Bringing the Sister Circle to you! Here we are breathing life back into the intimate conversations we have amongst sisters at the beauty shop, across the dinner table, applying makeup to hit the town or even in a brief vent session in between studying. We encourage vulnerability & transparency and praise the efforts made to make these things happen! Enjoy the conversations and new perspectives.
What to Expect When You’re Expecting Change - Isolation, Realistic Expectations, Having Faith
Change is inevitable and at some times, desired. The initial feeling of having a new idea can quickly wear off when we see the reality of achieving our goals. Being prepared for what will happen on your journey to change will make these tough moments easier to navigate, it will also allow you to maintain faith regardless of what you are experiencing in the present moment. Being realistic about what is to come as you create a new beginning will allow you peace of mind during the process and the ability to learn more effectively from the lessons you’ll encounter. Let’s unpack all the things you should expect when expecting change.
1/24/2024 • 46 minutes, 16 seconds
The Most Underrated Traits of a Successful Friendship
It’s time to step into friendships that are built on love, transparency and growth. Often times we make friendships based on surface level similarities and don’t realize there is no spiritual compatibility until much later down the line. Let’s discuss what we should be recognizing as a top tier trait in a friendship. Challenge yourself to keep different things in mind as you look to make connections on a deeper level that can elevate your life in more ways than one.
12/26/2023 • 49 minutes, 41 seconds
Finding Motivation Once And For All
Let’s look at motivation from a different lens. A perspective that will allow you to never lose motivation again and develop new & improved relationships with motivation, discipline, the creative process & inspiration. Many things cause the flame of motivation to go out within us, let’s uncover how to create a long lasting connection with motivation that serves us in every season.
12/18/2023 • 38 minutes, 41 seconds
The Importance of Facing Your Truth - Standing on Business Against Outside Influence
In this episode we dive deep into the importance of knowing your truth. We often discuss how you have to know your own desires and trust your voice, but you truly are the only one who knows you inside and out! Let’s get into why it is so key to discover and let your truth lead you. Outside influence is unavoidable and at times can be helpful, but knowing your truth is the foundation to giving your community a chance to help you elevate. All things start by knowing your truth, let’s get into it.
12/1/2023 • 39 minutes, 43 seconds
Character Flaws to Leave in 2023 - Lack of Faith, Lack of Initiative, Insecurity, Fear
It’s time to adapt a new mindset and step into a belief system that will support your new beginning. Character flaws can hold you back from connecting with your purpose, meeting your goals, finding soul family, and most importantly manifesting your new reality. Certain traits cause more issues than others on your journey of success. Let’s tap in to how we can heal and release these character flaws and nurture ourselves through moments of doubt and insecurity so no matter what we may be feeling, we are always moving forward.
11/20/2023 • 49 minutes, 45 seconds
Quieting Emotional Triggers to Hear Divine Messages
Divine messages come to us when we need them most and it can difficult to identify that energy when your mind is also flooded with anxiety, confusion, anger and disappointment. Having a handle on how your emotions impact you and being able to navigate them in real time will allow you to filter through the noise and find the divine message within the confusion. Trauma from the past, unhealthy relationships, the stress of everyday, all of these things can be roadblocks on the journey of connecting with divine messages. Let’s see how we can release these energies and build a deeper connection with the Divine.
11/10/2023 • 36 minutes, 58 seconds
Choosing Your Avatar in Relationships + Taking Control of the Role You Play in Someone’s Life
Often times we connect with people and immediately fall into a flow of friendship without focusing on whether or not we can truly serve each other in ways that also serve ourselves. It can be hard for someone who has issues communicating to set a firm boundary in the beginning of building a connection. It may be hard for someone to not trauma dump in the beginning of a new relationship if they haven’t been able to express themselves in a while to someone. Be patient when building connections and set your intention for your relationships beforehand. Let’s get into how to be sure you are in total control of the role you decide to play in someone’s life.
10/12/2023 • 46 minutes, 49 seconds
Embracing Nostalgia : How Healthy Reflection of the Past Heals + The Right Kind of Reflection
The easiest and most common reaction to triggers from the past is to find a distraction. Triggers from the past are signs of unhealed spiritual and emotional wounds that are still impacting you today. See nostalgia as a chance to change your relationship to certain points in your past. A situation that broke your trust in others could also be the same situation that taught you the valuable lesson of speaking your truth and setting boundaries. When we view thoughts of the past as chances to accept and learn from moments of trauma and pain, we can harness more power and healing in the current moment. Let’s get into it.
9/30/2023 • 40 minutes, 59 seconds
Overcoming People Pleasing + Understanding, Releasing and Reshaping Your People Pleasing Nature
We all strive to be accepted and often the easiest way to acceptance will seem to be pleasing others and keeping the peace. People pleasing is different from generosity or balanced give and take because it is rooted in little to no boundaries and feelings of guilt or selfishness when someone isn’t satisfied with our giving. When we feel our worth lies in how much we can give to someone or how many times we say “yes,” we create an environment where we are left drained and unfulfilled. Let’s see how we can overcome people pleasing and reestablish our boundaries to better serve us and elevate our standards.
9/6/2023 • 29 minutes, 4 seconds
Hidden Messages in Struggle + How Struggles Lead You to Discover Your Purpose
There’s many lessons we can take from struggles that we encounter in our lives. The struggles we experience can show us how we need to be loved and accepted, where our boundaries need to be stronger, what community will serve us and even insights about our gifts can be found in the midst of struggle. Let’s get into how we can use moments of struggle to lead us to our purpose.
8/23/2023 • 44 minutes, 16 seconds
Conversations with Your Inner Child + How to Approach and Connect with Different Parts of You
It’s important to connect with all parts of you in a way that will nurture the connection rather than add stress. Building a better relationship with any part of you always starts with the right conversations. Knowing how to connect with your Inner Child and even Inner Teen energies can help with your manifestations, self esteem, faith and creativity. Unhealthy attachment styles, self doubt, fear of failure and other things that can hold us back today stem from pain we encountered years ago. Let’s get into how we can benefit from communicating with all parts of us.
7/30/2023 • 53 minutes, 3 seconds
Lessons on Entrepreneurship + Keeping Your Individuality + Creating Content For You
Hitting my third year of entrepreneurship has brought many things into perspective. Many different lessons I have learned, trying out different techniques and methods, absorbing all the info on creating the “best” content and getting the most engagement. This research and discovery has given me plenty of insight into what we all may experience seeking out a career in social media. Let’s get into how you can maintain your individuality, make content you are proud of and start the process of learning and unlearning your way to financial freedom on your own terms.
7/17/2023 • 38 minutes, 53 seconds
Exiting Hermit Mode in Assurance and Faith + Making Better Connections After Isolation
Hermit mode is a space of meaningful isolation and self reflection that we are often pushed to enter due to extreme stress and conflict in our lives. During hermit mode, new things are revealed and there is an opportunity to create a new foundation to carry you forward. How do you bring new connections into this space though? Often times we have insecurities and ideas from past failed relationships that make us comfortable in isolation, so much so we find it difficult to make new meaningful relationships after we’ve done our healing work. Let’s discuss how and why it’s important to begin anew after Hermit mode.
7/10/2023 • 35 minutes, 6 seconds
Maturity in Relationships + Making Choices that Benefit the Connections in Your Life
As we grow we look for different things from our relationships, this means in turn that we must also provide different things in order for our new relationships to be a success. Things like leading with ego, holding grudges, unhealthy communication, and a lack of empathy can cause major damage to a budding relationship. It takes much healing and reflection to recognize how we can better ourselves as we move forward and attract better partners. We also have to think of maintaining the new environment of maturity which is centered around transparency, forgiveness, limitless understanding and truly serving those in our lives. Let’s get into it.
6/25/2023 • 37 minutes, 31 seconds
The Bridge Between Procrastination and Self Sabotage + Breaking Bad Habits
We all have a different relationship with procrastination and the way in which we prioritize our lives. Taking control of your time and energy is a key part in achieving long term goals and conquering major obstacles. A spirit of procrastination can come from or lead to: insecurities, self sabotage, fear of failure, lack of support, unrealistic expectations and other mental and spiritual blockages. Let’s navigate how these energies impact us and how we can discover how procrastination shows up in our lives and make progressive changes for our future.
6/12/2023 • 36 minutes, 7 seconds
Unconditionally Believing In You + Not Taking Things Personally + Disconnecting From Outside Opinion
All things start with an unconditional belief and faith in yourself. No matter what your goal is or where you currently are, you gain the control to direct your own path when you completely and fully believe in yourself. Outside opinion and influence can condition us to feel as if we are not equipped to achieve the things we desire to. Let’s dive into how you can establish a stronger sense of self and have a different relationship between your confidence and the opinions and energies of others.
6/5/2023 • 36 minutes, 9 seconds
Accepting & Honoring Your Mistakes + Releasing Shame & Guilt Along The Journey to Your Best Self
Making mistakes is a part of life, in certain spaces the only way to learn is to realize what not to do by making the wrong choice every now and then. When we make mistakes it’s common to feel shame or guilt for the choices we’ve made. It can bring us to moments of unkindness where we aren’t treating ourself with love and care. It’s so important to understand and respect yourself through any mistake you make. Learning to nurture yourself through all seasons is a key in your overall healing and truly allows you to align with your best self.
5/29/2023 • 43 minutes, 9 seconds
Establishing Your Worth + Releasing Old Ideas About Your Worth and Redefining Your Value
Let’s discuss where the foundation of our worth comes from and how outside influences and conditioning from our past effect the value we see in ourselves. Healing, owning your power, getting what you deserve in this life often begins with discovering your worth. Knowing your worth changes how you see and interact with everything in your life. How can you redefine your worth, uphold your boundaries and nurture yourself throughout the process? Let’s get into it.
5/23/2023 • 46 minutes, 50 seconds
Reclaiming Your Pluto + Giving Value to the Pained Parts of You + Strength in Awareness
Collectively, the last few weeks have been pretty heavy and bringing in some much needed reflection about the darkest parts of us. Pluto is in retrograde! This means things that come from the depths of our heart, mind and spirit are being cast into the light. Scientists have said Pluto isn’t even a planet, that the dark cold habitual winter isn’t significant enough to be recognized. Many of us feel the same about the Pluto energy in our lives. We keep the dark cold parts of us pushed down in an attempt to move forward to something greater. The truth is that the sooner we acknowledge Pluto, all things work in balance and come together. There is no light without darkness. Warmth cannot come in where there is no cold. Let’s get into challenging yourself to dive deeper to truly find your brightest light.
5/15/2023 • 44 minutes, 35 seconds
Your Dark Inner Compass + Trusting Your Shadow To Lead The Way + Learning From All Parts Of You
Each person has a Shadow, a version of them that stores all the troubled parts of them. Anger, negative influences, addictions, fears, insecurities, jealousy. Anything we’d prefer to keep in the dark. Avoiding these problems may seem like the obvious choice to move on but what we avoid doesn’t magically disappear. Connecting with and healing those parts of you allows you to release yourself from years (and sometimes lifetimes) of trauma and bondage. Utilizing these parts of you to your benefit and allowing them to serve as moments of self discovery will change how you see everything. Let’s get into connecting with our Shadow for the better.
4/4/2023 • 35 minutes, 47 seconds
Toxic Positivity In Healing Spaces + Accepting Your Journey + Preparation By Healing
Many times when on a spiritual journey of healing and self exploration it can be looked down on to find yourself in spaces of stress, self doubt, and insecurity. The truth is, these are all unavoidable parts of life. The frustrating parts of our journey are just as important as the moments when we are celebrating. We never grow out of trauma, pain, and sadness. This, unfortunately, is a part of the balance of life. Trusting this balance is the real key to any healing journey. When we are taught that we have to be happy all the time to be healed, it causes us to invalidate the very real emotions we experience every day. Courage to these dark moments is definitely the best way to be prepared for your success. And we all know the things you push to the background will eventually keep coming up until we finally face the music. How does toxic positivity in the healing community make us feel about our journey and being transparent and showing our true emotions without shame? Let’s get into it.
3/23/2023 • 42 minutes
Change For The Better + Are Your Current Choices Supporting Your Future + Prerequisite Healing
In spaces of major transformation, change is mandatory. Adjusting to fill the new spaces you’re about to enter is mandatory. This can mean setting new boundaries, reevaluating what you want or need, unlearning old habits, looking at your surroundings differently and so many more things. Who you will be in the future may require different things from what you’re currently surrounded by. How will you respond to the signs that you need to make major changes? Are you ready to do the healing necessary to grow into your new environment? Let’s get into it.
3/13/2023 • 47 minutes, 22 seconds
The Lessons of Struggle Love + Learning In Uncomfortable Relationships
Scroll for 5 minutes on any social media platform and you’ll come across someone saying they don’t want a “struggle love”. We see so much of horribly toxic relationships, the contrasting picture perfect couple leaves little room for a grey area. In dating, people often feel like it has to be all or nothing with not much space for lessons, growth, and challenging their perspectives in love. In reality, each connection we make serves a purpose and teaches us something valuable we can use once we connect to our potential forever partner. The notion of avoiding “struggle love” at all costs can quickly send you in a stagnant drag of never learning to navigate uncomfortable spaces in love, never having to communicate issues, and never really knowing what you want. Let’s get into it.
2/3/2023 • 37 minutes, 32 seconds
The Girls Don’t Practice What They Preach + Celibacy, Self Love & Honesty
There’s a pattern today where a popular couple in the public eye separates due to drama, the woman releases a statement about self love & self fulfillment, a few months or weeks pass and the couple is right back together again. Comment sections are flooded with statements like “So we’re accepting cheating now?”, “I thought self love was the best love???”, “Cmon now where’s your self respect!.” There is much pressure to stand your ground in relationships and “take no sh*t” from partners, especially disrespect but is that always the reality of how we handle situations or do we often give our loved ones a pass (or 3) when it comes to issues in relationships? If so, how does the strict soft life of celibacy, therapy, pilates and self love tie in with publicly swearing off an unhealthy relationship only to venture back into that same space again. Let’s chat.
1/19/2023 • 32 minutes, 47 seconds
What’s Special About 2023 - Collective Upgrades & Elevation - Putting the Lessons to Werk
The last 2 years have been truly a whirlwind of grief, transformation, harsh discoveries and tests to apply all that we’ve learned. The energies surrounding us in 2022 were some of the most challenging we’ve encountered since 2020. Last year really challenged us to make long lasting changes that will sustain us for the better. We were pushed to the limits emotionally and some of us were financially and physically burdened as well as we navigated these emotional low points. Alllll that we have experienced brings us to this moment! We have such an opportunity for newness and a fresh start. A new start that can serve you more than any start has before! These rough spaces have truly increased our ability to take care of ourselves and make sure we are getting what we need. Take it easy and take advantage of this space. Let’s get into it.
1/6/2023 • 32 minutes, 54 seconds
Picking Sides. Immature or Mandatory? Your Boundaries Reveal More Than You Know
Should people have to ever choose sides? What does it say about people who do or do not? This has been a topic in personal and public spaces for a while. How far should our boundaries go? Should we stop listening to abusive artists or homophobic creators or is the “art” worth it? Just because your friend falls off with someone, should you cut them off or is it not your business? When should we pick sides? Never, sometimes, all the time? Let’s get into it.
12/23/2022 • 38 minutes, 18 seconds
Are You Really Giving Your All? Finding the Balance in Working Hard, Healing and Accepting Rest
In today’s society there are numerous pressures to work as much as possible and only receive rest when you have done all you physically can to meet your goals. This standard of “hard work” can be beneficial for some but is typically exhausting and detrimental for the masses. With more focus on mental health, how can we ensure we are tending to our mental needs and also meeting our goals? Let’s have a conversation about knowing what your level of productivity is and understanding the importance of giving yourself some free time, support and an opportunity to learn new methods of what it truly means to be successful.
12/5/2022 • 38 minutes, 17 seconds
The Root of Financial Focus in Dating + Value Beyond the Bag
From the $200 date debates to the question of should you go 50/50 on the bills, there’s no shortage of commentary centering finances and dating. Is the need to feel financially set before committing to a relationship a good or bad thing? Does this effect our self-worth, leaving us to feel of lesser value if we come upon financial troubles? How is casual dating effected, are we able to enjoy someone’s company without the pressure of presenting a 401K? It goes without saying that being financially stable is a must for any adult, it also goes without saying that in today’s climate finances can be unpredictable. So what happens as the focus of value in partnerships shifts from an emotional to a quantifiable value? Are we better off or more disconnected because of these big bag standards? Let’s get into it.
11/16/2022 • 43 minutes, 34 seconds
Humility Vs. Ego on the Road to Confidence + Healing Your Ego While Embracing Humility
The path to finding confidence is a tricky one with many side roads along the way. One being a slippery slope into an unhealthy connection with our Ego. Ego wants to keep you “safe” from vulnerability, being uncomfortable or challenged, being wrong and imperfect. What Ego is really doing is keeping you from healing & accepting your flaws. Confidence is about accepting and honoring every part of you, the good and the bad. No matter what it is, confidence says it is okay because it is a part of you & you have what it takes to heal or release it. Confidence gives you the strength to face every part of you that your Ego would prefer be left hidden. Humility is the icing on top bringing in the total acceptance of self that is the true goal of confidence. Let’s get into it.
11/10/2022 • 37 minutes, 42 seconds
The Conflict Between Laziness & Creative Accountability + Being Responsibly Powerful
There’s much responsibility that comes along with power and influence. Whether you are influencing your audience, peers, children, or your environment, everything we do has a direct and indirect effect. Taking the time to be mindful of the influence your actions carry allows mindful energy to be circulated back to you. You will attract and be in spaces with mindful individuals. You will be met with clear intention and clarity. However, abusing your power and influence can land you in the middle of a downhill domino effect. Let’s get into how we see influence played out today and how we can be more mindful of our action and influence on every level.
10/31/2022 • 34 minutes, 58 seconds
Jealousy & Other Forms of Friendship F*ckery - Knowing Why & When to Separate Yourself
A viral story that looked like a jealous friend gone wrong, actually seems to be a skit or planned prank that ended up going too far. Which is worse? A friend who is jealous or a friend who encourages and promotes irresponsible and/or reckless behavior? Is it a friends job to protect you and steer you in the right direction? What different ways does jealousy reveal itself and how can we see it coming? Let’s get into all of that and then some. Jealousy in friendships is one of the most common red flags we look out for but what are some others that can make or break a healthy connection? Knowing who you are always gives you an advantage in friendships and let’s you clearly know what to accept and what not to. Let’s chat.
10/25/2022 • 35 minutes, 26 seconds
Shifting Perspective of Divorce & Marriage + Value of Beneficial Separation & Choosing You
The perspective of divorce has been changing in society for a while now but the recent news of numerous divorces has sparked up new conversations in all spaces. Society has become more acceptable of divorce and women finding love and life after divorce in the last few years. People are celebrated for leaving relationships that no longer serve them to find a place where they can truly be fulfilled. The news of some of our favorite couples parting ways definitely brings the truths of marriage and long term commitment to the forefront but also reinforces the idea that it is okay, normal and even necessary in some situations to part ways. Let’s get into it.
10/13/2022 • 33 minutes, 31 seconds
The Challenge and Obsession of New Beginnings + Hard Truths about Your Fresh Start
Creating a new beginning is something that is all the rage these days. The trend of transformation, starting a new business, losing weight, having some awakening, or just reinventing (or even rebranding) yourself is more popular than ever before. With change can come new successes, ideas and reflection but a new beginning is equally as difficult as it can be rewarding. We’re getting transparent about the truth of a fresh start and how to prepare for transformation in a way that can support you in your journey.
10/4/2022 • 39 minutes, 58 seconds
How Elusive Is Real Black Sisterhood? The “Myth” of Genuine Femme Friendships
Friendships amongst Black women have always been depicted in media as messy, drama-filled and fraudulent. We hear constantly about social media friendships based on aesthetic and what’s trendy and even more recently -Erica Banks brought attention to this narrative when she let us all know unless you’re “thick and can dress” you don’t fit into the “brand” and definitely will be left behind when the gworls go to the club. This got me thinking about the many other grown women who seek out superficial reflections of themselves rather than growth opportunities in friendships. It goes without saying real genuine connections are definitely rare in this social climate, let’s talk about why.
9/27/2022 • 30 minutes, 55 seconds
The Freedom of Surrender and Release + Letting Go of Control for Your Own Good
The reason we seek out to have control over things is usually to prevent us from getting hurt, being inconvenienced, or just dealing with any kind of confusion. Unfortunately, these things are unavoidable and trying to maintain control with little to no flexibility can leave you stressed and overwhelmed. There is much peace in release. Surrender allows you to always be in control of your energy, which is the most beneficial form of control that we all can benefit from.
9/14/2022 • 23 minutes, 23 seconds
Getting Back On Track + Reflecting & Resetting + Supporting Yourself Through Change
Getting back on track is forever a topic of discussion. How do we get off track in the first place? How can we make the most of our downtime? How do we find patience in moments of confusion? These are questions we will constantly return to throughout life because every journey has highs and lows. There are always moments when we feel lost, knowing how to find your way back to you and create systems that support your newfound clarity will be life changing in every path you take. Get into ways to honor yourself in every change and make the most out of the highs and lows of every journey.
9/12/2022 • 29 minutes, 50 seconds
Acknowledgment Is Bliss, Not Ignorance + Finding The Courage To Face Negativity
It is much easier to avoid negative things in your own life and in the world around you, but does this really leave you in a better state? The phrase, “Ignorance is bliss” is definitely played out these days. The bliss is truly in acknowledging that darkness and negativity is just as prevalent as the light in our life. Running from negativity doesn’t make it go away, if anything it makes it more stressful when you finally have to deal with it (because you’ll always have to deal). Acknowledging negativity allows you to better be prepared when you encounter tough spots, which is where true freedom is!
9/6/2022 • 34 minutes, 49 seconds
Your Higher Self Is On Line 1 + Reconnecting With Your Inner Compass + You At Your Best
“See yourself the way God sees you.” I heard this so long ago I don’t remember who said it to me but I never forgot the impact this statement has. We are fixed on being the best in this physical world we forget we already are spiritually divine. Seeing yourself as Your Highest Self and just getting familiar with that part of you in the first place is so healing and life changing. Fears and doubts cannot measure up to the confidence of Your Highest Self. This is simply just knowing who you are. Getting connected to who God made you flawlessly to be will allow you to walk in that divinity every single day. This is transformative!
8/30/2022 • 24 minutes, 56 seconds
Mentally Surviving 2022 + Tips to Make Your Present Benefit Your Future
We always hear about how plastic surgery will have some folks looking crazy in 20-30 years but the same can be said for the collective mental & emotional health of people everywhere. No matter what your walk of life, we all are experiencing so much fast pace change that can keep you mentally stagnant and regretting your actions later on. Taking time to pause, make your own goals, mind your own business and focus on what matters can keep your mind in the right place. So many things in the spotlight today are so irrelevant, tap into that tunnel vision for your dreams and push forward.
8/25/2022 • 29 minutes, 53 seconds
Moving in Faith VS Moving in Preparation of Disappointment + Sustainable Love Over Baseless Approval
The things we see change our perspectives and expectations, that’s no secret. Faith is the basis of all our actions and fulfilling the things that we want and need. Things we see can cause us to get discouraged and quickly throw our expectations down the drain. This is why having a strong grip on your reality is key. No matter what standards change in the media, the things you feel called to in love and relationships are yours! They are your desires for a reason. Date with intention, not fear or in preparation of disappointment. Move with confidence, learn what you need to and keep your goals in mind. Don’t be fueled or moved by what may not happen, focus on what you want to attract.
8/11/2022 • 40 minutes, 32 seconds
Losing Motivation When We Need It Most + Restoring Your Faith + Accepting Your Success
Nothing in life is easy! So many times we are plagued with stress, self doubt, insecurity and just an overall disinterested energy when our goals are taking longer than we’d like to come full circle. It’s important to remember that everything happens exactly when it should and every day you get closer to your end goal! The finish line never changes, you only become more prepared to accept the new beginning. Combatting imposter syndrome is key in seeing yourself fulfill your dreams. Don’t question your abilities as times goes on- understand that the timing is always exactly how it needs to be!
8/3/2022 • 27 minutes, 34 seconds
The Responsibility of Success & Influence + Being Prepared for Your Finish Line + Snap Into Reality
Responsibility goes hand in hand with success and breaking down boundaries. The more successful you are, the more money you’ll make, the more you will be handling, the more that will be available to you, the more that you have to stress over and maintain & the list goes on and on! Success is far more than the glitz and glamor we see on the daily on social media. All things that glitter are definitely not gold! Pave your own way in patience and well thought out plans. Being ready is much more than being ready to accept the blessing, you must be ready to accept the responsibility of maintaining the new space you’ve walked into.
7/27/2022 • 25 minutes, 15 seconds
How Outside Expectations Affect Your Self Image + Confidence + Following Your Own Path
As I get older and gain more success, I’m met with more criticism about what may be missing from my life. This is something I see many women deal with on a daily basis on social media, having everyone comment on what is wrong or what isn’t up to par with your current lifestyle. It is so key to know what you want and keep that in center stage no matter what. You must be led by your own desires and motivations, focus on what fuels you and don’t be moved by outside opinions! This is definitely easier said than done but it is a new perspective that can really elevate your life and let you move based on what makes you fulfilled, rather than everyone else.
7/19/2022 • 21 minutes, 58 seconds
Sister Circles + Evolution of Friendships + Digital Spaces
Hey hey! What a joy it is to introduce Your Virtual Sister Circle & the conversations we’ll be having here! Thank you for joining me on this journey. As we grow older, our surroundings need to grow as well! As friendships change, we may find ourselves lost and wanting to connect deeply in different spaces. Sister circles have always been safe spaces for Black women to come together & express themselves. It’s time to remember the influence of community and the power of release. Let’s get into it