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English, Travel/Tourism, 1 season, 40 episodes, 23 hours, 38 minutes
Writer / comedian / American ex-pat David Pavlina hosts Japanatron--a podcast about life, learnings, and cultural experiences in the land of the rising sun. A wide variety of topics related to Japan are covered, all told from the standpoint of an American living in Tokyo.
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37 - Japanese Holidays

Prepare for a whirlwind tour of the year covering my favorite Japanese holidays. I enjoy the not-working, eating, and getting drunk aspects; but complain about the having to buy and do stuff. Special thanks to the listener that suggested this topic. --- Support this podcast:
3/19/201750 minutes, 57 seconds
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36 - Overtime in Japan

Japanese people are known for doing crazy amounts of overtime work, so much so that some have literally dropped dead. There's no way you're going to get American me to work such hours, so what's up with all the overtime in Japan? --- Support this podcast:
1/29/201730 minutes, 21 seconds
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35 - The Hyponatremia Incident

I narrate and reflect upon a personal medical emergency experience that landed me in a Japanese hospital for a week. --- Support this podcast:
8/28/201651 minutes, 36 seconds
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34 - Remembering the Tohoku Earthquake

I recall and discuss my experience in Tokyo during and after the massive March 11, 2011 Tohoku earthquake. --- Support this podcast:
4/10/201640 minutes, 31 seconds
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33 - Japanese TV

I discuss reasons why I both hate and love Japanese television and elucidate my professor-like ruminations as to why it is the way it is. --- Support this podcast:
1/31/201635 minutes, 30 seconds
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32 - Noise Pollution in Japan

An obnoxious topic covered by a loud ugly American--let's talk about noise pollution in Japan. I rant about Japan's problem with excessive noise, sharing personal experiences and heavily-biased conclusions. --- Support this podcast:
1/10/201657 minutes, 36 seconds
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31 - IT Jobs in Japan

I discuss Japan's IT industry for foreigners, specifically Tokyo IT for Western foreigners. I narrate my fascinating personal story about how I got my foot in the proverbial Tokyo IT door, followed by learnings and advice. Recommended if you too are looking into working in Japan's tech world. --- Support this podcast:
9/20/201542 minutes, 15 seconds
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30 - Experiences in Japanese Show Biz Part 2

Part 2 of a special episode of firsts--my first guest and my first video podcast. I discuss experiences working in Japan's talent industry with the beautiful and talented fellow American Cait Meyer. The iTunes version is audio-only, so please check out YouTube for the video version. More info about Japan's show biz industry here: --- Support this podcast:
9/12/201534 minutes, 49 seconds
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29 - Experiences in Japanese Show Biz

This is an episode of firsts--my first guest and my first video podcast. I discuss experiences working in Japan's talent industry with the beautiful and talented fellow American Cait Meyer. We shot enough for 2 episodes, so please stay tuned for more! The iTunes version is audio-only, so please check out YouTube for the video version. More info about Japan's show biz industry here: --- Support this podcast:
8/30/201525 minutes, 24 seconds
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28 - Tips for Studying Japanese

I present Japanese language study tips and mental shortcuts that have aided me in the quest to learn this often bewildering tongue. --- Support this podcast:
5/31/201550 minutes
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27 - I Don't Get It

No matter how long I live in Japan, there are a few things about this country and its culture that perpetually confuse me. I present my whine list followed by grinch-like groans. --- Support this podcast:
3/15/201523 minutes, 26 seconds
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26 - Japanese Service

Japan prides itself on its awe-inspiring service. I discuss 4 examples of where I find exceptional service in Japan, along with 4 examples of perplexing exceptions. --- Support this podcast:
1/4/201544 minutes, 41 seconds
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25 - Healthcare in Japan

I discuss healthcare in Japan, comparing and contrasting it with USA healthcare. I also share several personal experiences to paint a more colorful cultural picture. --- Support this podcast:
11/30/201444 minutes, 26 seconds
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24 - Internet Service in Japan

I discuss internet service in Japan, explaining various options and approaches--landlines, wireless routers, and other alternatives. Please see this blog article for more information about my own ISP Asahi-Net: --- Support this podcast:
10/19/201421 minutes, 54 seconds
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23 - Mobile Phones in Japan

I discuss mobile phone service in Japan, offering money-saving tips and alternatives to the big 3 (evil) mobile providers. --- Support this podcast:
8/24/201434 minutes, 39 seconds
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22 - Cycling in Tokyo

After 3 months of commuting to and from work by bicycle, I discuss learnings, enumerate tips, and offer (bad) advice regarding cycling in central Tokyo. --- Support this podcast:
7/26/201434 minutes, 20 seconds
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21 - My Favorite Japanese Stores

Some of them brick-and-mortar, some of them online--I discuss my favorite Japanese shops and digress with a few personal addiction experiences. --- Support this podcast:
7/19/201450 minutes, 7 seconds
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20 - Japanese Obsessions

I discuss 6 Japanese obsessions that shed light on a culture that never fails to beguile me. --- Support this podcast:
5/5/201425 minutes, 45 seconds
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19 - The Themes of Japan

I discuss several all-encompassing themes I've discovered during my time here that summarize Japanese culture and society very conveniently. --- Support this podcast:
4/13/201427 minutes, 10 seconds
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18 - Restaurants

It's time to talk about dining in Japan! I focus particularly on what makes Japan's fast food and family restaurants so unique. --- Support this podcast:
3/21/201420 minutes, 4 seconds
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17 - The Misunderstood

I discuss four often-misunderstood things related to Japanese culture. --- Support this podcast:
1/3/201422 minutes, 55 seconds
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16 - What Japan Taught Me About Health

I discuss several things that Japan and its culture have taught me about promoting and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. --- Support this podcast:
12/1/201325 minutes, 10 seconds
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15 - DOs and DON'Ts of Tokyo Life

I discuss key rules I live by to survive Tokyo's insane population density. If you take these golden nuggets of advice to heart, you will do just fine in Tokyo. --- Support this podcast:
11/16/201320 minutes, 26 seconds
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14 - LA Visit Part 2

Part 2 of 2 of a very special episode recorded in my hometown of Los Angeles with my 3 best friends. Among other things we discuss Japan's pro wrestling scene, gun control, health care, and weddings. --- Support this podcast:
9/22/201353 minutes, 4 seconds
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13 - LA Visit Part 1

Part 1 of 2 of a very special episode recorded in my hometown of Los Angeles with my 3 best friends. Among other things we discuss Japan's dark underbelly, including the red light industry and the Yakuza. --- Support this podcast:
9/16/20131 hour, 3 minutes, 16 seconds
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12 - Dating and Nightlife

It's time for a night out on the town! I share stories and discuss 4 unique Japanese things that add a little spice to the dating and nightlife scene here. --- Support this podcast:
5/6/20131 hour, 4 minutes, 12 seconds
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11 - What They Think of US

Living abroad you gain a fascinating perspective on what the rest of the world thinks of your home country. I discuss 4 images of America that I've heard a number of times from the mouths of Japanese people. Don't shoot the messenger! --- Support this podcast:
3/24/201319 minutes, 55 seconds
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10 - Hotsprings

Winter is the best time to visit a Japanese onsen, aka hot spring. I share some fun experiences and provide helpful tips. It's a great show to listen to if you too have ever felt compelled to be naked in a room full of naked strangers. --- Support this podcast:
1/2/201332 minutes, 28 seconds
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9 - Drinking in Japan

Japanese people love to drink. And so do I. So let's talk about drinking in Japan: beer, sake, shochu, izakayas, yeah! --- Support this podcast:
11/18/201227 minutes, 19 seconds
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8 - The Kyoto Incident

It's storytellin' time on Japanatron, so curl up by the fire and enjoy a tale of a Japan road trip gone slightly wrong. You and your intestines will never forget it. --- Support this podcast:
9/22/201227 minutes, 53 seconds
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7 - Life at AEON

I discuss the good, the bad, and the funny regarding life at AEON working as an English conversation teacher in Japan. Was that a run-on sentence? --- Support this podcast:
8/22/201252 minutes, 18 seconds
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6 - Japan's Summer of Bugs

Summer is here, and so are the bugs. I discuss how I deal with 3 Japanese bugs particularly active in summer. --- Support this podcast:
7/18/201228 minutes, 10 seconds
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5 - Reflections on Life in the Countryside

The two and a half years I worked as an English conversation teacher in the Japan countryside were the golden days of my Japan experience. I talk primarily about daily life and spending free time in Tottori, Japan. --- Support this podcast:
7/7/201236 minutes, 52 seconds
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4 - Cool Japanese Stuff I Can't Live Without

Japan has a few products and services that are so damn cool I can't live without them. A few may even be successful in the US, while others…no freakin' way. --- Support this podcast:
4/22/201220 minutes, 17 seconds
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3 - Why I Can't Move Back To America

Why I Can't Move Back To America - After over 8 years in Japan, I don't think I can ever move back to the USA. Here's why. --- Support this podcast:
4/15/201220 minutes, 21 seconds
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2 - Survival Japanese

Survival Japanese - A fun outline of tips and tricks I've learned while living in Japan and interacting with the natives. --- Support this podcast:
3/10/201234 minutes, 5 seconds
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1 - Smoking

Japanese people love their cigarettes. Compared to the USA, Japan is a veritable smokers' paradise. I discuss the reasons why, and what should be done about this public health concern that annoys the crap out of me. --- Support this podcast:
2/19/201221 minutes, 35 seconds