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Podcast – Simply Jesus Cover
Podcast – Simply Jesus Profile

Podcast – Simply Jesus

English, Christianity, 1 season, 6 episodes
Uprooting & removing what hinders intimate relationships with Jesus & one another. Building & planting a true Kingdom lifestyle. Messages, interviews, by author/speaker Chris Vennetti. Also visit Chris' blog at
Episode Artwork

Podcast: Generation of Forerunners – Part 2

This message discusses the importance of living a life that makes straight the paths for the Lord Jesus Christ.  This is a strong call to abandon everything else we may be living for in order to live exclusively for the purposes of God and speed the coming of Jesus Christ.Read More...
Episode Artwork

Podcast: Generation of Forerunners – Part 1

This message discusses the importance of living a life that makes straight the paths for the Lord Jesus Christ.  This is a strong call to abandon everything else we may be living for in order to live exclusively for the purposes of God and speed the coming of Jesus Christ.Read More...
Episode Artwork

Simply Jesus Intro

  Here’s a short (less than 2 min.) Introductory Podcast to let you know what we’re about @ Simply Jesus. We look forward to exploring more of Jesus with you in the days ahead! Download MP3 — Subscribe through iTunes or RSS feed so that you don’t miss an episode.Read More...
Episode Artwork

Podcast: Season of Preparation

This message was delivered at a regional gathering of Awakening Florida in March 2013. Awakening Florida is a combination of ministries across the state of Florida who are pursuing a move of God’s Spirit no matter the cost.  For more information visit us on the web at   DownloadRead More...
Episode Artwork

Podcast: Child-like Learners of Christ – Part 2

This podcast is Part 2 in a series on living as a Child-like Learner of Christ.  Whether we’ve just come to faith in Christ, or whether we have walked with him for decades – this series is a strong encouragement to return to a Child-like relationship with Jesus!   RecordedRead More...
Episode Artwork

Podcast: Child-like Learners of Christ – Part 1

This podcast is Part 1 in a series on living as a Child-like Learner of Christ.  Whether we’ve just come to faith in Christ, or whether we have walked with him for decades – this series is a strong encouragement to return to a Child-like relationship with Jesus!   RecordedRead More...