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I Love Real Estate

English, Economic, 1 season, 205 episodes, 2 days, 3 hours, 56 minutes
Dymphna Boholt keeps you abreast of the real estate opportunities, strategies and tactics you need to create significant wealth and a prosperous lifestyle.
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The best performing city this year will be…

Which city will end the year on top? What city is going to have the best performing property market this year? My bet is that it’s probably going to come down to a race between Brisbane and Perth. Brisbane had a very strong year last year, but Perth’s property market seems to be attracting a […]
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T-Bomb: Why I don’t have problems anymore

Truth Bomb Tuesday: the name we call things matters. Here’s a little challenge for you this year: Never say the word ‘problem’ again. I’ve been playing with this one for a while. I don’t like problems. They feel heavy. I don’t like the way they sit in my mind. And so I’ve decided I don’t […]
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The key drivers of property in 2024

I tell you what to expect this year OK, put away the leftover Christmas pudding it’s time to get serious. What’s the outlook for property in 2024? I’ll get into the numbers in a separate post, but in this piece I wanted to outline the key themes that are going to drive the property market […]
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T-Bomb: how to defend your joy in three easy steps

Truth Bomb Tuesday: here’s 3 new ways to think about calling more joy into your life. People tend to see me as a pretty happy person. Some might even call me jolly. And that’s probably right. I think I am a pretty happy person. And look, I recognise that a lot of that comes from […]
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Make money a tool not a target this year

How to set yourself up for the year. So… 2024. Strap yourselves in, here we go. Now, I tend to think that in some ways, these are the most important weeks of the year right now. Now that the Christmas craziness is behind us, and before all the craziness of the year really begins, there […]
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From Debt to Dreams: How This Young Family Created $8M in Equity and a Cool $120,000 Of Positive Cashflow

"Listen to those who tell you what's possible. Immerse yourself in a community that supports your dreams."
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From Negative Gearing to Thriving: How Neil and Anthea Turned Property Struggles into a $72,000pa Positive Cashflow Success!

"We persevered, always seeing real estate as a way of making money to retire and not having to rely on the pension."
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Would you bid on this hoarder home?

Yes, the market’s hot, but there’s still opportunity in this deal. I’m going to tell you why property the best way to create wealth from scratch. And look, I’m assuming you’re something like an average Aussie household. If you’re a hedge fund starting out in the game looking to deploy your first billion, then property […]
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The overlooked reason why we can’t build more houses

People don’t get the connection here. There’s a reason why we can’t fix the housing shortage. People think it’s easy. We just need more houses so build more houses. Well, first, building a lot of houses isn’t easy at all. There’s land release and zoning and a whole bunch of things that need to happen […]
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What is the property capacity gap?: the economy in pictures

See the world through the eyes of an economist: Property, borrowing capacity and rents. Corelogic released their market update for October last week, so let’s keep our focus on the property market this week. First up, prices were up a solid 0.9% in October, with both houses and units now performing strongly. That’s now the […]
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T-Bomb: Fail fast, fail furious

Truth Bomb Tuesday: Mistakes are a cost of doing business. “Wow. You work so fast.” I was messing around with my messaging system while a friend was over the other day. I didn’t know what I was doing, but I was trying to figure it out. Click that setting. Have a look. Youtube what that […]
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How ‘walk to shops’ = $2.6m over reserve

It’s a lot of money to avoid teaching your kids to cook. Here’s a funny story from a recent sale reported in The AFR. A property for sale in Canley Heights Sydney sold at auction for $2.6m over reserve! That was over double the price they were expecting! You’d have to be happy with that […]
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CBA puzzled by ‘extraordinary times’

Without this, would price falls have been bigger? CBA Economists are privately a bit confused about the housing market’s current strength. We got CoreLogic’s October update last week. It showed that the pace of gains remains strong, with prices up 0.9% in the month. But there’s a puzzle. This strength is ‘quite remarkable’. The turnaround […]
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Overcoming A Turbulent Childhood To Become A Successful Property Investor

“I am dedicated to my dreams and making it happen”
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T-Bomb: Why only humans think growth looks like this

Truth Bomb Tuesday: Change is tiny kid’s cardigan. There’s a funny thing that happens when your kids are little. You accumulate your own favourite outfits for them. They’re almost certainly not the clothes that they want to wear all the time themselves. But they’re your favourites. That cute little cardigan. The one piece romper suit. […]
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They Started With Bad Property Investments Then Increased Their Portfolio By $10 Million!

“Thank you for shining a light to guide us through the misty world of property investing and for teaching us how to build true wealth."
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Energy prices soar while job ads tank: the economy in pictures

See the world through the eyes of an economist: energy prices, job ads, average household size, and real wages. Here are the charts that caught my eye this week. First up, inflation jumped up in the month, largely thanks to oil and energy prices, which as you can see, have spiked in recent times: Australia’s […]
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T-Bomb: The ‘hour to midnight’ practice for getting unstuck

Truth Bomb Tuesday: If you only had an hour, you’d be surprised at what you could get done “You’ve got one hour. Go.” That’s the beginning of an exercise I do with my students sometimes. It’s called ‘an hour to midnight’. It’s not particularly complicated. Basically I just give them a task that would normally […]
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Housing supply situation going from bad to worse

You can’t run two construction booms at once! When I look down the telescope at the next 5 to 10 years, I see an epic housing shortage coming. “Hang on, Dymphna. Aren’t we already in an epic housing shortage?” Yes. Yes we are. But it’s about to get epic-er. Current budget projections have the Australian […]
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They Wanted To Change Their Lives And Made It Happen Through Property Investing

“You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great” Zig Ziglar
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Official: Property has cleared the last hurdle

Well, looks like we were making a mountain of a mole hill There is really nothing holding the property market back now. One of the mysteries in recent years was how we managed to digest 400 basis points of rate hikes with barely a blip in the property price data. If I had told you […]
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Foreign buying lifts as borrowers go underwater: the economy in pictures

See the world through the eyes of an economist: prices, foreign buying, rates and underwater households. Here are the charts that caught my eye this week. First up, Corelogic Data show that the recovery in property prices has established clear direction, with capital city prices up 5.1%. Expect to see this move higher in the […]
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T-Bomb: Why households let men work more

Truth Bomb Tuesday: The gender pay gap persists, but not for the reasons we commonly think. The Nobel Prizes were awarded last week, and I thought the economics one was a bit interesting. The award went to Harvard Economist Claudia Goldin, making her only the third female economist to win the award, and the first […]
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WTF? You can buy gold from a supermarket?

Create fear, create a market. Ever think about nipping down to Woolies to pick up some gold bullion? No. You can’t. That’s only something that happens in America. Discount retailer Costco has started selling 1-ounce bars of gold online, and even though there’s a limit of 2-bars per member, they’re selling out in hours. Costco […]
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Vacancies tank while builders bust: the economy in pictures

See the world through the eyes of an economist: vacancies, insolvencies, rate hike expectations and more Here are the charts that caught my eye this week. First up, there’s the rental vacancy rate data, which continues to hold at record lows. This is why you can’t get a rental for love or money right now, […]
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T-Bomb: Are you stressed, or just unstructured?

Truth Bomb Tuesday: Stress is epidemic. Here’s one strategey to dial it down. “Well of course I’m stressed. I’ve got a lot on my plate right now.” Common enough statement. Heard it before. But now imagine who might be saying it. Imagine in it coming from the mouth of an unemployed teenager. Now coming from […]
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Revealed: Why this bank sees rate cuts on the horizon

Is the RBA done. Yep. Probably. The RBA left rates on pause again last week. And so they should have. But are we done? And if we’re done, when is the next move down? Well, CBA’s chief economist has answers to both of those questions: “Yes” and “May next year.” The market seems to think […]
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Reversing The Misfortune Of Unprofitable Property Investments

“We were able give back to the community and donate $45,000 to the new Children's Rehab Centre in Geelong from the profits we made.”
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Inside Brisbane’s “home buyer hunger games”

It does have a soft spot in my heart, but the hard data doesn’t lie. I’ve been saying for a while that I think the prospects for Brisbane’s property market, relative to the other capitals are pretty exciting. And that’s not just because I’m a Queenslander – though I would be lying if I said […]
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Analyst reckons boomers are to blame for housing shortage

We didn’t see this coming. Oh Boomers. How are you to blame for everything? Are you just an easy target or have you really been that naughty? That’s the thing that always struck me as silly about the ‘boomers broke the housing market’ cliché. The housing market did get broken – with chronic undersupply for […]
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This Immigrant Couple From Sri Lanka Fulfilled Their Passion For Property In Australia

“ILRE has given us not just financial tools and inspiration, but also helped us to find who we really are”
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T-Bomb: Man takes 190 electric shocks to avoid time alone

Truth Bomb Tuesday: Are we scared of boredom, or is there something darker lurking beneath the surface? A lot of people struggle to spend time with their thoughts. They crave distractions. There’s no news there. But a recent study has shown that people would even prefer to give themselves an electric shock than be stuck […]
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Struggling mum pivots into $1.4 MILLION career change.

Juliette had just hit a fork in the road of life, newly married, newly pregnant, and newly saddled with a BIG mortage for a TINY townhouse, she realised it simply wasn’t going to work. On a friends reccomendation, she checked out one of I Love Real Estate’s free events, and immiediately knew this was the […]
9/24/20231 hour, 1 minute, 22 seconds
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How much higher can the rental market go?

Some tentative signs the rental market is slowing. It’s a false flag. Are rents going to slow down? Are enough people going to get so sick of renting that they decide to buy, and we see a surge of demand that pushes property prices higher? These are the questions I’m asking myself right now. Because […]
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T-Bomb: The 9 ways to have an edge

Truth Bomb Tuesday: Just so many ways to win How much of your success is within your control? About 7/9ths? That wouldn’t be a bad guess I reckon, and it’s what Shane Parrish who runs the Brain Food business newletter reckons. He’s identified 9 sources of advantage – 9 things that will give you an […]
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They Prayed For A Miracle… And It Happened Through Property Investing

“You never really know how resilient & strong you can be... Until being resilient strong is your only option”
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Mortgage prisoners still out there

Stuck with your current lender? You’re not alone. So one of the many novel things that Covid gave the English language was the concept of “Mortgage Prisoners”. There was an idea here that some people got mortgages at the super cheap rates available during Covid. And they were assessed at a serviceability buffer of 300 […]
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Broke immigrant couple now does 5-6 PROFITABLE deals every year.

Maria and Bill were quick on the uptake when they first came to Australia, they could tell from day 1 the money making potential of property. Now, as a property development power couple, they net up to 5-6 deals every year, making them hundreds of thousands of dollars in the process. We’ve got Maria and […]
9/12/20231 hour, 6 minutes, 9 seconds
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A Single Mum Fresh Off A Divorce Now Has Her Own Home & Three Investment Properties

“There’s no way I’ll ever want to go back. No way!”
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Oh no! Market has bolted!

Will the RBAs pause give us a FOMO phase? So the RBA left rates on hold on Tuesday. And good thing too. That would have been a very difficult decision to explain with monthly inflation falling quickly and wages growth going nowhere. In fact, with the benefit of hindsight, it looks like they might have […]
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T-Bomb: Sour grapes is a trap. There are others.

Truth Bomb Tuesday: This is what the sour grapes fable was actually about. I want to show you something important. It starts with the story of sour grapes. We all know that one. The Fox can’t reach the grapes he wants and so tells himself that those grapes were probably sour anyway. Now the thing […]
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Myth-busted: the ‘mass exodus’ of property investors

Myth or reality? Investors are leaving the market in droves. I’ve seen a few reports recently of a mass exodus of investors from the property market. They’re leaving in droves apparently. I haven’t noticed this first hand, so I thought I should look into it. So, at one level it’s true. There are a lot […]
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They Went From Losing $32,000 A Year To Earning $140,000 Annually In Passive Cashflow

"We were very negatively geared, working really hard, long hours...We were doing it all wrong.”
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Rate hikes vs shortage – who wins?

Why aren’t prices rising more quickly? This is why It’s an interesting phase in the market right now. It’s caught in two powerful cross winds. The first is the downdraft emanating from rising interest rates and the fixed rate reset. True, the RBA has paused hiking interest rates. But interest rates work with a lag. […]
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T-Bomb: Why you need successful friends

Truth Bomb Tuesday: The power of networks is actually astounding. I have an argument with my marketing guys pretty regularly. At ILRE we have a range of systems and strategies that people can access. And they also have a powerful community that they can be part of. Which one do you think is more important […]
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T-Bomb: What stunned me about the Matildas run

Truth Bomb Tuesday: Not every nation has a team like the Matildas. Not every nation even wants to. Watching the Matildas run over the past few weeks has been pretty exciting. And look, I’ll be honest. I’m not really a soccer girl, so I’m not going to pretend to jump on that bandwagon. But it […]
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Its official – this rental boom is breaking all records

Want to know what the next boom looks like? Look here. When trying to size up the shape of the coming boom, one of the biggest pieces of the puzzle is what’s happening to rents right now. And I think this is something that people often forget – just how important rents are to price […]
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Proof: why property is just different

There’s a swing factor in property you just don’t find anywhere else. You know why property is the most amazing asset class in the world? Because its different? Why is it different? Well, did you ever hear about the guy who overpaid on BHP shares because he just loved the stock so much and his […]
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Is office to apartment the next big play?

The office market is struggling. But that’s creating opportunities of their own. Want to know the next big trend in property? Knocking down office towers and building apartments. The office sector is in a bit of trouble. Companies have been slow to bring their workforces back to the city, or are opting for hybrid work […]
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$100k setback? Here’s how to make it back many times over.

Richard had a few property ventures before joining I Love Real Estate. Some good, others not so much. But it all paled in comparison to the massive setback he had in the middle of his property journey, a venture that just went horribly wrong. But using what he learnt at ILRE he was able to […]
8/7/202353 minutes, 8 seconds
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T-Bomb: Why we all have this instinct

Truth Bomb Tuesday: Collaboration isn’t just a nice flow. It’s a tool for survival. “You don’t have to do it alone.” Actually, that’s maybe not strong enough. “You are not supposed to do it on your own.” “I’m not sure it’s actually possible to do it on your own.” What’s “it”? I dunno. Probably everything. […]
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New kitchen, lick of paint, $500K profit

This deal blew my socks off. Slow market? What slow market? A recent sale in the press the other day caught my eye. Basically the vendors bought a property and turned around and sold it nine months later – for a capital gain of $500,000! That’s nice. I’d take that. The property wasn’t amazing. It […]
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Economists: Yep, RBA is probably done.

Tuesdays pause gives us hope that rate hikes are done. Are they? Is the RBA finally done? After the most aggressive rate hiking cycle in history, the RBA’s pause on Tuesday gave us hope that they might finally be done. It does seem to be the vibe. All the recent data has come in softer […]
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Brisbane begins moving to its own drum

The fundamentals look solid across the country. But in Brisbane, they look amazing. I’ve said many times over the years that of all the capitals, Brisbane has the most potential. And it’s not that I just have a soft spot for the city. As a market, the numbers stack up. But since saying that, Brisbane […]
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All the ducks line up for Brisbane

The fundamentals look solid across the country. But in Brisbane, they look amazing. I’m generally not a massive fan of high-rise apartments as an investment class. There’s just so little you can do with them to create value if you need to. Like you can almost never add another bathroom and an entertainment area. But […]
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T-Bomb: Hippy fluff or brain hack of the year?

Truth Truth Bomb Tuesday: Don’t be a useless dreamer I talked a lot about the power of visualising and positive thinking for a lot of people, it sets their BS detectors off. This is good. Its good to have our BS detectors on high alert, because I have seen a lot of people tripping merrily […]
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Why house prices can’t actually fall

This is the key reason why a house price collapse is an impossibility, we have a shortage of housing. Yes, it’s about to get a whole lot worse. Last week I shared some analysis from independent Kiwi economist Tony Alexander, arguing that the crash in kiwi house prices is over. I shared it because the […]
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Divorcee Projected To Earn Up To $2.4 Million In Profit In Under 3 Years As A Property Investor

“I’m basically financially free for the rest of my life. And it makes me really proud to show my kids that you can make money without just having to go to university and work your butt off for the rest of your life.”
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T-Bomb: When to rush and when to relax

Truth Bomb Tuesday: Be driven at the calendar, chill at the desk. There’s a particular dance we have to do in this journey. A particular balance we have to strike. We have to cultivate a sense of urgency without getting into a rush. We have to cultivate a sense of urgency because life is short. […]
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Housing construction is about to collapse

Yes, we have a shortage of housing. Yes, it’s about to get a whole lot worse. I’m not sure people are really across how epic the housing shortage is going to be in 12-18 months’ time. I mean, the Aussie housing market is already in a chronic shortage. There’s no stock on the market, and […]
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The myth that gets investors into trouble

If you listen to the myth, you could get into trouble. Somewhere, a long time ago, some pecker-head said that property prices double every seven years. Since then, it’s become Australian folklore, alongside Bunyips and Dropbears. And it has just as much basis in reality. Like I don’t imagine there are many, if any periods […]
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T-Bomb: Wait, what if this is a dumb idea?

Truth Bomb Tuesday: My strategy for when doubt creeps in. “Wait, what if this is a dumb idea?” That was me a couple of years ago. I was in a meeting with my team and we were developing a new offering. It was a new direction for us, but it felt good. When I had […]
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Proof: million dollar deals are still out there

Here’s proof that million dollar deals are still out there. Can you still make a million dollars out of property? Are you kidding? The average investor in some suburbs of Sydney is making an profit of a million dollars, per deal! That’s the latest insight from Corelogic’s Pain and Gain report, which takes recently sold […]
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Is the boom a silver lining in search of a cloud?

Is there going to be a rush of new stock on the market? So the RBA paused rates on Tuesday. Phew. You can hear a collective sigh of relief around the country. I think we’re very close to the peak now, but I’m not convinced we’re completely done. There’s a good chance there’s another one […]
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Inspiring Single Mother Earns $2.9 Million In Less Than Two Years As A Property Investor

"I have now been able to create so much passive income I don’t have to work if I don’t want to. And it means that I’m able to make better choices and spend more time with my daughter.”
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Official property forecasts: double digit gains!

What happens to property prices from here? Ask these economists So property portal Domain has some strong egg-head economists working for them, and they tend to be pretty good with their forecasts. And what are they predicting for the next year or so. Boom. Pretty much. I mean, we’re not going back to the crazy […]
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How a single rooming house is generating $46,000 cashflow.

Sharon is relatively new to the I Love Real Estate world, having only joined in 2019. Despite that, she’s one of the fastest growing success stories I’ve ever seen from one of my students. She was able to put together a rooming house that’s now generating just under $50k, and she did it all in […]
6/30/20231 hour, 9 minutes, 6 seconds
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The simple maths driving property prices

Sometimes property economics is tricky. Sometimes its not… How’s that supply shortage going? Getting worse actually, thanks for asking. One of the key reasons why house prices are rising right now and will continue rising is that there just isn’t enough stock on the market. Demand for homes to buy is greater than homes for […]
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WFH is dead and what that means for property

Work from Home was one of the big themes of Covid, but it looks like going the way of Covid too. So the rise of Work from Home was one of the big trends of the pandemic, and it had a big impact on the property market as everyone suddenly needed more rooms and more […]
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From Absolutely Zero Properties And Experience To Making $2.5 Million In Profit Via Property Investing

"I'm just an average person with a desire to make something happen for myself and those that are most important to me. If you believe in yourself you can do it too. I honestly believe that. And I hope one thing you take from this is, YOU could be standing where I am now."
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Would you rather be dead or poor?

Poverty is a universal fear. Which makes you wonder why people don’t do more about it. Would you rather be poor or dead? If you ask Americans (and my bet is you’d get the same result here in Australia), we’re more afraid of being poor than being dead: A new survey finds that 61% of […]
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T-Bomb: Stop waiting to enjoy life

Truth Bomb Tuesday: This is a condition that a lot of people have Someone shared something with me that really struck a chord. It went like this: The best New Year’s resolution I ever made was to start devouring all my nicest things, and save no small pleasure for an unspecified future. Now I burn […]
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Australia is different, but not good different

The RBA’s not slowing down. There’s more pain ahead. So the RBA just went ahead and shocked everyone last week, hiking rates by 25 basis points to 4.1%. If you’ve got whiplash I don’t blame you. The pace of hikes, and the RBA’s aggressiveness is unprecedented. We’ve never seen anything like it. This chart compares […]
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Seller makes $2m in two years. Wow.

The auction market is scorching right now The market is certainly heating up, and I’ve got a story for you here of an investor who made two mill in two years off a single property. But things are certainly heating up. The auction clearance rate for the weekend just gone came in at just under […]
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How to create $250k per annum and escape the work rut.

Before joining I Love Real Estate Sergio saw the rut that was forming at his feet. Working to day to day, he had no goal and while he was still making a living, he wasn’t building wealth. Looking to escape the black hole sucking him in, be began noticing the common “propositions” for wealth building… […]
6/5/20231 hour, 6 minutes, 1 second
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And just like that, Sydney’s booming

Where Sydney goes, the nation follows The market bottomed out much quicker than people expected. And now it’s changed gears into boom much quicker than people expected too. Not long ago, people thought Sydney would be ending the year with falling prices. Now, some analysts reckon we’ll close out 2023 with prices growing over 10%. […]
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T-Bomb: How to hack your emotional systems

Truth Bomb Tuesday: How to reclaim your power from your emotions. “Sometimes my emotions get the better of me. I get close to landing a deal, and then I get scared. Self-doubt creeps in, and I just can’t go on. I know my emotions are holding me back, but I just don’t know how to […]
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How a corporate slave ESCAPED the 9-5 rat race.

The fact of the matter is, for 99% of the people, jobs suck. Especially the ones that suck up those precious daylight hours inside stuffy cubicles and tight business suits. While some tolerate this lifestyle, Henry could do it no longer. Seeking an escape from the wage-slave rat race, he looked to real estate investing […]
5/26/20231 hour, 55 seconds
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A Real Zero-To-Hero Couple Who Went From A Fresh Start In Australia To Millionaires

“We always ask ourselves what will fit our portfolio next. We need cash? We need equity? So what kind of deal can we do?”
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How we ended up with a “boomer-driven economy”

The trend is clear now. Prices will rise. Are you feeling the pain of rate hikes? Are you feeling the crunch of inflation? You’re not the only one. But here’s a hard truth: not everyone is feeling that pressure. I mean, sure. Most are. If you look at the consumer sentiment data from Westpac, the […]
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T-Bomb: Why freedom actually sucks

Truth Bomb Tuesday: I couldn’t believe that life was actually like this… Freedom is painful. I know we talk about freedom as if it’s the greatest thing God ever invented. Apart from love is the only thing worth dying for. Just ask Mel Gibson. But it’s actually painful. It’s kind of a pain in the […]
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Construction wipe-out “worst in 45 years”

It’s not going to be massive, but there’s a little good news for property prices here. It’s a tough time to be a builder. That seem to be going bankrupt left, right and centre. We’ve had a few big names go under in recent months, guys like Porter Davis Homes, Mahercorp and Urbanedge Homes, alongside […]
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Reluctant immigrant replaces entire income in just 3 years.

Richard didn’t come to Australia for fame and fortune, he only travelled to follow his (then) girlfriend… When the relationship didn’t pan out, he had grown attached to his new home in Australia, and looked into making his stay permanent. Realising that would be an expensive endevour, he researched several investment strategies before landing on […]
5/20/20231 hour, 3 minutes, 50 seconds
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T-Bomb: The difference between day jobs and slavery

Truth Bomb Tuesday: You were never meant to fit everything in. Why do the weekends feel so short? Even the long ones. Three days never feels like enough. But they feel short because they are short. It’s been a fair while since I had to work a 9-5 job, but I just don’t know how […]
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Property boom is firing on all cylinders now

The last cylinder has just fired. The boom is roaring now. The property market has turned the corner and prices are steadily moving higher. I’ll expect they’ll grind a bit through the rest of the year, but by 2024 we will have found that the boom is firing on all cylinders, and price rises will […]
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The value of 20 years of real estate secrets? Enough to retire… 5 times over.

John became a student at I Love Real Estate 20 years ago. Of course, he was only a student for a few of those years, and is now happily retired on the Gold Coast. We’ve tracked down John for an exclusive interview on how he spent the last 20 years as a property investor, the […]
5/13/20231 hour, 7 minutes, 35 seconds
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The Former Engineer Who Used To Work 9-To-5 Has Built A $6 Million Real Estate Empire

“I Love Real Estate changed our lives dramatically. Today, with the current projects that I have, I’ll have $6 million worth of equity and cash and $135,000 of positive income from my properties. It’s insane! And you know, if I can do it, so can you.”
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What will the budget do for property prices?

It’s not going to be massive, but there’s a little good news for property prices here. Ok, so does this week’s budget do anything to the outlook for property? The short answer is not directly. This is one of those rare budgets that doesn’t include anything explicitly for housing. There were no new first home […]
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T-Bomb: How to escape the limits of your fear

Truth Bomb Tuesday: You don’t have to let your fears define you Our fears shape our lives. They determine what we feel we are capable of, and that determines what we can achieve and experience. So I went on a bit of a research mission the other day, trying to understand how we can confront […]
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The ‘Landcruiser effect’ driving house prices

This recent sale shows just how much the explosion in construction costs has affected the market. A lot of people don’t appreciate how interconnected the new house property market and the existing house property market are. And we’ve heard a lot recently about the troubles in the construction sector. It’s like another major builder goes […]
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From negative $200k to POSITIVE $250k equity in under 12 months.

At the young age of 20 Kelly and Liam rushed into the property market guns blazing, investing only with a dream and whatever she knew at the time. Soon after, the town they bought in was hit with the mining crash, and their propeties lost $100k in value each. Still working their 9 to 5’s, […]
5/5/20231 hour, 1 minute, 30 seconds
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Two Newbie Property Investors Who Joined ILRE At Different Times Made $9.5 Million By Working Together

Aman’s and Thiru’s unique experiences gave them the right skills and knowledge that would complement each other in the future.
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What Westpac really thinks will happen to house prices

The mood in the market has shifted. This is the new reality. So you know I have access to a lot of information that your average property punter doesn’t. Let me share some of that with you. This is Westpac’s forecasts for property prices. They just informed their institutional clients that they’re upgrading their forecasts […]
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T-Bomb: How generosity changes your brain

Truth Bomb Tuesday: If you don’t practice generosity, life starts to box you in. Generosity has to be a central practice. You need to make it a central discipline of your life. If we become selfless – actually, hold up. I don’t really like the term ‘selfless’. We often use it to describe the tendency […]
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Newbie Investor Creates $819,000 Gross Rental Empire.

When you hear insane property success stories, you eventually find out that one detail that makes it less… Impressive. Like how they had a huge inheritance to get started, or built their portfolio over several decades. This is not one of those stories. We’re chatting with Michael, one of my students and the owner of […]
4/27/20231 hour, 6 minutes, 12 seconds
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Housing market 2nd riskiest in the world… really?

Another report that Aussie housing is risky. Probably a sign that prices are going to boom. So, if you’ve been in the game as long as I have, you start to see things play out on a regular basis. One of the things that seems to happen about every two or three years is that […]
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CBA cuts rates. Already?!?

The interest rate cycle has clearly turned. It is clearly looking like the property market has bottomed out and is on the move northwards from here. There’s a few dark clouds I have my eye on, but prices lifted in March, listings remain limited, and rents are growing strongly. And to top it all off, […]
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How This Young Couple Escaped Bankruptcy And Became Millionaires In Just 5 Years

“When you don’t have any money, you have to get resourceful. And resourceful usually means you need skills and you need to bring something to the party."
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Buying an Aussie property for under.. $300,000?!

What would you consider a good price for a decent peice of Australian property these days? $600k? $800k? Hell for something decent a lot of people would say a cool million is fair play. How about $300k? Seems crazy right. But one of my students did it, and I’m interviewing her today to find out […]
4/19/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 5 seconds
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No money? That might be an advantage

Drive is worth more than money.   Can you really build wealth out of nothing? Can you go from no-money to no-worries? I’m going to let you in on a secret: It’s actually easier that way. In many ways, the students who come to me with nothing are often the easiest students to work with. […]
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T-Bomb: Would you rather die or look stupid?

Truth Bomb Tuesday: Is a need to belong keeping you poor? There was a fascinating psychological study I was reading about recently where a participant was put in a waiting room with a bunch of people. All the other people were actors, but the participant didn’t know that. After a little while of hanging out […]
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What happens if the RBA hikes again?

Could a recession actually be good for property prices? So… where do interest rates go from here? CBA’s economists raised a few eyebrows this week when they predicted that by the end of the year, the RBA will be cutting rates. In their opinion, the RBA has pushed things too far, the economy is set […]
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Property prices lift. Is the data just wrong?

Austions are heating up. What does that mean for the rest of us? When Corelogic’s data showed that prices in the capital cities had not only stopped falling, but had actually risen 0.6% in March, a lot of pundits were sceptical. Surely, bigger price falls were on the cards. We were due. Must be something […]
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$57,000 profit… Without actually buying the property yourself.

Venessa was a struggling property investor just a few years ago. Coming out of a divorce she simply had not structured her portfolio to survive the break-up… With her finances on the line she decides to join I Love Real Estate, and uses a new strategy that involved not buying the property herself. A few […]
4/12/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 37 seconds
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Young Aussie investor nets $150k PROFIT per deal (Secrets revealed).

Luke was a career residentual valuer, so after 8 years and 14,000 valuations he had a pretty good idea of what property was really worth. One day he realises just how he could stop working with property and have property could work for him. After seeing an I Love Real Estate ad on Facebook and […]
4/8/20231 hour, 6 minutes, 56 seconds
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From Childhood Sweethearts To Sweetheart Investors. This Couple Increased Their Cashflow Sixfold.

“Now that we don’t have to go working away, we have spent a lot more time with our family. Life is just better. Working at the mine was very heavy and dangerous. Now, we are a lot happier and safer.”
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Is the cost-of-living crisis finally over?

The inflation data is painting a clear picture now… Is the RBA listening? It looks like the cost-of-living crisis might finally be coming to an end. We got monthly inflation data last week, and it was pretty soft. At just 0.2% in the month, it’s pretty tame. I mean, if we got 11 more months […]
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How rooming houses create a $775,000 income.

When Saemus worked in the corporate world, the one asset class that kept catching his eye was PROPERTY. When Seamus looked a way to completely replace his income, it was the obvious answer. More specifically, Seamus was attracted to rooming houses because it was a win-win-win. Affordable housing win for the tenant, great asset for […]
4/3/20231 hour, 8 minutes, 48 seconds
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T-Bomb: How to get on top of overwhelm

Truth Bomb Tuesday: Can we all just stop pretending for a minute? Overwhelmed? Confused? That’s ok. No really. It’s ok. It’s totally normal. If you told me that you had a complete grip on things – that you had a good working understanding of how the world works – I’d think you were kidding. At […]
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How to find your personal property GOLD MINE.

Suzi had always been a self-described “property junkie”. Today she lives up to the title, and she’s one of the most knowledgeable students I have today. Today, she gives us her tell-all tales on making your own property gold mine. You wouldn’t believe the amount of value she generating by just knowing right person to […]
3/28/202355 minutes, 44 seconds
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Why property never gets crushed in a stampede

Herd dynamics are in full effect in markets these days. I wouldn’t touch them with a barge pole. Humans are funny. Human herds are even funnier. In financial markets, herd dynamics have been in full effect over the past few weeks. First we had a string of bank runs on smaller banks in America – […]
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T-Bomb: How op shops ended up drowning in stuff

Truth Bomb Tuesday: We all want the same thing, and the op shops can’t cope. All the op shops are full. Have you noticed this? It’s not just me is it? Quite a few around my way have stopped taking donations all together. They’ve just got too much stuff. And it’s not that they’re not […]
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Property guru reveals the secret to making $100,000 passive income EVERY YEAR.

Mark Baker might be a familiar name to some of you… It’s not surprising, he’s one of the most successful investors I’ve ever worked with. Ex business owner turned property investor, Mark cracked the code on passive income, and now EASILY clears $100,000 every year in passive income alone. Today Mark finally spills his guts […]
3/23/20231 hour, 20 minutes, 57 seconds
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T-Bomb: Why ‘retreat and soothe’ never works

Truth Bomb Tuesday: If you give into tantrums, it will never end Sometimes people just won’t get with the program. Actually, most times they won’t. People are like that. But often the people you need to support you most – the ones you’re relying on to make the program happen – they refuse to get […]
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This will be a big trend in property over the next 10 years

Retrofitted offices could be a big trend, but there’s also some big hurdles. When Covid hit and our CBDs became ghost-towns, there was a lot of talk about repurposing all those office buildings as apartments. Heck, that chatter started long before Covid. It’s bit an idea you see spit-balled around from time to time. But, […]
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The $400k property that “Keeps giving”.

Matthew had received only one piece of advice from his grandfather when it comes to real estate. “Real estate is important, real estate will you get somewhere.” When Matthew found himself lost in life, he decided to chase his grandfathers admittedly vague words. Stumbling across an ad from I Love Real Estate he saw a […]
3/18/20231 hour, 7 minutes, 31 seconds
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I don’t know why this works, but it does

This indicator is fairly reliable, and it suggests we’ve reached a turning point., How do you predict a turn in the property market? There’s a few things I look to: rents, mortgage finance, interest rates etc. But actually one of the most reliable indicators has been the premium property market. For whatever reason, high end […]
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The low-cost way of replacing your entire income… In just 3 years.

$20,000 seems like a lot of money right? And yes, it is. But if I told you a student of mine used just $20k to completely replace their working income… Suddenly seems like a pretty insane return on investment. Today we’re chatting with Sanjeev to find out exactly how he did it. Enjoy. Book A […]
3/13/20231 hour, 8 minutes, 25 seconds
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T-Bomb: You’re not broken. Your context is broken.

Truth Bomb Tuesday: Things need to change… but you don’t. “I dunno. I used to really love surfing…” A whisty, dreamy look came into his eyes. A sad look… followed by a sad sigh. Josh did used to love surfing. It brought him a lot of joy. These days it didn’t so much. He couldn’t […]
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What happens if apartment construction collapse 73%?

The supply shortage is about to get a whole lot worse. It’s a common mistake to think of the “property market” as a distinct thing. Sometimes its useful to talk about the ‘national property market’. But there is no national market. There aren’t even capital city markets. Within cities there are suburbs marching to the […]
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IT worker turns $25,000 PROFIT in 6 WEEKS

Eugene was a career IT worker his whole life, and was pretty successful at it too. So successful that he kick started his investment career and owned a whopping 20 investment properties. But despite all that, he was barely turning a profit. There was clearly a piece of the puzzle missing In comes I Love […]
3/8/20231 hour, 5 minutes, 16 seconds
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T-Bomb: Why I have zero-tolerance for this

Truth Bomb Tuesday: Many people do this, but I’m not having it. Why do we engage in defeatist self-talk? There are lots of types of negative self-talk? There’s criticism, shaming, ridiculing… so many ways to hate on ourselves. It’s astounding really. But today I just wanted to look at defeatist self-talk. This is something I […]
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Why investing looks easier than it is

Investing sometimes looks easy. But you need to invest and believe in yourself first. A few years ago I remember helping Anna crunch the numbers on her first project – a pretty straight forward renovation on a town house that she had got on vendor finance. “So what’s your profit at the end of the […]
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Single acre “chore” transformed into $150k passive income.

A few years ago Peter and Fiona had a solid family unit and already owned a couple properties… Living the dream right? But they still woke up to work their day job every single morning. The money just wasn’t adding up. Until you realise their properties were negatively geared. Eventually they learnt how to make […]
3/3/20231 hour, 6 minutes
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Why Perth has gone “next level crazy”

This dynamic is playing out across the country.   So this recent property sale caught my attention, and it really brings home how far-spread the rental crisis is right now.   I mean it’s gotten all the way to Perth! That’s practically a different planet.   But it’s basically the story of a property that sold lightning fast […]
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T-Bomb: Why boats are better than cars

Truth Bomb Tuesday: There are different ways of moving in the world. Be like a boat. You know what the problem with the world today is? Is that we spend too much time driving cars and not enough time driving boats. There. I said it. Come at me rev-heads. This isn’t just because getting out […]
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How to double a home in value.

Melissa has an interesting origin before joining I Love Real Estate. She was a “prize home buyer”, buying homes to be given away in huge raffles. She would scout, buy, and even renovate dozens of homes to be given away. But despite her impressive wheelhouse, when she joined ILRE she wondered if she actually had […]
2/27/20231 hour, 49 seconds
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Peter & Jenny Finally Won At Property Investing And Built Over $1,000,000 In Equity

“We had to learn new skills, get out of our comfort zone, and learn how joint venture the right way. I Love Real Estate has given us choices.”
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Taxi driver scores $1.4 million dollar PROFIT property deal.

Aman was a pretty common case before joining I Love Real Estate. Taxi driver, immigrant, not the kind of person you’d look at and say “that’s the worlds next millionaire”. So when Aman was in line to generate $1.4 million of a single duplex property deal, you better beleive he started turning a few heads. […]
2/22/202359 minutes, 17 seconds
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T-Bomb: Motivation for tired dogs

Truth Bomb Tuesday: It’s kind of obvious when you think about it So the science of motivation is shifting. It’s a very interesting time to be alive. There’s so much going on. It’s wild. Take AI for example. Nuts. But psychology is also offering up lots of gems at the moment too. And when I […]
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The trap is set for the negatively geared

This won’t derail the market, but some people are going to feel the pain We can expect to hear a lot more about negative equity over the coming months. This is the unfortunate situation where you owe more on the property that the property is worth. In a sense, you’re trapped. It costs you money […]
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How this photographer built a $2.2M property portfolio in just 18 months!

“I really enjoy the process… making sure I’ve done my homework so that I’m accountable.”
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Chance encounter leads to $265,000 in gross profits.

Ever wonder if you’re passing a millionaire in the street, someone worth talking to? What if you took that chance and actually asked? Well that’s exactly what happened to Allie. Her story is how a chance encounter with a secret millionaire celebrity lead to her to make $265,000 in gross profits from a single property. […]
2/17/20231 hour, 3 minutes, 29 seconds
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Why are sellers on strike?

Supply is fading in a most unusual way. The supply side of the property market is super-fascinating right now. Remember that prices are set by supply and demand. It’s the first law of economics. And it is true that demand is reeling from an onslaught of rate hikes from the RBA. Borrowing capacity is being […]
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T-Bomb: Tapping your hidden superpower

Truth Bomb Tuesday: They told you your superpower was a curse… Are you sitting on a hidden super-power? Are you squashing it? There’s a good chance you are. When I first got into the game, an older investor once told me that women don’t make for good property investors because they’re ‘too emotional’. You needed […]
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Young Aussie banks huge $30,000 deal at just 22 years old.

Growing up Brooke had a keen interest in money for a very good reason, they just didn’t have that much of it. So when it came time to decide a career path, Brooke immediately realised the potential property had. Living out in the country, not even owning a computer, they had heard about I Love […]
2/13/202350 minutes, 22 seconds
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What makes the Aussie property market so unusual

Supposedly Aussies love property. I’m not so sure. A lot of people say that ‘Australians have a love affair with housing’, and that’s why house prices tend to be a bit higher than in other countries. But that’s a little unsatisfying to me. It kind of says to me that Australian have some irrational adoration […]
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Should you wait til the market bottoms out?

The RBA’s not done, but the market is set to turn. So the RBA hiked rates by another 25 basis points on Tuesday. That is the ninth hike in a row, and takes the cash rate from 0.15% not all that long ago, to 3.35% today. That’s 325 basis points in nine months. That’s wild. […]
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How to sell a farm and buy a shopping centre.

Desley didn’t want her kids to have the life she did, working day in day out on the farm just to get by. When she decided to sell the farm and move to somewhere more urban, she did so without realising the huge shift in finance her life would take. But after stumbling across I […]
2/8/202357 minutes, 25 seconds
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How a Vietnamese Refugee Built a $2,500,000 Property Portfolio After Just Three Deals

“Thank you, ILRE, for reducing my family’s debt sentence.”
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Exposed: the one factor driving the 30-year boom in property

Property has enjoyed an epic run in recent decades. It will continue. This will be the year that Australia finally unwinds its epic housing shortage. Lol. No it won’t. The shortage is only getting worse. People look at the housing market and wonder why it’s outperformed for like 20-odd years. It’s simple economics. Supply and […]
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How to Live Rent-Free While Turning a Profit.

Anthea never had a 5 year plan, never had the need to worry about it. When she finally came across a goal for herself it seemed pretty humble, a home of her very own. And after seeing an ad on Facebook for a free I Love Real Estate event, she figured she’d take the free […]
2/3/202353 minutes, 23 seconds
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Revealed: What the numbers don’t tell you

The numbers tell a confusing (for some) story Imagine this. I’ve got two assets I can sell you. The first one will go up in value by 30% in three years. The second one will fall in value by 10% in 12 months? Which one do you want? Ok, that’s a trick question. It’s the […]
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Revealed: The real reason behind the rental crisis

The surprising source of an epic crisis. “Where exactly has this rental crisis come from?” I’m getting this question a lot, and people get that it has something to do with Covid, but what exactly? So let’s rewind a bit to 2020. When the pandemic first hit and the borders shut, the general consensus was […]
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T-Bomb: Motivation – the gentle way

Truth Bomb Tuesday: Motivation doesn’t need to be so hard. You can only get so far with hating yourself. And look, hating yourself does work. You can get results. You can train your inner monologue to yell at yourself every time the alarm goes off, “Get up you worthless worm. Why don’t you make something […]
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The “Perfect Storm” of rental properties.

Everyone thinks you have to be in the right place at the right time to be a successful investor. Doesn’t matter if it’s stocks, property, crypto, everyone has that same excuse. I use the term “perfect storm” a lot, and I think people get the wrong idea, that I’m only talking about timing. But considering […]
1/27/202357 minutes, 42 seconds
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How to spend other peoples money on a $5.4 mil deal.

Felicity had some experience with property before joining the I Love Real Estate community. She had built her dream home, made a bit of money, and was well off enough. So when she joined ILRE, she oddly decided to not focus entirely on her own profits. She moved into project managing and partnerships, but despite […]
1/23/202356 minutes, 19 seconds
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The five drivers of property in 2023

These are the five factors to watch this year. As we come storming out of the gates into 2023, I think there are a raft of factors lining up behind property this year. I actually went and made myself a list. Here’s what I reckon will be the five driving factors of 2023, in no […]
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How the RIGHT actions lead to $383,000 in profit.

Before joining I Love Real Estate Jeff had tried his hand in property education and courses. Learnt a bit, how to buy just below market value and sell just above. Nothing special. It was when he found the RIGHT coaching and took the RIGHT actions that things changed. Suddenly he was generating 24%+ profits from […]
1/18/20231 hour, 4 minutes, 45 seconds
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How a Couple with a ‘Comfy House’ Finally Decided to Take Property Investing Seriously And Built An $8M Property Portfolio

“One of the focuses and part of Dymphna’s whole program is having systems in place. It’s about being ready for the deal of a lifetime.”
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T-Bomb: A year to change your life?

Truth Bomb Tuesday: The state I try to put myself in as the year begins. Here we go. The year is in full swing now, and we’re rushing down the water-slide chute towards 2024 at break-neck speed. Is it terrifying? Exciting? A bit of both? I’m excited. The new year is a new chapter. It’s […]
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From broke to $82,000 paydays.

When James’ business and career suddently went under, he found himself saddled with $300,000 worth of personal debt, and no income or hope of ever paying it off. Even though he turned to property to make it back up, with such a dire starting point, he wondered if there was any way out of the […]
1/13/20231 hour, 3 minutes, 48 seconds
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Ex-real estate agent learns how to make $1,000 off property every single week.

John had been a career real estate agent for years. Loved his job, thought he was good at it, never saw a reason to change anything. But when change came to him, he had no choice but to adapt with it. At his first I Love Real Estate event he had realised how little he […]
1/9/202355 minutes, 58 seconds
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How to turn a property into an 1.5mil powerhouse.

When you start investing in real estate your accountant might say to just go out and buy an investment property just because “it’s a good thing to do.” And if you’re a budding property investor like Tom was you might’ve just listened. Of course one day with I Love ReaL Estate and he realised just […]
1/3/20231 hour, 5 minutes, 13 seconds
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Divorcee goes from jobless to huge-profit project manager.

In her previous marriage Chrstine was “not allowed” to get a job. So after 30 years when she finally escaped it, she had no idea where to go financially. She only had one thought… “I like property” And simple as it seems, it eventually lead to her to seek out I Love Real Estate’s coaching. […]
12/27/20221 hour, 9 minutes, 7 seconds
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T-Bomb: My weird Xmas wish for you

Truth Bomb Tuesday: There’s one thing I want you to do this Christmas… Try and flip Christmas on its head this year. I remember chatting to a student a couple of Christmases ago. She had a long list of presents to get the family. She had things the kids wanted (roller blades) and things the […]
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The 3 drivers to watch in 2023

I reckon there will be three key things to watch in 2023 So on Thursday last week, I wrapped up the 2022 property market and said that there’d be three drivers to watch in 2023. The first of those was rents, and I talked through how a continuing surge in rental price growth will be […]
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Renting, Revonating, Airbnb, and Thousands of Dollars.

Army vet Kevin had landed into a dark period of his life. After a spell and recovery from a mental health breakdown, the world he once occupied now labelled him as “damaged goods”. Looking for options, he sought new ways of generating income, and was drawn to one of I Love Real Estate’s events. After […]
12/19/20221 hour, 5 minutes, 42 seconds
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How a GFC victim created a $237,000 monster property deal.

Julie’s early property endevours completely misfried, she had invested right before the GFC and the hit to not only her investment but her finance as a whole forced her to sell at a massive loss. She was completely ready to give up on property. On a chance encounter she attended one of I Love Real […]
12/14/202257 minutes, 16 seconds
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My predictions for 2023

I reckon there will be three key things to watch in 2023 So let tell you where I think the property market is headed in 2023. But first, a quick recap on where we are and how we got here. So the latest Corelogic data for November showed us that property prices had now fallen […]
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How to create your Australian dream home.

Before Gary joined I Love Real Estate he thought property was nothing more than an opportunity to buy a home. Originally buying a home to live in, he was forced to sell it at a LOSS of $30,000. A huge amount of money at the time, the loss made him completely rethink his long term […]
12/9/20221 hour, 8 minutes, 6 seconds
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Property to pump 9% in 2023?

This guy is usually on the money. Louis Christopher has been in the property game a long time. (Almost as long as I have!) And he heads up one of the best research centres in the country, SQM Research. Anyway, he was picked up in The AFR this week because he reckons that property is […]
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How to create $250k per annum and escape the work rut.

Before joining I Love Real Estate Sergio saw the rut that was forming at his feet. Working to day to day, he had no goal and while he was still making a living, he wasn’t building wealth. Looking to escape the black hole sucking him in, be began noticing the common “propositions” for wealth building… […]
12/3/20221 hour, 6 minutes, 1 second
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RBA: rents will boom

Sometimes the RBA looks stupid. Sometimes it’s on the money. There were a lot of Gem’s at the RBA Governor Phil Lowe’s testimony to the Economics Legislation Committee in Canberra this week. Like when he was asked if he was sorry if people believed him when he said interest rates wouldn’t go up until 2024 […]
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T-Bomb: Why people are scared of permission

Truth Bomb Tuesday: Be direct. Be clear. “I give you permission to do whatever you want, all the time.” You should see people’s faces when I say this to them. It’s subtle. But they freeze up a bit and their eyes bug out. There’s a jolt of energy that slips through their system. “What if […]
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How a corporate slave ESCAPED the 9-5 rat race.

The fact of the matter is, for 99% of the people, jobs suck. Especially the ones that suck up those precious daylight hours inside stuffy cubicles and tight business suits. While some tolerate this lifestyle, Henry could do it no longer. Seeking an escape from the wage-slave rat race, he looked to real estate investing […]
11/28/20221 hour, 55 seconds
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Revealed: Agent’s tips for selling in a softer market

It was an ugly duckling, but there’s still money to be made in duck. The AFR was reporting on an interesting property sale the other day, and I thought it was an interesting case study on how to sell in a softer market. So this property was a bit of an ugly duckling to begin […]
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Young mum investor brings her family home

Prior to joining I Love Real Estate Natasha was in a tight spot. Living outside of Australia her safety became questioned and her family’s future uncertain. New to investing, she worried she might never be able to return to Australia and be financially sound. Joining I Love Real Estate helped avoid a negative gearing deisaster, […]
11/22/20221 hour, 7 minutes, 46 seconds
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T-Bomb: The most toxic idea out there

Truth Bomb Tuesday: Be direct. Be clear. “I just wish my hubby was more affectionate.” “You don’t think he loves you?” “Oh no. He loves me. I know he loves me. He’s just not very touchy. I just wish he was more affectionate.” “What happens when you ask him to be affectionate?” “When I what?” […]
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From $40k in credit card debt to $330k in profits.

Cory & Amanda were swamped with credit card debt, taking on cost after cost simply to keep their heads above water. The rat race was simply swallowing them up, and they needed a way out. By being at the right place at the right time and playing it smart, they were able to do just […]
11/17/20221 hour, 9 minutes, 9 seconds
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T-Bomb: Why its better to fail at what you love

Truth Bomb Tuesday: This bent my head a little bit If you’re looking for something a bit out of the ordinary – and a bit mind-bending and inspirational – check out the Andy and Jim documentary on Netflix. (No affiliate kickbacks, I promise!) More and more I love a good doco. The reality is that […]
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Really? There’s panic selling?

Don’t believe the hype. Everyone is trying to sell you something. Ok, so here’s an exercise in cutting through media hype. The AFR (who should probably know better) was running an article the other day under the dramatic headline “Distressed Listings Blow Out as Interest Rates Bite.” It caught my eye. The number of distressed […]
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Adding 0’s to your deals? It’s all about mindset.

Renovations, feasability, a proper auction, these are a couple of factors you might think of when it comes to getting more profit from your property deals. But from the get go one factor often goes criminally overlooked. Mindset. Seems silly, so I’ve brought out Aygun & Sanaz to help explain how this overlooked factor can […]
11/11/20221 hour, 13 minutes, 26 seconds
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Mum goes from mortgage-slave to full time home investor

Today Michael chats with Vanessa, ex-full time mortgage slave, who once worked endless hours to just maintain the dream of ever paying it off, to now full time property investor. We learn just how Vanessa transformed her financial position and create a brand new, fulfilling, exciting, and profitable lifestyle for herself and her family.
11/7/202258 minutes, 3 seconds
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Why there’s a tax on your cash

Feeling like you’re falling behind? You probably are. Can you hear that sound? That’s the sound of your lifestyle going to the drain. Gurgle-gurgle-gurgle. Inflation seems well and truly off the leash now. Headline inflation is running at over 7% annually. It’s been so long since we’ve had inflation in Australia that I’m not sure […]
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In the future, you’ll only buy ¾ of a house

Soon, governments are going to be paying you to buy property. So the Victorian state election is coming up, and one of the promises I’ve taken a bit of interest in is Dan Andrew’s proposal to introduce a shared equity scheme, following a brief trial over the past year. At the moment, there’s talk of […]
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-$70k negative gearing HELL to +$498k in only 1 year.

If you’re a seasoned investor chances are it’s snuck up on you before… The investment from hell. No matter how stack it, no matter how much you THINK it “can’t possibly fail”, Eventually, the drain it has on your income continues to swell untill it hits ciritcal mass until… Bang. Your finance can take it […]
11/2/202259 minutes, 49 seconds
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T-Bomb: Escaping a ‘culture of wrong’

Truth Bomb Tuesday: A simple framework for de-escalating conflict “In the end, I lost it at my husband, threw the loaf of bread at him and said ‘Stop trying to change me! I’m sick of feeling like I’m wrong all the time!” And he said, ‘That’s exactly how I feel! I feel like you’re always […]
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Turning around a negative-gearing DISASTER… In just 12 months.

This is the MOST common story I’ve heard in real estate. Just entered the market, negatively geared property, and a slow-but-steady train to a DISASTER investment. The bright side is, I’ve seen it so many times, I know how to get out of it. That’s where Tak and Hoe Ping were when they joined I […]
10/26/202258 minutes, 6 seconds
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From -$200k to +$250k equity in under 12 months.

At the young age of 20 Kelly and Liam rushed into the property market guns blazing, investing only with a dream and whatever she knew at the time. Soon after, the town they bought in was hit with the mining crash, and their propeties lost $100k in value each. Still working their 9 to 5’s, […]
10/24/20221 hour, 1 minute, 30 seconds
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T-Bomb: Where real joy comes from

Truth Bomb Tuesday: Life starts when we take off our masks You are nowhere near as clever as you think you are. Actually, you are probably more intelligent than you think you are, but you are not as clever – you can’t fool us as well as you think you can. Many of us spend […]
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How the “ratchet effect” works in property

Property is unique, which is why the bottom of the cycle is closer than people think. I think we’re probably getting pretty close to the bottom of the cycle now. That might seem like an ambitious call. It’s a bit ballsy. And it might seem premature. Nationally prices are down about 5%. That follows 25% […]
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How property cured their crippling debt.

Jordan and Alex have an incredible story to share. Abandoned by conventional money-making tactics, they slowly accumulated a debt that would plague them for life. In comes I Love Real Estate, and the opportunity to learn of a way to finally achieve economic freedom. Michael joins Jordan and Alex and they take us through exactly […]
10/18/20221 hour, 6 minutes, 38 seconds
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Shock sale shows how hot market actually is

The market is hotter than most people think. There was some chat in the press this week about a surprise sale in Melbourne. Basically, the property, completely unrenovated, sold for $1.1m over the reserve! Nice. It was a three-bedroom house on 427 square metres at 1 Nyora Street, Malvern East, Victoria. Here’s a picture: Pretty […]
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T-Bomb: How to be really radical

Truth Bomb Tuesday: Don’t let the dishes hold you back from happy. “The dishes are never done.” There are two types of people in the world. The first hear a statement like this and tumble into depression. The other hear this and feel liberated into joy. (Ok, maybe I’m overselling it a bit.) But the […]
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T-Bomb: How to be desire-driven

Truth Bomb Tuesday: There’s two ways of moving. But they’re really just two sides of the same coin. There’s something hiding behind every fear you have. It’s the desire for something beautiful. Fears don’t exist in a vacuum. We’re not afraid of things for their own sake. It’s about what we stand to lose if […]
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The cure to “busy mum syndrome”? Become a self made millionaire.

I’m sharing a sucess story from a personal student of mine. Mary was down with a bad case of “busy mum sundrome”. Taking care of a family had taken over her entire life. And as fulfilling as that can be, it was equally dominant on her time. In comes I Love Real Estate, and a […]
10/1/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 46 seconds
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The problem with a four-day work week

There’s a push to move to a four-day work week. But a big problem still remains. There was news last week that some Australian companies have started moving to a 4-day work week as part of a global experiment. Employees from some Australian companies are now working four-day weeks with no cut to their pay. […]
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T-Bomb: What you get wrong about emergencies

Truth Bomb Tuesday: We were actively designed to be irrational about threats like this. I was trading messages with a friend of mine. She lives in the hills outside Byron Bay. They had some epic floods earlier in the year, and last week they got quite a bit of rain. Around 2 a.m on Friday […]
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A dozen deals done. No money down?

Today I’m sharing a story from one of my personal coaching and mentoring students. His name is Mark Schneider. Average bloke, or so he seems at first. But just below the suface lies an incredible story. From ill-fated buinsess owner to successful property investor, Mark’s taken huge strides not just financially, but within his own […]
9/23/20221 hour, 11 minutes, 54 seconds
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What happens when the hiding ends

How much are you ever going to achieve if your first instinct is to hide? Something happens when you decide to stop hiding. Once you decide to stop being a shrinking violet – once you stop being terrified of being judged and being judged to be not good enough there’s a magic that starts unfurling […]
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T-Bomb: How to make happiness stay

Truth Bomb Tuesday: Happiness is hard to find and even harder to hold. Have a guess. How much happiness do you think you can handle at time? 3 hours? 8 hours? 12 hours? Nup. Scientists have measured it. Want to know how much happiness the average person can handle? 4 seconds. That’s it. Maybe if […]
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Could a debt crisis happen here?

Sri Lanka is in real trouble. It can’t happen here. So a student asked me the other day if I thought that the economic crisis playing out in Sri Lanka right now could happen here. The very short answer is no. Zero chance. Things are tough in Sri Lanka right now. The economy is collapsing. […]
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T-Bomb: Do you have one of ‘the three wealth curses’?

Truth Bomb Tuesday: Don’t have what it takes? That might be a blessing. When I first started out on my journey as a property investor, I was a bit bitter about how far back in the pack I was starting. I was a single mum, running a struggling business. I had barely two-cents to rub […]
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Proof: No-money strategies work

No-money-down strategies work. Here’s proof. People often ask me if it’s possible to make money in real estate if you’re starting with nothing. It is. 100%. Now I could give you lots of examples from students that I’ve worked with personally, but I thought this CEO profile from the AFR is a great example of […]
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T-Bomb: Why I don’t want to be remembered

Truth Bomb Tuesday: If your motivation is a eulogy, you’ll never get far. “After you die, how do you want to be remembered?” I was filling out some interview questions for a glossy magazine a while ago. They were doing a special on ‘Women in Business’ and they were giving me a run. The questions […]
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Video: Are Unit Investors About to Catch a Break?

Signs are looking good for anyone who’s investing in units right now… Units struggled to see much demand over the pandemic, but as things shift back into place, we might see demand rising VERY soon… Here’s everything I’m diving into this week. Why prices are rising at the fastest pace since the 1990’s,…Although the worst […]
8/22/202232 minutes, 2 seconds
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“Put the bosses in Hi-Vis!” – Qantas

How Qantas wasted our money I caught up with an Aussie couple the other day. (I am currently fulfilling a life long dream to sail around Europe. I’m writing this from the boat in a fjord in Norway!) Anyway, this couple was telling me about how rough their international flight legs had been. I asked […]
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T-Bomb: Why do we fear what we love?

Truth Bomb Tuesday: Are we hard-wired to fear the things we love? Humans are pretty strange creatures. We are a mess of contradictions and competing drives. How we get anything done amazes me. And the more I work with people (and I mean really work with people – getting past spreadsheets and feasibility studies into […]
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Video: How to Buy Property with a Bushel of Wheat!

Are people calling wheat the new brown gold? Well no, not really. But there’s more to this story than meets the eye… Here’s what else I’m talking about. The why US dollar dominance is under threat,…But it still has no known predators. Where in the world you can use wheat and garlic as a deposit,…But […]
8/11/202219 minutes, 47 seconds
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T-Bomb: The 100 coffees theory of emotions

Truth Bomb Tuesday: Emotions aren’t scary. Dosages are scary. I was talking to a friend recently, an older friend, who had just lost her husband. And she was saying something like she just can’t face the grief. The grief is too much. And it got me thinking, it’s not the grief that’s too much, it’s […]
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Has inflation already peaked?

The inflation data is hot, but I don’t think its getting hotter. So there’s an awful lot swinging on what inflation does right now. Not only is inflation eating into household budgets, it’s what’s prompted the RBA to go on the most aggressive rate hiking campaign in history. (Though to be strictly accurate, it’s the […]
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Pirates. Stars. Success. Former Refugee Creates $3M In Just Three Years.

“If I can, you can. I really believe this. You can only improve. Take action, make yourself uncomfortable. There are always people to help.”
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Video: Want to save $10k a year? Stay home!

As if working from home didn’t have enough benefits… Reportedly Aussies are saving up to $10k a year just by staying home instead of heading in the work. But bosses are management want to take that away from people, and get them back in the office. Obviously, workers are pushing back. Other than that, here’s […]
8/1/202219 minutes, 48 seconds
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T-Bomb: Why investors shouldn’t trust intuition

Truth Bomb Tuesday: I use my intuition. You shouldn’t. “Listen Dymphna, I’ve just got a good feeling about it.” “No you don’t. You just think it looks cute.” We were looking a potential investment for Jenny. To me, the numbers weren’t stacking up. It was an older house, and it looked like it needed a […]