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Be you, Unapologetically. Cover
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Be you, Unapologetically.

English, Finance, 9 seasons, 151 episodes, 1 day, 11 hours, 25 minutes
Self love, personal development, empowerment & growth.
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WE all recharge Differently {rebroadcast}

This past weekend has been one of my hardest, & staying true to myself and my energy I thought this podcast episode was the best one to share
3/9/202112 minutes, 42 seconds
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You are the LIGHT of your LIFE

Girl you’re enough. You are AMAZING
3/24/202011 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Butterfly effect

What are you doing to change your life today? What are you doing to have your next 90 days look different?! Talk about how your passion and your purpose can result in a paycheck, and how showing up your best self today is going to make your next three months the best ones yet. Take inventory on how you acted 90 days ago today, and see why you feel the way you feel right now.
7/23/201912 minutes, 58 seconds
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Dreams built brick by brick

It may not seem like you’re making a difference now, it may not seem like you’re making a difference tomorrow, but at the end of the month every break you lay down toward your goal, is building you towards your goals, your dream life. Ask yourself if what you’re doing today getting you closer or farther away from your goals.
7/16/201912 minutes, 16 seconds
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Give and take the 2 cents you need to grow

How often do you take in content and never do anything with it? Start showing up, consuming and CREATING!
7/9/201913 minutes, 20 seconds
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Going ALL IN on your goals everyday

How many times have you sat a goal and said “I’ll work on it when_____.” The answer to that is TODAY!
7/2/201916 minutes, 7 seconds
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Showing up for YOU

Do you feel like you suffer from imposter syndrome,? Do you think that you showing up is not good enough? Are you giving yourself enough credit? Listen to this podcast to understand the different versions of imposter syndrome, how we can apply to you, and how you need to be able to give yourself more grace by just starting now.
6/25/201913 minutes, 36 seconds
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Fire the Flame

Create actin steps to bettering your life not fanning your Mean Girl!
6/18/201916 minutes, 14 seconds
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Every Step Counts towards your goals

You think it’s overnight success but you don’t see the steps they took for years to get there!
6/11/201914 minutes, 9 seconds
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Working for a living

Are you showing up every day just to reach a goal and then celebrate or are you making your goal benefit your life NOW? So many times we work towards a goal because THEN we will be happy, but what about during the process of working on it? Create a life of happiness now, not after you’ve reached it.
6/4/201911 minutes, 42 seconds
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What happens if I Don’t quit

It’s not selfish to show up, it’s selfish if you don’t share it!
5/28/201912 minutes, 41 seconds
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End Game

Don’t just dance in left field hoping you’ll reach your goals, let’s hit a home run
5/21/201911 minutes, 53 seconds
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Selfish Or Selfless; overcoming scarcity mindset

Selfish goals get you nowhere but on a boat, selfless helps build the entire harbor not just a ship.
5/14/201912 minutes, 21 seconds
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#IlovehowI challenge

We are so quick to find out faults, I want to challenge you, praise yourself. Tell the world how great you are, because friend, if you don’t believe it, how is anyone else supposed to?!
5/7/201910 minutes, 52 seconds
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Someday never shows up

Rome wasn’t built in a day, but it was built. Start my just taking action, to create the life you want
4/30/201911 minutes, 20 seconds
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Happiness- CHECK

Are you check marking boxes on your way to happiness? Quit trying to get to happiness, and just BE HAPPY
4/23/201910 minutes, 48 seconds
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Fail Forward

Quit tiptoeing around failure for the race to the top, lean in, fall and come back stronger than ever!
4/16/201911 minutes
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Buckle UP Mean Girl

Show your mean girl that YOU CAN do those things she’s telling you, YOU CANT!
4/9/201914 minutes, 10 seconds
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Level UP

Are you staying comfortable in your comfort zone and wondering why you’re not growing?? It’s time to push past those limiting beliefs and be BETTER than you were yesterday
4/2/201912 minutes, 46 seconds
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Set sail on Self talk

Positive self talk isn’t always easy, so maybe take a step back & see how far you’ve come
3/26/20199 minutes, 16 seconds
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Save your Energy

You have the same 24 hours in a day as anyone, how are you spending it?
3/19/201913 minutes, 8 seconds
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Time to get REAL

Are you ACTUALLY working or are you just talking?
3/12/201916 minutes, 18 seconds
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Mommy & Me: Disney Edition

Kadence gives you all the ends and outs to her latest trip to Disney!
3/5/201912 minutes, 48 seconds
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Burdens into Blessings

Quit putting a time stamp on when you’ll be happy, and retell your story to see these burdens your facing were once your blessings
2/26/201915 minutes, 48 seconds
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Sell out those Cheap Seats

Get over the fear of letting those people down who aren’t in your cheering section
2/19/201916 minutes, 30 seconds
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Take MASSIVE action

Want to achieve ACTUAL success? It starts with changing what you’re doing RIGHT NOW
2/12/201917 minutes, 42 seconds
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Key note speech: Pays to be Brave

Speaking on Owning who you are & being Proud of your life. Be you, unapologetically.
2/5/201913 minutes, 39 seconds
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Mommy and Me: what’s your favorite?!

Learn the ends and outs of our mommy and me life!
1/29/201919 minutes, 43 seconds
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You’re manifesting your own problems

How many times are you thinking of all the things you haven’t done and not what you’ve already accomplished? Or you have a constant list of things you need to do running inside your head at all times? You find yourself anxious about the simplest tasks, that is what I like to call Manifesting your mess! Let’s talk about how to learn to listen to our thoughts and shut them down instead of breathing life into the negativity of the “what if”.
1/22/201920 minutes, 12 seconds
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YOU have to do this for YOU

Working on YOU, your goals, and WHY, is it important to be crystal clear on what will change your life
1/15/201920 minutes, 13 seconds
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You need a cheerleader

How many times do you find yourself trying to be a coach and not a cheerleader. Competition for someone’s approval will leave you feel like you’ve lost the game, learn to be surrounded by the cheerleaders.
1/8/201914 minutes, 20 seconds
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2019 Fire & Soul

Set your intentions with FIRE
1/1/201911 minutes, 58 seconds
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Happiness:it’s an inside job

You were made to be miserable, but what if you decide you don’t have to be? Take the time to evaluate and change that way of thinking
12/28/201817 minutes, 37 seconds
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Plans or Goals?

Quit quitting on yourself, when it gets hard. It’s supposed to be hard.
12/18/201818 minutes, 49 seconds
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You are more than enough

When you feel like you’re trying so hard for everyone but you, remember you deserve your love just as much as anyone else, right now
12/10/201818 minutes, 33 seconds
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Be you, Unapologetically. When your To- Do list becomes your To don’t list.

When your To- do list becomes your To don’t
12/4/201815 minutes, 7 seconds
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Be you, Unapologetically

Stop stopping yourself & start where you are right now.
11/29/20183 minutes, 13 seconds
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Be You, Unapologetically

Take you down my journey to know where I’ve come from, how I’ve overcome negative mindsets and learned to love who I am.
11/29/201818 minutes, 27 seconds