At the height of the Vietnam War, a government insider named Daniel Ellsberg leaked 7,000 pages of classified documents to American newspapers. The Pentagon Papers revealed that Americans had been lied to for decades about the war. Fifty years later, Ellsberg reveals his evolution from Cold Warrior to Whistleblower in the GroundTruth Podcast series The Whistleblower: Truth, Dissent and the Legacy of Daniel Ellsberg. Based at GBH in Boston, the award-winning GroundTruth Podcast has covered global affairs from the War in Afghanistan (https://thegroundtruthproject.org/projects/foreverstan/) to rising populist nationalism (https://thegroundtruthproject.org/democracy-undone-signs-of-authoritarianism/) through shoe-leather, on-the-ground (https://thegroundtruthproject.org/projects/on-the-ground/) reporting.