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Wilkerson Family Library

English, Old Time Radio, 3 seasons, 36 episodes, 12 hours, 35 minutes
The Wilkerson Family Library is a seasonal podcast offering free audiobooks by David Wilkerson and Gary Wilkerson.
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Ultimate Favor - God's Favor - Chapter 11

Over the past 11 weeks we have been sharing Gary Wilkerson’s book God’s Favor. Today, the final chapter, "Ultimate Favor" — knowing the fullness of God’s awesome favor.Moses felt God’s ultimate favor as the Israelite's were about to enter the promised land. Over their long journey they saw God’s ability to breathe life into any desert wilderness. And he’s ready to do the same for you.Read by Jason Staples
5/1/202121 minutes, 7 seconds
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Special Favor - God's Favor - Chapter 10

As you might guess, God’s favor is very different from the world’s. For one, it isn’t only on us when things are going great. The opposite can be true, in fact. Sometimes when life is at its hardest, God shows us his greatest favor. How does that work, especially when our trials cause us incredible suffering and sometimes life-long pain? In this chapter, Gary explores how God's favor touches us even in our darkest hours. (Read by Jason Staples)
5/1/202121 minutes, 4 seconds
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Proclaiming Your Favor - God's Favor - Chapter 9

No matter how long we've walked with God, we've all face times when we desperately needed a miraculous breakthrough. Every overwhelming issue has the potential to carry us to a point where we have nothing more we can do. We need God to intervene. When that stage arrives, we have two specific ways that we can approach the Lord in our crisis, and they are both equally vital to our Christian walk. (Read by Jason Staples)
5/1/202122 minutes, 7 seconds
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Showing the Favor of God - God's Favor - Chapter 8

God has a plan behind all the blessings he gives us. God’s favor is never meant to end with us. We’re to share these blessings with the world to bring him glory. We're to have lives marked by looking for opportunities to demonstrate God's amazing favor in our marriage, with our children, with our brothers and sisters in Christ and to the world around us. So what exactly does it look like to show God’s favor to others? (Read by Jason Staples)
5/1/202122 minutes, 41 seconds
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Overwhelming Victory - God's Favor - Chapter 7

Paul points to a great, faith-sustaining truth in Romans 8:28. “We know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.” This amazing verse has brought hope to tens of millions, but it has also troubled just as many. We can be tempted to think God blesses only a certain type of Christian, mainly those whose faith seems greater than ours. When God seems absent and we wrestle with lingering doubts, how do we renew our faith in God's goodness? (Read by Jason Staples)
5/1/202121 minutes, 5 seconds
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Unprecedented Upgrades - God's Favor - Chapter 6

Too many of us see God as a judge who wields a threatening gavel of condemnation. Actually, the opposite is far more often true. Do you believe your Abba Father is always looking out for your best interests? No matter whether our issues are big or small, his loving favor toward us is the same all the time because his giving nature never changes. So how do we transform our image of God from that of a punitive master to a loving Father who honors our faith even when we fail him? (Read by Jason Staples)
5/1/202121 minutes, 54 seconds
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Your Family’s Greatest Season - God's Favor - Chapter 5

If you’re from a broken family, you may fear the heritage passed down to you; but according to God’s Word, you can be the forerunner to a blessed generation. All it takes is one of us reaching out with Christ’s forgiveness, and everything can change. Your family’s greatest season begins when one person takes a stand and says, “No more. God, help me make things change, starting today.” (Read by Jason Staples)
5/1/202121 minutes, 9 seconds
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Conquering Cynicism - God's Favor - Chapter 4

Cynicism is a know-it-all, seen-it-all attitude that cuts off our belief in God’s abilities. In this chapter, Gary Wilkerson points out how this mentality is easy to slide into but can have serious implications for our life with Christ. Ominously, Matthew’s gospel points out at one point, “[Jesus] did only a few miracles there because of their unbelief” (Matthew 13:58). How do we avoid limited God's access to our lives this way? (Read by Jason Staples)
5/1/202121 minutes, 52 seconds
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Favor Follows You - God's Favor - Chapter 3

Favor follows you. How do you respond to this idea, especially as you look around at this broken, fallen world where we will never be problem-free? When we are struggling to survive and one need after another is rushing at us, we must remember that the Bible tells us exactly what the Lord is doing in our crises. This week, Gary Wilkerson discusses two urgent truths that we must know and cling to in the midst of hardship. (Read by Jason Staples)
5/1/202122 minutes, 33 seconds
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Your Season of Increase - God's Favor - Chapter 2

All of us have seasons in all our lives when we feel stuck, stranded on a spiritual plateau with nothing to show for our faith. Many Christians don’t think God is against them, but they can’t seem to find the blessing of His favor. However, God’s desire at all times is to bring healing to our lives, but he doesn’t do it by waving a magic wand over all our difficulties. No, His promise is to be with us and bring joy to us through our difficulties.(Read by Jason Staples)
5/1/202125 minutes, 34 seconds
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You Are Blessed, Not Cursed - God's Favor - Chapter 1

Many godly people truly believe that their heavenly Father loves them, but they're equally convinced that some parts of their lives are unworthy of God’s favor. They try to partition off these failed parts of their lives so they can fix them and then reveal them to the Lord. After years of battling their failures, however, they’re still overwhelmed by these weaknesses. After a while, they begin to assume they have lost God’s favor forever. (Read by Jason Staples)
5/1/202132 minutes, 16 seconds