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Eyewitness Bible Series

English, Christianity, 1 season, 100 episodes
The Eyewitness Bible Series narratives are designed to spark your imagination and provoke your curiosity about the Bible. Episodes are entertaining and uniquely effective for teaching individuals, families, small groups and churches. Each episode is 12-18 minutes long and addresses a portion of the Bible from the viewpoint of a Bible personality. Imagine Mary telling about the birth of Jesus, Satan disclosing how he tempted Jesus in the wilderness, and Mary Magdalene imparting her story of being the first person to see the resurrected Jesus. Each narrative provides historical, cultural, and chronological information that the original writers and hearers of the Bible knew, but are not well-known by most people today. These narratives are not recitations of Scripture, but stories told by eyewitness accounts in their own unique way. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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One-Hit Wonders 15: Blessed Beyond

Obed-Edom smilingly remembers being excessively blessed by God. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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One-Hit Wonders 14: Live Like A King

Hilkiah recounts his raising of King Josiah. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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One-Hit Wonders 13: Future Forecast

A ship pilot remembers when Paul saved the passengers on his ship. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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One-Hit Wonders 12: Heart And Soul

An armor bearer boasts of his time with King Saul's son, Jonathan. He explains how Saul foolishly lost the chance to gain victory over the Philistines. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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One-Hit Wonders 11: Caught

A woman caught in the act of adultery tells her sad story. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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One-Hit Wonders 10: Next To Nothing

A poor widow tells of her embarrassment when Jesus pointed her out to a crowd. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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One-Hit Wonders 09: The Man Who Told Me Everything

The Samaritan woman at the well tells how Jesus told her everything she really needed to know. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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One-Hit Wonders 08: Darkness and Light

Nicodemus recounts his meeting with Jesus and how it impacted his future actions. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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One-Hit Wonders 07: Healings

In ancient times, those who suffered disease often lost much more than their health. A homeless man explains how he regained his family and home. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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One-Hit Wonders 06: Future Prophet

Agabus reveals how his prophecies helped the early church survive. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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One-Hit Wonders 05: Prodigal

An older brother tells his side of the story about his spoiled younger brother. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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One-Hit Wonders 04: Road To Joy

Cleopas tells of his meeting with Jesus on the road to Emmaus. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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One-Hit Wonders 03: Timely Rescue

Gallio reveals how his legal ruling improved the legal status of Christians. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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One-Hit Wonders 02: How To Rule The World

A single mother tells of her desire for her son to be healed and how Jesus answered her prayers in an unexpected way. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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One-Hit Wonders 01: The Need

The owner of a donkey explains how he was able to meet a need of Jesus. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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One-Hit Wonders Series Introduction

The One-Hit Wonders Series consists of fifteen narrative accounts by unique Bible personalities you might not expect to hear from. For purposes of this series, a “one-hit wonder” is a Bible character who is mentioned once, sometimes not even by name. Some of these characters play critical parts in important events, and some just give us an interesting glimpse into their world. Videos, study guides, and scripts of these episodes are free and available at Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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Kings & Prophets 20: Last Words

Ezra is one of the leaders who helps the Jews rebuild Jerusalem when they return from exile. Malachi is the last of the Old Testament prophets, and his words help shape the expectations for a messiah. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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Kings & Prophets 19: Such a Time As This

Queen Esther saves the Jewish people from near destruction by heeding the advice of her uncle. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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Kings & Prophets 18: Dreams & Visions

Daniel is an active prophet during the time the Israelites are in exile in Assyria and Babylon. He is very influential in the royal courts. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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Kings & Prophets 17: Prophecies

Isaiah and Jeremiah discuss some prophets and prophecies, as well as their overall importance to Christians. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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Kings & Prophets 16: End of the Southern Kingdom

King Josiah is one of the best kings of the Southern Kingdom, but his goodness cannot overcome the evil done under previous kings. The prophet Jeremiah laments as God brings the destruction of the Southern Kingdom. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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Kings & Prophets 15: A Good King

Isaiah is one of the most famous of the prophets. Much of his work is done during the time of the good king, Hezekiah. After God grants his desire to live longer, Hezekiah makes two devastating mistakes. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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Kings & Prophets 14: Saving the Southern Kingdom

An evil queen takes over the Southern Kingdom, but a wise priest saves the Southern Kingdom and replaces her with a young boy. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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Kings & Prophets 13: Save Vs. Don’t Save

Jonah chooses not to go to Ninevah to preach to the people, but God uses a fish to change his mind. God works through a wanton woman to show the Northern Kingdom how much they are displeasing him. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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Kings & Prophets 12: Changing History

The Northern Kingdom is punished by God for their worship of false gods. One notable event happens when a slave girl advises the powerful Naaman to go to Elisha to be healed. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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Kings & Prophets 11: No Turning Back

The kings of the Northern Kingdom lead the nation into the worship of false gods even though the prophets of God contend against them. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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Kings & Prophets 10: A Kingdom Divided

Rehoboam follows Solomon as king. Rehoboam unwisely tries to be a harsh king. Ten of the tribes rebel and start their own kingdom. The rebels become known as the Northern Kingdom, and the remnant ruled by Rehoboam is known as the Southern Kingdom. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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Kings & Prophets 09: Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs

This episode gives short descriptions of three of the books of poetry in the Bible: Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Songs. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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Kings & Prophets 08: Wise King, Foolish King

King Solomon says he started as the wisest man who ever lived, but slowly fell into idolatry and led his country into destruction. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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Kings & Prophets 07: Jerusalem

David conquers the hills city of Jebus. That city is renamed Jerusalem, and becomes a special city loved by God. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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Kings & Prophets 06: Psalms

The Psalms are the most widely read poems in all history. About half of them are written by David. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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Kings & Prophets 05: The Book of Ruth

Ruth is the great-grandmother of David. She is from Moab and is included in the family tree of Jesus. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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Kings & Prophets 04: House of David

David is a man who has a heart like God's. That does not keep him from marrying many wives, having children by those wives, and neglecting their upbringing. The ensuing havoc changes history. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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Kings & Prophets 03: Shepherd Poet King Sinner

David follows Saul as king of Israel. David has many great characteristics and talents, but he is beset with character flaws and bad choices. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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Kings & Prophets 02: Last Judge, First King

Samuel is the last of the prophets who leads Israel. Near his death, the Israelites demand that God give them a king like the other nations have. God allows them to have Saul as their first king. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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Kings & Prophets 01: A Mystery

The Apostle Paul and Ezra explain that the Old Testament is really about a mystery concealing the person of Jesus. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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Kings & Prophets Series Introduction

The Kings and Prophets Series consists of twenty narrative accounts by Bible personalities about the books of Ruth through Malachi. Imagine Solomon explaining why he was the worst of the kings, or Daniel talking about Babylonian politics. Videos, study guides, and scripts of these episodes are free and available at Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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Promised Land 19: The Last Pure Judge

Eli is the last leader of Israel who is purely a judge. After him, the prophet Samuel will lead the Israelites. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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Promised Land 18: Technology vs. God

Delilah is famous for deceiving Samson and cutting his hair. She places her story in a much bigger context of the Philistines and their technology being in opposition to God. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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Promised Land 17: Too Many

Gideon grows from a farmhand to a mighty warrior. His victory over the Midionites is legendary, but many don't know about his fall into idol worship. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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Promised Land 16: The First Four Judges

The prophet Deborah tells of the first four judges of Israel. She explains that the judges are deliverers, not judicial judges. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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Promised Land 15: Standing On The Promises

King Solomon laments that the Israelites choose not to follow God's commandments by completely conquering Canaan. Because of their disobedience, God is forced to discipline them in some very harsh ways. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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Promised Land 14: Snatching Defeat From Sure Victory

The Apostle Paul explains how the Israelites come close to following God's commandments, but do not follow them completely. This disobedience sets the stage for the Israelites to be tormented by Canaan's inhabitants for hundreds of years. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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Promised Land 13: Conquest

Joshua is the leader of the Israelites when they cross the Jordan River and invade Canaan. Under God's protection, he leads them to victory after victory until they almost completely conquer the country and destroy its inhabitants. Almost. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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Promised Land 12: Crossing The Line

Rahab is a prostitute in Jericho. She saves the lives of her family by aiding the Israelite spies who are scouting out the city. Rahab describes the fear of the city's inhabitants, and the unusual battle plan of the Israelites. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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Promised Land 11: Deuteronomy

Moses is nearing the end of his life. The Israelites are ready to cross the Jordan River and invade Canaan, but he will not be allowed to join them. As they wait on the plain of Moab, Moses reminds them of all that has happened over the last 40 years. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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Promised Land 10: Zealous For God’s Honor

Phinehas is a priest. When the Israelite men openly commit sexual sins, he is zealous to defend God's honor by putting an end to their actions. God rewards him by making a personal covenant with him. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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Promised Land 09: Numbers

Caleb explains that the book of Numbers gets its name from the census taken by Moses of the Israelites. He tells of stories in the book, as well as more laws to be followed by the Israelites. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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Promised Land 08: Leviticus

Nadab is the son of Aaron, and one of the first Jewish priests. He explains the system of the laws in the book of Leviticus and how important it is to follow them exactly. He should know. He didn't and God killed him. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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Promised Land 07: The Lord In His Holy Temple

Bezalel is the craftsman in charge of making the elaborate Tabernacle. He says that he is very careful to follow God's detailed instructions because the Tabernacle is a pattern of Heaven. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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Promised Land 06: The World Changes

Moses explains that God and the Israelites make a bargain. God will provide for the Israelites, and they agree to obey all of his commands. From the start, the Israelites do not keep their side of the bargain. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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Promised Land 05: Becoming God’s People

Aaron is the brother of Moses. He tells of the hardships facing the Israelites after they are freed from being slaves in Egypt. God wants the Israelites to be dependent on him for their well-being, but they are intent on having physical comfort. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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Promised Land 04: Another Dangerous Choice

The elders of the Israelites conclude that they should follow Moses and Aaron. After suffering ten plagues, Pharaoh lets the Israelites leave Egypt. He changes his mind, and makes a vain attempt to bring them back. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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Promised Land 03: A Dangerous Choice

The elders of the Israelites are faced with a dilemma when Moses and Aaron tell them that God wants to end their time in slavery. Should they trust God or the gods of Egypt? Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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Promised Land 02: A Weird Scripture Explained

Zipporah is the wife of Moses. She explains how she saved his life when God threatened to kill him. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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Promised Land 01: Moses Before the Plagues

Shiphrah is a midwife who saves Moses and countless Jewish babies from being killed by Pharaoh. She tells of the early life of Moses as a prince of Egypt, his escape to Midian, and his encounter with God at the burning bush. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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Promised Land Series Introduction

The Promised Land Series consists of nineteen narrative accounts by Bible personalities about the books of Exodus through Judges. Imagine Noah describing his interactions with God on Mount Sinai, or Joshua talking about conquering Canaan. Videos, study guides, and scripts of these episodes are free and available at Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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Genesis & Job 13: Substitute Love

Benjamin is the youngest son of Israel. He explains why his father over-protects him. During a wide-spread famine, Benjamin and his brothers go to Egypt to beg for food from a surprising source. The family moves to Egypt. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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Genesis & Job 12: Promises Fulfilled

Joseph explains that he was the favored child of his father, Israel. He tells of his brothers' betrayal, his life as a slave, and his rise to being the second most powerful man in Egypt. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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Genesis & Job 11: Jacob Renamed

Reuben is the oldest son of Jacob. He tells of Jacob's return to Canaan along with his wives, concubines, and children. God changes Jacob's name to Israel. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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Genesis & Job 10: Favorites

From Abraham to Joseph, certain people seem to be specially favored by a parent and by God. Jacob is one of those favored people, who prospers despite his many questionable actions. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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Genesis & Job 09: Isaac

Esau tells of his father, how he loves him, and of his many flaws. Surprisingly little is told in the Bible about Isaac, when compared to Abraham or Jacob. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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Genesis & Job 08: Abraham

Isaac describes his unlikely birth and childhood. He tells of the complete faithfulness of his father, Abraham. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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Genesis & Job 07: Young Abraham

Lot, the nephew of Abraham, relates the story of how they left their homeland and traveled to Canaan. He tells of God's promises to Abraham. Lot finishes by telling of his complete humiliation and how it will affect the Israelites in the future. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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Genesis & Job 06: Job – Part Four

Job extols the power and glory of God that he admits is beyond his comprehension. Job's wife tell the happy ending to their story. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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Genesis & Job 05: Job – Part Three

Job tells of his frustrations as he tries to explain to his good friends that he has not sinned against God. He cannot explain why disasters have fallen on him, and will not accept their explanations. Satan expects that Job will give in and become unfaithful to God. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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Genesis & Job 04: Job – Part Two

Job's wife tells of some of the effects of the disasters that befell her husband. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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Genesis & Job 03: Job – Part One

Satan explains how the testing of Job came to happen. He exults in the disasters that befell Job, and how Satan believes that Job will become unfaithful to God. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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Genesis & Job 02: Noah

Japheth, a son of Noah, tells of growing up with Noah. He relates that nobody else could believe there would be a need for an ark, and how it wasn't too late… until it was too late. Japheth explains how different people groups came into existence. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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Genesis & Job 01: Creation

The Apostle Paul talks of the first five chapters of Genesis. He tells of the creation of all things, including mankind. Paul tells the sad tale of the disobedience of Adam and Eve, and the consequences that follow. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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Genesis & Job Series Introduction

The Genesis and Job Series consists of thirteen narrative accounts by Bible personalities about the books of Genesis and Job. Imagine the Noah’s son talking about the flood, or Satan describing his conversations with God. Videos, study guides, and scripts of these episodes are free and available at Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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Revelation 05: Two Heavens

The Apostle Peter talks of the two heavens that are described in Revelation 4, 21 and 22, and are also discussed elsewhere in the Bible. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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Revelation 04: God Wins

The archangel Michael describes the signs and war that break out in heaven, and discusses the other events that happen in Revelation 12-20. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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Revelation 03: The Tribulation Begins

A mighty angel is described in Revelation 5:2. This mighty angel narrates the events described in Revelation 5-11, which are the beginning of the incredibly scary and destructive tribulation. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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Revelation 02: The Scariest Bible Verse

An elder of the church at Laodicea summarizes the letters to the seven churches of Asia that are revealed in Revelation 2-3. Laodicea is one of those churches. It received a very scary message from Jesus. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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Revelation 01: Too Salty

The Apostle John wrote the book of Revelation. He tells of receiving his direct revelation from Jesus Christ. He addresses this letter to seven churches in Asia, and reveals his vision of Jesus. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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Revelation Series Introduction

The Revelation Series consists of five narrative accounts by Bible personalities about the book of Revelation. Imagine the Apostle John talking about his vision of Heaven, or Michael the Angel describing his battle against Satan and his angels. Videos, study guides, and scripts of these episodes are free and available at Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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Other Letters 08: Second & Third John

Third John is written to Gaius. He talks about the letters of Second John and Third John, and how they are encouragements to walk in obedience, while completely resisting false teachers. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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Other Letters 07: First John

Mary, the mother of Jesus, tells of John taking her in as his own mother after the death of Jesus. She explains that she and John are focused on the topics of Jesus and love. She explains that Christians are the children of God, and that they should love others instead of loving the sinful ways of the world. She discloses an astounding fact - God is love. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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Other Letters 06: Jude

Jude talks about the short letter he wrote, Jude. His main theme is resisting the teachings of false teachers. He ends his letter with some extraordinary encouragement to God's people. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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Other Letters 05: Second Peter

Mark gives background of Peter and his writing of Second Peter. Mark talks of the major themes of the letter of living a Godly life, prophecy of Scripture, false teachers, and the Day of the Lord. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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Other Letters 04: First Peter

Silas gives some background of Peter and his writing of First Peter. He goes through the letter by talking of the main themes of being holy, submission, suffering, the end of all things, and standing firm. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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Other Letters 03: Hebrews 7-13

Barnabas talks of Hebrews 7-13. He tells of Melchizedek and his encounter with Abraham. He explains portions of the Faith in Action Chapter, Hebrews 11, and summarizes the numerous encouragements found in Hebrews. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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Other Letters 02: Hebrews 1-6

Apollos tells why Jesus is always the best choice. Going through the first six chapters of Hebrews, he shows why Jesus is a better choice than angels, Moses, and the high priest. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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Other Letters 01: Elephant in the Room

In a comedic way, Barnabas talks of the difficulties of growing the early Church and keeping disciples faithful. Many of the difficulties facing the early Church continue to plague churches of today. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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Other Letters Series Introduction

The Other Letters Series consists of eight narrative accounts by Bible personalities about the books from Hebrews to Jude. Imagine Aquila and Priscilla talking about First Corinthians, or the runaway slave, Onesimus, trembling as he describes Paul sending him back to his former owner. Videos, study guides, and scripts of these episodes are free and available at Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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Paul’s Letters 17: Second Timothy

Timothy talks of the last known letter written by Paul. This letter was written to Timothy to help him better guide churches, and to refute false teachings. This letter is known as Second Timothy. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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Paul’s Letters 16: Titus

An elder of the church at Crete tells of the letter written by Paul to Titus, while Titus was tasked with helping the church there. That letter is known as Titus. The letter contains information that is very useful for modern churches and their leaders. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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Paul’s Letters 15: First Timothy

Timothy was probably Paul's favorite of his many assistants. In this episode, Apollos, another of Paul's protoges, explains the contents of Paul's letter written to Timothy known as First Timothy. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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Paul’s Letters 14: Philippians

Philippi was the site of the first major evangelization effort in Europe. Epaphroditus gives background of the city and the church, and tells of the letter that Paul wrote to his friends there, known as Philippians. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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Paul’s Letters 13: Philemon

Paul confesses that one of his assistants, Onesimus, is a runaway slave. Paul is tortured by feeling obligated to send Onesismus back to his former owner, Philemon. He sends a special letter to Philemon explaining how he wants Philemon to react. That letter is known as the book of Philemon. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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Paul’s Letters 12: Colossians

Onesimus was a runaway slave. Paul sent him back to his owner who lived in Colossae. Onesimus explains why Colossians is so important letter to modern Christians. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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Paul’s Letters 11: Ephesians

Tychicus was one of Paul's special helpers. He delivered several of Paul's letters, including Ephesisans. He explains that this letter was written to the entire church in Ephesus, and talks about several key portions of the letter. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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Paul’s Letters 10: Romans 9-16

Phoebe was an influential woman in the early Christian movement. She talks about the last half of the book of Romans, with special emphasis on Chapter 12. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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Paul’s Letters 09: Romans 1-8

Tertius was the scribe for Paul when he wrote Romans. He relates some of the background of the writing of the letter, and tells of some of the key portions of its first eight chapters. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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Paul’s Letters 08: Second Corinthians

Titus was Paul's first assistant, and served Paul during most of his ministry. He was instrumental in Paul's dealings and communications with the problematic Corinthian church. He explains key portions of Second Corinthians. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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Paul’s Letters 07: First Corinthians 8-16

Sosthenes was the leader of the synagogue at Corinth that opposed Paul. He converted to Christianity and served with Paul in establishing churches in Europe and Asia. With his familiarity of the church at Corinth, Sosthenes explains the last half of Paul's letter known as First Corinthians. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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Paul’s Letters 06: First Corinthians 1-7

Aquila and Priscilla helped Paul establish churches in Corinth, Ephesus, and Rome. They explain why the church in Corinth had so many problems and how Paul addressed some of those problems in First Corinthians 1-7. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
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Paul’s Letters 05: Second Thessalonians

Jason was one of the first converts to Christianity in the city of Thessalonica. He explains some of the difficulties of becoming one of the first Christians in Europe, and reveals the reasons why Paul wrote some portions of Second Thessalonians. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.
Episode Artwork

Paul’s Letters 04: First Thessalonians

Silas was with Paul on the Second Missionary Journey, when the city of Thessalonica was first evangelized. He details the background of the writing of First Thessalonians, and tells of its contents. Visit to view full episodes, study guides, and reference materials. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at @eyewitnessbible.