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Bold Steps with Dr. Mark Jobe

English, Christianity, 1 season, 232 episodes, 4 days, 7 hours, 30 minutes
Bold Steps with Dr. Mark Jobe takes you on the path to freedom and authenticity in Christ. With candid, topical teaching from God’s Word, Dr. Jobe offers simple gospel messages with the power to transform your life.
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Anointed to Stand Firm - Part 2

 Today on Bold Steps with Mark Jobe, we’ll discover how we can remain firm in Christ during seasons of testing. As Christians, we know that sometimes our faith is going to be under attack … and that’s a reality that seems more prevalent with each passing year.  As we move forward in our study of the book of First John, we’re going to learn why we have been Anointed to Stand Firm … no matter what we’re going through.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/26/202426 minutes
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Anointed To Stand Firm – Part 1

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe … we’ll learn how to stand firm in a culture that’s increasingly going against the things of God. We’re almost two full months into the new year … So, how are those resolutions coming along?  Well, if you’ve eased off, you’re not the only one.  According to statistics … 80% of all those January resolutions fail by the second week of February.  And Mark, today we’re going to discover that good habits … especially those that are drastically different from your typical lifestyle are hard to start … and even harder to keep!Support the show: for privacy information.
2/23/202426 minutes
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Guarding Your Heart – Part 2

Today on Bold Steps … Pastor Mark Jobe reminds us that we need to guard our hearts. We are moving forward in our study Mark has titled, Contrast, and we’re looking at the book of First John … to offer guidance on how we can guard our hearts against the attacks that are coming our way. It happens subtly and if we’re not paying attention, we can get sucked into that system and start to lose your heart and love for God.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/22/202426 minutes
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Guarding Your Heart – Part 1

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe … we’re learning to guard our hearts. Today we’re continuing our study from the book of First John … and we’re going to see what it means to live as children of the Light … in fellowship with God. Mark is going to talk about guarding our hearts. This is tricky because the world and its ways can slowly creep in and take us captive like a frog in a kettle if we’re not careful.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/21/202426 minutes
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The Real Test – Part 2

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe … we’ll see that our love for God isn’t measured by how we FEEL … but by our obedience to His Word. Mark’s going to be turning to the book of First John to show us why love isn’t a feeling … it’s a verb!  And he’ll be explaining why the way we feel about God isn’t a measure of our love for Him.  Our message is called, The Real Test from the series is titled, Contrast.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/20/202426 minutes
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The Real Test – Part 2

What’s the difference between a relationship … and fellowship?  That’s the topic today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe. As we move forward in our series … Contrast, we’ll be turning to chapter 2 of the book of First John.  We’re going to see some very important details about how to not fall into sin.  Mark is going to be explaining the important distinction between relationship and fellowship. A lot of people confuse these two terms. Join us in 1 John 2 for some clarity.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/19/202426 minutes
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Coming Clean - Part 2

Today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe explains that walking in the light of Christ requires a change in heart, mind, and attitude. If real life were like the movies, we’d automatically know who the good guys and bad guys were by the clothing they wore.  But today, as we move forward in our study called Contrast, we’ll turn to the book of First John to see a contrast between those that walk in the light and those who walk in darkness.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/16/202426 minutes
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Coming Clean - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe gives us some tips on Coming Clean … with God. Mark will be giving us 3 steps to wiping away wrong thinking that keeps us stuck and out of the FELLOWSHIP with God. We’ll be looking closer at this strange and seemingly outdated word and how it means much more than just being an “acquaintance”. It means being in close relationship, sharing a bond, sharing life together. If you can, grab your bible and join us in 1 John 1.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/15/202426 minutes
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04 - The Call To Purity - February 15, 2024

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2/14/202446 minutes, 44 seconds
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The Real Thing - Part 2

Today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe reveals what it means to be an authentic follower of Jesus Christ. There are many people who think they’re on the right road to eternity.  They say the right things.  Go to church, own a Bible, and even help others.  Yet, there’s a passage of Scripture that they might find quite surprising. Mark will be helping us discern the difference between the true followers of Jesus and the counterfeits.  Between those whose spirituality is built on a foundation of sand and those who will endure … grounded in Jesus.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/14/202426 minutes
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The Real Thing - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe explains how to tell the difference between a spiritual fake and The Real Thing. If you had a counterfeit $20 bill in your wallet … would you know it?  Most of us wouldn’t.  And similarly, the Bible tells us that in the last days there will be those who will talk like they’re representing God, but really, they’re just counterfeits.  Mark is going to help us discern what’s true and what’s not.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/13/202426 minutes
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Revolutionary Prayer - Part 2

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe, we’re learning about the power of persistent prayer as we are continuing our study of the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus wants us to understand the necessity of persisting in prayer.  And so, He asks a couple of important questions … What father doesn’t want to give good gifts to his children?  And what parent would ignore his child’s request?  God wants us to know that He has the ability to answer our prayers … and to give us the desires of our heart that line up with His will.  So, when Jesus asks the questions to get us thinking … He wants us to remember that we need to include the Father in the process.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/12/202426 minutes
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Revolutionary Prayer - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe discusses the revolutionary power of prayer. We are in a series of messages that are based on Jesus’ revolutionary teachings as seen on the Sermon on the Mount.  Looking back on Matthew chapters five and six, Jesus had given the people there a lot to think about.  And He’s given us a lot to think about, as well!  And then with the start of chapter 7, He moves on to showing us how we can have wisdom, power, and insight to put everything we’ve been learning into practice by Asking … seeking … and knocking.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/9/202426 minutes
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The Revolutionary Church - Part 2

Today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe shows us what it means to be a Revolutionary Church as we continue our study regarding the Sermon on the Mount. We’ll be learning more about a unique challenge that Mark has dubbed … Jesus’ upside-down Kingdom challenge.  We’ll find all the details in the book of Matthew and we’ll even discover characteristics of those who are part of God’s Kingdom … the challenge to define the core meaning of Christianity … and the call to be a city on a hill.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/8/202426 minutes
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The Revolutionary Church - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe … we’re learning what it means to have Kingdom values. The dictionary describes a revolution as a radical and pervasive change in society. And there have been many revolutionaries to grace the pages of history over the years, but only one man stands heads and shoulders above the crowd.  As we begin a new series today … Mark is going to be taking us to the Sermon on the Mount … with the hopes that God will start a revolution in our lives through Jesus’ powerful teaching. The fifth and seventh chapters of the book of Matthew are the longest portion of Jesus’ teaching … and it’s also the portion of Scripture that’s aimed right at our heart. The message is titled, The Revolutionary Church.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/7/202426 minutes
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Yielding To God - Part 2

Do you want more of God’s presence in your life?  Today on Bold Steps, we’re learning how to make room, by simply … Yielding to God. Today’s lesson might be a challenging one for many of us, as Pastor Mark Jobe is showing us just how important it is to submit to the will of God. Often times, without even realizing it, we begin to assume total control over every part of our lives.  We do what we want to do with our finances, our time, and our relationships.  But as Christians, we’re meant to be living under the authority of God … not ourselves.  Join us now in James 4 to get a better grasp of this important truth.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/6/202426 minutes
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Yielding To God - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe explains how submission can lead to power. Remember when you were learning how to drive?  You had to take a written test and identify signs on the road.  One that has thrown people off time and time again is that triangle YIELD sign.  Even now, do you know exactly what it means?  Today, Mark is going to help us look closer at that word in a spiritual context, to realize how important it is to submit to God.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/5/202426 minutes
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Starting With What You Have - Part 2

Have you tapped into the incredible power … of giving?  We’re discovering this counter-cultural truth with faith and finances, today on Bold Steps. In the book of 1st Kings, chapter 7, we find a fascinating story where the prophet Elijah came upon a poor widow on the verge of starvation … and counter to what you might expect, Elijah didn’t offer the woman anything to eat or drink.  Instead, he was instructed by God to ask for food and drink from her.  And through her faithful obedience and giving heart, God delivered a miracle.  But this miracle wasn’t a one-time provision … instead, it was a blueprint for all of us to use on the power of giving.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/2/202426 minutes
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Starting With What You Have - Part 1

Some life lessons don’t come in convenient packages … they come through trials and turbulent times.  We’re learning how to grow under pressure, today on Bold Steps. We’re discovering some powerful principles to help us when we’re feeling stressed about money, and no matter where you are or where you’re wanting to go, it all starts with what you have.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/1/202426 minutes
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03 - Living With Trouble - February 1, 2024

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1/31/202438 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Pie is Bigger Than What You Think - Part 3

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe, we’re discovering a powerful, biblical key to finding success in our finances. We’re going deeper in a powerful new series called Wise—Having Sense and Making Change.  As we’ve been discovering, the Bible has a lot to say about finances … and strangely enough, as important as this subject is to each of our lives, many of us have been ignoring or simply overlooking the clear and powerful guidance God has given on how to handle our money.  And in today’s message titled … The Pie is Bigger Than What You Think … Mark is opening our eyes to one of the most powerful yet overlooked methods to building financial success … and that’s the biblical principle of giving.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/31/202426 minutes
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The Pie is Bigger Than What You Think - Part 2

Today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe shows us how we can use our money as an asset for God’s Kingdom. We’re continuing a very important lesson about a subject that so many of us struggle with … money.  For some of us, it’s an idol.  For others, it can be a major source of pain and stress.  Mark is helping us realize that God doesn’t expect us to figure it all out on our own. God wants to guide us and empower us through our finances to do His good work on this Earth, but we have to choose … are we going to do thing GOD’S WAY or the world’s way?Support the show: for privacy information.
1/30/202426 minutes
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The Pie is Bigger Than What You Think - Part 1

Are you investing your time and money in the plans of the world, or the plans of God?  Find out today, on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe. Many of us struggle with handling finances ... how to save, how to give, and how to live within our means.  Mark going to give us some powerful biblical principles today that can help transform the way we see and deal with money in a message titled … The Pie is Bigger Than What You Think.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/29/202426 minutes
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You Don’t Have a Money Problem - Part 3

Today on Bold Steps, we discover what living in abundance really looks like, and how to get there. Right now we’re in a new series called … Wise—Having Sense and Making Change.  Getting it started, we’re digging into the biblical understanding of what living in abundance really takes.  Many of us think if only we had a better job or some special investing secret, we could finally get our finances in order … but it turns out, there’s really just one key ingredient that we have to pursue first … and that’s wisdom.  Pastor Mark Jobe has been showing us the powerful, practical effects of gaining wisdom in our lives … join us as he continues with the final segment of a message titled … You Don’t Have a Money Problem.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/26/202426 minutes
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You Don’t Have a Money Problem - Part 2

Today on Bold Steps, we’re learning that a life of abundance doesn’t take a special job or investment secret … it simply takes wisdom. Today we’re continuing a message cleverly titled … You Don’t Have a Money Problem.  Yesterday Pastor Mark Jobe helped us understand that our faith and finances actually have a much deeper connection than many of us may realize. And that connection … is wisdom. God offers us wisdom and sadly, many of us don’t take it.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/25/202426 minutes
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You Don’t Have a Money Problem - Part 1

Did you know that how you handle money actually says a lot about your spirituality?  Find out today, on Bold Steps. After coming through the holidays at the start of a new year, would you say that you have a money problem?  Well, many would ... and we’re going to take a unique look at the topic of finances for the next few days. A lot of Christians think money has nothing to do with spirituality or their relationship with God … wrong! Pastor Mark Jobe says We actually have a wisdom problem! And Money follows wisdom. Join us for part one of this new series, Wise – Having Sense and Making Change.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/24/202426 minutes
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Being a Firewalker - Part 2

Today on Bold Steps, encouragement that you are not alone in the fire. We’ve been following the life and death stand that Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego took not to bow to a false god. Under tremendous pressure they experienced and even greater portion of God’s favor and we’ll hear about that today along with the 4th Man in the fire who was present with them and who is there in the middle of your trial as well.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/23/202426 minutes
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Being a Firewalker - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps, a challenge to stand firm in your spiritual convictions and faith when things get hot as we begin the last message in our Agents of Change series. It’s titled, “Being a Firewalker”. Pastor Mark Jobe heads into the Old Testament to examine 3 ordinary guys who stood up to their culture in an extraordinary way and who were remarkable examples of what it means to be “IN the world, but not OF the world” and staying strong, NOT bending to the culture.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/22/202426 minutes
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Do You See It Yet? - Part 2

Working toward the vision of the future and how that affects your spiritual calling today... coming up on Bold Steps. We’ve been spending the last couple of days talking about vision. Specifically, a stirring of the heart toward a God-given burden and action we can take today to address it. The series is called Agents of Change and it’s our hope that after listening you’ll be encouraged to not stand still, but to make Bold Steps toward realizing the call God has placed on your heart.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/19/202426 minutes
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02 - A Faith Worth Following - January 18, 2024

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1/18/202441 minutes, 15 seconds
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Do You See It Yet? - Part 1

Today... what happens when you capture a burden that is greater than you. We’re talking about having vision today on Bold Steps. Can you see the calling God has placed on your life? We thought this would be a great time to revisit this concept here at the beginning of the new year as a kind of “re-set”. Pastor Mark Jobe says that significant things don’t happen until someone has a vision of the potential of what could be. Most of us are not living in the purpose and call that God has for us. Most are not living in full potential and have clear vision of future and our calling and gifting. Most only know the present and past, but we haven’t seen it yet. He'll talk about 4 things that need to happen in the making of a change agent and gaining that future vision.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/18/202426 minutes
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For Such a Time as This - Part 2

Becoming an Agent of Change requires preparation and challenging faith-filled steps. More coming up on this edition of Bold Steps. Pastor Mark Jobe is continuing his message from last time, talking about how to be an agent of change, taking advantage of the fact that each of us is in a unique and one-of-a-kind position to reach and influence others for God. But how do we get to that place? Join us in the book of Esther 4 for more.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/17/202426 minutes
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For Such a Time as This - Part 1

Calling all change agents... Today on Bold Steps, awakening to the importance of the position God has placed on you. God calls all of us to be Agents of Change. That means that God has placed us uniquely in a position that is tailor-made for our specific skill-set and influence. We'll explore a powerful example of this in the story of Esther in a message called, For Such a Time as This.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/16/202426 minutes
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The Power of Prayer - Part 2

There’s power in persistent prayer. Today, more on how to be an Agent of Change... on Bold Steps. We’re at the beginning of a new year. What a better way to start out than to be encouraged to pray. And there is a real power that comes when hearts are united together in communication with God. Pastor Mark Jobe is describing 6 key elements to help you pray and they’re patterned after Jesus’ prayer in Matthew chapter 6.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/15/202426 minutes
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The Power of Prayer - Part 1

Jesus taught us a very specific way to communicate with God. Today the power of prayer and fasting on Bold Steps as we begin a new series of messages, titled Agents of Change and one of the most important ways to bring about that change is by prayer. But, how do you pray effectively? Maybe you struggle with how to pray... In Mark's message today we return to the Lords’ Prayer as our example.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/12/202426 minutes
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How to Survive in an Age of Rage - Part 2

Anger can be a powerful and dangerous emotion … and the Bible has some clear warnings on how we’re meant to handle it.  Find out today on Bold Steps … with Pastor Mark Jobe! Is there something in life making you angry?  Maybe it’s a relationship causing you grief, or a problem in life that you just can’t seem to let go of.  Maybe you’re trying to change, but no matter what, those feelings of anger in the pit of your stomach just won’t go away?  Well, if we’re being honest, most of us have something that makes us angry … even if it’s just what we hear on the news.  But when anger digs in deep and gets a foothold in our heart, that’s when we’re in real danger.  And that’s exactly what we’ll be talking about today as we continue a message titled … How to Survive in an Age of Rage.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/11/202426 minutes
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How to Survive in an Age of Rage - Part 1

Most of us do our best to control our temper … but when everyone around us seems to be exploding with anger, how do we respond?  That’s the subject on today’s edition of Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe. Most would agree that our society today seems to be getting angrier and angrier!  People are constantly on edge, and we seem to have less patience with each other than ever before.  Mark will be helping us set up this new year with a healthy approach, by exploring what the Bible says about living in an “age of rage”.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/10/202426 minutes
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The Keys to Lasting Change - Part 3

We all want to see improvement in our lives … but what does it take to create lasting change?  Find out today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe as we conclude a series called Breaking the Grip of a Bad Habit ... with a powerful message about The Keys to Lasting Change.  Truth is, we all set goals for ourselves.  Whether it’s to do with fitness, finances, or faith, we all want to be moving forward in life … and not slipping backwards.  But if you’ve ever tried to sticking to a diet or prayer routine, you probably know that sometimes good change is hard to keep up.  Thankfully, the Bible has a lot to say about creating lasting change.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/9/202426 minutes
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The Keys to Lasting Change - Part 2

Looking to make lasting change in your life?  Pastor Mark Jobe has some biblical guidance for us, today on Bold Steps.  We’re continuing to study the balance that needs to happen between our body, spirit, and soul. This really is a great time to start taking a practical approach to that balance … as many of us are trying to get the new year started right in our message, The Keys to Lasting Change.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/8/202426 minutes
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The Keys to Lasting Change - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe shows us how to make positive changes that will last a lifetime. We’re continuing our study on Breaking the Grip of a Bad Habit … and getting unstuck spiritually.  In our message, Mark is going to walk us through the keys to making change that actually lasts.  So many of us have been set free in Christ, but for some reason we keep falling back into the old ways … and we become stuck. Join us for this powerful message and discover … The Keys to Lasting Change.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/5/202426 minutes
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The Power of Choice - Part 2

In most areas of life, freedom is a choice.  But it’s also a process … and today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe is guiding us through the process that leads to freedom from bad habits. As we near the end of the first week of the new year, I’m wondering how many of us have already fallen behind in our New Year’s resolutions.  It’s sad, funny, and true that new habits are hard to form … while old habits are hard to break.  And that’s especially true of bad habits.  Those familiar patterns of sin and unhealthy habits sometimes have a way of sticking around a lot longer than we wished … despite our best efforts to change.  And that’s why today’s Bold Steps message is so important.  Mark is giving us the biblical keys to break free from those bad habits, and start taking steps into the freedom that Christ provides.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/4/202426 minutes
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01- People Of Another Culture - January 4, 2024

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1/3/202439 minutes, 25 seconds
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The Power of Choice - Part 1

Are there any bad habits in your life?  Are you tired of feeling stuck in a rut?  Today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe teaches us how to begin the process of real change. There are many listening today who simply feel stuck in life.  And Mark is going to help us see that sometimes the root cause of why we can’t get our life in motion … are the bad habits we’ve built.  We’re going to explore a powerful example of a man found in John 5.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/3/202426 minutes
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The Power in the Pause - Part 2

What does it take to hear the voice of God?  Today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe reveals the answer. It seems like every year there are more and more voices competing for our attention.  Politicians and journalist keep reminding us of all there is to worry about in Washington.  Hollywood and big brand marketing teams do everything they can to keep our eyes fixed on a screen.  And if we’re not careful, it doesn’t take long before all these jabbering voices begin to drown out the one voice we actually need to hear … and that’s the voice of God.  So today, right here at the start of a new year, Mark is helping us prioritize the process of hearing the voice of God.  We’re in a message titled The Power in the Pause.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/2/202426 minutes
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The Power in the Pause - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps … Pastor Mark Jobe kicks-off the new year with a lesson on how to hear the voice of God. We’re stepping into the new year with a practical lesson on how to better hear the voice of God.  Mark is going to show us that the most efficient way to start hearing God’s voice … is to simply take a pause. Turn in your bible to 1 Kings 19 for this timely message, and prepare ourselves to start hearing the voice of God with a lesson titled … The Power in the Pause.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/1/202426 minutes
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Getting A Good Start - Part 2

Are you ready to start building the new you?  Pastor Mark Jobe is discussing the change God wants to see … today on Bold Steps. Today’s program is the final Bold Steps program of 2023!  And as so many people across the world start preparing their New Year’s Resolutions, we’re going to be diving into the Word of God to see what kind of changes He wants to see from us … now, next year, and beyond.  We’re in a message titled Getting a Good Start … and we’re learning how to make some serious spiritual growth by dying to ourselves.  It’s a profound and countercultural lesson from the book of Philippians.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/29/202326 minutes
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Getting A Good Start - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe begins a message about pressing in to the presence of God. The hours are counting down to the end of another year … and for many of us, this feels like a great chance to establish some good change in our lives.  Mark will be helping us realize the most important change we have to start with, is growing our relationship with God... and we don’t have to wait until New Year’s Day to start!  Begin examining your life right now on a Thursday while you have time off and get habits locked in that will propel you into the new year! Our message today is titled Getting a Good Start.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/28/202326 minutes
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Breaking Through Your Ceiling

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe … are you wanting to take your faith to the next level? What are you willing to do to get to Jesus?  For one man … that moment came when his friends took extraordinary measures to lower him through a rooftop into Jesus’ presence.  For many of us, the thought of tearing up the drywall of my home is uncomfortable and perhaps scary. But, you may have to break through the ceiling to get to the problem.  It’s difficult and messy, but that’s the only way to get things fixed up. Join us in Luke 5 for the extraordinary story of the lengths some friends made to get to Jesus.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/27/202326 minutes
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How to Make Room - Part 2

When our faith gets lukewarm, and our connection with God gets weak … how do we get Jesus back to the center of our lives?  Find out today, on Bold Steps. We’re learning three things we can do to help us get rid of all the distractions and clutter that comes in life … and bring God back to the center of who we are.  Sometimes, even when we’re living faithfully to God’s Word and trying to stay on track … our hearts and our desires can begin to stray for the lesser things of this world.  And suddenly, without realizing it, our faith can grow lukewarm.  We'll be in Revelation chapter 3 as we join Pastor Mark Jobe for a lesson about what Jesus wants us to do to Make Room for Him at the center of our lives.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/26/202326 minutes
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How to Make Room - Part 1

Is God at the center of your life?  Or have you let Him slip somewhere to the side?  That’s the subject on today’s Bold Steps. On behalf of all of us... Merry Christmas!  You know, in all the hustle and bustle of the holiday, family, food, and decorations ... have you made room for Jesus?  It’s so easy in our culture to move Him to the side … and Pastor Mark Jobe is going to be talking about how important it is to get God back to the center of our lives, if we want to be used for His wonderful purposes …his timely message is titled, How to Make Room.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/25/202326 minutes
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Divine Appointment - Part 2

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe, we’ll learn how God steps in when we step out in faith.  A lot of people are going through life … singularly focused … and not paying attention to what’s going on around them.  And maybe that’s you at this moment!  Or, perhaps you hear God speaking to you … and nudging you to pay attention to those divine moments in your life.  Either way, on today’s program, we’re learning what it means to step out in faith … in order to be a part of God’s plan.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/22/202326 minutes
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Divine Appointment - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe shows us how God is working behind the scenes … preparing us for divine appointments. Have you ever missed an appointment?  Maybe with your doctor? Something with your kids’ school?  Or, perhaps even a court appearance?  Missing appointments is not a good feeling. There are a lot of people listening who God has called to mission, but many are missing those appointments/opportunities God has set up for them. Join us in Acts 10 for our message titled, Divine Appointments.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/21/202326 minutes
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Roll Up Your Sleeves - Part 2

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe … we’re bringing a glimpse of the Kingdom of God to you. As we move forward in our study called Roll Up Your Sleeves, we’re learning that the Kingdom has come near … and because of it, we’ve got work to do!  As carriers of God’s presence, we’re supposed to go out and share His message. In this message, we'll learn more about being an Empowered Spirit-filled Witness and how we can bring the hope and joy of God to a dark and lost world.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/20/202326 minutes
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Roll Up Your Sleeves - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe … a challenge to get more workers into the field sharing the Gospel. In the book of Luke, chapter ten, Jesus has a simple, yet powerful command for those He has called into His service ... it’s, Go!  This message going to challenge you to get busy doing the work that God has called you to do.  Spiritual work is hard!  And the harvest is bigger than the work force right now … So, we need people to step up right now (Roll Up Your Sleeves ) … right where they are!Support the show: for privacy information.
12/19/202326 minutes
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The Splash Effect - Part 2

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe … we’re learning to live out our faith in BOLD ways. The disciples were used by God as a powerful witness to the people around them.  So much so, that they were often accused of having their faith “splashed” around.  So, what about you?  Do others know where you stand?  Does your faith in God have action?  In our message called, The Splash Effect, Mark challenges us to live in a radial way so that God will change the hearts of the people around us.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/18/202326 minutes
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The Splash Effect - Part 2

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe … we’re learning to live out our faith in BOLD ways. The disciples were used by God as a powerful witness to the people around them.  So much so, that they were often accused of having their faith “splashed” around.  So, what about you?  Do others know where you stand?  Does your faith in God have action?  In our message called, The Splash Effect, Mark challenges us to live in a radial way so that God will change the hearts of the people around us.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/18/202326 minutes
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The Splash Effect - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe … we’ll see how God’s hold on your life affects everyone around you. Today we’re beginning a new series of messages that will shed some light on the topic of spiritual empowerment.  Mark will be leading us through the book Acts, and as he often says... believers have a greater power and influence to fulfill their mission than they realize. It's like swimming in a pool.  When you’re there, there’s a whole lot of splashing going on … and it’s the same way with our faith!  When you’re around people, you should be splashing them with the Good News of the Gospel. The message is called, The Splash Effect.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/15/202326 minutes
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Faith-Driven People - Part 2

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe … we’ll be discovering the power that comes from faithful teamwork. As we bring this series to close, our message today will focus on the story of the courageous and bold men in Luke, chapter 5 who lowered their disabled friend through a roof.  What’s remarkable about this story is that they helped their friend because they believed that if he could just be in the presence of Jesus, that would take care of everything. Well learn that for faith-driven people, that is indeed where life changing power is found!Support the show: for privacy information.
12/14/202326 minutes
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Faith-Driven People - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe … we’re learning what it means to be faith-driven followers of Jesus Christ. Everyone on the planet has something that drives their life.  It might be money … pleasure … power … even despair.  But whatever is in the driver’s seat of your life also determines where you are … and where you’ll go.  Mark, is going to be talking about what it means to be a person driven by faith … not fear in a message called, Faith-Driven People.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/13/202326 minutes
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Believing Enough to Change - Part 2

There’s an unseen battle going on all around us and we’ll learn about it … today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe. Jesus tells us that the thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy … but He came to give us life more abundantly!  As we move forward in our study called Jesus Up Close, we’ll look at the powerful way that He dealt with the demon-possessed boy in Mark, Chapter 9.  Mark’s going to help us understand how to effectively deal with oppression from the dark-side of the spiritual realm … in order to bring about transformation and recovery.  Mark titled this message … Believing Enough to Change.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/12/202326 minutes
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Believing Enough to Change - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe, we’ll see how to keep the faith, especially when the enemy’s lurking around. One of the more compelling encounters Jesus had can be found in the book John, Chapter 9 and it’s a story that will probably resonate with most parents.  A desperate father struggles to find help for his young son who’s caught in the grip of something that’s robbing him of his destiny and his future.  Mark says this story is about “robbery” … with the enemy coming to steal what’s rightfully ours. The message is titled the message Believing Enough to Change.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/11/202326 minutes
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It’s Not Too Late - Part 2

Today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe shows us that God’s power in an atmosphere of faith … will change hopeless situations. As we move forward in our new series called, Jesus Up Close, we’ll be looking at how the people in your inner circle can turn impossible situations around.  Today’s message is called, It’s Not Too Late. If you have your Bible handy, turn to the book of Mark, Chapter 5.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/8/202326 minutes
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It’s Not Too Late - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe … we’ll see how God’s power is ignited by faith and belief … As we move forward in our Jesus Up Close series, we’ll be looking at the encounters Jesus had with various people who felt there might be something more.  And if you’ve ever felt like you’re missing out on God’s calling for your life … or that you’ve made too many mistakes and it’s too late to repair your relationship with your son or your daughter … or maybe you’re struggling in your marriage … then this message is for you.  We'll be looking at the powerful story of Jairus and central themes in Mark 5 – a man desperate to seek after Jesus. He felt like it was too late.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/7/202326 minutes
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No More Excuses - Part 2

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe … we’re stepping into our new spiritual destiny. Over the past few days, we’ve been discussing how we can get up close and personal with Jesus … and experience His freedom and call on our lives.  But we often find that while it sounds good in theory, our temptation is to stay where we are … comfortable … but not growing.  Mark will remind us to close the door on old habits and choose the path God sets before us.  Don’t listen to the discouraging voices trying to hold you back … but commit to having … No More Excuses.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/6/202326 minutes
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No More Excuses - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe challenges us to stop making excuses … and start moving forward. There are a lot of people who know about Jesus.  But they’re looking at Him from a distance.  They see him with His head low as He hung on a cross. Or they picture Him as a meek shepherd, or a carpenter alongside Joseph.  But, how often do you picture Him standing right in front of you? How many times do you think to look up and see Him present in your life right now?  Mark will remind us that we all still have the ability to see Him and experience Him up close and in a personal way. Our scripture starting point will be in John 5 in a message called, No More Excuses.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/5/202326 minutes
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Our Private Pain - Part 2

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe … how encountering Jesus always changes us. As we move forward in our brand-new study called, Jesus Up Close, we’ll be looking at the story of a woman who experienced incredible private pain … but whose life was changed after an encountered with Jesus.  This message is called, Our Private Pain.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/4/202326 minutes
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Our Private Pain - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe … we’ll be getting up close and personal with Jesus. We’re beginning a new series called, Jesus Up Close.  One of the best ways to see what someone is like is to watch how they interact with others.  And Jesus is no exception.  He had some very powerful encounters with people of all walks of life … and there’s a lot we can learn from Him. We'll be taking a look at the story of a woman who gets up close to Jesus and her private pain. How did Jesus react? Join us in Mark 5.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/1/202326 minutes
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You Can Win the Battle - Part 3

Putting on the full amor of God so we can stand against the enemy’s tricks and temptations … that’s today’s topic on Bold Steps with Mark Jobe. As we move forward in our series, When You Believe, Everything Changes, we’re going to be looking at how we can win the spiritual battles we all face and the battle gear necessary to defend, fight and win.Support the show: for privacy information.
11/30/202326 minutes
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You Can Win the Battle - Part 2

Taking a stand against the tricks and temptations of the enemy … that’s our topic today on Bold Steps with Mark Jobe. Yesterday he started a message titled, You Can Win the Battle, and today as we move forward in our study from the book of Ephesians, we’re going to learn more about the enemy and the equipment we need to win the battle.  We’re in chapter 6, verse 10 in the series … When You Believe, Everything Changes.Support the show: for privacy information.
11/29/202326 minutes
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You Can Win the Battle - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps … Pastor Mark Jobe shows us how to not get swept away in the battles. Today begins the final message of this series … When You Believe, Everything Changes. There are lots of people who are not tuned in to the spiritual realms and more than ever it’s evident by what we are seeing in our culture. As believers, we need to armor-up because there is a war going on in the spiritual realm. How can you have spiritual victory? Listen to part one of this message based in the book of Ephesians chapter 6 and it's called, You Can Win the Battle.Support the show: for privacy information.
11/28/202326 minutes
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The Power of Role-Parenting - Part 3

Today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe gives us some practical parenting tips as we move forward in our study of the book of Ephesians. He is going to be taking us to chapter 6 in order to help us glean some practical parenting tips from the text … as we try to not exasperate our children.  Today’s message is part of our series titled, When You Believe, Everything Changes. The message is called, The Power of Role-Parenting.Support the show: for privacy information.
11/27/202326 minutes
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The Power of Role-Parenting - Part 2

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe … we’re learning how to raise up the next generation. Last time, we started learning about authority and how parents have the power to bless their children.  And today, as we move forward, Mark is going to be explaining how our willingness to train up the next generation shapes the future and their destiny.  Our series is titled, When You Believe, Everything Changes … and if you have your Bible handy … turn with us to Ephesians, Chapter 6.  Mark titled, this message The Power of Role-Parenting .Support the show: for privacy information.
11/24/202326 minutes
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The Power of Role-Parenting - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe … we’re learning to obey authority. Happy Thanksgiving!  We’ve been working our way through the book of Ephesians in our series called When You Believe, Everything Changes … and today we reach chapter 6. We’re going to look at what the bible says about this and hopefully, we’ll encourage you to see that God gives us clear instruction on how and when we should obey authority … and how we should honor our parents. The message is titled, The Power of Role-Parenting.Support the show: for privacy information.
11/23/202326 minutes
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Staying Filled in the Spirit - Part 2

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe … we’re learning how to stay filled in the Spirit. Not many of us would consider taking a long road trip without there being gas in the tank, so why do we sometimes live our lives without getting spiritually recharged?  That’s the question Mark will address today.  This message is part of our series, When You Believe, Everything Changes and as we start with how we can stay filled with the Spirit, join us in Ephesians 5.Support the show: for privacy information.
11/22/202326 minutes
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In His Image - 04 Parenting Your Child's Heart - November 23, 2023

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11/21/202345 minutes, 14 seconds
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Staying Filled in the Spirit - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps … Pastor Mark Jobe shows us how to stay spiritually charged. Spiritually. We have to continually plug into the Holy Spirit or we’ll run out of that charge. Staying filled with the Spirit can be difficult and that’s why we have to continually refresh ourselves each day. We get so busy living our lives that we don’t take time to slow down, we’re going to lose power.  And our ultimate power and strength comes from the Lord through His Spirit. Today’s message from our series, When You Believe, Everything Changes.Support the show: for privacy information.
11/21/202326 minutes
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Choosing to Walk in the Light - Part 3

Today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe shows us how to live in contrast to the dark world around us. The moon has no light source of its own, yet it shines bright in the evening skies because it reflects the sun’s light.  And that’s how we should be living as believers, too … reflecting the Son (S-O-N’s) light and love onto the world around us. As we conclude our message titled, Choosing to Walk in the Light, we’ll be turning back to the book of Ephesians … chapter 5 to pick up where we left off.  Mark has reminded us that we need to watch our words and guard our relationships, and in today’s message, he’ll show us how to live in contrast to the dark world around us.Support the show: for privacy information.
11/20/202326 minutes
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Choosing to Walk in the Light - Part 2

We’re learning more about Choosing to Walk in the Light … today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe. As we move forward in our study from the book of Ephesians, we’re going to be turning to chapter 5 to pick up on our message titled, Choosing to Walk in the Light.  Last time, Mark emphasized how our desires in our relationships and how we speak to one another should reflect our new identity and calling in Christ.  And today, Pastor Mark will give us a recap before addressing his second point. Join us for the conclusion of this message from our series, When You Believe, Everything Changes.Support the show: for privacy information.
11/17/202326 minutes
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Choosing to Walk in the Light - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe … learn how you can reflect the identity of your heavenly Father for all to see. We’re going to be turning to the book of Ephesians, chapter 5 for help with the answer. And it starts by imitating God as His dearly loved children. We are children of God, so we should live like it! The message is titled, Choosing to Walk in the Light.Support the show: for privacy information.
11/16/202326 minutes
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Putting on the New You - Part 3

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe … we’ll learn how to face the issues that are holding us back. Nobody likes to be around a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.  But why do we have such a hard time shaking our old man off?  Our current series is called, When You Believe, Everything Changes, and Mark is going to show us why we can’t keep living in the past and holding on to our old lives if we’ve become a new man in Christ.  Today’s message … from the book of Ephesians chapter 4 is titled, Putting on the New You.Support the show: for privacy information.
11/15/202326 minutes
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Putting on the New You - Part 2

Today on Bold Steps … we’re learning how to let go of the past as we take bold steps forward. Nearly 80% of people experience back pain of some kind … and doctors say that most of our aches and pains are caused by wearing old shoes!  But what do old shoes have to do with our Bible message today?  That’s what PastorMark Jobe … president of Moody Bible Institute … and the senior pastor of New Life Community Church in Chicago will explain in our message titled, Putting on the New You. This message comes from our study in the book of Ephesians, chapter 4 … titled, When You Believe, Everything Changes.Support the show: for privacy information.
11/14/202326 minutes
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Putting on the New You - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe shows you how to live a changed life. A lot of people probably have an idea of the things they’d change about themselves or their spouses … if they could. But ultimately REAL change comes about through God's transforming power. We'll talk about a challenge given by Paul to stop living like our old selves and put on the new. We're in Ephesians 4 and we encourage you to join us!Support the show: for privacy information.
11/13/202326 minutes
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Unleashing People Power - Part 2

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe … we’re learning how to mature and grow in God’s power and provision. We all have been given unique gifts and talents to help further the Kingdom of God.  But how should we use those abilities to encourage and help bring people to Christ?  That’s the topic we’re going to explore today in our message called, Unleashing People Power.  It’s part of our series … When You Believe, Everything Changes. Join us as we continue in the book of Ephesians chapter 4.Support the show: for privacy information.
11/10/202326 minutes
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Unleashing People Power - Part 1

Being equipped for the work God has called us to do … that’s the topic today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe.  He believes Christians seriously underestimate that power and provision and the power that is inside of us … and the abilities that God has endowed each one of us with! Join us as we explore four principles we need to keep in mind when it comes to releasing God’s power.Support the show: for privacy information.
11/9/202326 minutes
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In His Image - 03 Renewing Marriage - November 9, 2023

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11/8/20231 hour, 3 minutes, 25 seconds
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Walking Worthy - Part 2

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe … we’re learning to walk worthy in our God given calling. Last time, we started a message on Walking Worthy, and today as we move forward in our study from the book of Ephesians, we’re going to be focusing our attention on three points that will help us live out our life’s purpose and calling with passion.  We’re in Ephesians, chapter 4… and with a message from our series, When You Believe, Everything Changes.Support the show: for privacy information.
11/8/202326 minutes
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Walking Worthy - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps … Pastor Mark Jobe explains how we can walk worthy of our calling. We're going to be learning that how no matter what we’re going through … we can all be Walking Worthy of our calling. While he was a prisoner, the apostle Paul used the words … worthy and calling together when it comes to living out our faith. This message comes from the book of Ephesians chapter 4.Support the show: for privacy information.
11/7/202326 minutes
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The Power at Work in You - Part 2

Today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe shows us the depths of God’s power in our lives. Last time on the program, we explored the first point related to seeing the depths of God’s power in our life.  And he said we needed to be looking closely at our diet … to see what we were feeding our inner man.  We’ll pick up that point, as we turn to the third chapter of the book of Ephesians.  We’re in verses 14-21 in today’s message called, The Power at Work in You. the show: for privacy information.
11/6/202326 minutes
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The Power at Work in You - Part 1

Discovering The Power at Work in You … that’s today’s topic on Bold Steps with Mark Jobe. Today, we’re going to be taking a look at the most powerful force in the universe. And it's not an atomic bomb! The amazing thing is, we have access to a power that is even greater! It's the power of the Holy Spirit. We're going to be looking at the prayer Paul prayed for the Ephesian believers. He asks that they may be strengthened with the power of the Holy Spirit in the inner being. It's a part of our current series When You Believe, Everything Changes.Support the show: for privacy information.
11/3/202326 minutes
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The Secret to Freedom and Confidence - Part 2

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe, we’re learning how to be clear and confident about God’s call for our life.  God places a call on everyone’s life … so why do some people understand their purpose right away … while it takes other people a long time to get the revelation?  Well, that’s the topic Mark will address today.  As we move forward in our series called When You Believe … Everything Changes, Mark will be taking us to the book of Ephesians, chapter 3 to explain The Secret to Freedom and Confidence.Support the show: for privacy information.
11/2/202326 minutes
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The Secret to Freedom and Confidence - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe … we’re discovering what the apostle Paul meant when he talked about the “mystery” of Christ. Are you good at keeping secrets? Some are better at others at this! Well, there's a secret that the Apostle Paul talks about--The Mystery of Christ"--which we'll learn about today on our message,The Secret to Freedom and Confidence.Support the show: for privacy information.
11/1/202326 minutes
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Tearing Down Walls - Part 2

Today on Bold Steps … Pastor Mark Jobe shows us what happens when the walls of division come down … As we move forward in our brand-new series, When You Believe … Everything Changes, we’ll continue our lesson from Ephesians, chapter 2.  Mark will give us three points to consider about who you are … and what happens when the walls of division come down around us.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/31/202326 minutes
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Tearing Down Walls - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe shows us how to tear down the walls that separate us from God. Have you ever felt like an outsider? Maybe you've moved to a new neighborhood, or have a new job... maybe a new school? You feel like you're on one side of a wall and everyone else is on the other. One of the most obvious walls is the one between mankind and God. But, when that comes down first, it actually leads to the tearing down to many other walls. God is a wall-breaker!Support the show: for privacy information.
10/30/202326 minutes
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Made Alive - Part 3

From being spiritually dead … to being Made Alive in Christ … that’s the topic today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe. Question: Is it religion that changes you and makes you a better person or is something … or someone else?  That’s the topic Mark’s going to be exploring in the concluding part of this message. It's about a transformation that only God can do through His grace and kindness. Turn in your bible to Ephesians 2 for this life-changing and encouraging word.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/27/202326 minutes
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Made Alive - Part 2

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe … we’re learning what it means to be Made Alive through God’s transforming power. As we continue our series on the book of Ephesians, Mark is going to be diving into the topic of what it means to be Made Alive through God’s transforming power.  He’s going to explain three characteristics of those who are spiritually dead.  The message comes from our When You Believe … Everything Changes series.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/26/202326 minutes
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In His Image - 02 This Is The New Me - October 26, 2023

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10/25/202356 minutes, 59 seconds
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Made Alive - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe … we’re learning how to be alive in the spirit. Ephesians 2 talks a lot about being spiritually alive, but that is not something we can do in our own power. There are a lot of dead men walking. The Bible speaks about being dead spiritually even though alive physically.  There has to become a moment where we make that change, going from death to life. If you can, grab your bible and join us in Ephesians chapter 2 as we learn more about being made alive in Christ.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/25/202326 minutes
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What You Know Will Change You - Part 2

Today on Bold Steps … Pastor Mark Jobe helps us understand God’s transformative power. People are often in search of three things … riches, power … and hope.  And today as we move forward in our brand-new series, When You Believe … Everything Changes … Mark is going to show us how we can find those three things … and so much more!  We’re in the book of Ephesians … chapter one, and our message is titled, What You Know Will Change You.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/24/202326 minutes
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What You Know Will Change You - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe explains what it means to be a true and authentic follower of Jesus. We’re in an exciting series of messages that’s designed to show us what happens in the life of someone who truly and authentically believes in Jesus. Many Christians have no idea of the riches they have in Christ and we'll learn all about it in today’s message from our series, When You Believe, Everything Changes.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/23/202326 minutes
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Take Your Place - Part 3

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe … we’re learning what it means to be chosen. This week we began a new series called, When You Believe … Everything Changes … and we’ve been learning about what it means to Take Your Place in the Kingdom of God.  Yesterday, we learned what it means to be blessed … as we continue, Mark’s going to show us how and why we’ve been chosen and redeemed.  So, if you have your Bible handy, turn to Ephesians 1 for this encouraging study!Support the show: for privacy information.
10/20/202326 minutes
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Take Your Place - Part 2

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe … we’re learning how to be victorious in our walk with Christ. Going against the crowd or the cultural norms of any given society can be difficult to do … but it’s nothing new.  And as we’ll see, it’s something that even the apostles had to deal with and work through!  Our message is called Take Your Place.  And so, if you have your Bible handy, flip to the book of Ephesians because Mark’s going to be showing us that … When You Believe … Everything Changes.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/19/202326 minutes
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Take Your Place - Part 1

Discover how to Take Your Place … today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe. We’re starting a new series based on the book of Ephesians where we'll learn that if God gets a hold of someone, they don't stay the same. You cannot come to Christ and continue with all of the old stuff! Our example takes us to a place, a city that is not unlike our culture right now. A practical and challenging study from messages called, When you Believe, Everything Changes.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/18/202326 minutes
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How to Hold onto Your Joy on the Hard Days - Part 1

Learning how to hold onto joy … even on the hard days.  That's coming up on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe.  Some things in life are hard to hold onto.  Youth … it’s fleeting.  Money … it goes fast.  Friends … move and change with the seasons.  And then what about your sunglasses or your waistline?  Is there anything that doesn’t fade? On this program we'll be looking at four specific ways to bring about joy in your life, beginning with Celebration. We're in the book of Philippians chapter 4 and we encourage you to grab your bible and join us there!Support the show: for privacy information.
10/17/202326 minutes
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Hurt - Part 2

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe … we’re learning to choose grace … and release bitterness. If you’ve ever spent any time gardening, you know just how troublesome weeds can be.  At first, there seem to be just a few here and there, small enough to be ignored.  And suddenly, the next thing you know, they’ve spread all over … invading every space and choking out the life of your garden.  Well, just like weeds, the wounds and pains from our past can end up spreading into places they shouldn’t, if we don’t take care of them right away.  On today’s program, Mark concludes a message he started last week that focuses our attention on what to do when we experience hurt and pain.  It’s simply titled, Hurt, and we’ll be learning that if we don’t confront our hurts and disappointments, they can quickly overtake our lives … and become deep roots of bitterness.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/16/202326 minutes
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Hurt - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe … we’ll learn what the Bible says about dealing with feelings of hurt and pain. Most of us have heard the motivational phrase … Life is 10% of what happens to you … and 90% of how you respond to it.  Mark says that when it comes to dealing with the hurt and pain of our lives, that’s absolutely true, don’t you think?We all have a choice … to let the frustrations and pain of other people’s decisions discourage and disable us.  Or we can take those hurts and turn them into something that make us stronger.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/13/202326 minutes
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Discouragement - Part 2

Discover how to adjust your focus and break free of discouragement … today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe.  Over the past week, we’ve been in our current series called, Facing Your Feelings, and we’ve been looking at how different types of emotions affect us.  Mark has given us biblical pointers on diffusing anger … and tools to help us dissuade feelings of discouragement.  And we’ve even learned how to filter criticisms and identify weak spots in our lives. If you have your Bible handy, turn to the book of Nehemiah to uncover how he was able to stand in the face of opposition … and how we can, too!Support the show: for privacy information.
10/12/202326 minutes
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In His Image - 01 Rethinking Your Identity - October 12, 2023

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10/11/202354 minutes, 51 seconds
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Discouragement - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe … we’re learning how to face discouragement. As we move forward in our study on Facing Your Feelings, we’re going to be taking a look at an emotion that most of us have had to deal with at one time or another.  It’s called, Discouragement … Mark says that anyone who is doing something worthwhile will encounter opposition and criticism.  And that’s even true in ministry. Join us in the book of Nehemiah as we learn what to do when we face opposition and Discouragement.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/11/202326 minutes
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Anger - Part 2

We changed up the beginning of the program a little today.  And maybe you recognized that tune from the early 80’s.  But if you didn’t … it’s Randy Stonehill’s Shut De Do (Keep Out the Devil). In today’s message, we’re going to be discussing that exact point … because when we open the door just a little, we’re giving the enemy the opportunity to bring all kinds of trouble into our lives. When we let anger fester, it keeps the poison in our flowing and we want to keep the poison out!Support the show: for privacy information.
10/10/202326 minutes
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Anger - Part 1

Learning to tame a powerful emotion in a healthy way … today on Bold Steps with Mark Jobe. As we continue our study of feelings and emotions, we’ll be looking at a powerful, yet paradoxical emotion … anger.  Is it considered a strength?  Or a weakness?  Well, it might surprise you to learn while anger seems like it’s the most powerful and the strongest emotion we can have … it’s actually a secondary emotion ... fueled by fear or sadness.  And Mark, you say that it’s okay to get angry about certain things … but we can’t let it rage out of control. Today we'll how to handle Anger in a godly way.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/9/202326 minutes
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Fighting Fear - Part 2

Learn how to turn your fears and failures … into faith building opportunities … today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe. Has fear sidelined you?  Or stolen your joy?  Maybe you’ve even been looking for a way to overcome your fears … and grow in your faith.  As we move forward in our series called, Facing Your Fears, we’ll be learning how to be a source of encouragement for those who are struggling with anxiety disorders.  As we learned yesterday, God is the great fear disrupter … and He alone has the ability to make the impossible … possible.  And in today’s message, we’ll discover how to shift our focus from fear … to faith.  It’s a message Mark Jobe calls, Fighting Fear.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/6/202326 minutes
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Fighting Fear - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe will teach us how to overcome fear with faith …One of the most debilitating and wide-spread issues in our society … is anxiety.  Each year, millions of people are diagnosed with disorders related to this illness.  But what does the Bible say about anxiety?  That's what Mark will be talking about today.  And, as we start this new series, we’re gonna be exploring our feelings … starting with a hot topic: fear. It comes from Mark’s timely series called, Facing Your Feelings.  And it’s titled, Fighting Fear.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/5/202326 minutes
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What It Means to Restore Our God-Given ID - Part 2

If we want to live a more godly life, Pastor Mark Jobe says it doesn’t just take a renewal of our spirit … but also a renewal of our mind. So often in Christian circles we discuss the importance of what it means to be spiritually "reborn" … and to reposition our hearts with God.  But a big part of this transformation that sometimes gets overlooked, is the need to renew our minds.  That’s the subject Mark is unpacking in today’s Bold Steps message titled … What it Means to Restore Our God-Given ID.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/4/202326 minutes
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What It Means to Restore Our God-Given ID - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps, we’re learning how to get beyond our narrow, earthly perspective … to see the world through God’s perspective. As believers in Christ, our struggle on Earth is between two extremes, or rather, two natures.  In the Bible, Paul refers to these natures as the “old and new man”.  Pastor Mark Jobe is going to expand on this concept and help us learn how to start living with a “heavenly perspective” in a message originally preached at New Life Community Church (Chicago) in October of 2022 … and it’s called … What it Means to Restore Our God-Given ID.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/3/202326 minutes
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Real Transformation - Part 3

Today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe helps us to better understand our true identity … in God. We’ve reached the final part of a keystone message about our true nature, and the identity we’ve been given by God.  No one has the ability to change themselves. While we can take steps toward "self-improvement", ultimately real transformation only happens with God's help and we find our true identity in Him. Join us for this final discussion based in 2 Peter chapter 1 and possibly learn what your next big step will be.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/2/202326 minutes
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Real Transformation - Part 2

Are you leaning into the God-given power already inside you?  Or searching for strength somewhere else? That’s the topic today on Bold Steps … Today, we’re continuing a lesson about the power and promises we’ve been given by God … and it’s sad but true that so many Christians today are trying to solve their problems by changing what’s around them … rather than tapping into what’s already inside of them. Some Christians are wasting their time trying every ‘self-help’ trick in the book but … real change is only found in the presence and power of God.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/29/202326 minutes
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Real Transformation - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe helps us tap into the spiritual strength that every Christian has been given, but perhaps been overlooking. In today’s self-help culture, we’re hooked on the idea of self-betterment and doing all we can to improve ourselves.  And that may be fine and good, but you’re going to remind us that, spiritually, if we are believers and have the Holy Spirit, then we already have God’s DIVINE POWER inside of us to start living for God RIGHT NOW. It’s a matter of accessing this power that you ALREADY HAVE in Christ to start to live for Him.  We’re going to talk about what this POWER is and then get into the PROMISES that come with it.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/28/202326 minutes
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My Next Big Step - Part 2

Are you actually growing in your spiritual life, or have things gotten a little stagnant?  We’re coming to terms with our spiritual maturity, today on Bold Steps. As with anything in life, spiritual growth doesn’t just happen overnight … and it isn’t something we can hope will just happen to us.  It takes time, effort, and commitment.  Mark is giving us some very helpful pointers on what spiritual maturity looks like, and what we need to do in order to attain it. Picking up with his second point on learning to teach and minister to others, grab your bible and join Mark for this lesson on spiritual growth.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/27/202326 minutes
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My Next Big Step - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps … Pastor Mark Jobe begins a lesson about how to take your next step … with God. Getting directions used to be a bit of chore … but nowadays, we have our own personal GPS built right into our phones.  No matter where we’re trying to go, we get real-time directions and updates on traffic or detours.  Perhaps you’ve tried this, but one of the fun things you can do is customize the voice of your directions.  Some apps have “celebrity voice packs” featuring ... Mr. T, Darth Vader, Elvis and many more … and who knows, maybe we’ll see a Mark Jobe option?Wouldn’t it be great to have a GPS for our spiritual life? Just plug in the instructions and there would be a voice saying, take this path, listen to THIS voice, read THIS scripture now ... a guidance system to help you get to the next level.  We may not have an electronic device for this, but we DO have the Holy Spirit. Our study today is in Hebrews 5 is all about THE NEXT BIG STEP.  Support the show: for privacy information.
9/26/202326 minutes
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What’s The Cost? - Part 2

Today on Bold Steps … Pastor Mark Jobe has an urgent message for Christians about the true costs of following Jesus. It’s sad but true that many people today fall into the lie that being a Christian is supposed to be an easy road.  And while it is true that nothing brings more fulfilment and joy than being in the presence of God … following Christ does come with certain costs.  And to help us get a clear understanding of what those costs are, and how they fit into the bigger picture, Mark is continuing a lesson from the book of Matthew chapter 10.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/25/202326 minutes
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What’s The Cost? - Part 1

True Christian living doesn’t come easy … today we’re counting the costs with Pastor Mark Jobe on Bold Steps. As we continue in our series about what it means to be a disciple and make disciples, We're going to ask the critical question, What Is the Cost of following Jesus? WARNING: this is a very difficult, hard and challenging passage of scripture!  The three costs of becoming a disciple.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/22/202326 minutes
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What Shall We Do? - Part 3

Today on Bold Steps … Pastor Mark Jobe continues a fundamental lesson about following Christ. This week, we started a short series called Discipleship 101 … where we’re unpacking some of the most fundamental aspects of what it looks like, in real terms, to follow Jesus Christ. A critical key to this is understanding the gift of the Holy Spirit and the needed power that brings to help us live our lives on call, as well as in ministering to others. Join us for this concluding message, What Shall We Then Do?.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/21/202326 minutes
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What Shall We Do? - Part 2

In a world filled with empty promises and broken commitments, Pastor Mark Jobe has some key steps we can take to be authentic followers of Christ. There are some things in life you simply can’t do unless you’re willing to go all in.  Join us as we’re continuing a message on the fundamentals of following Jesus … and perhaps readjusting our perspective on what it actually takes to truly live for Christ.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/20/202326 minutes
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What Shall We Do? - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps … Pastor Mark Jobe gets down to the fundamentals of what it really means to follow Christ as we begin two messages on the fundamentals of what it means to follow Jesus.  And interestingly enough, this back-to-basics lesson isn’t just for new believers. It's a needed look at the basics of Christianity that we ALL need to revisit from time to time. Our new series is called, Discipleship 101 ... and today’s message is titled, What Shall We Do? Join us in Acts 2!Support the show: for privacy information.
9/19/202326 minutes
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Good News, Hard News - Part 2

True Christian living isn’t just a lifestyle … it’s a complete transformation of who you are.  And we’re unpacking what that really means on Bold Steps as Pastor Mark Jobe continues with Part 2 of his message, Good News Hard News-a test of what it means to be a true Christian. When you choose to follow Christ, it's just not one thing you add to your life. It becomes the primary focus. We'll describe the TEST of commitment based in Matthew 10.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/18/202326 minutes
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Good News, Hard News - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe explains how the good news of the Gospel isn’t something we can be passive about. There are some really touching videos out there showing the reactions of young fathers, who are finding out for the first time that they’re going to be dads.  The look on their faces and the tears of joy are absolutely priceless … and we all love sharing in it because, after all, who doesn’t’ love good news!  Today we’re talking about what it looks like to share in the most important news we can receive … the Gospel, which means good news.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/15/202326 minutes
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Take Your Position - Part 2

Today on Bold Steps … Pastor Mark Jobe has a lesson on what it means to take your position in God’s plan. We are in 2nd Chronicles today and part 2 of a message titled, Take Your Position. The first step in the process? Adjusting Your Focus-not giving in to fear and realizing that your issues are God’s issues. Join us as we continue in our study of Jahaziel and how praise goes ahead of any action we take!Support the show: for privacy information.
9/14/202326 minutes
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Take Your Position - Part 1

Are you standing strong in the place God has called you to?  That’s the topic today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe.  Imagine for a moment there’s a football team, heading out to the field, about to line up for the first play.  But as each player makes their way across the turf, they realize they have a problem … nobody knows their position!  Talk about chaos.  Today we will be highlighting an even more important problem … and that’s the fact that many people are living their lives without knowing the position that God has called them to. The challenge for you will be to ... take your position.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/13/202326 minutes
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Where is God in the Middle of My Drama? - Part 3

Today on Bold Steps … Pastor Mark Jobe has a message about going through hard times … with the full presence of God. We’re beginning the final part of a heartfelt message asking the question … Where is God in the Middle of My Drama?  When we face hard times, and feel stuck in a season of pain or sorrow … how do we find God in those moments?  How do we know He’s there? Join us in the book of John, chapter 11, as we begin the final part of a lesson titled … Where is God in the Middle of My Drama? …Support the show: for privacy information.
9/12/202326 minutes
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Where is God in the Middle of My Drama? - Part 2

When you’re in the midst of pain and heartache, you need to know … where is God?  That’s what we’re discussing today, on Bold Steps. Last week Pastor Mark Jobe began a message about a very real and heartfelt question … when we go through hard times and our prayers don’t seem to be heard … where is God?  And today, we’re continuing this lesson by going deeper into the story of Lazarus. Go ahead and open our Bibles to the book of John, chapter 11, as we jump into the lesson titled … Where is God in the Middle of My Drama?Support the show: for privacy information.
9/11/202326 minutes
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Where is God in the Middle of My Drama? - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps … Pastor Mark Jobe begins a new message about the timing of God. In life we all have “drama”.  We have problems and pains that we wish would simply go away … and yet often times, our situation seems to remain the same.  But we’re reminded in the Bible over and over that GOD’S timing in dealing with our problems is not OUR timing.  We’re going to look at a powerful example of that found in John 11 and the story of Lazarus. We're asking the question, Where IS God in the middle of my drama?!Support the show: for privacy information.
9/8/202326 minutes
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The 7 Habits of Resilient Students - Part 2

To withstand the trials and temptations of the world, we have to be spiritually resilient.  And we’re learning how, today on Bold Steps. Last time, we began a message that Mark originally shared with the students at Moody Bible Institute … laying out The 7 Habits of Resilient Students.  And while this lesson was directed to the students of MBI … the keystone habits that Mark shares are extremely applicable to all of us, no matter what stage of life we may be in.  In yesterday’s program, he established the first three key habits that lead to spiritual resiliency.  First, we must establish and guard our daily time with God.  Second, we need to invite other people into our growth process and allow ourselves to be sharpened by Christian community.  And third, we need to pour ourselves into a church community, and give of our talents and support to those around us. We pick things up right there ...Support the show: for privacy information.
9/7/202326 minutes
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The 7 Habits of Resilient Students - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps … Pastor Mark Jobe gives us the tools we need to become spiritually resilient. Join us as we again step inside a Moody Bible Institute chapel event, where he first shared today’s message about developing some specific habits that lead to resilience. Mountain top experiences can get us started, but the majority or our journey is of training, habits, saying no/yes, discipline and Holy Spirit slow transition. Our message is simply titled … The 7 Habits of Resilient Students.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/6/202326 minutes
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Salvation - Part 2

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe, we’re learning about the penalty that comes with sin. Romans 3:23 says that ALL have sinned and fallen short of God’s standards. But does that mean we have no hope … or no way of reconnecting with God?  Mark will help answer those questions as we discover the truth about an absolute core Christian belief … the gift of salvation.  This message comes for our study we’ve titled, Why We Believe … and Mark simply titled it … Salvation.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/5/202326 minutes
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Salvation - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe explains man’s great need for salvation. There are words and phrases that represent the most crucial doctrines in the Christian faith … words and phrases such as … How to be right with God, Salvation, Born-again believer, Follower of Jesus Christ … what it means to be saved.  But these don’t necessarily translate across denominational lines or even from church to church.  So, how do we cut through the misinformation? Many people may think they understand what salvation means (taught as a child, emotional experience, etc.).  But today, Mark wants to correct any misconceptions people might have and create a clear picture of what these terms mean surrounding key beliefs.  We need to have a strong spiritual foundation. Today’s message regarding Salvation … comes from our series titled, Why We Believe.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/4/202326 minutes
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Communion - Part 2

Today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe discusses the importance of the blood and the body of Christ. He will be talking about how Jesus’ death and resurrection was foreshadowed throughout history.  We’re in the middle of a series called, Why We Believe … as we continue our study on the core elements of the Christian faith.  Our topic is Communion.  And we’ll be learning what it is and why it’s such an important part of our faith.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/1/202326 minutes
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Communion - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe, we’re taking an in-depth look at the meaning and significance of communion. Our series called, Why We Believe … and we’re looking at the history and the customs surrounding four specific areas … baptism, communion … the church, and salvation.  We’re going to be focused on the practice and tradition of communion … and Mark will help us with some answers to basic questions about this significant custom by setting up 3 questions: What is the meaning? What is the significance of the bread and wine? And How often should we take communion?Support the show: for privacy information.
8/31/202326 minutes
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Baptism - Part 2

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe, we’ll discover how to know if you’re ready to get baptized. Lots of people have done it … but not all of them know the meaning behind it exactly.  In yesterday’s program, we learned that baptism is a physical representation of a spiritual act that’s taking place.  So, who should get baptized … and is there a correct way to do it?  Mark will address those questions today as we continue our new series titled, Why We Believe.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/30/202326 minutes
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Baptism - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe, we’re learning more about Baptism … what it is … who it’s for … and why we should do it!  Just as there all kinds of churches in the world, there are also all sorts of traditions within those churches regarding baptism, communion … and even … how the Sunday morning service is held. With all the unique styles and flavors to choose from, how can we know which traditions and practices are biblical and which ones we would do well to avoid? Listen to find out more as we dive into the topic of baptism.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/29/202326 minutes
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Don’t Give Up - Part 2

Are you living your life in a way that’s pleasing to God … or are you simply trying to please other people?  That’s the topic today, on Bold Steps. Pastor Mark Jobe is continuing with part two of a fundamental message about grounding our identity in God, instead of the opinions of other people. Our lesson is titled Don’t Give Up and we'll be in our bibles in 1 Samuel chapter 10.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/28/202326 minutes
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Don’t Give Up - Part 1

When things get tough and insecurity creeps in … how do we stay the course in God’s plan?  Find out today on Bold Steps.  Pastor Mark gets the chance to travel a bit and preach in various locations and to different groups ... last Fall he was on the campus of Dallas Theological Seminary and spoke in a chapel service on a very important topic.  One he says is not preached on very much.  And it all revolves around a single word … “insecurity”. It can cause us to hide when we should be stepping up in our faith. We'll be looking at the example of Saul in 1 Samuel 10 in the message titled, Don’t Give Up.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/25/202326 minutes
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Hold Your Position - Part 2

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe... we’ll learn how to hold our position spiritually. Last time we talked about the need to embrace the spiritual position that God has called you.  Are you a parent?  Business leader?  Teacher?  We all have a calling and influence on those around us.  We can become tired when following God’s plans and we need power daily to do so. THIS is when the test of your faith happens. It produces maturity that allows us to keep doing and seeking it when things get difficult. Join us in Exodus 17 as we continue the message, Hold Your Position.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/24/202326 minutes
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Hold Your Position - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe gives us some pointers in finding encouragement in our God-given place and position. Throughout scripture we see examples of those who have been in the right place and have accepted their God-given position to accomplish great things. We’ll be talking about that and encouraging you to embrace the key position each has been called to.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/23/202326 minutes
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Refresh Your Memory - Part 2

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe ... lean into the next season of your journey. Here at Bold Steps we believe that God wants to take you to a new level.  He wants to do something new in your life.  Just like how God prepared the Israelites in their time in the desert, He wants to prepare you as well for your next season with Him.  To do that, we need to be remember-ers.  We'll see in Deuteronomy 8 that God tells the Israelites to not forget what He did for them. Some who hear this message will need to shake the box and get your praise on, remembering God’s hand of faithfulness.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/22/202326 minutes
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Refresh Your Memory - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe shows us that the key to your future lies in your past.  Can you think back to a time where God provided a way out for you?  Maybe saved you from something?  Brought you through a painful situation?  Maybe you’ve forgotten?  We’re going to look at a powerful passage from Deuteronomy 8 today where God says, “Be careful not to forget what the Lord has done for you.” In order to be ready for what God has for us in our next season, we need to have a clear picture of what He’s done already in the past.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/21/202326 minutes
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Divine Drive-Do You Really Want it? - Part 2

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe ... we’re learning to pursue the call on our lives! In part 2 of our message, we’re talking about divine drive. That willingness to cross the line into your calling by building up your faith. Elisha tested the anointing God had on his life and he stepped out saying, it’s MY turn now. We continue with part 2 of the message with the second "phase" of learning to be in the right place and the right time to receive what God has for you.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/18/202326 minutes
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Divine Drive-Do You Really Want it? - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe challenges to cross the line into your calling! Our series is See the Change, and there are some who will be listening today who God is trying to position to be at the right place, in the right moment, at the right time … and Mark wants to make sure they don’t miss their opportunity and that God would stir up in you a divine drive. Join us in 2 Kings chapter 2 as we discover four phases to be in the right place and the right time to receive what God has for you!Support the show: for privacy information.
8/17/202326 minutes
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What’s in Your Lunch Box? - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe... we’re learning to give what little we have so God can multiply it for His purposes. It’s easy to think that the solution to big problems requires a big solution ... a big-name speaker, author, media mogul ... lots of resources and budgets ... huge facilities to minister to others, etc.  But, in reality, God confounds the wise and powerful, accomplishing His big purposes using the small. All God asks is that we bring what we HAVE in faith to Him and He will multiply it!Support the show: for privacy information.
8/16/202326 minutes
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What’s in Your Lunch Box? - Part 2

Learn how God’s biggest solutions often come from the smallest places … today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe. In our new series, See the Change.  Mark says early on in the message today that he believe there are those who are living way below their calling and wants to raise your faith level!  We'll find encouragement in John 6 in the message as we learn to give God what you have, even though it may seem small and insignificant.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/16/202326 minutes
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Counting the Cost - Part 2

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe... He is asking us to draw a line in the sand. This is the last message in the Fan or Follower series and one of the hardest to hear and practice ... Jesus tells us we need to die to self in order to grasp the life He wants for us.  Are you counting the cost of what following Christ really means? Join us in Matthew 10 for the conclusion of this powerful command and call.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/14/202326 minutes
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Counting the Cost - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe... we’ll be learning to count the cost. Have you ever gone somewhere to buy something and realized you weren’t prepared to pay the cost?  Many don’t realize that it’s the same spiritually.  Mark is going to start with a hard reality that it actually costs us something when we follow Jesus. This is one of those “ouch that hurts” hard sayings of Jesus. Join us in Matthew 10 as we examine the 3 "costs" for every REAL follower.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/11/202326 minutes
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The Narrow Way - Part 2

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe... we’ll look at what it means to take The Narrow Way. What is it that makes someone a “Narrow Way” person?  According to Jesus, you will know them by the fruit of their character and obedience to the Father.  Join in as we continue our study in Matthew 7 talking about those who are not just fans, but true followers.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/10/202326 minutes
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The Narrow Way - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe... we’ll discover the difference between the wide and the narrow way. To be a true “follower” of Christianity, it means making some difficult choices ... things that can make us uncomfortable.  In our current series, Jesus is really making some hard statements. In fact, we could have titled the series, “The Hard Sayings of Jesus”. Going through the “narrow way” is HARD and we can’t skip the hard and just go to the easy. It will cause us to have a distorted view of God. Join us in Matthew 7 for a study titled, The Narrow Way.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/9/202326 minutes
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Knowing the Difference - Part 2

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe... we’ll learn what a ready, devoted heart of faith looks like. As the Gospel enters the human heart, there are 4 distinct responses.  Which one can you identify with? Listen as we continue our study in Matthew 13 of Jesus’ parable of the “four soils”.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/8/202326 minutes
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Knowing the Difference - Part 1

Are you a fan or a follower? That’s the question Pastor Mark Jobe is asking today on Bold Steps. Have you ever heard of a type of sports fan known as … a bandwagoner?  It’s usually a negative remark, referring to someone who only follows a specific team when they’re having a winning season.  In our new series, we're going to be talking about knowing the difference between being just a fan or a true follower when it comes to our spiritual walk with Jesus Christ. Grab your bible and join us in Matthew 12.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/7/202326 minutes
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From Receiving to Releasing - Part 3

This week on Bold Steps we’ve been going through a short series called ... My Space: Making Room for Healthy Relationships. And the final subject in this study has been the importance of shifting our hearts and lifestyles from a desire to take … to a desire to give.  Pastor Mark Jobe has been explaining how when we go from receiving to releasing, we unlock the true joy and purpose that God has for us. Open your bible if you can to Galatians chapter 5 for the powerful conclusion to the message and series.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/4/202326 minutes
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From Receiving to Releasing - Part 2

Life is full of givers and takers … and today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe encourages us to be spiritual givers to help release the full potential of God in our world. Today’s message is one that flies in the face of so much that we hear from the world around us.  We’re constantly told to take, take, take … and do everything we can to GET more from this life.  But, that’s not what actually brings fulfillment, is it? The shocking truth is that we get more out of everything when we GIVE. Join us as we dive into part two of this message titled … From Receiving to Releasing.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/3/202326 minutes
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From Receiving to Releasing - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps … Pastor Mark Jobe begins a message about the true purpose and definition of spiritual freedom. How would you define “spiritual freedom”?  Well, I know there are many today who would say that it gives them the ability to do whatever they want!  But actually, the Bible says that this freedom has a special meaning, and it’s the polar opposite meaning of what our culture would like to believe.  Mark is going to be helping us learn what it means to move from consumers to givers.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/2/202326 minutes
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Moving from Burning to Building - Part 2

Your words have the power to build others up … or to burn things down.  So … what are you speaking into the world?  That’s the topic today on Bold Steps. We’re diving into the final half of a lesson all about the power of our words … and recognizing the mighty gift we’ve been given to be able to help build up the world around us. Today’s message is titled, Moving from Burning to Building.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/1/202326 minutes
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Moving from Burning to Building - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps … Pastor Mark Jobe reveals one of the biggest litmus tests for spiritual maturity. The book of James talks about how our tongue is the most powerful part of our body. The words we say often reveal what’s really in our heart ... and ultimately our words are what have the potential to burn things down or build people up.  Mark is going to help us take a closer look at this concept today in James 3 on the power of our words from our new series MY SPACE: Making Room for Healthy Relationships.  Support the show: for privacy information.
7/31/202326 minutes
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Shape Me, I Want to Grow - Part 2

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe ... a challenge to not just be listeners to the Word, but doers. We’re finishing a powerful message from the words of Jesus titled Shape Me, I Want to Grow … which is a part of our short series, All In.  Meaning, you can’t half step your walk with Christ. Conversion to Christianity is not just the end, but it’s only the beginning of your transformation. It’s that starting point to say, now I have the rest of my life to be transformed into the image of Jesus and get on mission with Him, to begin to grow, make disciples, grow in my character ... so this is a strong, motivational call to say it’s time to start changing. This message, hopefully will make you want to follow Jesus MORE!Support the show: for privacy information.
7/28/202326 minutes
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Shape Me, I Want to Grow - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe, we’ll look at how God wants us to be shaped and molded into a follower of His. In Matthew 4, Jesus told His disciples that if they followed Him, He would make them fishers of men. There’s a transformation that happens when we go all in and submit to God’s plans. There’s something that we are being created into when we say yes to following Him. Max Lucado said, God loves you just the way you are, but he doesn’t want to leave you that way! We'll learn what it means to be changed and the signs of that change.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/27/202326 minutes
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Come Follow - Part 2

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe ... we’ll learn that being ALL IN means more than just a change in behavior, but a radical change of the heart. We’re going to talk about what it means to lay it all on the line for God.  Many people have said that they are all in, but when it comes down to it, they’re really not. There’s a difference between being a sympathizer with Christianity and a true follower.  Those who have put Him at the center of their lives.  You have to get on mission with Him!Support the show: for privacy information.
7/26/202326 minutes
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Come Follow - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe... we’ll learn what it means to be fully devoted Christians with a challenge to go ALL IN spiritually as a whole hearted, fully committed follower of Jesus. It's the #1 call for believers in a culture where many are just living on the margins and the outside of what it means to be fully committed. It's not easy and there is a cost to pay. Are you willing to jump in with both feet? Join us in Matthew 4 to learn more.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/25/202326 minutes
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What It Means to Be Born Again - Part 3

Have you been born again?  That’s the pivotal question we’re addressing today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe. Today we’re picking up with the final part of a message titled … What it Means to Be Born Again.  Now, that’s a fairly well-known term in Christian circles, but the truth is, the spiritual reality of being born again in Christ is sometimes a bit of a tricky concept for us to fully grasp.  That’s why Mark has been taking us through the book of John chapter 3 to help us reset our understanding of What it Means to Be Born Again.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/24/202326 minutes
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What It Means to Be Born Again - Part 2

Today on Bold Steps … an urgent message about the redeeming rebirth we all need, through Jesus Christ. Yesterday Pastor Mark Jobe began a message about What it Means to Be Born Again … and you know, this is a term that many Christians are familiar with, but perhaps don’t fully appreciate. And it’s so important that we get this … to be born again isn’t just a fun title … it’s a real, spiritual transformation that we ALL must make to be redeemed with God.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/21/202326 minutes
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What It Means to Be Born Again - Part 1

Do you really know what it means to be … born again?  Find out today, on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe! For just a minute, think about your birthday.  You know it, right? Everyone knows and celebrates that key date in their lives.  But, did you know that there is such a thing as a second birth?  Mark going to explain this very important and powerful concept as described to Nicodemus in the book of John and explain clearly “What it means to be born again.”Support the show: for privacy information.
7/20/202326 minutes
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It’s Time to Change - Part 3

Are you ready to walk into the new life that God is calling for you?  Well, get ready to take some Bold Steps today with Pastor Mark Jobe. Today’s message is a powerful lesson from the Gospel of John, unpacking the incredible reality of how God can break us out of the negative cycles in our lives, and push us into the new life that He designed.  We really encourage you to pay attention and stay with us for the entire program, especially if you’ve been hoping and praying for a breakthrough in your life!Support the show: for privacy information.
7/19/202326 minutes
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It’s Time to Change - Part 2

Do you feel your spiritual life is in need of a radical shake up?  Pastor Mark Jobe explains exactly what that calls for, in today’s Bold Steps. Mark is continuing a new lesson titled … It’s Time to Change.  We're diving into this right now, because he feels that a lot of people are longing to see a real change in their lives … a kind of change that only God can bring. There are so many parents and workers and teens right now who feel anxious or upset, and they’ve been trying to put their finger on the reason why. In the start of our message yesterday we covered the importance of realizing that a change is needed … today we’re talking about what we need to do to accept and usher in that change.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/18/202326 minutes
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It’s Time to Change - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps … Pastor Mark Jobe challenges us to be ready for the change that God has in store for us. Change comes to all our lives.  Sometimes we see it coming … and sometimes we don’t.  But maybe you’re at a place right now where it seems that God is whispering to you … it’s time to change.  Mark is going to drop into a story in Matthew’s gospel about a man who stayed the same for 38 years before having a life-changing encounter with Jesus.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/17/202326 minutes
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The Power of Releasing and Increasing - Part 2

Today on Bold Steps … Pastor Mark Jobe concludes a series on the topic of joy, by revealing the truth about generosity with a lesson all about the relationship between our level of generosity, and our level of joy. We pick up the message where Mark makes the point that Giving releases worship that is acceptable to God. Join us in Phippians 4 for the conclusion of The Power of Releasing and Increasing.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/14/202326 minutes
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The Power of Releasing and Increasing - Part 1

Did you know there’s a direct tie between our generosity … and our joy? That’s what Pastor Mark Jobe is unpacking, today on Bold Steps. We’ve reached the end of our series on getting, keeping, and maintaining JOY. It’s interesting that the apostle Paul spends the entire book of Philippians on the topic of joy, but ends on the topic of giving. And we'll discover that When a person is joyful, they also develop a generous spirit. Join us for the first part of our series finale, it’s titled The Power of Releasing and Increasing.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/13/202326 minutes
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Keys to Unstoppable Growth - Part 2

Today on Bold Steps … Pastor Mark Jobe is helping us take hold of the spiritual Keys to Unstoppable Growth. If we’re being honest, most of us would probably admit that there’s still a lot of room for spiritual growth in our lives.  And you know truthfully, given the perfection of God’s presence and power, there’s technically always room for real growth in our relationship with Him.  But the question is … what are we doing about it?  Are we just sitting on our hands and waiting for God do show up in miraculous ways … or are we actively working with God to bring about some serious change?  Well, that’s exactly what we’ve been discussing in our latest message from the book of Philippians, titled Keys to Unstoppable Growth.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/12/202326 minutes
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Keys to Unstoppable Growth - Part 1

Want to see real growth in your spiritual life?  Ready for God to take you on to the next level?  We’re discovering how to prep for serious growth, today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe.  In order to maintain an attitude of joy, you have to keep growing!  But sometimes that growth can require making some painful choices, and exercising patience in order to go to the next level. That can be especially hard because we live in a society where we want everything fast! Today’s message titled Keys to Unstoppable Growth.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/11/202326 minutes
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The Secret to Contentment - Part 2

Today on Bold Steps … Pastor Mark Jobe shares an empowering lesson from the book of Philippians. Last week we continued our series about Joy … and began a message about The Secret to Contentment.  As we discussed, contentment isn’t just a feeling, but rather an attitude that we can learn to take on.  We pick up our lesson Philippians chapter 4, looking at verse 12 … with today’s message titled, The Secret to Contentment.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/10/202326 minutes
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The Secret to Contentment - Part 1

What does it take to find true contentment?  Find out today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe. Maybe you can’t relate, but sometimes I’ve found myself thinking ‘Gosh, if I could just get that new house, or that bigger paycheck, or this one problem in my life just went away … then I would finally be content.’  But in reality, that isn’t how it works.  The Bible says being content actually has nothing to do with our circumstances ... Mark is going to help us see that just like joy, contentment is a choice … and it’s a choice we can learn to make.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/7/202326 minutes
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Don’t Let Worry Rob Your Joy - Part 2

Today on Bold Steps … Pastor Mark Jobe has a vital message for those who are struggling with worry. Yesterday we began a key message from our series about Joy … discussing some of the vital steps we must take in order to keep our worries from overcoming our joy.  Join us with your Bible open to Philippians chapter 4, looking at verse 4 … as we begin part two of a message titled Don’t Let Worry Rob Your Joy.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/6/202326 minutes
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Don’t Let Worry Rob Your Joy - Part 1

This life gives us plenty of things to worry about … but it’s what we do with our worry that matters.  That’s the topic today on Bold Steps. Here’s an important question … Are you a worrier?  Are you often dealing with anxious thoughts?  Well, there’s no shortage of things we can worry about in this life, and many of us are being held down by it.  Pastor Mark is moving ahead in our series about Joy, and is going to be tackling the topic of worry head-on with what may be the most powerful and practical passages of scripture on the issue. Today’s message is definitely an important one, and it’s titled Don’t Let Worry Rob Your Joy.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/5/202326 minutes
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How Wrong Thinking Can Kill Your Joy - Part 2

Today on Bold Steps … Pastor Mark Jobe has a counter-cultural message about the type of thinking that leads to joy. Sometimes life circumstances can get in the way of good plans … and if things don’t go our way, it’s often the case that our joy is quickly snuffed out.  And when we find ourselves in a tough position, it’s only natural to think a change in scenery might be all we need to reclaim the joy we once had.  But what if the only change we actually needed … was a change in our mindset.  It’s a simple yet counter-cultural truth that Mark is exploring as he continues our study in Philippians called … Joy is a Choice.  Today, we’re picking up with part two of a message about How Wrong Thinking Can Kill Your Joy.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/4/202326 minutes
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How Wrong Thinking Can Kill Your Joy - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe says that a lack of joy could be a result of wrong thinking. We’re going to be talking about wrong thinking when it comes to our relationship with God, and how a misguided mindset can rob or even kill our joy. Keep an ear out for the 4 ways to replace wrong thinking and how to maximize joy by joining us in Philippians 3.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/3/202326 minutes
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The Difference Between People Who Energize and Those Who Drain - Part 3

Today on Bold Steps … Pastor Mark Jobe continues an important lesson about what type of person you choose to be … This week we continued our series Joy is a Choice … by stepping into a message about The Difference Between People Who Energize and Those Who Drain.  Mark has been laying out a key pattern from the book of Philippians that can help us learn how to be people who bring life and energy to those around us.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/30/202326 minutes
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The Difference Between People Who Energize and Those Who Drain - Part 2

Today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe discusses the spiritual difference between people who energize and people who drain. Yesterday, we began a message all about the difference between people who are spiritual energizers … and those who are drainers.  We'll looking in the book of Philippians to highlight two great examples of spiritual energizers.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/29/202326 minutes
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The Difference Between People Who Energize and Those Who Drain - Part 1

Are you a spiritual energizer … or a drainer?  Find out today, on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe. If you’ve been listening over the last couple of weeks, you should now be very familiar with our series called Joy Is A CHOICE...  And that your attitude is your responsibility! That’s a major part of today’s theme, where Mark will be highlighting the difference between people who energize others and those who drain. Support the show: for privacy information.
6/28/202326 minutes
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How to Maintain Your Attitude - Part 2

Today on Bold Steps … Pastor Mark Jobe shows us how to maintain an attitude that fosters joy as we’re continuing a lesson called … How to Maintain Your Attitude.  Mark has been explaining throughout this series on joy that in order to keep the joy that God offers us, we must adopt and maintain a God-honoring attitude.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/27/202326 minutes
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How to Maintain Your Attitude - Part 1

Are you trusting in the power of God, or trying to do too much on your own?  That’s part of the problem we’re discussing today, on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe.  In our past few programs, we’ve been talking about the ability to choose joy.  But we’ve also learned that once we make that choice, we have to take on a certain attitude to make sure we don’t lose that joy.  We'll learn some biblical principles that will help us maintain our attitude of joy, based in Philippians 2.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/26/202326 minutes
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The Upside-Down Attitude - Part 2

The world has a very set way of thinking … but to tap into God’s way of thinking we need what Pastor Mark Jobe calls an Upside-Down Attitude. Yesterday on Bold Steps, he continued our series on the subject of joy with a message about taking on what he calls the Upside-Down Attitude … He explained how in order to really live the Christian life and take hold of God’s gift of joy, it takes a completely different approach than the natural mindset and objectives of the world.  Join us as Mark starts in Philippians chapter 2, verse 3, looking at what Paul has to say about The Upside-Down Attitude of authentic Christian living.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/23/202326 minutes
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The Upside-Down Attitude - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe challenges us to take on what he calls the Upside-Down Attitude. As we continue our series on joy, we’ve learned a few things … Joy is your choice, your attitude is your responsibility, and joy is not the same thing as happiness. As we continue with our verse-by-verse study of Philippians, Mark is going to tell us what it means to re-direct your life, that focuses on something bigger than yourself, and how that brings true joy.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/22/202326 minutes
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Living Between Two Worlds - Part 3

Are you living with eternity in mind?  Or has the physical world taken over your perspective?  We’re unpacking that question today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe. The past two days we’ve been going through an eye-opening message about how to live each day of our lives here on Earth with eternity in mind.  Our God-given calling is much bigger than we sometimes recognize because we get too distracted by the physical world around us.  Join Mark with your Bible open to Philippians chapter 1, looking in verse 27 … as he examines the words of Paul.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/21/202326 minutes
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Living Between Two Worlds - Part 2

Every day we have a choice to live out our God-given calling, or to go the way of the world.  That’s the subject today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe. Yesterday we began a message titled Living Between Two Worlds … where he brought our attention to the realities of the spiritual world that goes hand-in-hand with the physical world we see around us.  And today he is continuing that lesson with a focus on our calling. Life is MUCH bigger than what we see immediately around us … are you living for what really matters?  Are you living out your calling? … Join us as we dive into part two of a lesson titled, Living Between Two Worlds.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/20/202326 minutes
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Living Between Two Worlds - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps … Pastor Mark Jobe opens our eyes to the daily reality of the spiritual world as we continue our series on joy ... How choose it and more importantly, how to keep it.  Most people don’t think about it much, but we live in not only a physical world, but also a spiritual world.  Mark titled his message titled, Living Between Two Worlds and asks, What world are you living in the most?Support the show: for privacy information.
6/19/202326 minutes
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Practices of People That Choose Joy - Part 3

How do we take practical steps to maintain our joy, and live out our purpose … through any circumstance?  Find out today with Pastor Mark Jobe, here on Bold Steps. We’re beginning the final part of a lesson in the book of Philippians chapter 1, called … Practices of Those Who Choose Joy.  It’s an insightful message on how to take real steps towards maintaining our God-given joy, no matter what we’re going through or who we’re with. Turn to Philippians in your bible and join us!Support the show: for privacy information.
6/16/202326 minutes
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Practices of People That Choose Joy - Part 2

Do you want to maintain joy in your life?  It may not be easy, but today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe shows us how. Yesterday, we began a lesson titled … Practices of People Who Choose Joy.  And Mark is using Paul as an excellent example of someone who managed to maintain their joy, through any season. When we look at Paul’s life, there’s no shortage of trouble.  But he was able to cling to joy. A lot of people today are struggling to maintain joy.  Finances, fears, problems in relationships … so many people are consumed by the negative. This message is for anyone who’s going through a hard time, or feels surrounded by negativity, and simply wants to hold onto the joy of the Lord.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/15/202326 minutes
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Practices of People That Choose Joy - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps … Pastor Mark Jobe gives us practical steps to choose joy … through any season. This practical lesson is about those who are able to maintain their joy in difficult circumstances … and how they’re able to do it.  Mark will be using Paul as an example of someone who went through extreme pain and issues, but still managed to point to God and inspire others. The message is titled Practices of People Who Choose Joy.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/14/202326 minutes
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The Attitude of Those Who Don’t Quit - Part 3

Finding joy isn’t about pursuing things that make you feel good … it’s actually about something much bigger.  Want to know the secret?  Stay tuned to Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe. We’re digging into part three of a message on The Attitude of Those Who Don’t Quit ... where we’re looking through the book of Philippians chapter 1 to build up the attitude we need to follow through on all that God has in store for us.  Our lesson comes from our current series on the topic of joy called, Joy is a Choice: Learn to Laugh Again.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/13/202326 minutes
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The Attitude of Those Who Don’t Quit - Part 2

Today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe is helping us build an attitude of perseverance and lasting joy. Sometimes when life gets tough or we feel stuck somewhere we don’t want to be … it can be tempting to just throw in the towel, and call it quits.  But it this program, Mark is equipping us with a few key principles that will help us build the attitude of those who don’t quit … and to maintain our joy and trust in God.  No matter where you’re at right now, in your circumstances or spiritual life, God wants to finish what He started … and perhaps the only thing that needs to change right now … is your attitude.  We’re looking in the book of Philippians, chapter 1, in the message titled … The Attitude of Those Who Don’t Quit.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/12/202326 minutes
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The Attitude of Those Who Don’t Quit - Part 1

Have you lost the sense of joy in your life?  Well, today on Bold Steps … Pastor Mark Jobe shows us how to regain this vital gift of God. Last time he gave us an introduction to our new series called, Joy Is a Choice-Learn to Laugh Again ... and today we begin a study in the book of Philippians with a special emphasis on how to regain joy with today’s message titled … The Attitude of Those Who Don’t Quit.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/9/202326 minutes
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Lessons from the Front Lines - Part 2

Today on Bold Steps … Pastor Mark Jobe reveals the key to finding joy … no matter what the circumstances. Sometimes our circumstances have a way of overshadowing our hope.  When the odds seem mounted against us, or we feel trapped in a valley of chaos or defeat … it can be hard to find joy or courage for tomorrow.  But in today’s lesson, Mark is showing us that God can and will show up, in the middle of any circumstance, and that when we choose to take the right next step and pursue His will, amazing things can happen.  Our message is titled, Lessons from the Front Lines … and it comes from our brand-new series called Joy is a Choice: Learn to Laugh Again.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/8/202326 minutes
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Lessons from the Front Lines - Part 1

Want to find joy through every season?  Join us for today’s Bold Steps message with Pastor Mark Jobe. We’ve heard Mark say if before, but it IS possible to not only choose joy in our lives, but to also maintain that joy when things go bad.  And we’ll be in the book of Philippians for a majority of this extensive new study on the topic with 5 key lessons from the Front Lines. To begin, open to the book of Acts for the introduction.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/7/202326 minutes
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Walking in the Presence of God - Part 2

Today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe encourages us to pursue the presence of God above all else. Sometimes even when everything in life seems to be going smoothly, and we’re accomplishing our goals and getting what we want … we still end up feeling empty.  And on yesterday’s program Mark explained that no matter what we do or where we go in this life, the only thing that can truly satisfy our souls is the presence of God.  So, what do we do when we end up feeling disconnected and distant from our Creator?  How do we reclaim that intimacy with God that He intends for us to have?  Let’s find out together for part two of a message all about Walking in the Presence of God.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/6/202326 minutes
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Walking in the Presence of God - Part 1

Are you walking in the presence of God?  That’s the subject today, on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe. Did you know that it’s possible to push away the presence of God … even as a Christian?  Sometimes we get so focused on what we want in life that we end up moving further away from God.  Mark is going to help us learn how to restore that connection when we find ourselves outside of His presence with a message about Walking in the Presence of God.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/5/202326 minutes
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What Do You Smell Like? - Part 2

Are you spreading the aroma of Christ?  Making a stand for the Gospel?  Find out today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe. Here’s a random question … have you ever left a restaurant and found yourself smelling like the food?  Or maybe you’ve spent time around a fire pit or barbecue and ended up with clothes that smelled like smoke?  Well did you know that you also have a spiritual smell?  And depending on what you’re taking in, you’re going to let off a scent that others can pick up on.  Whether or not you’re a follower of Christ, the odor you give off either attracts others to God or pushes them away.  Today’s lesson is titled What Do You Smell Like?  … So go ahead and turn your Bible open to 2nd Corinthians 2, looking at verses 12 through 17, as we join Mark Jobe for today’s Bold Steps.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/2/202326 minutes
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What Do You Smell Like? - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps … Pastor Mark Jobe is bringing our attention to the aroma of Christ. He will be asking an important question that may sound strange without the right context … What Do You Smell Like? No, it doesn't have to do with the kind of deodorant you use. What we’re talking about today is a SPIRITUAL smell. Join us in 2 Corinthians 2.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/1/202326 minutes
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Getting the Big Picture

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe ... we’re getting a glimpse of God’s big picture. Real peace is needed more than ever in our society today. There’s more to be stressed about than ever in history. But, the Bible teaches that the real peace that God gives should be able to splash into your marriage, family, your community, your block and ultimately onto our city and country. It’s contagious. God’s peace isn’t meant to be kept inside but it’s meant to be spread around, like a GOOD virus!Support the show: for privacy information.
5/31/202326 minutes
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Real Peace - Part 2

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe ... we’ll learn what Jesus said is needed to help balance your hectic life and put things back into order. Real peace only comes from God. There is seudo-peace that the world gives, but peace that affects body, mind AND soul. It helps us make clear decisions in our lives and the bible has a lot to say about it. We’re continuing with part 2 of our message “Real Peace” today where Mark will reveal what Jesus said is the one thing we need to do in the midst of the busy-ness of life to stay centered.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/30/202326 minutes
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Real Peace - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe ... we’ll see how stress can cause us to be distracted from what’s really important. We’ll talk about the unhealthy effects that stress can have on our life and a powerful encounter Jesus had with a woman in Luke 10. Hopefully by the end, if you grasp the message of Jesus it can help elevate some of the pressure for those living on the edge of chaos. Good stress tells us that there is a habit that needs to be changed. If you’re experiencing stress now, it’s a warning sign. Pay attention to it and this message today!Support the show: for privacy information.
5/29/202326 minutes
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Practicing Peace of Mind - Part 2

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe ... we’ll learn how to align our thoughts with God’s peace. Continuing the message, Practicing Peace of Mind, two big parts of accomplishing that are releasing anger and resentment and learning to celebrate life.  Join us as we move on to 3 more points which will help you align your thoughts in such a way. .. to discover the supernatural peace of God which defies explanation.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/26/202326 minutes
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Practicing Peace of Mind - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe ... how to experience peace of mind in a stressful world. If I were to ask you what your stress level is today … where would you rate it?  Relatively low … somewhat moderate … or extremely high?  Truth is, most of us are leading busy, chaotic lives, and sometimes it feels like we’re doing all we can just to keep from falling apart.  We're going to learn some steps for practicing peace of mind. There’s so much in life right now that feels chaotic and out of control, but Mark says that God has a Word for YOU in this season … We’re starting right at the top of Philippians chapter 4, with verse 1, as we begin today’s message, Practicing Peace of Mind.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/25/202326 minutes
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Resting in the Lord - Part 2

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe ... the key to discovering lasting and inner peace. In our new series we’ve been talking about resting in the Lord and gaining a peace in the middle of a chaotic and trouble-filled world.  The main key is in trusting God as a believer is taking time to listen to the Holy Spirit.  There is a lot to be shaken by these days.  Are you in a panic and desperately seeking calm in your soul?  Stay tuned for a powerful word on a lasting peace that comes from the inside.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/24/202326 minutes
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Resting in the Lord - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe ... what it means to live and rest in victory over stress. Stress ... There isn’t a person listening who doesn’t understand what it is.  But, how do we experience the peace of God in the midst of a stressed-out life?  Today we'll learn how to Build in to our lives the practice of de-stressing nd we'll see how stress isn’t necessarily a bad thing and it’s there for a purpose.  Our new series is called, Stressed-calming down without cracking up.  Support the show: for privacy information.
5/23/202326 minutes
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Releasing the Power of Resurrection - Part 2

As a Christian, you’ve been given the power to awaken others to the spirit of God … but are you actually using this power?  Find out today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe. Last time, Mark began a message about Releasing the Power of Resurrection … explaining how every Christian has been given the unique privilege to be a carrier of God’s redeeming power … and to awaken others to that same gift, bringing light into the dark places of life.  But even though we have this privilege, we sometimes let it go to waste … forgetting or simply overlooking the resurrection power God is offering us.  That’s why Mark is laying out four important steps we need to take to make sure we don’t waste this incredible gift.  The first point he makes, is that we can’t let other people’s issues be an obstacle to our own connection to God.  And to continue his lesson, we’re looking at a story in the book of Mark chapter 5, now in verse 35 … where Jesus has been called to the house of a man named Jairus, whose young daughter was dying.  But on His way to the house of Jairus, Jesus is interrupted by a woman seeking her own miracle.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/22/202326 minutes
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Releasing the Power of Resurrection - Part 1

God is able and ready to do incredible things in your life … but is it possible that He’s waiting on you?  Find out today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe. As believers, we have been given the Holy Spirit.  Like a light in the darkness, we now have the power and call to shine that light to others.  Mark says we need to be “Awakeners” to others as we carry God’s presence into the world. We’re going to talk about Releasing the Power of Resurrection with a look at the story of Jairus on the way with Jesus to resurrect his daughter.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/19/202326 minutes
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Breaking Through the Gloom - Part 2

Are you tired of feeling down and gloomy?  Looking for real ways to actually change how you feel? You know, when we look around the world today, most of what see doesn’t actually look so good.  From corruption in politics, to the growing division within our culture and even with other countries … there’s no shortage of negative headlines.  And with all the darkness and despair that we see, what can we do, as followers of Christ, to maintain our joy and shine to those around us?  Well, that’s exactly what we’re discussing today on Bold Steps.  We’ll be looking at Psalm 100, so if you have your Bible handy, go ahead and join us there as Mark Jobe begins part two of a message titled … Breaking Through the Gloom.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/18/202326 minutes
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Breaking Through the Gloom - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe has a timely message about Breaking Through the Gloom. With all of the sadness, worry and darkness in the world, it can sometimes be difficult to see the good in life.  So, how would you define yourself?  Are you typically full of joy … are do you find yourself feeling gloomy?  Mark is going to address this head-on in today’s programs we focus on Psalm 100. Support the show: for privacy information.
5/17/202326 minutes
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Strong Moms - Part 2

What does being a Strong Mom really look like?  That’s what we’re finding out today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe. Yesterday, we began a message about what it means to be a Strong Mom … exploring some key principles from the biblical example of Hannah, seen in the book of 1st Samuel.  Hannah had the deep desire to bear children and to become a mother … but as time waned on, she remained childless.  Through her pain and seemingly unanswered prayers, Hannah continued to go to the Lord with her heartfelt request, kneeling and crying out in desperation for a miracle.  And to continue her story, join us in 1st Samuel, looking in chapter 1 starting in verse 13.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/16/202326 minutes
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Strong Moms - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps … Pastor Mark Jobe has an encouraging message for Strong Moms. Over this Mother’s Day weekend, many of us were able to honor our moms, either by remembering them or spending time with them … and we thought we’d keep the celebration going for more than just one day! We're going to be in 1 Samuel looking at a mom who had a "toughness" about her. I think there may be a listener today who’s going to relate and be encouraged by the story... of Hannah.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/15/202326 minutes
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Finding Your Praise Again - Part 2

Today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe asks, what is holding you back from being a full-on worshipper of God? Think about the last time you cheered on your favorite sports team or sang along with your favorite artist at a concert? Now, what about the last time you worshipped at church? What was your energy level? Were you able to praise God whole-heartedly or were you not able to get fully involved? Mark will be in Psalm 118 and explaining some practical tips that will help you find your praise again.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/12/202326 minutes
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Finding Your Praise Again - Part 1

Have you lost your praise? Today on Bold Steps, how to find it and lift your voice to God again. We're going to be looking at Psalm 118 which says, give thanks to the Lord for He is good and His love endures forever. An attitude is key! You can't read the Psalms without the challenge and inspiration to give thanks. It is the default mode of a believer to be thankful. Regardless of what you think your personality is, you need to be in the habit of deliberately and intentionally giving thanks every day.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/11/202326 minutes
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Breakthrough Worship - Part 2

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe, we'll discover how worship helps you prepare to communicate with God by softening your heart. God loves a heart that praises Him. We'll be in 2 Samuel 6 where we'll see King David dancing and singing and praising the Lord with all of his might before all of Israel. So Mark poses the question to us, should our worship to God be any different? We'll determine the answer to that question in our message title, Breakthrough Worship, from our series, Finding Words.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/10/202326 minutes
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Breakthrough Worship - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe, there is NO higher calling than to worship God. We're continuing our series called, Finding Words ... and we're looking at what it means to experience breakthrough worship. Worship doesn't always come naturally for most people. So, it might be a challenge. Especially if you have not been around the things of God for a while. Maybe you are a new believer. Maybe it feels awkward? But, worship is actually the atmosphere of the People of God. It's what we breathe and what flows out of us. And it's what needs to happen in order for God to accomplish what He wants to in our life. Join us in learning more as we open the Bible to Psalm 96.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/9/202326 minutes
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Confession and Cleansing - Part 2

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe, we're learning how to renew our hearts and find fellowship with God. God desires for us to have joy, gladness, purity of heart and a steadfast spirit. Things we can sum up as being in His presence. But, when outside forces cause our inward fellowship to become interrupted, we need a cleansing. Mark will help show us how as we continue our study in Psalm 51. The message title is, Confession and Cleansing.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/8/202326 minutes
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Confession and Cleansing - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe, we'll discover that a key part of prayer is confession and cleansing. Psalms 51 is so powerful because it is one of restoration. King David was at a dark place in his life and it's in this process of repentance where we see life starting to spring up again. So many of us feel overwhelmed, full of shame of our failures and guilt ... the enemy keeps us locked in that place. Today you will be challenged with the steps out of this and we'll see how the word "confession" is not and ugly word, but a very powerful one!Support the show: for privacy information.
5/5/202326 minutes
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Staying in the Presence - Part 2

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe, we're learning that God wants us to be honest with Him. But how do we find the right words? Learning to pray comes from a heart of worship and praise. And when we find God's presence, our language and the words we use should reflect that presence. But, is finding and staying in God's presence always that easy? Mark will answer that question as we continue looking at Psalm 84.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/4/202326 minutes
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Staying in the Presence - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe, learn how to stop struggling with what you say ... when you pray. We're starting a new series today to help you pray in a bold and effective way. Every time we talk about prayer, people tend to say, oh no... I should be doing more of it, it's so difficult ... and they feel guilty about it. There is something inside of us that tells us we should be praying, but we often have the wrong perspective. Hopefully in these upcoming messages, you will re-discover the joy of praying and it will flow in a more natural way and not a task that you have to accomplish, but a relationship to engage in. Join us in Psalm 84 and follow along with the message, Staying in the Presence.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/3/202326 minutes
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6 Habits to Take with You - Part 2

Today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe shares some key habits we can develop to live on mission for God, wherever we go.  In a world full of distractions and busyness, it can be easy to lose sight of our purpose and forget to prioritize our relationship with God. We're continuing a lesson about a few key habits we can build into our lives that will help us stay intentional and faithful to the calling God has for us.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/2/202326 minutes
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6 Habits to Take with You - Part 1

Are you pursuing God’s plan for your life?  Or just trying to make your own?  We’re unpacking this, and more, on today’s Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe. We’re going to listen in on a chapel service he gave to Moody Bible Institute students a year ago and a challenge to graduating seniors.  He had some great advice for them and I think it will be applicable for anyone heading into a new season of life.  It’s titled 6 Habits to Take with You.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/1/202326 minutes
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Second Chances - Part 2

Today on Bold Steps ... how God provides second chances. "No pain, no gain"'s a phrase we associate with physical works outs, but applies to our spiritual growth as well. For Jonah, the pain of running away from the call to go to Nineveh finally broke him down to the point of obedience. For some the pain is the thing that gets you to the place where God wants you. We'll learn about that in Jonah chapter 3.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/28/202326 minutes
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Second Chances - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps ... embracing the old Word in a new way. We're in a series of messages called, The Chase-God's Heart for Rebels and it's a look at how Jonah ran when he received orders from God. It took two chapters of him running away and experiencing harrowing experiences to finally come to the point where he gave in and obeyed God. Join us in Chapter 3 of Jonah as we learn about second chances.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/27/202326 minutes
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Restoring the Wayward Heart - Part 2

The desperate situation you find yourself in today might be God trying to get your attention to turn back to Him ... stay tuned for Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe! Today we continue our series The Chase-God's Heart for Rebels by looking at the call God had placed on the life of Jonah. He heard that call, but instead of obeying, he chose to run. God pursued and in the end, Jonah's heart was dramatically changed. An amazing and powerful story of repentance and a realization that God's way is always better than ours.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/26/202326 minutes
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Restoring the Wayward Heart - Part 1

Often for someone running from God, it’s the pressure point of pain that causes them to make the right choice before God.  More from the life of Jonah today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe. Our current series, The Chase, brings us to Jonah chapter 2 today where we find our runner Jonah swallowed by a great fish, in distress and crying out for help. But Mark says that these "in the belly of the whale" experiences in our life can actually be a gift. Our message is Restoring the Wayward Heart.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/25/202326 minutes
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Running into The Storm - Part 2

Sometimes we try all sorts of things to avoid listening to God’s voice.  But thankfully, our God isn’t afraid to chases us down.  More from the running prophet Jonah, today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe. When God calls us to our purpose, we really have two choices … either we begin our assignment ... or we begin running away.  The prophet Jonah received his task, but out of fear he headed as fast as he could in the opposite direction. However, God in His love stayed with him.  Our series is titled, The Chase: God’s Heart for Rebels.  And maybe you can relate to Jonah.  Maybe God is clearly calling you to make needed, bold changes in your life.  Are you listening ... or are you running?Support the show: for privacy information.
4/24/202326 minutes
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Running into The Storm - Part 1

Is your life purpose tied to God’s presence? That’s coming up today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe. We’re speaking to all the runners who happen to be listening right now.  It's a commitment to train and follow through for a marathon, but we're going to be talking about a different kind of running. We’ll be opening our Bibles to Jonah chapter 1 and explore 4 lessons about running ... into the storm.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/21/202326 minutes
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What’s Holding You Back?

From day-to-day living, to the biggest challenges in your life … are you relying upon yourself, or on God?  That’s the subject today on Bold Steps, with Pastor Mark Jobe. On this edition he'll be sharing a message that he first preached at a Moody Bible Institute Chapel to students … and it’s a lesson that we all need to consider very seriously … It’s titled What’s Holding You Back? Join us in Judges 7 as we consider the story of Gideon.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/20/202326 minutes