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Sermon Podcast - Glenview Presbyterian Church

English, Christianity, 1 season, 100 episodes, 18 hours, 16 minutes
The weekly sermon podcast from Glenview Presbyterian Church in Toronto, Ontario.
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March 15 - FULL SERVICE - Living Water Woman

The Gospel of the Day is John 4:4-42, the story of Jesus’ encounter with a Samaritan woman. This is the last service to be held at Glenview until Easter Sunday (or later). The Prayers of the People are connected with the present COVID-19 crisis and its implications. Laurence apologizes for the times when he didn’t mute his microphone.
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March 8 - Knox College Student - Byron Kappes

Byron Kappes reflects on Jesus’ night-time conversation with the Pharisee Nicodemus (John 3:1-17).
3/17/202018 minutes, 12 seconds
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March 1 - Heroic Journeys (Lent 1)

The Gospel assigned for the First Sunday in Lent is almost always the story of Jesus’ ordeal in the desert before he begins his public ministry. This year we read Matthew 4:1-11. In the sermon Laurence reflects on the role of trials and temptations in the heroic journey that is life in this world.
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February 23 - The Greatest and Greatest Commandments

Laurence reflects on what Jesus called the Greatest Commandments in the Laws of God and Moses. He was asked to name one. He picked two: one from Deuteronomy and another from Leviticus. Both are commandments to love. Can we be commanded to love? What does loving someone else as I love myself mean? Readings are Leviticus 19:1,2,9-18 and Matthew 22:33-40.
2/26/202015 minutes, 38 seconds
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February 16 - Reading the Bible With Jesus Beside Us

Note: this recording has audio issues about half-way through. Laurence makes an early start on our Lenten theme, How to Read the Bible. The Gospel for the day, Matthew 5:21-37 includes some of the toughest words we're told Jesus spoke, on some sensitive subjects. What does it mean when Jesus lays down the law? How do we read words we might wish weren't in the Bible? We also read Psalm 119:1-8 and Deuteronomy 30:15-20.
2/26/202015 minutes, 42 seconds
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February 9 - Listen to the Children - Byron Kappes

Knox College student Byron Kappes preached on these texts: 1 Samuel 3:1-19 and Luke 2:41-52.
2/11/202023 minutes, 47 seconds
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February 2 - Micah, Jesus, and Fred Rogers

Texts are Micah 6:1-8 and Matthew 5:1-11. Laurence begins— after 18 seconds of (near-) silence by referring to the movie “A Beautiful Day in the Neighbourhood,” the story of a journalist’s encounter with children’s television personality, Mr. Rogers.
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January 26 - Michael Coren - 95th Anniversary

For Glenview’s 95th Anniversary Service the Guest Speaker was the Rev. Michael Coren. Michael shared stories of unconditional love at work. Readings were Isaiah 9:1-4 and Matthew 4:12-23.
1/27/202029 minutes, 56 seconds
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January 12 - You've got to be taught!

In this sermon Laurence reflects on the Apostle Peter’s experience at the home of Cornelius, a Roman Centurion. Acts 10:34-43
1/14/202016 minutes, 2 seconds
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Christmas Eve 2019

Laurence begins this sermon, telling about the Christmas Truce of 1914. Christmas Gospel is Luke 2:1-20.
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January 5, 2020 - Epiphany 2020

Sermon for Epiphany Sunday. Texts are Isaiah 60:1-6 and Matthew 2:1-12, the story of the “Three WIse Men”.
1/8/202016 minutes, 34 seconds
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December 29 - As the year ends...

Sermon by our Pastoral Visitor to Seniors and the Homebound, Dr. Jim Czegledi. Readings are Isaiah 63:7-9 and Luke 2:41-52
1/8/202018 minutes, 10 seconds
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December 22 - Something about Joseph (Advent 4)

In this sermon Laurence reflects on the story of Joseph and the meaning of Emmanuel. Readings: Isaiah 7:10-14 and Matthew 1:18-25.
12/23/201914 minutes, 44 seconds
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December 15 - Something About a Baby (Pageant)

On Sunday, December 15, our children and youth presented a Christmas Pageant during the service, “Something About a Baby”. It was adapted from the Whole People of God curriculum used in Church School and Youth Class.
12/23/20196 minutes, 20 seconds
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December 1 - Woke or Awakened? (Advent 1)

What's the difference between being awake and becoming "woke"? In this sermon for the First Sunday in Advent Laurence reflects on the Apostle Paul's call to us "to wake from sleep". Readings are Romans 13:11-14 and Matthew 24:36-44.
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November 24 - Christ the King, by Byron Kappes

Knox College student Byron Kappes reflects on the theme of the day, Christ the King. His texts are Jeremiah 23:1-6 and Luke 23:33-43.
11/27/201913 minutes, 33 seconds
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November 17 - If you build it...

Laurence’s texts are Isaiah 65:17-25 and Luke 21:5-19. He begins with the story told in the 1989 movie, Field of Dreams and the most famous words from it.
11/19/201917 minutes, 19 seconds
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November 10 - Remembrance and Resurrection

In this sermon for Remembrance Sunday, which followed an observance of Remembrance Day, Laurence reflects on Luke 20:27-38. It’s the story of a time when men called Sadducees Jesus a loaded question about the general resurrection and life after it. The Sadducees don’t believe there will be a resurrection. In the sermon Laurence mentions a funeral at Glenview that was held on the preceding Thursday for a 102-year-old member of the congregation. He also mentions a solo that was sung at the funeral. The song isn’t as popular today as it was a generation ago. You can hear the song through the link below. Laurence said Steven Adams wrote the words. He wrote the music. F.E. Weatherly was the lyricist.
11/11/201914 minutes, 3 seconds
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November 3 - The Just Shall Live By Their Faith(fulness)

In this sermon for All Saints Sunday Laurence reflects on verses from the Prophet Habakkuk and the story of Jesus meeting Zacchaeus, a chef tax collector in Jericho. Zacchaeus may not be the reformed villain we’ve been told he is. Laurence suggests, with some scholarly support, that Zacchaeus is one of the righteous, who lives by his faith and faithfulness (Habakkuk 2:3) despite his job, and the judgment his neighbours have cast on him.
11/11/201914 minutes, 45 seconds
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October 27 - Rev. Dr Jim Czegledi

Jim’s sermon is a reflection on 2 Corinthians 5:1-10 and Matthew 11:25-30. Jim talks about the gift of rest that Jesus gives to us, and we should give it to ourselves.
11/11/201917 minutes, 14 seconds
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October 20 - Choosing the Better Part

Knox College student Byron Kappes reflected on the stories of Mary and Martha (Luke 10:38-42) and Israel on the far side of the Red Sea (Exodus 14:10-14).
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October 13 - Living Gratitude

In this sermon for Thanksgiving Sunday Laurence reflects on the importance of gratitude in life and the life-giving power of those two little words: Thank you. He refers to Deuteronomy 26:1-11.
10/16/201916 minutes
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October 6 - Why do we (still) read the Bible (at all)?

Laurence teaches about the role the Bible can play in our lives, and how it is a medium of truth that becomes God’s Word when we open it with faith and expectation. Texts are Jeremiah 31:31-34, 2 Corinthians 3:3-6, and Matthew 5:17-20. Please note - there are some audio issues with the microphone
10/8/201912 minutes, 8 seconds
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September 22 - Welcome Back Sunday

Sermon Podcast Sept 22, 2019 Rev. Dr. Jim Czegledi preaches on Welcome Back Sunday, September 22
9/30/201915 minutes, 36 seconds
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September 29 - We're Rich, But are We Content?

This is Laurence’s first sermon at Glenview after his sick leave August 29 - September 23. Texts are 1 Timothy 6:6-19 and Luke 16:19-31.
9/30/201918 minutes, 44 seconds
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June 23 - People Hearing Without Listening

Rev. Rick Fee(please note, the audio quality of this week’s podcast contains a buzz, due to microphone issues).
6/23/201919 minutes, 14 seconds
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June 16 - Trinity Sunday and a Kitten

In this sermon for Trinity Sunday Laurence asks if we have room for mystery in our lives in 2019. He also shares a picture of a kitten for those who don’t want to hear anther sermon about the Trinity.
6/16/201910 minutes, 38 seconds
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June 9 - Pentecost and General Assembly 145

In this sermon for the Day of Pentecost Laurence draws lines from the story of the first Christian Pentecost, and Jesus’ promise that the Holy Spirit will come to his disciples to the 145th General Assembly of The Presbyterian Church in Canada.. Readings are Acts 2:1-21 and John 14:8-17, 25-27.
6/10/201915 minutes, 3 seconds
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June 2 - Parting Words Before General Assembly

In this sermon Laurence reflects on Jesus’ prayer for the church, including us. Reading is John 17:20-26.
6/10/201918 minutes, 34 seconds
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May 26 - Why are we afraid to share our faith?

In this sermon Laurence asks an important question. He also offers an answer. Readings are John 14:23-29 and Acts 16:9-15.
6/10/201916 minutes, 32 seconds
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May 19 - What to Expect While We're Expecting

What do we do while we wait? Have you ever stood in line, waiting to buy a ticket to an event, or a toy for a Christmas gift? Have you ever had to wait for surgery, treatment, or test results? You mind is occupied with anticipation of what's to come. What do you do with your hands, or with yourself as you wait? To live as a Christian in this world is to wait. As singer-songwriter John Mayer put it, we're "waiting on the world to change." We may not understand all Jesus' words about leaving and coming back. Visions like the last chapters of Revelation may confuse us. But we get the sense from both that something's coming, to us and to the whole world. What do we do while we wait to see what that will be? reflects on Revelation 21:1-6 (The Holy City), Psalm 148 and John 13:31-35 (Jesus says good-bye and gives his disciples instructions.)
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May 12 - Good Shepherd Sunday

In this sermon for Good Shepherd Sunday Laurence reflects on Revelation 7:9-17 (The Lamb on the Throne), Psalm 23 (which needs no introduction), and John 10:22-30 (the Good Shepherd knows his sheep!).
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May 5 - Easter 3: Breakfast on the Beach

When and how do we know Jesus is alive, with us and within us? Laurence reflects on the story of Jesus’ disciples meeting him, several days after his resurrection, when they go fishing. Text is John 21:1-19. Laurence also refers to the other readings for Easter 3: Acts 9:1-6 and Revelation 5:11-14; and the story of Jesus and the two disciples on the road to Emmaus in Luke 24:13-35.
5/6/201915 minutes, 9 seconds
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April 28 - Holy Humour Sunday

Sermon Podcast - April 28, 2019 In a sermon for Easter 2 / Holy Humour Sunday Laurence begins with the Gospel for the day, John 20:19-29, the story of “Doubting” Thomas. He also reflects on Luke 15:1-10, two parables that speak of great joy. The sermon went on to address the theme of the day. Somehow, it all works out in the end!
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April 21 - The Resurrection Business

Text for Easter 2019 is Luke 24:1-12.
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April 7 - The Sacrament of Extravagance.

In a sermon for the Last Sunday in Lent, Laurence reflects on John 12:1-8, the story of Mary of Bethany, who bathes Jesus’ feet in costly perfume and wipes them with her hair. Laurence also refers to Philippians 3:4-11, where the Apostle Paul writes about all he has given up for the sake of following Jesus.
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March 31 - There was a man who had two sons.

In this sermon for the Fourth Sunday in Lent Laurence reflects on the familiar parable we often call “The Prodigal Son”. Readings are Luke 15:1-3; 11b-32 and 2 Corinthians 5:16-21.
4/1/201916 minutes, 16 seconds
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March 24 - Manure Happens

Rev. Dr. John-Peter Smit, Regional Minister for Congregational Health was our Guest Speaker. Before the Sermon he introduced himself and his work. Readings were Isaiah 55:1-9 and Luke 13:1-9.
3/26/201922 minutes, 24 seconds
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March 17 - Faith and Violence

In the shadow of the white supremacist terror attack on two mosques in New Zealand, Laurence reflects on the readings for Lent 2. He asks if people of faith should expect opposition, even violence in today’s world. Three of the readings suggest the answer is “Yes”. Should people of faith employ violence to fulfill God’s purpose? At least one reading includes a promise that can only be fulfilled through war.
3/18/201916 minutes
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March 10 - Nighttime and Noontime

Are you afraid in the night? Are you uncomfortable under the noonday sun? In a sermon for the First Sunday in Lent Laurence reflects on the Psalm for the day, his text is Psalm 91:5,6.
3/12/201916 minutes, 15 seconds
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March 3 - Seeing and Not Seeing

The last Sunday in the Season of Epiphany is also the last Sunday before Lent. The day is traditionally taken for reflection on the fantastic and puzzling story of the Transfiguration of Jesus. This year we read Luke’s version of the story. Laurence tells the story of a man who lost his sight as a small child and regained it many years later.
3/12/201916 minutes, 18 seconds
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February 17 - Oak and Willow, Maple and Pine

A parable to set alongside Psalm 1.
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January 27 - Glenview's 94th Anniversary, Sarah Travis Preaching

The Rev. Dr. Sarah Travis was our Anniversary Preacher. Her sermon was a reflection on Philippians 2:1-11 and John 15:9-17. Sarah is an ordained minister of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, and holds a Doctor of Theology in Preaching from Knox College, University of Toronto. She serves as the Minister of the Chapel at Knox College, the Interim Director of the Doctor of Ministry Program at the Toronto School of Theology, and teaches courses in the areas of preaching and worship. Sarah served on the PWS&D committee for five years. She is the author of Decolonizing Preaching: The Pulpit as Postcolonial Space, as well as Preaching the Good News: A Handbook about Preaching for Presbyterians in Canada.
1/29/201919 minutes, 25 seconds
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January 20 - The Wedding at Cana

Texts John 2:1-11 and 1 Corinthians 12:1-11
1/22/201916 minutes, 48 seconds
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January 13 - The Baptism of Jesus

Sermon for the Baptism of Jesus. Text Luke 3:15-22
1/22/201913 minutes, 41 seconds
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January 6 - Epiphany

In a sermon for Epiphany Laurence reflects on the story of the Magi visiting, first King Herod in Jerusalem, then Jesus and his family in Bethlehem. Texts are Isaiah 60:1-6 and Matthew 2:1-12.
1/8/201915 minutes, 46 seconds
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December 30 - Spiritual Grandparents

The story is from Luke 2:22-40. Mary and Joseph take baby Jesus to the Temple in Jerusalem. Laurence reflects on the roles in the story of the two holy people they meet there, Simeon and Anna, and the importance of spiritual grandparents in the church and in our lives in faith.
1/8/201912 minutes, 46 seconds
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December 23 - God's Favourite Angel?

The Angel Gabriel (WIngs and All!) is our Guest Preacher for the Fourth Sunday of Advent.
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December 16 - "Christmas Through the Centuries"

For our Christmas Pageant our Church School and Youth adapted a format from their curriculum, The Whole People of God. “Christmas Through the Centuries” travels through time, shedding light on Christmas traditions. The program moves toward the collection of White Gifts. The recording is of just the spoken parts.
12/18/201814 minutes, 25 seconds
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December 2 - Advent 1 SIGNS

In a sermon for the First Sunday in Advent Laurence reflects on Luke 21:25-36 and how important it is to be able to see and understand signs of all kinds. Advent is a special time for watching and interpreting signs of God’s will for the world.
12/18/201814 minutes, 19 seconds
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November 25, 2018 - The Reign of Christ

Our Guest Preacher, Rev. Helen Smith, preaches a sermon for Christ the King / Reign of Christ. Texts are Daniel 7: 9-10, 13-14 and John 18: 33-37.
11/27/201812 minutes, 16 seconds
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November 18 - Turning the World Right Side Up

Beginning with a reference to Flannery O’Connor’s story “Revelation”, Laurence reflects on the story of Hannah, mother of the prophet, priest, and kingmaker Samuel as told in 1 Samuel 1:4-20 and 2:1-10. Then he takes on Sunday’s Gospel, Mark 13:1-8, the first verses of what’s sometimes called the “Little Apocalypse.” Prophets like Hannah and Jesus trace God’s behaviour toward the world, and remind us that God follows a pattern that creates and renews life. The pattern of human behaviour leads in a different direction.
11/19/201815 minutes, 26 seconds
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November 11 - Remembrance Day

In a sermon for Remembrance Day, Laurence offers contemporary examples of “addiction to privilege”. He compares them to the Scribes Jesus warned his disciples about. Jesus says they “devour widows’ houses.” Then a poor widow shows up to give her offering. Laurence moves on to two more widows, Naomi and Ruth, and to Boaz. Boaz can help these widows, and he does. He understands that, with privilege comes responsibility. The link to Remembrance Day is with the men and women who fought in the past, because they understood that the privilege of living in Canada, in freedom came with great responsibility. Readings are Ruth 3:1-5, 4:13-17 and Mark 12:38-44.Contemporary references:Marco MuzzoTeri-Lynne McClinticTony Clement
11/12/201815 minutes, 45 seconds
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November 4 - Invitation to Love

In this sermon for All Saints Sunday, Laurence reflects on Ruth 1:1-18 and Mark 12:28-34. He also refers to recent events, in which people of one faith surrounded the place where people of other faiths worship with a circle of loving protection. Due to problems with the recording the first and closing words of the sermon are not in this podcast.
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October 28 - Reformation Sunday

In this service Reformation Sunday Laurence preaches on a key text for Reformed Christians who follow in the steps of John Calvin. The troubling concepts of election and predestination have been extrapolated from Romans 8:28-39. Laurence also pays tribute to pastor, preacher, and author Eugene Peterson, who offers a different reading of the text from Romans 8.
11/5/201817 minutes, 27 seconds
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October 21 - Up is down. Great is small. Last is first.

In a sermon reflecting on Mark 9:35-45 Laurence takes the words of Jean Vanier to compare what Vanier calls “The Normal” with Jesus’ New Normal, by which the path to greatness is a downward journey, not an upward trek.Acknowledgement: Laurence’s source for some content of the sermon comes from this article.
10/23/201812 minutes, 35 seconds
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October 14 - Winter is Coming

Sermon by our Pastoral Visitor, Rev. Dr. Jim Czegledi. Readings are 2 Timothy 4: 1-9, 16-22 and Mark 1: 14-20.
10/16/201816 minutes, 23 seconds
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October 7 - The Healthy Habit of Gratitude

In a sermon for Thanksgiving Sunday, Laurence reflects on Matthew 6:25-33, part of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. He refers to this article from CBC News.
10/10/201812 minutes, 20 seconds
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September 30 - Beware of Strong, Dangerous Women!

In a sermon reflecting on the Biblical story of Esther, Laurence brings Queen Esther into our context, for such a time as this.
10/1/201814 minutes, 55 seconds
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September 23 Who's the greatest?

In this sermon Laurence reflects on Mark 9:30-37 and asks, along with Jesus’ disciples, “Who is the greatest among us?” Jesus says being great has something to do with children! Laurence refers to the work of New Testament scholar Dr. Margaret Y. MacDonald.
9/25/201812 minutes, 54 seconds
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September 16 - Naming and Knowing

This sermon on Mark 8:27-38 was preached in an all-ages service that included a Blessing of the Backpacks and Commissioning of Church School Teachers and Helpers.
9/20/20188 minutes, 45 seconds
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September 9 - Crumbs and Dogs

Laurence preached this brief reflection on Mark 7:24-37 in an all-ages service, after telling and discussing the Gospel story of Jesus and the Syro-Phoenecian woman with children and youth (adults, too!).
9/20/20186 minutes, 51 seconds
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September 2 - The Picture or the Frame?

Sermon by Laurence DeWolfe. Text is Mark 7:1-8, 14,15, 21-23.
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August 26 - Rich? Fool!

Sermon on Luke 12:13-21 by Laurence DeWolfe.
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August 19 - Camels and Needles and Treasure, Oh My!

Sermon by Laurence DeWolfe. Text is Mark 10:17-31.
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July 15

Rev. Jim Czegledi starts his summer sermon series on grief with "The Christian Response to Grieving"
7/19/201813 minutes, 50 seconds
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July 8 - A Love Letter in a Dangerous Time 3: Perfect! Perfect?

This sermon concludes a series based on texts from the First Letter of John. Reading for this message is 1 John 4:7-21. Don't be frightened. Laurence begins in song!
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July 1 - A Love Letter in a Dangerous Time 2: Love and Law

Sunday's message continues a series, “A Love Letter in a Dangerous Time”. The letter is the First Epistle of John. Text is 1 John 4:1-6. We also read John 14:15-17. Laurence talks about the Toronto Pride Parade on June 24 and a picture taken at the end of the parade. See below. He begins the sermon quoting Tupac Shakur.
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June 24 - A Love Letter in a Dangerous Time 1: Sin

Sunday's message begins a series, “A Love Letter in a Dangerous Time”. The letter is the First Epistle of John. Text is 1 John 1:5-2:2. We also read John 1:29-34. The sermon begins with words attributed to St. Augustine of Hippo: "Sin is looking for the right things in the wrong place." 
6/26/201811 minutes, 30 seconds
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June 17 - The Ten Commandments: Covetousness

This sermon is the last in a series, Ten Commandments in Three Sundays. Reading for this sermon is Exodus 20:17-21. The Gospel reading that provides a thread through the series is Matthew 22:34-40. (The first sermon in the series was not posted to protect copyrighted content.)
6/20/201812 minutes, 14 seconds
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June 10 - The Ten Commandments: Letter and Spirit

This sermon is the second in a series, Ten Commandments in Three Sundays. Reading for this sermon is Exodus 20:12-16. The Gospel reading that provides a thread through the series is Matthew 22:34-40. (The first sermon in the series was not posted to protect copyrighted content.)
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May 27 - Journeys and Destinations

Sermon for Confirmation/Affirmation of Faith and the Ordination and Induction of Ruling Elders.
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May 20 - The Day of Pentecost

"All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages, as the Spirit gave them ability." (Acts 2:4) On the Day of Pentecost we heard the Scriptures read in six languages-- Arabic, French, Gaelic, German, Welsh, and English. You can hear the reading of Acts 2:1-21 and Philippians 4:4-7 below. There's a sermon there, too.
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May 13 - On Being Like-Minded

In a sermon on Philippians 2:1-13 Laurence reflects on the Apostle Paul’s call to Christians to be like-minded and “have the same mind that was in Christ Jesus.” Does this mean our  minds must be set like concrete? Paul says the mind of Christ is also the nature of God, revealed to us in humility. In fact, we worship, serve, and depend on a God who refuses to act like a god!
5/14/201813 minutes, 2 seconds
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May 6 - Overflowing Love

The Apostle Paul is in prison in Rome. He believes he's there for the "defense and confirmation" of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He hopes that means he will be able to preach to Nero and then be free to complete his mission by going as far west as the Empire goes (Spain). He also knows it's likely he will remain in jail until Nero decides he should be executed. So it could be that his suffering, endurance, and death will be his witness of faith. He uses his time well, composing letters to congregations he has visited. Through these letters he shares, with great passion what he believes is essential for the present and future of Christ's disciples. We read the first words of his letter to the Philippians, Philippians 1:1-18.
5/8/201814 minutes, 57 seconds
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April 29 - The Sidewalks of North York and the Power of Words

In a sermon on Paul's encounter with the lovers of words in Athens (Acts 17:16-31) Laurence reflects on the horrific events of Monday, April 23 when a man driving a van killed ten people and injured 16 others in Willowdale, a peaceful, multicultural neighbourhood in the north of Toronto. Laurence focuses on a definition of terrorism that includes the terrorism of words and images, and the power of words and images to influence vulnerable people to do terrible things. What does this have to do with Paul in Athens? Listen and find out.
4/30/201812 minutes, 13 seconds
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April 22 - Jailbreak and the Limits of Miracles

Paul and Silas are imprisoned in Philippi. During the night an earthquake shakes all the cell doors off their hinges. All the shackles and stocks are open. But no one runs away. Certainly not Paul and Silas. In a sermon on Acts 16:16-34 Laurence reflects on the many ways the Gospel leads to liberation.
4/30/201817 minutes, 39 seconds
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April 15 - Saul falls down, but not far.

Sermon on  Saul's encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus. Reading is Acts 9:1-19. Laurence refers to a series of pictures on the screens, including the images below from the Italian master Parmigianonini and Paul McDonald's collection of photographs of Glenview's stained glass windows. 
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April 8 - Wounded, but not defeated!

In a sermon for the Second Sunday of the Easter season Laurence reflects on the story of "Doubting" Thomas. Does Thomas deserve the name we've given him through every Christian generation? Thomas professes faith in the risen Jesus, calling him "My Lord and my God". He can only do that because he has seen and touched the wounds in Jesus' body. Does that mean our Lord and God is wounded, too? Text is John 20:19-31.Laurence refers to the April 6 bus crash, in which 14 team members, coaches, and associates of the Humboldt, SK Broncos hockey team were killed, along with their bus driver. Another 14 young men were injured. He also shares a prayer the Moderator of the Presbyterian Church in Canada wrote and posted on social media in response to the tragedy. (Quoted below) “I am waking up to the tragic news out of Saskatchewan about the accident that took the lives of 14 people on the Humboldt Broncos (Junior Hockey team) bus and injured 14 others. So this is raw and quick.God your Son wept over the death of his friend, Lazarus, we weep over the Humboldt Broncos team members and coaching staff who died in the bus accident yesterday.We lift up before you family and friends, the community of Humboldt, the other teams in the Saskatchewan Junior Hockey League, be the God who sees and hears their cries of sorrow and loss.We lift up before you first responders, doctors, nurses, others who were at the scene or are providing care to the survivors, be the God who guides hands and calms minds in the midst of crisis.We pray for those who were injured that they would be healed of their injuries both physical and psychological, be the God of healing and hope.God, we do not have words to adequately express the ache in our hearts.These things we pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.”
4/9/201815 minutes, 1 second
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April 1 - Easter Sunday

In John's story of the day of resurrection, Mary Magdalene goes to where Jesus was buried and meets someone she first thinks is the cemetery gardener. She realizes the man is Jesus, risen and alive, when he calls her by name. First, though, he asks her two questions: Why are you weeping? Whom are you looking for?. Laurence asks those questions in his sermon reflecting on John 20:1-18.
4/3/201811 minutes, 37 seconds
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Good Friday March 30, 2018

n a sermon for Good Friday Laurence reflects on the story of Jesus' crucifixion as told in the Gospel of John. Reading for the day is John 19:31-42. Laurence quotes New Testament scholar N.T. Wright. His sources are Wright's book about the cross, The Day the Revolution Began, and and a lecture he gave in 2016 at Pepperdine University (available on YouTube).
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March 18 - No King but Caesar?

In a sermon for the Fifth Sunday in Lent Laurence reflects on the three sided conversation that takes place as Jesus stands before Pilate and the angry crowd of Judeans outside Pilate's court. In a moment of high drama the people shout to Pilate, "We have no king but Caesar!" Jesus hears it, too. Reading is John 19:1-16a.
3/19/201814 minutes, 53 seconds
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March 11 - Truth or Truthiness?

In a sermon reflecting on Jesus' encounter with the Roman Governor Pontius Pilate, Laurence asks Pilate's question, "What is truth?" Jesus doesn't answer, or Pilate doesn't wait for an answer. Maybe the answer is Jesus himself. Reading is John 18:28-40.
3/13/201815 minutes, 22 seconds
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March 4, 2018 - Not Lost, Just Not Home Yet

In a sermon reflecting on events on the night Jesus was arrested, Laurence talks about the natural human fear that lads Peter to deny that he is a disciple of Jesus. There are times when fear takes hold of us, and we lose our hold on faith. But God doesn't let go of us. Even Peter's denials can't sever his connection to Jesus. Reading is John 18:15-27.
3/6/201812 minutes, 49 seconds
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January 28 - Anniversary Sunday

For Glenview's Anniversary weekend, we welcomed Rev. Jeffrey Crawford as a guest speaker. Rev. Crawford grew up at Glenview, was ordained at Glenview, and even preached his first sermon here in 1998. He is currently lead minister at Westmount Presbyterian Church in London, On.
1/29/201818 minutes, 33 seconds
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January 21 - The Business of the Church

In a sermon on the story of Jesus driving the money changers and livestock merchants out of the Jerusalem Temple, Laurence reflects on doing business in the church and as the church. Reading is John 2:13-25.
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January 14 - Wine for a Wedding

In a sermon based on the story of Jesus at a wedding in Cana of Galilee, Laurence reflects on Jesus' transforming presence in all of life. Jesus "hallows and beautifies" all relationships, not just marriage. Jesus shares in the joy of all celebrations, not just weddings. Laurence begins by sharing his experience of two very different marriage practices in India in 2014. Reading is John 2:1-11.
1/15/201812 minutes, 48 seconds
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January 7 - Come and See

In a sermon reflecting on John 1:35-51 Laurence focuses on the story of Jesus' first followerss, as John's Gospel tells it. Jesus asks some disciples of John the Baptist, "What are you looking for?" They ask, "Where are you staying?" Jesus replies, "Come and see." As is typical of John's Gospel, every word in that exchange is significant, carrying more than one meaning. Laurence chooses "stay", which has also been translated as "abide". The first disciples are interested in where they will stay for the night if they go with Jesus. They're also asking about his whole life, and the source of his life. Can they share in that life? Jesus says, "Come and see." (Laurence's "next job" after he retires will not be "Social Media Influencer", though he will likely continue to use social media. He'll also keep on doing his best to influence people for Jesus.)
1/8/201814 minutes, 6 seconds
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December 10 - Dry Bones in Advent

In a sermon for the Second Sunday in Advent Laurence reflects on Ezekiel 37:1-14 and Luke 1:26-38, two texts we don't often hear together. Both remind us of God's way of creating new life where all human hope is lost, where human efforts haven't succeeded, and where no human seeds have been planted.
12/12/201714 minutes, 22 seconds
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November 26 - Exiles and Chocolate

The prophet Jeremiah wrote a letter to people who had just been marched 1500 kilometres to a strange land. He told them to accept their fate, dig in, and prosper. They would be in exile for a generation or more. Laurence draws this message from the text: When you find yourself in a place you didn't, couldn't choose... When you look around and all you see is strangeness and strangers... The best thing you can do is be a good neighbour. Reading for the day: Jeremiah 29:1,4-14.Laurence refers to an article in the Jerusalem Post, reporting on an archeological discovery on the life of the exiles. He tells the story of Peace by Chocolate, a business founded by Syrian refugees in Nova Scotia. He also refers to the rise of white race rage in North America and Europe and an incident on the University of Toronto campus earlier this month.
11/27/201715 minutes, 24 seconds
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November 19 - Isaiah In and Out of Season

In a sermon reflecting on Isaiah 9:1-7 and John 8:12, Laurence offers a way to read from the Hebrew prophets that locates the prophets in a time and a place, but allows us to carry their words into our time and place, in continuity within the community of faith from the prophets' days to ours. Christians can see the truth of Isaiah's words as Jesus fulfills them, without having to believe Isaiah had nothing to say to his community because he was really talking about Jesus. Isaiah's declaration that light will surely dawn in darkness is echoed in Jesus' words: "I am the light of the world. Whoever believes in me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."
11/20/201714 minutes, 29 seconds
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November 12 - Thoughts and Prayers and Amos

Amos was a humble shepherd and "dresser of sycamore trees" when God called him to leave the land and take up a prophetic ministry. Amos' sermons include beautiful evocative images. Like justice rolling as an ever-flowing stream through a thirsty land. Laurence connects the image of the stream to the difficult but necessary process of establishing right relationship between Canadian Churches and Indigenous Canadians. He refers to a recent lecture by the Rev. Dr. Margaret Mullin, "Reconciliation is Negotiating the Rapids Together" Reading for the day: Verses from Amos, chapters one and five.
11/14/201715 minutes, 29 seconds
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November 5 - Elijah and the Sound of Sheer Silence

In a sermon based on an important episode in the great story of the prophet Elijah, Laurence reflects on the importance of listening for God's "still, small voice" instead of looking for miracles, assuming God only speaks with a big voice. Text is 1 Kings 19:1-16.
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October 29 - Reformation and Real Estate

In a sermon for Reformation Sunday, 500 years after Luther's 95 Arguments About One Thing, Laurence reflects on the role real estate plays in religious reformations and wars. The text is from the story of Solomon building and dedicating the first temple in Jerusalem, 1 Kings 5:1-5; 8:1-13.
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October 22 - Kings, Politics, and Bible Stories

In a sermon on the first two tales in the great story of David, from 1 Samuel 16, Laurence challenges people who don't believe there's anything about politics in the Bible, and there are no contemporary connections between our time and the time of David and all the kings of Israel and Judah.
10/23/201714 minutes, 22 seconds
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October 8 - How Much is Enough?

In a sermon for Harvest Thanksgiving Sunday Laurence asks "How much is enough?" Reading for the day is Exodus 16:1-18, part of the story of how God feeds the whole congregation of Israel in the early days of their journey from Egypt to Canaan.
10/9/201718 minutes, 23 seconds
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October 1 - Nec tamen consumebatur

"Nec tamen consumebatur" is not a new character on "Game of Thrones". It's Latin for the phrase "Yet it was not consumed". The phrase has special meaning for Presbyterians, though we don't think about it much these days. In a sermon on the story of God's call to Moses through a bush that was on fire but didn't burn up, Laurence reflects on the reasons many Christians in the past took the burning bust as an important symbol, and what it can mean for Christians today. The reading is Exodus 2:23 - 3:15; 4:10-17.   
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September 24 Jacob the Trickster

Abraham and Sarah's grandsons, Isaac and Rebekah's sons, Esau and Jacob are fraternal twins. Esau was born first, but not by much. Jacob tricks Esau into giving up his birthright, then tricks Isaac into giving him the blessing that really belongs to Esau. According to the Genesis storytellers God has favoured Isaac all along, and chooses him to be the father of Israel! Reading is three episodes from Jacob's story: Genesis 27:1-4, 15-23, 28:10-17.
9/26/201714 minutes, 22 seconds
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September 17 - Doing a Bad Thing For a Good Reason

The story of "The Binding of Isaac" (Genesis 22:1-14) is an important part of Jewish tradition and worship. Muslims tell a similar story about Abraham and Ishmael. The strange tale is in the Christian canon of scripture. What are we to make of it today? Laurence reflects on the story with the help of some Jewish commentators and one Danish philosopher. He also refers to a Presbyterian outreach mission in Toronto, ARISE Ministry 
9/18/201715 minutes, 39 seconds
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September 10 - Creator Creates Creation

Laurence suggests a way of reading the creation stories in Genesis that looks beyond concerns about science and history that often keep us from reading them. One thing they tell us is that God has endowed us with creativity and freedom, and invites us to share in God's ongoing creativity. Text is the first creation story, Genesis 1:1 - 2:4.
9/11/201714 minutes, 2 seconds