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Argus Media

English, Economic, 1 season, 756 episodes, 4 hours, 2 minutes
Argus is a leading provider of price assessments, intelligence and market data on a variety of global energy and commodities markets.
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Net zero: Raw material markets in southeast US for woody biomass

Join Argus Biomass Markets editor Erisa Senerdem and Elizabeth Woodworth, Interim Executive Director at the US Industrial Pellets Association (USIPA) as they discuss the raw material situation in southeast US, upcoming sawmilling capacity in the region, the largest risks to the forestry sector in North America – including impact from climate change and land use change, the cascading principle, and the future of the wood pellets sector.  Download a complimentary copy of Argus Biomass Markets report Sign up for Argus Biomass Highlights and receive a roundup of key news and insights on global biomass markets #netzero   
2/21/202414 minutes, 57 seconds
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Hablando del Mercado: El nuevo balance del mercado europeo de diésel

La prohibición de importación de productos rusos afectó la estabilidad del suministro y los precios del diésel europeo generando un nuevo equilibrio. En este episodio discutimos cómo la India se convirtió en el ganador de este nuevo rebalanceo del mercado, posicionándose como el principal proveedor de diésel a Europa. Además, analizaremos las implicaciones para América Latina y la transición hacia alternativas más sostenibles en el transporte que se han visto en los mercados europeos.  En este nuevo episodio de “Hablando del Mercado” también descubrimos los desafíos del mercado europeo de diésel en pleno invierno y en medio de tensiones geopolíticas con Sergio Meana, gerente de desarrollo de negocios de América Latina y Alfonso Berrocal, Gerente de Desarrollo de Negocios en Europa para diésel y combustibles automotores de Argus.    
2/15/202415 minutes, 38 seconds
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SAF Insights: SAF Book & Claim 101

In this episode of SAF Insights, hear from RSB’s Max Eichelbaum and Argus’ Giulia Squadrin as they discuss the need for a trusted Book & Claim system in the SAF market. Understand what this system is, why it matters to the SAF market and what RSB’s commitment is to building a credible approach. Argus services cover refined oil products from around the world using transparent and market-appropriate methodologies. Find out more:  
2/15/202429 minutes, 9 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Desafios na importação de diesel ao Brasil

A menor oferta de diesel no mercado internacional tende a acirrar a competição por barris do produto, encarecendo as cargas com destino ao Brasil. Importadores negociam com antecedência junto às refinarias no exterior para abastecer o mercado brasileiro, que não é autossuficiente desse combustível crucial para a logística rodoviária. A editora associada da publicação Argus Brasil Combustíveis, Gabrielle Moreira, e o chefe adjunto de redação da Argus no Brasil, Conrado Mazzoni, conversam sobre o cenário competitivo e de preços no mercado de importação de derivados de petróleo.
2/13/20247 minutes, 11 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: A expansão do etanol de grãos no Sul

A utilização de grãos de inverno como matérias-primas para o etanol surge como uma solução para deslanchar a indústria do biocombustível no Rio Grande do Sul. Com um déficit estrutural de produção, o estado tem sido palco de investimentos para a construção de plantas de etanol à base de trigo, cevada, triticale e sorgo. O chefe adjunto de redação da Argus no Brasil, Conrado Mazzoni, e a integrante do time da publicação Argus Brasil Combustíveis, Laura Guedes, conversam sobre os fundamentos da expansão do biocombustível de grãos de inverno na região, o apoio do governo estadual e os projetos visando novas usinas.  
2/8/20246 minutes, 37 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Panorama sobre o mercado sul-americano de fertilizantes em 2024 | Argus Media

A comercialização de fertilizantes segue com baixa liquidez na Argentina, por questões políticas. No Paraguai, condições climáticas desfavoráveis, reflexo do fenômeno El Niño, contribuem para o ritmo lento no mercado de adubos, enquanto compradores têm dificuldade para encontrar caminhões disponíveis para o transporte de fertilizantes a partir do Brasil. Junte-se a Camila Dias, diretora da Argus no Brasil, e Renata Cardarelli, editora adjunta da publicação Argus Brasil Grãos e Fertilizantes, em um bate-papo sobre o mercado sul-americano de fertilizantes no começo de 2024 e sobre os principais fatores que geram baixa liquidez nesse mercado. Argus produz um conjunto de soluções de preços e inteligencia de mercado para a indústria de fertilizantes. Descubra mais em: 
2/2/20248 minutes, 23 seconds
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Market Talks: South American fertilizer market in 2024 | Argus Media

Fertilizer purchases are on the sidelines in the Argentinian market because of the country’s political scenario. In Paraguay unfavorable weather conditions because of the El Nino phenomenon cause lower liquidity, while Paraguayan buyers struggle to find trucks available to carry fertilizers from Brazil. Join Camila Dias, Argus Brazil Bureau Chief, and Renata Cardarelli, deputy editor for the Argus Brazil Grains and Fertilizer publication, as they talk about the South American fertilizer market at the beginning of 2024 and the main reasons that cause low liquidity in this market. Argus produces a comprehensive suite of pricing and market intelligence services for the fertilizer industry. Find out more: 
2/2/20248 minutes, 8 seconds
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Hablando del Mercado: Una visión del mercado sudamericano de fertilizantes en 2024

La comercialización de fertilizantes sigue frenada en Argentina por cuestiones políticas. En Paraguay, condiciones climáticas desfavorables, a causa del fenómeno El Niño contribuyen para la baja liquidez, en cuanto compradores paraguayos tienen dificultades para encontrar camiones disponibles para transportar fertilizantes desde Brasil. Acompañe Vanessa Viola, Sénior vicepresidente para Latinoamérica, y Renata Cardarelli, editora adjunta de la publicación Argus Brazil Grains and Fertilizers y entérese del escenario en el mercado sudamericano de fertilizantes en el comienzo de 2024 y de los factores que generan baja liquidez en ese mercado. Servicios Relacionadas: Argus Fertilizer
2/1/20249 minutes, 52 seconds
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Weight of Freight: Navigating Rising Tensions in the Red Sea - A Dry Freight Perspective

As geopolitical storms brew in the Red Sea, shipping routes are getting caught in the crossfire. Listen to Andrew Khaw, Editor Asia Freight and Wilson Wirawan, Dry Bulk Team Lead - Maritime Analyst, BRS, discuss the escalating tensions and their impact on trade routes, freight costs, and the overall market outlook for the dry bulk freight segment. Key topics covered in the podcast: Red Sea Flashpoint: Unpacking the risks and disruptions caused by heightened tensions. Suez Canal Squeeze: How are escalating Red Sea concerns impacting Suez Canal traffic and dry bulk shipments? Market Manoeuvres: Exploring potential alternative routes and their cost implications for dry bulk shippers and shipowners. China's Conundrum: Analysing China's economic slowdown on dry bulk demand and trade patterns, amid geopolitical uncertainties Future Forecast: Charting the course for dry bulk shipping in the face of a complex and evolving landscape.
2/1/202419 minutes, 27 seconds
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Fertilizer Matters: Red Sea fertilizer logistics, Jan 2024

Hear Argus’ concise analysis of how the conflict in the Red Sea has impacted fertilizer logistics, focusing on the ammonia, potash and sulphuric acid markets. Join Mike Nash, Senior Editor, Lizzy Lancaster, Senior Reporter – Ammonia, Julia Campbell, Editor of Argus Potash and Liliana Minton, Editor of Argus Sulphuric Acid as they discuss the impact of this developing crises in the latest episode of Argus’ Fertilizer Matters podcast series.
1/31/202414 minutes, 29 seconds
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Weight of Freight: Canal dilemmas push VLGC freight the long way round

Rising tensions in the Red Sea forced VLGCs away from the Suez Canal in a second shock to US-Asia-Pacific LPG trade only two months after the Panama Canal imposed its tightest-ever transit restrictions, adding even more instability to an already volatile market. Listen to Oystein Kalleklev, CEO of Avance Gas and Flex LNG, and Yohanna Pinheiro, LPG Freight Market Reporter, discuss how diverting around the Cape of Good Hope and other market drivers will shape the costs of shipping LPG this year and beyond.   Key topics covered in this podcast: • Panama Canal restrictions' ongoing impact on freight markets • Rising tensions in the Red Sea and diversions via Cape of Good Hope • VLGC orderbook and long-term outlook • ETS impact on VLGC freight • Avance Gas' fleet renewal programme  • Ammonia freight and new markets
1/30/202433 minutes, 40 seconds
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Falando de mercado: Perspectivas para fertilizantes no início de 2024

Após um ano de mudança nas dinâmicas de comercialização de fertilizantes, a expectativa do mercado se volta para o primeiro trimestre do ano. Renata Cardarelli, editora adjunta da publicação Argus Brasil Grãos e Fertilizantes, e Gisele Augusto, repórter da publicação Argus Brasil Grãos e Fertilizantes, conversam sobre quais as perspectivas para os principais macronutrientes no início de 2024.
1/26/20247 minutes, 23 seconds
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Market Talks: Perspectives for Brazilian fertilizer market in early 2024

After a year of changes in fertilizers trade flows, market expectations turn to this year’s first quarter. Join Renata Cardarelli, Argus Brazil Grains and Fertilizer Deputy Editor, and Gisele Augusto, Argus Brazil Grains and Fertilizer Reporter, as they talk about the perspective for key-macronutrients in early 2024. 
1/25/20247 minutes, 10 seconds
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Weight of the Freight: Freight & Marine Fuels

2024 marks the beginning of carbon pricing on ship emissions in Europe with the inclusion of shipping into the EU’s Emissions Trading System (ETS). Listen to Nicholas Watt, Editorial Manager of Freight, and Elena Domashenko, Senior Analyst, discuss the additional costs shippers should expect to pay this year and how freight and marine fuels markets will be affected.   Key topics covered in the podcast:   Argus coverage of ETS costs in freight, bunkers markets CCF (Carbon Cost of Freight) assessments for crude, refined products, petroleum coke, coal, iron ore, grains, and Conventional vs. alternative fuel pricing LNG bunkering outlook Shifting regulatory landscape in Europe Possibility of a two-tier shipping market   Related links
1/25/202410 minutes, 51 seconds
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Chemical Conversations: Petcore Europe on Recycled Polymers’ Outlook for 2024

Chloe Kinner, European editor for Argus Recycled Polymers, talks to Antonello Ciotti, president of Petcore Europe, about the outlook for recycled PET and virgin PET markets.   Current trends and their effect on the recycled polymers market and key drivers for 2024’s outlook.   What changes to plastic and packaging regulations may mean for the market.    Other key factors industry needs to stay close to in 2024 and beyond.   This podcast is delivered by Argus’ recycled polymers experts using data and insight from the Argus Recycled Polymers service.  
1/24/202419 minutes, 9 seconds
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Global LPG Conversations: A look around the markets

In this first episode of 2024, join Argus experts Amy Strahan, Esther Phua and Efcharis Sgourou along with host David Appleton for insights on the latest trends in the Americas, Asia-Pacific and Europe, as LPG markets adjust to logistical challenges posed by capacity reductions at the Panama Canal and security issues in the Red Sea.
1/23/202419 minutes, 44 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Exportação de sebo bovino bate recorde

Os embarques de sebo bovino brasileiro rumo ao mercado internacional atingiram a marca recorde de 246.000t em 2023, com destaque para a demanda pelo produto nos Estados Unidos. Com novos projetos no radar, a capacidade de produção de diesel renovável nos EUA deve crescer neste ano, ampliando a demanda por matérias-primas, dentre elas o sebo bovino. Junte-se a Alexandre Melo, repórter sênior da publicação Argus Brasil Combustíveis, e Conrado Mazzoni, chefe adjunto de redação da Argus no Brasil, e saiba mais sobre as perspectivas e preços do mercado de gordura animal.
1/19/20246 minutes, 37 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Oportunidades e desafios para o biometano em 2024

O mercado brasileiro de biometano deve continuar seu crescimento em 2024, mas alguns desafios devem extrapolar os limites do ano. Junte-se a Camila Dias, diretora da Argus no Brasil, e Rebecca Gompertz, repórter da publicação Argus Brazil Gas and Power. Elas conversam sobre quais as expectativas para o mercado de biometano em 2024 e quais devem ser os maiores desafios do setor.
1/10/20245 minutes, 27 seconds
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Hablando del Mercado: Lo que dejó el 2023 para los precios del petróleo y el panorama 2024

En este episodio, exploramos los dinámicos flujos internacionales de crudo y su impacto directo en los precios actuales y futuros. Acompañe a Sergio Meana, gerente de desarrollo de negocios en Argus para América Latina, y Gustavo Vasquez, editor gerente de crudo y LPG para las Américas, mientras que analizan los cambios significativos en los flujos de crudo este año y desentrañamos las proyecciones para el próximo. Desde el conflicto Rusia-Ucrania hasta el desarrollo del mercado en Argentina, descubre como esto factores influirán en los mercados y que podemos esperar en el año que se avecina. Servicios Relacionadas: Argus Americas Crude
1/5/202417 minutes, 13 seconds
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Falando de mercado: O mercado de químicos de pinus e resinas de hidrocarboneto

Os derivados do breu, como os ésteres de breu, competem com as resinas de hidrocarboneto em aplicações como adesivos hot melt. Camila Dias, diretora da Argus no Brasil, e Leonardo Siqueira, editor de Pine Chemicals da Argus, conversam sobre as perspectivas para os mercados de químicos de pinus e resinas de hidrocarboneto para 2024 e como estes mercados se relacionam.  
1/4/20248 minutes, 43 seconds
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Fertilizer Matters: Ammonia, Dec 2023

Hear Argus’ analysis of ammonia market developments, including a focus on US ammonia capacity expansion, the downturn in European ammonia production and the impact on global trade flows. Join Mike Nash, Senior Editor, and Ruth Sharpe, Editor of Argus Ammonia and Group Editor, Raw Materials as they discuss these topics and more in the latest episode of Argus’ Fertilizer Matters podcast series.   Key topics covered in the podcast:   Update on market sentiments from the Argus Clean Ammonia Europe conference US: Expansion of ammonia capacity and exports, and the impact on global trade flows Russia: The loss of Russian ammonia supply and impact on global trade flows Europe: Downturn in ammonia production, high production costs and increased reliance on imports New Ammonia fob US Gulf price assessment from Argus   Related links Webinar: Clean ammonia long-term cost and price modelling Request a sample report/more information Ammonia price reporting, short and mid to long-term outlook services Free sign up: Fertilizer Focus MagazineOther complimentary fertilizer content
12/28/202311 minutes, 24 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Perspectivas para os Cbios em 2024

Olá e bem-vindos ao ‘Falando de Mercado’ – uma série de podcasts trazidos semanalmente pela Argus sobre os principais acontecimentos com impacto para os setores de commodities e energia no Brasil e no mundo. Meu nome é Camila Dias, eu sou diretora da Argus no Brasil. No episódio de hoje eu converso com Conrado Mazzoni, chefe adjunto de redação da Argus no Brasil, e falaremos sobre o que o podemos esperar dos créditos de descarbonização, os Cbios, para 2024.
12/28/202311 minutes, 55 seconds
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Hablando del Mercado: Balance global e implicaciones para América Latina

El primer balance global acordado en la cumbre mundial sobre el cambio climático Cop 28 en Dubai menciona por primera vez una transición alejada de los combustibles fósiles. El acuerdo hace que América Latina – que tiene el 15pc de las reservas mundiales de petróleo y gas natural – tenga que reestructurar su economía y modelos energéticos, pero la región necesita apoyo financiero por parte de las economías desarrolladas para progresar en la transición.  Acompañe a Sergio Meana, gerente de desarrollo de negocios en Argus para América Latina, Carla Bass, editora de noticias para América Latina y Jacqueline Echevarria, especialista en temas de la transición energética y editora de Argus Latin Energy, y entérese de cuál fue el rol de América Latina en la Cop y las implicaciones que tiene el acuerdo final en la región.  Servicios Relacionadas: Argus Latin Energy Markets
12/19/202312 minutes, 25 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Etanol brasileiro busca seu papel no SAF

As companhias locais de etanol estão se movimentando para surfar a onda da descarbonização do setor aéreo no contexto internacional. No Brasil, no entanto, isso ainda caminha a passos lentos. Junte-se a Camila Dias, diretora da Argus no Brasil, e Vinícius Damazio, repórter da publicação Argus Brasil Combustíveis. Eles falam sobre quais passos são necessários para que o país alavanque a indústria do SAF e as opções na mesa dos usineiros brasileiros. Os serviços da Argus cobrem toda a gama de produtos derivados de petróleo em todo o mundo, utilizando metodologias transparentes e apropriadas para cada mercado. Saiba mais em:
12/19/202312 minutes, 17 seconds
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Driving Discussions Year Review

The last episode of Driving Discussions for 2023, with RINS reporter Matthew Cope, and host and blendstocks report.   This time it focuses on how RINS moved in 2023, latest with Biodiesel and Renewable Diesel and what could be on the horizon with RIN's and SRE's.
12/18/20239 minutes, 34 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Etanol brasileiro busca seu papel no SAF

As companhias locais de etanol estão se movimentando para surfar a onda da descarbonização do setor aéreo no contexto internacional. No Brasil, no entanto, isso ainda caminha a passos lentos. Junte-se a Camila Dias, diretora da Argus no Brasil, e Vinícius Damazio, repórter da publicação Argus Brasil Combustíveis. Eles falam sobre quais passos são necessários para que o país alavanque a indústria do SAF e as opções na mesa dos usineiros brasileiros. Os serviços da Argus cobrem toda a gama de produtos derivados de petróleo em todo o mundo, utilizando metodologias transparentes e apropriadas para cada mercado. Saiba mais em:
12/14/202312 minutes, 17 seconds
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SAF Year End Wrap

In this last episode of SAF Insight for 2023, our Argus experts provide a round up of the key legislative developments in Asia and the US, supply and demand trends, and expectations for 2024.
12/14/202317 minutes, 54 seconds
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Fertilizer Matters: How metals demand disrupts sulphur and sulphuric acid markets, Dec 2023

Hear Argus’ concise analysis of how metals demand is disrupting sulphur and sulphuric acid markets, with a particular focus on Indonesia and southern Africa.   Join Bea O’Kelly, Senior Reporter – Sulphur and Deon Ngee, Senior Reporter Asia – Sulphur and Sulphuric Acid as they discuss this topic in the latest episode of Argus’ Fertilizer Matters podcast series.   Key topics covered in the podcast:   How is sulphur/sulphuric acid used in the metals leeching process The relationship between sulphur and sulphuric acid Main regions impacted by metals demand (Indonesia, southern Africa) Key buyers in the region Potential impact on pricing Expectations for the coming year   Related links Request a sample report/more information Sulphur and sulphuric acid price reporting, short and mid to long-term outlook services Phosphate price reporting, short and mid to long-term outlook services Metals price reporting, short and mid to long-term outlook services Free sign up: Fertilizer Focus Magazine Other complimentary fertilizer content
12/11/20236 minutes, 32 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Portos brasileiros enfrentam longas filas para grãos e fertilizantes no fim do ano

Filas nos portos brasileiros não são uma novidade. Entretanto, neste segundo semestre de 2023, o tempo médio de espera para atracação de navios de grãos e fertilizantes está acima da média de anos anteriores. Uma combinação de fatores envolvendo clima adverso - com seca no Norte e fortes chuvas no Sul e Sudeste -, baixa liquidez no mercado de fertilizantes e lenta comercialização de safras vêm contribuindo para esse cenário. Junte-se a Camila Dias, diretora da Argus no Brasil, e João Petrini, repórter sênior da publicação Argus Brasil Grãos e Fertilizantes. Eles conversam sobre as atuais circunstâncias e os efeitos do elevado tempo de espera para as exportações e importações do país, elevando custos logísticos. Argus produz um conjunto de soluções de preços e inteligencia de mercado para a indústria de fertilizantes. Descubra mais em: 
12/7/20236 minutes, 50 seconds
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Fertilizer Matters: Potash, Dec 2023

Hear Argus’ analysis of potash market developments, focusing on Belarussian exports and their recovery in 2023. Join Julia Campbell, Editor of Argus Potash and David Maher, Editor of Argus NPKs as they discuss this topic in the latest episode of Argus’ Fertilizer Matters podcast series. Key topics covered in the podcast: Recap on sanctions imposed on Belarus and the impact of Lithuania's ban on transport of Belarussian products to the port of Klaipeda BPC's potash exports recovery this year through several new supply routes, with an increased focus on two Russian ports The logistical pressure on the Russian rail system The emergence of China as a key potash outlet for Belarus Impact of discounts on Belarussian potash last year, in contrast to reduced discounting this year Related links Webinar: Potash Market outlook (7 Dec 2023) – register here Request a sample report/more information Potash price reporting, short and mid to long-term outlook services Free sign up: Fertilizer Focus Magazine Other complimentary fertilizer content
12/1/20237 minutes, 44 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Brasil defende etanol como combustível marítimo

A defesa do uso do etanol como combustível marítimo ganha cada vez mais adeptos no setor energético brasileiro, em um momento em que armadores buscam opções viáveis para descarbonizar a navegação. Embora o uso do etanol como alternativa ao óleo combustível marítimo tenha ocorrido apenas em fase de teste, o governo estuda, em parceria com empresas navais e companhias sucroalcooleiras, um caminho para alavancar a adoção do biocombustível. Junte-se a Vinícius Damazio, repórter da publicação Argus Brasil Combustíveis, e Mario Barbosa, gerente sênior de vendas da Wärtsilä na América Latina. Eles falam sobre os estudos feitos para a conversão de motores, a parceria com a sucroalcooleira Raízen e os próximos desafios para que o etanol brasileiro possa ajudar a indústria naval a atingir as metas regulatórias da Organização Marítima Internacional (IMO, na sigla em inglês) para 2050. Os serviços da Argus cobrem toda a gama de produtos derivados de petróleo em todo o mundo, utilizando metodologias transparentes e apropriadas para cada mercado. Saiba mais em:
11/29/202317 minutes, 2 seconds
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Fertilizer Matters Episode 6 Sulphur and Sulphuric Acid

Join Maria Mosquera, Editor of Argus Sulphur and Lili Minton, Editor of Argus Sulphuric Acid as they discuss these topics and more in the latest episode of Argus’ Fertilizer Matters podcast series.
11/28/20238 minutes, 5 seconds
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Chemical Conversations: Chlorine Analytics Service

Chlor-alkali experts Stephanie Koenig, Bernard Law and George Eisenhauer talk to Lauren Williamson about the outlook for chlorine in Europe, Asia and the Americas, including:  Europe: Any signs of a recovery? What are the opportunities and challenges for chlorine over the next 5-10 years?  Asia: How is chlorine and its derivatives going to perform? Will this differ across Asia?  Americas: How is idled chlorine capacity on the U.S. Gulf Coast affecting the market? Which chlorine derivatives are holding up best, which are struggling? And when might demand recover overall?    This podcast is delivered by Argus’ chlor-alkali experts using data and insight from   Argus Chlorine Analytics.  Request a free trial or more information     
11/28/202316 minutes, 53 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Seca no Norte do Brasil afeta logística de grãos e fertilizantes

Uma grave estiagem vem atingindo a região Norte do país, afetando o nível dos rios, sobretudo dos estados do Amazonas e do Pará. Isso provoca limitações na navegação em hidrovias, que são utilizadas para o transporte de grãos e fertilizantes no Arco Norte. Além disso, os fluxos de carga precisam ser deslocados para outros portos e pontos de transbordo, aumentando a demanda em outras regiões do Brasil. Junte-se a Camila Dias, diretora da Argus no Brasil, e João Petrini, repórter sênior da publicação Argus Brasil Grãos e Fertilizantes. Eles conversam sobre os problemas climáticos e os efeitos das limitações nas hidrovias para os fretes de grãos e fertilizantes monitorados semanalmente pela Argus.
11/21/20236 minutes, 53 seconds
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Driving Discussions: November notations from the midcontinent

Senior Editor of US Products, David Ruisard, joins host and blendstocks reporter, Jason Metko, in this new podcast. They provide updates on refinery turnaround season, the current situation in the midcontinent, and events transpiring in a unique part of the world.
11/21/202310 minutes, 13 seconds
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Metal Movers: Expanding into the Mexican ferrous market

The Mexican steel industry stands as the second largest in Latin America and continues to grow. As a result, Argus launched new Monterrey and Saltillo ferrous scrap prices – a strategic move aimed at providing steelmakers and recyclers with alternative indexation opportunities for scrap transactions. Join Latin America Business Development Manager, Sergio Meana, and US metals deputy editor, Marialuisa Rincon, in this podcast unraveling the complexities of the Mexican market and the strategic fundamentals supporting this launch. Read more about the foundational elements behind the price launch in our latest blog:  𝗠𝗲𝘅𝗶𝗰𝗼 𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗲𝗹𝗺𝗮𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗲𝘅𝗽𝗮𝗻𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀 𝗳𝘂𝗲𝗹 𝘀𝗰𝗿𝗮𝗽 𝗱𝗲𝗺𝗮𝗻𝗱. Argus provides daily price assessments, key market dynamics and analysis for the US ferrous scrap market. Find out more: Argus Scrap Markets
11/20/20236 minutes, 16 seconds
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Hablando del Mercado: Llegamos al mercado mexicano de metales ferrosos

La industria siderúrgica mexicana se ubica como la segunda más grande en América Latina y continúa creciendo. Los nuevos precios de la chatarra ferrosa de Monterrey/Saltillo de Argus están ya disponibles para ofrecer oportunidades alternativas de indexación a los fabricantes de acero y recicladores cuando buscan comprar o vender chatarra. Escuche a Sergio Meana, gerente de desarrollo de negocios de América Latina,  y a Marialuisa Rincón, subeditora de metales de Estados Unidos, conversar sobre el mercado mexicano y los fundamentos que respaldan el lanzamiento. Servicios Relacionadas: Argus Scrap Markets
11/20/20237 minutes, 20 seconds
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Net Zero Transition: Biomass Markets – EU’s Renewable Energy Directive for the biomass market

Listen to Argus expert John Cooper and Bioenergy Europe's Irene di Padua as they discuss the opportunities and challenges of the EU's Renewable Energy Directive for the biomass market. Argus reports prices and industry news on biofuels, feedstock and biomass markets including wood chips and pellets. Find out more:  
11/16/20239 minutes, 56 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Captura de carbono no Brasil e o potencial do etanol

O sistema de captura e armazenamento de carbono pela rota da bioenergia (BECCS, na sigla em inglês) é considerado um elemento importante para a meta global de zerar as emissões de CO2 até 2050. Ainda inédita no Brasil, a técnica a partir da biomassa vem conquistando o interesse de grandes empresas de etanol que visam ter uma produção de biocombustível carbono negativa. Junte-se a Camila Dias, diretora da Argus no Brasil, e Laura Guedes, integrante do time da publicação Argus Brasil Combustíveis. Elas conversam sobre o funcionamento dessas tecnologias e o potencial do etanol carbono negativo no mercado internacional. A Argus oferece relatórios de preços e notícias sobre os mercados de biocombustíveis, insumos e biomassa incluindo pellets de madeira, cavacos de madeira. Descubra mais em:
11/14/20237 minutes, 34 seconds
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Hablando del Mercado: La “nueva” demanda de turbosina en México

La industria de aviación en México ha visto cambios importantes durante la actual administración que incluyen cambios en la administración y construcción de nuevos aeropuertos la recuperación de la categoría 1 y hasta una nueva aerolínea estatal. En medio de estos cambios, el Aeropuerto Internacional Felipe Ángeles (AIFA), obra insignia del gobierno del presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador, ha visto una creciente demanda de turbosina como resultado de la transferencia de aerolíneas de carga del Aeropuerto Internacional de la Ciudad de México (AICM). Acompañe a Sergio Meana, gerente de desarrollo de negocios en Argus para América Latina y Antonio Gozain, corresponsal en México para la publicación Argus Mexico Fuels Markets, y entérese de cómo la demanda de la turbosina está cambiando en México y las implicaciones para el precio de la turbosina. Servicios Relacionadas: Argus Mexico Fuel Markets
11/14/202318 minutes, 13 seconds
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Metal Movers: GDI on China’s graphite control and Si anodes

Rob Anstey, CEO and Founder of GDI shares his thoughts on the future of EVs, spotlighting the importance of fast-charging, graphite availability to the West, next-gen cell chemistry and how to remain competitive against China's vertically integrated supply chains. --- Download a sample of Argus Battery Materials or request a trial for the latest battery materials price data, including over 130 battery material price assessments, daily market news, historical data, short and long-term price forecasts.
11/14/202326 minutes, 49 seconds
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Fertilizer Matters: Market spotlight - US and Brazil, Nov 2023

Hear Argus’ analysis of fertilizer market developments in the US and Brazil, direct from our teams based in the Argus Houston and Sao Paulo offices. Join Mike Nash, Senior Editor, Jasmine Davis, Editor - Argus North American Fertilizer and Flavia Bohone, Editor – Argus Brazil Grains and Fertilizer as they provide expert domestic insight on both these markets, as well as analysis of their influence on international markets. This fifth episode of the Fertilizer Matters podcast series also includes a complimentary slide pack – see more details below: Key topics covered in the podcast: How important are the US and Brazilian fertilizer markets to the global market? US and Brazilian fertilizer market dynamics, focusing on nitrogen, phosphate and potash US spotlight: The importance of the New Orleans market and potential impact of revised US import duties Brazil spotlight: The importance of MOP and urea - and explaining barter rates Near term outlook for the US and Brazilian fertilizer markets Related links Request a sample price report/more information Argus North American Fertilizer – more information Argus Brazil Grains and Fertilizer – more information Free sign up: Fertilizer Focus Magazine Other complimentary fertilizer content  
11/14/202324 minutes, 18 seconds
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Driving Discussions: California bulk R99 renewable diesel

On this episode, Biofuels and Feedstocks Market Specialist, Jackie Reigle, and Argus' VP Business Development, Louise Burke, discuss the latest market trends affecting Argus' newly launched California renewable diesel spot indexes.   They discuss what the indexes are, their advantages, and how they can be used in the context of ever-changing market fundamentals.
11/10/20239 minutes, 44 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Explorando a Margem Equatorial brasileira, uma nova fronteira energética

A Margem Equatorial, faixa da costa da América Latina que engloba seis países, entre eles o Brasil, tem sido palco de grandes descobertas e investimentos, com potencial para moldar o futuro da energia no país. Junte-se a Camila Dias, diretora da Argus no Brasil, e Betina Moura, editora de Gás Natural e Energia Elétrica. Elas conversam sobre as expectativas do Brasil para essa área na corrida pela segurança energética em meio às questões ambientais.
11/8/20236 minutes, 38 seconds
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Chemical Conversations: Crude Tall Oil and Biofuels Markets

Biofuels expert Giulia Squadrin talks to pine chemicals expert Leonardo Siqueira about the crude tall oil (CTO) and biofuels markets, including:  Market fundamentals for biofuels and the impact on demand for HVO feedstocks  CTO demand in the year ahead  Legislation impacts on CTO usage into biofuels 
11/7/202312 minutes, 55 seconds
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Asphalt Story: Asian and Middle Eastern Markets Impacts from Russian crude, fluctuating prices, demand shifts, and other market disruptors

Listen in as Argus experts provide a deep dive into the asphalt markets in the Middle East and Asia-Pacific. They will provide a current state of the market and a view into the long-term outlook. Learn more about the Argus Asphalt Annual: Your annual forecast update on the latest developments in the asphalt market, including production, trade flow and consumption data. Listen to the other two episodes in our asphalt series, Asphalt Story: Americas Market and Asphalt Story: European and African Markets
11/7/202325 minutes, 12 seconds
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Metal Movers: Niobium’s potential with WA1

Join Sian Morris, Senior Reporter, as she quizzes Gustavo Macedo on the importance of niobium in the energy transition as well as WA1 Resources’ project in Western Australia. The podcast covers challenges and opportunities for the industry, the applications of niobium in steel, batteries and MRI machines, and the classification of niobium as a critical mineral. Download a sample of Argus Non-Ferrous or request a trial for the latest niobium and critical mineral prices, including indexation-standard assessments from across minor metals, rare earths, ferro-alloys, base metals and non-ferrous scrap.
11/6/202311 minutes, 15 seconds
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Driving Discussions Europe: The new European Diesel flows looking to meet winter specs

In this new episode, Benedict George, deputy editor, joins Alfonso Berrocal, business development manager, to discuss the diesel spec changes from summer to winter and how they might affect diesel producers. Additionally, the talk about trade flows, demand, and supply in Europe.
11/3/202319 minutes, 46 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: O desafio logístico para exportar sebo bovino

Falando de Mercado: O desafio logístico para exportar sebo bovino   O mercado de sebo bovino para exportação está crescendo de forma acelerada no Brasil, impulsionado principalmente pela demanda dos Estados Unidos. De janeiro a setembro de 2023, os embarques totalizaram 125.000 toneladas, o que representa um salto de 54pc em relação ao volume exportado em todo o ano passado. Os principais produtores de biocombustíveis avançados no exterior querem fechar contratos de longo prazo com parceiros no Brasil e buscam entender a dinâmica local deste mercado. O chefe adjunto de redação da Argus no Brasil, Conrado Mazzoni, e o repórter sênior da publicação Argus Brasil Combustíveis, Alexandre Melo, conversam sobre os acontecimentos mais recentes dos mercados de sebo bovino no Brasil e nos Estados Unidos, além do desafio logístico para fornecedores brasileiros driblarem gargalos nos portos que já impactam os preços do insumo no mercado doméstico.          
11/3/202311 minutes, 13 seconds
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Repsol ramping up SAF production in Spain

Every week, we can find a SAF supply or an offtake agreement between an airline and a producer or supplier in the news. This collaboration between airlines and producers is needed to invest in the production and decarbonization of the air transport industry. However, other factors like feedstock availability, logistics, regulation, or incentivisation play an important role in how fast decarbonization occurs.   To discuss these topics, we have Repsol, a global multi-energy provider working to drive the evolution towards a low-emissions energy model and has several renewable fuels and SAF projects in Spain.
10/31/202312 minutes, 51 seconds
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Fertilizer Matters: A History of Fertilizers, Oct 2023

Hear Argus’ intriguing review of the history of the fertilizer industry, from early civilization through to the late 1800s. Learn more about the pivotal developments in this period as Mike Nash, Senior Editor and Maria Mosquera, Editor of Argus Sulphur walk you through a pivotal period in the story of fertilizers in the fourth episode of the Fertilizer Matters podcast series.   Complimentary download – access small supporting slide pack Get supporting slides covering Chinchas Island’s guano 1840-1860 and the exploitation of nitrates in the Atacama desert in the 1870s: Download here   Access the History of Fertilizers written series in our Fertilizer Focus Magazine Free access to our magazine and the series: Click here to get access Key topics covered in the podcast: The origins: Use of organic fertilizers by ancient civilizations (particularly the Romans and the Chinese) Scaling up in the 1800s: The story of the Chincha Islands, Peru - and guano The tragic history of work gangs and slave labour to mine guano Atacama Desert, Chile - 1870s: Huge deposits of naturally occurring nitrates discovered The application of these deposits for fertilizer application, fireworks and explosives Related links Free sign up: Fertilizer Focus Magazine Other complimentary fertilizer content Fertilizer Matters podcast series
10/27/202312 minutes, 36 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Reajustes da gasolina afetam consumo na bom

As vendas de etanol estão disparando, enquanto o consumo de gasolina recua, em uma dinâmica que marca uma mudança no mercado de combustíveis automotivos, na esteira dos reajustes de preços aplicados pela Petrobras em suas refinarias. A produção de gasolina cresce, com o excedente sendo exportado, além de suprir o mercado interno. O editor da publicação Argus Brasil Combustíveis, Amance Boutin, e o chefe adjunto de redação da Argus no Brasil, Conrado Mazzoni, conversam sobre os combustíveis automotivos, levando em conta a disputa entre gasolina e etanol no cenário atual do setor sucroalcooleiro.  
10/26/20238 minutes, 40 seconds
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Weight of Freight: VLGC freight is steering into a volatile winter

This episode explores the drivers behind the ongoing volatility in VLGC freight, where recent moves in rates could be mistaken for an echocardiogram. How will Panama canal delays and LPG fleet growth shape the costs of shipping LPG in the winter season and beyond? Featuring Argus’ Freight Reporter Yohanna Pinheiro and Global Head of Freight, Alex Younevitch
10/20/202313 minutes, 15 seconds
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Driving Discussions: RIN and Yang

In this latest episode, Argus' RINS/biofuels reporter, Matthew Cope, joins Argus’ blendstocks reporter, Jason Metko, to discuss the D4 and D6 markets moving conversely to D3.
10/19/20238 minutes, 50 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Fretes de grãos têm comportamento atípico

O ciclo da safra 2022-23 no Brasil registrou produção recorde de soja e milho, o que poderia estimular valores de frete também elevados, em função de uma maior demanda pelo serviço de transporte. Entretanto, com os baixos preços das commodities, a comercialização da safra foi lenta, levando a um escoamento mais vagaroso. O repórter sênior da publicação Argus Brasil Grãos e Fertilizantes, João Petrini, e o chefe adjunto de redação da Argus no Brasil, Conrado Mazzoni, conversam sobre este cenário e as particularidades observadas no comportamento dos fretes de grãos ao longo da safra 2022-23. Argus produz um conjunto de soluções de preços e inteligencia de mercado para a indústria de fertilizantes. Descubra mais em: 
10/19/20238 minutes, 1 second
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Asphalt Story: Americas

A tale of two markets, U.S. is seeing low demand and an oversupply of asphalt; while Latin America, especially Argentina, is seeing increased imports and increased demand of asphalt.  Join Argus experts as they breakdown the market drivers for asphalt and what the outlook for prices are the rest of this year and beyond.
10/19/202317 minutes, 41 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Frete de combustíveis volta a subir

Os custos logísticos representam uma parcela considerável na conta das distribuidoras de combustíveis, que dependem muito do modal rodoviário para movimentar seus produtos em todo o Brasil. Com o encarecimento do diesel B na bomba e grandes variações regionais de preços e de disponibilidade de produto, distribuidoras e transportadores enfrentam desafios constantes para mobilizar suas frotas de maneira eficiente. O mês de agosto foi particularmente agitado, com um aumento do custo do combustível e um cenário de restrição na oferta de diesel, que impulsionou o custo do frete rodoviário, principalmente na região Sudeste, onde a alta ultrapassou 20%, segundo um levantamento da Argus. Junte-se a Amance Boutin, editor da publicação Argus Brasil Combustíveis, e Conrado Mazzoni, chefe de redação adjunto da Argus, para saber mais sobre este tema. Os serviços da Argus cobrem toda a gama de produtos derivados de petróleo em todo o mundo, utilizando metodologias transparentes e apropriadas para cada mercado. Saiba mais em:
10/12/20238 minutes, 53 seconds
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Fertilizer Matters: Phosphates, Potash and Indian subsidies, Oct 2023

Hear Argus’ analysis of phosphates and potash market developments, with a spotlight on Indian subsidies and their impact on both markets. Join Mike Nash, Senior Editor, Julia Campbell, Editor - Argus Potash and Tom Hampson, Reporter – Phosphates as they discuss these topics and more in the third episode of the Fertilizer Matters podcast series. Key topics covered in the podcast: Indian subsidies - how they work and why they’re important Indian DAP and MOP subsidy update, possible impact on demand and importer margins Indian government DAP support package for public companies New MOP contract price negotiations India driving DAP prices Related links Request a sample price report/more information Phosphate price reporting, short and mid to long-term outlook services Potash price reporting, short and mid to long-term outlook services Free sign up: Fertilizer Focus Magazine Other complimentary fertilizer content  
10/12/202316 minutes, 42 seconds
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Driving Discussions: Recent Refinery Revelations

On this episode, US downstream Reporter, Nathan Risser, and Argus’ Blendstocks Reporter, Jason Metko, dive into recent US refinery news; from maintenance to quarterly earnings, and give a preview on how 2023 might end within the industry. 
10/10/202319 minutes, 40 seconds
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Hablando de Mercado: Posiciones de transición en América Latina de cara a la próxima COP28 en Dubái

Si bien las mayores economías en América Latina dependen de sus exportaciones de combustibles fósiles como el petróleo y el carbón, éstas tienen que adaptar sus políticas económicas para evitar que la temperatura media global exceda los 1.5C acordado bajo el acuerdo de Paris. Sin embargo, así como cada cabeza es un mundo, cada país de la región tiene un plan y una visión distinta. Acompañe a Sergio Meana, gerente de desarrollo de negocios, y a Jacqueline Echevarria, editora de Argus Latín Energy Markets, y entérese de cuáles son las diferentes posiciones en la región. Argus Latin Energy Markets:,biofuels%20and%20energy%20transition%20sectors Climate pushes NOCs to optimize portfolios: Latam leaders call for fossil-fuels phase out:
10/6/202312 minutes, 19 seconds
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Market Talks: Brazil’s Matopiba region becomes a new soybean producing hub

The Brazilian region commonly known as Matopiba registered an impressive boost of soybean productions between the 2012-13 and 2022-23 crops, becoming a new important producing oilseed hub for the country. But the next 2023-24 cycle could be challenging for the region’s soy crop and interrupt the series of successive production records registered over the past few seasons. Join Camila Dias, Argus Brazil Country Manager, and Nathalia Giannetti, reporter for the Argus Brazil Grains and Fertilizer publication, as they talk about what led to the expansion of Matopiba’s soybean crop and what can be expected for the 2023-24 season. 
10/5/20237 minutes
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Falando de Mercado: Região brasileira do Matopiba desponta como polo produtor de soja

The Brazilian region known as Matopiba experienced impressive increases in soybean production between the 2012-13 and 2022-23 harvests, becoming seen as a new important oilseed producing hub in the country. However, the 2023-24 cycle could be challenging for culture in the region and interrupt the series of successive records recorded over recent seasons. Join Camila Dias, director of Argus in Brazil, and Nathalia Giannetti, reporter for the publication Argus Brasil Grãos e Fertilizandos. They talk about what factors led to the expansion of soybean cultivation in Matopiba and what we can expect for the 2023-24 harvest.
10/3/20236 minutes, 47 seconds
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Market Talks: Mixed trend for nitrogen-based fertilizers in Southern Cone

Nitrogen fertilizer market activity is poised to continue reduced in Argentina, where farmers may switch corn acreage to soybeans, as soybeans' cost of production is lower than corn. Ammonium sulphate purchases are expected to intensify in October in Paraguay to supply corn crop fertilizer needs. Join Camila Dias, Argus Brazil Country Manager, and Renata Cardarelli, Deputy Editor for the Argus Brazil Grains and Fertilizer publication. They talk about the nitrogen demand in the Southern Cone markets. Argus produces a comprehensive suite of pricing and market intelligence services for the fertilizer industry. Find out more: 
9/28/20237 minutes, 41 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Tendência mista para nitrogenados no Cone Sul

A atividade no mercado de nitrogenados deve continuar reduzida na Argentina, onde agricultores poderão substituir a área plantada de milho por soja, já que o custo de produção da oleaginosa é inferior ao do grão. No Paraguai, negócios de sulfato de amônio devem se intensificar em outubro para atender às necessidades para a safra de milho. Junte-se a Camila Dias, diretora da Argus no Brasil, e Renata Cardarelli, editora adjunta da publicação Argus Brasil Grãos e Fertilizantes. Elas conversam sobre a demanda por nitrogenados nos mercados do Cone Sul. Argus produz um conjunto de soluções de preços e inteligencia de mercado para a indústria de fertilizantes. Descubra mais em: 
9/28/20237 minutes, 26 seconds
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Global LPG Conversations: Biopropane - growth, challenges and opportunities

Join our experts David Appleton and Giulia Squadrin as they discuss biopropane market trends and dynamics as Argus prepares to launch a new daily price assessment to expand its coverage of the European hydrotreated biofuels market.  
9/27/202313 minutes, 34 seconds
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Major Midcon Gasoline Movements

Senior Editor of US products, David Ruisard, joins Argus’ Blendstocks Reporter, Jason Metko, in this new episode
9/22/20238 minutes, 32 seconds
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Fertilizer Matters: Sulphur and Phosphate

Hear Argus’ analysis of sulphur and phosphates market developments, including insight on supply, demand, pricing and the outlooks. This podcast is especially timely as it incorporates market sentiment from discussions during the Argus Fertilizers Caspian, Black Sea and Eastern Europe Conference held in Istanbul, 14-15 September 2
9/21/20239 minutes, 30 seconds
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Chemical Conversations: Exceptional capacity growth for hydrocarbon based tackifiers expected during 2018-25 period

Argus C5 and hydrocarbon resins expert Steve Williams discusses capacity growth and operating rates for hydrocarbon based tackifier production, including:  The exceptional capacity growth for hydrocarbon based tackifiers during the 2018-25 period Recent and upcoming capacity additions highlighting the growth in China  The dramatic changes in hydrogenated hydrocarbon tackifier capacity since 2018  The repercussions of recent capacity growth on global operating rates for the balance of the decade   Request a free trial or more information for Argus’ C5 and hydrocarbon resins services. 
9/21/202311 minutes
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Fertilizer Matters: Ep2 Sulphur Phosphate Podcast Sep 2023

Hear Argus’ analysis of sulphuric acid supply, demand and the short-termoutlook as unexpected demand from OCP, spot price developments in Chile and 2024 contract negotiations shape a vital period for the global sulphuric acid market. Join Mike Nash, Senior Editor and Liliana Minton, Editor – Sulphuric Acid as they discuss these topics and more in the first episode of our new bi-weekly podcast series - Fertilizer Matters. Complimentary download: Access supporting slide pack including: Chile sulphuric acid imports (2018 – 2022) Chile cfr spot vs contract (2020 – 2023) NW Europe and China fobs (Sep 2022 – Aug 2023) Download here Key topics covered and questions addressed in the podcast: Brief picture of the global sulphuric acid market's current state Why has there been unexpected demand from OCP, and what has been the impact of the resulting supply squeeze? Chilean market insight and sentiment ahead of yearly contract negotiations for 2024 Current spot price in Chile, and how it drives the timing and mood for price negotiations Is European supply into Chile going to face competition from alternative supply sources coming into play (for example from Asia)? Impact of logistical issues in the Panama canal The timeframe for contract negotiations in Chile Supporting slide pack available: Download here Related links Request a sample/more information Sulphur and sulphuric acid price reporting, short and mid to long-term outlook services Free sign up: Fertilizer Focus Magazine Other complimentary fertilizer content
9/20/20239 minutes, 30 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Mudanças na Lei dos Motoristas pode encarecer custo logístico

Em junho, o Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) decidiu por uma série de mudanças na chamada Lei dos Motoristas, que definiu regras para os motoristas profissionais e estabeleceu normas sobre a jornada de trabalho para o setor. Porém, existe uma grande preocupação do setor logístico, especialmente de grãos e fertilizantes, de que isso provoque uma alta significativa dos custos. A diretora da Argus no Brasil, Camila Dias, e o repórter sênior da publicação Argus Brasil Grãos e Fertilizantes, João Petrini, conversam sobre as alternativas logísticas que podem ajudar a amenizar a situação do transporte, que pode registrar alta nos fretes de até 40pc, dependendo da rota percorrida e do tipo de carga. Argus produz um conjunto de soluções de preços e inteligencia de mercado para a indústria de fertilizantes. Descubra mais em:
9/19/20237 minutes, 51 seconds
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Driving Discussions: High Times for MTBE

Senior Reporter for methanol and MTBE, Steven McGinn, and Argus’ Blendstocks Reporter, Jason Metko, recap a very busy summer in the MTBE world, and how the market may finish the remainder of 2023. 
9/18/20238 minutes, 55 seconds
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Fertilizer Matters: Sulphuric Acid, Sep 2023

Hear Argus’ analysis of sulphuric acid supply, demand and the short-term outlook as unexpected demand from OCP, spot price developments in Chile and 2024 contract negotiations shape a vital period for the global sulphuric acid market. Join Mike Nash, Senior Editor and Lili Minton, Editor – Sulphuric Acid as they discuss these topics and more in the first episode of our new Fertilizer Matters podcast series.   Complimentary download: Access supporting slide pack including: Chile sulphuric acid imports (2018 – 2022) Chile cfr spot vs contract (2020 – 2023) NW Europe and China fobs (Sep 2022 – Aug 2023) Download here   Key topics covered and questions addressed in the podcast: Brief picture of the global sulphuric acid market's current state Why has there been unexpected demand from OCP, and what's the impact of this supply squeeze? Chilean market insight and sentiment ahead of yearly contracts negotiations for 2024 Current spot price in Chile, and how it drives the timing and mood for price negotiations Is European supply into Chile going to face competition from alternative supply sources coming into play (for example from Asia)? Impact of logistical issues in the Panama canal The timeframe for contract negotiations in Chile Supporting slide pack available: Download here   Related links Request a sample/more information Sulphur and sulphuric acid price reporting, short and mid to long-term outlook services Free sign up: Fertilizer Focus Magazine Other complimentary fertilizer content  
9/15/202313 minutes, 11 seconds
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Global LPG Conversations: China PDH and LPG Import Trends

In this episode, David Appleton, Esther Phua and Frances Goh discuss the current market situation in LPG in Asia-Pacific, focusing on how the Propane Dehydrogenation (PDH) segment is performing and whether what the potential impact of overcapacity will be in 2024
9/14/202311 minutes, 13 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Os rumos do mercado brasileiro de fertilizantes

Com a importação de cerca de 85pc dos adubos necessários, a geopolítica é o primeiro entrave enfrentado pelo mercado brasileiro de fertilizantes. Fretes marítimos, transporte rodoviário e armazenamento são outras questões em constante discussão no setor. Além de debates antigos, novos temas estão em pauta, como redução da pegada de carbono, uso de tecnologia, participação de empresas internacionais no mercado doméstico e Plano Nacional de Fertilizantes.   Junte-se a Renata Cardarelli, editora assistente da publicação Argus Brasil Grãos e Fertilizantes, e Ricardo Tortorella, diretor-executivo da Associação Nacional para Difusão de Adubos (Anda). Eles conversam sobre os principais temas debatidos no 10º Congresso Brasileiro de Fertilizantes, realizado pela Anda.
9/13/202321 minutes, 58 seconds
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Chemical Conversations: Gasoline Blending

Argus’ aromatics and fuels and octane experts Simon Palmer and Roel Salazar talk to Jeff Eickholt about: The increased demand for aromatic octane components in the U.S. during 2022 and what has changed since The impact on the recovery of aromatics products for chemicals The knock-on impact on other components like MTBE The repercussions overseas and the outlook for 2024
9/8/202315 minutes, 25 seconds
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Falando de mercado: Redução de diesel nacionalizado nos portos do Brasil

Distribuidores lidam com oferta limitada de diesel nos portos brasileiros e ofertas de venda em níveis elevados em relação ao produto comercializado nas refinarias estatais, resultado da crescente demanda pelo produto e da diminuição das importações em julho. Camila Dias, diretora da Argus Brasil e Gabrielle Moreira, editora-assistente da publicação Argus Brasil Combustíveis, falam da busca acirrada por volumes no mercado doméstico e do fortalecimento da Rússia no fluxo de importações.
9/7/20235 minutes, 49 seconds
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Asphalt Story: European and African Markets

What does the supply and demand outlook look like? What impacts do sanctions have?  Argus experts, Irina Vinogradova, Keyvan Hedvat, and James Fernandes provide an overview on the outlook for the bitumen markets in Europe and Africa.  Learn more about the Argus Asphalt Annual 2023 Check out our weekly pricing report, Argus Bitumen
9/5/202332 minutes, 53 seconds
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Metal Movers: Closing the e-waste loop with EERA

Julie-Ann Adams, CEO, EERA, joins Cristina Belda, Associate Editor to discuss the challenges faced by Europe’s rapidly growing e-waste industry. Learn how the organisation acts as a voice for electronics reuse, recycling, and re-processing companies. Our guest speaker also highlights environmental sustainability (including eco-design), recycling highly engineered devices and how the critical raw materials act could be a key driver in e-waste recycling.
9/5/202315 minutes
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Chemical Conversations: Olefins Outlook

Olefins experts Sarah Rae and Craig Barry talk to James Elliott about the outlook for olefins across the US, Europe and Asia Pacific, including:  Where is demand going into the end of 2023?  Thoughts on the demand situation in China… Will stimulus measures help boost demand? What are the implications for global markets if we see a pick-up in Chinese offtake?  How is a challenging demand situation and higher costs impacting on the drive for sustainability 
9/4/202319 minutes, 52 seconds
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Net Zero Transition: Storage and Movement of Hydrogen

Provaris Energy CEO Martin Carolan joins the Argus podcast to discuss compression. Hydrogen needs to be moved from point of production to point of use. As pipeline infrastructure build-out takes time, can compression offer solutions for both movement and storage? 
8/31/202325 minutes, 52 seconds
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Driving Discussions: Atlantic Coast Conversation

This edition features USAC distillate reporter Craig Ross, with a brief recap of the summer season in Atlantic coast diesel and jet fuels, and the challenges and shifts that await the markets this fall and winter. 
8/30/20237 minutes, 18 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Limitações colocam teto em produção de cana no Nordeste

A temporada 2023-24 começa com uma perspectiva otimista para o esmagamento de cana-de-açúcar no Norte e Nordeste do país. Mas limitações de capacidade industrial e condições climáticas desafiadoras podem ter imposto um teto aos níveis de processamento da matéria-prima nas usinas locais. Junte-se a Camila Dias, diretora da Argus no Brasil, e Vinícius Damazio, repórter da publicação Argus Brasil Combustíveis. Eles falam sobre as expectativas do setor sucroalcooleiro para essa safra e os obstáculos no caminho dos produtores dessas regiões.
8/29/202314 minutes, 53 seconds
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Weight of Freight: Flight from Russian trade weighs on WTI freight

Description: Despite a recent surge of European demand for US light sweet crude, midsize tanker rates from the US to Europe have declined as the G7 price cap pulls ships from the Russian crude trade. In this podcast, listen from Tray Swanson, Freight Reporter - Crude Tankers, and Calder Jett, Associate Editor for US Waterborne Crude.
8/29/20236 minutes, 32 seconds
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El voto en Ecuador y su impacto en la industria energética

Las elecciones en Ecuador del pasado 20 de agosto fueron para elegir a un presidente solo hasta 2025, luego de una crisis política en el actual gobierno. Sin embargo, esta elección puede definir el panorama para un periodo mucho más largo e impactar de manera importante la producción de crudo y minerales en el país y en América Latina. Acompañe a Sergio Meana, Gerente de Desarrollo de Negocios y a Carla Bass, editora en jefe de noticias para la región, en un nuevo episodio de Hablando del Mercado, para entender todo sobre la elección en Ecuador y sus impactos en el sector energético.   Links: Gonzalez, Noboa likely headed to Ecuador runoff: Ecuador weighs costs ahead of vote on Amazonian oil- Ecuador oil vote may cut Napo crude value- Ecuador's oil vote could risk fuel subsidies-
8/24/202314 minutes, 24 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Exportação de sebo dobra com transição energética

No 150º episódio da série de podcasts Falando de Mercado, Conrado Mazzoni, chefe adjunto de redação da Argus no Brasil, conversa com Alexandre Melo, repórter sênior da Argus, sobre a transformação em curso no mercado de gordura animal. As exportações de sebo bovino brasileiro devem superar a marca de 100.000t neste ano, estimuladas pela demanda do mercado internacional de biocombustíveis, especialmente Estados Unidos, colocando a gordura animal em posição de destaque como matéria-prima nas rotas de diesel renovável (HVO) e bioquerosene de aviação (SAF). O saldo comercial positivo consolida a posição do Brasil como exportador líquido de gordura animal – historicamente, o país era importador líquido de sebo. É um despertar do setor que também é dos principais fornecedores para usinas de biodiesel do Brasil, além de atender as indústrias de saboaria, alimentação animal e pet food.
8/23/202315 minutes, 36 seconds
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Chemical Conversations: Between road fuels and petrochemicals: why is bionaphtha important and how is it priced?

Learn more about the uses of bionaphtha and its price trends. Understand why demand for renewable feedstocks is growing in the petrochemicals market and what effects the competition with the mandated road transport sector has on bionaphtha prices and supply. In this podcast Muhamad Fadhil, SVP strategy and business development, Sarah Rae, VP Olefins and Giulia Squadrin, Associate Editor Biofuels.
8/23/202313 minutes, 55 seconds
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Weight of Freight: Evolving Black Sea freight market

In this podcast, Argus’ crude tanker expert Matt Mitchell discusses the impact of Urals prices breaching the EU/G7-established cap on tanker freight and the result of the drone strikes on Black Sea freight. And deputy editor John Ollett will cover the new destinations for Russian products and how the MR market is evolving to accommodate the new trading patterns. The pair will also discuss what steps insurers might take to mitigate the new risks and the outlook for both clean and crude Black Sea freight. 
8/21/202310 minutes, 16 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Integração energética do Cone Sul via gás natural está mais perto

Com a aceleração da construção do gasoduto argentino Nestor Kirchner, crescem as expectativas de que o Brasil pode receber gás de Vaca Muerta, sem depender de grandes investimentos em infraestrutura. Junte-se a Camila Dias, diretora da Argus no Brasil, e Flávia Pierry, editora de Gás Natural e Energia. Elas conversam sobre os rumos do gás da Bolívia e como essa integração pode acontecer.
8/16/20239 minutes, 6 seconds
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Inside Fertilizer Analytics: Phosphate rock and processed phosphate

Hear Argus’ analysis of phosphate rock and processed phosphates supply, demand, outlooks and policy trends. Join Claira Lloyd, Phosphate and Phosphate Rock Research Manager, Timothy Evans, Phosphate Analyst and Tim Cheyne, SVP – Global Head of Agriculture, Fertilizers and Energy Transition (Ammonia) as they discuss these topics and more in the latest episode of the Inside Fertilizer Analytics podcast series.
8/11/202339 minutes, 40 seconds
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Net Zero Transition: Trucks, Twin Clean Fuels & Tevva

Net Zero Transition: Trucks, Twin Clean Fuels & Tevva Tevva is a UK firm producing zero-emission trucks. Harsh Pershad, head of government partnerships joins the podcast to discuss range, efficiency, economics, obstacles to deployment and effective support for the sector.
8/10/202327 minutes, 33 seconds
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Metal Movers The Breakout with Hybar

Podcast | Metal Movers: The Breakout with Hybar We welcome Dave Stickler, CEO of Hybar, in the second episode of our special Metal Mover series, The Breakout. Argus experts Michael Fitzgerald, VP – Business Development – Metals and Marialuisa Rincón, Market Reporter, kick off our podcast with a quick industry update before diving into our interview with Hybar.
8/10/202346 minutes, 14 seconds
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Market Talks: The effects of changes in port costs in Brazil

Port costs are now calculated based on the vessel's deadweight, that is, the total weight of the ship's cargo. Previously, the cost considered handling cargo in each Brazilian port. That change raises questions about the formula and whether the responsibility for payment lies with the importer, shipping agent or shipowner. Join Renata Cardarelli, Deputy Editor for the Argus Brazil Grains and Fertilizer publication, and Fernando Valle, Commercial and New Projects Manager at shipping agency Unimar, as they talk about the new calculation and explain the main doubts generated by the changes.
8/9/20239 minutes, 54 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Os efeitos da mudança nas tarifas portuárias no Brasil

A tarifa portuária passou a ser calculada com base no deadweight da embarcação, ou seja, o peso total de carga do navio. Anteriormente, a cobrança era feita por movimentação de carga em cada porto brasileiro. Além de dúvidas sobre o cálculo, a mudança na cobrança de custos portuários gera questionamentos sobre se a responsabilidade de pagamento é do importador, agente marítimo ou armador. Junte-se a Renata Cardarelli, editora assistente da publicação Argus Brasil Grãos e Fertilizantes, e Fernando Valle, coordenador de projetos e novos negócios na agência marítima Unimar. Eles conversam sobre a cobrança e esclarecem as principais dúvidas geradas pelas mudanças nos cálculos das tarifas portuárias.
8/9/20239 minutes, 56 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Preço doméstico de fertilizante diverge de importado

Os preços de fertilizantes no mercado brasileiro caíram no primeiro semestre do ano, em meio à menor demanda, mas o ritmo nos mercados doméstico e de importação não foi linear. As compras regionais começaram o ano de forma mais lenta, com o elevado estoque de passagem permitindo que agricultores adiassem as negociações diante do risco reduzido de escassez de fertilizantes. Camila Dias, diretora da Argus no Brasil, conversa com Flavia Bohone, editora da publicação Argus Brasil Grãos e Fertilizantes, sobre as razões que levaram a esse movimento na primeira metade do ano e o que esperar do segundo semestre. 
8/7/20237 minutes, 38 seconds
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𝗡𝗲𝘁 𝗭𝗲𝗿𝗼 𝗧𝗿𝗮𝗻𝘀𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻: Biomass Markets - South America

A number of developments are taking place in the biomass sector across South Americas. Alex Comerford founder of Sustainable Pellets and Erisa Senerdem editor Argus Biomass Markets report discuss the wood industry there, its potential and the current situation with the capacity challenges. Listen to podcast today.
8/1/202329 minutes, 33 seconds
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Driving Discussions: Deep dive into the US downstream market.

In this episode, Elaine Levin, President of Powerhouse, DC-based risk management and hedging organization, joins Argus’ Blendstocks Reporter, Jason Metko, to discuss the current state of the downstream industry, and how the next few months will play out in the US crude, diesel and gasoline markets.
7/31/202310 minutes, 20 seconds
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Metal Movers: The Breakout with Zekelman Industries

We welcome Barry Zekelman, Executive Chairman and CEO of the largest independent steel pipe and tube manufacturer in North America in this first episode of our special Metal Mover series, The Breakout. Argus experts Michael Fitzgerald, VP – Business Development – Metals and Rye Druzin, Associate Editor – Steel & Pipe, kick off our podcast with a quick industry update before diving into our interview with Zekelman Industries.
7/27/202344 minutes, 6 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Nova alta dos Cbios e meta de 2024

Acumulando alta de 70pc desde o início do ano, o preço do Cbio, o crédito de descarbonização negociado na B3, se aproximou dos R$150. A concentração de demanda de grandes distribuidoras e varejistas regionais elevou o volume de negociação dos créditos na Bolsa. Se há certa tranquilidade quanto ao cumprimento das metas de 2022 e 2023, sobram dúvidas para a meta de 2024. O mercado debate a chance de revisão para baixo, enquanto monitora a probabilidade de continuidade do mix açucareiro e incertezas sobre o etanol. Junte-se a Camila Dias, diretora da Argus no Brasil, e Conrado Mazzoni, chefe adjunto de redação da Argus no Brasil, e saiba mais sobre o que está acontecendo no mercado de Cbios.
7/26/202316 minutes, 46 seconds
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The Crude Report: US SPR refill tightens sour crude spread to sweet in August

US sour crude grades included in the Argus Sour Crude Index have tightened their discounts to light sweet WTI Houston in August. The upcoming refill of the US Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) in August will see 3mn bl of US-produced sour crude returned to the Big Hill site near Houston. Global support for medium sour grades has come from Opec+ supply cuts from Russia and Saudi Arabia. This new episode with Gus Vasquez, Americas crude editor, and Scott Phillips, Americas crude market reporter.  
7/25/20239 minutes, 20 seconds
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Hablando de Mercado: El sorpresivo regreso de la publicación de precios TAR de Pemex

A pesar de que el mercado de combustibles en México es todavía un reto para la inversión privada - debido a políticas que favorecen a la empresa estatal Pemex - la reanudación del acceso público a los precios en terminal de Pemex a partir de junio ofrece un poco de luz en medio de la oscuridad que ha prevalecido durante la presente administración. Acompañe a Sergio Meana, Gerente de Desarrollo de Negocios en Argus para América Latina, María Eugenia García, editora del reporte Argus Mexico Fuel Markets y Antonio Gozain, corresponsal de Argus en México, y entérese de cómo estos precios pueden impactar en el mercado de combustibles en México.
7/21/202313 minutes, 31 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Recorde de diesel russo nas importações

O volume de diesel russo atingiu participação recorde nas importações pelo Brasil no mês de junho, reflexo dos preços mais competitivos e do maior número de compradores negociando o combustível com o país em conflito com a Ucrânia. Camila Dias, diretora da Argus no Brasil, e Gabrielle Moreira, editora-assistente da publicação Argus Brasil Combustíveis, falam sobre o atual cenário para o combustível importado no mercado doméstico.
7/19/20236 minutes, 40 seconds
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Metal Movers: Understanding critical minerals

With critical minerals suffering from an ugly reputation, especially amongst younger demographics, how can the industry educate the broader public and emphasise the importance of this subsector? Metal Movers welcomes Charles Stephenson, Analyst for ARCH Emerging Markets Partners on the series to discuss the importance of critical minerals and the potential for nimbyism to tighten the supply/demand balance. Listen now as our noble alloys and coltan reporter, Sian Morris, explores this growing market with our guest, Charles.
7/12/202319 minutes, 51 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Baixa liquidez de adubos pode causar gargalo logístico

A baixa liquidez no mercado brasileiro de fertilizantes tem deixado vários setores preocupados com a possibilidade de gargalos logísticos quando os produtos armazenados nos portos forem transportados. A lenta compra de insumos para a próxima safra de soja está ligada a alguns fatores, como a comercialização de milho e soja atrasada, assim como entregas de nutrientes mais lentas. Junte-se a Camila Dias, diretora da Argus no Brasil, e João Petrini, repórter da publicação Argus Brasil Grãos e Fertilizantes. Eles conversam sobre as alternativas logísticas que podem ajudar a amenizar a situação do transporte de nutrientes.
7/11/20237 minutes, 13 seconds
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The Crude Report: WTI into Brent, two months in

The Brent benchmark, the world's premier oil price index, has undergone the biggest change in its near half-century history. Argus Crude editor Michael Carolan joins Crude VP James Gooder in the podcast to discuss how this change affects the price and what users need to watch to understand this new benchmark iteration.
7/11/202320 minutes, 35 seconds
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Driving Discussions: Rinsing Rins EPAs latest RFS volumes

Description: RINS reporter, Matthew Cope, returns on the driving discussions series with Jason Metko, to discuss the recent EPA announcement regarding finalized biofuel blending volumes for the future, learning about HOBO and BOHO, and how the market is shaping up the for the rest of 2023.
7/11/202310 minutes, 16 seconds
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Weight of Freight: China may surprise the dry bulk market with stimulus: Arrow Shipbroking Group

This episode explores the recent jump in Atlantic Capesize rates, the possibility of Chinese real estate market stimulus, and the increasing importance of sentiment on the market as dry bulk rates remain lower than anticipated in the second half of 2023. Shipbroking firm Arrow Shipbroking Group’s Burak Cetinok speaks with Argus dry bulk freight reporter Ross Griffith about the shifting landscape of the dry bulk freight market in the post-pandemic world.
7/7/202316 minutes, 43 seconds
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LPG Conversations: Bearish European market Q2

In this episode, Argus' LPG Editor Peter Wilton and Senior Reporter Waldemar Jaszczyk join David Appleton, LPG VP, to discuss factors behind the current weakness in propane and butane European large cargo markets. The quarter has seen strong US imports combined with muted local demand to produce severe price depreciations. 
7/7/202314 minutes, 51 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Perspectivas para o mercado de biometano

O mercado brasileiro de biometano é visto como uma das maiores apostas do setor de gás natural no país. Junte-se a Camila Dias, diretora da Argus no Brasil, e Rebecca Gompertz, repórter da publicação Argus Brazil Gas and Power. Elas conversam sobre as perspectivas de crescimento, precificação e inovações tecnológicas que podem influenciar esse novo mercado.
7/6/20237 minutes, 37 seconds
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Driving Discussions: Canada’s Clean Fuel Regulations

In this new episode, vice presidents of business development Louise Burke and John Demopolous, join host Jason Metko to chat about the Clean Fuel Regulations (CFR) program, how Argus plans to support transparency in the market, and how it affects the Canadian consumer. 
7/6/20239 minutes, 54 seconds
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Driving Discussions Europe: How are sanctions changing the pattern of European Diesel demand and VGO spreads?

In this episode, get an update on the diesel market halfway into 2023 and the demand-supply expectations going forward. Learn more about the impact of the Russian sanctions on the way that refineries source vacuum gas oil (VGO) and its spreads. Presenting Alfonso Berrocal, European business development manager, oil products, Benedict George, associate editor, European products, and Georgie McCartney, reporter, products and VGO.
7/5/202325 minutes, 4 seconds
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Biomass as feedstock for SAF production

6/30/20238 minutes, 53 seconds
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European molten sulphur market: Recent trends and developments

Listen to our short and concise sulphur podcast reviewing recent European molten sulphur market trends Join Maria Mosquera, Editor of the Global sulphur report, and Bea O’Kelly, Sulphur Reporter, as they discuss recent European molten sulphur market trends in this concise 10-minute podcast. Key topics covered by the podcast: Recent supply trendsEuropean refineries update European logistics update Recent demand trendsChemical industry demand update Fertilizer and metals demand update Related links Sulphur and Sulphuric Acid price reporting, short and mid to long-term outlook services Request a sample/more information Free sign up: Fertilizer Focus Magazine Inside Fertilizer Analytics podcast series Other complimentary content
6/30/202310 minutes, 18 seconds
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Market Talks: El Niño might impact winter and summer crops

Meteorological models show that the weather phenomenon El Niño will start and reach full force during the second half of 2023, following the heating process of the Pacific Ocean’s waters. Brazilian farmers are already preparing themselves for its possible impacts on the country’s winter and summer crops. Join Camila Dias, Argus Brazil Country Manager, and Nathalia Giannetti, reporter for the Argus Brazil Grains and Fertilizer, as they talk about what to expect for this next El Niño cycle and what regions may be the most affected by it. 
6/27/20235 minutes, 28 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Chegada do El Niño deve afetar suas culturas de inverno e verão

Modelos meteorológicos indicam que o fenômeno climático El Niño deve começar e atuar com força total no segundo semestre, à medida que as águas do Oceano Pacífico passam por um processo de aquecimento. Agricultores brasileiros já se preparam para seus possíveis impactos sobre as culturas de inverno e verão do país.  Junte-se a Camila Dias, diretora da Argus no Brasil, e Nathalia Giannetti, repórter da publicação Argus Brasil Grãos e Fertilizantes. Elas conversam sobre o que esperar para este próximo ciclo de El Niño e quais regiões devem ser as mais afetadas por sua influência. 
6/27/20235 minutes, 35 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Clima adverso prejudica safra brasileira de café

As condições climáticas adversas alteraram a bienalidade da safra brasileira de café nos últimos anos e ainda são ponto de atenção para as próximas temporadas. Camila Dias, diretora da Argus no Brasil, e Gisele Augusto, repórter da publicação Argus Brasil Grãos e Fertilizantes, conversam sobre as perspectivas para a safra atual e os impactos do clima nas lavouras do país.
6/22/20236 minutes, 13 seconds
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Driving Discussions: All about MTBE

Senior Reporter of methanol and MTBE Steven McGinn comes on the series, chatting all things MTBE, what the additive is, some recent price movements, and what to expect with the octane enhancer going forward.  
6/22/202316 minutes, 7 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Monofasia da gasolina sai do papel

A implementação da cobrança monofásica do ICMS para a gasolina entrou oficialmente em vigor no início de junho, possibilitando a incidência do imposto apenas uma vez, no primeiro elo da cadeia. Defensores do novo regime acreditam que a mudança é um passo significativo para a simplificação do regime tributário do setor de combustíveis. No mercado, a maioria dos participantes espera uma alta na bomba para os preços da gasolina, resultando em uma paridade mais favorável ao consumo de etanol hidratado. Junte-se a Camila Dias, diretora da Argus no Brasil, e Vinícius Damazio, repórter da publicação Argus Brasil Combustíveis, que conversam sobre o que esse passo representa para o mercado de combustíveis e as expectativas de participantes para o comportamento dos preços dos produtos no varejo.
6/15/202313 minutes
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Market Talks: Russian diesel entrenched among importers

Brazil’s largest diesel importers are including acquisitions from Russia in their business plans over increasing competition in the domestic market. Join Camila Dias, Argus Brazil Country Manager, and Gabrielle Moreira, Senior Reporter for Argus Brazil Motor Fuels, as they talk about the new phase of the import flow and reactions from the US and neighboring countries regarding the current import flow. 
6/8/20235 minutes, 48 seconds
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Falando de mercado: Rússia entra nos planos de grandes importadores de diesel

Com o aumento da competição pelo mercado de diesel nacionalizado no Brasil, grandes importadores passaram a incluir a aquisição do combustível russo nos planos de negócios. Camila Dias, diretora da Argus no Brasil, e Gabrielle Moreira, repórter sênior da publicação Argus Brasil Combustíveis, falam sobre essa nova fase para o mercado doméstico e das reações dos Estados Unidos e países vizinhos diante do atual fluxo de importação.
6/8/20235 minutes, 52 seconds
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Driving Discussions: The Ballad of eRINS

RINS reporter Matthew Cope, and Blendstocks reporter and host Jason Metko, discuss what eRINS and SRE's are, their recent movements within the market, and preview a big announcement from the EPA later this June. 
6/8/20239 minutes, 10 seconds
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Canadian oil sands producers look west with TMX nearing completion

6/8/20237 minutes, 24 seconds
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Hablando de Mercado - RGana diésel ruso competencia en mercado brasil

El aumento del volumen de diésel ruso en Brasil trae una serie de impactos a las negociacionesdel producto en los puertos de ese país que afecta los planes de los importadores brasileños, pero también el mercado de América Latina en su conjunto. La llegada de diésel ruso a Brasil incluso tiene afectaciones en el mercado de Estados Unidos. Acompañe a Sergio Meana, gerente de desarrollo de negocios para América Latina, y Julio Faldin, vicepresidente de desarrollos de negocias para América del Sur, y escuche la historia detrás de la llegada del diésel ruso al mercado brasileñ
6/2/20239 minutes, 5 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Gás de novos campos pode demorar demais e não criar novo mercado

Equinor, Petrobras e Repsol Sinopec recentemente anunciaram a decisão de investimento do campo BM-C-33, que pode fornecer 16mn m³/d de gás natural. Junto com outros novos projetos, a Petrobras afirma que o Brasil terá um “choque de gás”. Mas a realidade pode ser bem menos animadora para os consumidores. Junte-se a Camila Dias, diretora da Argus no Brasil, e Flávia Pierry, editora de Gás Natural e Energia. Elas conversam sobre prazos, características e perspectivas para os preços dessa oferta d
6/1/202310 minutes, 56 seconds
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Chemical Conversations - Caustic Soda: Shifting landscape impacts long-term fundamentals

Chlor-Alkali experts George Eisenhauer, Bernard Law and Stephanie Koenig talk to Lauren Williamson, VP, Product, about the long-term fundamentals of the caustic soda market, including: Policy impact on battery demand and what that means for the North American supply chain Where European opportunities lie among continued optimisation processes and net zero targets How Northeast Asia's role will change with diminished reinvestment in export capability, and against a backdrop of Southeast Asia's growing demand This podcast is delivered by Argus’ chlor-alkali experts using data and insight from the Argus Caustic Soda Analytics service. Request a free trial or more information
5/24/20237 minutes, 53 seconds
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Chemical Conversations: MTBE Outlook

MTBE expert Roel Salazar talks to Lauren Williamson, VP, Product, about the outlook for MTBE, including:  Current trends and their effect on the MTBE market and its key drivers over the next 12-24 months  How Argus approaches its 5-year MTBE forecast  Where additional MTBE from a new Texas MTBE-ETBE unit might be absorbed and the challenges U.S. industry might face with that  Other key factors industry should monitor in 2023 and beyond  This podcast is delivered by Argus’ MTBE experts using data and insight from the Argus MTBE Outlook.  Request a free trial or more information 
5/24/20237 minutes, 42 seconds
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Chemical Conversations: Chlor-Alkali Outlook

Chlor-Alkali experts George Eisenhauer and Bernard Law talk to Lauren Williamson, VP, Product, about the outlook for chlor-alkali, including  Current trends and their effect on the chlor-alkali market and its key drivers over the next 12-24 months  How Argus approaches its 5-year chlor-alkali forecast and what industry should be looking out for The top The top three factors Argus is focusing on for the remainder of the year  This podcast is delivered by Argus’ butadiene experts using data and insight from the Argus Chlor-Alkali Outlook.  Request a free trial or more information 
5/23/20238 minutes, 6 seconds
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Driving Discussions: The evolving world of US refineries

On this episode, US Downstream reporter Nathan Risser sits down with Jason Metko to talk over the changes within the domestic refinery landscape since the COVID-19 pandemic, and how those changes will affect road fuel consumers during the 2023 summer driving season. 
5/22/202317 minutes, 13 seconds
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How is the SAF spot market developing and where is it heading?

Listen to Argus experts Alfonso Berrocal and Giulia Squadrin as they discuss the latest developments of the SAF spot market, the role of biofuels tickets, and recent updates on the EU-wide SAF mandate set to kick-in in less than two years.
5/22/202313 minutes, 50 seconds
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Global LPG Conversations: Poland’s eastern dilemma

Has the Polish LPG industry reduced its dependency on Russia? How have price volatility and supply disruptions impacted demand? Should the market expect another year of logistical bottlenecks? In this episode of Global LPG conversations, David Appleton, VP LPG, and LPG reporter Waldemar Jaszczyk try to answer those questions and more as they closely examine the market's attempts to juggle supply security with a yawning east-west price gap and logistical limitations. The podcast draws on a recently released Argus White Paper on Poland's shifting LPG supply routes in the face of the Russia-Ukraine War. Argus Whitepaper - Polish Ports LPG ( Webinar: 2023 so far: Global LPG Markets Review and Outlook (
5/17/202315 minutes, 43 seconds
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Chemical Conversations: Polyolefins Outlook

Polyolefins expert Terry Glass talks to Amanda Richardson about the outlook for polyolefins, including:  Current trends and their effect on the polyolefins market and its key drivers over the next 12-24 months  How Argus approaches its 5-year forecast and what industry should be looking out for  Asian, and especially Chinese capacity additions and what that means for rationalization and trade flows elsewhere  Other key factors industry needs to stay close to in 2023 and beyond 
5/17/20239 minutes, 31 seconds
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Olefins Outlook Podcast

Listen as olefins expert Craig Barry talks to @manda Richardson about the outlook for olefins, including:  Whether we’ve reached the bottom of the market  How the market will absorb recent and upcoming capacity additions   The impact of decarbonization in circularity initiatives on the market  
5/12/20235 minutes, 7 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Mercado de Cbios reage às mudanças no Renovabio

O governo restabeleceu o período de 12 meses até dezembro de cada ano para comprovação das metasdo Renovabio, praticamente dando início à agenda de fortalecimento da Política Nacional deBiocombustíveis. Receio sobre o cenário de oferta de Cbios em 2024 e conversas de fundos parafomentar a liquidez do mercado estão no radar de produtores de biocombustíveis e distribuidoras decombustíveis. Junte-se a Camila Dias, diretora da Argus no Brasil, e Conrado Mazzoni, subeditor da publicação ArgusBrasil Combustíveis, e entenda o cenário de curto e médio prazos dos créditos de descarbonizaçãonegociados na B3.
5/10/202315 minutes, 27 seconds
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Driving Discussions: Backwardation and rising demand in the US midcontinent market

On this latest episode, Argus US Midcontinent reporter, Zach Appel, and Blendstocks reporter and host Jason Metko discuss the latest events in the region; specifically lingering refinery issues, and an earlier-than-normal spring planting season.
5/9/20235 minutes, 11 seconds
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Chemical Conversations: Butadiene Outlook

Lauren Williamson, VP, Product, talks to Angie Joe, VP, Crude C4 and Derivatives, about the Argus Butadiene Outlook:  Current trends and their affect on the butadiene market and its key drivers over the next 12-24 months  How Argus approaches its 5-year forecast and what industry should be looking out for  What Northeast Asia capacity additions means for global trade flows  Other key factors industry needs to stay close to in 2023 and beyond  This podcast is delivered by Argus’ butadiene experts using data and insight from the Argus Butadiene Outlook.  Request a free trial or more information 
5/5/202311 minutes, 57 seconds
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Hablando de Mercado: America Latina: No solo exportadores, sino también importadores de crudo

Acompañe a Sergio Meana, gerente de desarrollo de negocios para América Latina de Argus, y a Giovann Rosales, reportera del mercado de crudo de Latinoamérica para escuchar como el mercado de América Latina se ha convertido en un destino de demanda para los crudos de Ecuador y Argentina y el impacto que la demanda tiene sobre los grados Oriente, Napo y Medanito.
5/4/202311 minutes, 55 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Comercialização lenta do milho pode frear alta dos fretes

A produção da segunda safra de milho 2022-23 deve bater recorde, segundo projeções, o que poderia elevar a necessidade pelo serviço de transporte. Entretanto, com um ritmo de venda mais lento na comparação com anos anteriores, a alta dos fretes de grãos em Mato Grosso pode não ser tão acentuada durante o pico da demanda na colheita. Junte-se a Camila Dias, diretora da Argus no Brasil, e João Petrini, repórter da publicação Argus Brasil Grãos e Fertilizantes. Eles conversam sobre o que esperar de fretes de grãos durante o segundo semestre de 2023, em meio ao cenário de maior oferta do grão e as dificuldades logísticas para exportação.
5/4/20238 minutes, 19 seconds
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Weight of Freight: How expensive is shipping Russian crude?

How much does it cost to move Russian crude and how do the oil price cap and “shadow fleet” influence the sanctions price tag for every barrel? Alex Younevitch, Global Head of Freight at Argus is joined by Deputy Editor for Freight, John Ollett to answer all these questions and more. 
5/2/202311 minutes, 27 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Panorama do mercado brasileiro de fertilizantes em 2023

A importação brasileira de MAP foi recorde no primeiro trimestre do ano, totalizando 1,2 milhão de toneladas, ante 567 mil toneladas no mesmo período de 2022, mas a baixa liquidez predomina no mercado doméstico e produtores de soja esperam pela melhora da relação de troca. Junte-se a Camila Dias, diretora da Argus no Brasil, e Renata Cardarelli, editora assistente da publicação Argus Brasil Grãos e Fertilizantes. Elas conversam sobre as importações de fertilizantes no primeiro trimestre e os fatores que geram a baixa liquidez no mercado brasileiro.
4/27/202310 minutes, 20 seconds
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Metal Movers: ILiA on reaching net zero with lithium

The latest Metal Movers podcast explores the crucial role of lithium in the transition to net zero. Listen now to better understand the drivers and challenges faced by this emerging industry. Anand Sheth, Founding Chairman of the International Lithium Association shares his thoughts on lithium production, refining technologies, project pipelines and the availability of scrap with Chi Hin Ling, Editor at Argus Media. Download a sample of Argus Battery Materials or request a trial for the latest lithium and battery material prices, including key inputs like sulphuric acid. The report also covers demand out to 2032 from EVs, renewable and other net zero industries.
4/26/202315 minutes, 53 seconds
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Driving Discussions: The new normal in US Atlantic Coast distillate fuels

Senior USAC distillate reporter Craig Ross joins host and blend stocks reporter Jason Metko, to discuss the US Atlantic Coast region's imports and supply averages in the current times.
4/25/20239 minutes, 50 seconds
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Hablando de Mercado: Una visión del mercado brasileño de fertilizantes en 2023

Las importaciones brasileñas de MAP fueron récords en el primer trimestre del año, totalizando 1,2 millón de toneladas, en comparación con 567.000 toneladas en el mismo período de 2022, pero la baja liquidez prevalece en el mercado interno y productores de soja esperan una mejora en la relación de cambio. Acompañe Sergio Meana, Gerente de desarrollo de Negocios en Argus para América Latina, y Renata Cardarelli, editora asistente de la publicación Argus Brazil Grains and Fertilizers, y entérese de las importaciones de fertilizantes en el primer trimestre de 2023 y de los factores que generan baja liquidez en el mercado brasileño. Conozca más sobre: Argus Fertilizer: Fertilizer Prices in the Brazilian domestic market:
4/21/202313 minutes, 49 seconds
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Russia-Ukraine conflict: Impact on FSU sulphur flows to the Mediterranean and North Africa

Listen to our short and concise sulphur podcast reviewing FSU sulphur exports and their impact on the Mediterranean and North African regions following more than a year of the Russian-Ukraine conflict and resulting sanctions    Join Maria Mosquera, Editor of the Global sulphur report, and Bea O’Kelly, Sulphur Reporter, as they discuss the impact of the Russia- Ukraine conflict on FSU sulphur flows to the Mediterranean and North African markets, more than one year on from the onset of the conflict, and what we can expect looking forward. Related links Sulphur and Sulphuric Acid price reporting, short and mid to long-term outlook services Request a sample/more information Free sign up: Fertilizer Focus Magazine Inside Fertilizer Analytics podcast series Other complimentary content
4/21/20239 minutes, 2 seconds
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NetZero Transition: Pyrolysis- Policy and Production routes

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) is deploying low-carbon technology solutions around the world.  MHI-EMEA Duisburg Branch EVP Professor Dr. Emmanouil Kakaras  joins the Argus podcast to discuss the impacts of policy, CCS demand expansion, fuel NOx control/fuel choices at generators, compression, cracking and the medium-term challenge of pyrolysis to other production routes.  Listen to the podcast now.   Book complementary demo of Argus Hydrogen and Future Fuels Service Sign up for Hydrogen Highlights newsletter today   
4/21/202335 minutes, 51 seconds
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Metal Movers: Boosting mining with Biosurfactants

Thomas Kavanagh, Editor, Argus, quizzes Gabi Knesel, VP Mining and Minerals Processing at Locus Mining Solutions on the emerging importance of biosurfactants in the mining industry with a focus on transition metals, like copper, graphite, lithium and mo
4/21/202315 minutes, 35 seconds
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Falando de mercado: A competição do diesel russo nas importações do combustível pelo Brasil

O aumento do volume de diesel russo no Brasil traz uma série de impactos para as negociações do produto nos portos do país e afeta os planos de importadores. Conrado Mazzoni, editor-assistente da publicação Argus Brasil Combustíveis, e Gabrielle Moreira, repórter sênior da publicação, falam sobre os desdobramentos dessa dinâmica no mercado doméstico.
4/20/20236 minutes, 35 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Mudanças na precificação de etanol em Paulínia

O aumento do volume de etanol transportado por duto do Centro-Oeste até os principais polos de consumo de São Paulo tem influenciado a dinâmica de frete rodoviário no estado, acentuando as diferenças de preços entre o biocombustível vendido nas usinas e o produto comercializado no terminal. Aliado à expansão do etanolduto, o uso do modal ferroviário para o transporte do biocombustível também dá sinais de crescimento. Junte-se a Camila Dias, diretora da Argus no Brasil, e Vinícius Damazio, repórter da publicação Argus Brasil Combustíveis, que conversam sobre os fatores por trás dessas mudanças no mercado paulista e a criação do novo indicador multimodal Paulínia, que busca apresentar um retrato mais fidedigno dos valores do etanol comercializado no terminal.
4/13/202312 minutes, 15 seconds
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Driving Discussions: Challenges in base oils

Base oils reporter John Dietrich joins Blendstocks reporter and host Jason Metko, in the latest episode focusing on recent challenges within the base oils market, from inventory, to demand drivers, oversupply and more.  Links for blog post:  Check out the Driving Discussions podcast series 
4/11/20239 minutes, 18 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: As perspectivas para o segundo ano do mercado de gás natural no Brasil

O mercado brasileiro de gás natural completou um ano desde sua liberalização. Junte-se a Camila Dias, diretora da Argus no Brasil, e Flávia Pierry, editora de Gás Natural e Energia, que conversam sobre as perspectivas deste momento do mercado, preço do gás, novos investimentos e novas empresas entrando neste mercado em 2023.
4/6/202317 minutes, 17 seconds
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Market Talks: The prospects for the second year of the natural gas market in Brazil

The Brazilian natural gas market completed one year since its liberalization. Join Camila Dias, Argus Brazil Bureau Chief, and Flávia Pierry, Brazil Gas and Power Editor, as they comment on the market prospects, gas prices, new investments and new companies entering this market in 2023.
4/6/202314 minutes, 1 second
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Hablando de Mercado: Los retos que enfrentan las empresas del sector privado en el mercado mexicano de combustibles

Las empresas del sector privado que participan en el mercado de combustibles de México continúan sorteando las trabas regulatorias que el gobierno de ese país les impone en su afán de fortalecer a la estatal Pemex. Aunque ya existe una queja formal del gobierno estadounidense respecto a la política discriminatoria del gobierno mexicano en dicho mercado desde el año pasado, todavía no existe una resolución sobre esta disputa, lo que ha empezado a impacientar a empresarios y legisladores de Estados Unidos. Acompañe a Sergio Medina, gerente de desarrollo de negocios para América Latina de Argus, y a Maria Eugenia Garcia editora de la publicación Argus Mexico Fuel Markets, y entérese del clima político y económico que prevalece en el mercado de combustibles en México. Conozca más sobre: Argus Mexico Fuel Markets Argus US Products
4/6/202313 minutes, 51 seconds
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Driving Discussions: Russian diesel keeps on flowing beyond EU/UK borders

Russian exporters are managing to sell their diesel just as before the sanctions were introduced last February 5th. So what is the new dynamic in the market? In this podcast, associate editor for Argus European Products, Benedict George, and Freight deputy editor, John Ollett, with business development manager, Alfonso Berrocal, discuss the newly found distribution of Russian diesel, transportation, and the global impact of the sanctions.
4/5/202319 minutes, 40 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Unigel amplia investimento em ureia automotiva de olho no ARLA 32

A Unigel, única fabricante de ureia automotiva no Brasil, vem ampliando investimentos em capacidade de produção para capturar o crescimento previsto para o mercado de ARLA 32 nos próximos anos. O ARLA 32 é um composto que reduz a emissão de poluentes de combustíveis fósseis, como o diesel. Junte-se a Camila Dias, diretora da Argus no Brasil, e Paulo Arnaez, diretor executivo da Unigel Agro. Eles conversam sobre as expectativas para esse mercado.
3/29/202318 minutes, 10 seconds
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Metal Movers: A collision of commodities —Aluminium and Hydrogen

Senior aluminum reporter John Betz discusses with Found Energy a use for aluminumscrap unknown by most the general public and its relevance to the nascent market of hydrogen power.
3/29/202317 minutes, 45 seconds
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Driving Discussions Europe: Diesel heading for uncharted waters

Europe stocked up on diesel at the start of the year, but March saw imports shrink. In this episode of Driving Discussions Europe, Benedict George, associate editor for Argus European Products, updates business development manager Alfonso Berrocal on what’s behind exceptionally low import volumes and what we can expect next as European diesel stocks start to decline and the region enters into uncharted waters In this podcast, we touch on prices for long-range 2 (LR2) diesel cargoes. To get more visibility into these prices, why not sign up for our free weekly price snapshot. For more of our coverage of the European diesel market, visit our dedicated hub page.  
3/29/202320 minutes, 51 seconds
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SAF Insights: What is renewable hydrogen and how can it help decarbonise aviation?

What does the recently published delegated act on the definition of renewable hydrogen from the European Commission mean for renewable hydrogen market and how does that affect the aviation industry? Listen to Argus’ hydrogen editor Stefan Krümpelmann and biofuels associated editor Giulia Squadrin as they discuss renewable hydrogen and synthetic fuels and the role they play in the aviation sect
3/23/202316 minutes, 39 seconds
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Net Zero Transition: Knitting the hydrogen value chain together

Dr. Sebastian Vogel, RWE’s head of hydrogen joins the Argus podcast to discuss salt storage caverns, the GET H₂ electrolytic project, European funding and project timelines, ammonia terminals, the ongoing H₂ vector question, offtakes & US expansion. Listen to the podcast now 
3/23/202326 minutes, 17 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: O mercado de ARLA 32 no Brasil

O mercado de ARLA 32, uma solução aquosa de ureia usada para reduzir a emissão de gases em motores a diesel, vem crescendo rapidamente no Brasil e deve ultrapassar 1 bilhão de litros neste ano. Junte-se a Camila Dias, diretora da Argus no Brasil, e Fabrício Cardoso, gerente sênior do time de consultoria da Argus. Eles conversam sobre as perspectivas para esse mercado nos próximos anos.
3/22/20237 minutes, 17 seconds
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The Crude Report: Bakken and Guernsey Market March Update

Multiple North Dakota Bakken pricing locations and the Light Sweet Guernsey market have undergone recent methodology changes by Argus with the introduction of cumulative monthly volume-weighted averages. Join Argus Americas Crude team colleagues, Gus Vasquez and Amanda Smith, in this podcast for an update on the new assessments and a few market observations.
3/22/202310 minutes, 59 seconds
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Global LPG Conversations: Insights from ARDA Week, Cape Town

LPG was a hot topic at this year’s African Refiners and Distributors Association, where it was described as a fuel of the future. This episode of Global LPG Conversations comes from the sidelines of the event, with Argus’ David Appleton, VP LPG, and James Gooder, VP Crude, discussing trends for LPG in the region, the importance of the Dangote project, and how ‘energy transition’ means something quite different in the global south. Interested in hearing more of our insights into the global LPG markets? Sign up for our free monthly newsletter, Argus LPG Market Highlights, for a round up of market developments and insights, including the latest podcast episodes.
3/21/20236 minutes, 49 seconds
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Chemical Conversations: The US Recycling Market

Will Collins, Global Editor for Argus Recycled Polymers, travelled with Zach Kluver, USA Recycled Polymers Reporter, to the recent Plastics Recycling Conference in Washington, USA, to meet with the industry.   They spoke to a selection of industry participants to find out:  How the US recycling market has changed   The challenges it faces   What regulators and other stakeholders can do to help industry develop in the next 5 years  Argus Recycled Polymers launched price assessments for bales and recycled pellets for the US rHDPE and rPP markets on 3 March.  Get more information and request a free trial for Argus Recycled Polymers 
3/17/202317 minutes, 18 seconds
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Metal Movers: Titanium – renewed normals

What new trading patterns has the Russia-Ukraine conflict imposed on the titanium supply chain for the aerospace industry? Find out in this special episode on titanium, titanium sponge and ferrotitanium. Ellie Saklatvala, Senior Editor – Non-Ferrous, explores the supply / demand challenges and drivers with market reporters Samuel Wood and Nicolas Bell based in Europe and the US respectively.
3/16/202322 minutes, 27 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: BBF amplia investimentos de olho nos biocombustíveis

Atenta à demanda futura por biocombustíveis, a Brasil BioFuels construirá uma biorefinaria de diesel verde (HVO) e de combustível de aviação sustentável (SAF) com capacidade de 500.000m³ por ano que funcionará a partir de 2025. O grupo que atua na região Norte do país entregará neste ano novas usinas termelétricas movidas a biodiesel de óleo de palma e também iniciará o plantio de cacau na sombra das palmeiras. Junte-se a Alexandre Melo, repórter da publicação Argus Brasil Combustíveis, e Milton Steagall, presidente da Brasil BioFuels. Eles conversam sobre as perspectivas para os negócios de energia da BBF e o cenário para o mercado de biodiesel no país.  
3/15/202324 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Voluntary Carbon Market: A conversation about REDD+ with Permian Global

REDD+ projects are a core source of supply of negative emissions to the voluntary carbon market. Ed Rumsey, Managing Partner, and Juan Chang, Head of Technical Operations at Permian Global, join Adam Nye of Argus, to talk about a range of topics on both the projects themselves as well as the market for the credits they generate.
3/14/202342 minutes, 15 seconds
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Driving Discussions: 101 insights into fuels pricing

On this episode of Driving Discussions, VP of Business Development, Downstream Road Fuels, Scott Berhang, and Argus US Gulf Coast Blendstocks reporter and host, Jason Metko, chat about intraday fuel pricing and how it is more critical than the end-of-day assessment. In addition, they discuss the benefits of spot ticker pricing, and much more. 
3/10/202312 minutes, 3 seconds
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Metal Movers: Battery materials and EV outlook for China

Hear Joy Kong, Lead Analyst – Battery Materials, break down the Asia-Pacific markets with a special focus on the EV outlook for China. Joy is joined by Thomas Kavanagh, Editor – Battery Materials, as they explore the potential for over supply, the ongoing impact of Covid-19 and the importance of cobalt.
3/9/202317 minutes, 31 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: O impacto da reoneração dos combustíveis

A reoneração parcial da gasolina e do etanol movimenta os mercados de combustíveis e dos créditos de descarbonização (Cbios), em um debate que pode voltar ao radar em junho. No caso da gasolina, o impacto na demanda tende a ser pequeno, com estoques elevados das distribuidoras e uma leve compensação da redução dos preços nas refinarias da Petrobras. Junte-se a Camila Dias, diretora da Argus no Brasil, e Conrado Mazzoni, subeditor da publicação Argus Brasil Combustíveis, e entenda o que está deixando o mercado confuso em relação à política de preços da Petrobras.
3/8/202311 minutes, 19 seconds
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Chemical Conversations: Pine Chemicals and Hydrocarbon Resins

Listen as Leonardo Siqueira, Editor, Pine Chemicals, talks to Steve Williams, VP, C5 and Hydrocarbon Resins about:  The demand outlook for hydrocarbon tackifiers in Europe and elsewhere, including key factors driving supply, demand and feedstock availability  Issues surrounding Crude Tall Oil (CTO) in the US and Europe \ Changes in tackifier production capacity and whether it could offset any potential loss of CTO derivative production CTO pricing and availability impact on tackifier consumers trying to meet their sustainability goals The impact of US imposed tariffs to several Chinese goods on the longer-term imports of both pine-based and hydrocarbon-based tackifiers to the US  This podcast is delivered by Argus’s pine chemical and hydrocarbon resin experts using data and insight from Argus Pine Chemicals and Argus C5 and Hydrocarbon Resins. Click on the links to request a free trial or more information. 
3/2/202313 minutes, 28 seconds
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Market Talks: An outlook for the polymers market in Latin America in 2023

Polymers market, which includes some plastics resins, more specifically polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP), has been growing across the continent for decades. However, domestic production in each of the major Latin American markets is not enough to meet the regional demand for PE and PP, and there is a very dynamic import market to capture part of this demand. Join Camila Dias, Argus Brazil Country Manager, and Fred Fernandes, Latin America Polymers Senior Reporter, as they talk about the perspectives for the polymers markets in the region in 2023.
3/1/20236 minutes, 38 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Um panorama para o setor de polímeros na América Latina em 2023

O mercado de polímeros, mais especificamente tudo o que vem do polietileno (PE) e do polipropileno (PP), vem crescendo em todo o continente há muitas décadas. Mas a produção doméstica em cada um dos principais mercados latino-americanos não é suficiente para atender à demanda regional, o que torna o mercado importador bastante dinâmico para capturar parte dessa demanda. Junte-se a Camila Dias, diretora da Argus no Brasil, e Fred Fernandes, repórter sênior do mercado de polímeros da América Latina. Eles falam sobre as perspectivas para esse mercado na região em 2023.
3/1/20236 minutes, 53 seconds
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Metal Movers: The V in Largo Physical Vanadium

Sian Morris, Noble Alloys Reporter at Argus, discusses the recent launch of Largo Physical Vanadium with CEO, Paul Vollant. The podcast breaks down Largo Physical Vanadium’s business model and how the wider green energy trend can support vanadium redox batteries in the face of a prevailing lithium-iron market.
2/24/202314 minutes, 4 seconds
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Hablando de Mercado: Polímeros y América Latina. Una introducción a los mercados y principales pronósticos

El mercado de polímeros incluye a los plásticos, y más específicamente todo lo que proviene del polietileno (PE) y polipropileno (PP), y ha estado creciendo en todo el continente desde hace mucho tiempo.  Pero la producción nacional en cada uno de los principales mercados de América Latina no es suficiente para satisfacer la demanda regional de PE y PP, y existe un mercado de importaciones muy dinámico para capturar parte de esta demanda.   Además, las condiciones normales del mercado vistas antes de 2020 se vieron sacudidas a nivel mundial después de los años de pandemia, lo que interrumpió la logística y alteró la estacionalidad y las condiciones de precios.   Pero por primera vez, los participantes del mercado esperan ver que los mercados regionales de polímeros se estabilicen, y el pronóstico para 2023 es positivo.  Acompañe a Sergio Meana, gerente de desarrollo de negocios para América Latina de Argus, y a Fred Fernandes, reportero senior del mercado de polímeros en América Latina, y entérese sobre el mercado de polímeros en la región.  Conozca más sobre Argus Global Polyethylene (PE) y Argus Global Polypropylene (PP).  
2/23/20239 minutes, 43 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: A liberalização do mercado de energia elétrica no Brasil

O país está se preparando para liberalizar seu mercado de energia elétrica, mas os poucos consumidores que optaram por contratos bilaterais já colhem frutos dessa escolha. Junte-se a Rebecca Gompertz, repórter da publicação Argus Brazil Gas & Power, e Rodrigo Ferreira, presidente-executivo da Associação Brasileira dos Comercializadores de Energia (Abraceel). Eles conversam sobre os números recordes constatados pela associação sobre o consumo livre de energia em 2022.
2/22/202312 minutes, 27 seconds
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Driving Discussions: Chatting Gasoline and Diesel from the Argus Crude Summit

On this podcast episode, Jim Mitchell, Head of Americas Oil Analysts with Refinitiv, joins Argus Spot Ticker reporter and host Jason Metko, at the sidelines of this year's Argus Crude Summit in Houston. They discuss the EU's February oil sanctions, diesel consumption for the upcoming spring planting season, and briefly touch on what to expect for the US summer driving season. 
2/21/20239 minutes, 28 seconds
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SAF Insights: Sustainable finance and SAF

What role does SAF play in the world of sustainable finance? Hear from Ishka’s senior analyst Eduardo Mariz and Argus Biofuels associated editor Giulia Squadrin as they discuss key players and challenges in financing the decarbonisaton of the aviation industry.  Read the latest Argus White Paper: Growing sustainable aviation fuel markets Learn more about Argus’ comprehensive SAF market coverage
2/17/202312 minutes, 17 seconds
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Market Talks: Opportunities for Brazil at the pulses market

The growing market for pulses is in line with the higher demand for vegetable proteins in the world. Brazil has always been a large pulse producer, as it already met a heavy domestic demand. Join Alessandra Mello, Deputy Editor of Argus Brazil Grains and Fertilizer publication, and Camila Dias, Argus Brazil Country Manager. They talk about global demand be the role Brazil can play on pulse production and exports. 
2/16/202317 minutes, 8 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: As oportunidades do Brasil no mercado de pulses

A China está negociando com o Brasil um acordo sanitário para que possa importar, entre outros produtos, algumas variedades de feijão. O movimento está em linha com a demanda crescente pelo chamado mercado de pulses, leguminosas como feijão, ervilha, lentilha e grão de bico, que atendem a maior procura por proteína vegetal. Junte-se a Alessandra Mello, editora assistente de agricultura e fertilizantes da Argus no Brasil, e Marcelo Luders, presidente do Instituto Brasileiro do Feijão e Pulses (Ibrafe). Eles falam sobre as oportunidades para o Brasil aumentar a produção e as exportações de pulses.
2/16/202323 minutes, 43 seconds
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Hablando de Mercado: Flujos comerciales en aumento de la demanda

El mercado de varilla mexicana está en una etapa de gran crecimiento en su demanda. Con cuatro superproyectos de infraestructura en marcha en México, hay optimismo en el mercado en cuanto la demanda y la posibilidad para apoyo en los precios.   Acompañe a Sergio Meana, Gerente de desarrollo de Negocios en Argus para América Latina y Marialuisa Rincon, reportera del mercado de acero en Estados Unidos, para enterarse mas de lo que viene para la varilla mexicana. 
2/9/20236 minutes, 39 seconds
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Driving Discussions: Early 2023 Movements in US Base Oils

In this latest podcast of the series, Argus Spot Ticker reporter and host Jason Metko sits down with Argus' Base Oils Reporter John Dietrich, discussing market dynamics since the start of 2023, and provides a preview of Argus' first global base oils conference scheduled in February.
2/9/20239 minutes, 50 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Aumenta participação da Rússia na importação de diesel pelo Brasil

A parcela de diesel originado na Rússia e destinado ao Brasil está aumentando no início de 2023, em meio às sanções de Europa e Estados Unidos contra o país. A ampliação do diesel russo no mercado doméstico é também resultado da atuação mais forte da trading brasileira Nimofast, que inclui o produto da Rússia entre as fontes de origens. Junte-se a Camila Dias, diretora da Argus no Brasil, e Gabrielle Moreira, repórter da publicação Argus Brasil Combustíveis. Elas conversam sobre os impactos iniciais dessa nova dinâmica no fluxo de importação.
2/9/20235 minutes, 54 seconds
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Metal Movers: Lithium markets - a trader’s perspective

Join Thomas Kavanagh, Editor – Battery Materials, for a special episode with Mohammed Yagoub, Independent Trader and Lithium Expert. Topics covered include the EU-Asia price dynamics, Africa’s potential as a producer, supply/demand challenges, long-term market trends and the importance of recycling
2/6/202327 minutes, 25 seconds
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Driving Discussions: US Atlantic Coast distillates

This latest podcast of the series focuses on US Atlantic Coast distillates, with Senior USAC distillate reporter, Craig Ross and Spot Ticker, Jason Metko. It will touch upon the changes seen since the start of the new year and how the market is shaping up through the rest of winter '23. 
2/3/20238 minutes, 22 seconds
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Falando de mercado: O desafio da expansão sustentável da geração termelétrica no Brasil

Cerca de 75% da capacidade instalada de geração de energia elétrica no Brasil vem de fontes renováveis, enquanto 23% da capacidade é composta por térmicas. O desafio do país é aumentar a geração de energia termelétrica de forma sustentável, menos poluente e complementar à matriz renovável. Junte-se a Camila Dias, diretora da Argus no Brasil, e Flávia Pierry, editora de Gas Natural e Energia. Elas conversam sobre a necessidade de uma oferta flexível de gás natural nesse cenário.
2/2/202311 minutes, 41 seconds
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Global LPG Conversations: European propane prices soar unexpectedly on international and local factors

In this episode, International LPG Editor Peter Wilton joins David Appleton, Argus LPG VP, to discuss factors behind European benchmark propane pricing surging 30pc year-to-date. The explanation combines global and local factors and how the latter exacerbates the former. 
2/1/202315 minutes, 35 seconds
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Europe’s Silent Power Demand Drop

As we move through winter 2023, changes in weather and in the power generation mix, government intervention and higher-than-average thermal generating costs contribute to volatility on power markets.  To find out how it is impacting Europe’s demand for power listen to this podcast, where our regional experts cover all key aspects of the latest developments and share their analysis.  
1/30/202311 minutes, 58 seconds
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Hablando de Mercado: From Argentina to the world - Medanito exports to Europe increase

In addition to winning the World Cup in Qatar, Argentina will again make global news… but now in the oil market.  Join Josh Vence, Argus Business Development Manager for Latin America, and Giovanni Rosales, Reporter of the Latin America Crude Market, to understand how global markets have shaped themselves so that Argentina's top export grade, Medanito, has become a solution for countries such as the United Kingdom, Italy, the Netherlands, Denmark, Peru and soon Chile, with a 30pc increase in the production volume of this crude from Vaca Muerta.
1/27/202310 minutes, 20 seconds
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Sulphur pricing - key correlations in early 2023

Listen to our short and concise sulphur podcast reviewing key correlations in sulphur pricing in early 2023, presented by Maria Mosquera, Editor - Argus Sulphur.
1/26/20237 minutes, 55 seconds
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Falando de mercado: Brasil inicia ano com tendência mista nos fertilizantes

Os estoques de passagem historicamente mais altos e a baixa demanda devem manter as compras de nitrogenados e potássicos reduzidas no início do ano, enquanto a negociação de volumes remanescente para soja 2023-24 eleva a movimentação entre os fosfatados. Camila Dias, diretora da Argus no Brasil e Gisele Augusto, repórter da publicação Argus Brasil Grãos e Fertilizantes, conversam sobre a tendência dos principais fertilizantes no mercado de importação e doméstico do Brasil para o início de 2023.   
1/26/20239 minutes, 15 seconds
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Market Talks: Brazil to start 2023 with mixed fertilizer trends

Brazil's historically high inventories and weak demand are set to maintain nitrogen and potash purchases slow in early 2023, while negotiations for soybeans 2023-24 move phosphates market. Join Camila Dias, Argus Brazil Country Manager, and Gisele Augusto, reporter for Argus Brazil Grains and Fertilizers publication, as they talk about the tendency for the macro nutrients activity, both imports and at the domestic market for early 2023.  
1/26/20239 minutes, 15 seconds
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Metal Movers: Relief for battery metal prices in 2023

Join Thomas Kavanagh, Associate Editor, as he explores the significant drop in lithium hydroxide and lithium carbonate from the record highs of last year.  Will Talbot, Senior Analyst – Battery Materials, expands on the longer-term prospects for battery materials while Raghav Jain, Senior Market Analyst, provides an update on nickel’s role as a battery material. 
1/20/202311 minutes, 2 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Tendência para fretes de grãos e fertilizantes em 2023

Após um ano repleto de incertezas e com muitas oscilações nos fretes de grãos e fertilizantes, o mercado espera em 2023 uma tendência mais sólida de preços, em patamares elevados. A baixa oferta de veículos e de armazenamento, além das expectativas de safras recordes para soja e milho, devem contribuir para este cenário. Junte-se a Camila Dias, diretora da Argus no Brasil, e João Petrini, repórter da publicação Argus Brasil Grãos e Fertilizantes. Eles conversam sobre o que esperar do comportamento das tarifas de fretes para grãos e fertilizantes neste ano e o que está no radar do mercado de logística.
1/18/20236 minutes, 57 seconds
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The Crude Report: Argus introduces new Bakken monthly volume-weighted averages

Argus has introduced new month average prices for Bakken DAPL, Bakken at Patoka, and for light sweet crude at Guernsey. These new month averages reflect the volume-weighted average of all deals done during the trade month. In this podcast, Amanda Smith and Jeff Kralowetz explain how these monthly VWA prices will allow traders to use robust Argus data in a format they have used for many years. 
1/12/202318 minutes, 43 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Os desafios do novo ministro de Minas e Energia

O ex-deputado e ex-senador Alexandre Silveira assumiu no início de janeiro o Ministério de Minas e Energia com um grande desafio: reduzir a desigualdade energética sem se prender a clichês desenvolvimentistas e armadilhas do passado. Junte-se a Camila Dias, diretora da Argus no Brasil, e Flávia Pierry, editora de Gás Natural e Energia. Elas analisam o discurso de posse do ministro e os planos da pasta para os setores de gás natural e eletricidade no país. 
1/10/202316 minutes, 22 seconds
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Global LPG Conversations: Poland’s changing LPG supply routes in the face of the Russia-Ukraine war

In this episode of Global LPG Conversations, David Appleton, Argus’ vice-president of LPG, and LPG reporter Waldemar Jaszczyk discuss Poland’s recent efforts to reduce its dependence on Russian supply through seaborne imports and the likelihood of Warsaw imposing a unilateral embargo on LPG from the east. They also examine how these factors impacted the recently launched Argus propane price assessment at Polish ports. Learn more about our LPG services, including market news, price assessments and analytical outlooks
1/9/202312 minutes, 39 seconds
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Market Talks: Corn production to set record in the 2022-23 season

Brazil’s 2022-23 corn harvest might set a record high, and market participants expect exports to grow this year. Join Camila Dias, Argus Brazil Country Manager, and Alessandra Mello, Deputy Editor for the Argus Brazil Grains and Fertilizer publication as they talk about perspectives for the corn sector and the beginning of deliveries to China.  
1/4/20239 minutes, 26 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Produção de milho deve ser recorde em 2023

A safra de milho 2022-23 deve ser recorde no Brasil e a expectativa do mercado é de que as exportações também cresçam neste ano. Junte-se a Camila Dias, diretora da Argus no Brasil, e Alessandra Mello, editora assistente da publicação Argus Brasil Grãos e Fertilizantes. Elas falam sobre as perspectivas para o setor e o início dos embarques para a China.
1/4/20239 minutes, 6 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: O segundo ano da abertura do mercado de gás natural no Brasil

O mercado de gás natural enfrentou vários desafios durante seu primeiro ano de abertura, com pressões internas e externas afetando preços e motivando alguns consumidores a postergarem sua migração para o mercado livre. Essa situação criou novos desafios e possibilidades para o gás e o GNL no Brasil. Junte-se a Camila Dias, diretora da Argus no Brasil, e Rebecca Gompertz, repórter de Gás Natural e Energia. Elas discutem o futuro do mercado livre de gás natural no Brasil, após o primeiro ano de abertura. 
12/28/20228 minutes, 18 seconds
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Net Zero Transition: Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carriers

Hydrogen gas is diffuse, making transportation out of pipelines impractical. This poses a particular barrier to trans-oceanic hydrogen trade, where the race is on between competing technologies, each aiming to be the ‘carrier’ of choice in the hydrogen economy. All the candidates are liquid: hydrogen, ammonia and Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carriers (LOHCs). Leading LOHC experts Osamu Ikeda  of Chiyoda Corporation  and Dr Andreas Lehmann of Hydrogenious  join Tim Hard of Argus to discuss use cases, future projects and parts of their value chain being targeted to enhance efficiencies for transportation of hydrogen.
12/22/202234 minutes, 32 seconds
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SAF Insights: Wrapping up 2022: SAF developments and outlook

Listen to Argus’ experts Louise Burke, Alfonso Berrocal and Giulia Squadrin, as they look back at 2022 and discuss the developments of the SAF market in Europe and the Americas and share their expectations for 2023.  Listen to the other episodes in the SAF Insights podcast series  Learn more about Argus’ comprehensive SAF market coverage 
12/21/202216 minutes, 43 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Os desafios do futuro ministro de Minas e Energia

A equipe de Minas e Energia do governo de transição do presidente eleito Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva avalia que há custos extras de R$500 bilhões a serem pagos pelos consumidores de energia elétrica nos próximos anos. Esse é um dos desafios do próximo ministro da área, mas não o único. O relacionamento com o setor e com o Congresso deve dominar boa parte da agenda do futuro ministro. Junte-se a Camila Dias, diretora da Argus no Brasil, e Flávia Pierry, editora de Gás Natural e Energia. Elas discutem os desdobramentos dessa questão durante o próximo governo.
12/20/202213 minutes, 3 seconds
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Global LPG Conversations: Developments in the Chinese LPG market and the impact of changing COVID measures

In this edition of Global LPG conversations, LPG specialist Celia Chen from Argus’ Shanghai office talks to Argus vice-president LPG, David Appleton, about the latest developments to round out a challenging year in Chinese Petrochemicals and offers some views on what to expect as China moves away from its zero-COVID strategy. Learn more in-depth analysis on the Chinese market in the Argus LPG viewpoint: China's LPG term volumes fall on uncertainty - Term contracted volumes by Chinese buyers are expected to fall in 2023, which will likely give rise to increased spot activity during the year. Learn more about our LPG services, including market news, price assessments and analytical outlooks
12/19/202212 minutes, 45 seconds
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Weight of Freight: Georgia’s IMO rep talks fake registrations

Matthew Mitchell, Market Reporter at Argus sits down with Ivane Abashidze, Georgia's rep to the IMO and Vice Chair to the IMO Legal Commitee as they discuss the IMO's legal committee and some of the issues it deals with including insurance and sanctions. They also discuss the fraudulent registration of vessels and companies to avoid sanctions and disguise other illegal activities including how widespread the problem is and how the IMO, the legal committee, and member states are tackling it.
12/16/202222 minutes, 37 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Estoque de passagem de fertilizantes deve ser o maior desde 2013

As importações brasileiras de fertilizantes, especialmente, de MAP, MOP e sulfato de amônio saltaram no primeiro semestre de 2022, em meio ao receio sobre a disponibilidade global. Importadores tiraram o pé do acelerador no segundo semestre, diante da baixa liquidez no mercado doméstico. Junte-se a Camila Dias, diretora da Argus no Brasil, e Renata Cardarelli, repórter sênior da publicação Argus Brasil Grãos e Fertilizantes. Elas conversam sobre os fatores que devem culminar no maior estoque de passagem em quase uma década e as perspectivas para os próximos anos.
12/15/20229 minutes, 1 second
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Market Talks: Brazil’s fertilizer carry-over may be the highest since 2013

Brazilian fertilizer imports, especially of MAP, MOP and ammonium sulphate, jumped in the first half of 2022, because of concerns about global supplies. Importers slowed the pace in the second half of the year, faced with low liquidity in the domestic market. Join Camila Dias, Argus Brazil Country Manager, and Renata Cardarelli, Senior Reporter for the Argus Brazil Grains and Fertilizer publication, as they talk about the factors that may culminate in the highest carry-over in almost a decade and the perspective for the coming years.
12/15/20228 minutes, 1 second
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Hablando de Mercado: What were the key outcomes of COP 27 and its implications in Latin America?

The results obtained in November at COP 27 in Egypt were cautiously celebrated in Latin America. Agreements to create a loss and damage fund were seen as a victory, but efforts to set more ambitious emissions mitigation targets have failed.  Join Josh Vence, Argus’ Business Development Manager for Latin America, and Jacqueline Echevarría, Editor of the Argus Latin America Energy, as they discuss the key developments of the COP 27 conference and the implications for Latin America and the Caribbean.  This podcast episode addresses key topics including:  Loss and damage  Mitigation and adaptation plans   Fossil fuels in final text  Carbon markets  Related Service:  Learn more about the Argus Latin America Energy service 
12/14/202212 minutes, 40 seconds
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Global LPG Conversations: Canadian propane waterborne exports rise in 2022

In this episode of Global LPG Conversations, Argus’ Americas NGLs editor, Amy Strahan, and Canadian NGLs, senior reporter, Yulia Golub, examine Canadian propane demand and exports. They discuss how strong Asian demand for Canadian propane is drawing more propane waterborne exports instead of railed exports into the US.   Learn more about our LPG services, including market news, price assessments and analytical outlooks
12/14/20225 minutes, 15 seconds
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Driving Discussions and the Weight of Freight: Why 2023 will be a year of change for diesel shipping

European distillates’ demand will shape the global flows and the shipping market, which is to become a central element for the supply of Diesel into Europe, particularly from February 2023 onwards, once Russian Diesel is phased out. In this podcast, Alfonso Berrocal speaks to John Ollett, in-house freight expert, about the capacity and availability of Long Range vessels (LR2s) to supply Diesel to Europe.    Check out the Driving Discussions podcast series 
12/13/202214 minutes, 56 seconds
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Inside Fertilizer Analytics: Phosphate Rock, Dec. 2022

As 2022 draws to a close, Claira Lloyd, Phosphate and Phosphate Rock Research Manager and Timothy Evans, Phosphate Analyst join Tim Cheyne, SVP – Global Head of Fertilizers, to discuss and assess key developments across policy, new projects and pricing.   Key topics covered by the podcast:   Policy update - Possible impact of Indian authorities' increasing vigilance on environmental issues (accumulation of Phosphogypsum) - New Brazilian government and Brazil's President Lula plans to increase domestic fertilizer production and reduce fertilizer imports   New projects - Afrimat's mine in South Africa - Agriflex's Ardmore Phosphate Rock Project - Growth in Australian projects over the last 18 months   Pricing - Forecast overview: Key influences and risks going forward - Potential for emergence of two separate two tier pricing systems   Phosphate Rock Analytics development at Argus - Phosphate rock costs in our Long Run Marginal Costs analysis - Mine level cost modelling - enhancing the robustness of our cost modelling even further
12/12/202216 minutes, 29 seconds
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The Crude Report: China changes course on Covid

Argus China editor Tom Reed joins James Gooder in the pod to talk about the China's abrupt change of Covid policy - does this mean Chinese oil demand will come roaring back?
12/9/202211 minutes, 53 seconds
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The Crude Report: Quick update on US Permian WTI market

The WTI Houston pipeline market price is directly connected to the waterborne WTI price at the US Gulf coast and international market factors. This has been highlighted as some importers diversify away from Russian crude and pipeline premiums rise. Recently high freight rates and shipping costs are weighing on the US pipeline-assessed prices in recent days, further demonstrating its connectedness to the global market. 
12/5/20228 minutes, 10 seconds
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Hablando de Mercado: What are the key factors impacting sulfur prices for Latin American importers?

Geopolitical factors are changing the supply of sulfur for fertilizer producers in Latin America. Firm-priced raw materials are raising production costs, but lower-cost options come with higher risks.  Join Josh Vence, Argus Latin America Business Development Manager, and Maria Mosquera, the editor of Argus Sulfur, the sulfur report, on market conditions affecting imported sulfur prices in Latin America. 
12/1/202212 minutes, 5 seconds
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Chemical Conversations: Quantafuel CEO On Running A Pyrolysis Plant And Next Steps For The Industry

Lars Rosenløv, Chief Executive Officer of chemical recycling firm Quantafuel, talks to Will Collins, Global Editor for Argus Recycled Polymers, about: The challenges of commissioning a commercial scale pyrolysis plant How the current energy/economic situation might affect the industry How long it could take chemical recycling to reach a level at which supply matches demand for pyrolysis oil What legislators can do to support the growth of the industry
12/1/202223 minutes, 16 seconds
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Driving Discussions: New EU sanctions and the consequences for US consumers

Join Argus Spot Ticker reporter, Jason Metko, and Senior VP, Global Head of Oil Products, Stephen Jones, as they discuss the current status of the global oil markets, the upcoming EU sanctions for crude and refined products, and how they will affect American consumers and drivers.  Check out the Driving Discussions podcast series  Learn more about Argus’ comprehensive coverage of the US Products market 
11/30/202214 minutes, 59 seconds
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What were the key developments and outcomes from Cop 27?

Argus had a team of editors and reports on the ground in Sharm El Sheikh for Cop 27 – this podcast draws on this coverage and provide a review of the key developments and outcomes from the conference. Join Michael Ball, Editor of Argus Air Daily (our service focusing on North American emissions and environmental markets) and Georgia Gratton, Senior Reporter covering energy transition, for our concise and insightful podcast.
11/30/202216 minutes, 50 seconds
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Podcast | Metal Movers: Lithium supply in EU with Tees Valley Lithium

Metal Movers: Metal Movers: Lithium supply in EU with Tees Valley Lithium  Listen to our latest podcast to learn about the new 96,000t lithium hydroxide project from Tees Valley Lithium with Thomas Kavanagh, Associate Editor, Argus and John Walker, CEO, Tees Valley Lithium.  This episode also touches on the LFP vs NCM debate, the logistical challenges of establishing a European lithium supply chain and the battery material demand oulook for 2030. 
11/28/202216 minutes, 47 seconds
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SAF Insights: Sasol ecoFT and Power-to-Liquid SAF

What is the power-to-liquid SAF production pathway, when can we expect production, and how does it compare with the most popular SAF pathway, HEFA? Check out the latest episode of SAF Insights with Argus European SAF reporter Bea O’Kelly, and Sasol EcoFT senior vice president D Helge Sachs.  Listen to the other episodes in the SAF Insights podcast series  Learn more about Argus’ comprehensive SAF market coverage 
11/25/202216 minutes, 18 seconds
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Weight of Freight: Dry bulk insights with Pacific Rim’s Kelle Horn

This podcast takes a deep dive into the minor bulk trade in the Americas, and touches on the shifting global grain trade including Asia-Pacific’s increasing focus on South American grains over US Gulf coast and west coast North American suppliers. Shipbroking firm Pacific Rim’s Kelle Horn speaks with Argus dry bulk freight reporter Ross Griffith about everything you ever wanted to know about the minor bulk trade in 2022, but were too afraid to ask.   Learn more about the Argus Freight Service
11/24/202238 minutes, 48 seconds
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Weight of Freight: Coasting through the winter and into 2023?

This latest Weight of Freight podcast episode focuses on the 2023 orderbook, the return of the European refineries, Polish demand and what these could all mean for freight rates.  Listen in as Gibson’s LPG Shipbroker Charlie Jones joins Argus’ Senior Gas Freight Reporter Jamie Aldridge to discuss the winter outlook for LPG coaster market and what lies ahead in 2023.   Learn more about the Argus Freight Service 
11/23/20228 minutes, 50 seconds
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Driving Discussions: Rocky waters for diesel markets

In this new episode, Alfonso Berrocal, European business development manager, interviews Benedict George, Senior European Market Reporter, and John Ollett, Deputy Editor for Freight on the impact of the Russian Diesel phase out in Europe, and the waves it is bringing to the global shipping market.  Links for blog post:  Check out the Driving Discussions podcast series 
11/18/202235 minutes, 33 seconds
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Chemical Conversations: European Polyolefins Contract Pricing

James Elliott, talks to polyolefins experts Alex Sands and Sam Hashmi about European polyolefins contract pricing, including insights on: October contract price settlements and early indicators for November Why we had to wait several days for the November ethylene and propylene settlements and what this means for PE and PP What the latest electricity prices mean for polyolefins costs and margins The Argus contract price methodology and why it doesn’t include energy surcharges
11/18/20229 minutes, 52 seconds
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Hablando de Mercado: ¿Qué significan las elecciones intermedias para el mercado energético mexicano?

Las elecciones intermedias en Estados Unidos podrían no ser tan sonadas como las presidenciales, pero éstas tienen una implicación especial para el mercado energético mexicano.  Únase a Josh Vence, el gerente de desarrollo de negocios en Argus para América Latina, y Sergio Meana, corresponsal senior en México para Argus Media, y entérese del nuevo clima político y financiero para el amplio mercado de combustibles en México.   Enlaces adicionales:  Argus Mexico Fuel Markets  Argus US Products 
11/17/202212 minutes, 43 seconds
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Global LPG Conversations: Statistical Review of Global LPG

In this episode, Michelle Gantert, Argus Analytics and consulting manager, and David Appleton, Argus’ vice-president LPG, discuss the annual report published on behalf of the World LPG Association. The report features supply, demand and trade statistics in 2021 for over 120 countries. Key findings in the report highlight LPG’s role as an essential fuel, making it one of the most resilient fuels in the industry. 
11/17/202214 minutes, 48 seconds
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Metal Movers: LSEG on the copper supply conundrum

Argus explores the essential role of copper in the global energy transition with LSEG. Tune in as Mark Seddon, Senior Manager - Metals, quizzes LSEG experts Karen Norton, Lead Base Metals Analyst, and Bruce Alway, Director – Metals Research, on the forecast for copper demand and the impact of EVs, renewables and other transition industries.
11/17/202223 minutes, 35 seconds
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NetZero Transition: Cop27- Focus on Hydrogen Supply Chain

Timo Bollerhey, Managing Director at Hint.Co GmbH / H2Global joins Tim Hard, SVP Energy Transition at Argus, to discuss development taking place at COP27 and the funding surge at H2Global. They offer a platform which breaks long-term offtakes into shorter tenors, bridging the gap between bids and offers. Listen to Timo Bollerhey as he shares the progress made to put in crucial financial infrastructure to help develop hydrogen sector’s supply chain.   Get complimentary access to Argus Hydrogen and Future Fuels Service Learn more about Argus' natural gas/LNG coverage Visit COP27 Hub
11/17/202229 minutes, 29 seconds
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Falando de mercado: Brasil terá menor custo de produção de hidrogênio verde do mundo

O Brasil pode se tornar um grande exportador de hidrogênio verde nos próximos anos, com os menores custos de produção do mundo.  Rebecca Gompertz, repórter da publicação Argus Brazil Gas & Power, conversa com Armando Juliani, diretor executivo de Serviços e Soluções na Siemens Energy Brasil, sobre o potencial do país nesse novo mercado que está se desenvolvendo.   Quer ficar por dentro de tudo que acontece no mercado de hidrogênio? Acesse: 
11/16/202218 minutes, 34 seconds
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Agriculture Insights: Brazil corn exports to China move closer

Brazil is finally moving closer to start shipping corn to China seven years after an export protocol signed between the two parties. This comes at a time of tightening import supply for China, with high corn prices in the US and increasingly uncertain flows from Ukraine. How can Brazilian imports reshape China’s corn market? Is China set to see strong receipts anytime soon or are there still many bureaucratic, technical hurdles left? In this Agriculture Insights podcast Argus’ AgriMarkets Editor Bilal Muftuoglu is joined by Brazil Agriculture and Fertilizer Deputy Editor Alessandra Mello, to discuss the feasibility of Brazilian corn exports to China. 
11/15/202217 minutes, 15 seconds
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Does a cap fit?

Matt Drinkwater Manager Gas and Power Analysis at Argus speaks to Natasha Fielding Editor, Gas and Justin Colley Editor Electricity at Argus on policy interventions EU lawmakers are considering and the volatility in the gas and power markets. Extremely high gas and power prices since the spring have prompted EU lawmakers to generate some radical ideas for policy intervention, in an effort to shield citizens from eye-watering utility bills. These proposals will be refined in the coming months, just as Europe navigates through what many fear may be the most difficult winter in recent memory. In this podcast, we consider these policy ideas and discuss how the winter might play out, which may end up defining the shape of Europe’s gas and power markets for years to come. What has happened in Europe’s gas and power markets since early October when EU policy intervention proposals first circulated? What are the biggest issues involved with some of the proposals on the table, in which price caps feature heavily? How might the landscape of Europe’s gas and power markets look at the close of this winter, when some of the proposals might have made their way through the legislative process?
11/14/202219 minutes, 49 seconds
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Falando de mercado: O Brasil no mercado de químicos de pinus

Químicos de pinus, ou pine chemicals, são produtos químicos derivados das árvores de pinus ou pinheiros. O Brasil desempenha um papel relevante neste mercado mundial.   Camila Dias, diretora da Argus no Brasil, e Leonardo Siqueira, editor de pine chemicals da Argus, conversam sobre o tamanho, a relevância e as perspectivas para este mercado.  Quer ficar por dentro de tudo que acontece no mercado de químicos? Acesse: 
11/10/20227 minutes, 56 seconds
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Metal Movers: The business case for diversity with WIM UK

This episode highlights the real-world impact of diversity in mining through the lens of Women in Mining UK.  Host Ellie Saklatvala, Editor, is joined by Dr Stacy Hope, Managing Director of Women in Mining UK, and Chairperson of the Advisory Board for the Fair Cobalt Alliance. Listen in to understand how mining industry leaders are tackling gender inequality and broader ESG (environmental, social and governance) issues in mining, including how to measure success. 
11/10/202228 minutes, 26 seconds
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Hablando de Mercado: Latin America ahead of COP 27

Latin America is one of the regions most impacted by climate change, with extreme weather events becoming increasingly frequent – but despite climate change and unstable policies and economies across several countries in the region, Latin America has shown its commitment to the energy transition by making great strides in recent years.  Join Josh Vence, Business Development Manager, and Jacqueline Echevarría, Editor of Argus Latin America Energy, as they discuss the region’s progress and climate promises ahead of the United Nations Climate Change Conference, COP 27, to be held in Egypt. 
11/7/202217 minutes, 48 seconds
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Driving Discussions: Global surplus overhang

On this latest podcast, Argus spot ticker, Jason Metko and base oil reporter, John Dietrich, will focus on the the current global surplus overhang, how US refiners are reacting and what's coming in 2023.   Check out the Driving Discussions podcast series 
11/1/202210 minutes, 43 seconds
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Global LPG Conversations: Winter Outlook for LPG

What are the key drivers for short term LPG prices and how will these impact costs as we head into winter? In this episode of Global LPG Conversations, Argus’ LPG VP David Appleton and consultant Kristen Mueller provide an outlook for the LPG market. They examine how, whilst turmoil and high prices dominate the discussion of the wider energy market, LPG-specific factors are keeping propane and butane prices relatively low and stable. Hear their discussion of crude and gas markets, naphtha, China’s PDH sector, and more. Listen now.   Learn more about our LPG services, including market news, price assessments and analytical outlooks: 
10/31/202215 minutes, 54 seconds
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Falando de mercado: Crescem as importações de gasolina europeia

A maior oferta de gasolina na Europa e a consequente redução nos preços para exportação ampliaram a participação do produto no fluxo de importação do Brasil, com perspectiva de ultrapassar o Golfo Americano no mês de outubro.   Camila Dias, diretora da Argus no Brasil, e Gabrielle Moreira, repórter da publicação Argus Brasil Combustíveis, conversam sobre a nova dinâmica nas atividades de importação e sobre o aumento de aquisições de cargas completas do combustível europeu para o país.  Quer ficar por dentro de tudo que acontece no mercado de combustíveis? Acesse: 
10/26/20226 minutes, 28 seconds
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SAF Insights: Supply chain constraints and last-mile blending

Hear from FlyORO’s chief executive officer, Jonathan Yeo, and Argus Biofuels associate editor Giulia Squadrin as they discuss logistics, last-mile blending and supply chain constraints in the SAF market.  Listen to the other episodes in the SAF Insights podcast series  Learn more about Argus’ comprehensive SAF market coverage 
10/26/202214 minutes, 39 seconds
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Driving Discussions: Supply chain hiccups

How have issues with rail and waterborne supply hit the markets recently? Hear from Argus' Jason Metko and Thomas Dwyer as they discuss how these have impacted prices, as well as the latest developments for RINS and RVO.
10/24/20227 minutes, 20 seconds
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Hablando de Mercado: ¿Qué está pasando en el mercado de crudo en Ecuador?

A medida que se estabilizó la producción de crudo en Ecuador y la compañía estatal PetroEcuador renegoció sus contratos de suministro de petróleo, más volúmenes de crudos Napo y Oriente fueron al mercado de exportación y elevaron su valor tras el conflicto de Rusia con Ucrania. Sin embargo, las tarifas de flete, que están históricamente altas, presionan ahora los precios de ambos crudos y Ecuador puede caer por debajo de su meta de producción crudo para 2022.    Acompañe a Josh Vence, gerente de desarrollo de negocios para América Latina de Argus, Julio Faldin, vicepresidente de crudo y productos para América del Sur, y a Giovann Rosales, reportera de crudos en América Latina, y entérese sobre el mercado de crudo en Ecuador.     Conozca más sobre Argus Americas Crude 
10/21/202218 minutes, 4 seconds
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Market talks: Brazil is set to reach a record cotton output in the 2022-23 crop year

Higher international prices have motivated Brazilian farmers to expand cotton acreage in the 2022-23 season, which could lead the country to a record in cotton lint production. But higher input costs have decreased fertilizer usage for cotton crops. Join Camila Dias, Argus Brazil Country Manager, and Alessandra Mello, Deputy Editor for the Argus Brazil Grains and Fertilizer publication. They talk about the growth of Brazil's cotton production and its forecast for 2022-23 season.   Stay connected with the agriculture market: 
10/20/202211 minutes, 48 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Brasil deve bater recorde na produção de algodão na safra 2022-23

Os altos preços internacionais motivaram os agricultores brasileiros a expandir a área plantada com algodão na temporada 2022-23, o que poderá levar o país a um novo recorde na produção da pluma. Mas os custos de produção mais altos provocaram uma redução no uso de fertilizantes na cultura. Junte-se a Camila Dias, diretora da Argus no Brasil, e Alessandra Mello, editora assistente da publicação Argus Brasil Grãos e Fertilizantes. Elas conversam sobre o crescimento do setor do algodão no país e as perspectivas para a safra 2022-23.     Quer ficar por dentro de tudo que acontece no mercado de agricultura? Acesse: 
10/20/202210 minutes, 15 seconds
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Global LPG Conversations: New LPG prices launched in East Europe

In this episode of Global LPG Conversations, Peter Wilton, editor of Argus International LPG, and David Appleton, Argus’ vice-president of LPG discuss how changing trade flows in eastern Europe have led to the need for new price assessments.
10/19/202210 minutes, 23 seconds
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Chemical Conversations: Suntory Targeting 100% Sustainable Packaging by 2030

Will Collins, Global Editor, Recycled Polymers, talks to Liz Nieboer, Head of Sustainability, Suntory Food and Beverage GB&I, about its aim to have 100% sustainable packaging by 2030 and the challenges involved in transitioning towards sustainable and recycled packaging:  Suntory Food & Beverage GB&I’s progress towards its recycled content and sustainability targets for plastic packaging, and the challenges that it faces in the current environment  How consumers react to more sustainable packaging, and how best to inform their customers about the progress they’re making, including with respect to chemical recycling and mass balance accounting  How a deposit return scheme in the UK can help to boost supply of rPET to brand owners that are looking to increase their usage of recyclates in packaging  Find out more about Argus Recycled Polymers
10/18/202216 minutes, 45 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: A oferta e a demanda de gás natural no Brasil em 2023

Os altos preços de gás natural no mundo, em decorrência, principalmente, do conflito entre Rússia e Ucrânia, preocupam os consumidores no Brasil.   Camila Dias, diretora da Argus no Brasil, e Flávia Pierry, editora de Gás Natural e Energia, conversam sobre os fatores que vão influenciar a oferta e a demanda de gás natural no Brasil em 2023, além do impacto sobre preços e negociações.   Quer ficar por dentro de tudo que acontece no mercado de gás natural? Acesse: 
10/14/202212 minutes, 13 seconds
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Chemical Conversations: PVC pricing evolution in volatile global markets

In addition to uncertain supply and demand dynamics, increasing energy costs are impacting PVC pricing and contracts. Argus offers a different methodology to assessing PVC prices including clarity on how the energy cost component is taken into account. James Elliott, talks to Michael Vitiello, Global PVC Editor, Aaron May, U.S. PVC Reporter, and Matthew Rajendra, Asian PVC Reporter about Argus Global PVC: PVC supply, demand and price impacts for Europe, the U.S. and Asia Pacific How the volatility in energy markets is impacting PVC manufacturers and what this means for plant operations What increasing energy costs mean for PVC pricing and contracts in Europe and the U.S. How Argus assesses PVC prices and why this is unique Get more information and request a free trial
10/10/202211 minutes, 53 seconds
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Hablando de Mercado: Asphalt supply and demand dynamics in Latin America

The asphalt US Gulf coast price levels changed during the Covid-19 pandemic, affecting Latin American demand. And the Russia-Ukraine conflict worsened the scenario, reducing material availability and increasing crude and oil products prices.   Join Josh Vence, Argus’ Business Development Manager for Latin America, and Kauanna Navarro, journalist for the Argus Americas Asphalt report, as they discuss the dynamics of asphalt supply and demand in Latin America and around the world.  
10/7/202213 minutes, 39 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: O futuro do mercado de energia elétrica no Brasil

O Brasil passa por um momento de transição em seu mercado de energia elétrica, se preparando para implementar uma série de mudanças que vão da abertura total para o mercado livre até a modernização do setor.  Junte-se a Camila Dias, diretora da Argus no Brasil, e Rebecca Gompertz, repórter de gás natural e energia. Elas falams sobre as perspectivas para o setor nos próximos anos. 
10/5/20229 minutes, 54 seconds
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Metal Movers: What is supporting the Turkish scrap price?

How is Turkish ferrous scrap faring against soaring energy prices and a weakening economy, why hasn’t the scrap import price crashed? Tune in as Ronan Murphy and Alex Reynolds explore the strength of Turkish ferrous scrap despite soaring energy costs and other market headwinds, including the August/September price floors supported by EU logistics, demand from India, weaker scrap generation, the absence of Russian swing supply and domestic rebar demand.
10/5/202217 minutes, 14 seconds
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Agriculture Insights: Back from the fields… Canada wheat crop tour

In a context of the current conflict in Ukraine, Canada, as one of the major producers and exporters of wheat and other agricultural products, is becoming one of the alternatives to the volumes potentially absent from the Black Sea region.  This Summer, Argus teams together with Left Field, our local partner, conducted a crop tour in Canada to estimate soft wheat production in 2022-23.  In this Agriculture Insights podcast Angelika Melikian, Argus-Agritel crop tour project manager, is joined by Jonathon Driedger, Vice President of LeftField Commodity Research, to compare the first wheat harvest results with the findings made during the crop tour in early August. Durum wheat and canola crop conditions are also discussed. 
10/3/20226 minutes, 58 seconds
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Weight of Freight: Trafigura talks decarbonization and freight volatility

Global Head of Wet Freight at Trafigura, Andrea Olivi, joins Argus’ Head of Freight Alex Younevitch. They discuss how the decarbonization is progressing in the tanker market in the wake of geopolitical shocks, shifting crude flows and volatile freight prices.
10/3/202229 minutes, 22 seconds
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The Crude Report: Soaring trade volume for WTI at the Gulf coast — harbinger of an emerging global crude benchmark

Trade volumes for US benchmark WTI have just hit record levels of nearly 790,000 b/d at the Magellan East Houston (MEH) pricing hub at the Gulf coast. Join Argus' deputy crude markets editor, Amanda Hilow, and VP of business development Jeff Kralowetz for a quick look at why WTI trade is setting records at the Gulf coast and what to expect in crude markets in the coming weeks. 
9/29/20228 minutes, 29 seconds
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Market Talks: Brazil to reduce ferts imports despite elections

Brazil's leading presidential candidates promise to reduce the country's fertilizer import dependency, but may differ on how to reach the goal. Join Camila Dias, Argus Brazil Country Manager, and Gisele Augusto, reporter for Argus Brazil Grains and Fertilizers, as they talk about how each of the two candidates will approach the fertilizer sector and the path they may take.      Stay connected with the fertilizers market: 
9/29/20227 minutes, 33 seconds
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Falando de mercado: Brasil deve reduzir importação de fertilizantes apesar das eleições

Os candidatos à presidência que lideram as pesquisas eleitorais prometem reduzir a dependência brasileiras das importações de fertilizantes, mas devem divergir quanto à abordagem para alcançar o objetivo. Camila Dias, diretora da Argus no Brasil, e Gisele Augusto, repórter da publicação Argus Brasil Grãos e Fertilizantes, conversam sobre como cada um dos dois candidatos deve tratar o setor de fertilizantes e os caminhos a serem tomados.    Quer ficar por dentro de tudo que acontece no mercado de fertilizantes? Acesse: 
9/29/20227 minutes, 16 seconds
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Driving Discussions: Challenges and opportunities in the US oil markets

As we've reached the last quarter of 2022, what is the current situation in the oil market? And, what is coming up from now until the first quarter of 2023?  Senior Vice President and Global Head of Oil Stephen Jones joins Argus Spot Ticker Reporter Jason Metko focusing on where oil markets are as 2022 starts to wrap up and how the upcoming year will be affected by current events. They will discuss the consequence on US road fuels, the price impact of the new EU sanctions, and the increasing biofuel tax credit incentives coming up. 
9/27/202212 minutes, 6 seconds
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SAF Insights: Managing risks in the SAF market

Giulia Squadrin, Associate Editor for Argus Biofuels, and Alfonso Berrocal, Business Development Manager for middle distillates and sustainable aviation fuels (SAF), discuss the challenges and risks when trading SAF, providing insights on how airlines hedge their jet fuel exposure.    How can Argus HVO and Argus SAF forward curves help the market when trading SAF? Discover more with this episode of SAF Insights.  
9/26/202212 minutes, 34 seconds
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Hablando de Mercado: La demanda de aceites base aumenta en medio de la escasez de oferta

En los últimos meses, la demanda de aceites base en América Latina ha aumentado a medida que la oferta se ha reducido en los mercados regionales y globales. El suministro de aceites base estuvo especialmente restringido en los mercados de Europa y EE. UU., ya que los cortes y el mantenimiento de las refinerías redujeron la producción en ambas regiones. Y la logística para transportar material a Latinoamérica sigue siendo la mayor pesadilla para los importadores.     Únase con Josh Vence, el gerente de desarrollo de negocios en Argus para América Latina, y Kauanna Navarro, periodista del reporte Argus Américas Base Oils, y manténgase al tanto de la dinámica de la oferta y la demanda de aceites base a nivel mundial y en los mercados latinoamericanos.    Argus Americas Base Oils :  Argus Base Oils:  Argus Base Oils Outlook: 
9/23/202211 minutes, 34 seconds
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Global LPG Conversations: US Propane stocks levels ahead of the winter heating season

Join Amy Strahan, editor of Argus’s NGL Americas report, and Brian O’Rourke, Argus’s Vice President of Business Development for Natural Gas Liquids and Olefins, as they discuss current inventory levels for US propane stocks, and the importance of those stocks as the Northern hemisphere moves into the winter heating season. Amy and Brian will discuss current inventory levels relative to historical benchmarks, and key factors that could be market moving during the coming winter heating season.   Learn more about our LPG services, including market news, price assessments and analytical outlooks 
9/23/20227 minutes, 12 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: O futuro do Renovabio e a volatilidade dos Cbios

Depois de bater recorde, o preço do Cbio, o crédito de descarbonização negociado na B3, chegou a praticamente zerar os ganhos acumulados em 2022 antes de voltar a reagir, com o mercado debatendo o futuro do Renovabio em meio às propostas de mudanças apresentadas pelo Ministério de Minas e Energia que buscam aliviar o custo da descarbonização.   Junte-se a Camila Dias, diretora da Argus no Brasil, e Conrado Mazzoni, subeditor da publicação Argus Brasil Combustíveis, e fique por dentro do que vem a seguir no mercado brasileiro de créditos de carbono. 
9/22/202220 minutes, 19 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Safra de cana este ano deve ser menor que anterior

Condições climáticas adversas durante a época de cultivo e a concorrência contínua entre a cana-de-açúcar e outras culturas, como soja e milho, devem reduzir a safra no Centro-Sul este ano. Junte-se a Camila Dias, diretora da Argus no Brasil, e Vinícius Damazio, repórter da publicação Argus Brasil Combustíveis. Eles falam sobre como o setor está se organizando e quais as estratégias diante das novas projeções para a safra.   
9/21/20228 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Crude Report: Price caps on Russian oil exports

The G7 is planning to impose price caps on exports of Russian oil to destinations outside North America and Europe after 5 December. Argus chief economist David Fyfe, senior news reporter Ruxandra Iordache and editor at large Haik Gugarats discuss details and likely market effects of the plan. 
9/20/202222 minutes, 11 seconds
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Chemical Conversations: Butadiene Outlook

Christopher Cothran, chemicals analyst, talks to leading butadiene expert Angie Joe about the Argus Butadiene Outlook: Market direction and underlying trends over the next 12 months Price and demand changes on the horizon, and how this is affecting producers, both regionally and globally Insights to help subscribers make better business decisions This podcast is delivered by Argus’ butadiene experts using data and insight from the Argus Butadiene Outlook. Get more information and request a free trial
9/19/202216 minutes, 26 seconds
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Chemical Conversations: Aromatics Outlook

Jeff Eickholt, talks to leading aromatics experts Simon Palmer, Anjani Singh and Santosh Navada about the Argus Benzene and Toluene and Xylenes Outlooks: Price and trading trends over the next 12 months Major supply and demand changes on the horizon Insights to help subscribers make better business decisions This podcast is delivered by Argus’ aromatics experts using data and insight from the Argus Benzene Outlook and Argus Toluene and Xylenes Outlook. Get more information and request a free trial
9/16/202217 minutes, 53 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Safra de cana este ano deve ser menor que anterior

Condições climáticas adversas durante a época de cultivo e a concorrência contínua entre a cana-de-açúcar e outras culturas, como soja e milho, devem reduzir a safra no Centro-Sul este ano. Junte-se a Camila Dias, diretora da Argus no Brasil, e Vinícius Damazio, repórter da publicação Argus Brasil Combustíveis. Eles falam sobre como o setor está se organizando e quais as estratégias diante das novas projeções para a safra. Quer ficar por dentro de tudo que acontece no mercado de biocombustíveis? Acesse
9/16/20228 minutes, 42 seconds
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Chemical Conversations: MTBE Outlook

Jeff Eickholt, MTBE analyst, talks to leading MTBE expert Roel Salazar about the Argus MTBE Outlook: Market direction and underlying trends over the next 12 months Major supply and demand changes on the horizon Insights to help subscribers make better business decisions This podcast is delivered by Argus’ MTBE experts using data and insight from the Argus MTBE Outlook. Get more information and request a free trial
9/16/202220 minutes, 54 seconds
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Driving Discussions: Sanctions are coming: Diesel market outlook

It has been five months since the market started self-sanctioning from buying Russian spot diesel cargoes, thus creating a 2-tier market. The diesel community is now looking towards February 2023 with a degree of uncertainty about the impact of the European sanctions. In this episode Argus’ Alfonso Berrocal and Francis Osborne discuss the outlook for the diesel market in 2023.  Links for blog post:  Check out the Driving Discussions podcast series 
9/15/202220 minutes, 41 seconds
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Chemical Conversations: Global Steam Cracker Economics

Chris Cothran, talks to leading olefins expert Sarah Rae, and analysts Dhanish Kalayarasu and Josie Jain about Argus Global Steam Cracker Economics: A snapshot of steam cracker economics trends for the Americas, Asia and Europe Major supply and demand changes on the horizon Anticipated project delays This podcast is delivered by Argus’ chemical experts using data and insight from Argus Global Steam Cracker Economics. Get more information and request a free trial
9/15/202212 minutes, 24 seconds
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Global LPG Conversations: The bioLPG market in 2030

In this episode of Global LPG Conversations, Kristen Mueller, Argus Principal for LPG Consulting, and David Appleton, Argus’ vice-president of LPG discuss:  Updated forecast for bioLPG supply out to 2030  Different production pathways  Policies supporting further market development Learn more about our LPG services, including market news, price assessments and analytical outlooks
9/14/202213 minutes, 36 seconds
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Chemical Conversations: Methanol Outlook

Cassidy Staggers, talks to methanol expert Dave McCaskill about the Argus Methanol Outlook: Market direction and underlying trends over the next 12 months Major supply and demand changes on the horizon Insights to help subscribers make better business decisions This podcast is delivered by Argus’ methanol experts using data and insight from the Argus Methanol Outlook. Get more information and request a free trial
9/14/20226 minutes, 56 seconds
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Agriculture Insights: Back from the fields… Ukraine corn crop tour

Given the current conflict in Ukraine, the country’s ability to maintain its corn production has been in question. This is crucial for the global corn supply/demand balance as the country typically is a leading producer and exporter. Will Ukraine’s corn production fall significantly? Has the conflict impacted planted and harvested areas? What can we expect for the 2022-23 marketing year? In this Agriculture Insights podcast Argus’ Global Editorial Manager for Agriculture Jade Delafraye is joined by Senior Grains Analyst Alexey Yeromin, to discuss Ukraine’s corn crop conditions and the findings from the Agritel crop survey organised in the last week of August.   More insights on grains and oilseeds with the AgriMarkets service
9/13/20229 minutes, 52 seconds
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Hablando de Mercado: Mercado de combustibles Mexicano

Si bien el clima de inversiones en México parece aún contener muchas trabas para la participación del sector privado por parte del gobierno de México, acciones recientes como la reapertura de dos terminales privadas de almacenamiento, y el restablecimiento de algunos permisos de importación parecen indicar que existe, al menos, un pequeño rayo de luz para las compañías y un relajamiento de los momentos de mayor rechazo a la iniciativa privada. Acompañe a Josh Vence, gerente de desarrollo de negocios para América Latina de Argus, y Sergio Meana, corresponsal senior en México para Argus Media, y entérese del nuevo clima político y financiero para el amplio mercado de combustibles en México. Enlaces adicionales Argus Mexico Fuel Markets Argus US Products
9/12/202211 minutes, 39 seconds
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The Crude Report: Alaskan oil prices rise on Russian supply halt

Alaskan North Slope (ANS) crude assessments against Ice Brent have climbed to a record-high on stronger refinery margins at the US west coast and a halt in Russian crude imports.  ANS for delivery to the US west coast in October has been selling at a $6.75/bl premium to CMA Ice Brent, the highest premium against the basis since the Argus assessment was launched in January 2018. The US west coast premium for ANS is up by over $6/bl from a year ago as demand for transportation fuels rebounds from Covid-19 pandemic lows and competing Russian crude supply is banned from US west coast refiners.  Learn more about the Argus Crude report. 
9/9/20225 minutes, 28 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Perspectivas para fretes de grãos no segundo semestre

Junte-se a Camila Dias, diretora da Argus no Brasil, e João Petrini, repórter da publicação Argus Brasil Grãos e Fertilizantes. Eles conversam sobre as variações nos preços de frete rodoviário com origem no estado de Mato Grosso e os valores que vêm sendo praticados em corredores de exportação. 
9/8/20229 minutes, 31 seconds
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Chemical Conversations: Chlor-Alkali Outlook

Dhanish Kalayarasu, talks to leading chlor-alkali experts George Eisenhauer, Stephanie Koenig, and Bernard Law, about the Argus Chlor-Alkali Outlook: • Market direction and underlying trends over the next 12 months across the Americas, Europe and Asia • Major supply and demand changes on the horizon • The impact of high inflation rates on demand for caustic soda and chlorine • Insights to help subscribers make better business decisions   This podcast is delivered by Argus’ chlor-alkali experts using data and insight from the Argus Chlor-Alkali Outlook. Get more information and request a free trial
9/8/202213 minutes, 6 seconds
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Metals Movers: The long and flat of US steel

How have raw materials, scrap and fuel costs factored into the decline of US HRC and rebar prices?  Rye Druzin, Senior Reporter, quizzes Marialuisa Rincón, Reporter, on the downward trends of US rebar and the supply/demand expectations from construction. Rye also reflects on the new price floor for HRC and considers what the short-to-medium term might look like for US steel. 
9/7/202210 minutes, 34 seconds
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Chemical Conversations: Olefins Outlook

Cassidy Staggers, talks to leading olefins experts Sarah Rae, Ron Baughman, plus senior reporter T.S. Lee about the Argus Olefins Outlook: Market direction and underlying trends over the next 12 months Major supply and demand changes on the horizon Insights to help subscribers make better business decisions This podcast is delivered by Argus’ olefins experts using data and insight from the Argus Olefins Outlook. Get more information and request a free trial
9/7/20228 minutes, 47 seconds
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From the Economist’s Chair: Are we nearing a dollar inflection point?

As the US dollar index breaches 20-year highs, many foresee an imminent cyclical devaluation, although rumours of the demise of the dollar as the de-facto global currency look premature.  By Argus Chief Economist, David Fyfe
9/5/20226 minutes, 10 seconds
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Hablando de Mercado | Avance de podcast: Mercado de combustibles Mexicano

9/2/202230 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Influência do La Niña na safra de soja e milho deste ano

O fenômeno La Niña sempre traz preocupações na agricultura brasileira, já que costuma reduzir os volumes de chuva na metade sul do país. Os meteorologistas confirmam que o padrão climático está presente pelo terceiro ano consecutivo e vai se estender pelo menos até o início da safra agrícola 2022-23. Mas será que desta vez será tão intenso quanto na safra passada? E quais os outros fatores climáticos que vão influenciar o tamanho da próxima safra brasileira? Junte-se a Camila Dias, diretora da Argus no Brasil, e Alessandra Mello, editora assistente de agricultura e fertilizantes. Elas conversam sobre as previsões mais recentes para o clima e a produção de soja e milho no Brasil.   Quer ficar por dentro de tudo que acontece no mercado de agricultura? Acesse:
9/1/20228 minutes, 36 seconds
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Market talks: The influence of La Niña phenomenon at soy and corn harvests this year

The La Niña phenomenon always brings concerns in Brazilian agriculture, since it usually reduces rainfall volumes in the country’s southern regions. Meteorologists confirm that this weather pattern is present for the third year in a row and will extend throughout the start of the 2022-23 crop year. But will it be as intense this time as last season? And what other weather factors will influence the Brazilian agricultural output? Join Camila Dias, Argus Brazil Country Manager, and Alessandra Mello, deputy editor for the Argus Brazil Grains and Fertilizer publication, as they talk about the latest weather forecasts and their impacts on the 2022-23 Brazilian crop season.   Stay connected with the agriculture market:
9/1/20229 minutes, 51 seconds
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Driving Discussions: California’s distinct road fuels market

California's unique structure within the road fuels arena is discussed with Argus Spot Ticker reporter Jason Metko and Senior West Coast reporter Craig Ross. Check out the Driving Discussions podcast series  Learn more about Argus’ comprehensive coverage of the US Products market 
8/23/20229 minutes, 31 seconds
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Metals Movers: Developing EU battery supply with Green Lithium

What challenges lie ahead for Green Lithium as they look to establish a sustainable lithium supply that does not rely on China’s refineries? Thomas Kavanagh, Associate Editor, interview’s Founding Director, Richard Taylor.  Topics covered include EU’s current lithium/supply dynamics, the outlook for EVs, government funding, the importance of partners, and other fundamental steps in establishing an independent UK supply chain. 
8/22/202218 minutes, 25 seconds
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The Crude Report: US Gulf coast sweet-sour price spread

In this episode, Amanda Smith, Argus Deputy editor Americas crude, and Scott Phillips, Argus Market reporter Americas crude, will discuss the US Gulf coast sweet-sour price spread and how that’s tightened with the recent shift in US Strategic Petroleum Reserve sales to mostly sweet crude offerings from mostly sour as Libyan production returns to pre-blockade levels. 
8/18/20228 minutes, 19 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Oferta e demanda no mercado de asfalto na América Latina

Junte-se a Camila Dias, diretora da Argus no Brasil, e Kauanna Navarro, repórter da publicação Argus Americas Asphalt, e fique por dentro da dinâmica entre oferta e demanda de asfalto na América Latina e globalmente.    Quer ficar por dentro de tudo que acontece no mercado de asfalto? 
8/17/20229 minutes, 31 seconds
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Market Talks: Supply and demand scenario for asphalt market in Latin America

Join Camila Dias, Argus Brazil Country Manager, and Kauanna Navarro, the Latin American reporter for the Argus Americas Asphalt publication, and stay tuned about the asphalt supply and demand globally and in Latin markets.    Stay connected with the asphalt market: 
8/17/202210 minutes, 33 seconds
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SAF Insights: Sustainable aviation fuels suppliers and mandates

In this episode Bea O’Kelly, Argus European jet fuel market reporter, and Matthew Whitton, World Fuel Services (WFS) Vice President of Land and Aviation supply Europe, talk about how the sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) mandates in Europe work, and from a SAF producer prospective, how they both support and prohibit the market. WFS' operations and logistics is discussed, along with what type of SAF they work with and their main supply destinations, as this episode uncovers the market forces behind the SAF market. Will SAF supply be able to meet the growing demand in Europe?   Listen to the other episodes in the SAF Insights podcast series Learn more about Argus’ comprehensive SAF market coverage
8/17/202212 minutes, 18 seconds
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Net Zero Transition: Coal, Hydrogen & Ammonia

While Western coal consumption trends see temporary reversal, policy aims at cessation. As some producers look toward gasification with CCS, is decarbonised ammonia rising up  traders agenda? Tim Hard speaks with Sabyasachi Mishra, Business Head at JSW International and Andrew Jones, Asia Coal Editor, Argus to find out more. Get complimentary access to Argus Hydrogen and Future Fuels Service Learn more about Argus' natural gas/LNG coverage
8/12/202223 minutes, 11 seconds
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Global LPG Conversations: Argus LPG World Storage Survey 2022

In this edition of Global LPG Conversations, Argus’ vice-president of LPG David Appleton, and Argus LPG World editor Matt Scotland discuss key takeaways from the biennial Argus global LPG storage survey, published last month. Among the topics discussed are key countries and regions, and changes in the global picture since the last survey in 2020.  Learn more about our LPG services, including market news, price assessments and analytical outlooks: 
8/11/20228 minutes, 30 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Demanda por óleos básicos aumenta em cenário de oferta apertada

Junte-se a Camila Dias, diretora da Argus no Brasil, e Kauanna Navarro, repórter de Óleos Básicos para América Latina da publicação Argus Americas Base Oils. Elas falam sobre a dinâmica entre oferta e demanda por óleos básicos na América Latina e globalmente.   Conecte-se com o mercado de óleos básicos, acesse:   
8/9/20228 minutes, 33 seconds
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Market Talks: Base Oils demand increases amid tight supply

Join Camila Dias, Argus Brazil Country Manager, and Kauanna Navarro, the Latin American reporter for the Argus Americas Base Oils publication, as they discuss the base oils supply and demand globally and in Latin markets.  Stay in touch with the base oils markets: 
8/9/20229 minutes, 9 seconds
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Driving Discussions: US oil and fuels markets update

Join Spot Ticker reporter Jason Metko and Senior Vice President, Head of Global Oil Stephen Jones, as they give an update on the status of the US oil and fuels markets on the halfway point of the summer driving season.
8/4/202216 minutes, 52 seconds
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SAF Insights: Neste and SAF logistics

Listen to the next episode in the SAF Insights podcast series with Alfonso Berrocal, Argus Business Development Manager, and Jonathan Wood, VP of Renewable Aviation at Neste, discussing Neste's future development in SAF production, the logistics from origin to the airports, the growing demand for SAF, as well as feedstocks, production costs and how prices will converge as carbon pricing grows in importance.   Listen to the other episodes in the SAF Insights podcast series Learn more about Argus’ comprehensive SAF market coverage
8/4/202223 minutes, 26 seconds
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Market Talks: Grains storage capacity grows in Brazil

The amount of silos and warehouses in Brazil has increased by 26pc in the last 10 years. Market participants say there is a recent surge in investments in new structures. But what is the real storage deficit in the country?     Join Camila Dias, Argus Brazil Country Manager, and Alessandra Mello, a Deputy Editor for the Argus Brazil Grains and Fertilizer publication. They talk about the challenges of Brazilian agribusiness for the storage capacity to keep up with the growth of agricultural production.     Stay in touch with the grains and fertilizers markets: 
8/2/20229 minutes, 48 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Cresce capacidade de armazenagem de grãos no Brasil

O número de silos e armazéns no Brasil aumentou 26pc na última década. E os especialistas afirmam que há um movimento recente de aumento nos investimentos em novas estruturas. Mas qual é o real déficit de armazenagem no país? Junte-se a Camila Dias, diretora da Argus no Brasil, e Alessandra Mello, editora assistente da publicação Argus Brasil Grãos e Fertilizantes. Elas conversam sobre os desafios do agronegócio brasileiro para que a capacidade de armazenagem acompanhe o crescimento da produção agrícola.     Quer ficar por dentro de tudo o que acontece no mercado de grãos e fertilizantes? Acesse: 
8/1/20228 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Crude Report: Argus Brent Sour – a new crude index for Europe

The shunning of Russian Urals in Europe’s spot crude oil market has left a hole in supply, and also in price identification. To fill the gap, we are launching Argus Brent Sour – a new index that will help sellers and buyers agree price levels for heavier sourer grades. In this edition of The Crude Report, Michael Carolan and James Gooder explain why this new index has arisen and how it works. Learn more about the Argus Crude report.
8/1/20229 minutes, 16 seconds
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Weight of Freight: Weighing the past to understand the future - Volatility in east of Suez clean tanker freight rates

In today’s tumultuous markets, freight rates and oil product prices have been unpredictable. Will this volatility continue? What are the main correlations between the two markets? In this Weight of Freight podcast, Argus’ Freight Editor for Asia, Andrew Khaw is joined by Asia Pacific Products Editor Aldric Chew and Senior Freight Reporter Sean Zhuang, to discuss the recent market trends, and how the freight market is affected by the east-west arbitrage spreads, poor downstream demand in China, and the significant fall in gasoline margins in the US.   Learn more about the Argus Freight Service
8/1/202212 minutes, 14 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Perspectivas para os Cbios após alta de 200% na B3

O preço do Cbio, o crédito de descarbonização negociado na B3, continua batendo recordes, já acumulando valorização de 200% neste ano, diante do apetite cada vez maior das distribuidoras em um cenário de risco de faltar Cbios para atender as metas dos próximos anos. Neste contexto, saiba mais sobre o plano de criação de um mercado futuro de Cbios.   Junte-se a Camila Dias, diretora da Argus no Brasil, e Conrado Mazzoni, subeditor da publicação Argus Brasil Combustíveis, e fique por dentro do que vem a seguir no mercado brasileiro de créditos de carbono.   Quer ficar por dentro de tudo o que acontece no mercado de combustíveis? Acesse
7/28/202211 minutes, 45 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Fretes de grãos atingem recorde durante colheita de milho

Com a alta do preço do diesel, a alta demanda pelo serviço de transporte e uma boa expectativa para a segunda safra de milho, os fretes de grãos têm registrado valores recorde. Isso vem criando um cenário desafiador para a logística do país, elevando de maneira significativa os custos. Junte-se a Camila Dias, diretora da Argus no Brasil, e João Petrini, repórter da publicação Argus Brasil Grãos e Fertilizantes. Eles conversam sobre as variações nos preços de frete rodoviário com origem no estado de Mato Grosso e os valores que vêm sendo praticados em corredores de exportação.   Quer acessar gratuitamente preços de frete de grãos? Acesse
7/22/20227 minutes, 11 seconds
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Markets in Conflict: Europe’s dilemma

How will Europe reconcile its desire for political & economic action against Russia with its deep-rooted dependence on Russian energy? How could the region’s politics, emissions targets and demand for energy be impacted? Join Jim Washer, Editor in Chief, Matt Drinkwater, Manager – Gas and Power Analysis and John Gawthrop, Editor of Argus Eurasia Energy and resident expert on Russian and wider European energy, trade and energy politics as they discuss Europe’s dilemma. This podcast episode addresses key questions including: How is the EU planning to cope without Russian oil and gas? Does its strategy pose a risk to emissions targets? How could higher energy prices influence the region's politics? Is the EU doing enough to manage demand? How could EU energy policymaking change?
7/21/202224 minutes
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The Crude Report: West Africa’s changing flows

Russia’s war with Ukraine continues to have far-reaching consequences for global crude flows. Senior reporter Andy Devine joins Argus Crude editor Michael Carolan to discuss the changing customer base – and price – of west Africa’s crude production.   Learn more about the Argus Crude report.
7/20/202210 minutes, 2 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: O primeiro semestre de vendas diretas de biodiesel

O sistema de venda direta de biodiesel entre usinas e distribuidoras, que substituiu os leilões públicos, completou seis meses.  As negociações no mercado à vista enfrentaram baixa liquidez no primeiro bimestre, mas o cenário começou a mudar em meados de abril, com o avanço da safra e volumes diários superando algumas vezes os 6.000m³.  Junte-se a Camila Dias, diretora da Argus no Brasil, e Alexandre Melo, repórter da publicação Argus Brasil Combustíveis, que fazem um balanço sobre este mercado e o que tem influenciado as negociações. Fique por dentro de tudo o que acontece no mercado de combustíveis
7/14/20228 minutes, 48 seconds
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Global LPG Conversations: European large cargo markets 1H update

In this edition of Global LPG Conversations, Argus’ vice-president of LPG David Appleton, and Argus LPG Editor Peter Wilton discusses recent trends in northwest European LPG markets where sustained weakness relative to crude oil benchmarks has endured on strong US imports to the region of both propane and butane.   Learn more about our LPG services, including market news, price assessments and analytical outlooks: 
7/14/202212 minutes, 24 seconds
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Driving Discussions: Renewable fuel policy

Join Argus Spot Ticker Reporter Jason Metko and Deputy Editor Thomas Dywer as they discuss recent moves in US renewable fuel policy, with a focus on RIN credit fundamentals. Links for blog post: Check out the Driving Discussions podcast series Learn more about Argus’ comprehensive coverage of the US Products market
7/13/202211 minutes, 6 seconds
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The Crude Report: Next steps for Opec+

As the fallout from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine continues to impact oil markets, Opec+ producers are restoring the last of the production cuts agreed in 2020 in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic. But with countries rich and poor struggling with rising fuel prices, the pressure is on to do more – especially with a high-profile visitor due in Saudi Arabia later this week. In this episode of The Crude Report, our Middle East Editor Nader Itayim and Editor-in-Chief Jim Washer discuss where Opec+ output policy goes next, the alliance’s anxieties over limited spare capacity, and what to expect from US President Joe Biden’s forthcoming trip to the Mideast Gulf. Learn more about the Argus Crude report
7/13/202217 minutes, 25 seconds
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Weight of Freight: ”Wait and see is not an option” in decarbonization

As the industry remains cautious in regards to choosing the path towards decarbonization, engine-makers are urging action. Is engine technology a bottleneck for low carbon goals? And is shipping industry driven by green agenda or green costs? MAN Energy Solutions’ Alexander Feindt joins Argus Head of Freight Alex Younevitch to discuss this and much more. Learn more about Argus Freight service Learn more about Euronav
7/13/202219 minutes
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Chemical Conversations: Sustainability in the European chemical industry

Argus is extremely pleased to closely collaborate with our esteemed partner, the European Petrochemical Association (EPCA). Argus SVP Strategy and Business Development Muhamad Fadhil speaks to Hartwig Michels, President of BASF’s Petrochemicals Division and EPCA President, Gina Fyffe, CEO of Integra and Chair of the EPCA’s talent, diversity and inclusion committee and James Elliott, Argus European Business Development Manager.  In this wide-ranging roundtable, Fadhil, Hartwig, Gina and James speak about sustainability in the European chemical industry against the backdrop of a more challenging economic environment.  This exclusive podcast delivers insights into:  What’s driving sustainability in the European chemical industry The factors threatening a continued sustainability drive The BASF and Integra sustainability roadmap  Europe’s progress towards achieving its sustainability goals Opportunities for sustainability in Asia Argus Global Recycled Polymers launches on 29 July 2022. To get the first report for free register your interest here.  Argus are a gold sponsor at EPCA in Berlin, 3-6 October 2022. If you would like to meet with one of our chemical experts please contact
7/12/202223 minutes, 11 seconds
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Metal Movers: Ferro-alloy market update and key price drivers

In this episode of Metal Movers, Cristina Belda, Deputy Editor, Argus Metals International discusses with Samuel Wood and Sian Morris, Market reporters, the latest updates in the ferro-alloy market and what could be the key price drivers in the upcoming months. 
7/12/202215 minutes, 56 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: O desenvolvimento do mercado de gás no Brasil

A Argus realizou em junho o Fórum Argus de Comercialização de Gás no Brasil, que contou com debates dos agentes do setor sobre os pontos de fricção desse mercado que dá seus primeiros passos em busca de liquidez. No Fórum também foi apresentado o resultado de pesquisa realizada pela Argus com agentes do setor de gás.  Junte-se a Camila Dias, diretora da Argus no Brasil, e Flávia Pierry, Editora de Gás e Energia. Elas conversam sobre os principais pontos do debate e da pesquisa.  Fique por dentro de tudo o que acontece no mercado de gás natural brasileiro #ArgusMediaBrasil #gásnatural #mercadodegásnatural #setordegás #energia
7/8/202212 minutes, 3 seconds
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The Crude Report: US Crude Production – Outlook and pricing implications

US crude production recently surpassed 12 million b/d, a level not seen since the peak in output of 12.8 million b/d just prior to Covid in early 2020.   Join Stephen Jones, SVP Oil Markets Strategy and Bruce Fulin, VP Americas Crude for a discussion about factors influencing rising production and the outlook through 2023.    Learn more about the Argus Crude report.
7/7/202215 minutes, 3 seconds
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SAF Insights: Gevo and Alcohol-to-jet SAF

Join us for the next episode in the SAF Insights podcast series where Giulia Squadrin, Argus Biofuels Associate Editor, and Tim Cesarek, Chief Commercial officer at the renewable fuel producer Gevo. Discussing Gevo’s current production projects, its use of the Alcohol-to-Jet SAF production pathway, and presence in the ever-growing global SAF market.  Listen to the other episodes in the SAF Insights podcast series  Learn more about Argus’ comprehensive SAF market coverage 
7/5/202216 minutes, 47 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Queda na demanda eleva estoques brasileiros de MOP

Os altos preços dos fertilizantes em 2022 tem reduzido a demanda brasileira por cloreto de potássio, com agricultores aguardando para concretizarem compras, elevando o volume de MOP estocado nos armazéns brasileiros. Junte-se a Camila Dias, diretora da Argus no Brasil, e Gisele Augusto, repórter da publicação Argus Brasil Grãos e Fertilizantes. Elas conversam sobre como esse atraso nas compras tem afetado nos preços e o movimento do mercado brasileiro.   Fique por dentro de tudo o que acontece no mercado de fertilizantes? acesse
7/1/20226 minutes, 46 seconds
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Market Talks: Drop in Demand increases Brazilian MOP stocks

High fertilizer prices dropped the demand for Muriate of potash as farmers await to conclude deals and rise MOP stocks.  Join Camila Dias, Argus Brazil Country Manager, and Gisele Augusto, reporter for Argus Brazil Grains and Fertilizers publication, as they talk about the delay on buying and the impact on the Brazilian market.     Keep in touch with the fertilizers market
7/1/20226 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Crude Report - EU oil embargo: is it just an eastbound funnel?

In this podcast, Argus' Tom Reed and David Fyfe look at a number of questions, including the recent rise in eastbound Russian crude flows amid self-sanction by some western buyers and how much of a “surprise” was the EU embargo. Tune in to find out how easily can Russia, China, India work around insurance restrictions. Learn more about the Argus Crude report.
6/30/202218 minutes, 9 seconds
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Global LPG Conversations: Bio LPG and renewable DME key development

In this edition of Global LPG Conversations, Argus’ vice-president of LPG David Appleton and LPG World editor Matt Scotland discuss bio-LPG and renewable DME, a molecule that has attracted growing interest from the LPG industry in recent months. They also touch on renewable LPG and the change in the industry’s zero carbon approach in the last few years.  Learn more about our LPG services, including market news, price assessments and analytical outlooks: 
6/27/202214 minutes, 40 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Alta nos combustíveis e receio com suprimento de diesel

O recente aumento nos preços de combustíveis comercializados nas refinarias da Petrobras foi bem recebido por importadores, mas não o suficiente para impulsionar o fluxo de combustível estrangeiro para o país, em meio aos receios com uma possível crise de abastecimento de diesel. Junte-se a Camila Dias, diretora da Argus no Brasil, e Gabrielle Moreira, repórter da publicação Argus Brasil Combustíveis. Elas conversam sobre o impacto da elevação de preço entre participantes de mercado e sobre a diminuição da oferta de combustível em todo o mundo. Fique por dentro de tudo o que acontece no mercado de combustíveis, acesse
6/24/20227 minutes, 47 seconds
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The Crude Report: State of the benchmarks

Argus Crude editor Michael Carolan returns to the podcast to talk with James Gooder about the current state of crude benchmarking in a time of upheaval. Learn more about the Argus Crude report.
6/22/202217 minutes, 9 seconds
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Weight of Freight: Euronav breaks down decarbonization for tankers

Euronav’s Head of Fuel Procurement, Rustin Edwards, joins Argus Head of Freight Alex Younevitch to discuss decarbonization of the global tanker fleet and separate buzzwords from reality. Learn more about Argus Freight service Learn more about Euronav
6/22/202220 minutes, 18 seconds
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Markets in Conflict: Implications for China

The Russia-Ukraine conflict is causing wide ranging impact across commodity markets and the political landscape, with short and longer-term implications for China. Join Tom Reed, VP of China, Crude and Oil Products, Kevin Foster, Editorial Manager, Asia and Haik Gugarats, Associate Editor and resident expert on US and international energy policy and politics as they discuss and answer key questions including: What the conflict portends for China in economic and political terms Whether the liberal democratic world order is moribund, fractured, and systemically weak to China's advantage - or will it in fact emerge stronger to China's disadvantage What is the impact on China’s near-term security environment - how does China view a reinvigorated West and discussion of Taiwan? Does China stand to benefit from Russia refocusing energy exports towards Asia - can China can just wait on the sidelines, mopping up all the Russian oil that no one else will buy How will the west/Russia/China relationship evolve?
6/20/202231 minutes, 33 seconds
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Driving Discussions: Market dynamics in the US Midcon

How high prices and high demand is affecting the US Midcon market?  Listen in as Jason Metko, US Spot Ticker reporter, and Jared Ainsworth, US Products reporter, provide insights on Jet fuel prices rise in Chicago, agriculture demand and planning season, and its effect on the economy. To conclude, they touch on the Mid-continent's fuel demand forecast for the upcoming months.   Links for blog post:  Check out the Driving Discussions podcast series  Learn more about Argus’ comprehensive coverage of the US Products market 
6/20/20226 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Asphalt Story: North America

In the second of a three-part podcast series focused on global asphalt/bitumen markets, we’ll take a deep dive into specific regional market impacts as reflected in the Argus Asphalt Annual 2022.   In the first episode we focused on the European and African bitumen markets. Next, we’ll move on to North America. Argus market experts Juan Castillo and Maria Ahmed provide a breakdown on the expected growth in the coming years and provide insight into the market impacts from the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. Learn more about the Argus Asphalt Annual 2022 Explore Argus’ global bitumen/asphalt coverage Listen to the first episode in the Asphalt Story mini-series
6/20/202213 minutes, 31 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: O crescimento do mercado de fertilizantes especiais

O mercado brasileiro de fertilizantes especiais cresce acima de dois dígitos ao ano há pelo menos cinco anos, com faturamento de cerca de R$10 bilhões em 2021. Junte-se a Camila Dias, diretora da Argus no Brasil, e Roberto Levrero, presidente do conselho deliberativo da Abisolo, Associação Brasileira das Indústrias de Tecnologia em Nutrição Vegetal. Eles conversam sobre as perspectivas para esse mercado nos próximos anos.   Fique por dentro de tudo o que acontece no mercado de fertilizantes? acesse 
6/17/202213 minutes, 19 seconds
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Metal Movers: The battery chemistry contest

Ellie Saklatvala, Global Editor, Argus Metals International is joined by Thomas Kavanagh, Associate Editor, and Will Talbot, Senior Analyst, to discuss the competitive landscape of battery chemicals and introduce the new cathode price assessments from Argus. 
6/14/202216 minutes, 14 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: O mercado de SAF na América Latina

O mercado de combustível de aviação sustentável, também conhecido pelo acrônimo em inglês SAF, ainda é muito novo na America Latina. Mas já existem projetos anunciados de produção na região. Junte-se a Camila Dias, diretora da Argus no Brasil, e Josh Vence, gerente de desenvolvimento de negócios para América Latina na Argus. Eles falam sobre as perspectivas para esse mercado e os desafios da transição energética na região.   Fique por dentro de tudo o que acontece no mercado de SAF, acesse: 
6/10/20228 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Crude Report - Shifting flows: the impact of the Russia-Ukraine war on China’s crude market

Argus China Petroleum editor Tom Reed joins James Gooder on this week's The Crude Report podcast to discuss the various impacts on China's crude buying habits of the disruption caused by the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Learn more about the Argus Crude report.
6/9/202212 minutes, 30 seconds
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Driving Discussions: Summer driving season

Join Argus Spot Ticker reporter Jason Metko and Senior VP, Global Head of Oil Products Stephen Jones as they discuss the leading factors in the rise of US retail fuel prices, and how the 2022 summer driving season will be affected.  Links: Check out the Driving Discussions podcast series Learn more about Argus’ comprehensive coverage of the US Products market
6/9/202221 minutes, 56 seconds
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SAF Insights: US Market Developments

The usage of SAF and capacity continues to grow in the US with more projects coming online in 2022 and beyond, and pipelines like Colonial approving the use of a blended SAF to be supplied to airlines the same way as conventional jet. Join us for the next episode in the SAF Insights podcast series where Louise Burke, vice president global aviation, and Craig Ross, market reporter for US West Coast and SAF markets, discuss new developments in the US SAF market including supply and demand, updates on government incentives like the blender’s tax credit, and global market fundamentals. Listen to the other episodes in the SAF Insights podcast series Learn more about Argus’ comprehensive SAF market coverage
6/9/202213 minutes, 12 seconds
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Net Zero Transition: Developing hydrogen ecosystems

Andy Marsh, President & CEO of Plug Power joins Tim Hard, to discuss their foundations in building H₂ supply chains, acquisition history and build-out of electrolyser and fuel cell capacity. Get complimentary access to Argus Hydrogen and Future Fuels Service Learn more about Argus’ natural gas / LNG coverage Download COP26 Energy and Emissions Country Profiles
6/8/202235 minutes, 38 seconds
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The Asphalt Story: European and African Markets

In the first of a three-part podcast series focused on global asphalt/bitumen markets, we’ll take a deep dive into specific regional market impacts as reflected in the Argus Asphalt Annual 2022. Starting with Europe and Africa, Argus market experts Keyvan Hedvat, Irina Vinogradova, and Juan Castillo, provide a breakdown on the effects of the Russian/Ukraine conflict and other market disruptors on supply and demand and discuss the long-term outlook. Learn more about the Argus Asphalt Annual 2022 Explore Argus’ global bitumen/asphalt coverage
6/3/202218 minutes, 55 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Logística dificulta entressafra de etanol no Nordeste

A retomada nas vendas de etanol no Nordeste trouxe desafios para as distribuidoras de combustível locais, que precisam contornar os fretes cada vez mais caros e a escalada dos preços do diesel para garantir seus estoques. Essas empresas têm buscado novas estratégias para mitigar a alta crescente nos custos de logística.  Junte-se a Camila Dias, diretora da Argus no Brasil, e Vinícius Damazio, repórter da publicação Argus Brasil Combustíveis. Eles conversam sobre as incertezas quanto ao abastecimento de etanol no Nordeste nos próximos meses, à medida em que a região avança em seu período de entressafra de cana-de-açúcar.  Fique por dentro de tudo o que acontece no mercado de combustíveis
6/3/20229 minutes, 5 seconds
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Net Zero Transition: The “turquoise” option

Vikram Anenden General Manager Hydrogen Division of Synergen Met joins Tim Hard, SVP Energy Transition at Argus, to discuss the methane pyrolysis process to produce hydrogen. And the modular approach they are developing so that this application can be easily adopted across different heavy industries. Get complimentary access to Argus Hydrogen and Future Fuels Service Learn more about Argus’ natural gas / LNG coverage Download COP26 Energy and Emissions Country Profiles
6/1/202228 minutes, 17 seconds
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SAF Insights: SAF desarrollos en América Latina

Combustible de Aviación Sostenible (SAF), actualización del mercado, incluida la producción, los cambios en la legislación y los incentivos financieros en América Latina.  En este podcast, Josh Vence, Gerente de desarrollo de negocios para América Latina en Argus, con Jaime Escobar, Director de combustibles, cargos aeroportuarios y medio ambiente en ALTA, discuten los últimos desarrollos para el combustible de aviación sostenible, también conocida como bioturbosina en América Latina y el Caribe. Tocan temas sobre las legislaciones en los mercados de aviación más grandes de la región, y concluyen la conversación con temas de proyectos y planes de crecimiento de la aviación en mercados emergentes de la región.     
5/27/20229 minutes, 23 seconds
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SAF Insights: SAF developments in Latin America

Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) market update, including production, changes in legislation and financial incentives across Latin America. In this podcast, Josh Vence, Argus’ business development manager for Latin America, with Jaime Escobar, Director of fuel, airport charges, and environment at ALTA, discuss new and future developments of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) in Latin America and the Caribbean. They touch upon legislations in the biggest SAF markets in the LATAM region, and to conclude projects and aviation growth plans in the other emerging markets across the region.      
5/27/202210 minutes, 23 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Tempo seco muda estimativas para safra de milho

Áreas produtoras de Mato Grosso tiveram perdas de 50pc na produtividade em função da falta de chuvas. O tempo seco também afetou lavouras de outras regiões do Brasil. Junte-se a Camila Dias, diretora da Argus no Brasil, e Alessandra Mello, editora assistente da publicação Argus Brasil Grãos e Fertilizantes. Elas discutem o o real tamanho desta quebra e como isso afeta as perspectivas para as exportações de milho neste ano. Fique por dentro de tudo o que acontece no mercado de agricultura
5/26/20229 minutes, 47 seconds
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Market Talks: Dry weather changes corn harvest estimates

Some corn producing areas of Mato Grosso had losses of 50pc in yields because of the lack of rain. The dry weather has also affected crops in other regions of Brazil. Join Camila Dias, Argus Brazil Country Manager, and Alessandra Mello, Deputy Editor for the Argus Brazil Grains and Fertilizer publication. They discuss the real size of this crop failure and how it affects the outlook for Brazilian corn exports this year. Stay in touch with the agriculture market
5/26/202211 minutes, 55 seconds
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Markets in Conflict: Implications for the World Economy

The Russia-Ukraine conflict is causing wide ranging impact across commodity markets, with short and longer-term implications for the world economy.  Join David Fyfe, Chief Economist, Lloyd Thomas, SVP, Consulting and Haik Gugarats, Associate Editor and resident expert on US and international energy policy and politics as they discuss the conflict’s implications for Europe, Ukraine, Russia, US and China.  They assess the lessons from the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, the potential for a notional ‘supply crisis’ morphing into a demand crisis – and long-term structural considerations including the consequences for the drive towards energy transition and cleaner fuels. Key topics covered in this episode: • Impact of the Russia-Ukraine conflict on the global economy and trade • Impact on the key markets of the US and China and implications for Europe, Ukraine and Russia • Comparing the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic – and what can we learn from it • Degree to which a notional “supply crisis” could morph into a demand crisis, as higher prices & GDP pressures start to hit demand for commodities  • Longer term structural considerations: globalisation vs. regionalisation, producer & consumer alliances, the pace of the drive towards Energy Transition and cleaner fuels
5/26/202227 minutes, 36 seconds
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Metal Movers: Velta on the future of Titanium and Ukraine

In this exclusive interview, Thomas Kavanagh, Associate Editor, Argus speaks with Ukrainian titanium producer, Velta. Andrey Brodsky, CEO discuss their vertically integrated titanium-production system and long-term strategy for navigating this unprecedented and challenging environment with translation courtesy of Olena Lesnyak, Deputy CEO  
5/25/202213 minutes, 57 seconds
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Driving Discussions: US fuel oil market update

What is the latest in the US fuel oil market? How has the pandemic the crisis in Ukraine has affected the normal ebs and flows of the market? Listen in as Jason Metko, US Spot Ticker reporter, and Kayla Meyertons, US Products editor, provide an overview on what fuel oil is, how the product is used and what the current status is of the fuel oils market and what’s to come.   Links: Check out the Driving Discussions podcast series Learn more about Argus’ comprehensive coverage of the US Products market
5/24/20226 minutes, 45 seconds
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Chemical Conversations: Chlor-Alkali Outlook

Lauren Williamson, VP for Commercial Products, talks to leading chlor-alkali experts George Eisenhauer in Houston, Bernard Law in Kuala Lumpur, and analyst Dhanish Kalayarasu in London, about the launch of Argus Chlor-Alkali Outlook service, including:   • The global outlook and the regions driving change in the next 12 months, including what to watch for in Asia • The methodology, modelling and data frameworks supporting the 24-month rolling forecast • Why industry have demanded this service and the most compelling aspects for new subscribers   This podcast is delivered by Argus’ chlor-alkali experts using data and insight from the Chlor-Alkali Outlook service. Get more information and request a free trial.
5/24/202211 minutes, 2 seconds
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The Crude Report: Russian crude - How flows have changed since the conflict in Ukraine began

Buyer reticence over Russian crude volumes has grown ever since the country’s conflict with Ukraine began in late February, leading to a dramatic redirection in flows of the key Urals grade that has reverberated round the world. The situation is likely to intensify over the coming months, as more and more Russian volumes currently locked into long-term contracts will need to find a home.   Learn more about the Argus Crude report.
5/23/202210 minutes, 33 seconds
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Driving Discussions: Will Russian diesel be phased out of the market?

The European diesel market continues to struggle as we see steep backwardation, lack of liquidity and more companies adding self-sanctions against the use of Russian barrels. With no clear path in sight and major oil companies and trading firms no longer buying Russian diesel cargoes, what does a potential total phase out, if any, look like?  Continuing the discussion that began back in February, Alfonso Berrocal, Benedict George, and Alina Rapoport provide an update to the current diesel market looking at imports, refinery runs, cargo liquidity, spot markets and more.   Listen to our previous episodes on European diesel market volatility:  04 April 2022 – Driving Discussions: Market volatility continues for European diesel  22 February 2022 – Driving Discussions: The bumpy road ahead for European diesel prices  Link to non-Russian diesel video -  Links for blog post:  Learn more about Argus’ origin restricted (non-Russian) diesel cif ARA price assessment 
5/19/202224 minutes, 1 second
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Falando de Mercado: O impacto de contratos longos da Petrobras com distribuidoras

Para resolver a judicialização sobre os preços de contratos de gás natural com distribuidoras de seis estados, a Petrobras está oferecendo manter os preços de 2021, mas alongar os contratos. Mas isso pode prejudicar a concorrência no mercado de gás?  Junte-se a Camila Dias, diretora da Argus no Brasil, e Flávia Pierry, editora de Gás Natural e Energia. Elas conversam sobre o impacto da judicialização na abertura do mercado de gás.   Quer ficar por dentro de tudo o que acontece nos mercados de gás natural e energia? 
5/18/202210 minutes, 44 seconds
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The Crude Report: The changing role of St James

St James, Louisiana, was once the gateway for imported and domestic crude into midcontinent markets. However, as shale production, pipeline reversals and legislation have changed to allow US crude exports, the role of the old hub has changed. St James still has extensive blending operations with service to major US Gulf coast refining capacity, but it is now set to better compete in the US export market.   Learn more about the Argus Crude report
5/16/202214 minutes, 11 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Alta dos combustíveis pressiona custos logísticos

Com a disparada do preço do barril de petróleo em meio aos problemas internacionais, o diesel no Brasil acumula alta significativa ao longo de 2022. Isso vem criando um cenário desafiador para os setores agrícola e de fertilizantes na questão logística, por causa do aumento nos fretes de grãos e de nutrientes.  Junte-se a Camila Dias, diretora da Argus no Brasil, e João Petrini, repórter da publicação Argus Brasil Grãos e Fertilizantes. Eles conversam sobre os impactos do aumento das tarifas com transporte para o mercado e o que podemos esperar para a sequência do ano. Fique por dentro de tudo o que acontece no mercado de combustíveis
5/13/20228 minutes, 2 seconds
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The Crude Report: WCS Houston - A sour marker at the sweet spot of market transparency

Join Argus VP of business development Jeff Kralowetz and Americas crude editor Gus Vasquez for this podcast on the rapid rise of the WCS Houston price assessment as a benchmark for sour crude throughout the Western Hemisphere, and beyond.  The podcast looks at rising Canadian oil sands production, increased pipeline capacity to the Gulf coast, and the potential for growing competition between Padd 2 (US Midcontinent) and Padd 3 (US Gulf coast) refiners for Canadian crude. It also provides updates on the potential for increased re-exports of Canadian heavy crude from the Gulf coast to Asia, and the possible impacts of the TMX project in western Canada and closure or change of ownership at Lyondell’s Houston refinery. Learn more about the Argus Crude report.    
5/9/202218 minutes, 52 seconds
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Global LPG Conversations: LPG freight trends so far in 2022

In this edition of Global LPG Conversations, Argus VP David Appleton and Senior Reporter Jamie Aldridge talk about recent trends and drivers in global LPG freight rates. Learn more about our LPG services, including market news, price assessments and analytical outlooks
5/6/20224 minutes, 29 seconds
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Chemical Conversations: Exclusive Interview with Nexeo Plastics CEO

Argus Vice President for Global Business Development Muhamad Fadhil talks to the CEO of Nexeo Plastics Paul Tayler about resin demand, global inflation, and sustainability in the chemicals industry. In this exclusive interview with Argus, Paul and Fadhil discuss: How inflation impacts resin demand for Nexeo in the US and globally Rising energy costs in Europe Polymer freight rates The importance of sustainability in the plastics industry Get more information about Argus chemicals.
5/6/202213 minutes, 30 seconds
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Metal Movers: Solving challenges in the aerospace supply chain

This special episode of Metal Movers focuses on the aerospace supply chain and the challenges faced by the industry in the wake of Covid-19 and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Listen in as guest speaker Alex Krutz, Managing Director, Patriot Industrial Partners, explores the supply chain challenges faced by OEMs and Tier 1 – 3 suppliers with host Ellie Saklatvala, Editor, Argus Metals International. Our expert speakers discuss manufacturing strategies, make or buy analysis, inventory management, operating margins, cash conversion cycles, credit lines, M&As as well as macroeconomic and geopolitical disruptors.
5/5/202225 minutes, 53 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Cbios sobem na B3 e atraem atenção do mercado

O preço do Cbio, o crédito de descarbonização negociado na B3, bateu recorde na faixa de R$101 recentemente, com o apetite de distribuidoras de combustíveis para cumprirem suas metas anuais, enquanto cada vez mais usinas buscam certificação para emitir Cbios. Saiba quais as perspectivas para a equação apertada de oferta e demanda nesse mercado. Junte-se a Camila Dias, diretora da Argus no Brasil, e Conrado Mazzoni, subeditor da publicação Argus Brasil Combustíveis, e fique por dentro do que está acontecendo no mercado brasileiro de créditos de carbono. Quer ficar por dentro de tudo que acontece no mercado de combustíveis? Acesse 
5/5/202214 minutes, 45 seconds
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Metal Movers: Pig iron in the wake of war

As the US scrambles to replace 60% of its pig iron supply and economic sanctions tighten on Russia, how will the steel industry correct? Listen in as Blake Hurtik, Editorial Manager and Zach Schumacher, Deputy Editor, explore this unprecedented market turn.
5/4/202217 minutes, 23 seconds
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Market Talks: Brazil farmers to cut more MOP than N and P

Brazilian producers are likely to cut potash usage in the 2022-23 crop more than phosphates and nitrogen use, amid rising global fertilizer prices and tighter global supply. The consensus is that deliveries may decrease by around 10-15pc over the 45.8 million metric tonnes delivered in 2021.   Join Camila Dias, Argus Brazil Country Manager, and Renata Cardarelli, reporter for the Argus Brazil Grains and Fertilizer publication. They talk about decreasing fertilizer use during Brazilian 2022-23 crop.   Stay in touch with the fertilizer market; find out more.  
4/28/20228 minutes, 12 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Brasil deve cortar uso de MOP em maior proporção do que N e P

Produtores brasileiros devem reduzir o uso de cloreto potássio na safra 2022-23 em maior proporção do que fosfatados e nitrogenados, em um cenário de aumento dos preços globais de fertilizantes e de oferta global mais restrita. Consenso do mercado aponta para redução de 10-15pc ante as 45,8 milhões de t entregues em 2021.  Junte-se a Camila Dias, diretora da Argus no Brasil, e Renata Cardarelli, repórter da publicação Argus Brasil Grãos e Fertilizantes. Elas conversam sobre as discussões quanto à redução no uso de fertilizantes para a safra brasileira 2022-23.  Fique por dentro de tudo o que acontece no mercado de fertilizantes, acesse.
4/28/20228 minutes, 47 seconds
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The Crude Report: Americas sours supported by Urals bans

The ongoing conflict between Russian and Ukraine has prompted a need to replace Russian Urals and ESPO. Sour crude demand from Latin America and the US Gulf coast has increased to help fill the gap left by bans on Russian supplies.  As price volatility increases amid geopolitical tensions, Argus also re-launches two Latin American price assessments. Learn more about the Argus Crude report
4/27/202211 minutes, 26 seconds
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Global LPG Conversations: Impact of petrochemical demand upon US propane market

Join Amy Strahan, Editor of Argus NGL Americas, and Brian O’Rourke, Manager Business Development NGLs and Olefins, for a discussion of US petrochemical consumption of propane, and the corresponding impact on North American propane markets. Amy and Brian will discuss current petrochemical demand, the changes in industry consumptions patterns over the last several years, and how those changes have impacted the olefins market. In addition, they will briefly touch upon propane market seasonality attributable to home heating demand.  Learn more about our LPG services, including market news, price assessments and analytical outlooks.
4/26/20226 minutes, 33 seconds
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SAF Insights: Challenges and Opportunities for SAF producers

With the growing demand for sustainable aviation fuel (SAF), is there enough feedstock to cover the market? What geographic areas represent new opportunities? In this podcast, Amandeep Parmar, Argus net zero editor with Sami Jauhiainen, VP for renewable aviation in APAC, discuss in more depth the main challenges and opportunities for SAF producers. Touching topics from feedstock procurement, new technologies and growing SAF interest in APAC, to encouraging policies suitable for aviation and carbon offset.
4/25/202216 minutes, 42 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: PetroReconcavo e a abertura do mercado de gás no Brasil

A PetroReconcavo é uma das petroleiras a se lançar no novo mercado de gás e buscar novos negócios, com a compra de novos ativos e assinatura de contratos de suprimento de gás no mercado livre. Junte-se a Flávia Pierry, Editora de Gás Natural e Eletricidade da Argus no Brasil, e João Vitor Moreira, diretor de Regulação e Novos Negócios da empresa. Eles conversam sobre o panorama da Petrorecôncavo no novo mercado, planos e o que precisa ser aprimorado no setor. Quer ficar por dentro de tudo o que acontece nos mercados de gás natural e energia? 
4/21/202224 minutes
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Metal Movers: Reacting to EU steel safeguards

Tune in as Siew Hua Seah, Global Editor – Argus Ferrous Markets, Lora Stoyanova, Deputy Editor, Argus Ferrous Markets, and Elena Grebiniuk, Senior Reporter share how EU buyers are shifting their procurement strategy in the face of the Russian steel import ban.
4/20/202211 minutes, 54 seconds
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Chemical Conversations: Global Steam Cracker Economics

This episode is driven by data and insight from Argus Global Steam Cracker Economics, a global monthly report and downloadable dataset. The service outlines cost and margin advantages of various feedstocks being cracked into ethylene by region, including a three-month forecast.  Listening to this episode will give you insights into: The impact of energy price volatility on chemical production economics Where’s the best money to be made – assessing ethylene production and coproduct yields Where to find the essential insights within the Argus Global Steam Cracker Economics service What to watch in the next few months Speakers: Chuck Venezia, SVP for chemicals Jimmy Levine, VP for ethylene Lauren Williamson, VP for commercial product  Chris Cothran, lead analyst Dhanish Kalayarasu, analyst This episode is delivered by Argus’ chemicals experts using data and insight from Argus Global Steam Cracker Economics. Get more information and request a chat with one of our chemicals specialists.
4/19/20229 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Crude Report: Fundamental uncertainties triggering political responses and strategic supplies

Sanctions on Russia have disrupted crude oil trade and escalated political pleas for additional sources of supply to cover a period of increasing fundamental supply/demand uncertainties.  Stephen Jones, SVP Oil Markets Strategy and Chief Economist David Fyfe explore the supply losses, the coming strategic stock releases and what might come next. Learn more about the Argus Crude report
4/19/202218 minutes, 43 seconds
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Net Zero Transition: Decarbonizing urban transportation and construction

Hydrogen & Future Fuels podcasts are back!  William Rowe Founder and CEO of Octopus Hydrogen joins Tim Hard, SVP Energy Transition at Argus, to discuss distributed vs centralised hydrogen production models, moving projects from excel to production and an ‘easy-to-abate’ sector – city construction sites. Get complimentary access to Argus Hydrogen and Future Fuels Service Learn more about Argus’ natural gas / LNG coverage Download COP26 Energy and Emissions Country Profiles  
4/18/202229 minutes
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Falando de Mercado: Prêmios de exportação da soja atingem máximas históricas

Os diferenciais portuários no paper market de Paranaguá atingiram valores recordes no mês de março e seguem pressionados no mês de abril. Junte-se a Camila Dias, diretora da Argus no Brasil, e Alessandra Mello, editora assistente da publicação Argus Brasil Grãos e Fertilizantes. Elas conversam sobre o que vem influenciando este mercado e quais as tendências para 2022. Fique por dentro de tudo o que acontece no mercado de agricultura
4/14/202214 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Crude Report — Ripple effects: The impact of Russia-Ukraine on the West African crude market

Argus Crude deputy editor Nicola de Sanctis joins James Gooder in this episode to discuss how the disruptions to and redirections of Russian supply are affecting that other great swing producing region — West Africa. We also give an update on changes to our pricing methodology for a couple of Nigerian crude assessments, and where to find them. Argus publishes more West Africa crude prices than anyone else - click through to learn more.
4/13/202214 minutes, 10 seconds
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SAF Insights: Feedstocks and Pathways

How exactly is sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) made? What feedstocks are used and through which processes?  Listen in as SAF market experts Bea O’Kelly and Giulia Squadrin go into more detail about how SAF is made, the different pathways and feedstocks that are most commonly used to produce the bio-jet and listen as they question whether there is enough feedstock production to meet the growing demand for sustainable flying.   
4/13/20228 minutes, 12 seconds
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Chemical Conversations: Tricon Energy and sustainability

Argus Vice President for Global Business Development Muhamad Fadhil talks to Tricon Energy’s President and CEO Ignacio Torras and Chief Sustainability Officer Elizabeth Carlson about sustainability in the chemicals industry.  In this exclusive interview with Argus, Ignacio and Elizabeth discuss: How sustainability and ESG impact Tricon and its global customers Tricon’s future plans for sustainability The biggest challenges implementing ESG initiatives in the chemical industry Get more information about Argus chemicals.
4/12/202216 minutes, 35 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Maior prazo de entrega de diesel e diversificação de origens

Desde o início do conflito entre Rússia e Ucrânia, importadores lidam com a limitação de diesel disponível para embarque na costa do Golfo Americano e buscam produto em fontes como Golfo Pérsico, oeste da África e Índia, que requerem prazos de entrega mais longos.  Junte-se a Camila Dias, diretora da Argus no Brasil, e Gabrielle Moreira, repórter da publicação Argus Brasil Combustíveis. Elas conversam sobre o prolongamento dos prazos de entrega e a ampliação na diversificação das origens do combustível.  Fique por dentro de tudo o que acontece no mercado de combustíveis
4/7/20226 minutes, 31 seconds
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Global LPG Conversations: Africa in Focus

In this episode of Global LPG Conversations, Argus’ VP for Crude and African Markets, James Gooder, talks to David Appleton, VP Business Development LPG, about developments in LPG in Africa, as well as the impact of the recent surge in prices on-demand on the continent.   Learn more about our LPG services, including market news, price assessments and analytical outlooks
4/6/202211 minutes, 40 seconds
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The Crude Report: Impact of Covid on China’s crude market

Covid lockdowns threaten to crush Chinese short term oil consumption, adding another layer of complexity to a market plagued by sky-high prices in the wake of sanctions.  Some 200mn Chinese oil consumers were put under mobility restrictions of varying severity this month, as China faced its most significant spike in Covid cases since early-2020.  This threatens to eliminate a large component of the "pull factor" that shifted the centre of oil demand growth to Asia from the OECD in recent years. Learn more about Argus Crude
4/5/202212 minutes, 34 seconds
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Driving Discussions: Market volatility continues for European diesel

The European diesel market continues to see challenging times as the market struggles through loss of liquidity, self-sanctioning due to the conflict in Ukraine, high freight costs, and overall market uncertainty.   Diesel is still moving through Europe at a normal rate despite the conflict in Ukraine, but prices indicate tight supply. What is causing this and what is the answer to Europe’s diesel problem?   Listen in as Alfonso Berrocal, European business development manager, Benedict George, senior European market reporter, and Alina Rapoport, senior markets reporter in Germany, as they break down the current state of the European diesel market, including Germany, and provide an update to the Driving Discussions episode on 22 February 2022, Driving Discussions: The bumpy road ahead for European diesel prices.   Check out other episodes in the Driving Discussions series. Learn more about Argus' European pricing solutions for transport fuels
4/4/202222 minutes, 48 seconds
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SAF Insights: What is sustainable aviation fuel?

What exactly is sustainable aviation fuel (SAF)? How is it derived and how is it priced?   Listen in as SAF market experts Bea O’Kelly and Louise Burke break down the fast-growing SAF market and provide an overview of how SAF is produced, the differences between SAF and renewable diesel/HVO, market fundamentals, and pricing mechanisms.  
4/1/202212 minutes, 51 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Os caminhos para a aprovação do marco de modernização do setor elétrico

Com a abertura mais profunda do mercado de eletricidade, permitindo a portabilidade de conta de energia elétrica, o setor precisa de alterações e modernizações em seus regramentos. Esse debate está em fase final no Congresso Nacional. Junte-se a Camila Dias, diretora da Argus no Brasil, e Flávia Pierry, Editora de Gás Natural e Eletricidade. Elas debatem o tema e seus desdobramentos.  Quer ficar por dentro de tudo o que acontece nos mercados de gás natural e energia?  
4/1/202211 minutes, 16 seconds
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Inside Fertilizer Analytics: Phosphates, Mar. 2022

The phosphate market has had to contend with the impact of the Russia-Ukraine conflict and ongoing Chinese export restrictions. Meanwhile, there is growing interest in lithium iron phosphate (LFP) batteries and the opportunities this presents to phosphate rock and phosphoric acid producers.  New DAP Indian capacity and new phosphate rock projects will also impact the market. Claira Lloyd, Phosphate and Phosphate Rock Research Manager and Tim Evans, Phosphate Analyst join Tim Cheyne, VP Fertilizer, to discuss and assess these developments and the market outlook.  Key topics covered by the podcast: • The Ukraine crisis and its direct impact on the phosphate rock market (following a special focus published in the latest issue of Phosphate Rock Analytics) and what the evolving situation could mean for the processed phosphate market.  • The on-going Chinese export restrictions and what the evolution of the restrictions since October mean for the current market and beyond. • Growing interest in lithium iron phosphate (LFP) batteries and potential opportunities for phosphate rock and phosphoric acid producers.  • New projects which have the potential to disrupt the phosphate rock market, with exports to commence from the US. • How new DAP capacity in India is going to impact the market in the medium term, particularly pricing. Related links Phosphate price reporting, short and mid to long-term outlook services Request a sample/more information Free sign up: Fertilizer Focus Magazine Other complimentary content Inside Fertilizer Analytics podcast series
4/1/202231 minutes, 24 seconds
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Weight of Freight: d’Amico adjusts to product tanker market in flux

This latest Weight of Freight episode provides a shipowner’s perspective on current clean tanker market fundamentals, ‘self-sanctioning’ Russian oil, and how elevated bunker prices have affected trading. d’Amico Tankers CFO Carlos Balestra di Mottola joins Argus Freight Reporter Michael Connolly to discuss the impact of the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict on the global clean tanker market and how his company has responded to the shifting market dynamics. Learn more about the Argus Freight service.
3/30/202223 minutes, 16 seconds
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Global LPG Conversations: Argus Ningbo Index (ANI): Chinese LPG Pricing enters a new phase

David Appleton, VP Business Development LPG, and Esther Phua, Senior Editor Singapore, discuss the Argus Ningbo Index, the drive behind its launch, and the key differences with the Argus Far East Index. They touch on contracts in the current market to conclude with the risk management tools and new opportunities arising from this new index.    Learn more about our LPG services, including market news, price assessments and analytical outlooks 
3/30/202211 minutes, 2 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: 3tentos amplia e diversifica operação no país

Após a abertura de capital em julho de 2021, a empresa do agronegócio 3tentos investe na expansão dos negócios e estuda diversificar sua atuação. Junte-se a Alexandre Melo, repórter da publicação Argus Brasil Combustíveis, e Luiz Osório Dumoncel, presidente da 3tentos. Eles conversam sobre o crescimento no país e planos de produzir etanol de milho no futuro.   Fique por dentro de tudo o que acontece no mercado de biocombustíveis?
3/25/202212 minutes, 39 seconds
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Weight of Freight: Russia-Ukraine conflict shakes up shipping

Government sanctions on Russia and self-sanctioning by companies have altered global oil, coal and grain trade flows. But what impact has that had on freight rates?  In this Weight of Freight podcast, Argus freight reporter Michael Connolly interviews VesselsValue analysts Vivek Srivastava and Ynes Benotmane about how the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict has impacted freight rates and trade flows for both the tanker and dry bulk markets.    Learn more about the Argus Freight Service 
3/24/202211 minutes, 48 seconds
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Global LPG Conversations: Can propane supplies meet rapid growth in PDH demand?

Join Sarah Rae, Vice President of Olefins, Polymers & Derivatives, Kristen Mueller, Principal for LPG Consulting, and Toong Shien Lee, Olefins specialist and Editorial manager based in Shanghai, to discuss the rapid expansion of PDH capacity around the globe and the implications for propane demand. They will also touch upon profitability in the propylene sector and factors driving utilisation rates. Learn more about our LPG services, including market news, price assessments and analytical outlooks
3/21/20227 minutes, 32 seconds
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Metal Movers: Decarbonising the world with SiC

This episode covers silicon carbide with a focus on decarbonisation across electrified industries.  Tune in as Caroline Messecar, Senior Reporter - Rare Earths and Electronic Metals, quizzes Exawatt CEO, Simon Price and Adam Dawson, Senior Research Analyst, on this crucial semiconductor material.  Sign up for our free Argus Metals Market Highlights
3/21/202211 minutes, 39 seconds
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Chemical Conversations: MTBE Outlook

James Elliott talks to leading MTBE expert Roel Salazar, and lead analyst Cassidy Staggers, about the Argus MTBE Outlook: Market direction and underlying trends over the next 12 months Expansion projects and regulatory policies that could affect prices and trade flows Information or visuals with deep relevance to the market How we forecast 24 months ahead Insights to help subscribers make better business decisions This podcast is delivered by Argus’ MTBE experts using data and insight from the Argus MTBE Outlook. Get more information and request a free trial
3/18/20226 minutes, 48 seconds
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Chemical Conversations: Methanol Outlook

Lauren Williamson, VP for Commercial Products, talks to leading methanol expert Dave McCaskill, and lead analyst Cassidy Staggers about the Argus Methanol Outlook: Market direction and underlying trends over the next 12 months Expansion projects and regulatory policies that could affect prices and trade flows Information or visuals with deep relevance to the market How we forecast 24 months ahead Insights to help subscribers make better business decisions This podcast is delivered by Argus’ methanol experts using data and insight from the Argus Methanol Outlook. Get more information and request a free trial
3/17/202213 minutes, 13 seconds
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Chemical Conversations: Benzene Outlook

James Elliott talks to leading benzene expert Simon Palmer, and lead analyst Jason Faulk, about the Argus Benzene Outlook: Market direction and underlying trends over the next 12 months Expansion projects and regulatory policies that could affect prices and trade flows Information or visuals with deep relevance to the market How we forecast 24 months ahead Insights to help subscribers make better business decisions This podcast is delivered by Argus’ benzene experts using data and insight from the Argus Benzene Outlook. Get more information and request a free trial
3/17/202213 minutes, 38 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Brasil lança plano para reduzir a dependência de importação de fertilizantes até 2050

O governo brasileiro lançou no início de março o plano nacional de fertilizantes, que busca reduzir a dependência da importação de fertilizantes, em meio a apreensões sobre a alta de preços no mercado global e a restrições de exportações de importantes produtores globais.  O plano trabalha com distintos cenários para a redução da dependência da importação de nitrogenados, fosfatados e cloreto de potássio até 2050.  Junte-se a Camila Dias, diretora da Argus no Brasil, e Renata Cardarelli, repórter da publicação Argus Brasil Grãos e Fertilizantes. Elas conversam sobre os principais pontos do plano brasileiro de fertilizantes.
3/17/20228 minutes, 16 seconds
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Market Talks: Brazil launches plan to reduce fertilizer imports dependency by 2050

Brazil launched the fertilizer plan in early March to reduce the share of fertilizer it sources from imports, amid concerns on global market rising prices and restrictions on major global producer exports.  The plan projects different scenarios to reduce nitrogen, phosphates and potash imports dependency by 2050.  Join Camila Dias, Argus Brazil Country Manager, and Renata Cardarelli, reporter for the Argus Brazil Grains and Fertilizer publication. They talk about the main points of Brazil’s fertilizer plan.  Stay in touch with the fertilizers market
3/17/20227 minutes, 46 seconds
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Chemical Conversations: Toluene and Xylenes Outlook

James Elliott talks to leading toluene and xylenes expert Anjani Singh, and lead analyst Jason Faulk, about the Argus Toluene and Xylenes Outlook: Market direction and underlying trends over the next 12 months Expansion projects and regulatory policies that could affect prices and trade flows Information or visuals with deep relevance to the market How we forecast 24 months ahead Insights to help subscribers make better business decisions This podcast is delivered by Argus’ toluene/xylenes experts using data and insight from the Argus Toluene/Xylenes Outlook. Get more information and request a free trial
3/15/202213 minutes, 14 seconds
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Chemical Conversations: Butadiene Outlook

Lauren Williamson talks to leading olefins expert Angie Joe about the Argus Butadiene Outlook: Market direction and underlying trends over the next 12 months Expansion projects and regulatory policies that could affect prices and trade flows Information or visuals with deep relevance to the market How we forecast 24 months ahead Insights to help subscribers make better business decisions This podcast is delivered by Argus’ butadiene expert using data and insight from the Argus Butadiene Outlook. Get more information and request a free trial
3/14/20228 minutes, 18 seconds
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Weight of Freight: Can oil markets withstand the loss of ESPO crude?

Russian crude grades, including ESPO, are being avoided in the oil market. What impact will it have on crude flows as tanker rates in Asia hit 2-year highs?  In this Weight of Freight podcast, Argus’ Freight Editor for Asia, Andrew Khaw is joined by Crude Editor Azlin Ahmad and Freight reporter Hamren Hamid, to discuss how crude and tanker markets might handle a drop in ESPO crude supplies.    Related links Argus Freight Argus Crude 
3/14/202216 minutes
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Chemical Conversations: Olefins Outlook

Lauren Williamson, VP for Commercial Products, talks to leading olefins experts Sarah Rae, Jimmy Levine, and Ron Baughman, plus analyst Chris Cothran about the Argus Olefins Outlook: • Market direction and underlying trends over the next 12 months  • Expansion projects and regulatory policies that could affect prices and trade flows • Information or visuals with deep relevance to the market • How we forecast 24 months ahead • Insights to help subscribers make better business decisions This podcast is delivered by Argus’ olefins experts using data and insight from the Argus Olefins Outlook. Get more information and request a free trial
3/11/20228 minutes, 33 seconds
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Global LPG Conversations: The impact of the Ukraine conflict on Asian LPG market developments

Join David Appleton, VP Business Development, and Reza Amanat, Editor Asia LPG, to discuss the impact of the Ukraine crisis on LPG markets, particularly on Asia. David and Reza explore changing market dynamics, price implications and the wider impact for Asian LPG markets.    Learn more about our LPG services, including market news, price assessments and analytical outlooks.
3/11/202212 minutes, 6 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Corrida presidencial gera incertezas sobre política de preços da Petrobras

A alta dos combustíveis alimenta a inflação em ano eleitoral, colocando na berlinda a política de preços da Petrobras em meio ao salto do petróleo acima de 100 dólares o barril. Saiba o que está em jogo na precificação de diesel e gasolina, segundo as principais plataformas que devem concorrer na corrida presidencial.  Junte-se a Camila Dias, diretora da Argus no Brasil, e Conrado Mazzoni, editor adjunto da publicação Argus Brasil Combustíveis, e fique por dentro da visão das pré-candidaturas ao Palácio do Planalto em relação aos preços da Petrobras.  Quer ficar por dentro de tudo o que acontece nos mercados de combustível e petróleo? Acesse.
3/10/202215 minutes, 53 seconds
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Market Talks: Logistics expansion plans at Brazilian ports

Brazilian ports promise a series of changes throughout this year to improve the country’s logistical efficiency as a whole and reduce the queues for berthing ships. As a result, January recorded positive statistics for some of Brazil's main complexes, meanwhile projects ranging from new terminals to privatisations are expected. Join Camila Dias, Argus Brazil Country Manager, and João Petrini, reporter for the Argus Brazil Grains and Fertilizer report, as they talk about cargo movement since the beginning of the year at the main ports, boosted by the earlier arrival of soybeans, and expansion plans for 2022. Podcast episode is in Portuguese Stay connected with the transportation of grains and fertilizers market
3/3/20228 minutes, 57 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Planos de expansão logística nos portos brasileiros

Os portos brasileiros prometem uma série de mudanças ao longo deste ano para melhorar a eficiência logística do país como um todo e reduzir as filas para atracação de navios. Nesse cenário, o mês de janeiro foi de estatísticas positivas para alguns dos principais complexos do Brasil, enquanto aguardam projetos que vão de novos terminais a desestatizações. Junte-se a Camila Dias, Diretora da Argus no Brasil, e João Petrini, repórter da publicação Argus Brasil Grãos e Fertilizantes. Eles conversam sobre a movimentação de cargas nos principais portos brasileiros neste início de ano, impulsionada pela chegada mais cedo da soja, e os planos de expansão para 2022. Fique por dentro de tudo o que acontece no mercado de transporte de grãos e fertilizantes
3/3/20228 minutes, 57 seconds
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Metal Movers: The outlook and geopolitics of lithium

Learn about the variables that drove up the lithium price by 400% since the beginning of 2021 with Thomas Kavanagh, Associate Editor - Battery Metals and Will Talbot, Senior Analyst – Consulting. The episode will cover lithium supply/demand for carbonate and hydroxide, logistical challenges, geopolitics, LFP vs LNMC, EVs and other factors influencing the market. Sign up for our free Argus Metals Market Highlights  
3/3/202210 minutes, 36 seconds
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Weight of Freight: What if Russian crude gets banned in Europe?

The ripple effects from the Russia-Ukraine conflict are spreading through the oil and shipping markets. Uncertainty rules the day as the industry prepares for potential scenarios. One of those is sanctions being imposed on Russian crude.  What would be the impact on crude prices and trade flows and how would the tanker market react to the shuffle in Europe’s oil diet?  In this Weight of Freight podcast, Argus’ Head of Freight Alex Younevitch is joined by EMEA Freight Editor Will Collins and Vice President for Crude James Gooder to answer these and other burning questions. Related links Argus Freight Argus Crude 
2/28/202222 minutes, 46 seconds
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Global LPG Conversations: US arbitrage and a challenging winter

Join Amy Strahan, editor of Argus NGL Americas, and Brian O’Rourke, Argus North American NGL Business Development Manager, for the latest episode in the Global LPG Conversations podcast series, discussing the Far East Index, Mont Belvieu waterborne propane market and the associated freight market. Amy and Brian discuss how this spread has performed this winter, as well as exploring what might be expected of the market during the remaining weeks of this heating season.  Learn more about our LPG services, including market news, price assessments and analytical outlooks 
2/28/20229 minutes, 18 seconds
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Market Talks: Brazil’s first steps to an open natural gas market

Since the introduction of competition into Brazil's natural gas market, it has been possible to see the impact on prices.  Join Camila Dias, Brazil Country Manager, and Flávia Pierry, Natural Gas and Power Editor, as they assess the initial results following the opening of the market.  Stay connected with the natural gas and energy markets Podcast episode is in Portuguese
2/24/20229 minutes, 16 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: O início do mercado do gás aberto no Brasil

Com o início da abertura do gás natural no Brasil este ano, já é possível ver o reflexo da competição sobre os preços. Junte-se a Camila Dias, Diretora da Argus Brasil, e Flávia Pierry, Editora de Gás Natural e Energia. Elas falam sobre os primeiros resultados após a abertura.  Quer ficar por dentro de tudo o que acontece nos mercados de gás natural e energia? Acesse
2/24/20229 minutes, 16 seconds
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Driving Discussions: The bumpy road ahead for European diesel prices

The European distillates market, in particular the diesel market, has been going through challenging times due to loss of some refining capacity.  At the same time the market has seen demand return, finding high production and hydrotreating cost, historic backwardation levels, and lower stocks, which are complicating the supply of diesel in Europe. Listen in as Alfonso Berrocal, European business development manager, Benedict George, senior European market reporter, and Alina Rapoport, senior markets reporter in Germany, as they break down the diesel picture in Europe and one of its main markets, Germany.  Related links: Check out other episodes in our Driving Discussions podcast series Learn more about Argus’ comprehensive coverage of European Products Read Argus’ white paper on the Argus cif Hamburg assessment
2/23/202227 minutes, 3 seconds
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Metal Movers: Zeroing in on Zorba

Hear about the latest variables impacting Zorba with Argus experts Blake Hurtik, Editorial Manager – Metals, and John Betz, Senior Reporter – Aluminum. Topics include the impact of the container market, China's tightening policies on non-ferrous scrap as well as supply/demand dynamics. Sign up for our free Argus Metals Market Highlights
2/22/202218 minutes, 24 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Balanço sobre o sistema de vendas diretas de biodiesel

O sistema de venda direta de biodiesel entre usinas e distribuidoras substituiu os leilões públicos e está perto de completar dois meses de operação.  Junte-se a Camila Dias, diretora da Argus no Brasil, e Alexandre Melo, repórter da publicação Argus Brasil Combustíveis, que fazem um balanço sobre este mercado e o que influencia as negociações. Quer ficar por dentro das mudanças no mercado brasileiro de biodiesel? Assista o webinar gratuito on demand: O Novo Mercado Brasileiro de Biodiesel: Desafios e Oportunidades
2/17/20228 minutes, 35 seconds
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The Crude Report: WTI makes waves

On February 11, 2022, the total US drilling rig count was reported to reach 635, the most since April 2020. This increase was led by the prolific Permian basin, where output is expected to hit a record this month.  In this episode of The Crude Report, our senior vice president Matthew Oatway and vice president James Gooder discuss the rising importance of the US Gulf coast as a focal point for light sweet crude pricing across the world, and how it is developing into the world’s marginal barrel.  Sign up to the Argus crude oil newsletter Register for the Argus Oil Markets Forum 2022
2/16/202214 minutes, 37 seconds
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Market Talks: Global fertilizer producers tighten their grip on the Brazilian market

Acron, Eurochem, Nutrien, OCP, and Uralkali move their pieces on the board of the Brazilian corporate market. The country is on its way to have more fertilizer blenders and distributors with a foreign controlling share, at a time when the government studies to expand national fertilizer production.  Join Camila Dias, Argus Brazil Bureau Chief, and Renata Cardarelli, reporter for the Argus Brazil Grains and Fertilizer publication. They talk about the processes to sell Brazilian companies’ controlling shares and the growth of foreign market share in the domestic market.   Stay in touch with the fertilizers market. Find out more.
2/10/20228 minutes, 52 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Produtores globais de fertilizantes intensificam participação no mercado brasileiro

Acron, Eurochem, Nutrien, OCP, Uralkali movimentam suas peças no tabuleiro do mercado corporativo brasileiro. O país caminha para ter mais misturadoras e distribuidoras de fertilizantes com controle estrangeiro, em um momento em que o governo estuda expandir a produção nacional de fertilizantes.   Junte-se a Camila Dias, chefe de redação da Argus no Brasil, e Renata Cardarelli, repórter da publicação Argus Brasil Grãos e Fertilizantes. Elas conversam sobre processos de vendas de controles acionários de companhias brasileiras e a participação de estrangeiros no mercado doméstico.  Fique por dentro de tudo o que acontece no mercado de fertilizantes, acesse. 
2/10/20229 minutes, 17 seconds
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Global LPG Conversations: Price drivers and 2022 global outlook

What can 2021 tell us about LPG price drivers and the outlook for 2022? In this episode Argus experts David Appleton, Business Development – LPG and Kristen Mueller, Principal Consultant - LPG, discuss the key price drivers for LPG and how these impacted the market at the end of 2021. Looking forward to 2022, they discuss these drivers and how prices are likely to evolve over the course of the year. Join us for our Argus Oil Markets Forum 2022 - Hybrid Event
2/9/202211 minutes, 29 seconds
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The Crude Report: China re-stocking their shelves

In 2021, Chinese oil imports fell for the first time in 10 years. In this week’s The Crude Report, vice president Tom Reed explains that Chinese crude oil consumption still grew significantly, and how President Xi Jinping’s long-term plans are disrupting business in the short term. Sign up to the Argus crude oil newsletter
2/9/20229 minutes, 6 seconds
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Metal Movers: Redefining non-ferrous scrap

This episode focuses on the non-ferrous recycling industry in Europe and spotlights the impact of the new European Union waste shipment regulations (WSR). Join Jethro Wookey, Senior Reporter - Aluminium, Argus and Murat Bayram, Director – Non-ferrous metals, EMR, as they explore the new EU policy, scrap market fundamentals and the effect of the semi-conductor metals shortage. Sign up for our free Argus Metals Market Highlights
2/7/202212 minutes, 38 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Perspectivas para o setor elétrico em 2022

Passamos com aperto por 2021, com pouca geração hidrelétrica e altos custos. E em 2022? Vamos passar mais longe do risco de um apagão? Junte-se a Camila Dias, chefe de redação da Argus Brasil, e Flávia Pierry, editora de gás natural e energia. Elas falam sobre as perspectivas para o setor elétrico neste ano. Fique por dentro de tudo o que acontece no mercado de gás e energia? Clique aqui.
2/3/202213 minutes, 15 seconds
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Chemical Conversations: Global polymer conversations with RAI Polymers

Join Muhamed Fadhil, VP of Global Business Development at Argus Media and senior officials from RAI: Mr Arul Dhasan, Senior Vice President – Polymer Business, RAI and Mr Tareq Al Naqeeb, Senior Vice President, Business Development, RAI as they discuss recent developments, key drivers in the polymer market and sustainability in the Middle East Market.   
2/3/202213 minutes, 30 seconds
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Metal Movers: EU scrap restrictions – The deep dive

This episode focuses on the implications of the new European Union waste ship regulations (WSR). Learn about the short and long-term impact of the new proposal with Ronan Murphy, European Editor and Chi Hin Ling, Deputy Editor of Argus Metal Prices. Sign up for our free Argus Metals Market Highlights
1/31/202218 minutes, 16 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Fretes de grãos no maior patamar para janeiro

Com a colheita mais adiantada da história do estado de Mato Grosso, a alta demanda pelo serviço de transporte também contribuiu para o aumento nos fretes de grãos acontecerem mais cedo do que o usual no ano, em meados de fevereiro. Nesse cenário, as tarifas atingiram os maiores níveis desde o início da cobertura de fretes de grãos da Argus no Brasil.  Junte-se a Camila Dias, chefe de redação da Argus no Brasil, e João Petrini, repórter da publicação Argus Brasil Grãos e Fertilizantes. Eles conversam sobre os elementos que contribuem para este cenário, os impactos nos preços de fretes rodoviários e as perspectivas para 2022.  Fique por dentro de tudo que acontece no mercado de frete de grãos e receba um relatório de cortesia
1/27/20226 minutes, 34 seconds
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LPG Conversations: US-Europe LPG arb open as stock concerns fade

Specialists from our London LPG team – Peter Wilton, LPG Editor and Emma Reiss, Global Lead for LPG Editorial – explore the key drivers in the European LPG market as 2022 gets underway. An open arb from the US has resulted in significant flows of LPG coming into the region.  
1/26/202215 minutes, 38 seconds
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The Crude Report: Some fundamentals, some geopolitics

While fears of dampening demand from the Omicron variant have seemingly calmed, rising geopolitical tensions are helping to stoke oil prices.  In this episode of The Crude Report, Editor-in-Chief Jim Washer and Mideast Gulf Editor Nader Itayim look ahead to next week’s Opec+ meeting, where ministers look likely to stay the course and sanction another 400,000 b/d output hike for March.  Sign up to the Argus crude oil newsletter
1/26/202215 minutes, 51 seconds
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Driving Discussions: RFS, implications for 2022 and beyond

What do the latest developments from the Renewable Fuels Standard (RFS) mean for obligated parties? Listen in as Jason Metko, Argus Spot Ticker reporter, and Zander Capozzola, lead deputy editor Argus US Products, provide an overview of what the developments mean for the market.
1/21/202210 minutes, 52 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Perspectivas para as exportações de soja e milho do Brasil em 2022

O tempo seco na região Sul do Brasil vem reduzindo as projeções para a safra de soja 2021-22. No mercado do milho, apesar das perdas na safra de verão, a expectativa segue otimista para o ciclo de inverno. Junte-se a Camila Dias, chefe de redação da Argus no Brasil, e Alessandra Mello, editora-assistente da publicação Argus Brasil Grãos e Fertilizantes. Elas conversam sobre as expectativas para as exportações de soja e milho em 2022.   Quer ficar por dentro de tudo que acontece no mercado de agricultura?  
1/21/202211 minutes, 25 seconds
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Metal Movers: Introducing Argus PCX and CME China Portside Iron Ore Futures

Featuring special guest speaker, Sachin Patel, Senior Director of Metals at CME Group, this podcast explores the newly launched portside iron derivative contracts.  Listen in as Argus experts Oscar Tarneberg, Business Development – Metals and Deepali Sharma, Editor – Ferrous Markets, discuss the newly launched portside iron derivative contracts on the CME. Sign up for our free Argus Metals Market Highlights
1/19/202228 minutes, 59 seconds
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The Crude Report: 2022 more of the same, but different…

Many major trends affecting crude oil markets like energy transition, the balancing act between Opec+ and SPRs and Covid-19 continue, but all have evolved in its own way.  In this episode of The Crude Report, vice president Jeff Kralowetz highlights the big topics on everyone’s mind, many of which will covered at next week’s Argus Americas Crude Summit.  Sign up to the Argus crude oil newsletter
1/19/202215 minutes, 19 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Preços de NPK devem desestimular compras brasileiras no início de 2022

Os preços de fertilizantes em níveis historicamente altos, a oferta restrita e relação de troca desfavorável para os agricultores devem levar os importadores brasileiros a comprar volumes menores no início de 2022 e com mais regularidade ao longo do ano, para atender ao mercado doméstico, ao mesmo tempo em que gerenciam os riscos financeiros. Junte-se a Camila Dias, chefe de redação da Argus no Brasil, e Renata Cardarelli, repórter da publicação Argus Brasil Grãos e Fertilizantes. Elas conversam sobre os destaques do mercado brasileiro de fertilizantes em 2021 e as perspectivas para 2022. Quer ficar por dentro de tudo que acontece no mercado de fertilizantes?
1/11/202210 minutes, 57 seconds
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Market Talks: NPK prices might discourage Brazilian purchases in early 2022

Prices at historically high levels, tight supply and an unfavourable barter rate for farmers will likely lead Brazilian importers to purchase lower fertilizer volumes in early 2022 and more regularly throughout the year to meet the domestic demand while managing financial risks. Join Camila Dias, Argus Brazil Bureau Chief, and Renata Cardarelli, reporter for the Argus Brazil Grains and Fertilizer publication. They talk about 2021 Brazilian fertilizer market highlights and the outlook for 2022. Stay connected with the fertilizer market
1/11/20229 minutes, 44 seconds
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From the Economist’s Chair: USD strength may temper 2022’s more bullish outlooks

Early-year bullish oil and commodity sentiment has been boosted by limited new restrictions due to Omicron and by supply-side tightness. Ongoing demand recovery seems assured for 2022, although a strong USD could place a cap over demand in key developing economies.  By Argus Chief Economist, David Fyfe To receive this type of analysis more frequently, check out our Argus Crude and Refined Products Outlook.
1/11/20225 minutes, 55 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: O começo do mercado aberto de biodiesel

A reta final antes da abertura do novo mercado de biodiesel, que acontece hoje, foi repleta de surpresas e resoluções de última hora. Junte-se a Camila Dias, chefe de redação da Argus no Brasil, e Amance Boutin, editor da publicação Argus Brasil Combustíveis. Elas conversam sobre esta transição e os principais desafios pela frente com o começo do novo modelo. Quer ficar por dentro de tudo que acontece no mercado de biocombustíveis? 
1/3/20227 minutes, 39 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Tendências para os fretes de grãos do Brasil em 2022

Após diversos problemas enfrentados na safra 2020-21, os fretes de grãos tiveram uma trajetória irregular ao longo deste ano. Agora, com a expectativa de uma próxima safra recorde, sobretudo de soja, qual deve ser a tendência da demanda pelo serviço de transporte de grãos em 2022? E quais os principais projetos de infraestrutura que devem sair do papel para ferrovias, rodovias e portos? Junte-se a Camila Dias, chefe de redação da Argus no Brasil, e João Petrini, repórter da publicação Argus Brasil Grãos e Fertilizantes. Eles conversam sobre as previsões para o setor de logística em 2022. Quer ficar por dentro de tudo que acontece no mercado de agricultura? 
12/29/20218 minutes, 27 seconds
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The Crude Report: Opec+ likely to stay the course

After having weathered the storm of uncertainty last month, expectations are that Opec and its non-Opec partners will once again opt to stick to the script and agree on a 400,000 b/d increase in its production ceiling, as planned.  In this episode of The Crude Report, our Mideast Gulf Editor Nader Itayim discusses what Opec+ ministers will need to consider when they next meet on 4 January.    
12/29/202110 minutes, 40 seconds
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Weight of Freight: Powering through the pandemic with the Panama Canal’s deputy administrator

This latest Weight of Freight podcast episode focuses on the effects of the pandemic on the Panama Canal, logistical changes made at the canal over the prior year and the increased transit volumes it saw during its 2021 fiscal year. Panama Canal Deputy Administrator Ilya Espino de Marotta joins Argus Freight Reporter Michael Connolly to discuss the canal’s record year, how they’re dealing with the ongoing pandemic, and recent changes to the canal’s operations. Argus Freight Market Highlight: This free monthly email includes handpicked industry news, analytical insight, special featured content and key pricing indications, helping to keep you ahead of the global freight market. Sign up now.
12/28/202113 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Crude Report: Rocky markets follow Trans Mountain shutdown

The 300,000 b/d Trans Mountain pipeline connecting Canada’s crude hub to refineries and export hubs at the west coast was closed for three weeks starting in November as a precaution to extreme weather conditions. As a result, ANS crude demand and, therefore, prices surged.  In this episode of The Crude Report, market reporters Brett Holmes and Benjamin Peyton explain how the Trans Mountain closure has affected both the Canadian supply and the North American west coast demand pictures. 
12/22/20217 minutes, 54 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Cade autorizou a Petrobras a comprar gás do Terminal da Bahia. E agora?

O turbulento momento do mercado de gás natural em todo o mundo, com preços altos e grande demanda, levou o Cade a autorizar a Petrobras que compre gás do Terminal da Bahia.  A decisão trouxe a pergunta: isso atrasa a competição no mercado do gás natural no Brasil em 2022?  Junte-se a Camila Dias, chefe de redação da Argus no Brasil, e Flávia Pierry, editora de Gás Natural e Energia, que falam sobre esse e outros efeitos que a decisão pode trazer.  Quer ficar por dentro de tudo que acontece no mercado de gás natural e energia?
12/22/202112 minutes, 38 seconds
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Metal Movers: What now for European and US HRC?

US and EU Hot-rolled coil (HRC) is the hot topic in this episode of Metal Movers featuring Colin Richardson, Editor - Steel, and Rye Druzin, Senior Steel Reporter. US HRC Midwest and southern assessments saw the largest drop since Argus began recording pricing and the lowest price since the beginning of June. Listen now to learn what is drying up domestic spot demand in the US, how the removal of section 232 tariffs may impact the US and EU markets and whether the automotive industry could overcome the semi-conductor shortage to rekindle the European steel industry.
12/17/202117 minutes, 10 seconds
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Weight of Freight: Clean tankers - ending the year with Omicron

This latest Weight of Freight podcast focuses on the current and possible forward state of the clean tanker markets in the East and West of Suez. Fundamentally, demand is strong, but Covid-19 refuses to let the world move on. The latest Omicron variant has caused concerns and resulted in a more cautious market. In this episode, our freight and transportation specialists explore the impacts of Omicron on the clean tanker market.  With Andrew Khaw, John Ollett and Sean Zhuang. Argus Freight Market Highlight
12/17/202119 minutes, 23 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Quais as tendências para a produção de café do Brasil?

Os preços do café atingiram níveis recordes em 2021 sob a influência da quebra de safra o Brasil, que foi bastante afetada pelo clima. Será que existe alguma chance de recuperar a produção na safra 2022-23?  E a alta no preço dos fertilizantes também pode afetar a cafeicultura?  A resposta para estas e outras perguntas você confere em mais um episódio do podcast Falando de Mercado. A editora de agricultura e fertilizantes da Argus no Brasil, Flavia Bohone, e a editora assistente de agricultura e fertilizantes, Alessandra Mello, conversam sobre as previsões mais recentes para o setor do café. Quer ficar por dentro de tudo que acontece no mercado de agricultura? 
12/16/20217 minutes
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Net Zero Transition: Tradeable hydrogen markets

How will a global tradeable market for hydrogen develop? What measures do stakeholders need to take? Is natural gas the closest analogue?  Doug Wood, European Federation of Energy Traders (EFET) Board Member and Chair of its Gas Committee, and Matthew Drinkwater, Senior Editor Argus Natural Gas/LNG, join Tim Hard, SVP Energy Transition at Argus,  to discuss what a tradeable market for hydrogen will look like.   Get complimentary access to Argus Hydrogen and Future Fuels Service Download COP26 Energy and Emissions Country Profiles Learn more about Argus’ natural gas / LNG coverage
12/16/202129 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Crude Report: BP’s take on Brent

In with WTI Midland, and out with Brent and Forties – this is BP’s prescription for the future of the Dated Brent benchmark. But is the market ready for Brent-free Brent? Opinions remain sharply divided.  In this episode of The Crude Report, Vice President James Gooder and Argus Crude Editor Michael Carolan discuss the complications of adding WTI into the Brent forwards market and go over some of the ways this could all play out, from the Brent market fragmenting to global benchmarking switching to the US Gulf coast. 
12/15/202114 minutes, 5 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Relações de troca e sua influência na demanda brasileira por fertilizantes

As relações de troca no Brasil estão ficando pouco favoráveis para os agricultores e eles terão que ajustar sua produção aos preços elevados. Junte-se a Camila Dias, chefe de redação da Argus no Brasil, e Kauanna Navarro, Repórter da Publicação Argus Brasil Grãos e Fertilizantes, que conversam sobre esse tópico e seus impactos na demanda brasileira por fertilizantes. Quer ficar por dentro de tudo que acontece no mercado de grãos e fertilizantes? 
12/10/20218 minutes, 9 seconds
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Market Talks: Barter rate in Brazil and how it may impact the fertilizer demand

The barter rates in Brazil are becoming unfavorable to the farmers and they will need to adjust to the new high prices. Join Camila Dias, Argus Brazil Bureau Chief, and Kauanna Navarro, Argus Brazil Grains and Fertilizers Reporter, as they talk about what about the topic and how it will impact the fertilizer demand in Brazil. Stay connected with the grains and fertilizers market
12/10/20218 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Crude Report: Opec+ keeps markets guessing

Between SPR releases and Omicron, uncertainty was the underlying theme of last week’s monthly Opec+ meeting. And although they sanctioned another 400,000-b/d increase to their production quota in January, Opec+ ministers signaled they’d be watching developments closely and be ready to change course if needed. In this episode of The Crude Report, Editor-in-Chief Jim Washer and Mideast Gulf Editor Nader Itayim discuss the outcome of the meeting, the thinking behind the decisions taken, and the latest in the race to be Opec’s next Secretary General. The Argus Crude service is your must-have source for daily news, prices and analysis for more than 80 different internationally-traded crude streams.
12/8/202114 minutes, 11 seconds
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Chemical Conversations: turbulent times for PVC markets

In this episode, we discuss the drivers behind PVC markets and the exciting launch of the new Argus Global PVC Service. A weekly pricing service containing the latest resin price assessments, along with demand information and detailed commentary on key PVC grades and market fundamentals. Muhamad Fadhil, Vice President of Global Business Development at Argus, talks to Argus Petrochemicals specialists, Alex Sands, European Editor of Petrochemicals and Michael Vitiello, European Petrochemicals Senior Reporter. Together they explore recent supply disruptions, the impact of gas price volatility on PVC markets and the outlook for PVC, its key derivatives and feedstocks as we go in to 2022.  Argus Global Polyvinyl Chloride service - This new weekly pricing service contains the latest resin price assessments, along with demand information and detailed commentary on key PVC grades and market fundamentals.
12/2/202112 minutes, 24 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: A reinjeção de gás natural no Brasil e o que a ANP está preparando sobre o tema

O Brasil aproveita pouco mais da metade do gás natural que produz. Isso devido à reinjeção desse gás. O assunto divide produtores e consumidores e agora se tornou um tema de atenção da ANP, agência reguladora do setor. Junte-se a Camila Dias, chefe de redação da Argus no Brasil, e Flávia Pierry, Editora de Gás Natural e Energia, que conversam sobre o que a ANP planeja fazer para tentar equalizar o assunto, aumentando a oferta de gás aos consumidores sem comprometer os compromissos das petroleiras. Quer ficar por dentro de tudo que acontece no mercado de gás natural e eletricidade?
12/1/202111 minutes, 39 seconds
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The Crude Report: Pipeline capacity goes from famine to feast

What began as a frenzy to build crude oil pipelines connecting US oil fields like the Permian basin to ports for export has resulted in more pipeline capacity than the crude to fill it.  In this episode of The Crude Report, our vice president Jeff Kralowetz and Petroleum Transportation North America editor Chris Baltimore go over the latest developments with the US Wink-to-Webster, Capline and DAPL pipelines, and the Trans Mountain expansion and Enbridge Line 3 replacement projects in Canada. 
12/1/202120 minutes, 11 seconds
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Metal Movers: The rise of lithium and cobalt

This latest episode in the Metal Movers series visits the world of battery metals, examining the global supply/demand landscape for lithium and cobalt. Tune in as Anuradha Ramanathan, Deputy Editor – Minor Metals, and Thomas Kavanagh, Associate Editor - Battery Metals, dive into a discussion on two crucial battery metals –  lithium and cobalt. The podcast explores near and medium-term demand, the impact of supply tightness, upcoming projects that could shift the current import/export dynamic, as well as industry specifics like Johnson Matthey’s exit from the EV battery space. Sign up for our free Argus Metals Market Highlights
11/26/202116 minutes, 31 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: A reorganização do mercado de diesel nacionalizado

Desde outubro, vemos um maior interesse comprador de diesel importado nos portos do Sul e do Sudeste, mesmo com os valores bem acima do produto comercializado nas refinarias da Petrobras. Junte-se a Camila Dias, chefe de redação da Argus no Brasil, e Gabrielle Moreira, repórter da publicação Argus Brasil Combustíveis. Elas conversam sobre os fatores que tem estimulado essa demanda e seus desdobramentos. Quer ficar por dentro de tudo que acontece no mercado de combustíveis? 
11/25/20215 minutes, 49 seconds
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The Crude Report: Asia’s call for delivered barrels

As crudes from every region compete for market share in Asia-Pacific, refiners are gaining influence over the pricing mechanisms they prefer. Price discovery increasingly takes place at the delivery point, and while Shandong pioneered this trend, larger refiners elsewhere in China, India, South Korea and Southeast Asia aim to align the pricing of Atlantic basin imports with Middle Eastern supplies.  In this episode of The Crude Report, Argus vice presidents Alejandro Barbajosa and Tom Reed discuss how these market players are focusing on the total value of cargoes, including freight costs.  Related links: Argus China Petroleum Argus Crude service
11/24/202111 minutes, 13 seconds
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Metal Movers: China flattens its full-year steel output

China’s October steel output fell to its lowest level ever since December 2017. This episode of Metal Movers focuses on China’s next steps to reach its output and emissions targets. Join Chris Newman, Senior Editor – Ferrous Markets, and Sharon Liao, Lead Analyst – Asia Steel, as they discuss the latest numbers for China’s steel production, including seasonal restrictions, export numbers, domestic demand and the impact of Beijing’s 2022 Winter Olympics. Sign up for our free Argus Metals Market Highlights
11/19/202112 minutes, 2 seconds
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From the Economist‘s Chair: Drag still battling thrust in the US shale space

Some observers have been surprised by the stubbornly slow response of US shale production to WTI’s ascent towards $80/bbl. Sector consolidation, 2021 hedging losses and an ongoing imperative to show financial discipline have been widely noted before. But now supply-chain bottlenecks and cost inflation are also afflicting the shale sector, just as they are the broader economy. With David Fyfe, Chief Economist for Argus Media. Visit for more on commodity market pricing, market intelligence and analysis. 
11/18/20217 minutes, 5 seconds
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The Crude Report: US export conditions volatile

After falling to below 2.7mn b/d in September, US crude oil exports are poised to rebound to the typical volume of more than 3mn b/d temporarily before potentially falling back to depressed levels by the end of the year. In this episode of The Crude Report, associate editor Amanda Hilow and vice president Jeff Kralowetz review what changes the market has had since September and discuss the volatility of various market fundamentals that will affect crude flows through the remainder of 2021. Argus Americas Crude
11/17/202111 minutes, 48 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: PLD, um problema que o setor elétrico precisa enfrentar

Vimos o Brasil novamente submetido ao risco de racionamento. E, como resultado, os altos custos da geração termelétrica emergencial. Possivelmente, parte dos problemas do setor elétrico brasileiro poderiam ser resolvidos se o país parasse para debater e atualizar o PLD, ou o Preço de Liquidação das Diferenças, o preço da eletricidade no mercado de curto prazo.  Junte-se a Camila Dias, chefe de Redação da Argus no Brasil, e Flávia Pierry, Editora de Gás Natural e Energia. Elas conversam sobre as pecualiaridades do PLD.  Quer ficar por dentro de tudo que acontece no mercado de gás natural e energia? 
11/16/202111 minutes, 28 seconds
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Driving Discussions: The final stretch for 2021; winter pressure and holiday stress

As we near the end of 2021 and look back at the year we’ve seen a relatively strong Covid-19 recovery, supply chain shortages and impending winter energy constraints.  Join Jason Metko and Stephen Jones for a look at the current oil market landscape and what’s to come in the remainder of 2021, the first part of 2022 and a quick recap on the COP26 Climate Summit.  Learn more about Argus’ global oil products coverage Listen to other episodes in the Driving Discussions series See more Argus coverage from COP26
11/16/202115 minutes, 34 seconds
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Metal Movers: Powering the automotive revolution with the Advanced Propulsion Centre

Our latest episode of Metal Movers invites a special guest to talk about the role of technology in driving the automotive industry to a greener future.  Join Caroline Messecar, Senior Reporter, Rare Earths/Electronic Metals as she quizzes Dave OudeNijeweme, Head of technology trends at Advanced Propulsion Centre, a non-profit organisation that facilitates funding to UK-based research and development projects developing low-carbon emission powertrain technologies. Our speakers explore the viability of EVs in the context of the power electronics supply chain and how it might impact traditional business models. Sign up for our free Argus Metals Market Highlights: These free bi-weekly newsletters include handpicked industry news, analytical insight, special featured content and key pricing indications to help you stay ahead of the metal markets. Sign up now.
11/15/202119 minutes, 29 seconds
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Market Talks: Brazilian fertilizer dependency to continue

Brazil has launched discussions to boost the output of fertilizer and inputs for the domestic agriculture sector, but progress remains slow with dependency on imports strong. Difficulties in negotiating for the natural gas needed for nitrogen production is one of the reasons for the low Brazilian fertilizer production. Join Camila Dias, Argus Brazil Bureau Chief, and Kauanna Navarro, reporter of the Argus Brazil Grains and Fertilizer publication. They discuss why the Brazilian fertilizer dependency may continue.    Stay connected with the Fertilizer Market
11/11/20216 minutes, 58 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Dependência brasileira de fertilizantes importados deve continuar

O Brasil recentemente lançou discussões de alternativas para aumentar a produção nacional de fertilizantes e insumos para o setor agrícola doméstico, mas o progresso continua lento, com forte dependência de importações. A dificuldade de negociação do gás natural necessário para a produção de nitrogenados é um dos motivos da baixa produção brasileira de fertilizantes. Junte-se a Camila Dias, chefe de redação da Argus no Brasil, e Kauanna Navarro, repórter da publicação Argus Brasil Grãos e Fertilizantes. Elas conversam sobre a dependência brasileira dos fertilizantes importados   Quer ficar por dentro de tudo que acontece no mercado de fertilizantes?
11/11/20216 minutes, 19 seconds
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The Crude Report: Net Zero ambitions

The ongoing UN Cop 26 climate summit in Glasgow and the actions that President Joe Biden's administration is taking to implement his ambitious energy transition agenda are of direct relevance for the US oil and gas industry — a net zero emissions pledge by the US and other countries would result in a significantly lower share for fossil fuels in the energy mix. But oil, gasoline and natural gas prices are at seven-year highs, giving Biden’s critics an opening to push back against his decarbonisation agenda. In this episode of The Crude Report, Argus Air Daily editor Michael Ball, senior reporter Chris Knight and associate editor Haik Gugarats discuss potential outcomes of the climate summit on the US oil and gas industry and policies that Biden has presented to fulfil his net zero emissions goal for the US.   Related links Argus Air Daily Argus Americas Crude Petroleum Argus Argus COP26 hub
11/10/202115 minutes, 54 seconds
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Inside Fertilizer Analytics: Processed Phosphates, November 2021

The processed phosphates market has continued its year of surprises and price rallying since our last processed phosphates podcast episode and it’s the imposition of restrictions on Chinese phosphate exports which have spurred on the most recent wave of concerns and price support.  Claira Lloyd – Phosphate and Phosphate Rock Research Manager joins Tim Cheyne, VP Fertilizers to take a deep dive on the Chinese export cuts and what it means for consuming markets both east and west of Suez, and even how it will cause some difficulties for those markets which are not reliant on Chinese supply. India, Australia, Brazil, Pakistan and the US will be their areas of focus as they explore what the removal of China means for our market.  They will then discuss new supply projects which have been added to the Argus Processed Phosphates Analytics base-case and what environmental restrictions and concerns could mean for their future. Finally, they review pricing expectations for the rest of this year and in to the medium-term, particularly as market dynamics have changed swiftly with the confirmation of Chinese export limitations.
11/9/202126 minutes, 58 seconds
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From the Economist’s Chair: How much liquidity is enough?

Both Opec+ and the main central banks are tasked with ensuring adequate liquidity in world markets. But as the last week has shown, deciding when and how far to move is difficult, not least as their respective decisions now increasingly affect each other’s room for manoeuvre. “From the Economist’s Chair” podcast and blog post from David Fyfe, Argus Media Chief Economist: How much liquidity is enough? Global oil market highlights
11/8/20216 minutes, 3 seconds
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Metal Movers: The China coal customs shuffle

Over a year has passed since China imposed an informal ban on Australian coals. What is China's stance today and what has been the impact on the wider market? Join Siew Hua Seah, Europe Editor, Argus Ferrous Markets, and Brendan Kjellberg-Motton, Reporter - Coking Coal, as they explore the impact on US, Canada and Russia coking coal. Our speakers will also dive into the prices and share thoughts on industry sentiment towards China's restrictions. Sign up for our free Argus Metal Market Highlights: These free bi-weekly newsletters include handpicked industry news, analytical insight, special featured content and key pricing indications to help you stay ahead of the metal markets.
11/5/20219 minutes
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Driving Discussions: What impacts will the $1 trillion infrastructure bill have on oil markets?

Learn more about the more than $1 trillion infrastructure bill and the effects on the landscape in particular when it comes to electric vehicles and the energy transition. Join Jason Metko, Argus Spot Ticker report, and Stephen Jones, SVP Oil Market Strategies, as they breakdown the infrastructure bill and look at Covid-19 recovery and the impacts to the US vehicle fleet. 
11/5/202114 minutes, 4 seconds
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Market Talks: Why GM wheat in Argentina could hit the global market?

The planting of transgenic wheat in Argentina, the main supplier of the grain to Brazil, is causing a lot of controversy. Will Brazil approve the entry of GM wheat in the country? And if not, what would the effect be on other wheat producing and consuming countries?  Join Camila Dias, Argus Brazil Bureau Chief, and Alessandra Mello, Deputy Editor of the Argus Brazil Grains and Fertilizer publication. They discuss what is at stake in this debate about GM wheat.  Stay connected with the agriculture market
11/4/202113 minutes, 4 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Por que o trigo transgênico na Argentina pode afetar o mercado global?

O plantio de trigo transgênico na Argentina, principal fornecedor do cereal para o Brasil, está causando muita polêmica. Será que o Brasil vai aprovar a entrada de trigo geneticamente modificado no país? E caso não aprove, qual seria o efeito para outros países produtores e consumidores de trigo?  Junte-se a Camila Dias, chefe de redação da Argus no Brasil, e Alessandra Mello, editora assistente da publicação Argus Brasil Grãos e Fertilizantes. Elas conversam sobre o que está em jogo neste debate sobre o trigo transgênico.  Quer ficar por dentro de tudo que acontece no mercado de agricultura?
11/4/202111 minutes, 57 seconds
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The Crude Report: Opec+ keeping its eye on the prize

Despite growing calls to boost supply more aggressively to help curb rising oil prices, expectations are that Opec+ will once again decide to stay the course and sanction a 400,000 b/d increase its collective output, as planned.  In this episode of The Crude Report, Editor-in-Chief Jim Washer and Dubai Editorial Manager Nader Itayim look at the reasons why the Opec+ coalition is likely to resist change and what challenges it is likely to face in the months ahead. 
11/2/202112 minutes, 57 seconds
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Inside Fertilizer Analytics: Sulphur, Nov. 2021

In an environment where energy prices are surging and fertilizer prices are hitting record levels, sulphur is in a intriguing position, intersecting these two markets. What are the prospects for the sulphur market? Join Meena Chauhan, Head of Sulphur and Sulphuric Acid Research, and Tim Cheyne, VP, Fertilizers, as they start with a look at prices, reviewing price trends in the sulphur market through 2021 as well as the short-term pricing outlook. We then focus on supply, addressing the key changes forecast for supply in 2022. We assess what impact shifting energy patterns in the medium term may have as we see examples of refineries switching to renewable fuels. We discuss how any shortfall in Europe or other markets will be met in the future. We then switch to the topic of demand, exploring the key demand drivers in the short term before taking an intriguing look at the electric vehicle market and demand for battery materials – asking the question of whether this will influence the sulphur industry or the outlook. We end with analysis of the impact of planned phosphates export restrictions on the sulphur market. Related links Sulphur price reporting, short and mid to long-term outlook services Request a sample/more information Free sign up to Fertilizer Focus Magazine Other complimentary content Inside Fertilizer Analytics podcast series
11/2/202120 minutes, 5 seconds
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Hydrogen and Future Fuels Insights: Electrolysers

Hydrogen is a central pillar of the IEA’s pathway toward net-zero. ITM Power’s CEO Dr. Graham Cooley joins Tim Hard SVP Energy Transition at Argus, to share his expert views on how electrolysis and carbon-free green hydrogen can play a key role in the energy transition journey. What policies at COP26 would be meaningfully supportive? How have costs evolved and how might they? To find out more listen to our podcast ‘Hydrogen & Future Fuels: Electrolysers'.
11/2/202130 minutes, 41 seconds
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Metal Movers – A story of US steel supply

Join Colin Richardson, Editor - Steel, and Rye Druzin, Senior Steel Reporter, as they explore the drivers behind the US HRC price plummet last year and how the market is now recovering as the supply chain returns to a new normal. Our Argus speakers also comment on current lead times for steel and the impact of semi-conductor and component shortages on demand. Sign up for our free Argus Metals Market Highlights
10/29/202115 minutes, 29 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Quem pode gerar demanda por gás natural e como isso influencia na expansão da infraestrutura?

O marcado de gás natural no Brasil, em processo de abertura, se debruça em mais um dilema: quem vai arcar com a expansão das redes de transporte e distribuição de gás. A resposta está nos consumidores âncora, que demandam grandes volumes. Mas quem são eles? Junte-se a Camila Dias, chefe de redação da Argus no Brasil, e Flávia Pierry, editora de Gás Natural e Energia. Elas conversam sobre quem são os consumidores âncora, quais são as limitações e até polêmicas sobre o desenvolvimento desses novos demandantes de gás no Brasil. Quer ficar por dentro de tudo que acontece no mercado da energia e gás natural?
10/28/202112 minutes, 36 seconds
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The Crude Report: China‘s 5th round of import quotas

On Friday, 22 October 2021, China’s ministry of commerce released an unprecedented 5th batch of crude import quotas. This has allowed the country’s independent refiners to resume purchases of December-arriving crude and triggered a flurry of spot-market deals.  In this episode of The Crude Report, our vice presidents James Gooder and Tom Reed review the latest round of allocations and the effect these quotas have on global trade. 
10/27/202113 minutes, 9 seconds
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Hydrogen and Future Fuels Insights: Hydrogen and potential role in steel production decarbonisation

This is the first episode of our hydrogen and future fuels podcast series. It sheds light on the possible role of hydrogen as a major fuel source to help decarbonise the energy intensive steel production process.
10/22/202131 minutes, 13 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: O último leilão público de biodiesel e a corrida para o mercado aberto

Junte-se a Camila Dias, chefe de redação da Argus no Brasil, e Alexandre Melo, repórter da publicação Argus Brasil Combustíveis, em uma conversa sobre o último leilão público de biodiesel e como as distribuidoras estão mudando suas estratégias de compra do biocombustível, de olho na abertura do mercado, prevista para janeiro de 2022.   Quer ficar por dentro de tudo que acontece no mercado de biocombustíveis?
10/21/20219 minutes, 42 seconds
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Driving Discussions: US road fuels market update

Why is the cost of consumer gasoline rising when its normally dropping this time of year? Join Jason Metko, Spot Ticker reporter, and Stephen Jones, SVP Oil Market Strategies, as they break down the factors that are impacting the market.
10/20/202112 minutes, 35 seconds
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The Crude Report: The effects of surging gas and coal prices

The current strains across power, coal and natural gas markets will likely increase fuel switching around the world, ending with a domino effect on crude oil demand. In this episode of The Crude Report, Alejandro Barbajosa, VP Business Development and David Fyfe, Chief Economist, discuss how fuel substitution will likely pan out as the northern hemisphere heads into the winter.
10/20/202115 minutes, 36 seconds
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Metal Movers: Battle for the US scrap throne

The US scrap metal recycling industry is undergoing a wave of consolidation, with mergers and acquisitions driven by scrap-hungry and cash-flush steel mills ramping up over the last few months — with so much competition that it is beginning to feel a bit like a certain dragon-filled HBO drama. In the debut episode of the Metal Movers podcast, Argus Editor Blake Hurtik and Vice President of Business Development Jennifer Betts discuss the flurry of activity, what it means and what’s to come. Sign up for our free Argus Metal Market Highlights: These free bi-weekly newsletters include handpicked industry news, analytical insight, special featured content and key pricing indications to help you stay ahead of the metal markets.
10/14/202125 minutes, 15 seconds
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Market Talks: The advance of the grain sector‘s share of the Brazilian stock market

The agribusiness is an important part of the Brazilian economy when we talk about wealth generation. Is this also reflected in the stock market? Join Camila Dias, Argus Brazil Bureau Chief, and Alessandra Mello, deputy editor of the Argus Brazil Grains and Fertilizers. They talk about the advance of the grain sector's share of the Brazilian stock market, a phenomenon that intensified in 2021. Stay connected with the grains and fertilizers market.
10/14/202115 minutes, 59 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: O avanço do setor de grãos na Bolsa de Valores Brasileira

O agronegócio tem uma participação importante na economia brasileira, quando se fala de geração de receita, mas, será que isso se reflete no mercado de ações?  Junte-se a Camila Dias, chefe de redação da Argus no Brasil, e Alessandra Mello, editora assistente da publicação Argus Brasil Grãos e Fertilizantes. Elas conversam sobre o avanço da participação do setor de grãos na bolsa de valores, um fenômeno que se intensificou em 2021. Quer ficar por dentro de tudo que acontece no mercado de grãos e fertilizantes? 
10/14/202113 minutes, 3 seconds
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The Crude Report: ESPO Blend exports on the rise

The production volume of light sweet ESPO Blend is expected to grow this year, partly due to Russia unwinding its Opec+ output cut agreement. In this episode of The Crude Report, Argus Asian crude oil editor Nur Azlin Ahmad and crude oil editor Diana Mukhametzyanova discuss the near-term export outlook of ESPO Blend and how the fluctuating Chinese demand is affecting its pricing.
10/13/20218 minutes, 3 seconds
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Jet Fuel Insights: The future of SAF in Europe with SkyNRG

Join Alfonso Berrocal, Business Development Manager - Oil Products, Argus as he quizzes Oskar Meijerink, Team Lead - Future Fuels, SkyNRG on SAF production capacity in Europe for 2025-2030. Will physical SAF production meet the demand forecast from the EU and UK mandates? Tune in to find out the Argus and SkyNRG view.
10/13/202116 minutes, 12 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Por que o preço do gás natural e do GNL estão batendo recordes?

Preços do gás natural e do gás natural liquefeito (GNL) atingiram níveis recorde, antes mesmo do período do ano em que sazonalmente isso costuma acontecer. O que explica isso e o que esperar do futuro? Junte-se a Camila Dias, chefe de redação da Argus no Brasil, e Flávia Pierry, editora de Gás Natural e Energia. Elas conversam sobre as causas dessa alta nos preços mundialmente e ainda aspectos do mercado brasileiro de gás e GNL nesse cenário.  Quer ficar por dentro de tudo que acontece no mercado de gas e energia? Cadastre-se e receba notícias em primeira mão.
10/7/202114 minutes, 8 seconds
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The Crude Report: Life on Mars

Infrastructure supporting the flow of medium-sour crude oil Mars continues to recover from Hurricane Ida damage. Yet despite some setbacks to fully bring back platforms like Shell’s WD-143, the Argus Mars assessment has maintained strong liquidity. In this episode of The Crude Report, Argus Deputy Editor Amanda Smith and Vice President of Business Development Jeff Kralowetz go over the latest update on the Mars infrastructure and how this price has maintained its resiliency.
10/6/202112 minutes, 3 seconds
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From the Economist‘s Chair: Hard Yards Ahead

Winter fuel prices risk spiralling to levels that stoke inflation and ultimately cool the nascent economic recovery. Coal, gas and power prices across Europe and Asia have surged for the second time in a year and are now two to five times higher than they were pre-pandemic. Gas prices have seen the steepest rise, suggesting widespread switching to coal or oil this winter where fuel flexibility exists. Join David Fyfe, Argus Media Chief Economist, for this episode of “From the Economist’s Chair”.
9/30/20215 minutes, 50 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Filas nos portos elevam fretes de fertilizantes

As longas filas de navios nos principais portos do país contribuem para fretes de fertilizantes mais altos nessa época do ano.  Junte-se a Camila Dias, chefe de redação da Argus no Brasil, e João Petrini, repórter da publicação Argus Brasil Grãos e Fertilizantes. Eles falam sobre o gargalo logístico que tem levado os preços de transporte de fertilizantes a subir até 40% em algumas das principais rotas do pais.   Conheça mais sobre os serviços da Argus para o Mercado de Grãos e Fertilizantes
9/30/20216 minutes, 28 seconds
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The Crude Report: Opec‘s to-do list

Against a backdrop of growing global concern over energy supplies, Opec+ ministers meet next week to discuss and agree output policy for November, and are expected to rubber-stamp the next 400,000 b/d monthly increase under their existing deal.  In this episode of The Crude Report, our Dubai Editorial Manager Nader Itayim and Editor-in-Chief Jim Washer discuss if Opec+ policy is on the right track, whether it can deliver more oil if needed, and what challenges may await the producer alliance in 2022. 
9/29/202114 minutes, 57 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Os preços de gás natural no Brasil em um mercado aberto

Com a abertura do mercado do gás natural no Brasil, devem surgir novos contratos de fornecimento de gás, saindo de um modelo de precificação com fórmulas baseadas em petróleo para contratos com preços em gás. Junte-se a Camila Dias, chefe de redação da Argus no Brasil, e Flávia Pierry, editora de Gás Natural e Energia. Elas conversam sobre as mudanças esperadas na formação de preços e o papel da Argus nesse novo mercado. Conheça mais sobre os serviços da Argus para o mercado de gas natural
9/23/202110 minutes, 13 seconds
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The Crude Report: Medanito de Argentina navega en ultramar

En el pasado fue un secreto guardado a nivel local, pero recientemente el crudo Medanito argentino encontró su camino hacia el mercado global. Con una calidad similar al WTI, ha comenzado a encontrar un hogar en Chile, Holanda, Dinamarca y, con más notoriedad, en la costa oeste de Estados Unidos. En este episodio de The Crude Report, la reportera principal Mónica Rojas Hidalgo y el editor de Argus Americas Crude, Gus Vásquez, analizan cómo han crecido las transacciones spot del crudo Medanito, lo suficiente como para justificar su propia evaluación de mercado.
9/23/20215 minutes, 54 seconds
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The Crude Report: Argentina’s Medanito sails overseas

Previously a locally-kept secret, Argentina’s Medanito crude oil has found its way into the global market. With its WTI-like quality, it has started finding homes in Chile, The Netherlands, Denmark and, most notably, the US west coast. In this episode of The Crude Report, senior reporter Monica Rojas Hidalgo and Argus Americas Crude Editor Gus Vasquez discuss how spot trade of Medanito crude has grown – enough to warrant its own market assessment. For more on the Medanito market and in-depth, daily coverage of the Latin America crude oil markets, consider subscribing to Argus Americas Crude. You can find more information on this service at
9/22/20216 minutes, 33 seconds
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Chemical Conversations: Argus-Freightos podcast on container supply chain and new polymer freight

Argus VP of Global Business Development Muhamad Fadhil speaks with Argus President of Global Expansion Markets Christopher Flook and Freightos CEO Zvi Schreiber in this exclusive Chemical Conversations podcast. Fadhil, Chris and Zvi discuss in depth the container shipping crisis and the outlook for global supply chains.
9/21/202112 minutes, 53 seconds
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Jet Fuel Insights: Aviation carbon offset and reduction schemes

Tune in to learn about SAF carbon offsets and emissions reductions in this latest episode in the Jet Fuel Insights series. Alfonso Berrocal, Business Development Manager - Oil Products, teams up with Eleanor Green, Senior Editor - Electricity and Emissions to illuminate the voluntary and regulated emissions markets, the impact of government initiatives, current pricing and challenges faced by industry stakeholders. 
9/16/202119 minutes, 18 seconds
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Market Talks: Frosts and drought boost coffee prices

Following frosts in late-July, market is now concerned on droughts impacts in Brazil’s main coffee producing areas, that can impact flowering from September onward. Unfavorable weather conditions contribute to the rise in the grain bags. Join Camila Dias, Argus Brazil Bureau Chief, and Renata Cardarelli, reporter for the Argus Brazil Grains and Fertilizer publication. They talk about a recent rally in Brazilian coffee prices and its impact on barter rates. Find out more about our services for the agriculture market
9/15/20217 minutes, 45 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Geadas e seca impulsionam preços de café

Depois das geadas no fim de julho, preocupação é com a seca que atinge as regiões produtoras de café e pode atrapalhar a floração das lavouras em setembro. Condições climáticas desfavoráveis contribuem para a alta das sacas do grão. Junte-se a Camila Dias, chefe de redação da Argus no Brasil, e Renata Cardarelli, repórter da publicação Argus Brasil Grãos e Fertilizantes. Elas conversam sobre recente alta nos preços de café no Brasil e seus impactos nas relações de troca. Conheça mais sobre os serviços da Argus para o mercado de agricultura
9/15/20218 minutes, 49 seconds
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The Crude Report: ANS flows across the other, bigger pond

Alaskan North Slope (ANS) crude cargoes continue to be exported to the Asia-Pacific. So far in 2021, at least eight cargoes have been loaded, including one that discharged in Japan, which was the country’s first import of ANS in nearly five years. In this episode of The Crude Report, market reporter Benjamin Peyton explains how US West coast demand is affecting ANS flows to the Asia-Pacific and what is happening at home in Alaska that could ultimately affect production.
9/15/20217 minutes, 4 seconds
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Market Talks: The biodiesel market opening in Brazil

After the announcement that there will be no more public biodiesel auctions as of January 2022, it is necessary to understand the impact of this on the market. Join Camila Dias, Argus Brazil Bureau Chief, and Alexandre Melo, reporter for Argus Brasil Combustíveis, as they talk about the change in the biodiesel market system with the opening of the market as of January 2022 and its impact. Find out more about our services for the Biofuels Market
9/9/20217 minutes, 55 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: A abertura do mercado de biodiesel no Brasil

Diante do anuncio de que não haverá mais leilões públicos de biodiesel a partir de janeiro 2022 é necessário entender impacto disso para o mercado. Junte-se a Camila Dias, chefe de redação da Argus no Brasil, e Alexandre Melo, repórter da publicação Argus Brasil Combustíveis. Eles conversam sobre a mudança no sistema de comercialização de biodiesel com a abertura do mercado a partir de janeiro de 2022 e seus impactos.   Conheça mais sobre os serviços da Argus para o Mercado de Biocombustíveis
9/9/20217 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Crude Report: Hurricane Ida‘s impact at the US Gulf coast

Hurricane Ida landed along the Louisiana coast on 29 August 2021 as a category 4 storm, affecting not only the region’s refineries but also offshore production operations of a lot of the country’s medium sour crude oils. In this episode of The Crude Report, Argus Americas Crude Associate Editor Amanda Hilow and Deputy Editor Amanda Smith discuss the hurricane’s effect on the region’s oil refining, production and prices, as of the recording date of 5 September 2021.
9/8/202116 minutes, 3 seconds
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Chemical Conversations - Special Edition on Hurricane Ida and global impact

The effects of the cold snap in February are still being felt today in polymer markets outside of the Americas. Hurricane Ida impacted the production of key plastics producers in the US Gulf. How will this affect markets globally? Tune in to find out as Argus Vice President, Global Business Development Muhamad Fadhil sits down with US polymer editor Michelle Klump, southeast Asia reporter Yee Ying Ang and south Asia and Middle East reporter Matt Rajendra to discuss the implications in this special podcast edition of Global Polymer Conversations.
9/7/202112 minutes
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The Petcoke Podcast - Outlook to 2026

In this episode, petroleum coke editor Lauren Masterson and petroleum coke and coal analyst Hayden Atkins analyse the overall outlook for the fuel and anode-grade coke markets over the next five years. To better understand the fast changing market, listen to the Petcoke Podcast today.
9/6/202127 minutes, 32 seconds
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Market Talks: The Brazilian power crisis

Brazil faces a power crisis, making government and sectorial entities search for actions to avoid blackouts and power shortages, with high costs for both the consumers and the country’s economy. Join Camila Dias, Argus Brasil Bureau Chief, and Flávia Pierry, Natural Gas and Power Editor. They discuss the causes of this crisis and its consequences, and what to expect for 2022. (Podcast is in Portuguese) Related Links Find out more about our services for the Energy Markets
9/3/202113 minutes, 41 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: A atual crise elétrica brasileira

O Brasil passa por uma crise elétrica, com os órgãos de governo e entidades do setor buscando formas de evitar um apagão, com custos altos para o consumidor e para o país. Junte-se a Camila Dias, chefe de redação da Argus no Brasil, e Flávia Pierry, editora de Gás Natural e Energia. Elas conversam sobre as causas dessa crise e suas consequencias, como reflexos nos custos da energia, e o que esperar para 2022. Links Relacionados Conheça mais sobre os serviços da Argus para o Mercado de Energia
9/3/202113 minutes, 41 seconds
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The Crude Report: WAF-to-Asia flows at lows

Exports of west African crude to Asia-Pacific refiners plummeted to 1.7mn b/d, amid the spread of the Covid-19 Delta variant, low import quotas in China and refinery shutdowns in India.   In this episode of The Crude Report, Argus West Africa Oil editor Nicola de Sanctis gives more details on other options opening up for WAF producers.  Sign up for our free newsletter to stay updated on Argus' latest crude oil content.
9/1/202113 minutes, 40 seconds
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Weight of Freight: Challenges for clean tankers with Norden‘s head of chartering

Listen in as John Ollett, Deputy Editor - Freight, Argus and Søren Tolbøll Nielsen, Head of Chartering, DS Norden, discuss challenges within the clean tanker market.
9/1/202122 minutes, 33 seconds
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Perspectivas del Combustible de Aviación (Turbosina): Cambios hacia la sostenibilidad en Latinoamérica

La producción y el consumo del combustible de aviación sostenible/ bioturbosina, también conocido como SAF (por sus siglas en inglés) aún se encuentra en su infancia. Sin embargo, la importancia de este combustible sigue creciendo alrededor del mundo e incluso en nuestra reunión. ¿Cuán preparados están los países latinoamericanos para enfrentar los nuevos cambios en el mercado de la aviación? Escuche este corto resumen del creciente mercado de combustible de aviación sostenible dado por nuestro gerente de desarrollo de negocios para América Latina, Josh Vence y a Jaime Escobar, Director de Combustible y Cargos Aeroportuarios en ALTA. 
8/31/20216 minutes, 40 seconds
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Jet Fuel Insights: The move to SAF in Latin America

The production and use of SAF is still in its infancy, but the importance of SAF is growing around the world, including Latin America. Are countries in Latin America prepared? Listen in as Josh Vence, business development manager for Latin America at Argus, and Jaime Escobar, head of fuel and user charges at ALTA, give an overview of the growing SAF market in Latin America and what’s next for the region.  To learn more about our global SAF price assessments and coverage check out Argus Jet Fuel and Argus Americas Biofuels.  Listen to other episodes in our Jet Fuel Insights podcast series. Sign-up to receive a free bi-weekly biofuels newsletter for the latest industry news, insights and analysis, delivered directly to your inbox. 
8/31/20215 minutes, 59 seconds
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The Crude Report: The Opec+ balancing act continues

Next week’s Opec+ meeting will focus on the next production quota increase, a critical decision that will affect global crude oil prices.    In this episode of The Crude Report, Editor-in-Chief Jim Washer and senior news reporter Rowena Edwards discuss what factors will play into Opec+’s decision and other events in the Middle East sure to affect crude oil markets.  
8/25/202112 minutes, 20 seconds
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Market Talks: Brazil’s third corn crop

While other countries, such as the US, have only one corn crop per year, Brazil has three. Join Camila Dias, Argus Brazil Bureau Chief, and Alessandra Mello, Deputy Editor for the Argus Brazil Grains and Fertilizer publication. They talk about the potential of the producing region and the expectation for the third corn crop on the coming seasons.  Find out more about our services for the agriculture market.
8/24/202111 minutes, 49 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: A terceira safra de milho do Brasil

Enquanto outros países, como os Estados Unidos, possuem apenas uma safra de milho por ano, o Brasil possui três. Junte-se a Camila Dias, chefe de redação da Argus no Brasil, e Alessandra Mello, editora assistente da publicação Argus Brasil Grãos e Fertilizantes. Elas falam sobre o potencial da região em que a terceira safra é produzida e a expectativa de produção nos próximos anos. Conheça mais sobre os serviços da Argus para o Mercado de Agricultura    
8/24/20219 minutes, 59 seconds
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The Crude Report: Biden juggles Opec and IPCC

President Joe Biden's push for Opec+ members to move faster to unwind crude production cuts has been a gift to his critics in the oil sector, while causing heartburn for allies who say a new climate report shows the need to shift off fossil fuels. But the gambit could pay off if it lowers inflation concerns from moderate Democrats he needs to pass roughly $4.2 trillion in proposed new spending.    In this episode of The Crude Report, senior reporter Chris Knight and associate editor Haik Gugarats discuss the latest US initiatives around energy policy.  
8/18/202115 minutes, 47 seconds
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Jet Fuel Insights: European SAF and regulation changes

Join Alfonso Berrocal, European Business Development manager for oil products and Giulia Squadrin, Associate Editor and Argus specialist in biofuels, to better understand the impact of the European mandate in the SAF market. 
8/18/202113 minutes, 48 seconds
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Market Talks: Brazil’s Binatural expands biodiesel capacity

Brazil’s biodiesel producer Binatural will start in September a new mill in the northern state of Bahia, following a R80mn investment. Join Alexandre Melo, reporter at Argus Brazil Motor Fuels publication, and Andre Lavor, Binatural’s CEO. They also talk about the biodiesel market opening expected for 2022 with the end of regular auctions. (Podcast in Portuguese) Related Links Find out more about our services for the Biofuels Market
8/12/202110 minutes, 56 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Binatural expande produção de biodiesel

A fabricante brasileira de biodiesel Binatural vai inaugurar em setembro uma usina na Bahia após investimento de R$80 milhões. Junte-se a Alexandre Melo, repórter da publicação Argus Brasil Combustíveis, e André Lavor, presidente da Binatural. Eles também conversam sobre a abertura do mercado de biodiesel com o fim dos leilões, previsto para 2022. Links Relacionados Conheça mais sobre os serviços da Argus para o mercado de Biocombustíveis
8/12/202110 minutes, 56 seconds
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The Crude Report: Competition for Chinese demand heats up

The competition to supply crude oil to Chinese markets continues, with Canada being the latest player to up their game.   In this episode of The Crude Report, our vice presidents Jeff Kralowetz and Tom Reed talk through China’s current market condition, their government's latest initiatives around import quotas and the impact on Canada’s future aspirations to directly supply this market. 
8/11/202120 minutes, 50 seconds
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Market Talks: The gas market opening in Brazil in 2022

The Brazilian natural gas market will have a new dynamic from January 2022 with its opening defined at the new gas law and Petrobras reducing its market share. Join Camila Dias, Argus Brazil Bureau Chief, and Flávia Pierry, Brazil Natural Gas and Power Editor, as they talk about the expected changes at each part of the gas chain and the obstacles the industry might face. Learn more about our natural gas services.
8/5/20219 minutes, 45 seconds
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The Crude Report - The Brent basket’s burden: part 3

In this third instalment of a special series on North Sea benchmark pricing, we discuss the idea of adding US crude oil WTI to the Brent basket.  Join Amanda Hilow and James Gooder as they discuss the details of this option, which has been building steam in recent years. Can it work, and what are the impediments?   Related Links The Crude Report: The Brent basket’s burden The Crude Report: The Brent basket’s burden: Part 2 Take the poll: The Brent basket’s burden Infographic: The Brent basket’s burden: More sour than sweet Infographic: Brent’s burden: From a land far, far away
8/4/202116 minutes, 56 seconds
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Inside Fertilizer Analytics: Blue ammonia, Aug. 2021

Low-carbon or blue ammonia has seen growing numbers of projects announced, and is perceived as at least a stepping stone towards a carbon-free ammonia market in the future. It is a complex topic however, leading to industry uncertainty, and has raised key questions that Argus has been addressing for our clients. In our latest podcast we tackle these questions and uncertainties, assessing the opportunities and hurdles facing this sector. Join Andrea Valentini, Principal and Tim Cheyne, VP – Fertilizers as they start with analysis of why production of low-carbon ammonia will need a level of certification, verification and a methodology that will give clarity to the whole value and supply chain. In terms of technology we look at the benefits of adopting autothermal reforming (ATR) technology for ammonia production rather than steam methane reforming (SMR), and assess what role existing conventional ammonia plants will play. We discuss carbon capture, and to what extent future blue ammonia production will be based on enhanced oil recovery (EOR) – and related levels of carbon credits.  We then move to the customer view, and our analysis of how certification systems could develop. We discuss whether this could delay investment in blue ammonia projects, where we expect to see the fastest blue ammonia investments – and why. We then pivot to the question of pricing and whether it will be structured relative to grey and green ammonia. We finish by exploring a long-term scenario where green ammonia could trade at a premium compared to blue ammonia (even considering relative carbon intensities), due to customer priorities and requirements.
8/2/202131 minutes, 52 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: A abertura do mercado de gás no Brasil em 2022

O mercado brasileiro de gás natural passará a ter uma nova dinâmica a partir de janeiro de 2022 com a abertura definida na nova lei do gás e a redução da participação da Petrobras no setor. Junte-se a Camila Dias, chefe de redação da Argus no Brasil, e Flávia Pierry, editora de Gás Natural e Energia. Elas conversam sobre o que muda em cada elo da cadeia do gás no país e quais os obstáculos que o setor deve enfrentar. Saiba mais sobre nossos serviços para gás natural     
7/28/202115 minutes, 34 seconds
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The Crude Report: Opec’s row resolved

Editor-in-Chief Jim Washer talks to Dubai Editorial Manager Nader Itayim about the Opec+ alliance’s new output agreement, the Saudi-UAE row that nearly derailed it, and the challenges the group could face, not just through to the end of this current deal, but even beyond.  The easiest way to get Argus global crude podcasts, webinars and blogs:
7/28/202117 minutes, 24 seconds
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Market Talks: Fertilizer truck freight rises amid delay in corn harvest

The delay in the second corn crop harvest has been rising truck freight rates in Brazil. Please join Camila Dias, Argus Brazil Bureau Chief, and Joao Petrini, a reporter with Argus Brazil Grain and Fertilizer report. They talk about the reasons behind that truck freight increase and the perspectives for the prices.   (Podcast is in Portuguese) Related Links Argus Fertilizer Brazil Map
7/22/20218 minutes, 2 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Fretes de fertilizantes sobem com atraso na colheita de milho

O atraso na colheita de milho segunda safra tem elevado os fretes rodoviários de fertilizantes no país. Junte-se a Camila Dias, chefe de redação da Argus no Brasil, e João Petrini, repórter da publicação Argus Brasil Grãos e Fertilizantes. Eles falam sobre os motivos por trás dessa alta nos fretes e as perspectivas para os preços.  Links Relacionados Argus Fertilizer Mapa do brasil
7/22/20218 minutes, 2 seconds
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The Crude Report: Argus introduces Canadian High-TAN assessments

In this episode, Argus experts Jeff Kralowetz, VP, Business Development and Alex Endress, Senior Crude Reporter, highlight the introduction of a new Canadian High-TAN price assessment at Houston and Cushing, and update the audience on the continued growth, liquidity and transparency of Argus WCS Houston and ICE ARV. 
7/21/202113 minutes, 51 seconds
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Environmental Market Insights: Legislative impacts on RECs at the federal and state level

This fourth and final episode will discuss updates in environmental market programs at the federal and state level.  Over the coming weeks we will be discussing growth in the US environmental markets including the new NOx allowance program, expansion of cap-and-trade programs, expansion of LCFS programs, and an update on renewable energy certificates.  In this fourth episode, Michael Ball and Patrick Zemanek, break down the impacts of various environmental market programs at the federal and state level due to Biden’s infrastructure plan and other legislation across the country.
7/20/202116 minutes, 56 seconds
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Inside Fertilizer Analytics: Urea, Jul. 2021

The urea market has seen a surge in demand without a corresponding increase in supply. Will the bull run on prices continue?   Join Alistair Wallace - Principal, Consulting and Tim Cheyne - VP, Fertilizers as they start with a look at what’s been driving unseasonably strong urea prices, covering a confluence of factors such as high crop prices, lack of new supply, plant maintenance, energy prices and the influence of China. We then focus on the outlook for Indian demand over the remainder of 2021 before pivoting to a review of global supply and projects for the rest of the year and 2022. We then move to the outlook for prices and finish with a review of the hot topic in the market - where urea fits in the move to a zero carbon economy.
7/16/202128 minutes, 28 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Safra recorde de milho eleva demanda por nitrogenados

A expectativa de produção recorde de milho na safra 2021-22 tem elevado a demanda por nitrogenados no Brasil. Junte-se a Camila Dias, chefe de redação da Argus no Brasil, e Renata Cardarelli, repórter da publicação Argus Brasil Grãos e Fertilizantes. Elas falam sobre os fatores por trás do aumento dos preços de nitrogenados e o cenário global para a oferta do nutriente.
7/15/20218 minutes, 13 seconds
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Market Talks: Brazil record corn crop boosts demand for nitrogen

An expected record corn crop in Brazil on season 2021-22 has been boosting the demand for nitrogen. Join Camila Dias, Argus Brazil bureau chief, and Renata Cardarelli, a reporter for Argus Brazil Grains and Fertilizer publication. They talk about the reasons behind the raise in nitrogen prices and the global supply scenario for the nutrient.
7/15/20217 minutes, 19 seconds
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The Crude Report: DJ Light hosts Cushing crude party

As increasing and more diverse light sweet Denver-Julesburg (DJ) crude volumes are delivered into Cushing, Oklahoma, from the Rocky Mountains, a need for better pricing has become all the more important.  And now more buyers than ever are depending on spot supplies due to variable lease supplies and fewer evergreen and term contracts.  In order to meet the needs of this changing market, Argus launched the DJ Light Cushing price on 28 June – which includes trades on four DJ Basin streams at Cushing – to better represent this market.
7/14/20219 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Crude Report: Iran crude to India post sanctions

Indirect talks between Iran and the US have not yet resolved disagreements over a roadmap toward lifting US sanctions and enforcing Tehran's nuclear compliance. But refiners are watching the developments closely, and the eventual lifting of US sanctions is expected to trigger a revival in Iranian crude sales to Asia.
7/8/202111 minutes, 5 seconds
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Driving Discussions: What’s causing volatility in the RINs market? Prt.1

Over the last month there has been a lot of volatility in the RINs and RVO markets caused by key government decisions.    Listen in as Louise Burke, VP renewables for Argus Media, and Thom Dwyer, US biofuels reporter for Argus Media, give an overview on the RINs and RVO markets, discuss refinery biofuels waivers, and the impacts on the long-awaited decisions on US biofuel blending requirements.
7/7/20218 minutes, 18 seconds
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Environmental Market Insights: What’s next for LCFS programs?

This third episode in a new mini-series will discuss growth in low carbon fuel standards programs  across the US and Canada. Over the coming weeks we will be discussing growth in the US environmental markets including the new NOx allowance program, expansion of cap-and-trade programs, expansion of LCFS programs, and an update on renewable energy certificates. In this third episode, Jessica Dell and Elliott Blackburn break down the expansion of low carbon fuel standards (LCFS) programs across North America as more states and regions look to cut the carbon intensity of the transportation pool. 
7/6/20219 minutes, 29 seconds
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From the Economist’s Chair: A Fork in the Road

Hello, I’m David Fyfe and welcome to another Argus podcast and blog in the “From the Economist’s Chair” series. Opec+ Ministers failed to agree a route forward for crude production on 5 July, leaving a market that arguably needs more barrels short-term, but then seeks tighter restraint once again from 2022. Stay ahead of the rapidly changing energy and commodity markets with the latest Argus news and insight. Argus Market Highlights FREE industry-specific email updates help you to understand the key drivers behind market trends and price movements.
7/6/20214 minutes, 49 seconds
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Driving Discussions: New pricing solutions for the transition to E10 in Europe

Listen in as Elliot Radley, Editor European Products, and George King Cassell, Associate Editor of European Products, give an overview of Europe’s transition to E10 fuel, the non-oxy gasoline cargo market and new pricing solutions available to accurately assess this transition.
7/2/202111 minutes, 26 seconds
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Inside Fertilizer Analytics: Phosphate Rock, Jul. 2021

The phosphate rock market has seen structural changes in Egypt, changes in Indian market dynamics and intriguing developments around projects in Israel, Australasia and China. How have these and other factors influenced our view of the phosphate rock market? Join Claira Lloyd - Phosphate and Phosphate Rock Research Manager, Harry Minihan - Editor, Argus Phosphates, Claudia Wlk – Deputy Editor, Argus Phosphates and Tim Cheyne - VP, Fertilizers as they start with a look at structural changes in the Egyptian market and the timely addition of two new Argus phosphate rock export price assessments from Egypt and a new import price into South East Asia. We then assess developments in the Indian phosphate rock market, looking at pricing, demand side concerns, production levels and Indian buyers moving to source phosphate rock from Algeria, Syria, Senegal and Jordan. We review demand levels in South East Asia, liquidity issues, price increases and the factors influencing these market dynamics. We then pivot to the medium term view, analysing the intriguing situation in Israel where an ICL mine closure and significant ramp of production in two other mines could lead to Israel to becoming a net importer of phosphate rock by 2026. We then move to a short review of projects in USA, New Zealand and French Polynesia. We review the Yangtze river protection law impact on the phosphate rock market supply outlook. We finish with how we see phosphate rock prices developing in the mid to long term.
7/1/202124 minutes, 9 seconds
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Weight of Freight: Is high price of crude good for tanker market?

We welcome a special guest from Vortexa in this next instalment of the Weight of Freight podcast series. Recent history says that high price of oil usually spells trouble for tanker freight. Will this be different in 2021 where shipowners place hopes on rising post-pandemic demand and anticipated boost in oil production.   In this episode of Weight of Freight, Arthur Richier, Senior Freight Analyst at Vortexa joins Argus’ Head of Freight Alex Younevitch to explore if tanker freight could benefit from recovering crude prices and extra OPEC barrels, connection between marine fuels and fleet utilization and other topics. 
7/1/202120 minutes, 44 seconds
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The Crude Report: The Brent basket’s burden: Part 2

The staple crude oil price benchmark Dated Brent needs reinforcements, but how should the North Sea maintain its status in the global oil markets? In a recent informal poll run by Argus, voters were asked how the Brent basket should be bolstered – by adding US crude or new Norwegian grade Johan Sverdrup. In this episode of The Crude Report we take a look at how voters responded.
6/30/202112 minutes, 59 seconds
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Chemical Conversations: US butadiene prices expected to remain strong

How did the US butadiene market become the global price leader and how long will this trend continue? In a twist, US butadiene (BD) prices are the highest globally because of ongoing supply constraints, planned and unplanned cracker maintenance globally and strong demand. Typically the world market looks to Asia for price direction. But North America has yet to fully recover from a mid-February winter storm that unexpectedly shut US Gulf coast BD production for several weeks. As such, the US has purchased spot volumes primarily from Europe but also Asia-Pacific. This, in turn, has supported higher prices in other regions.  In this episode of Chemical Conversations, Ron Baughman and Angie Joe walk listeners through the developments leading up to current conditions and take a peak to see what lies ahead. Related Links Argus Butadiene Argus Butadiene Outlook Argus Butadiene Analytics Argus petrochemicals services
6/29/202111 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Crude Report: IFAD Murban – a maturing crude oil benchmark?

In this episode of The Crude Report, Alejandro Barbajosa, VP Business Development and Karl Kleemeier, Head Oil in Asia, take a closer look at how the contract is faring. We aim to provide answers as to how fast Murban may evolve from a fledgling price reference to a maturing crude benchmark in the Middle East, looking at liquidity, market depth and levels of participation relative to expectations.
6/23/202110 minutes, 29 seconds
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Environmental Market Insights: New cap-and-trade programs

This second episode in a new mini-series will discuss the expanding cap-and-trade programs across the US. Over the coming weeks we will be discussing growth in the US environmental markets including the new NOx allowance program, expansion of cap-and-trade programs, expansion of LCFS programs, and an update on renewable energy certificates. In this second episode, Michael Ball and Julia Martinez break down the new cap-and-trade programs coming online in Washington State, Oregon and the east coast. They will also provide a view into changes to come for the cap-and-trade program in California.
6/22/202110 minutes, 32 seconds
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The Crude Report: Midland narrows in on Houston

More than one year after the Nymex Cushing benchmark sank below zero for the first time ever, crude oil demand remains weak as a poor arbitrage from the Permian basin limits sell-side opportunities. Permian spot trade liquidity at the US Gulf coast has shifted toward refinery supply rather than exports, ultimately deteriorating the pipeline arbitrage and weighing on spot trade liquidity as speculative buying dies out. In this episode of The Crude Report, Argus Americas Crude Associate Editor Amanda Hilow and Deputy Editor Amanda Smith, discuss the Midland-to-Houston spread, key elements weighing on market opportunities and expectations going forward. Related links Argus WTI Houston price assessment Argus Petroleum Transportation North America
6/16/202110 minutes, 13 seconds
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Falando de mercado: Déficit de armazenagem de grãos

O Brasil enfrenta historicamente um déficit de armazenagem de grãos, o que eleva bastante os custos ao longo da cadeia produtiva. Junte-se a Camila Dias, chefe de redação da Argus no Brasil, e João Petrini, repórter da publicação Argus Brasil Grãos e Fertilizantes. Eles conversam sobre as perspectivas para esse segmento e as alternativas para reduzir o gargalo no armazenamento da produção de grãos no país.  Links Relacionados Podcast Falando de Mercado Argus Brasil Grãos e Fertilizantes Frete rodoviário para transporte de grãos
6/10/20217 minutes, 21 seconds
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Inside Fertilizer Analytics: Potash, Jun. 2021

Join David Riley - Lead Potash Analyst, Ewan Thomson - Editor, Potash and Tim Cheyne - VP, Fertilizers as they begin with a discussion of possible European and US sanctions on Belarus and the potential impact on the Belarussian potash industry - particularly export routes, production output and investment levels.
6/9/202122 minutes, 26 seconds
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Environmental Market Insights: NOx allowance program

This first episode in a new mini-series will take a deep dive into the NOx market and changes coming this summer.  Over the coming weeks we will be discussing growth in the US environmental markets including the new NOx allowance program, expansion of cap-and-trade programs, expansion of LCFS programs, and an update on renewable energy certificates. In this first episode, Jessica Dell and Michael Ball break down the new NOx allowance program including market trends, pricing and more.  Related Links Learn more about the Argus seasonal NOx allowance price assessments The Argus Energy Transition hub Argus Air Daily Other Argus podcast episodes
6/8/202110 minutes, 32 seconds
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The Crude Report: The move to renewables – a concern for Russian Urals?

Several key European customers of Russian medium sour Urals have been making steady progress towards co-processing renewables along with crude supplies at their refineries.   In this episode of The Crude Report, Argus Crude editor Michael Carolan and Crude Report Felix Todd, discuss just how much of a concern this trend is for sellers of Urals in northwest Europe, at a time when pressure from competing North Sea and long-haul US grades is starting to tell.
6/8/20215 minutes, 54 seconds
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Global LPG Conversations: Pricing LPG in Africa’s emerging markets

In this episode of Global LPG Conversations, James Gooder, VP for Africa, talks to David Appleton about his views on how LPG markets have evolved over the recent years and the challenges looking forward. LPG demand in Africa has continued to grow each year as the fuel plays an increasingly important role in the cooking sector, not only in the more mature North African region but also across East, West and Southern Africa. Growth has been particularly strong in Nigeria, which is now consuming around 1 million tonnes per year, with government and industry plans to increase this figure substantially in the coming years. In East and southern Africa, new or potential upcoming storage and terminal projects are likely to push consumption up across the region well into the next decade. Learn more about Argus’ suite of LPG services by visiting our webpage.
6/8/202115 minutes, 46 seconds
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The Crude Report: The Brent basket’s burden

The physical basis of Dated Brent is not what it used to be, and BFOET production volumes have continued to fall.  In this episode of The Crude Report, vice president James Gooder and Argus Crude editor Michael Carolan revisit the Dated Brent discussion, and assess if the price can be resurrected with options like Johan Sverdrup or WTI. 
6/2/202113 minutes, 29 seconds
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Inside Fertilizer Analytics: Green ammonia, June 2021

Join Andrea Valentini, Principal – Projects and Tim Cheyne, VP – Fertilizers as they discuss the key questions facing the exciting green ammonia sector. We start with a high level view on green ammonia pricing, the commercial application of green ammonia and how it could be priced.
6/2/202128 minutes, 10 seconds
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Global LPG Conversations: Factors affecting supply and demand over the medium term

In this latest episode, Kristen Mueller, principal consultant for Argus LPG, talks with David Appleton about the outlook for LPG in 2021, the medium-term developments on the supply side of the balance and the key factors that could reshape the market over the long-term. The LPG demand in 2021 has evolved a bit differently than expected. The demand trends significantly differ based on a geographical split and the Covid-19 impact on those regions. Chinese petrochemicals demand remains bullish similar to 2020 with new plants coming online while India remains an area of concern given the recent surge in cases across the country. In the mid-term, Europe has seen a number of closures to facilities while Asia and the Middle East saw a number of large refineries come online. The supply from US remains bullish. The bigger question over the long-term will relate to the developments in African market and the support from local governments. Learn more about Argus' suite of analytics products by visiting our webpage.
6/1/202112 minutes, 32 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Principais indicadores de preços de gás no mundo

A Petrobras passará a permitir que contratos de gás firmados com a petroleira sejam precificados com o indicador norte-americano Henry Hub. Junte-se a Camila Dias, chefe de redação da Argus no Brasil, e Flavia Pierry, editora de Gás Natural e Energia no Brasil. Elas falam sobre os principais indicadores de preço de gás no Brasil e no mundo e discutem as mudanças esperadas para esse mercado no Brasil com a sanção da nova Lei do Gás em abril.  Links Relacionados Podcast Falando de Mercado Argus Latin America Energy
5/28/202113 minutes, 4 seconds
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Weight of Freight: Mideast refinery expansions to add 100,000 b/d of distillate exports

Refining growth in Asia, India’s Covid-19 uptick, and shifting Asian fuel trades are key topics in this episode featuring Argus freight reporter Vivien Gu and special guest Stefanos Kazantzis, the commercial director at McQuilling Services.
5/27/202121 minutes, 28 seconds
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Inside Fertilizer Analytics: Processed phosphates, May 2021

At the start of the year DAP prices were on firm footing and increasing, MAP showed more stability – particularly in Latin America, while US duties on Russian and Moroccan phosphates were proposed. How have things developed since then? Join Claira Lloyd - Phosphate and Phosphate Rock Research Manager and Tim Cheyne - VP, Fertilizers as they begin with a discussion on the return of firmness in the MAP market, and the reasons for this change. We then move on to the impact of US duties on Russian and Moroccan phosphates and the resulting change in trade flows. We review legislation in China (the Yangtze river protection law) and assess its potential impact on key Chinese phosphate producers within the Yangtze river economic region. We review how seasonality of purchasing in India has evolved, India’s DAP subsidy and our view of its influence. We cover India and Pakistan’s potential DAP capacity additions and their expected impact on East of Suez market dynamics in the medium term. We finish with how we see processed phosphates prices developing in the medium term. Related Links Argus Processed Phosphates Analytics Argus Phosphate Rock Analytics Request a sample/more information
5/26/202121 minutes, 10 seconds
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El Reporte de Crudo: China sorprende con un golpe tributario a Venezuela

Un nuevo impuesto chino sobre derivados esotéricos presenta un desafío al crudo pesado, sobre todo el Merey de Venezuela.  En este episodio del Reporte de Crudo, editora senior Patricia Garip conversa con Julio Faldin de business development sobre el nuevo tributo que amenaza con abandonar unos 400,000 b/d de importaciones de crudo venezolano — que han sido una salvación para Caracas desde que los EEUU le impuso sanciones petroleras en enero del 2019. Obtener más información Argus China Petroleum Argus Latin Markets
5/26/202111 minutes, 11 seconds
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The Crude Report: China taxes out Venezuelan barrels

A new Chinese tax on esoteric oil products poses a challenge for heavy sour crude, particularly from Venezuela. In this episode of The Crude Report, vice president Tom Reed and senior contributing editor Patricia Garip discuss how Beijing’s new import tax threatens to orphan 400,000 b/d of Venezuelan crude that has been a lifeline for Caracas since the US imposed sanctions in 2019. Related links Argus China Petroleum Argus Latin Markets
5/26/20218 minutes, 49 seconds
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Weight of Freight: The “King’s” carriage: Can tanker owners break the cycle of low rates?

We welcome a special guest from Teekay Tankers in this next instalment of the Weight of Freight podcast series.   The dirty tanker market has been severely depressed for over a year now. Shipowners are struggling with low earnings, uncertainty in demand and looming decarbonization goals. Can they break the status quo in the market where “cargo is king”?   In this episode of Weight of Freight, Mikkel Seidelin, Director, Chartering & Freight Trading at Teekay Tankers joins Argus’ Head of Freight Alex Younevitch to discuss how tanker owners can make money in a weak market, the challenges of fleet supply and decarbonization and other topics.   
5/25/202133 minutes, 11 seconds
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Chemical Conversations: Petrochemical supply chains in the Middle East Gulf

Muhamad Fadhil, VP – Petrochemicals, Argus, is joined by Dr. Abdulwahab Al Sadoun, Secretary General of the GPCA, to discuss the regional and global supply chains and lifecycles in a Covid-19 environment. Dr. Sadoun also shares his thoughts on how companies are taking steps to address high container rates and promptly moving towards sustainable supply chains and digitization. Argus will be joining GPCA as a networking partner at the 12th GPCA Supply Chain Conference, 26-27 May 2021 to discuss the above topics in detail. The Middle East petrochemical industry saw a significant wave of changes and supply chain disruptions since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020. Rising container freight rates from Middle East to US, Europe and Asia impacted regional producers and their petrochemical export strategy. Higher freight rates erode margins in highly oversupplied petrochemical markets, where Middle East producers face increased competition. Looking into the longer term, international shipping companies are actively promoting digitization in logistics, shipping and supply chain management. Covid-19 accelerated this move due to an increasing need for contactless supply chains, but digitization would also lower costs and reduce the need for paperwork for regional and global players. Related Links Learn more about Argus petrochemical services Argus recently launched two new weekly polymer services. Learn more about Argus Global Polyethylene and Argus Global Polypropylene
5/24/202118 minutes, 9 seconds
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The Crude Report: China’s sweet and sour story

China is back in the market for sweet crude oil ahead of the release of new import quotas for independent refiners — but demand for the sourer grades favoured by state-owned firms looks weaker. In this episode of The Crude Report, vice presidents Tom Reed and James Gooder discuss the two sides of China’s crude market. Related links Argus China Petroleum service
5/19/202111 minutes, 45 seconds
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Driving Discussions: Colonial Pipeline shutdown and repercussions

This Driving Discussions episode looks at the colonial pipeline shutdown and the impacts to the transportation fuels market over the last few days. Join Stephen Jones, SVP, Oil Markets, John Demopoulos, VP, Americas Refined Products and Dave Ruisard, Editor, US Refined Products as they discuss the impacts to the transportation fuels market for the restart and learnings for the summer driving season ahead.
5/13/202118 minutes, 10 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: A abertura do mercado de biodiesel no Brasil

O mercado brasileiro de biodiesel vive um momento de transição com o fim dos leilões previsto para janeiro de 2022. Junte-se a Alexandre Melo, repórter da publicação Argus Brasil Combustíveis, e Erasmo Battistella, presidente do ECB Group e da Associação dos Produtores de Biocombustíveis do Brasil (Aprobio). Eles conversam sobre a abertura do mercado de biodiesel e os planos de investimento do ECB Group.  Links Relacionados Serviço diário: Argus Brasil Combustíveis Webinar: Visibilidade de preços na cadeia de abastecimento de diesel no Brasil White paper: Argus fornece visibilidade de preços para toda a cadeia de suprimento de diesel no Brasil  
5/13/202116 minutes, 16 seconds
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The Crude Report: India's demand reversal

After India’s total oil sales just returned to pre-Covid-19 levels in March, preliminary data suggests that total April demand could have declined by 1mn b/d in response to the tragic deterioration in the county’s Covid-19 situation.  In this episode of The Crude Report, Argus’ vice president Alejandro Barbajosa and head of forecasting Francis Osborne discuss the impact on India’s oil sector and how it may affect global crude oil and refined products markets more widely. 
5/12/202110 minutes, 24 seconds
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The Petcoke Podcast: The shift towards low carbon aluminium (Part 2)

In this, our second episode of the Petcoke Podcast with calciner Rain Carbon, Argus editor Lauren Masterson continues her discussion with Les Edwards, Vice President of Production Control and Technical Services, about the aluminium industry’s efforts to design an inert anode that could replace carbon anodes made from petcoke.  Listen in as they discuss key innovations, challenges and the ongoing research and development needed as the industry moves towards a lower carbon future.  
5/5/202118 minutes, 49 seconds
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The Crude Report: Biden’s first 100 days

President Joe Biden’s first 100 days in office have featured major economic and energy policy initiatives that aim to transform the environment in which oil, gas and renewable industries operate in the decades to come. During that time, many oil and gas companies have started to embrace once taboo ideas, such as a carbon tax. Conversely, on the international arena Biden has moved slower than expected in reviewing sanctions on Iran and Venezuela, but his virtual Climate Summit featured major announcements of emission cut pledges by the US and other countries.  In this episode of The Crude Report, senior reporter Chris Knight and associate editor Haik Gugarats discuss the outcomes of Biden’s energy, climate and foreign policy priorities in his first 100 days in office and what to expect in coming months. 
5/5/202115 minutes, 4 seconds
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From the Economist's Chair - Covid-19: Anatomy of a crisis and identifying the new normal

In this edition of the From the Economist's Chair podcast series, David Fyfe, Argus' chief economist, is joined by Conor Browne, an independent consultant specialising in biosecurity. After beginning his career in epidemiology with the World Health Organisation, Conor then added a Master’s degree in security studies to his academic qualifications and has subsequently consulted for UNHCR, NATO, NGOs, government research institutions and commercial enterprises. Since the Covid-19 pandemic began he has focused on biosecurity, business continuity and forecasting for the energy sector.  Looking at the commodity markets generally, after becoming rather becalmed in March, prices rebounded over the course of April, with unprecedented fiscal stimulus underway in a number of markets; and commodities are again being seen as a potential inflation hedge. There is even talk of a commodity super cycle in the air once more, but we are still living with the Covid-19 pandemic, which risks derailing economic recovery. For every positive macro indicator out there from China or the US, there remain offsetting concerns about resurgent Covid cases in parts of Europe, Latin America, and most recently in India.  Conor provides an in-depth examination of the pandemic's progress to date, and also how policymakers might prepare for similar episodes in the future. Conor Browne: contact details Email: LinkedIn: Conor Browne Twitter: @brownecfm Argus publishes a wide range of news and analysis exploring all corners of the energy transition:
5/5/202130 minutes, 11 seconds
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Inside Fertilizer Analytics: Sulphuric acid, Apr. 2021

The closure of Inovyn’s Runcorn sulphuric acid plant has impacted the European market, while the tightness in supply is set to influence global prices in the longer term. Join Meena Chauhan - Head of Sulphur and Sulphuric Acid Research, Siobhan Lismore-Scott - Editor, Sulphuric Acid and Tim Cheyne - VP, Fertilizers as they discuss trade, prices and the impact of supply disruptions on the market.   We start with a review of the global sulphuric acid price rally and its causes, the evolution of contract pricing in Europe – including Argus’ new NW European sulphur burning contract price – before moving on to the 2021 outlook for pricing in the global market. We then assess global market drivers in the mid to long-term, before moving on to the impact of Inovyn’s closure of the Runcorn plant and a global outlook for new capacity and associated risk factors. We review drivers of demand in the short, mid and long-term, with key insight on increasing demand from the metals sector. We end with an intriguing look at shifting trade flows. Related Links Argus Sulphuric Acid Analytics Argus Sulphuric Acid Argus North American Sulphur and Sulphuric Acid Request a sample/more information
4/30/202121 minutes, 12 seconds
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Global Polymer Conversations: Sabic’s new polymer marketing responsibilities

Saudi Aramco and Sabic jointly announced a new structure for their sales and marketing responsibilities on 29 April. Sabic will now be taking over polymer sales while Saudi Aramco will handle the sales of fuel products. Aramco will also transfer responsibilities for Malaysia’s PRefChem and South Korea-based S-Oil joint-ventures. In this episode as a part of the Global Polymer Conversations, Argus VP Muhamad Fadhil and Middle East reporter Matt Rajendra discuss the implications of these latest updates on the market. Related link The Argus Polymers service gives you access to regional polyethylene, polypropylene and polyvinyl chloride contract and spot benchmarks, global industry news and analysis of key economic drivers on a weekly basis:
4/30/20218 minutes, 53 seconds
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The Petcoke Podcast: The shift towards low carbon aluminium (Part 1)

In this episode of the Petcoke Podcast, Argus editor Lauren Masterson speaks to Les Edwards, Vice President of Production Control and Technical Services for Rain Carbon, about the shift towards lower carbon aluminium and its effects on petcoke markets.    Hear about the initiatives that Rain, as a carbon and chemicals producer, is working on to transition towards a lower carbon footprint and the outlook for carbon product demand as the world seeks to counter climate change.
4/28/202117 minutes, 29 seconds
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The Crude Report: Canada’s great escape

Much has been said about US president Joe Biden’s rejection of the Keystone XL project. The now-suspended project would have provided 830,000 b/d of pipeline capacity from Canada’s oil sands to the US midcontinent, but after years of delays, Canadian crude oil producers have been forced to seek other means of transportation. Crude-by-rail was an early outlet for incremental barrels, but other pipeline expansions are also underway. In this episode of The Crude Report, our reporters Alex Endress and Brett Holmes discuss how the Canadian crude market has moved along despite Keystone XL and how Canadian crude prices are faring from Hardisty to the US Gulf coast. Don't miss news and analysis like this - sign up for our free newsletter to stay updated on Argus' latest crude oil content. Visit us:  LinkedIn  Twitter   Facebook
4/28/202111 minutes, 43 seconds
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Weight of Freight: US-Brazil fuel trade to play a leading role for MR tankers

For this episode we are joined by a special guest Stefanos Kazantzis, Commercial Director at McQuilling Services, for a deep dive discussion on the Atlantic clean tanker market. 
4/22/202124 minutes, 51 seconds
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The Crude Report: WTI pricing at the USGC nears uniformity

The transparency of locational spreads between the various US Gulf coast terminals that make up Argus AGS has proven quite popular, as it helps to highlight each connection’s unique market fundamentals. In this episode of The Crude Report, Argus Associate Editor Amanda Hilow and Argus Americas Crude Editor Gus Vasquez explain Argus AGS’ newest methodology changes and what factors have contributed to the downward trend between locational spreads.
4/21/202115 minutes, 43 seconds
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Inside Fertilizer Analytics: Ammonium Sulphate, Apr. 2021

With growing agronomic demand for ‘sulphur as a nutrient’, ammonium sulphate (AS) has a key place in this delivery, whether it is directly applied, blended or used as a feedstock in the production of more advanced N+S products or compound NPK+S. Join Matt Lisley – Senior Analyst and Tim Cheyne - VP, Fertilizers, as they discuss AS production routes, future capacity additions coming on-stream & price mechanisms. We move on to the impact of Chinese caprolactam and compaction capacity on price premiums for different grades and quality of AS product; and finish with an intriguing look at the recent news surrounding the environmental impact of phosphogypsum, and how ammonium sulphate may play a part in the circular economy.
4/19/202112 minutes, 3 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Como a Argus apura os preços de etanol do Nordeste

O mercado de etanol do Nordeste brasileiro segue crescendo em importância, com uma dinâmica de preços muito particular. Junte-se a Camila Dias, Chefe de Redação da Argus no Brasil, e Amance Boutin, Editor do relatório Argus Brasil Combustíveis, para conhecer a robusta metodologia adotada pela Argus para publicar indicadores de preços de etanol comercializado no Nordeste brasileiro com total transparência.   Links relacionados Serviço diário | Argus Brasil Combustíveis Webinar | Visibilidade de preços na cadeia de abastecimento de diesel no Brasil White Paper | Argus fornece visibilidade de preços para toda a cadeia de suprimento de diesel no Brasil
4/15/20218 minutes, 22 seconds
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The Crude Report: Revisiting negative oil prices with the CFTC

It has been nearly one year since 20 April 2020, a turbulent day for oil markets when WTI crude prices fell to a settlement price of negative $37.63/bl, which left some producers in the unusual position of paying someone to take their oil. Limited storage in Cushing, Oklahoma, and travel restrictions from Covid-19 both contributed to the volatile market dynamics that day, but others have sought a more robust "root cause" analysis to determine why oil prices fell so fast yet recovered so quickly the next day.  In this episode of The Crude Report, Commodity Futures Trading Commission member Dan Berkovitz offers his perspective on the dip into negative oil prices, the need to analyze the significant increase in "trading at settlement" contracts on 20 April, and his push for a more thorough review by regulators of market activity that day.  Don't miss news and analysis like this — sign up for our free newsletter to stay updated on Argus' latest crude oil content.
4/14/202119 minutes, 54 seconds
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Global LPG Conversations: Update on Asia-Pacific markets and Indonesia’s LPG plans

In this latest episode, Asia-Pacific LPG editor, Reza Amanat, talks with David Appleton about the lack of reaction in Asia-Pacific prices to several logistical issues impacting the market in the past quarter, as well as Indonesia’s long-term plans for LPG in the residential sector.  Related Links Argus International LPG Argus LPG Outlook
4/9/202111 minutes, 36 seconds
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The Crude Report: Opec+’s Spring surprise

Last week's Opec+ meeting surprised markets with an agreement to lift production quotas by over 1.1mn b/d between May and July, not including Saudi Arabia’s own pledge to unwind its own 1mn b/d of additional voluntary cuts over the same period. While the global crude oil market seemed to take the news well, Opec+ has acknowledged that these plans aren't set in stone and could still change should circumstances require. In this episode of The Crude Report, Argus Opec correspondent and Dubai Editorial manager Nader Itayim details what was agreed upon, and what factors could result in Opec+ changing course - a big possibility should we see a potential return of Iranian volumes in the coming months.
4/7/202110 minutes, 52 seconds
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Global Polymer Conversations: PE and PP review of Q1 2021 and outlook

In this episode of Global Polymer Conversations, Argus VP of Petrochemicals Muhamad Fadhil and reporters Yee Ying Ang and Matt Rajendra discuss the outlook for global polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP). Together, they discuss the first three months of 2021, new capacities in China and the global container crunch.  On September 4, 2020, Argus launched two new reports, the Global Polyethylene and Global Polypropylene, providing readers with an in-depth view on petrochemical feedstocks, resin pricing, buy-side information and freight. To know more about the service, please visit: Argus Global Polyethylene Argus Global Polypropylene
4/1/202111 minutes, 35 seconds
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The Crude Report: Dirty tanker rates to face “painful” recovery

In this episode of The Crude Report, Richard Matthews, Head of Research at Gibson Shipbrokers, joins Argus’ Head of Freight Alex Younevitch, to discuss the impact of Opec+ ongoing production cuts, projected fleet growth and illicit trades by older vessels on crude freight in 2021 and beyond. 
3/29/202121 minutes, 1 second
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This is So Exhausting! - Episode 2

In this episode of the “This is So Exhausting!” Podcast, George and Tim speak to Miron Thoms, Head of Volvo Penta India. Topics covered include the Covid lockdown in India, improvements in fuel quality, and the implications of the next steps of the complex off-road emissions regulations in India including the introduction of SCR without DOC or DPF in Volvo Penta’s engine range. We also debate the challenges of moving from mechanical to electronically controlled engines with modern fuel injection, the introduction of BS V for non-road from 2024/25, and the possibility to electrify non-road equipment in India. Find all the This is So Exhausting episodes here: 
3/25/202156 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Crude Report: Counting down to Murban futures

The highly-anticipated IFAD Murban futures contract will be launching next week, on Monday, 29 March 2021.  In this episode of The Crude Report, Argus vice presidents Alejandro Barbajosa and Karl Kleemeier discuss what IFAD has learned from the similar DME Oman launch, how IFAD Murban is expected to impact global benchmarking and how the contract might deal with further Opec+ production cuts.  Sign up for our free newsletter to stay updated on Argus' latest crude oil content.
3/24/202111 minutes, 23 seconds
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Inside Fertilizer Analytics: Technical grade urea, Mar. 2021

Urea is primarily used as a fertilizer, but so-called technical grade urea (TGU) is also a feedstock to a range of industrial activities, including resins, animal feed and NOx reduction for diesel engines. Join Will Talbot - Analyst, Fabricio Cardoso - Lead TGU Analyst and Tim Cheyne - VP, Fertilizers as they discuss the size of the TGU market and volumes across the industrial and automotive sectors. We also review global resin and automotive demand and the impact of Covid-19 as well as prospects for 2021. We move on to quantifying the impact on consumption, the key indices tracked and why demand in Europe dropped more significantly than North America. We finish with a discussion on the transition from diesel to electric powertrains, and its impact on future TGU demand. Related Links: More information about Argus Technical Grade Urea (TGU) Analytics Request a sample
3/23/202120 minutes, 21 seconds
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Global LPG Conversations: Freight market developments plus European propane, butane price shifts versus naphtha

In this latest episode, Argus LPG Editor Peter Wilton and reporter Aidan Lea sit down with Alan Hayes, VP of Business Development to discuss seasonal dips in the value of both grades of LPG versus competing petrochemical feedstock with a focus on the recent freight market developments. Related Links Argus International LPG - Argus LPG Outlook -  
3/23/202115 minutes, 50 seconds
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Driving Discussions: Is the new Administration to blame for high RINs prices?

This Driving Discussions episode looks at the RINs market within the US and explores what has lead to the drastic rise in RINs and RVO costs over the last couple of months. Join John Demopoulos, VP North American Oil Products, Paul Niznik, Senior Consultant for Argus Consulting Services specializing in the US biofuels markets, and Thomas Dwyer, reporter covering the US biofuels markets as well, as they discuss the market uncertainty that has impacted the RINs market.
3/22/202116 minutes, 49 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Perspectivas para o mercado de etanol de milho no Brasil

O etanol de milho vive um momento de expansão no Brasil, com mais de vinte projetos em desenvolvimento. Junte-se a Pedro Cirne, Subeditor do relatório Argus Brasil Combustíveis, e Guilherme Nolasco, presidente da União Nacional do Etanol de Milho (Unem), enquanto eles analisam os desafios e perspectivas de crescimento para o setor no último episódio do podcast Falando de Mercado.
3/22/202110 minutes, 33 seconds
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Dirty tanker rates to face “painful” recovery

In this episode of Weight of Freight, Richard Matthews, Head of Research at Gibson Shipbrokers joins Argus’ Head of Freight Alex Younevitch to discuss the impact of OPEC+ ongoing production cuts, projected fleet growth and illicit trades by older vessels on crude freight in 2021 and beyond. 
3/18/202120 minutes, 45 seconds
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The Crude Report: Dated's U-turn

A U-turn on plans to transform the Dated Brent benchmark has left its future more uncertain than ever. Will it be FOB or CIF? How long will it be until some type of decision will be made? How long past July 2022 will these changes take place?  In this episode of The Crude Report, Argus Crude editor Michael Carolan gives more detail on the U-turn and what other questions remain looming. 
3/17/20217 minutes, 33 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Relações de troca de fertilizantes no Brasil

Junte-se a Camila Dias, chefe de redação da Argus no Brasil, e Kauanna Navarro, repórter da publicação Argus Brasil Grãos e Fertilizantes, e acompanhe a discussão sobre como as relações de troca de fertilizantes estão favorecendo os agricultores brasileiros e impulsionando o comércio durante o primeiro trimestre.
3/15/20219 minutes, 21 seconds
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Market Talks: Barter rates for fertilizers in Brazil

Join Camila Dias, Argus Brazil Bureau Chief, and Kauanna Navarro, Argus Brazil Grains and Fertilizer reporter, as they discuss how fertilizer barter rates have favored Brazil's farmers and boosted trade during the first quarter.
3/15/20219 minutes, 46 seconds
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This is So Exhausting: Emissions Control

In this episode of the “This is So Exhausting!” Podcast, George and Tim speak to aftertreatment catalyst and sustainability expert Phil Blakeman about the rapid powertrain changes we are seeing globally in light and heavy vehicles, the issues we need to manage during the energy transition, and the opportunities for companies who are able to offer technologies that meet new OEM and customer needs. We reflect on the incredible achievements of the last two decades, where diesel engines have gone from having just a muffler in the exhaust to advanced but reliable SCR systems with near zero emissions. We are also hosting our Virtual Conference entitled 'Integer Vehicle Emissions Live - Virtual Conference (15-17 June 2021)' which will enable you to get the latest updates on the vehicles emissions market and network with market participants: Find all the This is So Exhausting episodes here: 
3/11/202144 minutes, 59 seconds
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The impact of Covid-19 on the outlook for propylene

Sarah Rae and Becky Zhang discuss the outlook for propylene in light of the pandemic. Together, they delve into what has changed from last year, lower GDP growth but higher polypropylene demand, the impact on new projects and the acceleration of changes in the refining sector. Related Links Learn more about Argus' olefins and polymers services
3/10/202114 minutes, 32 seconds
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Inside Fertilizer Analytics: Potash, Mar. 2021

Traditionally steady potash prices have experienced surging upward momentum recently, particularly in the US. On the demand side, crop prices have been very supportive in the US and Brazil, while on the supply side limited new capacity has caused tightening of the supply-demand balance.  Join David Riley, Lead Potash Analyst, and Tim Cheyne, VP, Fertilizers, as they discuss these developments and the impact of freight price increases, the influence of the BPC India and China contracts, other key regions to keep an eye on and what key projects we're monitoring for the longer term capacity outlook. Related Links: More information about Argus Potash Analytics Request a sample
3/10/202115 minutes, 11 seconds
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Jet Fuel Insights: Europe’s flight to SAF

The market is embracing the need of cleaner fuels, so what is be the impact of this factors on the Sustainable Aviation Fuel Oil market, also called SAF? Join Alfonso Berrocal, Business Development Manager - Oil Products, and Florence Schmit, Market Reporter, for an in-depth discussion on SAF production and demand in Europe.
3/9/202117 minutes, 38 seconds
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The Crude Report: China cooling?

First in, first out. Although Chinese oil demand was first to be affected by Covid-19, it was also the first to recover, ending 2020 higher by 1.3mn b/d. Despite the recovery, there are now signs that Chinese crude buying is cooling. In this episode of The Crude Report, vice president Tom Reed and reporter Alex Endress discuss what to watch for while taking China’s temperature.
3/9/20218 minutes, 50 seconds
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Weight of Freight: Dry Bulk outlook with Golden Ocean CEO

Listen in as Will Collins, Editor, Freight meets with Ulrik Anderson, CEO of Golden Ocean, to review 2020 and the outlook for the global dry bulk market for 2021.
3/4/202122 minutes, 38 seconds
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The Crude Report: Changing the Dated game

Last week’s expected announcement that Argus competitor Platts would add WTI into the Dated Brent basket starting July 2022 took a surprising turn when it was also revealed that the assessment will become a delivered-Rotterdam benchmark. In this episode of The Crude Report, Argus Crude editor Michael Carolan and Argus vice president James Gooder explains how this fob to cif change will affect not just crude oil markets, but also gas and LNG markets that also use Dated Brent.
3/3/202113 minutes, 19 seconds
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From the Economist's Chair: A Fourth Bridge for Opec+

Hello, I’m David Fyfe and welcome to another Argus podcast and blog in the “From the Economist’s Chair” series. The Forth Bridge in Scotland was opened on the 4th of March 1890. Opec+ Ministers will hope their meeting on the same date 131 years later provides a bridge to both stronger oil demand and sustainably higher prices.
3/3/20217 minutes, 59 seconds
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Inside Fertilizer Analytics: Processed phosphates, Feb. 2021

Phosphate prices have been benefitting from tight global supply, because of the Covid-19 pandemic as well as the fallout of the potential duties which could be placed on US imports of Moroccan and Russian product. With the final ruling pending and new capacity expected to come online in to 2022, what could future market prices and trade flows look like? Claira Lloyd, Phosphate and Phosphate Rock Research Manager, and Tim Cheyne VP, Fertilizers discuss.
2/24/202121 minutes
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The Crude Report: Texas’ cold snap boosts US Aframax spot, futures prices

Aframax tonnage has been tight in the Atlantic basin thanks to heavy demand for fuel oil loadings in Europe, but demand grew even more this past week as charterers rushed to secure vessels for US loadings in response to Texas’ unusual winter weather. In this episode of The Crude Report, Americas Freight editor Nicholas Watt and freight reporter Liz Ramanand discuss the market's recent 30% surge in rates and the effect the spot market is having on futures prices.
2/24/202112 minutes, 18 seconds
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Biofuels feedstocks in the EU: New renewables targets drive shifts in demand

In this Driving discussions episode we take a look at the biofuels feedstock market within Europe and explore how it will develop under the EU’s recast Renewable Energy Directive (RED II), which will come into effect in June this year.
2/19/202114 minutes, 6 seconds
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The Crude Report: The rise of WCS Houston and ARV

The Ice ARV paper swap, which settles on Argus WCS Houston, has seen a rapid rise in open interest and trade volume over the past 6 months. What in the physical market is supporting this growth? In this episode of The Crude Report, vice presidents of business development Jeff Kralowetz and Bruce Fulin discuss the connection between the physical and financial markets for heavy Canadian crude oil at the US Gulf coast.
2/17/20219 minutes, 43 seconds
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Changing Flows: Possible shifts to Asia’s clean tankers following refinery developments in Australia

This podcast focuses on the possible impacts to clean tankers in the region, owing to Australia’s refinery developments. In particular, how changes in commodity demand will affect trade flows. Join Andrew Khaw, Editor, Asia Freight and Vivien Gu, Reporter, as they share their thoughts on the current state of the market and how things could evolve for the industry.
2/16/202120 minutes, 40 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Atraso na colheita de soja no Brasil – qual o impacto?

Junte-se a Flavia Bohone, editora da publicação Argus Brasil Grãos e Fertilizantes, e Victoria Blazhko, editora de Agricultura na Ucrânia e acompanhe a discussão sobre o atraso na colheita da soja brasileira e seu impacto nas exportações, nos preços e nos prêmios portuários.
2/15/20218 minutes, 34 seconds
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Market Talks: Brazilian soybean harvest delay – what’s the impact?

Join Flavia Bohone, Editor of the Argus Brazil Grains and Fertilizer service and Victoria Blazhko, Agriculture Editor in Ukraine as they discuss the delay in the Brazilian soybean harvest and the impact on exports, prices and port premiums.
2/15/20218 minutes, 40 seconds
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The Crude Report: The Biden administration

President Joe Biden’s executive actions on energy policy have won praise from environmentalists and progressive Democrats, while surprising some in the oil and gas sector who hoped Biden would moderate his ambitious campaign promises on climate after taking office.   In this episode of The Crude Report, senior reporter Chris Knight and associate editor Haik Gugarats discuss the emerging outlines of new US energy and foreign policy priorities under US President Joe Biden. 
2/10/202111 minutes, 36 seconds
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Weight of Freight: How will shipowners spend cash in 2021?

In this podcast, Randy Giveans, SVP Equity Research at Jefferies joins Argus’ Head of Freight Alex Younevitch to explore how much cash shipowners have, where can they get more financing and what they might spend it on, considering the current market strength and long-term decarbonization goals.
2/8/202128 minutes, 42 seconds
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Global LPG Conversations: US production and pricing trends, and the impact of the new administration

In this latest episode, Argus US NGLs editor, Amy Strahan, talks to Argus Business Development Executive, David Appleton, about the recent developments in US LPG fundamentals and pricing trends, and the views around the impact of the new Biden administration on the supply of LPG going forward.
2/8/202110 minutes, 16 seconds
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Talking IMO 2020, transparency, and preparing for the future with KPI OceanConnect CEO Søren Høll

Tune in to Nicolas Ganas, Business Development Manager - Marine Fuels, as he talks with KPI OceanConnect CEO, Søren Høll, about IMO 2020, Covid-19 and the impact of the OPEC+ oil price crash. 
2/8/202125 minutes, 1 second
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Inside Fertilizer Analytics: Sulphur, Feb. 2021

The sulphur market has seen dramatic price gains across almost all regions in recent weeks. Tight supply on the back of Covid-19 related disruption has led to supply side issues. China imports dropped dramatically in 2020 but prices have remained firm through January. What is next for the global price outlook and how will global trade be impacted by changing demand and new capacity? Meena Chauhan, Head of Sulphur and Sulphuric Acid Research and Tim Cheyne, VP of Fertilizers discuss.
2/4/202119 minutes, 54 seconds
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The Crude Report: Potential changes to benchmark prices

Crude oil price benchmarks are facing some degree of change across all regions, from the various forms of WTI in the US and Brent in Europe, to the incoming IFAD Murban contract in the Middle East. What is driving these changes and how will the global crude oil markets react?  In this episode of The Crude Report, our senior vice president Stephen Jones and vice presidents James Gooder and Josefine Ahlstrom highlight the fundamental topics that will be covered in our free crude and refined products forum at the upcoming Argus Oil Week 2021. 
2/3/202113 minutes, 54 seconds
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Potash prices build on 2020 momentum

The potash market has seen significant price gains across almost all regions in the last few weeks. Midpoint prices have jumped by nearly $14-18/t since the end of last year in southeast Asia, Brazil, and the US, and market participants expect prices to continue to rise throughout 2021. So what has driven the recent price increases, and will the same drivers continue to push prices up? David Riley, Lead Potash Analyst, Hasan Tarique, Senior Consultant on potash, and Ewan Thomson, Global Potash Editor, discuss.
2/1/202116 minutes, 11 seconds
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Changing Flows - The impact of Australia’s refinery developments to Asia’s dirty tankers

This podcast episode focuses on Australia’s refinery developments, and how it impacts dirty tankers in the region. This episode discusses how changes in commodity demand will affect trade flows. Join Andrew Khaw, Editor, Asia Freight and Paul Jacinto, Reporter, as they share their thoughts on the current state of the market and how things could evolve for the industry.
1/29/202123 minutes, 35 seconds
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The Crude Report: Iraq exports new Basrah Medium stream

Iraq’s state-owned marketer Somo has split the exports of key Iraqi Basrah crude from two into three grades, now Basrah Light, Basrah Medium (the newest classification) and Basrah Heavy, and also made adjustments in the quality of the Basrah Light and Basrah Heavy grades.  In this episode of The Crude Report, our Asia-Pacific and Middle East crude markets editor Azlin Ahmad talks with Singapore crude reporter Fabian Ng on how these changes are being received in the Asia-Pacific market and the demand for Iraq’s new Basrah Medium crude.  
1/27/20217 minutes, 8 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Nova porta de entrada de fertilizantes no Brasil

O Porto do Açu recebeu seus dois primeiros carregamentos de fertilizantes nos últimos meses e novos desembarques estão previstos em 2021, colocando o Rio de Janeiro na rota de importação destes produtos. Como o porto fluminense está se preparando para atender este mercado e como isso deve impactar a dinâmica logística do setor?   No episódio desta semana da série Falando de Mercado, Camila Dias, Chefe de Redação da Argus no Brasil, e João Petrini, repórter de grãos e fertilizantes, conversam sobre o início das movimentações de nutrientes no Porto do Açu, no Rio de Janeiro.
1/26/20217 minutes, 3 seconds
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Global LPG Conversations: LPG prices hit multi-year highs in Asia-Pacific

The first week of 2021 has seen several bullish factors push prices up on the Argus Far East Index. Asia LPG editor Reza Amanat talks to Argus LPG Business Development Executive David Appleton about what’s been happening and what’s driving this trend. Listen to our new episode in Global LPG Conversations.
1/26/20219 minutes, 19 seconds
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Global LPG Conversations: China market trends in the run up to Lunar New Year

The Argus LPG team from China share the latest developments in both petrochemical and energy demand for LPG in the run up to the Lunar New Year. In this week’s episode, David Appleton is joined by Shanghai-based Senior LPG Analysts, Celia Chen and Cheryl Liu.
1/26/202112 minutes, 48 seconds
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The Crude Report: Russia’s Far East Sokol and ESPO Blend

Russia’s Sokol and ESPO Blend crude oil grades, produced in the country’s Far East, have relatively easy access to the world’s largest crude oil buyer, China. In this episode of The Crude Report, our Vice President Will Harwood and Asia-Pacific and Middle East crude markets editor Azlin Ahmad, talk through the market fundamentals behind the Sokol and ESPO Blend crude.
1/20/202111 minutes, 9 seconds
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The Crude Report: Asian heavy demand lures Canadian railcars, US exports

Transportation arbitrage economics from Canada to the US Gulf coast began improving in the back half of 2020 as international demand for Canadian heavy crude oil grades picked up. In this episode of The Crude Report, our reporters Alex Endress and Brett Holmes discuss the resulting lift in domestic prices which could support a return to crude-by-rail demand in 2021 and how Canadian crude is becoming more competitive on the global landscape.
1/13/20219 minutes, 14 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Perspectivas para o mercado brasileiro de milho em 2021

O Brasil registrou nova safra recorde de milho em 2020, período em que os preços internos do grão também atingiram máximas históricas. O que esperar deste mercado em 2021 e qual a perspectiva para os agricultores que atuam nas principais regiões produtoras do país?   No episódio desta semana da série Falando de Mercado, Camila Dias, Chefe de Redação da Argus no Brasil, e José Roberto Gomes, repórter de agricultura e fertilizantes, conversam sobre o mercado brasileiro de milho e as perspectivas para a próxima safra doméstica do grão.
1/12/20216 minutes, 9 seconds
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The Crude Report: AGS locational spreads tighten

Locational WTI spreads are tightening across the US Gulf coast as new connectivity options boost total liquidity, ultimately paving the pathway for Argus AGS to succeed as a future benchmark for light sweet crude in global markets.  In this episode of The Crude Report, Alex Endress, Argus US Gulf coast physical crude markets reporter is joined by Amanda Hilow, associate editor, to discuss Argus AGS - the up-and-coming benchmark for Midland-quality WTI at the US Gulf coast - in more detail.
1/6/202112 minutes, 21 seconds
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The Crude Report: Asian plant closures to weigh on light sweet grades

Covid-19 continues to wreak havoc, as three Asian refineries are on the brink of shuttering thanks to weakened refined product demand. In this episode of The Crude Report, our Asia-Pacific and Middle East crude markets editor Azlin Ahmad explains how these closures would reduce Asia-Pacific demand for light sweet crude.
12/30/20205 minutes, 18 seconds
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Driving Discussions: What to expect from 2021

2020 is a year for the history books –  global pandemic, road fuel demand destruction, social unrest, and the list goes on. With everything 2020 threw at us, are we ready for 2021 and what should we expect?  In this episode of Driving Discussions, John Demopoulos, VP North America Oil Products and Stephen Jones, SVP Oil Market Strategy, discuss the highs and lows of 2020 and what’s to come in 2021. 
12/29/202020 minutes, 35 seconds
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The Crude Report: The effects of Opec+, vaccines and piracy on WAF markets

Will a new year bring WAF markets old concerns? Our west African crude market reporter Nicola de Sanctis talks the three biggest things the WAF markets are looking out for.
12/23/202012 minutes, 48 seconds
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Peter Sand on tanker freight - The balance of optimism and realism

Join Will Collins, Editor, Argus Freight and Peter Sand, Chief Shipping Analyst, BIMCO as they share their thoughts on the current state of the global shipping industry. Discussion points include: the impact of freight on commodity markets, short and long-haul costs, tanker demand and subsidy initiatives.
12/18/202036 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Crude Report: Alaskan oil demand surfaces in China

Alaskan North Slope (ANS) crude oil exports to China surfaced this year on an interim trade deal signed by Beijing and Washington and as US west coast refining slackens on Covid-19 demand destruction. In this episode of The Crude Report, Alex Endress, US Gulf coast crude markets reporter, is joined by Benjamin Peyton, North American waterborne markets and the west coast reporter - who also heads up Argus' ANS coverage - discuss how much ANS is going into China and some of the driving forces behind the recent uptick.
12/16/20207 minutes, 52 seconds
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Jet Fuel Insights: The growing importance of SAF in the US

With increased demand and more clean fuels programs on the horizon in the US and Canada, sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) is joining center stage with renewable diesel as a key fuel in North America. Argus launched a daily US West coast SAF assessment on December 4, 2020 to bring more transparency to this growing market.  Listen in as Louise Burke, VP Business Development, Jessica Dell, West coast bureau chief, and Zander Capozzola, editor, Argus Jet, discuss the key factors that have led to importance of  SAF and what’s next for this fuel. 
12/15/202013 minutes, 6 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Balanço do primeiro ano da BP Bunge Bioenergia e o mercado brasileiro de etanol

A pandemia de Covid-19 não atrapalhou os planos da BP Bunge Bioenergia, joint venture formada há pouco mais de um ano entre a britânica BP e a norte-americana Bunge para os ativos sucroalcooleiros no Brasil. Quais foram as sinergias obtidas após a fusão e o que a companhia projeta para o restante do ano-safra de cana-de-açúcar? No episódio desta semana da série Falando de Mercado, Alexandre Melo, repórter de combustíveis da Argus, conversa com executivos da BP Bunge Bioenergia, Mario Lindenhayn, presidente executivo e do conselho, e Geovane Consul, CEO, sobre o mercado brasileiro de etanol.
12/9/202019 minutes, 15 seconds
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Methanol as a marine fuel - potential pathways

Host Nicolas Ganas, Business Development Manager - Oil Products, explores the role of methanol in marine fuels with Chris Chatterton, COO, Methanol Institute, and Douglas Raitt, Global FOBAS Manager and Regional Manager, Lloyd's Register Advisory
12/9/202031 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Crude Report: CHOPS outage sends sour grades to Louisiana

The Cameron Highway Oil Pipeline System (CHOPS) has been offline since late August, when Hurricane Laura’s damage halted Texas Southern Green Canyon (SGC) deliveries and diverted medium sour flows to Louisiana. Waterborne opportunities and medium sour storage plays were the result. The date for when CHOPS returns online remains uncertain. In this week's episode of The Crude Report, Alex Endress, US Gulf coast crude markets reporter for Argus, is joined by Amanda Smith, Argus deputy editor, who also covers the US pipeline network.
12/9/20209 minutes, 48 seconds
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Driving Discussions: The road to HVO and SAF in Asia

This latest episode in our Driving Discussions series covers the launch of renewable energy assessments in Asia for HVO and SAF. Argus host Sunita Sharma, VP - Asia Products, invites colleague Amandeep Parma, Editor - Biofuels, to comment on the role of these assessments.
12/8/20209 minutes, 19 seconds
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Driving Discussions: Will the pandemic permanently scar Europe’s refining sector?

The European refined products market has had one of the worst years on record. Covid-19 has demolished transportation fuel demand leaving large fuel stockpiles across the continent. Join Elliot Radley, the Editor of the European Products report and Benedict George, reporter on the European Products desk covering diesel and refining as they discuss the current state of the European refining industry and what refiners are doing to stay afloat.
12/2/202015 minutes, 47 seconds
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Market Talks: How’s the soybean paper market doing in Brazil?

The paper market for soybean from Brazil’s main agricultural port Paranagua has picked up, and is proving an increasingly significant secondary market for traders. What has driven this, and what are the prospects for the country’s 2020-21 soybean crop? In this week’s episode of Market Talks, Argus’ Brazil Bureau Chief, Camila Dias, and Agriculture and Fertilizer Reporter Jose Roberto Gomes analyse the outlook for Brazil’s soybean exports.
12/2/20207 minutes, 26 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Como anda o paper market de soja no Brasil?

O paper market de soja negociada a partir de Paranaguá tem estado aquecido, tornando-se um mercado secundário cada vez mais significativo para comercializadores atuando no Brasil. O que tem impulsionado esse mercado e quais as perspectivas para a safra brasileira de soja 2020-2021? No episódio desta semana da série Falando de Mercado, Camila Dias, Chefe de Redação da Argus no Brasil, e José Roberto Gomes, repórter de agricultura e fertilizantes, conversam sobre as perspectivas para as exportações brasileiras de soja.
12/2/20206 minutes, 46 seconds
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The Crude Report: China’s year-end buying spree

In this episode of The Crude Report, we look at oil markets through the prism of China, where life seems to generally be back to normal, as even their energy consumption has come roaring back.  Tom Reed, VP at Argus is joined by Li Xiang, Argus' lead crude analyst in Beijing.
12/2/202014 minutes, 2 seconds
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The Crude Report: Opec+ looks at 2021

Opec+ ministers will meet w/c 30 November to discuss next steps for their production agreement, the decisions of which will obviously have impacts on global crude oil trade flows.  Sean Cronin, the editor of Argus Global Markets, presents this latest episode of The Crude Report.
11/25/20207 minutes, 11 seconds
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The Crude Report: Freight loses some Covid-19 weight

After an unprecedented rise earlier this year thanks to a surge of floating storage demand, the Weight of Freight – freight's share of the delivered cost – has returned to the more typical 5% - 10% range for US-to-China shipments. In this episode of The Crude Report, Nicholas Watt, Freight editor for the Americas, is joined by Michael Connolly, Freight reporter, to discuss the freight side of US crude oil exports. 
11/18/202011 minutes, 23 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Os altos e baixos na safra de cana-de-açúcar 20-21

O mercado de etanol do Centro-Sul brasileiro viveu sua própria montanha-russa em 2020, oscilando entre bruscas quedas e crescente otimismo. Como isso se traduziu nos preços do biocombustível ao longo da temporada e quais as perspectivas para o período de entressafra? No episódio desta semana da série Falando de Mercado, Camila Dias, Chefe de Redação da Argus no Brasil, e Pedro Cirne, Subeditor do relatório Argus Brasil Combustíveis fazem um balanço da safra de etanol do Centro-Sul.
11/17/20205 minutes, 42 seconds
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From the Economist’s Chair: Irrational Exuberance

Events since early November have boosted equities, strengthened crude oil prices, placed a floor under the USD index and moderated some of the recent safe-haven demand for gold. But market optimism after the US Presidential election, and news of Covid-19 vaccine successes that quickly followed it, could prove short-lived if pandemic impacts worsen further during the northern hemisphere winter. Opec+ Ministers will surely be watching closely.   David Fyfe, Chief Economist for Argus Media, presents this latest podcast and blog post in the “From the Economist’s Chair” series.
11/17/20205 minutes, 53 seconds
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The Crude Report: Why penalize running the lights?

The six stand-alone splitters designed to refine ultra-light crude oil condensate at the US Gulf coast should have operating advantages in an environment where gasoline is king – but this theory hasn't quite panned out. Sandy Fielden, Director of Research at Morningstar Commodities and Energy, joins Jeff Kralowetz, Vice President of Business Development at Argus, to discuss the economics of running the units in current market conditions.
11/11/202018 minutes, 38 seconds
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Global LPG Conversations: Outlook for propane and propylene markets

Our new podcast series, Global LPG Conversations, explores developments and key drivers in the global LPG/NGL markets.  In this episode, Kristen Mueller our principal consultant for LPG and Sarah Rae, VP – Olefins & derivatives discuss the current market trends and outlook for the propane and propylene markets.  ‘Global LPG Conversations’ is brought to you by Argus Media — a leading independent provider of energy and commodity market information.
11/11/202017 minutes, 45 seconds
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Discussing the future of bunker fuels with car carrier UECC

Join Nicolas Ganas, Business Development Manager as he quizzes Daniel Gent, Energy & Sustainability Manager, UECC on the future of bunker fuels in a post-pandemic market.
11/9/202036 minutes, 4 seconds
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Discussing the future of bunker fuels with car carrier UECC

As new car sales continue to struggle as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, what has been the impact on car carrier UECC? And what experience have they had using alternative marine fuels?   Join Nicolas Ganas, Business Development Manager, Argus, as he discusses the impact of Covid-19 on UECC and the future of bunker fuels with Daniel Gent, Energy and Sustainability Manager, United European Car Carriers (UECC).
11/6/202036 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Crude Report: Libyan production strikes back

After an eight-month slump in crude oil production, Libyan volumes are expected to strike back in full force. Ruxandra Iordache, who follows Mediterranean crude markets for Argus, joins to talk about the sudden comeback of the primarily light sweet crude from Libya and what the implications are of this additional volume in the market.
11/4/20208 minutes, 10 seconds
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Driving Discussions: Covid-19 wave #2 and the outlook for European refiners

The global oil products market was hit extremely hard from the first wave of Covid-19. Now that we are beginning feel the effects of the second wave, especially in Europe, are refiners prepared? Listen in as Elliot Radley, editor of Argus European Products and Harry Riley-Gould, senior reporter European Products, provide an update on the current refined products market in Europe and give insight on how the market and refiners might handle the second wave of Covid-19 and the winter months ahead.
11/4/202012 minutes, 17 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: A demanda doméstica por combustíveis já voltou aos níveis pré-pandemia?

Após uma queda média da ordem de 40% no início da pandemia de Covid-19, o consumo doméstico de combustíveis vem subindo progressivamente, voltando aos níveis pré-crise. Como esta recuperação vem se desenvolvendo para cada tipo de combustível e como isso se reflete nos preços praticados nas bombas?    No episódio desta semana da série Falando de Mercado, Camila Dias, Chefe de Redação da Argus no Brasil, conversa com Guilherme Zuanazzi, CEO da empresa de consultoria Aprix, sobre a recuperação do consumo de combustíveis no Brasil.
11/4/202012 minutes, 48 seconds
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The Crude Report: WAF demand revival

West African crude is seeing a demand revival from its key market in China and also, to a lesser extent, from some more unexpected sources. 
10/28/202015 minutes, 23 seconds
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The Petcoke Podcast: Russian petcoke markets in 2020 and beyond

In this episode, The Petcoke Podcast examines the latest trends for the Russian petroleum coke markets.   Argus deputy editor Erisa Senerdem is joined by Yury Burenko , Trading Director at DYM Resources, to review the year so far for Russian pet coke. They discuss key points affecting trading patterns, from supply and demand fundamentals, the impact of oil price wars on Russian production, the Covid-19 impact on markets and challenges of selling to different regions. Yury shares his thoughts on what to expect into 2021 and how production from the new capacity coming online in Russia and the former Soviet Union countries in the next five years will be accommodated in global markets.
10/27/202023 minutes, 58 seconds
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Driving Discussions: US road fuels market update

This latest episode of Driving Discussions focuses on the recent drop in gasoline prices, a new spec for RBOB gasoline and how refining margins have evolved. Listen in as John Demopoulos, vice president of US refined products and Dave Ruisard, editor US Products, give an update on the US road fuels market.
10/26/202010 minutes, 21 seconds
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The Crude Report: Mind the (small) gap between light and heavy sour prices

The price spread of light to heavy sour crude has tightened in the last several months amid changes in market dynamics on the light crudes and also on the heavy sour crude side. What are the various factors that have contributed to this and what are the potential lights at the end of the tunnel?  Speaker: Azlin Ahmad, Argus crude markets editor for Asia Pacific and Middle East
10/21/20208 minutes, 48 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Panorama do transporte de etanol no Brasil

Das usinas ao postos de abastecimento, o etanol brasileiro transita por uma cadeia logística que envolve modais de cabotagem, transporte rodoviário e dutoviário. Como esta dinâmica vem evoluindo para conjugar eficiência econômica e baixa emissão de carbono, em linha com os parâmetros do RenovaBio?   No episódio desta semana da série Falando de Mercado, Amance Boutin, editor do relatório Argus Brasil Combustíveis, conversa com Leandro Almeida, diretor comercial da Logum, sobre as transformações logísticas no setor.
10/21/202010 minutes, 23 seconds
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Jet Fuel Insights: Exports out of USGC

The Jet Fuel Insights miniseries discusses the price implications of three major jet fuel trade routes, Middle East to Europe, Asia-Pacific to the U.S. West coast, and U.S. Gulf coast to Latin America. In this fourth episode, Louise Burke, Wendy Dulaney, and Michael Connolly give you a breakdown of U.S. jet fuel trade routes out of the U.S. Gulf coast and the shifts in demand in Canada and Mexico. 
10/20/202012 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Crude Report: Dated volumes problem returns

With annual output of key grade Forties falling to a 44-year low, the grades making up the Dated benchmark are seeing continued production declines. This week, The Crude Report turns to the North Sea, with Michael Carolan, editor of Argus Crude, joining Alex Endress to discuss the current state of the Brent complex, its grades, production streams and what it may say about the future of the market and benchmarks.
10/14/20206 minutes, 17 seconds
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LNG as a widely used future marine fuel

Join Nicolas Ganas, Business Development Manager, Argus as he explores the impact of Covid-19 on the small scale LNG market with Michael Schaap, Commercial Director - Marine, Titan LNG.
10/14/202022 minutes, 11 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: O que muda nos contratos de exportação de grãos no Brasil?

Tradicionalmente usados por exportadores brasileiros para padronizar embarques marítimos de grãos, os modelos de contratos da #Anec passaram por uma ampla revisão em julho para refletir a nova dinâmica do setor. O que mudou nestes modelos de contratos e como isso deve impactar o mercado agrícola brasileiro? Ouça nosso podcast e descubra.
10/13/20208 minutes, 36 seconds
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The Crude Report: From Canada to Asia, with a Texas layover

Record volumes of Canadian crude are arriving in Texas, and while some are staying onshore, a fair amount is being exported to markets such as China, India and South Korea. In this episode of the Argus Crude Report, Alex Endress, US Gulf coast crude markets reporter, is joined by Brett Holmes, who covers Canadian crude markets.
10/7/20206 minutes, 50 seconds
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Driving Discussions: Hedging opportunities in European waste biofuels

This episode looks the developments in UCOME biodiesel with Paul Wightman at CME Group covering the introduction of new price risk management products for this growing market.
10/7/202018 minutes, 25 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Como anda o apetite chinês pelo petróleo brasileiro?

O arrefecimento das importações chinesas de petróleo após o pico registrado no começo da pandemia de Covid-19 tem deixado os produtores brasileiros em alerta. O que está por trás das oscilações no consumo da China e quais são as perspectivas para os embarques de petróleo brasileiro nos próximos meses?   No episódio desta semana da série Falando de Mercado, Vanessa Viola, vice-presidente sênior da Argus para a América Latina, e Clayton Melo, diretor da empresa no Brasil, analisam o panorama das exportações de petróleo brasileiro para a China.
10/6/20208 minutes, 22 seconds
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Global LPG Conversations: Arbitrage economics out of the USGC

Our new podcast series, Global LPG Conversations, explores developments and key drivers in the global LPG markets. In this episode, Alan Hayes our VP of Business Development will be talking about the arbitrage economics out of the USGC.  ‘Global LPG Conversations’ is brought to you by Argus Media — a leading independent provider of energy and commodity market information.
10/2/202015 minutes, 39 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Perspectivas para a abertura do mercado brasileiro de refino

Refinarias brasileiras independentes vêm lutando para prosperar em um mercado amplamente dominado pela Petrobras. O plano de desinvestimentos da estatal dará acesso a novos entrantes, reconfigurando o panorama do mercado doméstico de downstream. Quais são os impactos esperados para os refinadores independentes e como eles estão se preparando para se adaptar ao novo cenário?   No episódio desta semana da série Falando de Mercado, Amance Boutin, editor do relatório Argus Brasil Combustíveis, conversa com Carlos Cotta, CEO do Grupo Fit, sobre as mudanças ocorrendo no mercado brasileiro de downstream.
10/1/20209 minutes, 21 seconds
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Driving Discussions: BP Energy Outlook 2020

Recently, BP released their annual energy outlook. In the 2020 edition, BP outlines three scenarios which explore different pathways for the global energy system through the year 2050. In this episode, Stephen Jones, global head of oil products for Argus, and Michael Cohen, chief US economist and head of oil analysis at BP, discuss the 2020 energy outlook and how the pandemic has affected long term oil demand. 
9/30/202032 minutes
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The Crude Report: Brazil-China trade ebbs and flows

Chinese imports of Brazilian crude hit a record 1.2mn b/d in June, as grades such as Tupi (formerly known as Lula) continue to be popular with Shandong refiners. But like many others, Brazil is also susceptible to China’s recent demand lull. Speaker: Vanessa Viola, Senior Vice President, Latin America
9/30/20209 minutes, 38 seconds
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Jet fuel insights: How has demand affected trade flows in and out of Asia?

This third of four podcast episodes considers how the freight market affects jet fuel prices around the globe. Over the next few weeks we will be discussing the price implications of three major jet fuel trade routes, Middle East to Europe, Asia-Pacific to the U.S. West coast, and U.S. Gulf coast to Latin America. In this third episode, Louise Burke, Craig Ross and Vivien Gu give you a breakdown of the Asian jet fuel trade routes and the impacts to the local Asian jet fuel market and impacts on exports to the US West Coast and South America.
9/29/202012 minutes, 53 seconds
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Global Polymer Conversations: Latest updates on the polymer markets and global fundamentals

Tune in to our latest episode of Global Polymer Conversations with Argus Global Head of Petrochemicals Chuck Venezia and VP of Petrochemicals Muhamad Fadhil.  In this episode, we discuss the recent updates in the global polyethylene and polypropylene markets with a detailed look ahead to the supply and demand fundamentals in the last quarter of 2020 and 2021. 
9/23/202012 minutes, 6 seconds
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The Crude Report - Opec: 60 years and counting

It’s been 60 years since Opec was formed by founding members Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait and Venezuela. This episode of The Crude Report sees Argus Chief Economist, David Fyfe, take a look at what has kept the unit together and gives an update from its latest JMCC meeting.
9/23/202016 minutes, 2 seconds
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Jet Fuel Insights: Impacts on European jet fuel market from MidEast and India

This second of four podcast episodes considers how the freight market affects jet fuel prices around the globe.  Over the next few weeks we will be discussing the price implications of three major jet fuel trade routes, Middle East to Europe, Asia-Pacific to the U.S. West coast, and U.S. Gulf coast to Latin America. In this second episode, Louise Burke, Florence Schmit and Sarah Raffoul give you breakdown of the European jet fuel market and the impacts from the Middle Eastern and Indian importers. 
9/16/202013 minutes, 23 seconds
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The Crude Report: Sour price cuts provide sweet relief to refiners?

Saudi Aramco announced its official prices for October-loading crude exports last week, listen in as Jessica Tran, Senior Sector Marketer for Crude Oil, and Fabian Ng, Reporter - Crude, discuss the impact of official formula prices on the Asian market.
9/16/20206 minutes, 49 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: O salto nas importações brasileiras de soja em ano de safra recorde do grão

Apesar da safra histórica de soja registrada no Brasil este ano, a elevada demanda durante a pandemia tem impulsionado as importações do grão a níveis recorde e ajudado a reequilibrar a balança comercial do produto. O que há por trás deste movimento e quais mercados poderão se beneficiar a curto e médio prazo? No episódio desta semana da série Falando de Mercado, Camila Dias, chefe de redação da Argus no Brasil, conversa com José Roberto Gomes, repórter de agricultura e fertilizantes, sobre a mudança na balança comercial da soja brasileira.
9/16/20205 minutes, 9 seconds
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Market Talks: The jump in Brazil’s soybean imports amid the grain’s bumper crop

Increased soybean demand in Brazil during the Covid-19 pandemic has boosted the country’s imports, despite Brazil achieving its highest ever soybean crop this year, narrowing the country’s trade balance in this commodity. What’s behind this trend and which markets could benefit in the short-to-medium term?  In this week's episode of Market Talks, Argus’ Brazil Bureau Chief, Camila Dias, and Agriculture and Fertilizer Reporter, Jose Roberto Gomes, analyze the changes in Brazil’s soybean trade balance.
9/16/20205 minutes, 30 seconds
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Low carbon fuels and state of the bunker industry

Tune in to learn about the progress of the IMO 2020 cap and the impact of Covid-19 with host Nicolas Ganas, Business Development Manager - Oil Products, and Adrian Tolson, Director, BLUE Insight, and IBIA board member.
9/16/202025 minutes, 24 seconds
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The Petcoke Podcast: Turkey's cement sector in 2020

In this episode, The Petcoke Podcast travels to Turkey to discuss the latest developments for the cement and coke markets there. Argus' Erisa Senerdem speaks to Ezgi Kayahan, Procurement Executive at Akçansa, one of Turkey's largest cement makers, for her views on the impact Covid-19 has had and will have on the supply chain, and on the outlook for Turkish cement plants’ sales and fuel mix in 2020.
9/14/20209 minutes, 10 seconds
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Petrokok podcast: 2020’de Türkiye çimento sektörü

Petrokok podcast’inin bu bölümünde Türkiye çimento ve petrokok piyasalarındaki gelişmeleri ele alıyoruz. Argus’dan Erisa Şenerdem, Türkiye’nin en büyük çimento üreticilerinden olan Akçansa’nın Satın Alma Yöneticisi Ezgi Kayahan ile Covid-19’un sektörün satışlarını, tedarik zincirini ve yakıt karışımlarını nasıl etkilediğini ve yılın geri kalanında sektörü nelerin beklediğini konuşuyor.
9/14/202012 minutes, 6 seconds
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Impact on US petrochemicals sector following Hurricane Laura

Hurricane Laura made landfall in western Louisiana on August 27 and packed sustained winds of 150 miles per hour. In this episode, we take a moment to look at the downstream impacts on the domestic LPG market and the impact observed in the US petrochemicals sector following the event. Amy Strahan, Editor of Argus NGL Americas, is joined by Michael Camarda, who is responsible for Argus’ daily ethylene and propylene coverage in the US, and polymers editor Michelle Klump.
9/10/20207 minutes, 47 seconds
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The Crude Report: Covid-19 downturn not Canada's first rodeo

Covid-19 and its related demand destruction has challenged the Canadian oil sands sector with losses, but producers have been well-prepared for turbulence after overcoming previous challenges. Brett Holmes, Reporter, discusses how producers have dealt with pipeline outages, forest fires and swelling inventories, and how larger producers look ready to capitalize on any recover in the back half of the year.
9/9/20208 minutes, 5 seconds
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Podcast | Falando de Mercado: Perspectivas para um novo modelo de comercialização de biodiesel no Brasil

O modelo brasileiro de comercialização de biodiesel por meio de leilões públicos começa a apresentar sinais de desgaste e, apesar da redução no percentual de mescla obrigatória, incertezas acerca do abastecimento colocam este mecanismo em cheque. Qual a visão dos atores deste mercado e quais as perspectivas para mudança deste modelo?   No episódio desta semana da série Falando de Mercado, Camila Dias, chefe de redação da Argus no Brasil, conversa com Gabrielle Moreira, repórter de combustíveis, sobre as perspectivas para um novo modelo de comercialização de biodiesel no Brasil.
9/7/20206 minutes, 49 seconds
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Driving Discussions: How do renewable feedstocks play a role in your biofuels strategy?

Renewable fuels and their importance in the market have seen an uptick this year. Our experts, Louise Burke and Jackie Reigle, discuss Argus’ 30 new daily US renewable feedstock assessments and give an overview of the renewables market.
9/4/202011 minutes, 49 seconds
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Jet Fuel Insights: The weight of freight on global jet fuel prices

This first of four podcast episodes considers how the freight market affects jet fuel prices around the globe. Over the next few weeks we will be discussing the price implications of three major jet fuel trade routes, Middle East to Europe, Asia to the U.S. West coast, and U.S. Gulf coast to Latin America. In this first episode, Louise Burke and Alex Younevitch give you a global breakdown of jet fuel prices and how they are responding to the changing freight market.
9/2/202017 minutes, 24 seconds
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The Crude Report: Guyana sweet on Liza

Earlier in August, the third lift of Guyana’s Liza crude was loaded from the ExxonMobil-operated Stabroek block. Guyana received $46/bl for its share, $11/bl more than the second lift back in May. This episode of The Crude Report, featuring reporter Monica Rojas Hidalgo, takes a look at Guyana’s promising future as an oil exporting country and expectations from its recently-elected government. 
9/2/20205 minutes, 13 seconds
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Market Talks: Outlook for Brazilian coffee exports

Agribusiness continues to boost the Brazilian trade balance amid the pandemic and, in addition to soy, coffee has also seen a jump in export volumes. What is behind this performance and what is the commercial outlook for Brazilian coffee in both domestic and international markets? Listen to this podcast episode for more.
8/27/20205 minutes, 42 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Perspectivas para as exportações de café brasileiro

O agronegócio segue impulsionando a balança comercial brasileira em meio à pandemia e, além da soja, o café também experimentou um salto no volume de exportações. O que há por trás deste desempenho e quais são as perspectivas comerciais para o café brasileiro os mercados doméstico e internacional? Ouça nosso podcast e descubra.
8/27/20206 minutes, 22 seconds
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The Crude Report: Nigeria losing European market share to US

Nigerian crude demand to Europe has been severely dented, being pushed out by a steady flow of US crude exports on top of weak European gasoline margins. But although Europe isn’t showing signs of an imminent recovery, some relief may come from China.
8/26/202010 minutes, 5 seconds
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Global LPG Conversations: Episode 1 – Drivers behind LPG Freight

Our new podcast series, Global LPG Conversations, explores developments and key drivers in the global LPG markets. Our first episode focuses on the drivers behind LPG freight and its impact on the global LPG market.  Listen in as NGL Americas editor Amy Strahan and Head of Freight Alex Younevitch share their thoughts on recent changes in VLGC freight.
8/25/20207 minutes, 49 seconds
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The Crude Report: Opec+ meets again

With Opec+ slated to meet this week to discuss the state of the global crude oil industry and adjust their plans as needed, this episode of The Crude Report podcast takes a look at how compliance is so far and how much production is expected to rise as the first cut phase is now complete. Sean Cronin, editor of Argus Global Markets, joins to evaluate the situation.
8/19/20205 minutes, 2 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Mudanças na estratégia de precificação de combustíveis da Petrobras

Os recentes leilões de combustíveis realizados pela Petrobras com base nos contratos da Nymex são um dos muitos sinais de uma transformação em curso no setor de downstream brasileiro em direção a um mercado aberto e em expansão. Como essas leilões funcionam e como eles impactam as importações de combustíveis do Brasil? No episódio desta semana da série Falando de Mercado, Camila Dias, chefe de redação da Argus no Brasil, e Amance Boutin, editor da publicação Argus Brasil Combustíveis, analisam essa mudança na forma como o mercado brasileiro de combustíveis opera.
8/19/20207 minutes, 24 seconds
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The Petcoke Podcast: Is US coke supply scarcity here to stay?

In this episode, Argus petroleum coke consultant Hayden Atkins joins editor Lauren Masterson to discuss the US coke supply picture.  The Covid-19 pandemic’s unprecedented disruption to the refining industry has dominated most thoughts about why coke supply has been so scarce. But Hayden points out that cokers have actually been running at higher rates than overall crude processing would suggest. Much of the recent extreme supply crunch actually stems from demand-driven inventory drawdowns in the first quarter. These are now catching up with refiners, who in fact face more challenging coker economics now than they did in the second quarter.  Listen in as Hayden and Lauren discuss where Argus sees the US coke supply scenario in the coming months.
8/18/202014 minutes, 21 seconds
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Driving Discussions: The resilience of US spot markets

How have refined products spot markets been handling rapid change? Over the past several months US spot markets have seen their fair share of change. In this episode of Driving Discussions John Demopoulos, vice president North America refined products, and Dave Ruisard, editor US Products, discuss just how well these spot markets have been handling shifts in demand and supply, low utilization, refinery closures and what they could face next. 
8/12/202017 minutes, 20 seconds
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Exploring bio-marine fuels with GoodFuels CEO Dirk Kronemeijer

Tune into Nicolas Ganas, Business Development Manager for Oil Products, Europe at Argus as he quizzes Dirk Kronemeijer, CEO and Founder of GoodNRG Group and Goodfuels. This podcast focuses on Goodfuels' journey towards becoming a pioneer in the bio-marine fuels market and the possibility of a carbon-neutral industry.
8/12/202025 minutes, 56 seconds
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The Crude Report: Chevron gets a Noble deal

In this episode of The Crude Report, a podcast series on global oil markets, we discuss Chevron’s $13bn acquisition of Noble Energy and what we’ve heard from other US oil companies regarding future M&A.  Argus Americas Crude Deputy Editor Amanda Smith and Reporter Alex Endress outline Chevron and Noble’s seemingly complementary businesses and highlight what other US oil company CEOs have said regarding future M&A opportunities. 
8/12/202012 minutes, 3 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Perspectivas para a safra brasileira de trigo

As perspectivas para a safra brasileira de trigo seguem positivas este ano, impulsionadas por condições climáticas favoráveis e pelo aumento da área plantada. Projeções mais otimistas estimam uma colheita recorde do cereal em 2020. Qual a condição das lavouras brasileiras e como a alta produtividade deve impactar a balança comercial do produto?   No episódio desta semana da série Falando de Mercado, Flavia Bohone, Editora do relatório Argus Brasil Grãos e Fertilizantes, conversa com José Roberto Gomes, repórter de Agricultura e Fertilizantes, sobre as perspectivas para a safra brasileira de trigo este ano.
8/6/20206 minutes, 5 seconds
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The Crude Report: Understanding China’s weak third quarter

China’s crude oil purchasing activity has changed alongside oil prices and politics. In this episode of The Crude Report, a podcast series on global oil markets, Argus Vice President and Editor of the Argus China Petroleum Service Tom Reed joins to discuss the motives behind Beijing’s nudge to increase US crude purchases, China’s INE futures exchange and whether the dramatic recovery in China’s oil demand post-Covid-19 is running out of puff. 
8/5/202012 minutes, 47 seconds
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Driving Discussions: Can road fuels exports and floating storage save the clean tanker market?

Listen in as Alex Younevitch, Global Business Development Manager and Alisa Cox, Commercial Development Manager as they share thoughts on recent changes in road fuels exports and floating storage.
7/30/202015 minutes, 51 seconds
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The Crude Report: Coastal lights orbit closer to Mars

Over the past few months, the discount of the sour crude grade Mars has narrowed considerably against the sweet grade LLS. In this episode of The Crude Report, a podcast series on global crude oil markets, we discuss how this came to be: a combination of a ripple effect of the Opec+ production cut and dampening light, sweet crude market dynamics. Alex Endress, an Argus reporter, discusses the details.
7/29/20209 minutes, 40 seconds
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Covid-19 impact to US ethanol, corn markets

Tune into our latest fertilizer podcast, focusing on the dependency and interconnectivity of the energy and agricultural industries in the US through a shared denominator - corn. Join Connor Hyde, Deputy Editor of Argus North American Fertilizer and Thom Dwyer, Biofuels Market Reporter as they discuss the forces that affect US corn and ethanol.
7/24/20206 minutes, 35 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Perspectivas para exportações brasileiras de carnes de frango e suína

As exportações brasileiras de carnes de frango e suína devem aumentar em 2020 na comparação anual, mas a pressão exercida pela pandemia no comércio internacional destes produtos terá forte peso nos embarques. O que esperar deste mercado nos próximos meses? Qual será o impacto na cadeia de produção de grãos utilizados na alimentação animal?   No episódio desta semana da série Falando de Mercado, José Roberto Gomes, repórter de Agricultura e Fertilizantes da Argus, conversa com Ricardo Santin, diretor-executivo da Associação Brasileira de Proteína Animal (ABPA), sobre o impacto da pandemia no setor.
7/23/20209 minutes, 36 seconds
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Argus view of the potash market in volatile times

Join Ewan Thomson, Editor - Potash and Hasan Tarique, Senior Consultant - Fertilizers as they discuss the global state of the potash market, including the medium and long-term outlook in the wake of Covid-19.   Key topics discussed include: China contract impact Covid-19 impact Agriculture fundamentals - Brazil, China US and India Supply curtailments and project delays Price impact and implications Long-term fundamentals driving demand growth
7/17/202025 minutes, 17 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Como a Covid-19 afetou o mercado global de GLP?

O mercado global de GLP vivia um cenário confortável de sobreoferta antes do início da pandemia de Covid-19, mas o arrefecimento na produção de petróleo e derivados mudou drasticamente esta dinâmica. O que esperar deste mercado a curto, médio e longo prazos? Quais os impactos esperados nos mercados da América Latina? No episódio desta semana da série Falando de Mercado, Vanessa Viola, Vice-Presidente Sênior da Argus para América Latina, e Clayton Melo, Diretor da Argus no Brasil, fazem um balanço do mercado global de GLP e diante da pandemia de Covid-19.
7/16/20208 minutes, 16 seconds
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Driving Discussions: US refining impacts from low utilization

With road fuel demand slightly up but refining utilization still down, how are US refiners coping? Join John Demopoulos, vice president of North America refined products and Steve Webber, vice president of Americas consulting for an update on the status of US refining and what’s to come next.
7/15/202020 minutes, 46 seconds
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The Petcoke Podcast: India’s coke demand outlook

In our second episode of The Petcoke Podcast, Argus’ Ajay Modi speaks with Surinder Gupta, a senior consultant for the Indian cement sector, about recent developments in petroleum coke demand from this key sector. They discuss hot topics including the impact of Covid-19, domestic and imported supply, coke v coal competitiveness and the future view on Indian demand.
7/14/202010 minutes, 11 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Mudanças na demanda por combustíveis no pós-pandemia

Novos hábitos de consumo pós-pandemia devem trazer um impacto significativo na mobilidade urbana e transportes, mudando o perfil de consumo de combustíveis do ciclo Otto no Brasil nos próximos anos. Como isso afetará os fundamentos de mercado e a produção de combustíveis e outros derivados de petróleo no país? No episódio desta semana da série Falando de Mercado, Amance Boutin, Editor do relatório Argus Brasil Combustíveis, conversa com  Heloísa Borges Esteves, Diretora de Estudos de Petróleo, Gás e Biocombustíveis da Empresa de Pesquisa Energética (EPE) sobre o novo perfil de consumo doméstico de combustíveis.
7/8/202015 minutes, 52 seconds
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Driving Discussions: How Covid-19 inverted the gasoline-naphtha spread

Welcome to the next episode in Driving Discussions. This week we join host Elliot Radley, Editor, European Products as he explores how Covid-19 has impacted the relationship between Naphtha and Gasoline in the European market. Elliot is joined by Thomas Warner, European Naphtha Market Reporter, and George King Cassell, Senior Market Reporter.
7/8/202014 minutes, 21 seconds
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African Fertilizer Knowledge Series: The Covid-19 impact on logistics in the west African fertilizer market

Welcome to the second episode of our Africa fertilizer knowledge series. In this podcast we discuss the logistical implications of Covid-19 on the west African fertilizer market supply chain with a panel of experts from the West African Fertilizer Association (WAFA). Mike Nash, Senior Editor – Fertilizers, hosts a panel with senior members of WAFA, including Innocent Okuku (Vice President), Dr Abdoulaye Dieye (Secretary for Research and Training), Malick Niang (Communication Secretary) and Mohammed Haidara (Assistant Treasurer). This podcast is the second in a series examining the market forces that influence and impact the strategically important African fertilizer sector.
7/8/202038 minutes, 20 seconds
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Driving Discussions: The importance of used cooking oil for decarbonising the transport sector

Josefine Ahlström, VP - Business Development for Europe and Leonidas Kanonis, Deputy Editor - Argus Biofuels, look at the role of used cooking oil in decarbonising the transport fuels sector. 
7/3/202016 minutes
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Falando de Mercado: Panorama do mercado de combustíveis nas Américas após 100 dias de quarentena

Os mercados de combustíveis das Américas começam a demonstrar os primeiros sinais de recuperação, conforme as medidas de restrição de mobilidade impostas durante a quarentena vêm sendo relaxadas. Em quais países esta recuperação tem sido mais expressiva e quais são os efeitos esperados na região?  No episódio desta semana da série Falando de Mercado, Vanessa Viola, Vice-Presidente Sênior da Argus para a América Latina, e Clayton Melo, Diretor da Argus no Brasil, fazem um balanço do mercado de combustíveis nas Américas ao completarmos 100 dias de quarentena.
7/1/20208 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Petcoke Podcast: Covid-19 impacts on Atlantic basin fuel coke demand

Welcome to The Petcoke Podcast, a new series discussing key developments for the global petroleum coke markets with expert industry participants. Listen in as Lauren Masterson, Argus Petroleum Coke Editor, speaks with Roberto Schurmann, Global Head of Trading at Votorantim Cimentos. They discuss how the impacts of the coronavirus pandemic have varied in different countries based on their market fundamentals and political approaches to the crisis. Roberto shares his valuable insight into cement demand and when supply will return.
6/29/202010 minutes, 54 seconds
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Driving Discussions: US road fuels exports, floating storage and freight markets

The latest podcast in our Driving Discussions series provides an update on the US gasoline and diesel markets.  Listen in as Nick Watt, Americas Freight Editor and Chunzi Xu, Deputy Editor, US Products, discuss the current US road fuels markets landscape and its effects on floating storage and freight markets. 
6/24/202013 minutes, 1 second
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Falando de Mercado: Efeitos do aumento nos pedidos de recuperação judicial no setor agrícola

O aumento nos pedidos de recuperação judicial do produtor rural individual deve encarecer o crédito agrícola e elevar os juros a médio prazo, trazendo novos desafios ao setor. Qual o impacto do uso crescente deste recurso no mercado e quais alternativas o agricultor tem à disposição? No episódio desta semana da série Falando de Mercado, Flavia Bohone, Editora do relatório Argus Brasil Grãos e Fertilizantes, conversa com Ticiane Figueiredo, advogada especialista em crédito agro e operações de barter na FLC Assessoria Jurídica, sobre mudanças no mercado de financiamento agrícola no Brasil.
6/24/202011 minutes, 48 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Perspectivas para o mercado de ARLA 32

O ARLA 32 – ou AdBlue, como é conhecido na Europa - tem sido cada vez mais utilizado em veículos pesados no mundo todo para reduzir emissões de poluentes e dano ambiental. Qual o tamanho deste mercado no Brasil e sua perspectiva de crescimento à medida que a frota doméstica de caminhões se renova? No episódio desta semana da série Falando de Mercado, Clayton Melo, Diretor da Argus no Brasil, conversa com Fabricio Cardoso, Gerente de Pesquisa e Consultoria da Argus e Editor do relatório Argus AdBlue and DEF Monitor, sobre as perspectivas do mercado de ARLA 32 no Brasil e no mundo.
6/18/20209 minutes, 10 seconds
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Driving Discussions: How long does the OPEC+ deal stay on the road?

Listen in as John Demopoulos, Vice President - North America Refined Products, and David Fyfe, Chief Economist, discuss how road fuel supply/demand has been impacted by OPEC's production cut policies since the initial outbreak of Covid-19 in February/March.
6/17/202016 minutes, 58 seconds
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African Fertilizer Knowledge Series - Assessing the impact of Covid-19 on west Africa fertilizer supply and demand

Listen in as Mike Nash, Senior Editor - Fertilizers, interviews Innocent Okuku, Vice President of the West African Fertilizer Association and CEO of Intrio Synergy. This podcast is the first in a series examining the market forces that influence and impact the African fertilizer sector.
6/15/202021 minutes, 10 seconds
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Global urea short-term market drivers

Listen in as Gavin Chong, VP, Asia, Business Development for Fertilizers and Carl Roache, Senior Editor, Fertilizers, discuss recent price and demand trends in the market, while also highlighting key factors for the third quarter. Key topics that will be discussed include: Review of 2nd quarter – demand and price trends Demand outlook for 3rd quarter – focus on key markets Assessing production costs and the role of Chinese exports in short-term price development
6/15/20208 minutes, 49 seconds
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Chinese crude oil markets reawaken

The global oil market is looking toward China for tangible signs of a worldwide revival. Still the world’s largest oil demand center, China is seeing a healthy return of crude demand, particularly in Shandong, their main import hub. Tom Reed, Vice President, joins Jeff Kralowetz, Vice President Crude and NGLs, to examine the mix of state-owned and independent Chinese refiners, the favored grades for import and how imported barrels are being priced.
6/12/202016 minutes, 18 seconds
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Driving Discussions: Road to Recovery (Part 1)

Listen in as John Demopoulos, Vice President - North American Refined Products, and Stephen Jones, Senior Vice President, Global Head of Oil Products, provide a top-level discussion of the changes in supply/demand expected over the coming weeks and months as markets look to recover from the global pandemic.
6/10/202020 minutes, 1 second
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Falando de Mercado: Competitividade do mercado brasileiro de refino

O plano de desinvestimentos da Petrobras contempla a venda de diversas refinarias no país, e o fim deste monopólio deve trazer impactos estruturais ao mercado brasileiro de combustíveis. Quais riscos e oportunidades podem surgir com a entrada de novos participantes e como isso deve afetar a dinâmica do mercado? No episódio desta semana da série Falando de Mercado, Camila Dias, Chefe de Redação da Argus, conversa com Marcio Thomé e Carlos Maligo, do Departamento de Engenharia Industrial da PUC-Rio, sobre os principais impactos esperados no mercado brasileiro de combustíveis após a concretização do plano de venda das refinarias da Petrobras, analisados em estudo encomendado à universidade pela Associação das Distribuidoras de Combustíveis (Brasilcom).
6/10/202013 minutes, 35 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Impactos do coronavírus no financiamento agrícola no Brasil

O crédito ao agricultor brasileiro tem se mostrado limitado em meio à pandemia, apesar do patamar de juros historicamente baixo no país e dos recordes de produção. O que está por trás desta restrição e como isso deve afetar a compra de fertilizantes e insumos para a próxima temporada? No episódio desta semana da série Falando de Mercado, Flavia Bohone, Editora de Agricultura e Fertilizantes, e Kauanna Navarro, Repórter de Agricultura e Fertilizantes, analisam os impactos do coronavírus no financiamento agrícola no Brasil.
6/5/20206 minutes, 25 seconds
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Driving Discussions: Changing tides in Russian diesel

Listen in as William Harwood, VP Business Development and John Demopoulos, Vice President, North American Refined Products deliver an update on Russian diesel. This podcast focuses on the impact of Russia's run cuts and the role of Russia as an essential supplier of middle distillates to Europe.
6/3/202016 minutes, 33 seconds
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A market view of US crude exports

Although the volume of US crude exports is falling, there is still international demand for US crude, most notably in Europe, which has overtaken Asia as the largest regional buyer. Join Jeff Kralowetz, VP, crude and NGLs, as he talks with Amanda Hilow, senior reporter, as they discuss how trade patterns for exports leaving the US Gulf coast continue to evolve. They cover Corpus overtaking Houston as the top export location, waterborne prices diverging from pipelines, and increasing volumes of crude headed to storage in the Caribbean before reaching destinations around the world.
5/27/202012 minutes, 58 seconds
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Driving Discussions: Impacts of Covid-19 on Brazilian ethanol market

Like many commodities markets around the world, the Brazilian ethanol market has seen a significant impact from Covid-19. Join Vanessa Viola, Senior Vice President for Latin America, and Amance Boutin, Latin America Biofuels editor, as they discuss the pandemic implications to ethanol supply and demand, how producers are handling this crisis and the outlook.
5/27/20208 minutes, 35 seconds
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Impact of IMO 2020 and Covid-19 on Heavy Products

Listen in as Alfonso Berrocal, Business Development - Oil Products, hosts Robert Harvey, Deputy Editor, and Enes Tunagur, Senior Reporter. This podcast summarises the impact of IMO 2020 and Covid-19 on heavy products across the world.
5/26/202029 minutes, 9 seconds
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Market Talks: Reviewing record early sales of Brazil’s grains harvest

Brazilian soybean and corn crops continue to break production and early sales records, driven by favorable exchange rates for farmers. How is this performance reflected along the agriculture value chain and how has it impacted the fertilizer market? In the sixth episode of the Market Talks series, Flavia Bohone, Agriculture and Fertilizer Editor, and Jose Roberto Gomes, Agriculture and Fertilizers Reporter, analyze production and early sales records broken by Brazil’s agriculture market.
5/21/20207 minutes, 10 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Panorama das vendas antecipadas da safra brasileira de grãos

As safras brasileiras de soja e milho seguem quebrando recordes de produção e vendas antecipadas, impulsionadas pelo câmbio favorável aos agricultores. Como este desempenho se reflete ao longo da cadeia de valor do setor agrícola e qual é o impacto no mercado de fertilizantes? No sexto episódio da série Falando de Mercado, Flavia Bohone, Editora de Agricultura e Fertilizantes da Argus, e José Roberto Gomes, repórter de grãos e fertilizantes, analisam o que está por trás do recorde de vendas antecipadas na safra brasileira de grãos.
5/21/20206 minutes, 30 seconds
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Driving Discussions: Balancing Russia's gasoline market in volatile times

Join William Harwood, SVP - Eurasian Crude & Products, and Elliot Radley, Editor - Argus European Products Report, as they discuss the transport fuels market in Russia with a focus on gasoline supply/demand trends.
5/18/202023 minutes, 46 seconds
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Covid-19: Questions from the Sulphur Market on the Sulphur Market

Tune in to Claira Lloyd, Editor and Sulphur Fertilizers Team Leader, as she replies to questions from her most recent webinar on Covid-19's impact on the sulphur market. Click here for Claira's most recent Sulphur Market Outlook.
5/18/20208 minutes, 26 seconds
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The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on Asian bitumen markets | Episode 2

The impact of Covid-19 has been felt significantly in Asian bitumen markets in Asia. As countries shut borders and enforced lockdowns, road construction activity slowed and then completely halted. Join Argus Media’s bitumen editor for Asia-Pacific, Aabha Gandhi, and vice-president for refined products, Asia, Sunita Sharma, to look back at this year’s second quarter and share Argus’ view for the third quarter.
5/14/20208 minutes, 37 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Impactos do coronavírus nos mercados brasileiros de etanol e gasolina

A produção brasileira de etanol foi diretamente impactada pelas restrições de circulação impostas logo antes do início da safra de cana-de-açúcar em 1º de abril, o que trouxe ainda mais incerteza a um cenário já delicado. Como isso se refletiu no consumo do biocombustível e da gasolina, que competem lado a lado nas bombas? Ouça nosso podcast e descubra.
5/14/20208 minutes, 7 seconds
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Narrow arb blocks Canadian crude from USGC

Production cuts have supported Canadian crude prices at Edmonton and Hardisty, with the consequence of closing the arbitrage to the US Gulf coast. Meanwhile, the trade of Canadian crude at Houston has proved a much better reflection of the daily heavy crude value at the US Gulf coast than the Maya formula, which is set monthly on the basis of light crude prices. Brett Holmes, market reporter, and Alex Endress, crude reporter, talk with Jeff Kralowetz, VP crude and NGLs, about the market shifts.
5/13/202011 minutes, 26 seconds
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Driving Discussions: The Impact of Covid-19 on European fuel markets and refineries (part 2)

Listen in as Josefine Ahlström, VP, Business Development, Europe hosts Elliot Radley, Editor, Argus European Products, and Benedict George, Market Reporter. This podcast revisits the current state of European fuel market and refineries, this time with a focus on European refinery utilisation rates.
5/13/202022 minutes, 25 seconds
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Aviation fuel market turbulence: Market Update

Join us with our partner Refinitiv for an update on the aviation fuel market. Listen in as Louise Burke, Argus Global Head of Aviation and Jim Mitchell, Head of Americas Oil Analysts and Carl Larry, Performance Director at Refinitiv discuss what aviation fuel supply and demand is doing and what the outlook is.
5/6/202015 minutes, 17 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Os impactos do coronavírus no mercado agrícola brasileiro

A safra recorde de soja e a expressiva alta do dólar têm ajudado os agricultores brasileiros a mitigarem os impactos das medidas de combate ao contágio por coronavírus no país. Como este equilíbrio se reflete na produção de grãos e no consumo de fertilizantes no Brasil? No quarto episódio da série Falando de Mercado, Clayton Melo, Diretor da Argus no Brasil, e Flavia Bohone, Editora de Agricultura e Fertilizantes da Argus, discutem os efeitos da pandemia no setor agrícola brasileiro.
5/5/20205 minutes, 53 seconds
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Driving Discussions: Brazilian motor fuels market after coronavirus

The Covid-19 pandemic has made its way to Brazil. What has happened to motor fuel demand in this country? And how will domestic and international imports be affected? Join Vanessa Viola, Senior Vice President of Latin America and Clayton Melo, Brazil Country Manager as they discuss impacts to the Brazilian motor fuels markets.
5/5/20206 minutes, 48 seconds
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Hablando del Mercado: Los impactos del coronavirus en los mercados de aviación de las Américas

Las restricciones de viaje debida a la lucha contra la pandemia han dejado a miles de aviones y pasajeros en tierra por todo el mundo. ¿Cuáles fueron los impactos en los principales mercados de América y cómo afecta esto a las aerolíneas y a los proveedores? ¡Descúbrelo en este podcast exclusivo en asociación con ALTA.
4/30/202022 minutes, 31 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Os impactos do coronavírus nos mercados de aviação nas Américas

As restrições de viagem decorrentes do combate à pandemia deixaram milhares de aeronaves e passageiros em solo no mundo todo. Quais foram os impactos nos principais mercados das Américas e como isso afeta companhias áereas e fornecedores? Descubra neste podcast exclusivo em parceria com a ALTA.
4/30/202020 minutes, 30 seconds
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Driving Discussions: The impact of Covid-19 on European biofuels markets and HVO

Tune in to our Driving Discussions podcast with host, Josefine Alströhm, VP - Business Development, and resident Argus experts, John Houghton-Brown, Editor - Biofuels, and Giulia Squadrin, Senior Reporter. This episode focuses on the European HVO and biofuel markets.
4/29/202016 minutes, 15 seconds
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Falando de Mercado: Os impactos do coronavírus no mercado brasileiro de combustíveis / Market Talks: The impacts of Covid-19 on Brazil’s clean fuels markets

As medidas de combate ao contágio por coronavírus têm provocado um forte impacto na demanda por petróleo e derivados ao redor do mundo. Qual o tamanho da queda na demanda e como isso se reflete na comercialização de combustíveis no Brasil? Vanessa Viola, Vice-Presidente Sênior da Argus para a América Latina, e Clayton Melo, Diretor da Argus no Brasil, discutem os efeitos da pandemia no setor brasileiro de combustíveis. Measures enforced to prevent the spread of coronavirus had a strong impact on the oil and refined products demand around the globe. How big is the drop in demand for clean fuels in Brazil, and how will it reflect in domestic trade flows?  Vanessa Viola, SVP Latin America, and Clayton Melo, Brazil Country Manager, discuss the effects of the pandemia on Brazil’s clean fuels market. (Podcast is in Portuguese.)
4/23/20206 minutes, 27 seconds
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Driving Discussions: The surprising RINs market during Covid-19

While all other energy commodities markets around the world have seen a severe dip in prices, RINs prices in the US are steady. What is causing the RINs market in the US to react this way and what is the outlook? Join John Demopoulos, vice president of North America refined products and Paul Niznik, senior consultant for Argus Consulting Services specializing in the US biofuels market, as they discuss RINs market volatility and what’s to come.
4/22/202013 minutes, 56 seconds
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The impact of Covid-19 on European Bitumen

Listen in as Keyvan Hedvat, Editor for European & African Bitumen, and Alfonso Berrocal, Business Development Manager for Specialities, discuss the impact of coronavirus on bitumen in Europe, Africa and beyond.
4/22/202023 minutes, 11 seconds
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US road construction and asphalt demand, is it changing?

The asphalt market in the US is seeing, like all commodities markets, an impact to demand from Covid-19. How will the asphalt market respond and what will the market look like in the future? Join Maria Ahmad, Editor of Argus Americas Asphalt and Ozzy Speranza, Senior Consultant for Argus Consulting Services focused on asphalt as they discuss Covid-19 impacts to the US asphalt market.  
4/17/202012 minutes, 47 seconds
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Covid-19 and its impact on global AdBlue, DEF and ARLA 32 markets

Listen in as Tim Cheyne, VP, Business Development for Emissions & Fertilizers discusses the impact of Covid-19 on the global AdBlue, DEF and ARLA32 markets with Fabricio Cardoso, Research Manager and Will Talbot, Analyst.
4/17/202012 minutes, 2 seconds
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Covid-19 and Europe - coping during the key season

Listen in as David Maher, Editor - Europe Fertilizer, explains how Europe's markets have kept moving during their key season, spring, despite the ongoing challenges posed by Covid-19. It also examines how geography and the nature of the EU have played key roles.
4/16/20206 minutes, 27 seconds
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Saudis double down on oil market-share offensive

Saudi Arabia faces a pricing dilemma between supporting prices in line with the Opec+ historical deal to cut output and ensuring there is enough buying interest for the kingdom’s crude oil in an environment of dismal demand. Aramco’s latest official selling prices suggest it has chosen to prioritise market share in the key Asia-Pacific region, entrenching the price war that emerged after the collapse of last month’s Opec+ meeting. Written and presented by: Alejandro Barbajosa, Vice-President, Crude, Middle East and Asia-Pacific.
4/16/20207 minutes, 27 seconds
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Driving Discussions: Exploring Nigerian fuel markets

Join James Gooder, VP Business Development, Europe and Josefine Ahlström, VP Business Development, as they explore the status of coronavirus in Nigeria but also the potential impact of the recently announced subsidy lifting in the domestic Nigerian domestic market.
4/15/202023 minutes, 11 seconds
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From the Economist's Chair: Forget 2020, save 2021

Argus Media Chief Economist David Fyfe reviews last week's Opec+ and G20 meetings and the resulting, highly-anticipated crude oil production cut agreement. The collective cut may not rebalance the market in 2020, but puts the industry on the right track for 2021. Fyfe also explores how crude prices and strategic stockpiles may factor into the recovery timeline. 
4/13/20206 minutes, 19 seconds
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Covid-19: Hitting the sulphur market from all sides

Tune in to Claira Lloyd, Editor and Sulphur Fertilizers Team Leader, as she provides an update on the global sulphur market amidst the coronavirus pandemic.
4/9/20208 minutes, 59 seconds
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Driving Discussions: The impact of Covid-19 on India and the wider products market

Listen to the latest podcast in the Driving Discussions series, introducing Sunita Sharma, VP – Asia Refined Products and Aldric Chew, Editor – Asia Pacific Products as they cover the impact of Covid-19 on India and the wider products market.
4/9/202013 minutes, 37 seconds
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Sulphuric acid fundamentals detach from supply and demand

Prices for sulphuric acid across the globe began declining early in 2019, but how is the market shaping up against lockdown conditions and what is the broader picture? Listen in as Kate Wilcock, Editor - Global Sulphuric Acid, illuminates pricing, production, demand and the short-to-medium term outlook for sulphuric acid.
4/8/20206 minutes, 18 seconds
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Driving Discussions: Covid-19 and its impact on the European gasoil market

Listen in as Harry Riley-Gould, Market Reporter, European Products Report and Nicolas Kyriakoglou, Market Reporter, Freight discuss the state of today's European fuels market with a focus gasoil, developments in diesel trading and the connected clean freight market. The podcast is moderated by Josefine Alström, VP, Business Development, Europe.
4/8/202018 minutes, 2 seconds
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Covid-19 impact on the global NPK market

All industries have seen some kind of impact from the global coronavirus pandemic and this podcast highlights how Covid-19 has affected the global NPK market from a supply and demand perspective.
4/8/202013 minutes, 51 seconds
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Impact of coronavirus on the African fertilizer market

This podcast takes a look at the impact of the virus on port and supply chain logistics, fertilizer import demand, local production and outstanding purchase tenders on the African continent.
4/8/20209 minutes, 55 seconds
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Oh Canada – and its crude

The Alberta government’s recent announcement to partner with TC Energy on the northern part of the Keystone XL pipeline sparks a wider conversation on the current state of Canadian crude oil markets. Jeff Kralowetz, Vice President Crude & NGLs, and Cheryl Goodwin, Business Development, discuss the upstream, midstream and downstream crude landscapes in Canada at the moment as well as the economic facts underlying recent price shifts.  
4/6/202011 minutes, 12 seconds
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Driving Discussions: Mexican fuels in a time of Covid-19

Mexico has long been a focus for refiners looking to grow their downstream footprint. But how will the country’s liberalizing markets fare as demand falls and margins tighten? Argus VP of North America Refined Products, John Demopoulos, Editor of Mexico Fuel Markets, Carla Bass and Senior Correspondent in Mexico City bureau, Sergio Meana discuss COVID-19 impacts to fuel flows in Mexico.
4/3/20209 minutes, 49 seconds
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Coronavirus: the impact on the potash market

This podcast discusses how the global spread of the coronavirus is impacting the potash market and its connected infrastructure. Ewan Thomson, Editor - Potash, discusses the broad impacts on supply, demand and prices.  
4/3/20205 minutes, 22 seconds
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Driving Discussions: The impact of coronavirus on European fuel markets and refineries

Join Josefine Ahlström, VP, Business Development, Europe and Elliot Radley, Editor, Argus European Products as they explore the impact of coronavirus on European fuel market and refineries. This podcast will focus on the short-to-medium-term supply/demand of gasoline, diesel, heating oil and jet.
4/2/202016 minutes, 50 seconds
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The impact of the coronavirus on Asian bitumen markets

The coronavirus outbreak is significantly affecting commodity markets, including bitumen. Bitumen markets are almost completely shaped by weather, and financing, and the toll that coronavirus has taken on economies has affected bitumen. Join Argus Media’s bitumen editor for Asia-Pacific, Aabha Gandhi, and vice-president for refined products, Asia, Sunita Sharma, in an exclusive podcast where they examine supply and demand fundamentals, as well as some of the expected repercussions in Asia-Pacific markets.
4/2/202011 minutes, 41 seconds
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Covid-19: Impacts on US fuel supply chains

Refined product demand in the US has been upended, forcing refiners to cut production and pipelines to slow. What happens next? How are refiners dealing with uncertainty in the marketplace? John Demopoulos, Argus’ VP for North America refined products, and Elliott Blackburn, senior reporter for downstream and fuels, discuss this and more, including refining economics, maintenance and RVP issues.
3/27/202011 minutes, 35 seconds
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The impact of the coronavirus on Middle East supply chain, petrochemical shipping and aviation markets

Sentiment is bearish among Middle East producers as the coronavirus pandemic is impacting the demand in key export markets globally. Saudi Arabia and the UAE announced its measures to bolster their economies with packages worth a combined $55bn, with more likely to come. What is the direct impact on regional refiners and petrochemical producers in the Mideast Gulf and to their supply chains? The start of the coronavirus outbreak coincided with an already pre-scheduled refinery maintenance programme in the Mideast Gulf. This capacity is scheduled to be back online soon, but operators may extend their turnarounds to keep units offline for some time given the prevailing market conditions. Given the recent fall in oil and naphtha prices, petrochemical feedstock costs are compressed. Freight becomes a higher proportion of the final price and may provide a competitive benefit to regional petrochemical producers. Join Nader Itayim, Editorial Manager for Argus’ Middle East bureau, Muhamad Fadhil, Argus’ petrochemical editor and Sarah Raffoul, Argus’ Mideast Gulf middle distillates reporter in this exclusive podcast.
3/26/202017 minutes, 59 seconds
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From the Economist’s Chair: How might coronavirus alter markets?

It’s all too easy to be overwhelmed by the current global crisis, and this episode of “From the Economist’s Chair” takes a step back from the day-to-day maelstrom of likely crude oil price floors, inventory capacity, ultimate demand loss and upstream budget cuts. What shifts may be ahead in the global economic and financial system as a result of this pandemic? Argus Chief Economist David Fyfe considers more broadly the changes this cruel coronavirus episode might force upon international commerce, global relations and the commodity markets.
3/24/202011 minutes, 22 seconds
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Upside down: New price relationships in the US Gulf coast crude markets

Long-stable crude oil price relationships at the US Gulf coast have been upended by the global crude supply/demand imbalance. What is likely to happen next? How much crude can Cushing store? And what does this mean for US exports? Argus VPs for Crude Business Development, Jeff Kralowetz and Bruce Fulin, and Argus Americas Crude Editor Gus Vasquez discuss this and more.
3/22/20208 minutes, 47 seconds
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Asian refiners react to pandemic as crude glut soars | Episode 4

Asia-Pacific refiners are preparing to scale down operations to confront a collapse in global fuel demand. As storage fills up, they will have to reduce the amount of crude they process, but not at the expense of competitive feedstocks from the Middle East. Soaring freight rates are rendering long-haul crude shipments from the Atlantic basin too expensive to Asia-Pacific, so it is North Sea, US and Latin American grades that face the biggest challenge, while west African cargoes and short-haul Russian supplies may remain competitive. Host: Alejandro Barbajosa, Argus VP, crude & LPG - Middle East & Asia-Pacific.
3/20/20208 minutes, 22 seconds
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Driving Discussions: COVID-19 impacts on US refinery operations

The US refining industry is entering unchartered territory as it navigates impacts from the Coronavirus. How will refiners handle the virus? How will their markets be affected? Argus VP of North America Refined Products, John Demopoulos, and Argus Senior Consultant Ed Arnold discuss COVID-19 impacts to US refiners.
3/17/202011 minutes, 45 seconds
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The impact of the coronavirus on the minor metals markets

Sentiment is bearish as the coronavirus crisis has affected the economy and reduced minor metals demand from most downstream sectors. China, being one of the largest global producers and consumers of minor metals, is significantly affected. Metals demand from the main downstream sectors, including automotive, real estate, lead-acid battery, air-conditioners and electronics, has been affected by the coronavirus crisis as many manufacturers have delayed resuming operations. The worsening coronavirus outbreak in South Korea and Japan is also weighing on potential demand for battery metals and materials. Join Argus Media’s China editor for nonferrous metals, Ohmin Zhao, and Vice-President for Metals, Tim Hard, in an exclusive podcast discussing the potential impact for minor metals markets.
3/17/20208 minutes, 47 seconds
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Opec and US shale: the latest coronavirus casualties – Episode 3

Oil prices have posted their biggest drop in almost three decades towards $30/bl on expectations that an Opec-induced supply surge will exacerbate a global surplus, as demand growth collapses beyond Asia with the spread of the coronavirus to most major economies. The unravelling of co-operation between Opec and Russia to restrain oil output also throws the US shale sector and other non-conventional oil basins into their deepest crisis since at least 2015, as plummeting crude prices jeopardise higher cost projects from Canada to Brazil.
3/9/20208 minutes, 13 seconds
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Driving Discussions: The Renewable Fuels Standard under Trump

Volatility has returned to America’s RIN market, with court decisions adding some unexpected shorts to a constrained marketplace. Argus VP of North America Refined Products, John Demopoulos, and Argus Senior Reporter Elliott Blackburn take a deep dive on the US renewable fuels standard (RFS): what it is, where we are and what’s to come?
3/4/202016 minutes, 5 seconds
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Coronavirus implications on the Asia and Middle East petrochemical markets

The recent coronavirus outbreak in China is significantly impacting commodity and petrochemical markets. China is one of the largest petrochemical consumer and producers globally. Sentiment is bearish with petrochemical plants running at lower operating rates in China and with high inventories. David Hanna, Muhamad Fadhil and Bohan Loh from Argus discuss the potential impact for markets in Asia and the Middle East in an exclusive Argus podcast.
3/3/202012 minutes, 10 seconds
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Coronavirus trickles down global oil markets - Episode 2

Economic activity has significantly slowed across Asia, denting energy consumption and oil demand, particularly in the transportation sector. Travel restrictions and precautionary behaviour are curtailing people movement, sending oil prices to their lowest in more than a year. The implications are stark for the energy industry and for the people who work in it. And demand is likely to remain depressed as the epidemic expands to South Korea and potentially to other major regional economies, which have been forced to pare output. Host: Alejandro Barbajosa, Argus VP, crude & LPG - Middle East & Asia-Pacific
2/27/20206 minutes, 47 seconds
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Coronavirus: a black swan event for the global crude market - Episode 1

The epidemic’s effect on energy consumption in China, the world’s top crude importer, is unprecedented. About a third of the country’s total refining capacity is down at a time when oil markets were already oversupplied. Economic activity remains subdued, making it uncertain how long the downturn will last. That’s already being reflected in the value of virtually every crude grade imported into Asia-Pacific. And there is also the question of whether Beijing will use this as an opportunity to consolidate China’s refining sector, contributing to the erosion of demand in the longer term. Host: Alejandro Barbajosa, Argus VP, crude & LPG - Middle East & Asia-Pacific
2/20/20208 minutes, 5 seconds
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The early impacts of IMO 2020 in Asia-Pacific

One month has passed since IMO 2020 came into effect, directing oceangoing vessels to switch from heavy bunker fuel to the cleaner 0.5% very low sulphur fuel oil (VLSFO). Listen to our latest podcast to learn how the Americas shipping industry has reacted to the mandates, including: How the transition period has disrupted the market Alternative fuel of choice for compliant shippers Impact on the supply/demand of VLSFO Scrubber adoption Host: Tracy Vowel, VP, Business Development Speaker: Andrew Khaw, Senior Reporter, Argus Marine Fuels
2/11/202013 minutes, 20 seconds
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The early impacts of IMO 2020 in Europe

One month has passed since IMO 2020 came into effect, directing oceangoing vessels to switch from heavy bunker fuel to the cleaner 0.5% very low sulphur fuel oil (VLSFO). Listen to our latest podcast to learn how the Americas shipping industry has reacted to the mandates, including: How the transition period has disrupted the market Alternative fuel of choice for compliant shippers Impact on the supply/demand of VLSFO Scrubber adoption Host: Tracy Vowel, VP, Business Development Speaker: Enes Tunagaur, Senior Reporter, European Oil Products
2/11/202014 minutes, 43 seconds
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The early impacts of IMO 2020 in the Americas

One month has passed since IMO 2020 came into effect, directing oceangoing vessels to switch from heavy bunker fuel to the cleaner 0.5% very low sulphur fuel oil (VLSFO). Listen to our latest podcast to learn how the Americas shipping industry has reacted to the mandates, including: How the transition period has disrupted the market Alternative fuel of choice for compliant shippers Impact on the supply/demand of VLSFO Scrubber adoption Host: Tracy Vowel, VP, Business Development Speaker: Stefka Wechsler, Editor, Argus Marine Fuels
2/11/202018 minutes, 40 seconds
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The China Connection - New petrochemical refineries: Impactful or disruptive?

China's petrochemical refiners are making their presence felt way beyond the country's borders. How will this impact global supply, demand, and trade balances? Will global operating rates be reduced? Textile giants Rongsheng and Hengli have shaken up China's cozy, state-dominated oil market this year with the addition of close to 1mn b/d of new crude distillation capacity and vast, integrated downstream complexes. Petrochemical products, rather than conventional road fuels, are the driving force for this new breed of private sector refiner. And more are on their way.
12/3/201915 minutes, 34 seconds
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The China Connection: IMO 2020 and Zhoushan

What role will China play in the global bunker market in 2020 and beyond? The deadline for IMO 2020 is fast approaching and China is well positioned to emerge as a key player. China is home to six of the world's 10 largest container ports, has the world's second largest refining sector and a wealth of storage and blending capacity at domestic ports. Sammy Six, deputy editor for Argus Marine Fuels, and Jonty Richardson, Argus Consulting, discuss the impact of IMO 2020 and how China is well-positioned to take a significant step forward in the bunker market post-2020.
11/20/201910 minutes, 23 seconds
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The China Connection – Plastics Recycling Challenges

Nearly two years after China's ban on imports of plastic waste, what are the implications for plastic waste trade flows for the rest of the world? China's ban on the imports of plastic waste has had a significant impact across the rest of the world given it's a vital cog in the global market. The impact of the ban was felt instantly particularly for the US and Europe, which were exporting a large percentage of their recycled plastics to China. As recycling efforts are a top concern, what does the future hold for the US and Europe? Will Collins, Associate Editor for Argus' European polymers, and Michelle Klump, Editor of the Argus Polymers report, discuss the factors that could influence any meaningful changes to recycling statistics.
11/12/201911 minutes, 12 seconds
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The China Connection: The Belt and Road Initiative

A deeper look into China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and how Xi Jinping is positioning it globally, regionally and domestically. The BRI is often seen as a global power move, and while this is the case, it’s not the whole story. In this China Connection podcast episode, Argus Chief Economist David Fyfe and Argus Vice President, China Crude and Products Tom Reed discuss what even smaller countries are finding to be the pros and cons of the BRI.
10/29/201913 minutes, 44 seconds
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Coping with disruption: Saudi oil keeps flowing at higher prices

Higher freight rates are exacerbating the price impact of September’s attack on Saudi Arabia’s oil infrastructure and the ensuing disruptions. While the kingdom has managed to stage an impressive recovery in output, ensuring all its customers remain adequately supplied, crude grades flowing from almost every region to Asia-Pacific are still posting record or multi-year high prices relative to their benchmarks. The deteriorating economics for long-haul crude shipments is helping embed tightness across Asian physical crude markets. Presented by Alejandro Barbajosa, Argus Media Vice-President, Crude, Middle East and Asia-Pacific.
10/17/20196 minutes, 6 seconds
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The China Connection: Xi vs Trump

The US-China trade war has seen more than $600bn of bilateral trade fall victim to tariffs, including crude, LNG, natural gas liquids (NGLs) and other commodities related to manufactured industrial goods. While China just wants the tariffs to be removed, US president Donald Trump wants something much more comprehensive, which means we might be in this for a while. In this first episode of our China Connection miniseries, Argus Chief Economist David Fyfe and Associate Editor Haik Gugarats discuss how the most significant economic battle in recent history may affect energy and commodity markets.
10/15/201913 minutes, 48 seconds
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The return of Saudi petrochemical feedstock after curbs and its implications

Most Saudi petrochemical producers announced feedstock curbs of between 15 and 50pc in the immediate aftermath of the mid-September attacks on the country's oil installations. Petrochemical feedstock curbs are easing with a majority of producers announcing a full resumption of ethane to pre-attack levels. Argus Editor Muhamad Fadhil is in Saudi this week and provides an update on the feedstock situation.
10/3/20194 minutes, 18 seconds
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Coping with disruption: Saudi supply shock rattles Asian crude oil markets

After a decade of oil supply diversification across Asia, security of crude oil supply is returning with a vengeance. Attacks on Saudi oil infrastructure in mid-September temporarily shut more than half the country’s production, raising supply concerns around what had been considered the world’s most stable source of oil. Refiners across Asia are scrambling to secure cargoes to compensate for potential losses in Saudi volumes, triggering a sharp reaction in the value of these grades that best serve as replacements. Accurate pricing signals will help in the reallocation of resources across the vast Asia-Pacific refining system. And inevitably, governments and refiners throughout the region will aim to enlarge their strategic and commercial storage as the veil of infallibility surrounding Saudi crude exports fades with the possibility of new attacks on the kingdom’s oil infrastructure. Presented by Alejandro Barbajosa, Argus Media Vice-President, Crude, Middle East and Asia-Pacific.
9/25/20196 minutes, 14 seconds
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From the Economist's Chair: State and Future of Global Energy 2019

Welcome to the first in our blog post/podcast series, "From the Economist's Chair", from David Fyfe, Chief Economist at Argus Media. In this episode, Dr. Rouben Indjikian, lecturer in energy and commodities at Webster University Geneva speaks to David about the state and future of global energy. This podcast was produced by and republished in agreement with Webster University Geneva. [Recorded: 20 June, 2019; published: 12 July, 2019]
8/23/201920 minutes, 2 seconds
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From the Economist's Chair: The geopolitics of crude

From the Economist's Chair: The geopolitics of crude - Trade disputes, sanctions and changing trade flows. Geopolitics remain pivotal in influencing crude prices and investor sentiment – to both the upside and downside. Ahead of the Argus Global Crude conference in Geneva, 14-16 October, 2019, Argus chief economist David Fyfe speaks to editor in chief Diane Munro about some of the key factors that are critical in driving the global crude market. [Recorded: 6 August, 2019]
8/23/20195 minutes, 24 seconds
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Cushing: The heart of US crude is still beatin’

Crude is rushing past Cushing on its way to the coast, but the traditional price setting center of the US oil industry is likely to maintain its role for years to come. The Nymex futures contract for light sweet crude oil delivering at Cushing is stronger than ever, with more than 2 bn bl of open interest.
8/20/201912 minutes
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West Texas Sour: Teaching an old dog new tricks

Although historically popular with US midcontinent refiners, West Texas Sour (WTS) has had to change with the times and learn new tricks as both a supply gap filler and a blending component. WTS’ new role as a blending component to make West Texas Intermediate (WTI) from lighter Permian production has resuscitated WTS prices. 
8/14/201911 minutes, 12 seconds
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The US Gulf coast crude network: Opening the floodgates

Booming US crude production and resulting export volumes are drastically changing global crude trade flows. With US Gulf coast crude exports expected to grow well past the current level of 3mn b/d, midstream players are busy building more pipelines to bring crude to the coast. 
8/14/20198 minutes, 12 seconds
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Western Canadian Select Houston: A heavy crude benchmark emerges

The loss of Venezuelan imports, the stagnation of Mexican production and the diversion of many Mideast grades to Asia has paved the way for Canadian grades — like Western Canadian Select — to take a strong share of the Gulf coast heavy crude market.
8/14/20199 minutes, 56 seconds
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Light Louisiana Sweet: Unbecoming a benchmark

Shale production, US crude exports and pipeline shifts have dramatically changed the utility of Light Louisiana Sweet (LLS), which has shifted from bellwether to regional feedstock as new grades increasingly encroach on its territory.
8/14/201910 minutes, 15 seconds
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West Texas Light: New crude on the block

Booming US crude production and resulting export volumes are drastically changing the global crude trade flow and market landscape. We explain why and how WTL (West Texas Light) spot trade has blossomed in west Texas as it makes its way toward the US Gulf coast and/or Cushing.
8/5/20198 minutes, 25 seconds