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UnMasking the Feminine

English, Cultural, 2 seasons, 58 episodes, 2 days, 2 hours, 56 minutes
Join me as I interview Inspirational Women. Deep dive into their stories, the events that shaped them and the hidden resources that revealed themselves when most needed. There are so many fascinating,strong and interesting women out there with so much to share. Come listen, learn and enjoy.
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UnMasking Jo Hodson - Woman in a Van

About 12 months ago Jo Hodson decided to move into her Campervan. I heard her speak about this experience recently and was inspired to find out more. She then set off on a journey around the UK, and I found myself wanting to know why. What made her do this? What did she learn about herself? Why is she still on the road? Jo has a fascinating career journey to share from very conventional "as expected" to truly following her heart and finding her way. She also has ADHD, and she talks about how this both serves her and how it shaped her path. Fascinating and very inspirational, I know you'll love this. You can find Jo through her Create Wellbeing website and to follow her @Jo.Vanlife on InstagramMy passion is Inspiring Women to Inspire Women. So if you love these podcasts, please share them with those you love, and if you can leave me a review. It helps me to reach more women.  And you can Join the UnMasking the Feminine Community here.Support the show
7/24/202252 minutes, 13 seconds
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UnMasking Debra Delglyn - Back to the Land

I've known Debra for a number of years and always thought she had a great story to share. I had no idea how diverse her life had been, and how the thread of teaching had run through so much of it. She's now living on a small farm (farm is stretching it) in Portugal, living a very rural life, working and living with the land and also sharing her learnings of the Andean Tradition to those who are interested. Her Portugese is a work in progress yet she manages to be part of the local community despite or because of it. The land called and she answered. Join me on her journey. You can find Debra through Facebook. She's not on social media much, but will respond when contacted. My passion is Inspiring Women to Inspire Women. So if you love these podcasts, please share them with those you love, and if you can leave me a review. It helps me to reach more women.  And you can Join the UnMasking the Feminine Community here.Support the show
7/17/20221 hour, 3 minutes, 31 seconds
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UnMasking Mi Elfverson - the Feminine Voice

Mi grew up on a farm in Sweden to teacher parents. Her Dads passion however was photography and her Mum ran the farm where they had pigs and sheep. But Mi was drawn to the city, she wanted to work in film, to produce, to create. And this journey took her all over the world, working with some famous names, to film production, to casting, a whole host of jobs. And then she both fell in love and fell pregnant and her world changed.. for a bit.... and then she realized she had to work. And using her incredible wealth of experience she started working with small businesses, initially as a photographer and then using all her film experience in the world of vlogs and how to help small business owners find their voice. And then back into the corporate world seeing how women found it so much harder than men to find their voice, she set up Eye Storm - to empower the feminine voice. Her journey is empowering in itself and the work she is now doing will inspire you and maybe connect you further to your voice and how you are heard in the world. You can find Mi on her websites  - Vlog Academy, Eye Storm and her personal website Mi Elfverson.My passion is Inspiring Women to Inspire Women. So if you love these podcasts, please share them with those you love, and if you can leave me a review. It helps me to reach more women.  And you can Join the UnMasking the Feminine Community here.Support the show
7/10/202249 minutes, 58 seconds
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UnMasking Emily Webster - Autumn Blossoms

As a student at Manchester University Emily was involved in a serious accident and severely damaged her left ankle. She was told she may lose her foot, and even when she didn't, she wasn't given much hope or help in recovering. It was a moment that changed her life and opened her up to a different way of healing. Her studies took her first to France, where she learnt about massage and then to Spain where she learnt Flamenco - yes Flamenco, on a foot that wasn't meant to work properly again. It catalysed her awakening and ultimately led her to the path of shamanism and working as a healer. You'll love her journey, it's one of hope, awakening and incredible inspiration. You can find Emily on her website, Autumn Blossoms or on Facebook and Instagram. My passion is Inspiring Women to Inspire Women. So if you love these podcasts, please share them with those you love, and if you can leave me a review. It helps me to reach more women.  And you can Join the UnMasking the Feminine Community here.Support the show
7/3/202242 minutes, 32 seconds
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UnMasking Shivany Gonnell - Soul Awakening

Shivany was born in Germany to upper middle class parents. She describes her mother as a narcissist and father an atheist, not the easiest parents for a sensitive, intuitive girl to grow up with. And she knew from a very young age that she didn't belong and she wasn't planning on staying. Lots of travel, mainly in the far east, focusing on India, led her eventually to Australia where she married, divorced, moved a lot and eventually settled. Her calling was to be as authentic as she could be, and to serve others on their journey of healing. And her methods were not conventional, as she was always the one to early adopt things often years before they edged into the main stream. And she's still doing it today. Her coaching business is mainly women, but specifically those who want to have a business that is spiritually aligned. You can check out her website to find out more, and if you're lucky her special offer will still be live (depends on when you listen to the podcast. Either way, Shivany is a fascinating woman and you'll enjoy her journey. My passion is Inspiring Women to Inspire Women. So if you love these podcasts, please share them with those you love, and if you can leave me a review. It helps me to reach more women.  And you can Join the UnMasking the Feminine Community here.Support the show
6/26/202255 minutes, 40 seconds
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UnMasking Katie Oman - Life happens for you

Katie had what seemed like a privileged childhood, until her parents separated when she was 8 years old and she went with her Mum, and experienced a life on benefits with her Mum working 3 jobs to support them.Bullied at school, a deep seated lack of self-belief and confidence resulted in some interesting life decisions and she found herself pregnant at 20 and back with her Mum. Not at all what she planned in life. Because at that point her belief was very much "life happens to you". Her journey to "life happens for you" involved awakening to parts of her she's suppressed in her childhood, embracing her "fluffy" and starting to follow one of her deepest desires which was to write books. Now she works with women, mainly as a coach, harnessing her connection to the divine feminine and so much more. You can find her on her website or on Instagram, where you can follow her wisdom, buy her books or book a session or a workshop with her. My passion is Inspiring Women to Inspire Women. So if you love these podcasts, please share them with those you love, and if you can leave me a review. It helps me to reach more women.  And you can Join the UnMasking the Feminine Community here.Support the show
6/19/202242 minutes, 21 seconds
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UnMasking Marina Robb - Mental Health Pioneer

Marina was born to English / Italian parents but grew up in the UK. Her Dad's job took her parents away so she was sent to boarding school. She was not  a model student and struggled to feel safe or settled. And in her late teens she had a psychotic episode that ended up with her being sectioned. It was her early life journey with mental health problems that in many ways shaped her, but it was the womens therapy circle who supported her and gave her hope was fundamental to her longer term wellbeing.  Marina's inside knowledge on mental health challenges has shaped a woman who was also deeply connected to the land, and the healing potential that comes when we listen and connect. She is now the Director of Circle of Life Rediscovery, a Community Interest Company that helps youngsters with mental health challenges, has pioneered Nature Programs in the NHS and Health Sector. She has co-authored two books, one of which "Learning with Nature" is the go to book for Forest School and Outdoor Practitioners, and is also the Director of the Outdoor Teacher online training program.  She has led a fascinating life, and her work dances between reverence for mother earth and how nature can help people to connect, heal and feel good about themselves. You can find Marina on her website - Circle of Life DiscoveryMy passion is Inspiring Women to Inspire Women. So if you love these podcasts, please share them with those you love, and if you can leave me a review. It helps me to reach more women.  And you can Join the UnMasking the Feminine Community here.Support the show
6/12/202253 minutes, 13 seconds
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UnMasking Karen Skidmore - Having it all?

Karen Skidmore spent her childhood moving. Every few years she was yet again the new kid, and much as she craved a special long term childhood friend, she instead learnt how to adapt to ever changing circumstances. And how well that has served her in her life. She is a woman who wanted it all, and achieved it and then reconsidered what "all" actually meant. Now working as a Business Coach, she works mainly with women in business and has a fascinating perspective. Her personal journey, struggles and successes have really shaped this powerful, strong, feminine woman. Enjoy her journey and insights.  You can find out more and access her free video series Business without Burnout on her website, and learn about her books and the amazing work she is now doing, both in business and for charity. My passion is Inspiring Women to Inspire Women. So if you love these podcasts, please share them with those you love, and if you can leave me a review. It helps me to reach more women.  And you can Join the UnMasking the Feminine Community here.Support the show
6/7/202250 minutes, 3 seconds
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UnMasking Tone Tellefsen-Hughes - Imposter Syndrome?

I first met Tone over 20 years ago when I was a chiropractic student. She came to my college and did a talk on Chiropractic for Babies, Children and Pregnancy. I remember thinking how amazing she was and how sorted she seemed. But that wasn't totally true, and this podcast is not about chiropractic, it's about a woman who had a dream to help people and make a difference and what she had to overcome. Her current work with Teens is something that I believe everyone should hear, because she has an understanding that goes way beyond being a mother.  During her podcast we'll discuss how she suffered from imposter syndrome, how she managed to find the internal resources to open her own business and how she overcame her beliefs that she just wasn't enough. And recently, her passion and commitment has led her to become a pioneer in helping teenagers overcome mild to moderate mental health problems through her community organisation - The Green Hub. Because she has become the woman I saw all those years ago, the difference being that now she believes in herself. She was always amazing, but now with so much more grace, ease and flow. You can connect with Tone via her practice website, Facebook Page or her Green Hub organisation.  My passion is Inspiring Women to Inspire Women. So if you love these podcasts, please share them with those you love, and if you can leave me a review. It helps me to reach more women.  And you can Join the UnMasking the Feminine Community here.Support the show
5/29/202250 minutes, 9 seconds
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UnMasking Stephanie Fabela - Finding the Gift

At first glance it looked like nothing. A bit of nastiness between pre-pubescent girls... happens all the time, nothing to worry about. But for Stephanie it was huge. Her safety net of friends, family and church all seemed to let her down at the same time. So she retreated into herself and struggled through her teenage years. Fast forward a few decades and she is an expert in Intimacy. Pretty ironic for the girl who was labelled "a slut" at an early age. But she was not who they thought she was, and who she has become is well worth the listen. Recently published in "Ignite Your Wisdom", a book of shared stories from inspiring women, you'll really enjoy hearing about Stephanie and how she became the woman she is today. You can connect with her on her website or on All About Intimacy on Facebook. And buy her book Ignite Your Wisdom on AmazonMy passion is Inspiring Women to Inspire Women. So if you love these podcasts, please share them with those you love, and if you can leave me a review. It helps me to reach more women.  And you can Join the UnMasking the Feminine Community here.Support the show
5/22/202250 minutes, 30 seconds
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UnMasking Louise Carron Harris - Earth Chakra Shaman

Louise Carron Harris is a fascinating woman. From an early age she knew she was hear to do something big, and has always had an innate ability to follow her truth. So life has taken her on a fascinating journey of healing first herself and now others and the earth. It's not many people that can hear a call from a mountain that almost takes them to their knees . And then asks the mountain to send them something tangible so that they can explain this calling to their husband. And within 36 hours a cheque turns up for £25,000 as a gift to use to support her journey. Well that's exactly how Louise ended up in Peru and into her training as an earth chakra shaman. Lovely is authentic, honest, passionate and has an incredible energy. You will want to know more about her and her journey. I bought her book immediately after interviewing her, and I love it.  Her journey is fascinating, her gifts tangible and I know you will be inspired by this fascinating woman. You can connect with Louise via her website, Facebook or Instagram. Her books are available to download or to purchase on her website, where you can also connect with Louise if the call is there. My passion is Inspiring Women to Inspire Women. So if you love these podcasts, please share them with those you love, and if you can leave me a review. It helps me to reach more women.  And you can Join the UnMasking the Feminine Community here.Support the show
5/15/202248 minutes, 26 seconds
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UnMasking Paula Reid - Adventures to the South Pole

There are so many ways I could describe this interesting woman - Adventurer and Adventure Psychologist? She has travelled widely, lived with indigenous tribes, sailed around the world and skied to the South Pole. And all of that in less than half a century. Oh and on top of that she has a Masters in Applied Positive Psychology and 30 years working with leaders. Because Paula Reid is a natural leader. She's inspirational, she's determined, she's incredibly resilient and resourceful and most of all for me at least she's incredibly passionate about living life to the fullest.Not many people would turn down the Medivac option in the first week of skiing to the South Pole, when the option of staying means you would have to manage the pain and keep the infection under control. Most people would take the easy way out and fly own. Not Paula! And when you listen to how that changed and empowered her, it may cause you to reflect as to how you may approach life slightly differently in the future. I loved this. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Contact Paula via her website  My passion is Inspiring Women to Inspire Women. So if you love these podcasts, please share them with those you love, and if you can leave me a review. It helps me to reach more women.  And you can Join the UnMasking the Feminine Community here.Support the show
5/8/20221 hour, 13 minutes, 30 seconds