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How To Pray By Radio Maria England

English, Religion, 2021 seasons, 15 episodes, 2 hours, 37 minutes
This little book How to Pray by David Torkington, was published by Our Sunday Visitor. It was written for those who are prepared to restructure their daily lives to make time for the prayer where they can be transformed by the love that only God can give. How to pray has been created by David Torkington who is also the narrator. The music, Jesu Joy of Man’s Desiring (Bach), is played by Catholic concert pianist, Vincent Billington. How to Pray was produced and edited by Bobbie Torkington
Episode Artwork

How to Pray - episode 15

How to Pray, Episode 15: The Only Way to Perfection – For apart from me you can do nothing. Jesus Christ (John 15:5) – Epilogue
10/27/202112 minutes, 9 seconds
Episode Artwork

How to Pray - episode 14

How to Pray, Episode 14: Purifying Love – The Dark Night is an inflow of God into the soul, purging it of its habitual ignorances and imperfections. Saint John of the Cross Waiting on God – Waiting alone in the semi-darkness for God to do whatever He pleases, sums up what it means to follow Christ. Sister Wendy Beckett Experiencing being Loved – You can do more in a month with contemplation than in ten years without it. Père Lallement
10/27/20219 minutes, 11 seconds
Episode Artwork

How to Pray - episode 13

How to Pray, Episode 13: From Meditation to Contemplation – He does not know what is the matter, all at once God has retired to a distance. It is absolutely impossible to move the heart. He remains cold, frozen. Père Gabriel de Ste Marie-Madeleine The Mystic Way – A naked intention directed to God, and himself alone, is wholly sufficient. The Cloud of Unknowing The Prayer of the Heart – I called with my whole heart, says the Psalmist, that is, with my body, soul, and spirit. Saint John Climacus
10/27/202110 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

How to Pray - episode 12

How to Pray, Episode 12: Childlike simplicity – Unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Jesus Christ (Matthew 18:3) Asceticism for All – First seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things shall be yours as well. Jesus Christ (Matthew 6:33) The Sacrament of the Present Moment – The present moment is always full of infinite treasures. It contains far more than you have the capacity to hold. Jean-Pierre de Caussade
10/27/20219 minutes, 9 seconds
Episode Artwork

How to Pray - episode 11

How to Pray, Episode 11: The Prayer Without Ceasing – He “prays without ceasing” who unites prayer to works and good works to prayer. Only in this way can we consider as realizable the principle of praying without ceasing. Origen True Humility – When you stop falling you are in heaven, but when you stop getting up you are in hell. Peter Calvay (Hermit) The Impossible Made Possible – With love you may bring your heart to do whatsoever you may please. The hardest things become easy and pleasant, but without love you will find anything not only difficult but also impossible. John of Bonilla
10/27/20219 minutes, 17 seconds
Episode Artwork

How to Pray - episode 10

How to Pray, Episode 10: An overarching principle – Pray as you can, not as you can’t. Dom John Chapman The Essence of All Prayer – Prayer is trying to raise our minds and hearts to God. Cardinal Basil Hume Pray at All Times – We have not been commanded to work, to keep watch and fast constantly, but it has been laid down that we are to pray without ceasing. Evagrius Ponticus
10/27/20218 minutes, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork

How to Pray episode 9

How to Pray, Episode 9: Traditional Devotions – Anything that helps to raise the heart to God is Prayer. Saint Francis de Sales. The Rosary – The Rosary is a school of silent contemplation and has an intimate connection to the Word of God. Benedict XVI The Sacred Heart – In the New Testament the heart is the source of the divine operations which transform the Christian. John L. McKenzie 10
10/27/20219 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork

How to Pray - Episode 8

How to Pray, Episode 8: The Beginning of Contemplation – Contemplatio (Contemplation) ‘Contemplate and share the fruits of contemplation with others’, Saint Thomas Aquinas. Glorified Love – ‘As the Risen Christ is a true man and the same man that He was, both in body as well as in soul before the Resurrection, so He has still the same human affections now’, Thomas Goodwin. Food for Prayer – ‘It is not only the scriptures, but anything inspired by them, that can inspire us with the prayer that leads to contemplative union’, Francisco de Osuna
10/27/202110 minutes, 28 seconds