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Big Thinker Deep Feeler Profile

Big Thinker Deep Feeler

English, Education
Why the World Needs You was created to empower you to become the person you’ve always wanted to be. The journey is difficult and the challenges are many, but the rewards of being true to yourself are immeasurable. The objective of this show is to give you a safe, supportive space to learn, gain inspiration, and witness the true power and freedom that comes with becoming the person that you are meant to be. Why the World Needs You is a community of purpose-driven individuals who are passionate, gifted, and have a zest for life. They deeply desire to share their unique voice and gifts in order to make the world a better place for themselves and future generations. They are pulled to a different way of living and higher purpose - while remaining grounded in their desire to engage and contribute in practical ways. My goal is for you to walk away from each episode with confidence & conviction in sharing your authentic self with the world as well as a deepening understanding of your potential to impact the world in a way that makes sense to you.

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