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Life Worth Living | Motivational And Inspirational With Mike Afflerbach Cover
Life Worth Living | Motivational And Inspirational With Mike Afflerbach Profile

Life Worth Living | Motivational And Inspirational With Mike Afflerbach

English, Christianity, 1 season, 22 episodes, 3 hours, 8 minutes
People ask all the time, what is the purpose of this life? The answer is to live in relationship with God (the “I AM”) through Jesus (one and only Son) by the leading of the Holy Spirit (Spirt of God). This podcast is designed to motivate, inspire and excite you to live that Life Worth Living each and every day. You get to choose each day how you live and who you are… what will it be? Welcome to Life Worth Living!!!
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Do you eat your own vomit!!!

2/2/20249 minutes, 22 seconds
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The meaning of life and God’s will for you part 3

1/31/202410 minutes, 43 seconds
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The meaning of life and God’s will for you part 2

The meaning of life and God’s will for you part 2
1/29/202410 minutes, 4 seconds
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The meaning of life and God’s will for you Part 1.

The meaning of life is not magical. We try to find these deep answers and search for the all powerful genie. God did not ask us to search, He gave us the answers and made them simple for us. We choose to make it hard.
1/8/202410 minutes, 13 seconds
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What Word Do You Live In

We choose everyday what world we live in….be assured we have a choice.
11/27/20219 minutes, 30 seconds
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Find Your Peace

The world offers you all kinds of ways to find peace. But, there is only one way and it can be found in this world but is not of this world!
1/21/202111 minutes
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Bible Story Series 2 (Creation)

The second part of the creation story.
11/5/20205 minutes, 35 seconds
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Bible Story Series 1(Creation)

Story of the God’s creation of the earth
4/15/20209 minutes, 13 seconds
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Do You Like Dirt In Your Mouth

Living outside of God’s design is like having dirt in your mouth.
4/9/20204 minutes, 58 seconds
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Who Is In Control

Think about your life and who is really in control. Control is where you give it.
4/7/20209 minutes, 28 seconds
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What Tree Are You Climbing?

Where are you headed today, what are you allowing into your life. You get to choose today what tree you want to climb. Choose wisely.
1/29/20209 minutes, 4 seconds
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Popcorn Memories

Memories are powerful and change you mindset in an instant. How you allow them to affect you is your choice. Let Jesus intervene in all your memories to renew your mind!
1/15/20209 minutes, 13 seconds
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Wow! Water

Are you getting the water you need daily? There is only one living water that can quench your spiritual thirst. Praise the Lord like the grass!
1/8/20205 minutes, 57 seconds
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How Do You Smell

Evaluate your life to see how others might view you. You have a smell about you that others will notice.
1/1/20209 minutes, 13 seconds
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Where Are You Rooted

Strong roots in good soil produce a healthy grand canopy that supports life for many others around you.
12/25/20195 minutes, 49 seconds
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Heavy Weight or Light Weight

We are told to pick up our cross daily and follow Christ.  What you carry on your cross is up to you.  Jesus replaced the burdens of the cross with the goodness of God…it’s much easier to carry.
12/17/20198 minutes, 29 seconds
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Steak Or Fried Chicken

God wants us to have “steak” everyday of our lives. We often choose to have “fried chicken instead”. We choose everyday to live in God’s goodness or the worlds madness!
11/1/20196 minutes, 46 seconds
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We all make mistakes in life, but we must not allow those mistakes to keep us from doing what we are called to do. Embrace your mistakes, learn from them and move on.
11/1/201910 minutes, 24 seconds
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Living UnOffended

As Christians we have no right to be offended or live in offense. Christ lived unoffendable and we should do the same. It’s not about you!
10/10/201911 minutes, 16 seconds
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Let Your Light Shine

You were created in light and to be light. Allow God to separate the light from the darkness in your life and live in the light. Let your light shine forth as a testimony to Him.
10/10/201911 minutes, 10 seconds
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Welcome To Life Worth Living

Staying positive in today’s society can be a challenge. We must keep our eyes focused on our Father in heaven seeking His righteousness.
10/10/20199 minutes, 13 seconds