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KiNo Tv - Season 1 - Map of the Universe Videos

English, Music, 1 season, 22 episodes, 1 hour, 5 minutes
KiNo Tv 1st series based on the concept of MAP OF THE UNIVERSE. In this programme, KiNo presents new episodes of creative revolt. Featuring material created for the KiNo online TV channel and the NBC pilot programme.
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Vainglorious - acoustic live at Zebulon

LIVE AT ZEBULON KiNo does "Vainglorious" at Zebulon, New York. Sound by Jeff Blenkinsopp. Camera operated by Sean Martin. This webcast is produced for the virtual tour held by various music blogs for the promotion of the album MAP OF THE UNIVERSE. PLEASE SEE THE FULL QUALITY VIDEO HERE...
11/13/20084 minutes, 31 seconds
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Watchman - Live at Zebulon

LIVE KiNo does "Watchman" at Zebulon, New York. Sound by Jeff Blenkinsopp. Camera operated by Sean Martin. This webcast is produced for the virtual tour held by various music blogs for the promotion of the album MAP OF THE UNIVERSE. Give us a shout if you would like to participate in this wicked fun with your blog. PLEASE SEE THE FULL QUALITY VIDEO HERE... 9
10/9/20082 minutes, 58 seconds
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One Minute Minuet - Live against the hues of dusk

LIVE. THIS VIDEO IS SPECIFICALLY PRODUCED FOR THE VIRAL TOUR ON MUSIC BLOGS. KiNo at dusk performing the lush "One Minute Minuet" at the HQ, New York. Sound by Jeff Blenkinsopp. Camera operated by Sean Martin. This webcast is produced for the virtual tour held by various music blogs for the promotion of the album MAP OF THE UNIVERSE. Give us a shout if you would like to participate in this wicked fun with your blog. PLEASE SEE THE FULL QUALITY VIDEO HERE... . .
10/2/20082 minutes, 41 seconds
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Come and See the Pretty Chaos - Live in the Mirror at Zebulon

Camera eyesdropping on KiNo’s preparation; rehearsals for the upcoming KiNo Live. Location is KiNo's home turf Zebulon in Williamsburg, New York. Sound by Jeff Blenkinsopp. Camera operated by Sean Martin. Special thanks to Zebulon. This webcast is produced for the virtual tour held by various music blogs for the promotion of the album MAP OF THE UNIVERSE. Give us a shout if you would like to participate in this wicked fun with your blog.
9/25/20084 minutes, 22 seconds
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Live Transmission: #2 - Rick Wright Tribute [Summer 68]

9/18/20083 minutes, 50 seconds
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Live Transmission: #1

9/10/20081 minute, 15 seconds
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ENDORSING A PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT ABOUT THE UNIFICATION OF THE 3 MEDIUM CONCEPT. FEATURING JULYO WHO WILL BE CORRESPONDING FROM DUBLIN. Whilst working on the Level 2 of the site, KiNo explains a few things about the foundation of his work and the super-language of image-sound-word as the platform of communication of the theory of everything as it relates to all human beings and doings. Perplexity is your best companion if it leads you astray every now and then. SEE THE FULL QUALITY VIDEO HERE..
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Modern Malady: Fire the Phantom of Liberty

MODERN MALADY. FIRE WORKS. STATE VS. PEOPLE. VULTURE CULTURE OF THE STATE. BIT OF PLATO. BIT OF NIETZSCHE. THE VOID IDEOLOGY OF CONTEMPORARY ORDER. Americans, I mean the citizens of the United States of America, not the people of ununited other states like Mexico, Chile, Canada or Argentina even though they also are Americans because of geography, you know, just like Japanese, Chinese and Indians are all Asians, and as Welsh, Italian and Bulgarians are Europeans, however they continent they are in doesn’t really give much definition to their different cultures. Anyway, the good people of this country widely known as Americans celebrated the annual commemoration of their declaration of independence from Britain on 4th of July.... READ THE REST HERE 9
7/15/20086 minutes, 9 seconds
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Facist Fashion

A POEM MADE OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN IMAGES AND WORDS. FACIST ≠ FASCIST! Automatic writing is a surrealist trait to disempower the oppressive reign of logic in our thought system. Logic and common sense resulting from human perception can never represent the irrational, unorganised reality itself. I took a stroll in Soho, New York and came back with this footage on which I speak an automated speech. SEE THE FULL QUALITY VIDEO HERE...
7/4/20083 minutes, 49 seconds
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Modern Malady: The Sound of Music

MODERN MALADY. NOT MELODY. MALADY. IN OUR TIME, REPETITION ITSELF HAS BECOME THE FORM OF EXPRESSION. Presenting to you a handful of random musical selections from the last century against another batch of random music created in this decade by the people who were born in the last century - except Mr. Richard Wagner who wrote the piece of music in the middle of the film 'Tristan & Isolde' in 1857 on a piano. WHAT IS MUSIC? The kinetic twin: sound and image. Of the image the sound is made, and of sounds we make music. So, in the music there must be imagery and if the imagery is not in the music; inscribed in sound, pitch, rhthmn and melody then it doesn’t move my spirit. There is so much vacant stimulation for the body and our physical senses which by now are just the hardware, the property of the market wherever you are in the world.. The beauty of it is that music can’t be intellectualised. That is why I make music! It is the proper property of the spirit. There is no such thing as bad music, there is only music that will last. 9
6/24/20084 minutes, 53 seconds
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9 of the spirit

9 IS KiNo's ICONOGRAPHIC REPRESENTATION. Mevlana (Rumi) said 'from emotion, thought and enthusiasm I beget my being' nearly 830 years ago. Today 9 echoes, remembers, confides in Mevlana. His version of the Map of the Universe is incomparably accurate. Despite the 8 century gap between his book Mesnevi and this Map of the Universe as the concept, let him be remembered and revered as of the milestone alliances of human intelligence and spirit that has achieved the Revolution of the Mind at some point in time. 9 is the direct descendent of this human potential. Yes, Mevlana has mapped the Universe. And he plays a big role in the origin of 9 along with others. Who is 9 in the life of KiNo? KiNo obeys 9. 9 is the childhood essence of this man, incorruptible by the mediocrity of adulthood and material existence. It's my mirror image as recognised by a 9 year old boy. A low-fi acoustic performance of a part from the 9th song of the album - Hypnotic - serves as the base of a few poems from Mevlana, translated in today's terms. . SEE THE FULL QUALITY VIDEO HERE... 9
6/12/20083 minutes, 22 seconds
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KiNo vs. People 3 "Poet vs. Rockstar"

WHAT DOES POET OF SOUND & IMAGE KiNo DO EXACTLY? Third part of the impromptu interview with the New Yorkers on Wall street. KiNo asks them a 3 step question specifically aimed to reveal exactly what the intent with the album Map of the Universe is. People confirm the crux of the cultural problem here. Popularism dictates time what to preserve in the age of mechanical reproduction. American equivalent to culture is a bit too oblique to grasp. Long time KiNo collaborator Jennifer Armstrong conducted the interviews, while Karina Correa filmed. Produced & edited by KiNo for the NBC pilot programme. . SEE THE FULL QUALITY VIDEO HERE... . . 9 . .
6/6/20086 minutes, 36 seconds
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Cinema = Life: Part 2 (Secret Message)

THIS IS TO PARALLEL LIFE. 1924 MANUSCRIPT. THE BASHING SOLITUDE OF THE SILHOUTTE THAT DOESN'T BELONG TO ME, IT BELONGS TO YOU, IT IS THE HUMAN FORM. Edna Purveyance and her colleague are after a manuscript from 1924 which Anarchy Espionage believes is linked to the Map of the Universe. 9 sends in a secret message via 'Testimonies', a dream etched in the light of classic gangster film Le cercle Rouge and the cardinal poet of sound and image Jean Luc Godard explains the sentiment that ploughs my heart. SEE THE FULL QUALITY VIDEO HERE... - 9 -
5/29/20083 minutes, 22 seconds
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Cinema = Life: Part 1 (Edna Purveyance)

CHARACTER INTRODUCTION. A SUB SERIES OF DRAMA. Here, fictional situations will be set up to echo reality and vice versa. By this way, I will be documenting whatever is happening that concerns the album, projects at hand and the big picture Revolution of the Mind. All characters who appear in these sequential videos are real people and so are their situation in life is most probably experienced by a lot of people. In other words this is our story. Edna Purveyance created in honour of Edna Purviance.
5/20/20082 minutes, 36 seconds
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Modern Malady: Autistic Space

MODERN MALADY: Autistic Space 2. AN ART GALLERY IS AN INSULAR SPACE, ART LIKE LIFE LIVES ELSEWHERE. IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE ME GO CHECK FOR SIGNS OF LIFE. Pretext: Disgusting. Freud work sets new world record A Lucian Freud painting of a sleeping, naked woman sells for $33.6m (£17.2m) in New York, a new record. source: BBC On a random excursion in incomparable Soho, New York, I stumbled across a prominent typical gallery. Lovely how it all unfolds in front of my eyes. - Where are you? - I am outside an art gallery. - What do you see? - I see the reflection of my feet on the ground. and I see paintings as well as a man facing the computer. - What kind of paintings? - Art history tells me that was an abstract painting. - How does the art history come to know this? READ THE FULL ARTICLE...
5/13/20082 minutes, 59 seconds
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KiNo vs. People 2 "What's the Map of the Universe?"

Second part of the impromptu interview with the New Yorkers. KiNo asks them the heaviest of all questions "What is the Map of the Universe?" then he explains a few crucial things. Long time KiNo collaborator Jennifer Armstrong conducted the interviews, while Karina Correa filmed. Produced & edited by KiNo for the NBC pilot programme.
5/7/20084 minutes, 18 seconds
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Modern Malady: Rock'n Tomb

ROLLING STONES DON'T GATHER MOSS FLOGGING THEIR CORPSE Rolling Stones in 1968 by Jean Luc Godard vs. Rolling corpses in 2006 by Martin Scorcese. What a circus. WATCH ON KiNo TV
4/29/20083 minutes, 14 seconds
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KiNo vs. People

Poet of sound & image KiNo conducts an impromptu interview with the New Yorkers on Wall street at the financial district. KiNo collaborator Jennifer Armstrong conducted the interviews, while Karina Correa filmed. Produced & edited by KiNo for the NBC pilot programme.
4/13/20083 minutes, 27 seconds
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Brand new era: New series & the KiNo TV

This video post heralds the coming of the new video podcast series by KiNo that features the manifestation of the concept of Map of the Universe. This new programme will simultaneously produce a 45 minute pilot episode for the American Network NBC as they are interested in the creative process KiNo promoting the concept and it's first completed component the debut album. The new channel is launched at
4/12/200841 seconds
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Public Announcement #9

Kino - Map of the Universe - The new series Public Announcement #9. All previous episodes from the "MAKING OF AN ALBUM" are now removed from the server and archived.
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Map of the Universe Radio Advertisement (France)

An audio advertisement for French Radio stations.
11/27/200736 seconds
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Map of the Universe Radio Advertisement (Germany)

An audio advertisement for German Radio stations.