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Weekend Star Warriors

English, Old Time Radio, 6 seasons, 137 episodes, 2 days, 12 hours, 5 minutes
Welcome to Weekend Star Warriors! This is a Star Wars roleplaying podcast that uses the Edge of the Empire RPG system. Every episode will feature our cast of players attempting to use the power of friendship (or, well, something) to save the galaxy! Support this podcast:
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Series 3 Ep 42: "Cuz I know my language!"

Our heroes attempt to attract the whimsical Whisties to join their cause through the magic of laughter. --- Support this podcast:
2/3/202418 minutes, 21 seconds
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Series 3 Ep 41: King of the Keats

Our fuzzy friends find themselves in a sticky and stinky situation. --- Support this podcast:
1/17/202416 minutes, 3 seconds
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Series 3 ep 40: The Episode where we make fun of Zyzzix

Our heroes make it to Ping Pong's village: Lapping Lake. --- Support this podcast:
12/22/202314 minutes, 38 seconds
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Series 3 Ep 39: Cheese in Tow

After recruiting the raccoon like Skandits to their cause, the Fuzz Club encounter what is left of the Ewok's mortal enemies, the Dulocks. --- Support this podcast:
12/8/202318 minutes, 50 seconds
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Series 3 Episode 38: Moon Turd

The Fuzz Club bypasses the imperial blockade and makes landfall on Endor. --- Support this podcast:
11/24/202325 minutes, 36 seconds
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Series 3 ep 37: Tragedy Pong

Not all on Endor is happy frolicking. As our heroes accompany the Rebel Strike Team on board shuttle Tyderium, Ping Pong reveals a soul wrenching tragedy in her past. --- Support this podcast:
11/10/202319 minutes, 2 seconds
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Series 3 ep 36: Fuzz Fleet Assemble

Our heroes attend the Rebel Alliance briefing on the attack on Death Star II. --- Support this podcast:
10/27/202320 minutes, 57 seconds
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Series 3 ep 35: Jindas Skandits Dulocks Wisties and Ftt'ftts

Ping Pong regales the crew with tales of the various denizens of Endor. --- Support this podcast:
10/13/202325 minutes, 13 seconds
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Series 3 ep 34: Leaving and Learning

The Fuzz Club leave Tatooine to meet up with the Rebel Alliance. Along the way they train in the force and learn about Endor. --- Support this podcast:
9/29/202327 minutes, 14 seconds
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Series 3 ep 33: Worth It

After escaping the Sarlacc through one of its anuses, our heroes spend some much needed time cleaning up. --- Support this podcast:
9/15/202322 minutes, 45 seconds
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Series 3 ep 32: Sarlacc Systems

The fuzz club continues down the Sarlacc's digestive system in the hopes of finding a way out. --- Support this podcast:
9/1/202323 minutes, 12 seconds
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Series 3 ep 31: Da Crop

After escaping Jabba's palace, our heroes bid a fond farewell to Shogo as he sets off to find Lilliana. Before they can come to terms with Shogo's absense, they are thrown into a horrifying new situation. --- Support this podcast:
8/18/202321 minutes, 22 seconds
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SSWW ep 4: Tahiri Vela

"The Force is Female!" is what Kathleen Kennedy insists. But if that is so, why has she relegated so many well-written strong female characters to "Legends" in favor of the likes of Rey, Holdo, and Quira? In this continuing series, I will catalogue the Strong Star Wars Women that have been cast aside by Disney.  This episode: The Tuskin raised Vong prisoner who isn't Darth Krayt. --- Support this podcast:
8/4/202312 minutes, 59 seconds
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Series 3 ep 30: Distraction Duo

Jenny GAY Jee and Jadelle perform their exclusive concert at Jabba's palace in order to distract everyone from an undercover rescue attempt. --- Support this podcast:
7/21/202330 minutes, 44 seconds
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Series 3 ep 29.5: Wookie Woes

Maklaw has a heart to heart with Chewbacca. --- Support this podcast:
7/7/202320 minutes, 8 seconds
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Series 3 ep 29: Secrets of Jabba's Palace

With Maklaw safely planted as a prisoner, the rest of our heroes negotiate a concert deal with the most notorious crime lord in the galaxy, Jabba the Hutt. --- Support this podcast:
6/23/202327 minutes, 40 seconds
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Series 3 ep 28: Letter Head

The Fuzz Club under their pop group cover continue to explore their three story penthouse to find what other presents Lillianna has left them. --- Support this podcast:
6/9/202322 minutes, 1 second
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Series 3 ep 27: Gun and Brick

Lilliana may be off on her own mission, but she is continuing to help her friends. She has set them up in a high end hotel and left them some very personal presents. --- Support this podcast:
5/26/202320 minutes, 13 seconds
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Series 3 ep 26: No Witnesses

Beaten, bruised, missing a few fingers, the Fuzz Club continues their battle against the Mantis Syndicate, only to receive unexpected help from a pair of old friends. --- Support this podcast:
5/11/202317 minutes, 42 seconds
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Series 3 ep 25: The Mantis Syndicate

Surrounded and outnumbered by the Mantis Syndicate of the Bounty Hunter's guild, (a group that takes in its bounties through sheer overwhelming force,) our heroes the Fuzz club have their work cut out for them. --- Support this podcast:
4/28/202335 minutes, 38 seconds
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Series 3 ep 24: Lady Valerian

Our heroes meet with the heart of scum and villainy: Lady Valerian. to find a way into Jabba's palace.  --- Support this podcast:
4/14/202317 minutes, 15 seconds
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Series 3 ep 23: The Lucky Despot

The Fuzz Club gets valuable advice from Cappie (Watto) and set off to confront Jabba's number one rival: Lady Valarian. --- Support this podcast:
3/31/202330 minutes, 34 seconds
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Series 3 ep 22: Mos Espa

The Fuzz Club visits the site of Maklaw's first major victory: the slave revolution on Tatooine, to find some interesting surprises. Apologies for the sound quality on these next couple episodes; I had the microphone on directional instead of surround setting. --- Support this podcast:
3/17/202325 minutes, 10 seconds
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Series 3 ep 21: The Heartbreaker

Zyzzix' ghost from the past returns for revenge. --- Support this podcast:
3/3/202325 minutes, 19 seconds
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Series 3 ep 20: Fey'starn

Following a self destructing spy note, the group visits Zyzzix childhood home... or at least what's left of it. --- Support this podcast:
2/21/202324 minutes, 8 seconds
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SSWW 3: Callista Ming Massana

Not all of the Expanded Universe characters were winners. And while "My Girlfriend the Spaceship" ranks among the silliest of Star Wars stories, writers of the expanded universe did their best to incorporate and expand upon Luke Skywalker's ghostly ex: Callista. In the end, there is no denying the power and influence of this Clone Wars era Altisian Jedi Knight. --- Support this podcast:
1/31/202319 minutes, 14 seconds
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Series 3 ep 19: Jenni GAY Jee and Jadelle

A shorter episode than usual simply to give more focus to Zyzzix and Ping Pong's premiere concert as Jenni Gay Jee and Jadelle. --- Support this podcast:
1/22/202315 minutes, 45 seconds
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Series 3 ep 18: Rehearsal and Reconnaissance

While pretending to be pop stars and social media influencers, Ping Pong and Zyzzix bluff their way into a penthouse suite, and make preparations to perform their debut concert. Elsewhere, Maklaw and Shogo pretend to find a venue for the concert while surreptitiously searching for the Bothan Spy Network.  --- Support this podcast:
1/16/202327 minutes, 12 seconds
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Series 3 ep 17: Best Laid Plans

Since Bothawi is the espionage capitol of the galaxy, they only way to be covert is to be overt. Thus: Ping Pong and Zyzzix instruct Maklaw and Shogo in the art of being flamboyant. --- Support this podcast:
1/9/202329 minutes, 21 seconds
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Series 3 ep 16: Chiss Questions

The Fuzz club makes first contact with an advanced alien society. Who better to represent them than Zyzzix Makth? What could possibly go wrong. --- Support this podcast:
1/2/202329 minutes, 57 seconds
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Series 3 ep 15: Early Endor Homecoming

Our heroes finally make it to Endor... several months before the events of Return of the Jedi. --- Support this podcast:
12/26/202225 minutes, 18 seconds
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Series 3 ep 14: MKBK

Shogo joins the game of smash or pass, or as it is now: Marry, Kriff, Befriend, Kill. --- Support this podcast:
12/19/202224 minutes, 51 seconds
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Series 3 Episode 13: Smash or Pass

While on their way to the Sullust to take the Silvestri Pipeline to Endor, Zyzzix suggests a little game of "Smash or Pass" with the "Essential guide to Alien Species," to lift the spirits of the crew. --- Support this podcast:
12/12/202228 minutes, 24 seconds
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Series 3 Episode 12: Fuzz Club Assemble!!!

As our heroes take a break from pirate slaughter to loot, enemy forces move against them. --- Support this podcast:
12/5/202233 minutes, 52 seconds
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Series 3 Episode 11: Glitterkill makes her entrance

Our heroes board the pirate ship they have just disabled and proceed to slaughter the space pirates. --- Support this podcast:
11/28/202230 minutes, 43 seconds
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Series 3 Episode 10: Tourist Trap

Our heroes rescue Star Tours from Mugar Pirates. --- Support this podcast:
11/21/202228 minutes, 25 seconds
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Series 3 Episode 9: Mugarr Madness

Maklaw, Ping Pong and Shogo practice with their new starfighters. The results may suprise you. --- Support this podcast:
11/6/202232 minutes, 6 seconds
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WSW Series 3 Episode 8: Some kind of Drip

After surviving the battle of Hoth and escaping the Empire, our heroes take a bit of a break in the ice fields of Mugar. (Apologies for the mishap where i uploaded an 8 minuute clip instead of the full episode.) --- Support this podcast:
10/24/202229 minutes, 3 seconds
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Episode 54: Drug Running

Sadly, this is the last of our Liliana episodes available. I will keep searching our records. --- Support this podcast:
9/9/202234 minutes, 36 seconds
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Episode 53: Planning

With only 7 hours until the tumor in Ping Pong's head turns her into a biological drug detector, our heroes must come up with a plan to track down the drug's source and keep the little Ewok from becoming a permanent addict.  --- Support this podcast:
8/26/202227 minutes, 53 seconds
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Episode 52: Interactions

In the aftermath of the battle of Mas Ameeda High School, our heroes decompress in their own ways. --- Support this podcast:
8/12/202225 minutes, 9 seconds
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Episode 51: Independence

The first of several lost episodes. Join us as we finish the fight against the combat arachnids on Carrida. --- Support this podcast:
7/26/202226 minutes, 54 seconds
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Sorrowful Announcement

It is with a heavy heart and indescribable sorrow, that I inform you of the passing of Meganda Abauog Cordero, the voice and inspiration for Liliana Emerald. Due to circumstances beyond anyone’s control, Megan needed to take a break from Weekend Star Warriors but was planning to return when circumstances allowed. She was one of our few listeners and continued to follow our adventures even in the absense of her. The investigation is still ongoing, so I implore everyone to leave it to the professionals, and please respect the privacy of her family and loved ones. Our show will be on an extended hiatus in order to give us all time to grieve the loss of such a wonderful, beautiful, kind and talented person who was taken from us all too soon. Her character of Liliana Emerald will be treated with the utmost respect, as we all try to strive for the ideals Megan worked so hard to instill through her portrayal. None is more poignant than this interaction here: “Oh Boba...” “Why are you talking to him like he's your friend?” “Because everyone is my friend.” --- Support this podcast:
7/11/20221 minute, 43 seconds
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Series 3 Episode 7: Get thee to a Gunnery

The shield generator has been destroyed, the evacuation order has been issued, but Zyzzix has one more shot in him before he flees the Hoth Battlefront. --- Support this podcast:
6/24/202219 minutes, 32 seconds
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Shogo Reviews Kenobi: Episode 5

SPOILERS AHEAD: Character from our Weekend Star Warriors Campaign, Shogo continues his review of Kenobi with Episode 5. Bit of background: This universe, currently set in the time between A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back, sees a multitude of diverse characters working together to help the rebels and defeat the empire through the power of friendship... or more often extreme violence. In this universe, the Empire has been releasing a documentary to try and discredit deceased Jedi Master Obi Wan Kenobi. The Alliance High Command has asked former Imperial Inquisitor: Seventh Brother (AKA Shogo) to review episodes of this obvious propaganda and give his perspective on the Empire's true motivations. Join us on this journey of discovery. We are now caught up with the official release. --- Support this podcast:
6/21/20225 minutes, 42 seconds
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Series 3 Episode 6: A Very Puntastic Specical Musical Episode!

Even in the most deadly situations, the Fuzz Club never loses their sense of humor. --- Support this podcast:
6/17/202231 minutes, 4 seconds
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Shogo Reviews Kenobi: Episode 4

SPOILERS AHEAD: Character from our Weekend Star Warriors Campaign, Shogo continues his review of Kenobi with Episode 4. Bit of background: This universe, currently set in the time between A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back, sees a multitude of diverse characters working together to help the rebels and defeat the empire through the power of friendship... or more often extreme violence. In this universe, the Empire has been releasing a documentary to try and discredit deceased Jedi Master Obi Wan Kenobi. The Alliance High Command has asked former Imperial Inquisitor: Seventh Brother (AKA Shogo) to review episodes of this obvious propaganda and give his perspective on the Empire's true motivations. Join us on this journey of discovery. --- Support this podcast:
6/13/20226 minutes, 5 seconds
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Shogo Reviews Kenobi: Episode 3

SPOILERS AHEAD: Character from our Weekend Star Warriors Campaign, Shogo continues his review of Kenobi with Episode 3. Bit of background: This universe, currently set in the time between A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back, sees a multitude of diverse characters working together to help the rebels and defeat the empire through the power of friendship... or more often extreme violence. In this universe, the Empire has been releasing a documentary to try and discredit deceased Jedi Master Obi Wan Kenobi. The Alliance High Command has asked former Imperial Inquisitor: Seventh Brother (AKA Shogo) to review episodes of this obvious propaganda and give his perspective on the Empire's true motivations. Join us on this journey of discovery. We will try to record as many as we can and catch up with the current release schedule of Kenobi. --- Support this podcast:
6/11/20226 minutes, 39 seconds
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Series 3 Episode 5: Do THAT to ALL of Them

The Battle of Hoth is well underway. Zyzzix rallies the Rebel troops, while Ping Pong flies with rogue squadron. As for Maklaw and Shogo, their plan is a little more... unorthodox. --- Support this podcast:
6/10/202231 minutes, 9 seconds
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Shogo Reviews Kenobi: Episode 2

SPOILERS AHEAD: Character from our Weekend Star Warriors Campaign, Shogo continues his review of Kenobi with Episode 2. Bit of background: This universe, currently set in the time between A New Hope and Empire Strikes back sees a multitude of diverse characters working together to help the rebels and defeat the empire through the power of friendship... or more often extreme violence. In this universe, the Empire has been releasing a documentary to try and discredit deceased Jedi Master Obi Wan Kenobi. The Alliance High Command has asked former Imperial Inquisitor: Seventh Brother (AKA Shogo) to review episodes of this obvious propaganda and give his perspective on the Empire's true motivations. Join us on this journey of discovery. We will try to record as many as we can and catch up with the current release schedule of Kenobi. --- Support this podcast:
6/8/20224 minutes, 25 seconds
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Shogo Reviews: Kenobi Episode 1

SPOILERS AHEAD: Character from our Weekend Star Warriors Campaign, Shogo reviews Kenobi. Bit of background: This universe, currently set in the time between A New Hope and Empire Strikes back sees a multitude of diverse characters working together to help the rebels and defeat the empire through the power of friendship... or more often extreme violence. In this universe, the Empire has been releasing a documentary to try and discredit deceased Jedi Master Obi Wan Kenobi. The Alliance High Command has asked former Imperial Inquisitor: Seventh Brother (AKA Shogo) to review episodes of this obvious propaganda and give his perspective on the Empire's true motivations. Join us on this journey of discovery. We will try to record as many as we can and catch up with the current release schedule of Kenobi. --- Support this podcast:
6/8/20229 minutes, 7 seconds
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Series 3 Episode 4: The Battle of Hoth Begins

The moment all 10 or so of our listeners have been waiting for is finally here. The Battle of Hoth. --- Support this podcast:
6/3/202231 minutes, 25 seconds
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Series 3 Episode 3: BINK!!!

Training begins now! --- Support this podcast:
5/27/202238 minutes, 17 seconds
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Series 3 Episode 2: Cold night Coping

While Luke and Han are lost in a blizzard, the galaxy does not revolve around them. Our group is busy dealing with their own problems in their own ways. --- Support this podcast:
5/20/202230 minutes, 28 seconds
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Series 3 Episode 1: Hoth Homecoming

A bit of a jump-cut from the events on Cerea to our heroes finally reuniting on the Echo Base on Hoth. --- Support this podcast:
5/13/202225 minutes, 10 seconds
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How to fix Doctor Who

How to fix Chibnall's mistake in 6 easy steps. --- Support this podcast:
4/29/20227 minutes, 10 seconds
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Series 2 Episode 16: Cerian Salutations

Ping Pong and Zyzzix hop aboard their new friend Collin's ARC-170 for a quick jump to the final point on their lengthy astrogation study: Cerea. Home to the matriarchal coneheadded society. --- Support this podcast:
4/22/202224 minutes, 41 seconds
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Series 2 Episode 15: The Minds of the Thackwash

Ping Pong and Zyzzix delve into the mystery that is the mind of their new friend Jimbo "High" Bananana. --- Support this podcast:
4/15/202224 minutes, 49 seconds
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Series 2 Episode 14: Jimbo "High" Bananana of Thackwaa

As Maklaw and Shogo recover from their pirate adventure, we rejoin Ping Pong and Zyzzix as they continue their search for Endor. --- Support this podcast:
4/8/202232 minutes, 6 seconds
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Series 2 Episode 13: Overkill

What do you do when all of your strength puts your friends at risk? --- Support this podcast:
4/1/202227 minutes, 33 seconds
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Series 2 Episode 12: Maze Runner

When is your strength useless? When you can't find anything to use it on. Maklaw spends an entire episode lost in the bowels of a pirate ship. --- Support this podcast:
3/25/202229 minutes, 46 seconds
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Series 2 Episode 11: Roche Raiders

While searching for a medical facility, our heroes receive a distress signal in the Roche system. But the ship appears undamaged and is not responding to any hails. You don't need Admiral Ackbar to tell you what this is. (If you don't get this joke, you're not a real Star Wars fan.) --- Support this podcast:
3/18/202229 minutes, 28 seconds
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Series 2 Episode 10: Specters of Shalyvane

Luke suspects where Liliana has gone, and it's just a light hour away. The group make a brief detour to the alleged home world of Imperial Spy: Shira Brie. --- Support this podcast:
3/11/202230 minutes, 30 seconds
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Series 2 ep 9: Battle on Belderone

The party has been spotted, it's on like Donkey Kong. Maklaw and Shogo draw Imperial fire while Luke and his squad infiltrate the munitions factory and plant explosives. --- Support this podcast:
3/4/202230 minutes, 23 seconds
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Series 2 Episode 8: Suit Up and Move Out

Maklaw and Shogo gather up weapons and supplies before meeting the troops and heading out to Belderone. --- Support this podcast:
2/25/202230 minutes, 5 seconds
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Series 2 Episode 7: Gone

As Ping Pong and Zyzzix continue their mapping mission, we check in on the rest of the group at the Echo Base. --- Support this podcast:
2/18/202231 minutes, 23 seconds
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Series 2 Episode 6: Change?

Ping Pong and Zyzzix visit Koda Station: the Skid Row of the Star Wars Galaxy. --- Support this podcast:
2/11/202221 minutes, 26 seconds
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Series 2 Episode 5: A Night at the Stables

Ping Pong and Zyzzix volunteer their services to stake out the Tauntaun paddock, and see why they have been disappearing. --- Support this podcast:
2/4/202231 minutes, 27 seconds
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Series 2 Episode 4: You're making these up!

Zyzzix and Ping pong take a break from their work on the construction of Echo Base to discuss where they want to go next. --- Support this podcast:
1/28/202232 minutes, 16 seconds
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Strong Star Wars Women 2: Jaina Solo

Second episode of my series where I show that true Star Wars fans are fine with strong women, provided they are well written. --- Support this podcast:
1/21/202215 minutes, 24 seconds
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Series 2 Episode 3: And So We're On Hoth

Ping Pong's recount of the 6 months she accidentally eraced from Zyzzix and Maklaw's memories nears it's conclusion. --- Support this podcast:
1/14/202238 minutes, 17 seconds
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Series 2 Episode 2: Concurrent Travels

Ping Pong continues to recount the memories she accidentally erased to our Maklaw and Zyzzix. The story of Carrida has concluded, and we now move on to Maklaw's secret Zygerria Mission and the Star of Empire cruise. --- Support this podcast:
1/7/202231 minutes, 35 seconds
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Series 2: Episode 1: 6 Months

Series 2 begins with a recap of our missing episodes from series 1. Our heroes wake up in a room made of ice, with a bad hangover an no memory of what happened over the past 6 months.  --- Support this podcast:
1/2/202230 minutes, 48 seconds
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Announcement: I'm not dead yet!

Sorry for the delay, but we are still here. --- Support this podcast:
12/22/202156 seconds
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Splinter of the Mind's Eye: Ch 9

Part nine of my chapter by chapter recap of the first ever Star Wars Expanded Universe Novel: Splinter of the Mind's Eye: a direct sequel to the original movie. Written by Alan Dean Foster, who Disney is refusing to pay royalties to despite continuing to profit from his work. Pictured version on Youtube soon to follow. # dearmickey #DisneyMustPay #alandeanfoster --- Support this podcast:
6/2/20216 minutes, 2 seconds
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Splinter of the Mind's Eye: Ch 8

Part eight of my chapter by chapter recap of the first ever Star Wars Expanded Universe Novel: Splinter of the Mind's Eye: a direct sequel to the original movie. Written by Alan Dean Foster, who Disney is refusing to pay royalties to despite continuing to profit from his work. Pictured version on Youtube soon to follow. # dearmickey #DisneyMustPay #alandeanfoster --- Support this podcast:
5/26/20214 minutes, 11 seconds
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Splinter of the Mind's Eye: Ch 7

Part seven of my chapter by chapter recap of the first ever Star Wars Expanded Universe Novel: Splinter of the Mind's Eye: a direct sequel to the original movie. Written by Alan Dean Foster, who Disney is refusing to pay royalties to despite continuing to profit from his work. Pictured version on Youtube soon to follow. # dearmickey #DisneyMustPay #alandeanfoster --- Support this podcast:
5/19/20213 minutes, 55 seconds
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Splinter of the Mind's Eye: Ch 6

Part six of my chapter by chapter recap of the first ever Star Wars Expanded Universe Novel: Splinter of the Mind's Eye: a direct sequel to the original movie. Written by Alan Dean Foster, who Disney is refusing to pay royalties to despite continuing to profit from his work. Pictured version on Youtube soon to follow. # dearmickey #DisneyMustPay #alandeanfoster --- Support this podcast:
5/12/20215 minutes, 38 seconds
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Splinter of the Mind's Eye: Ch 5

Part five of my chapter by chapter recap of the first ever Star Wars Expanded Universe Novel: Splinter of the Mind's Eye: a direct sequel to the original movie. Written by Alan Dean Foster, who Disney is refusing to pay royalties to despite continuing to profit from his work. Pictured version on Youtube soon to follow. # dearmickey #DisneyMustPay #alandeanfoster --- Support this podcast:
5/3/20213 minutes, 37 seconds
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Splinter of the Mind's Eye: Ch 4

Chapter 4 of my recap of the first ever Star Wars Expanded Universe Novel: Splinter of the Mind's Eye: a direct sequel to the original movie. Written by Alan Dean Foster, who Disney is refusing to pay royalties to despite continuing to profit from his work. #DisneyMustPay version with pictures soon to follow. #dearmickey #disneymustpay #alandeanfoster --- Support this podcast:
4/27/20214 minutes, 49 seconds
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SSWW 1: Mara Jade Skywalker

"The Force is Female!" is what Kathleen Kennedy insists. But if that is so, why has she relegated so many well-written strong female characters to "Legends" in favor of the likes of Rey, Holdo, and Quira? In this new series, I will catalogue the Strong Star Wars Women that have been cast aside by Disney.  First up is Mara Jade Skywalker: so much more than just Luke's wife. --- Support this podcast:
4/13/202118 minutes, 15 seconds
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Splinter of the Mind's Eye: Ch 3

Sorry for the delay: Part three of my chapter by chapter recap of the first ever Star Wars Expanded Universe Novel: Splinter of the Mind's Eye: a direct sequel to the original movie. Written by Alan Dean Foster, who Disney is refusing to pay royalties to despite continuing to profit from his work. #DisneyMustPay --- Support this podcast:
3/31/20216 minutes, 4 seconds
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Splinter of the Mind's Eye: Ch 2

Part two of my chapter by chapter recap of the first ever Star Wars Expanded Universe Novel: Splinter of the Mind's Eye: a direct sequel to the original movie. Written by Alan Dean Foster, who Disney is refusing to pay royalties to despite continuing to profit from his work. #DisneyMustPay --- Support this podcast:
3/10/20216 minutes, 24 seconds
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Splinter of the Mind's Eye: Ch 1

Part one of my chapter by chapter recap of the first ever Star Wars Expanded Universe Novel: Splinter of the Mind's Eye: a direct sequel to the original movie. Written by Alan Dean Foster, who Disney is refusing to pay royalties to despite continuing to profit from his work. #DisneyMustPay --- Support this podcast:
2/26/20214 minutes, 57 seconds
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Splinter of the Mind's Eye: Forward

Basically put, Disney is stealing from a dying man. I have started this chapter by chapter review series  as a means of raising awareness to this issue. To learn more and see what you can do the help, please visit this site: --- Support this podcast:
2/26/20212 minutes, 6 seconds
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How I would fix Star Wars

A simple opinion piece on how I could have fixed Star Wars at several stages during the sequel trilogy. Will also be released in three episodes on my youtube channel. --- Support this podcast:
1/6/202128 minutes, 33 seconds
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Life Day Special: Mr. Vader

Liliana Emerald posts her on her "holo-tube" blog an update on her adventures, the importance of Life Day, and a story of how she first met the Galactic Empire's most feared enforcer. --- Support this podcast:
12/30/202015 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 42: If you say 5 minutes again -

An unending onslaught of zombies, an escape vehicle in need of fuel, a massive monster steadily approaching, and the entire Star Destroyer fast approaching a black hole. It is up to our heroes to hold off the zombies until Boba Fett can finish fueling Slave 1 and get them all to safety. Host and GM: John E. Liliana: Megan Cordero @meganda88 Zyzzix: Jeffrey Gardner @jeffaplus Ping Pong: Kat Johnston @birdiekat82 Maklaw: Edgar Cuevas Music: Megan Cordero - more of her music can be found on SoundCloud Special thanks to Michael T. Christensen and Marisa Cuevas! --- Support this podcast:
11/29/202031 minutes, 25 seconds