София Моше: Ты такая классная.., как тебя не спиз**ли? Или не все так, как может показаться? София Моше - наставник для жен щин, автор трансформационных обучающих программ.
Sofiya Moshe is a mentor for women, author of transformational training programs.
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2/3/2024 • 2 hours, 14 minutes, 36 seconds Елена Введенская: Гравитация объектов размышления, чувство аутентичности мысли, провокация. Елена Введенская, кандидат философских наук, доцент кафедры философии, доцент кафедры биоэтики лечебного факультета РНИМУ им. Н.И. Пирогова, ведущий научный сотрудник центра научно-информационных исследований по науке, образованию и технологиям.
Elena Vvedenskaya, PhD in Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy, Associate Professor of the Department of Bioethics, Faculty of Medicine, Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, leading researcher at the Center for Scientific Information Research on Science, Education and Technology.
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2/2/2024 • 2 hours, 3 minutes, 33 seconds Елена Яркова: От алхимии и схоластики до цифровых технологий: механизмы рос та научного знания. Елена Яркова - Доктор философских наук, профессор Тюменского государственного университета. Занимается теорией культуры и философией науки. Имеет 5 монографий, 10 учебников, около 150 статей.
Elena Yarkova is a Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of Tyumen State University. She studies the theory of culture and philosophy of science. She has 5 monographs, 10 textbooks, about 150 articles.
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2/1/2024 • 2 hours, 8 minutes, 10 seconds Марина Губанова: Когнитивный трансгуманизм, выход за границы дефолтной реа льности в режим наблюдателя. Марина Губанова - философ-футуролог, основатель философско-методологического направления Когнитивный трансгуманизм. Преподаватель высшей школы со стажем более 14 лет. Член российского философского общества, автор более 80 научных работ и спикер множества конференций. Исследователь в области интеллектуального совершенствования, развития креативности и эволюции человека через разум и волю.
Marina Gubanova is a philosopher-futurologist, founder of the philosophical and methodological direction Cognitive Transhumanism. High school teacher with over 14 years of experience. Member of the Russian Philosophical Society, author of more than 80 scientific papers and speaker at many conferences. Researcher in the field of intellectual improvement, development of creativity and human evolution through mind and will.
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1/31/2024 • 2 hours, 20 minutes, 43 seconds Нина Румянцева: Факторы и закономерности социальной эволюции человека как биосоциального вида. Нина Румянцева, 1941 года рождения, окончила МИФИ, но кандидатская диссертация по науковедению, которая тогда относилось к теоретической информатике. Преподавала (доцент) более 40 лет в Российской Государственной Академии Интеллектуальной Собственности (РГАИС), последние годы "Концепции Современного Естествознания" как мировоззренческую дисциплину, что отражено в книге "Человек развивающийся. Путь к единой культуре. Системно-диалектический подход". Последние 25 лет ведет исследования в сфере "научной философии", как определена эта сфера в Дипломе победителя конкурса на лучшую научную книгу года, выданную UK ACADEMY OF EDUCATION Румянцевой - автору книги "Социальная эволюция человека. Системно-диалектический подход". Пенсионерка, но участвует в работе общественных организаций и движений (РУСО, ЗВОН, МОИП и др).
Nina Rumyantseva, born in 1941, graduated from National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, but with a PhD thesis in science, which then related to theoretical computer science. She taught (associate professor) for more than 40 years at the Russian State Academy of Intellectual Property (RGAIS), in recent years “Concepts of Modern Natural Science” as a worldview discipline, which is reflected in the book “Developing Man. The Path to a Unified Culture. Systemic-Dialectical Approach.” For the last 25 years, she has been conducting research in the field of “scientific philosophy,” as this field is defined in the Diploma of the winner of the competition for the best scientific book of the year, issued by the UK ACADEMY OF EDUCATION to Rumyantseva, the author of the book “The Social Evolution of Man. A Systemic-Dialectical Approach.” She is a pensioner, but participates in the work of public organizations and movements (RUSO, ZVON, MOIP, etc.).
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1/30/2024 • 2 hours, 2 minutes, 37 seconds Павел Полуян: НЛО, что на самом деле скрывают декады лжи и конспирологии. Пр озаичная версия правды. Павел Полуян, 1958 г.р., Живет в Сибири на Енисее, в Красноярске, преподает в Сибирском Федеральном Университете. Доцент кафедры философии, кандидат философских наук. Научная монография: "Гибель темной материи: философские принципы в физическом познании" (М.: "Гнозис", 2018). Участник Всемирного философского конгресса в Пекине (2018). Руководитель IT-стартапа ООО "Институт оценки информации". Член Союза писателей России. Печатался в таких изданиях как "Литературная газета", "Парламентская газета", "Комсомольская правда", "Завтра", "Красная звезда", альманах "Полдень XXI век", альманах "Енисей", в сетевых СМИ «Правда.ру», "Однако", "Взгляд", "Афтершок", "Топос" и др. Автор книг «Ликвидация НЛО» (Красноярск, 2002), «Охота за НЛО» (М.: Яуза-Эксмо, 2008, 2018), "Корона связи. Вихри во времени" (М.: Яуза, 2021). Сфера творческих интересов: философия и наука, прикладная психология, искусственный интеллект, методология естествознания, разоблачение паранаучных мифов и лженауки.
Pavel Poluian, born in 1958, lives in Siberia on the Yenisei, in Krasnoyarsk, teaches at the Siberian Federal University. Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy, PhD in Philosophical Sciences. Scientific monograph: “The Death of Dark Matter: Philosophical Principles in Physical Knowledge” (M.: “Gnosis”, 2018). Participant of the World Philosophical Congress in Beijing (2018). Head of the IT startup Institute for Information Assessment LLC. Member of the Russian Writers' Union. Published in such publications as "Literary Gazette", "Parliamentary Gazette", "Komsomolskaya Pravda", "Zavtra", "Red Star", the almanac "Noon XXI Century", the almanac "Yenisei", in the online media "Pravda.ru", "Odnako", "Vzglyad", "Aftershock", "Topos" and others. Author of the books "Elimination of UFOs" (Krasnoyarsk, 2002), "Hunting for UFOs" (M.: Yauza-Eksmo, 2008, 2018), "Crown connections. Vortexes in time" (M.: Yauza, 2021). Sphere of creative interests: philosophy and science, applied psychology, artificial intelligence, natural science methodology, exposing parascientific myths and pseudoscience.
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1/30/2024 • 1 hour, 59 minutes, 2 seconds Михаил Касаткин: Это еще не сама беседа, а скорее предисловие или первый рау нд. Stay tuned! Михаил Касаткин - психолог, коуч для мужчин предпринимателей, 20 лет исследует лидерство. Создал Мужской Книжный бизнес-клуб «Императив», в котором участники провели 468 часов за обсуждением и внедрением Великих книг. Женат, трое детей.
Mikhail Kasatkin is a psychologist, coach for male entrepreneurs, and has been researching leadership for 20 years. Created the Men's Book Business Club "Imperative", in which participants spent 468 hours discussing and implementing Great Books. Married, three children.
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1/29/2024 • 1 hour, 57 minutes, 45 seconds Александра Конопляник: Поговори со мной о том что ты думаешь, а не от том что ты чувствуешь. Александра Конопляник - Философ-практик, консультант, фасилитатор, собеседник, наставник, тренер по критическому мышлению, работающий со взрослыми и детьми индивидуально и в группах в сфере образования, общества и бизнеса. Аккредитованный специалист по философии Философского фонда (Великобритания) и сертифицированный философский консультант Американской ассоциации философских практиков (APPA). Выпускник философии Лондонской школы экономики (LSE). В России Александра преподавала философию в школе «Летово» и лицее РАНХиГС. Прежде чем заняться философией, Александра работала в сфере инвестиционно-банковской деятельности и поиска руководителей в Лондоне и Москве.
Alexandra Konoplyanik is a London-based philosophical counsellor and facilitator working with adults and children, individually and in groups, in education, community and business. Accredited specialist philosophy facilitator with The Philosophy Foundation (UK) and certified philosophical counsellor by the American Philosophical Practitioners Association (APPA). Philosophy graduate from the London School of Economics (LSE). In Russia, Alexandra taught philosophy at Letovo School and RANEPA Lyceum. Before stepping into philosophy, Alexandra worked in investment banking and executive search in London and Moscow.
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1/27/2024 • 2 hours, 18 minutes, 42 seconds Александр Никифоров: Кто такие революционеры и активисты и какова их роль в современном мире? Александр Никифоров родился в Челябинске, где окончил исторический факультет Челябинский государственный университет (ЧелГУ). Партнер в компании Collective Intelligence Systems, специализирующейся на услугах в сфере управления идеями и инновациями и коллективного прогнозирования для бизнеса. Занимается методологией управления инновациями при внедрении систем бизнес-краудсорсинга у заказчиков. Доцент СПбГУ, кандидат политических наук (защитил диссертацию по теме современных революций). Проводит исследования по темам: протестная активность в России; конфликты при реализации проектов капитального строительства в России (при сотрудничестве с IMC Montan); восприятие рисков в российское политике. Участвовал в дискуссии о проблеме теории революции как автор и переводчик зарубежных исследователей. Соавтор видеокурса об использовании проектных методов в образовании и исследовательской работе. Реализует проектную модель в рамках ряда учебных курсов. Хобби: яхтинг.
Alexander Nikiforov was born in Chelyabinsk, where he graduated from the history department of Chelyabinsk State University (CSU). Partner at Collective Intelligence Systems, a company specializing in idea and innovation management and collective foresight services for business. Deals with innovation management methodology when implementing business crowdsourcing systems with customers. Associate Professor at St. Petersburg State University, Candidate of Political Sciences (defended his dissertation on the topic of modern revolutions). Conducts research on the following topics: protest activity in Russia; conflicts during the implementation of capital construction projects in Russia (in cooperation with IMC Montan); risk perception in Russian politics. Participated in discussions on the problem of the theory of revolution as an author and translator of foreign researchers. Co-author of a video course on the use of design methods in education and research. Implements the project model within a number of training courses. Hobby: yachting.
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1/26/2024 • 2 hours, 45 minutes, 53 seconds Владислав Шелекета: Перестань держаться за реальность, это не ты а она тебя держит. Владислав Шелекета - доктор философии, профессор нескольких Вузов и учебных духовных заведений. Занимается проблемами духовно - телесной целостности, автор теории интегративного принципа человека в культуре. Интересуют проблемы объективно нравственного, гуманитарных аспектов технологий, в том числе феномена искусственного интеллекта.
Vladislav Sheleketa, Doctor of Philosophy, professor at several universities and religious educational institutions. He deals with problems of spiritual and physical integrity, the author of the theory of the integrative principle of man in culture. Interested in problems of objectively moral, humanitarian aspects of technology, including the phenomenon of artificial intelligence.
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1/24/2024 • 2 hours, 22 minutes, 58 seconds Азат Акопян: Психоделический опыт, в чём может быть его польза, а что — иллюзии? И про диджеинг. Родители назвали его Азат. Сейчас он называет себя Aza, а его творческий псевдоним — Aza Sirelis, что в переводе с армянского — Аза Возлюбленный. Само имя переводится как «Свободный», а стремление и изучение свободы стало его жизненным кредо. Наивысшую свободу он видит в искусстве, многие виды которого ему довелось освоить — музыкальное, изобразительное, хореографическое, искусство слова и человеческой коммуникации. Весь его жизненный опыт находит наибольшее применение в его профессии. Аза — электронный музыкант, диджей, музыкальный продюссер и наставник. В 2019 он занялся диджеингом и написанием музыки, но профессионалом он стал в 2023 году, когда переехав на остров Бали за новой жизнью, он решил, что весь его доход будет основан на музыкальном бизнесе. Меньше чем за год он стал одним из самых активно выступающих артистов на острове, но его творческие амбиции устремлены далеко за пределы локальной популярности, и не ограничиваются одной лишь электронной музыкой.
His parents named him Azat. Now he calls himself Aza, and his creative pseudonym is Aza Sirelis, which translated from Armenian means Aza the Beloved. The name itself translates as “Free”, and the desire and study of freedom became his life credo. He sees the highest freedom in art, many types of which he had the opportunity to master - musical, visual, choreographic, the art of speech and human communication. All his life experience finds the greatest application in his profession. Aza is an electronic musician, DJ, music producer and mentor. In 2019, he took up DJing and writing music, but he turned professional in 2023, when he moved to Bali for a new life and decided that all of his income would be based on the music business. In less than a year, he has become one of the most active artists on the island, but his creative ambitions reach far beyond local popularity, and are not limited to just electronic music.
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1/24/2024 • 2 hours, 58 minutes, 17 seconds Татьяна Быстрова: Стремление материи обрести выразительную форму, философия дизайна, эстетика. Татьяна Быстрова окончила Уральский государственный университет по специальности «эстетика». Кандидатская диссертация по художественному творчеству (1992 г.), докторская диссертация по философии дизайна (2003 г.). Профессор Уральского федерального университета, Екатеринбург. Руководитель магистерской программы «Графический дизайн». Автор онлайн-курсов по теории дизайна и концепциям города. Научный редактор журнала по архитектуре, градостроительству и дизайну «Академический вестник УралНИИпроект» на протяжении 15 лет. Около 500 публикаций, в том числе более 10 монографий, переводы произведений Э. Блоха, Н. Салингароса и К. Дженкса. Любит писать, переводить, делать утреннюю зарядку и путешествовать. Она любит свою работу и свой город.
Tatiana Bystrova graduated from Ural State University with a degree in aesthetics. Candidate's thesis on artistic creativity (1992), doctoral thesis on the philosophy of design (2003). Professor of the Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg. Head of the master's program "Graphic Design". Author of online courses on design theory and city concepts. Scientific editor of the journal on architecture, urban planning, and design "Academic Bulletin UralNIIproekt" for 15 years. About 500 publications, including more than 10 monographs, and translations of works by E. Bloch, N. Salingaros, and C. Jencks. She loves writing, translating, doing morning exercises, and traveling. She loves her job and her city.
================================SUPPORT & CONNECT:Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/denofrichTwitter: https://twitter.com/denofrichFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/mark.develman/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/denofrichInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/den_of_rich/Hashtag: #denofrich© Copyright 2023 Den of Rich. All rights reserved.
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1/23/2024 • 1 hour, 31 minutes, 53 seconds Максим Лукьянов: Как залезть под кожу, и как распознать тех кто пытается залезть под кожу тебе? Максим Лукьянов имеет более чем 15-летний опыт продаж в сфере высоких технологий, разработки инновационных стратегий продаж, построения коммерческих команд и инфраструктуры, чтобы стать надежным ИТ-партнером для достижения успеха клиентов. Создатель глобальной команды и лидер, признанный лидером продаж Huawei три года подряд. IMD Executive MBA. Saïd Business School, Оксфорд. В настоящее время сосредоточен на инвестициях в недвижимость и девелопмент во Флориде, США.
Maxim Lukyanov has 15+ years of experience in high-tech sales, crafting innovative sales strategies, and building commercial teams and infrastructure to become a trusted IT partner in customer success. A global team builder and leader, recognized as Huawei’s top seller three years in a row. IMD Executive MBA. Saïd Business School, Oxford. Currently focusing on investment in Real Estate and Development in Florida.
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1/21/2024 • 2 hours, 9 minutes, 19 seconds Николай Грибов: Каким будет ваш моральный выбор, быстро и рискованно, либо медленно но спокойно? Николай Грибов, 32 года, женат, есть дочь и сын 😁❤️. 🎯С 2019 основатель и CEO агентства по трафику digital.BUFF, и с 2020 образовательного проекта "Таргетология". Сейчас, также, запускает с партнерами продукт для экспертов по созданию авто-воронок на 1.000.000 рублей в месяц своими руками. 📌Таргетолог/Интернет-Предприниматель со степенью MBA (Executive). 📌 Высшее образование: Мировая экономика. 📌Руководил полностью удаленной командой из 40+ специалистов. 📌Вместе с командой освоил 120.000.000+ рублей рекламного бюджета. 📌Реализовано 400+ уникальных клиентских проекта (от локальных магазинов до федеральных компаний). 📌В 2019 digital.buff стали первым официальным партнером факультета Интернет-Маркетинга Университета Синергия. 📌Суммарно образовательные программы «Таргетология» прошло 10000+ человек. 📌Оборот в онлайн-образовании 130.000.000 рублей за 2 года. Спикер проектов на направлениям: Таргетированная реклама/SMM/Личный бренд.
Nikolay Gribov, 32 years old, married, has a daughter and a son 😁❤️. 🎯Since 2019, founder and CEO of the digital.BUFF traffic agency, and since 2020 of the educational project "Targetology". Now, with partners, he is also launching a product for experts on creating auto funnels for 1,000,000 rubles per month with their own hands. 📌Targetologist/Internet Entrepreneur with an MBA (Executive) degree. 📌 Higher education: World economy. 📌Managed a completely remote team of 40+ specialists. 📌Together with the team, he managed 120,000,000+ rubles in the advertising budget. 📌400+ unique client projects have been implemented (from local stores to federal companies). 📌In 2019, digital.buff became the first official partner of the Internet Marketing Faculty of Synergy University. 📌In total, 10,000+ people completed educational programs “Targetology”. 📌Turnover in online education is 130.000.000 rubles in 2 years. Speaker of projects in the following areas: Targeted advertising/SMM/Personal brand.
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1/20/2024 • 2 hours, 8 minutes, 18 seconds Зафархон Алиходжаев: Все как в песне Englishman in New York только в реалиях РФ и с другим акцентом. Зафархон Алиходжаев, ЕМВА, Лучший антикризисный директор России. Многодетный отец. Он бесплатно отучился в Королевской высшей технической школе Стокгольма. Первая работа которую он получил в Москве - мыл полы в гипермаркетах. Вкладывается в свою команду как в своих детей, поэтому текучка 0%. Может собрать команду под любой проект телефонным звонком. Экс операционный директор Ламода. Экс директор по логистике Луис+. Экс директор по логистике ПЭК. Экс директор по логистике Бринекс. СЕО of ZUMAX RUSSIA. Основатель «Идеал Консалтинг».
Zafarkhon Alikhodzhaev, EMBA, Best anti-crisis director in Russia. Father of many children. He studied for free at the Royal Higher Technical School in Stockholm. The first job he got in Moscow was washing floors in hypermarkets. He invests in his team as in his children, so the employee turnover rate is 0%. Can assemble a team for any project with a phone call. Former operating director of Lamoda. Former logistics director Louis+. Former Director of Logistics of PEC. Former director of logistics at Brinex. CEO of ZUMAX RUSSIA. Founder of Ideal Consulting.
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1/20/2024 • 2 hours, 23 minutes, 13 seconds Елена Лисанюк: Философия аргументации, достаточное основание для сомнения, первичное считывание. Елена Лисанюк, профессор, д.филос.н., доцент кафедры логики. Живет в Петербурге, изучает и преподает логику и аргументацию в вузах Санкт-Петербурга и Москвы.
Elena Lisanyuk, Professor, Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor of the Department of Logic. Lives in St. Petersburg, studies and teaches logic and argumentation at universities in St. Petersburg and Moscow.
================================SUPPORT & CONNECT:Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/denofrichTwitter: https://twitter.com/denofrichFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/mark.develman/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/denofrichInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/den_of_rich/Hashtag: #denofrich© Copyright 2023 Den of Rich. All rights reserved.
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1/19/2024 • 2 hours, 6 minutes, 12 seconds Регина Пеннер: Переключение в исследовательский режим для изучения актант ов цифровой экосистемы Регина Пеннер, кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры философии (ЮУрГУ, Челябинск). Докторант философского факультета (СГУ, Саратов). Один из авторов проекта "Цифровая антропология". Планирует в 2024 г. защитить докторскую на тему "Цифровая идентичность как новая форма социального признания". Рассматривает цифровых актантов как новых акторов на социальных аренах.
Regina Penner, PhD in Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy (South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk). Doctoral student at the Faculty of Philosophy (Saratov Chernyshevsky State University). One of the authors of the Digital Anthropology project. She plans to defend her doctorate in 2024 on the topic “Digital identity as a new form of social recognition.” Considers digital actants as new actors in social arenas.
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1/18/2024 • 2 hours, 36 minutes, 27 seconds Федор Ковалев: Занудный монолог о цифровой злободневности, вогнавший Федо ра в борьбу со сном. Федор Ковалев - предприниматель и опытный путешественник. Начал свою карьеру в медиа бизнесе, заработал много денег в programmatic рекламе, основал несколько стартапов. Помогал с продажами стартапам из YC, Techstars и Alchemist. Побывал в 28 странах, прожил больше полугода в Штатах, Мексике, Колумбии и Индии. Сейчас развивает собственное агентство лидогенерации, он помогает компаниям растить продажи в Штатах с помощью AI и гипер-таргетинга. Ведет Телеграм канал о современных подходах в продажах. Живет в Мехико Сити. Наслаждается сальсой, такосами и погодой.
Fedor Kovalev is an entrepreneur and experienced traveler. He started his career in the media business, made a lot of money in programmatic advertising, and founded several startups. Helped with sales for startups from YC, Techstars and Alchemist. Visited 28 countries, lived for more than six months in the United States, Mexico, Colombia and India. Currently developing his own lead generation agency, he helps companies grow sales in the States using AI and hyper-targeting. He runs a Telegram channel about modern approaches to sales. Lives in Mexico City. Enjoying salsa, tacos and the weather.
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1/17/2024 • 2 hours, 28 minutes, 58 seconds Анна Лещук: Почему иногда мы выбираем сложные пути для достижения чего то простого? Анна Лещук - Founder & CEO агентства исследований Breams research, TEDx спикер, выпускница Harvard Business School, пловец на длинные дистанции в открытой воде, кросс-континентальный пловец, живёт в Индонезии. В данный момент живёт в Японии.
Anna Leshchuk - Founder & CEO of the Breams research agency, TEDx speaker, Harvard Business School graduate, long-distance open water swimmer, cross-continental swimmer, lives in Indonesia. Currently lives in Japan.
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1/16/2024 • 2 hours, 3 minutes, 29 seconds Михаил Мягков: Путь от рисунков на школьной парте до создания собственной ювелирной студии. Михаил Мягков - ювелир, основатель ювелирной студии, ведет блог, рассказывает и показывает все тонкости и секреты ювелирного дела, любит отвечать на вопросы по теме.
Mikhail Myagkov is a jeweler, the founder of a jewelry studio, blogs, tells and shows all the subtleties and secrets of the jewelry business, likes to answer questions on the topic.
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1/15/2024 • 2 hours, 10 minutes, 18 seconds Ксения Молокоедова: Хрестоматийный пример отстаивания персональных границ методом невпускания. Ксения Молокоедова, психолог про проявленность и уверенность в себе💛. ✅ Опыт работы с 2019 г и 3 психологических образования. ✅ СПИКЕР СКОЛКОВО и других мероприятий. ✅ Автор метода «Я ЕСТЬ» от непризнания до проявленности. ✅ Она катается на скейте и танцует Hip-hop. 🔥 Провела более 500 РАЗБОРОВ ПРОДАЮЩИХ САМОПРЕЗЕНТАЦИЙ экспертов и бизнесменов и раскрыла их уникальность ⭐️. 🚀 Помогает бизнесменам развить свой личный бренд, масштабировать личность и выйти из ТЕНИ, чтобы смело заявить о себе миру и вывести свой бизнес на новый уровень 🌍. Ее клиенты становятся уверенными в себе, у величают свой уровень дохода в 10 раз через признание своей уникальности и раскрытие потенциала своей личности.
Xenia Molokoedova, psychologist about manifestation and self-confidence💛. ✅ Work experience since 2019 and 3 psychological degrees. ✅ SPEAKER SKOLKOVO and other events. ✅ Author of the “I AM” method from non-recognition to manifestation. ✅ She skateboards and dances Hip-hop. 🔥 Conducted more than 500 ANALYSIS OF SELLING SELF-PRESENTATIONS of experts and businessmen and revealed their uniqueness ⭐️. 🚀 Helps businessmen develop their personal brand, scale their personality and come out of the SHADOW to boldly declare themselves to the world and take their business to the next level 🌍. Her clients become self-confident and increase their income level by 10 times through recognizing their uniqueness and unlocking the potential of their personality.
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1/13/2024 • 3 hours, 3 minutes, 32 seconds Анвар Бугазов: Евразийская идентичность: миф или реальность. Шик сезона: ко нъюнктурный камуфляж. Анвар Бугазов, преподаватель из семьи преподавателей. Работает в Кыргызско-Российском университете в г. Бишкек, Кыргызстан. Профессор, за 40 лет ему приходилось заниматься разными вещами, но профессию он никогда не менял. В настоящее время, как и всякий профессор обязан вести занятия с аспирантами, магистрантами, студентами, и конечно, научно-исследовательскую работу.
Anvar Bugazov, a teacher from a family of teachers. Works at the Kyrgyz-Russian University in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Professor, for 40 years he had to do different things, but he never changed his profession. Currently, like any professor, he is obliged to conduct classes with graduate students, undergraduates, undergraduates, and of course, research work.
================================SUPPORT & CONNECT:Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/denofrichTwitter: https://twitter.com/denofrichFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/mark.develman/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/denofrichInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/den_of_rich/Hashtag: #denofrich© Copyright 2023 Den of Rich. All rights reserved.
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1/13/2024 • 2 hours, 35 minutes, 9 seconds Любовь Яковлева: Испанская философия, вера, сознание, эволюция, свобода вол и, AI и субъективизм. Любовь Яковлева – доктор философских наук, профессор. В настоящее время работает профессором кафедры философии Российского государственного университета имени А.Н. Косыгина. В течение 26 лет преподавала философию на гуманитарных факультетах МГУ им. М.В. Ломоносова.
Liubov Yakovleva is a Doctor of Philosophy, Professor. Currently, she works as a professor at the Department of Philosophy at the Russian State University A.N. Kosygin. For 26 years she taught philosophy at the humanities faculties of Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov.
================================SUPPORT & CONNECT:Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/denofrichTwitter: https://twitter.com/denofrichFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/mark.develman/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/denofrichInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/den_of_rich/Hashtag: #denofrich© Copyright 2023 Den of Rich. All rights reserved.
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1/10/2024 • 2 hours, 8 minutes, 20 seconds Валентин Матвеенко: Скажи мне на языке Хайку кто Ты и где сейчас находится многообразие твоего Я. Валентин Матвеенко - кандидат философских наук, доцент департамента философии Дальневосточного федерального университета, специализируется на японской философии и межкультурной философии. Руководит книжным магазином, переводит книги, любит саке.
Valentin Matveenko, PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy of the Far Eastern Federal University, specializes in Japanese philosophy and intercultural philosophy. Runs a bookstore, translates books, loves sake.
================================SUPPORT & CONNECT:Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/denofrichTwitter: https://twitter.com/denofrichFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/mark.develman/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/denofrichInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/den_of_rich/Hashtag: #denofrich© Copyright 2023 Den of Rich. All rights reserved.
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1/7/2024 • 2 hours, 38 minutes, 18 seconds Сергей Семёнов: Творческое мышление, идеализированный предмет творчества, взвешивание ценностей. Сергей Семёнов, 1955 г.р., г. Севастополь. Окончил Ленинградский университет и Аспирантуру Московского университета. Кандидат философских наук. Преподавал в вузах г. Уфы и работал в научно-практических центрах по проблемам творчества ( ректор университета технического творчества ПО «Башнефть», директор ИНЦ « Майевтика - XXI” ). Работал в правительстве и администрации Президента Республики Башкортостан, в администрации г. Уфы ( в 1998 - 2000 гг. пресс-секретарь президента ). Автор нескольких монографий и более 500 публикаций . Участник XXI Всемирного философского конгресса ( Стамбул, 2003 г. ), сопредседатель секции философии творчества VIII Всемирного философского конгресса ( Москва , 2020 г. ).
Sergei N Semenov, born 1955, Sevastopol. Graduated from Leningrad University and Graduate School of Moscow University. Ph.D. in Philosophical Sciences. He taught at universities in Ufa and worked in scientific and practical centers on problems of creativity (rector of the University of Technical Creativity of the Bashneft Production Association, director of the Institute of Science and Technology “Maieutika - XXI”). He worked in the government and administration of the President of the Republic of Bashkortostan, in the administration of the city of Ufa (in 1998 - 2000, press secretary of the president). Author of several monographs and more than 500 publications. Participant of the XXI World Philosophical Congress (Istanbul, 2003), co-chairman of the section on the philosophy of creativity of the VIII World Philosophical Congress (Moscow, 2020).
================================SUPPORT & CONNECT:Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/denofrichTwitter: https://twitter.com/denofrichFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/mark.develman/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/denofrichInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/den_of_rich/Hashtag: #denofrich© Copyright 2023 Den of Rich. All rights reserved.
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1/6/2024 • 2 hours, 1 minute, 22 seconds Анатолий Горелов: Смерть Сталина, убийство Кеннеди, Катастройка, Deep State, роль России в современном мире. Анатолий Горелов - ведущий научный сотрудник Института философии РАН, сектор Философских проблем политики. Автор более 50 книг по различным философским проблемам. Автор более 20 учебников и учебных пособий по различным дисциплинам.
Anatoly Gorelov is a leading researcher at the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, sector of Philosophical Problems of Politics. Author of more than 50 books on various philosophical issues. Author of more than 20 textbooks and teaching aids in various disciplines.
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1/5/2024 • 2 hours, 19 minutes, 9 seconds Олег Ушаков: Отметили день рождения Bitcoin беседой о перспективах легализации цифровых активов. Олег Ушаков, Председатель Комиссии по ЦФА Торгово-Промышленной палаты РФ, основатель Юридического бюро Sagrada Legal, экс-советник Банка России, основатель проекта "Бизнес. Инвестиции. Токеномика". Ранее был советником Адвокатского бюро ЕПАМ. Сопровождал крупные проекты с участием такие клиентов, как Русал, Сбербанк, Эн+, Кредит Европа Банк, Лента и многие другие. Большой опыт законопроектной деятельности, в том числе участвовал в подготовке Федерального закона "О защите и поощрении капиталовложений", поправок к ФЗ "Об инвестиционных фондах", ФЗ "О рынке ценных бумаг". В настоящее время готовит поправки к ФЗ "О цифровых финансовых активах". Во время работы в Банке России участвовал в подготовке докладов "О децентрализованных финансах" и "О развитии рынка цифровых активов в РФ".
Oleg Ushakov is a Chairman of the DFA Commission of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, founder of the Legal Bureau Sagrada Legal, ex-adviser of the Bank of Russia, founder of the project "Business. Investments. Tokenomics". Previously, he was an advisor to the EPAM Law Office. Supported large projects involving clients such as Rusal, Sberbank, En+, Credit Europe Bank, Lenta and many others. Extensive experience in legislative activities, including participation in the preparation of the Federal Law “On the Protection and Encouragement of Investments”, amendments to the Federal Law “On Investment Funds”, Federal Law “On the Securities Market”. Currently, he is preparing amendments to the Federal Law “On Digital Financial Assets”. While working at the Bank of Russia, he participated in the preparation of reports “On decentralized finance” and “On the development of the digital assets market in the Russian Federation.”
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1/4/2024 • 2 hours, 5 minutes, 51 seconds Оксана Седых: Образ "ходячего" мертвеца: историко-культурные истоки, фольклор, литература, кино. Оксана Седых - кандидат филосовских наук, доцент кафедры истории и теории мировой культуры философского факультета МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова. Сфера научных интересов: история и теория мировой культуры и литературы, литература и фольклор, философия и культура Серебряного века, культурная (социокультурная) антропология.
Oxana Sedykh, PhD in Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of History and Theory of World Culture, Faculty of Philosophy at the Lomonosov Moscow State University. Area of her scientific interests: history and theory of world culture and literature, literature and folklore, philosophy and culture of the Silver Age, and cultural (sociocultural) anthropology.
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1/3/2024 • 2 hours, 31 minutes, 19 seconds Арман Нур: Художник играющий на сантиментах симфонию любви в попытке снизи ть градус ненависти. Арман Нур — известный армянский дизайнер, ювелир, скульптор, художник, лауреат множества международных наград и премий, основатель творческой студии «Нур Дизайн» и авторской галереи Nur Art Gallery, был удостоен золотой медали Lorenzo il Magnifico на Флорентийской Биеннале, а также государственной премии Золотая медаль Министерства культуры Республики Армения и лауреат медали Мовсеса Хоренаци.
Arman Nur is a famous Armenian designer, jeweler, sculptor, artist, winner of many international awards and prizes, founder of the creative studio “Nur Design” and the author’s gallery Nur Art Gallery, was awarded the Lorenzo il Magnifico gold medal at the Florence Biennale, as well as the state Golden Prize medal of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Armenia and winner of the Movses Khorenatsi medal.
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12/30/2023 • 1 hour, 56 minutes, 30 seconds Михаил Шиндлер: Multi family office, wealth management, а также любой каприз за ваши деньги. Михаил Шиндлер, 43 года. Инвестор. Бизнесмен. Эксперт по управлению благосостоянием. CEO и Founder "Территория Финансов". CEO IMPACT Capital. Живет в Красной поляне среди гор, рек и лесов. Выстроил с нуля успешный онлайн бизнес в сфере управления деньгами. Офицер военно-космических сил, который посещает випассаны и ретриты, практикует АйКиДо и играет на гитаре и в покер. Решает для клиентов задачи по управлению их деньгами "под ключ". Помогает сформировать капитал и жить на пассивный доход. Ищет надежные интересные проекты для привлечения инвестиций.
Mikhail Shindler, 43 years old. Investor. Businessman. Wealth management expert. CEO and Founder "Territory of Finance". CEO of IMPACT Capital. Lives in Krasnaya Polyana among mountains, rivers and forests. Built a successful online money management business from scratch. A naval officer who attends Vipassana and retreats, practices AiKiDo and plays guitar and poker. Solve problems for clients in managing their money on a turnkey basis. Helps to form capital and live on passive income. Looks for reliable, interesting projects to attract investment.
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12/29/2023 • 2 hours, 16 minutes, 3 seconds Стефан Ясногородский: Инвестиции в недвижимость как понятный способ сохранить и приумножить. Стефан Ясногородский, управляющий партнер консалтинговой компании в области проектного финансирования и M&A - Finance Hub. Экс-руководитель направления по недвижимости корпоративно-инвестиционного бизнеса ПАО «Совкомбанк». В рамках руководства направлением отвечал за работу с крупнейшими застройщиками России и реализацию крупнейших сделок в инвестиционном кредитовании (LBO, M&A) и проектном финансировании. Ранее, в рамках работы в команде «ВТБ Капитал», отвечал за работу с ТОП-20 крупнейших девелоперов Москвы, где реализовал одну из первых в России сделок проектного финансирования в логике 214-ФЗ в классе «Бизнес». В банке ПАО «ТРАСТ» отвечал за реализацию проблемных активов агропромышленного сектора.
Stefan Yasnogorodsky is a managing partner of a consulting company in the field of project finance and M&A - Finance Hub. Former head of the real estate department of the corporate and investment business of PJSC Sovcombank. As part of the management of the department, he was responsible for working with the largest developers in Russia and implementing the largest transactions in investment lending (LBO, M&A) and project financing. Previously, as part of his work in the VTB Capital team, he was responsible for working with the TOP-20 largest developers in Moscow, where he implemented one of the first project financing transactions in Russia in logic 214 - Federal Law in the Business class. At the bank PJSC TRUST, he was responsible for the sale of distressed assets in the agro-industrial sector.
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12/28/2023 • 2 hours, 16 minutes, 29 seconds Александра Мартыненко: Не верьте инфоцыганам, если не хотите оказаться в стране дураков. Александра Мартыненко - основатель маркетинговой команды Ritpart, партнер мобильной студии Cross IGaming MENA, основатель команды разработчиков игр и мобильный приложений Starlight Mobille App, партнер TITUL PAY. Преподаватель ВШЭ Бизнес Информатика.
Alexandra Martynenko is the founder of the Ritpart marketing team, partner of the Cross IGaming MENA mobile studio, founder of the Starlight Mobille App game and mobile application development team, TITUL PAY partner. Lecturer at HSE Business Informatics.
================================SUPPORT & CONNECT:Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/denofrichTwitter: https://twitter.com/denofrichFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/mark.develman/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/denofrichInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/den_of_rich/Hashtag: #denofrich© Copyright 2023 Den of Rich. All rights reserved.
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12/25/2023 • 1 hour, 55 minutes, 43 seconds Лидия Смолова: Феноменология смыслов зрелой личности в сравнении с более примитивной особью или даже видом. Лидия Смолова – профессиональный психолог, педагог, автор нескольких книг. Последняя книга посвящена феномену Смысла, столь важному в современной жизни. В Интернете есть несколько ее лекций, в которых она раскрывает смысл тех или иных явлений. Например: Смысл Дружбы, Смысл Благодарности, Смысл и типы мышления и так далее.
Lidia Smolova is a professional psychologist, teacher, and author of several books. The last book is dedicated to the phenomenon of Meaning, which is so important in modern life. There are several of her lectures on the Internet in which she reveals the meaning of certain phenomena. For example: The meaning of Friendship, The meaning of Gratitude, The meaning and types of thinking and so on.
================================SUPPORT & CONNECT:Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/denofrichTwitter: https://twitter.com/denofrichFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/mark.develman/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/denofrichInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/den_of_rich/Hashtag: #denofrich© Copyright 2023 Den of Rich. All rights reserved.
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12/25/2023 • 2 hours, 7 minutes, 55 seconds Станислав Косоруков: Избирательная аутентичность, что ты прячешь в чертог ах своего разума? Станислав Косоруков, 34 года, живет в Дубае. До 2015 года руководил инвестиционной стратегией венчурного фонда Prostor Capital. В 2013 в году в Англии он основал одну из первых в мире платформ для покупки криптовалют с помощью банковских карт. В 2018 году запустил постаматный бизнес в РФ (продажи в Х5, почта России, совместное предприятие с СДЭК). Ментор бизнес школы Сколково. В Дубае на Пальме проводит мастермайнды для определения личной стратегии на год.
Stanislav Kosorukov, 34 years old, lives in Dubai. Until 2015, he led the investment strategy of the venture fund Prostor Capital. In 2013, in England, he founded one of the world's first platforms for purchasing cryptocurrencies using bank cards. In 2018, he launched a parcel lockers business in the Russian Federation (sales in X5, Russian Post, joint venture with SDEK). Mentor at Skolkovo Business School. In Dubai, on the Palm, he conducts masterminds to determine a personal strategy for the year.
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12/24/2023 • 2 hours, 43 seconds Илья Сулоев: Аффирмации и слова благодарности на завтрак, а с чего у вас начинает ся утро? Илья Сулоев, человек, который на своем примере показывает, что нет ничего невозможного. Он уже 4 года изучает возможности своего тела и ума, а с этого года и передает свои знания через свои онлайн-проекты (курсы и марафоны). Установил 2 мировых рекорда в приседаниях на гвоздях. И планирует еще несколько в других дисциплинах. Также он несколько лет в бизнесе по производству здорового питания, продуктов с чистым составом. Занимается разработкой и запуском пищевых продуктов, запуском производств и выводом на рынок РФ, ОАЭ, США.
Ilya Suloev, a man who shows by his example that nothing is impossible. He has been studying the capabilities of his body and mind for 4 years now, and starting this year he transfers his knowledge through his online projects (courses and marathons). Set 2 world records in squats on nails. And plans several more in other disciplines. He has also been in the business of producing healthy foods and products with pure ingredients for several years. Engaged in the development and launch of food products, launching production and bringing them to the market in the Russian Federation, the UAE, and the USA.
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12/23/2023 • 3 hours, 1 minute, 2 seconds Эмиль Панахов: Как заработать F**k You Money на крипте или как живется alpha-male холос тяку в Москве. Эмиль Панахов более 6 лет в рынке крипты. Свой первый биткоин он купил в сентябре 2017 года, который до сих пор держит. Co-Founder Web3 проекта по ресерчу и аналитике на DEX USHI.PRO. Запускает новый финтех Bydex: полноценный торговый терминал на DEX (ETH и BSC сеть) с лимитными ордерами и другим функционалом. По сути Binance в мире DEX. Это будет game change в рынке. Как когда-то Binance в мире CEX сделал game change. Ведет блог по крипте в Телеграмме. Делает консалтинг и сопровождение по инвестициям в крипту.
Emil Panakhov has been in the crypto market for more than 6 years. He bought his first Bitcoin in September 2017, which he still holds. Co-Founder Web3 project for research and analytics on DEX USHI.PRO. Launches a new fintech Bydex: a full-fledged trading terminal on DEX (ETH and BSC network) with limit orders and other functionality. Essentially the Binance of the DEX world. This will be a game change in the market. Just like Binance once did a game change in the CEX world. He runs a blog on crypto in Telegram. Provides consulting and support on investments in crypto.
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12/22/2023 • 2 hours, 20 minutes, 12 seconds Владимир Ильин: Жизненные перекрестки, Дао - река жизни, аутентичность, креативный консьюмеризм. Владимир Ильин, социолог, профессор факультета социологии СПбГУ. Область профессиональных интересов - социология повседневности, потребление молодежи. В настоящий момент ведется исследование моделей прокладывания молодежью своих жизненных путей.
Vladimir Ilyin, sociologist, professor at the Faculty of Sociology of St. Petersburg State University. Area of professional interests: sociology of everyday life, youth consumption. Currently, research is being conducted into models of how young people chart their life paths.
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12/21/2023 • 2 hours, 17 minutes, 56 seconds Никита Важнов: Наглядный пример обнаружения убогой избы за декорированны м картонынным фасадом. Никита Важнов 👋 - Бизнесмен, Нетворк-Брокер, Инвестор, ЕМУ ПЛАТЯТ💵 ТОПы и Звезды🌟 Получает все, что хочет через людей и нетворкинг. Создает Мировую Экосистему iPeople🔥 ПРОЕКТЫ: 1) Консьерж-Сервис по Миру iPeople (Бали, Дубай, Грузия, Казахстан, Турция, Тайланд, ЮАР (Кейптаун), Доминикана и другие страны под запрос). Делает жизнь предпринимателей и блогеров Комфортной и простой под🔑 Клиенты: Саша Митрошина, Анна Хилькевич, Петр Осипов, Яна Левенцева, Олег Торбосов, Павел Гительман, Виталий Булавин, Лео Шевченко, Рома Жилин, Ян Сташкевич, Нелли Армани, Полина Маришова, Алина Крейда. 2) Защита онлайн-курсов от пиратов, складчин 🔰 - Инфощит. Клиенты: Аяз, Митрошина, Гогаладзе, Маричева, Белякова, Матухно, и 1100+ авторов). 3) Повышение репутации в сети, SERM infoshchit.com 4) Мировой Нетворк-Брокер. 7000 Личных контактов в 38 странах Мира за 5 лет. На Бали 1300 Полезных контактов за 2 года.
Nikita Vajnov 👋 - Businessman, Network-Broker, Investor, HE IS PAID💵 BY TOPs and Stars🌟 Gets everything he wants through people and networking. Creates the iPeople World Ecosystem🔥 PROJECTS: 1) Concierge Service for the iPeople World (Bali, Dubai, Georgia , Kazakhstan, Turkey, Thailand, South Africa (Cape Town), Dominican Republic and other countries on request). Makes the life of entrepreneurs and bloggers comfortable and simple under🔑 Clients: Sasha Mitroshina, Anna Khilkevich, Pyotr Osipov, Yana Leventseva, Oleg Torbosov, Pavel Gitelman, Vitaly Bulavin, Leo Shevchenko, Roma Zhilin, Yan Stashkevich, Nelly Armani, Polina Marishova, Alina Kreida . 2) Protection of online courses from pirates, hoarders 🔰 - Infoshield. Clients: Ayaz, Mitroshina, Gogaladze, Maricheva, Belyakova, Matukhno, and 1100+ authors). 3) Increasing reputation on the network, SERM infoshchit.com 4) World Network Broker. 7000 Personal contacts in 38 countries in 5 years. There are 1300 Useful contacts in Bali in 2 years.
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12/20/2023 • 2 hours, 40 minutes, 33 seconds Иван Курдюков: Если не скатываться в извращенный субъективизм то придраться не к чему. Сaдись 5! Иван Курдюков - предприниматель, его основной бизнес это WE Agency — помощь бизнесам которые готовы к развитию, создавать лучшие продукты, рекламировать, продавать их и увеличивать доход. Со-инвестор в международной школе современных профессий Хечхог в Нижнем Новгороде. Спикер в проектах Сбер Акселератор, «Мой бизнес», «Твой ход» и др.
Ivan Kurdyukov is an entrepreneur, his main business is WE Agency - helping businesses that are ready to develop, create the best products, advertise, sell them and increase income. Co-investor in the international school of modern professions Hedgehog in Nizhny Novgorod. Speaker in the Sber Accelerator, "My Business", "Your Move" projects, etc.
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12/19/2023 • 1 hour, 46 minutes, 8 seconds Дарья Ковалева: Семантическая модель вселенной - В начале было слово. Слова имеют значение. Дарья Ковалева — историк культуры со специализацией в регионе Восточного Средиземноморья. В настоящее время она учится в аспирантуре Гарвардского университета на последних курсах диссертационной работы по истории театральной индустрии семнадцатого и восемнадцатого веков. Свободно говорит на нескольких языках, может читать тексты более чем на десяти. После окончания в 2008 году Института стран Азии и Африки МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова со степенью бакалавра Дарья в течение десяти лет обучалась в аспирантуре по ряду академических традиций и жила в Иерусалиме (Израиль), Москве (Россия), Будапешт (Венгрия), Бостон (Массачусетс, США). Проведя значительное время в исследованиях в Венеции (Италия), Ватикане, Вене (Австрия), Париже (Франция), Лейдене (Нидерланды), несколько лет назад она поселилась в Стамбуле (Турция) для написания диссертации. В 2023-2024 годах Дарья является научным сотрудником Стамбульского научно-исследовательского института.
Daria Kovaleva is a historian of culture with the specialization in the Eastern Mediterranean region. She is currently a PhD student at Harvard University in the senior years of her dissertation work on the history of theater industry in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Fluent in several languages she can read texts in more than ten. After the graduation in 2008 from the Institute of Asian and African Countries of Lomonosov Moscow State University with a BA degree, Daria had pursued graduate education in a number of academic traditions for ten years and had lived in Jerusalem (Israel), Moscow (Russian), Budapest (Hungary), Boston (MA, USA). Having spent substantial research time in Venice (Italy), Vatican, Vienna (Austria), Paris (France), Leiden (the Netherlands) she settled in Istanbul (Turkey) for her dissertation writing few years ago. In 2023-2024 Daria is a fellow in Istanbul Research Institute.
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12/18/2023 • 3 hours, 4 minutes, 5 seconds Дарья Ковалева: Семантическая модель вселенной - В начале было слово. Слова имеют значение. Дарья Ковалева — историк культуры со специализацией в регионе Восточного Средиземноморья. В настоящее время она учится в аспирантуре Гарвардского университета на последних курсах диссертационной работы по истории театральной индустрии семнадцатого и восемнадцатого веков. Свободно говорит на нескольких языках, может читать тексты более чем на десяти. После окончания в 2008 году Института стран Азии и Африки МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова со степенью бакалавра Дарья в течение десяти лет обучалась в аспирантуре по ряду академических традиций и жила в Иерусалиме (Израиль), Москве (Россия), Будапешт (Венгрия), Бостон (Массачусетс, США). Проведя значительное время в исследованиях в Венеции (Италия), Ватикане, Вене (Австрия), Париже (Франция), Лейдене (Нидерланды), несколько лет назад она поселилась в Стамбуле (Турция) для написания диссертации. В 2023-2024 годах Дарья является научным сотрудником Стамбульского научно-исследовательского института.
Daria Kovaleva is a historian of culture with the specialization in the Eastern Mediterranean region. She is currently a PhD student at Harvard University in the senior years of her dissertation work on the history of theater industry in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Fluent in several languages she can read texts in more than ten. After the graduation in 2008 from the Institute of Asian and African Countries of Lomonosov Moscow State University with a BA degree, Daria had pursued graduate education in a number of academic traditions for ten years and had lived in Jerusalem (Israel), Moscow (Russian), Budapest (Hungary), Boston (MA, USA). Having spent substantial research time in Venice (Italy), Vatican, Vienna (Austria), Paris (France), Leiden (the Netherlands) she settled in Istanbul (Turkey) for her dissertation writing few years ago. In 2023-2024 Daria is a fellow in Istanbul Research Institute.
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12/18/2023 • 3 hours, 4 minutes, 5 seconds Виктор Лебедев: Исследование чей то инаковости через доступные когнитивны е гаджеты и инструменты. Виктор Лебедев - психиатр. Жил и работал в Петрозаводске до ноября 2021 года, когда переехал в Финляндию, где сейчас подтверждает право работать врачом. До отъезда из России он активно читал публичные лекции по психиатрии и близким к ней темам.
Viktor Lebedev is a psychiatrist. He lived and worked in Petrozavodsk until November 2021, when he moved to Finland, where he is now confirming his right to work as a doctor. Before leaving Russia, he actively gave public lectures on psychiatry and related topics.
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12/17/2023 • 2 hours, 27 minutes, 39 seconds Виктор Лебедев: Исследование чей то инаковости через доступные когнитивн ые гаджеты и инструменты. Виктор Лебедев - психиатр. Жил и работал в Петрозаводске до ноября 2021 года, когда переехал в Финляндию, где сейчас подтверждает право работать врачом. До отъезда из России он активно читал публичные лекции по психиатрии и близким к ней темам.
Viktor Lebedev is a psychiatrist. He lived and worked in Petrozavodsk until November 2021, when he moved to Finland, where he is now confirming his right to work as a doctor. Before leaving Russia, he actively gave public lectures on psychiatry and related topics.
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12/17/2023 • 2 hours, 27 minutes, 39 seconds Юрий Моша: Если не знаешь то не услышишь, если знаешь то поймешь. Юрий Моша в марте 2011 г. иммигрировал в США на постоянное место жительства. В мае 2011 в Нью-Йорке основал компанию «Русская Америка» и создал первый канал про иммиграцию в США на YouTube. В 2017 году основал компанию «Второй Паспорт». Сегодня «Второй Паспорт» активно развивается открыв более 50 офисов. Гражданам стран постсоветского пространства предоставляются комплексные услуги в вопросах получения различных типов виз в США, работы и обучения, открытия и развития бизнеса, иммиграции, инвестиций в недвижимость, туризма и лечения, а также социальной адаптации и легализации. В 2020 году запустил новую бизнес платформу e-pr.online. На ней собраны 15 000 медиа из 60 стран мира. В ноябре 2022 с командой единомышленников восстановил выпуск старейшей в мире русскоязычной газета «Новое Русское Слово».
Yury Mosha immigrated to the United States for permanent residence in March 2011. In May 2011, he founded the Russian America company in New York and created the first channel about immigration to the United States on YouTube. In 2017 he founded the Second Passport company. Today, Second Passport is actively developing, having opened more than 50 offices. Citizens of post-Soviet countries are provided with comprehensive services in matters of obtaining various types of visas to the United States, work and study, opening and developing a business, immigration, real estate investment, tourism and treatment, as well as social adaptation and legalization. In 2020, he launched a new business platform, e-pr.online. It contains 15,000 media from 60 countries. In November 2022, with a team of like-minded people, the world’s oldest Russian-language newspaper “New Russian Word” was restored.
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12/16/2023 • 1 hour, 27 minutes, 42 seconds Артем Ранюшкин: Помощь детям с ограниченными возможностями и их родителям как способ заработка. Артем Ранюшкин - двигательный терапевт, предприниматель, энкргопрактик. Специалист в области чувств. На протяжении 10 лет создает разные проекты около здоровья. Обучает специалистов работе с телом. Обучает родителей детей с особенностями как заниматься с ребенком.
Artem Raniushkin is a movement therapist, entrepreneur, and environmental practitioner. Specialist in the field of feelings. For 10 years he has been creating various projects related to health. Trains specialists to work with the body. Teaches parents of children with special needs how to work with their child.
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12/16/2023 • 2 hours, 3 minutes, 18 seconds Денис Сатаев: Твори добро и будет тебе счастье! Или это развод для лохов? Денис Сатаев - цифровой психолог (Мастер Сюцай - цифровая психология нового времени), предприниматель в твердых и мягких нишах, практикующий бизнес-коуч, MBA.
Denis Sataev is a digital psychologist (Master Syutsai - digital psychology of new times), an entrepreneur in hard and soft niches, a practicing business coach, MBA.
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12/15/2023 • 3 hours, 15 minutes, 3 seconds Иван Зиновьев: Готовность терять оставаясь собой, вместо того чтобы обретать теряя себя. Иван Зиновьев - медиатренер из Дубая. Выводит в топ YouTube-каналы для бизнеса или личного бренда. Без рекламы, даже для очень занятых предпринимателей, в сложных нишах и без навыков говорить на камеру. Работает с каналами из СНГ, США, ОАЭ. До этого был тренером по публичным выступлениям. Преодолел несколько дефектов речи, работал ведущим на радио, имеет более 20 лет опыта в различных жанрах публичных выступлений. Сейчас он живет и работает в Дубае.
Ivan Zinovev is a media trainer from Dubai. Brings YouTube channels for business or personal brand to the top. Without advertising, even for very busy entrepreneurs, in complex niches and without the skills to speak on camera. Works with channels from the CIS, USA, UAE. Before that, he was a public speaking coach. He overcame several speech impediments, worked as a radio presenter, and has over 20 years of experience in various genres of public speaking. He now lives and works in Dubai.
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12/14/2023 • 3 hours, 49 minutes, 57 seconds Андрей Путин: Если верить в то что мы живем в симуляции, то инженерия жизне нных процессов вполне рабочая идея. Андрей Путин — CEO, kt.team. IT-предприниматель, цель которого — создать в мире децентрализованную высокопроизводительную компанию, создать акселератор сервисных и продуктовых решений для лучших инженеров и менеджеров. Публично выступает на темы низкой текущей эффективности в ИТ, перегрева ИТ-рынка и вытекающих из этого последствий для отрасли - например, разработчики, менеджеры, аналитики. Живет в Стамбуле. 40 лет, 5 детей. МГТУ, UNO, Сколково.
Andrey Putin is a CEO of kt.team. IT entrepreneur whose goal is to create a decentralised high performance company in the world, to create an accelerator of service and product solutions for the best engineers and managers. Public speaker on the topic of low current efficiency in IT, overheating of the IT market and the resulting consequences for the industry - such as developers, managers, analysts. Lives in Istanbul. 40 yo, 5 kids. MSTU, UNO, Skolkovo.
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12/13/2023 • 2 hours, 36 minutes, 18 seconds Ибрагим Гойтемиров: Погружение в историю и амбиции одного предпринимател ьского пути. Ибрагим Гойтемиров - Продуктовый дизайнер с более чем 14-летним опытом, последние 11 лет посвятил работе в различных стартапах, занимая лидирующие позиции в области дизайна, продукт-менеджмента и на посту генерального директора. Основал четыре собственных стартапа и уже два года управляет развитием своего пятого проекта - Targemy.
Ibrahim Goitemirov is a product designer with more than 14 years of experience, and has spent the last 11 years working in various startups, holding leading positions in design, product management and as CEO. He founded four of his own startups and has been managing the development of his fifth project, Targemy, for two years.
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12/11/2023 • 3 hours, 30 minutes, 53 seconds Диана Леонтьева: Навык переосмысления метрик и шкалы персонального воспр иятия. Диана Леонтьева - Психолог, педагог-исследователь, спикер научных и публичных международных конференций и форумов. Была на одной сцене с Ником Вуйчич и другими звездами. Обладатель международных и общероссийских премий. Miss Business Eurasia 2023. Автор курса "Финансовые Психологические Ловушки". Ведущая авторской передачи на турецком ТВ. Последние 8 лет работает с предпринимателями, топ лидерами и медийными людьми. В работе применяет научно-исследовательский подход. Побывала в 30+ странах, три года жила в Турции.
Diana Leonteva is a psychologist, teacher-researcher, speaker at scientific and public international conferences and forums. She was on the same stage with Nick Vujicic and other stars. Winner of international and all-Russian awards. Miss Business Eurasia 2023. Author of the course "Financial Psychological Traps". Presenter of the author's program on Turkish TV. For the last 8 years she has been working with entrepreneurs, top leaders and media people. She uses a research approach in her work. She visited 30+ countries, lived in Turkey for three years.
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12/9/2023 • 2 hours, 40 minutes, 12 seconds Софья Савенкова: Как не стать заложником пафоса персональных предвзятостей в суждении о... Софья Савенкова - 25 лет, Executive Search & Recruitment Director, Wildberries AdTech. Консультант по поиску топ-менеджмента и руководителей для компаний (клиенты: Соколов, Самолет, BestDoctor, AppScience и другие). Лектор СколТех. Начала свою карьеру в 19 в консалтинге по поиску топ-менеджмента в компании Ward Howell, отвечала за поиск топов во все индустрии, исследования орг структур, зарплат и другие, выросла там до ассоциата и приняла решение переходить в инхаус. Присоединилась к компании СберМаркет на задачу формирования направления по поиску топ-менеджмента с нуля. Выросла до Head of Executive Search & Recruitment с ответственностью за все стримы найма кроме разработки и курьеров. В Wildberries пригласили под СЕО Ads Platform на формирование с нуля команды по разработке рекламной платформы. Ответственность за весь найм, включая топ-менеджмент, продукт, разработку, аналитику, маркетинг, пиар, продажи, бэк офис.
Sofia Savenkova - 25 years old, Executive Search & Recruitment Director, Wildberries AdTech. Consultant on the search for top management and executives for companies (clients: Sokolov, Samolet, BestDoctor, AppScience and others). Lecturer at SkolTech. She began her career at 19 in consulting on the search for top management at Ward Howell, was responsible for searching for top executives in all industries, researching organizational structures, salaries and others, rose there to associate and decided to move to in-house. She joined the SberMarket company for the task of creating a direction for finding top management from scratch. She grew to Head of Executive Search & Recruitment with responsibility for all recruitment streams except development and couriers. Wildberries invited the CEO of Ads Platform to form a team from scratch to develop an advertising platform. Responsible for all hiring, including top management, product, development, analytics, marketing, PR, sales, back office.
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12/8/2023 • 2 hours, 12 minutes, 13 seconds Александр Манаков: Субъективный взгляд на гвоздестояние: концепция, метод ика, применение. Александр Манаков, шоумен более 20 лет. Экс руководитель международного сообщества «СПАРТА» г. Иркутск. Сертифицированный мастер ГВОЗДЕтерапии. Многолетний практик на досках садху, телесный практик, энергопорактик. Спикер, ведущий многочисленных международных трансформационных программ, ретритов, мотивационных мероприятий, как онлайн, так и в офлайн. Тренер, коуч. Как проводник преподает в различных школах гвоздестояния и гвоздетерапии. Создатель Бренда по изготовлению премиальных Досок Садху SADHU DOBRA. Создатель Академии трансформации SADHU DOBRA по обучению проводников гвоздетерапии и для личного применения гвоздей. Трижды рекордсмен по стоянию на гвоздях. Любитель яркой жизни, спорта, новых впечатлений, экстрима, исследований себя через различные практики и инструменты. Благодаря Александру сотни учеников по всему миру нашли себя, изменили свою жизнь к лучшему, поменяли мышления и стали достигать свои истинные цели в лёгкости.
Alexander Manakov, showman for more than 20 years. Former head of the international community “SPARTA”, Irkutsk. Certified master of NAIL therapy. Long-term practitioner on sadhu boards, body practitioner, energy practitioner. Speaker, host of numerous international transformation programs, retreats, motivational events, both online and offline. Trainer, coach. As a guide he teaches at various schools of nailing and nail therapy. Creator of the Brand for the production of premium Sadhu Boards SADHU DOBRA. Creator of the SADHU DOBRA Transformation Academy for training nail therapy guides and for personal use of nails. Three times record holder for standing on nails. A lover of a vibrant life, sports, new experiences, extreme sports, self-exploration through various practices and tools. Thanks to Alexander, hundreds of students around the world found themselves, changed their lives for the better, changed their thinking and began to achieve their true goals with ease.
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12/7/2023 • 2 hours, 16 minutes, 37 seconds Никита Куракин: Наращивание аудитории ради возможности продавать возможн ость наращивания аудитории. Никита Куракин - выпускник Оксфорда, серийный предприниматель, основатель компании «АнтиНорма».
Nikita Kurakin is an Oxford graduate, serial entrepreneur, founder of the AntiNorma company.
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12/6/2023 • 2 hours, 18 minutes, 38 seconds Всеволод Батищев: Пробуждение в игровом персонаже и потеря глобальных смыслов на уровне корневых настроек. Всеволод Батищев — серийный предприниматель, начавший со строительства квестов по всему миру, теперь у него есть несколько предприятий, таких как логистическая компания, винодельня и издательский бизнес. В 2020 году он запустил кампанию на Kickstarter и собрал 2,5 миллиона долларов.
Vsevolod Batishchev is a serial entrepreneur, starting with building escape rooms through the world now he has a few businesses such as a logistics company, a winery and a publishing business. In 2020 he launched the Kickstarter campaign and raised 2.5 million dollars.
================================SUPPORT & CONNECT:Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/denofrichTwitter: https://twitter.com/denofrichFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/mark.develman/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/denofrichInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/den_of_rich/Hashtag: #denofrich© Copyright 2023 Den of Rich. All rights reserved.
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12/5/2023 • 2 hours, 18 minutes, 25 seconds Антон Антонов: Виртуозная защита, невежественная слепота или высоко-пафос ная пустота? Антон Антонов - Психолог, преподаватель, необычный набор жизненного опыта, достаточно.
Anton Antonov is a psychologist, teacher, an unusual set of life experiences, enough.
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12/4/2023 • 2 hours, 19 minutes, 26 seconds Сергей Костеренко: Живите линейно, не забегайте вперед, это может дорого вам стоить. Сергей Костеренко - Психолог отношений, гипнолог, 46 лет, 4,5 образования, 14 лет консультирования, 30+ лет здоровья за счет мышления, 27 лет горных путешествий, отец 6 детей.
Sergey Kosterenko is a relationship psychologist, hypnologist, 46 years old, 4.5 academic degrees, 14 years of consulting, 30+ years of health through thinking, 27 years of mountain travel, father of 6 children.
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12/3/2023 • 3 hours, 29 minutes, 8 seconds Ренат Мансуров: Неоконченная история одного восхождения по лестнице успех а. Судите сами! Ренат Мансуров - 🛠️ 15+ лет в инвестициях, 💎 20,4+ миллиарда рублей привлёк в стартапы, 👨🏫 Эксперт MBA по направлению «Инвестиции в сфере инноваций», 🤝 78,000+ человек в 25 странах мира прошли его обучение, 🏆 15,000+ человек вывел на доход до 7,5 млн. в месяц, 🥇ТОП-1 в 5 МЛМ компаниях, 🏦 Со-Основатель группы компаний Nooki с оценочной стоимостью 12,5 миллиардов рублей. И это при рекордных за жизнь спортивных показателях, лучших за жизнь отношениях в семье и ежедневном развитии духовности и творческой деятельности.
Renat Mansurov - 🛠️ 15+ years in investments, 💎 attracted 20.4+ billion rubles to startups, 👨🏫 MBA expert in the field of "Investments in the field of innovation", 🤝 78,000+ people in 25 countries of the world have completed his training, 🏆 He brought 15,000+ people to an income of up to 7.5 million per month,🥇TOP-1 in 5 MLM companies, 🏦 Co-founder of the Nooki group of companies with an estimated value of 12.5 billion rubles. And this is despite record-breaking athletic performance, the best family relationships in a lifetime, and the daily development of spirituality and creative activity.
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12/2/2023 • 2 hours, 20 seconds Александр Карачинцев: Марк - это латентный инфоцыганин, перверсивного типа с тягой к публичной мастурбации. Александр Карачинцев - клинический психолог, специалист по психосоматике. Исследует скрытые мотивы, эмоциональные переживания, тенденции и желания своих клиентов в рамках анализа бессознательных аспектов. Помогает разобраться в отношениях, преодолеть психосоматические расстройства, тревогу, фобии с помощью психотерапии. Ведет страницу в инстаграм. Проводит прямые эфиры в которых работает с симптомами клиентов - от аллергии до рассеянного склероза (психосоматического компонента) и тд. Участник психологических исследований по психотерапии психосоматических заболеваний. Экс ведущий клуба психосоматики, ведущий психологических групп.
Aleksandr Karachintsev is a clinical psychologist, a specialist in psychosomatics. Explores the hidden motives, emotional experiences, tendencies and desires of his clients through the analysis of unconscious aspects. Helps to understand relationships, overcome psychosomatic disorders, anxiety, phobias with the help of psychotherapy. He runs an Instagram page. Conducts live broadcasts in which he works with clients’ symptoms - from allergies to multiple sclerosis (psychosomatic component), etc. Participant in psychological research on psychotherapy of psychosomatic diseases. Former leader of the psychosomatics club, leader of psychological groups.
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12/1/2023 • 3 hours, 7 minutes, 17 seconds Илья Нечепуренко: Психолог который любит квантовую физику и ведущий озвучивающий странные идеи. Илья Нечепуренко - Психолог системного подхода, специалист по психосоматике.
Ilya Nechepurenko is a psychologist of a systems approach, specialist in psychosomatics.
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11/30/2023 • 2 hours, 26 minutes, 23 seconds Василий Хлебников: Светлое кибер будущее, киборги, метаверс, BCI, AGI, информация, манипуляция. Василий Хлебников - Серийный предприниматель, сооснователь и ex-CBDO компании Моторика. Приближает светлое кибер-будущее и верит, что сможет провести свою долгую и счастливую старость в метаверсе.
Vasilii Khlebnikov is a serial entrepreneur, co-founder and ex-CBDO of the Motorika company. He is approaching a bright cyber future and believes that he can spend his long and happy old age in the metaverse.
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11/29/2023 • 2 hours, 2 minutes, 46 seconds Максим Евдокимов: "Спаси себя — и хватит с тебя". Начните с этого и уже станет лучше. Аминь! Максим Евдокимов (ex-CEO Okko, VP Сбера и Тинькофф) присоединился к команде топ-менеджмента hh.ru в роли Директора по продуктам (СРО) в конце 2021 года. Максим широко известен на рынке своей способностью создавать яркие, вовлекающие, технологичные продукты для массовой аудитории (Okko TV, Tinkoff Lifestyle Banking и другие). Имеет степень магистра Психологии. Женат, воспитывает 3-х детей. Любит классические мотоциклы. Играет в футбол и падель. Является попечителем благотворительной организации "Журавлик".
Maksim Evdokimov (ex-CEO of Okko, VP of Sber and Tinkoff) joined the top management team of hh.ru in the role of Chief Product Officer (CPO) at the end of 2021. Maksim is widely known in the market for his ability to create bright, engaging, technologically advanced products for a mass audience (Okko TV, Tinkoff Lifestyle Banking and others). She has a master's degree in Psychology. Married, has 3 children. Loves classic motorcycles. Plays football and padel. He is a trustee of the Zhuravlik charity organization.
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11/28/2023 • 1 hour, 58 minutes, 43 seconds Владимир Кржевов: Всегда ли в коридоре возможностей есть достаточные усло вия для принятия правильного решения? Владимир Кржевов - Доцент кафедры социальной философии и философии истории на философском факультете МГУ.
Vladimir Krzhevov is an Associate Professor of the Department of Social Philosophy and Philosophy of History at the Faculty of Philosophy of the Lomonosov Moscow State University.
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11/26/2023 • 2 hours, 8 minutes, 44 seconds Олег Минтуш: Несколько конфигураций понятия лидерства, чувство альфы, построение сообществ. Олег Минтуш, запустил 3 успешных стартапа, Получил опыт Совета директоров в Чешской компании. Занимал позиции Топ-менеджера в корпорациях Сбер и МТС. Начинал карьеру в ИТ индустрии и получил сильную digital экспертизу. Сейчас ведет частные консультации по управлению бизнесом, выступает ментором ИТ-стартапов, а также создает глобальное бизнес-сообщество миссией которого являются развитие предпринимательских навыков и правильного управления бизнесом, через взаимный обмен опытом и практические бизнес-задачи.
Oleg Mintush launched 3 successful startups and gained experience on the Board of Directors in a Czech company. He held positions of Top Manager in Sber and MTS corporations. I started my career in the IT industry and gained strong digital expertise. Now he conducts private consultations on business management, acts as a mentor for IT startups, and also creates a global business community whose mission is to develop entrepreneurial skills and proper business management, through the mutual exchange of experience and practical business tasks.
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11/24/2023 • 2 hours, 18 minutes, 59 seconds Роман Орленев: Как выглядит окружающая вас действительность из вашей психологической реальности? Роман Орленев - Психотерапевт с экстрасенсорными способностями, сертифицированный специалист по работе с психосоматическими расстройствами, специалист проекта PSY2.0, член Национальной Ассоциации Специалистов по Психосоматике (НАСП), коуч, наставник, гипнотерапевт, регрессолог, расстановщик, квантовый психолог, полимодальный психолог, автор методов психотерапии и обучающих программ по изменению личности и саморазвитию.
Roman Orlenev is a psychotherapist with psychic abilities, certified specialist in working with psychosomatic disorders, PSY2.0 project specialist, member of the National Association of Psychosomatic Specialists (NASP), coach, mentor, hypnotherapist, regressologist, constellation, quantum psychologist, multimodal psychologist, author of methods psychotherapy and training programs on personality change and self-development.
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11/24/2023 • 2 hours, 1 minute, 30 seconds Евгений Калентьев: Алгоритмы индивидуальных автоматизмов, азбука эмоций, личный рецепт отдыха. Евгений Калентьев - психолог, специалист по психосоматике. Это его основная деятельность, которая приносит доход.
Evgeniy Kalentyev is a psychologist, psychosomatics specialist. This is his main activity that generates income.
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11/22/2023 • 1 hour, 57 minutes, 3 seconds Дмитрий Морошан: Переговорная психология, коммуникативная стратегия, манипуляция, токсичность. Дмитрий Морошан - Основатель и управляющий партнер юридической компании "Морошан и партнеры". Бизнес-юрист, CEO, автор/писатель. Магистр права. Антикризисный управляющий. Несколько образований и специализаций. В 28 лет вошёл в топ-500 руководителей России по версии сезона Лидеров России 2019 года. Запускает бизнес проекты, сопровождает сделки, ведет и обучает переговорам, консультирует в развитии бизнеса, помогает решать судебные и досудебные юридические вопросы, не раз возглавлял бизнесы различных направлений. В качестве хобби выступал в театрах, издал фэнтезийный роман, готовит к изданию следующий. Профессионал в корпоративном праве, проектном менеджменте и переговорах. Юридический эксперт в прессе. Любит развивать, себя и окружающих.
Dmitriy Moroshan is the founder and managing partner of the law firm Moroshan and Partners. Business lawyer, CEO, author/writer. Master of Laws. Anti-crisis manager. Several educations and specializations. At the age of 28, he entered the top 500 Russian leaders according to the 2019 season of Russian Leaders. Launches business projects, accompanies transactions, conducts and trains negotiations, advises on business development, helps resolve judicial and pre-trial legal issues, and has more than once headed businesses in various directions. As a hobby, he performed in theaters, published a fantasy novel, and is preparing the next one for publication. Professional in corporate law, project management and negotiations. Legal expert in the press. Loves to develop himself and those around him.
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11/19/2023 • 3 hours, 42 minutes, 24 seconds Михаил Свердлов: Наличие персонального эгрегора VS заимствование уже суще ствующего. Михаил Свердлов - ex-CBDO в Skypro, ex-Content Director в Skyeng, эксперт и консультант по образовательному продукту и аналитике, независимый CPO/директор по развитию и стратегии. Последние 15 лет сфокусирован на создании и развитии технологических продуктов на на рынках Fintech, TelecomTech, последние 5 лент - на рынке образования и EdTech, HR-Tech. До Skyeng работал в сфере Fintech и TelecomTech в крупнейшем операторе МТС и самом большом в РФ региональном банке на позициях CPO, Директора по стратегии ИТ. Более 15 лет в технологических продуктах. С 2019 года присоединился к команде в Skyeng, где в качестве контент директора отвечал за образовательный контент как продукт. С 2021 по марта 2022 года директор по развитию университета рентабельных профессий Skуpro. С 2022 выступает как независимый CPO/CBDO/CSO ряда корпоративных и частных проектов. Более 15 лет опыта преподавания и ведения тренингов. Телеграм-канал Михаила "Образование, которое мы заслужили" читают более 26000 человек из мира образования.
Mikhail Sverdlov is ex-CBDO at Skypro, ex-Content Director at Skyeng, expert and consultant on educational products and analytics, independent CPO/Director of Development and Strategy. For the last 15 years, he has been focused on the creation and development of technological products in the Fintech, TelecomTech markets, the last 5 tapes - in the education market and EdTech, HR-Tech. Before Skyeng, he worked in the field of Fintech and TelecomTech in the largest operator MTS and the largest regional bank in the Russian Federation in the positions of CPO, Director of IT Strategy. Over 15 years in technology products. In 2019, he joined the team at Skyeng, where as content director he was responsible for educational content as a product. From 2021 to March 2022, Director of Development of the University of Profitable Professions Skуpro. Since 2022 he has been acting as an independent CPO/CBDO/CSO for a number of corporate and private projects. More than 15 years of teaching and training experience. Mikhail’s Telegram channel “The Education We Deserve” is read by more than 26,000 people from the world of education.
================================SUPPORT & CONNECT:Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/denofrichTwitter: https://twitter.com/denofrichFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/mark.develman/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/denofrichInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/den_of_rich/Hashtag: #denofrich© Copyright 2023 Den of Rich. All rights reserved.
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11/17/2023 • 2 hours, 49 seconds Александр Зезюлин: Социокультурные последствия бесконечного падения в технологическую бездну. Александр Зезюлин - игроман, ну и еще последние 20 лет он игродел, а последние пару месяцев - начинающий ресторатор. Родился в изрядно национально-перемешанной славянской семье на севере России, где и провел первую половину его жизни. Строил карьеру в игровой индустрии в Москве, Минске, на Кипре, далее везде. До сих пор любит играть в видеоигры и их придумывать. А еще он любит - чесать животных, курить кальян, переводить древние китайские стихи, не зная китайского. Кормить людей ему тоже понравилось, но он пока только учится.
Alexander Zezyulin is a gaming addict, and for the last 20 years he has been a game developer, and for the last couple of months he has been an aspiring restaurateur. He was born into a fairly nationally mixed Slavic family in northern Russia, where he spent the first half of his life. He built a career in the gaming industry in Moscow, Minsk, Cyprus, and everywhere else. He still loves to play video games and create them. He also loves to scratch animals, smoke hookah, and translate ancient Chinese poems without knowing Chinese. He also liked feeding people, but he is still learning.
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11/16/2023 • 2 hours, 18 minutes, 34 seconds Анатолий Щербаков: Суеверия и заморочки. Дурные мысли. Курирование персон ального бабла по принципу "Свой-Чужой". Анатолий Щербаков, основатель Magic Kids, игровой образовательной платформы для детей.
Toly Sherbakov is the founder of Magic Kids, a gaming educational platform for children.
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11/15/2023 • 2 hours, 7 minutes, 40 seconds Ольга Власова: Посмотри на себя в черное зеркало и опиши что ты видишь и чувствуешь. Ольга Власова - предприниматель, фаундер piggypinkstore.ru. Психолог и лайф-коуч. Мама. Жена.
Olga Vlasova is an entrepreneur, founder of piggypinkstore.ru. Psychologist and life coach. Mother. Wife.
================================SUPPORT & CONNECT:Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/denofrichTwitter: https://twitter.com/denofrichFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/mark.develman/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/denofrichInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/den_of_rich/Hashtag: #denofrich© Copyright 2023 Den of Rich. All rights reserved.
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11/14/2023 • 2 hours, 2 minutes, 14 seconds Кирилл Калинюк: Мысли вслух без претензий на мудрость, какой либо смысл и уж тем более истину. Кирилл Калинюк - последние 8 лет работает в бизнес консалтинге ИТ компаний. В течение 10 лет, не менее 1 часа в день он практиковал (в основном всякое около энергии и дыхания). У него прекрасная жена, двое пацанов 8 и 5 лет и аутоиммунное заболевание. В начале 2023 они эмигрировали в США.
Kirill Kaliniuk has been working in business consulting for IT companies for the last 8 years. For 10 years, he practiced at least 1 hour a day (mostly anything related to energy and breathing). He has a wonderful wife, two boys, 8 and 5 years old, and an autoimmune disease. At the beginning of 2023 they emigrated to the USA.
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11/11/2023 • 2 hours, 16 minutes, 4 seconds Дарья Еремина: Селективное самораскрытие, изменение градуса правды, механ изм завоевания доверия. Дарья Еремина, клинический психолог, доктор психологических наук, доцент психфака СПБГУ, практикующий психолог и супервизор. Дарья много лет совмещает научную деятельность в области медицинской психологии и кардиохирургии с преподаванием и практической деятельностью. Специализируется в области когнитивной-поведенческой и гештальт-терапии. Ведет блог о психотерапии для клиентов и специалистов. Увлекается конным спортом и боксом.
Daria Eremina is a clinical psychologist, Doctor of Psychology, Associate Professor of the Faculty of Psychology at St. Petersburg State University, practicing psychologist and supervisor. Daria has been combining scientific activities in the field of medical psychology and cardiac surgery with teaching and practical activities for many years. Specializes in the field of cognitive behavioral and gestalt therapy. She writes a blog about psychotherapy for clients and professionals. He is interested in horse riding and boxing.
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11/10/2023 • 2 hours, 2 minutes, 39 seconds Вадим Ковалев: Алхимия, сакральная геометрия, философский камень и другие артефакты одной психологической реальности. Вадим Ковалев - Мультиученый-алхимик обладающий широкими знаниями в различных областях и занимается фактической разработкой, а также практическим внедрением инструментов и технологий, связанных с философией нового мира, в условиях планетарного квантового перехода. Его цель - помочь людям и пространству успешно адаптироваться к этой новой и быстро меняющейся реальности. Его работа направлена на будущее нашей планеты и человечества и он готов делиться своими знаниями и опытом с теми, кто искренне стремится изменить мир к лучшему.
Vadim Kovalev is a multi-scientist alchemist with extensive knowledge in various fields and is engaged in the actual development, as well as the practical implementation of tools and technologies related to the philosophy of the new world, in conditions of a planetary quantum transition. His goal is to help people and places successfully adapt to this new and rapidly changing reality. His work is aimed at the future of our planet and humanity and he is ready to share his knowledge and experience with those who sincerely strive to change the world for the better.
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11/7/2023 • 2 hours, 14 minutes, 55 seconds Алена Давыденкова: "...Мне не понравились вопросы и меня сравнивали с экс кортницей". Алена Давыденкова — фотомодель, дизайнер и художница из Нью-Йорка. Ее модельная карьера началась в 5 лет. Она родилась в Харькове, Украина, но переехала в Москву, когда ей было 13 лет, вместе с мамой. Затем она почувствовала, что в Москве ей тесно, и в 22 года переехала в Нью-Йорк. Карьеру модели она продолжала, одновременно работая в ювелирной отрасли. Затем во время Covid-19 она начала рисовать и продавать свои произведения искусства. Сейчас она работает над несколькими проектами, первый из которых — модный бренд. Она создает куртки с духовными знаками (мандалы, руны, санскрит), а также работает над стартапом. Это ИИ для создания событий. Если кратко, то это приложение для маркетплейса мероприятий, где ИИ создает шаблоны идеальных мероприятий на основе требований клиентов. Кроме того, она была на обложке Playboy México в мае 2022 года.
Alena Davids is a fashion model, designer, and artist based in New York. Her modeling career started at 5 y.o. She was born in Kharkiv, Ukraine but moved to Moscow when she was 13 with her mom. Then she felt that Moscow was too tight for her and moved to New York when she was 22. She was pursuing her modeling career while working in diamond production. Then she started to paint during COVID-19 and sell her art. Right now, she is working on a couple of projects, the first is a fashion brand. She creates jackets with spiritual signs (mandalas, runes, Sanskrit language) and also works on startup. It’s an AI for creating events. Briefly taking it’s an app for the marketplace for events, where AI creates templates for perfect events based on clients' requirements. Also, she was on the Playboy México cover in May 2022.
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11/6/2023 • 1 hour, 37 minutes, 28 seconds Сакина Зейналова: Популяризация науки, написание книги, искренние проявления, интровертность. Сакина Зейналова - Химик, популяризатор науки и научный журналист, автор и иллюстратор книги "Яды: вокруг и внутри". Занималась разработкой биоразлагаемых полимерных материалов на основе биополимеров, а также созданием остеоиндуктивного покрытия для костных имплантатов. На данный момент она живет и работает в Италии. Работает в итальянском автомобильном стартапе, занимающимся созданием провода для электромоторов. Область ее интересов: создание, модификация и анализ полимерных материалов; биоразлагаемые полимеры и вторичная переработка синтетических. Победитель Всероссийской конференции молодых ученых-химиков (2018). Серебряный призер Менделеевского конкурса студентов-химиков (2019). Обладатель специального приза от ФосАгро за перспективность исследований. Призёр ScienceSlam.
Sakina Zeynalova is a chemist, science communicator and science journalist, author and illustrator of the book "Poisons: Around and Inside." She was involved in the development of biodegradable polymer materials based on biopolymers, as well as the creation of an osteoinductive coating for bone implants. She currently lives and works in Italy. Works for an Italian automotive startup that creates wires for electric motors. Her areas of interest: creation, modification and analysis of polymeric materials; biodegradable polymers and recycling of synthetic ones. Winner of the All-Russian Conference of Young Chemists (2018). Silver medalist of the Mendeleev Competition for Chemistry Students (2019). Winner of a special prize from PhosAgro for promising research. ScienceSlam winner.
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11/5/2023 • 2 hours, 4 minutes, 52 seconds Олег Коновалов: Vision и Visionary Leadership - инструмент достижения успеха в жизни и бизнесе. Доктор Олег Коновалов — глобальный идейный лидер, автор, бизнес-преподаватель, консультант и C-level коуч. Олег включен в восьмерку лучших мировых экспертов в области лидерства и вошел в шорт-лист премии «Выдающиеся достижения в области лидерства» от Thinkers50. Он входит в список 30 лучших мировых гуру в области лидерства, был признан глобальным идейный лидером в области культуры по версии Thinkers 360, является ведущим коучем №1 в мире (премия Маршалла Голдсмита Thinkers50). Он был назван одним из 100 вдохновляющих людей мира 2022 года, наряду с Биллом Гейтсом, Илоном Маском, Джеффом Безосом, Опрой Уинфри. Названный многими ведущими авторитетами нашего времени «да Винчи визионерского лидерства», Олег считается №1 в мире в области визионерства и визионерского лидерства. Он является автором книг «The Vision Code», «Leaderology» и других книг.
Dr. Oleg Konovalov is a global thought leader, author, business educator, consultant, and C-suite coach. Oleg is named among the top eight global experts in leadership and shortlisted for the Distinguished Award in Leadership by Thinkers50. He is on Global Gurus Top 30 in Leadership, has been recognized as the #1 Global Thought Leader on Culture by Thinkers 360, is the #1 Global Leading Coach (Marshall Goldsmith Thinkers50 Award), and has been named one of the Global 100 Inspirational Leaders 2022, along with Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Oprah Winfrey. Having been named ‘the da Vinci of Visionary Leadership’ by many leading authorities of our time, Oleg is considered #1 in the world in the field of vision and visionary leadership. He is the author of The Vision Code, Leaderology, and other books.
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11/3/2023 • 2 hours, 6 minutes, 43 seconds Кристина Бурханова: Жизнь неисправимого авантюриста в поисках индивидуальных триггеров счастья. Кристина Бурханова - специалист превентивной медицины, биохакер, являлась экспертом по ЗОЖ в программе “Доброе Утро” на 1 канале. Автор проект формата Health concierge (стартап). Основатель фитнес проекта в России Fitballet (закрыт в период пандемии).
Kristina Burkhanova is a beauty and health expert, she uses her special skills in wellness, especially functional and preventive care which helps her to create a holistic approach to work with clients.
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11/2/2023 • 2 hours, 25 minutes, 2 seconds Наталия Музыка: Я тебе конечно верю, разве могут быть сомнения, я и сам всё э то видел, это наш с тобой секрет... Наталия Музыка — дипломированный психолог-сексолог. Блогер с более чем 1 миллионом подписчиков. Автор популярных книг и образовательных программ для женщин. Подписчики называют ее феей оргазмов и министром сексологии. Она знает ВСЕ о сексе и даже больше. Ее суперсила – легко и с юмором говорить о сексе простым языком.
Natalia Muzyka is a licensed psychologist-sexologist. Blogger with more than 1 million followers. Author of popular books and educational programs for women. Subscribers call her the fairy of orgasms and the minister of sexology. She knows EVERYTHING about sex and more. Her superpower is to talk about sex easily and with humor in simple language.
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10/31/2023 • 2 hours, 5 minutes, 13 seconds Мария Аксёнова: Гордость за достижения, окна возможностей, бизнес партнерство как инструмент успеха. Мария Аксёнова — российский предприниматель, общественный деятель, издатель и главный редактор «Энциклопедии для детей Аванта+», академик РАЕН, лауреат премии Президента РФ в области образования. Мария, любит создавать новое и делает это с любовью и заботой о людях. Много работает с талантливыми людьми. Главное, что она делает, можно назвать «пробуждение Духа созидания». Она - ментор ICF. Преподает, консультирует стартапы, ведет обучающие программы по управлению капиталом, входит в жюри конкурсов молодых предпринимателей. Любит, наш великий и могучий, выпустила 164 телепрограммы «Знают ли русские русский?», написала книги «Знаем ли мы русский язык?» и «Невероятный русский», выступает на радио, пишет статьи. Инвестирует в недвижимость, в венчурные и классические бизнесы. Всего более 80 сделок. Мария - аккредитованный инвестор Moscow Seed Fund. А так же, немного актриса и продюсер, играла в телефильмах, клипах на стихи. Была ведущей в документальных. Ведет свой ютуб-канал.
Maria Aksenova is a Russian entrepreneur, public figure, publisher and editor-in-chief of the Avanta+ Encyclopedia for Children, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, laureate of the President of the Russian Federation in the field of education. Maria loves to create new things and does it with love and care for people. Works a lot with talented people. The main thing it does can be called “awakening the Spirit of creation.” She is an ICF mentor. She teaches, advises startups, conducts training programs on capital management, and sits on the jury of competitions for young entrepreneurs. Loves, our great and mighty one, released 164 television programs “Do Russians Know Russian?”, wrote books “Do We Know Russian?” and “Incredible Russian”, speaks on the radio, writes articles. Invests in real estate, venture and classic businesses. There are more than 80 transactions in total. Maria is an accredited investor of Moscow Seed Fund. She is also a bit of an actress and producer, and has played in television films and poetry videos. She was a presenter in documentaries. He runs his own YouTube channel.
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10/30/2023 • 2 hours, 1 minute, 31 seconds Андрей Смирнов: Как забраться туда не зная куда, движимый только идей того что тебе туда нужно? Андрей Смирнов - Создатель потребительских сервисов. Зарабатывает на управлении IT продуктами. Идеолог масштабируемых моделей. Интуитивно познает взаимосвязи пространств. Понимает, что сторон у медали, гораздо больше чем две. Даже когда ты остаешься в сознании, еще больше понимаешь, что это игра. Увлекается внимательным слушанием. До сих пор "пишет книгу" смысла жизни. Изучает как шаг в настоящем определяет следующий.
Andrey Smirnov is a creator of consumer services. He makes money by managing IT products. Ideologist of scalable models. Intuitively recognizes the relationships between spaces. Understands that there are many more sides to a coin. Even when you remain conscious, you realize even more that this is a game. Enjoys attentive listening. He is still “writing the book” of the meaning of life. Explores how a step in the present determines the next one.
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10/29/2023 • 2 hours, 33 minutes, 51 seconds Сергей Белов: Правосознание, ценности права, законотворчество, предмет ре гулирования, критический императив. Сергей Белов — профессор права юридического факультета СПбГУ, заведующий кафедрой конституционного права и декан юридического факультета. Профессор Белов преподает конституционное право (помимо общего курса также «Судебный контроль в юрисдикциях общего права», «Бизнес и права человека», «Конституционные вопросы права на здоровье» и т. д.) и проводит исследования в тех же областях. В последнее время он фокусируется на исследованиях ценностей права в целом и конституционного права в частности, пересмотра Конституции, конституционных культур по всему миру и (пост)глобализации в конституционном праве, а также междисциплинарных исследований по праву и языку, а также по социальным вопросам отношения в системе здравоохранения.
Sergei Belov is a law professor at St.Petersburg State University Law Faculty, the head of Constitutional Law chair and the dean of the Law Faculty. Professor Belov teaches Constitutional Law (above the general course also Judicial Review in Common Law Jurisdictions, Business and Human Rights, Constitutional Issues of the Right to Health, etc) and does researches in the same fields. Recently he focuses on researches on values in law in general and in Constitutional law in particular, Constitutional review, Constitutional cultures around the Globe and (post)globalization in constitutional law, as well as inter-disciplinary researches on the Law and Language and on social relations in the healthcare system.
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10/27/2023 • 2 hours, 3 minutes, 16 seconds Анна Стовпова: Миф о том, что крипта только для мужчин. Женская версия реализации в мире диджитал валют. Анна Стовпова — эксперт в области банковского дела, финансов и цифровых валют. Она имеет докторскую степень в области бухгалтерского учета и налогообложения, Киев, Украина, в дополнение к степени магистра права. Она имеет четырехлетний практический опыт работы в центральных банках по всему миру, включая Банк Англии, Лондон, Великобритания и Национальный банк Украины, Киев, Украина. Анна была признана молодым учёным в Украине в 2021 году в возрасте 26 лет. Она также прошла профессиональные программы в Королевском колледже Лондона и Лондонской школе экономики в 2022-2023 годах. В настоящее время ее внимание сосредоточено на развитии финансовой грамотности в сфере цифровых валют в Украине, и она создает книгу для университетских программ в Украине. До банковского дела Анна с 14 лет занималась модельным бизнесом, участвуя в конкурсах красоты и выигрывая множество призов. Ее успех послужил вдохновением для многих молодых девушек, показав, что можно сочетать внешнюю красоту, духовный мир и интеллектуальные способности. Жизнелюбие Анны и ее девиз «Небо безгранично» отражается в ее любви к экстремальным видам спорта, таким как пилотирование самолетов, езда на мотоцикле, прыжки с парашютом и катание на лыжах.
Anna Stovpova is an Expert in banking, finance and digital currency. She holds a Ph.D. in accounting and taxation, Kyiv, Ukraine, in addition to a Master Degree in Law. She has had four years of practical experience in the Central Banks around the world, including the Bank of England, London, UK and the National Bank of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine. Anna Stovpova was recognized as a Young Scientist in Ukraine in 2021, at the age of 26. She has also completed professional programs in King’s College London and London School of Economics in 2022-2023. Her current focus is on developing financial literacy of digital currencies in Ukraine, and she is creating a book for university programs in Ukraine. Before banking, Anna has been involved in modeling since she was 14 years old, participating in beauty contests and winning multiple prizes. Her success has served as an inspiration to many young girls, showing that one can combine external beauty, spiritual world and intellectual abilities. Anna's passion for life and her motto “The sky is limitless” is reflected in her love for extreme sports, such as piloting airplanes, riding a motorcycle, skydiving, and skiing.
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10/27/2023 • 2 hours, 16 minutes, 12 seconds Павел Тищенко: Философские, антропологические, моральные и гносеологичес кие проблемы редактирования генома человека. Павел Тищенко, родился 76 лет назад, получил образование врача, специализировался в медицинской генетике. Затем окончил аспирантуру Института философии по философским проблемам биологии. С начала 80х годов по настоящее время постоянно работает в Институте философии, занимая различные научные должности. Доктор философских наук. В 90 годы стажировался в области биоэтики в США, Великобритании и Германии. В течение года работал в Институте генетики человека Экклса (штат Юта, США) научным сотрудником, читал лекции по биоэтике и биополитике в Университете штата Юта. 10 лет читал лекции в Московском государственном университете по философской антропологии и биоэтике. В настоящее время основной интерес в области философской антропологии, биоэтики и биополитики на примере геномных и цифровых технологий, проблем биотехнологического улучшения человека.
Pavel Tishchenko was born 76 years ago, trained as a doctor and specialized in medical genetics. Then he graduated from graduate school at the Institute of Philosophy on philosophical problems of biology. From the early 80s to the present, he has been constantly working at the Institute of Philosophy, holding various scientific positions. Doctor of philosophical science. In the 90s, he trained in the field of bioethics in the USA, Great Britain and Germany. For a year he worked at the Eccles Institute of Human Genetics (Utah, USA) as a research assistant, and lectured on bioethics and biopolitics at the University of Utah. For 10 years he lectured at Moscow State University on philosophical anthropology and bioethics. Currently, the main interest is in the field of philosophical anthropology, bioethics and biopolitics using the example of genomic and digital technologies, problems of biotechnological improvement of humans.
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10/25/2023 • 1 hour, 54 minutes Павел Житнюк: Как вам живется в эпоху перемен, успели урвать кусочек в глобальном переделе мира? Павел Житнюк, генеральный директор и кофаундер iTrend - коммуникационного агентства для ИТ-компаний. Более 13 лет на рынке, занимаемся всеми видами коммуникаций для ИТ, по рейтингам они в топе PR-агентств России, которые работают в отрасли высоких технологий. Павел выпускник Санкт-Петербургского Государственного Университета, филологический факультет, кафедра классической филологии (2001) и Санкт-Петербургского Государственного Технического Университета (Политех) по программе "Менеджмент инноваций" в рамках Президентской программы подготовки управленческих кадров (2006). В разные годы работал в СМИ: ИА "Росбалт", журнал "Россия в глобальной политике", холдинг "БМГ", в системной интеграции: ГК "КОРУС Консалтинг".
Pavel Zhitnyuk, CEO and co-founder of iTrend, a communications agency for IT companies. For more than 13 years in the market, we deal with all types of communications for IT; according to ratings, they are among the top PR agencies in Russia that work in the high technology industry. Pavel is a graduate of the St. Petersburg State University, Faculty of Philology, Department of Classical Philology (2001) and the St. Petersburg State Technical University (Polytech) in the “Innovation Management” program as part of the Presidential Management Training Program (2006). Over the years he worked in the media: Rosbalt news agency, Russia in Global Affairs magazine, BMG holding, in system integration: KORUS Consulting Group of Companies.
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10/24/2023 • 1 hour, 53 minutes, 12 seconds Александра Гибинска: Горе, удовольствие через боль, про ментал грэпплинг, свободные ассоциации. Александра Гибинска, практикующий психоаналитик, действительный член Международного Профессионального Психоаналитического Общества (IPPS), автор статей, эксперт федеральных телеканалов и YouTube шоу "Осторожно: Собчак". До 22-го года член сборной команды России по воднолыжному спорту, обладательница Кубка Мира – 2015.
Alexandra Gibinska, practicing psychoanalyst, full member of the International Professional Psychoanalytic Society (IPPS), author of articles, expert on federal television channels and the YouTube show “Beware: Sobchak.” Until the age of 22, a member of the Russian national water skiing team, winner of the 2015 World Cup.
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10/24/2023 • 2 hours, 9 minutes Алия Канатова: Вылепливание из себя того тем кем надо быть, для того чтобы иметь т о что хочешь. Алия Канатова получила высшее медицинское и два высших психологических образований, прошла более 5 обучений по психологии, в том числе у аргентинского психоаналитика Луиса Кьоцца по психосоматологии. Сейчас живет в Дубае и развивает клинику и академию холистической оздоровительной медицины. Хочет создать НИИ эмпирических исследований влияния различных методов и подходов на улучшение состояния здоровья. Помимо этого она окончила музыкальную школу по классу фортепиано, рисует, поет, танцует, любит нетворкинги, проходит различные тренинги. Она модель и королева конкурса красоты и развития SMART QUEEN 2023, блоггер и прошла множество курсов в инстаграм.
Aliya Kanatova received a higher medical education and two higher psychological educations, and completed more than 5 trainings in psychology, including with the Argentine psychoanalyst Luis Chiozza in psychosomatology. Now lives in Dubai and develops a clinic and academy of holistic health medicine. Wants to create a research institute for empirical research into the impact of various methods and approaches on improving health. In addition, she graduated from a music school with a degree in piano, draws, sings, dances, loves networking, and undergoes various trainings. She is a model and SMART QUEEN 2023 beauty and development queen, a blogger and has completed many courses on Instagram.
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10/23/2023 • 3 hours, 5 minutes, 43 seconds Эмин Сафаров: О чем то поговорили, сами решите о чем это было исходя из ваше й персональной ёб**ти. Эмин Сафаров - Предприниматель, стратег, маркетолог, основатель федерального агентства VHQ Digital (vhq-digital.ru).
Emin Safarov is an entrepreneur, strategist, marketer, founder of the federal agency VHQ Digital (vhq-digital.ru).
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10/21/2023 • 2 hours, 5 minutes, 29 seconds Владимир Смолин: Мультиагентный распределенный AGI способный взаимодействовать со сложным миром. Владимир Смолин - Научный сотрудник Института прикладной математики (ФИЦ ИПМ им. М.В. Келдыша РАН), сектор робототехники, более 40 лет профессиональной работы в области нейросетей и ИИ.
Vladimir Smolin is a Researcher at the Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics of Russian Academy of Sciences (KIAM RAS), robotics sector, more than 40 years of professional work in the field of neural networks and AI.
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10/20/2023 • 1 hour, 57 minutes, 12 seconds Евгения Чалык: Борьба со скукой через проживание множества жизней за счет расщепления сознания. Евгения Чалык, экзистенциально-аналитический психотерапевт, арт-терапевт. Исследует жизненные ценности, свободу выбора и ответственности. Теряет и находит смысл жизни. Помогает клиентам справляться с тревогой, строить отношения, преодолевать кризисы, формировать ответственность и находить жизненный баланс. Она убеждена, что искусство - универсальный способ исцеления и подтверждает это на своих практиках.
Evgeniia Chalyk, existential-analytical psychotherapist, art therapist. Explores life values, freedom of choice and responsibility. Loses and finds the meaning of life. Helps clients cope with anxiety, build relationships, overcome crisis, develop responsibility and find life balance. She is convinced that art is a universal way of healing and confirms this in her practices.
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10/20/2023 • 2 hours, 11 minutes, 14 seconds Сергей Афонин: Барионная асимметрия Вселенной - преобладание вещества над антивеществом, создающее возможность существования мира. Сергей Афонин – российский физик, специалист в области физики элементарных частиц. Окончил физический факультет СПбГУ (2000 г.), там же защитил кандидатскую (2003) и докторскую (2012) диссертации. Прошел зарубежные стажировки в университете Барселоны (Испания, 2005-2006) и в Рурском университете (Бохум, Германия, 2008-2010). Автор около сотни работ по построению моделей, описывающих сильновзаимодействующие элементарные частицы. В настоящее время – профессор СПбГУ, кафедра физики высоких энергий и элементарных частиц, по совместительству – ведущий научный сотрудник в Петербургском институте ядерной физики (ПИЯФ, Гатчина).
Sergei Afonin is a Russian physicist, specialist in the field of elementary particle physics. He graduated from the Faculty of Physics of St. Petersburg State University (2000), where he defended his candidate’s (2003) and doctor’s dissertations (2012). Completed foreign internships at the University of Barcelona (Spain, 2005-2006) and at the Ruhr University (Bochum, Germany, 2008-2010). Author of about a hundred works on the construction of models describing strongly interacting elementary particles. Currently, he is a professor at St. Petersburg State University, Department of High Energy and Elementary Particle Physics, and part-time, a leading researcher at the St. Petersburg Institute of Nuclear Physics (PNPI, Gatchina).
================================SUPPORT & CONNECT:Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/denofrichTwitter: https://twitter.com/denofrichFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/mark.develman/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/denofrichInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/den_of_rich/Hashtag: #denofrich© Copyright 2023 Den of Rich. All rights reserved.
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10/18/2023 • 2 hours, 3 minutes, 38 seconds Илья Куприянов: Осознание и проживание гнева. Бьете ли вы в ответ или подст авляете другую щеку? Илья Куприянов, серийный предприниматель, ангел, коуч, основатель Доктор на работе, Russian Pharma Awards и ряда других проектов. Ведущий подкаста Pharma Digital Club о фармацевтическом маркетинге. Любитель активного образа жизни и искатель баланса в самых разных его проявлениях. Фрирайдер, любитель йоги, выступающий на соревнованиях вейксерфер, любитель мотоэндуро, заядлый банщик и немного кот.
Ilya Kupriyanov, serial entrepreneur, angel, coach, founder of Doctor at Work, Russian Pharma Awards and a number of other projects. Host of the Pharma Digital Club podcast about pharmaceutical marketing. A lover of an active lifestyle and a seeker of balance in its various forms. Freerider, yoga enthusiast, competitive wakesurfer, motorcycle enduro enthusiast, avid steam bathhouse attendant and a bit of a cat.
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10/16/2023 • 2 hours, 11 minutes, 4 seconds Денис Мосин: Зависть к людям убежденных в своем превосходстве, осознание г лубины своей некомпетентности. Денис Мосин. 36 лет. Родился в городе Бишкек. Высшее образование отсутствует. В 2007 году переехал в Москву. Работал в студиях Nimbler, Aero, агентстве Red Keds, руководил студией Nile, после этого 10 лет был сооснователем и дизайн-директором агентства Sensitive Brands. В 2019 закрыл агентство и вышел в Яндекс. На данный момент отвечает за промышленный дизайн умных устройств компании Яндекс. Лауреат премий Red Apple, Белый квадрат, ADCR, ADCE, EFFIE, Red Dot. 10 лет преподавал в школе ИКРа и занимался корпоративным консалтингом.
Denis Mosin. 36 years. Born in the city of Bishkek. There is no higher education. In 2007 he moved to Moscow. He worked in the Nimbler and Aero studios, the Red Keds agency, and headed the Nile studio, after which he was a co-founder and design director of the Sensitive Brands agency for 10 years. In 2019, he closed the agency and entered Yandex. Currently, he is responsible for the industrial design of smart devices at Yandex. Winner of the Red Apple, White Square, ADCR, ADCE, EFFIE, and Red Dot awards. He taught at the IKR school for 10 years and was engaged in corporate consulting.
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10/15/2023 • 2 hours, 44 minutes, 30 seconds Дарья Козолупенко: Презумпция понимания, радикальное сомнение, муки совести, раздвоение сознания. Дарья Козолупенко - доктор философских наук, преподает в МГУ на философском факультете. Автор более 30 различных учебных курсов, около 60 научных работ, в том числе монографий "Миф: на гранях культуры" (М., "Канон+", 2005) и "Мифопоэтическое мировосприятие" (М., "Канон+", 2009). Сфера научных интересов – особенности мировосприятия. Она изучает, какие виды мировосприятия характерны для человека, как вообще можно воспринять и что лежит в основе человеческого восприятия, рассматривает вопросы соотнесения человека и мира: их соучастия , относительной независимости или «заключения в скобки». Все эти темы, по ее мнению, – взаимосвязаны. И, несмотря на то, что материал для изучения в поиске ответа на них мы иногда берем из самых разных областей (культурологи, социологии, психологии, нейробиологии и т.д.), сами ответы может дать только философия, в центре изучения которой будет стоять специфика человеческого мировосприятия.
Daria Kozolupenko is a Doctor of Philosophy, teaches at Moscow State University in the Faculty of Philosophy. Author of more than 30 different educational courses, about 60 scientific works, including the monographs “Myth: on the edges of culture” (M., “Kanon+”, 2005) and “Mythopoetic worldview” (M., “Kanon+”, 2009) . Sphere of scientific interests – features of worldview. She studies what types of worldview are characteristic of a person, how it can be perceived in general and what underlies human perception, considers issues of correlation between a person and the world: their complicity, relative independence or “bracketing”. All these topics, in her opinion, are interconnected. And, despite the fact that we sometimes take material for study in search of answers to them from a variety of fields (culturologists, sociology, psychology, neurobiology, etc.), the answers themselves can only be given by philosophy, the study of which will be centered on specificity of human worldview.
================================SUPPORT & CONNECT:Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/denofrichTwitter: https://twitter.com/denofrichFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/mark.develman/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/denofrichInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/den_of_rich/Hashtag: #denofrich© Copyright 2023 Den of Rich. All rights reserved.
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10/13/2023 • 2 hours, 26 minutes, 31 seconds Карина Сафарова: Плоды манифестации позитивного мышления, трансляция сво ей экстраординарности. Карина Сафарова – Lifemakeover эксперт. Life strategist. Life coach. Работает с мышлением. Способствует физической, эмоциональной, умственной и духовной трансформации. Перепроектирует жизни внедряя новые модели мышления и предоставляя инструменты для улучшения. Коуч знаменитостей. Основатель Lifemakeover Academy, автор и мотивационный спикер программ Lifechanging. Она призывает людей использовать свое время на изучение множества доступных им образовательных возможностей и инвестировать в свое личное и профессиональное развитие. Она стремится учиться, расти и развиваться как личность и как часть сообщества.
Karina Safarova is a Lifemakeover expert. Life strategist. Life coach. Working with mindset. Physical emotional mental and spiritual transformation. Redesigning life with a new mindset and providing a mastery tool. Celebrity coach. Founder of Lifemakeover Academy, author and motivational speaker and Lifechanging programs. She encourages people to take the time to explore the many educational opportunities available to them and commit to investing in their own personal and professional development. She strives to learn, grow, and evolve as an individual and as a part of the community.
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10/13/2023 • 2 hours, 3 minutes, 20 seconds Ирина Проскурина: Надежда на успех через постоянную работу над собой, слеп ая вера в людскую благодетель. Ирина Проскурина — CEO и основатель e-pr.online, агентства по связям с общественностью и цифровому маркетингу, которое занимается разработкой личного бренда и бизнес-стратегий для клиентов в любом секторе. Услуги агентства позволяют компаниям развивать суть своего бренда, расширять взаимодействие со своей целевой аудиторией, получать прибыль от SEO и занимать уникальное место на своем рынке. Она начала свою карьеру со степенью MBA в области бизнес-маркетинга, работая с ведущими брендами и ключевыми лидерами отрасли, чтобы увеличить их продажи с помощью профессионального копирайтинга. Она завоевала доверие ряда ведущих медиа-партнеров агентства, что позволило ее клиентам и их брендам со всего мира использовать необходимое присутствие в СМИ в мире, где виртуальное взаимодействие — это все. В ее сеть входят известные политические деятели, знаменитости, художники, известные бизнес-лидеры, блоггеры и влиятельные лица, что позволяет ее агентству постоянно не только бросать вызов самому себе, но и решать эти задачи лицом к лицу.
Irina Proskurina is the CEO and founder of e-pr.online, a public relations and digital marketing agency focused on developing personal brand and business strategies for clients in any sector. Agency's services allow companies to grow their brand essence, increase engagement with their target audience, capitalize on SEO, and carve a unique space in their market. She started her career with an MBA in Business Marketing, working with top-name brands and key industry leaders to boost their sales through professional copywriting. She has built trust with an array of top media partners for the agency, allowing her clients and their brands — from all over the globe — to harness a necessary media presence in a world where virtual engagement is everything. Her network includes high-profile political figures, celebrities, artists, renowned business leaders, bloggers, and influencers, allowing her agency to consistently not only challenge itself but also meet the challenge head-on.
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10/11/2023 • 1 hour, 29 minutes, 18 seconds Борис Гуселетов: Ельцин, Горбачев и нереализованные пути развития России, политические реалии. Борис Гуселетов - родился и до 5 лет жил в Сибири. С 5 до 45 лет жил в Свердловске, на Урале. Окончил уральский политехнический институт металлургический факультет. С 3 курса он занимался наукой. После окончания института остался работать на кафедре, в 28 лет защитил кандидатскую диссертацию. Занимался общественной деятельностью стройотряды, комсомол. В 30 лет перешёл работать в другой вуз доцентом. С началом перестройки вступил в КПСС, в 1990 г. Был делегатом последнего съезда КПСС, на нем несколько раз выступал. По решению Горбачева избран членом ЦК КПСС. После развала СССР участвовал в создании ряда социал- демократических партий. В 2000 г. По приглашению Горбачева переехал в Москву, был его заместителем в партии. До 2016 г. Работал на руководящих постах в ряде партий. Был помощником депутата Госдумы. В 2013 г. Защитил докторскую диссертацию по политическим наукам. В 2016 г. Перешёл работать в институт Европы РАН. С 2021 г. Работает и в институте социально политических исследований РАН. Автор 300 статей.
Boris Guseletov was born and lived in Siberia until he was 5 years old. From 5 to 45 years old he lived in Sverdlovsk, in the Urals. Graduated from the Ural Polytechnic Institute, Metallurgical Faculty. From the 3rd year he studied science. After graduating from the institute, he remained to work at the department and defended his Ph.D. thesis at the age of 28. He was involved in social activities, student's construction brigades, and the Komsomol. At the age of 30, he moved to work at another university as an assistant professor. With the beginning of perestroika, he joined the CPSU in 1990. He was a delegate to the last congress of the CPSU, and spoke at it several times. By decision of Gorbachev, he was elected a member of the CPSU Central Committee. After the collapse of the USSR, he participated in the creation of a number of social democratic parties. In 2000, at the invitation of Gorbachev, he moved to Moscow and was his deputy in the party. Until 2016, he worked in leadership positions in a number of parties. He was an assistant to a State Duma deputy. In 2013, he defended his doctoral dissertation in political science. In 2016, he moved to work at the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Since 2021, he has also been working at the Institute of Social and Political Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Author of 300 articles.
================================SUPPORT & CONNECT:Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/denofrichTwitter: https://twitter.com/denofrichFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/mark.develman/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/denofrichInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/den_of_rich/Hashtag: #denofrich© Copyright 2023 Den of Rich. All rights reserved.
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10/10/2023 • 2 hours, 16 minutes, 20 seconds Александр Долгов: Персональная суперсила, профайлинг, role-playing, фандрайзинг, потеря паствы. Александр Долгов имеет более чем 3,5-летний опыт практического предпринимательства, с нуля строил масштабируемые предприятия в регионе СНГ и курировал масштабирование продуктов на рынке США. Он хорошо разбирается в стратегиях выхода на рынки B2B в России, США/Великобритании и регионах MENA, а также на рынки B2G в России. Имеет опыт управления командами продаж и обеспечения органического роста с помощью PR, контент-маркетинга, маркетинга в социальных сетях (SMM), SEO, кампаний Product Hunt и т. д. У него есть опыт разработки и оптимизации процессов входящих продаж для эффективного привлечения и конвертации потенциальных клиентов. Кроме того, у него есть хороший опыт сбора средств (1,9 млн долларов США за 2 года) и владения продуктом (ответственный за создание мобильного приложения в течение 2,5 месяцев).
Aleksandr Dolgov has over 3.5 years of experience in hands-on entrepreneurship, built scalable businesses from the ground up in the CIS region, and oversaw product scaling in the US market. He is good at go-to-market strategies for B2B markets in Russia, the US/UK, and MENA regions, as well as B2G markets in Russia. Adept at leading sales teams and driving organic growth through PR, content marketing, social media marketing (SMM), SEO, Product Hunt campaigns, etc. He has experience in developing and optimizing inbound sales processes to attract and convert leads effectively. Also, he has good experience in fundraising ($1.9 ml for 2 years) and product ownership as well (responsible for creating the mobile app for 2.5 months).
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10/8/2023 • 2 hours, 18 minutes, 8 seconds Дмитрий Зайцев: Экспериментальная философия нейрокогнитивных наук, перцептивный опыт, AGI, LLM. Дмитрий Зайцев - Профессор кафедры логики МГУ, доктор философских наук, заместитель декана философского факультета по научной работе, руководитель инновационной магистратуры Экспериментальная философия нейрокогнитивных наук. Женат, имеет троих взрослых детей.
Dmitry Zaitsev is a Professor of the Department of Logic at the Lomonosov Moscow State University, Doctor of Philosophy, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy for Research, Head of the innovative Master's program Experimental Philosophy of Neurocognitive Sciences. Married, has three adult children.
================================SUPPORT & CONNECT:Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/denofrichTwitter: https://twitter.com/denofrichFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/mark.develman/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/denofrichInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/den_of_rich/Hashtag: #denofrich© Copyright 2023 Den of Rich. All rights reserved.
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10/7/2023 • 1 hour, 58 minutes, 55 seconds Иван Парышев: Ощущение внутреннего "хорошо", блогерские понты, вирусные идеи и их переносчики. Иван Парышев - Председатель индустриального комитета AdTech Innovations & StartUps АРИР (Ассоциация развития Интернет-рекламы, ex IAB). Основатель рекламной платформы AstraLab (РФ и СНГ) и SaaS AdTech платформы afp.ai (emerging markets). 10+ лет в рекламе: Два продукта: Product director NativeRoll (выкуплен MailRu Group), Head of platform / Head of native advertising (Plista, GroupM); Два рекламных агентства: Digital BBDO, ADV Digital; Два собственных интернет-магазина. Победитель Young Awards (до 25 лет) от Rusbase в 2021 году, Alumni Start Up Leadership Program. Создатель и председатель комитета АРИР по AdTech Innovations & StartUps, член жюри E+ Awards (ex Effie Tech). Спикер более 20 конференций (в том числе международных): Izmeni Soznanie, НРФ, Campaign Middle East и тд.
Ivan Paryshev is a Chairman of the industrial committee AdTech Innovations & StartUps ARIR (Association for the Development of Internet Advertising, ex IAB). Founder of the advertising platform AstraLab (Russia and CIS) and SaaS AdTech platform afp.ai (emerging markets). 10+ years in advertising: Two products: Product director NativeRoll (bought by MailRu Group), Head of platform / Head of native advertising (Plista, GroupM); Two advertising agencies: Digital BBDO, ADV Digital; Two own online stores. Winner of Young Awards (under 25 years old) from Rusbase in 2021, Alumni StartUp Leadership Program. Creator and Chairman of the ARIR Committee on AdTech Innovations & StartUps, member of the jury of the E+ Awards (ex Effie Tech). Speaker at more than 20 conferences (including international ones): Izmeni Soznanie, NRF, Campaign Middle East, etc.
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10/6/2023 • 2 hours, 3 minutes, 48 seconds Кирилл Гончарик: Этические аспекты гейминга, R&D человеческих зависимостей, HR на основе культа. Кирилл Гончарик — геймдев-эксперт с 2008 года, работает над различными проектами на разных должностях: руководитель студии «Блицкриг 3», управляющий директор Black Wing Foundation, с 2020 года — генеральный директор и основатель студии Nord Beaver, разработчика веб-игр и геймификации для бизнеса. Он живет и работает в Тивате, Черногория. Он счастливый семьянин, у которого замечательная жена, двое замечательных детей, три собаки и две кошки.
Kirill Goncharik is a gamedev expert since 2008, working under various projects in various roles: head of Blitzkrieg 3 studio, Black Wing Foundation managing director, since 2020 - CEO and Founder of Nord Beaver Studio, developer of web games and gamification for business. He lives and works in Tivat, Montenegro. He is a happy family guy who lives with an amazing wife, 2 great kids, 3 dogs, and 2 cats.
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10/5/2023 • 2 hours, 11 minutes, 40 seconds Владимир Дорохов: Кто такие менторы? Как их выбирать и оценивать? Зачем они нужны и что ожидать. Владимир Дорохов с партнерами создал логистический бизнес оборотом 4,5 млрд. рублей. Прошел с ними 2 M&A. На текущий момент он вышел из операционки, чем открыл для себя мир стартапов, венчура противных предпринимателей, не знающих что такое плато большого бизнеса. Сейчас занимаеться менторингом бизнеса, инвестирует и, будучи независимым директором в советах директоров, помогает компаниям развиваться над корпоративном уровне.
Vladimir Dorokhov and his partners created a logistics business with a turnover of 4.5 billion rubles. He went through 2 M&A with them. At the moment, he left the operating business, which opened him up to the world of startups, ventures of nasty entrepreneurs who do not know what the plateau of big business is. Now he is engaged in business mentoring, investing and, as an independent director on boards of directors, helping companies develop above the corporate level.
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10/4/2023 • 2 hours, 26 minutes, 23 seconds Артем Кабанов: Любовь, сбивающая с ног. Служение с благодарностью. Сердечный компас. Семантика. Артем Кабанов - Предприниматель, инвестор. Сфера деятельности: сетевой маркетинг, IT, криптовалюта. Увлечения: психология, эзотерика, философия, блоггерство. Спорт: бодибилдинг, единоборства. Музыка: фортепиано, гитара, вокал.
Artem Kabanov is an entrepreneur and investor. Field of activity: network marketing, IT, cryptocurrency. Hobbies: psychology, esotericism, philosophy, blogging. Sports: bodybuilding, martial arts. Music: piano, guitar, vocals.
================================SUPPORT & CONNECT:Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/denofrichTwitter: https://twitter.com/denofrichFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/mark.develman/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/denofrichInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/den_of_rich/Hashtag: #denofrich© Copyright 2023 Den of Rich. All rights reserved.
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10/3/2023 • 3 hours, 3 minutes, 25 seconds Наталия Зязина: Каково безумие на вкус? Воплощение индивидуальной чекнутости. Здоровый эгоизм. Наталия Зязина - клинический и спортивный психолог, преподаватель, молодой учёный, окончила Московский государственный психолого-педагогический университет. Имеет опыт работы с профессиональными спортсменами, членами сборных команд РФ. В период пандемии COVID-19 работала в красной зоне одной из московских больниц. На данный момент, основным видом ее деятельности является индивидуальное психологическое консультирование населения, а также информационно-просветительская деятельность в сфере психологии. Профессиональный девиз: "Чем сложнее, тем интереснее".
Nataliya Zyazina is a clinical and sports psychologist, teacher, young scientist, graduated from the Moscow State Psychological and Pedagogical University. Has experience working with professional athletes, members of Russian national teams. During the COVID-19 pandemic, she worked in the red zone of one of the Moscow hospitals. At the moment, her main activity is individual psychological counseling of the population, as well as information and educational activities in the field of psychology. Professional motto: “The more difficult, the more interesting.”
================================SUPPORT & CONNECT:Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/denofrichTwitter: https://twitter.com/denofrichFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/mark.develman/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/denofrichInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/den_of_rich/Hashtag: #denofrich© Copyright 2023 Den of Rich. All rights reserved.
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10/2/2023 • 2 hours, 56 minutes, 39 seconds Олег Баринбойм: Матрица, религия, отцовство и другие заморочки, всего лишь нейронные щекотушки. Олег Баринбойм - Креативный директор агентства ТУТКОВБУДКОВ с 2015 года по настоящее время. Обладатель четырёх «Каннских львов». Спикер Cannes Lions и TEDx. В качестве креативного директора создавал рекламные кампании для таких брендов, как Яндекс, S7 Airlines, YOTA, ivi.ru, Dodo Pizza, А101, Haier, Valio, X5 Group и многих других. С 2020 года совмещает свою творческую карьеру с бизнесом, занимая должность Директора по развитию кондитерской сети Angel Cakes (Россия — ОАЭ — Саудовская Аравия), где в его обязанности входит подписание новых точек в топовых локациях (Dubai Mall, Bluewaters Island, Mall of the Emirates), контроль над маркетингом и дизайном, а также супервайзинг строителей, юристов и садовников по фикусам.
Oleg Barinboim is a Creative Director of the TUTKOVBUDKOV agency from 2015 to the present. Winner of four Cannes Lions. Cannes Lions and TEDx speaker. As a creative director, he created advertising campaigns for brands such as Yandex, S7 Airlines, YOTA, ivi.ru, Dodo Pizza, A101, Haier, Valio, X5 Group and many others. Since 2020, he has been combining his creative career with business, holding the position of Development Director of the confectionery chain Angel Cakes (Russia - UAE - Saudi Arabia), where his responsibilities include signing new points in top locations (Dubai Mall, Bluewaters Island, Mall of the Emirates ), control over marketing and design, as well as supervising builders, lawyers and ficus gardeners.
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9/30/2023 • 2 hours, 7 minutes Сергей Дмитриев: Расширение границ своего бабла через столкновение с инаковостью, страх, ипакт. Сергей Дмитриев – маяк во тьме. Он вдохновляет и мотивирует других плыть к свету. Он повышает глобальный уровень осведомленности, сочувствия и осознанности. Его глубоко заботят социальные последствия, образование и здоровье. Подвижник социально-ответственного и импакт мышления.
Serg Dmitriev is the lighthouse in the dark. He inspires and motivates others to sail toward the light. He is raising global levels of awareness, empathy, and mindfulness. He deeply cares about social impact, education, and health. He is fixing his own shit.
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9/29/2023 • 2 hours, 9 minutes, 21 seconds Дарья Яковишина: Генетическая селекция в животноводстве, биоинформатика, Agri-Biotech, импакт. Дарья Яковишина — агробиотехнологический предприниматель. Она является генеральным директором компаний Breedi (int) и KSITEST (ru): SaaS по геномной селекции скота, которая работает с крупным рогатым скотом, овцами и свиньями. Она запустила стартап по генетике животных Ksitest.com и превратила его в лидера рынка геномной селекции животных в СНГ с доходом в 1,2 млн долларов за 3 года. У нее солидный опыт исследований и разработок с данными генома человека и животных. Имеет Ph.D. по биоинформатики полученную в Ecole Polytechnique, Париж, Франция.
Daria Iakovishina is an agri-biotech entrepreneur. She is the CEO of Breedi (int) and KSITEST (ru): SaaS for genomic selection of livestock that works with cattle, sheep, and pigs. She has bootstrapped an animal genetics startup Ksitest.com and developed it into the top-1 market leader in livestock genomic selection in CIS with $1.2 mln ARR in 3 years. She has solid research and development experience with human and animal genome data. Holds a Ph.D. in bioinformatics at Ecole Polytechnique, Paris, France.
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9/28/2023 • 1 hour, 59 minutes, 24 seconds Олег Алексеев: Если вы предвидите вероятность наступления чего то, то скорее всего это уже происходит. Олег Алексеев - в этом году ему исполнилось 70 лет, и он думает, что более или менее нащупал опору в этом мире. Это его радует. Со своими коллегами после 60 он встал на путь радикальной трансформации своего миропонимания, метафизики и бодро идет по этому пути. Приятно освобождаться от предрассудков.
Oleg Alekseev - this year he turned 70 years old, and he thinks that he has more or less found his footing in this world. This makes him happy. With his colleagues, after 60, he embarked on the path of a radical transformation of his worldview, metaphysics, and is cheerfully walking along this path. It's nice to be freed from prejudices.
================================SUPPORT & CONNECT:Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/denofrichTwitter: https://twitter.com/denofrichFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/mark.develman/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/denofrichInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/den_of_rich/Hashtag: #denofrich© Copyright 2023 Den of Rich. All rights reserved.
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9/25/2023 • 1 hour, 54 minutes, 18 seconds Алексей Пак: Характеристики нестандартного мышления, одержимость идеей, жизнь без притязаний на авторство. Алексей Пак - серийный предприниматель который сумел поучаствовать в различных проектах. KidArKit - разработка игр в VR и AR, несколько СМИ по криптовалютам и NFT, маркетинговое и продюсерское агентство PurpleDoor, внедрение ИИ в отделы продаж WebSindicat, внедрение компьютерного зрения Polygon. Является экспертом по маркетингу. Основные свои навыки он обозначил бы в таком формате: нестандартное мышление, пытливый ум и желание постоянно двигаться и развиваться в разных направлениях. Часто выступает как эксперт в СМИ или на конференциях, в последнее время начал выступать перед школьниками и студентами, передавая им свой опыт и пытаясь зарядить из двигаться и развивать собственное дело.
Alexey Pak is a serial entrepreneur who managed to participate in various projects. KidArKit - development of games in VR and AR, several media outlets on cryptocurrencies and NFTs, marketing and production agency PurpleDoor, implementation of AI in the sales departments of WebSindicat, implementation of computer vision Polygon. He is a marketing expert. He would describe his main skills in this format: unconventional thinking, an inquisitive mind and a desire to constantly move and develop in different directions. He often speaks as an expert in the media or at conferences; recently he began speaking to pupils and students, passing on his experience to them and trying to get them moving and developing their own business.
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9/24/2023 • 2 hours, 57 minutes, 28 seconds Мария Андрианова: Создание нужного коммуникативного контекста для выманивания скрытых субличностей. Мария Андрианова - Владелец клиники viedental.com в Дубае, инвестор. Опыт управления медицинскими центрами 5 лет. Опыт создания венчурных фондов и акселераторов. Связи с дубайским и российским инвестиционным сообществом. Она читала в курс по теме "работа в советах директоров" Финансовом Университете, по программе Doctor of Business Administration. Умеет построить в компании совет директоров. Училась в Гарварде, Лондонском Университете. Обладает технологиями эффективного выхода из кризисов. 5 раз добивалась успеха с нулевой позиции в новых для себя сферах.
Maria Andrianova is the owner of the viedental.com clinic in Dubai, investor. Experience in managing medical centers for 5 years. Experience in creating venture funds and accelerators. Connections with the Dubai and Russian investment community. She taught a course on “working on boards of directors” at the Financial University, under the Doctor of Business Administration program. Knows how to build a board of directors in a company. Studied at Harvard, London University. Possesses technologies for effectively overcoming crises. I achieved success from zero position 5 times in new areas.
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================================SUPPORT & CONNECT:Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/denofrichTwitter: https://twitter.com/denofrichFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/mark.develman/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/denofrichInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/den_of_rich/Hashtag: #denofrich© Copyright 2023 Den of Rich. All rights reserved.
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9/23/2023 • 2 hours, 37 minutes, 42 seconds Сергей Лушников: Наращивание и монетизация социального капитала, скоринг ментального махыча. Сергей Лушников - Работал в большой оффлайн компании 7 тыс. сотрудников, дошел до позиции заместителя начальника. Участвовал в запуске Бурейской ГЭС и космодрома Восточный. Когда компания перестала развиваться, он ушёл в оффлайн бизнес (продажа товаров), параллельно запустил продажу онлайн на Wildberries (во времена, когда это ещё не было трендом). Затем он полностью перешёл в онлайн, жил год в Таиланде и 2 года на Бали. Сейчас запускает таргет (VK Реклама) и автоворонки продаж на любые онлайн проекты.
Sergey Lushnikov has worked in a large offline company with 7 thousand employees, reached the position of deputy chief. Participated in the launch of the Bureyskaya hydroelectric power station and the Vostochny cosmodrome. When the company stopped developing, he went into the offline business (selling goods), and at the same time launched online sales on Wildberries (at a time when this was not yet a trend). Then he went completely online, lived for a year in Thailand and 2 years in Bali. Currently launching a target (VK Advertising) and auto sales funnels for any online projects.
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9/22/2023 • 3 hours, 2 minutes, 19 seconds Иван Микиртумов: Мы обречены на то что неизбежно произойдет, несовершенств о человеческой натуры. Иван Микиртумов, живет в Петербурге, преподает философию, логику, риторику, пишет публицистические статьи, выступает с популярными лекциями.
Ivan Mikirtumov, lives in St. Petersburg, teaches philosophy, logic, rhetoric, writes journalistic articles, and gives popular lectures.
================================SUPPORT & CONNECT:Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/denofrichTwitter: https://twitter.com/denofrichFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/mark.develman/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/denofrichInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/den_of_rich/Hashtag: #denofrich© Copyright 2023 Den of Rich. All rights reserved.
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9/20/2023 • 2 hours, 27 minutes, 23 seconds Роман Андриянов: Что кроется за словами, tag-dropping, прощупывание ментальной сущности, эмоции. Роман Андриянов - предприниматель и энтузиаст. Соучредитель и генеральный директор компании Voxter S.A., разработка мобильных приложений. Любит пробовать новое, амбициозное и то, что никто раньше не делал.
Roman Andriyanov is an entrepreneur and enthusiast. Co-founder and CEO of Voxter S.A., mobile application development. Likes to try new, ambitious and things that no one has done before.
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9/18/2023 • 1 hour, 56 minutes, 10 seconds Александра Вачнадзе: Пригласи меня в свой имаджинариум, глубинные мотивации, сложности выбора. Александра Вачнадзе – tech предприниматель, цифровой кочевник, визионер. Бизнес-вуман и классическая скрипачка в одном лице. Соучредитель blockchain tech агентства Byzantine Solutions. Резидент французского инкубатора Station F.
Alexandra Vachnadze is a tech entrepreneur, visionary, and digital nomad. She is a businesswoman and a classic violin player in one person. Cofounder of a blockchain tech agency Byzantine Solutions. French incubator Station F resident. Her current role is strategy and product development at Republic Crypto.
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9/17/2023 • 3 hours, 14 minutes, 3 seconds Павел Камынин: Портрет бизнес элиты будущего, распознавание альфы, бессозн ательные решения. Павел Камынин - Методологический эксперт и руководитель игропрактики EntSpace. Более 4-х лет создает продвинутые образовательные решения для тренировки предпринимательского мышления в цифровом пространстве. Более 23 лет опыта работы с бизнесом и подготовки игротехников. Разработал и провел более 50 мероприятий для предпринимателей, компаний, общественных организаций и госорганов по управлению развитием, через которые прошло более 2000 человек из Европы, Азии и Америки. Реализовал более 10 успешных управленческих проектов. Разработал 10 оригинальных игровых решений. Провел более 200 игр в рамках проектов трансформации систем разных индустрий, финтех, энергетика, связь, политика, финансы, недвижимость, цифровые сервисы, транспорт.
Pavel Kamynin is a methodological expert and head of gaming practice EntSpace. For more than 4 years he has been creating advanced educational solutions for training entrepreneurial thinking in the digital space. More than 23 years of experience working with business and training game technicians. Developed and conducted more than 50 events for entrepreneurs, companies, public organizations and government development management agencies, through which more than 2,000 people from Europe, Asia and America took part. Implemented more than 10 successful management projects. Developed 10 original game solutions. Conducted more than 200 games as part of projects for transforming systems in various industries, fintech, energy, communications, politics, finance, real estate, digital services, transport.
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9/16/2023 • 2 hours, 25 minutes, 12 seconds Александр Елисеенко: Стрессоустойчивость, обслуживающие роли, пределы персональных возможностей. Александр Елисеенко - психолог, преподаватель и консультант по организационному развитию. Как психолог он развивает направление психологического здоровья, эмоциональной грамотности и навыков работы со стрессом. Помогает людям развиваться в этом направлении. И даже продвигает идеи психологического туризма вместе с его партнером (psy-tours.ru). Как преподаватель Александр преподает аспекты психологии бизнеса в НИУ ВШЭ в магистратуре (программа "Психология в бизнесе"), ведет занятия по организационному дизайну, стрессу и трансформации организации. Как консультант работает с предприятиями и университетами по задачам развития. Там очень много разнообразных кейсов про то, как компании пытаются сопоставить цели и средства их достижения, и как они сами себе мешают на пути развития.
Alexander Eliseenko is a psychologist, teacher and organizational development consultant. As a psychologist, he develops areas of psychological health, emotional literacy and stress management skills. Helps people develop in this direction. And he even promotes the ideas of psychological tourism together with his partner (psy-tours.ru). As a teacher, Alexander teaches aspects of business psychology at the National Research University Higher School of Economics in the master's program ("Psychology in Business" program), and teaches classes on organizational design, stress and organizational transformation. As a consultant he works with enterprises and universities on development issues. There are a lot of different cases about how companies try to compare goals and means of achieving them, and how they hinder themselves on the path of development.
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9/12/2023 • 2 hours, 30 minutes, 31 seconds Дмитрий Агарунов: Все начинается с понимания себя и своих желаний, влияние woke идей на современное общество. Дмитрий Агарунов - Предприниматель и эксперт в области кибербезопасности для малого и среднего бизнеса. В прошлом основатель журналов Страна Игр, Хакер, Свой Бизнес, Тотал Футбол и десятков других. Общественный деятель, основатель и сооснователь двух бизнес сообществ, еврейской религиозной общины и движения Отцы Рядом. Сертифицированный эксперт по межличностным коммуникациям, построению бренда и управлению творческими коллективами. Отец семерых детей. Родился и вырос в Ярославле. Горский еврей, родители родом из Дербента.
Dmitri Agarunov is an entrepreneur and expert in the field of cybersecurity for small and medium-sized businesses. Formerly the founder of the magazines Country of Games, Hacker, Own Business, Total Football and dozens of others. Public figure, founder and co-founder of two business communities, the Jewish religious community and the Fathers Nearby movement. Certified expert in interpersonal communications, brand building and creative team management. Father of seven children. Born and raised in Yaroslavl. Mountain Jew, parents originally from Derbent.
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9/11/2023 • 1 hour, 53 minutes, 26 seconds Денис Елисеев: Понятие бренда, виральность, реклама, игра на сантиментах, эволюция маркетинга. Денис Елисеев - с 2010 года по 2022 год включительно, был со-основателем, а также занимал позицию Chief Creative Officer в Friends Moscow. Также с 2010 года по 2022 год он был сооснователем лучшей российской рекламной школы MADS courses.
Denis Eliseev was a co-founder and also held the position of Chief Creative Officer at Friends Moscow from 2010 to 2022 inclusive. Also from 2010 to 2022, he was a co-founder of the best Russian advertising school MADS courses.
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9/10/2023 • 2 hours, 48 minutes, 43 seconds Роман Кумалагов: Антикризисный ментор, конструктор желаемых ментальных состояний, поток идей из DMN. Роман Кумалагов - Антикризисный ментор, предприниматель, трейдер. Помогает людям и компаниям выйти из личностных и структурных кризисов и тупиков. Фаундер психологического мультсериала “Kumalashki”, в котором можно общаться с персонажами. В бизнес проектах - 17 лет, в психологии - 8 лет. Делал антикризисный менеджмент фонду в млрд USD, строил объекты для правительства разных стран, создавал международный проект с 10 странами мира, был представителем мотокомпании, выпускник бизнес школы Сколково, разбирался в крипте и фондовом рынке, объехал мир от Ванкувера до Борнео. Рад жизни, воспитывает двоих детей. Насмотренность, интеллект, знание психологии человека, helicopter view, создают Роману умение соединять несоединимое и решать максимально сложные задачи самым интересным и простым способом.
Roman Kumalagov is an anti-crisis mentor, entrepreneur, trader. Helps people and companies overcome personal and structural crises and dead ends. Founder of the psychological animated series “Kumalashki”, in which you can communicate with the characters. In business projects - 17 years, in psychology - 8 years. He did anti-crisis management for a billion USD fund, built facilities for the government of different countries, created an international project with 10 countries, was a representative of a motorcycle company, a graduate of the Skolkovo business school, understood crypto and the stock market, traveled the world from Vancouver to Borneo. Glad to be alive, has two children. Observation, intelligence, knowledge of human psychology, helicopter view, give Roman the ability to connect the incompatible and solve the most complex problems in the most interesting and simple way.
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9/9/2023 • 2 hours, 21 minutes, 22 seconds Марина Арефьева: Создание продуктовых команд, пределы экспертности и креативности, agile coach. Марина Арефьева, председатель правления Creative Mind Consulting, серийный предприниматель, автор "школ продактов" и методики ассесмента продактов, получившая свой первый опыт в продуктовых командах в игровой индустрии, делая один из первых онлайн-покеров мира, заболела идеей построения и развития продуктовых команд еще в далеком 2006 году, и до сих пор этим занимается. Марина успела поработать в топовых продуктовых компаниях (Яндекс, МТС и проектно в Тинькофф) и внести вклад в их процессы, и может много рассказать про то, как делать надо, а как не надо, не раскрывая тайны гигантов, но рассказывая, чему научилась у них, а что привнесла туда.
Marina Arefyeva, Chairman of the Board of Creative Mind Consulting, serial entrepreneur, author of "product schools" and product assessment methodology, who gained her first experience in product teams in the gaming industry, making one of the first online poker games in the world, fell ill with the idea of building and developing product teams more back in 2006, and is still doing it. Marina managed to work in top product companies (Yandex, MTS and Tinkoff) and contribute to their processes, and she can tell a lot about how to do it and how not to do it, without revealing the secrets of the giants, but telling what she learned from them, and what she brought there.
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9/8/2023 • 2 hours, 21 minutes, 32 seconds Айнур Мухаметов: К сожалению в жизни, не всегда получаешь то что хочешь, над о уметь это брать. Айнур Мухаметов — фасилитатор открытого диалога и преподаватель медитации.
Ainur Mukhametov is a facilitator of open dialogue and a meditation teacher.
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9/7/2023 • 1 hour, 51 minutes, 36 seconds Элина Воронцова: Люди которым не все равно. Уверенность в себе как двигатель достижения цели. Элина Воронцова - инвестиционный брокер. Владела бизнесом в России. Далее ушла работать в шоу бизнес и проводила крупномасштабные мероприятия, форумы, криптокрнференции и инвестиционные программы, что делает до сих пор в Дубае. Владеет премиальной недвижимостью и коллекционными спорт карами, помогает вкладывать, сохранять и приумножать свой капитал. Хобби: Прописывает индивидуальные медитации, после разбора "блоков" и 2-часового погружения с клиентами в их запросы. У нее запрашивают медитации владельцы крупных холдингов, компаний и брокеры. Данная практика помогает создать правильный настрой в начале дня, а также фокусироваться на цели и не рассеивать внимание.
Elina Vorontsova is an investment broker. Owned a business in Russia. Then she went to work in show business and held large-scale events, forums, crypto conferences and investment programs, which she still does in Dubai. Owns premium real estate and collectible sports cars, helps invest, save and increase your capital. Hobbies: Prescribes individual meditations after analyzing the “blocks” and 2-hour immersion with clients into their requests. Owners of large holdings, companies and brokers request meditation from her. This practice helps to create the right mood at the beginning of the day, as well as focus on the goal and not lose attention.
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9/6/2023 • 3 hours, 6 minutes, 50 seconds Дмитрий Демиркылыч: Самореализация через то что нравиться, умение видеть то что можно улучшить. Дмитрий Демиркылыч разработчик веб приложений и сайтов в netart.live. Любит и делает медиа арт.
Dmitry Demirkylych is a developer of web applications and websites at netart.live. Loves and makes media art.
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9/5/2023 • 2 hours, 29 minutes, 57 seconds Роман Нестер: Предпринимательский булшит, triple-A liar, целесообразность дебанкинга, глубина рефлексии. Роман Нестер - Технологический предприниматель, увлечен большими данными, искусственным интеллектом, машинным обучением, цифровым бизнесом. Независимый консультант по созданию цифровых продуктов и продуктов с большими данными, практическому применению больших данных в бизнесе, рекламных технологиях и маркетинговых технологиях. Генеральный директор и основатель Segmento (segmento.ru) с 2011 по 2019 год. Segmento - big data платформа, достигла выручки более 1 млрд. рублей., 150+ сотрудников. Успешно привлек 3 инвестиционных раунда в 2012-2013 годах. В 2015 году часть компании была приобретена Группой Сбербанка. Создал и запустил первый в Европе продукт, объединяющий поведение пользователя в сети и его транзакции в офлайне. 2107 - победитель "Каннских львов" (золото и бронза). Победитель Effie Awards 2017 (серебро). Судья на WebSummit (Lisboa). Старший судья на Effie Awards '17 , '18, '20, '21. С 2019 - профессор НИУ ВШЭ, куратор магистратуры "Коммуникации, основанные на данных". Спикер TED 2022.
Roman Nester is a technology entrepreneur, passionate about big data, artificial intelligence, machine learning, digital business. Independent consultant on the creation of digital and big data products, the practical application of big data in business, advertising technologies and marketing technologies. CEO and founder of Segmento (segmento.ru) from 2011 to 2019. Segmento is a big data platform, achieved revenue of more than 1 billion rubles, 150+ employees. Successfully attracted 3 investment rounds in 2012-2013. In 2015, part of the company was acquired by Sberbank Group. Created and launched the first product in Europe that combines user behavior online and his transactions offline. 2107 - winner of the Cannes Lions (gold and bronze). Winner of the Effie Awards 2017 (silver). Judge at WebSummit (Lisboa). Senior Judge at Effie Awards '17, '18, '20, '21. Since 2019 - Professor at the National Research University Higher School of Economics, curator of the master's program "Data-Based Communications". TED 2022 speaker.
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9/4/2023 • 2 hours, 2 minutes, 13 seconds Максим Ефимов: Бизнес девелопмент, посредничество, переговоры, стратегичес кое партнерство. Максим Ефимов – опытный консультант по бизнес-развитию. В 2014 году Максим приехал в Китай в первый раз, не зная языка и без контактов, сбережений и работы. Но его решимость привела к впечатляющему успеху. Специализируясь на развитии бизнеса и связях между Китаем и другими регионами, Максим помогает клиентам расширять свой бизнес и достигать впечатляющего роста на рынках. Отличаясь экспертизой в банковской, игровой, IT-индустрии, инвестициях и связях с правительством, Максим содействует стратегическим партнерствам и сотрудничеству.
Maxim Efimov (Rate) is an experienced business development consultant. In 2014, Maxim came to China for the first time, not knowing the language and without contacts, savings or work. But his determination led to impressive success. Specializing in business development and connections between China and other regions, Maxim helps clients expand their businesses and achieve impressive growth in their markets. With expertise in banking, gaming, IT, investment and government relations, Maxim facilitates strategic partnerships and collaborations.
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9/3/2023 • 2 hours, 12 minutes, 50 seconds Алексей Разумов: Психология сексуальности, самость, ментальная б**ть, исток и личного магнетизма. Алексей Разумов - Психотерапевт, сексолог, магистр психологии PWI (Portland, USA), автор метода магнетизма, блогер «про секс», международный тренер, ведущий курсов психологии сексуальности для психологов и не только.
Alexey Razumov - Psychotherapist, sexologist, Master of Psychology PWI (Portland, USA), author of the magnetism method, blogger “about sex”, international trainer, leader of sexuality psychology courses for psychologists and more.
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9/2/2023 • 2 hours, 22 minutes Кирилл Лазарев: Невидимые слои личности, фандрайзинг, кубарем по жизни, выживание, фатализм. Кирилл Лазарев - Раньше работал в венчуре (Senior Analyst в Altair Capital, Head of Analytics в Joint Journey), основал аналитическое агентство Elytics (клиенты Яндекс, Сбермаркет, СберОбразование и тд) и биздевил в slsbmb (международное биздев агентство, клиенты Accel Club, Skyeng, Osome и тд). Суммарно провел более 50 консультаций для стартапов. Менторил проекты в SCALERATOR, регулярно менторит на EMERGE, а также он спикер на курсе по венчурной аналитике/инвест банкингу от Changellenge.
Kirill Lazarev - Previously worked in venture capital (Senior Analyst at Altair Capital, Head of Analytics at Joint Journey), founded the analytical agency Elytics (clients Yandex, Sbermarket, SberObrazovanie, etc.) and business development at slsbmb (international business development agency, clients Accel Club, Skyeng, Osome, etc.). In total, he conducted more than 50 consultations for startups. He mentored projects at SCALERATOR and at EMERGE and he is a regular speaker at Changellenge's venture analytics/investment banking course.
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9/1/2023 • 2 hours, 55 minutes, 32 seconds Мэттью Грин: Игра на болевых точках собеседника, медиа тренинг, ролевые игры, скрытые мотивы. Мэттью Грин - Предприниматель, филантроп. Создал компаний на $200M (Webinar, COMDI, RTS.FM, Zillion, Эквиум, Almamat и др.) Поднял инвестиций на $12M+ (от ВТБ, EBRD, Flint Capital, QIWI, angels). Сделал EXITы в: INTEL, SBER, MTS. Автор книги “Метод Грина”. 25 лет помогает людям найти себя в бизнесе и жизни.
Matthew Green is an entrepreneur, philanthropist. Created companies worth $200M (Webinar, COMDI, RTS.FM, Zillion, Equium, Almamat, etc.) Raised investments by $12M+ (from VTB, EBRD, Flint Capital, QIWI, angels). Made EXITs in: INTEL, SBER, MTS. Author of the book “Green's Method”. 25 years of helping people find themselves in business and life.
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8/31/2023 • 1 hour, 19 minutes, 9 seconds Евгений Калинин: Кто такие трекеры, что они делают и зачем они нужны устами основателя этой профессии. Евгений Калинин - Трекер. Основатель профессии, создатель методологии, фаундер Школы трекеров. Собрал методологию трекинга в Акселераторе ФРИИ. Первым запустил обучение для трекеров в 2016 году. Сейчас по методологии трекинга работают почти все акселераторы в России и нескольких соседних странах. Тысячи консультантов, коучей, предпринимателей и инвесторов используют трекинг в своей ежедневной практике, чтобы быстрее достигать больших целей в бизнесе. 15 лет помогает стартапам и бизнесам запускаться, находить и исправлять узкие места, оптимизировать бизнес-модель, формировать и реализовывать стратегию. Среди клиентов стартапы ранних стадий, зрелые бизнесы, корпорации. Знает, как выглядит путь от нуля до единорога.
Eugene Kalinin is a Tracker. Founder of the profession, creator of the methodology, founder of the School of Trackers. Collected the tracking methodology in the IIDF Accelerator. He was the first to launch training for trackers in 2016. Now almost all accelerators in Russia and several neighboring countries operate using the tracking methodology. Thousands of consultants, coaches, entrepreneurs and investors use tracking in their daily practice to achieve big business goals faster. 15 years of experience helping startups and businesses launch, find and correct bottlenecks, optimize the business model, formulate and implement a strategy. Clients include early-stage startups, mature businesses, and corporations. Knows what the path from zero to unicorn looks like.
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8/30/2023 • 2 hours, 4 minutes, 12 seconds Олег Погожев: HealthTech, IT платформа для людей с диабетом, импакт-бизнес, поиск и монетизация боли, венчур. Олег Погожев - Родился в 1982 году в городе Вологда, Россия. Там же окончил школу. В 2000 году поступил на заочное отделение Московской Государственной Юридической академии. В 2000-2002 годах работал журналистом и телеведущим на телевидении. В 2003 году открыл первый бизнес - компанию наружной рекламы и выставок "Группа компаний "Революция", в 2007 успешно продал весь рекламный бизнес группе "Ворота Севера". с 2008 года - занимал руководящие должности (финансовый директор, инвестиционный директор) в девелоперском холдинге "Севен Санс Групп", с 2013 по 2018 - Член Совета Директоров Seven Suns Development - курировал работу с инвесторами. C 2008 года группа Seven Suns - с маленькой региональной компании, усилиями команды выросла в многомиллиардную инвестиционно-девелоперскую группу. В 2017 года вошла в "ТОП-20" крупнейших девелоперов Москвы. С 2018 - Директор инвестиционной компании "Перспективные Проекты", С 2021 по 2022 Managing Director AI1.vc, с конца 2022 - он основатель и CEO стартапа SugarPulse.io.
Oleg Pogozhev was born in 1982 in the city of Vologda, Russia. He graduated from high school there. In 2000 he entered the correspondence department of the Moscow State Law Academy. In 2000-2002 he worked as a journalist and TV presenter on television. In 2003, he opened the first business - an outdoor advertising and exhibition company "Revolution Group of Companies", in 2007 he successfully sold the entire advertising business to the Gates of the North group. Since 2008, he has held senior positions (financial director, investment director) in a development holding " Seven Suns Group", from 2013 to 2018 - Member of the Board of Directors of Seven Suns Development - supervised work with investors. Since 2008, the Seven Suns group - from a small regional company, through the efforts of the team, has grown into a multibillion-dollar investment and development group. In 2017, it entered the " TOP-20" of the largest developers in Moscow. Since 2018 - Director of the investment company "Perspective Projects", From 2021 to 2022 Managing Director AI1.vc, since the end of 2022 - he is the founder and CEO of the startup SugarPulse.io.
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8/29/2023 • 1 hour, 59 minutes, 28 seconds Иван Дементьев: Почему технологии не меняют мир? Как устроен мир технологий на самом деле. Иван Дементьев - Заместитель директора по научно-исследовательской работе Музея Транспорта Москвы. До этого создавал и выводил на рынок технологические компании, дважды был деканом и лектором London Imperial College, преподавал в школе, продюсировал струнный квартет. Историк будущего.
Ivan Dementiev is a Deputy Director for Research at the Museum of Transport of Moscow. Prior to that, he created and marketed technology companies, was twice dean and lecturer at London Imperial College, taught at a school, and produced a string quartet. Historian of the future.
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8/28/2023 • 1 hour, 27 minutes, 17 seconds Ярослав Слободской-Плюснин: Прикладная и фундаментальная нейронаука, прай минг, феномен ореола. Ярослав Слободской-Плюснин – кандидат нейробиологических наук, магистр бизнес-психологии. Эксперт в области анализа и прогнозирования поведения, биологических основ индивидуальных различий, оценки руководителей, исследований и разработок корпоративной культуры, а также организационных преобразований. Более 15 лет фундаментальных и прикладных исследований в области нейробиологии и психологии личности в Финляндии, России и Нидерландах. Автор и соавтор более 20 рецензируемых международных научных публикаций. Более 10 лет в HR-консалтинге с упором на оценку руководителей, разработку инновационных систем оценки личности. Автор более 50 специализированных многодоменных систем оценки персонала, которые используются крупными транснациональными компаниями из различных (включая NeuroAssessment, GBA, игровую оценку, неявные поведенческие измерения). Обладая более чем 12-летним опытом преподавания, является автором более 20 образовательных курсов, как фундаментальных, так и прикладных. Спикер более 100 международных научных и бизнес-форумов.
Jaroslav Slobodskoy-Plusnin - PhD in Neuroscience, MA in Business Psychology. Expert in behavior analysis and prediction, biological underpinnings of individual differences, executive assessment, corporate culture research and development, and organizational transformations. 15+ years of fundamental and applied research in neuroscience and personality psychology in Finland, Russia and The Netherlands. Authored and coauthored 20+ peer-reviewed international academic publication. 10+ years in HR-consulting with focus on executive assessment, development of innovative personality assessment systems. Author of more than 50 customized multi-domain personnel assessment systems that are utilized by large multinational companies from various (including NeuroAssessment, GBA, game-based assessment, implicit behavioral measures). With more than 12 years of teaching experience, he is the author of 20+ educational courses, both fundamental and applied. Speaker of 100+ international scientific and business forums.
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8/27/2023 • 2 hours, 41 minutes, 57 seconds Андрей Илингин: Предпринимательство и жизнь как игра с ненулевой суммой, п рактика самопознания. Андрей Илингин — предприниматель, на счету которого 7 стартапов и 2 экзита. 12 лет в EdTech. 1,5 года в иммиграции в Дубае с семьей.
Andrew Ilingin is an entrepreneur with 7 startups and 2 exits. 12 years in EdTech. 1,5 years in immigration in Dubai with a family.
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8/26/2023 • 2 hours, 34 minutes, 47 seconds Вадим Глазков: Предприниматели-эзотерики, просветленные Instagram гуру и другие Wonder People. Вадим Глазков - предприниматель by design в работе и в жизни. Cейчас со-основатель и CEO агентства исследований. С помощью продуктовых исследований в США, Латинской америке, Азии, России решает задачи бизнеса. Раньше был: Программистом, горизонтально выросшим в продакта; Менеджером команды из 42 крутейших стартап-экспертов; Трекером акселерационных программ во ФРИИ; Преподавателем на курсах для продактов и в акселераторах. Он выпускник SLP, читает по книге в неделю, пишет по посту в день, тренируется, ходит к психотерапевту, ездит на мотоцикле, играет в волейбол и увлекается дайвингом. Худел на 20 кг, играл 7 лет в театре. Консультирует компании, менторит людей. Не пьет алкоголь, но потребляет кофеин. Пишет про работу СЕО глобальной компании: t.me/hiveminded. Фанатеет от дизайна, который не про красоту, а про функциональность. Шучит над ошибками дизайна в повседневной жизни в телеграм канале: t.me/designfuckup
Vadim Glazkov is an entrepreneur by design in work and in life. Currently co-founder and CEO of a research agency. With the help of product research in the USA, Latin America, Asia, Russia, he solves business problems. Previously: A programmer who grew horizontally into a product; Team manager of 42 top startup experts; Tracker of acceleration programs at IIDF; Lecturer in product courses and accelerators. He is an SLP graduate, reads a book a week, writes a post a day, works out, sees a therapist, rides a motorcycle, plays volleyball, and enjoys diving. Lost 20 kg, played 7 years in the theater. Advises companies, mentors people. Does not drink alcohol, but consumes caffeine. Writes about the work of the CEO of a global company: t.me/hiveminded. He is fond of design, which is not about beauty, but about functionality. Jokes about design mistakes in everyday life in the telegram channel: t.me/designfuckup
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8/25/2023 • 3 hours, 1 minute, 32 seconds Никита Шевченко: Принимать или не принимать решения на пути к своему желаем ому жизненному итогу? Никита Шевченко - 35 лет, женат 8 лет, двое сыновей. Любит активный спорт, много читает и старается развиваться по мере сил. С 2011 года занимается предпринимательством. Собственник и основатель/со-основатель двух компаний: Visuals.ru - создание мультимедийных иммерсивных пространств (выставочные пространства, музеи и тд); Sh-engin.ru - гидротехническое строительство (делают все, что можно сделать с водой и водоемами, а также прилегающей территорией).
Nikita Shevchenko - 35 years old, married 8 years, two sons. He loves active sports, reads a lot and tries to develop as much as possible. Since 2011 he has been engaged in entrepreneurship. Owner and founder/co-founder of two companies: Visuals.ru - creation of multimedia immersive spaces (exhibition spaces, museums, etc.); Sh-engin.ru - hydrotechnical construction (they do everything that can be done with water and reservoirs, as well as the surrounding area).
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8/24/2023 • 2 hours, 52 minutes, 37 seconds Иван Пузырев: Метаверс евангелизм, цифровая этика, реальность VS дополненная реальность, мечты. Иван Пузырев — соучредитель платформы W3rlds Metaverse с более чем 10-летним опытом работы в цифровой стратегии, ориентированной на пространственные вычисления и внедрение расширенной реальности в масштабе города. В его портфолио проектов входят Dubai Culture, CBI, Abdul Latif Jameel, Lexus, Pepsi, Chery и многие другие.
Ivan Puzyrev is a co-founder of W3rlds Metaverse platform with more than 10 years of experience in a digital strategy focused on spatial computing and city-scale extended reality implication. His projects portfolio includes Dubai Culture, CBI, Abdul Latif Jameel, Lexus, Pepsi, Chery and many others.
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8/23/2023 • 2 hours, 4 minutes, 10 seconds Андрей Шишков: Темная теология, спекулятивный реализм, борьба за контроль в пространстве смыслов. Андрей Шишков - Теолог, независимый исследователь. Преподавал политическую теологию в Общецерковной аспирантуре РПЦ и Высшей школе экономики (2016–2020). Занимался теологическими исследованиями в Тартуском университете (2021–2023). Работал в области теологической экспертизы в Синодальной библейско-богословской комиссии РПЦ (2015–2020 возглавлял ее секретариат). Руководил редакцией религиоведения в Большой российской энциклопедии (2019–2021). Участвовал в международных исследовательских проектах “Постсекулярные конфликты” (Инсбрукский университет, 2017–2022), “Православие и права человека” (Фордэмский университет, Нью-Йорк, с 2019), “Православие как солидарность” (Тартуский университет, с 2021). Автор концепции тёмной теологии.
Andrey Shishkov is a theologian, independent researcher. He taught political theology at the All-Church Graduate School of the Russian Orthodox Church and the Higher School of Economics (2016–2020). He was engaged in theological studies at the University of Tartu (2021–2023). He worked in the field of theological expertise in the Synodal Biblical and Theological Commission of the Russian Orthodox Church (2015–2020 he headed its secretariat). He was the editor-in-chief of religious education in the Big Russian Encyclopedia (2019–2021). Participated in international research projects "Postsecular conflicts" (University of Innsbruck, 2017-2022), "Orthodoxy and human rights" (Fordham University, New York, 2019), "Orthodoxy as solidarity" (University of Tartu, 2021). He is an author of the concept of dark theology.
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8/22/2023 • 2 hours, 43 minutes, 20 seconds Александр Гиршон: Танцевально-двигательная терапия, готовность к встрече с собственной тенью, телесный уровень восприятия. Александр Гиршон - Кандидат психологических наук, танцевально-двигательный терапевт, преподаватель импровизации, танцор и перформер, ведущий и автор тренингов и мастер-классов по интегративной танцевально-двигательной терапии и интегральному танцу. Автор четырех книг. Ведет тренинги в Израиле, Литве, Португалии и онлайн.
Alexander Girshon - PhD in Psychology, dance movement therapist, improvisation teacher, dancer and performer, presenter and author of trainings and master classes in integrative dance movement therapy and integral dance. Author of four books. Conducts trainings in Israel, Lithuania, Portugal and online.
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8/21/2023 • 1 hour, 59 minutes, 18 seconds Олег Тэрра: Эзотерическая психология, управляемая трансформация души, демонстрация суперсилы, энергия, пророчество. Олег Тэрра - практикующий эзотерический психолог, мастер по быстрой духовной прогрессии, персональный коуч, автор и ведущий обучающих и трансформационных семинаров и онлайн-курсов по быстрому духовному росту.
Oleg Terra is a practicing esoteric psychologist, master of rapid spiritual growth, personal coach, author and leader of training and transformational seminars and online courses on rapid spiritual growth.
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8/19/2023 • 2 hours, 30 minutes, 54 seconds Даниил Андреев: Быть собой это новое luxury, bullshit detector, островки ментального к омфорта. Даниил Андреев — основатель и CEO американского AI & eCommerce агентства ECORN. Сейчас он разрабатывает Creators' AI — медиа об AI для креаторов и предпринимателей. Ранее был консультантом в Big4 и основателем нескольких стартапов в области искусственного интеллекта. Даниил имеет большой опыт создания стартапов в США и Европе, а также международный академический опыт обучения в EDHEC (Франция), Сеульском национальном университете (Южная Корея), Чжэцзянском университете (Китай) и Вышке (Россия).
Daniil Andreev is the AI & eCommerce founder, and CEO of US-based ECORN Agency. Now he is developing Creators' AI - media about AI for creators & entrepreneurs. Previously Consultant in Big4 & founder of several AI startups. Daniil has broad experience building startups in US & Europe and international academic experience studying at EDHEC (France), Seoul National University (South Korea), Zhejiang University (China), and HSE (Russia).
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8/17/2023 • 2 hours, 40 minutes, 14 seconds Дмитрий Пухов: История рода, родовые программы, морфогенетическое поле, не кротическая связь с предками. Дмитрий Пухов, родился 04 мая 1983 в Москве. Предприниматель, партнер компании Diamond Family. Со-основатель: Double Space - Площадка для мероприятий на 800 гостей; Grand Ballroom - Площадка для масштабных торжественных и деловых мероприятий на 1200 гостей; Согласие Hall - Площадка для деловых мероприятий на 300 гостей; Даймонд кейтеринг - Событийный кейтеринг; Preparty - Доставка гастрономических сетов для мероприятий. Изучает историю своего Рода, в его древе 1207 человек. Автор образовательного проекта про изучение истории рода "Корни". С детства увлекается музыкой, собирает винил и патефонные пластинки. Участвствовал в ретро-ралли на автомобиле ГАЗ 24. Женат, двое сыновей (6 и 3). Член клуба Атланты со дня его основания.
Dmitry Pukhov was born on May 04, 1983 in Moscow. Entrepreneur, partner of Diamond Family. Co-founder: Double Space - Event space for 800 guests; Grand Ballroom - A venue for large-scale celebrations and business events for 1200 guests; Consent Hall - Venue for business events for 300 guests; Diamond catering - Event catering; Preparty - Delivery of gastronomic sets for events. He studies the history of his Family, there are 1207 people in his tree. Author of an educational project about the study of the history of the genus "Roots". Since childhood, he has been fond of music, collecting vinyl and gramophone records. Participated in a retro rally in a GAZ 24 car. Married, two sons (6 and 3). Member of the Atlanty Club since its inception.
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8/16/2023 • 2 hours, 13 minutes, 46 seconds Сергей Потанин: Доказательная психиатрия, психофармакология, диагностиче ские критерии, депрессия, mental health. Сергей Потанин - психиатр, психофармаколог, в прошлом работал как психотерапевт, в настоящее время занимается только назначением препаратов. Закончил педиатрический факультет Российского национального исследовательского медицинского университета имени Н. И. Пирогова (РНИИМУ) в 2008 году, затем ординатуру по психиатрии в Научном центре психического здоровья, где с 2010 года по настоящее время работает в лаборатории психофармакологии. С самого начала работы участвовал в международных клинических исследованиях новых препаратов и в разработке новых лекарств для лечения психических расстройств. В 2015 году защитил кандидатскую диссертацию по фармакокинетике антипсихотиков. Помимо исследовательской работы, занимался психотерапией (окончил Институт интегративной семейной психотерапии в 2009 году), последние несколько лет, в связи с большим потоком пациентов, переключился на чисто психиатрическую практику по назначению препаратов. Помимо работы в научном центре, ведет психиатрический прием в клинике Нейропси.
Ссылка на электронную версию шкалы HADS, для самодиагностики: https://onlinetestpad.com/sdhg3scgkhnzy
Sergei Potanin is a psychiatrist, psychopharmacologist, in the past he worked as a psychotherapist, and now he is engaged only in the prescription of drugs. Graduated from the Pediatric Faculty of the Russian National Research Medical University named after N. I. Pirogov (RNIIMU) in 2008, then a residency in psychiatry at the Scientific Center for Mental Health, where he has been working in the psychopharmacology laboratory since 2010. From the very beginning of his work, he participated in international clinical trials of new drugs and in the development of new drugs for the treatment of mental disorders. In 2015, he defended his PhD thesis on the pharmacokinetics of antipsychotics. In addition to research work, he was engaged in psychotherapy (he graduated from the Institute of Integrative Family Psychotherapy in 2009), and in the last few years, due to a large flow of patients, he switched to purely psychiatric practice by prescribing drugs. In addition to working at the scientific center, he leads a psychiatric clinic at the Neuropsy Clinic.
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8/15/2023 • 2 hours, 38 minutes, 59 seconds Ислам Мидов: Генеративный AI, на этот раз применительно к специфике и задачам туристической индустрии. Ислам Мидов - Создал и 4 года возглавлял корпоративный венчурный фонд МТС, был номинирован в Forbes 30 under 30. В мае 2023 года вместе с партнером со-основали стартап Copilot2trip. Продутк - тревел ассистент на основе генаративного ИИ, который позволяет за секунды, а не за часы спланировать поездку.
Islam Midov has created and headed the MTS corporate venture fund for 4 years and was nominated in Forbes 30 under 30. In May 2023, together with a partner, he co-founded the startup Copilot2trip. The product is a travel assistant based on generative AI that allows you to plan a trip in seconds, not hours.
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8/13/2023 • 2 hours, 30 minutes, 8 seconds Алексей Один: Адекватная цена за право быть кем ты хочешь во имя достижения того что ты хочешь. Алексей Один — технологический предприниматель, в последнее время он думает о будущем AI в нашей жизни. И у него интересная личная история.
Alex Odin is a technology entrepreneur, lately, he's been thinking about the future of AI in our lives. And he has an interesting personal story.
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8/11/2023 • 3 hours, 17 minutes, 22 seconds Максим Калюжный: Эпидемия лицемерия, псевдо-осознанности и гуризма на пути к успеху. F*ck you money. Максим Калюжный — предприниматель, в настоящее время создающий платформу для соблюдения налогового законодательства/консультации для иммигрантов. До этого он провел почти 5 лет, создавая Yasno.live (крупнейший рынок психического здоровья в СНГ/Европе), куда он присоединился в качестве финансового директора, помог собрать посевной/раунд A, а затем запустил B2B-часть бизнеса (в настоящее время на нее приходится 20% весь бизнес с более чем 300 клиентами, включая ведущие технологические компании, такие как Яндекс, Playrix). Принимал активное участие в масштабировании компании с 3 до 80+ сотрудников и с 10 до 3000+ сессий в день. До Yasno Максим получил обширный финансовый опыт, работая в Big4, венчурном фонде ФРИИ и занимая должность финансового директора в стартапах. В настоящее время Максим живет в Португалии со своей семьей и двумя детьми.
Maxim Kalyuzhnyi is an entrepreneur, currently building tax compliance/advisory platform for immigrants. Before that he spent almost 5 years building Yasno.live (largest mental health marketplace in CIS/Europe), where he joined as CFO, helped fundraise seed/round A, and later launched B2B part of the business (currently accounts for 20% of the whole business with 300+ clients, including top tech companies like Yandex, Playrix). He actively participated in scaling of the company from 3 to 80+ employees and from 10 to 3000+ sessions per day. Prior to Yasno, Maxim gained extensive finance experience, working in Big4, VC fund IIDF and serving as a CFO in startups. Maxim currently lives in Portugal with his family and 2 kids.
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8/10/2023 • 2 hours, 26 minutes, 34 seconds Георгий Филатов: Субъективность интерпретации исторических событий, врем енной континуум, архивы. Георгий Филатов - Старший научный сотрудник Института всеобщей истории РАН, доцент Института государственной службы и управления в РАНХиГС, эксперт РСМД, публичный лектор.
Georgy Filatov is a Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Associate Professor at the Institute of Public Administration and Management at the RANEPA, RIAC expert, public lecturer.
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8/9/2023 • 2 hours, 25 minutes, 28 seconds Kатерина Карпова: Схватить Бога за бороду, философия косметического бренда, сохранение личности. Kатерина Карпова - основатель косметического бренда Pure Love, химик-технолог, член Национального общества косметических химиков. Основная ее деятельность на сегодняшний день управление компанией, контроль качества и маркетинг. В свободное время любит ездить на горном велосипеде, коллекционировать винтажный парфюм и проводить время с семьей.
Katerina Karpova is the founder of the Pure Love cosmetic brand, a chemist-technologist, a member of the National Society of Cosmetic Chemists. Her main activities today are company management, quality control and marketing. In her free time, she enjoys mountain biking, collecting vintage perfumes and spending time with her family.
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8/8/2023 • 2 hours, 14 minutes, 41 seconds Ирина Цуканова: Путешествия со смыслом, трансформация личности, гуризм, столкновение с инаковостью. Ирина Цуканова - Путешественник, владелица компании More Than Travel, более 10 лет создает путешествия со смыслом, привлекая экспертов в разных областях. Проводник и ментор в пешеходных путешествиях и прогулках с завязанными глазами. Плавает с китами и свободными дельфинами, ныряет на задержке дыхания, объехала более 60 стран, танцевала на столе в гостях у Славы Полунина, добралась до Антарктиды и планирует пройти пешком все континенты.
Irina Tsukanova is the traveler and owner of More Than Travel agency, she has been creating meaningful trips for more than 10 years, attracting experts in various fields. Guide and mentor on hiking and blindfold walks. She swims with whales and free dolphins, dives while holding her breath, traveled to more than 60 countries, danced on the table visiting Slava Polunin, reaches Antarctica, and plans to walk all the continents.
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8/7/2023 • 3 hours, 51 minutes, 49 seconds Леонид Козлов: На чем держится наше субъективное восприятие реальности и н ашей роли, столпы внутренней идеологии. Леонид Козлов, закончил Мехмат МГУ, диплом по нейросетям. 22 года предпринимательства. Девелопмент недвижимости. Экс владелец строительной компании Любимый дом (ОБИ, Пик, поселки и тп - тысячи объектов), Арт кафе Море внутри (концерты, йога и тп). Делал большие (100К) и малые ивенты. Кофаундер Hack Temple (церковь стартапов в Сан Франциско). 3 года в кремниевой долине. Фаундер WeDAO - AI / big data в музиндустрии. В WEB3 с 2017, делал ДАО. Сейчас КоФаундер Inspire Collective (Bali) - строим Поселок-сообщество Осознанных Уникальных Людей на Бали и бионический иммерсивный отель BalanGods. Его интересы: Стартапы, AI,web3, архитектура, импакт проекты, креативные и эко-проекты в недвижимости. Кроме бизнеса его увлечениями являются: альпинизм, музыка (учился оперному пению в РАМ им. Гнесиных), архитектура, дизайн, искусство, психология, саморазвитие. Может быть полезен для: менторинга стартапов, трекшена и привлечения инвестиций на американском рынке, менторинга проектов в сегменте недвижимости, в области AI на стыке с моделированием сознания человека, теме саморазвития.
Leonid Kozlov, graduated from the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, MSU, diploma in neural networks. 22 years of entrepreneurship. Real estate development. Former owner of the construction company Lyubimy Dom (OBI, Peak, villages, etc. - thousands of objects), Art Cafe Sea Inside (concerts, yoga, etc.). Made big (100K) and small events. Co-founder of Hack Temple (startup church in San Francisco). 3 years in silicon valley. Founder of WeDAO - AI / big data in the music industry. In WEB3 since 2017, did DAO. Now the Co-Founder of Inspire Collective (Bali) is building a Community Village of Conscious Unique People in Bali and a bionic immersive hotel BalanGods. His interests: Startups, AI, web3, architecture, impact projects, creative and eco-projects in real estate. In addition to business, his hobbies are: mountaineering, music (he studied opera singing at the Gnessin Russian Academy of Music), architecture, design, art, psychology, self-development. It can be useful for: mentoring startups, traction and attracting investments in the US market, mentoring projects in the real estate segment, in the field of AI at the junction with modeling human consciousness, the topic of self-development.
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8/6/2023 • 2 hours, 49 minutes, 59 seconds Григорий Волис: Теория социального маятника, концепция покаяния, темные же лания, habit tracking app. Григорий Волис — менеджер по продуктам в TD Bank в Торонто, Канада. Его профессиональные качества - это большой опыт управления продуктами и проектами, организация продаж в различных каналах, в том числе онлайн, переговоры на высоком уровне, управление разными командами, умение работать в условиях высокой информационной нагрузки, ориентация на результат, бизнес-грамотность, инициативность и самозапуск. Помимо обширных знаний в области экономики, продаж и маркетинга, он занимается инновациями и информационными технологиями. Выступить экспертом от компании на сессиях для стартапов в самых известных акселераторах и фондах. Отслеживайте тренды и технологические новинки, чтобы максимально быстро использовать их в прикладной плоскости и получить дополнительное конкурентное преимущество на рынке. В настоящее время он работает над приложением для отслеживания привычек.
Greg Volis is a Product Manager at TD Bank in Toronto, Canada. His professional solid qualities are extensive experience in product and project management, organizing sales in various channels, including online, high-level negotiation, management of different teams, the ability to work in conditions of high information load, result orientation, business literacy, initiative, and self-starter. Besides his extensive economics, sales, and marketing knowledge, he is immersed in innovation and IT. Act as an expert from a company at sessions for startups in the most prominent accelerators and funds. Track trends and technological innovations to use them as quickly as possible in the application plane and get an additional competitive advantage in the market. Currently, he is working on a habit-tracking app.
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8/3/2023 • 2 hours, 1 minute, 50 seconds Ольга Макушенко: Переход на другой материальный уровень через апгрейд собственной ментальности. Ольга Макушенко - СЕО коучинговой компании MindAction. Бизнес-коуч CEO технологических компаний, инвесторов и серийных предпринимателей. Прошла путь от комьюнити-менеджера до вице-президента издательства компьютерных игр, где руководила командой в 70 человек. 10+ лет опыта в бизнесе и маркетинге. Работала над стратегией маркетинга для одного из ведущих психологов Америки с миллионной аудиторией. Окончила бизнес-школу в Канаде. Разрабатывала стратегии и управляла проектами с аудиторией в сотни тысяч пользователей и оборотами в миллионы долларов.Olga Makushenko is a CEO of the coaching company MindAction. Business coach for CEOs of technology companies, investors and serial entrepreneurs. She went from community manager to vice president of a computer game publishing house, where she led a team of 70 people. 10+ years of experience in business and marketing. Worked on a marketing strategy for one of America's leading psychologists with a million audience. She graduated from business school in Canada. She developed strategies and managed projects with an audience of hundreds of thousands of users and millions of dollars in turnover.
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8/2/2023 • 2 hours, 16 minutes, 38 seconds Елена Рыдкина: Разговор от имени идеального Я VS Разговор от имени темной су щности внутри меня. Елена Рыдкина — трансформационный коуч. Она помогает лидерам объединить светлые и темные стороны своего сердца и использовать это для создания полноценной и радостной жизни для себя и людей, на которых они влияют.
Elena Rydkina is a transformational coach. She helps leaders to integrate light and dark sides of their hearts and use it to create a life that is fulfilling and joyful for themselves and the people they influence.
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8/1/2023 • 2 hours, 54 minutes, 55 seconds Дмитрий Санин: Клиническая психиатрия, устойчивость психики, сверхценные идеи и бред, понятие нормы. Дмитрий Санин - практикующий врач психиатр. Помимо частных консультаций и работы в психоневрологическом диспансере ведет прямые трансляции и записывает видеоролики для ютуб-канала "Меднаука". Имеет опыт работы в государственных и частных психиатрических стационарах, центре реабилитации. Зона научных интересов: учение Павлова, социальная психология, психофармакология, терапия невротических расстройств, терапия соматоформных расстройств, геронтопсихиатрия.
Dmitry Sanin is a practicing psychiatrist. In addition to private consultations and work at the psychoneurological outpatient clinic, he hosts live broadcasts and records videos for the Mednauka YouTube channel. He has experience working in public and private psychiatric hospitals and rehabilitation centers. Research interests: Pavlov's doctrine, social psychology, psychopharmacology, therapy of neurotic disorders, therapy of somatoform disorders, gerontopsychiatry.
================================SUPPORT & CONNECT:Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/denofrichTwitter: https://twitter.com/denofrichFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/mark.develman/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/denofrichInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/den_of_rich/Hashtag: #denofrich© Copyright 2023 Den of Rich. All rights reserved.
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7/30/2023 • 3 hours, 7 minutes, 39 seconds Юрий Лобынцев: Осознанные сновидения, мета-позиция сознания, тантра, эзотерика, гуризм, похоть. Юрий Лобынцев - Deeptech предприниматель, инвестор, мистик. Основатель Cindicator ($130млн под управлением). TEDx спикер. 20+ лет практик работы с сознанием, фасилитирует репаттернинг дыхания людям новой эпохи.
Yuri Lobyntsev is a deeptech entrepreneur, investor, mystic. Founder of Cindicator ($130M under management). TEDx speaker. 20+ years of mindfulness practice, facilitating breath repatterning for people of the new era.
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7/29/2023 • 2 hours, 34 minutes, 22 seconds Ризван Махмудов: Brothers Boxing Club, закрытие гештальта маскулинности, опыт дости жения цели. Ризван Махмудов, зарабатывает тем что управляет студией персональных тренировок Brothers Boxing Club. Проводит своим сотрудникам тренинги по продажам, обучает правильному взаимодействию с людьми и тем как найти контакт с любым человеком. Создает структуры для развития бизнеса, стратегии финансового развития и планирования бюджета. Вместе с братьями строит лучшую профессиональную команду в этом сегменте бизнеса.
Rizvan Makhmudov earns money by running the Brothers Boxing Club a personal training studio. He conducts sales training for his employees, teaches them how to interact with people correctly, and how to find contact with any person. Creates structures for business development, financial development strategies, and budget planning. Together with his brothers, he is building the best professional team in this business segment.
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7/28/2023 • 2 hours, 19 seconds Валерий Стародубцев: Рептильное дыхание, вариабельность сердечного ритма, сатур ация кислорода, ощелачивание организма. Валерий Стародубцев - Врач-терапевт (Спортивная Медицина и Функциональная Диагностика), Доцент, Кандидат Педагогических Наук, Мастер Спорта Международного Класса, многократный Чемпион СССР и экс рекордсмен страны в беге на 800 метров в закрытых помещениях. 2-х кратный Чемпион Мира среди ветеранов. CEO, Varicardstar. Автор книги "Возраст Мафусаила: миф или реальность?!".
Valeriy Starodubtsev is a therapist (Sports Medicine and Functional Diagnostics), Associate Professor, Ph.D. in Pedagogical Sciences, Master of Sports of International Class, multiple Champion of the USSR and former national record holder in the 800 meters indoor running. 2-time World Champion among veterans. CEO, Varicard Star. Author of the book "The Age of Methuselah: Myth or Reality?
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7/26/2023 • 2 hours, 56 minutes, 41 seconds Сергей Дранишников: Цена проявления бессознательного, границы самоконтро ля, иллюзия страдания. Сергей Дранишников - Психолог, судебный эксперт-психолог, коуч, бизнес-тренер, преподаватель высшей школы, автор и разработчик ряда учебных курсов и тренинговых программ, супервизор. Компетенции в области психологии развития, психологии отношений, психологии личности, сексологии, психологии общения и коммуникаций, психологии влияния.
Sergey Dranishnikov is a psychologist, forensic psychologist, coach, business coach, high school teacher, author and developer of a number of training courses and training programs, supervisor. Competences in the field of developmental psychology, psychology of relationships, psychology of personality, sexology, psychology of communication and communications, psychology of influence.
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7/25/2023 • 2 hours, 42 minutes, 7 seconds Михаил Лебедев: Трудная проблема сознания, управление фокусом внимания, си стема вознаграждения. Михаил Лебедев — профессор Центра нейробиологии и нейрореабилитации Сколтеха. Автор более 100 научных работ. Имеет опыт работы в Международной школе передовых исследований SISSA (Италия), Национальном институте психического здоровья NIMH (США), проводил эксперименты на приматах в Центре нейро инжиниринга Duke University (США), руководитель мегагранта на базе Института когнитивных нейронаук ВШЭ.
Mikhail Lebedev is a professor at the Skoltech Center for Neurobiology and Neurorehabilitation. Author of more than 100 scientific papers. Has experience of working at the International School of Advanced Studies SISSA (Italy), the National Institute of Mental Health NIMH (USA), conducted experiments on primates at the Center for Neuroengineering at Duke University (USA), head of a mega-grant at the Institute for Cognitive Neuroscience, HSE University.
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7/21/2023 • 1 hour, 53 minutes, 29 seconds Дмитрий Пайсон: Экономические и экзистенциальные предпосылки и мотивы осв оения космоса, коммерциализация космоса. Дмитрий Пайсон - кандидат наук в области спутниковых технологий и доктор экономических наук. Всю свою карьеру он рисовал контуры и привозил камни для строительства новых невиданных образований, вроде «Роскосмоса» с человеческим лицом, космического кластера Фонда «Сколково» или Научно-инновационного центра Сбербанка. В настоящее время он сидит на вершине прекрасной горы Кармель в Израиле и занимается исследовательскими проектами совместно с Еврейским университетом. Как и все мы, Дмитрий смотрит в будущее с немалой долей беспокойства, но уверен, что человечество найдет способ пережить нынешний кризис. В конце концов, это же человечество изобрело костер, колесо и Интернет.
Dmitry Payson holds Ph.D. in satellite technology and D.Sc. in economics. For all of his career, he was drawing outlines and bringing stones for building new unseen entities, like Roscosmos with a human face, the Skolkovo Foundation space cluster, or Sberbank Research and Innovation Center. For the time being, he sits atop the wonderful Carmel Mountain in Israel and does research projects with the Hebrew University. Like all of us, Dmitry looks into the future with a good share of anxiety, but he is sure that humankind will find a way to survive the current crisis. It is the same humanity that invented a campfire, the wheel, and the Internet, after all.
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7/19/2023 • 2 hours, 16 minutes, 44 seconds Денис Сметнев: Самореализация через полезность, аутентичность намерений, альфа позиция, лимитированность экспертности. Денис Сметнев - Со-основатель Skyeng с первого дня. Настроил с нуля весь b2c маркетинг. После найма CMO, запустил с нуля b2b продажи, которые составляли 30% выручки. Затем переключился на международку. С 2021 развивает uforce.pro - агентство по маркетингу и продажам с фокусом на развитие потенциала внутренней команды. Инвестировал в 9 IT-проектов.
Denis Smetnev is a Co-founder of Skyeng from day one. Set up all b2c marketing from scratch. After hiring a CMO, he launched b2b sales from scratch, which accounted for 30% of revenue. Then he switched to international. Since 2021, he has been developing uforce.pro - a marketing and sales agency with a focus on developing the potential of the internal team. Invested in 9 IT projects.
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7/18/2023 • 2 hours, 1 minute, 24 seconds Юрий Потурнак: Психологическая помощь себе и нуждающимся, принципы и стереотипы, любовь к детям. Юрий Потурнак, семейный и детский психолог работающий в методе гештальт-терапия. Ведущий обучающих программ Московского гештальт института, терапевтических групп для детей и взрослых, ведущий мужской терапевтической группы. Любит свою жену и детей. Юрий увлечен Китайским чаем, много читает, любимый автор Владимир Набоков, любит слушать музыку и выращивает комнатные растения в своем офисе. Ведет здоровый образ жизни. Сильные стороны целеустремленность, спонтанность, юмор.
Yurii Poturnak is a family and child psychologist working in the Gestalt therapy method. Leading training programs of the Moscow Gestalt Institute, therapeutic groups for children and adults, leader of the male therapeutic group. Loves his wife and children. Yurii is passionate about Chinese tea, reads a lot, his favorite author is Vladimir Nabokov, loves to listen to music and grows houseplants in his office. Leads a healthy lifestyle. Strengths are purposefulness, spontaneity, humor.
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7/17/2023 • 1 hour, 57 minutes, 49 seconds Павел Рогожин: Стратегии познания мира, гипотеза переход на другой уровень ментальной перцепции. Павел Рогожин - Серийный предприниматель, который прошел несколько раз путем фаундер → корпорат → инвестор → фаундер.
Pavel Rogozhin is a serial entrepreneur who has gone through the path of founder → corporate executive → investor → founder several times.
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7/16/2023 • 2 hours, 20 minutes, 31 seconds Алина Проценко: Многослойность человеческой натуры, большие мечты, цена достижения цели. Алина Проценко, менеджер по продукту банка ВТБ, выводит на рынок продукты автокредитования. Ранее работала в сфере СМИ (журнал Forbes).
Alina Protsenko, product manager at VTB bank, introducing auto credit products to the market. Previously worked in media sphere (Forbes magazine).
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7/15/2023 • 2 hours, 52 minutes, 51 seconds Дмитрий Бирюков: Удовольствие от познания, верификация понимания, религио зный ген, пафос. Дмитрий Бирюков - ученый в области византийского богословия, философии и науки; русской философии и богословия.
Dmitry Biriukov is a scholar in the field of Byzantine theology, philosophy and science; Russian philosophy and theology.
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7/14/2023 • 1 hour, 54 minutes, 9 seconds Евгения Турецкая: Духовный путь к неиссякаемому источнику удовольствия, мудрости и креативности. Евгения Турецкая, 19 лет в духовной практике, объездила пол мира. Много путешествовала по святым местам Индии. Инициирована в вайшнавскую традицию. Поклоняется Гирираджу (самопроявленное божество Кришны). Изучает святые писания. По профессии - менеджер, больше 20 лет на удаленке. Она всегда ценила свободу. Художник - пишет картины на духовную тематику, создает энергетические мандалы на заказ, расписывает Божеств. На данный момент живет в Лондоне.
Evgeniya Turetskaya, 19 years in spiritual practice, has traveled half the world. She traveled a lot to the holy places of India. Initiated into the Vaishnava tradition. Worships Giriraja (self-manifested deity of Krishna). Studying holy scriptures. Manager by profession, with more than 20 years of remote work. She has always valued freedom. Artist - paints pictures on spiritual themes, creates energy mandalas to order, paints the Deities. Currently lives in London.
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7/13/2023 • 3 hours, 28 minutes, 51 seconds Оксана Зинченко: Механизмы социальной адаптации, страх отверженности, био псия аутентичности, демонстрация уязвимости. Оксана Зинченко, старший научный сотрудник Центра Нейроэкономики и Когнитивных Исследований Института Когнитивных Нейронаук НИУ ВШЭ, доцент департамента психологии, академический руководитель магистерской программы "Когнитивные науки и технологии: от нейрона к познанию". Кандидат психологических наук, предыдущее образование - специалитет МГУ им. М.В. Ломоносова, "Клиническая психология" (квалификация "Нейропсихология"). Клинический исследовательский опыт - более 2 лет на базе института нейрохирургии им. Бурденко. Исследовательский опыт на здоровых испытуемых - более 10 лет. Авторские права на РИД "МООК «Мозг и психика»" (онлайн-курс по когнитивной психологии). Состоит в исследовательской коллаборации с учеными из Высшей нормальной школы (Париж, Франция) и университета Цюриха (Швейцария). Многократный участник в качестве лектора различных научно-популярных и образовательных мероприятий/лекториев (Geek Picnic, Лекторий Level One, Синхронизация, Курилка Гутенберга и др.)
Oksana Zinchenko, Senior Research Fellow, Center for Neuroeconomics and Cognitive Research, Institute of Cognitive Neurosciences at National Research University Higher School of Economics. Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology, Academic Supervisor of the Master's Program "Cognitive Sciences and Technologies: From Neuron to Cognition". Candidate of Psychological Sciences, previous education - specialist at Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, "Clinical Psychology" (qualification "Neuropsychology"). Clinical research experience - more than 2 years on the basis of the Institute of Neurosurgery. Burdenko. Research experience on healthy subjects - more than 10 years. Copyright for RIA "MOOC "Brain and Psyche" (online course in cognitive psychology). Oksana involves in a research collaboration with scientists from the Higher Normal School (Paris, France) and the University of Zurich (Switzerland). She regularly participates as a lecturer at various popular science and educational events/lectures (Geek Picnic, Level One Lecture Hall, Synchronization, Gutenberg Smoking Room, etc.)
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7/12/2023 • 2 hours, 16 minutes, 47 seconds Игорь Уточкин: Зрительное восприятие, внимание, зрительная память, поиск н ужных воспоминаний. Игорь Уточкин - доктор психологических наук, научный сотрудник Института психики и биологии Чикагского университета. Область интересов: зрительное восприятие, внимание и память.
Igor Utochkin, Doctor of Science in psychology, Research scientist at the Institute for Mind and Biology, University of Chicago. Research area: visual perception, visual attention, and visual memory.
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7/11/2023 • 2 hours, 17 minutes, 39 seconds Владимир Петрунин: Политический исихазм, политическая теология православ ного христианства, приватизация веры. Владимир Петрунин - кандидат философских наук, доцент кафедры теологии, религиоведения и культурных аспектов национальной безопасности Орловского государственного университета имени И.С. Тургенева. В 1998 г. закончил исторический факультет Орловского государственного университета. В 1999-2002 гг. обучался в очной аспирантуре философского факультета МГУ имени М. В. Ломоносова. В 2002 г. защитил кандидатскую диссертацию на тему «Политический исихазм и его традиции в «Основах социальной концепции Русской Православной Церкви». Автор более 90 научных работ, опубликованных в России, Белоруссии, Болгарии, Польше, Сербии, Словакии и на Украине. Монография «Политический исихазм и его традиции в социальной доктрине Московского Патриархата» удостоена Благодарности и Памятной медали Комитета и Фонда по премиям памяти митрополита Московского и Коломенского Макария (Булгакова) (2009 г.). Сфера его научных интересов - политическая теология православного христианства.
Vladimir Petrunin, Ph.D. in Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Theology, Religious Studies and Cultural Aspects of National Security, Oryol State University named after I.S. Turgenev. In 1998 he graduated from the Faculty of History of the Oryol State University. In 1999-2002 studied at the full-time postgraduate course of the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov. In 2002 he defended his Ph.D. thesis on "Political hesychasm and its traditions in the Foundations of the Social Concept of the Russian Orthodox Church". Author of more than 90 scientific papers published in Russia, Belarus, Bulgaria, Poland, Serbia, Slovakia and Ukraine. The monograph "Political Hesychasm and Its Traditions in the Social Doctrine of the Moscow Patriarchate" was awarded the Commemorative Medal of the Committee and the Foundation for Prizes in Memory of Metropolitan Makariy (Bulgakov) of Moscow and Kolomna (2009). The scope of his scientific interests is the political theology of Orthodox Christianity.
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7/10/2023 • 2 hours, 41 minutes, 45 seconds Павел Воронин: Магия кино, кинопроизводство, внутренний критик, герои наше го времени, признание. Павел Воронин - Режиссер, сценарист, продюсер.
Pavel Voronin is a director, screenwriter, producer.
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7/9/2023 • 2 hours, 17 minutes, 3 seconds Алёна Перминова: Гардероб субличностей, ностальгия по забытым образам, телесные ощущения, sextech. Алена Перминова - sextech expert. Успешнно запустила приложение Senses в sexual wellbeing индустрии, в которой запрещено примерно всё. Прошла путь от поиска экспертов на сложные темы по всему миру до работающего на US рынке продукта. Алёна верит в силу профессионального комьюнити и взаимодействия с менторами, что особенно успешно удалось в Sextech school by Bryony Cole. Начинает свой день на коврике, потому что уверена, что выровненное тело, дыхание и сфокусированное внимание помогают жить жизнь такой, какая она есть: разной, наполненной, интересной, вкусной.
Alena Perminova is a sextech expert. Successfully launched the Senses app in a sexual wellbeing industry where just about everything is banned. She went from searching for experts on complex topics around the world to a product that works on the US market. Alena believes in the power of a professional community and interaction with mentors, which was especially successful at Sextech school by Bryony Cole. She starts her day on the mat, because she is sure that an aligned body, breathing and focused attention help to live life as it is: different, full, interesting, tasty.
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7/8/2023 • 3 hours, 10 minutes, 25 seconds Илья Смоленский: Молекулярная психиатрия, эксперименты на животных, депрессия, психогенетика, психоделики. Илья Смоленский - Кандидат биологических наук, нейробиолог, постдок Университета Базеля. Изучает молекулярные механизмы депрессии в моделях на мышах и крысах. Научные интересы: молекулярная психиатрия, половые различия в психических расстройствах, роль питания в развитии и лечении психических расстройств, связь депрессии и ожирения. Также ведет телеграм-канал "Молекулярная психиатрия" и подкаст о науке "Эффект наблюдателя".
Ilya Smolensky, PhD in Biology, neuroscientist, postdoctoral fellow at the University of Basel. Studies the molecular mechanisms of depression on mouse and rat models. Research interests: molecular psychiatry, gender differences in mental disorders, the role of nutrition in the development and treatment of mental disorders, the relationship between depression and obesity. He also hosts the Molecular Psychiatry Telegram channel and the Observer Effect podcast about science.
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7/6/2023 • 2 hours, 29 minutes, 37 seconds Татьяна Крестьянинова: Секуляризация эзотерики, поиск ответов, адекватнос ть и баланс, проактивная добродетель. Татьяна Крестьянинова — руководитель отдела развития бизнеса и продаж Alfa API, Alfa ID, Alfa Pay. Победитель Forbes 30 Under 30 в категории «Финансы» в 2023 году. Исследователь жизни и вдохновитель.
Tatiana Krestianinova is the Head of Business Development and Sales Alfa API, Alfa ID, Alfa Pay. Winner of Forbes 30 Under 30 in the Finance category in 2023. Life researcher and inspirer.
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7/5/2023 • 2 hours, 26 minutes, 17 seconds Борис Марков: Наука и общество, ползучий эмпиризм, моно-технологическая культура, консерватизм. Борис Марков – доцент Южно-Уральского государственного университета.
Boris Markov is an associate professor at South Ural state University.
================================SUPPORT & CONNECT:Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/denofrichTwitter: https://twitter.com/denofrichFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/mark.develman/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/denofrichInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/den_of_rich/Hashtag: #denofrich© Copyright 2023 Den of Rich. All rights reserved.
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7/3/2023 • 2 hours, 2 minutes, 53 seconds Руслан Шарон: Возвращение к истокам психологической травмы через гипнотически индуцированные автобиографические воспоминания. Руслан Шарон - Гипнолог, психолог, духовный консультант, создатель трансформационных проектов, исследователь.
Ruslan Sharon is a hypnologist, psychologist, spiritual consultant, creator of transformational projects, and researcher.
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7/2/2023 • 3 hours, 14 minutes, 18 seconds Евгений Блинов: Климатический негационизм, антропоцен, прометеизм, мгновенный ревизионизм, производство фактов Евгений Блинов, родился в 1979-м году в городе-герое Москва, СССР. Русский, беспартийный. Философ, эссеист, переводчик, синефил. Кандидат филосовских наук, (Университет Тулузы 2, Франция). Профессор кафедры истории Тюменского Государственного Университета. Специалист по современной французской философии, экологической политике, политике языка, философии войны, сравнительной антропологии. Автор более 40 научных статей и монографии "Пером и штыком. Введение в революционную политику языка". Москва, Издательство ВШЭ, 2022. Женат, постоянно проживает в городе Токио, Япония.
Evgeny Blinov was born in 1979 in the Hero City of Moscow, USSR. Russian, non-partisan. Philosopher, essayist, translator, cinephile. PhD in Philosophy, (University of Toulouse 2, France). Professor of the Department of History of the Tyumen State University. Specialist in contemporary French philosophy, environmental politics, politics of language, philosophy of war, comparative anthropology. Author of more than 40 scientific articles and the monograph "Pen and bayonet. An introduction to the revolutionary politics of language." Moscow, HSE Publishing House, 2022. Married, permanently residing in Tokyo, Japan.
================================SUPPORT & CONNECT:Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/denofrichTwitter: https://twitter.com/denofrichFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/mark.develman/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/denofrichInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/den_of_rich/Hashtag: #denofrich© Copyright 2023 Den of Rich. All rights reserved.
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7/1/2023 • 2 hours, 46 minutes, 44 seconds Артем Кодолов: Партнерство и дружба, HR Tech, исследование и оценка soft skills, чувство юмора и троллинг Артем Кодолов - Серийный Предприниматель, прошедший путь от авиатехника до владельца собственных бизнесов. 33 года, женат 8 лет. Любит заниматься спортом (футбол, баскетбол, большой теннис). Занимается вокалом, весьма неплох в юморе, пародиях и импровизации).
Artem Kodolov is a Serial Entrepreneur who has gone from an aircraft technician to the owner of his own businesses. 33 years old, married 8 years. He likes to play sports (football, basketball, tennis). Engaged in vocals, very good at humor, parodies and improvisation).
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6/29/2023 • 2 hours, 32 minutes, 3 seconds Семен Черноножкин: Слова бессмысленны, нас нет и мы медленно тлеем в беседе ни о чем в поиске чего то. Семен Черноножкин - Философ, учитель, предприниматель. Автор и ведущий групп чтения и изучения величайших философских трудов #10страницвдень. Участник интеллектуального кинотеатра «Жираф». Корпоративный тренер по управлению, влиянию и продажам. Ex-владелец проекта Мозгобойня/Mozgo.
Semyon Chernonozhkin is a philosopher, teacher, entrepreneur. Author and leader of reading and studying groups of the greatest philosophical works #10pagesaday. Member of the intellectual cinema "Giraffe". Corporate trainer for management, influence and sales. Ex-owner of the Mozgoboynya / Mozgo project.
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6/27/2023 • 2 hours, 3 minutes, 30 seconds Алиса Линн: Игра длиною в жизнь, виртуальные копии усиленные языковыми моделями и AI, технологическая сингулярность. Алиса Линн — основатель, генеральный директор, ангел-инвестор, предприниматель и муза. За ее плечами 20 лет успеха в игровой индустрии. Опыт создания компаний в области игровых технологий с объемом продаж более 150 миллионов долларов в год по всему миру. Управляла технологическими компаниями для достижения прибыльного роста, сбора средств от институциональных инвесторов, масштабирования до 800+ сотрудников и запуска на рынок более 70 игр. Последние 8 лет она провела в сфере ИИ. Два удачных выхода. Ключевые области экспертизы: развитие бизнеса, стратегия, структуры, управление персоналом, сбор средств, корпоративная культура, разработка продуктов, маркетинг, построение сообщества, операционная деятельность, слияния и поглощения. Получила награду Ernst & Young "Предприниматель года 2012" в категории "Быстрорастущий бизнес". Forbes "Менеджер года 2012". Входит в топ-30 женщин, изменивших ИТ-индустрию по версии TechCrunch. Геймер и мать троих детей.
Alisa Lynn is the Founder, CEO, Angel investor, Entrepreneur, and Muse. She has 20 years of success in the gaming industry. Track record of building game tech businesses with $150mln+/year sales globally. Managed tech companies to reach profitable growth, fundraise from institutional investors, scale to 800+ employees, and launched 70+ games on the market. Last 8 years she spent in the AI space. Two successful exits. Key areas of expertise: business development, strategy, structures, people management, fundraising, company's culture, product development, marketing, community building, operations, M&A. Received Ernst & Young “Entrepreneur of the Year 2012” award in the High‐Growth Business category. Forbes “Manager of the Year 2012". In a top 30 women who changed the IT industry by TechCrunch. Gamer and mother of three kids.
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6/26/2023 • 2 hours, 10 seconds Юлия Левартовская: Расширение личных границ, кризис смыслов, поиск удовольствий, социальные роли, заморочки. Юлия Левартовская - Бизнес-психолог, предприниматель с 2009 года, собственник фитнес-клуба в Казахстане apriori.sport. Автор книги-бестселлера "Выбирая себя". Исследователь концепции "Жизнь в 120+ лет", знает, как в 45 выглядеть и чувствовать себя на десятки лет моложе. Создатель системы мировоззрения, максимально раскрывающий потенциал человека, бизнесов. Ведёт образ жизни, основанный на ценностях отношений в семье, бизнесе, дружбе, балансе материального и духовного, здоровья.
Yuliya Levartovskaya - Business psychologist, entrepreneur since 2009, owner of apriori.sport fitness club in Kazakhstan. Author of the bestselling book Choosing Yourself. Researcher of the "Life at 120+" concept, knows how to look and feel decades younger at 45. Creator of a worldview system that maximizes the potential of a person and businesses. Leads a lifestyle based on the values of relationships in the family, business, friendship, balance of material and spiritual, health.
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6/25/2023 • 2 hours, 20 minutes, 16 seconds Александр Цапенко: Язык скрытого гипноза, трансовые состояния, внушение, к онтр-перенос, НЛП, супервизия. Александр Цапенко - Руководитель центра психологической безопасности, основатель онлайн-школы для повышения квалификации психологов и психотерапевтов "Метод Цапенко", ученый-исследователь, автор книг, научных статей и запатентованных методов психокоррекции расстройств пищевого поведения и психотравм.
Alexander Tsapenko is the Head of the Center for Psychological Safety, founder of the online school for advanced training of psychologists and psychotherapists "Method Tsapenko", research scientist, author of books, scientific articles and patented methods for psychocorrection of eating disorders and psychotrauma.
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6/24/2023 • 2 hours, 43 minutes, 48 seconds Владислав Вязовский: Сон как дефолтное состояние сознания, гибернация, циркадный ритм, гомеостаз. Владислав Вязовский окончил Харьковский национальный университет, Украина, в 1997 году, а в 2004 году получил степень доктора философии в Цюрихском университете. После постдокторской и преподавательской работы в Университете Висконсин-Мэдисон и Университете Суррея он присоединился к кафедре физиологии, анатомии и генетики Оксфордского университета в 2013 году в качестве старшего научного сотрудника, а затем стал адъюнкт-профессором неврологии в 2015 году и профессором нейробиологии. Физиология сна в 2021 году. С 2020 года он является научным сотрудником по медицине в Хертфордском колледже и является членом Института сна и циркадной неврологии сэра Жюля Торна (SCNi). Он вице-президент Европейского общества исследования сна, спикер TEDx и автор книги «Сон под микроскопом».
Vladyslav Vyazovskiy graduated from Kharkiv National University, Ukraine, in 1997, and in 2004 he received his PhD degree at the University of Zurich. Following postdoctoral and lectureship positions at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and Surrey University, he joined the Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics at the University of Oxford in 2013 as a Senior Research Fellow, before becoming Associate Professor of Neuroscience in 2015 and Professor of Sleep Physiology in 2021. Since 2020, he is a Tutorial Fellow in Medicine at Hertford College, and is a member of Sir Jules Thorn Sleep and Circadian Neuroscience Institute (SCNi). He is vice president of the European Sleep research Society, TEDx speaker and author of the book "Sleep under the microscope".
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6/23/2023 • 2 hours, 22 minutes, 7 seconds Анатолий Лебеденко: Живая этика о внутренней природе человека, Русский кос мизм, Рерих, учителя человечества. Анатолий Лебеденко родился в 1961, село Малые Лисовцы, Сквирского района, Киевской области. Морской офицер, педагог, философ, публицист, пенсионер.
Anatoly Lebedenko was born in 1961, the village of Maly Lisovtsy, Skvirsky district, Kyiv region. Naval officer, teacher, philosopher, publicist, pensioner.
================================SUPPORT & CONNECT:Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/denofrichTwitter: https://twitter.com/denofrichFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/mark.develman/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/denofrichInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/den_of_rich/Hashtag: #denofrich© Copyright 2023 Den of Rich. All rights reserved.
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6/22/2023 • 2 hours, 29 minutes, 18 seconds Ярослав Мудрый: Пассионарная добродетель, совесть, страх, неопределенность, выход из зоны комфорта. Ярослав Мудрый — опытный профессионал (9+ лет) в комплексном цифровом маркетинге, стратегии и развитии клиентов. Участовал в дью-дилидженсе более 13 стартапов в качестве директора по маркетингу и акционера в студии маркетингового аудита, основанной Игорем Калошиным (бывшим генеральным директором Intel Software Russia) Checkup.biz. Выход в декабре 2021, сделка M&A. Приобретен AngelsDeck. Руководитель отдела продуктового маркетинга в AngelsDeck Global Ventures (50+ млн инвестиций за 2 года от членов клуба). Соучредитель и директор по маркетингу в платформе для привлечения респондентов для проведения пользовательских опросов IN2VIEW.io — #1 в списке "21 сервис для эффективного исследования клиентов по версии RB.ru" в категории "Сервисы для поиска и опроса респондентов". Преподаватель и спикер SkyPro x Qmarketing Academy Эксперт Tochka Experts. Родился в Москве, вырос в США. За свою жизнь переезжал более 30 раз, последние полтора года жил в Баку, Стамбуле и Фетхие. Любит футбол и сквош.
Yaroslav Mudry is an experienced professional (9+ years) in complex digital marketing, strategy, and customer development. 13+ startup due dills as a CMO and shareholder in the marketing due diligence studio founded by Igor Kaloshin (former CEO of Intel Software Russia) Checkup.biz. Exit in December 2021, M&A deal. Acquired by AngelsDeck. Head of Product Marketing at AngelsDeck Global Ventures (50+ mln investments in 2 years from club members). Co-founder and CMO in the platform for attracting respondents for user research interviews IN2VIEW.io — number 1 in the list of "21 services for effective customer research according to RB.ru" in the category "Services for searching and interviewing respondents”. Lecturer, and speaker at SkyPro x Qmarketing Academy. Expert in Tochka Experts. Born in Moscow, raised in the US. Moved more than 30 times in my life. In the last year and a half I have lived in Baku, Istanbul and Fethiye. I like soccer, squash.
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6/21/2023 • 2 hours, 5 minutes, 39 seconds Полина Петрухина: Акторно-сетевая теория, логический позитивизм и его крит ика, философский снобизм. Полина Петрухина, аспирант (аспирантка) Московского государственного университета им. М.В. Ломоносова, философский факультет. Приглашенный студент-исследователь Калифорнийского университета в Сан-Диего, факультет философии/программа научных исследований. Работала учителем общественных наук средней школы, ассистентом преподавателя Московского государственного университета им. М.В. Ломоносова, философский факультет. Научные интересы: эмпирическая философия науки и исследования науки и техники, акторно-сетевая теория, экспертное знание, любительская наука и история астрономии.
Polina Petruhina, PhD student (aspirantka) at Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Philosophy. Visiting student researcher at University of California, San Diego, Department of Philosophy/Science Studies Program. Worked as a high school teacher of social sciences and teaching assistant at Lomonosov Moscow State University, Department of Philosophy. Research interests: empirical philosophy of science and Science and Technology Studies, actor-network theory, expert knowledge, amateur science and history of astronomy.
================================SUPPORT & CONNECT:Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/denofrichTwitter: https://twitter.com/denofrichFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/mark.develman/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/denofrichInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/den_of_rich/Hashtag: #denofrich© Copyright 2023 Den of Rich. All rights reserved.
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6/20/2023 • 2 hours, 36 minutes, 34 seconds Юрий Ветютнев: Ценностно-рациональное поведение, сократический диалог, св обода, риторика, априорные установки. Юрий Ветютнев - Кандидат юридических наук, автор более 250 научных работ, в том числе книг "Государственно-правовые закономерности", "Аксиология правовой формы". Специалист по философии и методологии права. Организатор научно-просветительского общества "Интеллектуальные среды" (Волгоград-Москва) и неформальных образовательных практик, основанных на методе сократического диалога. Соавтор подкаста "Философия в большом городе". Хобби - детективная литература, театр.
Yury Vetyutnev, PhD in Law, author of more than 250 scientific papers, including the books "State-legal patterns", "Axiology of the legal form". Specialist in philosophy and methodology of law. Organizer of the scientific and educational society "Intellectual Environments" (Volgograd-Moscow) and non-formal educational practices based on the method of Socratic dialogue. Co-author of the Philosophy in the City podcast. Hobbies - detective literature, theater.
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6/19/2023 • 2 hours, 34 minutes, 29 seconds Юлия Апполонова: Философский пафос, онтологическая максима, метафизика лю бви, семиотика, экзистенция. Юлия Апполонова - кандидат философских наук, доцент кафедры философии Тюменского государственного университета, руководитель программы бакалавриата "Медиакоммуникации". Родилась в Барнауле. Там же в "Алтайском государственном университете" окончила специалитет, а затем магистратуру и аспирантуру по философии. 10 лет работала на региональных и федеральных телеканалах продюсером и редактором тематических программ (спорт, культура, наука и образование).
Yuliya Appolonova, Ph.D. in Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy, Tyumen State University, Head of the Bachelor's Program "Media Communications". Born in Barnaul. In the same place at the Altai State University, she graduated with the specialty, and then the master's and postgraduate studies in philosophy. For 10 years she worked on regional and federal TV channels as a producer and editor of thematic programs (sports, culture, science, and education).
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6/18/2023 • 3 hours, 39 minutes Оксана Гурина: Ксенофобия, инаковость, групповой фаворитизм, преступления ненависти, гнев, экстремизм. Оксана Гурина - Родилась в Москве. Закончила Московский государственный психолого-педагогический университет (МГППУ), факультет юридической психологии в 2010 году. Работала в лаборатории психологической экспертизы в РФЦСЭ (Российский федеральный центр судебных экспертиз) при Минюсте России. В 2011 году несколько месяцев стажировалась на факультете психологии в Гётеборгском университете, Швеция. В 2020 году защитила кандидатскую диссертацию на тему "Ксенофобские установки и личностные особенности у подростков с противоправным поведением". В настоящее время работает в должности доцента на кафедре Юридической психологии и права МГППУ. Среди научных интересов: судебная психологическая экспертиза, противоправное поведение подростков, агрессия и насилие как психологический феномен, в том числе в сети Интернет, психологическое воздействие в праве.
Oxana Gurina was born in Moscow. Graduated from the Moscow State Psychological and Pedagogical University (MGPPU), Faculty of Legal Psychology in 2010. She worked in the laboratory of psychological expertise at the Russian Federal Center for Forensic Expertise (RFTSSE) under the Ministry of Justice of Russia. In 2011, she trained for several months at the Faculty of Psychology at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. In 2020 she defended her Ph.D. thesis on the topic "Xenophobic Attitudes and Personality Traits in Adolescents with Illegal Behavior". Currently, she works as an associate professor at the Department of Legal Psychology and Law of the Moscow State University of Psychology and Education. Among her scientific interests: are forensic psychological examination, unlawful behavior of adolescents, aggression and violence as a psychological phenomenon, including on the Internet, and psychological impact in law.
================================SUPPORT & CONNECT:Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/denofrichTwitter: https://twitter.com/denofrichFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/mark.develman/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/denofrichInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/den_of_rich/Hashtag: #denofrich© Copyright 2023 Den of Rich. All rights reserved.
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6/16/2023 • 2 hours, 26 minutes, 45 seconds Арсений Белорусец: Альфа-позиция, видение лидерства через призму каюра, ко ординаты своего места в жизни. Арсений Белорусец - Психолог, исследователь, предприниматель. Основатель трансдисциплинарного сообщества "Одушевленный ландшафт", исследующего отношения человека и места. Частнопрактикующий психолог, ландшафтный аналитик - ведущий групп личностного роста в формате психотерапевтических путешествий. Сооснователь HR-tech стартапа , помогающего командам встраивать формировать общее понимание ситуации для принятия лучших решений. Приглашенный преподаватель НИУ ВШЭ. Каюр (гонщик на собачьей упряжке), главный судья международной гонки "Волга Квест".
Arseniy Belorusets is a psychologist, researcher, entrepreneur. Founder of the transdisciplinary community "Animated Landscape", which explores the relationship between man and place. Private practice psychologist, landscape analyst - leader of personal growth groups in the format of psychotherapeutic travels. Co-founder of an HR-tech startup that helps teams build a common understanding of the situation to make better decisions. Guest Lecturer at the National Research University Higher School of Economics. Musher (dog sled racer), chief judge of the Volga Quest international race.
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6/15/2023 • 2 hours, 16 minutes, 2 seconds Полина Курач: Язык провокаций, эмоциональный серфинг, коммуникативный талант, жизнь в образе, прощупывание границ. Полина Курач - сооснователь PR сервиса ПРОЩЕ. Консультант российских и международных проектов по стратегическим консультациям. Работала с: Whirlpool, Алроса, Камаз, Jumeirah, Qiwi, Checkme, Mirai.flights и другими крупными игроками рынка. Также работала на Олимпийских Играх в Сочи и Рио-де-Жанейро, EXPO в Астане, AIMAG в Ашхабаде, Неделе Моды в Нью Йорке.
Polina Kurach is a co-founder of the PROSHE PR service, strategic communications consultant. Clients include: Whirlpool, Alrosa, Kamaz, Jumeirah, Qiwi, Checkme, Mirai.flights and other major market players. Also worked at the Olympic Games in Sochi and Rio de Janeiro, EXPO in Astana, AIMAG in Ashgabat, New York Fashion Week.
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6/14/2023 • 3 hours, 26 minutes, 42 seconds Дарья Карачевцева: Секс и SexTech, эротические фантазии, флирт, дейтинг, мастурбация, ангедония. Дарья Карачевцева — Creative & SexTech предприниматель, что означает, что она использует искусство созидания, чтобы изменить мир. Сейчас она работает над 4 основными проектами: Utopia App — эротическая медитация для женщин, Sparkle — образовательная платформа по обучению софт и творческим навыкам для женщин, Book on Discipline и консультации по маркетингу.
Daria Karachevtseva is a Creative & SexTech entrepreneur, which means she uses the art of creation to change the world. There are 4 main projects she works on now: Utopia App - erotic meditation for women, Sparkle - an educational platform on soft & creative skills for women, Book on Discipline, and marketing consultancy.
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================================SUPPORT & CONNECT:Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/denofrichTwitter: https://twitter.com/denofrichFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/mark.develman/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/denofrichInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/den_of_rich/Hashtag: #denofrich© Copyright 2023 Den of Rich. All rights reserved.
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6/13/2023 • 2 hours, 35 minutes, 10 seconds Ангелина Алиева: Отношения мужчины и женщины, уверенность в себе, самореал изация, принятие себя. Ангелина Алиева - женский психолог, нейро-коуч, сексолог, НЛП-практик, психоаналитик, расстановщик. Помогает женщинам создать баланс, когда в растут деньги и гармонизируются отношения. Эксперт быстрых трансформаций. Автор курса для женщин "Любовь. Инструкция к применению". 600+ кейсов любимых, успешных, реализованных женщин. Приглашенный спикер офлайн мероприятий. Предприниматель с 19 лет, за 2 года масштабировала бизнес в 10 раз. Счастливая жена и мама двоих детей.
Angelina Alieva is a women's psychologist, neuro-coach, sexologist, NLP practitioner, psychoanalyst, and constellator. Helps women create balance as money grows and relationships harmonize. Fast transformation expert. Author of the course for women "Love. Instructions for use". 600+ cases of beloved, successful, realized women. Invited speaker for offline events. An entrepreneur since the age of 19, scaled the business 10 times in 2 years. Happy wife and mother of two children.
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================================SUPPORT & CONNECT:Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/denofrichTwitter: https://twitter.com/denofrichFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/mark.develman/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/denofrichInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/den_of_rich/Hashtag: #denofrich© Copyright 2023 Den of Rich. All rights reserved.
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6/12/2023 • 2 hours, 31 minutes, 56 seconds Михаил Жульков: Сознание как интерфейс подключения к ноосфере, универсаль ный язык познания, обманчивая очевидность. Михаил Жульков преподает гуманитарные предметы (философию, логику, философию науки) в университете. Живет и работает в городе Иваново.
Mikhail Zhulkov teaches humanitarian subjects (philosophy, logic, philosophy of science) at the university. Lives and works in the city of Ivanovo.
================================SUPPORT & CONNECT:Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/denofrichTwitter: https://twitter.com/denofrichFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/mark.develman/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/denofrichInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/den_of_rich/Hashtag: #denofrich© Copyright 2023 Den of Rich. All rights reserved.
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6/11/2023 • 2 hours, 48 minutes, 16 seconds Петр Смирнов: Необходимость корректировки ценностных основ государственной идеологии РФ, цивилизационные соблазны. Петр Смирнов - советский/российский социолог, доктор философских наук (1995 г.), профессор (2000 г.), профессор кафедры теории и истории социологии ФБГОУ "Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет" до 2018 г, член Международной Социологической Ассоциации (ISA), член Российского общества социологов и других социологических ассоциаций, член Российского философского общества, Почетный работник высшего профессионального образования РФ, участник 4-х Всемирных Социологических Конгрессов (1998, 2002, 2010, 2014). В настоящее время на пенсии - свободный исследователь и блоггер - соавтор YouTube канала "Социологические Беседы". Основные итоги научной работы П.И. Смирнова изложены в двух монографиях: "Постижение России. Взгляд социолога. СПб,: Алетейя. 2020" и "Введение в теоретическую социологию. Проблемы познания общества. СПб.: Алетейя. 2021". Купить книгу
Petr Smirnov is a Soviet / Russian sociologist, Doctor of Philosophy (1995), Professor (2000), Professor of the Department of Theory and History of Sociology, St. Petersburg State University until 2018, member of the International Sociological Association (ISA), member of the Russian Society of Sociologists and other sociological associations, member of the Russian Philosophical Society, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation, participant in the 4th World Sociological Congresses (1998, 2002, 2010, 2014). Currently retired - a freelance researcher and blogger - co-author of the YouTube channel "Sociological Conversations".
================================SUPPORT & CONNECT:Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/denofrichTwitter: https://twitter.com/denofrichFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/mark.develman/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/denofrichInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/den_of_rich/Hashtag: #denofrich© Copyright 2023 Den of Rich. All rights reserved.
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6/10/2023 • 1 hour, 58 minutes, 5 seconds Дмитрий Михалевский: Фрактальная многомерность бытия, сдвиг парадигмы мышления, многомерная онтопсихология. Дмитрий Михалевский - российский писатель, философ, инженер-радиофизик, художник по свету. Он увидел греческую древность сквозь театр – и как театр. И задался множеством, казалось бы, чисто театральных вопросов... В итоге, анализируя исследования Раушенбаха, он приходит к выводу: именно "внутреннее пространство» обладает приоритетом перед пространством внешним, и человек «способен воспринимать внешний мир, существующий объективно, в той степени и в том качестве, в каком развит его внутренний мир".
Dmitri Mikhalevski is a Russian writer, philosopher, radiophysicist, lighting designer. He saw Greek antiquity through the theatre, and as a theatre. And he asked a lot of seemingly purely theatrical questions ... As a result, analyzing Rauschenbach's research, he comes to the conclusion: it is the "inner space" that has priority over the outer space, and a person "is able to perceive the external world that exists objectively, to the extent and in the quality in which his inner world is developed.
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6/9/2023 • 2 hours, 37 minutes, 33 seconds Владимир Жмур: Катастрофические придонные течения океана, термогидромеханика, Эль-Ниньо, волны-убийцы Владимир Жмур, доктор физико-математических наук, профессор, член-корреспондент РАН по Отделению наук о Земле, специалист в области физики моря, автор более 170 научных работ, монографии и 10 авторских свидетельств и патентов. Заведующий кафедрой термогидромеханики океана МФТИ, заведующий лабораторией морских течений Института океанологии им. П. П. Ширшова. Действующий преподаватель МФТИ, читает несколько годовых курсов лекций. Им построена математическая терия вихрей океана, рассмотрены вопросы выживания вихрей в течениях, их слияния и вытягивания в вихревые нити, разработаны модели плотностных потоков, движущихся вниз по склону морского дна и построены модели катастрофически сильных течений, выявлены условия эффективного создания вторичных электромагнитных полей в океане и описаны их свойства. Под его руководством защищено 11 кандидатских диссертаций. Владимир член Ученых советов ИО РАН и МФТИ.
Vladimir Zhmur is a Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the Department of Earth Sciences, a specialist in the field of marine physics, and author of more than 170 scientific papers, monographs, and 10 copyright certificates and patents. Head of the Department of Ocean Thermohydromechanics, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Head of the Laboratory of Sea Currents, Institute of Oceanology named after A. P. P. Shirshova. He is a lecturer at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology and reads several annual courses. He constructed a mathematical theory of ocean eddies, considered the issues of survival of eddies in currents, their merging and stretching into eddy filaments, developed models of density flows moving down the slope of the seabed, and built models of catastrophically strong currents, identified conditions for the effective creation of secondary electromagnetic fields in the ocean and their properties are described. Under his leadership, 11 Ph.D. theses were defended. Vladimir is a member of the Academic Councils of the IO RAS and the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.
================================SUPPORT & CONNECT:Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/denofrichTwitter: https://twitter.com/denofrichFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/mark.develman/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/denofrichInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/den_of_rich/Hashtag: #denofrich© Copyright 2023 Den of Rich. All rights reserved.
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6/8/2023 • 2 hours, 3 minutes, 45 seconds Андрей Беловешкин: Борьба с дофаминовой зависимостью, ЗОЖ, событийная насыщенность жизни, ментальное здоровье. Андрей Беловешкин, врач, кандидат медицинских наук, автор книг "Что и когда есть", "Воля к жизни", ведет блог beloveshkin.com
Andrew Belаveshkin, doctor, PhD in medical sciences, author of the books "What and When to Eat", "The Will to Live".
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6/7/2023 • 2 hours, 23 minutes, 59 seconds Татьяна Мельничук: Отношение к сложностям, адекватность, социальные роли, дружба, созависимость, чувство близости. Татьяна Мельничук — генеральный директор международного IT-рекрутингового агентства Lucky Hunter. Она является единственным учредителем и основала компанию без каких-либо внешних инвестиций. Бизнес стал прибыльным уже в первый месяц работы. В 2022 году Татьяна открыла четыре офиса в Ереване, Астане, Лондоне и Дубае, переехала в Лондон и вывела компанию на международный уровень, заключив контракты с 18 клиентами из Великобритании и ОАЭ. Она также увеличила команду с 18 до 30 сотрудников. Татьяна выступает на различных международных конференциях, в том числе на мероприятиях TEDx. Кроме того, она является членом Forbes Councils и номинантом международной премии в области ИТ-рекрутинга (Recruiter Awards).
Tatiana Melnichuk is the CEO of an international IT recruitment agency Lucky Hunter. She is the sole founder and started the company without any external investments. The business became profitable within its first month of operation. In 2022, Tatiana opened four offices in Yerevan, Astana, London, and Dubai, relocated to London and took the company to an international level, securing contracts with 18 clients from the UK and UAE. She also grew the team from 18 to 30 employers. Tatiana is a speaker at various international conferences, including TEDx events. Additionally, she is a member of the Forbes Councils and a nominee for an international award in the field of IT recruiting (the Recruiter Awards).
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6/6/2023 • 2 hours, 21 minutes, 42 seconds Андрей Майданский: Идея самопожертвования человечества в "Космологии духа", ответ на вопрос о смысле жизни. Андрей Майданский, профессор Белгородского национального исследовательского университета. Родился в 1966 году, окончил философский факультет Ростовского университета, аспирантуру МГУ, в 2000-м году защитил докторскую диссертацию в Институте философии РАН. Области научных интересов: философия Спинозы, Маркса, русский марксизм, теория экономических формаций, культурно-историческая психология.
Andrey Maidansky is a professor at the Belgorod National Research University. Born in 1966, graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy of Rostov University, postgraduate studies at the Lomonosov Moscow State University, in 2000 he defended his doctoral dissertation at the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Research interests: philosophy of Spinoza, Marx, Russian Marxism, theory of economic formations, cultural-historical psychology.
================================SUPPORT & CONNECT:Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/denofrichTwitter: https://twitter.com/denofrichFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/mark.develman/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/denofrichInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/den_of_rich/Hashtag: #denofrich© Copyright 2023 Den of Rich. All rights reserved.
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6/5/2023 • 2 hours, 24 minutes, 18 seconds Владимир Рыбин: Жизнь, смерть, бессмертие, эвтаназия, акторы борьбы живого и не живого. Владимир Рыбин - специалист в области философии медицины и философской антропологии. По первому образованию врач, имеющий 20 лет практики в лечебной медицине по специальности анестезиология-реаниматология. Научную деятельность начал с исследования мышления посредством физиологических методов, но впоследствии для более глубокого изучения этой проблемы обратился к опыту философии и гуманитарного знания. Получил научную степень кандидата философских наук. В 2006 году защитил первую в России докторскую диссертацию по философии, посвященную проблеме эвтаназии. После этого до конца 2022 года работал в Челябинском государственном университете как профессор кафедры философии. За этот период опубликовал ряд книг по фундаментальным разделам медицины, образования и теории культуры. С января 2023 – в статусе независимого исследователя, занимается проблемой постижения сущности жизни и достижения бессмертия человека.
Vladimir Rybin is a specialist in the field of philosophy of medicine and philosophical anthropology. By first education, a doctor with 20 years of practice in medical medicine, specializing in anesthesiology-resuscitation. He began his scientific activity with the study of thinking through physiological methods, but later, for a deeper study of this problem, he turned to the experience of philosophy and humanitarian knowledge. He received the degree of candidate of philosophical sciences. In 2006 he defended the first doctoral dissertation in philosophy in Russia devoted to the problem of euthanasia. After that, until the end of 2022, he worked at Chelyabinsk State University as a professor at the Department of Philosophy. During this period, he published a number of books on fundamental sections of medicine, education and cultural theory. Since January 2023 - in the status of an independent researcher, he has been dealing with the problem of comprehending the essence of life and achieving human immortality.
================================SUPPORT & CONNECT:Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/denofrichTwitter: https://twitter.com/denofrichFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/mark.develman/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/denofrichInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/den_of_rich/Hashtag: #denofrich© Copyright 2023 Den of Rich. All rights reserved.
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6/4/2023 • 2 hours, 15 minutes, 57 seconds Ренат Янбеков: Медийность, субличности, хрупкие моменты, управление вниман ием, самопознание. Ренат Янбеков - CEO NÉRPA agency (26-место в РФ по узнаваемости среди SMM-агентств), эксперт и спикер по SMM и видеопродакшну, автор книги "TikTok без танцев" (Альпина Паблишер, 2022).
Renat Yanbekov is a CEO of NÉRPA agency (26th place in the Russian Federation in terms of recognition among SMM agencies), expert and speaker on SMM and video production, author of the book "TikTok without dancing" (Alpina Publisher, 2022).
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6/3/2023 • 2 hours, 7 minutes, 5 seconds Александр Банщиков: Когнитивное бессознательное, ложные воспоминания, риги дность мышления, порог восприятия. Александр Банщиков - когнитивный психолог, преподаватель. Аспирант факультета психологии Санкт-Петербургского Университета. Ассистент кафедры общей и консультативной психологии Санкт-Петербургского Государственного Института Психологии и Социальной работы. Научные интересы: когнитивная психология, история психологии, методология психологии.
Alexandr Banshchikov is a cognitive psychologist, lecturer. Postgraduate student of the Faculty of Psychology, St. Petersburg University. Assistant of the Department of General and Counseling Psychology, St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work. Research interests: cognitive psychology, history of psychology, methodology of psychology.
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6/2/2023 • 2 hours, 21 minutes, 30 seconds Иван Иванчей: Связь между эмоциями и познанием, имплицитное научение, эмоциональная гранулярность, проживание эмоций. Иван Иванчей - Кандидат психологических наук, научный сотрудник Свободного университета Брюсселя (Université Libre de Bruxelles). Занимается исследованием роли эмоций в познавательной деятельности человека. Закончил Факультет психологии СПбГУ в 2012 году. В 2016 защитил там же кандидатскую диссертацию. Выступал на научно-популярных мероприятиях (Geek Picnic, Science Slam, Зануда, Курилка Гутенберга и др.). Лектор Постнауки. Автор научно-популярных статей (Постнаука, Нож). Преподавал статистику и анализ данных на просветительских мероприятиях (Летняя школа) и в онлайн-курсах ("Основы статистики" и "Анализ данных в R" на Stepik). Автор телеграм-канала "Черномырдин нашей психологии" и подкаста "Объяснять и предсказывать".
Ivan Ivanchey, PhD in Psychology, researcher at the Free University of Brussels (Université Libre de Bruxelles). He studies the role of emotions in human cognitive activity. Graduated from the Faculty of Psychology of St. Petersburg State University in 2012. In 2016 he defended his Ph.D. thesis there. He spoke at popular science events (Geek Picnic, Science Slam, Zanuda, Gutenberg Smoking Room, etc.). Post-science lecturer. Author of popular science articles (Postnauka, Nozh). He taught statistics and data analysis at educational events (Summer School) and online courses ("Basics of Statistics" and "Data Analysis in R" on Stepik). Author of the telegram channel "Chernomyrdin of Our Psychology" and the podcast "Explain and Predict".
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6/1/2023 • 1 hour, 58 minutes, 43 seconds Михаил Бреслер: Онтология сетевого бытия, когнитариат, нетократия, Поколение Z, ментальный грэпплинг. Михаил Бреслер - Доцент философии. Преподает в Уфимском государственном нефтяном техническом университете (УГНТУ). Изучает поколение Z и новое цифровое общество в целом. Работает над онтологией сети.
Mikhail Bresler is an associate Professor of Philosophy. He teaches at the Ufa State Petroleum Technological University (USPTU). He studies Generation Z and the new digital society in general. Works on network ontology.
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5/31/2023 • 2 hours, 45 minutes, 34 seconds Игорь Ситников: Глокализация, язык, традиции и культурный код, экзотика, эн ергетическая перезарядка, ценностная развесовка. Игорь Ситников - Член Союза российских писателей. Член Союза художников России. Родился в Рязани (Россия) в 1961 году. В 2002 году окончил Московский государственный университет культуры и искусств по специальности «Менеджмент в социальной сфере» и прошел профессиональную переподготовку по программе «Экономика некоммерческих организаций». В 2003-2015 годах жил в Тайбэе, где в течение двух лет изучал китайский язык, а затем в 2009 году окончил международную магистерскую программу тайваневедения в Национальном университете Ченчи. В настоящее время является докторантом Международной программы азиатско-тихоокеанских исследований в Национальном университете Ченчи (Тайбэй, Тайвань). Начиная с тайваньоведения, исследовательские интересы сосредоточены в области культурной антропологии и ее подотраслей — антропологии религии, фольклора и мифологии на обширном географическом пространстве Евразии и Азиатско-Тихоокеанского региона.
Igor Sitnikov is a member of the Union of Russian Writers and member of the Union of Artists of Russia. He was as born in Ryazan (Russia) in 1961. In 2002 graduated from the Moscow State University of Culture and Arts on specialty "Management in Social Sphere" and passed the professional retraining in the program "Noncommercial Organizations Economics." In 2003-2015 lived in Taipei, where during two years studied Mandarin and then in 2009 graduated from the International Master’s Program in Taiwan Studies at National Chengchi University. Currently is a PhD candidate in International Program of Asia Pacific Studies at National Chengchi University (Taipei, Taiwan). Starting from the Taiwan Studies, research interests concentrated in the field of cultural anthropology and in its subfields — anthropology of religion, folklore, and mythology in the vast geographical area of Eurasia and Asia-Pacific.
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5/30/2023 • 2 hours, 24 minutes, 40 seconds Анна Карташева: Философия коммуникативной рациональности и техно-гуманит арного синтеза. Технологический детерминизм. Анна Карташева - кандидат философских наук, старший научный сотрудник Института гуманитарных историко-теоретических исследований имени А. В. Полетаева НИУ ВШЭ. Сфера научных интересов находится на стыке философии, права, инженерной этики, интеллектуальных систем. Ведет исследования, преподает. Основатель издательства "Деловая книга".
Anna Kartasheva, Ph.D. in philosophical sciences, senior researcher at the Institute of humanitarian historical and theoretical studies named after A. V. Poletaeva, HSE University. Her scientific interests are at the intersection of philosophy, law, engineering ethics, and intelligent systems. She conducts research and teaches. She is a founder of the "Business Book" publishing house.
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5/29/2023 • 2 hours, 50 minutes, 16 seconds Георгий Шулико: От марксизма и актеров революционных преобразований до эг оистичной модели восприятия мира. Георгий Шулико - Кандидат философских наук; независимый философ-исследователь; администратор ВК-сообщества "Библиотека Социалистической Литературы" и ТГ-канала "Лафаргист".
Georgii Shuliko is a Candidate of Sciences in Philosophy (Russian PhD); Philosopher, researcher.
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5/28/2023 • 3 hours, 33 minutes, 27 seconds Дмитрий Яворский: Нашли ли мы Бога или все еще продолжаем искать, второе пр ишествие через AI. Дмитрий Яворский - Философ, профессор кафедры философии и теории права Волгоградского государственного университета, руководитель магистерской программы по теологии. Автор книги "Pax Naturalis: социокультурные импликации понятия природы в европейской философии".
Dmitry Yavorsky is a Philosopher, professor of the Department of Philosophy and Theory of Law of Volgograd State University, head of the master's program in theology. Author of the book "Pax Naturalis: Sociocultural Implications of the Concept of Nature in European Philosophy".
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5/26/2023 • 2 hours, 15 minutes, 4 seconds Ольга Бондарева: Воронки продаж, таргетинг и R&D целевой аудитории, лидоге нерация, личный бренд. Ольга Бондарева — основатель агентства ModumUp, специализирующегося на личном брендинге и социальных продажах для лидогенерации в B2B, спикер, Ex-Microsoft.
Olga Bondareva is a Founder of ModumUp agency that specializes in personal branding and social selling for B2B lead generation, Speaker, Ex-Microsoft.
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5/25/2023 • 1 hour, 54 minutes, 12 seconds Оксана Головашина: Конвенциональный образ прошлого, система представлений, мемориальное законодательство. Оксана Головашина - Доктор философских наук, ведущий научный сотрудник Уральского Федерального Университета.
Oksana Golovashina is a Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Leading Research Fellow at the Ural Federal University.
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5/24/2023 • 2 hours, 53 minutes, 50 seconds Дмитрий Смирнов: предпринимательская среда: люди, отношения, инвестиции, позитивный взгляд на мир. Дмитрий Смирнов, предприниматель, инвестор, управляющий партнер венчурного фонда Flint Capital. Профессиональная деятельность и достижения: В ОАО "Мобильные Телесистемы" возглавлял запуск проектов «GOOD’OK» и МТС.Wi-Fi. Управлял инвестициями в Инвестиционном холдинге "Финам". В портфеле Badoo/Bumble, Mamba, Alawar и др. Запустил собственные проекты в области e-commerce и мобильного контента. Основал Flint Capital с фокусом на IT-стартапы на ранних стадиях, в котором сейчас занимает должность управляющего партнера, представительства фонда в Бостоне, Тель Авиве и Лимассоле. Под управлением 300 млн. долларов в 4 инвестиционных фондах. Входил в совет директоров компаний Buka, Platiza, Creditcardsonline, Delta Telecom, MGID, Flo, YouDo, SumSub, Webinar и др. Образование: МИРЭА - Российский технологический университет. 4 детей. Интересы: Теннис, хайкинг.
Dmitry Smirnov, entrepreneur, investor, managing partner of venture fund Flint Capital. Professional activity and achievements: In Mobile TeleSystems OJSC (MTS ) he headed the launch of the projects "GOOD'OK" and MTS.Wi-Fi. Manages investments in Finam Investment Holding. In portfolio: Badoo/Bumble, Mamba, Alawar, etc. Launched own project in the field of e-commerce and mobile content. Founded Flint Capital with a focus on early-stage IT startups, where he currently holds the position of managing partner, representing the fund in Boston, Tel Aviv and Limassol. $300M under management in 4 investment funds. Joined the board of directors of Buka, Platiza, Creditcardsonline, Delta Telecom, MGID, Flo, YouDo, SumSub, Webinar and others. Education: MIREA - Russian Technological University. 4 children. Interests: Tennis, hiking.
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5/23/2023 • 2 hours, 10 minutes, 58 seconds Артем Москалев: Метафизика денег, тайные желания и пороки, социальные тиск и и кто ими управляет. Артем Москалев, Родился на Украине в г. Харьков, когда было 10 лет семья переехала в город Барнаул, где он учился в школе и рос в семье предпринимателей из туристической сферы. Поступил в университет на факультет Мировой экономики и потом в 20 лет устроился в коммерческий региональный банк (и бросил университет) аналитиком и за 10 лет прошел путь до управляющего директора, после чего уволился и переехал в Москву, где начал работать в факторинговый компании с текущим партнером и позже в пандемию 2020 года запустили финтех стартап, за время построения которого Артем прошел обучение в стартап академии Сколково, пережили отзыв лицензии у банка-партнера, начало СВО, вырастили конкурента своими руками, доросли до привлечения инвестиционного раунда в 2022, подключение крупного банка партнера, запустились в Азии и сейчас активно растем. Увлекается катанием на досках, путешествиями, вином. В детстве отдал 10 лет спортивным бальным танцам, КМС по фехтованию на сабле и в целом любит спорт.
Artem Moskalev was born in Ukraine in Kharkiv, when he was 10 years old, the family moved to the city of Barnaul, where he studied at school and grew up in a family of entrepreneurs from the tourism industry. He entered the university at the Faculty of World Economy and then at the age of 20 he got a job in a commercial regional bank (he dropped out of university) as an analyst and in 10 years he worked his way up to the managing director, after which he resigned and moved to Moscow, where he started working in a factoring company with his current partner. Later in the pandemic in 2020, they launched a fintech startup, during the establishment of which Artem was trained at the startup academy Skolkovo and experienced the bank-partner license withdrawal, beginning of the special military operation, they grew a competitor with their own hands, matured to attract an investment round in 2022, connected to a significant bank partner, launched in Asia and are now actively growing. He enjoys snowboarding, traveling, and wine. As a child, he spent 10 years in competitive ballroom dancing, he is a Candidate Master of Sports (КМС in Russian) in saber fencing and generally loves sports.
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5/22/2023 • 2 hours, 45 minutes, 59 seconds Алексей Скворцов: Экспериментальная этика, универсальный моральный путь, дружба, моральная дилемма, этическая рефлексия. Алексей Скворцов - Преподаватель университета, исследователь. Интересуется философией, этикой и прикладной этикой.
Alexey Skvortsov is an university teacher, researcher. He is interested in philosophy, ethics and applied ethics.
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5/19/2023 • 2 hours, 14 minutes, 11 seconds Софья Тихонова: Цифровая гуманитаристика, этический намордник и категорический императив, внутренние демоны. Софья Тихонова, г. Саратов, доктор философских наук, профессор кафедры теоретической и социальной философии СГУ им. Н.Г. Чернышевского.Автор более 300 научных работ, 3 монографий и 20 коллективных монографий. Руководитель лаборатории цифровых исследований философии риска «Цифра». Победитель книжного конкурса РКА «Лучшая гуманитарная книга». Лауреат международного конкурса PR и рекламы «Золотой Соболь». Финалист «Лиги лекторов» Российского общества «Знание». Администратор группы «Ученые против лженауки» и организатор ежегодных международных конференций «Лженаука в общественном обществе», соорганизатор семинара «Мифология общества потребления», соучредитель СРОО СРК «Кинотраектория», член оргкомитета Фестиваля детского и юношеского кино «Киновертикаль», член РОИФН, РФО, руководитель и исполнитель грантов РГНФ, РФФИ, РНФ. Дипломированный визажист и парикмахер, блогер, тревел-блогер.
Sophia Tikhonova is a doctor of philosophy, professor of the department of theoretical and social philosophy at Saratov Chernyshevsky State University. Author of more than 300 scientific works, 3 monographs and 20 collective monographs. Head of the Digital Research Philosophical Risk Laboratory "Digital". Winner of the RKA book competition "The Best Humanitarian Book". Winner of the PR and advertising international competition "Zolotoy Sobol". Finalist of the "League of Lecturers" of the Russian Society "Znanie". Administrator of the group "Students against fake science" and organizer of the annual international conference "Fake science in public society", co-organizer of the seminar "Mythology of the consumer society", co-creator of "Kinotraektoriya", member of the organizing committee of the festival of children's and youth films "Kinovertical", member of the Russian Society of History and Philosophy of Science , Russian Philosophical Society, head and executor of grants, Russian Humanitarian Scientific Fund, Russian Fund for Fundamental Studies, Russian Scientific Fund. Certified make-up artist, hairdresser, and travel blogger.
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5/18/2023 • 2 hours, 12 minutes, 9 seconds Степан Родионов: IT продукты для улучшения бизнеса и жизни, понимание истоков своих желаний Степан Родионов, 32 года, IT-предприниматель. Родился в маленьком городке Миасс, Челябинской области. В детстве занимался боксом. С учебы в университете начал заниматься бизнесом: продавал цветы, ёлки, одежду. В 2015 году основал компанию Antida software, занимающуюся разработкой облачных продуктов на заказ. В 2019 году запустил Adesk — сервис финансовой аналитики для малого бизнеса. Всего у Adesk больше 2000 клиентов в странах СНГ. В 2020-21 годах жил в США, где с партнером основал компанию Pneumatic Software Inc., разрабатывающую облачный сервис pneumatic.app, который помогает компаниям управлять бизнес-процессами.
Stepan Rodionov, 32 years old, IT entrepreneur. He was born in the small town of Miass, Chelyabinsk region. As a child, he was engaged in boxing. After studying at the university, he began to engage in business: selling flowers, jewelry, clothes. In 2015, he founded the company Antida software, which develops custom cloud products. In 2019, Adesk launched a financial analytics service for small businesses. In total, Adesk has more than 2,000 clients in the CIS countries. In 2020-21, in the USA, where with a partner, the main company Pneumatic Software Inc., which develops a cloud service pneumatic.app, which helps companies to manage business processes.
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5/17/2023 • 2 hours, 27 seconds Ким Фомкин: Трекинг бизнеса, трекеры, решение задач кратного роста, предпринимательский опыт. Ким Фомкин - Всю сознательную жизнь посвятил предпринимательству. Его страсть — это решение задач кратного роста и развития бизнеса. Над ними работает, как в рамках собственных проектов, так и в качестве трекера, помогая другим предпринимателям. Основной деятельностью являются предпринимательство, инвестиции и трекинг. Трекер — это специалист, который помогает предпринимателям в решении задач кратного роста и реализации других амбициозных целей. Работает с бизнесами разных размеров и из разных областей, от локальных до международных компаний. С невероятной силой хочет, чтобы в мире было больше крутых бизнесов и продуктов, к которым клиенты захотят постоянно возвращаться. С такой же силой хочет, чтобы больше предпринимателей через свой бизнес смогли реализовывать самые смелые амбиции. И его внутренняя миссия заключается в том, чтобы помогать таким предпринимателям повысить шансы и скорость выхода на целевой уровень развития их бизнеса.
Kim Fomkin devoted his entire conscious life to entrepreneurship. His passion is solving the problems of considerable growth and business development. He works on them as part of his projects and as a tracker, helping other entrepreneurs. The main activities are entrepreneurship, investment, and tracking. A tracker is a specialist who helps entrepreneurs solve the tasks of multiple growths and achieve other ambitious goals. Works with businesses of different sizes and from different areas, from local to international companies. Wants with incredible power to have more cool businesses and products that customers want to keep returning to. With the same strength, he wants more entrepreneurs to be able to realize their wildest ambitions through their businesses. And its internal mission is to help such entrepreneurs increase the chances and speed of reaching their business's target level of development.
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5/16/2023 • 2 hours, 15 minutes, 7 seconds Григорий Юрьев: Рассуждение о текущем жизненном контексте через призму субъективного восприятия. Григорий Юрьев - кандидат физико-математических наук, младший научный сотрудник, заведующий кафедрой "Цифровое образование" факультета "Информационные технологии" Московского государственного психолого-педагогического университета. Занимается разработкой и внедрением ПО поедназначенного для автоматизации и сопровождения экспериментальных исследований в области психологии и образования, участвует в разработке программно-аппаратных комплексов, используемых для проектирования авионики гражданских воздушных судов. Преподаёт, разведён, имеет двух несовершеннолетних детей.
Grigory Yuryev - PhD in Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Junior Researcher, Head of the Department of Digital Education, Faculty of Information Technology, Moscow State University of Psychology and Education. Engaged in the development and implementation of software designed to automate and support experimental research in the field of psychology and education, participates in the development of software and hardware systems used for the design of civil aircraft avionics. Teaches, divorced, has two minor children.
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5/13/2023 • 2 hours, 15 minutes, 23 seconds Татьяна Проволович: Проблема сознания и бессознательного в свете современных нейронаучных исследований. Татьяна Проволович, кандидат философский наук, старший преподаватель кафедры Философии и методологии науки Философского факультета МГУ им. М. В. Ломоносова. В 2023 г. является стипендиатом Московского государственного университета имени М.В.Ломоносова молодым сотрудникам, аспирантам и студентам, добившимся значительных результатов в педагогической и научно-исследовательской деятельности. В период с октября 2020 года по октябрь 2022 г. являлась младшим научным сотрудником сектора институционально-эволюционной экономики Центра институционально-эволюционной экономики и прикладных проблем воспроизводства ИЭ РАН. Работа над проблемой синтеза в экономической и смеженных науках. Сфера научных интересов находится на стыке экономики и психологии (поведенческая экономика), нейронаучных исследований сознательного и бессознательного (социальная когнитивная нейронаука).
Tatiana Provolovich, Ph.D. in Philosophical Sciences, Senior Lecturer, Department of Philosophy and Methodology of Science, Faculty of Philosophy at the Lomonosov Moscow State University. In 2023, she is a scholarship holder of the Lomonosov Moscow State University for young employees, graduate students, and students who have achieved significant results in teaching and research activities. In the period from October 2020 to October 2022, she was a junior researcher in the sector of institutional and evolutionary economics at the Center for Institutional and Evolutionary Economics and Applied Problems of Reproduction of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Work on the problem of synthesis in economic and related sciences. The area of scientific interest is at the intersection of economics and psychology (behavioral economics), neuroscience studies of the conscious, and the unconscious (social cognitive neuroscience).
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5/12/2023 • 2 hours, 52 minutes, 37 seconds Денис Артамонов: Историческая, коллективная, индивидуальная и медиапамять. Прошлое, настоящее, будущее. Денис Артамонов, кандидат исторических наук, доцент и докторант кафедры теоретической и социальной философии СГУ им. Н.Г. Чернышевского. Сфера научных интересов: история рекламы, историческая память, цифровая мифология, социальная эпистемология, исследование интернет-мемов, компьютерных игр, сетевой литературы. Лектор Российского общества «Знание», спикер и эксперт проекта «Цифровой мост 2.0», эксперт Института совместного проектирования и экспертизы, член отборочной комиссии Фестиваля детского и юношеского кино «Киновертикаль, член РОИФН, РФО, СРОО СРК «Кинотраектория", руководитель и участник грантовых проектов РФФИ и РНФ, креативный фотограф, блогер. Автор книги в соавторстве с С. В. Тихоновой «Историческая память в социальных медиа» (СПб., 2021) и «Петр I в медиапамяти» (Саратов, 2022).
Denis Artamonov, PhD in Historical Sciences, Associate Professor and Doctoral Candidate, Department of Theoretical and Social Philosophy, SSU. N.G. Chernyshevsky. Research interests: history of advertising, historical memory, digital mythology, social epistemology, research on Internet memes, computer games, online literature. Lecturer of the Russian society "Knowledge", speaker and expert of the "Digital Bridge 2.0" project, expert of the Institute for Joint Design and Expertise, member of the selection committee of the Festival of Children's and Youth Cinema "Kinovertical", member of the ROIFN, RFO, SROO SRK "Kinotraektoriya", head and participant of grant projects of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research and the Russian Science Foundation, creative photographer, blogger, author of the book “Historical memory in social media” (St. Petersburg, 2021) and “Peter I in media memory” (Saratov, 2022) in collaboration with S. Tikhonova.
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5/11/2023 • 2 hours, 56 minutes, 27 seconds Александр Белов: Венчурные клубы, синдикаты, инвесторы, экспаты, амбиции, д оверие, неопределенность. Александр Белов учился в Российском экономическом университете имени Плеханова и в МФТИ. Он начинал свой путь в венчуре с организации акселераторов и инкубаторов. Например, с 2019 года руководил бизнес-инкубатором МФТИ. Затем почти два года занимался венчуром в «Сбере»: запускал венчурное комьюнити вокруг стартап-экосистемы банка, развивал стартап-маркетплейс SberUnity. Со стороны «Сбера» Александр участвовал в запуске совместного с Angelsdeck венчурного клуба «Синдикат». В начале 2023 года Александр созрел для запуска собственного венчурного клуба — так появился Prosto VC. Сооснователями клуба стали бизнес-ангелы Евгений Чеботов и Вячеслав Турпанов. Prosto VC фокусируется на инвестициях в зарубежные проекты. «Хочется одновременно и объединять русскоязычное сообщество за рубежом, и предлагать ему разные инвестиционные возможности», — описывает задачу клуба Александр.
Aleksandr Belov studied at the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics and at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. He started his career in venture capital by organizing accelerators and incubators. For example, since 2019, he has led the MIPT business incubator. Then, for almost two years, he worked as a venture capitalist at Sberbank: he launched a venture community around the bank’s startup ecosystem and developed the SberUnity startup marketplace. On behalf of Sberbank, Aleksandr participated in the launch of the Syndicate venture club with Angelsdeck. At the beginning of 2023, Aleksandr was ripe for launching his own venture club - this is how Prosto VC appeared. The club was co-founded by business angels Evgeny Chebotov and Vyacheslav Turpanov. Prosto VC focuses on investments in overseas projects. “I want to simultaneously unite the Russian-speaking community abroad and offer it different investment opportunities,” Aleksandr describes the club's task.
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5/9/2023 • 2 hours, 16 minutes, 9 seconds Яна Шишкарева: Антиномия современного искусства. Существует ли искусство в не контекста? Яна Шишкарева - Преподаватель и наставник в направлении изучения истории искусств, философии и обществознания. Фокусом в научных исследованиях является рассмотрение восприятия искусства глазами обычного человека не имеющего специального опыта в мире искусства. Яна рассматривает влияние искусства на внутренний мир человека, а так же затрагивает вопрос о цели миссии современного искусства.
Yana Shishkareva is a teacher and mentor in the direction of studying the history of art, philosophy and social science. The focus of scientific research is to consider the perception of art through the eyes of an ordinary person with no special experience in the art world. Yana considers the influence of art on the inner world of a person, and also raises the question of the purpose of the mission of contemporary art.
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5/7/2023 • 2 hours, 40 minutes, 33 seconds Денис Греков: Механизм работы критического мышления, ассоциации, когнитивная реструктуризация, принятие решений. Денис Греков - Преподаватель критического мышления уже около 8 лет. Колумнист в ряде изданий. Бывший общественник. Эмигрант, уехавший из России по политическим мотивам и из-за угрозы преследований. Философ, педагог, специалист по международным отношениям.
Denis Grekov is a teacher of critical thinking for about 8 years. Columnist for several publications. Former public figure. An emigrant who left Russia for political reasons and because of the threat of persecution. Philosopher, teacher, specialist in international relations.
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5/5/2023 • 2 hours, 32 minutes, 5 seconds Вадим Богдан: Специфика маркетинга в сегменте сверх дорогих товаров, внутриотраслевой уровень профессионализма. Вадим Богдан, бренд-стратег, упаковывающий продукты бизнеса в сущности, которые потребители обеспечивают и запоминают. Последние несколько лет является комьюнити оунером части брендингового снг-шного сообщества - ведет канал о брендинге, маркетинге и креативе (https://t.me/s/krut_bl), соединяет людей, стартует обмен идеями, мнениями, находит что-то интересное в общении с топовыми специалистами в маркетинге и брендинге, кайфует в комментах. Преподает и продолжает учиться (последний год, очень активно), являеться членом жюри нескольких отраслевых фестов.
Vadim Bogdan, brand strategist, packaging business products into essences that consumers provide and remember. For the past few years, he has been a community owner of a part of the CIS branding community - he runs a channel about branding, marketing and creativity (https://t.me/s/krut_bl), connects people, starts an exchange of ideas, opinions, finds something interesting in communicating with top experts in marketing and branding, getting high in the comments. He teaches and continues to study (the last year, very actively), is a member of the jury of several industry festivals.
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5/4/2023 • 2 hours, 33 minutes, 12 seconds Александра Танюшина: Информационные теории сознания, цифровая философия, иллюзия реальности. Александра Танюшина — медиа-исследователь, философ. Специалист в области современной культуры, нового медиаискусства и цифровой философии. Кандидат философских наук, ассистент кафедры философии МГУ.
Alexandra Tanyushina is a media researcher, philosopher. Specialist in modern culture, new media art and digital philosophy. PhD in philosophy, assistant teacher on the faculty of philosophy in MSU.
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5/3/2023 • 3 hours, 5 minutes, 19 seconds Дмитрий Соломко: Экология бытия человека в технико-технологизированном мире, живое начало и зов бытия в человеке. Дмитрий Соломко - Доцент кафедры философии Южно-Уральского государственного университета (НИУ) (с 2010 года) и Челябинского государственного университета (с 2019 года), кандидат философских наук, магистр философии, докторант кафедры философии и культурологии Челябинского государственного института культуры (с 2022 года). Работатет над докторской диссертацией на тему "Экология бытия человека в технико-технологизированном мире: теория, методология, социокультурные практики".
Dmitry Solomko is an Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy, South Ural State University (NRU) (since 2010) and Chelyabinsk State University (since 2019), Ph.D. Works on a doctoral dissertation on the topic "Ecology of human existence in a techno-technological world: theory, methodology, sociocultural practices".
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5/2/2023 • 2 hours, 8 minutes, 22 seconds Леонард Янкелович: Автомобили, тяжелый люкс, криптаны и полупокеры, изнанка ценового хайпа, маркетинговой троллинг. Леонард Янкелович — основатель и владелец DARTZ Motorz и FREZE EV. Его путь в автомобильной промышленности начался, когда он унаследовал от своего прадеда миноритарный пакет акций немецко-голландского совместного предприятия RBVZ в Риге. В 1988 году он возродил совместное предприятие RBVZ под названием DARTZ, спорный бренд бронированных автомобилей класса люкс, который с тех пор стал ведущей силой в индустрии автомобилей класса люкс. Опираясь на этот успех, он также возродил Frese & Co в качестве FREZE EV в 2020 году, производя высококачественные экологичные электромобили для потребителей, заботящихся об окружающей среде. Он увлечен инновационными, высококачественными автомобилями, которые удовлетворяют потребности современных потребителей, и он рад продолжать расширять границы автомобильной промышленности со своей командой.
Leonards Jankelovičs is the Founder and Owner of DARTZ Motorz and FREZE EV. His journey in the automotive industry began when he inherited a minority stake in the German-Dutch JV RBVZ in Riga from his great-grandfather. In 1988, he revived RBVZ JV as DARTZ, a controversial luxury armored vehicle brand that has since become a leading force in the luxury vehicle industry. Building on this success, he also resurrected Frese & Co as FREZE EV in 2020, producing high-end, sustainable electric vehicles for environmentally conscious consumers. He is passionate about innovative, high-quality vehicles that cater to the needs of modern consumers, and he is excited to continue pushing the boundaries of the automotive industry with his team.
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5/1/2023 • 2 hours, 35 minutes, 41 seconds Сергей Таланкер: Постправда, истина, интеллектуальная ирония, дивный новый мир, гуманизм, этика. Сергей Таланкер родился в Харькове, Украина (СССР) в 1977 году. В 1990 году репатриировался в Израиль вместе со своей семьей. Он живет в Кирьят-Моцкин, Израиль, с женой и двумя детьми. Сергей изучал философию в Хайфском университете в Израиле, и в 2011 году Хайфский университет присвоил ему звание доктора философии за диссертацию на тему «Я — концепция разума: от Res Cogitans до Tathandlung». Он преподает в Департаменте образования Колледжа Западной Галилеи в Акко, Израиль. Его исследовательские интересы включают теоретическую, прикладную и профессиональную этику; история идей и философии; и философии образования.
Sergei Talanker was born in Kharkiv, Ukraine (USSR) in 1977. In 1990 he repatriated to Israel, along with his family. He lives in Kiryat-Motzkin, Israel, with his wife and two children. Sergei studied Philosophy at the University of Haifa, Israel, and was awarded a PhD title in Philosophy by the University of Haifa in 2011 for a thesis titled ‘The Self – a Concept of Reason: from Res Cogitans to Tathandlung’. He is a Lecturer at the Department of Education in Western Galilee College in Acre, Israel. His research interests include theoretical, applied and professional ethics; history of ideas and philosophy; and philosophy of education.
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4/30/2023 • 2 hours, 18 minutes, 12 seconds Сергей Шевченко: Этика неопределенности, фаллибилизм, устойчивая сопротивляемость, социальная евгеника. Сергей Шевченко, кандидат философских наук, магистр биологии, занимается вопросами био - и экологической этики. Ранее Сергей работал в Институте философии РАН, Национальном исследовательском университете «Высшая школа экономики» и Российском национальном исследовательском медицинском университете имени Пирогова. В 2020 году он опубликовал книгу «Надежда: найденная и изобретенная» (РУС: «Надежда обретенная и обретенная»), в которой исследуется роль экологического мышления и интеллектуальных добродетелей в развитии фаготерапии (лечения бактериальных инфекций вирусами-бактериофагами). В настоящее время он изучает экологию памяти и различные подходы к концепциям устойчивости и ответственности перед будущими поколениями.
Sergei Shevchenko, PhD in philosophy, MSc in biology who explores the topics of bio - and environmental ethics. Sergei was formerly an employee at the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the National Research University Higher School of Economics, and the Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University. In 2020, he published the book "Hope: Found and Invented " (РУС: «Надежда обретенная и изобретенная») which examines the role of ecological thinking and intellectual virtues in the development of phage therapy (treatment of bacterial infections with bacteriophage viruses). He is currently exploring memory ecology and different approaches to the concepts of resilience and responsibility to future generations.
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4/29/2023 • 2 hours, 21 minutes, 12 seconds Никита Лаврешкин: Практики психологической самопомощи и саморазвития, режим аутентичности, гештальт-терапия. Никита Лаврешкин - Психолог, сексолог и гештальт-терапевт. В течение 6 лет преподавал в государственном психолого-педагогическом университете, был заместителем декана по внеучебной работе, занимался психологическим консультированием, тренингами, проектами, направленными на помощь подросткам, находящимся в трудных жизненных ситуациях. Сейчас переключился на психологическую и социальную помощь беженцам, прибывшим в Европу из зон военных действий. Ведет телеграм-канал, посвященный практикам самопомощи и саморазвития t.me/lovereshkin, в свободное время пишет музыку, увлекается психологией искусства, геймдизайном.
Nikita Lavreshkin - Psychologist, sexologist and gestalt therapist. For 6 years he taught at the State Psychological and Pedagogical University, was the deputy dean for extracurricular work, was engaged in psychological counseling, training, projects aimed at helping adolescents in difficult life situations. Now he switched to psychological and social assistance to refugees who arrived in Europe from war zones. He runs a telegram channel dedicated to self-help and self-development practices t.me/lovereshkin, writes music in his free time, enjoys the psychology of art, game design.
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4/28/2023 • 3 hours, 4 minutes, 27 seconds Андрей Емельянов: Трансгендерный марксизм, квир-теория, гендерное отчуждение, теневой капитализм Андрей Емельянов – доцент, кандидат философских наук. Тема диссертации – «Человек в проектной онтологии М. Хайдеггера» (2016). Сфера научных интересов: история философии, философия XX века, марксизм, постгуманизм и философская антропология. Автор трех книг: «Экспликация феномена шума» (2011), «Мартин Хайдеггер: вопрошая сущее» (2012), «Проблема человека в фундаментальной онтологии М. Хайдеггера» (2019), а также более 60 статей в русскоязычных и иностранных изданиях.
Andrei Emelyanov - Associate Professor, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences. The topic of the dissertation is “Man in the design ontology of M. Heidegger” (2016). Research interests: history of philosophy, philosophy of the 20th century, Marxism, posthumanism and philosophical anthropology. Author of three books: Explication of the Phenomenon of Noise (2011), Martin Heidegger: Questioning Existence (2012), The Problem of Man in M. Heidegger’s Fundamental Ontology (2019), as well as more than 60 articles in Russian and foreign publications.
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4/27/2023 • 2 hours, 36 minutes, 20 seconds Анна Хоружая: Спекулятивные идеи о будущем человечества, в контексте научного и технологического прогресса. Анна Хоружая - врач лучевой диагностики, младший научный сотрудник Центра диагностики и телемедицины Департамента здравоохранения Москвы. Сооснователь, заместитель главного редактора и выпускающий редактор портала neuronovosti.ru. Научный и медицинский журналист, член Ассоциации медицинских журналистов, дважды лауреат премии инновационной журналистики «Тech-in-media», лауреат премии Министерства образования и науки "За верность науке". Популяризатор, постоянный лектор Информационных центров атомной энергии, общества Знание и школы научного мастерства "SciCraft" издательства "Эко-Вектор". Соавтор книг "Смерть замечательных людей", "Вообще чума: истории болезней от лихорадки до Паркинсона", "Вот холера: история болезней от сифилиса до проказы", "Нобелиаты: путь к успеху. 1901-1910", "Смерть замечательных людей: сделано в СССР".
Anna Khoruzhaya is a radiology doctor, junior researcher at the Center for Diagnostics and Telemedicine of the Moscow Health Department. Co-founder, deputy editor-in-chief and editor-in-chief of the neuronovosti.ru portal. Scientific and medical journalist, member of the Association of Medical Journalists, twice winner of the Tech-in-media innovative journalism award, winner of the Prize of the Ministry of Education and Science "For fidelity to science". Popularizer, permanent lecturer of Information Centers of Atomic Energy, Knowledge Society and School of Scientific Excellence "SciCraft" of "Eco-Vector" publishing house. Co-author of The Death of Remarkable People, Plague in General: Case Histories from Fever to Parkinson's, Here's Cholera: A Case History from Syphilis to Leprosy, Nobel Prize Winners: The Path to Success 1901-1910, Death of Remarkable People: Done in USSR".
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4/23/2023 • 2 hours, 26 minutes, 34 seconds Геннадий Бакуменко: Культура научной коммуникации, ускорение социального времени, диалектическая напряженность. Геннадий Бакуменко, кандидат культурологии, независимый исследователь, журналист, консультант, ассоциированный научный сотрудник Южного филиала Института Наследия, редактор рубрики "София культуры" Русского литературного журнала "Парус". Область научных интересов: культура научной коммуникации, социокультурные и кросс-культурные процессы, символизация успеха, сакрализация и десакрализация, массовая культура, элитарная культура, русская культура, кино, искусство, медиа.
Gennady Bakumenko, PhD in Cultural Studies, independent researcher, journalist, consultant, associate researcher at the Southern Branch of the Heritage Institute, editor of the "Sophia of Culture" section of the Russian literary magazine "Parus". Research interests: culture of scientific communication, socio-cultural and cross-cultural processes, symbolization of success, sacralization and desacralization, mass culture, elite culture, Russian culture, cinema, art, media.
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4/23/2023 • 2 hours, 40 minutes, 46 seconds Егор Лобусов: О человеческом страдании и что с ним делать? Сможет ли ИИ заменить психотерапевта? Егор Лобусов - Начинал учиться на биолога на Биологическом факультете МГУ, затем перевёлся на факультет фундаментальной медицины МГУ. Специализировался в неврологии. Изучал китайскую медицину в Китае 4 года в аспирантуре. Затем специализировался в когнитивно-поведенческой психотерапии и в нескольких её производных. Зарабатывает на жизнь в основном психотерапией и преподаванием. Научный и гуманистический интерес - возможности психической саморегуляции человека.
Egor Lobusov - Started studying biology at the Faculty of Biology of Moscow State University, then transferred to the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine of Moscow State University. Specialized in neurology. Studied Chinese medicine in China for 4 years in graduate school. Then he specialized in cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy and several of its derivatives. He makes his living mainly from psychotherapy and teaching. Scientific and humanistic interest - the possibility of mental self-regulation of a person.
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4/21/2023 • 1 hour, 54 minutes, 23 seconds Евгений Кауфман: Построение глобального бренда и сети дистрибуции в рамках классического дивидендного бизнеса. Евгений Кауфман родился в 1986 году в Беларуси. С отличием окончил Белорусский государственный университет информатики и радиоэлектроники, магистр компьютерных наук. Сейчас живет с семьей в Израиле с 2022 года. В прошлом его супруга была известной в Беларуси оперной певицей. Имеет двух дочерей. В прошлом он основал EKA-Soft, компанию по разработке программного обеспечения и цифровому маркетингу, которая создает и продвигает онлайн-бизнес. После ухода из индустрии высоких технологий (в качестве вице-президента израильской высокотехнологичной компании BeLive) в 2020 году основал производственную компанию WorkBooth, производящую умные звуконепроницаемые офисные кабины для звонков в Zoom, частной работы и личных встреч. За последние два года WorkBooth изготовил более 500 стендов. Сейчас у компании есть офисы продаж в Израиле, Германии, Польше, на Кипре и в России. Канада, Нидерланды, Франция, Казахстан, Индия и ОАЭ скоро появятся. В 2022 году WorkBooth выиграл премию German Design Award во Франкфурте в категории офисной мебели.
Eugeny Kaufman was born in Belarus in 1986. Graduated with honors from the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, Master of Computer Sciense. Now lives with his family in Israel since 2022. In the past, his wife was a well-known opera singer in Belarus. Has two daughters. In the past, he founded EKA-Soft, a software development and digital marketing company that creates and promotes online businesses. After leaving the high-tech industry (as a vice president of the Israeli high-tech company BeLive) in 2020, he founded the manufacturing company WorkBooth, which produces smart soundproof office booths for Zoom calls, private work and face-to-face meetings. Over the past two years, WorkBooth has produced over 500 booths. Now the company has sales offices in Israel, Germany, Poland, Cyprus and Russia. Canada, Netherlands, France, Kazakhstan, India and the UAE are coming soon. In 2022, WorkBooth won the Germany Design Award in Frankfurt in the office furniture category.
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4/20/2023 • 2 hours, 54 minutes, 30 seconds Максим Жук: Литературный канон, чернила души, суггестивность, цифровой аск етизм как тренировка воображения. Максим Жук - кандидат филологических наук, доцент, организатор и лектор просветительского проекта "Культурная интервенция", лектор просветительского проекта "Arzamas", выпускник программы Фулбрайта, TEDx-спикер, лауреат премий «Есть за что!» (2013), «Неравнодушный гражданин» (2017), «Лучший лектор страны» (2018), автор и ведущий литературного интернет-ради ЖУК-FM. 14 лет назад он основал образовательный проект "Культурная интервенция". Это публичные лекции Максима, посвященные американской и европейской литературе для его студентов, вольнослушателей, горожан Владивостока, Хабаровска, Москвы, Санкт-Петербурга, Стамбула, Тбилиси, Еревана и других городов. Среднее количество слушателей, посещающих лекции этого проекта, составляет от 50 до 150 человек. В 2018 году он организовал книжную серию, которую назвал «Модернизм от Франца Кафки до Сэмюэля Бэккета». В 2018 году Максим издал первую книгу из этой серии «Путь к Замку, или Курс лекций о Франце Кафке». А в 2019 году вышел его post/роман «Письма для Карла».
Maksim Zhuk - PhD in Philology, Associate Professor, organizer and lecturer of the educational project "Cultural Intervention", lecturer of the educational project "Arzamas", Fulbright graduate, TEDx speaker, winner of the "There is a reason!" (2013), "Careful Citizen" (2017), "The Best Lecturer in the Country" (2018), author and host of the literary Internet radio ZhUK-FM. 14 years ago he founded the educational project "Cultural Intervention". These are Maxim's public lectures on American and European literature for his students, volunteers, citizens of Vladivostok, Khabarovsk, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Istanbul, Tbilisi, Yerevan and other cities. The average number of students attending the lectures of this project ranges from 50 to 150 people. In 2018, he launched a book series called "Modernism from Franz Kafka to Samuel Beckett". In 2018, Maxim published the first book in this series, The Way to the Castle, or a Course of Lectures on Franz Kafka. And in 2019, his post/novel “Letters for Karl” was released.
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4/19/2023 • 2 hours, 2 minutes, 48 seconds Лиза Майер-Мараховска: Характеристики сильной личности, циничное удовлетв орение своих потребностей. Лиза Майер-Мараховска - Практический бизнес-психолог. Тренер. Колумнист журналов Forbes, Деловые Эмираты | Business Emirates UAE Magazine, финансового супермаркета Банки.ру. Помогает клиенту избавиться от психовирусов, раскрыть его внутренний потенциал, принять свое истинное предназначение, и возможность значительно повысить качество жизни в любом возрасте.
Lisa Meyer-Marakhovska is a practical business psychologist. Trainer. Forbes columnist, Business Emirates | Business Emirates UAE Magazine, Bankiru financial supermarket. Helps the client to get rid of psycho-viruses, reveal his inner potential, accept his true destiny, and the ability to significantly improve the quality of life at any age.
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4/18/2023 • 2 hours, 35 minutes, 31 seconds Павел Бунтман: Удовольствие от процесса, воркплейс энвайронмент, циничная доброта. В чем сила? Павел Бунтман всегда был бизнес-разработчиком (он разговаривает с людьми, чтобы установить взаимовыгодные деловые отношения), но не всегда определял это так. Он работал в хобби-ритейле (музыкальные инструменты, затем настольные игры), после чего переключился на ИТ (в основном EDTech) и теперь вернулся в индустрию настольных игр, работая в Mantic Games.
Paul Buntman has always been a Business Developer (he talk to people to set up mutually beneficial business relationship) but didn’t define it always like that. He worked in hobby retail (Musical instruments, then board games), after that he switched to IT (EDTech mostly) and now he is back in the board games industry, working for Mantic Games.
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4/16/2023 • 2 hours, 6 minutes, 11 seconds Михаил Базлев: Феноменология измененных состояний сознания, кластер бессо знательной информации, переживание инсайта. Михаил Базлев - Религиовед, преподаватель гуманитарных дисциплин в Национальном исследовательском ядерном университете "МИФИ" и Учебно-научном центре изучения религии РГГУ, член редакционной коллегии журнала "Религиоведческие исследования", 4 Дан Айкидо Айкикай. Специализируется на проблематике междисциплинарного анализа религиозного опыта, социальной истории науки и современных аспектах прикладной этики. Занимается педагогическим дизайном в области построения индивидуальных образовательных траекторий в университетском пространстве.
Mikhail Bazlev is a religious scholar, lecturer in the humanities at the National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI" and the Educational and Scientific Center for the Study of Religion of the Russian State Humanitarian University, member of the editorial board of the journal "Religious Studies", 4 Dan Aikido Aikikai. He specializes in the problems of interdisciplinary analysis of religious experience, the social history of science and modern aspects of applied ethics. He is engaged in pedagogical design in the field of building individual educational trajectories in the university space.
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4/15/2023 • 3 hours, 45 minutes, 16 seconds Вадим Розин: Закат цивилизации, базисные культурные сценарии, историческа я сингулярность, сохранение жизни. Вадим Розин - философ, методолог, педагог. Ведет исследования, преподает, пишет статьи и книги.
Vadim Rozin is a philosopher, methodologist, and teacher. Conducts research, teaches, and writes articles and books.
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4/14/2023 • 2 hours, 16 minutes, 33 seconds Кеша Скирневский: Чувство смысла, поиск, распаковка и передача смыслов, дивергентное мышление. Кеша Скирневский - Автор книги "Просто о Мозге", IT-предприниматель (основатель Сказбуки), Спикер TEDx, 100+ статей о мозге, 100+ посещённых городов.
Kesha Skirnevsky - Author of "Just About the Brain" book, IT entrepreneur (founder of Skazbooka), TEDx speaker, 100+ articles about the brain, 100+ cities visited.
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4/13/2023 • 2 hours, 32 minutes, 8 seconds Андрей Афонин: Антропологический театр, невидимая эстетика, люди с менталь ной инвалидностью, инклюзивность. Андрей Афонин - Председатель совета Регионального отделения Межрегиональной общественной организации в поддержку людей с ментальной инвалидностью и психофизическими нарушениями «Равные возможности» (г. Москва), учредитель АНО культурно-просветительский центр особого искусства «ПРОЛИВ», художественный руководитель и режиссёр Интегрированного театра «Круг II», член Союза охраны психического здоровья, член правления Ассоциации деятелей инклюзивного искусства, эксперт в области доступности и инклюзивности учреждений культуры, специалист по социокультурной реабилитации, театральный педагог, перформер, лектор и ведущий мастер-классов по "особому театру". Автор книги: «"Особый театр" как жизненный путь», 2018. Автор идеи и разработчик курса для родителей детей с ограниченными возможностями здоровья «Школа родительского мастерства Андрея Афонина».
Andrey Afonin is the Chairman of the Council of the Regional Branch of the Interregional Public Organization in Support of People with Mental Disabilities and Psychophysical Disabilities "Equal Opportunities" (Moscow), founder of the ANO Cultural and Educational Center for Special Art "PROLIV", artistic director and director of the Integrated Theater "Circle II", a member of the Union for Mental Health, a member of the board of the Association of Inclusive Artists, an expert in the field of accessibility and inclusiveness of cultural institutions, a specialist in socio-cultural rehabilitation, a theater teacher, performer, lecturer and host of master classes in "special theater". Author of the book: "Special Theater" as a way of life", 2018. Author of the idea and developer of the course for parents of children with disabilities "Andrey Afonin's School of Parenting Excellence".
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4/11/2023 • 2 hours, 4 minutes, 32 seconds Сергей Пулинец: Землетрясение, концепция взаимодействия литосферы, атмосф еры и ионосферы, тайны недр земли. Сергей Пулинец — профессор, главный научный сотрудник Института космических исследований (ИКИ) Российской академии наук, Москва, Россия. Он имеет более чем 40-летний опыт работы в области радиофизики, физики ионосферы и геофизики. Доктор Пулинец является руководителем международной группы ученых, предлагающих концепцию взаимодействия литосферы, атмосферы и ионосферы, связанную с сейсмотектоникой, активными разломами и процессами землетрясений. Д-р Пулинец является действительным членом Российской академии естественных наук, членом редколлегии журналов «Геомагнетизм и аэрономия» и журнала «Атмосфера» МДПИ. Сергей - руководитель многих экспериментов с космической плазмой на борту советских и российских спутников, член Научного комитета китайского сейсмо-электромагнитного спутника, запущенного в феврале 2018 года. Главный конструктор спутникового зонда ЛАЭРТ для российского спутника созвездие ИОНОЗОНД-2025.
Prof. Sergey Pulinets is a Principal Research Scientist at the Space Research Institute (IKI) of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia. He has more than 40 years of experience in Radiophysics, Physics of the Ionosphere, and Geophysics. Dr. Pulinets is a leader of an international team of scientists proposing the Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere coupling concept related to seismo-tectonics, active faulting and earthquake processes. Dr. Pulinets is a full member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, and a member of the editorial board of the Geomagnetism and Aeronomy journal and MDPI Atmosphere journal. S.A. Pulinets is PI for many space plasma experiments onboard the Soviet and Russian satellites, he is a member of the Scientific Committee of the Chinese Seismo-Electromagnetic Satellite launched on February 2018 He is the Principal Designer of the Satellite Topside Sounder LAERT for the Russian satellite constellation IONOSONDE-2025.
================================SUPPORT & CONNECT:Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/denofrichTwitter: https://twitter.com/denofrichFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/mark.develman/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/denofrichInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/den_of_rich/Hashtag: #denofrich© Copyright 2023 Den of Rich. All rights reserved.
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4/11/2023 • 2 hours, 11 minutes, 19 seconds Андрей Логутов: Семантическое и редуцированное звучание языка, смысловое наполнение тишины. Андрей Логутов — доцент (до октября 2022 г.) кафедры коммуникативных и дискурсивных исследований Московского государственного университета, Россия. Родился в Москве в 1980 г., окончил факультеты физики (1998 г.) и литературы (2005 г.). Его докторская степень об Эмили Дикинсон появился в 2008 году после того, как он провел год в SUNY (Баффало) в качестве исследователя Фулбрайта. С 2009 года он читает курсы по медиаисследованиям, теории коммуникации, анализу текстов песен, а также курс звуковедения для выпускников Московского государственного университета. Его работы включают оригинальные исследования, обзоры и переводы по различным темам, включая слуховые ощущения в литературе, социологию музыки и историю медиа. Он также принимал участие в нескольких музыкальных / звуковых проектах в качестве автора текстов, звукорежиссера, организатора или просто случайного присутствия без конкретной цели.
Andrey Logutov is an Assistant Professor (prior to October 2022) Department of Communication and Discourse Studies, at Moscow State University, Russia. Born in Moscow in 1980, he graduated in physics (1998) and literature (2005). His Ph.D. on Emily Dickinson came in 2008 after he spent a year at SUNY (Buffalo) as a Fulbright researcher. Since 2009 he has taught courses in media studies, communication theory, song lyrics analysis and a graduate-level course in sound studies at Moscow State. His works include original research, reviews and translations on various subjects including aurality in literature, sociology of music and media history. He has also taken part in multiple musical/sonic projects as a lyricist, sound engineer, organizer, or just a random presence with no particular purpose.
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4/10/2023 • 4 hours, 11 minutes, 41 seconds Илья Щербаков: Вера в логический фатализм, созерцание своей жизни с позици и наблюдателя, магнитуда прожитого опыта. Илья Щербаков, более 10 лет в торговле, co-founder компании “Еврочехол”, в момент выхода из компании сеть насчитывала более 10 магазинов по всей России. Сейчас владелец компании Mandarin Decor, занимается торговлей на маркетплейсах оборот более 10 млн. рублей в месяц,также совладелец агенства по продвижению селлеров на маркетплейсах. Закончил МШУ Сколково, ведет свой телеграмм канал Долой Ламу.
Ilya Shcherbakov, more than 10 years in trade, co-founder of the Evrochehol company, at the time of leaving the company, the network consisted of more than 10 stores throughout Russia. Now the owner of the Mandarin Decor company, he is engaged in trading on marketplaces with a turnover of more than 10 million rubles per month, he is also a co-owner of an agency for promoting sellers on marketplaces. Graduated from Moscow School of Education Skolkovo, runs his own telegram channel "Doloi Lamu".
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4/9/2023 • 2 hours, 9 minutes, 44 seconds Екатерина Снегирёва: Ангелы и демоны живущие внутри нас, интуитивные желания как навигация по жизни. Екатерина Снегирёва - Директор продукта Коммерции Lamoda. Основатель агентства продуктовых исследований и консалтинга "Partner in Crime". Создатель магического ювелирного бренда TAIS. Ранее Product Head в TSUM, Product Manager "Live & Social Ecom" в Aliexpress, создатель автоматизации платформы Adsterra Network, монетизационного b2b инвентаря Avito, инструментов финансового планирования в AlfaBank. Cоавтор первого в России TikTok сериала "Youngzterz" с миллионными охватами. Создатель первой методической программы и единой матрицы навыков менеджера продукта Product owner 360 Binary District 2019 с 1500 выпускников. Автор курса "Продуктовый дизан лидер" для дизайнеров продукта на базе BBE. Автор фреймворка поиска рабочих продуктовых решений и трендов "Research 360".
Ekaterina Snegireva - Head of Commercial Products at Lamoda. Founder of the product research and consulting agency "Partner in Crime". Creator of the magical jewelry brand TAIS. Business and product development consultant, product manager, entrepreneur. Previously Product Head at TSUM, Product Manager "Live & Social Ecom" at Aliexpress, creator of Adsterra Network platform automation, Avito monetization b2b inventory ("Auto strategy"), financial planning tools at AlfaBank. Co-author of the first Russian TikTok series "Youngzterz" with millions of hits. Creator of the first methodological program and a unified matrix of skills for a product manager Product owner 360 Binary District 2019 with 1500 graduates. Author of the "Product Design Leader" course for product designers based on BBE. Author of a framework for finding product solutions that will work "Research 360" (in progress).
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4/8/2023 • 2 hours, 21 minutes, 11 seconds Павел Барышников: Вычислительная теория сознания, эволюция GPT, центр нарративной гравитации, нуминозный опыт в общении с AI. Павел Барышников, доктор философских наук, доцент имеет общий научно-педагогической стаж 20 лет. Окончил Пятигорский государственный лингвистический университет по специальности "Лингвистика".18.05.2010 г. защитил диссертацию на тему: "Миф и метафора: опыт межпарадигмального анализа" в диссертационном совете Российского университета дружбы народов (г. Москва) на соискание степени кандидата философских наук. 26.12.2019 г. защитил диссертацию на тему: "Методологические возможности и границы вычислительных моделей сознания" в диссертационном совете Российского университета дружбы народов (г. Москва) на соискание степени доктора философских наук. Павел имеет более 100 научных публикаций, в том числе 5 монографических работ. Главный редактор научного онлайн-журнала "Философские проблемы ИТ и киберпространства". Научные интересы: вычислительная теория сознания, философия языка, методология искусственного интеллекта, семиотика, теория мифа.
Pavel Baryshnikov, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, associate professor has a total scientific and pedagogical experience of 20 years. He graduated from the Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University with a degree in Linguistics. On May 18, 2010, he defended his thesis on the topic: "Myth and Metaphor: the Experience of Interparadigmatic Analysis" in the Dissertation Council of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (Moscow) for the degree of Candidate of Philosophical Sciences. On December 26, 2019, he defended his dissertation on the topic: "Methodological possibilities and limits of computational models of consciousness" in the dissertation council of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (Moscow) for the degree of Doctor of Philosophical Sciences. Pavel has over 100 scientific publications, including 5 monographs. Editor-in-Chief of the scientific online journal "Philosophical Problems of IT and Cyberspace". Research interests: computational theory of consciousness, philosophy of language, artificial intelligence methodology, semiotics, myth theory.
================================SUPPORT & CONNECT:Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/denofrichTwitter: https://twitter.com/denofrichFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/mark.develman/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/denofrichInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/den_of_rich/Hashtag: #denofrich© Copyright 2023 Den of Rich. All rights reserved.
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4/5/2023 • 2 hours, 14 minutes, 53 seconds Максим Козин: Ностальгия по клубной жизни, скрытые намерения, продажа субъективной полезности, степень погруженности. Максим Козин 12+ лет занимается продуктом и продуктовой разработкой в крупных ИТ-продуктах и компаниях (VK, 2GIS, CберЗвук, Lamoda и т.д). Founder арт-пространства АТОР (более 10 лет). Это комплекс фото/видео студий, онлайн-школа, аренда фото/видео техники и мебели, собственный фото и видео продакшн и многое другое. Постоянно преподает, консультирует и сотрудничает: МФТИ, ВШЭ, Неология, Skillfactory, БВШД, ЭЙЧ и тд; Co-founder стартапа, который был продан крупной компании.
Maksim Kozin has been working in product and product development for large IT products and companies (VK, 2GIS, SberZvuk, Lamoda, etc.) for 12+ years. Founder of the ATOR art space (more than 10 years). This is a complex of photo / video studios, an online school, rental of photo / video equipment and furniture, own photo and video production, and much more. Constantly teaches, consults and collaborates with: Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, HSE, Neology, Skillfactory, BHSAD, HSE, etc.; Co-founder of a startup that was sold to a large company.
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4/4/2023 • 2 hours, 58 minutes, 5 seconds Александр Гилелах: Магия, подключение к инфополю, слои осознанности, инициа лизация, Kabbalah, люди как ключи. Александр Гилелах - Родился в Киеве в 1977. С 1991 живет в Израиле. По основному образоваянию биолог, области специализаций экология и нейробиология. Практически всю жизнь практикует различные методики саморазвития, как традиционные так и современные с акцентом на пратиках направленных на разитие способностей воздействия на себя и внешний мир-то, что обычно в большинстве культур относится к магическим пратикам. Основная область его интересов это осознанная эволюция - практики и методы которые позволяют людям достигшим предела развития в современной культуре шагнуть дальше. С 2009 года преподает Магию и практики развития в школе Sphinx.Vision. Остальные области интересов, кроме хорошей литературы и общения с умными людьми это боевые искусства. С детства практикует и более 20 лет преподает работу с традиционным холодным оружием - от длинного меча до ножа, и последние 12 лет практикует и преподает внутренний стиль ушу илицюань.
Alexander Gilelah was born in Kyiv in 1977. Since 1991 he has lived in Israel. A biologist by basic education. The areas of his specialization are ecology and neurobiology. Almost all his life he has been practicing various methods of self-development, both traditional and modern, with an emphasis on practices aimed at developing the ability to influence oneself and the outside world - something that usually refers to magical practices in most cultures. His main area of interest is conscious evolution - practices, and methods that allow people who have reached the development limits in modern culture to step further. Since 2009, he has taught Magic and developmental practices at the Sphinx.Vision school. Other areas of interest besides good literature and communication with smart people are martial arts. Since childhood, he has been practicing and teaching for more than 20 years how to work with traditional edged weapons - from a long sword to a knife, and for the last 12 years, he has been practicing and teaching the internal style of wushu - I Liq Chuan.
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4/3/2023 • 1 hour, 54 minutes, 15 seconds Владимир Дмитриев: Жизнь в постоянном цейтноте, заморочка на эффективность, поиск изысканных проблематик. Владимир Дмитриев – серийный предприниматель, фанат подхода «polygamous сareers» и соло-предпринимательства, эксперт в области цифрового здравоохранения. 15+ лет в разработке, производстве и дистрибуции, в т.ч. международной, медицинской техники, косметической и фармацевтической продукции. Инженер-программист по базовому образованию. В данный момент одновременно официально работает в качестве наймита в 5 компаниях, является учредителем проектов «ТелеМедХаб» (дистанционный мониторинг состояния здоровья пациентов) и IMDGo (профессиональная соц. сеть для врачей), суммарно ведёт/лидирует прямо сейчас 13 проектов с разными командами. Работает в компаниях из 5 стран. Выступает в т.ч. в роли адвайзера. Девизы и основные принципы: работа = хобби; организация и порядок.
Vladimir Dmitriev is a serial entrepreneur, a supporter of the “polygamous career” approach and solopreneurship, and an expert in digital healthcare. 15+ years of experience in R&D, and international distribution of medical technologies, cosmetics, and pharmaceutical products. At the moment, he officially works as an employee in 5 companies at the same time, the founder of the TeleMedHub (RPM solution) and IMDgo (professional social network for doctors like "Figure 1") projects, in total he is currently the team leader of 13 projects. Works in companies from 5 countries. Support start-ups as an advisor. Work is a hobby + organization and order are the motto:)
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4/2/2023 • 3 hours, 5 minutes, 48 seconds Елена Белова: Роль медиа и журналистики в распространении научного знания, истощение эмпатии. Елена Белова - Ученый-нейрофизиолог, сотрудник лаборатории клеточной нейрофизиологии человека ФИЦ ХФ РАН, автор и иллюстратор книги "Автостопом по мозгу. Когда вселенная у тебя в голове", автор телеграм-канала @hippopocampus (Удивительное про мозг, поведение и нейронауки). Читает научно-популярные лекции о работе мозга.
Elena Belova is a scientist-neurophysiologist, employee of the Laboratory of Human Cellular Neurophysiology of the Federal Research Center for Chemical Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, author and illustrator of the book "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Brain. When the Universe is in Your Head", the author of the telegram channel @hippopocampus (Amazing about the brain, behavior and neuroscience). Reads popular science lectures on the work of the brain.
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4/1/2023 • 3 hours, 3 minutes, 45 seconds Ольга Цветкова: Танцы во время апокалипсиса. Современный танец и перформанс. Укол наблюдателя. Ольга Цветкова— хореограф, перформер, куратор. Обучалась в School for new dance development (Амстердам) на отделении хореографии и создания спектаклей современного танца. В 2014 году выпустила работу в Центре им Вс. Мейерхольда. В 2016-2017 годах являлась резидентом Dansateliers (Rotterdam). В 2017 году закончила магистерскую программу по режиссуре в Амстердаме (DAS theatre) и являлась стипендиатом программы DANCEWEB scholarship 2017 (Vienna). С 2018 по 2022 год работала куратором программы по современному танцу в доме культуры «ГЭС-2». В 2019 году вместе с композитором Антоном Светличным выпустила современный балет "Крик о тишине. Дао Дэ Цзин" в клубе Mutabor. В этом же году ставит спектакль «Human after all» для танцевальной компании Norrdans в Швеции. В 2021 году вместе с Теодором Курентзисом поставила современный балет "Послеполуденный отдых фавна" на музыку Дебюсси (Дом Радио), а также начала работать как представитель от России в европейской танцевальной сети "Aerowaves".
Olga Tsvetkova is a choreographer, performer and curator. She studied at the School for new dance development (Amsterdam) at the department of choreography and creation of contemporary dance performances. In 2014, she published a work at the Center named after Vs. Meyerhold. In 2016-2017 she was a resident of Dansateliers (Rotterdam). In 2017, she completed a master's program in directing in Amsterdam (DAS theater) and was a DANCEWEB scholarship 2017 (Vienna) scholarship holder. From 2018 to 2022, she worked as a curator of the modern dance program at the GES-2 cultural center. In 2019, together with the composer Anton Svetlichny, she released the contemporary ballet Cry for Silence. Tao Te Ching at the Mutabor Club. In the same year, he staged the play "Human after all" for the dance company Norrdans in Sweden. In 2021, together with Teodor Currentzis, she staged the modern ballet "Afternoon of a Faun" to the music of Debussy (Radio House), and also began working as a representative from Russia in the European dance network "Aerowaves".
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3/31/2023 • 2 hours, 9 minutes, 49 seconds Алексей Кривошеин: Поиск перспективных возможностей на растущих рынках, созидательная энергия намерения. Алексей Кривошеин - сооснователь агентства Точно, предоставляющего клиентам директора по маркетингу на аутсорсе. Бизнесу 8 лет, оборот 6 млн рублей в месяц, сейчас 40 действующих клиентов, специализируются на 2х направлениях - медицинские услуги и производственные компании. Алексей родился в Екатеринбурге, 9 лет назад переехал в Москву. Получил две степени по экономике и управления предприятием и Программное обеспечение вычислительной техники, УГТУ-УПИ. После института работал на военном предприятии 4 года, в подразделении надежности. После чего был 5 лет невыездной, первый раз попал за границу в 2019. Играет в футбол, болеет за Лондонский Арсенал, катается на борде, любит кино - смотрит много фильмов.
Alexey Krivoshein is a co-founder of the Tochno agency, which provides outsourcing marketing directors to clients. The business is 8 years old, the turnover is 6 million rubles per month, now there are 40 active clients, they specialize in 2 areas - medical services and manufacturing companies. Alexey was born in Yekaterinburg, moved to Moscow 9 years ago. Received two degrees in economics and enterprise management and computer software. After graduation, he worked at a military enterprise for 4 years, in the reliability department. After that, he was banned from traveling abroad for 5 years, the first time he went abroad in 2019. He plays football, is a fan of the London Arsenal, rides a board, loves movies - he watches a lot of films.
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3/30/2023 • 2 hours, 38 minutes, 16 seconds Альберт Жильцов: Жизнь на автопилоте, удовлетворение персонального голода, мета экспириенс. Альберт Жильцов - любит быть полезным. У него все есть. Он счастлив, реализован, самодостаточен.
Albert Zhiltsov - likes to be helpful. He has everything. He is happy, fulfilled, self-sufficient.
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3/29/2023 • 2 hours, 50 minutes, 58 seconds Галина Козунова: Природа и механизмы принятия решений, чушь как рецептор на щупальце познания. Галина Козунова - Детский клинический психолог, кандидат психологических наук, старший научный сотрудник Центра нейрокогнитивных исследований (МЭГ-центр).
Galina Kozunova is a Developmental Psychologist, Ph.D. in Psychology, Senior Researcher at the Moscow MEG-center.
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3/28/2023 • 2 hours, 44 minutes, 6 seconds Михаил Дьяконов: Конспирология и маргинальные теории, алхимия самоидентификации, исследование персональных границ. Михаил дьяконов – лектор и преподаватель целого ряда дисциплин (история, социология, политология, география и т.д.), кандидат социологических наук. Читал лекции во многих университетах по всему миру (Испания, Венгрия, Словакия, Латвия, Литва, Япония, Вьетнам, Южная Африка, Руанда и т.д.). Лектор LevelOne (автор курсов по мифологии и идеологии), участвовал в проекте «Гедонистика» по истории кулинарии. Работает онлайн с российскими и американскими учениками и студентами. Родился в Москве, живёт в Буэнос-Айресе, где реализует новые культурные и образовательные проекты.
Mikhail Dyakonov is a lecturer and teacher of a number of disciplines (history, sociology, political science, geography, etc.), candidate of sociological sciences. He has lectured at many universities around the world (Spain, Hungary, Slovakia, Latvia, Lithuania, Japan, Vietnam, South Africa, Rwanda, etc.). Lecturer at LevelOne (author of courses on mythology and ideology), participated in the Hedonistics project on the history of culinary. Works online with Russian and American pupils and students. Born in Moscow, lives in Buenos Aires, where he implements new cultural and educational projects.
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3/27/2023 • 2 hours, 5 minutes, 23 seconds Сергей Шишкин: Будущее нейроинтерфейсов, обнаружение намерений, коэволюци я человечества и искусственного интеллекта. Сергей Шишкин – нейрофизиолог, руководитель группы нейрокогнитивных интерфейсов МЭГ-центра МГППУ. Окончил кафедру физиологии человека и животных биофака МГУ, в 1997 году защитил кандидатскую диссертацию под руководством А.Я. Каплана. В 2003-2005 годах работал в Институте наук о мозге в составе РИКЕНа, ведущей японской исследовательской организации. С 2008 года работает над созданием новых интерфейсов мозг-компьютер (нейроинтерфейсов) – сначала в лаборатории Каплана в МГУ, затем в МИФИ, далее в Курчатовском институте, где руководил профильной лабораторией, а с 2020 года – в МГППУ. Придумал несколько новых типов интерфейсов мозг-компьютер, разрабатывает высокоинтегрированные гибридные интерфейсы глаз-мозг-компьютер. Участвовал в создании газеты ученых и научных журналистов "Троицкий вариант – наука". С марта 2022 года ведет телеграм-канал "Нейроинтерфейсы" - https://t.me/bci_ru .
Sergei Shishkin is a neurophysiologist, head of the group of neurocognitive interfaces at the MEG Center of the Moscow State University of Psychology and Education. Graduated from the Department of Human and Animal Physiology of the Biological Faculty of Moscow State University, in 1997 he defended his Ph.D. thesis under the guidance of A.Ya. Kaplan. In 2003-2005, he worked at the Institute of Brain Sciences as part of RIKEN, a leading Japanese research organization. Since 2008, he has been working on the creation of new brain-computer interfaces (neural interfaces) - first at the Kaplan laboratory at Moscow State University, then at MEPhI, then at the Kurchatov Institute, where he headed the specialized laboratory, and since 2020 - at MSUPU. Invented several new types of brain-computer interfaces, develops highly integrated hybrid eye-brain-computer interfaces. Participated in the creation of the newspaper of scientists and scientific journalists "Troitsky Variant - Science". Since March 2022, he has been running the "Neurointerfaces", telegram channel.
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3/26/2023 • 2 hours, 26 minutes, 8 seconds Анатолий Назаров: Мозговая парадигма в психологии, компьютерная метафора, мозговой субстрат, ноосфера. Анатолий Назаров - Доцент кафедры психологии университета "Дубна", заведующий лабораторией экспериментальной психологии. Родился в 1939 г. Окончил факультет психологии МГУ в 1961г. Кандидат психологических наук. Более 100 публикаций. Монография "Экспериментальные тетради", 2017г. Интересы: психология, философия, искусство, эстетика, техника.
Anatoly Nazarov is an Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology at the University "Dubna", Head of the Laboratory of Experimental Psychology. Born in 1939. Graduated from the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University in 1961. Candidate of Psychological Sciences. Over 100 publications. Monograph "Experimental notebooks", 2017. Interests: psychology, philosophy, art, aesthetics, technology.
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3/25/2023 • 1 hour, 21 minutes, 11 seconds Валерий Старжинский: Теория относительности, квантовая физика и проблема объективности истины. Валерий Старжинский - Закончил с отличием физико-математичекий ф-т, аспирантуру у Готта В. (Ученика Ландау Л.Д.) по философии квантовой физики, доктор философских наук, профессор БНТУ , Тема докт "Гуманизация инженерного образования. Философско-конструктивный подход", Один из разработчиков концепции ПВТ РБ, член экспертного совета, автор более 600 публикаций, в т.ч. 17 монографий и 4 изобретений, стартапа, опыт коммерческой деятельности, автор 2 повестей и нескольких рассказов и эссе, член редколлегии художественно-публицистического журнала, автор десятков сценариев телепередач для молодежи.
Valery Starzhynsky - Graduated with honors from the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, postgraduate studies with Gott V. (Student of Landau L.D.) in the philosophy of quantum physics, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of BNTU, Doctoral topic "Humanization of engineering education. Philosophical and constructive approach" , One of the developers of the HTP RB concept, member of the expert council, author of more than 600 publications, incl. 17 monographs and 4 inventions, start-ups, commercial experience, author of 2 novels and several stories and essays, member of the editorial board of an art and journalistic magazine, author of dozens of TV scripts for young people.
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3/23/2023 • 2 hours, 1 minute, 53 seconds Татьяна Бибик: Цена успеха, изысканность проблематик, влияние денег и комью нити на восприятие реальности. Татьяна Бибик, 29 лет, совладелица «Не Школа», российской сети частных музыкальных школ (направления: барабаны, гитара и вокал), 165 открытых школ в СНГ, 1,5 миллиарда рублей - выручка за 2022 год.
Tatiana Bibik, 29, co-owner of Ne Shkola, a Russian network of private music schools (directions: drums, guitar and vocals), 165 open schools in the CIS, 1.5 billion rubles - revenue for 2022.
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3/22/2023 • 2 hours, 12 minutes, 40 seconds Георгий Цеплаков: Будущее которое не наступит, языковой дом, вестники апок алипсиса, рейганомика, постмодернизм. Георгий Цеплаков - Культуролог, преподаватель, литературный и кинокритик, журналист. Практик вовлечения людей в социальные и творческие проекты. Для этого пишет тексты, снимает видео о литературе, кино, истории, берет интервью. Куратор 400 проектов по литературе, кино, истории филосоии, маркетингу культуры и искусства. Автор 3 книг и 26 статей. Кандидат философских наук. Обучает взрослых людей 15 лет. Помогает экспертам в сфере искусства, работникам культуры, авторам, участникам НКО выстраивать стратегии и подробные планы пропаганды классики и актуальной культуры. У него 2 цели: 1. Равнодушных к высокой культуре и искусству делать неравнодушными; 2. Неравнодушных превращать в профессиональных культуртрегеров.
Georgy Ceplakov is a culturologist, teacher, literary and film critic, journalist. He is a practitioner of involving people in social and creative projects. To do this, he writes texts, shoots videos about literature, cinema, history, and interviews. Curator of 400 projects in literature, cinema, history of philosophy, marketing of culture and art. Author of 3 books and 26 articles. PhD in Philosophy. Teaching adults for 15 years. Helps art experts, cultural workers, authors, NGO members to build strategies and detailed plans for the promotion of classics and contemporary culture. He has 2 goals: 1. To make those who are indifferent to high culture and art not indifferent; 2. Turn those who are not indifferent into professional cultural traders.
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3/21/2023 • 1 hour, 55 minutes, 32 seconds Леонид Фельдман: Путь от атеиста из СССР до раввина в West Palm Beach. Иудаизм. Системный расизм. Woke culture. Кризис веры. Леонид Фельдман — первый и единственный консервативный раввин из бывшего Советского Союза. Бывший учитель физики и отказник, до иммиграции в США жил в Израиле и Италии. Леонид влюбился в иудаизм в Калифорнии и вскоре после этого был принят в раввинскую школу при Еврейской теологической семинарии Америки. Раввин Фельдман недавно покинул свою общину спустя много лет и переехал в Тель-Авив. Сейчас он преподает иудаизм новым иммигрантам из России и Украины. Недавно он снялся в новом документальном фильме Netflix «Мэдофф: монстр с Уолл-стрит». Он ведет подкаст Ask The Rabbi.
Leonid Feldman is the first and only Conservative Rabbi from the former Soviet Union. A former physics teacher and refusenik, he lived in Israel and Italy before his immigration to the USA. Leonid fell in love with Judaism in California and was soon accepted to Rabbinical School at the Jewish Theological Seminary of America. Rabbi Feldman has recently left his congregation after many years and moved to Tel Aviv. He is now teaching Judaism to new immigrants from Russia and Ukraine. Recently he was featured in Netflix’s new documentary, “Madoff: The Monster of Wall Street”. He is a host of the Ask The Rabbi podcast.
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3/19/2023 • 2 hours, 4 minutes, 10 seconds Виталий Егоров: Полет на Марс, Artemis 3 возвращение на Луну, астрофизика, консп ирология, UFO Виталий Егоров, популяризатор космонавтики, энтузиаст космических исследований, блогер, журналист, начинающий научно-популярный писатель, специалист по связям с общественностью. Работал в российских частных космических компаниях. Написал две книги о космонавтике. Эмигрировал из России в 2022 году.
Vitaly Egorov, popularizer of astronautics, space research enthusiast, blogger, journalist, aspiring popular science writer, public relations specialist. Worked in Russian private space companies. Wrote two books about astronautics. Emigrated from Russia in 2022.
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3/18/2023 • 2 hours, 37 minutes, 58 seconds Диана Чимирова: Субъективное представление о современных отношениях мужч ины и женщины. Поиск второй половинки. Диана Чимирова, по образованию полиграфолог, профайлер. Работала в банке и IT компании, год назад ушла в творческую стихию, начала писать песни, учиться на DJ и дизайнера модельера, а еще она блогер.
Diana Chimirova is a polygraph examiner by education and a profiler. Worked in a bank, and an IT company, a year ago she went into the creative element, started writing songs, and learn to DJ. She is studying to be a fashion designer. Also, she is a blogger.
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3/17/2023 • 2 hours, 29 minutes, 36 seconds Михаил Загирняк: Искусственный интеллект в видео играх сквозь призму прак тической философии Канта. Mikhail Zagirnyak is a Doctor of Philosophy, Senior Research Fellow at the Educational and Scientific Cluster of the Institute of Education and the Humanities - Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University. He analyzed the dynamics of comprehension of sociability in the philosophy of the Russian diaspora. Currently, he is engaged in the study of artificial intelligence in computer games through the prism of the practical philosophy of Immanuel Kant.
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3/15/2023 • 2 hours, 30 minutes, 31 seconds Гиви Гивишвили: Противоречия канонической космологической модели. Роль человека во вселенной. Критика теории относительности. Givi Givishvili graduated from TSU in 1962 (Department of Physics). In 1963, he was assigned to Moscow (IZMIRAN), and to this day remains in it, delving into and trying to solve some problems of the near space - the ionosphere and the upper layers of the atmosphere. For the experimental study of the global structure of the ionosphere from 1967 to 1978, he was engaged in its monitoring from the research vessels "Akademik Kurchatov" and "Akademik Korolev" in the basin of the World Ocean - the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian (participated in 7 voyages). The theoretical understanding of the obtained materials resulted in the defense of his doctoral dissertation in 1995. Givi is the author of a number of articles in the journal "Problems of Philosophy" devoted to the problems of the role of man in the Universe (since 1995), and 12 books on philosophy, history, and economics (since 2001 .). From 2001 to 2004 he lectured on these subjects to students at Moscow State University, the Russian State Humanitarian University, and the International University. But then he completely switched to working on books. For about 15 years he was vice president of the Russian Humanist Society (RGO).
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3/14/2023 • 2 hours, 3 minutes, 28 seconds Павел Гордон: Предпринимательство, люди как двери к новым возможностям, принципы, цена ошибки. Pavel Gordon is an IT entrepreneur, and the founder of TDI Group (an advertising group that operates in Belarus, Russia, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan). Now his main focus is on the repatriation project in Israel and the Amazon franchise.
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3/13/2023 • 2 hours, 11 minutes, 8 seconds Максим Осовский: Визуальное мышление, инфографика, структуризация смыслов, угроза AGI Maxim Osovsky is the founder of the School of Graphic Methods of Thinking, and one of the leaders of the informal research group Schematization. Since 2007, he has been an active participant in summer schools and seminars of the Foundation. G.P. Shchedrovitsky Member of the editorial board of the international network almanac "Summa Methodology".
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3/13/2023 • 2 hours, 1 minute, 58 seconds Николай Гурский: Понятие и природа дара, созависимость, капсула смерти, кредит доверия. Nikolay Gurskiy is completing his postgraduate studies in social philosophy. Works as a teacher of social studies. He loves mountains, the sea, stars, flowers, faces of people and animals. And also read books on your subject.
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3/12/2023 • 1 hour, 37 minutes, 7 seconds Никита Проскурин: Пределы этической коррумпированности, поиск себя, фатализм, гейминг. Nikita Proskurin graduated from the Military Financial and Economic Institute in 2010. He thought he was ready to do anything, as long as he get paid and did not have to wear a uniform. So he quit the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and got a job at ChTPZ, where he was selling oil and gas pipes to Kazakhstan. After some time, he got tired and decided to become a tattoo artist, and even ruined a couple of friends' skins, but life sent him closer to the military sector again and in 2014 he started financing enterprises for the repair of engineering equipment. In 2015, he opened a company and, under the orders of partners, was engaged in developing the production and sale of domestically produced firearms. In 2021, he finally left this business, having sold all his shares, and moved to game development, to which he had been irresistibly drawn since 2018. In general, he played video games all his life, but he decided to make it his profession only 5 years ago. Now he owns part of the Geeky House, a game studio with offices in the Russian Federation and the UAE, where he manages the entire development team and strategic planning and development.
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3/11/2023 • 2 hours, 8 minutes, 49 seconds Вадим Беляев: Социокультурная архитектура модерна, фундаментальное чувство свободы, универсум, символическая реальность. Vadim Belyaev, Ph.D. in Philosophy. Graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy of the Lomonosov Moscow State University. Independent researcher. Author of a number of monographs in the field of socio-cultural methodology, cultural studies, the theory of modernity, and postmodernity.
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3/10/2023 • 2 hours, 20 minutes, 51 seconds Владимир Коровкин: Цифровая трансформация, адекватный предел допущений, б удущее. Владимир Коровкин занимается исследованиями и преподает в области цифровой трансформации корпораций, национальной и региональной экономики с 2014 года. Его курсы включают «Цифровая трансформация», «Управление ИТ», «Бизнес-исследования и принятие решений», «Введение в цифровую экономику». Владимир является автором и соавтором двух книг, девяти глав в книгах, двенадцати исследовательских отчетов и статей в академических и деловых СМИ (включая Harvard Business Review, Forbes, BRICS Business Magazine и другие). Его книга «От носорога до единорога» стала «Бизнес-книгой года» в 2021 году в России, а английское издание попало в списки бестселлеров Amazon и WSJ. В качестве эксперта ПРООН и ЮНИДО консультировал по вопросам разработки национальных цифровых стратегий в Армении и Туркменистане. До начала академической карьеры Владимир 20 лет занимался бизнесом, в том числе 17 лет на руководящих должностях в области маркетинговых коммуникаций, розничных банковских услуг, информационных технологий и управленческого консалтинга.
Vladimir Korovkin has been researching and teaching on the digital transformation of corporations, national and regional economies since 2014. His courses include Digital Transformation , IT Management , Business Research and Decision-Making , Introduction to Digital Economy. Vladimir has authored and co-written two books, nine book chapters, twelve research reports and articles in academic and business media (including the Harvard Business Review, Forbes, BRICS Business Magazine and more). His book, From Rhinoceros to Unicorn, was Business Book of the Year in 2021 in Russia and the English edition was on bestseller lists of Amazon and WSJ. As an expert for UNDP and UNIDO, he has consulted on the development of national digital strategies in Armenia and Turkmenistan. Prior to pursuing an academic career, Vladimir spent 20 years in business, including 17 years in executive roles in marketing communications, retail banking, IT and management consulting.
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3/8/2023 • 2 hours, 31 minutes, 20 seconds Никита Образцов: Опыт священного трепета, религия, вера, атеизм, конспироло гия. Никита Образцов - магистр религиоведения СПбГУ и популяризатор науки о религии. Основной интерес - изучение современных религиозных процессов, магистерская диссертация посвящена движению Brights. Ушел в религиоведение из юриспруденции, потому что жить интересно важнее, чем жить богато:). Убежден, что о религии можно и нужно говорить на научном языке, вопреки распространенным сегодня постмодернистским нарративам, отрицающим такую возможность. Интересуется буддизмом, синтоизмом и даосизмом. Автор научно-популярных курсов о религиях мира, объясняющих сложные концепции простым языком.
Nikita Obraztsov is a master of religious studies at St Petersburg University and a popularizer of the science of religion. His main interest is the study of contemporary religious processes, and his master's thesis is on the Brights movement. He went into religious studies from jurisprudence, because it is more important to live interestingly than to live richly :). He is convinced that it is possible and necessary to speak about religion in a scientific language, contrary to the postmodernist narratives that are widespread today, denying such a possibility. Interested in Buddhism, Shinto and Taoism. Author of popular science courses on the religions of the world, explaining complex concepts in simple language.
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3/7/2023 • 2 hours, 13 minutes, 26 seconds Алексей Тюренков: Интертеймент будущего, зазеркалье субъективной реальности. Алексей Тюренков всю жизнь работал в новостях, пришёл прямо перед грузино-осетинским конфликтом в августе 2008 года. С 2010 года новости стали сопряжены с социальными сетями. Спустя 10 лет в новостях (RT International, RT на русском, Лента.ру) стал искать себя в других сферах. Так попал в стартап, который еле пережил пандемию, потом в онлайн-кинотеатр Premier, а далее его занесли в соцсети любимого города — Московского транспорта. Там приходилось не только руководить постингом в многочисленные аккаунты, но и активно помогать людям, отвечать на их многочисленные запросы, много кризис-менеджить. А теперь в Лаборатории Касперского он лидирует контентное направление во внутренних коммуникациях. А ещё у него есть сайт, некогда полноценное СМИ «Котонавты», которое 10 лет назад (юбилей 1 марта) было одним из первых проектом энтузиастов о сфере развлечений: кино, сериалы, игры, комиксы и аниме. Дальше случился бум этого направления, который продолжается и сейчас.
Alexey Tyurenkov has worked in the news all his life, he came right before the Georgian-Ossetian conflict in August 2008. Since 2010, news has been linked to social media. After 10 years in the news (RT International, RT in Russian, Lenta.ru) he began to look for himself in other areas. So he got into a startup that barely survived the pandemic, then to the Premier online cinema, and then he got into the social networks of his beloved city, Moscow Transport. There, he had to not only manage posting to numerous accounts, but also actively help people, respond to their numerous requests, and manage a lot of crisis management. And now in Kaspersky Lab, he is the leader in the content direction in internal communications. And he also has a website, the once full-fledged media "Catonauts", which 10 years ago (anniversary on March 1) was one of the first projects of enthusiasts about the entertainment industry: cinema, series, games, comics, and anime. Then there was a boom in this direction, which continues to this day. It was great to start this story.
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3/6/2023 • 1 hour, 58 minutes, 56 seconds Николай Воронин: Нейропластичность, метасообщение, внимание, торможение в ЦНС. Николай Воронин - кандидат психологических наук, который работает с детьми и взрослыми в области нейропсихологической оценки и реабилитации в многопрофильной клинической команде. Начав с должности исследователя, он вырос до руководителя лаборатории нейрореабилитации, работающей в области когнитивной нейробиологии и нейрореабилитации. В настоящее время руководит магистерскими исследовательскими проектами в качестве научного руководителя Московского государственного психолого-педагогического университета. В своей работе он применяет различные техники нейромодуляции, такие как биологическая обратная связь, транскраниальная магнитная стимуляция и др., тренируя различные функции мозга с целью восстановления или развития способностей.
Nikolay Voronin is a Ph.D. in psychology who works with children and adults in the field of neuropsychological assessment and remediation in a multidisciplinary clinical team. Starting as a researcher, he has grown to the head of the Neurorehabilitation laboratory working in the areas of cognitive neuroscience and neurorehabilitation. Currently, he is managing magister research projects as a scientific adviser at the Moscow State University of Psychology and Education. In his work, he employs different neuromodulation techniques, including bio - and neurofeedback, transcranial magnetic stimulation, etc., which provide the brains to restore and increase their capacities through training.
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3/5/2023 • 2 hours, 12 minutes, 10 seconds Анна Шолина: Истоки желаний, пассивное доминирование, столкновение с инако востью. Анна Шолина — глобальный серийный предприниматель и генеральный директор solyanka.agency, соучредитель и CBDO EMERGE, партнер венчурной компании Joint Journey. Эксперт по венчурному капиталу, стартапам и глобальным рынкам.
Anna Sholina is a global serial entrepreneur and CEO of solyanka.agency, co-founder and CBDO of EMERGE, partner of VC firm Joint Journey. Expert in VC, startups, and the global markets.
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3/4/2023 • 2 hours, 14 minutes, 31 seconds Назир Юсифов: Crazy talk как источник скрытых интересов, power dynamics, глубина. Назир Юсифов - cоздатель первого мира физического фото-киоска для продажи лайков и подписчиков в инстаграме. Основатель студии разработки мобильных приложений Snatap Software. Фаундер стартапа Fanzoone - по монетизации контента и создании сообществ.
Nazir Yusifov is the creator of the first in the world physical photo-kiosk for the sale of likes and subscriptions on Instagram. The founder of Snatap Software - a mobile application development studio. Founder of the startup Fanzoone - to monetize content and build communities.
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3/4/2023 • 2 hours, 37 minutes, 10 seconds Олег Бахтияров: Генерация и передача смыслов, синхронизм, центр ясности, се мантика. Олег Бахтияров — ученый-психолог, занимающийся психологией экстремальных ситуаций, конфликтологией, методиками подготовки персонала для работы в экстремальных и неопределенных условиях деятельности. Автор концепции психонетики, разработчик методологии и методик деконцентрации, корпуса техник активизации сознания и прямой работы с сознанием.
Oleg Bakhtiyarov is a psychologist who deals with the psychology of extreme situations, conflictology, methods of training personnel to work in extreme and uncertain conditions of activity. The author of the concept of psychonetics, the developer of the methodology and methods of deconcentration, the corpus of techniques for activating consciousness and direct work with consciousness.
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3/3/2023 • 2 hours, 4 minutes, 26 seconds Владимир Варава: Философия смерти, критика трансгуманизма и иммортологии. Владимир Варава, доктор философских наук, профессор, зав. кафедрой философии Московского государственного института культуры, член Союза писателей России. Автор книг: «Идолы смерти в современной культуре» (2010), «Неведомый Бог философии» (М., 2013), «Адвокат философии» (М., 2014), «Псалтырь русского философа» (М., 2020), «Седьмой день Сизифа. Эссе о смысле человеческого существования» (М., 2020); «Ожидание. Апофатические этюды» (М., 2021) и др. Область интересов: танатологическая проблематика в русской и западной философии и культуре, экзистенциальная проблематика, язык философии, философия войны, творчество Андрея Платонова.
Vladimir Varava is a Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor, Head of Department of Philosophy of the Moscow State Institute of Culture, member of the Writers' Union of Russia. Author of books: "Idols of Death in Modern Culture" (2010), "The Unknown God of Philosophy" (M., 2013), "Lawyer of Philosophy" (M., 2014), "Psalter of the Russian Philosopher" (M., 2020), " Seventh day of Sisyphus. An Essay on the Meaning of Human Existence (Moscow, 2020); "Expectation. Apophatic Studies” (Moscow, 2021) and others. Interests: thanatological problems in Russian and Western philosophy and culture, existential problems, the language of philosophy, the philosophy of war, the work of Andrey Platonov.
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3/2/2023 • 2 hours, 3 minutes, 22 seconds Владимир Бочарников: Сущность человека, философская антропология, предназначение. Владимир Бочарников - Ученый, биолог, профессор, с более, чем пятидесятилетним опытом изучения дикой природы. Побывал в экспедициях на всех континентах кроме Австралии и Антарктиды. Работал с юности в красивых местах, убеждал людей в том, что в России много замечательных заповедных мест, где сохраняется природное и культурное наследие человечества. Он учился у природы воспринимать и любить жизнь, много задумывался, искал и ищет ответы на вопрос о земном предназначении человека. Ищет баланс между наукой, философией и повседневностью, лучший чем тот что у него была и есть. Пишет книги и статьи: профессиональных работ существенно больше, чем популярных, его работы не очень известны широкому кругу читателей. Большую часть его жизни прожил во Владивостоке, считает, что Российский Дальний Восток удивительно интересное место на планете, место встречи самого большого евразийского материка и великого Тихого океана. Мечтатель и романтик, странник и домосед, все вместе - как положено Раку по своему знаку Зодиака.
Vladimir Bocharnikov is a cientist, biologist, professor, with more than fifty years of experience in the study of wildlife. He has been on expeditions to all continents except Australia and Antarctica. From his youth, he worked in beautiful places, convincing people that there are many wonderful reserved places in Russia, where the natural and cultural heritage of mankind is preserved. He learned from nature to perceive and love life, thought a lot, searched and is looking for answers to the question of the earthly destiny of man. He is looking for a balance between science, philosophy and everyday life, better than the one he had and has. He writes books and articles: there are significantly more professional works than popular ones, his works are not very well known to a wide circle of readers. He lived most of his life in Vladivostok, he believes that the Russian Far East is a surprisingly interesting place on the planet, the meeting place of the largest Eurasian continent and the great Pacific Ocean. A dreamer and a romantic, a wanderer and a homebody, all together - as it should be for Cancer according to their zodiac sign.
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3/1/2023 • 2 hours, 39 minutes, 35 seconds Дмитрий Чернышев: Будущее человечества в колыбели искусственного интеллекта. Дмитрий Чернышев в молодости работал грузчиком, шофером, инженером, потом переводчиком, два года служил в армии в десантных войсках, прошел Чернобыль. Пятнадцать лет работал креативным директором в крупных рекламных агентствах Москвы. Он получил 12 наград на международных фестивалях рекламы. Последние десять лет он работает писателем, учителем и блоггером. У него более 100 000 подписчиков в социальных сетях. Дмитрий написал книгу о мышлении «Как люди думают», которая стала бестселлером и много раз переиздавалась, а также книгу о фотографии «Как люди видят» и о реформе образования «Вертикальный прогресс». Дмитрий разработал Курс творческого мышления для взрослых и подростков и преподавал его в Высшей школе экономики. Он оппозиционер. Из-за преследования ФСБ был вынужден покинуть Россию. Его блог заблокирован в России. Организовал движение сопротивления. Женат, четыре дочери. Сейчас живет в Израиле.
Dmitry Chernyshev in his youth worked as a loader, driver, engineer, then as a translator, served in the army in landing troops for two years, and went through Chernobyl. For fifteen years he worked as a creative director in major advertising agencies in Moscow. He received 12 awards at international advertising festivals. For the last ten years, he has been working as a writer, teacher, and blogger. He has over 100,000 social media followers. Dmitry wrote a book on thinking – “How People Think”, which became a bestseller and was reprinted many times, as well as a book on photography, “How People See”, and on education reform – “Vertical Progress”. Dmitry developed the Creative Thinking Course for adults and teenagers and taught it at the Higher School of Economics. He is an oppositionist. Because of the persecution of the FSB, he was forced to leave Russia. His blog is blocked in Russia. Organized the resistance movement. Married, four daughters. Now he lives in Israel.
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2/28/2023 • 2 hours, 8 minutes, 36 seconds Михаил Немцев: Смысл жизни, мысли-чувственная динамика коммуникации, самос ознание. Михаил Немцев — философ, историк и писатель. Преподаватель университета по профессии. В настоящее время живет между Арменией и Германией.
Mikhail Nemtsev is a philosopher, historian and writer. University lecturer by trade. Currently living between Armenia ad Germany.
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2/27/2023 • 2 hours, 18 minutes, 45 seconds Диляра Атамуратова: Пробуждение в реальность, управление эмоциями, иллюзия выбора. Диляра Атамуратова - предприниматель, коуч и наставник предпринимателей. Владелец премиального эвент агентства в Москве, автор трансформационных марафонов, медитаций. Создатель авторского метода продаж на высокие чеки.
Dilyara Atamuratova is an entrepreneur, coach and mentor of entrepreneurs. Owner of a premium event agency in Moscow, author of transformational marathons and meditations. The creator of the author's method of sales for high checks.
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2/26/2023 • 3 hours, 4 minutes, 16 seconds Сергей Мельников: Античная философия, древние цивилизации, культурные артефакты. Сергей Мельников родился в г. Вязники Владимирской области 12 апреля 1975 г. В 1992 г. окончил Московский культурологический лицей №1310 (философско-филологического направления). В этом же году поступил на философский факультет МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова, который окончил в 1997 году и где окончил аспирантуру в 2001 году. Тема кандидатской диссертации – «Философские воззрения Нумения Апамейского». Диссертация была признана Учёным советом факультета лучшей кандидатской диссертацией по философии за 2001 год. В 2007 году Сергею было присвоено звание доцента. В МГУ работает с 2002 г. С 2001 по 2015 гг. Сергей работал также в Российском государственном гуманитарном университете. Последняя по времени монография - "Введение в философию Аристотеля" - вышла в 2018 г. Сфера преимущественных научных интересов - античная философия и литература.
Sergey Melnikow was born in the city of Vyazniki, Vladimir Region, on April 12, 1975. In 1992 he graduated from the Moscow Cultural Lyceum No. 1310 (philosophical and philological direction). In the same year, he entered the Faculty of Philosophy of the Lomonosov Moscow State University, from which he graduated in 1997 and where he completed his postgraduate studies in 2001. The topic of the Ph.D. thesis is “Philosophical views of Numenius Apamea”. The dissertation was recognized by the Academic Council of the faculty as the best Ph.D. thesis in philosophy for 2001. In 2007 Sergey was awarded the title of Associate Professor. Has been working at Moscow State University since 2002. From 2001 to 2015 he also worked at the Russian State University for the Humanities. The most recent monograph - "Introduction to the Philosophy of Aristotle" - was published in 2018. The primary areas of his scientific interests are ancient philosophy and literature.
================================SUPPORT & CONNECT:Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/denofrichTwitter: https://twitter.com/denofrichFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/mark.develman/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/denofrichInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/den_of_rich/Hashtag: #denofrich© Copyright 2023 Den of Rich. All rights reserved.
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2/25/2023 • 2 hours, 16 minutes, 8 seconds Илья Докучаев: Аксиология, источники ценностей и их природа, эволюция смысла жизни. Илья Докучаев - доктор философских наук, кандидат культурологии, профессор, автор книг "Феноменология знака: Психические, социальные и культурные аспекты семиозиса"; "Ценность и экзистенция: Основоположения исторической аксиологии культуры"; "Введение в историю общения"; "Эдмунд Гуссерль", "Бытие и истина: Очерки конституологической метафизики".
Ilya Dokuchaev is a Doctor of Philosophy, Candidate of Cultural Studies, Professor, author of the books "Phenomenology of the Sign: Mental, Social and Cultural Aspects of Semiosis"; "Value and Existence: Fundamentals of the Historical Axiology of Culture"; "Introduction to the history of communication"; "Edmund Husserl", "Being and Truth: Essays on a Constitutional Metaphysics".
================================SUPPORT & CONNECT:Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/denofrichTwitter: https://twitter.com/denofrichFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/mark.develman/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/denofrichInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/den_of_rich/Hashtag: #denofrich© Copyright 2023 Den of Rich. All rights reserved.
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2/24/2023 • 2 hours, 10 minutes, 56 seconds Лера Федотова: Ментальный афродизиак, это еще не само удовольствие а лишь тизер. Валерия Федотова - IT-психолог и executive coach. Превращает баги в фичи. Помогает людям создавать себя без 100500 часов обсуждения детства. Умеет лечить мемами. Пишет посты от которых слетают кукухи. Заряжает, вдохновляет, мотивирует не хуже Илона Маска. Человек-сканер, который успешно попробовал себя в самых разных сферах и успел пожить в разных местах, поэтому не понаслышке знает, как адаптироваться к самым разным обстоятельствам и условиям. Она съела желчный пузырь кобры и запила его настойкой из ее же крови. Сменила не одну работу, выжила после отношений не с одним нарциссом-абьюзером. Очень громко смеется и любит эту жизнь во всех ее проявлениях. Взбирается на вулканы, серфит, и много чего еще...
Lera Fedotova is an IT psychologist and executive coach. Turns bugs into features. She helps people create themselves without 100500 hours of talking about childhood. She knows how to fix people through memes. She writes posts that blow your head off. She сharges, inspires, and motivates no worse than Elon Musk. A human scanner who has successfully tried herself in various fields and has managed to live in different places, therefore, knows firsthand how to adapt to a variety of circumstances and conditions. She ate the gallbladder of a cobra and washed it down with a tincture of her blood. Changed more than one job and survived after relationships with more than one abuser narcissist. She laughs very loudly and loves this life in all its manifestations. Climbing volcanoes, surfing, and much more...
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2/22/2023 • 2 hours, 25 minutes, 16 seconds Александр Кисель: Творчество, аутентичность, бунтарство, дух времени, жизн ь. Александр Кисель - "Бунтарь с душой романтика". Александр — генеральный продюсер музыкального мотофестиваля «Мото — Малоярославец» с 2009- 2017 г.г., генеральный продюсер Фестиваля «Крым Фест», генеральный продюсер «Hard Rock Fest» 2015 г., и т.д.. Был Муниципальным Депутатом г. Москвы, с 2012 по 2017 г. Организовывал Международный мотопробег «65 лет Мира!» (Москва-Берлин). В 2012 году в честь празднования 200-летия победы в Отечественной войне 1812 года провел грандиозный мотопробег до Парижа. Владелец клуба-ресторана «Live Stars» и франшизы Live Stars Family (м.Кропоткинская). Владелец Клуба "Live Story"(м.Таганская). Live Stars Family включает в себя продюсерский центр, студию звукозаписи, репетиционные комнаты и концертный клуб. В 2018 году выпустил книгу «Район Хип-хоп». Фронтмен группы #Kisel. Снял несколько интересных клипов, которые можно увидеть на его YouTube канале: @KiselBand Актер Центра Чехова. 28 февраля будет играть Макбета на сцене дома Высоцкого.
Aleksandr Kisel - "Rebel with a romantic soul". He is the general producer of the Moto-Maloyaroslavets music motorcycle festival from 2009-2017, the general producer of the Crimea Fest Festival, the general producer of the Hard Rock Fest 2015, etc. Moscow, from 2012 to 2017. Organized the International Moto Ride “65 Years of Peace!” (Moscow-Berlin). In 2012, in honor of the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the victory in the Patriotic War of 1812, he held a grandiose motorcycle race to Paris. Owner of the Live Stars club restaurant and the Live Stars Family franchise (metro station Kropotkinskaya). Owner of the "Live Story" Club (metro Taganskaya). Live Stars Family includes a production center, a recording studio, rehearsal rooms, and a concert club. In 2018, he released the book "Hip-Hop District". Frontman of the group #Kisel. He shot some interesting clips that can be seen on his YouTube channel. Actor of the Chekhov Center. On February 28, Macbeth will play on the stage of Vysotsky's house.
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2/21/2023 • 1 hour, 58 minutes, 54 seconds Ринат Нугаев: Релятивистская астрофизика, научные революции, предел познания. Ринат Нугаев (род. 30 мая 1953 г.), доктор философских наук, профессор. Специалист в области истории и философии физики, философии, истории, социологии науки, эпистемологии и релятивистской астрофизики. Член редколлегии международного журнала «Философия науки», издаваемого University of Chicago Press. После окончания Казанского и Московского университетов получает степень магистра наук в МГУ. Тема его докторской диссертации — «Реконструкция зрелой теории изменений» (1991, кафедра философии науки, Московский институт философии РАН).
Rinat Nugayev (born on May 30, 1953), doctor of philosophy, full professor. A specialist in the history and philosophy of physics, philosophy, history, sociology of science, epistemology, and relativistic astrophysics. A member of the Editorial Board of “Philosophy of Science” an international journal, published by the University of Chicago Press. After graduating from Kazan and Moscow Universities he gets his M. Sci degree at Moscow State University. The theme of his “doktorskaya” dissertation was “Reconstruction of Mature Theory Change” (1991, dept. of philosophy of science, Moscow Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Science).
================================SUPPORT & CONNECT:Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/denofrichTwitter: https://twitter.com/denofrichFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/mark.develman/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/denofrichInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/den_of_rich/Hashtag: #denofrich© Copyright 2023 Den of Rich. All rights reserved.
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2/20/2023 • 2 hours, 5 minutes, 47 seconds Сергей Паращенко: Метафизика принятия решений, детерминированность жизненного пути. Сергей Паращенко - управляющий партнер Product.Vision. Ex Директор департамента развития продуктового управления МТС Диджитал. Ex Руководитель центра развития продуктовой культуры ПАО МТС. Ex Product Yandex. Ex Product Tinkoff.
Sergey Parashchenko is a Managing Partner of Product.Vision. Ex-Director of the Department of Product Management Development of MTS Digital. Ex-Head of the Product Culture Development Center of MTS PJSC. Ex-Product Yandex. Ex-Product Tinkoff.
================================SUPPORT & CONNECT:Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/denofrichTwitter: https://twitter.com/denofrichFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/mark.develman/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/denofrichInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/den_of_rich/Hashtag: #denofrich© Copyright 2023 Den of Rich. All rights reserved.
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2/19/2023 • 2 hours, 42 minutes, 35 seconds Мария Падун: Механизм регулирования эмоций, самопознание, ценности, баланс. Мария Падун – кандидат психологических наук, независимый исследователь, консультирующий психолог, член ассоциации экзистенциально-аналитических психологов и психотерапевтов. В период 2003 – 2022 г.г. работала в Институте психологии РАН. Соавтор книги «Психическая травма и картина мира». Сфера научных интересов – психология эмоций и регуляция эмоций как внутриличностный, межличностный межгрупповой и детерминируемый культурой процесс. Изучает особенности регуляции эмоций при эмоциональных расстройствах, - в том числе при депрессии и ПТСР.
Maria Padun is a Ph.D. in Psychology, an independent researcher, a consulting psychologist, and a member of the Association of Existential-Analytical Psychologists and Psychotherapists. From 2003 to 2022, She worked at the Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Co-author of the book "Psychic Trauma and the Picture of the World." Her research interests are the psychology of emotions and the regulation of emotions as an intrapersonal, interpersonal, intergroup, and culturally determined process. He studies the features of emotion regulation in emotional disorders, including depression and PTSD.
================================SUPPORT & CONNECT:Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/denofrichTwitter: https://twitter.com/denofrichFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/mark.develman/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/denofrichInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/den_of_rich/Hashtag: #denofrich© Copyright 2023 Den of Rich. All rights reserved.
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2/18/2023 • 2 hours, 4 minutes, 3 seconds Даниил Батурин: Мифологемы в видеоиграх, опыт священного трепета, фэнтези. Даниил Батурин (01.11.1989), религиовед, кандидат философских наук, доцент кафедры гуманитарных наук и технологий Тюменского индустриального университета. Окончил Тюменский государственный нефтегазовый университет по специальности «Религиоведение». В 2015 году защитил кандидатскую диссертацию по специальности 09.00.01 «Онтология и теория познания» по теме «Виртуально-неомифологическая сущность фэнтези». Председатель экспертного совета по проведению религиоведческой экспертизы при Управлении Минюст РФ по Тюменской области. Соисполнитель по проекту МК-1560.2018.6 гранта Президента РФ для поддержки молодых ученых - кандидатов наук и соисполнитель по проекту РФФИ №16-33-01069-ОГН, посвященному онтологии и мифологии в видеоиграх. Автор более 30 научных работ по данной тематике. Член Русского Религиоведческого общества (РРО) и Российского философского общества (РФО). Область научных интересов: феноменология, философия, религиоведение, мифология и фольклор, фэнтези и game studies.
Daniil Baturin (11/01/1989), religious scholar, candidate of philosophical sciences, and associate professor of the Department of Humanities and Technologies of the Tyumen Industrial University. Graduated from the Tyumen State Oil and Gas University with a degree in Religious Studies. In 2015 he defended his Ph.D. thesis in the specialty 09.00.01 "Ontology and Theory of Knowledge" on the topic "Virtual-Neomythological Essence of Fantasy". Chairman of the Expert Council for Conducting Religious Expertise under the Office of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation for the Tyumen Region. Co-executor under project MK-1560.2018.6 of the grant of the President of the Russian Federation to support young scientists - candidates of sciences and co-executor under the RFBR project No. 16-33-01069-OGN, dedicated to ontology and mythology in video games. Author of more than 30 scientific papers on this topic. Member of the Russian Religious Society (RRO) and the Russian Philosophical Society (RFO). Research interests: phenomenology, philosophy, religious studies, mythology and folklore, fantasy, and game studies.
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2/17/2023 • 2 hours, 22 minutes, 56 seconds Катя Лерман: Образование, аутентичность, магнитуда эмоциональных переживаний. Катя Лерман – педагог по натуре и духу. Начав школьным учителем и вожатым в лагере в возрасте 19 лет, она дошла до технологического предпринимательства. Лерман привлекла к профессиональному и саморазвитию более 200 тысяч российских школьных учителей, разработала множество цифровых проектов для подростков и побывала почти в 30 регионах, чтобы рассказать о важности профориентации для подростков. Она также входила в состав Агентства инноваций города Москвы и входит в «100 лидеров образования» Агентства стратегических инициатив. В настоящее время Катя является генеральным директором SaaS для детских садов (700+ и больше), чтобы развивать таланты каждого ребенка и использовать свой 10-летний опыт преподавания, бизнеса и отношений с государственными органами для лучшего будущего.
Katya Lerman is an educator by nature and spirit. Starting as a school teacher and camp counselor at the age of 19 she has made it to tech entrepreneurship. Lerman has involved more than 200k Russian school teachers in professional and self-development, designed numerous digital projects for teenagers, and traveled to almost 30 regions to spread the word about the importance of career counseling for teens. She has also been part of Moscow City Innovations Agency and is a part of «100 leaders of education» by the Agency of Strategic Initiatives. Nowadays Katya is a CEO of SaaS for kindergartens (700+ and counting) to nurture every kid’s talent and make her 10+ years experience of in teaching, business, and government relations work for a better future.
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2/16/2023 • 2 hours, 9 minutes, 46 seconds Наталья Дроздова: Психодиагностика, самость, когнитивные инструменты, ментальный взлом. Наталья Дроздова - дипломированный клинический психолог, нейропсихолог, специалист по психодиагностике, бизнес- тренер. Работает с тремя системами - мозг, человек и компания. Когда люди понимают причины своих поведенческих реакций, им проще изменить в нем, то что их не устраивает. Этот навык позволяет быть более адаптивными и продуктивными в общении без предательства себя. Управление людьми и продажами - тоже формы общения. Автор автоматизированного опросника для определения деловых качеств. Разработала уникальную концепцию работы с телесными симптомами, соединив идеи Когнитивно - поведенческой, телесно- ориентированной терапии и юнгианского анализа.
Natalia Drozdova is a certified clinical psychologist, neuropsychologist, psychodiagnostic specialist, business coach. Works with three systems - brain, person and company. When people understand the reasons for their behavioral reactions, it is easier for them to change in it what they do not like. This skill allows you to be more adaptive and productive in communication without betraying yourself. People management and sales are also forms of communication. Author of an automated questionnaire to determine business qualities. She developed a unique concept of working with bodily symptoms, combining the ideas of Cognitive-behavioral, body-oriented therapy and Jungian analysis.
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2/14/2023 • 2 hours, 15 minutes, 14 seconds Александр Савицкий: Иммиграция в США, культурные отличия, интеграция, семь я. Александр Савицкий, продюсер, один из основатель консорциума Trehmer и международной компании T-VFX. Больше 20 лет работы в сфере создания рекламы, компьютерной графики и видео продакшна. За эти годы, совместно с командой единомышленников, создал и привел к успеху несколько компаний, как в России, так и за ее пределами. Любящий муж и отец двоих детей. Любитель путешествовать и объединять талантливых людей по всему миру.
Alexander Savitskiy is a producer, one of the founders of the Trehmer consortium and the international company T-VFX. More than 20 years of work in the field of advertising, computer graphics, and video production. Over the years, together with a team of like-minded people, he created and led several successful companies in Russia and abroad. Loving husband and father of two children. Passionate about traveling and bringing together talented people around the world.
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2/11/2023 • 2 hours, 9 minutes, 4 seconds Игорь Стоянов: Лидерство, принятие решений, смелость быть собой, эмоции. Игорь Стоянов — предприниматель, ментор и президент Apik. Собирает сообщества предпринимателей и помогает людям в достижении их целей.
Igor Stoyanov is an entrepreneur, mentor, and president of Apik. Gathers communities of entrepreneurs, and helps people achieve their goals.
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2/10/2023 • 1 hour, 57 minutes, 8 seconds Татьяна Шишкова: Аутентичность, добродетель, отношения, честность, жизнь. Татьяна Шишкова, 28 лет. Почти 5 лет работала в государственном органе (городской суд), после чего неожиданно для себя ворвалась в IT. Начинала с простого специалиста службы поддержки Яндекс Драйва (ей было 26 лет и решение уйти в другую специальность было очень непростым. И это при том, что она не заканчивала никаких курсов). Затем она ушла в другой сервис - в Яндекс Практикум, где с позиции комьюнити-менеджера доросла до менеджера, затем - лида команды сопровождения. Занимается спортом: акробатика, бокс, спортзал, танцы. Любит путешествовать, посещать концерты, смотреть сериалы (прям очень), временами - играть в видеоигры. Она занимаеться музыкой (выучилась на диджея, сейчас берет уроки вокала). Пишет фанфики (рассказы по какому-либо фендому или в жанре ориджинал).
Tatiana Shishkova, 28 years old. For almost 5 years she worked in a government agency (city court), after which she unexpectedly burst into IT. She started as a simple Yandex Drive support specialist (she was 26 years old and the decision to move to another specialty was very difficult, partly because she did not complete any courses). There she worked in the Security Service in the incident department. Then she went to another service - to Yandex Practicum, where she grew from the position of a community manager to a manager, then a leader of the support team. Goes in for sports: acrobatics, boxing, gym, dancing. She likes to travel, attend concerts, watch TV shows (very much so), and sometimes play video games. Engaged in music (learned to be a DJ, now taking vocal lessons). Writes fanfiction (stories based on fandom or in the original genre).
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2/9/2023 • 2 hours, 10 minutes, 16 seconds Яна Франк: Творчество, нейроатлетика, мотивация, дисциплина, время, блогинг. Яна Франк - иллюстратор, блогер, автор книг и муза-партизан.
Jana Frank is an illustrator, blogger, author and guerrilla-muse.
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2/8/2023 • 2 hours, 25 minutes, 51 seconds Илья Вольнов: Кузнецовское письмо, сообщение из другой реальности, иконопись, ноосфера. Илья Вольнов - Доцент Московского Политехнического университета (кафедра "Машины и технология литейного производства"), директор Центра технологической поддержки образования Московского Политеха, медиахудожник, разработчик авторской концепции единства науки и искусства как способа мышления, организатор образовательных программ Sciencе-Art, куратор выставочных проектов, драматург. Почетный работник сферы образования РФ. Университет - основной источник дохода.
Ilya Volnov is an Associate Professor at the Moscow Polytechnic University (Department of Machinery and Foundry Technology), Director of the Center for Technological Support of Education of the Moscow Polytechnic University, media artist, developer of the author's concept of the unity of science and art as a way of thinking, organizer of Science-Art educational programs, curator of exhibition projects, playwright. Honorary Worker of Education of the Russian Federation. Work in the university is the primary source of his income.
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2/7/2023 • 2 hours, 14 minutes, 13 seconds Надежда Кузнецова: Добродетель, превратности судьбы, рак, коучинг, аутентичность. Надежда Кузнецова - Директор Школы практической онкологии им. Андрея Павленко, Руководитель образовательных и некоммерческих проектов. Более 10 лет руководит некоммерческими проектами, преимущественно в сфере помощи онкопациентам. С 2010 года руководит проектом Всемирные детские игры победителей: спортивные соревнования для детей, переживших рак, в которых приняли участие более 5 000 детей из 20 стран. С 2020 года является директором Школы Практической онкологии им. Андрея Павленко, которая готовит специализированных онкохирургов. Выступает в роли равного пациента. Руководила обучением в крупных компаниях, более 9 лет работала в Московской школе управления СКОЛКОВО. Специализируется на управлении талантами, сертифицированный бизнес тренер, консультант Hogan Assessment, коуч ICF. Автор Forbes, Finparty, Skolkovo Be in Trend, участница программы «Вечерний Ургант», материалов Новой газеты, журнала Tatler и др. Окончила с отличием филфак МГУ им. Ломоносова. Воспитывает двоих сыновей Макара и Григория.
Nadezhda Kuznetsova is a director of the Andrey Pavlenko School of Practical Oncology, Head of educational and non-profit projects. For more than 10 years, she has been managing non-profit projects, mainly in the field of helping cancer patients. Since 2010, she has directed the World Children's Games of Winners: Sports Competition for Children with Cancer Survivors, in which more than 5,000 children from 20 countries took part. Since 2020, she has been the director of the Andrey Pavlenko School of Practical Oncology, which trains specialized surgical oncologists. Acts as an equal patient. She supervised training in large companies and worked for more than 9 years at the Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO. Specializes in talent management, certified business coach, Hogan Assessment consultant, and ICF coach. Author of Forbes, Finparty, Skolkovo Be in Trend, Novaya Gazeta, Tatler magazine, etc. Nadezhda was a participant in the Evening Urgant, a Russian late-night talk show. She graduated with honors from the philological faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University. She is raising two sons Makar and Gregory.
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2/6/2023 • 2 hours, 6 minutes, 22 seconds Дмитрий Степкин: Корпоративная карьера, понимание своих желаний, skill set. Дмитрий Степкин - прошел путь от консультанта до директора бизнес-инкубатора "Ингрия", отвечал за работу со стартапами Группы Объединенные машиностроительные заводы, системообразующего российского холдинга в области тяжелого машиностроения. Более 5 лет занимал должность руководителя стратегических инноваций в компании СИБУР (крупнейшая интегрированная нефтегазохимическая компания России), а затем схожую позицию в компании НЛМК (крупнейший в России производитель стальной продукции). Вел в МФТИ два собственных курса. В настоящий момент является со-основателем международной программы пилотирования стартапов в сфере логистики Logistics Champions с присутствием в 5 странах, инвестиционным директором стартап-студии Mendeleev, а также ментором ряда стартапов.
Dmitriy Stepkin rose from a consultant to the director of the Ingria business incubator and was responsible for working with start-ups of the United Heavy Machinery, a backbone Russian holding in the field of heavy engineering. For more than 5 years, he held the position of Head of Strategic Innovation at SIBUR (the largest integrated petrochemical company in Russia), and then a similar position at NLMK (Russia's largest steel products manufacturer). He taught two courses of his own at MIPT. Currently, he is a co-founder of the international logistics startup pilot program Logistics Champions with a presence in 5 countries, an investment director of the Mendeleev startup studio, and a mentor for a number of startups.
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2/5/2023 • 2 hours, 36 minutes, 5 seconds Ярослав Логинов: Цифровая экономика, децентрализация, технологии, правител ьство. Ярослав Логинов - эксперт по решениям на основе технологии блокчейн. Создал Libre.Life и Dei.su - информационные ресурсы про деньги, экономику, финансовые технологии, про государство 2.0 и про Децентрализованные Автономные Организации (ДАО).
Yaroslav Loginov is an expert in solutions based on blockchain technology. Created Libre.Life and Dei.su - information resources about money, economy, financial technologies, the state 2.0, and Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAO).
================================SUPPORT & CONNECT:Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/denofrichTwitter: https://twitter.com/denofrichFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/mark.develman/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/denofrichInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/den_of_rich/Hashtag: #denofrich© Copyright 2023 Den of Rich. All rights reserved.
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2/4/2023 • 3 hours, 15 minutes, 30 seconds Антон Гладков: Creative economy, аутентичность, детерминированность, пох**зм. Антон Гладков — sales dude. Он является основателем лучшего в своем классе глобального Tech B2B переговорщика SLSBMB и быстрого, простого и очень удобного инструмента для продавцов Fcuking Easy CRM.
Anton Gladkov is a sales dude. He is a founder of the best-in-class global Tech B2B negotiators SLSBMB and a fast, easy and very convenient tool for salespeople Fcuking Easy CRM.
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2/3/2023 • 2 hours, 58 minutes, 57 seconds Софья Глебова: Этические проблемы современного общества, новая этика, мора ль. Софья Глебова, кандидат философских наук, преподаватель Санкт-Петербургского государственного университета, специалист по этической экспертизе, молодой преподаватель.
Sofya Glebova, Ph.D. in Philosophy, lecturer at St. Petersburg State University, specialist in ethical expertise, young teacher.
================================SUPPORT & CONNECT:Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/denofrichTwitter: https://twitter.com/denofrichFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/mark.develman/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/denofrichInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/den_of_rich/Hashtag: #denofrich© Copyright 2023 Den of Rich. All rights reserved.
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2/3/2023 • 2 hours, 21 minutes Яков Тарароев: Особенности научного стиля мышления, онтология, эволюция науки. Яков Тарароев, 1971 г.р., доктор философских наук, профессор. Закончил физический факультет Харьковского государственного университета, кафедру астрономии. Заведующий кафедрой философии Национального технического университета "Харьковский политехнический институт", профессор кафедры художественного образования и гуманитарных дисциплин Харьковского национального университета искусств имени И.П. Котляревского, до 2022 г. профессор кафедры теории культуры и философии науки Харьковского национального университета имени В.Н. Каразина. Автор около 90 научных и учебно-методических работ, в том числе и монографий. Научные интересы: философия науки, социокультурные основания научного знания, история науки, онтология науки, мировоззрение и его место в культуре, метафизика и онтология и др.
Yakov Tararoev, born in 1971, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor. Graduated from the Faculty of Physics of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Department of Astronomy. Head of the Department of Philosophy of the National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", Professor of the Department of Art Education and Humanities, Kharkiv National University of Arts named after I.P. Kotlyarevsky, until 2022 Professor of the Department of Theory of Culture and Philosophy of Science of V.N. Karazin. Author of about 90 scientific and educational works, including monographs. Scientific interests: philosophy of science, sociocultural foundations of scientific knowledge, history of science, the ontology of science, worldview and its place in culture, metaphysics, ontology, etc.
================================SUPPORT & CONNECT:Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/denofrichTwitter: https://twitter.com/denofrichFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/mark.develman/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/denofrichInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/den_of_rich/Hashtag: #denofrich© Copyright 2023 Den of Rich. All rights reserved.
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2/1/2023 • 2 hours, 4 minutes, 7 seconds Валентин Афанасьев: Туризм, приключения, фридайвинг, магия природы, марафоны. Валентин Афанасьев - руководитель турклуба ПИК. Делает огненные походы по всему миру вместе с командой таких же повернутых на туризме людей. Объединяет горы, моря, леса и пустыни в логичные маршруты. Инструктор федерации фридайвинга России. Ныряет на глубину 70 метров на задержке дыхания, не дыша 5,5 минут. Проводит глубинные семинары в разных странах, устраивает нырялки с дельфинами, китами и акулами. Учит детей и взрослых нырять безопасно и технично. Путешественник: 9 месяцев в году один или с семьей находится в пути. Дважды делал полный Ironman, плавал 24 км в море, бегал 48-часовые мультигонки, раскатывал чернющий фрирайд на сноуборде, восходил на вершины. Теперь с горящими глазами танцует бачату, но с удовольствием вписывается и в спортивные авантюры. Периодически мечтает о поступлении в театральный, но пока ограничивается творчеством на уровне организации подобных мероприятий.
Valentin Afanasiev is the CEO of the PIK tourist club. Makes fiery trips all over the world together with a team of people who are the same turned on tourism. Combines mountains, seas, forests and deserts into logical routes. Instructor of the Russian Freediving Federation. Dives to a depth of 70 meters while holding his breath, not breathing for 5.5 minutes. Conducts deep seminars in different countries, arranges diving with dolphins, whales and sharks. Teaches children and adults how to dive safely and technically. Traveler: 9 months a year alone or with family on the road. Twice I did a full Ironman, swam 24 km in the sea, ran 48-hour multi-races, rolled out a black freeride on a snowboard, and climbed to the top. Now he dances the bachata with burning eyes, but he also fits into sports adventures with pleasure. Periodically dreams of entering the theater, but so far is limited to creativity at the level of organizing such events.
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1/31/2023 • 1 hour, 17 minutes, 42 seconds Елена Привалова: Арабская сказка, культурный код, аутентичность, локус контроля. Елена Привалова — опытный специалист по маркетингу, PR и венчурному капиталу. Ее страсть — разработка проектов и открытие новых технологий и возможностей. Долгое время она была генеральным директором GTH.Global, венчурного бутика, центра развития и трансфера технологий, выполняющего в тоже время роль инновационного хаба. В 2018 году Елена переехала в ОАЭ и вот уже 2 года живет в Королевстве Саудовская Аравия и развивает собственный инновационный бизнес.
Elena Privalova is an experienced marketing, PR, and venture capital specialist. Her passion is a project development and discovering new technologies and opportunities. Long time she was the CEO of GTH.Global, venture boutique and technology development, transfer, and investment hub. In 2018 Elena moved to UAE and now for 2 years she lives in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and is developing her own innovative businesses.
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1/30/2023 • 2 hours, 19 minutes, 10 seconds Елена Мухина: Расширение сознания, ментальные триггеры, новизна, автопилот. Елена Мухина, женский коуч, эксперт по 6 видам массажа, тантра-коуч, психолог, сексолог, ментор, наставник, путешественница, в прошлом пикап-тренер для девушек. Автор 5 онлайн-курсов, трансформационной игры «Женщина-Кошка», некоммерческого проекта для женщин в формате ролевых поединков «Бизнес.Дружба.Постель». Работает с женщинами с 2017 года в онлайн и оффлайн форматах. Обучено более 1000 женщин. На сегодняшний момент проживает в Таиланде, Панган.
Elena Mukhina is a women's coach, an expert in 6 types of massage, tantra coach, psychologist, sexologist, mentor, mentor, traveler, and former pick-up coach for girls. Author of 5 online courses, the transformational game "Catwoman", a non-commercial project for women in the format of role-playing fights "Business.Friendship.Bed". She has been working with women since 2017 in online and offline formats, during which time she has trained more than 1000 women. Currently, she lives in Thailand, Koh Phangan.
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1/29/2023 • 1 hour, 58 minutes, 37 seconds Виталий Черемисинов: Уровни рефлексии, out of default mode network, необремененность контекстом. Виталий Черемисинов – CEO EXPF.ru Больше 8 лет занимается консалтингов и развитием продуктов на основе данных.
Vitaly Cheremisinov is a CEO of EXPF.ru More than 8 years of experience in consulting and data-driven product development.
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1/27/2023 • 2 hours, 22 minutes, 56 seconds Екатерина Шурхай: Адекватность, осознанность, метасообщение, корневые настройки. Екатерина Шурхай - интегративный психолог, врач. Член ассоциации когнитивно-поведенческой психотерапии, мастер трансформационных игр. Обучает навыкам осознанности. контакта с телом через работу с мыслями и эмоциями. Помогает людям наладить адекватное общение с собой и людьми, чтобы жить свободную, проявленную жизнь.
Ekaterina Shurhai is an integrative psychologist and doctor. Member of the Association for Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy, master of transformational games. Teaches mindfulness skills in contact with the body through work with thoughts and emotions. She helps people to establish adequate communication with themselves and others with the purpose to live a free and manifested life.
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1/25/2023 • 2 hours, 19 minutes, 12 seconds Николай Митюшин: Центр ясности, метасообщение, построение совместной реал ьности. Николай Митюшин в 2004 году закончил МФТИ, получил степень кандидата физико-математических наук в области оптимизации инвестиционных стратегий. В 2005 году обучался по программе предпринимательства в Гарвардской школе бизнеса. С 2000 по 2003 год – основатель и исполнительный директор софтверной компании Arptek. С 2003 года по 2007 год работал менеджером программы технологического предпринимательства в компании Intel. С 2007 года занимает должность директора по инвестициям в ABRT, область деятельности которого охватывает корпоративное и пользовательское ПО, Saas, интернет-проекты и мобильные сервисы.
Nikolay Mityushin - graduated from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology in 2004, and received a Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics in the field of optimization of investment strategies. In 2005, he attended the Entrepreneurship Program at Harvard Business School. From 2000 to 2003, he was the founder and CEO of Arptek software company. From 2003 to 2007, he worked as a Technology Entrepreneurship Program Manager at Intel. Since 2007, he has been Chief Investment Officer at ABRT, whose area of activity covers corporate and custom software, Saas, Internet projects and mobile services.
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1/24/2023 • 2 hours, 7 minutes, 51 seconds Андрей Зильбер: Ментальные вирусы, фатализм, природа ошибки, трансгуманизм, AGI. Андрей Зильбер - научный сотрудник отдела Академия Кантиана, в Балтийском федеральном университете имени Канта. Преподаватель философии для философов и нефилософов. Переводчик философских трактатов и статей с немецкого и с английского языков. Изучал философию в Калининграде и в Германии, провёл в совокупности около трех лет на научных стажировках в немецких университетах. Секретарь редакции международного научного журнала "Кантовский сборник". Основная сфера деятельности - философия Канта. Научная мечта - сделать из паранауки науку.
Andrey Zilber is a Research Fellow at the Academia Kantiana, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University. Philosophy teacher for philosophers and non-philosophers. Translator of philosophical treatises and articles from German and English. He studied philosophy in Kaliningrad and in Germany, spent a total of about three years on scientific internships at German universities. Secretary of the editorial board of the international scientific journal "Kantovsky Sbornik" (Kantian Journal). The main field of activity is the philosophy of Kant. The scientific dream is to make science out of parascience.
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1/22/2023 • 2 hours, 1 minute, 14 seconds Екатерина Коваль: Этика, моральный компас, муки совести, внутренний коррупц ионер. Екатерина Коваль, доктор философских наук. Живет и работает в Саранске, Республика Мордовия. Профессор кафедры уголовно-процессуального права и криминалистики Средне-Волжского института (филиала) Всероссийского государственного университета юстиции (РПА Минюста России), преподаватель Института корпоративного обучения и непрерывного образования Мордовского государственного университета им. Н.П. Огарева. Преподает юридические дисциплины и модули этического содержания в рамках дополнительных образовательных программ, адресованных преподавателям высшей школы, государственным и муниципальным служащим. Область научных интересов: нормативность права, морали и религии. В настоящее время участвует в реализации проектов "Нормативные измерения христианских канонов: традиции и динамика" (РФФИ) и "Этика больших данных: трансформация моральных норм и ценностей" (РНФ). Главный редактор научного журнала "Социальные нормы и практики".
Ekaterina Koval, Doctor of Philosophy. Lives and works in Saransk, Republic of Mordovia. Professor of the Department of Criminal Procedure Law and Criminalistics of the Middle Volga Institute (branch) of the All-Russian State University of Justice (RPA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia), lecturer at the Institute of Corporate Training and Continuing Education of Ogarev Mordovia State University. She teaches legal disciplines and modules of ethical content within the framework of additional educational programs addressed to higher education teachers, state and municipal employees. Research interests: normativity of law, morality and religion. Currently, he is involved in the implementation of the Normative Dimensions of Christian Canons: Traditions and Dynamics (RFBR) and Big Data Ethics: Transformation of Moral Norms and Values (RNF) projects. Chief editor of the scientific journal "Social Norms and Practices".
================================SUPPORT & CONNECT:Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/denofrichTwitter: https://twitter.com/denofrichFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/mark.develman/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/denofrichInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/den_of_rich/Hashtag: #denofrich© Copyright 2023 Den of Rich. All rights reserved.
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1/22/2023 • 1 hour, 59 minutes, 28 seconds Анатолий Хархурин: Дивергентное мышление, креативность, полилингвизм, полезность. Анатолий Хархурин - Ph.D. в экспериментальной психологии, доцент факультета социальных наук НИУ ВШЭ, заведующий лабораторией языковых, межкультурных и творческих компетенций стипендиатов Фулбрайта и Национального научного фонда (США) и Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Германия). Его научная деятельность сосредоточена на изучении языка и творческих практик; результаты своих исследований он использует при создании образовательной системы Plurilingual Intercultural Creative Keys (PICK). Его работы были опубликованы в международных научных журналах, отредактированных томах и энциклопедиях. Наряду с научной деятельностью занимается мультимедийным искусством, в котором исследует области пересечения изобразительного искусства и поэзии; его работы выставлялись в Берлине, Вене, Дубае и Москве. Он также является куратором проекта Leize Jenius в Берлине.
Anatoliy Kharkhurin - Ph.D. in Experimental Psychology, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Head of the Laboratory of Language, Intercultural and Creative Competences, Fulbright and National Science Foundation (USA) and Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Germany) fellows. His scientific activity is focused on the study of language and creative practices; he uses the results of his research in creating the educational system Plurilingual Intercultural Creative Keys (PICK). His work has been published in international journals, scientific journals and encyclopedias. Along with his scientific activities, he is engaged in multimedia art, in which he explores the areas of intersection of visual art and poetry; his work has been exhibited in Berlin, Vienna, Dubai and Moscow. He is also the curator of the Leize Jenius project in Berlin.
================================SUPPORT & CONNECT:Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/denofrichTwitter: https://twitter.com/denofrichFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/mark.develman/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/denofrichInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/den_of_rich/Hashtag: #denofrich© Copyright 2023 Den of Rich. All rights reserved.
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1/20/2023 • 1 hour, 52 minutes, 29 seconds Ольга Иващук: Вера и знание в научную эру: смысл спекулятивного поворота. Ольга Иващук, доктор философских наук, доцент, профессор ИОН РАНХиГС Москва, Россия. Автор монографии «Я как понятийная форма» (Ростов-на-Дону, ИРУ, 2005). Переводчик ранней работы Гегеля «Вера и знание» (М.: Центр гуманитарных инициатив, 2021). Выпускница Ростовского государственного университета, представитель Ростовской философской школы, традиции которой заложили М.К. Петров и тесно сотрудничавший с Э.В. Ильенковым А.В. Потемкин, в которой особое место всегда занимала диалектика, классическая философия и внимание к социально-исторической конституэнте познания, в особенности научного. Этим спектром и определяются ее исследовательские интересы.
Olga Ivashchuk is a Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor, and Professor at The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA), Moscow, Russia. Author of the monograph "I as a conceptual form" (Rostov-on-Don, IRU, 2005). Translator of Hegel's early work "Faith and Knowledge" (Moscow: Center for Humanitarian Initiatives, 2021). A graduate of the Rostov State University, a representative of the Rostov School of Philosophy, whose traditions were laid down by E.V. Ilyenkov, M.K. Petrov, and A.V. Potemkin, in which a particular place has always been occupied by dialectics, classical philosophy, criticism of the “diatribe tradition” (A.V. Potemkin) and attention to the socio-historical constituent of knowledge, primarily scientific. This spectrum determines her research interests.
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1/19/2023 • 2 hours, 19 minutes, 27 seconds Александр Поддьяков: Троянское обучение, режим рефлексии, свобода воли, не йронаука. Александр Поддьяков, доктор психологических наук. Миллион лет назад - выпускник физмат класса хорошей школы. Выпускник специалитета и аспирантуры факультета психологии МГУ им. М.В.Ломоносова. Области научного интереса и популяризации: психология постановки и решения проблем и задач, изучение создания различных трудностей другим, изучение нетранзитивности превосходства (отношений "камень, ножницы, бумага"). Автор девиза "Я у мозга дурачок", под которым ведется критика чересчур прямолинейных текстов нейро-ученых.
Alexander Poddiakov is a Doctor of Psychology. A million years ago he graduated from the physics and mathematics class of a good school. Graduate of the specialty and postgraduate studies of the Faculty of Psychology of Lomonosov Moscow State University. Areas of scientific interest and popularization: the psychology of setting and solving problems and tasks, the study of creating various difficulties for others, and the study of the intransitivity of superiority (relationships "stone, scissors, paper"). The author of the motto "I'm a fool of the brain", under which he criticizes the overly straightforward texts of neuroscientists.
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1/18/2023 • 2 hours, 49 minutes, 38 seconds Александр Шумович: Спорт, список желаний, путешествия, баланс, проблема выбора. Alex Shumovich - организатор мероприятий, директор агентства Eventum Premo (создано в 2003 г). Увлекается бегом, марафонец. Полиглот, говорит на 5 языках. Любит путешествовать. Совершил восхождение на пик Гокио-Ри (5353 м, массив Эвереста) и Килиманджаро. Предприниматель по духу, любит сложные задачи и изящные решения.
Alex Shumovich is an event organizer and director of the Eventum Premo agency (established in 2003). He enjoys running, a marathon runner. Polyglot, speaks 5 languages. He likes to travel. He climbed the peak of Gokyo-Ri (5353 m, Everest massif) and Kilimanjaro. An entrepreneur by spirit, loves complex tasks and elegant solutions.
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1/17/2023 • 2 hours, 34 minutes, 42 seconds Сергей Турко: Книги, чтение, чувственное познание, субъективные модели мир а, выбор. Сергей Турко - главный редактор издательства «Альпина Паблишер», кандидат экономических наук. Образование: Московский государственный строительный университет (МГСУ/МИСИ); Московский институт стали и сплавов (МИСиС), аспирантура; Московский государственный университет экономики, статистики и информатики (МЭСИ), защита диссертации по менеджменту качества. Научный руководитель — профессор Адлер Юрий Павлович. В 2003 году перевел на русский язык книгу «Lean Thinking» («Бережливое производство»). В 2004 году приглашен в издательство «Альпина Бизнес Букс» на должность заместителя главного редактора. С 2010 года — главный редактор издательства, которое изменило название на «Альпина Паблишер». Кроме непосредственно руководства редакцией, занимался созданием интернет-магазина alpina.ru, построением системы управления проектами, ИТ-интеграцией. Преподаватель НИУ ВШЭ. Член Совета по внешней и оборонной политике (СВОП). Лауреат премии «Ревизор-2019» в номинации «Редактор года».
Sergey Turko is editor-in-chief of the Alpina Publisher, a publishing house, and a candidate in economic sciences. Education: Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (MGSU/MISI); Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys (MISiS), postgraduate study; Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics (MESI), defense of a dissertation on quality management. Scientific adviser - Professor Adler Yuri Pavlovich. In 2003, he translated the book Lean Thinking into Russian. In 2004, he was invited to the Alpina Business Books publishing house as deputy editor-in-chief. Since 2010, he has been the editor-in-chief of the publishing house, which changed its name to Alpina Publisher. In addition to directly managing the editorial office, he was involved in the creation of the alpina.ru online store, the construction of a project management system, and IT integration. Lecturer at the National Research University Higher School of Economics. Member of the Council on Foreign and Defense Policy (SVOP). Laureate of the Inspector-2019 award in the Editor of the Year nomination.
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1/16/2023 • 1 hour, 54 minutes, 55 seconds Георгий Минеджян: Продюсирование, навык пробуждать, корректировка траекто рии жизни. Георгий Минеджян - Биоразлагаем. Критически настроен. Продюсирует бизнес проекты. Строит Парк образовательного гедонизма в Португалии.
Georgy Minejan - Biodegradable. Critical. Produces business projects. Builds the Educational Hedonism Park in Portugal.
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1/15/2023 • 2 hours, 16 minutes, 3 seconds Александр Анастасьин: Психоделики, депрессия, терапия, default mode network. Александр Анастасьин — технический предприниматель и соучредитель Yung.app, сервис психического здоровья на основе искусственного интеллекта. Он помешан на психическом здоровье с обширным и разнообразным предпринимательским опытом — от баров с крафтовым пивом до импорта промышленного оборудования. Музыкальный фанат, спортивный наркоман и сторонник психоделиков, в настоящее время адаптирующийся к жизни цифрового кочевника.
Alexander Anastasin is a tech entrepreneur & co-founder of Yung.app, AI-assisted mental wellness service. He's a mental health geek with extensive and diverse entrepreneurial background - from craft beer bars to importing industrial equipment. Music fan, sports addict, and psychedelics advocate, currently adapting to a life of a digital nomad.
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1/14/2023 • 2 hours, 33 minutes, 30 seconds Андрей Сагин: Детерминированность пути, психологическая реальность, лидерство. Андрей Сагин, сейчас гармоничный и счастливый человек, который занимается созданием своего собственного бизнеса и прохождением жизненного пути с удовольствием. Он во многом самоучка с детства, любил читать энциклопедии, при этом рос во дворе "с ребятами". Изучает мир в разных его проявлениях. Ему интересно углубляться в разные направления - от истории религий до астрофизики. Так, узнавая как работает мир - он делает его дружелюбнее для себя. Выходец из корпоративного карьерного трека. Осознав свое несчастье при хорошем достатке - он прыгнул в кроличью нору и получил волшебный мир собственного пути, который он проходит поныне.
Andry Sagin is now a harmonious and happy person who is engaged in creating his own business and passing his life path with pleasure. He has been largely self-taught since childhood and loved to read encyclopedias while growing up in the hood with other dudes. Explores the world in its various manifestations. He is interested in delving into different areas - from the history of religions to astrophysics. So, learning how the world works - he makes it friendlier for himself. A native of the corporate career track. Realizing his misfortune with good prosperity, he jumped into the rabbit hole and got into the magical world of his own path, which he still goes through today.
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1/14/2023 • 2 hours, 1 minute, 41 seconds Тигран Саарян: Эротический массаж, чего хотят женщины, оргазм, сексуальные девиации. Тигран Саарян - практический сексолог, секс-тренер, массажист, блогер. Разработал собственную методику эротического массажа «Slow Touch», усиливающую тактильные ощущения. Обучает мужчин эротическому массажу. Работает с женскими сексуальными дисфункциями в формате сеансов. Пишет статьи о сексе, отношениях, психологии в своем блоге на личной странице. Опыт массажной практики – 8 лет, опыт тренерской практики – 6 лет. Авторские разработки: Техника безмасляного массажа «Slow-touch» («Медленное касание»), повышающая ощущения тела и эффективность расслабления мышц в разы. Курс эротического массажа для мужчин, в том числе собственно разработанные техники «Контроль стимулов» и «Управление вниманием». Научный курс по сквирту (струйному оргазму).
Tigran Saaryan is a practical sexologist, sex trainer, massage therapist, and blogger. He developed his own technique of erotic massage "Slow Touch", which enhances tactile sensations. Teaches men erotic massage. Works with female sexual dysfunctions in the format of sessions. He writes articles about sex, relationships, and psychology on his blog on his personal page. Experience in massage practice - 8 years, experience in coaching practice - 6 years. Author's developments: “Slow-touch” oil-free massage technique, which increases the sensations of the body and the effectiveness of muscle relaxation at times. The course of erotic massage for men, including self-developed techniques "Control of stimuli" and "Attention control". Scientific course on squirt (water jet orgasm).
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1/12/2023 • 2 hours, 13 minutes, 36 seconds Влад Харриган: Тактическая медицина, первая помощь, преодоление страха, ор ужие. Влад Харриган — врач, челюстно-лицевой хирург, инструктор по первой помощи и тактической медицине. Автор печатных работ по теме тактической медицины. Организатор и спикер конференций и мероприятий с приглашенными лекторами по первой помощи и тактической медицине. Спикер международной конференции по тактической медицине ATMA2021.
Vlad Hurrygun is a doctor, maxillofacial surgeon, first aid and tactical medicine instructor. Author of publications on the topic of tactical medicine. Organizer and speaker of conferences and events with guest lecturers on first aid and tactical medicine. Speaker of the international conference on tactical medicine ATMA2021.
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1/11/2023 • 2 hours, 8 minutes, 3 seconds Софья Кадочникова: Журналистика, деонтология, стандарты, новые медиа, чудес а. Софья Кадочникова — старший преподаватель МГУ им. М.В. Ломоносова, кандидат филологических наук, журналист. Много лет писала тексты об информационных технологиях и кибербезопасности. Любит русский рок, европейское кино, хорошие тексты и новые технологии. Старается все рационализировать, но верит в чудеса и супергероев.
Sofya Kadochnikova is a Senior Lecturer at the Lomonosov Moscow State University, P.hD. in philological sciences, journalist. For many years she wrote texts about information technology and cybersecurity. She loves Russian rock, Russian and European cinema, good lyrics, and new technologies. She tries to rationalize everything, but she believes in miracles and superheroes.
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1/10/2023 • 2 hours, 31 minutes, 18 seconds Дарья Масленникова: Донесение смысла, центр ясности, метасообщение, методология. Дарья Масленникова изначально нейропсихолог, потом методолог развивающих сред в организациях и комьюнити. Чтобы увидеть среду с её метасообщениями, нужно читать между строк и слышать интуицию. Дарья разрабатывает теорию рефлепрактики - «РЕФЛЕПРАКТИКА+», а это триумф творческого мышления и прогрессивного влияния через развивающие воздействия. Переход от теории к практике через конкретные конфигурации, сценарии коммуникации. Дарья – конфигуратор деловых событий и образовательных программ. Она основала лабораторию нетривиальных решений [Nasamomdele.pro] и школу смыслового качества деловой коммуникации [SENSEQUALITY], где учат учить, повышают квалификацию лидеров управленческих команд, экспертов. Учат транслировать смыслы так, чтобы из эха и шума не рождался бред, описывать словами интуитивное, а это трудно, так как интуитивное и воображаемое относится к правополушарному. Учат переходу от истощения и отчуждённости к наполненности и близости. Дарья автор Альтеркона "OUT"
Daria Maslennikova was originally a neuropsychologist, then a methodologist of developing environments in organizations and the community. To see the environment with its meta messages, you need to read between the lines and hear intuition. Daria develops the theory of reflexology - "REFLEPRACTICE +", and this is a triumph of creative thinking and progressive influence through developmental influences. The transition from theory to practice through specific configurations, communication scenarios. Daria is a configurator of business events and educational programs. She founded a laboratory of non-trivial solutions [Nasamomdele.pro] and a school of semantic quality of business communication [SENSEQUALITY], where they teach to teach, improve the skills of leaders of management teams, experts. They teach to translate meanings so that delirium is not born out of echo and noise, to describe the intuitive in words, and this is difficult, since the intuitive and the imaginary belong to the right hemisphere. They teach the transition from exhaustion and aloofness to fullness and intimacy. Daria is the author of Altercon "OUT".
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1/9/2023 • 3 hours, 16 minutes, 13 seconds Эмиль Ахмедов: Теория струн, квантовая механика, черные дыры, планковские е диницы. Эмиль Ахмедов — физик, работающий в области теоретической физики. Его интересуют такие темы, как квантовая теория поля, теория струн, черные дыры, ранняя вселенная.
Emil Akhmedov is a physicist, working in the area of theoretical physics. His topics of interest are quantum field theory, string theory, black holes, early universe.
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1/8/2023 • 2 hours, 50 seconds Альберт Усманов: Маркетинг, экспертность, траектория жизни, концепции, удача. Альберт Усманов - Директор по электронной коммерции, CDO. Специализируется на маркетинге, коммуникациях и электронной коммерции. Учился в Yale School of Management и MIT Sloan. Опыт работы в области маркетинга и управления 15 лет. Работал в социальной сети «ВКонтакте» на позиции руководителя направления B2B-маркетинга и возглавлял управление цифрового маркетинга в Альфа-Банке и Сбербанке. Сейчас отвечает за цифровой маркетинг и электронную коммерцию в холдинге S8 Capital. Лауреат премий Effie, Cannes Lions, Global Finance и других.
Albert Usmanov is an experienced director of marketing, e-commerce, and digital. Specializes in marketing, communications, and e-commerce. Studied at Yale School of Management and MIT Sloan. 15 years of experience in marketing and management. He worked in the VKontakte social network as the head of B2B marketing and headed the digital marketing department at Alfa-Bank and Sberbank. Currently, he is responsible for digital marketing and e-commerce at S8 Capital holding. Winner of Effie, Cannes Lions, Global Finance, and other awards.
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1/6/2023 • 2 hours, 10 minutes, 7 seconds Дмитрий Коробов: Археология, аланская культура, погребальный обряд, синтез знаний. Дмитрий Коробов — выпускник кафедры археологии исторического факультета МГУ им. М. В. Ломоносова (1993 г.), доктор исторических наук (2015 г.), профессор РАН, заведующий отделом теории и методики Института археологии РАН, член-корреспондент Германского археологического института. Основными научными интересами Д. С. Коробова являются археология аланских племен Северного Кавказа в эпоху раннего Средневековья, погребальный обряд и система расселения, применение геоинформационных и недеструктивных методов в археологии. Автор более 300 публикаций, в том числе ряда монографий и учебных пособий.
Dmitry Korobov is a graduate of the Department of Archeology, Faculty of History, Lomonosov Moscow State University (1993), Doctor of Historical Sciences (2015), Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Head of the Department of Theory and Methods of the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Corresponding Member of the German Archaeological Institute. The main scientific interests of D. S. Korobov are the archaeology of the Alanian tribes of the North Caucasus in the early Middle Ages, the funeral rite and the settlement system, the use of geoinformation, and non-destructive methods in archeology. Author of more than 300 publications, including a number of monographs and textbooks.
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1/5/2023 • 2 hours, 7 minutes, 34 seconds Александр Жегалло: Эмоциональные экспрессии лица, сокрытие и распознавание эмоций. Александр Жегалло - Кандидат психологических наук. Старший научный сотрудник лаборатории познавательных процессов и математической психологии института психологии РАН. Занимаюсь исследованиями восприятия эмоциональных экспрессий лица с 2004 года.
Alexander Zhegallo, Ph.D. in Psychological Sciences. Senior Researcher, Laboratory of Cognitive Processes and Mathematical Psychology, Institute of Psychology, Russian Academy of Sciences. Не has been researching the perception of emotional facial expressions since 2004.
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1/4/2023 • 2 hours, 7 minutes, 34 seconds Павел Баздырев: Этапы жизни, духовное развитие, спорт, выбор пути, свобода воли. Павел Баздырев — соучредитель и генеральный директор компании «Союз Микрофоны». В 2007 году окончил тульский филиал Российского Государственного торгово-экономического университете (сегодня РЭУ им. Плеханова), получив квалификацию «Специалист по внешнеторговой деятельности предприятий», с 2007 по 2016 годы развивал карьеру в международной компании Mars, пройдя путь от стажера до менеджера по глобальным стратегическим закупкам. В 2013 году Павел основал компанию ООО «Байкал майкрофонс», в которой с нуля выстроил процесс производства студийных микрофонов премиум класса под брендом СОЮЗ. Начиная с 2014 года он организовал первые поставки своей продукции на экспорт и в 2016 году, уйдя из компании Mars, полностью сфокусировался на развитии собственного бизнеса. В период с 2014 по 2022 Павел расширил географию поставок своей продукции до 35 стран по всему миру, а в микрофоны СОЮЗ теперь записываются такие звезды как Coldplay, Radiohead, Backstreet boys и многие другие.
Pavel Bazdyrev is a Co-Founder and CEO of Soyuz Microphones. In 2007, he graduated from the Tula branch of the Russian State University of Trade and Economics (today Plekhanov Russian University of Economics), having received the qualification of "Specialist in foreign trade activities of enterprises", from 2007 to 2016 he developed a career in the international company Mars, Inc, going from an intern to Global Strategic Purchasing Manager In 2013, Pavel founded the Baikal Microfons LLC company, in which he built the production process of premium class studio microphones under the SOYUZ brand from scratch. Starting in 2014, he organized the first export deliveries of his products and in 2016, having left Mars, he completely focused on developing his own business. In the period from 2014 to 2022, Pavel expanded the geography of deliveries of his products to 35 countries around the world, and such stars as Coldplay, Radiohead, Backstreet boys and many others are now recorded on SOYUZ microphones.
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1/4/2023 • 1 hour, 44 minutes, 1 second Диана Куликова: Стендап, комедия, юмор за гранью, спровоцированный смех, трав ма. Диана Куликова - стендап-комик. Участница Женского Стендапа, Открытого Микрофона на ТНТ, участница проекта Стендаповый Стенап для ютуб-канала Павла Воли, участница Камеди Баттла.
Diana Kulikova is a stand-up comedian. Participant of the Women's Stand-up, Open Microphone on TNT, participant of the Stand-up project for Pavel Volya's YouTube channel, participant of the Comedy Battle.
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1/3/2023 • 2 hours, 22 minutes, 15 seconds Алексей Ремез: Принципы, гибкость, фокус внимания, интерперсональный экспи риенс. Алексей Ремез — предприниматель в области цифрового здравоохранения, основатель и генеральный директор Reztom Medicare, первой лаборатории цифровой патологии в Российской Федерации. Он также является соучредителем компании UNIM Digital Pathology, специализирующейся на морфологическом этапе диагностики онкологии.
Alexey Remez is an entrepreneur in Digital Health, Founder and CEO of Reztom Medicare, first Digital Pathology Lab in the Russian Federation. He is also Co-Founder of UNIM, a company specialized in the morphology stage of diagnostics oncology.
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12/31/2022 • 1 hour, 55 minutes, 48 seconds Николай Горелый: Детерминизм, самопознание, центр ясности, внешний наблюдатель. Николай Горелый - предприниматель, создал Geek Piсnic (фестиваль будущего 100 тыс посетителей). Работает в инвестициях, выстраивает стратегии адаптации и перфоманс в части маркетинга и продаж новых активов группы. Разбирается в киберспорте, ивентах, продажах, маркетинге. Женат, воспитывает дочь. Историк по образованию, потом экономист, МБА Сколково. Посетил множество стран. Ведет небольшой телеграм канал t.me/neGORELYY. Мечтает создать распределенное анархо-поселение.
Nikolay Gorelyy is an entrepreneur, who created a Geek Picnic (a festival of the future with 100 thousand visitors). He works in investments and builds adaptation strategies and performance in terms of marketing and sales of new assets of the group. Understands eSports, events, sales, and marketing. Married, has a daughter. A historian by education, then economist, MBA Skolkovo. Visited many countries. He runs a small telegram channel @negorelyy. He dreams of creating a distributed anarcho-settlement.
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12/30/2022 • 2 hours, 57 minutes, 5 seconds Алексей Оносов: Счастье, удовольствие, свобода воли, сознание, поиск себя. Алексей Оносов — основатель и генеральный директор Unisoft, основатель бизнес-клуба — Капитал, подкастер, "Предприниматель года" премии EY 2019 года и номинант 2020 года.
Alexey Onosov is the Founder and CEO at Unisoft, Founder of Business Club - Capital, Podcaster, EY Entrepreneur Of The Year Award 2019, 2020 Nominee.
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12/29/2022 • 2 hours, 36 minutes, 27 seconds Олег Хухлаев: Межкультурные отношения, контекст, когнитивное завершение, иллюзия. Олег Хухлаев - Родившийся на Кубани бывший житель Москвы недавно переехавший в Израиль (через Эстонию и Казахстан). Психолог: практик и исследователь. Почти всю жизнь занимаюсь вопросами миграции и межкультурных отношений. Но еще раньше начал заниматься детской психологией; в последние годы больше в личной практике: как отец 4 детей. Создал единственную в России кафедру этнопсихологии, был инициатором открытия магистратуры "Психология Востока", организовал первый в стране курс по мультикультурному консультированию. Делаю науку, пишу научпоп, консультирую и веду тренинги.
Oleg Khukhlaev is a Kuban-born former Moscow resident who recently moved to Israel (via Estonia and Kazakhstan). Psychologist: practitioner and researcher. Almost all his life he has been dealing with issues of migration and intercultural relations. But even earlier he began to study child psychology; in recent years, he is more in personal practice: as a father of 4 children. He created the only department of ethnopsychology in Russia, was the initiator of the opening of the master's program "Psychology of the East", and organized the country's first course on multicultural counseling. He does science, writes scientific pop, consults, and conducts pieces of training.
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12/28/2022 • 2 hours, 7 minutes, 47 seconds Кирилл Борисов: Центр ясности, автопилот, материализация идей, супер спосо бности. Кирилл Борисов, 35 лет, женат, двое детей. Родился и вырос в городе Санкт-Петербурге, окончил знаменитую 185 школу (Собчак, Oxxxymiron, Шац, Милонов), выпускник СПБГУ Экономического факультета, кафедра Экономики Исследований и разработок (Управление инновациями). Называет себя стартапером по диплому. В 2013 году вместе с партнерами организовал компанию LabelUp, которая за 9 лет из небольшого питерского проекта выросла в одну из самых крупных и влиятельных компаний на influencer marketing рынки. Правда за эти 9 лет компания три раза чуть не закрылась, пережила переезд в Москву и 3 смены партнеров. С 2020 года вместе с партнером выкупил fashion e-com приложение Goodlook. С 2022 года живет в Тайланде и развивает influencer marketing SaaS продукт в Латинской Америке и Азии.
Kirill Borisov, 35, married with two children. Born and raised in the city of St. Petersburg, graduated from the famous school 185 (Sobchak, Oxxxymiron, Schatz, Milonov), a graduate of the St. Petersburg State University Faculty of Economics, Department of Economics Research and Development (Innovation Management). Calls himself a startup entrepreneur by diploma. In 2013, together with partners, he organized the LabelUp company, which over 9 years has grown from a small St. Petersburg project into one of the largest and most influential companies in the influencer marketing markets. True, over these 9 years, the company almost closed three times, survived the move to Moscow and 3 changes of partners. Since 2020, together with a partner, I have bought the Goodlook fashion e-com app. Since 2022 he has been living in Thailand and developing an influencer marketing SaaS product in Latin America and Asia.
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12/27/2022 • 2 hours, 51 minutes, 9 seconds Дмитрий Котоман: Дизайн человека, поиск ответов, заморочки, области знаний. Дмитрий Котоман - аналитик и гид системы Дизайн Человека более семи лет.
Dmitriy Kotoman has been an analyst and guide of the Human Design system for more than seven years.
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12/26/2022 • 1 hour, 59 minutes, 42 seconds Альберт Бахтизин: Экономика, ангажированные исследования, национальная сила. Альбер Бахтизин - доктор экономических наук, профессор ВАК РФ, профессор РАН, член-корреспондент РАН, сертифицированный разработчик CGE моделей (сертификат World Bank Institute), обладатель профессиональных сертификатов корпорации Microsoft различного уровня. Альберт так же директор ЦЭМИ РАН, соруководитель совместной лаборатории Федеральной службы охраны Российской Федерации и ЦЭМИ РАН, приглашенный профессор Шанхайского университета иностранных языков, главный научный сотрудник Института законодательства и сравнительного правоведения при Правительстве Российской Федерации, соруководитель Китайско-Российского экономико-математического Центра, созданного при поддержке Департамента науки и технологий провинции Гуандун на базе национального суперкомпьютерного центра КНР, профессор Кафедры математических методов анализа экономики Московского государственного университета им. М.В. Ломоносова, профессор Государственного академического университета гуманитарных наук.
Albert Bakhtizin is a Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, certified developer of CGE models (World Bank Institute certificate), holder of Microsoft professional certificates of various levels. Albert is also Director of The Central Economic Mathematical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, co-head of the joint laboratory of the Federal Guard Service of the Russian Federation and CEMI RAS, visiting professor at the Shanghai University of Foreign Studies, chief researcher at the Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation, co-head of the Chinese -Russian Economics and Mathematics Center, created with the support of the Department of Science and Technology of Guangdong Province on the basis of the National Supercomputer Center of the People's Republic of China, Professor of the Department of Mathematical Methods for Analyzing Economics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Professor of the State Academic University for the Humanities.
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12/26/2022 • 2 hours, 20 minutes, 19 seconds Жан Загидуллин: Эпистемология, цифровизация науки, референции, эстафета з наний. Жан Загидуллин, к. филос. наук, ассоциированный научный сотрудник сектора теории познания Института философии РАН. Получил образование в МГУ им. М.В. Ломоносова (1998 г., факультет психологии), а в 2012 году защитил кандидатскую диссертацию по философии по теме "Организация знаний в психологии в науке". Интересы связаны с развитием философии науки и эпистемологии, а также методологии гуманитарных наук. Ученик известного российского философа М.А. Розова и совместно с д.ф.н. Кузнецовой Н.И. развивает проект "Эмпирическая эпистемология на базе теории социальных эстафет М.А. Розова". Имеет 1 монографию и 20 научных статей, также активно участвует в издании научных трудов М.А. Розова. Использует знание эпистемологии в практической деятельности по развитию современного российского бизнеса (в МШУ "Сколково", где является модератором и автором образовательных продуктов) и по развитию стандартов устойчивого корпоративного управления (в рамках Агентства корпоративного развития "Да-Стратегия").
Zhan Zagidullin, Ph.D., Associate Researcher, Sector of the Theory of Knowledge, Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences. He was educated at the Lomonosov Moscow State University (1998, Faculty of Psychology), and in 2012 he defended his Ph.D. thesis in philosophy on the topic "Organization of knowledge in psychology in science". Interests are connected with the development of the philosophy of science and epistemology, as well as the methodology of the humanities. He is a student of the famous Russian philosopher M.A. Rozov and together with the Doctor of Philosophical Sciences Kuznetsova N.I. develops the project "Empirical Epistemology Based on the Theory of Social Relay Races by M.A. Rozov". He has 1 monograph and 20 scientific articles, also actively participates in the publication of scientific works by M.A. Rosov. Uses knowledge of epistemology in practical activities for the development of modern Russian business (at Moscow School of Management "Skolkovo", where he is a moderator and author of educational products) and for the development of sustainable corporate governance standards (within the framework of the Corporate Development Agency "Yes-Strategy").
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12/25/2022 • 2 hours, 8 minutes, 50 seconds Ирэн Корнышева: Православная эстетика, религия, хоровое пение, единомышленники. Ирэн Корнышева - Декан факультета математики, физики и экономики Государственного гуманитарно-технологического университета (г. Орехово-Зуево). Кандидат философских наук, доцент. Автор более 60 научных публикаций. Родилась и выросла в г. Баку. В 1988 г. переехала в Россию в связи с учебой в вузе и начавшимся межнациональным конфликтом. В 1993 г. окончила с отличием Краснодарский государственный институт искусств и культуры по специальности Художественное творчество. В 2002 году получила второе высшее образование по специальности История (диплом с отличием).В 2008 г. защитила диссертацию на соискание ученой степени кандидата философских наук в Институте Философии РАН. С 1998 г. по настоящее время - регент хора Свято-Покровского храма г.Покров (Владимирская область).
Iren Kornysheva is a Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Economics of the State University for the Humanities and Technology (Orekhovo-Zuyevo). Ph.D. in Philosophy, Associate Professor. Author of more than 60 scientific publications. Born and raised in Baku. In 1988, she moved to Russia in connection with her studies at the university and the outbreak of an interethnic conflict. In 1993 she graduated with honors from the Krasnodar State Institute of Arts and Culture with a degree in Artistic Creation. In 2002 she received her second higher education in the specialty of History (diploma with honors). In 2008 she defended her dissertation for the degree of candidate of philosophical sciences at the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences. From 1998 to the present she is a regent of the choir at the Holy Intercession Church in the city of Pokrov (Vladimir region).
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12/24/2022 • 2 hours, 38 minutes, 22 seconds Денис Лапшинов: Талант, креативность, раскрытие потенциала, изнанка медиа рынка. Денис Лапшинов - креативный директор и сооснователь независимых креативных агентств SLAVA и Talent. Начал свою карьеру в BBDO Moscow. В 2011 году Денис со-основал SLAVA. С тех пор компания выросла с 5 до 70 человек. Работала с такими брендами, как Google, Tinkoff, Точка, Xiaomi, Lego, Renault и многим другими. В 2020 году SLAVA стала №8 независимым агентством мира по индексу Effie Worldwide 2020-го года. Денис работал в жюри Young directors Awards, ADCR, G8, Red Jolbors, Wow Awards, Effie Russia. Со-основал марафест креативных агентств “Креачелла”. Создал авторский курс “Creative leader” совместно с SKVOT. В 2022 году со-основал Talent. Креативное агентство, которое работает с технологическими компаниями по миру со штаб квартирой в Дубаи. Первым клиентом Talent стал сервис inDrive. Cреди профессиональных наград Дениса можно выделить: Рекорд Гиннесса, Cannes Lions (short), Eurobest (short), Golden Drum и Effie и десятки других наград на ADCR, Red Apple, White Square и других.
Denis Lapshinov is the creative director and co-founder of independent creative agencies SLAVA and Talent. Started his career at BBDO Moscow. In 2011 Denis co-founded SLAVA. Since then the company has grown from 5 to 70 people. She has worked with brands such as Google, Tinkoff, Tochka, Xiaomi, Lego, Renault and many others. In 2020, SLAVA became the No. 8 independent agency in the world according to the 2020 Effie Worldwide Index. Denis served on the jury of Young directors Awards, ADCR, G8, Red Jolbors, Wow Awards, Effie Russia. Co-founded the Creachella creative agency marathon. Created the author's course "Creative leader" together with SKVOT. In 2022, he co-founded Talent. A creative agency that works with technology companies around the world and is headquartered in Dubai. The first client of Talent was the inDrive service. Denis's professional awards include: Guinness Record, Cannes Lions (short), Eurobest (short), Golden Drum and Effie and dozens of other awards at ADCR, Red Apple, White Square and others.
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12/22/2022 • 2 hours, 22 minutes, 36 seconds Виктор Абруков: Нейронные сети, AI ассистенты, консерватизм, здравый смысл. Виктор Абруков – заведующий кафедрой прикладной физики и нанотехнологий Чувашского государственного университета, заслуженный деятель науки Чувашской Республики (2013 г.), эксперт Федерального реестра экспертов Министерства образования и науки Российской Федерации (с 2013). Кандидатская диссертация - в Черноголовском филиале Института химической физики имени А.И. Н.Н. Семенова РАН, 1985; докторская диссертация - в Институте химической физики. Н.Н. Семенова РАН, 1995. Два контракта с Управлением военно-морских исследований (США) в 1996 и 1999 гг., гранты РФФИ с 1993 по 2016 гг., грант РФФИ-Индия в 2017-2020 гг., грант РФФИ и ТУБИТАК (Турция) в 2020-2021 гг. Гранты организационных комитетов международных конференций (Швеция в 1996 г., Бельгия в 2002 г., Италия в 2002 г., Норвегия в 2003 г., Италия в 2003 г., Чили в 2005 г., Япония в 2007 г., США в 2013 г., Израиль в 2015 г., Турция в 2016 г.), US CRDF грант в 2004 г., контракт с Национальным университетом Сингапура (октябрь 2007 г.). Спикер Архипелага - 2022.
Victor Abrukov is the Head of the Department of Applied Physics and Nanotechnology at Chuvash State University, an Honored Scientist of the Chuvash Republic (2013), an Expert of the Federal Register of Experts of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation since 2013. Ph.D. at the Chernogolovsk branch of the Institute of Chemical Physics named after A.I. N.N. Semenov RAS, 1985, Dr. of Science dissertation at the Institute of Chemical Physics. N.N. Semenov Russian Academy of Sciences, 1995. Two contracts with the Office of Naval Research (USA) in 1996 and 1999, RFBR grants from 1993 to 2016, RFBR-India grant in 2017-2020, RFBR and TUBITAK grant (Turkey) in 2020-2021 Conference organizing committees grants (Sweden in 1996, Belgium in 2002, Italy in 2002, Norway in 2003, Italy in 2003, Chile in 2005, Japan in 2007, the USA in 2013, Israel in 2015, Turkey in 2016), US CRDF grant in 2004, Contract with the National University of Singapore (October 2007).
================================SUPPORT & CONNECT:Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/denofrichTwitter: https://twitter.com/denofrichFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/mark.develman/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/denofrichInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/den_of_rich/Hashtag: #denofrich© Copyright 2023 Den of Rich. All rights reserved.
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12/21/2022 • 1 hour, 51 minutes, 6 seconds Мария Лапук: Антикризисные коммуникации, PR, ложь, манипуляция, инженерия об раза. Мария Лапук — сооснователь PR-агентства Vinci Agency. PR-эксперт с опытом работы в технологических и инновационных компаниях. Работал в пресс-службе компании МТС, возглавлял пресс-службу социальной сети «Одноклассники» и венчурного фонда ФРИИ.
Mariya Lapuk is a co-founder of the PR agency Vinci Agency. PR expert with experience in technology and innovative companies. Worked in the press service of the MTS company, and headed the press service of the Odnoklassniki social network and the IIDF venture capital fund.
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12/21/2022 • 1 hour, 43 minutes, 53 seconds Павел Кац: Любопытство, аутентичность, спорт, рефлексия, увлечения, тренды. Павел Кац - CEO рекламного агентства Digital Bands, предприниматель, маркетолог, продюсер, подкастер. 11 лет в рекламе и 9 лет в собственном бизнесе. Приглашенный директор по маркетингу, эксперт-консультант в построении продаж и стратегий роста, спикер мероприятий по диджитал-маркетингу, интернет-рекламе. Обладатель WOW Awards 2021 за лучшую нестандартную рекламную кампанию и обладатель 5 премий European Property Awards за лучшие маркетинговые и архитектурные решения для объектов недвижимости. Увлекается путешествиями, спортом, триатлоном, волейболом, футболом, историей и бизнесом. Бегает полумарафоны, участвует в заездах и заплывах. Его мечта — стать Железным Человеком. А еще у него самая красивая жена и замечательный сын.
Pavel Katz is the CEO of the growth marketing agency Digital Bands, entrepreneur, producer, advisor, growth strategist, and consultant. He is 11 years in advertising and 9 years in his own business. He is the Outsourced Marketing director, expert consultant in building sales and strategies of growth, and speaker of digital marketing events, and internet online advertising. He is the winner of the WOW Awards for the best non-standard advertising campaign and the winner of five European Property Awards in marketing and architecture. He is fond of traveling, sports, triathlon, football, history, and business. He runs half marathons, participates in races, and swims. His dream is to become Iron Man. He also has the most beautiful wife and an amazing son.
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12/20/2022 • 2 hours, 5 minutes, 9 seconds Дмитрий Ковпак: Когнитивно-поведенческая терапия, персональный подход, доверие. Дмитрий Ковпак - врач психотерапевт, кандидат медицинских наук, доцент кафедры психотерапии, медицинской психологии и сексологии Северо-Западного Государственного Медицинского Университета им. И. И. Мечникова, руководитель сети центров КПТ - BeCBT, Вице-Президент Российской Психотерапевтической Ассоциации, Президент Ассоциации Когнитивно-Поведенческой Психотерапии, Член Исполнительного Совета Международной Ассоциации Когнитивной Психотерапии, Член Международного Консультативного Комитета Института Бека, Официальный амбассадор г. Санкт-Петербурга. Ковпаком Д. В. написано и опубликовано 12 монографий, в их числе практические руководства для психотерапевтов - «Как избавиться от тревоги и страха», «Как преодолеть боль», «Депрессия. Современные подходы к диагностике и лечению» «Страхи, тревоги, фобии … Как от них избавиться?», «Антистресс-тренинг», «Стресс-менеджмент», "Без паники. Как научиться жить спокойно и уверенно".
Dmitrii Kovpak is a psychotherapist, candidate of medical sciences, associate professor of the department of psychotherapy, medical psychology and sexology of the Mechnikov North-West State Medical University, Head of the network of CBT centers - BeCBT, Vice-President of the Russian Psychotherapeutic Association, President of the Association for Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy, Member of the Executive Board of the International Association for Cognitive Psychotherapy, Member of the International Advisory Committee of the Beck Institute, Official Ambassador of St. Petersburg. Dmitrii wrote and published 12 monographs, including practical guides for psychotherapists - “How to get rid of anxiety and fear”, “How to overcome pain”, “Depression. Modern approaches to diagnostics and treatment” “Fears, anxieties, phobias… How to get rid of them?”, “Anti-stress training”, “Stress management”, “No panic. How to learn to live calmly and confidently”.
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12/20/2022 • 2 hours, 9 seconds Арам Киракосян: Музыка, продюсирование, звукорежиссура, трансформация сознания. Арам Киракосян - звукорежиссер, музыкальный продюсер и видео блогер. Работает в этой сфере больше 14 лет и за все это время успел поработать с большим количеством талантливых музыкантов из разных точек мира. Также он сотрудничает со многими известными музыкальными брендами и разработчиками аудиоплагинов (Antelope Audio, Avid, Arturia, Eventide, FabFilter, iZotope, IK Multimedia, Leapwing Audio, MetricHalo, Native Instruments, oek Sound, Plugin Alliance, Pulsar,Slate Digital, Softube, Sonic Academy, SSL, TC Electronics, UVI,Waves, XLN Audio и многими другими). У него есть Youtube канал @PROMIXING где он делает видеообзоры и обучающие видеоуроки про устройства и музыкальные программы для сведения и звукозаписи, в том числе и в прямом эфире.
Aram Kirakosyan is a sound engineer, music producer and video blogger. He has been working in this field for more than 14 years and during all this time he managed to work with a large number of talented musicians from different parts of the world. He also collaborates with many well-known music brands and audio plugin developers (Antelope Audio, Avid, Arturia, Eventide, FabFilter, iZotope, IK Multimedia, Leapwing Audio, MetricHalo, Native Instruments, oek Sound, Plugin Alliance, Pulsar, Slate Digital, Softube, Sonic Academy, SSL, TC Electronics, UVI, Waves, XLN Audio and many more). He has a Youtube channel where he makes video reviews and educational video tutorials about devices and music programs for mixing and recording, including live.
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12/19/2022 • 2 hours, 25 minutes, 25 seconds Никита Соловьев: Троичная онтология, абсолют, бог, метафизика, сознание, медитация. Никита Соловьев - Физик по образованию, кандидат физико-математических наук. В прошлом занимался лазерным термоядерным синтезом. В настоящее время занимается философскими проблемами сознания, свободы воли. Ведёт ряд проектов совместно с Институтом физиологии им.Павлова. Практикует безмолвие (аналог медитации), исследует это состояние сознания методами нейрофизиологии. В философии сознания и свободы воли придерживается взгляда на человека, как на макроскопический квантовый объект. Разработал абсолютную метафизику человека и Вселенной. Основные результаты опубликованы в ведущих физических, философских, нейробиологических и психологических журналах.
Nikita Solovyov is a physicist by education, Ph.D. in Physical and Mathematical Sciences. In the past, he was engaged in laser thermonuclear fusion. Currently, he is involved in philosophical problems of consciousness, and free will. Leads a number of projects together with the Pavlov Institute of Physiology. He practices "bezmolviye" (analogous to meditation) and explores this state of consciousness using neurophysiology methods. In the philosophy of consciousness and free will, he adheres to the view of a person as a macroscopic quantum object. He has developed an absolute metaphysics of man and the universe. The results are published in leading physical, philosophical, neurobiological, and psychological journals.
================================SUPPORT & CONNECT:Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/denofrichTwitter: https://twitter.com/denofrichFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/mark.develman/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/denofrichInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/den_of_rich/Hashtag: #denofrich© Copyright 2023 Den of Rich. All rights reserved.
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12/18/2022 • 1 hour, 56 minutes, 56 seconds Данил Попов: Духовная семинария, религия, поиск ответов, насилие, кризис ве ры. Данил Попов — бакалавр теологии (2009—2014, Хабаровская духовная семинария), бакалавр и магистр философии (2014—2020, Институт философии СПбГУ). В настоящее время Данил обучается в аспирантуре СПбГУ, где готовится защищать кандидатскую диссертацию «Стоическая традиция в философской мысли XX века». Его научные и философские интересы лежат в области стоической и экзистенциальной философии, философии как образа жизни, а также эпистемологии добродетелей. Данилу принадлежит авторство несколько научных статей о стоической традиции в русской и европейской культуре и мысли; он также является соавтором монографии, посвященной философскому наследию М. Фуко.
Danil Popov is a Bachelor of Theology (2009-2014, Khabarovsk Theological Seminary), Bachelor and Master of Philosophy (2014-2020, Institute of Philosophy, St. Petersburg State University). Currently, Danil is a postgraduate student at St Petersburg University, where he is preparing to defend his Ph.D. His scientific and philosophical interests lie in Stoic and existential philosophy, philosophy as a way of life, and the epistemology of the virtues. Danil is the author of several scientific articles on the Stoic tradition in Russian and European culture and thought; he is also a co-author of a monograph on the philosophical heritage of M. Foucault.
================================SUPPORT & CONNECT:Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/denofrichTwitter: https://twitter.com/denofrichFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/mark.develman/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/denofrichInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/den_of_rich/Hashtag: #denofrich© Copyright 2023 Den of Rich. All rights reserved.
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12/17/2022 • 2 hours, 46 minutes, 26 seconds Олег Абелев: Психология инвестирования, финансовые рынки, инфляция, инфоц ыгане. Олег Абелев - Кандидат экономических наук, начальник аналитического отдела ИК "РИКОМ-ТРАСТ", преподаватель Всероссийской Академии Внешней Торговли и РАНХиГС, колумнист русского Forbes, спикер Бизнес-ФМ, РБК и других экономических СМИ, партнер инвестиционного движения "Лимон на Чай", имеющий опыт работы на финансовых рынках более 15 лет, партнер инвестиционного движения "Лимон на чай", преподаватель ИФИТ (Институт Финансово инвестиционных технологий) Автор и ведущий ряда подкастов в СМИ на финансовую тематику: "Финансовые Львы", "Fixed Welcome", "Подкаст ИФИТ".
Oleg Abelev, PhD of Economic Sciences, Head of the Analytical Department of IC "RICOM-TRUST", Lecturer at the Russian Foreign Trade Academy and RANEPA, Russian Forbes columnist, speaker of Business-FM, RBC and other economic media, partner of the Lemon for Tea investment movement, having more than 15 years of experience in financial markets, partner of the Lemon for Tea investment movement, lecturer at IFIT (Institute of Financial and Investment Technologies). Author and host of a number of podcasts in the media on financial topics: "Financial Lions", "Fixed Welcome", "IFIT Podcast".
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12/16/2022 • 2 hours, 7 minutes, 59 seconds Вячеслав Дмитриев: Философия бессмыслицы, археиавангард, аннигиляция смыслов. Вячеслав Дмитриев - Доцент кафедры онтологии и теории познания философского факультета МГУ им. М.В. Ломоносова. Учился на философском факультете под руководством Ф.И. Гиренка. Уже 27 лет преподает общие и специальные курсы в университете. Один из основателей и представителей философской группы "Анонсенс" (Москва).
Viacheslav Dmitriev is an Associate Professor, Department of Ontology and Theory of Knowledge, Faculty of Philosophy at the Lomonosov Moscow State University. He studied at the Faculty of Philosophy under the guidance of professor Fedor Girenok. He has been teaching general and special courses at the university for 27 years. One of the founders and representatives of the philosophical group "Anonsense" (Moscow).
================================SUPPORT & CONNECT:Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/denofrichTwitter: https://twitter.com/denofrichFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/mark.develman/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/denofrichInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/den_of_rich/Hashtag: #denofrich© Copyright 2023 Den of Rich. All rights reserved.
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12/16/2022 • 2 hours, 23 minutes, 8 seconds Зулия Лоикова: Работа с персоналом, карьера, фокус внимания, коммуникация. Зулия Лоикова - HR, бизнес-советник, стратег, эксперт в построении и масштабировании бизнеса через работу с персоналом. На протяжении многих лет помогаю различным компаниям повысить эффективность работы команды, выясняет потребности бизнеса, находит в команду людей с хорошим потенциалом, способных увеличить эффективность и прибыль бизнеса. Образование: Университет Российской академии образования, клинический психолог. London Metropolitan University, степень Master of Arts HR Strategy. Более 15 лет опыта в сфере HR. 1000+ закрытых ТОПовых вакансий за 15 лет. Проекты, с которыми работала и выстраивала эффективные структуры внутри команд: Alfa Bank, БКС, Facebook, Google , JEUNESSE, bls, ЯРД, Ketchum, Autospot и другие.
Zulia Loikova is an HR, business advisor, strategist, and expert in building & scaling a business through work with personnel. For many years I have been helping various companies to improve the efficiency of the team, find out the needs of the business, and find people with good potential in the team who can increase the efficiency and profit of the business. Education: University of the Russian Academy of Education, a clinical psychologist. London Metropolitan University, Master of Arts HR Strategy. Over 15 years of experience in HR. 1000+ closed TOP vacancies in 15 years. Projects she worked with and built effective structures within the teams: Alfa Bank, BCS, Facebook, Google, JEUNESSE, bls, YARD, Ketchum, Autospot, and others.
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12/15/2022 • 2 hours, 7 minutes, 38 seconds Магомед Расулов: Детерминированность, энергия, эффективность, принятие се бя. Магомед Расулов был основателем и генеральным директором EdTech стартапа Boss Kids, а теперь является соучредителем и генеральным директором MyJo. Мобильное приложение для развития и обучения детей. Имеет опыт управления продуктами, бизнес-аналитики, развития клиентов и поисков инструментов для роста. Постоянно занимается саморазвитием и обучением.
Magomed Rasulov was founder and CEO of EdTech startup Boss Kids and now cofounder and CEO of MyJo. Mobile app for the development and education of children. Experienced in product management, business intelligence, customer development and growth hacking. Constantly engaged in self-development and learning.
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12/14/2022 • 3 hours, 23 minutes, 22 seconds Игорь Реморенко: Образовательные стандарты, трансформация образования, у прощение. Игорь Реморенко родился 11 апреля 1971 года (Красноярский край). Действительный государственный советник Российской Федерации 2 класса, доктор педагогических наук, доцент, член-корреспондент РАО, Почетный работник общего образования. С 2013 года и по настоящее время является ректором Московского городского университета. С 2016 года является академическим директором магистерской программы «Руководитель образовательной организации». В 2016 году избран председателем Общественного совета Федеральной службы по надзору в сфере образования и науки. С 2020 года возглавляет комитет по организации профессионально-общественной аккредитации Совета по профессиональным квалификациям в сфере образования. С 2017 по 2021 год — член Совета по образованию и науке при Президенте Российской Федерации.
Igor Remorenko was born on April 11, 1971 (Krasnoyarsk Region). He is an Actual State Councillor of the Russian Federation of the 2nd class, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Corresponding Fellow of the Russian Academy of Education, and Honorary worker of general education. Since 2013 and to the present time, he is the Rector of Moscow City University. Since 2016, he is the Academic Director of the Master’s program “Leader of an Educational Organisation”. In 2016, he was elected as Chairman of the Public Council of the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Education and Science. Since 2020, he is Head of the Committee on Organisation of Professional and Public Accreditation of the Professional Qualifications Council in the field of education. From 2017 to 2021, he was a member of the Council on Education and Science for the President of the Russian Federation.
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12/13/2022 • 2 hours, 7 minutes, 21 seconds Василий Прачев: Cерфинг, волновой бассейн, мечта, любовь, инвестиции, жизнь. Василий Прачев - серфер, инженер, музыкант, путешественник. Он спроектировал крутой волновой бассейн, привлек инвестиции в кризис и открыл самый крупный и качественный серф-центр в России — SurfBrothers Skolkovo.
Vasily Prachev - surfer, engineer, musician, traveler. He designed a cool wave pool, attracted investments during the crisis and opened the largest and highest quality surf center in Russia - SurfBrothers Skolkovo.
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12/10/2022 • 3 hours, 53 minutes, 8 seconds Александр Беренов: Предпринимательство, стартап, ошибки, навыки, успех, цели. Александра Беренов - фаундер AI стартапа. Прошел путь от 0 до 3М долларов годовой выручки в стартапе. Выпускник Y Combinator, 500 Startups. Ментор в Alchemist.
Alex Berenov is an AI startup founder. Went from $0 to $3M in annual revenue in a startup. Alumnus of Y Combinator, 500 Startups. Mentor at Alchemist.
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12/9/2022 • 2 hours, 13 minutes, 16 seconds Александр Киселев: Онлайн обучение, образование, эдьютейнмент, навыки, про фессия. Александр Киселев родился в 1995 году в Миассе (Челябинская область). В 2017 году окончил МГТУ им. Баумана факультет робототехники и комплексной автоматизации по специальности «Мехатроника и робототехнические комплексы». После окончания университета продолжил обучение в Высшей школе экономики по специальности «Управление развитием, исследованиями и инновациями в компаниях». В 2017 году Александр запустил собственный проект — курсы по ИТ-профессиям в московских школах. В 2020 году проект был полностью переведен в онлайн-формат, в 2021 году начался его бурный рост. За два года работы выручка Rebotica увеличилась с 1,25 до 40 миллионов рублей, а количество активных студентов с 227 до 3,5 тысяч человек в России и других странах мира.
Alexander Kiselev was born in 1995 in Miass (Chelyabinsk region). In 2017 he graduated from Bauman Moscow State Technical University faculty of robotics and integrated automation, specialty - "Mechatronics and robotic systems". After graduating from the university, he continued his studies at the Higher School of Economics with a degree in Management of Development, Research and Innovation in Companies. In 2017, Alexander started his own project - courses in IT professions at Moscow schools. In 2020, the project was completely transferred to the online format, in 2021 its rapid growth began. In two years of work, Rebotica's revenue increased from 1.25 to 40 million rubles, and the number of active students from 227 to 3.5 thousand people in Russia and other countries of the world.
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12/7/2022 • 2 hours, 52 minutes, 10 seconds Ольга Гарц: Пластическая хирургия, медицина, эстетика, стандарты красоты, медиа. Ольга Гарц - врач в 3 поколении. Очень любит медицину, и все в своей жизни связывает с ней. Работает пластическим хирургом, это особая специфика, так как работать с женщинами - сложно, а с красивыми и успешными сложнее вдвойне.
Olga Garts is a doctor in the 3rd generation. She really loves medicine and connects everything in her life with it. She works as a plastic surgeon, and this is a non-trivial professional experience since working with women is difficult in general, and doubly difficult with beautiful and successful ones.
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12/7/2022 • 2 hours, 8 minutes, 7 seconds Виктор Кондратенко: Эмоциональное равновесие, грани познания, развитие соо бществ, гуризм. Виктор Кондратенко - предприниматель, инвестор, наставник. 15 лет исследует взаимосвязь мышления и отражающей его действительности. Формирует общество нового времени, с ценностями, лежащими в основе бытия.
Victor Kondratenko is an entrepreneur, investor, and mentor. For 15 years he has been studying the relationship between thinking and the reality that reflects it. Forms a society of a new time, with the values underlying being.
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12/6/2022 • 2 hours, 1 minute, 19 seconds Искандер Ахметов: Коммуникация, терпимость, продажи, обмен ценностями, пост роение сообществ. Искандер Ахметов - основатель агентства YEP, строит частные, клиентские и внутрикорпоративные сообщества. Со-основатель благотворительных проектов "5 добрых дел", за последние 2 года удалось вылечить и обрести семью 49 детям. Спортсмен, преподает комьюнити-менеджмент в ВУЗах.
Iskander Akhmetov is a founder of the YEP agency, builds private, client and intracorporate communities. Co-founder of the 5 Good Deeds charity projects, over the past 2 years, 49 children have been cured and found a family. Athlete, teaches community management at universities.
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12/5/2022 • 2 hours, 54 minutes, 4 seconds Роман Антоненко: Социальные медиа, новые тренды, социальные аватары, инфлюенсеры, аутентичность Роман Антоненко – CEO компании "DEEP" (Dentsu Entertainment Eurasia Partners), которая работает в России и странах бывшего СССР, импортируя видео- и печатный контент из Японии, Китая, Южной Кореи и собирая аудитории любителей аниме, манги и азиатского контента в целом. Роман описывает свою роль в компании как "предприниматель на зарплате". До этого Роман построил карьеру в медиа (Телекомпания НТВ, Газпроммедиа) и Оргкомитете "Сочи 2014", но начал работать в индустрии гостеприимства. Роман – начинающий, но очень увлечённый игрок в гольф, регулярно занимается бегом и отец 4 детей.
Roman Antonenko is the CEO of DEEP (Dentsu Entertainment Eurasia Partners) - operating in Russia and the countries of ex-USSR bringing video and print content from Japan, China, South Korea to gather audiences of fans of anime, manga, and content from Asia in general. Roman describes his role within the company as "the entrepreneur on payroll". Prior to that Roman has built a corporate career in media (NTV Broadcasting Company, Gazprom-Media) and Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee, but started in the hospitality industry. Roman is the beginner yet very enthusiastic golf player, regular runner and the father of 4 kids.
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12/4/2022 • 2 hours, 9 minutes, 3 seconds Илья Мартынов: Научная коммуникация, нейронаука, нейротехнологии, психотер апия. Илья Мартынов — известный популяризатор науки. Окончил Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет (кафедра высшей нервной деятельности). С 2011 года читает лекции по нейронаукам. Является научным руководителем Музея мозга в Санкт-Петербурге, Центра развития мозга. Активно выступает за использование современных нейротехнологий для помощи людям с нарушениями в работе мозга. В 2014–2015 годах был модератором дискуссий экспериментального спектакля с применением методов биологической обратной связи на Новой сцене Александринского театра. В настоящий момент ведет канал на youtube, посвящённый работе мозга, механике психотерапии и поведению человека.
Ilya Martynov is a well-known science communicator. Graduated from St. Petersburg State University (Department of Higher Nervous Activity). Since 2011 he has been lecturing in neurosciences. He is the scientific director of the Brain Museum in St. Petersburg, the Center for Brain Development. He actively advocates the use of modern neurotechnologies to help people with brain disorders. In 2014–2015, he moderated discussions of an experimental performance using biofeedback methods on the New Stage of the Alexandrinsky Theatre. At the moment, he runs a youtube channel dedicated to the work of the brain, the mechanics of psychotherapy and human behavior.
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12/2/2022 • 2 hours, 45 minutes, 55 seconds Илья Захаров: Нейронаука, когнитивные способности, исследование, наука, эв олюция. Илья Захаров — ученый, активно участвующий в фундаментальных и прикладных научных проектах, преподавании, популяризации науки и развитии сообществ. Он имеет большой опыт в организации междисциплинарного и международного сотрудничества для своих научных проектов. Он также участвовал в нескольких успешных бизнес-проектах (связанных с психодиагностикой и прикладной нейробиологией). Имеет опыт организации крупных научно-просветительских проектов с нуля (серии публичных лекций и лекционных курсов, выставки для научных музеев) и создания научно-технических сообществ.
Ilya Zakharov is a scientist actively involved with fundamental and applied science projects, teaching, science outreach and community building. He has vast experience in initiating interdisciplinary and international collaborations for his scientific projects. He has also been engaged in several succesfull business projects (related to psychodiagnostics and applied neuroscience). He has experience in organizing large science outreach projects from scratch (series of public lectures and lecture courses; exhibitions for science museums) and creating tech-science communities.
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12/1/2022 • 2 hours, 11 minutes, 32 seconds Станислав Розен: Осознанность, бессознательное, заблуждения, границы восп риятия. Станислав Розен — основатель и генеральный директор маркетингового агентства Dau Relationship Marketing, создатель видеоподкастов Успех Наизнанку, создатель и ведущий «Цифровой кухни», сообщества и мероприятий для маркетологов и энтузиастов технологий. Имеет опыт саморазвития с психологией, йогой и медитативной практикой.
Stanislav Rozen is a Founder and CEO of Dau Relationship Marketing agency, Dark side of success (Успех Наизнанку) video podcast creator, Digital Kitchen creator and host, community & events for Marketers and Technology enthusiasts. Experienced in self development with psychology, yoga and meditation practice.
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11/30/2022 • 2 hours, 57 minutes, 43 seconds Надежда Бобрышева: Женский стендап, уязвимость, сексуальность, флирт, личные границы. Надежда Бобрышева c подросткового возраста занимается юмором, участвовала в различных телевизионных проектах и работала на радио со своей спецификой (на камеди радио цензура ниже, чем у любой другой радиостанции). В прошлом году от рака умерла ее мама и бабушка от ковида практически одновременно - это и сподвигло ее, в том числе, на резкий переезд в Москву. Родилась Надежда в Ростове, выросла на Кубани, каждое лето работает в Анапе зазывалой на банан. Есть ипотека, не замужем, детей нет, было долгов на 3 миллиона рублей, но она справилась за довольно-таки короткий срок с этой бездной.
Nadezhda Bobrysheva has been engaged in humor since adolescence, participated in various television projects, and worked on radio with her own specifics (censorship is lower on comedy radio). Last year, her mother died of cancer and her grandmother died of from covid, almost simultaneously - this prompted, among other things, a sudden move to Moscow. Born in Rostov and grew up in Kuban, every summer she worked in Anapa as a barker on the banana boat ride. She has a mortgage, is not married, has no children, and had debts of 3 million rubles, but she coped with this abyss in a relatively short time.
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11/29/2022 • 2 hours, 49 minutes, 47 seconds Полина Дружкова: Музыка, творчество, хобби, эмоции, сопротивление, аутенти чность. Полина Дружкова — менеджер по коммуникациям (в основном в технической сфере, ex-Microsoft) днем и продюсер электронной музыки ночью (делает Synthwave). Она имеет степень бакалавра филологии (всемирная литература/сравнительные исследования) и степень магистра в области PR и маркетинга. Помимо работы и музыки, она любит смотреть фильмы (в 18 лет она работала в мультимедийном магазине консультантом отдела кино) и играть в теннис. Ее дебютный альбом Anno Domini уже вышел и доступен на Spotify. Не будьте эгоистичными придурками, поддержите и поделитесь! https://open.spotify.com/album/4wggVkoJIJcfrRtRD6HVai
Polina Druzhkova is a communications manager (mostly in tech sphere, ex-Microsoft) during the day and an electronic music producer at night (she is making Synthwave). She has a bachelor's degree in Philology (World Literature/Comparative Studies) and a master degree in PR and Marketing. Besides work and music she enjoys watching movies (she used to work in a multimedia store as a movie department consultant when she was 18) and playing tennis. Her self-produced debut album Anno Domini is out now and available on Spotify. Don't be assholes, support and share!
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11/27/2022 • 2 hours, 36 minutes, 17 seconds Alexander Zhurba | Александр Журба Alexander Zhurba is a leading multi-industry non-venture investor in small and medium-sized companies in Russia. 80+ invested companies since 2006, >$200m invested. The broadest industry investment experience. Invested in trading, manufacturing and service companies in the following industries: auto parts, automation and robotics, recruitment automation, biotechnology, hotel reservations, debt collection and operations with credit portfolios, water supply and heating, children's toys, precious metals and their processing, loans under collateral, healthy eating, Internet services, Internet media, Internet commerce, information security, confectionery, consulting, cosmetics, medicines, medical institutions, metal rolling and fabrication of metal structures, petrochemical equipment, clothing and accessories, food semi-finished products and components, food products, payment systems, blogging platforms, production and show business, industrial raw materials, etc.
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11/25/2022 • 2 hours, 12 minutes, 38 seconds Vladimir Lifanov | Владимир Лифанов Vladimir Lifanov, famous designer, co-owner of the Suprematika agency.
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11/25/2022 • 1 hour, 54 minutes, 57 seconds Denis Yudchitz | Денис Юдчиц Denis Yudchitz is a co-founder of LIFEMOST, FITMOST and Online Doctor services. He is a scientist, and biotechnologist, engaged in the development of vaccines. Graduate of Moscow School of Management Skolkovo MBA. EY 2019 Entrepreneur of the Year in the Healthcare category. FITMOST - combines fitness, yoga, massage, and beauty studios into one subscription and gives you the opportunity to enroll in more than 1700 places in 17 cities. More than 1.1 million bookings have been made through the platform. Growth in revenue compared to last year increased by x2 as planned. Online Doctor is a digital medical service that includes: the organization of VMI services and one-time medical services on its own platform (telemedicine, face-to-face visits, laboratory tests), more than 2M clients have connected to the service, the service also operates in the markets of Kazakhstan and Armenia. Lifemost - together with partners in the FITMOST model, launches an international project in the autumn, starting from the UAE. He is fond of marathons (including collecting major six), trails (running in the polar Urals), swimming in open water, studying the game of Go and immersing him
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11/23/2022 • 2 hours, 46 minutes, 6 seconds Alexey Kuznetsov | Алексей Кузнецов Aleksey Kuznetsov, 20 years old, student at the Moscow International University, majoring in Advertising and Public Relations. Engaged in stand-up comedy for 4 years, traveled to perform in different parts of Russia, and even was invited on a cruise. Participated in an open mic on TNT, and all sorts of other YouTube shows.
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11/22/2022 • 2 hours, 7 minutes, 48 seconds Vladimir Bubnitskiy | Владимир Бубницкий Vladimir Bubnitskiy is an investor, citizen, husband, and father of 4 wonderful children! Vladimir is a professional in the field of venture capital, and private wealth management of high-net-worth and ultra-high-net-worth clients, and has a very extensive network. Currently, he is a Director of a large international fund OKS Group, a private investor and an advisor to several startups. In the past, he was a Member of the Board of Directors, partner, vice president and financial advisor to owners of private funds and family offices. Head of the Center for Technology and Innovation, as well as the practice of providing services to technology companies and venture funds of PwC Russia, Vice President of Citibank Russia private banking. Author of a joint study of the Russian venture investment market - Money Tree (PwC Russia x Russian Venture Company) for 2019-2020. Author of a number of articles in the media and broadcasts on the topic of venture capital investments in Russia. Ironman (triathlon), climbed the peaks of Asia and Africa, traveler.
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11/21/2022 • 1 hour, 59 minutes, 3 seconds Vladimir Raevskiy | Владимир Раевский Back in Russia, Vladimir Raevskiy used to be a television/radio presenter and a producer, making a lot of history/culture films for TV and private clients. He developed a number of unique techniques to make every story, however long ago it happened, entertaining and captivating. His media projects are majorly focused on history and culture where Vladimir manages to combine historical correctness with journalistic storytelling and entertaining, sometimes funny, performance. His range of projects vasts from feature documentaries and TV docuseries to commercial products and multimedia for cultural institutions.
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11/19/2022 • 1 hour, 55 minutes, 41 seconds Sergey Sadkov | Сергей Садков Sergey Sadkov is a Co-founder of several online schools, including a participant in the RBC rating of the largest EdTech companies in Russia, the Arnion school of IT professions. Co-founder of the AutoOffice platform for online schools (passed the IIDF accelerator in Russia). Host of the Internet Marketing SDK podcast (collaborated with Yandex, MTS, Skillbox, Sbermarket). Freestyle Rapper, member of the creative association Freestyle Workshop. Winner of the idea contest for the implementation of the digital tenge Ideathon of the National Bank of Kazakhstan.
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11/18/2022 • 2 hours, 32 minutes, 38 seconds Irina Andreeva | Ирина Андреева Irina Andreeva is a professional tracker. The focus of her work is the sustainable growth of the business, working with opportunities and limitations, developing the team and the entrepreneur. She became the winner in the 2018 and 2019 Tracker of the Year awards in the "Working with a team" and "Working with early-stage startups" nominations. Irina is also a lecturer at the Higher School of Economics and the University of Netology. Irina often gives lectures and leads workshops. She is also the author of the courses and programs "Team as a Driver of Growth", SELF-TRACKING, "Me as a Resource", "Environment as a Resource". As a co-founder of DistingTec, she is engaged in the employment of people with ASD in the IT field. Irina's own managerial experience is over 30 years in the banking industry. At the same time, she has been a top manager for more than 10 years, was a member of the Board of Directors, Deputy Chairman of the Board, Chief Accountant of the bank.
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11/17/2022 • 2 hours, 1 minute, 19 seconds Nikita Kuimov | Никита Куимов Nikita Kuimov has been traveling the world remotely managing several businesses for the past 12 years. After some time he learned that communities play a crucial role in his life and personal development and learned how to build them and make them flourish. That's how Nikita and his partner Anastasia started Caravansary.net where a dozen remotely working professionals live in a beautiful villa, learn authentic communication, and develop other soft skills. Since past June he has become the CEO of Mesto.in that helps to relocate people to countries like Spain, Netherlands, Turkey, and Indonesia and helps them find local communities to thrive in.
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11/16/2022 • 2 hours, 4 minutes, 28 seconds Dmitry Kim is a Russian chef with more than 10 years of experience. He was born in the Uzbek SSR. After the collapse of the union in 1992 for security reasons, moved with his parents to Stavropol Krai. In his youth, he wanted to become a professional athlete. But at the age of 19, he gets a job in a restaurant and begins his journey from an assistant cook to a chef, a participant in many prestigious culinary events. Here are a few examples: From August to September 2013, he was a participant in the reality show "MASTER-CHEF" Russia Season 1, STS channel. From June 2016 to March 2020 he was the Vice-President of the North Caucasian Culinary Association. October 2016 - referee seminar. Obtaining the qualification of a category B judge from the World Association of Chefs WACS. February 2017 - culinary show "Battle of Chefs", NTV channel, finalist. February 2021 - Internship at the MFA of RUSSIA. Enrollment in the reserve of protocol chefs. February 2021 - expert of the All-Russian award Wheretoeat. September 2021 - Judge at the All-Russian Olympiad "LEGENDA" among professionals.
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11/16/2022 • 1 hour, 58 minutes, 53 seconds Sergei Abdulmanov | Сергей Абдульманов Sergei Abdulmanov is a desperate traveler, one of the country's best experts in client communications and content marketing, and the owner of a PR agency. Mathematician by education. From 2010 to 2019 Marketing Director of Mosigra. In 2018, Mosigra won the Best Marketing Campaign at the Big Turnover Award and the Best Offline Customer Experience at the CX World Awards. Author of the best business book 2016 (PwC) "Business as a Game" First on Habr (IT resource) in the rating of users by "karma". Now director of client communications at Tutu.ru (Russian travel service No. 1 since 2014), founder of the LOFT PR agency (among clients are Yandex, Sber, CROC, T1, Visa, Rostelecom, SAS, etc.) and several others projects. The main specialization is client communications and content marketing. Typical marketing tasks, "humanization" of the company's image in PR, HR PR-tasks.
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11/15/2022 • 2 hours, 39 minutes, 15 seconds Loriana Sardar | Лориана Сардар Loriana Sardar is a female entrepreneur of a Russian-Indian origin. She is a co-founder of one of the largest mobility companies in Russia and globally - BelkaCar. She speaks several languages and lived in different countries. After living abroad she came back to Russia in 2014 to introduce carsharing in Russia along with her 2 MBA classmates. Loriana manages to combine a firm character together with her philosophical views. She has a master in fashion and an MBA in Finance. She loves traveling and reading, most of her free time she prefers to spend with her family and friends.
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11/14/2022 • 1 hour, 48 minutes, 28 seconds Anna Nikishina | Анна Никишина Anna Nikishina is an entrepreneur, trainer, and business coach. From the age of 18 she is engaged in the management of a classic business in Russia (helicopter company, Internet marketing agency, commercial real estate). Co-founder of the accelerator for early-stage startups Daily Challenge and business angel club Around Capital. Songwriter and singer. Key competencies: negotiations and communications, business coaching of executives, starting a business, mediation (out-of-court dispute resolution procedure).
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11/14/2022 • 2 hours, 25 minutes, 45 seconds Daria Kurochkina | Дарья Курочкина Daria Kurochkina calls herself an obstetrician in Psychology, but she does not supervise pregnancy, she only helps people to be born on a new octave in the world. The most common response is “everything is clear!”. She loves this state of clarity, which gives strong support for action and manifestation. Daria is a transpersonal psychologist, hypnologist, and master of spiritual practices and rapid change. Author of integrated human development programs. Speaker at the Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO. Curator of the psychological direction of the Atlanta Business Club. Personal psychologist of prominent entrepreneurs. She likes to combine creativity and psychology, she is the author of several immersive pieces of training at the intersection of performance and psychology, she calls it the "Standford Life and Gogol Center" based on their non-public project "Lars Von Trier's Dacha", which can only be accessed by invitation. Profile education: Studied in India at the Oneness University (now an academy). Dutch Institute for Regression Therapy TASSO with Hans TenDam. Moscow Institute of Hypnosis. Institute of Supervision and Group Therapy.
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11/13/2022 • 2 hours, 33 minutes, 8 seconds Kseniia Sholina | Ксения Шолина Kseniia Sholina has built an international career in consumer technology health products where she has launched several product portfolios. Motivated by the dream to live as much as possible without borders, for the last 2 years she has been living as a nomad and in October alone she visited 6 countries. But already in November she settles in London, having received a talent visa in the UK.
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11/11/2022 • 2 hours, 20 minutes, 47 seconds Roman Firainer | Роман Фирайнер Roman Firainer was born in the Soviet Socialist Republic in a military family in a small military town. Graduated from a technical school with a degree in engineering, mathematics and programming. Then, due to family circumstances, as well as due to insufficient mental abilities, he left MEPhI. Then the sheer luck began. By acquaintance, without understanding anything about design, he got a job as a designer in a large publishing house. There, somehow, by mistake, he was sent to design courses at London's Saint Martins. Then, through an acquaintance, he got a job at a very large international agency as an art director. After changing several large agencies, he met and began to work in tandem with the best Russian copywriter Yaroslav Orlov. Thanks to intrigue and manipulation, friends were appointed creative directors in an unknown little advertising agency Instinct. Since then, under their leadership, the agency has grown and become one of the most successful in Russia. Roman has a second marriage and 3 children. Now he temporarily lives and works remotely from Cambodia.
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11/11/2022 • 2 hours, 28 minutes Sergey Zhukovsky | Сергей Жуковский Sergey Zhukovsky is a cynical marketing practitioner. One of the strongest in its field. Since 2003, he has been studying human psychology, marketing and influence technologies. The gray cardinal of successful online projects in Russia. It introduces operational management systems into businesses, which have already brought in more than 10 billion rubles (more than 170 million dollars). A strong supporter of creating strong niche projects without strong competition. The key feature of his approach is not to take over the world, but to build something that will work for you for years (and if you want, sell it with a good multiplier).
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11/10/2022 • 1 hour, 54 minutes, 49 seconds Sviatoslav Ivanov | Святослав Иванов Sviatoslav Ivanov is a startup founder born in Moscow and currently traveling in Europe with his wife and 1-year-old daughter. He spent 5 years learning sound engineering and used to be a cinematographer. 5 years ago he decided to switch to tech and learned several programming languages, working with Sber, Prequel, and Endel. At the same time, Slava with his wife Barbara was developing a music application, pursuing a dream to give a great innovative way to interact with music for people without any musical background.
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11/9/2022 • 2 hours, 8 minutes, 17 seconds Tatyana Reshetnyak | Татьяна Решетняк Tatyana Reshetnyak is a happy person and a woman first of all. Transformational Practitioner: Process and Transpersonal Approach, Return of Control Technique, Psychoanalysis, Breathing Techniques, Access Consciousness, Neurographics, Metaphor Maps, etc. Tatyana is master-mind's host, coach of entrepreneurs, host of women's mysteries. Active corporate background - management in the field of transport logistics. Spiritual practitioner for over 12 years. Spiritual mentor and mindfulness coach.
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11/7/2022 • 2 hours, 59 minutes, 51 seconds Mikhail Peganov | Михаил Пеганов Mikhail Peganov is a stand-up comedian from Saint Petersburg. He is happily married and the father of 2 kids. He used to work as a top manager in a company manufacturing fire-fighting equipment, but now he is on paternity leave. So, all that he is doing now for a living is performing and teaching English online.
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11/6/2022 • 2 hours, 6 minutes, 16 seconds Kirill Belyaev | Кирилл Беляев Kirill Belyaev is a marketer with 6 years of experience. Best case: scaled an online school from 1.5 million to 10.7 million rubles. 70% of his projects are launched by his team.
WARNING: C21H30O2 + C12H17N2O4P + C2H6O
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11/5/2022 • 2 hours, 57 minutes, 27 seconds Dmitry Prikhodko | Дмитрий Приходько Dmitry Prikhodko is an engineer in the power industry, an economist, and a blockchain enthusiast. After graduating from the university with two diplomas, he worked in the field of electricity distribution, participated in the Olympiad in Sochi. Then for 4 years he worked in the educational fund for gifted children - "Sirius" under the patronage of the President of the Russian Federation. Participated in world-class events such as the International Economic Forum, the Russian Economic Forum, the Russia-Africa Summit. Finnopolis forums 2017, 2018, 2019. Writer. At the moment, 3 books have been published: "Cryptocurrency. Tutorial for working with digital assets"; "BINANCE: instructions for safe operation, or how to trade in the cryptocurrency market"; "Digital security. Life in the world of technology".
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11/4/2022 • 3 hours, 49 minutes, 15 seconds Oleg Vavilov | Олег Вавилов Oleg Vavilov is a publisher, translator and editor, co-founder of the publishing houses Sofia, Open World, Postum. Deputy Director of the Institute of China and Contemporary Asia of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vice President of the Foundation for the Promotion of Buddhist Education and Research. Founder of the Sci-VR company, employee of the Institute of Biomedical Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
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11/3/2022 • 2 hours, 20 minutes Yaroslav Orlov | Ярослав Орлов Yaroslav Orlov, born in USSR. Youngest one in the family of three. Raised on science fiction like Strugatsky’s novels and poetry. Grew up through infamous Moscow of 90s. Was good in sports, but sport wasn’t good at that time. When the chaos and dust came down changed to private school, which navigated to more of western educational approach. Studied to become manager or entrepreneur, but fell in love with movies, dreamed to be a director and actor, so decided to enter career in advertising - for being closer to production routine and fast raw creative process. After 25 years in the business still there on the CD posotion, but with tonnes of experience in concept development, ideas creation, production and filming. The great believer in Language, which plays fundamental role in human evolution, how and why we think the way we do, how we communicate and why we disagree. Etc.
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11/2/2022 • 2 hours, 2 minutes, 33 seconds Artur Stelmakh | Артур Стельмах Artur Stelmakh is a crowdfunding expert, 50+ projects launched, 15M+ raised. Co-founder of GeekClub.com and ReProject. Amazon, Wildberries and Ozon seller. Recently Jeff Bezos mentioned Artur's previous project on Twitter.
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11/1/2022 • 2 hours, 12 minutes, 25 seconds Olga Danilova | Ольга Данилова Olga Danilova is a clinical psychologist and cognitive behavioral therapist. Olga was born in Moscow and now lives in San Francisco. She loves kite and diving, traveling, and listening to techno. From 16-23, she worked as a professional model.
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10/31/2022 • 2 hours, 42 minutes, 35 seconds Artem Goldman | Артем Голдман Artem Goldman is currently improving the quality of life for entrepreneurs by building the Elixir Family franchise to enter the US market. Elixir Family is a platform for starting an e-commerce business on Amazon. By suggesting promising products to sell and connecting you with reliable suppliers, Elixir helps you launch your own e-commerce business in weeks, not years.
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10/30/2022 • 2 hours, 19 minutes, 48 seconds Stepan Voronkov | Степан Воронков Stepan Voronkov, 40, has three sons. Education - Marketing. Born and raised in Rostov-on-Don. From the age of 20 to 30 he was engaged in advertising and marketing in all directions. In partnership with an agency and a printing house. For several years he was the head of the advertising and PR department in the Southern Federal District for the X5 Retail Group franchisee - they developed and sold the Pyaterochka chain in the Southern Federal District. Stepan has been managing investment projects for 12 years. 8 years of doing business in India (in an investment project). In Russia, he managed two projects related to healthy eating: Holy Basil and IN+U. He is a student of Paramahamsa Vishwananda. Practicing Atma Kriya.
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10/29/2022 • 2 hours, 21 minutes, 21 seconds Ekaterina Siver | Екатерина Сивер Ekaterina Siver is the managing owner of Fifth Avenue, which exclusively represents top luxury interior brands in Russia: Liaigre, Promemoria, Arclinea, Bruno Moinard editions, Loro Piana Interiors, etc. The refined interior involves a meticulous job performed by the hardworking experts at the variety of stages. Ekaterina knows how to make your interior elegant, stylish and comfortable.
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10/28/2022 • 1 hour, 55 minutes, 33 seconds Lev Larin has never worked for an employer. Entrepreneur for as long as he can remember. The first business is to sculpt little hippos out of clay and sell them in your community village. Created, developed and sold several companies: Online clothing stores, an online fashion magazine, an advertising production company, a SaaS service for trade and warehouse accounting. He built a house with his own hands, now because of the war he was forced to flee from Russia to India, and is developing new WorldWide businesses. One of them is in logistics, the second is educational gaming in VR, and the third is a new idea - to build a cleaning company in India. This person tries to always say YES to new opportunities. Super Soft skills - a sense of failure, the ability to motivate people and assemble teams, create unique products with a minimum of resources. Always open to new proposals and partnerships. Dreams of building a network of cities of the future - for Digital Nomads.
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10/27/2022 • 1 hour, 41 minutes, 37 seconds Anastasia Engelgardt | Анастасия Энгельгардт Anastasia Engelgardt is a charity activist with a healthcare background. She has more than 10 years of experience in healthcare and she has made her career in international corporations, but in 2016 after a helicopter crash and broken spine, Anastasia changed her life goals and focused on support. She sees her goal in supporting doctors who are saving thousands of lives. Together with her team, Anastasia helps them with getting the best education in oncology. In 2020 she launched project #FightingTogether in order to help doctors during a pandemic. This project won the Forbes Woman Mercury Award as the best social initiative. In 2022 they are still on the front-line supporting healthcare specialists who are treating injured.
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10/26/2022 • 2 hours, 23 minutes, 8 seconds Julien Nicolas | Жульен Николя Julien Nicolas can be defined as a world citizen: half French, half Russian, he lived almost 20 years abroad in China, Zaïre, Angola, California, Spain and until very recently Russia. He is now back to Paris, France. He has spent 8 years working in the startups ecosystem, from launching a startup accelerator in Moscow to leading the innovation activity in a big corporate. Now he is responsible for the international expansion of the biggest French startup Incubator. Julien is passionate about cooking and music, and will always be happy to show you Paris!
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10/25/2022 • 1 hour, 53 minutes, 44 seconds Veronika Kromberger | Вероника Кромбергер Veronika Kromberger is a marketer-semantician with over 8 years of experience, an entrepreneur, author of the Semantic Code methodology and the book How to Survive in a Crisis, No. 1 content funnel specialist, speaker at all-Russian and international conferences, founder of the Art Business School - marketing school for creative people who want to sell their products expensively without burning out and without investing huge amounts in traffic.
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10/25/2022 • 2 hours, 12 minutes, 13 seconds Artem Rogov | Артем Рогов Artem Rogov is a comedian with a master's degree in linguistics. He performed on national television in comedy shows and programs. English interpreter. He lives in the city of Vladivostok and organizes humorous events there.
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10/24/2022 • 2 hours, 8 minutes, 53 seconds Ilya Khrykin | Илья Хрыкин Ilya Khrykin - astrophysicist, postdoc at Kavli institute for Physics and Mathematics of the Universe. He studies the co-evolution of the supermassive blackholes (quasars) and the intergalactic medium, searches for the "missing baryons" in the Universe using Fast Radio Bursts.
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10/23/2022 • 2 hours, 21 minutes, 48 seconds Irina Yashina | Ирина Яшина Irina Yashina is Head of Innovate F in Female Founders - European market leader in supporting female-led startups based in Vienna, Austria. Innovate F’s mission is to create gender-diverse corporate acceleration programs. In 2022 Irina’s team is launching Culttech Accelerator together with Immaterial Future Association - the program for tech companies in arts&culture. Irina has a female empowerment community of her own - Ladies Who Tech - that unites Russian-speaking females who work with/in the tech sector.
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10/22/2022 • 2 hours, 6 minutes, 38 seconds Alexandr Bakeev | Александр Бакеев Alexandr Bakeev is the Founder of Right Track University of Multiple Growth. Ex-Advisor at the Rybakov Foundation; One of the first trackers in IIDF; Lecturer at MGIMO and RANEPA; Founder of the Tracker of the Year Award. For more than 15 years, he has been advising owners and top managers of MTS, Alfastrakhovanie, DIM, Lexus, Toyota, VW, Škoda, Chevrolet, McDonalds, Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, Google, Microsoft, Russian Standard, RVC on multiple growth and development of new areas.
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10/21/2022 • 2 hours, 30 minutes, 56 seconds Dmitry Kibkalo | Дмитрий Кибкало Dmitry Kibkalo is an entrepreneur, investor, founder of the Orbita venture studio. Founder and ex-owner of the Mosigra chain of stores. Graduate of the Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University and Stanford GSB. In 2013, he was included in the Forbes list of young entrepreneurs who have created a serious business under 33 years old. In 2019, he sold Mosigra and launched more than 10 startups, including: Vox - a social network on voice messages, Cabinet.fm - a service for consultants, Festa - a platform for party games, Meteor - a network of football schools, Zvezda - a network dance schools and others. Author of the books “Business as a Game” (winner of the “Business Book of the Year” award) and “Business on Your Own”, Board Game “Jackal”, “Day of Leaders”, “Yorsh”.
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10/20/2022 • 1 hour, 40 minutes, 9 seconds Mila Dayan is the co-founder of a b2b tech startup (beau.to) backed by Y Combinator and other notable US-based investors. Mila has fine art background: she graduated from a fine art academy in Saint Petersburg, Russia. She used to work in a large advertising agency, Leo Burnett Tel Aviv as an art director and won awards, including Cannes Lion. She used to be a digital nomad for years.
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10/19/2022 • 2 hours, 12 minutes, 4 seconds Oleg Yusupov | Олег Юсупов Oleg Yusupov is an adherent of the concept of linking art, science and business. With his studio, he and his team have won over 60 worldwide awards (Red Dot, Webbie, Emmy and Cannes Lions, etc.). In addition, Oleg is actively involved in the conduct of the master’s program “Augmented, Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence” and develops a new science of working with 3D data using machine learning (3DML).
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10/18/2022 • 2 hours, 25 minutes, 45 seconds Andrey Karpov | Андрей Карпов Andrey Karpov is a businessman leading several projects. Engaged in suburban development from home to the city. Happy father. He loves an active lifestyle in all its manifestations - 2 marathons, Oceanman, Ironman 70.3, cross-country skiing, trail running, surfing, and hiking in the mountains. Volunteer. Christian.
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10/17/2022 • 2 hours, 18 minutes, 38 seconds Nikita Androsov | Никита Андросов Nikita Androsov is the founder of Ingate. Entrepreneur with 25 years of experience. Built and destroyed 20 businesses. Now the company's portfolio includes over 8,000 projects and 130 major brands. Competence areas - digital business, organizational design, development of sustainable strategies in the VUCA / BANI world.
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10/16/2022 • 2 hours, 8 minutes, 53 seconds Alexandra Breus | Александра Бреус Alexandra Breus is marketing, management & coaching communications professional with sportive character passionate about coaching. She finds coaching to be an integrating role of her Life, a playground to create, a mission to live and a style of management & life. Her past is sport ballroom dancing in top 24 sport couples of the World and top 7 sport couples of the country in 2008 and 14 years (ytd 2022) of professional digital marketing communication and management career, working for largest international b2b (Warner Bros., 20th Century Fox, Unilever, Schwarzkopf&Henkel, Tchibo and other largest international players in b2b). In 2020 she became Erickson International certified coach with an eager to be well used in coaching practice with all her professional and life background (experience). She’s passionate about coaching and how it moves people forward in their lives. She loves Jesus and admires the personality of Jesus Christ.
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10/14/2022 • 2 hours, 18 minutes, 57 seconds Dmitry Shamenkov | Дмитрий Шаменков Dmitry Shamenkov is a certified doctor, scientist, former Buddhist monk, father of 5 children, creator of the "Open Dialogue" method, founder of the "House of Open Dialogue" in Gorny Altai. Author of 53 scientific publications, including textbooks in the field of nanotechnology, cellular biotechnology, regenerative medicine and physiology of functional systems, author of an article in the encyclopedic dictionary "Clinical Psychology", two monographs, 18 patents and 2 certificates of registration of a computer program, Hirsch index - 7, well-known blogger (more than 50 thousand subscribers), key speaker at major conferences and forums - TEDx (4 speeches), Atlantes Club, Synergy, Social Innovation Forum, Open Innovations, Healthy Moscow, Antifragility, EdCrunch, Forbes magazine columnist. Guest lecturer at MGIMO(U), Skolkovo Moscow School of Education.
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10/13/2022 • 2 hours, 58 minutes, 40 seconds Leo Dovbenko | Леонид Довбенко Leo Dovbenko is the Co-Founder and CEO of YallaMarket. Serial Entrepreneur and Angel Investor. 15 years in FoodTech, Retail and Horeca experience, 3+ years in Dubai, UAE. 15 successful projects, 3 successful start-ups in the UAE: iiko Middle East: 500 clients (including Carrefour and Papa John's) UAE RC: 7000 restaurant members Geco: 150,000 transactions per month.
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10/12/2022 • 2 hours, 1 minute, 41 seconds Nika Boenko | Ника Боенко Nika Boenko is an entrepreneur, sales and negotiation coach, marketing expert, speaker, business blogger. Nika helps entrepreneurs and top managers develop their business through sales, personal and professional growth.
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10/11/2022 • 2 hours, 15 minutes, 28 seconds Stacey Medvedeva | Стася Медведева Stacey Medvedeva, co-founder of the Re.Gravity space marketing agency, space journalist and space evangelist, independent observer of the UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, aerospace industry analyst, expert in orbital debris management, ambassador of the Yuri's Night movement in Moscow (and organizer of this events at Depo.Moscow in 2021-2022). Development Director of the Summer Space School. Graduate of International Space University and the Vienna Diplomatic Academy.
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10/10/2022 • 2 hours, 18 minutes, 5 seconds Nikita Rozhdestvensky | Никита Рождественский Nikita Rozhdestvensky is an expert in business transformations and strategy; architect of educational systems and products, mentor to companies and entrepreneurs; business trainer and speaker; mindfulness practitioner, traveller, marathons runner and jazz drummer. He has 12 years of experience in integrating corporate cultures, managing transformation projects and programmes in 14+ industries and 6 countries, with budgets up to USD 100M. Since 2015, mentored over 2,000 projects individually and in startup communities at: UNDP, Captains of Russia, NUMA, Yellow Door, HSE Pro, Hack4People, MinskTech, Google Launchpad, Seedstarsworld, Telecom-idea and others.
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10/9/2022 • 2 hours, 32 minutes, 52 seconds Kseniya Lehmann | Ксения Леманн Kseniya Lehmann - event producer. Kremlin, Sochi Olympic Ceremonies, Corporate World, Dubai Expo, and more. From the 8th grade, she dreamed of becoming a military interpreter, but she landed in the event industry 10 years ago and is not going to leave.
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10/8/2022 • 2 hours, 8 minutes, 41 seconds Olga Sorina | Ольга Сорина Olga Sorina is a clinical psychologist, currently trained as a Gestalt therapist, has been working since 2015 in private practice. Prior to that, she worked as a leader in the psychological centers of St. Petersburg. Currently working with organizations on employee burnout. She is advising managers on building support systems. Olga trains teams to work with stress and adequate response to stress. She is a co-author of the telegram channel "In order not to burn out." Olga's new book "So You Can: Don't Burn Out By Helping Others" is coming out this fall.
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10/7/2022 • 2 hours, 3 minutes, 2 seconds Andrey Zinoviev | Андрей Зиновьев Andrey Zinoviev, the CEO of Ultra Motors. He is on a mission to reshape the mobility landscape by building superb zero-emission vehicles. Together with his team, they work passionately and relentlessly on Ultra Ace, a hydrogen Class-8 truck with zero emissions, a great look, and impressive technology. He is also a Co-Founder of Smartbrain.io, a platform that lets companies work efficiently and securely with top, thoroughly selected IT contractors. The Smartbrain.io team is passionate about helping exciting projects from all over the world hire and manage the best talents.
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10/6/2022 • 2 hours, 11 seconds Maksim Fedorov | Максим Федоров Maksim Fedorov is a creative industry professional. He has worked with such brands as: KFC, Beeline, Heineken, BAT, IKEA, Megafon, PMI, Kozel, Bavaria, Stary Melnik, Skype, Qiwi, Nike, UC Browser, Maybelline, Garnier, La Roche Posay, Acronis, Tele2, cooperative "Black", Stoloto, vk.com, etc. He received awards: Cannes Lions 2017 / Silver (Promo), shortlist (PR); The Webby awards 2017/ 2 honorees; Clio Awards 2017/ 2 shortlist; Effie 2017/ Gold, 2018/ Bronze; Red Dot Award 2017/Winner; Epica/ Silver, 2 Bronze, over 40 international and local awards in total. He has participated as a speaker and jury member in various international conferences and festivals, including RIF+KIB, Silver Mercury, Digital Monkey, ST Day: Digital Marketing, OK creative awards, Brands and games, Wordshop. Currently he is involved in a new business endeavor.
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10/5/2022 • 2 hours, 51 minutes, 12 seconds Pavel Tebenkov | Павел Тебеньков Pavel Tebenkov is a СEO of Q:OS - office traffic management platforms (B2B SAAS), Proptech Services Development Director at MANUFAQTURY. Launched the first Easy-Busy lifeworks in Russia during the pandemic. Won the 2021 Administrative Director of the Year award for the best automation project. He was involved in the implementation of open innovation programs, held a hackathon with the Moscow Government for 4,500 participants from 7 countries, and launched the annual Mayor of Moscow award for talented developers.
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10/4/2022 • 2 hours, 16 minutes, 24 seconds Olga Baranova | Ольга Баранова Olga Baranova is the founder of non-trivial poetry evenings "3.6.9." - a project about the synergy of arts, the beauty of human capital and the spirit of Russian-speaking people, which cannot be copied. Born in Kurgan, loves the planet and the expression: "They didn't know it was impossible so they did it" - Mark Twain.
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10/3/2022 • 2 hours, 55 minutes, 40 seconds Аleksandr Dolgov | Александр Долгов Аleksandr Dolgov is a serial entrepreneur. Founder of the chain of hair removal studios Laser Love. Founder of the street food chain CheburekMi. Owner of Marketing agency 20x80. Founder of Barbecue delivery service Magma Food&Meat. Co-founder of the shoe repair and cleaning chain SneakNfresh. All of his projects are franchised. He launched a catering business in China. Speaker of conferences on marketing and business. Former owner of a chain of coffee shops.
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10/2/2022 • 2 hours, 25 minutes, 51 seconds Diana Simon | Диана Симон Diana Simon is the Founder and CEO of Gamers Club Agency (GCA), an influencer agency dedicated to working with streamers. During its existence, Diana has implemented 120 successful cases on the market, including for brands such as Yandex, MTS, LG, Microsoft, Adrenaline, and Takeda. At the moment, Diana works with more than 20 streamers, 12 of which she presents exclusively. The main industries are esports, gaming, e-commerce, FMCG, and fashion. The organizer of 2 charitable events: 1) streaming event Stream Holidays, which raised over $40,000 for gifts to children in the Dmitry Rogachev National Medical Research Center Of Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Immunology; 2) a charity marathon with 89 SQUAD, during which more than 700 thousand rubles were collected for children with disabilities. She was a participant in the Moscow International Forum "City of Education", where Diana gave a lecture on "Esports - a promising future or a waste of time?" for teachers and children.
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9/30/2022 • 2 hours, 20 minutes, 42 seconds Aleksei Gaginsky | Алексей Гагинский Aleksei Gaginsky is a philosopher. Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Associate Professor of the Moscow Theological Academy. Director of the Theoaesthetics Foundation.
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9/29/2022 • 2 hours, 30 minutes, 48 seconds Kirill Manaenkov | Кирилл Манаенков Kirill Manaenkov is the founder of future of work startup MyPath.ai for customizing job search. Previously: Founder of prop-tech startup Risk-free apartment (www.kvartirabezriskov.ru), 2 rouds of funding, exit. Co-founder/head of product division at VTB Housing ecosystem (www.m2.ru), $20M+ raised, exit. Full circle of property buying in pandemic conditions for 15 minutes. Before – 15 years of legal practice in tier-1 CIS corporations and his own legal firm.
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9/27/2022 • 2 hours, 7 minutes, 43 seconds Artem Spiro | Артем Спиро Artem Spiro is a visionary entrepreneur and professional Boeing pilot. He makes a difference in people’s lives by making a positive impact through sustainable processes and soul-driven living. He is a Co-Founder and CEO (chief evolutionary) at SpiroVerse - the world's first human energycare platform in Web3. Founder of the flight center in Dubai. Visited over 150 countries. Artem is a firm believer that all life progresses according to the Fibonacci sequence. Just look at how it works: you take the present and combine it with the past to create the future.
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9/26/2022 • 2 hours, 54 minutes, 25 seconds Oleg Linetsky | Олег Линецкий Oleg Linetsky is the creator and master of the Natural Approach - event energy management system. Mystic, philosopher, mentor, coach, therapist. Expert on Perennial Philosophy, working with the unconscious. He studied Advaita and Tantra in India, Buddhism in Nepal, Shamanism in Peru, integral thinking in the USA. For more than fifteen years he has been researching and integrating the mystical teachings of various spiritual traditions. Practicing destiny management, structural psychoanalysis, transpersonal and energy work. Spent thousands of hours of individual and group work solving personal and business problems using the Natural Approach.
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9/25/2022 • 2 hours, 3 minutes, 7 seconds Nikita Zhuchkov | Никита Жучков Nikita Zhuchkov is the Head of Open Innovation at Russian Post. Winner of the "Leaders of Russia" contest, nominee of the Forbes "30 under 30" rating. Member of the expert council on financial literacy at the Bank of Russia, working groups on AI and personnel at autonomous non-profit organization "Digital Economy", member of the expert commission on mini-grants for growing technologies of the Skolkovo Foundation. Implemented key R&D and corporate innovation projects at Gazprombank and MTS. Engaged in database research at Postgress Professional and Innopolis University. Developed the Innovation Pilot Program to organize R&D projects and test hypotheses as an internal corporate service. Implemented and sold a start-up Geco, which optimizes the logistics of urban waste. He wants to create his own team in Formula 1.
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9/24/2022 • 2 hours, 8 minutes, 16 seconds Yanina Ledovaya | Янина Ледовaя Yanina Ledovaya is a psychologist and researcher. Currently, she is a cognitive research subteam lead and marketing analyst at an international IT company. In the past - an academic psychologist and lecturer at St. Petersburg State University and the Higher School of Economics. Engaged in research on social networks, "dark personality traits" and the phenomenon of moral disengagement, organized Russia's first interdisciplinary academic study of the behavior of Facebook users. She also researched conceptual thinking and intelligence and taught design thinking at a business school. She is currently engaged in qualitative research in the field of user experience, developer experience, customer experience, and employee experience, as well as research on trends and the future at an IT company.
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9/23/2022 • 2 hours, 19 minutes, 41 seconds Arina Nikolaeva | Арина Николаева Arina Nikolaeva is the founder and head of her own real estate agency, a real estate investor. Arina has been helping her clients make smart investments in real estate for 6 years, during which time she has completed more than 300 successful transactions. The average return on investments of Arina's clients is 60% per annum. Her professional advice is used by investors, entrepreneurs, and top managers not only from Russia but from all over the world. The experience of a realtor, the head of her own real estate agency, and an investment mentor allows Arina to analyze and understand the real estate market. Arina also manages a team of experienced realtors who, by conducting home staging, help clients increase the price of real estate.
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9/22/2022 • 3 hours, 10 minutes, 17 seconds Anastasia Ignatenko | Анастасия Игнатенко Anastasia Ignatenko is a passionate, driven, and results-oriented female tech entrepreneur with 10+ years of experience in BD, Product Development, Project Management, Marketing, and Strategic Partnerships. Based in Singapore for 6+ years. She loves to create, develop and launch tech products. She is deeply interested in digitalization, AI, Blockchain, Web3, Metaverse, and Emerging technologies that competitively impact banking, healthcare, media, education, retail, telecom, and sustainability. TikTok & Telegram lover. Wellbeing Leader. Community Builder. A well-known Opinion Leader among Asian women leaders. Studied Business coaching. Getting a Master's degree in Psychology. Singapore Fintech & Blockchain Association Member. Mentee of Women‘s Global Mentoring Program organized by Women in Tech.
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9/22/2022 • 1 hour, 44 minutes, 25 seconds Timur Salikhov | Тимур Салихов Timur Salikhov is a Creative Director, Co-Founder of ZUPER and Hyperbrands branding agencies, with +16 years of extensive expertise in branding and advertising, dedicated traveler, explorer, dreamer, and sports lover.
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9/21/2022 • 2 hours, 13 minutes Dina Mostovaya | Дина Мостовая Dina Mostovaya is a strategic communications consultant with 15 years of experience, founder of Mindset Consulting. Her client list includes companies from the Fortune 500 list, such as Microsoft, PayPal, and eBay, startups Ecwid (acq. by Lightspeed), FoodRocket, Gett, Jiffy, OneSoil, We Do Solar, venture funds Target Global and Flint Capital, and others. Dina is a member of the TEDxWaterStreet's Advisory Board and a Judge of The International Business Awards 2022 by Stevie Awards. In 2020, she was shortlisted for the Impact Award by Global Women in PR. In 2022, she was named the Best Woman in PR by the international Davos Communications Awards 2022.
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9/19/2022 • 2 hours, 11 minutes, 54 seconds Dmitry Parkin | Дмитрий Паркин Dmitry Parkin is an artist and a computer graphic specialist with 20+ years of experience in the video game industry, Co-Founder and principal artist at “Cold Symmetry”. World Champion of global game art competition “Dominance War III” 2008. Creator of characters and creatures for many award winning video games including Ghost of Tsushima, Mortal Shell, Quake Champions, Metro Exodus, The Order 1886 and many others.
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9/19/2022 • 2 hours, 38 minutes, 48 seconds Matvey Veretennikov | Матвей Веретенников Matvey Veretennikov, product marketing at TON Play launchpad, product manager at Sensera App. Ex. Venture capital associate. He’s in growth marketing with a heavy enthusiasm for PLG.
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9/18/2022 • 2 hours, 9 minutes, 21 seconds Daniil Shcherbakov | Даниил Щербаков Daniil Shcherbakov has been involved in bringing IT products to international markets throughout his professional career (8+ years). Previously, with the Fibrum team, they produced and sold 50,000 Fibrum Pro mobile VR helmets worldwide, starting sales at Best Buy, Amazon and Media-Markt / Saturn, and also becoming the first Russian product on AliExpress. In addition, he was involved in the development of the Radario marketing platform in the US and UK markets. During its operation, the platform received the status of an official partner and was integrated into Eventbrite (the world's largest ticket platform, with 200 million tickets/year). Daniil also led the direction of business partnerships in E-Commerce on VKontakte. Since mid-September 2021, he has been studying the Full-Time MBA program at Cambridge Judge Business School. In addition to his main activities, he regularly advises startups, shares his experience in articles for VC, Inc., and also conducts master classes at IIDF, Skolkovo, GeekBrains, IMISP, DigitalMBA, SkillBox and within the Google for Startups and TechStars StartupWeekend programs.
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9/17/2022 • 2 hours, 27 minutes, 52 seconds Igor Eremin | Игорь Ерёмин Igor Eremin - more than 15 years of commercial experience: the main specialization is marketing and development of digital products, participated in the launch and development of businesses related to: telemedicine (startup - Mobile Doctor, trade, fintech, logistics, outdoor advertising (ex— founder of MAER), HR, information security, real estate, etc. In 2012, he founded the Vengo Group company, within which several successful digital projects were launched (for example, the iVengo Mobile mobile platform became the market leader in Russian mobile advertising in the premium rich segment in 5 years -media with a revenue of 200 million) Co-author and ideologist of Russia's first National Mobile Cinema Competition, chaired by Fyodor Bondarchuk. He is an investor with a successful exit in the international startup 3D-look (valuation $100 million) Ex-CDO XFIT Group.
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9/16/2022 • 2 hours, 14 minutes, 47 seconds Katerina Khrustaleva Touchon | Катерина Хрусталева Тушон Katerina Khrustaleva Touchon - an art marketer with over 12 years of experience. In Moscow, she has been working with government and private projects, with museums, galleries, and commercial brands combining two of her favorite spheres, Art and Marketing. Several names include International Museum Festival «Intermuseum», «Moscow City Galleries Network», State Russian Museum in Saint Petersburg, Street art festival «MOST» in Moscow and commercial brands: Schwarzkopf, Calvin Klein, Phillips, BMW, etc. She moved to the USA in 2018. She started with the DCI Marketing agency (destination marketing) and organized the SELECTION art shows in parallel (that’s how she met her husband). Since Katerina came to LA she was lucky to work with some big local names in art and culture along with the artists from dozens of different countries. In 2020 she launched "FRWART | Artists promotion" with an online-program teaching how to promote yourself in art. Today she helps creatives and small business owners with marketing.
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9/15/2022 • 2 hours, 14 minutes, 26 seconds Sergey Safonov | Сергей Сафонов Sergey Safonov, author, toy artist, digital producer involved in creating and bridging international communities. He has realized hundreds of projects in both technical and artistic environments, is an enthusiast of new technologies and ways of applying them in creative practices.
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9/15/2022 • 2 hours, 16 minutes, 2 seconds Aleksei Dovzhikov | Алексей Довжиков Aleksei Dovzhikov, entrepreneur and investor. More than 20 years of experience in the development, management and investment in IT projects. Aleksei is the founder and ideologist of eLama.ru, the largest online advertising automation service. Also in Aleksei's portfolio are such companies as TextBack, Yagla, Varwin, Dioram, Yalla, Beams, TRINET and others. In recent years, Aleksei has been focusing on projects in the field of virtual and augmented reality, as well as developing the direction of syndicated deals in foreign startups.
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9/14/2022 • 2 hours, 11 minutes, 21 seconds Sofia Dudareva | Софья Дударева Sofia Dudareva, coach and consultant in negotiations and sales. Teaches clients to set goals, protect interests and negotiate from a state of ease.
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9/13/2022 • 2 hours, 9 minutes, 30 seconds Ruslan Yusufov | Руслан Юсуфов Ruslan Yusufov is a futurist, expert in digital transformation, technology trends and information security, founder and managing partner of MINDSMITH. Consultant for Russian and international companies, entrepreneurs and investors. Speaker, moderator, author of numerous publications in Russian and international media.
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9/12/2022 • 2 hours, 7 minutes, 16 seconds Vera Startseva & Elena Popova | Вера Старцева и Елена Попова Vera Startseva was born in the city of Smolensk. Graduated from Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. Worked as a teacher and organizer at the Smolensk Academy of Vocational Education. Then she was the chief specialist in the Department of Education and Science of the Smolensk Region. Moved to Moscow in 2016. She immediately went to work at the Skolkovo Business School as a sales manager at Startup Academy program 💚. In 2019 she moved to Bali. Since the end of 2020, she returned to Skolkovo, already in the department of online programs. Her friends are UNESCO heritage. In April 2022, Vera had an accident and her life was saved thanks to the efforts of friends and the kindness of people who helped to quickly raise funds for expensive surgical operations. Now a new chapter in her life has begun.
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Elena Popova, 32, was born in Moldova, at the age of 10 she moved with her mother to Moscow. The first job was the dean's office at her Alma mater MESI, worked with students. Education dragged her in and she went to work at the Skolkovo school, and then to the presidential academy RANEPA. She worked for 5 years with start-ups, now she trains senior civil servants, organizes programs, including for the country's governors. Married, preparing to be parents soon (not yet pregnant). Lives in Moscow since the age of 10. A dream that won't let go - to live in Bali. Goes there 1-2 times a year for a month.
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9/11/2022 • 2 hours, 41 minutes, 57 seconds Vadim Efremov | Вадим Ефремов Vadim Efremov, transformational coach, co-founder 12 Space, Nucleus member of SpiroVerse (Web 3.0 metaverse for evolving human beings). Helps entrepreneurs and generally good people to become happier. Ex-founder Skillary, ex-sales development Diageo (FTSE #6). Speaker at Skolkovo Moscow School of Management (startup academy junior and corporate programs). Serves 32 out of 500 world's largest companies as a coach and consultant - helped them to sell over $2,5bn of goods and services. Last year attendants of Vadim's training programs donated over 1,7 million rubles to charity (Podari Zhizn Fund). Introduced over 400 entrepreneurs to nail standing. Father and husband, cracked the DNA of happy relationships. Build the family where 'everyone loves everyone'.
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9/10/2022 • 2 hours, 24 minutes, 34 seconds Dima Korolev | Дима Королев Dima Korolev, CEO of IT company task-on.com, which has more than 70 employees who develop custom software. The cases include such companies as Schneider Electric, Exxon Mobil, Kamaz Leasing, ITAR TASS, etc. The company specializes in the development of large high-load systems, calculators, configurators, personal accounts, etc. Dmitry has 2 higher educations at the Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas with a degree in Automation and Computer Engineering (AiVT) and Economics. Graduated from 2 programs at Moscow School of Management Skolkovo Practicum and Startup Academy. He is fond of hockey, yachting, mountain snowmobiles, kite and loves sports in any of its manifestations.
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9/9/2022 • 2 hours, 7 minutes, 22 seconds Mikhail Kirichenko | Михаил Кириченко Mikhail Kirichenko is an entrepreneur. He founded the fintech company Jump.Finance, grew it up to multimillion-dollar profits and sold to Tinkoff bank.
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9/8/2022 • 2 hours, 3 minutes, 38 seconds Dmitriy Antiosov | Дмитрий Антиосов Dmitry Antiosov, 36, Moscow. 10+ years in marketing. From copywriter to creative director, CMO, etc. He opened, failed and closed his micro-businesses, such as an underground art bar, online stores, etc. Now it is strategically directed towards the gamification of knowledge, education, and experience. He is doing his own project, an educational 2D platformer. Advises on marketing and profile issues (people, users, positioning, communication, content).
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9/7/2022 • 2 hours, 36 minutes, 2 seconds Vladimir Understanding | Владимир Понимающий Vladimir Understanding was born in 1985, in Moscow. He graduated from the Physics and Mathematics Lyceum. Studied at the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute with a degree in particle accelerators and charged beam physics. Before blockchain he was involved in civic activity: human rights, ecology and the anti-military movement. Since 2016, He has become interested in blockchain. In 2017, he was co-founder of the first crypto-bar in Moscow. In 2018, He was studying in Imaguru blockchain school in Minsk, after graduation. After he was in prison. After he went to France to ask for political asylum. In 2019 he started to be deep in the Cosmos Ecosystem and validate many Networks. Also he has been involved in the Anti-aging movement since 2017.
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9/5/2022 • 3 hours, 6 minutes, 50 seconds Alexey Karanyuk | Алексей Каранюк Alexey Karanyuk born in Kirovo-Chepetsk, Russia. Later moved to Nizhny Novgorod and Moscow. Holds a masters degree in Higher School of Economics. In 2014 Alexey co-founded Jeffreys Coffee chain that had over 25 coffee shops at its peak. After several failed attempts in startups he founded Finmodel.bz - financial modeling agency that served over 80 Seed to Round C stage startups. In February 2022 he moved into Web 3.0 space to be at the forefront of nascent Tokenomics science. In 2020 he got stuck in Thailand thus becoming a digital nomad. He lived over 1 month in 9 cities and 4 countries since then. Holds a master's degree of in International Finance from Higher School of Economics.
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9/4/2022 • 2 hours, 43 minutes, 38 seconds Alexandr Blokhin | Александр Блохин Alexandr Blokhin, is a Co-Founder and CEO of Koftyonyshi, D2C brand (direct-to-consumer) for children's clothing. The company invented, manufactures and sells children's toys that turn into children's clothing. Now the company is developing the direction of basic children's clothing. Alexandr is an expert in the children's clothing market, e-Commerce, including sales on marketplaces and online marketing. Previously he was responsible for Internet marketing at Tele2, and also created one of the largest media about Internet marketing COSSA.RU.
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9/2/2022 • 2 hours, 6 minutes, 14 seconds Valentin Medniyy | Валентин Медный Valentin Medniyy, Mentor of Humanities at the School of Validators and the School of Ambassadors. He is engaged in the development of DVS and the POSTHUMAN PoS Network Validator. Actively involved in product management and communications with crypto projects. Valentin actively speaks at various online events, has been and continues to work on the development of Russian-speaking crypto communities around the world!
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9/1/2022 • 2 hours, 7 minutes, 43 seconds Maxim Yatskevich | Максим Яцкевич Maxim Yatskevich, founder of the "Product Psychology" workshop, member of the expert board at the Skolkovo Foundation and the Strategic Initiatives Foundation. He is a speaker and business coach at private and public events. For more than 11 years he developed IT products. He went through a consulting school and launched a trend for robotization in Russia. Successfully launched 3 international startups. He is madly in love with sharing knowledge: he gives a talk at federal platforms for entrepreneurs and at educational institutions for young people. Thanks to his strong coaching skills and charisma, he always finds an approach to any people and the most difficult clients. He likes to study himself and everything around him, travels, enjoys car racing, and raising his daughter:)
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8/31/2022 • 2 hours, 8 minutes Vlad Merkulov | Влад Меркулов Vlad Merkulov at the age of 18 created his brand of skateboards, which he produced in Canada. Currently, Vlad is the founder and CEO of Beta Digital Production. He has 12 years of experience in design management and art direction, and 128 website awards. Created digital products for Beeline, METRO Cash and Carry, Rosbank, Sheremetyevo, Badoo, Alfa-Bank, Sibur, Hansa, Absolut Insurance, Tsvetnoy department store, Stockmann, Tatneft, and others. The creator and organizer of the main creative industry party - BEZ PRAVOK, which gathers 4500+ people.
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8/30/2022 • 2 hours, 7 minutes, 13 seconds Alexander Piskunov | Александр Пискунов Alexander Piskunov is a co-founder and Managing Director at KAAN Ventures, an asset management firm specializing on global early and growth-stage deep tech. He is responsible for investments, portfolio management and fundraising. Alexander is a University of Cambridge alumnus and has previously worked in tech-focused investment banking and cross-border private equity, focusing primarily on arranging portfolio exits and structuring M&A deals. In 2015, Alexander also founded a company importing exotic wines into British hotels, restaurants and bars. Alexander is a visiting lecturer at the University of Cambridge Judge Business School, with seminars on innovation, leadership and sustainable finance. He is also a mentor at international associations including TechStars, Plug & Play and Founder Institute and a speaker at conferences including Startup Grind and LSE Russian Business Week. In his spare time, Alexander is an amateur archaeologist and a water sports enthusiast.
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8/28/2022 • 2 hours, 7 minutes, 27 seconds Dmitry Marinichev | Дмитрий Мариничев Dmitry Marinichev, Representative of the Commissioner for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs in the Internet Sphere under the President of the Russian Federation (Internet Ombudsman), General Director of Radius Group LLC, founder of the Russian Mining Coin project.
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8/27/2022 • 2 hours, 32 minutes, 25 seconds Marina Avanesyan | Марина Аванесян Marina Avanesyan is both an academic research psychologist and a practical consultant psychologist. Her scientific interests lie in the field of personality psychology, in particular, the reflection of time in autobiography, as well as in the psychology of creativity - the creation and understanding of language metaphors. In practical work with people, she adheres to the fact that a person is at the same time a biological, social, spiritual being, creating his own psychological reality. The main task of a practical psychologist is to develop a person's interest in himself, to help in the study of himself and his psychological world. A person acts as a kind of anthropologist-researcher and the author of his own life. This is not schizophrenia, but rather a path to one's self and authenticity.
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8/26/2022 • 2 hours, 7 minutes, 26 seconds Vitaly Nedelskiy | Виталий Недельский Vitaly Nedelskiy is a serial technology entrepreneur, speaker in the field of high technologies and longevity, who studies the evolution of civilization. Candidate of Political Sciences (MGU), education - engineer of cosmonautics and economics of production (MAI). Helps tech startups as a tracker, has written 2 books and is working on a third. Currently, he is in charge of a university in the Altai Mountains and is preparing a project at the intersection of technology and longevity. 4 children. 51 years old Founder of Semantic Hub, an international technology company that uses artificial intelligence for medical purposes. Likes to read and study life. Curiosity is the main driver. He is always in the zone of his incompetence and is constantly learning. Author of two online courses on the Stepik and Skillbox platforms.
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8/25/2022 • 2 hours, 2 minutes, 32 seconds Rodion Skryabin | Родион Скрябин Rodion Skryabin, media manager, co-founder, and CEO of Palindrome. Founder of the MEH and MEH&Co conferences. Former director of development at Lifehacker. Managed the "Laboratory of New Media". Responsible for video production at Netology Group. Entered the rating of young media managers according to Odgers Berndston (2017).
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8/24/2022 • 2 hours, 7 minutes, 32 seconds Poli Kond, pulled a couple of successful startups out of deep shit and then went to party on Burning Man.
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8/23/2022 • 2 hours, 1 minute, 56 seconds Alexander Shindin | Александр Шиндин Alexander Shindin, media executive with 12 years of experience in the world of digital products, including senior positions in large media and technology companies (ex. IVI.ru, Gazeta.ru, Afisha.ru). Specialization - business development and management of cross-functional teams.
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8/22/2022 • 2 hours, 13 minutes, 39 seconds Evgeny Zavalov | Евгений Завалов Evgeny Zavalov, CEO of StreamSale, author and teacher of the eSports department, organizer of eSports tournaments. He started his career in 2016. In 2016, he held a series of esports tournaments as an organizer. The main customers of the tournaments were city administrations, MGER, boarding schools for children with disabilities. In 2016, he founded the Federation of Computer Sports and has been the chairman of the board of directors ever since. At the end of 2017, one of the largest tournaments was the "Battle of Schools" - a joint tournament with Dnevnik.ru. Organizer of 160 tournaments with a total number of participants of more than 200,000 people. In 2020, he founded the StreamSale startup - advertising with bloggers and streamers. In 2021, together with the AKC, he took part in the creation and holding of the tournament on behalf of the President of the Russian Federation (RDS league). Attracted 35,000,000 rubles as Grants for education for the winners of the tournament. Author and teacher of several courses at the University of Synergy, RANEPA.
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8/21/2022 • 2 hours, 45 minutes, 50 seconds Oleg Teterin | Олег Тетерин Oleg Teterin is a founder of Longevity InTime BioTech (Delaware, USA), Longevity Scientific Resort on Maldives, LongevityCoin (LONG) backed by real longevity technologies. For medical institutions & professionals they develop AI powered life expectancy prediction algorithms, AI simulation of clinical trials, structuring unstructured of medical data, medical profiles, depersonalization plugins & many more. Oleg is a Hollywood & Russian producer including Chef with Robert Downey Jr. He was a family office advisor with assets worth $1,6B.
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8/20/2022 • 2 hours, 13 minutes, 14 seconds Vladimir Savenok | Владимир Савенок Vladimir Savenok, financier, founder of the consulting group "Personal Capital". Until 2002, he worked in the banking system. Since 2002 - financial consultant. The first financial consultant in Russia. The main activity is helping people organize the proper management of personal finances (establishing control over finances, creating a personal financial plan, long-term investment). More than 20 years - an investor in foreign markets. Extensive experience in investing in funds, stocks and bonds. Derivatives have never been used. Proponent of passive investing (in ETFs), but there is always an aggressive portion of the portfolio invested in individual stocks. Author of 12 books on personal finance. Including the bestsellers "A Million for My Daughter", "Wealth Rule No. 1. Personal Financial Plan", etc. Creator of the online School of Vladimir Savenok.
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8/19/2022 • 2 hours, 2 minutes, 3 seconds Ksenia Zaykova | Ксения Зайкова Ksenia Zaykova, business communications expert, founder of the NODE PR communications agency, working with small and medium-sized businesses, IT projects and educational projects.
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8/18/2022 • 2 hours, 9 minutes, 36 seconds Anastasiia Nikulina | Анастасия Никулина Anastasiia Nikulina is a Founder and CEO of PyMagic, ex DS Rosbank, OMD, MTS. The author of the channel about machine learning on YouTube - miracl6
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8/17/2022 • 2 hours, 42 minutes, 52 seconds Elena Bondarenko | Елена Бондаренко Elena Bondarenko, educational engineer, general producer, board member of the SKOLKOVO School of Management. In 2012, with the support of the founding partners of the business school, Elena organized a project office to develop an intensive program for Russian business owners "PRAKTIKUM". The program is based on the study of the tasks of managers and an engineering approach to building a learning model. The methodology is based on the developments of business school professors and the project method. Now there are 15 programs for business owners in the portfolio.
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8/15/2022 • 1 hour, 37 minutes, 59 seconds Sarkis Grigorian | Саркис Григорян Sarkis Grigorian, consultant, entrepreneur, lecturer. More than 15 years in the IT industry. He has an EMBA degree, Skolkovo. Expert in artificial intelligence systems. Head of the Competence Center for Artificial Intelligence at the Digital Economy Development Fund. Author of courses and teacher on Artificial Intelligence in I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (MSMU). Scientific Supervisor of the International Master's Program "Data Science" at the National Research University Higher School of Economics. Head of the Artificial Intelligence Club of the Moscow School of Management Skolkovo. Author and presenter of the AI program "The Art of Intelligence" on Mediametrics. Speaker at TEDx and other major industry conferences and meetings. I am interested in AI theory, theories of consciousness, social psychology, space, behavioral economics, futuristics, high-end audio. I was at the Everest Base Camp. Ran 3 marathons (42.2 km) and more than 20 half marathons (21.1 km).
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8/14/2022 • 2 hours, 18 minutes, 13 seconds Alina Gegamova | Алина Гегамова Alina Gegamova is currently the Head of Communications at LETA Capital (an early-stage VC firm investing in IT entrepreneurs globally, AUM $300M+), the founder of media THE WALL Magazine (over 1 million unique users attended the website since the launch), the co-founder of Zoe Women Club (a women leadership platform). Alina is the mentor in the Women in Tech and Ladies Who Tech communities. Alina is also a part of Global Women in VC, the world’s largest global community for women in venture capital to connect, collaborate, and create new opportunities.
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8/13/2022 • 2 hours, 7 minutes, 33 seconds Valery Veryaskin | Валерий Веряскин Valery Veryaskin, Mindfulness and Secular Dharma teacher, existential coach. Researcher of consciousness and spiritual experience. Founder of the "Buddha in the City" project and the "Being of Time" Zen practice club. Lives in Slovenia, in the city of Ljubljana.
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8/11/2022 • 2 hours, 16 minutes, 5 seconds Vitaly Kharitonov | Виталий Харитонов Vitaly Kharitonov, experienced marketer. For more than 10 years, he has been a managing partner in the Atomik advertising agency, in which, together with his team, he works with large clients such as Tele2, Danone, Kaspersky, Ferero, etc. The company provides marketing services 360, with a focus on events, digital promos, digital content production, check promos, chat bots, work with influencers and SMM. A year ago, he completed training at Skolkovo on the Practicum program and after that he launched a MedTech startup. A platform for doctors to participate in patient monitoring programs (monitor patient discipline and track adverse events) and collect data on pharmaceuticals. Urban cyclist, bike traveler. Traveled half the world. He loves and attends music festivals. He is fond of art and collecting. He collects graphics, old photographs and old rare books. Adept of the theory of paleocontact, alternative historian. Raising a son. Divorced.
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8/10/2022 • 2 hours, 13 minutes, 57 seconds Varya Schaetzel | Варя Шетцель Varya Schaetzel, photographer, takes pictures of people. Her most popular shooting format is a photo conversation, when Varya talks to a person about what worries him now, and at the same time shoots him. Explore yourself and life. Takes a lot of self-portraits. In 2020, she actively participated in the IsoIsolation project. She is studying to become a Gestalt therapist at the Moscow Gestalt Institute.
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8/9/2022 • 2 hours, 2 minutes, 30 seconds Max Rodin, Deep mind's founder. Helps people and teams to develop through mindfulness and psychology. Worked in a top level of russian government for 5 years then left it all behind to make people healthy and aware of themselves. 14 years in buddhist meditation and 8 years in a therapy. Based in Koh Phangan.
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8/8/2022 • 2 hours, 31 minutes, 17 seconds Anastasia Stepanova | Анастасия Степанова Anastasia Stepanova, PhD student in Space Resources at Colorado School of Mines, crew member of the international space projects "Mars-160" and "SIRIUS-19", the first female test subject in the world in "Dry Immersion" experiment, engineer, space journalist and public speaker.
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8/7/2022 • 2 hours, 10 minutes, 10 seconds Elizaveta Goncharova | Елизавета Гончарова Elizaveta Goncharova, Ex-CPO of the international marketplace Joom. Now she is on a sabbatical, at the same time Elizaveta consults Russian and international IT companies and maintains a blog. She lived in China for 6 years, visited 60 countries.
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8/6/2022 • 2 hours, 55 minutes, 43 seconds Sergey Gordienko | Сергей Гордиенко Sergey Gordienko aka Do What You Love Artist multidisciplinary visual artist with +20 years of experience. He used his creative skills in different areas as Graphic Designer, Art Director, Photo and Filmmaking, Illustrator and even ran his own Creative Agency until in 2015 he came to Miami for Art Basel and decided to become a full time artist and dedicate all his life to inspire people to do what they love. Sergey’s work is full of colors, positive energy and love. All of his work has one thing in common. His main motto, mantra and message is “DO WHAT YOU LOVE.” He believes that “If you are not doing what you love you’re wasting your time.” Sergey’s Artwork is not only vibrant and colorful, but it also holds several meanings through symbolism and inspirational quotes. He works in different mediums with various techniques on murals, cars, jackets, shoes and canvases. Recently he has launched his NFT Digital Art Collection.
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8/5/2022 • 2 hours, 14 minutes, 8 seconds Artem Kukharenko | Артем Кухаренко Artem Kukharenko, digital marketing and technology entrepreneur. Builds digital products, learns the effectiveness of communications. Leader and founder of several companies. Trademarks - Regium / iAge. Evangelist of the philosophy of valuable relationship with users. Creates algorithms to help people to release their creative potential. Trains the leaders of this world in the information age to raise the awareness of every person.
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8/4/2022 • 2 hours, 19 minutes, 55 seconds Andrey Seryakov | Андрей Серяков Andrey Seryakov is a researcher and a science communicator from the St.Petersburg State University. He is a member of three international science collaboration: ALICE and SHINE at CERN and MPD at NICA. The St.Petersburg State University is his alma mater and his main work place. He finished the physics faculty in 2014 and in the same year he started to communicate science. He gives lectures and participates in different dedicated events, he is a multiple winner of Science slams in Russia. In 2015 he with his colleague Evgeny Andronov founded a community CERNach in vk social net about particle physics and CERN. From 2019 he is an outreach and visits coordinator of the SHINE collaboration. He is organising and guiding public tours to CERN including visits to the Large Hadron Collider. He is pretty active in different social media so you can find him as andrey_seryakov.
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8/3/2022 • 2 hours, 12 minutes, 34 seconds Arthur Arsyonov | Артур Арсёнов Arthur Arsyonov, Founder of Looi design studio, designer, art director, responsible for products and their development. The studio is engaged in public consulting, research and production activities, and operates worldwide, with an office in Moscow. They have released, supported and developed more than a hundred different product solutions, including those for Alfa-Bank, Yota, Beeline, Anywayanyday, and Splat. Now Arthur works at Sberbank and is responsible for Personal Finance Management (PFM) design.
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8/2/2022 • 1 hour, 54 minutes, 9 seconds Elina Nikolskaya | Элина Никольская Elina Nikolskaya is a senior lecturer at Moscow State University and a former television journalist. She researches fact-checking, media and communication, television journalism. She trains future journalists. Plays the violin, loves A. Solzhenitsyn and the Impressionists. Idealist.
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8/1/2022 • 1 hour, 58 minutes, 18 seconds Mariia Malashkovets | Мария Малашковец Mariia Malashkovets is an executive coach and mindfulness instructor with an entrepreneurial background. Faced with burnout after working in consulting, she began studying psychology to help people with similar experiences. She worked on the creation of several products in mental health for the Russian and American markets, now she specializes in coaching founders and IT specialists; is also an SRO, a co-founder of the BurnoutHelp project (a bot to get out of burnout) and an engagement manager.
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8/1/2022 • 2 hours, 2 minutes, 14 seconds Olga Medvedeva | Ольга Медведева Olga Medvedeva is a private practice psychologists, psychoanalytic counselor, digital philosopher.
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7/30/2022 • 2 hours, 50 minutes, 52 seconds Ilya Inozemtsev | Илья Иноземцев Ilya Inozemtsev, CPO of the Russian Relocation Guide, COO of the in2view respondent search service, partner of the FunCubator venture fund, author of the telegram channel “Inozemtsev thinking...” and host of the Plan B podcast about money.
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7/30/2022 • 2 hours, 11 minutes, 13 seconds Tahir Bazarov | Тахир Базаров Tahir Bazarov, Doctor of Psychology, Professor of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Scientific Director of the Moscow School of Practical Psychology at the Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis.
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7/27/2022 • 2 hours, 9 minutes Misha Anisimov | Миша Анисимов Misha Anisimov was born on Planet Earth 🌎🌍🌏 ~ dance whole school 🕺 ~ become a gamer 🎮 ~ graduated from Aviation as a technician 🛠 ~ work in a casino as inspector 👁 ~ sold the flower business 💵 ~ go to traveling 👣 ~ study IT directions 💻 ~ developed a website and mobile apps 📱 ~ became snowboard instructor 🏂 ~ exploring behavior engineering as a Startup Founder 🔬 ~ who he is you are to decide... ... ... ✍️
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7/26/2022 • 2 hours, 49 seconds Yulia Malahova | Юлия Малахова Yulia Malahova, first and foremost, is a seeker and researcher of truth. The desire to comprehend the limitless goes hand in hand with Yulia from an early age. This craving led her to create her own method of working with consciousness, aimed at healing and freeing the structure of the personality from limiting patterns and traumas, knowing the true nature of oneself and its realization. Yulia conducts individual sessions, but her main desire is to teach people self-healing, because. in fact, with the right tools, everyone is able to do it themselves. Therefore, now Yulia is writing a course and a book that teaches her the method and explains the complex structure of consciousness and subconsciousness in an elementary way - her approach is practical, combined with everyday analogies and is perceived as simply and clearly as possible so that everyone can easily apply it on themselves. It is also worth mentioning that Yulia paints amazing paintings! It's better to see for yourself: Inst @maly.you ("Malyuyu" - Russian. "I draw").
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7/26/2022 • 2 hours, 3 minutes, 53 seconds Olga Sanachina | Ольга Саначина Olga Sanachina, Co-founder, art-director Vozdukh Center – integrative project of physical and improvisational theatre (Russia). Uses art for business tasks and personal development. Accredited trainer of Playback Theatre (NYC), co-founder the playback theatre «New Jazz». Playback theatre is a type of improvisational theatre which based on life stories. Phycologist, free artist and performer, director of non-classical theatre. Train people and perform in US, Russia, India, Nigeria, Spain, Portugal, Canada, Sweden, Switzerland, Holland and so on. Graduated: as a phycologist in Moscow Pedagogical University, School of performance in Moscow PYRFYR, course of Philosophy of Art and so on. Worked: Red Cross Society, Social and Psychological Youth Center ‘’DOORS’’, the Head of the Department of education and development Consulting group RUNA, since 2012 develops her own projects in art, business and phycology fields. Born in Moscow, since 2020 lives in Florida, US.
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7/25/2022 • 2 hours, 33 minutes, 13 seconds Ilya Semerikov | Илья Семериков Ilya Semerikov - Russian physicist, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, researcher at the Physical Institute of the Academy of Sciences named after P.N. Lebedev, junior PI of the Russian Quantum Center. Ilya is developing an ultrastable ion optical clock, an ion quantum computer. And in his spare time he thinks what else could be done to make life more interesting. Born in 1992 in Moscow, graduated from Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology in 2015 with a degree in astrophysics. In the same year he entered the FIAN graduate school where he began to work in experiments with ultracold ions. In 2020, he defended his Ph.D. thesis on ultracold ions for quantum computing. Also, during his postgraduate studies, he took part in the creation of a transportable ion optical clock as one of the leading developers, and then was the leading developer of an ion quantum computer. As a result of this work, a four-qubit quantum computer was demonstrated in 2021.
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7/24/2022 • 2 hours, 27 minutes, 27 seconds Sergey Votyakov | Сергей Вотяков Sergey Votyakov is an expert in the implementation of software robots in company processes with 20 years of experience, Co-Owner and COO of internet agency Mig33. Graduated from Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University with a degree in mechanical engineering. MBA at IMISP (International Management Institute St.Petersburg). Certified expert of RPA platforms UiPath, ElectroNeek, Pix robotix, Sherpa. Rector of the Academy "RPA2" for the training of RPA-specialists. Implementation of software robots in the processes of companies, creation of an RPA competence center and intelligent automation. Lecturer at the Russian Foreign Trade Academy (VAVT). Lecturer at Innopolis University.
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7/22/2022 • 2 hours, 2 minutes, 27 seconds Alex Fioshkin | Алексей Фиошкин Alex Fioshkin Co-Founder and CEO of Admon.ai, professional monitoring and fraud detection in online advertising. Graduate of the Faculty of Physics of Moscow State University and the Moscow School of Management "Skolkovo". Curator in the Moscow branch of the Startup Leadership Program and participant in the international accelerator from Silicon Valley - Founder Institute. About two years worked in consulting, more than eight years in sales. Companies – PwC, WebKontrol. Member of the Runet Prize Expert Council from 2016 to 2018, member of the working group of the Fraud & Brand Safety Committee at IAB Russia.
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7/21/2022 • 2 hours, 14 minutes, 48 seconds Semyon Dukach | Семён Дукач Semyon Dukach is a managing partner of One Way Ventures, the venture fund that backs the best immigrant entrepreneurs and Co-Founder of Cash For Refugees, not-for-profit organization aimed to provide cash directly to people displaced by the war in Ukraine. Prior to co-founding One Way, Semyon was the Managing Director of Techstars in Boston, and before then Semyon was a prolific angel investor in Boston and a friend to the startup community. He is also a former professional blackjack player with the MIT Blackjack Team.
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7/19/2022 • 2 hours, 6 minutes, 47 seconds Maksim Lebedev | Максим Лебедев Maksim Lebedev is a Russian Egyptologist and popular science communicator. He graduated from Moscow State University in 2007 and defended his Ph.D. thesis in 2011. Since 2008, he has been working in various archaeological missions in Egypt and Sudan as an epigraphist, archaeologist, field director, and director of ongoing archaeological projects. The field of his interests includes new methods and technologies in archaeology, photogrammetry and digital epigraphy, social and economic history, epigraphy. Currently, he works as a senior research fellow in the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences being the head of the Centre for the Nile Valley archaeology of the same institute. His fieldwork experience includes excavations at Giza, Abu Ghurab, Saqqara, Jebel Barkal, and Meroe. He is the author and co-author of 8 monographs and over 50 scientific papers.
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7/17/2022 • 2 hours, 10 minutes, 31 seconds Juliana Pevsner | Юлиана Певзнер Juliana Pevsner is a Founder and CEO of Wholeness, Interactive Meditation App. Studied clinical psychology and during the process she came to the conclusion that it is interesting to combine neuroscience and psychology in IT products. Currently, together with the team, she is exploring the possibility of creating VR products, through which it is possible to help in the treatment of psychological and emotional problems. Investing in startups.
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7/15/2022 • 2 hours, 2 minutes, 17 seconds Ivan Trufanov | Иван Труфанов Ivan Trufanov, Co-founder and CEO of Broniboy, a delivery service for prepared food, groceries, fruits and vegetables, medicines, sports nutrition and flowers. Previously led mobile development at amoCRM. He founded a mobile development outsourcing agency and raised it to the top 20 in the Runet Rating. Managed projects for Yota, L'Oreal, Rockwool, Viasat Russia and others.
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7/14/2022 • 2 hours, 13 minutes, 24 seconds Artem Moreyno | Артём Морейно Artem Moreyno, a naughty student and a self-taught person, who eventualy transformed from a raver into a creative. Arteom is a creator with 11 years of experience who has worked with dozens of global brands from Snickers to Hennessy. Creative director of Tanuki Family. Leading and facilitator of creative workshops and brainstorms. Musician and happy father.
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7/12/2022 • 3 hours, 10 minutes, 57 seconds Pavel Muntyan | Павел Мунтян Pavel Muntyan, talanted animation film professional, animator, screenwriter, co-founder and evangelist of the Freeland Virtual State and MFCoin cryptocurrency. Known as one of the founders of the Toonbox studio, the author of the idea of Mr. Freeman and Co-Creator of Take My Muffin, an animated series for an adult audience, format 18+.
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7/8/2022 • 1 hour, 43 minutes, 51 seconds Irina Milekhina | Ирина Милехина Irina Milekhina, Odgers Berndtson Russia Partner, Head of Practice Technology, Information, Media, Entertainment, Sports. Irina has 12 years of experience in the top management recruitment industry for technology, telecommunications, media and entertainment industries. For the past 5 years, she has been involved in coaching, career consulting, as well as assessment and development of management teams. She likes to spend her free time outdoors, enjoys wake surfing and mountain hiking. Since 2010, she has been a business consultant. Graduated with honors from MGIMO with a degree in Global Financial Markets. Master in International Management from ICN Business School and Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore. Studying on the program "Evolution". Systematic coaching for executives Jan Ardui. Certified coach of the Institute for Psychodrama, Coaching and Role Training (FEPTO, EU). Certified Assessor at Hogan Assessments. Certification Leader as Communicator (Berkeley Executive Coaching Institute, USA).
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7/8/2022 • 1 hour, 55 minutes, 59 seconds Serge Berezhnoy | Сергей Бережной Serge Berezhnoy, Ex-corporate turned into tech entrepreneur. Serge served in business development and executive roles in telecommunications, banking, and fintech. Worked across 13 countries on the projects of eCommerce, Omnichannel, and Retail transformation and operations development. Now building the Insigharc, a US-operated startup that empowers eCommerce DTC brands with Conversion insights to speed revenue. The Alchemist Accelerator alumni - the leading accelerator for B2B startups.
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7/7/2022 • 2 hours, 5 minutes, 49 seconds Eugene Stroynov | Евгений Стройнов Eugene Stroynov, EdTech entrepreneur and experienced Chief Product Officer. He has 10+ years of leading and building teams of up to 100 people in EdTech and advertising. Co-founder of Red Keds (top-5 creative agencies in CIS) and Contented (pioneering EdTech platform offering courses in Design in CIS). Former CPO at EdTech platform with over 100,000+ students SkillFactory (top-20 edtech platforms in CIS, was acquired by Russian IT-giant VK in Q4 2021). His biggest aspiration and the main drive for entrepreneurial endeavors in EdTech is to help people navigate their life through conscious career choices.
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7/5/2022 • 2 hours, 7 minutes, 39 seconds Alexei Gloukhov | Алексей Глухов Alexei Gloukhov is a philosopher, a moderator of the subreddit 'Post Russian Philosophy', and a university professor.
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7/4/2022 • 2 hours, 1 minute, 26 seconds Ivan Khmelevskoy | Ваня Хмелевской Ivan Khmelevskoy the founder of SnapCourse, a mobile e-learning platform that is perfect for teams that drive change in organizations and require fast
and effective knowledge transfer. Ivan is a successful serial entrepreneur in digital advertising, online services and e-commerce with a background in web design and front-end development. He has extensive technical knowledge base and experience. Leadership in strategic thinking, proven ability in building high performing teams with balanced talent stacks and an appetite for risk.
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7/1/2022 • 1 hour, 59 minutes, 51 seconds Kirill Titaev | Кирилл Титаев Kirill Titaev is a sociologist who studies the courts, police and other government agencies and crime issues. Since 2009, he has been working at the Institute for Law Enforcement Problems at the European University in St. Petersburg and currently he is a research director. Participated in the development of three programs for the reform of the courts and the police commissioned by civil society institutions (Committee of Civil Initiatives, Center for Strategic Research, etc.). Professionally engaged in the development of research projects and their methodological support. Organized the first in Russia (2011) study of arbitration courts using advanced statistical methods. Worked with studies of regulation and control and supervisory activities. During his career, he worked on a variety of research projects - from the study of poverty by qualitative methods, to the analysis of big data on museum collections in Russia.
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6/30/2022 • 2 hours, 4 minutes, 5 seconds Karine Avanesian | Каринэ Аванесян Karine Avanesian is a clinical family psychologist, cognitive behavioral therapist, and author of the book Self-Love: Theory and Practice.
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6/29/2022 • 2 hours, 8 minutes, 13 seconds Boris Povar | Борис Поварь Boris Povar is the Founder and CEO of EYWA Cross-chain Protocol, the middle layer for all blockchains, that solves interoperability issue and opens limitless opportunities for operations between different chains: cross-chain dApps development, asset management, etc. In 2010 he graduated from Novosibirsk State Technical University (NGTU FPMI), Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Informatics with a degree in Mathematical Support and Information Systems Administration. Since 2017 he has been immersed in the world of blockchain and cryptocurrency, started mining with ASIC miners, then engaged in cloud mining using Nicehash, studied trading and investing. Since entering the cryptocurrency market, his personal portfolio has grown by more than 3,000%, in fact, starting with a small investment of about $12,000 in 2017, he grew his portfolio and provided for his family. This includes the experience of passive investment in projects of various stages, experience of market speculation, market making, active work in various teams, as a co-founder, as an analyst, as a trader, as an advisor. Since the fall of 2019, the Director of IT (CIO) at DigiU.
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6/27/2022 • 1 hour, 58 minutes, 23 seconds Alexander Ruzhinsky | Александр Ружинский Alexander Ruzhinsky, a serial entrepreneur, established his first enterprise in 2003, the advertising and construction company Tochka. Until 2014, he was involved in various businesses and social activities in the field of advertising: POS Master, AMPR, and Perfect Manufacturing Advertising (PMA). In 2014, he changed his focus towards the start-up theme by establishing the St. Petersburg Startup the city project. In 2016, he held the first White Night Startup festival, which was held for the 5th time last year and became the largest startup event in the North-West of Russia. Since 2018, he has been developing the Startup Junior project, a leading project in teaching teenagers entrepreneurship. Advises at the intersection of PR and GR. At the beginning of the COVID pandemic, he created and continues to manage the largest restaurant community in St. Petersburg - the Restograd Association. In 2020 he released 2 musical tracks under the name Stryker (Страйкер). He is practicing yoga and fencing. Strives for happiness.
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6/26/2022 • 2 hours, 4 minutes, 22 seconds Kirill Simakov | Кирилл Симаков Kirill Simakov, photographer, born on August 15, 1984 in Moscow. In 2006 he graduated from the University, Faculty of Indo-European languages. Taking a great interest in photography, Kirill was organising and conducting photo sessions of world celebrities and outstanding figures of art and politics, curated exhibitions and belonged to the editorial group on creating books, catalogs in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Milan, Vicenza, New York, etc. In 2012 he received a certificate of completion of the course “Marketing for photographers” and in 2018 completes “Portrait Photography” course at the New York Institute of Photography. In 2013, Kirill founded his own Collection of author’s photos for interior decoration of homes and office space. In 2016 he opened a working Studio.
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6/25/2022 • 2 hours, 9 minutes, 23 seconds Valerii Zolotukhin | Валерий Золотухин Valerii Zolotukhin, 36 years old, Founder of IMPACT investment company. He specializes in investing in non-public companies, attracting investments for small and medium-sized businesses, providing analytics for high net worth clients and helping them manage capital to achieve their financial goals. Over 10 years of work, he increased his capital from 2 million to more than 1 billion rubles. The best cases are VIVO, Dodo Pizza, Technored on which exits from x3 to x21 were made in 3-5 years. Hobby - chess, he has the title of FIDE Master.
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6/24/2022 • 2 hours, 6 minutes, 49 seconds Victor Manin | Виктор Манин Victor Manin, is a Co-founder and CEO of Anvil Frame Studio, creative producer, art-director, cinematographer and senior matte-painter with 6+ years expirience in the film industry and 8+ years in the game industry. Curator of Moscow Film School Course on virtual production and Unreal Engine.
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6/23/2022 • 1 hour, 57 minutes, 29 seconds Vladimir Ilin | Владимир Ильин Vladimir Ilin, entrepreneur, co-founder of the CRM Group, Co-Founder and CEO of the Digital Academy project, Founder of the smart home startup Go Inside. Born in 1989 in Ryazan, graduated from the RSATU with a degree in Logistics, a graduate of the Moscow School of Management Skolkovo. He enjoys tennis, swimming and IRONMAN.
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6/22/2022 • 1 hour, 58 minutes, 28 seconds Alexander Boldachev | Александр Болдачев Alexander Boldachev is an IT-architect, Philosopher, member of the Association of Futurologists of Russia.
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6/22/2022 • 2 hours, 14 minutes, 18 seconds Marina Gevorkyan | Марина Геворкян Marina Gevorkyan is the owner and CEO of Snob Media and an experienced media manager, candidate of economic sciences, laureate of the Top 1000 Russian Managers rating in the Media Business category. Her career in publishing started in 2002 when she became Advertising Director of Bolshoi Gorod magazine and later - Commercial Director of all the printed products of Afisha publishing house. She's been working in the Snob since 2009, first as Head of Marketing, and then as Commercial Director. In 2012 she was named the company's CEO by the shareholders' council. In autumn 2017 she bought out the company's assets from ONEXIM Group, thus becoming the project's owner. Marina is an experienced climber who has conquered the Himalayas, the Alps and the Cordillera.
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6/21/2022 • 1 hour, 20 minutes, 26 seconds Ivan Lomakin | Иван Ломакин Ivan Lomakin 10+ years in the IT industry. Helps and develop IT companies. 18 years in sales, 12 years in marketing. For the last 2 years - a media person, hosts a video podcast about venture capital investment Angel Talks. Last year he created a near-technical crypto community CryptoLodes, within which emerged a small sub-community of Web3 developers CryptoLodes Devs.
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6/20/2022 • 2 hours, 25 minutes, 24 seconds Egor Egerev | Егор Егерев Egor Egerev is a Founder, product owner and CEO. He has 15 years in the entertainment industry (7 years as festival promoter). Started Nanoticket 6 years ago that later was transformed into Ticketscloud. Founder Moscow ticketing forum.
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6/17/2022 • 2 hours, 46 minutes, 56 seconds Alexander Asmolov | Александр Асмолов Alexander Asmolov - Soviet and Russian psychologist, researcher, teacher, publicist; Doctor of Psychology, Academician of the Russian Academy of Education, Head of the Department of Personality Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Director of the School of Anthropology of the Future of the Institute of Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Expert-Strategic Council and Scientific Director of the Charitable Foundation "Contribution to the Future", Honored Professor of Moscow University, Vice-President of the Russian Psychological Society, Honored Worker of the Higher School of the Russian Federation, laureate of the Russian Government Prize in the field of education, member of the Presidium of the Russian Jewish Congress.
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6/16/2022 • 1 hour, 46 minutes, 22 seconds Slava Turyshev | Слава Турышев Slava Turyshev is a Russian physicist now working in the US at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory. He is known for his investigations of the Pioneer anomaly, affecting Pioneer 10 and Pioneer 11 spacecraft, and for his attempt to recover early data of the Pioneer spacecraft to shed light on such a phenomenon. He is experienced CEO with strong analytical skills, strategy, research, spacecraft, MatLab, systems engineering, somplex systems simulations, optics, robotics, advanced technology development and testing, as well as technical and science advocacy including leadership in large mission proposal preparation and successful opportunity capture. Strong entrepreneurship and management background with extensive private industry experience. Space industry professional with a PhD and a D.Sc. in astrophysics from Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU), and an MBA from the UCLA Anderson School for Management with emphasis on Strategy, Technology Management and Finance.
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6/15/2022 • 2 hours, 31 minutes, 45 seconds Masha Cheriakova | Маша Черякова Masha Cheriakova is a woman with a mission: To bring lightness and fun to people's lives through coaching, books, paintings, and products. She is passionate about consciousness, nature, social entrepreneurship, mindfulness, painting & writing. She thinks BIG and believes everything is possible. As a child, she was always feeling restless. Like there must be more to life than what she can see and feel right now, looking for freedom. She used to run away, steal, travel, and skydive, just to feel this sense of freedom. Unfortunately, all these external things never brought her this sense of freedom. She didn’t know back then that I was deeply longing for freedom from her mind. Freedom from thoughts that brought anxiety, fear, and loneliness. She remembers so well that after a retreat in Italy, she met herself as a presence so consciously for the first time. There and then she knew that she already had freedom and love and joy and passion. She knew that the moment she starts to unlearn that she is not her thoughts, she will remember who it is that she truly is. This was 7 years ago. And since that day her life changed. As she felt in her entire body that this will be her mission: bringing lightness and freedom to humans. She is a trained Parts Work and consciousness coach, and through spiritual and psychological work she will show you how to live from the presence and welcome your parts.
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6/12/2022 • 2 hours, 15 minutes, 14 seconds Mikhail Ryss | Михаил Рысс Mikhail Ryss, from his youth was fond of programming and radio electronics, which led him to the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics. The technical background prevails, most of which is associated with software development. More than once I had to conquer terra incognito, explore previously unfamiliar areas, conceptualize ideas into something capable of implementation - from a catalog of active tours to a mosaic laying robot. Most of the initiatives did not pass natural selection, but those in which it was possible to maintain high involvement, somehow survived. Visionary (heaven) considers its own stronger quality than entrepreneurship (earth). U project - arose about 2 years ago, since then he has been all in on it, there are many difficulties, but Mikhail believes that this is the quintessence of his life experience, captivating deeper and deeper.
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6/11/2022 • 2 hours, 4 minutes, 28 seconds Ancha Baranova | Анча Баранова Ancha Baranova is a Professor in a School of Systems Biology, George Mason University. Systems Biology is, by definition, of transdisciplinary nature. In many collaborations, Ancha analyzes multidimensional datasets and make sense out of this data, putting together arrays of disparate data pieces and generating testable hypotheses ready for experimental validation. With that, she is constantly building the forest out of individual trees. Ancha's work in personalized medicine has a particular emphasis on longitudinal monitoring and management of health in pre-symptomatic individuals, and augmenting the body’s homeostasis by non-pharmacological means. In February 2021, Ancha had an unexplainable urge to record a video about current state of knowledge on coronavirus (with practical advice), resulting in a million time of Youtube. Now Ancha maintains a 100K channel for Russian-speaking viewers. It is about Science of Health and Wellness (and Cats).
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6/10/2022 • 2 hours, 8 minutes, 29 seconds Evgeny Pitolin | Евгений Питолин Evgeny Pitolin is an expert in the domain of cybersecurity, IT and communications. Born in 1983 in St. Petersburg. In 2005 graduated from St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications. Started his career in the field of information technology and communications in 2000. Evgeny worked @ ISP/Broadcom companies "Peterlink", "PeterStar" and "Teleplus", was also an employee of the meaningful Russian state media ITAR-TASS (regional division in St. Petersburg). He also works as business analyst for Commercial Department of JSC "Arctel" branch in St. Petersburg, worked at JSC "St. Petersburg Cable Television", where he held the position of marketing and PR manager. Since 2007, he has been in charge of the marketing department of the Northwest Branch of the Federal multiservice telecom operator Effortel. In 2008, he started working at Kaspersky Lab. By the time of his collaboration with LC, he was widely well known in IT circles. On January 21, 2009, he was appointed as Kaspersky head of regional representative office in the North-Western Federal District. Later in 2016, Evgeny had been promoted and became Managing Director of Central Asian office since 2016, and in 2020 the CIS and Baltic countries came under his authority. Currently, he works as the Director of the TerraLink Cybersecurity Practice. Also, he is ongoing author for the columns in Forbes.kz , Kursiv, Business Kazakhstan, Bluescreen, Moskva FM, etc. There are own projects on Atameken business, Forbes channel, etc.
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6/9/2022 • 2 hours, 8 minutes, 36 seconds Sergey Musienko | Сергей Мусиенко Sergey Musienko, Co-founder, CEO of the biomedical holding Atlas. In 2008 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology with a degree in applied physics and mathematics. A year earlier, he received a second higher education in management, graduating with honors from MGIMO. In 2011, he won the competition of the Skolkovo Innovation Center "My Idea for Russia" and completed a summer internship program at the Silicon Valley research center - Singularity University in California. Since 2013, he has been promoting the concept of personalized medicine in Russia, the main goal of which is to take into account the genetic, physiological, biochemical and other characteristics of a particular patient when selecting the optimal diagnostic, therapeutic and prophylactic agents for a person. In almost 10 years of work as a head of the first startup in the country that analyzes the genetic profile of a person, he has grown an international company with offices in Moscow, London and Tokyo. Formed a large portfolio of products, including the country's only "Whole Genome" test that analyzes 95% of human DNA, a microbiota test and tests for the prevention, diagnosis and evaluation of the effectiveness of cancer treatment. In 2021, he brought the Atlas holding into the top 20 fast-growing Medtech companies in Russia.
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6/8/2022 • 2 hours, 1 minute, 16 seconds Anna Maĸarchuĸ | Анна Макарчук Anna Maĸarchuĸ is the director of the Center for Tolerance at the Jewish Museum. PhD in Psychology, psychologist, business coach, organizational consultant. Expert in the field of interactive educational technologies, non-violent communication. Author and presenter of programs on thematic psychology and pedagogical tolerance, effective communication, emotional intelligence, intercultural competence. Anna graduated from the Moscow State Pedagogical University and the State University for the Humanities at the Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences; PhD in Psychology, teacher, business coach and organizational consultant. She also studied at the Institute of Psychodrama, Coaching and Role Training. In 2004 she defended her PhD thesis on the topic "Psychological Consequences of Violence in Children aged 10-13". Under the leadership of Anna, the Tolerance Center in the Jewish Museum has been operating for 6 years. "I didn’t find this job, the job found me. Tolerance Center, the idea of its creation, the formation of a team, content. This event seemed to put everything in my life in its place. It happens when you look at some figure, and it seems rather chaotic, but when you turn it in the right direction, everything turns out to be non-random." Creator of the Urotolerance project and program director at the Jewish Museum Tolerance Center, executive director of the Gratis Center for Tolerance and Humanitarian Technologies. Born in 1974 in Moscow. Graduated from Moscow State Pedagogical University, State University of Humanities at the Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Director of the Federal Scientific and Methodological Center in the field of psychology and pedagogical tolerance.
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6/7/2022 • 2 hours, 3 minutes, 56 seconds Alex Ivanov | Алексей Иванов Alex Ivanov is a founder of Salt - executive development program, ICF certified professional coach, Hogan Certified coach, and Designing Your Life certified coach. Ex-Design Lead at silicon valley startups. Author, PonchikNews and Authentic Communication.
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6/6/2022 • 2 hours, 14 seconds Michael Yulkin | Михаил Юлкин Michael Yulkin graduated from the Economic Faculty of the Moscow State University named after M. Lomonosov with diploma in Economic Cybernetics; in 1992-1993, he took a 2-year training course of project analysis in the World Bank Institute in Washington, DC (USA). In 1998-1999, Michael participated as a task leader in charge of carbon projects methodology and pipeline development in the Russian Strategy Study on Climate Change, supported by the World Bank and other international donors. In 1999, Michael initiated the foundation of the non-commercial Environmental Investment Center and has remained its leader until March 2021. In 2007-2008, Michael worked in the Russian branch of Camco International, a carbon asset management company listed on London Stock Exchange (AIM), first as Director for JI carbon projects, and later – as Director for policy and strategy. In 2009, he took a position of Managing Director at CCGS LLC, a Russian-Dutch consulting company established in 2008 to help Russian industries design and implement GHG emission reduction projects under the Kyoto protocol and to sell carbon credits in the international market. In 2019, Michael launched his own consulting company CarbonLab LLC which focuses on climate change mitigation and adaptation, including GHG monitoring, reporting and verification, climate change risks and opportunities evaluation and management as well as climate strategy design and implementation. In 2021, he took over CCGS LLC and merged it with CarbonLab. In 2017, Michael started teaching Modern Climate Policy at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO University) and giving training courses on carbon accounting and climate change management to corporate clients. In 2018, Michael wrote a book “Low Carbon Development: from Theory to Practice” which happened to be the first publication in the Russian language where the concept and consequences of the world’s transition to low carbon development were explored. He is also well known domestically and abroad for his numerous articles and interviews on climate change and GHG regulation in the Russian and international media. In 2009-2018 Michael was the Head of the Working Group on Climate Change and GHG Management at the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, in 2014-2018 – deputy Chairman, Head of the Expert (Advisory) Council of the Interregional Working Group for Russian Barents (Euro-Arctic) Region Climate Strategy Development, since 2013 – a member of the Interdepartmental Working Group under the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation on Climate Change and Sustainable Development; since 2016 – member of the Working Group on the implementation of a pilot project aimed at GHG emissions reduction in the city of Moscow, since 2018 – member of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC Russia) Commission on the Economy of Climate Change and Sustainable Development, since 2021 – member of the Working Subgroup on GHG Regulation and Carbon Trading at the Bank of Russia.
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6/6/2022 • 2 hours, 3 minutes, 43 seconds Ksenia Drozdova | Ксения Дроздова Ksenia Drozdova, CEO & Product owner of IMSHOP.IO, expert in mobile marketing and business process automation.
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6/5/2022 • 2 hours, 22 minutes, 57 seconds Sergey Doshchenko | Cергей Дощенко Sergey Doshchenko has more than 25 years of experience in the field of corporate and freelance management consulting, research, and implementation of information technologies (IT) for business automation and digitalization, launching new businesses and delivering strategic changes in large international and Russian companies. Sergey graduated from the RUDN University in Moscow, Russia with the qualification of a teacher of physics and an interpreter English/Russian. Sergey grew up professionally from a software developer in Andersen Consulting in London, UK to the head of major projects implementation of IT for large‐scale business transformation at Accenture in Moscow. As an investor launched a number of startups in the field of retail payments, IT products and services in business and operating models of commercial open source and managed IT services. As a Gartner executive partner in Russia, Sergey was responsible for the strategic advisory service for a portfolio of 25 companies in the financial, transport and telecommunications sectors and retail, including e‑com.
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6/2/2022 • 2 hours, 19 minutes, 57 seconds Adam Turaev | Адам Тураев Adam Turaev is the founder of Cleverbots, Russia top1/top3 dialogue interfaces developer with artificial intelligence for enterprises. He is also a founder of Cleverbots Marketplace, the first marketplace of AI solutions in Russia, and a founder of Praktika.ai language learning app with AI Robots to improve speaking English.
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6/1/2022 • 2 hours, 9 minutes, 6 seconds Andrey Kalinichev | Андрей Калиничев Andrey Kalinichev, Professor of the Higher National Institute of Mining Sciences and Telecommunications (Institut Mines-Télécom Atlantique), Nantes, France. After graduating from the Odessa Technological Institute with a M.S. degree (diploma) in engineering thermophysics, Andrey Kalinichev received his Ph.D. (kandidate of sciences) degree in chemical physics in 1986 at the Russian Academy of Sciences, where he subsequently headed the Physical Research Laboratory at the Institute of Experimental Mineralogy in Chernogolovka. 1989-1991 - Research Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation at the Max-Planck-Institut für Chemie (Otto-Hahn-Institut), Mainz, Germany. 1998-2010 - Research Professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Michigan State University, USA. Since 2010 -Director of Research at the Institut Mines-Télécom Atlantique in Nantes, France, heading the Industrial Chair “Storage and Disposal of Radioactive Waste” focused on atomistic computational modeling of materials and processes related to geological disposal of radioactive waste. He served as President (2019-2020) of the Clay Minerals Society.
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5/31/2022 • 1 hour, 55 minutes, 55 seconds Fedor Sheberstov | Федор Шеберстов Fedor Sheberstov was born in Moscow, studied in Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, after that lived 3 years in a small village in Caucasus. When back in Moscow founded an executive search company, which became top 3 in Russia (Odgers Berndtson nowadays). In 2015 cofounded Teacher for Russia not-for-profit organization. In 2018 won "Leaders of Russia" competition. He has 6 sons, who live in different countries. After February 24th left Russia and doesn't plan to come back.
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5/30/2022 • 1 hour, 58 minutes, 33 seconds Vitaly Munirov | Виталий Муниров Vitaly Munirov, 36 years old, married, 2 kids. Technical entrepreneur, tracker. CEO of Cursir Ltd. CURSIR produces innovative drone-based solutions for flight tests of navigational aids and airports inspections. In the past started non-profit project forblind.org for making open-hardware devices for visualy impared people.
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5/29/2022 • 2 hours, 4 minutes, 39 seconds Alexandra Gerasimova | Александра Герасимова Alexandra Gerasimova is the entrepreneur who founded the FITMOST service, which offers a one-stop fitness and wellness pass. The main idea of the startup is to break stereotypes about sports and wellness. The service allows you to freely visit various fitness clubs, studios, swimming pools, massage rooms, SPA and beauty saloons in different cities. Alexandra is a finalist of EY Entrepreneur of the Year 2020 award, shortlisted for the Forbes Woman Mercury Awards-2020 in the Best Business Solution nomination, winner of the 2021 Breakthrough of the Year Award in the Young Entrepreneur of the Year nomination.
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5/27/2022 • 2 hours, 6 minutes, 24 seconds Irina Yakutenko | Ирина Якутенко Irina Yakutenko, molecular biologist, science journalist and popularizer of science. In 2006 she graduated from the biological faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University with a degree in molecular biology. Since 2008 she has been engaged in scientific journalism. For many years she worked as a science editor for Lenta.ru, as a production editor for the popular science project Attic (TASS-Nauka), head of department of science of the magazine "Around the World". Author of hundreds of popular science articles, author and host of the weekly "Vigorous News" video blog, her own YouTube channel, a thematic science blog on Facebook, and the "Weak-willed Masons" telegram channel. Author of popular science books: "Will and self-control. How genes and the brain prevent us from fighting temptations", "The virus that broke the planet". She writes about various fields of science, reads popular science lectures both in Russia and abroad. Lecturer and teacher. She taught master classes in science journalism and specialized courses at universities (Higher School of Economics, Baltic Federal University, Lomonosov Moscow State University, etc.). In her spare time, she likes to watch science fiction films - however, those that would have remained unwatched, it seems, are no longer there.
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5/24/2022 • 2 hours, 5 minutes, 19 seconds Andrey Chernyakov | Андрей Черняков Andrey Chernyakov is the Founder and Senior Partner of Evolution project. More than 25 years of experience in advising owners and key executives of various businesses. Implements projects in changes support, value systems introduction, building corporate culture, forming effective teams and developing leadership in a business field.
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5/23/2022 • 2 hours, 5 minutes, 13 seconds Gennady Valyavin | Геннадий Валявин Gennady Valyavin, astrophysicist, specialist in the study of magnetic fields of stars, extrasolar planets and astrospectroscopy. Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. Since 2021, Gennady has been the director of The Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Science (SAO RAS). Author of 144 scientific papers. Gennady conducts teaching work: he carries out teaching activities in the implementation of programs for the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel in the graduate school of the SAO RAS, supervises term papers and theses of ITMO students.
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5/21/2022 • 2 hours, 1 minute, 22 seconds Alice Fandee | Алиса Фандеева Alice Fandee, illustrator, member of the Union of Artists of Russia. The most popular projects are made in the style of digital art, where the illustration is combined with digital photography. There are also many commercial projects made in classical drawing techniques (pencil, watercolor, etc.). Master degree in psychology. After university, she decided to work as a designer, studied graphic editors and began working in a stationery company. She was fond of extreme sports, as a result of a parachute jump she received multiple fractures and while recovering she began to draw. She became an illustrator, there were many exhibitions in Russia and the CIS, master classes in illustration and psychology seminars related to psychological barriers in self-realization (impostor syndromes, etc.). In 2016, she left to live in Phuket (Thailand). In 2018, after an injury, an amnesia attack occurred (memory loss partially captures 2014-2018). Moved to Bali (Indonesia). In March 2020, she came to Russia for a month, but because of the lockdown, she could not leave. In February 2022, she left for Mexico, after the events of February 24, she decided not to return to Russia yet, she spent 1.5 months in Armenia, now in Georgia.
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5/20/2022 • 2 hours, 33 minutes, 37 seconds Andrey Grigoriev | Андрей Григорьев Andrey Grigoriev, co-founder and CEO of AdTech startup GetShop.TV. At the age of 8, he read "Professor Fortran's Encyclopedia" and fell in love with IT technologies for the rest of his life: in the 10th grade he founded his own web studio, worked in foreign agencies. During this time, he passed through himself as a seller, project and consultant for more than 300 sites. Since 2013 Andrey has been interested in startups. Since 2012, he began to train technology entrepreneurs, online marketing directors and product managers. Now he teaches at Netology, HSE and RMA. The first education is personality psychology at Moscow State University, in connection with which he is very fond of the topics of negotiations, b2b sales, customer development and everything related to communication. Hobbies are traveling, gym, Magic: The Gathering and daughter.
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5/19/2022 • 2 hours, 28 minutes, 18 seconds Ashot Gevorkyan | Ашот Геворкян Ashot Gevorkyan was born in Kaliningrad, where he lived until the age of 30, where, together with his brother he created Gevorkyan's production, they filmed commercials and clips at the regional level. In 2017 he moved to Moscow and founded OMNI production. He is the frontman of the band BRIGHTMN, shoots commercials, music videos, photographs commercials, makes covers for artists and posters for films. He is shooting a documentary about Zurab Tsereteli, he dreams of making a series (the case is moving) about Soviet retro-futurism. A month ago, he became the father of a baby girl.
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5/18/2022 • 2 hours, 3 minutes, 46 seconds Elizaveta Khlynina | Елизавета Хлынина Elizaveta Khlynina, Program Director of the Practicum for Entrepreneurs at the Moscow School of Management Skolkovo, a private business school in Russia. Elizaveta has been working in the school for more than 7 years, in education and people development for more than 12 years. Elizaveta has extensive experience in developing educational programs for small and medium business entrepreneurs. The Practicum program was created in 2013 and over 9 years has produced more than 900 entrepreneurs from all over Russia and the world. In 2020, the program received the gold of the EFMD International Award in the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem nomination. In 2011, Elizaveta graduated from the Higher School of Economics, direction of political science, now finishing MBA.
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5/17/2022 • 2 hours, 13 minutes, 2 seconds Vladimir Porus | Владимир Порус Vladimir Porus is a Soviet and Russian philosopher, specialist in the theory of knowledge, philosophy and methodology of science. Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor at HSE University. Vladimir was born on September 19, 1943 in the city of Osh, Kirghiz SSR. He graduated from high school in Lugansk. After serving in the Soviet army, he entered Moscow State University. In 1970 he graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy of Lomonosov Moscow State University with a degree in Philosophy. In 1974, he completed postgraduate studies at the Institute of Philosophy of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and defended his dissertation for the degree of candidate of philosophical sciences on the topic "Gnoseological problems of many-valued logic". From 1974 to 2007 he worked at the Institute of Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Junior, Senior and Leading Researcher). In 1997 he was awarded the academic title of Associate Professor. Since 1999 - Head of the Department of Philosophy at the University of the Russian Academy of Education. In 2002 he defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy on the topic "Scientific Rationality as a Topic of Epistemology". Since 2003 - Professor and Head of the Department of Ontology, Logic and Theory of Knowledge of the School of Philosophy, Faculty of Humanities, National Research University Higher School of Economics. Since 2004, he has been a member of the editorial board of the journal Epistemology and Philosophy of Science. Since 2017, he has been the editor-in-chief of Philosophy. Journal of the HSE School of Philosophy and Cultural Studies. Author of more than 450 scientific publications, including monographs “Rationality. The science. Culture” (2002), “At the Edge of Culture” (2008), “At the Crossroads of Method” (2014), etc.
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5/16/2022 • 2 hours, 5 minutes, 12 seconds Nikolai Dybowski | Николай Дыбовский Nikolai Dybowski is the Founder and CEO of Ice-pick Lodge Studio, the game-developing company. He believes that video games are interactive and personal, a new form of art. Video games are a way to engage the player to self-evaluate and realize that his actions in the game also reflect the strengths and weaknesses of his own core being and his destiny (not just the hard drive). His approach to the gaming process is original and distinctive, because it allows a person to feel, experience, and comprehend the borders of the game, its form, the dialogue of the game and the gamer. Together with his team they are making new kinds of games, where the addressees isn't the consume, they are the co-authors.
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5/15/2022 • 1 hour, 57 minutes, 38 seconds Petr Malyukov | Петр Малюков Petr Malyukov is a serial entrepreneur who started his first business at the age of 20. Co-Founder and CEO at YOUS (a communication app with a built-in AI translator). Co-Founder at dTelecom (target blockchain for the telecommunications market). The journey from idea to global expansion.
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5/14/2022 • 2 hours, 2 seconds Svetlana Konacheva | Светлана Коначева Svetlana Konacheva, Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy, Head of the Department of Contemporary Problems of Philosophy, Russian State University for the Humanities (Moscow, Russia). Doctoral dissertation "Heidegger and philosophical theology of the twentieth century" (2010). Research interests: philosophy of M. Heidegger; philosophical theology of the twentieth century; phenomenology of religion. Svetlana is a member of the editorial board of the Yearbook on Phenomenological Philosophy and Hermeneutics, Bulletin of the Russian State Humanitarian University (series "Philosophy. Sociology. Art Criticism", the journal "Philosophy of Religion: Analytical Studies". Author of more than 80 works devoted to the analysis of theological problems in the philosophy of M. Heidegger, the study of the reception of Heideggerian philosophy in Christian theology of the twentieth century, the phenomenological interpretation of religious experience, modern Western philosophy of religion, including the monographs "Being. Sacred. God: Heidegger and philosophical theology of the twentieth century" (M., 2021) "God after God: the path of post-metaphysical thinking" (M. ., 2019).
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5/13/2022 • 1 hour, 53 minutes, 45 seconds Alexander Turilin | Александр Турилин Alexander Turilin is a co-founder of SkillFactory. He has been engaged in educational projects for more than 10 years. Led academic programs at Cisco and was Director of Education at Digital October. He co-founded New Professions Lab and worked as a marketing director at Foxford (Netology). In 2016, together with a partner, he founded SkillFactory, the company that is part of the educational holding VK. Together with a SkillFactory cofounder, in 2021, he launched the Indian startup MentorsPro, which is engaged in teaching programming and other digital specialties.
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5/12/2022 • 1 hour, 54 minutes, 58 seconds Dmitriy Litvinov | Дмитрий Литвинов Dmitriy Litvinov is a serial entrepreneur, founder and head of BandLink, a service for musicians, which was bought by Yandex at the beginning of 2022. He was born in Prokopievsk, Kemerovo region, and studied in Tomsk as a radio engineer. Since 2001 he has worked as an IT manager. In 2010 moved to Kaliningrad. He loves doing projects in absolutely different fields of knowledge and in different markets. During his career he has done more than 40 projects, including:
- federal information system for real estate accounting;
- a project for the relocation of personnel to the Kaliningrad region;
- music news aggregator;
- men's jewelry shop;
- co-shopping marketplace (sells 5,000 orders per day);
- computer game;
- an ecosystem of services for musicians.
Most of these projects have been successful or have been sold. Today he is an employee of Yandex Music and accompanies his BandLink project inside Yandex. He is a music lover, movie lover, and loves to cook.
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5/12/2022 • 1 hour, 56 minutes, 36 seconds Mitia Mouraviev | Митя Муравьев Mitia Mouraviev, co-founder and creative producer of a production studio Fancy Shot.
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5/11/2022 • 2 hours, 1 minute, 6 seconds Sergey Berezin | Сергей Березин Sergey Berezin was born on February 7, 1966 in the city of Yangtabad, Tashkent region. He spent his childhood in the village of Zeleny, Tambov Region, and graduated from school in the village of Platonovka. In 1983 he entered Saratov University and graduated with honors. Since 1990 he has been in private practice and has been working at the Samara National University (PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor). From 2007 to 2022 he headed the Department of Social Psychology. Author (co-author) of the Landscape Analytics method. Developed a method of film therapy. Author of 148 scientific papers, including 8 monographs, author of the first textbook on film therapy in Russian. Co-organizer of three scientific and practical conferences on landscape analytics and environmental psychology. Collaborated with charitable foundations and public organizations.
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5/10/2022 • 2 hours, 32 seconds Matvey Stavitsky | Матвей Ставицкий Matvey Stavitsky is a freelance cinematographer and a graduate of Toronto Film School. Creating visuals for independent filmmakers, production companies, and musicians worldwide since 2013.
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5/7/2022 • 2 hours, 15 minutes, 18 seconds Evgeny Drobyshev | Евгений Дробышев Evgeny Drobyshev was born in 1980 in Magnitogorsk (Urals). In 2003, he graduated from the Technical University there, majoring in Automation of control systems. In the same year he left for Germany (on a babysitter visa). Having lived there with his family for about six months, he returned to Moscow to extend his visa, but got a job as a photographer in a small advertising agency, and subsequently refused to return to Germany. Has dedicated himself to the profession of a photographer, until now. Collaborating with a large number of major Russian and foreign brands (Megafon, Postbank, Redbull, Mercedes, Ferrari, Subway, etc.). Evgeny has several personal exhibitions, including two in the Moscow Kremlin Museum. He is married and has a 5 year old son.
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5/6/2022 • 1 hour, 54 minutes, 29 seconds Dina Belenko | Дина Беленко Dina Belenko is a conceptual photographer from Russia who: shoots magical still lifes with falling cups, knitted labyrinths and a Bengal fire supernova, explores the nature of ordinary, routine things, their connection with human emotions, and the stories they can tell, combines her career as a photographer with a whole range of hobbies: mind games, podcasts, cross-step waltz, slackline and cognitive science, writes books with detailed instructions for beginner photographers, teaches the basics of conceptual still life to hundreds of students, believes that inspiration comes from a broad outlook, so it is important for a photographer to be interested in not only photography. Now Dina lives in Khabarovsk, collaborates with companies around the world and teaches creative thinking.
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5/5/2022 • 2 hours, 18 minutes, 21 seconds Igor Eyt, CG Artist, Supervisor in feature films, TV series and commercials. CG PODCAST #1 host, teacher in computer graphics.
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5/5/2022 • 1 hour, 50 minutes, 47 seconds Aleksey Studnev | Алексей Студнев Aleksey Studnev, graduated from Moscow Physical Technical Institute at 1991. Worked in various companies as a programmer. Created several own projects in blockchain, marketing technology, information analytics. Interested in applied mathematics, information technologies. Recent projects are all related to blockchain data analytics and decentralized information distribution.
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5/3/2022 • 2 hours, 6 minutes, 47 seconds Valery Astrynski | Валерий Остринский Valery Astrynski has been in business for 20 years, has traveled to about 80 countries, is raising 3 sons, last year he was convicted for an economic crime and sentenced for 2.5 years to "home chemistry" and went to the village to serve his sentence. Manages a network of business angels - Angels Band.
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5/2/2022 • 1 hour, 56 minutes, 17 seconds Ilya Nodia is a Photographer, Photo & CG Art Director. His path began in 2008 with photography. He chose the way of exhausting practice and improving his technical skills every day through the personal artistic and commercial projects for the small business entrepreneurs, which, many years later, helped him enter the big agency advertising and become a responsible professional with high quality of service, personal approach to each client and a good reputation in the industry.
From 2014 to 2017 he worked as a lead photographer in the escape game franchise Claustrophobia. The creation of advertising photos for every project for this company brought him success in the commercial photography industry. Made more than 120 projects shooting for Claustrophobia in different countries around the world. Since 2015 became a resident of the Fun’Da’Mental Agency. From 2016 to 2018 are a huge number of commercial advertising projects, movie posters, performances, and theaters in collaboration with BBDO Moscow, Leo Burnette, Fetish Film, Hype Production, and others. In 2018 he moved and officially worked in California for WLA Entertainment Inc., where he shoot projects in Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Las Vegas, making a lot of commercial and personal projects. From 2019 to 2021 he worked as a photography and video Art Director in WayRay AG. Since 2021 Creative Leader and Art Director of the Ambition CG Team. Now he is collaborating with several design and CG studios and continues to direct advertising projects in photography and CG.
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5/1/2022 • 2 hours, 19 minutes, 6 seconds Sergey Prilutskiy | Сергей Прилуцкий Sergey Prilutskiy, software researcher, developer, lecturer, and security specialist. Worked in IT for more than 30 years, from a system administrator position at the mid-school to the lead developer positions in top Internet companies. Completed master's degree in Moscow Engineer Physics Institute in 2003, then, until now, taught students in applied information security, cryptography, network protocols, databases and operational systems in top Russian universities: Bauman University, MIPT, MePhi and many others. In 2017 left the corporate environment and turned to crypto and decentralized networks. Author of many articles and educational courses in the blockchain area. Current work is related to the security audits of smart-contracts, development and research of blockchain technologies.
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4/28/2022 • 1 hour, 51 minutes, 46 seconds Alexey Karlov | Алексей Карлов Alexey Karlov, entrepreneur, CEO of Angel Relations Group. Main areas of activity: digital communications (marketing, advertising, separate areas of e-commerce for manufacturers), IT development and a graphic design studio. Previously: speaker and curator of the "Entrepreneurial way of thinking" and "Working weekend" courses at the National Research University Higher School of Economics and Kuban State University, specialized MBA courses on business models, creative thinking and digital communications at the SKOLKOVO MBA. Now he is a guest speaker at the Center for Media Practice at the National Research University Higher School of Economics.
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4/28/2022 • 2 hours, 18 minutes, 40 seconds Artem Petrikeev | Артём Петрикеев Artem Petrikeev is an investment manager at G1 ventures, a London-based blockchain venture fund with over 30 companies in the portfolio. Prior to blockchain experience, Artem was a part of Zubr Capital working on $20M+ investments in consumer apps, classifieds, EdTech, and IT-media sectors. At At the beginning of his career, Artem got to top-3 in global financial modeling competition, taught this course to students, and got a Swedish government grant to study at Stockholm School of Economics in Riga.
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4/27/2022 • 2 hours, 22 minutes, 53 seconds Artyom Slessarenko | Артём Слесаренко Artyom Slessarenko is the founder of Profland, the metal structures production company for solar energy, civil and industrial construction, oil and gas sector (turnover over $8M). Investor and co-founder of Rhinotales, an interactive movie production company, and video game development for PC/Nintendo/Xbox/Sony. They recently released the first interactive thriller "She Sees Red". Artyom is also a Founder and CEO of Inspations, a spacetech business development, and investments company.
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4/26/2022 • 1 hour, 49 minutes, 49 seconds Mikhail Dymshits | Михаил Дымшиц Mikhail Dymshits is one of the largest theorists and practitioners of marketing and mass communications in Russia, a Founder and CEO of the Dymshits and Partners research agency. A psychiatrist by training and a marketer by vocation, who brought dozens of federal companies and brands to the market. Since 1991, he has been studying issues related to consumer psychology, marketing research and mass communication. Author of more than 100 publications on marketing and mass communication, as well as the author of the books "Manipulating the Buyer" and "Consumer Loyalty".
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4/25/2022 • 1 hour, 55 minutes, 33 seconds Lev Ushakov, trainer of creative states. Facilitator. Curator and performer of Community Art Russia. From 2009 to 2013 he was the director of the social theater. Then he spent 2 years under house arrest and another 2 years in prison and in a correctional facility. He did not admit his guilt. Author and teacher of the course "Trainer of creative states", students from 5 countries.
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4/25/2022 • 2 hours, 15 minutes, 22 seconds Ilya Eremeev | Илья Еремеев Ilya Eremeev, Co-Founder and Managing Partner at The Games Fund, a $65m early-stage VC fund founded by video games industry veterans who invest in future leaders: game developers, gaming technologies, and services.
Ilya was born in 1988 in Kirov, Russia. In 2017 he went to Moscow and started working in a Video games company as a 3d artist. In 2019 moved to St.Petersbourg and worked in Sperasoft, where he worked as a 3d artist on Star Wars: The Old Republic (MMORPG) as a 3d artist, then Artogon, where he worked on multiple casual games. Then Ilya joined a Lithuanian video games company A-Steroids as a creative producer and head of the St.Petersbourg office, managing a team of about 20 people, and started working on mobile games. Then moved back to Moscow and joined an international games company, Game Insight as a Creative Producer, working with multiple internal studios on mobile games, including Guns of Boom - one of the most successful multiplayer shooter games on mobile. While working in Game Insight he started exploring the business side of the games business and then joined MGVC in 2018. MGVC is a corporate investment fund by Mail.ru Games, where he was one of the first team members and contributed to investment strategy development, and led a number of investment deals, including big success stories like SwagMasha (revenue $3m/month) and Deus Craft (up to $6m/month). In early 2021 he left MGVC to start The Games Fund. Currently, he lives in Miami, Florida, and keeps working on TGF.
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4/24/2022 • 2 hours, 8 minutes, 27 seconds Viktor Pershikov | Виктор Першиков Viktor Pershikov, MFTA is the chief strategist at 8848 Invest, a specialist in the cryptocurrencies field and technical analysis, with 14 years of experience on financial markets and holder of the MFTA-diploma.
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4/22/2022 • 2 hours, 17 minutes, 6 seconds Irina Logra | Ирина Логра Irina Logra is a marketing strategist and commercial photographer based in Los Angeles. When Irina is not helping Mitsubishi, Cirque du Soleil, Cadillac, Adobe, Citizen, Walmart, Kaspersky, UCLA, Mt. Wilson Observatory, Jaguar Land Rover, Renault, Frame.Io, GoDigital develop captivating visual content, she is probably nerding out on quantum theory, rock climbing, painting by numbers, kickboxing, but most likely reading Adweek and researching the latest marketing trends.
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4/21/2022 • 2 hours, 22 minutes, 25 seconds Lyubov Zhenina | Любовь Женина Lyubov Zhenina, managing partner of R:TA advertising agency. The RTA agency implements complex solutions for the largest Russian and international brands. From research to sales. From insight to media optimization. From promotion, creative, production to the fulfillment of final KPIs. The combination of channels, technology and creativity allows RTA to create the most effective digital campaigns. Graduated from RSSU, Public Relations. Speaker at Russian Conferences. Lecturer at the Moscow School of Communication. In 2021, she conducted her course on trends in marketing.
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4/20/2022 • 1 hour, 56 minutes, 13 seconds Shlomo Weber | Шломо Вебер Shlomo Weber - President of the New Economic School and Director of the Chinese-Russian Center for Eurasian. Studies Graduated with honors from the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University and received a Ph.D. at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Previously he was Dean of the Faculty of Economics at Southern Methodist University, Director of Research at CORE, Catholic University of Louvain and Academic Director of the International School of Economics in Tbilisi. Professor Weber has published over 150 articles in leading academic journals in economics and political science. His book (co-authored with V. Ginzbur) How many languages do we need? It was published by Princeton University Press. Together with M. Alekseev, he was the editor of The Oxford Handbook of the Russian Economy (Oxford University Press). Professor Weber received the Alexander von Humboldt Prize and a mega-grant from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Professor Weber is a member of the Saxon Academy of Sciences, an adjunct professor at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), and a member of the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors of the GDN (Global Development Network).
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4/19/2022 • 1 hour, 42 minutes, 31 seconds Mikhail Vishnevskiy | Михаил Вишневский Mikhail Vishnevskiy is a Russian mycologist, candidate of biological sciences. Author of popular science books about mushrooms, ethnomycologist. Father of seven children.
Born October 28, 1973. At the age of 8, he began to earn money by collecting and selling mushrooms. He graduated from Lyceum School No. 23 in the city of Mytishchi. In 1990 he entered the Timiryazev Agricultural Academy at the Department of Genetics and Breeding of Agricultural Plants of the Faculty of Agronomy. In 1992 he transferred to Moscow State University to the Department of Mycology and Algology. Graduated from the university in 1996. He continued to work at the department, in 1999 he defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic "Tricholoma mushrooms of Moscow and the Moscow region."
He became a specialist in the mushroom fauna of Russia and the author of a number of popular books about mushrooms of a general, culinary and medical nature, including "Handbook for a beginner mushroom picker", "For mushrooms from November to May", "Medicinal mushrooms: a large encyclopedia", "Poisonous mushrooms of Russia”, “Truffles and other delicious mushrooms”, “His Majesty Amanita”, “Cooking from wild plants”, “All about mushrooms”, “Hallucinogenic mushrooms of Russia”.
Participates in "mushroom" education: conducts thematic lectures and excursions on the collection and identification of mushrooms, takes part in radio and television programs and in thematic groups on social networks, maintains a personal website. Author and organizer of the annual Mushroom Festival in the Pharmaceutical Garden. Engaged in entrepreneurial activities in the field of alternative medicine, co-owner of the publishing houses "VKN" and "Bio-Press".
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4/19/2022 • 1 hour, 59 minutes, 49 seconds Stanislava Nazhmitdinova | Станислава Нажмитдинова Stanislava Nazhmitdinova, expert in sales, management, franchising and business development in the fashion industry. Founder and CEO of the fashion business scaling agency SHTAB. Lecturer at the British Higher School of Design. Author of articles and courses on fashion entrepreneurship. 18 years of experience in the largest federal networks in the positions of commercial management of the company: TVOE, ZENDEN, TOM TAILOR, Accessorize. Last 4 years: specializes in organizing and launching new brands on the market.
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4/18/2022 • 1 hour, 45 seconds Kirill Gotovtsev | Кирилл Готовцев Kirill Gotovtsev is one of the oldest Runet marketers. Graduated from VGIK, studied/worked with Petr Shchedrovitskiy in the last courses. Kirill was among the pioneers of domestic marketing by creating an industry portal and promo sites. The first seminar on what is now called SMM Kirill was held in 1998 in Novosibirsk at the Internet conference. He was one of the few who convinced Zurab Tsereteli to abandon the idea of erecting a monument to Brodsky. For the last 8 years he has been in private practice. Talks about how cool it is to work as an adviser and with an adviser before the crypto hype made this word well-known. A practicing "television chef", he has four seasons of different cooking shows behind him, now he does something like restaurant criticism, oddly enough on Instagram. Kirill is a rather experienced biker, his article “why motorcycles ride between the rows” is probably one of the most quoted in the motorcycle theme - every year it is reprinted 5-6 times. For the last couple of months he has been working on a course on strategies for beginners, it seems to be the only course of its kind for a person who wants to figure it out from scratch.
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4/16/2022 • 2 hours, 34 minutes, 35 seconds Alexandra Bernadotte | Александра Бернадотт Alexandra Bernadotte is a neuroscientist, engineer and mathematician. Doctor, biologist and mathematician by education. Studied and worked at the Karolinska Institute (Sweden), Moscow State University, St. Petersburg State University, Harvard University; taught at Moscow State University, Karolinska Institute, MISiS. She works at Sberbank as a team leader in the neural interface development team, lectures on discrete mathematics at MISiS, conducts research in the field of machine learning, artificial intelligence in application to the analysis of brain data and chemical structures.
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4/15/2022 • 1 hour, 52 minutes, 33 seconds Anna Yampolskaya | Анна Ямпольская Anna Yampolskaya, philosopher, Doctor of Philosophy. Author of three books (Emmanuel Levinas: philosophy and biography (2011), Phenomenology in Germany and France: a problem of method (2013), The Art of Phenomenology (2018)). Until February 2022, she worked at the Higher School of Economics (Moscow).
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4/14/2022 • 2 hours, 3 minutes, 6 seconds Sergey Kazarnovsky | Сергей Казарновский Sergey Kazarnovsky, Director of the Education Center No. 686 "Class-Center", Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation. Sergey was born in 1954, graduated from the Moscow Engineering and Construction Institute in 1976, went to graduate school, went to work at a factory - and began putting on plays. In 1981 he came to work at School No. 69 and together with his friend, English teacher Sergey Loiko, organized there theatrical studio. Why the question arises, did he go to MISI? This would become clear later when he began building his school and supervised the laying of the foundation and erection of the walls himself. In 1985, Kasarnovsky entered the directing department of the Drama School named after Shchukin, and in 1989 he received a degree in drama directing. In 1990, Sergey left school No. 69 for the Palace of Pioneers "Na Miussa" - and the children of the school theater and teachers followed him. A year later, he organized the First International Festival "Theatre Where Children Play". In 1990, Sergey took to the open sea. Under the agreement of the House of Pioneers "On the Miuss" and the school number 69, he recruited the first class. The children studied on the premises of the "Na Miussy" house. But the usual school lessons alternated with unaccustomed ones: there were lessons of music, acting, painting, word-work and "stories about theater. A year later this venture had the name "Alternative School," and another year later "School-Complex 686 "Class Center." "Class Center" constantly participates (and became a prize-winner) in Moscow and all-Russian festivals ("Theatrical vacations", "Young talents of Moscow", "Theatrical games in Lefortovo", "Theatrical ladushki", etc.), and in many international projects (Holland, USA, Luxembourg, France, Ireland, Hungary, Spain, Finland). Sergey's creative activity has found support and recognition in the highest echelons of post-Soviet Russia's government and educational bodies, and he has received many awards. From 1995-to 1996, he was a member of the Commission on Culture and Childhood under the President of the Russian Federation, and since 2002 he has been a member of the Grand Jury of the Moscow Teacher of the Year competition. In 2001 he was the winner of the first contest "Leader of Russian Education". In 2003 Sergey was awarded the honorary title "Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation".
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4/13/2022 • 2 hours, 18 minutes, 41 seconds Stepan Gershuni | Степан Гершуни Stepan Gershuni is a founder and technology strategist building identity and reputation systems for web3 and DAOs, such as Credentia, Identix.Space and Deep Skills. Stepan is working toward making it easier for DAOs to onboard talent through Professional ID credentials.
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4/12/2022 • 2 hours, 11 minutes, 31 seconds Natalie Kaminski | Наталья Каминская Natalie Kaminski is a co-founder and CEO of JetRockets - a custom software, web and mobile application development firm located in Brooklyn, New York. Before founding JetRockets in 2009, Natalie spent a decade working in the software development industry in several companies, large and small. Natalie lives in Brooklyn, with her husband and two daughters, ages fifteen and eight. When Natalie isn’t building new digital products, she enjoys running, traveling and eating good food with great wine.
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4/11/2022 • 2 hours, 16 minutes, 16 seconds Anton Gololobov | Антон Гололобов Anton Gololobov has more than 20 years of experience in marketing, communications, hi-tech, and real estate. He is interested in smart cities and sustainable development, new technology and entrepreneurship, digital transformation, and globalization: we should all think about our future. He prefers to think and create and hopes that people can create great things together.
From 2017 to 2019, he was a co-founder of a startup to create a management system for Smart Cities. Participant in international exhibitions WebSummit, RISE, SmartCityExpo, Slush, TechCrunch Berlin. Since 2016, moderator of entrepreneurial programs at the Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO. For a number of years, he worked at MTS and communication agencies and was engaged in PR support for the activities of Microsoft, Intel and other companies in the high-tech sector. Member of the first board of the Leukemia Foundation, created with the participation of the Skolkovo Volunteer Club. The Foundation became the first example of a corporate merger in the field of charity in Russia. Co-author of the SKOLKOVO School alumni community development strategy. Guest lecturer at the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University. Co-organizer of the inter-university business student game PRaktika. Graduate of the SKOLKOVO Practicum-2 program (graduation of 2014).
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4/8/2022 • 2 hours, 52 minutes, 20 seconds Anastasia Staroverova | Анастасия Староверова Anastasia Staroverova is the founder and CEO of Connect+, a kind of Tinder for communities based on people's interests and their geolocation, powered by AI. Graduate of Bauman Moscow State Technical University with honors. In 2019, Microsoft Russia chose her as IT Woman of the Year. In 2021, Anastasia represented Russia at the GSEA International Entrepreneurship Award in South Africa. The face of youth entrepreneurship in Russia since 2019. Included in the Top-100 Russian-speaking Females Tech Founders.
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4/7/2022 • 2 hours, 2 minutes, 20 seconds Takhir Kholikberdiev | Тахир Холикбердиев Takhir Kholikberdiev, a restaurateur who owns three establishments: the "Scotina" meat restaurant and the "Mr. Drunke bar" in Krasnodar, and "BARBOSCO" in Moscow.
Before opening his first project, Tahir managed to graduate from the journalism faculty, work as a correspondent for sports newspapers and even become a PR director for Megafon-North Caucasus, and in 2011 he began his studies at Le Cordon Bleu (the most famous culinary school in France). One of Tahir's most famous projects is Scotina in Krasnodar, which uses only local products that can be found within a radius of 200 km from the restaurant, and follows the philosophy of sustainable meat consumption. Then Tahir's Moscow projects appeared - the legendary "Southerners", the butcher's shop "Adam's Rib" and the cozy neo-bistro "Peqlo Asian Barbecue".
But the main project of Takhir opened in October 2020. BARBOSCO started working on the first line of GUM with the best view of Red Square. The main direction in the menu is European and Asian fusion, as well as sections with elements of Russian national gastrocultures. Emphasis is placed on meat and fish delicacies, local products, vegetables, meat, and fish. Seasonal cocktails change depending on the season.
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4/7/2022 • 1 hour, 48 minutes, 50 seconds Evgeniya Shestova | Евгения Шестова Evgeniya Shestova, university lecturer, associate professor of the Department of Contemporary Problems of Philosophy, Russian State University for the Humanities, senior editor of the publishing department of the "Victoria - Art of Contemporary" foundation. Scientific secretary of the Yearbook of Phenomenological Philosophy. She graduated from the Literary Institute with a degree in literary work, then master's and postgraduate studies at the Russian State University for the Humanities in philosophy, teaches courses in hermeneutics, phenomenology, academic writing and general philosophy. Lives in Moscow.
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4/6/2022 • 2 hours, 16 minutes, 32 seconds George Goognin | Юрий Гугнин George Goognin is a serial entrepreneur, he launched his first startup in 2007. Automated large financial corporations and e-commerce (Apple, Nike, Samsung, Lego) from 2008 to 2017. Co-founded RIK, one of the first business schools focused on digital management and production. Produced dozens of courses, educated 1,000+ people personally. Launched the online SMB lending platform Karma in 2017. Now he's a co-founder of Evita DAO, owned by the students, who get paid for learning web3. He believes that human capital is the most valuable asset we have, people's happiness is more important than GDP, we can build a new civilization of prosperity, where people focus on creativity and exploration instead of survival.
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4/5/2022 • 1 hour, 48 minutes Evgeny Pinelis | Евгений Пинелис Evgeny Pinelis, Born in Moscow in 1980, physician in critical care medicine, moved to USA 2003, live in NYC since 2012.
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4/4/2022 • 1 hour, 31 minutes, 3 seconds Victor Shiryaev | Виктор Ширяев Victor Shiryaev teaches modern evidence-based meditation and writes, translates and speaks on human wellbeing, contemplative studies and mindfulness-related topics. Over the years, he taught mindfulness to oil and IT companies, school teachers and psychotherapists, yoga teachers, maritime professionals and parents. His primary meditation teacher is Shinzen Young, and his current interest lies in early nondual mahayana practices and what they can offer to us, 21-century humans, as well as in social forms of meditation. He has degrees in sinology and integral theory, a certificate in embodiment facilitation, and spent more than half a year in silent meditation retreats. He cofounded Mindspot, a mindfulness practice center, and Eros and Kosmos, the integral magazine. Together with Mindspot, he trains mindfulness instructors.
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3/28/2022 • 1 hour, 46 minutes, 43 seconds Vasily Sumanov | Василий Суманов Vasily Sumanov - Ph.D., researcher, a contributor to PowerPool DAO as head of research. Vasily is an early web3 enthusiast and an active member of the Token Engineering community. He created a classification of value capturing mechanisms for digital assets and is a co-author of the “A Hitchhiker’s Guide to Token Engineering” book.
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3/21/2022 • 1 hour, 51 minutes, 50 seconds Danny Chepenko | Даниил Чепенко Danny Chepenko is currently working on SpatialChat proximity video chat tool for events and remote collaboration. As a member of the founding team, he has worn multiple hats from the business side since establishment, but now mostly focusing on Growth. Previous background includes data science in Yahoo Japan and growth, quant engineer in Hong Kong fintech startup backed by Alibaba, various digital marketing positions in Russian media, and boostrastrpping educational startup.
Apart from the main activity, Danny is a contributor and ecosystem developer of the PyTorch framework for Deep Learning research and development called Catalyst.
Graduated from Bauman Moscow State Technical University with a power engineering degree and Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in computer science. Curating a popular blog about Asian tech in Telegram and a self-hosted blog.
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3/19/2022 • 2 hours, 6 minutes, 21 seconds Daria Reutovich | Дарья Реутович Daria Reutovich has 7+ years of project management and operations management experience in settings ranging from big IT companies like IBA (IBM Alliance) to startup support service providers to venture capital companies. Currently, Daria is an Operations Director at Rockstart (a global early-stage investor that empowers purpose-driven founders across three domains: Energy, AgriFood, and Emerging Technologies) and is a member of its Management board.
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3/18/2022 • 1 hour, 56 minutes, 14 seconds Mikhail Kokorich | Михаил Кокорич Mikhail Kokorich is a seasoned space entrepreneur. He started several aerospace companies. His last company, Destinus, is building a hydrogen-powered hybrid of a rocket and airplane. Mikhail also founded companies like Helios Wire (satellite IoT operator, sold to EchoStar), Astro Digital (of the notable microsatellite company in the U.S.), and Momentus, which became public in NASDAQ.
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3/18/2022 • 1 hour, 49 minutes, 47 seconds Aleksandra Bezrodnova | Александра Безроднова Aleksandra Bezrodnova - Social Psychologist, Trainer, Certified Embodiment Facilitator (EFC Russia), Certified Bodymind Gestalt Therapy Practitioner, International Teacher of Contact Improvisation and Body Mindfulness, Deep Listening Method Practitioner, Leading Author's Courses for People in Helping Professions, Leading Trainings for Trainers, Developer of Teaching Methods deep-sea dance Ocean Dance, freediver, ecologist, organizer and host of retreats and festivals in connection with nature, host of the blog “Body My Home. Simple tools for life.”
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3/17/2022 • 2 hours, 8 minutes, 11 seconds Oleg Radzinsky | Олег Радзинский Oleg Radzinsky is a former investment banker turned writer. He was born in Moscow to a family of well-known Soviet literati: his maternal grandmother, Lia Geraskina was one of the most frequently published Soviet children’s writers, and his father, Edvard, is one of the most prominent Soviet/Russian playwrights and historians working today. Upon graduating from Moscow University in 1982, he tried to escape the literary path fate had wrought in his genes and decided to become a dissident. He was arrested by the KGB in 1982 and sentenced to six years of maximum security imprisonment and internal exile. He served his term in the infamous KGB Lefortovo prison and then in Siberia, where he worked as a logger. He was pardoned in 1987 along with other Soviet dissidents.
Oleg emigrated to America and – to his surprise – learned that neither loggers nor Russian literature specialists were in high demand in New York City. He went to Columbia University to receive his Masters in International Affairs (Finance), and after many years on Wall Street published his first book, a collection of short stories titled A VISIT, in 2000. His next book, the novel SURINAM (2008), became a best-seller in Russia. THE OBSERVER was published in 2014 by AST under the title AGAFONKIN AND TIME. He has then written a memoir of his Soviet youth and his imprisonment, ACCIDENTAL LIVES, which quickly became a bestseller in Russia. In 2021, he published his last novel, GODS AND SPARES, in which he, sadly, foresaw the current war between Russia and Ukraine. Oleg lives in London.
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3/16/2022 • 2 hours, 4 minutes, 40 seconds Evgeniya Volunkova | Евгения Волункова Evgeniya Volunkova - Special Correspondent of Takie Dela, author of a book on social journalism "Subtexts" and a book about women in the North Caucasus. In between jobs, she travels the world.
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3/15/2022 • 1 hour, 55 minutes, 43 seconds Volodymyr Panchenko | Владимир Панченко Volodymyr Panchenko is a video game and technology entrepreneur with over 15 years of experience, Founder and CEO of DMarket. Vlad is now building new gaming and esports metaverses, and is focused on the future of the in-game items industry — one that covers the needs of 2.9 billion gamers worldwide. His cosmopolitan life views have formed his business approach of a world without borders through gaming and interactive entertainment companies.
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3/11/2022 • 2 hours, 22 minutes, 20 seconds Sofya Danko | Софья Данько Sofya Danko Associate Professor at the Higher School of Economics, teacher of logic and philosophy. Interests - the work of Ludwig Wittgenstein.
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3/9/2022 • 2 hours, 23 minutes, 27 seconds Andrey Movchan | Андрей Мовчан Andrey Movchan is a well-known economist, financier, investment manager and managing partner of Movchan’s Group, an investment management group of companies focused on managing of conservative liquid investments. Andrey is experienced researcher and author of multiple articles researches and papers in the field of investments, macroeconomy, strategy, geo-economics.
Former Executive Director of Russia's largest investment Bank «Troika Dialog», the founder and Chairman of the Board of the group «Renaissance Investment Management» with assets under management of $7 billion, the founder of «Third Rome». Expert of the Carnegie Foundation Economic program. Winner of many awards and honors, in particular, «Best asset manager» according to Russian Forbes, «Best CEO of the asset management company» according to RBC, «Legend of the industry» according to SPEAR's, «Manager of the year» according to RBC, etc. Author of the book «Russia in the era of post-truth», many articles and lectures on Economics and Finance. He was twice given «Presszvanie» award for his contribution to business journalism. Graduate of Moscow State University of Lomonosov, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, and University of Chicago (Booth School of Business).
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3/7/2022 • 1 hour, 47 minutes, 29 seconds Alibek Junisbayev | Алибек Джунисбаев Alibek Junisbayev is a one of the few who can claim to have built multiple banks in multiple countries. He has spent 25 years building banks across Middle East, Africa, Europe and the US. He is now partnering with a century-old financial institution and is on a mission to build 1000 more banks in the next few years.
Alibek is a CEO of AWSM bank, the socially responsible U.S. challenger bank, is a technology company that teaches teens, as well as their parents, financial literacy by intertwining theoretical content with full-service banking. No boring textbooks, no boring videos.
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3/6/2022 • 1 hour, 56 minutes, 40 seconds Igor Kochetkov | Игорь Кочетков Igor Kochetkov is a Russian public figure, human rights activist, publicist, LGBT activist, one of the founders of the Russian LGBT Network. In 2013, he was included in the list of "100 global thinkers of our time" by Foreign Policy magazine. In 2014, he was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. In 2018, Igor Kochetkov, together with Novaya Gazeta's special correspondent Elena Milashina, received an award from the American organization Freedom House for their work for the benefit of people who suffered during the persecution of LGBT people in Chechnya. On November 12, 2021, the Russian Ministry of Justice included Igor Kochetkov in the register of media outlets as “foreign agents”.
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3/5/2022 • 2 hours, 5 minutes, 36 seconds Alexander Ratakhin | Александр Ратахин Alexander Ratakhin was born in Vladivostok in 1978. He graduated from the Academic Lyceum in the city of Tomsk. He was especially fond of mathematics (he was the winner of city and regional Olympiads, participated in the international one). In 2000 he graduated from Tomsk State University, Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics. He taught mathematics and business disciplines at TSU and in the MBA program. From 2003 to 2014, he worked for a large company in the field of process control systems, the last 4 years as a group managing director. Since 2014, he has gone into entrepreneurial activity. Today it is a co-owner of 4 companies: AWT is the Russian leader in the B2B water treatment market (exporter to 7 countries), Infomatix is one of the leading companies in the market of digital services for public transport passengers, PROFITEROLE is the development of software in the field of NFT marketplaces, WORCH is a mobile application for conducting surveys, owned BANDLINK - a platform for services for musicians, at the beginning of 2022, this project was sold to Yandex. Receives an EMBA degree in HKUST/SK (EURASIA).
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2/27/2022 • 2 hours, 4 minutes, 19 seconds Oleg Zhuravlev | Олег Журавлев Oleg Zhuravlev is a sociologist, member of the Public Sociology Laboratory at the Center for Independent Sociological Research (Russia). Oleg was a postgraduate student at the European University Institute (Italy), where he successfully defended his dissertation and received a PhD degree. Member of the Russian Socialist Movement.
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2/26/2022 • 2 hours, 11 minutes, 10 seconds Olga Scheps was born in Moscow in 1986, the daughter of two pianists, and discovered the instrument for herself at the age of four. She began studying the piano more intensively after her family moved to Germany in 1992. At an early age she had already developed her own unique style of keyboard playing, which combines intense emotiveness and powerful expressivity with extraordinary pianistic technique. Among those who discovered these talents was Alfred Brendel, who has encouraged the young pianist. A holder of scholarships from the Deutsche Stiftung Musikleben and Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes, she completed her studies with Professor Pavel Gililov in her adopted home of Cologne in 2013, passing her Concert Examination with Distinction. She rounded out her training with Professor Arie Vardi and Professor Dmitri Bashkirov.
Olga Scheps now performs with great success in world-famous concert halls such as the Elbphilharmonie, the Berlin and Cologne Philharmonie, the Vienna Konzerthaus, the Cadogan Hall London, the Zurich Tonhalle, and the Suntory Hall Tokyo. She is a sought-after guest at festivals like the Rheingau Musik Festival, Festspiele Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Kissinger Sommer, Heidelberger Frühling, Klavier-Festival Ruhr, Schleswig-Holstein Musik Festival, MDR Musiksommer, Lucerne Festival am Piano, ACHTBRÜCKEN Festival in Cologne, Mozart Festival Würzburg, Mersin Festival in Turkey, and Menuhin Festival Gstaad.
Since 2009 Olga Scheps has been an exclusive Sony Classical artist. Her debut album ‘Chopin’ immediately won an ECHO Klassik award. The two recordings that followed, ‘Russian Album’ (2010) and ‘Schubert’ (2012), were also highly praised by the press. Her fourth Sony Classical CD was released early in 2014 and features Chopin’s Piano Concertos nos. 1 and 2 with the Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra. The success of her solo-album ‘Vocalise’, published in 2015, was surpassed by her latest album ‘Satie’ which Olga Scheps has recorded on the occasion of the French composer’s 150th birthday: It reached top 1 of the German classical music charts at first go. Her CD "Tchaikovsky" was released in October 2017 and she broke new ground with the album "100 % Scooter - Piano Only", on which she recorded arrangements of the most famous Scooter hits by Sven Helbig. In March 2019 Olga Scheps’ album “Melody” was released, containing pieces spanning four centuries, from Bach to Aphex Twin. Her recording of the Weinberg Piano Quintet with the Kuss Quartet was released in late 2019. Olga Scheps is a Steinway Artist.
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2/25/2022 • 1 hour, 56 minutes, 58 seconds Darya Sysoeva | Дарья Сысоева Darya Sysoeva - Ex-co founder and Chief Production Officer of IT startups "Fooder" (USA, Europe, Russia), "TeamJet" (Russia, CIS). She created more than 30 IT products for "Chaykhon No. 1", "Domino's Pizza" , as well as "Yandex", "Boston Consulting Group" and many others. Darya won 5 gold awards for the best mobile apps "Golden App 2016, 2017" in the categories «Best App 2016» (Fonbet), «Medicine&Health» (My Doctor), «E-commerce» (Aizel), «Entertainment» (ShowJet), «Finance» (PayQR). She was the Head of IT departments "MegaFon", "YOTA". Ex-speaker and tutor of the Business Accelerator of IT startups "Peri Innovations» and "Higher British School of Design". Darya created a training program "how to build IT products" for the Business Accelerator under the government of Kazakhstan. Created media for the generation Z ~1mln (tiktok). She is still in the IT & Marketing business.
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2/25/2022 • 2 hours, 14 minutes, 44 seconds Eugene Lisovskiy | Евгений Лисовский Eugene Lisovskiy is a serial entrepreneur, Co-Founder and COO of LevelUpBasket.com, global "Strava" for basketball players and coaches. Ex-CEO of Maps.me – #1 travel maps with 150M installs globally, ex-CMO of LitRes.com - #1 e-book store in Russia & CIS (25M users), co-founder of MoikaMoika.ru – app for carwash booking (exited in 2018), co-founder of OpenPlaceReviews.org - global decentralized platform (blockchain) for trusted ratings & reviews (pivoted to open source), ex-CMO of FastLane Ventures, ex-CMO of Radmin.com.
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2/24/2022 • 1 hour, 55 minutes, 58 seconds Vladislav Lectorsky | Владислав Лекторский Vladislav Lectorsky - Professor, Doctor of Philosophy, Principal researcher at the Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Academic Supervisor of the Faculty of Philosophy, State Academic University of Humanitarian Sciences (GAUGN), Head of the Department of Epistemology and Logic of the Philosophical Faculty of GAUGN.
Vladislav was born in 1932 in Moscow. He graduated from school in 1950. In 1955. Graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy of the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov. In 1957-1959 post-graduate student of the Institute of Philosophy of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. From 1959 to the present, he has been working at the same Institute - first, as a junior researcher, then as a senior researcher, in 1969-2016. head of the sector of the theory of knowledge, from 2016 to the present time the chief researcher.
Vladislav is a Full Member of the Russian Academy of Education, Full Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Member of the International Institute of Philosophy (Paris, France), Member of the International Academy of Philosophy (Yerevan, Armenia), Full Member of the International Academy of the Philosophy of science (Bruхelles, Belgium), a Foreign Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan, Foreign Member of the Center of Philosophy of Science University of Pittsburgh (Pittsburgh, USA), Honorary Professor of the Institute of Philosophy, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (Beijing, China).
Vladislav is also a Chief research fellow of the Institute of Philosophy of Russian Academy of Sciences (IPhRAS), Editor-in-chief of the journal "Philosophy of science and technology", Deputy Head of the interdisciplinary seminar on "Exact methods in humanitarian sciences" at the Presidium of RAS, Head of the Scientific Council for methodology of Artificial intelligence and cognitive sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Member of the specialized Academic Council in ontology, epistemology and philosophy of science of IPhRAS, Head of the Academic Council of the Faculty of Philosophy, Higher School of Economics.
For many years he worked in the governing bodies of various international organizations: in 1988-2003. Vladislav was a member of the Board of Directors of the International Federation of Philosophical Societies (in 1993-1998 he was vice-president of this Federation), in 1998-2005 he was a member of the executive committee of the International Society for the Study of Activity and Culture, in 1991-1995 he was Assessor of the Department of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science of the International Union of Philosophy and History of Science.
He has over 600 scientific publications. Prepared 40 doctors and candidates of sciences.
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2/23/2022 • 1 hour, 40 minutes, 41 seconds Andriy Myachykov | Андрей Мячиков Andriy Myachykov is a cognitive scientist and psycholinguist who studies mechanisms of linguistic communication and semantics. He is an Associate Professor at the Department of Psychology, Northumbria University, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. He is also a Visiting Professor at the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, Higher School of Economics, Moscow.
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2/22/2022 • 2 hours, 4 minutes, 11 seconds Gala Maksudova | Гала Максудова Gala Maksudova, lecturer, PhD candidate in Philosophy, philosophy research assistant in the International laboratory for logic, linguistics and formal philosophy, tutor in Yandex.Praktikum. In her research Gala is trying to establish links between logic, psychology and social processes.
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2/21/2022 • 2 hours, 12 minutes, 45 seconds Victor Gorbatov | Виктор Горбатов Victor Gorbatov is a logician, expert in argumentation and critical thinking. He graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University in 1998, since then he has been teaching logic and philosophy since 2013 - critical thinking. The longest place of work is the Higher School of Economics (12 years). In 2020, he was fired from there - for political reasons, as he believes. Immediately after that, together with other dismissed colleagues, he participated in the creation of the Free University (Moscow), where he teaches to this day. Participated in the creation of the online course "Critical Thinking" for Yandex.Practicum. He also promotes logic and argumentation theory, teaches courses on the LevelOne platform.
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2/20/2022 • 2 hours, 5 minutes, 19 seconds Irina Sokolova | Ирина Соколова Irina Sokolova, Psychologist and director of the animation studio Yes. Developer of the multi-therapy methodology to help children in difficult life situations. Co-author of projects "Future Today", HUMRA, Green Camp, etc. Leading gestalt groups for adults.
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2/19/2022 • 1 hour, 54 minutes, 4 seconds Daniel Tonkopiy | Даниил Тонкопий Daniel Tonkopiy is a serial entrepreneur with 10 years of experience, CEO and co-founder of Delfast Inc, the electric bikes company with the Guinness World Record for the longest distance traveled on a single charge. Daniel launched Delfast in 2014 as the 1-hour delivery service using long-range, eco-friendly vehicles. Currently, the mission of the company is to produce an energy-efficient e-transport that rides long enough with effectively managed battery resources. People in over 40 countries enjoy the ride with Delfast using e-bikes for professional needs. Delfast partnerships include dealers in the US, South Africa and the EU, police departments in the US and Mexico.
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2/18/2022 • 2 hours, 2 minutes, 17 seconds Petr Bubnov and Dmitry Ageev | Петр Бубнов и Дмитрий Агеев Petr Bubnov is a professional financier and venture investor. More than 20 years in the securities market - went from an analyst in a brokerage company to a business owner. Co-founder and co-owner of the financial company NRFC, partner of the FL1 private equity fund in the USA. For the last three years, together with a partner, he has been developing his own business, during which time he managed to assemble a team of professionals and create a reliable infrastructure that allows NRFC clients to have access to the best investment products in terms of quality and profitability. The capital of investors who trust the expertise of NRFC is more than $250 million. He is a member of leading business clubs, speaks as an expert at specialized conferences, and leads a talk channel dedicated to venture investments. Married, 4 children.
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Dmitry Ageev is Executive Director of SKOLKOVO Wealth Transformation Center established by the initiative of Ruben Vardanyan for the HN-UHNWI community in Russia support and customer development. He is maintaining partnerships with major private banking, luxury products, and services providers, multi/single family offices. His primary focus is research, consultancy, educational efforts, and conferences for HN-UHNWI families on the issues of Wealth Management: Personal Finance, Succession Planning, Family Business, Philanthropy (including social impact projects). Producer of the largest online/offline annual conference platform in Russia for HNWI and infrastructure – Wealth Knowledge Day. Previously in his carrier, Dmitry was holding executive and expert positions at large Russian and multinational companies (ConocoPhillips, RUSAL, Rostelecom, Johnson & Johnson) at strategic human resources and corporate social responsibility.
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2/17/2022 • 1 hour, 43 minutes, 17 seconds Oleg Korablev | Олег Кораблев Oleg Korablev is the Head of Department at Space Research Institute, Moscow. He develops science instruments for interplanetary spacecraft. His recent device at ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter has set a very low upper limit on methane, being continuously detected at the surface by the Curiosity rover but discovered a new chemically active species, the hydrogen chloride.
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2/16/2022 • 1 hour, 46 minutes, 34 seconds Andrey Makeev | Андрей Макеев Andrey Makeev is an entrepreneur, founder of the Flowwow marketplace. This is a service that brings together customers, shops and couriers. The marketplace hosts more than 6,000 stores. In 2021, the annual turnover amounted to 2.5 billion rubles. Flowwow is the market leader in the gift and flower theme in Russia.
Andrey directly invented and created with the team: client applications, client web interfaces, applications with an automatic quality control system for stores, web accounting systems, direct marketing system automation systems, automated ticket systems, courier applications with automatic logistics systems, pricing and hiring couriers. The service has its own FMART franchise, as of February 14, 2022, it has 56 stores and 15 under construction.
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2/14/2022 • 2 hours, 38 minutes, 47 seconds Denys Grabchak | Денис Грабчак Denys Grabchak is a Co-Founder and CEO of Performetry = Google Analytics for people data. Backed by Techstars, Altair Capital and senior technology leaders across the US (Google, Linkedin, Salesforce, Cisco, Dropbox, Airbnb, Juniper Networks, etc.), Performetry is on a mission to change how work works.
Denys has over 15 years of professional experience which includes running the 2nd largest budget at Google and setting up a Groups, Pages and Events Trust and Safety department at Facebook. Educated: Cambridge, Oxford, Edinburgh, Eton.
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2/13/2022 • 2 hours, 15 minutes, 1 second Svetlana Anokhina | Светлана Анохина Svetlana Anokhina is a prominent women human rights defender, journalist, and outspoken advocate for women's rights from Dagestan. She is editor-in-chief of the Internet portal Daptar.ru, founder and leader of the Marem activist group, which helps women in difficult situations. Activist of the Our City group, which protects urban spaces and green areas of Makhachkala.
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2/12/2022 • 1 hour, 37 minutes, 21 seconds Anna Mesheryakova | Анна Мещерякова Anna Mesheryakova is an impact entrepreneur, co-founder and CEO of Third Opinion Platform. Anna has been in business since the age of 17, she has gone from a sales manager to a co-founder and head of successful startups in two new fast-growing niches: FoodTech and HealthTech.
Anna graduated from school as an external student at the age of 15. She considered getting higher education in two universities (RGGU "World Economy", "Institute of Practical Oriental Studies") a necessary basis for future development. From the third year, switching to a distance learning format, Anna was engaged in organizing sales of computer and telecom equipment in a company that she later headed. At 23, she was appointed CEO.
More than 10 years of managing a large trading company have shaped Anna's understanding of the true goals, experience, and starting opportunities in order to devote herself to system innovation. During the same time, Anna was trained and received an EMBA degree at the Cambridge Judge School and became a mother.
As an impact entrepreneur, it is important for Anna that the company and the products it creates are aimed at bringing beneficial systemic changes to the lives of more people. Today, Anna's focus is on the development of a key asset - the Third Opinion Platform. The company is implementing innovative solutions in clinics across the country, taking part in the launched national programs for the digital transformation of the healthcare industry. Today Third Opinion is one of the most recognizable brands in the AI medical industry.
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2/11/2022 • 2 hours, 34 minutes, 39 seconds Mikhail Katsnelson | Михаил Кацнельсон Mikhail Katsnelson graduated from the Ural State University in 1977 and then worked (until 2002) at the Institute of Physics of Metals (Sverdlovsk, now Yekaterinburg), last position - Head. laboratory of the quantum theory of metals. At the same time, he worked at the Ural University in the departments of theoretical physics, mathematical physics and in the SUNC ("Lyceum"). Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, laureate of the Lenin Komsomol Prize (1988).
Since 2002 he has been living and working in Sweden (Uppsala, 2002-2004) and in the Netherlands (since 2004, professor and head of the condensed matter theory group at Radboud University, Nijmegen). Elected member of a number of academies (European Academy, Royal Netherlands Academy, Royal Scientific Society in Uppsala). Laureate of the Spinoza Prize (2013) and the Hamburg Prize for Theoretical Physics (2016), Knight of the Order of the Netherlands Lion (2011). One of the most cited authors on condensed matter theory.
Known mainly for his work on graphene and other two-dimensional materials, on the theory of magnetism and on the electronic structure of strongly correlated systems. He also deals with general issues of physics and natural science, including the foundations of quantum mechanics and statistical physics, the application of methods of statistical physics in biology, the nature of complexity.
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2/10/2022 • 2 hours, 2 minutes, 51 seconds Vasily Voropaev | Василий Воропаев Vasily Voropaev is a serial entrepreneur, business angel, CEO and founder of Smartbrain.io and Rubrain.com, pioneer of the Eastern Europe freelance and remote-work market with 20+ years of IT experience. Successful multimillion (USD) exit from the company he founded – the biggest freelance and remote work marketplace in Europe.
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2/9/2022 • 2 hours, 3 minutes, 1 second Zamir Shukhov | Замир Шухов Zamir Shukhov is the Founder and General Partner of Vibranium.VC fund, CEO and partner of the Global Venture Alliance, serial entrepreneur (created 10 companies and organizations), business angel/investor, an expert in venture capital, management, acceleration, corporate innovation and marketing over 19 years of professional career.
Former Managing Partner of GVA Capital Fund 1, partner of GVA LaunchGurus Fund 1, mentor of startups, author of a column in Forbes Russia and 48 publications in leading media, certified coach of the Stanford I2M program. Included in the TOP-30 of the most prominent participants in the venture capital industry according to MoneytoStartup.ru. Member of the Council of Entrepreneurs of the city of Moscow, Lecturer of EMBA programs on innovations.
Under his management, 550+ events were organized and 40 accelerators were created: MEGA Accelerator, PepsiCo Lab, MTS Startup HUB, Startup Kazakhstan, Faberlic Accelerator, GVA TeenStart, SteelTech Accelerator, ED2 EdTech Accelerator, ForestTech Accelerator, Tech Export to India, and many other leading programs, through which 1250+ startups have passed.
GVA has received a number of awards, including the World No. 1 Private Business Accelerator by UBI Global. GVA funds have invested about $ 150 mln in 220+ startups around the world. Zamir has 39 professional commendations from the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, UNESCO, RVC, Skolkovo, IBM, MTS, Severstal and many other significant organizations.
He is married with three children & a dog, loves sports, yachting and outdoor activities. Engaged in volunteering and charity work in his spare time.
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2/7/2022 • 1 hour, 56 minutes, 11 seconds Laima Irbis | Лайма Ирбис Laima Irbis, film actress. Always on the move) Lives with a cat as it seems to right be for a strong and independent woman. In parallel, she is engaged in international real estate. Laima lived in several countries and now she is falling in love with Moscow again.
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2/6/2022 • 2 hours, 1 minute, 38 seconds Mikhail Sobolev | Михаил Соболев Mikhail Sobolev is a psychologist, psychoanalyst, member of the New Lacanian School (NLS) and the World Association of Psychoanalysis (MPA).
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2/5/2022 • 2 hours, 11 minutes, 43 seconds Alexey Pospekhov | Алексей Поспехов Alexey Pospekhov, entrepreneur, an expert in strategic and GR communications, Founder of Missiontech.co, a relocation company that creates products and services that open up opportunities for the start and growth of technology startups in the EU market. The company provides support to projects at all stages - from registration of documents and team relocation to the search for partners and investors. Thanks to this, entrepreneurs can focus on building and growing their business, without wasting time on bureaucracy and adapting to a new market.
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2/4/2022 • 1 hour, 59 minutes, 17 seconds Maxim Imass | Максим Имасс Maxim Imass is an organizational consultant, business coach, psychotherapist specializing in the assessment, development and performance improvement of leaders and management teams. Maxim is fond of psychology, cyclical sports: swimming in open water, cross-country skiing.
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2/3/2022 • 2 hours, 8 minutes, 48 seconds Bayram Annakov | Байрам Аннаков Bayram Annakov is a systems thinker, product guy and the founder and CEO of App in the Air, a personal travel assistant app with 6M+ users worldwide, featured in an iPad TV commercial and the World's Greatest App by Business Insider. App in the Air is designed for the modern frequent flier to plan, book, track and manage their travels.
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2/2/2022 • 1 hour, 47 minutes, 49 seconds Andrey Aksenov | Андрей Аксенов Andrey Aksenov, author of the podcast Decline of the Empire (Zakat Imperii in Russian), musician, teacher, leader, and counselor in a children's camp, programmer. Andrey is almost 40 years old and he lives on the Internet.
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2/2/2022 • 1 hour, 26 minutes, 50 seconds Anna Levinzon | Анна Левинзон Anna Levinzon is a senior lecturer at the HSE University's School of Linguistics in Moscow. She founded The Reading Lab (Laboratoria Chteniya in Russian) - an online school where Russian-speaking children develop reading skills and learn to interact with the text.
Anna's passion lies at the intersection of education and technology. Together with her team, they developed an innovative science-based approach to improve reading abilities in dyslexic kids.
Anna also created “The True Words” (Vernye Slova in Russian) - online courses on practical literacy for Russian-speaking children. She co-created “If you say so” (Kak skazhesh in Russian) - an online video course on Russian as a foreign language.
Anna graduated from Lomonosov Moscow State University and Paris Université VII, faculty of history and semiology of text and image.
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2/1/2022 • 2 hours, 1 minute, 19 seconds Mikhail Belousov | Михаил Белоусов Mikhail Belousov, Ph.D. in Philosophy, Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy at the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA), member of the editorial board of Horizon magazine. Phenomenological research. Graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy of the Russian State University for the Humanities (2005). He defended his Ph.D. thesis on "Time and Possibility of Experience: Kant, Husserl, Heidegger". Two research fellowships: 1) Karl-Franz University in Graz, Austria (2011) 2) Husserl-Archive at the University of Cologne, Cologne Germany (2013-2014, DAAD scholarship). Translator (from English and German) of various works on phenomenology, author of more than 70 scientific publications.
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1/31/2022 • 2 hours, 15 minutes, 31 seconds Aram Pakhchanian | Арам Пахчанян Aram Pakhchanian is Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Ayb Educational Foundation, Armenia, Vice President of ABBYY.
He is a member of the boards of trustees of two schools, a co-founder of the Ayb Educational Foundation, a member of the advisory board of TEDxYerevan, a member of the governing boards of development organizations, and he is actively involved in public initiatives. Since 2011, Aram has been writing a column in the authoritative Armenian publication Mediamax, and since the fall of 2021, a weekly program on education on the Internet TV channel Civilnet.
Since 2014, he has been director of the Ayb School, an internationally recognized center for radical modernization of the education system in Armenia, for six years. Since 1993, he has been involved in the development of the international technology company ABBYY, a leader in the development of intelligent content and business process management systems based on artificial intelligence.
Co-investor and member of the advisory board of the first venture fund in Armenia, Granatus Ventures.
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1/30/2022 • 2 hours, 6 minutes, 49 seconds Sergei Levin | Сергей Левин Sergei Levin is a Candidate of Sciences in Philosophy (Saint Petersburg University, 2015), associate professor at the National Research University Higher School of Economics in Saint Petersburg. Recently he taught the following courses: Introduction to Philosophy; History of Philosophy; Logic; Moral philosophy at the cinema: ethical theories and case studies. His current research interests are free will, ethics of investing, and philosophy of criminal law.
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1/29/2022 • 2 hours, 18 minutes, 56 seconds Victoria Duben | Виктория Дубень Victoria Duben grew up in a small town in Russia, with probably the highest rate of scientists per square meter… Most of them played tennis. That’s no doubt why she decided to pursue professional tennis as her first career!
Though, her predestined love for science would catch up with her later on: at 15 Victoria quit professional tennis to focus on her studies and graduated from Moscow State University with a Master's Degree in Physics. Then she spent nearly 10 years in Finance - at a hedge fund and in a brokerage, where she learned to evaluate different classes of assets, trade, build connections and sell.
At the age of 32, Victoria helped a friend raise funds to develop his idea - and that’s what triggered her new trajectory as a startup founder… which she considers her true destiny. She quit Finance and moved to the US and learned everything she could about startups. Victoria became obsessed with creating products and building a company.
She founded Viewst in November 2019 and it has since been her relentless passion and dream - to build a service, to help thousands of marketers and business owners to enjoy their work and deliver great results.
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1/28/2022 • 2 hours, 5 minutes, 59 seconds Ilya Matveev | Илья Матвеев Ilya Matveev is a political scientist. His background is in political theory and the dissertation is about the nexus between politics and scientific/theoretical knowledge. However, currently, he is engaged in empirical research on the Russian political economy in a broad sense: state-business relations, welfare state policies, economic inequality, state capitalist policies and international ambitions of Russian companies. Russian politics and political economy are his main research area. Together with Ilya Budraitskis, he co-hosts a Russian-language podcast Political Diary.
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1/27/2022 • 1 hour, 56 minutes, 48 seconds Anna Kostikova | Анна Костикова Anna Kostikova, Ph.D., Director of Data Science and Machine Learning at Novartis, co-founder of Asylia Diagnostics, advisor and mentor for biotech and life science early-stage companies. Founded 2 companies, ex-Booking, ex-Heineken.
Anna's core specialty is on the intersection of biotech / life science / healthcare and the utilization of AI and machine learning. She is passionate about the unprecedented level of innovation that AI/ML has to offer to life sciences and healthcare. After completing her doctorate degree in Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, and a series of post-docs, she became fascinated by what technology giants like Google, Amazon, Netflix, and Facebook, are doing with massive data. She went to Booking, one of the leading companies in online travel, and helped to grow the DS/ML team from 20 to 250 specialists, making it one of the largest EU-based data science teams. After several years in tech, she came back to the biopharma and founded InsideDNA (winner of TechCrunch Disrupt), and then Asylia Diagnostics (Catapult Award Winner). Since 3 last years, she leads a data science/ML team at Novartis headquarter in Basel and has been deeply involved in the formation of the entrepreneurial culture in TechxBio.
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1/25/2022 • 1 hour, 43 minutes, 49 seconds Alexey Dosovitskiy | Алексей Досовицкий Alexey Dosovitskiy is a machine learning researcher. He got a Ph.D. in mathematics from Moscow State University in 2012. He has since worked at the University of Freiburg, Intel, and Google, during which time he crucially contributed to multiple topics at the intersection of deep learning and computer vision: unsupervised learning, generative models, autonomous driving, robotics, 3D understanding, large-scale image understanding models. Recently Alexey moved to an early-stage startup working on applications of ML to RNA design.
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1/25/2022 • 2 hours, 10 minutes, 41 seconds Mikhail Batin | Михаил Батин Mikhail Batin is the President and Founder of the Science for Life Extension Foundation (Moscow, Russia) and the Co-Founder and Leader of Open Longevity (an international community and a nonprofit in aging research), the latter being the major focus at the moment. Open Longevity has a vast spectrum of projects: development of open databases in aging biology, running longevity schools, writing books, organizing art residency, and R&D of new automated test systems for potential geroprotectors, and many more.
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1/24/2022 • 2 hours, 5 minutes, 27 seconds Anna Scherer | Анна Шерер Anna Scherer is a clinical psychologist, psychoanalytic, psychotherapist, member of NPSA, International Society of Neuropsychoanalysis. Area of expertise: psychodynamic approach to leadership and management, neuro- and behavioral marketing. Anna is also the Founder of Marketing Evangelist. The idea behind the project is to develop a new business culture based on scientific data and customer-centricity.
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1/23/2022 • 1 hour, 59 minutes, 38 seconds Alexey Knyazev | Алексей Князев Alexey Knyazev - Doctor of Chemistry, Director of Engineering Chemical Technology Center, Acting Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry, National Research Tomsk State University. Laureate of the Russian Presidential Prize in the field of science and innovation for young scientists in 2009. Was born on July 28, 1978 in Tomsk.
Aleksey (and his brother Andrey Knyazev, director of the NOVOKHIM company) are the fourth generation of a family of chemical scientists who worked in Tomsk universities. Great-grandmother and great-grandfather graduated from Mendeleyevka (Russian Chemical Technical University named after D.I. Mendeleev) and in the five-year period of chemicalization of the whole country, which began in 1938, they came to develop chemistry in Tomsk. Great-grandfather, Nikolai Pavlovich Kurin, was already with a degree and headed one department at TPI, great-grandmother (Geniya Abramovna) - another, portraits of both hang now in the 2nd building of the Polytechnic University. My great-grandfather also has an obelisk in the 10th building - because after some time he began to study nuclear physics and headed the 43rd department, which trained personnel for the construction of the SCC. The grandfather of Alexei Knyazev, Mikhail Nikolaevich Kurin, also studied in Moscow at the Russian Chemical Technical University, returned to Tomsk and headed the 13th department - the one that deals with research at an experimental nuclear reactor. His wife, Larisa Nikolaevna, came from Novosibirsk and entered the Tomsk State University at the Faculty of Chemistry, where she then worked all her life. She headed the Department of Physical and Colloidal Chemistry, created a laboratory for catalytic research. Alexey Knyazev's mother - Elena Mikhailovna Knyazeva is also catalytic, now she is a teacher at the Department of General and Organic Chemistry at TPU.
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1/22/2022 • 1 hour, 57 minutes, 57 seconds Yuri Strofilov | Юрий Строфилов Yuri Strofilov is the Founder and head of Russia's largest running platform S10.run. The S10.run service is 20 thousand active runners, 200 coaches, weekly free challenges, runner rating, coach school, equipment store. He is the World Championship marathon winner in the 55+ age group (London 2021), Russian champion in the Masters 55+ category at a distance of 10 km (Kostroma 2021), Russian record holder in the 55+ age group in the marathon (London 2021). By his own example, Yuri is convinced that running people are hardy, calm, wise and creative. The more people running, the wiser, calmer, more creative and resilient the country. People cannot be forced to run, they only could be inspired.
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1/20/2022 • 2 hours, 12 minutes, 37 seconds Alexander Bachmann | Александр Бахман Alexander Bachmann was born on November 2, 1988, in Kazakhstan. At the age of 11, he moved to Germany with his parents. At the age of 15, with the advent of the Internet, he began to visit forums about games and movies, where he met Maxim Volokhov (now the head of Admitad Projects). He became a moderator on the same forum, in the process he became interested in online advertising. In the same year, he launched his first website on free hosting and then borrowed $27 from Volokhov to buy dedicated hosting and a domain. Having plunged into the Internet business, he abandoned his studies and left school, persuading his father to sign the appropriate permission.
First company
In 2006, he founded Binlayer, having received 25,000 Eur for authorized capital from an investor. In the same year, he turned 18, became the full owner. The company worked as a webmaster for the German affiliate network Zanox. At first, Binlayer worked in the red - at some point, the debt to the bank amounted to 100 thousand euros. Only a year and a half after the launch, it was possible to reach a steady profit and pay off debts. At the age of 19, he entered the top 10 webmasters in Germany.
Affiliate network Admitad
The development of Admitad's first business - the Admitad Affiliate platform, then simply Admitad - began in August 2009 in Minsk, where Maxim Volokhov's development team was located at that time. In March 2010, the partner network platform was launched.
The first major partner was Binlayer - it was traffic to online games in the German region. But it was not enough, and therefore it was decided to open a representative office in the CIS, where the niche of affiliate marketing at that time was free.
Already in 2010, the first major customers appeared, and a year later, after the first exhibition, Quelle, Lamoda and Sapato joined as advertisers. This was the beginning of the development of Admitad in E-commerce.
Admitad in 2022
For 11 years, Alexander and a team from a mono business have created a global IT company, where the partner network is one of the businesses. Admitad develops and invests in partner services, solutions for monetization and management of earned funds, media buying services and Smart Shopping solutions.
At the beginning of 2022, Admitad offices are located in 9 countries of the world, the company employs more than 900 employees, and the volume of sales attracted by partners to online stores, online travel and online services in 2021 exceeded $11 billion.
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1/18/2022 • 2 hours, 12 minutes, 36 seconds Dmitry Machulin | Дмитрий Мачулин Dmitry Machulin is the Founder and CEO of Beyond Esports is a service for entertaining gaming content and monetizing gaming time. Beyond.GG gaming platform was developed in the CIS by a team of experienced developers who love to play computer games with the goal to give gamers the opportunity to receive rewards for spending time in their favorite computer game. At the same time, the opportunity should extend to both skilled players and ordinary gamers who spend no more than a couple of hours a week in games. Currently Beyond platform has more than 94 000 active registered users from 47 countries.
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1/17/2022 • 2 hours, 14 minutes, 51 seconds Eugene Koonin | Евгений Кунин Eugene Koonin is the leader of the Evolutionary Genomics Group at the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) at the NIH. His group is engaged in research on genome evolution, especially in microbes and viruses, host-parasite coevolution, in particular, functions and evolution of CRISPR-Cas systems, and general physical theory of evolution. He received his Ph.D. in Molecular Biology in 1983 from the Department of Biology, Moscow State University. Eugene joined the NCBI in 1991 as a Visiting Scientist and became a Senior Investigator in 1996. He published the book “The Logic of Chance: The nature and origin of biological evolution” (2011) and founded Biology Direct, an Open Access, open peer-review journal. He is a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, American Academy of Microbiology, a member of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, a Foreign Associate of the European Molecular Biology Organization, and Academia Europea, and Doctor Honoris Causa of Universite Aix-Marseille (France) and Wageningen University (The Netherlands).
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1/16/2022 • 2 hours, 36 seconds Andrey Kuzmin | Андрей Кузьмин Andrey Kuzmin has been creating original computer games and companies for over 25 years: K-D LAB (Vangers, Moonshine Runners, Perimeter), KranX Productions (King's Bounty: Legions, Yumsters), NeoDinamika (Music Wars, Little Big Snake). Andrey was at the origin of Russian game development, has a lot of awards from the professional community, millions of people all over the world are familiar with his games. Known as a game designer of super-original concepts. He lives and creates in the Baltic city of Kaliningrad, a theoretical physicist by education, an algorithmic engineer to the bone, has a wide sphere of interests. Now he is developing a unique social role-playing Telegram bot Cleverage. Crypto Vegan.
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1/15/2022 • 2 hours, 14 minutes, 11 seconds Artem Borodatiuk | Артем Бородатюк Artem Borodatiuk is the Founder of Netpeak Group, which is a group of IT companies focused on providing digital marketing services, MarTech SaaS, EduTech, and B2C products. Netpeak Group has 750 employees, 5 000 paying clients (businesses) all over the world, 100 000 users, and its own investment fund. Artem is focused on the development of companies in Ukraine that are operating globally, but also is a founder of local social projects, such as Moye Misto (My City) and GladPet.
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1/14/2022 • 2 hours, 4 minutes, 34 seconds Olga Kulikova | Ольга Куликова Olga Kulikova is co-owner and CEO of Articul Group (IT and digital marketing). The company is the leader of many Russian rankings and has more than 150 awards from international and Russian advertising contests and festivals: 7 Runet Awards, Webby Awards, The Lovie Awards, Golden Drum, Cristal Festival, Global Awards, MIAF, KIAF, etc.
The Articul team, led by Olga, has the gratitude of the International Olympic Committee and the Government of the Russian Federation for their contribution to the creation of digital services for the 2014 Olympic Games.
Olga has worked and is working with many Russian and international companies, including Sochi2014, VTB Bank, RoyalCanin, business school Skolkovo, Samsung Electronics, Megafon, L'Oreal Alcon, KHL, RosAtom, IVI, etc.
She also specializes in business creation and development, digital business transformation; she advised and helped to create landmark projects on the Runet. She works as a mentor, tracker, and executive coach with company owners, top managers, and startups. HSE interviewee on the program "Psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic business consulting.
Certified member of the Association of Psychoanalytic Coaching and Business Consulting (APCBC), Associate Analytical-Network Coach, London. Graduated from the Russian State Medical University, Medical Cybernetics, Faculty of Medicine of the Université Henri Poincaré (France), psychoanalysis and business consulting of the HSE, Clinical Psychology of the Russian State Medical University, Clinical Psychoanalysis Institute n. Serbskogo.
Winner of the E&Y "Woman of the Year" competition, in the Marketing nomination, finalist of the E&Y "Entrepreneur of the Year" competition, finalist of the Leadership Coaching Awards 2020.
Two daughters, 19 & 17 years old.
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1/13/2022 • 2 hours, 14 minutes Andrey Krishnev | Андрей Кришнев Andrey Krishnev was born in 1978 in Ekaterinburg. He graduated from Urals Economic University in 2000, specializing in International Trade. From 2002 till 2010 Andrey was working in Procter & Gamble, taking various roles in sales and marketing, starting in Tyumen, then in Surgut, and eventually, he moved to Moscow HQ. It was an excellent "school" of FMCG's market leader. His last role there was Key Account Director with responsibility for business with X5/Dixy/Kopeyka.
As of 2010, Andrey joined Nike, the biggest sports brand worldwide. Andrey grew there from Key Account Director, being responsible for mono-brand franchise partners to Sales Director. Andrey has moved to Nike European HQ in the Netherlands in 2015, where he was successfully leading business with Deichmann Group (pan European retailer), building a new cross-functional international team from scratch. In 2017 Andrey has been promoted to the role of GM of Nike in Russia and came back to Moscow, being the 1st Russian person, who was trusted to run business in that position. Nike became #1 in the Russian market for 1st time ever under his leadership. It was achieved thru accelerating in digital, developing cross-functional collaboration with partners, implementing integrated retail and supply forecasting and planning, establishing a consumer-focused ecosystem of sport, embedding entrepreneurial culture in the organization.
Andrey has left Nike at the beginning of 2021 to local fashion company Gloria Jeans, which he left the same year. Currently, Andrey is partnering with various companies in the areas of sales, marketing, retail as consultant. Andrey loves sports: fitness, running, football, snowboarding, wakeboarding.
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1/12/2022 • 2 hours, 1 minute, 59 seconds Vladimir Schrader | Владимир Шрейдер Vladimir Schrader is the Founder and Design Director of the Glitché app, an award-winning visual editor and NFT-art tool used by world-renowned celebrities and brands.
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1/10/2022 • 1 hour, 58 minutes, 54 seconds Ksenia Sternina | Ксения Стернина Ksenia Sternina is a Co-founder of the UXSSR consulting firm, specializing in determining a product-market fit for startups and assisting companies in entering the global markets – the UK, Europe, the USA, and Asia. She is also a Vice-President of Ecommerce & UX Research at Arrival LTD – a manufacturer of commercial electric vehicles, headquartered in London.
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1/9/2022 • 1 hour, 56 minutes, 41 seconds Mikhail Kiselev | Михаил Киселев Mikhail Kiselev graduated from Moscow State University Dept. of Theoretical Physics in 1989. Obtained Ph.D. degree in computer science from Baumann Technology University in 1994. In 1994 he founded the company Megaputer Intelligence Ltd. (vendor of data & text mining system PolyAnalyst) and was its CEO until 2017. In 2014 he became an associate professor at Chuvash State University. In 2020 he has become the head of the Laboratory of Neuromorphic Computation at this university. In the past, he developed algorithms for data & text mining. Since the middle of the 2000th, the field of his scientific interests is spiking neural networks. Mikhail is developing software for computer simulation of large spiking neural networks, studying approaches to implementation of mechanisms of learning and memory in them, participating in the development of novel neuroprocessors, and conducting research aimed at a deeper understanding of the functioning of the natural spiking neural network - our brain.
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1/8/2022 • 1 hour, 37 minutes, 31 seconds Nikolay Plotnikov | Николай Плотников Nikolay Plotnikov, a specialist in metaphysical arts, master of transformation. Taoist (Daoism) coaching, philosophy, religion, and a way of life through practical implementation and consulting.
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1/7/2022 • 2 hours, 2 minutes, 18 seconds Nikita Ushakov | Никита Ушаков Nikita Ushakov is a Co-Founder of TraceAi, a construction management software powered by drones. Every week, they fly special drones over clients' construction sites to capture an accurate 3D copy of the site. Then, the cloud software compares the digital copy of the site with design documentation to track progress, find errors, and plan the next steps. He focuses on generating new business for the company through outbound channels. His hobbies include screenwriting, surfing and exploring the world.
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1/6/2022 • 2 hours, 1 minute, 26 seconds Evgeny Osin | Евгений Осин Evgeny Osin is a psychologist working in the fields of positive psychology, existential psychology, and psychometrics. His research interests focus on the well-being of individuals, organizations, and societies, as well as individual differences in the meaning of life, personality resources, and personality development. As a psychometrics consultant, he has developed measures and conducted large-scale surveys of employee well-being for various Russian and international entities. He also took part in the international expert working group organized by the Royal Government of Bhutan to develop policy recommendations aiming to promote sustainable happiness and wellbeing worldwide.
Evgeny obtained his Ph.D. from Lomonosov Moscow State University in 2007 and a professional degree in existential-analytic counseling from GLE-International and the Higher School of Economics in 2010. He has been active in research and teaching in Russia, the UK, and France. In 2018, he received the Scopus award for his outstanding contribution to psychology in Russia. In addition to his academic duties, he is a partner at Positran, a boutique consultancy offering positive psychology solutions to individuals, organizations, and governmental institutions.
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1/5/2022 • 1 hour, 59 minutes, 15 seconds Nikita Rvachev | Никита Рвачев Nikita Rvachev graduated from Bauman Moscow State Technical University, he is a co-founder of Aitarget company. Engaged in digital marketing for over 10 years, and in technology for over 15 years. Currently, he lives in New York and is building a Russian-speaking community. Interested in technology and art. He is married with two children.
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1/4/2022 • 2 hours, 3 minutes, 31 seconds Dmitry Kalupin | Дмитрий Калупин Dima Kalupin is a co-founder of Friday: a no-code platform for HR workflows, such as onboarding, training, random coffee, mentoring, etc. They've just raised a new investment round.
Graduated from St. Petersburg State University, Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics; didn't finish his master's degree at Vienna University of Economics and Business for the sake of an indistinct startup; was engaged in software development and strategic consulting; led marketing in digital forensics and made HFT robots; launched several micro-communities and one notable one. Previously the founding team of Friday developed dating for friendship, FriendZone (recently sold).
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1/3/2022 • 2 hours, 27 minutes, 6 seconds Vladimir Sevrinovsky | Владимир Севриновский Vladimir Sevrinovsky, Russian journalist, photographer, documentary filmmaker. Expert on the regions of Russia. Born in 1975. Vladimir has Ph.D. in Economics. In 2011 he abandoned a successful career in business to become a traveler and an independent journalist. He visited all 85 regions of Russia and wrote multiple award-winning stories. Later he began to support them with photos. Now his dominant sphere of interest is the Northern Caucasus. He became one of the leading experts on the ethnography of local nations. He also uses every chance to explore different cultures in other parts of Russia. He is regularly published both in the leading Russian mass media and the leading photo magazines. Vladimir produces documentaries for TV companies in Switzerland, Germany, and Great Britain. He is also the head of direction “Chechnya, Ingushetia, Dagestan” of the Caucasus Explorer, a Russian tour operator.
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12/31/2021 • 2 hours, 12 minutes, 52 seconds Andrei Patkul | Андрей Паткуль Andrei Patkul is a Candidate of Sciences in Philosophy, Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy of Science and Technologies of the Saint Petersburg State University, Associate Editor of Horizon. Studies in Phenomenology. He graduated from the philosophical faculty of Saint Petersburg University (1999). The candidate theses The Conceptualizations of Being in the Absolute Idealism of Hegel and Fundamental Ontology of Heidegger defended in 2004. Author of over 180 scientific publications, including the monograph under the title The Idea of Philosophy as a Science of Being in the Fundamental Ontology of Martin Heidegger (2020). Two research internships: the University of Passau, Germany (2002 – 2003) and Edmund Husserl Archive at the University Freiburg, Germany (2009). Translator from German of works of S. Maimon, F.W.J. Schelling, N. Hartmann, and C. F. Gethmann.
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12/30/2021 • 2 hours, 4 minutes, 21 seconds Oleg Malsagov | Олег Мальсагов Oleg Malsagov is an advisor to the Rector of University 2035, Co-founder and Managing Partner of the Techno-Brokerage Agency Business Alliance, Founder of the Scientific Communications Agency BOOM Communications, an independent consultant in business management.
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12/29/2021 • 2 hours, 53 minutes, 33 seconds Egor Khozyainov | Егор Хозяинов Egor Khozyainov is a cybersecurity expert at Sberbank. Presenter of BigFest, AVA EXPO, VK Fest Cosplay Zone. Hobbies: organizing and conducting quizzes.
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12/28/2021 • 2 hours, 18 minutes, 21 seconds Andrei Gudkov | Андрей Гудков Andrei Gudkov, Ph.D., D.Sc., is Professor of Oncology, Senior Vice President, Research Technology and Innovation, and Chair of the Department of Cell Stress Biology at Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center, Buffalo, NY, USA.
Dr. Gudkov was graduated from Moscow State University and obtained his Ph.D. and Doctor of Sciences degrees working in N.Blokhin Cancer Research Center in Moscow, USSR. Since 1990, lives in the US where he worked first at the University of Illinois at Chicago, then in Cleveland Clinic and, since 2007, at his current position in the world’s oldest cancer center in Buffalo, New York. Gudkov made pioneering contributions to several areas of oncology, radiation biology and anti-aging research. He authored more than 250 scientific papers, an inventor on more than 50 issued patents and founded several biotech companies, including Cleveland Biolabs, Incuron, Oncotartis, Genome Protection, that develop radioprotective, anticancer and anti-aging drugs based on his inventions.
Besides biotech startups, Dr. Gudkov founded a not-for-profit biomedical research entity, Vaika, Inc., that conducts clinical research in collaboration with Cornell University School of Veterinary and is aimed at understanding and extending healthspan and lifespan of domestic dogs (research facility located at Cornell University, Ithaca, NY).
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12/27/2021 • 1 hour, 43 minutes, 41 seconds Vladimir Mozhenkov | Владимир Моженков Vladimir Mozhenkov is a successful Russian entrepreneur and business consultant, the best Audi manager in Europe, the founder of the AutoSpecCentre Group of Companies and the Audi Center Taganka, Vice President of the Russian Automobile Dealers Association. Vladimir is the only business practitioner in Russia with management experience since 1991. Behind every word is 100,000 hours of work experience as a CEO.
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12/26/2021 • 2 hours, 1 minute, 6 seconds Alexander Pichugin | Александр Пичугин Alexander Pichugin is an expert In topics of Smart & Sustainable Cities and Human-Centred Service/Product Design.
Ex Co-Founder of an international brand communication agency with clients from 12 countries all over the globe ranging from sole entrepreneurs, startups’ MVPs to mid-sized companies and governmental entities. 8+ years in International Smart City projects and products: ideation, design, implementation. 15+ years of overall professional experience: software engineering, art direction and product design.
Alexander’s professional mission: “I aim to create and continuously improve the best human-centered products and sustainable living environment through the creation of rememberable experiences and by nudging every aspect of daily life (in a city or on a space station) with a touch of behavioral economics.”
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12/25/2021 • 2 hours, 12 minutes, 56 seconds Marie Saxon | Мари Саксон Marie Saxon is a professional neuropsychologist (15 years of practice), an expert in cognitive psychology and behavioral economics, a neuromarketologist.
Managed Great Crew, an international branding agency, with over 100 clients from 12 countries. In 2019, she founded the first school of applied neuromarketing and neurosciences in Russian, Brains & Brands.
Since 2002 he has been studying neurosciences. Special psychologist, diploma with honors. Refresher courses at Moscow State University "Neurophysiology of Behavior", "Understanding the Brain: The Neurobiology of Everyday Life" - The University of Chicago, "Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects", - University of California San Diego and others.
Long-term corrective practice: work with mental development and the development of cognitive abilities in health and disease. 10 years of experience as a brand and marketer. 100+ clients from 12 countries in the portfolio. Among the clients: Absolut Bank, Russian Export Center, large companies in Portugal, Spain and many others.
Conducts corporate training, publishes in Harvard Business Review, Forbes Woman, Psychologies, Forbes + 1, etc. In 2022, AST publishes her book The Lazy Brain.
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12/25/2021 • 2 hours, 14 minutes, 22 seconds Vitaly Peretyachenko | Виталий Перетяченко Vitaly Peretyachenko - businessman, physician, coach (ICF), an expert practitioner in metaphysical sciences (Germany), winner of the state award "The best graduate of the presidential management training program", researcher and expert practitioner in the field of human development, father of 4 children.
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12/23/2021 • 2 hours, 18 minutes, 53 seconds Alexander Bobenko | Александр Бобенко Alexander Bobenko is a professor of Mathematics at the Technische Universität Berlin, Germany. His fields of interest include geometry, mathematical physics and applications - in particular differential geometry, discrete differential geometry, integrable systems, Riemann surfaces, and geometry processing. He is currently coordinator of the DFG Transregional Collaborative Research Center "Discretization in Geometry and Dynamics".
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12/22/2021 • 1 hour, 29 minutes, 20 seconds Anna Putintseva | Анна Путинцева Anna Putintseva - IT GIRL, founder and CEO of the company in the field of artificial intelligence and monetization in free-to-play video games INCYMO.AI.
Anna's expertise is based on many years of experience in startup accelerators, as well as technology and IT projects. As part of startech.vc, Anna is successfully launching promising startups. Anna is now developing her innovative company INCYMO.AI, which is changing the gaming world by personalizing in-game purchase offers based on player behavior analysis.
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12/21/2021 • 2 hours, 33 seconds Polina Kolozaridi | Полина Колозариди Polina Kolozaridi is a social researcher focusing on the internet. Her key research interest is how do we know, feel, anticipate and imagine technologies. She is from Tomsk, Siberia. Polina coordinates a grassroots community of researchers (academic and not very academic ones) called a club for internet and society enthusiasts. Together with the club Polina organizes initiative research projects and acts as a knowledge activist. She teaches at the university Higher school of economics and other universities, the courses are about internet studies, amateur online media, and critical data studies.
Polina has a Ph.D. in Sociology, has stayed as a visiting scholar in different European Universities, such as King's College London, University of Bremen, University of Helsinki. She also works with the problem of people and technologies as an artist and curator.
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12/20/2021 • 1 hour, 53 minutes, 17 seconds Vladislav Akhtyrskiy | Владислав Ахтырский Vladislav Akhtyrskiy, a VFX compositing artist, supervisor and an engineer, whose portfolio features numerous Hollywood projects, including ‘Gravity’, ‘Beauty and the Beast’, ‘Midway’, ‘Edge of Tomorrow’, ‘Dracula Untold’, ‘Iron Man 3’ and many more.
Vladislav started his career in animation as a digital compositing artist and soon became a Compositing and VFX Supervisor on various projects. In 2009 he joined MPC London. Vladislav worked with Cinesite and Framestore in London and Montreal, and in 2016 MPC Vancouver announced Vladislav as a Head of Compositing Department, responsible for delivery, department work, internal academy training, pipeline optimization and automation. After that Vladislav worked on automation for 2D workflow.
As a speaker at SIGGRAPH, CGEvent, Total Chaos and other key industry events, he delivered dozens of masterclasses and presentations covering the latest trends and solutions.
In 2019, after some time of active research, Vladislav presented his first prototype, and in 2021 his team officially launched Tech-Va.com and released a game-changing AI-based automation solution for Nuke, designed to pull the key, identify markers and train your own models in just minutes, reducing manual work while keeping full control over prediction results.
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12/19/2021 • 2 hours, 15 minutes, 33 seconds Olga Alekseeva | Ольга Алексеева Olga Alekseeva is a co-founder and managing partner of SmartHub. 50+ startup investments in US, Europe and Asia-Pacific (4 exits), including Sweatcoin, TransferGo, Damon motorcycles and others. Vast experience in strategic planning, business development, and marketing in various international companies in IT, finances, and advertisement.
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12/18/2021 • 1 hour, 59 minutes, 25 seconds Andrey Gostev | Андрей Гостев Andrey Gostev is a Russian psychologist, Doctor of Psychology, a leading researcher at the Laboratory of the History of Psychology and Historical Psychology at the Institute of Psychology, Russian Academy of Sciences. A graduate of B. F. Lomov, a representative of the Leningrad School of Psychology, a specialist in the field of psychology of representations (secondary images) and role of imagery in the inner world of the individual, one of the founders of Russian transpersonal psychology. Andrey is developing a new direction of psychological science - psychology of the spiritual and moral sphere of human existence. His works in recent years have been devoted to revealing psychological meanings of the Orthodox tradition and patristic heritage.
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12/17/2021 • 2 hours, 13 minutes, 59 seconds Sergei Suchkov | Сергей Сучков Sergei Suchkov is a 38-year-old serial entrepreneur, angel investor, co-founder of Radario, the leading cloud tech entertainment industry SaaS platform that was sold in 2021, the founder of a successful creative agency, and a happy family man from St.Petersburg, Russia.
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12/16/2021 • 1 hour, 59 minutes, 1 second Slava Smirnov | Слава Смирнов Slava Smirnov has been making digital products and other things on the Internet for 15 years. 8 years in the world's best creative agencies BBDO and DDB as Head of Digital Production, 5 years with data and machine learning for creative industries (GOSU.ai, etc.), founder of CPTR.tech - an online human motion capture service for animation and games.
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12/14/2021 • 2 hours, 7 minutes, 30 seconds Eugene Shakhnovich | Евгений Шахнович Eugene Shakhnovich is a Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Harvard University. Head of Shakhnovich Biophysics Lab. The research of Professor Eugene Shakhnovich and his group is directed towards understanding the basic principles of protein folding and structural and dynamical properties of other complex polymer systems.
Some of the questions addressed are: 1) what is required for polypeptide chains to have a unique structure? 2) how is this structure encoded by aminoacid sequence ("prediction problem")? and 3) how does the polypeptide chain form this unique structure in a finite time (the so-called "Levinthal paradox")?
The approach to a solution of these problems is based on utilization and development of modern analytical methods of statistical mechanics such as replicas, renormalization group etc., and numeric studies of non-traditional lattice models with exhaustively enumerated conformations.
Other fields of interest to Professor Shakhnovich include investigation of microdomain structure in random polymer melts and diffusion-controlled processes in living cells. Current projects include: 1) Development of a new approach to and algorithm for the prediction of stable conformations of a protein, based on a combination of statistical mechanical methods such as mean-field theory, exhaustive enumeration of all conformations within a given fold, and Monte-Carlo dynamical simulation. 2) Development of the quantitative theory of protein stability, which takes into account the majority of interactions in protein molecules. 3) Monte-Carlo simulations of folding of polypeptides in which conformations are exhaustively enumerated. These simulations make it possible to address the "Levinthal paradox" and develop a theory of kinetics of protein folding. Within this project also is an evolutionary question of the way in which sequences that are able to fold evolved. 4) Theory of microdomain structure in random copolymers and analysis of unusual phases in such systems.
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12/13/2021 • 2 hours, 3 minutes, 41 seconds Arkady Sandler | Аркадий Сандлер Arkady Sandler is a Managing Partner of DOCET TI - an investment and management company based in Israel announced its launch in Moscow. DOCET TI provides a platform to ensure growth with a focus on getting the fastest MVP, maintaining a general focus on product’s value delivery to its customers.
Arkady is one of the leading experts in Russia in the development and implementation of systems based on artificial intelligence, a member of the Skolkovo expert council, member of the working group on the artificial intelligence of ANO Digital Economy. Throughout his 20+ years career, he wore multiple hats: from an entrepreneur to a C-level executive, he was either building innovative products or transforming a company using innovation. His computer science background and passion for building things allowed him to become a product manager and later take successful products to either acquisition or to IPO.
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12/13/2021 • 2 hours, 5 minutes, 38 seconds Alexander Gorban | Александр Горбань Alexander Gorban is a Director of the Centre for Artificial Intelligence, Data Analysis and Modelling (AIDAM) and Professor of Applied Mathematics at the University of Leicester. He worked for the Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch (Krasnoyarsk, Russia), and ETH Zürich (Switzerland), was a visiting professor and research scholar at Clay Mathematics Institute (Cambridge, MA), IHES (Bures-sur-Yvette, Île de France), Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences (New York), and Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences (Cambridge, UK).
His main research interests are dynamics of systems of physical, chemical and biological kinetics; biomathematics; machine learning, data mining and model reduction problems. A.N. Gorban has developed a family of methods for model reduction and coarse-graining. He has solved problems in gas kinetics, polymer dynamics, chemical reaction kinetics and biological kinetics. In recognition of this series of work, he received the I. Prigogine Award and medal, has been a Clay Scholar (Cambridge, MA, USA, 2000), received Fellowship of I. Newton Institute (Cambridge, UK) and Lifetime Achievement Award "in recognition of outstanding contributions to the research field of (bio)chemical kinetics", MaCKIE-2015, Ghent, Belgium, 2015.
Lead Academic in three Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) grants in Machine Learning and Data Mining funded by Innovate UK. A general neural networks based technology of extraction of explicit knowledge from data was developed. A system of methods is developed to reveal the hidden intelligible models in complex systems: complex datasets and complex reaction networks.
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12/12/2021 • 1 hour, 59 minutes, 54 seconds Arnis Ritups | Арнис Ритупс Arnis Ritups holds a Ph.D. in philosophy from KULeuven (Belgium), he specializes in Aristotle and his Greek commentators. He is also a Latvian translator of Descartes’ “Meditations on the First Philosophy”; a part-time lecturer at Latvian University, KU Leuven, Stockholm School of Economics in Riga, and Latvian Academy of Fine Arts. He is a publisher of an intellectual magazine “Rigas Laiks”, published in Latvian (since 1993), Russian (since 2012), and English (annually since 2016). Arnis is a conversation partner with many interesting people around the world. He is engaged in a series of interviews with the world's most interesting scientists. He looks to find what are their answers to the Big Questions, and what do they think about the knowledge, the unknown, and the unknowable.
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12/11/2021 • 1 hour, 28 minutes, 5 seconds Pavel Luksha | Павел Лукша Dr. Pavel Luksha is a founder and a director of the Global Education Futures initiative, aimed at catalyzing the transformation of educational ecosystems at a global scale, and a co-founder of the Global Change Leaders movement of educational & social innovators. He is also a Professor of Practice at Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO, where works primarily on the transformation of the higher & professional education sector, and a Professor at ITBA (Technological University of Buenos Aires). Pavel also works closely with the Russian Agency of Strategic Initiatives, one of the primary national vehicles of driving change in professional education development and new technological sectors. He is the co-author of Rapid Foresight methodology, widely used in sectoral and regional planning, and a primary author of Skills Technology Foresight methodology developed in partnership with the International Labor Organization.
He is the leading author of several major publications on the future of skills and learning, including: "Educational Ecosystems for Societal Transformation", "Skills of the future", "Atlas of Emerging Jobs".
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12/10/2021 • 1 hour, 55 minutes, 56 seconds Valeri Potchekailov | Валерий Почекайлов Valeri Potchekailov is the co-founder and CEO of StoryChief, a content marketing software from Ghent, Belgium. StoryChief helps businesses to have control over all their multi-channel content campaigns: articles, press releases, social media, video, podcasts, and more — StoryChief increases digital footprint, brings in new leads and increases sales. The company was founded in late 2017, tripling growth every year, and raised 2.5M Eur seed round so far.
Never worked as an employee before, started his career as a founder of a successful branding agency about ten years ago, while studying at the university.
Husband, father of two daughters, dog-owner, traveler, ice-hockey forward in a local beer hockey league, and guitar player at Rockin' 1000.
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12/9/2021 • 2 hours, 7 minutes, 23 seconds Gregory Ryslik | Григорий Рыслик Gregory Ryslik is a data science and machine learning executive experienced in leading AI and engineering initiatives ranging across the biotech, healthtech and fintech domains. As senior vice president at COMPASS Pathways (NASDAQ: CMPS), his work focuses on developing technology to improve the therapeutic journey for patients with treatment-resistant depression. Concurrently, Gregory is an assistant professor of practice in the Department of Computer Science & Engineering at Ohio State University as well as an Instructor at Stanford Continuing Studies where he lectures on statistics for artificial intelligence.
Gregory started his career as an actuary at PricewaterhouseCoopers in New York City. After his Ph.D., he spent several years in Silicon Valley at companies such as Tesla Motors, Mindstrong Health and Genentech. He is a fellow of the Casualty Actuarial Society, as well as a member of the American Academy of Actuaries. In September 2020, he was named one of Boston Business Journal’s “40 under 40”.
Gregory holds a Ph.D. from Yale University in biostatistics, a master’s degree in statistics from Columbia University and an undergraduate degree in mathematics, computer science and finance from Rutgers University.
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12/8/2021 • 1 hour, 47 minutes, 31 seconds Olga Grigorieva | Ольга Григорьева Olga Grigorieva is a certified TRIZ teacher (practitioner). Author of the book for teenagers "Hotel for Monarchs". Author of articles. Co-developer of exercises for the development of creative thinking in the Creatime project.
In 2006 she graduated from the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Faculty of State and Municipal Administration. For 12 years she successfully built a career in the field of personnel management in large companies. When her son was 5 years old, she left her career, realizing that her son is the most important project in life. She independently prepared her son for the first grade: reading, oral counting, development of horizons. In the process of studying, she remembered her childhood dream - to be a teacher.
Since 2018, she worked at a private school as a trainer in mental arithmetic for children from 4 to 13 years old. There, she first learned about TRIZ. In 2019, she completed training and certification as a TRIZ teacher in the Creatime project with Anatoly Gin. Since July 2019, she has been teaching Russian-speaking students from different countries of the world (for a year, on average, about 100-160 students aged from 4 to 17 years old). Supervises projects for the creation of materials for the work of TRIZ educators in the Creatime project. Conducts seminars and masterclasses for teachers of different directions in order to popularize TRIZ pedagogy.
Olga's example shows that a person who does not initially have pedagogical education but has a high motivation for development in the field of teaching children, can achieve results and be in demand as a specialist. TRIZ pedagogy opens the door to a new world for courageous and determined people.
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12/8/2021 • 1 hour, 58 minutes, 56 seconds Ilya Budraitskis | Илья Будрайтскис Ilya Budraitskis is a political theorist, who teaches at Shaninka (MSSES) and the HSE School of Design. Member of the editorial board of the "Moscow Art Magazine". His book “Dissidents Among Dissidents” was awarded the Andrey Bely Prize-2017 in the Humanitarian Research category.
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12/5/2021 • 1 hour, 57 minutes, 16 seconds Fyodor Kondrashov | Федор Кондрашов Fyodor Kondrashov, scientist and educator. Ph.D. from the University of California at San Diego. Professor at the Institute of Science and Technology (IST), Austria. Scientific director of the School of Molecular and Theoretical Biology.
How did living organisms become the way we know them today? The Kondrashov lab is focused on understanding the natural world in an evolutionary context, typically focusing on studying genetic information due to the abundance of DNA and protein sequence data.
Kondrashov and his group do not restrict themselves to studying specific functions or phenotypes, instead, a staple feature of their research is a focus on how functions and phenotypes change over time. Therefore, their research is inherently interdisciplinary, grounded in classical evolutionary fields of population genetics and molecular evolution while drawing from other fields, such as cell and molecular biology, bioinformatics, and biophysics. Recently, the group has become increasingly interested in the experimental assay of fitness landscapes. Combining experiments, theory, and computational biology, they query how changes in the genotype affect fitness or specific phenotypes. In the near future, they hope to expand their experimental capabilities in order to query a wider range of interesting phenotypes in a high-throughput manner.
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12/4/2021 • 1 hour, 54 minutes, 44 seconds Oleg Shibanov | Олег Шибанов Oleg Shibanov is Academic Director of the SKOLKOVO-NES, Centre for Research in Financial Technologies and Digital Economy, professor of finance at the New Economic School (NES). Oleg’s research interests include mutual funds and ETFs, macroeconomics, and financial markets.
Until 2017, he was the academic director of programs in economics at the Sberbank Corporate University, was an assistant professor of finance at NES and at Warwick Business School, UK.
Graduated from the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of the Lomonosov Moscow State University and hold a Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics and the NES Master's Degree in Economics. He also has a Ph.D. in finance from London Business School. He actively comments on macroeconomics on television, writes columns for Forbes, Vedomosti, Kommersant, RBC, and Respublika.
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12/3/2021 • 1 hour, 48 minutes, 10 seconds George Surovtsev | Георгий Суровцев George Surovtsev is the co-founder and CEO of Makini - the universal API gateway for Enterprise Asset Management. It is a part of a new wave of companies broadly referred to as the “API economy”.
Together with the team, in less than a year, he has grown Makini to over $1.5M in revenue, expanding the team to over 50 people. Makini is backed by top Silicon Valley investors behind companies like SpaceX, Uber, and Stripe and in total have raised the largest funding ever received by a company with founders from Kazakhstan.
Prior to founding Makini, George had a successful international career in oil and gas and offshore. The last 2 years before founding Makini he was in charge of data science and innovation projects for a leading offshore company in UAE, preparing it for >$1B acquisition by a conglomerate.
A strong generalist, George's been in functions across operations, technical, commercial, HR, and data science. He is also an AIESECer and a proud member of the LGBTQ+ community.
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12/2/2021 • 1 hour, 59 minutes, 29 seconds Edward Hirsch | Эдуард Гирш Edward Hirsch is working at Steklov Institute of Mathematics in St. Petersburg now heading the Laboratory of Mathematical Logic. He also holds a part-time professor position in the new department of Mathematics and Computer Science at St. Petersburg State University. Edward's research interests include algorithms and computational complexity. He is a co-founder of the theoretical computer science conference series CSR (International Computer Science Symposium in Russia), geographically bounded meetings conducted according to "international standards". He is the author of many articles and an advisor to many students.
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12/1/2021 • 1 hour, 55 minutes, 45 seconds Pavel Guzhikov | Павел Гужиков Pavel Guzhikov is the Founder and CEO of Dengi Vpered, the first service in Russia with which employees can receive a salary any day: worked today - get paid today! The company was founded by Pavel Guzhikov, founder of Worki (now owned by Mail.ru Group), and Konstantin Stiskin (venture investor, member of the board of directors of Genotek) in 2019. To this day more than 500 companies with over 90 thousand employees are connected to the Dengi Vpered service.
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12/1/2021 • 2 hours, 19 seconds Dmitry Kalaev | Дмитрий Калаев Dmitry Kalaev is a partner of the Internet Initiatives Development Fund (IIDF): 400+ investments in companies, including VisionLabs, Promobot, Playkey, TalkBank, PimPay, Agrosignal and others. Director of the IIDF accelerator: 1500+ startups that have passed acceleration programs since 2013. Naumen: from 6 to 700 employees and from zero 2+ billion rubles in revenue. Today - a shareholder, member of the board of directors. Co-founder of the Silicon Valley venture tourism program GoValley.ru and the US acceleration program TechMafia. Director of Sberbank-Technology in Yekaterinburg: from zero to 50+ people in 6 months, implementation of an implementation project for 1800 offices.
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11/30/2021 • 2 hours, 11 minutes, 9 seconds Natalia Artemenko | Наталья Артеменко Prof. Dr. Natalia Artemenko, Ph.D. in Philosophy, St. Petersburg State University, Institute of Philosophy; Editor-in-chief: "HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology", St. Petersburg; Head of the Master's Program of the Russian State Pedagogical University "Phenomenological Philosophy and Contemporary Human Sciences". Natalia Visited Professor at HEPI (Birštonas, Lithuania); phenomenologist, historian of philosophy; translator from German and English of works in the field of phenomenology and hermeneutics, translator of works of Husserl, Heidegger, Landgrebe, etc .; author of over 90 scientific publications, including monographs; she is a winner of multiple international and Russian competitions (grants); more than 10 research internships in various European universities and research centers.
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11/28/2021 • 2 hours, 2 minutes, 21 seconds Dilyara Saetova | Диляра Саетова Dilyara Saetova is a product manager, co-founder of the PM community working in IT (PM Lunch), administrative coordinator of Women in Tech in Russia. She lived in St. Petersburg for many years and managed to work both in outsourcing and product IT companies. Now she lives in Prague and works at Microsoft, at the moment she devotes all her working time to an interesting task - updating and improving one of the most iconic Microsoft products - Skype. Hobby - street art, makes pixel mosaic installations on the streets to please casual passers-by.
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11/27/2021 • 2 hours, 30 minutes, 50 seconds Nina Yanykina | Нина Яныкина Nina Yanykina, General Director, Rector of ANO University 20.35. In 2007 she graduated from St. Petersburg State University with a degree in Economics and Enterprise Management. She went through a career path from the manager of the department of intellectual property and technology transfer at St. Petersburg State University to the general director of ANO "University 20.35". Previously, she held the position of Executive Director - Head of the Academic Partnerships Center of the HR block of Sberbank. She teaches at the Higher School of Economics. Expert in educational and innovation ecosystems, university intellectual property, technology brokerage.
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11/26/2021 • 1 hour, 45 minutes, 2 seconds Alexey Strygin | Алексей Стрыгин Alexey Strygin is a longevity enthusiast and bio-entrepreneur, co-founder of Gray Matter (part of Lactocore Group), a company focused on the development of therapeutic peptides vs. mild cognitive impairment, other age-related CNS diseases, and aging. Alexey teaches a course on Entrepreneurship in Biotechnology in Masters Program at Moscow State University. Alexey is a fellow in 1st cohort of On Deck Longevity Biotech or ODLB. It is a continuous community for people to come together to build, join, or invest in revolutionary longevity biotechnology startups. Previous experience includes Insilico Medicine, a unicorn pioneering AI application for drug discovery, Centaura focused on radical interventions in aging, Cryno, and Skolkovo Foundation.
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11/25/2021 • 2 hours, 21 minutes, 54 seconds Yuri Slezkine | Юрий Слезкин Yuri Slezkine is Professor of the Graduate School at the University of California, Berkeley; Senior Research Fellow, St. Edmund College, University of Oxford, Senior Research Associate, the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, and member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He has been a fellow at the Hoover Institution, the International Institute at the University of Michigan, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, and Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin, and served as Distinguished Visiting Professor at Vassar College, Honorary Professor at the University of Nottingham, and Visiting Professor at the Ludwig-Maximilians University in Munich and Sciences Po in Paris. His book, The Jewish Century (Princeton UP, 2004), has received several awards and has been translated into ten languages. His most recent book, The House of Government: A Saga of the Russian Revolution (Princeton UP, 2017), was named among the best books of 2017 by the New York Times, Spectator, Guardian, Economist, London Review of Books, and Le Monde, among others. It has appeared in English, Russian, French, Dutch, German, Italian, Polish, Spanish, and Estonian.
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11/24/2021 • 1 hour, 46 minutes, 12 seconds Alexandra Borissova Saleh | Александра Борисова Салех Dr. Alexandra Borissova Saleh is an award-winning journalist and science communicator. She is currently a scientific director of Master in Science Communication at the ITMO University (Saint-Petersburg). Co-founder and immediate past president of the Russian Association of Science Communication (AKSON), board member of associations SWIM Science Writers in Italy and Public Communication of Science and Technology Network (PCST). Science journalist and opinionist with more than ten years of experience, she writes in Russian, English, and Italian. German Chancellor Fellow (Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, 2016-2017). Guest lecturer, science communication trainer for students, scientists, and journalists in a number of Russian universities as well as internationally in Germany, the Netherlands, Italy, Switzerland. In 2019 she was a co-director of the workshop “Communication of vaccination” organized by the World Federation of Science Journalists for EU science and medical journalists. In 2020 she was an executive director of the European Conference of Science Journalism (Trieste, 1-2 September 2020). In 2020 Dr. Borissova, together with the AKSON team, launched “People of Science” - the first citizen science platform in Russia. Dr. Borissova speaks Russian, English, Italian, and German.
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11/23/2021 • 2 hours, 8 minutes, 27 seconds Varvara Mironova | Варвара Миронова Varvara Mironova is a senior researcher at the Faculty of Geography of Moscow State University, Candidate of Sciences in Geography. Specialist in medical geography and biogeography, her main area of interest is the geography of natural diseases and ecological parasitology. She is currently working on the impact of climate change on the areas of infectious and parasitic diseases, as well as on other issues of nosogeography (geography of diseases), such as migration and spread of infectious and parasitic diseases, natural and socio-economic prerequisites for their spread, geography of new and recurring infections.
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11/22/2021 • 2 hours, 2 minutes, 28 seconds Jin Kolesnikov | Джин Колесников Jin Kolesnikov is an expert in Future Studies, an expert at the Philtech Initiative, a co-founder of the Moscow branch of the Singularity University, a visionary of artificial intelligence, robotics, and technological singularity, a guest lecturer at the British Higher School of Design (BHDS).
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11/21/2021 • 3 hours, 33 minutes, 31 seconds Vladimir Efremov | Владимир Ефремов Vladimir Efremov is an experienced business consultant, a business tracker, an expert on precise actions in the development and the implementation of changes into the business processes.
Vladimir helps entrepreneurs find the best solutions for their business while teaching them not to overthink but to act based on facts and solid meanings. Vladimir combines the properties of a business psychologist, a "military advisor" who looks at the battle from the outside, an expert on business and personal development, as well as a strict coach and mentor who helps his wards and students to keep the focus on the main thing. Thanks to this, entrepreneurs make changes to their businesses faster and more efficiently and significantly improve results.
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11/20/2021 • 2 hours, 27 minutes, 26 seconds Andrey Sheshenin | Андрей Шешенин Andrey Sheshenin is the founder of the dtown.city startup, a framework for building virtual and augmented worlds. Serial Entrepreneur, Visionary, founder of one of the first metaverse projects in the World. The creator of two businesses with a turnover of over $ 3 million per year. Cognitive systems and interactive media of the University of Pompeu Fabra Barcelona. MBA ANKH Moscow. Valencia Art School. Skolkovo teacher. Marketing Consultant. Virtual reality evangelist. For the last 3 years, he has been conducting research and a project to create a virtual twin of the real world.
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11/19/2021 • 2 hours, 10 minutes, 10 seconds Alexey Kozyrev | Алексей Козырев Alexey Kozyrev, a philosopher, graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy of Lomonosov Moscow State University in 1992. Candidate of Philosophy (1997, "Gnostic Influences in the Philosophy of Vladimir Soloviev"). Associate Professor (2001) of the Department of History of Russian Philosophy, Deputy Dean for Scientific Work (since 2010) of the Faculty of Philosophy, since October 2020 - Acting Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy. Has been working at Lomonosov Moscow State University since 1992.
In the field of scientific interests, the history of Russian philosophy, the history of the Orthodox Church, the history of philosophy at Moscow University, the history of the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow University, the history of the Russian philosophical emigration. Investigated the work of Russian philosophers V.S. Solovyov, V.V. Rozanov, S.N. Bulgakov, K.N. Leontyev, N.A. Berdyaev, A.F. Losev, V. N. Ilyin, and others.
At the center of scientific research is the thought and life of the prominent Russian philosopher Vladimir Solovyov. In his major work "Solovyov and the Gnostics" (2007), for the first time in the historical and philosophical science, he posed and solved the major scientific and philosophical problem of the influence of early Christian Gnosticism and modern European gnosis on the formation of the metaphysics of total unity and sophiology of V.S. Solovyov; illuminated the little-studied and unexplored pages of the life of V.S. Solovyov; on the basis of archival research of the author's manuscript, for the first time in Russian, he published the treatise of the thinker "Sophia", providing the publication with solid scientific, philosophical and historical commentaries. A work dedicated to the life and work of V.S. Solovyov was highly appreciated in Russian and foreign scientific circles. Thus, according to Russian scientists, A.P. Kozyrev is now a leading specialist in the study of the philosophy of the "Russian Hegel".
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11/17/2021 • 2 hours, 3 minutes, 2 seconds Ilya Kolmanovsky | Илья Колмановский Ilya Kolmanovsky is a science columnist, journalist and lecturer, lead author of the Direct Speech (Pryamaya Rech in Russian) lecture hall, author of the Naked Mole-Rat (Goliy Zemlekop in Russian) podcast about scientific discoveries and the people who make them. It has become the most popular Russian language podcast, outnumbering politics, art and sex podcasts. After defending his Ph.D. in evolutionary physical anthropology and several years of teaching at Moscow State University, he is engaged in the analysis of new research from scientific centers around the world. He regularly conducts interviews with leading scientists in the field of neuroscience, experimental psychology, evolutionary biology, molecular genetics, and other fields. Among them, it is worth noting interviews with Nobel laureates B. Marshall, J. Watson, J. Hall, M. Rosebash, J. Gurdon; reports from Karolinska Institute and Johns Hopkins University. For many years he has been writing articles and conducting various television and radio programs, online and offline meetings, lectures, and discussions.
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11/16/2021 • 1 hour, 32 minutes, 32 seconds Arkadiy Pekarevskiy | Аркадий Пекаревский Arkadiy Pekarevskiy is a serial Entrepreneur and public figure, co-founder of SELA Corporation, president of the Arkada Holding group of companies, which includes the marzipan brand Grondard, construction business, insurance and investment business, co-owner of the ship rental aggregator Anyships. Vice President of the International Academy of Kindness.
For many years Arkadiy has been a mentor of Russian and international programs. In June 2020, Arkadiy was appointed a head of the YPO GOLD RUSSIA division. Arkadiy is also a guest speaker at various big business clubs, a member of the expert council of the "Startup Exchange", and a jury member of the "Young Millionaire Contest". Arkadiy gives motivating lectures to students of St. Petersburg universities. In addition to mentoring, Arkadiy actively manifests himself as a public figure. As a vice-president of the International Academy of Kindness, Arkadiy Pekarevskiy actively promotes the project The Symbol of Peace and Kindness "Dandelion".
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11/15/2021 • 2 hours, 1 minute, 41 seconds Michael Bakunin | Михаил Бакунин Michael Bakunin is Vice President of Strategic Accounts and Customer Experience at Nuvve (NASDAQ: NVVE, Vehicle-to-Grid Technology). Michael is based in Silicon Valley and his objective is to accelerate the transition to electric transportation by providing a turnkey zero-emission electric vehicle offering to customers.
Prior to joining Nuvve Michael was working on electric vehicles and e-mobility projects at Nissan in Europe, Japan, and the US. Michael holds an MBA degree from IE Business School in Spain and a Ph.D. degree in Economics from Kazan State University in Russia.
Michael’s hobby is vlogging about electric and autonomous vehicles on his YouTube channel.
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11/14/2021 • 1 hour, 58 minutes, 27 seconds Maxim Zhurilo | Максим Журило Maxim Zhurilo, 37 years old, an entrepreneur from Moscow, co-founder of the international sports school I Love Supersport. By education - a mathematician. Maxim ran his first marathon in New York in 2009. This event influenced his life so much that, having never played sports before, he prepared and finished IRONMAN, swam the Bosphorus three times, and became the first Russian to swim through the Strait of Gibraltar. In 2012, together with Irina Moskovkina, they founded the I Love Running school of correct running for adults, now I Love Supersport. In 2014, together with a group of like-minded people, he founded the IRONSTAR company, and in 2015 the RosaRun project. Maxim also is a co-founder of Halsa, a customized supplementation company. Trained at USA Triathlon, a graduate of The John Smith Trust Fellowship (UK), member of the World Economic Forum expert community.
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11/14/2021 • 2 hours, 1 minute, 7 seconds Alexander Panov | Александр Панов Alexander Panov is the Founder and CEO of Founder and CEO of Neiry the world's first neural interfaces for day-to-day business tasks, medical therapy, training, and entertainment. He is also the Founder and CEO of KB-12 a corporate group focused on technologies and creativity in marketing.
Neiry is helping people boost their cognitive abilities while consolidating information they get within courses in a gamified way. Mind-controlled VR games, an Innovative approach that utilizes virtual reality and in-house brain-computer interface (BCI), help Neiry bring Edutainment to the next level. Alexander leads KB-12 global MarTech portfolio with a focus on consumer behavior analysis in a retail environment.
Tech-savvy VR- and BCI-evangelist with 15+ experience working on worldwide tech projects. Together with his friend, as part of their travel experience under the name of the Ministry of Wacky Trips, he sailed on an ordinary inflatable boat from Moscow to Libya and then spent several days in an Arab prison. And in winter they drove a buggy from Moscow to Goa through Afghanistan and Pakistan.
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11/13/2021 • 1 hour, 54 minutes, 58 seconds Ilya Krivorot | Илья Криворот Ilya Krivorot is the CEO and Managing Partner of the Sinteza Venture Studio, which helps startups find their way to the market and provides all the necessary resources to become successful: build teams and business processes, organize networking and make timely investments. The studio has already entered the American market with four projects in its portfolio. The studio invests in the early stages in PropTech, EdTech, HR-Tech, Fintech, e-commerce, and retail startups. The average check is up to $250.000.
Ilya holds MBA in strategic planning, has 17 years of corporate career, is TOP-10 CEO according to Kommersant for two years in a row, partner of the UPS project (Florida, USA), ex-CEO of Respublica. He has headed such companies as MTS, Enter, Svyaznoy. In 2019, he moved on from the hired CEO position to his own projects and partnerships. In this role, he managed to take a prominent place in the Ernst & Young entrepreneurship competition. His credo is lifelong learning. Love your family, that helps you become better every day.
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11/11/2021 • 2 hours, 9 minutes, 42 seconds Sergey Shumsky | Сергей Шумский Sergey Shumsky is Director of the Scientific Council in the Artificial Intelligence Competence Center of the National Technological Initiative and Head of the Laboratory of Cognitive Architectures in Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT). His research focuses on developing biologically inspired architecture of Artificial General Intelligence. After graduating from MEPhI in 1981 and defending his Ph.D. thesis in theoretical physics, Sergei switched to research in the field of machine learning and neural networks. He was president of the Russian Neural Networks Society and co-founder of several high-tech startups. In recent years, he has focused on developing general artificial intelligence, hoping to create an artificial mind of robots in the image and likeness of humans.
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11/10/2021 • 1 hour, 55 minutes, 48 seconds Maxim Prasolov | Максим Прасолов Maxim (Pramax) Prasolov is a Serial Entrepreneur, Visionary, Author, and Researcher at UC Berkeley. An expert in digital business transformation has consulted and worked in companies in the real sector of the economy for many years. Since 2014, he has been involved in venture capital investments in AI, Animation, DataScience, Digital Health, Neurotechnology. TEDx speaker, author of graphic novels, and animated films. Founder of startups Neu.ro, Synthesis.AI, Zov.ai, lives and works in San Francisco, California. He practices ice swimming according to the WimHof method and is fond of biohacking using non-invasive neurointerfaces.
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11/8/2021 • 2 hours, 15 minutes, 53 seconds Igor Bychkov | Игорь Бычков Igor Bychkov is a Russian movie and theater actor, speech and acting teacher at Gogol-school. In 2013 he graduated from the Moscow Art Theater School (workshop of K.A. Raikin) and was admitted to the "Seventh Studio" of Kirill Serebrennikov. Since 2013 he has been an actor at the Gogol-Center Theater. Igor has been acting in films since 2009, he also takes part in the dubbing of motion picture and animated movies.
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11/8/2021 • 1 hour, 58 minutes, 13 seconds Andrey Sharkov | Андрей Шарков Andrey Sharkov is a successful entrepreneur and founder of the Shokobox company. Father of two boys, 8 and 2 years old, divorced. He learns to fly an airplane and conquers the picturesque corners of our planet by riding a motorcycle and other motorized vehicles. Andrey has visited 46 countries, many of which many times. He flew the whole country many times, in 2019 he made 102 flights from 2011 to 2018 he released the podcast "Take it and do it" (Beris’ I Delai), which for several years was the most popular Russian-language podcast on iTunes.
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11/7/2021 • 2 hours, 10 seconds Andrey Molchanov | Андрей Молчанов Andrey Molchanov is the co-founder and CEO of Mo: Meditation and Sleep app, ex-deputy director for investments at Mail.Ru Group. Andrey started his career at Mail.Ru Group in 2013. During the last years of his work in the company, he was engaged in the strategy and investments of the group, market research, participated in the selection and acquisition of successful startups. In 2019, together with partners, he created and launched Mo, a mobile application for meditation and sleep. On July 1, 2021, it became known that Mo's team had raised $ 1 million in investments to strengthen the product and launch new markets in Europe.
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11/6/2021 • 1 hour, 59 minutes, 27 seconds Rimantas Kociunas | Римантас Кочюнас Rimantas Kociunas is an existential therapist, professor, and doctor of psychology, director of the Institute of Humanistic and Existential Psychotherapy (HEPI). Students often call Rimantas the father of existential psychology in Lithuania and one of the most prominent advocates of this paradigm in Eastern Europe. Since the very beginning of the Institute in 1995, about 1500 students from various countries and even continents have studied there, but Prof. Kociunas recalls everyone by name and never misses their birthdays sending a postcard with greetings.
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11/5/2021 • 1 hour, 29 minutes, 48 seconds Victor Savyuk | Виктор Савюк Victor Savyuk is a Russian investor, telecommunications manager, DJ, founder of a game console under the Dendy trademark, former president of the Akado telecommunications company (Ex Renova-media). Currently, he sits on the board of directors of several companies and invests in innovative startups. Viktor is actively involved in charity work and conducts mentoring sessions for Russian-speaking startup founders.
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11/4/2021 • 2 hours, 12 minutes, 35 seconds Evelina Fedorenko | Эвелина Федоренко Dr. Evelina Fedorenko is a cognitive neuroscientist who studies the human language system. She received her bachelor’s degree from Harvard University in 2002, and her Ph.D. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2007. She was then awarded a K99R00 career development award from the National Institute for Child Health and Human Development at the U.S. National Institutes of Health. In 2014, she joined the faculty at Harvard Medical School/Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, and in 2019 she returned to MIT where she is currently the Frederick A. (1971) and Carole J. Middleton Career Development Associate Professor of Neuroscience in the Brain and Cognitive Sciences Department and the McGovern Institute for Brain Research. Dr. Fedorenko uses fMRI, intracranial recordings and stimulation, EEG/ERPs, MEG, as well as computational modeling, to study adults and children, including those with developmental and acquired brain disorders.
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11/2/2021 • 1 hour, 49 minutes, 31 seconds Dmitry Maslennikov | Дмитрий Масленников Dmitry Maslennikov is a technology entrepreneur, specialist in digital corporate innovation development, founder of Disruptive.vc, a leading private corporate innovation consulting firm in Russia.
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11/2/2021 • 1 hour, 46 minutes, 56 seconds Danila Medvedev | Данила Медведев Danila Medvedev is a leading Russian futurist. For 10 years, he helped to make the ideas of physical immortality, transhumanism, cryonics, cyborgization, intelligence enhancement known and acceptable in Russia. Among the results for which he is responsible are: the creation of the Department of NBIK-technologies at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology; deputy director of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts lies in cryopreservation in Danila's cryonics company; Danila's ideas have affected Patriarch Kirill who now knows what transhumanism is and understands that it is the future.
Now Danila is implementing practical projects in the field of nanotechnology, medicine, IT, each of which is a small (or big) revolution. For two years, he was the author and host of the program "Program for the Future" on the Science 2.0 TV channel, where, with the help of involved experts and a team of animators, he described and showed our mid-term future. Now a popular lecturer in futurology, as well as a business consultant for a number of large companies. Graduate of IMISP (2000), honors degree, Ph.D. in Economics.
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11/1/2021 • 2 hours, 5 minutes Vladimir Fridman | Владимир Фридман Vladimir Fridman, ornithologist, candidate of biological sciences, senior researcher at the laboratory of ecology and nature conservation, Department of Higher Plants, Faculty of Biology, Moscow State University.
Vladimir specializes in four areas: a) ecology and behavior of woodpecker birds, protection of rare species of this group, b) signals and communication mechanisms of birds and other vertebrates, c) development of modern cities by "wild" species of birds and mammals in population, behavioral and microevolutionary aspects, d) the mechanisms of speciation and the concept of the species in birds.
He is also interested in parallels between animal ethology and the sciences of human behavior and culture (semiotics, social psychology, behavioral economics), which allow the correct transfer of knowledge between these areas and serve as heuristics for research in a "foreign" field.
He assisted domestic linguists and semiotics (S.A. Burlak, A.N. Barulin, B.A. Uspensky) in developing ideas about the origin of language, participated in the discussion of the problem, and provided data on ethology.
Teaches courses in "Environmental Protection" and "Ecology and Sustainable Development of the City" at Moscow State University. Author and co-author of 5 books ("Birds of Russia and adjacent regions. Woodpeckers", "Logic for biologists", "Urbanization of" wild "bird species in the context of urban landscape evolution", "From stimulus to symbol: signals in the communication of vertebrates", "Global ecological crisis. Based on the materials of the course of lectures "Nature Conservation: Biological Foundations, Simulation Models, Social Applications"), more than 100 articles.
At the moment, Vladimir is working on his doctoral dissertation under the working title "Reconstruction of Comparative Ethology and the Problem of Deciphering the Communicative Systems of Vertebrates". It is aimed at overcoming the conceptual crisis of this discipline caused by the suppression of its research program and the establishment of a monopoly of sociobiological concepts. They also turn out to be worse than the repressed ones, both in terms of insoluble contradictions in theory and in much worse correspondence to reality. Why the resolution of the crisis requires the restoration of comparative ethology "on an elevated basis", with the appropriation of objective knowledge about behavior, "obtained" by sociobiologists over these 40 years. Moreover, the further the latter, the better it confirms ethological concepts and does not fit into the native, sociobiological (although the research data was undertaken for this purpose), and taking into account sociobiological criticism where she hit the patient - in the field of the method, but not theory... Practically important results of the work are the further development of the "morphological approach to behavior ", which makes it possible to objectively distinguish units of behavior, show their separateness, the reality of existence describes the specifics of form and function within the framework of a hypothetical-deductive method that tests" assumptions "about dividing the monitored streams of activity into similar units, about reactions to participants and" viewers "of interaction on their presentation, "put forward" by the accumulated impression of the observer (it can be deceiving, how and why is discussed).
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10/31/2021 • 2 hours, 3 seconds Denis Kalyshkin | Денис Калышкин Denis Kalyshkin is a Principal at I2BF Global Ventures, a New York seed-stage VC. He focuses on a wide range of emerging technologies such as Machine Learning, Robotics and Process Automation, the Internet of Things, Wearables, Virtual and Augmented Reality, and other Industry 4.0 fields. Prior to joining I2BF, Denis held various positions in investment management, sales, and analytics in banks, VC’s and energy companies and was a co-founder in an AdTech start-up. Denis has an Applied Mathematics & Physics degree from Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, and a Corporate Finances degree from National Research University Higher School of Economics.
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10/29/2021 • 2 hours, 39 minutes, 40 seconds Artem Shcherbakov | Артем Щербаков Artem Shcherbakov is the creative director of the Zhee-Shee studio, director of animation and filming videos. He has been engaged in computer graphics since the age of 15. During this time, he tried himself in a variety of specializations: from 3d-modeler to supervisor. In 2012, together with a partner, he opened the Zhee-Shee studio, where he oversees the entire CG department to this day. Since 2018 he has been directing cinematics, graphic clips, and filming commercials.
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10/28/2021 • 1 hour, 49 minutes, 57 seconds Inna Kostukovsky-Yurchuk | Инна Костюковская-Юрчук Inna Kostukovsky-Yurchuk is a photographer whose work is all about telling stories through her images. She is based in London but travels worldwide for editorial, architecture and personal assignments. Inna's work has been published in multiple international publications, such as Vogue UK, Conde Nast Traveler, Elle Decoration Ukraine, Bon Appetite US, The Guardian, Vogue Espania and others.
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10/27/2021 • 1 hour, 34 minutes, 5 seconds Anatoly Guin | Анатолий Гин Anatoly Guin is a teacher, specialist in the theory of inventive problem solving (TRIZ), founder and director of the Creatime project, Vice-President of the International TRIZ Association, founder and scientific director of the Education for the New Era Association, author of literature that develops creative thinking published in many countries.
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10/27/2021 • 2 hours, 4 minutes, 18 seconds Ekaterina Malievskaia | Екатерина Малиевская Ekaterina Malievskaia MD, is Co-founder and Chief Innovation Officer of COMPASS Pathways (NASDAQ:CMPS), a mental health care company dedicated to accelerating patient access to evidence-based innovation in mental health. Ekaterina received her medical degree from St Petersburg Medical Academy in St Petersburg, Russia, and then moved to the US where she completed her Internal Medicine residency training. She worked in private practice, academic medicine and public health for more than 15 years in the greater New York area. She was a Clinical Instructor of Medicine at Mount Sinai School of Medicine, as well as a Research Professor at the City University of New York.
After moving to London in 2011, Ekaterina worked in global health and medical philanthropy, focusing on improving outcomes in maternal and child health. She founded COMPASS Pathways with her husband George Goldsmith in 2016, having experienced at first hand the challenges in accessing evidence-based and effective mental health care for a family member.
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10/26/2021 • 1 hour, 35 minutes, 31 seconds Sergey Kuznetsov | Сергей Кузнецов Sergey Kuznetsov is a prominent writer and journalist. His novels have been translated into 12 languages. Sergey’s columns have appeared in the New York Times, The Huffington Post, and other publications. In 2001, he was awarded a Knight Fellowship at Stanford University and spent a year in California. In 2004, Sergey and his wife Ekaterina founded the SKCG agency, which specializes in digital marketing, social media marketing, and educational projects. Today, SKCG has branches in Russia, Ukraine, France, and the United States.
In 2014, Sergey and Ekaterina founded the Marabou Educational Project, designed for Russian-speaking children from around the world. They have since regularly conducted one or two-week education camps in the Сzech Republic, Hungary, and France, for children and adolescents from all over the world. The project has been extremely successful: participant numbers have nearly doubled annually, and more than 70 percent are return clients.
As a pilot project, in 2017-2018 Sergey and Ekaterina launched the "12/13" program combining weekly online classes and a final classroom session.
In 2018 Sergey and his wife Ekaterina founded "Le Sallay International Academy"- an international middle-school, based on a blended learning model. "Le Sallay International Academy is a pioneering school that offers a unique learning experience for children aged 10-14. As well as providing a world-class distance learning program, Le Sallay will also host a three-week learning camp at the beginning and end of each term in a 16th-century French château where the students will get to meet their classmates and soak up European culture and history. Altogether a third of the education takes place in study camps while two-thirds is conducted through distance learning." In 2020, Le Sallay Dialogue, a branch school in Russia, was launched. In 2020, Marabou was launched in the USA and the launch of Le Sallay International Academy in the USA is planned for 2022. Forbes magazine named Le Sallay Academy "a pioneer in blended learning education for pre-teens".
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10/25/2021 • 1 hour, 54 minutes, 49 seconds Andrei Sadovski | Андрей Садовский Andrei Sadovski is the scientific secretary of the Space Research Institute in Moscow (IKI). His scientific interests are Sun, Solar system, and space plasma physics. He graduated from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (1997) and defended his Ph.D. in theoretical physics in 2000. He is also the organizer of many popular and scientific events as well as the author of many popular lectures for students and pupils. Also, he is a lecturer at Moscow State University and Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.
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10/25/2021 • 1 hour, 28 minutes, 42 seconds Alexander Senkevich | Александр Сенкевич Alexander Senkevich is the Founder and CEO of QRepublik, an innovative company founded in 2016 in Moscow with offices in Strasbourg and New York. Now QRepublik service has thousands of customers all over the world with an overwhelming majority in the United States. Qrepublik’s products are focused on personal safety solutions like smart medical, travel, and active lifestyle IDs which are the only ones in the world to support 24 languages, have a GDPR-friendly information translations system, and multiple businesses and corporate functions. This allows the company to work in a wider range of areas than typical QR IDs solutions: extreme sports, insurance, medical tourism, etc. building deep infrastructure projects and custom systems for companies worldwide. Working with QRepublik is not only a business with a team of professionals and smart innovative technologies but also a strong social impact in the area of personal safety.
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10/24/2021 • 2 hours, 1 minute, 34 seconds Mark Pevzner | Марк Певзнер Mark Pevzner is one of the founders of the Institute for Psychotherapy and Counseling "Harmony" (established in 1988). Forty years in the practice of psychotherapeutic counseling. Over thirty years of experience in teaching various aspects of psychotherapy and practical psychology. Lecturer at the International School of Psychotherapy, Counseling and Group Leadership, one of the authors of the idea, concept, and program of this School. Co-author of the book "The Mastery of Psychological Counseling". The author of a methodological manual for the video "Working with an inner traumatized child." Co-author of "Psychotherapeutic notebooks" and methodological manual "Planning and conducting training".
Graduated from the Faculty of Psychology (specialization - medical psychology) of Leningrad State University in 1980. In the period from 1982 to 1985, he studied at St. Petersburg Medical Academy of Postgraduate Studies and Bekhterev Psychoneurological Institute. Ankylosing spondylitis. From 1991 to 1993 he studied at Meto-Senter in Norway, where he further led training groups. 1992-1995 completed intensive training in the field of psychotherapy and group management at the Concord Institute (USA). In the period from 1995 to 2017, he took part in a number of international conferences and training programs in the USA and Western Europe (Norway). In 1999-2001 he participated (as a teacher) in a program of training doctors and psychologists in the methods of work in the field of post-traumatic stress disorders and providing psychological assistance to victims of a terrorist attack.
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10/23/2021 • 2 hours, 2 minutes, 54 seconds Alexander Sokolov | Александр Соколов Alexander Sokolov (aka Sasha Geo) is a serial entrepreneur and digital evangelist, Ex-Founder of Geometria.ru, currently a UX & Product Communication Psychologist, IT Product Designer and Notion Expert.
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10/22/2021 • 1 hour, 59 minutes, 57 seconds Ekaterina Eremenko | Екатерина Еременко Ekaterina Eremenko is director and producer with her company EEFilms. She works at Technical University Berlin, mainly focusing on producing documentaries about mathematics and physics. Ekaterina graduated with Honours in mathematics from Moscow State University and from the VGIK film school in Russia. She has directed 12 feature-length documentary films for the leading European TV channels (BBC, ARTE, ZDF, etc.) and has won prizes at many international festivals. Eremenko's awards include the grand prize for best international science popular film at the Academy Film Olomouc film festival and the prize of the German Mathematical Society for the popularisation of mathematics.
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10/22/2021 • 1 hour, 14 minutes, 42 seconds Roman Doronin | Роман Доронин Roman Doronin is the Founder and CEO of EORA a group of companies specializing in artificial intelligence with more than sixty completed ML-projects experience. At EORA they create and implement machine learning-based solutions for e-commerce companies. EORA covers all key areas of artificial intelligence: Computer Vision, Data Science, and Natural Language Processing.
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10/21/2021 • 1 hour, 10 minutes, 24 seconds Artem Elmuratov | Artem Elmuratov Artem Elmuratov is the Co-founder and Development Director of Genotek a medical high-tech company specializing in genetic research. Graduated from the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics at Lomonosov Moscow State University. Researcher at the Institute of Biomedical Chemistry (ISTC). He is a member of the Advisory board of the MACS School of New Economics. Curator of the lecture cycle "Genetics" at the Orator Club. Head of the FoodNet Personalized Food Segment of the National Technology Initiative (NTI). Lecturer at the cultural platform "Synchronization". Co-author of "Strategies for Future Professionals 18-24-35" Center for Strategic Research (CSR). He completed training and internships for technology entrepreneurs in Finland, Singapore, and the USA.
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10/20/2021 • 1 hour, 35 minutes, 2 seconds Yuliy Nisnevich | Юлий Нисневич Yuliy Nisnevich is a Professor at the Department of Political Science of the National Research University Higher School of Economics (Moscow) and is a Doctor of Political Science (Lomonosov Moscow State University, 2001) who has been a Professor since 2010. His current research projects include theoretical and applied analyses of the Russian political system, the comparative problems of corruption in various states, and transformations of state institutions in conditions of post-industrial civilizational transition. He is the author of more than 100 publications in Russian political science scientific reviews and 9 monographs, including “An audit of the political system of post-communist Russia” (2007); “State of the XXI century: trends and problems of development” (2012); and “Politics and Corruption: corruption as a factor in the world political process” (2017).
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10/19/2021 • 2 hours, 2 minutes, 17 seconds Ruben Enikolopov | Рубен Ениколопов Ruben Enikolopov is the Rector of the New Economic School (NES), Ph.D. in Economics. Since 2008 he has been a professor at NES, and since 2013 - a professor at the University of Pompeu Fabra (Spain). Fellow at the Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR), London, and the International Growth Center (IGC), London.
In 2001, Ruben Enikolopov finished the Lomonosov Moscow State University (diploma with distinction). In 2002, he got his master's degree from the New Economic School. In 2008, he got his Ph.D. in Economics from Harvard University. Ruben has been a Professor at NES since 2008 and at Pompeu Fabra University since 2013. In 2012-2013, he also worked at the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton.
Research interests of Ruben include political economy, the economics of mass media and economics of developing countries, data analysis, and digital economy. His works are published in the top-5 economic academic journals according to Scopus.
In 2020, he won the Yegor Gaidar Award, one of the most important national awards for economists in Russia, in the category ‘For Outstanding Contribution to Economics’ (for his studies in political economy analysis, media economics, development economics, and corporate finance, as well as advancing contemporary economics education in Russia as NES Rector).
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10/18/2021 • 1 hour, 53 minutes, 14 seconds Kirill Martynov | Кирилл Мартынов Kirill Martynov is a Russian philosopher, a specialist in the field of modern political theories, analytical philosophy, and sociology; journalist, publicist, translator, and blogger. Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor. Kirill is a deputy editor of Novaya Gazeta and co-founder of Free Moscow University.
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10/17/2021 • 1 hour, 55 minutes, 34 seconds Ksenia Shashkina | Ксения Шашкина Ksenia Shashkina is the Head of the Laboratory of Unmanned Technologies at Innopolis University. Ksenia develops specialized robotic systems designed for specific tasks in various fields of application in the air, on the ground, and on the water. The scope of the laboratory's activities includes both the sphere of interaction with a person in the field of service, medicine, the service sector, cognitive and social robotics, and the replacement of a person in hazardous and harmful operations, such as working on nuclear reactors or in close proximity to hazardous substances and emissions, work at oil production facilities, maintenance of infrastructure in difficult natural conditions, work in extreme weather conditions and strong magnetic fields.
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10/16/2021 • 1 hour, 30 minutes, 46 seconds Kirill Kasimski | Кирилл Касимский Kirill Kasimski is the CEO and Partner at NewBeautyBox, Co-Founder and Partner at IT-Agency, and an Adviser and partner at justfood.pro.
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10/15/2021 • 2 hours, 13 minutes, 23 seconds Arman Zograbian | Арман Зограбян Arman Zograbian is a global-level professional in driving change and business transformation with more than 20 years of experience in such challenging areas as CIS and EMEA. Now Arman is CEO of Neuro.net - one of the global leaders in developing conversational AI solutions for miscellaneous businesses across such industries as telco, retail, banking, and many others.
Overall Arman’s professional experience is broad - leadership, digital transformation, new products, end-2-end solutions, as well as new business and operating model development, state-of-art strategic management insights, and many others. Arman is an excellent sales and business leader. Fluent in English and Albanian and has two degrees in Law (MGU), and International Negotiations (MGIMO). Arman is a freediver, mountaineer, triathlete, and windsurfer.
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10/14/2021 • 1 hour, 59 minutes, 16 seconds Anton Poletaev | Антон Полетаев Anton Poletaev is a Co-founder and Chief Investment Officer at 110 Industries. Anton has 15+ years of investment banking and venture capital experience. 110 Industries is a Switzerland-based AAA video games creator and producer established in 2017.
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10/13/2021 • 1 hour, 55 minutes, 37 seconds Elina Valeeva | Элина Валеева Elina Valeeva is the Founder and CEO of Meditivity, the AI assistant that helps people and companies be more productive and fulfilled. Meditivity’s unique set of tools shifts focuses from planning to achieving and from stress to mindfulness. Before Meditivity, she was the founder of Brainfest, an intellectual entertainment company with subsidiaries in 14 cities and an audience of 25 000 participants.
Elina is a great supporter of women's empowerment she is a Women in Tech ambassador for Russia. Women in Tech® is an international non-profit organization on a mission to close the gender gap and to help women embrace technology. They promote girls’ and women’s empowerment around the world, with a focus on Sustainable Development Goal 5b: harnessing technologies. With Head Office in Paris, they are a Global Movement with chapters in 6 continents, counting over 70.000 members. Women in Tech community are represented by persons of all abilities – regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, class, age, or sexual orientation.
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10/13/2021 • 2 hours, 10 minutes, 1 second Alexander Lebedev | Александр Лебедев Alexander Lebedev is a psychiatrist and scientist with over 15 years of experience in biomedicine and big data analytics. He holds an MD from the Pavlov State Medical University of St. Petersburg and a Ph.D. in neuroscience from the University of Bergen. He is currently working as an assistant professor at Karolinska Institute in Stockholm studying how people form beliefs and how global societal events and psychiatric conditions influence these processes.
Alexander published dozens of peer-reviewed articles on machine learning applied to biomedical data, brain imaging and psychopharmacology. As a part of his work in academia, he also coordinated several research trials, including Sweden’s first clinical trial investigating psilocybin's potential to treat depression. Alexander provides consulting services for a range of sectors, including psychedelic medical startups, social media analytics and finance, defining his ultimate goal “as researching and developing solutions that foster personal and societal resilience”.
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10/12/2021 • 2 hours, 27 minutes, 21 seconds Konstantin Savenkov | Константин Савенков Konstantin Savenkov is a recognized expert in the AI field, Co-Founder and CEO of Intento. After completing his Ph.D. in 2008, Konstantin led R&D on recommender systems, then served as CTO at Zvooq and COO at Bookmate. In 2016, leveraging his expertise in artificial intelligence (AI), technology, and operations, together with Grigory Sapunov he co-founded Intento, Inc., where they work on tools to select and implement machine translation and other cognitive AI services.
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10/12/2021 • 2 hours, 14 minutes, 11 seconds Oleg Beriev | Олег Бериев Oleg Beriev is a Russian entrepreneur, co-founder and president of Yummy United, a child-run company, and founder of the international branding agency Mildberry. A mathematician by training, an entrepreneur, and a marketer by life's calling.
In the 90s, he headed the advertising agency C-Pro Production and was responsible for marketing in the C-Pro group, known throughout Russia and the CIS for its “Invite” brand and the “Invite, just add water!” Campaigns.
In 1999 he created a branding agency Mildberry, specializing in brand development, communication strategies, and brand design. Today, Mildberry is an international cross-functional team that brings together experts in the development of brands, strategies, communications, the formation of unique consumer experiences, and the implementation of solutions that help clients transform their business and make it more effective.
In 2019 in Italy, in partnership with an expert in food technology, Oleg Beriev created Yummy United. The company produces food for children. The business is based on a unique model; the company has a permanent and regularly re-elected Children's Board of Directors, consisting of children 8-12 years old. Children, playing roles of directors, take part in the life of Yummy United and influence what the company produces for them: products, flavors, packaging designs, and brand campaigns are developed from the ideas of the children and with their direct participation. Since 2020, the company has been operating in Russia, as well as developing initiatives in other countries.
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10/11/2021 • 1 hour, 57 minutes, 52 seconds Peter Fedichev | Петр Федичев Peter Fedichev is an entrepreneur and scientist with over 20 years of experience in academic research and biotech business, co-founded three biotech companies: Quantum Pharmaceuticals, a drug discovery company, and Gero, a longevity startup and GlyNeura, a biotech-pharma company aiming to cure Neurodegenerative Diseases. Gero utilizes Whole-Exome Sequencing data for in-human AI Drug Discovery, while GeroSense is the arm of Gero creating Digital Biomarkers. His scientific background lies in the field of condensed matter physics, biophysics, and bioinformatics. He has conducted research at Kurchatov Institute, one of the leading science government agencies in Russia, AMOLF, an academic institute for fundamental physics in the Netherlands, and the University of Innsbruck. He earned his M.S. in theoretical physics from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology and Ph.D. from the University of Amsterdam and currently has over 65 publications (h=28) in peer-reviewed journals. He believes that nothing beats the joy of discovery, the power of physics to uncover the laws of nature, and the challenge of aging research. His dream is to beat aging and experience life in space.
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10/10/2021 • 1 hour, 50 minutes, 43 seconds Aleksey Savchenko | Алексей Савченко Aleksey Savchenko is a game development veteran with 22 years of experience in video games production, marketing, and business development. Aleksey worked in companies like GSC Game World, BWF, and Epic Games where he worked as Business Development Manager for the last 5 years. Aleksey is also a game development enthusiast, published book writer, researcher, and educator, dedicating his free time to research such subjects as world-building design, Metaverse, and fair business and working environment in the video games industry.
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10/9/2021 • 2 hours, 32 minutes, 21 seconds Alexander Hramov | Александр Храмов Alexander Hramov is the head of Neuroscience and Cognitive Technology Lab of Innopolis University (Kazan) and the scientific supervisor of the Baltic Center for Neurotechnology and Artificial intelligence of the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University (Kaliningrad).
Alexander spent more than 25 years in the theory of complex systems, biophysics, brain science, neurotechnologу, and machine learning applications in life science. He published 5 monographs, about 200 scientific papers and got 30 patents in these fields. Under his leadership, 15 Ph.D. and 3 Full Doctor Thesis were defended. Alexander worked as a visiting researcher at the Center for Biomedical Technologies at the Polytechnic University of Madrid, the Physics Faculty at Loughborough University, the Donders Center for Cognition at the Radboud University of Nijmegen, etc.
Alexander graduated from Saratov State University as a physicist with a specialization in Electronics and Radiophysics in 1996, then got a Ph.D. in Radiophysics in 1999, and defended Full Doctor Thesis in Physics and Mathematics in 2005. Alexander was a Member of the Scientific Committee of the Russian Science Foundation from 2014 till 2020. He is a Member of the Scientific Advisory Board at Helion Journal (Elseiver), a Member of the Editorial Board at Chaos, Solitons & Fractals Journal (Elseiver) and Applied Science Journal (MDPI), and also a Member of the Program and Advisory Committee of many International Scientific Conferences and Forums in the field of Neuroscience, Complex Systems, Artificial Intelligence, and Complex Network Theory.
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10/8/2021 • 1 hour, 51 minutes, 1 second Elena Kosilova | Елена Косилова Elena Kosilova is a Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor of the Faculty of Philosophy of the Lomonosov Moscow State University. She graduated from the biological faculty of Moscow State University but left biology for the sake of philosophy. Her research interest includes:
Philosophy of Science, from Philosophy of Psychiatry to Philosophy of Mathematics. In the philosophy of mathematics, she is especially interested in the Pythagorean motives that have appeared recently, and the general question of the relationship between mathematics and physics.
Philosophy of the subject. This is close to philosophical anthropology, but the question is not only what a person is in general, but more in what he/she does, thinks, how he/she solves existential questions. Especially important is the question of the interaction of the subject with the Others, this interaction is multilateral and often conflicting (and should be so). There are about a dozen paradigms of subjectivity, which differ in the interpretation of the subject and his relationship to the world.
Epistemology and gnoseology, and in them especially - the philosophy of understanding. There are different approaches to what an understanding is, for example, philosophers argue whether it is a mental entity. What does it mean to understand another person? What does it mean to understand a logical law or a mathematical theorem? All these questions do not have an unambiguous answer (it is enough to compare Husserl and Wittgenstein).
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10/7/2021 • 1 hour, 58 minutes, 32 seconds Andrei Zorin | Андрей Зорин Andrei Zorin is a Professor and Chair of Russian, Fellow of New College at the University of Oxford, and the Professor and the Academic Director of the program "Public History: Historical Knowledge in Modern Societies” at the Moscow School of Economics and Social Sciences (Shaninka). He received his degree of Ph. D. in 1983 and Habilitation in 2001 from Moscow State University. Since the early 1990s, he has taught as visiting professor and lecturer at Harvard, Stanford, NYU, University of Michigan Ann Arbor, University of California- Berkley, University of Helsinki (Finland), L’Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (Paris) a.o. Andrei has given keynote talks papers at many international conferences in Russia, UK, USA, France, Italy, Austria, etc. He is the author and co-author of several books on Russian literature and culture. His recent book Leo Tolstoy (Critical Lives) has been shortlisted for Pushkin Prize, given in Britain for the best book about Russia in 2020. His research interests: Russian Literature and Cultural History of XVIII early XIX centuries in European Context. Russian Literature and Ideology. Cultural History of Emotions. Late Soviet and Post-Soviet Literature.
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10/6/2021 • 1 hour, 57 minutes, 16 seconds Anna Gilyova | Анна Гилёва Anna Gilyova is a creator of edutainment projects in the field of media, communications, and contemporary culture, author of the course "Producing educational events" at Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences (Shaninka), playwright, director. Anna is a Co-founder of PechaKucha Night Moscow - an international project of edutainment parties in presentation format. She was the director of public programs of the educational project "Theory and Practice", the head of the full-time program "Content Producer" for the University of Internet Professions "Netology" and the program director of the conference on new media MediaMakers. The candidate of Philology defended her thesis on evaluative strategies of the British press at the Moscow State Linguistic University.
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10/4/2021 • 1 hour, 42 minutes, 59 seconds Elizaveta Minaeva | Елизавета Минаева Elizaveta Minaeva is a Co-Founder and CEO of PROJECT-or, a company that unites professionals who teach founders and top managers how to pitch and speak in public based on American Acting School. She has more than 4 years of working experience with investors and startups as a VC fund analyst and advisor. Elizaveta is a Chief Editor Officer at heg.ai, a community, and platform for humble founders. She is the Founder, Writer, and Director of the NOSHOW: theater from millennials to millennials. Networking evangelist and surfing enthusiast.
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10/3/2021 • 2 hours, 8 minutes, 46 seconds Keti Chukhrov | Кети Чухров Keti Chukhrov is a Russian philosopher, art theorist, Doctor of Philosophy, playwright, author of works on the philosophy of contemporary art, the theory of performativity, Soviet philosophy of Marxism, and criticism of posthumanism. Keti is an Associate Professor at the Department of Сultural Studies at the National Research University Higher School of Economics (Moscow), and currently a Marie Sklodowska Curie Fellow at Wolverhampton University (UK). Between 2012–2017 she was head of the Theory and Research department at the National Center of Contemporary Art (Moscow). Her books include To Be – to Perform: “Theatre” in Philosophical Criticism of Art (2011); Pound & £ (1999); and two volumes of dramatic poetry: Just Humans (2010) and War of Quantities (2004); Practicing the Good. Desire and Boredom in Soviet Socialism (2020). Her research spans performance studies and post-human theory, with a current focus on the impact of the Soviet economy on the ethical epistemes of historical socialism. Keti is the author of the video play Love Machines (2013), shown at the 1st Bergen Assembly and at Specters of Communism, James Gallery (New York); and of Communion (2016), shown at the 15th International Kansk Video Festival (Moscow) and at Beyond the Globe: 8th Triennial of Contemporary Art – U3 (Ljubljana).
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10/2/2021 • 1 hour, 45 minutes, 31 seconds Vitaly Khudobakhshov | Виталий Худобахшов Vitaly Khudobakhshov is a Director of Engineering at Product Science, a California-based technological startup founded by the Liberman brothers. Product Science helps its users to improve the performance of mobile apps by spotlighting some imperfections in the code and processes. Prior to choosing a new career path, Vitaly was project lead of Big Data Tools for IntelliJ IDEA at JetBrains. In the past, he worked as a senior analyst and data engineer for one of the largest social networks Odnoklassniki, implementing recommendation algorithms and ETLs in Scala, Java, and Apache Spark. He also taught courses in computer science, software engineering, and big data for many years.
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10/1/2021 • 2 hours, 2 minutes, 24 seconds Alexander Chernokulsky | Александр Чернокульский Alexander Chernokulsky is a senior research fellow at the Laboratory of Climate Theory at A.M.Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics. Academic secretary of the RAS Scientific Council on Earth climate problems. Author and co-author of >60 peer-reviewed scientific papers on climate change, clouds, weather extremes, geoengineering. Editor in two scientific journals. Winner of several scientific awards for young scientists. The organizer of dozens of Russian and international conferences on climate for young scientists. Ex-chief editor of Russian 24-h weather channel. Science communicator.
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9/30/2021 • 2 hours, 2 minutes, 37 seconds Vladimir Mitrofanov | Владимир Митрофанов Vladimir Mitrofanov is the Founder and CEO of Okasi. The company was established in June 2014. At Okasi they produce Japanese-style sweets, chocolate with Matcha tea and goji berries, chocolate with sweet potato, and chocolate with black sesame seeds powder. Careful treatment of traditional ingredients from Japan at all stages of production has allowed them to preserve all of their useful properties in the products and make the most Japanese-style healthy product. The company’s mission is to introduce Russian customers to the culture of the land of the rising sun by producing and selling sweets prepared according to traditional Japanese recipes.
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9/29/2021 • 1 hour, 51 minutes, 24 seconds Maksim Yakovlev | Максим Яковлев Maksim Yakovlev is a Founder and CEO of Greenbox, a chain of modern fast food cafes with nutritionally balanced and healthy food in St. Petersburg. At Greenbox everybody will find breakfast, lunch, and dinner to one's liking.
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9/29/2021 • 1 hour, 54 minutes, 26 seconds Dmitry Ivanov | Дмитрий Иванов Dmitry Ivanov is D.Sc. in Philosophy, leading research fellow of the Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences. Area of specialization: epistemology and philosophy of mind. Author of the book “The Nature of Phenomenal Consciousness”.
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9/27/2021 • 1 hour, 58 minutes, 2 seconds Anton Kuznetsov | Антон Кузнецов Anton Kuznetsov is a Philosopher, Ph.D., Moscow Center for Consciousness Studies, Faculty of Philosophy of MSU. Military Mathematician by first education. Skyrunner. Fields of research: Consciousness, the Mind-Body Problem, Free Will, Philosophy of Neuroscience, AI, Metaverse.
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9/26/2021 • 2 hours, 23 minutes, 59 seconds Tatiana Shnaider | Татьяна Шнайдер Tatiana Shnaider is a geneticist, junior researcher of the Institute of Cytology and Genetics SB RAS, Novosibirsk. Tatiana's research interests include human brain development, genetics of intellectual disability, cellular and gene therapies, and artificial organs. She is also a popularizer of science and one of the authors of the genetics textbook for middle school "Practical Molecular Genetics for Beginners".
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9/25/2021 • 2 hours, 17 minutes, 29 seconds Dmitry Deich | Дмитрий Дейч Dmitry Deich is the Founder and CEO of the Xuan Xue School of Inner Arts in Tel Aviv. Teacher of Tai Сhi, Iliqchuan, Neigong, Zhiguan meditation. The Xuan Xue School was opened on 1 May 2005 in the very center of Tel Aviv, in a tiny cozy hall at Nahmani 39. Since then, for 16 years now, we have been studying the traditional Chinese practices, their influence on the psyche, and physical health. At the moment, there are about 100 students in the school, and classes are held every day - from morning till evening.
Author of the books "Griffith's Advantage" (Moscow, Livebook, 2007) "Tales for Martha" (Moscow, Livebook, 2008) "Winter in Tel Aviv" (Moscow, Argo-risk, 2011) "Preludes and Fantasies" (Moscow, Hyperion 2012) "Notes on the awakening of the awake" (Kyiv, Toliman 2014), more than two hundred journal articles and publications in collections.
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9/25/2021 • 2 hours, 3 minutes, 38 seconds Sergey Nikolenko | Сергей Николенко Dr. Sergey Nikolenko is a computer scientist specializing in machine learning and the analysis of algorithms. He serves as the Head of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at the Steklov Institute of Mathematics at St. Petersburg, Chief Research Officer at Neuromation, Head of AI at Synthesis AI, and holds several teaching positions. Dr. Nikolenko has authored more than 180 research papers in machine learning, algorithms for networking problems, theoretical computer science, and algebra, and several books, including the bestselling "Deep Learning" book (in Russian) and "Synthetic Data for Deep Learning" recently published by Springer. Sergey has been delivering lectures on machine learning for 15+ years, and currently continues to do so at the St. Petersburg State University, Harbour Space University, and MADE Academy on Artificial Intelligence.
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9/24/2021 • 2 hours, 4 minutes, 11 seconds Julia Khadartseva | Юлия Хадарцева Julia Khadartseva is a constellator, psychologist, author of the book "PRO Money" and creator of constellation marathons, author of the #1 podcast in Russia "About Wealth, Value of Oneself and Prestige", an expert on Channel One Russia and speaker at Synergy Forum.
Julia has been in the energy and constellation field for more than 8 years. Her constellations differ in that they take place not only at the personal and generic level but also at the level of karma, the universe, absolutely all spaces.
In her unique constellation marathons, Julia works with the subconscious, which has allowed 35,000 clients to reach a new level in all areas of life easily and in a short time.
See for yourself! Julia gives all readers participation in her constellation marathon "3 Steps to Wealth", to join it - write to Julia @julia_khadartseva on Instagram.
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9/23/2021 • 1 hour, 54 minutes, 59 seconds Alexander Fedenko | Александр Феденко Alexander Fedenko is a Director of Innovation of the Credit Bank of Moscow. Alexander joined the team of the Credit Bank of Moscow in December 2015. Before joining the Credit Bank of Moscow Alexander has worked as the architect, product director, and head of software development in integrators OTR, DW Works, Neoflex, etc. Alexander is also a writer, novelist, the author of the storybook "Private Life of Dead People". (One story from the book "Brick".)
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9/22/2021 • 2 hours, 3 minutes, 40 seconds Boris Zlotin | Борис Злотин Boris Zlotin is considered one of the foremost theorists in the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ) in the world today. With over 47 years as a TRIZ expert, Boris trained over 10,000 people to apply TRIZ, solved over 30,000 inventive problems. He is a multiple patent-holder and author of books, papers, and special publications on TRIZ.
Born into a family of an engineer and a history teacher, he grew up in Podporozhye, USSR. Graduated from vocational school and the Leningrad (St. Petersburg) Polytechnic Institute. Worked for 20 years at the company Electrosila as a metal worker, designer, and research engineer. In 1974 learned about TRIZ and started inventing. In 1978 Boris became the head of the Value Engineering group starting a career as a professional investor. Moved to Chisinau in 1982 and together with Alla Zusman founded a TRIZ School, became one of the leading developers and instructors in TRIZ. In close collaboration with Genrich Altshuller, the TRIZ founder conducted 12 month-long TRIZ education courses and published 4 books. In 1986, together with Vladimir Proseanic, Alla Zusman and Svetlana Visnepolschi founded the first in the USSR private engineering company Progress providing TRIZ services, education, and conducting TRIZ software development. In the early 1990s, he moved to the United States and co-founded Ideation International Inc.
Boris is the author of a number of publications on various aspects of TRIZ mainly co-authored with his wife, Alla Zusman. One of their main works is a methodology for solving scientific problems, a suite of TRIZ-based software products, and the methodology Directed Evolution® (a method for managing technological evolution using TRIZ). Other developments include methods for identifying roots and predicting failures and other undesirable phenomena (together with Svetlana Visnepolschi), evaluating, and enhancing intellectual property (together with Vladimir Proseanic).
In recent years, Boris Zlotin together with Vladimir Proseanic co-funded two start-ups Progress, Inc. and Omega Server, Inc. conducting the development and marketing brand new type of neural network – Progressive Artificial Neural Network (PANN).
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9/21/2021 • 3 hours, 23 minutes, 21 seconds Dmitry Ageev and Alexey Stankevich | Дмитрий Агеев и Алексей Станкевич Dmitry Ageev is Executive Director of SKOLKOVO Wealth Transformation Center established by the initiative of Ruben Vardanyan for the HN-UHNWI community in Russia support and customer development. He is maintaining partnerships with major private banking, luxury products, and services providers, multi/single family offices. His primary focus is research, consultancy, educational efforts, and conferences for HN-UHNWI families on the issues of Wealth Management: Personal Finance, Succession Planning, Family Business, Philanthropy (including social impact projects). Producer of the largest online/offline annual conference platform in Russia for HNWI and infrastructure – Wealth Knowledge Day. Previously in his carrier, Dmitry was holding executive and expert positions at large Russian and multinational companies (ConocoPhillips, RUSAL, Rostelecom, Johnson & Johnson) at strategic human resources and corporate social responsibility.
Alexey Stankevich is a Managing Director of Phoenix Advisors, a wealth management company established in 2015 in partnership with Ruben Vardanyan. Advisor to the largest Russian capitals in the matters of asset structuring and protection. Until 2015, he was a co-founder and CEO of the investment group Third Rome, which was created in 2009 by top managers of the Renaissance Capital group. From 2004 to 2009, he led the structured solutions group and the multi-family office practice at Renaissance Capital that he created. From 2001 to 2004 Alexey was the head of the Investment Projects Department of the International Industrial Bank, where he managed projects for the acquisition and consolidation of non-banking assets. He created and headed family offices of major Russian entrepreneurs. He worked in the central office of Sberbank of the Russian Federation, Razgulay UkrRos Group. He started his career in 1997 in the Big Four companies in the tax and legal consulting department.
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9/20/2021 • 1 hour, 51 minutes, 8 seconds Dmitry Voloshin | Дмитрий Волошин Dmitry Voloshin has over 15 years of investment and operational experience in the field of EdTech, HRTech, TalentTech. As a serial entrepreneur, he is engaged in both the development of his own businesses and mentoring of companies with revenues of up to 1 billion rubles. Dmitry has been directly involved in the assessment and due diligence of more than 50 startups and has been a mentor for 14 projects. In 2017, Dmitry Voloshin and Vitaly Chibrikov launched an educational platform for IT specialists Otus.ru. By the beginning of 2020, the entrepreneur founded the EduTech laboratory, where various mentoring programs for the founders of EduTech startups are presented. In 2021 Dmitry became a venture partner of Fort Ross Ventures. Previously, Dmitry headed the research and education department at Mail.Ru Group and headed the corporate network academy at Rostec. In 2008, he received his MBA from the State University of Management. Dmitry has a Ph.D. in Pedagogy and is the author of the monograph “The Concept of Lifelong Learning”.
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9/19/2021 • 1 hour, 54 minutes, 34 seconds Vitaliy Stepanov | Виталий Степанов Vitaliy Stepanov, Ph.D. in Economics, currently he is holding the post of Acting CEO of Moscow Export Center. Vitaliy has extensive experience in the field of investments attraction and support of investment projects. Started his career in Ernst & Young, then held various positions in major state corporations: Rosseti, Rosatom, VEB. In 2016 Vitaliy joined the Moscow City Government team. In the beginning of 2017 as a Deputy CEO of Moscow Export Center, he was in charge of export contracts and new programs for Moscow potential exporters. He graduated from Lomonosov MSU.
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9/18/2021 • 1 hour, 32 minutes, 3 seconds Maria Shakhova | Мария Шахова Maria Shakhova graduated from Magnitogorsk State University in 2012 with a master's degree in Journalism. She got her first professional experience working as a correspondent in the frame at regional broadcasting in the city of Magnitogorsk. Then she moved to work as the head of an international Internet project. Since 2012 she has been living in Moscow. In 2013 she graduated from the University Business School at Moscow State University with a degree in PR and Marketing. Around the same time, she got a job in a large media holding, working first as a PR specialist, and then as a PR director.
In 2014, she founded the communication agency PR agency of Maria Shakhova. The agency's projects have been awarded at the most prestigious contests, including: "Cannes Lions" (silver and bronze), "Event of the Year", Effie Awards Russia (Best cases), and others. Among the clients: SafMar, Sberbank, Otkritie broker, Moscow School of Management Skolkovo, and many others.
Maria is a permanent expert in federal and industry media, regularly comments on events in Russia and the world. Since the beginning of 2020, Maria has been co-host of the "Let me Tell!" on the Life.ru channel, where are raised acute social and political topics.
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9/17/2021 • 1 hour, 36 minutes, 12 seconds Dmitry Spiridonov | Дмитрий Спиридонов Dmitry Spiridonov is the CEO and co-founder of the CloudPayments payment service and advisor to the Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of Tinkoff. Known for his flamboyant costumes and daring antics, the entrepreneur is used to being the center of attention. Dmitry is called the Russian Richard Branson. This charismatic businessman loves shopping, has bright shoes, and can go for a walk in a Deadpool suit. Dmitry respects fashion, although he does not follow it, he loves brands. Its main motto is "Evolve and Annoy!"
Dmitry is a successful leader, his day is scheduled by the clock and includes obligatory time for himself, social networks, and a dog. In his work, Dmitry is guided by three principles: obstinacy, hard work, and responsibility. The entrepreneur is confident that properly built business functions as an independent organism, and that it can only be made successful by investing in a team.
Responsibility and love for human resources are embedded in the DNA of CloudPayments. Dmitry puts the comfort of employees in the first place, and his own - in the second. Everyone in the company can express their opinion and get feedback. There is no internal competition or wage restrictions. He invests net profit in people, and it pays the highest dividends. In the CloudPayments office stands the throne and lives the spider Marusya.
Dmitry believes in the “Russian dream”. He does not agree that it is impossible to achieve anything in Russia, and advocates doing everything to implement the idea. Dmitry is sure that everyone has talent. He started with himself and now is trying to convey this idea to aspiring entrepreneurs and startups, periodically holding mentoring meetings with them. At meetings, he says that an honest and efficient business can be built in Russia. Dmitry proves this with his own example because once not a single venture fund believed in the success of CloudPayments.
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9/16/2021 • 1 hour, 25 minutes, 1 second Vadim Fedotov | Вадим Федотов Vadim Fedotov is the co-founder and CEO of the UK-based health tech company “bioniq”. From his youth, he played professional basketball in Germany and the USA. He returned to Russia in 2009, heading Groupon Russia, then Gazprom - Media Technologies, where he was responsible for managing Rutube video hosting. In 2019, together with Medical Director Konstantin Karuzin, he founded bioniq in the UK. At the moment the company is represented in the UK, Russia, and the United Arab Emirates.
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9/15/2021 • 1 hour, 41 minutes, 2 seconds Konstantin Vorontsov | Константин Воронцов Konstantin Vorontsov graduated from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology in 1994, Faculty of Management and Applied Mathematics. About 30 years in the profession of machine learning and data science. He worked in various commercial companies as a programmer and analyst (MICEX, Forecsys, Yandex, Sberbank), combined with scientific work at the Computing Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. He defended his Ph.D. thesis in 1999, a doctoral degree in 2010 on mathematical problems of machine learning. Since 2004, he has been teaching machine learning and other related disciplines at Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Moscow State University, Yandex School of Data Analysis. For the last 10 years, his research interests have been natural language processing. Currently, he is engaged in the tasks of detecting fake news, propaganda, manipulation, and other manifestations of post-truth politics.
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9/14/2021 • 2 hours, 4 minutes, 36 seconds Uri Gershowitz | Ури Гершовиц Uri Gershowitz is an associate professor at the Department of Jewish Culture at the Institute of Philosophy, St. Petersburg State University, an employee of the International Center for Teaching Jewish Civilization in Russian at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.
Graduated from Kalinin University (1989). In 1992 he immigrated to Israel. Studied at the Gar Etzion Yeshiva (1992-1998), studied Analytical Philosophy and Jewish Thought at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. In 2008 he defended his doctoral dissertation in the field of medieval Jewish philosophy. Since 1999 he has been teaching Talmudic literature and Jewish thought at the Department of Judaics at the Institute of Asian and African Countries, Moscow State University. For twelve years (from 1998 to 2010) he was an employee of the Institute for the Study of Judaism in the CIS under the leadership of Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz, where he translated the Talmud into Russian and taught the Jewish tradition.
Author of several articles in the field of Jewish philosophy and Talmudic literature, translator and editor of many classical Jewish texts. Host of the program "Two and a Half Meanings: Cinema as Text".
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9/13/2021 • 1 hour, 48 minutes, 45 seconds Sergey Faer | Сергей Фаер Sergey Faer is the President of the Troubleshooting Academy, a master of TRIZ (Theory of Inventive Problem Solving), the creator of a community for the application of TRIZ in business.
How often have you faced tasks that seemed "unsolvable"? What did you do when you needed to find a solution to an “impossible” problem? Remember your feelings of looking for a way out of the maze, asking questions, and constantly getting into dead ends? And, most importantly, remember the moment when the long-awaited solution was finally found? At that moment, you felt like a conqueror of the world. You were a troubleshooter, a person who knew no obstacles, a person who knew how to solve "unsolvable" problems. For more than 30 years Sergey has been solving "unsolvable" problems. And it all started with the very feeling that came after the first victory.
Author of the book methodology "Troubleshooting. How to solve unsolvable problems, looking at them from the other side”, about the use of TRIZ for solving non-technical problems. The author of the book methodology "Methods of strategy and tactics of the pre-election struggle" - 73 stratagems, which for the first time outlines the systematized experience of using TRIZ in election campaigns - from developing a strategy to solving tactical problems. Conducted about 300 pieces of training "Genius on schedule", on the creative solution of business problems and decision-making in non-standard situations.
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9/12/2021 • 1 hour, 51 minutes, 17 seconds Alexey Borisov | Алексей Борисов Alexey Borisov is a co-founder of Rocketech Software Development Company, a company that is a reliable partner in the successful launch of IT products. Rocketech started from a small team and developed into a trusted and reliable tech partner for enterprises and startups that knows how to scale up your business. During 6 years Rocketech has released more than 150 successful projects and continues to grow. The company's main priorities are quality, transparency, and organized internal processes.
Alexey got a Bachelor's Degree at Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics, and Informatics and got a Master's Degree at National Research University "Higher School of Economics" in Moscow, and a Master's degree in special program MIT commercialization of innovation. Alexey is fond of business and technology innovations. He likes sport, yoga, and travel.
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9/11/2021 • 1 hour, 51 minutes, 7 seconds Michael Ostrovsky | Михаил Островский Michael Ostrovsky is the Fred H. Merrill Professor of Economics at the Stanford Graduate School of Business and a Co-founder and Chief Scientist of Topsort, a venture-backed start-up that provides auction-based infrastructure and advertising solutions for online retailers and marketplaces. Michael's research is in the areas of game theory, marketplace design, auction theory and practice, two-sided matching, industrial organization, and e-commerce platforms. Michael’s research on the properties of internet advertising auctions has served as a foundation for the large and growing literature on the subject, and has been recognized with the 2013 Prize of the Game Theory Society for “the best paper at the interface of game theory and computer science in the last decade” and the 2018 Test of Time Award of the ACM Special Interest Group on Economics and Computation for “an influential paper that has significantly impacted research or applications exemplifying the interplay of economics and computation,” among other awards.
Following his initial academic work on advertising auctions, Michael has advised Yahoo on the design of various aspects of their sponsored search and display ad auctions. Most notably, he has consulted Yahoo on the determination of optimal reserve prices in sponsored search auctions, which resulted in a substantial long-term increase in Yahoo’s revenues. During the academic year of 2013 – 2014, Michael was a Visiting Scientist at Google, working on a number of marketplace design projects. He has also advised LinkedIn and Pinterest on various aspects of their monetization and advertising auction strategies and designs. In addition to his work with Google, Yahoo, LinkedIn, and Pinterest, Michael has also advised a number of international telecommunications companies on their bidding strategies in complex auctions for the electromagnetic spectrum, and also worked as an expert advisor on legal cases involving online advertising and antitrust-related issues.
Michael has earned a B.A.S. in Mathematics and Economics from Stanford University and an A.M. in Economics and a Ph.D. in Business Economics from Harvard University.
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9/8/2021 • 1 hour, 59 minutes, 3 seconds Vladislav Zdorenko | Владислав Здоренко Vladislav Zdorenko is a Co-founder of Startech.vc and Startupbootcamp Russia. Author and lecturer of Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT) Tech entrepreneurship course on Coursera. Has been working in tech industry for 8 years. During the last 4 years Vlad launched 35 acceleration and corporate innovation programs in Russia with more than 800 alumni startups and partners including Microsoft, EY, Mastercard and others. Startech alumni startups raised millions of dollars, some of them were also accepted to 500 Startups, Techstars, Berkeley SkyDeck and Y Combinator acceleration programs. Startech programs are doing real impact for CIS market - they are totally free for startups because of innovative business model Vladislav implemented. Right now Vladislav is launching NVO Venture — $20M micro-VC with focus on post-COVID world startups.
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9/8/2021 • 1 hour, 46 minutes, 19 seconds Anatoly Shalyto | Анатолий Шалыто Anatoly Shalyto is a Russian scientist, Doctor of Science, Professor of computer science, and the Head of the Department of Programming Technologies at ITMO University. In 2008, he was awarded by the Government of the Russian Federation for achievements in the field of education. Also, by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 15, 2018, Anatoly was awarded a state award - the badge of distinction "For mentoring". This honorary award, established by Vladimir Putin's decree of March 2, 2018, was awarded for the first time to three people in the country, including Anatoly. This award recognizes services in the professional development and mentoring of young professionals.
Since 1991, ITMO University has created a powerful school for training the world's best programmers according to ICPC (ITMO University is the only seven-time champion of this championship in the world). Anatoly has been teaching at ITMO University since 1998 at the Departments of Computer Technology and Programming Technologies. Through the efforts of the organizers of this direction, Vladimir Vasiliev and Vladimir Parfenov, with the active participation of Anatoly and his colleagues in the university have grown a group of outstanding software developers who have created the world's first 4G communicator (Yota by Skartel), the Kotlin programming language (the second official programming language for Android applications) and cryptocurrency software Cardano. Thanks to the scientific school they created, ITMO University ranked 56th in the Times Higher Education ranking in computer science in 2016, 76th in 2017, 71st in 2018, 74th in 2019, and 74th in 2021 in this nomination according to the QS World University Ranking.
However, Professor Shalyto considers his main achievement to be his initiative to retain the most talented students at the university after graduation. Now at ITMO University, next to Parfenov and Shalyto, five champions and two prize-winners of the ICPC world programming championships are constantly working, as well as a large number of other young and talented scientists who successfully carry out research in such areas as bioinformatics and systems biology, machine learning, evolutionary computation, discrete optimization, programming technologies, including Automata-Based Programming.
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9/7/2021 • 2 hours, 37 minutes, 39 seconds Sergey Tonkov | Сергей Тонков Sergey Tonkov is the Founder and CEO of St.Friday Socks. He founded the brand in 2015 with ambitions to conquer the world with its colorful socks. There is much more to socks than you may think! It’s not just a regular clothing item nor a necessary accessory. Your socks make your day. And it’s only you to decide what kind of a day to live - a black and a boring one or bright and colorful. St.Friday Socks have become the site for the creative work of many talented people. Limited collections are not only exclusive socks, created in collaboration with popular musicians, artists, and designers but also pieces of art. And it is even more enjoyable to wear them.
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9/6/2021 • 1 hour, 45 minutes, 57 seconds Viktor Kagan | Виктор Каган Viktor Kagan - D.M.Sc. (Russia), M.D., Ph.D. (USA). A well-known psychiatrist and psychologist, author of more than 30 books in Russia and abroad, among them the book "The Meanings of Psychotherapy" is the winner of the national competition "Golden Psyche" (2019). Member of the Independent Psychiatric Association of Russia, honorary member of the East European Association for Existential Psychotherapy. Member of the Academic Council of the Institute of Existential Psychology and Life Creativity (Moscow). Visiting lecturer at the Institute of Existential and Humanistic Psychology (Lithuania), Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis. Author of 11 books of poetry and poetry translations (Russia, USA, Germany). Diploma-recipient of the Voloshin International Literary Competition (2005, 2008), laureate of the Silver Age Prize (based on the results of the Non-Fiction Book Fair, 2009). Member of the editorial board of the international magazine "Seven Arts".
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9/5/2021 • 2 hours, 28 minutes, 20 seconds Mikhail Chernyshev | Михаил Чернышев Mikhail Chernyshev is the Marketing Director of Dodo Pizza UK. Prior, he was in charge of marketing Dodo Pizza in Eurasia. From 2015 to 2017, he headed the marketing of the largest social network in Europe - VKontakte. In 2014, he launched a new mobile operator Yota in the role of Marketing Director. From 2006 to 2013, he headed the marketing departments at the Russian and Croatian offices of the mobile operator Tele2. From 2001 to 2006 he worked for international advertising agencies EuroRSCG and Publicis, managing marketing activities for clients of Richemont, Puma, Pernod Ricard, Alcatel, Binatone, Nestle, HP in Russia and the CIS.
Mikhail graduated from the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics. He defended his Ph.D. thesis and graduated with the Executive MBA in Strategic Marketing from the Stockholm School of Economics. He teaches at the British Higher School of Art and Design and is a guest speaker at the Stockholm School of Economics and the SKOLKOVO Business School.
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9/4/2021 • 1 hour, 53 minutes, 55 seconds Grigory Sapunov | Григорий Сапунов Grigory Sapunov is the co-founder and CTO of Intento, a Berkeley-based startup that helps global companies to procure and utilize the best-fit cognitive AI services.
Prior to Intento, Grigory was a tech lead of the Yandex News service for more than 5 years, worked with IBM Watson Research Center as an invited data science expert, and had AI and software engineering roles in other companies. He spent more than 20 years in software engineering, of which about 15 years in data analysis, artificial intelligence, and machine learning. Since 2011, he has been engaged in deep learning. Grigory led many educational activities in academia and industry related to deep learning, data analysis, big data, and digital signal processing.
Grigory graduated from Moscow State Institute of Electronics and Mathematics (MIEM) as a systems engineer with a specialization in Intellectual Information Systems in 2002, then got a Ph.D. in Artificial Intelligence in 2006. In 2014 he graduated from the Moscow School of Bioinformatics. Grigory is a Google Developer Expert in Machine Learning and a Member of the Scientific Advisory Board at Atlas Biomed. He is also a coauthor of an AI-related Telegram channel “Gonzo ML”.
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9/3/2021 • 2 hours, 8 minutes, 6 seconds Maxim Volokhov | Максим Волохов Maxim Volokhov is a serial entrepreneur and head of the venture capital fund Admitad Invest, now he is the head of Chief of Entrepreneurship Admitad. For more than 15 years, he has been creating, developing and investing in Internet projects. The main specialization is finding the best ways to create new things.
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9/2/2021 • 1 hour, 52 minutes, 53 seconds Alisa Melnikova | Алиса Мельникова Alisa Melnikova is in charge of the development, implementation, maintenance and operation of IT services and systems, digitalization of processes, advanced analytics, industry 4.0, corporate data management at SIBUR, the largest integrated petrochemicals company in Russia. SIBUR purchases hydrocarbons and processes them into plastics, rubbers and other high value-added products.
Alisa was appointed as CDIO of SIBUR on May 20, 2019, and engaged in the digitalization of production, management, client and other processes of the company. In April 2020, in order to achieve maximum results from the transformation program, all SIBUR's competencies of IT and digitalization were consolidated into SIBUR Digital with Alisa as a CEO. In 2020 was included in the top-3 CIO of top-1000 Russian managers.
Before joining SIBUR, Alisa was the leader of financial technologies of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, previously for 4 years was the General Director of SberTech, where she was responsible for the projects of development and implementation of software in the interests of Sberbank, improving the quality and reliability the IT landscape of the company.
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9/1/2021 • 1 hour, 38 minutes, 17 seconds Asya Kazantseva | Ася Казанцева Asya Kazantseva is a well-known science journalist, winner of the Enlightener Prize, author of three best-selling books on irrational human behavior. Neurobiologist by education (Biological Faculty of Saint Petersburg State University + Master's Degree in Cognitive Sciences at HSE University + Master's Degree in Molecular Neurobiology at the University of Bristol). She gave popular science lectures in several dozen cities (from Vladivostok to London, from Singapore to Norilsk).
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8/31/2021 • 2 hours, 2 minutes, 36 seconds Natalia Galkina | Наталья Галкина Natalia Galkina is a technology entrepreneur, neurophysiologist, economist. She is a Founder and CEO of Neurotrend - the first Russian neuromarketing company, the leader of the neuromarketing market in Russia with offices in Moscow and Singapore, the only Russian company-member of the world neuromarketing association NMSBA (Neuromarketing Science & Business Association).
Natalia is one of the leading Russian entrepreneurs in the field of neurotechnology with a business turnover in 2019 of more than 300 million rubles. The only female leader of the segment in the Neuronet industry union: she is the head of the Neurocommunication and Marketing Department of the Neuronet Roadmap of the National Technology Initiative.
Founder and CEO of NeuroChat, a company that has developed the world's first consumer-class neurocommunication system for people with speech and movement impairments, working in 6 languages. In addition to the opportunity to return to the world of communication, the system provides Internet access for people with disabilities, opportunities for neuro-training, inclusive education, and feasible work. NeuroChat held the world's first intercontinental session of neuro-communication between Russia and America, entered the 100 best inventions of the Russian Federation in 2017 according to Rospatent, became the winner of the CES Asia Innovation Awards 2018 in the Health category, "Hope for Technologies" of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia, a finalist of the European Neuro Convention Innovation Of The Year Award 2019, finalist of Bayer Patents power 2019, winner of the Mayor's award "Innovator of Moscow 2020" in the nomination "Changing reality", etc. Both projects are residents of Skolkovo, NeuroChat also became a member of the Moscow Innovation Cluster and entered the list of innovative products of the Moscow Innovation Agency.
Natalia is the owner of such prestigious personal awards as "Business Woman" and "Entrepreneur of the Year" EY 2017 in the High Technologies nomination, Neuronet Leader of the Year, BIZZ award - awards for business excellence from the World Business Confederation and the Global Technological Leadership award. Natalia is engaged in educational activities, being the author and teacher of neuromarketing and behavioral economics courses at Lomonosov Moscow State University and MGIMO, the initiator and co-author of the Neuromarketing training course standard. Natalia's research interests are brain-computer interface technologies and neuromarketing technologies.
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8/30/2021 • 1 hour, 51 minutes, 49 seconds Roman Buzunov | Роман Бузунов Roman Buzunov is the President of the Russian Society of Somnologists, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, Professor, Doctor of Medicine. Head of the Sleep Medicine Center at the Rehabilitation Clinic in Khamovniki. Leading Russian expert on insomnia, snoring and sleep apnea. Sleep wellness, sleep and bedroom hygiene specialist. He has many years of experience in advising and treating senior officials of the Russian Federation, prominent figures in science, art and sports, and well-known businessmen.
Author of books “How to overcome insomnia? Healthy sleep in 6 weeks” (a bestseller in 2020 and 2021 according to the websites OZON and LITRES), “Tips for healthy sleep 3.0”, “How to treat snoring and obstructive sleep apnea syndrome”. The author of the program of cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia, which allows curing chronic insomnia in most patients in 6 weeks without sleeping pills.
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8/29/2021 • 2 hours, 59 seconds Konstantin Stiskin | Константин Стискин Konstantin Stiskin is a Co-Founder and Supervisory Board member at Finom, financial solutions for the management of small and medium-sized businesses. The company attracted 16.8 million euros of venture funding. Also, he is a Co-Founder and Advisory Board member at Dengi Vpered, the first in Russia salary on-demand company. In 2020, the company raised $ 1 million from the Target Global fund and signed a strategic partnership with Alfa Bank.
Konstantin has more than 10 years of experience in venture capital - worked his way from analyst to fund partner. He has over 40 closed deals and 10 exits under his belt. Most of the deals are in the marketplace segment (Foodfox - bought by Yandex, Busfor - bought by BlaBlaCar), and Fintech (Raisin, Zopa - all companies have an estimate of over $ 1 billion).
In 2014, he joined the management team of the Genotek startup having bought out the share of one of the founders, since that time the company has grown more than 100 times and attracted money from angels, Pharmstandard and Yandex. Currently, he serves as a member of the Board of Directors.
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8/28/2021 • 2 hours, 4 minutes, 6 seconds Eugene Borisov | Евгений Борисов Eugene Borisov is a partner and development director of the investment company Kama Flow, which manages two venture funds (total capital of ~ $ 50 million) and is one of the most active investors in the deep tech segment in Russia. Prior to founding Kama Flow in 2014, Eugene gained experience in management consulting, specializing in investment development projects for territories, and also held management positions in the TMT sector (in the assets of ESN and Access Industries).
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8/27/2021 • 1 hour, 47 minutes, 51 seconds Vadim Radaev | Вадим Радаев Vadim Radaev was born in 1961 in Moscow. Graduated from the Faculty of Economics, Lomonosov Moscow State University. He worked at the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences (Shanika). In 1997 he defended his doctoral dissertation in two specialties - economic theory and sociology. Since 1999, vice-rector, then first vice-rector of the Higher School of Economics. In 2000 he founded the journal "Economic Sociology". In 2006, he organized the Laboratory for Studies in Economic Sociology. Author of many books and articles, including the books "Economic Sociology", "The Conquest of Russian Territories: A New Competitive Situation in Retail”, “Who Owns Power in Consumer Markets”, “Millennials: How Russian Society is Changing”, “Watching Movies, Understanding Life: 19 Sociological Essays”.
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8/25/2021 • 2 hours, 4 minutes, 8 seconds Boris Ryabov | Борис Рябов Boris Ryabov is a VC firm manager turned social entrepreneur in the field of communal thermal healing. Boris is CEO and Founder of Essential Steam, Founder of Steamology Institute, and Director at Maratika Ventures. Boris has accumulated diverse experience in international VC and PE throughout his career and turned to health and wellness as an entrepreneur and social artist. He holds an MBA from Warwick Business School and a Ph.D. in Economics. He was active for several years as Associate Professor at HSE, Russia.
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8/24/2021 • 2 hours, 8 minutes, 3 seconds Andrey Belyakov | Андрей Беляков Andrey Belyakov is a member of the CFA Institute, a professional derivative trader and fund manager with ten years of experience with 30 billion EUR AUM portfolios. He is the founder of the Opium Team and a private venture investor in Decentralized Finance. Earlier, during his mathematical career, Andrey was working on Queue Theory for large distributed systems and Theory of Probabilities at Moscow State University.
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8/23/2021 • 1 hour, 55 minutes, 34 seconds Sergei Teplykh | Сергей Теплых Sergei Teplykh is the territorial manager of the Syucai School of Russia, the International School of Digital Psychology and Philosophy of the 21st Century. Certified Master of Science "Syucai", the science of the Discipline of the Mind and Realization of the Soul.
Sergei was awarded the honorary order "Gift of Zhanat" by the Russian Committee for Public Awards. UN Ambassador for Peace UPF. Winner of the 2019 PEOPLE OF THE YEAR award - DIGITAL OF THE YEAR according to FB-journal. Awarded with the GOLDEN ORDER OF THE PEACEKEEPER for his contribution to the WORK OF PEACE. Awarded the Brics Award of Honor (CIPDH). Winner of the award: Business Coach, Breakthrough 2018, In the category: Business, Finance and Communications. Winner of the award: TEACHER OF THE YEAR: Best Educational Product of Personality Development 2019 - International School of Digital Psychology "Syucai". Winner of the Topical Style Awards 2020 - Best School of Personality Development Psychology: Syucai International School. Winner of the TOP STAR PEOPLE award according to the FRESH NEWS magazine - “Breakthrough of the Year: Syucai International School of Digital Psychology.
Participant of the All-Russian Forum Transformation 5; Speaker and Ambassador of the largest NetWork community in Russia TimeBiZ; Participant of the All-Russian Forum "Fundamentals of Russian Security" - Moscow Government House; Founder of Author's Personal Development Courses based on Syucai Digital Psychology; Multiple Participant of the International Congress of International Academy of Spiritual Development and Innovative Technologies. Sergei is fond of traveling, playing the guitar, reading books and moto sports (enduro, sportbike).
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8/22/2021 • 1 hour, 54 minutes, 28 seconds Nikolay Grintser | Николай Гринцер Nikolay Grintser is a classic philologist, director of the School of Contemporary Humanitarian Research, RANEPA. Doctor of Philology, a specialist in ancient Greek literature of the archaic and classical eras, ancient literary and linguistic theory, comparative mythology and the history of religion. Head of the Department of Classical Philology of the Institute of Oriental Cultures and Antiquity of the Russian State University for the Humanities, Head of the Laboratory of Ancient Culture at the RANEPA SHAGI. Since 2016 - Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Co-author of the book "Formation of literary theory in Ancient Greece and India" (2000, together with P. A. Grintser), commentator of Homer ("Homer. Iliad. Odyssey", 2002). Field of interests: classical Greek literature, Homeric epic, Greek drama, comparative mythology, history of humanities.
In 1988 graduated summa cum laude from the Department of Classical Philology, Moscow State University. In 1991 got a Candidate of Science (Ph.D.) degree from Moscow State University. Dissertation: "Syntax Theory in the Development of Classical Grammatical Tradition". In 1999 got a Doctor of Sciences (Habilitation) degree from Moscow State University. Dissertation: - "The Formation of Classical Literary Theory". In 1989-1994 – Junior Researcher at the Institute of Slavic and Balkan Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences. In 1989 started working as Lecturer in Latin and Greek and history of the humanities at Moscow State University.
Since 1992 – Associate Professor, then Full Professor at the Russian State University for the Humanities. Courses taught: Greek language and literature, mythology, history of religion, history of the humanities and education in the classical age. Since 1995 – Chair, Department of Classical Culture (then – Classical Philology), Russian State University of the Humanities. Since 2013 – Director, School of the Advanced Studies in The Humanities, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Chair of the Center of Classical Studies. In 2016 was elected Correspondent Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences
As a Visiting Fellow worked at Harvard University and Center of Hellenic Studies, Washington, USA; Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, Paris, France; Free University, Berlin, Germany; Oxford and Cambridge Universities, Great Britain, Swedish Collegium of the Advanced Studies, Uppsala. Lectured at the University of California in Los Angeles, USA; Leuven University, Belgium; Freiburg University, Germany. Grantee of Russian State Scientific Foundation, Open Society Institute (Soros Foundation), International Research and Exchanges Board, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.
Participated in more than 70 scholarly conferences on classical studies, linguistics, semiotics and history of the humanities, both Russia-wide and international (in USA, Greece, Germany, Austria, France, Belgium, Denmark, Serbia). Author of more than 80 scholarly publications in Russian and English.
Member of the Administrative Board of Russian Classical Association. Member of the Editorial Boards of Russian peer-reviewed scholarly journals "Vestnik drevnej istorii", "Voprosy literatury" and "Shagi/Steps".
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8/21/2021 • 2 hours, 10 minutes, 16 seconds Alexander Gornyi | Александр Горный Alexander Gornyi was born on March 21, 1980, in Moscow. In 2000, he graduated with honors from the Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics. After graduating from university, Alexander worked for the Internet companies Mail.ru, Rambler, RBC. In 2010, Alexander headed the ICQ project at Mail.Ru Group. In 2012, he was appointed CIO of Mail.Ru Group, in 2016 - Director of Strategy and Analysis. In this position, he was engaged in M&A, investments and the launch of new projects within the company.
From 2018 to 2020 he was a Deputy CEO at Citymobil, a taxi aggregator that received investments from Mail.Ru Group and Sberbank.
Alexander is a Co-founder of United Investors. It is a meeting point for investors and growing startups seeking venture funding. 40 transactions were made on the platform during the 2019-2020 years. He also is a Co-founder of the mobile app Mo: Meditation & Sleep, the choice of 1.1 million users.
He writes a blog #startupoftheday with the author's reviews of startups and their business models.
Author of the book “Startup. How to start a business from scratch and change the world”.
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8/20/2021 • 1 hour, 48 minutes, 44 seconds Igor Sivov is a happy family man and a successful entrepreneur. He is a father of three and preparing to become a father for the fourth time. Igor is the author of the progressive personal development method The Conscious Parent. This 4-week online course was created to help parents and those who are just thinking about having children learn how to communicate with the kids, unleash the child's potential, and help them to become self-confident personalities. The course was developed personally by Igor, with professional support from experienced psychologists and educators. Igor is also the founder of the natural cosmetics brand for women Miralin.
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8/19/2021 • 1 hour, 37 minutes, 32 seconds Oleg Kivokurtsev | Олег Кивокурцев Oleg Kivokurtsev is Co-Founder and Director of Development at Promobot company, a manufacturer of autonomous service robots. He was born and raised in Perm, Russia. He became interested in robotics in 2012, three years later he founded Promobot together with partners. Their first robot was built in the garage. In four years, the startup grew from the orders for local shopping centers to the production of batches of robots for customers around the world. Last year, about two hundred promobots were collected, and the geography of their deliveries expanded to 36 countries. The revenue of Promobot exceeds 3 million dollars a year, investors value the company more than 30 million dollars.
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8/18/2021 • 1 hour, 45 minutes, 41 seconds Efim Kolodkin | Ефим Колодкин Efim Kolodkin is a Co-Founder and CEO of Bash Today, a venue booking service for private and corporate events. Also, Efim is the CEO of Uprising Agency, a design and web development company with strong experience in building marketplaces and digital startups. He holds a master's degree in Integrated planning and urban sustainability from Erasmus University Rotterdam and a Master's degree in Business Administration and Management from Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) MFA Russia MGIMO. On September 10, 2017, he was elected a deputy of the Council of Deputies of the Arbat municipal district of Moscow.
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8/17/2021 • 1 hour, 43 minutes, 48 seconds George Held | Джордж Хелд George Held is an Executive Vice President of Digital and New Business Development at Beeline Russia. George is a telecom and consumer finance executive with broad international experience. He has been publicly recognized and awarded for driving and implementing several market-leading initiatives in the international telecom sector. He is driven by a commitment and desire to add significant value through the introduction of sustainable, market-relevant, transformational services that impact people’s lives, while simultaneously delivering high commercial impact for all stakeholders.
Prior to joining PJSC VimpelCom, George held the position of Vice President for Mobile Commerce (Connected Commerce) in the Etisalat group of companies, responsible for the implementation, integration and development of digital products in the Middle East, Asia and Africa. Prior to that, he worked in executive positions at Airtel, Zain, Celtel, Tele2. George also has experience in Russia: from 1997 to 2001, he worked as the commercial director of Tele2 in the Urals region.
George has won numerous industry awards for product innovation such as GSMA Global Mobile Awards, Global Telecom Innovation Awards, FT / IFC special commendation.
He holds an MBA from Northeastern University (Boston, USA), a degree from Harvard Business School, a degree in product development, implementation and management, and a certificate in artificial intelligence from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
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8/16/2021 • 1 hour, 46 minutes, 56 seconds Slava Semenchuk | Слава Семенчук Slava Semenchuk is a serial entrepreneur and business surgeon. Specialist in the digital transformation of businesses. He understands best of all in the analysis of business, team, business model, target audience. He is well versed in platforms, uber-mechanics, fintech, blockchain and cryptocurrencies and marketplaces. He understands how to choose the right companies and projects to invest in and how to take assets out of them with profit.
Slava is the founder of more than 30 startups. For the last 7 years, he has been engaged in fintech and blockchain projects. Later he founded the service Life-pay.ru - the leader of the Russian mpos market with more than 23,500 client companies for 3 years (2.5 billion turnovers in 2015). In 2016, he was a partner and helped implement the project PAYQR.ru, which attracted more than a 300,000,000 rubles investment. The founder of the BitCoen cryptocurrency, the Block-chain.com project and also the evangelist of the Cryptoindex.io project.
Slava secured the title of "Entrepreneur of the Year" in 2014, according to EY and holds two GSEA figurines. The finalist and winner of GSEA 2013, the 2013 Runet Award and Best Telecom MTS Idea (2012)
The best business coach of the Skolkovo Business School of Management 2015. Mentor of more than 50 projects. Provides consulting and consulting on the creation, development and improvement of the business. The author of his own methodology "Validation of projects" - helps check your business ideas very quickly.
He graduated from MGUPS (Jurisprudence), Moscow Technological Institute (Management), Plekhanov Russian Academy of Economics (Strategic management), MBA of Skolkovo Moscow School of Management. The author of 6 bestselling business books.
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8/15/2021 • 1 hour, 39 minutes, 40 seconds Alexey Savvateev | Алексей Савватеев Alexey Savvateev is a mathematician, Doctor of Sciences in physical and mathematical sciences, professor at MIPT, a leading researcher at the Central Economics and Mathematics Institute, scientific director of the Caucasian Mathematical Center, which was opened at the Adyghe State University together with MIPT, as well as an active popularizer of mathematics among children and adults. Author of the book “Mathematics for the Humanities. Live lectures", as well as the project "100 lessons of mathematics" for a wide range of motivated students.
In August 2021, the Sevastopol Election Commission registered Alexey Savvateev as a candidate from the New People party for the legislative elections to the State Duma of the 8th convocation, which will be held in Russia on 19 September 2021.
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8/14/2021 • 1 hour, 37 minutes, 13 seconds Igor Berkhin | Игорь Берхин Igor Berkhin is a long-term meditation practitioner, a Buddhist translator, and a teacher authorized by a prominent Dzogchen master Chogyal Namkhai Norbu. In 1985, when he was 17, he discovered something beyond the world which was known to him, that is the world of society and the world of science. The new world he has learned about didn’t have a single name, it could be called the transcendental, the magic, the esoteric, etc. What interested him the most was meditation, a skill of working with one’s own mind allowing to open new knowledge and new capacities. He started to practice meditation, at first, from books and older friends. Then the Iron Curtain failed and so he met traditional teachers from China, Korea, Tibet. After many years of practicing, he has discovered in his personal experience that the root of all happiness and sorrow, sacred and profane, material and immaterial is our own mind, its nature is indescribable.
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8/12/2021 • 1 hour, 34 minutes, 22 seconds Roman Maslennikov | Роман Масленников Roman Maslennikov is a PR professional with over 20 years of experience, he is the Founder and CEO of the Explosive PR agency, whose mission is “More good news!”. Specialized in explosive PR (news organization strategy in favor of corporate branding) and anti-crisis PR. Roman holds a Ph.D. in Philosophy, writer, author of 105 books (5 PR bestsellers), founder of the Good News Support Foundation. Created about 2500 PR-related ideas in the following spheres: banks, retail, education, telecom, personal brands. Author of the book "Hypanem? Explosive PR: A Step-by-Step Guide", which took 1st place in the rating of "Labirint" in the genre "Advertising & PR". 5 laws were passed as a result of his PR campaigns. Roman was a speaker at TedX, Synergy, and many other venues.
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8/11/2021 • 1 hour, 41 minutes, 48 seconds Andrew Kislov | Андрей Кислов Andrew Kislov is an entrepreneur, neuroscientist and CEO of FasTest, a service for predicting the effectiveness of advertising based on the neuro-reactions of viewers. Andrey is a Ph.D. student at the Institute for Cognitive Neuroscience, HSE University. Member of the Federation of European Neuroscience Societies and the Society for NeuroEconomics.
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8/11/2021 • 1 hour, 42 minutes, 36 seconds Yuriy Yurchuk | Юрий Юрчук Ukrainian baritone Yuriy Yurchuk is the Royal Opera House principal artist, described by The Times as "the finest voice on stage ...with the immaculate Italianate line" and "rich, deep voice capable of great versatility" by Bachtrack.
Born in Kyiv, Ukraine, he discovered his passion for Opera after coming to Chicago and meeting professor Marc Alon Embree. Yuriy studied Vocal Performance at DePaul University School of Music. He also holds Bachelor's and Masters's degrees in finance and accounting from Kyiv National Economic University. Before embarking on a career as a singer he was an M&A financial advisor with PwC for eight years.
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8/10/2021 • 1 hour, 46 minutes, 48 seconds Alexander Shapoval | Александр Шаповал Alexander (Sasha) Shapoval is a professor at HSE University. He got his Ph.D. from the Lomonosov Moscow State University (Russia), worked as a PostDoc at the International Center of Theoretical Physics (Trieste, Italy), and defended the Habilitation thesis at the Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics (Russian Academy of Sciences). The area of his expertise in complex systems. In his interdisciplinary research, Sasha applies modern mathematical, computational, machine learning, and statistical tools to analyze data, construct predictions, detect anomalies, and assess scenarios of real-life processes. He has published papers in the Astrophysical Journal, Physica D, Journal of Statistical Physics, Journal of Mathematical Economics, and other professional first-tier outlets. Sasha receives the support of academic research from the Russian Science Foundation, Economics Education and Research Consortium, and other Funds.
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8/10/2021 • 1 hour, 52 minutes, 45 seconds Vsevolod Makeev | Всеволод Макеев Vsevolod Makeev is the Head of the Department of Computational Systems Biology in Vavilov Institute of General Genetics, Moscow, Russia. Vsevolod received his diploma in Physics (1990) followed by Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics (1996) and Dr. Sci. in Physics and Mathematics (2010) from Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia. From 2001 to 2010 V.M. worked as a head of the Laboratory of bioinformatics in the State Research Centre of Genetics and Selection of Industrial Microorganisms, Moscow, Russia.
Vsevolod is a specialist in algorithm development for molecular biology and sequence data analysis. With his collaborators, Vsevolod participated in the development of motif finders such as SeSiMCMC Gibbs sampler and ChIPMunk. His lab is a home of databases of DNA motifs binding regulatory proteins HOCOMOCO and preferred binding events to one of heterozygous alleles (ADASTRA). In 2016 Vsevolod was elected as a correspondent member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
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8/9/2021 • 2 hours, 23 minutes, 54 seconds Ilya Karmishin | Илья Кармишин Ilya Karmishin is the Founder and CEO of the reputation marketing, branding, and communications agency High Voltage Brains. He has many years of experience in analytics, communications, design and created his agency intending to make people's lives better and companies more successful. He is an avid supporter of conscious consumption and sustainable development and helps corporations to implement these ideas into the corporate branding strategy. Ilya got a master's degree in Political Science and Government at the Higher School of Economics and an MBA from Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO.
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8/8/2021 • 1 hour, 57 minutes Vasily Sonkin | Василий Сонькин Vasily Sonkin is a producer, journalist, podcaster, interpreter, and digital hustler. Outside of work, he is engaged in Internet anthropology, studying platforms and how they shape the behavior and consciousness of users. The parent of two children and the proud husband of entrepreneur Daria Sonkina.
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8/7/2021 • 1 hour, 36 minutes, 20 seconds Vladislav Sherstoboev | Владислав Шерстобоев Vladislav Sherstoboev is a CEO and Member of the Board of Directors of Expert Group (federal network of medical centers), Doctor of Business Administration (DBA). Vladislav is a professional manager, since 2001 he has been working as a top manager in various businesses (FMCG, manufacturing, healthcare).
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8/7/2021 • 2 hours, 9 minutes, 6 seconds Alexander Lobok | Александр Лобок Alexander Lobok is a philosopher, psychologist, and teacher. Ph.D. in Philosophy. Doctor of Psychology. A psychotherapist working in the paradigm of existential psychology. A specialist in difficult issues of building family and interpersonal relationships. Work with educational depressions, situations of loss of meaning, video games addiction, building trajectories of personal self-actualization, and much more.
Author of the books: "Overcoming Morality", "Subconscious Marx", "Anthropology of Myth", "Other Mathematics", "Laboratory of Children's Written Speech", "Science of Discipleship, or the Reverse Side of Didactics", "Diamond Land of Olonkho Pedagogy", "Cartography of the Inner childhood ”,“ №0. First feast. How the University of Probability Education is Possible ”and many articles devoted to the problems of innovative pedagogy.
Professor of the University of Probabilistic Education, and author of the Azarttaining system - a set of innovative technologies and educational games that reveal the secrets of educational passion. "Archcard", "Magnematics", "Font magic", "ABC of meanings", "Ischeznayka" - these are game complexes invented by Alexander Lobok (each complex represents tens and even hundreds of game scenarios), allowing to form linguistic and mathematical thinking in children themselves of different ages through the activation in them the state of educational passion.
Geography of Alexander Lobok's author's seminars for teachers, parents, and children: Kaliningrad, St. Petersburg, Arkhangelsk, Krasnodar, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Izhevsk, Perm, Yekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk, Tyumen, Novy Urengoy, Omsk, Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk, Ust- Ilimsk, Chita, Vladivostok, Anadyr, Seattle, San Francisco, Philadelphia, Barcelona, Montenegro, Bulgaria, and others.
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8/6/2021 • 1 hour, 43 minutes, 14 seconds Alena Vladimirskaya | Алена Владимирская Alena Vladimirskaya is the most famous recruiter and career consultant in RuNet with over 20 years of experience. She is the former Head of Recruitment at Mail.Ru Group and the creator and mastermind behind PRUFFI project. Currently, Alena is the founder and head of Alena Vladimirskaya's career laboratory, unique vacancies service Facancy and career service for white-collar workers Careefan.
In 1992 she graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. In 2007 she received an AMI degree at the St. Petersburg Open School of Business in two specialties at once: marketing and project management. From 2000 to 2004 she was a head of the Our Region media holding in Vologda, which opened branches of Echo of Moscow and Komsomolskaya Pravda.
From January 2004 to January 2007 she held the position of head of the promotion department at RDV - St. Petersburg, as well as editor-in-chief of the «Vash Dosug» magazine at the «Rabota Dlya Vas» publishing house. In a year and a half, she became an editor and then took the position of marketing director.
In 2005, the publishing house «Rabota Dlya Vas» opened the «Rabota.ru» portal and launched a branch of the project in St. Petersburg. After a series of interviews, including with Dmitry Grishin, Alena became the head of the «Rabota@Mail.ru» project. Then Alena headed the Mail.Ru hunting department. At the same time, Alena met a private investor Arkady Moreynis, who prompted her to start her own business. So at the age of 38, Alena decided to open her own businesses - first the Talent agency, then the Pruffi Friends service.
Alena lives and works in Moscow.
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8/5/2021 • 1 hour, 45 minutes, 41 seconds Alexey Potapov | Алексей Потапов Alexey Potapov is an Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) researcher with Ph.D. and Dr.Sci. degrees in Computer Science. He is a founder and CTO of SingularityLab, which serves as the AGI department of SingularityNET. Previously he was a full professor at Saint-Petersburg University of Information Technology, Mechanics and Optics, and at Saint-Petersburg State University, where he designed and taught courses on Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Cognitive Robotics, and Artificial General Intelligence, and received a number of honors and awards. He also has 20+ years of experience in applied CV/ML/AI R&D. Potapov is an author of 200+ papers and 5 books including “Pattern Recognition and Machine Perception: General Approach based on the MDL principle”, “Artificial Intelligence and Universal Thinking”, “Strong Artificial Intelligence: Approaching Supermind” (in Russian). Potapov participates in organizing the international conference on Artificial General Intelligence and is an editor of the Journal of AGI.
In SingularityNET, Alexey Potapov together with Ben Goertzel is now leading the design and development of a novel version of OpenCog cognitive architecture – OpenCog Hyperon and is also an architect of a dialogue and reasoning system of Grace the Robot – a little sister of Sophia the Robot, which is being developed by Hanson Robotics in cooperation with SingularityNET. His main research interest consists in uniting different approaches to AGI including cognitive architectures, probabilistic programming, universal induction, deep learning, metacomputations, and modern logic based on type theories.
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8/4/2021 • 1 hour, 59 minutes, 6 seconds Ruben Apressyan | Рубен Апрессян Ruben Apressyan is Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Chief Research Fellow and a Head of the Department of Ethics, Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences; Honorary Doctor of Uppsala University (Sweden); Editor-in-Chief of The Human Being journal. Research interests – moral philosophy, normative and applied ethics, moral psychology, philosophical problems of civil society, war, violence and non-violence, love. Author of the books: The Phenomenon of Moral Normativity (2018, in co-authorship), Ethics (2017), History of Modern Ethics: Lectures and Papers (2014), Achilles’ Moral Change: The Sources of Morality in Archaic Society. A Study on the Homeric Epic (2013), etc.
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8/4/2021 • 2 hours, 3 minutes, 12 seconds Andrey Purtov | Андрей Пуртов Andrey Purtov is a marketing, strategy, and education expert with over 25 years of experience. Graduated from the design faculty of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University. He started his career in marketing and sales at the age of 19 in the late 90s in the electronics and home appliances markets. Then he became the head of the sales department at the Videoservice concern and was involved in the sales of Columbia Tristar, Buena Vista, and Disney products throughout Russia.
In 2000 he founded the branding agency ArtGraphics.ru. In 2004-2010 - editor-in-chief of Identity magazine ("The debut of the year in Russia in the field of advertising and marketing", 2004). Since 2007 - producer of the international conference HiBrand ("The best conference of the year in Russia", 2007). Producer of the "Marketing Tour" project. Jury member of advertising and marketing festivals in Moscow, Kiev, Minsk, Yerevan, Novosibirsk. Expert of the federal projects "Foresight Fleet 2013. Education" and "Foresight Fleet 2015. National Technological Initiative". Chairman of the International Jury of the OPEN Territory Marketing Festival (2015). Supervised territorial projects for Kazan, Baikal, Yeniseisk, Kamchatka, Vladivostok, Krasnodar, Murmansk region, Yakutia, Penza and Altai.
In 2012, he created and became a curator of the Marketing and Brand Management program at the British Higher School of Art and Design. Trained over 2000 specialists in marketing, strategy, and communications. Winner of the British Award in the School Ambassador nomination (2016). In 2016-2017 - Marketing Director of the BHSAD. In 2019-2020 - Dean of the Department of Marketing, Moscow Advanced Communication School. Winner of the 2020 U Awards in the Special Achievements category for outstanding service to the British Higher School of Art and Design.
Developed, supervised, and conducted corporate trainings in marketing, strategy, and communications for Daimler (Mercedes-Benz Russia), Pepsico, Severstal-Management, OCS, MegaFon, Perfetti Van Melle, MASMY Belarus, Italdizain, and many other Russian and international companies. Articles and interviews were published in Forbes, National Business, Delovoy Kvartal, Identity, Projector, Company Management, Capitalist, Strategic Management, etc. Master's degree in Marketing, Faculty of Economics, Moscow State University. Lomonosov (the best course according to students, 2019).
In 2020, he was awarded the Order of Merit in Marketing by the Guild of Marketers for his significant contribution to the development of marketing education, the development and implementation of practice-oriented teaching methods, and the training of highly qualified specialists in the field of marketing and branding for the Russian economy. In 2020-2021, he developed and supervised the "Global Business" program for the "Development Corporation of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)", within the framework of which about 40 specialists were trained and strategies of 6 most important non-resource companies in Yakutia were developed. In July 2021, he headed the expert group of the All-Russian competition "Discover Your Russia" and became the curator of the Accelerator of the competition projects.
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8/3/2021 • 2 hours, 10 seconds Danil Khasanshin | Данил Хасаншин Danil Khasanshin is a serial entrepreneur and an ultra runner. The first exit at his 20s, several years in top management at media companies (Sanoma, Hearst), he is now concentrated on EdTech, developing 2 startups — co-founder at Loashi (mandarin learning tools) and Amazy (language teaching tools).
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8/2/2021 • 2 hours, 6 minutes, 15 seconds Andrey Skvortsov | Андрей Скворцов Andrey Skvortsov is a Co-founder and CEO of a communication company Mercator Group and a Co-founder of personnel assessment company Azimut Business Solutions. Andrey is an expert in the field of corporate communications. Author of films and presentations for companies such as Sberbank, Russian Railways, Gazprom, MMK, Yota, Orange, Kaspersky, PwC, Vimetco, MICEX, Rostelecom, Rusnano, Sibur and others. Winner of the Investment Presentation Competition at the Harvard Business School (OPM-38 course).
He is the curator of the information graphics service of the Russia-1 TV channel, as well as the projects "Russia in Figures" and "Big Country" of the Russia-24 TV channel, "Moscow in Figures" and "Convenient Moscow" of the Moscow-24 TV channel. Academician of the Academy of Russian Television.
Host of the weather forecast on NTV (in 2012, he was recognized as the best correspondent of the infotainment genre on New York Festivals). In 2013 - the host of the "Frank PR" program on the PRO-business TV channel. In 2014-2015. hosted a tourist program "It's good where we are!" on NTV. Member of the jury and supervisory board of New York Festivals from Russia.
Leads author's seminars and masterclasses "Infographics", "Visual Allegories", "Presentation Cinema" and "Public Speeches". Lecturer in public speaking at the Skolkovo business school. Author of the cartoon "Stanislavsky's System for the Speaker." A regular contributor to the Harvard Business Review.
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7/31/2021 • 1 hour, 55 minutes, 11 seconds Aleksandr Panov | Александр Панов Aleksandr Panov, Ph.D. in Computer Science, Associate Professor, Head of the Scientific and Educational Center for Cognitive Modeling of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, which includes two laboratories - cognitive dynamic systems and intelligent transport. Head of Department at the Federal Research Center "Computer Science and Control" of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Member of the Scientific Council of the Russian Association for Artificial Intelligence (RAAI). Scientific supervisor of projects of the Russian Science Foundation. The head of the CDS team, which won first place in the NeurIPS MineRL 2019 competition, the organizer of the NeurIPS IGLU 2021 competition, the summer schools of the Russian Association for Artificial Intelligence. Research interests: reinforcement learning, cognitive robotics, behavior planning, sign-based world model. Aleksandr graduated from Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology and Novosibirsk State University.
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7/30/2021 • 1 hour, 53 minutes, 21 seconds Alexandra Sukhareva | Александра Сухарева Alexandra Sukhareva is the TechLab Lead at PepsiCo Russia. Since June 2019, Alexandra has been responsible for developing technological innovation and working with startups in PepsiCo Russia. Alexandra has 14 years of experience in FMCG, 7 of which are at PepsiCo. Having gained experience in digital and product marketing of large European companies, Alexandra joined PepsiCo in 2014 and took up the trending marketing of beverage and juice categories on the AFH channel, after which she moved to innovation management. Alexandra graduated with honors from the Finance Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation with a degree in Finance and Credit. She also completed an online program "Innovation in the Age of Disruption" at the INSEAD Business School.
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7/28/2021 • 1 hour, 47 minutes, 47 seconds Vladimir Kolosov | Владимир Колосов Vladimir Kolosov is a Doctor of Geography, Professor, Deputy Director of the Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vice-President of the Russian Geographical Society, Editor-in-Chief of the “Regional Research of Russia” magazine. In 2006-2020. Vice President, President of the International Geographical Union. Participated in many international scientific projects. He taught or conducted scientific activities at universities in France, Belgium, Great Britain, USA, Netherlands, Finland, Germany. Foreign Member of the Royal Belgian Academy of Sciences, Honorary Member of the French and Polish Geographical Societies, Honorary Doctor of several universities.
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7/28/2021 • 1 hour, 44 minutes, 50 seconds Evgenia Konovalova | Евгения Коновалова Evgenia Konovalova, Ph.D., is the founder and CEO of AiHub recruitment сompany. Held 18 hackathons around the world and brought together a community of data scientists and developers in the amount of 30 thousand people. Evgenia is an explorer and travels is her passion, this year going to Kenya for her birthday. As a big sports lover, Evgenia went through many challenges to test herself, for example, she crossed Bosphorus in 2019, 6.5 km in 1:16. She loves experimenting with food and is fond of philosophical concepts, religion, Kabbalah, Sufi and other exercises for the brain and measurements of Universal laws.
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7/27/2021 • 1 hour, 31 minutes, 47 seconds Vladimir Evladov | Владимир Евладов Vladimir Evladov is a Co-founder and CEO of the LUXXY - leading Russian resale platform. With a background in brand management and marketing in different markets.
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7/26/2021 • 2 hours, 15 seconds Andrey Demchinsky | Андрей Демчинский Andrey Demchinsky, Ph.D., is an ophthalmologist, developer, CEO of NOE and Head of medical projects at “Sensor-Tech” Laboratory. At NOE they develop the ophthalmic educational VR-simulator in the International digital campus. It is a virtual model of the eyeball which can be managed in virtual reality by an interface based on artificial intelligence. This technology provides the effect of full presence at the diagnostic appointment and in the operating room. By ongoing development, they strive to change the historical paradigm in which the patient is a dummy for experimentation. They believe that in the 21st century a young specialist must be ready to meet his patients at the very beginning of his career. So students and young doctors can prepare and train using our VR-simulator.
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7/25/2021 • 1 hour, 52 minutes, 58 seconds Vadim Vasilyev | Вадим Васильев Vadim Vasilyev, Corresponding member of Russian Academy of Sciences, Ph.D., Professor and Head of Department of the History of World Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy, Lomonosov Moscow State University. Author of several books, including The Basements of Kant’s Metaphysics: Deduction of Categories (Moscow 1998); The Hard Problem of Consciousness (Moscow 2009), Philosophical Psychology in the Age of Enlightenment (Moscow 2010); Things and Consciousness (Moscow 2014); In Defense of the Classical Compatibilism: Essay on Free Will (Moscow 2017); David Hume and The Riddles of His Philosophy (Moscow 2020). He also published many papers and translations. He is interested in the history of modern philosophy, Kant, Hume, and analytic philosophy.
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7/24/2021 • 2 hours, 3 minutes, 48 seconds Kristina Tanis | Кристина Танис Kristina Tanis is a research fellow at the Institute for Advanced Soviet and Post-Soviet Studies (HSE University, Moscow) and a lecturer at the School of Philosophy and Cultural Studies (HSE University, Moscow). Her research interests lie in the area of Film Studies, ranging from the Soviet-American cinematic relations during the Cold War to the exhibition and consumption of motion pictures in the USSR. In 2020, she defended her Ph.D. devoted to the release of so-called 'trophy films' in the Soviet Union. Kristina was a visiting research fellow at European University at Saint-Petersburg (Russia) and Aleksanteri Institut (University of Helsinki, Finland). Her papers were published in peer-reviewed journals and volumes in English, French, Russian, and German. She is currently working on her first monograph devoted to 'trophy films' in the USSR.
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7/23/2021 • 1 hour, 58 minutes, 10 seconds Gleb Markov | Глеб Марков Gleb Markov is an entrepreneur and investor. Founder of PayQR payment service, co-founder of Crypterium cryptobank and many other projects. Gleb has been launching startups since the age of 15. Author of the book "101 ways to create new sources of income. How to make money on everything and always". The father of three.
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7/20/2021 • 2 hours, 27 minutes, 30 seconds Ilya Kobyakov | Илья Кобяков Ilya Kobyakov is the managing partner of TealTech Capital, a private fund from entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs that invests in Russian companies in the early stages. He started his investment career with the founding of TealTech in 2017 from a junior position. He was the leader in more than 50 venture deals worth more than 3 billion rubles.
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7/19/2021 • 1 hour, 49 minutes, 17 seconds Ivan Yamshchikov | Иван Ямщиков Ivan Yamshchikov, Ph.D., associate professor, head of LEYA Lab for Natural Language Processing at Higher School of Economics. St. Petersburg, Russia. He is engaged in the popularization of artificial intelligence among technical specialists, industry experts and business audiences in Russia and throughout the world. Ivan's research interests include natural language generation, computational creativity and various application of exploratory data analysis. He received his Ph.D. in applied mathematics at the Technical University Cottbus-Senftenberg (Germany). Ivan is a frequent speaker at major professional conferences and forums. He is also one of the co-founders of Creaited Labs, a project that studies intersections of art and artificial intelligence. Together with Alexey Tikhonov, they created the album "Neural defense", consisting of poems and songs written by the neural network in the style of Yegor Letov. Creaited Labs has also produced the Neurona project, in which the neural network generated poetry in the style of Kurt Cobain. Ivan is the author of the podcast "Provertimsya!", where he tells about practical applications of new technologies and scientific results.
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7/18/2021 • 2 hours, 5 minutes, 48 seconds Anton Gopka | Антон Гопка Anton Gopka is a Managing Member at ATEM Capital with a primary focus on private investments. Before ATEM, Anton was managing a biotech venture capital fund — a US$760 million strategic partnership between Domain Associates and a sovereign wealth fund. Notable exits include a $1.7 billion sales of Tobira Therapeutics at an unprecedented premium to its current market cap (up to 19x) and IPO of Atea Pharmaceuticals in 2020 at 30x valuation to the Series A investment back in 2014.
Before that, Anton held senior positions in M&A advisory at Barclays Capital, Sistema JSFC (LSE: SSA), and Dresdner Kleinwort. Previous board memberships include Marinus Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ: MRNS), Regado Biosciences which merged into Tobira Therapeutics (NASDAQ: TBRA), and Miramar Labs (observer). Anton received a master's degree in international economics from the Moscow State University for International Affairs (MGIMO-University), an advanced corporate finance course diploma from INSEAD, and a Board Leadership certificate from Harvard Business School.
He is a member of the US National Association of Corporate Directors (NACD) and a member of the Review Committee of the National Cancer Institute (NCI). Anton enjoys life, passionate about classical music & contemporary art.
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7/17/2021 • 2 hours, 57 seconds Vladislav Terekhovich | Владислав Терехович Vladislav Terekhovich, Ph.D. in Philosophy, Associate Professor at the School of Philosophy and Cultural Studies, Faculty of Humanities, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Senior Lecturer, Institute of Philosophy, St. Petersburg State University. By his first education, Vladislav is a shipbuilding engineer of the rescue service. For six years he served as an officer in the position of the assistant commander of a rescue ship. Having mastered the depth of 120 meters, he became a professional deep-sea diver. From 1993 to 2016, Vladislav worked as a manager of various levels in commercial companies. For five years he was the commercial director of the pharmaceutical plant "Farmakon", and then the director of sales and the architect of production information systems of LLC "PolygraphOformlenie-FLEXO". Vladislav completed his postgraduate studies at the Institute of Philosophy of St. Petersburg State University and defended his Ph.D. thesis "Philosophical and methodological problems of the principle of least action." The author of the book: “The formula of meaning. Research of opinions on the meaning of human existence ”. SPb: Aleteya. 2012. Research interests: philosophy of science, philosophy of physics, scientific realism and anti-realism, interpretations of quantum mechanics, metaphysics of time, time in physical theories, modal metaphysics, philosophy of Leibniz.
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7/16/2021 • 2 hours, 21 minutes, 47 seconds Oksana Moroz | Оксана Мороз Oksana Moroz is a pop scientist and cultural analyst. She is a Ph.D. in Cultural Studies, Associate Professor of School of Media at the National Research University Higher School of Economics and lecturer at the Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences. She is the author of multiple scientific and popular articles on online communication, DE&I, digital memory and death. She is the author of the Youtube channel «The blog of critical culture researcher» (in Russia). Also, she is the lead analyst at the Bureau for Strategic Cultural Design No Crap Team.
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7/15/2021 • 2 hours, 33 seconds Artem Gladkikh | Артем Гладких Artem Gladkikh is a Founder and CEO of Signum.AI. He has over 10 years of experience in developing and promoting digital products in the UK, CIS, and US markets, and over 8 years in Martech in particular. He's built 3 tech startups, and all of them have been operating successfully. Two years ago, he focused on developing Signum AI, which is now a decent and internationally recognized AI-based marketing automation platform. They use behavioral predictive analysis and AI-driven precision targeting driven by AI to help companies increase their sales and decrease marketing costs. They have already worked with tech giants such as Red Bull, Coca-Cola, and Nike, and keep conquering the US & Europe.
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7/14/2021 • 2 hours, 46 seconds Georgy Vysotsky | Георгий Высоцкий Georgy Vysotsky is a Co-Founder of Netmonet, a fintech company that enables cashless payments of restaurant tips by using QR codes and automates tipping services for restaurants, cafés, and beauty salons in general. In March 2021, the project was 100% purchased by Alfa-Bank. The entire team remains in the project for its further development. As of today, more than 5,000 active clients are connected to the platform, the project team consists of 45 people, more than 250 million rubles of tips per month are collected through the platform for 40,000+ active users. Before Georgy co-founded Netmonet in 2019 he had spent 3 years working in the Moscow office of the international consulting company McKinsey & Company as a senior business analyst. He graduated from the Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University. Enjoy playing football, skiing, hiking and traveling in his spare time.
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7/13/2021 • 1 hour, 34 minutes, 14 seconds Gleb Kharitonov | Глеб Харитонов Gleb Kharitonov is the 29-year-old founder of the startup Briskly. In 2012, Gleb saw the potential in the growing food tech industry and tried to create an app for pre-ordering in restaurants. But he quickly realized that he could not withstand the competition in this niche, and began to look for other opportunities. Once a friend showed him a Chinese container store without cashiers that work through the WeChat app, which prompted the entrepreneur to create Briskly.
Briskly, a startup founded in 2018, produces hardware and software for grocery stores that provide self-service. The company also developed the B-Pay application, through which you can scan and pay for goods in order to avoid the queue at the checkout.
In October 2020, Briskly raised $ 2 million, with these funds the startup expects to open two full-size stores in Moscow under its own brand and go abroad. In 2021, the company bought a plant in Vyborg and now produces its own smart refrigerators.
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7/12/2021 • 1 hour, 44 minutes, 56 seconds Ilya Kuzyuk is the Co-founder and CEO of VIVIX, an animation studio, specializing in the development and production of computer-animated television series for young adults. Ilya has 7+ years of experience in investment banking (J.P. Morgan, Xenon Capital Partners, Renaissance Capital; closed-deals value exceeds $2.5B) and 4+ years in entertainment & media (ex-CEO of PlatformaVR, a location-based VR startup).
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7/11/2021 • 2 hours, 15 minutes, 31 seconds Anton Bukov | Антон Буков Anton Bukov is the co-founder of the 1inch Network, a distributed network of decentralized protocols that enable the fastest, most lucrative and protected operations in major blockchain ecosystems.
He studied cryptography at university and subsequently worked as a C++ developer and later as an iOS developer.
After getting interested in smart contracts in 2017, Anton contributed to several crypto projects, including MultiToken, the NEAR protocol, where he was involved in the ETH-NEAR Rainbow Bridge, and the Synthetix derivatives liquidity protocol, working on gas optimization of the smart contracts.
For a while, Anton co-hosted a YouTube show, CryptoManiacs, with Sergej Kunz, the 1inch Network's eventual co-founder.
At a May 2019 hackathon in New York City, over the course of 36 hours, Anton and Sergej developed a prototype crypto exchange aggregator that became the basis of the 1inch Network.
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7/10/2021 • 2 hours, 13 minutes, 10 seconds Leon Peshkin | Леонид Пешкин Leon Peshkin is a faculty member at the Systems Biology Department of the Harvard Medical School, also affiliated with the Marine Biological Laboratory. Peshkin holds a Ph.D. in Artificial Intelligence from Brown University and an M.S. in Applied Mathematics from the Weizmann Institute of Science. Leon's current research interests include embryology, evolution and aging. Leon's research on aging and personal story was covered in a recent Boston Globe article. His personal genome is used as a human genomic standard by the US National Institute of Standards within the Genome in a Bottle program as described in a Genome magazine article. Leon's research on applications of Artificial Intelligence to the biology of aging has been highlighted in an interview with the Life Extension Advocacy Foundation and Longevity Technology.
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7/9/2021 • 1 hour, 54 minutes, 8 seconds Alexey Shadrin | Алексей Шадрин Alexey Shadrin was born in 1966 in the USSR. A physiologist by education. He has devoted more than 20 years to the study of color perception. The result was an in-depth interest in visual arts and art analysis.
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7/9/2021 • 1 hour, 57 minutes, 5 seconds Bogdan Gogulan | Богдан Гогулан Bogdan Gogulan is a CEO and Managing Partner of NewSpace Capital, a Luxembourg-based Private Equity firm with a focus on space and space-related industries. Bogdan has 20 years of experience in finance, product and business development. Before initiating NewSpace Capital he had accumulated a unique combination of cross-border experience in communication, security and defense industries. He served as VP of international operations and business development for AT Communication (Switzerland), Defendec (Baltics) and Katmerciler (Turkey), managing breakthrough projects for security and defense agencies in the Middle East and Central Asia. For years, he managed alignment and cooperation with UN agencies (BOMCA/UNDP, BOMNAF, UNODC, UNHCR, IOM) and security organizations (NATO, OSCE, ISAF). Prior to that, Bogdan worked for American Express (USA, UK) and Deutsche Bank (UK). As global sales development Program Manager and Head of Industry Analytics at American Express he was responsible for global partnerships development with top-tier clients. Since 2010, Bogdan has been actively involved with the UN Alliance of Civilization (UNAOC) participating as an OYW Ambassador in the UN Sustainable Development Goals initiative.
Bogdan holds a BSc in Financial Economics from the University of Essex and graduated from Abingdon & Whitney College. He is acting as CEO of NewSpace Capital GP S.A.
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7/8/2021 • 1 hour, 58 minutes, 23 seconds Dmitry Leontiev | Дмитрий Леонтьев Dmitry Leontiev - Ph D., Dr. Sc., Tenured Professor of Psychology and Head of International Laboratory of Positive Psychology of Personality and Motivation at HSE University, Moscow, Russia, one of the most cited Russian psychologists. He strives to integrate existentialist approaches to the human person with the cultural-historical activity theory approach and synergetic views on human self-regulation and self-organization in the research domain of positive psychology. Author of over 600 publications in Russian and over 60 in English in the psychology of personality and motivation, theory and history of psychology, psychology of art and empirical aesthetics, humanistic and existential psychology, psychological assessment and evaluation, positive psychology, including books “Psychology of Personal Meaning”, “Personality Potential: structure and assessment”, “Psychology of Choice”, “Hardiness and its Assessment” and others (in Russian). Both his Ph.D. and habilitation works were focused on the problem of personal meaning. Dmitry is a recipient of the Promotional Award of Viktor Frankl Foundation of the city of Vienna (2004), honorary lifetime member of Society for Logotherapy and Existential Analysis by Viktor Frankl Institute (Vienna), national representative of Russia in European Network of Positive Psychology.
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7/7/2021 • 1 hour, 48 minutes, 35 seconds Victor Zakharchenko | Виктор Захарченко Victor Zakharchenko is a Venture Partner at Genesis Investments, a VC fund that helps startups build products, scale them with Digital Marketing, and hire R&D staff. Victor is also a Managing Partner at FunCubator, an early-stage VC fund focused on digital entertainment. He is COO at Unicorn nest, the SaaS fulfilling all facets of a startup’s fundraising needs. Victor is a Co-owner of internet holding E-generator (SMI2, MirTesen) which brings together creative-minded people from all over the world to solve any creative problem.
Victor has worked in the Internet business since 2003 when he started out as a journalist in digital media and worked in AIN.ua. Then he founded content agency ontext, which joined e-generator.ru through an M&A transaction in 2006. After ontext, Victor launched MoneyNews.ru and social platform SMI2 as a publisher and then led operations in a gaming startup Drimmi. Between 2012 and 2017, he led game development studio KamaGames Studio.
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7/6/2021 • 1 hour, 50 minutes, 18 seconds Vitaly Davydov | Виталий Давыдов Vitaly Davydov is a Founder and CEO of Adapty, the service to grow mobile in-app subscriptions, analyze the subscription economy, perform A/B tests for paywalls, and promote campaigns in push notifications. Vitaly is also a teacher at the Yandex School of Data Analysis and a Founder of Poteha Labs, machine learning and AI solutions for business with a focus on dialogue systems, named entities recognition, general text analysis and processing, recommendation systems and statistical predictive models. He graduated from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology with a master's degree in Data Science.
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7/5/2021 • 1 hour, 42 minutes, 13 seconds Boris Kashnikov | Борис Кашников Dr. of Science, PhD., col.(ret.) Boris Kashnikov is a professor of moral and political philosophy at National Research University "Higher School of Economics", Moscow. In 2003 – 2004 he was a Director of the Moscow office of the International Crisis Group (ICG) and in 1988-2003 a department chair at the Moscow University of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. In 1993-1994 worked with the United Nations protection forces in the former Yugoslavia as a civilian police station commander. Decorated with the UN medal "For the Service of Peace". In 1989 worked in the USSR peace-making mission in Nagorno Karabakh. He is a Fulbright visiting fellow in the USA (George Mason University 2010-2011, Emory University 1999-2000 and Mershon Center for International Security Studies of the Ohio State University 1996 -1997). DAAD visiting professor at Ruhr University center of International Law of Peace and Military conflict, (2017-2018, 2013-2014 and 2004-2005). He was on a fellowship at the University of Oxford and military academies in Brussels and Saint-Cyr. Published widely on moral problems of War and Peace and problems of social justice in both Russian and English. His publications in English include a monograph “Terrorism. The New World Disorder”, London: Continuum, 2007 (in co-authorship). Publications in Russian include a monograph "Liberal Theories of Justice and the Russian Political Practice", Velikiy Novgorod: NovMION, 2004. A member of the board of directors of the International Society for Military Ethics in Europe (EuroISME).
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7/4/2021 • 1 hour, 51 minutes, 50 seconds Diana Gasparyan | Диана Гаспарян Diana Gasparyan, Ph.D., Associate Professor, School of Philosophy and Cultural Studies, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Senior Research Fellow, Laboratory of Transcendental Philosophy, Ph.D. (University of Staffordshire, UK), MA (University of Sheffield, UK). Graduate of the Fulbright International Grant Program (USA) for the Exchange of Scientists, as well as the State Program of the Russian Federation "Global Education", Visiting Professor at Clark University (Massachusetts). Author of 6 books, including The Philosophical Path of Merab Mamardashvili (Briil 2021), Philosophy consciousness of Merab Mamardashvili (Moscow, 2013); Introduction to non-classical philosophy (Moscow 2011); Sociality as negativity (Moscow 2009); Applied problems of introducing the ethics of artificial intelligence in Russia (Moscow, 2021), History of social philosophy (XIX - early XX centuries A course of lectures, (Moscow, 2011), as well as more than 80 articles in Russian-language and English-language scientific journals. The area of her research is at the intersection of modern philosophy, continental philosophy, philosophy of consciousness, subject and freedom, philosophy of constructivism and transcendentalism.
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7/3/2021 • 2 hours, 17 minutes, 15 seconds Roman Yampolskiy | Роман Ямпольский Dr. Roman V. Yampolskiy is a Tenured Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the Speed School of Engineering, University of Louisville. He is the founding and current director of the Cyber Security Lab and an author of many books including Artificial Superintelligence: a Futuristic Approach. During his tenure at UofL, Dr. Yampolskiy has been recognized as Distinguished Teaching Professor, Professor of the Year, Faculty Favorite, Top 4 Faculty, Leader in Engineering Education, Top 10 of Online College Professor of the Year, and Outstanding Early Career in Education award winner among many other honors and distinctions. Yampolskiy is a Senior Member of IEEE and AGI; a Member of the Kentucky Academy of Science. Dr. Yampolskiy’s main areas of interest are AI Safety and Cybersecurity. Dr. Yampolskiy is an author of over 200 publications including multiple journal articles and books. His research has been cited by 1000+ scientists and profiled in popular magazines both American and foreign, hundreds of websites, on radio and TV. Dr. Yampolskiy’s research has been featured 1000+ times in numerous media reports in 30+ languages. Dr. Yampolskiy has been an invited speaker at 100+ events including the Swedish National Academy of Science, Supreme Court of Korea, Princeton University and many others.
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7/2/2021 • 1 hour, 35 minutes, 9 seconds Alexander Lavrov | Александр Лавров Alexander Lavrov, Ph.D. is the founder at Next.space. For 20 years he has been bringing new innovative technologies to the cultural industry for solving challenges and creating new experiences. His portfolio in the cultural field includes more than 300 projects around the world for high caliber clients including Hermitage, Museum of George Washington, National monuments foundation, Discovery Science Channel, National Geographic, State Museum of Fine Arts, Darwin Museum and many others.
Alexander is a member at AVICOM, board member of Digital transformation council at ICOM, member of American museum alliance, ex-president (now advisor) at VRARA (global virtual and augmented association), member of ACM Siggraph and IEEE computer graphics group.
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7/2/2021 • 1 hour, 26 minutes, 24 seconds Artem Ponomarev | Артем Пономарев Artem Ponomarev is a co-founder and CEO of Greenwise, one of the first Russian producers of plant-based alternatives to meat, as well as a co-founder of the Association of Alternative Food Producers (AAFPP), a non-profit organization that brings together producers and developers of alternatives to animal products, as well as a company focusing on the development of the alternative food market.
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7/1/2021 • 1 hour, 53 minutes, 53 seconds German Gavrilov | Герман Гаврилов German Gavrilov is an entrepreneur, investor and expert in marketing and analytics. Founder and CEO of the Roistat end-to-end analytics system and the Platrum.ru management automation service.
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7/1/2021 • 1 hour, 57 minutes, 22 seconds Konstantin Sidorov | Константин Сидоров Konstantin Sidorov is an international entrepreneur and investor with over 25 years of experience in building, developing and restructuring businesses within the tech sector. He is the founder and CEO of London Technology Club, founder and chairman of the board of Directors of RRC Group and co-founder and member of the board of directors of Inline Technologies Group.
In 2016 Konstantin successfully sold the Eastern European division of RRC to a leading US-listed distributor Ingram Micro. Konstantin is also a member of the board of directors of Channel Mechanics (Ireland), a co-founder and member of the board of directors of Kasperskian AG (Switzerland), and an investor in various technology start-ups, including early investments into Lyft and Spotify.
Konstantin graduated from St. Petersburg Engineering University and holds an Executive MBA from TRIUM (joint MBA from New York University, London School of Economics and HEC Paris).
An avid traveler and mountaineer, Konstantin has conquered a number of peaks, including Aconcagua and Matterhorn, and is a member of the board of the London-based Scientific Exploration Society. He has lived in London with his wife and three children for ten years.
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6/30/2021 • 1 hour, 37 minutes, 50 seconds Evgeny Roshchin | Евгений Рощин Evgeny Roshchin is a Dean of Faculty of international relations and politics at Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA), St. Petersburg; Ph.D. in Social Sciences (University of Jyväskylä); Principal investigator in the Academy of Finland postdoctoral project (2012-2015). Author of a book-length study of the role that friendship plays in diplomacy and international politics “Friendship among Nations” (Manchester UP); author of articles in European Journal of International Relations, Review of International Studies, International Politics and other publications. Former convener of “Interpretivism in IR” Working group BISA and a board member of CONCEPTA network; currently a board member of Russian Political Science Association.
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6/30/2021 • 1 hour, 54 minutes, 56 seconds Nikolay Dvoryanchikov | Николай Дворянчиков Nikolay Dvoryanchikov is a Dean of the Faculty of Legal Psychology, Professor of the Department of Clinical and Forensic Psychology of the Moscow State University of Psychology and Education.
Nikolay was educated at the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University named after MV Lomonosov, where he also studied in graduate school and defended his thesis on the topic "Sex-role identity in persons with abnormal sexual behavior" (Ph.D.). In addition, he earned a master's degree in higher education administration from the Higher School of Economics.
Author of over 140 published works, editor-in-chief of the scientific electronic journal "Psychology and Law".
Nikolay participated in the development of comprehensive approaches to the expert assessment of persons with anomalies of sexual desire, the mechanisms of their formation and self-regulation have been described. The regulatory mechanisms of sexual behavior in various types of sexual killers have been established, on the basis of which approaches to the criminal profiling of such persons have been proposed. Unique methodological tools have been developed to assess the state, functioning and formation of the bodily, non-verbal and verbal components of the assimilation of the gender role.
Recently, the field of interest has also included the study of strategies of psychological influence in persons who commit sexual crimes against minors using the Internet. He is also the head of the scientific project "Development of indicators of deviant (including cyber-risky) online behavior of minors and young adults in social networks."
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6/27/2021 • 1 hour, 50 minutes, 19 seconds Anton Kolonin | Антон Колонин Anton Kolonin, Ph.D. is a Russian Computer Scientist, an AI and Blockchain architect, one of SingularityNET’s senior AI researchers and the founder and owner of Aigents Group, a social computing platform, where he is leading analysis, design, and development of complex systems. At Aigents, they are devoted to giving each internet user an individual trainable software agent for the intelligent search of information on the web sharing it with other users privately or within closed or open communities. Anton focuses on Software Design and Development, Signal Processing, Artificial Intelligence, and Geophysics.
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6/27/2021 • 1 hour, 57 minutes, 22 seconds Anastasia Likhacheva | Анастасия Лихачева Dr. Anastasia Likhacheva has a Ph.D. in International relations and works as a Deputy Dean for Research at the Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs and Director of Center for Comprehensive European and International Studies at the Higher School of Economics in Moscow, Russia. In 2012, she also worked as a visiting fellow at the Davis Center at Harvard University. Her key area of expertise is international political economy and geo-economics with a particular focus on Greater Eurasian projects, Economic Sanctions and Russian-Asian relations. She has also developed the issues of water-related aspects of international affairs and the world economy since 2009. She is an author of more than 50 papers, briefs and working papers published in Russia and abroad, a regular contributor to Russian and international business media, member of several international expert groups. In particular, since 2016, she is also a head of the Russian Organizing Committee of the Working Group for the Future of Russian-American relations – a joint project led by HSE and Harvard University since 2010.
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6/26/2021 • 1 hour, 52 minutes, 5 seconds Andrey Ustyuzhanin | Андрей Устюжанин Dr. Andrey Ustyuzhanin is the head of the Laboratory of Methods for Big Data Analysis at HSE University as well as the head of Yandex-CERN joint projects. His team is a member of frontier research international collaborations: LHCb - collaboration at Large Hadron Collider, SHiP (Search for Hidden Particles) - experiment being designed for the New Physics discovery. His group is unique for both collaborations since the majority of the team members are coming from the Computer and Data Science worlds. The major priority of his research is the design of new Machine Learning methods and using them to solve tough scientific enigmas thus improving the fundamental understanding of our world. Discovering the deeper truth about the Universe by applying data analysis methods is the major source of inspiration in his lifelong journey. Andrey is co-author of the course on Machine Learning applied to the High Energy Physics at Yandex School of Data Analysis and organizes annual international summer schools following a similar set of topics.
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6/25/2021 • 1 hour, 46 minutes, 53 seconds Maria Chmir is a CEO and co-founder at Deepcake. Deepcake uses AI's power to create talking-head storytelling: automated, personalized and editable. Maria’s team generated video content for Sberbank, OMD, Publicis Groupe, Gazprom, Megafon and other major Russian corporations. Now the company is entering the US market, launching an innovative project in Hollywood and simultaneously exploring the field of marketing communications.
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6/24/2021 • 1 hour, 35 minutes, 6 seconds Gennady Konstantinov | Геннадий Константинов Gennady Konstantinov is a Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, an ordinary professor at the Higher School of Economics, Honored Worker of Higher School of the Russian Federation, a member of the committee for maintaining the National Register of Independent Directors at the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP), an arbitrator of the Joint Commission on Corporate Ethics of the RSPP, an independent member of the Board of Directors STiM, Belarus. Co-founder of the consulting company Sintegra-SM. Consulting projects in the development of personal and corporate strategies, design, and moderation of strategic sessions.
Basic information. In 1974 Gennady graduated from Irkutsk State University with a degree in applied mathematics. In 1974-1975 he studied in full-time postgraduate studies, then in 1975-1978 in correspondence postgraduate studies at Irkutsk State University. In 1979 he defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic “Normalization of effects on dynamic systems” at the Ural State University. In 1989 he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic “Reachable sets and their external estimates in the problems of normalization of influences on dynamical systems” at the Computing Center of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Author of over 140 scientific and educational works.
From 1976 to 1990 Assistant, Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor of the Department of Systems Theory of ISU. From 1990 to 1992 - Head of the Department of Systems Theory, Irkutsk State University. In 1991-1992, he took an active part in the creation of the Siberian-American Faculty of Management. 1992-1999 - Professor at the Faculty of Management, Academic Director of the Management Program, implemented jointly with the University of Maryland. From 2000 to the present - Professor of the Research University - Higher School of Economics. From 2000 to 2007 he took part in educational programs of the World Bank Institute, the Joint Vienna Institute. In 2001-2006, he was Academic Director of the Russian-Canadian Program on Corporate Governance, carried out by the Higher School of Economics in cooperation with the Schulich School of Business at York University. From 2012 to 2016, a member of the Board of Directors of JSC RZDstroy.
Teaching activity at the present time. The main courses in the MBA, ЕхМВА, and DBA programs are Strategic Thinking, Strategic Management, Systems Thinking, Corporate Governance, Strategic Modeling of the Future. Author of textbooks “Strategic management. Concepts "(2009, 2013)," Strategic Thinking "(2015, 2019).
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6/24/2021 • 1 hour, 56 minutes, 10 seconds Alexei Kapterev | Алексей Каптерев Alexei Kapterev is the author of the Death by PowerPoint presentation, the world's most popular presentation about presentations with over 13 million views on SlideShare. Author of the bestselling books (according to Ozon) "Presentation Mastery" and "The Good, the Bad, the Selling." The only Russian teacher of presentation skills on the largest international educational platform Coursera. Honorary Member of the British Speechwriters Guild. Finalist for New York Festivals. Guest lecturer at Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO also collaborated with the Stockholm School of Economics, Moscow State University School of Economics, RANEPA. Alexei is a graduate of the INSEAD master's program, Master in Change program, 2019-21. Graduated from the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, majoring in Finance and Credit.
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6/23/2021 • 1 hour, 55 minutes, 30 seconds Ekaterina Petrova | Екатерина Петрова Ekaterina Petrova is Managing Director of GenerationS, a corporate innovation development platform. She has more than 10 years of experience in innovation and investment projects, including 7 years at the GenerationS project. Ekaterina launched a number of strategic projects aimed at the development of the innovation ecosystem of Russia in partnership with development institutions and major Russian corporations as well as internationally.
In 2017, she completely redesigned the development strategy and relaunched the corporate accelerator GenerationS that became the top and world-known accelerator. Ekaterina formed a team that has impressive experience in innovations and great knowledge of the ecosystems in Russia as well as abroad. Ekaterina enforced the innovation policy and helped to build an efficient system of innovation implementation that is well maintained and structured. In 2017, she received the status of “Best manager in the field of innovative business” at the first independent award for businesswomen “Charmous”.
At the beginning of June 2020, she became one of the finalists of the contest “Business Women” organized by EY and aimed at supporting women's entrepreneurship and expanding career opportunities among women. In September 2020 Ekaterina became a Bronze winner of Stevie Awards for Women in business, one of the world’s premier business awards, in the category “Most Innovative Woman of the Year – business services”.
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6/21/2021 • 1 hour, 48 minutes, 1 second Maxim Chizhov | Максим Чижов Maxim Chizhov is a Co-Founder and CEO of iFarm, an indoor farming solution provider of plug&play automated vertical farms and data-driven software. Easy one-button managed farms from 50 to 5000 sq.m and a wide range of plants to grow are available for customers. Farms can be set in a store, restaurant, warehouse, as well as at home or in a country house. iFarm allows everyone on Earth to grow their own healthy food in a sustainable way and be independent of the supply chain.
iFarm technologies are recognized worldwide: the project is not only included in the TOP 500 food startups of the world and is a member of the EIT Food Accelerator Network; iFarm also became the best agricultural startup in Europe in The Europas Awards 2020, the winner in the category of the best social impact startup of Nordic Startup Awards 2019.
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6/20/2021 • 1 hour, 25 minutes, 58 seconds Valery Sharipov | Валерий Шарипов Valery Sharipov is the Founder and CEO of MALIVAR, a company that creates virtual and synthetic people for businesses and creators. The project became one of the winners of the 500 Startups & Sber program and is also a participant in the NVIDIA Inception Program for AI startups that are changing the industry.
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6/19/2021 • 2 hours, 8 minutes, 48 seconds Ruslan Abdikeev | Руслан Абдикеев Ruslan Abdikeev is a social architect, author of Meritonomics (Merit Economics), founder and strategic director of the Merit fund and Cloudwatcher Social Innovation Lab.
Ruslan graduated from the Faculty of Economics and Law of MGIMO. For more than 16 years, he has been developing and implementing technologies and projects that develop socio-economic infrastructure using Meritonomics algorithms and also conducts scientific and research activities. The Cloudwatcher Social Innovation Laboratory, organized by Ruslan, has become the largest system integrator of humanitarian aid in Russia.
The project "Social Exchange of Mutual Aid" has redistributed the goods of large corporations to more than 3 million people in need, through a network of non-profit organizations, in 43 cities of Russia.
The project "Territorial" Bank of Merit "with the support of the United Nations involved more than 51% of the inhabitants of the territory in physical social activity for the year (mutual assistance and joint social projects).
Today, according to the principles of Meritonomics, the project Meriter for company employees, Meritterra for communities, and Agora impact for shopping centers are being developed.
Meritonomy is a socio-economic system, thanks to which people become interested in performing socially useful actions, and it is beneficial for businesses to be socially oriented. Meritonomy makes the transition from the value stream to the value stream.
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6/18/2021 • 2 hours, 25 minutes, 6 seconds Olga Maslikhova | Ольга Маслихова Olga Maslikhova is an experienced early-stage investor in software and services. She has been a co-founder and general partner at Phystech Ventures, a cross-border, early-stage venture capital firm since 2013. Under her leadership, Phystech Ventures has secured over $70 million under management and built a portfolio of 25 companies across North America, Southeast Asia, and Western Europe. As an angel investor, Olga focuses on super early in diverse founders, females and immigrants from emerging markets with strong survival instincts, thick skin, and unstoppable desire to address massive societal needs here and now because she understands these categories of founders better and can relate to their hustle. Some of her most recent investment areas include Future of Work, Healthcare Tech, Frontier Cybersecurity, Financial Software, B2B E-commerce, Beverages and FoodTech. Mentor in American seed accelerator Techstars. Stanford GSB alum.
Olga's notable investments include ClassPass, VINEBOX, Usual Wines, MEL Science, Gable, Tortuga Logic, Osome and many others.
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6/17/2021 • 1 hour, 55 minutes, 39 seconds Igor Khmel is a Ukrainian native serial entrepreneur. He is the founder of BANKEX, FinDelivery and BRIK Exchange. Igor's professional track record includes management consulting at McKinsey and Deloitte in Moscow, and investment & trading at Citadel hedge fund in Chicago. He has had significant exposure to FinTech, building and advising a number of startups in California. Igor founded Sberbank Lab, a FinTech laboratory at the largest bank in Eastern Europe, which he left after three years to build his own FinTech companies. FinDelivery is the market leader in Russia for white-label in-person identification of bank clients (KYC). BANKEX is the asset-backed token protocol that made top20 ICO globally in 2017. BRIK Exchange is the US-based platform for commercial real estate liquidity.
Igor holds an MBA degree from Stanford Business School, an MA in Economics from New Economic School, and an MS in physics from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. Igor is based in the Bay Area, California.
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6/16/2021 • 1 hour, 53 minutes, 16 seconds Innokenty Belotsky | Иннокентий Белоцкий Ken (Innokenty) Belotsky is a Partner at Negev Capital, a venture capital fund with an investment focus on companies developing novel psychedelic medications for various mental health issues. 2012-2020, Co-founder of Bright Box, the leading Connected Car technology provider, responsible for strategic decisions, fundraising and M&A. Bright Box was acquired by Zurich Insurance Group in 2018. 2005 -2011 Co-founder of BrightConsult, the top software partner of Microsoft in Eastern Europe in the Automotive industry. The company was acquired by Incadea Gmbh in 2011. As a private investor did more than 30 transactions with early- and late-stage companies in the US, Israel, and EU.
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6/16/2021 • 1 hour, 35 minutes, 51 seconds Evgeny Yurtaev | Евгений Юртаев Evgeny Yurtaev is the co-founder and CEO of Zerion, the leading investment interface for decentralized finance (DeFi). Prior to his current project, Evgeny founded the CryptoTrader app to track cryptocurrency markets in real time for professional traders. At the beginning of his career, Evgeny won the All-Russian Programming Olympiad, studied at the Minerva startup university and worked for Google.
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6/15/2021 • 1 hour, 51 minutes, 42 seconds Alexander Tsygankov | Александр Цыганков Alexander Tsygankov is the Head of Environment and Sustainable Development at Vkusvill, the chain of health food stores. About 1300 stores in 40 cities of Russia (as well as in Paris and Amsterdam). The author of the "Trash or Cash" Telegram channel is about how to build a garbage recycling business.
He worked as an environmental project manager for the international non-profit organization Greenpeace. He held the position of “Partner Relations Manager” at the Second Wind charitable foundation, and was also the Development Director at the Charity Shop startup, creating a network for collecting unnecessary clothes, creating textile processing in Russia. He was the Sustainability Manager at one of the facilities of the 2018 FIFA World Cup.
Graduated from Moscow State University. Lomonosov with a degree in new media. Winner of the School of System Change competition for sustainable development professionals held by the Center for Sustainable Business Development of the Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO and the British Center Forum for the Future 2016. He completed an internship in London.
Co-author of the collection of cases "Green Business Solutions". Member of the selection committee of the Social Impact Awards competition for projects in the field of social entrepreneurship in the category "eco-project" in 2016 and 2017. Speaker of the scientific-practical conference of the Perm Polytechnic University "From waste management to resource management" in 2015. Speaker of the conference "Waste into Income-2014". Industry and Energy Expert Club (participant of the project session "Sustainable Development" 2013). Summer School - "Green University", organized by Moscow State University (participant and lecturer).
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6/14/2021 • 2 hours, 11 minutes, 23 seconds Alexander Smaga | Александр Смага Alexander Smaga is a CEO and Co-founder of Archeads which aims to disrupt the way Real estate currently shows and sells homes by using Augmented reality technology. From now on, clients are able to create an AR copy rapidly and without using expensive tools. Totally fresh experience to walk through the home on a 1:1 scale from anywhere in the world with your phone. The real estate market gets engagement and conversion rates up to 75%.
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6/14/2021 • 1 hour, 55 minutes, 30 seconds Roman Belov | Роман Белов Roman Belov is visual effects creator and software developer. Team lead at JetBrains, CEO of KeenTools, ExPMM for Kotlin at Jetbrains.
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6/11/2021 • 1 hour, 59 minutes, 39 seconds Stepan Zotov | Степан Зотов Stepan Zotov is a producer and game developer, co-owner of GameXP.com. In the industry since 1997. He began his career in the retail chain as a support manager in the emerging market at that time.
During his time at the company, he achieved success in various fields, from development to a key role in marketing. He launched several new directions, was one of the creators of the first Russian massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) sector. He currently runs GameXP.com (ex. Nikita Online).
GameXP.com is a continuation of the first Russian gaming company Nikita, founded in 1991. The company has more than 100 games of various genres and the localization of more than 150 products. At the moment, the team is focused on developing and launching online games for PC, as well as games for mobile devices.
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6/11/2021 • 2 hours, 4 minutes, 6 seconds Petr Zhukov is a well-known entrepreneur, founder and managing partner of the investment company Indigo Capital Partners. Prior to founding Indigo Capital in 2011, Petr worked for investment banks UBS and Credit Suisse in Moscow, London and New York, and rose from an analyst to a vice president responsible for 2 sectors.
Petr is an active private investor and business angel investing in tech startups and traditional businesses. He is a co-founder and shareholder of TenderTech, Be True, Sektsia, Championika and other companies. Petr graduated with honors from the Law School of the Higher School of Economics, and from OPM (executive education program) at Harvard Business School.
Petr is an active practitioner of extreme and team sports as well as martial arts. He is also the chairman of the Russian chess-boxing federation.
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6/10/2021 • 1 hour, 41 minutes, 27 seconds Vladimir Marinovich | Владимир Маринович Vladimir Marinovich is a business philosopher, business angel, and expert in digital business transformation. In 2018, Vladimir received a commendation from the Governor of St. Petersburg, G.S. Poltavchenko for his contribution to the development of small and medium-sized businesses in St. Petersburg.
Since 2006 Vladimir and his teams participate in the creation of successful startups, among which we can highlight:
The drogerie network "Smile of the Rainbow" - created the format and the project team, grew from 2 to 48 stores, now there is 800 stores and 25 billion rubles annual turnover.
"Vigoda.ru" - Vladimir Marinovich created the team of the North-Western Division, increased from 260 thousand rubles. up to $1 mln.
Gett - created a team in Russia, participated in the international development of Gett, the company is worth $1.4 billion.
Now Vladimir invests in innovative startups. Conducts consulting work with business owners.
Co-founder and co-owner of Electroopt. What is Electroopt? Online service for manufacturers and suppliers. The manufacturer simply uploads the product to the Electroopt electronic system and it appears on the selected marketplaces.
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6/7/2021 • 2 hours, 1 minute, 3 seconds Vadim Epstein | Вадим Эпштейн Vadim Epstein is a Moscow-based media artist, theorist, and practitioner, leading Russian VJ; former IT consultant and theoretical physicist, combining serious technical background, strong corporate experience and vivid creative mind. Has worked in various fields [net.art, science art, avant-garde club events, etc.] since 1996; eventually focused on visual media.
As an artist and curator, had made visuals for hundreds of concerts, festivals, parties and commercial events. The artworks have been exhibited in Montreal, Vancouver, Stuttgart, Paris, Basel, Lille, Glasgow, at New Tretyakov gallery, Moscow Biennale, etc. Personal style tends to bold recognizable aesthetics with high impact on the audience, native to post-industrial cultures.
Since March 2009 - the founder and creative director of in[visible] studio, one of the trustworthy Russian experts in hi-tech visual design and multimedia art. Besides commercial and personal projects, has delivered numerous lectures, workshops, and training courses.
His current focus is on AI, generative graphics, new media art and creative coding in general.
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6/7/2021 • 2 hours, 7 minutes, 47 seconds Roman Cyganov | Роман Цыганов Roman Cyganov is the Founder of Antix, a 3D evangelist at Skillbox. 10 years in the computer graphics industry. Clients: Warner Bros, HBO, Tencent, Wargaming, Atomic Heart, Jessica Walsh, PUBG, Game of Thrones, Sony.
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6/6/2021 • 2 hours, 6 minutes, 35 seconds Igor Seletskiy | Игорь Селецкий Igor Seletskiy is the Founder and CEO of CloudLinux, and the founder of AlmaLinux OS Foundation. Igor launched CloudLinux in 2009, forging it into today’s prominent player in the Linux & service provider ecosystems. In 1997, he formed PSOFT, pioneering products for the service provider market such as multi-server commercial control panel, website builder, and one of the first web file managers.
Igor Seletskiy is a respected and accomplished technology guru specializing in Linux, kernel development, and software for web hosting and security. He is a frequent and enthusiastic speaker at industry events worldwide, and a passionate commentator on many sector issues.
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6/4/2021 • 1 hour, 57 minutes, 4 seconds Inna Bovina | Инна Бовина Inna Bovina is a Professor of Health and Social Psychology at the Department of Clinical and Forensic Psychology of the Moscow State University of Psychology and Education. Her main research interests focus on social representations (theoretical development, social representations of health and illness, representations of the past) and social psychology of health (prevention).
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6/4/2021 • 1 hour, 52 minutes, 8 seconds Alexander Panov | Александр Панов Alexander Panov is a Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, currently, he is a leading researcher at the Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University. The main works are related to nuclear physics, surface physics, quantum measurement theory, gravity and cosmology, cosmic ray physics, the SETI problem (more than 170 articles in domestic and foreign scientific publications, one monograph). Since 2012, he has been the head of the Scientific and Cultural Center SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) under the Scientific Council for Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences (NSA RAS), chairman of the section "Life and Mind in the Universe" of the NSA RAS. He graduated from the Physics Department of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov in 1982.
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6/3/2021 • 1 hour, 52 minutes, 7 seconds Vladimir Zakharkin | Владимир Захаркин Vladimir Zakharkin is the ideologist and founder of the Content Clan creative association, an artist known under the stage name YAVAVAN, and the founder of the STG PRO construction group.
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6/2/2021 • 2 hours, 20 minutes, 1 second Peter Kambolin | Пётр Камболин Peter Kambolin is the Chief Executive Officer of Systematic Alpha Management, LLC ("SAM"). Peter is in charge of the general management of SAM and overseas SAM’s trading operations and asset-raising activities. Under Peter’s leadership, SAM received six Performance Awards from 2009 to 2019 from the leading hedge fund publications such as HFM Week, CTA Intelligence, and Pinnacle. SAM’s assets under management peaked at $721m in March 2011.
Peter received his B.A. in Finance from Baruch College (1995), Magna Cum Laude. His experience prior to co-founding SAM includes positions at Commonwealth Associates, Inc. (RR), Unibank (Operations), Fifth Avenue Research and Advisory Group, Inc. (Equity Research), Utopia Capital Management, Inc. (Portfolio Manager), Philip Louis Trading (Proprietary Trader), Thor Futures, LLC (Principal), Thor Capital, LLC (Founder and Principal) and Thor Asset Management Inc. Peter holds a Series 3 National Commodity Futures License.
If you are interested in the IPO or Pre-IPO allocation, taking your company public in the USA via SPAC, Cryptocurrency trading, Asset Management and other financial advisory services, you can contact Peter directly via phone or Email.
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6/2/2021 • 1 hour, 34 minutes, 44 seconds Alexander Filippov | Александр Филиппов Alexander Filippov, Ph.D., Professor of the Faculty of Humanities of the School of Philosophy and Cultural Studies, Head of the Laboratory Centre for Fundamental Sociology at the National Research University Higher School of Economics; Editor-in-Chief of the Sociological Review journal.
He passed Ph.D.(philosophy) at the Institute for Sociological Researches of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1984); fellow of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Bielefeld, FRG (1990); professor, dean of the faculty of sociology, The Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences (1995–2014); Doctor of sciences in sociology (MGIMO University) (2004).
Research areas: history of sociology, general sociological theory, sociology of space, political philosophy, philosophical problems of sovereignty and international law. Publications: Sociology of Space (monograph, 2008), Sociologia (collection of papers, 2014-2015), translations of Max Weber, Carl Schmitt, Niklas Luhmann et al.
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5/31/2021 • 1 hour, 56 minutes, 29 seconds Vladimir Opredelenov | Владимир Определенов Vladimir Opredelenov is a Deputy Director for Information Technologies at The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow. Head of the Department of Information Technologies in Culture, Faculty of Business and Management of the Graduate School of Business in the Higher School of Economics. A member of the Presidium of ICOM Russia, a member of the Presidium of Automation of museums and information technology Association (ADIT), member of the Russian Association for Digital Humanities, member of the working groups of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation for several museum projects.
Experience: from 2007 to 2013, Deputy General Director of the IT-Company. Successful leadership and participation in more than 40 joint projects of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, with the Main Information and Computing Centre of the Russian Federation, with the country's leading cultural institutions: The State Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, The State Tretyakov Gallery, The State Hermitage Museum, The State Russian Museum, The Russian State Library and other major cultural institutions. Member of the working group to draft a "Culture of Russia" for the 2012 “APEC summit”, the curator of the “Technomuseum” exhibition and a member of the Executive committee of the International Museum Festival “Intermuseum-2013”. Permanent member of scientific and practical industry conferences, including “Information for All Programme (IFAP)”.
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5/30/2021 • 2 hours, 6 minutes, 26 seconds Dan Medovnikov | Дан Медовников Dan Medovnikov is a Director of the Graduate School of Business, Institute of Innovation Management at the National Research University Higher School of Economics.
Under the leadership of Dan Medovnikov, have been carried out a number of applied studies on the topic of the innovative potential of the sectors of the Russian economy, the innovative activity of Russian corporations, and the development of medium technology business. Materials published in federal media, authored and edited by Dan Medovnikov, are a significant part of domestic media analytics and expert journalism on the problems of science, entrepreneurship and innovative development of the 1990s-2010s. Since 2014, member of the Expert Council of the Chairman of the Board of the Military-Industrial Commission of the Russian Federation. Since 2016, member of the Industrial Policy Committee of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs. In 2016, he was the head of the Science and State working group on the development of the Strategy for the scientific and technological development of the Russian Federation.
Dan Medovnikov is a journalist, publicist, and head of research projects. Founder and Head of the Science and Innovation Department of the Expert magazine (1998-2015), deputy editor-in-chief of the Expert magazine (2008 - 2015). Since 2012 - Director of the Institute of Innovation Management, National Research University Higher School of Economics. Since 2017 - the chief editor of the online magazine about innovations "Stimul". Initiator and leader of a number of major media, communication and event projects, including the Russian Innovation Competition, the Open Innovation University, and the "Page 42" online media.
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5/29/2021 • 2 hours, 13 minutes, 54 seconds Sergey Karelov | Сергей Карелов Sergey Karelov is a Founder and Chief Technology Officer, Witology, Chairman of the Board of the League of Independent Experts, RIAC Expert, technology evangelist.
In the 1980s, he was the sales director of one of the first Russian computer companies, Interkvadro, and then the founder and owner of Systems and Projects Ltd, which became the first IBM business partner in the USSR. In the 1990s, he was a top manager of the Russian IBM and the head of regional departments of SGI and Cray Research. Since 2001 he has been an independent consultant in the field of advanced technologies. Since 2004 - Chairman of the Board of the League of Independent Experts LINEX. In 2009, he became a co-founder and ideologist of Witology, a startup in the field of collective intelligence. Candidate of Science (Engineering). He runs a popular telegram channel about the "little-known interesting" at the intersection of science, technology, business and society - and its mirrors on Facebook, Medium and Yandex.Zen.
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5/28/2021 • 1 hour, 58 minutes, 13 seconds Evgeny Burnaev | Евгений Бурнаев Evgeny Burnaev, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Center for Computational and Data-Intensive Science and Engineering (CDISE) at Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech). Evgeny graduated from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology in 2006. After getting a Candidate of Sciences degree from the Institute for Information Transmission Problem in 2008, he stayed with the Institute as a head of the Data Analysis and Predictive Modeling Lab.
Since 2007 Evgeny carried out a number of successful industrial projects with Airbus, SAFT, IHI, and Sahara Force India Formula 1 team among others. The corresponding data analysis algorithms, developed by Evgeny and his scientific group, formed a core of the algorithmic software library for metamodeling and optimization. Thanks to the developed functionality, engineers can construct fast mathematical approximations to long-running computer codes (realizing physical models) based on available data and perform design space exploration for trade-off studies. The software library passed the final Technology Readiness Level certification in Airbus. According to Airbus experts, the application of the library “provides the reduction of up to 10% of lead time and cost in several areas of the aircraft design process”. Nowadays a spin-off company Datadvance develops a Software platform for Design Space Exploration with GUI based on this algorithmic core.
Evgeny’s current research focuses on the development of new algorithms in machine learning and artificial intelligence such as deep networks for an approximation of physical models, generative modeling, and manifold learning, with applications to computer vision and 3D reconstruction, neurovisualization. The results are published in top computer science conferences (ICML, ICLR, NeurIPS, CVPR, ICCV, and ECCV) and journals.
Evgeny Burnaev was honored with several awards for his research, including the Moscow Government Prize for Young Scientists in the category for the Transmission, Storage, Processing and Protection of Information for leading the project “The development of methods for predictive analytics for processing industrial, biomedical and financial data”, Geometry Processing Dataset Award for the work “ABC Dataset: A Big CAD Model Dataset For Geometric Deep Learning”, Symposium on Geometry Processing (2019), the Best Paper Award for the research in eSports at the IEEE Internet of People conference (2019), the Ilya Segalovich Yandex Science Prize “The best research director of postgraduate students in the field of computer sciences” (2020), the Best Paper Award for the research on modeling of point clouds and predicting properties of 3D shapes at the Int. Workshop on Artificial Neural Networks in Pattern Recognition (ANNPR) (2020).
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5/27/2021 • 1 hour, 24 minutes, 9 seconds Ivan Mishanin | Иван Мишанин Ivan Mishanin is a successful entrepreneur and business development specialist with over 14 years of demonstrated expertise. Multiple successful ventures over the past decade. Most notably, he was the founder and CEO of Bright Box a global connected car vendor that reached $10M in annual revenue before acquisition by Zurich Insurance Group. As of 2020, the group is the world's 117th largest public company according to Forbes' Global 2000s list.
Ivan started his career as a software developer, after as an analyst -consultant and project manager, and grew up to the position of CEO. He understands very well how a real high-tech company works. Extensive C-level management experience with focus on strategy, sales and business development. Today, his personal business interests lie in the creation and development of high-tech businesses at the interface of the automotive and neuroscience fields. Currently Ivan is a Co-founder and CEO of Neuroscience Software.
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5/27/2021 • 2 hours, 1 minute, 31 seconds Dasha Mingalieva | Даша Мингалиева Dasha Mingalieva, Mentor in IT companies. Business speaker and visiting lecturer at BHSAD, Moscow State University and Digital Dolina (Netology-Group Project). Ex-creative director at advertising agencies. Ex-CMO and co-founder of CINEMOOD hardware startup.
Has been working in advertising and marketing since 2009. She worked as an art director and head of creative teams in advertising agencies: BBDO, Leo Burnett, Grape (Possible), SapientNitro. During the period of work in advertising agencies, she has received more than 30 professional awards.
In 2015, she became a co-founder of the MULTIKUBIK startup (on the international CINEMOOD market). This is a portable cube - the projector shows films, cartoons and filmstrips on any surface. Inside is a platform of family educational and entertainment content distributed through portable cinemas on a subscription basis. Since its inception, their company "Multikubik" has sold more than 70,000 gadgets in 147 countries around the world. Among the partners: Disney, IVI online cinema, Megafon, MULT TV channel. In 2019, the startup's turnover reached $ 10 million.
In January 2020, she left the operating activities of the startup. From that moment on, he acts as an Adviser and mentor, consults on management and marketing issues.
Nominee for Forbes rating "30 to 30" in the category "entrepreneurs", Top-100 Russian Female Tech Founders according to Leta Capital, Top-100 women of Russian venture capital (RusBase).
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5/26/2021 • 2 hours, 3 minutes, 4 seconds Arseny Meshcheryakov | Арсений Мещеряков Arseny Meshcheryakov, Head of the HSE Art and Design School, Associate Professor: Faculty of Communications, Media, and Design.
Arseny was one of the initiators of the creation of the first professional club of designers "Portfolio", which brought together the leading designers of the early 90s.
In 2000-2007 participated in a number of projects as an artist: the video installation Central Television was presented at ART MOSCOW in 2006, the video installation Souls (co-authored with A. Ponomarev) became part of the Russian pavilion exposition at the 52nd Venice Biennale of Contemporary Art.
Since 2000, the publisher of the magazine "WAM (World Art Museum)", dedicated to world art, at the same time founded the publishing house "WAM Books".
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5/26/2021 • 1 hour, 53 minutes, 35 seconds Vladimir Spiridonov | Владимир Спиридонов Vladimir Spiridonov, Dr. of Psychology, Professor. Dean of the Faculty of Psychology, at the Institute for Social Sciences RANEPA, Head of the Laboratory of Cognitive Research, Faculty of Psychology, RANEPA. In 1988 he graduated from the Faculty of Psychology, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, in 1992 he defended his thesis, and in 2006 - his doctoral dissertation. Specialist in the field of the psychology of thinking: studies the process of solving problems and problems, mistakes and dead ends in the process of solving, spontaneous and purposeful use of heuristic strategies, mental models of naive biology, psychology, social phenomena and much
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5/21/2021 • 1 hour, 56 minutes, 5 seconds Andrey Kovalev | Андрей Ковалев Andrey Kovalev is a Russian businessman, public figure and musician. He is known as a songwriter and performer, TV and radio host, music producer, organizer of rock festivals and leader of the Pilgrim rock group. Owner of the EcoOffice group of companies, the Art & Food Sunflowers project and the Grebnevo estate.
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5/19/2021 • 1 hour, 38 minutes, 50 seconds Marcel Salikhov | Марсель Салихов Marcel Salikhov is the President of the Institute of Energy and Finance, Director of the Center for Economic Expertise of the Institute of State and Municipal Administration of the National Research University Higher School of Economics. PhD in Economics.
Marseille graduated from the Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology (MIET) in 2005. In 2008 he defended his Ph.D. thesis in economics.
Marseille has been working at the Institute for Energy Finance (an independent center for economic analysis, founded by the Gazprom group) since 2005 in various positions. Since 2020, he has been the President of the Institute.
Since 2008, Marseille has also worked at the Higher School of Economics as a visiting lecturer. Since 2020 - Director of the Center for Economic Expertise.
Marseille has participated in a large number of research projects in the field of energy and economic analysis for the benefit of corporate and government customers. His academic interests include quantitative methods for analyzing the economy and commodity markets, issues of the development of the oil and gas complex, problems of the Russian economy, and Internet commerce.
Marcel is a frequent expert in various federal media, writes columns for RBC, Forbes, Nezavisimaya Gazeta and other publications on topical issues of the economic agenda.
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5/19/2021 • 1 hour, 57 minutes, 18 seconds Fuad Aleskerov | Фуад Алескеров Fuad Aleskerov, Dr. of Sciences, Professor, Head of the International Centre of Decision and Choice Analysis, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow. Head, Department of Mathematics for Economics, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia. Mark Aizerman Chair on Choice Theory and Decision Analysis, Institute of Control Sciences of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow.
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5/18/2021 • 2 hours, 2 minutes, 53 seconds Maria Gulakova | Мария Гулакова Maria Gulakova is a researcher of ethnic and religious violence. Bachelor of Religious Studies and Master of Jewish Studies at St. Petersburg State University, currently a postgraduate student in the Department of History and Senior Lecturer at the Higher School of Economics St. Petersburg. Since 2004, she has been doing field research, studying the anti-Semitic agenda of Russian nationalists in St. Petersburg. Subsequently, she participated in research projects on commemoration of Germany and Poland. Conducts educational activities, gives open lectures on the history of the Holocaust and Jewish culture. Leads the student project "Workshop of Memory", in which the third generation learns to talk about cultural memory and new principles of commemoration. Participates in international conferences and advises on a theater project.
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5/16/2021 • 2 hours, 6 minutes, 54 seconds Gleb Kostarev | Костарев Глеб Gleb Kostarev, director of Binance in Russia and the CIS. Gleb has extensive experience in business development, PR and marketing and now heads Binance in Russia and the CIS, directly responsible for the development of the largest crypto exchange in this region. Prior to that, he worked in the marketing departments of large cryptocurrency and financial companies, including the Russian blockchain platform Waves Platform and the audit and consulting corporation EY. He began his career at the Russian communications holding RBC, where he worked as a journalist covering international financial markets, technologies and cryptocurrencies.
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5/14/2021 • 1 hour, 53 minutes, 51 seconds Maxim Spiridonov | Максим Спиридонов Maxim Spiridonov is a serial technology entrepreneur, founder of the educational holding Netology-Group, as well as projects: Netology, Digital Dolina, Jump.bio, Foxford, Edmarket. Author of the book "Billion-Dollar Startup. A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Digital Business", which took first place in the award "Business Book of the Year in Russia 2020"
For 10 years (2011-2021) he held the post of General Director of the educational holding Netology-Group. During this period, the company has grown from scratch to 15 lines of business, 2500+ employees and 7+ million users.
Netologia-group has received the RuNet Prize three times, entered the Forbes rating "20 Most Expensive Companies of the RuNet" (with an estimate of $ 90M+) and RBK ratings "35 Largest EdTech-Companies in Russia" and "TOP-20, Companies Establishing a New Russian Economy".
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5/13/2021 • 1 hour, 29 minutes, 25 seconds Alexander Arkhangelsky | Александр Архангельский Alexander Arkhangelsky is a modern Russian writer, journalist and editor, Ph.D. in Philology, professor at the Faculty of Communications, Media and Design at the Higher School of Economics. Chairman of the non-governmental human rights organization of writers, journalists and bloggers PEN-Moscow (affiliated with PEN International).
In the past - the author and host of television programs "Against the Current", "Chronograph". Since 2002 - the author and host of the program "Meanwhile". Author of scientific and popular science books "The Bronze Horseman" by A. Pushkin "(1990)," Conversations on Russian Literature. The end of the XVIII - the first half of the XIX century "(1998)," Heroes of Pushkin. Essays on literary characterology "(1999), collections of literary criticism (" At the front door ", 1991), journalistic articles. Author of prose books “1962. The Epistle to Timothy ”(latest edition - 2008),“ Cutoff Price ”(2008),“ Museum of the Revolution ”(2012), etc. The book“ Alexander I ”went through several editions in Russia, translated into French and Chinese. Author of school textbooks, teaching aids, reading books on literature. The author of the films "Factory of Memory: Libraries of the World", "Department", "Heat", "Intelligent. Vissarion Belinsky", "The Exile. Alexander Herzen" and others.
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5/12/2021 • 1 hour, 46 minutes, 9 seconds Igor Dolgushin | Игорь Долгушин Dr. Igor Dolgushin is an international expert in the development of brain skills and abilities. Head of MYBRAIN Cognitive Neuroscience Lab. Chief Freelance Cognitive Neurorehabilitologist of the SITA Group of Clinics, Barcelona. Head of the international scientific team. Psychiatrist.
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5/11/2021 • 2 hours, 1 minute, 23 seconds Konstantin Groznov | Константин Грознов Konstantin Groznov is a designer and art director with over 10 years of experience in communication and digital design. Prior to design, he was engaged in graffiti and was one of the leading Russian graffiti artists.
In 2018, he launched his own design studio groznov.co, which manages to combine collaboration with major brands and work for clients in the fields of culture, art, music, cinema and science.
Among the clients are samokat.ru, aliexpress.ru, sports.ru, dasreda.ru, sit.org, vodorodfilm.ru, etc. The studio's works have repeatedly received awards from international and Russian design and advertising festivals: Art Directors Club of Europe, FWA, Awwwards, Art Directors Club Russia, Great Eight Festival, etc. The studio is in the top 33 creative agencies of the country according to the Association of Communication Agencies of Russia.
In 2020, with partner Ruslan Bakiev, he focused on launching his own digital services in the field of culture and art.
He devotes a significant part of his time to travel, surfing and music. Plays guitar and piano.
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5/10/2021 • 1 hour, 55 minutes, 51 seconds Pavlo Tanasyuk | Павел Танасюк Pavlo Tanasyuk is the CEO and founder of Spacebit, a UK based space company pioneering rover technologies and deployment systems for space based applications.
In 2010 Pavlo graduated from London School of Economics (LSE) with a Master’s degree in Management and Information Systems. Pavlo also holds MPhil in Technology Policy from the University of Cambridge Business School and Department of Engineering (Cambridge-MIT Institute) and Certificate in General Management from Stanford University.
Previously Pavlo was the CEO and co-founder of the highly successful payment system company, Monexy, which he later sold and invested the proceeds in space projects and the setting up of Spacebit.
Spacebit is British privately held company that develops space robotics technology for lunar and planetary missions. The company was founded in 2014 by Pavlo Tanasyuk, along with a couple of other private investors, and led by an international team of engineers, scientists and commercial specialists . The company is based in London, England.
Pavlo’s vision has led Spacebit to sign a joint agreement with Astrobotic to begin commercial and scientific lunar exploration with the first mission in 2021 on the Peregrine lunar lander; marking the first payload from the UK to reach the Moon surface. In October 2020, Spacebit booked a second payload delivery to the moon, aboard the Nova-C lander that Intuitive Machines is planning to send in 2021 as part of NASA’s CLPS program.
Spacebit is currently the only private early-stage company in the world with a flight opportunity to the Moon founded on scientific, technical and commercial objectives, over the coming years.
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5/10/2021 • 55 minutes, 34 seconds Alexey Moiseenkov | Алексей Моисеенков Alexey Moiseenkov, 30 years old successful tech entrepreneur from St. Petersburg. He worked at Yandex and Mail.Ru. Founder of Prisma - more than 120M downloads in half a year, the best app of the year 2016 in the AppStore & Google Play. Glabal Forber 30 under 30 in the Consumer Tech category. Founder of the Capture group messenger service. He worked and raised money from Tier1 Valley funds such as General Catalyst, KPCB, Floodgate and others, and raised more than 5M USD for his projects. Education - Mathematical Optimization Techniques.
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5/9/2021 • 2 hours, 5 minutes, 8 seconds Alexander Gerchik | Александр Герчик Alexander Gerchik is a successful trader with over 23 years of experience. Officially recognized as the safest trader by the Wall Street Warriors is a documentary and reality TV series (2006) that details the lives of various Wall Street entrepreneurs. Alexander's biography exemplifies the success story of an immigrant who has conquered Wall Street and earned international recognition in the financial market industry as a trader with no losing months in his 20 years of trading.
His path began in 1993, when Alexander emigrated to New York. After moving, he grabbed for any job. Persistence and desire to achieve financial independence forced him to do what few people would dare to. For example, start trading. It was a deliberate choice because in the United States it is an understandable and widespread income guarantee activity. Initially, he worked as a taxi driver to pay for a four-month course in trading and obtain a license - the key to Wall Street. This allowed him to trade professionally, after which everything changed. His career as a day trader began at World Co. Started with $400 capital.
Today his professionalism is confirmed by American licenses 7,55 and 63 series and a Russian license as a market participant. Anyone who knows the context will immediately understand what this means.
In 2008, Alexander clearly realized that he wanted to teach trading, so he rented and equipped the first office in Tula with his own money. At first he taught students for free and even gave them his own money for management. After 7 years, the training center has become the largest in Eastern Europe. Today it has over 21,000 students.
It doesn't matter who you are - a humanist or a techie ... Anyone can really become a trader, if there is a desire!
Everyone has a chance to turn trading into their job and devote all their free time to it, but this is not the only way. Trading on the stock exchange can become just a hobby. But, unlike collecting cars, such a hobby will not take away money, but bring it in. Alexander recommends in training materials to consider the exchange both as the main type of activity and as a means of additional earnings - it all depends on your approach to business.
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5/8/2021 • 2 hours, 42 minutes, 41 seconds Greg Yudin | Григорий Юдин Greg Yudin is Professor of Political Philosophy and Social Theory. He is scientific supervisor of the "Political Philosophy" program at the Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences (Shanika). He studies the political theory of democracy, in particular - public opinion polls as a technology of representation and management.
In 2012, he received a PhD in Philosophy from the Higher School of Economics (Moscow) for his work on the philosophy of science established by German philosopher Edmund Husserl, and he is currently working on obtaining a PhD in Politics at New School (New York). In 2020, his book "Public Opinion, or the Power of Numbers" was published by the publishing house of the European University in St. Petersburg. Also in 2020, he edited the collective monograph "Life on debt" (Publishing house PSTGU), dedicated to the moral foundations of consumer lending in Russia. Scientific editor of the Russian translation of David Graeber's book “Bullshit Jobs” (Ad Marginem, 2020). Greg is a columnist for leading Russian media projects such as: Republic and The Project.
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5/7/2021 • 1 hour, 57 minutes, 57 seconds Anton Kravchenko | Антон Кравченко Anton Kravchenko is an investment banking and financial markets professional, specializing in derivatives and algorithmic trading. After his career in J.P.Morgan (London) and VTB Capital (Moscow) he became the fintech and digital assets leader by building the Xena.Exchange (digital assets derivatives exchange and dark pool for the funds with internal algorithmic trading desk, recently opened for public investments with 30%+ annualized USD revenue and less then 7% drawdawn).
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5/5/2021 • 1 hour, 50 minutes, 32 seconds Veronika Nourkova | Вероника Нуркова Veronika Nourkova is a Professor, Doctor of Psychology, Head of the Human Memory Research Lab at Lomonosov Moscow State University. She earned her PhD degree in 1998 and Doc.of Sci. degree in 2010, both from her home university. She was a Fulbright senior researcher at Washington University, Seattle and published more than 100 scientific papers, 3 monographs and 2 handbooks in psychology. Nourkova was awarded the Medal of Russian Academy of Science for the best book in Social science (2001), the Academia Europea Prize (2003), and the Best Handbook Award at the National contest “Lectures’ favorite” (2013, 2014). Nourkova’s research focuses on autobiographical memory, social and cultural determination of cognition, and methodological issues.
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5/4/2021 • 1 hour, 51 minutes, 30 seconds Dmitri Bondarenko | Дмитрий Бондаренко Dmitri Bondarenko is an anthropologist, historian, and Africanist. Dmitri has graduated with MA (cum laude) in World History, Anthropology and English from Lomonosov Moscow State University and completed PhD (World History and Anthropology) at the Russian Academy of Sciences from which he also holds the Doctor Habilitatus degree in the same disciplines. He holds the titles of Professor in Ethnology from the Lomonosov Moscow State University, Professor in Global Problems and International Relations from the Russian Academy of Sciences, and Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences in History.
Dmitri is Vice-Director for Research of the Institute for African Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of the International Center of Anthropology, National Research University Higher School of Economics, and Full Professor in Ethnology, Russian State University for the Humanities. Bondarenko was a visiting scholar with the Program of African Studies of Northwestern University (Evanston, USA), Institut für Geschichte (Göttingen, Germany), and Maison des sciences de l’homme (Paris, France). Besides several Moscow-based universities, Dmitri has taught at the Agostinho Neto University in Angola. He has delivered guest lectures at universities of the USA, Egypt, Tanzania, Slovenia, Uganda, and Russia. Dmitri is a co-founder and co-editor of the international journal ‘Social Evolution and History’.
His major research interests include anthropological, social, and historical theory, political anthropology, pre-modern societies, culture and history of Africa south of the Sahara, socio-cultural transformations and intercultural interaction (including ethnic, racial, and religious aspects) with special focus on Africa and people of African descent worldwide. Bondarenko has conducted fieldwork in a number of African countries (Tanzania, Nigeria, Benin, Rwanda, Zambia, and Uganda), as well as among people of African origin in Russia and the USA. Dmitri has authored over 500 publications, including seven monographs published in Russia, Germany, USA, and UK.
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5/3/2021 • 1 hour, 58 minutes Rudolf An is the founder and CEO of Eatme. He graduated from the European Business School in London. Rudolf believes that impact is the future of any business and that solving environmental problems lies in creating business solutions. Eatme is a mobile application that helps solve the food waste problem in catering, retail and manufacturing. The essence of the application is simple - selling at a discount is better than throwing it away.
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5/2/2021 • 1 hour, 48 minutes, 53 seconds Sergey Tsyptsyn | Сергей Цыпцын Sergey Tsyptsyn is an educator and evangelist in the field of computer graphics. He graduated from the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University and defended his Ph.D. thesis, but after fascinating classes in chaotic dynamics and scientific visualization, he was forced to descend to the land of the computer business. In 1996, he first tried heavy computer graphics, in the form of Alias | Wavefront and Silicon Graphics, etc. He taught the technique of using the MAYA program for many years, being the only certified instructor of Alias in Russia. He also worked as the technical director of a windsurfing school based in Egypt. There he also wrote a multivolume apocryphal work "Understanding Maya" - a 3D-bible in the new Slavic. Since 2006 he has been the director and producer of the international conference on computer graphics CG EVENT. An accomplished windsurfer, surfer, snowboarder. He's one of a kind.
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4/30/2021 • 1 hour, 37 minutes, 1 second Alexey Shumilin | Алексей Шумилин Alexey Shumilin is a CEO and co-founder of the Russian Loyalty and Payment Service UnikaPay (SKREPKA). SKREPKA was awarded by Snob.ru as best IT Solution 2020 as the first social oriented payment service based on Cash Back to reduce credit load of Russians.
Currently Alexey focused on expansion to European market with turn-key loyalty and payment solution for Utility Providers. That service helps Companies provide Loyalty Programs for decrease retention costs of clients, increase turn over and add additional revenue with no (ZERO) cost from the Company side.
Alexey has extensive experience. He was a Project Leader for twelve years at TNK-BP and IBM. Professional, in IT, FinTech and Sales (including development of complex large-scale IT solutions).
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4/29/2021 • 2 hours, 7 minutes, 47 seconds Vladimir Belyy | Владимир Белый Vladimir Belyy is a creator of Robot Fedor and Head of Alpha Robotics Venture Foundation with main focus to support local and global innovative robotics and AI companies in creating better technologies for the future of humanity. The Foundation conducts a careful selection of companies that have a prototype and provides financing of the beginning of serial production.
His main idea is to improve the quality of life and increase production above the level of consumption through technology and inventions. Present to people innovative automated and robotic solutions as part of normal everyday life, designed to protect and simplify human everyday life. Vladimir intends to unlock new directions in the field of entertainment and free humans from the everyday boring routine. Through this systemic approach he wants to protect people from fraud, unauthorized persons, terrorists, as well as from individuals with deviant and delinquent behavior. He is going to make this world safer and up to date.
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4/28/2021 • 2 hours, 2 minutes, 29 seconds Alina Nilsson | Алина Нильссон Alina Nilsson — co-founder of the international tech conference EMERGE with a focus on Eastern Europe, as well as the founding partner at events & communications agency SOLYANKA. Alina has been working with startups for over 7 years. The first startup in the field of fintech Alina founded in 2013, after which she began to run startup events in Vilnius, London, Berlin and Moscow. Having moved to London, Alina worked in a number of startup accelerators, such as MassChallenge, hardware accelerator Central Research Laboratory, running marketing campaigns and designing accelerator programs. Alina graduated with a Master's degree in Innovation and Strategic Design from Cranfield University (UK). Now lives in Sweden.
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4/27/2021 • 1 hour, 57 minutes, 3 seconds Ivan Oseledets | Иван Оселедец Ivan Oseledets is a Professor of the Center for Computational and Data-Intensive Science and Engineering at Skoltech.
Ivan graduated from Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology in 2006, got Candidate of Sciences degree in 2007, and Doctor of Sciences in 2012, both from Marchuk Institute of Numerical Mathematics of Russian Academy of Sciences. He joined Skoltech CDISE in 2013.
Ivan’s research covers a broad range of topics. He proposed a new decomposition of high-dimensional arrays (tensors) – tensor-train decomposition, and developed many efficient algorithms for solving high-dimensional problems. These algorithms are used in different areas of chemistry, biology, data analysis and machine learning. His current research focuses on development of new algorithms in machine learning and artificial intelligence such as construction of adversarial examples, theory of generative adversarial networks and compression of neural networks. It resulted in publications in top computer science conferences such as ICML, NIPS, ICLR, CVPR, RecSys, ACL and ICDM.
Ivan is an Associate Editor of SIAM Journal on Mathematics in Data Science, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, Advances in Computational Mathematics (Springer). He is also an area chair of ICLR 2020 conference.
Ivan got several awards for his research and industrial cooperation, including two gold medals of Russian academy of Sciences (for students in 2005 and young researchers in 2009), Dynasty Foundation award (2012), SIAM Outstanding Paper Prize (2018), Russian President Award for young researchers in science and innovation (2018), Ilya Segalovich award for Best PhD thesis supervisor (2019), Best Professor award from Skoltech (2019), the best cooperation project leader award from Huawei (2015, 2017). He also has been a Pi and Co-Pi of several grants and industrial projects (230 million of rubles since 2017). In 2021, Ivan became one of the winners of the Humboldt Research Award, is an award given by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation of Germany.
Ivan is actively involved in education and research supervision: he introduced and is teaching three courses of Skoltech curriculum, and five of his PhD students have successfully defended their theses, including two PhD students at Skoltech.
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4/26/2021 • 1 hour, 28 minutes, 16 seconds Max Goncharov | Максим Гончаров Max Goncharov is a serial entrepreneur with strong development and AI skills. He is CEO and co-founder of Cherry Labs, the powerful, real-time AI video monitoring platform with deep analytics for an efficient, safer workplace. Max was a winner of TechCrunch Disrupt 2016, AngelHack Moscow 2015. Founded 33Bits in 2011 (sold shares in 2014).
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4/25/2021 • 2 hours, 2 minutes, 16 seconds Alexander Surinov | Александр Суринов Alexander Surinov is a Professor, Head of the Faculty of Economic Sciences at the Department of Statistics and Data Analysis and head of the Laboratory for Wealth Measurement of the Higher School of Economics. Born on September 15, 1958 in the city of Moscow.
In 1981 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Economics and Statistics with a degree in Statistics. In 1989 he defended his thesis for the degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences, and in 2000 - Doctor of Economic Sciences. Upon graduation, Alexander was sent to the Central Statistical Administration of the USSR, where from 1981 to 1992 he worked his way up from an economist to the deputy head of the Department of Social Statistics of the USSR State Statistics Committee. From 1992 to 1998 he worked at the Center for Economic Conjunction under the Government of the Russian Federation as head of department, head of department, deputy director. In April 1998, Alexander was appointed head of the Department of Statistics of Foreign Countries and International Cooperation of the State Statistics Committee of Russia. In May 1998, he was approved as a member of the board of the State Statistics Committee of Russia. In September 1999, he was appointed First Deputy General Director of the Russian Statistical Agency. Since June 2000 - First Deputy Chairman of the State Committee of the Russian Federation on Statistics, since June 2004 - Deputy Head of the Federal State Statistics Service. On December 3, 2009, by order of the Government of the Russian Federation, Alexander was appointed Head of the Federal State Statistics Service. In 2011 he was awarded the class rank full-time state adviser of the Russian Federation, 1st class.
Alexander has been teaching at the Higher School of Economics as a professor since 2003. In December 2018, he was appointed Director of Statistical Research at the Higher School of Economics, in 2019 - Head of the Department of Statistics and Data Analysis of the Faculty of Economic Sciences. At the end of 2019, the duties of the head of the scientific and educational laboratory for measuring welfare and the director of the center for economic measurements and statistics, functioning under the department of statistics and data analysis, were assigned. Author of over 100 publications, including monographs and textbooks: “Income of the population. Experience of Quantitative Measurements ”, “Statistics of Population Incomes”, “Official Statistics in Russia: Problems of Reforming”, “Living Standards of the Russian Population: 1992-2002. (based on the materials of official statistical observations) ", "Introduction to national accounting", "Course of economic statistics for insurers: a textbook for universities ", "Economic statistics in insurance: a textbook for an academic bachelor's degree. "Edited by A.E. Surinov the monograph "Unobserved Economy: An Attempt of Quantitative Measurements", the textbook "Statistics" were published, and together with Bashkatov B.I. , the textbook "International Statistics", which went through three editions. Alexander is a member of the editorial board of the journal "Questions of Statistics" and a member of the Scientific and Methodological Council of Rosstat.
During the period of work in the state statistics bodies, he was directly involved and supervised on the Russian side various international projects of the World Bank, UNIDO, UNDP, Eurostat, UNECE and UNECCAP secretariats aimed at improving official statistics and reorganizing the national statistical system in Russia.
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4/25/2021 • 1 hour, 47 minutes, 14 seconds Marat Atnashev | Марат Атнашев Marat Atnashev is a Professor of business practice, co-founder of the Center for Negotiation and Network Studies at SKOLKOVO business school. He is Director of Asset Management at CTF Consultancy Limited and a member of the Supervisory Board of Alfa Group. From 2016 to 2019, he was Dean of the Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO. From 2011 to 2015, he worked at EVRAZ plc. as Vice President, Major Projects, Head of the Iron Ore Division. From 2010 to 2011, Marat held a position of a Director of the Directorate of Major Projects at JSC Garzpromneft. From 2000 to 2010, he worked at TNK (from 2003 – TNK-BP) at various positions in supply chain management, finance and major project management.
Marat graduated with honors from the Energy Department of the State University of Management (SUM), Moscow, in 1999; in 2003, he became a PhD (Candidate) in Economics. Marat also holds an MBA from INSEAD, France (2002). In 2008, he graduated from the BP Major Projects and Engineering academy, MIT (USA) and in 2016 received an MPA from Harvard Kennedy School (USA).
Marat is a member of the Board of Directors of Management Company “Rosvodokanal”, a member of the Board of Directors of AO “ALFA-BANK”, a member of the Supervisory Board of A1 Investment Holding S.A., a member of the Board of Directors of ABH Holdings S.A., a member of the Supervisory Board at X5 Retail Group and a member of «AlfaStrakhovanie» PLC.
Marat’s academic interests at the SKOLKOVO business school include project management, organizational development, Dutch disease problem, institutional model of economics and macroeconomic issues in countries with a dominance of the commodity sector. Marat has a numerous publications on macroeconomics and energy topics. He is actively developing these areas at academic conferences and has published articles in most prestigious Russian media – Vedomosti, Republic, TV Rain and others. Marat was born in Moscow, Russia in 1977.
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4/24/2021 • 1 hour, 33 minutes, 36 seconds Nikolay Kurichev | Николай Куричев Nikolay Kurichev, Dean of the Faculty of Geography and Geographic Information Technologies, National Research University Higher School of Economics, established in 2019. 10 years of experience in the field of modeling and forecasting of energy markets, including 5 years at the Research Institute of Gas Economics, one of the main analytical centers of Gazprom. 10 years of experience in research work at the Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences on the spatial development of the Moscow agglomeration, housing markets and migration.
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4/23/2021 • 1 hour, 57 minutes, 59 seconds Pavel Pravdin | Павел Правдин Pavel Pravdin is Welltory founder and CEO, ex-Director of Founder Institute, an entrepreneur and tech geek with huge mobile and web development experience. He is also an athlete, life hacker, and geek who loves to test new approaches to data-driven wellbeing on himself — evangelist of balance life approach and quantified self methodology.
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4/22/2021 • 1 hour, 50 minutes, 21 seconds Alex Roitblat | Алекс Ройтблат Alex Roitblat is a digital psychologist, Syucai master and entrepreneur who helps to change people's lives for the better by using encoded information on the date of birth.
His seminars and private consultations open the way to understanding the whole essence of energy channels. Alex talks about consciousness, where the most important emphasis is on the fact that consciousness and mind are not identical and not equal, therefore it is important to be in a state of silence and impartiality. Alex expresses the essence of the energy of numbers in a genuinely simple, accessible and understandable way, reveals them, conveying information to people! At his seminars, he talks about numerical science, about the psychology of Syucai. It is this science that opens up accessible and understandable knowledge of success and happiness in personal life and in business!
Syucai is the science of the mind discipline and the realization of the soul, it is a digital psychology of the 21st century. It is believed that Syucai is an offshoot of Raja Yoga, or royal yoga, which has existed for several thousand years. This practice works exclusively with consciousness, involving meditation and deep introspection. The science of Syucai itself studies the discipline of the mind and the realization of the soul - those things on which our attitude to life and its harmonization largely depends.
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4/21/2021 • 1 hour, 43 minutes, 26 seconds Igor Makarov | Игорь Макаров Igor Makarov, PhD in Economics, is a Head of the School of World Economy of National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE) in Moscow. He also directs the Laboratory for Climate Change Economics and works as a senior research fellow at the Center for Comprehensive European and International Studies at the same university. He was a visiting scholar at Stanford University (2011) and Harvard University (2016 and 2019), taught at the University of Tehran (2016) and Autonomous University of Madrid (2017).
His research interests cover international political economy, globalization, Asia-Russia relations, environmental and climate change economics. He is also an author of more than 60 academic papers and numerous columns for Russian business newspapers. Academic papers, reports, columns and interviews of Dr. Makarov have been published in Russia, U.S., Canada, U.K., Austria, Italy, France, Singapore, China, South Korea, India, Iran and South Africa. He is also the main author of recent report: "Turn to the nature: Russian environmental policy in the era of the green transformation of the global economy and politics"
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4/21/2021 • 1 hour, 55 minutes, 50 seconds Konstantin Vodopyanov | Константин Водопьянов Konstantin Vodopyanov obtained his MS from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (“Phys-Tech”) and his PhD and DSc (Habilitation) from the Oscillations Lab. of Lebedev Physical Institute (later General Physics Inst.), led by Nobel Prize winner Alexander Prokhorov. He was an assistant professor at the Moscow Phys-Tech (1985-90) and later did research as an Alexander-von-Humboldt Fellow at the University of Bayreuth in Germany (1990-92), and at Imperial College, London, UK (1992-98). In 1998, he moved to the United States to became head of the laser group at Inrad, Inc., NJ (1998-2000), and later director of mid-IR systems at Picarro, Inc.,CA (2000-2003). His other industry experience includes co-founding and providing technical guidance for several US and European companies. In 2003 he returned to Academia (Stanford University, 2003-2013) and is now an Endowed Chair & Professor of Optics and Physics at CREOL, the College of Optics & Photonics, University of Central Florida. Konstantin is a Fellow of the American Physical Society (APS), Optical Society of America (OSA), SPIE – International Society for Optical Engineering, UK Institute of Physics (IOP). His research interests are lasers and their spectroscopic and biomedical applications. His passion is music, hiking is wild jungles of Florida, swimming in the ocean, and long bicycle rides.
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4/20/2021 • 1 hour, 12 minutes, 32 seconds Adam Beck is a tech-entrepreneur, seasoned executive and investor with 20+ years of experience in IT, Internet and Mobile industries. Adam is a Partner and CTO in Surround Ventures the home for Israeli technology startups in the media, entertainment, sports, and e-commerce sectors. Founder and CEO of Unit Group, an international IT & Software agency providing services to Fortune 500 clients
He also co-founder, angel investor and advisor of several startups in the areas of gaming, e-commerce, IoT, fashtech and sportech. Former CIO of Matrix, one of Israel’s largest IT companies and traded on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange (TLV: MTRX). Adam holds an MBA from University of Derby (UK) and served in the elite technological units of the Israel Defense Forces.
If you are considering becoming a part of something big and currently looking for a Venture Capital Firm to invest in, Surround Ventures will be a smart choice. Get in touch with Adam to learn more.
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4/19/2021 • 2 hours, 10 minutes, 2 seconds Denis Voskvitsov | Денис Восквицов Denis Voskvitsov is a CEO of Exantech, R&D part of XNT holding. He focuses on the research of new approaches in fintech, especially blockchain technology and decentralized finance. Believes that blockchain and cryptocurrencies change the world.
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4/18/2021 • 1 hour, 57 minutes, 2 seconds Pavel Matvienko | Павел Матвиенко Pavel Matvienko is a Co-Founder and CEO of RetargetApp. He focuses on developing products that help new and experienced online store owners market their products online.
He previously founded the first and the biggest Social Commerce platform in Eastern Europe. Pavel passionate about product management, advertising in social media and extreme sport.
RetargetApp (retargetapp.com) is a web app that combines machine learning technology with human expertise to automatically run and scale ads across the web. This allows e-shop owner to spend less than 5 min/day on marketing.
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4/16/2021 • 1 hour, 54 minutes, 6 seconds Ilya Kiriya is a Professor and Chair of the School of Media, Faculty of Communication, Media and Design at the National Research University Higher School of Economics (Moscow, Russia). He holds a PhD in information and communication science from Grenoble Stendhal University (France) and second PhD in journalism from Moscow State University. His research interests are in the political economy of media and communication, concentration, capital and industrial strategies of big media companies and conglomerates in the field of media and public sphere structures in post-soviet countries.
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4/15/2021 • 1 hour, 42 minutes, 16 seconds Ilya Mutovin | Илья Мутовин Ilya Mutovin is a Founder & CEO of Zoon.ru, biohacker, famous blogger, author of the “Bigotry-free Biohacking” and "One story from the near future" books. His unique approach to biohacking and mental health has already attracted and impacted hundreds of thousands of people, don’t miss a chance to be next!
Zoon is a recommendation service with all city's organizations. Compare prices, photos and reviews and choose the best ones! We know the current prices in 32.000 companies. We have 3.5 million organizations and more than 60 million reviews – you can review the recommendations and share your own impressions.
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4/14/2021 • 2 hours, 1 minute, 40 seconds Anton Ivanov | Антон Иванов Anton Ivanov is currently the Associate Professor at Skoltech and the Acting Director of Skoltech Space Center (since 2017). After receiving his PhD in Planetary Science from Caltech in 2000, Dr Ivanov joined the Jet Propulsion Laboratory to contribute to Mars Global Surveyor, Mars Odyssey, Mars Express and Mars Science Laboratory projects, as well as participated in activities of Team X.
In 2007, Dr Ivanov joined the Swiss Space Center at the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (Switzerland) to lead development of the Concurrent Design Facility. There he was responsible for the Minor in SpaAce Technologies and led projects in precise cubesat positioning (CubETH), study phase for an exoplanets observatory (CHEOPS), hyperspectral remote sensing (SOLVE) and participated in mission operations for the SwissCube satellite. He is also a Co-I on MARSIS and CASSIS experiments, currently in operations. Anton is an expert with the EU H2020 program (Space).
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4/14/2021 • 1 hour, 30 minutes, 34 seconds David Yang, Ph.D., Co-founder Yva.ai, Founder and Board Director at ABBYY, member of Band of Angels, Silicon Valley based serial entrepreneur specializes in AI, founded 12 companies.
David is a globally recognized thought leader, speaker and advisor in the areas of AI, Artificial Neural Networks, People Analytics, Smart 360, Peer-to-peer Continuous Listening, Organisation Network Analytics (ONA), HR metrics, talent measurement, workforce analytics, performance management and Organizational Change.
He’s the Founder & Chairman of the Board of ABBYY - world leading developer of AI, Content Intelligence, Text Analytics with 1300+ employees in 14 offices in 11 countries. More than 50 million users and thousands of enterprise customers in 200 countries rely on ABBYY’s solutions including: PwC, McDonalds, Xerox, Toyota, Yum!Restaurants, Deloitte, PepsiCo, Volkswagen, UCSF. World leading RPA vendors, including UiPath, BluePrism, Robiquity among others rely on ABBYY’s AI technologies.
Currently David is dedicated to Yva.ai, the company that develops an Ethical People Analytics, Continuous Engagement and Performance Management Platform which helps organizations save millions of dollars by detecting burnout and predicting resignations of key employees. Yva makes 360 scalable, accurate and real-time. Each employee receives personal dashboards and recommendations. The Smart ONA helps executives find informal leaders to lead cross-functional collaboration, agile transformation and customer-focused experience.
David created Cybiko, world first hand-held wireless communication computer for teenagers; co-founded iiko, new generation AI powered restaurant and hospitality industry solution; co-founded Plazius, a customer loyalty and mobile payment platform; founded a number of creative art-based ventures, including: FAQ-Café studio, DeFAQto; co-founded Ayb Educational Foundation and Ayb School.
David is also a frequent keynote speaker at conferences and corporate events and author of numerous patents and scientific publications.
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4/13/2021 • 1 hour, 43 minutes, 10 seconds Andrey Drobitko | Андрей Дробитько Andrey Drobitko is a monumental painter and Founder and CEO of SketchAR - AI-based mobile app and a platform for developing people’s creativity through the unique interactive approach of AR drawing, photo editing, and gamification. This approach allows users to grow faster via personalized feedback grounded on their artistic practices.
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4/12/2021 • 2 hours, 51 seconds Aleksey Dudanets | Алексей Дуданец Aleksey Dudanets is the owner of three businesses: real estate management company, a football agency - Integrated Sports Solutions and YouTube channel "More than football". Aleksey graduated from the Tver Suvorov Military School with honors. He played football in Zenit and Spartak from 1995 to 2002.
Aleksey shot a film where he tried to reveal the secret of the Porto Football Club success through immersion into the history of this famous club and meeting the president of FC Porto Jorge Nuno Pinto da Costa, who has been running the club since 1982. Please support and share.
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4/11/2021 • 1 hour, 59 minutes Alexei Ossadtchi | Алексей Осадчий Alexei Ossadtchi is a leading Russian scientist in the field of Neuroimaging. He is currently a Professor and Director of the Center for Bioelectric Interfaces at the National Research University Higher School of Economics. Dr. Ossadtchi holds a Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Southern California (2003), where he developed approaches for automatic identification of epileptogenic regions in multi-focal epilepsy. These methods are being applied to non-invasively collected magnetoencephalographic (MEG) data for improved diagnostic accuracy of patients with epilepsy.
Dr. Ossadtchi continued this research in Russia and developed efficient solutions to the interpretation of MEG and electroencephalography (EEG) based neuroimaging in the clinical context. His recent developments include algorithmic techniques for solving the EEG and MEG inverse problem on the group level, novel robust analytical solutions improving the spatial resolution of MEG based neuroimaging, and providing access to the detection of functional coupling of neuronal sources. He is also the key inventor of BASEX, a now classical Abel-transform method widely used for solving the inverse problem in photo-ion and photo-electron imaging.
Dr. Ossadtchi authored more than thirty publications in high-impact international journals specialized in methods for functional neuroimaging and their real-time applications, such as BCIs and neurofeedback. In addition to academic background, Dr. Ossadtchi has extensive business experience. He was a Senior Scientist for twelve years at Source Signal Imaging Inc., San Diego, CA, where he developed the EMSE Software Suite, a versatile data analysis tool for multimodal neuroimaging.
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4/11/2021 • 2 hours, 7 minutes, 4 seconds Darya Abramova | Дарья Абрамова Darya Abramova is a Founder and CEO of Codabra, a coding school for children 7-17 years old, with more than 30K students. Winner of Google Rise Award 2015. At Codabra they teach children and adolescents to program, create computer games, websites, applications and other digital projects. Darya is a director of DigitalFest, a technology festival for teens and kids. She is also a scientific book editor (coding for children).
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4/10/2021 • 2 hours, 13 minutes, 43 seconds Maria Falikman | Мария Фаликман Maria Falikman is a Professor, Doctor of Psychology, Head of the Department of Psychology at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the Higher School of Economics, Leading Researcher at the Laboratory of Cognitive Research at the Higher School of Economics. Maria took part in the first meeting of Russian scientists with the Dalai Lama. And she twice received the National Psychological Prize "Golden Psyche" (2013, 2020). Member of the Moscow Writers' Union, poet, translator.
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4/8/2021 • 1 hour, 48 minutes, 35 seconds Sergey Filonovich | Сергей Филонович Sergey Filonovich is a Russian scientist, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, tenured professor, dean of the Graduate School of Management (Business School), professor of the Human Resource Management Department of the Faculty of Management of the Higher School of Economics.
Currently he is one of the brightest and most influential figures in the system of business education in Russia. He is a member of the editorial boards of the Russian Management Journal and the Voprosy obrazovaniya magazine, a member of the editorial board of the Business Education magazine, a member of the American Society for Training and Development.
Professor Filonovich made a great contribution to the creation and development of the system of business education in modern Russia. For a long time he was Vice-President of the Russian Association of Business Education (RABO), a member of the Council of the Association of Business Schools of Central and Eastern Europe (CEEMAN), headed the management section of the expert council of the Federal Commission for the training of management personnel for organizations of the national economy of the Russian Federation, is one of the developers of the Presidential Program for the training of management personnel for organizations of the national economy of the Russian Federation.
Author of more than 200 scientific, historical, scientific and methodological works, including more than 10 monographs, two of which have been translated into foreign languages. The book "Leadership and Practical Skills of a Manager", as well as a number of other publications on management problems, was widely recognized.
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4/7/2021 • 2 hours, 1 minute, 6 seconds Andrey Bogdanov | Андрей Богданов Andrey Bogdanov is a Russian political strategist, politician and a prominent Freemason, serving as Grand Master of The Grand Lodge of Russia (GLoR) since June 2007. He is a member of the 33° Scottish Rite. The Grand Lodge of Russia, headed by Andrey is recognized by the United Grand Lodge of England (the world's oldest Grand Lodge, "Commission for the Recognition of the Conference of Grand Lodges (Grand Masters) of North America", the Grand Lodge of Ireland, the Grand Lodge of Scotland and by more than 100 other Grand Lodges around the world as corresponding to "standards of recognition".
In July 2010, Andrey was re-elected to the post of Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Russia until 2015. In September 2010 Andrey was admitted to the Holy Royal Arch in the Royal Somerset House & Inverness Chapter (London) in the United Kingdom. He subsequently began establishing Royal Arch Freemasonry in Russia.
On 28 March 2015, at the GLoR annual assembly, Andrey was again re-elected as the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Russia. According to the General Regulations of the GLoR, he will hold the post of Grand Master for a further 5 years, until 2020. At that point he will have held the office continuously for 14 years.
As a politician, Andrey was a candidate for the post of President of Russia in the 2008 elections, one of the founders and leaders of the Right Cause party (2008-2012), one of the main founders of the Democratic Party of Russia, the Communist Party of Social Justice, the People's Party of Russia, a new The Social Democratic Party of Russia, the Civic Position Party, the People's Alliance and the Union of Citizens, as well as the Third Power bloc.
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4/6/2021 • 2 hours, 2 minutes, 13 seconds Maxim Azarov | Максим Азаров Maxim Azarov is the ideologist and founder of the online English language school Novakid. Born in 1979 in Jelgava (Latvia), Max spent his childhood in the Moscow region. Maxim graduated from the School of Physics and Mathematics, studied at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT). Also he graduated with an MBA at the University of Massachusetts. Max is married, father of three children.
Max worked as a programmer in the USA in Cyber Vision and Digital Five companies. He was a product manager in the Google team from 2007 and 2009. After that he was employed by LG where he developed a cloud project. In 2013 he and his partners launched their own cloud platform project called Cloudike.
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4/6/2021 • 1 hour, 49 minutes, 15 seconds Dmitry Matskevich | Дмитрий Мацкевич Dmitry Matskevich is the Co-founder and CEO of Dbrain.io. In the past he co-founded a Flocktory which was acquired by QIWI in 2017. Dmitry member of Smit16 community, MIPT, NES. Popularizer of the sciences in the field of the body and brain physical and mental performance.
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4/5/2021 • 1 hour, 56 minutes, 56 seconds Yana Abramova | Яна Абрамова Yana is a Managing Partner at Pretiosum Ventures, a UK based venture capital firm with a focus on seed and Series A companies in AI, Fintech, and the Future of Work/Life sectors. Yana holds an MSc in Management from Cambridge University. She is also an ambassador for Tech Nation UK and an exceptional Tech Talent Visa holder. She speaks fluent French, Spanish, Russian, and Mandarin which is quite helpful to build a wide network around the world.
When Yana is not busy being an investor, partner, big sister, or anything else to her companies and founders, she enjoys advising on career development in tech.
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4/4/2021 • 1 hour, 53 minutes, 57 seconds Slava Orekhov | Слава Орехов Slava Orekhov is an entrepreneur, investor and mentor with many years of extensive experience in technologies. Slava is also a great lover of travel, wine and cuisine, he has visited more than 7000 restaurants in 97 countries of the world. Starting the next phase of his life, Slava switched from corporate life to entrepreneurship and from being part of something big to creating something big. Slava is a Co-Founder and CEO of Supersales.io platform which will help to drive your online customers to spend as much as they would shopping in-store by connecting online customers with the sales team via live video chat. Also, he is a Co-founder of Aplace.guide is the restaurant's recommendation platform which will help you to find the best dining options in the city based on professional Chefs recommendations.
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4/3/2021 • 1 hour, 53 minutes, 2 seconds George Kachmazov | Георгий Качмазов George Kachmazov is a real estate and investment executive with an extensive national and international management experience. George is a Managing partner of Tranio.com is an international real estate platform with a network of 700 partners worldwide and a catalogue of more than 100,000 listings in 60 countries. Tranio team publish daily news, high quality analysis on foreign realty, expert advice, and notes on laws and procedures related to buying and leasing properties abroad so that our clients can make confident property investment decisions. To date they have closed 100 deals, building long-lasting, trustworthy relationships with our clients and partners.
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4/3/2021 • 1 hour, 48 minutes, 47 seconds Alex Shkor is a tech entrepreneur, inventor, and distributed systems architect with a mission to help realize the potential of humanity by utilizing digital technologies and drive exponential growth in knowledge and technology creation.
Alex is a Co-Founder and CEO of DEIP (deip.world) - Web3 Protocol for Intellectual capital with a mission to enable high liquidity of IP and technology assets. Alex is also Co-founder and CEO of VEDAI.org - a platform for investment in people education using tokenized ISA, with a mission to make high-quality education accessible for everyone and let investors help talented people and capitalize on their success.
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4/2/2021 • 2 hours, 1 minute, 44 seconds Sergei Redkov | Сергей Редьков Sergei Redkov - happy husband, father of 3 sons (for the moment), entrepreneur. Founder of Drimsim, SIM card for the travelers. Looking forward to building the best ground for the growth of IT technologies in Andorra and the world. Live in Andorra.
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4/1/2021 • 2 hours, 22 minutes, 8 seconds Alexander Blanc | Алекс Бланк Alexander Blanc is a passionate entrepreneur, co-founder of the coolest food edutainment concept in the world CulinaryOn, co-founder of PaintOn a new unique art-based teambuildings concept of fun Paint & Sip events, and partner of Finaport the leading independent wealth management firm, headquartered in Zurich and Singapore.
CulinaryOn (culinaryon.com) is a unique edutainment concept for fun and hands-on culinary parties for corporates, adults and kids. Leader in every market, they conduct 5000+ events yearly, with 40% markets share in respective markets. #1 in Tripadvisor for clients reviews, NPS 85+. CulinaryOn chain includes 22 Culinary and Art Entertainment Centers in Asia (Singapore) and Europe (Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Bucharest, Warsaw), with plans to extend in Austria, Germany, Italy and India.
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3/31/2021 • 2 hours, 20 minutes, 53 seconds Vasily Pivtsov | Василий Пивцов Vasily Pivtsov is a Kazakh professional climber, master of sports of international class, honored master of sports in mountaineering, multiple champion and prize-winner of the CIS open championship in mountaineering in high-altitude technical (2000), technical (2001) and high-altitude classes (2000-2002).
Vasily is a conqueror of all 14 eight-thousanders of the planet (2001-2011). He became the 26th member of Quest-14 and the 11th climber who was able to climb all these peaks without using artificial oxygen. Chevalier of the Kurmet Order of Honor (2007).
In total, he made 15 oxygen-free ascents of eight-thousanders, including two peaks Shishapangma (Central and Main).
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3/30/2021 • 1 hour, 28 minutes, 16 seconds Tatiana Mitrova | Татьяна Митрова Tatiana Mitrova is a Professora and Head of Research, SKOLKOVO Energy Centre. Tatiana is one of the most well-known Russian experts in the energy field – the author of many studies and a specialist of great reputation and world renown. She possesses over twenty years of experience in analyzing Russian and global energy markets, including production, transportation, demand, energy policy, pricing, taxation, and market restructuring.
Tatiana has worked in the Center for International Energy Markets Studies at the Energy Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ERI RAS) since 2002, starting as a Research Fellow and rising to the position of Head of the Department for International Energy Markets Studies. Currently she commands a variety of prestigious roles, such as Head of the Research Division at the Energy Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ERI RAS), Research Scholar at the Center on Global Energy Policy at Columbia University (New York), and Senior Visiting Research Fellow of the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies (OIES).
In the summer of 2018, she joined the Board of Directors of the global oilfield services company Schlumberger and in 2020 she joined the Board of Directors of NOVATEK.
Tatiana Mitrova is a graduate of the Economics Department at Moscow State University, having earned a Ph.D. in Economics. In terms of academic appointments, she is an Assistant Professor at the Gubkin Oil and Gas University and a Visiting Professor at the Paris Institute of Political Studies (Sciences Po).
She is the author of more than 120 articles and studies in scientific and business journals on energy issues, as well as 4 monographs.
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3/30/2021 • 1 hour, 54 minutes, 26 seconds Denis Rebrikov | Денис Ребриков Denis Rebrikov is а doctor of science in Biology, vice-rector for research at Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University (RSMU), and head of the genome editing laboratory at National Medical Research Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology named after Academician V.I.Kulakov (ncagp.ru).
Mr. Rebrikov regularly delivers lectures on molecular biology, biochemistry and genetics in Moscow State University. Under his supervision, three PhD and one doctoral dissertations have been successfully defended so far.
Author of over 100 works published by top Russian and foreign science journals. Author of the first Russian textbooks on real-time PCR (Real-time PCR) and next generation sequencing (NGS: next generation sequencing).
Author of 30 patented inventions. Methods he developed are now used in the mass production of over 200 diagnostic test systems and a number of devices for medical laboratory testing.
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3/28/2021 • 1 hour, 47 minutes, 3 seconds Viktor Danilov-Danilyan | Виктор Данилов-Данильян Viktor Danilov-Danilyan (born May 9, 1938 in Moscow) - Russian scientist, economist, ecologist, hydrologist, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2003). Specialist in the field of environmental economics, economic and mathematical modeling, theory of sustainable development.
Professor Danilov-Danilyan has extensive knowledge and experience in the field of ecology and hydrology, being the scientific director Institute of Water Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences. In 2003–2018 he was the director of this institute. Danilov-Danilyan actively supports campaigns in Russia aimed at solving water problems and combating climate change.
Along with a successful scientific career, Professor Danilov-Danilyan was Minister of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of the Russian Federation (1991-1996), Chairman of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Environmental Protection (1996-2000), Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation (1994-1995).
Professor Danilov-Danilyan is a laureate of the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology "for the development and creation of an ecological complex, including a specialized complex for monitoring the ecological state of the aquatic environment and the carrier vessel" (1996).
One of his most important applied works is the system of payment for negative impact on the environment, which has been widely implemented in Russia since 1991. Author and co-author of over 600 scientific papers, including over 30 monographs and about 100 articles in peer-reviewed journals.
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3/27/2021 • 1 hour, 43 minutes, 53 seconds Sergey Popov | Сергей Попов Sergey Popov is a Russian astrophysicist and popularizer of science, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, a leading researcher at the Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Sergey is engaged in the study of neutron stars and black holes and has published over a hundred scientific papers during his scientific career.
Sergey was born in 1971 in Moscow. Graduated from the Physics Faculty of Moscow State University (1995) and graduate school (1998). He wrote his Ph.D. thesis (physics and mathematics) on the topic: "Population synthesis of binary systems after a burst of star formation and the evolution of single neutron stars" (1998). He defended his doctoral dissertation in 2011 (physical and mathematical sciences) on the topic: "Magnetic-rotational evolution and population synthesis of single neutron stars." While studying at Moscow State University, he worked as a physics teacher in high school in Moscow school number 548.
Sergey devotes a lot of his time to popularizing science. He gives public lectures at popular science festivals.
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3/25/2021 • 1 hour, 52 minutes, 27 seconds Andrew Ponomar | Андрей Пономарев Andrew Ponomar is a CEO of Enter Capital, San Francisco-based investment and advisory firm focused solely on technology and online entertainment. Tech entrepreneur and investment executive with experience in M&A, private equity, and VC. Dozens of executed transactions (closed deal value greater than $1.5 Billion). ExHead of Investment Department at a $3 billion family office, former consultant at KPMG. "40 under 40" Dealmaker by the M&A Advisor, NY, MBA from Hult Business School, CA.
This information is not intended to be and does not constitute financial or any other advice.
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3/24/2021 • 1 hour, 46 minutes, 10 seconds Sergey Kornikhin | Сергей Корнихин Sergey Kornikhin is a Russian award winning film and video game producer, musician, and entrepreneur. As a movie producer Sergey is best known for such films and TV series as The Very Best Day (2015), I Am Losing Weight (2018), Fidelity (2019), Tolya-robot (2019), The Humorist (2019), Side effect (2020), Nastya, pull yourself together! (2021).
In 2003 Sergey graduated from the Lomonosov Moscow State University with a degree in civil law, in 2006 he defended his Ph.D. thesis on intellectual property law, and in 2010 he graduated from the courses of the New York Film Academy “Production of feature films”.
He began his production career with the production of short films by young directors, including Mikhail Mestetsky (co-author of the script for "Legend 17"). The films have collected a large number of prizes at international and Russian festivals, in particular, the Grand Prix of the Shanghai International Film Festival and the Grand Prix of Kinotavr.
Sergey has massive experience in media and distribution, due to his work as SVP and Chief Content Officer at IVI.ru the largest Russian online video streaming service.
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3/23/2021 • 1 hour, 47 minutes, 34 seconds Alexey Khitrov | Алексей Хитров Alexey Khitrov is a CEO and co-founder of ID R&D, he has extensive first-hand C-level leadership experience with biometric companies, including one of the largest biometric firms in Europe. In the role, he successfully established a US subsidiary, pioneered new products and deployed award-winning solutions with prominent government and Fortune 500 financial institutions.
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3/22/2021 • 1 hour, 39 minutes, 48 seconds Lena Lumelsky | Лена Лумельская Lena Lumelsky is a fashion designer with a multicultural background. Being born in Crimea, educated in Antwerp’s Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Lena has launched her Label (Lena Lumelsky) in Antwerp in 2009.
Lena, a winner of various fashion awards including Mango fashion awards in 2010, she was a LVMH young designer competition finalist in 2014. Lena Lumelsky brand is presented in Dover Street Market (LA, NY, London, Tokyo), H. Lorenzo (LA), Tasoni (Zurich), Adekuver (Seoul), Les Suites (Paris), Concept Store (Riga) etc.
Lena Lumelsky clothes were exhibited in the number of European fashion Museums including: MOMU Antwerp, Bozar Expo, Brussels, Fashion Museum of Hasselt, 21-21 Design sight museum, Tokyo.
Craftsmanship plays an important role for the brand’s vision of emotional value of clothes. Through carefully chosen methods of savoir-faire and impeccably constructed details of haute-couture quality, the designer believes the energy invested in making feeds the connection between the maker and the wearer, infusing a garment with invisible yet unique value.
Lena Lumelsky lives and works in Antwerp, Belgium.
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3/21/2021 • 2 hours, 16 minutes, 5 seconds Mikhail Usov | Михаил Усов Mikhail Usov is a professional clown who has been entertaining audiences since 1983. In 2009 Mikhail joined Cirque du Soleil to work with writer and director Robert Lepage of Canada; he created a new character called “Fisherman” and performed for Cirque du Soleil’s Totem from its premier in 2010 until 2019. The character will continue to be performed by other artists, with Mikhail as a creator.
From the age of 16, Mikhail has been performing professionally. At 23, he graduated from the prestigious Moscow clown school in Izmaylovo. Soon after graduation, he co-founded MIKOS, which earned the Silver Prize at the 1st International Clown Festival in Moscow. MIKOS performed across Russia and Europe for fourteen years with Mikhail as a creator and principle performer.
As a clown in Europe Mikhail has performed for Wintergarten Variete in Berlin; Tiger Palast in Frankfurt-on Main; GOP-Group, Prinzregentheater in München; Friedrichbau Stuttgart, and Cirque du Soleil. Mikhail wrote two shows: Panopticum and Stadt der Träume (A City of Dreams). Both proved to be a commercial success in Germany with sold out shows for 18 months.
Mikhail won a silver medal at the The World Festival of the Circus of Tomorrow (Festival Mondial du Cirque de Demain) with Cirque D’HIVER BOUGLIONE in 1995. And in July 1999 a gold medal at the International Clown Festival in Ostend, Belgium.
Mikhail performed on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, Patrick Sebastian and Le Plus Grand Cabaret De Monde on TV5 in France. On German TV, he has appeared on Star in der Manege on TV ARD and ZDF, and ARTE during the Traumtänzer Festival. Mikahil has been featured on BBC London, National TV China, TV in Croatia, and with the Circo Massimo, which creates circus performances to be broadcast across Italy and Europe. Mikhail has also, on three occasions, had the honor of performing at the Royal Albert Hall in London.
Mikhail Usov has the distinction of working along side many creative people in the performing arts such as Robert Lepage (Canada), David Scheiner (USA), Tereza Durova (Russia), Anatoliy Zalevsky (Ukraine)
Mikhail lives in California with his family.
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3/20/2021 • 1 hour, 38 minutes, 57 seconds Sergey Bogdanov | Сергей Богданов Sergey Bogdanov is a serial entrepreneur, founder and mastermind of YellowRockets Group, managing partner of the YellowRockets.vc venture capital fund and co-founder of the international summit of early stage investors VOX ANGELIS.
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3/20/2021 • 1 hour, 52 minutes, 25 seconds Anatoly Sharifulin | Анатолий Шарифулин Anatoly Sharifulin, CEO, co-founder AppFollow. Anatoly has specialized in mobile app development and promotion since 2009. Having started his career as a CTO with TochkaK, Anatoly joined Ostrovok.ru where he worked as the Head of Mobile Products for two years. In 2013 Anatoly won a hackathon hosted by AngelHack. At present he combines his business pursuits with teaching at Netologia online school, where he delivers lecture courses “Mobile Marketing” and “Mobile Product”.
Anatoly is the undoubted leader of our team, with invaluable expertise in ASO and competitive app analysis. He is a huge fan of metrics and remote culture and is passionate about SaaS and startup development. He is also the one to shape the key aspects of company strategy and drive its implementation.
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3/18/2021 • 1 hour, 59 minutes, 34 seconds Ivan Smolnikov | Иван Смольников Ivan Smolnikov is the founder and CEO of Smartcat, where he is building the operating system for the global localization industry. A serial entrepreneur, Ivan has been building and leading linguistic technology and service businesses for more than 15 years now.
Since 2016, he has focused on Smartcat, a company that uses a disruptive business model to tap into the $50b translation industry with a free-to-use workflow SaaS where buyers and suppliers connect, create and deliver multilingual content, and transact across the globe.
With $30m raised from top VCs, 10,000s of customers and 100,000s of suppliers collaborating on the same platform, the company is well on its way to transforming the industry and helping businesses spread innovation across the globe.
Ivan graduated from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology and now lives and works in Boston MA.
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3/17/2021 • 2 hours, 13 seconds Dmitry Loschinin | Дмитрий Лощинин Dmitry Loschinin is executive vice president, DXC/Luxoft analytics & engineering. Luxoft specializes in global digital strategy and engineering.
Dmitry has operated at the forefront of digital innovation since Luxoft launched in 2000, where he has served as president and CEO for two decades. Under his stewardship Luxoft has become a global digital service provider for some of the world’s biggest companies in the financial services, automotive, healthcare and life sciences sectors, among others. Luxoft combines engineering excellence with deep domain expertise to improve customer experience and boost operational efficiency for its global customer base.
Dmitry has lived and breathed IT since beginning his professional career as a software engineer in the late 1980s. Prior to co-founding Luxoft, he served in management roles within leading software companies including Kerntechnik, Entwicklung, Dinamyk GmbH (KED), Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme, AG (SNI), and IBM Corp.
A recognized expert on the issues facing global outsourcing, Dmitry is a Certified Outsourcing Professional (COP) and is a member of the Outsourcing Hall of Fame, one of the industry’s most prestigious recognitions. Dmitry holds an MS degree from Moscow State University and completed the Advanced Management Program at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School.
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3/17/2021 • 1 hour, 35 minutes, 28 seconds Alex Fedosseev | Алексей Федосеев Alex Fedosseev is a CEO and Founder of 1World Online, Investor and Advisor at Fifth Era Fund & Steltec Capital Syndicates. Alex is a serial entrepreneur, high-tech executive and inventor, passionate about decentralized information systems, Blockchain, Crypto & their impact on our society. Received Bachelor Degree in Mathematics, and Master’s degree in Computer Science from Moscow State University with focus on Artificial Intelligence and Big Data, was involved in A.I. projects linked to IRIS DBMS during the academic years.
Was almost done with PhD but preferred to start his own tech startup (Soft-Pro) right after the USSR collapse. Won a few major customers, grew the company from 2 to 15 employees, made it successful / profitable from Day 1. Moved to California in 1996 based on invitation from US Partners (Microdyne and Novell, two main partners of Soft-Pro, hardware and software).
Since 1999 worked in bleeding edge technology startups in areas of Broadband, Connected Home, Internet of Things with 3 successful exits: PM Director @ 2Wire (2006), VP Product @ 4Home (2010), Sr. Director of Product @ Motorola Mobility (2011). Participated in Broadband Forum (BBF), a Global Standards organization, as a contributor / Ambassador, co-authored some standards and white papers.
Founded 1World Online in 2011 as a decentralized platform combining content delivery and interactive advertising, received many industry awards and launched a variety of Tier 1 publishers and brands. In 2018 1World became Fastest Growing American Company in Silicon Valley and #109 in the US (per Inc. 5000).
Alex is advising numerous startups and funds in Silicon Valley and globally, provides mentorship at Google Launchpad program and Plug-n-Play Silicon Valley incubator, and is deeply involved in Blockchain / Crypto movement to turn the Internet back to people via next-generation Blockchain-based decentralized systems and business models.
1World is part of prestigious Silicon Valley based Plug-n-Play alumni, where Alex works with many verticals, including Media and Advertising and their strategic partners like Amazon and Algorand.
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3/16/2021 • 1 hour, 59 minutes, 18 seconds Sergei Medvedev | Сергей Медведев Sergei Medvedev is Professor at the Free University in Moscow. Born in Moscow, he studied at the Moscow State University, Charles University in Prague, and Columbia University in New York City, and holds a Ph.D. in history. In the past 25 years, he has held research positions and professorships in Russia, Germany, Italy and Finland, specializing in political history, sociology and cultural studies. He is also a prominent media figure in Russia, making weekly talk shows on politics, society and culture for TV and radio, and writing critical essays for leading media outlets.
His collection of short stories was shortlisted for Russian Booker Prize. His most recent book on Putin’s Russia, The Return of the Russian Leviathan (Cambridge, Polity Press, 2019) has won the Pushkin House Book Prize as best English-language non-fiction book on Russia in 2020. In 2021, he published an autobiographic novel, The Running Man (Homo Currens) telling about his experiences as an amateur athlete, and exploring the role of sports in the modern world.
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3/15/2021 • 2 hours, 4 minutes, 46 seconds Andrey Zhemchugov | Андрей Жемчугов Andrey Zhemchugov is the co-founder of DreamTerra, one of the most successful direct sales companies in Russia in the course of the past 7 years. The territory of free entrepreneurs DreamTerra today unites more than 300,000 successful partners and more than 3,000,000 satisfied customers. The company's mission is to offer partners and customers innovative products to improve the quality of life and high-tech tools for building a successful business.
Now DreamTerra unites not only the MLM business, but also two other areas. These are direct sales and internet businesses that help each other to develop. With the help of Internet technologies, the company attracts consumers and actively helps partners in attracting new like-minded people.
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3/13/2021 • 2 hours, 56 seconds Louis Marinelli | Луис Маринелли Louis Marinelli, 35, is the co-founder of the California independence movement known as "Calexit" who in 2016 expatriated to Russia where he opened an unofficial California Embassy and currently works as a kindergarten teacher and a freelance translator. Mr. Marinelli is now remotely pursuing a professional certificate in journalism at UCLA's online Extension, raising a newborn daughter, and happily living in Moscow with no intention of returning to live in the United States for the foreseeable future.
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3/12/2021 • 1 hour, 50 minutes, 50 seconds Katerina Sukhenko | Катерина Сухенко Katerina Sukhenko is a Chief Business Development Officer and Co-founder of Postoplan - social network marketing platform. Since launching in January 2020, Postoplan raises $550k in December 2020 and hits 40k+ users. Kate has experience of work in China and Europe with corporate clients, negotiating and signing agreements, piloting and analytics of marketing and investment projects.
Attention to all investors. Soon Postoplan will open a new investment round, don't miss the opportunity. Get in touch.
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3/11/2021 • 2 hours, 2 minutes, 6 seconds Guy Zbarsky | Гай Збарский Guy Zbarsky the Managing Partner of Sabra Capital and Venture Partner at AltaIR Capital. Guy, also a mentor, judge and public speaker at startup accelerators and venture events: IBM AlphaZone, WeWork Labs, 365x by Sarona Ventures, VOX Angelis, national IL radio and more. Guy is a founder of Keepgo, Droam, SevenCarat. He holds three degrees from the Technion IIT; Executive PON from Harvard University. Guy is an IDF Major in reserve, NAUI Divemaster and Karate Dan II and proud father of three.
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3/10/2021 • 1 hour, 43 minutes, 2 seconds Mark Shmulevich | Марк Шмулевич Mark Shmulevich is a COO at TAIGER, with over a decade of experience in IT, he leads the company’s growth strategy and operational development. TAIGER is a leading software company pioneering AI solutions that increase operational efficiency at large organizations.
Previously, Mark was Group Chief Strategy & Operations Officer at Acronis, a data protection and cybersecurity company. Before that, Mark was Deputy Minister of ICT in Russia, where he led the IT industry support, innovation ecosystem development and policymaking. Prior to this, Mark worked in Business Development at Russian Space Systems, the country’s largest space technology holding. He was instrumental in establishing the first US-Russia joint venture in satellite navigation and also the quantum technologies centre
Mark sits on several boards, including SGTech, the leading business association in Singapore, where he is also a Charmain of the Digital Transformation chapter. Mark is a director at the ICT branch of Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology (SMART) Innovation Centre and Founding Head of Zimin Institutes, which operates research support and commercialization institutes in Israel and USA. He holds a PhD in Computer Science.
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3/10/2021 • 2 hours, 13 minutes, 19 seconds Nikolay Koblyakov | Николай Кобляков Nikolay Koblyakov is a Co-ordinator of SAFE consortium. Nikolay with his team are trying to safeguard the lives of residents of Senior Care institutions in Europe by understanding of the impact of pandemics on the LTC domain and by identifying of the solutions that can change the European Senior care landscape. As a serial entrepreneur of aged-care domain he has started a couple of successful Long-Term-Care facilities networks (Nikolay is a founder of "Senior Group" in Russia and of "Senior Baltic" in Latvia). His objective is to rise the senior care in Europe to the level when nobody will be afraid of aging. Hope to reach this objective before his generation enters to the third age.
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3/6/2021 • 2 hours, 10 minutes, 26 seconds Leonid Grigoryev | Леонид Григорьев Leonid Grigoryev is a Russian economist, the author of more than 300 publications, the co-author and scientific adviser of many monographs and projects. L. Grigoryev was born in 1947 in Moscow, he graduated from Moscow State University and in 1972 got PhD (“Cyclical reproduction of fixed capital in USA”). Professor Grigoryev is a co-founder of Economic and Mathematical School at MSU (1967-1971 – President of the School). Tenured Professor, Academic Supervisor of Department of World Economy, Higher School of Economics (HSE).
He started his career in 1971 as a research fellow of World Economics and International Relations Institute and in 1980 became the head of the Economic activities department. In 1990 Leonid Grigoryev worked as an expert in the Economic reformation Commission firstly under USSR and later Russian Federation Government, He also took part in the composition of “500 days” – unrealized program of the transition from the planned USSR economy to market economy in order to overcome the economic crisis of 1990s.
L. Grigoryev worked as a Deputy of the Minister of Economy and Finance of Russia (1991-1992), adviser in the Russian Directorate of International Bank of Reconstruction and Development, was a head of the Bureau of Economic analysis (1997 – 2001), was the President of the “Energy and Finance Institute” Fund, the adviser of the Minister of Energy (2002), Chairman of the Board of Expert Institute, chairman of World Wide Fund Russia. In 1999 Leonid Grigoryev became a member of International and Defence policy Council.
Since 2013 Leonid Grigoryev is the Chief Adviser to the Head of the Analytical centre for the Government of the Russian Federation. In June 2013 L.Grigoryev became a tenured professor of National Research University Hogher School of Economics.
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3/5/2021 • 2 hours, 18 minutes, 44 seconds Olga Petrunina | Ольга Петрунина Olga Petrunina is a CEO at Pure App a shameless dating app for sexting and video chats. The pure.app works as an online ad board with personal ads where you can find whatever you need: from intriguing online conversations and video chats to spontaneous encounters. Olga is a self-made businesswoman and tech entrepreneur with 12 years of experience in the IT business, 5 investment rounds totaling $34M, a total valuation of projects of more than $300M.
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3/4/2021 • 2 hours, 8 minutes, 33 seconds Vlada Lotkina | Влада Лоткина Vlada Lotkina is a Co-Founder and CEO of ClassTag, the fastest growing family engagement platform, serving 25,000 schools in the United States. With her company, Vlada is on a mission to connect 65 million parents with their kids’ education, activities, and community, revolutionalizing the antiquated parent communication in schools.
Prior to starting her own company, Vlada attained an MBA at The Wharton Business School, was a consultant at the Boston Consulting Group, and an Executive at Dell Technologies. She was born and raised in Kharkiv, Ukraine before moving to the United States in 2006. She now resides in New York City.
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3/3/2021 • 1 hour, 51 minutes, 6 seconds Anastasia Kalinina | Анастасия Калинина Anastasia Kalinina is a co-founder and CEO of Re-State Foundation aiming to reimagine the future of public governance at local, national, and global levels.
Shattered by the pandemic, climate crisis, civil unrest, increasing debt and many other challenges, the world has never been so ready for new governance experiments at the local, national, and global levels. Re-State is an open, collaborative, impact-oriented platform for governance innovation. How should governance look like in the 21st century?
Before founding Re-State, Anastasia was a Head of Regional Agenda at the World Economic Forum responsible for organization’s regional strategies and engagement with governments, civil society, academia, expert communities, and research institutions. She was a member of the Founding Team the Global Shapers Community, a network of over 400+ city-based Hubs around the world led by young people between the ages of 20-30 who self-organize to have impact in their cities.
Prior to joining the World Economic Forum, Anastasia directed the launch of numerous global projects such as the WomenHIV platform in Russia, Coaching for Development in Nepal, Palomar5 in Germany, and many more. She has coordinated a two-year project in partnership with UNIFEM helping women and children in difficult life situations, and built communication, outreach and digital strategies for cause-driven organizations such as Amnesty International and International Service for Human Rights.
Anastasia spoke at various international conferences, including the World Economic Forum events, St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, Astana Economic Forum, Open Innovations, United Nations Industrial Development Organization events, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs events, Web Summit, Ecosystem Summit, International Conference on Thinking, etc. She co-authored and contributed to reports including Shaping the Future of Multi Conceptual World 2020, Regional Risks for Doing Business 2018, Future of Jobs 2018, Global Information Technology Report 2016, etc. She regularly writes for various international outlets, including the Independent, the New Atlanticist, and the Forum blog.
Anastasia Kalinina holds a BA in Literature from St. Petersburg State University, BA in Humanitarian Sciences and Arts from Bard College New York, MA in Communication Studies from University of Northern Iowa, MSc in Human Rights from London School of Economics and Political Science, and Executive Master degree in Global Leadership (awarded jointly by China Europe International Business School, Columbia University, INSEAD, London Business School, and Wharton School). She is an Apolitical Academy Fellow, John Smith Fellow, an honorary member of the International Project Management Association, member of international trade professionals network NASBITE, and a Global Leadership Fellow of the World Economic Forum.
Ms Kalinina’s interests include public governance, technology governance, social innovation, civic tech, policy, global affairs, and diplomacy.
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3/2/2021 • 1 hour, 53 minutes, 3 seconds Yusef Khesuani | Юсеф Хесуани Yusef Khesuani is a Co-Founder and Managing partners of 3D Bioprinting Solutions. In 2007, he graduated from the Fundamental Medicine Department of the M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University with the major in general medicine.
From 2008-2010, he completed an Executive MBA course at the Higher School of Management at the National Research University Higher School of Economics. From 2004-2007, he worked at the P.A. Herzen Moscow Oncology Research Institute, Department of Nonsurgical Treatment Efficiency Appraisal.
From 2008, Hesuani has been into commercial activities in the industry of health care in partnership with LLC Independent Laboratory INVITRO. He is experienced in launching and managing medical center chains both in Moscow and various regions of the Russian Federation. In 2014, together with partners, Hesuani opened the first franchising office under the Invitro. Hesuani also is the founder of a company specializing in genetic research data interpretation.
The following were the main directions of research performed by the group with the aim to develop methos of cell therapy and introduce them into clinical practice:
biology studies of multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells (MMSC) from human and animal marrow and adipose tissues;
development of a safe method for cultivating human MMSC;
pre-clinical medical and biological tests in vitro (acute cytotoxicity and matrix properties assessment) and in vivo (biocompatibility of osteoconductive/osteoinductive potencies, speed of bioresorption) of synthetic (calcium-phosphate ceramics, calcium-phosphate cements, mineral-polymeric composite materials) and natural (skeletons of Scleractinian corals of certain families and their aquaculture) innovative domestically produced biomaterials for healing bone defect, selection of best suitable osteoplastic materials for clinical testing and subsequent introduction into clinical practice;
development and perfection of methods for performing pre-clinical medico-biological tests of materials for implantation;
development of tissue-engineering constructs from most promising samples of biomaterials and cultures of autological MMSC from human and animal marrow and adipose tissues for achieving optimal regeneration of bone tissues;
development of a method for the formation and use of natural and synthetic osteoplastic biomaterials as antibacterial “depots” and growth factors.
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3/1/2021 • 2 hours, 2 minutes, 43 seconds Anna Belova | Анна Белова Anna Belova is a CEO and co-founder of Devar, an international player (TOP-60 of the most promising AR / VR companies in the world in the direction of immersive education Jobs For the Future 2020) of the augmented reality (AR) market, winner of the rating of 30 most promising Russians under 30 according to Forbes (2019).
DEVAR is an innovative technology company and a leading producer of augmented reality content in the fields of education and entertainment. In DEVAR they believe that the development of digital technologies and their integration into the world around us should make our lives better, easier, and more productive. That is why DEVAR creates products with the ‘helpful reality’ concept in mind. It means that any object and space enhanced with augmented reality acquires a new functional use and makes our life better.
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2/28/2021 • 1 hour, 50 minutes, 55 seconds Max Simonovsky | Максим Симоновский Max Simonovsky is a Founder and CEO of SOAPY. Inspired by his son, Max leveraged his medical background and inventor’s spirit to create SOAPY and become a change agent for good. A true visionary, Max lives five years in the future and pushes Soapy to constantly innovate and to operate with purpose.
Practicing hand hygiene is the most efficient way to fight infections according to the WHO and CDC. SOAPY created the best handwashing experience - the CleanMachine. The automatic hand hygiene station ensures a thorough wash cycle every time, scanning the hand movements, and providing immediate feedback on the wash cycle's quality. The micro-station dispenses the correct amount of soap and warm water required for a perfect wash - saving up to 95% of water and 60% of reagent otherwise wasted in the washing process. The SOAPY team determined to create a safer, more hygienic environment for people all over the globe - one hand wash at a time.
Every year, millions of people get sick as a result of diseases that could easily be prevented had they had access to suitable hygiene facilities. As a result, people lose days at work, need to pay for health treatment, and even die.
Hygiene is a fundamental and mandatory human right. Moreover, in the 21st century, it is our right to know that hygiene is implemented and practiced at the highest standard by every food & beverage service provider, at every healthcare facility, and in the educational centers where our children spend most of their day.
With SOAPY technology, washing hands takes exactly the right amount of time, saving up to 60% of reagent and using 95% less water than other available solutions. With our IoT capabilities, Soapy provides 24/7 remote automatic support, as well as real-time hygiene status reports according to each environment's needs.
With SOAPY technology, washing hands takes exactly the right amount of time, saving up to 60% of reagent and using 95% less water than other available solutions.
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2/28/2021 • 1 hour, 52 minutes, 31 seconds Mikhail Taver and Anastasia Shvetsova | Михаил Тавер и Анастасия Швецова Mikhail Taver and Anastasia Shvetsova are partners of Gagarin Capital a venture fund that invests in early-stage artificial intelligence companies from around the world. When Gagarin was launched, it was one of the only firms specialized in AI, an industry expected to bring at least $15 trillion to the world economy by 2030.
Gagarin invests throughout the world, capitalising on a wide network of local expertise and insight that provides a competitive advantage in a variety of locales just where it is needed. It sources deals through its network of entrepreneurs and scientists in Silicon Valley, Russia, and the CIS.
Mikhail Taver is a managing partner of Gagarin Capital. Mikhail has done over 250 deals in 20 years of M&A and Private Equity. Ex-executive of Nafta-Moskva (one of Russia's most successful financial groups at the time). A former executive of AAR consortium (Alfa Group, Access Industries, and Renova Group), management of 50% stake in TNK-BP, a joint venture of the largest oil companies of Russia and the UK. Mikhail holds CFA, ACMA, and CGMA designations.
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Anastasia Shvetsova is a partner of Gagarin Capital. Anastasia is an expert in investor relations and public communications. She is also a Managing Partner at MA Family, a tech-focused communications studio. She has a unique background as a reporter, an investor, and a communications specialist. She did fascinating work with Facebook, Busfor, Houzz, and WeWork was a Forbes writer, and actively supports women in VC.
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2/27/2021 • 1 hour, 51 minutes, 50 seconds Ivan Shtyrkov | Иван Штырков Ivan Shtyrkov is a Russian sambo wrestler and mixed martial arts fighter, bronze medalist of the Russian Sambo Championships, master of sports of Russia. In mixed martial arts (MMA), he had 20 fights, 17 of which he won, 2 lost and 1 ended in a draw. Ivan also a President of the Martial Arts Academy of the Russian Copper Company (RCC). Currently, Ivan fights for Archangel Michael Team.
Since 2015 he has been performing in mixed martial arts. He spends all his fights in the RCC Boxing Promotions. Ivan spent his first 11 fights in heavyweight, defeating such famous fighters as Jeff Monson, Antonio Silva, Philip de Fries, Satoshi Ishii, among others. After that, he moved to light heavyweight and won two victories - first by unanimous decision over Christian M'Pumbu, and then, also by decision of the judges, defeated Marcin Lazarz. On May 5, 2018, he returned to heavyweight and fought against Brazilian Geronimo dos Santos. The fight turned out to be very equal and difficult for both fighters - and, as a result, a draw by the majority of the judges' votes.
On October 27, 2018, as part of the RCC promotion, Shtyrkov fought another fight against the famous Brazilian Fabio Maldonado. The fight was held in intermediate weight up to 98 kg. Shtyrkov won the second round by TKO.
On December 15, in Yekaterinburg, as part of the RCC5 show, Shtyrkov defeated the Brazilian Thiago Silva with a painful hold in the first round.
In June 2019, the UFC terminated the contract with the Russian fighter, as the World Anti-Doping Organization had claims against him. Shtyrkov did not wait for the decision to disqualify and terminated his contract with UFC. He became a free agent in this way.
On July 4, 2019, Ivan Shtyrkov signed a contract with the Japanese promotion Rizin. Ivan fought his first fight in the new organization on July 28, 2019, in Saitama, defeating the South Korean fighter Hong Kim. Ivan completely controlled the course of the fight and as a result, the judges stopped the fight ahead of schedule in order to protect the Korean athlete who missed heavy punches on the ground.
On December 14, 2019, at the RCC 7 tournament, Ivan Shtyrkov suffered his first defeat in his career. His rival was a Swiss fighter of Japanese origin Yasubey Enomoto, who spent most of the battles in Russia. The fight took place in an unusual average weight for Ivan, which obviously affected the functional capabilities of the Russian fighter. In the first round, Shtyrkov was very active both in standing and on the ground. However, in the second, he was noticeably tired and fell for a chokehold.
On December 13, 2020, in the main fight of the ACA 115 tournament, Ivan Shtyrkov lost by unanimous decision to Magomed Ismailov.
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2/27/2021 • 2 hours, 10 minutes, 12 seconds Igor Danilenko | Игорь Даниленко Igor Danilenko is a senior investment professional with unique emerging markets experience across different asset classes / markets. He has experience in working on active portfolios with leading institutional investors including SWFs, US endowments, large pension funds, activist investing and also board experience.
Igor currently is a Co-Founder and Managing Director of Fosun Eurasia Capital, regional platform for listed private Chinese industrial conglomerate Fosun International (656 HK), responsible for public fixed income exposure as well direct investment in real estate, private equity opportunities and special situations. Over the last 5 years, at Fosun Eurasia he built a successful investment process/ team for global fixed income EM hard currency bonds, with over $700mn current AUM of mainly insurance advisory clients. He also has a very strong track-record as public equities portfolio manager in Russia and CIS, being named in the top-3 best buy-side professionals in Russia according to the Thomson Reuters Extel Survey 2013 and 2015. His specific expertise is in idea generation and in the valuation of small and mid-cap companies.
Igor was previously Head of Equities at TKB BNP Paribas Investment Partners, managing money for both international institutions as well local pension fund clients. Prior to TKB BNPPIP, between 2005 and 2010 he managed equity portfolios and worked on business development at Prosperity Capital Management, a leading equities manager in Russia and CIS.
Igor holds a Master of Science Degree in Finance from the Stockholm School of Economics and a Bachelor's Degree in Economics from Moscow State University. He is also a member of the Supervisory Board of the Economics Faculty of the Moscow State University.
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2/25/2021 • 1 hour, 51 minutes, 53 seconds Ivan Sorokin | Иван Сорокин Ivan Sorokin is a Russian entrepreneur, founder of the biggest kindergarten network the Smile Fish, partner of Aurora Group, business consultant, author, musician-composer.
Organizer: the Annual All-Russian Conference on the Development of Preschool Education and the Annual Charity Evening "Give Children Life" in support of the "Give Life" Foundation.
The author of the programs: “Sales Are Inevitable”, “5D Sales”, “Sales: Return to Speed”, “POWER Presentation”, “School of Personal Growth Transformation”, training “TOP SPEAKER”, coaching course “The Power to Live in a New Way”. Speaker: UCL University College London, Oxford business college.
Married to the finalist of the Miss Russia 2012 contest Maria Sorokina (Romanenko) since 2012. Father of three children.
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2/24/2021 • 2 hours, 3 minutes, 55 seconds Igor Lobanov | Игорь Лобанов Igor Lobanov is a Founder and Design Director of award winning yacht design studio Lobanov Design. Established in 2007, Lobanov Design is a studio for the future. With roots in everything from transport design and fine art to interiors and architecture, this young studio's diverse background gives it a fresh and dynamic approach to yacht design.
Having grown up in landlocked Moscow, founder Igor Lobanov's career began in pursuit of his passion for the automotive and aviation worlds. Degrees in maths, car design and a masters in transport design led him to a role within the exterior design department of an iconic automobile manufacturer, before a chance meeting with a superyacht owner in 2003 changed his trajectory entirely. The owner brought Lobanov on as his representative for a groundbreaking new 119m project in build at Blohm + Voss; a project that was to become the mighty Motor Yacht A.
This three year career diversion ignited a new nautical passion for Lobanov but also reaffirmed his love of design. Knowing that he had his own story to tell, he enlisted the help of his wife, artist Yulia, and founded Lobanov Design. Specialising in exterior design, the new studio hit the ground running at its first Monaco Yacht Show in 2007, exhibiting two visionary motor yacht concepts with two renowned shipyards.
Over the past decade, Lobanov Design has built itself around a world-class team of skilled professionals across offices in Moscow and Barcelona. Each team member brings with them a unique perspective on design, unexpected ideas and matchless expertise from a variety of fields: car design, interior design, motorbike design, architecture, aviation engineering and 3D modelling.
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2/23/2021 • 1 hour, 50 minutes, 9 seconds Danilo Lacmanovic | Данило Лацманович Danilo Lacmanovic is currently a Senior Partner of Swiss-based multi-family office FP Wealth Solutions and Managing Director of the UK investment company Regency Project Management. Danilo has graduated from the Department for Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics at Lomonosov Moscow State University, where he holds a master’s degree. Born in 1979 in Zagreb, Croatia.
FP Wealth Solutions (fpwsolutions.com) is a Geneva-based multi-family office specializing in the provision of complex financial services to wealthy individuals and companies. FPWS is a member of the Association Romande des Intermédiaires Financiers (ARIF). It is audited by KPMG (Switzerland) and is accredited as an external asset manager by 10+private banks and brokers in Europe, also has joint financial products with world-leading private banks.
Regency Project Management (regencyprojectmanagement.com) is a London-based investment company with a focus on club financing of real estate development projects in the UK. The company focuses on investment in purpose-built student accommodations (PBSA), private rented schemes (PRS), affordable housing, affordable residential developments and hotels. The portfolio with a Gross Development Value (GDV) of £600m includes more than 30 projects covering 20 cities located in university cities and regional centers.
Key career milestones:
From 2009-to 2015, he was one of the founders of the Third Rome Group. He started in a role of a Senior Partner and later took a role of the Group’s President and CEO. Danilo was in charge of strategy, client relations and business development.
From 2004-to 2009, he was the Director in Renaissance Investment Management, part of Renaissance Capital Group, which in that period grew from 40mln to 7bln USD AUM becoming a leading wealth management company in Eastern Europe.
Before moving to the financial sector Danilo worked in IT companies. He was a key account manager at leading offshore software developer Luxoft part of the IBS group (LXFT, NYSE) and head of development in Openpages.
In 2011, he was included in the rating of the most successful young top managers (under 33) of financial companies according to Finance magazine and in 2010 he became the Best Financial Consultant according to SPEAR’s magazine.
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2/23/2021 • 1 hour, 43 minutes, 40 seconds Artem Oganov | Артем Оганов Artem Oganov is a Russian theoretical crystallographer, mineralogist, chemist, physicist, and materials scientist. Professor at Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology and NUST-MISIS. He is known mostly for his works on computational materials discovery and crystal structure prediction, studies of matter at extreme conditions (including matter of planetary interiors).
Oganov graduated from Moscow State University in 1997 with magna summa cum laude and diploma in Crystallography and Crystal Chemistry. In 2002 he obtained a PhD degree in Crystallography from University College London, and in 2007 got a Habilitation degree from ETH Zurich. In 2008 he became Associate Professor and in 2010 Full Professor at Stony Brook University, and since 2015 he is a Professor at Skoltech (Russia). Oganov has published over 260 peer-reviewed articles (many in top journals, e.g. Nature, Science) and book chapters. He is an author of 5 patents.
Prof. Oganov has received many awards, and is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry and of American Physical Society, and a member of Academia Europea, a pan-European elite academy of sciences. In 2017-2020 he was a member of Russian President's Council for Science and Education, and in 2019 he received the Friendship Award of Chinese Government.
To leran more about Computational Materials Discovery project USPEX (Universal Structure Predictor: Evolutionary Xtallography) please visit Oganov laboratory's website uspex-team.org
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2/22/2021 • 2 hours, 2 minutes, 52 seconds Anton Smirnov | Антон Смирнов Anton Smirnov is a technological entrepreneur. He is Ex CoFounder and CEO of HiConversion Group of Companies (HiConversion.ru) with Exit. Anton has experience of creating a new business in the adtech segment (SAAS platform and agency for working with targeted advertising in social networks) from idea to sale of the company. He holds M.Sc. Management from Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia. Anton is the founder of the accelerator for IT companies smirnovtech.ru, is responsible for the promotion of the American startup talentservice.io and is the vice president of the investment management company West Coast Equity Partners, which invests in the company on pre-IPO stages.
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2/21/2021 • 2 hours, 13 minutes, 40 seconds Andrey Kortunov | Андрей Кортунов Andrey Kortunov is a Director General of the Russian International Affairs Council. Andrey Kortunov graduated from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO) in 1979 and completed his postgraduate studies at the Institute for U.S. and Canada Studies of the USSR Academy of Sciences in 1982. He holds a PhD in History. Dr Kortunov completed internships at the Soviet embassies in London and Washington, and at the Permanent Delegation of the USSR to the UN. In 1982–1995, Dr Kortunov held various positions in the Institute for U.S. and Canada Studies, including Deputy Director. He taught at universities around the world, including the University of California, Berkeley. In addition, he led several public organizations involved in higher education, social sciences and social development. Since 2011, Andrey Kortunov has been the Director General of RIAC. He is a member of expert and supervisory committees and boards of trustees of several Russian and international organizations. His academic interests include contemporary international relations and Russian foreign policy.
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2/19/2021 • 1 hour, 58 minutes, 5 seconds Irina Pavlova | Ирина Павлова Irina Pavlova has over 20 years of experience in finance, technology and operational management. In her last professional endeavor, as President of Onexim Sports & Entertainment, she oversaw the business operations of the Brooklyn Nets NBA team and Barclays Center multi-purpose arena on behalf of Mikhail Prokhorov. Prior to that, Irina was head of Strategic Partnerships at Google Russia, where she was the first employee on the ground and helped establish the company's operations. Her career before that focused on financial analysis and portfolio management at several institutions, including Merrill Lynch and Prudential Investment Corporation.
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2/18/2021 • 1 hour, 40 minutes, 38 seconds Aliya Grig is a Founder, CEO of The Cosmos City and Human Cosmos App. Writer, space visionary, innovator and tech entrepreneur. Aliya has a 12-year background in hardware tech and urban development. Aliya successfully launched and sold two hardware startups - technology for creating solid oxide fuel cells, and aluminum scandium alloy for the aerospace industry - raising $220M for these projects with key customers - Boeing, Bloom Energy, Mitsubishi.
Aliya's other projects include the construction of an 80-hectare Industrial Park and town development with 50 000 residents in the Sverdlovsk region in Russia; three space tech startups for 3D printing in space; a light launch vehicle start-up; also cubesat technologies were created and received its first customers. Two of the space tech startups were successfully sold to strategic investors.
Aliya’s projects received awards from ESA (European Space Agency), CDL (Creative Destruction Lab), Starburst (as an innovative startup for space mobility). Aliya participated as a space habitations expert in NASA’s competition to construct a Mars base in 2017 with Apis Cor.
Aliya was a mentor in Skolkovo (the largest EU and CIS innovation center and Technopark for startups), is a mentor at the St Petersburg State University School of Management, and a guest Professor for Marketing in the Moscow Higher School of Economics. Aliya was listed as one of the Top 100 Young Entrepreneurs in Europe by Forbes magazine and Top 100 women entrepreneurs in AI and Big data by Leta Capital. Aliya is engaged in the development and support of scientific projects in the field of new materials, deep space exploration, and initiates and leads projects in the field of education and art (in particular, a project within the Venice Biennale in 2015, support for gifted children in the field of music).
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2/16/2021 • 1 hour, 41 minutes, 45 seconds Alexander Skalozub | Александр Скалозуб Alexander Skalozub, master “Wonder Hand” in the Zhong Xin Dao Iliqchuan system, chief instructor in Russia and Russian-speaking countries, 2nd generation disciple. Alexander has been studying Iliqchuan since 1998 directly from Grand Master Sam F.S. Chin. His students are champions of Russia, Europe and the World in various types of martial arts, such as Taijiquan, Taiji Tui-Shou, Kickboxing, K-1, Wushu-Sanda, Muay Thai, Judo. Alexander conducts seminars and intensives around the world, revealing to people not only the secrets of techniques and practices, but also applied and martial aspects of Chin Family art – Iliqchuan – the Martial Art of Awareness.
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2/14/2021 • 2 hours, 1 minute, 3 seconds Timur Artemev | Тимур Артемьев Timur Artemev - entrepreneur, public figure, philanthropist. Co-founder of the largest Russian retailer of mobile phones Euroset. Currently resides in the UK, Surrey. Invests in high tech projects, related to anti-aging, biotech, health and innovative transport technologies. Timur is engaged in humanitarian activities and is involved in a variety of social projects. Father of six children.
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2/13/2021 • 1 hour, 55 minutes, 30 seconds Lilia Brainis | Лиля Брайнис Lilia Brainis is a social psychologist and educator, founder and CEO of the Shalash Academy Foundation. For the last 10 years, Lilia has been working with children and adolescents, 4 of them in the Shalash charity foundation with foster and unprivileged children. At school, Lilia herself was a victim of bullying, so working with various difficulties of behavior is her great research and pedagogical interest. She believes, that scared children do scary things but they could behave well and only adults can help them with that.
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2/12/2021 • 2 hours, 10 minutes, 4 seconds Andrey Golutvin | Андрей Голутвин Andrey Golutvin is a Professor at Imperial College London, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics. He is a globally renowned specialist in the area of elementary particle physics. Under his direct guidance, a series of studies of third-generation lepton features were conducted, and B-meson oscillations were discovered. A large value of B-meson oscillations opens up great opportunities for examining the phenomenon of CP-parity non-preservation, which resulted in creating specialized B-mezon factories and installing LHCb on the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in the European Nuclear Research Organization (CERN). He made a significant contribution to developing the methodologies of fast, radiation-protected scintillation electromagnetic calorimeters. Under his direct guidance, the LHCb unit was successfully launched, and several most exact results of checking a standard model in heavy quark decays globally were obtained. He is a regular speaker at international conferences, including with his plenary reports at the largest, so-called Rochester Conferences on High Energy Physics in 2000 and 2010. He gave lectures at the Department of Elementary Particle Physics at MIPT and currently gives lectures at Imperial College London as a professor for the Department of High Energy Physics.
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2/11/2021 • 1 hour, 43 minutes, 8 seconds Alexei Blagirev | Алексей Благирев Alexei Blagirev is a deputy CEO at Sensorium Corporation, is a technology company that creates digital simulations of real-world venues and virtual worlds in cooperation with its content partners - globally recognized concert venues, clubs, and festivals. Sensorium Galaxy is the world's first global social VR media platform created in collaboration with acclaimed artists, visionaries, and entertainment entities. Sensorium provides the one-stop destination for multi-user immersion into entertainment experiences and self-discovery through its experiential worlds. Sensorium Galaxy begins its expansion with the Music Planet, the first virtual worlds of which are implemented in collaborations with some of the leading representatives of the international music scene. Alexei has extensive experience in finance, innovations management, and blockchain technology and is often invited as a speaker on popular shows and podcasts.
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2/10/2021 • 1 hour, 41 minutes, 45 seconds Alexander Panchin | Александр Панчин Alexander Panchin is a Russian biologist, popularizer of science, science journalist, writer, and blogger. Ph.D. in Biology, Senior Researcher at the Institute for Information Transmission Problems named after A.A. Kharkevich of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Member of the RAS Commission for the Fight against Pseudoscience. Member of the organizing committee and expert council of the Harry Houdini Prize. Member of the board of the educational foundation "Evolution". Winner of the Enlightener Prize for the book The Sum of Biotechnology. In 2017 he was included in the list of "75 most respected people of the country" according to the magazine "Russian Reporter". Finalist of the award "For Faithfulness to Science - 2017". In 2018, where published Alexander's new book, "Defense Against the Dark Arts. Guide to the world of the paranormal." Laureate of the Alexander Belyaev Literary Prize for the dystopia "Apophenia" about a world where myths and delusions have finally triumphed over science. He is engaged in the popularization of science, in particular, in the issue of the safety of products based on genetically modified organisms. He wrote a book about this, “The Sum of Biotechnology”. Alexander is often invited as an expert on radio and television shows.
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2/9/2021 • 2 hours, 15 seconds Vyacheslav Dubynin | Вячеслав Дубынин Vyacheslav Dubynin is a Doctor of Biology, Professor at the Department of Human and Animal Physiology, Faculty of Biology, Moscow State University. Specialist in the field of general physiology, neurobiology, psychopharmacology. Vyacheslav is a well-known popularizer of science, lectures on the functioning of the nervous system in normal conditions, under stress, various diseases, as well as the physiology of memory, sight and hearing, emotions and motivation, thinking, decision-making, neuro-immune-endocrine interaction, etc. He regularly appears as a guest and expert on TV, podcasts, and Shows. On YouTube alone, the number of views of publications with his participation exceeds 15 million. He gives lectures to students in the largest educational and innovation centers of Russia, Moscow State University, the Higher School of Economics, Skolkovo, etc. Vyacheslav is an author of over 100 scientific papers, 2 monographs, textbooks, and books. In the recent book, "Brain and its needs: From nutrition to recognition" Vyacheslav explains how biological needs are associated with the mental activity of the body.
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2/8/2021 • 2 hours, 12 minutes, 40 seconds David Lipovkov | Давид Липовков David Lipovkov is the CEO and co-founder of Keepgo and a teacher of meditation. He is one of the innovators behind virtual SIM card technology. David has a B.Sc. in Computer Science from Technion, Israel.
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2/7/2021 • 1 hour, 57 minutes, 49 seconds Alexey Kondrashov | Алексей Кондрашов Alexey Kondrashov is a professor of evolutionary biology at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor studying mutation process, winner of the first mega-grant competition in 2010, founder and head of the evolutionary genomics laboratory at the Faculty of Bioengineering and Bioinformatics, Moscow State University. He is best known for the deterministic mutation hypothesis explaining the maintenance of sexual reproduction, his work on sympatric speciation, and his work on evaluating mutation rates.
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2/6/2021 • 1 hour, 43 minutes, 54 seconds Andrei Kolesnikov | Андрей Колесников Andrei Kolesnikov is a senior fellow and the chair of the Russian Domestic Politics and Political Institutions Program at the Carnegie Moscow Center. His research focuses on the major trends shaping Russian domestic politics, with particular focus on the fallout from the Ukraine crisis and ideological shifts inside Russian society. Kolesnikov also works with the Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy and is a frequent contributor for Vtimes.io, Gazeta.ru, and Forbes.ru. He sits on the board of the Yegor Gaidar Foundation and is a member of the Committee of Civil Initiatives (the Alexei Kudrin Committee). Andrei has worked for a number of leading Russian publications. He previously was the managing editor of Novaya Gazeta newspaper and served as deputy editor in chief of Izvestia and The New Times. Andrei has taught courses on journalism and modern media at the Higher School of Economics in Moscow. He has won numerous journalism awards, including the Russian Golden Quill (Zolotoye Pero Rossii) Award, the Adam Smith Prize, and the Federal Press Agency Award. Andrei is author of several books, including a biography of Anatoly Chubais and an analysis of how speechwriters have impacted history.
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2/5/2021 • 2 hours, 4 minutes, 13 seconds George Levin | Георгий Левин George Levin is an IT entrepreneur living in New York. He is Co-Founder and CEO of Hints. Recently he has sold his AdTech platform Getintent and now he is building a new start-up in the Productivity Tools segment. MSc in Mathematics from Moscow State University and MSc in Marketing from Grenoble Ecole de Management.
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2/4/2021 • 1 hour, 59 minutes, 27 seconds Vagif Bikulov | Вагиф Бикулов Vagif Bikulov is a highly skilled expert in process restructuring and operational management. 20 years of work experience is the way from PR manager to CEO of MOE LETO - an agricultural holding company with a revenue of 7 billion rubles in 2019. Prior he worked on multiple top PR, sales, and marketing positions in the biggest luxury cars automotive groups, like AVILON and Mercury. He was responsible for such big brands as Rolls-Royce, Bentley, Ferrari, Aston Martin, Bugatti, and many others. His practical experience in sales, production, service, marketing, and PR allowed him to form a strategic vision for crisis management, transformation, and automation of operational processes. Focusing on results with shareholders, employees, and partners in mind is at the heart of his business management method. His approach to problem-solving and prioritizing has proven to be effective both in start-ups and large companies with turnover exceeding $800M. As a 24/7 workaholic, leader, and motivator by nature, he is ready for complex challenges to turn them into ambitious, successfully implemented projects.
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2/2/2021 • 1 hour, 55 minutes, 48 seconds Igor Ryabenkiy | Игорь Рябенький Igor Ryabenkiy is a Doctor of Business Administration, Founder, and Managing Partner at AltaIR Capital. Considered to be a pioneer of venture investment in Russia and the CIS. After the success of his core business, Igor started investing as a business angel. A few years later AltaIR Management Company was founded. Today AltaIR Capital has several funds under management, each of which gave the rise to dozens of startups, that have now grown into global corporations. Author of the book “Easy Venture: A Practical Guide for Aspiring Angels and Future Unicorns.”
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2/1/2021 • 1 hour, 42 minutes, 2 seconds Mikhail Provizion | Михаил Провизион Mikhail Provizion is the founder and CEO at Konsol.pro. The company helps SME gain efficiency while managing and paying out independent contractors. It has a global vision to transform the payroll model across major industries. In 2014 Mikhail founded Rocketbank, a prominent neobank in Russia.
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1/28/2021 • 2 hours, 7 minutes, 3 seconds Максим Поташев: Что? Где? Когда? Консалтинг, маркетинг, построение команды. Максим Поташев это партнер и основатель R&P Consulting. Гроссмейстером известной интеллектуальной игры «Что? Где? Когда?» А так же чемпион мира по спортивной версии этой игры. По профессии Максим - математик, маркетолог и бизнес-тренер. Он занимается консультированием в области маркетинга, продаж и обслуживания клиентов. Он регулярно проводит семинары и тренинги по Маркетингу, обслуживанию клиентов и продажам, принятию решений и мозговых штурмов, лидерству и построению команды. В недавнем прошлом он был топ-менеджером ряда крупных российских компаний. Президент Федерации Бриджа России. Автор 4 книги «Золотой век клиента», «Путь решения», «Правила команды: искусство мышления вместе» и «Бридж. Лучшая игра без мяча». R&P Consulting - доверенный советник и консультант многих из самых влиятельных предприятий и учреждений России. Сотрудники компании являются специалистами в области организации продаж, создание продуктов, маркетинговых, рекламных коммуникаций, обслуживания клиентов и реализации корпоративных ИТ-систем, с опытом успешных проектов в крупных российских и международных компаниях.
Maxim Potashev is a Founding Partner of R&P Consulting and Master of an intellectual well-known game “What? Where? When?" and the World Champion of its sports version. By profession, Maxim is a mathematician, marketer, and business coach. He is engaged in consulting in the field of marketing, sales, and customer service. He regularly conducts seminars and trainings on marketing, customer service and sales, decision-making and brainstorming technologies, leadership, and team building. In the recent past, he was a top manager of a number of large Russian companies. President of the Bridge Federation of Russia. Author of 4 books "The Client's Golden Age", "The Way of Solution", "Team Rules: The Art of Thinking Together" and "Bridge. The Best Game Without the Ball". R&P Consulting is the trusted advisor and counselor to many of Russian's most influential businesses and institutions. The company's employees are specialists in the field of the sales organization, creation of product lines, marketing, advertising communications, customer service, and the implementation of corporate IT systems, with experience of successful projects in large Russian and international companies.
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1/27/2021 • 1 hour, 50 minutes, 35 seconds Сергей Колобашкин: Компьютерные игры, цифровой контент, производство игр, VR, AR. Сергей Колобашкин является основателем, продюсером и креативным директором в 110 Industries, AAA video-game publishing компании. Подход команды состоит в том, чтобы делать партнерские отношения с ведущими игроками на рынке. Принцип компании состоит в том, чтобы поддерживать самый высокий уровень экспертизы на протяжении всего процесса разработки, чтобы обеспечить беспрецедентную ценность для инвесторов и участвующих партнеров. В настоящее время 110 Industries работает над тремя AAA проектами с некоторыми из лучших талантов, которые предлагают отрасль, поддерживаемые знаковыми фигурами в мире видеоигр.
Sergei Kolobashkin is the founder, producer, writer and the creative director at 110 Industries, a AAA video-game publishing company. The team’s approach is to forge partnerships with the leading players on the market. The company’s tenet is to maintain the highest level of expertise throughout the development process in order to provide unprecedented value for the investors and the partners involved. 110 Industries is currently working on three major AAA projects with some of the best talent the industry has to offer, backed by iconic figures in the world of video games.
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1/26/2021 • 2 hours, 7 minutes, 43 seconds Андрей Мовчан: Управление активами, инвестиции, финансовые рынки, экономик а. Андрей Мовчан - известный экономист, финансист, инвестиционный директор и управляющий партнер Movchan’s Group, группы компаний по управлению инвестициями, сосредоточенная на управлении консервативными ликвидными инвестициями. Бывший исполнительный директор крупнейшего российского инвестиционного банка «Troika Dialog», основатель и председатель правления Группы «Управление инвестициями Renaissance» с 7 миллиардов долларов под управлением, основатель «Third Rome». Эксперт экономической программы Фонда Carnegie. Победитель многих наград, в частности, «Лучший менеджер активов» согласно российскому Форбс, «Лучший генеральный директор компании по управлению активами», согласно РБК, «Легенда о отрасли» в соответствии с «Менеджером года» в РБК и т. Д. Автор книги «Россия в эпоху постправды», автор статей и лекций по экономике и финансам. Он дважды получал награду «PRESSЗВАНИЕ» за его вклад в деловую журналистику. Выпускник Московского государственного университета Ломоносова, и Финансового университета при Правительстве Российской Федерации и Университета Чикаго (Booth School of Business).
Andrey Movchan is a well-known economist, financier, investment manager and managing partner of Movchan’s Group, an investment management group of companies focused on managing of conservative liquid investments. Former Executive Director of Russia's largest investment Bank «Troika Dialog», the founder and Chairman of the Board of the group «Renaissance Investment Management» with assets under management of $7 billion, the founder of «Third Rome». Expert of the Carnegie Foundation Economic program. Winner of many awards and honors, in particular, «Best asset manager» according to Russian Forbes, «Best CEO of the asset management company» according to RBC, «Legend of the industry» according to SPEAR's, «Manager of the year» according to RBC, etc. Author of the book «Russia in the era of post-truth», many articles and lectures on Economics and Finance. He was twice given «Presszvanie» award for his contribution to business journalism. Graduate of Moscow State University of Lomonosov, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, and University of Chicago (Booth School of Business). Movchan’s Group is a partnership, uniting investment managers and entrepreneurs with more than 25-year experience in the financial market. The team includes experienced lawyers, analysts, and specialists in business structuring and development. Movchan's Group activity includes funds management for high net worth individuals, advising on wealth management and capital structuring.
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1/25/2021 • 1 hour, 47 minutes, 5 seconds Евгений Гонтмахер: Международные отношения, экономика, внешняя политика. Профессор Евгений Гонтмахер окончил Московский государственный университет в 1975 году. Он работал исследователем в Центральном экономическом научно-исследовательском институте (ЦЭНИИ) при Госплане РСФСР. В 1992-2003 годах занимал должность главы департамента, Министерства труда России; заместитель министра социальной защиты населения РФ; заместитель министра социальной защиты населения РФ. 2009 - 2016 гг. - Заместитель директора, главный научный сотрудник Национального исследовательского института мировой экономики и международных отношений (IMEMO), Российской академии наук. С 2008 года - член Исполнительного совета, Института современного развития. С 2016 года - академический директор, экспертной группы «Европейский диалог».
Dr., Prof. Evgeny Gontmakher graduated from Moscow State University in 1975. He worked as a researcher in the Central Economic Institute under Russian Gosplan (Ministry of Economy). In 1992-2003 held positions as Head of Department, Russian Ministry of Labour; Deputy Minister of Social Protection; Deputy Chair of Presidential Council for Social Policy; Head of Department, Russian Governmental Staff. 2009 – 2016 - Deputy Director, chief researcher Primakov National Research Institute of World Economy and International Relations (IMEMO), Russian Academy of Science. From 2008 – Member of Executive Board, Institute of Contemporary Development. From 2016 – academic director, Expert Group “European Dialogue”.
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1/24/2021 • 2 hours, 16 minutes, 18 seconds Михаил Гельфанд: Сравнительная геномика, молекулярная эволюция, метагеном. Михаил Гельфанд - российский профессор, доктор биологических наук (молекулярная биология), кандидат физико-математических наук (биофизика). Член академии Europaea. Профессор и вице-президент по биомедицинским исследованиям в Институте науки и техники Skolkovo. Михаил - это устоявшийся специалист по биоинформатике в международном научном сообществе. Его исследование охватывает сравнительную геномику, систем биологии, молекулярную эволюцию, транскрипцию, метагеномику. В настоящее время он изучает совместную эволюцию факторов транскрипционных факторов и их распознавания, микроэволюцию бактериальных геномов на уровне деформации, эволюция альтернативного сращивания, трехмерной структуры хроматина и эпигенетика. Заместитель главы редактора газеты «Троицкий вариант - наука». Один из основателей Dispertet, волонтерская общественная сеть, работающая для очистки российской науки от плагиата. Член Совета Общества ученых. Он является членом совета эволюции образовательного фонда. Он был членом Общественного совета при Министерстве образования и науки Российской Федерации. Михаил является автором многих научных публикаций и статей. В 2007 году Михаил был награжден премией А. А. Баевской Академии наук.
Mikhail Gelfand is a Russian professor, Doctor of Biological Sciences (Molecular Biology), Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (Biophysics). Member of the Academia Europaea. Professor and Vice President for Biomedical Research at the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology. Mikhail is a well-established bioinformatics specialist in the international scientific community. His research encompasses comparative genomics, systems biology, molecular evolution, transcriptomics, metagenomics. Currently, he is studying co-evolution of transcription factors and their recognition sites, microevolution of bacterial genomes on the strain level, the evolution of alternative splicing, a three-dimensional structure of chromatin, and epigenetics. Deputy editor-in-chief of the newspaper "Troitsky Variant - Science". One of the founders of the Dissernet, a volunteer community network working to clean Russian science of plagiarism. Member of the Council of the Society of Scientists. He is a member of the board of the Evolution educational foundation. He was a member of the Public Council under the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Mikhail is the author of many scientific publications and articles. In 2007 Mikhail was awarded the A. A. Baev prize of the Russian Academy of Science.
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1/23/2021 • 1 hour, 39 minutes, 35 seconds Марат Гельман: Арт-рынок, современное искусство, аукционы, галереи, выставк и. Марат Гельман - известный коллекционер изобразительного искусства, владелец галереи и арт-менеджер, который стоит за некоторыми из самых важных художественных инициатив, связанных с Россией в последние тридцать лет. Родился в 1960 году. Одно из первых дилеров современного искусства в СССР - в 1990 году открыла одну из первых частных галерей современного искусства. Он организовал личные выставки Энди Уорхола (ALTER EGO, 1994) и Джозефа Буйса («Дневник Леонардо», 1994), руководил многочисленными выставочными проектами в Манежском, российском музее и Третьяковской галерее. В 1995 году вместе с Глебом Павловским он создал «Фонд эффективной политики». С июня 2002 года по февраль 2004 года он был заместителем генерального директора "Первого Канала". В 2008 году Гельман провел выставку "Русское бедное" в Перми. Выставка включала произведения самых выдающихся русских художников сегодняшнего дня. Марат - бывший директор Пермского музея современного искусства Permm. В 2014 году он переехал в Черногорию и занимается реализацией нового культурного проекта.
Marat Guelman is a Russian art collector, gallery owner and art manager, who has been behind some of the most important art initiatives connected to Russia in the last thirty years. Born in 1960. One of the first contemporary art dealers in the USSR — in 1990 opened one of the first private galleries of contemporary art. He arranged personal exhibitions of Andy Warhol (Alter Ego, 1994) and Joseph Beuys (“Leonardo's Diary”, 1994), supervised numerous exhibition projects in the Manezh, the Russian Museum and the Tretyakov Gallery. In 1995, together with Gleb Pavlovsky, he created the “Foundation for Effective Politics”. From June 2002 to February 2004 he was the Deputy General Director Russia's 'Pervy Kanal' television channel. In 2008, Guelman ran the exhibition Russian Povera in Perm. The exhibition included the works of the most prominent Russian artists of today. Marat is the former director of Perm Museum of Modern Art PERMM. In 2014 he moved to Montenegro for the implementation of a new cultural project.
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1/23/2021 • 1 hour, 37 minutes, 58 seconds Максим Михеенко: Гейминговая индустрия, виртуальная реальность, GameDev. Максим Михеенко - главный операционный директор и соучредитель 5518 Studios, инвестор и бизнес-ангел в игровой индустрии. 17 лет в играх. Он живет в Москве, Россия, и Лос-Анджелесе, Калифорния. Портфолио: Call of Duty Black Ops IV, Apex Legends, Star Trek. Основатель "Дома языков VR", образовательного проекта, получившего награду, предоставленного Facebook Oculus.
Maxim Miheyenko is COO and co-founder of 5518 Studios, investor, and business angel in the game industry. 17 years in games. Live in Moscow, Russia, and Los Angeles, California. Portfolio: Call of Duty Black Ops IV, Apex Legends, Star Trek. Founder of "House of Languages VR", award-winner education project, granted by Facebook Oculus.
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1/21/2021 • 2 hours, 1 minute, 14 seconds Дмитрий Роллинс: Виртуальные фотосессии, обработка изображений, социальные медиа. Дмитрий Роллинс - основатель и генеральный директор CLOS - платформы для виртуальных фотосессий, удаленно с профессиональным фотографом или с использованием технологий искусственного интеллекта. Использование новых технологий CLOS помогает фотографам работать удаленно. Просто создайте виртуальную комнату из любой точки мира, пригласите любимого фотографа и начните делать фотографии в высоком разрешении, как будто вы находитесь в том же месте. CLOS уже выбрали VOGUE, I-D, MONCLER, VALENTINO и другие для дистанционной съемки. Они также обучили искусственный интеллект стать вашим личным фотографом.
Dmitry Rollins is a Founder and CEO of CLOS is a platform for virtual photoshoots, either remotely with a professional photographer or powered by AI technology. Using new technologies CLOS helps photographers work remotely. Simply create a virtual room from anywhere in the world, invite your favorite photographer and start making hi-res photos as if you are in the same location. CLOS has been already chosen by VOGUE, I-D, MONCLER, VALENTINO, and others for remote shooting. They also trained AI to become your personal photographer.
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1/20/2021 • 1 hour, 53 minutes, 39 seconds Игорь Лутц: Игры, кино, инвестиции, маркетинговые технологии, новые цифровы е медиа. Игорь Лутц - управляющий партнер Untitled ventures - фонд pre-seed и seed стадии, инвестирующего в прорывные технологии из Восточной Европы. Сегодня в портфеле фонда около двадцати инновационных компаний, работающих в таких направлениях, как технологии для ритейла, маркетинговые технологии, новые цифровые медиа. Игорь имеет большой опыт в маркетинге и коммуникациях. С 1989 по 2013 год работал в ведущем рекламном агентстве BBDO. Был генеральным директором московского агентства BBDO и членом совета директоров BBDO Group. Курировал работу главного агентства группы BBDO Moscow, а также отвечал за развитие новых направлений и услуг в группе компаний BBDO. Под его руководством были созданы и запущены рекламные кампании для известных российских и международных клиентов, таких как Альфа-банк, Билайн, МТС, Сбербанк, IKEA, Pepsi, M&M’s, Snickers и др.
Igor Lutz is a managing partner of the Untitled ventures is a seed and pre-seed stage venture capital fund, that invests in breakthrough technologies from Eastern Europe. Today, the fund's portfolio includes about twenty innovative companies working in such areas as technologies for retail, marketing technologies, new digital media. Igor has vast experience in marketing and communications. From 1989 till 2013 worked in the leading advertising agency BBDO. He was the general director of the BBDO Moscow agency and a member of the board of directors of the BBDO Group. Supervised the work of the main agency of the BBDO Moscow group, and was also responsible for the development of new directions and services in the BBDO group of companies. Under his management has been created and launched advertising campaigns for well-known Russian and international clients such as Alfa-bank, Beeline, MTS, Sberbank, IKEA, Pepsi, M&M’s, Snickers, etc.
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1/19/2021 • 1 hour, 52 minutes, 18 seconds Михаил Шапошников: Поиск скрытых частиц, темная материя, космология, ЦЕРН. Михаил Шапошников - российский физик-теоретик, профессор Федеральной политехнической школы Лозанны (EPFL), руководитель Лаборатории физики элементарных частиц и космологии. Его главный научный интерес - связь между физикой элементарных частиц, квантовой теорией поля и космологией. Михаил окончил физический факультет МГУ в 1979 году и получил степень доктора философии. из Института ядерных исследований РАН в 1982 году после защиты диссертации на тему барионной асимметрии Вселенной в рамках теорий великого объединения. С 1982 по 1991 год работал научным сотрудником Теоретического отдела Института ядерных исследований РАН в Москве. В 1991 году он переехал в ЦЕРН, Женева, где работал сотрудником Теоретического отдела. В 1998 году он был назначен профессором теоретической физики в Лозаннском университете, где в 1999 году стал директором Института теоретической физики. В октябре 2003 года он был назначен профессором EPFL.
Mikhail Shaposhnikov is a Russian theoretical physicist and a professor at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), leading the Laboratory for Particle Physics and Cosmology. His main scientific interest is the relation between particle physics, quantum field theory and cosmology. Mikhail graduated in physics from Moscow State University in 1979 and obtained a PhD from the Institute for Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 1982 after defending his thesis on the topic of baryon asymmetry of the universe in the frame of grand unified theories. From 1982 to 1991, he worked as a research scientist at the Theory Division of the Institute for Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow. In 1991 he moved to CERN, Geneva, where he worked as a staff member at the Theory Division. In 1998 he was appointed Professor of Theoretical Physics at the University of Lausanne, where he became director of the Institute of Theoretical Physics in 1999. In October 2003 he was named professor at EPFL.
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1/18/2021 • 1 hour, 59 minutes, 54 seconds Лев Гудков: Статистика, анализ данных, экономика, социология, опросы, исследования. Лев Гудков - российский социолог, доктор философских наук, директор аналитического Левада-центра, неправительственной организации социологических исследований. Он также является главным редактором журнала «Вестник общественного мнения». Лев изучал журналистику, социологию и филологию в МГУ им. М.В. Ломоносова и окончил его в 1971 году. Лев является автором множества книг и статей по теории и методологии социальных наук, социологии литературы, этно-национальным отношениям, социальным проблемам пост-советского общества. Помимо работы в различных учреждениях, Гудков также работает профессором. В 1994 году читал лекции по социологии в Еврейском университете Москвы. С 1996 по 2004 г. и в 2006 г. преподавал социологию в Российском государственном гуманитарном университете. Дополнительно в 2005–2007 гг. Он читал лекции и семинары на тему «Россия - переходное общество? - Культурные и институциональные факторы социально-политического консерватизма в постсоветской России »на кафедре политологии Московской школы социальных и экономических наук.
Lev Gudkov is a Russian sociologist, doctor of Philosophy and director of the analytical Levada Center, non-governmental polling and sociological research organisation. He is also the editor-in-chief of The Russian Public Opinion Herald journal. Lev studied journalism, sociology and philology at the Lomonosov Moscow State University and graduated in 1971. Lev is the author of numerous books and articles on the theory and methodology of social science, sociology of literature, ethno-national relations, social problems of the post-soviet society. Besides his work at the different institutions, Gudkov also works as a professor. In 1994 he lectured sociology at the Jewish University of Moscow. From 1996 to 2004 and in 2006, he was a lecturer in sociology at the Russian State University for the Humanities. Additionally from 2005–2007 he gave lecture and seminars on the topic “Russia – a transitional society? - Cultural and institutional factors of socio-political conservatism in post-Soviet Russia” at the department of Political Science at the Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences.
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1/15/2021 • 1 hour, 51 minutes, 39 seconds Алексей Зинин: Телекоммуникации, монетизации данных для операторов мобиль ной связи. Алексей Зинин - известный в отрасли эксперт в области Интернета, телекоммуникационных технологий и соучредитель Cinarra, платформы монетизации данных для операторов мобильной связи. Его работа включает в себя несколько патентов, IETF RFC и книгу «Cisco IP Routing», которая считается «библией» IP-маршрутизации. До Cinarra Алексей работал главным техническим директором в подразделении поставщиков услуг в Cisco Systems в Азиатско-Тихоокеанском регионе и Японии. До этого Алексей работал в Alcatel (позже Alcatel-Lucent), где он был удостоен званий Alcatel Fellow и Bell Labs Fellow за свой вклад в Интернет-технологии. Ранее Алексей работал архитектором маршрутизации в Nexsi Systems, стартапе из кремниевой долины. В настоящее время Алексей является основателем и управляющим партнером PR3VISION, привнося свой собственный опыт в области технологий и бизнеса в создание успешных высокотехнологичных коммерческих продуктов и команд, чтобы помочь компаниям оценить рыночные возможности, разработать стратегическую дорожную карту продукта и действенную стратегию реализации для проникновения новых сегменты рынка, создание возможностей цифровой аналитики и маркетинга, а также общая коммерциализация продукта и ускорение продаж. Алексей родился в России и имеет степень магистра компьютерных наук Казанского государственного технического университета. Находясь в России, Алексей вместе с Александром Николаевым был соучредителем Center Group. Он также был одним из первых сертифицированных CCIE и CCSI экспертов в стране. Начиная с 2007 года, Алексей провел 5 лет в Сингапуре, работая на руководящих должностях в Alcatel-Lucent и Cisco.
Alexey Zinin is an industry-known expert in Internet, telecommunications technologies and Co-Founder of Cinarra, data monetization platform for mobile network operators. His work includes multiple patents, IETF RFCs, and a book "Cisco IP Routing" considered to be an IP routing “bible”. Before Cinarra, Alex worked as the Chief Technology Officer for the Service Provider business at Cisco Systems, Asia Pacificand Japan. Prior to that, Alex worked at Alcatel (later Alcatel-Lucent), where he was awarded the titles of Alcatel Fellow and Bell Labs Fellow for his contributions to the Internet technologies. Earlier Alex worked as the Routing Architect at Nexsi Systems, a silicon valley startup. Currently, Alexey is the founder and managing partner of PR3VISION bringing his first-hand technology and business experience building successful high-tech commercial products and teams to help companies assess market opportunities, develop a strategic product roadmap and an actionable execution strategy for penetration of new market segments, creation of digital analytics and marketing capabilities, as well as overall product commercialization and sales acceleration. Alexey was born Russia and holds a Master’s degree in Computer Science from Kazan State Technical University. While in Russia, Alex was a co-founder of the Center Group jointly with Alexander Nikolaev. He was also one of the first CCIE and CCSI-certified experts in the country. Starting in 2007, Alex spent 5 years in Singapore working in executive roles at Alcatel-Lucent and Cisco.
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1/14/2021 • 2 hours, 12 minutes, 20 seconds Сергей Фрадков: Серийное предпринимательство, стратегии, визионерство, ст артапы. Сергей Фрадков - генеральный партнер в iDealMachine, серийный предприниматель, технологический стратег и визионер. Независимый директор и советник компаний и стартапов. Имеет более чем 25-летний опыт работы в сфере технологий, построил несколько успешных предприятий в области мобильных приложений, ИТ-услуг и корпоративного программного обеспечения. Основал новаторский стартап мобильных платформ в 90-х годах, помог привлечь более 40 миллионов долларов венчурного финансирования, помог увеличить компанию до более чем 200 человек, более половины из которых связаны с технологиями. Создал одну из крупнейших независимых поставщиков программного обеспечения BlackBerry без внешних инвестиций, продал ее конкуренту, а затем продукт был продан Google и включен в Google Диск. Основал и руководил акселератором стартапов, который занял 3-е место в Европе, выступал в качестве технологического визионера и консультанта для портфельных компаний.
Sergey Fradkov is a General Partner of iDealMachine, serial entrepreneur, technology strategist, and visionary. Independent Director and Advisor to companies and startups. Has more than 25 years of experience in technology, built several successful businesses in the field of mobile applications, IT services, and enterprise software. Founded a pioneering mobile platform startup in the ’90s, helped raise over $40MM in venture funding, helped grow the company to over 200 people, more than half in technology. Created one of the largest BlackBerry ISV companies with no outside investment, sold it to a competitor, the product was later sold to Google and incorporated into Google Drive. Founded and managed a startup accelerator that was ranked as #3 in Europe, served as a technology visionary and advisor to the portfolio companies.
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1/12/2021 • 1 hour, 43 minutes, 24 seconds Сергей Рязанский: Выход в открытый космос, год на орбите, земля в иллюминаторе. Сергей Рязанский - космонавт, герой Российской Федерации, мотивационный спикер, автор 5 книг, космический фотограф. Окончил биологический факультет МГУ. Работал в Институте медико-биологических проблем РАН, кандидат медицинских наук. Кандидат физиологии и авиационной и космической медицины. Он был первым в мире ученым, ставшим командиром космического корабля. Совершил 2 космических полета общей продолжительностью 306 суток. Совершил 4 выхода в открытый космос общей продолжительностью 27 часов 35 минут. Сергей вместе с Олегом Котовым вынес факел Зимних Олимпийских игр 2014 года в открытый космос. Также он участвовал в программе «Марс-500» в качестве капитана команды «Марс-105». Сергей Рязанский - председатель Движения школьников России, общественно-государственной детско-юношеской организации, деятельность которой направлена на воспитание подрастающего поколения, развитие навыков детей с учетом их интересов и потребностей, а также организацию досуга и внеклассной деятельности школьников.
Sergey Ryazanskiy is an astronaut, a hero of the Russian Federation, a motivational speaker, author of 5 books, and a space photographer. He graduated from the biology faculty of Moscow State University. Worked in the Institute of Medical and Biological Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ph.D. in Physiology and Aviation and Space Medicine. He was the world's first scientist who became a spacecraft commander. Performed 2 space flights, lasting in total 306 days. Done 4 spacewalks lasting in total 27 hours 35 minutes. Sergey took the 2014 Winter Olympics Torch into open space together with Oleg Kotov. He also participated in the “Mars-500” program as captain of team Mars-105. Sergey Ryazanskiy is the Chairman of the Russian Schoolchildren's Movement, a public-state children's and youth organization, whose activities are aimed at educating the younger generation, developing children's skills based on their interests and needs, as well as organizing leisure and extracurricular activities of pupils.
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1/11/2021 • 2 hours, 9 minutes, 33 seconds Кристофер Уинн: Иммиграция в Россию, культурная интеграция, пицца Papa Johns. Кристофер Уинн - основатель и генеральный директор PJ Western, материнской компании Papa John's Master Franchise в Германии, России, Беларуси, Казахстане, Кыргызстане и Польше, которая управляет более чем 230 магазинами Papa John's и 10 центрами производства теста и логистикой в Восточной и Центральной Европе. Кристофер также является партнером в семейном бизнесе Miraflora, вертикально интегрированной компании по производству органической конопли, производящей научно проверенный, органически выращенный, полный спектр CBD, который является полностью натуральным продуктом для здоровья и хорошего самочувствия, который тщательно выращивается на органической основе на конопляной ферме принадлежащей его семье в округе Боулдер, штат Колорадо. Кристофер переехал из США в Россию в начале 2000-х и построил успешную карьеру.
Christopher Wynne is the Founder of CEO of PJ Western, the owner of Papa John's Master Franchise in Germany, Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Poland, operating over 230 Papa John's stores and 10 dough production and logistic centers across Eastern and Central Europe. Christopher also, a partner in his family’s business, Miraflora which is a vertically integrated, organic hemp company producing scientifically vetted, organically grown, full-spectrum CBD which is an all-natural, health and wellness staple that has been carefully cultivated on an organic hemp farm in his family’s farm in Boulder County, Colorado. Christopher moved from the US to Russia in the early 2000s and build a successful career.
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1/9/2021 • 1 hour, 25 minutes, 25 seconds Александр Каплан: Психофизиология, психофармакология, нейрофизиология, мозг, BCI. Александр Каплан - профессор МГУ им. М.В. Ломоносова, доктор технических наук. (психофизиология и психофармакология), канд. (нейрофизиология). Заведующий лабораторией нейрофизиологии и нейрокомпьютерных интерфейсов. Доктор Каплан признан во всем мире как один из ведущих экспертов в областях, связанных с мозгом, включая мозговой компьютерный интерфейс (BCI), бессознательные режимы нейробиоуправления, измененные состояния сознания, исследования ЭЭГ, саморегуляцию, психотерапию, поведенческую терапию. и ненормальная психология. Автор книги «Тайны мозга» и более 135 научных публикаций. В 2003 году он стал лауреатом Премии Правительства РФ в области науки и технологий (высшая государственная премия в области науки).
Alexander Kaplan is a Professor at Lomonosov Moscow State University, D.Sc. (psychophysiology and psychopharmacology), Ph.D. (neurophysiology). Head of the Laboratory for Neurophysiology and Neuro-Computer Interfaces. Dr. Kaplan is internationally recognized as one of the foremost experts in fields related to the brain, including the Brain Computer Interface (BCI), unconscious modes of neurofeedback, altered states of consciousness, studies in EEG, self-regulation, psychotherapy, behavioral therapy and abnormal psychology. Author of book "Secrets of the Brain" and more than 135 scientific publications. In 2003, he received Russian Government Science and Technology Prize (the top governmental science award).
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1/8/2021 • 1 hour, 55 minutes, 32 seconds Павел Черкашин: Венчурный капитал, инвестиции в технологические стартапы. Павел Черкашин - соучредитель и управляющий партнер Mindrock. Он также является управляющим партнером GVA Capital, контролируя активы на сумму более 300 миллионов долларов США. Ранее в своей карьере Павел занимал руководящие должности в Microsoft Россия, Adobe Systems и Siebel Systems. Он также основал несколько ИТ-компаний, в том числе Sputnik Labs, AdWatch и Actis Systems, которые были приобретены ведущими мировыми организациями.
Pavel Cherkashin is a co-founder and managing partner at Mindrock. He is also a managing partner at GVA Capital, overseeing over $300M in assets under management. Earlier in his career, Pavel served in executive roles at Microsoft Russia, Adobe Systems and Siebel Systems. He also founded several IT companies, including Sputnik Labs, AdWatch and Actis Systems, all of which were acquired by leading global organizations.
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1/4/2021 • 1 hour, 50 minutes, 40 seconds Эрик Найман: Финансовые рынки, трейдинг, экономика, управление капиталом. Эрик Найман - управляющий партнер HUG'S Wealth Management с более чем 150 миллионами долларов под управлением. Практикующий трейдер, который всю свою карьеру проработал на финансовых рынках и добился замечательных финансовых результатов. Эрик был управляющим партнером Capital Times и занимал должность учредителя и руководителя инвестиционно-банковского бизнеса АКБ «Укрсоцбанк». Успешный лектор и автор таких бестселлеров, как «Малая энциклопедия трейдера», «Трейдер-инвестор», «Мастер-трейдинг: секретные материалы», «Путь к финансовой свободе», «Как покупать дешево и продавать дорого».
Erik Nayman - managing partner of HUG'S Wealth Management with over $150 million under management. The practicing trader, who has spent his entire career with the financial markets and got remarkable financial results. Erik has been a Managing partner at Capital Times and held the position Founder and Head of the investment banking business of JSCB “Ukrsotsbank”. The successful lecturer and author of such bestsellers as ‘Small Encyclopedia of the Trader’, ‘Trader-Investor’, ‘Master-Trading: Secret Materials’, ‘The Way to Financial Freedom’, ‘How to Buy Cheap and Sell Expensive’.
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12/30/2020 • 1 hour, 53 minutes, 21 seconds Максим Корецкий: Рынки капитала, управление активами, акции, облигации, фонды. Максим Корецкий - директор Blackshield Capital AG, имеет 19-летний опыт работы в финансовом и инвестиционном секторе, управлении активами и крупным частным капиталом. Максим является одним из основателей группы Blackshield Capital, где начал свою работу в 2015 году в качестве инвестиционного директора. Он управляет портфелями акций, облигаций крупных частных клиентов, фондами, а также американским хедж-фондом Blackshield Exponential Technology. Г-н Корецкий начал свою карьеру в лондонском офисе Barclays Investment Bank. До основания Blackshield он работал ассоциированным партнером инвестиционной компании «Третий Рим», а также партнером в Platinum Capital. Работал соответственно в Лондоне, Сингапуре, Москве, Цюрихе. Работая в Barclays, он продолжил свое образование в Лондонской школе бизнеса по управлению инвестициями, а затем в Стэнфордском и Йельском университетах.
Maxim Koretsky is a Director of Blackshield Capital AG, he has 19 years of experience in the financial and investment sector, asset and large private capital management. Maxim is one of the founders of the Blackshield Capital group, where he began his work in 2015 as an investment director. He manages portfolios of stocks, bonds of large private clients, funds, as well as the American hedge fund Blackshield Exponential Technology. Mr. Koretsky started his career at the London office of Barclays Investment Bank. Prior to founding Blackshield, he worked as an associate partner of the Third Rome Investment Company, as well as a partner at Platinum Capital. He worked, respectively, in London, Singapore, Moscow, Zurich. While working for Barclays, he continued his education at London Business School in Investment Management, later at Stanford and Yale University.
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12/26/2020 • 1 hour, 49 minutes, 46 seconds Слава Турышев: NASA, солнечная гравитационная линза, экзопланеты, телескопы Слава Турышев - физик Лаборатории реактивного движения NASA (JPL) Калифорнийского технологического института и профессор кафедры физики и астрономии Калифорнийского университета в Лос-Анджелесе (UCLA). Доктор Турышев получил степень магистра наук. Кандидат физико-математических наук (с отличием) и докторская степень по квантовой теории поля Московского государственного университета им. М. В. Ломоносова, Россия, в 1987 и 1990 годах соответственно. В 2008 году он получил степень доктора наук (Habilitation) по астрофизике в том же университете. Его основные области исследований включают гравитационную и фундаментальную физику, исследования в области релятивистской астрофизики, астрономии и планетологии. Он является экспертом в области высокоточной навигации космических аппаратов, динамики солнечной системы, спутниковой и лунной лазерной локации, астрометрии, планетных исследований и связанных с ними технологий. Недавно д-р Турышев работал научным сотрудником проекта NASA в миссии микроскопов CNES / ESA (2016–2020 гг.); Научный сотрудник проекта JPL для усовершенствованной установки лазерной локации Луны в обсерватории Table Mountain Observatory, Калифорния (с 2015 года по настоящее время); Главный следователь по расследованию Пионерской аномалии (2003-2012). В настоящее время он является главным исследователем в рамках проекта NIAC Phase III 2020 года по исследованию концепции миссии по использованию солнечной гравитационной линзы (SGL) для многопиксельной визуализации и спектроскопии экзопланет. Опубликовал более 200 статей, 2 книги. Доктор Турышев является членом Международной академии астронавтики (МАА).
Slava Turyshev is a physicist at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), California Institute of Technology and a professor at the Physics and Astronomy Department of the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). Dr. Turyshev earned his M.S. in physics (with honors) and a PhD in quantum field theory from the Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia in 1987 and 1990, correspondingly. In 2008, he earned the Doctor of Science degree (Habilitation) in astrophysics from the same university. Currently, he is the Principal Investigator on the 2020 NIAC Phase III effort on the mission concept studies to use the solar gravitational lens (SGL) for multipixel imaging and spectroscopy of exoplanets. He has published over 200 papers, 2 books. Dr. Turyshev is a member of the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA).
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12/25/2020 • 2 hours, 28 minutes, 31 seconds Александр Кулешов: Сколтех, образование, технологии, искусственный интеллект Александр Кулешов - президент Сколковского института науки и технологий, Сколтех. Профессор компьютерных наук. Он является специалистом в области информационных технологий и математического моделирования. В 2006 году он был избран директором АА. Институт проблем передачи информации (ИППИ) им. А.А. Харкевича РАН. В ИППИ он также является председателем Ученого совета, Совета по защите докторских диссертаций, а также по передаче и обработке информации. На протяжении своей академической карьеры он является автором и соавтором 54 исследований, в том числе четырех монографий.
Alexander Kuleshov is the President of Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, Skoltech. Professor of Computer Science. He is a specialist in the field of information technologies and mathematical modeling. In 2006, he was elected Director of the A.A. Kharkevich Institute for Information Transmission Problems (IITP) of the Russian Academy of Sciences. At IITP, he also serves as the Chairperson of the Academic Council, the Doctorate Dissertation Council, and Information Transmission and Processing. Through the course of his academic career, he has authored and co-authored 54 studies, including four monographs.
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12/24/2020 • 1 hour, 25 minutes, 53 seconds Олег Евсеенков: Супер дженерики, кристаллическая матрица, фармацевтика, химия Олег Евсеенков - серийный предприниматель, специалист в области финансов и технологий. Он является соучредителем PolymorPharma, которая разрабатывает супер дженерики, изменяя кристаллическую матрицу и конформацию молекулы активного ингредиента одобренных препаратов. Олег обладает глубокими знаниями и опытом в бизнес-моделировании, финансах и венчурном капитале. Был министром индустрии, инновационных и информационных технологий Рязанской области. Работал финансовым директором РАО Энергетические системы Востока, РОСНАНО и Инжиниринговой компании ТехноПромЭкспорт. Он имеет докторскую степень по экономике и является выпускником Лондонской школы бизнеса.
Oleg Evseenkov is a serial entrepreneur and specialist in finance and technologies. He is Co-Founder of PolymorPharma, which develops super generics by modifying the crystal matrix and conformation of the active ingredient’s molecule of approved drugs. He has a profound knowledge and experience in business modelling, finance and venture capital. He was a minister of industry, innovative and information technologies of the Ryazan region. He worked as a CFO of RAO Energy Systems of East, RUSNANO and Engineering Company TechnoPromExport. He holds a PhD in Economics and is London Business School's alumni.
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12/24/2020 • 1 hour, 55 minutes, 47 seconds Дмитрий Норка: Экспертные продажи, консалтинг, корпоративное доверие, коучинг Дмитрий Норка - эксперт по развитию командного и корпоративного доверия, профессиональный оратор. Президент Международной ассоциации профессионалов продаж IASP. Член Международной ассоциации профессиональных спикеров CISSA. Лауреат Национальной бизнес-премии «Бизнес-капитаны» в номинации «Лучший бизнес-тренер года». Он лучший бизнес-тренер по продажам по версии salesportal ru и входит в ТОП-10 лучших бизнес-тренеров России по версии других проверенных источников. Автор супербестселлера «Экспертные продажи. Новые методы убеждения покупателей», финалист премии «Деловая книга России 2019». У него 35 лет собственного опыта продаж и 30 лет консалтинга и коучинга. У него более 1500 корпоративных клиентов.
Dmitry Norka is an expert on team and corporate trust development and a professional public speaker. President of the International Association of Sales Professionals IASP. Member of the International Association of Professional Speakers CISSA. Laureate of the National Business Award "Business Captains" in the category "Best Business Coach of the Year". He is the best business coach in sales according to salesportal ru, and listed among TOP 10 best business coaches in Russia according to other trusted sources. Author of a super - bestseller, "Expert sales. New methods of buyers' persuasion" a finalist for the "Business Book of Russia 2019" award. He has 35 years of his own sales experience and 30 years in consulting and coaching. He has more than 1500 corporate clients.
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12/23/2020 • 2 hours, 1 minute, 47 seconds Александр Мисуркин: Космонавтика, международная космическая станция, выхо д в открытый космос Александр Мисуркин, майор ВВС России, российский космонавт, выбранный в 2006 году. Он является 116-м космонавтом России и 531-м космонавтом в мире. Совершил два космических полета к Международной космической станции на пилотируемых транспортных кораблях "Союз ТМА-08М" и "Союз МС-06". Бортинженер экспедиций МКС-35 / МКС-36, МКС-53, командир экспедиций МКС-54. Продолжительность полета составила 334 суток 11 часов 29 минут. Совершил четыре выхода в открытый космос, общая продолжительность работы в открытом космосе составила 28 часов 13 минут. До поступления в отряд космонавтов служил летчиком-командиром авиационного звена Гвардейского учебного авиационного полка Краснодарского военного авиационного института им. А.К. Серова. Подполковник ВВС (2009 г.). Герой Российской Федерации, летчик-космонавт Российской Федерации (2016 г.). Почетный гражданин города Орла, Россия. Александр - президент Федерации бадминтона Орловской области, созданной по его инициативе в 2017 году. В рамках поддержки развития федерации и бадминтона как образа жизни, который он продвигает, Александр Мисуркин организовал первую командную игру в космосе. в истории человечества. 01.01.2018 на МКС состоялся товарищеский матч по бадминтону, в котором приняли участие члены экипажа 54-й экспедиции. А через 3,5 месяца после возвращения из полета он установил неофициальный мировой рекорд - 24 часа со всеми играл в бадминтон.
Alexander Misurkin, a major in the Russian Air Force, is a Russian cosmonaut, selected in 2006. He is the 116th cosmonaut of Russia and 531st cosmonaut in the world. He made two space flights to the International Space Station on manned transport spacecraft Soyuz TMA-08M and Soyuz MS-06. Flight engineer of the expeditions ISS-35 / ISS-36, ISS-53, commander of the expeditions ISS-54. The flight duration was 334 days 11 hours 29 minutes. He performed four spacewalks, the total duration of work in open space was 28 hours 13 minutes. Prior to joining the cosmonaut corps, he served as a pilot and commander of the aviation link of the Guards Aviation Training Regiment of the A.K.Serov Krasnodar Military Aviation Institute. Air Force Lieutenant Colonel (2009). Hero of the Russian Federation, pilot-cosmonaut of the Russian Federation (2016). Honorary Citizen of the city of Oryol, Russia.
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12/21/2020 • 2 hours, 3 minutes, 31 seconds Нурлан Кусаинов: Фондовая биржа, инвестиции, управление активами, рынок ка питала Нурлан Кусаинов - председатель правления Astana International Exchange. Нурлан имеет большой опыт работы - до прихода в Управление Международного финансового центра Астаны (МФЦА) в качестве генерального директора он два года занимал должность заместителя председателя Национального банка Казахстана, возглавлял Банк развития Казахстана, работал в качестве управляющего партнера фонда прямых инвестиций Al Falah Partners возглавлял АО «Центр маркетинговых и аналитических исследований», был советником Министра экономики и бюджетного планирования Республики Казахстан, руководил специальной группой Министерства Министерства промышленности и торговли Республики Казахстан о вступлении во Всемирную торговую организацию в Женеве. Окончил Казахскую государственную академию управления и Стэнфордскую бизнес-школу.
Nurlan Kussainov is a Chairman of the Board of Astana International Exchange. Mr. Kussainov has an extensive work experience – prior to joining Astana International Financial Center Authority (AIFC) as a CEO, he held the position of the Deputy Chairman of the National Bank of Kazakhstan for two years, headed the Development Bank of Kazakhstan, worked as a managing partner in the Al Falah Partners direct investment fund, headed the “Center for Marketing and Analytical Research” JSC, was an adviser to the Minister of Economy and Budget Planning of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and led a special group of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Republic of Kazakhstan on accession to the World Trade Organization in Geneva. He graduated from the Kazakh State Academy of Management and Stanford Business School.
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12/17/2020 • 1 hour, 58 minutes, 50 seconds Марк Тен: Спортивные новости, спортивная журналистика, фанаты, футбол, интернет Марк Тен - генеральный директор Sports.ru и Tribuna Digital - первого крупного профессионального спортивного интернет-издания в России, которое ежемесячно посещают более 20 миллионов человек. Sports.ru традиционно сотрудничает с лучшими спортивными журналистами со всей страны и регулярно удостаивается различных профессиональных наград как лучший спортивный интернет-ресурс в России.
Mark Ten is a CEO of Sports.ru & Tribuna Digital — the first major professional sports Internet media in Russia with more than 20 million monthly visitors. Sports.ru customarily collaborates with the best sports journalists from all over the country, and it is regularly honored with different professional awards as the best sports web-source in Russia.
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12/12/2020 • 1 hour, 48 minutes, 28 seconds Иосиф Бакалейник: История приватизации, иностранные инвестиции, правительство Иосиф Бакалейник - один из самых успешных и опытных финансовых директоров в российском бизнесе. В настоящее время он является президентом FFF Asset Management, лицензированной компании по управлению активами с офисами на Кипре и в Люксембурге и присутствием в Лондоне, Цюрихе и Москве, с общим объемом активов под управлением, превышающим 1 миллиард долларов. С 2007 по 2008 год Иосиф занимал должность финансового директора и члена правления Renova Management AG (Швейцария). Иосиф имеет более чем 25-летний опыт работы в сфере финансов в России и за рубежом. С 2003 по 2007 год Иосиф был первым вице-президентом, финансовым директором и членом правления ОАО «СУАЛ-Холдинг». В 2006 году Иосиф присоединился к «Группе компаний Интегра» в качестве независимого директора. С 1997 по 2003 год Иосиф занимал должность первого вице-президента, финансового директора и члена Правления ОАО «ТНК». В 1994-97 годах Иосиф занимал должности председателя правления и генерального директора ОАО «Владимирский тракторный завод». На этой должности он отвечал за проведение постприватизационной реструктуризации компании. Иосиф проработал 2 года в Международной финансовой корпорации (IFC), в том числе в 1992 году был специальным советником правительства Российской Федерации по прямым иностранным инвестициям. Иосиф имеет докторскую степень. Имеет степень магистра экономики Московского государственного университета и степень магистра (с отличием) в области делового администрирования Гарвардского университета.
Iosif Bakaleynik is one of the most successful and experienced CFOs in the Russian business. Currently, he serves as a President of FFF Asset Management, a licensed asset management company with offices in Cyprus and Luxembourg and a presence in London, Zurich, and Moscow, with total assets under management exceeding $1 billion. From 2007 to 2008 Iosif has served as CFO and Executive Board Member of Renova Management AG (Switzerland). Iosif has more than 25 years’ operational experience in finance in Russia and abroad. From 2003 till 2007 Iosif has been the First VP, CFO, and a member of the management board for OJSC «SUAL-Holding». In 2006 Iosif joined «Integra Group of Companies» as an independent Director. From 1997 to 2003, Iosif served as First VP, CFO, and member of the Management Board of OJSC «TNK». In 1994-97, Iosif served as a Board Chairman and General Director of OJSC «Vladimir Tractor Factory». In this position, he was responsible for the implementation of the post-privatization restructuring of the company. Iosif has served for 2 years in the International Financial Corporation (IFC), including as a special advisor to the government of the Russian Federation for direct foreign investment in 1992. Iosif holds a Ph.D. in economics from Moscow State University and a master’s degree (with honors) in business administration from Harvard University.
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12/12/2020 • 1 hour, 38 minutes, 37 seconds Михаил Емельянов: Логическая настольная игра ГО, глубокое стратегическое мышление Михаил Емельянов - исполнительный директор Центра развития и популяризации игры Го, член президиума Федерации Го России, Директор 41-го Чемпионата Мира по Го среди любителей, Директор деловой программы Российской Школы Го и Стратегии. Автор 10 книг, Создал методику развития стратегического мышления и курса Го и стратегии для студентов бизнес-факультета Плехановского университета. Сооснователь Moscow Go Business Club. Стратегический консалтинг для компаний: Ростелеком, Росгео, Mail.ru MBA, ВТБ, VEB.RU, SPLAT, группа ОМЗ и др. Организатор Минэкономразвития России Go Cup на IV Восточном экономическом форуме 2018, V юбилейный ВЭФ Go Cup на V Восточном экономическом форуме 2019.
Mikhail Emelyanov is executive director of the Go and Strategy Centre, member of the presidium of the Russian Go Federation, Director of the 41st World Amateur Go Championship, Business Program Director of the Russian Go and Strategy School. Author of 10 books, Created the methodology for the development of strategic thinking and Go and strategy course for students of the business faculty of Plekhanov University. Co-founder Moscow Go Business Club. Strategic consulting for the following companies: Rostelecom, Rosgeo, Mail.ru MBA, VTB, VEB.RU, SPLAT, OMZ group, etc. The organizer of the Ministry of economic development of Russia Go Cup at the IV Eastern economic forum 2018, V anniversary EEF Go Cup at the V Eastern economic forum 2019.
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12/11/2020 • 2 hours, 7 minutes, 41 seconds Владимир Крамник: Шахматы, AlphaZero, DeepMind, AI, интеллектуальные игры, FIDE Владимир Крамник - российский гроссмейстер. Он был чемпионом мира по классическим шахматам с 2000 по 2006 год и бесспорным чемпионом мира по шахматам с 2006 по 2007 год. Он выиграл три командные золотые медали и три индивидуальные медали на шахматных олимпиадах. В 2000 году Крамник победил Гарри Каспарова и стал чемпионом мира по классическим шахматам. Он защитил свой титул в 2004 году против Петера Леко и победил действующего чемпиона мира FIDE Веселина Топалова в объединительном матче 2006 года. В результате Крамник стал первым бесспорным чемпионом мира, обладателем как FIDE, так и классического титула. Он провел более двух десятилетий в качестве одного из лучших шахматистов, прежде чем уйти на пенсию в январе 2019 года в возрасте 43 лет.
Vladimir Kramnik is a Russian chess grandmaster. He was the Classical World Chess Champion from 2000 to 2006, and the undisputed World Chess Champion from 2006 to 2007. He has won three team gold medals and three individual medals at Chess Olympiads. In 2000, Kramnik defeated Garry Kasparov and became the Classical World Chess Champion. He defended his title in 2004 against Péter Lékó and defeated the reigning FIDE World Champion Veselin Topalov in a unification match in 2006. As a result, Kramnik became the first undisputed World Champion, holding both the FIDE and Classical titles. He spent more than two decades as one of the very top players in chess before retiring in January 2019 at the age of 43.
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12/10/2020 • 2 hours, 22 minutes, 32 seconds Дмитрий Бергельсон: Инвестиции, консалтинг, розничная торговля, бизнес-тр енер Дмитрий Бергельсон - управляющий партнер консалтингового агентства Holmes & Moriarty и венчурного хаба INNORETAIL в сфере розничной торговли и потребительских технологий. Менеджер и предприниматель с более чем 20-летним опытом работы в различных отраслях - ИТ и консалтинг, розничная торговля, автомобилестроение, дистрибуция, бытовая электроника и энергосбережение. Концентрируется на проектах, связанных с производительностью, стратегией и развитием партнерских экосистем. До 2015 года в качестве директора по развитию ТС «Пятерочка» (X5 retail) отвечал за партнерские отношения, недвижимость и франчайзинг. До этого он руководил рядом компаний на рынках B2B. Как бизнес-тренер и трекер, он помог запустить и развить десятки высокотехнологичных стартапов.
Dmitry Bergelson is a Managing Partner of consulting agency Holmes&Moriarty and retail & consumer tech venture hub INNORETAIL. Manager and entrepreneur with over 20 years of experience in various industries - IT and consulting, retail, automotive, distribution, consumer electronics, and resource/energy conservation. Concentrates on projects related to performance, strategy, and development of partner ecosystems. Until 2015, as Business Development Director of TS Pyaterochka (X5 retail), he was responsible for partnerships, real estate, and franchising. Prior to that, he led a number of companies in the B2B markets. As a business coach and tracker, he has helped launch and develop dozens of high-tech startups.
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12/9/2020 • 1 hour, 59 minutes, 50 seconds Владимир Гранкин: Психоделики, церемония айяуаски, оккейность бытия, созна ние Владимир Гранкин - успешный серийный финтех-предприниматель. Его видение и стратегическая проницательность помогли создать экосистему вокруг учреждений, занимающихся обработкой платежей. В качестве совладельца Владимир создал Robokassa.com, платформу поставщика платежных услуг, которую с энтузиазмом восприняли более 20 000 торговцев, и теперь она осуществляет онлайн-транзакции на миллиарды рублей. В настоящее время он развивает несколько бизнесов в сфере платежей в Великобритании: поставщик платежных услуг CAURI.com и сервис обмена криптовалюты SafeCurrency.com.
Vladimir Grankin is a successful serial fintech entrepreneur. His vision and strategic acumen helped to create an ecosystem around the payment processing institutions. As a co-owner, Vladimir built Robokassa.com, the payment service provider platform which was enthusiastically embraced by over 20,000+ merchants and now transacts billions of roubles online. Currently, he is developing several businesses in the payment sphere in the UK: payment service provider CAURI.com and cryptocurrency exchange service SafeCurrency.com.
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12/7/2020 • 1 hour, 51 minutes, 50 seconds Борис Концевой: Искусственный интеллект, технологии, аутсорсинг, автоматизация Борис Концевой - основатель и президент Intetics Inc., ведущей мировой компании по разработке программного обеспечения и цифровой трансформации. Под его руководством группа инженеров-программистов превратилась в действительно глобальную технологическую компанию, получившую множество профессиональных сертификатов и отраслевых наград, в том числе Global Outsourcing 100, Software 500 и лучшую в своем классе компанию Global Sourcing Association. Борис имеет более чем 30-летний опыт работы в ведущих командах разработчиков программного обеспечения и имеет более 40 научных публикаций в области информатики и автоматизации, он является сертифицированным специалистом по аутсорсингу и изобретателем нескольких моделей бизнес-услуг, включая Offshore Dedicated Team® и Remote In-Sourcing®. Он является одним из первых создателей методологии прогнозной программной инженерии, а также TETRA, платформы для сокращения технической задолженности, для всесторонней количественной оценки качества программных продуктов. Он является Заслуженным судьей конкурса WebAward Competition с 2000 года. Борис является лауреатом премии Entrepreneurial Excellence Award (2009) от Business Ledger, Gamechanger of the Year (2017) от ACQ5, а также профессиональным участником и соавтором IAOP. , GSA, Forbes Technology Council и IDG / CIO.com.
Boris Kontsevoi is the founder and President of Intetics Inc., a leading global software engineering and digital transformation company. Under his leadership, a group of software engineers developed into a truly global technology company with multiple professional certifications and industry awards, including the Global Outsourcing 100, Software 500, and Global Sourcing Association best of class company. Boris has over 30 years of experience in leading software development teams and over 40 scientific publications in the field of computer science and automation, he is a Certified Outsourcing Professional, and inventor of several business service models including Offshore Dedicated Team® and Remote In-Sourcing®. He is an initial creator of the Predictive Software Engineering methodology, as well as TETRA, a Technical Debt Reduction Platform, for a comprehensive quantitative assessment of the quality of software products. He serves as a Distinguished Judge of WebAward Competition since the year 2000. Boris is a recipient of the Entrepreneurial Excellence Award (2009) by The Business Ledger, Gamechanger Of The Year (2017) by ACQ5, and a professional member and contributor of the IAOP, GSA, Forbes Technology Council, and IDG/CIO.com.
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12/2/2020 • 1 hour, 54 minutes, 2 seconds Михаил Полуэктов: Сомнология, нейрофизиология, нейробиология, тайны мозга Михаил Полуэктов - доцент, кандидат медицинских наук, невролог, сомнолог, заведующий кафедрой медицины сна Первого МГМУ им. И.М. Сеченова Минздрава России. С 1998 года доктор Полуэктов работал на кафедре патологии вегетативной нервной системы, возглавляемой профессором, академиком РАН Александром Вейном, затем преподавал курс сомнологии, созданный профессором Яковом Левиным на кафедре Нервные болезни факультета последипломного профессионального образования врачей. Доктор Полуэктов является вице-президентом Национального общества сомнологов и медицины сна и президентом Национального общества специалистов по детскому сну, является членом редакционной коллегии журнала «Ожирение и метаболизм» и редактором ежегодных тематических выпусков. эффективной фармакотерапии. Сон и его нарушения »и« Журнал неврологии и психиатрии им. С.С.Корсакова. Нарушения сна ». Он является автором 3 монографий, патентов на изобретения, 175 статей в рецензируемых журналах и глав в учебных пособиях.
Mikhail Poluektov is an associate professor, Ph.D., Neurologist, Somnologist, Head of Sleep Medicine Department of Sechenov First Moscow state medical University, Ministry of the health of Russia. Since 1998, Dr. Poluektov worked at the Department of Pathology of the Autonomic Nervous System, headed by Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Science Dr. Aleksandr Veyn, then taught on the course of somnology created by Professor Yakov Levin at the Department of Nervous Diseases of the Faculty of Postgraduate Professional Education of Physicians. Dr. Poluektov is Vice-President of the National Society for Somnology and Sleep Medicine and President of the National Society for Children's Sleep Specialists, is a member of the editorial board of the journal Obesity and Metabolism, and is the editor of the annual thematic issues of Effective Pharmacotherapy. Sleep and its disorders ”and“ Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry named after S.S. Korsakov. Sleep disorders ". He is the author of 3 monographs, invention patents, 175 articles in peer-reviewed journals, and chapters in manuals.
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11/28/2020 • 1 hour, 45 minutes, 5 seconds Алексей Прокофьев: Венчурный капитал, стартапы, телеком, инвестиции, технологии Алексей Прокофьев - управляющий партнер AddCapital и партнер AddVenture. Он имеет более 15 лет управленческого опыта в секторе информационных технологий и телекоммуникаций и является инвестором ряда технологических стартапов. Он был руководителем отдела глобальных сервисных решений в России и СНГ в Nokia Siemens Networks и директором по сервисному обслуживанию в России и странах СНГ в Motorola. Имеет диплом по программе Executive Education в Массачусетском технологическом институте и степень магистра делового администрирования в бизнес-школе Сколково.
Alexey Prokofyev is Managing Partner at AddCapital and Partner at AddVenture. He has over 15 years of executive experience in the IT & Telecom sector and is an investor in a number of tech startups. He was Head of Global Services Solutions Russia & CIS at Nokia Siemens Networks and Director Services Russia & CIS at Motorola. He holds an Executive Education Program Diploma at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and an MBA at Skolkovo Business School.
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11/19/2020 • 2 hours, 29 minutes, 43 seconds Хачатур Гукасян: Управление активами, брокерские услуги, альтернативные инвестиции Хачатур Гукасян - признанный профессионал в области управления инвестициями с более чем 10-летним опытом работы в сфере управления активами и частного банкинга. В течение своей карьеры он работал с ведущими банками и хедж-фондами Швейцарии, России, Сингапура, Люксембурга, Кипра и Лихтенштейна. Хачатур был партнером и управляющим директором АТОН, старейшей независимой инвестиционной группы в России. Он отвечал за развитие швейцарского подразделения ATON, ATON WM Suisse, от стартапа в 2014 году до одного из ведущих независимых управляющих активами в Швейцарии с активами под управлением на сумму более 250 миллионов долларов США. Хачатур обладает обширным опытом в области брокерских услуг, реструктуризации активов и финансового консультирования и часто читает лекции по альтернативным инвестициям. Он является квалифицированным управляющим активами и специалистом по финансовым рынкам и имеет ученую степень в области политологии.
Khachatur Gukasyan is an established investment management professional with more than 10 years of experience in asset management and private banking. During the course of his career, he has worked with the leading banks and hedge funds from Switzerland, Russia, Singapore, Luxembourg, Cyprus, and Lichtenstein. Khachatur was the Partner and Managing Director of ATON, Russia’s oldest independent investment group. He was responsible for the development of ATON’s Swiss operations, ATON WM Suisse, from a start-up in 2014 to one of the leading independent asset managers in Switzerland with assets under management over USD 250m. Khachatur possesses strong expertise in brokerage, asset restructuring, and financial advisory, and is a frequent lecturer on alternative investments. He is a qualified asset manager and financial markets specialist and has a degree in political science.
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11/18/2020 • 1 hour, 53 minutes, 37 seconds Сергей Грибов: Инвестиции в стартапы, искусственный интеллект, технологии Сергей Грибов - технологический предприниматель и инвестор с опытом работы более 20 лет. Он является партнером венчурного фонда Flint Capital. На протяжении многих лет он участвовал в качестве основателя или топ-менеджера во многих стартапах в США, Израиле и России. Сергей имеет большой опыт работы в IT в таких областях, как разработка программного обеспечения, VoIP, кибербезопасность, биоинформатика, финансы и другие. Сегодня Сергей является инвестором, членом совета директоров или наставником нескольких стартапов в США и Израиле. Сергей имеет степень магистра делового администрирования, научный сотрудник Sloan MIT и степень бакалавра наук. Кандидат компьютерных наук, диплом с отличием Университета Беэр-Шевы.
Sergey Gribov is a technology entrepreneur and investor with more than 20 years of experience. He is a Partner of Flint Capital venture capital fund. Over the years he participated as a founder or top manager in many startups in the USA, Israel, and Russia. Sergey has a lot of experience in IT, across such sectors as software development, VoIP, cybersecurity, bioinformatics, finance, and others. Today Sergey is an investor, board member, or mentor in several startups across the US and Israel. Sergey holds an MBA, Sloan Fellow from MIT, and B.Sc. in Computer Science, Cum Laude from Beer-Sheva University.
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11/17/2020 • 2 hours, 12 minutes, 51 seconds Радислав Гандапас: Коучинг, лидерство, мотивация, публичные выступления Радислав Гандапас - один из ведущих российских тренеров по лидерству, мотивации и публичным выступлениям. Он входит в список TOP30 Global Gurus. Президент Ассоциации спикеров СНГ. Он единственный обладатель статуса Certified Speaking Professional в России. Автор 10 книг по лидерству и публичным выступлениям. Самый титулованный бизнес-тренер России, единственный в стране, по итогам года трижды признавался лучшим в своей профессии. Лауреат Книжной премии Рунета 2013 года.
Radislav Gandapas is one of Russia’s foremost trainers of leadership, motivation, and public speaking. He is listed in the TOP30 Global Gurus list. President of the CIS Speakers Association. He is the only holder of the status of Certified Speaking Professional in Russia. Author of 10 books on leadership and public speaking. The most titled business coach in Russia, the only one in the country, was recognized as the best in the profession three times by the results of the year. Winner of the Runet Book Prize 2013.
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11/13/2020 • 2 hours, 29 minutes, 53 seconds Анатолий Гершман: Искусственный интеллект, распознавание голоса, машинно е обучение Анатолий Гершман - выдающийся профессор информатики в Университете Карнеги-Меллона. Вся его профессиональная карьера была посвящена простому вопросу: как мы можем использовать информационные технологии, чтобы действовать более разумно? В коммерческой среде, где он провел большую часть своей профессиональной жизни, ему приходилось применять этот вопрос к деятельности, имеющей бизнес-смысл, такой как создание новых инструментов повышения производительности, продуктов и услуг. Каждый прогресс в базовых технологиях создавал возможности для интеллектуальных бизнес-приложений. В 1980-х годах он руководил разработкой и внедрением первой автоматизированной системы обработки естественного языка производственного качества, которая обрабатывала телексы для международных денежных переводов для Citibank. Присоединившись к Accenture в 1989 году, он создал лабораторию, которая исследовала использование мультимедиа для управления знаниями и обучения. Он также создал ранние прототипы интерактивных мультимедийных приложений электронной коммерции. В 1995 году он выпустил первого в мире агента электронной коммерции, который покупал в Интернете музыкальные компакт-диски. Его профессиональная карьера началась с обработки естественного языка в Йельском университете, где он получил степень доктора компьютерных наук в 1979 году. В конце 2006 года он ушел с должности глобального директора по исследованиям и главного научного сотрудника Accenture и присоединился к преподавательскому составу LTI в апреле 2007 года.
Anatole Gershman is a distinguished career professor of computer science at Carnegie Mellon University. His entire professional career has been dedicated to a simple question: How can we use Information Technology to act more intelligently? In a commercial setting, where he spent most of his professional life, he had to apply this question to activities that make business sense such as the creation of new productivity tools, products, and services. Every advance in basic technologies created opportunities for intelligent business applications. In the 1980s, he led the design and implementation of the first production-quality automated Natural Language Processing system that handled international money transfer telexes for Citibank. When he joined Accenture in 1989, he created a lab that explored the use of multimedia for knowledge management and training. He also built early, pre-web prototypes of interactive multimedia-based eCommerce applications. In 1995, he released the world’s first eCommerce agent that shopped the web for music CDs. His professional career started in Natural Language processing at Yale University where he got a Computer Science Ph.D. in 1979. At the end of 2006, he retired from the position of Global Director of Research and Chief Scientist at Accenture and joined the LTI faculty in April 2007.
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11/9/2020 • 1 hour, 55 minutes, 18 seconds Семён Лицын: Информация, изобретения, математика, технологии, флешка Семён Лицын - профессор электротехники в Тель-Авивском университете. Профессор. Семён - известный специалист в области хранения и передачи информации. Он консультирует израильские и международные высокотехнологичные компании в области хранения данных, связи и вычислений. В качестве главного научного сотрудника SanDisk Саймон был новатором в революционной технологии хранения флэш-памяти, которая принесла компании более миллиарда долларов дохода. Кроме того, он был основателем успешного стартапа в области коммуникаций. Он получил докторскую степень в ЛЭТИ, Санкт-Петербургский государственный электротехнический университет в Санкт-Петербурге, Россия. Он был удостоен множества призов, в том числе награды IEEE Reynold B. Johnson по системам хранения информации в 2015 году за новаторский вклад в системы флэш-памяти.
Simon Litsyn is a professor of Electrical Engineering at Tel Aviv University. Prof. Litsyn is a noted expert in information storage and transmission. He consults Israeli and international high-tech companies in the areas of storage, communications, and computing. As chief scientist at SanDisk, Simon was the innovator of the breakthrough Flash memory storage technology, which generated over a billion dollars in revenue for the company. Additionally, he was a founder of a successful communications start-up. He attained his Ph.D. at LETI, St. Petersburg State Electro-technical University in St. Petersburg, Russia. He was the recipient of multiple prizes, including the 2015 IEEE Reynold B. Johnson Information Storage Systems Award for pioneering contributions to flash memory systems.
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11/4/2020 • 2 hours, 32 minutes, 58 seconds Александр Галицкий: Перестройка, инновации, международное сотрудничество, WiFi Александр (Саша) Галицкий - соучредитель и управляющий партнер Almaz Capital, международного венчурного фонда с главным офисом в Портола-Вэлли, Калифорния, а также с офисами и представительствами в Берлине (Германия), Киеве (Украина). Варшава (Польша) и другие страны Центральной и Восточной Европы. Александр управляет командой и процессами, сбором средств и отношениями с инвесторами. Он активно участвует в работе портфельных компаний фонда, существенно влияя на их рост. В 2008 году фонд поддержали Cisco Systems, ЕБРР и IFC. Almaz Capital фокусируется на подрывных компаниях в сфере глубоких технологий в сфере программного обеспечения b2b, включая приложения AI / ML и Blockchain, IoT и средства поддержки периферийных вычислений, кибербезопасность. Среди инвесторов фонда - Европейский инвестиционный фонд (EIF), Cisco, Европейский банк реконструкции и развития (EBRD) и Международная финансовая корпорация (IFC). Среди самых известных сделок Almaz Capital - Яндекс (IPO NASDAQ), QIK (продано Skype), Sensity Systems (продано Verizon Communications), Acumatica (продано EQT) и другие. Александр - известный новатор, предприниматель и инвестор в США и Европе. Он был президентом East Europe Tech Tours, которые проходили в Варшаве (Польша), Софии (Болгария) и Бухаресте (Румыния) в 2018 и 2019 годах. Он неоднократно удостаивался различных наград и номинаций от Forbes, Venture Awards, EY, AllStars и т. д. Прежде чем стать предпринимателем, Галицкий работал одним из высших технических руководителей в Советском космическом агентстве и оборонной промышленности. Он был пионером в области технологий Wi-Fi и виртуальных частных сетей, а также в разработке продуктов на мировом рынке в партнерстве с Sun Microsystems. Имеет более 30 патентов на многочисленные изобретения.
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10/28/2020 • 1 hour, 34 minutes, 29 seconds Александр Туркот: Корпорации, инвестиции, социальные медиа, ИТ-проекты Александр Туркот имеет более чем двадцатилетний опыт управления инвестиционными компаниями, телекоммуникациями и ИТ-проектами на основных международных рынках. Он имеет степень магистра в области вычислительной техники и Ph.D. по экономике. В 2008 году он присоединился к MySpace Russia (в то время платформа №1 в мире социальных сетей). В течение следующих 2 лет Александр является генеральным директором и управляющим партнером восточноевропейского филиала MySpace. Александр начал свою работу в проекте Фонда Сколково в России в ноябре 2010 года в должности исполнительного директора ИТ-кластера, где он отвечал за все ИТ-проекты в сотрудничестве с ведущими университетами и компаниями, такими как MIT, MSU, Microsoft, IBM, Intel, CISCO и др. В январе 2013 года Александр основал Maxfield Capital, международную венчурную фирму, специализирующуюся на ранних стадиях ИТ-проектов.
Alexander Turkot has over twenty years of combined experience in the management of investment companies, Telecom, and IT projects on major international markets. He holds MSc in Computers & Electrical Engineering and Ph.D. in Economics. In 2008 he joined MySpace Russia (at this time world No.1 social network platform). Within the next 2 years, Alexander serves as CEO and Managing Partner of the Eastern European branch of MySpace. Alexander started his work in Skolkovo Foundation Russia Silicon Valley project, in November 2010, in the position of Executive Director of IT Cluster where he was responsible for all IT projects in co-operation with leading universities and companies such as MIT, MSU, Microsoft, IBM, Intel, CISCO, etc. In January 2013, Alexander established Maxfield Capital, an international VC firm with a focus on early-stage IT projects.
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10/20/2020 • 1 hour, 14 minutes, 27 seconds Вадим Асадов: Инвестиции, искусственный интеллект, гравитация, квантовая теория Вадим Асадов - ученый, предприниматель и бизнес-ангел. В 1998 году Вадим основал NeurOK, российско-американский высокотехнологичный инкубатор, специализирующийся на финансировании и коммерциализации российских технологий. До создания NeurOK Вадим работал в «Транснефти», крупнейшей в мире нефтеперекачивающей компании. До Транснефти Вадим был генеральным директором Trust House C.A. & Co крупнейшая в России компания по управлению активами. Вадим является основателем и действующим спонсором Регионального научно-образовательного центра «Логос» - физико-математической школы для одаренных детей. Недавно он открыл первый в России частный Физический институт для исследований в области гравитации, времени и квантовой теории. Вадим окончил МГУ по специальности физика.
Vadim Asadov is a scientist, entrepreneur, and business angel. In 1998 Vadim founded NeurOK, a Russian-American high-tech incubator that specializes in the financing and commercialization of Russian technologies. Prior to starting the NeurOK, Vadim worked at Transneft the world's largest oil pumping company. Prior to Transneft, Vadim was CEO of Trust House C.A. & Co Russia's biggest company for asset management. Vadim is the founder and current sponsor of the Regional Scientific Educational Centre Logos a physics and mathematics school for talented children. He recently opened the first private Physics Institute in Russia for research in Gravity, Time, and Quantum Theory. Vadim holds a degree in physics from Moscow State University.
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10/15/2020 • 2 hours, 37 minutes, 35 seconds Максим Ноготков: Социальное предпринимательство, устойчивое развитие, ба нкротство Максим Ноготков - серийный предприниматель, свой первый бизнес начал с 12 лет с нуля. Специализируясь на розничной торговле персональной электроникой в России, он построил крупнейшую в стране розничную сеть мобильной связи - «Связной». С 2007 года начал развивать розничные банковские услуги - Банк «Связной», ювелирную сеть «Пандора», электронную коммерцию, большие данные, гражданский проект для электронной демократии. Он был признан национальным победителем конкурса «Предприниматель года 2010» в России от компании Ernst & Young, занял 13-е место в глобальном списке молодых миллиардеров (до 35 лет) по версии Forbes в 2012 году. К сожалению, он потерял свое состояние в 2015 году. экономические потрясения 2014-2015 гг. В июле 2015 года он переехал в Кремниевую долину, чтобы работать над новым предприятием.
Maxim Nogotkov is a serial entrepreneur, who started his first business when he was 12 years old from scratch. Specialized in personal electronics retail in Russia, he built the largest mobile retail network in the country - Svyaznoy. Since 2007 he started to develop retail banking services - Svyaznoy Bank, jewelry retail chain - Pandora, e-commerce, big data, a civic project for e-democracy. He was awarded as the national winner of the Entrepreneur of the Year 2010 contest in Russia by Ernst & Young, named as #13 in the global list of young billionaires (below 35 yo) by Forbes in 2012. Unfortunately, he lost his fortune in 2015 in the Russian economy's turmoil of 2014-2015. In July 2015 he relocated to Silicon Valley to work on new ventures. ✿
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10/10/2020 • 1 hour, 27 minutes, 5 seconds