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English, Finance, 1 season, 32 episodes, 19 hours, 18 minutes
Join host Lindsey Plevyak as she walks alongside other business owners, artists, creatives + influencers in navigating the challenges of entrepreneurship.
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I’ll come right out with it.  Today is about how to navigate when people are talking about you.  I think we all deep down want to be like and accepted, no one wants to be judged and discussed. But it doesn't changed the fact that it hurts.  And it's hard.  Today I'm sharing a bit of my own personal reflection of how I've navigated being the subject of commentary for some time, the mistakes I made in handling it in the past, and the shifts and changes I've made to navigate in this season a healthier way.  So much of it is ultimately beyond our control,  but we can always control how we respond and the routes we take regardless.   Outro Song- Lorde "A World Alone" 2013 Universal Music NZ Ltd
11/27/202338 minutes, 15 seconds
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You hear this word more these days more than maybe you hear a lot of words, and rightfully so. Life continues to become increasingly more tense and burdensome, and it is only natural that worry and anxiety would follow.  By no means today is it my goal to offer clinical counsel, but I do feel an urgent need to share my own personal story + experience when it comes to combatting anxiety.  No matter where you're finding yourself today on this journey, I truly believe freedom is possible. I never believed it, until I experienced it for myself....
11/6/202345 minutes, 47 seconds
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S2 E6| Use Your Voice

I talk to so many people who say they KNOW they need to start using their voice more, but don't! Why are we so afraid to speak our minds, share our thoughts and let our unique voices be heard?  Well... I'm sure for many reasons, past experiences, fear of judgement, etc. On today's episode I'll be helping you understand how to use your voice + also discuss a few ways you may be hurting your ability to use your voice.  We're here for a short time people. Time to use the voice you were given to reach those you were meant to impact.
10/2/202328 minutes, 54 seconds
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S2 E5| Step Up, Stand Out & Step Forward

We've talked before about when to knowledge the timing of making the next bold move- But today's episode is for those who know THEY KNOW they're in the season of bold moves! I believe there's a 3 step process for making it happen for this next season, and I don't think you can skip over them either. All 3 are required for what's about to take place for you in your growth journey these next 3 months. In today's episode I'll be talking about how to step up, stand out & how to step forward boldly so that you can experience all that has God in store for you.
9/25/202332 minutes, 27 seconds
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S2 E4| The Next Thing is Now

Have you ever caught yourself searching for the next thing? Perhaps you're there now, frantically feeling the pressure of the endless pursuit of "the next thing" phenomenon.  Our culture is obsessed with keeping up with others out of fear we may fall behind, and if we aren't careful, this hamster wheel to nowhere will rob us of our present day joy in the work we're doing.  Today I'm sharing my first hand experience in navigating the hardships of my own endless chasing, but also the lessons and freedoms I've experienced since discovering the secret- that the next thing, is truly right NOW.
8/7/202345 minutes, 5 seconds
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S2 E3| No More Mean Girls

Today, we're going there We have electric cars, working on travel to mars and AI generated renderings of my kids who haven't been born yet,  But for whatever reason, we can't seem to evolve out of the mean girls phenomenon.  It's a topic that I feel has been danced around long enough, and due in part by the massive amounts of those asking for advice around this very topic, I figured, enough with the dancing.  Time to cut straight to it- calling out the mean girl spirit so that ultimately we can end this cycle once and for all.  If you came for tea, well hon, I'm afraid you might be part of the problem.  But hopefully- by the end of the episode, you'll be a part of the solution....   
7/31/202350 minutes, 25 seconds
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S2 E2| Time To Leave Your Comfort Zone

Do you feel you've been in your comfort zone a little too long? Do you feel like you're holding yourself back?  Do you know the difference between when your comfort zone is serving you or harming you? On Today's episode we'll talk about discerning our comfort zone.  We'll talk through how to know when it's serving you and how to know when you've made camp in a place it's time to move beyond. And if and when it's time to move beyond it, how to step up and step out to fully owning what gods called you to do.
7/24/202325 minutes, 48 seconds
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S2 E1| Maybe It’s Time

It seems to be the season of holding ourselves back. Maybe out of fear of what others think or maybe not having all the steps to feel ready. Maybe it's imposter syndrome or feeling unqualified to pursue the thing we feel called to do.  It's not going away. The longing.  The deep knowing. A sense that we were meant for more. And yet, we, not anyone else, keep stopping ourselves right in our tracks.  Maybe it's not a hater. Or a skill. Or the time Maybe, the thing, the only person stopping you, is you.  And maybe, just maybe it's time to let all that noise between your ears go.Maybe it's time to step up and step out. Maybe, today, enough is enough
7/17/202331 minutes, 4 seconds
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Intro to Season 2

Welcome to season 2 of In It - host Lindsey Plevyak gives an overview of what listeners can expect this season. 
7/17/20235 minutes, 46 seconds
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S1 E23| The Transition, The Middle & The F**king Truth

Anyone else out there having what feels like a mid life crisis? You're not where you were - but you're not where you're going yet? You're in this messy middle place and path to it and through it are filled with what's known as the unsettling transition.  Today, I'm deep diving into pastor Craig Cooney's six stages of transition, sharing how I've navigated each one myself over the last 18 months and helpful tips along the way Don't worry- you're not gonna die here- You're just in it ....    Lindsey Plevyak   Craig Cooney THE BLUEPRINT: 30 Days of Prophetic Wisdom, Insights, and Direction for a New Era
4/24/202345 minutes, 29 seconds
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S 1 E22| The Parasite

Have you ever not felt like yourself?  Have you questioned your sense of reality?  Have you pushed those closest away from you because they "don't quite understand..." Have you ever blindly trusted someone who ended up bringing more harm than good?  Have you ever stopped to consider that maybe all of those things may be connected?  Today, on an extremely raw and real episode, I'm shinning a light into my own Narcissistic abuse story.  It's a buzz word for sure, but the abuse and abusers are real.  It can affect our health, working relationships, friendships, communities, how we show up in the world, our confidence our joy and our peace.  But there is so much hope. Enjoy some comedic relief in the beginning as I share my own real life parasitic infection journey and know that by the end of the episode, you'll have laughed, cried, felt less alone & hopefully find the courage to take back what's already yours: your power.   Instagram @lindseyplevyak   Outro Song: Artist: YONAKA Song: Seize The Power    
4/14/202339 minutes, 27 seconds
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S1 E21| The Tough Get Going with John Plevyak

Today I am so thrilled to have such a special guest with me on the show- the man the myth the legend, and my dad, John Plevyak.  Former business owner, sales manager and winningest nationally ranked collegiate soccer coach and part time comedian are all of what makes John SNR one of a kind.  Today we're covering some serious ground on all things navigating the pressure of working for your dream, how to build a winning team and words of wisdom for from experience for working through lower economical season. This episode is special to me,  and I'm honored to share my dad's knowledge  and insights, Not to mention hearing some inside stories about little me lol.  You may laugh, cry and everything in between, but I can guarantee you'll leave the episode feeling comforted from someone who's been there.
3/13/202340 minutes, 58 seconds
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S1 E20| ”Afraid to Offend”

I've been hearing this a lot in conversations lately, this idea of being "afraid to offend," when it comes to showing up, taking up space & getting after it.  Today I posed the question, "why has taking ownership of your life somehow become synonymous with offense?" Today we're taking a deep dive in to why we are truly asking ourselves this question, and what it really means to ruffle some feathers in our entrepreneurial pursuits. Instagram Lindsey Plevyak
2/9/202332 minutes, 56 seconds
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S1 E19| The Creative Funk

2023 is said to be the year of the Creator. And if that's the case, let's get honest about the creative process and be prepared for a full picture of what creating actually looks like:  Ideas and good work can free flow when we're feeling it, but what about when creativity and producing good work and ideas seems hard to access? What then?  Today I'm sharing an honest look inside my creative process, and particularly, what happens when I find myself in what I like to call "The Creative Funk." Strength Finders Quiz Instagram Lindsey Plevyak
2/7/202339 minutes, 25 seconds
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S1 E18| 10 Hard Truths I Learned in Earning My First Million Dollars

Have you ever wondered what it looks like to become a 7 figure earner in your business?   And no, I am not talking about the content you need to post, the amount of personal development books you need to read, the amount of hours you need to grind or how anything we may think might be the answer.  I'm talking about the shifts we need to make in the way we operate, the stories we tell ourselves, the painful lessons we have to walk alongside, and the grit required in order to grow your business to the million-dollar level.  Today, I'm sharing the 10 hard truths I've learned on the road to making my first million in business.   Instagram Lindsey Plevyak
1/16/20231 hour, 1 minute, 56 seconds
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S1 E17| Where the bridges burned, I bloomed: End of Year Reflection

I think it's safe to say that 2022 came with countless unforeseen challenges. I know it did for me. It was a year of so much transition and change.  But through many doors closing, I found new ones to open. And through the hard lessons, I learned so much.  Today, I'm sharing the 4 Lessons I learned in the midst of one of the hardest years of my life and how I'm taking them with me into the New Year...   Instagram Lindsey Plevyak
12/30/202232 minutes, 19 seconds
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S1 E16| When ”Helping” Hurts

A lot of times in coaching, I hear "I just want to help" or "I'm helping my team" but you're not seeing the results that you'd hope for? Sometimes, the not so fun truth is that "helping" can actually equal hurting, or rather, stunting the growth of those we attempt to lead and guide.  If you are someone who leads a team, and you're wanting to truly help your team grow and get better, no matter what profession, I believe this will be a game changing episode for you.    Instagram Lindsey Plevyak Website    
12/19/202228 minutes, 41 seconds
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S1 E15| The Consumption Glutton

Knowledge is power so they say.  Or is it?  Today I'll be diving into the topic of consuming and presenting the other side of what happens when we take in too much information. How often times, it can be harmful to our growth, leaving us in a place of consumption immobility  rather than action and  implementation. Consuming more truly is only good *if* were actually getting better...  If you've been feeling you've been doing all the right things and aren't seeing the results you're hoping for, I wonder if you've been a victim of over consumption. Don't worry friend, there's a way through. But first, we may need to challenge some things. Buckle up 👊🏻
12/6/202226 minutes, 16 seconds
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S1 E14| Hustle Relapse

It happened. Big time. It came without warning, truly when I least expected it:  My hustle relapse.  Yep. It happened. Less than 24 hours ago.  But you wanna know the best thing?  I found my way out. And I found my way out fast. In today's episode I'm talking about my momentary hustle relapse and how I was able to shift out of it without losing much more than a few hours of my day. Today I'll be sharing a few tips to help you if you find yourself in a similar place with our old familiar friend hustle.   Instagram Lindsey Plevyak
11/26/202225 minutes, 41 seconds
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S1 E13| When the friendship ends

When friendships or seasons of relationships end, we can often be questioning our sense of reality;  how we perceived that time & investment. Far too often,  we cast blame, or maybe we even ask ourselves ”Am I the problem?”  Perhaps.  Or perhaps there is another perspective worth considering....  Today I’m sharing the hard lessons I’ve learned amidst the transitioning of friendships over the past year.  Bring a tissue. This one’s close to the heart... xo
11/21/202233 minutes, 59 seconds
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S1 E12| Be Uncommon, While You’re In It with Aspen King

The truth is, it's not a matter of "if" the challenging seasons in your work will come, but "when" - and when they do, you're going to want to have that person who's in it with you. I'm so excited to combine forces with my dear friend and fellow business colleague, sales executive + marketing expert Aspen King, host of the Be Uncommon podcast, as we discuss our professional wins + lessons learned this calendar year along with why collaboration + creation will be your best friend if you allow it to be.   Freebie: 7 tips for creating your own podcast Instagram: @lindseyplevyak   @aspen_king  Podcast: Be Uncommon Podcast  
11/12/202241 minutes, 35 seconds
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S1 E11| Systems & Scaling

Have you built a solid foundation in your business, but it feels like you're experiencing a stall in your growth? Are you finding it challenging to do the very basic tasks in your business? Do you find yourself in a reacting to everything during your day and somehow your work takes the back seat? Are you left feeling confused wondering "how did I get here?" More than likely you are in deep need of systems my friend. I'm not talking about a morning routine, discipline or good intentions. I'm talking systems & how to scale your business through delegation and outsourcing so that you can increase your income in the next calendar year.    Instagram: @lindseyplevyak    
10/22/202242 minutes, 6 seconds
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S1 E10| Sustainable Success with Kristen Boss

10 months ago I was on the brink of throwing in the towel and walking away from everything I had spent the last 4 years building.  I was burned out, resentful, and unsure how to take my next steps. Insert Kristen Boss. I've spent the last 10 months being personally mentored and coaching by her. I can say, without a doubt gang, she's the real deal. Kristen is a top business and marketing coach with perspectives and strategies applicable to today's online world. She brings a refreshing yet compelling take for the entrepreneur who is ready to leave striving behind and transition to authenticity, serving and purpose. Join us today as we unpack some of what we've spent time working thru the last 10 months as well as some really beautiful insights for the working woman.   IG : @thekristenboss Pod:   Website:      
10/3/202238 minutes, 33 seconds
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S1 E9| Fight for your Focus, Fast

Do you ever find yourself getting distracted? Despite having the best intentions? I think that it's something that we all combat. Especially now more than ever, there's a 10000 distractions pulling at your focus on a daily basis.   But success was never built on good intentions. It was built on focus and execution.   Today I share on how important is to fight for your focus, why it matters, and how to recenter + execute to maximize the next 90 days of this year.
9/19/202228 minutes, 6 seconds
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S1 E8| Creating Good Work In Challenging Seasons with Lindsey Eryn

When it comes to creativity, often times, we can believe the lie that we have to feel inspired in order to be creative. On the contrary, it is usually found in deep pain, amidst grief and adversary, do we discover our creative insights and ingenuity. Today I'm interviewing my dear friend & colleague, the incredibly talented designer and creator Lindsey Eryn Clark, the powerful force behind the brands Pep Talks & Third Story Apartment as we discuss how to protect and provoke the creative process in trying seasons. Find Lindsey Eryn here: @lindseyeryn @thirdstoryapt @peptothetalk
8/27/202248 minutes, 47 seconds
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S1 E7| The Culture Creator

Whether you’re attempting to create a culture, a brand, a movement, a community, develop leaders, coach a team, You’ll need two essential components in doing so: Strategy + Vision.  One without the other is like trying to ride a bicycle without 2 wheels. You need both to get things moving.  Today I’ll be giving some of my best insights when it comes to creating a culture, things to both evaluate and implement, so you can create a movement that will inspire others to not only partner with you, but create a suitable environment for growth, no matter what industry you find yourself in.
8/22/202239 minutes, 7 seconds
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S1 E3| The Setback That Saved My Life

Often times when we encounter setbacks or failures in our pursuit towards our goals, it can feel like something bad is happening to us. What I've discovered, is although that may feel incredibly true, delays are usually for our benefit.  Join me today in one of the most vulnerable conversations I've ever had about "the ultimate setback" I experienced last year + how it truly was the set up for this incredible year of growth.
7/18/202238 minutes, 39 seconds