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John Solomon Reports

English, Investigative journalism, 1 season, 1172 episodes, 6 days, 3 hours, 4 minutes
Award-winning investigative journalist John Solomon, who helped unravel the bogus Russia collusion scandal, gives you his exclusive reporting and big newsmaker interviews every Tuesday and Thursday. To get the unvarnished truth about what’s really going on in Washington, subscribe today to John Solomon Reports.
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Former border commissioner: Republicans are “all over the place” on fixing the border crisis

Former Border Commissioner Mark Morgan slammed the Biden administration over the death of UGA nursing student Laken Riley, saying, “I’ve never seen an administration so blatantly lie and push a false narrative on the American people to make them feel like it’s not happening.” He discussed how to fix the border, saying that “as long as the policies allow catch and release at any level, this is not going to stop,” and advocated for e-verify systems for businesses. He also objected to congressional Republicans, who he says “caved in” on border bills.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/26/202442 minutes, 45 seconds
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Former Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron says ESG only benefits America’s foreign adversaries

1792 Exchange CEO Daniel Cameron says the environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) movement is trying to destroy America’s energy independence and bolster our foreign adversaries’ resources. Cameron explains how Chinese energy companies that used slave labor received better ESG scores from MSCI than American energy companies because they produced renewable energy. Additional interviews with: Actor and author Kirk Cameron, NetChoice Vice President and General Counsel Carl Szabo, Missouri Gubernatorial candidate Rep. Bill Eigel, Economist Dr. Jason Sorens, and Joeylynn Mesaros. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern or watch any time at JustTheViews.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/25/202452 minutes, 17 seconds
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Oversight Member Rep. Grothman says voters deserve to know whether Joe Biden is compromised ahead of 2024 election

Representative Glenn Grothman (R-WI) debates whether Democrat and Independent voters will be influenced by House GOP’s impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden ahead of the November election. “I think America likes to have their politicians be honest,” says Rep. Grothman. Additional interview with Former Ambassador Carla Sands on early-voting being the key to securing Republican wins in 2024 election, urges voters to sign up for mail-in ballots. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/24/202422 minutes, 13 seconds
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Rep. Scott Perry calls arrest timing of key ex-FBI informant in Biden investigation, ‘too coincidental’

Representative Scott Perry (R-PA) reacts to Special counsel David Weiss pressing charges against former FBI informant Alexander Smirnov for allegedly lying about the Biden family’s involvement with Burisma Holdings. “The same people that employed him, the same people that used his information, suddenly now are arresting him,” Rep Perry says. Additional interviews with U.S. Oil and Gas Association President Tim Stewart on Bad energy policies are born on the west coast and Just the News Night Editor Ben Whedon on all the top lines from this week. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/23/202429 minutes, 41 seconds
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Oversight Member Rep. Burlison says James Biden testimony explanation of his loan repayment to brother was ‘reaching’ at best

Missouri Congressman Eric Burlison says the President’s brother James explanation of his loan repayments to Joe Biden stood out to him from his testimony to the House Oversight Committee Wednesday, as the explanation was “reaching” at best. “For him to say that he had too many student loan bills that racked up or that he had...Something with a home that they had in Florida where it was hit by a hurricane, those were very suspect issues,” says Rep. Burlison. Additional interviews Dr. Peter McCullough on the damage that COVID misinformation has done to the medical community and Just the News Investigative Reporter Steven Richards on James Biden’s testimony before the House Oversight Committee this week.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/22/202426 minutes, 48 seconds
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Trump Nat’l Security Expert: Al-Qaeda return in Afghanistan, abandoned U.S. weaponry makes Taliban ‘arm dealers’

Fred Fleitz, former Chief of Staff to Trump‘s National Security Council, says the reports of the resurgence of Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan was “predictable” after Biden’s botched Afghanistan exit in 2021. Fleitz comments, “there's a close relationship between Al-Qaeda and the Taliban. But let's review what happened in 2021, [the U.S.] left behind 358,000 assault rifles, 126,000 pistols, 64,000 machine guns, 16,000 night vision goggles, and thousands of trucks, Humvees and aircrafts.” “The Taliban, first of all, they’ve become arms dealers, and we have to assume a lot of these weapons are probably showing up in Ukraine and being used by the Russians, and who knows what else. But this really are weapons that could be arming several large, aggressive terrorist groups. And I think that's what's going on now. I believe that the Taliban is probably selling larger equipment that it can easily use, and weapons like machine guns and assault rifles, they are all being used in these Taliban training camps,” said Fleitz. Additional interviews with Robert Greenway, Director of the Center for National Defense at The Heritage Foundation, on  Southern border crisis has opened Americans’ eyes to Biden’s poor foreign policy, and AMAC Spokesman Bobby Charles. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/21/202453 minutes, 8 seconds
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West Virginia AG Morrisey calls to invoke 25th Amendment after Hur report on Biden’s mental decline

West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey says the burden to prove Joe Biden is mentally capable of serving as Commander-in-Chief lies with the president himself. “From my perspective, it’s not desirable to have a Biden or a Kamala Harris as president,” says Morrisey. “But I think we have to focus on the Constitution and the importance of having someone who can serve as Commander-in-Chief.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/21/202441 minutes
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Ahead of Trump CPAC speech, Matt Schlapp says Nikki Haley ‘living in a state of denial’

Matt Schlapp reveals newly elected Argentinian President Javier Millei to speak at CPAC 2024 and breaks down why he uninvited most members of Congress. Additional interviews with Arizona Congressional candidate Abe Hamadeh and Reagan Historian and Author of ‘The Search for Reagan” Craig Shirley over the legacy of CPAC over the last four decades.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/19/202447 minutes, 30 seconds
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Border Patrol union Head raises the alarm on spike in ‘military-aged men’ from China crossing US border

National Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd raises concern over the spike of military-aged men from China entering our country through the southern border. “At best, they’re here for a better life. At worst, they’re here to be part of the Chinese government, to infiltrate our own country,” says Judd. Additional interviews with: Rep. Ben Cline (R-VA), Kash Patel, former Assistant Treasury Secretary Michael Faulkender, and Actor John Schneider. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern or watch any time at JustTheViews.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/18/202452 minutes, 10 seconds
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Ex-Israeli Ambassador to US: ‘High time’ US tell United Nations that its headquarters in NYC ‘persona non grata’

Former Israeli Ambassador to the United States Michael Oren calls for the dismantling of the United Nations Relief and Work Agency (UNRWA) after evidence has arisen of Hamas operating under its headquarters in Gaza. Oren also says that it is “high time” that the U.S. tells the United Nations that its headquarters in New York City is “persona non grata.” Additional interviews with House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith, and Vice President of Foreign Policy at ‘The Heritage Foundation’ Victoria Coates on condemning the United Nations for anti-American activities. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/17/202432 minutes, 36 seconds
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Rep. Steube: Witnesses corroborated evidence Joe Biden rainmaker, money flowed after meetings with foreign leaders

Florida Congressman Greg Steube discusses his bill to defund UNRWA and the impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden and the Biden family business, and discusses recent witnesses that corroborated that President Biden was the “rainmaker,” that upon his meetings with foreign dignitaries, money would start flowing into Biden family accounts. Additional interviews with Arizona Congressman Andy Biggs, and ‘Home Title Lock’ advisor James Finch.  See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/16/202432 minutes, 49 seconds
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Rep. Comer says House Oversight is looking into Biden’s bank accounts, transactions from grandchildren, family

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer addresses the allegation that President Joe Biden’s grandchildren deposited funds from the family’s business schemes into his bank accounts. “In one of the interviews that we haven’t, I don’t believe, disclosed the transcript yet, the witness made reference to an account we didn’t know about. We’re researching that account. They also said that that account could’ve possibly been paid with some infusion from the grandchildren,” says Rep. Comer. Additional interviews with Senator Marsha Blackburn on Senate border bill and securing the Southern border before funding Ukraine and Western Energy Alliance President Kathleen Sgamma on environmental activism is about control not what’s good for the environment.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/15/202443 minutes, 48 seconds
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Rep. Mike Collins ‘wouldn’t put it past’ Turner to use security threat as ploy to pass FISA reform, Ukraine aid

Georgia Congressman Mike Collins discusses news of the day, and says he “wouldn’t put it past” Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Turner using old national security intelligence as a ploy to help pass FISA reform and increase Ukraine aid.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/14/202459 minutes, 28 seconds
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Rep. Jim Banks says Biden impeachment inquiry must be expanded to include ‘border’ as top offense

Rep. Jim Banks says for the articles of impeachment against President Joe Biden must include “the border to be one of the one of the main articles, on top of the corruption, on top of everything else this administration has done to abuse their power, to abuse the privileges of being president, to cover up Hunter Biden's crimes and they politicized the FBI, and there are many reasons to impeach but for me, the border is at the top of the list.” Additional interviews with Texas Land Commissioner Dr. Dawn Buckingham on Texas leading fight for States to protect their borders in absence of the Biden administration and former Border Patrol Chief Rodney Scott on Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas impeachment vote.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/13/20241 hour, 10 minutes, 16 seconds
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Matt Schlapp hypes guest lineup ahead of conservative conference

Matt Schlapp, Chairman of the American Conservative Union, sits down with John Solomon ahead up annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) to tout exclusive guest lineup, events, and what to expect this year.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/12/202437 minutes, 2 seconds
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Rep. Andy Biggs reveals Impeachment witness before Oversight says no record James Biden worked for now-defunct Americore

Arizona Congressman Andy Biggs says a trustee for the now-bankrupt healthcare company Americore told the House Oversight Committee that she had no record on presidential brother James Bidens’ role for the company nor any paperwork backing up loans made to him. “The thing with Americore is pretty stinky because that ends up going bankrupt and nobody can tell us what he did,” says Rep. Biggs. Additional interviews with Former DEA Special Operations Derek Maltz, Arizona Congressman Eli Crane, Georgia Congressman Rich McCormick, and Nevada Republican Senate Candidate Dr. Jeff Gunter.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/11/202451 minutes, 4 seconds
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Sen Johnson on Biden emails, shared White House comms with family: All done with ‘impunity’ knowing he’ll have zero accountability

Sen. Ron Johnson breaks down recently revealed emails showing as early as 2010, Joe Biden routinely used a private email account with a fake name to conduct official government business as vice president, and at times copied his sons and brother on exchanges that included some of the highest ranking officials inside the White House, according to documents released under a historic lawsuit against the National Archives. Johnson said, "It'll be really interesting to see how many emails Vice President Biden sent once the Hillary Clinton email scandal broke, where it was obvious that this was made public and this is a real problem for this the secretary of state at that point in time," Johnson said. He added: "They do this with impunity, because by and large, the media does not hold them accountable. So they they know they can get away with it."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/10/202435 minutes, 57 seconds
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Dershowitz: I’d like the decision not to prosecute Biden for classified docs, if followed by decision not to prosecute Trump

Alan Dershowitz breaks down the Biden classified documents case and the two standards being used in the Trump and Biden cases. The Harvard Professor blasts the legal double standard to not charge President Joe Biden for his handling of classified documents while special counsel Jack Smith continues his case against former President Donald Trump. “I like the final decision not to prosecute Joe Biden if it was followed by a prosecutorial decision not to prosecute Donald Trump,” says Dershowitz.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/9/202443 minutes, 45 seconds
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Sen. Tuberville says McConnell, Caucus ‘giving up’ on the border

Sen. Tommy Tuberville breaks down recent border bill negotiations and says, after public outcry over the bills content earlier this week. Tuberville says, McConnell is “giving up, it seems like we're kind of given up as a caucus on our border. And the very quick shift yesterday with a vote, voting down this non-essential border bill that would not do anything to protect our American citizens at border and then very quickly turn around and vote on the supplement to give $100 billion basically overseas to other people's borders, before we secure ours doesn't make any sense to me.” “American people should hold all of us accountable for this because we're getting overrun at the border, it is costing us billions of dollars, crime everywhere, it's getting worse, and the Democrats don't care now, they’re globalist they want the borders open,” says Tuberville. Commenting, he’s disappointed we don't have enough in the Republican Party to keep anything from passing until we get something done on our border.” Additional interview with Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton on Texas stepping up to fill in the void of border security left by the Biden administration.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/8/202434 minutes, 25 seconds
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Ex-Homeland Secretary Wolf slams Senate border bill for prioritizing left’s immigration agenda while failing to solve border crisis

Former Trump Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf discusses Mayorkas impeachment vote, border crisis, and Senate Republicans missteps with the negotiations of recently proposed Border deal. Wolf says the Senate border security bill has too many concerning provisions to be passed as is. “I think the conclusion is pretty clear that this is not a bill for the American people and that’s why I’m not in support of it,” says Wolf. Additional interview with National Border Patrol Union Vice President Art Del Cueto on why his organization is in support of the Senate’s proposed border bill, stating that it can at least bring “some kind of normalcy to the mess that was created under [the Biden] administration.” “Is it the perfect bill? No, I don’t think we’re going to get the perfect bill.” And AMAC Spokesman Bobby Charles on recent Appellate Court ruling on Trump Presidential Immunity Case.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/7/202457 minutes, 36 seconds
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Rep. Austin Scott: Mayorkas vote ‘important’ even if fails for ‘people out there trying to protect’ US under tough circumstances

Rep. Austin Scott says Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas impeachment vote important today in Congress, even if it fails, because it sends an important message to the agents and to the “people down there trying to protect America under very very tough circumstances,” that there are members of Congress that “are upset about what’s going on” at the border.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/6/202445 minutes, 29 seconds
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Rep. Grothman says GOP Senators supporting border bill indistinguishable from Dems: Not acting ‘like party of Reagan right now’

Rep. Glenn Grothman slams new border bill coming out of the United States Senate and Republican support, saying it makes the GOP indistinguishable from Democrats, “Republicans who support this in the Senate don't seem like the party of Reagan right now,” said Rep. Grothman.  Additional interview with ‘America First Legal’ Deputy Director of Investigations John Zadrozny walks through the highlights of the newly released bipartisan Senate border bill, explaining that the “terrible bill” being put forth by “useful idiot Republicans like Senator Lankford,” in short, seeks to codify the Biden administrations catch-and-release policy into law, funds sanctuary cities, and allows over 1 million illegal immigrants to cross into America before it allows “so-called additional powers” to be given to the administration, which already is less powers than already afforded to it by the current law, explained Zadrozny.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/5/202434 minutes, 19 seconds
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Rep. Norman: Footage of Rep. Ilhan Omar’s pro-Somalia speech ‘shows where her allegiance is’

Rep. Ralph Norman calls bipartisan tax bill a “bad bill” and slams Congresswoman Ilhan Omar over recent speech, saying the Minnesota Congresswoman should be investigated over viral video footage of her vowing to prioritize Somalia’s interests. “Everybody ought to take note of this and be very disturbed about it.” Additional interviews with ‘Hercules’ Actor Kevin Sorbo, Former Trump Administration Official and Chief of Staff at the Department of Defense Kash Patel, Chairman of the Ok GOP and State Senator of District 33 in Oklahoma Nathan Dahm. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern or watch any time at JustTheViews.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/4/202440 minutes, 25 seconds
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Ex-CPB Head: Mayorkas ‘derelict’ behavior 3 years in the making, impeachment should be ‘easy yes vote’ for congress

Former acting Customs and Border Patrol Commissioner Mark Morgan on Congress needing to be “floor whipping operation ” over the weekend for Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas impeachment vote. Morgan says, “It shouldn't, we've had three years of Secretary Mayorkas, who has abdicated his oath, abused his authority, lied to the American people and Congress under oath. He has violated the law, he’s refused to enforce the law, and he's rewritten the law to his definition of what it should be circumventing Congress. He's been the architect of the worst border security crisis in our lifetime. That's jeopardize every aspect of our nation safety and national security. And [House Homeland Security] Chairman Mark Green, didn't do what the Democrats did on one phone call and go right to impeachment. He conducted several months of hearings, produced countless witnesses in over 400 pages of testimony clearly outlined the dereliction of duty of Secretary Mayorkas and why he should be impeached. I agree with you. This should have been an easy yes vote in the House, Senate. Hopefully it's gonna happen next week.” Additional interviews with: Senior Vice President of Gun Owners of America Erich Pratt on ATF background check and recent whistleblowers, Georgia Agriculture Commissioner Tyler Harper on his letter with 11 other GOP State AC's to the sixth large banks over their net-zero banking alliance, farmland and how agriculture costs and producers have been impacted by electric mandates, and VP of National Taxpayers Union Brandon Arnold on the recent tax bill that is headed for the Senate. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/3/202440 minutes, 40 seconds
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Tim Stewart: Biden’s Natural Gas export pause further damages America’s international reputation with allies

U.S. Oil and Gas Association President Tim Stewart says President Joe Biden’s pause on liquified natural gas export permits hurts America's trade reputation with its European and Asian allies. “We’re not reliable international security partners if we’re putting them at risk...But the other problem is it forces these countries to look elsewhere,” Stewart says. “They’re going to look to the Middle East, they’re going to look to other countries with less stellar environmental records to produce natural gas and buy their LNG.” Additional interviews with: Director of the Oversight Project at The Heritage Foundation Mike Howell highlighting the latest investigations into the Biden family specifically Hunter Biden’s business dealings, AMAC Spokesman Bobby Charles on Judicial activism not only bad for America’s political institutions but bad for the country as a whole, and Just the News Reporter Natalia Mittelstadt on news of the week and her reporting on the 14 provisions that the Honest Elections Project suggested for states to adopt before the 2024 elections. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/2/202453 minutes, 57 seconds
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Rep. Eric Burlison lays out his questions for James Biden to address in scheduled Oversight interview

Representative Eric Burlison (R-MO) lists questions he’d like James Biden, President Joe Biden’s brother, to answer when he comes in for a transcribed interview with the House Oversight Committee on February 21. Rep. Burlison says he specifically wants James Biden to address “loan repayments” he sent his brother and the lack of documents verifying these loans. Additional interview with Empower Oversight Whistleblowers and Research (EMPOWR) President Tristan Leavitt on the state of whistleblowers coming forward to share independent instances of government and corporate wrongdoing, through documenting and reporting corruption to the proper authorities while also seeking to hold authorities accountable to act on those reports.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/1/202449 minutes, 9 seconds
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Biggs on Mayorkas impeachment: ‘Nobody’ less deserving of executive authority than Biden, his Homeland Security henchman

Rep. Andy Biggs weights in on the Impeachment of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. After public outcry and criticism of the Biden administration over its’ handling of border security Biggs remarks, “There is nobody who is less deserving for executive authority than President Joe Biden with his henchman Alejandro Mayorkas.” Additional interviews with Rep. Mike Collins on Rep. Ilhan Omar’s pledge to prioritize Somalia’s interests and Texas Land Commissioner Dr. Dawn Buckingham on Biden’s unwillingness to defend southern border means Texas must. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/31/202442 minutes, 7 seconds
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John Solomon, co-host Amanda Head talk Biden-Texas border standoff and news of the day

John Solomon and co-host Amanda Head talk the news of the day and break down the rising tensions between the Biden administration and Texas Governor Gregg Abbott over southern border razor wire implementation.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/30/202446 minutes, 13 seconds
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Newt Gingrich advice to GOP in 2024: ‘To be truly as successful as we need to be, must to focus on unifying American people’

Newt Gingrich breaks down the issue of the day and sends message to Republicans hoping for historic election turnout in 2024. Gingrich quotes Reagan’s farewell address, ‘people said that I won great victories, but that wasn't true. Every victory, I won you won, with your voices, with your phone calls, that was the people of America getting things done.l That's what [Republicans in 2024] apply. And that's why Bill Clinton decided he had to work with republicans, because we stood with the American people. And my feeling this year is that, for us to truly be as successful as we need to be, we have to focus on unifying the American people. And at the program we run, called America's New Majority Project, we are identifying 70 and 80% issues, and finding ways to bring people together that are just I think, very, very important. And that give us an opportunity to create a majority big enough that we could win the House, the Senate, the presidency, and then actually get dramatic things done in 2026.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/29/202425 minutes, 28 seconds
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Kari Lake says daughter urged her to release recording of former Arizona GOP chair

Arizona GOP U.S. Senate Candidate Kari Lake says her 20-year-old daughter encouraged her to release the audio recording of former Arizona Republican Chairman Jeff DeWit offering her money to leave politics. “This is somebody who shouldn’t be anywhere near our party leadership,” Lake says about DeWit. “If we can’t be ethical, honest, pro-America Republicans, then I don’t think you should be in charge of the party.” Additional interviews with Trump pollster John McLaughlin, former Acting Customs and Border Patrol Commissioner Mark Morgan, Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensberger, and Arizona Congressional candidate Abe Hamadeh. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern or watch any time at JustTheViews.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/28/202456 minutes, 2 seconds
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Exclusive: One-on-one with Victor Davis Hanson covering his new book and cultural unrest in America

Victor Davis Hanson and John Solomon break down news of the week and talk through the cultural unrest being seen in American society. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/27/202423 minutes, 36 seconds
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Texas AG Ken Paxton: Immigration invasion might cost Joe Biden the election

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton talks about how the immigration crisis is resonating with voters across the country. Paxton says it’s going to be hard for President Joe Biden to walk back three and a half years of “ignoring federal law and helping the cartels” in the coming months before the election. Additional interviews with Founder and CEO of “Optima Ed” Ericka Donalds on the importance of school choice as a tool in the fight for parents having a say in their children’s education, and Rep. Barry Loudermilk on January 6 committee star witness, Cassidy Hutchinson, significantly editing her testimony to the committee after the fact. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/26/202450 minutes, 21 seconds
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Kash Patel breaks down the latest revelations in the Hunter Biden, saga of Biden family business dealings

Kash Patel and John Solomon discuss the highlights of the week from the allegations of an office romance between the lawyer in the Trump Georgia election case and Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis and breaks down the recent revelations concerning Hunter Biden and the Biden family business dealings.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/25/202444 minutes, 59 seconds
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Rasmussen: Border top issue nationwide, Iowa and New Hampshire prove it

Veteran Pollster Scott Rasmussen joins the show to talk about Trump’s decisive win last night in the New Hampshire primary, winning by over 12 points against Nikki Haley, further reaffirming his statements after the Iowa Primary that the “race is over,” Donald Trump will be the 2024 Republican Presidential Nominee. The New Hampshire primary results also reaffirmed that the number one voting issue for Americans right now is border security. Rasmussen said, “people are connecting the border crisis with the Fentanyl crisis. They are seeing weaknesses in national security, connecting the border problem to what's happening in the Middle East or Ukraine. There's some general fears that are going on, when you have a phenomenon like black Democrats suing their city over the migrant crisis, that’s something that tells you this is a huge issue. And I think one of the one of the reasons it's a big issue is the political elites don't see it as a big issue and many Democrats want to propose a solution that would would not please most voters. And so all of a sudden, you've got the situation that the Democratic Party is having a hard time grappling with, nothing is being done and it’s moving up as a decisive issue. When you talk about the economy, it's always like a number one or two issue, almost always number one. But the things they say are bothering them aren't as clear cut as they are on border security.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/24/20241 hour, 14 minutes, 25 seconds
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Sen. Blackburn: Biden using VA resources to process health claims for illegals causing backlog of ‘1 million’ veterans

U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn reveals an astonishing statistic, that due to the Biden administration allowing Veterans Affairs resources to be used to help process health claims and health services for illegals, has caused veterans claims to grow to “1 million” backlog. Remarking, “When you’ve got a backlog of a million veterans that are waiting to get health care, that are waiting to get benefit answers, and you find out that money that should be being used to solve their situations is being used for illegal immigrants, to people that is absolutely maddening.  Because think, Wait a minute, we promised our veterans that we would take care of them and now you're telling me the money that should be taken care of them is being spent on illegal immigrants.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/23/202438 minutes, 42 seconds
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Ex-National Security Advisor Victoria Coates breaks down why Iran is helping South Africa

Former Deputy National Security Advisor for the Middle East Victoria Coates breaks down an unholy alliance happening between Iran and South Africa. Coates explains that not only is this highly concerning as “South Africa being a civil nuclear country, that there is could potentially be nuclear cooperation there that could be deeply, deeply dangerous. Then the other thing that is potentially very unfortunate is of course, all of these ships that the Iranian backed Houthi rebels are preventing from going through the Red Sea are being rerouted around South Africa. So if the Iranians get a toehold in South Africa, they could be in a position to say we not only threatening the mouth of the Red Sea, we not only threaten the Persian Gulf bottleneck at at the Strait of Hormuz, but we could also threaten the Cape of Good Hope, through our good friends with the South Africans. So that that then creates a whole other set of troubles and dangers that the Iranians may be setting up here.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/22/202435 minutes, 18 seconds
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Sen. Tuberville says US government cannot afford to keep giving ‘$40K and up to every illegal coming across the border’

U.S. Senator Tommy Tuberville says our government can’t sustain the level of current spending on migrant processing at the southern border. Sen. Tuberville adds that the United States is currently borrowing $80,000 per second, or $4.6 million a minute, on the taxpayers’ dime. Additional interviews with ‘Judicial Watch’ President Tom Fitton, Vice President of Foreign Policy at the ‘Heritage Foundation’ Victoria Coates, U.S. Senate Candidate for Arizona Sheriff Mark Lamb, NetChoice Vice President and General Counsel Carl Szabo. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern or watch any time at JustTheViews.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/21/202457 minutes, 50 seconds
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Rep. Austin Scott says Biden has authority to curb border crisis now by reinstating Trump-era border policies

Representative Austin Scott says it is unfair to put the “fiscal burden” on U.S. taxpayers to pay for the huge surge of illegal immigration through the southern border, when President Joe Biden has the authority to reenact the Remain in Mexico program and other policies that would curb immigration at the southern border. “Let’s remember this—if Biden had not reversed what Donald Trump had done, we would not have had the flow of illegal immigrants that we’ve had into the country in the last three years,” Rep. Scott says. Additional interviews with: Representative Bryan Steil on the immigration invasion and fentanyl crisis extending far beyond the U.S.-Mexico border. Steil says, “there’s a small community in my state with roughly 17,000 people that has 1,000 illegal immigrants who are now living there,” and Lora Ries, Border Security and Immigration Center Director at the Heritage Foundation, explains how President Joe Biden “wasted no time” enacting the left’s long-planned open border agenda. “When we're talking about over 10.2 million illegal alien encounters and known gotaways, this is clearly intentional. They’ve had plenty of time to course correct and they haven’t,” Ries says.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/20/202437 minutes, 13 seconds
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Evidence Bidens funneled money into insurance policies, ‘offshore bank accounts’ to avoid taxes, Key Oversight Member

Rep. Eric Burlison says he thinks the Biden family noticed people were “hot on the trail” of their foreign business dealings and moved to use Hunter Biden’s art sales as a new scheme. Rep. Burlison believes the Bidens also overly funded whole life insurance policies and used offshore bank accounts as a way to hide money and avoid taxes. Additional interviews with Mike Howell, Oversight Project Director for the Heritage Foundation, on the Bidens’ selling influence through Hunter Biden’s art is a “money laundering operation as old as time,” and Real America’s Voice Correspondent and Law & Border Host Ben Bergquam says the only way he sees Senate Democrats voting to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas is if their constituents speak out against the flood of illegal immigrants.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/19/202438 minutes, 4 seconds
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Utah Treasurer takes victory lap after stock exchange pulls ESG rule

Utah State Treasurer Marlo Oaks discusses his efforts to repeal a proposed rule by the New York Stock Exchange to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) that would have created "natural assets companies," created for the purpose of purchasing land and blocking its "unsustainable extractive activities." Oaks push backed on the proposal on multiple grounds, including the high potential for misuse or nonuse of natural resources, ethics concerns, and ultimately the extensive administrative overreach.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/18/202440 minutes, 35 seconds
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Ex-Israel Ambassador to US: Hamas used enough money for ‘dozens’ of schools, hospitals on tunnels, left Gazans without protection

Former Israel Ambassador to United States Michael Oren says the media is quick to chastise Israel for devastation of Gaza but forgets that Hamas receives plenty of money to build more than enough protection for its citizen. Ambassador Oren says, “We now know how much money went into these tunnels and bunkers." "Enough to build dozens and dozens of schools. Dozens and dozens of hospitals.......while the people of Gaza were left destitute." Pointing to the fact that Gaza civilians not being let into the tunnels is just another example of Hamas using innocent people as human shields. Additional interviews with Israeli Nova Festival and October 7th Survivor Natalie Sanandaji.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/17/202439 minutes, 54 seconds
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Pollster Rasmussen after Trump Iowa Caucus results: ‘Race is over’

Veteran Pollster Scott Rasmussen says the race for the 2024 Republican Presidential Nominee is “over” after Trump excelled polling, winning the Iowa Caucus by over 30 points from the second place, Governor Ron DeSantis. Rasmussen says “the race is over, you know, barring something cataclysmic health-wise or something that we can't imagine.” Remarking, from the results last night, “not only was it that, the former President topped 50%, but there was no clear second place, you know, if it had been Trump 40%, DeSantis 30%, Haley 20%, then I could say maybe something's going on here. But there was there's no clear second choice and a majority for the former president is huge.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/16/202446 minutes, 35 seconds
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Special Report- ‘Continuing MLK’s Legacy: Uniting Black and Jewish Americans against Antisemitism’

John Solomon, Editor-in-Chief of Just the News, hosts ‘Continuing MLK’s Legacy: Uniting Black and Jewish Americans against Antisemitism’ discussing the legacy left by Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. toward building and uniting the African American and Jewish American communities toward dispelling antisemitism, hate, and intolerance. Expert panel featuring: Dr. Alveda King, Dr. Carol Swain, former New York Senate Candidate Joe Pinion, and Temple Beth-El President Gary Slobin.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/15/202451 minutes, 36 seconds
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AMAC Special Report: ‘Bootcamp for Boomers’

John Solomon and ‘Association of Mature American Citizens’ CEO Rebecca Weber joins break down the news of the day and discuss AMAC’s upcoming “Bootcamp for Boomers.”Today's featured guest will be Leadership Institute Director Riley Gaines. Additional interviews with Wisconsin GOP Sen. Ron Johnson, ACRU Executive Director Lt. Col. Allen West, and AMAC Senior Vice President Andy Mangione. The show runs weekdays at 6 p.m. EST and may be live-streamed on the Real America's Voice Network.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/14/202449 minutes, 13 seconds
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Homeland Chairman Green says Mayorkas conduct goes beyond policy differences, ‘rises to high crimes and misdemeanors’

House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Mark Green says that Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas impeachable conduct goes beyond “policy differences” but extends in to what the Congressman believes “rises to high crimes and misdemeanors, because the founders were really clear about that. It's abuse of office, it's dereliction of duty that results in harm to the country. And this Secretary has very clearly defied the laws passed by our Congress, particularly the Immigration and Nationality Act, which says you're to detain people when they come in. [Mayorkas] hasn't done that, there’s 85% being released now, immediately after showing up at the border.” Additional interviews with Chief Chris Clem, former Chief Patrol Agent of the U.S. Border Patrol discusses the dire situation at the Southern Border as everyday sees record number of illegal crossings.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/13/202425 minutes, 6 seconds
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Jim Jordan: House Judiciary to look into Fani Willis’ alleged illicit relationship with attorney hired to prosecute Trump

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan says the panel plans on looking into Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis’ alleged illicit relationship with an attorney she hired to prosecute former President Donald Trump. Willis faces allegations of maintaining an improper romantic relationship and benefiting financially from Trump’s indictment. Additional interview with Georgia Congressman Barry Loudermilk on the original Democrat-led January 6 House select committee was looking for evidence that fit within the narrative they wanted to present to the country, and calls out star Jan.6 witness Cassidy Hutchinson over her changed testimony.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/12/202431 minutes, 46 seconds
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Rep. Austin Scott calls on House GOP hardliners to unite to fulfill promises to American people, help win in November

Georgia Congressman Austin Scott says Congress must get its act together and win for the American people before it’s too late. Scott says GOP hardliners must realize that no legislation or deal will be perfect, but cutting any federal spending or a deal on border security is better now than 10 months from now. Scott also says that Republicans “must be professional” so they can achieve successful messaging to independents and liberals on the truth about the Biden family business dealings, and topics that the media isn’t talking about. Additional interviews with Freedom Caucus Member Rep. Eli Crane on border and Johnson’s budget plan.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/11/202435 minutes, 35 seconds
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Oversight Comer reveals committee will seek Hunter Biden’s financial records from Arkansas paternity case

Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer says the House Oversight Committee is seeking to obtain Hunter Biden’s financial records through a paternity case in Arkansas. Comer says, "That's very valuable information to our investigation, because it details income. And that's why it's important. We're again trying to figure out what what this family did to receive money from our enemies around the world and how much money did they in fact receive."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/10/202424 minutes, 54 seconds
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Rep. Biggs on Mayorkas admission 85% of illegal migrants will be allowed to stay in US: how can anyone ‘defend not impeaching him’

Arizona Congressman Andy Biggs discusses reports of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas' private comments earlier this week that 85% of illegal immigrants that have come over the Southern Border will be allowed to stay in the United States under the Biden administration and gets into the House Freedom Caucus opposition to House Speaker Mike Johnson bipartisan spending deal with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, comparing it to the deal from his predecessor House Speaker Kevin McCarthy that led to his ousting.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/9/202444 minutes, 34 seconds
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Economist Art Laffer breaks down what Republicans can do about government spending

Former Reagan Economic Adviser Art Laffer says “government spending is easily brought under control with some prosperity.” He also discusses the importance of the economy for the 2024 election, saying Biden will be hurt by the state of the economy and Republicans need to “win this election and change the shape of the world.” Under Biden, he says, “you’ve got chaos, you’ve got uncertainties, you’ve got risk, you’ve got threats,” and all of those are making Americans unhappy with the administration.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/8/202442 minutes, 35 seconds
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Foreign policy expert on Iran: “If you don’t stand up to them, they’re gonna keep bullying us”

Heritage Foundation Vice President of Foreign Policy Victoria Coates discussed the conflicts in the Middle East, especially the growing threat of Iran getting a nuclear weapon. Additional interviews this week with Host of the "I Am Rapaport" Podcast Michael Rapaport, Leadership Institute's Campus Reform Editor-in-Chief Zachary Marschall, Washington Editor of The Spectator Amber Duke, and novelist and screenwriter Roger Simon. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern or watch any time at JustTheViews.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/7/202451 minutes, 48 seconds
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Kari Lake says Ukraine-border funding deal is ‘dead on arrival’

Kari Lake weighed in on the border crisis, saying “not one penny should go to Ukraine till we have a secure border.” She also commented on the state of elections in Arizona, saying “we’re living in a very corrupt state here,” and “this is what happens when you run elections like you’re in a banana republic.” Additional interviews this week with host of “Law and Border” Ben Bergquam and National Taxpayers Union Executive Vice President Brandon Arnold. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern or watch any time at JustTheViews.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/6/202427 minutes, 7 seconds
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Sen. Tuberville breaks down Biden admin failings on border, veterans, and military recruitment

Alabama GOP Sen. Tommy Tuberville discusses how the Biden administration has prioritized illegal immigrants over citizens, including in the VA. “You hate it for our county,” he says, arguing that the Democrats are “holding us hostage” by refusing to negotiate with Republicans on border policy. He also laments that “this country has been overrun by bureaucracy,” costing taxpayers billions of dollars.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/5/202441 minutes, 51 seconds
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Marjorie Taylor Greene slams Biden admin on border: “they failed America and everybody knows it”

Georgia GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene discussed the House’s upcoming impeachment hearing for Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, saying he is “breaking his oath to the American people to defend the United States of America.” “The only reason I am so serious about it is because Americans are dying every single day,” she said, detailing a story of two of her constituents who died because of a teenager smuggling illegal immigrants into the country. She also threw her support behind the investigations into President Biden’s business dealings, arguing the American people are “sick and tired of hearing the news stories…about all the outrageous corruption that happens in Washington, and the Republicans in Congress doing nothing about it.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/4/202451 minutes, 1 second
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CBP Commissioner warns GOP: if they can't get border legislation passed, voters will hold them responsible in 2024

Former Commissioner of the Customs and Border Protection Agency Mark Morgan has strong words for the Republican party on the border crisis: “there’s been no greater time, they’ve never had this much leverage … to force the Democrats to actually reverse course on their open border policies.” He warned that if “they fail to take advantage of this,” voters would hold them responsible in the 2024 elections, since “the American people have woken up” when it comes to the border.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/3/20241 hour, 6 minutes, 47 seconds
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Foreign policy expert says national security will be “high on the agenda” in 2024 election

Foreign Policy Analyst Dr. Walid Phares says that this is “the highest moment in American politics” for national security following the Hamas attack on October 7. He warns the Biden administration that they “have one year to correct the wrongs” of their foreign policy, especially on Iran, but doubts that the president has advisors who will help him change course.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/2/202444 minutes, 53 seconds
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Politics, Polling & Presidents: The Race to 2024

Happy New Year! We have now begun the countdown to the 2024 Election, episode today will discuss the most recent polling numbers heading into the Iowa Caucus on January 15th and voters top issues on the ballot in November. Expert panel: Veteran Pollster John McLaughlin, ‘CPAC’ Chairman Matt Schlapp, Political Commentator Lou Dobbs, South Carolina Republican Party Chairman Drew McKissick, and President Donald Trump’s ‘National Spokeswoman’ Liz Harrington. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern or watch any time at JustTheViews.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/1/202450 minutes, 21 seconds
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With 2024 fast approaching, John Solomon looks back at his favorite moments this year with GOP presidential candidates

Going into the New Year, John Solomon takes a look back at his favorite moments from interviews this year with various 2024 presidential candidates. Interviews with: President Donald Trump, Governor Ron DeSantis, Vivek Ramaswamy, and Governor Doug Burgum. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern or watch any time at JustTheViews.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/31/202341 minutes, 44 seconds
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President Trump dishes on 2024, calls Jack Smith ‘sick puppy’ for efforts to block J6 security failure evidence

President Donald Trump discusses recent State’s efforts to exclude him from their 2024 election ballots and slams Special Counsel Jack Smith for asking a federal judge to bar the former president from introducing evidence concerning possible security failures on January 6. Additional interviews with Arizona State Senator Justine Wadsack on Govenor Katie Hobbs little too late efforts to curb illegal immigration and Oklahoma State Superintendent Ryan Walters on his fight to keep K-12 schools un-woke.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/30/202343 minutes, 15 seconds
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John Solomon ushers in a new area of his reporting on the Biden crime family, strikes out on his own

John Solomon talks about his early days of reporting at the start of Just the News, discusses the documents behind his stories, the uncovering of the Hunter Biden laptop story, and the lead up to the 2020 election. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern or watch any time at JustTheViews.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/29/202350 minutes, 31 seconds
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John Solomon talks through the start of his Hunter Biden reporting

John Solomon breaks down the early days of his reporting on Hunter Biden starting in late 2018 to early 2019, starting with his first article: ‘Senior Ukrainian official says he’s opened probe into US election interference’. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern or watch any time at JustTheViews.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/28/202350 minutes, 40 seconds
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John Solomon presents, Special Report: ‘The Fight Against Antisemitism’

John Solomon, Editor-in-Chief of Just the News, hosts ‘The Fight Against Antisemitism,’ an important conversation surrounding the the rise of antisemitism in the United States and through the world. Expert panel: Harvard Professor Emeritus Alan Dershowitz, former New York Congressman & 2022 Gubernatorial Candidate Lee Zeldin, Chairman of ‘Do No Harm’ Dr. Stanley Goldfarb, and ‘Campus Reform Higher Education’ Fellow Nicholas Giordano. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern or watch any time at JustTheViews.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/27/202350 minutes, 59 seconds
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Heritage Special Report: ‘Project 2025 - the Presidential Transition Project’

John Solomon, Editor-in-Chief of Just the News, hosts ‘Project 2025 - the Presidential Transition Project’ sponsored by the Heritage Foundation new major initiative titled ‘Project 2025’ in order to recruit patriotic Americans to staff the next conservative White House with the goal of having as many as 20,000 potential administration officials in the database by the end of 2024. Expert panel featuring: Utah Republican Sen. Mike Lee, ‘Heritage Foundation’ Executive Vice-President Derrick Morgan, ‘Project 2025’ Director Paul Dans, and former acting Assistant Attorney General Katie Sullivan. To learn more about this new imitative go to: https://www.project2025.orgSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/26/202348 minutes, 40 seconds
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Rumble CEO Pavlovsky details his fight against Big Tech Censorship & Cancel Culture: ‘Conservative Parallel Economy’

Wishing all of our listeners a very Merry Christmas from all of us at Just the News! John Solomon continues his conversation of ‘Conservative Parallel Economy’ tackling biggest questions of how conservatives can effectively push back against Big Tech censorship through conservative businessmen and entrepreneurs investing in conservative enterprises fighting against cancel culture. Experts panel with: CEO & Founder of ‘Rumble’ Chris Pavlovsky, Illustrator and Writer of ‘’ Gabe Eltaeb, Former Congressman & CEO of ‘Truth Social’ Devin Nunes, American Country Star John Rich, and CEO of ‘RedBalloon’ Andrew Crapuchettes. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern or watch any time at JustTheViews.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/25/202347 minutes, 35 seconds
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‘Conservative Parallel Economy’: The Fight Against Cancel Culture

Wishing our listeners a very Merry Christmas Eve! John Solomon breaks down his special report ‘Conservative Parallel Economy’ talking about conservative business owners and entrepreneurs fighting back against cancel culture, standing up for free speech, and promoting transparency of their values inline with their consumers. Expert panel with: Founder & CEO of ‘PublicSq.’ Michael Seifert, Former Congressman & CEO of ‘Truth Social’ Devin Nunes, American Country Star John Rich, CEO of ‘Brave Books’ Trent Talbot, and CEO of ‘RedBalloon’ Andrew Crapuchettes. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern or watch any time at JustTheViews.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/24/202349 minutes, 52 seconds
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Rep. Rich McCormick: Failing to secure the southern border will cost Biden the 2024 election

Georgia Congressman Rich McCormick says the Democrat-led Senate and President Joe Biden have no intentions to sign off on the House-approved H.R. 2, a border security bill that would have curbed illegal immigration and brought on more border patrol agents. Rep. McCormick says the “most liberal of liberal cities" calls to stop the surge of immigrants shows how the American people want tighter border security. Additional interviews with: former National Security Adviser Victoria Coates on U.S. troops to Red Sea to protect merchant ships, former Border Patrol Commissioner Mark Morgan on that there is no absolutely no compromise for border security.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/23/202330 minutes, 6 seconds
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Border Patrol Union VP on thousands of single, military-age males coming prepared to border with docs, quickly let into US

Border Patrol Union Vice President Art Del Cueto raises the alarm on thousands of single, military-age males arriving at the Southern border daily, coming prepared to border with documents for asylum status that then allows them to quickly released into the United States. Additional interviews with host of ‘America First’ Sebastian Gorka on disconnect between Congressional Republicans and GOP voters and Vice President, General Counsel of ‘NetChoice’ Carl Szabo on U.S. needing to making protection of its’ artificial intelligence top priority and Congressman Bill Posey.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/22/202340 minutes, 50 seconds
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Brad Raffensperger calls for state, federal constitutional amendment to allow only U.S. citizens to vote

Georgia State Secretary Brad Raffensperger breaks down new efforts in Georgia to codify in the State Constitution to only allow U.S. citizens to vote in state elections after 1600 non-citizens were found to have voted in the last election. Raffensperger calls for a constitutional amendment to the U.S. Constitution to guarantee voting rights to only U.S. citizens after recent push by Democrats. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/21/202336 minutes, 37 seconds
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‘Republic ending behavior,’ Rep. Eli Crane on Colorado Supreme Court kicking Trump off ballot

Rep. Eli Crane slams Colorado Supreme Court over kicking former President Donald Trump off the state ballot for 2024. The Arizona Congressman calls the Supreme Court’s unprecedented action, mostly a “PR role” but is “republic ending behavior.” Additional interviews with President & Founder of ‘Article III’ Mike Davis gives his legal analysis on the Colorado Supreme Court ruling that former President Donald Trump can be taken off the state ballot in 2024 and AMAC Spokesman Bobby Charles discusses Biden’s failing international diplomacy.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/20/202351 minutes, 5 seconds
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MTG to file ethics compliant against Swalwell for helping Hunter Biden defy House subpoena, stage press conference

Rep. Marjorie Taylor-Greene to file ethics complaint and censure motion of Rep. Eric Swalwell for his role in helping Hunter Biden last week defy Congressional subpoena, and facilitating press conference outside of Capitol. Additional interviews with: Co-Chairman of ‘’ Dr. Joel Wallskog and Real America's Voice Correspondent and Host of ‘Law and Border’ Ben Bergquam on Arizona Gov. Katie Hobbs recent criticism of Biden being “purely political.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/19/202340 minutes, 36 seconds
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Rep. Grothman on Biden disregard to 295K illegal migrants in Oct alone: ‘No country can afford to take this many people’

Rep. Glenn Grothman takes aim at the Biden’s total disregard for the record-breaking numbers coming from illegal migrants crossing the Southern border this year. The Wisconsin Congressman quotes a staggering statistic, that in the month of October alone, 295,000 [illegal migrants crossed the southern border]  By comparison, if you go back to October 2020, you were at under 20,000. So going up by a factor of about 14-to-1, the number of people crossing the border. And just so your listeners are aware in case anybody says ‘ohh we need these people,’ we’re swearing-in about a million new people legally every year, highest numbers since 2006. So tons of people are coming in here illegally. This is a huge problem, though because all of these people come in here illegally.” Grothman says, this is the “biggest problem facing the country today. We're right now approaching 300,000 people a month coming in this country [a month], we cannot afford that as a nation, it is permanently going to change the nation, it is going to bankrupt the nation, it is going to lead to criminal behavior from a lot of these people coming across the southern border. But in any event, no country can afford to take this many people coming in and it's all time records month after month. We don't have the November totals yet.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/18/202342 minutes, 59 seconds
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Rep. Ralph Norman: In impeachment process, GOP first priority revealing to Americans full truth about Biden’s foreign business dealings

South Carolina Congressman Ralph Norman says impeachment inquiry will be focused on revealing the full truth of Joe Biden’s foreign business dealing to the American public. Additional interviews this week with Texas Congressman Brian Babin, Georgia Congressman Barry Loudermilk, Director for National Defense at ‘Heritage Foundation’ Robert Greenway, and CEO of ‘Freedom Foundation’ Aaron Withe. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern or watch any time at JustTheViews.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/17/202350 minutes, 31 seconds
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Sen. Ted Cruz lays out his three steps to fight cultural Marxism: transparency, change the ledger, influence

Senator Ted Cruz discusses his new book, “Unwoke: How to Defeat Cultural Marxism in America,” detailing steps conservatives can take to take back America and defeat the “woke” leftist ideology. Cruz urges conservatives to fight radical extremism, and says the recent nationwide protest over blatant antisemitism on college campuses proves Americans are pushing back against radical extremists. Additional interviews with Arizona Congressional Candidate Abe Hamadeh on his recent endorsement by President Trump and Christian Toto on the Hollywood elites.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/16/202338 minutes, 7 seconds
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John Solomon, James Comer break down new impeachment evidence of the Biden family's secret dealings with a Chinese firm

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer fumes over Hunter Biden’s press conference outside of U.S. Capitol earlier this week before skipping scheduled deposition before Oversight. Comer says, just a “"snapshot of the arrogance and entitlement" of Hunter, "he just basically gives the U.S. Congress a middle finger and says that he's a Biden. The rules don't apply to him," Comer says, “this won't stand. Just because Hunter Biden's been treated differently and being treated special by the Department of Justice, the FBI, the IRS, and about every other government agency that should have already apprehended Hunter Biden, that doesn't mean he's going to be treated that way by the House Oversight Committee." Additional interviews with Seamus Bruner on the Biden impeachment inquiry and key details of President Joe Biden’s business deals leading up to 2020, and Jim Nelles on U.S., China complex supply chain relationship.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/15/202338 minutes, 28 seconds
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John Solomon, James Comer break down new impeachment evidence of the Biden family's secret dealings with a Chinese firm

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer fumes over Hunter Biden’s press conference outside of U.S. Capitol earlier this week before skipping scheduled deposition before Oversight. Comer says, just a “"snapshot of the arrogance and entitlement" of Hunter, "he just basically gives the U.S. Congress a middle finger and says that he's a Biden. The rules don't apply to him," Comer says, “this won't stand. Just because Hunter Biden's been treated differently and being treated special by the Department of Justice, the FBI, the IRS, and about every other government agency that should have already apprehended Hunter Biden, that doesn't mean he's going to be treated that way by the House Oversight Committee." Additional interviews with Seamus Bruner on the Biden impeachment inquiry and key details of President Joe Biden’s business deals leading up to 2020, and Jim Nelles on U.S., China complex supply chain relationship.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/15/202338 minutes, 28 seconds
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IRS whistleblowers lawyer: Biden press secretary says President helped son, Hunter duck congressional subpoena

Jason Foster, founder of ‘Empower Oversight’ Whistleblower Center, says after Hunter Biden’s speech outside of Congress yesterday in protest to Oversight Chairman James Comer subpoena for him to testify before Congress on his business dealings. Foster says it is unlikely that the Department of Justice will enforce any contempt of Congress orders again Hunter but says, “the fact that his father [President Joe Biden] was apparently, according to the Press Secretary, was speaking to him about his plan to defy the congressional subpoena, this now is a legitimate issue for the impeachment inquiry about whether or not [Joe Biden] was a party to a plan to obstruct Congress and has now become a valid legitimate question for the impeachment inquiry.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/14/202341 minutes, 52 seconds
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Rep. Austin Scott: GOP takes aim at FISA reform, ‘zero tolerance’ for unlawful surveillance of Americans

Rep. Austin Scott says Republicans are tackling FISA reform to remedy growing concerns over FBI abuse of the surveillance systems. The Georgia Congressman says that the new bill will ensure that the FBI can do its job and keep Americans safe but will implement major deterrents such as “zero tolerance policy,” and “increased criminal penalties for unlawful surveillance”, and “leaks coming out of the Justice Department.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/13/202348 minutes
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Amid impeachment vote, Seamus Bruner points out then-VP Biden’s odd involvement in firing of Ukraine Prosecutor Shokin

On the heels of Congress’s announcement that a formal impeachment inquire vote will happen on the House Floor this week. Seamus Bruner, Author of ‘Controligarchs: Exposing the Billionaire Class, their Secret Deals, and the Globalist Plot to Dominate Your Life’ takes a look back at Joe Biden’s actions towards now-confirmed video evidence confirming then-Vice President Joe Biden using his authority to threaten to withhold billions from Ukraine unless Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin was fired. Bruner comments, “we've never seen a Vice President go out and leverage U.S. taxpayer money to get a prosecutor general fired in some faraway region like Ukraine,” Saying, “I mean that’s just odd in and of itself.” Additional interviews with Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey on the ‘Founding Fathers never envisioned a fourth branch of government’ being created by ‘deep state’ federal agencies, and Dr. Miklos Szantho, CPAC Hungary Organizer and Director General of the Center for Fundamental Rights, discusses Hungary’s strong conservative foundation.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/12/202333 minutes, 22 seconds
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Monica Crowley: UPenn, Harvard Deans ‘tip of the iceberg’ of long infected antisemitic, Marxist academia

Monica Crowley says only way to stop antisemitism from spread across America’s college campus to have “real ramifications for the individual who sit atop of the most elite institutions, not only in America, but in the world, [I’m] talking about Harvard, University of Pennsylvania, MIT, really all of them have been so deeply infected by radicalism for decades.” Crowley says “this didn't just materialize out of thin air, the system that produced a Harvard President Claudine Gay or a UPenn President Liz McGill, who just stepped down over the weekend, this system has been deeply corrupted and infected with Marxism and antisemitism for a long time.” Crowley says the fact that this antisemitism has always been there, percolating under the surface is deeply, deeply disturbing but the problem here is that all of these institutions all the way down, are deeply infected, so they can swap out Liz McGill, for another antisemitic communists woke nightmare at Penn and you're going to have the same problems. We face a very big challenge here in essentially fumigating, all of these institutions from the top down.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/11/202340 minutes, 36 seconds
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Texas AG Ken Paxton: Our Constitution ‘becomes meaningless’ when federal government allowed to censor Americans

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton explains why it was important for his state to join conservative media outlets in a lawsuit against the U.S. State Department for allegedly facilitating and funding unconstitutional censorship. “The federal government has an obligation to defend the Constitution. In this case, they’re doing just the opposite. They’re actually censoring, a violation of the First Amendment, individual speech,” Paxton says. “And if the federal government can do that, then our Constitution becomes meaningless.” Additional interviews this week with Virginia Congressman Ben Cline, Arizona Congressman Andy Biggs, South Carolina State Treasurer Curtis Loftus, House GOP Candidate JR Majewski, and ‘Jingle Smells’ Executive Producer Logan Sekulow. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern or watch any time at JustTheViews.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/10/202354 minutes, 19 seconds
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Former US attorney says latest Hunter Biden indictment result of ‘outcry’ over DOJ’s clear special treatment

Former Assistant U.S. Attorney David X. Sullivan breaks down new charges against Hunter Biden, as the President’s son faces nine criminal charges in federal tax case. Additional interviews with Wisconsin Congressman Glenn Grothman on the national crisis of fentanyl, IRS Whistleblower’s Legal Counsel Tristan Leavitt, and ‘New Civil Liberties Alliance’ Litigation Counsel Casey Norman.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/9/202344 minutes, 22 seconds
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John Solomon breaks down Hunter Biden indictment, Ron Johnson explains why Joe Biden’s house may be a crime scene

John Solomon breaks down new criminal charges against Hunter Biden relating to 9 federal tax charges allegedly he engaged in a multi-year tax evasion scheme.Additional interviews with U.S. Senator for Wisconsin Ron Johnson, and ‘RedBalloon’ CEO Andrew Crapuchettes.  See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/8/202341 minutes, 28 seconds
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Nan Hayworth calls UPenn, MIT, Harvard Heads testimony the result of ‘arrogant left, who fear no consequences’

Former New York Congresswoman and Ivy League graduate Nan Hayworth slams the disastrous testimonies earlier this week by the Presidents of UPenn, MIT, and Harvard concerning the rise in antisemitism on America’s college campuses. The testimonies have since gone viral of Rep. Elise Stefanik asking each of the college presidents if ‘calling for the genocide of Jews’ violates the schools’ code of conduct, to which each one of the Presidents responded, ‘It depends on the context.’ Hayworth says her first thought while watching was, “these are people who fear no consequences,” they have audacity “to find so many ‘thought crimes’ at your great universities, including so-called misgendering people, using the wrong pronouns could result in punishment, conservative speakers are denied access to the audience's at these so-called ‘auguste institutions,’ but it's perfectly fine for people, young people, I guess most of these students, to scream with megaphones at fellow Jewish students, for intifada, and ‘from the river to the sea,’ all the phrases that would under other circumstances would be interpreted not liberally, but according to their actual intent, there’s no benefit of the doubt for the rest of us, but it's alright for these people to do these things because they haven't actually killed anybody yet.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/7/202350 minutes, 18 seconds
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Former Israeli ambassador slams calls for ceasefire: “How Hamas plans to beat us”

Former Israeli Ambassador to the United States Michael Oren breaks down the problems with the media’s calls for a ceasefire, saying “a ceasefire means Hamas gets away with mass murder.” He also discusses the potential future of Gaza, including “no more rockets, no more rocket workshops, no more arsenals,” buffer zones, and reconstruction of infrastructure. He also warned “the reason we’re at this point is because everybody stops us before we reach the critical point of victory,” telling Americans to “let us have the victory.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/6/202359 minutes, 49 seconds
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MTG says ‘honeymoon period’ of Speaker Johnson has worn off, after no progress on budget promises

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene says the “honeymoon period” of new House Speaker Mike Johnson has worn off, after failure to secure any breakthrough for Congress’ “most important job”, “making a budget for the federal government.” Greene says it “makes [her] sick”, that Speaker Johnson is talking about passing a “one year [continued resolution] to continue the Green New Deal, continue abortion funding, continue trans funding for the military, to continue all the things that we want to stop and change, and that’ll just continue Nancy Pelosi’s budget that serves the Biden administration.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/5/202348 minutes, 11 seconds
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John Solomon hosts special report, ‘The Lost Voices of Fentanyl’

John Solomon breaks down the fentanyl crisis plaguing the United States, the main actors benefiting from getting Americans hooked on drugs, and interviews the loved ones of those affected.  See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/4/202339 minutes, 48 seconds
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Sen. Johnson reacts to Hunter Biden’s offer to testify to Congress: They hope it stops real probe into Biden family ‘corruption’

Sen. Ron Johnson calls Hunter Biden’s offer to testify before Congress, “a grandstanding play” and a ploy to “preempt a true investigation into the corruption of the Biden family.” Additional interviews this week with former New York Congressman Lee Zeldin, Dr. Harvey Risch, recently elected Utah Congresswoman Celeste Maloy, and Oklahoma Congressman Josh Breechen.To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern or watch any time at JustTheViews.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/3/202351 minutes, 12 seconds
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Oversight’s Comer says will ‘absolutely’ use the courts to enforce subpoena for Hunter Biden deposition

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer says he is not backing down on requiring Hunter Biden to sit down for a deposition before a public held committee hearing. Comer says, he will ‘absolutely’ use the courts to enforce the subpoena for Hunter Biden to sit down for a deposition on December 13th, as “he is the key witness to all of the Biden crimes.” Comer says, “the subpoena called for him to show up to [the Capitol office buildings] on December 13th for a deposition, and I expect to see Hunter Biden in this office for a deposition, which we will then release the transcript in a 100% transparent manner.” Additional interviews with Director of ‘Foundation for Freedom Online’ Mike Benz on his organizations investigation into Big Tech’s censorship machine, and former National Security Adviser Walid Phares updates listeners on the Israel-Hamas war almost 2 months in.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/2/202332 minutes, 17 seconds
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J6 Mystery! Rep. Barry Loudermilk says all videotapes of witness interviews missing

Rep. Barry Loudermilk reveals that all videotapes of witness interviews done by Democrat-led Jan. 6 congressional committee conducted have vanished, raising concerns for significant security failures related to the Capitol riot as well as possible implications for upcoming criminal trials. Additional interviews with South Carolina Congressman Ralph Norman on Republicans full steam ahead to finalize the budget by the end of the year, and CEO of ‘American Culture Project’ John Tillman.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/1/202340 minutes, 37 seconds
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Rep. Biggs calls for impeachment of Homeland Sec. Mayorkas: ‘He’s made this country more dangerous’

Arizona Congressman Andy Biggs ahead of Congress’s vote this week, says it’s time for Republican lawmakers to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas for his role in “fomenting” the crisis at the southern border. Rep. Biggs says, “this is being done deliberately and it’s patently obvious that it is. We cannot, as a nation, go on and wait and hope that it changes at the next election.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/30/202343 minutes, 10 seconds
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Ex-DEA Special Ops Head raises alarm on role China, their criminal networks are playing to fuel drug crisis in America

Former Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Special Operations Director Derek Maltz Sr., raises the alarm on the role that China and their criminal networks are actively playing in fueling the drug crisis, in effort to destabilize the United States.  FBI Director Chris Wray has expressed that the “greatest long term threat to [the United States] National Security is posed by the Chinese Communist government,” Maltz says that the CCP is using the illegal immigration avenue and sending “military age men” illegally over the Southern border, with “24,000 Chinese nationals” being apprehended in fiscal year 2023. Maltz explains that these Chinese nationals “are going into these different cities, they’re setting up not just marijuana grow operations, but counterintelligence operations, but the worst part is all over America every day, Chinese nationals are picking up large sums of cash from Mexican cartel operatives, and the cash is being turned over to Chinese businessman who are using the cash to launder money for the cartels seamlessly, to use that to buy real estate property, invest in different operations like the [marijuana] grow operations, so it’s a disaster at many levels, and it’s well beyond the drug crisis.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/29/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 18 seconds
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Huckabee on Biden leaving Americans in Gaza: Tell Hamas, ‘either let our people go or there won't be a speck of dust left’

Mike Huckabee discusses the Israel-Hamas war and President Biden’s failure on negotiating getting nine American hostages out of Gaza during the ceasefire. Huckabee says that it is “interesting” of “all the hostages that have been released, and thank God for everyone that has been, that they’re not Americans, except for the one that was a dual-citizen, but that’s it.” Commenting, “and you'd like to think that if Joe Biden really had some stick, he'd be able to get the Americans out first, because they should have nothing to do with this, this is not about them, this is about Israel and the hatred of Hamas and these terrorist group against, which are all funded by Iran, 93% are funded by Iran. So why are we getting the Americans out? I'm not sure that Joe Biden and this administration has been forceful enough to all of the Arab nations, to Qatar, who is allowing the heads of Hamas to live in luxury in their hotels, all the way down to the terrorists themselves and just saying, ‘you either let our people go, or there won't be a speck of dust left, where you're currently standing.’ And that’s harsh, but that’s what it sometimes takes, because these folks know one thing and one thing only, brute force.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/28/202357 minutes, 28 seconds
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Abe Hamadeh calls out GOP establishment on election issues: So scared of the media they’re won’t stand up ‘for what's right’

GOP Arizona Congressional candidate Abe Hamadeh slams establishment Republicans who will not discuss election integrity issues because of the media, calling the group "controlled opposition". Hamadeh says, "It's not just the Democrats," "There's some establishment Republicans who I think are controlled opposition. They're just so scared of the media, and they're not going to be standing up for what's right." Additional interviews with Lt. Col. David Flippo running for Nevada’s 4th Congressional District and Vice President of Technology for ‘ENVIROKLENZ’ Kyle Knappenberger.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/27/202329 minutes, 34 seconds
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John Solomon interviews top 2024 GOP candidates from all over the country

Special Sunday Episode to talk with five Republican candidates from all over the country, running from various positions of their respective States and local governments. Interviews with: John O’Shea running for Texas’s 12th Congressional District, JR Majewski running for Ohio’s 9th Congressional District, and Amb. Jeff Gunter running for U.S. Senate for Nevada. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern or watch any time at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/26/202329 minutes, 49 seconds
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Lou Dobbs on state of GOP under Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel: RNC hasn’t held itself accountable ‘for a very, very long time’

Lou Dobbs, host of The Great America Show, weighs in on the state of the Republican National Committee under Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel. Dobbs says, “we’re no longer a government that requires the consent of the governed, but we are a party that can set an example for this government and restore this constitutional republic that is under threat daily from the Marxist Dems who lead the Democrat party.” Additional interviews with President of ‘National Border Patrol Council’ Brandon Judd on the Southern border and how illegal immigration has not declined but has continued to hit new record breaking numbers under the Biden administration’s watch, and Air Force Reservist Col. Brandi King on outcome of her lawsuit challenging COVID vaccination mandates. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/25/202331 minutes, 37 seconds
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Bin Laden’s 9/11 justification going viral on TikTok shows young Americans need education on ‘monsters of history,’ Carl Szabo

NetChoice Vice President and General Counsel Carl Szabo on the viral TikTok trend of young people praising the late Al-Qaida leader Osama Bin Laden’s letter justifying the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. Szabo says America’s youth need to be better educated about the “monsters of history” and the real-life consequences for their online actions. Additional interviews with President Donald Trump’ National Spokeswoman Liz Harrington on Trump leading in the polls and the main issues that he is hearing on the campaign trail, and Article III Founder and President Mike Davis on his belief that Democrats will continue their attempts to remove Donald Trump from the 2024 presidential ballot despite a Colorado judge siding with the former president last week in the 14th Amendment case.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/24/202329 minutes, 38 seconds
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John Solomon breaks down the best moments from AMAC’s GOP Presidential Candidates Town Hall Series

Happy Thanksgiving! Join John Solomon as he breaks down the best moments from his interviews with Rebecca Weber of ‘The Association of Mature American Citizens’ interviewing the top GOP candidates for President in 2024. Interviews with former President Donald Trump, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, Vivek Ramaswamy, and North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum.  See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/23/202349 minutes, 53 seconds
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‘It’s been a cover-up from day one’: Rep. MTG reacts to release of new shocking J6 footage

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene discusses her new book, “MTG” and weights in on House Speaker Mike Johnson releasing over 40,000 hours of previously unseen footage from January 6th, and likely setting up a new January 6 Select Committee. The Georgia Congresswoman says, “America deserves the truth, and the real big lie was the lie that was told about January 6th being an insurrection.” Additional interviews with former Congressman Rodney Davis on whether the previous January 6 Select Committee should be investigated for possibility of purposely spreading mistruths or misinformation and North Carolina Republican Party Chairman Michael Whatley on the gear up to picking the Republican Party’s nominee for President in 2024.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/22/202334 minutes, 42 seconds
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Ex-Nat’l Security Adviser: Israel-Hamas hostage deal will likely spur Left to pressure Biden to call for permanent Gaza truce

Victoria Coates, Foreign-Policy Director at the Heritage Foundation discusses the impending Israel-Hamas hostage swap and how the days after will be the greatest challenge that the Biden administration has faced for its support of Israel’s operation in Gaza to eliminate Hamas.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/22/20231 hour, 1 minute, 40 seconds
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Rep. Biggs: Impeachment inquiry to look at Biden family’s ‘pervasive’ use of loans ‘to avoid tax liability, launder money’

Arizona Congressman Andy Biggs gives a deep dive into Speaker Mike Johnson releasing over 40,000 hours of footage from January 6th, in effort for transparency with the American public and gives an update on the impeachment inquiry into President Biden and his family’s business dealings, after millions of dollars discovered labeled as “loans”.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/20/202339 minutes, 7 seconds
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Wisconsin Congressman Glenn Grothman says universities should be graded publicly on antisemitism

John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, No Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. Interviews this week with Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, Wisconsin Congressman Glenn Grothman, ‘Never Back Down PAC’ Founder Ken Cuccinelli, former National Security Adviser Walid Phares on the state of the Middle East and Director of Research, ‘Government Accountability Institute’ Seamus Bruner. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern or watch any time at JustTheViews.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/19/202353 minutes, 19 seconds
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Sen. Johnson on COVID-19 vaccine efficacy: We’re facing ‘a societal state of denial,’ where no one wants to admit they were wrong

U.S. Senator for Wisconsin Ron Johnson on his voting history regarding the COVID-19 vaccine and the latest study on the immunization's effectiveness. Johnson goes on to add that the public has a right to know about the information that has been hidden from the public, saying that many decision-makers have simply "doubled down on failure.” Additional interviews with Vice-President of Foreign Policy at The Heritage Foundation Victoria Coates on President Biden’s meeting this week with Chinese President Xi Jinping and House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer on the latest in the investigation of the Biden family.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/18/202337 minutes, 31 seconds
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Rep. Loudermilk calls feds hand in J6 ‘clear possibility,’ after probe revealed plainclothes cop encouraged public to enter Capitol

Rep. Barry Loudermilk responds to host Amanda Head's suggestion that federal agencies played a role in the events of January 6th calling it a "clear possibility". The Georgia Congressman continued saying that the government's investigation has even uncovered a plainclothes policeman who was encouraging the public to enter the Capitol on that day. Additional interviews with Attorney for J6 Defendants Ed Martin and the Director of the ‘Margaret Thatcher Center for Freedom for the Heritage Foundation’ Nile Gardiner.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/17/202331 minutes, 46 seconds
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Gregg Jarrett on his new book and his quest to revive the American spirit

Gregg Jarrett discuses his new book, “The Constitution of the United States and Other Patriotic Documents” a deep dive into some of the most important documents and speeches that have shaped America and have contributed to American exceptionalism. Additional interviews ‘Alliance Defending Freedom International’ Executive Director Paul Coleman, who served on the the legal team for both Finnish Member of Parliament Päivi Räsänen and Lutheran Bishop Juhana Pohjola for charges on their expressions of their Christian faith and views on marriage. And AMAC’s Senior Vice President Andy Mangione on AMAC Action’s new campaign to combat corporate wokeness at JP Morgan Chase.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/16/202349 minutes, 51 seconds
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Ex-Nat’l Security Adviser: The West made China rich not Communism, to change course would be costly, ‘painful but it would be right’

Steve Yates, former Deputy National Security Adviser to Vice President Dick Cheney, discusses diplomatic talks happening today between President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping after recent heightened tensions following the U.S. shooting down a Chinese spy balloon. Yates comments that at a time where economic relations between the two nations is so intertwined and many of China’s recent actions have been seen by the West as aggressive, it is important to remember that the “Communist Party didn't make China modern and rich, the West did by showering them opportunity, If we decide to move a different direction, that would be costly, it might be difficult and painful but it would be right.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/15/202354 minutes, 17 seconds
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Rep Austin Scott: Biden misled US with border-detention centers, filled with people from Middle East, China, ‘all over the world’

Rep. Austin Scott says Biden administration needs to have an honest conversation with Americans about who they’ve allowed to come across the southern border freely for last three years, as border centers filled with people from Middle East, China, “not just the Western Hemisphere”. The Georgia Congressman says, Vice-President “Kamala Harris is the one that made the borders how they are and then Secretary Mayorkas refuses to acknowledge the problems down there. And if you go down there and you go through and you see the detention centers, people think that these are people that are coming from Mexico, and certainly some of them are, but I'm telling you, when you get down there, and you see who's who's actually in detention, I mean, they're coming from the Middle East, they're coming from China, they're coming from all over the world. Not not just the Western Hemisphere.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/14/202342 minutes, 2 seconds
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Rep. Scott Perry criticizes Senate GOP over big spending culture, roadblock as House races to finalize budget by deadline

Pennsylvania Congressman Scott Perry discusses the how the Republican Party became comfortable with the big spending culture, even as Americans struggling to keep up with inflation and rising prices.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/13/202337 minutes, 12 seconds
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Rep. Tom Tiffany: Illegal immigration from southern border destroying federal lands as migrants have left over ‘80M lbs of trash’

John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, No Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. Interviews this week with Rep. Tom Tiffany (R-WI), ‘Gun Owners of America’ Spokesman Luis Valdez, ‘Honest Elections Project’ Executive Director Jason Snead, ‘OptimaEd’ Chief Executive Officer Erika Donalds, and ‘Just the News’ Reporter Ben Whedon. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern or watch any time at JustTheViews.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/12/202341 minutes, 41 seconds
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John Solomon hosts a Veterans Day Special Report: ‘Veterans Helping Veterans’

A Veterans Day special reports discussing veterans serving their veteran community, special guests: ‘Tunnel to Towers Foundation’ CEO Frank Siller, former Secretary of Veterans Affairs Peter O’Rourke, Captain James Howard, former Navy Seal and Arizona Congressman Eli Crane, and former Air Force Captain and Texas Congressman Brian Babin.  To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern or watch any time at JustTheViews.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/11/202347 minutes, 13 seconds
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Ex-Israel ambassador to US says reporters who covered Hamas massacre while being carried out, brazenly violated journalist ethics

A special Veterans Day weekend episode to discuss issues affecting the veterans community and to honor and our veterans and military members for their service. Interviews with former Israeli Ambassador to the United States Michael Oren, Congressional candidate and retired Army Special Forces Officer Joe Kent.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/10/202335 minutes, 29 seconds
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Sen. Blackburn raises alarm on Biden ending DNA tests at border: ‘1/3 of children’ trafficked by adults unrelated to them

Senator Marsha Blackburn takes aim at the Biden administration’s ending of its’ policy of DNA testing children and the adult they were traveling with, across the southern border. The U.S. Senator for Tennessee says this is “so vitally important, what we found out when we did DNA testing at the border, and Joe Biden ended this saying, ‘well, it slowed down the process,’ and ‘it took too long,’ it takes only 45 minutes to do a DNA test. And doing that test, we learned that a third of the children who were being trafficked, they were not with an adult who was related to them.” Remarking, “think about that number, a third of the children with an adult that they probably don't know, but they're being sent with that adult or they’re children that are being recycled, this is a horrific process and that the cartels use and they are children that they take from families, and they will send this child repeatedly to the southern border, when the child gets to the border, the adult is processed and sent in and the child gets sent back to their family and then the cartel takes them again. And they recycle them, they send them through with another group of adults claiming to be a family. And then once the child is separated, they send that child back and Border Patrol will tell you they've seen some children come through eight and nine times with different people, so this is a very abusive process.” Senator Blackburn says her new bill, will “fingerprint these children, it allows Border Patrol to fingerprint them, will help cut this out, because the cartels will know the rules of the game have changed, and that they're going to have to go through DNA testing  and then they're going to be separated and these individuals [who they are trying to sneak through with the children] will be removed and disallowed entrance back into the country.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/9/202336 minutes, 8 seconds
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Key member of House Appropriations says GOP to finish government funding bills by Nov. 17 deadline, despite Speaker delay

Rep. Andrew Clyde says that under the leadership of newly elected Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, House Republicans are in “a moment where we're not just changing the budgeting process but we're changing the entire trajectory of Congress.” Saying, in Johnson’s first weeks of his Speakership, “we did something that Washington never expected and that was actually paying for something paying for Israel aid. Imagine that, taking $14.3 billion out of the out of an advanced appropriation to the IRS and diverting that money over to pay for that what we are sending to Israel to help them fight the terrorist organization, Hamas. I mean, Washington, lost their mind on that but it was a great first step.” The Georgia Congressman says the House will get the appropriations done by the fast approaching November 17 deadline, though a continuing resolution for conferencing with Senate and President Biden.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/8/202338 minutes, 14 seconds
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Rep. Ralph Norman on $100M Gaza aid: Biden ‘tone deaf’ to reports of rampant misuse of US aid helping Taliban, Hamas

South Carolina Congressman Ralph Norman discusses first weeks of Speaker Mike Johnson’s speakership and recent reports of U.S. humanitarian aid in Afghanistan funding terrorist organizations like the Taliban sparking fears by U.S. agencies that Gaza aid will be siphoned off to help Hamas. Norman comments, there has to be a “willingness to put guardrails to prevent that, the Biden administration last month announced $100 million in so called humanitarian aid. The office of Inspector General, the US Agency for International Development has warned that there's been a misuse of funds and why would you why would you keep doing the same thing expecting different results. And even the United States Relief and Works Agency said that Hamas has used schools as Rocket depot and funneled money to their group and this administration is tone deaf to it. But, it goes with the $6 billion that he wanted to give to Iran. I mean, you can't believe this, but this administration is doing it.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/7/202350 minutes, 18 seconds
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John Bolton says Biden weakness threatens American lives and all out regional war as Iran looks to take advantage

Ambassador John Bolton discusses Israel-Hamas war and President Joe Biden’s weakness on holding Iran accountable will mean loss of American lives. The former U.S. National Security adviser says even after Iran actions against U.S. troops and bases within the last few weeks, Biden has continued to coddle the regime, that “Iran has enormous ambitions in the region they want to dominate geographically, politically, religiously, in the Middle East. They want to eliminate the ‘little Satan’, Israel, they want to harm ‘the great Satan,’ the United States. And their proxies, the the Shia militia in Iraq, Hezbollah in Syria against American positions there, and terrorist acts all over the region, these are all directed by Iran. And Biden has said he's not going to tolerate attacks on Americans, but we are tolerating them.” Saying, “Fortunately, to date, there hasn't been a real serious mass casualty event, but it could happen at any point. And the fact is, Iran is not deterred by Joe Biden, he can bring to carrier battle groups, he can bring a ballistic nuclear submarine into the eastern Mediterranean, the Iranians don't think he's going to do anything. So Americans, not just our military, but our civilian personnel, private citizens, missionaries, are all at risk all around the region, because the Iranian leadership doesn't fear Biden.”  Bolton remarks, “things are really moving here at a pace I don't think the administration understands.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/6/202346 minutes, 27 seconds
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Nixon in last years said, ‘it is long past time for the US to exit the UN and for the UN to exit the US’: Monica Crowley

John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, No Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. Interviews this week with former Assistant U.S. Secretary to the Treasury Monica Crowley, Georgia Congressman Mike Collins, Chairman of South Carolina Republican Party Drew McKissick, and former Pentagon official Brent Sadler. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern or watch any time at JustTheViews.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/5/202338 minutes, 45 seconds
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‘I don’t regret it one bit’: Rep. Crane says he still stands by his vote to oust Speaker McCarthy

Arizona Congressman Eli Crane says he stands by his decision to oust Representative Kevin McCarthy from House Speaker in exchange for Representative Mike Johnson . Rep. Crane says, “Change is always tough. Nobody wants to change, especially in this town where so many people are getting paid off because of the reckless spending up here.” Additional interviews with Arizona Congressman Andy Biggs on Israel Aid package and what House Judiciary and Oversight Committee has uncovered and former Texas Congresswoman Mayra Flores on Texas’ border wall win in federal court.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/4/202328 minutes, 37 seconds
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Jim Jordan supports FISA reform by requiring warrants to search Americans phone records

House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan discusses the importance of his committees investigations and revamping the FISA court system, by requiring the FBI to obtain warrants before they can search Americans’ phone records. Additional interviews with Vice President of the Foreign Policy at ‘Heritage Foundation’ Victoria Coates over Biden acting as the “Hamas lobby” to the Israeli government, and Jason Isaac of the ‘American Energy Institute’ on the Biden administration’s climate change initiatives affecting the wallets of hardworking Americans.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/3/202337 minutes, 8 seconds
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Comer: Oversight uncovered ‘with 100% confidence’ money behind $40K check to Joe Biden from brother ‘came from China’

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY) explains the significance of his committees investigation into the Biden family loan probe and the uncovering of another check from brother James Biden to President Joe Biden. Comer says, “Because we’ve subpoenaed so many of their bank records now, we’ve been able to trace the check. Where did that $40,000 come from? We can say with 100% confidence, that it came from China.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/2/202346 minutes, 2 seconds
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Sen. Tuberville calls for pulling all US funding of UN after failure to pass resolution condemning Hamas attack

U.S. Senator for Alabama Tommy Tuberville calls for the withdrawing of all U.S. funding from the United Nations after the international body declined to pass a resolution condemning Hamas attack on Israeli civilians. Tuberville says the U.N. Is more “on the lines of the Joe Biden administration, one world government, they can’t pass anything for human rights, they have people on the Human Rights Committees that get an opportunity to vote that have no Guam rights, so the U.N. Is out of date and it’s non-productive, it does nothing for the world, much less the United States of America.” Commenting, that the bottom line is “the U.N. needs to be either revamped or closed down and we've got a lot of money [in it], we basically pay for the U.N., and they do nothing for the United States of America.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/1/202344 minutes, 44 seconds
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Nunes: National Archives finding 82,000 pages of Biden pseudonym emails doesn’t pass ‘smell’ test after Trump docs raid

Truth Social CEO Devin Nunes reacts to recent court filings that revealed the National Archives and Record Administration located 82,000 pages of potentially government-related emails that then-Vice President Joe Biden sent or received via three private pseudonym accounts, the amount could exceed the famous Hillary Clinton email server scandal. Nunes says the revelation is “hard to believe that that after Hillary Clinton that Biden would do exactly the same thing, knowing that he knowing that Hillary had already gotten in trouble.” The former House Intelligence Committee Chairman says that after recent revelations of questionable partisan conduct from the National Archives like “the criminal referral against Donald Trump on the Mar-a-Lago documents raid, so there's something that smells at the archives.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/31/202348 minutes, 22 seconds
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Rep. Scott Perry on Hunter’s $250K China loan: Pattern of Biden’s receiving loans with no pay backs, ‘not a loan’ just payment

Rep. Scott Perry on recent unearthing of a $250,000 loan to Hunter Biden from a Chinese national. Perry says he has always wondered, “what service or what product were the Biden’s providing?” Saying, they got a lot of money, they got it from foreign entities or individuals, but what service were they providing.” While that question has been left largely unanswered, the Pennsylvania Congressman says that, the question has now also become, “do they ever pay any of their loans back? Who would loan somebody money because we've got bank records, we don't see any of these loans being repaid. So who loans somebody money with the thought of never being repaid?” He says, “What if your employer tried to say, ‘look, I'm not going to give you a paycheck, I'm just going to loan you this money, and that way I never have to pay taxes, you don't have to pay taxes,’ If your employer can't do that because it's illegal. Why can these people do that? Well, let's face it, they can't do that because it's illegal.” Perry says that there “seems to be a pattern here of loaning money to the Biden's and and never expecting repayment. Well, that's not really a loan, that's just paying, and what is it paying for? It's a circular kind of conversation that leads to, I think the only thing, which you already know is, they’re selling influence and that's why you don't see a product, there isn't any loan going on here, they’re just selling the access and the influence, and this is the payment for it, and they don't want to pay taxes on it, that’s why they call it a loan.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/30/202347 minutes, 47 seconds
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IRS Whistleblowers Attorney takes aim at Biden family corruption critics: All debunked but media moves goalpost to hide truth

John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, No Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. Interviews this week with ‘Empower Oversight’ President and IRS Whistleblowers Attorney Tristan Leavitt, former Secretary of Homeland Security Chad Wolf, National Border Patrol Council vice-president Art Del Cueto, Rep. Bryan Steil (R-WI), and former Trump Foreign Policy Adviser Walid Phares. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern or watch any time at JustTheViews.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/29/202342 minutes, 14 seconds
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Rep. Cory Mills on 16 attacks by Iran proxies in 1 week: US needs to pull out, cut funding to UN if no repudiation of Iran

Representative Cory Mills (R-FL) says Iran’s growing threats and attacks need to be met with tighter sanctions from the United States and immediate action from the United Nations Security Council (UNSC). Rep. Mills says the U.S. needs to pull out and cut off funding to the United Nations if the UNSC declines to hold Iran accountable. Additional interviews with Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) and Annie Hoyer from the ‘Annie Moses Band’.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/28/202334 minutes, 3 seconds
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GOP Congressman says 57% of Gaza residents back ‘Hamas murderous activities,’ cannot be U.S. refugees

Congressman Josh Breechen says recent polling from the Washington Institute showed that “among the Gaza population, 57% of them have a favorable opinion of Hamas’ murderous activities,” this comes after Hamas killed 1400 Israelis on October 7, with 32 of the deaths being Americans, and 11 Americans being part of 200 of the Hostages that were taken. The Oklahoma Congressman says, “and to think that we are going to utilize the same lack of process that we saw with Afghanistan, under a Democrat administration, where even their own Investigator General said that it was ‘lacking in really vetting these people coming from Afghanistan,’ it is incredible to me to think that we would potentially parole into the interior of the United States, those [people] that by strong majority support Hamas.” Commenting, there's a real threat already that’s being played out in the interior United States” from the people coming in through the southern border, “the FBI uncovered that there's over 600 people that are on there on the special interest alien list, 600 people that have come across our southern border from Iran and that is out of a sum total of 70,000 that have come across the southern border on a special interest list from all over the world representing over 100 different countries. So when you hear people talk about the 250 [people] that are on the terrorist watch that have come across under the Biden administration, you don't hear the 600 number of those specific to Iran that are on the special interest list.” See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/27/202336 minutes, 38 seconds
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Gen. Keith Kellogg says what keeps him up at night is Biden’s lack of will to take hard action when Americans are threatened

Former National Security adviser General Keith Kellogg talks about rising tensions in the Middle East and his concern over President Biden having the will to take hard action when it comes to Americans and its interests being threatened.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/26/202348 minutes, 10 seconds
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Rep. Ralph Norman: Speaker Johnson to tackle cutting spending, could pass temporary funding til January to get it ‘done right’

Rep. Ralph Norman says Republicans in the House are United, as seen by the overall support of newly elected Speaker of the House Mike Johnson. Commenting that the new Speakers’ top priories will be reaffirming support for Israel, passing aid for the country without combined aid for Ukraine as President Biden called for. The South Carolina Congressman says House Republicans will be continuing to cut spending, and go through the appropriations process.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/25/202341 minutes, 42 seconds
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Ex-Israel Ambassador to US: Israel must take advantage of this moment to root out Hamas before worlds’ empathy wears off

Former Israeli Ambassador to the United States Michael Oren discusses the recent delay of Israel’s invasion into Gaza and why the country must act sooner rather than later before the empathy from the world wears off. Oren saying that empathy is already “wearing off and and I hope we take advantage of this moment, because it's not every day you can call up 360,000 [reservist] soldiers. It's not every day that the United States says you have to carry two StrikeForce is not far from our coast. And we might have this moment again, we might have a swarm again. And if we don't take advantage of this moment, I don't know what the country's future is. I mean, how do you have a country that is attacked, that loses 1500 of its citizens and doesn't doesn't eliminate the threat and doesn't act eliminate the threat and it's not enough just to bomb from the sky. Yeah, you got to go in there and actually root them out else they’ll be back.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/24/202337 minutes, 46 seconds
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Ex-National Security adviser says he’s ‘very concerned’ over Hezbollah getting involved in Israel-Hamas war

Former Chief of Staff to President Trump‘s National Security Council Fred Fleitz says he is “very concerned” over the wild card of Hezbollah getting involved in the ongoing Israel, Hamas conflict and opening up a second or third front in the war. Saying, Hezbollah’s involvement more than the tit for tat attacks currently going on between Israel and Lebanon, further involvement “could do enormous amount of destruction,” though it appears that the terrorist organization has not “made a decision yet whether to get involved in a big way.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/23/202337 minutes, 53 seconds
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John Solomon goes one-on-one with former Governor Ron DeSantis for AMAC Presidential Town Hall Series

John Solomon and Rebecca Weber of ‘The Association of Mature American Citizens’ (AMAC) continue their new 2024 Presidential Town Hall Series with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis on his policy platforms and his support for Israel after recent attacks have rocked the security of the region. To learn more about Rebecca Weber or AMAC please visit You can also sign up to receive a limited time offer of a 5-year AMAC membership for the low cost of $35. Be sure to do that by visiting Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/22/202347 minutes, 25 seconds
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Another one bites the dust: With Jordan out, House GOP has until Sunday to come up with new candidate says Rep. Grothman

After three failed rounds of voting, Jim Jordan was voted to be removed as speaker-designee by the House GOP conference via secret ballot in a closed-door meeting on Friday. Wisconsin Congressman Glenn Grothman comments that, House GOP now has to come up with a new designee by Sunday, to be voted on again by Congress on Monday. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/21/202342 minutes, 58 seconds
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MTG introducing censor resolution against Rashida Tlaib, calls for probe into her ‘pro-Hamas, terrorists’ connections

Rep. Marjorie Taylor-Greene says she is moving forward with introducing a censor resolution against Michigan Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib over her anti-Israel rhetoric and calls for an ethics investigation and further action from Congress over her role in organizing a pro-ceasefire protest on Capitol Hill earlier this weekend.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/20/202353 minutes, 48 seconds
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Huckabee rips mainstream media, questions why it took word of Hamas who ‘butchered babies’ on Gaza hospital bombing

Mike Huckabee gives sage advice to Congress on electing a new Speaker of the House and rips mainstream media of its no questions asked advocacy of Hamas’ accusations against Israel after it accused the country of bombing a Gaza Hospital earlier this week causing an uproar across the Middle East and social media. Huckabee comments that the media has done a disservice its lack of oversight given to the verification of the actual culprit for the bombing of the Gaza Hospital. Huckabee says, “what a ridiculous thing it is to see [Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib] scream, yell, and bawl her brains off and blame Israel for what happened and apparently it didn't happen at the hospital, but in the parking lot and all the evidence, video, audio, geo-location evidence shows that this was not an Israeli airstrike even though the media rushed to say that it was and I'm thinking, ‘My gosh, whatever happened to that old view from the Chicago Sun Times where the longtime editor said, If your mother says she loves you, kick her in the shins and make her prove it.’ That used to be the standard in journalism, you took nothing at face value, you demanded to get more than one source and you didn't run with it until you could verify it. Well, here is Hamas, a terrorist organization that had butchered babies and burned grandmothers in their wheelchairs and we were to take their word for it that they said it was an Israeli airstrike that killed 1000 people, therefore, it must be true, because who could doubt them?”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/19/20231 hour, 18 minutes, 13 seconds
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Rep. Andy Biggs says most of House GOP ‘absolutely’ against keeping Speaker Pro Tempore McHenry for 90 days

Rep. Andy Biggs says that keeping Speaker Pro Tempore McHenry for 90 days and empowering him to be a temporary solution is “absolutely not” an option. The Freedom Caucus member says it is not a popular option for most of the House Republicans, that outside of Freedom Caucus “echo chamber,” members think the McHenry option is “a bad idea, it’s dangerous,” and that Republicans should vote a new Speaker in and “get it over and done with.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/18/202347 minutes, 28 seconds
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Rep Austin Scott: With 2024 months away, Next speaker must be a leader and have McCarthy-esque fundraising ability

Rep. Austin Scott calls on Congress to get a ‘speaker seated’ so House Republicans to get things done. Scott says, “let's not forget that we should not be in this position. Eight Republicans voted with 208 Democrats. Kevin McCarthy is the largest fundraiser we have ever had for House Republicans. We need him. It has been it is now 12 months from the next elections and we have to get a speaker seated, we have to get some things done. And no matter how much money you raise, if you're not able to run the house, you're not going to win elections. And so we both need to get a speaker seated, who can can run the house and can actually go out there and campaign for people and help us win some more seats because a five seat majority is non-governing majority.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/17/202338 minutes, 55 seconds
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Trump Foreign Policy Adviser Walid Phares warns that Hezbollah could active sleepers cells in U.S.

Walid Phares, former Trump Foreign Policy adviser discusses Israel and the possibility of a larger war breaking out in the Middle East as Iran uses its proxies of Hamas and Hezbollah to fight against Israel. Phares says while all options are on the table, he is more concerned about build tension could cause Iran to activate its Hezbollah sleeper cells inside the United States. Saying, he believes this would happen if “Hezbollah feels that they're losing the battle and or if Iran feels that their strategic weaponry is out and they are open.” Commenting, the international community has to be ready “because the Iranians will go full fledge if they feel that on the ground they have not achieved their goals and that is what why the United States forces and the international community should be ready for whatever Iran has prepared in secret. It's not just the ballistic missiles, they may have something other than the ballistic missiles that they could use before they go down, like the Nazis have tried to do before they went down.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/16/202349 minutes, 7 seconds
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John Solomon goes one-on-one with Gov. Doug Burgum for AMAC Presidential Town Hall Series

John Solomon and Rebecca Weber of ‘The Association of Mature American Citizens’ (AMAC) continue their new 2024 Presidential Town Hall Series with North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum on breakout of war in Israel, standing up for issues that Americans care about. To learn more about Rebecca Weber or AMAC please visit You can also sign up to receive a limited time offer of a 5-year AMAC membership for the low cost of $35. Be sure to do that by visiting Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/15/202348 minutes, 51 seconds
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Alan Dershowitz calls for college reform after decades of curriculum propaganda promoting antisemitism, bigotry

Harvard Professor Emeritus Alan Dershowitz on antisemitism festering in higher education for the last 40 years. Dershowitz comments that today’s universities have created a propaganda system that promotes bigotry and antisemitism in their curriculum. Dershowitz says students taking courses in humanities and social sciences have been exposed to higher education’s indoctrination agenda more than STEM majors. Additional interviews with U.S. Senate candidate for Arizona Kari Lake on her policy platforms and finishing the border wall, and Virginia Congressman Ben Cline on an update over the fight for Speakership race in the House. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/14/202332 minutes, 43 seconds
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MTG calls for probe into U.S. weapons left behind in Afghanistan after reports of use by terrorists, Hamas

Rep. Marjorie Taylor-Greene calls for probe into reports of U.S. weapons, left behind in Afghanistan or donated to Ukraine have “fallen into the hands of terrorists” and are potentially being used by Hamas. The Georgia Congresswoman says, “It's our duty and responsibility, if we are finding out information and being told intel that U.S. weapons have fallen into the hands of terrorists, especially with the horrific attack that just happened on Israel, it's our duty to investigate and find out if that's happened or not.” Greene commenting that Biden intelligence officials again are telling Congress after such reports have already surfaced on American news, and what was explained in the classified briefing that “there is very credible evidence and very good reasons to be concerned that U.S. taxpayer-funded military weapons did fall into the hands of Hamas and had been used to murder innocent Israelis.” Additional interviews with House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer on Biden family “being full of tax cheats,” after recent emerging evidence showing the acceptance of “loans” from foreign entities or businessmen is a way for the family to avoid paying taxes, and ‘Judicial Watch’ President Tom Fitton.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/13/202340 minutes, 51 seconds
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John Bolton on Hamas calling for attacks in U.S: ‘May not happen this weekend, but it's coming’

Ambassador John Bolton discuss recent attacks on Israel and the culpability of Iran being responsible for Israel attacks being the catalyst for widespread unrest across not only the Middle East but the world. The former U.S. National Security adviser comments that with Tehran rhetoric calling “Israel the little Satan, calling [the U.S.] the great Satan. It may not happen this weekend, but it's coming.” Commenting that America with the recent events must be watching “very carefully of attacks inside the Arab world, the situation for Americans in the immediate neighborhood of these attacks is is dangerous.” Saying, the U.S. embassy “in Lebanon has advised Americans to get out of Lebanon, I haven't seen much attention to that. But if if the the propagandist from from Tehran and from Hamas and Hezbollah, do their work effectively, there could be trouble all across the Middle East and spreading into Europe as well as the United States.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/12/202357 minutes, 31 seconds
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Rep. Mike Lawler: Biden admin must send military planes to get Americans out of Israel

Rep. Mike Lawler (R-NY) said that the Biden administration "needs to move military planes into Israel to get our residents out. I have hundreds of residents in the 17th Congressional District of New York who are currently stranded in Israel."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/11/20231 hour, 12 minutes, 32 seconds
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Ex-National Security adviser: Biden administration denying Iran involvement in Hamas attack in effort to seal Nuclear Deal

Fred Fleitz, former Chief of Staff to President Trump‘s National Security Council, discusses the response of the Biden administration in relation after the deadly attacks by Hamas against Israel this past weekend. Fleitz remarks that its the Biden administration's actions to revive the “Obama nuclear deal” that emboldened Iran and it’s proxies, Hamas and Hezbollah. Additional interview with former Israeli Ambassador to the United States Michael Oren.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/10/202341 minutes, 5 seconds
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John Solomon goes one-on-one with former President Donald Trump for AMAC Presidential Town Hall Series

John Solomon and Rebecca Weber of ‘The Association of Mature American Citizens’ (AMAC) continue their new 2024 Presidential Town Hall Series with former President Donald Trump from Mar-a-Lago on his policy platforms and his furtherance of continuing to drain the swamp. To learn more about Rebecca Weber or AMAC please visit You can also sign up to receive a limited time offer of a 5-year AMAC membership for the low cost of $35. Be sure to do that by visiting Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/9/202351 minutes, 39 seconds
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SC AG Alan Wilson he and 18 other state AG’s are holding the line to protect minors from sexually explicit performances

John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, No Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. Interviews this week with South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson, former California Congressman and CEO of ‘Truth Social’ Devin Nunes, Dinesh D’Souza, Wisconsin Congressman Glenn Grothman, and co-founder and co-chair of ‘’ Tony Lyons. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern or watch any time at JustTheViews.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/8/202346 minutes
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Rep. Eli Crane on McCarthy ouster: Americans ‘so tired’ of GOP not fighting, Congress needs strong, honest, transparent leaders

Rep. Eli Crane, one of Eight Republicans to vote to oust Kevin McCarthy from House speakership. A says after emotions settle he’s ‘hopeful’ that new Speaker will be ‘more conservative, America-first Speaker to lead Congress through these tough times. House Freedom Caucus member says, Americans are ‘so tired’ of Republicans not fighting, want to see “strong, honest, transparent leaders in Congress.” Additional interviews with Freedom Caucus member Rep. Andy Biggs and House Intelligence member Rep. Austin Scott on his thoughts for Congress getting their act together in the next 40 days to pass a comprehensive budget for the American people. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/7/202328 minutes, 16 seconds
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John Solomon goes one-on-one with upstart GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy in AMAC Presidential Town Hall Series

John Solomon and Rebecca Weber of ‘The Association of Mature American Citizens’ (AMAC) debut their new 2024 Presidential Town Hall Series starting off with 2024 candidate Vivek Ramaswamy discussing his distinct policy platforms and plans were he to be elected our next president. To learn more about Rebecca Weber or AMAC please visit You can also sign up to receive a limited time offer of a 5-year AMAC membership for the low cost of $35. Be sure to do that by visiting Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/6/202341 minutes, 59 seconds
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Rep. Ralph Norman throws his support behind Jordan as next Speaker, says leader Congress ‘needs going into 2024’

House Freedom Caucus member Rep. Ralph Norman discusses the recent ousting of Kevin McCarthy as House Speaker and why he’s throwing his support for Jim Jordan to become the next speaker. Additional interviews with Bill O’Reilly on his new book, ‘Killing the Witches,’ and Just the News reporter Greg Piper on the hypocrisy of the Biden administration now going after company’s that have mandatory vaccine mandates.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/5/202339 minutes, 17 seconds
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Newt Gingrich: House GOP ‘tackled their own quarterback,’ doubts rebel caucus will be happy with anybody

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich calls out rebel caucus after its’ ousting of Kevin McCarthy from speakership. Gingrich comments that the main challenge for the next speaker moving forward will be to unite the vary factions of the Republican Party, many who are in Democratic heavy districts. Saying, “the fact that 96% of the Republicans voted for Kevin McCarthy tells you something about McCarthy's real strength and what he delivered. And the fact that eight republicans, [who] were outnumbered 24-to-1, eight Republicans decided they were so pure, so smart, so patriotic, that they could side with the Democrats to defeat the Republican Speaker, and still pretend that they're Republicans, it poses a huge problem for the party. The margin is so narrow, that if [the new speaker is] going to get up every morning, knowing that eight guys feel comfortable trying to destroy you. How are you going to govern? They have psychologically made the Democratic leader, the Speaker of the House.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/4/202346 minutes, 51 seconds
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Rep. Troy Nehls predicts that even after McCarthy ousted today that he will likely become Speaker again

Rep. Troy Nehls predicts that even after McCarthy ousted today that he will likely become Speaker againSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/3/202337 minutes, 23 seconds
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House Freedom Caucus’ Scott Perry calls on Gaetz to hold ousting Speaker McCarthy until after budget passed

House Freedom Caucus’ Scott Perry calls on Gaetz to hold ousting Speaker McCarthy until after budget passedSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/2/202341 minutes, 22 seconds
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Lt Gov Mark Robinson on GOP debate: ‘Too many zingers not enough substance,’ we’re at war for soul of our nation, act like it

John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, No Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. Interviews this week with North Carolina Lieutenant Govenor Mark Robinson, former New York Congressman Lee Zeldin, Oklahoma Congressman Josh Brecheen, Professor Emeritus of Epidemiology at ‘Yale School of Public Health’ Dr. Harvey Risch, and Vice President of ‘National Border Patrol Council’ Art Del Cueto. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern or watch any time at JustTheViews.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/1/202349 minutes, 6 seconds
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Kash Patel on his new book ‘government gangsters’ and why the government held it in legal purgatory for a year to stop its release

Kash Patel talks about his new book ‘Government Gangsters,’ what many are calling the Bible for people who are wanting to understand the recent weaponization by the federal government and how the government has turned against its people to settle political scores instead of addressing legal or regulatory issues. Patel comments that the book release was held in pre-publication legal purgatory by the Biden administration for over 10 months, “you gotta wonder what they didn’t want you to read.” Additional interviews with Congressman Glenn Grothman of Wisconsin and ‘Empower Oversight’ President Tristan Leavitt on the unearthing of Biden family corruption practices. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/30/202339 minutes, 52 seconds
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Rep. Ralph Norman: McCarthy knew budget demands but delayed approps not thinking holdouts would be ‘so firm’

South Carolina Congressman Ralph Norman says in the future Speaker Kevin McCarthy will not delay the appropriations process until the last minute in effort to push through budget that members of his party don’t agree with. The Freedom Caucus member says that dating back to January when the group heldout over McCarthy’s speakership, the budget was a top demand and negotiated priority for the group. Norman says that what is happening currently is that McCarthy didn’t anticipate that the group would hold him accountable and stand ‘so firm’ on not just passing a budget through last minute. Additional interviews with Job Creators Network Chief Communications Officer Elaine Parker and former Deputy National Security Advisor Victoria Coates on Iran.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/29/202354 minutes, 45 seconds
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Rep. Gaetz gives McCarthy budget ultimatum: If he strikes deal with Dems for temporary funding, he can’t stay GOP speaker

Congressman Matt Gaetz on the looming government shutdown and his ultimatum for House Speaker Kevin McCarthy. The Florida Congressman says that while a motion to vacate House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is a last resort, the move will ultimately be decided by how the congressman chooses to lead House Republicans. Gaetz remarks, “If you want to be the Republican Speaker, you definitely cannot use Democrats to preserve your power and to advance Joe Biden’s spending priorities.” Additional interviews with Walid Phares on the $6 billion Iran hostage swap and what that means for U.S. diplomacy going forward.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/28/202348 minutes, 11 seconds
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Rep. Austin Scott on Bidens’ try to help China firm buy energy assets inside US: ‘How much more of a traitor could you be’

Georgia Congressman Austin Scott gives his reaction to breaking news released today by the House Ways and Means Committee that James Biden, the brother of President Joe Biden told the FBI last year that the Biden family, including himself and Hunter Biden unsuccessfully tried to help a Chinese company buy U.S. energy assets that included a liquid natural gas port in Louisiana also admitting to the FBI that the family believed that this Chinese company was directly tied to the Communist Chinese President Xi Jinping. Scott says that the documents just prove that, “its even worse than [he] thought it was, that the [Biden’s] would go that far.” Saying that with the ports in Louisiana, “a tremendous portion of the energy that we use inside the United States come comes through those hubs and the idea that you would help the Chinese acquire assets in that area, to give an adversary and again China is no longer a competitor, they are an adversary, the ability to control the energy supply inside the United States, and you're talking about an adversary controlling the flow of U.S. energy to American citizens and American industry. I don't understand how much more of a traitor you could be then to do such a thing.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/27/20231 hour, 6 minutes, 40 seconds
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TX AG Ken Paxton is back and his first order of business is dismantling illegal immigrant colony near Houston

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton newly restored says his first order of business is to use the law to break apart a growing illegal immigrant colony north of Houston. Additional interview with former California Congressman Devin Nunes on RussiaGate breaking news of the emerging phots of former U.S. Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch met twice with Burisma official after being told firm was corrupt.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/26/202355 minutes, 31 seconds
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Nicholas Giordano: Americans must be educated on their Constitutional rights, only thing that stands in way of Authoritarianism

Campus Reform Higher Education Fellow Nicholas Giordano says all Americans should read core American documents in order to reverse “Constitutional ignorance.” “We are not going to be able to hold government accountable if we don’t know the Constitution ourselves,” says Giordano. Also talks about why it’s essential for schools to educate young Americans about their Constitutional rights. “The American people need to realize that we are one of the youngest countries in the entire world, yet we have the oldest codified Constitution. There’s a reason for that.” Additional interviews with Nicole Neily, President- Parents Defending Education, Brandon Arnold- Executive Vice President, National Taxpayers Union.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/25/202328 minutes, 48 seconds
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Jim Jordan: IRS whistleblowers’ story has not changed once concerning Biden family dealings while Weiss, DOJ, WH keeps evolving

John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, No Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. Interviews this week with Chairman of House Judiciary Committee Jim Jordan (R-OH), Congressman Andy Biggs (R-AZ), Chairman of House Administration Committee Bryan Steil (R-WI), and former Congresswoman Barbara Comstock (R-VA). To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern or watch any time at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/24/202337 minutes, 2 seconds
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Sen Johnson questions special counsel Weiss’ objectivity in Hunter Biden case, calls him ‘least independent’ person on Earth

U.S. Senator for Wisconsin Ron Johnson on having U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland engaging ‘in willful ignorance’ of his knowledge pertaining to Biden family business dealing and the attempted coverup of Hunter Biden’s federal charges. Johnson says, “he just doesn't want to know and so he may have walled himself off. It's kind of hard not to think that he hasn't had more knowledge than he certainly led on. But this investigation has been corrupt, the prosecution has been corrupt.” “Merrick Garland's role certainly, in appointing David Weiss is a special counsel. Now, there's one primary criteria for a special counsel, and that would be independence. If you had to find the one person on planet Earth, that is the least independent to be special counsel, it'd be David Weiss. He's the guy that will allow the statute of limitations run out on the more serious tax charges. He's ultimately responsible for that sleazy [Hunter Biden] plea agreement that fortunately the judge blew the whistle on. David Weiss should not be the special counsel here. And I have no confidence in the ongoing investigation prosecution now and I certainly have no confidence in Merrick Garland being honest with the Congress.” Additional interviews with Pollster Scott Rasmussen on GOP changing its messaging on abortion and Roe v. Wade going into the 2024 election and President of Foreign Policy at ‘The Heritage Foundation’ Victoria Coates on the UN General Assembly meeting. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/23/202328 minutes, 13 seconds
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Rep. Jason Smith says more witnesses have come forward confirming IRS whistleblower’s claims on Hunter Biden, family business

Chairman of the powerful House Ways and Means Committee Jason Smith confirms that more witnesses have come forward confirming  IRS whistleblower’s Shapley and Zieglers claims concerning Biden family business dealings and how they were dissuaded from pursuing Hunter Biden IRS investigation and that his committee will be releasing new documents in the coming weeks Additional interviews with IRS Whistleblowers’ legal counsel and President of ‘Empower Oversight’ Tristan Leavitt, and former Assistant of the U.S. Treasury Monica Crowley on the state of the economy under ‘Bidenomics.’See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/22/202334 minutes, 52 seconds
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MTG says she voted against Defense Bill to stop Ukraine from becoming next ‘Afghanistan war’

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene says her latest surprising vote against the Defense bill was done for a “very simple” reason to prevent Ukraine from becoming the next decade long war. Greene says, “I love our veterans, I love our military and because I love them so much. I do not want another Korea, I don't want another Vietnam, another Iraq, another Afghanistan War, where we spend trillions of dollars and we watch coffins come home draped with flags.” The Georgia Congresswoman says that unfortunately, that’s where the U.S. is heading, “people in the Senate, many of the Democrats, the Biden administration, the State Department, if they had it their way, they would put troops on the ground as soon as possible in Ukraine. And I believe now is the time that we have to stand up and stop this and it's a big issue. A CNN poll said, 71% of Republican voters are against sending money to Ukraine and funding a war over there; defending Ukraine's borders and doing nothing about our borders. And then the CNN poll also said, 55% of all voters said they're against sending more money to Ukraine. So I'm not doing anything different than how the American people truly feel.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/21/202349 minutes, 33 seconds
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Western Energy Alliance warns U.S. of adopting European EV climate policies that have already proven failure

Kathleen Sgamma, President of Western Energy Alliance warns Americans of following after European electric vehicle and climate change mandates after the continents recent reversal of once revolutionary policies. Sgamma says, these policies once heralded have gotten Germany “into real trouble and they have the second highest electricity rates in Europe because they just didn't have enough energy. [The U.S. is now] sending natural gas to Germany, and they have increased their coal production and use because wind and solar don't work, they only work a portion of the time, and they have to be backed up. So we see what's happened in Europe, we know that Europe has backed off of EV mandates. But now we have all these other states following and saying we're all going to be EV’s by 2030 or 2035. Well, Europe has backed off on their EV mandates, because they know they don't have the electricity to power them and they know that consumers don't want them.” Remarking, “there are literally car lots full of electric vehicles in China that can't be sold for acres and acres with weeds growing on them. Because people don't want a vehicle that they can't charge or it doesn't have the range, it's too expensive.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/20/202358 minutes
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GOP Rep Crane says he’ll ‘take all the slings and arrows’ of shutting down gov’t to win largest spending decrease in decades

Arizona Congressman Eli Crane discusses the U.S. surpassing $33Trillion in debt today and the likelihood of a federal government shutdown. Crane says that the shutdown is about so much more than just going against Republican leadership but is about giving government accountability after years of the American people knowing there’s not only a two-tiered system of justice but also “two levels of financial accountability.” Crane comments, that even with the current plan of 8% decrease in discretionary spending, the largest cut in decades, it’s not “enough.” Saying, he and his other House Freedom Caucus members “understand the financial crisis that this country is in, and the only way that this town will ever change is, is if they're forced to change. And that's why it requires many of us to hold the line and say no, and stand in the gap and take all the slings and arrows and that's what we're doing.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/19/202339 minutes, 53 seconds
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Kash Patel sues FBI director, former DOJ officials over secret targeting of personal records during RussiaGate

Kash Patel files lawsuit against the FBI and Department of Justice after the agencies obtained a subpoena for his personal records in November 2017 during his time working as a investigator for House Intelligence Committee during its investigation into the DOJ’s conduct during Crossfire Hurricane, now referred largely as RussiaGate. Patel was unaware of the subpoena until December 2022, when he was notified by Google about it. Patel says in 2017,  that move, in and of itself was so shocking, that idea that essentially the Attorney General for the whole RussiaGate investigation threatened the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee and his senior staffers, because we were uncovering corruption that preceded them. And what we would learn later is they were in on the corruption cover up. That's why they threatened us, it wasn't a lie.” Additional interview Texas Representative Steve Toth over the acquittal of Ken Paxton. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/18/202339 minutes, 53 seconds
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Missouri AG Andrew Bailey: Congress must legislate now on ‘guardrails’ to stop AI child exploitation before gets out of hand

John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, No Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. Interviews this week with Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey, former U.S. Attorney Bud Cummins, former Ohio Secretary of State and U.S. Senate Candidate Frank LaRose, Virginia Republican Congressional Candidate Cameron Hamilton, and Director of Teacher Engagement at ‘Freedom Foundation’ Eloise Smith. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern or watch any time at JustTheViews.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/17/202346 minutes, 22 seconds
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Rep. Meuser: ’Disconcerting’ to see nearly decade-long pattern of whistleblowers being disparaged for speaking against Bidens

Congressman Dan Meuser voices concern over recent revealing of nearly decade-long pattern of federal government agencies disparaging or ignoring whistleblowers who report suspicious activity connected to the Biden family. The Pennsylvania Congressman also lays out the ways the dual system of justice has infected America’s federal institutions. Additional interview with Kash Patel, who says impeaching President Biden is a “political convenience” for Democrats who don’t want him as their figurehead to begin with, and Republicans are doing ‘Democrats dirty work’ for them. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/16/202322 minutes, 44 seconds
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Kash Patel predicts Hunter Biden charges are ‘coordinated strike’ by Dems to prevent Biden from running in 2024

Congressman Andy Ogles says an impeachment inquiry into President Biden will give Americans the opportunity to assess all evidence connected to the Biden family’s alleged criminal activities. The House Freedom Caucus member says, “we’re going to lay bare for the American people the facts and then they can decide for themselves.” Additional interview with Kash Patel breaking down the Hunter Biden three felony gun charges and how impeaching President Biden is a “political convenience” for Democrats who don’t want him as their figurehead to begin with, speculating to the timing of Democrats starting to acknowledge that the party might need a new nominee in 2024 and then almost immediately following Hunter Biden is charged with three felony gun charges. Patel says, “There are no coincidences in government,” “Especially when it comes to taking out a Democrat who they have propped up falsely for years.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/15/202336 minutes, 38 seconds
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John Solomon breaks down Hunter Biden’s three felony gun charges and what to expect in the coming weeks

John Solomon breaks down Hunter Biden’s three felony gun charges and what to expect in the coming weeks. Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene joins the show and slams the White House over its’ recent memo to major media outlets to “ramp up scrutiny” of House Republicans and condemn the impeachment inquiry into Biden as “baseless.” Greene says, “that’s not how President Trump’s White House handled things.” Saying, that the Trump administration didn’t have the help of the media so “they worked hard to prove the truth, but they didn’t try to control the media in the process.” Additional interview with ‘Empower’ President Tristan Leavitt on IRS Whistleblower Gary Shapley’s testimony and emergence of Shapely’s notes from 2022 which support his claims that Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss was blocked from charging Hunter Biden with tax crimes by a Biden-appointed D.C. attorney.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/14/202332 minutes, 35 seconds
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Rep. Scott Perry on Hunter Biden ‘illusion of access’: Who would give $20M without ‘results?’

Rep. Scott Perry dispels liberal talking point that Hunter Biden sold the Biden name but it was more of a ‘illusion of access’ to his father Joe Biden. The Chairman of the House Freedom Caucus says, Burisma and Hunter Biden business associates “did have access,” and this is known because Joe Biden, then-Vice President “made calls into board meetings and so that was more than just the illusion.” Perry says even if conservatives played along with the Democrat’s assertion that the access that Hunter Biden was selling was an “illusion,” then are the Democrats “willing to be prosecuting the Biden family for fraud?” The Pennsylvania Congressman going on to say, “but there's no doubt that that somebody thought that they were paying for, for something, whether it was illusion, or the actual access, but we know it's at least $20 million. And I would just hasten to say that I doubt that people that have $20 million in disposable income to spend to influence folks are going to are going to just throw that away on an illusion, I think that they feel they actually got tangible results.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/13/202335 minutes, 3 seconds
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Rep. Andy Biggs extends McCarthy olive branch to avoid government shutdown: Pause ‘non-essential’ spending

Arizona Congressman Andy Biggs discusses his solution to Speaker Kevin McCarthy in effort to avoid a government shutdown. His solution to “pause all non-essential” spending would ensure all entitlement programs like Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid continue uninterrupted as well as key security, intelligence, border and counterterrorism programs while cutting out portions of agencies and programs like arts and humanities, resdfearch grants, noncritical foreign aid and even some federally funded assistance to illegal aliens inside the country. Former Chairman of House Freedom Caucus says, “so now you're not shutting down the government. You actually are having a pause of non-essential spending is what it really boils down to.” Meaning, “nobody misses Medicare. Nobody misses Social Security. People continue to receive their benefits."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/12/202347 minutes, 57 seconds
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Biden administration’s bad 9/11 anniversary, President no show while Mayorkas leaves border wide open says ex-NYPD Kerik

Former NYPD Commissioner Bernie Kerik discusses the morning of September 11, 2001 and slams President Biden over not showing up to any 9/11 memorial ceremonies in New York, Shanksville, Pentagon. Kerik commenting that it is “utterly disgusting” seeing people at ceremonies like Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Homeland Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, who are completing missing the point of 9/11 and the rememberace ceremonies. Saying, “Mayorkas is responsible for the most substantial threat to this country in my lifetime, with completely open borders that he's done willfully, intentionally, and admittedly, that guy is standing at that ceremony today, contradicts everything that that ceremony was about. And he's standing down there like he's celebrating 9/11. AOC, she’s a socialist, she despises cops, she's denounced the cops, she's asked for defunding of cops. The Mayor and I went to [Ground Zero] this morning, we stayed until the second bell and we left. I couldn't take it, I was completely aggravated, frustrated, and I think it was utterly disgusting.” Additional interviews with: Former FBI Special Agent at Ground Zero on 9/11 Mark Morgan, Former Solicitor General Ted Olson, and Former Congressman Lee Hamilton: Vice Chairman of 9/11 Commission (D-IN), all discussing their memories of that fateful day and how it impacted, not only the United States, but their own personal lives, and why we must never forget.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/11/20231 hour, 4 minutes, 32 seconds
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Sen. Ron Johnson says EU evidence convinces him Joe Biden changed U.S. policy, force firing of Shokin to benefit Hunter

John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, No Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. Interviews this week with U.S. Senator for Wisconsin Ron Johnson, Arizona Congressman Eli Crane, Georgia Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor-Greene, Senior Vice President of ‘Gun Owners of America’ Erich Pratt, and Country Singer & Songwriter Natasha Owens. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern or watch any time at JustTheViews.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/10/202347 minutes, 14 seconds
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Rep. Comer: House Oversight to take legal route to obtain Biden family docs, correspondence due to gov’t ‘agencies stalling’

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer says his into President Biden and Biden family corruption investigation is heading to court to acquire correspondence and documents on the Bidens’ foreign dealings in order to bypass “stalling” government agencies. Additional interviews with: Georgia Lieutenant Governor Burt Jones on Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis’ indictment of former President Donald Trump and 18 other people in her office’s 2020 election probe is a politically driven effort to raise her profile, and Oklahoma State Superintendent Ryan Walters on his state’s partnership with PragerU to give high-quality materials rich in American history and Judeo-Christian values to Oklahoma students and push back against ESG and DEI.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/9/202333 minutes, 57 seconds
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Tuberville: Biden, media skewing military-abortion holds: DOJ not elected, ‘I deserve a right to vote for people of Alabama’

U.S. Senator Tommy Tuberville debunks false media coverage and rhetoric from the Biden administration over his military nominations hold over abortion travel policy and vows to continue the fight. The U.S. Senator from Alabama says that with the issue of abortion aside, first and foremost the Biden administration and Department of Justice circumventing Congress and implementing the abortion travel policy, “is against the law.” Congress has never authorized the Pentagon to spend tax dollars to allow people to travel for an abortion, saying, “I campaigned very hard for two years to be elected in the Senate to be able to represent and give the people of Alabama an opportunity to vote on a controversial topic like this. And so you're not gonna go around me, you're gonna have to go through me and it's been interesting, they've come at me from all angles.” The former College Football Coach says he’s “been called everything as a coach, but my goodness, I've never been called a terrorist and a communist.” Saying, from the beginning he’s expressed his concerns over changing the abortion travel policy “with a memo instead of going through Congress, like they should.” Tuberville says, the media and the Biden administration derive their authorization from the DOJ. “First of all, I wouldn't trust them to give any answer to any question, I've seen how they've acted.  “The DOJ, weren't elected, they were appointed. And I was elected and I deserve a right to vote for the people of Alabama on this and so I'm not going to accept that excuse.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/8/202350 minutes, 24 seconds
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Alaska Gov. Dunleavy says Biden ‘knowingly and willingly’ breaking the law by cancelling oil, gas leases

Governor Mike Dunleavy slams President Biden over his recent action to cancel oil and gas leases in an Alaskan federal wildlife refuge that were awarded to the state. The Alaskan Governor says that Biden “is knowingly and willingly is breaking the law, because this bill was passed by Congress in 2017, that required acres to be sold as part of the the Tax Act, they know it’s illegal, they know they can't just willingly violate the congressional action, a law. They're just hoping to send a chill down the spine of investors, they're hoping to scare folks off. But I think more importantly, [the Biden administration] are really virtue signaling to their NGO’s, that want a make-believe world in which I guess we power ourselves on love, but long story short, they know it’s wrong.”The Governor says “there will be action, a court action, certainly from us, and some of the shareholders, the lease holders themselves. But in the end, all this is doing is it's going to end up taxing Americans.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/7/202350 minutes, 45 seconds
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Former Bush official says Georgia prosecutors violated federal election interference law in Trump charges

Former Assistant Secretary of State Bobby Charles says that there are already laws that prevent anyone that takes an oath of office or a private citizen from interfering directly in elections. Saying, that based off of this law, the four sets of indictments, New York, Georgia, and the two indictments that Jack Smith has delivered against Trump, are “plainly election interference.” The National Spokesman for AMAC says “you’ve got prosecutors seeking to novel the Republican presumption candidate who’s got 60% of the support of the party, they’re trying to novel his ability to participate in Primaries by lining up the briefings and the motion practice against the Primary dates, which is just [on its face] evidence that this is a complete crock. These are three prosecutors bringing four sets of indictments intended to at least diminish the power, the time, and the capacity of a presidential candidate to run against the guy, who they want to support, who is the current sitting President.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/6/202353 minutes, 11 seconds
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Border Patrol union head: Cartel flooding migrant detention centers on purpose to divert agents, exploit security gaps at border

National Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd speaks to the record-breaking number of Americans' drug overdoses and Mexican cartels purposefully pushing drugs throughout America’s cities. Saying, cartels are purposefully flooding certain detention areas with migrants to divert border patrol resources in order to take advantage of security gaps resulting in drugs flooding over the border. Judd comments, cartels “are the ones that are profiting off of it…they don’t care. They know that there’s going to be somebody right behind that individual that dies that is going to take up their product.” Additional interviews with: Pinal County Sheriff and U.S. Senate Candidate for Arizona Mark Lamb and former Ambassador and U.S. Senate Candidate for Nevada Dr. Jeffrey Gunter.  See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/5/202334 minutes, 7 seconds
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Rep. Norman supports government shutdown to address policy issues, rein in spending: ‘If not now, when?’

John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, No Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern or watch any time at JustTheViews.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/4/202353 minutes, 28 seconds
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Rep. Clyde slams National Archives protection of ‘Biden crime family’ after refusing to hand over 5,400 pseudonym emails

Georgia Congressman Andrew Clyde slams the National Archives and Records Administration for giving “tremendous leeway” to President Biden by refusing to give up 5,400 emails used by then-Vice President Biden’s pseudonym accounts. Clyde comments on the complete hypocrisy of the Federal Agency’s actions saying, “here you have another example of a two-tiered system of justice where the National Archives are protecting the Biden crime family and they’re throwing President Trump and his family under the bus.”Lou Dobb's discusses Trump's impeachments and possible impeachment inquiry concerning Joe Biden's corruption.Bryan Leib discusses the Biden administration's efforts for Arab-Israeli peace and trade agreements in the wake of historic agreements made during the Trump administration.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/2/202334 minutes, 52 seconds
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Exclusive: Listen to Trump’s take on how House GOP should approach Biden impeachment inquiry

John Solomon and Amanda Head sit down with former President Donald Trump and get his take on the possibility of House Republicans opening up an impeachment inquiry into concerns of President Biden and family corruption. Trump will also dismantle, on his first day back in office, the censorship apparatus in Federal Agencies, and the importance of election integrity efforts going into the 2024 Presidential Election.  See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/1/202338 minutes, 19 seconds
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Comer questions extent of Obama knowledge of Biden leveraging ‘foreign aid’ so countries turn blind eye to U.S. corruption

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer questions the full extent of President Barack Obama’s knowledge of then-Vice President Biden’s corruption. Comer said, “when you start leveraging taxpayer dollars in the form of foreign aid in countries and telling them to drop prosecutors so they can turn a blind eye to Americans involved in corruption, that’s pretty bad.” Additional interviews with U.S. Oil and Gas Association President Tim Stewart on U.S. oil prices and what Americans should expect in the coming months, and Economist Steve Moore over the state of the U.S. economy under the Biden Administration.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/31/202351 minutes, 13 seconds
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Newt Gingrich: Hunter Biden ‘small fish’ compared to corruption of his father, Clinton, Obama

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich discusses Congress opening up an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden and compares the ‘small fish’ corruption of Hunter Biden, to the much larger scale of Joe Biden, Hilary Clinton, and Barack Obama. Saying that, “any investigation has to go way beyond Hunter Biden, who by the standards of corruption, is a small fish. Hillary's corruption, think of the comparison of Chicago and Delaware, you understand the scale of Hillary versus Biden, and remember, all this is occurring while Obama is president, none of this could have happened without his active knowledge. It's just not possible. And so what you have is Obama weaponizing the Justice Department, breaking down the rule of law, establishing a defense for any left winger, who wants to be corrupt, and at the same time, using the government to launch attacks on Donald Trump, because they're so frightened of it.” Gingrich says that he expects to discover from the inquiry “that there's an entire system of corruption, lawlessness, and weaponization that is far beyond Joe Biden.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/30/202345 minutes, 12 seconds
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Ex-Congressman Lee Zeldin: Every dot has been ‘connected’ for Congress to open impeachment inquiry into Biden corruption

Former New York Congressman Lee Zeldin says that the evidence that has emerged in the Hunter Biden, President Joe Biden, and Biden family corruption probe is more than enough to warrant Congress to open formal impeachment inquiry. Zeldin saying, “when you hear the left crying that there is no evidence, no matter how much evidence is provided, which now as you know, it consists of documents, emails, texts, WhatsApp messages, a laptop, whistleblowers, former business associates, former clients, and the list goes on, including Hunter's own admissions, when you want to look at the laptop or 60 Minutes interview, the left still says ‘no evidence.” Zeldin says Congress has “reached the point where [they’re] struggling to find any dots that aren't connected. And this really is just all documented, [Americans] do not have to take any House Republicans word for it.” Saying, “[House Oversight Chairman] James Comer will put out a press release with bank records and the response will from the left will be ‘still there's no connection to Joe Biden’, even then there's no evidence yet, even though the press release itself will contain the actual evidence.” Zeldin says his take on all the evidence, “is that you have every dot that you need connected to be opening a house impeachment inquiry, I will also give credit to great work by Jim Jordan and James Comer and Jason Smith, and the Senators who are doing a fantastic job. But you had at this particular point, we really do need to see that next level of accountability.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/29/202356 minutes, 8 seconds
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Fred Fleitz: Debate showed growing GOP divide over Biden plan to provide Ukraine cash, weapons for ‘as long as it takes’

Fred Fleitz, former Chief of Staff to Trump‘s National Security Council discusses the death of Wagner Leader Prigozhin and the growing divide within the Republican Party over the continued support for Ukraine in the on-going conflict. Fleitz says the recent GOP Presidential Debate in Milwaukee last week showed the growing divided amongst the party as to the role the United States should be playing in the Ukraine-Russia conflict, and highlighted that Republicans are moving away from the “peace through strength versus libertarian,” and becoming more “neo-con versus traditional conservatives versus America First conservatives.” Commenting that everyone feels “for the people of Ukraine, want them to win, and want to throw Russia out of the country.” But that he believes, during the debate, that “[Vivek] Ramaswamy was mostly correct, when he said, ‘our priority should be defending our border, and that we have to find a way to end the conflict’. Fleitz comments that President Biden has no plan nor definition of what success would look like for the United States in this conflict. Saying, “Biden’s plan is to keep shoveling money and weapons to Ukraine as long as it takes.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/28/202335 minutes, 19 seconds
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Trump unplugged: John Solomon’s conversations with former President Donald Trump 

John Solomon dives into the best moments of his conversations and interviews with former President Donald Trump.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/27/202338 minutes, 4 seconds
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Rep. Grothman on Biden losing 85,000 migrant kids: If Americans, we’d call the parents, ‘if it’s immigrant children, we don't care’

Wisconsin Congressman Glenn Grothman says the most ‘underreported story’ of the Biden administration is the losing of the 85,000 unaccompanied migrant children who came across the southern border and authorities completely losing track of them. Grothman says that this treatment of immigration children is a complete double standard compared to what the administration would do for American children. Saying, “every month 8000-9000 children come across the southern border and they’re unaccompanied, no adult there. There are others who come across the southern border, and they claim to be with an uncle or grandma or something, and you do the DNA tests and it turns out, they're not. Now sadly, recently, the Biden administration stopped [this policy], which is a big mistake. But in any event, after [the children] come here, we have to set them up with a sponsor. But it turns out that we do not keep track of what becomes of these kids three months, four months later, and tens of thousands, we don't know where they are. Are they being human trafficked? Are they working jobs illegally?” Grothman held a special committee hearing on this this topic of missing children and interviewed the Secretary of Labor and asked said, What does [the agency] do when “you find a child working third shift in a factory? Do you contact the parents? [The Secretary said,] ‘It wouldn't occur to us to contact the parents’. I mean, if it was an American child, and you found somebody working 2 A.M. in a factory, what would you do? Call the parents and say what's going on? When it comes to the immigrant children? We don't care.” And as the result, we’ll have human trafficking, will the children ever see their parents again, we don't know.” Grothman says that this is “particularly irritating. Because four years ago under President Trump, when kids were kept maybe apart from their parents for one or two weeks, it was like, ‘Oh, my goodness’. And as they're being separated, everyone was worried. Now they come across the border, may never see their parents again, and nobody cares. But it is an underreported story and I wish the mainstream media would pick up on it.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/26/202318 minutes, 23 seconds
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Conversation with 2024 presidential candidate and Pastor Ryan Binkley on faith, and restoring freedom

John Solomon sits-down with 2024 presidential candidate, businessman, and Pastor Ryan Binkley on his decision to run for office, his campaign picking up momentum, restoring the way to freedom, and reuniting Americans once again for a better America. Additional interviews with: Wisconsin State Assemblywoman Janel Brandtjen, and Republican Women Waukesha County President Ali Schweitzer.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/25/202324 minutes, 1 second
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John Solomon sits down with Sen. Ron Johnson on all things Hunter Biden, Trump indictments and the first GOP presidential debate

John Solomon sits down with U.S. Senator from Wisconsin Ron Johnson and talk all things Hunter Biden and the Biden family dealings, former President Donald Trump indictments and his upcoming arraignment in Georgia, and Wisconsin kicking off the first Republican presidential debate.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/24/202337 minutes, 36 seconds
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Rep. Bryan Steil: After Georgia, House GOP to pass comprehensive election integrity laws to combat hypocrisy, lies of Left

Chairman of the House Administration Committee Bryan Steil says that new comprehensive election integrity legislation to be passed by House Republicans is now more than ever, “so absolutely essential.” The Wisconsin Congressman says the election integrity bill, called the Americans Confidence in Elections Act (ACE Act), is being “rolled out in Georgia to point out the hypocrisy of the left, and the lies of the left that they've made about other voter integrity bills.” Steil says the bill has three essential principles: First, “it provides states the tools that they need to be able to maintain and improve voter integrity in their states,” this can be done through allowing states to tap into the Social Security database, who must be informed of individuals who have passed away, and allows the states “the opportunity to tap into that so they can maintain clean voter rolls.” Second, to “clean up Washington DC, Washington DC is one of the worst states or cities as it relates to voter integrity. They don't have photo ID, they don't do a good job cleaning up their voter rolls. And they allow non-citizens to vote what that means just to clarify that for everyone. In Washington, DC under current law, a Russian national working at the Russian embassy living in Washington DC for only 30 days, could leave work at the embassy, walk to a polling location and vote for mayor in our nation's capitol next year.” Steil says this bill “ends that and says American elections should be for American citizens.” Third, “it protects Americans First Amendment rights and prevents foreign interference, by closing loopholes “that liberal foreign billionaires are using to pour money into US elections, they do that by taking money, putting in a 501 C-4 tax exempt entity, slush that money around, move it from there to a Super PAC, and they have the super PAC run political ads about US elections.” This new bill will end foreign interference, by closing this loophole.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/23/202352 minutes, 52 seconds
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John Solomon explains new documents showing Trump’s first impeachment built on faulty narrative designed to protect Biden family

John Solomon explains his new article, “New memos undercut Biden-Ukraine narrative Democrats sold during 2019 impeachment scandal” and how State Department documents not only disproves Democrats narrative at the time but prove that in President Trump’s first impeachment charges were built on faulty premise while Biden family business dealings arising out of Hunter Biden’s deal with Burisma were overlooked. Interviews with: Congressman Scott Perry, former Trump Impeachment Lawyer Jay Sekulow, former New York Congressman Lee Zeldin. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/22/202333 minutes, 51 seconds
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Dr. Harvey Risch shares surprising findings from his research paper on COVID vaccine deaths

Dr. Harvey Risch, Professor Emeritus of Epidemiology at Yale School of Public Health, discusses his research paper examining deaths occurring after COVID-19 vaccination and how there is “very strong evidence that at least among people who died post-vaccination, a good fraction of them, we could quibble about whether it's 74% or not, but a good fraction died because of the vaccines.” Additional interviews with New Tolerance Campaign President Gregory Angelo on how same-sex marriage advocacy was the catalyst for corporate social activism and Coalition of Leaders United President Leon Benjamin on black pastors uniting for their communities ahead of the 2024 presidential election.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/21/202326 minutes, 37 seconds
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Rasmussen: 2024 is Trump’s election to lose but early predictions from key states Iowa, New Hampshire show downward trend

John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, No Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. Interviews this week with Pollster Scott Rasmussen, Arizona Congressman Andy Biggs, former U.S. Attorney Bud Cummins, former Trump attorney Tim Parlatore and Georgia Republican Party Chairman Josh McKoon. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern or watch any time at JustTheViews.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/20/202344 minutes, 54 seconds
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Country Music Star John Rich on his new song ‘I’m Offended,’ and the inspiration for new album

Special Saturday podcast to talk with Country Music Star John Rich on the inspiration for his new album and his song, ‘I’m Offended’. Additional interviews with former Arkansas Governor and Presidential candidate Mike Huckabee, and ‘Brave Books’ CEO Trent Talbot. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/19/202328 minutes, 38 seconds
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U.S. Oil & Gas President: Even the most ‘rosy’ estimates on clean energy show ‘global fuel demand to increase 50% in next 30 years’

Tim Stewart discusses inflation, the cause of energy costs skyrocketing, and the reality of the “clean energy boom” rhetoric. The President of U.S. Oil and Gas says that progressives really have no issues with rising prices for the average American, they look at this as “a necessary part of the implementation of this broader climate change.” Stewart says that the reality of the “clean energy boom” that the government and progressives are pushing for a massive move towards renewable energy but has yet to materialize, is that “even with the most positive clean energy scenarios, the most rosy scenarios that play out, global fossil fuel demand is going to increase another 50% over the next 30 years.” “That’s driven by population and economic growth, driven by Asia in particular. And so what that means, is that means that [oil and gas] industry which, this month, are producing 13 million barrels a day in in, in production, that is the highest [it has] been since 2019, pre-pandemic. Stewart saying those numbers, requires [the industry] to continue to increase production, that beyond that 50%, the industry “has to get from 100 million barrels a day that the world uses today and to figure out where to find and supply somewhere between 120 and 150 million barrels a day, by 2050, that's the net zero deadline.” Saying, “So even if we get those, those very positive, net zero scenarios play out, we're still consuming 150 million barrels a day in 2050. That's going to have a huge impact on a lot of people. So I tell people, it's it's premature to write this obituary for the oil and gas industry, we're going to be around a long time because people still need what we have and what we do. Huge challenge for us is to figure out where to find those barrels.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/18/202359 minutes, 10 seconds
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Rep. Claudia Tenney: Special counsel Jack Smith, DA Alvin Bragg using new Democrat tactic ‘lawfare’ to smear Republicans

Rep. Claudia Tenney dishes on new emerging tactic of “lawfare” used by Democrats to smear Republicans through the “use of the legal system.” The New York Congresswoman says,“that means suing, suing, suing, what they're doing to President Trump, bringing lawsuits that are novel theories of things that are really not enforceable.” Tenney says that the conviction is not really what activists are after but “what they do with those is number one, they tarnish President Trump or whoever they're going after, they smear them in the public, they make people not want to vote for them. And the other thing what this really is, many of them are doing this knowingly, and wittingly, that they cannot get a prosecution out of some of these. And so to me, this is malicious prosecution and it's an abuse of process.” Going on to say that, these “are legal mechanisms that they should be charged on. And Republicans should be zeroed in on to go after Democrats, particularly this District Attorney down in Georgia, Alvin Bragg in New York, Jack Smith, who's obviously politically charged with what he's doing, all while they turn a blind eye to the obvious crimes that are being committed via Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, bribery directly, money laundering, Joe Biden leveraging his position in order to enrich his family.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/17/202333 minutes, 11 seconds
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Morgan Ortagus: Biden’s world stage weakness will result in ‘largest ransom payment in US history,’ $1.2B per hostage to Iran

Morgan Ortagus, former State Department Spokeswoman, says that President Biden’s failure on the world stage will results in the “largest ransom payment in U.S. history” to Iran. Saying, “it's incredibly dangerous for every American who travels abroad.” Saying, while it “is commendable that the administration is trying to get Americans who are wrongfully detained wrongfully imprisoned out? Yes, of course, that's the job of the American government. That's what we should be doing. But it you know, any negotiation is not the fix. So just because you get an American home, even though we're happy about that, and by the way, it hasn't happened yet. But this is what's being reported that getting an American home shouldn't be the only end goal, you should you should have a negotiation that leaves the rest of America safe whenever they are traveling abroad.” Ortagus says that after the Russia deal to get back Brittney Griner, it showed the rest of the world that the United States will pay whatever price. Saying, “If this deal goes down, as reported, this is about $1.2 billion per hostage.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/16/202334 minutes, 45 seconds
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Ex-Democrat turned GOP lawmaker says former party’s polices ‘sabotaging’ communities, led to her switch

Georgia State Representative Mesha Mainor discusses the reasons for her exit from the Democratic Party. Mainor commenting that it came to the point where, "not only were they not making a difference, they were literally sabotaging the community." Saying, the issues is that Democrat leaders are “not listening to the people, they are listening to a group of people that are creating an agenda that supports their own person agenda, not the agenda of the actual American people.” One example was the party’s support of illegal immigration she could not get behind, “there are people in some communities where they literally are living outside of an apartment building, or sleeping on a sofa. Because there aren't enough beds inside the apartment building. But yet, we want to send a billion dollars to the border, put people up in hotels, we're not even taking care of our own people. You have to take care of home before you can take care of others.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/15/202346 minutes, 19 seconds
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Rep. Josh Brecheen: Evidence of Biden family receiving money counts for bribery and grounds for Biden impeachment

Oklahoma Congressman Josh Brecheen says he believes that Congress has the ‘smoking gun that points to bribery within’ the Biden administration. The House Freedom Caucus member points to “the Foreign Corruption Practices Act, mentions a violation of federal statutes doesn't just have to be you receiving money, but can be your family members, that's bribery.” The Representative mentions the revelations by the House Oversight Committee that $17 million has touched nine different members of the Biden family. Brecheen says he believes, “that bribery has occurred,” and it’s “very close to home.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/14/202355 minutes, 50 seconds
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Harvard law professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz: ‘A mistake’ for Garland to name Weiss as special counsel

John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, No Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you Information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. Interviews this week with Harvard law professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz, Rep. Austin Scott (R-GA), Professor Emeritus of Epidemiology at Yale School of Public Health Dr. Harvey Risch, and CEO of Freedom Foundation Aaron Withe. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern or watch any time at JustTheViews.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/13/202346 minutes, 10 seconds
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Oversight Chairman Comer announces committee to subpoena Biden family phone, bank records

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer announces Oversight Committee to subpoena Biden family phone and bank records. Saying, Emails, text, pictures, bank records, and sworn testimony, we can subpoena the personal bank records of the Biden bank account, money going to Biden Family shell companies and we’ll look to prove the money goes back to Joe Biden himself. Additional interviews with Kevin Brock and Sebastian Gorka.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/12/202333 minutes, 16 seconds
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John Solomon breaks down appointment of Special Counsel David Weiss in Hunter Biden case

John Solomon breaks down the dramatic shift today of Attorney General Merrick Garland announcing that Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss was being upgraded to a special counsel to investigate the Biden family finances. Interviews with: House Oversight Chairman James Comer, former Congressman Devin Nunes, and President of ‘Gun Owners of America’ Erich Pratt. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/11/20231 hour, 4 minutes, 3 seconds
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Jim Jordan slams FBI over use of ‘geofence warrants’: Similar to British general warrants Founders explicitly rejected

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan opens an investigation into FBI’s use of “geofence warrants,” a type of broad warrant which seizes all data from everyone using geo-fencing or phone data, by tracking Americans to pinpoint whether any crimes were committed without probable cause. The Ohio Congressman comments that these are similar to “general warrants” in English Law that the Founding Fathers explicitly rejected in the Fourth Amendment of the Constiution.  Jordan says that legislation is being introduced to stop these types of broad warrants saying, for example with “Bank of America, [the FBI] will have to get a warrant to get this information, [the Bank] can’t be just turning it over, there has to be a specific warrant, that is our system, that is what this country was founded on.” Saying, “think about it, would Sam Adam think this is okay? Would John Adams? Would George Washington? Would any of those great Americans who started this experiment in Liberty we call America, the greatest nation ever, would they approve of what we’re seeing?” The Ohio Congressman says Republicans will be pursuing “legislation and frankly will also look at the appropriations process and how we can use the power of the purse, the power of the appropriations” to look at how “American tax dollars” are being spent to influence this. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/10/20231 hour, 4 minutes, 23 seconds
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Transparency Watchdog reveals Fauci, Collins received 58 royalty payments as NIH collected $325M from companies

Adam Andrzejewski, President of, discusses bombshell revelations released by the transparency watchdog group earlier today showing that longtime directors of the National Institutes of Health and its National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Francis Collins and Anthony Fauci personally received 58 royalty payments from companies to license their inventions developed with taxpayer money.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/9/20231 hour, 6 minutes, 15 seconds
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Mike Benz warns of Big Tech use of federal-funded 'virality circuit breakers' to stealthily censor, throttle content

Mike Benz, Executive Director of the Foundation For Freedom Online, warns how federally funded researchers conducted a ‘social science censorship experiment’ with millions of tweets they dubbed as “misinformation” during the 2020 election. Benz says the strategies they used could empower Big Tech to censor users and keep the public in the dark, by using “virality circuit breakers” to halt the spread of topics they dub “misinformation.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/8/202345 minutes, 9 seconds
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‘Career Suicide’: IRS Whistleblowers attorney says Hunter Biden team trying to punish agents for testimony

Tristan Leavitt says Hunter Biden’s attorney’s are staying true to promises made to Delaware Prosecutors last summer, saying that any actions taken against Hunter Biden would be “committing career suicide.” The President of Empower Oversight says, IRS Whistleblower Gary Shapely testified to House Ways and Means, that Hunter Biden’s attorneys told Delaware Prosecutors last summer, that if they were to charge Hunter Biden, “they would be committing career suicide.” Leavitt says, it now appears that those same attorneys “are doing everything that they can to make what these IRS Whistleblowers have done, career suicide.” Saying, “these allegations are just outlandish, but still could have a real impact on the whistleblowers.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/7/202343 minutes, 18 seconds
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Lou Dobbs calls on GOP presidential candidates to file a lawsuit against the DOJ and Biden

Conservative commentator and host of The Great America Show Lou Dobbs called on GOP presidential candidates and the Republican National Committee to file a lawsuit against the Department of Justice and President Biden.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/6/202355 minutes, 43 seconds
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Vice President of National Border Patrol Council says fentanyl-laced blue pills are selling for $1

Vice President of the National Border Patrol Council, Art Del Cueto, said that blue pills laced with fentanyl are being sold for one dollar.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/5/202336 minutes, 2 seconds
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Colorado Commissioner says the attack on Jason Aldean’s “Try that in a Small Town” is an attack on the lives of everyday rural Americans

Colorado Commissioner and Republican candidate for Colorado’s 8th District, Scott James says that the corporate music industry going after Jason Aldean’s “Try that in a Small Town” are attacking the lives of everyday AmericansSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/4/202349 minutes, 37 seconds
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Tomi Lahren: Need ‘a day of reckoning’ for social media sites over censorship

Outkick Host Tomi Lahren shares her experience of social media censorship, and discusses pushing back against left-leaning corporations, saying, “conservatives, independents, patriots, we have a lot more power than we might believe and we can put more pressure on these companies than they think we can,” pointing to the impact of the boycotts against Bud Light and Target.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/3/20231 hour, 5 minutes, 37 seconds
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Jason Foster: The DOJ is ‘willing to go forward with politicized prosecutions’ even if they don’t win

Empower Oversight Founder Jason Foster says regarding alleged intimidation of the IRS whistleblowers, “The problem is with the politicized Justice Department is it's been shown to be willing to go forward with politicized prosecutions just for the political effect, even if they know they're not going to win.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/2/20231 hour, 51 seconds
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Jim Jordan: Devon Archer testimony confirms Joe Biden laid ‘groundwork’ to help Burisma 5 days after Hunter met with company

Hunter Biden business associate, Devon Archer testimony establishes many key elements previously unknown, as to the timeline of how soon President Joe Biden was aware and some ways involved, in his son Hunter’s business dealings with Ukraine. House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan and House Oversight Chairman James Comer acknowledge that the timeline now corroborated by Archer’s testimony, that a meeting between top people at Burisma, Hunter Biden, and Devon Archer took place on December 4, 2015 in Dubai, in which Burisma asked Hunter to help take pressure off of them by Ukrainian Prosecutor Viktor Shokin and asks for the “United States government to get involved in helping [Burisma] deal with this pressure,” by having the prosecutor stop looking into the company. Chairman Jordan says this is a crucial element, because “it's five days after that meeting, Joe Biden goes to Ukraine and gives a speech,” where he attacks the prosecutor and starts “laying the groundwork for what he would demand months later, when they actually said ‘you're not getting the aid from United States unless you unless you fire the prosecutor’.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/1/202344 minutes, 23 seconds
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Former Trump lawyer Jay Sekulow says FISA in need of serious overhaul

Famed civil liberties Attorney Jay Sekulow discusses the revelations released by Just the News that FISA courts, like the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FSIC) has approved a new NSA spying program to screen the millions of migrants let into the U.S. under President Joe Biden’s controversial border policies despite acknowledging concerns over innocent American being swept up in the data sweeps, raising issues of privacy concerns under the Fourth Amendment and the use of surveillance tools on social media monitoring protected speech under the First Amendment. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/31/202334 minutes, 35 seconds
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Rep. Biggs on myriad of reasons Mayorkas should be impeached: ‘Let’s start with he lied to Congress’, ‘ignores federal law’

John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, No Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you Information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. Interviews this week with Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ), former Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Chad Wolf, Wisconsin Republican Party Chairman Brian Schimming, Fellow at ‘Competitive Enterprise Institute’ Sean Higgins, and Director of External Relations at FreedomWorks Phillip Bell. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern or watch any time at JustTheViews.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/30/202345 minutes, 10 seconds
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Sen. Joni Ernst: Senate GOP stopped $2M in Defense bill from going to Wuhan lab

U.S. Senator from Iowa Joni Ernst discusses her efforts to stop U.S. funding of the Wuhan Institute of Virology and the uncovering of over “$2 million dollars of taxpayer money that was going being funneled,’ and the protections put in the NDAA to prevent against this being overridden.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/29/202341 minutes, 14 seconds
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John Solomon sits down with Governor Ron DeSantis

John Solomon sits down for a one-on-one exclusive interview with Florida Governor and 2024 Republican Presidential Candidate Ron DeSantis discussing key aspects of his campaign, such as axing FBI Director Christopher Wray on his first day as President, reining in the Federal Reserve, and banning a central bank digital currency. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/28/202343 minutes, 14 seconds
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Rep. Mike Johnson: Mayorkas ‘the most deceitful witness’ Judiciary has ever had, knows he’s ‘untouchable’

Louisiana Congressman Mike Johnson says Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas is “the most deceitful witness [the Judiciary Committee has ever had], and he seems not to care.” Saying, “he knows at the end of the day, he’s untouchable.” The Congressman says that for years, he has been “ignoring federal law, imposing an open border policy,” “everyone can this with their own eyes, but in such a smug fashion, [Mayorkas] sits in front of the committee, dodges, spins, tries to run out the clock, and he’s very effective at it.” Saying, the Secretary does so because he understands the House can call for his impeachment all they want, but the “Senate, they’ll never vote to do that” and now the attention has shifted to the Attorney General Merrick Garland and “the big guy,” President Joe Biden, so Mayorkas “thinks he’s going to escape accountability here, and I think that’s why he’s so smug and handles it the way he does.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/27/202353 minutes, 7 seconds
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Sen. Johnson: Evidence of Biden’s complicity in Hunter’s business dealings ‘more than enough’ to disqualify him in 2024

Sen. Ron Johnson says evidence revealing President Joe Biden’s complicity in Hunter Biden’s overseas business dealings is “more than enough” to disqualify him from a second presidential term. Additional interview with former California Congressman and Truth Social CEO Devin Nunes on RussiaGate and how President Joe Biden and Hunter Biden’s business bribery scheme with Ukrainian energy company Burisma is the biggest corruption scandal in U.S. history.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/26/202320 minutes, 57 seconds
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Rep. Babin backs Biden impeachment for ‘pay to play’ evidence: Really looks like he ‘lied through his teeth repeatedly’

Texas Congressman Brian Babin backs Speaker McCarthy’s statements this week, that evidence against President Joe Biden is ‘rising to the a level where an impeachment inquiry is going to be justified.’ Babin says, “all this time, you see the President get angry and lash out at anybody who questions him, saying that ‘he had nothing to do with his son's business,’ ‘he never talked to his son about his business,’ ‘he never got one single dollar from China, or any other foreign entity.’ And all of a sudden, with each passing week, they've reaped millions of dollars from foreign sources. And what looks like without question, overwhelming evidence that it's a pay to play.” Saying, “I think the American people deserve to hear the truth, and they're getting just glimpses of it. There's nothing like bright sunshine to show the truth to the American people, and to expose a lie. And it really, really looks like President Biden has lied through his teeth repeatedly and as I said earlier, get angry when someone asks him about it. So let's let's shine a huge light on this, let's expose this for what I think it really is, and that is probably one of the largest corruption and scandalous incidents and really not an incident, it's it's a whole batch of years of a presidency of corruption.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/25/202354 minutes, 40 seconds
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IRS Whistleblower Ziegler: Hunter Biden’s ‘contradicting’ statements in autobiography used to prove his tax fraud

New IRS Whistleblower Joseph Ziegler dishes on additional evidence to President Joe Biden’s knowledge of son, Hunter’s business dealings, on the reaction he has received from the federal law enforcement community in light of his testimony, and how Hunter Biden’s book was used to prove his tax fraud. Additional interview with investigative journalist Miranda Devine on her new article concerning allegations by ex-business Devon Archer that Hunter Biden would put then-Vice President Joe Biden on the phone with his overseas business associates.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/24/202343 minutes, 11 seconds
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Rep. Ralph Norman speculates on Biden impeachment following corruption probe: ‘If not now, then when’ 

John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, No Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you Information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. Interviews this week with Rep. Ralph Norman (R-SC), ‘Judicial Watch’ President Tom Fitton, Rep. Greg Steube (R-FL), U.S. Senate Candidate Scott Parkinson (VA), and George Beebe. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern or watch any time at JustTheViews.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/23/202343 minutes, 18 seconds
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Rep. Massie calls FBI ‘keystone cops’ after lack of probe into nature of DNC pipe-bomb on J6

Rep. Thomas Massie on newly released January 6 footage and calls the FBI ‘keystone cops’ on the Bureau’s seemingly lack of investigation or attention into the who laid the pipe-bomb at the DNC on January 6 and why. The Kentucky Congressman says, after asking the Bureau and also Director Christopher Wray and given no answer into the motive or even the identity of who found the bomb that day, or if he was interviewed, Massie says ‘something doesn’t add up here.’See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/22/202319 minutes, 24 seconds
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Lawyer for IRS Whistleblowers says more evidence, documents to be given to Congress in coming weeks

Tristan Leavitt, President of ‘Empower Oversight’ discusses IRS Whistleblowers’ Gary Shapely and Joseph Ziegler testimonies before Congress and what to expect, revealing that both whistleblowers are to provide Congress with additional evidence and documents in the coming weeks. Additional interviews with former Acting Commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Patrol, and JTN’s Political Correspondent Nick Ballasy.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/21/202331 minutes, 52 seconds
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John Solomon breaks down FBI memo revealing Hunter Biden was hired by Burisma to 'protect' it from 'corruption' probe

John Solomon breaks down bombshell FBI informant memo in which a trusted FBI informant told agents in 2020 that Hunter Biden was hired by Ukrainian firm Burisma Holdings to use his father to help “protect” the company from Ukrainian prosecutors Viktor Shokin corruption probe and to help sideline the prosecutor.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/20/202343 minutes, 18 seconds
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Ex-U.S. Attorney says DOJ piled as many charges possible on Trump but tip-toed around Hunter Biden

Bud Cummins, former U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Arkansas discusses the optics and behavior of the Department of Justice surrounding the recent charges against former President Donald Trump and compares the agency’s treatment of the former President and current presidential candidate to Hunter Biden’s criminal case. Cummins comments that the most recent charges are “well past the point, where this has become a massive exercise and abuse of prosecutorial discretion.” Explaining, that the mainstream media is missing the irony in reporting that Justice Department officials said they had “difficulty in prosecuting the son of a President, or a [former] sitting Vice President or someone who is a candidate for president, Joe Biden, and that was a reason why they couldn't be more aggressive in pursuing Hunter Biden.” He says that comparing the agency’s treatment of Donald Trump, “here you have an ex-President, who is running for president in the presidential season, and it is abundantly clear that they are are doing everything they can to load him up with as many charges to defend as they possibly can and it's well past the point of credibility.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/19/20231 hour, 10 minutes, 54 seconds
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Comer: In every major Biden family, administration probe Garland, DOJ ‘has come in and obstructed’

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer discusses the release of a timeline of the Biden family's alleged influence-peddling schemes, recent interviews with two new FBI whistleblowers that corroborate previously made IRS whistleblowers allegations, and how the Department of Justice has tried to “obstruct” the committee’s inquires.  Comer comments that “every interview” that his committee has “tried to conduct on every major investigation of the Biden administration, whether it was trying to interview border agents, to try and interview FBI agents with respect to the obstructing the Biden investigation. Every step of the way, Merrick Garland and the Department of Justice has come in and obstructed. And then you go back to when we did a transcribed interview with the general counsel for the National Archives. He was told he couldn't answer specific questions. He was told that he couldn't post on the website wrongdoing by Joe Biden, but he could post everything in the world on the website about Donald Trump. I mean, examples continue to pile in, where this two-tiered system of justice is in full play and they're going after their political opponents, whether it be Donald Trump or myself, and they're turning a blind eye to the obvious corruption involved by the President's family.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/18/202333 minutes, 10 seconds
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Rep. Austin Scott: Biden public rebuke of SCOTUS on student debt program after deal with GOP is effort ‘to mislead’

Rep. Austin Scott slams President Biden and U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona over its public rebuke today of the Supreme Court’s decision to rule student loans debt forgiveness program unconstitutional in after the Education Department sent out a letter to all student loan recipients across the country. The Georgia Congressman says the Biden administration’s actions show, “a lack of respect for our country in general, and what people don't talk about enough, it's the fact that our forefathers didn't necessarily really know how to govern as much as they is they knew that power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. And that's why they gave us the Legislative, the Executive, and the Judicial branch of government.” Scott continuing to say that, “even Speaker Pelosi said that Joe Biden didn't have the authority to do the things that he did with the student loan forgiveness. And now, for Biden to go out and agree to cancel the student loan debt relief, even before the court ruling came out, in the debt limit agreement [with Republicans], and to turn around and do this, is just proof that there's a there's an intent to mislead from the administration, as much as there is a lack of respect for the Supreme Court. Because Biden and Secretary Cardona knows that Biden agreed to terminate the student debt relief program.” Scott says Republicans in Congress “believed all along it was unconstitutional, even Pelosi thought it was unconstitutional, the courts ruled it is unconstitutional. And now [Biden] turns around and says, ‘well, we're going to try to find a workaround to the court’.” Scott says that most important fact that will have long term impact on bipartisan negioations is that President Biden, “agreed to do away with student loan debt relief as part of the debt limit agreement that was passed just a few months ago. So who do the Republicans have to shake hands with? And the answer is nobody. People criticize us for not being able to get to agreements. But once you shake someone's hand and they don't do what they tell you they're gonna do.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/17/202335 minutes, 5 seconds
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Rep. Austin Scott says Americans need to know the full consequences of the Biden family’s dealings with China

John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, No Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you Information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. Interviews this week with Rep. Austin Scott (R-GA), House Administration Chairman Bryan Steil (R-WI), Former Deputy National Security Advisor to President Trump Victoria Coats, Rep. Mike Lawler (R-NY), and PublicSq. Founder & CEO Michael Seifert. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern or watch any time at JustTheViews.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/16/202358 minutes, 55 seconds
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Devin Nunes urges Congress to question AG Rod Rosenstein over secret FBI targeting of his staffers during RussiaGate

Special Saturday podcast to discuss with former House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes recent revelations of the FBI’s secret targeting of his Intelligence committee staffers during their oversight probe into the DOJ and FBI conduct during RussiaGate. Additional interviews with Senator Ron Johnson and Article III Project’ Founder & President Mike Davis. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/15/202329 minutes
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Rep. Biggs on spending crisis: DoD can’t account for 61% of assets during audit, Congress still gives more money

Rep. Andy Biggs discusses the passage of the National Defense Authorization Act today by 219 Republicans to 210 Democrats, a move that is seen as a huge win by House Speaker Kevin McCarthy. Biggs comments that the spending crisis in this country is a huge problem, so much that “there's been a bipartisan statement from Joint Chiefs of Staff, and over the last 20 years that our biggest threat is our national debt.” The member of Freedom Caucus says, ultimately, the bottom line is this, there are no consequences. Why?  Because every time you fail an audit, [they] come back to Congress, and we give [them] even more money. And that's what this is about and then you throw in the woke programs that are DEI, ESG, paying for abortions, trans, kicking people out of the military because they didn't want the vaccine and then refusing to bring them back, and all those and the list goes on. And that's why this is so important.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/14/202335 minutes, 33 seconds
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Mother of FBI whistleblower blasts home Congresswoman Sheila Jackson-Lee for smearing son

Sandra Allen-Lavigne, mother of FBI whistleblower Marcus Allen discusses the mainstream media and Congress’s smearing of her son after coming forward with real concerns about the integrity of the Justice Department. Lavigne slams her home representative, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson-Lee after she falsely accused Marcus Allen of taking money in return for his testimony before Congress. Lavigne, a long-time Democrat says, Jackson’s comments “crushed her spirit,” after she tried to request a meeting with the Congresswoman, who is known as an activist for justice, Lavigne never heard back from her office. She says the Congresswoman’s inability to meet with her and her statements concerning her son is very “sad,” pointing to that she and her son are long-time constituents, she feels like the treatment they’re receiving is nothing more than being used as “tools,”  that they’re “just two small fish in a big pond, this is not a sensational story, it's not going to have any political bearing on anything, it's just [my son] and he is dispensable, so that devastated me.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/13/202354 minutes, 8 seconds
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Ex-FBI official Kevin Brock: ‘Hard to believe’ Wray doesn’t know if Bureau was present in J6 crowd

Former FBI Assistant Director for Intelligence Kevin Brock discusses FBI Director Christopher Wray’s testimony before the House Judiciary Committee and comments on Director Wray’s seemingly lack of answers during the hearing, especially about if there was a FBI presence in the crowd on January 6th. Brocks says, while Director Wray seemed to have “answered that question twice and the first time around, he was a little bit more precise.  [Wray] made a distinction between undercover agents, FBI agents acting undercover blending into the crowd in an undercover capacity. And informants, which the FBI refers to as confidential human sources. I can almost guarantee you there are confidential human sources in that crowd that have reported to the FBI because the FBI has excellent coverage when it comes to violent extremists, right wing ultra anti-government, white supremacist who foment violence and to preach violence, they they have excellent coverage against those groups.” Brock going on to say that, “undercover agents is a different animal. And when [Wray] answered later in the day, he was asked point blank, ‘can you tell us if there were any undercover agents at the January 6 protest?’ He says, ‘I don't know,’ And that's stunning. That, frankly, I found that less than credible, and if he doesn't know, that is a huge disservice to him as the Director of the FBI that he wouldn't know that. And I just find that hard to believe. So you're left with a impression that he is obfuscating there.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/12/202346 minutes
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Tuberville pushes back against Dems, says acting commandant told him Marines just fine without leader

Sen. Tommy Tuberville pushes back against Democrats criticisms of his blocking of military nominations saying he is standing by his principles, and “fighting for the taxpayers of this country and 60% of the people in this country are against taxpayer money going to abortion.” The U.S. Senator from Alabama says “the American people need to have a say about this,” and accuses Democrats of trying to bypass the will of the people. Commenting, “we don't need dictatorship in the White House, and they are becoming dictators. The next thing they're gonna do, if we allow this to happen, they might say, we're only going to allow churches to be open one day a month. We can't allow them to start doing the laws, and delegating authority from the White House and the E-Ring of the Pentagon.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/11/202346 minutes, 49 seconds
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Revelations of gov’t colluding with social media, journalists to block content is definition of ‘economic fascism,’ Media Watchdog

Adam Guillette, President of Accuracy in Media, discusses AIM’s recent undercover investigation into school districts in Ohio, and free speech being under attack in America. Guillette comments that  it is an ‘incredibly dangerous time’ for free speech “because you have this collusion of ‘journalists’ or social media sites and government, which by the way, ironically, is literally the definition of, of fascism. Economic fascism, is where businesses are technically privately owned. But the government tells them what to produce, how much of it to produce what to sell? Well, that's exactly what we've had with these social media sites like Facebook, where it wasn't ‘technically’ the government suppressing people. They just called up their buddies and their allies at Facebook and said, ‘these are the things that we need you to block,’ that's economic fascism. That's literally the definition of fascism, Where is Antifa on this one? You think they're gonna go and bust up Mark Zuckerberg house, probably not. They're busy burning down courthouses in Portland, Oregon. But that's literally the definition of fascism. And think about how dangerous it is for society, when the truth can't get out a story as big as the cause of COVID. And they suppressed what now appears to be the most likely cause of COVID, for being discussed on social media platforms. It's as if they rewrote the printing press with the creation of social media, but now they want to entirely control what can be printed.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/10/202348 minutes, 26 seconds
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Louisiana AG Landry on Judge ordering Biden admin to limit contact with social media: Free speech not meant to have ‘approval process’

John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, No Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you Information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. Interviews this week with Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry, former Secretary of Homeland Security Chad Wolf, Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, President of ‘Gun Owners of America’ Erich Pratt, and Executive Director of ‘CASE PAC’ Bryan Leib. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern or watch any time at JustTheViews.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/9/202346 minutes, 36 seconds
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Kari Lake vows to remain committed to election reform, calls it ‘issue of our time’

Kari Lake, 2022 Arizona Gubernatorial Nominee and Author of, ‘Unafraid: Just Getting Started’ hints at a possible run for U.S Senate and vows to ‘not give up on reforming our elections,’ no matter what she does in the future. Lake says she believes that reforming U.S. elections is the “issue of our time” that without this critical piece of policy, we can’t achieve “common sense solutions, if we can’t get fair elections, to actually get the people that we want into office.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/8/202321 minutes, 53 seconds
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Former Federal Prosecutor says for people questioning whether US has two tiers of justice, just look at Hunter Biden case

David X. Sullivan, former Assistant United States Attorney, discusses the odd nature of the Hunter Biden criminal case and the optics arising out of it. Sullivan comments that looking through the case, for ‘people that claim that there are two tiers of justice in this country, nothing could be more compelling than looking at the Hunter Biden criminal case.’ Saying, that what Hunter Biden was afforded of pleading to misdemeanor charges “is a hand slap,” that in his 30 years of working at the U.S. Attorney’s office in the district of Connecticut he “saw one and only one case, criminally, in which someone was afforded the opportunity to plead guilty to a misdemeanor tax offense, one in 30 years.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/7/202346 minutes, 12 seconds
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Ex-CBP head: Under Biden, Border Patrol’s job ‘not to secure border,’ but ‘process, release illegal aliens as fast as possible’

Former CBP Acting Commissioner Mark Morgan discusses cocaine found at the White House and how the Biden administration has handicapped the job of Border Patrol agents. Morgan comments on how ridiculous it is that Secret Service saying they will never know who brought cocaine into the White House earlier this week, that “this literally should take them about 30 minutes to solve." Morgan also comments on breaking news of recent Department of Homeland Security’s inspector general report revealing that the Biden administration released a migrant on the terrorist watchlist and took over two weeks to re-arrest him. Commenting that this is the result of the Biden administration loose border policies, that the job of Border Patrol agents “is not to secure the border,’ but to ‘process and release illegal aliens as fast as possible.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/6/202329 minutes, 55 seconds
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Ex-FBI official: Cocaine being found in WH after Biden saying war on drugs is over, border secure is definition of ‘hypocritical’

Retired FBI Senior Executive Scott Nelson discusses the preparedness of the United States after a recent Department of Homeland Security’s inspector general report revealed that the Biden administration released a migrant on the terrorist watchlist and took over two weeks to re-arrest him. Nelson points to the irony behind this with cocaine being found at the White House this week. Commenting, “it's so hypocritical to find cocaine in our White House, that we own, it’s the people's house, and at the same time [Biden] ended the so called [The War on Drugs], and at the same time allowing that border to be wide open and push more dope in, and the dope is not just fentanyl, by the way, it's cocaine by the kilo plus.” The former top FBI official points to the U.S. being soft, saying “the softness emanates from an American emerging culture that says ‘good guys are bad guys and bad guys are good guys’ and the only only reason somebody is bad is because they've been oppressed and deprived. That's not simply not the case. The terrorist watch list was set up to prevent another 911.” Saying, “unfortunately, the Biden administration and the FBI, to some degree, are ignoring the threat at the border. And that's not just the threat of cartels and vicious billionaires whose activity for a long time has been despicable. But it's also young men in the ages of 16 to 26, who are on the terrorist watch list. What is happening is we are facilitating the cartels, we are facilitating the terrorists, and we are pointing them towards another 911, I hope it doesn't happen.” Nelson saying it is “very unfortunate that all these things are coming together at a time when we need rules and regulations but we need them to be enforced fairly and completely, not just political happenstance.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/5/202354 minutes, 12 seconds
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July 4th Special Report

John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, No Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you Information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. Interviews this week with U.S. Senator from Wisconsin Ron Johnson, former Acting Secretary of Defense Chris Miller, Vice President of the National Border Patrol Council Art Del Cueto, and Historian and Best Selling Author Craig Shirley. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern or watch any time at JustTheViews.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/4/202344 minutes, 44 seconds
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HAFA Special Report: ‘Ruining Elections Through Ranked Choice Voting’

John Solomon host ‘Ruining Elections Through Ranked Choice Voting ’ alongside Heritage Action for American for honest discussion on the state of the U.S. election system, how the use of ranked choice voting could ruin the already fragile system, and disenfranchise voters. Guest list includes: Former Ranking Member of the House Administration Committee Rep. Rodney Davis, Executive Director of ‘Honest Elections Project’ Jason Snead, Director of State Advocacy of ‘Heritage Action for America’ Catherine Gunsalus, Founder & Executive Director of ‘Save Our States’ Trent England, and Senior Legal Fellow of ‘The Heritage Foundation’ Hans von Spakovsky. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/3/202349 minutes, 38 seconds
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Bill O'Reilly: Don’t get too excited about media starting to ask Biden hard questions, still spinning ‘the hell out of it’

John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, No Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you Information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. Interviews this week with Host Bill O’Reilly, President of ‘U.S. Oil and Gas’ Tim Stewart, Wisconsin Congressman Glenn Grothman, Utah Mayor and Mitt Romney primary challenger Trent Staggs, and former CIA Analyst George Beebe. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern or watch any time at JustTheViews.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/2/202340 minutes, 52 seconds
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Gregg Jarrett’s Town Hall with John Solomon on the Trial of the Century

Join John Solomon and NYT’s Best-selling Author Gregg Jarrett for a sit-down conversation discussing his new book, ‘The Trial of the Century,’ involving the infamous Scopes Monkey Trial, a case from a century ago that established the legal bedrock of civil liberties and modern defense for freedom of speech. For more information and to get your copy go to: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/1/202334 minutes
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Exclusive: IRS Whistleblower says Hunter Biden’s scam matches ‘textbook tactics’ for tax evasion

In the second part of John Solomon’s exclusive interview with the IRS Whistleblower Gary Shapley, Shapley explains how Hunter Biden evaded taxes and how it is matches ‘textbook tactics’ for tax evasion. He also dishes on the level that the agency went to protect the President’s son, saying Hunter is being treated completely differently than other tax cheats. Additional interviews with House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan and Senior Vice-President of ‘White Coat Waste Project’ Justin Goodman.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/30/202346 minutes, 37 seconds
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The IRS Whistleblower unplugged with John Solomon

The IRS Whistleblower Gary Shapley dishes on DOJ political interference, and reveals that not only did Hunter Biden not pay taxes on $400k he received from Burisma in 2014, but that he still hasn’t paid them. Additional interviews with former Georgia Congressman Doug Collins, and RNC General Counsel and North Carolina Republican Party Chairman Michael Whatley.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/29/202349 minutes, 30 seconds
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Rasmussen: ‘I don't believe anybody can beat Donald Trump, but I believe he can defeat himself’

Political analyst and pollster Scott Rasmussen gives his predictions leading into the 2024 Presidential Election, discusses the latest polling, and the hurdles that the front runners in the GOP primary race right now face. The veteran pollster says that, while it’s always possibility that an underdog can arise from Iowa or New Hampshire and become “a serious contender” for the Republican presidential nomination, Rasmussen the says that main question is the issue of beating Trump. Rasmussen responding, “I don't believe anybody can beat Donald Trump, but I believe he can defeat himself. So watching what the President says and does and how he responds to things, will have a lot to do with how the primary process unfolds.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/28/202345 minutes, 46 seconds
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Miranda Devine: Ukraine is Biden’s ‘Achilles heel’ after revelations of quid pro quo in firing prosecutor Viktor Shokin

Miranda Devine gives the lowdown on Hunter Biden, the Biden family business dealings, and discusses how evidence of ‘quid pro quo’ in the firing of Ukrainian Prosecutor Viktor Shokin, who was the prosecutor in Ukraine investigating Burisma, a company that has been tied to Hunter Biden. Devine says that, while there are bits of evidence that point to President Biden’s involvement with his son’s foreign business dealings and partners, it can be ‘surmised by the sort of go soft attitude of the Biden administration.” Saying, “I don't know if they'll be able to find some specific, you know, quid pro quo.” “Joe Biden was very careful whenever he spoke to anybody from Hunter Biden sort of overseas business partners, that he kept the conversation on a high level, so it always had plausible deniability kept it vague.” Though the investigative journalist predicts that, Ukraine, is Joe Biden’s “Achilles heel,” “the firing of Viktor Shokin, the prosecutor [in Ukraine]. Joe Biden, in his trademark way, comes straight out and says this upfront on a video conversation, ‘I got this prosecutor fired, I threatened the Ukrainians, I'm going to withhold a billion dollars in aid unless you fire him.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/27/202330 minutes, 16 seconds
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Ex-Top NSC official: If Biden was applying for a job in CIA, ‘he wouldn't get a clearance,’ over compromising China payments

Former NSC Chief of Staff and CIA analyst touches on the level of concern of recent evidence and allegations of money payments of upwards of $10 million sent to members of the Biden family through shell LLC’s. Fleitz says that this is more than just buying a good or services from the family but is “buying influence of a potential future President.” This has been raised recently with regard to Biden’s questionable policies towards China, which would make sense if President Joe Biden and the Biden family were comprised and influenced by being bought by the Chinese Communist Party. Fleitz says that this is not an allegation that should be shrugged off, that the money payments that Joe Biden and Biden family members received raises huge ethical concerns. Saying, “If Joe Biden was applying for a job in the CIA, he wouldn't get a clearance, given all these ethical conflicts and payments from China, because there would be the concern that he might be compromised, he wouldn't be allowed to work for the CIA.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/26/202357 minutes, 10 seconds
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Rep. Austin Scott says Adam Schiff ‘earned’ House censure for ‘absolutely’ destroying ‘credibility of Intel Committee’

John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, No Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you Information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. Interviews this week with Georgia Congressman Austin Scott, ‘Judicial Watch’ President Tom Fitton, South Carolina Congressman Ralph Norman, Harvard Professor Emeritus Alan Dershowitz, and Director of Research at ‘Government Accountability Institute’ Seamus Bruner. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern or watch any time at JustTheViews.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/25/202346 minutes, 52 seconds
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Special Report: ‘The Battle for Border Security’

John Solomon host ‘The Battle for Border Security’ alongside Heritage Action for American for honest discussion on the state of the U.S. southern border after the recent ending of Title 42, and the new ways to secure it. Guest list includes: Arizona Congressman Andy Biggs, Vice President of the National Border Patrol Council Art Del Cueto, Pinal County Sheriff Mark Lamb, Acting Executive Director of Heritage Action for America Ryan Walker, and Director of Border Security & Immigration Center at The Heritage Foundation Lora Reis.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/24/202353 minutes, 12 seconds
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Rep. Lance Gooden says after Durham, whistleblowers testimony, GOP set to spar with FBI over FISA reauthorization

House Judiciary Committee member Lance Gooden gives his takeaways from Special Counsel John Durham’s testimony before the committee earlier this week. The Texas Congressman says that Durham’s testimony left him with the impression that the “the FBI is really in a sad state. There is in fact, a two tiered justice system. And the FBI has a lot of rot that has not been fully taken out, and [Congress has] got a lot of work to do.” Gooden says, the FBI has repeatedly said that they have implemented reforms, commenting that he doesn’t believe that, and “the American people don't believe that.” Saying, “and what a sad statement on a once respected institution, that being the FBI. The American people have lost faith. There was in fact, no collusion, no coordination, no Russian involvement with the Trump campaign. And the the, the just constant lies that we've seen from the other side, in the effort to take down President Trump before he even took office. For it to finally come out many years later, is I think redeeming but also very sad. I am just so disappointed. And in what I saw this week, and what Mr. Durham has been working on, I'm actually also very frustrated that it took this long to come out. But nonetheless, it did. And here we are in 2023, talking about something that happened back in 2016 but it's where we are.” Gooden says, Congress will use its power of the purse, to impose change on a seemingly unwilling FBI, since the appropriations process is “number one tool at” their disposal. Gooden says, this was shown “in the debt limit fight a few weeks ago, we got some concessions from Joe Biden, through that process, and the appropriations is really the only tool that the the party has when they only control one level of government.” Saying the GOP will also look to “the FISA court device authorization is also set to expire this year. So that's going to come up and there'll be a fight in the House over that as well, I don't think you'll see a clean reauthorization that we've seen in years past, there's going to need to be some serious reforms put into place before before that happens.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/23/202322 minutes, 17 seconds
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John Solomon breaks down the IRS Whistleblower Bombshells

John Solomon breaks down bombshell revelations today by IRS Whistleblower Gary Shapely in testimony before the House Ways and Means Committee, that federal prosecutors twice blocked search warrants seeking evidence from Hunter Biden, including one for a storage locker with corporate documents and another for Joe Biden's Delaware residence where Hunter Biden was living, even though agents had met the standards for probable cause. Victoria Toensing, a former Deputy Assistant Attorney General in the Criminal Division of the U.S. Justice Department, discusses the revelations and how a two-tiered justice system culture developed not only within the Department of Justice, but other federal agencies like the IRS.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/22/202338 minutes, 25 seconds
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Rep. Eli Crane to ‘country club Republicans’: Managing U.S. decline not enough, start taking shots, hit back

Arizona Congressman Eli Crane calls out ‘country club Republicans’ and discusses shaking up the status quo in Congress. The Freedom Caucus member says the recent forced vote for censuring Congressman Adam Schiff which 20 Republican voted against, was an opportunity for Americans to see the truth and not continue to be ‘gas-lighted’ by their Representatives. Crane says to his fellow Republican colleagues in Congress that, ‘at some point, you guys are gonna have to join us and start hitting back. Because right now, only one side is throwing blows, is taking shots. And that's one of the reasons the we're headed in the trajectory that we're in. The days of country club Republicans just managing the decline of this country, you see where it's gotten us, and it's nowhere good.” Crane also says the problem with D.C. is “not that we don't have enough people that went to law school, or they don't have high enough IQs. It's that we don't have enough people up here that actually have moral courage and backbone, and who are willing to stand in the gap and say; No, you're not doing that anymore. We're not going to allow it anymore. And as a matter of fact, we're going to fight back, and we're going to take shots right back at you, but in my opinion, that's the only way out of this is if the Republican Party learns how to fight again.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/21/202351 minutes, 1 second
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Sen. Ron Johnson on four lies Biden told to get elected and connection to son Hunter’s ‘slap on the wrist’

Senator Ron Johnson talks about Hunter Biden’s ‘slap on the wrist’ plea deal for tax evasion and lying on a gun application, and talks about the four lies that then-candidate Joe Biden told the American public in the lead up to the 2020 election in relation to his son’s business dealings and laptop. The U.S. Senator from Wisconsin says that the truth won’t reach the American public, because the ‘mainstream media’ will cover for Joe Biden, just like they have “for decades.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/20/20231 hour, 1 minute, 12 seconds
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Look back at Exclusive Interview with Lawyer for IRS Whistleblower in Hunter Biden case breaks silence

Mark Lytle, lawyer for the IRS Whistleblower in the Hunter Biden case, discusses his client reporting to the Justice Department top watchdog that federal prosecutors appointed by Joe Biden have engaged in “preferential treatment and politics” to block criminal tax charges against presidential son Hunter Biden, providing evidence as a whistleblower that conflicts with Attorney General Merrick Garland’s recent testimony to Congress that the decision to bring charges against Biden was being left to the Trump-appointed U.S. Attorney for Delaware. Additional Interview with Tristan Leavitt, a former congressional investigator who serves as president of the Empower Oversight whistleblower center.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/18/202326 minutes, 27 seconds
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Best of FBI whistleblowers from this past year

Tom Fitton, President of Judicial Watch, talks about the retaliation the FBI whistleblower has faced and how agents are being punished for following the rules of law. Additional interview with FBI whistleblower Steve Friend.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/17/202320 minutes, 49 seconds
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Virginia mom compares children living today under Biden’s woke agenda to her childhood under Mao’s cultural revolution

Xi Van Fleet discusses her childhood growing up in Mao’s Cultural Revolution in China and the scary parallels she sees happening in the United States. She says that President Biden’s recent speech calling America’s children’s “everyone's children,” is similar to the Mao’s approach to children in China which were seen first as the ”governments’ children,” over the “biological parents.” Saying “Chairman Mao, he was the father for all Chinese children, so our loyalty should go to the party and Chairman Mao first. That means if you'll find your parents, say things or do things that is not in line with the party, you'll report them.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/16/202329 minutes, 10 seconds
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Nixon vs Trump indictment paradox: Numbers tumbled to record low after Watergate, Trump numbers continue to grow, Rasmussen

Scott Rasmussen, President of RMG Research, discusses the true intent of early polling and how “people in the political world” misread the average American, and the Nixon-Trump paradox, that after Watergate, President Richard Nixon who saw his approval rating tumbled to record lows. By the time he resigned from office with the exact opposite is happening with President Donald Trump. Rasmussen says that he attributes this to technology, that most people don’t “realize how much the world has changed. Back in the late 60s, there were some discussions of the survey research was done asking people how they first heard about Pearl Harbor. And at that time, a lot of people said no, they remember watching it on TV. But the reality is, TV wasn't around when Pearl Harbor happened. People just gotten so used to the new world. That's the way they responded. And we tend to think of what happened that earlier times is just like now with the social media, you know, all the different outlets, that wasn't the case in the Nixon era.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/15/202333 minutes, 53 seconds
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Lou Dobbs: It’s no accident Trump is indicted while Biden faces bribery, corruption investigation

Lou Dobbs discusses former President Donald Trump’s arraignment yesterday in Miami, and points to the ‘coincidence’ of the DOJ’s indictment of President Trump happening during the same period that President Joe Biden faces a federal investigation into his family’s questionable business dealings with foreign nationals, and allegations of taking of million of dollars in bribes. Additional interview with Moms for Liberty Founder Tiffany Justice on redefining parents rights and parents playing a critical role in the upcoming national election. She also discusses recent actions by the Southern Poverty Law Center’s labeling of the group as anti-government extremists.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/14/202326 minutes, 37 seconds
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Rep. Grothman: Biden’s goal is to 'get as many people in American as quickly as possible,' no matter the suffering, conditions

Rep. Glenn Grothman slams the Biden administration continual dismissal of the reality of the horrid circumstance and reality of illegal immigration across the U.S. southern border. The Wisconsin Congressman says that make no mistake this is not a compassionate approach at all, Democrats do not care about the human trafficking or child trafficking going on but rather the “whole goal is to get as many people in American as quickly as possible.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/13/202321 minutes, 38 seconds
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Inside the Trump grand jury, Judicial Watch’ Tom Fitton dishes on how prosecutors behaved

President of Judicial Watch Tom Fitton gives the scoop on the grand jury and federal prosecutors in the lead up to the Department of Justice’s indictment last week of former President Donald Trump. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/12/202320 minutes, 57 seconds
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Sen. Blackburn slams Biden for ending familial DNA test at border: We know cartels use ‘child recycling’ to sneak members across

John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, No Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. Interviews this week with U.S. Senator from Tennessee Marsha Blackburn, House Oversight Chairman James Comer, Texas Congressman Troy Nehls, Arizona Congressman Andy Biggs, Senior Strategist at ‘FreedomWorks’ Tamra Farah. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern or watch any time at JustTheViews.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/11/202348 minutes, 51 seconds
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Jim Jordan looking at DOJ conduct in Trump indictment: Not only a former President but political rival ‘leading in every single poll’

Rep. Jim Jordan to look into unprecedented actions of DOJ in their recent indictment of former President Donald Trump. The House Judiciary Committee Chairman says that “he’s never seen anything like it ,” speaking to not only an indictment of a former President but also of an announced presidential candidate in the 2024 election and political opponent that is currently “leading in single every poll not just in the Republican primary but against his likely Democrat opponent President Joe Biden.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/10/202319 minutes, 35 seconds
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Kash Patel predicts Trump classified documents case never ‘goes to a jury’

Former Federal Prosecutor Kash Patel discusses the 37 counts of the federal indictment unsealed earlier today against former President Donald Trump, and predicts why he doesn’t think that this case “goes to a jury.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/9/202327 minutes, 30 seconds
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Ex-Interior Secretary: Recent SCOTUS ruling on EPA, huge win for ‘will of the people,’ rebuke to expansive deep state

Ex-Interior Secretary David Bernhardt speaks to the ‘problematic’ patterns of the deep state, saying that it starts by civil servants of these federal agencies resisting or working around directives of current or past administrations who essentially are carrying out the ‘will of the people’. Bernhardt comments, the ‘entire system depends on 2.2 million civil servants working to lawfully carry out direction of the President’s policies’ without biases. Saying, without this there is no ‘faith in electoral system.’See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/8/202331 minutes, 11 seconds
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Michele Bachmann slams Biden for handing WHO-China, Americans’ data, constitutional rights through world digital passports

Former presidential candidate Michele Bachmann discusses recent agreements by the Biden administration that would erode constitutional rights of freedom of travel and government intervention, through the World Health Organization’s world digital passports effort, which was approved by 80 European Nations, this past week. The former Minnesota Congresswoman warns, “to anyone listening to this podcast, the action items are to contact your US senators, contact your house member tell them they have to wake up and tell them they've got to demand of the Biden administration that the United States not go in the system. Surely the Biden administration intends exactly that, that will be in it. But we have to demand of our representatives, that they demand of the Biden administration that we don't go ahead because what will happen is we will lose our constitutional rights and our bill of rights protections, we will lose the right to travel, just that alone is guaranteed in the Constitution. And that is gone under this global digital passport. You can't make a move without it in the future and it's Communist China that calls the shot.” Saying, and “Communist China, by the way, will be the the nation that controls the data that's in the digital passport, it will be housed in communist China.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/7/202338 minutes, 22 seconds
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Ex-House Oversight Chair Chaffetz: Left using same old tricks of funding unelected power brokers to keep partisan priorities

Former Utah Congressman and Chairman of the House Oversight Committee Jason Chaffetz exposes in his new book, “The Puppeteers: The People Who Control The People Who Control America,” the tricks the Left uses to ensure that even when not in power, their agenda is consistently funded through the use of unelected power brokers, while circumventing constitutional checks and balances. Chaffetz says that this is in effort to put the American government on autopilot and prevent elections results from threatening the Left’s agenda. The book outlines that this is accomplished through many individuals pensions are paying for the Left’s climate agenda unknowingly, federal agencies use of discrimination to keep slush funds full and redirect funds to left-wing activists, secret federal ballot harvesting operations, and partisan unions are undermining local school boards.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/6/202351 minutes, 52 seconds
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FBI Whistleblower to Comer on agency’s Biden coverup: ‘It’s a game of chicken, GOP cannot blink under any circumstances’

FBI Whistleblower Kyle Seraphin speaks out on recent reports that the FBI sat by after they were given notice three years ago of allegations concerning Joe Biden’s involvement in a bribery scheme involving $5 million. Seraphin says, “even in the counterintelligence world, which is notoriously slow moving, relaxed, and easygoing, three years is a ridiculous amount of time” for this type of tip-off.  The former FBI agency says this proves who the FBI allegiance is to, and why recent actions take by House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer is necessary after its’ most recent episode between Comer and FBI Director Chris Wray, declining to handover documents pertaining to the Biden family. Saying ‘is obviously very concerning because they’ve taken a partisan line, they are abandoning analytical rigor.” Seraphin says, that [the FBI] “would try to make Congress blink, this is an ongoing power struggle that the American people are watching in real time. It's a game of chicken, the GOP cannot blink under any circumstances, they need to press forward with it. And then we'll probably see the FBI will circle the wagons around the Director in the same way that we saw the DOJ refused to go after Eric Holder when he was hit with contempt charges. This is not a new playbook but it should be something that concerns people of all parties. This really isn't partisan, this is about sort of a constitutional crisis in” America right now.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/5/202341 minutes, 48 seconds
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Rep. Loudermilk: In J6 hearings, members had ‘movie scripts’ for ‘Hollywood type of emotional appeal’ to American public

John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, Not Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. Interviews this week with Congressman Barry Loudermilk (R-GA), Harvard Emeritus Alan Dershowitz, Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (R-NY), Border Patrol Union President Brandon Judd, and West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern or watch any time at JustTheViews.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/4/202354 minutes, 27 seconds
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Rep. Andy Biggs says McCarthy speakership much like his debt ceiling deal: Alienating parts of GOP to bring in Dems

Arizona Congressman Andy Biggs slams McCarthy’s debt ceiling deal citing, “more Democrats voted for it than Republicans,” showing warning signs of Speaker McCarthy’s honeymooning period ending. Biggs comments that in fielding calls from constituents, 99% of the calls in the days leading up to the debt ceiling vote, were to “vote no on the debt ceiling”, and “to remove Kevin McCarthy as Speaker.” The Freedom Caucus member says that it is unsure of what will happen next, but says he is “concerned about the new coalition that [he] sees coming together, and it isn't one that brings in all of the Republican families in the conference. It's one where you’re instead going to shut out some people and replace them with Democrats.” He says this is evidenced by the votes in the debt ceiling bill which “had more Democrats vote for this than Republicans, and that's after [Republicans] were told there was not a single thing in there for for Democrats.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/3/202335 minutes, 23 seconds
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Ex-Capitol Police Chief slams Pelosi’s daughter in previously unseen J6 footage: Prioritized filming over other’s safety

Former Police Chief of U.S. Capitol Steven A. Sund gives his reaction to previously unseen January 6th footage which shows former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi evacuating the Capitol building on January 6 with her daughter Alexandra Pelosi filming her as security officers lead her through a secret safe passage corridor. Sund slams Alexandra Pelosi actions that day, for not only distraction and slowing down the security detail by filming, but also comprising the group’s safety.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/2/202339 minutes, 7 seconds
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Rep. Austin Scott gives FBI Director Wray ultimatum: Either comply with Oversight order or ‘Congress has contempt vote’

Representative Austin Scott (R-GA) shares his opinion on the next moves Congress could make after FBI Director Chris Wray refused this week to comply with a subpoena from the House Oversight Committee. The Georgia Congressman says the U.S. Congress is an equal branch of government” to the FBI, “and constitutionally have the right to see the information that [House Oversight Chairman James Comer] has requested, the idea that the FBI Director gets to determine what Congress does and doesn’t get to see, that’s not acceptable.” Scott says that the choice that FBI Director Wray will be given is simple, he either complies with the order, “or Congress will have a contempt vote.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/1/202352 minutes
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Lone freshman who opposed McCarthy speakership opposes debt ceiling deal, calls for ‘accountability’

Freshman Congressman Eli Crane (R-Ariz.) discusses Kevin McCarthy’s debt ceiling deal and what American’s need to understand is that it adds ‘at least $4 trillion onto our national deficit, and if the spending cuts are so historic, ‘why are 100 Democrats going to vote for it.’ The Congressman says that Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s debt ceiling deal is about so much more than just the House Freedom Caucus or Kevin McCarthy, “it's about the fact again, that we're losing this country, and Republicans are maybe not as complacent, but they are very complacent in that trajectory and the downfall of this country. And you know, those that are making deals that are selling out this country and our grandkids, I think need to be held responsible.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/31/20231 hour, 1 minute, 19 seconds
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Rep. Ralph Norman: McCarthy ‘double crossed’ Freedom Caucus, pulled ‘bait and switch’ with debt ceiling deal

South Carolina Congressman Ralph Norman calls House Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s debt ceiling deal struck over the long weekend with President Joe Biden “an insult to the American people.” The key member of the House Freedom Caucus comments, “The bottom line, think about the timing, Memorial Day weekend, people are celebrating with families they are, remember those who gave their lives for this great country. And for us to have a hurried up conference call, and not even have the text, is an insult to the country, and it's an insult to the American people. “The fact that [McCarthy] negotiated this, we weren’t brought in, we had the bill that 218 Republicans voted for, not one single Democrat, and those were the guardrails that Kevin was to go with, and at the end of the day, he came out with nothing.” Saying, “the big disconnect with me is when [McCarthy] gives this administration, that has quickly proven to be a corrupt compromised administration, the keys to the vault of this great country until January 25th, to raise it at any level. That’s not only giving him more credits cards, you’re saying you can run the debt up to whatever you want, that alone should kill this bill.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/30/202340 minutes, 32 seconds
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SPECIAL: John Solomon has a sit-down conversation and townhall over government accountability, transparency

Join John Solomon and RAV's David Zere, host of Breaking Point show for a sit-down conversation with Just The News at the America First Warehouse.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/29/202340 minutes, 14 seconds
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JTN sit-downs with former President Donald Trump

Join John Solomon as we revisit Just the News’s top interviews and moments of this year with President Donald Trump.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/28/202340 minutes, 11 seconds
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Live from NRB, key Israeli figures discuss the state of U.S.-Israel relations under Biden

Live from the National Religious Broadcasters Convention in Orlando, Florida, John Solomon and Amanda Head discuss the unique bond Israel and the United States have and hear from key Israeli figures the state of U.S.-Israel relations under the Biden administration.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/27/202344 minutes, 19 seconds
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GOP Rep. Grothman on Biden’s enhanced border security: Hoped to see more K-9 units, instead got therapy dogs

Wisconsin Congressman Glenn Grothman details his letter sent to Customs and Border Patrol Commissioner concerning the Biden administration’s ending of familiar DNA testing for migrant children apprehended at the southern border, and how this step is essential to keeping children safe.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/26/202332 minutes, 26 seconds
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Kari Lake on recent court setback in 2022 election case: We’re appealing and ‘plan to go to the U.S. Supreme Court’

Kari Lake (R-AZ) reacts to a Maricopa County judge’s ruling on Monday that dismissed her appeal of the 2022 gubernatorial election and talks about her ballot chasing initiative for 2024.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/25/202327 minutes, 59 seconds
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Rep. Biggs fact-checks WH: Biden more interested in creating debt ceiling chaos, narrative than reaching agreement

Rep. Andy Biggs says that the White House is more interested in creating a chaotic situation and crafting a narrative around the debt limit debate than reaching an agreement. The Arizona Congressman explains what’s really happening with the debt limit negotiations and why the U.S. government won’t default on June 1.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/24/202317 minutes, 36 seconds
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Exclusive Interview: Post-Roe Trump touts plan to reduce abortions through incentivized adoptions

Exclusive interview with President Donald Trump from the National Religious Broadcasters Convention, discussing the final Durham Report, President Biden’s ‘destruction of our country’ through his open border policies ‘third world countries wouldn’t allow,’ and his thoughts on reducing abortions through incentivized adoptions.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/23/202334 minutes, 28 seconds
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Special Report: ‘Nuclear Revival: How Innovative New Reactors Are Changing America's Power Play’

John Solomon, Editor-in-Chief of Just the News, hosts ‘Nuclear Revival: How Innovative New Reactors Are Changing America's Power Play’ sponsored by ClearPath. The special will be discussing how the GOP can bring a conversation on nuclear energy to the forefront of the national conversation, how the United States can become competitive globally in the world of energy again, and the necessary investments needed for our nuclear programs here at home. Expert panel featuring: Former Assistant Secretary of the Department of Energy Daniel Simmons, Vice Chair of the Conservative Climate Caucus Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks (R-IA), CEO of ClearPath Rich Powell, and Senior Fellow at The Manhattan Institute Mark Mills.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/22/202349 minutes, 21 seconds
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Brett Tolman says FBI used Patriot Act ‘national security risk,’ to obtain J6 defendants’ bank accounts without warrants

John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, No Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you Information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. Interviews this week with former Congressman and Truth Social CEO Devin Nunes, former United States Attorney Brett Tolman, Director of Research at ‘Government Accountability Institute’ Seamus Bruner, and Co-Owner and Vice President of ‘JKC Trucking’ Mike Kucharski. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern or watch any time at JustTheViews.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/21/202336 minutes, 40 seconds
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Tom Fitton: FBI Whistleblower’s testimony to Congress on retaliation for speaking out is ‘just the tip of the iceberg’

Tom Fitton, President of Judicial Watch, talks about the retaliation the FBI whistleblower has faced and how agents are being punished for following the rules of law. Additional interview with President of ‘Empower Oversight’ Tristan Leavitt on the importance of protection of whistleblowers for federal government accountability.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/20/202320 minutes, 21 seconds
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Alan Dershowitz calls reports of banks handing over J6 defendants’ bank info to FBI without warrants: ‘new McCarthyism’

Alan Dershowitz calls recent FBI Whistleblower’s allegations that banks handed over Jan. 6 defendants’ banking information to FBI without warrants, a “great danger to freedom.” Saying, “banks should not be turning records, private records over. The next thing, doctors will be turning over private records and priests and rabbis and you just can't start violating people's privacy without a court order. It's so easy today to get a subpoena court order, courts don't really look behind a governments’ request, but to go without even a court order and just willy nilly get records and the bank being complicit in that. I have to tell you, if it was my bank, I will take the money out right away and put it in a bank that promises me that wouldn't turn over my records without a court order.” The Harvard Law Professor Emeritus responds to that many of these actions taken in the wake of January 6th, are emotional reactions and are “the new McCarthyism.”  Commenting, “Because I remember the old McCarthyism, everybody was so upset with communism, for good reason. Communism was a horrible, horrible thing that they were willing to use McCarthyism and use tactics like that. And I thought we had buried McCarthyism with Joe McCarthy. But apparently he's gotten out of his grave, and he's now infested the Democrats. And it's no better when Democrats use McCarthyism, then when Republicans did, no bank should not turn over a single record.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/19/202337 minutes, 53 seconds
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Rep. Bill Posey says former deputy AG Rosenstein was ‘trying to misdirect Congress’ in Russia collusion probe

Congessman Bill Posey discusses the Durham report revelations and his infamous letter in 2017 to the Department of Justice concerning the necessity of creation of the Mueller investigation and a special prosecutor. The Florida Congressman remarks that after recent revelations, there’s no doubt, “to me, there's not one ounce of evidence of anything else, but pure, intentional, misleading, trying to misdirect Congress, while they tried to somehow screw [President Trump].”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/18/202341 minutes, 49 seconds
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Kash Patel: Congress should revoke former FBI Director Andy McCabe’s pension following Durham report revelations

Kash Patel says former Acting Director of the FBI Andy McCabe should have his pension revoked from Congress following revelations made in the Durham report. Additional interviews with former FBI Assistant Director of Intelligence Kevin Brock shares his recommendations for how the FBI should reform and face consequences based on the conclusions from the Durham report.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/17/202323 minutes, 43 seconds
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Rep. Gooden on Durham report: Big day for truth, and hopefully consequences but also ‘Trump and his road back to White House’

Rep. Lance Gooden discusses the bombshell report released this week from Special Counsel John Durham and its revelations of “why Democrats felt the need to spend so much money and time peddling lies.” The Texas Congressman says that the releasing of the Durham report “was a big day, not just for truth, and hopefully consequences. But for Donald Trump and his road back to the White House.” Commenting that he thinks, “that every week it seems as if there is a legal victory for President Trump, even some that don't seem like victories. But this, definitely yesterday was a big deal.” The member of the House Judiciary Committee reveals that the committee, has requested a “visit with Mr. Durham in person.” Saying, “We invited him to come next week to testify before our committee, I suspect that we'll get a firm date nailed down in the coming days, and we can put that hearing date on the calendar. But I think the American people deserve to hear more, and deserve to know exactly what happened with this, and why Democrats felt the need to spend so much money and time peddling lies, in their attempt to cripple the presidency. I just think it's pretty un-American some of the things that took place during the Trump years and I I hope we never get to that point again, in this nation.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/16/202342 minutes, 48 seconds
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Exclusive Special Report: Donald Trump marvels at level of detail in John Durham’s report

Exclusive interview with President Donald Trump reacting to John Durham’s final 300-plus page report released earlier today.Former President Donald Trump on Monday applauded Special Counsel John Durham’s report concluding that the FBI never had any evidence of Russia collusion to justify its probe of his campaign in 2016, calling it a “total vindication” personally and vowing to make sweeping changes at the bureau and Justice Department if he wins back the presidency in 2024.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/15/20239 minutes, 15 seconds
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Ex-CIA operative Ric Prado: Hunter Biden intel letter ‘professionally unethical,’ also goes against CIA no politics motto

Former CIA Operative Ric Prado discusses his new book, ‘Black Ops: The Life of a CIA Shadow Warrior’ and the recent reports of the politicization of the CIA. Prado discusses the ‘major heartburn’ he feels towards the, now disproven, letter sent before the 2020 election from 51 senior intelligence officials calling reports of the Hunter Biden laptop, Russian disinformation. Prado comments, that actions like this are “professionally unethical,” and goes against the CIA’s longstanding policy and motto of being apolitical. Prado says this is one of the first things he was taught in spy school, that the Agency does “not do politics, we collect intelligence off shores by any method and we do covert actions.” Saying, “we do not do policy, we do not do politics.“ Commenting, “I think it is professionally unethical to go out and use your knowledge and your influence, which turns out to be a falsehood.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/15/202336 minutes, 46 seconds
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Rep. Ralph Norman: Biden administration has ‘total disregard’ for taxpayers’ money, GOP to expose ‘greed’ in coming weeks

John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, No Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you Information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. Interviews this week with North Carolina GOP Congressman Ralph Norman, North Carolina Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson, Michigan Congresswoman Lisa McClain, CMT & Director of U.S. Equities at ScotiaBank, and Campus Reform Higher Education Fellow and ‘The P.A.S. Report Podcast’ Host Nick Giordano. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern or watch any time at JustTheViews.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/14/202352 minutes, 38 seconds
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Former Texas Rep. Mayra Flores: ‘Border patrol agents are paying the price for Joe Biden’s failed immigration policies’

Former Texas Congresswoman Mayra Flores discusses the ending of Title 42, and how the lead up to this has been ‘the most difficult week of her life’ has border states prepare for mass influx of immigrants crossing the open southern border. Additional interviews with Virginia Congressman Ben Cline discussing debt ceiling talks and what to expect in the coming weeks and Former FBI Assistant Director of Intelligence Kevin Brock shares his reaction to the revelation this week that former and active CIA agents were involved in the attempt to cover up the truth behind Hunter Biden’s laptop, calling it ‘unsettling.’See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/13/202325 minutes, 46 seconds
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Border Patrol Union President: Major border increase won’t be now but in coming weeks, cartels know ‘too much media attention now’

Brandon Judd discusses predictions for immigration across the southern border, after the expiring of Title 42 on Thursday. The Border Patrol Union President comments that the border will be quiet in the coming weeks as “the cartels understand U.S. politics,” they know there has been a huge media push in the last few weeks and eyes are on the border, so the cartels will wait until the “talk dies down” and the media leaves. The Border Patrol Union President says that under the Biden administration apprehensions have roared to a record high 10,000 a day, with post-title 42 levels in the comings week to see increases of 13-16,000 a day. That is compared to “under normal administrations, on a normal day, [border patrol] averages between 1000 to 1,500 a day.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/12/202338 minutes, 58 seconds
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Oversight Chair Comer: DOJ letting Hunter Biden off easy, ignoring concerns from multiple banks of 'money laundering'

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer discusses evidence released this week by his committee regarding the Biden family's foreign business dealings, financial ties to Romania, and the uncovering of private meetings between associates of then Vice President Biden's office. The Chairman also revealed that ‘multiple banks’ raised concerns over Hunter Biden's banking violations, implying evidence of “money laundering.” The Kentucky Congressman goes on to say that the press conference was in anticipation of a possible DOJ indictment of Hunter Biden in the coming weeks. Saying, the “DOJ is trying to slap some type of minor indictment on Hunter Biden, they were going to file multiple counts for tax evasion, lying on a gun application. But what about money laundering? And that's not my words; that's the words of multiple banks; multiple banks in those violations implied that there was money laundering going on. Also, what about racketeering? racketeering is when you create shell companies, fake companies that serve no purpose other than to launder money. What about Jonathan Turley talks all the time about him being an unregistered foreign agent? I mean, those are three serious felonies right there."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/11/202335 minutes, 58 seconds
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Ex-Hill investigator on Biden family findings: ‘Most insidious, spider-like example of public corruption in living history’

Bobby Charles  discusses recent revelations given by House Oversight Chairman James Comer and House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan within the last 24 hours revealing that not only was the CIA was involved in the Hunter Biden laptop disinformation letter, but also that the money trail of ten-of-millions of dollars were flowing to the Biden family from suspect sources, in some cases, people indicted or charged with corruption, and tied to the Chinese party. The former congressional investor comments that the revelations show the Biden family pay-to-play scheme are “probably the most insidious spider like, example of public corruption in living history.” Saying, “and it has so many tentacles to it, that someone who isn't really read into all of the details or doesn't have the patience for it might not fully grasp the enormity. Or as they say, you put your hand on the elephant, you don't know what the shape of the elephant is. You've got the FBI and the CIA running cover, knowingly running cover, they have to have been knowingly running cover for dollar transmissions in the tens-of-millions to the vice president's family, into 20 different companies, most of which are these shell-like LLC companies.”  Explaining that this “all came into existence after he became vice president and now we have the documents, which don't lie. We have the transaction reports that indicate how they tried to obscure the money they were getting from China, Ukraine, Romania, it is truly mind boggling. In fact, I think we're at the front-end of a cone here. And, [President Biden] may find try to find some dignified way out, maybe letting his son get indicted and then pardoning him and then resigning, but I'm gonna tell you there is no dignified way out of public corruption.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/10/202351 minutes, 40 seconds
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Kash Patel: Other countries say U.S. judicial system 'is literally a three-ring circus'

Kash Patel, former Trump adviser, said that because of the two-tier system of justice in the U.S., "other countries are rightfully now saying, 'you, America, cannot lecture us on the judicial system that we have, because yours is literally a three-ring circus. And it's operated by circus animals to their benefit, as long as they get back to the feed barn.' And they don't care about the Americans they serve, and America is catching on."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/9/202337 minutes, 54 seconds
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Rep. Dan Meuser warns SEC next agency Biden administration will weaponize

Rep. Dan Meuser sounds the alarm on the weaponization of the SEC and by the agency delaying mergers like Truth Social. The New York Congressman argues that it's not Donald Trump that's being hurt but rather everyday Americans who put a little bit of their pension money or personal money and are being kept on ice and prevented from making money on their investment for over a year, because “a tax-payer funded agency” is playing politics.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/8/202348 minutes, 2 seconds
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Sen. Johnson: Secretary of State Blinken not only involved, but ‘spearheaded’ Hunter Biden laptop disinformation letter

John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, No Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. Interviews this week with Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI), Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ), President of ‘Empower Oversight’ Tristan Leavitt, former FBI Special Agent Kyle Seraphin, President of U.S. Oil and Gas Tim Stewart, and ‘That Show Tonight’ Comedian Michael Loftus. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern or watch any time at JustTheViews.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/7/202355 minutes, 17 seconds
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Texas AG Ken Paxton says the Biden administration is doing ‘everything in their power’ to aid the cartels

In light of Title 42 set to expire next week, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton says the Biden administration is doing ‘everything in their power’ to aid the cartels, that cartels will only continue to expand as the Biden administration has helped them “make billions” through human trafficking, other forms.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/6/202331 minutes, 25 seconds
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Special Report: ‘Winning the New Cold War: A Plan For Countering China’

John Solomon host ‘Winning the New Cold War: A Plan For Countering China’ alongside Heritage Action for American for a conversation with lawmakers, a presidential advisor, and various policy experts on necessary measures to counter the growing China threat. Guest list includes: Former National Security Advisor Amb. Robert O'Brien, Chairman of the House Select Committee on China Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-WI), Director of the Asian Studies Center at The Heritage Foundation Jeff Smith, and Vice President of Field Operations at Heritage Action for America Janae Stracke.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/5/202352 minutes, 13 seconds
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Rep. Eli Crane: DOJ has been 'covering' for Biden 'crime family'

Rep. Eli Crane (R-AZ) said, following news of the FBI whistleblower report alleging then-Vice President Joe Biden was inovlved in a bribery scheme, that the DOJ "has been covering" for the Biden "crime family," and he hopes "this turns out to be the smoking gun" to take them down.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/4/202347 minutes, 38 seconds
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Rep. Scott Perry: Reported FBI doc alleging Biden pay-to-play scheme is 'monumental'

Pennsylvania GOP Congressman Scott Perry discusses the FBI document that lawmakers say alleges that President Joe Biden was involved in a bribery scheme with a foreign national.  Perry says that as accusations go, “it doesn’t get any bigger than that,” going on to explain that the behavior that Biden is accused of “impacts every single American not only in our national security, but the long-term prospects for the vitality of our nation.”  He also expressed concern that the document was being subpoenaed from the FBI, asking “if they have this, what are they doing about it? What have they done about it?”  He further warned that it might be seen as a sign of corruption within the FBI, which “erodes completely any credibility left in that organization.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/3/202337 minutes, 17 seconds
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Ex-Trump border chief on Biden sending 1,500 troops to southern border: ‘All smoke and mirrors’

Mark Morgan, former Customs and Border Patrol Commissioner, discusses recent news that the Biden administration has ordered 1,500 troops down to the southern border in preparation for the lifting of Title 42, which is expected to result in a surge of migrants. Morgan comments, that the sending of troops is “not substantive, it's all about politics. Because there is a crack, and there's nothing substantive. So 1500 military personnel, make no mistake, this is simply about resources going down, and they're only putting those resources down for political objects. It's not going to change anything, because the resources are not being sent down there to do what they need to do for their constitutional mandates. They're not being sent there to secure the border. They're simply being down there to facilitate the catch and release of those illegally entering and filing fraudulent claims.” The former border chief says, “let's make no mistake, this is all smoke and mirrors, nothing's going to change. They're not doing anything with respect to an effective strategy of deterrence and consequences and put integrity back in the system. It's just the opposite. It's more of the same. They're they know the numbers are going to increase so they know they need more resources there, to help process and release illegal aliens as fast as humanly possible, and that's exactly what's going on right now.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/2/202337 minutes, 21 seconds
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Kash Patel describes how the Hunter Biden laptop disinformation letter is ‘Steele dossier 2.0’

Kash Patel talks government censorship, and how the 51 intelligence officials that signed on to the Hunter Biden laptop disinformation letter perpetuated the ‘Steele dossier 2.0’.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/1/202336 minutes, 27 seconds
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House GOP Chair: Biden ‘my way or the highway’ debt ceiling approach ‘dangerous and reckless,’ holding America hostage

John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, No Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. Interviews this week with Chairman of the House Administration Committee Rep. Bryan Steil, Pollster Scott Rasmussen, Texas Congressman Brian Babin, Georgia Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor-Greene, Texas Congressman Troy Nehls, and CEO of ‘Freedom Foundation’ Aaron Withe. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern or watch any time at JustTheViews.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/30/202353 minutes, 45 seconds
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Rep. James Comer: Hunter Biden’s legal team is ‘testing their limits’ with witness intimidation

Chairman of the House Oversight Committee, Representative James Comer (R-KY) says Hunter Biden’s legal team has been intimidating witnesses to not testify as the House committee gets closer to newer incriminating information.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/29/202327 minutes, 3 seconds
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Rep Cline: As Biden-Senate battle over debt ceiling, House GOP to pivot to comprehensive immigration reform, securing border

Virginia Congressman Ben Cline discusses Republican efforts moving forward, following the passage of the debt ceiling bill earlier this week. Cline comments that, “now that [House Republicans have] gotten the debt ceiling issue across the finish line and over to the Senate, [it will] be interested to see if the Senate can can pass anything, the President still not coming to the table to talk about how to secure our nation's credit-worthiness.” Saying, Republicans in the meantime are pivoting and, “are going to be acting on immigration. Securing the border is one of the promises that Republicans made and voters voted for when they delivered us the House, last fall. So we're going to be passing two bills that may be combined into one, the first comes out of the Homeland Security Committee, which deals with actual physical barriers and securing the border. Yes, building a wall, but also technology, the different towers that need cameras, the infrared, all of the different ways that we can secure the border. And then the Judiciary Committee, once again, went through a late night markup, to pass legislation to reform our asylum laws.” Saying, the comprehensive immigration reform, “will reform the remain in Mexico policy, to say that if you're going to come into this country, illegally, you're not going to be given parole, you're not going to be released into the interior of the country, you're going to be given the opportunity, if you have asked for asylum, you're going to be returned to Mexico or your country of origin to wait it out. And during that time, if you don't want to be returned, you can remain in custody, but you don't get to be released into the interior of the country. And also, if you're skipping through countries on the way to the United States, from your country of origin, you can only ask for asylum in the country, next to yours. You can't go through three countries and then get to the United States, then say ‘I choose the United States, that's the one I want to ask for asylum in,’ that’s not the purpose for asylum.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/28/202345 minutes, 27 seconds
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Rep. Norman: Children crossing southern border being ‘raped,’ ‘sodomized,’ Mayorkas turning blind eye

South Carolina Congressman Ralph Norman details testimony given before a  House oversight committee detailing the horrific journey of unaccompanied minors being trafficked across the southern border by NGO’s. Norman comments that there is only one word to describe it, “it’s evil.” In 2020, there were 33,000, three-years later the numbers are “fives times that” with almost “200,000 unaccompanied young children,” being dropped off and left. With many “being raped,” and “sodomized.” Saying, “for this administration, for Mayorkas to turn a blind eye, and Kamala Harris can giggle all she wants, but this is human trafficking, human lives.” Norman, who has been to the border twice, says “most” Democrats have not been to the border, “and if you're human, when you see what you see, and I've been twice it's heart wrenching to see these children who through no fault of their own are being trafficked, and I'm glad the whistle blower blower came through.” Saying, “Now, what are we gonna do about it? Well, this administration has no intentions of it. Mayorkas is simply going to do it, they’re are doing it for votes and they use children as pawns, and that's the only way I know to describe it.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/27/202334 minutes, 46 seconds
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The Left’s massive spending to ‘implode’ U.S. economy, rebuild with Marxist central bank, digital currency: Monica Crowley

Monica Crowley, former United States Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, discusses the “absolutely critical” nature of House Republicans passage of raising the debt ceiling while also implementing spending reduction measures. Crowley comments that while the House is poised to pass it, it will most likely die a “grisly death in the Senate,” while President Biden has already “vowed to veto” it. Crowley comments that the national deficit amounting to “32 Trillion dollars is absolute madness.” She believes that this is being done on purpose by “the left, who now controls all of the departments and government throughout, you’re dealing with actual communists.” Crowley remarks, “these are not JFK-Democrats or even Bill Clinton-Democrats, their main mission is the fundamental transformation of the nation, which requires a deliberate implosion of the U.S. economy. So they are spending like crazy deliberately to implode the economic system. So they can rebuild it in some sort of Marxist collectivist image, including a central bank, digital currency, etc. They want to implode the economic system so that they can come in and ride to the rescue with all of their Marxist total power and control.” Commenting, “this is why this is an uphill battle. [Republicans are] over here talking about policy and putting to a vote a very responsible, government spending proposal, and [the Left] on the other side is in like this religious war to transform the country.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/26/202355 minutes, 16 seconds
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Flipping the script? Second Amendment advocates argue gun laws disproportionately affect women, poor communities, minorities

Erin Chronister, Head of the Women’s Defense Coalition of Delaware, flips the script on gun control activists pointing to the recent rise in gun violence leaving women, communities below the poverty line, and minority groups, vulnerable to certain types of violence.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/25/202346 minutes, 11 seconds
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House GOP debt ceiling plan, set for Tuesday vote, will dismantle Green New Deal, lower energy costs, former ambassador

Former Ambassador Carla Sands discussing Speaker Kevin McCarthy and House Republicans push to pass comprehensive legislation this week, that looks to “to raise the debt limit, but they're going to restrict spending to 1% per year increase.” They will do this through, putting “work requirements for food stamps, so if you want to have SNAP, you have to work. HR-1 is [also included in this plan], as well as Lower Energy Costs Act.” Sands says that this would also take “out that green New Deal waste, that Biden has stuffed into all of his bills that have passed over the last about two years, and it takes that green New Deal waste out, it also takes this the cheating, letting off people that borrowed money for their student loans, while they make the person that bought a truck for their work, pay their loan back it, that's a cheat and it takes those those that cheat on student loans out of of their appropriations. So we want to support Kevin McCarthy and make sure that all the Republicans vote for this bill, it's going to take 218 votes, we need to make sure that that gets support, it's essential that this past is to stop the the I will just say green New Deal madness that the Biden administration is pushing forward.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/24/202347 minutes, 24 seconds
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Rep. Austin Scott doubts Joe Biden would be president without Hunter Biden laptop coverup

John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, No Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. Interviews this week with Georgia GOP Congressman Austin Scott, Harvard Professor Emeritus Alan Dershowitz, Utah GOP Congressman Chris Stewart, North Carolina GOP Congressman Greg Murphy, and former California GOP Congressman Devin Nunes. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern or watch any time at JustTheViews.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/23/202353 minutes, 42 seconds
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Former Fox host Lou Dobbs weighs in on Dominion settlement: 2020 election issues still unresolved

John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, No Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you Information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. Interviews this week with host of The Great America Show Lou Dobbs, and host of America First Seb Gorka. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern or watch any time at JustTheViews.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/22/202329 minutes, 7 seconds
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Rep. Andy Biggs: Officials who gave false testimony to Congress on Hunter laptop should be 'criminally prosecuted'

Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) discussed the 51 former intelligence officials who wrote a letter claiming that the Hunter Biden laptop story was Russia disinformation, saying that they "should be held in contempt and criminally prosecuted" if they "testified falsely before Congress," but that the issue is Congress sends their contempt citations to Attorney General Merrick Garland.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/21/202350 minutes, 39 seconds
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Sen. Ron Johnson: 'God bless the whistleblower' in Hunter Biden case

John Solomon and Amanda Head host 'Just the News, No Noise' delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you Information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. Interviews this week with Wisconsin GOP Senator Ron Johnson, former acting U.S. Attorney General Matt Whitaker, and Utah GOP Congressman Chris Stewart. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern or watch any time at JustTheViews.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/20/202326 minutes, 16 seconds
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Exclusive: Lawyer for IRS Whistleblower in Hunter Biden case breaks silence

Mark Lytle, lawyer for the IRS Whistleblower in the Hunter Biden case, discusses his client reporting to the Justice Department top watchdog that federal prosecutors appointed by Joe Biden have engaged in “preferential treatment and politics” to block criminal tax charges against presidential son Hunter Biden, providing evidence as a whistleblower that conflicts with Attorney General Merrick Garland’s recent testimony to Congress that the decision to bring charges against Biden was being left to the Trump-appointed U.S. Attorney for Delaware.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/19/202344 minutes, 28 seconds
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Former congressman on 2024: Culture wars won’t win elections, must show voters what GOP doing for them

Former Illinois Congressman Rodney Davis discusses Speaker McCarthy’s efforts in unifying a divided Congress on issues like the threat of China and how the GOP is approaching voters in 2024 differently. Davis comments, “It's about what matters locally. Every single voter in America knows that Washington D.C. is screwed up. But to me, what really sets apart the winners in very marginal- even political districts, is what you doing back home.” Saying, “most Americans don't live eat, breathe what we see here in Washington D.C, we think they do because we don't live in reality. And in the end, most Americans care about how much are they paying at the grocery store? How long is it going to take them to go pick up their kids after school and get them to their next sporting event? How much is it going to cost to actually replace that broken down vehicle, and those are pocketbook issues that Republicans need to address. And that is how Republicans in House, Republicans running to take over the Senate can really make the difference. The culture wars, it's fun to argue, it's fun to sit back and laugh when companies like Anheuser Busch make terrible decisions that cost them $5 billion in market capital. It's funny, but it's disgusting at the same time, that they decided to get engaged in that process in that political, very hypercharged cultural debate. But to win races that are going to keep us in the majority and keep Kevin McCarthy speaker, we're going to have to have candidates that localize their election, that remind those silent middle-of-the-road voters, that are not that partisan, what [Republicans are] doing for them.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/18/202342 minutes, 55 seconds
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GOP Congressman Grothman: Team Biden admits losing 85K unaccompanied migrant kids, trafficked in U.S. by cartels

Wisconsin Congressman Glenn Grothman discusses opening up a hearing to Examine the Office of Refugee Resettlement’s Unaccompanied Alien Children Program, and the Biden administration under its leadership, admitting to losing track of over 85,000 unaccompanied migrant children trafficked into the United States by cartels.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/17/202343 minutes, 24 seconds
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Congressman Ralph Norman says GOP plans to put together budget cutting $17 trillion

John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, No Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you Information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. Interviews this week with North Carolina GOP Congressman Ralph Norman, New York GOP Congressman Mike Lawler, Arizona Election Attorney Jennifer Wright, ‘Judicial Watch’ President Tom Fitton, former Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Department Chad Wolf, and General Counsel for the Southeastern Legal Foundation Kimberly Hermann alongside her client Brooke Henderson. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern or watch any time at JustTheViews.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/16/20231 hour, 43 seconds
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Leading voices against mainstream COVID narrative talk censorship and the uphill battle to regain public’s trust

Special Saturday podcast to talk to Dr. Jay Bhattacharya and Dr. Harvey Risch over their experiences being censored and the government during the pandemic sidelining doctors who went against the mainstream COVID-19 guidelines. Additional interview with Just the News investigative reporter Greg Piper.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/15/202324 minutes, 10 seconds
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Ex-CDC director sidelined over lab leak theory: Always told Fauci don’t filter info, just ‘tell public the truth’

Dr. Robert Redfield, former CDC Director during the COVID-19 Pandemic joins the show to discuss what we got right and what we got wrong during the pandemic, biosecurity, and how the U.S. should move away from widespread vaccinations. The Doctor comments that he “always said to Fauci, the way to approach this is just tell the truth. Tell the American public the truth, don't try to filter the information to what you think they need to hear to do, what you want them to do.” He says he was “always very much against mandates.” Saying, “I don't think you mandate people to do something. When you mandate people to do something they don't want to do, what you do is reinforce their decision not to do it. So there are a lot of mistakes.” The former director said one of the biggest mistakes of the time was, “the lack of honest open debate.” Commenting, that “the fact that people like me for suggesting what I believe to be true, and I argued aggressively in the White House Taskforce, Back in January, February, and March, that I really did believe as a virologist that this virus was most likely to be a leak from from a laboratory in the Wuhan area, and that I didn't think it was consistent with the spillover event for a variety of different reasons.” He said he was sidelined and the lab leak theory “was immediately squelched.” Doctor Redfield saying for even suggesting that the virus might have come from the Wuhan Lab, he was “accused by newspapers of being an Asian racist,” and received hate mail from internationally acclaimed scientists in the National Academy that he “could do the world a favor by jumping off a bridge, just because they didn't want to have this discussion.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/14/202333 minutes, 20 seconds
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Jim Jordan: New law will limit local DA’s power, indictments of a former president must be in federal court

Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee Jim Jordan discusses Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s lawsuit against him and gives breaking news that Republicans are to introduce a bill, “that says if you have someone, a local [district attorney] going to take a former president and a current candidate, to indict them, then that case automatically gets bumped to federal court, not some local state courts.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/13/202350 minutes, 24 seconds
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Rep. Biggs: Reports of FBI attempts to infiltrate Catholic Church 'shocking,' can’t reform agency must eliminate

Arizona GOP Congressman Andy Biggs discusses the ‘shocking’ revelations surrounding allegations that the FBI has tried to infiltrate the Catholic Church. The Congressman comments that in his time in Congress this is “one of the most shocking things that [he’s] seen.” The full extent of which only came out after the initial revelations of the FBI going after “Orthodox people in the Catholic Church, which “in and of itself, a ridiculous indictment by the FBI and it's an it's abrogation of First Amendment rights to worship.” A deeper investigation by Congress into this showed that the FBI “was trying to actually move into, infiltrate, what is their purpose?” Biggs asks, “do they think that the that if you are a an orthodox, believing and practicing Catholics, somehow that's anti-American?” Saying, “and it just gets back to my overarching theory, that the FBI has lost its way, it needs to, actually in my humble opinion, if we're not going to totally defund it, eliminate it. And then, keep only those areas that truly support state and local law enforcement, then you've got to do a wholesale cleaning out of the FBI.” The Congressman goes on to say, and “this is such a disturbing news because you we don't know what the full extent is. But we do know that the DOJ and the FBI were spying, for instance, on parents and school boards too. So how broad does this go? And why is it that they are focusing so much on the religious and on those who have a real sincere interest in preserving the their children's education?”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/12/202350 minutes, 26 seconds
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John Bolton says U.S. putting troops on the ground in Taiwan ‘makes sense’

Former U.S. National Security Adviser John Bolton discusses the reported leak of classified Pentagon papers and the need to reaffirm our support for Taiwan. Bolton comments that after the week of China carrying out military excersies around the Taiwan Strait, that the U.S., “in the short term, there's simply no question, we've got to put more weapons systems in that [Taiwan] needs, we need to do more training of their troops. I think putting Americans on the ground would make sense and other allies Japan, Australia, I think we've got to consider home-porting some American naval vessels there. We also need to think long term to embed Taiwan and collective self defense organizations with Japan, South Korea, Australia and others. And I must say, we've got to do a better job of keeping the European allies. French president Macron, just returning from China essentially threw Taiwan under the bus saying, ‘well, we don't want Europe to be led around and get involved in the American problem.’” Bolton comments that he believes this is “the kind of behavior that really causes so much harm to our effort to deter China, it's really an incalculable and just completely unacceptable statement by one of our NATO allies.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/11/202342 minutes, 36 seconds
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Ex-CIA analyst says China filling diplomatic role U.S. used to hold as world’s great negotiator, peacemaker

George Beebe, former CIA analyst and Russia expert, describes the changing geopolitical landscape of the world, with China looking to usurp the U.S. and beginning to fill the void of the United States status at the world’s great negotiator and peacemaker. Beebe says, "right now, the Chinese are, in fact, moving into a diplomatic vacuum that the United States has left. Because we have not focused to the degree that I think we need to on diplomatic statecraft. So that's something I think that we really need to resurrect in our toolkit." He also explains that the U.S. and China have evolved from major trade partners, to competing superpowers. Beebe warns, that Washington is known to overcorrect, and “swing the pendulum too far,” as it is both dangerous for the United tastes to treat China as a partner or “a friend,” but also dangerous diplomatically to overcorrect and to think of “China as an enemy.” Saying, that the United States response needs to be “something in between those two, that we need to be focusing on.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/10/202318 minutes, 7 seconds
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Rep. Greg Steube on Biden admin lying about Chinese spy balloon: They knew when it launched, and entered U.S. airspace

John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, Not Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you Information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. Interviews this week include Rep. Greg Steube (R-FL), Bill O’Reilly, Former Illinois Congressman Rodney Davis and Rep. Scott Perry (R-PA). To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern or watch any time at JustTheViews.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/9/202348 minutes, 32 seconds
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Ex-U.S Attorney for the District of Columbia: DA Bragg should be disbarred over Trump post-arraignment press conference

Special Saturday podcast to discuss the recent arraignment of former President Donald Trump and how Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg should be disbarred for his conduct and violating “every [American Bar Association] standard on pre-trail publicity by a prosecutor.” Additional interviews with Lawyer for President Donald Trump Jesse Binnall, and Former U.S. Attorney Brett Tolman.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/8/202346 minutes, 40 seconds
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ClearPath Special Report: ‘Inside the Commitment to Conservation’

John Solomon, Editor-in-Chief of Just the News, hosts ‘Inside the Commitment to Conservation’ sponsored by ClearPath discussing the House GOP’s restored “Commitment to America” plan of reducing carbon emissions and implementing clean energy solutions by passing common sense legislation (HR-1), while simultaneously prioritizing our nation’s budget. Expert panel featuring: Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy, Louisiana Congressman Garret Graves, Former Deputy National Security Advisor Victoria Coates, ClearPath CEO Rich Powell, and Veteran Pollster John McLaughlin.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/7/202351 minutes, 27 seconds
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Rep. Eli Crane: China’s rise sparks bipartisan fear, ‘others have stepped in to fill’ America’s absence on world stage

Rep. Eli Crane discusses an issue that is receiving “really rare” bipartisan support in Congress, as Republican and Democrats are waking up to the true “threat that China has become.” The Arizona Congressman says, he’s “been surprised to see Democrats and Republicans both seeming to understanding the threat that China has become. And I really hope that concern turns into action so that we can stop some of what they're doing in this country, because it is very alarming.” Saying, for those of us that actually pay attention to China, what their leaders say and their strategy, they do want to topple the United States and the West as the global superpower. And I'm afraid that if we don't change course with some of our policy, I believe they're going to achieve that goal. And so it is a very real threat, and we need to take it very seriously.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/6/202345 minutes, 39 seconds
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If China spy balloon hasn’t woken up Americans, Yuan overtaking dollar should: Experts warn

Economist Steve Moore and former Chief of Staff to Trump ‘s National Security Council Fred Fleitz both discuss the serious threat that China poses to the United States through not only its spying and surveillance balloons, but that its recent efforts to undercut the U.S. dollar and make the Chinese Yuan the new world currency.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/5/202337 minutes, 28 seconds
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Ex-Deputy Assistant Attorney General: Bragg has created a day of ‘infamy,’ following the arrest of Trump

Victoria Toensing, former deputy assistant attorney general for the Department of Justice, discusses former President Donald Trump pleading not guilty in a New York City court today, and how Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has created a day that will “live in infamy in our history.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/4/202337 minutes, 6 seconds
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Bureaucrats are trying to escape accountability again, this time at the VA says former VA Secretary

Peter O’Rourke, former Acting Secretary of Veterans Affairs, discusses his new op-ed ‘Stop Veterans Affairs setting itself up to fail,’ and how the campaign promises that Donald Trump ran on in 2016, have since fallen to the wayside under the current administration. O’Rourke comments, that accountability for the agency is “necessary,” and that any exemptions from the accountability sends a “bad message.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/3/202339 minutes, 56 seconds
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Rep. Austin Scott: Majority of Democrats believe that the Trump indictment is part of a 'political witch hunt'

John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, No Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you Information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. Interviews with House Intelligence Committee Member Rep. Austin Scott, Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI), Rep. Andrew Clyde (R-GA), Actor and author of ‘As You Grow' Kirk Cameron, and North Carolina Republican Party Chairman Michael Whatley. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern Time or watch any time at JustTheViews.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/2/202347 minutes, 46 seconds
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Ex-Trump admin lawyer details how Pentagon tasked, paid internet research company to censor COVID origin info

Mike Benz, Executive Director for Foundation for Freedom Online, explains how the Pentagon tasked and paid internet research company Graphika to censor information online regarding Covid’s origin. Additional interviews with Louisianan Congressman Mike Johnson on the U.S. government not having the power to determine what free speech is true or acceptable, and how accountability is coming for those in government who violated the First Amendment, and Citizens United President Dave Bossie.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/1/202329 minutes, 11 seconds
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John Solomon explains how Chris Christie Bridgegate scandal could help Donald Trump win in New York

John Solomon discusses his new story which focuses on former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie defense in the Bridgegate scandal case before the Supreme Court and why this could help hand former President Donald Trump a win in New York. Guests include: Attorney for President Trump - Timothy Parlatore, Harvard Professor Emeritus Alan Dershowitz, and ‘That Show Tonight’ Comedian Michael Loftus.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/31/202331 minutes, 56 seconds
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BREAKING: Special Podcast Report- John Solomon explains the Trump indictment

Listen to Trump-spokeswoman Liz Harrington, Harvard Professor Emeritus Alan Dershowitz, and former Federal Prosecutor Kash Patel discuss the unprecedented New York grand jury indictment of former President Donald Trump, as the nation is thrust into new turmoil.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/31/202334 minutes, 7 seconds
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Author-Journalist Rindsberg: Media outraged over Russia arresting U.S. journalist, but unbothered by IRS targeting Matt Taibbi

Ashley Rindsberg, author of the ‘The Gray Lady Winked,’ calls out the mainstream media over its lack of outrage after the IRS targeted ‘TwitterFiles’ journalist Matt Taibbi during his testimony before Congress, and the media’s selective coverage of transgender Nashville school shooter Audrey Hale. Rindsberg explains that journalists and news outlets have replaced “objectivity with moral clarity,” and how the profession must return from activism to presenting “the public with facts in a dispassionate and neutral manner.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/30/20231 hour, 6 minutes, 10 seconds
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Top oil and gas industry voice announces ‘Hands off my Stove,’ to fight for Americans to keep their gas stoves

Tim Stewart, President of the U.S. Oil and Gas Association, announces his initiative to fight for families who want to keep their gas stoves. Stewart comments that this initiative is about more than just gas stoves, it's about standing up for freedom. Saying, “It's not just about gas stoves. It's about choice." "And it's about somebody else telling me what you and I can and can't do because they think they know better than you and I. It really comes down to if we don't stop here, where do we stop?" For more information on this growing grassroots organization, and “affiliation of people who are sharing like mindedness,” go to Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/29/202349 minutes, 46 seconds
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Speaker McCarthy slams Jan. 6 Dem investigators as evidence clears smeared GOP lawmaker: ‘Why I'm all about transparency’

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, in an exclusive sit-down interview, discusses releasing over 40,000 hours of tapes from January 6th, and how the Democrat-led Jan. 6 committee “knew” the allegations they made last spring against Congressman Barry Loudermilk were false even before they presented them. The Speaker comments, "This is really why I'm all about transparency," and why "I'm trying to put everything out. Because everything I look at what the Jan. 6 committee did, they tried to put it in a scope of their own eyes, their own view where they wouldn't even let Republicans on the committee.” Saying, "Then they tried to blame Barry Loudermilk for something he didn't do, because Republicans weren't on the committee. But we proved that it's not true. They said he led a tour over in the Capitol. He never went in the Capitol the day before." McCarthy going on to say that Democrat-led Jan. 6 committee “knew” the allegations they were putting forth was not true before they presented it. Explaining, "I know they knew. And the one thing after they made that accusation we had [recently retired Rep.] Rodney Davis go out and show the tape, and even the Capitol Police came forward to the Sergeant at Arms and said this isn't true. Why didn't they recant that? ... They told them ahead of time.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/28/202337 minutes, 58 seconds
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Ex-Deputy Chief of Capitol Police: FBI withholding compiled video evidence from J6 prisoners, legal counsel

J.J. Pickett, former Deputy Chief of the Capitol Police on January 6th, discusses that day and how the criminal division of the Capitol Police spent the next six-months, “16 hours a day” identifying, tracking, and compiling video footage of individuals for the FBI that entered the Capitol on January 6th. Saying, “the FBI would send [Capitol officers] a picture of some kind of online clip, something of a person. And [the officers] would go to that area in the Capitol Building looking at the cameras, and it was kind of like a Where's Waldo. And they would find that person and then from there, they would follow their movement, both forward and back from that location, and basically stitch together a video of that person from the time they entered Capitol grounds until the time they exited Capitol grounds. And they would put all that into one clip.” The retired Deputy Chief said that to the best of his knowledge, “each person that was charged all capital, there is a full video of every every second,” from the areas that the police had cameras, “and that's how the FBI could say, This is what the person did.” Pickett commenting, that this is a body of evidence not previously known about before and, “the prosecution has to divulge all the information they have, the FBI, the Capitol Police have to divulge it all to the prosecutor. So they have it.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/27/202346 minutes, 20 seconds
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Rep. Scott on Blinken conceding concern over China bioweapons program: ‘Congress must follow how US funding is spent’

John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, No Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you Information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. Interviews this week with Rep. Austin Scott (R-GA), Bill O’Reilly, House Administration Committee Chairman Bryan Steil, Kari Lake, President of U.S. Oil and Gas Tim Stewart, and Natasha Owens. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern or watch any time at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/26/20231 hour, 1 minute, 21 seconds
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Trump’s Lawyer: Cohen devastating to indictment, DA Bragg continuing shows ‘weaponization of prosecutor’s office’

Trump’s Personal Lawyer Joe Tacopina discusses the looming indictment of former President Donald Trump, the devastation that witness testimony this week caused to the integrity of Michael Cohen’s testimony in the Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s case against Donald Trump, and how this case which began as an alleged violation of campaign finance law has turned into weaponization of the justice system and “the prosecutor’s office.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/25/202333 minutes, 50 seconds
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Special Report: ‘Preserving Prosperity for Our Future Generations’

John Solomon, Editor-in-Chief of Just the News, hosts ‘Preserving Prosperity for Our Future Generations’ sponsored by Heritage Action for America discussing the crucial importance of fixing the nation’s education system and restoring parental rights. Expert panel featuring: Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey, Former U.S. Assistant Secretary of Education Frank Brogan, President and Founder of Parents Defending Education Nicole Neily, Director of the Heritage Foundation's Center for Education Policy Lindsey Burke, and Heritage Action for America's Vice President of Field Operations Janae Stracke.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/24/202351 minutes, 1 second
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John Solomon on suing the DOJ, National Archives over access to declassified Trump-Russia probe memos

John Solomon alongside President of America First Legal Stephen Miller discuss suing the Justice Department and the National Archives over allegations that the agencies have wrongly kept from the public hundreds of pages of documents chronicling the FBI's bungled Russia collusion probe that were declassified by former President Donald Trump.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/23/202340 minutes, 16 seconds
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Jim Jordan: Liberal groups pushing advertisers to drop conservatives may be investigated for anti-trust violations

The Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee issued a warning this week to liberal groups who of recent have been pushing advertisers to drop conservatives companies, that this behavior could result in them being investigated for anti-trust behavior. Jordan says that there appears to be “this coordination and collusion amongst companies to limit information and ads going to organizations like [Just the News] and other conservative outlets.” The Chairman says that this rank order that is being used, is “dangerous” as “this coordination that may be taking place among these companies, and how they manipulate the marketplace.” The letter sent by the Judiciary Committee highlighted that this could be an “anti-trust issue,” due to the components of multiple companies engaging in “coordination, limits of trade, and it's all targeted towards impacting conservative outlets.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/22/202343 minutes, 17 seconds
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Michael Cohen’s lawyer: Client said repeatedly, ‘I don’t have anything on Donald Trump,’ then changed tune after jail

Famed New York Attorney Bob Costello discusses his conversation with Michael Cohen back in 2018 that directly contradicts Cohen’s testimony he recently gave in the New York District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s investigation into Donald Trump. Costello testified yesterday as a witness in the Alvin Bragg case saying that, “after listening to Michael Cohen making statements on TV that were directly contrary to what he had told myself and my partner Jeff Citron, back in 2018, I decided that I couldn't sit on the sidelines and that I had to bring these statements to the attention of [The District Attorney’s office and Trump’s legal team].” Costello says that he testified to the court that Michael Cohen back in 2018, “at his most desperate moment,” as he was looking for an “escape hatch” to not spend anytime in jail, repeatedly told him and his parter Jeff Citron, that he didn’t have “anything on Donald Trump.” Costello said that during this conversation Cohen was “paranoid” and “manic,” and kept saying repeatedly, ‘I don't give an F what I have to do, I will never spend a day in jail’ and [Cohen] occasionally would pound the table.” Saying, “As if the message wasn't clear enough, right? Basically, Michael Cohen was saying, ‘I'm willing to lie, cheat, steal, even shoot my mother in order to stay out of jail.’” Costello comments, “do you think that a man with a mindset like that, who is contemplating suicide to escape his legal problems wouldn't give up Donald Trump if he actually had information on him at that point in time? Of course he would. Because he was desperate.” See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/21/202355 minutes, 8 seconds
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Cammack: Biden has dragged feet on COVID origins, now Americans will force him ‘to act’ against China

Rep. Kat Cammack says President Biden is “dragging his feet” on the release of the documents concerning the original of COVID-19 because American’s will be so outraged and will force him to take action against China. The Florida Congresswoman says that, the vote by the House and the Senate last week to declassify the COVID origins documents, “was an incredible display of bipartisanship, in which [all Congress] recognized that the general public, the American people deserve to know exactly what [Congress] has known for so long, that this was actually from a lab and not some bat kissing a pangolin.” She says, that after all the horrific consequences that resulted from COVID-19, “the very least that this administration could do is share the foundation of this virus with the United States and quite frankly, the world. But yet we see that [Biden’s dragging his feet on this.” Cammack comments, that the only reason that she and other members of Congress can think of, “is that if [Biden] is forced to show people what we all know, then he is going to be forced to act, because people will be so outraged to know truly the origins of COVID and then it will be upon him to take action against China. Which for someone in his position who is bought and paid for, his family is bought and paid for by the Chinese, that is a problem for him personally. So this is Joe Biden putting his personal interest above the country.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/20/202335 minutes, 37 seconds
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Mark Meadows: Biden’s budget proposal is ‘dead on arrival,’ as GOP poised to cut $150B of woke policies

John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, No Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you Information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. Interviews this week with former President Trump’s Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, Rep. Ben Cline (R-VA), Economist Steve Moore, Rep. Warren Davidson (R-OH), and Seamus Bruner. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern or watch any time at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/19/202350 minutes, 51 seconds
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Nunes: Fauci ‘is going to go down as a very dark character in U.S. history’

Truth Social CEO Devin Nunes discusses the importance of Congress paying attention to the rising threat of biological warfare coming out of China. Additional interviews by J Christian Adams on cleaning up voting rolls.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/18/202326 minutes, 57 seconds
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Comer: Whistleblowers allege Biden family business dealings funneled money from foreign sources through family’s LLCs

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer confirms that whistleblowers alleging that in probe into the Biden family business dealings money was being transferred from foreign sources to the Biden family through LLCs. Raising questions into conflict of interest.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/17/202346 minutes, 58 seconds
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Sen. Marshall’s case COVID leaked from lab: ‘1 in a million’ for each of six factors to occur naturally

Kansas U.S. Senator Roger Marshall discusses the likelihood of the COVID lab leak theory, saying that Congress “keeps producing this preponderance of evidence that shows that this virus came from a lab. There are just too many coincidences.” The Senator, who holds a biochemistry major and is a nuclear engineering physician, says that “they're six smoking gun that would point us to that laboratory in Wuhan, China.” Going through each other six factors that make the case that COVID-19 must have originated in a lab and not naturally. Marshall says that, each one of those things factors are one in a million. So your six coincidental events, is one in a million each that happened to work perfectly for this virus.” He says, as he continues to communicate that on a bipartisan basis, as he develops a “reputation that [he’s] not shooting from the hip, [he’s] not going to say anything that’s not facts.” That this will help people “across the aisle” stop and think “maybe [Senators] Marshall and Rand Paul and Ron Johnson, are on to something here.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/16/202353 minutes, 47 seconds
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Gun Rights Group says McConnell, Romney to blame for Biden gun control executive order

Gun Owners of America President Erich Pratt discusses President Biden signing an executive order this week to address gun violence in America and why Senate Republicans aren’t blameless here. Pratt comments that, “Biden is the villain here because he's slashing our second amendments. But so our senators John Cornyn and Mitch McConnell, because they pushed the legislation last year that Biden is now using to implement the executive order. So yeah, certain Republicans share part of the blame, as well.” Pratt also says that the order faces many legal challenges as “Biden is circumventing Congress in going beyond, even though he is basing it on what Congress has done. And this is the thing where we need to hold these legislators accountable. And I'm talking about people like Senator John Cornyn of Texas, Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, Mitt Romney, of Utah. We warned them that what they were supporting could result in backdoor universal background checks. They ignored us and guess what, we were right. Because now what Biden is trying to do is try to get as close as possible to making every transfer of a gun require a background check.” Pratt says that's the ugly face of gun control. It punishes the law abiding, while failing to keep bad guys from getting guns.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/15/202351 minutes, 51 seconds
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Rep. Steil: Biden labor, energy policies ‘culprits’ for bank woes, Dems ‘drunken sailor’ spending led to record inflation

Rep. Bryan Steil slams Biden over his administration’s policies being the “culprit”, main contributor to economic instability leading to the recent bank failures. The Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee comments on recent remarks that there's a direct connection between Joe Biden's spending driving up inflation and interest rates with it and lead to the bank failures, saying “Sure, we had bad management of banks, we had a handful of other things, all of that needs to be investigated. Absolutely. But if we step back and look and say what's causing this underlying instability across our economy it is roaring inflation.” The Wisconsin Congressman explains that “the culprit of this worrying inflation, it was one party democratic control that spent like drunken sailors. It's mismatched energy policy, where the Biden administration wants to have a war on energy, and his labor policies allow far too many people to find themselves on the sidelines than back to work.” Steil says the the answer is, “you got to unwind those policies, you got to control reckless spending, you got to unleash American energy and you got to help workers get back to work. But this administration, the Biden administration, just put forward their budget, it does the opposite. It's more tax and spend, it's going to drive inflation higher, and it's going to prevent people from getting back to work.” Saying, “this is the challenge in front of us, is forcing the president to come to the table, in particular during the period of time of the debt ceiling debate, to actually put the policies in place to slow inflation. Because at the end of the day, that's the cause of the economic instability and that's the cause of the pain of so many families across our country.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/14/202338 minutes, 35 seconds
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Former Assistant Treasury Secretary on ESG, social justice initiatives causing bank failures: ‘100% true’

Monica Crowley discusses bank failures over the weekend, ESG and social justice being the cause, and how risk assessment measures put into place after the 2008 financial crisis were ignored. The former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury dispels the rumors that Trump’s banking reforms are the cause of the bank failures, commenting “on the deregulation part, that is not part of this equation whatsoever from the Trump years. If that were the case, you'd see more far more widespread problems in the banking sector. And again, we hope this doesn't spread but did the Trump deregulation aspects on the financial sector came into play? Not at all.” She says that, “in this situation the DEI and ESG are part of this. It is 100% true that we are seeing industries, companies across the board that changed their focus to a social justice platform more than their actual core business, there are deleterious effects on that core business. Is that reverberate all the way down to the customer, but certainly through the board, shareholders, etc, all the way down, because they're not focused on their core mission.” Commenting, “What we do know about this Silicon Valley Bank is that the risk assessment person was focused on again, DEI stuff, she had just done a full month on LGBTQ pride, focused on underrepresented entrepreneurs. So again, one of the things that contributed to the first financial crisis back in 2008, were all these affected banks were handing out loans like candy to people who could not service those loans, they couldn't afford mortgage backed securities, all of this stuff, because they were engaged in this kind of social justice approaches to their business, rather than focusing on the bottom line serving their customers and taking care of their shareholders. And so when you go off on that tangent, bad things are going to happen.” Crowley comments that her “particularly outraged” in this situation, is that “even though the administration is saying no bailout, it is going to be a bailout, and you know who in the end is going to cover the costs for this, you and me, the average American who is very careful and responsible for with our money. We're going to be the ones that are going to cover the costs for bailing out venture capitalists, and tech people for the most part.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/13/202339 minutes, 20 seconds
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Rep. Greg Murphy: Fauci manipulation of COVID-19 origins forcing Congress to regulate future research funding

John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, No Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you Information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. Interviews this week with: North Carolina Congressman Greg Murphy, former Texas Congresswoman Mayra Flores, Arizona Congressman Andy Biggs, and Heritage Foundation Fellow James Carafano. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern or watch any time at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/12/202352 minutes, 5 seconds
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Sen. Johnson on stopping Biden U.S.-WHO treaty: After ‘miserable’ COVID response why give them more responsibilities

U.S. Senator from Wisconsin Ron Johnson discusses his “simple” new bill which would deem any binding agreement between the United States and World Health Organization as a “treaty,” and would prevent Biden from entering into any binding agreement or “treaty” with the Chinese “captured” WHO without obtaining Senate approval. Johnson remarks, after WHO “does such a miserable job, they should not be given greater responsibility.” Additional interviews also with North Carolina Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson, and conservative commentator Lou Dobbs.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/11/202330 minutes, 55 seconds
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Ex-National Security adviser: U.S. under ‘dire’ threat from abroad, and we’re telling the world our intelligence on tv

Fred Fleitz, former Chief of Staff to Trump ‘s National Security Council discusses the ridiculousness of the intelligence hearings being “publicized” when the U.S. is under a “dire” threat from abroad. The vice chair of America First Policy Institute comments come in the wake of recent news that the United States, for the first time, is under a complex threat from China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea. Fleitz remarks, “why do we do these hearings? Our intelligence agencies spend two hours in unclassified session and they tell the world, all their assumptions, all the things they're thinking about. And like they say, there were unclassified. But you could imagine that in Beijing, Moscow, Havana, Caracas, and in Iran, they're taking careful notes about what these intelligence officials are saying.” Fleitz goes on to say, “Russia and China are not stupid enough to put their intelligence officers before cameras to give their assumptions of what they think about the United States.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/10/202343 minutes, 54 seconds
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Freshman McCarthy holdout gives ‘attaboy’ to Speaker but vows to still keep close eye on leadership

Arizona GOP Rep. Eli Crane, the lone freshman lawmaker who opposed Kevin McCarthy as Speaker, gave the Speaker an “attaboy and props for releasing the January 6 tapes to [Tucker] Carlson.” Crane remarks, that this is a “massive, massive move” in transparency for the American people and comes at a time when trust and confidence in the government has “really been diminished in this country.” Though the lawmaker maintains that he has seen “some backsliding and just a return in ways towards business as usual,” he vows to “continue to monitor that and work on," delivering on the promises that Americans sent them to Washington to deliver on.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/9/202343 minutes, 37 seconds
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FBI Whistleblower Nate Cain details how he exposed Hillary Clinton and the Clinton foundation’s alarming business dealings

FBI Whistleblower Nate Cain details his decision to blow the whistle on the FBI’s efforts to ‘cover up’ alarming business dealings implicating Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation. Cain, a newly announced candidate for West Virginia’s 2nd Congressional District details how he made the decision to blow the whistle, putting himself “right in the crosshairs of the FBI and Hillary Clinton.” Cain goes onto to say that by making this decision, “also it would potentially put [him] in danger of Russian intelligence agents.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/8/202349 minutes, 32 seconds
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Jim Jordan on subpoena of ex-head of Disinformation Board: ‘We want to know how this whole thing was conceived’

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan discusses unearthing of J6 video footage and his issuance of subpoenas on Monday to the former Disinformation Governance Board head Nina Jankowicz, as part of the GOP's ongoing efforts to investigate the "weaponization" of the federal government and find out “how this whole whole thing was conceived. Who put it together? Who were the players? When did they decide to do this, who was involved? What the agencies that may have been involved in it, the fundamental fact is when you have a federal agency, which thinks it can be the arbiter of what you can say what you can't say, when it can decide what's appropriate speech, what isn't. That is not how the First Amendment works. In fact, it's a direct violation, direct attack on the First Amendment. And yet the Biden administration was going to implement this and would have done so but for the outcry we all had.” Jordan going on to say that, “those of us who believe in the First Amendment, that they heard from the American people, so we want to talk to [Nina Jankowicz] about how this whole concept was put into motion.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/7/202339 minutes, 10 seconds
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Alan Dershowitz on the Keith Raniere case and why fair trials are equally important for unpopular defendants

Harvard Professor Emeritus discusses the importance of fair trials in a democracy, and his current push to rectify the injustice he sees in the Keith Raniere case.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/6/202322 minutes, 20 seconds
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Seb Gorka: The founding fathers wanted gridlock, it’s ‘the natural evolution of checks and balances’

A special Sunday podcast with John Solomon and Amanda Head hosting ‘Just the News, No Noise’ live from CPAC! Interviews this weekend with: Conservative commentator Sebastian Gorka, West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey, former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Monica Crowley, and comedian Michael Loftus. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern or watch any time at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/5/202340 minutes, 45 seconds
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House Oversight Chair James Comer: New GOP bill will hold government employees accountable for censorship

Live from CPAC, New House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer discuss the new bill that will hold government employees accountable for engaging in censorship.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/4/202330 minutes, 37 seconds
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Nikki Haley: Americans want to know there are other options besides Trump and Biden

Nikki Haley joins the show to discuss foreign policy,  her strategy to beat Trump, and her run for president to prove there’s a “different direction” America can go in. The 2024 presidential candidate says that when she was traveling the country, “whether it was in South Carolina or New Hampshire or Iowa, what I saw is that voters very much respect what [Trump] did appreciate the work he did, we all know he was the right president. But [Americans are] ready for options. They want to know there's something more than just Biden and Trump, they want to know what else is out there. And that's what I'm trying to do is prove a new direction and say let's leave the status quo on the drum of the past and let's really start riding the ship and get it going in the in the right direction.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/3/202335 minutes, 28 seconds
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Sen. Ted Budd slams Buttigieg: FAA 'can't afford to be led by someone that needs on the job training'

U.S. Senator Ted Budd his new bill that "would eliminate all of Joe Biden's excuses for not building the [border] wall," requiring "the wall construction to restart immediately," and discusses President Biden's Secretary picks and why Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg isn't up for the job.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/2/202334 minutes, 47 seconds
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Ex-Intel official slams Biden over Patriot Act renewal while continuing to approve Chinese tech licenses

Former Chief of Staff for the Director of National Intelligence Dustin Carmack slams Biden administration mixed messaging on China after the administration called for the Patriot Act renewal due to the increasing China threat while continuing to approve ‘blacklisted’ Chinese companies tech licenses at record numbers. Carmack calls Biden’s China policy, ‘schizophrenic at times’. Saying that Chinese companies who are “blacklisted,” should not be finding loopholes in the federal government to be approved for tech licenses. Commenting there’s is a major disconnect, between the administration’s rhetoric and their actions, it shows you that, “maybe not for a malicious intent, but there's the bureaucratic malaise, or the institutions are not fundamentally and holistically tackling,” the China threat.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/1/202352 minutes, 51 seconds
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Sen. Blackburn slams Biden ‘gift to the rich’ student loan forgiveness plan as ‘10% will go to low income individuals’

Senator Marsha Blackburn discusses the acknowledgment of the China COVID lab leak theory going mainstream and Biden student debt forgiveness plan being heard the Supreme Court. The U.S. Senator from Tennessee slams the Biden administration plan over ‘separation of powers’ issues but also that targeted demographics of recipients with “fewer than 15% of Americans hold student loan debt. And out of that number, 40% of those loans are held by high income earners, people with advanced degrees, PhDs, doctors, different physicians, and then lawyers. 10% of that is held by individuals that are lower income earners. So this really is what you would call a gift to the rich.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/28/202340 minutes, 55 seconds
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The mainstream media’s infatuation with Obama ruined neutral journalism says Author-Journalist Rindsberg

Ashley Rindsberg, author of the ‘The Gray Lady Winked,’ discusses the mainstream media’s infatuation with Barack Obama leading to biased journalism, and his new op-ed on ‘Why Russiagate was the Media’s Vietnam.’ Saying, the media became the government’s favorite brethren, after the “Obama administration becoming most of the the media's kind of wet dream, they have the perfect president, doing all the right things, and saying all the right things, and you want your team to win. And that sort of became that moment where things start to shift. And I think Trump then really solidified that, where [the media], as much as [Trump] talked about the media as the enemy of the people, the media saw [Trump]  as an enemy of the Republic. So that became the moment where it was no longer about reporting facts, it was an extension of politics, and the politics that were in place were as just an extension of this kind of warfare that's been going on in the United States.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/27/202345 minutes, 18 seconds
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Comer: Biden business partner Eric Schwerin cooperating with investigation into family’s business dealings

John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, No Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you Information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. Interviews with House Oversight James Comer (R-KY), Adviser to the Ukrainian Defense Minister Yuriy Sak, Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita, Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ), Former Indiana Congressman Rodney Davis, and RussiaGate Author Seamus Bruner. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern Time or watch any time at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/26/202355 minutes, 20 seconds
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MTG's 'national divorce’ comments caused a firestorm but historian Shirley thinks they could be the reality in 20 years

Historian Craig Shirley discusses Biden’s legacy “as the worst President in U.S. history, the crisis of unity in America, and Marjorie Taylor Greene 'national divorce’ comments, and why that may be the reality in 20 years at the rate the US is going. Shirley comments, this has “happened before in our history. And we're foolish to think it won't happen again, it's hard to imagine now, but 20 years from now, 30 years from now is that won't be that hard to imagine, America breaking up into two separate republics. You have New England and New York and New Jersey. And the West Coast is one part a part of one country, and Idaho, and the south and Tennessee, and Ohio, as part of our other country, and there'll be trade agreements, there'll be mutual defense agreements and things like that. But we're, we're completely balkanized. Now, you look at everything, whether the food, or what we watch, what we read, what we listen to, there's nothing that unifies us anymore as a nation.” Saying, that American has nothing like the "space race or manifest destiny or many other things, there's nothing that unifies us, our language, you know, we speak with many different languages now. In every way, we're, we're slowly breaking up as a nation. It's not that we've ever really been unified anyway. But it's getting worse. The only times we're ever really unified, was on the afternoon, December 7, 1941, that we were for a couple of years. And then, and then the afternoon of 911 but that only lasted a couple of months."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/25/202333 minutes, 56 seconds
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Rep. Nehls questions timing of Biden border policy change: ‘Window dressing’ for votes in 2024

Texas Congressman Troy Nehls calls the Biden Administrations recent change in border policy, “window dressing”. Saying that the main reason for sudden change was due to the upcoming 2024 Presidential election. Nehls comments regardless, that the change in border policy is nothing more than “words”. Saying, it is a ploy to convince voters that Biden is securing the southern border, “They'll get the left out there saying that they're actually trying to secure the southern border. It's window dressing. It's nothing. It's all just nothing but words. No action there at all. No action at all."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/24/202329 minutes, 34 seconds
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Ex-FBI official gives his take on Bureau memos chronicling years of drunk driving, lost weapons and other misconduct

Former FBI official Mark Morgan shares his thoughts on the recent release of internal FBI memos chronicling years of drunk driving, lost weapons and other misconduct from agents within the Bureau, explaining that first appearance may not be an accurate telling of the statistics. His comments come in light of the FBI dealing with allegations of rampant political bias, abuses of power. Morgan, the Former Customs and Border Patrol Commissioner, also discusses why the recent crackdown on immigration at the southern border by President Biden is more for show than an actual reversal of the administration current border policy.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/23/202344 minutes, 28 seconds
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Special Report: ESG- Woke Workplaces & Dangerous Investments

John Solomon, Editor-in-Chief of Just the News, hosts ‘ESG: Woke Workplaces & Dangerous Investments’ sponsored by Heritage Action for America discussing the U.S. becomes more and more woke in areas such as the classroom, the workplace and especially the federal government, a growing concern has risen among Americans about their investment in this ideology with their tax dollars. Guests will be discussing the growing corporate usage of ESG, and its comparison to the "social credit" system used by China's ruling communist elite to enforce political conformity on its population. Expert panel featuring: Indiana GOP Sen. Mike Braun, Oklahoma GOP Gov. Kevin Stitt, Texas GOP Attorney General Ken Paxton, West Virginia GOP Attorney General Patrick Morrisey, and Heritage Action for America Executive Director Jessica Anderson.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/22/202347 minutes, 39 seconds
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Exclusive: Trump blasts Biden for choosing Ukraine on President's Day over Ohio, 'They were abandoned'

Exclusive interview with President Trump discussing Biden’s decision to go to Ukraine on President’s Day instead of Ohio, saying “they were abandoned”. Trump comments come in light of President Biden’s surprise trip to Ukraine amid recent criticisms that the President has not visited the residents of East Palestine, Ohio, more than two weeks after a train derailed, caught fire and spewed toxic chemicals into the environment, raising environmental and drinking water concerns for the area.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/21/202323 minutes, 46 seconds
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Tom Fitton asks why the US and UK have a hush-hush 'secret agreement' on COVID vaccine adverse effects

President of Judicial Watch, Tom Fitton discusses COVID vaccines, and asks the questions thats on everyone’s mind, why would the United States and United Kingdom engage in a secret deal on information dealing with the adverse effects related to the COVID vaccines. And also, Devin Nunes, CEO of Trump Media & Technology Group discusses China’s motive for mining rare earth elements.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/20/202322 minutes, 7 seconds
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Rep. Biggs slams IRS for 'government surveillance’ after its' invasive questioning of election group nonprofit

John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, No Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you Information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. Interviews with Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ), Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), Rep. Ralph Norman (R-SC), Rep. Claudia Tenney (R-NY), Harvard Professor Emeritus Alan Dershowitz, and Mark Meadows. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern Time or watch any time at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/19/20231 hour, 1 minute, 59 seconds
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Largest Second Amendment advocacy group raises alarm on new ATF 'zero tolerance' policy: An attack on gun industry, 2A

Erich Pratt, Senior Vice President of Gun Owners of America, says the ATF’s new ‘zero-tolerance’ policy for revoking the licenses of firearm sellers is an attack on the gun industry and the Second Amendment.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/18/202338 minutes, 23 seconds
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West Virginia AG Morrisey warns Biden's latest power grab could impact food supply

West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey raises the alarm on two recent Biden administration policies that could severely impact Americans. The Attorney General discusses his recent letter to the Department of Defense and NASA over Woke Federal Contracting Climate Requirements, and the administration's new Waters of the United States (WOTUS) guidance, which is just "yet another example of this Biden administration advancing a lawless policy." See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/17/202343 minutes, 57 seconds
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Rep Clyde: ELON Act aims to end collusion, after recent revelation FBI ‘paid Twitter $3.4 million’ from Oct. 2019 - Feb. 2021

Georgia Congressman Andrew Clyde discusses the bombshell revelation that, “the FBI alone paid Twitter $3.4 million between October 2019- February 2021,” and his new legislation, “ELON Act” that seeks to hold accountable and end Big Tech-Big Government overreach. Congressman Clyde remarks, “this is nefarious,” “and what they're doing is what the government cannot do directly, and that is censorship by proxy, this is 100% a violation of the Constitution, you just can't do this sort of thing.” Going on to say, “the Supreme Court has been very, very clear in his pedigree over the last 200 years is what you can't do directly, you may not also do indirectly. That's the whole thing, and [the government is] doing it indirectly. And the Supreme Court has just put their foot down on that. And here the government is trying to censor your speech and my speech, and they are paying Social Media companies for their information. And the ELON Act puts a big one year moratorium on any payments from the FBI to big tech and it also exposes the collusion between Big Tech and the Department of Justice.“See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/16/202350 minutes, 52 seconds
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Ohio Rep. of town hit by train disaster takes swipe at Buttigieg, ‘in less control of faculties’ than Biden

Ohio Congressman Bill Johnson discusses the recent train derailment that resulted in toxic chemicals being leaked into the town of East Palestine. The Congressman discusses the local, state, and federal government response, residents being given the “all clear” to return home, and Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg not being qualified for the job. The Chairman of the Environment, Manufacturing & Critical Materials Subcommittee remarks, “Mayor Pete, what qualifies him to be the transportation secretary is that he rode a train back and forth to college from home. That's the basis of his qualifications and if you look at this instance, and all others in the Biden administration, from the border to the spy balloons with China, President Biden has apparently surrounded himself with people that are in less control of their faculties than he is.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/15/202336 minutes, 11 seconds
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Ex-border chief on bipartisan calls for answers on conflicting reports of 4 objects shot down: ‘Where is the President’

Mark Morgan, Former Customs and Border Patrol Commissioner discusses recent takedowns of Chinese spy balloon and 3 other unidentified objects over the weekend, bipartisan questions for transparency once again from Biden administration concerning U.S. border and national security, and growing calls for President Biden to address nation. Morgan comments, “for the past couple of years, specifically, we've been so overly focused on the southern border. But we've been saying for a very, very long time that to protect our nation, it's not just about the southern border, it's about all of our land borders. Some people forget about the northern border, for example, the shared border with the United States and Canada is actually two and a half times the land border we share with Mexico.” Explaining, “our northern border is over 5000 Linear miles that we share with Canada and there's a real threat the intelligence community has said whether through Canadian homegrown violent extremists, it also has one of the largest maritime environments that we share between two nations, and just on that, we have a coastal waterways as well. And our air, it's all the threat, it's all a vulnerability, it’s a massive issue right now across our country. But again, most of our concern is just on the land, the southern border.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/14/202346 minutes, 25 seconds
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Ex-Trump security adviser raises concerns of ‘China-Russia effort’ after weekend takedown of UFOs over North America

Former Deputy National Security Adviser Victoria Coates raises concerns of coordinated “Chinese-Russian effort” after weekend flurry of takedowns of unidentified objects over North America. Coates remarks that the “shocking fact is that the United States and Canada has had fighter jets in the air for really the last 36 hours, if not longer, and that we've had four live kills over the United States and Canada over the last eight days, is unprecedented in my understanding, and is just shocking, in and of itself.” Saying, her concern is that this might be “a coordinated Chinese-Russia effort here. And that's, that's really what makes me worry.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/13/202346 minutes, 1 second
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House Intel member says China balloon designed ploy to make US look weak, Biden ‘played right into their hands’

John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, No Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you Information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. Interviews this week with House Intelligence Committee members- Rep. Chris Stewart (R-UT) and Rep. Austin Scott (R-GA), former Acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller, former U.S. Attorney General Matt Whitaker, and former Florida Congressional candidate Scotty Moore. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern or watch any time at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/12/202345 minutes, 20 seconds
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Ex-FBI analyst says J6 video request stonewalled by seniors over need to protect 'identities within footage’

Former FBI Analyst and whistleblower George Hill recounts his requests for January 6 footage being stonewalled continuously by higher-ups citing that there were “ identities within that footage that [the FBI] needs to protect.” Interview is alongside Jason Foster, President of 'Empower Oversight’ an organization that seeks to help enhance independent oversight of government and corporate wrongdoing.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/11/202336 minutes, 52 seconds
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Rep. Cammack: Fauci, gov't emails calling for 'devastating takedown' of dissenting COVID info led to social media censorship

Florida Congresswoman Kat Cammack details committee testimony yesterday showing emails between then CDC Director Dr. Anthony Fauci, and Director of the NIH Dr. Francis Collins, calling for the quick and “devastating takedown” of Doctors who signed on to the Great Barrington Declaration, which dissented from official government COVID protocol and recommendations in 2020. The NIH Director saying in the emails, that these doctors were “getting out of control, and getting too much traction.” The Declaration was signed onto by “a Nobel Prize winner.” As well, as “thousands and thousands of epidemiologists, doctors, and scientists… and the fact that you have not only proof of this communication, where [Fauci and Collins] say there needs to be a quick and devastating takedown of this group, but then that same language pops up months later on March 8, 2021 in  communications between the Biden administration and Twitter executives. That right there is the connection of why it is so dangerous, this collusion between big government and big tech, and how then this became the premises, the pretext for the takedown and suppression of dissenting opinions on social media platforms.” The Congresswoman explaining that she “guarantees there are people out there who would have thought twice about succumbing to pressure when it came to vaccines, or would have been better prepared and a little bit more knowledgeable had they had access to this. But instead, that information was suppressed.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/10/202337 minutes, 29 seconds
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Former National Security Adviser on China balloon: Testing US response to trespass to see if Taiwan for the taking

Keith Kellogg, former U.S. national security adviser discusses the Biden administration response to the Chinese spy balloon last week and China testing the waters on its impending invasion of Taiwan. The retired Army lieutenant general says Biden administration needs “to push back on the Chinese right away and show a level of strength." Saying, after the discovering of the balloon, “Lloyd Austin, the Secretary of Defense picks up the phone tries to call [Chinese] minister of defense secretary. He didn't take the call. And I said, 'Okay, that's just the level of lack of respect that they have for this administration." Kellogg responds, "Who knows what's gonna happen next?" Going on to say that he thinks China is “testing us seeing how we're going to respond if something were to happen to Taiwan. Will we respond to it?" See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/9/202352 minutes, 50 seconds
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John Bolton calls for 50% tariff on Chinese tech till ‘they get the message’ after spy balloon

John Bolton talks about the recent stunning revelation of last week Chinese spy balloon has been going undetected or disregarded by the Pentagon and sending China a message. The former National Security Adviser says that “one thing that gets Chinese attention is to impose tariffs on them. So how about [imposing] a tariff on goods dealing with aerospace technology and just whip a 50% tariff on them or prohibit them from entering the United States until they get the message.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/8/202344 minutes, 25 seconds
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House AG member on China acquiring U.S. land: 'Not only controlling what's above us,' buying up America's farmland

Iowa Congressman Randy Feenstra discusses his backing of the new FARM Act and the need for curbing Chinese farm ownership in the United States. The new House Agriculture Member comments that he believes “that American farmland belongs to the American farmer, and what that that's what the [the FARM Act] does, it investigates why foreign investors are buying the land in the United States, and it goes through a review of why the investment being made, and if it is a concern for security purposes, then we have to stop these purchases from happening.” The Congressman says that Americans need to understand that currently “foreign investors own 37.5 million acres of American farmland, that's actually bigger than the state of Iowa, and what [Congress] wants to do is get down to why are they buying it. When we saw this in Grand Forks, North Dakota, where the Fufeng group, a Chinese based manufacturer, who is tied obviously to the Chinese Communist Party, bought land right next to a military installation. Alright, that's a security issue. When we see balloons flying overhead, it should give us great pause, that not only are they controlling what's above us, but they're also buying land that we have, that we do our business on. So we've got to get to the bottom of this, that's the FARM Act does, investigates it and stops it from happening.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/7/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 4 seconds
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Chinese balloon episode is this generation’s ‘Sputnik’ moment says former top national security adviser

Victoria Coates discusses awakening America, the shooting down of the Chinese spy balloon over the weekend, and why it will be this generation’s “Sputnik” moment. The former Trump deputy national security adviser comments that “this weekend is the moment when the threat from communist China literally came home, came to the United States, the American people can be excused for sort of seeing this as an abstract. In the past, particularly because a lot of China's own efforts to appear benign, everything from the panda bears at the National Zoo to the Confucius Academies in our schools, they tried to seem benign, but when the good people of Montana looked up and said, ‘that's no moon,’ and then demanded to know what the heck is that thing? Literally, Americans are watching in real time as their sovereignty is being invaded by something the size of three Greyhound buses loaded with surveillance equipment. The good news is, I think the wake up moment has has worked, we have awakened and I think it's late in the game, but there's still time for the United States to reposture itself onto almost a Cold War type footing after Sputnik and really confront this for the intolerable threat that it is.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/6/202349 minutes, 13 seconds
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Best Of: Huckabee: ‘Biden crime family’ deceitful ties to communist countries unprecedented in US history

Mike Huckabee discusses the two-tiered system of justice in Washington, the complicity of the mainstream media, and the “Biden crime family.” The former Presidential candidate describes the Biden classified document scandal, and says that even beyond the Biden documents, he “believes we're looking at political scandals involving the Biden crime family, that make every controversy that we've seen, whether it was in the Clinton administration, or whether it was Iran-Contra during Reagan, Watergate, doesn't matter.” Also, Rep. Ben Cline, new chairman of the Republican Study Committee’s Budget and Spending Task Force, discusses current plans for reducing government spending. The Virginia Congress also discusses Biden’s first trip “near the” Southern Border, saying Biden “needs to stay down there until he actually gets to see for himself the horrors that are happening at the border when it comes to the drugs that are being trafficked, the human trafficking that's occurring, the abuse that's occurring to children and to women, it is a tragedy of immense proportions.” See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/5/202333 minutes, 5 seconds
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Best Of: President Trump gives his thoughts on ‘unfair’ Biden classified docs drama in exclusive interview

Exclusive interview with President Trump discussing the ‘unfair situation’ of the National Archives asking the DOJ to investigate classified documents found in a private office used by then-Vice President Biden, after leaving the White House in 2016. Also, Ron Johnson discusses reports of vaccine injury, saying people could have gotten help "if our federal health agencies would have been honest and transparent" and "actually the safety surveillance systems that they were touting" instead of "suppressing" these stories. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/4/202345 minutes, 23 seconds
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Democratic party sees 'religious freedom as discrimination,' says Priests For Life Director Frank Pavone

Father Frank Pavone, Director of Priests For Life, discusses the state of the Catholic Church, the overturning of Roe v. Wade this past Spring, and the changing landscape of religious freedom in the United States. Father Pavone comments, unfortunately, we have a major political party, the Democratic Party, which looks at what we would call religious freedom, as discrimination and they literally call it that. Well, when you have a major political party, looking at religious freedom as discrimination, you are on the road to persecution. And when people see, when it hits close enough to home, that they can't go to Mass because their priest is in jail. I think this is what's going to lead to the revival.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/3/202329 minutes
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Fmr Reagan senior adviser says GOP is ‘off track,’ needs to have united front, address issues Americans care about

Ed Rollins, Chief Political Strategist for ‘Ready 4 Ron,’ talks about the current political climate, steps Republicans need to take to dominate elections again, and appealing to the youth vote. The Former Senior Adviser to Ronald Reagan says that, the party needs to “make a real effort to make a policy of inclusion, not exclusion. And unfortunately, Republicans have for a long time, gotten a little off track.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/2/202338 minutes, 12 seconds
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Special Report: Rules that Run the Country

John Solomon, Editor-in-Chief of Just the News, hosts ‘Rules that Run the Country’ sponsored by Heritage Action for America where Republican Members of Congress and influential leaders talk about building a foundation around the new House Rules drawn up under Speaker Kevin McCarthy. Expert panel featuring: House Majority Leader Steve Scalise, Tennessee GOP Rep. Andy Ogles, Heritage Foundation Senior Research Fellow Victoria Coates, and Heritage Action for America Vice President of Government Relations Ryan Walker.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/1/202349 minutes, 33 seconds
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McCarthy speaker fight proves model works, expanding into state legislatures says State Freedom Caucus Leader

Andy Roth, President of State Freedom Caucus discussed the House Freedom Caucus expanding into State legislatures because, “there is a problem occurring in the 50 states, because there are 50 swamps, not just DC.” Roth comments, that Gary seeing that this was a nationwide problem, they decided to take House Freedom Caucus model, since it works, “as we saw earlier this month when they flop McCarthy on the speaker fight. So we decided that let's just take that business model and push it down into the states. So a little bit over a year ago, we launched our first one, the Georgia Freedom Caucus, and since then we've since rolled out nine more. And it's includes South Carolina, Mississippi, a lot of the Mountain West states, and even some blue states like Illinois. And our hope is that eventually we'll get into all 50 states because you know, DC is very good at meddling in our affairs, but even their long tentacles don't necessarily get involved in certain issues.” The Leader of the movement comments, many of the current fights like, “school choice, abortion is now at the state level, CRT in our classrooms, election Integrity, there's a long list of things that go on and on, all of the crony capitalism that occurs with regulations, spending and taxes are at the state level and it's occurring in the dark. Because think about it, most people don't know who their state rep is or their state senator, and the media attention isn’t focused on all the bills that go through the state capitals, there's very little attention to it. And if there is attention, I doubt that there's been fair reporting, occurring. And so all of these things work against conservatives. And so we believe that the antidote is more freedom caucuses. At the state level.” Saying, “that is what the fight is over, transparency and honesty about what government is actually doing.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/31/202325 minutes, 40 seconds
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Former Senator Kelly Loeffler lays out new roadmap for GOP conservative movement to keep pace with Dems in 2024

Kelly Loeffler, former United States Senator for Georgia, discusses her new organization ‘Greater Georgia,’ and their ‘new data-driven’ roadmap that she says will help the Republican-conservative movement keep pace with Democrats in the Battleground state in 2024. The Chairwoman of ‘Great Georgia’ comments, the organization has three things it has set out to do, “first of all, register voters, this is something as conservatives we have to get back to, we can't yield voter registration to the left. But registration is necessary and not sufficient. So from there, you have to engage voters, reach out to diverse communities, we did that, also underrepresented communities like women and our young voters. And then the third one was, defend election integrity, because we know what Democrats want to do. We've seen their election bills, they want to nationalize elections and destroy faith in our elections. So that's what we spent the last two years doing.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/30/202329 minutes, 22 seconds
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Comer: Hunter Biden large art sales need closer look to ensure not part of Chinese money laundering scheme

John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, Not Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you Information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. Interviews this week with House Oversight Chairman James Comer (R-KY), Rep. Brian Babin (R-TX), Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ), former FBI Assistant Director of Intelligence Kevin Brock, and President of the National Border Patrol Council Brandon Judd. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern or watch any time at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/29/202346 minutes, 46 seconds
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Nunes: Special Counsel investigating Biden docs is wrong guy for the job, can’t be trusted to be impartial

Special Saturday podcast to talk to former California Congressman and Truth Social CEO Devin Nunes on why Special Counsel Robert Hur is the wrong guy to investigate Biden’s usage of classified documents, Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton on his organization’s new lawsuit to gain access to the government’s files on Hunter Biden, and CEO of Rebel News Ezra Levant on World Economic Forum.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/28/202327 minutes, 48 seconds
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Trump to address at South Carolina Rally his efforts getting Ukraine, Russia to negotiating table, Trump spox

Trump Spokeswoman Liz Harrington discusses the important of President Trump’s South Carolina Rally this week, what he will be announcing, his role in suing for peace and efforts to bring Ukraine and Russia to the negotiating table for a lasting solution. Harrington comments, President Trump is leading on this issue, I think you're gonna hear a lot of substance tomorrow, not just about that but also, the state of our country right now, the border, the games of the Biden and government's playing with trying to fudge the numbers and everything else.” Saying, “It's worse as it's ever been and we had the best that it ever was under President Trump. So he's going to be talking about getting back to those America First policies, and also looking to the future, what else we can lay out, what more we can do.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/27/202335 minutes, 43 seconds
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House Intel member Austin Scott calls for national security damage assessment from found classified Biden docs

New House Intelligence Member Austin Scott discusses the partisan games being played over the upcoming debt ceiling and calls for national security assessment on the damage that has resulted from the finding of President Biden classified documents in a number of locations. The Georgia Congressman remarks, the “Biden documents were in an area where other people clearly had access to them, and I also have serious questions about the amount of wealth that the Biden family has.” Saying, with Biden’s year of political service, “I just don't see how you accumulate that much making $175,000 a year, I guess he made a little more as vice president, maybe $300,000 a year, but I don't see how you accumulate that type of wealth that he has with those income levels. And so aside from that, I would tell you if it's good for the goose, it's good for the gander. It's not okay that documents were found in possession of Republicans either, and I think that we're going to have to do a very serious review of how classified documents are handled in the executive branch.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/26/202351 minutes, 22 seconds
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Kash Patel: Recent classified doc epidemic makes US government ‘look like a Mickey Mouse operation’

Kash Patel, former Trump adviser discusses the recent revelation of classified documents found in the homes of both President Joe Biden and former Vice President Mike Pence within the last week. Patel predicts that within the coming weeks, "there's going to be more and more places where Biden's documents turn up. It's going to go on for a while." Patel stated that the multiple instances of classified documents floating around at the homes of former officials, “is making our government from top to bottom look like a Mickey Mouse operation.” Going on to say, "I understand that there are documents when you're a vice president and what not that can inadvertently when you pack up and leave- come with you. But that is the job of the 10,000 plus people that surround the White House to ensure that doesn't happen."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/25/202340 minutes, 19 seconds
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Economist Steve Moore: US debt ‘is the cancer cell right now on our economy,’ with few in DC concerned

Conservative commentator and Author of ‘Trumponomics: Inside the America First Plan to Revive Our Economy,’ Steve Moore discusses recent Big Tech layoffs being an indicator of the economy going into a recession and the natural resiliency of the US economy that can’t be discounted. Moore reacts to what President Biden says of the economy versus the actual state of the economy, that “this economy now mystifies me on how it's holding up. And it has held up, you know, into last year. Not a good year for the economy, but it wasn't any kind of deep recession. And so it's, it's just hard for me to figure out where this economy's headed right now.” Moore goes on to say that “the good news, is that inflation is falling, no question about it, we've seen inflation go from, 9 to 10%, in the summer, to now [inflation is] down, in my opinion, probably about, about 4 or 5%. And, in fact, some of my friends who are very solid economists think that, they're almost more worried now about a deflation than an inflation.” He says that “job markets continue to hold up, to my surprise,  jobs are still out there, notwithstanding what we just talked about with the tech industry, which is absolutely contracting.” The former economic adviser says he’s “nervous about making any kind of definitive predictions about where [the US is] headed. I do I think that we've a lot of things are going wrong in this country from a policy point of view. Absolutely, I mean the debt, I think, is the cancer cell right now on our economy and very few people in Washington seem to be very concerned about it.” Moore’s prediction on whether he thinks we’re going to face a financial crisis is depended upon Washington’s spending, “if this continues much longer, whether that financial crisis is going to happen six weeks from now, or six months from now or three years from now, I can't predict that, but it is. It is a precarious economy right now, it is hold up pretty decently but I don't know. And I'm not going to say that we're gonna have a recession in 2023 because even though most of the leading economic indicators are pointing South right now, there is a kind of natural resilience to the American economy that I wouldn't discount.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/24/202340 minutes, 9 seconds
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John Solomon breaks down the Biden classified documents scandal: more FBI searches, influence peddling questions ahead

John Solomon breaks down the Biden classified documents scandal: more FBI searches, influence peddling questions ahead.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/23/202326 minutes, 17 seconds
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Former Assistant Secretary of US Treasury explains why Big Tech layoffs could be foreshadowing a recession

John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, Not Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you Information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. Interviews this week with Former assistant secretary of the U.S. Treasury Monica Crowley, former Illinois Congressman Rodney Davis, conservative commentator Lou Dobbs, America First Policy Institute’s CCO Marc Lotter, and Editor of The Spectator Amber Athey. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern or watch any time at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/22/202346 minutes, 59 seconds
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Leader of influential conservative super PAC: Can’t change voting laws, ‘if we can’t win elections’

The Founder and President of Restoration PAC discusses the need for the Republican National Committee to move into the 21st century and modernize its approach to voting and what sort of party it is going to be. Doug Truax comments on the last two elections, which saw Democrats out-hustling Republicans on early voting says, that the mainstream of the Republican Party all believes that voters should be voting “as close to Election Day as possible, ballots in the mail are a bad idea. We all think that, and that’s where we need to go to, but we can’t get there if we don’t win. And if we just keep losing elections, because we're not good at this new playing field that we're on, we're never going to make any change.” Truax says that the GOP needs “to have this conversation about this and say, look, we are going to have to chase ballots, we're going to have to make sure all of our people vote.” Using the example that, “if Aunt Sally can vote on a day, that's, a month and a half from the election, that's not ideal for us long term, but we got to make sure she goes and does it on that day. And then we got that box checked, she's voted.” Saying, “because you can see, even what happened in Maricopa County is, lo and behold, the system wasn't working great on election day, and people had to wait three hours and how many people do we lose?” Truax says that GOP only wanting to narrow itself to voting on Election Day and not trying to expand to mail-in-ballots, “is just asking for trouble.” Commenting, “if we narrow ourselves down to just this game that we currently want to play, and play that game. Well, that's not the real game that's being played, the real game is chase the ballots, get the votes in, everything is so quick, it's clearly divided, a lot of our elections are very close. So if we don't get this figured out, we are just going to keep losing.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/21/202338 minutes, 40 seconds
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Huckabee: ‘Biden crime family’ deceitful ties to communist countries unprecedented in US history

Mike Huckabee discusses the two-tiered system of justice in Washington, the complicity of the mainstream media, and the “Biden crime family.” The former Presidential candidate describes the Biden classified document scandal, and says that even beyond the Biden documents, he “believes we're looking at political scandals involving the Biden crime family, that make every controversy that we've seen, whether it was in the Clinton administration, or whether it was Iran-Contra during Reagan, Watergate, doesn't matter.” Those previous controversies “will pale in comparison to what we find, because we've never seen a US President who had these kinds of ties to our enemies, Communist China, to Russia, all the while pointing their finger at their opposition and blaming them for the things they knew they were doing.” Commenting, “and I think that's one of the things that makes this so very, very dastardly is they have made a wonderful, almost an art form of accusing people of the things that they themselves know that they're engaged in.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/20/202332 minutes, 23 seconds
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Fraternal Order of Police VP slams Biden police speech: Rhetoric is ‘extremely harmful,’ erodes public trust

Fraternal Order of Police National Vice President Joe Gamaldi takes aim at President Joe Biden over his recent speech, where he said police officers always shoot with deadly force. Gamaldi comments that Biden’s comments are, “not helpful.” Saying, Biden’s speech is “just inflammatory rhetoric set to get an emotional response from the audience, that is not based in fact.” The Vice President of the largest police union in the United States goes on to explain that, “we know that officers use force to stop a threat, we are not out here purposely trying to use deadly force every single time as [Biden] put it in that speech, and it is extremely harmful to us. It erodes the trust that we're trying to build with our communities when you make comments like that.” Commenting, “and here's another thing that really upsets every single police officer in this country, is that what we're really asking the President to do, is how about you condemn the violence against law enforcement, the historic violence we're seeing, how about you just put out a statement saying it's wrong to shoot a police officer, it's wrong to assault a police officer. It is an extremely low bar to just ask to put out a statement condemning historic violence against law enforcement, and the White House just refuses to do it.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/19/20231 hour, 7 minutes, 34 seconds
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Ken Blackwell: GOP cannot shy away on world stage from discussion with people with whom we disagree

Ken Blackwell discusses his recent op-ed, “Why Conservatives Should Show Up in Davos”, and the changes in the United States election system and what measures can protect it in the future. The Former Ohio Secretary of State says that the World Economic Forum is a chance for conservatives to show up and participate with discussions with those “whom we disagree.” Blackwell comments, that “the time to be silent to disengage is not now we need to be out there fighting for the the essence of America.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/18/202338 minutes
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Former FBI Assistant Director Chris Swecker: ‘Seismic culture shift’ occurring at the FBI

The former FBI Assistant Director for the Criminal Investigative Division describes the “seismic culture shift” happening today inside of the FBI and why it has become a lot more pronounced within the last five years. Chris Swecker comments that some of the cultural aspects, he “saw coming under Robert Mueller,” but it was James Comey who “parachuted the DOJ, political appointees into” the Bureau, which have been further “accelerated” under current FBI Director Christopher Wray.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/17/202330 minutes, 50 seconds
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MLK Jr. niece: To combat woke ideology, ‘in every generation, truth must be told and restated’

Alveda King, niece of Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. discusses Americans waking up to divisive rhetoric surrounding race and America and how to combat this ideology, the “tipping point is…in every generation, truth must be taught. And because, I feel as though we're living in accelerated times, because of all the technology, it must be in every decade. So in every decade, truth must be told, and restated and restated and restated.” The founder of Speak for Life, also discusses the upcoming March for Life on January 20th in Washington D.C., in light of Roe v. Wade being overturned. Saying, the goal of the pro-life movement needs to move beyond just “making abortion illegal,” but rather we need to “make abortion unthinkable.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/16/202325 minutes, 18 seconds
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Nunes: American people victims of RussiaGate, mass delusion campaign pushed by Twitter, Top Dems

John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, No Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you Information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. Interviews with former California Congressman and Truth Social CEO Devin Nunes, Rep. Andrew Clyde, Rep. Scott Perry, President of National Border Patrol Council Brandon Judd, Director of the Margaret Thatcher Center for Freedom- Nile Gardiner, and 2nd Lt. Addie Hulet. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern Time or watch any time at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/15/202358 minutes, 43 seconds
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Matt Whitaker: Garland unnecessary appointment of special counsel for Trump docs ‘forced his hand’ for Biden

Matt Whitaker, former U.S. Attorney General discusses Merrick Garlands appointment of Special counsel to investigate mishandling of classified documents by President Joe Biden back in 2016. Whitaker comments that “this is a huge unforced error by Merrick Garland. He didn't need to appoint a special counsel against Donald Trump. And he stood at the podium at the time, and didn't say the words that he said, I believe, when he appointed the Special Counsel for Biden, in which he said ‘we could handle this internally here at the Department of Justice’, and so what [Garland] did though, is he forced his own hand, and in a really unskillful, judge like manner, where he wasn't thinking through the steps that would happen.” Commenting, “And what makes it even more quizzical to me is that he knew when he appointed the Special Counsel Jack Smith against Donald Trump, that Joe Biden had similar problems with classified document mishandling. So that tells me that they never planned on this Biden mishandling to ever see the light of day they were planning on everybody to play nice, that the mainstream media wouldn't cover it wouldn't hear about it, that it would just kind of never be announced. And then when it came out, he has been scrambling ever since. I think after December 20, when he realized that there were two and now we've hear there's a third tranche of classified documents that have been discovered in Joe Biden's possession. I think he should have gone to the podium then and appointed a special counsel, and the fact that he just did it just this week demonstrates that, [Garland] created his own mess, and now he's gonna have to live with it.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/14/202327 minutes, 54 seconds
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Foreign policy expert warns Biden ignores US is now surrounded by socialist countries

Kiron Skinner, top Professor of International Relations and Politics at Pepperdine University, discusses the changing tides of US foreign policy, and the unlikely alignment of allies abroad. Skinner discusses how Japan is now poised to increase from "1-2%, of its gross domestic product, towards defense" in the next five years, which would make "Japan the third largest military vendor in the world behind the US and China. This is a seat change.” This huge policy redirection for Japan comes in the wake of China’s continued uptick in aggression in the Indo-Pacific region. Though the foreign policy expert says that the “sleeping giant problem” that faces America right now are the events that have happened in Central and South America with the election in Brazil, recent events in Colombia months ago. Skinner comments, "we have for the first time in our history, a set of neighbors in, in the Western Hemisphere that are largely socialist, almost all of them except Dominican Republic, Guatemala, for the most part, we have a democratically elected socialist regime with Parliament's behind them. We aren't talking about that if there's a failure in the Biden administration to articulate that problem, because they don’t see it as a problem.” Saying, and that opens the door for China and Russia, in the western hemisphere. So we have a, you know, a sleeping giant problem right now. Socialists running basically, the whole region."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/13/202352 minutes, 3 seconds
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Rep. Austin Scott: ‘Concerning’ the mainstream media’s handling of Biden docs vs Trump

Rep. Austin Scott discusses the double-standard between the mainstream media’s handling of classified documents found at Mar-a-Lago versus those found at the home and offices of President Joe Biden, saying “as soon as [the media] found out about President Trump, they immediately attacked him. And with Joe Biden, they've kind of handled this thing with kid gloves.” Saying that he thinks Attorney General Merrick Garland appointment of a special counsel for an investigation into President Biden’s potential mishandling of classified documents, is “probably a step in the right direction, but it needs to be handled the same from the standpoint of the mainstream media as well, the politicization of this is not okay.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/12/20231 hour, 5 minutes, 1 second
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Michele Bachmann: Mitch McConnell glory days over, people tired of ‘back scratching, big spending politics’

Former Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann discusses Mitch McConnell undercutting the House Republican recent message of reigning in government spending, immigration, or a strong policy towards China. The former Presidential candidate says that the Republican base is not for him anymore, saying McConnell’s “time is over,” and “America no longer has the appetite for big spending, simply because we can't. We're looking at a broke treasury, people's lives aren't doing well privately because government is stealing their money and spending it. And so people really do want a change and I hope that Mitch McConnell will take the hint and enjoy the rest of his life with his wife quietly in Kentucky.“See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/11/20231 hour, 1 minute, 46 seconds
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Exclusive: President Trump gives his thoughts on ‘unfair’ Biden classified docs drama

Exclusive interview with former President Donald Trump discussing the ‘unfair situation’ of the National Archives asking the DOJ to investigate classified documents found in a private office used by then-Vice President Biden, after leaving the White House in 2016. And also, second interview with former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich on the McCarthy-Republican speaker battle last week, and why the process showed “openness,” a factor indicative of “what a real free country looks like.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/10/202347 minutes, 36 seconds
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Key GOP lawmaker open to Biden administration asylum reform amid migrant surge

Rep. Ben Cline, new chairman of the Republican Study Committee’s Budget and Spending Task Force, discusses current plans for reducing government spending. The Virginia Congressman also discusses Biden’s first trip “near the Border,” saying Biden “needs to stay down there until he actually gets to see for himself the horrors that are happening at the border when it comes to the drugs that are being trafficked, the human trafficking that's occurring, the abuse that's occurring to children and to women, it is a tragedy of immense proportions.” Commenting, “I'm glad the political pressure has gotten so intense that he actually had to check the box to actually say, well, I've been near the border, that's more than his ‘Border Czar’ has been able to do for for many months. But now we really do need to take that trip and actually turn it into action.” The Congressman says that one of the most immediate reforms that can be done is to the United States “asylum laws.” Saying, recently the Biden “administration actually had a glimmer of some recognition when they said, instead of making the journey,” we want [Migrants] to be able to have asylum claim adjudicated back in their home country. Cline remarking, “that's the type of reform that I think you could get some agreement, to try and open up embassies to receiving these types of requests for asylum, but then also reforming our asylum laws. Because America is the richest country in the world, trying to get to America simply to have a better life is not grounds for asylum. And so we need to firm up those asylum laws to prevent uncertainty about those types of claims, to prevent the type of journey that's occurring, and maybe if it happens from the country of origin, you might be able to keep them from making that journey in the first place.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/9/202335 minutes, 28 seconds
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Former Capitol Police Chief explains Jan. 6 intelligence failures, chain of communication to Pelosi

John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, No Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you Information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. Interviews this week with Former Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund, Bill O'Reilly, Rep. Troy Nehls, Brian Schimming, and Derek Maltz Sr. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern Time or watch any time at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/8/202359 minutes, 58 seconds
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Afghan translator says his brother gave 'everything for this country' and is now facing deportation

Sami Safi, Afghan translator for the U.S. military, shares the story of his brother, who served alongside U.S. forces in Afghanistan, but faced hardships in coming to America and is currently in jail despite his service.  He says the government has not helped, and that "they have no reason to treat him this way," and that if this is how the government treats American allies, "no one outside of America will trust the American government or our mission."  On 'Just the News, No Noise," John Solomon and Amanda Head talk to Erich Pratt, Senior Vice President of Gun Owners of America, about the latest on gun control and constitutional carry.  To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern Time or watch any time at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/7/202335 minutes, 40 seconds
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Fmr. Amb. Hoekstra: 'Nobody in Washington has credibility on spending right now'

Former Ambassador Pete Hoekstra explains how Republicans in the House can return to fiscal conservatism.  He says they need to "take the tough votes and demonstrate how they're going to get there," since "we cannot sustain a $30 trillion debt that is bigger than the American economy and that's driving in inflation."  He also discusses the misdeeds of the intelligence community which "is being used to target Americans and to censor American speech" and suppress stories about COVID origins, despite the fact that the intelligence community and "people like Fauci knew about it."  Facebook whistleblower Cassandra Spencer discusses her work in uncovering social media censorship of conservatives and the Twitter files revelations that the federal government was "strong-arming the tech companies to come to the conclusions that they wanted them to find, even if the evidence didn't support that."  She hopes for further investigations, saying that with the Twitter files, "we're just scratching the surface.  We need the Facebook files and we need the Google files."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/6/202351 minutes, 22 seconds
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Americans for Tax Reform pres. says House GOP must work together to make deals to reduce debt

Grover Noquist from Americans for Tax Reform discusses cutting down federal spending and financial developments to look forward to in the states. He says, "the modern Democratic Party is not willing to cut or reduce any spending except defense spending," but "we can save trillions of dollars" over time "just by reforming entitlements so that they don't grow faster than inflation." JTN Reporter Nicholas Ballasy details the uncertainties in the ongoing fight for Speaker of the House, where 20 members "aren't budging" because "there's nothing really McCarthy can offer," meaning they might need "a consensus candidate that can get the whole caucus in line. Veteran and former congressional candidate Hung Cao discusses problems with the military, including decreased recruitment, woke ideology, a lack of preparedness, and "kicking out good people" because of vaccine mandates.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/5/202353 minutes, 30 seconds
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Sen. Ron Johnson calls for medical transparency after reports of COVID vaccine injury

Senator Ron Johnson discusses reports of vaccine injury, saying people could have gotten help "if our federal health agencies would have been honest and transparent" and "actually the safety surveillance systems that they were touting" instead of "suppressing" these stories.  JTN Reporter Nick Ballasy breaks down the ongoing conflict in the House of Representatives over speakership, including the state of negotiations and what McCarthy might need to do to win. Ted Harvey, chairman of the Committee to Defeat the President, says Jared Polis, governor of Colorado, could be the next Democratic nominee for president, since Gavin Newsom is "not electable" and President Biden is "obviously declining mentally." He adds that he thinks Polis "desperately wants to be the first gay president of the United States," and that "those that fund the homosexual agenda political machine" do as well.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/4/202359 minutes, 10 seconds
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Harmeet Dhillon on GOP: 'We deserve a change and an opportunity to actually win'

RNC chair candidate Harmeet Dhillon explains why she thinks the RNC needs new leadership, describing the "inexcusable" spending habits of Republicans in Congress and says, "we really need to return our party to the party of the Constitution, individual liberties, and small government." Former GOP candidate and retired NFL player Jake Bequette weighs in on safety in football after Damar Hamlin's collapse and the dangers facing the Republican party after the 2022 midterms. Chris Swecker, former Assistant Director of the Criminal Investigation Division of the FBI, discusses the good and the bad of the current FBI, from their role in the Idaho murder investigation to the "cultural shift" brought about by increasing influence from the DOJ. He adds that social media censorship from the FBI is "nothing but domestic spying."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/3/202356 minutes, 36 seconds
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'That Show Tonight' producers: how to make real comedy in a world of censorship

John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, No Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you Information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. They're starting off the new year with Michael Loftus and Paul Crosetti, executive producers of 'That Show Tonight,' to talk about comedy, censorship, and what to look forward to in 2023. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern Time or watch any time at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/2/202337 minutes, 20 seconds
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Best of 2022: Many GOP House promises were made but can the new Congress deliver?

This episode looks at the new incoming Republican House leaders and the campaign promises they made to voters. First flashback is to August 2nd with Mark Morgan, former Acting Commissioner of the Border Patrol under President Trump, discussing the Border neglect and the Biden administration “not only jeopardizing health, safety, national security” with its free for all, open border policy but is “lying to the American people about it.” Morgan says, that this administration is "the least transparent White House administration that I've ever been affiliated with in 35 years of serving this country." Republicans have promised to close and secure the Southern border and hold those accountable for the neglect accountable. Second flashback is to October 14th, with Virginia Congressman Ben Cline calling for incoming GOP majority to privatizing “part or all of the Postal Service” after years of neglect and mismanagement, "the Postal Service, just like several other federal agencies, is an inefficient bureaucracy that can't innovate and keep up with the times. And rather than just continue to reward them with more and bigger budgets. Time “to start demanding results,” and “incentivize these bureaucrats to actually cut costs.” Commenting, “And I think that a Republican, a new Republican majority has just the opportunity to explore those options.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/30/202241 minutes, 14 seconds
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Best of 2022: Investigating a Woke and Weaponized Government

This episode looks at the Republican-led investigations by Congress into government agencies like, the IRS and the Pentagon going woke and weaponizing their power against the American people. First flashback is to November 22nd, Texas Congressman Chip Roy discuss his report done with Florida Senator Marco Rubio, showing that current leaders “woke policies” are weakening our military. Second flashback is to August 16th, with Georgia Congressman Andrew Clyde calling for the termination of the IRS after evidence of “weaponization” and recent legislation passed to add 87,000 new IRS audit agents. Congressman says the IRS, “has outlived its usefulness.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/29/202243 minutes, 56 seconds
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Best of 2022: GOP’s identity crisis leading into 2024

This episode looks at the identity crisis of the Republican Party leading into the 2024 election, and the surprising bipartisan issues over the past year. First flashback is to December 7th, Ambassador John Bolton on his potential 2024 Presidential run to stop former President Donald Trump, saying “if others aren't going to do it, I'm prepared to do it.” Second flashback is to July 28th, with Georgia Congressman Austin Scott who backed Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s decision to fly to Taiwan after pushback from the Chinese communist government. Saying, “China does not get to tell the Speaker of the United States's House of Representatives, where they can and cannot fly unless, it is inside the territory of Communist China.” Commenting, the United States “does not have to have permission from China to go anywhere else, and the fact that they think we do, so simply tells you how aggressive they are with regard to their attempt to manipulate and dominate the world."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/28/202234 minutes, 21 seconds
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Best of 2022: New Congressional priorities- investigate Biden family business dealings, balance the budget

This episode honors the Representatives fighting to make a difference in Congress. First flashback is to November 21st, with Kentucky Congressman James Comer on his investigation into the corrupt Biden family business dealings, selling access to Joe Biden and the US government for a decade, and Joe Biden blatantly lying about having no knowledge of Hunters’ business dealings. Second flashback is to September 30th, with South Carolina Congressman Ralph Norman on the need for a balance budget saying, the United States is "in a situation now, really of no return, this country is in trouble, the budgeting process, the spending, which is outlandish, and 26 consecutive years that we haven't funded government, 1997 is the last time that we went through the appropriations process and actually had a bill, and it's just time to take action on this.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/27/202236 minutes, 57 seconds
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Special Report: ‘Cutting Spending, the Policies Worth Saving’

John Solomon, Editor-in-Chief of Just the News, hosts ‘Cutting Spending, the Policies Worth Saving’ sponsored by Heritage Action for America discussing the new ways that the incoming Conservative majority in the House of Representatives can work with the split Senate and the Biden administration to cut government spending.Expert panel featuring: Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL), Director of the ‘Grover M. Hermann Center for the Federal Budget’ Matthew Dickerson, Chief Financial Officer of Florida- Jimmy Patronis, Rep. Tom McClintock (R-CA), and ‘Heritage Action for America’ State Advocacy Director- Catherine Gunsalus.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/26/202247 minutes, 23 seconds
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Rep. Jim Jordan: Pelosi needs to testify on her direct involvement in Jan. 6 security failures after new revelations

John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, No Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you Information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. Interviews this week with Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ), Rep. Austin Scott (R-GA), Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, and Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern Time or watch any time at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/24/202252 minutes, 27 seconds
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Fmr asst. US attorney Sullivan: Big Tech-gov't censorship, not a red or blue issue, it’s a red, white and blue issue

David X. Sullivan, former Assistant United States Attorney, discusses the ‘troubling’ air surrounding the ‘Twitter files’ documents showing that Twitter under the directive of the FBI censored content on the platform. Sullivan also comments on the recent story that came to light that the DOJ secretly subpoenaed the phone and e-mail records of Kash Patel while he worked for then-House Oversight Committee Chairman Devin Nunes investigating Russia Collusion. Sullivan comments on extreme examples of government overreach and how the federal government must be reminded that it does not have these powers. Saying, this is now not “a red issue, it’s not a blue issue, it’s a red, white, and blue issue. This is America, and I think these people forget, you know, what this country is founded on and the liberties that so many fought for, and continue to fight for, on behalf of all of us.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/23/202246 minutes, 25 seconds
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Rep. Chip Roy: Omnibus is funding same bureaucrats who target Americans, GOP voting against ‘will of the people’

Rep. Chip Roy discusses Republicans selling out to pass the $1.7 trillion omnibus spending bill, with “raft of earmarks spending on all manners of woke garbage, including a $105,000 for a mentoring program for LGBTQ youth.” The Texas Congressman says that Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is “an appropriator,” that has “never really cared about fiscal responsibility and making sure that we hold the line on spending.” Saying, so much of the money in this bill is going to fund agencies like the FBI or DHS, that have been highly politicized. Roy comments, “we’re funding the bureaucrats who are going after the American people in this bill that these Republicans are going to jam through and vote for, over the will of the American people.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/22/202252 minutes, 59 seconds
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Dennis Prager: US use to be source of good ideas for world, now exporting pernicious 'woke garbage'

Dennis Prager, founder of Prager U, discusses the “pernicious,” “woke garbage” being exported from the United States. The conservative thoughtleader says, "America is for the first time in its history, and there were so many firsts in American history, we are exporting pernicious ideas. America was the source of sending out good ideas for all of its history, it is now sending out worse ideas.” Saying that it is not the European socialist abyss that is exporting the ideas anymore, saying "they don't send these ideas out from France, or Germany, or Denmark, it's out from America, and it starts at the universities, then it goes to California, then it goes to the world.” Commenting that with "having said all these things, every one of which is valid and true, fortunately, we are also the home of the only organized conservative opposition to evil in the world. So you have the most productive left in America and you also have the most productive right in America, and we are in a civil war. I wrote this 20 years ago, I hope pray it stays nonviolent. Nevertheless, it is a civil war. The the North and South had more in common during the civil war than the right and left, we have nothing in common, I share nothing with leftists. If they say it is raining, my assumption is it's sunny."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/21/20221 hour, 4 minutes, 50 seconds
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Monica Crowley: Time for big spending, ‘compromised’ Mitch McConnell to go

Monica Crowley, host of the Monica Crowley Podcast, discusses the need for a change in Republican party leadership, and the current state of affairs in America today is the “culmination of decades of communist infiltration in this country, infiltrating and grabbing control over the major pillars of our society and our life.” The former United States Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Public Affairs comments on the current Republican leadership saying, commenting “I am not supporting Ronna McDaniel,” “we desperately need a change at the top. You're exactly right about the GOP leadership, which happens to be GOP ‘E’ or GOP establishment leadership. The Republican Party right now has establishment folks at the top that do not have our best interests at heart, they are are more than willing to sell America downstream for their own benefit. While, the base is now America first, with or without Donald Trump.” Saying, “the base now is fully America first. And so the disconnect between our leadership and the base and the average Republican voters and not just that, but disaffected Democrats, independent voters who are looking for a change and really want to salvage America. They look at the GOP leadership, and they're like, What is this? They're all in the same boat, and they're all rowing the same direction. So to the extent that we can control it, which is the RNC race.” Crowley comments her “two qualifications now for anybody running for office or republican leadership.” First, “you have to get that the hour is very late in America, you have to understand the nature of the enemy within. And Second, you cannot be in on the destruction of the country and so many of our leaders are in on the destruction of the country, and we've had enough.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/20/20221 hour, 9 minutes, 15 seconds
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Ex-Israeli Ambassador slams NYT for saying Israel not a democracy: We're only allowed to elect who they find 'acceptable?'

Michael Oren, former Israeli Ambassador to the United States, discusses how the United States got into a proxy war with Russia and the New York Times blunders. The Ambassador comments on the recent New York Times article calling into question the state of Israel’s democracy after re-relecting Benjamin Netanyahu as prime minister. The Ambassador comments, the "New York Times has been trying to delegitimize us for a very, very long time. But there's nothing unusual about that proxy war, unfortunately. In Israel we had five elections, that was a hard thing, five elections in about two years. But we had 72% of the population voting. That number, that percentage, is unthinkable in the United States and in most democracies in the world. And people come out and vote, even in the Arab part of Israel, we had over 50% of Arabs in Israel voting. That's extraordinary. It's a great vote of confidence in our democratic system.” Commenting, "Israel is one of the maybe 5 countries in the world, United States, Australia, New Zealand, that has never knowed a second of non-democratic governance. And [Israel] is the only country on that list, that has never known a second of peace, and that is what kills democracies all the time, wars and upheavals. We've never had a second of non-democratic governance.” The Ambassdor comments that you would think because o this, the "New York Times would maybe want to respect us a little bit for that, and respect the the intelligence of Israeli voters going to the polls.” Saying, “what can you do? In a democracy, sometimes people get elected, who maybe would not be to my liking both in the United States and in [Israel]. But that is the price of democracy, would you rather not have a democracy and only have us assign people to offices who are more acceptable to the New York Times? Is that what they want?” Going on to say, that "democracy is thriving" in Israel, “and yes, we’re going to have some challenges with some of the people in this government who are a little bit outside of the envelope. But there's no danger to democracy in this country. On the contrary, democracy here has once again proven to be very, very resilient, and irrepressible."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/19/202247 minutes, 52 seconds
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Tom Fitton: COVID vaccine debate on its safety, efficacy requires ‘full information,’ and we still don’t have it

John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, No Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you Information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. Interviews this week with Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton, Former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Dr. Ben Carson, Harvard Professor Emeritus Alan Dershowitz, New Mexico Congresswoman Yvette Herrell, and Florida Congressman-Elect Cory Mills. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern Time or watch any time at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/18/202250 minutes
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Rep. Comer seeks answers to COVID-19 origin, names 40 officials to interview on Wuhan lab grants, research

The incoming Chairman of the House Oversight Committee discusses his new investigation that will seek to bring the truth to the American people after years of unanswered questions surrounding the origins of COVID-19 and what the government was funding when it spent inordinate amounts of money on grants and research related to the Wuhan lab. Additional Interviews with former Israelis Ambassador to the United States Michael Oren on the threat that a nuclear capable Iran poses to the state of Israel and how could have to act without the support of the United States, and former United States Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Public Affairs, Monica Crowley on the state of the Biden economy.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/17/202229 minutes, 11 seconds
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Ex-border chief: US already in ‘worst unmitigated self-inflicted border crisis,’ ending Title 42 only escalates it

Mark Morgan, Former Customs and Border Patrol Commissioner, discusses the ‘frustrating’ remarks from politicians within the last weeks that, “title 42 is going to cause an avalanche. It's just going to cause an avalanche we already have, and  make it worse. The crisis doesn't begin when title 42 ends, we’re already in the throes, we're already in the middle of a crisis. In the first 22 months of this administration, over 5.5 million immigrants have illegally entered the country, and over a million of them have gotten way.” Morgan comments that the Biden administration is completely unaware to the fact that title 42 doesn’t increase the national security threat, saying “we're already in the middle of a national security threat, within the past 22 months there have been apprehensions of people from 160 different countries, over 98 illegal aliens have been apprehended on the terror screening database in this last fiscal year alone.” Saying, “we're already in the middle of the worst unmitigated self-inflicted border crisis in our lifetime. When title 42 end, it's just going to make it worse.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/16/202236 minutes, 58 seconds
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GOP Rep urges fellow Congress members to return FTX campaign dollars to help those fleeced in crypto 'scheme'

Rep. Lance Gooden discusses Sam Bankman-Fried, FTX collapse, and the new FTX CEO’s testimony before the House Financial Services Committee. The Texas Congressman urges his fellow members of Congress to return money received from FTX campaign contributions saying, “we've got politicians that have taken hundreds of thousands of dollars, in some cases, some of these committees have, and they are not making proactive efforts to return the money. And if you're a politician that has taken money from [Bankman-Fried], you should have already been in touch with the bankruptcy court and saying, ‘Hey, you guys, let me know where to send the check,’ Because this is stolen money, it wasn't his and it shouldn't be mine.” The Member of the Financial Services Committee says that the “stolen money” should be given to “do all we can to make people whole that have have lost money in the scheme.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/15/202230 minutes, 47 seconds
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Rep. Steube plans to refer Twitter’s Jack Dorsey for criminal prosecution, alleging ‘he lied to Congress’

Congressman Greg Steube says he plans to criminally refer former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey for alleging lying to Congress in the wake of the releasing of the “Twitter Files” by Elon Musk. The Florida Representative comments that Dorsey, “testified in multiple different committees over the last several years. And in my opinion, he lied to Congress, which is a felony an a offense. And if the Michael Cohen's of the world, who worked for Trump, can get prosecuted for it than [Dorsey] should too.” Steube comments that, “the great thing about the Republican majority in the House, regardless of what happened in the Senate, is we have subpoena power now, oversight authority now, and the ability to call these people in, put them under oath and make prosecutorial referrals to the DOJ.” Saying, “in my opinion, Jack Dorsey lied to Congress and we highlighted a bunch of tweets where we mirrored what he said in these different committees, with what has now been dumped, and we know to be a fact. They knew what was going on, they were 100%, censoring individuals, and he lied to Congress. And there needs to be some accountability for that, not just for Republicans who work for Trump, but for anybody that breaks our law in our country.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/14/202239 minutes, 39 seconds
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Sen. Tuberville warns: US wearing ‘blinders,’ hard to stop China when Biden is ‘compromised’

Alabama Republican Senator Tommy Tuberville discusses his letter to Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin on the military trying to secretly change its abortion policy without the approval of Congress, the legacy that Mississippi State football coach Mike Leach leaves behind, and the threat that China continues to pose to the United States. Senator Tuberville comments, “we’ve sat back, hide ourselves, and put blinders on and China has taken off and ran right past us,” they’ve continued to infiltrate “everything,” from our intellectual property, to TikTok, to buying up farmland throughout the United States. The Senator gives an unnerving statistic that, “Five years ago, [China] had 10,000 acres of farmland in the United States. Today, they have 360,000 and growing, and Joe Biden's helping. Our farmers are in trouble in this country, because of the price of diesel, fertilizer, and high costs, they can't make a living, and [President Biden] is pushing them to sell. And China, of course, is welcoming themselves to come over and take advantage of that situation.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/13/202252 minutes, 47 seconds
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AZ AG candidate asks to pause recount to ensure ‘every legal vote is counted, every illegal vote is tossed out’

Abe Hamadeh discusses to asks to an Arizona court to pause state recount efforts after reports of voting concerns in Maricopa County. The Republican candidate for Arizona Attorney General discusses the election, which has still not been called, “is the closest race in Arizona state history and is within 511 votes.” Hamedeh says that, “there's a recount that's ongoing, but we're trying to put a pause to that right now, we filed our lawsuit last week on Friday. And right now what we're hoping what my lawsuit alleges is that, everybody knows what we witnessed in Maricopa County was unacceptable and indefensible. When you had so many, 30% of the printers malfunctioning, the lines were out the door, there were no parking spaces available for people to try to come vote. So they had to park blocks and blocks away, and the gall of [Maricopa County] not to extend voting hours is absolutely shocking. So what our lawsuit is alleging is that there's at least 270 people who checked in into a voting center, but did not cast the ballot there because they didn't trust” it. So those 270 people, “went and grabbed their mail-in-ballots and drop it off. And that's really important to know, because we were winning Maricopa County on election day, 75% to 25%. So those, ballots would be in our favor. So we're trying to get the judge to include those ballots, and then we're also trying to get the judge to allow the voters whose voting was suppressed to be able to vote now and to be included, because they were disenfranchised.” Commenting, “There's still a lot of uncounted ballots that have been set aside due to registration issues or signature issues and we're going to be taking a look at those to see what we can do to include them in the final tally, but I'm feeling optimistic. I'm praying and I think right now we've got a legitimate shot.” Hamedeh says, they’re “making sure that every legal vote is counted, and every illegal vote is tossed out.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/12/202240 minutes, 40 seconds
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Rep. Clyde: Biden’s ‘weakness’ a domino effect, Afghanistan exit led to Russia invading Ukraine, Griner-Bout swap

John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, Not Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you Information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. Interviews this week with Rep. Andrew Clyde (R-GA), Rep. Rodney Davis (R-IL), former Assistant FBI Intelligence Director Kevin Brock, President of ‘Job Creators Network Foundation’ Elaine Parker, and CEO of ‘National Religious Broadcasters’ (NRB) Troy Miller. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern Time or watch any time at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/11/202249 minutes, 8 seconds
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Rep. Kevin Brady urges new Congress to focus on short-term spending bill, doing ‘opposite of what President Biden does’

Rep. Kevin Brady urges the new Congress and colleagues to aim for a short-term spending bill, and to do the opposite of what the Biden administration is doing. Top Republican on House Ways and Means says American should expect to see Republicans in January, “focus on less government spending, taxes and regulation that drive inflation, more American made energy, reconnecting workers to their jobs, and more innovation that can drive prices down," Brady commenting, “essentially, our focus will be to do the opposite of what President Biden does."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/10/202238 minutes, 35 seconds
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Larry Elder: ‘I'm thinking about throwing my 'Blackface of White Supremacy' in the contest’ for 2024

Larry Elder hints at a 2024 Presidential run on the platform of restoring the nuclear family and remarks to when he ran for California governor, and the Los Angeles Times wrote a column referring to him as the “Blackface of White Supremacy”. Elder also discusses the creation of, ‘Old Glory Bank’ a new alternative to liberal, cancel culture banks that supports freedom of speech and address widespread concerns conservative have about their banks punishing them and their accounts for their political and religious beliefs.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/9/202254 minutes, 26 seconds
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Rep. James Comer: Democrat 'quid pro quo' argument stronger with Biden than Trump

Rep. James Comer (R-KY) criticized President Biden for trying to get Saudi Arabia to have OPEC+ "increase oil production before the election," arguing that was more of "a quid pro quo" than Democrats' first impeachment argument against former President Trump.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/8/20221 hour, 3 minutes, 54 seconds
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Amb. John Bolton says he’s ‘prepared’ to run in 2024 to stop Trump, after recent Constitution remarks

Ambassador John Bolton discusses his potential 2024 Presidential bid after former President Trump’s controversial comments concerning the Constitution. Bolton says, He “was stunned by former President Trump's comments about terminating the Constitution over the past weekend,” and was “also surprised and worried at the absence of real repudiation of the view that the Constitution can be terminated by Republican leaders, and especially the people who have been mentioned as potential candidates for our 2024 presidential nomination.” The former Trump national security adviser says, that he started out by tweeting about it, “and then the more [he] thought about it, “the more it worried him both from a principled point of view that you can't have a party leader who doesn't accept the Constitution, but also from the point of view of practical politics, that this comment by Trump is like a time bomb that every Republican candidate will be carrying around in this election cycle unless we repudiate it. So my point is, if others aren't going to do it, I'm prepared to do it.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/7/20221 hour, 7 minutes, 51 seconds
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OK Gov. Kevin Stitt: Parents more active than ever in education, pre-Covid norm of 'unions' telling what's best no more

John Solomon, Editor-in-Chief of Just the News, hosts ‘The New Foundation for American Greatness’ sponsored by Heritage Action for America discussing our history of American exceptionalism and the need for this foundational idea to be instilled in the next generation of America’s youth. Expert panel featuring: Oklahoma Republican Governor Kevin Stitt, ‘Parents Defending Education’ President Nicole Neily, "Trans Life Survivors and Articles of Impeachment Against Sex Change Surgery" author Walt Heyer, Heritage Sentinel volunteer Ismael Moran, ‘The White Rose Resistance’ founder Seth Gruber, ‘Heritage Action for America’ Executive Director Jessica Anderson.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/6/202255 minutes
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Dr. Risch on Govt false Covid claims: 'Fast and loose' with stats, 'trying to be plausible, is not science'

John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, No Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you Information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. Interviews with Dr. Harvey Risch, ’The Chosen’ -Co-Founder and President of Angel Studios, Jordan Harmon, Arizona- Mohave County Board of Supervisors Chairman Ron Gould, Rep. Scott Perry, and Rep. Greg Murphy. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern Time or watch any time at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/5/202245 minutes, 34 seconds
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Gov. Kristi Noem: GOP leaders need to answer ‘why we’re not winning,’ and ‘cast a vision for America’

John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, No Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you Information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. Interviews this week with South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem, former Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Chad Wolf, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, New York Congresswoman Claudia Tenney, Harvard Law Professor Emeritus Alan Dershowitz, and Author of ‘Levis’s Unbuttoned’ - Jennifer Sey.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/4/202254 minutes
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Ex-Democrat Senator: ‘Scared to death’ of widespread free speech censorship by US universities, think-tanks, and media

Robert Torricelli, former U.S. Senator from New Jersey, discusses protestors in Iran and free speech censorship on America’s college campuses. Torricelli comments that this trend is “troubling, and I don't know how we get out of it. And the odd thing about it is, it is the very institutions which have been the safeguard of American free thought and speech, American universities, think-tanks, the media, who are the worst offenders. We've entered in this period of American history, where are the range of permissible thought and speech has so narrowed, that if you depart from it at all, you are labeled, you are censored, and you are silenced.” The former Democrat senator comments, “It's incredibly dangerous. But who would have believed, the Founding Fathers would have been astounded that at a point in history American free thought and speech was challenged. And it didn't come from a foreign adversary, it didn't come from a radical political movement. It came from our own institutions, by labeling people whether it’s a racist, or antisemitic, or whatever other unattractive label, or simply claiming that the speech was unacceptable, because it's out of the norm. A free society moves in its’ thoughts by people who are out of the norm. We’ve progressed by people who are a step ahead in their thinking, you don’t progress by maintaining the status quo. I wish I could tell you how I thought that we could escape from this, I just I don't know, but it scares me to death.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/3/202228 minutes, 23 seconds
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McDaniel needs to just 'gracefully exit' as RNC boss after midterm flop: Arizona GOP chair

Kelli Ward, Chairwoman of the Arizona Republican Party, discusses the path forward for Republicans after disappointing midterm results and election integrity challenges in Arizona. When asked if the RNC has the right leadership, Ward responded that the Republican National Committee’s Chairwoman Rhonda McDaniel “has done, you know, a job and she's done a good job. It's a difficult job. I can tell you at the state level, it's difficult. It's a thankless job at the state level.” Saying, “But I think Ronna told us in January of 2021, that she was not going to run again, that this was her last term, that she wanted to rectify some of the things that happened in 2020. Those things haven't been rectified, they have not been fixed, and I think it's time for change. At the top of the RNC, I think Ronna should gracefully exit and allow someone else to come in and lead this organization.” Ward goes on that, “Instead, [Ronna’s] partnering up with a lot of the people who hate President Trump, to be honest, and to be frank. And I don't think that that's the direction that we want to go in our party. There is a move for many of the establishment, who have had such an iron grip on the Republican Party for so long, to do away with the America First message and do away with people who support making America great again. And I hate to see Ronna, as one or anyone, perpetuating that and putting us back and making us Democrat-like with all the people that we represent want us to be the party of faith, family and freedom, to be the party that supports small government and low taxes, personal responsibility, and following the Constitution. And they want to see that from the top all the way down to every grassroots activist, that exists currently.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/2/202253 minutes, 16 seconds
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Blackburn holds the line on Defense spending bill: ‘No vax mandate until recruitment, retention goals’ met

Senator Marsha Blackburn discusses her new bipartisan legislation removing “the Apple App Store and the Google Apps Store” as the gatekeepers for any and all apps that can go on your device.” She also discusses her amendments to the National Defense Authorization Act, which would “prohibit DoD from removing people who did not get the vaccine until DOD and the military branch reached their goals for their recruitment levels for the year.” This follows the past few years of low recruitment and retention numbers, as recent stats show that the military failed to reach their recruitment numbers by almost 25%. The Tennessee Senator comments, that “we know that recruitment levels are way down, that that our army is going to be about 15,000 troops short this year, and they think it'll be about 21,000 troops short next year. So my amendment is simple. It doesn't say DOD, you cannot do a vaccine mandate. It says DOD, you cannot do a vaccine mandate until you reach your recruitment and retention goals, that protects our men and women in uniform. And it protects the the military, it protects our army, their mission, and being able to implement their core mission. I'm working with House Armed Services Committee and with Republicans in the House. We're trying to get this in the bill that the House is going to pass first and then sent over to us and Senate.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/1/202245 minutes, 33 seconds
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US Oil & Gas president on Biden Venezuela oil deal: Propping up Marxist gov't and 'one of the dirtiest oil producers globally’

Tim Stewart discusses the Biden administration’s recent relaxation of oil sanctions against Venezuela, after it authorized Chevron to resume oil production through its joint ventures in the country. The President of US Oil and Gas Association comments on the hypocrisy of the Biden’s comments at the climate summit, earlier this week, where he committed the United States to pay poor countries reparations for the climate damage the United States may have imposed on them, while asking Venezuela for oil who is “one of the dirtiest oil producers globally.” Stewart comments, Biden "wouldn't need to be lifting sanctions on Venezuela, if he hadn't kicked the Canadians to the curb on day-one of [his] administration, that for whatever reason, the administration views some oil as good and some oil as bad, and in this particular case, they told the Canadians we don't like your heavy crude, it's bad. But you know, 377 days later, they've decided Venezuelan heavy crude is good.” Stewart says "the reality is, we're essentially propping up the Marxist regime, rather than turning to our own resources or our close allies to the north, the Canadians."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/30/202238 minutes, 46 seconds
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Louisiana solicitor general: Biden calls for ‘carbon’ climate reparations would be at least $9.5T, maybe 3x more

Louisiana Solicitor General Liz Murrill discusses Biden’s remarks back from the recent climate summit, in which he called for the United States to pay for the ‘social cost of carbon’ or reparations for climate damage. Murrill comments that the motivation for this type of initiative is to “create weapons to attack fossil fuels and the industry.” Saying that “social cost of carbon,” is a “is one of the tools that [fossil fuel opposition] has come up with, that would help them accomplish that, it's a made up number that purports to measure the global harm that is created by a single metric ton of carbon being added to the environment. But once they come up with this number, then they start applying it to everything. And because we breathe carbon dioxide out, cows emit methane, industrial processes, and fertilizer and concrete, and all of these things emit these other greenhouse gases. So you start applying it across the board to everything. Now you can control the rest of the entire regulatory environment by trying to impose the social costs and say, Well, every time you take ‘X’ action it causes this damage, globally to the environment, and destroys the planet.” Saying, there is “no there’s no statues that actually authorize [the Biden Administration] to do this.,”  and that the cost right now is at $9.5 Trillion is based on old Obama era numbers, not the current administration’s number they’ve come out with.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/29/202239 minutes, 51 seconds
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Nunes: After GOP takes House, truth about Hunter Biden laptop 'will get out', 'no way Big Tech can censor us' anymore

John Solomon, Editor-in-Chief of Just the News, hosts ’State of America' co-hosted alongside Ambassador Pete Hoekstra, sponsored by ‘Citizens Committee on National Security.’ Discussing Republican leadership priorities heading into the new Congressional term, with what will be the House oversight investigation priorities, how they will reestablish the United States's national security, and their efforts to securing free and fair elections. Expert panel featuring: Rep. James Comer - incoming chair of the House Oversight Committee, former House Intelligence Committee chairman and Trump Media CEO- Devin Nunes, Roger Aronoff- Executive Director and Editor of ‘Citizens Committee on National Security,’ and J Christian Adams - President of Public Interest Legal Foundation.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/28/20221 hour, 9 minutes, 56 seconds
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Steube on Biden vaccine passport policy: If Covid is ‘over’ why do we need covid passports to get around

John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, Not Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you Information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. Interviews this week with Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ), Rep. Warren Davidson (R-OH), Rep. Greg Steube (R-FL), South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson, and comedian Michael Loftus. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern Time or watch any time at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/27/202247 minutes, 13 seconds
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Rep. Ralph Norman declares ‘cancer’ of ‘overspending’ as reason he won't vote for McCarthy as Speaker

South Carolina Congressman discuses his reasons for not supporting Kevin McCarthy to be the next Speaker of the House, saying "Washington is broken. There's a cancer in this country and it can't be fixed with aspirin. It's called overspending. When you're bankrupt, you can't function as a country." Additional interview with former Georgia Congressman Doug Collins discussing the Georgia recall election and why the Republicans need ‘to recoil’ from woke cancel culture of dubbing individuals as ‘guilty until proven innocent,’ saying as a country we have to return to the American judicial ideal of ‘innocent until proven guilty.’See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/26/202220 minutes, 11 seconds
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Bill O'Reilly to Biden: 'Anybody in the White House understand anything about macro economics?'

Bill O’Reilly discusses that the Biden administration doesn't seem to understand economics, based on the out of control spending and inflation. The host of "No Spin News," comments, “the Biden administration has started printing money like crazy and sending it to people just so people would survive, that just lit the fuse of this inflation. There are too many dollars now flying out of Washington with nowhere to go other than to people who spend them immediately. That drives prices up."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/25/202221 minutes, 26 seconds
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Thanksgiving Special: Just the News, No Noise

John Solomon and Amanda Head co-host of ‘Just the News, No Noise’ talk about what they are thankful for, their thanksgiving traditions, and some news of the day. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern Time or watch any time at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/24/202250 minutes, 58 seconds
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Special Report: ‘The New Foundation for American Greatness’

John Solomon, Editor-in-Chief of Just the News, hosts ‘The New Foundation for American Greatness’ sponsored by Heritage Action for America discussing our history of American exceptionalism and the need for this foundational idea to be instilled in the next generation of America’s youth. Expert panel featuring: Oklahoma Republican Governor Kevin Stitt, ‘Parents Defending Education’ President Nicole Neily, "Trans Life Survivors and Articles of Impeachment Against Sex Change Surgery" author Walt Heyer, Heritage Sentinel volunteer Ismael Moran, ‘The White Rose Resistance’ founder Seth Gruber, ‘Heritage Action for America’ Executive Director Jessica Anderson.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/23/202253 minutes, 49 seconds
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Rep. Chip Roy tells GOP leaders post woke pentagon report: Time to demand change, someone needs to step up and lead

Rep. Chip Roy takes aim at GOP leadership following the release of his recent report alongside Senator Marco Rubio which slams woke leaders for weakening America’s military. The Texas Congressman comments on the decision of nominating Kevin McCarthy as Speaker of the House, saying, “let me just say, I'm going to stick to my position,” no one has earned 218 votes needed by to elected someone as Speaker, “and someone needs to step up and earn the 218.” Saying, “In other words, if it's not Leader McCarthy, then is it going to be someone else, when we've got some people that are being bandied around, but whoever it is, I still want them to demonstrate that they're going to lead. This right now is a moment for introspection of a party that didn't perform as well as it should have in this disastrous climate with high inflation, high crime, open borders, and wokeness running amok. We didn't do as well as I think we should have, notwithstanding redistricting, and some of the excuses given on that. But I think we need to stand up and demand change. I'm certainly among those that believe that we need to demand change.” The Congressman comments, “I can promise you, no one is getting my support until they demonstrate that they're willing to lead this conference, to fight for what the American people sent us there to do.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/22/202247 minutes, 21 seconds
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Rep. Comer on Biden family business selling access to Joe Biden, govt for a decade: ‘This is corruption’

Rep. James Comer discusses last weeks press conference in which the Incoming Republicans of the House Oversight Committee showed the American public evidence of how pervasive President Joe Biden’s knowledge of his sons’ business dealings and how he was also involved. The incoming Oversight Committee chairman comments, “Hunter Biden wasn't manufacturing anything, he wasn't licensed to sell anything, he wasn't licensed to be a legitimate lobbyist or foreign agent. So what was the Biden family business has been is influence peddling, that's what it's been for the past decade. [The Biden’s] have made money off, ‘the family,’ so many emails, and text messages, prove that their whole business model and the reason that any client should pay them money, was to have access to Joe Biden and to have access to government at the highest level. This is wrong. This is corruption.” Comer comments, that “at the very least, the American people need to know that Joe Biden blatantly lied about having any knowledge of Hunters’ business dealings, more so, that he was involved in Hunters’ business dealings, people that [Joe Biden] said he never met, we have pictures of him meeting with them.” The Kentucky Congressman remarks, “this is something I think if the mainstream media spent more time reporting the facts, I think everyone in America would want a credible investigation of any potential wrongdoing, because they need to know and they can make their own judgments. Was Joe Biden compromised by China? Is that why we have an America last energy policy in the United States? Is that why we're having to beg OPEC for more oil production, because he was receiving millions of dollars from China to try to help China start taking ownership in the American energy industry? These are things the American people need to know and then they can base their decisions moving forward on whether, or not, they trust anything out of, not just this White House, but the mainstream media that's been defending Joe and Hunter Biden.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/21/202247 minutes, 25 seconds
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Paul Manafort: GOP ‘was out-organized and out-smarted’ in midterms, running on 4 year outdated strategy

John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, No Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you Information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. Interviews with Paul Manafort, Dr. Harvey Risch, 'Article 3 Project' founder Mike Davis, and attorney Victoria Toensing. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern Time or watch any time at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/20/202249 minutes, 20 seconds
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Huckabee: 'Adios' to country club, Liz Cheney Republicans who stood for nothing, didn't want America first

A special Saturday edition podcast to talk to former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee to discuss the evolution of the Republican Party. Huckabee comments, that he doesn’t want to go back to the party that didn't stand for anything, but wants the party to evolve and become known by the American people as unashamed for putting America first and fighting for the poorest among us. Interviews also with Liz Harrington, National Spokeswoman for President Donald J. Trump, discussing Trump 2024.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/19/202225 minutes, 49 seconds
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Special Report: 'State of America'

John Solomon, Editor-in-Chief of Just the News, hosts ’State of America' co-hosted alongside Ambassador Pete Hoekstra, sponsored by ‘Citizens Committee on National Security.’ Discussing Republican leadership priorities heading into the new Congressional term, with what will be the House oversight investigation priorities, how they will reestablish the United States's national security, and their efforts to securing free and fair elections. Expert panel featuring: Rep. James Comer - incoming chair of the House Oversight Committee, former Congressman and Trump Media CEO- Devin Nunes, Roger Aronoff- Executive Director and Editor of ‘Citizens Committee on National Security,’ and J Christian Adams - President of Public Interest Legal Foundation.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/18/20221 hour, 9 minutes, 56 seconds
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Biden admin should 'grow a spine,' support Iranian 'revolution,' says Iran expert

Bryan Leib, Executive Director of Iranian Americans for Liberty, discusses how the protests in Iran appear to be a revolution against the Islamic Republic regime and that it is "an opportunity...for the Biden administration to grow a spine" and "support the Iranian people" by "enacting the stiffest and toughest sanctions."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/17/20221 hour, 6 minutes, 9 seconds
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Border agent union head: Voters are swayed by facts on issues like border encounters, election fraud - not rhetoric

Brandon Judd, Border Patrol Union President discusses Republican messaging and the staggering number of border encounters in the month of October alone. Judd comments that he believes that, " Republicans did not have the huge red wave is that there's a lot of people out there that believe that the elections were stolen, and they very well might have. But what people want to see, is they want to see the evidence, they want to see evidence of what's going on. And that's what Governor Abbott is doing. He is showing the evidence of what is currently taking place on the border. And when people can actually see the evidence rather than rhetoric, rather than just talk. When people see the evidence, they're more likely to step to step up and voice their concerns, and let their elected officials know that they want change on the border. And that's what [Governor Abbott] is doing. He's not giving us rhetoric, he's giving us the evidence, he's showing what is currently happening, and then he on top of that, he is taking action. That's what we need from elected officials."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/16/202241 minutes, 36 seconds
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Rudy Giuliani on Feds ending 2 year investigation without criminal charges: ‘Where do I go to get my reputation back?’

Rudy Giuliani comments on Federal prosecutors ending their Ukraine-related investigation without filing criminal charges after more than two years. The former New York City Mayor comments, “In the words of former Secretary of Labor, Ray Donovan, ‘where do I go to get my reputation back?’ Now, I'm not going to go into detail, but I know that case, I was an associate of the Attorney General, who knew that [Donovan] was innocent. And he went through five years of being tortured, eventually was cleared by a special prosecutor, and then prosecuted by the Bronx District Attorney and acquitted again. So where do I go to get my reputation back? Why don't I go to get my lost clients back? Where do I go to get the $3-4 million they cost me, legal fees, damaged other parts of my business. I mean, they've virtually ruined my law practice, and played a part in the equally absurd and unconstitutional suspension of my law license, which makes it even more outrageous.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/15/20221 hour, 5 minutes, 14 seconds
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Ex-Border Patrol Chief urges new GOP Hill leaders to defund DHS over border crisis

Mark Morgan, former Acting Commissioner of the Border Patrol calls on newly elected Congress to use the “power of the purse” to force the Biden Administration to deal with the ongoing border crisis. Morgan comments, that Republicans will have the gavel starting in January, and have “got to have the political strength, courage, and will, to use that power, that authority, they've got to stop the bleeding.” Commenting, “now look are [Republicans] going to be able to pass legislation that [President Biden] is going to accept? Probably not. But look, they can stop the bleeding. For example, let's stop funding DHS, the very organization that has shepherded in the open border policies that are literally killing Americans. Oh, and by the way, also killing migrants every single day. Let's say no, enough is enough, we're not going to continue because if they don't, they're enablers.” The former Border Patrol Chief says, Republican leadership has to be willing to do the unpopular actions, like "being willing to shut down the government to say enough is enough, and to have the political strength, courage, will, and the ability to articulate to American people why we're doing it, because literally Americans are dying every single day because of this administration's open border policies."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/14/202237 minutes, 55 seconds
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Pollster Scott Rasmussen: 80% of Americans think all ballots should be in, counted by Election Day

John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, Not Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you Information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. Interviews this week with Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI), Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), Harvard Professor Emeritus Alan Dershowitz, Conservative political commentator Lou Dobbs, and Pollster Scott Rasmussen. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern Time or watch any time at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/13/202250 minutes, 18 seconds
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Ahead of election letdowns, ex-EU ambassador said January 6 ‘red line’ for Trump running in 2024

Former Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland, talks about Trump 2024, the failures of the EU and the United States leading up to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and his new book ‘The Envoy: Mastering the Art of Diplomacy with Trump and the World.’ Ambassador Sondland comments, he “hopes [Trump] doesn’t” run in 2024, saying there “are excellent candidates that can carry those policies forward.” His reasoning being, that, “January 6, was a red line. I could take the good, the bad, and the ugly from the day he came down the escalator until January 6, there are a lot of incredibly important things that President Trump did. There were also some very destructive things he did. But it's like any relationship, you roll with the punches. I did not think anything that he had done while I served, merited my resignation. In other words, even if I didn't support what he said, or did, I saluted smartly, and was a good sort of company soldier, because again, I didn't think it rose to the point where I was prepared to resign over it.” Sondland comments that, “the January 6 thing was different, because the transfer of power, the peaceful transfer of power, for America is critical. It's absolutely critical. That's what we do. That's our brand, and for the world to see what happened on January 6, and the events leading up to it in the events following it, I think, really damaged us. Maybe not irreparably, but certainly for a long time. The Ambassador, who served in the Trump administration, comments that while Trump was a great President, he should become “an elder statesman, a kingmaker, and let one of the 5,6,7 really great candidates out there, advance, move forward and take a lot of the good things he did, and then employ those as the new policies in 2024. I think the country would be better served.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/12/202226 minutes, 18 seconds
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Veterans Day Special: Honoring Those Who've Served

John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, Not Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you Information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. Special interviews today with former National Security Advisor and Retired General Michael Flynn, former Acting Secretary of Veterans Affairs Peter O’Rourke, Chairman of 'Tunnel 2 Towers’ Frank Siller, and former Georgia Congressman Doug Collins. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern Time or watch any time at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/11/202248 minutes, 32 seconds
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Kash Patel’s top investigations for new GOP-led Congress: FBI-DOJ, Fauci, impeachments, Jan 6

Kash Patel talks post-midterm review and gives his top picks for priority investigations that the newly elected GOP Congress should take up in the new term. Patel comments that the, “FBI and DOJ has to be number one, the two tier system of justice that these radical left-Democrats, and their government gangsters have created, be it from Russia-gate, to January 6, to impeachments, what we're seeing now in the political prosecution of people who stood up for America first priorities, or what happened with the January 6 detainees, all of these unequal systems of justice have to be stopped.” Explaining that FBI whistleblowers are coming out in droves, “telling us that the FBI is lying to the American public and to Congress, falsely labeling people domestic violent extremists, removing field agents from child sex crimes, so they can prosecute and kidnap and take down child sex offenders. Instead, they are giving these case statistics falsely to the Washington bureau head office and Chris Wray, so they can go to Congress and lie, which I believe he did. Got to start there. We got to go to Fauci, that's a must, the guy lied to America and to the world about China virus.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/10/202248 minutes, 26 seconds
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Gingrich to Trump: Good time to be 'rethinking and reappraising’ decision to run in 2024

Former Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich breaks down last night’s election results across the country and gives his take on Trump’s suspected run in 2024. Gingrich says, Trump 'is a very, very smart man, and I'm sure that he is very disappointed. He worked very hard, he did a whole array of rallies of thousands of people. And I know, because I have the same feeling, I know that he went into election day thinking it was going to be a huge success and I suspect that he's going to do some kind of rethinking and reappraising, that I'm also going to, and we don't know where it's gonna come out, he is a very smart guy. And he's got to answer two questions. Can he in fact beat DeSantis? He probably would say, Yes. And then, coming out of that fight, would he ever be able to win a general election? Because I think I don't think he wants to run and have that kind of situation."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/9/202253 minutes, 37 seconds
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Trafalgar Pollster: Watch for ‘submerged’ GOP voters, won’t show up in polling for fear of political backlash but vote

Chief Pollster of the Trafalgar Group, Robert Cahaly, says there is a segment of Republican voters, that he calls “submerged voters,” that are convinced that the Biden administration has criminalized political thought and behavior, and are not showing up in the polling. Cahaly says that people should be watching for these voters as they don’t poll, but will show up to vote, and could have a major shift on numbers today.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/8/20221 hour, 1 minute, 18 seconds
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Rep. Grothman to voters: Innocence of children on the ballot, we've got to wake up or will have a different America

Rep. Glenn Grothman appeals to voters on the eve of the midterm elections, "among many other Democrat initiatives out there, every single Democrat in Congress, 220 out of 220, voted for the LGBTI Data Inclusion Act, saying that all Americans are going to be asked what their sexual preference are. Are you transgender? Are you binary? Are you gay? And by all Americans, I mean, Americans down to seven, six, or five-years-old.” The Wisconsin Congressman says, "the idea that would be the government's business to ask a 30-year-old, what their sexual preferences is outlandish. It's more outlandish when we talk about 14-years-old, it's more outlandish when we talk about nine-years-old that had passed out of the House of Representatives. If there were two more Democrat senators that would be the law today, this idea of robbing children of their childhood, asking an eight or nine-year-old, are you gay? Are you transgender is beyond belief. It's beyond belief, the local nuts school board did it. It's more beyond belief, if the US Congress does it, and we are very close to that happening.” Congressman speaks to the imporatant goal of waking up the public. Congressman says, "that the only reason that [Democrats] been able to get away with this is, that the public has been asleep or not caring. And the idea that we should sit here, as our young children become sexualized, or wondering whether they're gay or transgendered. It's just beyond belief. I think the Republicans are focusing on inflation and crime, and that's fine. But they also ought to be telling the parents of children out there, telling everybody, that the privacy of the adults is on the line, and the innocence of children is on the line. Every one of these Democrats wants to ask young children, are you gay or not, at a very young age, and that is just so far from what our country's value should be.” The Congressman discusses important issues that have been left to the wayside such as open borders, crime, the drug overdose epedemic is because "the Democrats are able to get away with this is because don't pay a price at the polls.” Grothman appeals to the American public that they have "got to wake up, or we will permanently have a very different sort of America."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/7/202241 minutes, 56 seconds
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Rep. Biggs on 'pandemic amnesty:' Not acceptable after stripping away so many Americans rights, treatment of elderly, children

John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, Not Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you Information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. Interviews with J. Christian Adams, Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ), Rep. Bryan Steil (R-WI), Senior Fellow at CPAC- Mercedes Schlapp, and Citizens United President Dave Bossie. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern Time or watch any time at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/6/202251 minutes, 17 seconds
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Kari Lake: 'The true threat to democracy is the Left telling us that we can't question our government’

Arizona is being looked at by many as the bell weather of this upcoming midterm election on Tuesday. Meet the candidates who are leading the charge, interviews with: Arizona GOP gubernatorial nominee Kari Lake, Arizona GOP Attorney General nominee Abe Hamadeh, and Arizona GOP Secretary of State nominee Mark Finchem. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern Time or watch any time at See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/5/202230 minutes, 29 seconds
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Liz Wheeler: Biden's lies on inflation, gas not lost on Americans, know results of his 'deliberate political choice’

Liz Wheeler, host of the ‘Liz Wheeler Show’, discusses the fast-approaching midterm elections and how the current polictical landscape are the results of “deliberate political choice from Biden”. Wheeler comments that this fact is not lost on the American people, regardless of if Presidnet Biden or Democrats choose to acknowledge it. She says, "the American people are a lot smarter than the Biden administration realizes, it doesn't take someone who is a political junkie like I am or a political junkie, like you are, John, to see that on every one of these issues, it’s a result of a deliberate political choice from Biden.” She says that Americans "know that inflation and gas prices are impacted because Joe Biden refuses to be energy independent that he sided with the anti-fossil fuel, 'green lobbyists’ and refuse to use our domestic energy supply, therefore, not only rendering us dependent on foreign oil, but also driving up the cost of our energy.” Continuing, "You don't have to be an economist to see that we all see, that every voter in the United States understands that the same with their their racialism and their division, their their assault on parental rights in school, you don't have to be some die-hard conservative to not want your child taught that black people are inherently oppressed because of the color of their skin and white people are inherently oppressors because of the color of their skin. And when the when the Biden administration and the Left lies about that, people aren't stupid, they can see the curriculum that's being taught to their children in school, and they don't want that. The same with this, this new narrative from the Left where they claim, and what Biden said, that what's on the ballot this year is our democracy. He's painting all Republicans as a threat to our democracy and people understand that the left doesn't actually care about political violence.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/4/202247 minutes, 48 seconds
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Fmr. Reagan/Bush official: Biden ‘so out of tune, he’s singing from a completely different script than American people’

Robert ‘Bobby’ Charles, former Reagan appointee and Bush administration official, discusses President Biden’s latest speech given on Capitol Hill just 6 days before midterm elections where he “identified Republicans as enemies of the people, enemies of the state, and a threat to democracy.” Biden speech comes on the heels of recent polling which shows Americans are primarily concerned with high inflation and rampant crime. Charles responds that President’s speech last night “was a disgrace,” and “disgusting,” saying, “that a president of the United States has never historically come out and essentially tried to delegitimize the totality of their opposition, and that's exactly what [Biden] did last night.” Charles comments that it is “really so out of tune, that it's like singing from a completely different script from where the American people are.” He goes on to say that, “the irony is that everything that [Biden] quoted as political philosophy really defends the Republican frame of mind, because this country was really founded on individual liberties, and ultimately equality of opportunity for everyone, and that's what the Republican Party stands for. That's why the Hispanic population is moving this way, the black population is moving Republican. When you go state by state, you can see that the abandonment of responsibility as leadership by this one party rule, this Democrat-rule, has really infuriated average Americans.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/3/202249 minutes, 6 seconds
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Tsunami Warning? Mark Meckler: 79% of Gen Z do not believe Biden, Dems deserve to be reelected

Mark Meckler, founder of the Convention of the States, discusses recent polling further showing warning signs to Democrats that next Tuesday could be a “red tsunami” for Republicans. Meckler comments on shocking results from recent polling which asked voters whether they “believe that Biden and Democrats have made the case” that they deserve to be reelected, 79.1% of Gen Z voters, aged 18-24, responded no.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/2/202259 minutes, 32 seconds
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Michele Bachmann: Dems 'virtue signaling not received well by the American public,' going to lose big Tuesday

Former Presidential Candidate Michele Bachmann discusses the importance of the results of the Brazilian election which saw the electing of communist leader Lula da Silva, and what impact the election results coming out of Israel in the coming days and the United States next week will have on the world stage in the future. The former congresswoman comments that this next Tuesday will be a repudiation of the Democrats agenda, saying Americans "don't want one more day of what it is that [Democrats] dishing out because Americans can't afford Joe Biden, that’s the bottom line, they can't afford it, because they're looking at their futures going up in smoke.” She says "people are seeing their their dream of home ownership evaporate, but they're seeing that just something as simple as going to the grocery store is really becoming a depressing event for a family. Buying food is a depressing event and so people just don't trust anymore in the future. And that's the great thing about America, America was always future oriented, how the next generation was going to do better. There's there's kind of a sense of depression, that has fallen on people. So I think people, the referendum is, we don't want this, we want our nation back, give us our nation back. And people aren't going to stand for what's coming out of Washington DC. I think the Democrats are going to find that all of their being cooler than the next guy, their virtue signaling is not being received well by the American public, and they're gonna get slapped next Tuesday pretty hard."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/1/202257 minutes, 26 seconds
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Israelis return to polls for fifth time, ex-Israeli ambassador says this election a vote 'for Netanyahu or against'

Ambassador Ron Dermer discusses Israelis heading to the polls tomorrow in the country’s fifth election in three-and-a-half years. The former Israeli ambassador to the United States says that while national security and the economy should rank high on voter priorities, that “there’s been very little discussion about policy during this campaign, it’s really been a question of for Netanyahu or against Netanyahu.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/31/202247 minutes, 55 seconds
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AG Jeff Landry case on Big Tech-Govt censorship, the ‘biggest case of this century’ involves Fauci, Biden admin

John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, Not Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you Information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. Interviews this week with North Carolina Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson, Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry, former Republican Presidential candidate Michele Bachmann, Texas Congressman Troy Nehls, Candidate for Congress Mike Collins (GA-10), and singer Lauren Kellie. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern Time or watch any time at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/30/20221 hour, 4 minutes, 53 seconds
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Issa: Ongoing lockdown consequences shows US had 'awful' COVID response, must be dealt with for next crisis

Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) discusses the United States ‘awful’ reaction to COVID and the consequences arising from the lockdown mandates arising in child education, the economy, and the workforce. Additional interviews with Southeastern Legal Foundation Chief Counsel Kimberly Hermann discusses her huge win in the Missouri courts this week! See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/29/202234 minutes, 26 seconds
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Special report: 'On Offense: Policy for the People'

John Solomon, Editor-in-Chief of Just the News, hosts 'On Offense: Policy for the People' sponsored by Heritage Action for America for an in-depth discussion on the fast approaching midterm elections on November 8th with Republicans and Democrats watching to see if this is an affirmative or repudiation election of the Biden administrations policies. Interviews including: Wisconsin Republican Sen. Ron Johnson, Georgia Republican Rep. Austin Scott, Washington GOP Senate candidate Tiffany Smiley, Florida GOP House candidate Cory Mills, and Heritage Action for America Executive Director Jessica Anderson.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/28/202253 minutes, 58 seconds
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John McLaughlin: '65% of voters think the country is on the wrong track,' majority blame Joe Biden as cause

Pollster John McLaughlin discusses "most recent national polls last week, showing that 65% of all voters thought that the country is on the wrong track. And of those that thought the country was on the wrong track, 67% blame Joe Biden.” The former Trump pollster compares recent numbers to three months ago, which showed that "the Republicans were tied 45-45 of the generic vote, then in September is 48-44 with Republicans going ahead and Now it's 49-43.” McLaughlin remarks, that "We have not seen numbers like this since 1994, and Joe Biden's upside down with a 45 Approved 52 disapprove, and what's really driving it, almost half the voters told us the top issue was an economic issue being led by inflation."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/27/202258 minutes, 32 seconds
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Rep. Brian Babin: Democrat ‘regime in Washington today is killing America,’ vote them out

Rep. Brain Babin discusses the deadly consequences of the Biden administration open border policies and appeals to voters to "get out and vote". The Texas Congressman says America is "suffering from an acute lack of wise leadership, like in no other time in US history, not only on the border, but every other issue as well, the economy, inflation, our crime wave, the vaccine mandates, the workforce shortages, nuclear war, it is just so unbelievable.” Commenting the Border is not only a huge national security threat to United States but also deadly, with “more than 14,000 pounds of deadly fentanyl has been seized in this fiscal year alone." Saying, "that is almost more than you can scarcely conceive seven-tons of fentanyl being made into candy-like tablets and pills to try to lure children. That's the only thing you can say, all of this has been enabled by the Biden administration, and no one has probably enriched or empowered the cartels more than Secretary Mayorkas, Joe Biden, and these democrats on our border.” The Congressman says that the amount of deaths seen in this fiscal year is alarming, saying, "how many people have to die before this President realizes, and the American people see, 856 migrants themselves have been found dead on the border in fiscal year 2022.” Adding that since the new fiscal year on October 1, "25 more migrants have already passed away, it is unbelievable what we're seeing. And all they need to do is to start re-implementing the solutions that the Trump administration really worked so hard on, with negotiations with Mexico and with the Central American countries, Title 42, finish this border wall, do all the things that we were already on track to do. But they will not do it, because they have an ideology, an agenda, a strategy to bring in more people, and they don’t give a hang about how many Americans die.”  The Congressman appeals to voters, "to get out and vote folks, because this regime in Washington today is killing America."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/26/202244 minutes, 50 seconds
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Rep. Grothman: 'We're going to lose next generation of children unless we beat back' leftist ideology in this election

Two week out from the 2022 midterm elections, polls show that transgenderism is an undercurrent issue uniting voters across the aisle and driving voters to the polls. Interviews today on the topic are Rep. Glenn Grothman (R-WI), and President of Summit Ministries, Dr. Jeff Myers.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/25/202229 minutes, 39 seconds
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CIA's top Russia spy slams Biden for allowing Putin to control the narrative

Dan Hoffman, former CIA Moscow station chief, discusses President Biden feeding into the Putin’s narrative of nuclear war and allowing the longtime Russian President to fearmonger. Hoffman says the does not think it will "influence Ukraine's will to fight. And we saw that the Nazis do that, you know, to the UK, and it didn't alter their will to fight either, and I think Putin knows that.” The retired spy comments that Putin is "trying to play to his own ultra-nationalist base that is wondering why this special military operation that Putin claimed would would topple Kyiv's government in days hasn't succeeded.” Hoffman says that Putin is using an idea called "historical placement, meaning, when you look at a leader, for example, George Herbert Walker Bush fought in the Second World War and looked at Saddam's invasion of Kuwait, in terms of that war and said, we're not going to appease Saddam, just as you know, we failed when we appeased Hitler. And in the case of President Biden, Putin looked at Biden said, here's a guy who was just about 20 years old during the Cuban Missile Crisis. I'm going to play on the President's fear of what President Biden has said, World War Three Armageddon, that's giving Putin kind of adding throwaway to Putin's rhetorical brinkmanship.” Hoffman says if he were giving advice to the White House, he say "please, Mr. President, message discipline, don't do that, talk about it privately, but don't act like this is something you're concerned about publicly, because you're gonna give Vladimir Putin what he wants and we just need to tell the Russians that if they would have launched a tactical nuclear weapon, we would respond forcefully, that's Article Five, using a nuclear weapon on European soil. But we don't need to, to kind of subject ourselves to the fear mongering, you know, that Putin is, is trying to impose upon us."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/24/202238 minutes, 1 second
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Kari Lake on her progress with hostile media: 'Retraining the press how to be journalists'

John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, Not Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you Information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. Interviews with conservative thoughtleader Victor Davis Hanson, Arizona Gubernatorial Nominee Kari Lake, Congressional candidate Joe Kent (WA-03), Trafalager Group founder Robert Cahaly, Pollster Scott Rasmussen. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern Time or watch any time at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/23/202254 minutes, 13 seconds
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Former Cheney chief of staff: Biden will 'plead, beg, bribe, or offer rewards' to reach Iran nuclear deal

A special Saturday edition podcast to talk to Lewis “Scooter” Libby, former chief of staff to Vice President Dick Cheney on all things foreign policy and national security. Gives his take on Iraq, Iran nuclear deal, and the Biden administration working itself into a corner.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/22/20221 hour, 29 minutes, 54 seconds
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Fred Fleitz on Pentagon low weapons warning: Biden didn't have grasp of national security even when he had his wits

Fred Fleitz, former chief of staff to the National Security Council under President Trump, discusses the Biden Administration seemingly lack of policy towards any of the conflicts going on across the world. Fleitz responds that Biden policy towards Ukraine “is so incredibly foolish,” we are wearing down our stockpiles of weapons, giving it to Ukraine who in the meantime "the people of Ukraine will starve and freeze to death during the Winter because their energy and water has been destroyed by Russian missiles. That's not a victory, and that's why I really think it is a huge mistake by this administration and Europe not to put the utmost importance on negotiations to end the war.” The vice chair of America First Policy Institute going on to quote the great Bob Gates, who said "that Biden has the wrong about every national security issue for decades. That's when [Biden] was a young man. He didn't have good sense of national security when he has his senses about him. Now, as he's walking around eating ice cream and saying incomprehensible things, and reversing our Taiwan policy, every time he opens his mouth, it's not a surprise that major issues, like maintaining our weapons arsenal isn't being tended to, this man is incompetent."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/21/202241 minutes, 10 seconds
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Top conservative group: 61% of Hispanics think Biden cares less about middle class than prior presidents

Rebecca Weber, CEO of Association of Mature American Citizens, discusses a shocking poll done with Trafalgar Group, that 51.2% of Americans believe the Biden Administration cares less about the middle class than prior administrations. The polling also went on to say that 61% of Hispanics said that they believed that the Biden Administration cares much less about the middle class than prior administrations. This comes at a time when Republicans are surging in the polls across the country, just weeks out from the November 8 midterm election, where Democrats are hoping to keep control of the House and Senate.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/20/202254 minutes, 26 seconds
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Glenn Beck: DeSantis is ‘the most exciting candidate that I've seen in a long time’

Glenn Beck discusses the new Republicans coming up and the dire need for common sense in our country. Beck comments that a strong leader is needed to get us going in the right direction again, saying, “the most exciting candidate that I've seen in a long time, is DeSantis. I think he's a guy that could actually navigate through these waters.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/19/202241 minutes, 22 seconds
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Gingrich: Polls show GOP ‘tsunami from coast to coast,’ blue safe seats now up for grabs in Connecticut, Oregon

Newt Gingrich discusses polling just 21 days out from the November midterm elections. The former Speaker of the House comments what he is seeing is the “building of a real tsunami, because it goes from coast to coast. It goes from Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Connecticut, all the way across to Washington State, Nevada, Arizona.” Saying, “you’re seeing race after race where the Republicans are gaining ground, or are actually pulling ahead and moving out. Candidates like Blumenthal, for example, in Connecticut, who people thought was totally safe, is now in a very, very close five point race and getting narrower.” Gingrich talks about another safe seat, the governor of Connecticut who has been unexpectedly behind in the polls recently “bleeding by 49 to 44, and two policemen were killed last week in Connecticut and the police would not allow the Governor to speak at the memorial, because they're so angry at him about a bill he passed during the Black Lives Matter riots, which was pro-criminal and anti-police. And so, these dynamics are building everywhere.” The former Speaker says another example of the undercurrent issues is one week ago when two people in New York “were shot in front of gubernatorial candidate Lee Zeldin's home, while his two teenage daughters were studying inside, and that totally dominated the television news in New York for three days. Zeldin went from a slightly behind to basically even with the incumbent Governor, almost overnight, and so you just see these things happening all around the country.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/18/202246 minutes, 42 seconds
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Grenell: Biden funds both sides- $19B to Ukraine while brokering deal with Iran, who supplies Russia war drones

Ric Grenell, former director of National Intelligence comments on his recent tweet that, "The Biden Administration is giving Ukraine $19 billion while negotiating with the Iranian Regime to give them billions of dollars – all the while Iran supplies Russia with drones to attack Ukraine," "Biden is officially on both sides of the Ukraine war." The former ambassador comments, “it's outrageous, but for Washington, it just means that all those big contractors get to get more money, a war goes on, and they keep funding this whole mess. Meanwhile, diplomacy is pushed off to the side. It's such a missed opportunity.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/17/20221 hour, 10 minutes, 12 seconds
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Rep. Comer: 'We’re investigating Hunter Biden, not to get Hunter Biden,’ but because he's a 'national security threat'

John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, Not Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you Information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. Interviews this week with House Oversight ranking member James Comer (R-KY),  former FBI Assistant Intelligence Director Kevin Brock, Pennsylvania Republican Gubernatorial nominee Doug Mastriano, head of National Council of Resistance of Iran Ali Safavi, and country music star John Rich.To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern Time or watch any time at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/16/202248 minutes, 54 seconds
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Bill O’Reilly on Jan 6 committee: 'As history is concerned, it’s nothing, nobody will remember it'

A special Saturday edition podcast to talk to Bill O’Reilly from No Spin News on how history will remember the January 6 committee, Sebastian Gorka from the Great America show, and former New York Police Commissioner Bernie Kerik.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/15/202231 minutes, 49 seconds
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Rep. Ben Cline: GOP has opportunity to privatize part, all of the Postal Service after years of mismanagement

Rep. Ben Cline discusses the years of mismanagment of federal agencies like the United States Postal Service and Amtrak, after the Post Office announced this week, it was raising the price of stamps again for the second time this year. The Virgina Congressman says, "the Postal Service, just like several other federal agencies, is an inefficient bureaucracy that can't innovate and keep up with the times. And rather than just continue to reward them with more and bigger budgets, we need to start demanding results, and put in some triggers, where you incentivize these bureaucrats to actually cut costs or then they either have part of their business outsourced.” The Congressman goes on to say that "the British have just finished privatizing their postal service. So we've got some catching up to do and I think that a Republican, a new Republican majority has just the opportunity to explore those options.” Cline explains that, "nobody wants to cut back on mail service. Everybody values, especially out in rural America, getting Postal Service six days a week. But the competitors are offering seven days a week and so what you have is competitors across the board that are doing it better, often times, and for less for their own operational costs. So we've got to start either looking to them to provide some of this service or adopting some of their practices that would help improve efficiency."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/14/202239 minutes, 23 seconds
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Devin Nunes: FBI's $1M payment for Steele dossier, 'a bounty program to get Donald Trump,’ no other way to explain it

Devin Nunes, CEO of Truth Social, discusses breaking news, that within the last 24 hours the truth social app has finally made it finally into the Google Play Store, It is now available in both of the largest smartphone stores in the United States. Nunes also discusses the Danchenko trial and the breakings news that FBI could not corroboate the Steele dossier, so they offered $1 million dollars to Christopher Steele right before the 2016 election, in effort to verify it. The former Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee says, "I don't know how you describe this million dollar payment or potential payment to Steele as anything other than what it was, a bounty program to get Donald Trump. That's what it was plain and simple. Steele was being paid already by the FBI, and then they go and offer him $1 million dollars to corroborate the dossier. Now, John, you've been around Washington DC a long time, you probably have a lot more experience than I do. But there are not too many awards out there that are in that $1 million dollar range. I mean, it seems like I remember that Osama bin Laden, there was like a $25 million reward and I think that might have been the largest ever."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/13/202253 minutes, 48 seconds
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Rep. Austin Scott says 'people need to go to prison,' for FBI offering $1M for Russiagate's Steele dossier

Rep. Austin Scott discusses breaking news from the Danchecko Trial yesterday, which revealed that the FBI could not corroborate the Steele dossier, so they tried to offer $1 million dollars to Christopher Steele right before the 2016 election to verify it, to which he declined. John Durham also revealed that the FBI then went to the FISA courts and submitted the dossier as verified and validated evidence, knowing that it wasn’t true in an effort to mislead Congress on Trump-Russia collusion narrative. The Georgia Congressman comments, that "people need to get a prison for that. We need an FBI that functions in an apolitical manner, and they have brought tremendous amounts of shame to that institution.” Saying, that when Republicans win back the House, he hopes that this will be one of the first investigations, because “there’s more than a smoking gun there, it’s an actual fire."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/12/202242 minutes, 2 seconds
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Ward Connerly: SCOTUS allows universities to use affirmative action in ‘perverse’ way, legally discriminate by race

Ward Connerly, President of American Civil Rights Institute, discusses the harmful effects that the Supreme Court’s ruling on affirmative action in universities has done to American society. Connerly says that this began, “because the American people, primarily whites during this period so that I felt a certain sense of guilt I think it was that's how I would describe it John, and they wanted to allow diversity to occur. This diversity sounds so does seductive, surely we want diversity but we want non-discrimination more than I think we want diversity. But we didn't fight back, we didn't push back, we bent the knee to the center cause for celebrating our diversity. And as a result, we've broken the law in many cases.” The long time critic of affirmative action comments, that initially when “the Court allowed the use of race and said that it was a matter of a compelling state interest, diversity that is, that ruling has allowed universities to use race in a very perverse sort of way.” Commenting, “the court said you could use race as one of many factors, but in the real world, one of many factors means everything, because when you're looking at a person, and deciding whether to use their race, nothing else really matters, but their color, and thats what we are faced with right now.” Connerly goes on to say that President Biden promised to be the most progressive president if he won, and that’s what he has accomplished. “President Biden and Vice President Harris have adopted the pursuit of equity as their motto, and that means race this and race that and it's a far cry from what President Kennedy said which was, that race has no place in American life or the law. So this is bad for the country, really bad.” Connerly, who served on the University of California Board of Regents, uses the school as an example, saying “at the bottom of virtually every legal document of the university, it says the university does not discriminate based on race, sex, color, sexual orientation, etcetera.” “It’s a lie, we discriminate big time, because the university has a view in its mind of what the student body ought to look like, what the faculty ought to look like, what the staff ought to look like, and they do their dastardly deeds and nobody fights it.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/11/202254 minutes, 30 seconds
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Special Report: 'On the Ballot: Open Borders'

John Solomon, Editor-in-Chief of Just the News, hosts ‘On the Ballot: Open Borders' hosted by 'Heritage Action for America' discussing the immigration issues surrounding the upcoming midterm elections. Expert panel featuring: America First Policy Institute Executive Director and Former Secretary of Homeland Security Chad Wolf, GOP Arizona Senate candidate Blake Masters, National Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd, Texas GOP House candidate Cassy Garcia, Heritage Foundation Border Security and Immigration Center Director Lora Ries, and Heritage Action for America Director of Grassroots Janae Stracke. To see the daily ‘Just the News, Not Noise’ show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern or watch any time at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/10/202253 minutes, 3 seconds
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Dr. Harvey Risch: CDC has ‘officially backtracked’ on COVID vaccines

John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, Not Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you Information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. Interviews with political commentator Lou Dobbs, former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, Dr. Harvey Risch, Lousiana Attorney General Jeff Landry, J. Christian Adams, US Oil and Gas President Tim Stewart, and Turning Point founder Charlie Kirk. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern Time or watch any time at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/9/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 22 seconds
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Former WH adviser: OPEC message to Biden - if you want to lower oil prices, burn your own abundant supply

A special Saturday edition podcast to talk to former White House national security adviser Victoria Coates on OPEC delivering a blow to President Biden’s agenda this week, announcing that they are cutting oil production, with less than a month till the midterm elections. Coates comments, our gulf partners and allies are sending a clear message to Biden, the United States is an “[oil] producing nation, you should be one of the three biggest energy producers in the world with the Russians and the Saudis, yet you act like a vulnerable consuming nation like China, or India.” The former Department of Energy official says, "and what [Biden] doesn't understand is driving prices down, for them, is bad for business, you know, they like high prices. If we want to drive prices down, why don't we maximize our production, which we have at our disposal. And so they're completely baffled, and they think the United States is not a good partner in this kind of negotiation or discussion of how you keep energy market stable, and they're not willing to carry the administration's water for them."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/8/202228 minutes, 47 seconds
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John Solomon gives his take on Hunter Biden news: Old story made to look new

Special podcast today to discuss breaking news yesterday that federal agents believe they have sufficient evident to charge Hunter Biden with tax crimes. John gives his take on why this old story is being made to look new, and his theories surrounding the timing of it. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/7/202235 minutes, 34 seconds
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Exclusive Interview with former President Donald Trump

President Trump joins the show today with an exclusive interview, giving his take on the FBI raid on Mar-a-lago, his lawsuit against CNN, Big Tech censorship, and prospects of 2024.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/6/202240 minutes, 49 seconds
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Former Trump official says Democrats censorship machine stolen from Chinese playbook

Mike Benz, former Trump official, says that Democrats had a "moment between 2017 and 2018 in their own internal meetings and deliberations, they would talk about basically their envy of the China model, that when there's populous movements and dissent groups within China, China has the advantage of being able to use its artificial intelligence and being able to use it.” Saying, “they have China envy…and now I would say, it's basically a bad knockoff of the Chinese model, if you will."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/5/202247 minutes, 33 seconds
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Phill Kline: To control a nation, must control how it selects leaders, flow of information – Big Tech's done both

Phill Kline, head of The Amistad Project, discusses recents reports that the federal government, in coordination with private entities, targeted an “enemies list” censoring over 22 millions social media post, 20 news sites in 2020. Kline comments that “there is an oligarchy, a partnership between the left and corporate leadership trying to run this country contrary to the basic principles of free speech, the freedom of assembly and political engagement.” Going on to say, that the label Big Tech has used as engaging “in disinformation, is people who don't align with them ideologically. It's not based on what they're saying, it's based on what they believe and that clearly is a violation of the First Amendment.” The director of election watchdog group, says that this uncovering of activities the federal government is engaging in is “dangerous,” commenting, “this type of entanglement where the government is communicating with oligarchs, then saying, what what do we need to get rid of and what do we allow, that makes the private sector an government actor, our Constitution prohibits government from restricting speech, it doesn't prohibit the private sector.” Saying ,that this is how the private sector has gone around the rules, “big tech firms are going to claim is they’re the private sector, so they can decide these things. But no, they're acting as the government.” Kline says, “if you try to, if you want to control a nation, you need to control the manner in which the nation selects its leaders, and big tech played a role in that. And, you need to control the flow of information and what [Just the News’s] article shows is, they were doing that as well.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/4/202244 minutes, 47 seconds
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Rep. Kat Cammack: Biden policies 'total utter failure,' woke ideology puts US in danger

Rep. Kat Cammack discusses the Biden Administrations continued policy towards the gas-energy crisis that the world is experiencing saying, President Biden’s performance is "a total utter failure.” This comes after recent reports that the United States' Strategic Petroleum Reserves has just 22 days of reserves left for the entire country, and is "at the lowest levels since 1984.” Cammack slams Biden’s domestic energy policy, commenting that "he doesn't have a domestic policy that supports in America first agenda, he is absolutely tripping all over himself, and when you look at the fact that they have denied any new permitting, or approval of applications for domestic energy production, he wants to make us dependent on our enemies abroad, it is a total failure of domestic policy as well as our foreign policy, and I think it's foolish.” The Congresswoman goes on to say that, "we are releasing millions of gallons out of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, while simultaneously not seeing a significant dip in prices here, just tells you that his plan is not working. But nothing that they put forward seems to work, because it's all about the politics. They don't care about the policy, and certainly not about the people, it's about the politics.” Commenting, the Biden administration "seems more intent on this woke ideology, this leftist ideology, and the virtue signaling, rather than actually helping and it's dangerous, it's putting us in a very vulnerable situation."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/3/202246 minutes, 38 seconds
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Sen. Johnson on DHS using loopholes to censor 22M tweets, 21 news sites: 'Govt wants to be arbiters of truth'

John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, Not Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you Information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. Interviews with Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI), Harvard Professor Emeritus Alan Dershowitz, Virgina Superintendent Jillian Balow, Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ), and Amber Athey. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern Time or watch any time at See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/2/202244 minutes, 5 seconds
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Kevin Sorbo on culture war: If I played an 'Islamic pedophile terrorist, I’d be nominated for an Academy Award’

A special Saturday edition podcast to talk to ‘Hercules’ actor Kevin Sorbo about cancel culture and how Hollywood is blacklisting conservatives and Christians and why he’s making independent films to “fight the culture.” Interviews also with Rep. Andrew Clyde (R-GA) on homeland security, and former Acting Secretary of Veterans Affairs Peter O’Rourke on tragic statistics of veterans in the United States.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/1/202227 minutes, 47 seconds
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Rep. Ralph Norman: Congress hasn’t funded gov't on time in 26 years, time to cut lawmaker pay until balanced budget

Rep. Ralph Norman discusses his new bill, “Congressional Recklessness Act” which reduces all of Congress's pay 1% per-day, while they're in the debating process and don't have a budget in place. The budget each year is supposed to end September 30, with the new budget following on October 1, something Norman says hasn’t happened in 26 years. The South Carolina Congressman says, the United States is "in a situation now, really of no return, this country is in trouble, the budgeting process, the spending, which is outlandish, and 26 consecutive years that we haven't funded government, 1997 is the last time that we went through the appropriations process and actually had a bill, and it's just time to take action on this.” Norman comments, that "having a continuing resolutions through December, which is Christmas holidays, and it just puts a bind on and it's used as leverage for a party to get what they want. But more importantly, it just destroys this country, the leases that have to be made out to for a short period of time, it's insane. So bottom line is, in the private sector, if you don't do the work, you don't get paid and my bill just says you take every day that we go into account, were going to deduct 1% of the salary.” Saying, Congress "make $174,000 a year Senate and House it works out to $476 per day, so if you do the math its right at $5, it's not going to break anybody but it puts some consequences to not doing our job." Norman says that deduction of salary is to prompt Congress to act, "people are tired of words, they want to action, and we want to know how are you going to balance the budget, this 20 year to 25 year, pie in the sky budgets. It's not gonna happen."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/30/202232 minutes, 1 second
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Texas Congressman introduces legislation to help families of victims murdered by illegal immigrants

Rep. Troy Nehls discusses his new legislation, "Justice for Angel Families Act" giving financial support and resources to angel families, as well as other victims of crimes committed by illegal immigrants. The Texas Congressman comments that, "This legislation is there to show support for the victims and the families and to make sure that they get the support they need, whether it's counseling, whether its access to legal counsel or making sure that we hold their offenders accountable." The Congressman slams the Biden administration saying, "if they're going to open our southern border and let all these people in, I think they're gonna want the American people to know just what types of crimes these individuals are committing and how many innocent American lives are lost as a result of the hands of these criminals."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/29/202250 minutes, 30 seconds
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Ex-National Security adviser: Blowing up parts of Nord Stream pipeline, ‘kind of thing Putin would order’

Fred Fleitz, former Chief of Staff to Trump National Security Council, discusses reports of explosions Tuesday that caused the Nord Stream pipeline to start leaking. Fleitz comments that this type of action “would have had to be done by a nation state, these pipelines are 200 to 300 feet below water, frogmen can only operate at about 20 feet, they’re in heavy steel surrounded by concrete.” The vice-chair of America First Policy Institute says that a number of countries could do this, saying its unlikely that the United States might be responsible, saying he doesn’t believe that Biden “has the backbone to order a covert action to do that, I think it was probably Putin. But if it was United States, if Biden did order this, that is a covert action that has to be reported to Congress, and I think that action would be extremely difficult to justify, I also think that evidence of it would leak. My guess is that Putin did it, but I am hoping Congress will be asking questions.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/28/202240 minutes, 31 seconds
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Rep. Tenney: Iranian women protesting ‘incredible moment in world history,’ Biden Admin doesn’t seem to care

Rep. Claudia Tenney discusses the “freedom loving protests” happening currently across Iran that was sparked by the death of Mahsa Amini, a young woman killed by religious police for not covering her hair properly. The New York Congresswoman comments, “Where are the liberal women out there who really care about women's rights.” Tenney saying, Iranian women are rising up to fight for their freedom and for democracy, and the “Biden Administration doesn’t seem to care.” Saying, “and yet the people on the streets are risking their lives, women are on the streets in Tehran and around Iran, standing up to this brutal regime, knowing that they will probably be killed because of their standing for freedom, which is why this is such an incredible moment in history.” She notes, that this is not the first time, saying “we’re here again, we were here once under the Obama administration, we did nothing to defend the attempts at these people to find some kind of democracy, and to take down this regime on their own, and to encourage these people to know that they have some kind of support, at least, you know, offensively from the United States.” Tenney also slams the Biden Administration for granting a visa to Ebrahim Raisi, also known as the Butcher of Iran, last week and allowing for him to have secret service protection on American’s tax dollars, “to help this guy walk around, be safe in the United Nations, so he could get up and scream Death to America, and condemn our free democracy here in this country, all under the Biden administration's watch, and they did nothing to stop this.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/27/202255 minutes, 7 seconds
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Arizona sheriff: Biden's open border policy allows cartels to put ‘thousands of people a month into slavery’

Arizona Sheriff Mark Lamb raises the alarm in an uncomfortable truth, that slavery of women and children ‘prospering’ under the open southern border. Sheriff Lamb says, people “have to be naive to think” cartels and traffickers, “all have good intentions for America, you have to be naive to think that those people are not enslaving the women into the sex trade, children into the sex trade here in America, which is abundant, by the way.” Lamb comments that this is the type of slavery that is happening, with “thousands and thousands of people being put into slavery every single month and it's happening under the under the watch of America, but in particular, it's happening under the watch of this administration.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/26/202254 minutes, 30 seconds
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Sen. Rand Paul calls Fauci ‘disreputable’ scientist, seeks special investigator for COVID-19 origin

John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, Not Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you Information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. Interviews with Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), Rep. James Comer (R-KY), Rep. Marienette Miller-Meeks (R-IA), Ja’Ron Smith- Former Deputy Assistant on Domestic Policy Council for President Trump, and comedian Tanyalee Davis. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern Time or watch any time at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/25/202257 minutes, 47 seconds
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Rep. Thomas Massie: Over 40% of all debt accrued since US founding done under Nancy Pelosi

A special Saturday edition podcast to talk to Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) to discuss United States reaching $13 Trillion Dollars in debt and how Speaker Nancy Pelosi is responsible for “over 40% of all the debt that's been accumulated since the beginning of this country.” The Kentucky Congressman also discusses Republicans new “Committment to America” a the roadmap for what Republicans will do, if they win back the majority of the House in the upcoming November midterm elections. Massie commenting, that Republicans have "got to be honest, you got to be believable, say what you believe and believe what you say. I would encourage listeners, if the polls start looking good for Democrats toward you know, election day, I wouldn't necessarily believe that, don't get disheartened, we have got to turn out our people.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/24/202237 minutes, 34 seconds
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Rep. Jordan: Whistleblowers say FBI 'pulling agents off child abuse cases to focus on' domestic extremists narrative

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) discusses a recent FBI Whistleblower that has come forward alleging that the FBI is “not only are they juicing the numbers, they're cooking the books in the way they allocate where these investigations happen, even though they're all relative to January 6, it makes it appear as if there's a domestic violent extremist behind every door, in every city, around the country, and they're so focused on this." Jordan says that the whistleblower also said that the Bureau is “obsessed” with the narrative of domestic violent extremists in the United States and is "pulling agents off child abuse cases, trafficking cases to focus on this narrative."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/23/202234 minutes, 25 seconds
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Texas AG Paxton slams Biden for ‘cutting deal with cartels’ to benefit Democrats, despite the cost

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton discusses Governor Greg Abbott last night declaring Mexican cartels, ‘terrorist organizations’ and urging President Biden to do the same. Attorney General Paxton comments that "what the is actually happening is the Biden administration has cut a deal with cartels, they are in partnership and the rule was set up on day one, Biden said we're not going to deport anybody, it was a direct message to the cartels, you guys can make a lot of money on drugs and on transportation of people.” Saying, 'all of this is planned, the Biden administration expects it to happen, they know that people are going to die in the ways of dehydration, drowning, overheating in cars, its all part of the plan, they know it will happen, they know there will be more people dying, they also know that crime will be at a higher rate and that more kids are going to die from drug overdoses than have ever died before, they are willing to accept all those consequences.” Paxton going on to say that "all the social and economic costs” of Biden’s failure to close or regulate the southern border is a small price to pay to benefit "the Democratic Party, who wants more voters here, voting for them.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/22/202241 minutes, 53 seconds
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NRB President: Biden posing Judeo-Christian beliefs as dangers to democracy 'concerning,' wake-up call to Church

Troy Miller, President and CEO of National Religious Broadcasters, discusses the shockwaves that President Biden’s, now famous ‘red-wall speech,’ sent to the Christian community. Miller says it is "very concerning as you look at a President that ran on a platform that he was going to bring unity to this nation and bring people together and then he gets up and he makes one of probably, the most divisive speeches that's ever been made by a president and he directly calls out, in my opinion, people of faith.” Miller points to Biden discussing the “country going backwards,” saying that the area the President was talking about "were really areas that are foundations of the Christian faith,” saying Biden "talked about going backwards in the family, the whole LGBTQ side, he talked about the pro-life movement with the recent Dobbs case, about going backwards in gender identity, and that was really targeted to Christians, those are values that Christians bring to the conservative movement.” Saying, these are not economic or socially conservative values, these "are moral values that the Judeo-Christian beliefs bring.” Miller states, whether Biden "was calling out Trump voters, MAGA voters or not, he was calling out a large group of this country and saying, you're taking the country backwards and you're the most dangerous thing to democracy."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/21/202230 minutes, 15 seconds
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Morgan Ortagus: Biden mixed messaging, ‘human rights should lead foreign policy’ but negotiates with Iran

Morgan Ortagus, former State Department Spokeswoman, discusses her recent trip to Israel and the threat that Iran poises to country. Ortagus comments that the mixed messaging coming out of the Biden Administration of late, with President Biden’s 60 Minute interview affirming his support for Taiwan then having his advisers walk it back the next day, is confusing to our allies abroad. Ortagus also comments that the Administration contradicted itself recently again, waiting 48 hours to post support for Iranian protestors, though Biden saying in the past, that ‘human rights should lead foreign policy,’ but continuing to re-enter the Iran Nuclear Deal.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/20/20221 hour, 13 seconds
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Job Creators Network: 65% of small business owners cite ‘crime’ as reason for closing, relocation

Elaine Parker, President of Job Creators Network, discusses their new poll showing that 65% of small business owners cited crime as forcing them to consider to move to another location or close entirely, and that for minority small business owners that number jumps to 85%. Parker explains that coming out of the pandemic, people “can see how blue states are setting themselves apart, they're failing at every turn from the red states, and really setting themselves apart. The red states have continued to thrive in spite of a federal government that is doing them no favors. Crime has become a major issues in the cities.” The President cites a recent example last week, that “McDonald's announced that they're very concerned about crime for their stores in the city of Chicago.” Saying, “Chicago continues to be the sort of the poster child for this but there's a lot of cities that are running neck and neck, are almost first place with them.” Parker says that these companies are starting to speak out because the White House and Congress have “a complete, almost denial, just detachment from what is really happening.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/19/202239 minutes, 37 seconds
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Rep. Jordan: FBI Whistleblowers say felt pressure to create, 'juice the numbers' of domestic extremist groups

John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, Not Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you Information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. Interviews with Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), CEO of Fieldcraft Survival Mike Glover, Arizona Republican Gubernatorial Candidate Kari Lake, former California Congressman and Trump Media CEO Devin Nunes, Rep. James Comer (R-KY), and Rep. Troy Nehls (R-TX). To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern Time or watch any time at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/18/20221 hour, 57 seconds
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Moms for Liberty: Pandemic failures by states, feds sparked parent revolution to 'protect innocence, learning of children'

A special Saturday edition podcast to talk to Tiffany Justice, co-founder of Moms for Liberty, discussing the parent revolution in America, and her call for firing of Teachers’ Unions after a recent Washington Post article exposed the toll that years of pandemic learning has taken on student learning. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/17/202231 minutes, 39 seconds
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Lee Zeldin calls out NY Gov. Hochul for avoiding debates: 'Novel idea' to debate before people vote

With one week left till New York absentee ballots are sent out, Representative Lee Zeldin, the New York GOP Gubernatorial nominee, calls out New York Governor Kathy Hochul for dodging his requests for debates. Zeldin comments that Governor Hochul keeps saying “she looks forward to debating, but hasn’t yet said where, when, how many.” The New York Congressman says that the Governor "knows she's gonna lose if she has to debate.” Zeldin commenting that he believes, "she loses even more if she doesn't debate,” saying that he thinks they "should have at least five debates.” The Republican nominee says that he feels like "they should have a debate before people vote, crazy idea, right? What a novel idea."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/16/202241 minutes, 32 seconds
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Europe, US on 'edge of an energy and economic catastrophe’ says President of US Oil and Gas

Tim Stewart raises the alarm on the dire energy crisis that Europe is heading into this winter and the repurcssions that Americans could face. The President of U.S. Oil and Gas Association comments that the situation “is really frightening,” and "most people don’t realize that we really are on the edge of an energy and economic catastrophe, if things don't start to play out the way that they should.” Stewart says that the Russians reduced the Nord Stream Pipeline natural gas supply “20% capacity” following the “G7 pledging to cap the price of Russian oil markets.” The Nord Stream pipeline accounts for 35% of Europe’s natural gas supply, and the Russian reducing the capacity has caused European natural gas prices to have "gone up to the equivalent of about $500 a barrel equivalent for now.” Stewart remarks, and you can't you can't run a business, you can't run your house, you can't run a school, when your energy prices are that high, and that's the the economic catastrophe that we're sitting on because of the manufacturing and agricultural sectors, they get hit so badly."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/15/202234 minutes, 3 seconds
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Ex-FBI boss on big question left for Durham: Why did bureau pay Russian as source to spy on Trump?

Kevin Brock, former FBI Assistant Intelligence Director, discusses the bombshell dropped last night by Special Prosecutor John Durham says Igor Danchenko, the primary source for the discredited Steele dossier, was paid by FBI as confidential human source for three years despite prior concerns he was tied to Russian intelligence services. Brock says that the revelation last night, seems to point to that the FBI had "outcome bias, where investigators get so enamored with an investigative theory and belief that they stop hearing what their sources are telling or they only hear that which they want to hear.” But also that the Bureau seemed to have "a sense of urgency to run with it and believe what they wanted to believe.” Commenting that still, "we're left with a big question, why in the world did they feel like they had to sign up, Igor Danchenko as confidential human source of the FBI and then pay him?"See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/14/202240 minutes, 29 seconds
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AG Landry on Big Tech collusion: How many may have died 'because Fauci decided something was misinformation'

Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry discusses the shocking revelation made last week in his Big Tech- Government collusion lawsuit that indentified "45 federal officials at DHS, CISA, CDC, NIAD, the Office of the Surgeon General, and HHS communicated with social media platforms about misinformation and censorship.” The Attorney General goes on saying, "Facebook identified 32 federal officials, including senior officials at the FDA, the US elections assistant commission, and the White House that have communicated with Facebook about content moderation on their platform. We found out that CDC was holding monthly meetings, censorship meetings with Facebook, and that senior Facebook officials are communicating directly with the Surgeon General about what they put on their platform.” Landry also comments that the Judge allowing questions and sworn interrogatory from Dr. Anthony Fauci, he couldn’t wait to “uncover that treasure chest.” Saying, Dr. Fauci’s recent retirement announcement, "is not going to save him," "that I can guarantee you, I want to know everything that Dr. Fauci hid from the American people.” Commenting, "we don't know about all the therapeutically that might have been hidden that could have saved people's lives. I mean, how many people may have died unnecessarily, because Anthony Fauci decided that something was misinformation."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/13/202247 minutes, 20 seconds
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GOP Mass. gov. nominee: Voters to decide on repealing 'unpopular' law giving driver's licenses to illegal immigrants

Republican Massachusetts gubernatorial nominee Geoff Diehl discussed a ballot question for the November election that will allow voters to repeal a law giving driver's licenses to illegal immigrants, saying that the legislation is "incredibly unpopular."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/12/202250 minutes, 37 seconds
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9/11 Special: Never Forget

John Solomon and Amanda Head host 9/11 Special for 'Just the News, Not Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you Information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. Interviews with Former Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf, former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani, former NYPD Commissioner Bernie Kerik, Tunnel 2 Towers Chairman Frank Siller, and Spokesman for Families of Flight 93 Gordon Felt. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern Time or watch any time at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/11/202250 minutes, 42 seconds
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Ex-Border Patrol Chief: Biden Administration is the first since 9/11 to go backwards in national security

Mark Morgan, former Acting Commissioner of the Border Patrol under President Trump, discusses the Biden Administration national security posture leading to the 21st anniversary of 9/11, and the toll of the southern border crisis. Morgan, a former FBI agent, discusses his memories of 9/11, a fateful day that would transform the United States for decades to come, and the FBI "from a law enforcement reactive organization to a proactive preventative, intelligence driven national security organization.” Morgan says that following 9/11, the United States moved from reactive, to "preventative and proactive through intelligence, intelligence driven threat based, intelligence driven operational focus.” Saying that, what he saw in withdrawal from Afghanistan last August, "is by pulling out the way that we did, we lost our eyes and ears, we lost a significant degree of intelligence, so not only did it return to a safe haven and a terrorist operating base, but at the same time, we've lost key intelligence, and so I feel after more than two decades, I feel like we've given up so much that we gained through intelligence, and it just really worrying.” Mark explains that now with the open southern border, "we have the intelligence community and even Director Wray, when he was finally forced in a corner to answer and say, the open border is an absolutely unnecessary security vulnerability and a threat that we should be serious about."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/10/202235 minutes, 9 seconds
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Ex-Defense Sec on Biden in Afghanistan: No accountability is ‘ultimate disgrace’ after ‘all the human loss’

Chris Miller, former Acting Secretary of Defense on the 21st anniversary of 9/11 and the Afghanistan withdrawal failure. Miller comments that the lessons learned after 9/11 of allowing “sanctuary” of terrorists “has been forgotten,” commenting that with the withdrawal of United States from Afghanistan last August, it is “horrific” the lack of acknowledgment and “accountability” given to the failures of the withdrawal with “the human lose on their side and our side.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/9/202255 minutes, 32 seconds
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Ex-FBI Boss warns over-collection of evidence could ultimately suppress Trump documents

Kevin Brock, former FBI Assistant Intelligence Director, gives his take on Judge Aileen Cannon's recent granting of 'special master' order for Mar-a-Lago raid, saying it was "a significant, pointed slap down" of the Justice Department's arguments. Brock warns that the over-collection of evidence by the FBI could potentially suppress the warrant, meaning nothing collected during the search could be used by the prosecutors.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/8/202253 minutes, 35 seconds
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Rep. Roy to GOP voters: Ask your Congressman, why would you write Dems 'blank check to fund tyranny?'

Rep. Chip Roy sounds the alarm on Republican members of Congress needing to take a stand against the ever-growing federal government and stop giving into Democrats on government spending, leading into the November elections. Roy commenting, why would Republicans “write a blank check, borrow money, print money, tax Americans, to fund the very tyranny and the very bureaucrats that are undermining your liberty? Funding an FBI to go after parents who dare question the school board, funding an IRS that's 85,000 new IRS agents are going to go after small businesses, funding a Department of Homeland Security that are refusing to secure the border.” The Texas Congressman comments, “that's something that every American ought to be asking your Republican representatives, why would you write them a blank check to fund tyranny?”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/7/202254 minutes, 51 seconds
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Special Report: The Push for ESG

John Solomon, Editor-in-Chief of Just the News, hosts 'The Push for ESG' hosted by 'Heritage Action for America' discussing the rise of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) initiatives in the corporate world. Expert panel featuring: Oklahoma GOP Gov. Kevin Stitt, Florida GOP State Speaker designee Paul Renner, former CKE Restaurants CEO Andy Puzder, West Virginia GOP State Treasurer Riley Moore, Heritage Action for America Executive Director Jessica Anderson, and Strive Asset Management Executive Vivek Ramaswamy. To see the daily ‘Just the News, Not Noise’ show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern or watch any time at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/6/202249 minutes, 25 seconds
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Labor Day Special: The History Behind the Holiday

John Solomon Reports brings you a special Labor Day show, featuring exclusive interviews with: Director Robert Davi and Breitbart's Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow on new movie 'My Son Hunter,’ President of the Freedom Foundation Aaron Withe on the history of labor unions and what the holiday currently means, and Executive Producer of ‘That Tonight Show’ Paul Crosetti.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/5/202230 minutes, 30 seconds
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Sen. Johnson: Biden at inauguration said '8 times’ would 'unite America,’ recent speech proved otherwise

John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, Not Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you Information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. Interviews with Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI), former Federal Prosecutor Kash Patel, former DOJ voting rights official J. Christian Adams, former Deputy National Security Advisor Victoria Coates, President of Job Creators Network Alfredo Ortiz, and Mother of Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Kareem Nikoui- Shana Chappell. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern Time or watch any time at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/4/202244 minutes, 47 seconds
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Border Patrol union leader slams WH: Thousands of people ‘swimming, walking into US everyday'

A special Saturday edition podcast to talk to Brandon Judd, President of the National Border Patrol Council, on Biden Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre’s statement recently where she claimed people aren’t just walking across the southern border. And Arizona Congressman Andy Biggs to talk about the Congressional Delegation he led to the southern border, earlier this week.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/3/202227 minutes, 26 seconds
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Trump lawyer on Biden speech: 'Politicization of the FBI and DOJ an American concern, not a MAGA concern’

Alina Habba, former President Trump's lawyer discusses her concern of President Biden's speech last night, and why his rhetoric is "divisive and should be concerning to the American people.” Habba comments that the speech was "outright un-American,” citing President Biden calling “MAGA Republicans a threat to our democracy.” Saying, One of the “most frightening thing [she’s] ever seen,” was Biden during the speech, "with the red backdrop and the the military. When did it become okay to target your opponent?” The lawyer says that, she feels "that there is wrongdoing on the politicization of the FBI and the DOJ and that's an American concern, not a MAGA concern. That's an American concern, based on our constitution."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/2/202230 minutes, 19 seconds
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VA largest counties request Gov. Youngkin preserve elections results to prevent future 'mischief'

Denny Dougherty, Republican Chair of Prince William County, discusses his recent request to Governor Glenn Youngkin alongside Republican Chairs of Fairfax and Loudoun County, that Virginia preserve the election results of its past two elections, so it can be “proactive and correct some of the problems that arose under predecessors." Dougherty comments that "there are a lot of unanswered questions about the way in which elections have been handled in Virginia, we're counting on and we're asking Governor Younkin to preserve the records of that difficult election, so we can learn lessons to know that our elections are less subject to the vagaries of chance and mischief," in the future. The Republican Chair of the second largest county in Virginia comments, "it's a lot easier to to fix things if you understand where the problems were, and I don't think Governor had promised it in his election campaign, he was going to do an audit of the of the recent elections. We can't do an audit without records."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/1/202228 minutes, 4 seconds
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Dick Cheney tapped Fauci to be a biodefense official, not top health official says Author-Journalist Rindsberg

Ashley Rindsberg, author of the ‘The Gray Lady Winked,’ explains the correlation and history behind how Dick Cheney led to the rise of Dr. Anthony Fauci. The former Vice President in the aftermath of September 11th was looking to "create a biodefense strategy, as he started to understand that the next frontier of warfare would be partially waged with bio-weapons.” The Journalist says that the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) was created with this intent in mind, with Dr. Anthony Fauci being appointed to head this new agency, "as a biodefense national security official.” Rindsberg comments that during the pandemic the mainstream media spun a narrative to persuade the public that Dr. Fauci was the top health official, when in-fact that was never in his job description.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/31/202244 minutes, 37 seconds
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Dr. Jeff Myers: Polling finds just 5-8% of Americans anti-US, but main drivers of culture war narrative

Dr. Jeff Myers, founder of Summit Ministries, discusses recent polling that shows what American actually believes, saying that "a lot of polls are just designed to push people toward having a certain viewpoint, we're trying to figure out what Americans actually believe, and it turns out that 5-8% of Americans hate everything, they hate America, they wish this country would fall.” Commenting, "but most people are common sense, two-thirds or more, they respect the biblical morality that you see in the pages of Scripture. For example, 72% of Americans said they think the values done in the Bible are essential for a healthy American society, 82% of African Americans said that, so the stories we're being given about the conflicts we face in our culture, are being generated by 5 to 8% of the people and foisted on the rest of us." See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/30/202238 minutes, 52 seconds
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Kash Patel: DOJ ‘intentionally’ left my name unredacted to 'threaten me,' politicalize Trump affidavit

Kash Patel reacts to the news that his name was left unredacted in the Trump affidavit late last week leading to a firestorm of questions surrounding the reasoning of this decision by the FBI and Department of Justice. The former National Security Prosecutor remarks that the departments, "intentionally decided to politicize this affidavit for many reasons. But one, which I wasn't even expecting them to do was put my name out there, it added absolutely no value and violated every procedure at the Department of Justice in relation to protecting parties and people's names." Patel goes on to say that under the normal procedures, they could have easily left it redacted like the rest of the names, but chose "for a political effect, because they wanted to try to silence me and President Trump and everybody else, and get the mainstream media to threaten me, which it has done."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/29/202252 minutes, 18 seconds
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MTG on swatting: 'If this is the war the Left wants to bring, then they can bring it,' not backing down

John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, Not Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you Information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. Interviews with Rep. Marjorie Taylor-Greene (R-GA), Rep. Claudia Tenney (R-NY), Rep. Greg Steube (R-FL), Truth Social CEO Devin Nunes, Dr. Robert Malone. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern Time or watch any time at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/28/202255 minutes, 49 seconds
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Steve Moore: Biden’s student loan cancelation unconstitutional, but also will backfire in midterms

A special Saturday edition podcast to talk about the “disastorous” economic policies of the Biden Administration and how the student loan cancelation policy is not only unconstitutional but will backfire with voters in the November midterm elections. Interviews with Trump Economist Steve Moore and Aaron Hedlund, former Chief Domestic Economist and Senior Adviser at the White House Council of Economic Advisers Aaron Hedlund.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/27/202218 minutes, 8 seconds
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Dennis Prager: Left wing of Democratic Party 'as damaging as the Communist Party was to Russia’

Dennis Prager, founder of PragerU, discusses his latest op-ed, “What Do ‘Men Give Birth’ and ‘Defund the Police’ Have in Common?” and discusses the important questions voters need to think about going into the November midterm elections. Prager comments, that the main question voters must decide is "do you want to be governed by the left or not?” Saying, "what every single Republican should campaign on," "is campaign against the left.” Saying, everything else "is irrelevant,” the focus is not about the candidates but about the left being "as damaging as the Communist Party was to Russia."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/26/202242 minutes, 38 seconds
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Trafalgar lists most vulnerable issues for Dems with midterms weeks away

Robert Cahaly, founder of Trafalgar Group, discusses the main issues that Democrats are most vulnerable to going into the November midterm elections. The American pollster predicts that Republicans win back the House in the fall, saying that it could range anywhere from "12 seat pickup, all the way to as high as maybe 25 or 26” seats in Congress.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/25/202245 minutes, 8 seconds
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Gingrich predicts ‘great revolution’ in voters, working class will soon become Republican

Newt Gingrich predicts a "great revolution" of American voters, as Americans who did not go to a four-year college, are "increasingly likely to be Republican.” The former Speaker of the House comments that, "two out of three Americans may have gone to either vocational school or junior college and high school but they didn't go to a four-year college.” Gingrich saying, that overtime, that two-thirds of the country will increasingly become Republican voters, leaving Democrats with "only the one-third that went to a four-year college.” Saying that, “oddly, that makes Republicans, the mirror image of Franklin Delano Roosevelt's great majority,” of the mid-1930’s that flipped the voting demographics of Republicans and Democrats. Gingrich says, that as this "seeps into Latino communities, Asian American communities, Native Americans and African Americans, you see all of a sudden a Democratic Party," with a smaller voter base. The author behind the Contract With America compares this to Florida when he was a child, which had around "1,200,000 democratic registration advantage,” that now, "this year, for the first time, Florida now has a Republican registration majority."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/24/202244 minutes, 29 seconds
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Tenney: Waiving presidential privilege opens ‘Pandora’s box,’ raising specter of Hunter Biden’s laptop

Rep. Claudia Tenney (R-NY) discusses the ramifications of opening “pandora’s box” by President Biden waiving former President Trump’s executive privilege. The New York Congresswoman commenting that if Presidents are "able to go and waive President presidential privilege, who's to say that the next Republican president or presidents coming afterwards, couldn't go in and go after Fast and Furious, go after Hunter Biden's laptop go after everything that Obama did when he was president to create and to support, or at least not do anything about his justice department, or the Steele dossier."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/23/202246 minutes, 41 seconds
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Rep. Troy Nehls: This year, '66 identified terrorists have come through our southern border’

Rep. Troy Nehls discusses the state of the southern border under the Biden administration and his new book, ‘The Big Fraud: What Democrats Don't Want You to Know about January 6, the 2020 Election and a Whole Lot Else’. The Texas Congressman says that in 2022 alone, of individuals that have entered the United States, "over 2 million that have entered come through our southern border," largely undetected and "not apprehended by border patrol." Nelhs comments that, this is very worrisome because you don’t know who is coming and so far this year, "there's been 66 identified terrorists that had been come through our southern border.” Commenting, "it only took 19 to cause to take down the towers, so we need to be concerned about these individuals, because if they're coming through undetected and we truly don't know."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/22/202240 minutes, 44 seconds
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Rep. James Comer: ‘I plan to go to war with some of these federal agencies’ to hold them accountable

John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, Not Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you Information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. Interviews with Rep. James Comer (R-KY), Rep. Troy Nehls (R-TX), Paul Manafort, Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, and U.S. Oil and Gas Association President Tim Stewart. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern Time or watch any time at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/21/202248 minutes, 32 seconds
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Reagan Economist Laffer: Don’t expect inflation to go away anytime soon

A special Saturday edition podcast to talk to Reagan Economist Art Laffer to discuss the state of the U.S. economy and two Republican Congressional Candidates; Scotty Moore for Florida’s 9th Congressional District, Irene Armendariz-Jackson for Texas’s 16th Congressional District.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/20/202226 minutes, 30 seconds
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Mark Meckler: 73% of Americans believe Trump raid ‘was a raid by Democrats on their political enemies’

Mark Meckler, founder of the Convention of the States, discusses recent polling showing that following the FBI raid on former President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate, Republicans were “more enthused” going into the November primary elections, and that 73% of Americans believe the Trump raid “was a raid by Democrats on their political enemies.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/19/202249 minutes, 30 seconds
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Ex-FBI Boss: If FBI unable to show a serious crime after Trump search, ‘incredible political ramifications’

Kevin Brock, former FBI Assistant Intelligence Director, describes the protocols and processes that the FBI follows to obtain search warrants and the “two-part equation” hurdle the bureau must get over to show to the public that the FBI search of former President Trump’s home was not political in nature. Brock comments, that absent of the FBI being able to show a “serious serious crime,” they must first and foremost, show why "they thought it was sufficient and why to initiate an investigation of federal FBI led investigation,” and if they can get over that hurdle, show why ”they decided it was a good idea to send thirty armed agents into the residence and do an all day search.” Saying, "most people can't wrap their heads around that and with good reason."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/18/202244 minutes, 16 seconds
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Dr. Harvey Risch on CDC admitting to failed COVID response: ‘hope is not a public health policy’

Dr. Harvey Risch, Professor Emeritus of Epidemiology at Yale School of Public Health, discusses the CDC Director Rochelle Walensky admitting today to the CDC's failed COVID response over the past two-and-half years, reversing many long held COVID guidelines for mandates and vaccinations. Risch comments that the big takeaways from the CDC reversing course are that: first, “it says that hope is not a public health policy, you can't hope that things work.” Second, it says that "everybody knew that it was a sham while it was happening, because it was a one size fits all,” and did not take into account people with natural immunity or other considerations. Risch comments, that now that the CDC has "revoked the idea of vaccination as a public health tool for stopping the spread of the infection, and therefore they have revoked any rational consideration of mandates.” Saying, to him, “the mandates are basically out the window at this point, and nobody can point to the CDC and say that the mandates are justified."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/17/202239 minutes, 44 seconds
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Georgia Congressman says time to terminate IRS, eliminate the agency's 'weaponization’

Rep. Andrew Clyde (R-GA) discusses the one-year anniversary of the "disastrous" Afghanistan withdrawal and the need for the implementation of the "Fair Tax Act" after recent legislation seeks to increase 87,000 new IRS audit agents. Clyde is excited that the "Fair Tax Act" is picking up some steam in Congress, saying he's "wants to see the IRS terminated, as it "has outlived its usefulness." The Georgia Congressman says, the United States "can go to a better tax system, a more fair tax system" which will help "eliminate the weaponization of the IRS."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/16/202254 minutes, 1 second
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Ex-immigration official: Biden administration 'criminalizing political opposition’

John Zadrozny, former deputy assistant to President Trump on immigration, discusses the Biden administration accusing citizens who were concerned of the FBI search of Trump’s home last week and concerned on illegal immigration, now pose a terrorism threat. The Director of Center for Homeland Security and Immigration at the America First Policy Institute comments that the Biden Administration, "is doing what should never ever be permitted in the United States, which they are criminalizing political opposition.” Zadrozny says, what the "administration is trying to do is twofold. One, is they want to make anyone who disagrees with them basically an enemy,” commenting, "but I think they're also trying to bait people into violence.” Saying, that this would "give them the ability to crack down and say, we told you so."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/15/202235 minutes, 31 seconds
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Rep. Claudia Tenney: ‘The FBI raid is the fourth impeachment’ of President Trump

John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, Not Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you Information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. Interviews with Rep. Claudia Tenney (R-NY), Rep. Brian Babin (R-TX), Lou Dobbs, Arizona Republican Gubernatorial Nominee Kari Lake, and former State Department Spokeswoman Heather Nuart. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern Time or watch any time at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/14/202246 minutes, 50 seconds
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Abe Hamadeh: They're scared of Trump and are willing to bend the rules in their favor

A Special Saturday edition podcast to talk to Former Assistant U.S. Attorney for the Department of Justice David X. Sullivan, to discuss the Mar-a-lago search earlier this week, and two Republican Arizona Candidates; Abe Hamadeh for Arizona Attorney General, Blake Masters for U.S. Senate.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/13/202229 minutes, 25 seconds
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Last year, 51% of IRS audits were people making less than $75K a year says Fair Tax advocate

Steven Hayes, Chairman and President of Fair Tax, discusses recent news of the IRS hiring more than 87,000 new IRS agents and the startling statistics that in 2021, 51% of all IRS audits were of individuals making less than $75,000 a year. Hayes states that this is because IRS targets people who make ‘minimal income’ because they “can’t afford to fight it and probably don’t have the skills to fight it, so its very easy picking."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/12/20221 hour, 26 seconds
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Kash Patel offers Trump defense: He may have already ‘verbally’ declassified the documents

Kash Patel, former National Security Prosecutor, reacts to the FBI raid of President Trump’s home and offices at Mar-a-lago earlier this week and offers a defense that Trump could have ‘verbally declassified the documents’ while he was President. Patel comments, that the  the President by law is the ultimate arbiter, as a classification authority. If he says it, it's declassified. He doesn't need to go through the bureaucratic rigmarole, written down in appropriate style, that's not what the Constitution says.”  Commenting, that he recalls on number occasions, "not only did President do it by writing in October of 2020, he did it verbally, multiple times in the White House, whole sets of documents.”  Patel comments, that anyone who says that Trump needs the signature of the White House counsel or permission to declassify documents, “that’s a farce."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/11/202255 minutes, 24 seconds
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Rep. Austin Scott: If Biden not told of FBI Trump raid, 'proof' he’s not in charge of White House

Rep. Austin Scott discusses the unbelievable statement made by President Biden's Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre yesterday, saying that Biden was not briefed on the FBI raid at Trump's Mar-A-Lago residence. The Georgia Congressman states, he "simply does not believe that President Biden was not informed of this." Scott commenting, "and if he wasn't informed, then it's proof that, one of the concerns that many of us have had, who is actually making the decisions in the White House? Because somebody in the White House would have known before the FBI would have carried out a raid on the former president's house. It's just not something that that would not have been discussed in the White House.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/10/202257 minutes, 34 seconds
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Ex-Israeli ambassador to US: Biden affirming his support for Israel contradicts his Iran Nuclear Deal efforts

Michael Oren, former Israeli ambassador to the United States, discusses tensions flaring this past weekend between Israel and the Gaza Strip, and efforts by the Biden Administration to re-enter the Iran Nuclear Deal. The Ambassador comments that when President Biden was in Israel, this past May, he affirmed Israel's right to security, commenting, while thats nice to hear, "the only problem is that on one hand, the administration is reassuring us of its commitment to our security, on the other hand, it's undermining our security by seeking a renewed JCPOA, the Iran nuclear deal, which we regard is the greatest threat facing Israel and facing the entire region." Oren saying, "so it's giving with one hand and taking away with the other."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/9/202257 minutes, 24 seconds
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Ric Grenell told Trump to fire FBI Director Wray due to inaction during Russian collusion coverup

Ric Grenell reveals that during his time as the Director of the National Intelligence, he told President Trump to fire FBI Director Christopher Wray due to inaction and inefficiencies within the agency. The former ambassador comments that, Wray "was terrible, he didn't understand what was happening, he was so aloof to what was happening down below him and had just a knee jerk reaction to everything just to protect the status quo.” Grenell calls FBI Director Wray, "a creature of the FBI,” saying, "he views everything as a PR exercise, don't criticize the FBI, don't talk about any failures at the FBI."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/8/202240 minutes, 16 seconds
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Blackburn: China intent on global domination by 2050, time for Congress to review trade privileges

John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, Not Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you Information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. Best of show interviews this week with: Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), Rep. Ralph Norman (R-SC), Michigan Republican gubernatorial nominee Tudor Dixon, Alan Dershowitz, and Dr. Harvey Risch. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern Time or watch any time at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/7/202247 minutes, 54 seconds
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Former Congressman Doug Collins: FBI Director Wray's tenure will go down for a 'lack of decisions'

A Special Saturday edition podcast to talk former Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell, on Arizona's mail-in ballot debacle, and former Georgia Congressman Doug Collins on FBI Director Christopher Wray's testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern Time or watch any time at See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/6/202223 minutes, 52 seconds
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Louisiana AG takes aim at Big Tech censorship, collusion with federal agencies

Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry discusses his lawsuit against Big Tech over social media censorship, taking aim at its collusion with federal agencies during the pandemic. Big Tech has maintained that they are private actors and have a right to censor information that they deem to be against their companines guidelines. The Attorney General says that while they are private actors, the “government cannot collude with a private citizen to violate,” first amendment rights. Saying that after filing the lawsuits, he believes that he has found evidence that, "the government colluded with and encouraged the Big Tech platforms to be able to censor information that was vitally necessary for to the American people during the pandemic.” Commenting, "when the government engages in censorship," utilizing a private company, then that company "becomes a government actor."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/5/202249 minutes, 6 seconds
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FBI Bombshell: Sen. Grassley says special agent identified by whistleblower has been reassigned

Sen. Chuck Grassley, the top Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee, wants to believe FBI Director Christopher Wray understands the seriousness of the politicalization within the bureau. "The public ought to have great confidence in the FBI, and their credibility is at stake," Grassley said Thursday after grilling the director in a committee hearing. Despite what Grassley considers the bureau's slow pace toward reform, the Iowa lawmaker is optimistic about Wray "going in the right direction." See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/4/202236 minutes, 44 seconds
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Former Trump Security Adviser Kellogg: Biden drone strikes Zawahri, but criticized Trump for Soleimani

Retired Army Lt. General Keith Kellogg, former National Security Council chief of staff under President Trump and Co-Chairman of the Center for American Security at America First Policy Institute, pointed out the difference between President Biden’s announcement and the media’s coverage of the CIA drone strike of Al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahri versus their treatment of Trump when Iranian general Qassim Soleimani was killed by a U.S. drone strike.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/3/202249 minutes, 13 seconds
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Ex-Border Chief: Biden not only jeopardizing health, safety, national security, but 'lying to the American people about it’

Mark Morgan, former Acting Commissioner of the Border Patrol under President Trump, discusses recent reports of a memo circulating amongst Department of Homeland Security telling staff that "they don't have to comply," and to "avoid turning over documents or turning over systems credentials," to Inspector General, an independent watchdog at the Department from conducting an audit to "make a conclusion about just what impact has the Biden policies had on illegal immigration, negatively affecting the country." Morgan says, not only is it frustrating that the Biden Administration is "jeopardizing every aspect of this nation's public health, safety, and national security, but they're lying to the American people about it." Commenting, that "this has been the least transparent White House administration that I've ever been affiliated with in 35 years of serving this country."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/2/202246 minutes, 28 seconds
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Moms for Liberty 'rephrasing' gender dysphoria tweet after being kicked off Twitter

Tiffany Justice, Co-founder of Moms for Liberty, raises the alarm on children being told to transition as young ages and discusses the organization recently being kicked off of Twitter for “hateful” tweet stating that “gender dysphoria is a mental health issue.” Justice appeals to doctors to start, "standing up and having the backs of parents who are saying we need to wait and talk through this issue with our children, we need to recognize that there are comorbidities associated with gender dysphoria that need to be addressed.” Commenting, "we really need to help our kids make it through their childhood with their innocence intact, not being perverted by predators."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/1/202244 minutes, 48 seconds
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Country star John Rich bypasses woke labels, releases song on Truth Social and soars to No. 1

John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, Not Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you Information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. Best of show interviews this week with: Country star John Rich, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), Rep. James Comer (R-KY), Rep. Troy Nehls (R-TX), Ann Wood-Dorn, widow of Capt. David Dorn and Host of Hidden Heroes Radio Show. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern Time or watch any time at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/31/202255 minutes, 41 seconds
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War on Words: How the Left is Redefining to Control the Narrative

A special Saturday edition podcast with two of our great Just the News reporters: Aaron Kliegman and Natalia Mittelstadt to discuss their new stories, showing recent efforts by politicians, online dictionaries, and other various institutions to redefine words to control the narrative.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/30/202230 minutes, 20 seconds
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Special Report- ‘Legislating for Life: The Next 12 Months’

John Solomon, Editor-in-Chief of Just the News, hosts  ‘Legislating for Life: The Next 12 Months’ hosted by 'Heritage Action For America’ discussing the historic overturning of Roe v. Wade and the next phase of the pro-life movement. Expert panel featuring: Sen. Roger Marshall (R-KS), Rep. Kat Cammack (R-FL), Rep. Lisa McClain (R-MI), Heritage Action for America Executive Director Jessica Anderson, and Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life Vice President of State Affairs Stephen Billy. To see the daily ‘Just the News, Not Noise’ show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern or watch any time at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/29/202254 minutes, 27 seconds
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In show of bipartisan support: Rep. Austin Scott backs Pelosi, 'China doesn’t get to tell us’ where we can or can't fly

Rep. Austin Scott (R-GA) discusses the ‘double standard’ of woke corporate America and the Chinese Comminist Party telling the United States House of Representatives not to go to Taiwan. Scott remarks on the frustration he and other members of Congress on “both saids of aisle” have about the double standard of woke corporations, who pride themslves on these high environmental and human rights standards, until they leave America. Scott commenting, if corporations are going to pride themselves on these standards, "it can't be just for what those companies are doing inside the United States of America. You can't give them a gold star for what they're doing in America, if they're turning around going to China, and ignoring the environment altogether and ignoring human rights altogether.” The Georgia Congressman, also offers his bipartisan support in favor of Speaker Pelosi’s trip to Taiwan, saying, "China does not get to tell the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, where they can and cannot fly, unless it is inside the territory of Communist China.” Saying, the United States “does not have to have permission from China to go anywhere else, and the fact that they think we do, so simply tells you how aggressive they are with regard to their attempt to manipulate and dominate the world."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/28/202243 minutes, 10 seconds
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Ex-federal prosecutor on Hunter Biden case: 'It shouldn’t take this long'

David X. Sullivan, former Assistant United States Attorney discusses whistleblowers accusing the DOJ and FBI of political bias, the looming indictment of Hunter Biden and why it has been years in the making. The former federal prosecutor comments on the apparent dual-system of justice in the FBI and Department of Justice right now saying, "Republicans definitely seem to be more aggressively pursued by law enforcement and by the Department of Justice,” saying, that it will be "very interesting" to watch what will happen, "with Hunter Biden.” Commenting that after two years of the discovery and verification of Hunter Biden’s laptop, nothing has really been done on the matter. Sullivan comments, that when there’s evidence that is compelling, “its warrants an investigation”. Saying he believes it is time to consider "the appointment of a special counsel or special prosecutor to look at dispassionately all of this evidence.” Saying, that this has to be "about zealously going and doing your job dispassionately, not with an outcome determinative, not with a political agenda to promote, but that it is what the American people deserve, and that's what we should demand.” Sullivan comments that while money laundering and tax cases can be a lot of time, for the Hunter Biden case, "it shouldn't take this long."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/27/20221 hour, 7 minutes, 37 seconds
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Charlie Kirk: GOP states should not be giving 'one red cent of taxpayer dollars’ to ‘woke’ college departments

Charlie Kirk, founder of Turning Point USA, discusses his new book launching today, “The College Scam”, highlighting the different arguments for why obtaining higher education is not indicative of a successful career or being highly educated. Kirk describes how "40% of people that enter college will drop out," and of the "23 million active college students in America right now, only 6 million will end up getting a job in a field of the subject that they’re studying." Commenting, "the rest of the world can't quite understand why America has a system where we send our most prized possession, our nation's young people, into a infrastructure that is designed to make them hate the very country they were raised in, make them question very basic truths, and then put forward this woke ideology that is an idea pathogen that is designed to destroy the West.” Kirk's solution to combat this, is that rather than through the “federal level,” red states should go after the "woke" humanities departments with a mandate of not giving a "single red cent of taxpayers dollars" if anti-America, woke ideology is taught. Saying, this is "a moderate and prudent way to really push back against the college cartel."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/26/202244 minutes, 20 seconds
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Fred Fleitz: Dems dirty secret is US top five with 'totalitarian dictatorships' for most liberal abortion policies in the world

Fred Fleitz, former chief of staff to the National Security Council under President Trump, discusses the Biden Administration's seemingly lack of foreign policy and Biden's actions that have begun to isolate the US from its allies. Commenting on a recent op-ed piece in the Wall Street Journal discussing how Biden Administration trying to have the US appear as the abortion capital of the world and champion of abortion rights has actually set the US back on the world stage. The Vice Chair of America First Policy Institute comments that, he is not sure “what Joe Biden, or the democrats are fighting for,” as the US is top five “with other totalitarian dictatorships", like China and North Korea, for most liberal abortion policies in the world. Commenting, United States post Roe v. Wade reversal is more similar to current abortion law of Europe now.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/25/202248 minutes, 58 seconds
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Marjorie Taylor Greene rips Dems for 'incredibly hostile work environment' at 'dangerous’ Capitol

John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, Not Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you Information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. Best of show interviews this week with: Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), Rep. Claudia Tenney (R-NY),Rep. Rodney Davis (R-IL), Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita, former acting United States secretary of Homeland Security Chad Wolf. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern Time or watch any time at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/24/202256 minutes, 2 seconds
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Mark Meadows answers questions surrounding Trump’s order being ignored by FBI and DOJ

John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, Not Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you Information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. Saturday podcast interviews include, former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows and former State Department spokeswoman Morgan Ortagus discussing the successfulness of Biden’s first Presidential trip abroad and President Trump orders to release the main Russian collusion documents ignored by The FBI and DOJ. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern Time or watch any time at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/23/202224 minutes, 21 seconds
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Dr. Harvey Risch warns COVID vaccines are interfering with the body’s ability to fight current version of virus

Dr. Harvey Risch, a professor emeritus at the Yale Public School of Health, discusses recent data showing that  the COVID-19 vaccine is contributing to causing new infections, as with each additional booster shot, the vaccine becomes less effective and interferres with the bodies natural ability to fight off the mutated virus strain. Commenting, that from what the medical community has observed, that after each shot, "there's a period of about seven to 10 days, when people are at increased risk for adverse events, including getting COVID. After that period, there's a span of somewhere between four and 16 weeks, during which there is in general is benefit from the vaccines in reducing risks of getting COVID and other outcomes like hospitalization and mortality.” Saying that the "window shortens with each successive booste.” but after "that window elapses, then the benefits of the vaccines go toward zero and cross zero and become negative, meaning that they increase the risk of getting COVID after that long period has elapsed, and they also increase the risks of hospitalization mortality after an even longer period has elapsed.” Risch comments, that it “is not completely well understood,” why this is happening but that mRNA vaccines, like the COVID vaccine, "are a sufficient jolt to the immune system but that when that when the virus changes when it mutates, and a new strain that really isn't so well covered by the what the original vaccines,” so "the immune system makes antibodies based on what the vaccine was, not antibodies that work on the new strain, the mutated strain.” Leading to the mutated "virus's ability to escape the new antibodies.” So the vaccines, "after a long period of time, when they're no longer so effective, with the newer strains of the virus, are interfering with the ability of the immune system to take out the virus itself, the immune system itself."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/22/202254 minutes, 51 seconds
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Separation of Church and State? GOP lawmaker: Biden administration using tax dollars 'to fund atheism' worldwide

Rep. Glenn Grothman (R-WI) discusses his shocking discovery that the State Department is giving "competitive grants of up to $500,000, to organizations committed to the spread of atheism, and humanism,” around the world. Commenting, "atheism has long been the religion of the progressives,” “I don't think it should be surprising that Joe Biden wants to educate the world that one of the reasons for our success is apparently our belief in atheism."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/21/202246 minutes, 6 seconds
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US trying to reseal NIH docs related to COVID info deleted at China’s request says Oversight Group

Jason Foster, Founder and President of Empower Oversight Whistleblowers and Research, discusses another instance of the secret-hand of government coming out, stealing another piece of transparency from the American public. Foster discusses the revelations that the NIH has complied with requests from Chinese researchers "multiple times” to delete “Coronavirus genetic information” from their databases, with the first request and deletion being as early as March of 2020. Commenting, “why would you let a Chinese researchers request to remove information that could be related to the pandemic, that's related it curent coronavirus genetic sequences? Why would you delete that? Saying, that specific deletion "was requested in June of 2020, right in the height of the pandemic, and the NIH did delete them."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/20/202246 minutes, 22 seconds
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Bossie: Trump declassified main Russian collusion docs in last days to 'educate' Americans, derailed by FBI and DOJ

Dave Bossie, former adviser to President Trump, comments on the recent revelations of Hunter Biden and last days of Trump’s presidency. Bossie comments that the DOJ and FBI stopping the main Russian collusion documents from being released in Trump’s last days citing, a last minute excuse about privacy implications. Saying, these are the bureaucrats that the “American people don’t know about,” but are behind the scenes committhing “a conspiracy against the president, within our own government.” Commenting, "for four years that President Trump was inside the White House, they defied him at every single turn, and it was only because of President Trump's pushing of this, did the American people get any transparency whatsoever.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/19/202239 minutes, 13 seconds
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Former Israeli Amb. Ron Dermer: Israel will act without the United States to 'prevent a nuclear armed Iran’

Former Israeli ambassador to the U.S., Ron Dermer discusses President Biden’s recent trip to Israel and the politics surrounding his trip to the Middle East. Saying, that rather than addressing the political concerns and the tense climate in the region between Iran and Israel, "Instead, this trip was made largely because of the price of gas in the United States.” Commenting on a major policy disagreement between Israel and the United States right now, saying he does “not believe the policy of the Biden administration is to prevent a nuclear armed Iran,” but rather "is to contain a nuclear armed Iran.” The former ambassador says that in the past, "Israel has taken out two nuclear programs,” and that he does not think that the United States is "going to take care of" Iran. Saying, "it comes down to really one of two choices, either we're going to have to take action, or the people of Iran are going to rise up and throw out these this regime that they despise, and we should be preparing for both scenarios."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/18/20221 hour, 1 minute, 11 seconds
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‘Just the News - Not Noise’ best of show: Biden’s Trip to the Middle East

John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, Not Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you Information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. Best of show interviews this week with former Trump White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, former Israeli Ambassador to the United States Michael Oren, former Presidential candidate Michele Bachmann, and New York Gubernatorial candidate Lee Zeldin. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern Time or watch any time at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/17/202253 minutes, 21 seconds
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Alan Dershowitz: Shunned for defending the 'Constitution on behalf of a president I didn't vote for'

Harvard law professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz discusses the pushback he has received from his own party for "sticking to principle refusing to become a partisan,” saying that it has cost him and his family "tremendously,” after he was a member of former President Trump's legal team during his first impeachment trial. Dershowitz also discusses his new book, "The Price of Principle: Why Integrity is Worth the Consequences."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/15/202221 minutes, 2 seconds
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U.S. won't 'confirm nor deny' role in calling Wuhan COVID lab leak a conspiracy, says whistleblower group

Frank Wuco, Executive Director of the Whistleblower Protection Program (WPP), discusses the important role that his organization is playing in bringing transparancy and awareness to federal agencies. The former senior White House adviser to the United States Department of Homeland Security, discusses WPP recent request to find out how deepely involved the U.S. government was in the events of “perpetuating the natural origin story” of COVID-19 and the impossibility of it being “leaked from a lab.” The Intelligence agency responding to the request that they could "neither confirm nor deny the existence of the documents we’d requested.” Wuco comments that, "there’s no compelling national security need to deny that information to the public but there is compelling political or bureaucratic embarrassment need, and that is very disturbing, and we intend to keep shaking that out.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/14/202230 minutes, 27 seconds
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Liberal anti-police cities don't work for Americans, as crime rises Buckhead looks to secede from Atlanta

With the surge of violence and crime continuing to rise in the United States due to the progressive policies by liberal cities District Attorney's. The city of Buckhead, Georgia is leading the charge to secede from the city of Atlanta after crime and emergency services have begun to deteriorate and affect the local residents. Bill White, one of the organizers of the movement, says it began as an effort to repair the "ruined relationships" by the "Defund the Police Movement" between the city of Buckhead and the local police and has continued as "crime has continued to creep up." The Buckhead secession will be a "referendum" on the ballot for either May or November 2023. White, explained that the movement is increasingly popular with residents, pointing to a recent poll conducted showing, "72% of 80,000 residents" approve the measure to secede from the city of Atlanta.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/13/202257 minutes, 41 seconds
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Phill Kline: SCOTUS deciding if 'elected people at the state level' or government can set 'time and manner of elections’

Phill Kline, the director of the Opposite Side Project, discusses the Supreme Court taking up the North Carolina election case on determining of whether the government or the state legislatures get to determine the rules for elections. Kline, a law professor at Liberty University, says that "the elected people at the state level to determine the time place and manner of elections as it is articulated in our Constitution.” Commenting, that "over the past three or four decades, there's been this push,” to allow Ivy League and upper-class of American society "to let them make these decisions.” Saying that the government getting to decide the terms and manners of elections doesn’t "eliminate politics,” but “what it does eliminate is accountability.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/12/202229 minutes, 12 seconds
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Ex-CIA Russia Analyst warns tides are changing for US as ‘sole’ superpower, ‘China and Russia are pushing back'

George Beebe, former head of the CIA Russia analyst desk, warns of the changing of the world power dynamics as America moves away from being the "world's hegemonic and unrivaled’ superpower, not "really having to compromise or "engage in traditional balance of power politics." The Director of Grand Strategy at the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft explains that after the cold war ended, the United States, "could simply tell other countries do this or else because we had such overwhelming power that nobody could really say no. Unfortunately, what has happened over time is that much of the world has said, you know, we didn't really like that very much, and they've started to react to a mass the ability to resist America's directions." Saying, "Russia and China are pushing back and we face a peer competitor in China," the US now has to "recover our ability to engage in traditional balance of power politics, and we don’t have a lot of experience.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/11/202246 minutes, 57 seconds
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Ex-DHS Chief: DOJ suing AZ voting law, another example of Biden putting 'Americans last,' migrants and 'those here illegally' first

 John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, Not Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you Information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. Interviews with: former Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf, Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich, US Oil and Gas President Tim Stewart, Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI), and Dr. Harvey Risch. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern Time or watch any time at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/10/202247 minutes, 28 seconds
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Wisconsin State Rep. Brandtjen: WI Supreme Court ruling affects 'hundreds of thousands of ballots’ cast in 2020 presidential election

Wisconsin State Rep. Janel Brandtjen discusses the Wisconsin Supreme Court ruling on Friday reviewing the legality of the drop box process handled by the bureaucracy during the 2020 presidential election. The State Representative comments, that the Court’s ruling affects "hundreds of thousands of ballots in the state of Wisconsin” cast in the 2020 presidential election. Saying, "instead of having the legislature make rules about how the ballots were to be handled, instead, we were in a situation where bureaucrats just wrote out on paper how we were going to be handling ballots in the state of Wisconsin."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/9/202222 minutes, 38 seconds
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Ex-Pacific Command: After assassination of Japanese PM, his warning of 'the threat to the Pacific' by China lives on

Brent Sadler, a twenty-six year veteran of the Navy and one of the key players at Pacific Command discusses the shocking assassination of former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. Sadler, a senior research fellow at the Naval Warfare and Advanced Technology Center for National Defense at Heritage Foundation discusses the legacy that Prime Minister Abe leaves behind becoming more apparent now, as he had warned of the very real “threat” that China poises "to the Pacific.” Saying, Prime Minister Abe "had been working to try to change the way that the Japanese Constitution was being interpreted, as It's overly pacifist,” he had been instrumental "in trying to get Japan to be more of a player and a more realistic partner in the security, and no one did more to advance that than him.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/8/202244 minutes, 46 seconds
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Fmr Intel Fleitz: ‘Voters are just fed up with everything' Biden says, China 'major national security threat to US’ not climate change

Fred Fleitz, former chief of staff to the National Security Council under President Trump, discusses the Biden Administration's lack of policy towards China and the effects it has on the world's perception of the United States and its world leadership posture. The Vice Chair of America First Policy Institute comments that, "American voters are just fed up with everything this administration says, climate change is not the major national security threat to this nation. Everybody in this country knows that it is China, it is an immediate and long term threat.” Going on to say that, "the way this administration has played climate change to ruin our economy, to make a laughingstock of us on the world stage.” Saying, "climate change is our priority, not nuclear disarmament, not the threat from China, not from Russia, it just undermines our moral credibility and reliability even more, and it's making the world a more dangerous place."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/7/202244 minutes, 42 seconds
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John Bolton: Biden accepting migrants with terrorist ties in ‘effort to get back into the 2015 Iran nuclear deal'

Ambassador John Bolton, former national security adviser to President Trump, discuess the Biden Administration’s immigration regulations over the weekend, which he has exempted people coming across the border with "terrorism connections in their background,” allowing them to come into the country. The former United Nations ambassador calls the change in regulations , "a disastrous decision,” saying that he believes it is an effort by President Biden, "to get back into the 2015 Iran nuclear deal."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/6/202230 minutes, 2 seconds
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Special Report ‘Biden’s Foreign Policy: Leading From Behind’

John Solomon, Editor-in-Chief of Just the News, hosts ‘Biden’s Foreign Policy: Leading From Behind’ hosted by Heritage Action For America discussing how the Biden administration’s foreign policy shifts are empowering foreign adversaries, seen through President Biden's effort to have the U.S. re-enter the international Iranian nuclear deal and the administration's deadly military withdraw last summer from Afghanistan. Expert panel features: Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN), Rep. Claudia Tenney (R-NY), Rep. Scott Perry (R-PA), Heritage Action For America Vice President Garrett Bess, and retired Lt. Col. James Carafano of the Heritage Foundation. To see the daily ‘Just the News, Not Noise’ show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern or watch any time at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/5/202249 minutes, 47 seconds
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July 4th Special Report

John Solomon and Amanda Head host a July 4th Special Report of ‘Just the News, Not Noise’. Interviews with ’No Spin News’ Host Bill O’Reilly, South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem, Co-Founder of The Flag Poll for Freedom Park Robert Worcester, and hot dog eating champ Joey Chestnut. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern Time or watch any time at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/4/202246 minutes, 27 seconds
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Gov. Kristi Noem: Biden playing partisan games, preventing Mt Rushmore July 4th fireworks 'on purpose’

John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, Not Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you Information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. Interviews with South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem, North Carolina Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson, Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ), Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, and the Director for the Center of Election Integrity at The America First Policy Institute Hogan Gidley. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern Time or watch any time at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/3/202249 minutes, 46 seconds
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WV AG: SCOTUS ruling says Biden, ‘federal agencies have to live under the same Constitution' as rest of America

West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey discusses the historic SCOTUS ruling yesterday, in which the Court addressed that President Biden and "Federal agencies have to live under the same Constitution as everyone else.” The Attorney General says that “Biden had tried to transform federal bureaucracy to suit his agenda” without Americans or input from Congress.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/1/202234 minutes, 11 seconds
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J Christian Adams: SCOTUS taking NC election case show end of expansive govt, ‘elites knowing best how to govern American life’

J Christian Adams, President of the Public Interest Legal Foundation, discusses the groundbreaking decision by the Supreme Court to take up a North Carolina election cases where the Court will be looking at whether the Constitution gives the state legislatures the authority to set the rules for their elections in North Carolina. Adams, a former Justice Department voting rights official, says that this Supreme Court session has shown that the court has “exasperation with bureaucracy,” and the “Wilsonian idea that the elites know best how to be technocrats to govern American life.” Saying that the recent Court decisions and opinions show “finally you see judges who don't give a rip about what the elites think,” “the big story is the regular people finally have a voice in the Supreme Court instead of the elites.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/30/202240 minutes, 29 seconds
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Border Patrol union leader: ‘If Dems truly cared, would enforce laws’ so migrants aren’t trafficked by ‘dangerous criminal organizations’

Brandon Judd, President of the National Border Patrol Council, discuses the Biden Administration and Democrats lack of acknowledgement of the “humanitarian crisis” happening on the Southern Border. Judd saying, he has “none confidence, whatsoever,” in Biden or his Homeland Security policies. The Border Patrol union leader also comments on the 51 migrants found dead in a truck in San Antonio this week that, “when you hear Democrats say that they care about people, all you have to do is look at the action, don't listen to the words.” Commenting, “if they truly cared about people, they would enforce the laws to ensure that these people don't put themselves in the hands of these dangerous criminal organizations, but they don't enforce the laws, which is what is encouraging and driving this problem.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/29/202243 minutes, 55 seconds
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Special Report: 'How the War on Gas & Oil Made America Energy Dependent Again’

John Solomon, Editor-in-Chief of Just the News, hosts "How the War on Gas & Oil Made America Energy Dependent Again” sponsored by Panex Oil & Gas discussing how the United States has gone from energy independence to a gas crisis in less than two years of Biden’s presidency. Expert panel featuring: former GOP vice-presidential nominee and Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin, former Secretary of the Interior David Bernhardt, President of U.S. Oil and Gas Association Tim Stewart, and Faculty Fellow at Northwestern University and Senior Fellow at the Manhatten Institute Mark Mills. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern or watch any time at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/28/202249 minutes, 31 seconds
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Trump Deputy Drug Czar: Biden’s open border benefits drug cartels, China in manufacturing fentanyl crisis in US

Art Kleinschmidt, former Deputy Director of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, discusses the Fentanyl Crisis that is plaguing the United States. The former Deputy Drug Czar discusses how the cultural shift towards the perception of drugs and drug usage has only dramatically increased drug usage. Kleinschmidt discusses how progressive cities drug polices like “safe injection sites,” in an effort to destigmatize drugs has only exacerbated the problem by “promoting actual drug usage.” Saying, especially cities campaigns towards 'safe ways' to use drugs like fentanyl, commenting “there is really no safe way to do fentanyl.” Kleinschmidt also comments that China and the drug cartels are seemingly working alongside one another by, “China shipping chemicals” to drug cartels who then “assemble them” and bring them up through the open southern border. Commenting, "this is the first time in my lifetime," that "something dangerous and illegal” is "actually being promoted almost within this country."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/27/202227 minutes, 54 seconds
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Key GOP Lawmaker lays out top oversight priorities when GOP takes back House

John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, Not Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you Information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. Interviews with House Oversight Committee Leader Rep. James Comer (R-KY), Alan Dershowitz, US Congressional Candidate Mike Collins (R-GA), Senior Vice-President of Gun Owners of America Erich Pratt, Founder of Women for Fairness in Sports Marshi Smith, and Comedian Michael Loftus.To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern Time or watch any time at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/26/202249 minutes, 30 seconds
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Sen. Johnson on J6 panel claims: Dems ‘can't defend distatorous’ policies, so try to ‘destroy their political opponents’

Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) discusses the January 6th committee's allegations against him and the problems of a one-sided committee carrying out hearings with a “one-sided media” is that they “falsely attack” then allow the lie to “travel multiple times around the world,” making it “hard to repair your reputation." The Wisconsin Senator comments that the Democrats "can't defend the disastrous results of their policy, ”like “open borders, record high gas prices in 40 year, high inflation,” so "all they can do is smear and engaged in the politics of personal destruction,” to "try and destroy their political opponents.” Commenting, "they're very practiced in doing it, they're very good at it.” Saying, the people who invent and spin the false stories "are the dangers to this democracy."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/24/202239 minutes, 20 seconds
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SCOTUS 2A ruling: The toughest concealed carry permit states will have to change their laws, says legal scholar

Mark Smith, Senior Fellow of Law and Public Policy and a presidential scholar at the King's College in New York City, said that the six toughest states on concealed carry permits will have to change their laws to follow the Supreme Court's latest ruling on the 2nd Amendment, which acknowledges Americans' right to "bear arms," meaning, "the right to carry them outside of the home, in public, in anticipation of a confrontation with a criminal or other person that threatens your life or the life of your friends or family."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/23/202242 minutes, 38 seconds
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Ex-Trump border chief: By end of Biden’s term, ‘US will encounter about 8-10M illegal aliens,’ most released or gotten away

Mark Morgan, Former Customs and Border Patrol Commissioner under President Trump, sounds the alarm on Biden’s open border policy, saying that the people who are benefiting most from the policy are the “transnational criminal organizations” like the cartels and human smugglers. The former border chief comments that not even including the drugs, but “just in smuggling alone,” the Border Patrol will encounter by the end of Biden’s first term, “about 8-10 million illegal aliens,” with the “majority have been released or gotten way.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/22/202243 minutes, 9 seconds
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Blackburn on ‘woke’ US military: ‘Our enemies don’t give a ripping flip about classes on choosing pronouns’

Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) discuses her bill to “de-wokeify the U.S. Military,” something that she said should not be our “number one priority,” rather they should be learning “how to fight wars and to win, that is their job.” The Senator comments, “our enemies, Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, our adversaries, they don’t give a ripping flip about classes on choosing pronouns.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/21/202235 minutes, 37 seconds
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Jason Foster: Government whistleblowers are 'not going to be willing to come forward if nobody's ever held accountable'

In light of the Veterans Affairs' inspector general investigation, Jason Foster, founder of Empower Oversight, expressed the difficulty of convincing government whistleblowers to come forward if they're not protected from retaliation and bureaucrats aren't held accountable for their actions.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/20/202238 minutes, 12 seconds
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Huckabee: GOP winning Rio Grande seat held for 150 years shows Dem ‘policies are stench in the nostrils of America’s voters’

John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, Not Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you Information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. Interviews with former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), Rep. Claudia Tenney (R-NY), Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, and Wyoming at-large Congressional candidate Harriet Hageman. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern or watch any time at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/19/202249 minutes, 21 seconds
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Real solution to gun violence is ‘progressive prosecutors’ needing to ‘take crime seriously’ says 2nd Amendment advocate

Amy Swearer, legal fellow at the Heritage Foundation comments on the gun debate going on across the country and gun legislation that she thinks would work, but that Democrat’s don’t want to hear. Swearer discusses some of the most basics solutions to gun violence being, “state and federal prosecutors need to take crime seriously under existing laws.” Saying that criminals think that they can do whatever they want because “progressive prosecutors are not fully enforcing the law.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/17/202237 minutes, 14 seconds
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Ukrainian civilian shares her first hand account of Russian invasion and ‘grassroots efforts’ to help

Natalia Melnyk, of Bendukidze Free Markey Center and Lawson Bader from DonorsTrust team up to discuss Natalia’s first person account of choosing to remain in Ukraine, living through the Russian invasion, and the lasting effects that it has had on Ukraine and its people. Melynk and Bader discuss how philanthropic efforts from United States and local Ukrainian aid can make a difference in assisting defend against the ongoing Russian invasion and the assistance of refugees.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/16/202249 minutes, 38 seconds
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Rep. Tenney: AG Merrick Garland putting politics above duty, allowing ‘far left’ to intimidate Supreme Court

Rep. Claudia Tenney (R-NY) discusses delayed response by the Attorney General Merrick Garland to provide security for Supreme Court Justices and their family, saying that he is “backing away from this for political reasons,” in essence betraying his ‘solemn oath’ that he took to be neutral on these issues. Saying, that “people like Merrick Garland need to step down.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/15/202250 minutes, 10 seconds
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Rep. Scott DesJarlais: Under Biden, ‘most’ illegal migrants qualifying for food stamps, federal aid despite deportation orders

Rep. Scott DesJarlais (R-) reveals the Biden Administration’s current policy towards illegal migrants crossing the border, that despite deportation orders from the Federal Courts, “most” illegal migrants “qualify for food stamps, despite the denials, in the reality the Democrat side of the committee and the USDA.” The Congressman commenting that it’s not only FICA, illegal migrants “especially asylum seekers,” are also receiving “emergency medical care, an education.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/14/202231 minutes, 1 second
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Job Creators Network CCO: As Biden turns blind eye to economic woes, ‘ticking time bomb’ of Obamacare premiums set to double in 2023

Elaine Parker of Job Creators Network describes the “ticking time bomb for Americans” at a time that everyday Americans are already being squeezed by gas reaching $5 on average nationwide and the “Biden pay cut,” due to “inflation is rising much faster than wages are.” Parker describes the current situation arising where Obamacare subsidies are about to expire, leading to “premiums set to more than double in 2023.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/13/202250 minutes, 35 seconds
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Dershowitz: 'absolutely' nothing Trump said on January 6 was incitement under the First Amendment

John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, Not Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you Information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. Interviews with Alan Dershowitz, Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN), Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY), Alaskan Governor Mike Dunleavy, and New York Gubernatorial Candidate Andrew Guiliani. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern or watch any time at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/12/202247 minutes, 7 seconds
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Rep. Scott Perry: Liz Cheney’s claim that I sought a presidential pardon for Jan 6, ‘an absolute shameless and soulless lie’

Rep. Scott Perry (R-PA) responds to Rep. Liz Cheney’s statements made last night at the January 6 hearings that Perry had sought a Presidential pardon from Trump following the events of January 6th. Perry addresses the allegations exclusively to John Solomon Reports, responding that the “notion that I ever sought a presidential pardon for myself or other members of Congress, is an absolute shameless and soulless lie.” Going on to say, that it “is just simply no surprise, considering this latest fabrications come from a sham committee using a breathtaking abuse of power to conjure up political theater to destroy their opponents, detract from, and distract the American people from the economic and national security nightmare.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/10/202232 minutes, 43 seconds
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Rep. Davis puts Jan 6 panel on notice: Abide by preservation request or be criminally referred if GOP takes majority

Rep. Rodney Davis (R-IL) discusses his preservation letter send to Chairman Bennie Thompson of the January 6th Committee, telling him “to preserve all communications, all documents, all to do lists everything related to January 6,” due to questions surrounding the Committee’s alleged “violations of house rules.” The Congressman comments that “when Republicans take over the House after November,” Davis as the Chairman of the House Administration Committee, will use his “oversight responsibility to open an investigation into the Select Committee's clear violation of house rules.” Stating, “frankly, if they don't follow those rules, I am not afraid to make criminal referrals, if that preservation order is not abided by.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/9/202232 minutes, 39 seconds
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Ex-Immigration official: Border Crisis ‘most unnecessary humanitarian crisis in human history,’ engineered by Dems for votes

John Zadrozny, former official for the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services, discusses the Biden administration’s willfully blind policy to the southern border crisis, something he describes as an “intentional policy of border collapse by the Biden Administration as a voter drive.” In discussing the 18,000 person caravan heading from South America towards the United States this week, Zadrozny comments that if the Biden Administration were to get rid of “Title 42, that the daily border encounters will be in the vicinity of 18,000”, saying that everyone “sees this caravan as some sort of catastrophic figure,” but that will be everyday post ending of Title 42. Saying that what’s happening at the border is the “most unnecessary humanitarian crisis in human history, all engineered for the political benefit of one political party in the United States.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/8/202251 minutes, 42 seconds
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2022 Election stakes ‘incredibly high,’ America under Biden in ‘serious decline’ says fmr Thatcher aide

Nile Gardiner, former foreign policy aide to Margaret Thatcher discusses Queen Elizabeth’s Platinum Jubilee this past weekend, and Prime Minister Boris Johnson surviving his vote of confidence from his party. Gardiner remarks, that there are “much the Boris Johnson needs to do,” but “he's not going to stay in power by appealing to the left of the party, they want him out, he's got appeal to the right conservative wing, that's the only way he's going to survive.” Gardiner also remarks on the state of America under Biden, commenting that the stakes of the 2022 Election are “incredibly high, because America, under Biden, I think, is in serious decline.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/7/202243 minutes, 8 seconds
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Diplomacy expert says Biden’s playing checkers while world plays chess is ‘too charitable’

Trita Parsi, Executive Vice President of the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft, discusses President Biden’s apparent failure for a cohesive diplomacy and foreign policy response on seemingly on all fronts. Answering to the question of if Biden is playing checkers while the rest of the world is playing chess, Parsi remarks that saying Biden is playing checkers is “too charitable of an answer”.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/6/202244 minutes, 48 seconds
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Rep. Nehls reacts to office incursion, says Pelosi 'weaponized' Capitol Police as 'her own investigations unit'

John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, Not Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. Interviews with Rep. Troy Nehls (R-TX), Former Texas Republican Party Chairman Lt. Col. Allen West, Ex-FBI Intelligence Director Kevin Brock, Republican Candidates for Arizona Senate Jim Lamon and Blake Masters.To see the daily show, go to or watch on the Real America's Voice Network every Monday through Friday at 6PM ET. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/5/202250 minutes, 12 seconds
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Rep. Kat Cammack: 'Shameful' how Biden admin is holding 'hostage' school lunch program over transgender rules

Rep. Kat Cammack (R-FL) blasted the Biden administration for threatening to take away federally-funded school lunch programs from children of underserved families if transgender discrimination rules are not implemented, such as transgender athletes being allowed to compete in sports teams of the gender they transitioned to.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/3/202236 minutes, 32 seconds
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Ohio AG Yost on gun control: Backwards that you ‘have to have government permit to exercise a constitutional right’

Ohio Attorney General David Yost discusses his groundbreaking lawsuit calling into question the exceptions currently allowed for Google and how it must apply to all people as it dominates societies usage of it, as it is now a “common carrier.” The Attorney General also discusses the Democrats current push towards gun control, commenting that it is backwards logic for a person “to have to have a government permit to exercise a constitutional right”.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/2/202239 minutes, 35 seconds
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Peter Navarro: Jan 6 committee acting as ‘judge, jury and executioner,’ exposes corruption

Peter Navarro, former Trump aide, discusses his recent lawsuit filed against the House January 6th committee, alleging that the grand jury subpoenas issued were “unlawful and unenforceable”. Navarro comments that the Committee can essentially strip a former President of both “executive privilege and testimonial immunity.” Navarro comments, that the committee is acting beyond is legitimate legislative function, as they’re acting as “judge, jury, and executioner while claiming that they’re simply trying to get to the bottom of something.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/1/202257 minutes, 14 seconds
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China Syndrome: America's failure to counter Beijing's malign influence

Join Just the News investigative reporter John Solomon for a special report: "China Syndrome: America's failure to counter Beijing's malign influence."The one-hour show is sponsored by Heritage Action for America and takes a deep look at the threat China poses to the U.S. and legislation now in Congress that appears to be failing to address the global concern.Among the special guests is Florida Republican Rep. Greg Steube discussing the GOP's efforts to address the China threat in a Democrat-controlled Congress.Also on the show will be Heritage Foundation senior fellow Steve Moore on the topic: "How the U.S. went economically from America First to America Last China First" and Michael Pillsbury, author of "Hundred-Year Marathon, China's Secret Strategy to Replace America as the Global Superpower."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/31/202248 minutes, 8 seconds
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Memorial Day Special, honoring our heroes who have made the ultimate sacrifice for freedom

John Solomon and Amanda Head hosts of ‘Just the News, Not Noise’ deliver the pressing news of the day and giving you information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. Today John and Amanda interview the widow of 'American Sniper' Chris Kyle, Taya Kyle; Congressional Candidate and Veteran Joe Kent; Tunnels to Towers Foundation Chairman and CEO Frank Siller; third-generation military veteran and GOP Nominee for Indiana's First Congressional District Jennifer-Ruth Green to honor and remember our fallen heroes on this Memorial Day. To see the daily show, go to or watch on the Real America's Voice Network every Monday through Friday at 6PM ET. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/30/202244 minutes, 29 seconds
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Attorney General Alan Wilson (R-SC) expands on gun violence, mental health, and border issues

 John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, Not Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. Interviews with Former Trump Deputy Campaign Manager David Bossie, Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks (R-IA), Attorney General Alan Wilson (R-SC), National Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd, and U.S. Senate Candidate Blake Masters (R-AZ). To see the daily show, go to or watch on the Real America's Voice Network every Monday through Friday at 6PM ET. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/29/202251 minutes, 35 seconds
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AG Morrisey (R-WV) wins big against major opioid manufacturers

Attorney General Patrick Morrisey (R-WV) wins big in court over opioid manufacturing companies, Allergan Financial LLC and Teva Pharmaceuticals. The Attorney General is now focusing his fight against the Biden Administration as it regards the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission that proposed a new 'ESG rule' that encroaches on the privacy and work of farmers while weaponizing their bureaucracy into an 'environmental regulator.' See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/27/20221 hour, 1 minute, 14 seconds
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Fmr. Trump Advisor Kellogg says it's time for Europe to pay their fair share of Ukraine war

Former Trump Advisor General Keith Kellogg says it's time for Europe to pay their fair share of the Ukraine-Russia war. General Kellogg also describes what 'America First' truly means. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/26/202254 minutes, 10 seconds
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Trump' Border Chief Mark Morgan: 'Heroism saved countless lives'

Former U.S. Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Mark Morgan details the latest from the Uvalde school shooting in Texas. Morgan goes on to say, law enforcement, border patrol officers and others displayed acts of 'heroism' that 'saved countless lives' during the Texas shooting. Morgan also highlights President Biden's open borders as Iraqi adversaries plotted to assassinate former President George W. Bush.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/25/20221 hour, 7 minutes, 22 seconds
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Pompeo blasts Biden's ambiguity on world stage, saying it is endangering America

Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says President Biden is confusing friend and foe alike with latest comment on Taiwan, and others like it. President Trump’s top diplomat goes on to give his advice to Biden as to how his administration should handle Vladimir Putin, and his ongoing destruction in Ukraine. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/24/202237 minutes, 38 seconds
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Rep. Brian Babin: Illegal immigration is ‘bankrupting our country,’ DHS Secretary Mayorkas ‘violates his oath of office’

Congressman Brian Babin (R-TX) discusses President Joe Biden’s crises from the economy to the southern border. Babin warned that, right now “every county in the state of Texas, all 254 counties, are border counties.” Rep. Babin accentuated the Biden Administration’s failures, especially those that fall under the preview of Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Mayorkas. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/23/202246 minutes, 48 seconds
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Dr. Arthur Laffer, President Reagan's Economic Advisor: 'The Fed is not a very competent Fed Board'

John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, Not Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you Information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. Interviews with Sheriff Mark Lamb (R-AZ), Former Reagan Economic Advisor Dr. Arthur Laffer, Pennsylvania State Senator and GOP Gubernatorial Nominee Doug Mastriano, Rep. Ralph Norman (R-SC), Republican Gubernatorial Primary Candidate David Perdue (R-GA), and America First Legal's Spokesperson, John Zadrozny. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern Time or watch any time at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/22/202249 minutes, 27 seconds
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Former FBI intel director describes, 'startling piece of testimony' in Sussmann trial

John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, Not Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. Former FBI Assistant Director of Intelligence Kevin Brock gives his take on former Clinton campaign attorney's trial. On Just the News, Not Noise Brock said, the testimony was 'startling,' but 'on the surface it looks like' today was 'a major victory for John Durham.' See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/21/202212 minutes, 48 seconds
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Biden’s undoing of Trump foreign policy threatens U.S. sovereignty, former State official says

Foreign policy expert and newly named “Taube Professor of International Relations and Politics” of Pepperdine University, Kiron Skinner discusses her tenure within the State Department, and details her time meeting with global counterparts to form “new regional partnerships” which was “a pillar of the Trump doctrine.” She goes on to talk about Sweden and Finland joining NATO, and how “the war in Ukraine would not have happened under Donald Trump’s watch.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/20/202244 minutes, 23 seconds
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Rep. Jim Banks: GOP playbook for historic ‘red tsunami,’ lean in and own ‘cultural fights’ against radical Left

Congressman Jim Banks (R-Ind.) discusses Republicans playbook for a winning historic gains in the midterms election entails embracing the GOP as the “party of law and order.” The Congressman also discusses the strategy of Republicans leaning into “these important culture fights,” and not backing down, “because the voters expect us to fight back against the radical left that that wants to change our American way of life and our culture.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/19/202243 minutes, 57 seconds
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Sen. Braun: Inflation, Dow drop because of COVID government response ‘directed by Dr. Fauci’

Senator Mike Braun (R-IN) discusses Fauci acknowledging that COVID lockdowns didn’t work and the Dow dropping today over 1000 points triggering fears of a recession. Braun comments, “a lot of the problems we're dealing with now from inflation to the whole host of issues are due to that bureaucratic, heavy hand from government, and mostly directed by Dr. Fauci and the health care experts that knew nothing about how to handle a pandemic.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/18/202234 minutes, 27 seconds
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John Durham lays out the ‘October Surprise’ at opening of Sussmann Trial

Special Counsel John Durham’s team in its opening arguments for the second day of trial for Michael Sussmann, Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign attorney, laid out their arguments alleging that Sussman used the FBI to create an “October Surprise” against then-candidate Donald Trump.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/17/202244 minutes, 35 seconds
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Meet the Republican surging in the polls for a previously thought Democratic stronghold

Nicolee Ambrose, candidate for Maryland’s 2nd Congressional District, discusses her run for Congress and her lead in a district previously thought to be a Democrat stronghold. Ambrose comments that parts of her district are areas of Baltimore City, where “there has not been a Republican elected to office since 1939.” She says her numbers show “that people are starting to realize”, “what have the Democrats ever done for me and that it is time to give someone else a chance.” Ambrose comments, she has “worked so hard in politics to build a true two party system, because there is no better disinfectant than sunlight, there is nothing better than competition.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/16/202240 minutes, 8 seconds
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Michele Bachmann: Biden giving head of WHO power to dictate future U.S. ‘healthcare’ policy

John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, Not Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you Information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. Interviews with Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI), former presidential candidate Michele Bachmann, Rep. Glenn Grothman (R-WI), U.S. Senate Candidate Kathy Barnette (R-PA), and TV personalities Diamond and Silk. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern Time or watch any time at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/15/202247 minutes, 53 seconds
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Dinesh D’Souza: Geotracking was celebrated by Left when ‘tracking down Jan 6 protestors,’ why not ‘ballot-harvesters’

Dinesh D’Souza discusses his new movie, “2000 Mules,” which relies heavily on geotracking data from cell phones and video collected by security cameras showing hundreds of "mules" who stuffed ballot boxes at odd hours of the day in critical swing states during the 2020 election cycle. D’Souza comments, “the left celebrated geotracking when used to track down Jan 6th protestors,” or when it was used by the CDC during the pandemic to check that people were maintaining “social distancing of 6 feet,” why is it now not accurate enough for checking “election irregularities”.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/13/202252 minutes, 31 seconds
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Louisiana AG: If you wanted to write a book on ‘how to punish Americans,’ take pages from Biden, Dems

Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry discusses the recent reports that the Biden Administration is buying up remaining baby formula and sending it to the border for illegal migrants as the shortage continues across the country. Landry comments that, if you look at every facet of life, gas, utility, “the price of everything at the grocery store is going up”. Saying, “literally, if you wanted to write a book about how to punish American citizens, reduce the quality of life in America,” “you just rip the pages from Joe Biden and the Democrats.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/12/202231 minutes, 44 seconds
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Tom Fitton: Evidence continues to show Fauci, NIH knew of Wuhan Lab research, ‘covered it up’

Tom Fitton, President of Judicial Watch, discusses recent lawsuits filed by his government watchdog group, one concerning the cozy relationship between “the medical establishment” in the United States, who are “working hand in glove with their colleagues in China”. His comments come after winning a lawsuit early this week showing that a Texas Doctor “tipped off” the Wuhan Lab about possibilities of a Congressional Investigation into the origins of COVID-19, in an attempt to get synchronize their stories. Fitton comments, “Fauci and others knew about what Wuhan was up to, and they covered it up, it's clear in the documents we've uncovered.” Going on to say, “they knew, everyone knew, there was gain of function” research going on not only in China but also the United States. Saying, Fauci denying knowledge and labeling the allegation as a conspiracy theory, “early on in the pandemic, shows they were more concerned about protecting China.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/11/202234 minutes, 35 seconds
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Ric Grenell: ‘Personally offended’ by Pompeo saying Dr. Oz a security risk for his dual-citizenship

Ric Grenell, former director of national intelligence, slams Mike Pompeo for his recent comments implying that Dr. Oz would have trouble obtaining security clearance because of having dual-citizenship. Grenell comments, that he has never seen anything that has made him worry about Dr. Oz being a security risk, saying “no question he’s 100% loyal to America”. Grenell remarks he is “personally offended that Mike Pompeo was trying to somehow imply that having two passports was somehow duplicitous.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/10/202242 minutes, 13 seconds
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Kash Patel says Judge ‘hinting’ to Durham that he has enough evidence to charge Sussman with conspiracy

Kash Patel, former chief of staff to the Secretary of Defense, discusses the Judge in the Michael Sussman Trial issuing rulings over the weekend, saying that he thinks this hints that the Judge “does not want this trial continued, and wants it to start on Monday as scheduled”. The former federal prosecutor, also discusses the “interesting dance” going on between the Judge and Special Prosecutor John Durham, as the Judge seems is hinting to Durham that he has more than enough evidence to charge Sussman with conspiracy, a charge which Durham has yet to bring.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/9/202243 minutes, 41 seconds
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Rand Paul says new ‘disinformation board’ sounds like ‘rules on speech’

John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, Not Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you Information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. Interviews with: Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), former FBI Assistant Director Kevin Brock, Georgia Gubernatorial candidate David Perdue, Seamus Bruner and singer Alexandria Corn. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern or watch any time at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/8/202257 minutes, 58 seconds
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Congressman Nehls says IG told him that Capitol Police lied about why they entered his office

Rep. Troy Nehls (R-TX) says Capitol Police lied to enter his office to conduct an illegal investigation in an attempt “to preserve evidence” while saying he was not under any “criminal investigation”. The Congressman comments that this goes beyond the police breaking their own protocol but was an attempt to come after him “to silence and destroy” him.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/6/202240 minutes, 34 seconds
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Dr. Alveda King: Pro-life movement 'very excited' about overturning Roe, prepared to offer support to families

Dr. Alveda King, niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and founder of the pro-life organization Civil Rights for the Unborn, explained how the pro-life movement has not been caught by surprise following the leaked Supreme Court opinion overturning Roe v. Wade, which will allow states to make their own abortion laws. She added that there are "more pregnancy care centers than abortion mills in America," and churches are also prepared to help mothers, their children, and fathers with alternatives to abortion.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/5/202235 minutes, 44 seconds
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‘Destructive’ social media cancel culture making people ‘afraid to speak up,’ harming ‘our institutions’ says Jonathan Haidt

Jonathan Haidt, social psychologist at the NYU’s Stern School of Business and author of an extraordinary article, “Why the Past 10 years of American Life Have Been Uniquely Stupid”. The psychologist discusses the political strife of cancel culture and how it has become exasperated by social media, commenting that, “what makes it so destructive is the fear. That's what's changed our institutions that people are afraid to speak.” Haidt comments, that we can’t have “democracy without good institutions”, and the events of the last eight years has been an uptick in cancel culture, is “making our institutions and our group dumb because when people are afraid to speak up and challenge the orthodoxy, then decision making goes off kilter.” He also says that most people on social media, “are reasonable people who love our country, and it's the extremists on the right and the left, plus trolls” and “Russian agents,” there are the only “four groups that have really benefited from Twitter and other social media platforms and the rest of us the other 80% of the country, we're just fed up.” He also offers up what he says is his solution for this, which is for Congress to reform current social media laws, but says that the single most important reform for change is to “require identity authentication in order to open an account.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/4/202234 minutes, 59 seconds
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Ken Starr: Leaking of Dobbs SCOTUS opinion ‘outrageous,’ will cast ‘terrible shadow’ on Court

Ken Starr, former Solicitor General of the United States, discusses the “egregious” and “unprecedented” leak by an unknown person within the Supreme Court last night. The former law clerk to Chief Justice Warren Burger comments that, not only is this a “profound breach of a confidential duty”, but it shows “the breakdown of institutions, break down of the basic principles that have bound us together, ties of honor”. Saying, this is “going to affect everything, this is going to be as Justice Holmes said, ‘a brooding omnipresence’ of the court, a terrible shadow.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/3/202239 minutes, 32 seconds
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Ex-CIA Russia Analyst: Biden trying to strangle Russian economy to ‘overthrow Putin’ is enormously unrealistic

George Beebe, former CIA Russia Analyst, discusses the possibility of nuclear warfare and how President Biden can deescalate the on-going tensions between the United States and Russia. Beebe reacts that the boiling point we are seeing right now between the countries hands been “decades in the making” and due to the cost-free view of NATO enlargements of former Soviet satellite states like the Baltic States and Ukraine. He also remarks, that the United States is entering into a period much different than the Cold War, which had limitations and rules, an understanding between nations that there is mutual assured destruction if nuclear weapons are used. The former Adviser comments that, now the United States is, “entering into something that [he thinks] is much more dangerous, and that is a competition, more or less for survival with Russia, without any rules of the game.” Saying, the events over the last 60 days since the invasion, are examples of Russians “warnings, quite loudly, that they are willing to use everything they've got to defend their own country's existence.” Beebe remarks that Biden’s goal of strangling “the Russian economy so that it can't generate a threat toward us, and then perhaps the Russians wake up and they overthrow Putin in some way”, “has an enormous unreality to it”.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/2/202253 minutes, 55 seconds
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JTN Special Report: “Gender Identity – Biden redefines 'sex' in schools"

 John Solomon, Editor-in-Chief of Just the News, hosts “Gender Identity – Biden redefines 'sex' in schools" sponsored by Heritage Action for America discussing female college athletes and GOP lawmakers on gender identity and the Biden administration. Expert panel featuring: Tennessee GOP Sen. Marsha Blackburn, Heritage Action Executive Director Jessica Anderson and collegiate volleyball player Macy Petty, who also is a Young Women for America ambassador. Also, joining the show to discuss upcoming Biden administration changes to Title IX, which bans gender-based discrimination in federally funded schools, will be Sarah Parshall Perry, a Meese Center legal fellow; Montana GOP Attorney General Austin Knudsen; Kansas state GOP Sen. Renee Erickson; and fellow WYA ambassador, athlete and student activist Chloe Satterfield. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern or watch any time at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/1/202247 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sen. Rick Scott slams Homeland Security’s new disinformation office, ‘we became the Soviet Union’

Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL), discusses the historic wave of Hispanic voters migrating to the Republican Party after recent polls put Biden’s approval rating with Hispanics at 26%, commenting that Hispanics are “on our side, they’re Republicans, go talk to them”. The Florida Senator also gives his thoughts on the recent announcement of the Department of Homeland Security’s, “Disinformation Governance Board”, commenting that it is not the government’s job to dictate to us what the truth is, “I thought we beat the Soviet Union?”, and “you look at this stuff and you say we became the Soviet Union.” Calling the social-media censorship, “modern day book burning”. Scott explains that in the “2020 election cycle, they sent 68% of GOP fundraising emails to spam and only 8% of Democrats,” stating “that's book burning, and that's exactly what they're doing.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/29/202248 minutes, 46 seconds
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Dershowitz: First Amendment allows bad things to occur on Twitter, ‘answer to bad speech is good speech, not censorship’

Alan Dershowitz, Constitutional Law expert and First Amendment advocate addresses Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter and the questions that have arisen as to how far the First Amendment goes for Free Speech. Dershowitz comments that, Nazis and Communists have the “right to be on twitter and we have the right to expose them”, “that's what free speech is about”. The Harvard Law Professor Emeritus goes on to explain that, “when the Framers of the First Amendment got together and conducted this extraordinary experiment never before in history, as the government had been precluded from censoring”. The Framers “knew that there would be hate speech, dangerous speech, the First Amendment is not free of social costs, it will allow much more bad things to occur on Twitter and generally, and that's what we have to tolerate.” Commenting, Americans “have to develop a thick skin and have to say the answer to bad speech is good speech, not censorship.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/28/202219 minutes, 34 seconds
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Ballot drop boxes high risk for ‘ballot trafficking,’ used to ‘prey upon weak and vulnerable communities’ says True the Vote founder

Catherine Engelbrecht, founder of ‘True the Vote’, discusses the investigations surrounding the 2020 Presidential Election, and how “ballot trafficking” as known as, ballot harvesting, has been the norm in vulnerable communities for many years. Engelbrecht comments that ballot drop-boxes, this last cycle, were used as a tool in the “the abuse of a process” and were used “to prey upon weak and vulnerable communities”.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/27/202223 minutes, 23 seconds
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GA Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger: Ballot harvesting can lead to voter coercion

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger explained the importance of banning ballot harvesting, since permitting voters' ballots to be harvested "can end up with that whole process of voter coercion."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/26/202245 minutes, 15 seconds
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Retired Lt. Gen. Keith Kellogg: Send Trump to negotiate with Putin over Ukraine

Retired Army Lt. General Keith Kellogg, former National Security Council chief of staff under President Trump and Co-Chairman of the Center for American Security at America First Policy Institute, suggested that Trump be sent to negotiate with Russian President Vladimir Putin over the invasion of Ukraine since he's "willing to walk away" from the table unless a good deal is struck.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/25/202245 minutes, 26 seconds
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H: Rep. Austin Scott blasts Dems, Stacey Abrams on GA voting laws, ‘if they didn't cheat, they shouldn't be worried about the next election’

 John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, Not Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you Information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. Interviews with Rep. Austin Scott (R-GA), Rep. Claudia Tenney (R-NY), Dr. Harvey Risch, TX Attorney General Ken Paxton, and  Former McDonalds CEO Ed Rensi. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern or watch any time at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/24/202250 minutes, 30 seconds
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Kash Patel: John Durham investigation is letting Clinton machine 'firing squad' attack itself

Kash Patel, former chief of staff to the Secretary of Defense, discusses Special Counsel John Durham's investigation and how he "has basically utilized the facts and removed himself from the middle and allowed the firing squad that is the Clinton machine" to start "firing at each other" as they enter into "this case that they're not even named in."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/22/202251 minutes, 13 seconds
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Miami GOP Rep. slams Biden for affronting generations of Cuban-Americans by negotiating 'with the devil,' Marxist Cuba

Rep. Maria Salazar (R-FL) trended last week for her comments confronting the Biden Administration and Democrats for propagating open border policies, saying that, “Latinos do not want open borders”. Her comments come in light of a recent poll showing that Biden’s approval rating amongst Latinos was at shocking, 26%. Salazar comments that Democrats misunderstand and have historical used Latino voters. Biden’s recent negotiations with the “Marxist Cuban regime”, is not only “not going to make the Cubans behave better with the Cuban people”, but is only a plot to “extract more concessions”, so that “they can stay in power longer”. The Miami Congresswoman says that her “big fight” is against the “Neo-Marxists, saying, “we always have to go back to Obama, because Obama was the one who proved that my mother and my ancestors were right when they said you cannot negotiate with that devil.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/21/202249 minutes, 47 seconds
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After AG Garland war on parents memo, school boards ‘limiting public comment’, banning parents says Free Speech Attorney

Southeastern Legal Foundation Chief Counsel Kimberly Hermann discusses the lawsuit she filed against Missouri School Board Association for lack of transparency. This comes after reports of increased silencing of parents following the controversial memo sent by Attorney General Merrick Garland ordering “the FBI to take action against parents who wanted to speak up at school board meetings, who were advocating for their children, all the way to really even labeling them as domestic terrorists.” Since then school boards across the United States have begun “limiting public comment”, in ways like “cutting off parents mics”, “limiting the number of times that parents can come before the school board”, “closing the doors, and they are even banning parents from speaking at these meetings”.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/20/202233 minutes, 40 seconds
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Deep State using taxpayer money ‘to influence elections and to keep career politicians with jobs’ says Fmr Rep. Doug Collins

Doug Collins, former Georgia Congressman, discusses the recent revelations from Special Counsel John Durham court filings and what that means for the Clinton campaign. Collins comments that Durham’s latest filing shows that, there were “political operatives”, “who were using the very tools of government, that you and I pay for, to actually try to influence elections and to keep career politicians with jobs”.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/19/202221 minutes, 16 seconds
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Border agents feel ‘demoralized’, part of ‘largest federal smuggling organization in world’ says Trump Border Commissioner

Mark Morgan, Former Customs and Border Patrol Commissioner under President Trump, gives his reaction to the Just the News exclusive report that the Biden Administration, ahead of the Title 42 lifting, is creating exceptions in the law to let illegal migrants into the United States early. The former Trump Border Commissioner comments that “our borders are wide open and insecure, in our country every aspect of our public health, safety, national security is being jeopardized, and our agents are demoralized”. Saying that, the Biden Administration has kept the laws on the books officially, but that his actions have made the laws irrelevant to the point that many long-serving border patrol agents have begun to feel like they are part of the “largest federal smuggling organization in the world”. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/18/202236 minutes, 6 seconds
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Brexit Leader Nigel Farage: ‘Without America leading the free world, there is no free world’

John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, Not Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. Interviews this week with former Brexit Leader Nigel Farage, Congressman and NY Gubernatorial Candidate Lee Zeldin, NC Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson, President of National Border Patrol Council Brandon Judd, and Mayor of Uvalde, TX Don McLaughlin. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern or watch any time at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/17/202252 minutes, 45 seconds
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Watchdog report: $36M in PPP money went to ineligible ‘government employees,’ teacher unions that pushed for COVID lockdowns

Max Nelsen, Director of Labor Policy at the Freedom Foundation, discusses his stunning report that showed that $36 Million of COVID PPP money intended for small business relief during the early days of lockdowns went to 200 unions, including teacher unions, that were ineligible to receive the money. Nelsen comments that the “American labor movement today, is not the American Labor movement of 100 years ago”. It is not “hard hats, or coal miners”, but rather is made up of “government employees”, with “teacher unions” making up the biggest group. Adding that the reports findings were “extra frustrating” because unions have become mostly “political organizations”, and primarily the unions that applied and received the PPP money, were the same unions “advocating for these government lockdowns that necessitated the need for these relief programs in the first place.” Commenting, the organizations took “money off the table” from “struggling mom and pop down the street” that were “just trying to keep their doors open through this unprecedented government imposed lockdown situation”, while the state and local governments were “awash in money” and never laid anyone off.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/15/202236 minutes, 46 seconds
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Biden fueling humanitarian crisis, ‘taxpayer subsidized’ human trafficking industry says former Trump adviser

John Zadrozny, former Senior Adviser for Policy to President Trump on immigration, discusses the on-going crisis on the southern border and refutes some of the misconceptions that the Biden Administration is refusing to acknowledge or is actively misrepresenting. The attorney, comments that the Administration likes to paint the illegal migrants as women with children, but in reality it’s the “profile of standing army”, that the main demographic of the border crossers are fifteen to thirty-five-year-old males. Zadrozny also comments that the Biden Administration by turning a blind eye to the border, is not only fueling a “humanitarian crisis”, but is encouraging cartels to carry out a “taxpayer-subsidized final leg of the human trafficking industry”.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/14/202240 minutes, 22 seconds
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Newt Gingrich blasts McConnell for leading like Pelosi

Former Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich, discusses the Republican “tsunami” that is coming in November and slams Mitch McConnell for his “nihilistic” leadership style. Saying, McConnell brings in a 3200 page bill and only he and his staff “gets to figure out what's going on, that's not representative government”, stating, “frankly, that’s as bad as Pelosi”.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/13/202244 minutes, 12 seconds
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Miranda Devine: Media is 'putting a firewall around Joe Biden' over Hunter Biden laptop story

Miranda Devine, investigative journalist for the New York Post and author of "Laptop from Hell" discusses how the media is changing the narrative around the Hunter Biden laptop as they admit it's authentic but try to claim that "it has nothing to do with Joe Biden."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/12/202255 minutes, 38 seconds
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David Bossie: Silicon Valley engaged in ‘censorship’ against anyone that insults Left, ‘get off Twitter’ go to other platforms

David Bossie, Founder of Citizens United, discusses his new film “Rigged”, which exposes the Mark Zuckerberg funded plot to the defeat Donald Trump in the 2020 election. Bossie, comments that currently Silicon Valley is engaging in “censorship against anyone that insults their friends”, saying that many TV companies like CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, Fox Business, won’t run ads for his new film, even though he bought the airtime. Saying that, “center right of this country”, need to “start paying attention, and get off Twitter and go to other platforms”. To find out more information of his new film go to: Rigged2020.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/11/202232 minutes, 28 seconds
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Palin: Freedom tied with parent’s rights, energy independence, Americans know better than ‘far-off faceless bureaucrats in DC’

John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, Not Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. Interviews this week with former Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin, former Congressman Devin Nunes, Sen. Dan Sullivan (R-AK), Rep. Brian Babin (R-TX), Jeremy Ivanovskis and Lisa Williams, flight attendants suing against Biden mask mandate. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern or watch any time at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/10/202246 minutes, 24 seconds
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Meet the MA Sheriff thats revolutionizing prisons with his inmate community program, teach life skills while improving recidivism by 50%

Sheriff Lewis Evangelidis, the first Republican Sheriff in almost 50 years from Worcester County, Massachusetts, has created waves throughout the country with his innovative inmate work program. This program looks to take “low risk offenders” from the prisons and offer them the opportunity to take part in helping their local communities in various forms, partnering with local businesses while teaching inmates life skills that leaves them with feelings of “accomplishment and dignity”, some, for the first time in their lives. The Sheriff comments that “this type of innovative programming” is needed throughout prisons across the United States, as “too many politicians want programs that make people dependent on them for power”. Saying, “the real power is when an individuals feels a sense of dignity, respect, and an accomplishment.” Not only has the programs helped with inmates mental health and equipping them with life skills, but has reduced recidivism rates by almost 50% and saved the community $8 million dollars.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/8/202233 minutes, 17 seconds
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Fmr. Intel Fred Fleitz: Must 'keep politics out' of CIA, FBI, calls for 'major house cleaning' of US spy community

Fred Fleitz, former Chief of Staff to The Trump National Security Council and Vice Chair of America First Policy Institute, discusses the politicization of the intelligence community after recent reports have emerged that Intelligence officials are now admitting that they made up or went with really bad unverifiable intelligence, to preempt the Russians. The intelligence expert comments that intelligence officers should not have gone along with “material that is being politicized to promote policies that Intel doesn't actually support.” Saying, “they're undermining the credibility of the intelligence community.” Fleitz comments that the only way to stop politics from corrupting the world of the intelligence community, is to have a “major housecleaning of these agencies”. Saying, “the whole top floor” of some of these agencies need to be fired, “we have to bring in people, not to politicize it, but to keep politics out of the work.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/7/202234 minutes, 52 seconds
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Rep. Kat Cammack: Democrats know food shortage is imminent, acting ‘willfully ignorant’

Rep. Kat Cammack (R-FL) discusses the trickling effect and long-term ramifications of the Biden Administrations energy policies initiatives which have sent energy costs skyrocketing and food shortages and diminished supply on the horizon. The Congresswoman comments that Democrats are acting “willfully ignorant” towards the imminent food crisis, created by the Biden Administration’s energy initiatives which has caused, not only energy costs to go up, but has also resulted in fertilizer and diesel costs to skyrocket, leaving many farmers and producers unable to keep up. She says combining this with Biden throwing “more red tape on them, the threat of new tax taxes, regulations on producers and then basically put a bow on it with a pretty scarce labor market, it’s looking pretty grim.” Cammack also comments with Ukraine, a major food producer for the world, being under attack ‘not planting’ will only further compound the problem next year, where there will be massive “food shortages and supply” issues throughout the world. Saying, the last time this happened, “we saw the Arab Spring take place because of a food shortage situation in the Ukraine”, and we now have the Muslim Brotherhood as a result.” Commenting, “this has incredible ramifications and consequences around the globe, not just here at home.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/6/202241 minutes, 15 seconds
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Tom Fitton: ‘Biden is compromised’, Intelligence community knew foreign payments were ‘bribes’ to take care of Hunter Biden

Tom Fitton, President of Judicial Watch, discusses his landmark win for equal protection against a California law that would require businesses to have quotas based on gender, minorities, certain ethnicities, and LGBT status for there board of directors. Fitton comments that the case just shows “how far the left has gone from pretending to be against discrimination to promoting it”. The President also discusses the recent bombshell dropped by John Durham’s in his filing last night, showing Clinton campaign text messages proving that the Democrats and the Hillary Clinton campaign knew that the Russian collusion allegations were false and were using them as a smear campaign and a “conspiracy” to undermine Donald Trump. Fitton comments that the “Biden’s family relationships within that region of the world”, went into “Putin’s decision-making when it came to invading Ukraine”, because he “recognized that Biden was compromised”. Going on to say that “bribes being solicited” from foreign government, not for business reasons, but only “to take care of” Hunter Biden.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/5/202259 minutes, 57 seconds
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FEC fines Clinton campaign and DNC, only time Hillary has been held ‘accountable’, says lawyer

Dan Backer, President and General Counsel for the Coolidge-Reagan Foundation, discusses the filing of the original complaint that led to the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and Clinton campaign having to pay fines to the Federal Election Committee for concealing payments that they used to fund the Christopher Steele Dossier. The counselor reacts that it is rare these days to get any action or penalties from the Federal Election Commission, that finally there is a “semblance of accountability, and probably the first fine that the Clintons are ever actually paying”. Backer goes on to say that this goes beyond political “dirty tricks” that this is “actual Russian collusion”, that the DNC and Clinton campaign “colluded with the Russian government, and they did it knowingly, and they hid it from the public.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/4/202245 minutes, 18 seconds
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Gov. Kristi Noem: Biden opening of oil reserves, ‘smoke show’ rather than dealing with ‘real crisis’

John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, Not Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. Interviews this week with SD Governor Kristi Noem, former State Department Spokesperson Morgan Ortagus, Rep. Rodney Davis (R-IA), Rep. Tom McClintock (R-CA), and Rep. Troy Nehls (R-TX). To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern or watch any time at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/3/202247 minutes, 7 seconds
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Illinois Governor does nothing ‘while people are being murdered at all time records’ says GOP gubernatorial candidate

Gary Rabine, gubernatorial candidate for Illinois, discusses the hypocrisy of the left in not having to experience the rise in crimes across the country, calling it “far left wing mentality”, which they call for policies that are increasing crime throughout the country but have “five to ten security people around them everywhere they go”. Rabine comments that that the mayor of Chicago is the face of this crime wave, which is political in nature. Saying that, “a real leaders don’t sleep well as people are being murdered at all time records” and the Illinois Governor and Chicago Mayor do.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/1/202240 minutes, 54 seconds
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Were Cawthorn’s comments a fess up or a mess up? Rep. Austin Scott says there should be an investigation

Rep. Austin Scott (R-GA) warns of the devastating fallout from the Russian invasion of Ukraine last month, saying that the leading world producer of sunflower seeds or nitrogen comes out of Ukraine, and will result in a world shortage. Saying America needs to “learn from this” and remember that we “cannot allow ourselves to become dependent on countries that do not share our interests or values”. Scott also calls for an “full investigation” into his Congressional colleague Madison Cawthorne's recent comments alleging that fellow Republican members engage in drug usage and orgies while in DC. The Congressman says that the comments that Cawthorne made are “serious accusations” and that Cawthorne now has two options: either name who the member of Congress was that he witnessed “engaging in drug usage” or admit that he has lied and “be disciplined for making a false accusations”.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/31/202240 minutes, 51 seconds
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President Trump dishes on Trump Doctrine 2.0 and his future plans for office

John Solomon, Editor-in-Chief of Just the News and co-host Amanda Head, host an exclusive interview with President Donald Trump for an in-depth discussion on Trump doctrine 2.0 and what you can see from the President in the future. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6 p.m. ET or watch any time at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/30/202230 minutes, 17 seconds
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JTN Special Report: 'Biden’s Court Pick, Tipping the Scales’

John Solomon, Editor-in-Chief of Just the News, hosts ‘Biden’s Court Pick, Tipping the Scales’ sponsored by Heritage Action for America for an in-depth discussion among leading conservatives on President Biden's Supreme Court nominee, Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, and her liberal-leaning record from the bench. Expert panel featuring: Utah GOP Sen. Mike Lee, Judicial Crisis Network President Carrie Severino, Michael Howell, Heritage Foundation senior adviser on government relations, Moms For America Executive Director Tamra Farah, and anti-abortion author/speaker Patrina Mosley. Topics to be discussed: Why the constitution matters and why activist judges are bad for the court, the Supreme Court nominee Jackson refusing to define when life starts or the word "woman," and the Supreme Court’s pending decision expected to impact Roe v. Wade.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/29/202252 minutes, 53 seconds
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Feminist advocate likens media cancel culture to ‘Salem witch trials’, people opting out of social media to follow

 Lauren Adams, legal director for Women’s Liberation Front (WoLF), the largest feminist organization in the country, discusses woke policies that are leading to censorship of women’s rights advocates across the board. Adams describes WoLF being recently de-platformed on a fundraising website for their vocal opposition to a California law that allows biologically intact men, claiming to be transgender, to be housed with women in prisons. The legal director says that the consequences coming off of all the recent woke policies are all “natural and predictable consequences”, that “we can expect to see more of as time goes on”. Commenting on the recent controversies concerning Lia Thomas winning the NCAA women’s swimming tournament and Rachel Levine being named “woman of the year”, Adams says in both instances you are already seeing the “taking away of opportunities for women to compete”.  Going on to say, just in these two isolated instances, “look at how many women were displaced by his participation.” Commenting that current media censorship prioritizing transgender rights over women’s is a “moral panic” and is “unsustainable”, which will lead to more people “opting out” of social media.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/28/202236 minutes
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Alan Dershowitz: President Trump suing Hillary Clinton over Russia-Gate ‘new definition of chutzpah’

John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, Not Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. Interviews this week with Kyle Rittenhouse, Harvard Professor Emeritus Alan Dershowitz, Rep. Scott Perry (R-PA), Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, and comedian Michael Loftus. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern or watch any time at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/27/202247 minutes, 6 seconds
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Historian who publicly rebuked 1619 Project founder over slavery tweet says far-left goal to ‘tear down’ American institutions

Phil Magness, an economic-historian who rose to fame this week after his viral rebuke of Nikole Hannah-Jones, 1619 Project founder, on her since deleted tweet claiming that ‘tipping is a legacy of slavery’ and that tipping is only a practice in the United States and nowhere else in the world. Magness says that not only is this a long-practice that “pre-dates” the Civil War, but that there are references to tipping from the Middle Ages and Shakespeare’s plays, indicating that this is a “common practice that emerged out of Europe”. The Historian comments that this is a “pattern” with the 1619 Project founder making “historical claims on twitter”, “someone challenges her and they become a point of embarrassment” and then she deletes them. He says that these false historical claims are part of “a larger political agenda”, to “tear down institutions and practices” of America.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/26/202224 minutes, 42 seconds
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Ex-State Dept. official: Biden is ‘rewarding Russian criminal behavior’ with ‘massive economic’ carve out in Iran Nuclear Deal

Morgan Ortagus, former State Department Spokesperson and candidate for Tennessee’s 5th Congressional District, slams the Biden Administration’s “cowardice” Iran Nuclear Deal after reports emerged today that inside the Iran Deal is a carve-out of up to “$10 billion in sanctions immunity” for Russia to help Iran “build nuclear reactors”. The former State Department official says that President Biden is not “serious” and has “no intention of actually stopping a Russian invasion” as he is “literally rewarding Russian criminal behavior” with a “massive economic lifeline”.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/25/20221 hour, 7 minutes, 5 seconds
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Sen. Blackburn: ‘seriously concerned’ Ketanji Brown Jackson ‘activism’ will push SCOTUS ‘farther to the left’

Senator Marsha Blackburn discusses her viral question to Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson, why the nominee not giving “a straight answer” makes her “seriously concerned”, and her solutions to how the Biden Administration can actually reduce the price of gas and oil.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/24/202229 minutes, 18 seconds
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Journalists Gone Wild: Federal agency that promotes America's news shown rampant security lapses, partisan agenda

Former CEO of U.S. Agency for Global Media (USAGM) Michael Pack and Grep Piper, Just the News Investigative Reporter, comment on the state of the USAGM and how “taxpayer funded media” became the breeding ground for “security failures” susceptible to “foreign intelligence services” and partisan reporting.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/23/20221 hour, 5 minutes, 20 seconds
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Rep. Darrell Issa: ‘The big crime’ on Hunter Biden’s laptop is American censorship

 Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA), discusses the “conspiracy of monumental size” on the part of the mainstream media and social media in the censoring of the Hunter Biden’s laptop story, going into the 2020 Presidential Elections. The Congressman comments that he can live with the fact of “Biden finishing out his term as corrupt as we now know he is”.  But the “big crime” he can’t live with, is the New York Post “coming out with credible evidence” and being shut down by the “New York Times”, “public broadcasting”, and “by having more than fifty of the most informed people in the intelligence world, all saying that they knew that this was false information.” The Congressman comments that “an investigation has be done”, because “shutting down the First Amendment is now become a pattern of new media.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/22/202229 minutes, 46 seconds
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No ‘transformative’ Iran Deal, ‘neither side expects this deal to last longer than Biden's term’ says diplomacy expert

Trita Parsi, Executive Vice President of the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft, discusses the impending finalization of the Iran Deal and what that means for US-Iranian tensions and relations moving forward. The diplomacy expert comments that the “transformative potential” of revitalization of the US-Iranian relations is gone, “partly because neither side expects this deal to last longer than Biden's term.” Commenting, that the finalizing of the deal provides “more of a pause in the tensions rather than a transformation of relations.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/21/202245 minutes, 39 seconds
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Rep. Jim Jordan: ‘Joe Biden has given us complete chaos’ after Trump handed him everything

John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, Not Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you Information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. Interviews with Rep. Jim Jordan, Sen. Ron Johnson, Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita, Dr. Harvey Risch, and Walid Phares. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern or watch any time at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/21/202249 minutes, 2 seconds
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Putin invasion defining moment for U.S. becoming “global” watchdog says Arms Security expert

William Hartung, Director of Arms and Security Program at Center for International Policy, discusses the US currently witnessing of the realignment of Allies and reevaluating the United States’ European strategy and global strategy. Hartung explains that the Russian invasion of Ukraine changing the European Union and NATO dynamics “is inevitable”, and that he hopes this will mean Europe doing more its own defense and being better about coordination among European NATO members”. His fears is that it will become more about relying on the U.S. to continue the “global expansion” of the US military and becoming the world-wide watchdog, ready to commit “to fight almost anywhere” in the world.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/18/202237 minutes, 26 seconds
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Hunter Biden laptop finder describes ‘day late and dollar short’ acknowledgement from mainstream media

John Paul MacIsaac, the man who rose to fame two years ago as the finder of the infamous Hunter Biden laptop, discusses the chain of events that led to the unraveling of the mainstream media narrative. MacIsaac gives his reaction to the recently published New York Times article that acknowledged, that not only was the Hunter Biden laptop story legitimate but it was factually true. The admission comes two years after the mainstream media debunked the story and called it Russian disinformation. MacIsaac comments that while the acknowledgement is nice, it is a “day late and a dollar short”.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/17/202251 minutes, 26 seconds
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Biden’s ban on American oil, out of playbook of ‘how to destroy America’ says Louisiana AG Landry

Louisiana AG Jeff Landry pushes back on the recent comments made by President Biden and his Administration ‘that he's done nothing to discourage domestic oil and gas production’ and the media being complicit in not calling out the evident showing the opposite. He comments that “the sad part is that prices are going up, and it affects the middle class” but that “the good news is that the President's poll numbers continue to go down.” Saying that many Americans are waking up and comparing their lives under the “Trump administration” and “under a Republican controlled House” and “controlled Senate”, and how they had more money in their pockets and its now “being eaten up by all the inflationary costs”. The Attorney General comments “the problem with prices right now, is it’s artificially being inflated because of the poor policy choices of the Biden administration, and the Democrats”, saying “that's just a fact”.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/16/202237 minutes, 57 seconds
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Ric Grenell blasts complicit Media in Biden’s failures

Richard Grenell, former director of National Intelligence under President Trump comments on the recent noticeable absence of Secretary of State Tony Blinken on the world stage and the media’s portrayal of President Biden’s strong foreign policy decisions while in reality his actions are the result of Congress forcing his hand. Grenell comments that the media is complicit in keeping up this appearance of Biden’s presidency being successful, commenting that America “has a crisis”, when it comes to unbiased journalism, that there are “too many outlets that just parrot the ruling party”.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/15/202240 minutes, 43 seconds
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Former CIA operative: Unless US decides to 'strike,' eliminate Iran's nukes, GOP has little choice but to accept 'containment strategy'

Reuel Marc Gerecht, former CIA operative and Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies discusses the Biden Administration renegotiating and trying to finalize the Iran Nuclear deal after years of stalled and failed negotiations. Gerecht comments that after years of mixed U.S. response towards Iran acquiring nuclear arms, Republicans going into elections in 2025 are now left with two options: accept and have nuclear “containment strategy” similar to the U.S. positions during the USSR or “strike” and prevent Iran from “becoming a nuclear state”.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/14/202250 minutes, 16 seconds
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Leading from Behind? Experts dispute Biden-Harris record of success, sound alarm on America’s rapid decline

 John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, Not Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you Information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. Interviews with former Congressman Devin Nunes, Senator Mike Braun (R-IN), former FBI Assistant Director of Intelligence Kevin Brock, Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton, Wisconsin State Representative Janel Brandtjen, and Professor Nicholas Giordano. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern or watch any time at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/13/202257 minutes, 12 seconds
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Fmr. Margaret Thatcher Adviser: Biden acting more like a Leader of EU than ‘Leader of the Free World’

Nile Gardiner, former foreign policy adviser to Margaret Thatcher discusses the responses of the world leaders since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, calling President Biden’s approach to dealing with Putin, “dangerous”. Gardiner comments that the Biden Administration is “actively partnering with the Russians on the Iran nuclear deal trying to get a new deal with Iran”, saying, this is an “appeasement mindset”, as they are nervous about doing anything that will lead to “escalating the crisis with the Russians and so they want to avoid anything that the Putin would deem to be a hostile act.” The foreign policy expert comments that this whole approach is “completely muddled”, and “we're dealing with European Union style bureaucrats who think like the French and the Germans do, and this is dangerous if you're if you're leading the free world”.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/11/202242 minutes, 9 seconds
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GOP Rep. Brady says he struck bipartisan deal forcing Biden to end ‘trade relations with Russia’

Former Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, Congressman Kevin Brady (R-TX) discusses his bipartisan deal struck with Speaker Nancy Pelosi to bring a House floor vote next week “ending normal trade relations” between the United States and Russia. The Texas Congressman commenting, that any items bought from Russia “go to finance this war indirectly and sometimes directly, and we shouldn’t be a party to that.” Calling Biden’s inaction, “a little bit embarrassing”, and that President Biden “has to be shamed in taking steps”.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/10/202233 minutes, 19 seconds
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Biden ‘deliberately misdirected’ American people from reality of Russian invasion says GOP Rep. Cammack

Rep. Kat Cammack (R-FL) calls President Biden’s poor planning on seeking an alternative for U.S. oil and gas while warning of impending Russian invasion for months, beyond failure to plan but a “deliberate negligence and misdirection” of the American people. The Congresswoman adds that, “the intelligence community has been accurate in their assessments for the last year when it comes to the Ukraine Russia conflict”, and Congress “authorized lethal aid back in fall of last year,” but “it never made it”. Saying, the President’s inaction speaks volume to the “fact that Biden would rather do business with”, the Iranian Supreme leader and a “socialist dictator”, “then with American companies who can producer clean, safe and efficient energy for our country and the world.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/9/202241 minutes, 54 seconds
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Biden in desperate need of “Reagan moment” says Ex-CIA Moscow station chief

Daniel Hoffman, former CIA Moscow station chief, talks about the misinformation war going on between Russia and the Western world, saying that “President Biden has not shown that he is capable of a President Reagan or a John F. Kennedy moment”, commenting Biden has “failed” to “win the information war against Russia.” Hoffman comments that President Biden needs to go on the world stage and speak to Russia and the Russian people that Ukraine “is Vladimir Putin’s war”, that he has put Russia back into this self “imposed Iron Curtain”, and until the Russian people decide that they’ve had enough and “hold Vladimir Putin accountable for it”, things are not “going to get better”. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/8/202243 minutes, 37 seconds
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Biden would rather import oil from “Iran and Venezuela” than “Texas and Oklahoma” says US Oil and Gas President

Tim Stewart, President of US Oil and Gas Association, discusses ramifications of just one-year of the Biden Administrations oil and gas policies, commenting that the policies have left the United States with little to no other options, and appears to show that President Biden thinks importing oil from “terrorism-sponsoring states” like Iran and Venezuela, is a better option than United States producing its own in “Texas, Oklahoma, Wyoming, North Dakota and the New Mexico option”.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/7/202254 minutes, 55 seconds
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Wake up call? Experts warn world map of Europe is being rewritten

John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, Not Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you Information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. In this compilation of interviews from the TV show John and Amanda talk with TX Attorney General Ken Paxton, Rep. Greg Steube (R-FL), GA Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, and Former MN Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern or watch any time at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/6/202240 minutes, 9 seconds
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Former Top State official, Putin did what Biden couldn’t- unite Europe against Russia

Dr. Kiron Skinner discusses Ukraine-Russian crisis, diplomacy, and the threat of nuclear war coming out of Eastern Europe. The former State Department Advisor comments, that in the last week the Western World and Europe have had the realization that there is “the potential for nuclear catastrophe, including an escalation to the use of nuclear weapons.” Saying that nuclear catastrophe alone makes “this is not a civil conflict”, but a “global conflict, and the eyes of the world are on it.” Commenting that, “if anyone was in doubt about the serious nature of this conflict, yesterday cleared up that concern”. Skinner says that, “in real time, the map of Europe is being rewritten.”, but that there is a silver lining, that “Europe is finally waking up, and it took, a conflict like this with a dictator, Vladimir Putin, to bring Europe together and to bring the West together”. Saying, “the transatlantic world are finding out that there's a lot of responsibility associated with freedom, a lot of responsibility with the West, and a lot of accountability.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/4/202244 minutes, 35 seconds
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Ex-Drudge editor gives skinny on why site has changed so much

D: Joe Curl, former Drudge Editor and Founder of, discusses the circumstances surrounding the recent decline of normal reporting on Drudge Report, saying that it became like many news outlets which are “not willing to cover certain stories”. Curl also discusses some of the rumors that have surrounded the sudden shift in reporting from the website in relation to founder, Matt Drudge .Check out OffThePress.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/3/202247 minutes, 15 seconds
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Biden SOTU address showed “Democratic Party of JFK, no longer exists”, “completely disconnected from reality” says Freedom Caucus Leader Perry

Congressman Scott Perry (R-PA) discusses President Biden’s State of the Union address last night and the end of JFK’s legacy in the Democratic Party. The Chairman of the House Freedom Caucus comments that Biden’s speech last night not only showed that “the Democratic Party of JFK and Harry Truman, no longer exists”, but that Democrats are “completely disconnected from reality”. Commenting that Biden’s acknowledgement of the southern border crisis or the “Defund the Police” movement, does not make it so, and his actions are “demonstrable and striking, prove exactly the opposite”. The Congressman explains that while Biden may not want the “American people to believe that he has been dragged by the Socialist Wing” of the Democratic Party, “we’re feeling the effects of it all, in every single aspects of our lives.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/2/202238 minutes, 49 seconds
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Forget Biden’s sanctions, U.S. “should not be buying oil and gas from Russia right now” says Freedom Caucus Biggs

Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) discusses Biden’s State of the Union address tonight in the midst of the on-going southern border crisis and and the breakdown of relations between the United States and Russia, after its invasion of Ukraine last week. The Chairman of the House Freedom Caucus explains that President Biden’s sanctions have not affected Russia or Putin because it did not go after their “energy industry”, which “controls all of their economy”, and “drives [Putin’s] economy.” The Congressman says that the only way to solve this is through American “energy independence” and exporting “our own energy”, saying, once this happens “Russia is in trouble”, “because [Russia] needs about $60 a barrel of oil to make sure they can run the government. Right now, It's at $110”, giving Russia plenty of resources to fund its invasion of Russia. Biggs comments, “we should not be buying oil and gas from Russia right now.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/1/202240 minutes, 2 seconds
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Ex-Trump official: Biden not ‘negotiating for peace in Europe’, sending VP Harris shows America’s fall from global respect

Kash Patel, former chief of staff to the Trump Secretary of Defense discusses the recent Russian invasion of Ukraine and America’s fall from global leadership. Patel commenting, President Biden’s decision not to go to Europe and “negotiate for peace” with the Russians and Ukrainians, shows how far America has fallen from “American geopolitical dominance”. Going on to say, that he is unsure how many civilians have to be murdered in Ukraine “for Joe Biden to wake up and say, oh, we're going to sanction them back to the negotiating table.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/28/20221 hour, 8 minutes, 7 seconds
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Unprecedented Times: Experts describe how Biden’s foreign policy led to Russia-Ukraine invasion

John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, Not Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you Information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. Interviews with Sen. Ron Johnson (R- WI), Bill O’Reilly, Phil Kline, and Rep. Ralph Norman (R-SC). To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern or watch any time at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/27/202249 minutes, 21 seconds
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Young African-Americans moving from racial politics, civil right to 'individual rights, individual success, merit,' civil right activist

Ward Connerly, Founder and President of the American Civil Rights Institute, discuses the weaponization of race and state of politics in America. The long-time critic of Affirmative Action, says that the time has come to move on from this “poisonous” policy, saying that many misunderstand the ending of Martin Luther King’s famous ‘I Have a Dream speech’, commenting ‘free at last free at last’, with “that with freedom, there is an obligation or responsibility to pursue your happiness within the framework of what this country provides. But it's based on competition, and a lot of our problems right now are based on the failure of people to take advantage of the opportunities that are there.” Connerly comments that there is a generational shift happening within the younger African-American community, moving away from “civil rights” to “individual rights, individual success, and merit”. Connerly, says that Americans need to bring back to politics a “sense of community, that sense of, this is a friendly competition, and I’m going to beat you, because I think I'm right, but you're not my enemy.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/26/202237 minutes, 33 seconds
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JTN Special Report: 'The True State of the Union'

John Solomon, Editor-in-Chief of Just the News, hosts ‘The True State of the Union’ sponsored by Heritage Action for America discussing Inflation, liberals’ power grab on schools, Big Tech censorship and business–throttling COVID mandates, just a few of the pressing issues in America that voters are hoping Biden will address. Expert panel featuring HAFA Executive Director Jessica Anderson on job-killing regulations and Americans' shrinking paychecks; Salon-owner Erica Kious on mandates and restarting a shuttered business; former GOP Congressman Dave Brat on inflation; Arturo Morales Llan, grassroots-activist from Utah on helping parents fix schools; Bernie Kerik, former New York Police Department Commissioner, on recovering from the “Defund the Police” movement; and Seth Dillon, CEO of the Babylon Bee, on censorship and competing with a "Tech Giant."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/25/202249 minutes, 29 seconds
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Amb. John Bolton outlines how Afghanistan led to Ukraine crisis and may now embolden China

Ambassador John Bolton, former Ambassador to the United Nations and United States National Security Advisor, discusses Putin’s land and air invasion of Ukraine, commenting that the Russian President is “fulfilling a strategy that he began, really back in 2005, when he said the breakup of the Soviet Union was the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the 20th century.” The Ambassador goes on to say that Biden’s imposing of sanctions in the recent weeks, as means to deter Putin, “has failed”, commenting that “the objective of the policy was to prevent a military attack on Ukraine, and that’s what we are seeing today.” The Ambassador says that he is “very worried” by the idea that United States is now “so consumed now with Ukraine”, that China “might take advantage of the timing” on Taiwan, commenting that “nobody’s watching more closely than China”.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/24/202234 minutes, 50 seconds
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Americans won big on the Trump stock market and are losing on the Biden market warns Rep. Darrell Issa

Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA), discusses the failure of Biden’s “Carter-esque foreign policy” on the U.S. economy, commenting that if an American “were to buy the NASDAQ Composite on the day President Trump was sworn in, you not only doubled your money, but you were up 130% in four years.” Compared to buying in, one-year-ago, on the day that President Biden was sworn in, “you were down, as of today, you have lost money and that doesn't include the 8% inflation that ate away the value of your money.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/23/202247 minutes, 58 seconds
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Ken Starr: Hillary Clinton attacking of Durham, his motives “same play out of old playbook”

Ken Starr, Independent Counsel for Whitewater Controversy and Former Solicitor General of the United States, discusses the ruling by the Supreme Court denying the appeal for Maine healthcare workers to challenge the vaccine mandates, saying that the ruling is “very logical” given the structure set up by the Founders, and seems to be a return to state sovereignty. Starr comments also on the recent attacks by Hillary Clinton against federal prosecutor John Durham, saying that this is similar to her response during the Whitewater Controversy in the 90’s, that “instead of dealing with the merits, you attack the prosecutor, you attack the prosecutors motives. So it's just the same play out of the old playbook.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/22/202237 minutes, 5 seconds
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Durham Clinton findings, FBI corruption, time to rethink structure of FBI, “insulate from the political process” says Whitewater Independent Counsel Ray

Robert Ray, former Independent Counsel for the Whitewater Investigations, discusses the Durham findings and comments on the politicization of the FBI, saying that when “you concentrate that amount of power in one person or a group of people, at that level, you better watch out and you better keep an eye on it, because all kinds of, you know, potential trouble is afoot.” He goes on to discuss that interference of this kind, is troubling for the United States bi-partisan efforts, that this “sort of conduct is a direct interference with the merits of investigatory activity, and it has repercussions that we've seen…it altered the presidential campaign and it continued on into the end of the Trump administration, all the way into a second campaign.” Robert comments that with such severe repercussions, it so important that the FBI is kept “away from the political process”, commenting that “an FBI that is left to its own devices can do some pretty dangerous things”.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/21/202229 minutes, 24 seconds
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Former DHS chief Chad Wolf: Biden admin is creating 'the worst humanitarian security crisis' along southern border

John Solomon and Amanda Head from Just The News, Not Noise talk to former Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Chad Wolf about the Biden administration intentionally creating the border crisis. Plus, interviews with Dr. Harvey Risch, Congresswoman Kat Cammack, and CEO of the Trump Media & Technology Group, Devin Nunes. To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern or watch any time at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/20/202238 minutes, 42 seconds
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South African doctor who discovered Omicron: Officials pressured her to not call it mild because 'they were scared'

Dr. Angelique Coetzee, the South African doctor who discovered the Omicron variant, said that officials pressured her to not call the COVID-19 variant "mild" because "they were scared" and were only looking at its mutations, rather than the symptoms.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/19/202221 minutes, 25 seconds
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Trump DOJ official: 'Merrick Garland's Department of Justice has betrayed the trust of the American people'

Former counselor to the Attorney General under the Trump administration, Gene Hamilton, discusses the politicization of the Biden administration's Department of Justice, saying that "their credibility" has been "completely destroyed."Robby Starbuck, a filmmaker and Republican candidate for Tennessee's 5th congressional district, explains how a bill in his state's legislature that may have had the potential to kick him out of the race will actually not affect his candidacy.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/18/202252 minutes, 3 seconds
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Texas AG Paxton: CDC has no “authority to issue” plane mask mandates or “make up rules” to enforce with criminal penalties

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton (R) criticizes the Center for Disease Control (CDC) for its federal overreach, explaining why he filed the lawsuit alongside TX Congresswoman Beth Van Duyne. The Attorney General discusses how the CDC never “had the authority to issue these mandates.” “They didn't go back and demonstrate, the effectiveness of it” and “there's nothing in the language of the statute”, “drafted by Congress that authorizes them to take this level of action.” He moves on to discuss that not only is the mandate not enforceable but that the CDC exposing “criminal penalty” for not obliging “are made up rules”. Commenting “that's a problem too, because if you want to have that type of impact on people's lives, criminal penalties, you can't just issue that from” a federal agency.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/17/202229 minutes, 15 seconds
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Trump Defense Secretary: Biden needs to call Putin’s bluff, send “three army divisions” to back up Europe

Former Acting Secretary of Defense, Chris Miller, discusses the cat and mouse game currently being played in Europe by Vladimir Putin and what America needs to do to assure our allies that we’re serious to our foreign commitments. Miller comments that Putin’s current affair with Ukraine comes back to Biden’s “ham-handed and horrible”, “method for ending the war in Afghanistan”, saying that it only emboldened Putin and “our opponents” to push the limits “to see what they can get away with”. The Secretary’s advice to Biden’s team to “push [Putin] back”, would be to go on tv and say that the United States is “deploying three army divisions” to Poland, Lithuania, and Ukraine. Miller comments, this alone would “absolutely blow Putin’s mind and would completely desynchronize him”. Saying, the U.S. is on the “defensive” right now, and “defense gets you only so far, then you have to do something that your opponent responds to.” “We’re at that kind of pivotal moment in history, we have to think about maybe reinforcing Europe”.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/16/202256 minutes, 3 seconds
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Bill O’Reilly suggests Congress create penalties to punish Big Tech “mob mentality” censorship

Bill O’Reilly, journalist and host of ‘No Spin News’ joins the show to discuss cancel culture and the “mob mentality” of the mainstream media, saying that this recent phenomenon is a “danger to our democracy and freedom”, explaining that it is worse right now than during Vietnam, because of the complete lack of “restraint on attacking people with whom you disagree”. Saying that currently, “if you're a contrarian, they're going to try to destroy your whole life, your family and everything else, and they are successful, much of the time”. O’Reilly explains that the “only solution” to reign in “social media companies” from controlling “the flow of information all over the world” is through “legislation”, commenting that he doesn’t “trust the Federal government”, but its become necessary “to have definitions made by Congress, about what you can and can't do in the censorship realm”.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/15/202252 minutes, 59 seconds
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GOP Rep. Rodney Davis: Jake Sullivan has 'no credibility’, RussiaGate targeting Trump, was 'direct attack on America’, its ‘freedoms’

Rep. Rodney Davis (R-IL) weighs in on the recent news dropped over the weekend by John Durham exposing the extent of the Clinton campaign spying and concocting the “Russian Collusion” story, saying that “it is absolutely treasonous and should have never happen in a country like ours, somebody needs to go to jail for what they tried to do to President Trump, and anyone associated with him.” The Congressman went on to comment on the credibility of Jake Sullivan, who is the current National Security Adviser to President Biden and a former adviser to Hillary Clinton, saying that not only does he “have a credibility gap”, but Sullivan’s actions “is a direct attack on America and America’s freedoms”. Spying “on a presidential campaign of the other party, creating lies that they know are not true, trying to link Trump to Russia before he was President…these are offenses that need to be investigated.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/14/20221 hour, 42 seconds
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Adam Carolla: Big Government Uses Senseless COVID Regulations To Flex Its Muscle

John Solomon and Amanda Head from Just The News, Not Noise talk to Adam Carolla about COVID regulations and Cancel culture. Plus interviews with Dr. Robert Malone, Congressman Andy Biggs, and Peter Schweizer.  To see the daily show, go to each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern or watch any time at JustThe Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/12/202239 minutes, 32 seconds
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GOP Rep. Waltz censored over NBC Ad: “When you see made in China, put it down”, “defund dictatorships”

Rep. Mike Waltz (R-FL) comments on NBC refusal to air his commercial exposing the CCP’s sending of millions of Muslims in China to “concentration camps and… into slave labor”. The Congressman remarks that China “is the greatest adversary that we’ve ever faced”, even over the Soviet Union, Germany, or Al-Qaeda, “because we didnt have these economic entangled”. Saying that the purpose of the commercial was to “highlight U.S. companies that preach social justice”, like Coco-Cola, Visa, Intel, “but completely turn a blind eye, hypocritically, to what is going on over in China and are propping up these Olympic Games that are a propaganda platform for the Chinese dictatorship”. The Congressman went on to say that NBC’s rejection, “put a massive spotlight” on the issue. The theme of the commercial was ‘when you see made in China, put it down’, Waltz comments, “let’s defund dictatorships that mean America harm”, “the American people need to start voting with their wallets”.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/11/202256 minutes, 52 seconds
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West Virginia AG: Biden admin is leading Americans 'to slaughter' with destructive policies

West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey discusses the lawsuit his state is bringing to the Supreme Court regarding the EPA's power grab and blasts the Biden administration for trying to destroy America.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/10/202240 minutes, 8 seconds
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Liz Cheney challenger seizes on revelations of Rep.’s husband China connection

Harriet Hageman, Liz Cheney’s Republican primary challenger, discusses Cheney’s Hunter Biden problem, that while outwardly claiming that she’s tough on China and calling them a generational threat, but her husband’s law firm represents dictatorial regimes such as: China, Kazakhstan, and Belarus. Hageman comments that Cheney’s “part of the aristocracy of Washington D.C.”, and “Wyoming is suffering the consequences”.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/9/202253 minutes, 42 seconds
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Former Trump Security Adviser Kellogg: Time for US to move from ‘One China policy’, recognize ‘Taiwan’

Retired Army Lt. General Keith Kellogg, former National Security Council chief of staff under President Trump and Co-Chairman of the Center for American Security at America First Policy Institute, discusses the Biden Administration’s international policy towards China specifically looking into China’s behavior post-Olympics. Kellogg comments that China cracking down on Taiwan should be a concern to everyone, saying that most people a few years ago also said “Hong Kong will be fine”. The General comments that America needs to make a statement and challenge the status quo, saying that we’re moving away from the “One China policy”, and acknowledge now that there is a “Two China policy, and we’re going to support Taiwan as an independent country”, and the “rest of the world should support them too and their democratically elected leadership”.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/8/202240 minutes, 49 seconds
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Democrats power grab going to expand from pandemic to ‘climate change’, Missouri AG warns

Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt joins the show to discuss leading the charge of AG’s throughout the country pushing back on federal mandates and for a return to federalism. Schmitt commenting that the Founder created a ‘system of governance’ for the United States grounded in ‘individual rights and that's an exception still in the world today’. Saying that ‘we believe in individual freedom. And our system of federalism was created to make sure we check the federal government's powers’. The AG comments that in 2022, all the discussions happening in society today are ‘big debates are about who we are as a country’, saying ‘we've been the freest country in the history of the world, are we going to remain that?’,‘or are we going to be like some European countries, or worse, a dystopian biomedical security state’. Schmitt saying that is why he is ‘taking on a lot of these local COVID tyrants who have gotten a measure of power they never had before, they never want to let it go’. Commenting later that these same people are ‘never going to let let this go’, and ‘the next frontier’ will be ‘calling climate change, a climate crisis’.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/7/202237 minutes, 18 seconds
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Constitutional activist Meckler: States need to take back their authority after Feds COVID mandates

Mark Meckler, President of the Convention of States Project, discusses how Federal Government COVID-19 overhaul led to a resurgence and acceleration of states signing on to the Convention of States, a constitutional movement for a return to federalism and state self-governance. Commenting that the movement reached the ‘halfway mark’ this week, with Wisconsin, South Dakota, and Nebraska signing on to become part of 17 states out of 34 needed to trigger the convention. This idea was birthed from Meckler being a part of the Tea Party movement in 2010, saying he saw two big problems: one being “structure”, resulting from years of “giving the federal government more and more power”, and the second, American’s losing their traditional “idea of self-governance” which is unique to the American system. Meckler's solution to “fix that structure is what we call a convention under Article V of the United States Constitution, get the states together, and the states proposed amendments to limit the power of the federal government”.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/4/202249 minutes, 22 seconds
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GOP House Leader says Congress considering ending FISA warrants for FBI after ‘widespread violations’

Rep. Mike Johnson (R-LA), Vice Chairman of the House Republican Conference, discusses the letter he and Rep. Jim Jordan sent last week to FBI Director Christopher Wray, addressing the concerns that the FBI was committing “apparent widespread violations of privacy rules when they’re conducting surveillance” by its FISA powers. Saying he and Congressman Jordan “were concerned that the privacy has been tread upon, the American citizens private information being collected and used without their knowledge without proper warrants and proper due process”. The Vice-Chairman says that since one of the key legal authorities for FISA Authority, Section 702, is up for reauthorization next year, “a number of members of Congress”, including himself, “are talking very openly now about whether or not we should reauthorize this”.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/3/202232 minutes, 26 seconds
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Rep. Lance Gooden: 'Not one person in America' knows how bad terrorism threat is with border crisis

Rep. Lance Gooden (R-TX) discussed the effects of the border crisis, including the terrorism threat, saying, "there is not one person in America that could tell you just how bad it is because we don't know. We're not vetting these people, we don't know where they come from."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/2/202238 minutes, 45 seconds
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Ex-Trump official Patel: Russia, China won't invade but will exploit Biden's 'weakened posture in the world'

Kash Patel, former chief of staff to Secretary of Defense discusses the recent showdown between the United States with Russia, saying that “Vladimir Putin is not starting another war…” commenting that he believes, China won’t invade Taiwan, but rather thinks that China and Russia “are operating off of the same playbook, they’re taking advantage of America’s weakened posture in the world.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/1/202250 minutes, 21 seconds
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West Coast conservative sage Head touts new TV show with Solomon

Amanda Head, West Coast conservative personality, discusses the launching of her new prime time nightly news show called Just the News Not Noise co-hosted with John Solomon. The show will be premiering tonight, January 31 @ 6PM E.T. on Real America’s Voice to bring you the news while eliminating the noise. The show can be streamed online at RAV’s website or by downloading the network's app on Apple or Android. Viewers can also watch on DISH Ch. 219; Pluto TV Ch. 240; Samsung TV Plus Ch. 1029; SelectTV Ch. 106; Apple TV; Fire TV and Roku Ch. 175. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/31/202256 minutes, 36 seconds
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‘How State Legislation Exemplifies Election Integrity’: Just The News Special Report

John Solomon, Editor-in-Chief of Just the News, hosts ‘How State Legislation Exemplifies Election Integrity,’ with Heritage Action for America and Real America's Voice, featuring interviews with such conservative leaders as Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp, new Virginia Lt. Gov. Winsome Sears, Texas GOP Secretary of State John Scott, Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), Hans von Spakovsky, and Jessica Anderson, executive director for Heritage Action. All focusing on the effectiveness of state-level efforts to bolster election security, compared to those proposed by Washington Democrats.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/28/202258 minutes, 9 seconds
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Benji Backer: GOP must own climate debate or risk losing hunters, other voters living in country's 'beautiful' heartland

Benji Backer, President of American Conservation Coalition, discusses how conservatives need to “retake the conversation about climate change” and provide Americans with a reasonable and effective alternative to “terrible policies” like the Green New Deal. Backer says Conservatives and Republicans “know how to take care of our land.” “We're hunters, we're fishers, we love to hike, we love to bike, and we love to be outside, we love to farm, and that's part of who we are as people.” Commenting that “we're not at the top of a New York City Building, talking about how much we love the environment, we're actually in it, we're living it and breathing it every single day.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/27/202242 minutes, 50 seconds
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Top US oil exec warns Biden's energy policies are really 'Green New Deal lite'

Dan Eberhart, CEO of Canary and energy industry commentator discusses the current climate between the Biden Administration’s energy policies and America’s current surge of oil and gas prices, saying it’s designed to shrink the supply and usher in “Green New Deal Lite”. Eberhart comments that this is a way for the “administration to reduce fossil fuel consumption in the long term”, commenting that it’s at “cost is higher energy costs for consumers”.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/26/202217 minutes, 40 seconds
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Former GOP Rep. Collins on White House matter-of-fact on possible Russia invasion: 'We should be horrified'

Doug Collins, former Georgia Republican Representative, discusses conservatives leading the push on bail reform and the current showdown happening on the Russia-Ukraine border, saying yes, [United States] should be horrified by that.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/25/202239 minutes, 56 seconds
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Illegal immigrants allowed to board planes with “arrest warrants” dangerous says former Trump Advisor

John Zadrozny, former Senior Advisor for Policy to President Trump and Director of the Center for Homeland Security and Immigration at America First Policy Institute, discusses a shocking revelation, that TSA is now allowing illegal immigrants without ID’s to use their arrest warrants as a form of identification to board planes. Zadrozny comments that this is one of the most “dangerous things” that the Biden Adminstration is allowing to happen, saying “literally you have a federal agency saying, we are so desperate to let illegal aliens travel about the country and have the ability to do what they want, that we’ll let them use an arrest warrant to board a plane.” Zadrozny says not only is this a form of human trafficking, but that the US Government is acting as “a taxpayer subsidized final leg of a human trafficking journey for a lot of these people”.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/24/202222 minutes, 29 seconds
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‘Biden incompetence’ raises bigger risk of Taiwan invasion than Russia in Ukraine says Former Trump national security aide

Fred Fleitz, Former Chief of Staff to Trump’s National Security Council and Vice-Chair of America First Policy Institute, discusses the threats that Russia and China pose to the United States. Former Chief of Staff comments that he is ‘most worried about China’, and does not ‘think Putin is going to invade Ukraine.’ Fleitz explains that he believes ‘China will cash in on this extraordinary period of American weakness.’ Saying he ‘thinks that the date of the Chinese attack on Taiwan has been moved up because of Biden's incompetence.’ Fleitz comments, while it might not be this year, he thinks it will be before the next presidential election.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/21/202240 minutes, 9 seconds
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Nigel Farage: Under Biden, America no better ‘than a bad joke’ on world stage

Nigel Farage, Brexit Party leader talks Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s recent COVID Scandal and Biden’s ‘bad joke’ foreign policy. Farage comments on the recent scandal involving details of UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s breaking his own COVID lockdown rules last year, saying that ‘lawmakers cannot ever be seen as lawbreakers’, ‘and this is ‘Boris’s problem’, ‘he’s a cheerleader, not a leader’, great at ‘getting a crowd cheering and making everybody happy’, ‘but when it comes to being a leader, he doesn’t lead by example’. Farage went on to discuss President Biden’s foreign policy appearance by the world, saying in terms of America’s ‘presence on the international stage, and what it says of the leader of the free world being taken seriously, America right now is no better than a bad joke’.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/20/202239 minutes, 24 seconds
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MLK Jr. niece: Biden, Dems ‘playing the race card’ to ‘stir up emotions to get their way’

Alveda King, niece of Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. and founder of Speak for Life, discusses the upcoming March for Life in Washington D.C. on January 21st and slams President Biden’s recent remarks calling those that disagree with him on voting, racists. The evangelist comments that ‘we need [voter] ID and sensible voting’, and what Biden is doing is ‘race baiting and playing the race card’. She goes on to accuse President Biden, Vice President Harris, Nancy Pelosi, and Democrats of ‘stirring up emotions to get their way’. Saying it’s, ‘like having temper tantrums when you’re in the highest seats in office.’See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/19/202232 minutes, 19 seconds
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Congresswoman discusses how suspected terrorist got ahold of EMS uniform patch to sneak across the border

Rep. Claudia Tenney (R-NY), one of the first members of Congress to sound the alarm on the situation arising at the southern border last year, discusses the ‘humanitarian crisis’ and the current ‘danger to American citizens’ that is happening on the border. The Congresswoman attributes this crisis to the Biden Administration’s policy where they are ‘resorting to using taxpayer dollars, taxpayer funded employees to try to handle this problem instead of dealing with the issue at the border.’ Saying that ‘we know it's not the triangle countries that Kamala Harris keeps focusing on. It's the open border of human trafficking, drug trafficking.’ She also discusses the recent detaining of a suspected terrorist with ties to Yemen wearing her district’s ‘ambulance volunteer ambulance corps patch’. Commenting that terrorist are getting more sophisticated and ‘auctioning off on different sites on the internet’ Emergency Medical Services ‘jackets’ and ‘apparel’, commenting that this is “something to be aware of’, that ‘these are people looking to deceive’.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/18/202230 minutes, 50 seconds
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Top GOP House candidate in Georgia: Return to paper ballots, ‘do away with Dominion machines all together’

Mike Collins, candidate in Georgia’s 10th Congressional District, gives his insight on government regulations and his thoughts on the upcoming 2022 primary elections, saying that Georgia needs to return to paper ballots and ‘do away with Dominion machines all together’, commenting that once ‘you lose the trust and the confidence of the people that are going to use them, then then it's time to change’. The candidate remarks that President Joe Biden’s recent approval ratings are not surprising, considering ‘everything is skyrocketing due to the fact that that a that they have spent so much money and printed so much money, that today's dollar is only worth 60 cents as to what it was in 2000’. Collins comments that Joe Biden is just ‘turning everything’ over to the bureaucrats, which is ‘one of the big reasons that people are so fed up with Washington and the swamp up there is the bureaucrats that are running this show.’See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/17/202238 minutes, 4 seconds
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Small business leader warns Joe Biden’s presidency is crawling to a halt

Alfredo Ortiz, CEO of Job Creator’s Network discusses Joe Biden's economic policies and how it is ‘translating to decrease in optimism’ amongst American small businesses. Saying that ‘pre-pandemic levels, two thirds of new job growth is in the hands of small businesses’, and couple this with the Biden Administration’s economic polices and regulations, ‘record high inflation’ and the current ‘uncertainty’, businesses are ‘going to stop hiring’ meaning that ‘you've got disaster in the horizon’.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/14/202248 minutes, 14 seconds
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Illinois GOP governor candidate: ‘People in politics that have no business experience, have no business being there’

Gary Rabine, Illinois GOP Gubernatorial Candidate and ‘job creator’, discusses his run for governor and how he is running on fixing Illinois businesses so ‘others can have the same opportunity for American dream’ as he did. Rabine says that small-businesses owners have a natural ability to carry over into politics because of their ‘business experience’, which helps them to know policies which ‘grow businesses’, and which policies are part of a ‘regulatory environment that inhibits our ability to grow businesses’, saying that ‘people in politics that have no business experience, have no business being there’, because ‘they're handing down regulations that kill jobs in their states or their communities.’See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/13/202242 minutes, 31 seconds
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Louisiana AG: Biden's Head Start mask, vaccine mandates 'doing the opposite' to help disadvantaged children

Louisiana AG Jeff Landry discusses his recent arguments before the Supreme Court challenging the Biden Administration’s vaccine mandates on healthcare workers, saying that the Biden administration’s actions are unprecedented, and ‘never before have we seen the federal government reach into American citizens lives’. He also discusses the damage these mandates will cause to ‘disadvantaged children’ like in the Head Start program which ‘was designed specifically to help a children from working families, single mothers, underserved areas’. The Biden Administration’s actions, such as, requiring 2-year-olds to wear mask, ’do the opposite of that they basically curtailed ability for the teachers and those that participate’ in the program meaningful education.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/12/202249 minutes, 14 seconds
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Former national security advisor slams Biden for rewarding Iran's bad behavior

Kash Patel, former chief of staff to the Acting United States Secretary of Defense and former chief investigator to the House Intelligence Committee, discusses the two-year anniversary of killing of Iranian General Soleimani and the consequences that could come from the Biden Administration's bad national security policy, saying that current rhetoric happening publicly on the world stage by Iran, saying this week, ‘that they're going to eliminate individuals who may have had a say, in the Soleimani strike, on American soil, is something that is a national security matter’ and ‘unacceptable’ and should have been addressed and responded to by the Biden Administration.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/11/202244 minutes, 2 seconds
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Rep. Jim Jordan: Jan. 6th Commission proven will ‘alter evidence and lie to the American people’, not legitimate

In an exclusive interview, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) discusses his recent letter that was sent to the committee investigating the January 6th riots, pushing back against cooperation and calling into question the legitimacy of the selection committee, saying that the committee’s request is “far outside any legitimate inquiry, violates core Constitutional principles, and would serve to further erode legislative norms." The Congressman went on to discuss his belief that the committee has been ‘altering evidence’, saying that they have ‘already proven that they're going to alter evidence and lie about it to the American people’. Jordan says that this sort of behavior has become ‘kind of part of this pattern with the Democrats. That they’re in the process of violating and breaking every norm, precedent or principle that we have.’See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/10/202234 minutes, 38 seconds
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Dr. Harvey Risch predicts how Omicron will change the arch of the pandemic

Dr. Harvey Risch, a world-renowned epidemiologist, discusses America’s ‘poor’ actions by the past administrations in their response to dealing with COVID-19, saying that in reality, ‘many of their actions have been counterproductive’. Dr. Risch talks Fauci, statistics, and his prediction of where he sees the pandemic going.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/7/202243 minutes, 4 seconds
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Key GOP lawmaker accuses Nancy Pelosi of Jan. 6 coverup

Congressman Rodney Davis (R-IL) discusses Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s coverup of the January 6th Capitol security failures, saying that ‘politics played a role leading up to security and the security posture on and before’ that day. The Representative explains that ‘documents and communications’ from the days leading up to and on January 6th have not been disclosed or handed over, even a year later. It is known from testimony, that the National Guard option was offered on January 4th and 5th, but was refused initially, leading to speculation that Nancy Pelosi personally turned down the offer of the National Guard at the Capitol due to the ‘optics’.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/6/202232 minutes, 49 seconds
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Outspoken Marine on ‘failed’ Afghanistan withdrawal considers 2024 election run

Marine Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller went viral in August 2021 for posting a video where he openly criticized the U.S. government and military for its lack of accountability after its ‘failed Afghanistan withdrawal’. Scheller talks about that fateful day, clarifies untrue assumptions about him, and tells his plans for the future. Discussing his recent venture into building a political coalition of veterans, started with the sole intention of providing impactful leaders in politics, commenting that he ‘wants leaders, not politicians.’ Saying that the military is a special environment equipping ‘veterans to transition perfectly into leadership roles’, saying that veterans come out of the military with skills such as, ‘foreign diplomacy experience’. Scheller comments that the coalition is not only for Congress but other governmental agencies like the ‘Department of State or other’ governmental roles.To learn more about his coalition, go to votes4vets.orgSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/5/20221 hour, 12 minutes, 25 seconds
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Raffensperger poses Constitutional Amendment to ensure ‘only Americans vote’ in Georgia

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger discusses his initiative to put a constitutional amendment on the 2022 ballot for the citizens of Georgia to vote to ensure voter integrity in their state elections. Secretary Raffensperger says the Constitutional Amendment will propose a closing of a current loophole in the states’ constitutional language, which could potentially allow ‘non-citizens to be voting in municipal elections’, similar to what is being seen in ‘New York City’. Raffensperger comments that this is in effort ‘to make sure only American citizens vote in our elections in Georgia’.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/4/202230 minutes, 32 seconds
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A New Year in Need of New Solutions: 2022 List of Major U.S. Problems

An exclusive one-on-one interview with John Solomon presenting his list and take on the major U.S. problems that he thinks needs to be addressed and have resolved in this upcoming year.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/3/202226 minutes, 58 seconds
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John Solomon's BEST OF 2021: An Informal Chat With President Trump

This episode was one of our favorites and one of the most listened to of the year. President Trump joined the show on October 5th with an exclusive interview, commenting on January 6th, Critical Race Theory, China and all things in between! He said the "real insurrection, really the crime of the century, took place on November 3, not on January 6".See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/31/202127 minutes, 16 seconds
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John Solomon's BEST OF 2021: Partners Who Make a Difference

This flashback show honors heroes of the past year that are helping Americans who are trapped inside from the pandemic and strapped with supply chain problems. First is John's interview with Arron Kallenberg third-generation family owner of the Wild Alaskan Seafood Company. He relates the story of his company, his family, and a deep-seated desire to reconnect with himself and with real food. He says "For thousands of years, food and community shared a sacred bond. That bond has been broken by the global industrial food system. The Wild Alaskan Company began because I believe the best way to reconnect with each other and improve our food system is by nurturing a community that demands sustainably-sourced meal options."Visit WildAlaskanCompany.comThen John interviews Todd Simon, fifth-generation family owner of Omaha Steaks and chief steak evangelist. He discusses his companies long-standing commitment to veterans, community leadership, and philanthropy. Simon’s highlights the many ways that Omaha Steaks supports our military daily, such as, all year Omaha Steaks offers military retirees, veterans, spouses and dependents a 10% discount site wide when entering a troop ID at checkout.Visit OmahaSteaks.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/30/202149 minutes, 58 seconds
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John Solomon's BEST OF 2021: Creations to take back privacy and free speech

This episode honors heroes of the past year that are helping to take back privacy and free speech with new innovate inventions. First is John's interview with Elizabeth Heng, CEO of The New Internet. She tells the story behind why she started an internet browser without censorship and with privacy solutions, and explains how it will work. This aired January 27th. Then we flashback to July 14th when John interviews Erik Finman, the founder of the Freedom Phone and youngest Bitcoin millionaire. Erik explains how his new Freedom Phone protects users' privacy while also featuring "apps that promote free speech and promote patriotism.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/29/202158 minutes, 40 seconds
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John Solomon's BEST OF 2021: Commemorating The 20th Anniversary of 911

A Flashback to September 11th - John hosted “Just the News: 9/11 Special” sponsored by Policy Genius, featuring NYPD Commissioner Bernie Kerik, Former Solicitor General Ted Olson, Frank Siller: CEO of Tunnel to Towers, and Former Congressman Lee Hamilton: Vice Chairman of 9/11 Commission (D-IN). This tear jerking episode has John discussing their memories of that fateful day - how it impacted, not only the United States, but their own personal lives, and why we must never forget.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/28/202157 minutes, 10 seconds
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John Solomon's BEST OF 2021: Veteran's Day Special

A Flash back to Veterans Day : John Solomon, Editor-in-Chief of Just the News, hosts “Veterans Helping Veterans: Heroes to Celebrate on Veterans Day” sponsored by Omaha Steaks and Annie’s Kit Club, featuring Joe Kent (Former-Green Beret and Gold Star husband), also Genette Burgess wife of injured veteran Daniel and Mark Oedekoven (Representing Annie’s Kit Club).See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/27/202139 minutes, 34 seconds
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‘The Perfect Storm: American Energy Crisis’: Just The News Special Report

John Solomon, Editor-in-Chief of Just the News, hosts ‘The Perfect Storm: American Energy Crisis’ with Panex Oil & Gas and Real America's Voice, featuring Former Interior Secretary David Bernhardt, Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI), Montana Attorney General Austin Knudsen (R), RJ Burr, Senior Vice President of Corporate Operations at Panex Oil & Gas and Peter Navarro, former assistant to President Donald Trump and the former White House Director of Trade & Manufacturing Policy, discussing how the energy crunch may only get worse in 2022, the important role petroleum plays in daily America and the impact that rising prices are having from the dinner table to the corporate boardroom.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/24/202159 minutes, 10 seconds
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Michigan Gov. Whitmer pushing small businesses out, meet the GOP candidate who wants to change that

Tudor Dixon, small business owner and former TV host discusses her run for Michigan’s Gubernatorial race, speaking about how businesses are fleeing the state in droves, many of which ‘won’t return’, due to state regulations and bureaucracy. Her solution, cut down the states’ regulations and focus on educating the future generation. Dixon says that she will build up Michigan’s ‘foundation in education’, which will in turn help build the ‘workforce’, cut state bureaucracy and encourage businesses to return to the state.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/23/202135 minutes, 4 seconds
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Kash Patel: Jan 6. Commission spent majority of testimony asking about failures of ‘Afghanistan withdrawal, Somalia’ than Jan. 6

Kash Patel, former chief of staff to the Acting United States Secretary of Defense and former chief investigator to the House Intelligence Committee, discusses the southern border and the threat it poses to the United States’ national security and his recent testimony before the January 6 Commission, commenting that Members of Congress spent ‘more time talking about Afghanistan, Somalia, and other matters’ than questioning him about January 6th events. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/22/202133 minutes
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Georgia Lt. Gov. Candidate calls out Stacey Abrams’ voter suppression argument as ‘flawed’

Georgia State Senator Burt Jones discusses the controversial Georgia Voting Bill, SB 202, saying that the arguments from Stacey Abrams and Democrats calling the legislation, ‘voter suppression’ is ‘flawed’. The State Senator dismisses these arguments saying that the opposition to the ‘voter integrity legislation’ is only an attempt for ‘bureaucrats in DC to run statewide’ and local elections. Jones pushes back saying that he ‘does not know’ how they could argue that ‘19 days of early voting, weekend voting, and having to show proof of identification’ is ‘suppressing the vote’. Jones goes on to explain that even people without ‘a driver's license’, can still vote under the new law, as ‘a state voting ID on behalf of the state of Georgia’ will be issued to the person, to accommodate the requirement for identification at the polls.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/21/202134 minutes, 45 seconds
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'Washington Whiffs: A Recap of 2021’: Just The News Special Report

John Solomon, Editor-in-Chief of Just the News, hosts 'Washington Whiffs: A Recap of 2021,' with Heritage Action for America and Real America's Voice, featuring House Minority Whip Steve Scalise, Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts, Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita (R), Jessica Anderson, executive director for Heritage Action, and Congresswoman Mary Miller (R-Illinois). All discussing the most notable “whiffs” of this year from Democrats while they were in full control of Washington, from the failed Afghanistan withdrawal, to rising crime in major U.S. cities to Critical Race Theory in public schools.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/20/202150 minutes, 45 seconds
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Gov. Kristi Noem: New, better bill to protect girls' sports will be introduced in January

South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem discusses how her new bill on protecting girls' sports differs from the one she previously vetoed and has a greater ability to withstand legal challenges.Chairman and CEO of Omaha Steaks, Todd Simon, explains the history of his family's company and how they're able to ship quality steaks across the country.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/17/202130 minutes, 8 seconds
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Josh Mandel: 'I was shell shocked' when fellow GOP candidate criticized him for being Jewish

Josh Mandel, a Republican Ohio candidate for U.S. Senate, said he "was shocked" when a GOP opponent, Mark Pukita, criticized him for being Jewish while campaigning at churches.Consumers' Research Executive Director Will Hild discusses his organization's campaign to have governors review their state pension funds that are invested in BlackRock, the world's largest investment manager, which is closely linked with China and invests in Chinese companies.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/16/202142 minutes, 13 seconds
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Rep. Jim Jordan: 'Disgusting' how Jan. 6 committee is 'going after political enemies,' and 'trying to put Mark Meadows in prison'

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) discussed the Jan. 6 House committee finding former chief of staff to former President Trump, Mark Meadows, in contempt of Congress as they try to "completely destroy executive privilege."South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson discusses his legal battles and victories against President Biden's COVID-19 vaccine mandates, which he said the president tried to enforce using "federal police power."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/15/202143 minutes, 59 seconds
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Rep. Byron Donalds: 'Democrats have led us to a place where our country is failing'

Rep. Byron Donalds (R-FL) discusses the Democratic Party's record on crime, schools, the pandemic, the economy, and the border, and how their policies aren't working, while he explains the solutions to these problems.David Clements, former Deputy District Attorney for Lincoln County in New Mexico and former New Mexico State University professor, also discusses how he was fired from his university over standing up against mask mandates, the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, and a new board game called Election 2020.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/14/20211 hour, 1 minute, 48 seconds
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Just the News Special: Mark Meadows, 'The Chief's Chief'

Mark Meadows, former Chief of Staff to former President Trump, joins Just the News and Real America's Voice on a TV special where he discusses his new book, "The Chief's Chief," and what it was like working with Trump.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/13/202144 minutes, 16 seconds
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Sen. Marsha Blackburn: 'Don't send our athletes to the Olympics,’ instead have 'Olympic freedom games' in U.S.

Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) criticized President Biden for only doing a diplomatic boycott of the 2022 Winter Olympic Games in China, suggesting that the U.S. should completely boycott the Olympics and have its own version in the States.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/10/202139 minutes, 24 seconds
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Sen. Mike Braun: Congress ‘spending like drunken sailors’ on borrowed money, using COVID ‘crisis’ to grow ‘federal government’

Senator Mike Braun (R-IN) talks the American budget and deficit spending, saying the Democrats have used the COVID-19 ‘crisis’ to grow ‘the federal government’, as they are ‘loud about if there's a crisis’, and never ‘let's not let it go to waste’. The Senator speaks about the grim look of Congress’s out of control spending, saying ‘we’re spending like drunken sailors’, as the United States is now at ‘$30 trillion in debt’, remarking that in 6 or 7 years, if not sooner, the US will be at ‘$40 trillion in debt’, and ‘nobody seems to care’ in Congress. The Senator explains that the side effects of this spending will ‘embed inflation even deeper into the economy’, raise ‘interest rates’ due to borrowing, the ‘Medicare Trust Fund will be exhausted in about five years’. Senator Braun remarks that Congress does not seem to ‘have the political will to change the entitlements that drive the structural deficits’.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/9/202123 minutes, 8 seconds
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Michael Glassner: Remembering Bob Dole, 'one of the great political leaders of the last century'

Michael Glassner, a longtime aide to the late Sen. Bob Dole and an advisor for his 1996 presidential campaign, reminisces over his time with Dole and who he was as a person.Former Rep. Tom Garrett (R-VA) and Matt Whitworth discuss their six-episode documentary series, Exile, exposing religious and ethnic persecution around the world and profiling people on the ground risking their lives to protect the innocent.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/8/20211 hour, 55 seconds
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Trump endorsed AZ governor candidate supports cameras in classrooms, parental right to access school curriculum taught to children

Kari Lake, former news anchor and Trump endorsed Arizona gubernatorial candidate, talks Critical Race Theory and her support for cameras in schools, saying ‘the cameras won’t be facing the children’, but instead will be on the teachers, so if parents want to file a complaint to the school, there is video footage to show what was said and taught. She also touches on a way to keep ‘universities accountable’ for the the anti-American curriculum being taught across the country, saying that allowing for students or parents to go back through their ‘transcripts’ and be ‘reimbursed’ for classes that were clearly ‘woke curriculum’ and ‘did nothing to advance their education’ or ‘knowledge’.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/7/202138 minutes, 27 seconds
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The Majority Makers: Just the News Special

John Solomon, Editor-in-Chief of Just the News, hosts “The Majority Makers”, featuring Republican Conference Chairwoman Elise Stefanik discussing her Elavate PAC, a PAC started in 2018, which has raised and donated over $3 million for GOP female candidates. The PAC is highly influential and backed 11 out of the 15 seats the GOP flipped in the 2020 election cycle, all of whom female Republican candidates. Stefanik talks about her efforts to help Republicans win control of the House in 2022 and introduces the eight female candidates who she calls the “majority makers”, whom she believes can flip the seats. Stefanik’s eight endorsed candidates this cycle include military veterans, small-business owners and mothers. They are: Amanda Adkins (Kansas - 03), April Becker (Nevada - 03), Monica De La Cruz (Texas -15), Jen Kiggans (Virginia - 02), Esther Joy King (Illinois - 17), Jeanine Lawson (Virginia - 10), Karoline Leavitt (New Hampshire - 01) and, Lisa Scheller (Pennsylvania - 07).See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/6/202149 minutes, 33 seconds
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Media, Big Pharma demonize Ivermectin, say not ‘money-making’ like other treatments, denied COVID patient's lawyer

Kristen Erickson, a lawyer to Sun Ng, a Hong-Kong resident who rose to notoriety late last month after a judge ruled the hospital must administer ivermectin to him, after he was initially denied treatment for not being vaccinated against COVID-19. Erickson discuses her recent win for Sun Ng, saying that after 1-day of ivermectin treatment, improvement was almost immediate, saying Ng was able to do a breathing test he was previously unable to do for 22-days. Erickson explains that the US is one of the only countries that has done no studies into the use of ivermectin in treating COVID-19. Reasoning that because ‘Ivermectin so cheap’, doctors and pharmaceuticals companies can’t make any money off of it.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/3/202139 minutes
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Biden lied to ‘American people when he said he knew nothing of Hunter’s overseas businesses deals’, Miranda Devine

Miranda Devine, investigative journalist for the New York Post and author of “Laptop from Hell” discusses the uncovering of Hunter Biden’s laptop and the secrets that Biden tried to keep under wraps while Vice President and candidate for President in 2020. Devine comments that Biden ‘lied to the American people when he said that he knew nothing about his son hunters overseas business dealings’, explaining that Hunter Biden’s laptop plainly shows that Biden personal met with Hunter’s ‘business partners from overseas’ on numerous different occasions, a few of the times ‘in Beijing’, in which he met with partners that were ‘Mexicans, Ukrainians, Russians, Chinese and Kazakhstani’. Joe Biden even went as far as to invite Hunter’s overseas business partners ‘to his own home, the vice presidential residence in Washington DC, at the Naval Observatory’.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/2/20211 hour, 5 minutes, 1 second
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MLK’s niece predicts Roe v. Wade to be be upended, giving states right to decide

Alveda King, niece of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Founder of ‘Civil Rights for the Unborn’ a pro-life organization, discusses the opening arguments today at the Supreme Court concerning the controverisal Mississippi abortion law. King explains that ‘Roe v. Wade is really bad law’, decided in 1973, is inconsistent with current medical knowledge and standards. Saying that the precedent that Roe left has ‘made the U.S. only 1 of 7 countries in world that think it’s okay to abort babies at 9 months’. King predicts that the Supreme Court will overrule the Roe v. Wade precedent, essentially allowing for the issue of abortion to be decided on a ‘state by state’ basis. Something that she compares to the ‘Martin Luther King Holiday’, which was ‘ratified state by state before it became federal law’.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/1/202149 minutes, 24 seconds
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MTG drafting law to force errant media to make robust corrections when wrong

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) discusses her recent look into drafting legislation that would hold the media accountable after they have been proven to be blatantly lying or withholding the truth. The Congresswoman says that once the media has been proven to have lied, the redress should be that ‘the network has to devote just as much time to telling the truth, as they did telling the lie, not just a correction at the bottom of some articles that gets buried and no one ever sees’. Greene clarifies that she is not wanting to ‘take away the’ media’s ‘freedom to tell news or events’, rather to hold them accountable. Saying that the American people ‘want the freedom of press’, but ‘not the freedom to lie’.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/30/202135 minutes, 20 seconds
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GOP House candidate appeals to public: 'Need good people who aren't in it for themselves’ to run for local office

Keith Pekau, current Mayor of Orland Park, Illnois, who rose to notoriety during the pandemic, after being the only state official to refuse to comply with Illinois Governor state mask mandate and shut down. Pekau discusses his run for Illinois’s 6th congressional district seat, and the common sense policies he wants to bring to Washington, such as fiscal planning and budgeting. In Pekau’s first term as mayor, he cut operating expenses by 14%, paid down over $50 million in debt, and lowered property tax rates by 22%. He discusses that he never envisioned being a politician, he ran solely because, people need to ‘setup’, that Congress ‘needs good people who aren't in it for themselves, but are in it for’ their constituents, ‘to run for office.’See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/29/202139 minutes, 15 seconds
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Jack Posobiec: Trouble in Eastern Europe, How ‘retraction of American power on the world stage has led to new instability’

Jack Posobiec, Senior Editor of Human Events, discusses how a war is brewing in Eastern Europe between Belarus and Poland. Posobiec describes how historically ‘territorial disputes over Poland have a way of spilling out and creating larger wars’. He comments that this is similar to what is happening between China and Taiwan, saying he does not think 'American leadership is going to stand by their allies’. Ultimately, leading to the decline of stability across the world.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/26/202157 minutes, 41 seconds
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Thanksgiving Special, “Sentinels: Inside a Grassroots Movement”

John Solomon, Editor-in-Chief of Just the News, hosts “Sentinels: Inside a Grassroots Movement” with Heritage Action for America and Real America's Voice, featuring interviews with Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN) and speakers from Heritage Action for America: Sentinel Conference discussing the value of conservative, grassroots activism, and advice on how to further efforts across the country.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/25/202151 minutes, 4 seconds
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Liz Cheney challenger says Congresswoman ‘more concerned’ with Washington DC ‘than Wyoming’

Liz Cheney’s Republican primary challenger, Harriet Hageman, discusses Biden’s vaccine mandates and how the the Biden administration is ‘trying to change the American standard of living, saying that Wyoming is, ‘the Saudi Arabia of United States’, ‘Americans need Wyoming to produce resources’. Hageman also calls out Liz Cheney for representing the the interest of Washington DC, not Wyoming.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/24/202158 minutes, 37 seconds
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Alan Dershowitz: ‘Identity politics’ is infiltrating the ‘Justice System’

Alan Dershowitz, Harvard Law School Professor and Attorney, discusses ‘identity politics’ in the ‘justice system’, something that he sees is becoming ‘much more responsive’ due ‘to critical race theory’. Dershowitz comments that in the current climate in America, ‘everything is about race or politics, ’the justice system has stopped being about’ if a ‘particular person is innocent or guilty’. Rather, ‘people today are rooting, cheering for verdicts, they want verdicts to reflect their narrative.’ ‘They want verdicts to prove their way of looking at the world’. Commenting that ‘trials and justice has ceased to be about individual justice, they're now about identity politics’.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/23/202133 minutes, 55 seconds
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Hard Sell? Biden’s ‘Build Back Better’ plan has ‘5 or 6 senators’ in tight races leaning toward voting no, says Senator Blackburn

Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), says that Biden’s ‘Build Back Better plan’ will have a hard sell in the Senate, as ‘five or six’ Senators are already in highly contested races, as Biden’s approval rating is ‘unbelievably low’, with the American people. Senator Blackburn comments that Biden’s ‘Build Back Broke plan’ is a broad government power sweep as in, ‘one vote’, the ‘government wants control of your kids, their education’, ‘your health care, your bank account, your small business’, and ‘wants to force through provisions of the green New Deal’ says the Senator. Remarking that in Biden’s bill ‘Congress appropriated the money to pay’ ‘illegal aliens $450,000 per family’ if separated at the border, which ‘could be as much as’ ‘$1 million or $2 million or more per family’.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/22/202137 minutes, 51 seconds
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Spicer on midterms: Dems know ‘days are numbered’ after ‘going for broke’ to pass their ‘radical agenda’

Sean Spicer joins the show to discuss his new book, “Radical Nation”, in which he breaks down the ‘radical agenda’ arguments of the progressive left. Spicer also scorches the mainsteam media for its lack of accountability with the Biden Administration, calling out Jen Psaki and the mainstream media for ‘undermining the profession’, and not doing their due diligence in following up or ‘holding people accountable’. He sees the motivating factor for American’s voting in 2022, both a ‘combination of inflation and supply chain issue’. Spicer comments, that Democrats after seeing the outcome of the midterms, earlier this month, know their ‘days are numbered’, and are ‘going for broke’ to pass their ‘radical agenda’, since they don’t think they will be in power for a long time. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/19/202127 minutes, 35 seconds
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DOJ gone rogue? Congressman introduces articles of impeachment against AG Garland following targeting of parents

Congressman Scott Perry (R-PA) discusses his ‘calling for and introducing of articles of impeachment’ against Attorney General Merrick Garland following the ‘overly politicized use of the Justice Department on political adversaries’. This comes after emerging allegations by a whistleblower this week, stating that the Attorney General instructed the DOJ to use counterterrorism tools against parents voicing their disapproval of school curriculums at local school boards.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/18/202140 minutes, 19 seconds
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Congressman says security exemptions for illegal aliens, creating situation ‘worse since 9/11’

Congressman Lance Gooden (R-TX) discusses his recent unearthing of documents that show that Lutheran, Catholic, and Jewish Charities by way of ‘corporate and Federal sponsors’ are trafficking illegal migrants from the Southern border to interior states in the US. The Congressman commented that he is working on legislation now to to outlaw ‘corporate, Federal sponsors’ from receiving tax breaks for trafficking of illegals by way of NGO donations. He comments that the border ‘is a disaster’, and ‘the fact that someone could actually get a tax break for helping someone who has broken the law by entering our nation’ is ‘stunning’. Gooden goes on to say, a message needs to be sent ‘to these charities that if they're going to engage in illegal actions, then they no longer need to be in the business of providing charity.’See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/17/202129 minutes, 51 seconds
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NGO’s trafficking illegal migrants around US, providing documents to bypass TSA, local laws, says Ex Border Patrol Commissioner

Mark Morgan, Former Customs and Border Patrol Commissioner, gives his reaction to recent documents obtained exclusively by Just the News, showing that NGO’s are working with the Biden administration to move illegal aliens from the border into the every state in the US. The documents obtained show that NGO’s provide illegal migrants with papers to show TSA at the airports, saying to let them through without proper papers or any form of identification. Morgan reacts saying that it is ‘a joke’, to say that ‘illegal aliens are being vetted’. ‘There is no way that that aliens from 150 different countries’, totaling ‘1.7 million’ people, ‘mostly in 10 months’ could have been properly vetted. Stating that this should be ‘alarming to every American citizen’.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/16/202136 minutes, 15 seconds
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Missouri teacher says, school training material assigned to drive wedge between parents and students

Kimberly Hermann, general counsel for the Southeastern Legal Foundation and Missouri teacher, Brooke Henderson join the show to discuss the recent case of Springfield, Missouri teachers suing the school district for requiring teachers to be trained in a larger Critical Race Theory curriculum.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/15/202144 minutes, 5 seconds
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Kash Patel: Recent Durham indictment shows ‘Steele’s number one source’ lying, never gave Steele information

Former National Security Council Senior Director, Kash Patel, discusses the recent Durham Indictment, which charges Christopher Steele’s ‘number one source’ with lying and showing he never gave Steele any information. Patel says the ‘truth does vindicate you’. The Indictments come years after his first reporting on Russiagate, which was highly ostracized by the media, he comments, he is glad to see Russiagate ‘graduate to the biggest fraud in US history’.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/12/202138 minutes, 15 seconds
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Veterans Helping Veterans: 3 Heroes to Celebrate on Veterans Day

John Solomon, Editor-in-Chief of Just the News, hosts “Veterans Helping Veterans: 3 Heroes to Celebrate on Veterans Day” sponsored by Omaha Steaks and Annie’s Kit Club, featuring Joe Kent(Former-Green Beret and Gold Star husband), Genette Burgess, Mark Oedekoven (Representing Annie’s Kit Club), and Deborah Snyder (Founder of Operation Renewed Hope Foundation), discussing veterans serving their veteran community.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/11/20211 hour, 6 minutes, 59 seconds
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The greatest offense to open borders is states executing their states’ rights, former Trump official says

John Zadrozny, the director of the Center for Homeland Security & Immigration at America First Policy Institute, discusses what states can do to protect their borders, commenting that ‘states can do quite a lot’, while ‘visas might be federal’, ‘providing safety for your citizens are state and local’. He goes on to discuss that immigration is ‘not a completely ‘federal issue’, he predicts that many states will start passing ‘laws that protect their internal security, strengthening law enforcement’. Zadrozny, says that ‘states and localities’ need to ‘step up and understand that state sovereignty is important’.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/10/202128 minutes, 48 seconds
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Non-profit key to VA education debate says, teachers everywhere concerned about what they are being asked to teach

Alleigh Mare, President of Free to Learn Action, a non-profit that was essential to the educational debate in Loudoun County, a deciding issue for voters that surrounded much of the Virginia Governor’s race earlier this month. Mare states that teachers are actually against most of Critical Race Theory and activism curriculum and are ‘frustrated with what's going on’ and ‘don't know how to respond or whether they can respond to their leadership within their school’. She says that the main pushers for this educational curriculum are the ‘activist class’. Meaning that ‘the teachers unions, superintendents’ and the ‘leadership structure’ are the main people ‘who have pushed the curriculum or policy positions’ into schools.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/9/202149 minutes, 23 seconds
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Small businesses already suffering from devastating effects of pandemic, can’t ‘fathom being vaccine police’, says Job Creators Network CEO

Alfredo Ortiz, CEO of Job Creators Network discusses filing a lawsuit on behalf of Gary Rabine, a small-business owner, last Thursday in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit against the Biden Administration after, a mandatory federal vaccine requirement would force employers with more than 100 workers to ensure that all employees are either fully vaccinated or submit to weekly testing and mask wearing. Ortiz and Rabine both comment that a responsibility they feel in filing this lawsuit, as ‘everyone has walked away from small businesses’, since there ‘is ‘not much money in lobbying’ for them. It is noteworthy, that Federal Courts have since delayed the federal vaccine requirement. Ortiz explains that small businesses have payed the price, after the pandemic has left business with ‘supply shortages’, ‘lack of employment’ and other devastating effects, small businesses can’t now ‘fathom being vaccine police across the country’, as well.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/8/202159 minutes, 51 seconds
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Army veteran, GOP House candidate says more Americans may have been killed at Kabul Airport than admitted

Cory Mills, decorated veteran and GOP House candidate for Florida’s 7th congressional district gives Just the News a shocking revelation. That the Biden Administration, either as a way of ‘cover up’ or by ‘ineptitude’, has not released or acknowledged that there was other ‘American blue passport holders’ killed outside Kabul Airports gates in August, when a ISIS-K suicide-bomber carried out an attack, killing 13 American soldiers and 160 Afghans. Mills, says that he ‘knows one’ of the victims, who was an American mother with her 2-year-old son, both of who were killed in the explosion, and that ‘no one's covering it’ or ‘has a story on it’.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/5/202143 minutes, 22 seconds
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Inside Story on Durham Indictment and Dr. Carol Swain on America’s Leftward Drift

A deep-dive into the inside story you have not heard about the Durham Indictment! And Dr. Carol Swain, gives her take on Tuesday’s election results, which saw many upsets in previously thought safe-seats throughout the country. Dr. Swain crediting the Virginia and New Jersey election results to ‘the American people’ being ‘far more united in their values and principles than their political leadership’ and ‘that the American people are unhappy with how far a nation has drifted towards the left’. She cites many examples over the last year, under the Biden Administration, that she says have concerned many American citizens, such as, ‘vaccine mandates’, ‘elections’ and ‘American’s being stranded in Kabul’, commenting that many ‘scarcely recognize America today’.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/4/202127 minutes, 38 seconds
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Newt Gingrich: GOP will pick up ‘4 seats in Senate’, up to ‘70 seats in the House’ in 2022

Former Speaker of the House and author of “Beyond Biden” discusses last night’s historic sweep and upset over the New Jersey and Virginia governor races, in which, Virginia saw the electing of a Republican Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and Attorney General for the first time in 11 years. Gingrich says that this phenomenon was not only seen on the national level but ‘at every level down to the state legislative races’ and local school boards. His predication for 2022 is ‘a tsunami’ of red, in which Republicans pick up ‘4 seats in the Senate’, and between ‘40-70’ seats in the House.And also! Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton discusses the lawsuits that he is fighting in court, such as the ‘Texas Heartbeat Bill’, and the potential lawsuit fighting the Biden Administration's implementation of ‘flying of illegal migrants family members, minors’ to the United States ‘at taxpayer expense’. The Attorney General explains that not only is this ‘completely illegal’, but ‘nothing allows for it in federal law’. Paxton goes on to comment that America has never seen a president like Biden that, ‘spits in the face of the Constitution and spit in the face of federal law’, and says, ‘I'm going to do what I want’.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/3/202146 minutes, 21 seconds
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Parents running for local school boards are ‘not going to stop’, ‘new base of the Republican party’, says Tea Party icon

Jenny Beth Martin, co-founder of the Tea Party Patriots, talks about the Virginia Governor’s race coming to a close today and how this election is ‘a battle between the far left’ and ‘their extreme ideas’ versus people who are voting for ‘individual liberty and individual freedom’. Martin comments on how for the ‘first time in a decade Virginia is competitive for the Republicans’, she says that this is an good indication that ‘people are very tired’ of the far left.And Dr. Rick Scarborough, head of ‘Recover America’, a Christian Non-Profit, joins the show to discuss local school board elections in Texas, stating that he is hoping to win 3 out of the 5 seats and ‘rock the educational establishment’. Scarborough comments on how the exposing of Critical Race Theory in Loudoun County, Virginia prompted ‘the birth of a new movement’, which he equates to being ‘much like the Tea Party in 2008’.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/2/202134 minutes, 30 seconds
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Ohio moms run for school board, lead nationwide opposition to CRT, government ‘bureaucrats’ dictating what’s best for kids

Lysa Kosins, Heather Schultz, and Dawn McGuire are three moms and candidates running for their local School Board in Centerville, Ohio running to give the people of their district a voice in the upcoming election on November 2nd. Kosins, Schultz, and McGuire are campaigning on the platform of Parents’ Voices Matter and Citizens’ Voices Matter, an example of a recent nationwide movement of parents running for local school boards and governmental seats in opposition to Critical Race Theory and government dictating what is best for their children. The candidates are running for complete transparency, accountability, open communication and dialogue with parents.To learn more about each of the candidates go to: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/1/202139 minutes, 35 seconds
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A Great American Story: Omaha Steaks and Veterans

Todd Simon, fifth-generation family owner of Omaha Steaks and chief steak evangelist, discusses his companies long-standing commitment to veterans, community leadership, and philanthropy. Simon’s highlights the many ways that Omaha Steaks supports our military daily, such as, all year Omaha Steaks offers military retirees, veterans, spouses and dependents a 10% discount site wide when entering a troop ID at checkout, not only on Veterans Day.Visit OmahaSteaks.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/30/202132 minutes, 3 seconds
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Minneapolis 1 year after the BLM protests: Did it really help?

President of Capital Research Center, Scott Walter, talks about the investigative video series on Black Lives Matter (sponsored by CRC). The first video in the series, Minneapolis Shakedown, features testimonials of community members explaining the devastation caused by the riots, and the lack of support they have received from BLM. Watch on Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/29/202142 minutes, 45 seconds
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Former EPA Chief: Majority of ‘Americans more concerned about clean air, water than climate change’, ‘want cheaper fuels’

Andrew Wheeler, Former Administrator for the EPA, and the current Chairman of the Center for the Environment at America First Policy Institute, discusses the Biden Administration’s current climate change policy and environmental agenda, similar to the Obama Administration, it is ‘solely focused on climate change at the expense of everything else’, commenting that United States’ biggest environmental problems currently, are ‘water’ and ‘recycling’, as American’s are now ‘recycling less than 20 years ago’.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/28/202133 minutes, 54 seconds
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Rep. Ralph Norman: 'Idiotic' to use 'X' gender designation on passports amidst crises

Rep. Ralph Norman (R-SC) criticized the State Department for taking the time to create 'X’ to add on U.S. passports as a gender designation in place of 'male' or 'female' designations, as he said he can't think of anything that President Biden has done "that's not harming this country in a big way."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/27/202121 minutes, 55 seconds
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Start of a Movement? Buckhead’s push to secede from the city of Atlanta

With the recent surge in violence over the last year seen in major cities across the United States, Buckhead, Georgia is leading the charge to fight back. Bill White, one of the organizers of the movement for Buckhead to secede from Atlanta, says it began as an effort to repair the ‘ruined relationships’ by the ‘ Defund the Police Movement’ between the city of Buckhead and ‘their beloved police families’. The new city will be hiring ‘250 police officers’ for its new police department and vows to have the ‘highest paid police officers in the State of Georgia’. Currently, the effort has ‘two bills in the Georgia Assembly and Senate’, which organizers are confident that ‘the governor will sign those bills when they pass this upcoming session’. That will then put a ‘referendum’ on the ballot for November, 2022, to be voted on by the, ‘58,000 legally registered voters within the Buckhead city map’, which residents of the greater Atlanta will not be eligible to vote on. White, explained that the movement is increasingly popular with residents, pointing to a recent poll conducted showing, ‘72% would vote today’ to approve the measure to secede from the city of Atlanta.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/26/202123 minutes, 35 seconds
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Rules for thee? Peter Schweizer discusses insider trading by elected officials in Congress

Peter Schweizer, a journalist and author, speaks about his influential work in uncovering the prevalence of insider trading by elected officials in Congress, a felony that would get the average-person an maximum sentence of 20 years in Federal prison. Schweizer uncovered this phenomenon through a publication in 2008, that laid out how ‘the average investor underperforms the stock market with their stock picks’, comparative to the ‘the average hedge fund, or at that time was beating the market by four or 5% a year’. Interestingly, the article ‘noted that the average US senator was beating the market by 12% a year’. Schweizer’s work would be influential in having a law passed to help with the transparency of this issue. Later, by a bi-partisan effort in Congress, would eliminate the requirement of inside trading, essentially making it ‘very hard now to prove that an elected official is engaged in insider trading’.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/25/202123 minutes, 41 seconds
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US Oil and Gas Association pres warns, current policies going to push generation of Americans into ‘energy poverty’

Tim Stewart, President of US Oil and Gas Association, discusses with John Solomon Reports the long-term ramifications and fallout of the Biden Administration’s recent policy push to fundamentally change energy infrastructure in the United States, coming after the Trump Administration priority of making the US energy independent, for the first time in decades.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/22/202123 minutes, 42 seconds
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Rep. Nunes calls out ‘ABC’ Steele interview for being worthy of ‘Disney’, ‘fantasyland’

Congressman Devin Nunes (R-CA), joins the show to dispute allegations made in the ‘ABC’ Christopher Steele Interview, which aired on Sunday night, saying that Steele interview is a ‘little bit of embarrassment for ABC News and Disney Corporation’, making ‘you wonder if ABC news is going to move their headquarters to fantasy land at Disney World’. The Congressman says, in regards, to all the admissions and claims made by Christopher Steele during the interview, which he called ‘entirely fiction’.And Rep. Kat Cammack joins with special appearances made by Rep. Byron Donalds (R-FL) and Rep. Beth Van Duyne (R-TX) to discuss the Biden Adminstration’s ‘open-borders policy’ saying the American people are ‘starting to wake up’, and put ‘a lot of pressure on Congress to do something’. Saying that ‘every town in America is a border town, and every state is a border state, and this has a direct tie to the increase in crime and drugs in our communities’.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/21/202148 minutes, 16 seconds
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Trump China ambassador: Muslim countries too ‘intimidated by China’s economic, military strength’ to decry Uyghurs abuses

Terry Branstad, Former Governor of Iowa and US Ambassador to China under the Trump Administration discusses all things China, touching on some of the biggest issues straining the Biden Administration’s relationship with Beijing. The Ambassador speaks on the recent rise in Chinese aggression towards Taiwan, saying that it ‘is of great concern’. He also expands on the issue of the Uyghurs, a Muslim-minority group in Northwest China, saying the current situation is ‘ethnic cleansing’, as they are ‘really trying to take away their culture and their religion’ by forcing them into ‘re-education camps to make them loyal Chinese communists’ rather than ‘dedicated Muslims’. Saying that in speaking with Ambassadors from ‘other Muslim countries’, ‘seldom would they do anything because they're intimidated by China's economic and military strength’.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/20/202130 minutes, 35 seconds
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Trump chief of staff says Pelosi was more interested in ‘lunch’ than activating ‘National Guard’ on Jan 6th

Mark Meadows, former White House chief of staff under Trump, discusses his new book, The Chief's Chief. Giving an insider look at defining events of Trump’s Presidency, including the day of January 6th, saying that two days before President Trump had made available 10,000 National Guard troops available for January 6th, which DC Mayor Bowser and Speaker Nancy Pelosi rejected, revealing that the only call made on the day of January 6th was to ask when the ‘members could get their lunch’.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/19/202134 minutes, 32 seconds
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Tom Fitton: Steele interview not to be believed, dossier has ‘been thoroughly debunked’

You won’t want to miss this episode of John Solomon Reports, we have two Exclusive interviews! Tom Fitton, President of Judicial Watch, gives us his first reaction to the Christopher Steele interview that aired last night. And Eric Greitens, GOP U.S. Senate candidate for Missouri, joins the show to reveal what he uncovered on his recent trip to the Southern border and what the media won’t show you.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/18/202150 minutes, 35 seconds
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Kellogg recalls time with Trump who said 'embassy will not fall,' defied policy gurus by ordering Soleimani killed

Retired Army Lt. General Keith Kellogg, former National Security Council chief of staff under President Trump and National Security adviser to Vice President Pence, discusses his new book, War By Other Means: A General in the Trump White House. Giving an insiders look at the daily dealings he had with President Trump from the early days of his first presidential campaign through his presidency. One noteworthy anecdotes from his book, is the decisive decision by President Trump to target Iranian General, Soleimani, after an attack on an US Embassy saying that these ‘were the reasons’ he wrote the book, to shed a different light on President Trump than what the media portrayed.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/15/202136 minutes, 10 seconds
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NC Lt. Gov. describes how media ‘twisted’ his ‘filth’ comment on textbooks

Mark Robinson (R), the first African-American Lieutenant Governor of North Carolina, discusses the uproar that occurred earlier this week in response to his use of the word ‘filth’, in describing textbooks that are being taught in public school health classes. Commenting on the uproar, the Lieutenant Governor said that these types of reactions are something ‘he expected coming in’, commenting that when ‘you say things that are truthful’, that people don’t like, ‘they are going to take your words’ and ‘twist them for their own purposes.’ The Lieutenant Governor goes on to describe the materials that are being used in elementary schools to educate children on sex education and the LGBTQ community, something that he describes as ‘introducing pornography into the classroom’ and failing at the most ‘basic level of education’.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/14/202134 minutes, 3 seconds
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Former Ohio Sec of State Blackwell: GOP playbook for 2022 is 'local control' of elections, no shenanigans at precincts

Ken Blackwell, Former Ohio Secretary of State, discusses election integrity and the importance of qualified poll precinct workers, saying that the Virginia model of filling official positions of ‘poll workers’ and not just ‘poll observers’ is integral to protecting ‘the foundation of the American system of self governance’ and ‘the core expression of a people's liberty is the ability to vote in free and fair elections’. Going on to say ‘safeguarding the integrity of our election is paramount to preserving our republic’.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/13/202126 minutes, 14 seconds
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Former Gov. Rick Perry: Green New Deal ‘was never about global warming’ but rather ‘about income redistribution’, Marxist policies

Rick Perry, Former Secretary of Energy and Governor of Texas, discusses the US going from being ‘energy dependent’ to becoming ‘energy codependent’ under the Biden Administration, saying with all of the policies that are being implemented, it never had anything to do with ‘global warming’ but rather was always about ‘income redistribution’ and putting in ‘Marxist policies’, commenting that ‘Americans are smart but they’ve got to be paying attention.’ The former Governor also touched on nuclear energy, saying that the Biden Administration only discusses nuclear energy in a negative context but that the Administration is ‘never going to be able to have a policy that legitimately impacts the climate in a positive way until [it] includes nuclear’, which has ‘zero emissions’.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/12/202133 minutes, 15 seconds
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Peter Navarro: Dispelling ‘the big six lies by the mainstream media’ surrounding the early days of COVID-19

Peter Navarro, former Trump senior economic advisor and author of, In Trump Time: A Journal of America’s Plague Year, talks all things COVID-19 and what the media got wrong. Navarro gives an inside look at the early days of the virus and how the Trump administration was dealing with it. Navarro makes note that this book is not ‘vague recollection’ but rather, is based off of his daily journal that he kept, as he knew he ‘would be part, both as a participant and as an observer, of one of the most important parts of presidential and economic history, in the history’ of the United States.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/12/202142 minutes, 55 seconds
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Alarming amount of anti-Semitic, anti-Zionist ‘conspiracy theories’ veiled as academia on college campuses, Case Study

Scott Shay, Author of Conspiracy U: A Case Study, a book that looks at the recent permeation of conspiracy theories on colleges campuses, most targeted towards ‘Zionist, Jews, and others’ which ‘are masqueraded as scholarship in academia’ ultimately leading to the ‘degradation of academic standards’. Shay says, Universities have ‘sacrificed academic integrity and trustworthy scholarship in favor of conspiracy theories’, commenting that the amount from Ivy League and well-respected Presses like Stanford, Duke and Northwestern is ‘worrisome’ as as throughout history Jews have been ‘the canary in the coal mines’.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/8/202132 minutes, 16 seconds
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China Expert: ‘Alliance’ needed between US, Taiwan, and Japan, following tense weekend with China

Just the News reporter, Sophie Mann, talks with China Expert, Stephen Bryen, about recent reports that a US Special Ops unit and Marine unit, have been in Taiwan for the past year training the Taiwanese military, a sign that points to US awareness at the rising threat of China. Bryen also gives his prediction for, if or when, a war between China and Taiwan could breakout after recent heightened tensions following this weekends aggressive signaling by the Chinese towards Taiwan after the sending over of ‘75 airplanes in the last week’ into Taiwanese airspace, which is ‘unusual’ and ‘worrisome’.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/7/202122 minutes, 24 seconds
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Son of slain cop blasts Chairman of Jan. 6 Commission for anti-police past

William Skinner, son of W. Lewis Skinner, a police officer who was killed in the line of duty by ‘Republic of New Africa’. A militant black secessionist group, who in the late 60’s and early 70’s, sought to takeover the southern United States in hopes of creating the ‘Republic of New Africa’. Skinner, in the interview, slammed Rep. Bennie Thompson, Chairman of the January 6 Commission and the House Committee on Homeland Security, for his ties to group, who during their time in operation, threatened the United States with ‘guerrilla warfare’ and killed police officers.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/6/202128 minutes, 58 seconds
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Exclusive Interview with Donald Trump on January 6th and Critical Race Theory

President Trump joins the show today with an exclusive interview, commenting on January 6th, Critical Race Theory, China and all things in between! Saying the ‘real insurrection, really the crime of the century, took place on November 3, not on January 6’.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/5/202127 minutes, 7 seconds
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Economist: ‘Americans already feeling inflation’, passing of 3.5T Biden bill will only make inflation worse

Steve Moore, economist, discusses the effects that inflation is playing into the economy currently, saying ‘Americans are really feeling pinched and squeezed by this inflation’, on one hand ‘our GDP is strong’ but that when you have inflation at 6% this counteracts the 4% ‘wage gains’ the Biden Administration is flaunting, which means that ‘paychecks are actually shrinking’.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/4/202131 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Bottom Line: AZ election audit findings and where the results go from here

Karen Fann, Arizona Senate President, explains the biggest takeaways from the Arizona election audit over Maricopa County, explaining that “the bottom line is that if you don't watch over your own elections, people start breaking the rules, they start breaking the laws, they start getting sloppy.” She goes on to express the purpose of the audit was not to try to shake voter confidence but rather to assure voters of fair elections results and “to put confidence back into their vote”.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/1/202125 minutes, 10 seconds
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TX Congressman says Biden anti-gun agenda will have to be carried out over his ‘dead damn body’

Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX), explains that democrats are going after Second Amendment Rights, saying “they want to have all the information on our guns so they can take them, limit them.” The Congressman goes on to explain that this is an effort for Democrats to “bow down to a sort of World Order”, which they achieve by “saying that we need to have a weaponless society, because that's how tyranny reigns.” The Congressman asserts that this will not happen in America on his watch, and it will have to be carried out over his “dead damn body”.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/30/202133 minutes, 44 seconds
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Benghazi hero Geist says State Department grounding Afghanistan rescue mission, preventing Americans from returning

EXCLUSIVE: Mark Geist, Benghazi Hero and Co-author of “13 Hours”, joins the show to discuss, Operation Dynamo. An operation his organization is assisting in to evacuate 126 U.S. citizens, U.S. green card holders, and 9 Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) holders from Kabul, Afghanistan to the United States. The flight was grounded last night in Abu Dhabi leaving American evacuees stranded after Department of Homeland Security denied landing rights for the charter plane. And also! Antonia Okafor, Spokeswoman for Gun Owners of America, talks about the recent rise in crime throughout the US and expands on the reasons for why women are making up nearly half of all new gun buyers in the United States.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/29/202144 minutes, 44 seconds
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Lee Smith reveals the unfinished business of Durham’s Russia probe

Lee Smith, Journalist and Author of “The Plot Against the President” discusses the recent findings from the highly anticipated Durham investigation and what was left unresolved.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/28/202136 minutes, 20 seconds
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Haitian migrants entering US are coming from South America not Haiti, Ex Border Patrol Commissioner

Former Customs and Border Patrol Commissioner, Mark Morgan, explains the current state of the southern border and debunks inaccurate reporting by the media and the Biden Administration in regards to the recent surge of Haitian migrants.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/27/202138 minutes, 39 seconds
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Untold stories from Del Rio: JTN reports at the border

Del Rio resident Denny Brauer and just the News reporter, Bethany Blankley, describe the current situation in the border town of Del Rio, TX where the climax of the border crisis is coming to ahead.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/24/202143 minutes, 59 seconds
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Former Trump advisor vehemently disputes Blinken testimony that there was no withdrawal plan for Afghanistan

 Former National Security Council Senior Director, Kash Patel addresses claims made by Secretary of State Antony Blinken before the House Foreign Affairs Committee last week, that Biden ‘did not inherit a plan’ for Afghanistan, Patel categorically disputes this, commenting that the Biden Administration broke the ‘entire agreement’ that was left for them and then expected the world would ‘just fall into place for them’.Also, an Exclusive, Nigel Gardiner, former-aid to Margaret Thatcher, addresses the strain on the US-Britain relationship since the Biden Administrations’ Afghanistan Withdrawal ‘letdown’ last month and comments on the first meeting between President Biden and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, earlier this week.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/23/202154 minutes, 50 seconds
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Rep. Brian Babin: Joe Biden has created a ‘powder keg’ at the border

Congressman Brian Babin (R-TX), member of the GOP Doctors Caucus and Co-Chairman of House Border Security Caucus, slams the Biden Administration’s handing of the Border Crisis, calling the situation a ‘power keg’ and an ‘invasion’, after more than 15,000 migrants that have fled into Del Rio, TX and set up encampments under a bridge. The Congressman notes the ‘invasion’ is not only becoming a major risk for the spreading of antibiotic-resistant diseases and COVID-19, but also for ‘restlessness’ and ‘violence’.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/22/202134 minutes, 20 seconds
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Border Protection union accuses White House of lying about agents on horseback along Del Rio Sector

Border Patrol Agent and Head of the National Border Patrol Council, Brandon Judd, accuses Jen Psaki and White House of knowingly pushing out ‘factually incorrect’ information about border agents on horses yesterday. Judd commenting that Psaki ‘knew’ agents weren’t using whips, but reins, as Biden Administration authorized the training of Border Agents using ‘reins to be twirled’, as a way to keep people ‘away from the horses for their own protection’. Judd explaining that a ‘15-second clip that happened over a period of 10 minutes’ is then used to feed into ‘Defund the Police Movement’.And an Exclusive Interview with Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) discussing the Durham report, Border Crisis, and Mask Mandates on private businesses.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/21/202147 minutes, 5 seconds
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The inside story of the Navy Seals fight against the COVID vaccine on religious grounds

Pastor Jeff Durbin joins us to describe the current situation that has resulted in many Navy Seals fighting back against the mandatory COVID-19 vaccine mandates handed down from the Pentagon.And Also! Rebecca Friedrichs, former union representative and California teacher of 28 years, discusses recent vaccination mandates for both teachers and students in Los Angeles public school district and why unions are supporting this measure.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/20/202140 minutes, 51 seconds
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Firefighter who survived 9/11: Afghan withdrawal a ‘betrayal’ to all warriors in War on Terror

Niels Jorgensen, survivor of 9/11 and ‘ground zero’ related cancer, discusses the legacy of 9/11 and the epidemic of first responders dying of 9/11 related illnesses and cancer, revealing that, ‘2 people a-day die’ are dying from 9/11 related illnesses. Jorgensen goes on to talk about the ‘warrior class’ of the War on Terror, describing the feelings of ‘betrayal’ over the Afghanistan Withdrawal, saying that, these men feel like ‘the backs of our government have been turned on’ them.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/17/202146 minutes, 34 seconds
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Newt Gingrich prescribes winning message for GOP elections: Free market capitalism beats big government socialism

Newt Gingrich, former Speaker of the House, and one of the most influential thinkers in the conservative movement, explains the evolution of the Democratic Party, calling it “Bernie Sanders, big government Socialist Party”, after almost every single Democrat in the House and Senate had voted for Bernie Sanders $3.5 trillion spending, and $3 trillion tax increase bill. “The truth is, there were no moderates in the Democratic Party.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/16/202130 minutes, 34 seconds
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Sen. Rand Paul: Milley’s contact with Chinese ‘could have started an accidental nuclear war’

Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) addresses ‘incompetent’ Afghanistan withdrawal, Dr. Fauci’s funding of Wuhan Lab gain-of-function research, and General Milley’s conversations with the Chinese, saying, Milley should be ‘polygraphed’, and if allegations are proven true, be ‘immediately dismissed’ and ‘court-martialed’.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/15/202123 minutes, 43 seconds
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Former Gov Jindal: America’s greatest threats from within, liberal agenda ‘fundamental rejection of American Dream’

Governor Bobby Jindal, Former Governor of Louisiana, and Chairman of the Center for a Healthy America at America First Policy Institute, discuss his newest op-ed highlighting the relationship between healthcare and higher education, where he says that education needs to be like the Healthcare system, which as ‘adapted’ saying, Parents need to be demanding ‘price and quality transparency, letting parents really see what they're getting for their tuition for their learning’. The former Governor went on to say that conservatives need to ‘be the party of persuasion’, and ‘the party of optimism’, showing people that conservatives have ‘real solutions to lower their cost of health care without needing a one size fits all government solution’.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/14/202123 minutes, 24 seconds
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Unions now embracing values of ‘progressive elitists’ over those of average U.S. worker: former Trump Advisor

James Sherk, Former Domestic Policy Advisor to Trump and Director of the Center for American Freedom at the America First Policy Institute, discusses Sen. Sanders ‘PRO Act’ and the consequences that it will have on working-class Americans. The legislation would essentially give Unions the power over the workers it represents. He goes on to explain the already apparent disconnect between Unions and its’ workers is due to the “union Leadership adopting values of progressive elites”, which is incompatible with the average working-class American worker.Also! Ben Weingarten discusses RealClearPolitics new database designed to give a side-by-side comparison of unfiltered political violence statistics in the United States, allowing the American people to decide what they deem to be worthy of investigation.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/13/202144 minutes, 53 seconds
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Just the News: 9/11 Special

John Solomon, Editor-in-Chief of Just the News, hosts “Just the News: 9/11 Special” sponsored by Policy Genius, featuring NYPD Commissioner Bernie Kerik, Former Solicitor General Ted Olson, Frank Siller: CEO of Tunnel to Towers, Former Congressman Lee Hamilton: Vice Chairman of 9/11 Commission (D-IN), and Jason Beardsley is a former sailor and Green Beret, he now serves as National Executive Director of The Association of the United States Navy, all discussing their memories of that fateful day and how it impacted, not only the United States, but their own personal lives, and why we must never forget.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/11/20211 hour, 35 minutes, 34 seconds
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Former British Commander in Afghanistan: Biden has branded himself as the ‘worst President’ in US history

Colonel Richard Kemp, commanding officer over all British Troops in Afghanistan, speaks to how history will remember the Biden Administration’s withdrawal from Afghanistan, saying the exit was “the greatest foreign policy and military disaster involving the West since the Second World War”, that will have not only “long-term strategic” consequences, in terms of “terrorism but the US reputation” between itself, NATO, and US Allies, which as result has been “severely undermined”.Also! Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ), Chairman of the House Freedom Caucus, talks with us about lack of security posture that the Biden Administration has had in regards to the screening of Afghan refugee’s, saying that there is “no vetting going on” right now, that “checking for Biometrics is meaningless unless there is an in-country database”, which the US doesn’t have. Also revealing that he has first-hand reports that the people in-charge of the vetting process are “not qualified to be vetting”.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/10/202150 minutes, 23 seconds
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Congressman says ‘Afghan refugees not being vetted for social media extremism’

Rep. Tom Tiffany (R-WI) discusses the threat that refugees fleeing from Afghanistan pose to the national security of the United States, saying that when the Wisconsin delegation went to visit refugee camp at Fort McCoy last week, out of 10,000 people being housed there, ‘none, not one, were on a special immigration visa’ meaning that ‘Homeland Security is not doing their job in terms of vetting’, a concern that Members of Congress had expressed before the Afghanistan Withdrawal. The Congressman goes on to explain that the ‘Biden administration, the State Department are not doing any checks on social media’, explaining that is ‘the number one places you can find what peoples true beliefs are’.And an Exclusive interview with Former Congressman Lee Hamilton (D-IN) who discusses the importance of bipartisan legislation and working with different parties across the aisle as, nothing of “lasting value’ can be accomplished inside ‘our complicated government unless it is done in a bi-partisan way’. He also speaks on the Afghanistan withdrawal saying, with all of the problems going on in the country currently, ‘leadership needs to sit down and spell out precisely’ what is in the ‘best interest of the United States’.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/9/202132 minutes, 58 seconds
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Bernie Kerik: Georgia Gov Kemp is one Trump endorsement away from being ousted

Bernie Kerik, former NYC Police Commissioner, talks about elections, election integrity and his advising of Georgia Republican Gubernatorial candidate, Vernon Jones, with the most recent polls showing Jones with ‘Trump's endorsement would take about 55% of the vote in the primary’ as the runner-up over the incumbent, Governor Kemp.And also an Exclusive interview with, Peggy Grande, longtime Executive Assistant to former President Ronald Reagan, talks all things Reagan. Discussing his timeless views on the conservative movement, Biden’s handling of the withdrawal from Afghanistan, and how the American people are returning to fundamental Reagan principles of “the beauty of Middle- America” and Reganomics of ‘less government, unilateral control over everything, and private public partnerships’ that ‘Reagan was at the forefront of when he privitized the space Industry’.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/8/202151 minutes, 25 seconds
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Tunnel 2 Towers CEO recalls bravery of 9/11 effort on 20th anniversary, asks for support

Frank Siller, CEO of Tunnel 2 Towers, discusses the legacy of the heroic actions done by first responders and ordinary Americans on 9/11. Including his brother, Stephen Siller, a NY firefighter who ran from Brooklyn Battery Tunnel straight to the Twin Towers, ‘where he gave up his life while saving others’.To commemorate the 20th Anniversary, Siller is participating in the ‘Never Forget Walk’, a 500-miles walk from Washington, D.C. to the site of Ground Zero in NYC to honor the 2,977 who lost their lives on 9/11 and the heroism of first responders, and to bring awareness to 9/11 related illnesses plaguing first responders.For more information on how to get involved go to t2t.orgSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/7/202123 minutes, 58 seconds
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Just the News Special: Freeing Classrooms from Ideology

John Solomon, Editor-in-Chief of Just the News, hosts “Freeing Classrooms from Ideology” with Heritage Action for America and Real America's Voice, featuring Rep. Dan Bishop, Dr. Ben Carson, Jessica Anderson and other experts and parents discussing the battle raging in America's school districts over Critical Race Theory.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/6/202151 minutes
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China sets sights on Taiwan after US abandonment of Afghanistan, Expert

 Weifeng Zhong, China Propaganda Analyst and Expert, discusses the trends in Chinese Propaganda, such as the recent promoting of a “strong military” in its national newspaper, a trend that hasn’t been seen from the CCP for many years, is likely due to the recent US abandonment of Afghanistan, saying an attack on Taiwan now is a “valid concern”, as “credibility matters in current affairs”.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/3/202134 minutes, 50 seconds
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Former Homeland Security Special Agent: ‘US more vulnerable today’ than before 9/11

Eric Caron, former Special Agent for the Homeland Security and US Diplomat, expresses his concern over the threat of terrorism to the United States, saying that the US ‘ports of entry, airports, seaports’ are not secure right now and that terrorist ‘will go where they know’ security is soft, explaining that US is focused exclusively on the Southern Border but ignoring the threats posed at the ‘Northern Border’ and ‘container ships’ coming from other countries.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/2/202142 minutes, 37 seconds
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Rep. Kat Cammack: GOP lawmakers ‘absolutely talking about impeaching Biden, but don’t have the votes’

Rep. Kat Cammack (R-FL) discusses Biden’s problematic Afghanistan withdrawal, saying ‘impeachment conversation is absolutely happening’, not only from the GOP but ‘people across America’, Cammack goes on to say that the ‘GOP does not have the votes’, and that while Democrats ‘come along and say that they disagree with Biden, they will not go against Nancy Pelosi’.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/1/202127 minutes, 28 seconds
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War correspondent, Special Forces vet says ‘U.S. military turned away Americans at Kabul airport gates’

 Michael Yon, former Special Forces turned combat journalist, gives John Solomon Reports an Exclusive, that Americans, were in-fact, turned away from the gates of Kabul Airport by US Military, alleging that they were acting on orders ‘by the State Department to turn Americans away’. And, former Kansas Secretary of State, Kris Kobach, also joins the podcast today to discuss his recent lawsuit against the Biden administration, alleging that Biden used executive orders to undercut current Federal immigration law, by not allowing ‘ICE officers to take custody or deport illegal aliens unless they get special permission’, and by releasing illegal aliens into the country ‘without notices to appear in immigration court’, he also talks about the security threat that comes with having the southern border open.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/31/202135 minutes, 43 seconds
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Ex-Army Ranger warns of new era of terrorism: 'Move your families to places that are willing to defend you’

Dr. Tony Brooks, former Army Ranger and best-selling author of “Leave No Man Behind”, discusses the US handling of withdrawal from Afghanistan has ‘guaranteed’ that the region will see a rise in terrorism, likely within the next few months and explains the efforts that he and many ‘veterans, former military leaders that are no longer in service, are working tirelessly to save Afghan allies’.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/30/202132 minutes, 4 seconds
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Expert says conservatives need alternative to Green New Deal argument that doesn’t kill economy

Patrick Michaels, Senior Fellow at the Center for Energy and Environment at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, walks us through the actual science of climate change versus what is the prevailing narrative in America. Michaels, speaks to the example of nuclear power as a green alternative that we could ‘actually run a lot of our society on’ versus the less reliable solar or wind energy and ‘doesn't contribute CO2 into the atmosphere’. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/27/202126 minutes, 19 seconds
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Veterans 4 America First Institute: VA should make decisions ‘starting and ending with the veterans’ it serves

Former Acting Secretary of the Veterans Administration, Peter O’Rouke, joins the show to talk about his founding of new group, Veterans 4 America First Institute. The group seeks to carry on the legacies of the Trump Administration’s VA policies and looks to have veterans take them further into the next generation of veterans to serve, by having the VA, ‘make financial decisions… policy decisions, internal process decisions that are focused on and start with the veteran, not the organization.'See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/26/202131 minutes, 43 seconds
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Charity pleads for support to help evacuate Americans, Afghan allies

The COO of Army Week Association, Jen Wilson explains how she co-ordinates extractions of American troops from Afghanistan with narrow escapes from the Taliban, and a mom in Atlanta - Kila Posey explains how her school district retaliated against her after she filed suit when she found out they were deliberately segregating her daughter into a "Black Classroom".To help troops in Afghanistan you can donate to the Army Week Association just go to Armyweek.orgSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/25/202133 minutes, 43 seconds
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Former DIA official: Afghanistan failed when US decided to nation build

Lieutenant Colonel Anthony Shaffer discusses the failures of the US attempt to nation build in Afghanistan, stating that after the ‘assassination of Bin Laden’ the US should have departed as we held the ‘upper-hand over the Taliban and our allies’. He goes on to explain that the Trump-Pompeo withdrawal plan, would have allowed for ‘the Government of Afghanistan, the tribes, the warlords, and the Taliban….to sort it out, with specific, achievable objectives and military over watch by United States'. This way he explains ‘we would have ensured that American citizens were protected, and more importantly, all parties were brought back together, for the Afghan people to to work out their differences’. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/24/202128 minutes, 38 seconds
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Kimberly Hermann: Public school districts requiring ‘equity and anti-racist trainings’ violates teachers First Amendment

Kimberly Hermann, Chief Counsel for Southeastern Legal Foundation (SLF), explains the legal case SLF is involved in regarding Missouri teachers and educators being compelled by school districts to be trained in critical race theory ‘equity and anti-racist training’, with some districts going so far as telling teachers how they should vote. The lawsuit is centered around the First Amendment, as the training was required for every employee, from a ‘bus driver, driving kids to school, all the way up to an AP history teacher’.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/23/202119 minutes, 38 seconds
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Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green drafting Articles of Impeachment for Biden over Afghan debacle

Marjorie Taylor Green (R-GA) discusses the circumstances surrounding her drafting  of the articles of impeachment against President Biden regarding his handling of the Afghanistan withdrawal, she also raises the alarm on the dire need of America to not hand over ‘the mining rights of over 1 trillion of rare earth minerals’ located in Afghanistan to China in a deal by the Taliban. She explains that China currently ‘dominates over 80%’ of the rare mineral mines in the world, including Lithium that is used for batteries. She states that by combining this with the passage of the Infrastructure Bill, which requires that cars be battery-powered by 2030, will be ‘handing over the American people to be slaves to China's battery market’.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/20/202129 minutes, 55 seconds
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Top Trump Aid reveals the secret Afghan exit plan that Biden refused to execute

Former National Security Council Senior Director, Kash Patel, discusses the failings of the Biden Administration’s withdrawal plans from Afghanistan, calling it the ‘biggest National Security catastrophe, since 9/11’, with no plan whatsoever to get American citizens out. He clears up previous statements from Biden officials that the Administration was carrying out the former Trump withdrawal plans and explains where they are being deviated from. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/19/202132 minutes, 16 seconds
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Two veterans running for Congress criticize Biden's handling of withdrawing U.S. troops from Afghanistan

From the frontlines to Congress, two combat-veterans join us to discuss their runs for Congress, the logistical failures that led to the outcome of the fall of Afghanistan, and the fallout of mixed emotions being experienced by the military community. The two candidates that are joining us: Joe Kent, former Army Special Forces, running for Washington’s 3rd District and Tom Norton, former Army National Guard infantry, running for Michigan’s 3rd District.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/18/202152 minutes, 43 seconds
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General Flynn: Biden lied, knew Afghan army would collapse quickly

General Michael Flynn, former National Security Advisor, joins the show to talk all things Afghanistan and beseeches Americans to get involved with their communities, saying, ‘local action has a national impact’.  James Bopp, constitutional lawyer and current-counsel for Indiana University students, gives Just the News an Exclusive, that he is picking more students from different universities to make university vaccine mandates a class-action lawsuit, in preparation to bring claims before the Supreme Court. His main argument against university vaccine mandates is that the government should have to prove that this level of ‘invasion of rights and bodily autonomy is justified’, citing that there is ‘nothing more intrusive than the government coming along and sticking needles in you and injecting chemicals into your body’.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/17/202150 minutes, 47 seconds
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The Future of Education? In debate over Critical Race Theory, activists and parents push for cameras’ in classrooms

Marilyn Quigley, a retired 40-year educator, discusses the public nature of being a teacher and why parents should be able to have access to the lesson plans that teachers are teaching their children. Quigley’s solution? Having cameras in classrooms, which she sees as a ‘natural progression’ similar to what body-cams have become for police-officers. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/16/202142 minutes, 14 seconds
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Rep. Andy Biggs: Borders wide open, ‘cartels have a presence in virtually every city in America’

Congressman Andy Biggs (R-AZ) discusses filing for articles of impeachment against Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas. Rep. Biggs criticizes Mayorkas' failure to do his sole duty to secure the border. In addition to his failure to act, he has actively worsened the border crisis by taking steps to prevent local law enforcement 'from working and cooperating with ICE,' and is compounding the current health crisis by dismissing the fact that 20% of illegal migrants being released into the country have COVID. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/13/202153 minutes, 11 seconds
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Texas AG: Biden is the ‘most prolific super-spreader of COVID’ in the world

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton (R) criticizes the Biden Administration for the double-standards it holds regarding COVID with illegal migrants coming over the border versus American citizens catching it. He says with the Administration’s current policies, President Biden must be “okay with people dying from COVID in this country, as long as it's related to immigration.” See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/12/202143 minutes, 44 seconds
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Parler Executive warns ‘big tech-big government coordination’ is spelling the end of freedom

Amy Peikoff, CPO of Parler, says that the current application of Section 230 allows for the government to pressure social media platform's to remove content which they deem, ‘objectionable’ or ‘misinformation’. Peikoff’s solution to deal with ‘cronyism censorship’? Trump’s ‘class action lawsuit against Facebook and Twitter’ and narrowly tailoring Section 230 interpretation.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/11/202144 minutes, 53 seconds
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Former Trump advisor says Cuomo scandal shows perils of protective media

Former National Security Council Senior Director, Kash Patel, talks about giving legal and payment solutions to people that are being cancelled - starting the Kash Patel Legal Offense Trust, which fights back in the court of law against Big Tech censorship and Media bias. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/10/202141 minutes, 59 seconds
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MRNA Expert: Time for US officials to ‘check egos at the door’, change course on COVID

Dr. Robert Malone, the man who invented the mRNA technology used in some coronavirus vaccines, speaks out on Orwellian censorship that is happening within the CDC and by the media, reflecting on how any question as to the efficacy or long-term effects of the vaccine are being targeted as ‘dissent… down to the level where they censor if they say things that are contrary to what the WHO or CDC says’.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/9/202144 minutes, 46 seconds
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Ben Shapiro suggests best case scenario for America is looking ‘a lot more like the EU going forward’

 Ben Shapiro joins the show to discuss his new book, “The Authoritarian Moment” in which he explains how the left now seeks to control ‘every major institution in American life, from the media to corporate America, from the scientific establishment to university campuses’ in an attempt to completely silence and alienate the right. Congressman Lee Zeldin (R- NY) also joins us for a discussion on the timeline for the resignation of Governor Cuomo in light of the Attorney General’s report.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/6/202146 minutes, 18 seconds
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NY Senate Leader: Governor Cuomo does not believe impeachment is real

New York State Sen. Minority Leader Robert Ortt (R) discusses the lengths that the staff of Gov. Cuomo went to suppress and smear victims. He said it ‘is baked into the DNA’, and brand of who the Governor is, stating that he thinks it is time to move forward with impeachment, as Gov. Cuomo does not really believe that NY State Legislature is serious about impeaching him.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/5/202143 minutes, 51 seconds
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Biden has done more to spread COVID than the Chinese ever did, lawmaker says

Rep. Matt Rosendale (R-MT) highlights the double-standard of the Biden Administration’s border policy of finding ‘any excuse to release illegal immigrants’ into the country and how this has directly resulted in the rapid spread of COVID-19.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/4/202130 minutes, 25 seconds
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Rep. Greg Steube: The border crisis is the biggest national security threat since 9/11

Rep. Greg Steube (R-FL) discusses the harmful effects that the Biden Administration's border policy is having, not only on America's national security but also in the nation's fight against COVID, and the lack of outcry from Washington.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/3/202156 minutes, 26 seconds
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Just the News Special: The War on Black America

John Solomon, Editor-in-Chief of Just the News, hosts The War on Black America TV special with Real America's Voice and, featuring Former Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell, Former Detroit Police Chief James Craig, Immigration Attorney & Miami Mayoral Candidate Mayra Joli, President & CEO of Job Creators Network Alfredo Ortiz, and Civil Rights Icon Bob Woodson.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/2/202150 minutes, 38 seconds
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New alternatives to the Drudge Report and Twitter

Joseph Curl, Editor-in-Chief of, which is an alternative to the Drudge Report, and Jason Miller, CEO of GETTR, which is an alternative to Twitter, discuss their new enterprises and the differences from their competitors.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/30/202149 minutes, 4 seconds
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Jenny Beth Martin: More mask mandates and lockdowns 'will be detrimental' to Biden's presidency

Jenny Beth Martin, co-founder of Tea Party Patriots, says that while the White House is forcing mask mandates and COVID-19 vaccinations, counties that voted heavily for Biden have decided against implementing more mask mandates.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/29/202131 minutes, 28 seconds
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Ambassador Henry Cooper: The U.S. is 'playing catch-up' with China on space, tech

Ambassador Henry Cooper, who served under both the Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush administrations, warns that the U.S. is running behind China in technologies that it had led in before.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/28/202137 minutes, 34 seconds
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Rep. Dan Newhouse: Protecting American farmland from China

Rep. Dan Newhouse (R-WA) discusses how China has bought up nearly 200,000 acres of American farmland, which he's attempting to stop through an amendment to an Agriculture-FDA spending bill, and how that jeopardizes both American national security and food supplies.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/27/202126 minutes, 31 seconds
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John Zadrozny: Americans are 'treated like second-class citizens' with COVID while illegal immigrants get free pass

John Zadrozny, former Trump administration official and current Director of the Center for Homeland Security and Immigration of the America First Policy Institute, said that Americans have "less freedom than foreign nationals who are illegally crossing the border" with COVID-19 restrictions.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/26/202137 minutes, 18 seconds
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Erik Finman: Dispelling myths about the Freedom Phone

 Erik Finman, CEO of Freedom Phone, discusses tech reporters' attacks on the Freedom Phone, answers questions about how it's made, and explains its security features.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/23/202129 minutes, 47 seconds
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Wayne Barnes: Analyzing Hunter Biden's signature on his laptop repair receipt

Wayne Barnes, a former FBI agent who wrote a report for Just the News to verify Hunter Biden's signature from the receipt for the Delaware computer repair store where he dropped off his laptop, explains how much can be learned about a person through their signature and what Hunter Biden's says about him.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/22/202134 minutes, 20 seconds
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Rep. Claudia Tenney: Biden administration is 'very passive,' projecting weakness with Cuba

Rep. Claudia Tenney (R-NY) said that on the current situation in Cuba, the Biden administration is "projecting somewhat of a weakness and a neutral position as opposed to really being strong on freedom and democracy."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/21/202127 minutes, 19 seconds
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Retired Lt. Gen. Keith Kellogg: Looking for Biden's foreign policy, but 'we can't find it'

Retired Army Lt. Gen. Keith Kellogg, former national security adviser to Vice President Pence, said that the Biden administration seems to only be focusing on COVID, but is "ignoring some issues out there hoping the American people don't pick up on them."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/20/202129 minutes, 14 seconds
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The Current State of Cuba

Former National Security Council chief of staff Fred Fleitz and Rafael Cruz, father of Sen. Ted Cruz, discuss the recent events in Cuba and what the U.S. should do to help the Cuban people.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/19/202146 minutes, 45 seconds
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Activist and journalist Gelet Fragela speaks out about the human rights abuses in Cuba

As the protests in Cuba become more intense, Cuban refugees like Gelet Fragela shed light on the oppressive situation and plead for the U.S. to step up and help their families.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/17/202125 minutes, 14 seconds
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Former U.S. military translator Saber Rock pleads for America to save his family from the Taliban

Saber Rock, a former translator for the U.S. military who was wounded multiple times in his service to America, is asking the United States government to bring his family to America from Afghanistan as their lives are in danger from the Taliban.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/16/202159 minutes, 57 seconds
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Tom Hogan: City crime hits the suburbs as political prosecutors choose which laws to enforce

Tom Hogan, the former district attorney for Chester County, PA, discusses how political prosecutors are not charging criminals with crimes, which leads to crime spilling over to the suburbs from the cities.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/15/202144 minutes
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Erik Finman: Taking back privacy from Big Tech with the Freedom Phone

Erik Finman, the founder of the Freedom Phone and youngest Bitcoin millionaire, explains how his new Freedom Phone protects users' privacy while also featuring "apps that promote free speech and promote patriotism.”Go to to buy a Freedom Phone and use the promo code JUSTTHENEWS for $50 off.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/14/202139 minutes, 31 seconds
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Jason Foster: EMPOWR(ing) whistleblowers to successfully expose the truth

Jason Foster, Founder and President of Empower Oversight Whistleblowers & Research (EMPOWR), discusses how EMPOWR will help guide and protect whistleblowers as they expose the truth.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/13/202127 minutes, 58 seconds
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Tom Fitton: 'It's no surprise that you have politicized prosecutions' by DOJ, FBI over Jan. 6

Tom Fitton, President of Judicial Watch, said the Department of Justice has "been a disaster" and the FBI is "out of control," with "zero accountability," as they pursue "politicized prosecutions" related to the Jan. 6 Capitol riot.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/12/202124 minutes, 28 seconds
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Jason Miller: GETTR, the new, pro-free speech social media platform

Jason Miller, CEO of the new social media platform GETTR, explains the features of the pro-free speech app.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/11/202129 minutes, 49 seconds
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Dr. Ramesh Sepehrrad: Free Iran World Summit

Dr. Ramesh Sepehrrad, advisory board member of the Organization of Iranian American Communities, discusses the movement for a free Iran and the upcoming Free Iran World Summit.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/9/202146 minutes, 10 seconds
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Brooke Rollins: Trump's lawsuit against Big Tech

Brooke Rollins, President and CEO of America First Policy Institute, discusses former President Trump's lawsuit against Big Tech and what it means for social media censorship.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/8/202129 minutes, 54 seconds
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David Bernhardt: The unanticipated harms of government bureaucracy

David Bernhardt, former Secretary of the Interior under President Trump, explains how well-meaning government programs can have unexpected, negative consequences when no one is held accountable for them.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/7/202154 minutes, 48 seconds
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The legal battles against critical race theory in government

 Kimberly Hermann, General Counsel for Southeastern Legal Foundation (SLF), explains the legal cases SLF is involved in regarding critical race theory in public schools and federal government loan forgiveness to only non-white farmers.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/6/202136 minutes, 54 seconds
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Jason Beardsley: Instead of providing more naval boats, Navy and DOD focus on 'diversity' and 'extremism'

Jason Beardsley, Executive Director of the Association of the United States Navy, says that the Navy is "sacrificing material goods that can defend the nation to chase things that maybe are a little bit subjective and have not been defined," like "extremism."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/5/202132 minutes, 29 seconds
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The Revolt Against Critical Race Theory

Charles Fain Lehman of the Manhattan Institute has created a Toolkit for Concerned Parents which contains strategies to fight back against Critical Race Theory.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/2/202134 minutes, 10 seconds
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Rep. Andy Biggs: House investigation into Jan. 6 Capitol riot 'is a witch hunt'

Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) said the House of Representatives' new select committee on the Jan. 6 Capitol riot should have no Republican participation because "This isn't an investigation, this is a witch hunt."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/1/202153 minutes, 17 seconds
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GA Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger: State election board will take over Fulton County election if necessary

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger said, regarding solving election irregularities in Fulton County, that if the state election board needs to replace the county election director and take over operations, "then that's what we need to do."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/30/202126 minutes, 16 seconds
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Rep. Devin Nunes: 'We'd be playing into exactly what the Chinese want' if the world locks down over COVID variant

Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) said regarding the COVID-19 Delta variant, "the world can't ... afford to go into any more lockdown."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/29/202140 minutes, 29 seconds
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Cale Clingenpeel: “We see more spending with little return”

The White House needs to recognize that inflation is negatively affecting lower-income households, and the people most aligned with Biden’s policies.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/28/202131 minutes, 18 seconds
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Securing Our Elections: Protecting Your Vote

Heritage Action for America, with Just the News and Real America's Voice, present Securing Our Elections: Protecting Your Vote a special report that looks at election integrity with Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI), Jessica Anderson, Attorney Bob Cheeley, Brown County Election Director Sandy Juno, and Jason Snead.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/26/202144 minutes, 6 seconds
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Jacqueline Timmer: How various groups in battleground states worked together on 2020 election irregularities

Jacqueline Timmer, Founder/Director of American Voter's Alliance and daughter of Phill Kline, explains the various election irregularities in 2020 that happened across battleground states and how they were caused by a few groups working together over the years.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/25/202157 minutes
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Darin Selnick: Veteran says VA prioritizes transgender surgeries over needed reconstructive surgery

Darin Selnick, a retired Air Force Captain and former Senior Advisor to the Secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs under President Trump, said a female veteran told him that a man wanting breast augmentation transgender surgery will get it from the Veterans Affairs while she can't get breast reconstructive surgery following combat in Iraq.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/24/202128 minutes, 35 seconds
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Betsy McCaughey: 'Our next pandemic might not be a virus, it might be … antibiotic-resistant infections'

Betsy McCaughey, Chairman of the Committee to Reduce Infection Deaths and former lieutenant governor of New York, discussed how COVID-19 spread in hospitals, including the fact that new and available technology isn't being used to prevent the spread of infections.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/23/202136 minutes, 50 seconds
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Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn: 'I am not convinced that we're going to have a free and fair election in 2022 unless we get 2020 squared away'

 Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, former National Security Advisor to President Trump, says that "election integrity is not something that's gonna go away."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/22/202146 minutes, 57 seconds
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Kory Yeshua: “We’re not gonna teach young black kids that they’re oppressed”

Yeshua addresses the issues with critical race theory or “anti-racism” training in schools, and why they’re harmful to children of all races.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/21/202121 minutes, 55 seconds
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Rep. Jim Jordan: Democrats' new bills will 'allow big tech to collude with big government'

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) explains how the House Democrats' new Big Tech anti-trust bills will "make a bad situation worse" by allowing the federal government to "collude" with Big Tech.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/18/202123 minutes, 54 seconds
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Texas AG Ken Paxton: George P. Bush doesn't have enough legal experience to be attorney general

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton (R) criticized what he views as George P. Bush's lack of legal experience to be elected as the state's attorney general.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/17/202146 minutes, 34 seconds
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Sen. Mike Braun: Americans have 'got to be scratching their heads' on Biden's foreign policy

 Sen. Mike Braun (R-IN) says that when President Biden's policies regarding foreign countries are just "anti-Trump," Americans have "got to be scratching their heads" because Trump's policies worked and the U.S. was respected globally as a result.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/16/202132 minutes, 50 seconds
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Rep. Matt Gaetz: Reporters are threatening people to lie to smear me

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) responds to all the allegations that have been made against him and criticizes the media for their role in "literally threatening people to say stuff that isn't true."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/15/202147 minutes, 38 seconds
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George P. Bush: “Our state is under assault and we have an unresponsive president”

Bush plans to tackle “complicated criminal networks” operating on both sides of the border - including drug and human trafficking operations.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/14/202137 minutes, 35 seconds
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Rep. Elise Stefanik: Marxist Democratic Party may push Independents, swing Democrats to GOP

Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) said that the "radical, far-left Marxist ideology" of the Democratic Party may give Republicans an opportunity to "win back those Independents and...maybe swing Democrats who realize this is not the same Democratic Party of even 5-10 years ago."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/11/202140 minutes, 48 seconds
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Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer: 'Our economy will go into a freefall'

Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer (R-MO) says that in addition to the stimulus checks disincentivizing people to work, the Democrats' tax plan "is going to exacerbate the situation, this is going to decimate especially small businesses, and it's going to be a disaster. Our economy will go into a freefall."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/10/202141 minutes, 59 seconds
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Reporting on the culture wars

Just the News reporters Daniel Payne and Greg Piper discuss their latest stories on the current culture wars.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/9/202145 minutes, 15 seconds
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David Bossie: VP Harris was disrespected, called out by Guatemalan president

David Bossie, president of Citizens United, commented on how Guatemalan President Alejandro Giammattei made Vice President Kamala Harris go back to the podium to get her mask and put it on as they left their press conference, after he had lectured her about the Biden administration's immigration policies.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/8/202137 minutes, 17 seconds
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Liz Wheeler: Fauci’s emails may “end the pandemic”

The Biden admin may try to save face by declaring the pandemic over, and not taking any real action on Fauci, says Wheeler.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/7/202135 minutes, 10 seconds
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Biden's border crisis, leftist racism, and distrust of public health officials over COVID-19

Former Trump administration official John Zadrozny, Bishop Aubrey Shines, and Rogan O'Handley (AKA @dc_draino) discuss the Biden administration's border crisis, leftist racism in America, and how Americans will be less likely to trust public health officials as a result of their deception during the COVID-19 pandemic.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/4/20211 hour, 10 minutes, 11 seconds
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David Horowitz: The dangers of the left

David Horowitz, founder of the David Horowitz Freedom Center, discusses his firsthand experience of the dangers of the left from when he had been a founder of the New Left, prior to becoming a conservative activist.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/3/202139 minutes, 23 seconds
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Matthew Spalding: The Biden admin 'had to abolish' the 1776 Commission to replace it with Critical Race Theory

Matthew Spalding, the former executive director of the 1776 Commission and the Dean of Hillsdale College's Van Andel Graduate School of Government, says that America's founding principle of "all men are created equal" cannot coexist with Critical Race Theory.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/2/202135 minutes, 19 seconds
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Former Israeli Amb. Ron Dermer: Calling Israel an apartheid state allows for 'open season on Jews'

Former Israeli ambassador to the U.S., Ron Dermer, says that when Congress members call Israel an apartheid state and "get away with saying it, you are creating an environment that allows for this open season on Jews that is happening now."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/1/20211 hour, 1 minute, 5 seconds
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Chuck Woolery: Dr. Fauci and D.C. health experts are 'not quite honest, they're very political, and they mislead'

Chuck Woolery, co-host of the "Blunt Force Truth Podcast," says that he doesn't think Dr. Fauci "will ever be held responsible for anything that he's done" with the COVID-19 pandemic.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/28/202151 minutes, 50 seconds
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Rep. Greg Steube: Nancy Pelosi's 'ability to push her members' is waning

Rep. Greg Steube (R-FL) says that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is losing her ability to steer her members on votes, as support for the $2.3 trillion infrastructure bill fell through with Democrats in moderate districts.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/27/202134 minutes, 49 seconds
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Rep. Chip Roy: Americans are seeing in the Democrats, the 'last gasp of a dying party'

Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) says, "we're seeing now the Democratic Party's last breath" as they are "trying to hold on to what made their strength over the last three decades" through race baiting and "saying they're the party for the poor."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/26/202139 minutes, 49 seconds
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Sen. Mike Braun: New bombshells upcoming on origin of COVID in Wuhan lab

Sen. Mike Braun (R-IN) says that he believes the origin of COVID-19 will be revealed soon, "I think there's going to be stuff coming forward that might flush it out without having to force it legislatively." But if it is not, he has proposed a bill to do so.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/25/202130 minutes, 41 seconds
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AZ Senate President Karen Fann: “45% of people have no confidence in our elections”

The data shows that a large amount of people think the election process is dishonest, yet pushback against election audits continues. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/24/202134 minutes, 23 seconds
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Michael Chamberlain: Holding the federal government accountable

Michael Chamberlain, Director of the Protect the Public's Trust, explains how his organization is working to keep the federal government accountable to the American public.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/21/202143 minutes, 11 seconds
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Alex Marlow: 'China's imprint in the American media is huge'

Alex Marlow, Editor-in-Chief at Breitbart News, discusses his book, "Breaking The News," and explains how Bloomberg News, "arguably the biggest news outlet on planet earth," works with Chinese propagandists.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/20/202157 minutes, 30 seconds
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Will Hild: Consumers' Research - putting woke corporations on notice

Will Hild, Executive Director of Consumers' Research, said that the consumer protection organization is putting woke American corporations on notice "that they are not going to be able to distract from their own failures by cozying up to woke politicians and taking positions on legislative issues and political issues that they know nothing about," as they're running a seven-figure ad campaign against American Airlines.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/19/202131 minutes, 52 seconds
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Stephen Moore: "Inflation is the most regressive tax out there"

Stephen Moore, "Trumponomics" author and Senior Economic Contributor for FreedomWorks, discussed how currency inflation is a tax on Americans and its impact on the national debt.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/18/202140 minutes, 4 seconds
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Bob Woodson: “The left has weaponized race”

The left is using the civil rights movement as a “bludgeon to decimate our civic institutions and our values,” says Woodson.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/17/202136 minutes
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Josh Mandel: 'Outrageous' for OH governor to give away $5 million to vaccinated residents

Josh Mandel, an Ohio GOP candidate for U.S. Senate and former state treasurer, called out fellow state Republican, Gov. Mike DeWine, for giving away $5 million in sweepstakes prizes to vaccinated residents.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/14/202141 minutes, 1 second
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Former Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren: Progressive Dems are playing into Hamas' plan against Israel

Michael Oren, former ambassador of Israel to the U.S., says that Hamas wants the U.S. to impose a ceasefire on Israel, which the progressive wing of the Democratic Party is playing right into.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/13/202134 minutes, 45 seconds
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Rep. Lauren Boebert: GOP is 'finally taking a stand' against anti-America First members

Following Rep. Liz Cheney's (R-WY) removal from House GOP leadership, Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) said, "Republicans are finally taking a stand and getting a backbone and removing people from leadership who do not promote America First agenda, the Trump policies."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/12/202132 minutes, 58 seconds
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Alfredo Ortiz: The truth behind corporations attacking GA over voting law

Alfredo Ortiz, President and CEO of Job Creators Network, discusses the origin of the attack on Georgia's new voting law and explains the issue of corporations playing politics.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/11/202121 minutes, 37 seconds
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Bryan Griffin: “We’re trying to find a diplomatic solution with a non-diplomatic partner”

Parts of Iran’s “uncoordinated” government are working against each other, and diplomatic arrangements with Iran could be tampered with or destroyed by its own Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/10/202144 minutes, 34 seconds
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Kimberly Klacik: Trump made 'huge improvement' in GOP's relationship with minorities

Kimberly Klacik, former GOP nominee for Maryland's 7th congressional district, discusses President Trump's accomplishments for minority communities and said, "If the Republican Party goes away from Trump and what he was doing, I don't think it's going to get any better … and so we've got to be that big tech party if we really, truly want to get more people to open up to the GOP."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/7/202130 minutes, 7 seconds
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Glenn Youngkin: Conservative businessman running for VA governor

GOP Virginia gubernatorial candidate Glenn Youngkin, who is a former co-CEO of Carlyle Group, discussed the current state of the commonwealth under Gov. Ralph Northam, and what his plans are to make it great again. Former Missouri Governor Eric Greitens also responds to the breaking news regarding the St. Louis circuit attorney who led a failed prosecution against him.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/6/202150 minutes, 52 seconds
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Arizona GOP Chairwoman Kelli Ward: Understanding the Maricopa County election audit

Former Arizona State Sen. Kelli Ward (R) discusses the Maricopa County election audit, the border crisis, and the road ahead for Republicans in 2022.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/5/202140 minutes, 48 seconds
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Rep. Kat Cammack: How to cut the federal budget, make government more responsive

Rep. Kat Cammack (R-FL) discusses the Finding Federal Savings Committee, a bill she's sponsoring that will create a committee to analyze the federal agencies and identify unnecessary spending.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/4/202140 minutes, 30 seconds
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COVID-19: The lies, the loss and the light at the end of the tunnel

Just the News investigative reporter Daniel Payne reports on the current state of the coronavirus pandemic.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/3/20211 hour, 2 minutes, 41 seconds
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Gen. Keith Kellogg: 'A huge mistake,' Biden giving Iran 'a free pass'

Retired Army Lt. General Keith Kellogg, former National Security Council chief of staff under President Trump and National Security adviser to Vice President Pence, said that President Biden giving concessions to Iran is "giving them a free pass, and so everybody's whistling past the graveyard on this and it's a huge mistake."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/30/202134 minutes, 15 seconds
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Mark Dubowitz: Biden admin making a better deal with Iran is 'a fiction, mirage'

Mark Dubowitz, CEO of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, says the Biden administration is claiming that after reentering the JCPOA, they will negotiate "a longer, stronger, broader deal" with Iran, but the reality is "that will remain a fiction...a mirage in the desert."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/29/202141 minutes, 59 seconds
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Steve Deace: Americans have been denied informed consent and counter opinions with COVID

Steve Deace, co-author of "Faucian Bargain: The Most Powerful and Dangerous Bureaucrat in American History," says that the foundation for healthcare in America is informed consent and second opinion, of which the American people have gotten neither during the COVID-19 pandemic.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/28/202143 minutes, 4 seconds
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Sen. Marsha Blackburn: Democrats are afraid of 2022 midterm elections

Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) says that Democrats are trying to quickly pass H.R.1 and pack the Supreme Court so they can hold onto power because "they know they're going to lose the House and the Senate in 2022."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/27/202143 minutes, 15 seconds
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Bernie Kerik: Rebuilding trust between police and minority communities

Bernie Kerik, former NYC Police Commissioner, says misconceptions and political rhetoric about police shooting statistics are harming communities, and are ignoring the real issues.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/26/202133 minutes, 58 seconds
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Roman Buhler: Constitutional amendment to keep the Supreme Court at 9 justices

Roman Buhler, Executive Director of KeepNine, explains that across the country, there is bipartisan support for a constitutional amendment to keep the Supreme Court at nine justices, but not in Washington, D.C.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/23/202142 minutes, 12 seconds
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Newt Gingrich: Biden and Harris are damaging U.S. with Chinese propaganda

Newt Gingrich, former Speaker of the House (R-GA), said in response to President Biden and Vice President Harris’ comments on the Derek Chauvin trial, "You don't have to worry about the Chinese propagandists, because the American president and vice president are doing as much damage to the U.S. as any propaganda campaign."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/22/202129 minutes, 54 seconds
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Rep. Claudia Tenney: NY 'deliberately created chaos' with 2020 election

Rep. Claudia Tenney (R-NY), who won her congressional district by 109 votes, did not get all the votes counted for her race until February, which was 101 days after the November election.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/21/202131 minutes, 9 seconds
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Rep. Madison Cawthorn: 'Donument Act,' making the border wall a national monument

Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-NC) has introduced the "Donument Act" in the House, "think 'Donald' plus 'monument.' And this would make the existing border wall, that's on our southern border now, into a national monument. So that would mean that the Democrats can never tear it down, no matter how politicized the event gets, because that's just illegal, then."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/20/202133 minutes, 5 seconds
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Tennessee secretary of state says Democrat bill would 'eviscerate' election security

HR-1 would “eviscerate” election security in Tennessee, says TN Secretary of State Tre HargettSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/19/202138 minutes, 15 seconds
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Securing Our Elections: The Grassroots Battle for Easy, Safe Voting

Heritage Action for America and Just the News presents Securing Our Elections: The Grassroots Battle for Easy, Safe Voting special report looks at election integrity with Gov. Brian Kemp (R-GA), Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson (R-NC), Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL), Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN), Phill Kline, and Jessica Anderson.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/16/202154 minutes, 44 seconds
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Ashley Rindsberg: How the repeated misreporting of the New York Times has influenced American foreign policy

Ashley Rindsberg, author of "The Gray Lady Winked: How the New York Times' Misreporting, Fabrications and Distortions Radically Alter History," discusses the major stories that the New York Times has misreported on or fabricated and their significant influence on American foreign policy and the political narrative.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/15/202158 minutes, 39 seconds
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Amy Wilhite: How to 'shop your values,' spend money on businesses you agree with

Amy Wilhite, Executive Director at 2ndVote, explains how 2ndVote scores companies based on their values so that consumers can make informed purchasing decisions and vote with their wallet.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/14/202132 minutes, 56 seconds
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Rep. Nicole Malliotakis: America's northern border is closed for COVID while southern border is open

Rep. Nicole Malliotakis (R-NY) says that while the U.S.-Canada border is closed to non-essential travel because of COVID-19, the U.S.-Mexico border is open with 175,000 illegal immigrants crossing in March, less than 10 percent of which have legitimate asylum claims.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/13/202133 minutes, 49 seconds
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Phill Kline on Zuckerberg’s voter manipulation

The Facebook CEO reportedly poured money into Detroit to boost Biden’s votes during the 2020 election.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/12/202141 minutes, 15 seconds
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Evan Sayet: Tech censorship is the modern day version of Nazi, Communist cancel culture

Evan Sayet, comedian and author of "The Woke Supremacy: An Anti-Socialist Manifesto," referenced George Orwell's explanation of how atrocities of the past were the result of the primitive tools that Nazi Germany and Communist Russia and China had at the time to silence others, "But nowadays, you don't need to release the hounds to keep the other in place — you can hound them on the internet."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/9/202139 minutes, 36 seconds
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Dennis Prager: 'The pandemic showed that most Americans value safety over freedom'

Dennis Prager, founder of PragerU, explains how few Americans value freedom and liberty anymore and how that relates to leftist cancel culture and censorship.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/8/202136 minutes, 25 seconds
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John Paul Mac Isaac's lawyer: Why did the FBI sit on Hunter Biden's laptop?

Brian Della Rocca, the lawyer of John Paul Mac Isaac - who is the computer repair shop owner that turned over Hunter Biden's laptop - responds to Hunter Biden's recent interview and has some questions about how the FBI handled the laptop situation.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/7/202143 minutes, 48 seconds
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Phillip Patrick: Understanding the current economic climate

Phillip Patrick, a Precious Metals Specialist at Birch Gold Group, explains where the U.S. economy is at, what Americans should expect for the future, and how to prepare for it.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/6/202134 minutes, 25 seconds
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Ken Blackwell: "common sense" voter ID processes are becoming controversial

The American people are being gaslighted into believing voter identity verification processes are “Jim Crow” racist, says Blackwell.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/5/202134 minutes, 2 seconds
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Sen. Ron Johnson: Hunter Biden and potential Chinese blackmail of Biden administration

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI), the ranking member of the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, explains Hunter Biden's entanglements with corrupt foreign actors.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/2/202135 minutes, 13 seconds
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Former WI Gov. Scott Walker: The left's policies are pleasing white supremacists

Scott Walker, president of Young America's Foundation and former Wisconsin governor, says that the segregationist policies the left is pushing are "probably pleasing some of the very people that they disdain, which are white supremacists."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/1/202148 minutes, 10 seconds
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Jack Brewer: 'Victim mentality…is causing the racial divide'

Jack Brewer, former NFL player and team captain, says that "the victim mentality that's being pushed upon African Americans in our nation is causing the racial divide - not just that, it's actually causing the discrimination."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/31/202138 minutes, 4 seconds
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Michael Oren: China becoming a Middle Eastern power

Former Ambassador of Israel to the U.S., Michael Oren, says that China is exerting its influence in Israel and elsewhere in the Middle East as America has been withdrawing its military from the region in recent years.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/30/202145 minutes, 47 seconds
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Congressman Mo Brooks: “horrific consequences” are ahead due to open border policies

The Biden Administration allowing more illegal immigrants into America will result in dead Americans, deadly narcotics, and economic damage, says Brooks.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/29/202135 minutes, 46 seconds
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Jaco Booyens: 30% of children crossing the southern border today will be sex trafficked

Jaco Booyens, director of the '8 Days' film on sex trafficking, says the Biden administration reversed President Trump's executive order that provided funding to fight child sex trafficking, causing it to "spike" in the U.S. with the border crisis.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/26/202141 minutes, 58 seconds
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CA Gov. Candidate Major Williams: The Restore CA Plan

California GOP gubernatorial candidate Major Williams tells his rags to riches story while laying out his plan to restore the state if he is elected governor.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/25/202139 minutes, 57 seconds
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Rep. Darrell Issa: CA to lose congressional seat for first time with mass exodus

Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) says that every ten years since it joined the U.S. in 1851, California has added congressional seats, but will lose a seat for the first time with so many people leaving the state.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/24/202135 minutes, 38 seconds
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Mark Morgan: Exposing the lies surrounding the border crisis

Former Acting Commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection Mark Morgan explains the state of the southern border and gives statistics on the crisis while he says the Biden administration is reluctant to be transparent with the American public.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/23/202148 minutes, 32 seconds
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Curtis Sliwa: Why would we defund those who defend us?

Sliwa is running for mayor of NYC on a platform of “re-funding” the police, and restoring law and order in the city.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/22/202136 minutes, 16 seconds
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Fred Fleitz: 'Politicization of intelligence…has been a problem for a while'

Fred Fleitz, former CIA analyst and former member of the House Intelligence Committee staff, said that the intelligence agencies need to be cleaned up and forced "to do their job and keep politics out of their work."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/19/202124 minutes, 12 seconds
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Rep. Bryan Steil: House Democrats trying to overturn Republican congresswoman's election

Rep. Bryan Steil (R-WI) explains how House Democrats are attempting to overturn the election results of Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks' (R-IA) district after it was decided by six votes.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/18/202126 minutes, 37 seconds
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Phill Kline: How private funding illegally altered the 2020 election

Phill Kline, Director of the Amistad Project and former Attorney General of Kansas, explains how Mark Zuckerberg's Center for Tech and Civic Life gave money to different localities to run the 2020 election and increase Democratic voter turnout.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/17/202143 minutes, 3 seconds
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China's Uyghur genocide meets UN Genocide Convention standard

Professor John Packer and Yonah Diamond worked with the Newlines Institute for Strategy and Policy to explain a report they produced that shows how every aspect of what the Chinese Communist Party is doing to Uyghur Muslims amounts to genocide.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/16/202143 minutes, 36 seconds
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Jessica Anderson of Heritage Action: keeping elections fair is a full time job

Anderson’s state-by-state movement calls for “all hands on deck” to mobilize grassroots movements, and lobby at the state level to keep U.S. elections secure.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/15/202138 minutes, 19 seconds
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Rep. Kat Cammack: Law enforcement cannot survive 'George Floyd' House bill

Rep. Kat Cammack (R-FL), whose husband is a S.W.A.T. medic, says that H.R. 1280, the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act of 2021, defunds the police and redirects funding from them to the NAACP and the ACLU.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/12/202139 minutes, 30 seconds
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MI Rep. Steve Johnson: Gov. Whitmer COVID-19 scandal, reelection vulnerability

Michigan State Rep. Steve Johnson discusses Gov. Gretchen Whitmer's COVID-19 nursing home scandal and her reelection vulnerability in 2022.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/11/202124 minutes, 30 seconds
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Texas AG Ken Paxton: Fighting Big Tech and Big Government

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton discusses the lawsuits he is pursuing against Big Tech for monopolistic practices, the federal government for not enforcing immigration laws, and investigations into voter fraud in the Lone Star State.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/10/202127 minutes, 14 seconds
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Rep. Roger Williams: Saving the music industry amidst the COVID-19 pandemic

Rep. Roger Williams (R-TX) explains the Save Our Stages Act, which was signed into law by President Trump, but the Small Business Administration still has yet to make the funds available to the music industry.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/9/202120 minutes, 56 seconds
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Guns, elections, and big spending: the next threats to liberty

“Horrible” gun control bills and a $1.9 trillion COVID spending bill will cost Americans more liberty and tax dollars over the next decade, says Norman Singleton, VP of the Campaign for Liberty. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/8/202143 minutes, 39 seconds
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Kevin Brock: Russia collusion investigation 'stained the reputation of the FBI'

Former FBI Assistant Director for Intelligence Kevin Brock discusses how the FBI's reputation was tarnished by the abuse of its authority under former Director James Comey during the Russia collusion investigation.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/5/202148 minutes, 53 seconds
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Gordon Chang: How the U.S. should respond to Chinese Communist threat

Gordon Chang, author of "The Coming Collapse of China," examines the Chinese Communist Party threat to the U.S. on the world stage and its allies.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/4/202139 minutes, 51 seconds
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NY State Sen. Minority Leader: Gov. Cuomo 'needs to resign,' hasn't apologized

New York State Sen. Minority Leader Robert Ortt (R) says that Gov. Andrew Cuomo must resign following the COVID-19 nursing home scandal and sexual harassment allegations, and that the only apology he's made was to Democratic lawmakers for the political inconvenience he's caused them.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/3/202131 minutes, 3 seconds
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Bob Woodson: Government, not discrimination, disadvantaged the black community

Bob Woodson, founder and president of The Woodson Center, explains that the government expanding the welfare program to replace fathers, starting in the 1960s, is what has decimated the nuclear family.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/2/202149 minutes, 18 seconds
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Franklin Graham says that the Equality Act is a threat to Religious Liberty

Graham says the “wicked” Equality Act will strip religious people of their rights by forcing them to participate in behaviors in direct conflict with their religious doctrines.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/1/202137 minutes, 40 seconds
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Joe Collins: Fighting Maxine Waters and the establishment

Joe Collins, who ran against Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) in the 2020 election, is suing her for defamation after she lied about his military record.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/26/202127 minutes, 26 seconds
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Rep. Thomas Massie: 'Vulgar' that Capitol Police suspect congressional Republicans as threats

Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) says that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's (D-CA) ironic response to the Jan. 6 Capitol riot is for Congress members to walk through metal detectors before voting.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/25/202136 minutes, 25 seconds
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Rogan O'Handley: Leftist extremism is 'almost cannibalistic'

Rogan O'Handley, @DC_Draino on social media, says that the left needs rage and "someone to hate and they oftentimes start attacking themselves."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/24/202138 minutes, 17 seconds
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Kevin Sorbo: 'Biggest killer of the conservative party right now is apathy'

Actor and director Kevin Sorbo says that conservatives can't sit back as the culture is changing drastically and quickly - instead, they have to fight the good fight.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/23/202129 minutes, 25 seconds
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Rep. Steube - Biden will destroy progress regarding China

President Biden will steadily increase America’s dependence on China and other countries for energy, says Steube.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/22/202134 minutes, 4 seconds
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Dinesh D'Souza: "We're really no longer living … in a free country"

Dinesh D'Souza, filmmaker and host of the "Dinesh D'Souza Podcast," said that "it suddenly occurred to me that we're really no longer living, at least in terms of some of our basic civil liberties, in a free country."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/20/202131 minutes, 36 seconds
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Sheriff Mark Dannels: 'Not humanitarian' to allow illegal immigrants into U.S., then leave stranded

Sheriff Mark Dannels of Cochise County, Arizona, says that after illegal immigrants are processed, they're dropped off without any resources, which is not only difficult for them, but also for the local community with limited resources of its own.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/19/202129 minutes, 32 seconds
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Bruce LeVell: Never expected McConnell to understand MAGA movement

Bruce LeVell, RNC Media Surrogate, says that he never expected members of Congress that have "been in there for hundreds of years" to really understand the America First movement.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/18/202134 minutes, 59 seconds
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Rep. Lee Zeldin: Gov. Cuomo's cover-up of COVID-19 nursing home scandal

Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY) explains how New York Governor Andrew Cuomo implemented his policy of sending COVID-19 positive patients into nursing homes and covered up the actual death toll, and thus far is not being investigated for it.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/17/202141 minutes, 59 seconds
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Mark Meckler: How Parler came back online

Mark Meckler, the Acting CEO of Parler and President of the Convention of States Project, explains how he and his team helped Parler get back online after Amazon Web Services, Google, and Apple took it offline last month.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/16/202127 minutes, 11 seconds
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Trump’s butterfly effect

What’s next for “Trumpism,” and can the GOP stay together and move forward, or will it have to split down the middle?See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/16/202131 minutes, 49 seconds
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Alfredo Ortiz: Democrats don't care about small businesses because they can't control them

Alfredo Ortiz, President and CEO of Job Creators Network, says that Democrats are able to control Big Tech and Big Pharma, but they can’t control 30 million independent small businesses.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/12/202134 minutes, 18 seconds
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Rep. Eric Swalwell was wrong: It’s ‘Calvary,’ not ‘cavalry’

Jennifer Lynn Lawrence, whose tweet was exhibited by Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) during his impeachment trial presentation, explains that her tweet said “Calvary,” not “cavalry,” the latter of which Swalwell claimed she said.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/11/202129 minutes, 36 seconds
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Rep. Andy Biggs: Evidence seems to indicate Congress leadership knew of Capitol riot days before

Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) said that from the evidence coming out about the Capitol riot, it appears that congressional leadership had been aware of the planned attack ahead of time, but "did nothing" about it.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/10/202125 minutes, 36 seconds
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Republican Whip Steve Scalise: kids need to be back in school

President Biden needs to stop “cowering to the teachers’ unions and start standing up for the kids,” says Scalise.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/9/202129 minutes, 41 seconds
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North Carolina Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson

The first African American Lt. Gov of South Carolina was called a “Ku Klux Klan” member for challenging an education curriculum. Today, he joins the JSR podcast to discuss what it’s like to be a Black conservative politician up against a liberal mainstream media. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/8/202138 minutes, 24 seconds
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Dr. Ben Carson: American society is like a couple before divorce

Dr. Ben Carson, former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development under President Trump, says that the divide in American society is like a couple prior to divorce as they stop talking to each other and start viewing the other side as the enemy.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/5/202131 minutes, 16 seconds
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Ken Starr: Impeachment 'was a terrible rush to judgment'

Ken Starr, a former appellate judge and U.S. solicitor general, says that with the facts coming out about what happened at the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, those pushing for impeachment of former president Trump should recant and apologize to both him and the American people.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/4/202131 minutes, 13 seconds
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Mark Morgan: States should draft their own immigration laws

Mark Morgan, former Acting Commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection, says that in order to protect the borders amidst the Biden administration not enforcing border security, states should create their own immigration laws, but warns there will be an issue with limited resources.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/3/202134 minutes, 3 seconds
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Elaine Parker: Twitter suspending Job Creators Network is 'pure retribution'

Elaine Parker, president of the Job Creators Network Foundation, said that their Job Creators Network Twitter account did not violate any of the social media platform’s rules but was nevertheless suspended, and they think it’s "retribution for defending free speech and then retribution specifically for Alfredo Ortiz's op-ed urging big tech regulation."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/2/202130 minutes, 23 seconds
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Rep. Devin Nunes: Newly declassified FBI documents should've been given to Congress back in 2017

Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) says that the recently declassified FBI documents exposing the Russia collusion investigation scandal should have been given to the House Intelligence Committee back in 2017, when he subpoenaed them.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/1/202140 minutes, 27 seconds
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Hold The Line: How conservatives can counter the Democrat majority

In this special Hold The Line event with Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Heritage Action’s Executive Director Jessica Anderson, they discuss how conservatives will recover from losing the White House and Senate as they fight back against President Biden’s liberal policies.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/29/202154 minutes, 26 seconds
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Faith Under Fire: Losing religious freedom in America

In this special Faith Under Fire event, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, former congressman Lt. Col. (ret.) Allen West, and former Trump campaign lawyer Jenna Ellis discuss the attacks on religious liberty in the U.S. and how churches have been compliant.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/28/202148 minutes, 29 seconds
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Elizabeth Heng: Creating The New Internet to replace the old internet

Elizabeth Heng, CEO of The New Internet, tells the story behind why she’s starting an internet browser without censorship and with privacy solutions, and explains how it will work.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/27/202144 minutes, 50 seconds
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Stephen Yates says his firing was “inappropriate and politically motivated"

China expert and former Radio Free Asia president Stephen Yates claims he was unfairly fired from his position at RFA for political reasons related to China.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/26/202142 minutes, 52 seconds
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John Paul Mac Isaac: “People do horrible things over money”

The computer shop owner who turned Hunter Biden’s laptop over to the FBI discusses why he did it, and the subsequent consequences of his publicity.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/25/202131 minutes, 15 seconds
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Heritage Action: How to fix our broken election system

Jessica Anderson, Executive Director of Heritage Action, explains that the best way to fix America’s broken election system is to first block the H.R. 1 bill that federalizes the presidential election, and then create a grading rubric with criteria for safe and secure elections that each state can be measured by so they can solve those problems.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/22/202137 minutes, 8 seconds
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Dr. Matthew Spalding: 1776 Commission report and legacy

Dr. Matthew Spalding, Executive Director of President Trump’s 1776 Commission and Dean of the Van Andel Graduate School of Government at Hillsdale College’s Washington, D.C. campus, explains the report that the commission produced and its legacy.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/21/202135 minutes, 40 seconds
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Declassified FBI documents: FBI leadership gave Hillary Clinton defensive briefing, ignored FISA warrant application

According to the recently declassified FBI documents on the Russia collusion investigation, the FBI leadership refused to act on the FISA warrant application with regard to Hillary Clinton’s campaign because they chose to give her a defensive briefing instead, which was the opposite of what they did for Donald Trump’s campaign.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/20/202125 minutes, 35 seconds
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Amy Peikoff: Parler was already improving scanning content prior to shutdown

Parler CPO Amy Peikoff says that their platform already prohibited illegal content, and they have been working to create algorithms that do so while remaining committed to privacy and free speech.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/19/202139 minutes, 21 seconds
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What’s next for the Biden presidential transition?

Kash Patel joins JSR to discuss what the Pentagon is doing to prepare for the transition of power over to president-elect Biden.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/18/202131 minutes, 14 seconds
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Bombshell revelations as Trump declassifies all FBI documents in Russia probe

A bombshell revelation in the remaining FBI documents on Russia collusion shows that the entire narrative was created and leaked to the news media to neutralize Hillary Clinton’s concern that her email scandal hadn’t gone away.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/14/20219 minutes
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Heritage Foundation exposes the COVID-19 hypocrisy of public officials

Joel Griffith, a research fellow at the Heritage Foundation, explains the instances where public officials have ignored their own COVID-19 restrictions and the resulting consequences.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/13/202135 minutes, 17 seconds
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Mike Huckabee: Speech censorship must end, or else we lose not just our voice, but also our country

Mike Huckabee, former governor of Arkansas and 2016 presidential candidate, says that Americans must fight back against censorship of free speech, or else the country will be lost as one of its founding principles disappears.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/12/202135 minutes, 48 seconds
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Rep. Lee Zeldin on the road ahead for Republicans

Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY) explains how the Republican Party will move forward without President Trump in the White House.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/11/202133 minutes, 43 seconds
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Matt Gaetz: Impeaching Trump again is for Democrat coalition

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) says that because the Joe Biden and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wings of their party have only their hatred of Trump in common, the Democrats will "use an impeachment vote as early as next week in order to try to keep together a coalition that is otherwise very tenuous."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/8/202121 minutes, 20 seconds
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Jeff Brain: Influence issues, solve problems, and take action with CloutHub

Jeff Brain, founder and CEO of CloutHub, explains how the new social media platform gives "people the tools they connect, collaborate, and influence the issues they care about" without censorship or invading privacy.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/7/202138 minutes, 4 seconds
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Tom Price: Republicans need to figure out what went wrong

Tom Price, former Secretary of Health and Human Services and House Representative of Georgia, says that Republicans need to reflect and examine how they are connecting with the electorate.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/6/202140 minutes, 38 seconds
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Rep. Devin Nunes: Need trust in institutions for America to survive

Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA), who received the Presidential Medal of Freedom from Trump on Monday, says that a democratic republic can only survive when the people have faith in their institutions, but the institutions are collapsing.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/5/202149 minutes, 7 seconds
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Rep. Vernon Jones: Republicans needed a dual game plan

Republicans should have pushed harder for early voting, as well as in-person voting on Election Day, says Jones.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/4/202143 minutes, 19 seconds
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Revisited: “Disastrous” COVID decisions

A professor of medicine at Stanford says bad assumptions and incorrect data models caused an out-of-control COVID response.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/1/202136 minutes, 22 seconds
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Revisited: Sen. Ron Johnson on improving America’s cybersecurity

Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) explains the challenges of improving America’s cybersecurity as well as some possible solutions.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/31/202023 minutes, 7 seconds
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Revisited: Nunes says CIA covered up evidence Hillary Clinton contrived Trump-Russia collusion narrative

John Solomon covers new evidence that the intelligence community withheld information showing that Hillary Clinton concocted the debunked Trump-Russia collusion hoax.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/30/202034 minutes, 49 seconds
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Revisited: The director of 'Plot Against the President’ says claims that the Hunter Biden laptop is Russian disinformation is ‘almost self-parody’

Amanda Milius talks about the new documentary 'Plot Against the President' detailing the debunked Trump-Russia collusion narrative.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/29/202038 minutes, 16 seconds
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Larry Elder: African American families are lacking fathers

The absence of fathers in African American homes could be more harmful to African Americans than racism from outside communities, says Elder.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/28/202040 minutes, 20 seconds
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Tunnel to Towers Foundation: Remembering sacrifices of fallen heroes

Remembering the sacrifices of five fallen heroes who gave their lives in service to America that the Tunnel to Towers Foundation is recognizing by paying off the mortgages of their families.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/25/202011 minutes, 35 seconds
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George Papadopoulos and the full Russia collusion story

George Papadopoulos, a former Trump 2016 campaign adviser who was pardoned by the president on Tuesday, explains the full story about how he became a subject of the Russian collusion investigation.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/24/202035 minutes, 22 seconds
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Peter Navarro: GA Senate run-off should be moved to February

Peter Navarro, the White House Director of Trade and Manufacturing Policy, says that the Georgia Senate run-off election should be moved to February because of the lack of election integrity in the state.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/23/202034 minutes, 19 seconds
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Sen. Ron Johnson: Improving America’s cybersecurity

Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) explains the challenges of improving America’s cybersecurity as well as some possible solutions.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/22/202033 minutes, 12 seconds
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Sen. Shannon Grove on Newsom’s COVID “hypocrisy”

Grove remarks that “it’s almost as if Newsom plays ‘The Price is Right’ with what he closes down” under his new COVID restrictions.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/21/202033 minutes, 2 seconds
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Tunnel to Towers Foundation: Paying off mortgages of fallen heroes’ families

The Tunnel to Towers Foundation is paying off mortgages of families who lost first responders and veterans in the line of duty.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/19/202013 minutes, 8 seconds
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Understanding Russia’s plan

Former CIA station chief in Moscow, Dan Hoffman, and Just the News’ Susan Katz Keating discuss Russia’s plans in the wake of its cyber attack on the U.S.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/18/202042 minutes, 1 second
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Rep. Matt Gaetz: Hunter Biden and Russian collusion investigators will escape accountability

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) predicts that he "will be forever unsatisfied with the lack of action against the people who perpetrated this terrible crime against our country.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/17/202033 minutes, 55 seconds
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Jenna Ellis: Election integrity comes down to GOP-led state legislatures

Jenna Ellis, Senior Legal Adviser to the Trump campaign, says that the fight for election integrity comes down to Republican-led state legislatures and whether or not they "have the will, the fortitude, and the courage to actually do the right thing and stand up for election integrity."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/16/202031 minutes, 27 seconds
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Attorney on MI Dominion voting machines: 68% error rate in counting ballots

Attorney Matthew DePerno says that the Dominion voting machines have a 68% chance of creating an error with ballots, and those errors can then be adjudicated in bulk as ballots to a candidate of choice.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/15/202048 minutes, 9 seconds
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David Lane: spiritual leaders need to engage in the public arena

Lane emphasizes the need for Christian leaders to engage more with American society, saying “American Christiandom has developed a subculture… but no footprint in the culture.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/14/202038 minutes, 48 seconds
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Dr. Michael Miller: If people won’t take vaccine, we’ll get back to normal very slowly

Dr. Michael Miller, who is a board member of Why We Vax, says that it may take years for life to go back to normal in the U.S. if people don’t get the COVID-19 vaccine.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/11/202058 minutes, 45 seconds
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General Michael Flynn: DOJ, others were part of this system of injustice

General Michael Flynn, who was recently pardoned by President Trump, explains how government institutions in America have become corrupted by incentivizing bad behavior and lacking accountability.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/10/202036 minutes, 39 seconds
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Papa John's founder: It’s very clear that I was set up

Papa John's founder John Schnatter says that in former FBI Director Louis Freeh’s report, it’s very clear that the controversy leading to Schnatter’s resignation was a set up, and several board members of his former company were complicit in it.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/9/202045 minutes, 38 seconds
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Lara Trump on running for NC seat in Senate: ‘We’ll see what happens'

Lara Trump, President Trump’s daughter-in-law, says in response to a recent poll that it is an honor to be considered for the North Carolina seat in the U.S. Senate, and that while she has nothing to declare yet, “never say never."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/8/202037 minutes, 23 seconds
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Wayne Allyn Root: No matter the election outcome, Trump will win

“Trump Rules” author Wayne Allyn Root says that whether or not Trump ultimately wins the 2020 presidential election, he’ll still be in a win-win situation.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/7/202051 minutes, 20 seconds
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Matt Braynard: Illegally cast votes surpasses Biden's margin of victory in WI, GA, AZ

Director of Voter Integrity Project, Matt Braynard, says their analysis of illegal ballots in Wisconsin, Georgia, and Arizona shows they cannot be confident that Biden is the deserved winner of the election.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/3/202037 minutes, 29 seconds
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Pediatrician: COVID-19 social isolation is 'hitting the kids the hardest'

Executive Director of the American College of Pediatricians, Dr. Michelle Cretella, says that more kids and teens are experiencing depression and anxiety as a result of the COVID-19 lockdowns, with suicide becoming the second leading cause of death for young people around the world.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/2/202035 minutes, 33 seconds
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Epidemiologist: Herd immunity is 'possibly the least terrible' response to COVID-19

Epidemiologist and UNC professor Daniel Halperin says that a cautious herd immunity approach to the COVID-19 pandemic is “possibly the least terrible option."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/1/202022 minutes, 51 seconds
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Steve Cortes: Some swing states unconstitutionally created two classes of voters

Trump campaign spokesman Steve Cortes says that in-person voters in some states were subjected to more scrutiny than mail-in voters were.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/27/202018 minutes, 32 seconds
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Daniel Payne on voter irregularities

Just the News’ Daniel Payne said that the voting irregularities in Pennsylvania are occurring across all the battleground states, which is surprising and has not been seen before.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/25/202024 minutes, 41 seconds
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Why is freedom almost an afterthought?

“Blind, hysterical fear” has been driving many of us recently, says Congressman Tom McClintock.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/24/202039 minutes, 43 seconds
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Congressman-elect Madison Cawthorn: 'The #1 policy priority of the far-left, radical Democrats is elections'

The young congressman-elect from North Carolina says that the radical Democrats want "to control what is said, what you can and cannot do, and how you can vote so that they can gain power and keep it forever."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/23/202042 minutes, 31 seconds
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Congressman Lee Zeldin: Our country needs a refresher on how the election process works

Zeldin believes that the media is supposed to be educating the public, but is instead trying to dumb it down.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/20/202038 minutes, 32 seconds
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Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich: There is a "series of very unacceptable behaviors" threatening the freedom of individual Americans

Gingrich says the level of corporate and political corruption in America today resembles what occurred in the late 19th, early 20th century.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/19/202041 minutes, 50 seconds
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Scott Walker: Transparency in elections leads to legitimacy

The former Wisconsin governor raises concerns over voter irregularities in his state this election cycle.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/18/202037 minutes, 1 second
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An experiment showed 8 out of 9 ballots with falsified signatures were accepted in Nevada

Las Vegas Review-Journal columnist Victor Joecks had nine Clark County, Nevada voters use his version of their signature on their ballots to test the signature verification system.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/17/202030 minutes, 55 seconds
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Hunter Biden associates helped get Russian oligarch US bank account

Russian oligarch Elena Baturina wired $3.5 million in February 2014 to a Hunter Biden-linked firm.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/16/202029 minutes, 36 seconds
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Adam Carolla: Why I don’t wash my hands

The comedian isn’t panicked about coronavirus and doesn’t fret about who the president is.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/13/202031 minutes, 30 seconds
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Vernon Jones says Georgia’s election fraud centers on mail-in ballots

The Georgia State representative believes those in his own party are orchestrating voter fraud.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/12/202039 minutes, 34 seconds
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11 hero families got their mortgages paid off

Tunnels to Towers founder Frank Siller talks about why honoring vets was an issue close to home.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/11/202050 minutes, 57 seconds
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DC Draino and Andrew McCabe’s moment of humility

Conservative influencer Rogan O’Handley talks about the D.C.swamp and McCabe’s Senate testimony.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/10/202045 minutes, 43 seconds
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Meet the voter hunter who is trying to verify election results

Matt Braynard has launched an investigation into Democrat-run vote-counting agencies in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and other states.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/9/202039 minutes, 33 seconds
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John McLaughlin says Philadelphia is stealing the election from Trump

The pollster says the media delayed the calls on Trump and accelerated calls on Biden.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/5/202034 minutes, 30 seconds
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Why polls should have called a closer race and future Biden troubles

If Joe Biden wins, he goes into the White House with about half the country thinking he doesn’t belong there.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/4/202031 minutes, 20 seconds
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Mike Lindell on the final 24 hours of the election

The MyPillow mogul has the latest buzz on Republican opportunities in the state of Minnesota.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/3/202030 minutes, 45 seconds
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Charlie Kirk: Trump will do well with millennials in Wisconsin, Ohio and some Southern states

Dems didn’t have a ground game and young conservatives are enthused.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/2/202038 minutes
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Here’s why black voters are connecting with Trump

Pastor Darrell Scott says it’s about giving African Americans real wealth.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/31/202032 minutes, 46 seconds
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Fred Fleitz: Intelligence community had information that Russians wanted a Hillary victory

The former chief-of-staff to the National Security Council says a referral report on Russia’s influence in 2016 elections did not include a wide range of intelligence sources, including from dissenting analysts.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/30/202031 minutes, 54 seconds
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Journalist Lee Smith on Russiagate and the Biden scandal

Author of "The Plot Against the President," Lee Smith, discusses the major scandals facing politicians in this contentious election season.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/29/202037 minutes, 17 seconds
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Phillip Kline on the legal issues impacting this election

Election attorney Phillip Kline joins John Solomon to talk about his lawsuit against Facebook, election interference, and the risk that a winner may not be determined the night of November 3rd.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/28/202033 minutes, 57 seconds
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Alan Dershowitz on Fighting the Mob Rule

Harvard Law Professor Emeritus and Constitutional Attorney Alan Dershowitz joins John Solomon to talk about preserving free speech.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/27/202042 minutes, 6 seconds
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Giuliani: Biden laptop revelations having impact on election

Former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani joins Just The News Editor-In-Chief John Solomon to discuss the fallout from the Hunter Biden email and laptop revelations. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/26/202047 minutes, 51 seconds
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What happened to the millions of dollars Joe Biden made after leaving the White House?

Just The News reporters Daniel Payne, Christine Dolan, and Carrie Sheffield join John Solomon to break down the news of the day.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/22/202040 minutes, 53 seconds
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Sen. Marsha Blackburn: The left wants ‘domination’ and ‘total control’

The Tennessee Senator spoke about the confirmation process for Judge Amy Coney Barrett. Also joining John Solomon Reports is Congressman Jim Jordan to discuss Big Tech and the 2020 presidential campaign.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/21/202034 minutes, 13 seconds
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The director of 'Plot Against the President' : Claims that the Hunter Biden laptop is Russian disinformation is ‘almost self-parody’

Amanda Milius talks about the new documentary 'Plot Against the President' detailing the debunked Trump-Russia collusion narrative.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/20/202050 minutes, 46 seconds
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Kirk Cameron: Faith should be deemed essential amid COVID-19

The actor and evangelical Christian says American churches are being marginalized.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/15/202045 minutes, 54 seconds
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Rick Gates: Our justice system is broken

Trump’s former deputy 2016 campaign manager says that during the Russian investigation, the justice system was weaponized against those who didn’t fit a political narrative.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/14/202038 minutes, 23 seconds
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Sidney Powell: ‘Someone should be prosecuted for falsifying the document at the center of the Flynn case’

John Solomon is joined on John Solomon Reports by Sidney Powell, the lead attorney for Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn to break down the case against the former National Security Advisor.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/13/202031 minutes, 27 seconds
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Scott Rasmussen: ‘We’ve never polled during a world wide pandemic’

John Solomon is joined by host of the Just the Polls podcast, Scott Rasmussen and JTN White House correspondent Carrie Sheffield to breakdown the polling data just weeks before the 2020 presidential election. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/9/202036 minutes, 32 seconds
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Will Judge Amy Coney Barrett be confirmed?

Carrie Severino of the Judicial Crisis Network joins John Solomon on this episode of John Solomon Reports to breakdown the upcoming confirmation process of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/8/202033 minutes, 17 seconds
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Gregg Jarrett: ‘Clinton created from thin air Trump-Russia collusion narrative’

Fox News legal analyst Gregg Jarrett joins John Solomon on John Solomon Reports to discuss the bombshell declassification of intelligence relating to the origins of the Trump-Russia collusion narrative.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/7/202044 minutes, 2 seconds
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Nunes: CIA covered up evidence Hillary Clinton contrived Trump-Russia collusion narrative

John Solomon covers new evidence that the intelligence community withheld information showing that Hillary Clinton concocted the debunked Trump-Russia collusion hoax.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/6/202034 minutes, 49 seconds
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State department records show second bribe to prosecutors in Hunter Biden case

John Solomon is joined by Corey Lewandowski and David Bossie and covers his latest bombshell discovery that a second bribe was paid to Ukrainian prosecutors in Hunter Biden probeSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/1/202047 minutes, 15 seconds
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Declassified intel shows that Clinton concocted Russia collusion hoax to distract from email scandal

John Solomon breaks down the first presidential debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden and a recently declassified bombshell intelligence memo.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/30/202056 minutes, 49 seconds
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Misplaced blame with the intent to smear

Rep. Matt Gaetz discusses how political issues are blamed on Trump and the Russia hoax, regardless of their actual cause. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/29/202039 minutes, 35 seconds
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What’s next for peace in the Middle East?

Michael Oren, former Israeli Ambassador to the U.S., sees a challenging but optimistic future for Israel’s relationships with other Middle Eastern countries.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/24/202044 minutes, 36 seconds
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What could really be happening in the Biden empire?

Sen. Ron Johnson lays out possible human sex trafficking connections, and bribery accusations against the Biden family.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/23/202051 minutes, 47 seconds
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Is the “greatest failure” during the Trump presidency the media itself?

Lou Dobbs claims that Trump’s presidency has been a huge success, but no one wants to give him the credit he deserves.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/22/202050 minutes, 1 second
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Sarah Sanders: reporters continue to get away with being openly biased

Sanders claims that a lack of a real editorial process in the mainstream media makes it “impossible for any person to know what is real news.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/17/202039 minutes, 7 seconds
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Reporters at the round table: a game of chicken on Capitol Hill

JTN reporters discuss Facebook censorship, how far left Biden could really go, and some good news about COVID numbers.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/16/202030 minutes, 19 seconds
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A “systemic” pandemic of wiped phones

Tom Fitton discusses new secrets, evidence destruction, and possible lawsuits regarding the failed Russia collusion case.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/15/202042 minutes, 35 seconds
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The Bidens' China syndrome

The president of the Government Accountability Institute, Peter Schweizer, wants to shed light on the Bidens' dealings and connections with China.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/10/202037 minutes, 23 seconds
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Reporters at the round table: Biden-China connections

Hunter Biden’s self-enrichment continues through an unsavory company that has been “working with our enemies for decades.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/9/202043 minutes, 44 seconds
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“Disastrous” COVID decisions

A professor of medicine at Stanford says bad assumptions and incorrect data models caused an out-of-control COVID responseSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/8/202050 minutes, 31 seconds
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“Militant” Tennessee Democrats want their own representative out

Rep. John Deberry Jr. says the Democrats in his state wanted him gone, because his views on faith and law didn’t “uphold the banners of a Democrat.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/3/202044 minutes, 51 seconds
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Ted Cruz takes on the Democrats' economic shutdown

Cruz says the Democrats want to keep the economy shut down in order to “maximize economic pain,” and shift more voters over to Joe Biden’s side.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/2/202022 minutes, 54 seconds
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The former Israeli Ambassador to U.S. warns terrorism could follow new peace deal

Michael Oren worries that the peace deal between the UAE and Israel will cause more conflicts in the Middle East.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/1/202054 minutes, 5 seconds
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Pam Bondi: you won’t be safe in Joe Biden’s America

The former Attorney General of Florida says a win for Biden would be a loss for the safety and security of Americans.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/27/202034 minutes, 31 seconds
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Carter Page: wrongly accused

One of the biggest victims of the Russiagate hoax talks about what it was like to be accused of “completely concocted nonsense.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/26/202047 minutes, 39 seconds
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“The Postal Service has been financially ill for a long time”

Congressman Thomas Massie weighs in on the Postal Service hearing yesterday, and how recent history may be repeating itself.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/25/202046 minutes, 2 seconds
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Reporters at the round table

Three JTN reporters cover the rolling blackouts in California, Democrat election tactics, and the upcoming RNCSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/21/20201 hour, 3 minutes, 43 seconds
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Economy could “take years” to recover from COVID

Steve Moore outlines economic mistakes made during COVID, and how important rebuilding the economy is to the upcoming election.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/20/202051 minutes, 11 seconds
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A little term called “perjury”

Rep. Tom McClintock says America has been “torn apart and dragged through hell” because of Russia collusion lies.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/18/202047 minutes, 3 seconds
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The Green Beret trying to win back a Trump district in Virginia

Delegate Nick Freitas is fighting to restore “conservative philosophy,” individual responsibility, and personal liberty in his district.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/17/202039 minutes, 12 seconds
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Jenna Ellis: vote all the way down the ticket

A senior legal adviser for the Trump campaign says a vote for Trump is a vote for “freedom and the opportunity for prosperity.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/13/202053 minutes, 31 seconds
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Sean Hannity: America is “at a crossroads”

From his new book “Live and Let Die,” to Russia collusion, to the November election - what’s truly on the ballot, and what will we really be voting for?See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/12/202045 minutes, 35 seconds
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Hollywood is addicted to China’s money

Chris Fenton: the entertainment industry has “spent 40 years entangling” itself in China. Is it possible for the balance of power be restored in the future?See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/11/202049 minutes, 57 seconds
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Fake COVID news: "the biggest disinformation campaign we've seen in a long time"

Matt Margolis’ new book covers how the media “beats” on President Trump with false coronavirus coverage.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/10/202028 minutes, 28 seconds
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Tom Fitton: “we have the right to hold our government accountable in a court of law”

The president of Judicial Watch wants to know what some government agencies are hiding from the American people.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/7/202036 minutes, 19 seconds
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Dr. Jonathan Fishbein on Dr. Fauci: it’s time for “new blood”

The doctor who blew the whistle on Dr. Fauci in 2005 calls for him to step aside, saying “we need to have some new perspective” when it comes to COVID.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/6/20201 hour, 38 seconds
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Andy Biggs says hypocritical COVID policies could harm children

The Arizona Congressman discussed how unfair coronavirus policies are keeping children out of schools.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/4/202047 minutes, 27 seconds
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Bob McEwen: They’re deconstructing our founders

The former Ohio Congressman says U.S. stability is being eroded by our education system.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/30/202047 minutes, 19 seconds
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National Whistleblower Day

Lawyer Stephen Kohn, a creator of the National Whistleblower Center, talks whistleblowing in the era of Donald Trump.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/29/202036 minutes, 15 seconds
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The T word rhymes with “season”

Serious charges could be brought against the FBI. Rep. Greg Steube explains what they are, talks Russia collusion, and the House Judiciary Committee.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/28/202041 minutes, 28 seconds
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A Texas doctor is “stirring up dust” when it comes to coronavirus

Dr. Steven Hotze is challenging the medical establishment, and how COVID is being handled, in the great state of Texas.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/23/202052 minutes, 51 seconds
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Doug Campbell: Obama, FBI heads turned their backs on our country

The FBI undercover informant who gave evidence of Russian wrong doing says U.S. leaders did little because they believed Hillary Clinton would be president.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/21/202059 minutes, 15 seconds
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Concentration camps, organ harvesting, sex abuse

Human rights abuses in China you probably haven’t heard about.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/16/202052 minutes, 20 seconds
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Democrat State Representative Vernon Jones is daring to support Trump

The Georgia representative is endorsing Trump because “we have to support our police.”See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/15/202052 minutes, 39 seconds
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John Solomon’s new book “Fallout” with Seamus Bruner

What’s to come in the Russia scandal? The co-author of John Solomon’s new book discusses ground breaking documents, revelations, and lessons learned in today’s podcast.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/14/202040 minutes, 37 seconds
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Steve Bannon: Trump’s White House is too passive now

Trump’s 2016 campaign adviser says the president needs to have action, action, action.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/9/202028 minutes, 29 seconds
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COVID civil liberties, Steele dossier lawsuit

The Lt. Governor of North Carolina is suing his boss, the Governor of North Carolina, over COVID-19 restrictions.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/9/202053 minutes, 32 seconds
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Kevin McGary: Big city police doesn’t have systemic racism

The chair of the Frederick Douglass Foundation says systemic racism is a problem for the Democratic Party and Planned Parenthood.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/7/20201 hour, 4 minutes, 45 seconds
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Svetlana Lokhova: I was smeared as Flynn's honeypot

The Russian-born academic says she was set up to make it look like she was having an affair with Trump’s former national security advisor.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/2/202052 minutes, 2 seconds
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China’s influence on Congress

Rep. Guy Reschenthaler outlines the threat China poses to Congress, and what he’s doing to try and stop it.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/30/202041 minutes, 8 seconds
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Flynn case update, China in Hollywood

Judge in Flynn case ordered to dismiss charges, producer Chris Fenton tells us how China has infiltrated Hollywood.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/25/20201 hour, 2 minutes, 13 seconds
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Bishop Aubrey Shines on real history of racism

The founder of G2G Ministries says healing the racial divide comes with understanding the Democrats’ treatment of Black AmericansSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/23/202050 minutes, 41 seconds
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What drives Shahid Buttar?

The congressional candidate with the best chance of replacing Pelosi discusses government surveillance. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/18/202046 minutes, 41 seconds
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Walid Phares: The Russian investigation may not be about Russia

The former Trump adviser says it began With Obama’s Iran Deal.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/17/202043 minutes, 2 seconds
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Congressman Jim Jordan

Rep. Jordan (R-OH) discusses Russia collusion, autonomous zones, and China visa abuses.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/16/202040 minutes, 41 seconds
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Steele dossier and police reform

Congressman Greg Steube on how to improve police relations.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/11/202040 minutes, 17 seconds
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Retired St. Louis Police captain Steve Mueller on fallen comrade David Dorn

The ex-cop offers solutions for how to rebuild trust in the law enforcement community.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/9/202038 minutes, 18 seconds
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Investigating the investigators

What Sen. Marsha Blackburn wanted to hear from former Deputy Attorney General Rod RosensteinSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/4/202035 minutes, 19 seconds
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From Rodney King to Minneapolis

Tracking the history of civil rights protests.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/2/202055 minutes, 3 seconds
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Jerry Falwell Jr., Matt Gaetz

And the top 7 things you need to watch in the Russia investigationSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/28/20201 hour, 25 seconds
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Ret. Gen. Robert Spalding on why China is standing in the way of Industry 4.0

The author of the Trump administration’s national security strategy lays out a 5-point-plan to gain advantage over BeijingSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/27/202029 minutes, 31 seconds
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Congressional contender Amanda Makki has the support of GOP leadership

The daughter of a refugee challenging Florida Rep. Charlie Crist talks about party prioritiesSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/26/202046 minutes, 23 seconds
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David Beasley: How COVID-19 can detonate a hunger pandemic

The head of UN World Food Programme would love to see the group go out of business one day.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/21/202041 minutes, 8 seconds
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China played the U.S. “like a Stradivarius”

Former Reagan adviser Roger Robinson says Beijing hasn’t complied with federal capital market regulations for 7 years.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/19/202045 minutes, 32 seconds
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New documents shed new light on Marie Yovanovich’s role in the Burisma scandal

Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-N.Y.) and former Trump aid Dave Bossie say Yovanovich knew a lot more about the investigation.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/14/20201 hour, 58 seconds
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CDC failures

Journalist Michael Fumento explains how policy makers at the agency are getting coronavirus wrong.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/12/202044 minutes, 30 seconds
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Kevin Brock: The Flynn case could be a ‘monumental and historic misuse of the FBI’

The FBI’s former Assistant Director for Intelligence makes the case for severe and direct reforms.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/7/202050 minutes, 42 seconds
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If you can go shopping, why can’t you worship together?

Calif. Sen. Minority Leader Shannon Grove says there needs to be a better balance between religious freedoms and maintaining public safety.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/5/202028 minutes, 23 seconds
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Maura Moynihan: China is a one party dictatorship that leads through violence

President Bill Clinton’s decision remove Beijing’s human rights review helped make it the superpower of today.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/1/202046 minutes, 31 seconds
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Peter Strzok’s boss questioned if the FBI was ‘playing games’ during Flynn’s investigation

The FBI agent questioned whether the ‘goal’ of Flynn’s interview was to get him fired.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/30/202038 minutes, 34 seconds
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Christopher Steele testimony suggests Hillary Clinton knew about the dossier

There’s also Russia evidence that conflicts with Adam Schiff's narrative.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/28/202033 minutes, 44 seconds
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Newt Gingrich wants China to pay coronavirus reparations

The American courts and tariffs may help make that happen, he says.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/23/202033 minutes, 43 seconds
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John Brennan’s dereliction of duty?

Ex-CIA chief Dan Hoffman says the former head of the CIA caused collateral damage to U.S. national security.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/22/202018 minutes, 49 seconds
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Ex-CIA operative says the Steele Dossier was like a "virus"

Dan Hoffman said it did as it was designed--to infect our political process.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/21/202049 minutes, 35 seconds
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Charlie Kirk: Time to call in China’s debt

The founder of Turning Point USA says we should not being doing business with China.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/16/202048 minutes, 34 seconds
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Understanding the Chinese threat

How America’s confused view of Beijing’s leadership is creating a vicious debate in Washington.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/15/202040 minutes, 13 seconds
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Biomedical statistician challenges narrative on benefits of social distancing

A biomedical statistician gives his very different (and unpopular in the media) take on why social distancing may not have helped.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/14/202033 minutes, 42 seconds
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Previously redacted footnotes from IG Michael Horowitz's report will be declassified

What this really means.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/9/202046 minutes, 21 seconds
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Darrell Issa: We’ve been on defense with coronavirus preparedness

Bureaucracy is slowing the coronavirus vaccine developmentSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/7/202047 minutes, 34 seconds
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Jim Jordan: FBI was ‘screwing it up left and right’

The top Republican on the House Judiciary Committee says scores of warrant applications to get surveillance warrants on U.S. citizens were bungled.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/2/202037 minutes, 38 seconds
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Why we all should all be wearing masks

Coronavirus tips from a frontline health worker.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/31/202052 minutes, 56 seconds
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Should China benefit from the coronavirus bailout?

Fla. Rep. Matt Gaetz talks about his bill that blocks funds from Congress to China-owned businesses.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/26/202031 minutes, 14 seconds
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Hell for small business

Job Creators Network CEO Alfredo Ortiz says small businesses need a lifeline.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/24/202038 minutes, 35 seconds
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Steve Scalise on what it's like to self-quarantine

The Louisiana lawmaker is still working and polishing plans for the GOP's upcoming health care proposal.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/19/202037 minutes, 47 seconds
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Coronavirus: From cures to cases

Christine Dolan and Sharyl Attkisson talk about their original reporting that will have you looking at the pandemic in a new way.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/17/202039 minutes, 28 seconds
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K.T. McFarland dishes exclusive new information about Russia collusion.

The former deputy national security adviser talks Russia collusion, Robert Mueller, the British involvement and her very expensive dealings with the FBI.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/12/202048 minutes, 28 seconds
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Peter Schweizer: It's time for Biden to address accusations of political corruption

The journalist and author says the media is starting to look closer at not just Biden's commercial ties in Ukraine but in China too.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/10/202046 minutes, 14 seconds
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The real story about how former Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens was pushed from office

Investigations reveal how a felony case against him was built on lies that included perjury and hiding exculpatory evidence.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/5/202042 minutes, 36 seconds
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Bernie Kerik: Don't weaponize the criminal justice system

The ex-NYPD commissioner says his time in prison has taught him a lot about incarceration, recidivism, and where to go next.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/3/202038 minutes, 44 seconds
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Here’s why Mike Flynn’s lawyer is pushing for total exoneration

Sidney Powell says Trump’s former National Security Advisor is the victim of “egregious government misconduct."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/27/202036 minutes, 8 seconds
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NSA spying program may have been used for political espionage

Agent in charge of failed NSA phone surveillance program says he briefed Comey, McCabe on its ineffectiveness.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/26/202048 minutes, 30 seconds
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Devin Nunes: We're going to investigate the investigators

2/24/202027 minutes, 1 second
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Devin Nunes says Crossfire Hurricane began as early as 2015

The top Republican on the House Intelligence says that almost a year before the FBI says it opened a counterintelligence probe into possible collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/20/202037 minutes, 17 seconds
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10 Questions for Bill Barr

 What we’d ask the Attorney General before he goes before the House Judiciary Committee in March.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/18/202021 minutes, 54 seconds
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Inside Trump's Counter-Terrorism Effort

National Security Council Senior Director Kash Patel on the greatest threats to U.S. security.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/13/202038 minutes, 13 seconds
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Why Carter Page Stayed Silent About His Illegal Surveillance

The ex-Trump aide says misconduct around the Russian collusion investigation is bigger than him.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/11/202024 minutes, 53 seconds
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Carter Page slams FBI's Chris Wray

Agents are covering up FISA abuses committed by fellow comrades.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/6/202035 minutes, 19 seconds
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The Coronavirus by the Numbers

2/4/202023 minutes, 29 seconds
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Ukraine, not Trump, asked for Burisma investigation

Why House impeachment managers' argument doesn't add upSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/30/202024 minutes, 40 seconds
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Origins of the Steele Dossier and Black Ledger

Why these documents that sparked the Russia investigation are suspectSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/28/202034 minutes, 21 seconds
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Senator Ron Johnson on Impeachment

Wisconsin Senator and impeachment juror Ron Johnson talks about what's happening inside the trial.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/23/202035 minutes, 48 seconds
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John Solomon Reports Launches

Welcome to the very first episode of John Solomon Reports. Today on the podcast, my response to Lev Parnas.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/21/202047 minutes, 47 seconds
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John Solomon Reports Trailer

Award-winning investigative journalist John Solomon, who helped unravel the bogus Russia collusion scandal, gives you his exclusive reporting and big newsmaker interviews every Tuesday and Thursday. To get the unvarnished truth about what’s really going on in Washington, subscribe today to John Solomon Reports. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/15/202042 seconds