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Thru the Bible - Sunday Sermon on Cover
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Thru the Bible - Sunday Sermon on

English, Christianity, 1 season, 39 episodes, 1 day, 5 hours, 5 minutes
These Sunday Sermon messages form a collection of the most effective and fruitful sermons given by Dr. J. Vernon McGee during his 21-year pastorate (1949-1970) at the historic Church of the Open Door when it was located in downtown Los Angeles.OtherThru the BiblePrograms:Thru the BibleThru the Bible - Questions AnswersThru the Bible InternationalA Travs de la Biblia
Episode Artwork

The Forgotten Book of the Bible

Painted with bold strokes and bright colors, that’s how Dr. J. Vernon McGee describes the often misaligned and misunderstood Old Testament book, Song of Solomon. Contrary to popular thought, this passionate love story is more than just an illustration of an ideal relationship between a man and woman. The greater message is its picture of the intimate bond between Jesus and each of us, when we know Him as our Savior.
2/25/202444 minutes, 45 seconds
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In the Days of Youth

Solomon’s youth was characterized by a fervent love for God and a faith untainted by the pollution of compromise. So he appeals to young people: Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them.’
2/18/202444 minutes, 45 seconds
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Man Versus Machine

(Ecclesiastes 3) The Industrial Revolution may have transformed the world, yet now we’re dependent upon these very machines, to the point that we feel we could never live without them! But where is God in all of this?
2/11/202444 minutes, 45 seconds
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Over the Moon but Under the Sun

(Ecclesiastes 1) Looking for meaningful, happy lives, people today turn to seminars, retreats, and self-help books. When one system fails they go on to the next, believing that their persistence will lead them to the right formula. Solomon in the Book of Ecclesiastes did the same thing.
2/4/202444 minutes, 45 seconds
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When Prayer Does Not Change Things

(Philippians 4:6, 7) Anxiety shines a spotlight for us on how much we need the Lord. That's what Dr. McGee reminds us of as we explore God's Word and discover His solution to the things that keep us up at night. Be willing to do this one thing and be ready to receive God's unexplainable peace.
1/28/202444 minutes, 45 seconds
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The Man Who Lost His Religion

(Philippians 3) What really happened on the Damascus Road? In the book of Acts Paul gives us the basic facts, but in Philippians 3 he bares his soul and tells us the full story about a mighty transformation. Hear his first-hand account of the revolution that took place in his life and heart as he came to saving faith in Jesus Christ.
1/21/202444 minutes, 45 seconds
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Life Begins

(Philippians 1:21) Just as physical life begins with a birth, spiritual life begins with a birth. That's the important truth we'll hear in this study of Philippians 1:21. Together we'll learn that real life begins when we come to Jesus Christ in faith and learn to trust Him. Then and only then are we born again.
1/14/202444 minutes, 45 seconds
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A Trip to the Zoo

(Proverbs 30:24-31) Have you ever taken the time to ponder the wonders of the animal kingdom? They have a tremendous way of teaching us about the ways of God and how to have a godly character.
1/7/202444 minutes, 45 seconds
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What Do You Do With Your Future?

(Proverbs 27) Can we really know what our future holds? Yes, we make plans and preparations, and we set goals and objectives, but what about those things that come our way that are unforeseeable? How do we deal with them?
12/31/202344 minutes, 45 seconds
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Christmas in the Garden of Eden

(Genesis 3) What is Christmas? When and where did it begin? While the answers may seem obvious, Dr. McGee's thoughts on the matter may surprise you. Celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ, by traveling to an unexpected placeway back to the Old Testament book of Genesiswhere we see that Jesus came to seek and save that which was lost. That’s the real Christmas story that begins with Adam and Eve and goes down through the centuries.
12/24/202344 minutes, 45 seconds
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Endorsing a Bad Note

(Proverbs 11:15) Our recent economic crisis in the U.S. has crippled banks as they reeled from the effect of homeowners who found themselves upside down in their loans and simply abandon their properties to the banks to deal with. The consequences of such decisions have been made clear in the pages of Scripture.
12/17/202344 minutes, 45 seconds
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Does God Hate?

(Proverbs 6:16-19) For most of us, hate is seen as a negative that has no real or positive value, but is that the case for all circumstances? Are there times when we should hate?
12/10/202344 minutes, 45 seconds
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The Christian Conflict

(Ephesians 6:10-18) There’s a war going on in the spiritual realm. The problem is that most Christians are naive to this reality and ignorant of how to cope with it.
12/3/202344 minutes, 45 seconds
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We Are Going to a Wedding

(Ephesians 5:25-27) One of the greatest illustrations of Christ’s relationship to the church is that of the bridegroom and the bride.
11/26/202344 minutes, 45 seconds
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The Mother Whom Children Are to Honor

(Ephesians 5:22--6:4) Our homes our meant to be a mirror for the church and heaven. That's what we hear from Dr. McGee as he takes a look at the important role of wives and mothers in the lives of Moses, Isaac, Jacob, Samuel, David, Timothy, and Jesus.
11/19/202344 minutes, 45 seconds
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The Fullness of the Spirit—Worship & Witness

(Ephesians 5:18) All too often we misunderstand the role and ministry the Holy Spirit has in the life of the Christian, particularly in our worship of God and our witness to Him.
11/12/202344 minutes, 45 seconds
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The Holy Spirit and the Sinning Christian

Who is the Holy Spirit? And what does it mean in Ephesians 4:30 when it says we can "grieve" Him? Dr. McGee explains that through sin and ignorance of spiritual truths, we can limit God in our lives. But we cannot lose our salvation because of God's promise that we are "sealed until the day of redemption."
11/5/202344 minutes, 45 seconds
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The Greatest Mystery Story of Them All

Do you love a good mystery? In Ephesians 3 we discover a mystery story like no other. There is a hero (Jesus), a villain (Satan), a crime (sin), a tragedy (condemnation), and a punishment and a resurrection (the Cross) ... and that's only the beginning of the story.
10/29/202344 minutes, 45 seconds
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This is the House That God Built

We’re given many pictures of the church’s relationship to Jesus Christ. He is the Vine; we are the branches. He is the Bridegroom; we are the bride. He is the Shepherd; we are the sheep. There is, however, an analogy of the church and Jesus that we seldom hear. It’s the picture of Christ as the chief Cornerstone and the church as the temple of God.
10/22/202344 minutes, 45 seconds
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When Paul Prayed

Paul the apostle is known for his great intellectual and theological mind, which gave us some of the greatest writings of the New Testament, if not the whole Bible. But Paul was not some ivory tower intellectual elite; he was a man passionate about his people, so he was also a great man of prayer.
10/15/202344 minutes, 45 seconds
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Does a God of Love Hate?

Have you heard the expression, "God loves the sinner, but hates the sin"? Is it biblically accurate? You may be surprised by Dr. J. Vernon McGee's answer. In this message we examine two difficult (and seemingly contradictory) truths: God's holiness and His unending love.
10/8/202344 minutes, 45 seconds
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Singing the Lord's Song in a Strange Land

Singing was very common in Israel. All of the Psalms were songs of worship. But what happened when the songs of praise and worship of God were interrupted by the Babylonian captivity? What songs can be sung when you’re enslaved?
10/1/202344 minutes, 45 seconds
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Pilgrim's Progress

(Psalms 120134) Three times a year, God required all the males among the twelve tribes of Israel to visit Jerusalem to worship. As the families ascended to Jerusalem from every direction, they would sing Psalms 120134. Dr. J. Vernon McGee tells us more about these Psalms and what they have to teach us about our own journeys with God.
9/24/202344 minutes, 45 seconds
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Faith and Freedom and the Foundation

(Psalm 119) One of the most critical aspects of any structure is its foundation. This principle is true not only for a structure, but also for nations, governments, organizations, families, and individuals. So what is the foundation upon which we should rest?
9/17/202344 minutes, 45 seconds
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When Did Jesus Sing?

(Psalm 116) God hears, helps, and is holy. That’s the good news we hear as we travel through Psalm 116 and study David's Psalm of thanksgiving and praise.
9/10/202344 minutes, 45 seconds
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The Authority for Missions

(Psalm 67) As Christians we are all familiar with the Great Commission as our mandate to go to all the world and make disciples. But long before Jesus Christ gave us this final command, the heart of God for missions was revealed to the people of Israel in the Psalms.
9/3/202344 minutes, 45 seconds
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The Psalm of the Lily

(Psalm 45) My friend, every flower ought to remind you of Jesus. He is the lily of the valley. He is the rose of Sharon. How wonderful He is. That's how Dr. J. Vernon McGee introduces this study of Psalm 45, which reveals the beauty and majesty of Jesus upon His second coming.
8/27/202344 minutes, 45 seconds
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Storms in the New Creation

(Psalm 29) When we become a new creation in Christ we don't escape the storms of life, but God does promise to see us through. Follow along in Psalm 29 as we learn that no matter our circumstances, God is in control and available to comfort us and give us His peace.
8/20/202344 minutes, 45 seconds
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The Mother Love of the Father God

Our finite minds can’t fully grasp all that God is, so the Bible gives us human terms we can understand such as love, light, and Father. But does He also have a motherly nature?
8/13/202344 minutes, 45 seconds
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Another Look at the Lord

Dr. J. Vernon McGee argues that the great tragedy today is that Christians are not meditating on the Word of God and the person of the Lord Jesus Christ.
8/6/202344 minutes, 45 seconds
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The Personal Handwriting of Jesus Christ

The church in Galatia seems to be more interested in following the Law than living by faith. In Galatians 6 the apostle Paul tells us what it really looks like to follow Jesus and bear His signature over our lives.
7/30/202344 minutes, 45 seconds
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Fruit, More Fruit, Much Fruit

(Galatians 5:22, 23) Jesus made it clear that the evidence that someone is a Christian is the fruit they bear. But what evidence of fruit bearing should we find in our own lives as we examine whether or not we’re in the faith?
7/23/202344 minutes, 45 seconds
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Faith Plus Nothing Equals Salvation

(Galatians 4) What are the requirements for salvation? In Paul’s letter to the Galatians he deals with the nature of Law and grace and how they relate to the salvation offered to us through Jesus Christ.
7/16/202344 minutes, 45 seconds
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Why the Gospel is Not Preached Today

(Galatians 1:6-12) What is the gospel? Is it being preached in our churches today?
7/9/202344 minutes, 45 seconds
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The Message of Hope That Went Out From the King

(Esther 8) After Esther intervenes on behalf of the Jews, King Xerxes sends a new decree that changes the course of history. Similarly, God's new decree of grace through Jesus Christ abolished the Law and ushered in a new day for all who follow Him. Dr. McGee shows us the parallels between these historical events and reminds us of God's lavish love for His people.
7/2/202344 minutes, 45 seconds
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The Guest Who Came to Dinner

(Esther 6:47:10) The gallows are constructed and Haman's plan to execute Mordecai and destroy the Jews is set in motion, but what happens next no one could have predicted. Our takeaway: No matter how smart, cunning, or connected we are, this is God's world and we can't get away with sin.
6/25/202344 minutes, 45 seconds
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When a King Could Not Sleep

(Esther 5:16:4) God is moving in the affairs of the world. Even when we can't see Him, even when His name is not mentioned, even when all seems lost, He is ready and willing to save us. That's the message Dr. J. Vernon McGee shares in this examination of Queen Esther's brave decision to come before King Xerxes with a bold request.
6/18/202344 minutes, 45 seconds
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For Such a Time as This

(Esther 4) When God breaks into our lives and calls us to Himself, what purpose does He have? Is it merely to save us from our sin, or does He have a greater use for us in His kingdom?
6/11/202344 minutes, 45 seconds
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Haman and Antisemitism

Hatred for God’s people is a common theme throughout history. We see it today, and Queen Esther certainly saw it in her day, too. Examine the life of Esther, King Xerxes, and the villainous Haman and see how nothing or no one can ever keep God from loving and preserving His people.
6/4/202344 minutes, 45 seconds