Daily Devotional with Pamela Crim | BIG Life Mentor
1565 Next Level Month
God is the giver of this new month of life. Our written goals are our thank you letter to him. We say thank you in the most genuine of ways … we tell him all the ways we intend to use, savor, and enjoy the gift. Isn’t this a perspective shift on your goals? It’s […]
2/2/2024 • 16 minutes, 39 seconds
1564 The Gift of February
Today we welcome a new day of life and a new month of life. The ultimate gift has arrived at your front door. The clean slate of a new month is here, welcome to February! Who gave you this gift and what will your response be? This day didn’t just show up by accident. You […]
2/1/2024 • 19 minutes, 44 seconds
1563 How You Remember
Here we are, the final day of January. It’s winter. Winter is the season where everything is generally harder. It’s harder to find that motivation. It’s harder to get up out of that warm and cozy bed. It’s harder to make ourselves do the things we said we would do. Maybe this has been a […]
1/31/2024 • 20 minutes, 48 seconds
1562 Believe You Will
If you had any idea what you had inside, you would never again hold back. You would never settle for a dang thing less than God’s absolute best if you knew. You’ve been going through life driving 35 and all this time you have a rocket inside. More than a rocket, you have the power […]
1/30/2024 • 15 minutes, 36 seconds
1561 Poison of Complaint
Our God is a loving and generous God. He has provisions and blessings aligned for you that will absolutely blow your mind. You cannot begin to fathom his good plans for your life. Promises you haven’t even dared to believe yet, already set into motion just for you. But there’s one thing you need to […]
1/29/2024 • 18 minutes, 5 seconds
1560 Focus On the Victory
Have you become so hyper focused on the challenge, that you’ve overlooked all the victories? Yes, we all fight our battles, but my sister, God has already declared us more than conquerors with complete and overwhelming victory! Waking up overwhelmed, dreading the day, and miserable in our journey is NOT God’s good plan for your […]
1/26/2024 • 15 minutes
1559 Go and Doubt Nothing
Where do you turn for daily guidance on what decisions to make? Are you checking your horoscope? Are you listening to your favorite influencer on the TikTok? Are you asking all your Facebook friends for input? Are you waiting to see if you feel like doing anything before you make any decisions? Scripture tells us […]
1/25/2024 • 18 minutes, 19 seconds
1558 How We Limit God
God has a job to do. He’s on a mission. When mountains stand in his way he has the power to move them. God has a plan, and it’s a ridiculously good plan. His plan covers you and your family. His power can move your mountain of impossible. But, understand this, although it’s God’s job, […]
1/24/2024 • 13 minutes, 59 seconds
1557 There’s More To This
What you see today is only the beginning of what God is going to do. Where you are today is only the beginning of where God will take you. There’s so much more than what you see and know today. It’s like the tip of the iceberg above the water, versus the massive formation below […]
1/23/2024 • 16 minutes, 40 seconds
1556 Time To Rise
Today is the fourth Monday of this new year. For most, it already feels old. You started this year with a plan to make progress, but have you? Really, are you making progress? Or are you held back? What holds you back, my sister? If there’s a world of potential within you, what is keeping […]
1/22/2024 • 14 minutes, 16 seconds
1555 Say Yes Now
This unscripted devotional time combines two of this week’s teachings to reveal the offer of our calling on the table. Jesus hopes you will say yes! Follow Pamela on Instagram – https://instagram.com/headmamapamelaOr Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/pamela.crimFind out more about BIG Life – http://biglifehq.com
1/19/2024 • 17 minutes, 49 seconds
1554 Falling to Calling
So, you’ve messed this thing up. You’ve failed. You’ve fallen short. You’ve disappointed yourself. What’s a girl to do with a mess like that? Are we to live in regret and shame? Are we to dismiss ourselves from all future goodness because of our past mistakes? Are we to assume God’s cancellation of the good […]
1/18/2024 • 12 minutes, 40 seconds
1553 Filled and Healed
My prayer for you this morning is that God would fill you up. Maybe you’re running on empty and your tank so desperately needs to be filled. Where are you empty? Is it your love tank? Is it your energy tank? Is it your hope tank? Is it your courage tank? Where do you need […]
1/17/2024 • 12 minutes, 53 seconds
1552 Choose Your Party
We’ve all heard the saying “misery loves company”. It’s true isn’t it? Well, let me tell you something else… Misery might love company, but so does joy. And joy throws much better parties. You get to choose the party you throw and the party you attend. There are pity parties and there are joy parties […]
1/16/2024 • 15 minutes, 4 seconds
1551 Offer On the Table
Hear God loud and clear today as he says, “I won’t force you.” God will not force you into the good plans he has for your life. He won’t force you to step into the overflowing abundance he has aligned for you. He won’t force you to accept divine opportunities for a greater purpose than […]
1/15/2024 • 14 minutes, 12 seconds
1550 Represent
Let’s go back to what God showed us in episode #1546 “That’s a Problem”, and dig deeper. The majority of us have a real problem accepting and loving ourselves. Let’s make this real clear … this is a problem. And it’s a problem for Jesus! You will be known by your love and your love […]
1/12/2024 • 19 minutes, 12 seconds
1549 Trust and Try
Sometimes it just doesn’t make sense to try again. You’re tired of trying, aren’t you? Believing this could change and things could be different is exhausting. So, you’ve settled here, made peace with the unhappiness, and accepted the fact that this is where you are and where you’re going to stay. This marriage isn’t getting […]
1/11/2024 • 18 minutes, 6 seconds
1548 One’s Gone Missing
There’s a reason you feel alone sometimes. There’s a reason you have a tendency to run and hide when you’re struggling. There’s a reason you place yourself on the sidelines and watch from a distance. There’s a reason why you check out. Here’s the reason … the enemy is at work! 1 Peter 5:8, “The […]
1/10/2024 • 13 minutes, 55 seconds
1547 Do Your Part
Are you in a place where you are seeking God for what to do next? Seeking his guidance on your journey? Waiting for him to show you where to go from here … well maybe it’s not as much about WHERE you go, as it is HOW you go. How are you showing up today? […]
1/9/2024 • 15 minutes, 41 seconds
1546 That’s A Problem
Jesus says we will be known by our love, and our love is to make him known. So, every day, we show up and we try to love. Darn, we try. Y’all know, some people are easier to love than others. Some just test the Jesus in you. I bet you can think of a […]
1/8/2024 • 21 minutes, 7 seconds
1545 Take It Back
What has the enemy taken from you? Has he taken your ability to dream? I mean straight up stolen the things you used to get excited about for your future! Has the enemy taken your energy and left you dreading the day and wishing away the hours until you can go back to bed? Has […]
1/5/2024 • 19 minutes, 3 seconds
1544 Do The Math
What you’re going through doesn’t have to change who you are. Don’t let these circumstances get in your head. Don’t let this situation change what you believe about yourself. What you believe about you must be non-circumstantial. No matter where you are, no matter what is going on around you, who you are must be […]
1/4/2024 • 16 minutes, 19 seconds
1543 Now You Change
It’s day 3 of this brand new year of life, and there’s a large percentage of us already disappointed in our choices and progress. We wanted to be better this year, but so far, we’re still struggling. We wanted to make changes, but dang if those old ways don’t hold on tight. And for those […]
1/3/2024 • 15 minutes, 47 seconds
1542 Run With It
This year, God wants to help you see things you’ve never seen before. He wants to give you the clarity and focus you have lacked in the past. This time, he wants you to get it, truly get it, then run with it! If you want this year of life to be different, be open […]
1/2/2024 • 15 minutes, 32 seconds
1541 I Will Not Be Discouraged
All good will come under attack. In a garden of beautiful potential, there will be weeds. To assume otherwise would be naive. You woke up this morning in a garden of beautiful potential. Here, in this year, supernatural things can happen in your life. Things you have been waiting YEARS for have the potential of […]
1/1/2024 • 22 minutes, 26 seconds
1540 Before 2024 Goals – Questions #7
Today, we ask the final question before we begin writing our goals for the New Year. Remember, if you want God-inspired goals, you have to invite God into the process, ask him questions, then listen for his answers. Each episode this week, we’ve spent time doing exactly that. So far, we’ve asked 6 questions to […]
12/29/2023 • 20 minutes, 7 seconds
1539 Before 2024 Goals – Questions 5 & 6
Our Big Life Goal Setting Broadcast is this Saturday! And you can watch for FREE!!!! I’ll send you the zoom link, the goal sheets, and reminders all leading up to the live event this weekend, and yes, it will all come personally and directly from me! I would absolutely LOVE to connect with you and […]
12/28/2023 • 20 minutes, 44 seconds
1538 Before 2024 Goals – Questions 3 & 4
Tapping into the guidance of the Holy Spirit is much like using the GPS in your car. The GPS knows precisely where you are, and where all other things are. However, for it to guide you to your destination, you have to make your request. GPS, I want to go to the TJ Maxx. GPS, […]
12/27/2023 • 19 minutes, 37 seconds
1537 Before 2024 Goals – Questions 1 & 2
I am a firm believer in goals. I’ve dedicated my life to teaching women how to set and achieve goals that will honor the fullness of life God created them for. Goals that will pull them out of the ruts of life and push them toward the overflowing abundance their creator has available for them. […]
12/26/2023 • 17 minutes, 59 seconds
1536 Yes, I Accept
God has favor for you. That means approval, complete acceptance, unmerited kindness and ridiculous goodness, is directed at you from the Almighty. However, faith is required to receive favor. Favor doesn’t always show up looking like something you should be giddy over. Favor often first begins with frustration. Sometimes being highly favored by the Almighty […]
12/22/2023 • 15 minutes, 46 seconds
1535 Oh No He’s Not
I randomly heard a song yesterday. A song I’ve never heard on the radio. It’s never been on a single playlist on my Spotify. Yet, it was brought to me in the seemingly most odd way. But don’t we know, it’s not odd, it’s God! I dozed off on the couch yesterday afternoon while watching […]
12/21/2023 • 16 minutes, 15 seconds
1534 No More Overwhelm
Give yourself a point for each one that describes you today: You still have to wrap gifts. You still have to plan a big meal. You still have to buy a crapton of groceries. You still have to clean your messy house before company arrives. You still have to buy a few last minutes gifts. […]
12/20/2023 • 16 minutes, 37 seconds
1533 Give It Back Now
I have a word for you today. Like, literally, a word. One word that when I heard it it stopped me in my tracks. I have a feeling it will do the same to you. Are you ready? Here’s the word: RESURRENDER Yes, resurrender. It’s releasing once again what you have taken back. What is […]
12/19/2023 • 20 minutes, 24 seconds
1532 Running in Fear
Today’s unscripted devotional prompts us to pause and ask, are we running in fear or following in faith? Jesus leads from the front. Follow Pamela on Instagram – https://instagram.com/headmamapamelaOr Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/pamela.crimFind out more about BIG Life – http://biglifehq.com
12/18/2023 • 13 minutes, 48 seconds
1531 Open Your Hand
What is holding you back from living a life of full surrender to God? For most of us, there’s something. Something we just can’t quite seem to let go of. Something we hold on to, but what we don’t understand is whatever we’re holding on to is holding us back. Jesus met a young man […]
12/15/2023 • 16 minutes, 4 seconds
1530 That’s Bad Fruit
People can say the stupidest things. People can do the most hurtful things. Why is that? Have you been trying to understand why some people talk bad about you? Have you been trying to process why some people have treated you so poorly? Have you been trying to make sense of why they did that […]
12/14/2023 • 17 minutes, 50 seconds
1529 Tell Me How
How will you get through what you have to go through? How will your family ever be okay again? How will you overcome this setback? How will your heart heal? How will you know what to do next? How will it ever happen? How? Somebody tell me how. If you’re in a place wondering HOW, […]
12/13/2023 • 17 minutes, 21 seconds
1528 You Are Good
What can God do with nothing … everything. A blank canvas is no problem for our God. And neither is a messy, jacked up, torn up canvas. Hey, God can wipe that clean in an instant. The story of creation shows God’s power to create from nothing. It shows his vision in darkness. It reveals […]
12/12/2023 • 19 minutes, 39 seconds
1527 Cheering For You
What if God saw you. I mean really saw you. What if he knows precisely where you’ve been, where you are now, and what is ahead of you? What if he absolutely delights in your journey and believes in you with every step? My friend Bob Goff once painted a mental image for me that […]
12/11/2023 • 17 minutes, 13 seconds
1526 Your Genesis Week
What can God do with the absence of your perfection? What can he do with the void of your confidence in what to do next? What can he do with the nothingness of your ability to fix the messes you find yourself in? Really, what can God do with nothing? Where can he go from […]
12/8/2023 • 16 minutes, 45 seconds
1525 What Do You Need?
Whatever it is you are going through, God has a blessing right here for you. He’s not waiting to bless you on the other side of this, he’s meeting you right here with overflowing provisions and sweet blessings. Oh how I pray you notice them today. Dare to see what God is offering you here, […]
12/7/2023 • 16 minutes, 18 seconds
1524 She’s Down Again
Today, God is leading us to a battle to teach us a lesson. It’s a lesson we need. A lesson that will help us see our struggles from a different perspective. A lesson that will help us appreciate where we are, even when it’s not where we wanted to be. The battle is between the […]
12/6/2023 • 18 minutes, 43 seconds
1523 Get Your Spunk Back
Within you are likely places that have dried up. Old dreams and hopes that have died. What was once exciting and worth waking up for has become ordinary and unimpressive. Maybe life feels less than exciting right now. You’re droopy, low energy, withering away, and honestly you hate the fact that you’re nothing like you […]
12/5/2023 • 22 minutes, 21 seconds
1522 I’ve Got Trust Issues
Have you ever listened to a familiar song and suddenly had it hit different? Like the words just came to life and moved you as never before. That was me yesterday. Early on Sunday mornings while living here on the island, I take my dog down to the water to swim. The rest of the […]
12/4/2023 • 18 minutes, 18 seconds
1521 Never Meant To Be a Burden
As humans, we have a unique way of turning a blessing into a burden. We assume responsibilities never meant to be our own. We tie strings and conditions making simple things fussy and good things overwhelming. And we’re left with trying to rush through what we should be enjoying, dreading what we should be celebrating, […]
12/1/2023 • 16 minutes, 22 seconds
1520 Just Be Impressed
Is it possible for you to impress God? I mean really set yourself apart in his eyes with your good works. Can you do that? Well, let me tell you something, I’ve tried. Dang, I’ve tried. I can’t count how many boxes I’ve checked just to follow the rules and be a good girl worthy […]
11/30/2023 • 22 minutes, 38 seconds
1519 God Says HERE
God has something for you exactly where you are. Right here, in this season, in this place, he’s doing something. But honey, if you’re just trying to run away from it, escape it, and rush through to the next thing, you’re missing what he’s doing here. I heard a story of a woman who refused […]
11/29/2023 • 14 minutes, 57 seconds
1518 Let God Be God
Here, within this hardship, God is being good to you. Here, in the middle of this mess, God’s blessings are pouring out on you. Here, in this season of life you never wanted to be in, God is being faithful in ways you have never seen before. You’ve never seen it before, because you’ve never […]
11/28/2023 • 17 minutes, 51 seconds
1517 It’s A Facade
Has the enemy been working overtime on you with discouragement? Do you feel like nothing is working, and nothing will ever work? Did you wake up this morning feeling a little more hopeless than you did yesterday because there are absolutely no signs of change, no signs of improvement, and no proof of God’s power […]
11/27/2023 • 17 minutes, 52 seconds
1516 I Don’t Deserve It
On this Friday Rewind, we go back to the story of the 10 leapers being healed, and we dig deeper to see how entitlement blocks our praise. Follow Pamela on Instagram – https://instagram.com/headmamapamelaOr Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/pamela.crimFind out more about BIG Life – http://biglifehq.com
11/24/2023 • 17 minutes, 37 seconds
1515 Covered In Bacon Grease
Every morning when we wake up, we get to choose our attitude. Any attitude we wish is available for the taking. We can put it on and wear it the entire day, and just like the right pair of shoes can change the outfit, the right attitude can change your experience. Most days we wake […]
11/23/2023 • 16 minutes, 26 seconds
1514 I Don’t Know
Prayer. Are you doing it right? Do you know the right prayers? Are your prayers getting through? As a little girl, I was raised in a home that knew nothing of God. Prayer was reserved for before our family meal on Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Church was Easter only. One year, I specifically remember being […]
11/22/2023 • 15 minutes, 45 seconds
1513 Throw the Cloak
What if this doesn’t work out the way you hoped it would? What if God doesn’t do for you what you asked him to do? What if you end up looking like a fool with this faith? Let me tell you, Sis, God is calling you to a place where you’re willing to look like […]
11/21/2023 • 17 minutes, 52 seconds
1512 God, I Want It
What is it that you want? It’s a desire of your heart, not a need in your life. You don’t need it. You don’t absolutely have to have it. But, you want it. Have you talked to God about it? This past weekend at our BIG Life Retreat in San Antonio, we each shared our […]
11/20/2023 • 20 minutes, 1 second
1511 Double Dip
In today’s episode, we return for a double dip on two lesson’s God taught us earlier in the week. Let’s go back and see how God gets us out of our Egypt, and how God keeps us from creating our next Egypt ourselves. Follow Pamela on Instagram – https://instagram.com/headmamapamelaOr Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/pamela.crimFind out more about BIG […]
11/17/2023 • 21 minutes, 15 seconds
1510 The Ordinary Ones
What could an ordinary girl like you possibly do for an extraordinary God like ours? How could he ever use you when you feel like you have absolutely nothing special to offer. Let me tell you something, God has chosen you. You are the one he wants to use. Why? Because you have precisely what […]
11/16/2023 • 15 minutes, 31 seconds
1509 A Fork and a Ticket
Have you seen the latest trend in tattoos flying around social media? It’s a fork. Yes, the eating utensil. No additional wording or detail, just a fork. The moment I saw it, I knew exactly what it was. I had heard the story behind the fork. In fact, it was one of the first devotionals […]
11/15/2023 • 16 minutes, 51 seconds
1508 Co-Sign Your Crazy
So you have some bright ideas and good plans, and you’re desperately trying to get God to co-sign on the whole deal. We’re like, “God, if you’ll just jump in on this, it will all work out.” You need a co-signer on your crazy, and girl, you’re just crazy enough to think God can be […]
11/14/2023 • 16 minutes, 42 seconds
1507 This Is Your Egypt
What is it that is holding you back from living in the fullness of the life you were created for? What keeps you from stepping into all God has for you? Oh, if you could only catch a glimpse of the vision God has for your life. If you could only imagine for one moment […]
11/13/2023 • 19 minutes, 9 seconds
1506 Let’s Go Back
Wow, God has shown us some amazing things in this week’s devotionals. Today, let’s go back to one particular teaching and go deeper. You heard about the one “but God” moment where God used all intended harm for good in Joseph’s life, but what about the other 2 “but God” moments that led up to […]
11/10/2023 • 19 minutes, 10 seconds
1505 It Can’t Be Perfect
It Can’t Be Perfect No body likes the storms of life that come our way. No body likes hardship and struggle. There’s not a single soul who woke up this morning saying, “gosh, I hope everything is ridiculously hard today!” And yet, the storms of life come, don’t they? We all face those ridiculously hard […]
11/9/2023 • 18 minutes, 18 seconds
1504 Don’t Be a Brat
So, you had something good working, and it stopped working. Things were coming together for you, then it all fell apart. You thought it was all going this way, then it took a drastic, seemingly undesirable turn that way. And honestly, you don’t want what you’re left with. You want what you wanted, and now […]
11/8/2023 • 17 minutes, 43 seconds
1503 How You Heal
Whatever it is you’ve gone through, whatever has wounded you, caused you pain, or caused you to question, you have to know God has a plan of total and complete redemption for you. However, you’ve got to walk through it. You can’t choose to stay stuck in what happened. You can’t dwell in what they […]
11/7/2023 • 21 minutes, 43 seconds
1502 The Back Side
You don’t see it now, but God is supernaturally guiding you through the most seemingly natural circumstances to bring you to greater purposes. Right now, it just looks like work. Right now it just looks like problems. Right now it just looks like a mess. But you’re looking at the back side of a work […]
11/6/2023 • 19 minutes, 34 seconds
1501 Come Back for More
Today’s devotional is a special unplugged look back at what God has shown us this week in 3 powerful messages on help, regret and power. Follow Pamela on Instagram – https://instagram.com/headmamapamelaOr Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/pamela.crimFind out more about BIG Life – http://biglifehq.com
11/3/2023 • 24 minutes, 20 seconds
1500 Behind the Scenes
Special Behind the Scenes episode of the BIG Life Devotional Podcast with Pamela and Lonnie. Follow Pamela on Instagram – https://instagram.com/headmamapamelaOr Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/pamela.crimFind out more about BIG Life – http://biglifehq.com
11/2/2023 • 32 minutes, 39 seconds
1499 You Bring Jesus
Are you in a situation that you feel completely helpless to do anything about? It’s someone else’s mood making work so difficult. It’s someone else’s choices creating chaos in your home. Whew, don’t you just hate it. Don’t you just wish you could make them act right? Don’t you wish you could change them? Wouldn’t […]
11/1/2023 • 21 minutes, 37 seconds
1498 Regret On Request
A recent study shows that 90% of adults have deep regrets. It’s something we did or something we didn’t do that just eats away at us. That study also shows the more we focus on that regret, the worse our quality of life seems to get. If we get stuck in regret, our life spirals. […]
10/31/2023 • 21 minutes, 43 seconds
1497 I Can Endure
On Sunday afternoons I ride my adorable turquoise beach cruiser bicycle with the pink basket decorated in pompoms a little over 10 miles to a coffee shop here on the island. It’s my weekly escape to sit and be by myself and read. Yesterday’s bike ride was different. There were storms. I went any way. […]
10/30/2023 • 17 minutes, 19 seconds
1496 In Your Hard Time
Nobody likes being disappointed. Nobody wishes for things to just fall apart. Nobody wants to be in the hardest time of their life. But, we all find ourselves there at some point. We all eventually face the news we most didn’t want to hear. We all get let down. We all watch something precious fall […]
10/27/2023 • 19 minutes, 43 seconds
1495 Familiar Misery
When God tells you to do something, what should you do? You should do it! But what if it doesn’t make sense? What if you really don’t want to? What if it’s hard and it’s scary? You should do it anyway! Easy to say, right? Hard to do. Right now, at this very moment, my […]
10/26/2023 • 19 minutes, 48 seconds
1494 Breaking the Rules
Have you been hurt by Church? Me too. Is it a reason to pull away from God? It could be, but it shouldn’t be. You know what Church is? Church is a gathering of totally imperfect people who claim to know they need Jesus. They’re not always going to get it right. They’re not always […]
10/25/2023 • 20 minutes, 7 seconds
1493 Call the Landlord
Owning a home comes with some serious negatives. If it’s broken, it’s on you. The moment that refrigerator starts making that funky noise, you start stressing. The moment you see that leak, you’re worried about how you’re going to pay for it. And have you ever noticed bad news seems to come in threes? The […]
10/24/2023 • 19 minutes, 12 seconds
1492 Now You Understand
What is it that you just can’t handle not knowing? You feel like you’ve just got to figure it out, if it kills you. You have to understand it, and until you understand it, you can’t find any peace in it. You have to know how it’s all going to work out, and until you […]
10/23/2023 • 20 minutes, 9 seconds
1491 Today Is Your Someday
A large audience was once asked if they had ever struggled with procrastination. 98% of them said yes. 2% of them were still thinking about their answer. Why do we delay? Why do we put off until tomorrow what we could do today? Let me tell you why … because tomorrow sounds easier. Tomorrow lifts […]
10/20/2023 • 17 minutes, 44 seconds
1490 This Is Important
Our entire lives its as if we’re being drug around by all that screams for our attention. Be here, do this, stress about me, worry about that. It’s a never ending vicious cycle of life vying for our attention. We’re drug through our days by one thing after the next that feels most important in […]
10/19/2023 • 18 minutes, 28 seconds
1489 God Can Regrow That
We all mess up. We all fall short of the glory of God. We all get it wrong sometimes. But let me tell you about God’s grace. Let me tell you about a mercy that covers every ounce of mess up, every hint of shortcoming, and every wrong you will ever do. You are covered […]
10/18/2023 • 15 minutes, 32 seconds
1488 The Offered Story
Do you ever watch a movie and scream at the characters because you know exactly where this story is going? You’re yelling, “Girl, no! Don’t do that! Can’t you see what’s going to happen next?” But girl just keeps going, doesn’t she? She doesn’t listen to your screaming at the TV, and she finds herself […]
10/17/2023 • 19 minutes, 39 seconds
1487 Everything Changes
What could you do that would make you righteous in the sight of God? Have you done it? Have you done it good enough? Have you done it often enough? If you died today and stood in judgement before God, would you have done enough? Are you sure? And if there’s something you could do […]
10/16/2023 • 19 minutes, 57 seconds
1486 Straight Up Tricked
Since tomorrow is my birthday, we’re going to do something totally different. I’m going to tell you the story behind the scenes. How did all of this start? What did God do to bring me here to be talking to you? Quite simply, I was straight up tricked! I share all of this today so […]
10/13/2023 • 23 minutes, 6 seconds
1485 You’ve Been Hacked
God is always speaking to us. His Spirit is continually guiding and prompting us. His eye never leaves us and a way is forever being made for our next step within God’s divine will. But sometimes the lines get crossed and we’re not sure if that’s God talking to us or something else. How do […]
10/12/2023 • 20 minutes, 34 seconds
1484 Who Are You Following
I just went fishing in the turquoise waters of the Florida Keys, and on our boat, we caught the most interesting looking fish. It looked much like a shark, however on the top of it’s head, instead of the trademark fin of a shark that terrifies us all swimming in the water, it had an […]
10/11/2023 • 14 minutes, 18 seconds
1483 Just For Today
I wonder how much of the journey you are on is a lesson in trusting God with TODAY? Success is trusting God with this day, and failure is worrying about tomorrow. Is this your journey? Is this what God is teaching you? Can you see the provision of today, enjoy the provision of today, without […]
10/10/2023 • 17 minutes, 26 seconds
1482 This Is Purpose
Does your work feel unimpressive and unimportant? Like you’re doing all of this for a paycheck that is gone in a month, but it’s making no impact. Or even worse, you don’t get paid for all this work! Like you could disappear and no one would really miss you. Do you ever question why you […]
10/9/2023 • 15 minutes, 58 seconds
1481 Leftovers Lunch Club
The week recap. Follow Pamela on Instagram – https://instagram.com/headmamapamelaFind out more about BIG Life – http://biglifehq.com
10/6/2023 • 15 minutes, 2 seconds
1480 Lesson of 2 Boats
This chapter of your life may be similar to the chapter of life I currently find myself in. This is the chapter best defined as “Now, I let God be God.” Let’s just let God be God here. Let’s let him work some things out while we get out of the way. Let’s get out […]
10/5/2023 • 18 minutes, 33 seconds
1479 God’s Not Cheap
How long after you order something on Amazon do you wait to begin tracking your package? Have you ever been tracking your package, and on the day of it’s scheduled delivery it shows “Order Is Delayed”. Then, for days there’s zero progress. No movement. No further updates. Just “package in transit” for over a week. […]
10/4/2023 • 17 minutes, 1 second
1478 Little Girl, Get Up
Did you get your hopes up that God was going to do something for you, then it just got worse? You thought he was going to save your job, then the whole company shut down. You thought he was going to provide the money for the minor repairs on your car, then the whole engine […]
10/3/2023 • 19 minutes, 12 seconds
1477 Deja Vu You
God will do what only God can do. He will do it with what seems like not enough. He will do it when it seems most unlikely. He will do it through your obedience, then you will see you were always covered, always cared for, and always provided for. In fact, hasn’t he already done […]
10/2/2023 • 23 minutes
1476 Over Due and Over It
Do you ever feel like you’re 11 months pregnant with a dream? Not 9 months, 11 months. Miserably overdue. The time for the birth of your dream has way since passed and now you’re wondering if this whole time you were just bloated. Like you made this whole thing up. You were never good enough. […]
9/29/2023 • 15 minutes, 34 seconds
1475 Belly Up to the Buffet
How good are you at making choices? How many clothes are laying piled on your closet floor because you struggle choosing what to wear? Is meal planning nearly impossible for you because a plan would require a decision and you’re just not sure if you would rather eat tacos or bury your face in a […]
9/28/2023 • 17 minutes, 34 seconds
1474 Better Than That
The source of the majority of our struggles in this life is a mistaken identity. We’ve forgotten who we really are, and taken on the identity of someone we were never intended to be. We were never made to be lazy. Never made to be overwhelmed. Never made to be so worried. We were never […]
9/27/2023 • 18 minutes, 8 seconds
1473 The Holy Exchange
Psalm 37:23 “The LORD directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives.” Does the Lord direct the steps of everyone? No, this scripture is very specific. He directs the steps of the godly. So what exactly does being godly look like? How can I be godly today and in […]
9/26/2023 • 14 minutes, 45 seconds
1472 Well This Sucks
Life isn’t fair … but God is faithful. You can spend all the days of your life trying to make sense of nonsense and it still won’t make sense. You could also spend all the days of your life searching for God’s faithfulness and you will find it in abundance. He never promised it would […]
9/25/2023 • 20 minutes, 4 seconds
1471 What is God Saying?
Today’s devotional is a special, unplugged “girl chat” reviewing what God has shown us this week and pause to ask, “what is God saying to you?” Through the lessons of David with the lions and bears, and Ruth with her hardship and struggle, we see God’s providence working in the natural to bring about his […]
9/22/2023 • 25 minutes, 21 seconds
1470 Better For It
Here’s the good news … you will never know how low you could have gone without God, because he swooped in and rescued you. You will never know how bad it could have gotten without him, because you have never been without him. You will never know the person you would have been without God, […]
9/21/2023 • 17 minutes
1469 Toil or Spoil
Here it is today … we reveal the secret to a good attitude. Listen up, if you’re raising little human beings, this could be the best parenting advice you ever receive. Advice that also applies directly to your own life as well. Toil or spoil. Ecclesiastes 3:12-13 “I know that there is nothing better for […]
9/20/2023 • 15 minutes, 39 seconds
1468 You Got the Nasty Feet
If you had only 1 year left to live, what would you do? You would take that vacation, right? You would spend all the time with the people you love. You would make the memories and capture the moments. What if you only had 1 month to live? You would leave for that vacation tomorrow, […]
9/19/2023 • 18 minutes, 28 seconds
1467 High Providence In Low Places
High Providence In Low Places You have decisions to make and you desperately don’t want to screw this up. The time has come to choose, but what if you choose wrong? Or what if someone else chooses wrong for you? Others hold the power to say yes or no to you, and what if they […]
9/18/2023 • 19 minutes, 1 second
1466 I’m Quitting, Darn It!
What is it God has prompted you to do, but now you want to quit? What is it you were once passionate about, now you’re just over it? This is too hard … It’s taking too long … You don’t feel good enough to continue … But, God’s not letting you go, is he? He […]
9/15/2023 • 18 minutes, 30 seconds
1465 Hell Is Scared
Whatever it is you’re afraid of, is afraid of you. If what you’re afraid of is a scheme from the pits of hell sent to discourage you, distract you, or defeat you, just know the truth is, the pits of hell are afraid of you. If what you’re afraid of is a plot of the […]
9/14/2023 • 16 minutes, 19 seconds
1464 Wake Up Little Robot
Wednesday. It’s the middle of the week. The 13th of September, the middle of the month. We’re just in the middle. In the middle of what we started but has not yet ended. Nobody likes the middle. Let’s get to the end already! The hardest years of marriage are said to be years 7 and […]
9/13/2023 • 16 minutes, 56 seconds
1463 Looking For What’s Missing
Have you ever been looking for something specific so intently, that you totally miss it? You miss the forest for all the trees. You are looking for that future husband. Everywhere, you’re looking. Desperately looking. But where is that man hiding? Clearly he’s lost somewhere because he’s not willing to ask for directions, so you’re […]
9/12/2023 • 18 minutes, 12 seconds
1462 The Stop Step
Today, you’re taking steps. Steps that are leading you somewhere. If you look down the path you’re currently on, is it taking you where you want to be in your life? Are you on a trajectory that even slightly resembles the good plans God has for you? And what do you do if, in your […]
9/11/2023 • 18 minutes, 39 seconds
1461 Anxiety Strip Search
Are your thoughts ruining your day? Negative, overwhelming, fearful, anxious thoughts can wreck havoc on a perfectly good day of life. These thoughts make you feel anxious, and that feeling becomes a literal limitation on our abilities to even function. Here’s the problem. We’ve made peace with feeling anxious. We’ve claimed it. It’s now yours. […]
9/8/2023 • 15 minutes, 51 seconds
1460 Stop Ignoring It
How is it that some people claim to hear from God all the time, and you feel like you never hear from him? How is it some people just seem to have this big, bold, blind faith that leads them into miraculous unfoldings, and you’re struggling to know what to cook for dinner? How do […]
9/7/2023 • 19 minutes, 27 seconds
1459 Get In Agreement
There’s only so much you can do here, right? You’re limited on what falls within your power, and honestly you feel like you’ve done about all you can do. So now you’re frustrated because even with doing all you can do, nothing is happening. Nothing is changing. And you’re beginning to lose hope. Is that […]
9/6/2023 • 20 minutes, 1 second
1458 WWJD in 2023
Look at your schedule today. All you have to get done in such a limited time. Do you feel rushed? Me too. It’s funny how we translate busyness to importance. If I have all of this to do, I must be important, right? Let’s compare our to-do list for the day, and the one with […]
9/5/2023 • 20 minutes, 28 seconds
1457 This Is For You
What has your self-doubt stolen from you? What opportunities were divinely aligned for you, but you were too afraid to step into because you didn’t feel good enough? What are you missing in your life right now solely because you talked yourself out of showing up for it? Honey, you settled. You settled for less […]
9/4/2023 • 17 minutes, 58 seconds
1456 Not Giving Up
God has blessed you with the opportunity to live a big, beautiful life. He has brought you through the unimaginable. He has made a way where there was no way. He has strengthened you, equipped you, and blessed you. Now, what happens from here, for the most part, is up to you. What will you […]
9/1/2023 • 18 minutes, 59 seconds
1455 At the Right Time
Why doesn’t God just do what you think he should do when you think he should do it? Why do we have to wait? Why do things get worse before they get better? Why can’t God just swoop in and fix this right now? As I was writing these questions this morning, God’s spirit immediately […]
8/31/2023 • 21 minutes, 31 seconds
1454 Look For It
Have you heard about glimmers? A glimmer is the opposite of a trigger. We all know about triggers. That little thing that just sets you off. A reminder of a painful memory, causing you to react negatively. If you experienced a traumatic event, you likely remember certain sounds, smells, or sights related to that experience. […]
8/30/2023 • 16 minutes, 1 second
1453 You Are Forgiven
Are you dragging around the regret and shame of something in your past right into your future? Does God’s forgiveness not cover this? Can this not be taken from you? Are you doomed to have this hanging over you forever? Here’s the thing about sin that we often miss. God doesn’t hate sin because we’ve […]
8/29/2023 • 20 minutes, 14 seconds
1452 They Don’t Like You
Not everyone is going to like you. Not everyone is going to get you or choose you. You can’t make everybody happy, girl, you’re not a taco! So, how do you continue to walk boldly in your purpose when others aren’t walking with you? How do you confidently show up as your authentic self when […]
8/28/2023 • 16 minutes, 33 seconds
1451 Rewriting Your Story
Where you are today is not where you will stay. Who you are today is not all you will become. God is in the divine business of making you more than you could imagine and taking you to places beyond your wildest dreams. Who you have been does not define you. What you have done […]
8/25/2023 • 15 minutes, 17 seconds
1450 Formerly Known As
What you have today is all it will take for your breakthrough. Honey, you’re not waiting until you have the right tools, you’re waiting until you have the faith to use what you already have. As always, I started this morning on my knees, asking God what he wanted to say through me today. He […]
8/24/2023 • 15 minutes, 5 seconds
1449 I Didn’t Want This
I checked the weather today. You know what I found? Excessive heat warnings. Extreme weather alerts. Stupid hot temperatures. Do you know why I checked the weather? Because I also realized 4 months from today we will all be getting ready for Christmas. And guess what … it won’t be hot then. In fact, we’ll […]
8/23/2023 • 17 minutes, 10 seconds
1448 Make a Choice
Have you ever been so afraid to make a choice because you don’t want to make the wrong one? So afraid to take the next step because you’re unsure of the step to take? Maybe that’s you right now. You have a decision to make. Stay or leave. Do this or do that. Go here […]
8/22/2023 • 19 minutes, 55 seconds
1447 Follow the Prompting
Are you playing it safe? Eliminating the risk so failure isn’t a threat? What have you sacrificed for this safe life where you’re just trying to keep everything the same? Understand this, safe is just another word for regret. God is calling you into a life of full surrender, of bold decisions and BIG living. […]
8/21/2023 • 19 minutes, 7 seconds
1446 Come On Now
You are being called out of the boat, into the water and into your next place of promise. Yes, you are being called to a place of promise. A place God has been preparing you for. A place of full circle, meaning, purpose and destiny. Do you want to go there? Do you want to […]
8/18/2023 • 17 minutes, 4 seconds
1445 Praying In Circles
My facebook feed is currently flooded with those priceless back to school photos. Just yesterday I saw Breckyn’s first day of kindergarten and Kiley’s first day of college. And while it seems a lifetime will separate those two photos, us older moms know just how fast it all goes. We only have these kids home […]
8/17/2023 • 19 minutes, 30 seconds
1444 Help Me Forget
What if God could help you forget? What if you don’t have to carry this pain with you into your future? What if your wounds could be completely healed and every ounce of hurt redeemed? What if you don’t have to replay the story one more time? What if all that happened to you in […]
8/16/2023 • 17 minutes, 50 seconds
1443 Out of God’s Way
When God created the world, he would pause and see that it was good. For six days, he created. He formed the mountains. He filled the seas. He breathed life into all living creatures. And the final verse of the first chapter of the Bible says, “God saw all that he had made, and it […]
8/15/2023 • 14 minutes, 56 seconds
1442 That’s the Ticket
God is here offering you a life beyond your wildest imagination. He’s already placed everything within you required, confidently believing you would accept the invitation. Don’t let it go to waste. Don’t miss your opportunity. Show up and participate! How do you do you do this? Really, how do you live this life God says […]
8/14/2023 • 14 minutes, 18 seconds
1441 Hell Comma No
You’ve heard the phrase “hell no.” That’s when it’s not just a no, but it’s a definite, certain, undeniable, unshakable no. Hell no. What if that’s exactly what you need to be saying, but you forgot one thing. You forgot the comma. You see, when you place a comma, the entire sentence changes. Here’s an […]
8/11/2023 • 17 minutes, 25 seconds
1440 But Wait … There’s More
God is not done with your story. This is not the end of what he’s doing in you, through you and for you. Oh honey, there is soooooo much more. More than you have dared to dream. More than you can imagine. Your story is MORE. Yesterday was the ribbon cutting ceremony for the 99+1 […]
8/10/2023 • 17 minutes, 38 seconds
1439 Where God Shows Up
Do you need God to come down like ASAP and get in the middle of your situation? Do you need him to show up and do something? Well, I know his call card. I know the guaranteed way to get his attention and move to action. Here it is … it is your praise. Psalm […]
8/9/2023 • 13 minutes, 59 seconds
1438 When It’s Not Fair
It’s not if you’re going through hard times, honey, it’s HOW you’re going through hard times. Will you worry your way through this? Will you be a ball of anxiety, overwhelmed in the emotions of a tough situation? Will you become bitter, hardened, jaded and cynical? Or will you stand strong in your faith and […]
8/8/2023 • 17 minutes, 6 seconds
1437 After Your Failure
What do you do after a big disappointment? Your steps after a failure are of great importance. When you most don’t want to get out of bed to face the day, there’s something Jesus wants you to know. We will learn this valuable lesson through the story of Peter. Remember, Peter is the gutsy friend […]
8/7/2023 • 19 minutes, 1 second
1436 Voices In Your Head
Oh, the things self-doubt is robbing from you. Just because you don’t feel qualified doesn’t mean it’s not in your destiny. Just because you dismiss yourself doesn’t mean God has dismissed you. If you’ve been letting that little voice in your head talk you out of showing up, let me be straight up honest with […]
8/4/2023 • 17 minutes, 35 seconds
1435 Ticket of Faith
If it were certain, it wouldn’t require faith. If it were easy, faith wouldn’t be necessary. If you knew exactly when and how it was all going to happen, faith would never be exercised. But, it is your FAITH that pleases God. It is your FAITH that makes you righteous. It is your FAITH that […]
8/3/2023 • 19 minutes, 36 seconds
1434 Spiritual Solutions
There are spiritual solutions for the problems you face. Yes, solutions that are beyond you and above you. And yet, these solutions are within your reach. You access them through prayer. But isn’t it funny how we often pray as a last resort instead of our greatest resource. Prayer gets put on the back burner […]
8/2/2023 • 20 minutes, 54 seconds
1433 And We Know
No pain, no gain, right? But wouldn’t we all just rather have no pain? No pain at all. No suffering. No hardship. No setback. We all would choose the path of no pain, but would we be sacrificing great gain? What has caused you pain in your life? What hardship have you endured? Maybe you’re […]
8/1/2023 • 16 minutes, 49 seconds
1432 He Provides Here
This weekend, while hosting the BIG Life Retreat in Lake Tahoe, California, I had a moment of absolute awe and wonder. There were about 12 of us gathered around a table on the top deck of a gorgeous log cabin in the tall pine trees. Sitting around this table, I listened to the stories of […]
7/31/2023 • 15 minutes
1431 Unforced Rhythms
Why the rush? Why do we jump from one thing to the next without fully enjoying either? Who set this pace you’re living in, and is it working for you? I admittedly sped through my 30’s. Looking back, it’s all a blur as I hurried my children, pushed my plans, and rushed through each task […]
7/28/2023 • 14 minutes, 1 second
1430 Lessen the Gap
Who are you? I mean really, who are you? Behind the scenes, beneath the layers, who are you? Do you like you? Are you proud of you? Are you living a life as the person you really want to be, or when you’re being truly honest are you a bit disappointed in yourself? You’re certainly […]
7/27/2023 • 13 minutes, 15 seconds
1429 Mess In the Wait
Sometimes we can want something so bad, that it completely blinds us. We can become so wrapped up in our little world here and now that we forget God’s big picture plan reaches far beyond this. And while we are forced to wait, we sure can make a mess of things, can’t we? Many years […]
7/26/2023 • 19 minutes, 1 second
1428 Nothing But the Best
Why can’t life just calm down? Why can’t the problems go away? Why can’t this whole thing just be easier? Well, let me tell you why … because God is refining us. Through the heat, through the fire, through the pressures, and through the trials, God is crafting you to become everything he designed you […]
7/25/2023 • 17 minutes, 41 seconds
1427 No Shower Required
What keeps us from a life fully surrendered to God? What separates us from living in the full potential of partnership with our Creator who has these good plans for our lives? Could it be the simple belief that we first need to clean ourselves up, then we will step into that? Could it be […]
7/24/2023 • 22 minutes
1426 Dang, This Is Hard!
What if this isn’t whether or not you have a hardship in your life, but rather how you steward any hardship you may endure. We spend so much of our time trying to avoid hardship at all costs, when the truth is, they’re going to come. No one is immune to the tough stuff of […]
7/21/2023 • 20 minutes, 15 seconds
1425 God, Father, Abba
Who is this God we pray to, and are we bothering him with our requests? Are we even doing it right? Are our prayers getting through? Does the Creator of the Universe really hear our requests, and if he does, does he really want to? Scripture is filled with instructions on prayer. We are instructed […]
7/20/2023 • 18 minutes, 44 seconds
1424 Road of Eternity
Everything God does is with eternity in mind. When God says in Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”, he’s not just referring to your future later this year or 10 years from now. […]
7/19/2023 • 18 minutes, 9 seconds
1423 You Are Seen
Sometimes, don’t you just feel alone in the crowd? Like you’re lost in the mix and no one really knows what you’re battling. So, you battle alone. You fight those feelings alone. You wrestle those thoughts alone. But, my sister, you are not alone. Ever. There hasn’t been a second of your existence that you […]
7/18/2023 • 20 minutes, 45 seconds
1422 For Hell Week
If you’re going through hell, what should you do? KEEP ON GOING. There’s a country song most of us know that says: If you’re goin’ through hell, keep on goingDon’t slow down, if you’re scared don’t show itYou might get out before the devil even knows you’re there But, what do we often do? We […]
7/17/2023 • 17 minutes, 46 seconds
1421 The Shy Poops
As you wait, are you wondering if God is really for you? Are you questioning if God really has a good plan here? All this waiting and wondering kinda zaps a girl’s hopes. If that’s where you are today; waiting, wondering, worrying, wishing, without any signs of God working, this devotional is specifically for you! […]
7/14/2023 • 18 minutes, 27 seconds
1420 No Space Satan
You’ve been putting up with crap for entirely too long. It’s exhausting and overwhelming you. It has zapped your energy, stolen your peace, and robbed you of your joy. You’ve literally been living in torment because you don’t recognize the attacks of the enemy of your soul. And because you don’t recognize this crap as […]
7/13/2023 • 20 minutes, 32 seconds
1419 Piece of the Mosaic
Our problem with today is we can’t see beyond it. We’re focused on today, but there’s so much more than today. Here’s precisely what God asked me to tell you today: THERE IS A GREAT FUTURE FOR YOU BEYOND THIS. God has gone before you and designed a future just for you that reaches far […]
7/12/2023 • 17 minutes, 50 seconds
1418 The Story You Believe
You don’t see what God sees in your circumstances. You don’t see how he is using all things together for good. You don’t see the plans he is aligning and the details he is orchestrating. And, you’re not supposed to. You’re not supposed to know how God is going to do what God is going […]
7/11/2023 • 20 minutes, 15 seconds
1417 The Big Breaker
Have you ever been on a beach at the end of a busy summer day to see all the footprints, all the mounds of sand piled, and all the deep holes dug? Then what about the next morning? That same beach is fresh and flat, and all the mess of yesterday has been washed away. […]
7/10/2023 • 16 minutes
1416 Jesus Knows Your Dirt
That thing you hide from others so well, isn’t hidden from Jesus. That thing you carry around on the inside of you is fully seen by Jesus. He knows your dirt. He sees your shame. He is aware of your guilt. And he’s not walking away from you for a second! You’re not dismissed from […]
7/7/2023 • 17 minutes, 29 seconds
1415 Need To Know
Wouldn’t it just be nice to know exactly what you’re supposed to do with what is coming next? Wouldn’t it be great to know how what you’re dealing with right now is going to all work out? Wouldn’t it be so much easier if you knew precisely when it’s going to happen so you could […]
7/6/2023 • 19 minutes, 55 seconds
1414 The Holy Wait
You’re waiting right now. Waiting for something to happen. Waiting for something to change. Waiting for an answer. Waiting for a breakthrough. Waiting for your next move to be revealed. We’re all waiting. God wants us to wait better. He wants us to wait different. Instead of our worry filled, anxious and impatient questioning, God […]
7/5/2023 • 21 minutes, 15 seconds
1413 Free To Be Happy
Today, in America, we celebrate Independence Day. Flags are waving, anthems are playing, families and friends gather as fireworks are set off into the sky. We celebrate FREEDOM. Freedom allows us to live fully. Freedom promises opportunities and possibilities. Freedom brings joy and happiness because all that has served to hold us back has been […]
7/4/2023 • 16 minutes, 36 seconds
1412 You Got Tricked
Sometimes I literally feel like God tricks me into the best parts of my life. And he has to, because I realize I wouldn’t have stepped into the best things on my own. God had to do that. I’ve just returned from hosting the retreat of my dreams. Now granted, my dreams are not everyone […]
7/3/2023 • 22 minutes, 26 seconds
1411 Are You Running Low?
Often times we’re going through life running low on power and energy because we’ve failed to plug in to the one thing our soul most needs. What is it our soul most needs? Connection with our creator. Ahhhhh yes, when is the last time you connected with your creator? He is your power source. Are […]
6/30/2023 • 17 minutes, 21 seconds
1410 It’s Who You Are
Where do you find your worth? Where do you find you identity? Do you find your worth in the kids you’re raising? Ahhhh, be careful my friend, prodigal sons and prodigal daughters come from even the best of families and if your worth is tied up in them, you may be heading for the clearance […]
6/29/2023 • 14 minutes, 7 seconds
1409 So Much More
So Much More Have you ever gotten your hopes up over something specific happening and it’s a big ol’ let down? You’re excited thinking “finally, this is it” then wa-wa-wahhhhh it’s a sore disappointment. What do you do when you’re disappointed? What do you do when time and time again life just doesn’t quite work […]
6/28/2023 • 14 minutes, 57 seconds
1408 Fooled No More
Today you and I woke up to the opportunity to start again. An opportunity to step into the fullness of God’s grace and mercy and receive a fresh start. But sadly, most will miss this opportunity. Instead we will receive the offer of the enemy to dwell on where we screwed up yesterday. The offer […]
6/27/2023 • 16 minutes, 54 seconds
1407 Today’s Biggest Threat
Your brain is specifically wired to protect you. Protect you from harm and danger, and promote survival. The bad news is, honey, that brain was great for the time in history when humans were running from saber tooth tigers and killing lions for dinner. But that hasn’t been happening lately, now has it? You’re not […]
6/26/2023 • 20 minutes, 44 seconds
1406 Life Purpose Statement – Pt 3
Does God want you to be miserable? Does he want you to wake up each day, dreading the life you have been given to live? Are his intentions to steal all your fun and joy so that you walk around overwhelmed and depressed, encouraging others to follow you to this God who gave you this […]
6/23/2023 • 18 minutes, 39 seconds
1405 Life Purpose Statement Pt 2
What does it mean to love people? Does it mean to agree with them? Does it mean to think like them? Does it mean for them to be like you and you to be like them? Jesus is our perfect example of love. Literally, perfect. And Jesus shows us he loved people he didn’t agree […]
6/22/2023 • 17 minutes, 29 seconds
1404 Life Purpose Statement – Part 1
Do you have a life purpose statement? Like a mantra that shifts your perspective and helps you see your overall life and it’s purpose more clearly? I’m going to suggest that in the busyness of this life that gets really loud and chaotic, you get yourself a life purpose statement. One that remains true regardless […]
6/21/2023 • 22 minutes, 27 seconds
1403 But Nothing Is Happening
God is working, and you’ve been overlooking it. He’s moving, but you’ve failed to see it. His power has been in motion, but you’re not seeing the effects. You think everything is just staying the same. You think nothing is happening now and therefore nothing will ever happen. But Sis, you’re wrong. Oh, there is […]
6/20/2023 • 17 minutes, 45 seconds
1402 Spirit of Shut Up
The time of your complaining has come to an end. The worry flowing from your mouth and filling your conversations has been put on order to cease. This is a Spirit of Shut Up. No more doubting. No more fearful ‘what if’ scenarios spoken about. No more negativity. God says ZIP IT! God is working […]
6/19/2023 • 16 minutes, 44 seconds
1401 What Do You Want?
Why is it we suffer alone? Why do we struggle our way through life entirely more than is necessary? Really, why are you here today, silently battling whatever you’re battling, thinking this is just the way it’s going to be for you? Girls, we are entirely too quick to make peace with our problem and […]
6/16/2023 • 19 minutes, 38 seconds
1400 The Right Stuff
Has God been faithful to you? Do you have anything in your life as a direct result of his hand of mercy and grace over you? Does he know how you feel about it? Seriously, does God KNOW you’re grateful? Have you told him? Luke 17: 11-19 tells the story of Jesus encountering 10 men […]
6/15/2023 • 17 minutes, 37 seconds
1399 Living In Overflow
Why are you holding back? Really, why are you withholding thinking you can’t give the very best of you? You’re not allowing yourself to go all in right here and now, because for some reason you’re convinced you’re going to run out if you give it your all. I get it. I used to do […]
6/14/2023 • 22 minutes, 7 seconds
1398 Renew Your Lease
Body Lease Agreement: https://shorturl.at/klnv9 Just how much do you hate your body? How much do you dislike your own skin and the reflection you see? How long are you going to punish yourself, sitting your own self in time out, not allowed to fully enjoy this life you have been given? You don’t get to […]
6/13/2023 • 20 minutes, 3 seconds
1397 For Your Racing Heart
For the past 12 hours, I’ve been asking God exactly what he wants to say to you through me today. I’ve been seeking his promptings for this devotional, praying it would meet you where you are and be precisely what you need to hear for your next step. And I believe what you hear next […]
6/12/2023 • 17 minutes, 5 seconds
1396 Peace In the Gap
Are you stuck in a waiting period, just hoping God has heard your prayer? You’ve prayed, but you haven’t heard God’s answer. You’ve sought him, but you haven’t seen him working. What do you do in this space between asking and receiving? What do you do when you’re trying your best to believe God is […]
6/9/2023 • 20 minutes, 28 seconds
1395 You’ll Get Your Reward
Do you ever feel like you do all that you do for nothing? Like everyone takes you for granted and no one gives you the credit you deserve? Whew, that can make us some bitter women! I cleaned this house all day and not a single one of you said thank you. What, you think […]
6/8/2023 • 17 minutes, 8 seconds
1394 Don’t Be a Cow
Right now, at this very moment, you are being led. Lovingly led into good plans for your future. Led onto the right path to get you there. Led through valleys and dark shadows to bring you to the place your creator designed for you. Who is leading you? It’s Jesus, your Good Shepherd. Here’s the […]
6/7/2023 • 0
1393 You’re On Assignment
God is using your deepest pain to launch your greatest calling. The very thing that threatened to take you out serves to bring you in closer. Maybe from where you are today, you can look back and see for yourself how the hardest times brought you to a greater purpose. And if you can see […]
6/6/2023 • 20 minutes, 14 seconds
1392 I Still Believe
The battle you’re in right now has already been won by God. He already has a plan. He’s already seen the end. He already knows the victory ahead while you just know the struggle you continue to be in. We can get so overwhelmed in the fight, but God has never been overwhelmed. He’s never […]
6/5/2023 • 0
1391 For What You’re Going Through
Sometimes life is straight up hard. It’s not fair. It doesn’t make sense. We want out of it, but there doesn’t seem to be a way out, just through. But you’re tired of going through this. You’re tired of this hardship. You’re tired of this struggle. And you’re not sure how much more your heart […]
6/2/2023 • 13 minutes, 7 seconds
1390 Success is For You
What if you could be wildly successful in this new month of life? What would that look like for you? Did you know God has success designed for each of us? You know those good plans for our lives he talks about in Jeremiah 29:11, yeah, those plans are for success. The problem is, we’ve […]
6/1/2023 • 20 minutes, 2 seconds
1389 It’s Waiting For You
Were you once doing well, going strong, making major progress and then you got tripped up? Something stopped your progress and you’ve been a bit stalled since. You lost your get up and go. Your motivation is now low. You say you will, but you won’t. You get your hopes up that this time you’ll […]
5/31/2023 • 16 minutes, 29 seconds
1388 Your Move Today
Our God is a healer, redeemer and restorer. His desire is to guide you to living the best life he imagined for you from the very beginning. His answer to your request for healing and restoration is YES. Do you believe that? Yes, he will heal you. Yes, he will restore that which is so […]
5/30/2023 • 0
1387 Just 98 Days
Today is Memorial Day here in the US. It’s a day set aside to remember and honor the lives of our military sacrificed to serve and protect us. All gave some, but some gave all. We wouldn’t have what we have and live the way we live if not for their all that was given. […]
5/29/2023 • 14 minutes, 47 seconds
1386 How To Snap Out of It
Do you ever feel overwhelmed? Consumed? Did you know this is NOT God’s plan for you? He never intended for you to be consumed by stress and worry. He never intended for your schedule to be so busy that you’re frazzled. Nor did he intend for you to be consumed by a career, cars, clothes, […]
5/26/2023 • 0
1385 Have You Forgotten?
When God created you, he had greatness in mind. He formed you as a masterpiece, equipping you with every single thing you would ever need. He had a vision for your life, a good plan for your days. In his marvelous ways, he created you to be marvelous. Now … let’s get back to the […]
5/25/2023 • 11 minutes, 34 seconds
1384 When Change Happens
I have chosen to live a very unique lifestyle. Yes, I’m homeless. I have no idea where I will sleep beyond tomorrow night. I not only vacation that way, I live that way. Permanently. And yes, it’s by choice. You see, many years ago, I woke up in the big house I had worked so […]
5/24/2023 • 17 minutes, 57 seconds
1383 She is You
Proverbs 31: 17 & 25 “She is energetic and strong,a hard worker. She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future.” Proverbs 31 gives us much of an outline of the woman we were each created to be. In both of these verses, our strength is referenced. Let me […]
5/23/2023 • 13 minutes, 16 seconds
1382 He Writes Ridiculous Stories
There are no limits on what God will do for you. I’m here to remind you this morning that God wants to give you a ridiculous story. Have you been coming to him with your requests to seize the ridiculous story and wildly unreasonable life available to you? Yesterday was a special celebration in my […]
5/22/2023 • 14 minutes, 4 seconds
1381 God, Wreck It
One of the most powerful prayers I know to pray is the wreck it prayer. God, here are my plans, if you have something better in mind, wreck it. And often he does. I can spend days creating an elaborate plan of action, I can even be in the middle of working the plan, and […]
5/19/2023 • 17 minutes, 30 seconds
1380 BIG God In You
In this life you will have battles to fight. It’s guaranteed. We were never promised a trouble free life. But we were promised victory through Christ Jesus. There will be victory! Whatever you’re facing, whatever your struggle, somehow, someway, there will be victory. Sometimes our human eyes and limited understanding struggle to see it because […]
5/18/2023 • 15 minutes, 47 seconds
1379 Yip, That’s Me
Just how perfect do you have to be before God walks with you and guides you? How much more cleaning up do you have to do before Jesus wants to hang out with you? What would need to change in your life to get God to listen to you. Gosh, and then imagine how much […]
5/17/2023 • 11 minutes, 57 seconds
1378 God Gets the Spotlight
Today, lets talk about something all the ladies want to talk about. Eyelashes. Yes, those big beautiful lashes we all want. Fake eyelashes are my one guilty pleasure. I straight up love me some big long lashes. They’re all the rage. Hey for a few hundred bucks you can go get you some lash extensions […]
5/16/2023 • 16 minutes, 8 seconds
1377 It’s Not Difficult
Where are my people that like to shoot it straight? Don’t beat around the bush, don’t give me fluff, just tell it like it is? Well I hope you’re listening this morning, because today’s devotional is for you. We’re reading in Matthew 22 and Jesus is being trapped with a trick question by people who […]
5/15/2023 • 9 minutes, 40 seconds
1376 When You Feel Lost
If you know me, you know I love a good adventure. I have a unique skill set of turning most anything into an adventure. If you and I are going to spend time together, what I most want is to have an adventure together. I want to do something for the first time. I want […]
5/12/2023 • 17 minutes, 17 seconds
1375 Powerful Not Pitiful
Here’s my wish for you … Today, may you be led by what is IN you instead of what is around you. Around you are all sorts of distractions and drama. The invitation to mediocre living is everywhere. But you don’t have to go through life downbeat, down cast and down in the dumps. DOWN […]
5/11/2023 • 18 minutes, 16 seconds
1374 Those Anxious Thoughts
So, something has got you all stirred up. You’re not sure what to do, you’re searching for the right answer, you’re stressed on the timeline and you’re feeling the pressure. How can you calm down in the midst of chaos? How can you be certain in the middle of uncertainty? Psalm 139:23 says “Search me, […]
5/10/2023 • 17 minutes, 48 seconds
1373 Jacked Up Priorities
Could the struggles in your life be the result of a priority issue? When we elevate certain things and people to a level of importance above God, we subject them to removal from our lives. Did you know the 10 plagues on Egypt were a direct response to 10 different gods and goddesses the Egyptians […]
5/9/2023 • 12 minutes, 38 seconds
1372 Why Mornings Are Hard
Ahhh, the struggle is real. Morning time can be tough. When that alarm rings and you know you have to get up… The day is starting and you’re already behind… The general consensus among Americans is, most of us hate mornings. If we could skip the wee hours of the morning, we would. If we […]
5/8/2023 • 15 minutes, 45 seconds
1371 Ahhh, Now I Get It
How many times have we said, “If I only knew what God’s will was, I would do it!” We search and we wait for God’s will, promising we will be obedient if God will clearly tell us what his will is. What if I told you I know exactly what God’s will is for you […]
5/5/2023 • 14 minutes, 19 seconds
1370 What a Deal
Today’s devotional is for the women who have been hurt. Those who woke up disappointed today. Those who feel overwhelmed. Those who are beginning to believe it’s too late and they’re loosing hope. For you, the one who is disheartened by the journey right now with not a lot left to give. In Isaiah 61:3 […]
5/4/2023 • 9 minutes, 16 seconds
1369 What Are You Looking At?
This storm you’re in right now … this mess, this stress, this uncertainty, this hardship … it’s causing you to see something. What are you seeing here? Are you seeing all that is wrong? Are you seeing how unfair this is? Are you seeing the threats? If you are, I bet you’re sinking, huh? You’re […]
5/3/2023 • 16 minutes, 16 seconds
1368 For This, Receive Strength
You were created to be an overcomer. This means you have the ability to get OVER anything that may COME your way. Get it – Overcomer – Get OVER anything that may COME your way. You have been given a specific set of skills and experiences that have strengthened you for your journey. You are […]
5/1/2023 • 10 minutes, 21 seconds
1367 Blow Your Mind
Through mentoring thousands of women, it seems there’s a common thread among us … we all want to know our purpose. We’re searching for that deeper meaning. WHY DID GOD CREATE YOU? WHAT SPECIFIC WORK DOES HE HAVE FOR YOU TO DO? Some people have clearly discovered their purpose and you see them living it […]
5/1/2023 • 16 minutes, 48 seconds
1366 God Will Do It
Have you been exhausting yourself trying to do what you were never meant to do alone? Have you been showing up in your own power and might, and wondering why you always come up short? Girl, have you been trying to do what only God can do? Have you slipped into your super woman suit, […]
4/28/2023 • 15 minutes, 41 seconds
1365 Bombard the Throne
I know you’ve asked God before, and you’re still waiting, but go ahead and ask again. I know you’ve prayed before and you feel like your prayer was unanswered, pray again. I know you’re growing discouraged. I know you feel like this is never going to change and it’s never going to happen. The answer […]
4/27/2023 • 14 minutes, 5 seconds
1364 God Is Up To Something
When we’re going through the storm, it’s easy to forget that God is up to something. When our good plans are falling apart and nothing else seems to be coming together, it’s easy to forget that God is up to something. When it’s bad news, when we’re wandering through the darkness, when we’re overwhelmed with […]
4/26/2023 • 15 minutes, 43 seconds
1363 Screw Up Beat Up
When is the last time you screwed up and fell short? No one likes to admit it, but we’ve all been there, and we’re not talking majorly past tense. I failed, and y’all it was super recent. God gave me a tremendous gift in this regrettable failure of mine, he allowed me to watch the […]
4/25/2023 • 16 minutes, 15 seconds
1362 Alarm Is Ringing
How hard is it for you to get up when your alarm rings in the morning? How many times do you hit the snooze button? Have you noticed how accustom you have grown to an ignored alarm, that you no longer even wake up to it? Seriously, you can sleep right through your blaring alarm […]
4/24/2023 • 16 minutes, 9 seconds
1361 Give It Up
Who woke up today carrying a heavy load of uncertainty? Who is walking into work today unsettled? Who is at home today concerned over something specific? For some it’s something small, and for some it’s life-altering. God’s word instructs us very clearly on what to do with these worries, both big and small. 1 Peter […]
4/21/2023 • 14 minutes, 25 seconds
1360 Farewell to Fear
Somewhere in your life fear is holding you back. There’s your fear of what may never happen for you, and then there’s your fear of what could happen to you, so basically there’s fear around everything. Where does that fear come from, what is it doing to you, and how do you overcome it? First, […]