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Her Fight Club

English, Christianity, 1 season, 29 episodes, 11 hours, 13 minutes
A space to bring all the hard and messy parts of this life, but leave feeling less alone, encouraged, and empowered to face life's battles. Her Fight Club exists so you know that God, His Word, and a community of women are fighting for you! In God's Power, let's fight to claim TRUTH for ourselves and all the HERS in our life!
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Flip the Script | I am alone and no one understands.

Welcome to the summer series, Flip the Script. Please welcome our sixth guest of the series, Jennifer White. In this episode, she flips the script, "I am alone and no one understands". She shares her journey of facing very difficult, unexpected, and unique circumstances that led her to many seasons of wrestling with this lie of feeling alone and like no one could understand what she was facing. Even though her circumstances were unique to her, this lie is very prevalent in our world. She shares how through the darkness of her struggle, God met her and gave her a new perspective on her suffering. Press play to learn how God interrupted this lie and taught her to flip this script and renew her mind back to His truth. To follow more of her story, you can find her on instagram at @jenn_white_tn. Also, check out the show notes below for all the details on our Summer Collection Launch! 👇🏼
7/13/2021 • 16 minutes, 37 seconds
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Flip the Script | My husband will never change.

Welcome to the summer series, Flip the Script. Please welcome our fifth guest of the season, Jessica Laughter. In this episode, she flips the script, "my husband will never change". She shares her journey of how through a very difficult season of marriage this script took root in her heart, but how God began to write a new script in her heart. Press play to learn how God interrupted this lie and taught her to flip this script and renew her mind back to His truth. To follow more of her story, you can find her on instagram at @jessica_laughter.
7/6/2021 • 12 minutes, 24 seconds
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Flip the Script | God hates me.

Welcome to the summer series, Flip the Script. Please welcome our fourth guest of the season, Abby Rike Rockenbaugh. In this episode, she flips the script, "God hates me". She shares her journey of the devastating loss of her family, and how as she walked through immense grief, she went through a season of running from the Father’s will. This is when the enemy began to whisper this lie into her mind. As this script began to take root, it launched her on a new journey of rebuilding and re-shaping how she believed God viewed her as His daughter. Press play to learn how God interrupted this lie and taught her to flip this script and renew her mind back to His truth. To follow more of her story, you can find her on instagram at @abbyrike.
6/30/2021 • 15 minutes, 6 seconds
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Flip the Script | I'm not enough.

Welcome to the summer series, Flip the Script. Please welcome our third guest of the season, Paula Crossland. In this episode, she flips the script, "I'm not enough". She shares how the enemy whispered this script to her as she walked through a difficult divorce and as she has had to navigate her journey of being a single mom. Press play to learn how God has taught her to flip this script and renew her mind back to His truth. To follow more of her story, you can find her on instagram at pacrossland.
6/22/2021 • 8 minutes, 3 seconds
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Flip the Script | God has forgotten me.

Welcome to the summer series, Flip the Script. Please welcome our second guest of the season, Julie Mustakas. In this episode, she flips the script, "God has forgotten me". She shares how this script crept in during a dark season she battled, and how she had to learn to fight for her mind in new ways. Press play to learn how God helped her to learn to flip this script and renew her mind back to His truth. To follow more of her story, you can find her on instagram at jmustakas.
6/16/2021 • 16 minutes, 8 seconds
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Flip the Script | The "What ifs" are bigger than who He is.

Welcome to the summer series, Flip the Script. We are so excited to welcome our first guest of the summer Bria Slaughter. She has a unique journey of being a military spouse of almost 23 years and a mom to two beautiful children. In this episode she shares her story of Flipping the Script of how the "What ifs" of life can seem bigger than God is. Her story is powerful, and we hope it helps you flip the script in your own life to whatever "what if's" the enemy is throwing at you today. To follow more of her story, you can check Bria out at @briaslaughter on Instagram.
6/11/2021 • 9 minutes, 30 seconds
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FLIP the SCRIPT- Summer Series!

Welcome to season two on the podcast. Season two will include a summer series coming out this week. As the summer time can be very busy for families, Jenni decided to change things up a little and bring on some friends to share some powerful testimonies through short monologues. Press play to hear what these monologues will be all about, and why were calling this series, "Flip the Script".
6/7/2021 • 15 minutes, 21 seconds
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When Forgiveness Feels Impossible | Scripture

In this episode, Jenni shares scripture to battle through choosing forgiveness when our feelings are screaming the exact opposite. Both for the one who was deeply wounded and the one who inflicted the hurt, because one needs to offer forgiveness to someone else and the other needs to believe they are forgiven by God. We hope this episode empowers you to renew your mind as you navigate the difficult journey of forgiveness. Let's submit our feelings and pain to the supernatural power of God's Word.
5/11/2021 • 7 minutes, 33 seconds
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When Forgiveness Feels Impossible

In this episode, Jenni's husband, Andrew Bolton sits down with Jenni and her dad, Tony Jessee to discuss their journey of forgiveness. Thirteen years ago, Tony had an affair on his wife and chose to leave their family, and it sent Jenni on a very long journey of navigating forgiveness. They share the impact of this decision, the ups and downs of reconciling and rebuilding their relationship, and how they were able to with God's power chose forgiveness, both as the one who inflicted the hurt and the one who received the hurt. Bitterness and holding onto the pain of how people have wronged us eventually chokes us out too, and the enemy wants us to stay here so we don't step into all God has for us. This is why forgiveness is such a big deal, because it frees us from the power the person who hurt us has over us and protects us from the enemy ways of keeping us in bondage. We reference Lisa Terkeurst's new book, "Forgiving What You Can't Forget" many times because it is such a power house resource for all things forgiveness. She spent a thousand hours researching forgiveness in the Bible, and breaks it down so beautifully in this book. You can get a copy anywhere books are sold, and we are going to give away a copy this week on Instagram @herfightclub. The most powerful truth in forgiveness is that regardless if the person who hurt you choses reconciliation, you can still experience redemption through Jesus. You are not alone in all of the pain, heartache, guilt, and shame today. We hope this episode leaves you feeling seen in all your pain, and empowers you to look to God's Word on your journey to forgiveness in God's Power.
5/11/2021 • 1 hour, 2 seconds
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Hope In The Darkness Prayer

In this episode Jenni spends a moment praying for anyone who feels lost in the the darkness.
4/2/2021 • 3 minutes, 29 seconds
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Hope In The Darkness

We have all been through seasons where we feel like all hope is lost, but today for many reasons we have hope in the darkness. Today is Good Friday of Easter weekend, and Jenni has a message for us on Hope in the Darkness.
4/2/2021 • 31 minutes, 45 seconds
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Jenni sits down with Amy Moore to discuss her three year battle with infertility. She shares all the ups and downs of the journey, and how it brought her to a place of deep grief. She shares the daily emotions and lies that manifested themselves through the grief. They both break down the comparison trap in this journey and how to set boundaries to protect our minds. Amy shares how she fought through the pain and grief through God's Word, silence, full surrender, and dependance on God. She also gives wisdom on how to support those walking through the battle of infertility. Lastly, she empowers each woman walking this journey with encouragement to keep persevering and trusting God through the pain. We hope this episode encourages each person facing this battle with hope and truth to take into this battle.
2/22/2021 • 43 minutes, 29 seconds
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Miscarriage & Infertility | Scripture |

In this episode, Jenni shares scripture to battle through the loss of miscarriage and infertility. God’s Word is alive and powerful to bring peace to our minds, comfort our broken hearts, and lift us out of our temporary pain into an eternal mindset that breathes hope into our darkest moments.
2/8/2021 • 5 minutes, 26 seconds
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In this episode, Jenni sits down with Kristen Crew where they both get vulnerable and share their personal journeys through the loss of miscarriage. They discuss how they grieved through it and how it affected their families. They break down how it impacted their relationship with God, the lies it surfaced in their minds, and the questions they wrestled with. They talk about how it ok to not be ok, but share tools to fight back in the pain so we don’t live in despair. They discuss how this loss is a trauma and how that impacts our minds and bodies and the triggers we experience around loss. They share specific scriptures to battle with, and how God brings purpose to pain. Lastly, they share ways loved ones can support those battling this loss. They hope this conversation leaves you feeling encouraged, comforted, and hopeful through your loss.
2/8/2021 • 1 hour, 1 minute, 50 seconds
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Mom Guilt | Scripture |

This episode is a short reading of scripture to help battle mom guilt. Jenni attacks many lies that guilt tries to tell us in motherhood with scriptures to intentionally fight back to combat each lie. A few lies include: you're a failure a a mom, you're a weak mom, you're an angry mom, you're not as good as other moms, you're kids will turn bad because of you. God's Word is alive and active, and has the power to transform our minds and bring us peace and healing like nothing else in this life can. This episode will leave you empowered by the power of God's Word.
1/26/2021 • 8 minutes, 44 seconds
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Mom Guilt

In this episode, Jenni sits down with Lacey Jervis and they get very real about all the ways that mom guilt plagues thier minds in motherhood and how it impacts their behavior and the narratives they tell themselves. They discuss ways they have learned to fight back against all these voices of guilt and lies in their head and daily fight to walk in the freedom God offers them.
1/26/2021 • 1 hour, 8 minutes, 34 seconds
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New Year Series: How to Fight + Win the Battles in our Mind

In this episode, Jenni breaks down the importance of stewarding our mind. She discuss why we should fight for our minds, who we are fighting against, and how we can practically fight and win the battles in our mind everyday through a tangible resource that helps us dwell on the power of God's Truth.
1/15/2021 • 21 minutes, 52 seconds
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New Year Series: Reflect + Dream Session

In this Episode, Jenni shares the importance of taking time to pause in Gods presence and provides a resource that will help listeners pray through some critical questions that will help them reflect on their spiritual journey and dream for all God has for them in 2021.
1/15/2021 • 12 minutes, 58 seconds
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Doubting your salvation | Scripture |

This episode is a short reading of scripture to battle thoughts of doubting your salvation. God's Word is alive and active, and has the power to transform our minds and bring us peace and healing like nothing else in this life can. This episode is a short reading of scripture to do just that.
12/22/2020 • 5 minutes, 22 seconds
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Doubting Your Salvation

Jenni sits down with Jenna Landers to discuss her battle with doubting her salvation, and how she learned to fight back and claim God's Truth and form a biblical foundation to fight against the voices of doubt that threatened to paralyze her faith.
12/22/2020 • 25 minutes, 54 seconds
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Battling Anxiety | Scripture |

This episode is a short reading of scripture to battle thoughts of anxiety. God's Word is alive and active, and has the power to transform our minds and bring us peace and healing like nothing else in this life can. This episode is a short reading of scripture to do just that.
12/7/2020 • 4 minutes, 21 seconds
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Battling Anxiety

In this episode, Jenni sits down with Adrian Johnson to to talk about her battle with anxiety and how she learned to fight back and find freedom through God's Presence, Scripture, and other life lines. She shares the hard and messy parts of this journey, but how Jesus met her in it and shaped her faith in ways she would have never imagined.
12/7/2020 • 47 minutes, 46 seconds
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Grief | Loss of a child | Scripture |

This episode is a short reading of scripture to battle loss and grief. God's Word is alive and active, and has the power to transform our minds and bring us peace and healing like nothing else in this life can. This episode is a short reading of scripture to do just that. I pray it brings you peace, comfort, and hope today.
11/30/2020 • 5 minutes, 46 seconds
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Grief | Loss of a child |

In this episode Jenni sits down with DeeAnna Midgett to discuss her journey with grief after the loss of her son, Coleman. She shares all the ups and downs of the emotional roller coaster of grief and how God's grace has carried her family every step of the way.
11/30/2020 • 1 hour, 2 minutes, 23 seconds
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Depression and Suicide | Scripture |

This episode is a short reading of scripture to battle thoughts of depression and believing the lie, "The battle can never be won". God's Word is alive and active, and has the power to transform our minds and bring us peace and healing like nothing else in this life can. This episode is a short reading of scripture to do just that.
11/23/2020 • 5 minutes, 10 seconds
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Depression and Suicide

In this episode, Jenni sits down with Amber Warren to have a raw and real conversation around the battle of depression and suicide, and how to fight back both physically and spiritually.
11/23/2020 • 43 minutes, 48 seconds
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I'm Not Good Enough | Scripture |

This episode is a short reading of scripture to battle the lie, "I'm not good enough". God's Word is alive and active, and has the power to transform our minds and bring us peace and healing like nothing else in this life can. This episode is a short reading of scripture to do just that.
11/23/2020 • 4 minutes, 37 seconds
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I'm Not Good Enough

In this episode, Andrew & Jenni have a conversation around battling the lie, "I'm not good enough", and how to fight back and claim God's Truth.
11/23/2020 • 36 minutes, 49 seconds
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Welcome to Her Fight Club! (Intro)

Hey friends! Welcome to Her Fight Club! In this first episode I wanted to do a little introduction on me and my family and the purpose behind Her Fight Club! Hope this episode reminds you that whatever lies your believing, struggles your facing, or hard season of life your in, YOUR NOT ALONE! God, His Word, and a community of women are fighting for you! Check back on Monday, November 23rd to catch the first official episodes as we dive into more mental battles that we all face and how In Gods power we can CLAIM TRUTH in our darkest moments!
11/14/2020 • 13 minutes, 3 seconds