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Bedtime Bible Stories for Adults

English, Christianity, 1 season, 43 episodes, 21 hours, 50 minutes
This podcast is dedicated to everyone who has trouble relaxing and falling asleep at night. My hope and prayer is that you will find comfort and rest while listening to these incredible stories from the Bible--some well-known and some that might be new to you. If you have been blessed by this podcast and would like to show your support with a one-time $1 donation, please go to If you would like to make a small monthly donation, follow this link to Support this podcast:
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The Story of Samuel

Can you imagine giving away your child to serve in the temple forever? Hannah wanted one so desperately that she was willing to make that promise to God. And thank goodness she did! The current priests were immature and disrespectful. But Samuel heard the call of God... and answered. We are reading 1 Samuel chapters 1 through 3. 2 Chairs book: If you have been blessed by this podcast and would like to show your support with a $1 donation, please go to --- Support this podcast:
1/29/202433 minutes, 4 seconds
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A World Gone Wrong

The world's first murder. Is anyone else shocked at how soon this happened? I certainly am. How much grief Adam and Eve must have felt. Although the Bible doesn't go into detail, things go downhill after that, and the world becomes so wicked that God regrets having made mankind. This is an account of the events following "In the Beginning" and preceding "Noah and the Ark." We are reading Genesis 4, 5, and 6:1-7. If you have been blessed by this podcast and would like to show your support with a small donation, please go to --- Support this podcast:
1/14/202423 minutes, 3 seconds
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Saul of Tarsus

In recognition of the New Year, I wanted to tell a story about new beginnings. This is the story of one of the most powerful transformations in the Bible. Saul of Tarsus was born shortly after the death of Jesus and went on to become a well-known Pharisee. He mercilessly persecuted followers of Jesus, until a dramatic confrontation with God changed his life forever. We are reading Acts 8 and 9. If you have been blessed by this podcast and would like to show your support with a $1 donation, please go to --- Support this podcast:
1/1/202426 minutes, 12 seconds
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Daniel the Faithful

If you heard the Fiery Furnace episode, now we are reading the next three chapters of Daniel--4, 5, and 6. They are really three separate stories in one, with three separate kings. Two involve interpretation and the last one, a huge test of faith. It's incredible, the faith that Daniel had. --- Support this podcast:
12/19/202343 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Healing Power of Jesus - Part 2

The long-awaited part 2 is finally here! Friends, my health kept me from being able to finish this episode earlier. Ironic, right? But God is good, and it's here. I tried to make the parts equal in length, but as you can see, I was not successful. Some of the stories in part 2 are longer. And the last story finishes it off with a bang! Jesus knows how to wow us and bring glory to God! We are reading several passages from the Gospels. If you have been blessed by this podcast and would like to show your support with a $1 donation, please go to --- Support this podcast:
11/29/202348 minutes, 45 seconds
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The Healing Power of Jesus - Part 1

All of the Bible stories are excellent, but I felt like we needed some JESUS in our lives. So many of us are suffering from health issues, and it can be very discouraging and lonely. Let's get some encouragement and fill our minds with some of Jesus' miraculous healings. One of my favorite healing miracles is in this episode, and I'm so excited for you to hear it! I've been focusing on it throughout my own healing journey. I'll tell you which one it is in the intro to part two. We are reading different parts of Luke and John. If you have been blessed by this podcast and would like to show your support with a $1 donation, please go to --- Support this podcast:
11/13/202324 minutes, 27 seconds
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The Strength of Samson

The strongest man in the Bible... physically. He didn't always have the best self-control, but God had an important plan for him from the very beginning. I find myself asking a lot of questions about this story. Let's all pray for discernment when hearing or reading it. If you have been blessed by this podcast and would like to show your support with a $1 donation, please go to --- Support this podcast:
10/31/202344 minutes, 3 seconds
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The Letter to the Philippians

I heard a rumor that the book of Philippians was one of the happiest books in the Bible... and it was written from prison! When I heard that, I knew I had to record it next. It is full of amazing promises from God, and good reminders from Paul to forget our negative pasts and to look forward to the future. I was really blessed by this episode and hope you will be, too. We are reading the entire book of Philippians. If you have been blessed by this podcast and would like to show your support with a $1 donation, please go to --- Support this podcast:
10/16/202337 minutes, 47 seconds
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The Fiery Furnace

The book of Daniel is full of prophecy and begins with the story of Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednago. Is that how you learned their names, too? It's funny that we call Daniel by his original name, and we learn the Babylonian names for his friends. When I read this story, it made me really think about my faith. There will be times we will be questioned or even threatened. Will I be strong enough to stand up for God? I pray that God will give me that strength. It amazes me the faith that those three men had. Let that be our inspiration! I hope you enjoy the first story about Daniel. We are reading Daniel 1 through 3. If you have been blessed by this podcast and would like to show your support with a $1 donation, please go to --- Support this podcast:
10/2/202340 minutes, 11 seconds
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Rahab and the Scarlet Rope

I've been wanting to read this story almost since I started this podcast. I'm not sure why, but maybe because there are so many little stories that make up one bigger story. We could say there are several main characters. And I thought maybe it would be one that less of you are familiar with. At any rate, I'm excited to present it now. See if you can catch how the title ties in with the story. We are reading Joshua 1 through 4, 5:1,13-15, and 6. If you have been blessed by this podcast and would like to show your support with a $1 donation, please go to --- Support this podcast:
9/19/202344 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Arrival of the Messiah

For a long overdue episode, I had to make it a good one. To be honest, I kept putting off episodes about Jesus. Why? Because I don't feel worthy of reading His stories and words and bringing them to life. I wanted it to be perfect... and that's impossible. I am only human and will make mistakes. So here is my imperfect reading about the only Perfect Man to walk this earth. This is only the beginning of His story. Enjoy, and thank you for listening. If you have been blessed by this podcast and would like to show your support with a $1 donation, please go to --- Support this podcast:
9/6/202332 minutes, 2 seconds
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King Saul's Vendetta

I decided to continue with the story of David and King Saul. We couldn't be left with that cliffhanger. David had to flee, and King Saul is still on the hunt. There are some very sad moments in this story, but I think you'll be pleased with the ending. I love God's conversations with David. How amazing would it be to hear His voice so clearly? We are reading 1 Samuel 21 through 24. If you have been blessed by this podcast and would like to show your support with a $1 donation, please go to --- Support this podcast:
8/24/202334 minutes, 34 seconds
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David and Jonathan

"There is a friend that sticks closer than a brother." Proverbs 18:24 If this doesn't describe David and Jonathan, I don't know what does! They were closer than blood. I wish we would all get to experience such a loyal friendship here on earth. We are reading 1 Samuel 18:1, 3-4, 28-29, and 1 Samuel 19-20. If you have been blessed by this podcast and would like to show your support with a $1 donation, please go to --- Support this podcast:
8/8/202327 minutes, 29 seconds
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The Second Letter to Timothy

Paul is once again writing to his younger brother in Christ, Timothy. He reminds Timothy to stay faithful even in the face of persecution. I love that Paul asks him to bring his coat the next time they see each other. It adds such a human touch. We are reading all of 2nd Timothy. If you have been blessed by this podcast and would like to show your support with a $1 donation, please go to --- Support this podcast:
7/18/202331 minutes, 38 seconds
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The First Letter to Timothy

In this episode, we are reading Paul's letter to his younger brother in Christ, Timothy. He is reminding him to stay in Ephesus to help prevent false teachings. There is a lot of good instruction in this letter, and some that might be controversial in this day and age. I encourage you to approach this episode with prayer and ask God for wisdom and understanding. May you be blessed. We are reading the entire book of 1 Timothy. If you have been blessed by this podcast and would like to show your support with a $1 donation, please go to --- Support this podcast:
7/7/202336 minutes, 55 seconds
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Moses Part 4 - The Exodus

We have made it to the final episode of Moses. This is a long one, my friends. The intense ending. The Exodus. May we never forget how great our God is. We are reading Exodus 11 through 14. If you have been blessed by this podcast and would like to show your support with a $1 donation, please go to --- Support this podcast:
6/27/202343 minutes, 12 seconds
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Moses Part 3 - The Plagues

In part three of the story of Moses, Moses and Aaron begin to unleash the plagues on Pharaoh and his people. How many times will Pharoah refuse to let the Israelites go? We are reading Exodus 7:20 through Exodus 10. If you have been blessed by this podcast and would like to show your support with a $1 donation, please go to --- Support this podcast:
6/13/202336 minutes, 36 seconds
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Moses Part 2 - The Demand

Moses and Aaron face Pharaoh and present their demand to free God's people. We are reading Exodus 5, 6:1-13, and 7:1-20. If you have been blessed by this podcast and would like to show your support with a $1 donation, please go to --- Support this podcast:
6/6/202322 minutes, 24 seconds
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Moses Part 1 - The Hebrew Egyptian

Many movies have been made about Moses. We can see that even since birth, his life has been protected and led by God. God had huge plans for him. Sometimes, we argue with God or doubt His power in us. Even Moses, who had the privilege of hearing God's voice, struggled with that. We are reading Exodus 1 through 4. If you have been blessed by this podcast and would like to show your support with a $1 donation, please go to --- Support this podcast:
5/30/202333 minutes, 46 seconds
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Joseph Part 5 - The Conclusion

Tonight is bittersweet as we finally wrap up the story of Joseph. What a beautiful example of how God can take every situation and use it for good. May it strengthen our faith and give us hope when we go through our own trials and dark times. We begin reading with the end of Genesis 47. If you have been blessed by this podcast and would like to show your support with a $1 donation, please go to --- Support this podcast:
5/8/202328 minutes, 29 seconds
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Joseph Part 4 - The Reunion

Tonight we will hear part 4 of the story of Joseph. We are getting close to the end, my friends. Get ready for all the feels with this one. And be sure to follow so you don't miss the finale! We are reading out of Genesis 44 through 47. If you have been blessed by this podcast and would like to show your support with a $1 donation, please go to --- Support this podcast:
5/1/202329 minutes, 36 seconds
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Joseph Part 3 - The Test

We continue the inspiring story of Joseph with part three. Listen to how the famine brings Joseph's brothers back into the picture. We are reading from Genesis 42, 43, and 44. Part four is coming soon! If you have been blessed by this podcast and would like to show your support with a $1 donation, please go to --- Support this podcast:
4/24/202327 minutes, 29 seconds
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Joseph Part 2 - The Interpreter

I am so excited to continue the story of Joseph. In part one, we heard how Joseph was betrayed by his own brothers and, through a series of unfortunate events, ended up in Pharaoh's prison. In part two, listen to how God can turn around the most dire circumstances. We begin reading in Genesis 39:19. If you have been blessed by this podcast and would like to show your support with a $1 donation, please go to --- Support this podcast:
4/17/202325 minutes, 52 seconds
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Joseph Part 1 - The Betrayal

Who doesn't love stories of underdogs triumphing? The story of Joseph is one of the most incredible stories of redemption in the Bible. It may be the most famous, even having a musical made after it. Because it's such an in-depth story, it will be split into several parts. We begin reading in Genesis 37. If you have been blessed by this podcast and would like to show your support with a $1 donation, please go to --- Support this podcast:
4/6/202320 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Story of Elijah - Part 2

Many amazing things continue to happen in the story of Elijah. In Part 2, we are introduced to the infamous Jezebal and also Elisha. Hopefully, you'll learn something new, like I did. We are reading from 1 Kings 21 and 2 Kings 1 and 2. If you have been blessed by this podcast and would like to show your support with a $1 donation, please go to --- Support this podcast:
3/22/202326 minutes, 54 seconds
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The Story of Elijah - Part 1

Have you heard the story of the prophet Elijah? I was excited to record this episode and thought I could fit it all in one, but alas, there was much more to the story than I remembered. This story has several surprising moments in it. I wonder what will surprise you the most. We are reading from 1 Kings 17, 18, and 19. If you have been blessed by this podcast and would like to show your support with a $1 donation, please go to --- Support this podcast:
3/14/202333 minutes, 8 seconds
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The Fall of King Solomon

The long-awaited sequel to The Rise of King Solomon. Listen to how the wisest king that ever lived built a beautiful temple for God, but let the pleasures of this world lead him astray. We are reading parts of 1 Kings 5 through 11. If you have been blessed by this podcast and would like to show your support with a $1 donation, please go to --- Support this podcast:
3/4/202339 minutes, 56 seconds
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The Rise of King Solomon

You've probably heard about the infamous, wise King Solomon. The son of King David and Bathsheba, who was chosen by God for the throne instead of his older brother Adonijah. There is plenty of family drama in this story, and you may learn something new. I know I did. We are reading from 1 Kings chapters 1 through 3 and parts of chapter 4. If you have been blessed by this podcast and would like to show your support with a $1 donation, please go to --- Support this podcast:
2/20/202336 minutes, 6 seconds
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The Twins - Jacob and Esau

Listen to the story of the first set of twins in the Bible--Jacob and Esau--the sons of Isaac and Rebekah. A short part of their story, but full of deception and greed. To hear what happens after this episode, go to the episode entitled "The Story of Jacob and Rachel" followed by "Jacob Returns Home." We are reading from Genesis 25, 26:34, and 27. If you have been blessed by this podcast and would like to show your support with a $1 donation, please go to --- Support this podcast:
2/13/202321 minutes, 53 seconds
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The Story of Isaac and Rebekah

We continue on in Genesis with the story of Abraham's son Isaac and how he met his wife, Rebekah. We are reading from Genesis 24, 25, 26, and 35. If you have been blessed by this podcast and would like to show your support with a $1 donation, please go to --- Support this podcast:
2/11/202334 minutes, 16 seconds
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Abraham, Sarah, and the Other Woman

We continue with the story of Abram and Sarai, but this time they have brand new names. Meet Abraham and Sarah. The story in this episode is, in my opinion, one of the most interesting in the Old Testament. From Sarah's attitude, to how God handles Hagar's destiny. See if you can catch the error that Abraham and Sarah repeat in this story that they also made in the last. We are reading from Genesis 16-18 and 20-21. If you have been blessed by this podcast and would like to show your support with a $1 donation, please go to --- Support this podcast:
1/30/202333 minutes, 58 seconds
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Abram, Sarai, and the Promised Land

In this episode, we will read about Abram (later known as Abraham) leaving his father, Terah, and settling in the land of Canaan, promised to him by God. We are reading from Genesis 11:29 through Genesis 15. Some kings' names are omitted for ease of reading. If you have been blessed by this podcast and would like to show your support with a $1 donation, please go to --- Support this podcast:
1/29/202325 minutes, 18 seconds
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In The Beginning

The story of how it all began. Listen to the story of how God created the heavens and the earth and everything in it. And how He blessed the seventh day and set it apart from the other days. We are reading Genesis 1-3. If you have been blessed by this podcast and would like to show your support with a $1 donation, please go to --- Support this podcast:
1/23/202318 minutes, 56 seconds
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The Second Letter to the Thessalonians

Paul wrote this second letter to the Thessalonians shortly after the first to clarify a few things and make sure they knew which letters were from him. This is the entire book of 2 Thessalonians. If you have been blessed by this podcast and would like to show your support with a $1 donation, please go to --- Support this podcast:
1/21/202317 minutes, 31 seconds
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The First Letter to the Thessalonians

Paul wrote this first letter to the Thessalonians to express his joy when Timothy shared that their faith remained strong. We are reading the entire book of 1 Thessalonians. If you have been blessed by this podcast and would like to show your support with a $1 donation, please go to --- Support this podcast:
1/15/202324 minutes, 8 seconds
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The Birth of the Messiah

The miracle of a baby born of a virgin. The long-awaited arrival of the Messiah. In this episode, in an attempt to get the full picture of the birth of Jesus, I will be reading from Luke 1:26-56, Matthew 1:19-25, Luke 2:1-38, and Matthew 2. If you have been blessed by this podcast and would like to show your support with a $1 donation, please go to --- Support this podcast:
1/13/202324 minutes, 6 seconds
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King David, Bathsheba, and Solomon

We continue with another story of David, skipping ahead to when he is king. This is the story of how he met Bathsheba and what happens with their son Solomon.  We are reading 2 Samuel 11 and 12, followed by 1 Kings 1:1-40. If you have been blessed by this podcast and would like to show your support with a $1 donation, please go to --- Support this podcast:
1/10/202327 minutes, 4 seconds
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A Boy Named David

The story of David and Goliath is probably one of the most popular stories in the Bible. But do you know some of the other details around it? Have a listen.  We begin reading from 1 Samuel 16. If you have been blessed by this podcast and would like to show your support with a $1 donation, please go to --- Support this podcast:
1/8/202325 minutes, 48 seconds
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Noah and the Ark

This is the story of the great flood, one faithful family, and a beautiful promise. We begin with Genesis 6:9. If you have been blessed by this podcast and would like to show your support with a $1 donation, please go to --- Support this podcast:
1/7/202318 minutes, 25 seconds
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The Story of Jonah

This story is typically known as "Jonah and the Whale," but, although an amazing part of the story, I believe that there is more to it than that. A short story, but very powerful, filled with God's mercy. We are reading the entire book of Jonah. --- Support this podcast:
1/5/202313 minutes, 36 seconds
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Jacob Returns Home

This is the account of Jacob fleeing from Laban and returning home to his brother, Esau. He did not know what to expect from his brother, and was worried he would be angry with him or reject him. Listen to see what happens. The story is being read from Genesis 31-33. If you have been blessed by this podcast and would like to show your support with a $1 donation, please go to --- Support this podcast:
1/2/202333 minutes, 5 seconds
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The Story of Jacob and Rachel

The story of Jacob and Rachel is my favorite love story in the Bible. One with controversial moments, betrayal, family drama, but most of all, Jacob's deep love for the beautiful Rachel. We are reading Genesis 28-30. If you have been blessed by this podcast and would like to show your support with a $1 donation, please go to --- Support this podcast:
12/31/202230 minutes, 48 seconds
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The Story of Ruth (and Boaz)

I love the story of Ruth because of how Boaz takes care of her and protects her. We are reading the entire book of Ruth. If you have been blessed by this podcast and would like to show your support with a $1 donation, please go to --- Support this podcast:
12/27/202229 minutes, 28 seconds