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English Language Broadcast

English, Foreign/International, 1 season, 101 episodes, 2 days, 5 hours, 3 minutes
The English Language Broadcast of Radio Exterior de España has been on the air since 1944. Our daily broadcasts seek to inform listeners about goings-on in Spain, as well as offer a Spanish perspective on world events. News, sports and weather, presented live, are followed on weekdays by a variety of different programs on subjects ranging from art and culture to history, politics, and the latest trends. These programs can be heard again at the weekend.
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English Language Broadcast - Centuries of history in the Royal Collections Gallery - 01/02/24

Within the walls of the new Royal Collections Gallery in Madrid, centuries of historical artifacts that once belonged to the crown are now on display for all to see. By artifacts, we mean anything you might find in a royal Spanish household: tapestries, carriages, paintings, jewels... and artworks by greats such as Caravaggio, Velázquez, Goya...The museum is run by Spain's state agency of Patrimonio Nacional (National Heritage), which preserves and shares Spain's history. So, in today's broadcast, we talk to the chairwoman of National Heritage, Ana de la Cueva, about the museum and how long it's been in the making, but also about the National Heritage state agency as a whole.Escuchar audio
2/1/202430 minutes, 11 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - Fitur 2024: 'Turismofobia' and hopeful remedies - 30/01/24

Madrid's International Tourism Fair known as FITUR came to an end this Sunday with a record number of 250-thousand visitors. This year's partner country was Ecuador, and our last broadcast was dedicated to the country's stand and products.Although tourism is one of Spain's biggest sectors, in recent years, resentment towards tourists has grown amongst local Spaniards, especially on the coasts and islands. In today's broadcast, we talk to the Director of the Tourism Board of the Island of Lanzarote, Héctor Fernández, about this phenomenon, which has been dubbed 'turismofobia', and how the local Government hopes to remedy it.Escuchar audio
1/30/202431 minutes, 20 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - Fitur 2024: Ecuador partners with Madrid's tourism fair - 27/01/24

On this special broadcast we visit Fitur, the international tourism fair that's held every year in Madrid. This year's partner is the country of Ecuador, located in South America and which sits on the Ecuator line, thus, its name. With a population of 16 million, the country features Amazon jungle, Andean highlands and the Galapagos Islands. We will stop by its stand in the fair and learn about some of the things Ecuador has to offer like traditional straw hats, coffee, butterflies and Miske, an alcoholic beverage made from agave. Ecuador is the second producer of cocoa after Brazil, and the country's cocoa beans even has their own name: Arriba beans. These cocoa beans are used to make chocolate and on this broadcast we will also learn about what is said to be the "best and most ethical" chocolate in the world with Santiago Peralta, CEO and founder of Paccari. Escuchar audio
1/27/202430 minutes, 15 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - Goals for freedom: Empowerment and equality through sport - 25/01/24

"Sport has the power to change the world" with this quote by Nelson Mandela the NGO Goals for Freedom present themselves. They have been operating in Uganda since 2018 with the objective of promoting equality through sports and empowering women. They also brought the initiative to Valencia, where they organize "Pachangas", that is friendly games, to help women, migrants and anyone who wants to join distract themselves, come together and learn about each other. To tell us all about Goals for Freedom, we spoke with Patricia Campos Domenech, football coach, former pilot and founder of the NGO.Escuchar audio
1/25/202432 minutes, 21 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - Residencia de señoritas: Spain's first college for women - 23/01/24

On today's broadcast we would like to take you back in time and visit the Residencia de Señoritas, which was located in Fortuny Street, number 53, in Madrid, at the beginning of the 20th century. The Residencia was founded in 1915 with only three students, but it quickly grew in popularity, by the end of that year there were 36 students enrolled from all over Spain and by 1936, when it shut down, there were 250 students every year. To learn all about what is considered to be the first university education center for women in Spain, we visited the historical building and spoke with Noemi Cueto, art historian, director of institutional relations of the Ortega-Marañon foundation and member of the scientific committee of the exhibition about the Residencia.Escuchar audio
1/22/202441 minutes, 48 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - The pellet problem: the microplastics flooding our seas - 20/01/24

On December 8th, a cargo ship off the coast of Portugal lost six containers, at least one of them full of plastic pellets: microplastics that are used as raw materials to produce plastics, and which often end up in the oceans. Days later, bags full of these microplastics and loose pellets began to wash up on Spain's Galician coast. This is a crisis that has gained more publicity in the past two weeks as regional elections in Galicia draw close... But, pellets and microplastics aren't just a Galician problem. We are joined by Raúl García, Senior Fisheries Officer for WWF Spain, who says the problem didn't start with this spill.And after that, we listen to the rest of our conversation with sociologist Constanza Tobío Soler about nineteenth-and-twentieth century author and sociologist Charlotte Perkins-Gilman.Escuchar audio
1/19/202432 minutes, 44 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - South Africa vs. Israel: Is Israel committing genocide? - 18/01/24

More than 100 days have passed since the attack perpetrated by Hamas on the 7th of October, which led to an extreme counter offensive by Israel. Since then, almost 24 thousand Palestinians have been killed, 40% children, and 60 thousand have been injured. 150 health centers have been attacked and almost 2 million peple have been forced to leave their homes. On the 29th of December, South Africa filed a case in the International Court of Justice accusing Israel of genocide. But what does this mean and what could the outcome be? To answer these questions we are joined once again by Pau de Vilchez, professor of international law in the Balearic Islands University. Escuchar audio
1/18/202433 minutes, 42 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - Peris Costumes: the Spanish company that dresses film and TV - 16/01/24

In today's broadcast, we're going to look around a few of the many warehouses of Peris Costumes, a company with clothes you've most certainly seen on your screen. They dress television and movies such Bridgerton, Peaky Blinders, the new Dune film, Ridley Scott's Napoleon, Disney's Mulan, Malificent, House of the Dragon... The list goes on and on and on! They have warehouses all over the world, but their headquarters are in Madrid, which we at the English Language Broadcast had the honor of visiting. We'll hear from Javier Toledo, the president of Peris Costumes, and after that the company's Project Manager, Elena Ortega, takes us on a tour.Escuchar audio
1/15/202431 minutes, 6 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - The Man-Made World: Our Androcentric Culture - 13/01/24

That one sex should have monopolized all human activities, called them "man's work," and managed them as such, is what is meant by the phrase "Androcentric Culture".The Man-Made World was first written and published by author and sociologist Charlotte Perkins Gilman in 1911. In this book, Perkins Gilman wrote of our 'androcentric culture', that is, a society that is built entirely around men. At the time of its first publication, this book wasn't paid much mind by the early feminist movement of the time, which hinged primarily around the vote for women. Perkins Gilman had a slightly more radical approach, and believed women should seek equality with men beyond just the vote. The Man-Made World was picked up again by the feminists of the seventies and eighties, and now, over a hundred years after its first publication, Spain's Center for Sociological Research has edited and published a new edition (Un mundo hecho por los hombres o nuestra cultura androcéntrica), edited by sociologist Constanza Tobío Soler. Professor Tobío visits us at the English Language Broadcast to talk about what was so revolutionary about Perkins Gilman's text then, and why it's still worth reading now.Escuchar audio
1/12/202431 minutes, 31 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - What's in a word? "Rizz" and how words work - 11/01/24

At the end of 2023, different institutions in different countries published their words of the year. The one chosen in Spain, by a foundation ran by the Royal Spanish Academy and the EFE news agency, was polarización, meaning polarization... A word that reflects the highly political election year we just got through. In Germany, krisenmodus, meaning crisis mode was the word of the year, after a year of crises such as wars, climate change and inflation. In Japan, the kanji chosen through popular vote was tax. In Australia, the word chosen was cozzie livs, meaning cost of living. But one of the words of the year that made headlines worldwide was the word chosen by the Publishers of the Oxford English Dictionary. Rizz, a slang term that emerged on the internet and gaming platforms, and which the Oxford Dictionary describes as "a colloquial word, defined as style, charm, or attractiveness; the ability to attract a romantic or sexual partner". Oxford University Press describes their search for the word of the year as a quest to seek “a word or expression that reflects the past twelve months in some way, having potential as a term of lasting cultural significance or providing a snapshot of social history.”In today's broadcast we take the oportunity to talk linguistics with an English philologist, Miguel Delgado. We'll discuss Oxford Dictionary's 2023 word of the year and how words come to be... And then, we'll talk about how the Spanish language is influenced by English.Escuchar audio
1/10/202430 minutes, 11 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - Blackface and racism in Spain's yearly 'Three Kings' parades - 09/01/24

Epiphany, known in Spain as el Día de los Reyes Magos (the Day of the Three Kings) is celebrated with parades all over the country every year on the fifth of January. The stars of these parades are the three kings, known also as the three wise men who brought the newborn Jesus Christ gifts of gold, incense and mehrr: Melchior, Gaspar, and Balthasar. However, these parades find themselves embroiled in controversy year after year, for one of these Three Wise Men (Balthasar) is depicted as a black man. Yet he is not always portrayed by a black man but rather a white man in facepaint. After the newscast, we'll be talking to the Coordinator of the Pro-Human Rights Association of Andalucía, Diego Boza, about the persistent use of blackface in local parades all over Spain.Escuchar audio
1/9/202430 minutes, 49 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - Israel to fight genocide claim at the International Court - 06/01/24

We are joined on today's broadcast by political scientist Alberto Spektorowski, to talk about South Africa launching genocide proceedings at the International Court of Justice over Israel's military operation in Gaza: a military operation that began in retaliation of the October 7th attacks, in which Hamas killed over 1000 Israelis and took 240 hostages ; a military operation that has so far killed over 20.000 Palestinians and wounded over 57.000 , according to Gazan authorities. In the year 2000, Alberto Spektorowski worked alongside Israel's then-Minister of Foreign Affairs Shlomo Ben Ami during the Camp David Summit, an effort to end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Mr. Spektorowski tells us why he thinks the two-state solution has failed to come to fruition in the past, and also weighs in on what we might expect as the conflict continues. On the sixth of January, Spain celebrates el día de los Reyes Magos, known in English as Epiphany, and this is a festivity that comes with its own special treat. Later on in the broadcast, we talk with Paloma Silvestrin of the bakery Doble Uve Obrador, the winners of second place in this year's Best Artesenal Roscón de Reyes Competition in Madrid about this particular food.Escuchar audio
1/6/202431 minutes, 25 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - Robot dreams: An animated journey through love and loss - 04/01/24

A robot and a dog become best friends... Behind such a simple premise we find a profound and unique story of love, friendship, loneliness and companionship with very special moments told through delighful animation and musical numbers. Robot Dreams was originally a graphic novel by Sara Varon, and it has now been brough to cinema screens by Spanish director, Pablo Berger, in the form of an animated musical without dialogues. Pablo Berger joins us in this broadcast to discuss the film, winner of Best Animated Feature Film at the European Film Awards and Goya nominee. After that, we learn about what is now considered the worst drought in the history of Catalonia and the measures being taken to preserve water with Samuel Reyes, director of the Catalan Water Agency.Escuchar audio
1/3/202430 minutes, 10 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - New Year's countdown with the 'Relojeros' of Puerta del Sol - 30/12/23

In just a few days, the Puerta del Sol clock will, once again, welcome Spaniards to the new year. In Spain it is traditional to visit the Puerta del Sol square in Madrid on the last day of the year and eat 12 grapes while listening to the 12 strikes of the bell. Everything has to be ready for that moment, security protocols, transport, emergency services, cameras and media... But probably the most important element of that night is the clock located in the tower of the Royal House of the Post Office. Since 1996 the workshop in charge of the maintenance of the Puerta del Sol clock on this day and throughout the year is the Relojeria Losada. On this broadast, we visit the "Relojeria" to learn all about the preparations for this year's celebration with Pedro Ortiz Rey, one of their watchmakers.Escuchar audio
12/30/202330 minutes, 11 seconds
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Emisión en inglés - A smile for Christmas: 30 years of bringing joy and presents - 28/12/23

Christmas is a time of fun and enjoyment, a time to spend with loved ones and remember what we are grateful for, but we cannot forget that it is also a time of solidarity, compassion and sympathy with the people who need it the most. The NGO Cooperacion Internacional knows this and this year, once again, they organized the campaign"Una sonrisa por navidad" which aims to bring presents to children in disadvantaged situations. To learn more about it we visited the headquarters of Cooperación Internacional in Madrid and spoke with María Mompó, coordinator of the project. And at the end of the broadcast, we bring you another thing that is typical of this time:Christmas concerts. Last week, we attended the Banda de Música Villa de Madrid's Christmas concert "Una navidad de película" and spoke with some of the musicians from this local band.Escuchar audio
12/27/202331 minutes, 22 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - A tiny tree with a big meaning: "We can compete with Vigo" - 21/12/23

In a previous broadcast we told you about the extravagant Christmas display in the north-western city of Vigo, which includes a 44 meter-tall Christmas tree. But did you know that the tallest Christmas tree in Spain is located in the city of Cartes, in the region of Cantabria? It's 65 meters tall, and goes to show how much competition there is between Spain's many town halls to have the tallest tree for the season. However, a few citizens of a Galician town have tired of this competition, and want to remember the real meaning of Christmas, which is found in the smallest things. Neighbours of Vilagarcia de Arousa gathered together to put up what is now the smallest Christmas tree in Spain. On this broadcast we tell you all about this tiny tree with Pedro Falcón, member of the board of the Neighours Association Breogán de O Piñeiriño. We also bring you another story about a small Christmas tree that went viral a few years ago and has secured its place in one of the most important squares of the city of Ávila and in the local's hearts: "el árbol chico del chico". Later, we tell you about a very original twist on a typical Spanish tradition: the nativity scene, but made with Playmobil. And we finish this broadcast revisiting another Christmas tradition: the yearly Christmas lotery.Escuchar audio
12/21/202330 minutes, 31 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - Harry Potter's wizarding world arrives in Barcelona - 19/12/23

It's been 12 years sinceHarry Potter and the Philosopher's stone, the first movie from the Harry Potter Saga, was released in Spain, and it quickly became a huge phenomenon everywhere in the country. More than six million people watched it and it became one of the highest grossing films in Spain. The magic of Harry Potter has accompanied Spaniards since the first book came out back in 1997 and now an exhibition just arrived in Barcelona to immerse us once again in the wizarding world. To tell us about it, we spoke withTom Zaller, founder and CEO of Imagine Exhibitions, the company behind "Harry Potter: the exhibition".Escuchar audio
12/18/202330 minutes, 36 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - The global state of democracy: in decline - 16/12/23

On Monday 11th, the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA) published their yearly report on the state of democracy in the world. IDEA is an Institute that works to protect democracy, and this year's report turned in troubling results: off the top, it states that half of all countries saw declines in democracy over the past five years. The report was presented here in Madrid by IDEA's Secretary General, Kevin Casas. We spoke with him about the growing trends and challenges faced by democracy now and in the upcoming year.Escuchar audio
12/16/202330 minutes, 7 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - When people say 'Christmas', they think about Vigo - 14/12/23

The town of Vigo in the northwest of Spain has made name for itself in recent years thanks to its Christmas decorations: more specifically, its lights, which this year were turned on on the 24th of November, a whole month before Christmas. To learn all about this Christmas wonderland, we speak with Vigo's mayor, Abel Caballero. But not all that glitters is gold. An association of neighbors in the surrounding area complain about the noise, rubbish, light pollution and even safety hazards the extragavant display has brought into their lives. Álvaro Herrera, spokesman for the Neighbors of Vigo's Central Area Association, tells us about their struggles.Escuchar audio
12/14/202330 minutes, 11 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - 30 years since St James' Way was named World Heritage Site - 12/12/2023

El Camino de Santiago (or, as English-speakers know it, Saint James' Way) is a pilgrimage that traverses the top reaches of the Spain's Peninsula all the way to the city of Santiago de Compostela in Galicia. The oldest iteration of this long path, this camino, begins in France, and is known as The French Way. The eleventh of December marks 30 years since this particular pilgrimage was recognized as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. We talked with pilgrim Juan Camaño, of the Spanish Federation of Associations of Friends of the Camino de Santiago, about the origins of this route and pilgrimage, and how it survived all these years and is still walked today by people from all over the world. After that... The Berlin Wall: A World Divided is an exhibition currently running in Madrid, and is the first (according to the President of the Berlin Wall Foundation, Axel Klausmeier) to place the Iron Curtain in its global context. We hear from the Foundation President at an act celebrating the new exhibition.Escuchar audio
12/12/202332 minutes, 12 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - Spanish Craze: American fascination with the Spanish - 09/12/23

During the 19th century right after the Spanish-American war, a new phenomenon took over the United States: the Spanish Craze. During this time Americans became extremely interested in everything related to the Spanish and the Hispanic. Perhaps due to an ideallization of the country, the people or the way of life, the Spanish became a trend, and artists, dancers, painters, musicians, writers... helped spread the Spanish Craze all over the country. On this broadcast, we speak with doctor Rachel Strauss, an independent scholar who specializes in 20th century dance history, about the reasons behind the Spanish Craze and the development of this phenomenon.Escuchar audio
12/9/202330 minutes, 36 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - Napoleon Bonaparte's lasting legacy in Europe and beyond - 07/12/23

On December 6th, Spain celebrates the Spanish Constitution, which was approved in 1978 after the dictatorship. But did you know, this is not Spain's first ever Constitution? A Spanish Constitution was first written and promulgated in 1808 when Napoleon invaded Spain and placed his brother Joseph Bonapart on the Spanish throne. This is just one of the impacts Napoleon Bonaparte had outside of his home country of France. During his short-lived rule, the French General revolutionized military organization and training, reorganized education and sponsored the Napoleonic Code, a prototype of later civil-law codes. His reforms left a lasting mark on France and a lot of Western Europe, and beyond... As the new Ridley Scott film about the General is currently in cinemas, we've taken the opportunity to speak with historian Alexander Mikaberidze, the author of the first global history of the Napoleonic Wars: 'Napoleonic Wars: a global history'.Escuchar audio
12/7/202330 minutes, 11 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - OCO The Show: A thrilling fusion of flamenco and rock - 05/12/23

Earlier this year, we covered an upcoming project that mixed the best of Flamenco with the best of Rock and Roll. The show, titled 'OCO' (One Chance Only) was created by old-school rock promoter, Pino Sagliocco, a promoter who had worked with the likes of Michael Jackson, Queen and The Rolling Stones. The show ended up not being a 'One Chance Only' opportunity. It ran for four days in April, but returned to Madrid in October, with returning players singer Bernard Fowler and saxophonist Tim Ries, two musicians of the Rolling Stones' band. On this broadcast, we revisit the interviews conducted back in April, with Bernard Fow-ler, Tim Ries and Pino Sagliocco.Escuchar audio
12/5/202330 minutes, 11 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - Un-censored: Barcelona's new museum of once-forbidden art - 02/12/23

Did you know that five centuries ago Michelangelo's The Last Judgement in the Sixtine Chapel was censored for nudity? Censorship has accompanied us since the beginning of art and now a new museum in Barcelona has opened to help us reflect on its meaning, showcasing pieces that have been banned through the centuries. The origin of the exhibition was the artpiece 'Political prisoners in contemporary Spain' by Santiago Sierra, which was removed from the contemporary art fair ARCO when it was first displayed. On today's broadcast, we speak with Carles Guerra, artistic director of the Museu de l'Art Prohibit.Escuchar audio
12/2/202330 minutes, 44 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - 'Liquid gold': The growing industry of olive oil - 30/11/23

Last week we celebrated World Olive Day and attended the ceremony organized in Madrid by the International Olive Council and the International Center for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies. There, we spoke with Jaime Lillo, Deputy Executive Director of the Council about the situation of the olive oil industry.A few days ago, the European Union approved the use of glyphosate for ten more years, despite the controversy around it and criticism from several environmentalist groups, including Greepeace. Eva Corral from the Greenpeace European Unit, tells us about the consequences of the use of the herbicide.Escuchar audio
11/30/202331 minutes, 14 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - EU's maritime security and the importance of the seabed - 27/11/23

The seabed is rapidly becoming a new space of concern in security politics. In Europe, largely triggered by the 2022 sabotage of he Nord Stream pipelines, but also investments by Russia in subsea capabilities, NATO countries are reevaluating their dependency on subsea infrastructures such as pipelines and data and electricity cables.With the context of Spain's current EU presidency, the Spanish Navy hosted a forum last week at navel headquarters in Madrid to discuss maritime security, and in particular, the seabed. Christian Bueger, professor of International Relations in the Department of Political Science at the University in Copenhagen, Denmark, and also the director of the Safe Seas Network, was in attendance and we took the chance to speak with him about maritime security as a whole, and the European Union's current quest to become a Global Maritime Security Provider.Escuchar audio
11/28/202331 minutes, 10 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - Spain seeks justice for victims of abuse by the Church - 25/11/23

At the end of October, Spain's ombudsman released a report on an independent investigation into sexual abuse in Spain's Catholic Church. This report did not give a specific number of victims, but in a poll of more than 8000 adults, 1% said that they had been sexually abused by members of the clergy when they were children. Josep María Tamarit, professor of Criminal Law at the Open University of Catalonia and coordinator of various investigations into sexual abuse in the Church, collaborated in the creation of the Ombudsman's report. Fernando García-Salmones is of the Infancia Robada Association, and is a survivor of abuse in his childhood. In today's broadcast, we hear from both guests and learn more about this report, and the situation of abuse in the Spanish church, which has been kept secret for the longest time. Escuchar audio
11/25/202331 minutes, 36 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - Palestine and Israel: 6 weeks of war, 56 years of occupation - 23/11/23

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez is visiting Israel, the West Bank and Egypt to analyse the situation during the four-day ceasefire. He reaffirmed Spain's intention of recognizing Palestine as a state and once again advocated for the two-state solution. He ended his tour of the Middle East with Egyptian President Al Sisi, Egypt being a key country in perhaps reaching a peaceful agreement between Israel and Palestine.Since the escalation of the conflict between Israel and Palestine, which has left more than 1200 Israeli deaths, according to the Israeli government, and 14000 Palestinian deaths, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health, several associations, including the UN, have condemned Israel's brutal attack on Palestine. Recently, the Spanish Association of International Law and International Relations Professors released a statement condemning Hamas' attack and Israel's actions, which they consider to be contrary to human rights and the Humanitarian International Law. On today's broadcast we speak with Pau de Vilchez, one of the signers and professor of international law at the Balearic Islands University, to provide some context about the conflict and the statement they have signed.Escuchar audio
11/23/202341 minutes, 22 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - The new amnesty law: a threat to Spain's democracy? - 21/11/23

On Thursday, socialist leader Pedro Sanchez was elected by congress for a third term, with the support of Catalan separatist parties in exchange for the controversial Amnesty Law. But... what does it entail and why is it so controversial? To answer these questions, on today's broadcast we spoke with José María Pernas, Constutional Law professor in the University CEU San Pablo and doctor in Law, Government and Public Policy.Escuchar audio
11/21/202331 minutes, 6 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - The American-made International Institute for Girls in Spain - 18/11/23

A series of conferences titled Educadoras y Feministas entre España y América (Educators and Feminists between Spain and America) is currently taking place here in Madrid, detailing the links forged between America and Spain in the twentieth century. It all began when American intellectuals came to Spain and opened the International Institute for Girls, following the footsteps of American colleges, and offered higher education to Spanish women who had no access to it. We visited the Institute to learn about the establishment's history and spoke with Pilar Piñon, the Institute's current Executive Director.We also recap the results of this year's edition of the Latin Grammys, which this year took place in Spain, outside of the US for the first time ever.Escuchar audio
11/18/202332 minutes, 31 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - The Spanish Cinemathèque: 70 years preserving film heritage - 16/11/23

The Filmoteca española, or Spanish Cinemathéque, was founded in 1953 with the objective of preserving, restoring and investigating about Spanish film heritage. It was first integrated in the Ministry of Information and Tourism and later in the Ministry of Culture, until 1982 when it was transformed into an autonomous entity. This autonomy, however, only lasted a few years until 1985 when it was integrated in the Institute of Cinematography and Audiovisual Arts.The Spanish Cinemateque has a very long history since its foundation and this year we are celebrating its 70th anniversary remembering the role of the institution during all these years. To tell us more about it, we speak with Valeria Camporesi, film historian, researcher, and director of the Spanish Cinematheque.Escuchar audio
11/16/202331 minutes, 54 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - Why Empires Fall: Rome, America and the Future of the West - 14/11/23

"A great civilization is not conquered from without, until it has destroyed itself from within."This is a quote from Anthony Mann's 1964 film, 'The Fall of the Roman Empire', and it is written on the final pages of the book we talk about on this broadcast, titled 'Why Empires fall: Rome, America, and the Future of the West'. This book was published in English earlier this year, but its Spanish translation ('¿Por qué caen los imperios?') made its way to the shelves this month. Authors Peter Heather and John Rapley join us in this broadcast to talk about the parallels and differences between ancient Rome and the Modern West. Escuchar audio
11/14/202330 minutes, 12 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - Before America: original sources in modern culture - 11/11/23

On this broadcast we visit the exhibition Before America: original sources in modern culture with Manuel Fontán del Junco, one of its curators and Director of museums and exhibitions in the Juan March Foundation. The exhibition explores the influence of pre-Columbian and native American arts and culture in modern representations. Escuchar audio
11/11/202331 minutes, 1 second
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English Language Broadcast - Silbo Gomero: the whistle language of the Canary Islands - 09/11/23

On today's broadcast we learn about the Silbo Gomero, the Gomero whistle, which is an articulated whistle language used in the island of La Gomera in the Canary Islands. To tell us about its origins, history and use we spoke with Eugenio Darias, from the Silbo Gomero Cultural association. After that, the British council in Spain tells us about the Spanish students who plan to study abroad, and how the landscape of international study has changed after Brexit and COVID-19.Escuchar audio
11/9/202330 minutes, 11 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - One month of war: Analysing the conflict in Gaza - 07/11/23

A month has passed since Hamas militants lead their attack on Israel, and since Israel began its counterattack, through which it assures it wants to "make sure October 7th is never repeated". One month, thousands of lives lost... Health officials in Gaza report that more than 9,770 Palestinians have been killed in the war since Hamas killed 1,400 Israeli and seized more than 240 hostages on October 7th. On this broadcast we are joined by  George Emile Irani, Doctor in International Relations from the University of Southern California, and Professor of International Relations at the American University of Kuwait to analyse the factors which led to the escalation of the conflict, the implications and what the future holds.  Escuchar audio
11/7/202330 minutes, 11 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - Princess Leonor, heir to the Spanish throne, comes of age - 03/11/23

Princess Leonor swore alliegance to the Spanish Constitution on the 31st of October, the day of her 18th birthday, and the forty-fifth anniversary of Spain's Constitution. She is the heir to the throne in a divided Spain, and in today's broadcast we recap the events of Tuesday.Also in today's broadcast: the National Park of Doñana in Andalucía, in the south of Spain, has been in Spanish headlines for some time now. The wetland lagoon in this park has been suffering from dry spells, in part due to the climate crisis and the droughts it causes. But the national park has also seen problems in the form of illegal wells. We talk to Danielle Dessi of the SEO Birdlife Organization about the state of the lagoon and the dangers it faces. Escuchar audio
11/3/202330 minutes, 14 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - Southern Noir visits Spain's crime fiction festival - 02/11/23

SA Cosby is an award-winning author from Southeastern Virginia, in Spain for the Getafe Negro Crime Fiction Festival, which this year had the United States as a guest country. Called the 'rising star' of the southern noir genre, his 2020 novel "Blacktop Wasteland" won the Los Angeles Times Book Prize, and was named book of the year by NPR, the Guardian. In 2021, "Razorblade Tears" was a New York Times Bestseller and on Barack Obama's summer reading list!Those two booksare the ones that have been published in Spain. What makes the south a good setting for crime fiction? What can we learn from crime fiction? What about his novels could appeal to a Spanish readership?Escuchar audio
11/2/202332 minutes, 20 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - EU says there's more fake news than ever - 31/10/23

Fake news (or 'disinformation') has become an increasing concern over the past few years, particularly since the COVID-19 pandemic. In the context of the current conflict in Palestine and Israel and the wider spread of misinformation (especially on social media) we talk to EU spokesperson for Foreign Affairs, Peter Stano. Where does it come from? How big is the threat?We also talk about Pedro Duque, the first Spanish astronaut, who first went to space on October 29th, 25 years ago.Escuchar audio
10/31/202332 minutes, 13 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - America attends Madrid's crime fiction festival - 28/10/23

Madrid's Crime Fiction fair, 'Getafe Negro', had it's 16th edition this week, and this year's guest country was the United States. The poet Anne Carson opened the festival, and American author Don Wislow was awarded the José Luis Sampedro prize. The festival's logo is a raven, as Edgar Allen Poe is understood by many to be at the roots of the 'crime ficiton' literary genre... Julia García, one of the festival's curators, tells us about its origins in the US and how it arrived in Spain, as well as the current popularity of the genre here.Escuchar audio
10/28/202330 minutes, 15 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - Europe's first successful private rocket launch is Spanish - 26/10/23

In today's broadcast, we cover the first fully-private rocket launch in Europe: the launch of the Miura 1 from Andalucía, Spain. PLD Space, the Spanish company that built the rocketship and carried out the launch, called the launch a success, even though some of the mission's goalposts were moved... We talked to the executive president of the company, Ezequiel Sánchez, about the missions' accomplishments and what this launch means, for the company, for Spain and for Europe... And what exactly private companies contribute to the space-sector.Escuchar audio
10/26/202331 minutes, 49 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - Festival Eñe: culture as a bridge between continents - 24/10/23

In today's broadcast, Spain's 'Eñe' literature festival seeks to become a bridge between Latin-America and Europe in its fifteenth year, when before it has kept to Spain alone. We talk with the festival's 'artistic director', journalist and writer Jesús Ruiz Mantilla, about the festival's evolution towards including other artforms and types of media, and the power of language.Escuchar audio
10/24/202330 minutes, 11 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - How to keep your data safe for Cybersecurity Awareness month - 21/10/23

Spain is the third country with the most cybersecurity breaches. In the second trimerster of 2023, information from more than 4 million accounts was leaked, that is 30 accounts per minute. October is European Cybersecurity month and to raise awareness about the importance of cybersecurity, on today's broadcast we speak with Miguel Ángel Ordóñez, director of Security and Resilience in Kyndryl Spain and Portugal.Escuchar audio
10/21/202331 minutes, 58 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - Jose Ortega y Gasset: philosopher of the people - 19/10/23

<p>The 18th of October is the anniversary of Spanish philosopher Jose Ortega y Gasset's death and to remember him we visit the Foundation Ortega y Gasset in Madrid. To talk about his impact and legacy, as well as the work the Foundation is doing, we speak with Jaime de Salas Ortueta, Director of the Ortega y Gasset Studies Center.</p><div><br/><a href="">Escuchar audio</a></div><img src="" alt=""/>
10/19/202330 minutes, 12 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - 'Society of the snow': A true story of tragedy and survival - 17/10/23

<p>"The society of the snow" is the film chosen by the Spanish Film Academy to represent Spain the 2024 Academy Awards. It tells the story of the 16 Uruguayan survivors of the 1972 plane crash in the Andes, where they had to face extreme conditions on their own for 72 days. The film, directed by Spanish director Juan Antonio Bayona, is based on the 2008 book "La sociedad de la nieve" by Uruguayan writer Pablo Vierci. On this broadcast we speak with Pablo about, the impact of the accident, his connection to it and the upcoming movie. </p><div><br/><a href="">Escuchar audio</a></div><img src="" alt=""/>
10/17/202330 minutes, 26 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - Analyzing the international response to the Israel-Hamas war - 14/10/23

<p>This past week, the Israeli conflict has been quickly escalating after Hamas attacked Israel last Saturday... Our correspondant in Lebanon, Elsa Yasbek, details the beginning of the conflict, and then we speak with Alberto Coll, Law Professor of DePaul University in Chicago, about the international reaction and repercussions of this war. Will this war distract from the conflict in Ukraine? How long will this fighting last?</p><div><br/><a href="">Escuchar audio</a></div><img src="" alt=""/>
10/14/202330 seconds
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English Language Broadcast -Celebrating Spain's National Day with flamenco - 12/10/23

<p>Today's broadcast coincides with the national day of Spain, and we visit the Corral de la morería, the oldest Tablao Flamenco in Spain, to talk to Armando del Rey, the co-owner of the establishment about tablaos, flamenco, and its Spanish roots. The 'Corral' is even putting on a show in Plaza Mayor in Madrid for the National Day of Spain's festivities on Thursday the 12th of October.</p><div><br/><a href="">Escuchar audio</a></div><img src="" alt=""/>
10/12/202332 minutes, 49 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - Mental health in Spain: a priority for the future - 10/10/23

<p>According to a study by the Mental Health Confederation of Spain, 74.7% of the population considers that mental health in Spanish society has worsened since the pandemic. In today's broadcast we speak with Nel González Zapico, president of the Mental Health Confederation about the situation and the challenges related to mental health we have in our country, as well as the role of the confederation. </p><p>Unwanted loneliness and isolation are closely linked to mental health issues and particularly affect the elderly. In the last few years, a few initiatives have been developed globally to acknowledge and prevent this situation and promote measures to reclaim their role in society and guarantee their right to a dignified life. In Spain the NGO Adopta un Abuelo (Adopt a Grandpa) was created with this objective in 2014. To learn more about what they do, we speak with Alberto Cabanes, CEO and founder of the association.</p><p> </p><p><br></p><div><br/><a href="">Escuchar audio</a></div><img src="" alt=""/>
10/10/202330 minutes, 7 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - Picasso's 'sacred and profane' influences at the Thyssen - 07/10/23

<p>Today we return to the Picasso year, to those year-long celebrations surrounding the 50th anniversary of the Spanish artists' death, with the Thyssen Museum in Madrid's final Año Picasso exhibition. The exhibition is titled "Picasso: The Sacred and the Profane" and focuses on the influence religious imagery had on the painter best-known for 'cubism', and his return to this imagery in his later years. We take a walk around the exhibition and talk with its curator, Paloma Alarcó, after the news from Spain.</p><div><br/><a href="">Escuchar audio</a></div><img src="" alt=""/>
10/7/202330 minutes, 15 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - Revered and Feared. Feminine power arrives in Madrid - 05/10/23

<p>'Revered and Feared: Feminine Power in Art and Beliefs' is the name of the exhibition the British Museum has brought to Spain. The exibition, located in Caixaforum Madrid, focuses on feminine power in art   throughout history and includes 166 pieces from prehistory util the 21st century. Eve, Lilith, Greek Goddesses and creatures such as Athena and Medusa, the Egyptian goddess Sekhmet... are included in the exhibition which is divided in 5 thematic sections: creation and nature, passion and desire, magic and malice, justice and defence and compassion and salvation.</p><p>In today's broadcast we speak with Belinda Crerar, curator of the exhibition and content developer for international exhibitions of the British Museum, about the roles these characters have played in society since the dawn of time.</p><p><br></p><p> </p><p><br></p><div><br/><a href="">Escuchar audio</a></div><img src="" alt=""/>
10/5/202331 minutes, 2 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - Cuesta de Moyano: A literary oasis in the center of Madrid - 03/10/23

<p>Just outside the Atocha station in the center of Madrid, very close to el Parque del Retiro, we find a small oasis for bookworms or anyone who is interested in literature. The official name is Calle de Claudio Moyano, but it is popularly known as Cuesta de Moyano, the Moyano Slope. </p><p>Almost one hundred years after its official opening, the Moyano Slope book fair is going through some tough times and because of a popular initiative in the spring of 2019, the association "Soy de la cuesta" was created. In today's broadcast we speak with Lara Sanchez, director of the association, about the cultural and historical importance of la Cuesta de Moyano. </p><p>And we also bring you a recap of the winners of the San Sebastian Film Festival, which closed this weekend.</p><p><br></p><div><br/><a href="">Escuchar audio</a></div><img src="" alt=""/>
10/3/202330 minutes, 10 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - Wine and paella: from Spain to the world - 30/09/23

Today we have a foodie broadcast, about two things Spain is well known for: its paella -- a dish typical of the region of Valencia -- and its wine, which is one of its biggest exports. To talk Paella, we have Javier Blanc, a Spanish chef working in Canada who recently won second place in the Concurs Internacional de Paella Valenciana de Sueca.He tells us about his business 'The Paella Guys' and  And for wine, in time for the harvest season, we talk with Adrian McNamus of Northwest Iberia Wine Tours, which covers the northwest regions of Spain and part of Portugal. One of those regions of Spain is Galicia, home to the wondrous Ribeira Sacra. Adrian is also a Knight of the Order of Albariño Wine... Listen to the broadcast to find out what that is!Escuchar audio
9/30/202330 minutes, 10 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - Spanish cultural heritage arrives in Europe's capital - 28/09/23

This second half of the year Spain is holding Presidency of the Council of the European Union and as part of the cultural program to mark the Spanish presidency, an exhibition opened in the Lex building in Brusels, in Belgium. The exhibition shows some of Spain's Europa Nostra Awards, which acknowledge restorarion and conservation efforts. In today's broadcast we speak with Enrique Calderon, general secretary of Hispania Nostra, the association behind the exhibition.Escuchar audio
9/28/202330 minutes, 39 seconds
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English Language Broadcast- How new UK border contols affect imported goods from the EU - 26/09/23

At the end of August, the UK governmet announced new border controls, in this podcast we speak with Miguel Flavián, Head of Foreign Trade at the Spanish Chamber of Commerce, to hopefully get to the bottom of what this all means. Spain's co-official languages are Galician, Basque, Catalan and Valencian, and to celebrate European Day of Languages, we tell you all about their origin and history.  Escuchar audio
9/26/202330 minutes, 55 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - London Spanish Film Festival's Treasures from the Archives - 23/09/23

We have a cinematic broadcast today... as the San Sebastián Festival kicks off here in Spain, we head back to the London Spanish Film Festival to talk about its 'Treasures from the Archives'.  In a festival that showcases the best and newest Spanish Cinema has to offer, there's also a section dedicated to Spanish classics. This year, the London Spanish Film Festival features' Embrujo', a 1948 film starring Lola Flores, and the 1972 documentary 'Two Memories' by writer Jorge Semprún... Two films that have little in common, and maybe even clash. The director of the London Cervantes Institute, Victor Ugarte, tells us more.Escuchar audio
9/23/202330 minutes, 11 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - The Spanish Earth remembers Hemingway's first visit - 21/09/23

The first time Ernest Hemingway visited Spain he arrived in Pamplona in 1923 for the San Fermines, the running of the bulls festival. After that, he travelled to the country a few times throughout his life and he even called it "the last good country left". Several of his works are inspired by his trips to Spain:  For whom the bell tolls, The sun also rises, The Dangerous Summer, The garden of eden or The capital of the world... amongst many others.  To celebrate the 100th annversary of his first visit to Spain, on today's broadcast, we speak with Carl Eby, president of the Hemingway Foundation and Society, and with Lara Sánchez, director of "Soy de la cuesta" the association behind the events organized in Madrid to remember the author's visits to Spain. Escuchar audio
9/21/202330 minutes, 31 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - New and old classics at the London Spanish Film Festival - 19/09/23

In today's broadcast, we link up with the UK... first, for the London Spanish Film Festival, which begins this week in the English capital. Premieres, documentaries and treasures from the archives, including films in all of Spain's languages. The festival's founder and director, Joanna Granero, tells us more... And then we talk James Bond, legacy and diversity with Kim Sherwood, the writer of the latest Bond novels, who was recently in Segovia, Spain, for the Hay Festival of Literature and Art.Escuchar audio
9/19/202331 minutes, 6 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - The Custard Institute: Spanish Art and Culture in Dallas, TX - 16/09/23

Algur H. Meadows was a Texan oil financier in the 1950s, when he took frequent business trips to Spain. On these trips, he spent many hours at the Prado Museum in Madrid, Spain's national art museum, and was inspired to begin his own collection of Spanish art. All these years later, the Meadows Museum in Dallas, Texas is known as the "Prado on the Prairie", and has established it's own cultural institute centered around Spanish masterpieces: the Custard Institute for Spanish Art and Culture. Our colleague Íñigo Picabea talked with the new Institute's director, Greg Warden, to learn more about it.After that, our correspondant in Lebanon, Elsa Yasbek, reports on sustainable tourism in the Mediterranean.Escuchar audio
9/18/202331 minutes, 22 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - Miguel Malla and his ace jazz ensemble Racalmuto - 14/09/23

In today's broadcast, after taking a look at the news we talk to Miguel Malla, leader and founder of the Madrid-based jazz ensemble Racalmuto. Besides performing live at clubs and other venues, Racalmuto have released two excellent studio albums, "Racalmuto" (Subterfuge Records) and "De Nuevo En El Infierno" or "Back in Hell Again" (Zakopane Records). A conservatory-trained clarinetist and saxophonist, Miguel Malla talks about his discovery of jazz and, in particular, the refreshingly ear-opening light jazz of Raymond Scott and John Kirby that was all the rage back in the 30's and 40's and that Racalmuto play so well today. Escuchar audio
9/14/202337 minutes, 42 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - Javier Marías, an international Spanish author - 12/09/23

"We cannot know what time will do to us with its fine, indistinguishable layers upon layers, we cannot know what it might make of us." Javier Marías, Spanish author of books such as 'A Heart So White' and 'The Infatuations', passed away a year ago, on September 11th at the age of 70. He was not only a novelist, but a respected newspaper columnist, and an award-winning translator... both of these jobs greatly influenced and elevated his work, and his literature is still regarded as some of Spain's best years after it was first published. To remember him today, a year after his passing, we have with us on the English Language Broadcast Professor Alexis Grohmann, head of the Edinburgh Cervantes Institute and Professor of Spanish Literature.Escuchar audio
9/12/202330 minutes, 15 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - Digital nomads: working from home away from home - 09/09/23

Spain is one of the most popular destinations for digital nomads, and in today's broadcast we talk to nomad Tim Roberts, who is currently living in Alicante on the Mediterranean coast. Tim has been a nomad for 6 years and in that time, he has travelled to more than 50 countries and written a book offering tips and advice for journeying into digital nomadism, "Goodbye Office, Hello World".Later in the broadcast, we also remember María Jiménez, a Spanish singer, dancer and actress known for her strong character, indomitable spirit and being an advocate for feminism. Escuchar audio
9/9/202330 minutes, 31 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - Paul Richardson finds freedom in Spain's 'Hidden Valley' - 07/09/23

Have you ever dreamed of dropping everything and running off to live off the land in farm in the middle of nowhere? Well that's what today's guest, journalist and writer Paul Richardson, did 30 years ago, and he tells his story in his book 'Hidden Valley: Finding Freedom in Spain's deep country'. He also shares his insights after years writing travel articles about hidden corners of Spain. Escuchar audio
9/7/202330 minutes, 55 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - Spain's games: the Spanish videogame industry - 05/09/23

In today's broadcast we mourn the loss of the Basque bookshop Lagun, a symbol of resistance during the dictatorship, and of unity against terrorist attacks of the Basque group ETA. It closed last week after 55 years. After that, we talk with videogame journalist Alfredo Pávez about the evolution of the videogame industry in Spain on occassion of Spain's Videogame Day.Escuchar audio
9/5/202330 minutes, 11 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - A tour of the SGAE's headquarters at the Longoria Palace - 02/09/23

In today's broadcast, after taking a look at the news, we visit one of the most unique and striking buildings in Madrid, the Palacio de Longoria, for a guided tour of the SGAE, the General Society of Authors and Publishers.  The SGAE is Spain's copyright and performance royalties organization and it has its headquarters in this arresting Art Nouveau building situated in the center of the Spanish capital.Escuchar audio
9/2/202341 minutes, 19 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - Spain's Terrific Tapas with Silke Van Loenen - 29/08/23

After the news from Spain, we talk food with Silke Van Loenen, author of the Terrific Tapas cookbook. We talk about the Spanish custom of receiving a tapa when you order a drink, the difference in tapas in different parts of the country, and what drew her to write a cookbook about tapas in the first place. Escuchar audio
8/29/202331 minutes, 17 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - So-La-Na's Aurelio Solana on Authentic Flamenco - 26/08/23

In today's broadcast, after taking a look at the news we talk to Aurelio Solana, the founder and director of So-La-Na production company, about Authentic Flamenco, the international flamenco tour that is presenting top Spanish flamenco in some 40 cities in 17 countries around the world from May to December of this year. We also hear comments from the tour's artistic director, Amador Rojas (pictured in photo), who is also a star flamenco dancer. Authentic Flamenco is an initiative of So-La-Na Productions, Madrid's Royal Opera House, and technology company Fever. Escuchar audio
8/26/202334 minutes, 20 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - So-La-Na's Aurelio Solana on Authentic Flamenco - 26/08/23

In today's broadcast, after taking a look at the news we talk to Aurelio Solana, the founder and director of So-La-Na production company, about Authentic Flamenco, the international flamenco tour that is presenting top Spanish flamenco in some 40 cities in 17 countries around the world from May to December of this year. We also hear comments from the tour's artistic director, Amador Rojas (pictured in photo), who is also a star flamenco dancer. Authentic Flamenco is an initiative of So-La-Na Productions, Madrid's Royal Opera House, and technology company Fever. Escuchar audio
8/26/202334 minutes, 20 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - The history that built the Women's World Cup Winners - 24/08/23

In today's broadcast, we go to Dublin for a photography exhibition that has the support of the Cervantes Institute... 'And You, Why Are You Black?' is the title of the exhibition by Spaniard Rubén H. Bermúdez, and it serves as a sample of his photobook with the same title. After that, we learn about the history of Women's Football in Spain. It's beginnings, its hurdles... the stones that paved the rocky road that lead to this weekend's World Cup Win in Australia. Although women began forming their own football clubs in the 1920s, the dictatorship quicky put an end to women's sport, and it wasn't until the 70s when women football players finally began to win some ground. But the struggles of women in sports, of course, didn't end with the end of the dictatorship. We'll also learn about a few of the women who played back when women's football had even less support than it does now... After the news.Escuchar audio
8/24/202331 minutes, 52 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - Death of a poet: 87 years since the murder of García Lorca - 22/08/23

Today we celebrate Spain's win at the Women's World cup in Australia. After that, we look back on acclaimed poet and playwright, Federico García Lorca, 87 years after his murder during the Civil War, with words from Hispanist and biographer Ian Gibson. We also learn about his impact on one of the greatest songwriters of our time, Leonard Cohen.Escuchar audio
8/22/202331 minutes, 47 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - The eagle of Toledo: remembering cyclist Federico Bahamontes - 19/08/23

After his passing earlier this month, we remember Spanish cyclist Federico Martín Bahamontes, the first Spaniard to ever win the Tour de France. His nickname was 'the eagle of Toledo', as he specialized in mountain climbs... After that, we talk forest fires and new methods for limiting the amount of damage they cause, with the Telecommunications Engineer of the Environmental Departmentof Gran Canarias, Gonzalo Guitiérrez. The island of Gran Canarias in the Canary islands recently implemented a wildfire simulator, the first time this technology has been used in the field.Escuchar audio
8/19/202330 minutes, 18 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - Thrills in Spain and abroad for World Roller Coaster Day - 17/08/23

World Rollercoaster Day is celebrated on August 16th and for this summertime broadcast, journalist and rollercoaster enthusiast Javier Escribano tells us all about these types of amusement park attractions and the biggest and best ones we have here in Spain. August 16th is also Madonna's birthday, and to celebrate, we'll try to give an answer to the question: Where is 'La isla bonita'?Escuchar audio
8/17/202331 minutes, 22 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - A journey through Spain's most international 'fiestas' - 12/08/23

It's the summer holiday season, and August is a month during which a large part of the country is on standstill... So we thought we'd take a trip around Spain and learn about the Fiestas of International Tourist Interest from the country's different regions. Through this broadcast, we hope to share some of the interesting things that go on here in Spain that a lot of people both abroad and even Spaniards might not know about... Thursday was also the 100th anniversary of the passing of the impressionist Valencian painter Joaquín Sorolla, known as 'the painter of light'... An anniversary that is being celebrated through exhibitions in Valencia and Madrid. We take a brief look at his life, his work and his impact after our news broadcast...Escuchar audio
8/12/202330 minutes, 5 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - Spooky recommendations: 10 horror movies made in Spain - 10/08/23

In today's broadcast we revisit the compilation of 10 Spanish Horror Movies based on their ratings in the online movie data base IMDb.Following the filming of the second season of the series 'House of the Dragon' in Cáceres last May, the city has confirmed the second edition of the 'City of Dragons' event in the month of November. We revisit the programme on the first edition that took place in the city of Cáceres last October and which gathered both experts and fandom of the 'Game of Thrones' universe.   Escuchar audio
8/10/202332 minutes, 11 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - Spanish Football Figures: a generation of winners - 03/08/23

In today's broadcast we revisit the second part of the compilation featuring some of the best Spanish Football Figures in the history of that sport in our country. From legendary goalkeeper Iker Casillas to the scorer of the goal that gave Spain its first and only World Cup trophy up to date: Andrés Iniesta.We'll also talk about the Unity Euro Cup and the eleven players that represented Spain in this European competition that promotes solidarity with refugees.Escuchar audio
8/3/202332 minutes, 7 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - The many Voices of cellist Matthieu Saglio - 29/07/23

In today's broadcast we talk to French cellist and composer Matthieu Saglio about his latest album, entitled "Voices."  Saglio, who lives in the Mediterranean city of Valencia, also expresses reservations about AI (artificial intelligence) and its employment in the creation of music.   We also hear music from the new album—released on the German label ACT—on which Saglio is accompanied by eight guest vocalists and his band: Steve Shehan on drums and percussion, Christian Belhomme on the keyboards, and Léo Ullmann on violin.Escuchar audio
7/29/202333 minutes, 1 second
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English Language Broadcast - Spanish football figures: from the early 20s to today -27/07/23

In today's broadcast we have a compilation of some of the best Spanish Football Figures in the history of that sport in our country, from a player of the 20's such as Pichichi, to the only Spaniard who has won two consecutive ballon d'Or Awards: Alexia Putellas.Escuchar audio
7/27/202331 minutes, 17 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - Francisco Ibáñez, the comic artist who taught Spain to laugh - 22/07/23

In today's broadcast, we remember comic author Francisco Ibáñez, creator of 'Mortadelo y Filemón' (known as Phil and Mort in English), who passed away days ago at the age of 87. After that, we talk to the Schools Advisor for the British Council, Vicky Goff, about the popularity of Spanish as a second language in schools in the UK.Escuchar audio
7/22/202330 minutes, 45 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - It's all about dogs! With author and expert Jules Howard - 20/07/23

Today we have a special broadcast on World Dog Day, a day that Spain, Mexico and some Latin American countries celebrate every 21st of July. We speak with zoological consultant and science-writer Jules Howard, author of the book ‘Wonderdog: the science of dogs and their unique friendship with humans', which was translated into Spanish earlier this year. He'll tell us about how dogs have evolved throughout history and the special bond they share with humans. We'll also catch up with the great results of the latest edition of 'Healthy Cities', a challange promoted by health care provider Sanitas.Escuchar audio
7/20/202332 minutes, 52 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - The 2023 Photoespaña award: Burtynksy's 'African Studies' - 18/07/23

In today's broadcast, we talk to Canadian photographer Edward Burtynsky, who was awarded with the 2023 Photoespaña prize at Spain's international photography festival. Burtynsky is known for his large-scale photographs of industrial landscapes, and his latest series, titled 'African Studies', is a collection of aerial-view photographs of African deserts and saltmines. After the interview, our correspondant in Beirut, Elsa Yasbek, tells us about a flamenco show that took place in the archeological Roman Temple of Baalbeck (Lebanon) put together in partnership with the Spanish Embassy in Lebanon, and with the help of flamenco percussionist Nacho Arimani.Escuchar audio
7/18/202330 minutes, 51 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - Strategic sustainability advisor Leonardo Martins Dias - 15/07/23

In today's broadcast we revisit a recent interview with Madrid-based strategic sustainability advisor Leonardo Martins Dias, who carries out multi-lateral projects in sustainability and gives classes on and conducts research in what he terms "a more genuine sustainability."  Author of a recent article in the Madrid daily El País carrying the headline "The Assault on the Three Branches of Government in Brazil: A Social Analysis on the Ground," he talks about this event and the challenge of creating hope for the future among "the orphans of the state."  Before the interview we take a look at the news, including the end of the San Fermín running of the bulls festival in Pamplona.Escuchar audio
7/15/202330 minutes, 10 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - Celebrating Opera Week with Teatro Real's splendour - 13/07/23

In today's broadcast, and after taking a look at the news, we go on a guided tour of the Royal Opera House of Madrid: one of the most iconic cultural landmarks in the heart of Spain's capital city. We'll follow Ray Green, a volunteer guide and a knowledgeable expert on the Opera House's history. With him, we'll discover the rich history and engineering wonders that have graced its stage for many years. We’ll also highlight the main features of this year’s edition of Opera Week taking place between the 10th and the 16th of July. Escuchar audio
7/13/202331 minutes, 12 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - San Fermin: the past and present of the running of the bulls - 11/07/23

In today's broadcast, we to take a deep-dive into the famed 'San Fermin' festival that takes place in Pamplona every summer, most commonly known as the 'running of the bulls festival'. We explain the festival's origins and walk you through everything the celebrations have to offer, including the daily bull runs. After that, we travel to the Royal Shakespeare Theatre in Stratford-Upon-Avon, where Spanish designer Ana Inés Jabares Pita explains her contribution to the Royal Shakespeare Company's latest production of 'As You Like It'. Finally, our Lebanon correspondant Elsa Yasbek walks us through the activities currently being hosted by the Cervantes Institute in Beirut. Escuchar audio
7/11/202330 minutes, 11 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - Singing and living in a monastery: the choir of El Escorial - 06/04/23

In today's broadcast we learn about the boys' choir of the monastery of San Lorenzo del Escorial, located in the north-west of Madrid. On occasion of the Holy Week celebrations that start on Good Friday and end on Easter Sunday, we talk to Father Pedro Alberto Sánchez who is in charge of the choir. He tells us about the musical training that the boys receive and about their lives and daily routines within the monastery.  We also talk to the boys and to one of their teachers and we attend their choir rehearsal. After the news, we hear from our correspondent in Lebanon, Elsa Yazbek, with a report on celebrations in times of crisis.Escuchar audio
4/6/202330 minutes, 4 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - One chance only for fusion, flamenco and rock and roll - 04/04/23

In today's broadcast, we take a look at an upcoming project that mixes the best of Flamenco with the best of Rock and Roll... a show created by old-school rock promoter, Pino Sagliocco, and with the participation of two musicians of the Rolling Stones' band, singer Bernard Fowler and saxophonist Tim Ries.Escuchar audio
4/4/202330 minutes, 7 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - World premier of Enric Casals 'Cello Concerto in F Major' - 01/04/23

In today's broadcast, after the news we talk to Catalan orchestra conductor Josep Caballé Domenech and German cellist Jan Vogler about their world premiere recording of the "Cello Concerto in F Major" by Enric Casals, the brother of world-famous Catalan cellist Pablo Casals.  And, of course, we also hear extracts from the new recording, in which Vogler is accompanied by the Moritzburg Festival Orchestra, conducted by Caballé Domenech.   The album, released in March on Sony Classical, also includes Édouard Lalo's "Cello Concerto in D minor."Escuchar audio
4/1/202330 minutes, 7 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - A nose on the run in the Royal Opera House of Madrid - 30/03/23

In today's broadcast, and after taking a look at the news, we talk about the opera 'The Nose' by Russian composer Dmitri Shostakovich, which comes to a close on March the 30th, after seven performances that have taken place in the Royal Opera House of Madrid. The artistic director in this production of 'The Nose' is Johannes Stepanek, who talks about sarcasm and surrealism in the plot of this opera in which a state official loses his nose and chases it through the streets of St. Petersburg.We also talk to two members of the cast, Martin Winkler and José Manuel Montero, and learn about 'The Nose's' music score with opera conductor Mark Wigglesworth.Escuchar audio
3/30/202333 minutes, 52 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - Talking Spanish: a language beyond borders - 28/03/23

Today, we have a special broadcast all about the second most widely spoken language in terms of native speakers, with close to 600-million total speakers worldwide... El 'español'... On occasion of the Spanish Language International Congress, Amy Egan discusses the language's reach and development with Professor Alexis Grohmann, Professor of Spanish Literature at the University of Edinburgh and recently named 'Catedrático Cervantes', a Cervantes Institute Professor.Escuchar audio
3/28/202330 minutes, 6 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - Paloma Alarcó's new perspective on painter Lucian Freud (II) - 25/03/23

In today's broadcast, after the news we continue our visit to the Lucian Freud exhibition currently running at Madrid's Thyssen Museum in the company of one of the show's curators, Paloma Alarcó, who among other things defends the German-born British painter against claims that he was a misogynist.  Today's is the second part of a two-part virtual visit to the exhibition "Lucian Freud: New Perspectives," which opened at the Thyssen on February 14th and runs through June 18th.Escuchar audio
3/25/202336 minutes, 14 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - Pluto in Aquarius and different ways to look at the stars - 23/03/23

In today's broadcast, and after taking a quick look at the news in Spain, we talk about the phenomenon of the dwarf planet Pluto entering the constellation of Aquarius with Laia Martínez, an amateur astrologist. We also learn about the differences between the fields of astrology and astronomy with Telmo Fernández, astrophysicist and director of the Planetarium of Madrid.Escuchar audio
3/23/202333 minutes, 13 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - Spain's Royal Academy of History's innovative new Web Portal - 21/03/23

In this broadcast, we talk Valencia's Fallas Festival with the artist of last year's main falla, Antonio Segura Dulk... And after that, we learn about The Spanish Royal Academy of History's new web portal, which features interactive world map that allows the user to pinpoint and learn about any historical event with connections to the Spanish-speaking world... At the end of the broadcast, we hear from our correspondant in Beirut, Elsa Yasbek, about the current economic crisis in Lebanon.Escuchar audio
3/21/202331 minutes, 44 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - Paloma Alarcó's new perspective on painter Lucian Freud (I) - 18/03/23

In today's broadcast, after the news we pay a visit to the Lucian Freud exhibition "New Perspectives" currently open at Madrid's Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum.  There we talk to the show's co-curator, Paloma Alarcó, about the German-born British artist, considered to be one of the most outstanding figurative painters of the modern age.  Today's is the first part of a two-part virtual visit to the exhibition Lucian Freud. New Perspectives, which opened at the Thyssen on February 14th and runs through June 18th.Escuchar audio
3/18/202334 minutes, 4 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - Spanish movies in the Oscars: Best Foreign Film category - 16/03/23

In today's broadcast, and after taking a look at the news, we revisit the four Spanish films that have received an Academy Award in the category of best foreign film.We also talk about the Honorary Ambassadors of 'Marca España' (Brand Spain) that this year reaches its tenth edition, and we attend the ceremony presided over by the King and Queen of Spain.Escuchar audio
3/16/202330 minutes, 34 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - Inclusive education and learning a foreign language - 14/03/23

In today's broadcast, we talk to Sonja Uhlmann and Elsa O'Brien of the British Council here in Madrid about inclusive education, and the challenges and advantages of learning foreign languages for people with disabilities.Also in the broadcast, we mention the Fallas of Valencia, after the main celebrations began this Monday.Escuchar audio
3/14/202332 minutes, 21 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - Women's Day marches and gender equality in Spain - 11/03/23

In today's broadcast, after the news we hear about this week's International Women's Day marches here and elsewhere around the world, and also look at gender equality in politics in Spain.  And, on a rather different topic, we also report on high-end wine thievery at a Michelin three-star restaurant in the southern Spanish city of Cáceres.Escuchar audio
3/11/202332 minutes, 53 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - #EmbraceEquity: International Women's Day with Bisila Bokoko - 09/03/23

In today's broadcast we celebrate International Women's Day talking about women and enterpreneurship with Bisila Bokoko. She is a business woman, philantropist and the founder and CEO of BBES International who offers an inspiring perspective on gender equity and women empowerment. She has also recently published a book 'Todos tenemos una historia que contar' . Also, our correspondent Elsa Yazbek tells us about an initiative for young girls carried out in Lebanon on the occasion of International Women's Day. Escuchar audio
3/9/202336 minutes, 47 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - On the beaten track: a new look at old Madrid - 07/03/23

After the news we take a unique tour of Madrid's multicultural neighbourhood of Lavapiés with Enda and María of El Arpa... The neighbourhood occupies sprawling medieval streets full of history, but we stop to admire details of the area that are often overlooked... Escuchar audio
3/7/202331 minutes, 1 second
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English Language Broadcast - Letters from a loyal listener on the shortwave bands - 04/03/23

In today's broadcast, after the news we hear from a longtime listener who tunes in on the other side of the world, we find out about the growing difficulties in matters of terminology from strategic sustainability advisor Leonard Martins Dias, and we enjoy one of the short but brilliant jewels to be found in the music of G. F. Haendel, the "Arrival of the Queen of Sheba." We hear this brief instrumental piece in a recording by The English Concert, who have just been in Madrid to give a performance of the oratorio Solomon, the third act of which opens with the queen's famous arrival Escuchar audio
3/4/202334 minutes, 38 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - Summer volunteer programme in Nepal with the NGO Pandora - 02/03/23

In today's broadcast, and after taking a quick look at the news, we talk about a volunteer programme that the NGO Pandora together with Arturo Soria school in Madrid will carry out this summer in Chitwan, Nepal. On the occasion of World NGO Day last Monday, we talk to Ana Eseverri, Director of Alianzas e Impacto and founder of the NGO Pandora; Lorea Barrón, teacher and head of the Solidarity Department at Arturo Soria School, and Gonzalo Iglesias, a senior year student of that school who will be volunteering this summer. Pandora is an organisation that promotes international solidarity education programmes in 57 different countries, as well as organising volunteering activities for foreigners in Spain. You can visit their website for more information: Escuchar audio
3/2/202330 minutes, 41 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - Madrid's 'Unlucky' Thirteenth International Magic Festival - 28/02/23

Greetings from Madrid and welcome.In today's broadcast, we visit Madrid's International Magic Festival, which is currently taking place in the Circo Price Theatre, and talk to a couple of the international acts featuring in this year's line-up... Magician David Williamson and Mentalist duo Thommy Ten and Amélie Van Tass. After that, we remember Carlos Saura, the iconic Spanish filmmaker who passed away earlier this month at the age of 91.Escuchar audio
2/28/202334 minutes, 12 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - The Desperate Literature International Short Fiction Prize - 25/02/23

In today's broadcast, after the news and a report from our Middle East correspondent, Elsa Yazbek, we go the the center of Madrid to visit the Spanish capital's smallest international bookshop and hear about their not-so-small literary prize, the Desperate Literature Short Fiction Prize 2023.   This year's is the sixth edition of this international award for unpublished works of fiction of under 2000 words, for which submissions are currently being accepted and whose deadline is one second 'til midnight local time, April 16th, 2023.Escuchar audio
2/25/202330 minutes, 18 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - Carnival in Spain: costumes, parades and other traditions - 23/02/23

In today's broadcast we talk about one of the most popular celebrations in Spain. Carnival comes to an end after a week of parades, costumes, singing and dancing that identify this exhilarating festival celebrated in many places all over the country. To find out more about this celebration, we talk to Javier Bañasco, co-director of the Carnival Parade that took place in Madrid last Saturday, organised by the Theatre Company Yllana. We also interview Jaime Mejías, regional councillor for tourism in the city of Badajoz, who tells us about how the city celebrates Carnival with the largest parade in Europe; and talk to Luis Alemán, visitors reception assistant and tour guide of the Museum Casa del Carnaval of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, who gives us information about the museum ( The end of Carnival festivities in Spain coincide with a very special tradition called 'El entierro de la sardina' (the burial of the sardine). Julio Nieto is a member of the brotherhood that organises the tradition in Madrid, who explains what it consists of.Escuchar audio
2/23/202330 minutes, 54 seconds
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English Language Broadcast - 'El Arpa Media': an Irish-Spanish cultural initiative - 21/02/23

In today's broadcast we talk to 'El Arpa Media', an Irish-Spanish cultural initiative based here in Madrid, made up of the Irish-Spanish duo Enda Kenneally and María Correas. They have published 3 books, organize walking tours in the city and host their own podcast, constantly bridging the gap between Spain and Ireland... as well as the rest of the English-speaking world. We talk about their origins, María's latest book ('The Stuff of Life: Ancient Inspiration for Sustainable living') and an upcoming project of theirs...Find them at @_elarpa_ on instagram, their website, and listen to their podcast 'People Will Talk' wherever you get your podcasts.Escuchar audio
2/21/202342 minutes, 1 second