Tip of the Week 55 - "You Survived a Layoff. Here’s What to Do Next."
In today’s world, there is a lot of uncertainty, especially with unstable financial markets, rising of the interest rate. A lot of companies are therefore downsizing.
While layoffs are devastating to those who lose their jobs, their impact also extends to those who remain at the company in the aftermath. They can disrupt a company’s culture, lower team morale, and rupture any semblance of psychological safety for the workers who remain. Here are four ways to navigate your career if you’re left behind.
· Take time to process your emotions. You can experience relief about keeping your job and grief for those who were impacted simultaneously. It’s not selfish to feel grateful, and it’s not wrong to feel a sense of loss. And remember, there’s no call for guilt; the layoffs were not your fault. If you’re able to, ask to postpone any non-urgent meetings and focus on the parts of your work you find most rewarding.
· Reach out. Once you’ve taken time for yourself, show support for your peers and friends who’ve been let go. On a professional level, a sure way to support someone is to help them find a new role, so offer them assistance if you can.
· Clarify your responsibilities. It’s likely that you’ll be expected to take on new work in the absence of your former colleagues. To avoid burnout, set up a meeting with your manager to understand what your new job responsibilities look like.
· Think about your future. Even though you kept your job, ask yourself whether you still want to work at your company considering all the changes that have taken place. Give yourself permission to reconsider your future.
Layoffs are often a reminder that job security should not be taken for granted. That is why, we must always have a plan and re-evaluate our priorities, goals, and vision.
Are you working on your goals, vision, priorities?
Have you ever had an experience where you got let go?
Davisson, A. & Strober, H. (2023, April). You Survived a Layoff. Here’s What to Do Next. Harvard Business Review.