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聲與故事的裁縫手:The Sound and Story Stitcher Cover
聲與故事的裁縫手:The Sound and Story Stitcher Profile

聲與故事的裁縫手:The Sound and Story Stitcher

Chinese, Music, 9 seasons, 34 episodes, 7 hours, 41 minutes
《聲與故事的裁縫手:The Sound and Story Stitcher》是台師大大傳所推出的podcast內容平台。由大傳所成員與協同伙伴製作。 首波收錄的18則podcast作品,皆為第一人稱的原創敘事,取材、聚焦個人或是家人的經驗。有跨國、跨地、跨文化的故事,有對家人的特寫、紀實、與再認識,還有青年對生命的探索。 2017年秋季的兩堂共課(「口語傳播研究」與「數位平台經營」),提供了這些音聲內容產製的初始環境與訓練。承蒙龔珍珍老師在photo illustration概念與執行上的指導,蔡金翰老師的錄音、混音教學,以及江雅綺教授為獨立內容產製者客制化的智慧財產權講習。 2018年,台師大大傳所完備了專業錄音室,開啟了各種podcast內容類型的實作及實驗基地。期待用音聲產製創造人心、文化、社會、與跨國的多元公有地。 Sound it out, storytellers! “The Sound and Story Stitcher” features podcasts produced by members and associates of The Graduate Institute of Mass Communication, National Taiwan Normal University. In this first collection, you will hear unique first-person narratives exploring family, history, body image, fandom, and international volunteering. You will also hear reflective profiles of young persons struggling to own their voice. Many stories capture a sense of place and border-crossing, taking listeners to Thailand’s Boys Love drama scene, Taipei’s Little Burma, Polish artist Beksinski’ kindred spirit in Taipei, and island journeys to Ilan and Taitung. Two seminars in the fall of 2017 at The Graduate Institute of Mass Communication at National Taiwan Normal University provided the training ground for these productions. The courses were set to allow students develop storytelling and audio making ability on the one hand, and on the other hand, visual and web design skills. The students also learned from professional experts in photography, audio mixing, and intellectual property. With a recording studio in place and many podcasting and audio projects underway, we hope to facilitate cultural, social, and transnational dialogues with many audio stories and experiment formats. | Contact | 有任何疑問或指教,請聯絡 Send questions or comments to
Episode Artwork

S3-EP6 爺爺在轉院那天離開我

✨全新一季【#聲與故事的裁縫手】「非虛構」系列 S3-EP06✨ 有沒有一些事件,會讓你感受到愛的複雜性,感受到愛是有開心、有難過、有恨、也有矛盾的? 如果能回到過去,你最想改變什麼? 面對家人的病痛,身為親屬的我們又該如何面對? 至親的病痛讓原先平和的家庭產生裂縫,但回過頭來看,所有裂縫都源自於愛。 📌節目摘要📌 生離死別是人一生必須面對的4個過程,但面對至親的病痛,我們往往會不知所措。 至親的病痛讓人感受到愛的複雜與矛盾,因為總會伴隨爭吵與不諒解。這個作品帶來和解與療癒,透過聲音的回顧,能夠讓人與脆弱的自己面對面。過去經驗中的那些不捨與難過;那些看似不能理解的決定;那些好恨的選擇,現在看來或許都是當時能做到最好的決定, 愛有許多形式,串起破碎經歷的是愛,對親人的不捨、難過與矛盾,也都是愛。
9/14/20236 minutes, 36 seconds