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Manager Tools - Hiring Cover
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Manager Tools - Hiring

English, Finance, 1 season, 83 episodes
Hiring is the most important thing you do as a manager. Get it right – nirvana. Get it wrong – hell on earth. The podcasts in this feed will talk you through getting hiring right - every time. If you want to hire only A-players, listen now. Manager Tools is a weekly business podcast focused on helping professionals become more effective managers and leaders. Each week, we discuss specific actions for professionals to take to achieve their desired management and career objectives. Manager Tools won Best Business Podcast Award in 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2012 as well as the People's Choice Award in 2008. The Business Podcast Award is now named after Manager Tools. Go to to read what others are saying about the impact Manager Tools has had on their careers and lives. Our goal: Every Manager Effective (TM).
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Simple Interviewer Training - Part 2

Part 2 of our guidance on how to teach directs how to interview candidates for hiring.
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Simple Interviewer Training - Part 1

Part 1 of our guidance on how to teach directs how to interview candidates for hiring.
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Hiring Overqualifieds - Part 4

The conclusion of our guidance on how - and why - to hire "overqualified" candidates.
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Hiring Overqualifieds - Part 3

Part 3 of our guidance on how - and why - to hire "overqualified" candidates.
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Hiring Overqualifieds - Part 2

This cast continues our guidance on how - and why - to hire "overqualified" candidates.
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Hiring Overqualifieds - Part 1

This guidance describes how - and why - to hire "overqualified" candidates.
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Hiring Interns

Our guidance on hiring interns.
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This cast describes how to increase your chances of re-hiring someone who has left your organization. They're called Boomerangs!
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Bench Evaluation Chapter 1: Probing

This guidance describes how to interview those colleagues on your bench...without interviewing them.
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Bench Development in a Downturn

This cast discusses a way to build your recruiting "bench" during market downturns.
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New Direct - First Day Meeting

This guidance describes the first meeting a manager ought to have with a new team member.
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First Meeting With A New Direct - Results

When someone new joins your team, we recommend you communicate early about your key priorities.
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First Meeting With A New Direct - Ask Questions

This guidance continues our recommendations about topics to cover with new directs, encouraging them to ask questions about everything they don't understand.
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First Meeting New Direct Series - Tell The Truth - Part 2

We recommend spending time with each new member of your team encouraging them to tell the truth, and not be afraid of not knowing how to do something or the standard way of doing something in their new role.
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First Meeting New Direct Series - Tell The Truth - Part 1

We recommend spending time with each new member of your team encouraging them to tell the truth, and not be afraid of not knowing how to do something or the standard way of doing something in their new role.
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First Meeting New Direct Series - Relationships Matter

New Directs need guidance on how to start on the right foot. We recommend a series of meetings in their first weeks, one of which makes clear: you have to create and maintain trusting relationships within the organization to succeed.
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First Meeting New Direct Series - Be Timely

This guidance continues our recommendations about topics to cover with new directs, encouraging them to be on time with themselves, their work, and their commitments.
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The Manager Tools Onboarding Checklist - Part 2

The Manager Tools Onboarding Checklist. Every task necessary to help a new hire become effective as quickly as possible.
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The Manager Tools Onboarding Checklist - Part 1

The Manager Tools Onboarding Checklist. Every task necessary to help a new hire become effective as quickly as possible.
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Onboarding Chapter 1 - The Basics - Part 5 - Q and A Continued

Your questions, our answers on what to do once you make a candidate an offer to turn them into a great team member.
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Onboarding Chapter 1 - The Basics - Part 4 - Q and A

Your questions, our answers on what to do once you make a candidate an offer to turn them into a great team member.
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Onboarding Chapter 1 - The Basics - Part 3

What to do once you make a candidate an offer to turn them into a great team member. Chapter 1 is the basics, why to have a process.
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Onboarding Chapter 1 - The Basics - Part 2

What to do once you make a candidate an offer to turn them into a great team member. Chapter 1 is the basics, why to have a process.
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Onboarding Chapter 1 - The Basics - Part 1

What to do once you make a candidate an offer to turn them into a great team member. Part 1 is the basics, why to have a process.
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You Did Not Demonstrate - Part 2 (Hall Of Fame Guidance)

The conclusion of our guidance on how to share shortcomings in evaluations like reviews and interviews.
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You Did Not Demonstrate - Part 1 (Hall Of Fame Guidance)

This guidance explains how to share shortcomings in evaluations like reviews and interviews.
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How to Turn Down a Job Candidate - Part 2

There are effective and ineffective ways to notify a candidate you’ve interviewed that you won’t be offering them.
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How To Turn Down a Job Candidate - Part 1

There are effective and ineffective ways to notify a candidate you’ve interviewed that you won’t be offering them.
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How to Make a Job Offer - Part 2 (Hall Of Fame Guidance)

During this cast, we complete our series on making a job offer to a candidate. If you haven't listened to last week's cast (part 1), please do so first!
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How to Make a Job Offer - Part 1 (Hall Of Fame Guidance)

This cast explains a simple way to make a job offer to a candidate.
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Questions To Ask Candidate References - Part 2 (Hall Of Fame Guidance)

This guidance recommends what questions to ask of a job candidate's references, if you progress to that stage.
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Questions To Ask Candidate References - Part 1 (Hall Of Fame Guidance)

This guidance recommends what questions to ask of a job candidate's references, if you progress to that stage.
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The Manager Tools Talent Scouting Averages

This cast describes a technique for measuring your team and/or organization's ability to recognize talent.
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Never Rank Candidates

Don't rank candidates as you are interviewing, individually or collectively. It biases the hiring process.
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How To Handle Two Viable Job Candidates

This cast describes what to do when a manager has two candidates for a job that meet the standard, but you can only offer one candidate.
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Deciding Between Two Good Candidates

This cast describes how to decide between two good candidates in a hiring situation.
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Favorite Candidate Interview Preparation - Part 2

This cast concludes our conversation on how to increase the chances that you will get to hire your favorite candidate when he or she has to interview elsewhere in the organization.
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Favorite Candidate Interview Preparation - Part 1

This cast describes how to increase the chances that you will get to hire your favorite candidate when he or she has to interview elsewhere in the organization.
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The Interview Results Capture Meeting (Hall Of Fame Guidance)

This cast explains how to capture interview results in a fast and simple meeting.
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Quick and Dirty Interviews

Have you ever had to interview someone on short notice? Ever felt like you didn't know what to ask, or how to evaluate the answers? You're not alone. Unfortunately, what most managers do is "wing it". And that's more than just ineffective - we think it's wrong. The danger of winging it is not just that you feel uncomfortable, you look bad, and you don't get good information upon which to make a judgment of the candidate. The real danger is that the candidate can tell that you're winging it, and that reduces your firm's chance of hiring the best candidates.
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How To Evaluate Answers To The Weakness Question - Part 3

Part 3 of our guidance on asking and evaluating the weakness question when interviewing candidates.
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How To Evaluate Answers To The Weakness Question - Part 2

Part 2 of our guidance on asking and evaluating the weakness question when interviewing candidates.
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How To Evaluate Answers To The Weakness Question - Part 1

Part 1 of our guidance on asking and evaluating the weakness question when interviewing candidates.
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Smart Interviewing In A Downturn

This cast describes how to interview effectively during a downturn, particularly for difficult to fill positions.
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Ending A Bad Interview - Part 2

This guidance concludes our discussion on when and how to end an interview with a candidate you won't hire.
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Ending A Bad Interview - Part 1

This guidance describes when and how to end an interview with a candidate you won't hire.
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How To Evaluate Answers To The Weakness Question - Part 3

Part 3 of our guidance on asking and evaluating the weakness question when interviewing candidates.
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How To Evaluate Answers To The Weakness Question - Part 2

Part 2 of our guidance on asking and evaluating the weakness question when interviewing candidates.
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How To Evaluate Answers To The Weakness Question - Part 1

Part 1 of our guidance on asking and evaluating the weakness question when interviewing candidates.
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Taking Notes In Interviews - Chapter 1

This guidance recommends the best way to take notes during interviews.
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Forgive First Mistakes When Interviewing

Even though great interviewers are looking for reasons to say no doesn't mean they aren't forgiving of mistakes in interviews.
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The First Rule Of Probing In An Interview

This guidance describes the most important things to ask further questions about during an interview.
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No Panel Interviews

One of the biggest mistakes in interviewing candidates is using panel interviews. Here's why.
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Effective Interviewer Series - Logistics Clarity

Our recommendations on how to communicate about logistics and schedules in advance of bringing a job candidate in for an interview. This cast is a public part of The Effective Interviewer Series of casts, which are a paid product.
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How To Do A Phone Screen Interview - Part 4

Part 4 of our guidance on phone screen interviews. Before you bring a hiring candidate for a full day of interviews, phone screen your potential candidates to narrow the field even further. Here's how. [And don't assume HR will do it as well as you could.]
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How To Do A Phone Screen Interview - Part 3

Part 3 of our guidance on phone screen interviews. Before you bring a hiring candidate for a full day of interviews, phone screen your potential candidates to narrow the field even further. Here's how. [And don't assume HR will do it as well as you could.]
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How To Do A Phone Screen Interview - Part 2

Part 2 of our guidance on phone screen interviews. Before you bring a hiring candidate for a full day of interviews, phone screen your potential candidates to narrow the field even further. Here's how. [And don't assume HR will do it as well as you could.]
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How To Do A Phone Screen Interview - Part 1

Part 1 of our guidance on phone screen interviews. Before you bring a hiring candidate for a full day of interviews, phone screen your potential candidates to narrow the field even further. Here's how. [And don't assume HR will do it as well as you could.]
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How To Create A Simple Behavioral Interview Question

This cast describes how to create a simple behavioral interview question.
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Ordering Multiple Interviews - Part 2

The conclusion of our recommendations for how to set up the order of interviews you conduct for a day of in-person interviews of a candidate.
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Ordering Multiple Interviews - Part 1

Our recommendations for how to set up the order of interviews you conduct for a day of in-person interviews of a candidate.
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Conduct Multiple Interviews, Chapter 1 - Part 3

In this cast, we conclude our conversation on how to interview candidates by conducting multiple interviews.
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Conduct Multiple Interviews, Chapter 1 - Part 2

In this cast, we continue our conversation on how to interview candidates by conducting multiple interviews.
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Conduct Multiple Interviews, Chapter 1 - Part 1

This guidance describes how to interview candidates by conducting multiple interviews.
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How To Scan A Resume - Part 6

Part 6 of our guidance on how to scan a resume to decide whether or not to phone screen a job candidate.
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How To Scan A Resume - Part 5

Part 5 of our guidance on how to scan a resume to decide whether or not to phone screen a job candidate.
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How To Scan A Resume - Part 4

Part 4 of our guidance on how to scan a resume to decide whether or not to phone screen a job candidate.
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How To Scan A Resume - Part 3

Part 3 of our guidance on how to scan a resume to decide whether or not to phone screen a job candidate.
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How To Scan A Resume - Part 2

Part 2 of our guidance on how to scan a resume to decide whether or not to phone screen a job candidate.
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How To Scan A Resume - Part 1

Part 1 of our guidance on how to scan a resume to decide whether or not to phone screen a job candidate.
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Write A Job Advertisement - Part 2

This cast concludes our guidance on how to write a job advertisement.
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Write A Job Advertisement - Part 1

This cast gives our guidance on how to write a job advertisement.
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Writing a Job Description - Part 2

The conclusion of our series on how to write a simple job description.
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Writing a Job Description - Part 1

How to write a simple job description.
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Quick and Dirty Interviews

Have you ever had to interview someone on short notice? Ever felt like you didn't know what to ask, or how to evaluate the answers? You're not alone. Unfortunately, what most managers do is "wing it". And that's more than just ineffective - we think it's wrong. The danger of winging it is not just that you feel uncomfortable, you look bad, and you don't get good information upon which to make a judgment of the candidate. The real danger is that the candidate can tell that you're winging it, and that reduces your firm's chance of hiring the best candidates.
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Performance Improvement Through Effective Hiring

If you've ever scrambled around at the last minute to prepare to interview someone, and then not felt good about the results, you're like a lot of other managers we know. For some reason, even though we have all been frustrated at times by team members who aren't as good as we want them to be, we STILL under-invest in the process which could improve the quality of our team -- recruiting.
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My Direct is Resigning Chapter 1 - Never Counter Offer - Part 3 (Hall Of Fame Guidance)

Never make a counter-offer to an employee who has a competing offer.
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My Direct is Resigning Chapter 1 - Never Counter Offer - Part 2 (Hall Of Fame Guidance)

Never make a counter-offer to an employee who has a competing offer.
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My Direct is Resigning Chapter 1 - Never Counter Offer - Part 1 (Hall Of Fame Guidance)

Never make a counter-offer to an employee who has a competing offer.
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How To Respond To A Departure - Chapter One - Don't Hire

You DON'T have to hire immediately when you have an opening. The strategic-thinking Effective Manager considers other options first. That's what your CEO wants you to do.
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How To Respond To A Departure - Chapter One - Don't Hire

You DON'T have to hire immediately when you have an opening. The strategic-thinking Effective Manager considers other options first. That's what your CEO wants you to do.
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Effective Hiring: Set the Bar High! (Hall Of Fame Guidance)

This cast shares our most important principle in The Manager Tools Effective Hiring Process: Set the Bar HIGH.
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Introduction - Hiring Feed

Introduction to the Manager Tools Hiring feed.