations (feat. Brian Nichols)

Learn the tried and true secret cheat code I teach my team to start awesome conversations, as today I'm going solo! Today, we're teaching the importance of learning how to show your prospects: Who you help. How you help. And who you've helped. Then, we dig into the "And, But, Therefore" framing that turns a "good" start to a conversation into a "great" one. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/1/202125 minutes, 18 seconds
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308: The Monkey Business Illusion (feat. Jeremy Todd)

Are you missing things right under your nose? In this episode, Jeremy discusses selective attention and how it may be impacting you without you even knowing it.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/31/202115 minutes, 46 seconds
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307: The Change Triangle (A Guide to Working with Emotions) -with Jeremy Todd

How can we move someone from a state where they'll do anything to avoid emotions to being in an openhearted state of mind? Jeremy Todd returns to the program for part three of his series on empathy to discuss The Change Triangle. We're talking about empathy, we're also talking about a range of emotions that are rooted in a variety different areas. Understanding where they're rooted and why they're rooted there is crucial in building Trust in sales. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/30/202131 minutes, 12 seconds
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306: Sunday Candidate Highlight Series: Kyle Sefcik of Governor of Maryland

Back to our Sunday Candidate Highlight Series! Meet the unaffiliated political outsider running for Governor of Maryland. Today I'm joined by Kyle Sefcik, who is seeking to represent Maryland as the first ever unaffiliated governor in the United States.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/29/202133 minutes, 29 seconds
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305: Meet the NYC Business Owner Fighting Back Against COVID Restrictions and Vaccine Passports- with Eli Klein

How can business owners stand up and fight back against the government rules and restrictions that they're enforcing? Eli Klein is an art gallery owner and has decided to stand up and fight back against New York City, their COVID restrictions/passports, and is helping show other business owners that they can stand up and fight back as well.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/27/202139 minutes, 41 seconds
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304: Helping People Buy School Choice -with Corey DeAngelis

How does knowing your audience and meeting people where they're at help enact liberty-based policies? Well, stop wondering, and start learning, as Corey DeAngelis returns to the program and takes us to school on not only the value of school choice, but how to effectively know your audience and meet them where they're at on the issues they care about to not only help you sell school choice, but to help them buy it. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/25/202139 minutes, 51 seconds
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303: Your Foolproof 30-Second Elevator Pitch

What is it that you do for work again? Okay, now is your moment. It's time for you to give your best 30 second elevator pitch. Are you prepared? On today's solo episode, I go through the basics on how to give a killer 30-second elevator pitch, and then outline what's up ahead for The Brian Nichols Show! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/23/202133 minutes, 49 seconds
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302: THROWBACK: Federalism, Term Limits, and Third Parties (feat. William "Bill" F. Buckley O'Reilly, March 2018)

On today's episode, we are going back to March of 2018, as we interview William "Bill" F. Buckley O'Reilly, chairman pro tem of the Federalist Party of America. On that episode, Bill and I discussed the platform of the newly formed Federalist Party of America, discussing federalism, the constitution, tournaments, and more! In 2021, this episode stands true as we see how libertarian solutions can partner with Federalists to accomplish winning liberty policy solutions at local and state levels (looking at you, Corey DeAngelis and the amazing work done with school choice!) Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/22/20211 hour, 4 minutes, 37 seconds
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301: Ron Paul Was Right (20 Years in Afghanistan) -with Kenny Cody

"Ron Paul was right." Ron Paul was trending, Scott Horton was trending... Are people trying to pay attention? After 20 years of a failed foreign policy in the Middle East, President Joe Biden brought American troops home, signifying the end to our two decades of occupation in the region. However, warhawks and neocons galore are looking for any opportunity to hold on to the narrative, pointing to the unraveling and chaos unfolding and Afghanistan. Do they have a point? We dig into all this and more with Kenny Cody on today's episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/20/202138 minutes, 5 seconds
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300: The Undefeated Marketing System -with Phillip Stutts

Join us on our special 300th episode, as today I am joined by renowned political marketer Phillip Stutts. Philip is the author of the brand new book The Undefeated Marketing System enjoins the program to give you the foolproof plan he's used to help elect presidents! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/18/202141 minutes, 14 seconds
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299: Value-Based Empathy in Sales -with Jeremy Todd

Today, we're not focusing about offering solutions, but rather understanding, as it doesn't matter what solutions we offer if we don't know a problem as we're solving. Jeremy Todd returns to the program to talk sales, focusing today on value-based empathy! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/16/202141 minutes, 44 seconds
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298: THROWBACK: How to Get Libertarian Policy into Action -(feat. Dean Clancy [Feb. 2018])

Original Show Notes: [Feb. 2018]: On this special episode of The Brian Nichols Show, Brian is joined with former White House/Congressional policy adviser and former FreedomWorks Vice President, Dean Clancy! Brian and Dean dig into the latest budget deals, the Libertarian Party and promoting libertarian policy, and discuss how we can address the gun control issue after the latest public shooting. Is the Trump budget actually a fiscally conservative budget? Is it better to have a government-controlled by one political party, or split control between two political parties? Is the Libertarian Party actually the best means to promote libertarian principles and to enact libertarian policy? And finally, how do gun rights activists win the debate with gun control. advocates? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/16/20211 hour, 10 seconds
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297: The Infrastructure Bill, Inflation, and Andrew Cuomo -with Brad Polumbo

The infrastructure bill, inflation, and Andrew Cuomo. What do all three of these things have in common? Answer: they're all leading the conversation on today's episode, as I am joined once again by good friend and returning guest Brad Polumbo from FEE! Support our Sponsors! Support the program with a one-time donation or join our Patreon! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/13/202151 minutes, 13 seconds
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296: Sales and Marketing Q&A (SOLO)

I hosted a Q&A on sales and marketing (and a variety of other liberty topics) a few weeks back that covers many common questions we hear in the liberty movement. Support our Sponsors! Support the program with a one-time donation or join our Patreon! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/11/202153 minutes, 41 seconds
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295: YAL Revolution 2021!

Check out some awesome conversations from YAL REVOLUTION 2021! Support our Sponsors! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/9/20211 hour, 31 minutes, 50 seconds
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294: DEBATE! Was the Edward Snowden Reveal a Net Negative or Positive for Liberty? -on TownSircle

Check out this debate between Marc Clair and Eric Brakey on whether or not the Edward Snowden reveal was a net negative or positive for liberty. I had the opportunity to moderate said debate over on the amazing new platform, TownSircle. TownSircle enables public figures to come to the table and engage in the important issues of the day by offering pledged donations towards charity to help those in need as a means to facilitate debate. Now, Eric and Marc didn't exactly need nudging to take part in this debate, but we were still able to provide over 1,500 meals to those in need thanks to the money raised! Check out the original link to the TownSircle debate page here and learn more about TownSircle here. Support our Sponsors! Support the program with a one-time donation or join our Patreon! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/8/20211 hour, 14 minutes, 22 seconds
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293: Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness -with Larry Sharpe

Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. We've heard that phrase since elementary school as we learned about our nation's founding. The ideas of liberty are intoxicating for those empathetic to the ideas of individual rights, however, is liberty our end goal? Returning to the program is Larry Sharpe who argues that liberty is simply a means to an end, would that end goal being that of accomplishing a subjective happiness based on the ability to reach that happiness individually. "When I know I am unhappy, or I am not doing the right thing, all my problems aren't solved, it's a whole lot easier for me to go and go, I'm gonna be the savior of everything else. Because then if my life begins to collapse, I can claim martyrdom. And it's a common thing people do right now I can't help myself out, cuz I got to protect the whales, or the children or the planet or the insert thing here. Or I've got to stop the evil leftists or the evil righties or whatever, I've got to stop, right, I do that instead. And I'm gonna help myself out." -Larry Sharpe Support our sponsors! Check out our show notes! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/6/202141 minutes, 44 seconds
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292: Parents Fighting Back -with Tiffany Justice from Moms For Liberty

"What we know to be true is that the advocacy needs to happen in your own backyard. Local politics is where you can make the biggest change, we know that we sat on school board, we know it makes a difference when parents come and interact with their school board and build relationships. So that's what we hope to do with our chapters." -Tiffany Justice Listen as Tiffany Justice from Moms for Liberty outlines how parents are fighting back against the corrupt public schooling system! BUY OUR NEW "FUND STUDENTS NOT SYSTEMS" Swag: Check out our sponsors! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/4/202139 minutes, 38 seconds
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291: Practicing Active Empathy in Sales -with Jeremy Todd

What is empathy? "Empathy is as simple as two things... You've got to understand about empathy. Number one, empathy is really just curiosity; it is a desire to understand and seek out. The second part of empathy is tha you are not empathetic towards positions or belief systems - you are empathetic towards people. And so empathy is something that you show to a person. And it is essentially a curiosity about that person showing genuine interest and curiosity in that person." - Jeremy Todd Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/2/202139 minutes, 59 seconds
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BONUS: Selling Liberty (feat. Brian Nichols) on Libertarian Book Club with Caleb Brown

No Sunday Candidate Highlights Series today... however I'm excited to share my recent appearance over on Caleb Brown's program, where we discussed my brand-new ebook, 4 Easy Steps You Can Implement Now to Sell Liberty to Friends and Family. And have no fear, as we'll be back to our regularly scheduled programming on Monday as we return with Jeremy Todd talking all things sales, with a focus on empathy in the sales cycle. ORIGINAL SHOW NOTES: Today I sat down and talked with Brian Nichols about selling liberty to people. Go follow Brian at And get his free E-Book 4 Easy Steps You Can Implement NOW To Sell Liberty to Friends and Family And check out the Salesmen podcast at . Come follow me on Twitter for based Libertarian takes and podcast updates. @calebbrown549  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/1/202133 minutes, 10 seconds
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290: An Insider's Look at Conservative Politics and Policy -with Michael Johns

Policy matters. While libertarians can win in the battle place of ideas, people want to see the direct impact of policy for themselves outside of theory. Michael Johns returns to the program to discuss his decades as a DC insider within the conservative political machine, plus some of his thoughts regarding recent happenings within the GOP and conservative movement. WATCH ON YOUTUBE: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/30/20211 hour, 4 minutes, 21 seconds
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289: The Future of Nuclear Energy

Many people are turning away from conventional power, and opting for sustainable solutions. Nuclear power plants may not be spiking headlines, but they are being eyed as a viable option for the future. The future of nuclear energy production is in strong hands because unlike many other aspects of life, nuclear power is an option that will ALWAYS be needed. Mark Schneider joins the program to help show how the advancements in nuclear energy have created solutions that answer the questions of climate change, energy independence, and planetary prosperity. But what about the common objections we hear about nuclear energy? Are nuclear power plants safe? Are nuclear power plants efficient? Are nuclear power plants bad for the environment? Can nuclear waste be recycled? Mark answers and overcomes all those objections (and more) on today's information-packed episode of The Brian Nichols Show! WATCH ON YOUTUBE: EPISODE SPONSORS: FREE Liberty Sales Ebook )4 Easy Steps You Can Implement Now To Sell Liberty to Friends and Family)- TBNS/Proud Libertarian Shop: MyDelta8: CODE TBNS AT CHECKOUT FOR 10% OFF ( MUD\WTR: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/28/202143 minutes, 9 seconds
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288: Lead Magnets that Stick -with Chris Goyzueta

Why are lead magnets important and how do they grow audiences? Chris Goyzueta returns to the program to outline what leas magnets are, how to use them effectively, and the different types of successful lead magnets others have used in the past to grow their audiences and provide them with value. WATCH ON YOUTUBE: Episode Sponsors: Liberty Sales Ebook- MyDelta8: CODE TBNS AT CHECKOUT FOR 10% OFF Find Chris Online- Website: Twitter: Facebook: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/26/202148 minutes, 54 seconds
Episode Artwork

287: Sunday Candidate Highlight Series -Steve Scheetz for US Senate

"We need to fix people's perceptions that they absolutely, positively have to keep voting the lesser of two evils, because the lesser two evils the reason why we are $30 trillion in debt, and we can drive that we can drive that point home to people as we talk to them face to face. On the street, we don't necessarily have that ability so much regarding like the TV commercials, you know, we're going to be up against an ad machine that's going to be spending hundreds of millions of dollars to try and get the status quo reelected. Or I say reelected doesn't matter if it's Republican or Democrat, they're going to be the status quo." Steve Scheetz on today's Sunday Candidate Highlight Series. Listen to learn more about Steve's candidacy, his top issues that he will be focusing on, and why Pennsylvania needs a libertarian to represent them in the US Senate. WATCH ON YOUTUBE: Episode Sponsors: Liberty Sales Ebook- My Delta 8- (CODE TBNS AT CHECKOUT) MUD\WTR: Find Steve Online: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/25/202143 minutes, 55 seconds
Episode Artwork

286: Modeling the Person We Want Our Kids to Be -with Alex Hatch

We all know the Golden Rule: "Treat others the way you want to be treated." So why not have that same mentality when raising our children? That's the approach that Alex hatch brings to today's episode, as Alex is a proponent for peaceful parenting, a manner of parenting that helps treat children like the individuals they are and to help them understand the how and why as to the happenings around them. WATCH ON YOUTUBE: EPISODE SPONSORS: Liberty Sales Ebook- Eables/My Delta 8- & (CODE TBNS AT CHECKOUT) Breaking Boundaries with Brad Polumbo: Join Brad Polumbo as he interviews top writers, politicians, and thinkers from all across the political spectrum to give you a new perspective you won't find in the mainstream liberal media or right-wing echo chambers. Find Alex Online- Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/23/202146 minutes, 16 seconds
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285: Freedom is Nature! -with Dr. Adrian Bejan

"Follow the Science!" Raise your hand if you've heard that at least once over the past year and a half. Yes, I see 99.9% of you raising your hands. How many of you have been told that our ideas of freedom are "dangerous"? I have, by some of my oldest friends. Well, in today's episode, not only should you feel vindicated, but you can proudly state that Freedom is Nature - that Freedom is Science - as today I am joined by J.A. Jones Distinguished Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Dr. Adrian Bejan. Dr. Bejan was awarded the Benjamin Franklin Medal 2018 and the Humboldt Research Award 2019. His research covers engineering science and applied physics: thermodynamics, heat transfer, convection, design, and evolution in nature. He is ranked among the top 0.01% of the most cited and impactful world scientists (and top 10 in Engineering worldwide) in the 2019 citations impact database created by Stanford University’s John Ioannidis, in PLoS Biology.  He is the author of 30 books and 685 peer-referred articles. His h-index is 101 with 79,000 citations on Google Scholar. He received 18 honorary doctorates from universities in 11 countries. Dr. Bejan is most noted for his contributions to modern thermodynamics and the development of "constructal law." Dr. Bejan explains today how constructal law not only validates the "it just makes sense" solutions that liberty provides, but scientifically backs it as the necessary component for nature to progress. WATCH ON YOUTUBE: Find Dr. Bejan['s Book: Episode Sponsors: 4 Easy Steps You Can Implement Now To Sell Liberty to Friends and Family: In a world where "being right" appears to be the utmost importance to some in the liberty movement, at The Brian Nichols Show, we're focusing on meeting people where they're at, talking about the issues they care about, and offering solutions that solve their problems. That's why I'm excited to announce my new e-book, "4 Easy Steps You Can Take Now To Sell Liberty to Friends and Family", which is a step-by-step guide to how you can better sell liberty to friends and family today! Your Better Life Podcast: Get 10% off all courses from Gary Collins' "The Simple Life" using code "TBNS10" at checkout! Promo Code: TBNS10 My Delta 8: (CODE TBNS AT CHECKOUT) Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/21/202143 minutes, 44 seconds
Episode Artwork

284: Sell Liberty Effectively with Brian Nichols on the On The Run Podcast

Time and time again, libertarians ask themselves "why aren't others immediately buying into my great ideas?" Remso is joined by sales expert Brian Nichols ("The Brian Nichols Show") who has just released a new ebook targeting why people don't listen to us, who our target audience is, and how to earn the respect and votes of those coming around to our way of thinking. Episode Sponsors: 4 Easy Steps You Can Implement Now To Sell Liberty to Friends and Family: In a world where "being right" appears to be the utmost importance to some in the liberty movement, at The Brian Nichols Show, we're focusing on meeting people where they're at, talking about the issues they care about, and offering solutions that solve their problems. That's why I'm excited to announce my new e-book, "4 Easy Steps You Can Take Now To Sell Liberty to Friends and Family", which is a step-by-step guide to how you can better sell liberty to friends and family today! Your Better Life Podcast: Get 10% off all courses from Gary Collins' "The Simple Life" using code "TBNS10" at checkout! Promo Code: TBNS10 My Delta 8: (CODE TBNS AT CHECKOUT) Find Remso on Twitter at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/20/20211 hour, 21 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork

283: Sunday Candidate Highlight Series -Steve Remus for Arizona Governor

Well, Happy Sunday there, folks! Steve Remus joins the program today to discuss his candidacy for Arizona governor. With Steve running for governor in Arizona, we are given a great chance to learn about top of mind issues that are taking place in Arizona, but also how tricky it has been not only to differentiate himself from the 15 Republicans are running and the 5democrats who are running... 20 plus people running and now we have some libertarians tossing their hats in the ring as well. It's time for libertarian solutions to step up. So with that being said... on the show with Steve Remus here on The Brian Nichols Show! WATCH ON YOUTUBE: Episode Sponsors: 4 Easy Steps You Can Implement Now To Sell Liberty to Friends and Family: In a world where "being right" appears to be the utmost importance to some in the liberty movement, at The Brian Nichols Show, we're focusing on meeting people where they're at, talking about the issues they care about, and offering solutions that solve their problems. That's why I'm excited to announce my new e-book, "4 Easy Steps You Can Take Now To Sell Liberty to Friends and Family", which is a step-by-step guide to how you can better sell liberty to friends and family today! Your Better Life Podcast: Get 10% off all courses from Gary Collins' "The Simple Life" using code "TBNS10" at checkout! Promo Code: TBNS10 My Delta 8: (CODE TBNS AT CHECKOUT) Find Steve Online: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/18/202138 minutes, 4 seconds
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282: How the Force Can Fix the World -with Stephen Kent

Happy Friday, and may the Force be with you. That's right. You already know what to expect. Today we are having good friend and Star Wars fanatic Stephen Kent returning to the program to discuss all things Star Wars, but through a unique lens as Steven is also a brand new author, having an awesome new book, "How the Force Can Fix the World", coming out October 26, 2021. I am so excited. I already have my copy pre ordered, and today we are doing a sneak peek into one of the chapters; talking about fear. If you are a longtime Star Wars fan, you know that fear is the path to the dark side... fear leads to anger anger leads to hate hate leads to suffering. Today, Steven joins the program as we outline fear and how it's important to make sure you subdue your own fear before it subdues you. WATCH BRIAN & STEPHEN ON RIGHTLY TALK ABOUT LOKI: WATCH ON YOUTUBE: Episode Sponsors: 4 Easy Steps You Can Implement Now To Sell Liberty to Friends and Family: In a world where "being right" appears to be the utmost importance to some in liberty movement, at The Brian Nichols Show, we're focusing on meeting people where they're at, talking about the issues they care about, and offering solutions that solve their problems. That's why I'm excited to announce my new e-book, "4 Easy Steps You Can Take Now To Sell Liberty to Friends and Family", which is a step-by-step guide to how you can better sell liberty to friends and family today! Breaking Boundaries with Brad Polumbo: Join Brad Polumbo as he interviews top writers, politicians, and thinkers from all across the political spectrum to give you a new perspective you won't find in the mainstream liberal media or right-wing echo chambers. Your Better Life Podcast: Get 10% off all courses from Gary Collins' "The Simple Life" using code "TBNS10" at checkout! Promo Code: TBNS10 PRE ORDER STEPHEN'S BOOK: Find Stephen and Beltway Banthas: Find Right Now with Stephen Kent: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/16/202140 minutes, 11 seconds
Episode Artwork

281: #CubaLibre - 62 Years in the Making

For 62 years, the Cuban people have been living under authoritarian rule thanks to the Communist regime under the Castros.  After 62 years, the Cuban people are standing up to their government chanting "we aren't scared anymore". Martha Bueno returns to the program to outline how Cuba got to this point, what sparked this recent uprising, and what you can do to help support #CubaLibre WATCH ON YOUTUBE: Liberty Sales Ebook- My Delta 8: (CODE TBNS AT CHECKOUT) Thrive Markets Find Martha Online: Twitter: Facebook: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/14/202140 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

280: Selling Liberty- Features vs. Benefits -with Jeremy Todd

Features versus benefits. This is the great battle that has been waging on for over a generation at this point within the greater libertarian movement.  On one side, you have the features folks… those who are focused on educating and good-ideaing their target prospects to death.  Then, there are the sales folks. Those folks are the ones who focus on actually selling. And we don't do that by talking about features all day long, but rather the benefits of those features and problems that they solve.  Sales professional Jeremy Todd returns to the program to help outline how the libertarian movement can stop focusing on features and specs that nobody really cares about, and to start meeting people where they're at, solving their problems, and offering real solutions that yield a tangible benefit. WATCH ON YOUTUBE: Episode Sponsors: Liberty Sales Ebook- My Delta 8: (CODE TBNS AT CHECKOUT) Thrive Markets Find Jeremy Twitter: @Jtodd601 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/12/202149 minutes, 25 seconds
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279: Sunday Candidate Highlight Series- Natalie Bruno for Oklahoma Governor

On today's Sunday Candidate Highlights Series, we discuss the age-old truth… "Most people like to cheer for The underdogs, but they don't like to vote for them."  Natalie Bruno is running for governor in Oklahoma as a Libertarian and joins the program today to help bring her marketing expertise to the program and to the Liberty movement talking not only about the issues that are important to her constituency, the helping discuss how we can bring Liberty solutions to a targeted market, stay top of mind, and speak to our buyers motivating interests. WATCH ON YOUTUBE: Episode Sponsors: Liberty Sales Ebook- My Delta 8: (CODE TBNS AT CHECKOUT) Thrive Markets Find Natalie Online- Website: Twitter: Facebook: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/11/202141 minutes, 48 seconds
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278: Why Does it Cost So Much To Build a New Home? -with David Belman

Towards the tail end of summer, I had a viral tweet that was retweeted by Rob Schneider that highlighted the rampant inflation taking place, particularly as it pertains to the impact on the building and greater construction industry.  Well, today's guest just happens to be the original author of that post from over on Facebook, and is one owner of a Belman Homes and host of The Home Building Hero Podcast, David Belman! Listen as we discuss how despite the focus having shifted away from the skyrocketing prices increasing construction costs, the very real implications of government policy are still rearing their ugly head, like how all new homes are overpriced by 25% just to cover the added costs of government regulation.  WATCH ON YOUTUBE: Episode Sponsors: Liberty Sales Ebook- My Delta 8: (CODE TBNS AT CHECKOUT) Thrive Markets MUD\WTR: Find David Online- Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/9/202141 minutes, 18 seconds
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277: Money and the Rule of Law -with Alex Salter

If you're like me, then the idea of having an entire conversation about money, monetary theory, money supply, and the rules that govern them does not sound compelling in the slightest. However, get ready to have your expectations and preconceived notions blown away, as today we're not only making monetary policy interesting but showing how your average person can actually help have a direct say in the rules but the Federal Reserve follows when dictating monetary policy. Alex Salter joins the program discuss his new book, "Money and the Rule of Law", which focuses on applying basic fundamentals of economics from a micro standpoint an helps us understand how we can take a system that can be sometimes incredibly confusing, make it easy to understand and help show your average person the value embracing the new idea of money being held to the same rules as our economic structures. WATCH ON YOUTUBE: EPISODE SPONSORS- Liberty Sales Ebook- Proud Libertarian/TBNS Shop: (CODE TBNS for 10% OFF) Breaking Boundaries with Brad Polumbo- Find Alex Online: & Money and the Rule of Law Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/7/202138 minutes, 29 seconds
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276: Why Aren't Your Ads Working? -with Chris Goyzueta

You've spent the time, energy, and money in ads... so why aren't they working? If you've had that thought cross your mind at one point or another (looking at you, business owners and political candidates!), then today's episode is a lifesaver. The professor is in, as Chris Goyzueta returns for another "Marketing Monday" here on The Brian Nichols Show! Wonder no longer as to how best to run ads, who to target, and what to do for budgeting... Chris G and I dig into all that and more! Find the Episode on Youtube: Episode Sponsors: Liberty Sales Ebook- Thrive Markets MUD\WTR: Find Chris Online- Website: Twitter: Facebook: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/5/202145 minutes, 54 seconds
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275: SPECIAL July 4th Episode ("To Sell Freedom, Listen More"; Brian Nichols on Kibbe on Liberty)

Happy July 4th! A little bit of a different episode today, as we're going back in time to my appearance over on Matt Kibbe's phenomenal program on The Blaze Radio Network, Kibbe on Liberty. Back at the beginning of the year, we talked all things sales, specifically the importance of asking good questions, creating value, and listening. With everyone hanging around the BBQ and pool this holiday weekend, let's take some of these tips and use them to help sell liberty to your average, everyday person. Find the Original Episode: Support our Sponsors: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/4/20211 hour, 45 seconds
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274: Selling Free Markets with Gen Z Storytellers -with Hannah Cox

Telling stories is important in sales. But who is telling the story is just as important. FEE (Foundation for Economic Education) understands that, and with their goal of reaching and empowering Gen Z free marketeers, enter the brand new "Hazlitt Project". Hannah Cox returns to the program as a member of FEE, outlining how the Hazlitt Project will focus on meeting Gen Z where they're at on the issues they care about. WATCH ON YOUTUBE: Episode Sponsors: Liberty Sales Ebook- Proud Libertarian/TBNS Shop: (CODE TBNS for 10% OFF) MUD\WTR- Find Hannah Online: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/2/202140 minutes, 35 seconds
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273: Meeting Gen Z Where They're At -with Isabella Riley

One of the fastest-growing demographics in the American electorate is Gen Z. And while many in politics like to do an "old man yells at cloud" routine when discussing issues with Gen Z, we at The Brian Nichols Show understand that Gen Z is quite literally the future, and with that, share a lot of fundamental beliefs that those in the Liberty Movement share as well. So how do we effectively meet Gen Z where they're at? Isabella Riley joins the program as an old soul in Gen Z, but helps us better understand how to effectively communicate and reach those interested Gen Z voters who are curious to explore alternative solutions beyond what has been presented to them as the "status quo" by the older generations their entire lives. WATCH ON YOUTUBE: Episode Sponsors: Liberty Sales Ebook- Thrive Markets ( MUD\WTR: Find Isabella Online: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/30/202136 minutes, 22 seconds
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272: Telling Stories that Sell -with Jeremy Todd

We know that telling stories is one of the most classic pastimes and shared experiences of the human experience. However, telling stories can also be used the help in the sales process, as it allows us to take complex ideas and relate them to your average person in a hyper-personal way that shows the true value of the solutions we're selling. Jeremy Todd returns to the program to discuss all things sales, focusing specifically on how to build stories that not only get people interested, but to keep them captivated. WATCH ON YOUTUBE: EPISODE SPONSORS: Liberty Sales Ebook- Your Better Life Podcast- Get 10% off all courses from Gary Collins' "The Simple Life" using code "TBNS10" at checkout! Promo Code: TBNS10 Eables/My Delta 8- & (CODE TBNS AT CHECKOUT) Find Jeremy Online: @Jtodd601 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/28/202143 minutes, 2 seconds
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271: Sunday Candidate Highlight Series: Kelly Carden for Kern County Board of Supervisors

Local politics aren't as sexy as national politics. Everyone wants to get involved with their national campaigns and support those ever-popular national candidates. However, too often than not, people ignore the fact that local politics infinitely impacts their lives, their communities, and the people they care about the most directly. Today's guest is Kelly Carden, who realized that first-hand and decided to take a stand and run for office not as a Democrat or Republican, but as a Libertarian. By focusing on the issues that matter most to his community, Kelly is entering into the conversations his constituency is already having is offering libertarian solutions to the problems they see surrounding them. WATCH ON YOUTUBE: Episode Sponsors: Eables/My Delta 8- & (CODE TBNS AT CHECKOUT) Liberty Sales Ebook- Proud Libertarian: (CODE TBNS for 10% OFF) MUD\WTR: Find Kelly Online- Website: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/27/202135 minutes, 29 seconds
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270: Will the Democrats Really Run Kamala Harris in 2024? -with Anna James Zeigler

Would the Democratic Party really run someone as inauthentic as Kamala Harris when voters are demanding authenticity?  Based on how Kamala Harris did in the 2020 Democratic Primaries (or rather, how badly she did), it doesn't seem to be wise to present her as the only option... and yet, that might be the only thing the Democrats can do. Anna James Zeigler returns to the program to show who else the Democrats might consider, and if they do run Kamala Harris, how that could be great news for the Republicans (Ron DeSantis, anyone?). WATCH ON YOUTUBE: Episode Sponsors: FREE EBOOK: (Selling Liberty: 4 Easy Steps You Can Implement Now To Sell Liberty to Friends and Family)- Proud Libertarian TBNS Shop ( (Code TBNS for 10% off!) Thrive Markets ( Find Anna Online- The Federalist: Twitter: Article: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/25/202130 minutes, 27 seconds
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269: Government Fails Those in Need the Most -with Thomas Quiter

What happens when someone in need gets told by the government "I'm sorry, I can't help you"? That's a conversation Thomas Quiter is all to familiar with. As a disabilities advocate, Tom has experience first-hand how inefficient and inept government is in actually helping those in need. Listen as Tom outlines why this help motivate him to run for Senate in the 52nd District in New York, and how he is helping change the conversation on the use of plant medicines. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/23/202136 minutes, 29 seconds
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268: Making Liberty-Loving Super Fans -with Chris Goyzueta

People want to discover something new, then tell someone about it. In bridging the world of politics and marketing, creating a customer journey that turns the prospect into a super fan is the ultimate goal. Chris Goyzueta returns to bring his marketing expertise to the liberty movement on today's Marketing Monday episode of the program! WATCH ON YOUTUBE: EPISODE SPONSORS: Your Better Life Podcast- Get 10% off all courses from Gary Collins' "The Simple Life" using code "TBNS10" at checkout! Promo Code: TBNS10 Liberty Sales Ebook- Breaking Boundaries with Brad Polumbo- Find Chris Online- Website: Twitter: Facebook: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/21/202141 minutes, 21 seconds
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267: Sunday Candidate Highlight Series: Nate "Honey Badger" Atkins for Mayor of Minneapolis, MN

What would you do if you had to charge your customers a "stadium tax" to pay for a brand new NFL stadium? That's the question many business owners face in downtown Minneapolis, MN with the brand new US Bank Stadium housing the Minnesota Vikings in downtown Minneapolis. Nate "Honey Badger" Atkins joins the program to outline the libertarian position on such a tax, plus why he decided to run for office as a Libertarian in his bid to be mayor. WATCH ON YOUTUBE: Episode Sponsors: Liberty Sales Ebook- Proud Libertarian TBNS Shop ( (Code TBNS for 10% off!) Find Nate Online- Website: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/20/202137 minutes, 58 seconds
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266: Gen Z Wants Doers, Not Talkers -with Tahmineh Dehbozorgi

When it comes to solving the problems they see in the world, Gen Z is looking for real, tangible solutions. Liberty can be that solution. Tahmineh Dehbozorgi joins the program as a member of Young Voices and as a member of Gen Z, helping to outline the specific problems Gen Z sees needing solved and how they are looking for those solutions around them, outside the confines of government. WATCH ON YOUTUBE: EPISODE SPONSORS: Liberty Sales Ebook- Proud Libertarian TBNS Shop ( (Code TBNS for 10% off!) Thrive Markets ( Find Tahmineh Online- Twitter: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/18/202139 minutes, 13 seconds
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265: Follow the Science! (On Lockdowns and Liberty)

"Follow the Science!" Tired of that phrase over the past year and a half yet? Well, perhaps you shouldn't get too comfortable with retiring that expression to the back corners of your mind, as a very fervent (and loud) group of pro-bureaucratic "experts" have been digging their heels in while defending the government's COVID narratives. Today's guests join the program to help destroy narrative after narrative, as their new docuseries "Follow the Science! (On Lockdowns and Liberty)" help tell the actual story of the pandemic. From telling the stories of those harmed by the "experts" reckless top-down policies that labeled them {"essential" or "non-essential" to digging into the actual science presented by leading epidemiologists and other leading voices who have been sounding the alarm bells from the beginning, the Sound Mind Creative Group is here to tell the full story of the pandemic. WATCH ON YOUTUBE: Episode Sponsors- Liberty Sales Ebook- Proud Libertarian TBNS Shop ( (Code TBNS for 10% off!) Thrive Markets ( Support the Sound Mind Creative Group: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/16/202142 minutes, 23 seconds
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264: Becoming the Trusted Adviser (Uncovering Pain Points) -with Jeremy Todd

Don't try fitting a square peg through a round hole. Sometimes, your solution or product just isn't the right fit for your buyer. But by asking better questions to understand your buyer's pain point, you can the better understand how your product or solution solves their problem. Jeremy Todd returns to the program for our recurring Sales Strategies segment to dig into how to best uncover those pain points that need solving in our buyer's world. WATCH ON YOUTUBE: Episode Sponsors: Liberty Sales Ebook- Your Better Life Podcast- Get 10% off all courses from Gary Collins' "The Simple Life" using code "TBNS10" at checkout! Promo Code: TBNS10 Eables/My Delta 8- & (CODE TBNS AT CHECKOUT) Find Jeremy Online: @Jtodd601 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/14/202146 minutes, 20 seconds
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263: Sunday Candidate Highlight Series- Alden Johnson for Mississippi's 4th Congressional District

From civil asset forfeiture to legalizing cannabis, the Libertarian Party has been leading the charge on civil liberties issues in the United States. Alden Johnson is running for Mississippi's 4th congressional district the help bring that mindset a personal Liberty to Mississippi's Southern congressional district. With the goals of helping improve transparency in government coupled with removing and reducing the size and scope of the federal government, Alden seeks his constituent’s to upend the status quo in his district. WATCH ON YOUTUBE: Episode Sponsors: Liberty Sales Ebook- Proud Libertarian: (CODE TBNS for 10% OFF) MUD\WTR: Find Alden Online: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/13/202126 minutes, 23 seconds
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262: Imagine A World Without Veteran Suicide -with Wyly Gray from

22 veterans commit suicide each day. Veterans of War have made it a point and their mission to create a world without veteran suicide. Ironically enough, today's guest is using plant medicines nicknamed The Vine of the Dead the help solve the trauma end demons that veterans are dealing with every single day. Wyly Gray joins the program to show how group psychedelic therapy implant medicine like ayahuasca has been changing the conversations on mental health in military veterans. WATCH ON YOUTUBE: Episode Sponsors: Liberty Sales Ebook- Your Better Life Podcast- Get 10% off all courses from Gary Collins' "The Simple Life" using code "TBNS10" at checkout! Promo Code: TBNS10 The Chris Spangle Show Find Veterans of War: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/11/202137 minutes, 27 seconds
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261: Meeting People Where They're At... On Clubhouse! -with Jess Mears

Meeting people where they're at... it's not just a fancy expression I like to say a lot on the program, but rather, the best way to actually get someone believe you care about them and the problems they're facing. Jess Mears has found amazing success in taking this model and using it on the new social media site, "Clubhouse", as it's giving her the chance to have some simply amazing conversations with fascinating people that libertarians would miss in our tribal Facebook groups. Taking it a step further, most of these fascinating people are actually quite "liberty-curious", and are open to having the non-threatening conversations on a platform like Clubhouse. Jess digs into all that (and more!) on today's episode. WATCH ON YOUTUBE: Episode Sponsors: Liberty Sales Ebook- Breaking Boundaries with Brad Polumbo- Thrive Markets ( Find Jess Online: @Jess4Liberty Join clubhouse and bypass the waitlist with this link: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/9/202139 minutes, 42 seconds
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260: The Power of Recurring Content for Libertarian Candidates -with Chris Goyzueta

How can Libertarian candidates stay top of mind with voters using recurring content? Chris Goyzueta has promoted, booked & produced over 2,500 concerts and joins today's "Marketing Monday to show how Libertarians can use a variety of recurring content to stay top of mind with their voters. YOUTUBE: Episode Sponsors- MUD\WTR: Liberty Sales Ebook- Breaking Boundaries with Brad Polumbo: Find Chris Online- Website: Twitter: Facebook: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/7/202149 minutes, 23 seconds
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259: Sunday Candidate Highlight Series- Travis "Bull" Johnson for US Congress (MN-07)

What if libertarian solutions could cut help your grocery bill in half? Travis "Bull" Johnson is running for Congress in Minnesota to help reawaken the spirit that helped elect Governor Jesse Ventura, and as a Libertarian, farmer, and veteran, presenting solutions to the seventh district in Minnesota to help answer the questions people are asking. How can libertarian solutions help Minnesotans taxes go down, grocery bills to plummet, and livelihoods to get better? Travis digs into all that, an more on today's episode of our Sunday Candidat Highlight Series! Liberty Sales Ebook- Proud Libertarian: (CODE TBNS for 10% OFF) Thrive Markets ( Find Travis Online- Twitter: Facebook: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/6/202142 minutes, 58 seconds
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258: How Can Songwriting Help Sell Liberty? -with Wes David

Songs tell stories in ways few mediums can rival. Learn how we can leverage songwriting to help sell liberty to more people today. Wes David is a singer/songwriter and libertarian who joins the show to help outline how the art of songwriting is a skill libertarians can learn from in terms of effectively communicating complex ideas layered with a sense of emotion. SHOW SPONSORS- Liberty Sales Ebook- Eables/My Delta 8- & (CODE TBNS AT CHECKOUT) Thrive Markets ( Find Wes' Music: Instagram: YouTube: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/4/202143 minutes, 9 seconds
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257: People Don't Want to be Converted! -with Brian McWilliams

Think of the last time you changed you mind when somebody was actively trying to change your mind. No, seriously. think about. Rarely does this happen. Why? Simple... BECAUSE PEOPLE DON'T WANT TO BE CONVERTED. Brian McWilliams from Electric Libertyland over on the Lions of Liberty Network joins the program to show how libertarians can learn to convert people liberty without them even realizing they're being converted! EPISODE SPONSORS: Eables/MyDeltaEight: Promo Code: TBNS ( Proud Libertarian: (CODE TBNS for 10% OFF) Find Brian, Electric Libertyland, and the rest of the Lions: Twitter: Watch this episode on YouTube: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/2/202133 minutes, 52 seconds
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256: Overcoming Objections (Turning Confrontations intro Conversations) -with Jeremy Todd

We hear the objections all day long... "It's a wasted vote..." "A vote for third parties is a vote for the other guys!" On and on and on... How can we prepare ourselves to overcome these common objections from the left and the right when it comes to third party politics, specifically libertarians? Jeremy Todd returns to the show to continue our conversation about sales and marketing and how when someone can properly overcome objections, you turn confrontation into conversation. Watch the episode on YouTube: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/31/202138 minutes, 36 seconds
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255: Sunday Candidate Highlight Series -Libertarian Jacob Turner for Congress (MO-8)

Libertarian solutions win. Jacob Turner knows that, which is why he's running for office to help those hurt by the government lockdowns by giving their stories a voice. Running for Missouri's 8th Congressional District., Jacob is focus on the top of mind issues impacting his district; economics opportunity, the government's response to COVID, and the government's focus on gun control. Watch this episode on YouTube: Find Jacob Online- Website: Facebook: SUPPORT THE BRIAN NICHOLS SHOW PATREON: Show Sponsors: MUD\WTR: Start your new morning ritual with MUD! LINK for TBNS Listeners: 4 Easy Steps You Can Implement Now To Sell Liberty to Friends and Family: In a world where "being right" appears to be the utmost importance to some in liberty movement, at The Brian Nichols Show, we're focusing on meeting people where they're at, talking about the issues they care about, and offering solutions that solve their problems. That's why I'm excited to announce my new e-book, "4 Easy Steps You Can Take Now To Sell Liberty to Friends and Family", which is a step-by-step guide to how you can better sell liberty to friends and family today! Your Better Life Podcast: Get 10% off all courses from Gary Collins' "The Simple Life" using code "TBNS10" at checkout! Promo Code: TBNS10 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/30/202135 minutes, 20 seconds
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254: Who's the LP's Target Market? -with Angela McArdle

Who's our market when we're trying to #SellLiberty? Who should the Libertarian Party be focusing their time and energy on attracting?  LP Chair candidate Angela McArdle returns to the program and gives her thoughts as to who libertarians should be targeting, plus why she believes the Mises Caucus within the Libertarian Party is best suited to reach those within our target market. Watch the episode on YouTube: Find Angela Online- Website: Twitter: @angela4LNCChair Episode Sponsors: MUD\WTR: Proud Libertarian- (CODE TBNS at Checkout) Liberty Sales Ebook- Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/28/202137 minutes, 51 seconds
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253: How Art is Saving Lives and Inspiring Strategic Security Measures -with Marc Provisor

How can art inspire defensive security measures? With the constant threat and attacks risking the welfare and safety of the men, women and children of Judea, Samaria, the Jordan Valley and Gaza, former IDF paratrooper, current Director of Security Projects for One Israel Fund, and lifelong artist Marc Provisor has made it his mission to bridge the world of art and security, helping to design security measures focused on protecting the civilians of those impacted regions. Find Mark Online- Website: and Learn More About the One Israel Fund: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/26/202134 minutes, 53 seconds
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252: 8 Simple Branding Strategies for Libertarian Candidates -with Chris Goyzueta

Sales and marketing are BFFs, and in order to be successful sales professionals for liberty, establishing a strong brand is incredibly important. Chris Goyzueta is a marketing professor and professional, as he has promoted, booked & produced over 2,500 concerts with some of the top names in the music industry, and has now joined the Brian Nichols Show to promote and market Liberty.  Episode Sponsors: Eables/My Delta 8- & Proud Libertarian- (CODE TBNS at Checkout) Liberty Sales Ebook- Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/24/202151 minutes, 39 seconds
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251: Sunday Candidate Highlight Series- Jim Tosone for New Jersey State Senate

Public sector pensions... school choice... affordable healthcare... You've heard it a million times over. But what if we could get those liberty policies into action? The impact would be huge, and today's guest is seeking to make that reality, as I'm joined by Jim Tosone who is running for New Jersey State Senate in legislative district 39 as a Libertarian. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/23/202135 minutes, 22 seconds
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250: Profiles in Liberty (Documenting the History of the Liberty) -with Caleb Franz

The rewriting of history by revisionist academics has been an absolute assault on the significant impacts of noted figures in history who helped advance liberty. Joining the We Are Libertarians Network in July 2021 is Caleb Franz, who's new show, "Profiles in Liberty", will focus on setting the record straight on these historical figures, as Caleb destroys the new propaganda that has tried to rewrite history. Find Caleb Online: @CalebFranz (Twitter) Subscribe to "Profiles in Liberty" at (Premiers July 1). Today's Sponsors: Thrive Markets ( Proud Libertarian: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/21/202141 minutes, 11 seconds
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249: How to Be Bold AND Practical When Selling Liberty -with Carla Howell

I've found that I learn best when I didn't even realize I was learning in the first place. The same thing is true when we're selling liberty! How? While the debate over bold/principled versus practical/pragmatic messaging has taken the greater liberty movement by storm, longtime Libertarian activist Carla Howell joins the program to show how both a bold AND practical message can sell liberty, so long as that message is helping solve people's problems. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/19/202138 minutes, 21 seconds
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248: What Makes a Good Salesman? -with Jeremy Todd

"There is nothing more insulting to a great salesman than having to listen to a bad salesman. It's like a great basketball player having to listen to a bad basketball player." -Michael Scott So, what makes a good salesman? Jeremy Todd is a sales professional and joins the program to answer that very question, plus how we can apply to be a good salesman to the liberty movement. Find Jeremy Online: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/17/202145 minutes, 55 seconds
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247: Sunday Candidate Highlight Series - Sam Robb on Pennsylvania Special Elections

There are Special Elections taking place this Tuesday (May 18th) in Pennsylvania, and there are 4 Libertarian candidates you *NEED* to hear about! Sam Robb from LPPA joins the program to outline each of their races and where they are aiming to advance liberty in Pennsylvania. WATCH ON YOUTUBE: LPPA Candidates can be found at: Find Sam Online - Website: Facebook: Twitter: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/16/202142 minutes, 1 second
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246: What's Happening to the Economy? -with Daniel Di Martino

Rampant inflation. Unemployment benefits run amuck. Supply chains being tested. The economy is being tested like it hasn't been in decades, leading many to be weary of its future prospects. Economist Daniel Di Martino joins the program to help give some clarity into what's happening, how we got hear, and where we're headed. Find Daniel Online- Website: Twitter: Facebook: Sponsored By: Eables: Eables is offering a special discount to all members of The Brian Nichols Show Audience on all orders! All you have to do is head to and use the promo-code “TBNS” at checkout, and that’s it! Discount applied! Again, that’s code TBNS at checkout to start managing your pain today with the highest quality CBD on the market. Promo Code: TBNS 4 Easy Steps You Can Implement Now To Sell Liberty to Friends and Family: In a world where "being right" appears to be the utmost importance to some in liberty movement, at The Brian Nichols Show, we're focusing on meeting people where they're at, talking about the issues they care about, and offering solutions that solve their problems. That's why I'm excited to announce my new e-book, "4 Easy Steps You Can Take Now To Sell Liberty to Friends and Family", which is a step-by-step guide to how you can better sell liberty to friends and family today! Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/14/202136 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork

245: 80,000 Phone Calls & 12,000 Knocked Doors Makes a Difference -with Eric Brakey from Young Americans for Liberty

Did you know that over 80,000 phone calls and over 12,000 doors knocked can make a difference in an election? The phenomenal team at Young Americans for Liberty sure does, and that's why Eric Brakey joins the program to help outline some of the amazing successes they YAL team has accomplished in recent months! Find YAL Online: YAL Twitter: YAL Facebook: YAL Instagram: Find Eric Online: Twitter: Facebook: Sponsored By: Proud Libertarian!: Get 10% all orders using exclusive discount code at checkout! CODE: TBNS Promo Code: TBNS Breaking Boundaries with Brad Polumbo: Join Brad Polumbo as he interviews top writers, politicians, and thinkers from all across the political spectrum to give you a new perspective you won't find in the mainstream liberal media or right-wing echo chambers. 4 Easy Steps You Can Implement Now To Sell Liberty to Friends and Family: In a world where "being right" appears to be the utmost importance to some in liberty movement, at The Brian Nichols Show, we're focusing on meeting people where they're at, talking about the issues they care about, and offering solutions that solve their problems. That's why I'm excited to announce my new e-book, "4 Easy Steps You Can Take Now To Sell Liberty to Friends and Family", which is a step-by-step guide to how you can better sell liberty to friends and family today! Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/12/202134 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork

244: The Tragedy in Myanmar (Panel Discussion)

Have you heard about what's happening in Myanmar? Don't worry, if you said "no", you're sadly not alone. Joining me today is a panel of young activists raising awareness to the tragedy unfolding in Myanmar as the military coup continues. WATCH ON YOUTUBE: Links: (Myanmar International Action Toolkit): (U.S. Petitions for Myanmar): Sponsored By: 4 Easy Steps You Can Implement Now To Sell Liberty to Friends and Family: In a world where "being right" appears to be the utmost importance to some in liberty movement, at The Brian Nichols Show, we're focusing on meeting people where they're at, talking about the issues they care about, and offering solutions that solve their problems. That's why I'm excited to announce my new e-book, "4 Easy Steps You Can Take Now To Sell Liberty to Friends and Family", which is a step-by-step guide to how you can better sell liberty to friends and family today! Thrive Market: All orders over $49 get free shipping, PLUS members of The Brian Nichols Show Audience get 20% off their first order AND get one month of their Thrive Membership for FREE! MUD\WTR: Start your new morning ritual with MUD! LINK for TBNS Listeners: Breaking Boundaries with Brad Polumbo: Join Brad Polumbo as he interviews top writers, politicians, and thinkers from all across the political spectrum to give you a new perspective you won't find in the mainstream liberal media or right-wing echo chambers. Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/10/202135 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork

243: Sunday Candidate Highlight Series -Eve Brownstein for NJ Lieutenant Governor

Happy Mother's Day! An all-star mom and libertarian candidate for New Jersey Lieutenant Governor Eve Brownstein joins the program today! Eve outlines how being a mom to such incredibly different children with vastly different needs helped shape her view on politics and life. Find Eve Online- Website: Social Media Handle: @Eve4Liberty WATCH THE VIDEO VERSION HERE: Sponsored By: 4 Easy Steps You Can Implement Now To Sell Liberty to Friends and Family: In a world where "being right" appears to be the utmost importance to some in liberty movement, at The Brian Nichols Show, we're focusing on meeting people where they're at, talking about the issues they care about, and offering solutions that solve their problems. That's why I'm excited to announce my new e-book, "4 Easy Steps You Can Take Now To Sell Liberty to Friends and Family", which is a step-by-step guide to how you can better sell liberty to friends and family today! Eables: Eables is offering a special discount to all members of The Brian Nichols Show Audience on all orders! All you have to do is head to and use the promo-code “TBNS” at checkout, and that’s it! Discount applied! Again, that’s code TBNS at checkout to start managing your pain today with the highest quality CBD on the market. Promo Code: TBNS Proud Libertarian!: Get 10% all orders using exclusive discount code at checkout! CODE: TBNS Promo Code: TBNS Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/9/202135 minutes, 9 seconds
Episode Artwork

242: 4 Easy Steps You Can Take Now To Sell Liberty to Friends and Family

In a world where "being right" appears to be the utmost importance to some in liberty movement, at The Brian Nichols Show, we're focusing on meeting people where they're at, talking about the issues they care about, and offering solutions that solve their problems. Today, I'm excited to announce my new e-book, "4 Easy Steps You Can Take Now To Sell Liberty to Friends and Family", which is a step-by-step guide to how you can better sell liberty to friends and family today! GET THE FREE E-BOOK HERE: WATCH THE YOUTUBE VERSION: Support the Program: Sponsored By: 4 Easy Steps You Can Implement Now To Sell Liberty to Friends and Family: In a world where "being right" appears to be the utmost importance to some in liberty movement, at The Brian Nichols Show, we're focusing on meeting people where they're at, talking about the issues they care about, and offering solutions that solve their problems. That's why I'm excited to announce my new e-book, "4 Easy Steps You Can Take Now To Sell Liberty to Friends and Family", which is a step-by-step guide to how you can better sell liberty to friends and family today! Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/7/202128 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

241: To Sell Freedom, Tell Better Stories -with Matt Kibbe

Back in January, I joined Matt Kibbe on his program to discuss the failures of libertarians to effectively market ideas. We know that the best way to communicate with people is not to tell them what you think they should know, but to listen to their problems, answer their questions, and establish yourself as a source of trusted information others can turn to in times of doubt. During that time of answering their questions and establishing trust, telling stories is a crucial tool in the toolbelt in helping illustrate our ideas and our solutions. Matt now returns to the program to help show how best to tell stories that inspire and drive people towards "buying liberty" as a solution to the problems in their lives, and how he and his amazing team at Free the People have been helping tell amazing stories that show how libertarians are problem solvers. WATCH THE VIDEO VERSION: Find Matt & Free the People Online- Free the People: Matt's Facebook: Matt's Twitter: Matt's Instagram: Find “How to Love Your Enemy: A Restorative Justice Story” on YouTube. Sponsored By: The Chris Spangle Show Proud Libertarian!: Get 10% all orders using exclusive discount code at checkout! CODE: TBNS Promo Code: TBNS Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/5/202139 minutes
Episode Artwork

240: The Unified Theory of Scare Stories -with Dr. Patrick Moore

What are the two emotions that drive buyers into action? Love and...? Fear. Knowing that, how is fear being using to sell us on massive government policies with price tags ranging from the billions and even trillions of dollars. Dr. Patrick Moore is one of the co-founders of Greenpeace and joins the program today to outline how easily fear can be used to motivate policy, actual science be damned, and how the contemporary environmental movement has focused less on saving the environment than it is being anti-humanity. WATCH THE VIDEO VERSION: Find Dr. Moore Online- Website: Twitter: Sponsored By: Eables: Eables is offering a special discount to all members of The Brian Nichols Show Audience on all orders! All you have to do is head to and use the promo-code “TBNS” at checkout, and that’s it! Discount applied! Again, that’s code TBNS at checkout to start managing your pain today with the highest quality CBD on the market. Promo Code: TBNS MUD\WTR: Start your new morning ritual with MUD! LINK for TBNS Listeners: Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/3/202143 minutes, 2 seconds
Episode Artwork

239: Sunday Candidate Highlight Series: Stacey Prussman for NYC Mayor

New York City is a shell of its former self. The COVID pandemic and ensuing government lockdowns absolutely decimated the "city that doesn't sleep". Having built her career a successful career in politics, NYC native Stacey Prussman is entering the world of politics to try and get New York back on track with liberty-based solutions that get government out of the way! Listen as Stacey outlines her vision for NYC residents & communities where they make their own choices, conduct business and do what’s in their best interests. WATCH THE SHOW ON YOUTUBE: Find Stacey Online- Website: Twitter: Facebook: Sponsored By: Breaking Boundaries with Brad Polumbo: Join Brad Polumbo as he interviews top writers, politicians, and thinkers from all across the political spectrum to give you a new perspective you won't find in the mainstream liberal media or right-wing echo chambers. Proud Libertarian!: Get 10% all orders using exclusive discount code at checkout! CODE: TBNS Promo Code: TBNS Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/2/202136 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork

238: How the Lockdowns Stockpile Pain -with Clint from Liberty Lockdown

"We're all in this together!" Easily the most tone-deaf line from the entire pandemic. No, we're not all in this together. And as the lockdowns go on, the stockpiling of the amount of pain only increases. Clint from Liberty Lockdown started his podcast to address the concerns he was seeing, and today joins the program to outline what you can do and expect as time moves forward. WATCH THE YOUTUBE VERSION A DAY EARLY: Find Clint Online: Twitter: Sponsored By: Eables: Eables is offering a special discount to all members of The Brian Nichols Show Audience on all orders! All you have to do is head to and use the promo-code “TBNS” at checkout, and that’s it! Discount applied! Again, that’s code TBNS at checkout to start managing your pain today with the highest quality CBD on the market. Promo Code: TBNS Thrive Market: All orders over $49 get free shipping, PLUS members of The Brian Nichols Show Audience get 20% off their first order AND get one month of their Thrive Membership for FREE! Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/30/202142 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

237: How Delta 8 & CBD are taking on the Healthcare Industrial Complex -with Addison Todd

"Take two of these and call me in the morning." A classic doctor's line that we've all jokingly said in jest at one point or another. But what if the "take two of these" medications are only dealing with symptoms versus actually tackling the root of the problem? Addison Todd is the CEO and founder of Eables and MyDeltaEight and joins the show to focus on solving the underlying problems people are facing versus numbing the symptoms. WATCH THE SHOW ON YOUTUBE: Want to experience the benefits of Eables/MyDeltaEight for yourself? (USE CODE TBNS AT CHECKOUT FOR DISCOUNT) Eables: MyDeltaEight: Sponsored By: Eables: Eables is offering a special discount to all members of The Brian Nichols Show Audience on all orders! All you have to do is head to and use the promo-code “TBNS” at checkout, and that’s it! Discount applied! Again, that’s code TBNS at checkout to start managing your pain today with the highest quality CBD on the market. Promo Code: TBNS Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/28/202141 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork

236: Did we go too far with COVID Lockdown Messaging? -with Max Gulker

The COVID lockdowns have been one of the most divisive aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic, with many libertarians (like yours truly) raising the alarm to the threat of unintended consequences in blindly following the government's approved list of experts. But did I go to far? Did libertarians scare away potential liberty-curious folks by our strong stance against the government lockdowns? Economist and friend of the show Max Gulker returns to the program and gives his take while also challenging my stance that "if you're explaining, you're losing". WATCH ON YOUTUBE! -> Find Max Online: Sponsored By: MUD\WTR: Start your new morning ritual with MUD! LINK for TBNS Listeners: Your Better Life Podcast: Get 10% off all courses from Gary Collins' "The Simple Life" using code "TBNS10" at checkout! Promo Code: TBNS10 Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/26/202150 minutes, 11 seconds
Episode Artwork

235: Sunday Candidate Highlight Series -Trisha Butler

Libertarians never win, eh? Well, what if I told you that today's guest not only is a Libertarian, but also WON her election!? Meet Trisha Butler, Councilmember from the Clarksville, TN, who joins the program to teach Libertarians how to be human to your average peson! CHECK OUT THE SHOW ON YOUTUBE: Find Trisha Online: Facebook: Twitter: Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/25/202138 minutes, 49 seconds
Episode Artwork

234: Free Markets Destroy -with Chris Cargill

Wanna learn how the Free Market DESTROYS... Climate change? Poverty? The Housing Crisis? ...and more? Check out today's conversation with Chris Cargill to learn all about how Free Markets Destroy the problems we face! VIDEO VERSION: Find Free Markets Destroy! Online- Website: Facebook: Instagram: Sponsored By: Proud Libertarian!: Get 10% all orders using exclusive discount code at checkout! CODE: TBNS Promo Code: TBNS Eables: Eables is offering a special discount to all members of The Brian Nichols Show Audience on all orders! All you have to do is head to and use the promo-code “TBNS” at checkout, and that’s it! Discount applied! Again, that’s code TBNS at checkout to start managing your pain today with the highest quality CBD on the market. Promo Code: TBNS Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/23/202133 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

233: Giving Public Sector Employees a Voice -with David Osborne

How can we help public sector workers exercise their First Amendment rights without fear of coercion from unions? Americans for Fair Treatment CEO David Osborne returns to the program to show how AFFT's mission has become increasingly important in recent years. Since the June 2018 U.S. Supreme Court decision in Janus v. AFSCME, government workers are now free to exercise their right not to pay a union and still keep their jobs, but the process of resigning from a union, introducing new ideas for workplace support, and avoiding workplace intimidation all remain daunting. Listen as David outlines how AFFT gives those employees a voice and the resources to protect their rights. VIDEO VERSION: Find AFFT: Sponsored By: Thrive Market: All orders over $49 get free shipping, PLUS members of The Brian Nichols Show Audience get 20% off their first order AND get one month of their Thrive Membership for FREE! Proud Libertarian!: Get 10% all orders using exclusive discount code at checkout! CODE: TBNS Promo Code: TBNS Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/21/202131 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork

232: Wokeism on the Loose -with Kenny Cody

Cancel culture. Identity politics. Wokeism. However you feel about the push for "social justice", it's hard to deny the manner that wokeism has grown from being only on college campuses, as it now permeates our modern discourse. Kenny Cody returns to the program and makes his case on why we need to fight back against this progressive ideology and embrace an attitude of rebellion. Find Kenny Online: Find the Show on YouTube! Sponsored By: Eables: A Pain Free Holiday with EABLES CBD Topical Freeze Gel, plus an exclusive discount for The Brian Nichols Show listeners. Promo Code: TBNS Proud Libertarian!: Get 10% all orders using exclusive discount code at checkout! CODE: TBNS Promo Code: TBNS Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/19/202139 minutes, 41 seconds
Episode Artwork

231: Sunday Candidate Highlight Series- New Jersey Libertarian Gubernatorial Candidate Gregg Mele.

New Jersey was one of the hardest hit states by the COVID pandemic, and the government's response to COVID likely ended up causing more pain than the virus alone. Governor Phil Murphy even went as far to say that worrying about the Bill of Rights was "above his pay grade" when being pressed on his administration's lockdown tactics. Gregg Mele decided that enough was enough, and announced that he was seeking to unseat Phil Murphy as governor under the Libertarian Party. Gregg joins the program to outline specifically why he is running for governor, and what he would do differently when compared to the current Murphy administration. Fine Gregg's Campaign Online- Webiste: Twitter: Facebook: Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/18/202135 minutes, 33 seconds
Episode Artwork

230: Good Intentions Aren't Enough -with Nolan Gray

"The goal of the proposal is ...." Now, to judge how a proposal did, one would want to look at the actual outcomes of said proposal, versus just looking at the intentions of the proposal. And yet, when it comes to government programs and policies, it is the intentions that lawmakers seem to focus on. Nolan Gray is a housing researcher at UCLA, a former NYC city planner, host of the YouTube "Pop Culture Urbanism" (where he dissects housing & city questions from famous movies & TV shows), and joins the program to specifically address California's extreme environmental laws and where they ended up exacerbating the very problems they were seeking to address. Find Nolan Online- Twitter: YouTube: Article Discussed: Sponsored By: MUD\WTR: Start your new morning ritual with MUD! LINK for TBNS Listeners: Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/16/202139 minutes, 55 seconds
Episode Artwork

BONUS: Words Matter -with Britt from The Freckles and Britt Show

A special sneak-peek into the new video format of The Brian Nichols Show, as today I'm joined by Britt from the Freckles and Britt Show! Starting on Monday, the program will be debuting each episode both via podcast and YouTube! To start things off, Britt joins the program to discuss the way words have lost their meaning, and why definition of words matter! (This episode co-airs with the launch of the YouTube video at 8pm EST) Find Britt Online- Show: Twitter: Sponsored By: Eables: Eables is offering a special discount to all members of The Brian Nichols Show Audience on all orders! All you have to do is head to and use the promo-code “TBNS” at checkout, and that’s it! Discount applied! Again, that’s code TBNS at checkout to start managing your pain today with the highest quality CBD on the market. Promo Code: TBNS Thrive Market: All orders over $49 get free shipping, PLUS members of The Brian Nichols Show Audience get 20% off their first order AND get one month of their Thrive Membership for FREE! Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/16/202134 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

229: LP Unity and the Redacted Caucus -with Trent Ortner

"You're not a real libertarian." Heard that one before? Whelp, if you're listening to the program, then not only have you likely heard that before, but you're also likely done with that mindset, as our goal here is to bring liberty to people's lives now. To help more things forward, a surge of "libertarian unity" has been sweeping the party. Today's guest is Trent Ortner from the Redacted Caucus, who joins the show to outline why a unified LP is an LP that can be dangerously successful in uniting all constitutionally protected organizations and groups; for the purpose of restoring liberty to the United States.. Find the Redacted Caucus Online: Twitter: RCLP Event: 4/24/21 @ Downtown Austin Sponsored By: Your Better Life Podcast: Get 10% off all courses from Gary Collins' "The Simple Life" using code "TBNS10" at checkout! Promo Code: TBNS10 Proud Libertarian!: Get 10% all orders using exclusive discount code at checkout! CODE: TBNS Promo Code: TBNS Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/14/202137 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

228: Out of Sight, Out of Mind- Why Marketing is Just as Important as Messaging (with Chris Goyzueta)

How often have your gone out of your way to purchase a can of RC Cola? Not too often, eh? (unless you're one of those RC Cola fanboys)... Now, if I were to say, "think of a brand of soda", Pepsi and Coca Cola are likely the first to pop into your mind? Why? Enter the world of marketing. Yes, what you say matters. But if you're out of sight, you're out of mind. That's why today's guest has made bringing professional marketing to the liberty movement. Chris Goyzueta (Making it with Chris G) joins the program and brings years of music industry experience to the greater liberty movement. Listen as Chris outlines why marketing matters and how libertarians can take some easy steps to be better at marketing right now. Find Chris Online- Website: Twitter: Facebook: Sponsored By: Proud Libertarian!: Get 10% all orders using exclusive discount code at checkout! CODE: TBNS Promo Code: TBNS Eables: Eables is offering a special discount to all members of The Brian Nichols Show Audience on all orders! All you have to do is head to and use the promo-code “TBNS” at checkout, and that’s it! Discount applied! Again, that’s code TBNS at checkout to start managing your pain today with the highest quality CBD on the market. Promo Code: TBNS Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/12/202142 minutes, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork

227: Sunday Candidate Highlight Series -Tim McMaster for Pennsylvania State Senate

For those outside of the major urban areas, life during the COVID pandemic has been, all things considered, more or less, the same. But in those greater urban areas (and Democratic states, candidly) life is still on pause, with many government restrictions still in place. Joining the program is Libertarian Party PA State Senate candidate Tim McMaster, who has made standing against the lockdowns one of his main campaign goals. Listen as Tim digs into his vision for Pennsylvania, plus what other major issues Tim would seek to bring to the table if elected as State Senator. Find Tim Online- Website: Facebook: Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/11/202137 minutes, 8 seconds
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226: Everything is Infrastructure! -with Brad Polumbo

The Biden "Infrastructure Bill" is out, and guess what... EVERYTHING IS INFRASTRUCTURE! Roads and Bridges? Yup! Childcare!? YUP! Climate Change!? YUP!!! Sound a bit... much? Don't worry, you're not alone in that feeling, as Brad Polumbo from the Foundation For Economic Education (FEE) returns to the program to dig into all the dirty details about the new infrastructure bill. Find Brad Online: Find Brad on Twitter: Podcast: Sponsored By: Proud Libertarian!: Get 10% all orders using exclusive discount code at checkout! CODE: TBNS Promo Code: TBNS Thrive Market: All orders over $49 get free shipping, PLUS members of The Brian Nichols Show Audience get 20% off their first order AND get one month of their Thrive Membership for FREE! Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/9/202147 minutes, 55 seconds
Episode Artwork

225: Let's Talk Bitcoin -with JW Weatherman

At this point, it's pretty much a foregone conclusion that the US Dollar will continue to lose value as the Federal Reserve continues to print money en masse, along with countries losing the "full faith and trust" in the US government that used to pad the value of the dollar. Enter #Bitcoin. Bitcoin has shown to be both an investment (of sorts) and a means of exchange, with large entities like Tesla starting to do transactions in Bitcoin and Paypal offering crypto alternatives. JW Weather returns to the program to help answer all questions Bitcoin. Is it safe? Is it viable? Is it long term? Is it a bubble? All your Bitcoin questions answered on today's episiode! Find JW Online: Find JW- Learn More About Bitcoin: Sponsored By: Proud Libertarian!: Get 10% all orders using exclusive discount code at checkout! CODE: TBNS Promo Code: TBNS Your Better Life Podcast: Get 10% off all courses from Gary Collins' "The Simple Life" using code "TBNS10" at checkout! Promo Code: TBNS10 Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/7/202137 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork

224: Can We Fix Our Broken Cities? -with Scott Beyer

The government lockdowns in response to the COVID-19 pandemic absolutely decimated small businesses. On top of that, major cities across the US were already seeing mass exoduses due to increasing cost of living, increased taxes, and the fact that cities are losing their initial appeal as hubs of commerce and activity. Scott Beyer returns to the program to outline how a "Market Urbanism" approach to handling our cities woes could help put those cities back on course. It's getting government out of the way that helps solve these problems, and more often than not, it's the government getting in the way in the first place that caused the problems to begin with. Follow Scott Online- Website: Facebook: Twitter: Sponsored By: Proud Libertarian!: Get 10% all orders using exclusive discount code at checkout! CODE: TBNS Promo Code: TBNS Eables: Eables is offering a special discount to all members of The Brian Nichols Show Audience on all orders! All you have to do is head to and use the promo-code “TBNS” at checkout, and that’s it! Discount applied! Again, that’s code TBNS at checkout to start managing your pain today with the highest quality CBD on the market. Promo Code: TBNS Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/5/202141 minutes, 12 seconds
Episode Artwork

223: Sunday Candidate Highlight Series: Joe Evans for Congress (Idaho)

Happy Easter! Continuing with our Sunda Candidate Highlight Series, today we're venturing our west, as we chat with Joe Evans, Libertarian running for Congress in Idaho! Joe joins the program to outline why he's running for Congress, why foreign interventions are still an important issue to focus on, and how libertarian solutions can help bring Americans together. Find Joe Online- Website: Twitter: Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/4/202141 minutes, 56 seconds
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222: Libertarian Populism -with Joshua Smith

We've spoken on Republican and Democratic populism over the past month or so, but what about Libertarian populism? How can Libertarians tap into that energy that runs rampant through the populist appeal? Where can Libertarians help bridge the gap between left and right populists? Joshua Smith returns to the program to give his take on Libertarian populism, discuss his new Youtube show "Break the Cycle", and then talk the future of the Libertarian Party. Give a listen! Find Josh Online- Twitter: Youtube: BONUS: The Ugly Truth About the Lockdowns (Time to Reopen Society) -with Nick Hudson from PANDA: Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/2/202142 minutes, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork

221: A Sea of Misinformation -with Donnie Gebert

We all accept that the government doesn't tell us certain information. Now, government will say it's due to "national security" or some other reason, but what about the government using the media apparatus to actively misinform the public? Donnie Gebert is a former government insider who outlines the extent that government goes to misinform the public, and how a "Direct Republic" could help solve a lot of our problems. Find Donnie Online- Website: Twitter: Sponsored By: Your Better Life Podcast: Get 10% off all courses from Gary Collins' "The Simple Life" using code "TBNS10" at checkout! Promo Code: TBNS10 Proud Libertarian!: Get 10% all orders using exclusive discount code at checkout! CODE: TBNS Promo Code: TBNS Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/31/202135 minutes, 40 seconds
Episode Artwork

220: Selling Liberty to New Jersey -with Michael Rufo (NJLP VP of Political Affairs)

2020 brought a lot of unprecedented challenges, with dozens of states taking unconstitutional actions to "protect" their citizens. One such state is New Jersey. With the crackdown on civil liberties in response to the COVID pandemic, Governors like Phil Murphy unintentionally fired up activists all around the country. In New Jersey, the pro-liberty movement is alive and well, and that's in large part due to today's guest: Michael Rufo (NJLP VP of Political Affairs). Mike ran for office as a Libertarian in past elections, but now is focused on helping bring pro-liberty policy to New Jersey by helping coordinate with Libertarian candidates to offer substantive, effective policy prescriptions to bring to the voters. Listen as Mike outlines specific policy and tactical proposals for New Jersey on today's exciting episode! Find Mike on Twitter: Sponsored By: MUD\WTR: Start your new morning ritual with MUD! LINK for TBNS Listeners: Eables: Eables is offering a special discount to all members of The Brian Nichols Show Audience on all orders! All you have to do is head to and use the promo-code “TBNS” at checkout, and that’s it! Discount applied! Again, that’s code TBNS at checkout to start managing your pain today with the highest quality CBD on the market. Promo Code: TBNS Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/29/202135 minutes, 55 seconds
Episode Artwork

219: Sunday Candidate Highlight Series: Nicholas Magner for New Jersey Assembly (LD 4)

Freedom. Passion. Principle. That's what Nicholas Magner, candidate for New Jersey's 4th Legislative District, promotes as the underlying values of his campaign. Nick joins the program to outline what he is running for assembly as a Libertarian, and why Second Amendment rights, drug decriminalization, bodily autonomy, lowering taxes, and "Defending the Guard!" are the tops priorities of his campaign. Find Nick Online- Website: Twitter: Facebook: Sponsored By: MUD\WTR: Start your new morning ritual with MUD! LINK for TBNS Listeners: Eables: Eables is offering a special discount to all members of The Brian Nichols Show Audience on all orders! All you have to do is head to and use the promo-code “TBNS” at checkout, and that’s it! Discount applied! Again, that’s code TBNS at checkout to start managing your pain today with the highest quality CBD on the market. Promo Code: TBNS Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/28/202131 minutes, 33 seconds
Episode Artwork

BONUS: The Ugly Truth About the Lockdowns (Time to Reopen Society) -with Nick Hudson from PANDA

The data, facts, and realities of COVID were far away from what the media and public health institutions were presenting to the world at the advent of the pandemic. And while the controlling narrative was that of lockdowns and fear in response to COVID, organizations like PANDA have been working with some of the top minds in public health, focusing on the hard data and analytics of the pandemic to help save lives. Returning to the program is Nick Hudson, co-founder of PANDA, who just gave an amazing talk at the inaugural BizNews Investment Conference where he crushed the common myths and misconceptions promoted by pro-lockdown, anti-science politicians and unelected bureaucrats. What do epidemiologists and immunologist think of Dr. Fauci? What's the story about the COVID variants? Are asymptomatic people a danger to others? All that (and more) discussed on today's special BONUS episode. Youtube Video: Find PANDA Online: Facebook: Twitter: Nick's Twitter: @NickHudsonCT Sponsored By: MUD\WTR: Start your new morning ritual with MUD! LINK for TBNS Listeners: Eables: Eables is offering a special discount to all members of The Brian Nichols Show Audience on all orders! All you have to do is head to and use the promo-code “TBNS” at checkout, and that’s it! Discount applied! Again, that’s code TBNS at checkout to start managing your pain today with the highest quality CBD on the market. Promo Code: TBNS Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/27/20211 hour, 6 minutes, 44 seconds
Episode Artwork

218: How the Fairness Center Protects Public Sector Employees -with Nathan McGrath

Bill is a public sector employee. He is represented by a public sector union. Bill wanted some more information about his union and their contracts, but Bill was told "Don't worry about that." If you're Bill in this situation, what would you do? The first step should be giving a call to the team at the Fairness Center. Today, Nathan McGrath (President & General Counsel) of the Fairness Center joins the program to outline how the Fairness Center can help public sector employees like Bill when facing against the public sector unions. Find the Fairness Center Online: Twitter: Facebook: Sponsored By: MUD\WTR: Start your new morning ritual with MUD! LINK for TBNS Listeners: Proud Libertarian!: Get 10% all orders using exclusive discount code at checkout! CODE: TBNS Promo Code: TBNS Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/26/202135 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

217: Who is Governor Ron DeSantis? -with Anna Zeigler

Did you state lockdown in response to the COVID pandemic? And if it did end up locking down, did your state follow the science data and reopen once government lockdowns were shown to have no impact on the virus? Joining the program is Anna Zeigler (The Federalist) who joins the program to put the spotlight on one Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. Listen as we did into DeSantis' skyrocketing to national prominence over the past year, how he was one of the first executives at a state level who actually followed "followed the science" and didn't hamstring his state's economy with unscientific lockdowns, and outlines now has a real shot a being the GOP nominee in 2024. Find Anna Online- The Federalist: Twitter: Article: Sponsored By: Your Better Life Podcast: Get 10% off all courses from Gary Collins' "The Simple Life" using code "TBNS10" at checkout! Promo Code: TBNS10 Proud Libertarian!: Get 10% all orders using exclusive discount code at checkout! CODE: TBNS Promo Code: TBNS Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/24/202138 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

216: Why is Free Speech So Important? -with Fredrick M. Lawrence

Free speech is one of the fundamental cornerstones in American society. However, in recent years, we've watched as free speech rights have been focused on and attacked by those saying speech can be dangerous. But do they have a point? After all, can't hate speech lead to hateful actions? Joining the program is Frederick M. Lawrence, 10th Secretary and CEO of the Phi Beta Kappa Society, Distinguished Lecturer at the Georgetown Law Center, and former President of Brandeis University, Dean of the George Washington University Law School, and Visiting Professor and Senior Research Scholar at Yale Law. An accomplished scholar, teacher and attorney, Lawrence is one of the nation’s leading experts on civil rights, free expression and bias crimes, and joins the program outline why free speech is so important. Twitter: Facebook: Online Resources:, Key Conversations Podcast: Sponsored By: Eables: Eables is offering a special discount to all members of The Brian Nichols Show Audience on all orders! All you have to do is head to and use the promo-code “TBNS” at checkout, and that’s it! Discount applied! Again, that’s code TBNS at checkout to start managing your pain today with the highest quality CBD on the market. Promo Code: TBNS Run Your Mouth Coffee: Get 10% off all orders (PLUS FREE SHIPPING) of Run Your Mouth Coffee using code 'NICHOLS' at checkout! Promo Code: NICHOLS Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/22/202133 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork

215: Sunday Candidate Highlight Series- Meet Martha Bueno, Libertarian Candidate for Miami-Dade District 10

It’s never too early to start thinking about the 2022 elections, and that's why Martha Bueno is joining the program to discuss her candidacy for the Miami Dade District 10 Commissioner. An area in Florida that encompasses, West Kendall, Kendall Lakes,Fonatinebleau, Horse Country, Westchester, Westwood Lakes, Olympia Heights and Sunset, listen as Martha outlines her vision for Miami-Dade as one of pro-liberty and opportunity. Find Martha Online: Sponsored By: The Expat Money Show: Just because you were born in one country DOESN'T mean you need to: -Pay taxes there -Do your banking there -Have your investments there -Raise your kids there -Have your company registered there -Be educated there -Live your life there! The Expat Money Show originally started as a Podcast and has grown to a worldwide community of Entrepreneurs who are living international location independent lifestyles. Mikkel Thorup is focused on helping you to live an international life by looking at problems through the lens of global solutions, in this day and age there is no reason you should let borders get in the way of having the best the world has to offer. Eables: Eables is offering a special discount to all members of The Brian Nichols Show Audience on all orders! All you have to do is head to and use the promo-code “TBNS” at checkout, and that’s it! Discount applied! Again, that’s code TBNS at checkout to start managing your pain today with the highest quality CBD on the market. Promo Code: TBNS Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/21/202133 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

214: Why Should Conservatives be Concerned About the Death Penalty? -with Hannah Cox

The death penalty... The ultimate punishment handed down by the government for the most abhorrent of offenders. It's an absolutely necessary form of punishment for the worst of the worst.... right? That has been a hot topic in conservative circles, and Hannah Cox argues that conservatives should in fact be concerned about the death penalty, and joins the program representing Conservatives Concerned About the Death Penalty to outline exactly why it is the government inefficiencies that conservatives recognize in other sectors of the government exist in it's carrying out of the death penalty. To learn more about CCATDP, go to Twitter: @HannahCox7 Facebook:\ Substack: Sponsored By: Run Your Mouth Coffee: Get 10% off all orders (PLUS FREE SHIPPING) of Run Your Mouth Coffee using code 'NICHOLS' at checkout! Promo Code: NICHOLS Eables: Eables is offering a special discount to all members of The Brian Nichols Show Audience on all orders! All you have to do is head to and use the promo-code “TBNS” at checkout, and that’s it! Discount applied! Again, that’s code TBNS at checkout to start managing your pain today with the highest quality CBD on the market. Promo Code: TBNS Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/19/202137 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

213: Democratic Populism -with Nick Gillespie

As we discussed on Friday with Jack Hunter, Donald Trump proved that there was an untapped market within the GOP that a persona like he could take advantage of - populism. However, that populism isn't exclusive to the GOP, as the ascendance of "democratic socialists" like Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio Cortez has show the Democratic Party just as malleable to the changing political winds. Nick Gillespie from Reason returns to the program to outline the implications of said democratic populism, but also to the causes that have gotten the Democratic Party to this point in the first place. Find Nick Online: Facebook- Twitter- Sponsored By: Your Better Life Podcast: Get 10% off all courses from Gary Collins' "The Simple Life" using code "TBNS10" at checkout! Promo Code: TBNS10 Run Your Mouth Coffee: Get 10% off all orders (PLUS FREE SHIPPING) of Run Your Mouth Coffee using code 'NICHOLS' at checkout! Promo Code: NICHOLS Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/17/202147 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

BONUS: One Year Anniversary of Fifteen Days to Slow the Spread

"We needed to lock down out of an abundance of caution. We didn't know what the virus was going to do." Ya'll have heard that before, right? Well, believe it or not, some of us have been raising the red flag from the very beginning that the government response to COVID (like the government lockdowns) would lead to more unintended long term consequences versus simply letting people/the market adjust. Today's episode is a highlight of four guests from The Brian Nichols Show who were raising the alarm from the beginning. (April 2020)109: COVID-19 vs. the Economy: Could A Crumbling Economy Cause More Death than COVID-19? -with Economist Daniel J. Michell: (June 2020)119: How the COVID Lockdowns, George Floyd Murder, and PRIME Act are Connected -with Matt Kibbe: (October 2020) 150: Liberty or Lockdown -with Jeffrey Tucker from AIER: (January 2021) 180: COVID-19 Pandemic Data & Science that will Save Lives & Livelihoods -with Nick Hudson: Sponsored By: Your Better Life Podcast: Get 10% off all courses from Gary Collins' "The Simple Life" using code "TBNS10" at checkout! Promo Code: TBNS10 Run Your Mouth Coffee: Get 10% off all orders (PLUS FREE SHIPPING) of Run Your Mouth Coffee using code 'NICHOLS' at checkout! Promo Code: NICHOLS Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/15/202157 minutes, 14 seconds
Episode Artwork

212: What Can Libertarians Do Better? -with Spike Cohen

The ideas of personal liberty and free markets will always win in the battleplace of ideas, but that is irrelevant if people aren't willing to hear our solutions in the first place. So, what can we as libertarians do better to avoid these pitfalls of the past? 2020 Libertarian Party vice presidential candidate Spike Cohen returns to the program to help outline what libertarians shouldn't do, and where the Libertarian Party is headed as we move towards the 2022 elections. Find Spike Online (Link Tree): Sponsored By: Your Better Life Podcast: Get 10% off all courses from Gary Collins' "The Simple Life" using code "TBNS10" at checkout! Promo Code: TBNS10 Run Your Mouth Coffee: Get 10% off all orders (PLUS FREE SHIPPING) of Run Your Mouth Coffee using code 'NICHOLS' at checkout! Promo Code: NICHOLS Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/15/202143 minutes, 47 seconds
Episode Artwork

211: Sunday Candidate Highlight Series- Meet Joel Getz, Libertarian Candidate for Mayor of East Stroudsburg, PA

Starting off our new "Sunday Candidate Highlight Series", I am joined today by Joel Getz! Joel is the Libertarian candidate for Mayor in East Stroudsburg, PA and joins the program to highlight specific policy goals of a Getz administration, and why it is that something as simple as parking meters can be a winning issue at the ballot box. Find Joel Online: Facebook: Sponsored By: Your Better Life Podcast: Get 10% off all courses from Gary Collins' "The Simple Life" using code "TBNS10" at checkout! Promo Code: TBNS10 Run Your Mouth Coffee: Get 10% off all orders (PLUS FREE SHIPPING) of Run Your Mouth Coffee using code 'NICHOLS' at checkout! Promo Code: NICHOLS Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/14/202133 minutes, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork

210: Republican Populism -with Jack Hunter

Donald Trump proved that there was an untapped market within the GOP that a persona like he could take advantage of - populism. Now, this isn't a new discovery, but rather something that hasn't been effectively utilized by GOP politicians in decades. Instead of learning from what Trump was able to do successfully in his use of Republican populism, many GOP leaders have rejected that approach, leaving many of those voters looking for a path forward. Jack Hunter joins the program to dig into this Republican populism, and with that, how advocates in the liberty movement can utilize that populist sentiments in the GOP to help promote pro-liberty policy. Find Jack Online- Twitter: Facebook: Sponsored By: Your Better Life Podcast: Get 10% off all courses from Gary Collins' "The Simple Life" using code "TBNS10" at checkout! Promo Code: TBNS10 Run Your Mouth Coffee: Get 10% off all orders (PLUS FREE SHIPPING) of Run Your Mouth Coffee using code 'NICHOLS' at checkout! Promo Code: NICHOLS Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/12/202141 minutes, 21 seconds
Episode Artwork

209: Finding Common Ground on Key Issues -with Professor David Dozier

Finding common ground is one of the most challenging aspects of political discourse in 2021. In a world where "the others" are looked at with skeptical eyes, it's more important for us to enter into good-faith dialogue whenever and wherever we can on issues of agreement. One such area the left and right (should) be finding common ground is that of the death penalty. Today we are joined by Professor David Dozier, professor emeritus in the School of Journalism & Media Studies at San Diego State University and author of "The California Killing Field". David joins the program to make the case as to why the death penalty is as anti-liberty as they come, how to have good-faith conversations with those we disagree with, and how to enact common policy goals into action. Find Professor Dozier Online: Sponsored By: Run Your Mouth Coffee: Get 10% off all orders (PLUS FREE SHIPPING) of Run Your Mouth Coffee using code 'NICHOLS' at checkout! Promo Code: NICHOLS Your Better Life Podcast: Get 10% off all courses from Gary Collins' "The Simple Life" using code "TBNS10" at checkout! Promo Code: TBNS10 Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/10/202133 minutes, 53 seconds
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208: Generation Z Leading the Way? -with Mahgdalen Rose

Where is America headed? Pay attention to the news for more than 10 seconds, and you'd believer we're one step closer to Hell in a handbasket than ever anticipated. And who to blame? Well, the corporate media is sure to make sure the proverbial finger is pointed at the "young folks" - namely - the Millennials and Generation Z. As a Millennial, I've got a better reading as to where we're at, but what about Gen Z? Where are they at? And are they actually the generation deserving off all the blame? Mahgdalen Rose joins the program as a prominent voice in Generation Z, and joins the program to help outline where Generation Z is at in terms of politics, economics, culture, and more. Find Mahgdalen Online: Sponsored By: Run Your Mouth Coffee: Get 10% off all orders (PLUS FREE SHIPPING) of Run Your Mouth Coffee using code 'NICHOLS' at checkout! Promo Code: NICHOLS Your Better Life Podcast: Get 10% off all courses from Gary Collins' "The Simple Life" using code "TBNS10" at checkout! Promo Code: TBNS10 Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/8/202136 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

207: The Changing Dynamics in Israel and the Middle East -with Scott Feltman from the One Israel Fund.

Resources- Scott on the Dove Channel: One Israel Fund in the News: Website: Scott on Newsmax discussing the Abraham Accords: Scott on Fox Nation: i24 News Clip: Scott in Townhall: Sponsored By: Run Your Mouth Coffee: Get 10% off all orders (PLUS FREE SHIPPING) of Run Your Mouth Coffee using code 'NICHOLS' at checkout! Promo Code: NICHOLS Your Better Life Podcast: Get 10% off all courses from Gary Collins' "The Simple Life" using code "TBNS10" at checkout! Promo Code: TBNS10 Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/5/202139 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

206: Gun Rights in Biden's America -with Sam Jacobs from

Now that Joe Biden and his team are officially getting their policies into action, one group that has been noticeably weary of what may be coming down the road; gun owners. "Heck yes, we're coming for your AR-15s!". But is it just AR-15 or so-described "weapons of war" that are on the chopping block? Sam Jacobs from returns to the program to help prepare for what to expect, and what you can do to help protect your rights to self-preservation and defense. Show Notes: Llinks- libert Find Sam on Twitter: @SamJacobs1776 The Podcast:'s Twitter: Sponsored By: Thrive Market: All orders over $49 get free shipping, PLUS members of The Brian Nichols Show Audience get 20% off their first order AND get one month of their Thrive Membership for FREE! MUD\WTR: Start your new morning ritual with MUD! LINK for TBNS Listeners: Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/3/202136 minutes, 36 seconds
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205: Free Speech Never Tasted So Good -with John Odermatt from Run Your Mouth Coffee

The world would be a much better place if people stopped trying to censor each other and instead were free to speak. That's not only the view of yours truly at The Brian Nichols Show, but is also the sentiment of our brand new sponsor, "Run Your Mouth Coffee"!. RYM Coffee is delicious, roasted to order coffee that provides you the fuel needed to stand up to censorship and to proudly Run Your Mouth, and today, John joins the program to explain what preceded starting this new venture, and the value of being able to RUN YOUR MOUTH! Run Your Mouth Coffee: Use Code "NICHOLS" at checkout for 10% off! Find John Online: & Sponsored By: Eables: A Pain Free Holiday with EABLES CBD Topical Freeze Gel, plus an exclusive discount for The Brian Nichols Show listeners. Promo Code: TBNS Proud Libertarian!: Get 10% all orders using exclusive discount code at checkout! CODE: TBNS Promo Code: TBNS Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/1/202131 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork

204: The Art of the Meme -with Kanan Vitolo

If you've ever stumbled upon a libertarian meme in the wild, there's a high probability that it was a Kanan Vitolo original. Kanan is today's guest, and helps showcase how, yes, memes can in fact change the world! Using the sales skills of piquing interest in a short, concise message, Kanan has mastered the "Art of the Meme", getting his memes featured in news coveragee on such networks as CNN. Listen as Kanan helps dissect the "Art of the Meme", and how libertarians can learn from memes to be more effective communicators. Find Kanan Online- Twitter and Facebook links: Twitter: @kananvitolo Being Libertarian: Sponsored By: MUD\WTR: Start your new morning ritual with MUD! LINK for TBNS Listeners: Proud Libertarian!: Get 10% all orders using exclusive discount code at checkout! CODE: TBNS Promo Code: TBNS Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/26/202143 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork

203: Meet The Gen Z Activist Tackling Identity Politics -with Olivia Rondeau

Identity politics has been near the top of the national discourse for nearly a decade, with the many folks too afraid to ask questions for fear of the societal ramifications. Gen Z activists don't seem to mind so much with tackling some of these issues, and today's guest is one such activist, as Olivia Rondeau joins the program to make her case as to why identity politics can't hold up to the value that liberty and free markets bring to traditionally underserved/underrepresented communities. Find Olivia Online- Twitter: Youtube: Sponsored By: Thrive Market: All orders over $49 get free shipping, PLUS members of The Brian Nichols Show Audience get 20% off their first order AND get one month of their Thrive Membership for FREE! Eables: Eables is offering a special discount to all members of The Brian Nichols Show Audience on all orders! All you have to do is head to and use the promo-code “TBNS” at checkout, and that’s it! Discount applied! Again, that’s code TBNS at checkout to start managing your pain today with the highest quality CBD on the market. Promo Code: TBNS Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/24/202136 minutes, 17 seconds
Episode Artwork

202: Fueling America: An Insider’s Journey -with Jack Kerfoot

With the recent shutdowns in Texas due to the massive winter storm and associated power outages, the idea of energy independence is back at the top of people's minds. So, how do we juggle the pursuit of energy independence while also being conscious of our greater impact on the environment? Jack Kerfoot is a scientist, energy executive and author of FUELING AMERICA: An Insider’s Journey, and joins the show to make his case that climate change and energy independence requires us removing government roadblocks to the development of new renewable energy projects, and providing incentives to attract the people and resources necessary. Find Jack Online: Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/22/202133 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

201: LESS is More: Libertarian Elected Support System -with Libertarian Party Chair Joe Bishop-Henchman

With so few elected Libertarians in office, being able to effectively communicate and network has been a challenge. To help facilitate the ability to share information, resources, and to discuss what has/has not been working, the Libertarian Party has launched a new initiative; LESS (Libertarian Elected Support System). Returning to the program is Joe Bishop-Henchman, Chair of the Libertarian Party, who outlines how LESS will assist the some 300 elected Libertarians across the country by giving them access to the support, talent, experience and skills of others who have been in the same situations. Find the LP Online: Find Joe Online: Twitter: Facebook: Sponsored By: Proud Libertarian!: Get 10% all orders using exclusive discount code at checkout! CODE: TBNS Promo Code: TBNS Eables: Eables is offering a special discount to all members of The Brian Nichols Show Audience on all orders! All you have to do is head to and use the promo-code “TBNS” at checkout, and that’s it! Discount applied! Again, that’s code TBNS at checkout to start managing your pain today with the highest quality CBD on the market. Promo Code: TBNS Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/19/202139 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork

200: Selling the Value of School Choice -with Corey DeAngelis

Why school choice? Right now, many Americans are realizing first hand the value of being able to pick where their children go to school, as public schooling institutions still find their doors shut. With the impact of public teacher's unions being felt first-hand, many families are look for alternatives to the traditional government school monopolies. Corey DeAngelis is an expert on school choice and joins the program to help sell the value of funding students, not institutions. How does school choice impact the student, families, and teachers? Those questions (and more!) are answered on today's special 200th episode! Find Corey Online- Reason Foundation: Twitter: Sponsored By: MUD\WTR: Start your new morning ritual with MUD! LINK for TBNS Listeners: Thrive Market: All orders over $49 get free shipping, PLUS members of The Brian Nichols Show Audience get 20% off their first order AND get one month of their Thrive Membership for FREE! Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/17/202134 minutes, 30 seconds
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199: Phil Labonte from All that Remains- Influencing the Culture

"Politics are always downstream from culture." Raise your hand if you've heard that famous utterance from the late Andrew Breitbart at least once in your life. Well, as cliche as it may sound, we see it first hand in the manner in which our society has so quickly adapted to the promoted culture of the Hollywood and leftist elite. So, is it possible to help reign in the power? Or at least, to use it to our advantage? Phil Labonte from All That Remains joins the program to dig into that, the "black pill". and more! Phil's Links: Sponsored By: Proud Libertarian!: Get 10% all orders using exclusive discount code at checkout! CODE: TBNS Promo Code: TBNS Eables: Eables is offering a special discount to all members of The Brian Nichols Show Audience on all orders! All you have to do is head to and use the promo-code “TBNS” at checkout, and that’s it! Discount applied! Again, that’s code TBNS at checkout to start managing your pain today with the highest quality CBD on the market. Promo Code: TBNS Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/15/202137 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

198: It's Okay to Laugh! -with Chrissie Mayr

Cancel culture is real! So, how do we speak truth to power, while also avoiding getting canceled? Comedian Chrissie Mayr (America's Got Talent/Compound Media/GAS Digital) joins the program to help show not just the important role that comedians play in the world of politics, but also quickly that check can be lost as governments curtail the ability to speak freely. Find Chrissie Online: Facebook: Twitter: Sponsored By: Eables: Eables is offering a special discount to all members of The Brian Nichols Show Audience on all orders! All you have to do is head to and use the promo-code “TBNS” at checkout, and that’s it! Discount applied! Again, that’s code TBNS at checkout to start managing your pain today with the highest quality CBD on the market. Promo Code: TBNS Proud Libertarian!: Get 10% all orders using exclusive discount code at checkout! CODE: TBNS Promo Code: TBNS Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/12/202135 minutes, 4 seconds
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197: The Biden Foreign Policy: What Can We Expect? -with Professor Sarah Burns

Will Joe Biden's Foreign policy be more like that of a Trump administration, or are we going to see a return to a more Obama-like foreign policy? Sarah Burns, Associate Professor of Political Science at the Rochester Institute of Technology, joins the program to specifically look at what to expect from a Biden administration in regards to foreign policy, but also how the executive branch has been able to wield such power in deciding American foreign policy. The Politics of War Powers: The Theory and History of Presidential Unilateralism (BOOK): Presidents Were Never Meant to Have Unilateral War Powers (ARTICLE): Twitter: @sarahmackenzieb Sponsored By: Proud Libertarian!: Get 10% all orders using exclusive discount code at checkout! CODE: TBNS Promo Code: TBNS Thrive Market: All orders over $49 get free shipping, PLUS members of The Brian Nichols Show Audience get 20% off their first order AND get one month of their Thrive Membership for FREE! Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/10/202135 minutes, 33 seconds
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196: How the Free State Project is Bringing Liberty to New Hampshire -with Jeremy Kaufman

If you have found your state imposing arbitrary government lockdowns or that you're being taxed to death has been getting you down, then the Free State Project implores your to check out the great state of New Hampshire! Jeremy Kaufman returns to the show in his role as a member of the board for the FSP and makes his case as to why lovers of liberty should seek refuge in NH to live a truly free life. Learn more about The Free State Project: Sponsored By: Proud Libertarian!: Get 10% all orders using exclusive discount code at checkout! CODE: TBNS Promo Code: TBNS Thrive Market: All orders over $49 get free shipping, PLUS members of The Brian Nichols Show Audience get 20% off their first order AND get one month of their Thrive Membership for FREE! Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/8/202140 minutes, 8 seconds
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195: Want to Get Away? Here's How -with Mikkel Thorup

Want to get away? I'm sure many of you have thought about such prospects at some point, be it for one reason or another. With the Biden Administration now fully transitioned into power, many disaffected Republicans and conservatives are now starting to ask some questions as to how to possibly move out of the United States. Mikkel Thorup from the Expat Money Show returns to the program to help answer some of those pressing questions and objections that those starting off an expat lifestyle will ask, like what will happen with your income, your family, your job, and more! Find Mikkel Online- The Expat Money Show: Escape Artist: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/5/202154 minutes, 12 seconds
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194: Libertarian Kim Ruff for Arizona State Mine Inspector

I bet a majority of you have no idea what a "state mine inspector" does, and candidly, neither did I! That is, until Kim Ruff returned to the program! Kim is running for Arizona State Mine Inspector as a Libertarian, and with our promoting Libertarians running for state and local office, why not have Kim return to the program to catch us up to speed, explain the role of a mine inspector, and why having a libertarian mine inspector with years of industry experience is a golden opportunity to help promote liberty. Find Kim Online: Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/3/202141 minutes, 12 seconds
Episode Artwork

193: Making Pennsylvania More Free- Pennsylvania Libertarian Gubernatorial Candidate Joe Soloski

While the election of 2020 is still in the rearview mirror, believe it or not, it's time we start looking ahead towards the 2022 elections! Libertarians already have a disadvantage when it comes to name/brand recognition, so it's incredibly important for those LP candidates to start off early! Today's guest is doing just that, as I'm joined by Pennsylvania Libertarian Gubernatorial candidate Joe Soloski! Joe joins the program to paint the vision of what a Soloski Administration would focus on as top priorities, how crazy the laws are on buying alcohol in PA (no seriously... they're bonkers), and how Joe Soloski would leave PA more free. Find Joe Soloski Online: Twitter: Facebook: Sponsored By: Breaking Boundaries with Brad Polumbo: Join Brad Polumbo as he interviews top writers, politicians, and thinkers from all across the political spectrum to give you a new perspective you won't find in the mainstream liberal media or right-wing echo chambers. MUD\WTR: Start your new morning ritual with MUD! LINK for TBNS Listeners: Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/1/202140 minutes, 24 seconds
Episode Artwork

192: Bringing More Voices to the Table: Ranked Choice Voting vs. Approval Voting

How to we fix our broken electoral system? Our "pick one" system is clearly broken, especially when considering that we only have two viable choices (and what exciting choices they are, eh?). So, how can we fix our broken voting system and subsequently bring more voices to the table? Kyle Bailey (Campaign Manager for The Committee for Ranked Choice Voting) and Aaron Hamlin (Executive Director of the Center for Election Science) join/return to the program to have virtual roundtable discussion to try and determine which system would yield the best results by looking at past successes! Find The Committee for Ranked Choice Voting Online: Find The Center for Election Science Online: Sponsored By: Breaking Boundaries with Brad Polumbo: Join Brad Polumbo as he interviews top writers, politicians, and thinkers from all across the political spectrum to give you a new perspective you won't find in the mainstream liberal media or right-wing echo chambers. MUD\WTR: Start your new morning ritual with MUD! LINK for TBNS Listeners: Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/29/202141 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork

191: "LET'S PARTY: a movie to end the Duopoly" -with Brad Lyon

Are you sick of being told you have only two political options in the United States of America? Are you tired of hearing supporting a third party is wasted effort? Do you simply want to end the duopoly? Long time indie film director Brad Leo Lyon is helping lead that charge through the culture, as Brad joins The Brian Nichols Show to discuss his brand new movie, "LET'S PARTY"; the definitive rebuttal to the old adage that supporting third parties is wasted effort. Support LET'S PARTY: Webite: Sponsored By: Breaking Boundaries with Brad Polumbo: Join Brad Polumbo as he interviews top writers, politicians, and thinkers from all across the political spectrum to give you a new perspective you won't find in the mainstream liberal media or right-wing echo chambers. MUD\WTR: Start your new morning ritual with MUD! LINK for TBNS Listeners: Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/27/202140 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

190: Messaging Matters: Brian Nichols on Chief Chats

Today's episode originally aired on "Chief Chats" with Todd Hagopian Kevin Hobbie, where I joined the boys to discuss why messaging matters. ORIGINAL SHOW NOTES: "The boys are joined by podcasting great Brian Nichols to discuss liberty and how the movement can better it’s messaging" Sponsored By: Breaking Boundaries with Brad Polumbo: Join Brad Polumbo as he interviews top writers, politicians, and thinkers from all across the political spectrum to give you a new perspective you won't find in the mainstream liberal media or right-wing echo chambers. MUD\WTR: Start your new morning ritual with MUD! LINK for TBNS Listeners: Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/25/202149 minutes, 40 seconds
Episode Artwork

189: Will the GOP Become the Patriot Party? -with Kenny Cody

After the defeat of Donald Trump at the ballot box in November, the fight for the reigns of the GOP has never been more intense. Trump has even been rumored to want to stay involved in politics, be it with the GOP, or with his own party/movement. Kenny Cody returns to the show to dig into this new discussion of a "Patriot Party", as Kenny argues a "Patriot movement" might be exactly what the GOP needs. Find Kenny Online: Articles Discussed: & Sponsored By: MUD\WTR: Start your new morning ritual with MUD! LINK for TBNS Listeners: Breaking Boundaries with Brad Polumbo: Join Brad Polumbo as he interviews top writers, politicians, and thinkers from all across the political spectrum to give you a new perspective you won't find in the mainstream liberal media or right-wing echo chambers. Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/22/202141 minutes, 40 seconds
Episode Artwork

188: The Path Forward For Liberty: GOP or LP? -Brian Nichols on The No Gimmicks Podcast

This episode first aired on The No Gimmicks Podcast with Brady Leonard Original Show Notes: Brian Nichols is the host of The Brian Nichols Show on We Are Libertarians Podcast Network and an associate editor of The Libertarian Republic. Follow Brian @BNicholsLiberty and follow us @bradyleonard @nogimmickspod Sponsored By: The Expat Money Show: Just because you were born in one country DOESN'T mean you need to: -Pay taxes there -Do your banking there -Have your investments there -Raise your kids there -Have your company registered there -Be educated there -Live your life there! The Expat Money Show originally started as a Podcast and has grown to a worldwide community of Entrepreneurs who are living international location independent lifestyles. Mikkel Thorup is focused on helping you to live an international life by looking at problems through the lens of global solutions, in this day and age there is no reason you should let borders get in the way of having the best the world has to offer. Eables: Eables is offering a special discount to all members of The Brian Nichols Show Audience on all orders! All you have to do is head to and use the promo-code “TBNS” at checkout, and that’s it! Discount applied! Again, that’s code TBNS at checkout to start managing your pain today with the highest quality CBD on the market. Promo Code: TBNS Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/20/20211 hour, 4 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

187: "Armed Queers Don't Get Bashed!" - with Ermiya Fanaeian from SLC Pink Pistols

2020 has show just how unprepared government is in terms of being able to address immediate problems and concerns on a public policy perspective. And with that, those groups that have been traditionally marginalized are learning first-hand how important it is to take one's own personal autonomy into their own hands. Today's guess is Ermiya Fanaeian from SLC Pink Pistols, who joins the program to make the case as to why "armed queers don't get bashed", and how despite our other political differences (Ermiya is more left when it comes to economics), the importance of defending the ultimate minority - the individual - is paramount. Fine Ermiya Online- Twitter: Instagram: Artlice: Sponsored By: Breaking Boundaries with Brad Polumbo: Join Brad Polumbo as he interviews top writers, politicians, and thinkers from all across the political spectrum to give you a new perspective you won't find in the mainstream liberal media or right-wing echo chambers. MUD\WTR: Start your new morning ritual with MUD! LINK for TBNS Listeners: Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/18/202129 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork

186: What's in the New COVID Stimulus Bill? -with Brad Polumbo

Have you looked at this new COVID stimulus bill that was passed by Congress? Well, if you didn't, don't you worry, because Brad Polumbo (FEE, National Review, Breaking Boundaries) did for you! Listen as Brad digs through the dirty details of the COVID stimulus bill and some of the wasteful spending (but I repeat myself) within the bill. Find Brad Online: Find Brad on Twitter: Podcast: Sponsored By: Breaking Boundaries with Brad Polumbo: Join Brad Polumbo as he interviews top writers, politicians, and thinkers from all across the political spectrum to give you a new perspective you won't find in the mainstream liberal media or right-wing echo chambers. MUD\WTR: Start your new morning ritual with MUD! LINK for TBNS Listeners: Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/15/202139 minutes, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork

185: Creating Value & Building Trust: A Blueprint to Selling Liberty -with Libertarian Party Vice Presidential Candidate Spike Cohen

In sales, creating value and building trust are not only an absolutely necessary aspects in "closing the deal", but also fundamental in keeping your "base of business" for the long term, as well. Joining the show today is 2020 Libertarian Party Vice Presidential candidate and entrepreneur, Spike Cohen (@RealSpikeCohen)! Spike joins the show to discuss how we as libertarians can create that value and build trust with folks new to the ideas of liberty. Find Spike Online (Link Tree): Sponsored By: Breaking Boundaries with Brad Polumbo: Join Brad Polumbo as he interviews top writers, politicians, and thinkers from all across the political spectrum to give you a new perspective you won't find in the mainstream liberal media or right-wing echo chambers. MUD\WTR: Start your new morning ritual with MUD! LINK for TBNS Listeners: Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/13/202138 minutes, 54 seconds
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184: Could "Quarantine Camps" for COVID-19 Actually Happen? -with Assemblyman Mark Walczyk

A proposed section of the public health law in New York would allow Gov. Andrew Cuomo to detain ANY person he believes poses a danger to public health, meaning all it would take is a single order from the governor, then poof, quarantine camp. So... how close is this to reality? Assembly Mark Walczyk returns to the program to give his inside scoop into where this proposal came from and the likelihood of it reaching the Governor's desk. Support Mark's Campaign: Find Mark on Social Media- Facebook: Twitter: Contact Mark's Campaign- Email: Phone: (315) 775-8552 Sponsored By: Breaking Boundaries with Brad Polumbo: Join Brad Polumbo as he interviews top writers, politicians, and thinkers from all across the political spectrum to give you a new perspective you won't find in the mainstream liberal media or right-wing echo chambers. MUD\WTR: Start your new morning ritual with MUD! LINK for TBNS Listeners: Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/11/202134 minutes, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork

183: What's Next For MAGA? -with Marc Lobliner

There was a large portion of the "MAGA" crowd that echoed libertarian sentiments, with many of those MAGA-libertarians being a part of the greater liberty movement in general. So, what's next for those liberty-leaning MAGA folk? Do they stick the route of the GOP, or do the venture to untested waters via the Libertarian Party? Marc Lobliner, CEO of MTS Nutrition/CMO of joins the show to give his take, being a member of that liberty oriented Trump voter. Later, we dig into how COVID-19 and the government lockdowns have impacted business. Find Marc Online- Website: Facebook: Twitter: Sponsored By: Breaking Boundaries with Brad Polumbo: Join Brad Polumbo as he interviews top writers, politicians, and thinkers from all across the political spectrum to give you a new perspective you won't find in the mainstream liberal media or right-wing echo chambers. MUD\WTR: Start your new morning ritual with MUD! LINK for TBNS Listeners: Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/8/202140 minutes, 39 seconds
Episode Artwork

182: Applying Marketing & Sales to Politics (To Make Liberty Win)

Today's episode is a special reairing of my appearance over on Brad Polumbo's awesome new program, "Breaking Boundaries with Brad Polumbo". Original notes (can be found: Marketing specialist and podcaster Brian Nicholas, my good pal, joins the show to discuss Marketing & Sales 101, and how these basic principles should apply to political campaigning. How do we meet people where they're at? Is education or listening more key to winning votes? Just how important are name recognition and cults of personality in political success? And how do we respond to America's populist moment? We discuss all this and more. (Plus, his take on pickles will leave you shook!) Follow Brian on Twitter: Subscribe to the Brian Nichols Show: Sponsored By: Breaking Boundaries with Brad Polumbo: Join Brad Polumbo as he interviews top writers, politicians, and thinkers from all across the political spectrum to give you a new perspective you won't find in the mainstream liberal media or right-wing echo chambers. MUD\WTR: Start your new morning ritual with MUD! LINK for TBNS Listeners: Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/6/202147 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork

181: What We're Building & Where We're Going

Over the past 3 years at The Brian Nichols Show, we've been having conversations with the movers and shakers in the greater liberty movement, focusing on leaving the audience educated, enlightened, and informed. Going into 2021, we're taking it a step further. We're building the top destination for folks to learn the basics of sales, building value, and focusing on the issues people actually care about. Sponsored By: Breaking Boundaries with Brad Polumbo: Join Brad Polumbo as he interviews top writers, politicians, and thinkers from all across the political spectrum to give you a new perspective you won't find in the mainstream liberal media or right-wing echo chambers. MUD\WTR: Start your new morning ritual with MUD! LINK for TBNS Listeners: Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/4/202121 minutes, 56 seconds
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180: COVID-19 Pandemic Data & Science that will Save Lives & Livelihoods -with Nick Hudson

COVID-19 is a threat. Yes, it's a very real disease that kills lots of people. However, the government lockdowns and the related intrusions on civil liberties pose a serious threat not only to lives, but to civilization itself—a threat must be resisted. At this juncture, the science is quite clear on what key policy responses should be—or should have been. But this is no longer about the science, if it ever was. What is required now is a mobilization against what is essentially an enormous public relations machine that is fuelling fear and removing agency from people’s lives the world over, which is why today's guest is on the program! Today's guest is Nick Hudson from PANDA (Pandemics ~ Data & Analytics). PANDA is a collective of leading scientists, actuaries, economists, data scientists, statisticians, medical professionals, lawyers, engineers and businesspeople working as a collective to replace bad science with good science. Find PANDA Online: Facebook: Twitter: Sponsored By: MUD\WTR: Start your new morning ritual with MUD! LINK for TBNS Listeners: Breaking Boundaries with Brad Polumbo: Join Brad Polumbo as he interviews top writers, politicians, and thinkers from all across the political spectrum to give you a new perspective you won't find in the mainstream liberal media or right-wing echo chambers. Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/1/202135 minutes, 48 seconds
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179: The Future of the Libertarian Party -with Marc Clair

Over the past few years, a growing number of members from the Mises Caucus have started to join the Libertarian Party with the goal of making the Libertarian Party a "libertarian", Ron Paul oriented party. Today's guest, like yours truly, speaks to dozens of noted influencers in the greater liberty movement, which is exactly why I wanted to have Lions of Liberty's Marc Clair back on the program; to hear what the general feeling is in the movement, where the movement is heading, and the direction the Libertarian Party will head in the years to come. Find Marc Online- Twitter: @MarcDClair Find Lions of Liberty Online- Website: Twitter: @LionsofLiberty Facebook: Sponsored By: Breaking Boundaries with Brad Polumbo: Join Brad Polumbo as he interviews top writers, politicians, and thinkers from all across the political spectrum to give you a new perspective you won't find in the mainstream liberal media or right-wing echo chambers. Eables: A Pain Free Holiday with EABLES CBD Topical Freeze Gel, plus an exclusive discount for The Brian Nichols Show listeners. Promo Code: TBNS Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/30/202036 minutes, 43 seconds
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178: Tennessee GOP is Making Liberty Win -with TN House GOP Caucus Chairman Rep. Jeremy Faison

We've often discussed/debated how to best enact liberty policy into action; via the GOP, or via the LP? Today's guest is Jeremy Faison (@JeremyFaison4TN), Tennessee House Republican Caucus Chairman representing House District 11, who makes his case (and bring the receipts!) on why the GOP is the most viable means to enact liberty into policy. Find Rep. Faison Online- Website: Twitter: Facebook: Sponsored By: Breaking Boundaries with Brad Polumbo: Join Brad Polumbo as he interviews top writers, politicians, and thinkers from all across the political spectrum to give you a new perspective you won't find in the mainstream liberal media or right-wing echo chambers. Eables: A Pain Free Holiday with EABLES CBD Topical Freeze Gel, plus an exclusive discount for The Brian Nichols Show listeners. Promo Code: TBNS Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/28/202035 minutes, 50 seconds
Episode Artwork

177: The New Honor Code: A Simple Plan for Raising Our Standards and Restoring Our Good Names -with Grant McCracken

What used to be shocking has somehow become the new normal in our politics, workplaces, and universities. Sexual predators stalk interns at work and teenagers abroad. Parents try to buy a place for their kids in college. Pharmaceutical companies refuse to acknowledge the Opioid epidemic they helped create. Banks issue credit cards no one ordered, ruining the credit scores and reputations of thousands. It happens so frequently that we can no longer dismiss these cases as a few bad apples. Clearly, something in the system is rotten. Today's guest is cultural anthropologist Grant McCracken , who argues that while most Americans are committed to morality and share basic standards of decency, we’re also becoming inured to scandal and shame, and hopeless about the possibility of change. What if we decided to fight it instead? Grant McCracken has a solution—the revival of an ancient idea called honor. BIO: Trained as an anthropologist (Ph.D. University of Chicago), Grant has studied American culture for 25 years. He started the Institute of Contemporary Culture at the Royal Ontario Museum, where he did the first museum exhibit on youth cultures and has taught at the University of Cambridge, MIT, and the Harvard Business School. He is a long-time student of culture and commerce. Many academics prefer to look askance at interactions of culture and commerce. He has explored this theme in two books: Culture and Consumption I,and Culture and Consumption II. He has also looked at how Americans invent and reinvent themselves. He had explored this theme in two more books: Big Hair and Transformations: identity construction in a contemporary culture. A student of American culture. Plenitude published in 1997 looked at the new explosive growth of contemporary culture. In Flock and Flow, he shows how contemporary culture and commerce change. Two years ago, he published a book called Chief Culture Officer with Basic Books that argues that culture now creates so much opportunity and danger for the organization that need senior managers who focus on it full time. He is hoping this will create a new occupational destination for graduates in the arts and humanities. This year Grant is affiliated with the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard. Sponsored By: Breaking Boundaries with Brad Polumbo: Join Brad Polumbo as he interviews top writers, politicians, and thinkers from all across the political spectrum to give you a new perspective you won't find in the mainstream liberal media or right-wing echo chambers. Eables: A Pain Free Holiday with EABLES CBD Topical Freeze Gel, plus an exclusive discount for The Brian Nichols Show listeners. Promo Code: TBNS Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/26/202041 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

176: Guerrilla Politics: How Libertarians can Take on the Duopoly and Win -with Curt (Libertarian)

Libertarians are underdogs. The game is rigged against us. The Republican/Democrat duopoly colluded to effectively prevent any 3rd party from winning. So what should we do? Is it hopeless? Should we just give up? The good news: underdogs win all the time. David beat Goliath. Washington beat the British Empire. Trump beat Hillary. The Viet Cong beat the US military. Microsoft beat IBM. Buster Douglas beat Mike Tyson. Nigel Farage beat the European Union. It's these essential lessons that libertarians must learn from in order to have any semblance of success. And that's why today's guest spent so much time on his awesome article over on Substack, "How Libertarians can Take on the Duopoly and Win", as today I'm joined by Curt (Libertarian) from Checkmate the State. Find Curt's Article Online: Find Curt Online: Sponsored By: Breaking Boundaries with Brad Polumbo: Join Brad Polumbo as he interviews top writers, politicians, and thinkers from all across the political spectrum to give you a new perspective you won't find in the mainstream liberal media or right-wing echo chambers. Eables: A Pain Free Holiday with EABLES CBD Topical Freeze Gel, plus an exclusive discount for The Brian Nichols Show listeners. Promo Code: TBNS Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/23/202041 minutes, 4 seconds
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175: The Lockdowns Are Crushing Small Businesses -with Tony Gehrig

The government lockdows in response to the COVID pandemic has decimated small businesses across the country. What's even more... some "red" states have locked down their economies as well, leaving many businesses looking for any type of relief. Fargo, North Dakota City Commissioner Tony Gehrig joins the program to outline his proposal to help offer some relief for bars and restaurants in the Greater Fargo Area, and why only more government lockdowns will only exacerbate the problems to come. Sponsored By: Breaking Boundaries with Brad Polumbo: Join Brad Polumbo as he interviews top writers, politicians, and thinkers from all across the political spectrum to give you a new perspective you won't find in the mainstream liberal media or right-wing echo chambers. Eables: A Pain Free Holiday with EABLES CBD Topical Freeze Gel, plus an exclusive discount for The Brian Nichols Show listeners. Promo Code: TBNS Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/21/202034 minutes, 54 seconds
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174: Have We Been Here Before? -with Professor Jim Morone

Have we been here before? Well, maybe not exactly... but close enough! That's the argument that today's guest, Professor Jim Morone makes, and why we should look to the past when trying to figure out what lies ahead. History also shows us that demographic changes (like Latinos moving right) and arguments about the merit of divided government have been features of our politics since the very beginning. While the events of today are unprecedented in many ways, boosted by intense tribalism and rampant disinformation, there are examples from our country’s past that we can look to understand the democratic institutions that are, as of now, holding strong. BIO: James A. Morone is the John Hazen White professor of political science and public policy at Brown University. He is author of two New York Times notable books and the award-winning Hellfire Nation: The Politics of Sin in American History. He has won university-wide teaching awards five times and been elected to the National Academy of Science, Engineering, and Medicine. His most recent book, the recent Republic of Wrath: How American Politics Turned Tribal, From George Washington to Donald Trump, published in September. The New York Times says it “offers a fresh theory to an already sizable pile of explanations for our dismal politics.” Jim lives in New Hampshire Sponsored By: Breaking Boundaries with Brad Polumbo: Join Brad Polumbo as he interviews top writers, politicians, and thinkers from all across the political spectrum to give you a new perspective you won't find in the mainstream liberal media or right-wing echo chambers. Eables: A Pain Free Holiday with EABLES CBD Topical Freeze Gel, plus an exclusive discount for The Brian Nichols Show listeners. Promo Code: TBNS Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/18/202048 minutes, 34 seconds
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173: Finding Common Ground -with Jenessa Fenton

One of the main focuses here at The Brian Nichols Show has been to show how to #SellLiberty. But selling requires us to meet people where they're at by asking questions, learning what they're main concerns are, and showing we have the solutions to their problems. Today, we put that into action, as Jenessa Fenton, family friend and politically left-leaning independent joins the program to find where areas of common ground, but to also look for areas where libertarians can serve as those problem solvers. Find Jenessa Fenton Services: Sponsored By: Breaking Boundaries with Brad Polumbo: Join Brad Polumbo as he interviews top writers, politicians, and thinkers from all across the political spectrum to give you a new perspective you won't find in the mainstream liberal media or right-wing echo chambers. Eables: A Pain Free Holiday with EABLES CBD Topical Freeze Gel, plus an exclusive discount for The Brian Nichols Show listeners. Promo Code: TBNS Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/16/202045 minutes, 22 seconds
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172: America's Future -with Cindy Cerquitella

America’s Future empowers young people to be active, civil, and curious citizens who build freer communities that lead to fulfillment, dignity, and happiness for all. Joining The Brian Nichols Show today is Cindy Cerquitella, Executive Director of America's Future, who joins the program to outline the brand new rebranding of America's Future and the value America's Future brings in helping building lasting trust within their respective communities. Find America's Future Online: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Sponsored By: Breaking Boundaries with Brad Polumbo: Join Brad Polumbo as he interviews top writers, politicians, and thinkers from all across the political spectrum to give you a new perspective you won't find in the mainstream liberal media or right-wing echo chambers. Eables: A Pain Free Holiday with EABLES CBD Topical Freeze Gel, plus an exclusive discount for The Brian Nichols Show listeners. Promo Code: TBNS Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/14/202044 minutes, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork

171: How Canceling Student Loan Debt is a Regressive Nightmare-with Brad Polumbo

With the impending Biden/Harris administration, the idea of "cancelling" student loan debt has grown from a mere concept to a tangible possibility in the immediate future. While the prospects of cancelling student loan debt sounds appealing (especially to those with tens, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars in student loan debt), Brad Polumbo (FEE) returns to the program to explain how that policy prescription isn't just a bad idea, but actually ends up being an incredibly regressive policy. Find Brad Online: Find Brad on Twitter: Podcast: Sponsored By: The Expat Money Show: Just because you were born in one country DOESN'T mean you need to: -Pay taxes there -Do your banking there -Have your investments there -Raise your kids there -Have your company registered there -Be educated there -Live your life there! The Expat Money Show originally started as a Podcast and has grown to a worldwide community of Entrepreneurs who are living international location independent lifestyles. Mikkel Thorup is focused on helping you to live an international life by looking at problems through the lens of global solutions, in this day and age there is no reason you should let borders get in the way of having the best the world has to offer. Eables: Eables is offering a special discount to all members of The Brian Nichols Show Audience on all orders! All you have to do is head to and use the promo-code “TBNS” at checkout, and that’s it! Discount applied! Again, that’s code TBNS at checkout to start managing your pain today with the highest quality CBD on the market. Promo Code: TBNS Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/11/202042 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork

170: A Never-Trump Conservative's Report Card Grade for Trump -with John Ziegler

In 2016, a large faction of "Never Trump" conservatives split from the GOP in opposition to Donald Trump and his overtly non-conservative bona fides. Among them was John Ziegler, Senior Columnist at Mediate and longtime conservative media personality. Today, John joins the show four years after the initial election of President Trump to give a true look back at the Trump presidency and to give it a grade from the lens of a Never-Trump conservative. Find John Online: Twitter: Sponsored By: The Expat Money Show: Just because you were born in one country DOESN'T mean you need to: -Pay taxes there -Do your banking there -Have your investments there -Raise your kids there -Have your company registered there -Be educated there -Live your life there! The Expat Money Show originally started as a Podcast and has grown to a worldwide community of Entrepreneurs who are living international location independent lifestyles. Mikkel Thorup is focused on helping you to live an international life by looking at problems through the lens of global solutions, in this day and age there is no reason you should let borders get in the way of having the best the world has to offer. Eables: Eables is offering a special discount to all members of The Brian Nichols Show Audience on all orders! All you have to do is head to and use the promo-code “TBNS” at checkout, and that’s it! Discount applied! Again, that’s code TBNS at checkout to start managing your pain today with the highest quality CBD on the market. Promo Code: TBNS Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/9/202042 minutes, 28 seconds
Episode Artwork

169: Fusion Capitalism - A Clean Energy Vision for Conservatives with Steve Melink

Should the government tax carbon to deal with the "impending climate crisis"? Today's guest, CEO of Melink Corporation and author of "Fusion Capitalism - A Clean Energy Vision for Conservatives", Steve Melink, thinks the answer to that question is an emphatic, "Yes.". Fusion Capitalism: Melink Corporation: Sponsored By: The Expat Money Show: Just because you were born in one country DOESN'T mean you need to: -Pay taxes there -Do your banking there -Have your investments there -Raise your kids there -Have your company registered there -Be educated there -Live your life there! The Expat Money Show originally started as a Podcast and has grown to a worldwide community of Entrepreneurs who are living international location independent lifestyles. Mikkel Thorup is focused on helping you to live an international life by looking at problems through the lens of global solutions, in this day and age there is no reason you should let borders get in the way of having the best the world has to offer. Eables: Eables is offering a special discount to all members of The Brian Nichols Show Audience on all orders! All you have to do is head to and use the promo-code “TBNS” at checkout, and that’s it! Discount applied! Again, that’s code TBNS at checkout to start managing your pain today with the highest quality CBD on the market. Promo Code: TBNS Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/7/202046 minutes, 47 seconds
Episode Artwork

168: Young Americans For Liberty Shows How Liberty Can Win -with Cliff Maloney

Getting pro-liberty elected officials into office has always been one of the biggest challenges that the liberty movement has had to face. Cliff Maloney and his group of liberty warriors at Young Americans For Liberty, however, have seemingly cracked the code. With the wins continuing to tally up, Cliff outlines the blueprint YAL has been following that has yielded such incredible results. Find YAL Online: YAL Twitter: YAL Facebook: YAL Instagram: Find Cliff Online: Cliff's Twitter: Cliff's Facebook: Sponsored By: The Expat Money Show: Just because you were born in one country DOESN'T mean you need to: -Pay taxes there -Do your banking there -Have your investments there -Raise your kids there -Have your company registered there -Be educated there -Live your life there! The Expat Money Show originally started as a Podcast and has grown to a worldwide community of Entrepreneurs who are living international location independent lifestyles. Mikkel Thorup is focused on helping you to live an international life by looking at problems through the lens of global solutions, in this day and age there is no reason you should let borders get in the way of having the best the world has to offer. Eables: Eables is offering a special discount to all members of The Brian Nichols Show Audience on all orders! All you have to do is head to and use the promo-code “TBNS” at checkout, and that’s it! Discount applied! Again, that’s code TBNS at checkout to start managing your pain today with the highest quality CBD on the market. Promo Code: TBNS Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/4/202039 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

167: How Psychedelics Are Changing Healthcare -with Gaurav Dubey from

"Psychedelics!? Far out, dude! Wanna take a trip to Funkytown?" Okay, that's probably the split-second thought you had when reading the word "psychedelics", but let's be real... how much do you actually know about psychedelics? Joining the show today is the Content Director from, Gaurav Dubey, who joins the show to not only dispel the stigmas surrounding psychedelics, but also speaks to the very real impact psychedelics are having in our mental health sectors. Learn More about Psychedelics: Find Gaurav Online: Sponsored By: The Expat Money Show: Just because you were born in one country DOESN'T mean you need to: -Pay taxes there -Do your banking there -Have your investments there -Raise your kids there -Have your company registered there -Be educated there -Live your life there! The Expat Money Show originally started as a Podcast and has grown to a worldwide community of Entrepreneurs who are living international location independent lifestyles. Mikkel Thorup is focused on helping you to live an international life by looking at problems through the lens of global solutions, in this day and age there is no reason you should let borders get in the way of having the best the world has to offer. Eables: Eables is offering a special discount to all members of The Brian Nichols Show Audience on all orders! All you have to do is head to and use the promo-code “TBNS” at checkout, and that’s it! Discount applied! Again, that’s code TBNS at checkout to start managing your pain today with the highest quality CBD on the market. Promo Code: TBNS Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/2/202044 minutes, 14 seconds
Episode Artwork

166: Selling Libertarianism [Brian Nichols on Taxation is Theft Podcast with Dan Behrman]]

How do we #SellLiberty? That's the question we've been answering here on The Brian Nichols Show, and it's the question I was asked when I joined Dan "Taxation is Theft" Behrman on his aptly named podcast, "Taxation is Theft". Selling the ideas of libertarianism is easy, so long as we're applying the ideas of libertarianism to the problems the "consumer" has identified. Listen as we dig into all that, and more, on today's special episode! Originally Aired: Sponsored By: The Expat Money Show: Just because you were born in one country DOESN'T mean you need to: -Pay taxes there -Do your banking there -Have your investments there -Raise your kids there -Have your company registered there -Be educated there -Live your life there! The Expat Money Show originally started as a Podcast and has grown to a worldwide community of Entrepreneurs who are living international location independent lifestyles. Mikkel Thorup is focused on helping you to live an international life by looking at problems through the lens of global solutions, in this day and age there is no reason you should let borders get in the way of having the best the world has to offer. Eables: Eables is offering a special discount to all members of The Brian Nichols Show Audience on all orders! All you have to do is head to and use the promo-code “TBNS” at checkout, and that’s it! Discount applied! Again, that’s code TBNS at checkout to start managing your pain today with the highest quality CBD on the market. Promo Code: TBNS Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/30/20201 hour, 23 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork

165: STAR WARS EXTRAVAGANZA (Politics and Star Wars) -with Stephen Kent

"So this is how liberty dies... with thunderous applause...". I bet you've heard that phrase used when discussing politics, right? Well, like many other examples, it is just one parallel between the world of "Earthly politics" and the world of "Star Wars politics". Joining the show to help outline just how much our world and the Star Wars world share is host of "Beltway Banthas" and political commentator Stephen Kent! Find Stephen and Beltway Banthas: Sponsored By: The Expat Money Show: Just because you were born in one country DOESN'T mean you need to: -Pay taxes there -Do your banking there -Have your investments there -Raise your kids there -Have your company registered there -Be educated there -Live your life there! The Expat Money Show originally started as a Podcast and has grown to a worldwide community of Entrepreneurs who are living international location independent lifestyles. Mikkel Thorup is focused on helping you to live an international life by looking at problems through the lens of global solutions, in this day and age there is no reason you should let borders get in the way of having the best the world has to offer. Eables: Eables is offering a special discount to all members of The Brian Nichols Show Audience on all orders! All you have to do is head to and use the promo-code “TBNS” at checkout, and that’s it! Discount applied! Again, that’s code TBNS at checkout to start managing your pain today with the highest quality CBD on the market. Promo Code: TBNS Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/27/202049 minutes, 12 seconds
Episode Artwork

BONUS: Thankful For Liberty- a Conversation with Joshua Smith

From "debate" to "conversation", this special Thanksgiving episode went through several iterations prior to airing, as one of the original participants was having technical issues... What transpired was a fantastic conversation between yours truly and former LP Chair candidate Joshua Smith on the merits of the LP and the merits for liberty this Thanksgiving season. Find Josh Online: Twitter: Facebook: Sponsored By: The Expat Money Show: Just because you were born in one country DOESN'T mean you need to: -Pay taxes there -Do your banking there -Have your investments there -Raise your kids there -Have your company registered there -Be educated there -Live your life there! The Expat Money Show originally started as a Podcast and has grown to a worldwide community of Entrepreneurs who are living international location independent lifestyles. Mikkel Thorup is focused on helping you to live an international life by looking at problems through the lens of global solutions, in this day and age there is no reason you should let borders get in the way of having the best the world has to offer. Eables: Eables is offering a special discount to all members of The Brian Nichols Show Audience on all orders! All you have to do is head to and use the promo-code “TBNS” at checkout, and that’s it! Discount applied! Again, that’s code TBNS at checkout to start managing your pain today with the highest quality CBD on the market. Promo Code: TBNS Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/26/202050 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork

164: Building Coalitions with the GOP? -with Camellia Petersion

What's the best way to enact libertarian policy? Is it via the LP, or the GOP? While today's guest is formerly of the GOP, she still sees the value in using the GOP to help advance liberty policy where possible. Camellia Peterson, Editor-in-Chief of The Libertarian Republic, joins the program to outline why she believes the Libertarian Party is the party of the future for advancing liberty, but while she she's merit in building coalitions with the GOP where we can. Find Camellia Online- Facebook: Twitter: The Libertarian Republic: Sponsored By: The Expat Money Show: Just because you were born in one country DOESN'T mean you need to: -Pay taxes there -Do your banking there -Have your investments there -Raise your kids there -Have your company registered there -Be educated there -Live your life there! The Expat Money Show originally started as a Podcast and has grown to a worldwide community of Entrepreneurs who are living international location independent lifestyles. Mikkel Thorup is focused on helping you to live an international life by looking at problems through the lens of global solutions, in this day and age there is no reason you should let borders get in the way of having the best the world has to offer. Eables: Eables is offering a special discount to all members of The Brian Nichols Show Audience on all orders! All you have to do is head to and use the promo-code “TBNS” at checkout, and that’s it! Discount applied! Again, that’s code TBNS at checkout to start managing your pain today with the highest quality CBD on the market. Promo Code: TBNS Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/25/202044 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork

163: Michael Heise and the Libertarian Mises Caucus

What's the role of the Libertarian Party? That's the age-old question that has been debated for decades within LP circles... Instead of debating, today's guest decided to be the change he wanted to see in the party... Michael Heise joins the program to outline why he started the Mises Caucus/Mises PAC, the goals of the caucus, and their plans as we head towards 2022. Find LP Mises Caucus online- Website: Twitter: Facebook: Find Michael online- Twitter: Facebook: Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/23/202045 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork

162: Larry Sharpe on Activism vs. Running For Office

In the greater liberty movement, you'll find more often than not that our candidates running for office are also our most vocal activists. But is that the best way to approach running for office? Larry Sharpe returns to the program to help outline how both candidates and activists are needed in the great liberty movement, and how each serve very different/unique roles in the greater scheme of things. Find Larry Online: Find Larry on Twitter: Find Larry on Facebook: The Sharpe Way: & Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/20/202046 minutes, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork

161: Victories for Liberty in 2020 -with Hannah Cox

Believe it or not, but we actually had some significant wins for liberty during this 2020 election cycle, ranging from criminal justice reform, economic liberties, and more! Hannah Cox returns to The Brian Nichols Show to outline specific instances where liberty policy was victorious this 2020 election. Find Hannah Online- Twitter: Facebook:\ Substack: Sponsored By: The Expat Money Show: Just because you were born in one country DOESN'T mean you need to: -Pay taxes there -Do your banking there -Have your investments there -Raise your kids there -Have your company registered there -Be educated there -Live your life there! The Expat Money Show originally started as a Podcast and has grown to a worldwide community of Entrepreneurs who are living international location independent lifestyles. Mikkel Thorup is focused on helping you to live an international life by looking at problems through the lens of global solutions, in this day and age there is no reason you should let borders get in the way of having the best the world has to offer. Eables: Eables is offering a special discount to all members of The Brian Nichols Show Audience on all orders! All you have to do is head to and use the promo-code “TBNS” at checkout, and that’s it! Discount applied! Again, that’s code TBNS at checkout to start managing your pain today with the highest quality CBD on the market. Promo Code: TBNS Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/18/202042 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

160: Libertarian Party Chair Candidate Angela McArdle

How do libertarians get libertarian policy into action? It's the age old question, leaving many Libertarians and libertarians at odds in terms of tactics. Angela McArdle returns to The Brian Nichols Show to make her pitch as to how Libertarians can run (and, more importantly, win!) elections, and what her focus as LP chair would be. Find Angela Online- Twitter: Facebook: Sponsored By: The Expat Money Show: Just because you were born in one country DOESN'T mean you need to: -Pay taxes there -Do your banking there -Have your investments there -Raise your kids there -Have your company registered there -Be educated there -Live your life there! The Expat Money Show originally started as a Podcast and has grown to a worldwide community of Entrepreneurs who are living international location independent lifestyles. Mikkel Thorup is focused on helping you to live an international life by looking at problems through the lens of global solutions, in this day and age there is no reason you should let borders get in the way of having the best the world has to offer. Eables: Eables is offering a special discount to all members of The Brian Nichols Show Audience on all orders! All you have to do is head to and use the promo-code “TBNS” at checkout, and that’s it! Discount applied! Again, that’s code TBNS at checkout to start managing your pain today with the highest quality CBD on the market. Promo Code: TBNS Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/16/202036 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

159: Trust in a Polarized Age -with Professor Kevin Vallier

Americans today don’t trust each other and their institutions as much as they once did. The collapse of social and political trust has arguably fueled our increasingly ferocious ideological conflicts and hardened partisanship. But is today’s decline in trust inevitable or avoidable? Are we caught in a downward spiral that must end in institutional decay or even civil war, or can we restore trust through our shared social institutions? Associate Professor of Philosophy Kevin Vallier joins the show to discuss all that (and more), as he promotes his new book, "Trust in a Polarized Age" on today's episode of The Brian Nichols Show! Find Kevin Online- Website: Facebook: Twitter: Buy "Trust in a Polarized Age"- Sponsored By: The Expat Money Show: Just because you were born in one country DOESN'T mean you need to: -Pay taxes there -Do your banking there -Have your investments there -Raise your kids there -Have your company registered there -Be educated there -Live your life there! The Expat Money Show originally started as a Podcast and has grown to a worldwide community of Entrepreneurs who are living international location independent lifestyles. Mikkel Thorup is focused on helping you to live an international life by looking at problems through the lens of global solutions, in this day and age there is no reason you should let borders get in the way of having the best the world has to offer. Eables: Eables is offering a special discount to all members of The Brian Nichols Show Audience on all orders! All you have to do is head to and use the promo-code “TBNS” at checkout, and that’s it! Discount applied! Again, that’s code TBNS at checkout to start managing your pain today with the highest quality CBD on the market. Promo Code: TBNS Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/13/202052 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

158: Work For Liberty! -with Conner Drigotas

There are countless activists in the greater liberty movement, but why not get get paid for all of your hard work? Conner Drigotas returns to the show to make his pitch; you can fight for liberty AND get paid, as he returns to the show to discuss his brand new book, "Work For Liberty"! Find Conner Online- Website: Twitter: Facebook: Past Episode: Find "Work For L:iberty": Sponsored By: The Expat Money Show: Just because you were born in one country DOESN'T mean you need to: -Pay taxes there -Do your banking there -Have your investments there -Raise your kids there -Have your company registered there -Be educated there -Live your life there! The Expat Money Show originally started as a Podcast and has grown to a worldwide community of Entrepreneurs who are living international location independent lifestyles. Mikkel Thorup is focused on helping you to live an international life by looking at problems through the lens of global solutions, in this day and age there is no reason you should let borders get in the way of having the best the world has to offer. Eables: Eables is offering a special discount to all members of The Brian Nichols Show Audience on all orders! All you have to do is head to and use the promo-code “TBNS” at checkout, and that’s it! Discount applied! Again, that’s code TBNS at checkout to start managing your pain today with the highest quality CBD on the market. Promo Code: TBNS Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/11/202043 minutes, 11 seconds
Episode Artwork

157: How Joe Biden Will Impact the Economy- with Economist Max Gulker

What's the long-term implications of a Joe Biden presidency on economics? Will we get a fresh new batch of lockdowns? Will he bend the knee to the radical progressives in his party? Economist Max Gulker returns to the show to outline all of that, and more, on today's episode of The Brian Nichols Show. Find Max Online: Writings: Sponsored By: The Expat Money Show: Just because you were born in one country DOESN'T mean you need to: -Pay taxes there -Do your banking there -Have your investments there -Raise your kids there -Have your company registered there -Be educated there -Live your life there! The Expat Money Show originally started as a Podcast and has grown to a worldwide community of Entrepreneurs who are living international location independent lifestyles. Mikkel Thorup is focused on helping you to live an international life by looking at problems through the lens of global solutions, in this day and age there is no reason you should let borders get in the way of having the best the world has to offer. Eables: Eables is offering a special discount to all members of The Brian Nichols Show Audience on all orders! All you have to do is head to and use the promo-code “TBNS” at checkout, and that’s it! Discount applied! Again, that’s code TBNS at checkout to start managing your pain today with the highest quality CBD on the market. Promo Code: TBNS Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/9/202052 minutes, 8 seconds
Episode Artwork

ELECTION 2020 SPECIAL: Where Liberty Won, Where Liberty Lost, and How We Do Better -with Brad Polumbo

As the dust continues to settle post-election, we're starting to have a better visibility into the results, and with that, we're able to see where liberty had some victories, where liberty had some defeats, and where liberty can do better. Brad Polumbo returns to the show to outline how identity politics took a hit during this election, how liberty values won in some surprising states, and how the Libertarian Party did on a national stage. Find Brad Online: Find Brad on Twitter: Podcast: Sponsored By: The Expat Money Show: Just because you were born in one country DOESN'T mean you need to: -Pay taxes there -Do your banking there -Have your investments there -Raise your kids there -Have your company registered there -Be educated there -Live your life there! The Expat Money Show originally started as a Podcast and has grown to a worldwide community of Entrepreneurs who are living international location independent lifestyles. Mikkel Thorup is focused on helping you to live an international life by looking at problems through the lens of global solutions, in this day and age there is no reason you should let borders get in the way of having the best the world has to offer. Eables: Eables is offering a special discount to all members of The Brian Nichols Show Audience on all orders! All you have to do is head to and use the promo-code “TBNS” at checkout, and that’s it! Discount applied! Again, that’s code TBNS at checkout to start managing your pain today with the highest quality CBD on the market. Promo Code: TBNS Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/6/202040 minutes, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork

156: How To Be A Liberal: The Story of Liberalism and the Fight for its Life -with Ian Dunt

"The authoritarian right is taking control. From Viktor Orban in Hungary, to Brexit in Britain, to Donald Trump in America, nationalists are launching an all-out assault on liberal values." That's the message today's guest bings to The Brian Nichols Show, as political journalist Ian Dunt joins the program to discuss his thought-provoking new book, "How To Be A Liberal: The Story of Liberalism and the Fight for its Life", Listen as Ian outlines the story of liberalism, from its birth in the fight against absolute monarchy to the modern-day resistance against the new populism. Find Ian Online- Twitter: Website: Book: Sponsored By: The Expat Money Show: Just because you were born in one country DOESN'T mean you need to: -Pay taxes there -Do your banking there -Have your investments there -Raise your kids there -Have your company registered there -Be educated there -Live your life there! The Expat Money Show originally started as a Podcast and has grown to a worldwide community of Entrepreneurs who are living international location independent lifestyles. Mikkel Thorup is focused on helping you to live an international life by looking at problems through the lens of global solutions, in this day and age there is no reason you should let borders get in the way of having the best the world has to offer. Eables: Eables is offering a special discount to all members of The Brian Nichols Show Audience on all orders! All you have to do is head to and use the promo-code “TBNS” at checkout, and that’s it! Discount applied! Again, that’s code TBNS at checkout to start managing your pain today with the highest quality CBD on the market. Promo Code: TBNS Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/6/202037 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork

155: The Monopoly on Violence -with Peter R. Quinones

We often hear folks talk about the dangers of free-market economics, arguing that private companies can become market monopolies, and thus cause harm on the consumer. Yet those same folks don't blink an eye at the ultimate monopoly; the state. The state has the ultimate "monopoly on violence", which is why Peter R. Quinones joins the show discuss his new documentary, "The Monopoly on Violence". Find Pete Online: Documentary: Podcast: Libertarians Institute: Twitter: Sponsored By: The Expat Money Show: Just because you were born in one country DOESN'T mean you need to: -Pay taxes there -Do your banking there -Have your investments there -Raise your kids there -Have your company registered there -Be educated there -Live your life there! The Expat Money Show originally started as a Podcast and has grown to a worldwide community of Entrepreneurs who are living international location independent lifestyles. Mikkel Thorup is focused on helping you to live an international life by looking at problems through the lens of global solutions, in this day and age there is no reason you should let borders get in the way of having the best the world has to offer. Eables: Eables is offering a special discount to all members of The Brian Nichols Show Audience on all orders! All you have to do is head to and use the promo-code “TBNS” at checkout, and that’s it! Discount applied! Again, that’s code TBNS at checkout to start managing your pain today with the highest quality CBD on the market. Promo Code: TBNS Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/4/202052 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork

154: Libertarian U.S. Senate Candidate Brian Slowinski

Tomorrow's the day... Election Day 2020! Libertarian US Senate candidate Brian Slowinski joins The Brian Nichols Show to make his last second pitch to voters on why they should cast their ballots for the Libertarian candidate as they head to the voting booth tomorrow. Website: Facebook: Youtube: Sponsored By: The Expat Money Show: Just because you were born in one country DOESN'T mean you need to: -Pay taxes there -Do your banking there -Have your investments there -Raise your kids there -Have your company registered there -Be educated there -Live your life there! The Expat Money Show originally started as a Podcast and has grown to a worldwide community of Entrepreneurs who are living international location independent lifestyles. Mikkel Thorup is focused on helping you to live an international life by looking at problems through the lens of global solutions, in this day and age there is no reason you should let borders get in the way of having the best the world has to offer. Eables: Eables is offering a special discount to all members of The Brian Nichols Show Audience on all orders! All you have to do is head to and use the promo-code “TBNS” at checkout, and that’s it! Discount applied! Again, that’s code TBNS at checkout to start managing your pain today with the highest quality CBD on the market. Promo Code: TBNS Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/2/202043 minutes, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork

ELECTION 2020 SPECIAL: Pro-Liberty? Vote GOP -with Cocke County GOP Chairman Kenny Cody

What's the best way to enact liberty via political channels? Is it via the Libertarian Party? Or is it via the GOP? Kenny Cody joins The Brian Nichols Show on this BONUS "Sunday Special" to make his case to pro-liberty voters as to why they should cast their ballots for the GOP to advance liberty. Sponsored By: The Expat Money Show: Just because you were born in one country DOESN'T mean you need to: -Pay taxes there -Do your banking there -Have your investments there -Raise your kids there -Have your company registered there -Be educated there -Live your life there! The Expat Money Show originally started as a Podcast and has grown to a worldwide community of Entrepreneurs who are living international location independent lifestyles. Mikkel Thorup is focused on helping you to live an international life by looking at problems through the lens of global solutions, in this day and age there is no reason you should let borders get in the way of having the best the world has to offer. Eables: Eables is offering a special discount to all members of The Brian Nichols Show Audience on all orders! All you have to do is head to and use the promo-code “TBNS” at checkout, and that’s it! Discount applied! Again, that’s code TBNS at checkout to start managing your pain today with the highest quality CBD on the market. Promo Code: TBNS Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/1/202047 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

153: Ending the Stigma on Mental Health -with Tiger King's Josh Dial

Being thrust into the spotlight at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic as a co-star on the Netflix hit docuseries "Tiger King", Josh Dial (former Libertarian campaign manager for Joe Exotic) has made it his goal to use his new platform to help promote mental health. Josh joins The Brian Nichols Show today to not solely discuss Tiger King happenings, but also focus all on how important it is we focus on mental health issue, fight to end the stigmas surrounding mental health issues, and discuss the different means people can utilize to help cope with their struggles. Uncaged: The Untold Stories From the Cast of Tiger King. Sponsored By: The Expat Money Show: Just because you were born in one country DOESN'T mean you need to: -Pay taxes there -Do your banking there -Have your investments there -Raise your kids there -Have your company registered there -Be educated there -Live your life there! The Expat Money Show originally started as a Podcast and has grown to a worldwide community of Entrepreneurs who are living international location independent lifestyles. Mikkel Thorup is focused on helping you to live an international life by looking at problems through the lens of global solutions, in this day and age there is no reason you should let borders get in the way of having the best the world has to offer. Eables: Eables is offering a special discount to all members of The Brian Nichols Show Audience on all orders! All you have to do is head to and use the promo-code “TBNS” at checkout, and that’s it! Discount applied! Again, that’s code TBNS at checkout to start managing your pain today with the highest quality CBD on the market. Promo Code: TBNS Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/30/202034 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork

152: Bringing Liberty to New York State- with Assemblyman Mark Walczyk

Party labels be damned, Assemblyman Mark Walczyk has made it his mission to promote liberty in New York State, and as the assemblyman for the 116th River District, Mark has done just that. Today, Mark returns to The Brian Nichols Show to outline his proposal to give each county it's own state senator, why the Libertarian Party might not be on the ballot in 2022 in NYS, and why voters should send him back to Albany to represent the North Country. Support Mark's Campaign: Find Mark on Social Media- Facebook: Twitter: Contact Mark's Campaign- Email: Phone: (315) 775-8552 Sponsored By: The Expat Money Show: Just because you were born in one country DOESN'T mean you need to: -Pay taxes there -Do your banking there -Have your investments there -Raise your kids there -Have your company registered there -Be educated there -Live your life there! The Expat Money Show originally started as a Podcast and has grown to a worldwide community of Entrepreneurs who are living international location independent lifestyles. Mikkel Thorup is focused on helping you to live an international life by looking at problems through the lens of global solutions, in this day and age there is no reason you should let borders get in the way of having the best the world has to offer. Eables: Eables is offering a special discount to all members of The Brian Nichols Show Audience on all orders! All you have to do is head to and use the promo-code “TBNS” at checkout, and that’s it! Discount applied! Again, that’s code TBNS at checkout to start managing your pain today with the highest quality CBD on the market. Promo Code: TBNS Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/28/202043 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

151: "You Can't Fake Love" -with Independent Presidential Candidate Sorinne Ardeleanu

"You can't fake love", states independent presidential candidate Sorinne Ardeleanu in her return appearance to The Brian Nichols Show. Sorinne speaks a message of empathy and love, and promotes meeting the individual on a more personal basis as a means of establishing lasting change through love. Find Sorinne Ardeleanu Online- Website: Twitter: Facebook: Find Sorinne's First Appearance on TBNS: Sponsored By: Eables: Eables is offering a special discount to all members of The Brian Nichols Show Audience on all orders! All you have to do is head to and use the promo-code “TBNS” at checkout, and that’s it! Discount applied! Again, that’s code TBNS at checkout to start managing your pain today with the highest quality CBD on the market. Promo Code: TBNS Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/26/202051 minutes, 50 seconds
Episode Artwork

150: Liberty or Lockdown -with Jeffrey Tucker from AIER

Were the COVID lockdowns a necessary means to help protect the public from an ambiguous public health threat, or were they a vast overreaction that will have devastating ramifications for years to come? Jeffrey Tucker from AIER argues the latter, stating the lockdowns "are not science," but in fact, "they are brutality" on today's episode of The Brian Nichols Show. Find Liberty or Lockdown: Follow Jeffrey Tucker on Twitter: @jeffreyatucker Sponsored By: Lions of Liberty: Check out and subscribe to Lions of Liberty today! Eables: Eables is offering a special discount to all members of The Brian Nichols Show Audience on all orders! All you have to do is head to and use the promo-code “TBNS” at checkout, and that’s it! Discount applied! Again, that’s code TBNS at checkout to start managing your pain today with the highest quality CBD on the market. Promo Code: TBNS Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/23/202039 minutes, 55 seconds
Episode Artwork

149: Libertarian Presidential Candidate Dr. Jo Jorgensen

Why should Americans consider a third option in November when voting for president? Libertarian Party presidential candidate Dr. Jo Jorgensen returns to the show to make her case to the electorate as to why America needs a Libertarian president right now. Dr. Jo Jorgensen's first appearance on TBNS: Find Jo Online at Sponsored By: Lions of Liberty: Check out and subscribe to Lions of Liberty today! Eables: Eables is offering a special discount to all members of The Brian Nichols Show Audience on all orders! All you have to do is head to and use the promo-code “TBNS” at checkout, and that’s it! Discount applied! Again, that’s code TBNS at checkout to start managing your pain today with the highest quality CBD on the market. Promo Code: TBNS Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/21/202017 minutes, 38 seconds
Episode Artwork

148: Where Libertarians Lose the Right -with Stephen Ignoramus

2020 is a great opportunity for Libertarians to make some waves in recruiting new members, but many on the right have grown weary of libertarianism. Stephen Ignoramus from "Call me Ignorant" joins the show to outline why those on the right have been more questioning of libertarians in recent years, and where a lack in knowing how to #SellLiberty is primarily to blame. Find Stephen Online- Podcast: Twitter: Youtube: Sponsored By: Lions of Liberty: Check out and subscribe to Lions of Liberty today! Eables: Eables is offering a special discount to all members of The Brian Nichols Show Audience on all orders! All you have to do is head to and use the promo-code “TBNS” at checkout, and that’s it! Discount applied! Again, that’s code TBNS at checkout to start managing your pain today with the highest quality CBD on the market. Promo Code: TBNS Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/19/202058 minutes, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork

147: Libertarian Congressional Candidate Joe Hartman

"I am running for Congress to run my mouth about the principles of liberty." That's the position one Libertarian Party congressional candidate in one Joe Hartman has taken... His goal? To reach as many people with the message of liberty in this years election cycle, but to also create long-lasting converts to liberty. Website: Twitter: Facebook: Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/16/202038 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

146: A Conversation with Knox County Mayor Glenn Jacobs

Libertarians often face the challenge in outlining what a libertarian society would look like. Mayor Glenn Jacobs (aka WWE's Kane), joins the The Brian Nichols Show to not only outline what it means to be a libertarian-Republican in office, but how to create long-lasting trust with voters through free-market solutions. Find Mayor Jacobs online- Website: Twitter: Facebook: Sponsored By: Lions of Liberty: Check out and subscribe to Lions of Liberty today! Eables: Eables is offering a special discount to all members of The Brian Nichols Show Audience on all orders! All you have to do is head to and use the promo-code “TBNS” at checkout, and that’s it! Discount applied! Again, that’s code TBNS at checkout to start managing your pain today with the highest quality CBD on the market. Promo Code: TBNS Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/14/202038 minutes, 16 seconds
Episode Artwork

145: Todd Hagopian for Oklahoma Corporation Commission

Oklahomans can agree that they do not want any unneccesary Government, they do not want corruption to determine laws/regulations, and they want candidates who are doing what is in the CITIZEN’S best interest, rather than their own. That's the case that one Todd Hagopian makes in why voters in Oklahoma should support his Libertarian candidacy for the Oklahoma Corporation Commision on todays' episode on The Brian Nichols Show. Find Todd Online- Website: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: Email: Sponsored By: Your Better Life Podcast Lions of Liberty: Check out and subscribe to Lions of Liberty today! Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/12/202041 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

144: All Rise! The Libertarian Way with Judge Jim Gray

"Liberty is in our genes!", says Judge Jim Gray in his new book, "All Rise! The Libertarian Way with Judge Jim Gray". Judge Jim joins The Brian Nichols Show to outline a specific liberty approach towards the economy, healthcare, and the War on Drugs. About Judge Jim Gray: Judge Jim Gray (Ret.) is a nationally known libertarian author and speaker. He served the CA Orange County Superior Court from 1989-2010. He was Gov. Gary Johnson’s 2012 running mate and is running for the LP Presidential nomination in 2020. Find Judge Jim Gray Online- Website: Facebook: Twitter: Sponsored By: Your Better Life Podcast Lions of Liberty: Check out and subscribe to Lions of Liberty today! Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/9/202042 minutes, 44 seconds
Episode Artwork

143: The Second Amendment with President Joe Biden -with Sam Jacobs from

Sam Jacobs from returns to the show to look at the prospects of the Second Amendment under a Joe Biden presidency and the great implications of a Biden presidency on policy on a macro scale. Relevant Links to today's Discussion- The Podcast:'s Twitter: Sam's Twitter: Sponsored By: Your Better Life Podcast Lions of Liberty: Check out and subscribe to Lions of Liberty today! Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/7/202044 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

142: Operation Humanize -with Nick Reed from Americans for Prosperity

How do we meet people where they're at? By having conversations and asking them about their lived experiences that have shaped their perspectives. That, according to Nick Reed from Americans for Prosperity, is how we can bring liberty to individuals from across the political spectrum. Online Resources: Website Website #2 Website #3 LinkedIn URL Facebook URL Twitter URL YouTube URL Sponsored By: Your Better Life Podcast Lions of Liberty: Check out and subscribe to Lions of Liberty today! Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/6/202040 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork

141: Breaking Boundaries with Brad Polumbo

By interviewing top writers, politicians, and thinkers to give you a new perspective you won't find in the mainstream liberal media or right-wing echo chambers, friend of the show Brad Polumbo returns to The Brian Nichols Show to discuss his new podcast, "Breaking Boundaries with Brad Polumbo"! We also discuss the passing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the polarization of the Supreme Court, and how federalism could solve many of the problems we're facing as a nation. Find Brad Online: Find Brad on Twitter: Podcast: Sponsored By: Your Better Life Podcast Lions of Liberty: Check out and subscribe to Lions of Liberty today! Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/2/202041 minutes, 47 seconds
Episode Artwork

140: Running an International Company During a Global Pandemic -with Lewis Black, CEO of Almonty Industries

The COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent government lockdowns has had a massive impact on the global economy. Couple that with trying to do business with Communist regimes like China, and running a global corporation can be incredibly taxing in 2020. Lewis Black, CEO of Almonty Industries, joins the show to discuss the U.S. trade economy, the impact of the COVID lockdowns on business, and China’s economics strategies, and more! Lewis' Bio: Lewis Black Director, President and Chief Executive Officer Mr. Black is currently a Partner of Almonty Partners LLC and has over 10 years of experience in the tungsten mining industry. From June 2005 to December 2007, he was Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Primary Metals Inc. (“PMI”), a former TSX-V listed tungsten mining company. Mr. Black also formerly served as head of sales and marketing for SC Mining Tungsten, Thailand. Sponsored By: Your Better Life Podcast Lions of Liberty: Check out and subscribe to Lions of Liberty today! Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/30/202037 minutes, 19 seconds
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139: Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Amy Coney Barrett, and the Implications on the 2020 Election -with Elaine Joan

With the passing of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Amy Coney Barrett has been tapped by President Trump to be her replacement. What are the implications on the 2020 election? Political consultant and friend of the show Elaine Joan returns to discuss! Find Elaine Online: Facebook: Twitter: Find Elaine's First Appearance on TBNS: Sponsored By: Butcher Box: If you're a listener of The Brian Nichols Show, then you know that I like to talk about fitness and such. Sure, I like to lift things up and put things down to get big and strong, but the reality is that lifting weights is just half of the the equation needed to see results. What you put in your body is just as important as your workout, which is why I only eat meats from ButcherBox. Now, ButcherBox isn't paying me or sponsoring me to say this, but I feel so strongly about their product that I wanted to share my experience with you. ButcherBox delivers 100% grass-fed beef, free range organic chicken and heritage breed pork directly to your door. Think of them as the neighborhood butcher for modern America. And let me tell you, their meats are PHENOMENAL. Juicy chicken breasts, tender fillet, flavorful sirloin tips... ButcherBox makes it easy for you to get the highest quality meat delivered right to your door. Right now, listeners of The Brian Nichols Show can get get 2lbs of grass-fed ground beef for FREE added in EVERY box for the LIFE! Yes, you read that right... FOR LIFE! And let me tell you, I've had ButcherBox grass-fed ground beef and is absolutely delicious. Some of the best burgers I've ever had were from when I used ButcherBox ground beef. And guess what... using my link not only gets you free meat, but gets me free meat as well! It's a win-win! All you have to do is click the link or mail me at to take advantage of this amazing deal! Great meats. 2lbs of grass-fed ground beef FREE FOR LIFE. Delivered right to your door. Lions of Liberty: Check out and subscribe to Lions of Liberty today! Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/28/202053 minutes, 31 seconds
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138: Erase the State! -with Bradley Thomas

How do libertarian solutions answer today's problems? Bradley Thomas from joins the show to explain that, and more, on today's episode of The Brian Nichols Show! Bradley is creator of the website and is published on sites including, and Find Brad Online- Website: Twitter: Facebook: Book (Tweeting Liberty): Sponsored By: Your Better Life Podcast Lions of Liberty: Check out and subscribe to Lions of Liberty today! Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/25/202038 minutes, 17 seconds
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BONUS: Brian Nichols on What's HAPAning with Nico and Shaine

How do we #SellLiberty to folks outside of the liberty movement? I discuss that (and more!) during my appearance on "What's HAPAning" with Nico and Shaine! OG Show Notes: EPISODE SUMMARY Nico and Shaine welcome Brian Nichols, host of the Brian Nichols Show, to talk about the 2020 NFL season starting and the politics around the game, the controversy surrounding a French film, how to have good conversations with people to help spread the message of liberty, and weird news that was voted on by our Patreon supporters. EPISODE NOTES Nico and Shaine welcome Brian Nichols, host of the Brian Nichols Show, to talk about the 2020 NFL season starting and the politics around the game, the controversy surrounding a French film, how to have good conversations with people to help spread the message of liberty, and weird news that was voted on by our Patreon supporters. Brian's website: Follow Brian on Twitter: We Are Libertarians website: Sponsored By: Your Better Life Podcast Lions of Liberty: Check out and subscribe to Lions of Liberty today! Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/23/20201 hour, 8 minutes, 28 seconds
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137: Not Taking Politics Too Seriously -with Bird and Car from Friends Against Government Cast

Taking politics too seriously can consume your identity and your sanity. The lovely chaps from the Friends Against Government Podcast, Bird and Car, return to the show to outline on how to not take politics too seriously, discuss some of the news, and go over some new happenings over on their program. Find Friends Against Government Podcast: Find Friends Against Government on Twitter: Find Car on Twitter: Find Bird on Twitter: Sponsored By: Your Better Life Podcast Lions of Liberty: Check out and subscribe to Lions of Liberty today! Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/21/202047 minutes, 11 seconds
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136: Getting Radical with US Senate Candidate Shane Hazel

A familiar voice returns to the show, as today we are joined by good friend, Shane Hazel! Shane has been busy, having started a brand new podcast, "The Radical", and running for US Senate as a Libertarian in Georgia. Shane returns to the show to discuss his new podcast, his campaign for US Senate, and the coming "fork-in-the-road" America will have to face in the coming months between choosing more liberty or more state control. Find Shane Online- Website: Twitter: Facebook : The Radical: Sponsored By: Your Better Life Podcast Lions of Liberty: Check out and subscribe to Lions of Liberty today! Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/18/20201 hour, 4 minutes, 40 seconds
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135: Can Criminal Justice Reform Go too Far?- with Ken Good

Welcome to episode 2 of 3 for this week, as today we're joined by Ken Good! Ken has argued cases before the Supreme Court of Texas and the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals, along with numerous courts of appeals, including the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. He is the author of “Good’s on Bail,” a practice guide created for bail industry professionals. In addition, he has written numerous articles on the subject of bail reform, including, “What Successful Bail Reform Looks Like.” Today, Ken joins to the show to make the case that many of the good intentioned policies focused on criminal justice reform (like that of bail reform) actually end up causing more harm than good. Sponsored By: Lions of Liberty: Check out and subscribe to Lions of Liberty today! Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/16/202042 minutes, 59 seconds
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134: Zac Efron's "Down to Earth" Misses the Mark -with Alex Epstein

Zac Efron made his splash in the docuseries genre at the end of the summer of 2020, having starred and produced in Netflix's "Down to Earth". The series promised to "explore healthy, sustainable ways to live", which piques the interest of the growing number of eco-conscious, young people. However, it is in the solutions presented by Efron and the series that raises the concern of today's guest, as today I am joined by noted American author, energy theorist, and industrial policy pundit, Alex Epstein. Alex is the author of New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestseller, The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels. Alex joins the show to help highlight some key flaws in the approach Efron takes in his approach to offering top-down, government solutions to various problems identified throughout the series. The first two episodes we focus on specifically dig into the energy sector (Iceland) and clean drinking water (France), where it is argued that government policies have been net positives for those respective communities and that their models can be applied here in the same manner. Alex takes a different approach, offering a thoughtful rebuttal to the solutions offered by the series... but you'll have to listen to find out more! Find Alex Online- Twitter: Center for Industrial Progress: Power Hour with Alex Epstein: Find Down to Earth- Website: Show: Sponsored By: Your Better Life Podcast Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/14/202041 minutes, 34 seconds
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133: Living Free is Easier Than You Think -with Mikkel Thorup

Marc Clair (Lions of Liberty) and I have been having a fun past few months sharing introductions to guests from our respective networks! While Mark was able to interview our friend of the show, Gary Collins, I was able to interview one of Marc's most popular guests, Mikkel Thorup! Mikkel Thorup is focused on helping you to live an international life by looking at problems through the lens of global solutions, in this day and age there is no reason you should let borders get in the way of having the best the world has to offer. He is the #1 Best Selling author of Expat Secrets: How To Pay Zero Taxes, Live Overseas & Make Giant Piles Of Money, the host of The Expat Money Show, and the Director at the oldest and largest offshore website in the world. Listen as Mikkel digs into the expat life, how to start living an expat lifestyle, and why taking on such a massive change (like moving across the world) can be one of the most liberating decisions of your life. Find Mikkel Online- The Expat Money Show: Escape Artist: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: Sponsored By: Your Better Life Podcast Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/11/202037 minutes, 21 seconds
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132: Health Savings Accounts for All! -With Dean Clancy

We're going back to where we started on today's episode of The Brian Nichols Show, as today I am joined by the first "big guest" on the show (from way back from Episode 7 in Feb. 2018), Dean Clancy! Dean returns to the show to discuss a venture he's been working on over the past few years, with the end goal of lowering the cost of healthcare. Dean proposes that the best means to get the ball rollings is via "HSAs for All" which would "give every American access to affordable, high-quality health care by giving every American access to a tax-free Health Savings Account owned and controlled by the patient." Listen as Dean outlines how an HSA model would work, the benefits of an HSA for All approach, how we actually go about implementing the proposal. Find Dean Online- Websites: & Twitter: Dean's First Appearance: Sponsored By: Your Better Life Podcast Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/8/202038 minutes, 13 seconds
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131: Is Austin Petersen Voting for Trump? -with Austin Petersen

The past few weeks have changed the entire tenor of the 2020 election. In what was shaping to be landslide victory for Biden, an air of uncertainty has taken hold of the political winds, as ANTIFA and violent rioter and looters take to the streets of Americas largest cities, causing massive mayhem and destruction. These mobs have gotten more aggressive in recent weeks, with shootings taking place on the regular. Senator Rand Paul and his wife were assailed by a mob while walking back to their hotel from the White House, despite Rand Paul being one of Black Lives Matter's best allies on the right. It was this final act that started to change the minds of voters who were considering the Libertarian candidate in Dr. Jo Jorgensen as an alternative to Trump vs. Biden, with one such voter being that of Austin Petersen! Austin joins the show to discuss the shift he has experienced over the past few weeks in response to the riots/Paul's being harassed, and why, yes, he's seriously considering voting for Donald Trump. Tune in to learn why he's reconsidering! Find Austin Online- Twitter: Facebook: KWOS Morning Shoow: The Libertarian Republic: Sponsored By: Your Better Life Podcast Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/4/202034 minutes, 47 seconds
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130: The Riots and their Lasting Damage -with Brad Polumbo

With the murder of George Floyd at the hands of the police, the Black Lives Matter movement received a much needed added boost back into the national conversation in recent months. However, as peaceful protests have more recently been descending into rioting and looting at the hands of bad actors who are co-opting the BLM movement (like ANTIFA, looters, etc...), we've watched the positive sentiments towards BLM wane, meaning meaningful criminal justice reform is getting more and more difficult. Joining the program is friend of the show, Brad Polumbo! Brad has been doing great work in digging into economics and criminal justice reform, and today, Brad joins the show to discuss how the riots have not only set predominantly minority communities back by decades, but have truly damage the ability to move forward some substantive criminal justice reform. Find Brad Online: Find Brad on Twitter:Follow Brad on Twitter: Sponsored By: We Are Libertarians Shop!: BREAKING: The We Are Libertarians Network now has a store for merch! Proudly display your We Are Libertarians spirit by rocking these awesome WAL-branded face masks, shirts, sweaters, hoodies, posters, coffee cups, magnets, tote bags, hats, and more! Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/2/202047 minutes, 21 seconds
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129: Breaking the Duopoly by Changing How We Vote -with Aaron Hamlin

Third party candidates have an uphill battle. It's a fact. And on top of the traditional struggles third party candidates face, our "pick-one" voting systems have only entrenched the "lesser of two evils" in our government, by giving us the same, tired, "red team vs. blue team" battle. With legitimate third party candidates (like Dr. Jo Jorgensen), Americans deserve to have more than one choice for the most important position in the land. That's what Aaron Hamlin, founder and executive director of the Center for Election Science, has made his primary goal; to change the way we vote away from our broken "pick-one" voting system, and instead, seek voting systems that encourage more candidates, forcing those seeking elected office having to truly compete in the marketplace of ideas. Listen as Aaron outlines his voting system vision, the impact that changing our voting systems will have on third party candidates' electoral success, and the current successes Aaron and team have had in already changing voting systems in major cities (with great success!). Find The Center for Election Science Online: Find The Center for Election Science on Facebook: Find The Center for Election Science on Twitter: Email The Center for Election Science: Find Aaron Online- Website: Twitter: Sponsored By: We Are Libertarians Shop!: BREAKING: The We Are Libertarians Network now has a store for merch! Proudly display your We Are Libertarians spirit by rocking these awesome WAL-branded face masks, shirts, sweaters, hoodies, posters, coffee cups, magnets, tote bags, hats, and more! Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/28/202037 minutes, 23 seconds
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BONUS: The Importance of Personal Responsibility -with Gary Collins

Hey there, friends! Another great BONUS episode for you this week, as I am once again joined by friend of the show and friend of the host, Gary Collins! Gary returns to the show to talk about something that's truly missing in our society... personal responsibility. It sounds cliche, when looking at all of our problems as a country, the main culprit is in the lack of personal responsibility on behalf of the your average citizen, your average voter, and our politicians. Listen as Gary and I dig into this into detail, discuss the direct impacts the lack of personal responsibility has on our healthcare costs, and more! Find Gary Online- Website: Twitter: Youtube: Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/21/202048 minutes, 10 seconds
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128: Meet the Libertarian US Senate Candidate Challenging Tom Cotton: Ricky Dale Harrington

Imagine if a Libertarian ever got the opportunity to face one of the major two-party candidates, mono e mono. Well, imagine no more, as today, I'm joined by the Libertarian candidate for the United States Senate out in Arkansas, Ricky Dale Harrington! Ricky has a unique opportunity, as he is the only candidate on the ballot facing Republican warhawk, Tom Cotton, as there is no Democratic Party candidate in the race! So, Ricky joins the show today to outline why he would not only be a great representative for the State of Arkansas, but why a libertarians across the board deserve America's attention. Find Ricky Online- Website: Twitter: Sponsored By: The Libertarian Party: What's the best way to advance liberty? That's a question I get asked often. You can be an activist, an entrepreneur, a media personality, or politics. That's why I decided to become a member of the largest pro-liberty party in the United States, the Libertarian Party. I started my show with the goals to educate, enlighten, and inform, while also advancing the principles of liberty. The LP is the largest political party in America that, at its core principles, embraces the values of individual liberty, property rights, and non-aggression. The other two major parties have embraced tribal warfare versus principled debate. It's time we stop feeding the beast and put our money where out mouths are. That means putting petty bickering and nonsensical arguments aside and actually advancing liberty. The LP, like every political party, has its flaws. But instead of focusing on those flaws and tossing stones from the cheap seats, it's time we take personal responsibility (like we promote on a regular basis) and take some responsibility in making the LP the best it can be. Go to and become a member today, and join me in making the LP the very best it can be! Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/21/202043 minutes, 37 seconds
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127: Libertarian Congressional Candidate Steven Skelton

"You need a representative that will support your ideas, fight for the needs of your community and earn your respect. For someone who truly stands behind your core beliefs..." That's the core message being promoted by today's guest, as I am joined by Libertarian Congressional candidate Steven Skelton! Listen as Steven digs into his liberty story, why he's running for Congress, and his campaign to win "One Seat for Liberty". Find Steven Online- Website: Facebook: Instagram: Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/15/202040 minutes, 32 seconds
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BONUS: Keeping up with Culture -with Nico and Shaine

Double the episodes for you this week, as this episode features Nico and Shaine from the What's HAPAning podcast to dig into something we really have discussed much at length here on the show, and that's one of keeping up with the culture. With both Nico and Shaine being prominent figures on social media with strong followings, they obviously are hitting at the right nerves, and with that, have a unique perspective on how to approach culture while also advancing liberty (and guess what... it's gonna sound a tad familiar...). Find What's HAPAning Online: Patreon: Find Shaine and Nico Online: Twitter: & Sponsored By: We Are Libertarians Shop!: BREAKING: The We Are Libertarians Network now has a store for merch! Proudly display your We Are Libertarians spirit by rocking these awesome WAL-branded face masks, shirts, sweaters, hoodies, posters, coffee cups, magnets, tote bags, hats, and more! Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/7/202034 minutes, 22 seconds
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126: City of Dallas Shuts Down YAL Mobilize 2020 -with Cliff Maloney

Government strikes again! Only this time, they're going after one of our own. Cliff Maloney, president of Young Americans for Liberty, joins the show to discuss that absolutely terrible (and almost entirely politically driven) decision by the City of Dallas to shut down YAL's "Mobilize 2020" conference with only a few days notice, costing YAL over $200,000 in non-refundable deposits and leaving nearly 1,500 young liberty activists scheduled to attend stunned. Listen as Cliff outlines the details as to what happened, what action(s) YAL is taking, and how you can help support YAL's mission despite these circumstances. Find YAL Online: YAL Twitter: YAL Facebook: YAL Instagram: Find Cliff Online: Cliff's Twitter: Cliff's Facebook: Sponsored By: The Libertarian Party: What's the best way to advance liberty? That's a question I get asked often. You can be an activist, an entrepreneur, a media personality, or politics. That's why I decided to become a member of the largest pro-liberty party in the United States, the Libertarian Party. I started my show with the goals to educate, enlighten, and inform, while also advancing the principles of liberty. The LP is the largest political party in America that, at its core principles, embraces the values of individual liberty, property rights, and non-aggression. The other two major parties have embraced tribal warfare versus principled debate. It's time we stop feeding the beast and put our money where out mouths are. That means putting petty bickering and nonsensical arguments aside and actually advancing liberty. The LP, like every political party, has its flaws. But instead of focusing on those flaws and tossing stones from the cheap seats, it's time we take personal responsibility (like we promote on a regular basis) and take some responsibility in making the LP the best it can be. Go to and become a member today, and join me in making the LP the very best it can be! Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/7/202021 minutes, 20 seconds
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125: A Free-Market Approach to Urban Policy -with Scott Beyer

What's the libertarian answer to policy issues that plauge major cities across the nation? Enter "Market Urbanism". Market Urbanism is the cross between free-market policy and urban issues. The theory calls for private-sector actions that create organic growth and voluntary exchange within cities, rather than ones enforced by government bureaucracy. It is thus a call for city growth and management in the classical liberal tradition. Market Urbanists believe this model would produce cheaper housing, faster transport, improved public services and better quality of life. Today I'm joined by Scott Beyer. Scott is an urban affairs journalist and foundier of the Market Urbanism Report. He writes columns for Forbes, Governing Magazine, the Independent Institute, and, and gives regular speeches and media interviews. He recently completed a 3-year cross-country trip to study U.S. urban issues, and will soon write a book on what he learned. After that, he wants to pursue a similar travel/book project covering the fast-growing cities in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Follow Scott Online- Website: Facebook: Twitter: Sponsored By: Butcher Box: If you're a listener of The Brian Nichols Show, then you know that I like to talk about fitness and such. Sure, I like to lift things up and put things down to get big and strong, but the reality is that lifting weights is just half of the the equation needed to see results. What you put in your body is just as important as your workout, which is why I only eat meats from ButcherBox. Now, ButcherBox isn't paying me or sponsoring me to say this, but I feel so strongly about their product that I wanted to share my experience with you. ButcherBox delivers 100% grass-fed beef, free range organic chicken and heritage breed pork directly to your door. Think of them as the neighborhood butcher for modern America. And let me tell you, their meats are PHENOMENAL. Juicy chicken breasts, tender fillet, flavorful sirloin tips... ButcherBox makes it easy for you to get the highest quality meat delivered right to your door. Right now, listeners of The Brian Nichols Show can get get 2lbs of grass-fed ground beef for FREE added in EVERY box for the LIFE! Yes, you read that right... FOR LIFE! And let me tell you, I've had ButcherBox grass-fed ground beef and is absolutely delicious. Some of the best burgers I've ever had were from when I used ButcherBox ground beef. And guess what... using my link not only gets you free meat, but gets me free meat as well! It's a win-win! All you have to do is click the link or mail me at to take advantage of this amazing deal! Great meats. 2lbs of grass-fed ground beef FREE FOR LIFE. Delivered right to your door. Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/31/202034 minutes, 8 seconds
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BONUS: Fritz from Fritzcast

Another BONUS episode for you, as this week I am joined by dear friend and fellow podcaster, Fritz from Fritzcast! Check out Fritz online: Facebook: Twitter: Email: Fritz with Chris Spangle (Path to Libertarianism): Sponsored By: We Are Libertarians Shop!: BREAKING: The We Are Libertarians Network now has a store for merch! Proudly display your We Are Libertarians spirit by rocking these awesome WAL-branded face masks, shirts, sweaters, hoodies, posters, coffee cups, magnets, tote bags, hats, and more! Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/24/202048 minutes, 4 seconds
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124: New Libertarian Party Chair Joe Bishop-Henchman

An exclusive interview for The Brian Nichols Show audience, as this week, we are joined by the new chair of the Libertarian Party (in his first interview as chair!), Joe Bishop-Henchman! Joe joins the show to outline his path to liberty, why running for chair was the best next step for him, and what his vision for the Libertarian Party is as we head towards election season. Find Joe Online: Twitter: Facebook: AaugtB2vMSBRfwBJ168l Sponsored By: We Are Libertarians Shop!: BREAKING: The We Are Libertarians Network now has a store for merch! Proudly display your We Are Libertarians spirit by rocking these awesome WAL-branded face masks, shirts, sweaters, hoodies, posters, coffee cups, magnets, tote bags, hats, and more! Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/24/202043 minutes, 9 seconds
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BONUS: China Unraveled -with Jason Szeftel

How many libertarian podcasts can you think of that go into detail as to what is happening in China? I mean, let's be real... most of it is just general commentary about propaganda, censorship, and planned economies. For over a year, today's guest has been working on a book about China and just started his new podcast, the "China Unraveled" podcast, to explain what's actually going on inside the country. Jason Szeftel joins the show to discuss all that's happened during China's quarantine, its multi-layered coverup, its evolving Orwellian propaganda, the virus's impacts on the international economic system, and more! Find Jason Online: Twitter: @jasonszeftel Website: Lily Tang Williams Episode: Sponsored By: We Are Libertarians Shop!: BREAKING: The We Are Libertarians Network now has a store for merch! Proudly display your We Are Libertarians spirit by rocking these awesome WAL-branded face masks, shirts, sweaters, hoodies, posters, coffee cups, magnets, tote bags, hats, and more! Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/17/202039 minutes, 43 seconds
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123: Real-Talk on the Future of Liberty -with Theodore from Crowd Funded Government

What's the best way to advance the liberty movement? That's the age old question, isn't it? Well, our old friend Theodore from has been thinking about that question in quite a bit of detail, and has an idea as to how libertarians and third parties can best find success in advancing their goals, and it's likely not the way you're thinking... Strap in for a fun, insightful, and engaging episode! Find Crowd Funded Government Online: & Sponsored By: We Are Libertarians Shop!: BREAKING: The We Are Libertarians Network now has a store for merch! Proudly display your We Are Libertarians spirit by rocking these awesome WAL-branded face masks, shirts, sweaters, hoodies, posters, coffee cups, magnets, tote bags, hats, and more! Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/17/202053 minutes, 40 seconds
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BONUS: Brian Nichols on The Freckles & Britt Show

I'm remote this week, which means you get a special BONUS episode! This week's BONUS is my recent two-part appearance over on The Freckles & Britt Show! The Freckles & Britt Show! Catch them on YouTube, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, google Podcasts, Listen Notes, and on their newest collar Youtube: Email: Facebook: The Freckles & Britt Show on Twitter: @FaBshowOfficial, @TweetsByBritt & @FreckledLiberty Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/10/20201 hour, 41 minutes, 13 seconds
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122: Can Libertarians be Funny? -with Adam Nutter

Need a laugh? Let's be real... America needs one, giant, collective laugh right about now. Well, in order to laugh, we need something to laugh at, which is why Adam Nutter joined the show! Ha! See Adam? I can make jokes too! All kidding aside (until the episode, that is!), Adam is a stand-up comedian and host of the podcast "Nerds With Words", which is a comedy podcast hosted by Adam and his associate, Neil Wood. Adam is a self-described libertarian, which prompted me to ask, "how can libertarians share libertarian ideas, yet still be funny/not overtly political?". What transpired is a nearly hour-long conversation of fun, good laughs, and some A+ content. I've been sitting on this episode for a few months, so I apologize in advance for some of the dated references. However, with today being July 4th, I thought this would be a great episode to share that will let you decompress from the intensity of the 24/7 news cycle. Enjoy! Find Adam Online- Twitter: Facbook: Nerds with Words: & Sponsored By: We Are Libertarians Shop!: BREAKING: The We Are Libertarians Network now has a store for merch! Proudly display your We Are Libertarians spirit by rocking these awesome WAL-branded face masks, shirts, sweaters, hoodies, posters, coffee cups, magnets, tote bags, hats, and more! Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/4/202057 minutes, 48 seconds
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121: On Being Politically Homeless -with Marc Lobliner (CEO of MTS Nutrition )

I often mention that libertarians need to have folks we can point to in the private sector as examples of libertarian principles flourishing in action. Today's guest is just such a person, as today I am joined by the Chief Marketing Officer of and Owner/CEO of the fastest growing supplement company, MTS Nutrition, Marc Lobliner. Marc is a self-described "libertarian" but stated in viral tweet that said, "I’m not Trump’s base. Not even close. I just can’t ride with nearly everything the Democrat party stands for anymore. I wonder how many Independents are like me?" With that, I reached out to Marc to have him on the show to discuss just that: being politically independent/homeless outside of the traditional two-party system. Find Marc Online- Website: Facebook: Twitter: Sponsored By: We Are Libertarians Shop!: BREAKING: The We Are Libertarians Network now has a store for merch! Proudly display your We Are Libertarians spirit by rocking these awesome WAL-branded face masks, shirts, sweaters, hoodies, posters, coffee cups, magnets, tote bags, hats, and more! Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/26/202038 minutes, 17 seconds
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120: Brad Polumbo on Ending Qualified Immunity and No-Knock Raids

Welcome back, folks! Brad Polumbo returns to the show this week, and what a perfect time for him to come back on, as one of Brad's main focuses (criminal justice reform) is leading the headlines across the nation in response to the George Floyd murder at the hands of the police. Brad joins the show to specifically focus on ending qualified immunity and ending no-knock raids, two proposals currently being considered by the House and Senate thanks to the work of Congressman Justin Amash and Senator Rand Paul, respectively. Brad and I conclude by looking at the Libertarian Party and what is holding Brad back, despite being a registered Libertarian, from considering the Libertarian Party seriously in the 2020 election. Find Brad Online: Find Brad on Twitter:Follow Brad on Twitter: Sponsored By: We Are Libertarians Shop!: BREAKING: The We Are Libertarians Network now has a store for merch! Proudly display your We Are Libertarians spirit by rocking these awesome WAL-branded face masks, shirts, sweaters, hoodies, posters, coffee cups, magnets, tote bags, hats, and more! Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/19/202044 minutes, 57 seconds
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119: How the COVID Lockdowns, George Floyd Murder, and PRIME Act are Connected -with Matt Kibbe

The past three months have been an absolute whirlwind... COVID-19 Nationwide lockdowns Meat Shortages Skyrocketing Unemployment George Floyd's Murder Black Lives Matter Protests Nationwide But now it's time to put things in perspective. Now it's time to not only map out how these all connected, but how they are all caused by the actions (or inaction) at the behest of the state. To help outline this case, Matt Kibbe from Free the People and Kibbe on Liberty (BlazeTV) returns to the show to help outline how the state has been the root cause of nearly all the problems our country has had to grapple with over the past three months. Find Matt & Free the People Online- Free the People: Matt's Facebook: Matt's Twitter: Matt's Instagram: Find “How to Love Your Enemy: A Restorative Justice Story” on YouTube. Sponsored By: We Are Libertarians Shop!: BREAKING: The We Are Libertarians Network now has a store for merch! Proudly display your We Are Libertarians spirit by rocking these awesome WAL-branded face masks, shirts, sweaters, hoodies, posters, coffee cups, magnets, tote bags, hats, and more! Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/12/202047 minutes, 44 seconds
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118: Jason Stapleton on Maximizing Personal Wealth, Power, and Influence

A special returning guest joins us for the show this week, as I am once again joined by the host of "Wealth, Power, and Influence", Jason Stapleton. Jason joins the show to discuss the recent change he took in regards to the focus of his show. Instead of focusing on politics, Jason has made it a point to focus on advancing the principles that lead to true liberty. Later, Jason gives his perspective on the Libertarian Party nominating Dr. Jo Jorgensen as the presidential nominee, and offers some free advice to the party on how to reach the electorate in the November election. Find Jason Online: Sponsored By: We Are Libertarians Shop!: BREAKING: The We Are Libertarians Network now has a store for merch! Proudly display your We Are Libertarians spirit by rocking these awesome WAL-branded face masks, shirts, sweaters, hoodies, posters, coffee cups, magnets, tote bags, hats, and more! Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/5/202045 minutes, 6 seconds
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117: Meet the Libertarian Candidate Running Against Republican Congressman Dan Crenshaw- Elliott Scheirman

It's hard to imagine, but we're already almost to June! Isn't that wild? Feels like just yesterday we were in March... Well, though most of us have been locked down, time still moves forward, meaning we are one day closer to the 2020 Election! And with that, candidates are having to reach voters in different ways versus traditional door-knocking and shaking hands at parades, making podcasts a great forum for candidates to flesh out their ideas in a thoughtful and articulate manner. So, if you're running for office, be it as a Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, etc... email me at to discuss coming on the show! One such candidate is that of Elliott Scheirman, Libertarian congressional candidate against incumbent Republican Congressman Dan Crenshaw (TX-2)! Listen as Elliott outlines his libertarian alternatives to that of Congressman Crenshaw and why he would be the best candidate to move liberty forward as representative from Texas' second congressional district. Find Elliott Online- Website: Facebook: Twitter: Find my Interview with Dr. Jo Jorgensen: Sponsored By: On the Run with Remso W. Martinez: How do you achieve maximum liberty in your lifetime? That's the question bestselling author, journalist, and filmmaker Remso W. Martinez wanted to learn, so he's bringing you on the journey to find out! From topics ranging from financial independence, spiritual discovery, to radical lifestyles and disruptive technologies, Remso brings you the gonzo insights he's known for as well as remarkable guests taking bold steps into a freer world. Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/29/202037 minutes, 34 seconds
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116: Tech, Liberty, and -with Bill Ottman, CEO of

Alrighty, strap in. This is a marathon episode. First 10 minutes: I don't usually do this, but I took some time to start the show to give you a quick update in regards to the LNC Convention taking place virtually this weekend, especially when considering that the once-favored candidate to win the nomination (Congressman Justin Amash) has withdrew his name from consideration. Post LP Chat: Now for the meat and potatoes of the episode! Bill Ottman, CEO of, joins the show to discuss the importance of freedom as it pertains to our use of social media, traditional media, publishers, and more! Oh, and he shot me over an awesome Verified badge on, so that's legit. Oh, and on a final note, check out the BONUS episode I released where I interviewed LP POTUS candidate and LP activist Keenam Dunham ( Find Bill Online- Minds: Youtube: Joe Rogan Appearance: Sponsored By: On the Run with Remso W. Martinez: How do you achieve maximum liberty in your lifetime? That's the question bestselling author, journalist, and filmmaker Remso W. Martinez wanted to learn, so he's bringing you on the journey to find out! From topics ranging from financial independence, spiritual discovery, to radical lifestyles and disruptive technologies, Remso brings you the gonzo insights he's known for as well as remarkable guests taking bold steps into a freer world. Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/22/202046 minutes, 14 seconds
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BONUS: Libertarian Party Presidential Candidate Keenan Dunham

A nice bonus episode for you in addition to my episode with Bill Ottman (, as this weekend is the LNC Virtual Convention! Prior to the delegates picking their candidate, I wanted to make sure my conversation with Keenan aired so you can get to know a bit more about him, his candidacy, and his activism. Find Keenan Online- Website: Facebook: Twitter: Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/22/202033 minutes, 27 seconds
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115: Mark Whitney on the Future of the Liberty Movement

A special Sunday episode for you all, as today I'm joined by former Libertarian Presidential candidate and noted libertarian activist and entrepreneur Mark Whitney! Mark is president of and the former host and producer of the popular podcast, "Late Nite Last Week". Today, Mark joins the show to discuss his recent candidacy for the Libertarian presidential nomination, his vision for the liberty movement, and how Libertarians can capture the political momentum as we head into the 2020 election. Find Mark Online- Website: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/17/202045 minutes, 12 seconds
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114: "The New American Dream" with Libertarian POTUS Candidate Dan "Taxation is Theft" Behrman

If you're outside of libertarian circles, I'm sure you've heard us use the expression "taxation is theft"... right? I'm right, aren't I? Also, I'm sure you've noticed that we have a guy in our movement running for president who wears a giant yellow and black hat that states, "TAXATION IS THEFT". Well guess what... ya'll are in for a treat, as that guy, one Mr. Dan "Taxation is Theft" Behrman, is joining us this week for another fun-filled episode! And with that, Dan joins me to not only discuss his candidacy and big yellow hat, but to focus specifically on Dan's primary mission: reaching folks from the Republican and Democratic parties and showing them the value of liberty. We also take some time to discuss Dan's platform, "The New American Dream", and then wrap things up by digging into the 2020 election and the prospects of growing the liberty movement. Find Dan Online- Website: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: Youtube: Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/15/202050 minutes
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113: Who Really is Justin Amash? with Dr. Eric Larson

Dr. Eric Larson returns to the show today, and with all that's going on in the life of a certain friend of his (cough Justin Amash cough), I thought it best to get an insider scoop into who the Congressman really is, focusing specifically on his libertarian credentials and his vision for the Libertarian Party and the greater liberty movement at large. Also, we dig into Eric's new podcast, "The Amash Files", and also do a quick update on life in the medical world, focusing specifically on life as a doctor who mainly deals with elective procedures. Find Dr. Larson online: Find "The Paradocs":,, and Find "The Amash Files": Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/8/202038 minutes, 19 seconds
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112: Libertarian Party Presidential Candidate Sam Robb

We're in the final stretch now, folks, as we're quickly approaching the Libertarian Party National Convention (assuming it's still going on in some capacity, as scheduled), meaning if you're a delegate or an active member of the party, now is the time to really sharpen up on your candidates! And of course, being the kind soul that I am, I am making that process as easy as possible for you, as I am joined by yet another one of our fantastic Libertarian candidates, Sam Robb! I had the great fortune of meeting Sam while moderating the Libertarian POTUS Debate over on "The Exchange" (along with the other amazing candidates!), which prompted Sam and I connecting to have him on the show to get to know more about his candidacy, his path to liberty, and his vision for the Libertarian Party as we approach the May convention! Find Sam Online- Website: Facebook: Twitter: Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/1/202044 minutes, 53 seconds
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111: Amash vs. Hornberger? with Angela McArdle

Two episodes in one week! How about that!? Your second episode for the week features former Libertarian congressional candidate and current Los Angeles County Libertarian Party Chair, Angela McArdle! Angela has been busy out in LA despite the COVID-19 lockdown, as she is leading "Protest The Lockdown: Los Angeles, CA" on May 1! Listen as Angela and I discuss the planned protest in LA in response to the COVID-19 lockdown, the opportunity the liberty movement has during the pandemic to educate and inspire people and bring people into the movement, and then wrap things up by discussing the seemingly(?) inevitable Libertarian Party presidential contest: Justin Amash vs. Jacob Hornberger. Find Angela Online- Twitter: Facebook: Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/24/202037 minutes, 20 seconds
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110: The Medical Response to COVID-19 with Dr. Kyle Varner

How about this, a Wednesday episode! You guys are lucky, let me tell you what! Well, actually, I'm pretty lucky, as today I was once again joined by someone infinitely smarter than I am, as I was joined by Dr. Kyle Varner to discuss the medical response to COVID-19 and some of the innovations that have risen in response to the pandemic. Listen as we discuss some of the drugs leading the way to fight the coronavirus, the regulations that have held doctors back from properly treating their patients, and a look ahead to the future of medicine in a post-COVID world. Find Dr. Varner Online- Website: Facebook: Twitter: Bio: Dr. Kyle Varner is a practicing hospitalist and expert in health care policy. In his upcoming book, White Coat Cartels, Dr. Varner uncovers the dark side of the US healthcare market. Dr. Varner passionately stands for freeing the market and advocates cash-based services and medical tourism as the prevailing alternatives to the compromised healthcare system we are faced with today. He is a highly sought-after writer and speaker, and has spoken at a number of conferences around the world. He shares his insider’s knowledge on the website to give people the tools they need to take back control of their lives and start making informed decisions about their health. Sponsored By: Butcher Box: If you're a listener of The Brian Nichols Show, then you know that I like to talk about fitness and such. Sure, I like to lift things up and put things down to get big and strong, but the reality is that lifting weights is just half of the the equation needed to see results. What you put in your body is just as important as your workout, which is why I only eat meats from ButcherBox. Now, ButcherBox isn't paying me or sponsoring me to say this, but I feel so strongly about their product that I wanted to share my experience with you. ButcherBox delivers 100% grass-fed beef, free range organic chicken and heritage breed pork directly to your door. Think of them as the neighborhood butcher for modern America. And let me tell you, their meats are PHENOMENAL. Juicy chicken breasts, tender fillet, flavorful sirloin tips... ButcherBox makes it easy for you to get the highest quality meat delivered right to your door. Right now, listeners of The Brian Nichols Show can get get 2lbs of grass-fed ground beef for FREE added in EVERY box for the LIFE! Yes, you read that right... FOR LIFE! And let me tell you, I've had ButcherBox grass-fed ground beef and is absolutely delicious. Some of the best burgers I've ever had were from when I used ButcherBox ground beef. And guess what... using my link not only gets you free meat, but gets me free meat as well! It's a win-win! All you have to do is click the link or mail me at to take advantage of this amazing deal! Great meats. 2lbs of grass-fed ground beef FREE FOR LIFE. Delivered right to your door. Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/22/202047 minutes, 22 seconds
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109: COVID-19 vs. the Economy: Could A Crumbling Economy Cause More Death than COVID-19? -with Economist Daniel J. Michell

As weeks go by with the economy stuck on pause due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many economists are starting to sound the alarm that the impact of our economy screeching to a halt could cause as much, if not more longterm death and prolonged hardship than the virus itself. Dan J. Mitchell, a libertarian economist with a Ph.D. in Economics from George Mason University and founder for the Center for American Prosperity is amongst those economists raising his voice in concern. Mitchell joins The Brian Nichols Show today to discuss one of his more recent articles that discusses that very concern, titled, "The Temporary Tradeoff Between Health Outcomes and Economic Outcomes". Listen as we discuss his article and then dig deeper into the dangers of a stagnant economy as it pertains to both the economic and physical health of the nation and more! Find Dan Mitchell Online- Website: Twitter: Facebook: Dan's Article, "The Temporary Tradeoff Between Health Outcomes and Economic Outcomes": Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/17/202040 minutes, 59 seconds
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108: Pandemic Podcasting with Remso W. Martinez

Good friend Remso W. Martinez returns to the show today! Remso has been one of the most frequent guests on the show, but today, Remso joined to not only discuss all the happenings in the world, but to talk about his brand new show joining the We Are Libertarians Network! Starting in Summer 2020, Remso will be debuting his new show, "On the Run with Remso W. Martinez", which will take a look at the world through a different perspective. Listen as Remso outlines the vision for his new venture as well as digging into some current happenings, namely, dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic. Follow Remso Online- At the Washington Times: Twitter: Facebook: Remso's past appearances on The Brian Nichols Show: Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/10/202046 minutes, 42 seconds
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107: Libertarian Party Presidential Candidate Governor Lincoln Chafee

The race for the Libertarian Presidential nomination is heating up, and with that, so is my Libertarian Presidential interview series, as today I am joined by former Senator/Governor of Rhode Island and former Democratic Presidential candidate Lincoln Chafee! Governor Chafee joins the show to discuss his candidacy and why he feels he is the best person to carry the Libertarian message forward in the 2020 general election. Listen as Governor Chafee lists out his three most important issues, who might be his VP candidate if nominated, a look into some of his past votes, and what the a President Chafee's response to the COVID-19 outbreak would look like. Find Governor Chafee Online: Website: Facebook: Twitter: Sponsored By: The Libertarian Party: What's the best way to advance liberty? That's a question I get asked often. You can be an activist, an entrepreneur, a media personality, or politics. That's why I decided to become a member of the largest pro-liberty party in the United States, the Libertarian Party. I started my show with the goals to educate, enlighten, and inform, while also advancing the principles of liberty. The LP is the largest political party in America that, at its core principles, embraces the values of individual liberty, property rights, and non-aggression. The other two major parties have embraced tribal warfare versus principled debate. It's time we stop feeding the beast and put our money where out mouths are. That means putting petty bickering and nonsensical arguments aside and actually advancing liberty. The LP, like every political party, has its flaws. But instead of focusing on those flaws and tossing stones from the cheap seats, it's time we take personal responsibility (like we promote on a regular basis) and take some responsibility in making the LP the best it can be. Go to and become a member today, and join me in making the LP the very best it can be! Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/3/202038 minutes, 54 seconds
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BONUS: "His Name Was Duncan Lemp" - Brian Nichols on Friends Against Government

Hey folks! Bonus episode in store for you this week! I had the great fortune of joining our friends, Bird and Car, from the Friends Against Government podcast! Sadly, this week's episode is on more of a somber note, as I joined them to discuss the sad, infuriating, and ultimately confusing case of Duncan Lemp. 21-year-old Duncan Lemp was shot and killed in a predawn, no-knock raid performed by the Montgomery County (Maryland) Police Department. Please share today's episode with family and friends to help raise awareness of Duncan's story. Friends Against Government Podcast Show Notes: On this episode of the Friends Against Red Flag Laws and No Knock Raids, we discuss the assassination of 21-year-old Duncan Lemp during a no-knock raid in Montgomery County, Maryland, If you like what you hear, make sure to send us a retweet on Twitter and spread the good word of the FAGcast! --- Follow Brian on Twitter! Check out The Brian Nichols Show! Follow us on Twitter! @CarCampIt @birdarchist --- Support our friends! Merchandise Buy a liberty mug! Buy our shirt and sticker! Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/27/202054 minutes, 5 seconds
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106: Libertarian Party Presidential Candidate Sorinne Ardeleanu

Pandemic be damned, we have a show to do! Welcome back to my presidential candidate interview series, this week I am joined by Libertarian Party Presidential Candidate Sorinne Ardeleanu. Sorinne is running to be both the "Commander in Chief and the ""Healer in Chief"" of America. Listen as I dig deeper into Sorinne's approach to politics, her appeal to love and healing, and why she would be the best face of the LP on Election Day 2020. Find Sorinne Ardeleanu Online- Website: Twitter: Facebook: Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/20/202037 minutes, 49 seconds
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105: Coronavirus (COVID-19), Biden, the Democrats, and more! (Featuring Bird & Car from Friends Against Government)

WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay, no, we're not all going to die. But it certainly feels that way the way everyone has been reacting to the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19). What's even more wild is that just a few short weeks ago, the biggest news item was Biden, Bernie, and the Democrats! Amazing how quickly things can change, eh? Well, with so much in the news, there was no way I could break it down for you on my own, so I called in backup, as this week I am joined by the great Bird and Car from the Friends Against Government Podcast! These gents joined me on the show today to bring their own unique senses of wit and snark to help dissect what exactly is going on with this whole coronavirus pandemic (officially a pandemic!). Later, we take a step back into the world of politics and analyze the Democratic Primaries with Joe Biden seemingly taking the nomination by storm, having routed Bernie Sanders on Super Tuesday (and the following week as well!) and to give our best guesses as to who the Democrats will nominate as their vice presidential candidate... Hillary? AOC?? NANCY PELOSI??? You'll have to listen to find out! Find Friends Against Government Podcast: Find Friends Against Government on Twitter: Find Car on Twitter: Find Bird on Twitter: Sponsored By: Butcher Box: If you're a listener of The Brian Nichols Show, then you know that I like to talk about fitness and such. Sure, I like to lift things up and put things down to get big and strong, but the reality is that lifting weights is just half of the the equation needed to see results. What you put in your body is just as important as your workout, which is why I only eat meats from ButcherBox. Now, ButcherBox isn't paying me or sponsoring me to say this, but I feel so strongly about their product that I wanted to share my experience with you. ButcherBox delivers 100% grass-fed beef, free range organic chicken and heritage breed pork directly to your door. Think of them as the neighborhood butcher for modern America. And let me tell you, their meats are PHENOMENAL. Juicy chicken breasts, tender fillet, flavorful sirloin tips... ButcherBox makes it easy for you to get the highest quality meat delivered right to your door. Right now, listeners of The Brian Nichols Show can get get 2lbs of grass-fed ground beef for FREE added in EVERY box for the LIFE! Yes, you read that right... FOR LIFE! And let me tell you, I've had ButcherBox grass-fed ground beef and is absolutely delicious. Some of the best burgers I've ever had were from when I used ButcherBox ground beef. And guess what... using my link not only gets you free meat, but gets me free meat as well! It's a win-win! All you have to do is click the link or mail me at to take advantage of this amazing deal! Great meats. 2lbs of grass-fed ground beef FREE FOR LIFE. Delivered right to your door. Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/13/202057 minutes, 46 seconds
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104: Startup Societies- Helping Build Libertarian Micro-Experiments

Welcome back, folks! This week, we get to learn about making libertarianism happen in real life! I KNOW! This week I'm joined by the CEO of the Startup Societies Foundation, Joe McKinney! The Startup Societies Foundation is a non-profit that supports an ecosystem of entrepreneurs building libertarian micro-experiments. Today Joe and I focus on entrepreneurs putting liberty into practice, as we dig into a practical "how-to-guide" for entrepreneurs to build small libertarian experiments using Special Economic Zone frameworks, at low cost. Find the "How-to-Guide": Find Startup Societies Foundation Online: Find Startup Societies Foundation on Facebook: Find Startup Societies Foundation on Twitter: Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/6/202038 minutes, 49 seconds
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103: Libertarian Presidential Candidate Dr. Jo Jorgensen

Continuing with my interview series with Libertarian Presidential Candidates, I am joined on the show this week by (as promised) Dr. Jo Jorgensen! Dr. Jo Jorgensen (Ph.D in Industrial/Organizational Psychology) was the Libertarian Party Vice-Presidential Nominee with Harry Browne in 1996 and is currently is a Senior Lecturer in Psychology at Clemson University. Dr. Jorgensen joins the show today to discuss her experience in Libertarain Party politics, her vision for the Libertarian Party and the liberty movement, and why she believe's she is the best person to lead the Libertarian Party towards success in the 2020 election. Find Dr. Jorgensen Online- Website: Facebook: Twitter: Sponsored By: The Libertarian Party: What's the best way to advance liberty? That's a question I get asked often. You can be an activist, an entrepreneur, a media personality, or politics. That's why I decided to become a member of the largest pro-liberty party in the United States, the Libertarian Party. I started my show with the goals to educate, enlighten, and inform, while also advancing the principles of liberty. The LP is the largest political party in America that, at its core principles, embraces the values of individual liberty, property rights, and non-aggression. The other two major parties have embraced tribal warfare versus principled debate. It's time we stop feeding the beast and put our money where out mouths are. That means putting petty bickering and nonsensical arguments aside and actually advancing liberty. The LP, like every political party, has its flaws. But instead of focusing on those flaws and tossing stones from the cheap seats, it's time we take personal responsibility (like we promote on a regular basis) and take some responsibility in making the LP the best it can be. Go to and become a member today, and join me in making the LP the very best it can be! Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/28/202037 minutes, 41 seconds
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102: Election 2020- Breaking Down the Libertarian Party POTUS and Chair Races with Lions of Liberty's Marc Clair

Marc Clair returns to the show today to dissect the Libertarian Party POTUS and Chair races! Marc, who hails from California, had the chance to witness all of the candidates in action at the LP State Party convention earlier this month. So, I wanted Marc to join the show to breakdown what he witnessed as boots on the ground, meeting and seeing the candidates in action himself. Find Lions of Liberty Online: Facebook: Twitter: Sponsored By: The Libertarian Party: What's the best way to advance liberty? That's a question I get asked often. You can be an activist, an entrepreneur, a media personality, or politics. That's why I decided to become a member of the largest pro-liberty party in the United States, the Libertarian Party. I started my show with the goals to educate, enlighten, and inform, while also advancing the principles of liberty. The LP is the largest political party in America that, at its core principles, embraces the values of individual liberty, property rights, and non-aggression. The other two major parties have embraced tribal warfare versus principled debate. It's time we stop feeding the beast and put our money where out mouths are. That means putting petty bickering and nonsensical arguments aside and actually advancing liberty. The LP, like every political party, has its flaws. But instead of focusing on those flaws and tossing stones from the cheap seats, it's time we take personal responsibility (like we promote on a regular basis) and take some responsibility in making the LP the best it can be. Go to and become a member today, and join me in making the LP the very best it can be! Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/21/202049 minutes, 50 seconds
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101: Deplatformed- How Big Tech Companies & Corporate America Subvert the Second Amendment with Sam Jacobs from

Welcome back, folks! I hope you all enjoyed last week's episode with Libertarian Party Presidential candidate Jacob Hornberger (I know I certainly did!). Keeping up with phenomenal guests, I am today joined by's Lead Writer and Chief Historian, Sam Jacobs! Sam joins the show today to discuss one of his recent article over at, titled "Deplatformed: How Big Tech Companies & Corporate America Subvert the Second Amendment". Sam, a self identified "Jacksonian-Conservative", takes a different approach to the tech censorship and deplatforming that has taken place in the past few years when compared to the traditional libertarian's perspective. Listen as Sam and I have a fun back-and-forth discussion where we volley our differing takes to one another, leaving the conversation on a solid ground of understanding each other's position, and more importantly, that we were able to find some, gasp, COMMON GROUND! Read Sam's Article: Find Sam Online: Some More Awesome Articles!: The Podcast:'s Twitter: Sam's Bio: Sam Jacobs grew up in Southern New England, probably the part of the country with the weakest gun culture. However, from a young age he believed firmly in the right of self defense and the right to keep and bear arms. This, coupled with 12 years of education in public schools and an argumentative nature, meant that he was frequently getting into debates with his teachers about the virtue of the Second Amendment. A precocious student of history and the Constitution, Jacobs became interested in both the practice of armed self defense throughout history as well as the philosophical underpinnings of the Second Amendment. Jacobs has an affinity for the individual and the common man against centralized forms of power and elites, whether they be in the government or the private sector. In particular, he is interested in the ways in which private companies work to subvert the legislative process and to undermine American freedoms outside of normal legal channels. He considers the resolution of how corporate power can hem in Constitutional freedoms to be the most pressing political question of our age. The private sector and the public sector are increasingly indistinguishable from one another, both because of behind-the-scenes corporate chicanery that undermines the legislative process and because private companies are rapidly becoming far more powerful than the federal government. Thus, it is more important than ever to both fight the incursion of private companies into our government and to become independent and self-reliant enough to make it difficult for private companies to hem in your rights. So Sam believes. Jacobs is the lead writer and chief historian with, and is the driving intellectual force behind the content in the Resistance Library. He is proud to see his work name-checked in places like Bloomberg, USA Today and National Review, but he is far more proud to see his work republished on websites like ZeroHedge, Lew Rockwell and Sons of Liberty Media. How many firearms does Sam own and what’s his everyday carry? That’s between him and the NSA. Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/14/202043 minutes, 58 seconds
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100: Libertarian Party Presidential Candidate Jacob Hornberger

Episode 100 is here! Not only do we have a new intro song to debut, but we're also joined by and incredible guest! Today, I am joined by Libertarian Party presidential nominee/Mises Caucus endorsed candidate... the great Jacob Hornberger! Jacob joins the show to outlines how he would carry the libertarian message forward in the general election and why he would be the best choice to be that messenger. And as an aside... thank you to each of you amazing members of the audience. Without your love, support, and encouragement, Episode 100 would never have happened. Here's to the next 100 episodes of educating, enlightening, and informing! Bio: Website: Facebook: Twitter: Sponsored By: The Libertarian Party: What's the best way to advance liberty? That's a question I get asked often. You can be an activist, an entrepreneur, a media personality, or politics. That's why I decided to become a member of the largest pro-liberty party in the United States, the Libertarian Party. I started my show with the goals to educate, enlighten, and inform, while also advancing the principles of liberty. The LP is the largest political party in America that, at its core principles, embraces the values of individual liberty, property rights, and non-aggression. The other two major parties have embraced tribal warfare versus principled debate. It's time we stop feeding the beast and put our money where out mouths are. That means putting petty bickering and nonsensical arguments aside and actually advancing liberty. The LP, like every political party, has its flaws. But instead of focusing on those flaws and tossing stones from the cheap seats, it's time we take personal responsibility (like we promote on a regular basis) and take some responsibility in making the LP the best it can be. Go to and become a member today, and join me in making the LP the very best it can be! Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/7/202039 minutes, 38 seconds
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BONUS: Brian Nichols on FritzCast

Hey folks! I hope you're all getting ready for episode 100! I know I am! In the meantime, I wanted to drop a bonus episode where I joined good friend, Fritz, on his amazing podcast, "FritzCast", which was ranked as one of the top libertarian podcasts of 2020 (! Enjoy! And please go support FritzCast! In this episode I am joined by my good friend, Brian Nichols, of The Brian Nichols Show! get ready for a jam packed episode about podcasting, street journalism, libertarianism, laughs and more! You can follow Brian on Twitter: @BNicholsLiberty; find him on the network, and his show is available on most podcast catchers! Follow Fritz on Twitter @ FritzQS On Facebook at Instagram @ fritzcast NEW Blog NOW on YouTube: Search FritzCast Podcast ( Also available on iTunes, Spotify, GooglePlay, & Stitcher! Like the theme song? Check out: Let It Out by Jerrytown -…0173?i=188710174 Want to contribute? Follow this link: Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/31/20201 hour, 1 minute, 18 seconds
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99: An Introduction to Dr. Jo Jorgensen- LP Presidential Candidate

I'll keep it short and sweet this week... today I'm joined by Joe Hauptmann, who is the former Chair of the Libertarian Party of Indiana and current campaign manager for Dr. Jo Jorgensen. Dr. Jo Jorgensen was the Libertarian Party Vice-Presidential Nominee with Harry Browne in 1996. She campaigned in 38 states and appeared as a Libertarian spokesperson on over 300 radio shows all across America. She regularly lit up the call-in boards, helping listeners discover the Libertarian Party and generating inquiries and new LP members. In 1992, she was the Libertarian Party’s candidate for South Carolina’s 4th Congressional District. After a statewide televised debate with her Democratic and Republican opponents, Dr Jorgensen’s debate performance was widely praised in the media, and the Greenville News referred to her as “a rose between two thorns”. Dr. Jo Jorgensen currently is a Senior Lecturer in Psychology at Clemson University. She holds a Ph.D in Industrial/Organizational Psychology (Clemson 2002) and has taught full-time since 2006. She graduated in 1979 from Baylor University with a B.S. in Psychology and in 1980 from Southern Methodist University with an M.B.A. After earning her M.B.A., she put her education to work as a Marketing Representative for IBM. Relocating to Greenville, SC in 1983, she started her own software sales business.After taking a break to be a stay-at-home mom for her two children, she joined a software duplicating company as part owner, later taking over as president and full owner. She founded a business consulting company in 2002 and continues working with select clients. Dr. Jo Jorgensen is a Life Member of the Libertarian Party. She supported Ed Clark for president in 1980 and has been voting Libertarian ever since. She officially joined the Libertarian Party in 1983 and has served as Greenville County chair, state vice-chair, and national marketing director for the Libertarian Party. Find Dr. Jo Jorgensen Online- Website: Facebook: Twitter: Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/24/202037 minutes, 2 seconds
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98: Election 2020- How Libertarians Can "Win"

It's hard to imagine, but we're just 10 months or so away from the 2020 election. Wild, isn't it? With the Democratic Debates seemingly taking the national conversation towards the brink of outright socialism, and Trump deciding whether or not to start World War III (I'm kidding of course... right?), it seems that most Americans are searching for a candidate that they can support that, well, isn't as crazy as everyone else. It's why candidates like Mike Bloomberg have essentially decided to spend a substantial fortune on trying to win the presidency, and why the Libertarian Party has an absolutely epic opportunity to win over some hearts and minds by being the adult in the room. But the real question for the Libertarian Party is, well, will the be the adults in the room? That's why I'm joined today by Elaine Joan, who is an independent campaign consultant and widely known political commentator, "Libertarian Redhead", who helps me break down some of the problems in Libertarian candidacies past, how Libertarian campaigns can catch on in the future, and which candidates seeking the Libertarian Party nomination can lead the LP to the most success in 2020 If you're considering running for elected office as a Libertarian, then please consider this as a complimentary consulting session between two seasoned political veterans (tips are appreciated in the form of shares, reviews, and Patreon support). Bio: Elaine Joan is an independent campaign consultant and political commentator; you may know her as Libertarian Redhead on Facebook and Twitter. She has previously been a Libertarian Party of Tennessee Executive Committee member. She has a track record for lobbying legislative issues like 3rd party ballot access, ending the death penalty, and civil asset forfeiture. In 2018 she took a position as the Data Director for Elect Liberty PAC during the midterm elections in New Mexico and she is currently working with Voice for America PAC in Indianapolis. Find Elaine Online: Facebook: Twitter: Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/17/20201 hour, 5 minutes, 11 seconds
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97: Rethinking American Foreign Policy/War with Iran? with Pratik Chougule

With commentators proclaiming that World War III is just around the corner due to increasing tensions between the United States and Iran, the United States' foreign policy is at the forefront of the national conversation. With conservative pundits like Ben Shapiro singing the praises of President Trump's more hawkish approach to the increasing tensions with Iran (which Shapiro has seemingly toned down in recent days), I thought it would be a great opportunity to have a former self-described "neocon" who ended up becoming a "foreign policy realist" on the show to discuss their own personal growth and change of mindset. Joining the show is Pratik Chougule. Chougule is a researcher at Boston College's Center for International Higher Education, where he is writing a book about American universities in the greater Middle East. He was previously an executive editor at The American Conservative and managing editor at The National Interest. During the 2016 election cycle, Chougule served as policy coordinator on the presidential campaigns of Donald Trump and Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee. From 2008-2009, Chougule was a George W. Bush appointee at the State Department in the Office of the Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security. Chougule graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Brown University and holds a JD from Yale Law School. Listen as Chougule discusses his take on foreign policy, his critiques of the traditional neocon/hawkish foreign policy, the rising tensions of Iran, and finally his perspective of where the world stands after the 2020 election with regards to foreign relations and policy. Support the We Are Libertarians Network Rebranding! -> Find Chougule Online: Twitter: Facebook: Sponsored By: The Libertarian Party: What's the best way to advance liberty? That's a question I get asked often. You can be an activist, an entrepreneur, a media personality, or politics. That's why I decided to become a member of the largest pro-liberty party in the United States, the Libertarian Party. I started my show with the goals to educate, enlighten, and inform, while also advancing the principles of liberty. The LP is the largest political party in America that, at its core principles, embraces the values of individual liberty, property rights, and non-aggression. The other two major parties have embraced tribal warfare versus principled debate. It's time we stop feeding the beast and put our money where out mouths are. That means putting petty bickering and nonsensical arguments aside and actually advancing liberty. The LP, like every political party, has its flaws. But instead of focusing on those flaws and tossing stones from the cheap seats, it's time we take personal responsibility (like we promote on a regular basis) and take some responsibility in making the LP the best it can be. Go to and become a member today, and join me in making the LP the very best it can be! Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/10/202033 minutes, 26 seconds
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96: How to Have Impossible Conversations

2020 will certainly present its share of challenges. Among them being that of having tough discussions with our friends, family, coworkers, etc... on issues that are politically and emotionally charged. To start off the year, I wanted to take a second and go solo to discuss a phenomenal book I've been reading, "How to Have Impossible Conversation: A Very Practical Guide" by Peter Boghossian, where Boghossian outlines strategies to bring people who disagree into useful, productive engagement with one another. Discussed today are some tools I've used (unintentionally, at that!) from the book, and some real-life examples of me using them both in my personal life and on the show with folks who have vastly disagreements with your favorite host. And finally, as I mention at the close the show, if you're interested in sharing your story of utilizing some of these techniques yourself, email me at or tag me on social media (@BNicholsLiberty both on Twitter and on Facebook). My conversation with Keith Rubino from March 2019: Where to purchase "How to Have Impossible Conversation: A Very Practical Guide": The Reason Podcast Episode mentioned: Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/3/202037 minutes, 30 seconds
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BONUS: Brian Nichols on "Friends Against Government" Podcast

For the final episode of the year, please enjoy my appearance on the "Friends Against Government" Podcast where we discuss impeachment, Dominick the Donkey, and more! (Originally aired on November 26, 2019 at Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/27/20191 hour, 10 minutes, 10 seconds
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95: Should Justin Amash be the Impeachment Manager?

Ho ho ho! It's the most wonderful time of the year, and with that, I'm riding solo this week as we wrap up a phenomenal 2019 and start looking ahead to 2020! Today, I read some of the awesome reviews you guys have posted for the show over on Apple Podcasts (and even take a suggestion from one of them!). Later, I cover some topics that ya'll wanted to hear about- The proposal to raise the smoking age from 18 to 21 and whether or not Justin Amash should consider taking on the role as "impeachment manager". This will be the last "new" episode of the year, with next week's episode being my appearance on the "Friends Against Government Podcast", where I enlighten Bird and Car about the classic Christmas song from Pennsylvania, "Dominick The Donkey". Oh, and we talk about politics and such, too. Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/20/201941 minutes, 2 seconds
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94: Criminal Justice Reform and Why it Matters (with Conner Drigotas)

Criminal justice reform is a topic that many members on the left and the right have started to agree on (much in thanks to libertarians for paving the way), but despite the progress, our criminal justice system still harms millions of non-violent offenders to this day. Today I am joined by Conner Drigotas to get his perspective on criminal justice reform, why it's so important for us to pay attention to criminal justice reform, and the very real human impact and harm that our current criminal justice system inflicts. Conner's Bio: Conner is the Director of Communications and Outreach for a nonprofit public interest law firm offering free legal services to those hurt by public-sector union officials. He is also an adjunct professor at Lehigh University where he teaches business communications. Prior to joining the his current firm, Conner managed local, state, and federal political campaigns, and worked in the financial industry developing financial strategies for at risk populations. Conner earned his MBA from Lehigh University and holds undergraduate degrees in Government & Law and Psychology from Lafayette College. A native Mainer, Conner enjoys the great outdoors and spends his free time hunting, camping, and fishing with his wife Danielle. Find Conner Online- Website: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/13/201934 minutes, 27 seconds
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BONUS: Brian Nichols on "Your Better Life Podcast" (How Brian Nichols Turned the Tables on Obesity)

Usually we discuss politics here on The Brian Nichols Show, but in a few past episodes, we've focused on some other topics, like how to find happiness (with Tim Preuss) and living "Your Better Life" (with Gary Collins). Today, we're sticking with that theme, only this time, it's my appearance on someone else's show... Today is my appearance on Amazon best-selling author Gary Collin's podcast, the "Your Better Life Podcast"! Listen as I discuss my personal battle with obesity and my ultimately losing 180lbs! Gary's Appearance on The Brian Nichols Show: From Your Better Life Podcast ( Brian Nichols host, of The Brian Nichols Show, drops by for a chat. Brain shares how he lost 180 pounds and is now focused on being as healthy as he possibly can be. He has not only changed his health, but most importantly changed his life. Topics Discussed with Brian Nichols: -A bit about Brian -What is the Brian Nichols Show and what is it about -Brian’s childhood and how he became obese -Dealing with being overweight and the obstacles he faced -Brian’s wake up call that made him take action -Our broken healthcare system -How he lost 180 pounds -His shift in mindset outside of just losing the weight -Why taking charge of your life is the key to happiness -His new lease on life and his new direction -His advice for those fighting being overweight Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/6/20191 hour, 36 minutes, 41 seconds
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93: Andrew Yang's Economics- ANALYSIS with Max Gulker from AIER

Andrew Yang is easily one of the most interesting candidates running for the Democratic Party nomination. His economic ideas have captivated his supporters, the "Yang Gang", leaving a nice portion of Americans arguing it's #TimeForYang. Today, I have Max Gulker from the American Institute for Economic Research return to the show to offer his expert analysis of Andrew Yang's economic policies, namely, his universal basic income proposal to give every American $1,000 a month. Find Max Online- Twitter: Email: Website: Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/29/201935 minutes, 8 seconds
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92: "The Deep State is Real!"- A Conversation with Congressman Thomas Massie

At The Brian Nichols Show, my goal is to leave my audience educated, enlightened, and informed. For today's episode, I feel confident that each of you will finish the show feeling that all three of those boxes were checked, as I am joined by the one and only, Congressman Thomas Massie! Listen as Congressman Massie joins The Brian Nichols Show to discuss his entry into the liberty movement/politics, the impeachment inquiry into President Trump, and the sneaky manner in which the establishment snuck in an extension of the Patriot Act into the most recent continuing resolution passed through Congress. Find Congressman Massie Online- Website: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/22/201930 minutes, 28 seconds
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91: Elizabeth Warren's Tax Plans and Economic Vision- ANALYSIS with Max Gulker from AIER

If you have friends who are Elizabeth Warren fans, then this most definitely is the episode you should send their way, as today I am joined once again by Max Gulker from the American Institute for Economic Research! Max joins the show to help me break down Elizabeth Warrens tax plans (one of her many plans), her anti-billionaire rhetoric, he proposed wealth tax, and outline her plan to rule the American economy through the force of government regulatory agencies. Max's Article- "Elizabeth Warren and the Economics of Magical Thinking" Find Max Online- Twitter: Email: Website: Sponsored By: The Libertarian Party: What's the best way to advance liberty? That's a question I get asked often. You can be an activist, an entrepreneur, a media personality, or politics. That's why I decided to become a member of the largest pro-liberty party in the United States, the Libertarian Party. I started my show with the goals to educate, enlighten, and inform, while also advancing the principles of liberty. The LP is the largest political party in America that, at its core principles, embraces the values of individual liberty, property rights, and non-aggression. The other two major parties have embraced tribal warfare versus principled debate. It's time we stop feeding the beast and put our money where out mouths are. That means putting petty bickering and nonsensical arguments aside and actually advancing liberty. The LP, like every political party, has its flaws. But instead of focusing on those flaws and tossing stones from the cheap seats, it's time we take personal responsibility (like we promote on a regular basis) and take some responsibility in making the LP the best it can be. Go to and become a member today, and join me in making the LP the very best it can be! Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/15/201930 minutes, 7 seconds
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90: Todd Hagopian (Libertarian-in-Chief) for Libertarian Party Chair!

The Libertarian Party is the largest, pro-liberty political organization in the United States, yet the LP has never surpassed 3.5% in a nationwide election. So, what's the problem...? Is it the message, or the party? Well, my guest today believes that part of the problem is the party, which is why he's made it his goal to bring his private sector expertise to the LP and is seeking to be the next chairman of the Libertarian Party. Returning to The Brian Nichols Show is the "Libertarian-in-Chief", Todd Hagopian! Todd joined the show last year to discuss the Libertarian Party, the greater libertarian movement, and to dig into the upcoming 2020 presidential election and who should lead the LP as the nominee. This time, Todd joins the show to discuss his candidacy to be the next chairman of the LP, with his main goals being to professionalize the party, create consistent branding for the party, and to focus on winning targeted, local elections. Later, Todd answers questions from the audience, ranging from "What are some mistakes the LP has made, and what are some things they've done right?" to "How important is it for the LP to engage the youth vote, including the newest batch of voters in Gen Z?" As I wrap up the show, I give my take on Todd's candidacy (oh, and a special surprise, too!). And as a final ask, if you leave today's show inspired and want to take action within the Libertarian Party, make a small donation of $25 and sign up to become a member using my exclusive link! -> Todd's First Appearance on The Brian Nichols Show: Find Todd Online- Website: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: Email: Sponsored By: The Libertarian Party: What's the best way to advance liberty? That's a question I get asked often. You can be an activist, an entrepreneur, a media personality, or politics. That's why I decided to become a member of the largest pro-liberty party in the United States, the Libertarian Party. I started my show with the goals to educate, enlighten, and inform, while also advancing the principles of liberty. The LP is the largest political party in America that, at its core principles, embraces the values of individual liberty, property rights, and non-aggression. The other two major parties have embraced tribal warfare versus principled debate. It's time we stop feeding the beast and put our money where out mouths are. That means putting petty bickering and nonsensical arguments aside and actually advancing liberty. The LP, like every political party, has its flaws. But instead of focusing on those flaws and tossing stones from the cheap seats, it's time we take personal responsibility (like we promote on a regular basis) and take some responsibility in making the LP the best it can be. Go to and become a member today, and join me in making the LP the very best it can be! Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/8/201950 minutes, 27 seconds
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89: School Choice and Why it Matters

Our old, exclusionary, geographically-based education system is not educating children the way it promises to. Parents have been fighting for the ability to get their kids into schools that don’t constantly fail them decade after decade, only to be denied by the public education establishment, and the various policies promoted by the school choice movement give parents autonomy over their children’s education. Joining The Brian Nichols Show today is Michael Torres from the Commonwealth Foundation. Michael is the Senior Communications Office over at the Commonwealth Foundation and joins the show to help dispel some myths regarding school choice and to speak to the value that school choice has in helping further our youths' education. Find the Commonwealth Foundation Online: Facebook: Twitter: Find Michael Online: Twitter: Sponsored By: Butcher Box: If you're a listener of The Brian Nichols Show, then you know that I like to talk about fitness and such. Sure, I like to lift things up and put things down to get big and strong, but the reality is that lifting weights is just half of the the equation needed to see results. What you put in your body is just as important as your workout, which is why I only eat meats from ButcherBox. Now, ButcherBox isn't paying me or sponsoring me to say this, but I feel so strongly about their product that I wanted to share my experience with you. ButcherBox delivers 100% grass-fed beef, free range organic chicken and heritage breed pork directly to your door. Think of them as the neighborhood butcher for modern America. And let me tell you, their meats are PHENOMENAL. Juicy chicken breasts, tender fillet, flavorful sirloin tips... ButcherBox makes it easy for you to get the highest quality meat delivered right to your door. Right now, listeners of The Brian Nichols Show can get get 2lbs of grass-fed ground beef for FREE added in EVERY box for the LIFE! Yes, you read that right... FOR LIFE! And let me tell you, I've had ButcherBox grass-fed ground beef and is absolutely delicious. Some of the best burgers I've ever had were from when I used ButcherBox ground beef. And guess what... using my link not only gets you free meat, but gets me free meat as well! It's a win-win! All you have to do is click the link or mail me at to take advantage of this amazing deal! Great meats. 2lbs of grass-fed ground beef FREE FOR LIFE. Delivered right to your door. Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/25/201937 minutes, 14 seconds
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88: A Christian Conservative's Case Against Social Progressivism

In 2015, the Supreme Court case Obergefell v. Hodges held that the Fourteenth Amendment requires states to license and recognize same-sex marriage per the Equal Protection Clause. While millions celebrated the decision (including libertarians), many social conservatives found the ruling to be an attack on state's rights and the institution of traditional marriage. Joining me on today's episode is a dear friend, Thomas K. C. Thomas is a law student, a former libertarian, and a proponent of reverting America back to the days pre-Obergfell to restore America's valuing of traditional marriage and traditional social values. Thomas also is a strong proponent against social progressivism. While Thomas and I disagree, we still ended up having a respectful conversation to best understand where the other side was coming from, undoubtedly leaving the audience educated, enlightened, and informed. Follow Thomas online: Sponsored By: Butcher Box: If you're a listener of The Brian Nichols Show, then you know that I like to talk about fitness and such. Sure, I like to lift things up and put things down to get big and strong, but the reality is that lifting weights is just half of the the equation needed to see results. What you put in your body is just as important as your workout, which is why I only eat meats from ButcherBox. Now, ButcherBox isn't paying me or sponsoring me to say this, but I feel so strongly about their product that I wanted to share my experience with you. ButcherBox delivers 100% grass-fed beef, free range organic chicken and heritage breed pork directly to your door. Think of them as the neighborhood butcher for modern America. And let me tell you, their meats are PHENOMENAL. Juicy chicken breasts, tender fillet, flavorful sirloin tips... ButcherBox makes it easy for you to get the highest quality meat delivered right to your door. Right now, listeners of The Brian Nichols Show can get get 2lbs of grass-fed ground beef for FREE added in EVERY box for the LIFE! Yes, you read that right... FOR LIFE! And let me tell you, I've had ButcherBox grass-fed ground beef and is absolutely delicious. Some of the best burgers I've ever had were from when I used ButcherBox ground beef. And guess what... using my link not only gets you free meat, but gets me free meat as well! It's a win-win! All you have to do is click the link or mail me at to take advantage of this amazing deal! Great meats. 2lbs of grass-fed ground beef FREE FOR LIFE. Delivered right to your door. The Libertarian Party: What's the best way to advance liberty? That's a question I get asked often. You can be an activist, an entrepreneur, a media personality, or politics. That's why I decided to become a member of the largest pro-liberty party in the United States, the Libertarian Party. I started my show with the goals to educate, enlighten, and inform, while also advancing the principles of liberty. The LP is the largest political party in America that, at its core principles, embraces the values of individual liberty, property rights, and non-aggression. The other two major parties have embraced tribal warfare versus principled debate. It's time we stop feeding the beast and put our money where out mouths are. That means putting petty bickering and nonsensical arguments aside and actually advancing liberty. The LP, like every political party, has its flaws. But instead of focusing on those flaws and tossing stones from the cheap seats, it's time we take personal responsibility (like we promote on a regular basis) and take some responsibility in making the LP the best it can be. Go to and become a member today, and join me in making the LP the very best it can be! Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/18/201949 minutes, 53 seconds
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87: How to Succeed in Politics (and Other Forms of Devil Worship) with Remso Martinez

Two men separated by time embark on parallel paths to succeed in the blood sport that is professional politics. In the aftermath of the 2016 election, a young political operative named Art Brown finds himself about to sit at the right hand of power in Washington D.C only to end up falling out of the insider-circles he spent years trying to find acceptance in. The other man would start his political path as one of the most progressive statesmen in the south, only to evolve into the villain of the civil rights movement- George C. Wallace. Filled with political intrigue and suspense that spans among generations, along with that classic gonzo humor Remso W. Martinez has become known for, “How to Succeed in Politics (and Other Forms of Devil Worship)” is a dark comedy that will force you to ask whether success at all costs is worth losing your humanity in the process. Today's episode features all that and more, as we are once again joined by Remso to discuss his newest book, "How to Succeed in Politics (and Other Forms of Devil Worship)"! Purchase an autographed "How to Succeed in Politics (and Other Forms of Devil Worship" using this exclusive link to Brian Nichols Show listeners (Makes a great stocking stuffer/gift!): **Remso's Past Appearances on The Brian Nichols Show- **20: Stay Away From The Libertarians! with Remso Martinez: 37: Censorship Online Can Happen to You with Remso Martinez: BONUS- The Weekly Standard is Dead So Who is Next on The Remso Martinez Experience: Sponsored By: The Libertarian Party: What's the best way to advance liberty? That's a question I get asked often. You can be an activist, an entrepreneur, a media personality, or politics. That's why I decided to become a member of the largest pro-liberty party in the United States, the Libertarian Party. I started my show with the goals to educate, enlighten, and inform, while also advancing the principles of liberty. The LP is the largest political party in America that, at its core principles, embraces the values of individual liberty, property rights, and non-aggression. The other two major parties have embraced tribal warfare versus principled debate. It's time we stop feeding the beast and put our money where out mouths are. That means putting petty bickering and nonsensical arguments aside and actually advancing liberty. The LP, like every political party, has its flaws. But instead of focusing on those flaws and tossing stones from the cheap seats, it's time we take personal responsibility (like we promote on a regular basis) and take some responsibility in making the LP the best it can be. Go to and become a member today, and join me in making the LP the very best it can be! Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/11/201942 minutes, 38 seconds
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BONUS: Nobody Knows How to Make a Pizza with Julie Borowski

Did you know that nobody knows how to make a pizza? Wait, you disagree? Okay, let's try this- Did you know there's not a single person on Earth who has the skills and knowledge to make something as deceptively simple as a cheese pizza? As a matter of fact, it takes millions of people, all with specialized skills – and what’s more, there are no central planners or people managing the process. So how do they do it? That's the premise of the new children's book, "Nobody Knows How to Make a Pizza" by Julie Borowski! Listen as Julie joins the show to discuss her book to the liberty-loving audience of The Brian Nichols Show! Buy Nobody Knows How to Make a Pizza: Find Julie on Twitter: Find Julie on Facebook: Find Julie on Instagram: Find Julie on Youtube: Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/6/201916 minutes, 23 seconds
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86: Carla Gericke and the Free State Project

Want to really "live free"? Well, guess what. Today's your lucky day. Today I'm joined by Carla Gericke from the Free State Project, which is a historic mass migration of more than 20,000 people who have pledged to move to New Hampshire for liberty. Today I wanted to have Carla join the show to talk more about the Free State Project, the work they've been doing, and how the prospects of liberty look for New Hampshire. We also dig into Carla's personal path to liberty, her activism, and her candidacy for NH Senate. Find the FSP: Find Carla Online- Facebook: Twitter: Personal blog: Told You So Podcast: Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/4/201943 minutes, 49 seconds
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85: The Global Climate Strike, Greta Thunberg, Climate Change, and More! with Steve Milloy

Have you been finding yourself questioning the narratives being promoted by those taking part in the Global Climate Strike? Did you raise and eyebrow when Greta Thunberg gave her captivating (and divisive) speech at the United Nations? Or perhaps have you found yourself feeling uneasy at the prospects of a "Green New Deal"? Well, look no further than today's episode, as I am joined by former Trump EPA transition team member and founder of, Steve Milloy! Listen as Steve and I discuss climate change, popular narratives surrounding climate change, the Global Climate Strike, Greta Thunberg, and the hidden agenda of the Green New Deal. Bio: Steve Milloy is a recognized leader in the fight against junk science with more than 20 years of experience, and is credited with popularizing the term “junk science.” He is the founder and publisher of, and an environmental and public health consultant. Milloy is a biostatistician and securities lawyer who has also been a registered securities principal, investment fund manager, non-profit executive, and a print/web columnist on science and business issues. Milloy has also authored over 600 articles/columns published in major newspapers/web sites, including the Wall Street Journal, Investor’s Business Daily,, Financial Times, National Post (Canada), USA Today, Los Angeles Times, Washington Times, New York Post, New York Sun and other print and web outlets. Milloy was the co-founder and managing principal of Free Enterprise Action Fund (2004-2009), the first pro-free enterprise activist mutual fund, which merged with the Congressional Effect in July 2009. Find Steve Online- Website: Twitter: Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/27/201937 minutes, 29 seconds
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84: Jake Gutowitz: 22-Year-Old Libertarian Running For County Legislature

Today I am joined by Libertarian 22-Year-Old Jake Gutowitz, who is running for county legislator in Nassau County! Listen as we discuss his political ambitions, he journey into politics, some key issues of his campaign, and where he thinks his generation (Generation Z) will end up in on the political landscape. Find Jake Online- Website: Twitter: Donate to Jake's Campaign: Sponsored By: The Libertarian Party: What's the best way to advance liberty? That's a question I get asked often. You can be an activist, an entrepreneur, a media personality, or politics. That's why I decided to become a member of the largest pro-liberty party in the United States, the Libertarian Party. I started my show with the goals to educate, enlighten, and inform, while also advancing the principles of liberty. The LP is the largest political party in America that, at its core principles, embraces the values of individual liberty, property rights, and non-aggression. The other two major parties have embraced tribal warfare versus principled debate. It's time we stop feeding the beast and put our money where out mouths are. That means putting petty bickering and nonsensical arguments aside and actually advancing liberty. The LP, like every political party, has its flaws. But instead of focusing on those flaws and tossing stones from the cheap seats, it's time we take personal responsibility (like we promote on a regular basis) and take some responsibility in making the LP the best it can be. Go to and become a member today, and join me in making the LP the very best it can be! Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/20/201939 minutes, 33 seconds
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83: Living off the Grid and Enjoying "The Simple Life" with Gary Collins

Do you feel like life is too stressful and far more complicated than it needs to be? Or do you feel like you're on a treadmill to nowhere, grinding in life each and everyday, thinking there is something wrong with yourself for feeling this way? Well, look no further than today's episode, as I am joined by a man who is an Amazon best selling author, simple living advocate and educator, nutrition and health expert, adjunct college professor, professional speaker, and greater of “The Simple Life"; Gary Collins. Gary spent almost a decade investigating our food, drug and health care systems, and has a unique perspective into what is making Americans obese, stressed out and ill. Today, Gary joins The Brian Nichols Show to discuss "Off The Grid" and "The Simple Life", which are his Best Selling book series’ on Amazon to share his story and help others in their pursuit of a better life. Listen as we discuss Gary's background, his own venture into living off the grid and enjoying the simple life, and his foolproof, three-step plan to personal success. Find Gary Online- Website: Twitter: Youtube: Sponsored By: The Libertarian Party: What's the best way to advance liberty? That's a question I get asked often. You can be an activist, an entrepreneur, a media personality, or politics. That's why I decided to become a member of the largest pro-liberty party in the United States, the Libertarian Party. I started my show with the goals to educate, enlighten, and inform, while also advancing the principles of liberty. The LP is the largest political party in America that, at its core principles, embraces the values of individual liberty, property rights, and non-aggression. The other two major parties have embraced tribal warfare versus principled debate. It's time we stop feeding the beast and put our money where out mouths are. That means putting petty bickering and nonsensical arguments aside and actually advancing liberty. The LP, like every political party, has its flaws. But instead of focusing on those flaws and tossing stones from the cheap seats, it's time we take personal responsibility (like we promote on a regular basis) and take some responsibility in making the LP the best it can be. Go to and become a member today, and join me in making the LP the very best it can be! Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/13/201953 minutes, 9 seconds
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82: Off to College! (PART 1) with Sarah Nichols

In a new series for The Brian Nichols Show, I am being joined by my sister, Sarah Nichols, as she heads "Off to College"! As she's a recent high school graduate, I wanted to pick Sarah's brain to see where she stands on a variety of issues (and to get a better idea as to where the rest of her generation stands as well). Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/6/201940 minutes, 48 seconds
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81: Should Mass Shooters Get the Death Penalty? with Hannah Cox from CCATDP

Should Mass Shooters Get the Death Penalty? Your first reaction is likely, "Well, yes. Duh". And if that was your reaction, no worries, it used to be my reaction, too. That is until I started to look at the death penalty differently, much in part thanks to today's guest- Hannah Cox, National Manager of Conservatives Concerned About the Death Penalty. Hannah first joined the show last year to discuss the mission and work over at CCATDP, which is a national network of conservative Republicans and Libertarians calling for a re-examination of the American system of capital punishment. Today, Hannah joins the show to discuss whether shooters should get the death penalty and to hear CCATDP's position on the Trump administration's resuming the practice of executing death row inmates for the first time in more than 15 years. Bio: Conservatives Concerned About the Death Penalty is a project of Equal Justice USA, a national, non-partisan, grassroots organization working to transform the justice system by promoting responses to violence that break cycles of trauma. “Conservative Republicans and Libertarians are increasingly looking at the facts and deciding that the death penalty must be ended,” says Hannah. "This is especially true for younger voters on the right who are often leading the way on criminal justice reform as we become increasingly aware of the risks of executing innocent people and the opportunity costs involved with this wasteful system.” Hannah's First Appearance on TBNS: To learn more about CCATDP, go to Follow Hannah on Twitter: @HannahCox7 Sponsored By: The Libertarian Party: What's the best way to advance liberty? That's a question I get asked often. You can be an activist, an entrepreneur, a media personality, or politics. That's why I decided to become a member of the largest pro-liberty party in the United States, the Libertarian Party. I started my show with the goals to educate, enlighten, and inform, while also advancing the principles of liberty. The LP is the largest political party in America that, at its core principles, embraces the values of individual liberty, property rights, and non-aggression. The other two major parties have embraced tribal warfare versus principled debate. It's time we stop feeding the beast and put our money where out mouths are. That means putting petty bickering and nonsensical arguments aside and actually advancing liberty. The LP, like every political party, has its flaws. But instead of focusing on those flaws and tossing stones from the cheap seats, it's time we take personal responsibility (like we promote on a regular basis) and take some responsibility in making the LP the best it can be. Go to and become a member today, and join me in making the LP the very best it can be! Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/30/201935 minutes, 44 seconds
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80: From Leftist to Libertarian with Steffi Cole

I dare say that most of us know folks within the libertarian movement who came from the more conservative side of things, heck, with yours truly being one of them. But those who ventured to libertarianism from the left are much fewer in our ranks, despite them sharing our many of our values. Today's guest is one of those unicorns who went from leftist to libertarian, and I wanted to have her on my show to discuss her conversion as she started going down the libertarian rabbit hole; the one and only Steffi Cole. Listen as Seffi talks about her path to libertarianism from the left, her involvement in libertarian politics and political campaigns (like Austin Petersen's US Senate campaign), and more! Bio: Steffi was born and raised in Michigan and "has been a passionate, hardworking nerd ever since she was little". After learning about economics and watching lots of videos about government in 2009, she found herself in the Tea Party movement. She became a huge fan of Ron Paul during his 2012 Presidential campaign. In 2017-2018, she volunteered doing social media, graphic design, and volunteer training for the Austin Petersen for US Senate campaign. She is currently a YouTuber, Brand Ambassador for 1776 United, and liberty promoter for products, people, and ideas. She is on a journey to learn as much as she can about history, government, and the Constitution! Find Steffi Online- Youtube: Twitter: Instagram: Goodreads: Sponsored By: The Libertarian Party: What's the best way to advance liberty? That's a question I get asked often. You can be an activist, an entrepreneur, a media personality, or politics. That's why I decided to become a member of the largest pro-liberty party in the United States, the Libertarian Party. I started my show with the goals to educate, enlighten, and inform, while also advancing the principles of liberty. The LP is the largest political party in America that, at its core principles, embraces the values of individual liberty, property rights, and non-aggression. The other two major parties have embraced tribal warfare versus principled debate. It's time we stop feeding the beast and put our money where out mouths are. That means putting petty bickering and nonsensical arguments aside and actually advancing liberty. The LP, like every political party, has its flaws. But instead of focusing on those flaws and tossing stones from the cheap seats, it's time we take personal responsibility (like we promote on a regular basis) and take some responsibility in making the LP the best it can be. Go to and become a member today, and join me in making the LP the very best it can be! Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/23/201936 minutes, 29 seconds
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79: Libertarian Party Presidential Candidate Arvin Vohra on Past Controversies, Messaging, and Recruitment

Welcome back, folks! For those of you new listeners joining us, thanks for taking some time to listen to today’s episode of The Brian Nichols Show! Today’s episode sticks true to one of the main principles we maintain here at The Brian Nichols Show- talking to people we don’t necessarily see eye-to-eye with and trying to find areas of understanding or agreement. I’ve been very vocal in my opposition to the tactics that today’s guest, Arvin Vohra, utilized during his tenure as vice-chair of the Libertarian Party. I even went as far to spend an entire episode tackling each of his controversial statements and gave my best argument as to why I believe that hyperbolic and controversial marketing is not helpful in recruiting more people to the Libertarian Party and the greater liberty movement. With that being said, Arvin came on the show to not only promote his candidacy (Arvin is running to be the Libertarian Party candidate for the 2020 POTUS election), but to answer some of the tough questions I had in regards to his past controversial statements. Listen as Arvin discusses his candidacy, his approach to marketing liberty, and his vision for the libertarian movement. Find Episode 2 of The Brian Nichols Show- Arvin Vohra, The Libertarian Party, & Echo Chambers: Find Arvin Online- Website: Twitter: Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/16/201945 minutes, 45 seconds
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78: Bernie Sanders on The Joe Rogan Experience- ANALYSIS with Max Gulker from AIER

Did you catch Bernie Sanders' appearance on The Joe Rogan Experience? No? Well, don't you worry, Max Gulker and I suffered through it and are here to give you a breakdown of the most important segments so you don't have to! Listen as Max and I discuss Bernie's takes on the minimum wage, corporate tax loopholes, education, socialism, and much more on today's exciting episode of The Brian Nichols Show! Read Max's Article Discussed on Today's Episode- "Free Enterprise, Not Free Tuition": Find Max's Appearance on The Brian Nichols Show from December 2018- "The Green New Deal, Climate Change, and Skeptics Stance with Max Gulker": Find Max Online- Twitter: Email: Website: Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/9/201954 minutes, 10 seconds
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77: Dismantling the Two-Party System by Changing the Way We Vote with Aaron Hamlin from The Center for Election Science

"My vote just doesn't matter..." Have you heard this before? Or perhaps have you caught yourself saying that exact same phrase? Don't worry, you're not alone. As a mater of fact, I've said as much myself. With the "choose-one" voting system, many voters feel that their votes simply don't matter in today's electoral system. That's where today's guest, Aaron Hamlin, and the organization he co-founded, "The Center for Election Science", comes into play. See, Aaron and his team have been on a mission to help change the way that American voters look at the electoral system by helping promote and institute alternative voting methods, like that of the "approval voting", can help third-party and independent candidates gain momentum, eliminate the "spoiler effect", and actually win elections! Listen to learn how The Center for Election Science has been promoting approval voting, some wins they've tallied up, and the future prospects of changing our outdated voting system! Aaron's Bio: Aaron Hamlin is the executive director and co-founder of The Center for Election Science. He’s been featured as an electoral systems expert on, NPR, Free Speech TV, Inside Philanthropy, 80K Hours, and Popular Mechanics, and has given talks across the country on voting methods. He’s written for Deadspin, USA Today Magazine, Independent Voter Network, and others. Additionally, Aaron is a licensed attorney with two additional graduate degrees in the social sciences. Find The Center for Election Science Online: Find The Center for Election Science on Facebook: Find The Center for Election Science on Twitter: Email The Center for Election Science: Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/2/201938 minutes, 32 seconds
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76: Finding Happiness in the Least Likely of Places with Tim Preuss

Are you happy? Or are things so chaotic in our world that you find it difficult to take joy in the things you use to take joy in? Are you looking for happiness in the right places? All those questions and more get tackled in today's episode of The Brian Nichols Show, as I am joined by documentarian of the travel series, "Straight No Chaser", Tim Preuss! In 2015, Tim got involved in politics and internet marketing with the launch of his podcast,the "Tim Preuss Podcast". After nearly five years and over 500 episodes, Tim took a turn and decided to venture into traveling the U.S. and documenting it along the way. It was this turn that led to Straight No Chaser. Listen as Tim talks about his journeys across the United States, the people he got to meet along the way, and where people seemed to be finding the most happiness in their lives, despite sometimes finding themselves in the darkest of circumstances. Find Straight No Chaser Series Online: Find the Straight No Chaser Pilot: Find Tim on Facebook: Find Tim on Twitter: Find Tim on Instagram: Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/26/201935 minutes, 25 seconds
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75: Make America Libertarian Again! with Larry Sharpe

Welcome back to The Brian Nichols Show! As always, my goal is to educate, enlighten, and inform, and today is no different, as I am once again joined by the one and only, Larry Sharpe! Larry should be a stranger to none of you, as he was easily the most notable Libertarian candidate seeking elected office in 2018, as he ran on the Libertarian Party ticket in my home state of New York, garnering both national attention and a fantastic base of libertarians along the way. Larry returns to the show to discuss the outcome of his 2018 run, what he learned along the way, and digs into the reason Larry is still out talking to voters across New York State (and other states) as a part of his "#FullSharpe" campaign. Later, we discuss his new media empire, "Sharpe Way Media", and his new radio show, "The Sharpe Way". And finally, Larry gives his take on the tribalism America is currently facing and his predictions for 2020 and beyond. Find Larry Online: Find Larry on Twitter: Find Larry on Facebook: Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/19/201939 minutes, 35 seconds
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74: A Disabled Libertarian’s Case For Gun Ownership with Caleb Shumate

Man, I sure missed you all last week while I was on vacation! But thankfully, we're back on track with our regularly scheduled programming, as this week I am joined by Caleb Shumate! Caleb is a passionate advocate for liberty and storyteller with a deep appreciation of history. Today he joins the show to discuss one of his more recent articles over at The Libertarian Republic- “Colt Made Me Equal”: A Disabled Libertarian’s Case For Gun Ownership. Listen as Caleb explains the importance of gun ownership, especially for those individuals who may be at a physical disadvantage when compared to those who might seek to cause them harm. We also touch on Caleb's experience as someone with cerebral palsy and how despite his physical limitations, he has found himself rejecting the concepts of government handouts and has embraced libertarianism and constitutional conservatism. Find Caleb's Article: Find Caleb at The Libertarian Republic: Find Caleb on Twitter: Find Caleb on Facebook: Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/12/201935 minutes, 49 seconds
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73: Students for Liberty with Dr. Wolf von Laer

Welcome to The Brian Nichols Show! If this is your first time joining us here at The Brian Nichols Show, thank you so much for taking half an hour of your day as you join us on our journey of learning and spreading liberty! Today is no exception, as I am joined by the CEO of Students for Liberty, Dr. Wolf von Laer! Students For Liberty is a rapidly growing network of pro-liberty students from all over the world, who's mission is to educate, develop, and empower the next generation of leaders of liberty. Student's For Liberty is the largest libertarian student organization in the world, who's strategy is that of empowerment, identifying the top student leaders, and training them to be agents of change in their communities. Dr. Wolf von Laer received his PhD in Political Economy at King’s College London in March 2017. Wolf lived and studied in the US, Turkey, Spain, Germany, the UK, Sweden, and Argentina. He has published several book chapters, a book about central-banking, and a peer-reviewed journal article. Wolf has appeared in the Wallstreet Journal, Forbes, Huffington Post, and CSPAN. He is a member of the Mont Pelerin Society. Find Students for Liberty Online: Facebook: Twitter: Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/28/201937 minutes, 32 seconds
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72: A Conversation with Congressman Justin Amash

Welcome to The Brian Nichols Show! For you first time listeners, I am your humble host, Brian Nichols, and here at The Brian Nichols Show, our goal is to educate, enlighten, and inform. Today is no exception, as I am joined by Congressman Justin Amash. Congressman Amash has been making headlines as of late, with his being the first Republican in Congress to assert that President Trump committed potentially impeachable offenses in regards to his actions and potential obstruction of justice as it relates to the Mueller Investigation. Congressman Amash joins The Brian Nichols Show to discuss his tenure in Congress, the principles that he leans on when crafting legislation, the rationale behind his public statements regarding President Trump's "impeachable offenses", and the manner in which populism and nationalism have taken over the Republican Party in an era of Trump. Later, we discuss Congressman Amash's fierce opposition to the surveillance state, focusing on his staunch opposition to the Patriot Act, FISA, and his recent attempts to reign in FISA Section 702, which would have helped put a stop to warrantless FISA surveillance. We conclude our conversation by addressing the elephant (or porcupine?) in the room... Will Congressman Amash seek to fight President Trump at the ballot box in 2020 by primarying Trump as a Republican, or rather as the top of the Libertarian Party ticket? A transcript can be found here. Follow Congressman Amash on Twitter: Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/21/201936 minutes, 4 seconds
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71: The Fractured Prism with Author Brendan Noble

Brendan Noble returns to The Brian Nichols Show, only this time, he's returning as an author! How about that!? Brendan recently released his new book, "The Fractured Prism. "The Fractured Prism" is a gripping novel that digs into the struggle between the individual and a collectivist state. "The Fractured Prism" leads the reader through several twists and turns as Ivan, the lowest of the low within the new society, finds himself befriending a princess, and thus embarking on an epic tale of building trust, standing for what is right, and opposing a tyrannical government set on destroying the value of the individual. Listen as we discuss his book, what the future of "The Prism Files" holds, and where you can grab your own copy of "The Fractured Prism! (hint... click the Amazon link below...) Purchase "The Fractured Prism": Learn More About Brendan and "The Prism Files": Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/14/201934 minutes, 7 seconds
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70: Government Stinks. See How "We Do Better" with Rick Rivkin

The government stinks. I know it. You know it. We all know it. So, instead of sending your hard earned money to the government every year to do "societal good", why not send it to nonprofits who actually, ya know, know what they're doing and do it well? That's where "We Do Better" comes into play. We Do Better seeks to promote the freedom and well-being of all Americans by maximizing the quality and accessibility of public services and accountability in their provision. We Do Better is one of the leaders in advocating for charitable credits in cities, counties, states, and nationwide that allow taxpayers to direct a portion of their taxes to organizations that meet human needs in their communities. Listen as Rick Rivkin (part of We Do Better's national team) joins The Brian Nichols Show to discuss how easy it is to become an advocate of We Do Better's mission. Later, Rick discusses some of the wins that We Do Better has under their belt, different means of grassroots outreach that We Do Better has taken advantage of, and how easy it is for anyone to have their tax dollars go towards charities they care about rather than go to our inefficient government. Learn More About We Do Better: Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/7/201941 minutes, 8 seconds
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68: "The Rebellion" with Banks and Shane

Welcome back to The Brian Nichols Show! It's always a fun time when you get to interact with other libertarian podcasters, and this week is no exception, as I am joined by Banks and Shane from "The Rebellion"! Now, most of you are likely familiar with at least one-half of this dynamic duo, as I was joined by Shane Hazel back in the summer of 2018 to discuss his candidacy for US Congress in the great state of Georgia. Upon settling back into some normalcy post-campaign, Shane decided to team up with his campaign manager, Banks Wise, and together they formed "The Rebellion". "Armed with truth bombs, timeless principles and an ample dose of humor, Banks & Shane navigate the tempestuous sea of life and politics. Ready to bring down the Empire? Welcome to The Rebellion." After you're finished with today's episode, do me a favor and swing over to Banks and Shane's show and be sure to subscribe to their podcast. They do a lot of great work over there and I cannot recommend their show enough. Also, for those of you looking for a particular interview with a particular Congressman, please stay patient... with some events/tweets being sent last weekend regarding a particular President, we had to get flexible with scheduling, and we are officially back on the books with said Congressman for the beginning of June... so have no fear, the interview is near! Find "The Rebellion" Online- Find Banks and Shane on Twitter- & Find "The Rebellion" on Twitter- Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/24/201940 minutes, 52 seconds
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67: Kibbe on Liberty with Matt Kibbe

Boy oh boy are you guys in for a special episode today, as today I am joined once again by, "easily one of the best of the best", Matt Kibbe! Matt returns to The Brian Nichols Show to discuss his newest venture over at BlazeTV- Kibbe on Liberty, where "Libertarian Matt Kibbe puts aside politics to have mostly honest conversations with mostly interesting people." Listen as Matt and I start off by discussing the importance of liberty organizations that engage young people, like that of what Cliff Maloney is doing with Young Americans for Liberty (YAL). Later, we dig into his new show, Kibbe on Liberty, have a fun-filled chat about Hayek, and then dig into Trump, the Mueller Report, and Bob Barr. Finally, we conclude by discussing Matt's 2020 "wish list" of presidential and touch on the topic of one Congressman Justin Amash's possible future endeavors... Matt's Bio: Matt Kibbe is the President and Chief Community Organizer at Free the People, an educational organization turning the next generation on to the values of liberty. We reach the “liberty curious” through social media, video, and storytelling. Kibbe is also an Executive Producer at CRTV, where he produces “The Deadly Isms,” a documentary series about the dangers of all flavors of authoritarianism. He is the Co-Founder and Partner at Fight the Power Productions, a strategic communications firm focused on video production, social media branding, and compelling storytelling. He is also a Distinguished Senior Fellow at the Austrian Economics Center in Vienna. In 2004 Kibbe founded FreedomWorks, where he served as President for 11 years. Steve Forbes said, “Kibbe has been to FreedomWorks what Steve Jobs was to Apple.” Against his better judgment, Kibbe occasionally gets involved in politics, serving as Senior Advisor to a Rand Paul SuperPAC, and creating AlternativePAC to support liberty candidates. Back when Yoda was a teenager, Kibbe worked as Chief of Staff on Capitol Hill, as Budget Director for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and at the Republican National Committee. Dubbed “The Scribe” by the New York Daily News, Kibbe is most recently author of the #2 New York Times bestseller, Don’t Hurt People and Don’t Take Their Stuff: A Libertarian Manifesto. In his spare time he appears on Old Media, including FOX News, MSNBC, CNN and HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher. Most of his best material is lifted from his three liberty-minded cats, Roark, Ragnar, and Rearden. Find Matt Online- Kibbe on Liberty: Website: Facebook: Twitter: Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/17/201947 minutes, 52 seconds
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66: A "GoFundMe" Government?

A "GoFundMe" Government? Well, more like a "Crowd Funded Government", as today I am joined by Theodore, Executive Director of Crowd Funded Government is a new approach to government funding that can be applied to all levels of government. Crowd Funded Government would eliminate any undemocratic influence of lobbyists. Crowd Funded Government would create a system of government that truly is "of the people, by the people, for the people." Listen as Theodore and I discuss how we would get to a "crowd funded government", some challenges it may face, and what a truly "crowd funded government" would look like. Find Crowd Funded Government Online: & Sponsored By: Butcher Box: If you're a listener of The Brian Nichols Show, then you know that I like to talk about fitness and such. Sure, I like to lift things up and put things down to get big and strong, but the reality is that lifting weights is just half of the the equation needed to see results. What you put in your body is just as important as your workout, which is why I only eat meats from ButcherBox. Now, ButcherBox isn't paying me or sponsoring me to say this, but I feel so strongly about their product that I wanted to share my experience with you. ButcherBox delivers 100% grass-fed beef, free range organic chicken and heritage breed pork directly to your door. Think of them as the neighborhood butcher for modern America. And let me tell you, their meats are PHENOMENAL. Juicy chicken breasts, tender fillet, flavorful sirloin tips... ButcherBox makes it easy for you to get the highest quality meat delivered right to your door. Right now, listeners of The Brian Nichols Show can get get 2lbs of grass-fed ground beef for FREE added in EVERY box for the LIFE! Yes, you read that right... FOR LIFE! And let me tell you, I've had ButcherBox grass-fed ground beef and is absolutely delicious. Some of the best burgers I've ever had were from when I used ButcherBox ground beef. And guess what... using my link not only gets you free meat, but gets me free meat as well! It's a win-win! All you have to do is click the link or mail me at to take advantage of this amazing deal! Great meats. 2lbs of grass-fed ground beef FREE FOR LIFE. Delivered right to your door. Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/10/201938 minutes, 12 seconds
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65: Fixing the Broken Healthcare System with Dr. Eric Larson

Why hello there! Thanks for stopping by for this week's episode of The Brian Nichols Show! As always, it's my goal to bring you guests who will educate, enlighten, and inform, and this week is no different, as we are joined by Dr. Eric Larson! Eric is a Clinical Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology at Michigan State University College of Human Medicine and host of The Paradocs Podcast, which is "a fun and lively discussion with a couple of docs on the practice of medicine". This week, Eric joins The Brian Nichols Show to discuss the biggest challenges that doctors face in the healthcare industry and what the best solution to overcome those challengers. Later, Eric gives us some insight into the life and times of one of his dear personal friends, one Congressman Justin Amash. Eric provides us some insight into what drives Congressman Amash as a person and as a liberty warrior and then concludes the episode discussing the potential Amash candidacy for POTUS as a Libertarian. Bio: Eric Larson, MD is a Clinical Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology at Michigan State University College of Human Medicine. Eric is in private practice and is board certified in anesthesiology where he specializes in ambulatory, perioperative acute pain, and general anesthesia. He works in the Grand Rapids, MI area and is married to a pediatrician with whom he has three children and one foster son (now grown and soon moved out of the house). Find Dr. Larson online: Find "The Paradocs":,, and Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/3/201954 minutes, 3 seconds
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64: Debunking Gun Control Myths with Jose Nino

Hey folks! First off, I need to apologize... This week's audio isn't up to the standards that you've come to expect from The Brian Nichols Show. For whatever reason, my computer decided to use the wrong mic setting while recording, which makes my commentary sound more tinny and distant than normal... but besides that, you're all in for a treat, as this week, I am joined by Jose Nino to discuss common gun control myths and to discuss how the US should approach the tragedy in Venezuela. Bio: In addition to authoring The 10 Myths of Gun Control, José Niño writes for, Big League Politics, Gunpowder Magazine, and the Mises Institute, some of the most pro-freedom outlets on the web. His articles have also been featured on Business Insider, Infowars, and Zero Hedge. He also appeared on the Tom Wood Show and Dana Loesch’s show Relentless. You can learn more about José Niño and receive hard-hitting political analysis and the best political strategies on his site Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/26/201935 minutes, 25 seconds
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BONUS- "Brian Nichols on Capitalism and Democratic Socialism" on Freedom Strips: Episode 11

Hey folks! Another fun "BONUS" episode in store for you this week! This episode features my appearance on Keaton Tucker's "Freedom Strips", where I explained the growing popularity of socialism in the United States, and what is causing views of Capitalism to trend downward. Keaton an I also try and answer the question; "Can this be fixed before United States fully embraces a socialist system?" Be sure to go check out Keaton's podcast! And also, make sure you tell him the Brian Nichols sent you over! Find the original episode here: Sponsored By: Butcher Box: If you're a listener of The Brian Nichols Show, then you know that I like to talk about fitness and such. Sure, I like to lift things up and put things down to get big and strong, but the reality is that lifting weights is just half of the the equation needed to see results. What you put in your body is just as important as your workout, which is why I only eat meats from ButcherBox. Now, ButcherBox isn't paying me or sponsoring me to say this, but I feel so strongly about their product that I wanted to share my experience with you. ButcherBox delivers 100% grass-fed beef, free range organic chicken and heritage breed pork directly to your door. Think of them as the neighborhood butcher for modern America. And let me tell you, their meats are PHENOMENAL. Juicy chicken breasts, tender fillet, flavorful sirloin tips... ButcherBox makes it easy for you to get the highest quality meat delivered right to your door. Right now, listeners of The Brian Nichols Show can get get 2lbs of grass-fed ground beef for FREE added in EVERY box for the LIFE! Yes, you read that right... FOR LIFE! And let me tell you, I've had ButcherBox grass-fed ground beef and is absolutely delicious. Some of the best burgers I've ever had were from when I used ButcherBox ground beef. And guess what... using my link not only gets you free meat, but gets me free meat as well! It's a win-win! All you have to do is click the link or mail me at to take advantage of this amazing deal! Great meats. 2lbs of grass-fed ground beef FREE FOR LIFE. Delivered right to your door. Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/19/201956 minutes, 38 seconds
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63: The Separation of School and State with

Not gonna lie... I hated math when growing up. It was always the least favorite class that I took during school. And truth be told, I'm sure there are hundreds, if not thousands of you out there who felt the exact same way. JW Weatherman noticed that as well, and found that the main problem is that students aren't actually "doing math", but rather learning how to essentially fill out forms in the way they were instructed. It was that realization that led to Weatherman creating is a fun, engaging way for both kids AND adults to learn math by learning how to code. To get started you don't need to know how to read or add, but before you're finished you'll know how to calculate derivatives. Say what??? Programming is simple. In fact, Mathbot only has four commands (step forward, turn right, pickup, and put down) so you'll be crushing problems in under 3 minutes. By using a robot to do all the work, you get all the joy of problem solving without any annoying or repetitive tasks. And since you are able to focus on the big picture, you'll learn faster too! Give today's episode a listen and and please be sure to share with your family and friends who, like me, hated math as a kid. Find Mathbot: Find JW: Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/12/201937 minutes, 44 seconds
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62: The Persecution of Schaeffer Cox

Hey folks! Thanks for joining me again today on The Brian Nichols Show! Today's episode is an important one, as I am joined by Angela Clemons and Jordan Page to discuss The Persecution of Schaeffer Cox. Schaeffer Cox, a well known 2nd Amendment lobbyist who had won 38% of the vote in a State House election, became the subject of an intense FBI investigation after he angered State and Federal authorities by openly accusing them of drug trafficking and child prostitution. Listen as Angela and Jordan outline the timeline of events that have led to Schaeffer sitting in prison for crimes he did not commit and what you can do to help raise awareness to Schaeffer's plight. How to Help Schaeffer Cox- Website: The Persecution of Schaeffer Cox Song: & Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/5/201935 minutes, 2 seconds
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61: Defending the Second Amendment- Atlas Arms and the Dagny Dagger with Austin Jones

Welcome back to The Brian Nichols Show! I hope you all enjoyed last week's episode with Nick Gillespie. If you're new to The Brian Nichols Show, be sure to check out last week's episode along with the other 60+ episodes available for your listening pleasure! This week, I am joined by Austin Jones! Austin is the co-founder of Atlas Arms, a nonprofit research corporation focused on helping to empower the individual in terms of defending their life, liberty, and property. Atlas Arms' first concept in development is the Dagny Dagger project, which will develop a new type of legally-unrestricted handgun ammunition which is able to penetrate all soft armor and some rifle-rated hard armor, thus allowing citizens the first legal access to armor-penetrating ammunition since 1986. Listen as Austin speaks to the founding of Atlas Arms and the Dagny Dagger project, discuss the importance of an armed populace, and how you can help in supporting Atlas Arms and their pro-Second Amendment mission. Find Atlas Arms and the Dagny Dagger Project: Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/29/201940 minutes
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59: Libertarian Solutions to State Problems- with Kevin Warmhold

Howdy! Welcome back to The Brian Nichols Show! And for you newbies... Welcome to our happy little family of liberty-loving folk! Today I'm joined by Kevin Warmhold! Kevin is the Communications Director for the Nassau County Libertarian Party in New York State. Today, Kevin helps present the Libertarian answers and solutions to the many problems that Nassau County, New York State, and frankly, most of the United States, are currently facing. Listen as we discuss marijuana legalization, education reform, ending minimum wage hikes, and more! Learn more about the Nassau County Libertarian Party: Sponsored By: Butcher Box: If you're a listener of The Brian Nichols Show, then you know that I like to talk about fitness and such. Sure, I like to lift things up and put things down to get big and strong, but the reality is that lifting weights is just half of the the equation needed to see results. What you put in your body is just as important as your workout, which is why I only eat meats from ButcherBox. Now, ButcherBox isn't paying me or sponsoring me to say this, but I feel so strongly about their product that I wanted to share my experience with you. ButcherBox delivers 100% grass-fed beef, free range organic chicken and heritage breed pork directly to your door. Think of them as the neighborhood butcher for modern America. And let me tell you, their meats are PHENOMENAL. Juicy chicken breasts, tender fillet, flavorful sirloin tips... ButcherBox makes it easy for you to get the highest quality meat delivered right to your door. Right now, listeners of The Brian Nichols Show can get get 2lbs of grass-fed ground beef for FREE added in EVERY box for the LIFE! Yes, you read that right... FOR LIFE! And let me tell you, I've had ButcherBox grass-fed ground beef and is absolutely delicious. Some of the best burgers I've ever had were from when I used ButcherBox ground beef. And guess what... using my link not only gets you free meat, but gets me free meat as well! It's a win-win! All you have to do is click the link or mail me at to take advantage of this amazing deal! Great meats. 2lbs of grass-fed ground beef FREE FOR LIFE. Delivered right to your door. Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/15/201934 minutes, 57 seconds
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57: Ask a Democratic Socialist with Keith Rubino

Boy oh boy are you in store for a fiery (yet fun) conversation. Today I am joined by friend of the show (and former New York State Assembly Candidate) Keith Rubino! Now, I'm sure most of you will remember when Keith joined us last year to discuss his candidacy as a self-proclaimed "democratic socialist". Keith came on the show knowing full well that this was a libertarian podcast with a libertarian audience. But that didn't deter him in the slightest. Keith came on the show, took the tough questions, and gave the audience and genuine look into the mind of our political foils. Keith's last episode went over so well, from both libertarians AND democratic socialists alike, that I wanted to have him on once again to have an "Ask the Democratic Socialist" segment where my audience could submit questions that they have regarding democratic socialism for Keith. And my goodness, you guys sent me TONS of questions for Keith. Now, I didn't get the chance to ask all of your questions, and frankly, there were quite a few questions I had to weed out ("How does one advocate for theft so openly?" was one of my personal favorites), but never fear, this is likely to be "PART 1" of my "Ask a Democratic Socialist" series with Keith. Keith and I had a lively, at times fiery, but overall fun conversation. I feel that you will walk away from this episode, much like Keith and I did, feeling that you understand where the other side comes from more clearly. Definitely an episode that educates, enlightens, and informs! SHOW NOTES Find my first episode with Keith here: Find Keith Online: Facebook- Patreon- Sponsored By: Butcher Box: If you're a listener of The Brian Nichols Show, then you know that I like to talk about fitness and such. Sure, I like to lift things up and put things down to get big and strong, but the reality is that lifting weights is just half of the the equation needed to see results. What you put in your body is just as important as your workout, which is why I only eat meats from ButcherBox. Now, ButcherBox isn't paying me or sponsoring me to say this, but I feel so strongly about their product that I wanted to share my experience with you. ButcherBox delivers 100% grass-fed beef, free range organic chicken and heritage breed pork directly to your door. Think of them as the neighborhood butcher for modern America. And let me tell you, their meats are PHENOMENAL. Juicy chicken breasts, tender fillet, flavorful sirloin tips... ButcherBox makes it easy for you to get the highest quality meat delivered right to your door. Right now, listeners of The Brian Nichols Show can get get 2lbs of grass-fed ground beef for FREE added in EVERY box for the LIFE! Yes, you read that right... FOR LIFE! And let me tell you, I've had ButcherBox grass-fed ground beef and is absolutely delicious. Some of the best burgers I've ever had were from when I used ButcherBox ground beef. And guess what... using my link not only gets you free meat, but gets me free meat as well! It's a win-win! All you have to do is click the link or mail me at to take advantage of this amazing deal! Great meats. 2lbs of grass-fed ground beef FREE FOR LIFE. Delivered right to your door. Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/1/20191 hour, 15 minutes, 40 seconds
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BONUS- "Brian Nichols on Politics and Podcasting" on MilLiberty: Episode 113

Hey folks! Time for another bonus episode! Unfortunately, I too was taken down by the flu this month, putting me out of commission for the week. But have no fear, you're still in store for a fun-filled episode! This week's show is my appearance on our good friend Caleb Franz's podcast: MilLiberty. Listen in as we discuss anything and everything, from politics to podcasting! P.S.- You guys ROCK. You feedback from our last two episodes (Lily Tang Williams and Hillary Andaluz Aguilar) have been our most listened to and most shared episodes to date. Please keep sharing these episodes with family and friends to remind people that what "true socialism" and "true communism" look like. Show Notes: Find the original episode of my conversation with Caleb- Recent Episodes: The Tragedy in Venezuela- #SocialismKills! With Lily Tang Williams- Sponsored By: Butcher Box: If you're a listener of The Brian Nichols Show, then you know that I like to talk about fitness and such. Sure, I like to lift things up and put things down to get big and strong, but the reality is that lifting weights is just half of the the equation needed to see results. What you put in your body is just as important as your workout, which is why I only eat meats from ButcherBox. Now, ButcherBox isn't paying me or sponsoring me to say this, but I feel so strongly about their product that I wanted to share my experience with you. ButcherBox delivers 100% grass-fed beef, free range organic chicken and heritage breed pork directly to your door. Think of them as the neighborhood butcher for modern America. And let me tell you, their meats are PHENOMENAL. Juicy chicken breasts, tender fillet, flavorful sirloin tips... ButcherBox makes it easy for you to get the highest quality meat delivered right to your door. Right now, listeners of The Brian Nichols Show can get get 2lbs of grass-fed ground beef for FREE added in EVERY box for the LIFE! Yes, you read that right... FOR LIFE! And let me tell you, I've had ButcherBox grass-fed ground beef and is absolutely delicious. Some of the best burgers I've ever had were from when I used ButcherBox ground beef. And guess what... using my link not only gets you free meat, but gets me free meat as well! It's a win-win! All you have to do is click the link or mail me at to take advantage of this amazing deal! Great meats. 2lbs of grass-fed ground beef FREE FOR LIFE. Delivered right to your door. Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/22/20191 hour, 11 minutes, 40 seconds
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56: The Tragedy in Venezuela- with Hillary Andaluz Aguilar

Last week, we were joined by Lily Tang Williams, as she discussed her growing up under Mao's Communist China years and years ago... Today, we are joined by Hillary Andaluz Aguilar, who grew up in Venezuela through both the Socialist Chavez and Maduro regimes. With the Tragedy of Venezuela taking place right before our eyes, Hillary gives personal insight into what built up to the horrible conditions witnessed in Venezuela today. Listen as Hillary explains how Chavez and the concepts of socialism took control of Venezuela through the use of divisiveness, cause by building resentment between the differing wage classes. Later, Hillary discusses the deteriorating of the Venezuelan economy caused by the socialist policies of Chavez, the death of Chavez, and the new rule under Maduro. Finally, we conclude by discussing what those in favor of socialism today should learn from the failed socialist policies in Venezuela so that we never fall in the same way as Venezuela has. Again, I don't ask this often, but if you could please share today's episode with your family and friends, especially those in need of hearing the truth as to what socialism has done to Venezuela, that would be absolutely incredible. And finally, don't forget, hit me up on Patreon to get a bunch of bonus content! *Show Notes- * Help Venezuela: Find Hillary Online: Instagram: Facebook: Sponsored By: Butcher Box: If you're a listener of The Brian Nichols Show, then you know that I like to talk about fitness and such. Sure, I like to lift things up and put things down to get big and strong, but the reality is that lifting weights is just half of the the equation needed to see results. What you put in your body is just as important as your workout, which is why I only eat meats from ButcherBox. Now, ButcherBox isn't paying me or sponsoring me to say this, but I feel so strongly about their product that I wanted to share my experience with you. ButcherBox delivers 100% grass-fed beef, free range organic chicken and heritage breed pork directly to your door. Think of them as the neighborhood butcher for modern America. And let me tell you, their meats are PHENOMENAL. Juicy chicken breasts, tender fillet, flavorful sirloin tips... ButcherBox makes it easy for you to get the highest quality meat delivered right to your door. Right now, listeners of The Brian Nichols Show can get get 2lbs of grass-fed ground beef for FREE added in EVERY box for the LIFE! Yes, you read that right... FOR LIFE! And let me tell you, I've had ButcherBox grass-fed ground beef and is absolutely delicious. Some of the best burgers I've ever had were from when I used ButcherBox ground beef. And guess what... using my link not only gets you free meat, but gets me free meat as well! It's a win-win! All you have to do is click the link or mail me at to take advantage of this amazing deal! Great meats. 2lbs of grass-fed ground beef FREE FOR LIFE. Delivered right to your door. Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/15/201946 minutes, 20 seconds
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Patreon Bonus Episode: Traffic Tuesdays- Bill Weld Leaves the LP for the GOP

This is the first of Patreon-only shows: Traffic Tuesdays! For the first episode of Traffic Tuesdays, I'm driving home from the gym and discussing Bill Weld leaving the Libertarian Party to join the Republican Party, libertarian purity tests, and more! If you enjoyed today's episode, swing over to my Patreon and become a patron. For just the cost of a cup of coffee per month ($5!), you can get access to all of my special bonus content over on Patreon, including Traffic Tuesdays, exclusive giveaways, and more! Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/6/201915 minutes, 19 seconds
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BONUS- Brian Nichols on the New Congress and the Presidential Field in 2020 from The Wrighters Block

This episode originally aired on The Muddied Waters of Freedom's podcast, "The Wrighters Block" "Brian Nichols from the Brian Nichols Show and the Libertarian Republic joins Matt to talk about the new Congress and the Presidential field in 2020." Matt Wright Bio: Matt wright is the former vice chair of the Libertarian Party of Pinellas county. He has worked on numerous statewide campaigns for libertarian candidates, and continues to be an avid activist. He is a published fiction author, and continues working to help further the liberty movement through activism, his writing, and this podcast. The Muddied Waters of Freedom: Matt Wright and Mohammed Shaker had seen each other on social media for a while before finally meeting each other at Low Tide Kava Bar in Gulfport in the summer of 2015. They began hanging out on a regular basis talking about politics, religion and life in general. After months of them getting to know each other Mohammed asked if Matt would be interested in doing a podcast together. After a few more months of talking about it they decided to take the plunge, and sat down at Matt’s house and recorded their first episode which was met with very little critical acclaim. They were able to borrow a microphone from a friend in order to approve on the sound of the episodes and slowly they approved the quality of their episodes. After running a contest on Facebook in order to help name the show Matt and Mo decided on the name “The Muddied Waters of Freedom” in an allusion to the kava they drink during their show, along with the murky waters of politics and the effects it has on each and every persons’ personal freedoms. The Muddied Waters of Freedom is becoming a steadfast in the Liberty Movement having been mentioned on other podcasts, such as MilLiberty with Caleb Franz, and Across the Aisle with Zak, Adam and Kaison, and received recognition from Eric July from the Backwordz. Matt and Mohammed continue to put out episodes touching on the current events of the week, hoping to educate their listeners on what is happening, how our personal freedoms are being infringed upon, and what we can do to change the path our country is currently on. Sponsored By: Butcher Box: If you're a listener of The Brian Nichols Show, then you know that I like to talk about fitness and such. Sure, I like to lift things up and put things down to get big and strong, but the reality is that lifting weights is just half of the the equation needed to see results. What you put in your body is just as important as your workout, which is why I only eat meats from ButcherBox. Now, ButcherBox isn't paying me or sponsoring me to say this, but I feel so strongly about their product that I wanted to share my experience with you. ButcherBox delivers 100% grass-fed beef, free range organic chicken and heritage breed pork directly to your door. Think of them as the neighborhood butcher for modern America. And let me tell you, their meats are PHENOMENAL. Juicy chicken breasts, tender fillet, flavorful sirloin tips... ButcherBox makes it easy for you to get the highest quality meat delivered right to your door. Right now, listeners of The Brian Nichols Show can get get 2lbs of grass-fed ground beef for FREE added in EVERY box for the LIFE! Yes, you read that right... FOR LIFE! And let me tell you, I've had ButcherBox grass-fed ground beef and is absolutely delicious. Some of the best burgers I've ever had were from when I used ButcherBox ground beef. And guess what... using my link not only gets you free meat, but gets me free meat as well! It's a win-win! All you have to do is click the link or mail me at to take advantage of this amazing deal! Great meats. 2lbs of grass-fed ground beef FREE FOR LIFE. Delivered right to your door. Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/1/20191 hour, 3 minutes, 7 seconds
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54: The Launch Pad Media with Johnny Rocket

I hope you all are strapped in, 'cause we're about to Blast Off with Johnny Rocket! Yes, you read that right! Today I'm joined by Johnny "Rocket" Adams from The Launch Pad Media! Johnny is one of the most familiar voices within the greater libertarian movement, as he is the host of the show, "Blast Off with Johnny Rocket". Today, Johnny joins me to discuss his latest venture... a complete re-branding and re-launching (pun intended) of his media empire: The Launch Pad Media. Listen as Johnny discusses his venture to becoming a libertarian, starting from his days as a helicopter pilot in the U.S. Army to his deep-dive into libertarianism to his building his media empire today. Bio: JOHNNY "ROCKET" ADAMS Johnny “Rocket” Adams is the creator and host of “The Johnny Rocket Launch Pad – Libertarian Rock n’ Roll Experience” and now “BLAST OFF!” He’s also a musician, graphic artist, author, and former Chief Warrant Officer. Johnny spent his early days earning his stripes as a helicopter pilot in the U.S. Army. Back stateside, Johnny immersed himself in the classic works of Murray Rothbard, Henry Hazlitt, and Ludwig von Mises. From there the AnCap known as “Johnny Rocket” was born. Speaking truth to power from your cell phone tower, Johnny digests the philosophy of liberty and brings them to the man on the street on a weekly basis. Johnny Rocket was also the front-man of the rockabilly group “Hot Roddin’ Romeos” and puts pencil to paper with the critically acclaimed comic series “The Liberty Force.” New York Times best-selling author and podcast host Tom Woods calls Johnny Rocket “one of the most entertaining figures in the liberty movement.” Links: The Launch Pad Media- Blast Off with Johnny Rocket- Facebook- Twitter: Want to win a "Don't Hurt People, Don't Take People's Stuff" bumper sticker? Take The Brian Nichols Show Audience Survey and get entered in a chance to win! Sponsored By: Butcher Box: If you're a listener of The Brian Nichols Show, then you know that I like to talk about fitness and such. Sure, I like to lift things up and put things down to get big and strong, but the reality is that lifting weights is just half of the the equation needed to see results. What you put in your body is just as important as your workout, which is why I only eat meats from ButcherBox. Now, ButcherBox isn't paying me or sponsoring me to say this, but I feel so strongly about their product that I wanted to share my experience with you. ButcherBox delivers 100% grass-fed beef, free range organic chicken and heritage breed pork directly to your door. Think of them as the neighborhood butcher for modern America. And let me tell you, their meats are PHENOMENAL. Juicy chicken breasts, tender fillet, flavorful sirloin tips... ButcherBox makes it easy for you to get the highest quality meat delivered right to your door. Right now, listeners of The Brian Nichols Show can get get 2lbs of grass-fed ground beef for FREE added in EVERY box for the LIFE! Yes, you read that right... FOR LIFE! And let me tell you, I've had ButcherBox grass-fed ground beef and is absolutely delicious. Some of the best burgers I've ever had were from when I used ButcherBox ground beef. And guess what... using my link not only gets you free meat, but gets me free meat as well! It's a win-win! All you have to do is click the link or mail me at to take advantage of this amazing deal! Great meats. 2lbs of grass-fed ground beef FREE FOR LIFE. Delivered right to your door. Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/25/201946 minutes, 25 seconds
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53: From Incarceration to Reintegration: The Reintegration Project with Caleb Franz

On today's episode of The Brian Nichols Show, we are joined by a friend of the show, Caleb Franz! Caleb appeared on The Brian Nichols Show back in the Summer of 2018 to discuss his new venture, The MiLiberty Initiative. The MiLiberty Initiative's first project is an amazing project that Caleb is here to discuss: The Reintegration Project. Listen as Caleb explains The Reintegration Project and how it uses a market-based approach in helping non-violent ex-offenders find careers where their past convictions is of no concern to business owners. With a voluntary pledge, business owners vow to ignore the records of ex-offenders and only judge them on their job performance. Later, Caleb explains in detail as to how and ex-offender comes to learn about businesses that are Reintegration Project businesses, how a business owner become a Reintegration Project business, and the way The Reintegration Project helps show that libertarians are putting their money where their mouths are. Find TBNS "MiLiberty Initiative" episode from August 2018: Follow Caleb on Twitter: @CalebFranz & @MilLiberty Follow Caleb's non-profit : Find The MiLiberty Initiative online: Learn More About The Reintegration Project: Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/18/201954 minutes, 8 seconds
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52: 2020 Libertarian Presidential Candidate Kim Ruff

On today's episode of The Brian Nichols Show, I am joined by 2020 Libertarian Presidential candidate, Kim Ruff! And what and episode it was! Listen as Kim gives her perspective as to what went wrong for Libertarians in 2016 (and how they can do better in 2020). Next, I ask Kim some questions she would see as the Libertarian nominee on the debate stage, such as the libertarian perspective on foreign policy, the inevitable "What is a libertarian?" question, and what her closing pitch to voters would be during her closing statement. If you're interested in learning more about her campaign, find her campaign online at Bio: Ms. Ruff is a graduate of Arizona State University with dual baccalaureates in Political Science and Communications. She is the Operations Director at a Plastic and Metal Fabrication Plant that serves the high purity industries. She is also a mother of two beautiful children, aged four and five. She is a former Air Force wife and lived in both Arkansas and New York. She founded the Niagara County Libertarian Party and participated in 2016 as a delegate for the state of New York at the LP National Convention. In 2018, Ms. Ruff served on the Bylaws Committee, and is the Vice Chair of the Libertarian Party Radical Caucus. Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/11/201950 minutes, 34 seconds
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51: The Ridiculousness of Identity Politics with Brad Polumbo

Welcome back, ya beautiful people! I hope you had a fun and relaxing holiday break with you family and friends as we wrapped up 2018. But alas, here we are, kicking off 2019 the right way... with yet another phenomenal guest on The Brian Nichols Show! To kick off 2019, I am joined by the Editor at Young Voices and contributor to National Review, The Federalist, and the Washington Examiner, Brad Polumbo! Brad focuses on a number of issues in his commentaries, but particularly focuses on civil liberties, LGBT issues, and higher education. For today's episode, we start off discussing the divide between those within the LGBT movement and the political ideologies of conservatism and libertarianism. As an openly gay conservative/libertarian, I ask Brad to share his experience within the larger conservative/libertarian communities, his interactions with social conservatives, and the manner in which he and other gay conservatives/libertarians are treated by the greater LGBT movement. Later, Brad gives his advice to libertarians as to how and better win over members of the LGBT community and dissects the ridiculousness that is identity politics. Follow Brad on Twitter: See Brad's Portfolio: Read Brad's Article, "I'm a gay conservative and I refuse to 'shut the f--k up,' Deadspin": Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/4/201929 minutes, 36 seconds
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BONUS- The Weekly Standard is Dead So Who is Next on The Remso Martinez Experience

This special BONUS EPISODE of The Brian Nichols Show concludes the 2018 season! Listen as I joined friend of the show, Remso Martinez, on his program- The Resmo Martinez Experience. (Found originally from Remso and the boys are here with you today to pour one out for our war-loving homies at The Weekly Standard. During The Weekly Standard’s 23 years of life, it became really good friends with George W. Bush and was eventually beaten into a coma after the 2016 election. The guys discuss who will be the next publication to die, what this means for the future of Rand Paul, why middle America hates eggheads, and what the future of legacy media may look like. Episode notes: Click hear to listen about that time Remso predicted the future (seriously, crazy stuff became true) More from Brian Nichols -Subscribe to the Brian Nichols Show at the platform of your choice, see his website for more details. -You can make a one-time donation to support new media at via PayPal and on Facebook/Twitter/Patreon by following the handle @BNicholsLiberty More from Matt Wright -Purchase a copy of Matt’s newest book “Can You Keep a Secret?” On Amazon today. -Check out all the shows at Muddied Waters of Freedom on Facebook and their website. Sponsors: –Champion Pundit Academy –Stay Away From the Libertarians! Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/31/201857 minutes, 27 seconds
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50: The Green New Deal, Climate Change, and Skeptics Stance with Max Gulker

Wow! What a year! This will be the final episode of The Brian Nichols Show for 2018! But don't you worry, I have a special episode in store for you next week from my appearance on a different podcast... a podcast hosted by a dear friend of The Brian Nichols Show. To wrap up the 2018 season of The Brian Nichols Show, I am joined by Max Gulker from the American Institute for Economic Research! Max is an economist over AIER and has holds a PhD in economics from Stanford University and a BA in economics from the University of Michigan. Prior to AIER, Max spent time in the private sector, consulting with large technology and financial firms on antitrust and other litigation. Max joins The Brian Nichols Show to discuss one of his latest pieces from AIER- "The Inconvenient Truth About the Green New Deal". With the rise of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her promoting of the "Green New Deal", Max took an economist's look at the topic to see the true economic consequences of passing a "Green New Deal" versus letting the market decide what the best solution would be. We also take some time to discuss Max's background, as he came to libertarianism from the left-side of the political isle. With that, I hope you enjoy this week's episode! It has been an absolute pleasure sharing these 50 episodes with you during 2018. I cannot wait to kick things off strong in 2019! Have a safe and happy holiday with you friends, family, and loved ones. Max's Bio: Max Gulker is an economist and writer who joined AIER in 2015. His research often focuses on free markets and technology, including blockchain and cryptocurrencies, the sharing economy, and internet commerce. He is a frequent speaker at industry conferences, especially on blockchain technology. Max’s research and writing also touch on other economic topics, including governance, competition, and small businesses. Max holds a PhD in economics from Stanford University and a BA in economics from the University of Michigan. Prior to AIER, Max spent time in the private sector, consulting with large technology and financial firms on antitrust and other litigation. *Find Max Online- * Email: Website: Twitter: @maxgAIER Link to Max's Article Discussed on this Week's Show- The Inconvenient Truth About the Green New Deal: (Here's some additional articles from Max!)- The Dangerous Fantasy of a ‘Jobs Guarantee’: Over Half of Millennials Identify as Socialist. Here’s How to Change Their Minds: Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/21/201849 minutes, 20 seconds
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49: Stop Making Fun of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the Fourth Branch of Government with John Chang

Today I am joined by a familiar voice of The Brian Nichols Show, John Chang from Otters Talking Politics! You likely recognize John's voice from the intro of The Brian Nichols Show, but John also hosts a phenomenal libertarian podcast called Otters Talking Politics. I had the pleasure of joining John on his show back in the summer, and it was my pleasure to have John join The Brian Nichols Show to discuss some stuff he has been working on behind the scenes. Listen as John and I discuss his path to libertarianism (surprisingly, John started on the political left!), his fantastic article entitled "The Fourth Branch of Government", and then as we conclude by discussing my viral article from the beginning of the month over at The Libertarian Republic; "Stop Making Fun of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez!". And yes, to the last topic... it helps if you read past the headline! Find John Online: Find John on Twitter: Find John on Facebook: If you're looking for some light reading, check out my article at The Libertarian Republic: Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/14/201849 minutes, 54 seconds
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48: Winning Converts, Not Arguments with Marc Clair

Ya'll ready to ROAR? I certainly hope so, because this week I am joined by the one and only Marc Clair from Lions of Liberty! For those of you involved in the greater liberty movement, Marc is a familiar voice. Marc is the "Editor-in-Chief" of Lions of Liberty, which is one of the leading podcasts within the libertarian movement. Today, Marc joins The Brian Nichols Show to discuss his libertarian roots, the founding of his Lions of Liberty empire, the value of podcasting as a means to influence others, and the importance of winning converts versus winning arguments. Bio: Marc Clair is An ardent believer in libertarian ideals for over a decade, Marc decided to thrust himself into writing for the cause after becoming inspired by the Presidential campaigns of Ron Paul. In 2011, he helped to co-found the Lions Of Liberty with several like-minded friends from their college days at Penn State nearly a decade earlier. When he’s not serving as editor-in-chief of Lions Of Liberty and host and producer of the Lions of Liberty Podcast, he is busy with a freelance career in television and running a karaoke business in Los Angeles, CA. Marc is also a contributing writer for sports and pop culture website Place to be Nation. Find Marc Online- Twitter: @MarcDClair Find Lions of Liberty Online- Website: Twitter: @LionsofLiberty Facebook: Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/7/201839 minutes, 11 seconds
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47: Libertarians in the Armed Services and Ignorance in Politics with Michael Autery

Alrighty, folks... we're back to our normal scheduling post-Thanksgiving! I hope you all enjoyed our Throwback/Flashback episodes during the break. My first guest after the break is Michael Autery! Michael is a Lieutenant in the United States Naval officer and the host of the podcast "Unalienable", which is all about the Constitution, what it means, and how it applies to current issues. In Michael's own words- "I swore to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic, and I think of my podcast as an extension of that oath." Today's episode focuses on the sometimes confusing relationship between libertarianism, our United States' foreign policy, and those members of our armed forces. Michael and I dig into these topics, discussing why members of the military tend to support those libertarian-leaning candidates (such as Ron and Rand Paul), why some service members turn towards the GOP post-service rather than the LP, and how libertarians can be more effective in recruiting these service members into our ranks. We then conclude today's episode with a discussion on the ignorance of the average voter and what we should do to address the very real problem that an ignorant voter-base does to our democratic-republic system of government. Bio: Michael is a United States Naval officer (Lieutenant Junior Grade), becoming an officer in the spring of 2015. He is also the host of the podcast "Unalienable". Before the Naval Academy, he was an enlisted sailor (Petty Officer 3rd Class), serving a total of 9 years in the Navy (the last 4 as an officer). Michael is also an amateur bodybuilder. He has competed once before, and would like to compete again in the spring. He also hope to one day run for Congress upon his leaving the Navy. He has a total of two podcasts. He started "Unalienable" in April of 2018 and started "Philosophication with Ginger and the Beard" with his friend in August of 2018. Find Michael online- Unalienable Podcast: Philosophication with Ginger and the Beard: Twitter: Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/30/201843 minutes, 35 seconds
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Flashback Friday: A Discussion on Trumpism with Mediaite's John Ziegler

On today’s special "Flashback Friday" episode of The Brian Nichols Show, we swing back to the summer of 2017, back when I hosted the "Around the Republic Podcast" on Austin Petersen's "The Libertarian Republic" network. During the summer of 2017, I had an interview series that was essentially the precursor to my current show here on the We Are Libertarians Network that you all know and love today. Listen as I was joined by renowned radio personality and Mediate contributor John Ziegler to discuss bias in the media, “Trumpism,” and shared conservative and libertarian principles in the Age of Trump. Bio: John Ziegler is a radio program host, documentary film writer/director, and journalist. Ziegler's most prominent work in radio has been as the evening host of a radio talk show called The John Ziegler Show on KFI AM 640 in Los Angeles, California. He is currently a Mediaite Columnist, Talk Show Host (2-time Talkers Magazine Top 100), Filmmaker, and guest on several television shows. Follow John on Twitter: Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/23/201835 minutes, 40 seconds
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Throwback Thursday: A Conversation with Young Americans for Liberty's Cliff Maloney Jr.

On today's #TBT episode, we swing back to the summer of 2017, back when I hosted the "Around the Republic Podcast" on Austin Petersen's "The Libertarian Republic" network. During the summer of 2017, I had an interview series that was essentially the precursor to my current show here on the We Are Libertarians Network that you all know and love today. This #TBT episode has me chatting with Young Americans for Liberty's Cliff Maloney Jr. Cliff is the President of Young Americans for Liberty (YAL), a non-profit youth organization based in Arlington, VA that boasts over 900 college chapters across the country. YAL’s mission is to identify, educate, train, and mobilize youth activists committed to winning on principle. Listen as Cliff and I discuss his intro to the liberty movement, Young Americans for Liberty (YAL), and the "future" plans for YAL circa 2017. Bio: Before YAL, Cliff served as National Youth Director for the Rand Paul Presidential Campaign and built an apparatus of 507 “Students for Rand” chapters. He has built field programs for over 22 campaigns, including dog-catcher, state legislature, congress, senate, and presidential. Cliff has appeared on FOX Business and Reason TV. He has been published in TIME, The Hill, Huffington Post, and the Washington Examiner. Cliff enjoys empowering freedom activists to find the most productive ways to advance the principles of liberty. Follow Cliff on Twitter: @LibertyCliff Find YAL Online: Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/15/201837 minutes, 34 seconds
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46: Midterm Election Results and Ending the Duopoly with The Red-Headed Libertarian

In one of the highest turnouts for the midterm elections since 1966, both the GOP and the Democratic Parties "won" in some way, shape, or form. However, the Libertarian Party, despite optimistic hopes lead by candidates like Gary Johnson and Larry Sharpe, fell flat. Today, I'm joined by Twitter personality, Josie (aka: The Red-Headed Libertarian). Together, we discuss the 2018 midterm election results, discuss what it means to be a libertarian in 2018, and what libertarians can/should do differently to have real electoral victories down the road. Bio: Josie “The Red-Headed Libertarian” (@TRHLofficial) is a mother of 3 daughters and wife, who runs a small Neuromuscular Therapy practice in MA. She started tweeting on December 9, 2017 as an outlet for her politics, from a state that isn’t very receptive to liberty. Josie has since built a following of 17,000 people over the course of those 10 months and 28 days. She is an award winning pie baker and chili maker. She dabbles in the Boston film and television market once scored the role as Murderer/Millionaire John DuPont’s wife in an ID Discovery docuseries called “Guilty Rich”. Josie loves animals, chocolate, and Disney World. She is a professional artist. Follow Josie on Twitter: Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/9/201842 minutes
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45: Occupational Licensing with Shoshana Weissmann

Today I am joined by Shoshana Weissmann! Shoshana is the digital media manager with the R Street Institute, where she manages the institute’s social media and email marketing, in addition to contributing graphics and video skills. She is also a policy fellow, working on occupational licensing reform and other issues, and writes in various publications, including The Wall Street Journal and USA Today. Today, we discuss of variety of topics as they relate to occupational licensing and commercial freedom. Listen as we discuss Shoshana's work with occupational licensing reform, permits, state regulations vs. federal regulations, evidence-based policy making, alternatives to government regulations, and more! Bio: Shoshana joined R Street in June 2017, having most recently managed digital communications for Opportunity Lives, a group that highlighted positive stories and policy solutions. Before that, she managed social media and wrote for The Weekly Standard. Earlier in her career, she managed digital communications for America Rising PAC, where her strategy was highlighted in a piece that appeared in The New York Times. Shoshana has been featured in MavPAC’s “Future 40” list in 2018, Red Alert Politics’ “30 Under 30” list in 2013, and, in 2012, was the youngest person on the District of Columbia Republican Committee’s “35 Under 35” list. She lives in Washington and has a stuffed sloth named Grover G. Norsloth. Find Shoshana Online: Follow Shoshana on Social Media- Twitter: Instagram: Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/2/201847 minutes, 59 seconds
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43: America's Future Foundation, the Opioid Epidemic, and Free Market Solutions for Healthcare with Chloe Anagnos

Today I am joined by a familiar face (or voice, rather) or the We Are Libertarians Network- Chloe Anagnos! Chloe is a writer and digital marketer and has been a contributor for the American Institute for Economic Research (AIER) since 2017. Her work has been the subject of articles in FOX News, The Foundation for Economic Education (FEE), USA Today, CNN Money, and WIRED. She has been a writer, commentator, and panelist for media outlets around the country on subjects like political marketing, campaigning, and social media. She is also the Chapter Leader for AFF-Indianapolis. Chloe and I start our conversation today discussing our roles in AFF (America's Future Foundation) in both Indianapolis and Philadelphia, respectively. AFF is a professional development network for individuals who believe in the power of personal liberty, entrepreneurship, and innovation, channeled through free-markets, to promote positive social change. AFF events bring together like-minded advocates in with each respective community to network, learn from each other, discuss key issues, and ultimately collaborate to improve themselves and the city as a whole. Both Indy and Philly AFF-chapters held seminars in recent months discussing the impacts of the opioid epidemic and the free-market solutions that are available to help mitigate the situation. Chloe and I discuss these AFF events at length, which then leads us to a more generic discussion about healthcare and the free-market solutions that are out there to help "fix" our broken healthcare system. Find Chloe on social media- Twitter: Facebook: Learn more about the America's Future Foundation- Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/26/201847 minutes, 11 seconds
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42: Making Liberty Relatable with Matt Kibbe

Liberty Memes, Censorship, and Elections, Oh My! On today's episode, I'm joined by Matt Kibbe! Kibbe is the President and Chief Community Organizer at Free the People, an educational organization turning the next generation on to the values of liberty. He is also an Executive Producer at CRTV, where he produces “The Deadly Isms" and "Kibbe on Liberty". Listen as we first start off discussing Matt's first steps into libertarianism via the band Rush and their "2112" album, which pointed Matt towards the readings of Ayn Rand. Next, we discuss the recent censorship on Facebook of popular libertarian page, "Liberty Memes" and what libertarians should do in response. Next, we discuss Matt's organization, "Free the People", which is an educational organization turning the next generation on to the values of liberty by reaching those “liberty curious” through social media, video, and storytelling. After that, we discuss how libertarians should vote in the 2018 midterms, strategic voting, and the "lesser of two evils" argument. We also touch on two strong Libertarian campaigns in Gary Johnson for U.S. Senate in New Mexico and Larry Sharpe for Governor in New York. We start to conclude our conversation by discussing potential outcomes in the 2018 midterms, as well as how our nation will look after 2020 and 2024. And finally, we wrap up our discussion by looking at Matt's book, " Don’t Hurt People and Don’t Take Their Stuff: A Libertarian Manifesto." Matt's Bio: Matt Kibbe is the President and Chief Community Organizer at Free the People, an educational organization turning the next generation on to the values of liberty. We reach the “liberty curious” through social media, video, and storytelling. Kibbe is also an Executive Producer at CRTV, where he produces “The Deadly Isms,” a documentary series about the dangers of all flavors of authoritarianism. He is the Co-Founder and Partner at Fight the Power Productions, a strategic communications firm focused on video production, social media branding, and compelling storytelling. He is also a Distinguished Senior Fellow at the Austrian Economics Center in Vienna. In 2004 Kibbe founded FreedomWorks, where he served as President for 11 years. Steve Forbes said, “Kibbe has been to FreedomWorks what Steve Jobs was to Apple.” Against his better judgment, Kibbe occasionally gets involved in politics, serving as Senior Advisor to a Rand Paul SuperPAC, and creating AlternativePAC to support liberty candidates. Back when Yoda was a teenager, Kibbe worked as Chief of Staff on Capitol Hill, as Budget Director for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and at the Republican National Committee. Dubbed “The Scribe” by the New York Daily News, Kibbe is most recently author of the #2 New York Times bestseller, Don’t Hurt People and Don’t Take Their Stuff: A Libertarian Manifesto. In his spare time he appears on Old Media, including FOX News, MSNBC, CNN and HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher. Most of his best material is lifted from his three liberty-minded cats, Roark, Ragnar, and Rearden. Find Matt Online- Website: Facebook: Twitter: Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/23/201841 minutes, 11 seconds
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41: Recapping the Past Few Months of TBNS and Moving Forward

On today's episode of The Brian Nichols Show, I'm riding solo once again! I thought today's episode would be a great opportunity to do a quick recap of the episodes we've had over the past few months and to look ahead as to what's coming up here at The Brian Nichols Show. Audience Sweepstakes!: If you would like the chance to win a "Don't Hurt People, Don't Take People's Stuff" bumper sticker, email me at with the name of a guest suggestion that you want to see join me on The Brian Nichols Show in the coming months. After that, you will be entered into a drawing to win one of the bumper stickers! Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/19/201821 minutes, 24 seconds
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40: Marketing Liberty with Nicholas Veser

On today's episode, I'm joined by Nicholas Veser! Veser is best known for his role at Being Libertarian, doing his “Daily Headline” videos (among others), but has well over a decade experience in media production. Today, Nick joins me to discuss how we can market liberty to those outside the libertarian echo chambers. Sometimes, we have a habit of over-complicating our messaging and arguing about things that simply don't matter to those outside of our libertarian circles. Together, we discuss ways to break out of our echo chambers via grassroots and digital media and how to make liberty win again! Find Nicholas Online- Website: Facebook: Twitter: Bio: J. Nicholas Veser began his career at an early age on stage and in front of the camera. During his attendance at West Virginia University on a full theatre scholarship, he became interested in hospitality and worked in the industry while performing on Equity stages throughout the Northeast. His creative and leadership strengths eventually landed him Director of Business Travel Sales for The Ritz Carlton, Battery Park in Manhattan. Soon after, he was drawn to the warm weather and endless opportunity of television in South Florida. He began his career with an International Media Company as a Creative Director and ultimately became the Senior Producer for several shows produced by the company. In 2008, he was promoted to Senior Vice President of Production where he thrived in the free and creative environment that he created for the many Scriptwriters, Production Coordinators, Editors, Traffic Coordinators, and Directors of Photography. Under his leadership, the team achieved tremendous success including 32 Telly Awards won over a 5-year span. In 2014, Nicholas left his career in Production after 11 years to own and operate a successful tech company. Although any degree of success is not without its fair share of challenges in 2015 he was faced with his most difficult hurdle yet when an unethical Florida Attorney General crippled his small family owned tech company. This only served to strengthen his resolve and he along with his wife Dawn have now become champions of the Liberty Movement in this country. Big business, political donations, and corruption led to the fight of their lives, and they have made a conscious decision to stand up in the face of injustice until the truth is revealed. Through all of his success and adversity he still considers his greatest achievement to be his 6-year-old son Ryan. Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/12/201839 minutes, 9 seconds
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39: Irreconcilable Politics: Our Rights Under a Just Government with Michael T. Hutchins

On today's episode of The Brian Nichols Show, I am joined by Michael T. Hutchins, author of Irreconcilable Politics: Our Rights Under a Just Government. Michael was trained as an economist and has over thirty years of experience in finance. Much of his career was in investment banking at Salomon Brothers and UBS. He is currently the executive vice president at Freddie Mac, responsible for the investments and capital markets division. Hutchins earned his PhD in economics from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. In Irreconcilable Politics, Michael explores successful models in which differing political views exist yet do not impinge on agreements being reached, and also dissects the dynamics of modern social decision-making. Listen as we discuss the theory of “collectivity,” needed reform to government structure, and modern social decision-making in the 21st century. Later, we discuss the concepts of voluntary government and the interrelationship between political ideology and centralized governmental decisions. We conclude by taking a closer look at collective rules, services, and decisions, and why voting, freedom of speech, and freedom of the press are not in and of themselves sufficient control rights for citizens of a diverse country like the United States and discuss how our divided nation struggling to reach political agreement and how the structure of the federal and state governments interfere with this effort. Find Michael Hutchins Online: Purchase Irreconcilable Politics: Our Rights Under a Just Government: October Sponsorship: This month, The Brian Nichols Show is sponsored by “Stay Away From the Libertarians!”, written by friend of The Brian Nichols Show; Remso Martinez. In Stay Away From the Libertarians!, Martinez leads us on a journey through the many myths surrounding libertarians, explores the libertarian worldview, and debunks these preconceived notions one by one, in a humorous (but thorough) manner. Stay Away from the Libertarians! has received rave reviews, from The LoConservative, The Daily Wire, Blast Off! With Johnny Rocket, the Lions of Liberty, and of course, yours truly, Brian Nichols, here from The Brian Nichols Show. Get your copy today by visiting Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/5/201831 minutes, 11 seconds
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38: Republican Party NYS Assembly Candidate Mark Walczyk

On today's episode, I'm joined the Republican candidate for the New York State 116th Assembly District, Mark Walczyk! Mark attended the University of Albany, Graduating in 2007 with a Bachelor’s degree in History and double minors in Political Science and Education. He is First Lieutenant in the United States Army Reserve and has spent the past decade working with New York State Senator Patty Ritchie, spending more than two years as her Legislative Director and the last four and a half years as her District Director. Listen as we discuss Mark's platform that focuses on bringing jobs back to the North Country, addressing the opioid epidemic, and fixing Upstate's crumbling infrastructure. Later, we discuss the New York State education system, the problem with democratic-socialism, and conclude by looking at Mark's 8 (well... 9) Rules for Government. Support Mark's Campaign: Find Mark on Social Media- Facebook: Twitter: Contact Mark's Campaign- Email: Phone: (315) 775-8552 Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/28/201843 minutes, 10 seconds
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37: Censorship Online Can Happen to You with Remso Martinez

Today, I am joined yet again by Remso Martinez! He I the author of "Stay Away From The Libertarians!" and is best known for his podcast, the "Remso Republic". Censorship and deplatforming of conservatives and libertarians once sounded like a conspiracy theory. But in recent months, we've watched as the likes of Alex Jones, InfoWars, and even Gavin McInnes have been banned from social media giants like Facebook and Twitter. Jones and his conspiracy theory site, were often thought to be the only target of these media giants, however, listen as Remso and I discuss his own experience with targeted attempts by leftists and social media platforms to silence his work and pages. If there's one thing to take away from today's episode, it's that targeted censorship of right-leaning voices isn't exclusive to conspiracy theorists and provocateurs... it can happen to anyone... even you! Order an autographed copy of "Stay Away From The Libertarians!": Check out Remso's work that lead to his being targeted: Connect with Remso: Facebook: Instagram: Minds: Twitter: Gab: Medium: Steemit: Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/21/201833 minutes, 46 seconds
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36: Economics and Liberty with Steve Horwitz

Today, I am joined by Steve Horwitz! Steve is the Distinguished Professor of Free Enterprise in the Department of Economics at Ball State University in Muncie, IN. Listen as Steve and I discuss a number of economic topics, starting with an in-depth discussion on minimum wage, universal basic income (UBI), automation, and artificial intelligence. Next, we discuss trade in the era of Trump, focusing specifically on the differences between “free-trade” vs “fair-trade” and the dangers of economic nationalism. We conclude today’s episode with a critique of democratic socialism while presenting a realistic libertarian alternative. "There's no secret free trader hiding deep in Trump. He is what he appears to be. There is no depth to Donald J. Trump." -Steve Horwitz More about Steve: Steve is also an Affiliated Senior Scholar at the Mercatus Center in Arlington, VA, and a Senior Fellow at the Fraser Institute of Canada. He is the author of three books, including most recently Hayek’s Modern Family: Classical Liberalism and the Evolution of Social Institutions. He has written extensively on Hayek and Austrian economics, monetary theory and history, and American economic history, and is a frequent guest on radio and cable TV programs. Steve also has roots to my home up in Northern New York, having started his career at back in 1989 in St. Lawrence University up in Canton, NY. Follow Steve on Facebook: Read Steve’s Work: & Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/14/201844 minutes, 25 seconds
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35: Democratic Party NYS Assembly Candidate Keith Rubino

Today, I am joined by Keith Rubino! Keith is the Democratic Party candidate for the 118th Assembly District in Northern New York. He has a degree in communications from SUNY Oswego and he's been employed by A.R.C. Herkimer, Upstate Cerebral Palsy, and currently working at Central New York DSO to care for people with special disabilities. Yes, Keith a Democrat… a Bernie Sanders supporting Democrat at that! But that didn’t stop us from having an absolutely phenomenal discussion about the issues that New York State is facing. Listen as we discuss Keith’s support of democratic socialism (and my rebuttal), welfare, universal education, universal healthcare, and the value of putting people over party. This episode is the exact reason I started The Brian Nichols Show. Having Keith on allowed us to have an intelligent, respectful conversation despite our differences and actually have an opportunity to find some common ground. Learn More about Keith’s Campaign: Follow Keith on Facebook: Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/12/201855 minutes, 16 seconds
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34: The Free State Project and LBRY with Jeremy Kauffman

Today, I am joined by Jeremy Kauffman! Jeremy is the founder and CEO of and recently joined the Board of Directors of The Free State Project. Listen as we start off our discussion by focusing on is Jeremy’s New Hampshire-based blockchain company that produces and maintains a decentralized content sharing and publishing platform. We also touch on Jeremy’s previous venture, TopScore, which is a startup Jeremy founded that processes millions of dollars monthly in event and activity registrations. During the last half of the show, Jeremy and I discuss The Free State Project. The Free State Project is a mass migration of more than 20,000 people who have pledged to move to New Hampshire for liberty. By concentrating their numbers in a single state, their goal is to maximize their impact as activists, entrepreneurs, community builders, and thought leaders. Free Staters are neighborly, productive folks from all walks of life, of all ages, creeds, and colors, who are on a mission to prove that more liberty leads to more prosperity for everyone. Learn more about The Free State Project: Learn more about LBRY and LBRY Fund: & Sign up for the NH Liberty Forum (use special discount code NICHOLS10): Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/7/201843 minutes, 41 seconds
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33: Rand Paul Endorses Gary Johnson, Trump Foreign Policy, and the Kurdish Independence Movement with Elias Atienza

On today's episode of The Brian Nichols Show, I am joined by Elias Atienza. Elias is a fourth year history major at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, who is an opinion writer for his school newspaper Mustang News. He interned at the Daily Caller News Foundation and YAF's National Journalism Center over the summer where he wrote primarily on politics and foreign policy. His writings have appeared in TheBlaze, Red Alert Politics section of Washington Examiner, Independent Journal Review, Daily Caller, The Libertarian Republic, and others. Listen as we discuss the news that Republican Senator Rand Paul broke ranks and endorsed Libertarian senatorial candidate in New Mexico, former Governor Gary Johnson. Later, we discuss Trump's foreign policy thus far in his first-term, and conclude by discussing the Kurdish Independence Movement. Follow Elias on Twitter: Learn more about the Kurdish Independence Movement: Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/31/201838 minutes, 51 seconds
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32: Republican Liberty Caucus Executive Director Alexander Snitker

On today's episode of The Brian Nichols Show, I'm joined by the Executive Director of the Republican Liberty Caucus, Alexander Snitker! Libertarian Party versus the Republican Liberty Caucus... no, it's not a binary decision, but listen as Alex and I discuss the respective roles of the Libertarian Party and the RLC. We also tackle the question as to which organization is better at advancing liberty, the need for the Libertarian Party to take itself seriously, the issues with current LP leadership, and the vision of the RLC going forward, including their partnering with Young American's For Liberty's "Operation Win at the Door" campaign. Bio: Alexander Snitker is a United States Marine veteran and was first Libertarian U.S. Senate candidate from the State of Florida in 2010. Alex has served as the Florida regional coordinator for the 2012 Ron Paul campaign and as the State Ground Coordinator for the Adrian Wyllie for Governor 2014 campaign. Alex also was the chairman of the Restore American Liberty PAC, which was specifically created to support Gary Johnson’s 2016 campaign for President. He is also the President of the Liberty First Network, which is a liberty lobbying organization based in Florida that works in Tallahassee on positive liberty legislation and educates the citizens on the political process and how they can individually make an impact. Where to find Alex: -Website: -Facebook: -Twitter: -Instagram: Where to Find the RLC: -Website: -Facebook: -Twitter: -LinkedIn: Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/24/201843 minutes, 58 seconds
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BONUS:'s "The Right Side"- Libertarian in a Binary World with Brian Nichols

This episode first appeared on's "The Right Side" podcast with Andrea Ruth and Kimberly Ross ( This week Brian Nichols of The Brian Nichols Show joins Andrea and Kim to discuss the many facets of libertarianism, including the growing number of pro-lifers among their ranks. Follow Brian on Twitter @BNicholsLiberty. Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/21/201849 minutes, 22 seconds
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31: What on Earth is the LNC Doing? with LNC Vice Chair Alex Merced

On today’s Episode of The Brian Nichols Show, I’m joined by the Vice Chair of the Libertarian National Committee, Alex Merced! God bless Alex for coming on my show after the past few days of controversy coming from LP National. Listen as Alex and I have a respectful, yet intense back-and-forth as we discussed the messaging coming from LP National about Austin Petersen and his candidacy for the GOP nomination in the Missouri GOP primary, the leadership and messaging coming from LP National leadership (especially from the Chairman, Nicholas Sarwark), and what the role of the LP will be going forward in our electoral and political discourse. Bio: Alex Merced is the Vice Chair Libertarian National Committee, replacing former Vice Chair, Arvin Vohra at this year’s Libertarian National Convention. Alex is an American author, blogger, marketing consultant, financial industry corporate trainer and Libertarian pundit. Alex is the host of his show, “The Alex Merced Cast” where he discusses Libertarian ideas such as individual liberty and free markets. Alex Merced is also the founder of online commentary website, He has previously ran for Public Advocate of New York City in 2013, Senator of New York in 2016, and for NYC Comptroller in 2017. He is also the Senior Policy Adviser for the Larry Sharpe for New York Campaign. Alex Merced Social Links: Website: Facebook: Twitter: @AlexMerced Instagram: Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/17/201848 minutes, 34 seconds
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30: 71 Republic & New Media with Matt Geiger

On today's episode of The Brian Nichols Show, I am joined by founder and CEO of the 71 Republic, Matt Geiger! 71 Republic is one of the fastest-growing independent political news organizations in the country. Launched in June of 2017, 71 Republic features many different voices that span the political spectrum. Their work has been shared by Jordan Peterson, Glenn Beck, John McAfee, Austin Petersen, Silvio Schembri, and Lew Rockwell, amongst others. Today, 71 Republic publishes content from dozens of writers across the world and cover a diverse range of content, including political debates, breaking news, candidate interviews, cryptocurrency, economics, third-party news, and more. Their work seeks to disrupt the corporate media, allowing for independent reporting and honest, factual opinions to become mainstream once again. 71 Republic's staff is comprised almost entirely of the "next generation", with most of their writers aged between 13 and 21. The youth of the company provides a unique insight and intuition into today’s most pressing issues not displayed in mainstream media. You can find 71 Republic over at Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/16/201831 minutes, 45 seconds
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29: Collectivism in America with Jeffrey A Tucker

On today's episode of The Brian Nichols Show, I am joined by the Editorial Director at the American Institute for Economic Research (AIER), Jeffrey A. Tucker! This thought provoking episode covers all the bases, as we discuss the rise of collectivism from the left and the right, Jordan Peterson and his role in advocating individualism and being an "Alt-right killer through education", the dynamic between immigration and the welfare state, Trump's economic nationalism, and predictions for 2024. Follow Jeffrey Tucker on Twitter: @jeffreyatucker Jeffrey Tucker is a former Director of Content for the Foundation for Economic Education, Editorial Director at the American Institute for Economic Research, columnist at Forbes, a managing partner of Vellum Capital, the founder of, Distinguished Honorary Member of Mises Brazil, economics adviser to, research fellow at the Acton Institute, policy adviser of the Heartland Institute, founder of the CryptoCurrency Conference, member of the editorial board of the Molinari Review, advisor to the blockchain application builder Factom, and author of five books, most recently Right-Wing Collectivism: The Other Threat to Liberty. He has written 150 introductions to books and more than ten thousand articles appearing in the scholarly and popular press. Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/10/201851 minutes, 43 seconds
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28: Conservatives Concerned About the Death Penalty with Hannah Cox

On today's episode of The Brian Nichols Show, I am joined by the National Manager of Conservatives Concerned About the Death Penalty, Hannah Cox! Conservatives Concerned About the Death Penalty (CCATDP) is a nationwide group of conservatives questioning whether capital punishment is consistent with conservative principles and values due to the system’s inefficiency, inequity, and inaccuracy. Conservatives Concerned About the Death Penalty is a project of Equal Justice USA, a national, non-partisan, grassroots organization working to transform the justice system by promoting responses to violence that break cycles of trauma. “Conservative Republicans and Libertarians are increasingly looking at the facts and deciding that the death penalty must be ended,” says Hannah. "This is especially true for younger voters on the right who are often leading the way on criminal justice reform as we become increasingly aware of the risks of executing innocent people and the opportunity costs involved with this wasteful system.” To learn more about CCATDP, go to Follow Hannah on Twitter: @HannahCox7 Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/7/201836 minutes, 50 seconds
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27: Caleb Franz & MilLiberty

On today's episode of The Brian Nichols Show, I am joined by the host of MilLiberty and founder and executive director of The MilLiberty Initiative, Caleb Franz! Listen in for a fun-filled episode discussing his show, his new liberty-based non-profit, and more! Follow Caleb on Twitter: @CalebFranz & @MilLiberty Follow Caleb's non-profit : Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/3/201844 minutes, 34 seconds
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26: US Congressional Candidate Charles Hargrove

On this episode of The Brian Nichols Show, I'm joined by Libertarian Congressional Candidate Charles Hargrove, who is running for the 11th congressional district in New York. Listen as we discuss his candidacy, his experience as a radio communications leader, and the changing media landscape. You can learn more about Hargrove's campaign at Follow Hargrove on Twitter: @CJHargrove_SI Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/27/201854 minutes, 8 seconds
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25: Michael Johns

On today's episode of The Brian Nichols Show, I'm joined by conservative commentator, policy analyst and writer at the Heritage Foundation, former speechwriter for President George H. W. Bush, and National Tea Party movement co-founder and leader, Michael Johns! Johns, a conservative Republican leader and strong supporter of President Donald Trump, views the Tea Party movement and the election of Trump as a truly redefining moment in American politics and in the Republican Party. Listen as we discuss the founding of the Tea Party, the rise of Donald Trump, Johns' role as a leading voice in support of President Trump, taxes, tariffs, and more! Follow Michael Johns on Twitter: @michaeljohns Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/20/201848 minutes, 28 seconds
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24: Interview with NYS Assembly Candidate Philip Paige

On today's episode of The Brian Nichols Show, I'm joined by former St. Lawrence County Deputy County Administrator and current candidate for the 188th Assembly District in New York State- Philip Paige! Listen as we discuss Philip's experience across the campaign trail, the importance of being a genuine candidate based on principles, and his platform as a libertarian-Republican seeking the Republican nomination. You can follow Philip at: Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/29/201841 minutes, 26 seconds
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23: "The Libertarian-in-Chief", Todd Hagopian

​ On today's episode of The Brian Nichols Show (BONUS EPISODE!), I am joined by the "Libertarian-in-Chief", Todd Hagopian! Todd is a libertarian activist, successful businessman, and has made it his goal to end the liberal fiscal policies of both major parties. Listen as we discuss the Libertarian Party, the greater libertarian movement, and the dig into the upcoming 2020 presidential election and who should lead the LP as the nominee. Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/26/201836 minutes, 31 seconds
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22: The Farm Bill, Charles Krauthammer, and Respect

On today's episode of The Brian Nichols Show, I'm riding solo! Listen as I discuss the farm bill and explain why subsidies are bad. Then, listen as I discuss the passing of Charles Krauthammer and the importance of us treating others, despite political differences, with love, compassion, and respect. Check out the WAL Episode Mentioned Here: Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/24/201840 minutes, 39 seconds
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21: How To Grow the Liberty Movement - with Shane Hazel

On today's episode, I am joined by United States Marine Corps Veteran and former Georgian 7th Congressional District candidate Shane Hazel. Shane, a libertarian-Republican, and I discuss how those within the liberty movement can make real headway in seeking elected office, be it as a Libertarian, Republican, or other. Also, we chat about how we can reach out and educate others, young or old, to help advance liberty beyond traditional libertarian circles. You can find Shane on Twitter at @ShaneTHazel and on his website at Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/15/201850 minutes, 38 seconds
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20: Stay Away From The Libertarians! with Remso Martinez

On today's episode, I'm joined by the author of "Stay Away From The Libertarians!", Remso Martinez. Martinez is best known for his podcast, the "Remso Republic", and today we discuss his book, "Stay Away From The Libertarians!". Together, we discuss some key elements of his book; Why do people hate libertarians? Who are libertarians? Why have regular Americans been told to avoid libertarians and their ideas? Pre-order an autographed copy of "Stay Away From The Libertarians!": Follow Remso on social media: Facebook- Twitter Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/8/201844 minutes, 48 seconds
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Brian Nichols on the Otters Talking Politics Podcast

This episode can originally be found over at Otters Talking Politics: "In a Special Episode John is joined by Brian Nichols of the Brian Nichols Show, a libertarian leaning podcast with the goal of educating, enlightening, and informing. Follow Brian on Twitter @BNicholsLiberty & Facebook Listen to The Brian Nichols Show on all major platforms as well as:" Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/1/201857 minutes, 10 seconds
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BONUS Episode: Brian Nichols on The Jordan A Brown Show

This episode can originally found at The Jordan A. Brown Show ( Follow Jordan on Twitter @thejabrown Interested in a "Don't Hurt People, Don't Take People's Stuff" bumper sticker? Send inquires to! "Brian Nichols--the Associate Editor with The Libertarian Republic and host of The Brian Nichols Show--joins me to discuss his journey through the political world and the liberty movement. We also talk about the core tenets of libertarianism and how Brian's show is bringing people from across the political spectrum together. Brian's Contact: Twitter: @BNicholsLiberty " Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/29/201857 minutes, 51 seconds
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19: The Triggered Millennials

On today's episode, I'm joined by the "The Triggered Millennials"; an organization of Millennials who have grown up and have grown tired of suffering the constant attempts to deny a fundamental human right of protection to U.S. citizens: the Second Amendment. Representing The Triggered Millennials, I am joined by founders Mark Montessan (President) and Sam Schroll (Vice President), along with thier Executive Chief of Publications, Aidan Mattis. Together, we discuss their non-partisan, pro-self preservation message in an era of strong, anti-Second Amendment narratives. The Triggered Millennials can be found: Web- Twitter- @TriggeredWakeUp Facebook/Instagram- @theTriggeredMillennials Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/25/201841 minutes, 4 seconds
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18: Interview with Adam Kokesh

On this week's episode of The Brian Nichols Show, I'm joined by libertarian activist and 2020 LP Presidential hopeful, Adam Kokesh. Adam digs into his political and philosophical views as well as covers his ability to reach out to potential voters on a national stage with his message of dissolving the federal government. Adam also responds to questions from the audience, ranging from his differences with potential 2020 LP nominee/2016 LP vice presidential candidate Bill Weld to his ability to connect with voters who are outside of libertarian circles. You can find Adam on Twitter @AdamKokesh and on his website at Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/18/201849 minutes, 10 seconds
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17: Net Neutrality and What You Need to Know

On this week's episode, I'm running solo! With the topic of Net Neutrality back in the news due to the FCC announcing that Net Neutrality rules will expire in June, I thought it best to dig into the topic of net neutrality and explain the ins and outs of what it all means. Links: Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/11/201842 minutes, 38 seconds
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16: Interview with Texas Congressional Candidate Jacob Leddy

On this episode of The Brian Nichols Show, I'm joined by Libertarian Congressional Candidate Jacob Leddy, who is running for the 12th congressional district in Texas. Leddy, who originally hails from Indiana, is seeking to unseat current Republican Congresswoman Kay Granger, who has held the seat since 1996. Leddy will also face off against the Democratic candidate in Vanessa Adia. Learn more about Leddy's at and follow him on Twitter at @readyforleddy. Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/4/201835 minutes, 58 seconds
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Guesting on We Are Libertarians: Identity Politics and Starbucks, Syrian Strikes, Taxes

Brian was out Friday, so enjoy his guest appearance on We Are Libertarians. Chris Spangle and Brian Nichols discuss the ethics of Sean Hannity, ask if Starbucks is systemically racist, what will be the effect of the bombing in Syria, and we discover where your taxes went. Brian Nichols Show - Chris Spangle Show - We Are Libertarians - Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/25/20182 hours, 8 minutes, 25 seconds
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15: Interview with Jason Stapleton

On this episode of The Brian Nichols Show, I'm joined by libertarian Jason Stapleton of the Jason Stapleton Program. I ask Jason what lessons the Libertarian Party can learn as it pertains to marketing an pubic relations, how individuals can reach out and spread liberty, and how the liberty movement can create converts in the coming years. Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/13/201835 minutes, 57 seconds
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14: Common Gun Control Myths with Stephen Gutowski

On this weeks episode of The Brian Nichols Show, I'm joined by the Washington Free Beacon's Stephen Gutowski to discuss common gun control arguments presented by the left. We dig into Stephen's excellent Google Doc covering common gun issues, as well as discuss the truth regarding guns in America. After I say goodbye to Stephen, I cover an article from The Washington Post entitled, "I used to think gun control was the answer. My research told me otherwise" and why helping to educate, enlighten, and informing those in the gun control camp is the best thing we can do to help create converts. Articles/Links Discussed: Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/6/20181 hour, 24 seconds
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13: Interview with Larry Sharpe

​​Listen as Brian is joined by current New York State gubernatorial candidate Larry Sharpe. Questions from the audience are answered by Sharpe, ranging from gun control, education, environmental regulations, and more! Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/30/201847 minutes, 11 seconds
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12: Interview with Kimberly Ross

This week on The Brian Nichols Show, Brian is joined by senior contributor, Kimberly Ross. Kimberly, a conservative with "libertarian curious" ideals, joins Brian to discuss where her conservative beliefs mesh with libertarianism. Kimberly, a staunch pro-life advocate, discusses her views on the pro-life vs pro-choice debate as well as her evolving views regarding the death penalty. Brian and Kimberly also dig into a discussion regarding the War on Drugs, foreign policy, and conclude by looking ahead to the midterm elections (SPOILER WARNING: 2018 midterm predictions ahead!). Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/23/20181 hour, 1 minute, 33 seconds
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11: Interview with William F. Buckley O'Reilly

This week on The Brian Nichols Show, Brian is joined by the nephew of famed conservative author William F. Buckley, Jr and former United States Senator James L. Buckley and current Chairman pro tem of The Federalist Party of America, William "Bill" F. Buckley O'Reilly. Brian and Bill walk through the platform of the newly formed Federalist Party of America, discussing federalism, the Constitution, term limits, and more. Together, they discuss where libertarians and "federalists" can find common ground to help bring those principles to Washington D.C. (with the goal of shrinking the federal government and restoring power to the state and local governments). Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/16/20181 hour, 25 seconds
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10: Interview with Austin Petersen

​Listen as Brian is joined by current United States Senatorial Candidate Austin Petersen. Questions from the audience are answered by Petersen, ranging from gun control, immigration, abortion, and more! Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/9/201836 minutes, 31 seconds
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9: David Hogg, Carry A. Nation, Gun Control, and Prohibition

On today's episode of The Brian Nichols Show, Brian digs into the aftermath of the Parkland shooting, including the push from those survivors push for gun control. In this episode, Brian breaks down the eerily similar parallels that exist between the likes of the modern gun control movement and the Prohibition movement of the early 20th century. While David Hogg, like Carry Nation, experienced traumatic moments in their lives, does that make them more credible in terms of their advocacy for taking away law-abiding citizen's rights? Do we ignore the potential unintended consequences of policy when we believe that the policy is moral, noble, virtuous, and just? Check out the PBS article discussed in today's episode here: Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/5/20181 hour, 1 minute, 38 seconds
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8: Interview with LNC Chair Candidate Alicia Dearn

On today's episode of The Brian Nichols Show, Brian is joined by current San Diego Libertarian Party Chair and candidate for the national Libertarian Party Chair, Alicia Dearn. Brian and Alicia discuss the goals for the LP if elected chair, including how to market to new libertarians outside of the current libertarian movement. Also discussed is the issues that stemmed from current LP vice chair, Arvin Vohra and how Alicia would have dealt with such a situation as chair. Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/23/201838 minutes, 13 seconds
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7: Enacting Libertarian Policy with Dean Clancy

On this special episode of The Brian Nichols Show, Brian is joined with former White House/Congressional policy adviser and former FreedomWorks Vice President, Dean Clancy! Brian and Dean dig into the the latest budget deals, the Libertarian Party and promoting libertarian policy, and discuss how we can address the gun control issue after the latest public shooting. Is the Trump budget actually a fiscally conservative budget? Is it better to have a government controlled by one political party, or split control between two political parties? Is the Libertarian Party actually the best means to promote libertarian principles and to enact libertarian policy? And finally, how do gun rights activists win the debate with gun control advocates? Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/19/201855 minutes, 27 seconds
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6: The Parkland Florida Shooting, Gun Control, Mental Health, and Masculinity

On this episode of The Brian Nichols Show, Brian is once again joined by Paul Riley. This week, Brian goes over the details of the tragic shooting in Parkland, Florida and then leads to a lively, important, and engaging discussion with Paul regarding gun control, mental health issues, and masculinity. How do we prevent these types of shootings from happening in the future? Is it even possible to prevent these shootings? What is the role that mental health plays in mass shootings? Is it the guns fault, or the shooters? Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/16/20181 hour, 20 minutes, 41 seconds
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5: Military Parades, Books, and Tide Pods

On this episode, host Brian Nichols digs into three stories from the week, ranging from Duluth, MN schools taking "To Kill a Mockingbird" and "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" out of school curriculum, to the infamous "Tide Pod Challenge" and NY lawmakers attempts to make the pods look "less edible", and finally to President Trump's latest proposal to hold a military parade to showcase the American military. Also, Brian teases his next guest at the end of the episode... Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/9/201834 minutes, 4 seconds
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4: Are Ben Shapiro and Dr. Jordan Peterson Intellectuals?

​On this episode of The Brian Nichols Show, Nichols is joined by John-Pierre Maeli and Brendan Noble to discuss intellectualism in politics, with a specific look at Ben Shapiro and Doctor Jordan Peterson. Is our modern political discourse void of intellectualism? Have we gotten past an intellectual society? We discuss all this and more! Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/2/20181 hour, 18 seconds
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3: Climate Change

Brian Nichols is joined by Derek LaBarron and Paul Riley to have a constructive conversation about man-made climate change. Derek and Paul team up as man-made climate change believers to try and convince Brian that man is playing a crucial role in climate change, while Brian positions himself as a skeptic willing to have his mind changed based on the evidence provided. While not a "debate", this episode is sure to educate, enlighten, and inform! Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/26/20181 hour, 15 minutes, 31 seconds
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2: Arvin Vohra, The Libertarian Party, & Echo Chamber

Brian Nichols focuses on the latest controversy with Libertarian Party Vice Chair, Arvin Vohra, who is under fire in recent weeks for his statements appearing to promote pedophilia. Vohra has also faced backlash recently due to his comparing of veterans and school teachers to rapists. In today's episode, Nichols digs deeper into the Vohra controversy and gives his take on how the LP should address this commentary and how libertarianism can avoid controversies like this from happening in the future (and how we can convert some new libertarians along the way!). Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/19/201831 minutes, 44 seconds
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1: Introducing the Brian Nichols Show

Host Brian Nichols introduces The Brian Nichols Show, outlines the goals for the show, and covers FISA after Thursday's FISA 702 vote. The Brian Nichols Show is for libertarians, conservatives, Republicans, moderates, independents, and even those on the left, who are actively seeking a political news program that objectively covers the week's news to help educate, enlighten, and inform. Add the RSS Feed: Support The Brian Nichols Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/12/201830 minutes, 39 seconds
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Interview: SooperMexican

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12/31/201733 minutes
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Interview: John Ziegler of Mediaite

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12/31/201733 minutes, 49 seconds
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Interview: Cliff Maloney of Young Americans for Liberty

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12/31/201735 minutes, 10 seconds