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One Thing Today

English, Personal health, 1 season, 89 episodes, 1 day, 1 minute
One Thing Today provides a regular nudge to remind you to live gently and to take a small daily step with your creative work.
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#1641: Moving extra slowly and sharing a Tiny Adventure from the past

Episodes of OTT are rather spaced out at the moment and I'm feeling rather the same! In this episode of the podcast I'm heading out to see the chickens and talking a little about how I'm finding myself moving at an even slower pace than usual and leaning for support of my past work. I then play you a previous unheard episode of The Tiny Adventure Podcast that I shared over on Patreon last week. Wishing you the best week possible. If you'd like to explore the idea of Tiny Adventures a little more, visit The Go Gently Library where, towards the bottom of the page, you'll find a downloadable TA checklist and a short podcast explaining more about what I think Tiny Adventures are and how to embark on one yourself. Happy Tiny Adventuring! Throughout March and April I'm experimenting with what I post on Patreon. Join at any level to follow my experiment and to see if it's the right place for you. You’ll find plenty of gentle encouragement there to help you live and create at the pace that's right for you:
4/24/202319 minutes, 16 seconds
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#1640: Trusting that the right time will come

In this episode of One Thing Today, I'm discussing having the patience to wait for the right time to do something and how this can be easier at sometimes than others... Today, I'm enjoying finally feeling that the time is right to doing something (chocolate related!) that I first planned to do three months ago. Throughout March and April I'm experimenting with what I post on Patreon. Join at any level to follow my experiment and to see if it's the right place for you. You’ll find plenty of gentle encouragement there to help you live and create at the pace that's right for you.
4/8/202321 minutes, 46 seconds
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#1639: Reawakening a morning ritual

In this episode of OTT today I’m making some coffee in my new coffee pot and talking about how returning to this old habit feels like rediscovering a creative ritual and in so doing perhaps opening the door to some other abandoned habits… Why not use this podcast as nudge to take one small step with your creative life today? Set a timer for twenty minutes and doing a little work on your current creative project. Patrons can watch the Podcast Extra that accompanies this episode here:. Throughout March and April I'm experimenting with what I post on Patreon. Join at any level to follow my experiment and to see if it's the right place for you. You’ll find plenty of gentle encouragement there to help you live and create at the pace that's right for you.
3/28/202312 minutes, 43 seconds
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#1638: Being in the moment

Last week was an odd week, that culminated in a walk to Big Oak Field with a flask of hot coffee and my recording this podcast for you. In it, I'm talking about a dear friend who died suddenly a week ago and how her death has brought up questions about how to enjoy our days within our limits (and led me to buy myself a stove-top espresso maker, which you'll hear bubbling away at the start of the podcast). Patrons can watch the Podcast Extra that accompanies this podcast, here: Throughout March and April I'm experimenting with what I post on Patreon. Join at any level to follow my experiment and to see if it's the right place for you. You’ll find plenty of gentle encouragement there to help you live and create at the pace that's right for you.
3/21/202317 minutes, 50 seconds
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#1637: Unexpected snow and talking about an old dilemma

I hope your week has got off to a good start. In this episode of the One Thing Today, I'm surprised by an early morning flurry of snow and talk a little about an age-old dilemma of mine—routines and planning versus trying to live in the flow and trusting that the next right step will present itself... If you're a patron (or would like to become one) you can watch the Podcast Extra that I mention in this episode, here: Throughout March and April I'm experimenting with what I post on Patreon. Join at any level to follow my experiment and to see if it's the right place for you:
3/14/202317 minutes, 30 seconds
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#1636: The first OTT episode of 2023

It's spring here in Wales. The rain is falling, the grass is looking very green and it time to start recording episodes of One Thing Today again after my winter break. In this first episode of the year, I'm experimenting with how it feels to walk up to see The Big Oak in my daytime pyjamas whilst talking about offline days and waxing lyrical about the beautiful and patient watchfulness of my favourite tree... It's lovely to be back. If you haven't listened to them, this winter's Patreon-only Hibernation podcasts (plus some extra winter goodies) are still available for free over on my Patreon page:
3/7/202318 minutes, 44 seconds
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#1635: The final OTT episode of the year

I'm out in the rain and the sun to record the final episode of One Thing Today of the year... Over the winter I'm pausing making episodes of One Thing Today and will instead be recording my annual podcast series, The Hibernation Podcast for my lovely patrons over on Patreon. This year the series will also be available to non-patrons; just visit my Patreon page to listen. (
12/9/202221 minutes, 43 seconds
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#1634: Sunset?

In this third of the final four One Thing Today episodes of the year recorded towards the end of November, you find me taking a cup of tea (in one of my beautiful new mugs) up to The Caterpillar of Oaks…
12/6/202220 minutes, 2 seconds
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#1633: Raggedy

In this second of the final four One Thing Today episodes of the year, I’m saying hello on a dark and wet mid-November morning... Poor George had been moulting and she was looking how I was feeling – rather raggedy! Hibernation had got off to a very slow start and I was doing my best to let myself go as slowly as I needed, only doing things when it felt the time is right and trying not to worry that that didn't seem to be the case very often.
12/4/202214 minutes, 36 seconds
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#1632: Mid-mourning

I recorded this episode of One Thing Today back in late October when I had pretty much withdrawn from the world to spend some time in mourning. I was just beginning my second week of mourning and had had found myself feeling rather guiltily irritable and so decided to go for a walk to see if that would help shift my mood.  After visiting The Big Oak, the walk turns into a rather pleasant mushroom-spotting clamber around the edges of The Caterpillar of Oaks…
12/2/202225 minutes, 57 seconds
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#1631: A Soundwalk with Ounce

Whilst I do say hello at the beginning of this episode, this is mostly a non-verbal podcast. I've been particularly enjoying listening to the sounds of my hillside recently—standing at my gate or walking out into the field up to the Caterpillar of Oaks has been very calming I wanted to try and capture some of that peace and calmness for you and so decided I'd try my hand at making you a soundwalk. Ounce joined me for the walk and George and Louise make a guest appearance towards the end. Below are some timestamps to help you follow along. I'd recommend listening with headphones if you can. *** 01:56 - Starting the walk 02:31 - Ounce joins me at the top of the garden steps 03:11 - Ounce jumps through the gate into the field 03:18 - I climb over the gate into the field 03:31 - I start to walk up the hill towards the Caterpillar of Oaks 03:55 - Ounce starts to follow me 05:35 - We enter the Caterpillar of Oaks 06:34 - Finding somewhere to sit 06:51 - Sitting with Ounce as he circles the microphone and purrs 07:27 - Deciding to head home before the rain arrives 07:51 - Taking Ounce's photo 08:01 - Walking down the hill 08:22 - Ounce decides to follow me 08:52 - Ounce passes me 10:07 - At the gate (Ounce chews some grass) 10:57 - I climb over the gate back into my garden 12:00 - Pausing at the top of the garden steps with Ounce 12:11 - Deciding it's time for a cup of tea 12:18 - Walking down the garden steps 12:37 - Meeting Louise and George 13:34 - Ending the walk
8/25/202215 minutes, 59 seconds
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#1630: Walking up to the Caterpillar of Oaks and explaining why I have been so quiet

Ounce joins me for a walk up to the Caterpillar of Oaks as I explain why I haven’t recorded an One Thing Today for about three weeks and why I may be quiet for a while longer.
8/16/202212 minutes, 2 seconds
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#1628: Cool air, some ripe blackberries and deciding to knit in the garden

In this episode I'm greeted by some VERY welcome cool air as I head out to see the chickens... After I finished talking to you, I sat in the lovely fresh air and knitted for a while. I'll be posting a video over on Patreon in a couple of days so you can work alongside me if you'd like to.
7/24/202211 minutes, 24 seconds
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#1627: Finding a cool spot to sit with Ounce

On the third day of the heatwave here in the UK, Ounce and I head out early to see the chickens and then happen upon a cool spot to sit in together for a while...
7/23/202210 minutes, 40 seconds
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#1626: Knitting a row of my jumper

On the second of three unusually hot days in Wales, I'm enjoying the cool of the early morning as I sit in bed knitting and having a bit of a ponder…
7/22/202213 minutes, 34 seconds
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#1625: Preparing for a warm day

I'm off out with Ounce to say good morning to George and Louise and to get ready for what promises to be a warm day here in Wales...
7/21/20229 minutes, 42 seconds
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#1624: Semi-charged batteries and a gentle walk up the hill

I'm emerging after a week's holiday and am noticing that my batteries aren't quite as recharged as I had hoped they would be. However, the morning is pleasantly cool and I'm feeling up to a gentle walk up to The Caterpillar of Oaks. Would you like to join me?
7/17/202211 minutes, 20 seconds
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#1623: A barefoot walk up the hill

This morning felt the right time to do something that I've been thinking about doing for a little while – going on a barefoot walk up the hill to The Caterpillar of Oaks. Would you like to join me?
7/5/20228 minutes, 10 seconds
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#1622: Stacking memories

I'm having an early morning knit in bed and talking about some of the memories that starting knitting again has brought up for me and muse a little on how new memories might be stacked on these old ones...
7/2/202214 minutes, 33 seconds
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#1621: Finding myself on a Tiny Adventure

I'm sitting in my garden talking about unexpectedly finding myself on a Tiny Adventure. The first of this summer...
6/30/20225 minutes, 34 seconds
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#1620: Marking the solstice and reflecting on the shape and rhythm of the year

Walking up to The Big Oak to mark the moment of the equinoxes and solstices has become a regular part of my year. Yesterday, I wasn’t sure I’d be able to make it up the hill to for this year's summer solstice, but I was surprised and pleased to find was... Join me under The Big Oak (surrounded by midges!) for a cup of tea and a ponder on how the shape and rhythm of my year has been evolving and how I'm looking forward to seeing what that means for me over the next twelve months Does your year have a shape and rhythm to it? Does it suit you? If not are there any changes you could experiment with over the coming months?
6/24/202214 minutes, 31 seconds
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#1619: Saying hello on a peaceful morning

Fifty Days of Small Steps: Day 49/50 I'm saying hello from bed and talking a little about tuning into the things that help can help us to live at the pace that's right for us.
6/22/20228 minutes, 10 seconds
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#1618: It really is okay to just rest

Fifty Days of Small Steps: Day 45/50 Some thoughts about rest, in part sparked by Carl Larsson’s painting, Convalescence.
6/16/20226 minutes, 31 seconds
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#1617: Continuing to rest (with the help of some feathered role models!)

Fifty Days of Small Steps: Day 39/50 As you’ll hear, the hens George and Louise have been excellent resting role models this afternoon. I would have loved to have taken a photo of them to go with this podcast but wasn’t up to venturing outside. Instead I’m sharing a photo of the first few rows of the sock I’m knitting at the moment with Ounce (also an excellent rest role model!) curled up behind it. <3
6/10/20228 minutes, 31 seconds
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#1616: Taking small steps from a place of rest

Fifty Days of Small Steps: Day 33/50 I’m podcasting from bed today, rather appropriately talking about taking small steps from a place of rest :) Today was my seventh day in bed and I think I’m going to be here a while longer. I seem to have started chronicling these bed days over on Instagram, which is a bit of a surprise but I’m just going with it…
6/4/20226 minutes, 17 seconds
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#1615: Noticing small-step possibilities

Fifty Days of Small Steps: Day 29/50 This evening, after three days spent mostly in bed, I've been sitting at my newly cleared desk and feeling quite cheered to realise that some small steps have been happening despite how slow I've needed to be...
5/31/20226 minutes, 32 seconds
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#1614: Saying hello whilst kneading another loaf of bread

Fifty Days of Small Steps: Day 18/50 I seem to have fallen into a rhythm of making a loaf of bread every couple of days and am continuing to experiment with slow baking. I'd mixed up the dry ingredients for this loaf earlier in the day and coming back to them to add the water and oil and to give the dough its first knead, I thought it would be a good opportunity to say hello. I'm experimenting with a slightly different slow-baking method than last time.
5/21/202211 minutes, 40 seconds
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#1613: Keeping it simple

Fifty Days of Small Steps: Day 16/50 I was feeling a little daunted at the idea of making a podcast today, so decided to keep it simple by just taking you out to say hello to the hens and telling you about a small step I took yesterday...
5/18/20229 minutes, 45 seconds
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#1612: Doing what's possible

Fifty Days of Small Steps: Days 12/50 & 13/50 Yesterday, I recorded this podcast from bed whilst playing one-handed solitaire, because that was what was possible. Today I'm posting the podcast. Small steps... When I began this 50 Days retreat and decided that I would focus on small steps within it, I had thought my small steps would be... well... bigger (and a bit more creative and colourful perhaps!). However, I'm right up against my limits at the moment and being forced to look at what's possible (and focus on that) rather than what I was hoping would be possible. I hope that you're able to focus on what's possible today (however small that me be) rather than wishing that you could be doing something else <3
5/15/202214 minutes, 16 seconds
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#1611: Bread making (and podcasting) in small steps

Fifty Days of Small Steps: Days 10/50 & 11/50 Following on from my accidental slow bread making, here is a podcast in four parts in which I intentionally aim to make a loaf of bread over twenty-four hours.  It's an experiment in going slowly and in small steps which turns into a bit of a ponder about product vs process, deadlines and enjoying what we’re doing. 
5/13/202231 minutes, 3 seconds
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#1610: Saying hello to the hens after some morning pottering

This morning I've been having a gentle potter in bed, working on setting up a notebook for my Fifty Days retreat. If you've followed any of my retreats in the past, you'll know that a notebook has been central to them. This time I thought that maybe I could do without having a dedicated notebook, but a few days in I've realised that I was missing having one. Before heading out to see the hens, I talk a little about how a notebook can create a container of time to retreat into, which is very helpful when it not possible to physically go elsewhere for a retreat.
5/10/202214 minutes, 37 seconds
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#1609: Very slow bread making and saying hello to the hens

Fifty Days of Small Steps: Day 5/50 Sometimes we're not aware of the small steps we take in our days. It's good to notice and realised the significance of them when we can. Yesterday, I unexpectedly found a small step that lead to some very slow bread making...
5/7/202210 minutes, 23 seconds
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#1608: Saying hello from bed again

Fifty Days of Small Steps: Day 3/50 I'm podcasting from bed again today. In this episode of One Thing Today, I take a small step that involves repairing a corner of my website and talk a little about how it's felt to be back online and visiting social media after a long time away.
5/5/20226 minutes, 45 seconds
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#1607: Sneaking up on a small step (and the recording of this podcast)

Fifty Days of Small Steps: Day 1/50 It’s the first day of my latest Fifty Days of… retreat and I’m taking a good friend’s wise words to heart and sneaking up of a small creative step and the recording of this podcast (and doing them both in bed!) I wonder if you’re planning on joining me for your own Fifty Days of… retreat.  You can follow my progress in these podcasts. Or, if you like to join me for your own retreat, come on over to my Patreon page and support me at any level to get access to all my Fifty Days of Small Steps content.
5/3/202216 minutes, 7 seconds
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#1606: The return of One Thing Today (and to working in small steps)

It’s been a long time since I’ve regularly recorded episodes of One Thing Today, but today I’m hoping to restart sending out regularly episodes again as I embark on a fifty day retreat which I’m calling Fifty Days of Small Steps. In this episode, I’m talking about how I’ve found my way back to the podcast and working in small steps and how I’m hoping that my fifty day reatreat will help me find a gentle rhythm with both. You can follow my progress in these podcasts. Or, if you like to join me for your own retreat, come on over to my Patreon page and support me at any level to get access to all my Fifty Days of Small Steps content. It’s lovely to be back recording One Thing Today. Thank you for listening.
5/1/202210 minutes, 23 seconds
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#1605: Saying hello before I begin to hibernate for the winter...

It’s been 138 days since I last recorded you an episode of One Thing Today and I really wanted to say hello to you before I begin my three-month long winter hibernation. Join me on my rather blustery hillside for a slightly unusual episode of OTT in which I talk about my thoughts around the future of the podcast, how quiet my year has been and how much I’m looking forward to my hibernation this winter. If you’d like to join me for my hibernation it would be lovely to have your company over on Patreon:
11/6/202112 minutes, 32 seconds
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#1604: Marking the solstice (and talking about taking a break and creating a fifty-day retreat)

Join me for a walk up my hill to visit the Big Oak and mark the moment of the summer solstice. As you'll have noticed I've been taking a break from podcasting. That wasn't something I had a made a decision about, it just seems to have been happening. In this episode of One Thing Today I talk about how I think that podcasting break is going to be continuing for the time being and how I hope creating a fifty-day container of time to retreat into will help me get a clearer idea of both the future of the podcast and my wider creative life. If you'd like to join me in my fifty-day retreat (or just follow along), you can do so over on Patreon:
6/22/202122 minutes, 59 seconds
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#1603: Taking five minutes to celebrate ten years

Hello Today marks ten years since I recorded the first episode of One Thing Today and I did want to pop in to say hello and record a little homage to that very first episode. Join me together with my original timer and teapot for a five minute micropodcast. Maybe today you can pick one small thing to do to move your creative life on a little. Or maybe today's a day for a rest :) Thank you for being there <3 PS Episode #1602 has been recorded and I will post it in a few days, but I did want to publish this episode on the day of the anniversary even though it is out of order!
4/30/20216 minutes, 27 seconds
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#1601: Enjoying life when choices are limited

Today, you find me by my kitchen window watching Louise enjoying her first morning out of the coop since her operation and reflecting on how taking care of her has meant that my One Thing has been decided for me over recent days. I hope however your energy is today that you can find something to appreciate and enjoy in your day <3
4/24/202113 minutes, 17 seconds
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#1600: New growth?

Not quite the 1600th episode of One Thing Today that I had planned for you, but maybe this gentle, scaled-back episode is an appropriate way to mark today’s milestone. Join me for a walk halfway up my hillside to visit a crab apple tree… Whether you’re a new listener or have been with me for a while (or even the very beginning!), thank you for your company.
4/20/202111 minutes, 3 seconds
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#1599: Frosty celandines

It’s a beautiful frosty morning here in Wales and I’m by my gate saying hello to you after what felt like a very big day yesterday…
4/11/202110 minutes
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#1598: The return of winter?

The albeit probably brief return of winter here in Wales this morning feels very welcome. Join me as I say hello to the chickens and then take a slow, snowy walk up the hill to the grove of oak trees. May your day unfold into the shape that is right for you.
4/6/202114 minutes, 10 seconds
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#1597: A big day for George and Louise

My One Thing for today is to rest, but I did want to record you a short podcast as today is a big day in chicken world.
4/3/202112 minutes, 6 seconds
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#1596: A new creative year

I’m hoping that I’m sounding a little less dopey than I did when I recorded the first podcast of the year on Saturday. I do feel more chipper and find myself looking forward to what is increasing feeling like the start of a new creative year. Join me for slightly longer walk than normal as I follow a sheep path to Bluebell Hill (where the first bluebells will be appearing in about a month) and talk about emerging into the new year. As you’ll hear, midway through the podcast I pause the recording to take a photo and before I resume recording find myself on a rather unexpected Tiny Adventure. The video of that Tiny Adventure will be available to watch on my Patreon page in a couple of days.
3/25/202127 minutes, 30 seconds
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#1595: A walk up the hill to mark the end of hibernation and the start of the new year

In this first episode of One Thing Today of 2021 you find me climbing over my garden gate and heading up the hill to the Big Oak to mark the moment of the spring equinox and the start of the new year. The walk up the hill provides a chance to reflect a little on how my hibernation has been, how I’ve tried to make it a distinctly different time from the rest of the year and how I feel about emerging into the new year. I do hope the last three months has treated you well and that if you've been hibernating alongside me you can emerge gently into the new year. I'm looking forward to seeing where the coming weeks and months takes us all. PS Listening back to this episode, I realised that I got myself in quite a knot when talking about the rhyme Oak Before Ash. If you’re interested in much less muddled discussion of this bit of countryside lore, this might be a good place to start:
3/20/202118 minutes, 50 seconds
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#1594: A walk to mark the start of hibernation

I wasn't sure until about two minutes before I set out that I was going to take this walk, but I'm glad I did. In this final episode of One Thing Today until the spring, I climb over my gate with about ten minutes to go until the winter solstice. My aim is to climb the hill to the Big Oak where I'm hoping to stand to mark the moment of the solstice and the official start of my three-month hibernation... I shall be back with the next episode of One Thing Today in the spring (on or around 20th March 2021). In the meantime, I shall be recording an analogue series of podcasts following my hibernation which will be available here on Patreon for all patrons. I'm looking forward to sharing my hibernation with you. Perhaps you'd like to join me for some hunkering down of your own over the next few months.
12/23/202017 minutes, 25 seconds
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#1593: Sterilising jars (and simmering chutney)

I'm back in my kitchen putting the finishing touches to my slow-made chutney. Five days after I was peeling pears with you, I'm sterilising some jars and adding the final ingredients to my saucepan before simmering the chutney mixture for a few hours...
12/21/202020 minutes, 15 seconds
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#1592: Chopping onions

The slow chutney making continues... :-)
12/19/202018 minutes, 36 seconds
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#1591: Peeling pears

It's been a few weeks since I was in my kitchen making some pear and onion chutney, now I'm back, peeler in hand, preparing to make a second, larger batch. In the first in a series of three podcasts, I'm experimenting with some slow cooking, making this second batch of chutney over a number of days at a pace that (hopefully) will fit with my current hibernatory energy level. It would be lovely to have your company.
12/17/202023 minutes, 7 seconds
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#1590: A small jigsaw, feeding the cats and heading out to greet the day

I feel as though I am gradually sinking into hibernation and as I do so am beginning to notice that my mood and energy levels seem to be improving. Today has started slowly with a small jigsaw puzzle, and now you find me in my kitchen making breakfast for the cats...
12/13/202011 minutes, 2 seconds
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#1589: Saying hello from bed early on a rainy morning

In this episode, I'm talking about how I'm continuing to move slowly and focusing on a very simple routine (that seems to include quite a bit of tea drinking!) that is keeping life ticking over.
12/10/202011 minutes, 6 seconds
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#1588: My One Thing on a frosty morning

On this very frosty morning, I'm venturing outside for the first time since I last spoke to you and am making my One Thing for the day letting George and Louise out of their coop and putting some mealworms down for the visiting robin. After a few days in bed, it's especially good to breath in the sharp, fresh air...
12/7/202011 minutes, 6 seconds
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#1587: Sneaking past Ounce and realising how tired I am

Yesterday, possibly for the first time ever, I forgot to let the chickens out. I realised at about 10.00 am and all was fine, but my forgetfulness has helped me realise just how tired I am again… Join me by my gate as I talk a little about tiredness, not coping too well and my plans for looking after myself in the coming days.
12/2/202013 minutes, 7 seconds
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#1586: An early morning walk

As I come out this morning, it is still a little too dark to let the chickens out and the visiting robin is nowhere to be seen, so I decide to go for a walk. Would you like to join me?
11/26/202024 minutes, 51 seconds
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#1585: Making pear and onion chutney

Waiting for the right moment to make this chutney has been quite an exercise in patience. I first mentioned that I was thinking of doing it back in episode #1579 at the beginning of the month. About three weeks later I’m chopping onions and pears… Visit my Open House over on Patreon to find a Podcast Extra showing the final stage of my chutney making, plus the full recipe:
11/24/202022 minutes, 36 seconds
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#1584: An autumn view

Join me on a rather blustery autumn morning as I say hello to the visiting robin, let George and Louise out for the day and then take a slow walk up the hill to look at the view. There will be a podcast extra to accompany this podcast available tomorrow over on Patreon as part of my Open House:
11/21/202012 minutes, 5 seconds
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#1583: Permission to live at our own pace

On the last day of my Pyjama Week, I found myself going for a walk and thought you might like to join me… The Creativity Session that I mention during the podcast is now online and is available as part of my Open House over on Patreon. You can watch it here:
11/19/202026 minutes, 9 seconds
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#1582: Getting back to a more normal routine again

11/14/202017 minutes, 25 seconds
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#1581: A walk under the (almost) full moon

It’s a little before 6.00 am on a cold clear morning and I’m off for a walk with Ounce. Would you like to join us?
11/8/202033 minutes, 14 seconds
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#1580: Visiting some old friends

After saying good morning to the chickens and the visiting robin I head off to see some old friends who I’ve not taken you to see in a little while… There is a Podcast Extra to accompany this episode available as part of my Open House over on Patreon. Watch it here.:
11/6/202011 minutes, 7 seconds
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#1579: A One Thing for the week?

As I head out this morning to seeing the chickens and the visiting robin I found myself pondering on a One Thing I would like to do this week… Look out in a couple of days for the Podcast Extra that accompanies this episode. It will be available as part of my month-long Patreon Open House. All of my Open House posts will be available via this link:
11/2/202015 minutes, 51 seconds
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#1578: Feeling ready to hunker down

Recorded just before the clocks changed at the weekend here in Wales, in this episode I'm noticing just how ready I'm feeling to begin the hunkering process as the world around me become increasingly autumnal. My One Thing for today is going to be a rest in preparation for what I'm expecting to be a few busy (for me!) days. Are you noticing the changing season? How are you feeling about it? Look out tomorrow for the Podcast Extra that accompanies this episode. It will be available as part of my month-long Patreon Open House. All of my Open House posts will be available via this link:
10/29/202012 minutes, 55 seconds
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#1577: Porridge, chickens and marking two years on Patreon with a month of free content

Today, you find me in my kitchen preparing my morning porridge before heading out to see the chickens and the visiting robin. Over the last two years this podcast has been made possible with the support of its patrons over on Patreon. To mark this two-year anniversary I'm holding a month-long "Open House" during which I'll be sharing most of my Patreon content publicly to give non-patrons an idea of what I offer there in return for the support I receive. Why not come and join me for some video and audio Podcast Extras, twenty-minute Creativity Sessions, vlog posts and one or two creative experiments? It would be lovely to have your company and maybe at the end of the November you'll consider joining me full-time. Visit: (this link will redirect you to the Open House page over on Patreon).
10/27/202019 minutes, 40 seconds
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#1576: Hanging out some washing and enjoying the morning view

It’s a bright chilly morning and you find me hanging our some washing and then going for a short walk on the other side of my gate to get a better look at the view down the valley. I hope your day is starting well.
10/20/202021 minutes, 55 seconds
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#1575: Adapting plans, juicy acorns and hot chocolate (the final TA podcast of 2020)

After two and a half months I’m recording my final Tiny Adventure podcast of the year. As you’ll hear, this episode isn’t quite the one I had planned for you but I hope you’ll enjoy it nonetheless…
10/15/202020 minutes, 23 seconds
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#1574: Hello from a very dark and wet morning!

It's a very wet and dark morning and the weather is helping my thoughts turn to hibernating and working in a more analogue way…
10/13/202012 minutes, 35 seconds
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#1573: A Tiny Adventure to mark the equinox

Rather unusually, I made a very specific plan for this Tiny Adventure. Timing it almost down to the second…
10/7/202013 minutes, 11 seconds
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#1572: An analogue podcast and Tiny Adventure (the eighth Tiny Adventure podcast of 2020)

I recorded this podcast almost two weeks again and have been very excited about sharing it with you, but because it was made in a different way to usual it has taken me quite a while to get it ready for you. For quite a long while I’ve been pondering the idea of making some analogue podcasts and as I explain at the beginning of this episode, that is what I have done here. Instead of recording on my phone and also using it for taking the photo to accompany the podcast, I have recorded the audio on a cassette tape and taken the photos with an instant film camera. Come and join me for a Tiny Adventure within a Tiny Adventure as I pack my provisions and prepare to head up the hill to visit the Big Oak. You can view all the photo that I took during the podcast over on the this episodes page over on the Go Gently site.
10/3/202048 minutes, 37 seconds
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#1571: Making the most of how things are

I've been hoping to record you another Tiny Adventure podcast for a few days now, but haven't felt up to walking up the hill to visit the Big Oak and so, rather than keep waiting for the energy to arrive, this morning I decided to record you the podcast I felt able to rather than the one I had hope to... Join me to say good morning to the chickens, the visiting robin, some blue tits, some brave sparrows (and a slug!). Everything feels very alive in my garden this morning and I'm very glad I decided to record a podcast to share that with you.
9/18/202010 minutes, 43 seconds
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#1570: The seventh Tiny Adventure podcast of 2020: Choices

I’m deciding between doing some things and not others and keeping everything as simple as possible so that I can go for a walk up to the Big Oak today Would you like to join me for a walk there and back again?
9/8/202030 minutes, 9 seconds
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#1569: The sixth Tiny Adventure podcast of 2020: Not quite the podcast I'd intended

Technology, the weather and my energy haven’t been my friends as I recorded this podcast. I had intended to start the podcast under the Big Oak (which I did) and then walk home with you down the hill after I’d sat for a while with my picnic breakfast. I had a lovely walk home, stopping to pick blackberries along the way and chatting to you all the while, only to discover when I got home that the walk had only been recorded intermittently. I thought I would head back up the hill another day this week and have another go at recording the second half of the podcast, but my energy hasn’t been up to it and the weather has been far less inviting than it was when I recorded the first half, so that didn’t happen. In the end, I decided this morning to record my early morning trip out to say good morning to the chickens and my friend the visiting robin. Not quite the podcast that I intended, but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless :)
9/5/202012 minutes, 14 seconds
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#1568: The fifth Tiny Adventure Podcast of 2020: Checking up on the Big Oak

8/29/202017 minutes, 56 seconds
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#1567: The fourth Tiny Adventure Podcast of 2020: Keeping it simple

8/19/202015 minutes, 37 seconds
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#1566: The third Tiny Adventure Podcast of 2020: Dawn at The Big Oak

8/13/202027 minutes, 34 seconds
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#1565: The second Tiny Adventure Podcast of 2020: Spicy chai, lichen and how old I think The Big Oak could be

8/9/202030 minutes, 12 seconds
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#1564: The first Tiny Adventure Podcast of 2020: Visiting an oak tree

8/6/202016 minutes, 26 seconds
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#1563: Changes. Part 2

8/1/202016 minutes, 54 seconds
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#1562: Changes. Part 1

7/30/202019 minutes, 31 seconds
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#1561: Gloria

Whilst this isn’t a prelude to a return to more regular podcast episodes (it’s not quite time for that yet), I did want to pop in to say hello and to share with you some sad news about Gloria, our beautiful ginger mealworm loving hen…
7/10/202017 minutes, 41 seconds
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#1560: Watching the rain and talking about plans

It’s raining and you find me at my studio door trying to encourage Louise out with the promise of some mealworms. I’ve spent a lot of time just here over the last four weeks looking out at my garden and it’s become increasing clear that I need to do more of the same. So, as the solstice arrives I’m popping in to say hello, let you know at little about what I’ve been enjoying looking out at (including a family of robins) and what my plans are for the next month or so. I’m hoping to be back here in some shape or form towards the end of July. Until then, go gently <3
6/21/202022 minutes
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#1559: Fluctuating temperatures and fluctuating energy (and making the decision that I need a break)

It's a chilly morning as I poke my nose out of my front door to record today's podcast. The fluctuating temperatures seems to be mirroring my fluctuating energy levels and after two weeks of pyjama wearing I've decided it's time to take a break from having any expectations of myself. Join me for a wander to my gate as I let you know my plans. I'm aiming to be back with next episode of One Thing Today in roughly four weeks, on or around the solstice. Until then, take good care of yourselves and as always, go gently <3
5/26/202017 minutes, 29 seconds
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#1558: Small and unexpected pleasures

In today’s episode, I notice a bluebell that is going to seed and reflect on how even though my life’s focus has been reduced by health and circumstance there is still plenty to enjoy close to home. The Podcast Extra that I mention in the podcast is available to patrons and can be found here:
5/21/202016 minutes, 24 seconds
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#1557: A flutter of sparrows

Pyjama Week continues and I’m wondering it it needs to turn into Pyjama Fortnight… Today, I’m still moving very slowly but am excited by the sight of a large group of fledgling sparrows enjoying the remains of yesterday’s chicken grain. If you’d like to get a closer look at the sparrows, come over and join me on Patreon where you’ll find (among many other Podcast Extras) a video of them enjoying their early morning banquet. Your support there would be very much appreciated <3
5/17/202016 minutes, 24 seconds
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#1556: A Pyjama Week

I was expecting it to be below freezing this morning when I went out to see Gloria and Louise and check on my plants, but the clouds must have kept the temperature up and it was quite warm enough to stand by my gate and record you a podcast... This week I've decided to have a Pyjama Week, which might sound like a slightly odd decision when we're already spending so much time at home, but feels like exactly the right thing to be doing this week. Maybe you'd like to join me.
5/13/202010 minutes, 38 seconds
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#1555: A big blue sky

This morning, you find me in my kitchen looking through the window at a big blue sky and steeling myself to head out into what I’m expecting to be a much chillier morning than of late…
5/11/202011 minutes, 35 seconds
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#1554: Getting to the gate

I’m having a rather groggy and slow start to the day, but am rewarded by a beautiful view when I get to my gate. Would you like to come and stand there with me and greet the day as I ponder a little more on what a “fallow year” might look like?
5/9/202011 minutes, 51 seconds
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#1553: The sun in the oaks (and letting the idea of a fallow year in a little)

In today’s episode, I spot the sun hitting the oak trees from my kitchen window and head outside to take a closer look. In this first outdoor episode of One Thing Today for a couple of weeks, I find myself touching on the idea that this might need to be a fallow year for me…
5/6/202013 minutes, 16 seconds
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#1552: Taking pleasure in what's possible

My health is still rather down and up and up and down, but today I’m focusing on what’s possible rather than thinking about what isn’t.
5/4/202017 minutes, 39 seconds
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#1551: Another egg themed podcast :)

I’m still here and I’m still moving slowly. I also seem to still be making egg themed podcasts :) Would you like to join me in my kitchen as I experiment with making a sponge cake from a goose egg that I was given a few days ago? I’m sorry that episodes of One Thing Today continue to be rather irregular at the moment. I do hope things will return to a more normal routine before too much longer.
4/28/202023 minutes, 17 seconds