A podcast by Arab Americans about America and Arabs everywhere, bringing you a unique perspective, both in English & Arabic but mostly in "Arablish." Café patrons will discuss current affairs, politics, culture, and healthcare. Your hosts are two doctors: Hassan and Mouhanad, a political activist: Elias, and many other friends who are just hanging out. Please make sure to share and subscribe! Contact us at podcasts@arabamericancafe.com
We are on break this week!
Actually, Mouhanad is away, while Hassan & Nabil are busy at work with the resurgence of COVID and very hectic schedules. We will be back next week, so feel free to check out older episodes and stay tuned for new and interesting new ones.Please support our work by subscribing and sharing the Arab American Café podcast. You can send us your email to podcasts@ArabAmericanCafe.com, or connect with us on twitter @AACafepodcasts.
11/10/2021 • 1 minute, 12 seconds
Depression explained, a conversation with Dr Nidal Moukaddam. Part 2- In Arabic. لنتابع الحديث عن الكآبة
While many use the term casually, Depression as a clinical diagnosis made only when certain criteria are met. This was the topic of conversation with Dr Nidal Moukaddam, a psychiatrist and researcher at the Baylor College of Medicine. We will review how it manifests, how doctors approach this diagnosis, and what can be done about it.نتابع ونتوسع في الحديث، وبأسلوبنا المبسط والعلمي، عن تشخيص وعوارض وعلاجات مرض الكآبة مع الاختصاصية في الامراض النفسية الدكتورة نضال مقدمPlease support our work by subscribing and sharing this podcast. You can send us an email to podcasts@ArabAmericanCafe.com, or connect with us on twitter @AACafepodcasts.
9/29/2021 • 27 minutes, 54 seconds
COVID-19: Doctors talking about the vaccines, and vaccination. (Part 4)
The SARS-CoV-2 vaccine is another tool that science may have figured out in the fight against the spread of the disease. Vaccination is a slowly unraveling undertaking with many successes and challenges. Listen to Café patrons and Doctors, Hassan and Mouhanad, addressing some questions related to both vaccine and vaccination. (Part 4 of a 4 parts series, mostly in Arabic).
12/24/2020 • 19 minutes, 10 seconds
The US election: electoral college and voter suppression
Arab-American Café patrons, like most in the US are pre-occupied with the upcoming presidential election, this is the everyday conversation at the Café. Listen to a brief overview of the electoral college, few thoughts about voter suppression, and a couple of words on Azerbaijan!
10/20/2020 • 14 minutes, 25 seconds
Political activism in the Arab-American community, challenges and opportunities (Part 2)
Like many immigrants, Arab-Americans had their successes and failures with community organizing and political activism. A look in the rearview mirror from the perspective of the discussants.
10/14/2020 • 16 minutes
Political activism in the Arab-American community, challenges and opportunities (Part 1)
Like many immigrants, Arab-Americans had their successes and failures with community organizing and political activism. A look in the rearview mirror from the perspective of the discussants.
10/14/2020 • 17 minutes, 14 seconds
A casual chat about the U.S. election
A conversation overheard at the Café about the upcoming US presidential election. Hassan, Mouhanad and Elias talking about the pulse of the Arab-American electorate and how the vote may go.
10/10/2020 • 19 minutes, 24 seconds
Introducing the Arab American Café Podcast
A podcast by Arab Americans about America and Arabs everywhere, bringing you a unique perspective, both in English and Arabic but mostly in "Arablish".Café patrons will discuss current affairs, politics, culture, and healthcare. Your hosts are two doctors, a political activist: Hassan, Mouhanad and Elias, and few other friends who are basically just hanging out.