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Sermons From Faith

English, Christianity, 1 season, 509 episodes, 2 days, 16 hours, 28 minutes
Messages from the preaching ministry of Pastor Scott Nichols, Faith Reformed Church - Midland Park, New Jersey.
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Jesus of the Locked Door

Our Easter message (Jesus of the Locked Door) comes from John 20:19-22 and considers what Jesus might say to us today as we gather fearfully behind locked doors this day.
5/6/202027 minutes, 33 seconds
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Lessons From A Prayer Warrior (6)

In this brief series we look at prayer as it is modeled for us in the life of Nehemiah, called by God to rebuild the walls and gate of post-exile Jerusalem. Nehemiah is one of the most prayer-saturated books in the Bible. in this message we at four prayers that conclude the Book of Nehemiah and consider the topic "praying to finish strong."
3/12/202031 minutes, 14 seconds
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Lessons from a Prayer Warrior (5)

In this brief series we look at prayer as it is modeled for us in the life of Nehemiah, called by God to rebuild the walls and gate of post-exile Jerusalem. Nehemiah is one of the most prayer-saturated books in the Bible. in this message we look at selected verses in Nehemiah 9. Nehemiah 9 is the longest prayer in the Bible. As we consider its lessons today, we will think about the nature and practice of confession and repentance.
3/6/202031 minutes, 14 seconds
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Lessons From A Prayer Warrior (4)

In this brief series we look at prayer as it is modeled for us in the life of Nehemiah, called by God to rebuild the walls and gate of post-exile Jerusalem. Nehemiah is one of the most prayer-saturated books in the Bible. In this fourth message we will consider how God wants us to prayer in times of trouble and opposition. As Nehemiah faced threats from within and without, we can learn how to turn them over to God in honest prayer.
2/25/202026 minutes, 36 seconds
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Lessons From A Prayer Warrior (3)

In this brief series we look at prayer as it is modeled for us in the life of Nehemiah, called by God to rebuild the walls and gate of post-exile Jerusalem. Nehemiah is one of the most prayer-saturated books in the Bible. In this third message we will look at how our prayers invite us to be co-laborers with God in His great work in the world.
2/12/202022 minutes, 46 seconds
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Lessons From A Prayer Warrior (2)

In this brief series we look at prayer as it is modeled for us in the life of Nehemiah, called by God to rebuild the walls and gate of post-exile Jerusalem. Nehemiah is one of the most prayer-saturated books in the Bible. In this second message we will look at the ways that Nehemiah prayed without ceasing in a variety of situations.
2/5/202032 minutes, 2 seconds
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Lessons From A Prayer Warrior (1)

In this brief series we begin a look at prayer as it is modeled for us in the life of Nehemiah, called by God to rebuild the walls and gate of post-exile Jerusalem. Nehemiah is one of the most prayer-saturated books in the Bible. In this first message we will look at some lessons we can learn about the priority of prayer based on who God is.
2/5/202029 minutes, 48 seconds
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"to LIFE!"

This message was preached on Sanctity of Life Sunday 2020.
1/29/202033 minutes, 30 seconds
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This two part series is a challenge for the New Year that comes from Isaiah 60, where God calls upon His people to "rise and shine" because the Light (Christ) has come. In thissecond message we consider what it is to be "the light of the world" as Jesus says in the Sermon on the Mount
1/29/202028 minutes, 6 seconds
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This two part series is a challenge for the New Year that comes from Isaiah 60, where God calls upon His people to "rise and shine" because the Light (Christ) has come. In this first message we give attention to God's call for the church to awaken and face the challenges and opportunities ahead.
1/10/202026 minutes, 50 seconds
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What Child Is This: The Intercessor

Our Advent series looks at the question raised by the familiar carol, "What Child Is This?" In seeking and answer to this question we will be spending the next 4 weeks in the Book of Hebrews. Hebrews offers us some of the best answers to the question of who is this child born in Bethlehem and what has he come to do. He is Immanuel, the Incarnate One, the Innocent Sacrifice and Our Intercessor. This message comes from Hebrews 4:14-16 and 7:25
1/3/202027 minutes
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What Child Is This: The innocent One

Our Advent series looks at the question raised by the familiar carol, "What Child Is This?" In seeking and answer to this question we will be spending the next 4 weeks in the Book of Hebrews. Hebrews offers us some of the best answers to the question of who is this child born in Bethlehem and what has he come to do. He is Immanuel, the Incarnate One, the Innocent Sacrifice and Our Intercessor. This message comes from Hebrews 7:26-28 and 9:22-28.
12/20/201920 minutes, 23 seconds
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What Child Is This: Incarnate One

Our Advent series looks at the question raised by the familiar carol, "What Child Is This?" In seeking and answer to this question we will be spending the next 4 weeks in the Book of Hebrews. Hebrews offers us some of the best answers to the question of who is this child born in Bethlehem and what has he come to do. He is Immanuel, the Incarnate One, the Innocent Sacrifice and Our Intercessor.
12/13/201924 minutes, 14 seconds
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What Child Is This: Immanuel

Our Advent series looks at the question raised by the familiar carol, "What Child Is This?" In seeking and answer to this question we will be spending the next 4 weeks in the Book of Hebrews. Hebrews offers us some of the best answers to the question of who is this child born in Bethlehem and what has he come to do. He is Immanuel, the Incarnate One, the Innocent Sacrifice and Our Intercessor.
12/13/201923 minutes, 28 seconds
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Last Days Living

The recent controversy with Chik-Fil-A has focused our attention once again on the dangers that culture poses to the Christian life. In 2 Timothy (4:17-18) Paul offers counsel to the young pastor on how to handle these "last days" and what God has promised to those believers in the face of increasing temptation and persecution.
12/13/201930 minutes, 58 seconds
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"Be Seated"

I recently sat front row center at a music concert. It was a wonderful experience, but it pales when I consider the words of Paul (Ephesians 2:6-7) that right now I am seated in Christ in heavenly realms. This message looks at how this present reality should shape our living.
11/20/201927 minutes, 59 seconds
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Argument in Prayer

The great preacher and pray-er, Charles Spurgeon, said that the best prayers were not ones with clever phrases or emotional impact, but rather ones filled with arguments. He drew that thought from the words of Job 23:1-7. In this message we build off of this text and sermons by Spurgeon to look at five winning arguments we can use in prayer.
11/12/201924 minutes, 44 seconds
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Who Is My Enemy?

The last message in our series on Loving God and our neighbor considers the words of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5) to love our enemies. We look at seven thoughts that arise out of this command of Jesus on what we do with those who hate us.
11/5/201927 minutes, 13 seconds
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Won't You Be My Neighbor?

As we continue to look at what it means to love God and our neighbor, we turn our attention to the Parable of the Good Samaritan and what Jesus says are the qualities of a good neighbor.
11/5/201937 minutes, 25 seconds
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Loving God Back

What does it mean to love God with your all? This message in our series on "The Greatest Commandment" explores this question from Mark 12:28-34
11/5/201931 minutes, 10 seconds
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A Tale Told By Fools

Psalms 14 and 53 are near mirrors of each other. What is so important that Scripture would record it twice? This message looks at the recent departure from the faith of well known Christian leaders like Joshua Harris and asks us to reflect on how we can avoid their folly.
8/23/201935 minutes, 24 seconds
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Aging Grace-Fully

Psalm 71 offers the insight from an aged saint that doesn't shy away from the reality of getting older, but reminds us that God can still use us and bless us in our latter years.
8/23/201931 minutes, 54 seconds
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True Riches

Our theme verse for our VBS was Philippians 4:19 - "My God will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus." This verse is often taken out of context and can lead to great misunderstanding. In this message we look at this promise and what needs we really have and how God meets them in ways beyond what we can imagine,
7/23/201937 minutes, 26 seconds
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Joy in the Morning

Psalm 30 reminds us that God is working through our pain. This message is a word of encouragement to those who feel God has abandoned them in their sorrow, sin and struggles.
7/23/201931 minutes, 12 seconds
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Heart Murmurs (Fairfield)

Martyn Lloyd-Jones called grumbling and arguing, "subtle enemies of the heart." In this message we look at why Paul (and the rest of Scripture) consider murmuring and disputing some of the greatest obstacles in the Christian life. While it is easy to justify these sins in our lives, what are the dangers and what is the cure for this defect of the heart? this message was preached on Sunday afternoon at the Fairfield Reformed Church (Fairfield, NJ)
6/26/201935 minutes, 14 seconds
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Heart Murmurs (Midland Park)

Martyn Lloyd-Jones called grumbling and arguing, "subtle enemies of the heart." In this message we look at why Paul (and the rest of Scripture) consider murmuring and disputing some of the greatest obstacles in the Christian life. While it is easy to justify these sins in our lives, what are the dangers and what is the cure for this defect of the heart? this message was preached during the morning service at Faith Reformed Church - Midland Park, NJ
6/26/201935 minutes, 7 seconds
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3 Things Christain Dads Need to Say to Their Children

Our Father's Day message is from 1 Thessalonians 2:9-11 where Paul reminds the believers how he conducted himself while he was ministering to them. Paul compared himself to a father and offers to them and us a model for how we as Christian fathers (physical and spiritual) should relate to our children. In this message we will look at three things we must say to our children so that they can grow in the faith.
6/26/201930 minutes, 7 seconds
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Truth Still Matters

The shortest book in the Bible, 2 John, deals with one of the biggest issues of the Christian faith - how we are to relate to the Truth of God. In these few verses addressed to the Chosen lady and her children, John encourages us to Know the Truth, Walk in the Truth and Guard the Truth.
5/28/201935 minutes, 42 seconds
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I'm Weary, God

The words of Agur from Proverbs 30, provide us with a blueprint for dealing with the spiritual weariness that sometimes affects us all.
5/28/201928 minutes, 33 seconds
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Rufus' Mother

Our Mother's Day sermon from Romans 16:13, considers those women who have served as spiritual mothers to other Christians and the impact they have made upon our faith journeys.
5/28/201927 minutes, 34 seconds
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Breakfast of Failures

We finish up our look at the post-resurrection appearances of Jesus with the Lord feeding his disciples on the beach. What does this story tell us how Jesus deals with the failures in our lives? What can we learn from Peter's restoration on how we can move on to greater service for Jesus?
5/8/201936 minutes, 48 seconds
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Keeping Easter

The Sunday following Easter can be a letdown. The pageantry, the crowds and the excitement of the resurrection celebration seem to fade quickly. This message looking at the encounters with the Risen Lord in John 20 offer us some suggestions on how we can keep the spirit of Easter alive everyday.
5/2/201926 minutes, 50 seconds
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5 Gifts From the Risen Lord

Our Easter message looks at the five gifts that the Risen Lord gives to his disciples in the Upper Room on Easter evening. Five gifts that encourage us to live and work for Jesus until he returns.
5/2/201929 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Lord Needs It

Our Palm Sunday message focuses on what King Jesus expects from us - our possessions, our praise and our persons.
5/2/201927 minutes, 14 seconds
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The Gospel of the Cross: Paul

This year our Lenten series will focus on the cross of Jesus. Specifically, we will be considering some of the different perspectives each Gospel writer (and Paul) offer on the death of Jesus. while Paul is not traditionally considered a Gospel writer, his letter to the Galatians is the earliest document in the New Testament. Paul's understanding of the cross is a vital one. In Galatians, Paul makes the bold claim that our only boasting should be in the cross. This last message in our series will look at three reasons why the cross should be our obsession.
4/9/201929 minutes, 46 seconds
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The Gospel of the Cross: John

This year our Lenten series will focus on the cross of Jesus.Specifically, we will be considering some of the different perspectives each Gospel writer (and Paul) offer on the death of Jesus. In this message we look at John's Gospel and consider how the cross is a place of God's glory.
4/9/201929 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Gospel of the Cross: Luke

his year our Lenten series will focus on the cross of Jesus. Specifically, we will be considering some of the different perspectives each Gospel writer (and Paul) offer on the death of Jesus. Luke's Gospel has been called the Gospel of Forgiveness. From the beginning to the end of the book, the theme of forgiveness is prominent - in Jesus' stated purpose, in his personal encounter, in parables and most importantly on the cross. This message looks at the cross as a place where we experience and learn to extend forgiveness.
3/26/201932 minutes, 25 seconds
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The Gospel of the Cross: Matthew

his year our Lenten series will focus on the cross of Jesus. Specifically, we will be considering some of the different perspectives each Gospel writer (and Paul) offer on the death of Jesus. This message from Matthew 27, will look at three miracles that accompanied Jesus' death - torn curtain, the earthquake and the open tombs. What do these tell us about the hope we can find in the cross of Jesus?
3/19/201928 minutes, 57 seconds
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The Gospel of the Cross: Mark

This year our Lenten series will focus on the cross of Jesus. Specifically, we will be considering some of the different perspectives each Gospel writer (and Paul) offer on the death of Jesus. This message from Mark 10, considers how Jesus himself understood his crucifixion. In particular, we will think about what it means to be ransomed.
3/19/201930 minutes, 41 seconds
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Desire, Doubt and Destiny

The crisis of faith experienced by the author of Psalm 73 is one that many believers can identify with. Asaph had difficulty reconciling the goodness of God with the apparent success of the wicked and the suffering of the righteous. It was only when he gained a proper perspective that he understood what God was really up to. This message looks at how we can learn to trust God when life seems unfair.
3/19/201929 minutes, 29 seconds
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The Promises of Success

What defines success in the Christian life? And how do we secure it? According the Peter, the successful life is a godly life which we gain through faith in God's great and precious promise.
3/14/201931 minutes, 29 seconds
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Flee to the Table

Paul warns the believers in 1 Corinthians 10 to flee idolatry. While we don't live in a culture populated by idols of wood, stone or precious metals, the warning of Paul is just as necessary today. The key in fleeing from the idols of our age is the same as that Paul which shares with these early Christians - flee to the Lord's Table.
2/13/201927 minutes, 25 seconds
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Called to Mission 4

We conclude our look at our call to missions in this message from John 4:34-38. In talking with his disciples, Jesus offers them and us some powerful motivations to enter the mission fields near us each day.
2/13/201931 minutes, 11 seconds
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Called to Mission 3

As we continue our series on the mission of the church, we look at Mark 5 and the story of the Gaderene demoniac. In this message we consider what it means to share our story of what Jesus has done for us with those closest to us.
1/30/201935 minutes, 32 seconds
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Called to Mission (2)

We continue our series on the mission of the Church by considering the scope of our mission. In this message we explore the statement that our mission is: The proclamation of the Gospel of the Kingdom to the whole person.
1/23/201926 minutes, 23 seconds
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Called to Mission

We begin a new series today on what is the mission of the church. This morning's message looks at what it means to be called by Jesus into his mission field. All believers are called, but few answer, what can we do about it? How do we move from being recipients of the mission of the church to being responsible for the mission of the church?
1/17/201926 minutes, 23 seconds
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"A Word to the Wise"

Our Epiphany message looks at the "Wise Men" and their search for the new-born king. Worldly wisdom can only lead us so far, but the wisdom of God's Word leads us to Jesus.
1/10/201932 minutes, 19 seconds
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So This Is Christmas

A recent poll announced that two of the worst Christmas songs ever written came from Paul McCartney and John Lennon. The two songs represent opposite ends of the secular understanding of Christmas - emotionalism and hopelessness. What a difference when we compare the Song of the Angels to the Shepherds that First Christmas. Listen as we consider the true message of this season in a song...
1/2/201927 minutes, 44 seconds
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The Stories of Bethlehem: David's Mighty Men

The birth of Jesus is not the only story of the little town of Bethlehem. In fact there is a rich history that sets the stage for the Savior's birth. A curious story from David's time on the run from Saul sets up an interesting connection with Jesus' proclamation that He is The Living Water. Listen as we consider the Well at Bethlehem...
1/2/201927 minutes, 9 seconds
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The Stories of Bethlehem: Ruth

The birth of Jesus is not the only story of the little town of Bethlehem. In fact there is a rich history that sets the stage for the Savior's birth. Our focus shifts from a tragedy to a love story. Actually three loves stories. In the Book of Ruth we look at how the love story of Ruth and Boaz leads us to see Jesus as our loving Kinsman-Redeemer.
12/20/201829 minutes, 41 seconds
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The Stories of Bethlehem: Rachel

The birth of Jesus is not the only story of the little town of Bethlehem. In fact there is a rich history that sets the stage for the Savior's birth. The first story is a tragedy. In this message we consider the death of Rachel at Bethlehem and how sorrow and suffering find their comfort in the birth of the one who will wipe away all our tears.
12/20/201825 minutes, 40 seconds
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The Once and Future King

This message preached for Christ the King Sunday is from 2 Samuel 7:8-17 and concerns the covenant that God makes with David that one of his descendants will sit upon the throne forever. We will look at how this promise is fulfilled in Jesus.
12/18/201823 minutes, 6 seconds
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David: After God's Own Heart

Our new Fall sermon series is a look at key stories in the life of David. Our hope is to see the Gospel in David's life and understand it in our own. This message wraps up by answering the question, what does it take to be a person after God's own heart?
12/18/201828 minutes, 33 seconds
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David: The Sinner (2)

Our new Fall sermon series is a look at key stories in the life of David. Our hope is to see the Gospel in David's life and understand it in our own. This message continues our look at the great sin of David. How is it possible for a man after God's own heart to fall into adultery and murder? And what does this say about our own hearts?
12/18/201830 minutes, 48 seconds
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David: The Sinner (1)

Our new Fall sermon series is a look at key stories in the life of David. Our hope is to see the Gospel in David's life and understand it in our own. This message begins a look at the great sin of David. How is it possible for a man after God's own heart to fall into adultery and murder? And what does this say about our own hearts?
12/18/201831 minutes, 52 seconds
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David: The King

Our new Fall sermon series is a look at key stories in the life of David. Our hope is to see the Gospel in David's life and understand it in our own. In this message we consider the actions of David when he has reached the pinnacle of his power. In keeping his promise to Jonathan about his descendants, David gives us a dramatic illustration of saving grace.
10/31/201830 minutes, 12 seconds
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David: The Worshipper

Our new Fall sermon series is a look at key stories in the life of David. Our hope is to see the Gospel in David's life and understand it in our own. Our message today looks at what we can learn about worship from the life of David, in particular from the story of the arrival of the Ark into Jerusalem.
10/30/201834 minutes, 18 seconds
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David: The Worshipper

Our new Fall sermon series is a look at key stories in the life of David. Our hope is to see the Gospel in David's life and understand it in our own. Our message today looks at what we can learn about worship from the life of David, in particular from the story of the arrival of the Ark into Jerusalem.
10/30/201834 minutes, 18 seconds
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David: The Fugitive

Our new Fall sermon series is a look at key stories in the life of David. Our hope is to see the Gospel in David's life and understand it in our own. Saul's jealousy soon drives David into the wilderness. For almost 10 years David is on the run. What can we learn from his experiences that will help us wandering in our wildernesses today?
10/16/201831 minutes, 16 seconds
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David: The Giant Slayer (2)

Our new Fall sermon series is a look at key stories in the life of David. Our hope is to see the Gospel in David's life and understand it in our own. The story of David and Goliath is one of the most familiar stories in the Bible, but is it really about just overcoming the giants in our personal lives? In this message (part 2)we will look at the story in context and draw some lessons for standing in faith.
10/10/201831 minutes, 46 seconds
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David: The Giant Slayer (1)

Our new Fall sermon series is a look at key stories in the life of David. Our hope is to see the Gospel in David's life and understand it in our own. The story of David and Goliath is one of the most familiar stories in the Bible, but is it really about just overcoming the giants in our personal lives? In this message we will look at the story in context and draw some lessons for standing in faith.
10/10/201830 minutes, 8 seconds
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David: The Anointed

Our new Fall sermon series is a look at key stories in the life of David. Our hope is to see the Gospel in David's life and understand it in our own. Our first message is from 1 Samuel 16, as we consider what it means for David to be anointed by Samuel and how this points to Jesus as the Anointed One (The Messiah).
9/20/201827 minutes, 38 seconds
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"Dig, Build, Stand"

We kick off the new church year with a look at Luke 6:46-49. Here Jesus gives a description of the person who comes, hears his words and puts them into practice. As we start a new season in the church, we want to encourage God's people to dig deep, build well and stand strong.
9/12/201827 minutes, 4 seconds
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"Running on Empty"

The recent suicide of a young pastor has rocked the evangelical world.and has left many with questions. In this message we look at the story of Elijah on the run from Jezebel (1 Kings 19) and consider the dangers of running on empty and how God filled his prophet and can fill us as well. (Grateful to Rick Warren for insights on recognizing the warning signs of emptiness)
9/7/201833 minutes, 10 seconds
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One Thing to Remember

In our new Summer Series, we will look at some of the "one thing" passages in Scripture in an attempt to help us focus our faith journey. Our last message in the series looks at the admonition from 2 Peter to remember that Jesus is coming again in judgement. Since this is true, what kind of person should I be?
8/31/201829 minutes, 31 seconds
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One Thing I Lack

In our new Summer Series, we will look at some of the "one thing" passages in Scripture in an attempt to help us focus our faith journey. In this message from Mark 10, we look at the one thing we lack that prevents us from being fully committed followers of Jesus.
8/14/201833 minutes, 7 seconds
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One Thing I Do

In our new Summer Series, we will look at some of the "one thing" passages in Scripture in an attempt to help us focus our faith journey. In this message from Philippians 3, we consider what Paul calls us to do in combating spiritual sloth.
8/9/201825 minutes, 53 seconds
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One Thing I Ask

In our new Summer Series, we will look at some of the "one thing" passages in Scripture in an attempt to help us focus our faith journey. If you could ask God for one thing what would it be? In this message we look at David's answer to that question.
8/9/201823 minutes, 27 seconds
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One Thing Necessary...

In our new Summer Series, we will look at some of the "one thing" passages in Scripture in an attempt to help us focus our faith journey. In this message we look at the familiar story of Martha and Mary and see how sitting at the feet of Jesus is the cure for stress.
8/9/201828 minutes, 27 seconds
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One Thing I Know...

In our new Summer Series, we will look at some of the "one thing" passages in Scripture in an attempt to help us focus our faith journey. In our first message we look at the healing of the blind man in John 9 and consider what one thing we know about Jesus.
8/8/201829 minutes, 44 seconds
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Profiting From God's Discipline

Hebrews 12 reminds us that discipline is not pleasant. In this message we look at the purpose of godly discipline and how we can profit from it.
8/8/201833 minutes, 34 seconds
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Whose Your Daddy?

How we see God determines the kind of relationship we have with Him. In this Father's Day message, we look at some of the wrong impressions we have of God and attempt to reconnect with our Heavenly Father.
8/8/201838 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Key to Joy

John the Baptist shares that the key to joy is found when Jesus increases and he decreases. What does that mean for you and I as we live in an age that values self promotion and self-centeredness?
8/8/201833 minutes, 19 seconds
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A Renewed Perspective in Prayer

Daniel 10 offers us a look behind the scenes at how prayer works. In these verses we see the preciousness of our prayers, the nature of the spiritual battle that is around us, the power of prayer and the peace and strength prayer can bring us.
6/6/201832 minutes, 41 seconds
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Why the Trinity (Still) Matters

Paul ends his 2nd Letter to the Church in Corinth with the blessing of the Trinity. The grace of our Lord, the love of the Father and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit. These words had special importance to a church that had been struggling with issues of disunity, discipline and doctrine. As we struggle with these same issues what might this triune blessing mean for the church today?
6/6/201832 minutes, 50 seconds
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People of Pentecost

What does a person shaped by Pentecost act like? In this Pentecost message we will attempt to answer this question and more.
5/23/201825 minutes, 37 seconds
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Christ and the Commandments

If we only have the New Testament, we miss the fuller revelation of what Jesus is and does for us. Our new series "Seeing Christ in the Old Testament," will provide us some glimpses of how the whole of the Bible shows us the glory of the One who came to save us. In this message we look at the way Jesus' fulfillment of all righteousness in keeping the commandments is exchanged for our unrighteousness. This Great Exchange is the key to understanding the Gospel.
5/16/201829 minutes, 16 seconds
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Christ and the Cultus

If we only have the New Testament, we miss the fuller revelation of what Jesus is and does for us. Our new series "Seeing Christ in the Old Testament," will provide us some glimpses of how the whole of the Bible shows us the glory of the One who came to save us. This message looks at Jesus and the sacrificial system of Israel. Our focus in on Leviticus 16 and how Jesus is our scapegoat.
5/4/201828 minutes, 53 seconds
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Christ and the Covenants

If we only have the New Testament, we miss the fuller revelation of what Jesus is and does for us. Our new series "Seeing Christ in the Old Testament," will provide us some glimpses of how the whole of the Bible shows us the glory of the One who came to save us. This message looks at one of the most important concepts in Scripture - Covenant. By understanding the Covenant of Works and the One Covenant of Grace (in different revelations) we can understand the life, ministry and death of Jesus.
4/27/201828 minutes, 53 seconds
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Christ and Creation

If we only have the New Testament, we miss the fuller revelation of what Jesus is and does for us. Our new series "Seeing Christ in the Old Testament," will provide us some glimpses of how the whole of the Bible shows us the glory of the One who came to save us. This message looks at the role of Jesus in the creation of all things.
4/27/201830 minutes, 33 seconds
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Jesus in the OT (An Introduction)

Our After-Easter sermon series picks up on the later part of Luke 24, where the Risen Jesus opened the minds of the disciples to understand the OT Scriptures about himself. Over he next few weeks we will be seeing Jesus in the "Books of Moses". This message lays the foundation for why such a study is important for Christians to undertake.
4/11/201831 minutes, 12 seconds
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The Song of the Victorious Savior

Our Easter message comes from the oft forgotten 4th verse of "Go to Dark Gethsemane" which invites us to hasten to the tomb, ask where is the body of Jesus is and to learn what the resurrection means for us today.
4/5/201831 minutes, 46 seconds
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The Smell of Bread

The meditation from our Maundy Thursday Service. How can the smell of bread lead us to a deeper appreciation of the sacrifice of Jesus and it benefit for us?
4/5/201819 minutes, 1 second
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A Song of the Suffering Servant (Verse 3)

Our new Lenten series looks at the familiar song "Go to Dark Gethsemane" and explores the last few hours of the life of Jesus. By following a format of Invitation, Investigation and Instruction, we will hope to learn more about what Jesus did for us. Our third message looks at the lessons we learn from Calvary and Jesus' cry, "It is finished!"
3/28/201831 minutes, 11 seconds
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A Song of the Suffering Servant (Verse 2)

Our new Lenten series looks at the familiar song "Go to Dark Gethsemane" and explores the last few hours of the life of Jesus. By following a format of Invitation, Investigation and Instruction, we will hope to learn more about what Jesus did for us. This message looks at Jesus in Pilate's judgement hall and asks what we can learn on bearing our cross.
3/28/201834 minutes, 25 seconds
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A Song of the Suffering Servant (Verse 1)

Our new Lenten series looks at the familiar song "Go to Dark Gethsemane" and explores the last few hours of the life of Jesus. By following a format of Invitation, Investigation and Instruction, we will hope to learn more about what Jesus did for us. Our first message looks at the first verse of the hymn along with Luke's Gospel to see what Jesus in Gethsemane can teach us about prayer.
3/14/201831 minutes, 44 seconds
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Lenten Words

In Mark's Gospel the ministry of Jesus begins with two key words - Repent and Believe! As we enter into the Lenten season, how do these words shape our journey?
3/9/201827 minutes, 21 seconds
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Transfiguration - Listen to Him!

The transfiguration of Jesus might seem like the ultimate mountaintop experience, but in 2 Peter 1:16-21, the apostle points us to something better - the more sure Word of God. In this message we consider the dangers of seeking spiritual experiences over seeking to know the Scriptures better. How can we better pay attention to what God wants us to hear?
3/2/201831 minutes, 26 seconds
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"The Great Business of The Christian Life"

Puritan preacher, John Flavel, called guarding one's heart, "the great business of the Christian life." In Proverbs 4:23, Solomon echoes that same priority. This message (from Proverbs 4:20-27) asks the following questions: Why do we need to guard our hearts? What are we guarding our hearts against? How best can we guard our hearts? What is the result of guarding our hearts?
2/7/201832 minutes, 13 seconds
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See if There Be...

This message from Psalm 139:23-24 picks up the theme for the year, "seeing." In these verses David asks God to Search his heart, Test his heart and led his heart into the way everlasting. What might we see if God were to do the same for us?
2/7/201828 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sanctity of Life 2018

On Sanctity of Life Sunday 2018, our message focused on how we, as believers, might C.A.R.E. for the least of these among us - the unborn, the elderly, the poor and the marginalized. We must, Cry out to God for his justice and mercy, Actively assist those around us, Raise our voices in the public square and Engage the Church to change our culture.
2/7/201833 minutes, 52 seconds
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One Word - 2018

Keeping resolutions is hard and most of us give up after a short period of time. This year we will try something different - focusing on one word. The practice of using one word to guide our thinking going into a New Year has gained traction in the Church over the past few years. A single word allows us to keep our eyes and ears open to what God is doing in, through and around us. This year as a congregation we will be focusing on the word, "SEE"
1/17/201829 minutes, 37 seconds
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A White Christmas and a Shining New Year

This Advent and Christmas, we wanted to look at some of the important colors of Christmas and draw some insights on how we might celebrate more fully the birth of the Savior. In our last message on the color white, we look at John 1:1-14 and consider how the Light of the World colors all our circumstances.
1/2/201825 minutes, 8 seconds
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A Gold Christmas

This Advent, we want to look at some of the important colors of Christmas and draw some insights on how we might celebrate more fully the birth of the Savior. This week we look at the color gold and ask ourselves who will we crown king of our lives - self, society or the savior?
1/2/201831 minutes, 53 seconds
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Blue Christmas

This Advent, we want to look at some of the important colors of Christmas and draw some insights on how we might celebrate more fully the birth of the Savior. this week we look at the color blue and think about how the holidays are difficult for some because of loss, pain or struggles. We will look at five gifts Isaiah 9:6 offers for those having a blue Christmas.
12/20/201723 minutes, 56 seconds
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A Green Christmas

This Advent, we want to look at some of the important colors of Christmas and draw some insights on how we might celebrate more fully the birth of the Savior. This week we look at the color green. On the light spectrum green is in the middle, between the hot reds and the cool blues. Green is the color of balance. In this message from Luke 2:8-14, we will look at how we can have a "balanced" Christmas this year in spite of all the chaos.
12/13/201728 minutes, 41 seconds
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A Red Christmas

Christmas is a very visual celebration. Twinkling lights, dangling ornaments, and ribbon wrapped presents show the full spectrum of colors. This Advent, we want to look at some of the important colors of Christmas and draw some insights on how we might celebrate more fully the birth of the Savior. Our first message focuses on the color RED, How does the scarlet ribbon that stretches from Eden to Eternity pass through the life of the newborn king?
12/8/201722 minutes, 44 seconds
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The Apostle Peter only raises one person from the dead - the seamstress from Joppa. What can we learn from the life and ministry of Dorcas that will encourage us to use the talent God has given us to serve others?
11/30/201724 minutes, 21 seconds
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Heaven's Mystery

Sutherland Springs, Charleston, Nashville and other church shootings bring to the surface many questions about why God would allow his children to suffer. This message taken from the Book of Job wrestles with the mystery and offers us some guidance in embracing it and finding strength in dark days.
11/14/201734 minutes, 28 seconds
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Peter's Persecution Primer

This message preached on the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church looks at 1 Peter. 1 Peter was written to believers who were beginning to suffer persecution for their fatih in Christ. In this letter Peter offers them and us some practical guidelines to not only enduring, but overcoming persecution in its various forms.
11/7/201730 minutes, 57 seconds
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Here We Still Stand

In celebration of the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation we have been preaching through the "5 Solas" (key points of doctrine regarding salvation). This Sunday we will be wrapping things up with a look at Romans 5:1-2 (a passage of Scripture that has all five of the solas contained within it), and asking the question what benefit do we gain from believing these Reformation truths?
11/1/201723 minutes, 57 seconds
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alone: God's Glory

In celebration of the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation we will be preaching through the "5 Solas" (key points of doctrine regarding salvation). See how truths rediscovered 500 years ago by Luther and Calvin are still relevant for our lives today. This Sunday we will be looking at what it means for God Alone to get all the Glory (Soli Deo Gloria).
10/25/201727 minutes, 37 seconds
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alone: Christ

In celebration of the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation we will be preaching through the "5 Solas" (key points of doctrine regarding salvation). See how truths rediscovered 500 years ago by Luther and Calvin are still relevant for our lives today. This Sunday we will look at what it means to have Christ at the center of our faith, our churches and our lives in our discussion of Solus Christus - Christ Alone.
10/17/201725 minutes, 5 seconds
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alone:Grace Through Faith

In celebration of the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation we will be preaching through the "5 Solas" (key points of doctrine regarding salvation). See how truths rediscovered 500 years ago by Luther and Calvin are still relevant for our lives today. This Sunday we will look at the various ways man has tried to bridge the gulf between himself and God and then we will show how God's gift of grace and faith is the only answer to this problem.
10/11/201725 minutes, 37 seconds
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alone: Scripture

In celebration of the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation we will be preaching through the "5 Solas" (key points of doctrine regarding salvation). See how truths rediscovered 500 years ago by Luther and Calvin are still relevant for our lives today. This Sunday we will look at how Scripture Alone is sufficient for our faith and practice.
10/6/201727 minutes, 22 seconds
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So, The World Didn't End Yesterday

On September 23, 2017; we dodged a bullet or should I say a planet. On that date a Christian numerologist predicted that the world would end when we were hit by Planet X. It didn't, so how are we to think about the Second Coming of Jesus? In this message we examine the scriptures to declare the truth that Jesus is coming back, but only the Father knows when and how does this inform our daily living as we wait?
9/27/201731 minutes, 55 seconds
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Learn From Me

Matthew 11:28-30 is a familiar passage to most believers, but we often forget that the context is Jesus' call to discipleship. This message looks at what it means to learn from and about Jesus to find rest for our souls.
9/13/201730 minutes, 55 seconds
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Rising Waters

With the devastation of Harvey on our minds and the potential of another major hurricane coming our way, this message looks at how we can prepare for the inevitable storms of life. using Luke 6: 46-49 as our starting point we examine our need to educate ourselves from God's Word, evaluate the situation, evacuate if possible, elevate above the flood and emulate Jesus in our responses.
9/6/201730 minutes, 21 seconds
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Walk like Enoch

Very little is known about the biography of Enoch, but Hebrews tells us his walk (his manner of life) pleased the Lord. We live in an age very similar to that of Enoch, how can we resist the temptations around us and walk with God in a way that pleases Him and blesses us?
8/4/201730 minutes, 2 seconds
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Faith's Focus

The kick-off service for this year's VBS looks at the story from Matthew's Gospel of Peter walking on the water. When his eyes were on Jesus, Peter stayed above the waves; when he lost focus, he started to sink. How do we keep focused on Jesus when the storms roll in?
7/28/201731 minutes, 49 seconds
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God and the Declaration

What does the Declaration of Independence tell us about our God? By looking at the references to God in the foundational document of our nation, we gain an insight into what our Founding Fathers believed and what we need to understand if we are to turn our nation back to the truth of God's Word.
7/28/201727 minutes, 19 seconds
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The Hope of the World (4)

Bill Hybels once remarked that the "local church was the hope of the world." What does that mean? In our new series we will unpack this by considering the words of Colossians 1:27 - "Christ in you the hope of glory." It is only when we have more of Christ in the life of the Church, that we will have hope to offer to the world. Our final message ties it all together as we look at Mark 1:35-45 and see how the method of ministry used by Jesus is a good model for the church today.
6/28/201733 minutes, 36 seconds
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The Hope of the World (3)

Bill Hybels once remarked that the "local church was the hope of the world." What does that mean? In our new series we will unpack this by considering the words of Colossians 1:27 - "Christ in you the hope of glory." It is only when we have more of Christ in the life of the Church, that we will have hope to offer to the world. Our third message looks at Philippians 2 and considers what it means for us and the Church to have the Mind of Christ.
6/20/201735 minutes, 10 seconds
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The Hope of the World (2)

Bill Hybels once remarked that the "local church was the hope of the world." What does that mean? In our new series we will unpack this by considering the words of Colossians 1:27 - "Christ in you the hope of glory." It is only when we have more of Christ in the life of the Church, that we will have hope to offer to the world. Our second message looks at the motive of love for our mission to be hope to the world. We love because God first loved us.
6/14/201729 minutes, 15 seconds
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The Hope of the World (1)

Bill Hybels once remarked that the "local church was the hope of the world." What does that mean? In our new series we will unpack this by considering the words of Colossians 1:27 - "Christ in you the hope of glory." It is only when we have more of Christ in the life of he Church, that we will have hope to offer to the world. Our first message delivered on Pentecost notes that Christ in the Church gives us a purpose, potential and power to turn the world upside down.
6/6/201730 minutes, 5 seconds
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Flowers in the Desert

April Showers bring...May flowers. In the month of May we are looking at some texts that reference flowers in Scripture. This week we look at Isaiah 35 and what flowers in the desert tell us about waiting for the return of Jesus for his people.
5/30/201728 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Flower of Salvation

April Showers bring...May flowers. In the month of May we are looking at some texts that reference flowers in Scripture. This week we look at the flowering hyssop plant and trace its connection to our salvation from the Old Testament to the cross at Calvary.
5/23/201728 minutes, 45 seconds
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How to Be A Wildflower

April Showers bring...May flowers. In the month of May we are looking at some texts that reference flowers in Scripture. This week we look at Luke 12 and the familiar "lilies of the field" passage. In this text Jesus calls us to trust our Heavenly Father; what does this look like in our daily lives?
5/17/201725 minutes, 48 seconds
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The Flowers Fall - The Word Remains

April Showers bring...May flowers. In the month of May we are looking at some texts that reference flowers in Scripture. This week we begin with 1 Peter 1:13-25 and consider what it means for us that the Bible stands forever.
5/9/201725 minutes, 6 seconds
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Raised with Christ? ACT Like it!

In Colossians 3:1-14, Paul reminds us that we are raised with Christ and then draws out the implications of that truth for our living. In this message we look at what it means to ACT like someone raised with Christ. To be living the risen life means that we must Align our hearts and minds, we must Center our lives on Christ and we must learn to "Take Two Steps" in walking with Jesus.
4/27/201727 minutes, 22 seconds
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They Tried to Erase Easter!

There was quite the row in the United Kingdom this season as Cadbury Chocolates was accused of trying to erase Easter from England. No less than the Prime Minister herself entered the fray. While this turned out to be a tempest in a teapot, the idea it raised is valid; what would happen if Easter never happened? This message from 1 Corinthians 15:12-20 looks at that question. HT to Pastor Kyle Idelman for sparking our thoughts.
4/18/201726 minutes, 51 seconds
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The Final Week - Friday

Our new Lenten sermon series will look at the last days of Jesus from Palm Sunday to Good Friday. What can we learn about Jesus from his final words and deeds that will give us encouragement for the living of our days? Friday morning finds us in another crowd. Not of happy pilgrims, but angry accusers. As we watch the cosmic drama play out on Pilate's stage, we ask the question: "What will I do with Jesus?"
4/11/201722 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Final Week - Thursday

Our new Lenten sermon series will look at the last days of Jesus from Palm Sunday to Good Friday. What can we learn about Jesus from his final words and deeds that will give us encouragement for the living of our days? On Thursday night we find ourselves in dark Gethsemane, what lessons can we learn from the prayer of Jesus?
4/5/201729 minutes, 36 seconds
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The Final Week - Wednesday

Our new Lenten sermon series will look at the last days of Jesus from Palm Sunday to Good Friday. What can we learn about Jesus from his final words and deeds that will give us encouragement for the living of our days? On Wednesday, we turn our attention away from the actions and words of Jesus to the anointing of Jesus at Bethany. What was it about this simple act of devotion that elicited a promise from Jesus that this "beautiful thing" would be remembered wherever the Gospel was preached?
3/28/201724 minutes, 52 seconds
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The Final Week - Tuesday

Our new Lenten sermon series will look at the last days of Jesus from Palm Sunday to Good Friday. What can we learn about Jesus from his final words and deeds that will give us encouragement for the living of our days? Our third message looks at Jesus' last public sermon. What lessons can we learn from this sharp attack upon false teachers?
3/28/201729 minutes, 3 seconds
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The Final Week - Monday

Our new Lenten sermon series will look at the last days of Jesus from Palm Sunday to Good Friday. What can we learn about Jesus from his final words and deeds that will give us encouragement for the living of our days? Our second message considers the lessons we can learn from the cursing of the fig tree on Monday.
3/15/201721 minutes, 19 seconds
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The Final Week - Palm Sunday

Our new Lenten sermon series will look at the last days of Jesus from Palm Sunday to Good Friday. What can we learn about Jesus from his final words and deeds that will give us encouragement for the living of our days? Our first message looks at the question of "who is this man?" from the perspectives of the events of Palm Sunday.
3/15/201723 minutes, 2 seconds
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The First Week of Jesus Public Ministry: Day Five

John 1:19-2:11 record the events of the first week of Jesus' public ministry. Just as the first 100 days set the tone and direction of a new president's agenda, so looking at the start of Jesus' work shows us the priorities, plans of purposes of what he came to do. This new series will walk through that first week. On day five, we will consider what it means when Jesus promises, "You will see greater things."
3/8/201731 minutes, 1 second
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The First Week of Jesus' Public Ministry: Day Four

John 1:19-2:11 record the events of the first week of Jesus' public ministry. Just as the first 100 days set the tone and direction of a new president's agenda, so looking at the start of Jesus' work shows us the priorities, plans of purposes of what he came to do. This new series will walk through that first week. On day four, we look at what it took for Jesus to make a "rock" out of Peter and what it takes to make us "living stones" for his new temple.
2/8/201723 minutes, 9 seconds
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The First Week of Jesus Public Ministry: Day Three

John 1:19-2:11 record the events of the first week of Jesus' public ministry. Just as the first 100 days set the tone and direction of a new president's agenda, so looking at the start of Jesus' work shows us the priorities, plans of purposes of what he came to do. This new series will walk through that first week. On day three we look at the invitation of Jesus to "Come and you will see."
2/8/201724 minutes, 49 seconds
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The First Week of Jesus Public Ministry: Day Two

John 1:19-2:11 record the events of the first week of Jesus' public ministry. Just as the first 100 days set the tone and direction of a new president's agenda, so looking at the start of Jesus' work shows us the priorities, plans of purposes of what he came to do. This new series will walk through that first week. On day two (John 1:29-34) we look at the key elements in communicating the gospel about Jesus, the Lamb of God.
1/25/201724 minutes, 38 seconds
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The First Week of Jesus Public Ministry: Day One

John 1:19-2:11 record the events of the first week of Jesus' public ministry. Just as the first 100 days set the tone and direction of a new president's agenda, so looking at the start of Jesus' work shows us the priorities, plans of purposes of what he came to do. This new series will walk through that first week. On day one (John 1;19-28) we confront the question - "Who are we?" and "Who is Jesus?"
1/25/201720 minutes, 43 seconds
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A Different Way in 2017

The Wisemen are late to the Nativity story, but their journey to and from the Christ-Child offer us a perspective on how we might enter 2017 in a different way. Their example shows us a different way of seeing, worshiping and giving in this New Year.
1/12/201726 minutes, 8 seconds
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Come and Behold HIm!

Taking our cue from the carol, "O Come, All Ye Faithful," our Christmas Day message looks at 5 scripture passages from the life of Jesus where we are invited to "Behold" him. In doing so we trace the life and ministry of Jesus from his humble birth to glorious return.
1/4/201725 minutes, 56 seconds
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Christmas Time is Here

Inspired by Charlie Brown and Rick Warren, our Christmas Eve message calls us to seize the moment and use this special time of the year to embrace the potential of this most wonderful time of the year.
1/4/201724 minutes, 1 second
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Joyful All Ye Nations Rise

What do hymn writer - Charles Wesley, lovable loser - Charlie Brown, itinerant preacher - George Whitfield and good guy - George Bailey have in common? As we continue our series of messages looking at the history and theology of some of our favorite Christmas carols this third message will help us construct "a theology of joy in 5 stanzas."
12/13/201633 minutes, 41 seconds
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All is Calm, All is Bright

This year for Advent we will be looking at the history and theology of some of the best-loved Christmas carols. Our second message looks at how a forgotten verse from "Silent Night" holds the key to lasting peace in our lives.
12/8/201623 minutes, 30 seconds
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A Thrill of Hope

This year for Advent we will be looking at the history and theology of some of the best-loved Christmas carols. Our first message considers the truth found in the hymn "O Holy Night" and the hope that it can bring us this season.
12/8/201631 minutes, 59 seconds
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When Persecution Comes

This message preached on The International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church addresses how the believer can respond in the face of persecution of all types.
12/8/201624 minutes, 1 second
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Sinner's Second Chance

The second in our two part look at John 8:1-11, (the woman caught in adultery) addresses the most important words we can ever hear. The question is - once we hear them, how do we respond?
12/8/201621 minutes, 21 seconds
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Those Who Throw Stones

This first of a two part look at John 8:1-11 (the woman caught in adultery) examines the way that all of us have the tendency to hurt others with our words and actions. What would it mean if we were to release those stones and use them to build bridges instead of walls between people?
12/8/201624 minutes, 46 seconds
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I Object! Why Hell?

Hell is a hot topic, no pun intended. Even evangelicals are split over the question of why would a loving God send people to a place of everlasting torment. In this message in our series on objections to the Christian faith, we will tackle this difficult subject and ask the hard questions; does Hell exist? Why was it created? Who goes there and why?
10/25/201640 minutes, 35 seconds
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I Object: Why Suffering?

When asked in a Barna poll, the one question believers and skeptic would ask God if given the chance, the overwhelming answer was "Why is there suffering and evil in the world?" In this message in our new series "I Object," we will look at this difficult question in light of God's Word.
10/21/201626 minutes, 5 seconds
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Kaepernick, Communion and Hope of Christian Unity

In this special message for World Wide Communion Sunday will look at how the controversy surrounding Colin Kaepernick helps us get a better understanding of the symbolism of the Lord's Supper and points the way to greater Christian unity.
10/6/201628 minutes, 55 seconds
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I Object! Does God Exist?

This is the first message in a new series that will look at how we can respond to common objections to our faith. In this message we look at 4 traditional arguments for the existence of God and then focuses on the most important 5th argument - the personal argument.
9/28/201634 minutes, 50 seconds
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The Name of the Lord: A Strong Tower

This message from Proverbs 18:10 looks at what it means to run to the name of the Lord for refuge and strength. By looking at some of the more familiar names given God in the OT, we can be encouraged that God will meet our every need and concern.
9/28/201623 minutes, 40 seconds
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Lasting Lessons From Ground Zero

As we reflect and remember the events of September 11, 2001, this message draws five lasting lessons that the church must take to heart as we live in a world changed by those events 15 years ago,
9/15/201630 minutes, 52 seconds
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Keeping the Sabbath: Holy, Holey, Wholly

This Labor Day message looks at the Sabbath/Sunday as God's original Labor Day holiday and considers how we might best keep it to His praise and our blessing.
9/6/201625 minutes, 52 seconds
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Hope in High Waters

The recent flooding in Louisiana serves as an illustration of the emotions and devastation that often accompany the spiritual floods that sometimes threaten to overwhelm our lives. Using God's dealings with Noah in Genesis 8, we learn what it means when God remembers us in our time of need.
8/30/201630 minutes, 12 seconds
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The story of Jeremiah's confinement in the cistern in Chapter 38, offers us a chance to look at how we can deal with the moments in life when we find ourselves mired in the pits. This message examines what are the pits in life, how we find ourselves there, what God has promised to those stuck in the pits and how we respond when God delivers us from the pit.
8/2/201628 minutes, 46 seconds
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From Race to Grace

The need for racial reconciliation in our country has never been greater. Current events demonstrate that there is much work needed and the church should be leading the way. Using James 2:1-13 as a starting point, this message tries to lay a biblical foundation for starting the discussion.
8/2/201628 minutes, 7 seconds
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Pokemon Go and Tell

What are we to make of this latest craze? Can a game that used augmented help the church understand and share the spiritual realities around us? This message looks at the reasons why people are drawn to Pokemon Go, what the church can rediscover about its calling and issues a challenge for us to make hidden truths real to the world today.
7/18/201627 minutes, 45 seconds
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Choose Jesus

This message was for our VBS kickoff. Using Joshua 24:15 as a starting point we considered some reasons why people should choose Jesus.
7/18/201623 minutes, 57 seconds
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July 4th Sermon

Our morning message from the 4th of July weekend.
7/18/201628 minutes, 50 seconds
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Ask Dad

Our Father's Day message this year builds off an ad campaign that encourages people to turn off the internet and ask there Dad questions about life. What answers would we get if we ask our Heavenly Father the ultimate questions of life?
7/18/201629 minutes, 20 seconds
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Spittin' Image

Three times in the Gospels, Jesus uses saliva to perform a miracle. What does this seemingly gross act tell us about who Jesus is and what he came to do? Find out in this message, from John 9:1-7.
5/28/201628 minutes, 3 seconds
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Pentecost 2016

Our Pentecost message looks at the startling change within the church in America in the last generation and calls for a fresh wind of the Spirit to blow through God's people again.
5/28/201626 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Mothers of Jesus

Our Mother's Day message this year looks at the mothers of Matthew's genealogy and wonders what lessons can they teach us about Jesus and God's plan for the world?
5/13/201632 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Strangest Story in the Bible?

Would God really send two bears to kill a group of children for calling the Prophet Elisha "bald" or is there more here than meets the eye? Our message from 2 Kings 2:23-25 takes a fresh look at what may be the strangest story in the Bible.
5/3/201635 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Most Dangerous Verse in the Bible?

Jeremiah 29:11 is a popular verse shared millions of times on social media, but when misunderstood it can become the most dangerous verse in the Bible. In our message we look at how this verse has been misapplied by many and offer some ways to correctly interpret this and other passages of Scripture. We conclude with some legitimate principles we can draw from this verse.
4/27/201634 minutes, 47 seconds
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The Exttra-Ordianry Power of Ordinary Christians

Sadly today, the attention drawn to and calls to emulate 'super-christians" leaves many ordinary believers feeling inadequate and embarrassed by their daily walk with the Lord. The Apostle Paul (a super saint if there is such a thing) reminds the church in Thessaloniki that the life that pleases God consists of ordinary things done in the strength of an extra-ordinary Savior.
4/19/201631 minutes, 7 seconds
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Resurrection in the Real World

Some scholars consider John 21 a rather anti-climatic ending to the Gospel, but it is our contention that it provides a model for the way the Risen Lord interacts with us today. As we look at his breakfast on the beach with his disciples, we see that Jesus meets us in the midst of life as we get stuck, struggle or sin and he offers us refreshment, restoration and redirection in our lives.
4/12/201629 minutes, 25 seconds
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Many Convincing Proofs

We keep our focus upon Easter as we look this week at the evidence for the resurrection of Jesus. We will examine the empty tomb, the eyewitness accounts and the existence of the Church as proofs that Jesus is alive and how these things can be used of the Spirit to change hearts and minds.
4/12/201634 minutes, 51 seconds
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The Stone Mover

Our Easter message focuses upon the power of the Risen Lord to remove those stones in our lives that keep us trapped and unable to celebrate the Good News that He is Alive!
4/12/201625 minutes, 34 seconds
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The Crimson Worm

Our Maundy Thursday meditation looks at the curious worm of Psalm 22. In verse 6, the Messiah cries out "But I am a worm and not a man." This is not a generic statement of humility, but refers to a specific type of worm found in Israel. In looking at this crimson worm, we are given new insights into what Jesus did for us on the cross.
4/12/201617 minutes, 10 seconds
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The Stone Worshipper

During the Lenten Season we will look at some of the "stone" passages in the Gospels as we seek to build our faith on a solid foundation.This message for Palm Sunday is from Luke 19:37-44 where we discuss what Jesus meant when he said the stone would cry out.
4/12/201628 minutes, 21 seconds
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The Stone Caster

During the Lenten Season we will look at some of the "stone" passages in the Gospels as we seek to build our faith on a solid foundation.This message is from John 8:1-11where we discuss the woman caught in adultery and the tension of grace and truth.
4/12/201631 minutes, 27 seconds
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The Stone Cutter

During the Lenten Season we will look at some of the "stone" passages in the Gospels as we seek to build our faith on a solid foundation.This message is from Mark 5:1-20 where we discuss the Gerasene demoniac and the power of testimony.
4/12/201632 minutes, 38 seconds
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The Stone Prayer

During the Lenten Season we will look at some of the "stone" passages in the Gospels as we seek to build our faith on a solid foundation.This message is from Matthew 7:7-11 where we discuss prayer and the promises of God.
4/12/201624 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Stone Builder

During the Lenten Season we will look at some of the "stone" passages in the Gospels as we seek to build our faith on a solid foundation.This message is from Luke 6:46-49 where we discuss what it means to build our lives on the rock.
4/12/201631 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Stone Baker

During the Lenten Season we will look at some of the "stone" passages in the Gospels as we look to build our faith on a solid foundation. This message is from Matthew 4:1-11 where we discuss the temptation to turn stone into bread.
4/12/201628 minutes, 7 seconds
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Provision for a New Year

As we begin this new year, we want to take some time to lay out an agenda from God's Word as we move forward into 2016. Our new sermon series looks at a purpose, a promise, a power and a provision for each day of the coming year.
2/16/201619 minutes, 26 seconds
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Power for a New Year

As we begin this new year, we want to take some time to lay out an agenda from God's Word as we move forward into 2016. Our new sermon series looks at a purpose, a promise, a power and a provision for each day of the coming year.
2/16/201628 minutes, 7 seconds
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A Promise for a New Year

As we begin this new year, we want to take some time to lay out an agenda from God's Word as we move forward into 2016. Our new sermon series looks at a purpose, a promise, a power and a provision for each day of the coming year.
2/16/201625 minutes, 20 seconds
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"A Purpose for the New Year"

As we begin this new year, we want to take some time to lay out an agenda from God's Word as we move forward into 2016. Our new sermon series looks at a purpose, a promise, a power and a provision for each day of the coming year.
2/16/201633 minutes, 27 seconds
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The Reason for the Season

Is Jesus the reason for the season or does the Bible point us in a different direction? Our Christmas Day message looks at Isaiah 9:6 and Titus 2:11-14 to discover that "the real reason for the season."
12/26/201521 minutes, 27 seconds
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I Want 2B More: Generous

Our new sermon series "I Want 2b More..." will let us look on the brighter side of the Christian life. This 6 week series (inspired by “Stay Positive” - Pastor Craig Groeschel) will help us learn how to be more optimistic, confident, enthusiastic, encouraging, grateful and generous in our daily walk with the Lord. This last message in our series was preached on the First Sunday of Advent.
12/2/201532 minutes, 5 seconds
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I Want 2B More:Grateful

Our new sermon series "I Want 2b More..." will let us look on the brighter side of the Christian life. This 6 week series (inspired by “Stay Positive” - Pastor Craig Groeschel) will help us learn how to be more optimistic, confident, enthusiastic, encouraging, grateful and generous in our daily walk with the Lord. This message was delivered at our Thanksgiving Eve service.
12/2/201525 minutes, 9 seconds
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I Want 2B More: Enthusiastic

Our new sermon series "I Want 2b More..." will let us look on the brighter side of the Christian life. This 6 week series (inspired by “Stay Positive” - Pastor Craig Groeschel) will help us learn how to be more optimistic, confident, enthusiastic, encouraging, grateful and generous in our daily walk with the Lord.
11/17/201536 minutes, 41 seconds
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I Want 2B More: Confident

Our new sermon series "I Want 2b More..." will let us look on the brighter side of the Christian life. This 6 week series (inspired by “Stay Positive” - Pastor Craig Groeschel) will help us learn how to be more optimistic, confident, enthusiastic, encouraging, grateful and generous in our daily walk with the Lord.
11/14/201527 minutes, 16 seconds
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I Want 2B More: Optimistic

Our new sermon series "I Want 2b More..." will let us look on the brighter side of the Christian life. This 6 week series (inspired by “Stay Positive” - Pastor Craig Groeschel) will help us learn how to be more optimistic, confident, enthusiastic, encouraging, grateful and generous in our daily walk with the Lord.
11/13/201527 minutes, 21 seconds
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Follow Me: Crowns

We conclude our new Fall sermon series which has looked at what it means to follow Jesus.Five times in Matthew's Gospel Jesus issues the command to follow him on the path of discipleship. This series looks at what that meant then and means today. Our final message looks at the question: "Is it worth it to follow Jesus?"
10/27/201530 minutes, 50 seconds
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Follow Me: Crosses

Our new Fall sermon series looks at what it means to follow Jesus.Five times in Matthew's Gospel Jesus issues the command to follow him on the path of discipleship. This series looks at what that meant then and means today. This message looks at how following Jesus will require us to take up our cross daily.
10/22/201530 minutes, 55 seconds
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Follow Me: Circles

Our new Fall sermon series looks at what it means to follow Jesus.Five times in Matthew's Gospel Jesus issues the command to follow him on the path of discipleship. This series looks at what that meant then and means today. This message looks at how following Jesus asks us to enlarge the circle of people we engage with the Gospel.
10/13/201530 minutes, 56 seconds
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Follow Me: Challenges

Our new Fall sermon series looks at what it means to follow Jesus.Five times in Matthew's Gospel He issues the command to follow him on the path of discipleship. This series looks at what that meant then and means today. This message looks at the challenges we face when trying to follow Him.
10/5/201532 minutes, 8 seconds
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Follow Me: Changes

Our new Fall sermon series looks at what it means to follow Jesus. Five times in Matthew's Gospel He issues the command to follow him on the path of discipleship. This series looks at what that meant then and means today. This message looks at the changes that we must make to follow Him.
10/5/201530 minutes, 42 seconds
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Parenting in the Age of Pharoah

The baptism of little Aubrey Grace serves as the catalyst for this sermon that looks at how the parents of Moses protected and released their child into a culture of death, not unlike own. What lessons can we learn from their actions and faith?
9/10/201531 minutes, 21 seconds
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Blessed: The Persecuted

This Summer we will be looking at the Beatitudes from The Sermon on the Mount. Each week our study will focus on one of the essential elements of the Character of Kingdom people. What are those things that result in a life blessed by God? This week we look at the eight and final beatitude: Blessed are the Persecuted.
9/1/201530 minutes, 10 seconds
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The Believer and the Election Cycle

With the recent Republican debates, the race for 2016 has begun in earnest. This message from a recent evening service offers some reflections upon how we as Christians in an increasingly hostile culture should address the world of politics. We must avoid the proven dangers of political activism, while steering clear of the equally dangerous move to political apathy. Does Scripture show us a third way, a gospel way to be good citizens of this country and of the world to come?
8/18/201527 minutes, 38 seconds
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Blessed: The Peacemakers

This Summer we will be looking at the Beatitudes from The Sermon on the Mount. Each week our study will focus on one of the essential elements of the Character of Kingdom people. What are those things that result in a life blessed by God? This week we look at the seventh beatitude: Blessed are the Peacemakers.
8/18/201531 minutes, 46 seconds
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Blessed: The Pure in Heart

This Summer we will be looking at the Beatitudes from The Sermon on the Mount. Each week our study will focus on one of the essential elements of the Character of Kingdom people. What are those things that result in a life blessed by God? This week we look at the sixth beatitude: Blessed are the pure in heart.
8/13/201527 minutes, 18 seconds
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Blessed: The Merciful

This Summer we will be looking at the Beatitudes from The Sermon on the Mount. Each week our study will focus on one of the essential elements of the Character of Kingdom people. What are those things that result in a life blessed by God? This week we look at the fifth beatitude: Blessed are the merciful.
8/4/201530 minutes, 16 seconds
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Blessed: The Hungry and Thirsty

This Summer we will be looking at the Beatitudes from The Sermon on the Mount. Each week our study will focus on one of the essential elements of the Character of Kingdom people. What are those things that result in a life blessed by God? This week we look at the fourth beatitude: Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness.
7/28/201529 minutes, 38 seconds
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Blessed: The Meek

This Summer we will be looking at the Beatitudes from The Sermon on the Mount. Each week our study will focus on one of the essential elements of the Character of Kingdom people. What are those things that result in a life blessed by God? This week we look at the third beatitude: Blessed are the meek.
7/28/201529 minutes, 32 seconds
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Blessed: The Mourners

This Summer we will be looking at the Beatitudes from The Sermon on the Mount. Each week our study will focus on one of the essential elements of the Character of Kingdom people. What are those things that result in a life blessed by God? This week we look at the second beatitude: Blessed are those who mourn.
7/28/201535 minutes, 22 seconds
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Blessed: The Poor in Spirit

This Summer we will be looking at the Beatitudes from The Sermon on the Mount. Each week our study will focus on one of the essential elements of the Character of Kingdom people. What are those things that result in a life blessed by God? This week we look at the foundational beatitude: Blessed are the Poor in Spirit.
7/28/201530 minutes, 33 seconds
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Honor Men Like This

This year's Father's Day message looks at the character of two of Paul's co-workers, Timothy and Epaphroditus from Philippians 2. These men exemplified what it means to be godly men. Their example is a much needed one in today's world.
7/1/201528 minutes, 55 seconds
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Don't Put Out the Spirit's Fire

If grieving the Holy Spirit is something that Paul warns the individual about, putting out the Spirit's fire is a danger that can happen in the local church. In this second of two messages on sinning against Holy Spirit, we look at how we can quench the Spirit and how we can fan into a flame the Spirit's work in our churches.
6/16/201523 minutes, 19 seconds
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Grieving the Holy Spirit

While professing belief in the Holy Spirit, nonetheless, most Christians fail to understand that the Spirit dwell within them. This misunderstanding leads Paul to admonish the believer to not grieve the Holy Spirit. This message, the first of two dealing with how we sin against the Spirit, looks at how we grieve the Spirit and how we can repent of that sin.
6/16/201533 minutes, 13 seconds
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A Greater Pentecost

In the Upper Room, Jesus promised his disciples that they would do greater things than they had seen him do; how was this possible? Because the Holy Spirit would enable them to do so. This Pentecost message considers the greater things that the Spirit has given to the Church.
6/16/201529 minutes, 53 seconds
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God's School - The Home

How can we turn our culture toward God again? By turning the hearts of our children. Proverbs 1:7-9 provides the template for our Mother's Day message this year, as we look at how we can turn our homes into God's school for raising our kids in the "fear of the Lord."
6/10/201532 minutes, 15 seconds
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Praying for the Kingdom

What does it mean to pray, "Thy Kingdom Come?" The central focus of Jesus ministry was the proclamation of the Kingdom of God. The command he left for his disciples was to continue that work, yet sadly many in the church are unaware of what Jesus meant by the Kingdom. In this brief series we want to look at the kingdom under the following definition: The reign of the Risen Lord by which He is redeeming and restoring those things lost in the rebellion; which at His return will result in a renewed heaven and earth.
6/9/201523 minutes, 17 seconds
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Preaching the Kingdom

The central focus of Jesus ministry was the proclamation of the Kingdom of God. The command he left for his disciples was to continue that work, yet sadly many in the church are unaware of what Jesus meant by the Kingdom. In this brief series we want to look first at the kingdom under the following definition: The reign of the Risen Lord by which He is redeeming and restoring those things lost in the rebellion; which at His return will result in a renewed heaven and earth.
5/9/201529 minutes, 29 seconds
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Picturing the Kingdom

The central focus on Jesus ministry was the proclamation of the Kingdom of God. The command he left for his disciples was to continue that work, yet sadly many in the church are unaware of what Jesus meant by the Kingdom. In this brief series we want to look first at the kingdom under the following definition: The reign of the Risen Lord by which He is redeeming and restoring those things lost in the rebellion; which at His return will result in a renewed heaven and earth.
4/29/201529 minutes, 34 seconds
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Baptism and Resurrection

What does it mean that we are baptized with Christ? This message looks at how we can appropriate the blessings of baptism in our daily lives. Our text is Romans 6:1-11.
4/28/201522 minutes, 9 seconds
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He Appeared...

In 1 Corinthians 15:1-11, Paul records a number of Jesus' post-resurrection appearances. Why does Jesus hang around following Easter? This message will look at three reasons: for the proof, for the plan and for the people.
4/22/201529 minutes, 16 seconds
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The Resurrection Response

Christ is risen...What is our response? Our Easter message is taken from 1 Corinthians 15:58 [Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.]
4/22/201526 minutes, 54 seconds
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Marching in the Parade

This Palm Sunday message looks at the three parades that entered Jerusalem that day: the animal parade on the way to sacrifice, the military parade of Pontus Pilate and the humble parade of Jesus upon the donkey. Each parade suggests one way that we might find salvation. Which parade are you marching in?
4/22/201529 minutes, 43 seconds
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Surveying the Wondrous Cross (The Church)

Our new lenten series focus on the cross. Usually when we think of what the cross means we look at it from our personal perspective, what the cross does for me, yet the cross is much richer when we take into account the perspectives of the others caught up in its cosmic drama. In this series we will look at what the cross meant to the Father, to the devil, to Jesus, to the world and to the church.
3/24/201527 minutes, 2 seconds
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Surveying the Wondrous Cross (The World)l)

Our new lenten series focus on the cross. Usually when we think of what the cross means we look at it from our personal perspective, what the cross does for me, yet the cross is much richer when we take into account the perspectives of the others caught up in its cosmic drama. In this series we will look at what the cross meant to the Father, to the devil, to Jesus, to the world and to the church.
3/15/201524 minutes, 19 seconds
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Surveying the Wondrous Cross (The Devil)

Our new lenten series focus on the cross. Usually when we think of what the cross means we look at it from our personal perspective, what the cross does for me, yet the cross is much richer when we take into account the perspectives of the others caught up in its cosmic drama. In this series we will look at what the cross meant to the Father, to the devil, to Jesus, to the world and to the church.
3/11/201524 minutes, 30 seconds
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Surveying the Wondrous Cross (The Son)

Our new lenten series focus on the cross. Usually when we think of what the cross means we look at it from our personal perspective, what the cross does for me, yet the cross is much richer when we take into account the perspectives of the others caught up in its cosmic drama. In this series we will look at what the cross meant to the Father, to the devil, to Jesus, to the world and to the church.
3/5/201524 minutes, 52 seconds
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Surveying the Wondrous Cross (The Father)

Our new lenten series focus on the cross. Usually when we think of what the cross means we look at it from our personal perspective, what the cross does for me, yet the cross is much richer when we take into account the perspectives of the others caught up in its cosmic drama. In this series we will look at what the cross meant to the Father, to the devil, to Jesus, to the world and to the church.
2/25/201522 minutes
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A Better Way: Patience

This sermon series looks at the "Better Way" to live from God's Word. In this message we look at why patience is more than a virtue, its a gift from God.
9/22/201431 minutes, 48 seconds
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A Better Way: A Good Name

This sermon series looks at the "Better Way" to live from God's Word. In this message we look at how to be people of integrity, whose influence lasts beyond the grave.
9/22/201429 minutes, 41 seconds
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A Better Way: Enjoy Life

This sermon series looks at the "Better Way" to live from God's Word. In this message we look at how to enjoy every day lived under the sun.
9/22/201428 minutes, 47 seconds
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A Better Way: Wisdom

This sermon series looks at the "Better Way" to live from God's Word. In this message we contrast the world's desire for power, pleasure and possessions with a better way - God's wisdom.
9/22/201424 minutes, 57 seconds
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A Better Way: A Day in God's Courts

This sermon series looks at the "Better Way" to live from God's Word. In this message we look at why one day with God is better than the best day this world has to offer.
9/22/201431 minutes, 53 seconds
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We Pledge...

While we are grateful to God for the blessing of our nation, as believers we recognize we own a greater allegiance to the kingdom of God. As followers of Christ what is the response to the price he paid for our spiritual freedom?
7/7/201421 minutes, 35 seconds
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A Mosque in Our Midst

Midland Park is getting a mosque. This news has caused quite a stir in our little town. What should be our Christian response? Taking 2 Timothy 1:7 as a starting point we consider what it means that, "God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and love ans self-control." The goal is to encourage us to take the opportunity to do as Jesus said and "love our neighbor."
6/27/201424 minutes, 14 seconds
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A Mosque in Our Midst

Midland Park is getting a mosque. This news has caused quite a stir in our little town. What should be our Christian response? Taking 2 Timothy 1:7 as a starting point we consider what it means that, "God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and love ans self-control." The goal is to encourage us to take the opportunity to do as Jesus said and "love our neighbor."
6/27/201424 minutes, 14 seconds
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Honor to Whom Honor is Due

What is the key to successful relationships? The answer is found in the Fifth Commandment. If we would enjoy healthy relationship in life, we need to start at home, by honoring our father and mother. This Father's Day message looks at what it means to honor our parents, not only as children, but throughout their life and ours.
6/16/201425 minutes, 56 seconds
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A Vital Question for Pentecost

In Acts 19, Paul encounters some disciples that confess to having never heard of the Holy Spirit. While we know theologically that the Spirit is given to all who believe, many people live as if they never knew there was a Spirit. This Pentecost message looks at how we can recover the Spirit in our daily lives.
6/16/201418 minutes, 51 seconds
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A Man Like Us (3)

James 5:17 describes Elijah as "a man like us." What can we learn from this prophet of God who lived and ministered in days very much like our own? This is the third and final message in our mini-series on the early ministry of Elijah from 1 Kings.
6/16/201427 minutes, 50 seconds
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A Man Like Us (2)

James 5:17 describes Elijah as "a man like us." What can we learn from this prophet of God who lived and ministered in days very much like our own? This is the second message in our mini-series.
6/16/201426 minutes, 53 seconds
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A Man Like Us (1)

James 5:17 describes Elijah as "a man like us." What can we learn from this prophet of God who lived and ministered in days very much like our own?
6/16/201434 minutes, 30 seconds
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Memorial Service for Henry Amos

This is the Memorial service held for Henry Amos on October 24, 2013. It includes the special music by his son-in-law Jim Reimersma, remembrances from Henry's son Jim and Henry's sister Barbara. Service was conducted at the Faith Reformed Church in Midland Park, NJ by Pastor Scott Nichols.
11/1/20131 hour, 5 minutes, 45 seconds
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What Me Worry?

Worry: what is it and how do we deal with it?
10/1/201328 minutes, 42 seconds
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The G.I.F.T. of the Holy Spirit (4)

In our last message in our series on Holy Spirit we look at how the Spirit provides us with the tools we need to transform the world around us.
10/1/201327 minutes, 47 seconds
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The G.I.F.T. of the Holy Spirit (3)

In our third message in our series on the Holy Spirit we consider the fruit of the Spirit and how it grows in our lives.
10/1/201325 minutes, 39 seconds
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The G.I.F.T. of the Holy Spirit (2)

John 16 reminds us that when the Spirit comes He will instruct us in all truth. How does the Spirit guide us to the truth, into the truth and in the truth?
10/1/201325 minutes, 3 seconds
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The G.I.F.T. of the Holy Spirit (1)

How can God himself dwell in our hearts? This Pentecost sermon begins a four part look at the person and work of the Holy Spirit. This message look at what it means that the Holy Spirit lives within us. The indwelling of the Holy Spirit is not spatial, but rather relational, experiential and influential.
5/23/201328 minutes, 51 seconds
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Brass heavens (part 2)

Do you sometimes feel as if your prayers never ascend higher than the ceiling? Are you frustrated with a lack of power and effectiveness in prayer? The problem isn't with God. Maybe its you. This second of our two part message look at some additional attitudes the Bible tells us hinders are prayer lives.
5/7/201319 minutes, 42 seconds
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Brass Heavens (part 1)

Do you sometimes feel as if your prayers never ascend higher than the ceiling? Are you frustrated with a lack of power and effectiveness in prayer? The problem isn't with God. Maybe its you. This two part message look at some things the Bible tells us hinders are prayer lives.
5/7/201326 minutes, 44 seconds
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Lead Me To Still Waters

The Shepherds remedy for stressed sheep? Still waters. This message based on Psalm 23:2 looks at several places where the Good Shepherd leads us to find rest for our weary souls.
5/7/201328 minutes, 34 seconds
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The Risen Life (part 2)

This two part follow-up to our Easter message looks at Colossians 3:1-17 and asks what does the the Risen life look like? It is a From Above Life Freed Life Family Life Fruitful Life Forgiving Life Faithful Life Focused Life
5/7/201322 minutes
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The Risen Life (part 1)

This two part follow-up to our Easter message looks at Colossians 3:1-17 and asks what does the the Risen life look like? It is a From Above Life Freed Life Family Life Fruitful Life Forgiving Life Faithful Life Focused Life
5/7/201328 minutes, 34 seconds
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Monday's Comin'

Riffing on the classic "It's Friday...Sunday's Coming!" Our Easter message this year wrestles with what we do on Monday id Sunday's here. How do we face the world in light Easter? How do we live out of the power of His resurrection?
4/6/201327 minutes, 42 seconds
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What Kind of King...

This Palm Sunday message taken from Psalm 72 looks at the expectations of those who hailed Jesus as King as he entered Jerusalem and our expectations today for King Jesus. Who is this righteous king? What is His Kingdom truly like and how must we respond to him?
3/26/201335 minutes, 16 seconds
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Removing the High Places

In our final message from our series "Idol Talk" we look to the example of King Hezekiah for the needed tools to topple the high places of our hearts and exalt God to His rightful throne again.
3/21/201331 minutes, 35 seconds
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We Become What We Worship

If the heart is deceitful above all things, how do we detect the idols of our own hearts? In our third message in our series "Idol Talk" we look at 5 clues to help us uncover what "gods" lie at the center of our lives.
3/21/201325 minutes, 19 seconds
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Solomon's Sin

1 Kings 11:1-13, tells the folly of the wisest man who ever lived. In looking at the idols that turned the heart of Solomon, we find that the same idols wage war in our culture and hearts today. This second message in our series "Idol Talk" looks at how ancient gods are still part of the modern world.
3/21/201329 minutes, 31 seconds
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Solomon's Sin

1 Kings 11:1-13, tells the folly of the wisest man who ever lived. In looking at the idols that turned the heart of Solomon, we find that the same idols wage war in our culture and hearts today. This second message in our series "Idol Talk" looks at how ancient gods are still part of the modern world.
3/5/201329 minutes, 31 seconds
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Solomon's Sin

1 Kings 11:1-13, tells the folly of the wisest man who ever lived. In looking at the idols that turned the heart of Solomon, we find that the same idols wage war in our culture and hearts today. This second message in our series "Idol Talk" looks at how ancient gods are still part of the modern world.
3/5/201329 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Great Sin

Murder, homosexuality, blaspheming the Holy Spirit - what is the great sin in Scripture? This first message in our new series "Idol Talk" looks at the sin of idolatry as the foundation for all the rest.
3/5/201323 minutes, 16 seconds
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Reality Check

The transfiguration of Jesus is a powerful reminder that we can't put God in a box.
3/5/201325 minutes, 55 seconds
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We are on a constant quest for more. We are on an endless search for satisfaction. We seek that which will meet our deepest hunger and our deepest need. We are looking in the wrong place until we look to Christ - the Bread of Life.
3/5/201323 minutes, 26 seconds
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Remain [3]

The last message in our series on The Vine and the Branches [John 15] looks at blessings we receive by remaining in Christ.
2/2/201323 minutes, 41 seconds
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Remain [2]

The second message in our series on "The Vine and the Branches" (John 15) looks at what we can and can't do to remain connected to Christ. The key is not to trust our own striving, but to let the life of Jesus live in us.
1/21/201323 minutes, 10 seconds
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Remain [1]

Fruit is the evidence of a new creation. Building off our New Year's message we begin a look at John 15 to see how remaining in Christ is the key to a fruitful and abundant life. This first sermon looks at the vital connection, the vital corrections and the vital conviction needed to grow.
1/19/201328 minutes, 44 seconds
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A New Creation

The following quote from Paul David Tripp launches us into the New Year. "The New Year has no power to produce a new you, but that is exactly what grace does; new acceptance, new identity and new power." This message looks at how grace is key in becoming a new you in the new year.
1/19/201330 minutes, 27 seconds
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The King's Birthday

It's Jesus' birthday! Have you responded to the invitation, picked out the perfect gift and come to celebrate? This message from Christmas Day reminds us that its Jesus' party and the whole world is invited.
1/2/201325 minutes, 46 seconds
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An Ancient Nativity

The history of Bethlehem invites us to add a few older pieces to our traditional nativity sets this Christmas. The story is not complete unless we consider the contributions of Jacob, Ruth and David (and their Bethlehem connections) to the tale of Christ's coming.
1/2/201322 minutes, 12 seconds
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Christmas in Newtown

The horrific events that shattered the peaceful community of Newtown, CT have impacted us all. This special evening message in response to the tragedy looks at how the Gospel of the Christmas Season can help heal our hurts and direct our actions in the coming days.
1/2/201322 minutes, 46 seconds
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The Fullness of Time (3)

In the last message in our series looking at Christmas from Galatians 4:4-5; we consider the character of Scrooge from Dicken's classic "A Christmas Carol." In Scrooge's tale of redemption we catch a glimpse of why Christ came to us in the fullness of time.
1/2/201314 minutes, 34 seconds
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The Fullness of Time (Part 2)

Our second message looking at Christmas in Galatians 4:4-5 focuses upon the incarnation. What does it mean for God to send His Son, born of a woman, born under the law? What strength can we draw from truth that God loves us, understands us and is able to change us?
12/11/201224 minutes, 46 seconds
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The Fullness of Time

Most people think of Matthew, Luke and John when we talk about the Christmas Gospel. Yet the story of Jesus incarnation is the thread that binds the New Testament together. You are invited this year as we spend Christmas in Galatians (Galatians 4:4-5 to be exact). We begin our visit by considering what it means that God sent His Son at just the right time.
12/11/201228 minutes, 12 seconds
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Keep Telling the Story

Stories have the power to transform. And the Gospel is the greatest story of all. In this four week series we will look at His story, My story and Our story as we seek to reach out to a world in need of Good News. Our final message in the series comes from Romans 10:14-17 with a challenge to the church to bring the stories together (His Story, my story and our story) to let the whole world hear.
12/11/201226 minutes, 40 seconds
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Our Story

Stories have the power to transform. And the Gospel is the greatest story of all. In this four week series we will look at His story, My story and Our story as we seek to reach out to a world in need of Good News. Our third message in the series is from John 1:35-51 and helps us recognize that the church has a story that we must bring to the world so that we might bring them to meet Jesus.
12/11/201225 minutes, 39 seconds
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My Story

Stories have the power to transform. And the Gospel is the greatest story of all. In this four week series we will look at His story, My story and Our story as we seek to reach out to a world in need of Good News. This second message in our series comes from Acts 26:1-23. And is a powerful reminder that we cannot share our story of what God has done for us unless we know our story of what God has done for us personally.
12/11/201225 minutes, 38 seconds
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His Story

Stories have the power to transform. And the Gospel is the greatest story of all. In this four week series we will look at His story, My story and Our story as we seek to reach out to a world in need of Good News. This first message from Mark 1:14-20, looks at God's story and reminds us of the need to get this story right.
12/11/201223 minutes, 27 seconds
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Light in a Dark Knight

We were all horrified by the events that rocked Aurora, Colorado at the midnight showing of The Dark Knight Rises. Aurora joins a long list of people and places touched by evil. How do we as believers respond? This message from Romans 12:9-18 offers us some ways to get a handle on evil in our world.
7/25/201227 minutes, 52 seconds
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The Power of Yes

There are three things that we as believers must say yes to in order to live our lives with purpose and joy. We must say yes to leaning, learning and leading...
7/25/201231 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Power of No

Ever felt your were so stretched you could hula hoop with a cheerio? Often our stress comes from saying yes to things we should have said no to. This message looks at what we can learn from the times Jesus said no in Scripture.
7/24/201231 minutes, 6 seconds
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Beyond the Cloud (5)

The final message in our series "Beyond the Cloud," looks at the words of John 14, where Jesus says he is going to prepare a place for us.
6/26/201233 minutes, 34 seconds
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Beyond the Cloud (4)

The image of Christ among the lamp stands in Revelation 1, is one of challenge and comfort. This fourth message in our series "Beyond the Clouds" looks at what Jesus is doing today in His Church.
6/26/201223 minutes, 24 seconds
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Beyond the Cloud (3)

As we continue our series on the ongoing work of Jesus after his ascension, we turn to the powerful image of Christ as our Advocate.
6/26/201222 minutes, 30 seconds
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Beyond the Cloud (2)

As we continue our series on the post-ascension work of Jesus, we look at the sending of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost and the Spirit's role in carrying on the ministries of Jesus.
6/26/201221 minutes, 19 seconds
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Beyond The Cloud (1)

What does the blockbuster Avengers movie have to do with the post-ascension Jesus? Find out as we begin a new series looking at the work of Jesus "Beyond the Cloud."
6/26/201231 minutes, 46 seconds
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Parenting Prodigals

This Mother's Day message looks at how parents can reach out to their prodigal children by considering the story of Monica, the mother of Augustine.
6/26/201226 minutes, 51 seconds
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Little Faith - Part 1

Five times in Matthew's Gospel, Jesus points out the little faith of his disciples. In this new three-part series, we will look at the Character, the Causes and the Cure for Little Faith in our lives.
6/26/201227 minutes, 42 seconds
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Little Faith - Part 3

We conclude our series on Little Faith: Its Character, Causes and Cure, by looking at 5 ways that we can grow our faith and live more confident Christian lives.
5/7/201225 minutes, 2 seconds
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Little Faith - Part 2

In Pilgrim's Progress, Christian tells the story of Littlefaith, who is attacked by three robbers; Faintheart, Mistrust and Guilt. In the second message in our series on the Character, Causes and Cure for Little Faith, we examine these thieves in our own lives.
5/7/201223 minutes, 43 seconds
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Little Faith - Part 1

Five times in Matthew's Gospel, Jesus points out the little faith of his disciples. In this new three-part series, we will look at the Character, the Causes and the Cure for Little Faith in our lives.
5/7/201227 minutes, 42 seconds
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Seek (Part 3)

We conclude our series on "seeking first the kingdom of God" by considering the last of the seven ways we can grow closer to God in the New Year.
2/1/201216 minutes, 14 seconds
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Seek (Part 2)

We continue looking at what it means to "seek first the Kingdom of God" by looking a seven ways we can deepen our relationship with Him in the New Year. This is the second in a three part series entitled "Seek."
2/1/201222 minutes, 39 seconds
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Seek (Part 1)

Is it possible to have a no worry New Year? After a difficult 2011 for many, Jesus words from Matthew 6:25-34 offer a prescription for making 2012 less anxiety filled. This is the first in a three part series that encourages us to seek first the Kingdom of God.
2/1/201228 minutes, 44 seconds
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The First Missionary Message

Even while pronouncing judgement on the sin of Adam and Eve, God had already set in motion the Good News of the coming of One who would crush the serpent's head. This is final message of three in a series from Genesis on the foundations of missions.
2/1/201225 minutes, 25 seconds
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The First Mission Question

Am I my brother's keeper? This question of Cain frames our own understanding of missions. How we answer will determine what we do with the Good News. This is the second in a series from Genesis on the foundations of missions.
2/1/201222 minutes, 29 seconds
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The First Missionary

Who was the first missionary in the Bible? Paul? Jonah? Abraham? Actually none of the above. The first missionary in Scripture is God Himself. In this first of a three part series on missions from the opening chapters of Genesis, we look at God's seeking heart.
2/1/201220 minutes, 38 seconds
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"Sealed by the Spirit"

The last message in our series from Ephesians 1:1-14 looks at how the Holy Spirit applies the work of the Father and Son in the life of the Christian.
1/17/201224 minutes, 7 seconds
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"Redeemed by the Son"

In our on-going series from Ephesians 1:1-14, we consider next what blessings we receive through the redeeming work of Jesus.
1/17/201230 minutes, 10 seconds
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"In Christ"

The first in a series on messages from Ephesians 1:1-4 provides an introduction to Paul's teaching on the spiritual blessings that are ours in Christ.
1/17/201229 minutes, 43 seconds
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"A Heart of Wisdom"

This message from Psalm 90 looks at some practical ways we can "redeeem" our days.
1/17/201225 minutes, 35 seconds
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"Walking in Circles"

Spiritually most of us tend to walk in circles, the same bad habits, the same wrong attitudes, the same destructive patterns, the same messed-up relationships, and the same sins. This message will offer us help from God and His word to get walking straight with Him.
1/17/201224 minutes, 17 seconds
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When God Answers ...Yes

Psalm 34 helps us consider our proper response to answered prayer. We are usually quick to seek God's help in prayer, but often slow or negligent in thanking Him for answers.
8/28/201129 minutes, 42 seconds
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When God Answers...Wait

"The waiting is the hardest part," so sang Tom Petty in the 80's. Many Christians will recognize the truth of this chorus when it comes to prayer. Many times God makes us wait to see them answered. Why does Gold make us wait and what can we do in the meantime? In this message we look at the faith journey of Abraham and Sarah as they wait for God to keep His promises.
8/17/201127 minutes, 2 seconds
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When God Answers...NO

I don't believe in unanswered prayer! God always answers prayers, just not always in ways we might like. In this first message in the series "When God Answers..." we look at 1 Corinthians 12:1-10 and consider what we can learn from God's denial of Paul's prayer to remove his thorn.
8/12/201126 minutes, 31 seconds
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Prayer is Hard

The average Christian prays about 7 minutes a day. Its not because we doubt the priority and power of prayer, it's just that praying is hard work. Romans 8:26-27 reminds us that that Holy Spirit is our Great helper in prayer.
8/12/201124 minutes, 33 seconds
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Lessonns from an Amalekite Defeat

In Exodus 17 we read of how Moses, Aaron, Hur and Joshua all contributed to the defeat of the Amalekite forces, what lessons can we learn as a church on facing our battles?
8/12/201125 minutes, 23 seconds
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On The Beach

Luke 5:11 says the disciples left everything on the beach to follow Jesus. What must we leave behind to be His disciples? And what do we find when we leave it all behind?
8/10/201125 minutes, 34 seconds
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Wild Wisdom

Proverbs 30:24-28 introduces us to some small members of the animal kingdom with some big lessons to teach us. What do ants, locusts, hyraxs and lizards reveal about God and the Christian life?
8/10/201121 minutes, 59 seconds
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The Pursuit (1)

We begin a quick look at the Book of Philippians and share some of the joy choices that Paul lays out for believers. In this first message we consider what Paul means when he writes: "To live is Christ; to die is gain." When we make Christ the source of ultimate joy the rest of life falls into place.
6/7/201125 minutes, 6 seconds
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The Pursuit (3)

In our third message from Philippians we look at the joy choice: "Give Up to Go Up." In adapting this phrase from John Maxwell, we consider what it means to give up earthly things to press on to the prize of heavenly citizenship.
6/7/201127 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Pursuit (2)

In this second message in our series on the joy choices of Philippians, we look at chapter 2 and following the example of Jesus look at what it means to choose to serve others in humility. By putting others first, we find Christ-like joy.
6/7/201130 minutes, 23 seconds
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Loving Our Mothers

Drawing on the book, "The Five Love Languages" this Mother's Day message reminds us that our love for God is often mirrored in our love for our mothers.
5/9/201124 minutes, 38 seconds
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Fishing With The Risen Lord

In John 21, the encounter between Jesus and Simon Peter shows us how the Risen Lord restores us, even when we fail him.
5/9/201129 minutes
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Keys to Easter

Revelation 1 paints a picture of the Risen Christ that must be recovered if we are to truly live in the fullness of the resurrection. A clearer vision of who Christ is, will help us become who we are in Him. This message asks the question what is the proper response to the Risen Lord?
4/26/201134 minutes, 38 seconds
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The Palm Sunday Question

When Jesus entered Jerusalem on Palm Sunday the city was stirred and people asked "Who is this?" Over 2,000 years later we are still asking the same thing. This message from Matthew 21:1-17 looks at what the answer means for us today.
4/20/201123 minutes, 37 seconds
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Devoted: Praying Together

While Christianity is advancing around the world, it continues to decline here in America. Why? This last message in our series looks at the lack of corporate prayer as one reason for the stagnation of the church. We learn from the Book of Acts that when we pray together God moves and brings revival.
2/19/201127 minutes, 34 seconds
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Devoted: The breaking of Bread

Our look at the commitments of the early church continues as we look deeper at worship. The central part of the worship of the first believers was the celebration of the Lord's Supper. What can we learn from their devotion as we share in communion today?
2/12/201118 minutes, 30 seconds
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Devoted: Worship

We continue our series "Devoted" by looking at the commitment of the early church to worship. If we are to raise of temperature of our own worship, we need to consider the frequency, the fervor, the focus and the fruit of the first believers.
2/5/201128 minutes, 18 seconds
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"Devoted: The Fellowship"

This third message in our series "Devoted" looks at the early church's commitment to care not only with words but deeds and asks us whether or not we truly love one another.
1/28/201133 minutes, 32 seconds
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"Devoted: The Apostles' Teaching"

This second message in our series "Devoted" looks at our commitment in light of the early church and addresses the question - How Can I Love God's Word More?
1/28/201129 minutes, 50 seconds
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Our new sermon series "Devoted" looks at Acts 2:42 as a model for the church. This first message looks at our commitment to Christ and His church. Are we devoted?
1/28/201129 minutes, 9 seconds
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Wisemen Still Find Him

We begin 2011 by asking the question what do wise men do once they find the one for whom they seek? As we look ahead to a new year, we look at Matthew 2:1-12 and consider what it means to go forth a different way than when we arrived.
1/3/201129 minutes, 49 seconds
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The Innkeeper Within

On that 1st Christmas, no room was found for the baby Jesus, over 2000 years later are things any different? This message looks at the ways we sometimes put up "no vacancy" signs in our lives and offers some ways to make room for Jesus this Christmas.
12/22/201021 minutes, 46 seconds
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For This Reason Christ Was Born

In John 18:33-38, Jesus answers the question of Pilate, by stating that the reason he was born was to testify to the truth. This message based on that passage is a response to the atheist billboard placed outside the Lincoln Tunnel in New Jersey which calls into question the truth of the Christmas story..
12/22/201022 minutes, 59 seconds
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The Spirit of Advent

As we begin the season of Advent, the story of John the Baptist is front and center. This message looks at the preaching of the Baptist through the lens of Dicken's "A Christmas Carol."
12/22/201030 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Harvest

This final message in our mini-series on the harvest passages of the NT looks at Revelation 14 and the end-time harvest. What will happen when God commands Christ and His angels to reap the world? Where we will be when all is said and done?
12/5/201029 minutes, 39 seconds
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Harvest of Righteousness

When God repeats something we should pay attention. In three passages the phrase "harvest of righteousness" is repeated. What does God want us to learn? This is the second in a series of three examining the harvest passages in the New Testament.
12/5/201025 minutes, 31 seconds
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Harvest Principles

What does it really mean to "reap what you sow?" This message, the first of three on important "harvest" scriptures, looks at Galatians 6:7-10 for the answers.
12/5/201025 minutes, 41 seconds
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God's Pleasure

The wonderful grace of Jesus is the theme of Paul's opening words in the letter to the Ephesians. In this look at Ephesians 1:1-14 we will consider the riches of God's grace, the reason for God's grace and lastly our response to God's grace.
12/5/201028 minutes, 20 seconds
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In this special message, we consider what God has spoken to us in our baptisms and ask whether or not we are living out of what we have heard.
12/5/201020 minutes, 38 seconds
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Storm-Proofing Your Life

The question is not if, but when storms will come into our lives. The key to weathering the storms is life is preparation. This message looks at some key things we can do to get ready for the inevitable.
12/5/201024 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Jonathan Principles

As social networking grows in our culture, "true" relationships suffer; the friendship between Jonathan and David provides a template for recovering what the Bible has to say is the purpose of friends. This message drawn from 1 Samuel 23, offers some guidelines for strengthening each other in Christ.
8/24/201026 minutes, 39 seconds
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Suicide and the Church

Every 17 minutes someone attempts suicide. Sadly 26,000 people will succeed this year. What should be the church's response to this growing epidemic? This message addresses how we can direct faith, offer hope and demonstrate love to those thinking about suicide and the one left behind after suicide.
8/1/201031 minutes, 53 seconds
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Suicide and the Church

Every 17 minutes someone attempts suicide. Sadly 26,000 people will succeed this year. What should be the church's response to this growing epidemic? This message addresses how we can direct faith, offer hope and demonstrate love to those thinking about suicide and the one left behind after suicide.
8/1/201031 minutes, 53 seconds
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The Greatest Verse

John 3:16 has be translated in over 11,000 different languages. But that is not what makes it the greatest verse in the world. This message looks at John 3:16 and sees in it the great problem, the greatest solution, the greatest blessing and the greatest decision we will ever know.
7/14/201022 minutes, 19 seconds
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3 Freedoms

We are guaranteed five freedoms in the first amendment, FDR dreamed of 4 great freedoms for the world, but the 3 Freedoms offered in Jesus in regard to sin trumps the rest. This message looks at our freedom from the penalty of sin, the power of sin and the presence of sin.
7/14/201025 minutes, 32 seconds
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Our Father

How do you "see" God? How we view God determines our relationship with Him. This Father's Day message looks at what it means to be a child of the Heavenly Father.
6/26/201030 minutes, 11 seconds
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Simple Simon

Luke 7:36-50 is a study in contrast between two sinners, one forgiven and one foolish. The woman who anoints Jesus shows her deep gratitude for God's grace, and the other hand, Simon, the Pharisee, fails to see that his debt is a great as hers. This raises the question: Do we show our gratitude to Jesus in the way we act toward Him and others?
6/19/201020 minutes, 32 seconds
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Our Glorious Hope: What Kind Of People Ought We To Be?

The final message in our series considers the question of Peter (2 Peter 3:11-12) that in light of the fact that Jesus is coming again to bring a renewed heaven and earth, what kind of people should we be right now?
6/11/201027 minutes, 16 seconds
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Our Glorious Hope: Life in Eternity

Will Heaven be boring? Some think it will be an endless church service, others see it as an eternity of white robed saints playing harps upon a cloud. The biblical record shows us that Heaven will be anything but boring. It will be a place of worship, wonder, work and walking with God and our fellow believers.
6/6/201027 minutes, 57 seconds
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Our Glorious Hope: A New Heaven and a New Earth

What will the New Heaven and New Earth be like? What sights and sounds will await those who love the Lord. This message walks through Revelation 21-22 to answer these questions and more.
5/25/201030 minutes, 27 seconds
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Our Glorious Hope: Christ's Return

We return to our series "Our Glorious Hope," with a look at what happens when Christ returns for his own. Drawing from Paul's First Letter to the Thessalonians and Revelation 20-21, we will explore what awaits us at the edge of eternity.
5/18/201025 minutes, 25 seconds
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Making Our Mothers G.L.A.D.

Proverbs 23:25 encourages us to make our mothers glad. How do we do that? This Mother's Day message considers several ways we can heed this admonition of Solomon.
5/16/201023 minutes, 25 seconds
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Our Glorious Hope: Life After Death

Where do we go when we die? The answer may surprise you. We continue our sermon series by looking at the concept of Paradise and Hades, while being encouraged to look forward to what lies beyond life after death.
5/8/201030 minutes, 52 seconds
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Our Glorious Hope: Death

It is a question that hangs around the fringes of our daily lives. It is a question that grows in intensity as we grow older. It is a question that has many opinions, but only one true answer. The question? What happens when we die? In this first message in our new series we will look at Hebrews 9:27-28, "it is appointed for a man once to die and then the judgment..."
5/8/201028 minutes, 57 seconds
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Easter 364

Is it possible to keep Easter more than one day a year? Too often the high of our Easter celebrations are followed by a spiritual letdown. In this message from John 20, we look at how the we can keep Easter the other 364 days a year.
4/19/201028 minutes, 23 seconds
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Psalms of the Passion: Ps. 22

Our series draws to a close with the best known of the messianic psalms, Psalm 22. Written centuries before his crucifixion, this Psalm explains the significance of the darkness that fell over the land in the last hours of Jesus' life.
3/31/201026 minutes, 45 seconds
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Psalms of the Passion: Ps. 23

In John 10, Jesus applies the familiar words of Psalm 23 to himself when he declares that he is the Good Shepherd. This latest message in our series, Psalms of the Passion," looks at how how Psalm 23 informs three other places in the New Testament that speak of what kind of Shepherd Jesus is; not only is he the Good Shepherd, he is also the Great Shepherd and the Chief Shepherd .
3/31/201020 minutes, 51 seconds
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Psalms of the Passion: Ps. 78

Sometimes we forget that the title most applied to Jesus while he was on the earth was "Rabbi" or teacher. Psalm 78 helps us understand how vital the role of teaching, especially in parables, was in the ministry of Jesus.
3/31/201022 minutes, 46 seconds
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Psalms of the Passion: Ps. 40

In Luke 24:44, Jesus tells his disciples that "everything written about [him] in the Law of Moses ad the Prophets and the Psalms must be fulfilled." In this new Lenten series, we look at a few messianic psalms that point to Jesus and his ministry. Our first message looks at Psalm 40 and in particular how it points to Christ's purpose in coming into the world.
3/31/201026 minutes, 36 seconds
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Mind The Gap

We draw our series: "The Secret To Lasting Love" to a close by looking at the one skill that will help us truly make love a verb - minding the gap. What do we put to in the gaps between our expectations and realities? We have a choice - we can go negative or go positive. 1 Corinthians 13:7 tells us that love always looks to the positive.
3/4/201026 minutes, 21 seconds
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"Love On The Inside"

Andy Stanley reminds us that we are more apt to look at our spouse's behavior than the condition of our own hearts when addressing marital issues. This message, the third is our series - The Secret of Lasting Love - gives us some tools to use when looking inside for the love we are to share.
2/23/201020 minutes, 53 seconds
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Love's Game Plan

We continue our series on "The Secret of Staying in Love" by looking at some practical ways we can, as Andy Stanley says, "make love a verb." Our text is Philippians 2:1-8.
2/18/201028 minutes, 14 seconds
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Love Is A Four Letter Verb

Our new series "The Secret of Staying in Love" begins with laying the foundation of a lasting marriage or relationship. Adapted from a series by Andy Stanley, we consider what it means to make love a verb - to put love into action.
2/7/201024 minutes, 57 seconds
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Called To Counter Culture

In our final message in the "Our Calling" series we look at what it means to turn the world upside down as did the early followers of Jesus. We are called to provide an alternative to the world in our creeds, our needs and our deeds.
2/3/201023 minutes, 50 seconds
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Called to Consecration

In the third message in the series "Our Calling" we consider what it means to be a holy people and a holy church.
1/27/201031 minutes, 12 seconds
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Called To Community

The second message in our series "Calling" looks at what it means to be called into fellowship with Christ and His Church. In this sermon we explore the meaning of "koinonia" and its application to our lives today.
1/22/201024 minutes, 37 seconds
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Called To Christ

This first message in a new series "Our Calling" looks at what it means to follow Christ's call to discipleship: we are called to follow the man, the mission and the manner of Jesus.
1/14/201026 minutes, 30 seconds
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"Let Us Begin...Again"

This first message of the New Year from Joshua 1 looks at those things we need to begin to do if we are to prosper spiritually in 2010.
1/9/201027 minutes, 53 seconds
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What Did You Get For Christmas?

As little children growing up it was all about the gifts. Now as adults we know it is better to give than to receive, yet still our heavenly Father wants to remind His children this Christmas that He has some great gifts for us as well. So what did we get this Christmas? Quite alot - we got Grace, Intimacy, Forever, Tools and the Spirit.
12/26/200918 minutes, 23 seconds
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The Heart of Christmas

As God so loved us, we ought to love, especially at Christmas. This brief message looks at loving others personally and sacrificially this season.
12/18/200915 minutes, 44 seconds
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Five times God declares "Behold" in the life of Jesus, picking up an idea from LifeChurch's Craig Groschel, this message follows the Christmas story beyond the manger to the cross and to the skies. This message proceeded our Christmas communion service.
12/7/200919 minutes, 14 seconds
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Come Again, Thou Long-Expected Jesus

The Advent/Christmas Season is one that looks both ways for the believer. We look back with joy at the fulfillment of hopes and dreams in the manger bed, but we also have to look forward to Christ's Second Coming.
12/7/200926 minutes, 33 seconds
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Thanksgiving Covenant

The last words of David recorded in 2 Samuel 23, remind us that even when things are not how we would like them to be, we can still be grateful for God's everlasting covenant and promises to us.
11/28/200922 minutes, 35 seconds
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The Sharing Choice

We bring our eight week study in "Life's Healing Choices" to a close by considering our need to share with others the lessons that God has taught us along the pathway to healing. Only when we are able to use our experiences to bless others can we truly know we are healed.
11/19/200924 minutes, 35 seconds
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"The Growth Choice"

How do we keep on the path to healing? We must keeping going and growing. In this 7th message in our 8-part look at Life's Healing Choices, we consider what we must do in order to grow spiritually, emotionally and relationally.
11/14/200927 minutes, 27 seconds
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The Relationship Choice

When God empowers us for transformation, He changes not only us as individuals, but our relationships as well. This sixth message in our series "Life's Healing Choices," offers ways we can make right our broken relationships.
11/7/200924 minutes, 1 second
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The Transformation Choice

Jacob's encounter with God by the Jabbok provides key insights into our 5th message in the series "Life's Healing Choices." This Healing Choice challenges us to let God transform the character defects in our lives.
10/30/200928 minutes, 11 seconds
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The Reality Choice

As we begin our 8-week series in conjunction with Saddleback Church, we look at the first of the 8 Healing Life's Choice based on the Beatitudes of Jesus. The first choice we must make is to look at our lives honestly and confess we can't manage our circumstances.
10/26/200928 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Commitment Choice

We continue our journey through "Life's Healing Choices" by looking at the third choice - the choice to commitment your whole self to God's control. This is based on Matthew 5:5, "Blessed are the meek..."
10/17/200926 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Hope Choice

This second message in our series "Life's Healing Choices" looks at the 2nd Beatitude - "Blessed are those who mourn for they will be comforted." What should we do when we are faced with the truth of our own helplessness? We discover that God is a loving Father who cares for us and offers us the power to change our lives.
10/6/200924 minutes, 8 seconds
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Got Life?

This message from John 10:10 looks at how the church must follow Jesus into mission by showing people the abundant life that the Good Shepherd offers. This message serves as a kickoff for next week's new 8 week series "Life's Healing Choices."
9/20/200922 minutes, 41 seconds
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God's Labor Day

We finally have the audio from this year's Labor Day message. In this sermon we look at the Sabbath (Sunday) as God's original labor day and consider how we ought to use this one day in seven for pray and play.
9/20/200924 minutes, 40 seconds
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Misinformation: Godly Parents Will Have Godly Kids

We conclude our series: Misinformation, by looking at Proverbs 22:6. Does this proverb in fact promise that kids raised in Christian homes will never stray or depart from the faith? Does this verse promise that the prodigal will always return home? Based on material from Larry Osborne's book - "Ten Dumb Things Smart Christians Believe."
9/6/200929 minutes, 2 seconds
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Misinformation #4: God Hates Homosexuals

In the book "UnChristian", author David Kinnaman shares that 91% of 16-29 year-olds describe Christians as "anti-homosexual." So is it really true God hates homosexuals? This 4th message in our series "Misinformation" looks at 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 and helps us maintain the truth of Scripture, yet show God's love to all sinners (GLBT included).
8/3/200931 minutes, 14 seconds
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Misinformation: Christians Should Never Judge

The third in our series of messages looking at the truth of commonly held beliefs; looks at the oft quoted phrase: "Christians shouldn't judge." Based in Matthew 7:1-6, we examine what Jesus really means when he says, "Judge not" and then we look at how we can make righteous judgments.
7/28/200931 minutes, 20 seconds
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Misinformation: God Wants Me To Be Happy

The second message in our series, Misinformation, looks at the myth of happiness and the truth that God wants something better for us.
7/20/200932 minutes, 2 seconds
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Misinformation #1

The first message in our new series "Misinformation" questions at whether or not it is true that God will never give you more than you can handle. If God does give us more than we can handle on our own, what should we be doing with the burdens of life?
7/14/200924 minutes, 52 seconds
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Losing Focus

The story of Peter walking on the water (Matthew 14:22-33) provides some useful insights on how we can move through the inevitable storms of life by keeping our focus upon Jesus.
7/11/200929 minutes, 25 seconds
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God Bless America Again

This message from Revelation 3:1-6, looks at how the church in America, once the watchman of our country, has fallen into a "Sardinian" sleep and needs to wake up if God is to once again bless our nation.
6/29/200925 minutes, 7 seconds
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"Be There"

This Father's Day message looks at the truth that if we as fathers want our children to be there in heaven with us, we need to be there with them on earth. The tragic story of David and Absalom forms the backdrop for this call to be there leading our children to a relationship with the Lord.
6/25/200923 minutes, 39 seconds
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"We have Not Even Heard"

Our Pentecost message comes from Acts 19:1-7 and looks at the practical implications of Paul's question: "Have you received the Holy Spirit Since You believed?"
6/4/200929 minutes, 11 seconds
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What Is Jesus Up To?

This Ascension Day message from Acts 1 looks at the continuing activity of Jesus at the right hand of the Father. Jesus is actively involved in recruitment, equipment and deployment of his church as he prepares to come again in judgment.
5/26/200920 minutes, 16 seconds
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How Can I Know For Sure?

Genesis 15 provides the backdrop for answering the question of how can we know God will keep His promises. The ancient ritual of "cutting a covenant" reminds us that God has staked His honor and the very life of His Son upon doing what He has promised, even when we prove unfaithful.
5/19/200926 minutes, 56 seconds
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Mom: Home-Builder

Proverbs 14:1 tells us a wise woman builds her house. In this Mother's Day message we look at what it takes to build a household of faith based on God's blueprints.
5/11/200926 minutes, 56 seconds
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God and the Swine Flu

Whether or not the H1N1 virus proves to be a pandemic, the church has in the past and will in the future face the challenges of responding to sickness and death that arise from such global health crises. Psalm 91 gives us a starting point as we look at what form our response might take.
5/4/200926 minutes, 19 seconds
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The Resurrected Life (2)

The second in our two part series looking at what it means to "live above" based on Paul's exhortation in Colossians 3:1-17.
5/2/200923 minutes, 32 seconds
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The Resurrected Life (1)

The first message of a two part series looks at the seven qualities of the resurrected life based on Colossians 3:1-17.
4/23/200925 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Rumor Of Hope

The original ending of Mark's Gospel (Mark 16:1-8) forces us to confront our response to the resurrection of Jesus. Mark's ending challenges us to finish the story of Christ's resurrection in our own daily lives. Fortunately we have the promise of Jesus that he goes ahead of us to meet us in the Galilees of our lives.
4/13/200926 minutes, 11 seconds
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Palms, Psalms and A Patriarch

This Palm Sunday message looks at the way God wove various strands of people, prophecy and promises to deliver His Bethlehem Lamb to the people of Israel at Passover. As we remember "Selection Day" we are faced with the same choice as the crowds entering Jerusalem over 2000 years ago - "Who will save us?"
4/6/200923 minutes, 43 seconds
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"4 Secrets of Lasting Love"

The final message in our series "40 Days of Love" looks at 1 Corinthians 13:7-8 and offers 4 keys to lasting relationships.
4/1/200926 minutes, 39 seconds
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40 Days of Love (Anger Management)

The fifth message in our 40 Days of Love (from Saddleback Church) looks at the emotion of anger and how it can destroy relationships and what we can do with God's help to tame our tempers.
3/23/200934 minutes, 56 seconds
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40 Days of Love (4)

We continue our 40 day journey (based on Saddleback's 40 Days of Love)considering how to improve our relationship with God and others by looking at communication. This message examines why we lie to one another and offers hope on how a changed heart will express itself in loving honesty.
3/17/200932 minutes, 59 seconds
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Loving Like Jesus

The third message in our "40 Days of Love" holds up Jesus as the greatest example of what our relationships should look like.
3/11/200933 minutes, 45 seconds
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40 Days of Love (2)

We continue our sermon series based on Saddleback Church's "40 days of Love" by looking at the Three Laws of Love.
3/4/200928 minutes, 5 seconds
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40 Days of Love (1)

The first message in our new 40 day journey (from Saddleback Church) looks at the what the Bible has to say about love.
2/17/200928 minutes, 35 seconds
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Lifestyles of the Rich and Christian (4)

"Money talks - on judgment day what will yours say about you?" The final message in our series from 1 Timothy 6:17-19 looks at what it means to invest our riches in eternity.
2/9/200928 minutes, 50 seconds
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A Simple Sacrament

In Exodus 24, Moses and a select few are invited to dine in the presence of God. This message based upon that text shows us how that event reflects upon the simple act of sharing bread and a cup in the celebration of the Lord's Supper.
2/2/200920 minutes, 43 seconds
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Lifestyles of the Rich and Chritian 3

What should we do with the riches God has blessed us with? One surprising answer from 1 Timothy 6:17 is that we are to enjoy it! This message (the third in our series) looks at how we can enjoy what God has given us without falling prey to the temptations of wealth.
1/27/200925 minutes, 29 seconds
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Lifestyles of the Rich and Christian (2)

This second message in our series from 1 Timothy 6:17-19 looks at some of the dangers and temptations faced by those who are rich or seeking to become rich.
1/20/200925 minutes, 44 seconds
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Lifestyles of the Rich and Christian

The first message in a series based on 1 Timothy 8:17-19, this message (inspired by Andy Stanley) helps us recognize that God has blessed us with more than we need and we are rich.
1/11/200924 minutes, 7 seconds
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ReGift: Love

This final message in the series "Regifting Christmas" examines the familiar words of John 3:16 and challenges us to show God's Christmas Love 365 days a year.
1/4/200926 minutes, 35 seconds
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ReGift: Joy

This third message in our series "ReGifting Christmas" encourages us to carry on the work of the Christmas Angel in announcing Good News of Great Joy.
12/22/200825 minutes, 32 seconds
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REgift: Peace

In this second message in our Christmas series "REgifting Christmas" we look at what it means to pass the peace of Christmas on to others with a special challenge to reach out to one person this season with the gospel of reconciliation.
12/8/200823 minutes, 18 seconds
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REgift: HOPE

The first message in our Advent/Christmas series looks at how we can take the gift of Hope we received from God and regift it this holiday season. Our text is Isaiah 9:6-7.
11/30/200825 minutes, 27 seconds
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7 Wonders of The Ancient Word

This message from Psalm 19:7-14 looks at the seven wonders of the ancient Word of God.
11/25/200829 minutes, 42 seconds
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"God's Gift"

Message preached for the baptism of my niece, focusing on what it means that a child is God's reward, the parent's responsibility and the child's response. Taken from Psalm 127.
11/18/200824 minutes, 44 seconds
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Martyrs' Cry

Message preached from Revelation 6:9-11 on International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church.
11/9/200823 minutes, 15 seconds
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"That My House May Be Full"

The Parable of the Great Banquet (from Luke 14:15-24), provides the text as we consider God's desire that His house may be full and what our duty is as His servants to compel people to come to the feast.
11/3/200824 minutes, 43 seconds
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"The Incentives of Hell"

The second and last in our short mini-series "Tales From the Darkside" looks at the reality of Hell, the reason for Hell and our Response to Hell.
10/26/200829 minutes, 19 seconds
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The Works of the Devil

The first rule in warfare is to know your enemy. This message from 1 John 3:8, the first in a 2 week series on "Tales from the Dark Side," looks at the battle tactics of Satan and offers reassurance to believers that Jesus has come to destroy the works of the devil.
10/20/200823 minutes, 43 seconds
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Hearing God in A Noisy World

This final message in the series "Can You Hear Him Now?" looks at how we can "tune in" God's voice amidst the distractions of the outer and inner static in our lives.
10/13/200824 minutes, 31 seconds
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Dealing With Deadzones

Do you ever feel that you are cut off from hearing God? This message (the third in the series "Can You Hear Him Now?) looks at the causes and cure for spiritual deadzones in our lives.
10/5/200822 minutes, 51 seconds
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Its The Network

How do we hear the voice of God today? Sharing from his own call to ministry, Pastor Nichols teaches on the 5 most common ways that God speaks to his children. This is second in a series entitled: "Can You Hear Him Now?"
9/22/200831 minutes, 56 seconds
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Can You Hear Him Now?

The foundational truth of Scripture is that God speaks. From Genesis to Revelation, we have record of God's desire to communicate with His people. In this message (the first in a series) we look at John 10:1-18 and answer the question "Why should we listen to God's voice?"
9/15/200823 minutes, 25 seconds
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Held Together

Later this year, scientists will attempt to find proof of the elusive "god-particle"with the hope that its discovery will allow them to find what holds the universe together. As believers we already know - in Colossians 1:15-20, Paul reminds us that in Christ all things hold together. How does this great truth help us when our lives fall apart? How do we let Jesus be the glue that puts our broken dreams back together again?
8/18/200821 minutes, 41 seconds
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China's First Olympic Gold Medalist

Who was China's first gold medalist and how does his life help us run the race set before us? This Olympic-themed message from Hebrews 12:1-2 answers these questions.
8/10/200833 minutes, 57 seconds
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"Anam Cara"

The concept of the "anam cara" comes from Celtic spirituality and refers to a person who is literally a "friend of the soul." Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 shows us some of the qualities of this deep friendship and provides incentive for us to both seek to find and strive to be such a friend to others.
8/3/200829 minutes, 49 seconds
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"Don't Forget The Bread"

Like the disciples in Mark 6:45-52, in the midst of the storms of life, we often forget the lesson of the loaves - that Jesus is Lord over all of our circumstances and has promised to meet all our needs. This message calls us back to that fundamental truth.
7/27/200821 minutes, 57 seconds
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"Taste and See"

On Sunday morning, we were privileged to celebrate a baptism and communion in the same service. This gave us a chance to look at how both sacraments, baptism and the Lord's Supper, allow us in the words of Psalm 34:8 to "Taste and see that the Lord is good."
7/21/200814 minutes, 34 seconds
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"Rest and Relaxation"

Surveys show that Americans are stressed as never before. We need some R&R to handle the physical exhaustion, the mental fatigue, the emotional tension, the relational strain and the spiritual burnout of living in these days. In Matthew 11:28-30, Jesus offers us the key to true rest.
7/15/200827 minutes, 41 seconds
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A Christian Declaration

232 years ago the drafters of the Declaration of Independence produced a document that declared basic human equality, liberty and justice for all, coupled with a call to responsible freedom - they were following a great framework - one laid down in the first sermon of Jesus recorded in Luke 4:16-21. This message looks at Jesus' declaration and calls the church to follow Christ in leading this nation in the dream not only of our forefathers, but more importantly in the vision of our Heavenly Father.
6/29/200831 minutes, 19 seconds
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Fathers and Sons (3)

This third and final message in our series on the Parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32) focuses on the oldest son. While on the surface, it appears that the oldest son is the "good" son, deeper study shows that he is in fact the prodigal who never left home. How the father deals with him offers us a glimpse of how God feels about the modern day Pharisee.
6/23/200828 minutes, 34 seconds
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Fathers and Sons (2)

This second in a three-part series on Luke 15:11-32 (the Parable of the Prodigal Son) looks at the radical grace and love shown by the Father in the face of the younger son's rebellion and the culture of condemnation that was directed at sinners.
6/15/200824 minutes, 26 seconds
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Fathers and Sons (1)

Charles Dickens called the Parable of the Prodigal Son the greatest short story ever written. This first in a series of three messages looks at character of the youngest son and tries to see through the eyes of its original audience. The story of the prodigal drives home the depravity of sin, the road to repentance and the surpassing grace of God. (I am indebted to the work of John MacArthur and John Piper in preparing this message.)
6/8/200836 minutes, 2 seconds
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In Galatians 6:14, Paul says that his obsession is the cross of Christ. How could the symbol of Roman cruelty become something that Paul was willing to live and die for? How could a stumbling block to the Jews and foolishness to the Gentiles be the source of all that is best in life?
6/1/200824 minutes, 43 seconds
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God Bless the Mess

"My life is a mess" with these words, the late Mike Yaconelli begins his book "Messy Spirituality." It is a confession most of us can make. Building off of Proverbs 14:4, this message encourages us by reminding us that God can and will bless the mess of our lives. In this sermon we examine the fact that grace, growth and God's people are messy and once we embrace that truth, God can do His best work in our hearts.
5/25/200824 minutes, 54 seconds
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Why The Trinity Matters

There was a time when the doctrine of the Trinity was serious business, but today many Christians live as "practical heretics" when it comes to this crucial truth. Paul in 2 Corinthians 13:14 helps us discover what difference the the Trinity makes in our christian experience.
5/19/200824 minutes, 23 seconds
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Counter Cultural Motherhood

Ephesus in the time of the Apostle Paul bears striking similarity to our own 21st century culture, particularly in regard to its view of motherhood. 1 Timothy 2:15, encourages women to embrace the "high calling" of motherhood in the face of societal pressures to forsake the home for personal gain.
5/12/200823 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Waiting Is The Hardest Part

This message (taken from Acts 1) preached on Ascension Sunday deals with how the believer and the Church should wait until Jesus returns to restore the Kingdom. As we wait, we should remember what Jesus did, receive what Jesus promised and reveal what Jesus is doing now.
5/7/200821 minutes, 22 seconds
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Peace With Problem People: The Flatteners

Our sermon series continues by looking at ways we can make peace with the "Tanks" we meet in our daily lives.
4/21/200823 minutes, 37 seconds
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Peace With Problem People: The Gossiper

The Bible is very clear about the danger of gossip, it has the power to destroy reputations, churches and lives. What can we do to avoid getting caught up in the gossip around us and how can we help gossipers find a way to speak the truth in love?
4/15/200827 minutes, 4 seconds
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Peace With Problem People: The Drainer

Our series continues by looking at how we can find peace with those who drain life from our relationships with their neediness. Galatians 6:1-10 helps us see the difference between true burden and personal responsibility. By setting limits, saying no, shifting responsibility back to the other person and showing them the true Burden-Bearer, we can help them and ourselves be more mature and spiritually healthy.
4/6/200824 minutes, 37 seconds
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Peace With Problem People: The Critic

The second in the series looks at how we can deal with the critical people in our lives. In this message we learn to "take" on the critics by taking a time out, taking a walk (in their shoes), taking in the truth, taking out the trash and taking it to the Lord.
3/30/200820 minutes, 15 seconds
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Resurrection Relationships

This Easter message is the start of our new series "Peace With Problem People." In this sermon we lay the foundation for improving our relationships by focusing on the one relationship that can change all others - our relationship with the Risen Lord.
3/23/200822 minutes
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Animals of the Passion: the Rooster

This final message in the series traces the fall of Peter that culminated in his denials of Jesus in the courtyard of the high-priest. By looking at the steps that Peter took, we can "take heed lest we fall."
3/16/200821 minutes, 41 seconds
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Animals of the Passion: the Vulture

Our series on the "Animals of the Passion" turns to Matthew 24:28 where in response to the questions of the disciples when and what will be the signs of His return, Jesus quotes the proverb: 'Wherever the corpse is, there the vultures will gather." What is the meaning of this cryptic saying and how does it help us live in light of Christ's return?
3/12/200822 minutes, 1 second
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Animals of the Passion: Hen and Chicks

Jesus' last public teaching prior to His death (Matthew 23) contains some of the harshest words that Jesus speaks. The image of a hen gathering her chicks however, shows us that Jesus spoke these words not in anger, but in heart-broken love. This message exposes us to the heart of God for His people.
2/26/200817 minutes, 46 seconds
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Animals of the Passion: The Doves

One of the most powerful of all biblical symbols, how do the doves in the story of Jesus clearing the Temple explain His actions and offer us hope? This message looks at the various lessons from Matthew 21:12-17 and focuses our attention on what Jesus came to do for us.
2/21/200825 minutes, 19 seconds
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Animals of the Passion: The Donkey

This first in a Lenten series looks at the animals that appear in the last week of Jesus' life. This week we consider what can we learn from the lowly donkey about who we are are what we are to do as people chosen by Jesus.
2/11/200821 minutes, 11 seconds
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Everything You Know About The Church Is Wrong (4)

This last message in the series looks at the Principle of Spiritual Readiness. A corollary to the truth that God wants His church to grow, the Principle of Spiritual Readiness states that God will never give the Church more than it is ready to receive. This message based on Isaiah 62:1-10, is a challenge to the Church to do those things to get ready to receive the growth God has promised.
2/5/200822 minutes, 49 seconds
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Everything You Know About Church Is Wrong (3)

What does the pastor do? Is the pastor responsible for doing all the ministry for the church? Ephesians 4 reminds us that the role of pastor is that of equipping the saints for works of service. Unless pastors and people work together, the work of the church is diminished.
1/29/200835 minutes
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Everything You Know About Church Is Wrong (2)

This message looks at the the fact that the church isn't for us...the church is us. To get to the heart of what Jesus says in Mark 10:45, we must move from a consumer mindset (what's in it for me) to a servant mindset (what can we do for others), if the church is to do God's will in the world.
1/23/200823 minutes, 26 seconds
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Welcoming God

This first sermon of 2008 looks at the biblical character of Obed-Edom (1 Chronicles 13:14) and asks how can we receive the blessing he did this coming year. Obed-Edom welcomed the Ark of God into his home following the failed attempt to by David to bring the Ark into Jerusalem. Scripture says that the Ark remained with Obed-Edom for three months and God blessed him and his household.
1/14/200820 minutes, 6 seconds
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Everything You Know About Church Is Wrong (1)

This first message in a series looks at Matthew 16:18 and considers what it means when Jesus says He will build His church.
1/13/200826 minutes, 12 seconds
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Christmas 365

Is it possible to maintain the Christmas spirit 365 days a year? Luke 2:15-20 offers us some suggestions on how we can know the peace, love and joy of this season year round by telling ourselves and others the Good News, by treasuring the god-periences we have had and taking the heart of Christmas back into our ordinary days.
12/25/200725 minutes, 1 second
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Christmas Presence

The communion meditation drawn from Matthew 1:23, considers some things we need to "open before Christmas" in order to find true blessing in this season.
12/25/200722 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Ghosts of Christmas: Past

Taking its inspiration from the three ghosts of Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol this message series looks at the themes of regret, revelation and redemption. In this first message based on 2 Corinthians 7:10, we address the problem of regret and share the good news that Jesus came to set us free from our pasts.
12/3/200722 minutes, 29 seconds
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All High King Jesus!

Psalm 110 is the most quoted OT passage used by NT writers. This Psalm provides us with clues to the question of what is Jesus doing now. This message preached on "Christ the King Sunday" tells us that Jesus is on His throne, on the march, on our side and on His way.
11/25/200730 minutes, 47 seconds
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Thw Works of A Soul Winner

The third in a series of three messages on how we cooperate with God in reaching the lost. This message looks at what it means to be called to work in the Lord's Harvest Field.
11/5/200722 minutes, 3 seconds
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The Prayer of A Soul Winner

The 150th anniversary of the Fulton Street Revival reminds us of that the key to reaching the lost is prayer. This second message in a three part series examines what it means to pray to the Lord of the Harvest.
10/30/200720 minutes, 38 seconds
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The Heart of a Soul-Winner

The first in a three part series looking at how we can partner with God in the great harvest of the elect. This message from Matthew 9:35-37 deals with developing the compassion Jesus had for the lost by seeing people as He saw them.
10/22/200728 minutes, 39 seconds
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The Great Multitude

A World-Wide Communion Sunday message from Revelation 7 that offers seven reasons why the Church can rejoice today.
10/9/200725 minutes, 15 seconds
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The Heart Has Its Reasons

Third in a three part series on The Greatest Commandment from Matthew 22:34-40. This message looks at what it means to love God with all your heart.
10/2/200723 minutes, 13 seconds
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"In or Out?"

Breast, testicular and skin cancer death rates have dropped over the last number of years with most attributing the decline to increased self-examination. Often times early detection through self-examination is the difference between life and death. What is true in the physical world is even more so in the spiritual realm. In 2 Corinthians 13:5-6, Paul calls upon the people to examine their lives to see if they exhibit any sign of true faith in Jesus.
8/30/200731 minutes, 8 seconds
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When God Hides His Face

Most Christians can testify to moments in their lives when God seems to have turned His face away and no longer seems to hear our prayers or even care about our troubles. What do we make of these "dark nights of the soul" and how should we respond in the face of God's apparent silence? The words of David in Psalm 13 provide some important clues.
8/28/200731 minutes, 12 seconds
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Seek His Face!

Rather than remaining stuck in the ruts of life, Psalm 27:8 encourages us to look for God's face. When we turn our eyes from our own fruitless efforts to move our lives forward, we often see that God has provided another way to get unstuck.
8/14/200722 minutes, 44 seconds
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Connecting With Communion

When Jesus said "do this in remembrance of me," he wasn't asking us to merely recall the facts of his life, death and resurrection. To remember the story of Jesus is to enter into the experience anew and to allow ourselves to be changed. To connect with communion on this level should make us different people. this message examines how we are changed by the celebration of the Lord's Supper.
8/8/200716 minutes, 15 seconds
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Portraits of Leadership

In 1 Peter 5:1-4 we find four portraits of leadership needed in the Church today. These images are a corrective for many of secular models being touted in the Church today. Rather than being a CEO, a manager or an entrepreneur, the leaders the Church needs are Shepherds, Servants, Stewards and Signs.
7/16/200722 minutes, 43 seconds
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A Church Shaped For M.I.S.S.I.O.N.

The first in a multi-part series on what it means for the church to be in mission with God. This foundational sermon looks at the seven components that make up a mission shaped church: 1) The Message 2) Incarnational Living 3) Spirit-Led Direction 4) Service to the community 5) Investment 6) Opportunities seized 7) New Disciples made.
7/8/200724 minutes, 41 seconds
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What Makes A Nation Great?

As we approach the Fourth of July, it is good to ask the question is America a great nation? Judged by the standards of men - politically, militarily, economically and culturally - America stands as a great nation. But what about God's Standards? God sees not as man sees. Deuteronomy 4:1-9 offers a glimpse on what God considers the greatness of a nation. How do we measure up in God's eyes?
7/2/200732 minutes, 26 seconds
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"Avoiding The Summer Slump"

We are entering what is commonly called in the church "The Summer Slump," where attendance, giving and commitment begin to wane until the Fall. But this Summer does not have to be that way, Proverbs 10:8 reminds us that the season of Summer can be one of opportunity, growth and service.
6/25/200723 minutes, 47 seconds
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Ready! Aim! Father!

God is calling today's Christian fathers to be warriors. Part of that calling relates to how we raise our children. Psalm 127:4 likens our children to arrows and like arrows, fathers need to shape, aim and release their children to fulfill God's purposes.
6/17/200726 minutes, 41 seconds
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Wine of Astonishment

We have lost our sense of awe. We have become so desensitized by the mass media that it takes greater and greater acts of immorality, increasing violence and insanity to shock us. Sadly this sense have entered the church as well. This message hopes o recapture the staggering truth represented in the Lord's Supper that Christ gave himself for us.
6/5/200722 minutes, 44 seconds
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Pentecost: What Does This Mean?

Our God is a God of continuity and continuance so to really understand the meaning of Pentecost today, we must look at what it meant to the Israelites at Mt. Sinai and the apostles in the Upper Room. Pentecost has always been about the continuing presence of God with His people, the challenge of the harvest and the call to care for one another.
5/29/200725 minutes, 14 seconds
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...and He gave gifts to men

This sermon on Ascension Sunday considers Ephesians 4:7-13 and asks what are the some of the gifts given to the church and to the individual believer by the ascended Lord.
5/21/200724 minutes, 50 seconds
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Three Questions For Mother's Day

This Mother's from 2 Kings 4:8-36 looks at three questions today's mothers need to answer in order to find shalom (peace) in their lives and families.
5/14/200726 minutes, 26 seconds
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When Life Caves In (2)

Psalm 142 spoke of the reality of the cave experience in our lives, but God doesn't intend for His children to be cave-dwellers. In Psalm 57, David shows us some steps that we can take to climb out of the cave and experience a renewed blessing.
5/6/200727 minutes, 5 seconds
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When Life Caves In (1)

Most of us have been there. Circumstances collapse our well-ordered lives around us leaving us fearful, confused, depressed and feeling abandoned by everyone. David knows how we feel. In Psalm 142, David cries out to god from the depths and finds comfort to face uncertain days. We can find comfort as well.
4/30/200722 minutes, 37 seconds
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Responding to Evil

In the wake of the shootings at Virginia Tech and the anniversaries of the OKC bombing and Columbine, this message from Romans 12:9-21 offers five ways that we can respond to the evil in our world.
4/24/200722 minutes, 13 seconds
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The Resurrection Imperative

"Stop doubting and start acting like a believer," Jesus told Thomas following the resurrection. In response Thomas declared Jesus to be his Lord and His God. What does it mean for us to act like a believer in the Risen Lord? This message from John 20:24-31 looks at three ways we can: by surrendering to His truth, submitting daily to His will and serving willingly in His Kingdom.
4/18/200723 minutes, 38 seconds
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The Relevance Of The Resurrection

A recent survey claims that 75% of people believe Jesus literally rose from the dead on the first Easter. Yet there appears to be no change in people's behavior or attitudes as a result - Why? This message addresses the relevance of the resurrection for our lives today.
4/11/200731 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Lord Needs It

This Palm Sunday message from Luke 19:28-44 looks at what the Lord needs from us. As the King of Kings, Jesus by Royal Right seeks our possessions, our praises and most importantly our persons.
4/2/200721 minutes, 10 seconds
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1 Thing 2 Remember

What would you do if you had 1 year to live? 1 month? 1 day? 1 hour? This final message in the "One Thing" passages of Scriptures brings us to 2 Peter 3:8-11 where Peter asks us how ought we to live in light of the imminent return of Jesus.
3/25/200731 minutes, 36 seconds
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1 Thing 2 Do

Someone has described our lives as a dash between the dates - the day we are born and the day we die. The Apostle Paul encourages us in Philippians 3:13-14 to do one thing with the life we are given: Run hard to win the prize.
3/18/200727 minutes, 9 seconds
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1 Thing U Need

Can you do too much for the Lord? The story of Mary and Martha from Luke 10:38-42 considers what our #1 priority ought to be.
3/12/200727 minutes
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1 Thing 2 Ask

If you could ask God for 1 thing what would it be? Health, wealth, power, possessions? Would you ask for yourself or for another? Psalm 27 provides David's answer when we read: "One thing I have asked of the Lord, that will I seek after: "That I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of me life." The one thing David asked for was a God encounter in the Tabernacle. He wanted to catch a glimpse of God's grace, gain a sense of security and find confidence in the conflicts of life? What about you - Do you need a God encounter today?
3/4/200721 minutes, 15 seconds
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1 Thing 2 Know

From John 9, this message is the first in a series on the "1 Thing" passages in Scripture. What does it mean to say: "One thing I know, once I was blind, but now I see?" By looking at the physical and spiritual transformation of the man born blind, we can come to a greater understanding of what Jesus can do for us.
2/27/200731 minutes, 49 seconds
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Amazing Transforming Grace

The connected lives of John Newton and William Wilberforce provide illustration for this message on the necessity that saving grace must be transforming grace. The text is from 1 Chronicles 17:16-17, the basis for Newton's hymn Amazing Grace. This sermon ties into the release of the movie "Amazing Grace" on February 23rd.
2/19/200727 minutes, 30 seconds
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Desperate Faith

The encounter of Jesus with the Caananite woman in Matthew 15:21-28 demonstrates the barriers and obstacles that faith sometimes needs to overcome in order to find blessing at the feet of Jesus. Many Christians today give up too easily in the face of difficulty and the apparent silence of God. This message is a call to a faith that overcomes.
2/12/200721 minutes, 6 seconds
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While Paul was not ashamed of the Gospel, many Christians are. To counter the movement to adapt the Gospel to make it more acceptable, this message from Romans 1 reminds us what the Gospel is and why it is the only power unto salvation.
1/30/200735 minutes, 45 seconds
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What Scripture Can Do For You

This message from Psalm 19:7-14, focuses upon the character of Scripture, the consequences of Scripture and the challenge of Scripture.
1/21/200724 minutes, 34 seconds
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Arise and Shine (1)

This first in a two-part series from Isaiah 60:1-5 offers us a New Year's challenge for the Church to awaken from its slumber in response to the good news that the light has come.
1/1/200727 minutes, 5 seconds
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Christmas Hearts (4)

Preached on Christmas Day, this fourth in a series of four messages upon Christmas Hearts looks at The Wisemen as model for developing our own worshiping hearts.
12/26/200627 minutes, 2 seconds
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Christmas Hearts (3)

Senior saints Simeon and Anna waited their whole lives to see the infant Jesus. In this third in a series of four messages on Christmas Hearts, we will look at their story and find how we too might wait with active anticipation for the Second Advent of Jesus.
12/26/200625 minutes, 53 seconds
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Christmas Hearts (2)

The shepherds were the first evangelists telling the Good News of Jesus' birth. As we look at their first hand experience, first priority and their first mission field we can discover how we can have witnessing hearts this Christmas.
12/11/200624 minutes, 25 seconds
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Christmas Hearts (1)

In Dr. Seuss's Christmas classic, the Grinch's heart grew three sizes when he understood the meaning of Christmas. This series will look at how we can let God enlarge our hearts this season. In this first message we look at how Mary and Joseph had hearts willing to let Jesus enter their lives and ask how we can have a willing hearts to do the same.
12/4/200627 minutes, 40 seconds
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Hello, My name Is...YHWH Shammah

Where is God? This question often asked in the face of great human suffering is one of the great stumbling blocks to faith. In this last message in the series on the names of God, we consider YHWH Shammah - the Ever-Present God. Where is God - in Creation, the Covenant, in Christ, in the Church, in Christians and in the coming Consumation.
11/26/200631 minutes, 59 seconds
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Hello, My name Is...YHWH Shalom

Judges 6:1-24 tells the story of Gideon and his encounter with YHWH Shalom - the God of Peace. Things haven't changed much since that time, so this message looks at finding the God of Peace for our lives.
11/20/200631 minutes, 14 seconds
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A Hand Upon The Throne of God

Churches may have committed people, competent programs and a comprehensive plan, but still fail to fulfill God's purpose. What is lacking? Concentrated Prayer! This sermon from Exodus 17:8-16 looks at why we should pray with fervor, with focus and with faithfulness.
10/30/200631 minutes, 47 seconds
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Hello, My Name Is...YHWH Nissi

In Exodus 17, Moses celebrates the victory of Israel over the Amalekites by raising an altar to YHWH Nissi - God Is Our Banner. This message traces the concept of "banner" in the Scriptures and points us to Jesus as our call to battle, our strength in battle and our guaranteed victory in battle.
10/23/200633 minutes, 48 seconds
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Hello - My name is YHWH Rapha

In this message from the series on the Names of God, we look at YHWH Rapha - The God who heals. From Exodus 15:22-26 we consider how God heals the sin-sickness of our bodies minds and souls. We can rejoice because the cross of Christ heals the bitter waters of life.
10/15/200627 minutes, 50 seconds
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Hello, My Name Is...YHWH Jireh

According to John 8:56 - Abraham rejoiced at the thought of seeing the day of Jesus and when he saw it he was glad. What does this mean and how does it relate to the name of found in Genesis 22 - Jehovah Jireh? This third is a series of sermons on the YHWH names of God looks at Our God Who Provides.
9/24/200623 minutes, 33 seconds
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My Name is...YHWH

In this second in a series on the names of God, we look at Exodus 3 and consider God's personal name YHWH and what that meant to enslaved Israel and to us today.
9/18/200632 minutes, 14 seconds
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Hello...My Name Is God

This is the first in a series upon the Yahweh names of God in the Bible. Using Psalm 9:10 as a springboard, this message conisders three reasons why it is important to study the names of God: 1) To Enlarge our concept of God 2) To Enrich our worship of God and 3) To Enhance our experience of God.
9/12/200624 minutes, 2 seconds
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The Names of God 1

This is the first in a series upon the Yahweh names of God in the Bible. Using Psalm 9:10 as a springboard, this message conisders three reasons why it is important to study the names of God: 1) To Enlarge our concept of God 2) To Enrich our worship of God and 3) To Enhance our experience of God.
9/11/200624 minutes, 2 seconds
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Labor Day 2006

John Wesley said: "Work as hard as you can, save as much as you can, and give all you can - to the glory of God." Today God's glory is the missing piece in our approach to work. As a result we are enslaved by our jobs, selfish with our salaries and intolerant of those who are less fortunate. This Labor Day message helps us put God back at the center of our work.
9/4/200626 minutes, 46 seconds
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The Jericho Road

There are many upon the Jericho road who need our help. Will we be good neighbors? This message on the familiar parable of the Good Samaritian (Luke 10:25-37) looks at the three qualities needed - Open Eyes, Open Heart and Open Hands.
8/27/200625 minutes, 56 seconds
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All Things For Good (4)

This last in a series of messages on the people, the promise and the purpose of Romans 8:28 looks at how we can apply this truth to our lives in the midst of stormy circumstances.
8/20/200625 minutes, 29 seconds
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All Things For Good (3)

he third message in a series on the promise of Romans 8:28 looks at the purpose behind the things that happen in our lives.
8/16/200633 minutes, 39 seconds
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All Things For Good (3)

The third message in a series on the promise of Romans 8:28 looks at the purpose behind the things that happen in our lives.
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Under The Broom Tree

The story of Elijah in 1 Kings 19 reminds us that even the strongest characters of Scripture had times of despair and doubt. This communion message helps us recognize that God will meet our needs under the Broom trees of our lives just as He did for Elijah.
8/6/200622 minutes, 21 seconds
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All Things For Good (2)

The second in a series considering the promise of Romans 8:28. In this message we look in-depth at the promise itself and it application to our life and struggles.
7/31/200639 minutes, 4 seconds
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All Things For Good (1)

The first in a multi-part look at Romans 8:28. In this message we consider some of the misunderstandings of this verse and focus on the people who receive this promise of God that "all things work together for good."
7/23/200629 minutes, 47 seconds
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Everything Is Against Me!

"Everything is against me!" cries Jacob in Genesis 42:36. But in fact everything was in his favor, he had just lost sight of God's promises. When things seems most against us faith helps us see the invisible hand of God and trust that everything will work for our good because God loves us.
7/16/200622 minutes, 22 seconds
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The Treasure Hunter

This message, part of our VBS kickoff, examines the Parable of the Hidden Treasure in Matthew 13:44. The treasure is not what most people think and when we realize what it really is - it can radically change how we see God, ourselves and our mission.
7/9/200627 minutes, 45 seconds
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The Cost of True Freedom

The Founding Father pledged their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor in the cause of freedom for this nation. Jesus pledged a greater honor, a greater fortune and a greater life for a greater freedom for us. This message from Philippians 2:1-13 calls us to respond to what Christ has done.
7/2/200627 minutes, 3 seconds
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My Disiples: The Challenge

The last in a series of four messages on the "my disciples" sayings of Jesus, from John 15:8. In this sermon we consider the disciples' challenge to bring glory to God by bearing much fruit. We must focus on the two essentials of vitality and visibility if we are to glorify the Father.
6/25/200627 minutes, 50 seconds
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Turning The Fathers Hearts

One of the keys to preparation for revival is Godly fathers. This Father's Day message considers what it means to "turn the hearts of the fathers to the children" from Luke 1:17. It ponders what John the Baptist might say to fathers today. He would call us to make Jesus our number one choice, he would ask whether or not we are developing Godly character and he would challenge us to point our children to Jesus.
6/18/200631 minutes, 52 seconds
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The Voice Under The Waters

A baptismal sermon from Romans 6:1-4. God speaks in baptism, the question is do we hear and heed His words? A challenge to find your place in God's family, to live in light of the promises and to commit to following Jesus as Lord.
6/11/200620 minutes, 53 seconds
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How To Celebrate Communion

The early church celebrated communion with "glad and sincere hearts" according to Acts 2:42-47. What gave them this single-minded joy? Three sources: 1) the Triumph of Jesus, 2) the Togetherness they shared and 3) the hope that Tomorrow He could return. Since we know these same truths, our communion should be the same joyful celebrations as theirs.
6/4/200623 minutes, 34 seconds
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"My Disciples - The Community"

This third in a series of four messages from the "my disciples" sayings of Jesus focuses upon John 13:35. We cannot be disciples alone we need an AGAPE (love) community. An AGAPE community is one of acceptance, grace, admonition, prayer and encourgement.
5/22/200630 minutes, 3 seconds
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Motherhood in Perilous Times

This Mother's Day message from Exodus 2:1-10 holds up Moses' mother, Jochebed as a model for mothers today. Mothers can learn from her six principles for motherhood in perilous times: 1) See Their Child As God's Sees Them 2) Shelter Their Child 3) Prepare Their Child 4) Release Their Child 5) Watch Over Their Child 6) Rejoice With Their Child.
5/14/200627 minutes, 52 seconds
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"My Disciples: The Curriculum"

The second in a four part series looking at the "my disciples" sayings in the Gospels. This message from John 8:12-32 considers what is means to hold onto the teaching of Jesus in our heads, ours hearts and our hands.
5/7/200634 minutes, 34 seconds
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"My Disciples: The Cost"

The first in a four part series looking at the "my disciples" passages spoken by Jesus. In this message from Luke 14:25-33, we consider the c.o.s.t. of discipleship in terms of commitment, obedience, sacrifice and trust.
4/30/200629 minutes, 21 seconds
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Who Are You Looking For?

This message from John 20:10-18 looks at the upcoming release of the Da Vinci Code movie and examines the person of Mary Magdalene from the its perspective, as well as from the Scriptures. The goal is not only to educate about the errors in the Da Vinci Code, but to encourge us to seize the opportunity afforded to share who Jesus really is.
4/23/200627 minutes, 33 seconds
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The JOY of Easter

The dominant emotion of Easter is joy. Do you have it? This Easter message from Matthew 28: 1-10 looks at this from three perspectives: Jesus is alive... Our world has changed... Your life can be transformed.
4/17/200625 minutes, 23 seconds
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Who Is This?

A look at the identity of Jesus based on the Palm Sunday account from Matthew 21:1-17. We consider the evidence of what Jesus said and did and ask that each person render a verdict based on that truth. If He is a prophet and more; if He is a High Priest and more; if He is King of Kings - what will you do with Jesus?
4/9/200624 minutes, 54 seconds
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The Healing Church

The conclusion of our mini-series on healing looks at how we can become a church that h.e.a.l.s. by considering the Parable of the Good Samaritan in Luke 10. A church that heals must be: Holistic in its approach, possess the empathy of Jesus, work to alleviate suffering, lift up one another in prayer and be wiling to sacrifice for the common good.
3/12/200634 minutes, 29 seconds
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The Healing Ministry of Jesus

This is the second in a mini-series upon sickness and healing in the Bible. This message looks at the healing minstry of Jesus and considers five purposes for that need to guide our understanding of what Jesus hoped to accomplish in performing healing miracles. I am indepted to the work of Leslie Flynn in his book The Miracles of Jesus. The Five Purposes of Jesus' healing minstry are: 1. Apologetic 2. Evangelistic 3. Characteristic 4. Parabolic 5. Prophetic
3/5/200624 minutes, 22 seconds
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Diagnosing the Dis-Ease

The first in a mini-series on sickness and healing. In this message I lay out a Theology of Sickness beginning from Romans 8:18-25. We address God's good creation now corupted by sin, captive to sickness, yet corrected in Christ's death with a hopeful look to the consummation when we will be perfectly healed in body, mind and soul.
3/1/200624 minutes, 54 seconds
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Train Up A child

This baptism message for my son, Jonathan, is based upon on the admonition of Proverbs 22:6. How do we T.R.A.I.N. U.P. a child? 1. Take them to Church 2. Read the Bible with Them 3. Act Your Age 4. Instill Values 5. Neutral the Negatives 6. Understand their Temperment 7. Pray for and with them
2/11/200623 minutes, 19 seconds
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Celebrate the Peace

A communion message linking Leviticus 3 and 7 with the proper celebration of the Lord's Supper. In the OT peace offering we see a foreshadowing of how we may approach God in partaking of communion.
2/7/200627 minutes, 23 seconds
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Good Life or Best Life?

God doesn't want what is good for you...He wants what is best for you! This message from 2 Samuel 5:1-10, looks at the early years of David's reign as king and thinks about how easy it would have been for David to remain in Hebron rather than taking Jerusalem as his capital. Are you settling for the good life when God wants to move you forward to the best life?
1/30/200621 minutes, 34 seconds
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Sunday to Sunday

Based on Psalm 84, this message is a call to reorient our lives according to God's time and rely upon Him for the resources we need to live our daily lives.
1/27/200629 minutes, 16 seconds