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Future Quake Podcast Profile

Future Quake Podcast

English, Political, 1 season, 193 episodes, 3 days, 11 hours, 11 minutes
Future Quake is a two hour, intelligent interview and talk show that intends to eduate it listeners, and even sometimes warn them, about issues that could negatively impact them if they are not informed, and prepared properly. We cover all aspects of societal concerns, including developments in technology, medicine and health, transportation, economics, a little politics, social and particularly spiritual issues, from a Biblical, Christian world view and mindset. While we cover very weighty and serious topics, we try to keep the discussion humorous and light with our bizarre senses of humor, and with copious additions of irony, in all but the most serious of topics. This show is a streamlined version of the daily "Future Quake" radio show aired weekly on WENO, AM 760 in Nashville, TN, with this show archived at (older shows are also available there). The podcast comprises an approximate 90 minute interview with newsmakers on a weekly topic (with prior guests such as Alvin Toffler, author of "Future Shock", Sheriff Joe Arpaio (America's Toughest Sheriff), Dr. Chuck Baldwin (2008 Presidential nominee of the U.S. Constitution Party), as well as new voices that listeners should be aware of), followed by Tomorrow's Tremors, or "Today's Review of The Future's News", with a discussion between the hosts regarding compelling recent news wire stories that might otherwise be overlooked by listeners, but with information that could impact them in the future.
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FQ 300 2-10-2012 300th Episode Future Quake Finale Extravaganza (

300th Episode Future Quake Finale Extravaganza
2/10/20125 hours, 39 minutes, 31 seconds
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FQ 299 2-3-2012 - Tomorrow's Tremors (

Israeli City Braces for Thousands of Protestors Against Exclusion of Women, NAR Founder C. Peter Wagner Honored by Delaware Legislature, The Capitol Architect Who Wanted to Reanimate Washington's Dead Body, Gen. Boykin Claims North Carolina Terror Ring Plotted to Capture,Torture Him, Technocrats Believe Pregnancy is Unethical, Propose Bio-Hatcheries, Soldiers Reduced in Defense Budget, Big Increase in Drones, UK Paratroopers Being Trained for Domestic Riot Control
2/3/20122 hours, 6 minutes, 48 seconds
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FQ 298 1-27-2012 - Tomorrow's Tremors (

Psychopaths Common in Organizational Leadership, Ex-Israeli Intelligence Officer: "Pearl Harbor"-Style Attack Will Be Pretext for War on Iran, Rick Santorum - "Eradicate" Muslims, Friend: Deceased Senator Wellstone Knew 9-11 Was Staged, Rise of the State of Judea, C. Peter Wagner and Apostles' "Operation Queen's Palace" Against "Queen of Heaven" on Mount Everest, Mass Graves in Chicago, Liberian Leader Charles Taylor a CIA Asset, Vaccines Now Mandatory, Romney, Bain Capital and Death Squads in El Salvador
1/27/20121 hour, 51 minutes, 9 seconds
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FQ 297 1-20-2012 - Tomorrow's Tremors (

"Open Letter To His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI" Muslim Document, "A Common Word Between Us and You" Muslim Document, "A Christian Response to 'A Common Word Between Us and You'" Document, Influential Evangelicals Withdraw From Christian-Muslim Statement, Bruce Thorton - "Christian Leaders Abase Themselves Before Islam", Eric Barger Can't Sign "A Christian Response to a Common Word", Greece Defaults, TSA Official Gets Slap on the Wrist For Stealing $40,000, DHS Scans Us to Death, Schools Become Prison States, Mossad Poses As The CIA
1/20/20122 hours, 29 minutes, 44 seconds
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FQ 296 1-13-2012 Martin Brooks, Midwest Regional Director, Peace Catalyst International (

An American Evangelical Reality Check
1/13/20122 hours, 49 minutes, 38 seconds
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FQ 295 1-6-2012 Robert Heid, Mike Shedlock (Mish), William Grigg, Peter Goodgame

Seventh Annual Future Quake "Predictions" Show
1/6/20123 hours, 25 minutes, 7 seconds
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FQ 294 12-30-2011 Thomas Fusco, Author, "Behind The Cosmic Veil - A New Vision of Reality Merging Science, The Supernatural and The Paranormal"

A New Theory Uniting The Physical, Spiritual and Paranormal
12/30/20112 hours, 6 minutes, 19 seconds
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FQ 293 12-23-2011 John Sparks, Engineer, Mathematician, Instructor, Author, Poet - "One Small Thought - Poems From Ohio"

A Thinking Christian's Journey of Faith
12/23/20112 hours, 28 minutes, 31 seconds
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FQ 292 12-16-2011 - Tomorrow's Tremors (

Ark of Covenant 'To Be Revealed' After Leaking Roof in Ethiopian Chapel, Historical Use of Religious Miracles and Phenomena by Government (Nick Redfern), US Special Forces Mass on Syrian Border, Fear, Speculation in Iran Over Military Strike, Former "Seasteaders" Come Ashore To Start Libertarian Utopias In Honduran Jungle, Verizon Apologizes For Bogus Emergency Text Message Sent To NJ Residents, Widespread Orthodox Jew Pedophilia Scandal, Bizarre Court Claim for $1 Trillion by Illuminati Groups, Gingrich Promises Personal Fidelity (In a Way), North Carolina and The Legacy of Forced Sterilizations, "Crowd-Turfing" Is Bigger Than First Thought, Inside a Romanian/US Rendition Prison
12/16/20112 hours, 2 minutes, 24 seconds
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FQ 291 12-9-2011 - Tomorrow's Tremors (

Israel and Syria Brace for Regional War Between Mid-Dec 2001 and Mid-Jan 2012, Republicans and Israel: Too Much Love Can Kill You (Israeli "Haaretz"), Evangelicals Flocking Toward Newt Gingrich, Former Mossad Chief: Israeli Attack on Iran Must Be Stopped to Avert Catastrophe, Recent Charges of Sexual Abuse of Children in Hollywood Just Tip of Iceberg, Experts Say, When Sterilization Becomes Genocide: Peruvian, American, International Eugenics, CIA: Americans Not Immune If They Act Against US, DEA Launders Drug Money for Cartels, Psychologist Wants To Drug The Water of the Irish, The Concept of "Clawback", Mysterious "Freedom Group" Owns Gun Cartel
12/9/20112 hours, 12 minutes, 47 seconds
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FQ 290 12-2-2011 Judd H. Burton, Ph.D, Historian, Anthropologist, Author, "Interview With The Giant" (,

The Shadow of Pagan Worship Over the World's Destiny
12/2/20111 hour, 48 minutes, 57 seconds
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FQ 289 11-25-2011 - Tomorrow's Tremors (

Fake Terror Plots, Paid Informants: The Tactics of FBI 'Entrapment' Questioned, Secrets of Skull and Bones Blown Wide Open, Israel Shuts Down Dovish Radio Station, The Goldman Sachs Goodfellas, Jewish Prophecy Suggests Messiah May Be Coming Soon, 27 Reasons Why Newt Gingrich Would Be A Really, Really Bad President, The Bankers Strategy to Strike Back to Occupy Wall Street, The Goldman Sachs "Project", Fox News, Other Cable News Media Makes Viewers Less Informed, According to Tests, Current Quotations on the Imminent Worldwide Financial Collapse, Threat of IQ Carrier in Our Own Phones
11/25/20112 hours, 11 minutes, 6 seconds
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FQ 288 11-18-2011 - Tomorrow's Tremors (

Iran Will Have Five Nukes by April 2012, Only 2-3 Months Left For Military Option, Oil Executive: Military-Style 'Psy Ops' Experience Applied, Dennis Cuddy: A "Bold New World" and "Forces Too Powerful", Part 2 (Military Psy Ops Infiltration of Major Foundations), Sandusky Part of Illuminati Pedophile Network, Does Herman Cain Have A $40 Million Problem One That Could, As They Say, Come Out?, Nuke Agency Reports Unusual Radiation in Europe, Why Is China Building These Gigantic Structures In The Middle of The Desert?, Rick Warren Addresses Rumors He Supports Chrislam, CIA Doing Secret Operations in Iran, Mario Monti, "The Shill", The Gates Are Open - In Prison, China's Bankrupt!, Spying On the Citizens
11/18/20112 hours, 3 minutes, 2 seconds
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FQ 287 11-11-2011 Joel Veldt, President, "Twelve Baskets" Missionary Support Ministry

An Example Of God's Unique Work in Unconventional Missions
11/11/20112 hours, 6 minutes, 27 seconds
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FQ 286 11-04-2011 - Tomorrow's Tremors (

Cain Spent $1 Million to Run Racist "Snuff MY Own Seed" Ads, Iowa Radio Host Accuses Herman Cain of "Inappropriate" Remarks, Nationwide Emrgency Alert Test Set for Nov 9, Porter Warns Alert System Will Put Freedom At Risk, Israel Tests New Nuclear-capable Missile, Ends Joint Air Exercise with Italy, Starts Missile Drill, Marijuana is High on Americans' Issue List, Justice Department Proposes Letting Government Deny Existence of Sensitive Documents, Police Can Give False Information Under Oath, NYPD Monitors Name Changes of Muslims, "System D" Economy, Metropolitan Police Use Phone Surveillance, U.S. Government Glossed Over Cancer Concerns As It Rolled Out Airport Scanners, Christian Theologian N.T. Wright on American Exceptionalism
11/4/20112 hours, 3 minutes, 2 seconds
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FQ 285 10-28-2011 David W. Lowe, Author, "Deconstructing Lucifer - Re-Examining the Ancient Origins of the Fallen Angel of Light" (,

The Myth of Lucifer, and the True Biblical Nature of Satan
10/28/20111 hour, 48 minutes, 57 seconds
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FQ 284 10-21-2011 - Tomorrow's Tremors (

Used Car Salesman as Iran Proxy Doesn't Add Up, NY Times Sues Federal Govt. To Reveal Secret Enforcement of Patriot Act, Wallnau: Don't Say Dominionism" - At Least Not In Front of the Media, Preachers Gone Wild: Criminals in the Pulpit, Assassination Plot Was Pushed by DEA Informant, Kurt Haskell Says He will Sue Feds in Underwear Bomber Case, The Science of Propaganda, Louisiana Bans Cash Transactions, Military Responsible for Cattle Mutilations, Pentagon Can't Balance Its Books
10/21/20111 hour, 34 minutes, 56 seconds
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FQ 283 10-14-2011 - Tomorrow's Tremors (

Donna Garner Conservative Blog - Accuses Ron Paul Supporters of Stuffing Ballot Box, NATO Preps for New War, Al-Qaida Calls on Ahmadinejad To End 9-11 Conspiracy Theories, Shaking Up Earthquake Science (Local Ionosphere Warming Noted by NASA), The Amazing Story of Michael Brassington, Computer Viruses Now in Drones, Eighteen Examples of How Christians Are Specifically Being Targeted by Big Brother
10/14/20111 hour, 59 minutes, 41 seconds
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FQ 282 10-07-2011 Tomorrow's Tremors - Recorded 1/2011 (

Tomorrow's Tremors (recorded 1/2011)
10/7/20111 hour, 23 minutes, 46 seconds
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FQ 281 09-30-2011 Tim Ormond, Producer and Editor, "If Footmen Tire You", "The Burning Hell" Christian Films (

The Impact and Legacy of Cutting Edge, "Godsploitation" Cinema in Society
9/30/20112 hours, 17 minutes, 17 seconds
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FQ 280 9-23-2011 - Tomorrow's Tremors, With Guest Commentator: Co-host Emeritus "Emmitt" (

Todd Palin Will File From Divorce, Tell Sarah White House Dream Is Over, Singer Tony Bennett Says We Caused 911 Attacks, Joni Eareckson Tada Dismayed by Robertson's Alzheimer's Remarks, Israel Announces "Jewish News 1" Broadcast Alternative to Al-Jazeera, Holy Land Clerics Bless Palestinian UN Bid, Lloyds of London Sues Saudi Arabia for 911 Attacks, Drone Bases Around The World, Drone Wars of The Future, U.S. Government Keeps Public Cell Phone Tracking Device Secret, A Christian House Divided - A Look At the Israel-Palestine Debate
9/23/20111 hour, 57 minutes, 39 seconds
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FQ 279 09-16-2011 Robert Heid, Editor, The "Sycamore Three" Blog (

Thoughtful Voices Reflect On The Decade Since 911
9/16/20112 hours, 17 minutes, 17 seconds
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FQ 278 9-9-2011 - Tomorrow's Tremors (

Pew Poll - Muslim Americans Show No Growing Support For Extremism, Did the Use of Psychedelics Lead To A Computer Revolution?, New "Islamic Anti-Christ" Novel Series On The Way, Report: 42 Million Dollars from Seven Foundations Helped Fuel Rise of Islamophobia, Report: 33 Million in Charity Payments Went to CEO Jay Sekulow, Family, Court Convicts Galliano in Anti-Semitism Case, One in Seven Believe American Government Staged the 9/11 Attacks in Conspiracy, California Employment at Record Low 55.4 Percent as Fewer Women Find Jobs, Mexicans Get 30 Years For Tweeting, DOJ Criminalizes YouTubing Material They Don't Like, It Costs 50 Million to Kill Each Taliban, IKEA Company Used Slave Labor, Twenty Quotes From European Leaders: Proves They Know Financial System Is Doomed, CIA Helped Qaddafi
9/9/20111 hour, 57 minutes, 39 seconds
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FQ 277 9-2-2011 "Doubting Thomas", Andrew Hoffman, Author, "The New World Order and the Eugenics wars" (

An Inquiring Mind Seeks Answers to The State of The World
9/2/20112 hours, 27 minutes, 25 seconds
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FQ 276 8-26-2011 - Tomorrow's Tremors (

Libyan Draft Constitution - Sharia is 'Principle Source' of Laws, BBC Admits Role in 1953 Iranian Coup, Temple Institute Reveals First Blueprints for Portion of the Third Temple, Republican Voters Are Losing Their Appetite For War, Britain's Islamic Emirates Project, Goldman Sachs Official Changes Name, Becomes Cong. Issa's Staffer, Qaddafi's Son Found Wandering Around Tripoli, The Monied Elite and Corporations Now Proven to Control World, Shadowhawk Helicopter to Tase and Blast Civilians Randomly, Free Edgar Steele - No Consitutional Attorney-Client Privilege Anymore
8/26/20111 hour, 57 minutes, 39 seconds
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FQ 275 8-19-2011 - Tomorrow's Tremors (

Almost All AIPAC Lobby Funds From Two "Mega Donors", Author Alan Moore Talks About Future of Religion, Science, Paypal Billionaire Building Independent Floating Cities, "Facts" of Modern Warfare, State of World Debunked, Terror Watch List - No Recourse for Mistaken Victims, Russian Youth Camp - Putin Cult, Trillions More Lost by Pentagon
8/19/20112 hours, 1 minute, 32 seconds
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FQ 274 8-12-2011 - Tomorrow's Tremors (

A Secret War in 120 Countries - The Pentagon's New Power Elite, Explosive Jackie O Tapes Reveal Her Suspicion of LBJ in JFK Death, US Muslims More Tolerant, Opposed to Violence Than Other Faiths, Rawsome (organic food co-op in Cal) Indicted, Raided Again, US Defense Merchants Financing Both Sides of Somali War, Cheese Slave Website (organic creamsicle and other recipes), Future Quake South Africa Show Website
8/12/20111 hour, 47 minutes, 41 seconds
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FQ 273 08-05-2011 Ben Carmack, Editor, The "Ben Carmack" Blog (

The Faith and Destiny of the New Generation in America
8/5/20112 hours, 53 minutes, 35 seconds
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FQ 272 7-29-2011 Joe Bob Briggs (aka John Bloom), Author, Television Host, Columnist, Cinema Star, Editor - The Wittenburg Door (

The Need for "Village Idiots" and Free Thinkers in the Church
7/29/20112 hours, 13 minutes, 10 seconds
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FQ 271 7-22-2011 - Tomorrow's Tremors (

Baptist Leader Land Chides Cain on Mosque Ban Remarks, There's No Point Saving The World if We Don't Cherish What Makes The World Worth Saving, Evangelical Pastor in Iran May Face Death If He Doesn't Recant, Osiris' Body Possibly Found in Giza, USDA Doing Widespread Deregulation of GMO Food, Citizen Stands Up To Vegetable Garden Ban, Gould Ordinance
7/22/20112 hours, 13 minutes, 27 seconds
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Show 270 7-15-2011 Future Quake - Josh Kelley, Calvary Chapel at Rivergate, Tim Kilkenny, "Tim and Mike Show" (

Observations From Face-to-Face Ministry to Local Immigrants, Refugees and the Homeless
7/15/20112 hours, 22 minutes, 15 seconds
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Show 269 7-8-2011 Future Quake with Guest Panelist Emmitt - Tomorrow's Tremors (

Tomorrow's Tremors with Guest Panelist Emmitt - Why We Should Believe in American Exceptionalism, 20 Not So Good Categories the US Leads In, Pledge of Allegiance (Wikipedia), Bellamy Salute for Pledge (Wikipedia), Libertarian Party of Florida Calls for TSA Agents Arrests, Did The Treasury Dept. Strategically Default?, Japan's Rice and Radiation Contamination, Cars for Sterilization!
7/8/20112 hours, 11 minutes, 10 seconds
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Show 268 7-1-2011 Future Quake - Gov. Jesse Ventura, Author, "63 Documents the Government Doesn't Want You to Read" (

Bloody Documents - Cold, Hard Evidence of Govt. Crimes That Control Our World
7/1/20112 hours, 24 minutes, 6 seconds
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Show 267 6-24-2011 Future Quake - Tomorrow's Tremors (

Tomorrow's Tremors - Conservative Blogger Friedeman on Southern Baptist Discussion of Homophobia, Van Impe Abandons TBN in Clash Over Chrislam, 14 Reasons Why Rick Perry Would Be a Really Bad President, Fear Makes People Make Bad Decisions, Godspeed to Jerusalem Glenn Beck (Jerusalem Post), A "Sanity Check" on the Dangers of "Terror", Farmers With Security Clearances in Afghanistan, Mehserle Free While Arsonists in Jail
6/24/20112 hours, 10 minutes, 50 seconds
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Show 266 6-17-2011 Future Quake - Tomorrow's Tremors (

Tomorrow's Tremors - China Wants to Construct a 50 Square Mile Self-Sustaining City South of Boise, Idaho, Ofer Brother Group, Hasbara Fellowships, Public Diplomacy (Israel - Hasbara), James Woolsey's Former PR Agent Outlines "Anthony Weiner is a Muslim" Conspiracy Theory, Gay Men Kicked Out of Public Pool in Kentucky and Official Cites 'The Bible' As Reason, The Red Horse in Zechariah 1, Greek Parliament Preparing Literal "Tunnel" to Flee Citizens, New FBI Rules Eviscerate Fourth Amendment, The Largest Tax Fraud Scheme in History - the Iraq War, Sheriff in County Complains of Terrorism, Without Evidence
6/17/20111 hour, 59 minutes, 1 second
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Show 265 6-10-2011 Future Quake - Tomorrow's Tremors (

Tomorrow's Tremors - Global War on Drugs 'Has Failed' Say Former Leaders, Reagan and ET, Gov. Perry Partners With New Apostolic Reformation, British Royalty Dined on Human Flesh, Palin Followers Edit Wikipedia To Cover History Gaffe, Internet 'Junkies' Urged to 'Switch Off' and Think, 1/4 of US Hackers Work For Govt. Intelligence, Kids in Govt. Guardianship Wind Up In Brothels, North China Water Crisis, Goldman Sachs Fleeces Libya, Egyptian Bank Chairman has Sex Abuse Charges
6/10/20112 hours, 30 minutes, 11 seconds
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Show 264 6-3-2011 Future Quake - Sean Bonniwell, Founder and Leader, "The Music Machine", Author, "Beyond the Garage" (

A Sixties Rock "Icon" and His Harrowing Road to Christ
6/3/20111 hour, 50 minutes, 55 seconds
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Show 263 5-27-2011 Future Quake - Tomorrow's Tremors (

Tomorrow's Tremors - UAE Hires Blackwater Founder for Foreign Force, Blackwater's New Ethic Chief John Ashcroft, Ahmadinejad Allies Charged with Sorcery, Donald Trump's Prayer Meeting with Pastors, Demoted Liberty U. Professor Heads to Fundamentalist Texas College, 300 Religious Right Forming Its Own Spartan Army, Walid Shoebat Repudiates Mosab Hassan Yousef, Hassan Yousef and Former Shin Bet Handler Respond to Walid Shoebat, Disney Ride with Mock Security Checkpoint, Texas State Government Coverup About Radiation in Drinking Water, Dutch Pedophile Priest, TSA "Naked Body Scanner" Safety Tests Are Rigged, Belarus Devalues Currency by 56 Percent
5/27/20112 hours, 30 minutes, 11 seconds
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Show 262 5-20-2011 Future Quake - Tomorrow's Tremors (

Tomorrow's Tremors - "Tennessean" Newspaper Article on Financial Windfall For Sharia Fearmongers, Clarity on Sharia Definitions, Govt. Abuse of Legal System, Tennessee Town Legacy of Banning "Outsider" Religions, Circumstances Requiring Legal Resistance to Authorities (originally recorded Jan 2011)
5/20/20111 hour, 39 minutes, 59 seconds
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Show 261 5-13-2011 Future Quake - Mike Tatar, Jr., Founder, "Stop Sleep Paralysis" Ministry, Co-Host, "Verse by Verse with Mike and Chris" (,

"Operation Gladio": A Legacy of False Flag Terrorism
5/13/20112 hours, 5 minutes, 29 seconds
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Show 260 5-6-2011 Future Quake - Tomorrow's Tremors (

Tomorrow's Tremors - Drug War Duplicity by U.S., Military Drones Crop Dusting People, Car GPS Helping Police Speed Traps, Al-Qaida Assassin Worked For MI6, Will Grigg: Allen West Candidate For Military Junta, Gingrich, Liberty University Teaching American Exceptionalism, Sarah Palin and William "Jerry" Boykin Speaking Together, Allen West Abuse of Iraqi Prisoner, Huckabee Welcomes Bin Laden to Hell, Franklin Graham Endorses Donald Trump
5/6/20111 hour, 38 minutes, 37 seconds
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Show 259 4-29-2011 Future Quake - Elijah Freideman, Host, "The Millennial Perspective" Blog (

A Voice of the Millennial Generation Speaks
4/29/20111 hour, 56 minutes, 45 seconds
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Show 258 4-22-2011 Future Quake - Tomorrow's Tremors (

Tomorrow's Tremors - Proven Oil Firm Deal for Iraq War, Chinese Inflation, CIA Involvement in Syria, Beck's Masonic Clothes and New Religious Movement, Newt's "American Exceptionalism", Beck and Huckabee Feud, Barton Avoids Debates, Ominous Earthquake Exercises, The Spear of Longinus, Lincoln's Pantheism, and "Origins of the Overclass" Continued
4/22/20112 hours, 5 minutes, 31 seconds
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Show 257 4-15-2011 Future Quake - Tomorrow's Tremors (

Tomorrow's Tremors - "The Remnant", Icelanders Against the NWO, Roswell FBI Files, U.S.-Funded "Pro- Democracy" Groups, Liberty University Censorship, Huckabee Support for "Dominionists" Barton and Porter, American Family Association Article on Forced Conversions of Muslim Immigrants, Scaife's "Stalker" Speaks
4/15/20111 hour, 52 minutes, 9 seconds
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Show 256 4-8-2011 Future Quake - Tomorrow's Tremors (

Tomorrow's Tremors - Judges and Sharia, Huckabee's Missing Records, Gaffney's "War Footing" with Muslims, Center for Security Policy, Project for the New American Century, Billionaire Richard Scaife
4/8/20111 hour, 50 minutes, 36 seconds
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Show 255 4-1-2011 Future Quake - Brannon Howse, President and Founder, "Worldview Weekend" Radio and Television Ministry (

The Glenn Beck "Seduction" of Evangelical Christianity
4/1/20111 hour, 48 minutes, 41 seconds
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Show 254 3-25-2011 Future Quake - Tomorrow's Tremors (

Tomorrow's Tremors - Phone Monitoring in China, Muslim Discussions Lead to No-Fly Status, ATF Gun Running in Mexico, Frank Gaffney, Anti-Sharia Documentaries, Aish Hatorah and Israeli Front Organizations
3/25/20112 hours, 3 minutes, 37 seconds
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Show 253 3-18-2011 Future Quake - Tomorrow's Tremors (

Tomorrow's Tremors - Egyptian Police Extortionists, Nerve Gas on Yemenis, Amtrak Vs. TSA, Rick Warren, Tony Blair and The Mufti, Glenn Beck and Gaia, Gaffney and Sharia Sedition, Holy Wars Coming, Orthodox Jews and Airline Terror Fears, CPAC and the Muslim Brotherhood
3/18/20111 hour, 56 minutes, 54 seconds
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Show 252 3-11-2011 Future Quake - Tomorrow's Tremors (

Tomorrow's Tremors - Spartan Christians, Knights of Malta II, Sharia Law, and Military Sci Ops on American Politicians
3/11/20112 hours, 8 minutes, 52 seconds
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Show 251 3-4-2011 Future Quake - Christopher Knowles, Author, "The Secret History of Rock and Roll" (,

Evidence of the Mystery Religions Revived in Modern Music
3/4/20111 hour, 36 minutes, 41 seconds
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Show 250 2-25-2011 Future Quake - Tomorrow's Tremors (

Tomorrow's Tremors - Dominionist Generals, Evangelists and the Knights of Malta, American Exceptionalism, and Theosophic Yoga
2/25/20111 hour, 36 minutes, 41 seconds
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Show 249 2-18-2011 Future Quake - Tomorrow's Tremors (

Tomorrow's Tremors - Youth Rebuking The Old, Big, Bad Indians, Terrorists of the MI6, Anti-Semitic Archeologists, Egypt's "Butcher" in Control
2/18/20111 hour, 36 minutes, 44 seconds
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Show 248 2-11-2011 Future Quake - Tomorrow's Tremors - Dancing Israelis and Govt. Stand-down at 911, Muslim Hearings, Govt. Earthquake Games (

Show 248 2-11-2011 Future Quake - Tomorrow's Tremors - Dancing Israelis and Govt. Stand-down at 911, Muslim Hearings, Govt. Earthquake Games
2/11/20111 hour, 28 minutes, 53 seconds
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Show 247 2-4-2011 Future Quake - C.J. Hampton, Andrew Hoffman (,

C.J. Hampton, Andrew Hoffman - Politics of Religion Conference, New Two Book Set, Tomorrow's Tremors
2/4/20111 hour, 56 minutes, 26 seconds
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Future Quake - Tom Horn, Author, "Forbidden Gates: the Dawn of Techno-Dimensional Spiritual Warfare" (

The Christian Challenge in the Emerging Last Days, "Post-Human" Society
1/28/20111 hour, 19 minutes, 59 seconds
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Future Quake - Doctor Future, Tom Bionic (

Tomorrow's Tremors - Fake Medical Data, Stuxnet Terror by U.S. and Israel, Fake Money for Ireland, Rick Warren New Age Hijinx
1/21/20111 hour, 45 minutes, 13 seconds
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Future Quake - Doctor Future, Tom Bionic, David Payne (,

Tomorrow's Tremors - Kissinger and Gas Chambers, Illegal Tomato Growing, Child Porn in FBI Headquarters, World Leader Convicted of Rape
1/14/20111 hour, 38 minutes, 31 seconds
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Future Quake - Doctor Future, Tom Bionic (

Tomorrow's Tremors - DEA, Rogue Juries, Indefinite Detention, Mexican Drones, Bradley Manning, and the Spread of "Approved" Drugs
1/7/20111 hour, 19 minutes, 59 seconds
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Future Quake - Tom Horn, Mike Shedlock (Mish), Robert Heid, Peter Goodgame (,,,

Annual Predictions Show Extravaganza
12/31/20102 hours, 53 minutes, 53 seconds
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Future Quake - Doctor Future, Tom Bionic (

Tomorrow's Tremors - Whalid Shoebat, Corruption in Church Ministries, Ron Paul and Wikileaks, CPS and Foreclosures
12/24/20101 hour, 19 minutes, 58 seconds
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Future Quake - Doctor Future, Tom Bionic (

Tomorrow's Tremors - Fake Money, Fake Terrorists, Interpol and Cheney
12/20/20101 hour, 19 minutes, 51 seconds
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Future Quake - Doctor Future, Tom Bionic (

Tomorrow's Tremors - U.S. Govt. Support of Terrorists and Fraudulent Creditors, Ron Paul on the TSA, Bus Stop "Gropers", Financial Attack on Ireland, Fake Taliban Leaders, Wikileaks, Rockefeller and Maitreya
12/13/20101 hour, 19 minutes, 51 seconds
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Future Quake - William Grigg, Host, "Pro Libertate" Blog (

Discerning The Biblical Perspective on the "Separation of Church and State" - Part I
12/6/20101 hour, 19 minutes, 59 seconds
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Future Quake - Tom Payne, Author, "The Template of Time" (

The Patterns and Structure of God's Plan for World History Discovered
11/29/20101 hour, 52 minutes, 5 seconds
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Future Quake - Adam Elenbaas, Author, "Fishers of Men: The Gospel of an Ayahuasca Vision Quest (

Case Study of a Traditional's Christian's Embrace of Ayahuasca Shamanism, and Potential Future Impacts to Society
11/22/20102 hours, 20 minutes, 11 seconds
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Future Quake - Doctor Future and Tom Bionic (

"Tomorrow's Tremors" Week
11/15/20102 hours, 20 minutes, 5 seconds
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Future Quake - James Bradley, Author, "The Imperial Cruise" (

Evidence of the Long Cycle of Exploitative Imperialism in "Christian" America
11/8/20102 hours, 20 minutes, 15 seconds
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Future Quake - Todd Nettleton (, Director of Media Development, "Voice of the Martyrs" Ministry (discussing Rev. Wurmbrand's book, "Jesus - Friend to Terrorists")

Rev. Wurmbrand's Appeal For Christian Love For Terrorists Today
11/1/20102 hours, 19 minutes, 42 seconds
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Future Quake - Pastor Joe Schimmel, Producer, "Hollywood's War on God" (

Hollywood's Gnostic Plan to Recruit Rebels Against God
10/25/20102 hours, 20 minutes, 5 seconds
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Future Quake - Nick Redfern, Author, "Final Events" (

Government Whistleblowers Expose an Occult UFO Agenda
10/18/20102 hours, 20 minutes, 25 seconds
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Future Quake - Chris Pinto, Producer, "The Hidden Faith of the Founding Fathers" (

Exposing the Idolatrous Myth of the "Faith" of The Founding Fathers
10/11/20102 hours, 20 minutes, 28 seconds
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Future Quake - Dr. Cathy Burns, Author, "Alcoholics Anonymous Unmasked - Deception and Deliverance"

The Occult Foundations and Mission of Alcoholics Anonymous
10/4/20102 hours, 20 minutes, 7 seconds
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Future Quake - David P. Gushee, Professor of Christian Ethics, Mercer University, Editor, "Religious Faith, Torture and Our National Soul", Jeff Fenton,Founder, (,

Torture, Rendition and the War on Terror - Crisis for the American Church
9/27/20102 hours, 20 minutes, 31 seconds
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Future Quake - Dr. Jeffrey Seif, Spokesman, Zola Levitt Ministries; Author, "Making Our Peace With the Warriors of the Sand" (,

An Exhortation From the Bible To Respect the Arab Peoples
9/20/20102 hours, 19 minutes, 57 seconds
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Future Quake - Dr. Chuck Missler, Founder, Koinonia House; Author, "The Kingdom, Power and Glory - An Overcomer's Handbook" (

The High Stakes and Future Millennial Rewards of An Overcoming Christian Life
9/13/20102 hours, 20 minutes, 17 seconds
Episode Artwork

Future Quake - Phillip F. Tourney, U.S.S. Liberty Navy Veteran, Co-Author, "What I Saw That Day" (w/shipmate Ron Kukal) (

The Alarming Realities Behind The U.S.S. Liberty Incident
9/6/20102 hours, 20 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork

Future Quake - Michael S. Heiser, Ph.D, Academic Editor, Logos Bible Software, Bible Study Magazine (,

New Initiatives To Instruct In The Credible Knowledge of Ancient Texts, Bible Theology and the Paranormal
8/30/20102 hours, 19 minutes, 54 seconds
Episode Artwork

Future Quake - William Ramsey, Author, "Prophet of Evil: Aleister Crowley, 9/11 and the New World Order" (

The Legacy of Aleister Crowley, and His Shadow on the Events of 9/11
8/23/20102 hours, 20 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork

Future Quake - Chris White, Host, "Nowhere to Run" Radio Show - discussing Keith Thompson documentary "Aquarius: The Age of Evil" (,

Additional Findings on the True Nature and Menace from the New Age Movement
8/16/20102 hours, 20 minutes, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork

Future Quake - Robert D. Luginbill, Ph.D, Professor of Dept. of Classic and Modern Languages, Univ. of Louisville, Author, "Ichthys" Blog (not present - work is reviewed by hosts) (

An Investigation of The Origins of Satan's Rebellion, and Future Resolution - Part II
8/9/20102 hours, 19 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

Future Quake - Len Osanic, Host, "Black Op Radio", Webmaster, "Col. Fletcher Prouty Reference Page" (,

Col. Fletcher Prouty - Insider Whistleblower of the Bogus "Cold War"
8/2/20102 hours, 20 minutes, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork

Future Quake - Joseph Farah, Founder and Editor-in-Chief, "World Net Daily", Author, "Tea Party Manifesto" (

The Tea Party At A Crossroads: How To Pursue What America Really Needs
7/26/20102 hours, 20 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

Future Quake - Mitch Horowitz, Author, "occult America" (

The History of Occult Movements and Their Significant Legacy in America
7/19/20102 hours, 20 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

Future Quake - Doctor Future, Tom Bionic, James (Fuzzy X Radio), Longshoreman Johnny and Sufer Ric (Iron Show), Derek Gilbert (PID Radio), Paul, Norm (,,

"Future Quake Live!" Call-In Special I
7/12/20102 hours, 19 minutes, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork

Future Quake - Eugene Bird, President, Council for the National Interest (

The Search For The Truth And Real Understanding Of The Mid-East Crisis
7/5/20102 hours, 20 minutes, 2 seconds
Episode Artwork

Future Quake - Robert D. Luginbill, Ph.D, Professor of Dept. of Classic and Modern Languages, Univ. of Louisville, Author, "Ichthys" Blog (

An Investigation of The Origins of Satan's Rebellion, and Future Resolution - Part I
6/28/20102 hours, 20 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

Future Quake - Gary Franchi and Debbie Lewis, Producers, "Don't Tread On Me" Documentary (

The Growing Movement To Restore Constitutional Federal Government
6/21/20102 hours, 20 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

Future Quake - Jack Cashill, Author, "Popes and Bankers" (

The Legacy of Banking and Usury on World History
6/14/20102 hours, 20 minutes, 2 seconds
Episode Artwork

Future Quake - Robert Heid, Pastor and Educator (

Challenges To The Christian In Modern American Society
6/7/20102 hours, 20 minutes, 8 seconds
Episode Artwork

Future Quake - Rev. Ray Boeche, Theologian and Pastor, Ufologist, Author, "An Anthology of the Unexplained" (

A Prominent Investigator And Pastor's Evidence of Direct Government Involvement in the Occult
5/31/20102 hours, 20 minutes, 7 seconds
Episode Artwork

Future Quake - Derek Gilbert, Host, "Peering Into Darkness", "A View From The Bunker" Radio Shows (

"May Day", and the Merging of the Religious Right and the New Apostolic Reformation - Signs of the Last Days
5/24/20102 hours, 19 minutes, 54 seconds
Episode Artwork

Future Quake - Cheryl Welsh, Founder and Director, "Mind Justice" Human Rights Group (

The Struggle To Expose, Remedy and Eradicate Non-Consensual Government Mind Control Experimentation
5/17/20102 hours, 19 minutes, 55 seconds
Episode Artwork

Future Quake - Judge Andrew Napolitano, Author, "Lies The Government Told You" (

Exposing The Innate Deceptive Nature of Government
5/10/20102 hours, 20 minutes, 21 seconds
Episode Artwork

Future Quake - Richard Gage, AIA, Founder, Engineers and Architects for 9/11 Truth (

Technical Realities of the World Trade Center Attack, and Ramifications - An Update
5/3/20102 hours, 20 minutes, 9 seconds
Episode Artwork

Future Quake - Dr. Joye Jeffries Pugh, Author, "Eden: The Knowledge of Good and Evil 666" (

Historical Evidence of Incidents and Strategems in the Ancient Battle of Good and Evil
4/26/20102 hours, 20 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

Future Quake - Tom Bionic, Founder, "Stop Sleep Paralysis" Ministry (

Sleep Paralysis - A Modern Connection To An Ancient Evil
4/19/20102 hours, 20 minutes, 14 seconds
Episode Artwork

Future Quake - Chris White, Host, "Nowhere to Run" Radio Show, "The 2012 Deception" Website (

The 2012 Deception
4/12/20102 hours, 19 minutes, 39 seconds
Episode Artwork

Future Quake - Russ Dizdar, Pastor; Director, "Shatter The Darkness" Ministries, Host, "Pre-Emption" Broadcast (

Evidence of Occult Power Structures, and Church Infiltration in Communities
4/5/20102 hours, 19 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork

Future Quake - Dr. L.A. Marzulli, Author, "The Alien Interviews", "Politics, Prophecy and the Supernatural" (

"Signs and Wonders" - The Current Last Days "Birth Pangs": An Update
3/29/20102 hours, 20 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

Future Quake - Chris Pinto, Founder, Adullam Films, Author, "The Church And Secret Societies" (a chapter in "How to Overcome The Most Frightening Issues You Will Face This Century") (

The "True" Faith Of The Founding Fathers, And The Roots And Premises Of "Patriotic" Christianity
3/22/20102 hours, 20 minutes, 2 seconds
Episode Artwork

Future Quake - Andrew Hoffman, Author, "The New World Order And the Eugenics Wars - A Christian Perspective" (

A Re-Discovered Biblical Worldview Of The World's Power Structures, And Their Satanic Techniques And Agenda - Part II
3/15/20102 hours, 19 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

Future Quake - Andrew Hoffman, Author, "The New World Order And the Eugenics Wars - A Christian Perspective" (

A Re-Discovered Biblical Worldview Of The World's Power Structures, And Their Satanic Techniques And Agenda - Part I
3/8/20102 hours, 19 minutes, 16 seconds
Episode Artwork

Future Quake - Van Smith, Blogmaster, "Van's Hardware Journal" Blog (

Unveiling The Antichrist's New World Order Plans - The Georgia Guidestones
3/1/20102 hours, 19 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork

Future Quake - Stan Monteith, M.D., Host, "Radio Liberty" Show (

The Shameful, Veiled Legacy Of Our Immunization and Public Health Policies
2/22/20102 hours, 19 minutes, 50 seconds
Episode Artwork

Future Quake - Dale Robertson, Founder of the Tea Party Movement, President, TeaParty.Org (

Understanding the Goals, Motives and Plans of The Tea Party Movement
2/15/20102 hours, 19 minutes, 49 seconds
Episode Artwork

Future Quake - Steve Armbruster, Representative, "Get Out Of Our House" Organization (

A Creative Alternative To The Power Broker-Based Political Process
2/8/20102 hours, 19 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork

Future Quake - Dr. Dennis Cuddy, Author, "Secret Records Revealed","The Globalists"

The True Hidden Agenda Behinds History's Global Conflicts
2/1/20102 hours, 20 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

Future Quake - Colonel (Ret) Lawrence B. Wilkerson, Former Chief of Staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell

An Insider's Eyewitness View of America's Descent Into Military Totalitarianism
1/25/20102 hours, 20 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork

Future Quake - Mike Shedlock ("Mish"), Chris White, Robert Heid ( (

Fifth Annual All-Star "Predictions" Show for 2010
1/18/20102 hours, 20 minutes, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork

Future Quake - Reverend J.W. White, Jr., Author, "The Partial Rapture 'Theory' Explained - Escaping The Coming Storm" (

Evidence in Scripture Suggesting A Possible "Conditional" Rapture
1/11/20102 hours, 20 minutes, 2 seconds
Episode Artwork

Future Quake - Michael Baigent, Author, "Racing Toward Armageddon: The Three Great Religions and the Plot to End The World" (reviewed by Doctor Future, Tom Bionic) (

The Pagan Vision To Scapegoat and Neutralize Traditional Religions
1/4/20102 hours, 20 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork

Future Quake - Tom Horn, Author, "Apollyon Rising 2012: The Lost Symbol Found and The Final Mystery of The Great Seal Revealed" (

America's Purpose in End Time Prophecy, and Its Imminent Conclusion Revealed
12/28/20092 hours, 19 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork

Future Quake - Colin A. Ross, M.D., Author, "The C.I.A. Doctors" (

Government Records of C.I.A. Mind Control Of The Public
12/21/20092 hours, 19 minutes, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork

Future Quake - Michael Coffman, Ph.D, Founder, Environmental Perspectives, Inc. (,,

The Agenda Exposed From "Climate-Gate"
12/14/20092 hours, 20 minutes, 7 seconds
Episode Artwork

Future Quake - Robert Heid, Pastor, Christian Commentator

American Evangelical Christianity At A Crossroads - Considering The "Liberty" Option
12/7/20092 hours, 20 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork

Future Quake - Alex Jones, Host, "Info Wars" Radio Show, Producer, "Fall Of The Republic" Documentary (, Pastor Chuck Baldwin, 2008 Constitution Party Presidential Candidate Nominee (

The Spiritual Nature Of The New World Order And Their Plans, And The Duty For Christians To Confront It
11/30/20092 hours, 19 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork

Future Quake - Chris Pinto, Writer and Producer, "A Lamp In The Dark" (

The Historical and Continuing Battle To Protect God's Word, And Its Hidden Impact on World History and Christianity Today
11/23/20092 hours, 20 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

Future Quake - Elliot Nesch, Producer, "Sycamore: The 9/11 Tragedy" (

The "Ground Zero" Sycamore Tree - Isaiah's Prophecy of Judgment for America
11/16/20092 hours, 19 minutes, 40 seconds
Episode Artwork

Future Quake - Russ Baker, Author, "Family of Secrets" (,

The Shocking Revelations Of The Bush Dynasty
11/9/20092 hours, 19 minutes, 41 seconds
Episode Artwork

Future Quake - Adam Parfrey, Publisher, Feral Housing Publishing Group (

How General Butler Saved Our Republic, And Exposed The Lies of War
11/2/20092 hours, 20 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

Future Quake - Rev. Ted Pike, Director, National Prayer Network (

"Hate Crime Laws", And Those Who Plan To Target Christians
10/26/20092 hours, 19 minutes, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork

Future Quake - Will Grigg, Host, "Pro Liberate" Radio Show and Blog, Author, "Liberty in Eclipse" (

Recent Experiences In The Assault On Personal Freedom By The State, Preparations To Address It, And The Current Christian Response
10/19/20092 hours, 20 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork

Future Quake - Mike Fitzgerald, Director, Lindin Media, Iceland (

The Iceland Financial Crisis And Its Spiritual Impact - A Lesson For America
10/12/20092 hours, 20 minutes, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork

Future Quake - Patrick Heron, Author, "The Return Of The Antichrist And The New World Order"(

New "Revelations" From Revelation On The Antichrist And His Identity
10/5/20092 hours, 19 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

Future Quake - Gary Franchi and William Lewis, Producers, "Camp FEMA" Documentary (

Irrefutable Evidence Of An Impending Control and Detainment Of The American Public
9/28/20092 hours, 20 minutes, 12 seconds
Episode Artwork

Future Quake - Tom Horn, Founder and Director, "Raiders News Network" and Defender Publishing Group (

New Discoveries In Prophetic Research and America's Destiny, And The Resultant Need For Independent Christian Media
9/21/20092 hours, 20 minutes
Episode Artwork

Future Quake - Dr. Joseph Chambers, Director, Paw Creek Ministries (

The Threat From Popular False "Itching Ears" Teachings Of The Church
9/14/20092 hours, 20 minutes, 17 seconds
Episode Artwork

Future Quake - Keith Humphrey, Frank Janoski, Paul Smith, Robert Rudnick, "Christian Exodus" (

The Latest Techniques And Initiatives By Christians To "Get Out of Babylon"
9/7/20092 hours, 20 minutes, 9 seconds
Episode Artwork

Future Quake - Sherri Tenpenny, D.O., Author, "FOWL! Bird Flu: It's Not What You Think" (

The Impending Menace Of Mandated, Dangerous Vaccines
8/31/20092 hours, 18 minutes, 50 seconds
Episode Artwork

Future Quake - Judd H. Burton, M.A. - Historian, Anthropologist, Author, "Interview With The Giant" (

Jesus' Confrontation With The Ancient Giants And Fallen Angels
8/24/20092 hours, 19 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

Future Quake - Jeff Radt, Blogmaster, "Look Up Fellowship", Co-Host, "Big Finale" Radio Show (

Events and Developments With Hidden Prophetic Significance
8/17/20092 hours, 19 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

Future Quake - Mark Breton, Author, Freelance Writer ("The Nashville Scene"), Founder, The Relational Discipleship and Worldview Studies Institute (

Evangelical Christianity "On The Couch" - A Spiritual And Mental Health Assessment
8/10/20092 hours, 19 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

Future Quake - Michael S. Heiser, Ph.D, Academic Editor, Logos Bible Software (

How the "ET" God Is Replacing The God Of The Bible In Society
8/3/20092 hours, 19 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork

Future Quake - Constance Cumbey, Investigator and Author, "The Hidden Dangers of The Rainbow" (

The Infiltration of New Age Influences In The Upper Eschelons Of The Evangelical Community
7/27/20092 hours, 20 minutes, 7 seconds
Episode Artwork

Future Quake - Doctor Future Eyewitness Report From The "Ancient of Days" Christian Conference on Aliens (

Eyewitness Report From The "Ancient of Days" Christian Conference on Aliens
7/20/20092 hours, 19 minutes, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork

Future Quake - Trevor Paglen, Ph.D - Author, "Torture Taxi - On The Trail Of The CIA's Rendition Flights (

The Real Story Behind Our Government'S Secret Detainment Programs
7/13/20092 hours, 18 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

Future Quake - Larry Klayman, Founder, "Freedom Watch" Public Interest Group (

The Fight TO Expose Government Suppression OF The ET Presence
7/6/20092 hours, 17 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

Future Quake - Stephen Yulish, Ph.D, Author, "The Great Harpazo Deception: The Real Story of UFOs" (

A Biblical Interpretation Of The UFO Phenomenon
6/29/20092 hours, 13 minutes, 33 seconds
Episode Artwork

Future Quake - Gary Bates, CEO, Creation Ministries International Worldwide (

The Impact of Evolution on Society,The Church, And Our Perception of The UFO Phenomenon
6/22/20092 hours, 13 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork

Future Quake - Linda Moulton Howe, Investigative Journalist, Documentary Producer (

The Message and Motives Behind Entities Observed To Be In Contact With This World
6/15/20092 hours, 15 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork

Future Quake - Steven Anderson, Pastor, Faithful Word Baptist Church, Tempe, AZ (

Personal Testimony Of Citizen Repression By The U.S. Police State
6/8/20092 hours, 14 minutes, 12 seconds
Episode Artwork

Future Quake - Chris White (, Video Documentarian, Host "Nowhere To Run" Radio Show

The Impact of Non-Christian Spiritual Teachings, and Alternative Media on the Consciousness of Today's Generation
6/1/20092 hours, 14 minutes, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork

Future Quake - Dr. William Alnor (

Spiritual Agenda Behind The Last Days UFO Phenomenon
5/25/20092 hours, 14 minutes, 11 seconds
Episode Artwork

Dr. L.A. Marzulli (, Author, "Politics, Prophecy and The Supernatural", "The Alien Interviews"

The Role of Drugs In Spirit Contacts, And The Prophetic Implications
5/18/20092 hours, 14 minutes, 28 seconds
Episode Artwork

Tom Bionic (

Tom Bionic's Journey - A Legacy of Logic, Reason and Transition from Doubt To The Christian Faith
5/11/20092 hours, 14 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

Judge Andrew Napolitano (, Pastor Walt Mansfield

The American Legacy of Rascism, And Hopes For Freedom's Future Fulfillment, Evidence of Federal Manipulation Of Pastors For Population Control
5/4/20092 hours, 14 minutes, 41 seconds
Episode Artwork

Henry Lamb, Chairman, Sovereignty International (

Positive Initiatives To Promote Freedom and Responsible Finance
4/27/20092 hours, 14 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

Tennessee State Representative Susan Lynn, 57th District (

Latest Developments In State Sovereignty Vs. Federal Domination
4/20/20092 hours, 14 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork

G. Edward Griffin, Author, "The Creature From Jekyll Island" (

The Federal Reserve: Smoking Gun Evidence Of A Banker-Run World
4/13/20092 hours, 13 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork

Dr. Chuck Baldwin (, Dr. Rand Paul (

The Calling of Evangelicals To Action In Today's America
4/6/20092 hours, 14 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork

Michael Coffman, Ph.D, Founder, Environmental Perspectives, Inc. (

The Ominous Agenda Behind Global Warming And The Environmental Movement
3/30/20092 hours, 14 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

William Grigg, Author, "Liberty In Eclipse"(

Evidence Of A Growing Military State In America, And The Proper Roles of Law Enforcement and Christian Perspective
3/23/20092 hours, 13 minutes, 40 seconds
Episode Artwork

Stephen Bassett, Executive Director, Paradigm Research Group(

The Impending Societal Crisis From Extraterrestrial Disclosure
3/16/20092 hours, 14 minutes, 49 seconds
Episode Artwork

Dr. Jerome Corsi, Investigative Reporter, "World Net Daily"(

Recent Ominous State Actions Toward Civilian Internment
3/9/20092 hours, 13 minutes, 40 seconds
Episode Artwork

Dr. Future and Tom Bionic (

Exploration of an Alternative Framework in Interpreting The Book of Revelation
3/2/20092 hours, 14 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

Russ Dizdar (, Director, "Shatter The Darkness" Ministry, Author, "The Black Awakening"

Exposing The Menace Of The Impending "Black Awakening"
2/23/20092 hours, 14 minutes, 9 seconds
Episode Artwork

Chris Pinto, Writer and Director, "Eye Of The Phoenix" Documentary(

The Planned Destiny Of America, And Its Evidence In The Dollar Bill
2/16/20092 hours, 13 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

Charles Cooper, Director - The Pre-Wrath Resource Institute, Author, "Fight, Flight Or Faith"(

Biblical Evidence Of The Church's Exposure To The AntiChrist's Persecution, And The Proper Response OF Faith
2/9/20092 hours, 13 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

Dr. Peter Jones, Director, TruthXChange, Author, "Capturing The Pagan Mind" (

The Christian Challenge In A Pagan America
2/2/20092 hours, 13 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

Dr. L.A. Marzulli, Author, "The Alien Interviews"(

Testimonies Of Human Alien Encounters, And The Christian Response
1/26/20092 hours, 13 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

Tom and Debbie McCulloch, Administrators, Parent Hope Ministries (

The Current Crisis In Today's Teenaged Young Women, And Proven Solutions
1/19/20092 hours, 14 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork

Melissa and Emily Boverhof, Authors, "Seven Candles: The Reclaiming Of Haven"(

The Present Attraction To The Occult By Society's Youth
1/12/20092 hours, 13 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

Carl Medearis, Author, ""Muslims, Christians and Jesus" (

The Future Destiny, And Proper Understanding, of Muslim-Christian Relations
1/5/20092 hours, 14 minutes, 8 seconds
Episode Artwork

Peter Goodgame, Mike Shedlock (Mish), William Grigg, Robert Heid (,,

Annual All-Star "Predictions" Show
12/29/20082 hours, 13 minutes, 54 seconds
Episode Artwork

Paula Martin, Author, "The Pre-Trib Rapture - Choreographed In The Gospels" (

Recent Discoveries Of "Rapture" Passages In Scripture
12/22/20082 hours, 14 minutes, 16 seconds
Episode Artwork

Peter Goodgame, Author, "Red Moon Rising" (

Recent Developments And Findings On The "Second Coming" Of The Anti-Christ, And The End Of The Age
12/15/20082 hours, 13 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork

Hilmar Von Campe, Author, "Defeating The Totalitarian Lie - A Former Hitler Youth Warns America"(

The Parallels Of American And Western Society To Pre-War Germany
12/8/20082 hours, 13 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

Mike Shedlock ("Mish"), Global Economic Analysis Blog (

Analysis Of The Current Dire Peril Of The World's Financial Markets
12/1/20082 hours, 13 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork

Stan Deyo, Stan Deyo Enterprises, "Dare To Prepare", "Prudent Places USA" (

Preparations From Families For Impending Catastrophes And Crises
11/24/20082 hours, 13 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork

Chris Pinto, CEO, Adullam Films (, Director, "The Kinsey Syndrome"

The Menacing Cultural Legacy of Dr. Alfred Kinsey, Today And In The Future
11/17/20081 hour, 53 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

Jason Bermas, Producer, "Loose Change", Director, "Fabled Enemies" Documentaries, Louder Than Words, LLC (

Citizen Responsibilities In Confronting The Global Elite And Their Deceptions, Effective Strategies And The Christian Response
11/10/20081 hour, 53 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

Joseph Farah - World Net Daily (, Darrell Castle -V.P. - Constitution Party (, Robert Heid

"Election Week" Grab-Bag Special
11/3/20081 hour, 53 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

William Grigg, Author, "Freedom in Eclipse" Book, "Pro Libertate" Blog (

Reassessment Of The Evangelical Worldview, And Duties To Society And The State
10/27/20081 hour, 53 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

Donna Howell, Author, "Ebenezer: The Final Years Of Scrooge" (with Anomalos Books publisher Tom Horn)

The Understanding of the Spirit World in Classic Literature, and Biblical Realities Pertaining to Ghosts and Spirits
10/20/20081 hour, 53 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

Robert Heid

Reassessment of The Evangelical Worldview, And Their Duties To Society And The State
10/13/20081 hour, 53 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

Dr. Melissa Riley (

Update On Preparing Our Families For Impending Catastrophes
10/6/20081 hour, 53 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

Guy Malone (, Host, "Live From Roswell" Radio Show

Evidence of Contacts From Beyond Earth, And Future Agendas
9/29/20081 hour, 53 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

David Flynn (, Author, "Temple At The Center Of Time"

Recent Revelations of Ancient Embedded Knowledge, And Its Impact on Understanding The End Times
9/22/20081 hour, 53 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

Dr. Michael S. Heiser (, Academic Editor, Logos Bible Software

The "Divine Council" Concept in Scripture, And Its Implications To Christians
9/15/20081 hour, 53 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

Dr. Chuck Missler, Author and Founder, "Koinonia House" Publishing (

Rationale and Preparations For The Underground Church
9/8/20081 hour, 53 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

Colette Bercu, Founder and Executive Director, Free For Life Ministries (

The Current Crisis of Human Trafficking and Slavery Worldwide and In The US, And The Christian Responsibility
9/1/20081 hour, 53 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

Darrell Castle, Constitution Party Vice Presidential Nominee (; Joshua Holmes, Christian Action Against Apathy (CAAA)(; Pastor Joshua Stump, The Anchor Fellowship (

Bohemian Grove On-Site Report, Christian Alternatives for President, and Christian Activism
8/25/20082 hours, 5 minutes, 47 seconds
Episode Artwork

Joe Jordan, President, CE-4 Research Group (

Current Spiritual Warfare Realities Behind The UFO Abduction Phenomena
8/18/20081 hour, 53 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Mish", Blogmaster, "Global Economic Analysis" Blog

Analysis OF The Current Dire Peril Of The World's Financial Markets
8/11/20081 hour, 53 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

Stanley Monteith, MD., Host, "Radio Liberty", Author, "Brotherhood of Darkness"

The Plans Behind The World Economy, Governments and Corporate Control Over Humanity, And The Response of Christians
8/4/20081 hour, 53 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

Dr. Future, Chris Vanover, Assistant Pastor, Calvary Chapel Rivergate

An Investigative Report on Current United Nations Initiative in Religion and Spirituality
7/28/20081 hour, 53 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

Chris Pinto, Founder, Adullam Films, Documentary Filmmaker

The Secret Origins of America, and Its Future Destiny
7/21/20081 hour, 53 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

Phillip and Paul Collins, Authors, "The Ascendancy Of The Scientific Dictatorship"

Dominionism, Evangelicalism And The New World Order
7/14/20081 hour, 53 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

William N. Grigg, Author, "Liberty in Eclipse" Book, "Pro Liberte" Blog

The Future Challenges Of Our Nation, And The Response And Responsibilities Of The Christian Community
7/7/20081 hour, 53 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

Dr. Thomas Horn, CEO, Anomalos Publishing and "Raiders News Update"

The Future of Genetic Manipulation And Its Health, Social, Political and Spiritual Impact On The Human Species
6/30/20081 hour, 53 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

Dr. Jerome Corsi, Author, "The Late, Great USA"; columnist, World Net Daily

Update On The Deceptions Underway By The World's Elite
6/23/20081 hour, 53 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

David Lowe, Author, "Earthquake Resurrection"

The Future Worldwide Cataclysmic Earthquake
6/16/20081 hour, 53 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

Derek and Sharon Gilbert, "Peering Into Darkness" Radio Show

The Future of Alternative Christian Media, and World Events
6/9/20081 hour, 53 minutes, 43 seconds