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Straight Talk MD

English, Sciences, 1 season, 201 episodes, 1 day, 20 hours, 7 minutes
I’m a skeptic searching for the truth in all matters related to science and medicine, especially where it intersects with economics, politics, and public health. The truth is out there and we’re going to find it together...
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STRANGE DAZE: On Pins and Needles

Every October, the American Society of Anesthesiologists [the ASA] hosts the largest medical specialty meeting of its kind for thousands and thousands of anesthesiologists from around the world. This year’s meeting is being held in San Francisco from October 13th to 17th. To recognize the importance of anesthesia in the evolution of surgery, and to commemorate the first public demonstration of surgical anesthesia administered to a patient undergoing surgery [by William Morton on October 16th, 1846], called “World Anesthesia Day”, I present a different episode of the Strange Daze podcast each day of the meeting. Today’s Episode is On Pins and Needles. It’s a true story about trying to master spinal anesthesia. While spinal anesthesia can be a beautiful and elegant alternative to general anesthesia, every anesthetic technique has limitations, and dealing with the limitations of spinal anesthesia can be a terrifying experience for the anesthesia resident.
10/18/20231 hour, 18 minutes, 59 seconds
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STRANGE DAZE: Fragile: Handle with Care

Every October, the American Society of Anesthesiologists [the ASA] hosts the largest medical specialty meeting of its kind for thousands and thousands of anesthesiologists from around the world. This year’s meeting is being held in San Francisco from October 13th to 17th. To recognize the importance of anesthesia in the evolution of surgery, and to commemorate the first public demonstration of surgical anesthesia administered to a patient undergoing surgery [by William Morton on October 16th, 1846], called “World Anesthesia Day”, I present a different episode of the Strange Daze podcast each day of the meeting. Today’s episode is: Fragile: Handle with Care. It’s a true story about administering my first anesthetic to a baby having a routine hernia repair that devolved into one of the most terrifying cases of my early career. How can a routine anesthetic go so wrong? Truth be told, in about a million and a half different ways.
10/17/20231 hour, 26 seconds
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STRANGE DAZE: Production Pressure

Every October, the American Society of Anesthesiologists [the ASA] hosts the largest medical specialty meeting of its kind for thousands and thousands of anesthesiologists from around the world. This year’s meeting is being held in San Francisco from October 13th to 17th. To recognize the importance of anesthesia in the evolution of surgery, and to commemorate the first public demonstration of surgical anesthesia administered to a patient undergoing surgery [by William Morton on October 16th, 1846], called “World Anesthesia Day”, I present a different episode of the Strange Daze podcast each day of the meeting. Todays Episode is Production Pressure. It’s a true story about how in our haste to get a surgery case started we sometimes do things that we shouldn’t do, and at other times, we fail to do the things we should…  In anesthesiology, either error can have serious consequences.
10/16/20231 hour, 11 minutes, 18 seconds
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Every October, the American Society of Anesthesiologists [the ASA] hosts the largest medical specialty meeting of its kind for thousands and thousands of anesthesiologists from around the world. This year’s meeting is being held in San Francisco from October 13th to 17th. To recognize the importance of anesthesia in the evolution of surgery, and to commemorate the first public demonstration of surgical anesthesia administered to a patient undergoing surgery [by William Morton on October 16th, 1846], called “World Anesthesia Day”, I present a different episode of the Strange Daze podcast each day of the meeting. Today’s Episode is Crepitus. It’s a true story about how incompletely understood and improperly conducted laser surgery can turn a routine knee arthroscopy into a life-threatening disaster.
10/15/20231 hour, 4 minutes, 4 seconds
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STRANGE DAZE: Wrong Assumptions

Every October, the American Society of Anesthesiologists [the ASA] hosts the largest medical specialty meeting of its kind for thousands and thousands of anesthesiologists from around the world. This year’s meeting is being held in San Francisco from October 13th to 17th. To recognize the importance of anesthesia in the evolution of surgery, and to commemorate the first public demonstration of surgical anesthesia administered to a patient undergoing surgery [by William Morton on October 16th, 1846], called “World Anesthesia Day”, I present a different episode of the Strange Daze podcast each day of the meeting. Today’s Episode is Wrong Assumptions. It’s a true story about a healthy, 37-year-old woman who comes into the hospital expecting a routine delivery of her third baby and ends up in a coma. How can a routine case to go so wrong? In about a million and a half different way. This is just one of them.
10/14/202351 minutes, 30 seconds
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Plasmid DNA Contamination of Pfizer mRNA Vaccines Confirmed! featuring Dr. Phillip Buckhaults

In February, Kevin McKernan, CSO of Medicinal Genomics, was deep sequencing Pfizer mRNA vaccines when he discovered that every sample he tested was contaminated with large quantities of plasmid DNA. A plasmid is a circular piece of DNA integral in the manufacturing process of mRNA vaccines, but it doesn’t belong in the final shot going into arms, nor is it a listed component of either the Moderna or Pfizer mRNA vaccines. McKernan re-tested multiple different vaccine samples from multiple different lots using multiple different methods, but consistently got the same result: substantial plasmid DNA contamination in every Pfizer vaccine sample tested. McKernan published his findings but received no coverage by the MSM, nor was he contacted by Pfizer, the CDC, or the FDA. When I interviewed Kevin in April, no other lab in the US had confirmed McKernan’s results. Now they have. McKernan’s findings have been repeated and confirmed by Dr. Phillip Buckhaults, a cancer genomics expert from the University of South Carolina. On September 18th, Buckhaults testified before the South Carolina Senate Medical Affairs Ad-Hoc Committee on DHEC and presented his findings. There’s no longer any doubt that substantial quantities of plasmid DNA contaminated the Pfizer mRNA vaccines injected into humans. The issue that needs to be addressed is: What are the human health effects of being injected with 200-billion plasmid DNA fragments per jab? The MSM, the FDA, the CDC, and Pfizer have been dismissive of the potential public health consequences of injecting hundreds of billions of DNA fragments contained in each jab into the arms of hundreds of millions of humans. Two potential problems identified by both McKernan and Buckhaults is the risk of cancer transformation and immune targeting of cells taking up the vaccine. Today, I cover highlights of that September 18th South Carolina Senate hearing featuring Dr. Phillip Buckhaults discussing the plasmid DNA contamination of the Pfizer vaccines, what it could mean, and what should be done about it.
10/9/202340 minutes, 5 seconds
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“Self-Spreading” Vaccines and the Origin of COVID-19 with Jim Haslam

Many experts believe the preponderance of circumstantial and molecular evidence suggests SARS-CoV-2 was genetically manipulated in a lab and accidentally released into the human population in Wuhan. Jim Haslam, who has written seven essays on the origin of COVID-19, believes that SARS-CoV-2 was created in the US as a “self-spreading” vaccine intended for bats that are a reservoir for SARS-related coronaviruses, that accidentally leaked during in vivo testing of bats at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Today we discuss the evidence supporting his theory.
9/25/20232 hours, 3 minutes, 33 seconds
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Biden’s Inexorable Decline

Joe Biden is already the most cognitively and physically impaired President we’ve seen in our lifetime. If re-elected in 2024, Biden would begin his second term at the age of 82. Only one-third of Americans think he has the physical stamina to be POTUS today; even fewer believe he has the mental capacity for the job. While Biden’s obvious physical and mental decline at age 80 is not unusual or something to be criticized, it’s absurd to ignore it and pretend it doesn’t impact his ability to competently execute the duties of POTUS. For this reason, it’s a matter of public concern and worthy of close examination. Biden refuses formal cognitive testing and has followed a prudent strategy: it is better to not take a cognitive exam and be suspected of having dementia than to fail the test and remove all doubt. In lieu of cognitive testing, Biden has instructed Americans to observe his performance and draw their own conclusions as to his mental and physical fitness to serve a second term as POTUS. In today’s episode, I abide by the President’s request. I gather abundant evidence from Biden’s public performance, opinions from expert’s and “knowledgeable informants”, and present the evidence which reflects upon his mental and physical fitness for duty as POTUS. People can draw their own conclusions what that evidence means.
9/4/20231 hour, 29 minutes, 22 seconds
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“Don’t Look Up” with Ron Howrigon

My guest is HealthCare Economist Ron Howrigon. In 2017, Ron wrote Flatlining: How Healthcare Could Kill the US Economy and had some dire predictions for our healthcare system and our economy if substantial changes weren’t implemented. Today, Ron discusses his sequel to Flatlining called: CLEAR! Reforming Healthcare to Save the US Economy. In the movie “Don’t Look Up”, an asteroid the size of Mount Everest is headed toward earth. A group of astronomers warn the President that unless something is done urgently to alter the asteroid’s course, earth will be destroyed. The strategy of the President and her government is, “Don’t look up.” That is, if you don’t look up you won’t see the asteroid on collision course with earth, and somehow everything will be okay. Similarly, as the National Debt continues to soar, an ever-increasing Healthcare Cost is like an economy-destroying asteroid that’s largely being ignored right now. In effect we’re following the “Don’t Look Up” strategy. How do we reign in the cost of US Healthcare, while maintaining access and quality and at the same time providing coverage for all who want it? Stay tuned and find out.
7/10/20231 hour, 32 minutes, 2 seconds
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Valentin Bruttel: The Molecular Evidence pointing to a synthetic origin of SARS-CoV-2

Molecular biologist and immunologist Valentin Bruttel discusses what he believes is compelling molecular evidence indicating SARS-CoV-2 was engineered in a lab. He is the co-author, along with Alex Washburne, and Tony VanDongen of the preprint entitled: Endonuclease fingerprint indicates a synthetic origin of SARS-CoV-2. He recently published a comprehensive analysis of the molecular evidence pointing to a lab origin of COVID-19 in a YouTube presentation entitled: SARS-CoV-2 Origin: How we were misled and how molecular evidence proves it came from a lab.
6/5/20233 hours, 4 minutes, 47 seconds
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#RaccoonDogGate: New data does NOT link raccoon dogs to COVID-19’s origin with Steve Massey...

On 3/17/23, the MSM news cycle was dominated by an incredible claim by a group of international scientists: “new data” from early 2020 linked raccoon dogs at the Wuhan Seafood Market to the origin of COVID-19. When “Raccoon Dog Mediapalooza” commenced, journalists and science reporters had no data, no preprint, and no peer reviewed paper to validate the claims of these scientists. Now we have all three. Independent analysis of the “new data” shows that the international scientists, largely comprised of “the usual suspects,” have once again misrepresented the evidence to support their preferred narrative [a natural spillover at the Huanan Seafood Market] and have co-opted the mainstream media to amplify it. Today, I interview Dr. Steven Massey to discuss #raccoondoggate, the data, what it shows—and more importantly, what it does not show. Spoiler alert: No credible evidence links raccoon dogs to the origin of COVID-19. Period. After interviewing Steve, one conclusion is clear: it is absurd to conclude from the “new data” that an infected raccoon dog at the Huanan Seafood Market is linked to the origin of COVID-19. We answer the question proposed in the first installment of this travesty: Yes, raccoon dogs are the new pangolins! Dr. Massey is a researcher in bioinformatics, metagenomics and genomics, complexity and molecular evolution.
4/24/20231 hour, 25 minutes, 53 seconds
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DNA Contamination Discovered in Moderna and Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccines with Kevin McKernan

In early February, Kevin McKernan, Chief Science Officer of Medicinal Genomics, was deep sequencing Moderna and Pfizer bivalent booster vaccines to help solve a technical problem with his sequencing process when he made an entirely unexpected discovery: the Pfizer and Moderna bivalent booster samples were contaminated with DNA that contained the Spike protein gene within it. Self-replicating DNA plasmids containing the spike protein gene are an integral part of the manufacturing process to make the Pfizer and Moderna COVID vaccines; they are not supposed to be in the final product injected into humans. Kevin repeated the analysis on Pfizer’s monovalent vaccine [the original COVID-19 vaccine requiring 3 jabs] using multiple different measuring tools and arrived at the same result: Plasmid DNA with the Spike gene contaminating the vaccine. When he measured the quantity of DNA it was an order of magnitude higher than the acceptable limit specified by the European Medicines Agency [EMA] in some lots. Today, I have Kevin McKernan in the virtual studio to explain his research, what he found, and what it means. #Plasmidgate.
4/6/20231 hour, 19 minutes, 12 seconds
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Raccoon Dog Mediapalooza with Mike Balter

On March 17th, at least 17 major news outlets published a story claiming a group of scientists had analyzed new genetic data from Chinese and that data linked raccoon dogs at the Huanan Seafood Market to the origin of COVID-19. At best, it was journalistic misfeasance, at worst it was willful misdirection. At the time “raccoon dog mediapalooza” dominated the news cycle, there was no data, no preprint, nor peer reviewed paper available for independent examination of the scientist’s claims. “Raccoon dog mediapalooza” was based on “quotes” from “the usual suspects”; a cabal of virologists that have misstated, distorted, and/or overstated the evidence pointing to a natural spillover since the beginning of the pandemic. Today, I interview veteran journalist Mike Balter for the insider’s perspective of the mainstream media coverage of the investigation of the origin of COVID-19 since the beginning. Their over-reliance on “the usual suspects” a small group of virologists with clear self interest in the outcome of an investigation into the origin of COVID-19. Mike has been a working journalist for more than four decades and wrote for Science Magazine for 25 of those years. It’s a long interview but filled with many profound insights.
4/3/20232 hours, 18 minutes, 26 seconds
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Are Raccoon Dogs the New Pangolin? with Steve Massey

On March 17th, 2023, the news cycle was dominated by the announcement of an “international team of virologists and evolutionary biologists”  that claimed to have analyzed data from China that showed raccoon dogs at the Wuhan Seafood Market were linked to the origin of COVID-19. Unfortunately, the scientists were unable to provide the data they had analyzed for independent examination. Baffling to many was that the data used to implicate raccoon dogs as the reservoir animal for SARS-2, was the same data that had previously been analyzed in a preprint last year. Using the same data, the authors of the preprint concluded that the Wuhan Seafood market was a super spreader location not the location of the origin of COVID-19... The evolutionary virologists implicating the raccoon dog were the usual suspects. A cabal of virologists that Jonathan Latham refers to as “Fauci’s COVID-19 Origins SWAT Team...” A small group of virologists who’ve tried to maintain the false narrative that science shows that COVID-19 was the result of natural spillover and attacking those providing evidence that suggests COVID-19 originated from a lab. Some of these evolutionary biologists are the same ones that told us three years ago that a virus 99% similar to SARS-CoV-2 had been isolated from pangolins and that pangolins could be the missing link in the natural spillover to humans... They were wrong. Now, they’re telling us it’s a raccoon dog. Today, I interview Steven Massey to discuss the claim by “The Usual Suspects” that “the data shows” the racoon dog is the new pangolin. Dr. Massey is a researcher in bioinformatics, metagenomics and genomics, complexity and molecular evolution.
3/27/202351 minutes, 50 seconds
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Unraveling the Origin of COVID-19 False Narrative with Jonathan Latham

On March 8th the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic convened their investigation into the origins of COVID-19. Dr Jonathan Latham, “a card-carrying virologist” joins me to perform a warm autopsy on this first Subcommittee hearing on “Investigating the origin of COVID-19.” Dr Latham is the Editor of Independent Science news and the co-founder and executive director of the Bioscience Resource Project. While much of the proceeding was political theater, former CDC Director Robert Redfield continues to unravel the false narrative promoted by Drs Fauci, Farrar, Collins, and a cabal of scientists funded by them. While every scientist testifying at the hearing agreed that it was no conspiracy theory that COVID-19 might have come from a lab, it has becoming increasingly evident there was a conspiracy to mislead and deceive the public that the “science showed” that COVID-19 was the result of a natural spillover and that this was the consensus of scientists. We discuss the preponderance of evidence that points to a cover-up and a carefully constructed disinformation campaign to distract, deceive, and mislead the public’s attention away from extremely risky gain-of-function research that may have led to the pandemic of the century.
3/14/20231 hour, 54 minutes, 57 seconds
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US Energy Department assessment on the origin of the pandemic, “limited hangouts”, the WHO, and the evolving official narrative on the origin of COVID-19

Last week, journalists from the WSJ reported that the US Department of Energy [DOE] had joined the FBI in concluding that the COVID-19 pandemic most likely arose from a lab leak in Wuhan. While the DOE assessment is supported by a growing body of circumstantial evidence in the public domain, the cloak and dagger manner in which it was leaked to the Press raises more questions than it answers. Today Sam Husseini and I discuss the DOE assessment—what we know and what we don’t know, the “limited hangout” post 9/11 that manipulated US public opinion to believe Iraq had WMDs, the WHO role in the ongoing investigation of the origin of SARS-CoV-2 and their appointment of Jeremy Farrar as Chief Scientist, and the rapidly evolving “official narrative” on the origin of COVID-19. Sam Husseini is an independent reporter covering WMDs and biowarfare since 9/11.
3/7/20231 hour, 34 minutes, 9 seconds
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Exclusive: Secret gain-of-function research on novel coronavirus in Wuhan uncovered from mining genomic datasets with Steve Massey

Last week, Adrian Jones, Daoyu Zhang, Steven Massey, Yuri Deigin, Louis Nemzer, and Steven Quay reported out on an ingenious analysis of genomic datasets from NCBI that indicate a lab in Wuhan was performing potentially risky genetic engineering manipulations on a novel coronavirus that was previously unreported. The manipulation? Inserting a MERS spike protein into a previously unreported coronavirus. MERS has a case fatality rate of over 30%. What is clear from the analysis is that at least one lab in Wuhan was performing risky gain-of-function research on unreported coronaviruses before the pandemic started, the kind that could have created SARS-CoV-2. It also shows that risky GOF research is being conducted in Wuhan that has no identifiable medical benefit, but has the potential to create a pandemic level pathogen. Today I interview Steven Massey, a professor of bioinformatics that has been actively researching the origin of SARS-CoV-2 since the pandemic began and one of the authors of this significant discovery. We discuss the paper, how his team discovered this novel engineered coronavirus from Wuhan, and what it means in the search for the origin of COVID-19...
3/2/20231 hour, 37 minutes, 52 seconds
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Jonathan Latham on the Origin of COVID-19, accelerated evolution of coronaviruses in immunocompromised hosts, RaTG-13, the 2014 Ebola outbreak, and much more

Jonathan R Latham PhD is a “card-carrying” virologist, the co-founder and Executive Director of the Bioscience Resource Project, and the Editor of Independent Science News. In the first half of today’s interview, we discuss several theories of the origin of COVID-19, Fauci’s COVID Origin SWAT Team, the significance of RaTG-13 and those Mojang Miners, accelerated viral evolution in immunocompromised hosts, and much more. In the second half, we discuss the many unusual features of the 2014 Ebola Outbreak in West Africa that point to an “unnatural” origin, and the many similarities to the COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan.
2/21/20231 hour, 41 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Unredacted Fauci Emails with Jimmy Tobias

Today, I interview independent reporter Jimmy Tobias. Jimmy successfully challenged the NIH to have the redactions removed from Dr Fauci’s emails surrounding his secret deliberations with NIH Director Francis Collins, Jeremy Farrar, and several renown virologists regarding the possible lab origin of COVID-19. We discuss the content of those unredacted emails between Drs. Fauci, Collins, Farrar and a cabal of internationally recognized virologists in the first nine days of February 2020.  These emails followed the now notorious February 1st, 2020, secret teleconference arranged by Jeremy Farrar and Anthony Fauci to discuss the unanimous opinion of four renown virologists that the virus responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic had genetic features that looked “potentially engineered” and was “inconsistent with expectations from evolutionary theory.” Within days of that secret teleconference, these virologists made a 180-degree about-face and wrote a highly influential correspondence in Nature Medicine entitled: The Proximal Origin of SARS-CoV-2 stating unequivocally that the virus responsible for the COVID-19 could not have come from a lab. How the authors of The Proximal Origin Correspondence came to this reversal so quickly and so adamantly without any credible science to justify it was a mystery... until the redactions from Fauci emails were removed.
2/16/20231 hour, 34 minutes, 22 seconds
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Dark Winter with Raina MacIntyre

My guest is epidemiologist and biosecurity expert, Raina MacIntyre. Dr MacIntyre is Head of the Biosecurity Program at the Kirby Institute, and Professor of Global Biosecurity at UNSW. Today we discuss her latest book DARK WINTER: An insider’s guide to Pandemics and biosecurity. We discuss a series of unnatural outbreaks [lab leaks or deliberate misuse] that have occurred over the past 70 years: Sverdlovsk anthrax release, Rajneeshee bioterror attacks, Amerithrax attacks, and others... Raina breaks down the patterns and features they have in common.  We discuss the highly unusual features of the 2014 Ebola outbreak in West Africa and the 2019 COVID-19 outbreak that raise questions about a possible unnatural origin of these outbreaks. In every case, the outbreak was initially deemed a natural occurrence by scientists, but later [often many years later] were determined to have had an unnatural origin.  Common features in these cases are denial, a cover-up, silence, and often an “information war” led by scientists to control the narrative. The conclusions are inescapable and unsettling: When it comes to investigating an unusual outbreak, we cannot leave the scientists in charge of the investigation. And second, in an era of widely available synthetic biology, accelerated natural selection, and covert DUROC, we face an existential threat from bioweapons of mass destruction. The odds have already shifted dramatically in favor of any outbreak being due to a lab leak or deliberate misuse rather than due to a natural occurrence.
1/23/20231 hour, 12 minutes, 45 seconds
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The Pandemic Origin and the Biowarfare Arms Race with Sam Husseini

Today I interview independent journalist Sam Husseini. Sam has covered the COVID-19 pandemic origins since the beginning and covered WMD’s since 9/11. Today, we discuss the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic, the origins of the massive escalation in the bioweapons/biodefense arms race, Amerithrax, Dr Fauci, and the concerted disinformation campaign to misdirect the public’s attention away from highly risky biodefense research. We discuss Sam’s latest deep dive into the 2014 Ebola outbreak in West Africa and a possible connection to a US run biodefense lab in Kenema, Sierra Leon.
1/17/20231 hour, 55 minutes, 18 seconds
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Just over one year ago, a TOP SECRET “biodefense” research proposal called Project DEFUSE was leaked to the public by DRASTIC. The proposal was originally submitted to DARPA [the DEFENSE ADVANCED RESEARCH PROJECTS AGENCY] on behalf of EcoHealth Alliance in March 2018. The proposed research would take some 180 previously unreported SARS-like coronaviruses, insert human specific furin cleavage sites into them, and then pass these genetically engineered viruses through Human Airway Epithelium cell cultures to test their pathogenicity to humans. Experts have called this research proposal “a blueprint” for creating SARS-CoV-2 in a lab. Principal investigators listed in the Project DEFUSE proposal were Peter Daszak, President of EcoHealth Alliance, GOF-Meister Ralph Baric from the University of North Carolina, and the Bat Lady, Shi Zhengli, from the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Peter Daszak and DARPA have denied Project DEFUSE was ever carried out. On October 6th, we learned that one of the reviewers of that Project DEFUSE proposal reported that the research was already underway when the proposal was submitted to DARPA in March 2018. Today I review what we know about Project DEFUSE and how that research may provide the missing link in the search for the origin of COVID-19.
11/7/20221 hour, 27 minutes, 14 seconds
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The Lancet Commission on lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic

After a two-year investigation of the pandemic, the Lancet COVID-19 Commission released their final report on September 14th. Where did Covid-19 come from? Did gain-of-function research cause the COVID-19 pandemic, and could it cause another? Was the vaccine rollout guided more by economics and market factors than equity and medical need? These questions are only scratching the surface. Today’s episode covers all this and more from the key findings and recommendations in that report.
10/3/202246 minutes, 33 seconds
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Investigating the Origin of COVID-19 featuring Jeffrey Sachs

Jeffrey Sachs, Chair of the Lancet COVID-19 Commission and charged with oversight of 11 different Task Forces investigating various aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic, was interviewed on the DEFENDER Podcast and shared his remarkable experiences with one Task Force. Sachs does a scathing takedown of the junk science published in reputable scientific journals that has been used to support the false narrative that “the science shows COVID-19 was the result of a natural spillover.”
9/5/20221 hour, 11 minutes, 54 seconds
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Gain of Function Research and the Origin of COVID-19 with Richard Ebright, Kevin Esvelt, and Steven Quay

On August 3rd, 2022, the Senate Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Spending Oversight held a hearing to discuss the threat of gain-of-function research and the origin of COVID-19. Doctors Richard Ebright, Steven Quay, and Kevin Esvelt testified publicly before the committee. In their collective testimony, we finally hear the inconvenient truth about dangerous gain of function research and the mountain of evidence supporting a possible lab origin of COVID-19. These experts candidly discuss what Doctors Fauci and Collins have never publicly said out loud. The only conspiracy that has been perpetrated against the American people is the coverup of what these scientists have been trying to tell the world for the past two and a half years.
8/22/20221 hour, 15 minutes, 39 seconds
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COVID-19 Origin Episode 6: Establishing the False Narrative

At the Coronavirus Task Force Press Conference on April 17th, 2020, Dr. Fauci establishes a false narrative that “the science” supports one credible scientific hypothesis for the origin of the COVID-19 Pandemic- a natural zoonosis. This episode examines the “nightmare of circumstantial evidence” that Dr. Fauci had to ignore, conceal, and eliminate from his public orations to establish the false narrative and the myriad reasons why, if proven correct, the lab leak hypothesis would be an epic disaster for Drs. Fauci, Collins, and gain-of-functionologists. We also examine the abundant evidence of the behind-the-scenes role of NIH Director Francis Collins in pushing the false narrative, and his efforts to disparage and discredit those discussing the evidence pointing to a possible lab leak by labelling them as conspiracy theorists.
7/25/20222 hours, 28 minutes, 19 seconds
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COVID-19 Origin Episode 5: An Inconvenient Truth

On January 31, 2020, the day after the WHO declared the 2019 novel coronavirus outbreak a Public Health Emergency of International Concern, Big Science in the US and the UK learned an inconvenient truth. An international group of virologists that had been studying the genetic sequence of SARS Coronavirus-2 unanimously agreed that the 2019 novel coronavirus genome was “inconsistent with expectations from evolutionary theory” and contained unusual features that indicated it might have been engineered in a lab. This shocking revelation prompted Dr. Anthony Fauci to call a secret meeting attended by an international list of “Who’s who” in Big Science, gain-of-function research, and virology to discuss the possible non-natural origin of COVID-19. Today’s episode examines the events surrounding that remarkable February 1st, 2020, meeting and the expressed opinions of the experts who attended it. From their unredacted emails, only recently made public, we discover that the expert’s opinions on the origin of COVID-19 expressed privately at the February 1st meeting were shockingly inconsistent with what many of these same scientists were saying publicly in the days and weeks following. That meeting marked the beginning of a concerted effort by Big Science and a cabal of scientists to conceal the inconvenient truth and launch a coordinated disinformation campaign to control the narrative on the origin of COVID-19.
4/11/20221 hour, 32 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Origin of COVID-19 Episode 4: The China Coverup

There is abundant evidence of a concerted effort by the Chinese Government and their Public Health officials to conceal the magnitude of the outbreak of “pneumonias of unknown cause” and to mislead the world into believing that COVID-19 was not spreading by human-to-human transmission for almost a month. During that month, an estimated 7-million people left Wuhan City for destinations around the world, thousands of them infected with COVID-19. In this episode, I look back at the China coverup of the COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan in that month leading up to the full lock-down of Wuhan City on January 23rd, 2020. Why is it important to study the origin of the pandemic of the century? Knowing how a pandemic started, is the key to preventing the next one. Unless we learn from history, we’re destined to repeat it.
1/31/20221 hour, 44 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Origin of COVID-19 Episode 3: The Lab Leak Hypothesis with Yuri Deigin

Where did SARS Coronavirus-2, the virus responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic that ravaged the world, come from? Today, I interview Yuri Deigin, a biotech researcher, entrepreneur, and founding member of DRASTIC, to discuss the evidence that led him to believe there is a greater than ninety-percent chance that COVID-19 originated from the Wuhan Institute of Virology...
11/25/20211 hour, 43 minutes, 13 seconds
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The Origin of COVID-19 Episode 2: Ground Zero

Knowing how a pandemic started is the key to stopping the next one. A novel bat coronavirus first appears in Wuhan, China in November of 2019. This family of coronaviruses normally reside in bats living in caves 1000 miles south of Wuhan. Understanding where the virus came from and how it entered the human reservoir will help prevent a similar pandemic in the future. Two competing theories, with vastly different implications, quickly emerged to explain where this virus came from and how it entered the human reservoir. Both are plausible. Both have merit. Episode two critically examines both theories of origin of COVID-19 as of April 2020.
11/15/202151 minutes, 21 seconds
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The Origin of COVID-19 Episode 1: Overview

Knowing how a pandemic started is the key to stopping the next one. Understanding where the virus causing COVID-19 originated and how it entered the human reservoir will help prevent a similar pandemic in the future.   SARS Coronavirus-2 first appeared in Wuhan, China in November 2019. There are two competing theories to explain where this virus came from and how it entered the human reservoir. One theory is a natural “spillover” event. The second is the Wuhan Institute of Virology “lab leak” theory.  Both are possible. Both are based on circumstantial evidence.   This episode presents an overview of the evidence accumulated since our May 2020 episode, “The Enemy Appears.”  In the 20 months since then, much evidence has accumulated on the origin of COVID-19. Unfortunately, it all points to the “lab leak” hypothesis.
11/8/202128 minutes, 23 seconds
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Dr. Paul Offit COVID-19 Update

Dr. Paul Offit is back in the virtual studio to discuss the COVID-19 vaccines in 5-to-11-year-olds, the relative risk of myocarditis following vaccination compared to the risk of myocarditis following a Covid-19 infection, and the glaring lack of evidence supporting the vaccine booster for most of us. We also discuss Paul’s latest book: “You Bet Your Life: From Blood Transfusions to Mass Vaccination, The Long and Risky History of Medical Innovation.”
10/25/202157 minutes, 33 seconds
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COVID-19 Natural Immunity Versus Vaccine Immunity, the Booster Shot, Myocarditis, and the Return to Normalcy with Dr. Monica Gandhi

Today, internationally respected infectious disease specialist, Dr. Monica Gandhi, is in the virtual studio to examine the science of natural immunity versus vaccine immunity, the booster shot, and the risk of myocarditis in teens. We also explore the best timing of vaccine doses to maximize immunity, and finally, where is the offramp to normalcy here in the U.S.?
10/18/202157 minutes, 45 seconds
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BidenCare and Beyond

Healthcare economist, Ron Howrigon, returns to follow up on “surprise medical bills”, the nursing shortage, the hospital transparency rule, the economy,  the inscrutable workforce paradox, and much more...
10/11/20211 hour, 18 minutes, 56 seconds
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Healthcare 2022: What is Past is Prologue

As we head for the offramp of the COVID-19 pandemic, we take a candid look at the dystopian future that awaits us. Healthcare economist, Ron Howrigon, returns to discuss Healthcare 2022 and examine some of the most dysfunctional aspects of our healthcare system that will likely get worse in the post-COVID world.
10/4/20211 hour, 10 minutes, 50 seconds
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The COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate, Vaccine Hesitancy, Natural Immunity, Myocarditis, and much, much more, with Rich Parker MD

Dr. Rich Parker and I discuss the Biden vaccine mandate, vaccine hesitancy, natural immunity, myocarditis, rational Covid testing in schools, and much, much more.
9/16/20211 hour, 32 minutes, 43 seconds
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Dopamine Nation with Anna Lembke MD

Today, I interview best-selling author, Dr. Anna Lembke, on her latest book, Dopamine Nation: Finding Balance in the Age of Indulgence. Dr. Lembke carefully maps out the neuroscience, and leads us to an inescapable and uncomfortable conclusion: we have met the enemy, and the enemy is us. Dopamine is merely the messenger. More often than not, we are the architects of our own addictions, pain, and unhappiness through our endless, compulsive overconsumption of highly potent stimuli like junk food, cannabis, internet porn, smartphones, social media, and the usual suspects of drugs and alcohol. We sacrifice a meaningful and satisfying life well-lived for the short-term dopamine rush that always leaves us wanting more.
8/30/20211 hour, 25 minutes, 59 seconds
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This COVID Life 9: “Return to COVID Hell”

With persistent severe brain fog two weeks out from first symptoms, Frank must undergo extensive cognitive testing to rule out a structural brain injury.
8/25/202140 minutes, 15 seconds
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This COVID Life 8: “Judgment Day”

Judgment Day arrives for Frank. Maryam gets her test results back.
8/3/202132 minutes, 39 seconds
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This COVID Life 7: “Storm Warnings”

The return of the fever, along with the worsening brain fog and “monkey mind,” create fears of an impending cytokine storm. Maryam gets a fever and goes for a test.
7/13/202135 minutes, 36 seconds
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This COVID Life 6: “Bad Omens”

The worsening of symptoms overnight may be bad omens for COVID-19 disease progression.
6/28/202130 minutes, 21 seconds
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This COVID Life 5: “The Fog of COVID”

With the COVID test positive, Frank and Maryam are in quarantine. New symptoms appear. The source of the COVID infection is contemplated; treatments options are considered.
5/17/202121 minutes, 33 seconds
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This COVID Life 4: “Like a Box of Chocolates”

COVID test results return. Many questions remain unanswered.
4/26/202119 minutes, 18 seconds
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This COVID Life 3: “Shut Up and Take the Pain”

The development of new symptoms warrant further investigation...
4/14/202125 minutes, 6 seconds
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This COVID Life 2: “A Date Which Will Live in Infamy”

We pick up the story on December 7th, 2020, Pearl Harbor Day, “a date which will live in infamy.” The pandemic is raging out of control while COVID-19 vaccines are awaiting approval. It’s a day I’ll never forget...
4/5/202124 minutes, 9 seconds
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This COVID Life 1: The Worst of Times

The rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated. I pick up the story where we left off three months ago... At the end of the first week of December 2020, in the middle of COVID Hell.
3/29/202117 minutes, 39 seconds
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Allegory Of The Bus

Today’s episode was originally released in March 2017 during the attempt to “Repeal and Replace” Obamacare with TrumpCare. The Allegory of the Bus was a cautionary tale about the potential consequences of the deep division in Washington politics on the health and security of the nation. I’m re-releasing the Allegory of the Bus because it’s even more relevant today with the even deeper divide in Congress- and the Nation- as we collectively confront far more ominous threats.
1/25/202128 minutes, 21 seconds
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COVID Commentaries. Episode 3: Seeds of Destruction

I am re-releasing this episode on the one-year anniversary of the first U.S. case of COVID-19. Since then, 2 million people have died worldwide from COVID-19, and we still don’t have a credible explanation of how it entered the human reservoir. There is abundant evidence of a concerted effort by the Chinese Authorities to conceal what was really going on in Wuhan since the last week of December 2019. They took active measures to suppress and destroy the overwhelming evidence that SARS Coronavirus-2, aka COVID-19, was rapidly spreading from human-to-human in Wuhan for almost a month before they finally acknowledged it to the world on January 21st. During that time, the WHO didn’t challenge or confirm the veracity of the official Chinese narrative that there was no evidence that the novel coronavirus was spreading from human-to-human. Instead, they echoed the false narrative, giving it credibility while COVID-19 spread around the world. “Seeds of Destruction” takes a hard look at the evidence in plain sight of what the Chinese leadership knew and when they knew it. It also examines the role of the WHO in promoting the false narrative. Understanding how a pandemic started is the key to preventing the next one.
1/21/202146 minutes, 15 seconds
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COVID Commentaries. Episode 2: The Enemy Appears [Origins]

The World Health Organization is just now investigating the origins of COVID-19. Last May, I published this podcast with an alternative theory of the origin of the SARS Coronavirus-2 (aka COVID-19) based on facts in plain sight. My theory contradicted the Chinese Government’s narrative and was dismissed as “conspiracy theory.” Based on the WHO’s investigation, this podcast is now proving prescient. The Caption for the May 4, 2020 Episode: Knowing how a pandemic started is the key to stopping the next one. A novel bat coronavirus first appeared in Wuhan, China in late November of 2019. This family of coronaviruses normally reside in bats living in caves 1000 miles south of Wuhan. Understanding where the virus came from and how it entered the human reservoir will help prevent a similar pandemic in the future. No matter what you may have heard, no one has produced evidence to prove exactly where or how the virus entered the human reservoir. There are two possible theories to explain where this virus came from and how it entered the human reservoir. Both are plausible. Both have merit. This episode critically examines both theories of the origin of COVID-19.
1/20/202149 minutes, 56 seconds
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COVID Hell: COVID-19 Update #10 [November 23, 2020]

We have entered COVID Hell. The novel coronavirus has returned with a vengeance. In the U.S., new cases, hospitalizations and ICU admissions have already exceeded all-time highs from last spring, and we’re just beginning the exponential phase of the third wave. Hospitals in 18 states are already overwhelmed, and the vaccines cannot be deployed in time to avert the darkest winter in a century. With increased holiday travel and indoor congregation, combined with pandemic fatigue and pandemic anger, this is the most dangerous time we have faced yet in the pandemic.
11/23/202041 minutes, 23 seconds
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COVID-19 Update #9 [November 12th, 2020] with Paul Offit MD

COVID has returned with a vengeance. Dr. Paul Offit is back in the virtual studio for a COVID-19 update. We discuss the vaccine, new anti-viral therapeutics, herd immunity, the Barrington Declaration, and how to avoid another complete shutdown.
11/12/20201 hour, 3 minutes
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Biden v. Trump Closing Arguments (Healthcare 2020 #5)

On the eve of the election, I perform a post-mortem on the second Presidential debate, and compile closing arguments from Joe Biden and Donald Trump discussing their healthcare plans, the COVID-19 response, and the pandemic looking forward. This is the final episode of the Healthcare 2020 Series.
11/2/20201 hour, 10 minutes, 25 seconds
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Post-Mortem Harris Pence Debate (Healthcare 2020 #4)

The post-mortem on the Harris v. Pence debate is here! Mike Pence defends his COVID-19 record, the White House Super Spreader Event, and dodges questions on the Trump healthcare replacement plan. Before November 3rd, tune in for the full analysis of the candidates’ claims, with fact checking, and the crucial backstory that the candidates left out.
10/19/20201 hour, 2 minutes, 10 seconds
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Post-Mortem Biden Trump Debate #1 (Healthcare 2020 #3)

In the third episode of our Healthcare 2020 series, I perform a post-mortem on the first Biden-Trump debate, the “worst Presidential Debate ever,” on all healthcare-related issues. I present the clips, the commentary, and the analysis of what the candidates said, and failed to say. I also fact-check each candidate’s claims, their misstatements, and their comments on the COVID-19 pandemic.
10/7/202055 minutes, 29 seconds
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Biden v. Trump Healthcare Plans with Ron Howrigon (Healthcare 2020 #2)

Ron Howrigon is back in the virtual studio to analyze Donald Trump’s 4200-word “doctrine” for a new healthcare system, created by Presidential Executive Orders [his words, not ours.] We also look at Biden’s “Strive for Five” healthcare tweaks to Obamacare and beyond. Lastly, we discuss how both candidates may have to modify their healthcare platforms based on the fate of Obamacare in the Supreme Court. In this episode, we lay out the two most likely scenarios…
9/28/202048 minutes, 5 seconds
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From Obamacare to Election 2020 and Beyond (Healthcare 2020 #1)

Just five weeks out from the Presidential election, there are more questions than answers about both Presidential candidates’ healthcare plans. In this series, we examine each candidate’s plan to reform healthcare, and how it will impact the rest of us. In this episode, we take a look back at how we got here, and get a glimpse of where we’re headed.
9/24/202059 minutes, 38 seconds
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Production Pressure

In our haste to get a surgery started, sometimes we do things we shouldn’t do. Other times, we don’t do the things we should do. In the operating room, either error can have serious consequences. Today’s episode is about the real life consequences of skipping a single, seemingly insignificant, step in safety procedures.
9/19/20201 hour, 11 minutes, 22 seconds
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Ending Medical Reversal with Dr. Adam Cifu

Medical Reversal happens when doctors start using a medication, a procedure, or a diagnostic tool without solid evidence that it’s effective. Then, after finding out the medication, procedure, or diagnostic tool doesn’t work or even harms the patient, they eventually stop using it. Today, I interview Dr. Adam Cifu, author of the highly acclaimed book “Ending Medical Reversal: Improving Outcomes, Saving Lives.” We discuss the most controversial current examples of medical reversal, why it happens, and why it takes so long to de-adopt ineffective medical procedures, treatments, and medications. He also shares his prescription for how to prevent it. Medical reversal is far more common than we think, and causes far more harm than we admit.
9/14/20201 hour, 19 minutes, 13 seconds
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Post COVID Economics with Ron Howrigon

With the COVID-19 shutdown leading to over 10% unemployment and adding 2 trillion dollars to the national debt (from the “stimulus package”), the U.S. has entered “uncharted economic waters.” No major country in the world has ever been this upside down on debt-to-income ratio. All metrics point to a fiscal disaster much larger than the 2008 mortgage crisis, and substantially worse than the “Great Depression” of 1929. Today, health care economist, Ron Howrigon, author of Flatlining: How Healthcare Could Kill the US Economy, breaks it down by the numbers. Buckle up folks, winter is coming.
9/8/20201 hour, 8 minutes, 32 seconds
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The most cynical surgeons describe anesthesiology as 99% boredom, and 1% sheer terror. Crepitus is about the 1%. In this true story, a 57-year-old woman is administered general anesthesia for a “routine” knee arthroscopy, and the case rapidly devolved into the 1%. How can a routine knee arthroscopy go so wrong? In about a million and a half different ways. This is one of them. Crepitus was originally released on our Strange Daze Podcast.
9/6/20201 hour, 4 minutes, 22 seconds
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Wrong Assumptions

Cynical surgeons describe anesthesiology as 99% boredom, and 1% scared shitless. “Wrong Assumptions” is about the 1%. In this true story, a healthy, 37-year-old woman enters the hospital to deliver her third baby under epidural anesthesia. In the operating room following delivery, she suddenly slips into a coma for no apparent reason. How can a routine case go so wrong? In about a million and a half different ways. This is one of them. “Wrong Assumptions” was originally released on our Strange Daze Podcast.
9/4/202051 minutes, 40 seconds
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COVID-19 and Mental Health with Anna Lembke MD

The COVID-19 lockdown is being described by some as the largest uncontrolled social science experiment ever conducted. What are the mental health consequences of this real world experiment? Today, Dr. Anna Lembke is back in the virtual studio to help separate fact from fiction when it comes to the adverse mental health consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic.
8/31/20201 hour, 13 minutes, 12 seconds
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Coronavirus Update #7 [August 20, 2020] with Dr. Christine Doyle

Dr. Christine Doyle, the Immediate Past President of the California Society of Anesthesiologists, is trained in both anesthesiology and critical care medicine. Both specialties are rated “very high risk” for exposure to COVID by both the CDC and OSHA. Today, we explore a variety of safety issues and experiences from the front lines of our operating rooms and intensive care units.
8/20/20201 hour, 10 minutes, 6 seconds
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Coronavirus Update #6 [August 3, 2020] with Dr. Paul Offit

Paul Offit is back in the virtual studio to give the latest update on COVID-19. We discuss several potential game changers in testing and treatment, and an update on Operation Warp Speed, the quest in search of an effective vaccine. We also discuss the much debated return to school, reopening our communities, and the possibility for a return to life as we knew it... Can it be done safely? And if so, how?
8/3/20201 hour, 6 minutes, 4 seconds
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Overcoming Addiction with Greg Pence: Part III

In Part III of Overcoming Addiction with bioethicist Greg Pence, we wrap up a discussion of the seven different models of addiction in search of the cause - and cure - for drug and alcohol addiction. In the final episode of this series, Greg discusses the best aspects of each model, the corrupt rehab industry, and shares some optimism for those impacted by drug and alcohol addiction.
7/27/20201 hour, 4 minutes, 11 seconds
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Overcoming Addiction with Greg Pence: Part II

150,000 deaths per year in the U.S. from drug/alcohol overdose, or suicide by overdose is worthy of attention. As alcohol and drug addiction are on the rise in COVID World, it’s time to revisit the forgotten epidemic: drug and alcohol addiction. In Part II of our series, Greg Pence discusses seven different models of addiction in search of the cause- and the cure- for drug and alcohol addiction.
7/13/202057 minutes, 9 seconds
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Overcoming Addiction with Greg Pence: Part 1

Alcohol and drug use are on the rise in COVID World, but in contrast to the coronavirus, there will be no vaccine for drug and alcohol addiction. When the lockdown is over, drug and alcohol misuse is likely to be worse than ever. It’s time to revisit our forgotten epidemic: drug and alcohol addiction. Greg Pence discusses seven different models of addiction in search of the explanation— and the cure— for drug and alcohol addiction.
6/30/202053 minutes, 17 seconds
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COVID Commentaries. Episode 3: Seeds of Destruction

There’s abundant evidence of a concerted effort by the Chinese dissembling machine to conceal what was really going on in Wuhan since the last week of December 2019. They took active measures to suppress and destroy the overwhelming evidence that SARS Coronavirus-2, a.k.a. COVID-19, was rapidly spreading from human-to-human in Wuhan for almost a month before they finally acknowledged it to the world on January 20th. And the WHO didn’t challenge or confirm the veracity of the Official Chinese Narrative that there was “no evidence” that the novel coronavirus was spreading from human-to-human. Instead, the WHO largely echoed the false narrative, giving it credibility, for almost three weeks while COVID-19 was spreading around the world. “Seeds of Destruction” takes a hard look at the evidence in plain sight of what Chinese leadership knew and when they knew it. It also examines the “patsy” role of the WHO in the Fiasco of the Century.
6/8/202042 minutes, 35 seconds
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Overkill: When Modern Medicine Goes Too Far with Paul Offit

Dr. Paul Offit is an infectious disease expert, virologist, and the author of seven medical narratives. Today we discuss Overkill: When Modern Medicine Goes Too Far. Definitely worth a listen.
5/26/20201 hour, 25 minutes, 57 seconds
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COVID Commentaries. Episode 2: The Enemy Appears [Origins]

Knowing how a pandemic started is the key to stopping the next one. A novel bat coronavirus first appears in Wuhan, China in late November of 2019.  This family of coronaviruses normally reside in bats living in caves 1000 miles south of Wuhan. Understanding where the virus came from and how it entered the human reservoir will help prevent a similar pandemic in the future.  No matter what you may have heard, no one has produced evidence to prove exactly where or how the virus entered the human reservoir. There are two competing theories to explain where this virus came from and how it entered the human reservoir. Both are plausible. Both have merit.  Episode two critically examines both theories of origin.
5/4/202049 minutes, 56 seconds
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COVID Commentaries. Episode 1: Ill Prepared

The worldwide spread of COVID-19 is being called the “pandemic of the century” by some. Others are watching the debacle unfold can only wonder if the response to the COVID-19 pandemic will someday be called “the fiasco of the century.” The 24/7 news channels have created worldwide mass hysteria by reporting events from a sensationalist point of view without giving appropriate context. Civilians are terrified. The economy has been damaged for a generation. These commentaries share observations, analysis, experiences, and perspectives from a narrator who is both an observer and a participant on the front lines of healthcare. Episode 1: Ill Prepared…
4/20/202016 minutes, 57 seconds
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“Ethics in COVID-19 World” with Arthur Caplan and Greg Pence

In Wuhan China and later Italy, the healthcare system was rapidly overrun with critically ill patients and insufficient resources to save them all. When the population’s health needs vastly exceeded the system’s capacity, “utilitarian ethics” quickly replaced normal medical ethics; disaster standards of care replaced normal standards of care. Ventilators and drugs in short supply were allocated only to those patients most likely to survive; family members were not allowed to visit dying relatives in the hospital, and CPR was suspended for COVID-19 patients. Entire countries have been shut down with catastrophic economic consequences to tens of millions of people in an attempt to contain the virus. In each case, the health of the community trumped the needs of the individual. Bioethicists Arthur Caplan and Gregory Pence discuss the complex ethical issues we face in a COVID-19 world.
4/8/202052 minutes, 51 seconds
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Coronavirus Update #5 [March 31, 2020] with Dr. Paul Offit

Dr. Paul Offit is a virologist and infectious disease specialist from Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. We discuss the COVID surge in NY, immunity testing, the coming surge in California, the safest/best timing to lift the national quarantine, and much more.
4/2/20201 hour, 6 minutes, 12 seconds
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Coronavirus Update #4 [March 25, 2020] with Dr. Paul Offit

As we enter the logarithmic phase of the U.S. COVID-19 epidemic, the Coronavirus Pandemic just got very real. Today we discuss the Federal government’s preparedness for this pandemic, protective gear shortages for healthcare workers on the front lines [especially N-95 masks], chloroquin, Remdesivir update, ongoing failures of testing, and much, much more. Today, Dr. Paul Offit assesses the arc we’re on and so far, it isn’t good. Definitely worth a listen.
3/24/20201 hour, 2 minutes, 38 seconds
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Coronavirus Update #3 [March 18, 2020] with Dr. Paul Offit

The worldwide coronavirus pandemic of fear is escalating rapidly. In an attempt to avoid the spread of COVID-19 and a public health disaster “like no other,” life as we know it in the U.S. has come to a grinding halt. Today, world renowned virologist and infectious disease specialist, Paul Offit, talks about the draconian measures being taken in the U.S. to avoid repeating the Italian experience with COVID-19. He opines on the risks of expediting a COVID-19 vaccine, the tepid promise of antivirals (Remdesivir), sane measures to minimize exposure, the likely impact of widespread COVID-19 testing in the U.S., and much, much more. Definitely worth a listen.
3/18/202058 minutes, 46 seconds
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Coronavirus Update #2 [March 10, 2020] with Dr. Paul Offit

A lot has happened in the world since last week! In today’s show, Paul separates fact from fiction on what we know about COVID-19 infections. He opines on the extreme [and often irrational] measures being taken worldwide to try and contain the coronavirus epidemic. Finally, he makes some cautious predictions about what to expect in the coming weeks. One thing is clear: the pandemic of fear surrounding the coronavirus is causing far more damage worldwide than the virus. It’s definitely worth a listen.
3/10/20201 hour, 9 seconds
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Coronavirus Update #1 [March 2, 2020] with Dr. Paul Offit

When I contacted Dr. Paul Offit last Thursday for an interview on the coronavirus, he was literally at the CDC getting the latest update on what’s happening with COVID-19. In today’s show, Paul separates fact from fiction on the coronavirus and makes some cautious predictions about what to expect in the coming weeks. It’s definitely worth a listen.
3/2/202050 minutes, 24 seconds
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On Pins and Needles

The most cynical surgeons like to say that anesthesiology is ninety-nine percent boredom and one-percent sheer terror. Strange Daze is about the one percent. The “one percent” can occur with any type of anesthesia, not just general anesthesia, which brings us to today’s episode: “On Pins and Needles.” Spinal anesthesia is still a popular alternative to general technique for certain types of surgery, but every anesthetic technique has its limitations, including spinal anesthesia. In today’s episode, our narrator learns the limitations of spinal anesthesia in his first year of anesthesia residency when assigned to the orthopedic “total joint” room. In the hands of a master, spinal anesthesia is a beautiful and elegant alternative to general anesthesia. In the hands of an inexperienced anesthesia resident, spinal anesthesia can suddenly and unexpectedly devolve into the “one percent”. You may be wondering how spinal anesthesia can go so wrong. Truth be told, in about a million and a half different ways… Tune in and you’ll find out how…
2/17/20201 hour, 19 minutes, 3 seconds
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7 Stories of Science Gone Wrong with Paul Offit MD

I have Dr. Paul Offit in the virtual studio to discuss seven stories of science gone wrong. The seven discoveries were initially promoted as “stunning scientific breakthroughs” but each one turned out to have a dark side that was harmful to the human race. Some of these “stunning breakthroughs” still threaten the future of our species today.   In the final part of the interview, I ask Paul to comment on some of today’s high-profile health controversies: e-cigarettes, Bisphenol-A, PSA screening for prostate cancer, mammograms, and Genetically Modified Food, and question if perhaps we’re repeating this same “science-gone-wrong” history. Paul presents some practical advice on how we can avoid repeating these same kinds of mistakes as we tackle our top challenges in science and medicine today.
10/28/20191 hour, 11 minutes, 50 seconds
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The Xanax Epidemic with Anna Lembke M.D.

Today we discuss the latest physician-fueled prescription pill epidemic. This time it’s Xanax and benzodiazepines, the class of drugs called “benzos.” As Yogi Berra once said, “It’s déjà vu all over again.” Whether it’s Xanax, Ativan, Restoril, Klonapin, or Valium, the bad news is that millions of people have become addicted to benzos through inappropriate physician prescriptions. Tens of thousands more have overdosed on benzos. Tune in to my interview with Dr. Anna Lembke, Chief of the Stanford Addiction Medicine Dual Diagnosis Clinic, and bestselling author of the expose on the prescription opioid epidemic, “Drug Dealer MD.” We discuss the other prescription drug problem and what we can do about it.
10/7/20191 hour, 1 minute, 34 seconds
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Why We Snap: Understanding the Rage Circuits in Your Brain with R. Doug Fields

Every day we hear about otherwise law-abiding citizens with no history of mental illness or violence that snap and commit savage, senseless, and brutal acts of violence for seemingly trivial provocation. What caused them to snap? It turns out there are a limited number of triggers in our environment that cause the rage circuits in our brains to fire. The violent behavior is the result of the clash between our evolutionary hardwiring and these triggers in the contemporary world. Today I have neuroscientist, R. Douglas Fields, in the virtual studio to explain the biological roots of why we snap and to reveal the nine triggers that set off the hardwired circuits in our unconscious brain that move us to rage and aggression without us even understanding the reason for it.
9/16/201958 minutes, 37 seconds
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Helping Teens with Chronic Pain with Dr. Rachel Zoffness

Making sure today’s teens and adolescents receive appropriate treatment for chronic pain may help them avoid becoming another statistic in the opioid addiction epidemic in the future. Today, I interview pain psychologist Dr. Rachel Zoffness, author of “The Chronic Pain and Illness Workbook for Teens.” We discuss strategies that teens with chronic pain can use to turn down the volume on their pain, break the pain cycle, and get their lives back. Dr. Zoffness has a number of strategies and techniques that are likely to change the way you look at chronic pain, and studies have shown that these same strategies and techniques Dr. Zoffness discusses are more effective in treating chronic pain than opioid medication. If you are a teen with chronic pain, or know a teen with chronic pain, or are the parent of a teen with chronic pain, tune in and please share the episode!
8/19/201952 minutes, 18 seconds
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Indispensable Remedy: The Impeachment of Donald Trump

Gene Healy, Vice President of the CATO Institute and author of “Indispensable Remedy: The Broad Scope of the Constitution’s Impeachment Power” and “The Cult of the Presidency”, is in the virtual studio to provide the analysis on the merits of the potential articles of impeachment against Donald Trump. Gene makes one thing clear: he’s not on the red team or the blue team and calls it exactly the way he sees it— no spin. Take a listen.
8/12/20191 hour, 24 minutes, 23 seconds
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It’s Mueller Time

More than 1000 current or former federal prosecutors have signed a letter stating that: “The conduct of President Trump described in the Mueller Report would, in the case of any other person not covered by the Office of Legal Counsel policy against indicting a sitting President, result in multiple felony charges for obstruction of justice.” Today, I have former federal prosecutor and CNN Legal Analyst, Jennifer Rogers, in the virtual studio to explore the multiple acts by Donald John Trump described in the Mueller Report (Volume II) that would qualify as crimes and misdemeanors.
7/24/20191 hour, 19 minutes, 22 seconds
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Clear and Presidential Danger

On this July 4th week, there are more than 80 members of the U.S. Congress calling for an impeachment inquiry into the crimes and misdemeanors of Donald Trump. So far, the two ranking members of Congress who could make that happen today, Nancy Pelosi and Jerrold Nadler, are resisting that pathway. Today, I interview Dr. John Gartner, contributing author to the 2017 bestseller “The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump” to find out why he believes that these members of Congress are correct and why the impeachment inquiry is necessary now.
7/1/20191 hour, 45 seconds
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Fragile: Handle With Care

The most cynical surgeons like to say that anesthesiology is 99% boredom and 1% sheer terror. Strange Daze is about the one-percent. This episode is about a routine anesthetic for a baby having a hernia repair that devolved into one of the most terrifying cases of my early career. For a pediatric anesthesiologist, a hernia repair in a healthy baby is about as straightforward a case as you’ll ever get. Until it becomes part of the one-percent. How can a routine anesthetic go so wrong? Truth be told, in about a million and a half different ways.
6/17/20191 hour, 33 seconds
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Medicare for All and the Man on the Moon

Obamacare 1.0 is terminal, but what will take its place? 2020 Democratic hopefuls are running on a platform that includes some version of universal health insurance, but only one bill, the Medicare for All Act of 2019, has more than 100 sponsors in Congress. This bill may be the most ambitious healthcare reform ever proposed in this country. If the Dems win back the Senate and the White House, Medicare for All is positioned to replace Obamacare. Today Ron Howrigon joins me to dissect the Medicare for All bill and how it is likely to affect providers, insurance companies, and the people it serves.
5/23/201947 minutes, 11 seconds
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Healthcare 2020 & the Bridge to Honolulu

On the ninth anniversary of the signing of Obamacare into law, Donald Trump is trying to overturn it in the courts. Republicans in Congress have been trying to repeal and replace Obamacare unsuccessfully for more than seven years. Many Democrats acknowledge Obamacare is a rolling disaster and are divided between trying to “fix” it (whatever that means) and replacing it with some version of a Medicare for All plan. Obamacare 1.0 is the status quo and neither party appears satisfied with the status quo. Today we examine where we are, how we got here, and where we’re headed in 2020.
5/5/20191 hour, 1 minute, 28 seconds
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Anti-Doping Rising

The use of substances to enhance performance in sport--what we call “doping” today--is as old as sport itself.  In Episode I, we introduced the current anti-doping crisis in sport.  Today, we search for the origins of the anti-doping movement to understand how we got here.  This is Episode II in our six-part series: “The Anti-Doping Crisis in Sport.”
2/24/20191 hour, 22 minutes, 50 seconds
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The Anti-Doping Crisis in Sport: Part I: The Current Crisis

On September 20th, The World Anti-Doping Agency [WADA] made a “U-turn” and lifted the suspension on the Russian Anti-Doping Agency [RUSADA] even though they had not fulfilled the terms for their reinstatement and despite worldwide protests from its member anti-doping agencies and athletes. This has created what some insiders are calling the greatest anti-doping crisis in WADA’s history. But this is only the latest in a series of crises and scandals in the world anti-doping system that threaten their very existence. Today we begin our six-part series “The Anti-Doping Crisis in Sport” with the events leading up to the September 20th WADA decision to reinstate Russia and the background for those new to this important subject.
11/12/201840 minutes, 40 seconds
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Tom Nichols on The Death of Expertise

There is a growing wave of anti-rationalism that has been destroying respect for expertise and undermining our institutions, preventing rational debate. It is spreading an epidemic of misinformation, which threatens to weaken the very foundations of our democracy. Tom Nichols, a Professor of National Security Affairs at the U.S. Naval War College, discusses his latest book on this subject: “The Death of Expertise and the Campaign Against Established Knowledge.” If you’re an anti-vaxxer, an Obama birther, a 9/11 Truther, or if you believe there really are aliens at Roswell, you need to listen to this show.
10/15/20181 hour, 47 minutes, 13 seconds
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Production Pressure

In our haste to get a surgery started, sometimes we do things we shouldn’t do… And sometimes, we don’t do the things we should… In anesthesiology, either of these errors can have serious consequences…
9/3/20181 hour, 11 minutes, 11 seconds
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The Cannabis Conversations Part V: Cannabis As Medicine? with Dr. Robert Wolff

On today’s show, Dr. Robert Wolff, author of the most extensive systematic reviews of cannabinoids used in medicine, analyzes the strength of the scientific evidence supporting the use of cannabis as medicine, and he separates fact from fiction in the “medical cannabis” debate.
7/23/201850 minutes, 21 seconds
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The Cannabis Conversations: Part IV with Robert MacCoun

The U.S. has an incoherent national drug policy. While states pass laws permitting the possession, sale, and distribution of marijuana for either medicinal or recreational purposes, Federal Law still prohibits the possession, sale and distribution of marijuana for any reason in all 50 states. For those who are undecided between complete prohibition of marijuana and fully legalizing it, tune in. My guest, Robert MacCoun of the Stanford Law School and the co-author of Drug War Heresies: Learning from other Vices, Times, and Places, does a masterful job of analyzing the pros and the cons of marijuana legalization. And for those of you that are absolutely convinced you’re right on either side of the marijuana legalization issue, please stick around. By the end of this show, you may change your mind-in either direction.
6/20/20181 hour, 15 minutes, 10 seconds
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The Cannabis Conversations: Part III with Kai MacDonald MD

While much of the public conversation regarding legalization of cannabis is about its potential medicinal properties, the vast majority of Americans currently using marijuana are admittedly not using it for medicinal purposes. Today, we move beyond the discussion of the purported medical benefits, and Dr. Kai MacDonald examines five brain-based risks of cannabis in recreational users.
6/4/201854 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Cannabis Conversations: Part II with Anna Lembke MD

In Part II of the Cannabis Conversations, mental health expert and Addictionologist, Dr. Anna Lembke discusses the use and misuse of cannabis in vulnerable populations: those with mental health disorders, those addicted to opioids, and adolescents and young adults. We talk about the increased addictive potential of today’s cannabis, the increasing use of cannabis in the treatment of opioid addiction, Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome, and much, much, more…
5/23/201855 minutes, 51 seconds
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The Cannabis Conversations: Part I with Dr. Mary Bridgeman

On today’s show, we begin our 5-part series, Cannabis Conversations, with Dr. Mary Bridgeman. In this segment, we discuss the science, the complex pharmacology, and the pharmacokinetics of the different methods of cannabis ingestion. We also tackle the legal challenges surrounding cannabis use in the acute care setting, and the potential risks when using cannabis even in states where it is legal…and much, much more!
5/11/201852 minutes, 13 seconds
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Price-Fixing Doctor’s Fees?

A California Lawmaker has written a bill to create a government-appointed commission to price-fix physician fees with the intent to control California healthcare costs, improve quality, and increase equity in California’s healthcare system. All objective evidence and experience suggests that government price-fixing of physician fees will accomplish none of those things. Today, I have healthcare economist and President of Fulcrum Strategies, Ron Howrigon, in the studio to analyze this bill and the unintended, and potentially disastrous, consequences to California’s patients, physicians, and hospitals.
4/9/201826 minutes, 17 seconds
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Rigor Mortis with Richard Harris

Today I talk with NPR’s distinguished science writer, Richard Harris, about his latest book, “Rigor Mortis: How Sloppy Science Creates Worthless Cures, Crushes Hope and Wastes Billions.” We delve into the specifics about the broken culture that exists in biomedical research: the perverse incentives to publish rubbish, the reproducibility crisis in published research, and the lousy science that is the product of flawed research design and analysis. The most disturbing symptom of this dysfunctional culture is the massive increase in retracted papers and outright fraud. Richard exposes the broken culture in biomedical research, but he also tells us what some of the leaders in that field are doing to fix it.
4/2/20181 hour, 1 minute, 1 second
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Plastic Surgery Update: A Butt to Die For, Breast Implants, and T-Cell Lymphoma

Today we discuss two hot topics in plastic surgery: the “Brazilian butt lift” procedure and why it is the most dangerous plastic surgery, and the undisputed link between breast implants and a rare type of T-Cell lymphoma. Tune in to hear my guest, Board Certified Plastic Surgeon Dr. Ivan Turpin, put these issues in context to tell us who is at risk, how big the risk is, and what to do if you’re at risk.
3/19/201847 minutes, 35 seconds
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Introducing Strange Daze Podcast

Strange Daze is a bi-weekly podcast from the creators of Straight Talk MD, hosted by anesthesiologist Frank Sweeny. Each episode fuses narrative storytelling with science as our host examines a real case of a surgery or a procedure that went terribly wrong and dissects out why. Even the best doctors practicing at the best medical institutions make mistakes, and sometimes those mistakes have serious consequences. And sometimes, even when you do everything right, things can still go terribly wrong. The most cynical surgeons depict anesthesiology as 99% boredom and 1% sheer terror. Strange Daze is about the 1%.
3/15/20182 minutes, 22 seconds
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"Watch Your Back!" with Richard Deyo

The care for back pain in the U.S. has been called “the poster child of medical waste.” Today I talk with Dr. Richard Deyo, author of “Watch Your Back,” about the various treatments for back pain and what the evidence shows works and what doesn’t.
3/12/20181 hour, 1 minute, 14 seconds
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“The Cure for Everything” with Tim Caulfield

Today I talk with Tim Caulfield about his two national bestsellers: “The Cure for Everything: Untangling the Twisted Messages about Health, Fitness and Happiness” and “Is Gwyneth Paltrow Wrong About Everything? When Celebrity Culture and Science Clash.” Tim talks about what the evidence really tells us is good for our health, and deconstructs the misinformation, myths, and bogus claims coming from the pseudoscientists and some celebrities.  Tim is also the host of the popular Canadian documentary TV series: “A User’s Guide to Cheating Death.”
2/19/20181 hour, 35 minutes, 7 seconds
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For Fame or Money? The Dark Side of Ten Amazing Medical Firsts

Today’s show is a conversation about the Dark Side of ten amazing medical firsts. In each case, the doctor’s desire to be first, whether for fame or money, clouded their judgment and put them in direct conflict with their ethical duty as medical scientists. Bioethicist Greg Pence and I countdown these ten amazing medical firsts, and discuss the ethical questions surrounding them. Case #1 is the first human heart transplant to coincide with the 50th anniversary of that event.
12/2/20171 hour, 44 minutes, 18 seconds
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Q&A on Breast Cancer with Dr. Michele Carpenter

In recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, I have distinguished breast surgeon, Dr. Michele Carpenter, in the studio to answer your questions on breast cancer diagnosis and treatment.
10/31/20171 hour, 8 minutes, 52 seconds
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The Real College Debt Crisis

Today, Dr. William Elliott III discusses his book, “The Real College Debt Crisis: How Student Borrowing Threatens Financial Well-Being and Erodes the American Dream.” Dr. Elliot has a novel prescription for an entirely new paradigm to solve the student loan debt problem, and restore equitable access to higher education and The American Dream.
10/27/20171 hour, 21 minutes, 1 second
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Obamacare Is Dead [Redeux]

Today’s show is a remix of a show I did last January with Ron Howrigon, before Trump took office. As Trump was running on Repeal and Replace Obamacare, we talked extensively about what that would mean for healthcare. We also discussed Ron’s new book, “Flatlining: How HealthCare could kill the US Economy” and what was likely to happen to the U.S. economy & healthcare system if we don’t make some extraordinary changes soon. I hope you enjoy the show—it’s more relevant today than it was last January.
10/18/20171 hour, 9 minutes, 7 seconds
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Donald Trump & Duty to Warn [Redeux]

Since our earlier show on this subject, a lot has happened… More than 63,600 mental health professionals have signed a petition warning that Donald Trump is suffering from a grave emotional instability that makes him incapable of safely executing his duties as the President of the United States. On October 14th, the “Duty to Warn” organization will have town hall meetings throughout the United States to make their case for why he should be removed using the 25th Amendment of the Constitution. Today, I interview the creator of that petition to explore why he (and 63,600 other mental health professionals) believe Trump is mentally unfit to serve as President and should be removed. If you listened to the earlier version of this show, there’s a lot of new material and a lot of changes in this remix. This is the “producer’s cut.”
10/9/20171 hour, 23 minutes, 16 seconds
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Julie Lythcott-Haims On How To Raise An Adult

Julie Lythcott-Haims discusses her NY Times Best Seller: HOW TO RAISE AN ADULT: Break Free of the Overparenting Trap and Prepare Your Kid for Success.
10/3/20171 hour, 2 minutes, 56 seconds
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Human Cloning

In honor of the 21st anniversary of the birth of Dolly (the first cloned mammal), and the series finale of Orphan Black (a series that explores the ethics & science of human cloning), I had a far-reaching conversation about human cloning with Gregory Pence about the science, the ethics, the pop culture portrayal of cloning, and the popular misconceptions about what it would really be like to clone humans.
9/22/20171 hour, 5 minutes, 28 seconds
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The Other National Security Crisis with Lt. General Mark Hertling [ret]

Only 23% of America’s youth is qualified to serve in the army, while 77% is unfit to serve due to primarily physiological factors. By 2030, less than 10% of our nation’s youth will possess the physical fitness potential to be recruited for the U.S. army. Lieutenant General Mark Hertling is back in the virtual studio to discuss how our nation’s health is a national security crisis.
8/21/201736 minutes, 52 seconds
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The Healthcare Fix with Mark Hertling

The U.S. Healthcare System is broken. Who will lead us out of the current chaos to the ideal healthcare system of the 21st century? Ultimately, the transformational changes in healthcare that will achieve the Holy Grail of universal access, high quality care, and cost reduction will be lead by ethical physician leaders. Here’s the problem- most physicians don’t have any training in leadership. Today, my guest, retired Lt. General Mark Hertling, discusses his book, his insights, and his experiences training physicians to become ethical leaders.
8/14/201756 minutes, 6 seconds
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The Narcissism Epidemic with Keith Campbell

Narcissism has reached epidemic proportions in the U.S., with potentially devastating consequences. Today, I interview Dr. Keith Campbell the co-author of “The Narcissism Epidemic: Living in the Age of Entitlement.” We discuss the narcissism epidemic: how we got we here, the consequences, and what we can do about it.
8/3/20171 hour, 38 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Death of Expertise with Tom Nichols

There is a growing wave of anti-rationalism that has been destroying respect for expertise and undermining our institutions, preventing rational debate. It is spreading an epidemic of misinformation, which threatens to weaken the very foundations of our democracy. Tom Nichols, a Professor of National Security Affairs at the U.S. Naval War College, discusses his latest book on this subject: “The Death of Expertise and the Campaign Against Established Knowledge.” If you’re an anti-vaxxer, an Obama birther, a 9/11 Truther, or if you believe there really are aliens at Roswell, you need to listen to this show.
7/18/20171 hour, 47 minutes, 13 seconds
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The Mad King? Donald Trump and the Duty to Warn

Over 55,500 mental health professionals have signed a petition warning that Donald Trump is suffering from a grave emotional instability that makes him incapable of serving safely as the President of the United States. Today, I interview the originator of that petition to find out why he believes Trump is unfit to serve, and what it could mean for the country in the worst-case scenario.
7/3/20171 hour, 20 minutes, 38 seconds
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First Baby

In my third month of residency, I administered anesthesia to my first pediatric patient. It did not go well. The case almost ended my anesthesia career, and almost ended the baby’s life. Today’s episode, “First Baby” is from The A-Files: Case #113…
6/14/201756 minutes, 2 seconds
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IVF and Ethics with Greg Pence

In vitro fertilization is the most successful form of Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) and has helped create millions of babies for couples who have failed to become pregnant using the old-fashioned, low-tech methods. It has also created some serious ethical questions. In the largely unregulated world of infertility clinics and IVF, anything that could happen has happened. On today’s show, I have a conversation with Bioethicist, Greg Pence, on IVF and ethics.
5/29/201754 minutes, 39 seconds
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TrumpCare 2: The Resurrection of RyanCare

On May 4th, the “new and improved” American Health Care Act, aka “TrumpCare 2.0,” was passed in the House of Representatives, and is set to replace Obamacare. Ron Howrigon, the CEO of Fulcrum Strategies and author of Flatlining: How Healthcare Could Kill the U.S. Economy, is back in the virtual studio to discuss “TrumpCare 2: The Resurrection of RyanCare” and how it could affect us all.
5/22/201742 minutes, 34 seconds
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Pandora’s Lab with Paul Offit MD

Dr. Paul Offit and I discuss his latest book, Pandora’s Lab: Seven Stories of Science Gone Wrong. Dr. Offit discusses seven discoveries that were initially promoted as stunning breakthroughs in science, but turned out to be devastatingly destructive to mankind. Several of these “breakthroughs” are still affecting us all today and some could spell the destruction of the human race…
5/8/20171 hour, 14 minutes, 46 seconds
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Medical School 2017-18: What It Takes to Get In and How You Can Do It for Free

On Today’s show, I talk with Dr. Aaron Saguil MD, MPH, Associate Dean of Admissions at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences School of Medicine, about what it takes to get into medical school, how to increase your chances for success, and here’s the kicker- how you can get that medical education for free.
5/3/20171 hour, 13 minutes, 39 seconds
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Twilight Zone

Today’s episode comes directly from The A-Files [The Anesthesia Files] Case# 472: “The Twilight Zone.” In this remarkable case, I discovered what happens to patients who are sent into “The Twilight Zone” for surgery. FYI: The A-Files are all true stories.
4/24/201732 minutes, 22 seconds
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Physician Burnout Part III with Dike Drummond

Dike Drummond MD discusses the dilemma of physician burnout, and some strategies for prevention. Dike is the author of “Stop Physician Burnout: When Working Harder isn’t Working,” and the CEO and creator of The Happy MD website.
4/17/201753 minutes, 47 seconds
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Physician Burnout Part II with Paul DeChant and Diane Shannon

We continue the discussion on physician burnout with Paul DeChant and Diane Shannon, authors of “Preventing Physician Burnout: Curing the Chaos and Returning Joy to the Practice of Medicine."
4/10/201759 minutes, 55 seconds
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“A Sick Profession” Part I

Today’s show is in honor of National Doctor’s Day. “A Sick Profession” is a three part series on the growing crisis of physician burnout, why the problem is growing, and the toll it’s taking on doctors and the healthcare system.
4/3/201727 minutes, 35 seconds
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The Death of TrumpCare

The TrumpCare bill died before it ever reached a vote in the House. Today, we examine “The Death of TrumpCare: How It Happened and Why It May Become Donald Trump’s Greatest Victory.”
3/29/201749 minutes, 54 seconds
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The Allegory of the Bus

This is a special edition of STMD from the "Frankly Speaking" files. Frank Sweeny tells the Allegory of the Bus as recited to him from the Master, and he explains how the lesson learned can be applied to TrumpCare.
3/20/201726 minutes, 2 seconds
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“TrumpCare: Warm Autopsy” with Ron Howrigon

On March 6, 2017, the House Republicans released their highly anticipated bill to repeal and replace Obamacare, called “The American Health Care Act,” or AHA. From the moment the bill was released, it came under fire from Democrats, Republicans, conservative groups, progressive organizations, the AARP, and nearly all healthcare advocacy groups. Today, Ron Howrigon and I perform a warm autopsy on the corpus of TrumpCare, and discuss why it is being opposed by virtually every segment of the healthcare delivery system and the AARP.
3/13/20171 hour, 4 minutes, 12 seconds
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Repeal and Replace Obamacare: What's Next?

In his recent address to Congress, President Trump said he intends to repeal and replace Obamacare. Because Obamacare is literally a matter of life and death for many Americans, any plan to repeal and replace it will affect the lives of millions of people who depend on it. We examine the impact of the repeal and replacement of Obamacare with Dr. Rick Mayes, a former George Bush Sr. Administration Medicaid policy advisor.
3/6/20171 hour, 11 minutes, 24 seconds
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The War on Vaccines with Paul Offit MD

The war on science may soon include a war on vaccines. Donald Trump still publicly expresses the idea that vaccines are associated with autism, which is at odds with the conclusion of the CDC, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the NIH, and virtually every other scientific agency in every country that has studied vaccine safety. Now Trump is reportedly forming a “Golden Vaccine Safety Task Force,” ostensibly to make vaccines “safer” and “assure scientific integrity.” Robert F. Kennedy Jr., an environmental attorney who still openly expresses a belief that vaccines cause autism, is on his list of people under consideration to chair that committee. In this episode, Dr. Paul Offit, an internationally respected authority on vaccine safety, separates vaccine facts from fiction.
2/27/20171 hour, 32 seconds
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Building a Better Human with Greg Pence

In this episode, we tackle some of the most controversial ethical questions that arise in human enhancement, and the ethical approach to building a better human.
2/16/20171 hour, 3 minutes, 31 seconds
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CSA President Karen Sibert MD…in her own words

In honor of National Women Physicians Day, we speak with Dr. Karen Sibert, a nationally recognized MD anesthesiologist, a former professional writer for the Wall Street Journal, and author of one of the most widely read medical blogs, A Penned Point.
2/9/201754 minutes, 39 seconds
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“Burnout” with Christina Maslach

Burnout research pioneer, Dr. Christina Maslach, discusses job burnout, and what we can do about it.
2/5/201759 minutes, 3 seconds
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Pence on Abortion, Roe v. Wade, and the Edelin Case

For the anniversary of the Roe versus Wade decision, I talk with bioethicist Gregory Pence about abortion, Roe v. Wade, and the highly controversial Kenneth Edelin Case.
1/26/201759 minutes, 41 seconds
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Why Lance Armstrong? with Paul Dimeo

International anti-doping policy expert, Professor Paul Dimeo, discusses the circumstances surrounding the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency’s decision to strip Lance Armstrong of his medals, and ban him from competition.
1/18/20172 hours, 2 minutes, 12 seconds
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FDA’s Anesthesia Warning for Children and Pregnant Women

Dr. Sweeny and Dr. Paul Yost discuss the recent FDA warning on the use of general anesthetics and sedation drugs in young children and pregnant women.
1/9/201728 minutes, 55 seconds
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Flatlining: How Healthcare could Kill the U.S. Economy with Ron Howrigon

Ron Howrigon talks about his new book, “Flatlining: How Healthcare could Kill the U.S. Economy.” He discusses the looming economic crisis in healthcare that could be far bigger and more widespread than the auto industry and the housing market crashes combined.
1/2/20171 hour, 7 minutes, 38 seconds
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Ethical Issues in Treating Alcoholism with Gregory Pence

Bioethicist Gregory Pence discusses ethical issues in treating alcoholism.
12/28/201639 minutes, 38 seconds
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Dreamland…with Sam Quinones

Sam Quinones joins us to talk about his book, Dreamland, and the origin and evolution of the prescription painkiller and heroin addiction epidemic in the U.S.
12/20/20161 hour, 10 seconds
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Facing Addiction in America: The Surgeon General's Report

Dr. Anna Lembke discusses “Facing Addiction in America: The Surgeon General’s Report on Alcohol, Drugs, and Health” and what we can do about the addiction epidemic in America.
12/11/20161 hour, 4 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Prescription Opioid and Heroin Crisis with Andrew Kolodny MD

The executive director of Physicians for Responsible Opioid Prescribing, Andrew Kolodny, discusses the prescription opioid and heroin addiction crisis.
12/5/20161 hour, 28 minutes, 23 seconds
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Psychedelics I. Acid Test: LSD, Ecstasy, and the Power to Heal with Tom Shroder

Tom Shroder, discusses his remarkable book, “Acid Test: LSD, Ecstasy, and the Power to Heal,” that chronicles the evolution of psychedelic drugs.
11/28/20161 hour, 39 minutes, 5 seconds
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Drug Dealer MD: The Opioid Epidemic with Anna Lembke MD

Dr. Anna Lembke discusses the forces behind the prescription pill epidemic and how we can solve it.  
11/21/20161 hour, 17 minutes, 20 seconds
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“The ADHD Explosion” with Dr. Stephen Hinshaw

We examine the controversies surrounding ADHD with Dr. Stephen Hinshaw, author of the critically acclaimed book, “The ADHD Explosion” and come up with the answers.
11/14/20161 hour, 14 minutes, 47 seconds
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Election 2016: Clinton V. Trump and The Future of Obamacare? | The Broken U.S. Healthcare System Part III

Healthcare policy expert, Rick Mayes, discusses where Obamacare is headed depending on who wins the election on November 8th.
11/6/20161 hour, 2 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Broken U.S. Healthcare System Part II: Is Obamacare Terminal?

Healthcare economist and President of Fulcrum Strategies, Ron Howrigon, is back in the virtual studio to discuss the status of Obamacare, and to answer the four-trillion dollar question: Is Obamacare Terminal?
10/30/201649 minutes, 50 seconds
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The Broken U.S. Healthcare System: Part I

In Part I of this series, healthcare expert, Ron Howrigon of Fulcrum Strategies, explains the broken U.S. health insurance system and why it cannot last.
10/22/201658 minutes, 1 second
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The Madhouse Effect

Award-winning climate scientist and author, Michael Mann, talks about his new book “The Madhouse Effect,” climate change science, and why a small minority of scientists and politicians go to great lengths to deny, distort, or confuse the public on what the climate science tells us.
10/17/20161 hour, 30 seconds
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Sports Doping

Dr. John Gleaves talks everything you ever wanted to know about sports doping, but didn’t know to ask.
10/10/20161 hour, 51 minutes, 10 seconds
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Prevent, Survive, Thrive: Every Woman’s Guide to Optimal Breast Care

For Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we invited Dr. John West back to the podcast to discuss optimal breast care.
10/4/20161 hour, 21 minutes, 38 seconds
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The Role of Anesthesia in a Five-Star Hospital

We interview anesthesiology expert, Dr. Klane Hales, about the most common questions regarding anesthesia management for total hip and total knee replacement.
9/26/201656 minutes, 5 seconds
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Running on Ritalin (and Adderall)

In this episode, we continue our discussion about ADHD with Dr. Lawrence Diller, a physician who has been treating patients with this disorder for over three decades and has testified before Congress as an expert witness to the President.
9/19/201644 minutes, 20 seconds
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Medicating Children: ADHD and Stimulants

While six out of every one hundred children receive a stimulant for ADHD, twice that number have been labeled with ADHD. Why this meteoric rise in the diagnosis of ADHD? Why this dramatic rise in the use of stimulants to treat ADHD in the past four decades? Rick Mayes explains.
9/12/20161 hour, 3 minutes, 6 seconds
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8 Billion Amphetamine Pills

In this episode, Dr. Sweeny explores other medical and non-medical uses of the “eight billion amphetamine pills” and what lead to the end of “America’s First Amphetamine Epidemic.”
9/6/201632 minutes, 6 seconds
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On Speed with Nicolas Rasmussen

We examine the meteoric rise in the use of Amphetamines in American culture and “America’s First Amphetamine Epidemic” with Nicolas Rasmussen.
8/29/20161 hour, 10 minutes, 30 seconds
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National Immunization Awareness Month: Vaccine Safety | Vaccine Controversy

Dr. Sweeny interviews nationally recognized experts to set the record straight on the controversy surrounding vaccines and the current state of the scientific knowledge surrounding vaccine safety. Our diverse group of experts includes a geneticist, a pediatrician, an infectious disease expert, an epidemiologist, an autism expert, and a mercury expert.
8/22/201634 minutes, 47 seconds
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National Immunization Awareness Month: HPV and the Vaccine

Dr. Alberto Mendivil talks Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), warts (literally) and all. He discusses the vaccine, cancer, and how men and women are both at risk. Tune in for a special re-release for Vaccine Awareness Month.
8/22/20161 hour, 24 minutes, 28 seconds
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Making Medical Care Safer

Our guest, Dr. Marjorie Stiegler, presents simple strategies that can be implemented to reduce cognitive errors and enhance patient safety.
8/15/20161 hour, 2 minutes, 58 seconds
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Why We Make Medical Errors | Medical Malpractice | Patient Safety

Despite evidence-based guidelines, protocols, and algorithms becoming available, why have patient deaths due to medical error increased? Dr. Marjorie Stiegler explains.
8/8/20161 hour, 3 minutes, 35 seconds
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Mark Jacobson: The Big Vision

What is the solution to the air pollution and world climate change problem? Tune in as our guest, Mark Jacobson, discusses a detailed roadmap of exactly how we can supply all the world’s energy needs from wind, water, and solar power by the year 2050.
8/1/20161 hour, 1 minute, 23 seconds
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General Anesthesia Safety For Kids

Is anesthesia safe for infants and children? Does general anesthesia have any long-term effects on learning, memory, or behavior? We welcome Dr. Paul Yost back to the podcast to explain.
7/25/201658 minutes, 17 seconds
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Quest for Immortality: Part II

In Part II of our series, Dr. S Jay Olshansky discusses longevity and life expectancy, and what the most powerful influences are on both.
7/17/201656 minutes, 10 seconds
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Quest for Immortality: Part I

Dr. S. Jay Olshansky discusses the science (and pseudoscience) of aging and how we can influence it.
7/11/201643 minutes, 59 seconds
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Fukushima Update & Nuclear Power Safety: Part 2

Expert nuclear physicist, Dr. Kai Vetter, gives us an update on Fukushima five years after the meltdown.
7/4/201647 minutes, 56 seconds
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Fukushima Update & Nuclear Power Safety: Part 1

Expert nuclear physicist, Dr. Kai Vetter, gives us an update on Fukushima five years after the meltdown.
6/27/201650 minutes, 6 seconds
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What's New In Prostate Cancer Treatment

Our post Father's Day show covers everything you need to know about Prostate Cancer, and just in time for National Men's Health Week. Dr. AJ Kar joins us.
6/20/201647 minutes, 52 seconds
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Beautiful Breasts

Part one of our series covers everything you ever wanted to know about cosmetic breast surgery, but were too shy to ask. Dr. Justin West joins us.
6/14/20161 hour, 2 minutes, 25 seconds
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Presidential Election Primer | Politics | Healthcare | Health Insurance | Reform

On today's show, Dr. Sweeny discusses the three remaining presidential candidates and their plans for healthcare with healthcare historian, Dr. Melissa Thomasson.
6/6/201658 minutes, 19 seconds
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When Surgeons are Salesmen, Be Very Afraid | Special Fraud Alert | Medical Ethics

Dr. Sweeny interviews the President of the Association of Medical Ethics about the issue of “Special Fraud Alert”, a warning issued by The Department of Health and Human Services Office of the Inspector General regarding incentivized surgeries.
5/30/201647 minutes, 5 seconds
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Cell Phones and Brain Cancer: Update | Environmental Toxins | Radiation

This week, the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences released a study which indicates that there may be a link between cell phones and brain cancer. In today's episode, we revisit "Cell Phones and Brain Cancer" with an update.
5/28/201659 minutes, 36 seconds
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Varicose and Spider Veins | Cosmetic Procedure | Cosmetic Surgery | Health & Medicine

Dr. Bruce Hoyle discusses varicose veins and spider veins.
5/23/201653 minutes, 49 seconds
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Medical Error: The No. 3 Killer in the U.S.? | Patient Safety | Medical Malpractice | Surgery

Are medical mistakes one of the top major causes of death in U.S.? We talk with John James, retired chief toxicologist for NASA and founder of Patient Safety America, to find out.
5/17/201648 minutes, 30 seconds
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Earth Day 2016 | BPA | Bisphenol-A | Environmental Toxins | Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals

Dr. Zoeller is a professor of biology from the University of Massachusetts Amherst. He is one of the principle authors of the World Health Organization and the United Nation's monograph on the state of the science of endocrine disrupting chemicals.
5/9/201655 minutes, 40 seconds
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Late Great Planet Earth? | Environmental Toxins | Global Warming | Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals

Is the eco-apocalypse upon us? Tune in to hear the science of Global Climate Change, endocrine disrupting chemicals, and the ramifications on the environment and all its life forms.
5/2/201626 minutes, 38 seconds
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"Wheat Belly" with William Davis, MD | Diet &Nutrition | Healthy Living

We talk with NY Times bestselling author, William Davis, MD, about "Wheat Belly" and all things grain.
4/25/201654 minutes, 51 seconds
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Ridiculous Healthcare CEO Salaries | Healthcare System | Health Insurance

Contrary to public perception, physicians are not the top wage earners in medicine. So who is? We examine the most inflammatory aspects of the Broken U.S. Health Insurance System.
4/18/201638 minutes, 22 seconds
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Broken U.S. Health Insurance System | Healthcare System | U.S. Healthcare

We examine the current expensive, for-profit, private health insurance system in the U.S. and interview Ron Howrigon, an expert who has worked on both sides of the issue.
4/11/201659 minutes, 2 seconds
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Surprise Medical Bills: OMG | Health Insurance | Healthcare

On March 25th, The LA Times ran an article on the front page of the Business section entitled: “SURPRISE! YOU’RE COVERED FOR THE HOSPITAL, NOT THE DOCTORS.” In this week's episode, we cover the other side of the story.
4/4/201653 minutes, 16 seconds
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Autism and Autism Spectrum Disorder | Autism Research | Vaccines

Three distinguished experts help us understand autism. Dr. Paul Wang is the Senior Vice President for Medical Research with Autism Speaks. Dr. Andrea Roberts is from the Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health. And Dr. Jay Gargus is the Director of Center for Autism Research and Translation at the UCI School of Medicine.
3/28/20161 hour, 11 minutes, 23 seconds
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Vaccines, Autism, Thimerosal | Public Health

Dr. Sweeny interviews several experts about autism, thimerosal, and the myths and benefits associated with vaccines.
3/21/201633 minutes, 26 seconds
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Distracted Doctoring | Malpractice | Medical Error | Operation | Patient Safety

Patient Safety Analyst, Michelle Feil, discusses distractions in the operating room including doctors taking personal phone calls, posting on social media, listening to loud music, and other distractions.
3/14/201652 minutes, 36 seconds
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Bisphenol A to Z (BPA): Part II | Endocrine Disruptors | Environmental Toxins | Plastics

Dr. Frederick vom Saal discusses the harmful biological effects of Bisphenol A (BPA), a synthetic compound found in everyday plastics.
3/7/201639 minutes, 10 seconds
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Bisphenol A to Z (BPA): Part I | Endocrine Disruptors | Environmental Toxins | Plastics

Dr. Frederick vom Saal discusses the harmful biological effects of Bisphenol A (BPA), a synthetic compound found in everyday plastics.
3/7/201641 minutes, 21 seconds
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Heart Disease | Heart Attack | Coronary Artery Disease | Statins | Diet & Nutrition

Dr. Kelley Tucker discusses a new approach to the treatment and prevention of heart disease and coronary artery disease.
2/29/201659 minutes, 53 seconds
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E-Cigarettes, Nicotine, and Smoking | Cancer

Dr. Ray Casciari talks all things e-cigarettes, nicotine, and smoking in this week's episode of Straight Talk MD.
2/22/201643 minutes, 1 second
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Love Bugs | Sex | Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) | Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD)

For the post-Valentine's Day blues, Dr. Anita Nelson talks about the real "love bugs", sexually transmitted infections.
2/15/201658 minutes, 48 seconds
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Zika! CDC Update | Epidemic | Pandemic | Pregnancy & Risk | Health

Infectious disease expert, Dr. Philip Robinson, examines the latest CDC guidelines and recommendations about the Zika virus.
2/8/201641 minutes, 55 seconds
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Colon Cancer | Colonoscopy | Treatment | Prevention | Diet & Nutrition

Based on current trends, colorectal cancer will almost double in young people between the ages of twenty to thirty-four years old by 2030. Dr. Craig Ennis is our guest expert who examines the causes, screening process, and steps you can take to prevent colon cancer.
2/1/20161 hour, 4 minutes, 18 seconds
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HPV, the Vaccine, and Cancer | Women's Health | Men's Health | Sex

Dr. Alberto Mendivil talks Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), warts (literally) and all. He also discusses the vaccine, cancer, and how men and women are both at risk.
1/25/20161 hour, 23 minutes
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Propofol, Michael Jackson, and You | Drug Abuse | Overdose

Propofol gets a bad rap because it’s associated with the death of pop star, Michael Jackson, but it is still widely used in surgery centers all over the world. In this special episode of Straight Talk MD, Dr. Sweeny addresses various concerns and answers the question on everyone’s mind: Is propofol safe?
1/21/201617 minutes, 47 seconds
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Is Anesthesia Safe for Children? | Surgery | Children's Health | Patient Safety

Dr. Paul Yost discusses anesthesia and its effects on children. He examines multiple exposure concerns and how it affects brain development, IQ, behavior and more. Sometimes surgery is necessary and the use of anesthesia is unavoidable, so how can we minimize the risk? Tune in to find out.
1/18/201640 minutes, 57 seconds
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BPA + Hormone Disrupting Chemicals | Endocrine Disruptors | Environmental Toxins | Obesogens

Dr. Bruce Blumberg discusses the harmful effects of environmental toxins on our health and how they are a contributing factor to the growing obesity epidemic. Dr. Blumberg takes an in-depth look at BPA, obesogens, endocrine disruptors, and more.
1/14/20161 hour, 47 seconds
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Cell Phones and Brain Cancer? (Part 1)| Radiation | Environmental Toxins

Can cell phones cause brain cancer? The majority of Americans think it's possible, and scientists are divided. In this special episode of Straight Talk MD, Dr. Frank Sweeny takes an unbiased look at the evidence, addresses some very unsettling science, and reveals shocking truths.
1/11/201657 minutes, 47 seconds
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The Price of Obesity | Economics of Obesity | Diet | Exercise | Nutrition

Professor John Cawley, the foremost expert on the economics of obesity, thinks outside the box in this discussion of the economic causes, consequences, and approaches to the treatment and prevention of obesity. Full podcast available on iTunes on Monday, January 4th!
1/4/20161 hour, 18 minutes, 36 seconds
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Sleep Talk | Sleep Disorders | Insomnia

Dr. Peter Fotinakes discusses sleep, its disorders, and why adequate sleep is so vital to our overall health. Also on iTunes:
12/28/20151 hour, 30 minutes, 9 seconds
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Transgender, Transition (Part 2): Gender Affirming Surgery | Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgeon Josef Hadeed discusses a wide array of surgical options for trans folks wishing to make the complete transition. Also on iTunes:
12/21/201537 minutes, 46 seconds
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Transgender, Transition (Part 1) | Gender Dysphoria

In part one of our transgender series, Dr. Johanna Olson-Kennedy discusses the facts, complexities, and hardships for individuals with gender dysphoria.
12/14/20151 hour, 13 minutes, 52 seconds
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Breast Cancer | Awareness | Prevention | Women's Health

Our guest, Dr. John West discusses all aspects of breast cancer awareness, treatment, and prevention.
12/7/20151 hour, 15 minutes, 23 seconds
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Contraception and Women's Health | Contraceptive Technology | Birth Control

Dr. Anita Nelson, a professor emerita at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, the former medical director of the women’s healthcare program at Harbor-UCLA medical center, and esteemed author of Contraceptive Technology, reassures us that medical researchers are actively pursing ways to advance and improve contraceptive technology.
11/30/20151 hour, 34 minutes, 37 seconds
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Leukemia and Other Cancers | Children's Health | Chemotherapy | Environmental Toxins

As a renowned physician of hematology and oncology in both pediatrics and adults, Dr. Leonard Sender shares his expertise on leukemia and other cancers.
11/30/20151 hour, 19 minutes, 31 seconds
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Obesity and Bariatric Medicine (Part 1) | Diet | Exercise | Nutrition

Frank Sweeny and Dr. Jeffrey Johnsrud, a board certified general surgeon, break down the metabolic, physiological, and societal/cultural aspects of obesity.
11/30/20151 hour, 35 minutes, 50 seconds
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Straight Talk MD Preview | Health | Science | Medicine

Straight Talk MD is a podcast that examines current hot-button healthcare issues from the informative and unconventional point of view of Dr. Frank Sweeny. This season features interviews and solo podcasts on everything you wanted to know about healthcare and medical issues, but didn't know to ask. Tune in November 30th for the premiere, and check back weekly for new episodes on many more topics.
11/18/20153 minutes, 31 seconds