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Socialist Think Tank Podcasts

English, News, 2 seasons, 245 episodes, 5 days, 10 hours, 36 minutes
Socialism outside of the mainstream bubble.
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Political Unmuted 133 - Conferences, Prisons & Austerity

We, of course, address the Isreali war on Palestine as well
10/17/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 31 seconds
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Political Unmuted 132 - Israel/Palestine, Sunak's speech and attacks on trans people

Paul is back from the World Championships, Cat Cray returns, Kerry hits home and John is in his rightful place as chair.
10/10/20231 hour, 36 seconds
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Political Unmuted 129 - the Return

The team return following the summer break
9/26/20231 hour, 4 minutes, 37 seconds
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Political Unmuted 124 - Johnson flounces

We discuss Johnson, Freeports and a Royal court case
6/13/20231 hour, 6 minutes, 44 seconds
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Political Unmuted 123 - Disability matters & internal politics

Disability support, Jamie Driscoll and enquiries into enquiries
6/6/20231 hour, 1 minute, 58 seconds
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Political Unmuted 122 - Priced out of Essentials

We discuss the bleakness of the cost of being alive
5/31/202358 minutes, 50 seconds
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Political Unmuted 121 - Iran, SATs and Sandwiches

We discuss the frightening and ignored situation in Iran, why our education system is insistent on making children cry and the luxury of a cheese sandwich.
5/23/20231 hour, 1 minute, 29 seconds
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Political Unmuted 120 - Big Weekender, Trump & Victorian Diseases back en vogue!

The team discuss conferences, Trump and the return of Victorian diseases.
5/16/202357 minutes, 38 seconds
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Political Unmuted 119 - Democracy & Monarchy

Local Elections, Coronation Protest, Animal Testing
5/9/202358 minutes, 53 seconds
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Political Unmuted 117 - Maths is Romantic

We discuss China, British prisons and Sunak's maths plan
4/25/20231 hour, 1 minute
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Political Unmuted 115 - ID Cards, Labours dirty stunts and Tories Dirty Water

For some reason voter ID is considered to be a more pressing issue for the government, despite miniscule levels of fraud, than tonnes of raw sewage in our waters. Possibly because the gutter is full of political rhetoric from the establishment Parties.
4/11/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 2 seconds
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Political Unmuted 114 - Teacher Strikes, Israel apartheid and the renting crisis

John, Jayne, Kerry and Paul talk about apartheid, capitalism's role in making lives miserable and teachers in the NEU fighting back.
4/4/20231 hour, 3 minutes, 27 seconds
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Political Unmuted 112 - Budget, Forde and War

We discuss the implications of the UK budget, the Forde report on the Labour Party's institutional racism being ignored and Putin and Xi.
3/21/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 46 seconds
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Political Unmuted 111 - Press impartiality?

We discuss the liberals' outrage when it is a tv presenter rather that the government's usual suspects under attack, the inhumane immigration bill and the upcoming budget
3/14/202356 minutes, 37 seconds
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The Social Ties - Progress Over Perfection

We talk to POP about the mission to prevent suicide in the North East
3/11/202340 minutes, 53 seconds
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Origins - Thelma Walker

We Talk to Thelma about her time in the Labour Party, through to a new party and what is Socialism to her?
3/11/202331 minutes, 48 seconds
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Political Unmuted 110 - NI protocol, Hancock's leaks and revenge porn

We discuss the latest on the NI protocol, Hancock showing the true face of the tories and Stephen Bear. We may mention Sue Gray and the Labour Party becoming a funny tinge of red.
3/7/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 15 seconds
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Political Unmuted 108 - Rate my leader

We discuss the crisis in political leadership
2/28/20231 hour, 4 minutes, 50 seconds
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Mish Rahman - are Starmer's Pledges meaningless?

Labour NEC member Mish Rahman speaks about socialism and honesty.
2/28/202348 minutes, 24 seconds
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Political Unmuted 31 - Is this all Socialism's fault

Our guest questions have asked us to consider whether socialism has ever not led to disaster, what Biden means for the UK, why vaccines have been moved away from the North East and whether David Evans' veto on candidates is democratic.
2/28/202359 minutes, 10 seconds
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Political After Party 31

The team are asked whether socialism involves private ownership, whether Biden will take the USA to war, there is a comments uprising for Paul to become an MP and somehow the conversation ends up, like all good Parish Council meetings, about dog poo.
2/28/202359 minutes, 22 seconds
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Socialist Night Live: Save Our Socialists!

Alison Carpenter and Helen Caney join Paul and James to discuss Save Our Socialists and the suspension of hard working members of the Labour Party
2/28/20231 hour, 13 minutes, 34 seconds
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Political Unmuted 32

This week's topic include the miners' pension fund, the right to food, GameStop hedge fund foiled by reddit and political pledges.
2/28/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 22 seconds
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Political Unmuted 33- is it fair for trans people to compete in sport+

The team are joined by Socialist Think Tank's Rochelle Charlton-Laine to talk about trans athletes, flag worship, working from home or living to work, and Handforth Parish Council.
2/28/20231 hour, 52 minutes, 1 second
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Socialist Night Live 3

With Tina McKay, Rochelle Charlton-Laine, James Summerill and Paul Daly
2/28/20232 hours, 30 minutes, 53 seconds
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Political Unmuted 34 - The return of Thatcherism?

The team discuss northern tories openly praising Thatcherism, the crisis in Myanmar, whether lockdown is an excuse for murder and how, once again, trickle down economics has been debunked.
2/28/20231 hour, 45 minutes, 35 seconds
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Socialist Night Live 4 - Should the Labour Party recall conference?

We discuss all things Socialism, recalling Labour Party conference and Starmer's big speech.
2/28/20231 hour, 45 minutes, 59 seconds
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Political Unmuted 36: Mayoral controversy, no vaccines in Palestine, no exams and more

The team talk Liverpool Mayoral candidates, vaccines for Palestinians, murder rate of black people and GCSE grading by teachers.
2/28/20231 hour, 32 minutes, 23 seconds
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Political Unmuted 37 - Budget Bullshit?

The team are joined by Tina McKay to discuss the budget, the Treasury move to Darlington, Patel's bullying payout, a measly 1% pay rise for nurses and fake levelling up.
2/28/20231 hour, 28 minutes, 55 seconds
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Socialist Night Live 7 - Strike and police brutality

The team talk about strike with Nurse Angela Hankin, while news of police brutality on Clapham Common comes through.
2/28/20231 hour, 37 minutes, 5 seconds
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Political Unmuted 38: Are the MET protecting Women?

The team discuss the MET in the wake of tragic events followed by a brutal response, LGBT advisers quitting in protest at government ministers and council cuts.
2/28/20231 hour, 37 minutes, 39 seconds
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St. Patrick's Day Special

Irish Socialism with Tina McKay, Médb MacDeidheid and Paul O'Connell
2/28/20232 hours, 3 minutes, 24 seconds
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Socialist Night Live 8 - Combating the media bias

Thomas Barlow (Independent Media Association) and Charlotte Austin (Red Pepper) join us to discuss the media and the left. We also discuss the Labour Party and #Milfgate
2/28/20231 hour, 52 minutes, 24 seconds
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Political Unmuted 39: Party or candidate, furlough fraud, protests and policing and public enquiries

The team are asked whether it is better to vote for a Party or candidate, whether Labour is right to call for a public enquiry over covid, furlough going to the rich and unsavoury and the new powers for police to stop protests.
2/28/20231 hour, 33 minutes, 1 second
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Socialist Night Live 9 - Protest

Protest, police brutality, Black Lives Matter (BLM) , Sarah Everard, Bristol riots, Police and Crime bill, hate crimes, all discussed with Yunus Bakhsh, Mel Wilson, James Summerill and Paul Daly.
2/28/20231 hour, 35 minutes, 19 seconds
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Socialist Night Live 10 - Northern Independence

Laura, James and Paul are joined by Lauren Conway to discuss the Northern Independence Party, and Lauren makes a surprising reveal!
2/28/20231 hour, 45 minutes, 10 seconds
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Political Unmuted 41 - Is Britain Racist?

We discuss the government congratulating itself on being the least racist society ever, Northern Independence and John's Fish and Chip obsession rears it's head again!
2/28/20232 hours, 2 minutes, 10 seconds
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Political Unmuted 42 - does the government care about Ulster

The team discuss Ulster, teachers wanting to leave the profession, Miserly sick pay undermining covid efforts and the reaction to a royal death
2/28/20231 hour, 49 minutes, 33 seconds
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Political Unmuted 43 - Corruption and Lobbying and Tories OH MY!

We talk local elections, Greensill, climate change and elitism. Corruption throughout.
2/28/20231 hour, 34 minutes, 56 seconds
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Socialist Night Live 13 - Pint and Politics crossover part 1

We are joined by Ben Sellers from Socialist Telly's Pint and Politics show as well as Allison Carpenter to discuss all all sorts of topics generated from our our panel and our audience.
2/28/20231 hour, 28 minutes, 11 seconds
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Political Unmuted 44 - Boris Johnson - "Mad and totally unethical"

In a week where it is alleged that the Prime Minister said "let the bodies pile high in their thousands", we discuss Dominic Cummings spilling on the PM, Johnny Mercer saying almost nobody in government tells the truth, UK pervasive racism and the heart breaking situation in India.
2/28/20231 hour, 51 minutes, 23 seconds
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Political Unmuted 45: A wake up call for Britain?

Id Arlene Foster’s overthrow ‘a wake-up call for Britain', Boris Johnson loses his temper at PMQs as inquiry launched into ‘cash for curtains’, 200 groups criticise UK government consultation on refugee policy and Gordon Brown leads calls for $60bn of Covid support for poor countries.
2/28/20231 hour, 55 minutes, 42 seconds
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Socialist Night Live 14 - Rayner gets the blame for Hartlepool and Local Election Fallout

We discuss why Keir Starmer decided to blame a working class woman with an accent for his dismal performance along with the other election results, as always with the viewer as a main contributor.
2/28/20231 hour, 32 minutes, 57 seconds
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Political Unmuted 46 - Election Fallout Unmuted

We discuss the local election fallout, Labour losing Hartlepool and Starmer blaming everyone but himself.  But it is also mental health awareness week so as always, we wont ignore these massive issues.
2/28/20231 hour, 31 minutes, 41 seconds
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Political Unmuted 47 - Gaza, what can we do?

We discuss the plight of the Palestinians in Gaza, new plans for photo ID which disenfranchises so many, EU citizens being locked up and expelled and the suspension of Howard Beckett
2/28/20231 hour, 42 minutes, 30 seconds
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Political Unmuted 48 - Child poverty rockets

5527 children in Sedgefield alone are trapped in poverty, Education funding in County Durham is levelling down, a Shildon Tory refuses to take up his seat and former MP Phil Wilson says "If it wasn’t for the Labour Party, we’d probably have a Labour Government"
2/28/20231 hour, 50 minutes, 25 seconds
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Palestine Solidarity

We hear from people who have lived in Palestine, rather than simply those who care. We are joined by Halla Alsafadi, Neder Alhussein, both of whom have personal experience, as well as the founder of Labour Friends of Palestine, Mark McDonald.
2/28/20231 hour, 3 minutes, 29 seconds
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Socialist Night Live 16 - Kill The Bill

We are joined by Maxine Mallon and Abel Harvie-Clark, organisers of the Kill the Bill protest in Newcastle. The bill seeks to give more powers to police to stop protests among other worrying attacks on the public.
2/28/202359 minutes, 16 seconds
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Political Unmuted 49 - Cummings the liar tells us the truth about his collaborators?

We discuss Matt Hancock's position after Cummings' evidence, Belarus, Low quality house building and Tory Islamophobia
2/28/20231 hour, 39 minutes, 20 seconds
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Political Unmuted 50 - Social care crisis

We talk social care, Buckingham Palace racism, Napier barracks and the end of Netanyahu.
2/28/20231 hour, 47 minutes, 22 seconds
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Socialist Night Live 18 - NHS deserve a pay rise

Paul, Laura and Jayne talk about pay rises for NHS workers, Unite General Secretary election, Jedward, Trade Unionism, Starmer drama (or lack of it, Labour losing their deposit and more.
2/28/20231 hour, 42 minutes, 24 seconds
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Political Unmuted 52 - Should care workers be forced to have a Covid Jab?

The government plans to force low paid carers to take the covid vaccination. The MET is "institutionally corrupt". Matt Hancock is "Totally F***ing Hopeless".
2/28/20231 hour, 40 minutes, 35 seconds
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Socialist Night Live 19 - Hancock quits while demos descend on London

Dan Lewis from On the Bywire Joins Paul, Laura and Socialist Think Tank member, Marc Lungley to discuss Hancock's resignation, the People's Assembly and anti vaxer demos in London and Labour's u turn on free social care. We also ask whether Britney Spears is a slave.
2/28/20231 hour, 43 minutes, 37 seconds
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Jeremy Corbyn and Heather Wood join us for Socialist Night Live 21 - Durham Miners' Gala

For the second year running, the biggest socialist gathering in Europe will not be going ahead. So we will bring you a little of the Miners' Gala feel with messages from trade unionists, brass bands and political speeches! It's not the Gala, but it's the next best thing! Jeremy Corbyn MP, former Labour Leader Heather Wood Alan Mardghum (Durham Miners' Association) Mary Foy MP Dan Draper (Director of the Big Meeting) Ken Loach (2 time Palme D'Or winning Director) Lynn Gibson (Women's Banner Group) NASUWT Riverside Band
2/28/20231 hour, 36 minutes, 43 seconds
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Political Unmuted 54 - Why is life expectancy plummeting for England's poorest?

We discuss why poor people are living shorter lives in England, women's safety in wake of a MET Officer killing a young woman after his shift, what Batley and Spen says for the UK Labour Party and whether other countries should boycott the Olympics over human rights in China.
2/28/20231 hour, 50 minutes, 21 seconds
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Socialist Night Live 22 - Do socialists belong in the UK Labour Party?

Jayne Strange and Pam Fitzpatrick join Paul and Laura to discuss the UK Labour Party, Labour Womens' Committee, Keir Starmer's latest relaunch and the Health and Care bill that seeks to further privatise the NHS.
2/28/20231 hour, 38 minutes, 34 seconds
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Political Unmuted 55 - Social Care? Crisis, what crisis?

Tory council leader denies there is an adult social care crisis. Outrage aimed at No 10 as MPs back £4bn cut to foreign aid budget. Johnson and Patel accused of hypocrisy over racist abuse of England footballers  Summer chaos predicted as 1.6m in England told to isolate in a week. We also talk about the ridiculous self destructive behaviour of the UK Labour Party and the deliberate confusion of the UK government's handling of the coronavirus.
2/28/20231 hour, 56 minutes, 44 seconds
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Political Unmuted 56 - Lies, lies and crisis'

Just how great is the crisis in government; including Dawn Butler, Tory lies & sleaze    Just how great is the crisis in the Labour Party?   Just how great is the Crisis in NHS and the Public Sector?   Just how great is the Climate Crisis; is it just a moon wobble?
2/28/20231 hour, 27 minutes, 50 seconds
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Police brutality, just one a bad egg?

The following article was submitted by a woman involved in the super complaint against police officers who have been perpetrators in domestic violence and abuse. This chilling take on what it is like to live it should be a wake up call for those protecting them.
2/28/202319 minutes, 13 seconds
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Socialist Night Live 25 - WE DEMAND JUSTICE

We are joined by Yvette Williams from Justice4Grenfell and Klaudia Fior from Bywire News to talk about the injustices we see all around us, none so stark and disgraceful as the communities who still suffer from the injustice of Grenfell.   We speak about Starmer the Llama Harmer (or is it Alpaca attacker) and his treatment of the national treasure Ken Loach. We talk about the injustice of the treatment of Julian Assange. We talk about the inherent media bias. And as always, we talk about why it's all part of capitalism. 
2/28/20231 hour, 27 minutes, 41 seconds
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Socialist Night Live 27 - Universal Discredit

Kerry Wilkes and Stuart Sutherland join us to talk about the mess and cruelty of Universal Credit and the economic illiteracy of cutting the much needed uplift.
2/28/20231 hour, 29 minutes, 4 seconds
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Political Unmuted 57 - Universal Credit Cuts and Afghanistan dereliction of duty

The "dream team" are back after a month. August is usually pretty quiet, so what have we missed? Will Geronimo the Alpaca get a mention in moments of the month? What about Ken Loach or minority report inspired Labour Party discipline? Will we discuss the tragic and terrifying events in Afghanistan? Johnson's potential "bribe" and working with them "if necessary.  Or will you, as usual, surprise us in the poll with something none of us expect? Poll results to discuss 1.       Planned cut to Universal Credit 2.       Afghanistan 3.       UK plunges towards supply chain crisis due to staff and transport disruption 4.       Sharon Graham becomes union’s first female general secretary after surprise victory
2/28/20231 hour, 37 minutes, 33 seconds
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Socialist Night Live 28 - Are Young Labour too Socialist for Starmer?

Jess Barnard joins the team as we discuss the marginalisation of elected young people within the Labour Party and ask, are UK Labour throwing away their best chance of electoral success?
2/28/20231 hour, 29 minutes, 27 seconds
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Political Unmuted 58 - Why won't rich areas welcome asylum seekers?

Labour councils house eight times as many asylum seekers as Tory areas, analysis finds. Is Paul Howell right to back HS2 east line? Is the Texas abortion law the beginning of the end for liberal democracy? CCTV in school toilets – what do you think? CONTENT WARNING - In the after show we discuss suicide in the context of supporting mental health.
2/28/20231 hour, 42 minutes, 49 seconds
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Political Unmuted 59 - Should Britain be ashamed of it's history?

Ought English people to be ashamed of their country’s history?    Social care backlash grows after MPs vote through tax plan    Zarah Sultana’s emotional speech on Islamophobia and racism    Durham police charge dozens of beggars and rough sleepers.
2/28/20231 hour, 42 minutes, 21 seconds
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Political Unmuted 60 - Does Starmer want Labour civil war?

McCluskey accuses Starmer of reneging on pledge to reinstate Corbyn   How worried do we need to be about the Labour conference?   Aukus pact: UK and US battle to contain international backlash   Taliban takeover of Afghanistan will reshape Middle East, official warns
2/28/20231 hour, 51 minutes, 41 seconds
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Origins: Peter Doyle - Left Horizons

Peter talks of his Trade Union organising past and how people power will always be more successful than bureaucracy
2/28/20231 hour, 7 minutes, 58 seconds
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Political Unmuted 61 - Labour Party Conference

This week, Cat Cray joins us as a non-Labour member to help us discuss the events of the Labour Party Conference    Other topics include    The energy crisis   Call for ‘new deal’ for England’s children as poll shows mental health concerns   Equalities minister under fire for writing she does not ‘care about colonialism’
2/28/20231 hour, 27 minutes, 18 seconds
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Political Unmuted 62 - Gaslighty AF

Labour Conference: Starmer accuses Tories of being ‘lost in the woods’ as he rejects Corbyn era   Is it time for Labour members to join the Green Party?   Is the answer to crimes against women Philip Allot’s advice that women should get ‘street-wise’?   1 in 20 children infected with Covid – are we simply ignoring a Covid disaster?   “Never mind cancer outcomes” – Johnson challenged by Look North on levelling up
2/28/20231 hour, 51 minutes, 14 seconds
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Political Unmuted 63 - The Tories don't have a clue

The Big Story is the Tory Conference:  •         Tory conference   •         Carrie Johnson urges Tories to back transgender rights     Other Topics English football will sell itself to anyone’: human rights groups condemn Saudi-Newcastle deal  What should the government be doing about energy prices?   Pandora Papers scandal… and why is nobody interested?
2/28/20231 hour, 34 minutes, 59 seconds
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Political Unmuted 64 - Another MP Murdered

The Big Story - Tory MP Sir David Amess’s death after being stabbed at constituency surgery.    Other Topics will be:  Covid response ‘one of UK’s worst ever public health failures’  What is the Labour Party doing to Liverpool Labour and should it stop? Should GPs be made to hold face-to-face appointments?
2/28/20231 hour, 45 minutes, 46 seconds
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Political Unmuted 97 - Tory bullies, police recruitment failures and Starmer's NHS dog whistle

As Gavin Williamson is accused of bullying and Matt Hancock abandons the commons for the Jungle, how are the wrong people constantly put in charge?  We also look at the failures in screening for the Police force and wonder why in the world Starmer has opened up a new anti immigrant front on the previously safe space of those who come here to save our lives in the NHS.  We also have a look at what might have been for Sedgefield Labour Party.
2/28/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 50 seconds
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Political Unmuted 109 - #justice4workers

We talk workers' rights and Starmer's vacuous missions
2/28/20231 hour, 1 minute, 6 seconds
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Remembering Harry - A tribute to Harry Leslie Smith

Harry's son, John, is joined by Jeremy Corbyn to talk about the life of the wonderful Harry.
2/28/20231 hour, 10 minutes, 5 seconds
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Political Unmuted 107 - Far Right Riots

We discuss the Knowsley Riots, Lee Anderson and UFOs
2/14/202355 minutes, 51 seconds
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Political Unmuted 106 - Shell and state sponsored profiteering

Imposed Installation of pre payment meters, Shell Obscene profits and Liz Truss on her honesty
2/7/202359 minutes, 23 seconds
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Political Unmuted 105 - Strikes in Education!!

On the eve of a huge day of strike action we discuss the NEU action and the right to strike.  We also discuss Doncaster care homes and tanks in Ukraine
1/31/20231 hour, 3 minutes, 7 seconds
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Political Unmuted 104 - Is Andrew Tate king of the Incels?

- Andrew Tate and modern mysogyny. - NHS privatisation on the cards - Levelling southwards (except Richmond)
1/24/20231 hour, 38 seconds
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Political Unmuted 103 - Sunak and Starmer fail to offer hope

Topics include  • Sunak & Starmer’s New Year speeches  • Tory anti-strike law • Sexual orientation census results
1/17/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 37 seconds
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Political Unmuted 102 - Strikes: the mainstream media fail again

We discuss the strikes and attempt to balance the appalling narrative in the UK mainstream media, as they go on the attack.  We also discuss the compass tactical voting coalition and whether we'd actually be any better off under a Labour Party backed by hedge funds and private interests.
12/13/20221 hour, 5 minutes, 45 seconds
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Political Unmuted 101 - The Brown Report, The Twitter files and disestablishment

We discuss Labour's plans for reform of the Lords, Elon Musk's reveal of the Hunter Biden files and disestablishment of the Church of England
12/7/20221 hour, 1 minute, 58 seconds
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Political Unmuted 100 - The normalisation of Poverty

We discuss how it has become normal for foodbanks and warmbanks to be offered by the political class as solutions rather than fair pay and dignity.  We discuss the elitists getting increasingly wealthy at our expense with the Mone PPE scandal as an example.  We talk about the UK's confusing stance on China, criticising their authoritarian clampdowns and lockdowns while appearing in many cases to strive to do the same here.
11/29/20221 hour, 7 minutes, 49 seconds
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Political Unmuted 99 - Budget misery

Today we cover the budget, the royal mail strikes and the Awaab Ishak tragedy
11/22/20221 hour, 1 minute, 47 seconds
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Socialist Night Live 52 - The MMT Podcast

We are joined by Patricia Pino and Christian Reilly from the MMT podcast to find out just what MMT is and what the left can learn from understanding economics using this framework.
11/16/20221 hour, 28 minutes, 40 seconds
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Political Unmuted 98 - NHS, G20 and a budget wish list

We discuss the issues in the NHS with pressure on services and the nurse's strike, what is going on at G20 and what we would like to see in the budget.
11/15/20221 hour, 59 seconds
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Political Unmuted 97 - Tory bullies, police recruitment failures and Starmer's NHS dog whistle

As Gavin Williamson is accused of bullying and Matt Hancock abandons the commons for the Jungle, how are the wrong people constantly put in charge?  We also look at the failures in screening for the Police force and wonder why in the world Starmer has opened up a new anti immigrant front on the previously safe space of those who come here to save our lives in the NHS.  We also have a look at what might have been for Sedgefield Labour Party.
11/10/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 47 seconds
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Political Unmuted 96 - Tories become the National Front

National Security risk Braverman is put straight back into office following serious breaches of the ministerial code and immediately removes the mask to reveal her fascist views on refugees.  Meanwhile everyone is balloting for strike and Musk takes over twitter.
11/1/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 50 seconds
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Political Unmuted 95 - The Labour Files and Sunak

We discuss the 4 part Al Jazeera documentary "The Labour Files" which depicts a rotten core of a racist political Party and  Sunak's coronation by Tory MPs
10/25/202256 minutes, 5 seconds
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Socialist Night Live 51 - Truss resigns

Truss is gone. How did it happen? What does it mean for us? Will anything change? Will Boris make a comeback? Do looks matter in politics and is Keir Starmer suffering from dark side degradation?
10/20/20221 hour, 4 minutes, 53 seconds
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Political Unmuted 94 - Labour excludes the left

Paul talks about his experiences in the Sedgefield Labour Party selection race, and the team talks Trussonomics and Ukraine.
10/18/20221 hour, 1 minute, 50 seconds
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Political Unmuted 93 - Extreme Heat, More Strikes and the Forde Report

The Big Story is: How to survive at 40°C    Other Stories:  RMT announces further rail strike & Mo Farah trafficking survivor
7/19/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 36 seconds
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Political Unmuted 92 - Boris Finally Resigns

We discuss Johnson's resignation as Party leader, NHS birthday woes and Labour's proposed National Care Service
7/12/202258 minutes, 17 seconds
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Political Unmuted 91 - Tories leaving a sinking ship, Scottish Independence and Pride,

We discuss the potential for a Scottish Independence Referendum, 50 years of UK Pride and those resignations
7/5/202259 minutes, 33 seconds
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Political Unmuted 90 - Rail Strikes

We discuss whether the rail strikes have been a success or failure, Roe vs Wade being overturned and the Tory by election defeats
6/28/202258 minutes, 1 second
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Political Unmuted 89 - Is there any point in ethics?

As Johnson sacks his ethics adviser, we ask if there is any point in having his role for a clearly unethical political class.
6/22/202259 minutes, 29 seconds
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Political Unmuted 88 - Rwanda Deportations "Appalling"

We discuss Prince Charles' comments, rail strikes and raising the age of smoking to 21
6/14/20221 hour, 56 seconds
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Political Unmuted 87 - The Vote of Confidence

We discuss the latest UK Parliamentary debacle as Tory MPs narrowly vote confidence in their disgraced leader Boris Johnson.  We also ask whether policing has become a problem and whether we should extend free school meals.
6/7/20221 hour, 3 minutes, 41 seconds
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SNL 50: Manifesto the film

We talk to Dan Draper about his third in a trilogy of films Manifesto.  Following on from The Nature of the Beast and The Big Meeting.  Along with Alan Gibbons and Michael Hardy, activists from the film.
6/4/20221 hour, 7 minutes, 53 seconds
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Political Unmuted 86 - Do GCSE reforms signal an unashamed two tier society?

We discuss plans for student loans to be denied to anybody who has to re-sit English or Mathematics, the fallout of Partygate and the re-writing of the ministerial code and the human cost of the Uyghur detention camps in China
5/31/202259 minutes, 53 seconds
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Socialist Night Live 49 - The F Word

Is the UK in danger of sleep walking into fascism and what can we do about it?
5/31/20221 hour, 42 minutes, 57 seconds
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Political Unmuted 85 - The Cost of Capitalism Crisis

We discuss the actions needed to be taken now as prices soar and wages stagnate, the abuser working for MI5 and pollution now responsible for one in six deaths worldwide.
5/24/20221 hour, 52 seconds
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The Social ties: Visible Women

An amazing collaboration of groups supporting each other in gaining recognition for women that history has failed to remember
5/24/202258 minutes, 18 seconds
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Political Unmuted 84 - DUP Paralyses Stormont

We discuss the crisis in governance in Northern Ireland, the murder of a journalist in the West Bank and the UK government's plans to cut 90,000 jobs.
5/17/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 19 seconds
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The Social Ties : Operation Withdraw Consent

We talk to Chantelle Lunt about a campaign to take our permission away from policing.
5/17/202245 minutes, 55 seconds
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Socialist Night Live 48 - Momentum

We are joined by Momentum activists who will discuss current events and how they plan to address issues through the new member led policy platform.
5/14/20221 hour, 31 minutes, 15 seconds
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Political Unmuted 83 - Local Election Fallout

We discuss the outcomes of the local election and what it means, overturning Roe v Wade and women's rights, support for menopausal women and the Brownies learning coding.
5/10/20221 hour, 53 minutes, 4 seconds
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Political Unmuted 82 - What does Macron's narrowing margin mean?

We talk about the French elections, Councils failing to use powers to stop shoddy housing schemes, working class women's life expectancy shock and the sunflower oil shortage.
5/2/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 20 seconds
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Socialist Night Live 47 - French Election Special

What's a socialist to do when there's a choice between a far right candidate and and establishmentarian who tries to outflank his opponent to the right on immigration? We discuss French politics in the build up to the Presidential Election.
4/24/20221 hour, 28 minutes, 55 seconds
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Political Unmuted 81 - Ministerial Misdeeds & Priti Awful Politics

We discuss if it is worth having a ministerial code, the plan to give refugees a one way ticket to Rwanda, Johnson's potential replacements if he ever relinquishes power and whether "accidental Partridge" Madeley was right to call climate change activists "childish.
4/19/20221 hour, 49 minutes, 19 seconds
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Socialist Night Live 46 - The worst politicians at the worst time?

With "Partygate", cost of capitalism crisis, sending refugees to Rwanda and no real response from our politicians, is our system promoting the worst people possible to positions of power and what can we do about it?     We also discuss the NEU conference and education.
4/16/20221 hour, 32 minutes, 19 seconds
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Political Unmuted 80 - Johnson and Sunak broke the law

With news breaking of fines issued to the Prime Minister and Chancellor, we discuss the shamelessness of our political class.   We also discuss freedom of information laws being undermined, the privatisation of channel 4 and the Sunak family tax dodging.
4/12/20221 hour, 21 minutes, 43 seconds
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Socialist Night Live 45 - Ask a Socialist

What happens when we ask our audience to guide our show? This!
4/9/20221 hour, 33 minutes, 56 seconds
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Political Unmuted 79 - Is an ethical foreign policy possible?

John and the team discuss foreign policy, baby deaths in the NHS, nuclear energy and conversion therapy.
4/5/20221 hour, 37 minutes, 58 seconds
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Socialist Night Live 44 - Jon Trickett's alternative Spring Statement

Jon Trickett joins us to discuss the alternatives to a spring statement for the wealthiest for the wealthiest.
4/2/20221 hour, 4 minutes, 41 seconds
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Political Unmuted 78 - Sunak's squalid Spring Statement

The Big Story is the Spring Statement.   Also discussed, Ukraine developments, the P&O neoliberal dream, Covid and the Royal backlash.
3/29/20221 hour, 32 minutes, 31 seconds
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Socialist Night Live 43 - Refugee Crisis

Now that the western world are paying attention, Socialist Think Tank discusses the refugee crisis and how humane policies would benefit us all.  With guests Mike Tapp, Julie Ward and Moses Chikwekwete Mbano.
3/26/20221 hour, 25 minutes, 54 seconds
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Political Unmuted 77 - John's Back!

The much anticipated return of host John D Clare!    Topics   Ukraine   Socialist Campaign Group of Labour MPs Cost of Living Crisis Rally P&O Ferries   Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe
3/22/20221 hour, 28 minutes, 16 seconds
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Political Unmuted 76 - Boris' Secret Saudi Sortie

As the Saudi Monarchy performs mass executions and continues to attack Yemen with British support, Boris goes begging for oil. Why does Britain continue help Saudi create what the UN described as the worst humanitarian crisis in the 21st Century?    Other stories   Is press freedom under attack?  Ukraine update
3/15/20221 hour, 35 minutes, 58 seconds
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Socialist Night Live 42 - Wor Bella

Writer and producer, Ed Waugh, Unsung Hero, Jane Harker and director Russell Floyd join host Paul Daly to talk about their new play, "Wor Bella". Wor Bella is the brilliant story of heroic WWI Munitionettes who not only selflessly served the war effort on the home front from 1914 to 1918 but also played to raise money for charity.
3/12/20221 hour, 36 minutes, 48 seconds
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Political Unmuted 75 - Ukraine

Steve Topple guest presents as we discuss the frightening situation in Ukraine.
3/1/20221 hour, 39 minutes, 25 seconds
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Socialist Night Live 41 - NHS SOS

On the day after what would have been Harry Leslie Smith's 99th birthday we speak to NHS campaigners & Harry's son, John Smith, about the crisis facing the NHS after 11 years of underfunding. What would life without the NHS be like and what we can do to protect it?
2/28/20221 hour, 52 minutes, 45 seconds
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Political Unmuted 74 - Is Covid Over?

THE BIG STORY  Unions condemn lifting restrictions and sick pay changes   OTHER STORIES    Banker Bonus Bonanza bumper profit for Lloyd's and Barclays with big bonus set to make a comeback.    Zimbabwe political activists arrested. Is this our future?    Storm Eunice is there a North South divide when it comes to weather?
2/23/20221 hour, 54 minutes, 49 seconds
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Socialist Night Live 40 - Education Crisis

What is happening in UK Education?  The right wing Govian agenda has caused lasing damage, yet still education is accused of being too left wing.   We speak to some education experts including President of the NEU, Daniel Kebede and General Secretary of the Socialist Educational association James Whiting about what we need to do for a better future in education.
2/19/20221 hour, 29 minutes, 14 seconds
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Political Unmuted 73 - No more Dick

Chantelle Lunt guest presents on the return of Political Unmuted   THE BIG STORY  Cressida Dick Resigns    OTHER stories   Cost of living crisis    Ukraine vs Russia   UCU University Strike
2/16/20221 hour, 27 minutes, 35 seconds
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Socialist Night Live 39 - The cost of living crisis

Everything is going up in the UK.   Food   Energy   National Insurance   Bills   Everything except for wages.  And, of courses, taxes on the rich.   James Meadway joins us to talk about the cost of living crisis
2/12/20221 hour, 13 minutes, 50 seconds
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Socialist Night Live 38 - Julian Assange

Dr Deepa Govindarajan Driver (@deepa_driver) from @socialistlawyer  joins us on the show to discuss Julian Assange
2/5/20221 hour, 33 minutes, 11 seconds
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Political Unmuted 73 - Emma Watson unfairly accused?

The Big Story   Emma Watson pro-Palestinian post sparks antisemitism row  Other questions:   Boris Johnson accused of corruption after ‘great exhibition’ text emerges    BLM protesters cleared over toppling of Edward Colston statue   Johnson hopes to ‘ride out’ Omicron but acknowledges parts of NHS may be overwhelmed
1/11/20221 hour, 37 minutes, 32 seconds
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Political Unmuted 72 - Assange extradition an attack on the free press?

The Big Story: Julian Assange can be extradited to US to face espionage charges, court rules The Other Topics: Is the government doing enough to protect exploited minimum wage workers? That No.10 party – do we give a damn?
12/14/20211 hour, 26 minutes, 43 seconds
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Socialist Night Live 37 - RMT!

We are joined by Cat Cray, activist in the RMT Union and the Assistant General Secretary of the RMT, Steve Hedley to talk about their actions, their solidarity and what makes a strike work!
12/11/20211 hour, 22 minutes, 14 seconds
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Political Unmuted 71 - Christmas with Covid, another Tory lockdown?

The Big Story:    Covid Crisis and the NHS     The Other Topics:  1.       Labour’s main union backer says it will cut political funding  2.       Starmer’s reshuffle   3.       Family costs predicted to rise
12/7/20211 hour, 42 minutes, 34 seconds
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Political Unmuted 70 - Playing politics is killing people

The Big Story: · UK ministers urged to ‘stop playing politics’ over Channel crossings. (2, 3, 4, 5) The Other Topics: 1. Speaker announces review on bringing babies into Commons. (2) 2. Priti Patel quietly adds further measures to the policing bill. (2, 3, 4) 3. New Covid variant. (2, 3 … and 4).
11/30/20211 hour, 38 minutes, 2 seconds
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Political Unmuted 69 - NHS at Breaking Point?

The Big Story:  •       NHS is at breaking point and putting patients at high risk, bosses warn.     The Other Topics:  1.       ‘A betrayal of the north’: HS2 and levelling up  2.       The England social care cap: how will it work and is it fair?
11/23/20211 hour, 28 minutes, 17 seconds
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Political Unmuted 68 - Copout 26

Cop 26 has been a game of blame and broken promises. We discuss why capitalism can only deepen the climate crisis.   Other stories   Have we lost sight of the true meaning of Remembrance Day?   The Poland-Belarus border migrant crisis.
11/16/20211 hour, 30 minutes, 55 seconds
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Political Unmuted 67 - Tory Corruption and Sleazy MPs

The Big Story is the Owen Paterson scandal    Other Topics   • Yorkshire Cricket Club racism scandal   • Bonfire Night: Should we ban noisy fireworks for our pets’ sake   • Charge … retreat!  Boris Johnson’s top U-turns in No 10
11/9/20211 hour, 35 minutes, 22 seconds
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Socialist Night Live 36 - COP26

Aoife Mercedes Rodriguez-Uruchurtu, Carlos Tornel and  Liam Tuckwood join host Paul Daly to discuss why COP26 was a con and why capitalism will never solve the climate crisis.
11/6/20211 hour, 33 minutes, 13 seconds
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Political Unmuted 66 - The Budget

The Big Story is the UK  Budget?    Other Stories  Was Angela Rayner right to back down on her ‘Tory Scum’ comment?   Spiking – a storm in a wine glass?    Israel bans six Palestinian NGOs – what can we do about Palestine?
11/2/20211 hour, 25 minutes, 26 seconds
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Political Unmuted 65 - Wading through shit to COP26

The Big Story is the government's Net Zero by 2050 strategy   Other Topics:  With Covid running out of control, why are the Tories doing nothing?    Brace yourself for poverty: UK inflation rising as economy stutters
10/26/20211 hour, 40 minutes, 28 seconds
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Socialist Night Live 34 - Refugees without refuge

We are joined by John Smith and Cal Shaw to talk about how we treat refugees. Can we call ourselves humane when people fleeing for their lives are treated so badly?
10/23/20211 hour, 32 minutes, 58 seconds
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Socialist Night Live 32 - The Pandora Papers

The deep corruption of the system has, once again, been brutally exposed. So why aren't we absolutely furious?   Presenter Paul Daly is joined by Harry Cross, Mark Montegriffo and Jayne Strange to find out what has happened, why it matters and what we can do to smash this corrupt system.
10/9/20211 hour, 28 minutes, 17 seconds
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Socialist Night Live 31 - The People's Assembly

Paul and Laura are joined by the People's Assembly's Helen O'Connor and regular guest star Chantelle Lunt to discuss the protests against austerity at this week's Tory Party Conference, or as we are calling it, the elitist jamboree. We also discuss the MET, Cressida Dick and Boris Johnson
10/2/20211 hour, 24 minutes, 24 seconds
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Socialist Night Live @The World Transformed

We took our Saturday night show to Brighton and talked to Jeremy Corbyn and Sasha Josette about municipalism, socialism, organising and the Labour Party.
9/27/20211 hour, 31 minutes, 48 seconds
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Socialist Night Live 30 - Audioriot!

We are joined by representatives of the brilliant Disabled People Against The Cuts (DPAC), Paula Peters and David Kirkham to discuss their plans plans for disrupting the cruel cuts with an audioriot!  Also joining us is Jan Gray who along with the rest of the panel, takes us through the cruel cuts austerity disabled people have faced since the banking system and capitalism caused the world financial crash in 2008 and the similarities we see now as the poorest bear the brunt of the pandemic while the rich cash in.
9/18/20211 hour, 27 minutes, 55 seconds
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Origins: Joe Glenton - Anarcho-Squaddie

Joe tells us how his experiences in the military, going AWOL, and seeing the so called "War on Terror" from the inside developed his understanding of the problems with capitalism and how this led to his own socialist beliefs. 
9/16/20211 hour, 3 minutes, 56 seconds
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Socialist Night Live 29 - Women leading the way in the fight for change and justice

Chantelle Lunt (Black Lives Matter) who grew up in the care system and fights for the rights of others, Patsy Stevenson, who was has been smeared as a fake by the right wing after she was famously restrained at Sarah Everard's vigil and Laura Daly, community champion and founder of the Women's Banner Group, talk about their own lived experiences and how to be active in the fight for the rights of women and all.
9/11/20211 hour, 30 minutes, 44 seconds
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Origins: Azzy Aslam - What lessons can socialists learn from capitalist marketing?

Azzy Aslam talks about the value of using the strengths of capitalism to achieve socialist goals
9/9/20211 hour, 7 minutes, 26 seconds
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Socialist Night Live 26 - Afghanistan

We are joined once again by Mohammad N Asif, a now settled former refugee from Afghanistan, a former British Army serviceman, Garrie Coleman, and the multicultural ethical Newspaper, the Prisma for real perspectives on Afghanistan. This is the kind of journalism that has been sadly lacking, authentic voices, real honest perspectives, no spin.
8/21/20211 hour, 29 minutes, 58 seconds
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Socialist Night Live 24 - McStrike!

We are joined by special guest Lewis Baker to discuss the working class using the power of a strike. Having taken action against McDonalds for the first time, Lewis knows first hand the power of collectivism.
7/31/20211 hour, 31 minutes, 31 seconds
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Socialist Night Live 23 - Trans Rights Special

Panelists:   Vonni Hardman  Vonni Hardman (she/her) STT member, NEU Durham LGBT+ Officer and NEU Northern Region LGBT+ Organising Forum member or any combination thereof!   Laura Miles   Laura is a former LGBT rep on the UCU national executive committee. Now retired from teaching she continues to be an activist and writer on socialist and trans issues. Her book Transgender Resistance: Socialism and the Fight for Trans Liberation was published in 2020.   Kacey de Groot   Kacey is the current executive seat holder for LGBT+ members of the NEU as well co-sec (women) of the union's Trans and Non-Binary Educator's Network. She is a secondary school Drama teacher in Coventry and a co-parent to three awesome children in her spare time.   Keyne Rowe   Keyne is a science communicator, a climate activist, and advocate for gender freedom working with TransActualUK to combat the anti-trans moral panic. They are a policy wonk, methodology queen, and a queer mess. Find them on twitter @keyne_unable, or better yet avoid social media as much as you possibly can.
7/24/20211 hour, 15 minutes, 5 seconds
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Thank You Day Special - Workers need a pay rise

Host, Paul Daly (NASUWT and Socialist Think Tank) and panellists supply teacher Rachel Lozinski (NASUWT) and nurse Angela Hankin (UNISON) introduce some guests who want to thank key workers for their work through the pandemic as well as demand a much needed and well earned pay rise. Panellists describe what it was like to live through the pandemic as eye  witnesses to very different experiences of PPE shortages, chaotic governance and tragedy. Contibutors Dr Patrick Roach (NASUWT General Secretary) Dr Rosena Allin-Khan MP Christine Fletcher (Durham County Council) Samantha Townsend (Durham County Council) Joe Solo (We Shall Overcome) Ian Lavery MP Rehana Azam (GMB) Nadia Jama (Labour NEC) Alan Mardghum (Durham Miners' Association) Sean Hoyle (RMT) Laura Smith (No Holding Back) Michelle Codrington-Rogers (NASUWT)
7/4/20211 hour, 11 minutes, 46 seconds
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Socialist Night Live 20 - PIP Payments are unnecessary and cruel with DPAC

Paula Peters from Disabled People Against the Cuts joins us along with Stuart Sutherland to discuss the cruelty of the Personal Independence Payments assessments and more.
7/3/20211 hour, 51 seconds
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Political Unmuted 53 - Who are Labour supposed to represent?

Labour says calling for free social care would ‘just give Tories a stick to beat us with’. Why aren’t we responding with greater alarm to the growing number of Delta variant infections?  Should our schoolchildren be made to sing: ‘Strong Britain, Great Nation’? Matt "Handsy" Hancock may get a mention too!
6/29/20211 hour, 56 minutes, 29 seconds
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The Social Ties: The Rickard Sisters

The Rickard Sisters tell us all about their Graphic Novel of social classic, Robert Tressel's "The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists"
6/26/202145 minutes, 16 seconds
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Political Unmuted 51 - Did the G7 achieve anything?

We discuss the G7 Summit, booing footballers who take the knee, whether the UK is sleepwalking into authoritarian rule and the fact that the North East could LOSE two MPs in proposed shake up of UK parliament.
6/15/20211 hour, 54 minutes, 22 seconds
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Socialist Night Live 17 - Express your Socialism!!!!

Laura and Paul are joined by In Evil Hour's Alice as well as recurring guest Tina McKay to discuss how to express our socialism through Music, Art and comedy. We discuss whether there are any funny right wingers and have a pop at centrist liberals. Not to be missed!
6/12/20211 hour, 36 minutes, 33 seconds
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Origins: Chardine Taylor Stone -

We talk socialism, music, arts and media!
6/12/202159 minutes, 35 seconds
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Origins: Jon Trickett

Jon tells us about his own socialist journey and calls for a wealth tax.
6/7/202154 minutes, 45 seconds
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No to Hassockfield Detention Centre

We speak with campaigners Owain Gardener, former MEP Julie Ward and Dr Helen Groom about the planned detention centre for women refugees who have committed no crime.
6/3/20211 hour, 15 minutes, 27 seconds
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Origins: Joe Guinan - Collaborative Democracy

Joe Guinan, Vice President of the Democracy Collaborative joins us to talk about socialism, democracy, the Preston Model, and the Forrest Gump of the left, Gar Alperovitz.
6/1/20211 hour, 6 minutes, 17 seconds
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Origins: Sasha Josette

Socialism and its future
5/24/202159 minutes, 54 seconds
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Origins: Austin Harney

The dignity and equality of Socialism
5/24/202156 minutes, 16 seconds
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Socialist Night Live 15 - Glasgow shows us how solidarity is done

Mohammad N Asif joins us following the Kenmure Street protests to tell us how solidarity is done and speaks movingly about his own experiences in Afghanistan.
5/18/20211 hour, 32 minutes, 28 seconds
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Northern Ireland Spotlight

In the wake of Arlene Foster’s resignation, we speak to Tina McKay, Sean Byers and Dr Stephen Baker about what is really going on in Northern Ireland.
5/7/20211 hour, 38 minutes, 9 seconds
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RMT LTRC International Workers' Memorial Day

A conversation about Women's Health and Safety with Marie Harrington, Janine Booth, Mel Mullins, Cat Cray, Linda Martin and Shelly Asquith
4/29/20211 hour, 32 minutes, 34 seconds
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Origins: Lisa Collins - Solidarity with retail workers

Lisa talks about socialism and trade unionism in Usdaw.
4/24/20211 hour, 4 seconds
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St. George's Day Special

There are plenty of English Socialists to be proud of. Let's stop the fash from monopolising pride in the English. Alan Mardghum, Rachel McGrath and Raj Pal tell us about socialist we can be proud of.
4/23/20211 hour, 3 minutes, 20 seconds
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Socialist Night Live 12 - No Sweat

We learn how to fight back against sweat shops, the importance and power of trade unions. We also somehow reference Jedward and South Park.
4/17/20211 hour, 40 minutes, 37 seconds
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Origins: Grace Blakeley - Economics for the people

How can we make economies work for all people rather than those who already have most?
4/17/202144 minutes, 54 seconds
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Working Class Durham University Students!

We are joined by some amazing working class students who are standing up to elitism and snobbery.
4/15/20211 hour, 6 minutes, 25 seconds
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Origins: Lauren Conway - Socialism, learning and direct dction

Lauren describes her unusual but distinctively working class journey to socialism and the importance of direct action.
4/11/202159 minutes, 10 seconds
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Socialist Night Live 11 - GRT Socialists

We are joined by Luke from GRT Socialists to challenge the racism faced by his community.
4/11/20211 hour, 42 minutes, 23 seconds
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Manx Labour Party Special!

We are joined by the Manx Labour Leader, Joney Faragher along with Devon Watson and Ciara Sowerby. Does the Isle of Man act as a microcosm of capitalism?
4/8/20211 hour, 3 minutes, 23 seconds
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Origins: John Dunn

We discuss solidarity, Orgreave, the struggle and winning!
4/4/202158 minutes, 22 seconds
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Autism Awareness

Sib Ali talks about his film, "My Life on Camera", Heidi Smith discusses "The Sensory Place" and Austin Harney tells us of his own autism and his success in the Labour and Trade Union movement.
4/2/20211 hour, 15 minutes, 31 seconds
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PEP Session 5 - The International Workingmen's Association 1864 General Rules, October 1864 Read by Paul Daly
3/31/20218 minutes, 17 seconds
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PEP Session 5 - Creating and Sustaining Communities of Struggle

By Alan Sears Read by Michael Jones
3/31/202112 minutes, 24 seconds
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PEP Session 5: 5 Ways to Rebuild Labor and Transform America

Written by Bill Fletcher Jr in Read by Paul Chynoweth
3/31/202111 minutes, 43 seconds
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Political Unmuted 40 - Autism Awareness

Mia Mantri joins the team again to discuss Autism. The team also discuss Boris Johnson's pandemic botch "regret", pub covid passports and Cameron's crony lobbying.
3/31/20211 hour, 43 minutes, 48 seconds
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The Social Ties Matchgirls

We speak to the Matchgirls memorial founder Sam Johnson
3/25/202136 minutes, 30 seconds
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Rosa Luxemburg Women’s Suffrage and Class Struggle (1912)

Podcast reading for the Political Education Project's week on Women's Oppression
3/25/202116 minutes, 31 seconds
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Origins: Thomas Barlow - Anarchy isn't chaos

We speak to Thomas Barlow about anarchy, branching out from our usual topics, and the media.
3/21/202159 minutes, 32 seconds
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The Social Ties with 50:50 Parliament t

We speak to Frances and Rachel about the importance of female representation in Westminster.
3/21/202133 minutes, 47 seconds
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PEP week 4 women's oppression

Women, Race & Class. The Approaching Obsolescence of Housework: A Working Class Perspective
3/17/202148 minutes, 9 seconds
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PEP Session 4: The Political Economy of Women’s Liberation

By Margaret Benson, from Read by Rochelle Charlton-Laine
3/17/202124 minutes, 46 seconds
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Origins: Charlie Hardwick - Joyous Socialism

Beloved actor (you wouldn't call a female doctor a doctress) talks about her own socialism and the importance of telling stories.
3/16/202156 minutes, 16 seconds
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The Social Ties: Woman's Banner Group and Lasscast

The Social Ties goes live with Lasscast and the Woman's Banner Group for the week of International Women's Day
3/11/20211 hour, 11 minutes, 57 seconds
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Women In the Community - Celebrating International Women's Day

The Women's Banner Group present a panel of inspirational women, Lynn Gibson, Laura Daly Neve Ovenden, Fiona Nicol, Samantha Townsend and Emma Rowell.
3/8/20211 hour, 8 minutes, 7 seconds
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Women in Trade Unions - Celebrating International Women's Day

The Women's Banner Group host a discussion with Beth Farhat (TUC) Laura Daly (Unite), Lisa Collins (Usdaw), Deb Eggleston (NASUWT), Vonni Hardman (NEU), Cat Cray (RMT) and Rehana Azam (GMB)
3/7/20211 hour, 12 minutes, 8 seconds
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Origins: Scott Robson - pride in Socialism

We speak to Scott Robson about his involvement in Northern Pride, the important of solidarity with trans people and It's a Sin.
3/7/202152 minutes, 42 seconds
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Socialist Night Live 6: With Ian Lavery MP

The team are joined by Ian to talk about the hypocrisy of clapping Nurses and not paying them
3/7/20211 hour, 36 minutes, 45 seconds
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Women's Banner Group Takeover: Women in Politics

Samantha Townsend, Mary Foy MP, Jessie Joe Jacobs, Chris Varty, Heidi Smith and Chloe Walls talk Women in Politics.
3/6/202148 minutes, 8 seconds
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PEP Session 3: Chapter 2 from A. Sivanandan's 'Communities of Resistance: Writings on Black Struggle

Read by Brett Byatt
3/4/20211 hour, 21 minutes, 19 seconds
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PEP session 3: Climate Reparations: An Internationalist Approach for the Twenty-First Century

Written by Keston K. Perry, read by Michael Jones.
3/4/202119 minutes, 7 seconds
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Socialist Night Live 5 - Ray Goodspeed on solidarity

Ray and the team show solidarity with trans people.
2/28/20212 hours, 4 minutes, 14 seconds
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Origins: Ray Goodspeed - solidarity is everything

Ray discusses his own role in the movement, including his own role in Lesbians and Gays Support the Miners.
2/27/20211 hour, 13 minutes, 3 seconds
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Origins: Kristin Linderoth - Is Sweden more socialist than the UK?

Kristin tells us of her views on socialism and compares the systems in the UK and Sweden.
2/21/20211 hour, 7 minutes, 56 seconds
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PEP Session 2: COVID, Climate and Capitalist Crises

Prepared by The Democracy Collaborative and Trademark Belfast. Written by Joe Guinan and Seán Byers. Read by Tina McKay.
2/16/202134 minutes, 11 seconds
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Origins: Neil Gibb - The Participation Revolution

We speak to Neil about socialism on a real world context, in run down town and city centres, and the power of collaboration.
2/13/202143 minutes, 59 seconds
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Origins: Vonni Hardman - LGBT+ Education

Vonni speaks movingly about her growing up as a lesbian while being demonised by Thatcher's government and section 28. She also tells us about the importance of solidarity with trans people and why there need not be a conflict between safe spaces for all women and trans rights.
2/9/20211 hour, 7 minutes, 52 seconds
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Origins: Paul O'Connell - Education is the most important class issue

Paul tells us about understanding socialism, how it needs to be bottom up, and how important eduction is. We also learn more about the Political Education Project.
2/7/20211 hour, 6 minutes, 39 seconds
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Hal Draper: The Two Souls of Socialism - Political Education Project Session 1

Read along here
2/3/20211 hour, 49 minutes, 18 seconds
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James Connolly: The New Evengel - Political Education Project Session 1

Part of the reading for session 1 of the Political Education Project ( We hope this makes the course more accessible, or for those who are just here for socialism, we hope you enjoy a working class socialist speech. Read along here.
2/2/20217 minutes, 49 seconds
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Origins: Simon Kennedy - Is Trade Unionism Socialist?

We speak about Cuba, humanitarianism, trade unionism and socialism
1/30/202158 minutes, 18 seconds
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Social Ties: Rachel Meenan

Our new show explores the actions of groups in the real world. Rachel Meenan talks about the antiracism work being done in the North East of England
1/27/202123 minutes, 23 seconds
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Origins: Laura Smith - No Holding Back

Laura talks about listening to people through her No Holding Back virtual tour
1/27/202133 minutes, 20 seconds
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Meet the team!

Laura Daly, Rochelle Charlton-Laine, James Summerill and Paul Daly talk about Socialist Think Tank!
1/27/202157 minutes, 51 seconds
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Origins: Heather Wood Part 2

Heather speaks about the conclusion of the UK Miner's Strike of 1984 and Thatcher's legacy
1/27/202139 minutes, 12 seconds
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Origins: Heather Wood Part 1

Heather speaks of her early years and the start of the UK Miner's Strike of 1984
1/27/202154 minutes, 56 seconds
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Origins: Tina McKay - Collectivism over individualism

Socialism is about collectives, not individuals
1/27/202156 minutes, 20 seconds
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Origins: David Rosenberg - Radical History

David talks about telling working class and radical stories
1/27/202159 minutes, 52 seconds
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Origins: Matt Zarb-Cousin

Where is public opinion on socialism? Are socialist ideas more normal than people think?
1/27/202149 minutes, 48 seconds
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Origins: Musa Askari - the soul

Spirituality and socialism
1/27/20211 hour, 3 minutes, 1 second