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Chinese, Education, 1 season, 410 episodes, 3 days, 9 hours, 16 minutes
时代之声(Voice of Era)外语广播电台是沈阳农业大学外语广播台,FM75.3 本台以英、日、韩、中等多种语言为载体,为广大听友传递全球最前沿的声音! 微信平台:VOERadio 新浪微博:VOE外语广播电台
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Apr. 6,2019#日本语ドリームワークス 日语梦工厂 #

在沈农idea精英汇的帮助下,我们顺利举行了voe第五届配音大赛~感谢,撒花节目组:日本语ドリームワークス 日语梦工厂 节目名称:赏花会节目监制: 梁远鹏 播音: 梁远鹏&吉旭灵编辑: 梁远鹏&吉旭灵&邵梦瑶制作: 金靖杰&杨璟琰整合上传:魏薇审核:侯泓锾A:皆さん、こんばんは、VOE日本語ドリームワークスへようこそB:日语梦工厂A:为梦想起航,我是主播梁远鹏B:我是主播吉旭灵A:一个假期没见了,不知道大家都过的如何?有没有从两个月的寒假中调整过来?B:别人我不知道,到是你一个假期不见又胖了一圈呀。A:说的好像我瘦过一样。B:沈阳的气温真的是让我适应不了,本以为沈阳的三月应该是春暖花开,但现实却是在寒风中冻得瑟瑟发抖。A:其实日本的三月正是一个赏花季,每年3月中旬到4月中旬,是日本自南至北樱花开放的季节,们在樱花树下摆上丰盛的酒宴,或合家欢聚一堂,或邀请三五好友,一边吟诗作画,一边开怀畅饮,一醉方休。B:那今天就让我们好好为大家介绍一下日本的赏花季。A:日本で3月といえば、日本人が待ちに待った花見の季節でもあります。ということで、今日は皆さんに、日本の花見を紹介したいと思います。まず、花見とは、桜の花を鑑賞し、春の訪れをお祝いする日本独自の慣習のことです。一般的に、日本の桜開花時期は、3月から5月とされ、この時期に、桜の木の下で家族や友人と集まったり、または会社で行われる花見の宴会などがあります。B:3月份对于日本人来说,是翘首以盼的赏花季节。因此,本期节目向大家介绍日本的赏花活动。首先,赏花是观赏樱花、庆祝春天到来的日本独特的习惯。一般来讲,日本樱花开放的季节在3月至5月,这个时期,日本人会和家人朋友相聚在樱花树下,此外公司也会举行赏花会。A:花見宴会の飲食物で、人気な食べ物はおつまみやフライドチキン、唐揚げ、また、春の食材をいっぱい使った弁当、花見弁当など。飲み物では、ビールや缶酎ハイ、ソフトドリンクが主に花見をする際の人気・定番メニューとなっています。おいしいおつまみや料理を食べ、お酒を嗜んだり、皆でカラオケをしたりと、お花見会場は、いつも賑わっています。B:作为赏花会上吃的食物,比较受欢迎的就是炸鸡等油炸食品,还有用春天特有的食材制作的赏花便当等。受欢迎的饮料以啤酒、罐装果酒、软饮等为主,组成了赏花时节必备的人气菜单。吃着美味的小吃、料理,喝着美酒唱着歌,赏花的地方总是一片欢腾热闹景象。A:また、花見には花見団子もつきものです。とくにアニメが好きな方は花見団子を見たことがあるかもしれません。花見団子とは月見の時食べる月見団子とは違い、桜色、薄い赤色、白色、緑色などの華やかな色彩をした団子のことです。一つ一つ意味があり、桜色は桜を表して、春の息吹を、白は雪を表し、冬の名残を。緑はよもぎを表し、夏への予兆を表現しています。B:不得不说,赏花时“花见团子”也是必备食品。尤其是爱看动画的诸位,或许见过花见团子呢。花见团子和赏月时吃的“供月团子”不同,是包含樱花色、浅红色、白色、绿色等多种绚烂颜色的团子串。每个团子都有其意义,樱花色代表樱花,表现春天的气息;白色团子代表雪,表示对冬天的依依惜别;而绿色的团子代表艾蒿,表现夏天将临的预兆。A:また、花見宴会をする際、一番大変なのは場所取りです。特に、桜の名所や人気の場所だと、朝七時頃から場所取り合戦が行われます。夜の場合は、夜桜見物と呼ばれ、ライトアップされた桜の花を鑑賞して楽しむこともできます。昼とはまた違った幻想的な桜を見ることができるので、夜に桜を見に行く人も大勢いますよ。B:此外,在举行赏花宴会时,最艰辛的要数抢占赏花有利地势了。尤其是在赏樱花的名胜景点或受欢迎的赏花场所,早上7点开始“抢位争夺战”就开始了。晚上也有赏花活动,叫做“赏夜樱”,点上灯之后和白天一样可以观赏樱花。而且可以看到和白天不同的,梦幻般的樱花,因此也有不少人愿意晚上赏樱。A:人们在樱花树下吃菜喝酒,高谈阔论,唱歌跳舞,不亦乐乎!喜欢音乐的年轻人当然忘不了带上音响设备和心爱的乐器,他们在麦克风前引吭高歌,在乐曲声中翩翩起舞,欢快的空气充满着每一个角落。一向以环境宁静著称的日本,在这季节却一片欢腾;一向追求高效、快捷的日本人,也只有在这个时候,可以尽情地放松身心,缓解精神的压力,增进彼此的交流。B: 在这种“好花共赏”的全民共同参与的活动中,人人皆欢乐。樱花谢世时节,一阵风吹来满树的樱花纷纷飘落,树下便响起一阵欢呼声。日本人称这种缤纷落英为“花雨”。眼看著心爱的花儿随风飘逝,他们不仅没有黛玉葬花的伤感,还以沐浴在这种花雨中为幸福快乐。A:好了今天的节目到这里就接近尾声了,感谢辛勤付出的后期制作,更要感谢同学们长久以来的关心与支持。B:如果你有什么好的建议和想法,可以关注我们,来给我们留言,说出你的想法。A:让我们在优美的歌声中结束本期节目,我们下期再见,拜拜。
4/1/20196 minutes, 21 seconds
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Mar. 25, 2019 #日本语ドリームワークス#世界第一的公主殿下

节目组:日本语ドリームワークス 日语梦工厂 节目名称:世界第一的公主殿下节目监制: 梁远鹏 播音: 蔡晨露&付一辰编辑: 蔡晨露&付一辰制作: 张丽敏整合上传:陈子扬审核:侯泓锾A:提问: 世界第一的公主殿下指的是谁? A. 静音连 B.巡音露卡 C.初音未来 D.镜音铃 正确答案选c,初音未来。 B: 以上是一道B站正式会员考试的自选题。 对喜爱二次元的朋友们来说,初音未来这个名字可谓是无人不知,无人不晓。然而,与一般的ACG角色不同,初音未来不仅仅与二次元有着千丝万缕的关系,对于现实世界也有着巨大的影响。A: 初音未来究竟是谁?谈及初音未来,我们脑海里首先出现的就是哪位梳着蓝绿色双马尾,打着领带的可爱少女。但实际上,初音未来是克里普敦未来媒体以雅马哈的VOCALOID语音合成引擎为基础,开发贩售的语音合成软件的声源之一及其拟人化形象。简单来说,初音未来是一名虚拟电子歌姬,可以通过调音让她演唱各种动听的曲目。B: 软件使用了语音合成引擎,能够将人类的声音录音合并模拟出近似真人的声音。使用时只需输入音调、歌词即可发出声音,亦可以调整震音、音速等“感情参数”。不过软件本身只能做出歌唱部分,伴奏需要使用其他的音乐软件合成。虽然随着版本的更替,编辑器可以合成的声音会越来越接近人声,但是也有部分p主选择刻意制造成不自然的,与人声并不相符的声音。例如暴走p的代表作《初音未来的消失》,特点就是以高度失真的电音,不中断的大段歌词。A:初音,镜音等虚拟电子歌手的走红与使用软件来制作歌曲的使用者是密不可分的。使用者们被称为p主(也就是创作者producer在网上的昵称),而他们用vocaloid创作歌曲的过程则被称为“调教”。由于C社对二次创作的积极鼓励,以及初音本身所具有的极高的可塑性,创作者可以根据自己的内心所想去自由创作。初音的存在还吸引了一大批零基础的新人学习音乐创作,拓展了电子音乐的创作人群。B: 初音未来的音源由日本声优藤田咲提供。企画初期克里普顿是想由正职的歌手提供音源,然而大多数歌手基于担心声音被复制后的用途以及将来的版权相关问题而拒绝,随后才转向为接触声优。在经过考虑近500位声优的声音样本之后决定起用藤田咲。因为藤田咲的声音“清楚而可爱”。在录音时,藤田咲以“可爱的偶像声线”进行录音,共花费两天时间,每天三小时,录音内容是无意义的罗马音组合。音源制作的演示乐曲让藤田咲十分惊喜,认为十分可爱。A: 拥有国内最多二次元用户的视频网站bilibili,它的前身叫做mikufans,直译过来就是初音的粉丝。B站上动画区有一个重要的区块MMD(mikumikudance),它制作的初衷就是为了给初音编舞。作为第一个引爆虚拟偶像概念的歌姬,初音未来是世界上第一个使用全息投影技术举办演唱会的虚拟偶像。除日本本土外,初音未来演唱会也分别在美国的洛杉矶、泰国的曼谷、中国的香港和台北,上海,北京等城市举办过。B : 初音,意思是初次的声音。而未来则象征着VOCALOID所代表的未来音乐的可能性。初音还被称作“葱娘”、“公主殿下”。前者是由于07年《甩葱歌》在网上流行之后,有人使用MMD制作了一段初音拿着葱舞蹈的甩葱歌视频,爆红网络。后者源自ryo投稿在niconico上的歌曲《ワールドイズマインWorld is Mine》,国内将歌名翻译作:《世界第一的公主殿下》,由此得来。A: 到目前为止,初音已经在世界范围内为人所知,但走在最前端的还是作为其发源地的日本。以下举出一部分较知名的p主: 八王子p,目前在niconico上受到广泛关注的p主之一,代表作为《sweet devil》、《Distorted Princess》、《ELECTRIC LOVE》。 DECO*27,VOCALOID界名人,著名master之一。能够作词、作曲、吉他演奏,也能够演唱。代表作《爱言叶》、《幽灵法则》,多次入选初音未来演唱会的官方选定曲《39》、《火花》。B: ryo,著名乐团Supercell的核心成员,同时也是Egoist的音乐制作人。主要的代表作有《世界第一的公主殿下》、《黑岩射手》、《恋爱就是战争》、《罪之名》。 doriko,被誉为“抒情曲之神”。代表作《夕日坂》、《letter song》、《虽然歌声无形》。 wowaka(也称现实逃避p),代表作《里表情人》、《翻滚少女》,《unknown mother-goose 》。A: 椎名もた,以温柔的而充满浮游感的曲风吸引了大量粉丝。代表作《宇航员》、《天空鱼》。 n-buna(ナブナ),VOCALOID职人、词曲作家,ヨルシカ的乐队的作曲者。代表作《落花》、《海百合海底潭》、《长发公主》、《透明哀歌》。 papiyon,代表作《无心》、《831143》、《闪光》。B:40mp,能够作曲、作词、绘画的综合性p主。代表作《活动小丑》、《夏恋花火》、《与反派的吻戏》、《视力检查》。 米津玄师(八爷),代表作《沙之行星》、《分分合合的罗刹与骨骸》、《俄罗斯套娃》。好了,我们今天的节目就到这里了。节目的最后为大家推荐一首歌曲。B:感谢后期制作张丽敏学姐,同时感谢收听我们的节目,我们下期再见。
3/25/20198 minutes, 33 seconds
Episode Artwork

Dec.6,2018#Bloom in ink#以终为始

节目组:Blook In Ink节目名称:以终为始 节目监制:李硕编辑:王怡文 李欣桐播音:王怡文 李欣桐制作:任家豪整合上传:魏薇审核:侯泓锾A:Hello everyone, welcome to Bloom In Ink from VOE foreign languages radio station. I'm Jodie. B:I'm Julia. .B:欢迎收听VOE时代之声外文广播电台,我是王怡文。A:我是李欣桐。 A: To Begin with the End in Mind means to start with a clear understanding of your destination. Itmeans to know where you're going so that you better understand where you are now and so that the steps you take are always in the right direction.It's incredibly easy to get caught up in an activity trap, in the busy-ness of life, to work harder andharder at climbing the ladder of success only to discover it's leaning against the wrong wall. It is possible to be busy -- very busy -- without being very effective.B: 以终为始说明在做任何事之前,都要先认清方向。这意味着你对现在自己的方向和处境了如指掌,这样当你行动的时候,就不至于误入歧途。 人生旅途的岔路很多,一不小心就会走冤枉路。许多人拼命埋头苦干,到头来却发现追求成功的梯子搭错了墙 ,就算你很忙很忙,也未必出成果。A: People often find themselves achieving victories that are empty, successes that have come at the expense of things they suddenly realize were far more valuable to them. People from every walk of life -- doctors, academicians, actors, politicians, business professionals, athletes, and plumbers – often struggle to achieve a higher income, more recognition or a certain degree of professional competence, only to find that their drive to achieve their goal blinded them to the things that really mattered most and now are gone.How different our lives are when we really know what is deeply important to us, and, keeping that picture in mind, we manage ourselves each day to be and to do what really matters most. If the ladder is not leaning against the right wall, every step we take just gets us to the wrong place faster. We may be very busy, we may be very efficient, but we will also be truly effective only when we Begin with the End in Mind.B: 很多人功成名就之后,反而感到空虚,发现自己牺牲了许多更宝贵的东西。上至达官显贵、富蒙巨贾,下至平头百姓、凡夫俗子,无一不在追求更多的财富,更大的势力或更高的声望,而这些目标常常蒙蔽了对于他们来说真正重要的事情, 等回过头时,才发现,早已人去楼空。当我们了解生命中最重要的事情时,生活将会不同。头脑中要时刻牢记:每天希望自己成为什么样的人,什么对于自己来说才是最重要的。如果通往成功的梯子一直搭错墙,那每一次行动无疑加快了失败的步伐。我们也许会很忙, 也能很高效,但是唯有心中牢记以终为始,才能算作真正的高效。A: "Begin with the End in Mind" is based on the principle that all things are created twice. There's a mental or first creation, and a physical or second creation to all things.Take the construction of a home, for example. You create it in every detail before you ever hammer the first nail into place. You try to get a very clear sense of what kind of house you want. If you want a family-centered home, you plan a family room where it would be a natural gathering place. You plan sliding doors and a patio for children to play outside.B: “以终为始”的一个原则基础是“任何事都是两次创造而成”。我们做任何事都是先在头脑中构思,即智力上的或第一次的创造,然后付诸实践,即体力上的或第二次的创造。以建筑为例,在拿起工具建造之前,你需要先在脑海中构思每一细节。你需要很清楚地知道你想要什么样的房子。如果你想要一个以家人为中心的家,那么你在设计房间的时候,它将会是一个天然的聚会场所。你会为孩子们规划好滑门和露台。A: You work with ideas. You work with your mind until you get a clear image of what you want to build. Then you reduce it to blueprint and develop construction plans. All of this is done before the earth is touched. If not, then in the second creation, the physical creation, you will have to make expensive changes that may double the cost of your home.The carpenter's rule is "measure twice, cut once." You have to make sure that the blueprint, the first creation, is really what you want, that you've thought everything through. Then you put it into bricks and mortar. Each day you go to the construction shed and pull out the blueprint to get marching orders for the day. You Begin with the End in Mind.B: 你要不断地想,直到这些想法在你脑中变成清晰的,你真正想要的画面。接着你将这一切变成设计图,进而变成施工方案。这一切都要在开始施工之前完成。如果没有,那么在二次实际的创作中, 你将不得不为一些改动付出昂贵的代价,甚至可能会让你整体的价格翻倍。木工的法则是“量两次,切一次”。你必须确保你的蓝图,就是第一次创造是你真正想要的,你已经将一切细节考虑在内。你才能开始施工。接着,你每天都去工棚,拿着你的蓝图指挥当天的行动。这就叫做以终为始 B:感谢制作A:That's today's program, thank you for your listening. If you like us, you can listen more in Official WeChat Account: VOE Radio or Litchi FM 22808.Welcome to join us, welcome to VOE.B:如果你喜欢我们的节目,欢迎您关注我们的时代之声Radio或收听我们的荔枝app调频:fm22808.欢迎加入VOE,欢迎加入墨海繁花!欢迎您对我们的节目点赞和留言,春风十里,我们一直都在等你!Both:bye!
12/6/201814 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork

Dec.4,2018#Screen Age#The two meaty films

节目名称:Screen Age 节目主题:The two meaty films节目监制:毕鑫屹编辑:李一泓播音:刘甜(B)李一泓(E)曹敏(BR)张舒涵(C)邓斐元(M)整合上传:魏薇审核:侯泓锾B : Hello,my dear friends,welcome back to the Screen Age.I'm Bella.E :I’m Emily,welcome to the screen age. B: Emily, do you like the detective film?E: Yeah, I like it very much.B: Today, we will introduce an unusual movie which combines detective with comedy.E: I guess it! It's "Chinatown Detective".B: Great! Now let's talk about it.E : okB : China town is a movie directed by 陈思成 and started by 王宝强,刘昊然 and other famous stars . It was released in 31st December , at the end of 2015 . E : Belonging to comedy , suspense , action , detective , the film grew a lot of fans . One of the stars 刘昊然 has been famous through this film . B : 唐仁,stared by 王宝强 is the uncle of 秦风 ,stared by 刘昊然,and he called himself as the most famous detective in Chinatown .E : But 秦风is a genius boy of detecting . And helped his uncle crack the case . B : The film was made in Thailand and was taken for six months . E : The film was nominated for multiple awards and won many awards.B : 陈思成 the director of Chinatown said he had already planned the last two films when the film has just been released: "the second one I want to make in America, the third one I want to make in Japan. I even have a rough model of the story."E : Now let’s give you a brief introduction about the film.B: Qinfeng receives an invitation from Tangren, asking him to attend his marriage with Axiang.E: When he arrived, he found that's not the case. Actually, there is a world famous detective competition which has a huge reward. And the first one Q is a secret man. B: The content of the competition is to find the murderer of killing the grandson of Chinatown's godfather Qishu. E: To help Tangren get the reward as well as show talent for detective, Qinfeng involved.B: Along with Qinfeng, many other detectives also joined it, such as Hongkong hacker Kiko, Japanese detective Yetianhao and so on.E: They connected two murders which happened recently, finding the same person called Songyi. B: However, it seemed that he wasn't a left-hander whose character isn't the same as the murder's.E: So Qinfeng, Songyi and Tangren united to solve crimes. Then, another homicide took place. B: Through Qinfeng's gift for solving cases and the help of Tangren, they inferred the method of the murderer. E: Murderer killed people for their hearts, livers, renals, spleens and lungs to make alchemy according to Taoism's five elements. B: Using this way, they realized who was his next target. Fortunately, they arrived in time to avoid a killing. The real murderer suicided himself eventually . E: In the end, Qinfeng inferred Songyi is Q. But Kiko didn't think so. In fact, who is Q would still be a puzzle. B: It leaves us a great many imaginations. Let's look forward to the third one!E : Tianjin daily commented that the charm of reasoning never lies in the reasoning itself, but to observe the world through reasoning. There are no good guys or bad guys in Chinatown. Everyone has a dark and selfish side.The two sides of human nature are always terrifying to contemplate.B : Chinatown makes people think and decipher in joy, feel the truth in the development of the plot, and reflect on the dialectical relationship between good and evil under the shadow of crime.BR:Hello,my dear audience.I'm Brittany.C:Good afternoon,everyone.This is Christy.M:Hi,this is Michelle.The final examination is coming and the students are busy with their studies.C:Take it easy.It's the combination of work and rest that counts.So,come with us into the world of Venom.BR:Tom Hardy plays Eddie who is not an emissary of justice and doesn't fall into the moral dilemma of greater power,greater responsibility.He is just a loser with many weaknesses.C:Well,he is different from previous superheroes.M:I know Venom is called an atypical superhero movie.The film wins the support of the audience even though the media doesn't think highly of it.BR:Yeah,but from my viewpoint,Hardy's acting is admirable.The sound of venom was prepared by Hardy in advance.Although Hardy and venom were talking when we were watching the movie,in fact,both sounds came from Hardy.C:It's amazing.I especially like watching Eddie interact with venom.M:Me too.I think the plot is very cool.BR:The leading actress Anne is played by Michelle Williams who was voted the seventh most beautiful woman in the world by the United States.Her acting is also commendable.She has been nominated for best actress at the Oscar Award twice.M:Dr.Drake is handsome.He is played by Riz Ahmed who is not only an actor but also a rapper.C:Every leading actor in the film is outstanding.B:Let’s go back into Marvel’s world again,let’s take a look at the venom that’s been hot lately.C: I am Marvel’s iron powder.I have been waiting for this movie for a long time.M:Really,I heard this movie is super high at the box office.B:As the venom’s daedly guardian explodes around the world,venom,this Marvel alternative hero is gradually gaining popularity.C:Venom,made his bebut on the spider-man web.It’s actually an alien symbiosis and very conscious.M:Yeah.If the host is not firm,it is easy to be controlled,but it gives the host a lot of power.C:Well,such as,liquefying,disguising,curing.But the only weakness is ultrasound and heat.B:In this movie,in addition to Tom Hardy’s wonderful performance and impressive story,the soundtrack of the film is also remarkable.M:Let’s talk about the songs.C: “Venom”was a song that Eminem sang.And the lyrics of the theme song interpreted the vennomous thought and made people sound full of energy.M:Another song,毒液前来,sang by 杨超越,as a part of the promotion of music in China.C:Chinese factors have been incorporated into the music,which has given us an audible shook.B:This movie is mainly about the reporter Eddie is investigating the life foundation's latest scientific experiments.C:It's invaded and controlled by unknown alien matter symbionts,struggles to become a superheroM:Both good and evil—Venom.He will fight poison with poison,crack the life foundation's amazing plot,heal the world.B:That is our introduction to the movie called 《venom》BR:How time flies , it’s time to say goodbye.M:Thanks everybody.B:Goodbye.C:Bye.
12/4/201814 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork


节目组: 한류전선 韩流前线节目名称: 《从天而降的一亿颗星星》节目监制:李硕编辑:李硕&赵作章播音:司佩弘&闵首元&柳桂英整合上传:魏薇审核:侯泓锾(配乐----星星,我们)大家好,这里是韩流前线.我是主播司佩弘,我是主播闵首元,我是主播柳桂英안녕하세요. 여기는 한류 전선입니다. 저는 아나운서 민수원 입니다.저는 아나운서 사부홍 입니다.저는 아나운서 류계영 입니다.我们似乎在哪里见过,即使岁月模糊了记忆,但感情依然牵引着我。接下来让我们一同走进《从天而降的一亿颗星星》中刘真江与金武英的世界里。우리는 어디선가 만난 적이 있는 것 같아요. 비록 세월이 흘러 기억이 흐려져도 감정은 여전히 나를 끌어들이는거 같아요 .지금부터 저와 함께 '하늘에서 내리는 1억개의 별' 주연 유진강, 김무영의 세계로 들어가봅시다.韩剧《从天而降的一亿颗星星》改编自2002年日本同名电视剧,由徐仁国、郑素敏、朴成雄等主演。讲述了被称为怪物的危险男人武英与和他拥有着一样伤痛的女子真江之间的浪漫故事,以及和真江哥哥镇国之间的纠葛。广告公司设计师刘真江从小失去父母,心灵深处留有伤痕,而在遇到把爱情当做游戏的冷漠男人金武英后,人生开始发生变化。'하늘에서 떨어진 1 억 개의 별' 은 서인국, 정소민, 박성웅 등이 주연을 맡는다.괴물이라 불리는 위험한 남자 무영과 그와 같은 상처를 가진 여자 진강과의 로맨스를 그린다. 그리고 진강형 진국 간의 갈등을 그린 작품이다.광고회사 디자이너인 유진강은 어릴 적부터 부모를 잃고 이로인해 마음속 깊은 곳에 상처가 남겼고, 사랑을 게임으로 삶는 무뚝뚝한 남자 김무영을 만난 뒤 인생이 달라지기 시작한 이야기입니다 .爱情真的可以让人心甘情愿的去改变自已:为了你,我愿意改掉自己的小毛病;为了你,即使被误会也甘愿不去解释;为了你,我变得小心翼翼。你的一言一行、一颦一笑都可以轻易牵动我的心弦。希望男女主的余生如剧中原声音乐所演唱的那样,愿漆黑的夜里,你们化作天上的繁星互相依偎不受打扰,照耀彼此就好。사랑은 정말 사람을 변하게 할수잇는거같아요.당신을 위해, 나는 자신의 결함을 고치려 하고 당신을 위해, 오해받더라도 견뎌낼수잇고 .당신을 위해, 나는 조심스러워지고 .당신의 말 한마디 행동 하나, 작은 웃음이라도 쉽게 내 마음을 움직이게하고...남녀주인공의 여생은 원성 음악에 노래 한 것 처럼 어두운 밤, 당신들은 하늘 의 별들이 되어 서로 기대하고 서로 비춰주길.电视剧的介绍到这里就结束了,这期将是本学期最后一期的外放了,从炎热的夏天到现在的寒冷我们一起走过了 每一个星期,现在还真是舍不得呢.冬天越来越逼近我们的生活,不知道此刻的你有没有穿上羽绒服,带上围巾呢,也不知道我们的声音能否为你带去快乐或是温暖呢考试月也悄无声息的来到了我们的身边,希望各位同学们都可以取得理想的成绩 过一个开心的新年.드라마 소개는 여기서 끝맞치겟습니다.이번방송은 본학기 마지막방송입니다.너무 아쉽네요.추운 겨울 부디 감기조심하시고.행복하세요.이번 한류 전선은 여기까지입니다.다음 방송 기대해 보도록 하겠습니다.本期韩流前线到这里就结束了感谢制作王飞.让我们一起期待下一期节目吧안녕~
12/4/20188 minutes, 24 seconds
Episode Artwork

Dec.3, 2018 #日本语ドリームワークス#和服

节目组:日本语ドリームワークス 日语梦工厂 节目名称:和服节目监制: 梁远鹏 播音:张婉璐&张萌萌编辑:张婉璐&张萌萌制作: 张丽敏整合上传:陈子扬审核:侯泓锾A:亲爱的听众朋友们,大家好。欢迎收听VOE外文广播电台日语梦工厂。我是主播张琬璐 B:我是主播张萌萌A:今天我们与大家聊一聊日本的传统服饰——和服。B:和服是日本人的传统民族服装,也是日本人最值得向世界夸耀的文化资产。和服的穿着技巧,乃是随着时代的风俗背景,琢磨考验,蕴育而生。高雅而优美的图案,源自于日本民族对于山水的欣赏及对风土的眷恋,乃至于对人本精神与情境的细腻感受。A:没错,和服不仅融合了优雅气度与深层内敛之本质,更反应了穿着之人的「心」与「动」。每一套优美的和服,都经精心裁制,讲究穿着时的每一个细节及步骤。因此,不论是坐姿或站姿,都需经由完整的学习训练,而成为内外兼具的完美礼仪。和服又有另外一个名称叫「赏花幕」,因为和服的图案与色彩,反映了大自然的具体意象,当人们穿着和服走动时,会因为晃动而使得和服如同一块动态的画布。B:日本人对于和服的设计当然也有许多的讲究,虽然和服基本上由直线构成,穿插在身上呈直筒形,缺少对人体曲线的显示,但它却能显示庄重、安稳、宁静,符合日本人的气质。不仅如此,和服同时也顺应日本的自然;日本绝大部分地区温暖湿润,因此服装的通气性十分重要。所以和服比较宽松,衣服上的透气孔有8个之多,且和服的袖、襟、裾均能自由开合,所以十分适合日本的风土气候。A:日本和服于我们印象中一个很重要的特点就是,女性穿和服时会在背后背一个“枕头”。其实这个“枕头”名叫锦结,是用系在和服上的宽大腰带打的结。锦结出现于丰臣秀吉年代,最早的灵感来源于西方传教士袍子上的细绳腰带。后来在19世纪的八岛岳亭时期,艺妓们将细腰带加宽加长,这就是名古屋腰带的雏形了。到了江户时期日本女性为了方便行动毅然将结打在了背后,也就是我们今天所看到的锦结。B:而且,日本上古时代的粗布服装,窄袖斜襟,可与古代中国穿着有所相似呢。但是,真正有文字记载,将中国服饰引进日本,并使之被吸收和制度化的,应该是从奈良时代开始的。公元8世纪,中国唐代服装传入日本,对起源于日本本土的和服产生了影响。当时和服的名称也有很多,如"贯头衣"、"横幅"以及后来的"和服"。日本奈良时代正值中国盛唐时期,日本派出大批遣唐使者把唐代文化艺术、律令制度都带回了日本。"衣服令"就是奈良时代制定的制度之一。A:嗯,随着时代的发展,日本服饰逐渐繁荣,和服的种类越来越多,分支也更加细化。我们所看到的和服常常只是浴衣,并非真正的和服。浴衣相对和服来说更加简单,穿起来也十分方便。浴衣最开始是日本人民在沐浴时所穿的服装,后来轻便的浴衣被越来越多的日本人所青睐,也就出现在多种场合。比如萤火之森中最后竹川萤与阿银参加活动时所穿的就是浴衣并非和服。在一些充满欢声笑语的节日里穿着浴衣过节,在传承文化的同时,也享受了节日的愉快。B:那么,我们来简单的聊一聊和服的种类。首先,小纹和服可作为常服。与和服中的大的,或中等的图案不同,它采用的是用纸型印染碎小花纹的工艺,因此配以这类纹样的和服被命名为“小纹”。如今,小纹和服的定义有所改变,人们把无论图案的大小,只要是有反复印染的纹样的和服,都称为“小纹”。A:还有付下和服,它可以看成是访问和服的简化版。是对袖子,前后身,领子的图案全是自下而上的方向印染的和服的总称。比访问和服更轻便舒适,适用的场合与访问者类似,但较不适合正式场合。访问和服的历史不长,乃是明治时代时兴起。访问和服没有已婚未婚的分别,它是整体染上图案的和服,从下摆,左前袖,左肩到领子展开后是一幅图画。适合友人婚宴、派对、陪同入学典礼、茶会、同学会、相亲等社交场合。除此之外,还有女孩和未婚女子所穿的振袖和服,以及留袖和服,海老茶袴(ku),花嫁和服等。B:和服之所以是日本文化的体现,也是因为它在日本文化中涉猎范围极广。服装本就是一种艺术,它体现出的是美的绚烂,也映射出了日本文化的影子。所以,在日本我们可以在文学作品中读到和服,在影视作品中看到和服,在京都街头遇见穿着和服缓步而过的少女,在樱花树下看到身着和服甜蜜爱恋的情侣。A:是啊,还记得惠里子在《和服之韵》里这么写道:“与和服的相遇是一场开始。” 一个日本人一生至少要穿四次和服,第一次是儿童节,第二次是成人式,第三次是新婚,最后一次是丧葬。和服见证了一场生命的轮回,因此庄重,但又带着人情世故的柔和。B:日本人很喜欢用季节写诗,匠人就把季节写进了衣服里。想想看也甚是惬意呢,春天穿梅子,夏天穿菖蒲,秋天就在衣角绣上一圈枫叶,冬天混上竹子的清香。仅是看季节变换已经不够,连衣服都要跟着月份走上一遭。染衣的色板上,也总不会是孤零零的红与蓝,要叫凉春,杜若,木漏日与京鹿子,写意到了极致。A:和服绣织出的优雅,纹饰衬托出的高贵,色彩调就的魅惑,是让人沦陷的东瀛之美。这样的美在日本的文学影视作品中也是不可缺少的素材。比如我们熟悉的作家川端康成就在《雪国》中,便描写了洁净、细致的美少女形象,让为之倾心,赞叹不已。B:嗯,但是现在,日本人只有在庄重、正式的场合中才会穿着和服哦。如果你想一睹和服的风采,来一场和服的视觉盛宴的话,就去观看一下《艺伎回忆录》《大奥》等影视作品吧。A:是的,那么我们今天的节目也就接近尾声了,感谢大家对本电台的支持,感谢后期制作张丽敏。B:希望能收到您宝贵的建议,我们下期节目不见不散!
12/3/201812 minutes, 24 seconds
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Nov.29,2018#Bloom in ink#飞鸟集 1

节目组:Blook In Ink节目名称:飞鸟集 1 节目监制:李硕编辑:张巍瀚 侯泓锾播音:张巍瀚 侯泓锾制作:任家豪整合上传:魏薇审核:侯泓锾开头曲 In Love 引语 A:Hello everyone, welcome to Bloom In Ink from VOE foreign languages radio station. I am张巍瀚 . B:I am 侯泓锾 .A:欢迎收听VOE时代之声外文广播电台,我是张巍瀚。B:我是侯泓锾。 插曲1 Felicity A: Stray birds of summer come to my window to sing and fly away. And yellow leaves of autumn, which have no songs, flutter and fall there with a sign. Troupe of little vagrants of the world, leave your footprints in my words. The world puts off its mask of vastness to its lover.B: 夏天的飞鸟,飞到我的窗前唱歌,又飞去了。秋天的黄叶,它们没有什么可唱,只叹息一声,飞落在那里。世界上的一队小小的漂泊者呀,请留下你们的足印在我的文字里。世界对着它的爱人,把它浩翰的面具揭下了。A: It becomes small as one song, as one kiss of the eternal. It is the tears of the earth that keep her smiles in bloom. The mighty desert is burning for the love of a blade of grass whoshakes her head and laughs and flies away. B: 它变小了,小如一首歌,小如一回永恒的接吻。是大地的泪点,使她的微笑保持着青春不谢。 无垠的沙漠热烈追求一叶绿草的爱,她摇摇头笑着飞开了。A: If you shed tears when you miss the sun, you also miss the stars. The sands in your way beg for your song and your movement, dancing water. Will you carry the burden of their lameness? Her wishful face haunts my dreams like the rain at night. B: 如果你因失去了太阳而流泪,那么你也将失去群星了。跳舞着的流水呀,在你途中的泥沙,要求你的歌声,你的流动呢。你肯挟瘸足的泥沙而俱下么? 她的热切的脸,如夜雨似的,搅扰着我的梦魂。  A: Once we dreamt that we were strangers. We wake up to find that we were dear to each other. Sorrow is hushed into peace in my heart like the evening among the silent trees. B: 有一次,我们梦见大家都是不相识的。我们醒了,却知道我们原是相亲相爱的。忧思在我的心里平静下去,正如暮色降临在寂静的山林中。   A: What language is thine, O sea? The language of eternal question. What language is thy answer, O sky? he language of eternal silence. B: 海水呀,你说的是什么?是永恒的疑问。天空呀,你回答的话是什么?是永恒的沉默。 A: Listen, my heart, to the whispers of the world with which it makes love to you. The mystery of creation is like the darkness of night--it is great. Delusions of knowledge are like the fog of the morning. Do not seat your love upon a precipice because it is high. B: 静静地听,我的心呀,听那世界的低语,这是它对你求爱的表示呀。创造的神秘,有如夜间的黑暗-是伟大的。而知识的幻影却不过如晨间之雾。不要因为峭壁是高的,便让你的爱情坐在峭壁上。A I sit at my window this morning where the world like a passer-by stops for a moment, nods to me and goes. There little thoughts are the rustle of leaves; they have their whisper of joy in my mind. What you are you do not see, what you see is your shadow. B: 我今晨坐在窗前,世界如一个路人似的,停留了一会,向我点点头又走过去了。这些微(风思),是树叶的簌簌之声呀;它们在我的心里欢悦地微语着。你看不见你自己,你所看见的只是你的影子。 A My wishes are fools, they shout across thy song, my Master. Let me but listen. I cannot choose the best. The best chooses me. B: 神呀,我的那些愿望真是愚傻呀,它们杂在你的歌声中喧叫着呢。让我只是静听着吧。我不能选择那最好的。而是那最好的选择我 。 结束曲 In Love B:感谢制作任家豪!A:That&`&s today&`&s program, thank you for your listening. If you like us, you can listen more in Official WeChat Account: VOE Radio or Litchi FM 22808.Welcome to join us, welcome to VOE.B:如果你喜欢我们的节目,欢迎您关注我们的时代之声Radio或收听我们的荔枝app调频:fm22808.欢迎加入VOE,欢迎加入墨海繁花!欢迎您对我们的节目点赞和留言,春风十里,我们一直都在等你!Both:bye!
11/29/201811 minutes, 4 seconds
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Nov.28,2018#Music Bang Bang#英雄联盟

节目名称:Music Bang Bang 节目主题:英雄联盟节目监制:朱子业编辑:朱子业,李嘉怡播音:朱子业,李嘉怡制作:朱子业整合上传:陈子扬审核:侯泓锾开头曲 Legends Never Die.欢迎来到英雄联盟,敌军还有三十秒到达战场J:Hello everybody, welcome back to our channel. This is music bang bang from VOE foreign languages radio station. Long time no see. Or should I say, long time no hear. I’m your old friend Jotta.L: Hey this is Lacy.J: So as you know, I'm late to catch on hot events.L: Yeah. That means 后知后觉。J: Do you know the voiceover at the beginning of our programme?L: That's from League of Legends英雄联盟. And the song we play right now is called Legends Never Die.插曲1 Legends Never Die.L: It's the theme song of the League of Legends 2017 World Championship.J: Seems like you made an adequate preparation for today's programme.L: Of course! Except the songs, I consult some information about IG.J: I believe although many people post like, IG is awesome, they even do not know the member of that team.L: Ig's full name is Invictus Gaming. Invictus 的意思是不可战胜的,这个词来源于阿根廷,这个战队的名字也预示着创始人王思聪对这个战队的美好展望了!It's one of the mumber of LPL alliance.J: LPL, League of Legends Pro League, 意思是英雄联盟职业联赛。插曲 2 Welcome to Planet Urf.PART 2: L: By the way, Jotta, do you know IG's mumbers and their duties?J: Yeah! Now please let me introduce them. 他们队就是“莽,就完事了”。The Shy is a very skilled top. Ning is a jungle. Rookie is a very careful mid, it can called APC as well. APC, ability power carry, 也就是技能输出核心。Now you know APC, can you infer the meaning of ADC? L: I know it, ADC, attack damage carry. 也就是下路,或者射手的意思, and Jackeylove is a very awesome ADC, and very handsome.J: You are right.有了ADC不可缺少的是辅助,那么你知道辅助用英语怎么说吗?L: Emmm... I guess it is called SUP, support, right? And I know IG's support is Baolan.J: Aha. We introduced too much about IG, It's time to go back to Legends! The song we played right now is called Welcome to Planet Urf. 是无限火力的新主题曲。L: Urf? What’s that means?J: 这是一个被lol删除的英雄,叫海牛阿福,英文就是Urf。L: Oh, I see. I feel so excited when I listened to that song, I even want to begin to play that game now! 插曲3 RiseJ: Aha, why not? Lacy, have you ever heared about RNG? That team is also outstanding, but this time they took the opponent lightly causing them lost this game.L: Nodesty helps one to make progress while conceit makes one lag behind.谦虚使人进步,骄傲使人退步。J: You are right! As League of Legends is a very popular game. There are a varity of songs about it.L: This song is called Rise.L: I know there are many characters in League of Legends.J: Yep. The first I would talk about is The Unforgiven Yasuo.疾风剑豪亚索。L: Why?插曲 4 RiseJ: Because in the face of all people's misunderstanding, he will do whatever it takes to clear his charges, let justice to regain his glory. L: 但我看过网上写关于亚索是....什么自闭来着?J: 多行不e必自闭(音同:多行不义必自毙)L: So what's the relationship between e and autism?J: E is a keyboard shortcut of his skill. That skill's cooldown is very short, about 0.1-0.5 seconds. 他的e技能是向前突进,而且技能冷却时间很短,所以秀不秀就看这个技能用的怎么样啦。L: Oh, that sounds attracting me so much!J: The next character is one of my love. Her name is Sona. 琴瑟仙女娑娜。Look at this picture, don't you think she is as pretty as a fairy?L: Yeah. And she has a nice figure.【只有你能听到我的话,召唤师,今天我们演奏哪首曲子?】J: Let's enjoy POP/STARS from K/DA.L: K/DA是由游戏中人物阿卡丽、伊芙琳、阿狸和卡莎组成的虚拟女团。J: So after hearing today's programme, do you know some of League of Legends?L: Anyhow I learned so much about that.结束语 J: OK guys, time flies. See you next time.L: 欢迎大家订阅我们的荔枝FM22808, VOE等着你的加入。 J&L: Bye! 结束曲 POP/STARS
11/29/201813 minutes, 20 seconds
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Nov.27,2018# 한류 전선 #再见wanna one

节目组: 한류 전선 韩流前线节目名称:再见wanna one 节目监制:李硕编辑:李硕&赵作章播音:戴润洲&公雨婷整合上传:魏薇审核:侯泓锾(Energetic-Wanna one)大家好,这里是韩流前线.我是主播戴润洲,我是主播公雨婷안녕하세요. 여기는 한류 전선입니다. 저는 아나운서 공우정입니다.저는 아나운서 대윤주입니다.(约定-Wanna one).WANNA ONE是韩国YMC Entertainment于2017年8月7日推出的男子演唱组合,由尹智圣、河成云、黄旼泫、邕圣祐、金在奂、姜丹尼尔、朴志训、朴佑镇、裴珍英、李大辉、赖冠霖等十一位成员组成。워너원은 한국 YMC 엔터테인먼트에서 8월7일에 데뷔시킨 보이그룹입니다.윤지성,하성운,황민현,옹성우,김재환,강다니엘,박지훈,박우진,배진영,이대휘,라이관린 등 11명의 멤버가 있습니다.2017年6月16日,WANNA ONE的十一位成员在Mnet音乐选秀节目《produce101》第二季中获胜,获得出道资格。2017년6월16일,워너원의 11명 멤버는 《프로듀스101》이라는 프로그램에서 우승하여 데뷔자격을 얻었습니다.Wanna one成员们拥有着各色魅力,其中拥有舞蹈实力的姜丹尼尔、美丽音色的金在焕、在音乐上有突出才能的李大辉、唱跳实力出众的邕圣祐以及花美男外貌朴志训等等,11位成员都有着多样的魅力。워너원 멤버들은 각자 다른 매력을 갖고있습니다.그중에서 강다니엘은 뛰어난 춤실력을 갖고있고 김재환은 아름다운 음색을 지니고있으며,음악방면의 재능이 대단한 이대휘,노래춤 모두 출중한 옹성우 및 꽃미남 박지훈등,11명의 멤버들은 이처럼 다양한 매력이 있습니다.其中的赖冠霖出生于中国台湾省台北市。出生于2001年的他虽然还未成年,却在竞争激烈的比赛中脱颖而出,成功出道,非常值得我们骄傲。그중의 라이관린이라는 멤버는 중국 대만성 대북시에서 태어났습니다.2001년 태어난 그는 아직 미성년이지만 살벌한 경쟁을 통해 대뷔자격을 얻었습니다.정말 자랑스럽네요.遗憾的是,他们在今年的12月末就要解散了。解散以后他们虽然不再是一个整体,会各自走自己的路,有自己的未来。无论他们选择哪条路,我们都为他们默默的加油吧。아쉬운것은 올해 12월말에 그들이 곧 해체하게 된다는것입니다.해체후 더이상 하나의 완전체가 아니고 각자의 길을 걷고 각자의 미래가 있게 될것입니다. 어떤 길을 택해도 우리함께 그들을 위해 응원해줍시다. 이번 한류 전선은 여기까지입니다.本期韩流前线到这里就结束了感谢制作王飞다음 방송 기대해 보도록 하겠습니다.让我们一起期待下一期节目吧안녕~
11/27/20186 minutes, 49 seconds
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Nov.27,2018#Screen Age#Those ordinary but profound films

节目名称:Screen Age节目主题:Those ordinary but profound films 节目监制:毕鑫屹编辑:刘甜播音:刘甜(B)李一泓(E)曹敏(BR)张舒涵 (C) 邓斐元 (M)整合上传:魏薇审核:侯泓锾BR: Hello, my dear friends, welcome back to the Screen Age. I&`&m Brittany.M: I&`&m Michelle, glad to see you again.C: I&`&m Christy. A week goes by so fast, it&`&s time for us to introduce the films. BR: We all know that life is precious. Once we get seriously ill, we will lose a lot.C: What&`&s wrong with you? You look a little sad.M: I have watched Dying To Survive which gave me a big shock.BR: I have seen it before and I love this movie.C: Okay, Let&`&s go inside it.M: The hero Chengyong is played by Xuzheng who graduated from Shanghai Theatre Academy. He has multiple identities, he is not only an excellent actor but also a superb director. He has directed and starred in the “lost”films which have all been top-grossing at the box office. 此外,11月17日他凭借我不是药神问鼎金马影帝.BR: Wow, he is really remarkable.C: You are right. There is another actor that impresses me in the movie.M: Is lvshouyi? Wangchuanjun&`&s performance in this film is quite different from that in the Ipartment.BR: He is also a good actor. But what I want to say is sihui acted by Tanzhuo. Have you seen Yanxi Palace?C: Yeah, I spent most of my summer vacation on this drama.M: The arrogant Ningxiner in Yanxi Palace and the gentle sihui in the Dying To Survive are played by the same person, Tanzhuo.BR: Oh no. I don&`&t recognize her. Her acting skill is really excellent.C: Yeah, I think all the actors in this film are excellent. They performed their roles well. BR: This movie is about ChengYong, a middle-aged man runs a health food store, Lv Shouyi&`&s appearance changed him, he began to engage in buying agent.C: Despite the difficulties, he found business opportunities while making money, he also knew the patients and families.M: SiHui forced to be a dancer to save her daughter.BR: Pastor Liu who speaks English fluently, the yellow hair was grumpy.C: Officer Cao was ordered to investigate the source of the generic.M: Counterfeit drug dealers and licensed drug representatives also looked menacingly at him.BR: Business became a tug of war. This is based on a true story.C: Let’s take a look at the theme and music of this film.M:文牧野亦said:" smile in the face of all the suffering in life, whenever, this is when I create the biggest feeling,must be optimistic and positive."BR: The film explores the contradictions and dilemmas in reality with outstanding themes. Patient’s Survival predicament, the moral dilemma of drug dealers and the Police’s legal predicament.C: We need cultural self-confidence, the blend of human nature and social value is the flash of this film.M: It is with exquisite realism which makes many viewers feel the power of human nature.B: Music is equally exciting.BR: Yeah, after I saw this movie, every time I listen to this song 只要平凡,tears fill with my eyes.C: Their love for joining, using songs to deduce the difficult existence of all kinds of little people and their efforts to live.M: Also used as a propaganda song, like 生如夏花,reproducing the classic of 朴树. Honoring the flow of time and the splendor of life.BR: I hope everyone who tries to live is as bright as summer flowers. E: Today we want to introduce a movie to you named "Mr Six" . The gangster is a slang term used in Beijing to refer to an old man who does nothing at all. B: I know, it was made into a movie named "Mr Six" and was welcomed by many people. E: Yes, the film tells us that a group of people were difficult to adapt to the social changes, and crouched in the depths of the hutongs, and lived with boredom and boredom. B: On a certain day, Liuye learned that his son who has been away from home for a long time, was being held illegally by a rich man named xiaofei whose parents are influential because of some disputes.E: Liuye attempted to use his own way to rescue his son, but beyond his expectation, whatever his physical condition or the society, they were not what they used to be. B: Through the rescue, Liuye found that xiaofei&`&s parents were corruption. At last,Xiaofei and his father who were arrested for corruption, and the old gunner died of illness. Then the son of the old gun opened a bar called Juyitang.E: The friends of liuye were also released because they were caught in the fight. The son understood his father and the intention of him. Therefore, he raised a parrot.B: Absolutely, Liuye is not a good father, but he is a real man. E: sure, he is sincere, friendly and kind. Above all, he loves his kid. So he deserves our respect.B: The cast is rather excellent. It includes both young and old actors. E: Such as 冯小刚 who is known to us. Acted as 百里屠苏 in an ancient drama “古剑奇谭” in 2014, 李易峰 is popular with us. B: 吴亦凡 a singer as well as an actor. He is an idol who actually has enough quality. 尚语贤 a new actor, “Mr.Six” is her first film. Also, in “Detective in Chinatown”, she played the role of kiko. E: When director 管虎 talked about his writing purpose, he said “I grew up in an era when China has a rapid development. So it made someone fall and happened something. I have responsibility to record and remember them. ”B: The behind-the-scenes look is quite interesting. 李易峰 did not grow up in Beijing. When he acted, he thought about the youth of his father. E: 尚语贤 interviewed a cast as a sophomore. Coincidently, The deputy of the cast is also Mr.Six&`&s. So, he recommended her for the movie. Eventually, She got a precious chance. E: Thank for your listening. lt&`&s the ending of our program. B:If you have brilliant ideas, We sincerely hope you can tell us!E:See you next time. Goodbye!B:Bye!
11/27/201810 minutes, 46 seconds
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Nov.26, 2018 #日本语ドリームワークス#你的名字

节目组:日本语ドリームワークス 日语梦工厂 节目名称:你的名字节目监制: 梁远鹏 播音:赵子博&付一辰编辑:赵子博&付一辰制作: 张丽敏整合上传:陈子扬审核:侯泓锾A:今天我们要为大家推荐一部日本的动漫电影。这部电影有着优良的制作团队,强大的配音阵容,它更是斩获了当年日本的最佳票房。就连他的名气都传到了中国。B:他就是2016年12月2日上映的《你的名字》。《你的名字》是由新海诚执导,由神木隆之介、上白石萌音担任主要配音的一部原创日本动画电影。作品于2016年8月26日在日本上映。中国内地于2016年12月2日上映。A:这是一部让你看了会让你有想谈恋爱的冲动的一部好片。B:我相信每一位少男少女都希望能够在大学谈一场无怨无悔的恋爱,当过后再次回想起来的时候,心中会充满温馨、感动。这部电影会满足你的所有期待。A:当璀璨的彗星在夜空绽放时,两地的男女主角都若有所思。他们能感到内心的颤动,却不清楚这颤动因何而起。记忆中恍惚牵挂的那个人,却随着梦境的消失若隐若现。B: 清晨醒来的时候,不知道为什么而哭;做过梦总是回想不起来,却有一切消失的丧失感。梦的忧伤,情的思念,就在这似有似无的梦境中,成了欲追寻却惘然的迷雾。A: 在电影的开端,男女主角惊讶发现,他们彼此互换了身体。三叶是糸守镇的女孩,一个普通的高中生,家族是神社的传人。她厌烦小镇的狭小、单调、枯燥,渴望经历东京繁华都市的生活。在对自己的人生心生厌恶的某天,她向神请求:“让我变成东京的帅气的男孩子吧。”结果,她(他)真的在东京男孩的身体里,感受到了五光十色、车水马龙的东京。B: 同样,立花泷无意中卷入古老村镇的世界,好奇体会到神社传统的庄严和肃穆。他(她)体会到日本传统的结绳和祭祀。在三叶奶奶的讲述中,结绳是神的作品,是时间流动的产物。水、米、酒也是连结,它们进入身体与灵魂相联。它们聚在一起,成型,扭曲,缠绕,有时又还原,断裂,又再次联结。这既是形容时间记忆的连接,也是形容情感关系的连接。A: 他们对彼此的身体好奇和恶搞,也对彼此的城市充满向往思念。他们能用对方的身体,为对方做些精心的事情。比如,三叶促成立花泷与学姐的约会,立花泷促成三叶在班里的人气。感受彼此的身体,做出贴近彼此的帮助,这或许是恋爱融合幻想的最高境界。B: 同名小说的一开始,就描述了这种融合的想象:” 我(♀)和某个对我来说重要的人毫无间隙的附着在一起。难以分开的结合。宛如尚在乳房环抱中的婴儿一样,不安和寂寞没有一点踪影。所有的一切都还未失去,无比甘美的感情,涌动充盈在体内。“A: 这种想象颇似婴儿附着在母体上的感觉。这也暗示着,爱情的来源之一,就是母婴关系中产生的依恋情感。不过,如果母婴关系未能更好地处理导致分离主题时,个体很可能产生过度渴求融合的倾向,他们会持续性地依附在某个对象身上,无法将自己的思想和期待与这个对象区分开来。甚至,他们会极度要求对方持续性存在在自己可及之处。也许,在他们的想象中,自己和对方本是永远共生融合的状态。B: 在这类恋爱的想象中,我们渴望和对方心灵上融为一体,彼此自我的边界和限制消失。我们能彼此占有各自的身体与心灵,相互达到身心交融的理想境界。而身体互换这种科幻设定,却无形中达到恋爱中的理想目标。他们彼此为对方的幸福福祉努力,也为彼此内心的感动泪流满面。这触动了每一位恋爱中渴求融合共生关系的人。A: 他(她)是谁,这是男女都好奇的事情。他是谁,也是日语黄昏的语源。傍晚非日非夜的时候,世界的轮廓变得模糊不清,是可看到非人之物的时段。这个时候,我们能看到彼此的幻象。自我的投射,他者的影像,彼此交融起来,在黄昏的暧昧中,变得似真似幻,模糊而又心动。B: 值得注意的是,互换身体的时候,他们的感受类似做梦。当立花泷在梦里的梦境中惊醒,却不知自己恍然在何处。他(她)觉得梦境那么真实,却又那么不可思议。而三叶在东京的咖啡馆,也感觉宛如华丽的梦境。在各自的梦境中做着别人的梦,又在各自的生活中恍惚梦见了别人。他人梦境与自我爱恋融合的感觉,也扯动着每一个恋爱者柔软的心。A: 当男主终于忍受不了思念,凭着记忆中的画面寻找她时,却发现她已消逝在三年前的夜空,熟悉的村镇变成死寂般的废墟。阻隔这段情感的,不仅是空间的距离,也有着时间的羁绊。记忆中的思绪,变成时空的碎片,一点点剥落。虚空而窒息的感觉,让立花泷难以忍受。借着手腕绳结的启发,他找到曾经的神社,喝下了一口口嚼酒,开始了灵魂与时间之旅。在最后一次身体交换中,他努力去改变时间的走向。他(她)在黄昏的道路上奋力奔跑。努力改变看似无可挽回的命运。B: 在似明似暗的黄昏,男女主角也终于见面。绳结成了他们彼此相识重逢的纽带,但记忆也随黄昏的结束变得模糊。彗星在那一晚上绽放,所有的人都幸免于难。他们都在自己的时间线生存下来,却对彼此的存在惘然有所失。他们有着各自的生活,有着各自的朋友,按常规也将步入各自的婚姻。只是他们会发现自己醒来时会流泪,好像做了一个凄美而伤痛的梦。他们只知道自己在寻找着什么,为着无法辨识的景色心痛。曾经的记忆无处追寻,内心的情绪却淤积其中。好在在男女主角擦身而过的瞬间,新海诚给了一个暖意的结尾。A: 终于相遇了。终于相遇了。这样下去势必要哭出来,而发现这种情感时,已然泪眼婆娑。看到我(♀)的眼泪,他笑了,我(♀)也含着泪花笑了。B: 这部动漫是爱情幻想的极佳体现。它用一个貌似奇幻的故事,告诉我们恋爱中的各种感觉。让我们体会到身心融合的感觉,以及时空阻隔下那份真挚的心愿,以及记忆淡去情绪依旧的惆怅。A:今天的节目到这里就结束了,你是否有去补一下《你的名字》的冲动?又或是静静的期待着那个对的人的相遇。B:无论如何抉择我相信内心都会暖暖的吧!祝你幸福。最后感谢我们的后期张丽敏学姐。A:再次感谢对我们的支持,本期节目到此结束,我们下期再见
11/26/201811 minutes
Episode Artwork

Nov.26,2018#The World Says#2 Broke Girls—The Life Is Hard But Sweet

节目组: The World Say节目主题:2 Broke Girls—The Life Is Hard But Sweet节目监制:刘博编辑:范玥 胡博播音:范玥 胡博制作:程羊羊整合上传:陈子扬审核:侯泓锾开头曲 The second chanceC:Hello everyone!Welcome to the World Says frme the VOE program.I’m CherryJ:I’m Joe.Hey,have you watched the final season of 2 Broke Girls?C:Of courseJ:It has left me many unforgettable memories,isn’t it?C:Yeah,what is interesting is that the two girls From the appearance to the three views are totally oppsite,but they have lived together for six years.J:A worldly girl Max was born in a poor family while born in a weathy family,Caroline was well-off when she was young.Unfortunately,her father was arrested for illegally absorbing moneyC:Caroline suddenly changed from a favorite child of God to a rat shouting and beating across the streer.J:Even with high education,she could not work in a decent company.C:She had to turn around to this third-rate restaurant where Max worked as a waiter called willimsburg.J:Caroline found Max’s cupcake delicious by she wanted to cooperate with Max to save 250,000 dollars to open a cupcake shop.C:The story of 2 Broke Girls began!J:But doing pioneering work is rough,they end up with nothing left and have to continue working as waiters.插曲 second chance C:What 2 Broke Girls brought us are not merely the impotance of friendship,but the virtue of hard-working as well.J:A an old sproverb goes ,notheing is impossible for a willing mind Only when both of the girls reunion consistently,can they keepon going and make a permanent successC:Maybe,it’s the best answer to why they can face themselves really in this fancy city--the New YorkJ:Let’s have a deep comprehension to prove the popularity of 2 Broke Girls throughout the worldC:First an the foremost,it has won the 38th people’s choice Award for most popular New TV comedy.J:Besides,2 Broke Girls was shortlisted for 3.2012,Emmy Awards and fortunately it has become the winner of Best Art Directer Award.插音频 破产姐妹-求婚片段C:The end of 2 Broke Girls brings back all the memories of youth.J:From 2011 to 2016,it grows up with us together.C:Through Max and Caroline,we have learned how to be a person with optimism,determination and unrimiting,persuit of dreams.J:Although the employees and boss in the restaurant often confront and play tricks on each other.They are a small family.C:When any members of the restaurant is in trouble,others will give hands.J:Oh,Cherry,when will you watch 2 Broke Girls in your daily routine?C:When I feel exhausted or face some difficulties.J:Except this to handle our trouble, we want to share you a constructive technique.Three A of Awesome.C:They are attitude,awarness and authenticityJ:So attitude,Look.we’re going to get lumps and we’re all going to get bumps.None of us can predict the future,but we do know onething about it and that’s”it isn’t go according to plan”C:Oh,I’m confuse for this,can you explain for me?J;用中文来说就是天有不测风云。C:Oh!I got it.J:But we may also have some lumps and bumps.It’s sad and it’s unpleasant to talk about.I just really hope you feel like you’re always got two choices.First one,you can gloom and doom forever,or two,you can face them bravely with your new sober eyes,to hung the future.Having great attitude is about choosing option 2.C:The second A is awarness.I love hanging out with three year olds.I love the way they see the world,because in their eyes,everything is fresh and wonderful.Having a sense of awarness is just about embracing you inner three year-old.Just like there was the first time you walked by the open door of a bakery and smelt the aroma of the bread.J:Oh,I strongly agree with you.C:The last is authenticity,what is authenticity is that just being you and being cool with that.J;And I think when you are authentic,you will follow your heart,put yourself in places or conversations that you love and enjoy,you will feel very fullfilled at last.C;So those are the three AJ:Can you remember the scenes that the flourishing career of Max Homemade cupcakes.Max’s feelings when she was asked to marry by Randy.Han’s loveliness.Earl’s self-mackery,Oleg,Sophie and Baebara’s happy family of 3.C:I see they all become unforgettable memories for us,becoming my companion during the life.Goodbye Max,Caroline.Goodbye 2 Broke GirlsJ,C:I will miss u like a darling.J:Our program is finishing now.我是播音胡博Joe。C:我是播音范玥Cherry。J:Don‘t forget to focus on our official account.时代之声radio.感谢制作程羊羊感谢运营张佳杰,我们下期再见,Bye! 结束曲 Five Hundred Miles
11/26/20189 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

Nov.23,2018#Bloom in ink#品味现在

节目组:Blook In Ink节目名称:品味现在 节目监制:李硕编辑:安楠杨璟琰播音:王怡文 陈子扬制作:任家豪整合上传:魏薇审核:侯泓锾开头曲 A:Hello everyone, welcome to Bloom In Ink from VOE foreign languages radio station. I'm Summer . B:I'm Julia.A:欢迎收听VOE时代之声外文广播电台,我是陈子扬。B:我是王怡文 。A:Tucked away in our subconsciousness is an idyllic vision. We see ourselves on a long trip that spans the continent. We are traveling by train. Out the windows, we drink in the passing scene of cars on nearby highways,B:Of children waving at a crossing, of cattle grazing on a distant hillside, of smoke pouring from a power plant, of row upon row of corn and wheat, of flatlands and valleys, of mountains and rolling hills, of city skylines and village halls.A:在我们的潜意识之中隐藏着一派田园诗般的风景。我们仿佛处在一次横跨大陆的迢迢旅途之中。我们乘着火车,领略着窗外流动的景色:B:附近公路上驰骋的汽车、十字路口处挥手的孩童、远处山坡上吃草的牛群、不断从电厂排放出的烟雾、成片成片的玉米和小麦、平原和山谷、群山和绵延起伏的丘陵、天空衬托下城市的轮廓,以及乡间的庄园宅第。A:But uppermost in our minds is the final destination. On a certain day at a certain hour, we will pull into the station. Bands will be playing and flags waving. Once we get there, so many wonderful dreams will come true and the pieces of our lives will fit together like a completed jigsaw puzzle. B:How restlessly we pace the aisles, damning the minutes for loitering — waiting,waiting, waiting for the station.A:可是我们心中想得最多的却是最后的目的地。在某一天的某一时刻,我们的火车将会到站,迎接我们的将是演奏的乐队和飘舞的旗帜。一旦到了那儿,多少美妙的梦将成为现实,我们的生活也将变得完整,好像一幅拼好了的拼图。B:我们在车厢过道里烦躁不安地踱来踱去,咒骂火车的磨磨蹭蹭,等待着,等待着,等待着火车进站的时刻。A:“When we reach the station, that will be it!” we cry. “When I’m 18.” “When I get a promotion.” “When I reach the age of retirement, I shall live happily ever after!”B:Sooner or later, we must realize that there is no station, no one place to arrive at once and for all. The true joy of life is the trip. The station is only a dream. It constantly out distances us.A:“当我们到站后,一切就好了!”我们呼喊着。“当我到18岁的时候。”“当我升官晋职的时候。”“当我到了退休的时候,从此就可以过上幸福的生活啦!”B:可是我们迟早会认识到人生之旅并没有什么车站,也没有什么能够“一到就可永逸”的地方。人生的真正乐趣在于旅行的过程,而车站仅仅是个梦,它总是遥遥领先于我们。A:So stop pacing the aisles and counting the miles. Instead, climb more mountains, eat more icecream, go barefoot more often, swim more rivers, B:watch more sunset, laugh more and cry less. Life must be lived as we go along. Then the station will come soon enough.A:那么就停止在车厢过道里徘徊吧,别总惦记着你距离车站还有多远。何不换种活法,去攀爬更多的高山,多吃点冰激淋解解馋,经常光着脚闲游漫步,在更多的河流里畅游,B:多多欣赏夕阳西下,多点欢笑,少些泪花。生活要过在当下,车站会很快到达。结束曲 B:感谢制作任家豪!A:That's today's program, thank you for your listening. If you like us, you can listen more in Official WeChat Account: VOE Radio or Litchi FM 22808.Welcome to join us, welcome to VOE.B:如果你喜欢我们的节目,欢迎您关注我们的时代之声Radio并收听我们的荔枝app调频:fm22808.欢迎加入VOE,欢迎加入墨海繁花!欢迎您对我们的节目点赞和留言,春风十里,我们一直都在等你!Both:bye!
11/23/20188 minutes, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork

Nov.22,2018#Bloom in ink#品味现在

节目组:Blook In Ink节目名称:品味现在 节目监制:李硕编辑:安楠杨璟琰播音:王怡文 陈子扬制作:任家豪整合上传:魏薇审核:侯泓锾开头曲 A:Hello everyone, welcome to Bloom In Ink from VOE foreign languages radio station. I&`&m Summer . B:I&`&m Julia.A:欢迎收听VOE时代之声外文广播电台,我是陈子扬。B:我是王怡文 。A:Tucked away in our subconsciousness is an idyllic vision. We see ourselves on a long trip that spans the continent. We are traveling by train. Out the windows, we drink in the passing scene of cars on nearby highways,B:Of children waving at a crossing, of cattle grazing on a distant hillside, of smoke pouring from a power plant, of row upon row of corn and wheat, of flatlands and valleys, of mountains and rolling hills, of city skylines and village halls.A:在我们的潜意识之中隐藏着一派田园诗般的风景。我们仿佛处在一次横跨大陆的迢迢旅途之中。我们乘着火车,领略着窗外流动的景色:B:附近公路上驰骋的汽车、十字路口处挥手的孩童、远处山坡上吃草的牛群、不断从电厂排放出的烟雾、成片成片的玉米和小麦、平原和山谷、群山和绵延起伏的丘陵、天空衬托下城市的轮廓,以及乡间的庄园宅第。A:But uppermost in our minds is the final destination. On a certain day at a certain hour, we will pull into the station. Bands will be playing and flags waving. Once we get there, so many wonderful dreams will come true and the pieces of our lives will fit together like a completed jigsaw puzzle. B:How restlessly we pace the aisles, damning the minutes for loitering — waiting,waiting, waiting for the station.A:可是我们心中想得最多的却是最后的目的地。在某一天的某一时刻,我们的火车将会到站,迎接我们的将是演奏的乐队和飘舞的旗帜。一旦到了那儿,多少美妙的梦将成为现实,我们的生活也将变得完整,好像一幅拼好了的拼图。B:我们在车厢过道里烦躁不安地踱来踱去,咒骂火车的磨磨蹭蹭,等待着,等待着,等待着火车进站的时刻。A:“When we reach the station, that will be it!” we cry. “When I’m 18.” “When I get a promotion.” “When I reach the age of retirement, I shall live happily ever after!”B:Sooner or later, we must realize that there is no station, no one place to arrive at once and for all. The true joy of life is the trip. The station is only a dream. It constantly out distances us.A:“当我们到站后,一切就好了!”我们呼喊着。“当我到18岁的时候。”“当我升官晋职的时候。”“当我到了退休的时候,从此就可以过上幸福的生活啦!”B:可是我们迟早会认识到人生之旅并没有什么车站,也没有什么能够“一到就可永逸”的地方。人生的真正乐趣在于旅行的过程,而车站仅仅是个梦,它总是遥遥领先于我们。A:So stop pacing the aisles and counting the miles. Instead, climb more mountains, eat more icecream, go barefoot more often, swim more rivers, B:watch more sunset, laugh more and cry less. Life must be lived as we go along. Then the station will come soon enough.A:那么就停止在车厢过道里徘徊吧,别总惦记着你距离车站还有多远。何不换种活法,去攀爬更多的高山,多吃点冰激淋解解馋,经常光着脚闲游漫步,在更多的河流里畅游,B:多多欣赏夕阳西下,多点欢笑,少些泪花。生活要过在当下,车站会很快到达。 结束曲 B:感谢制作任家豪!A:That&`&s today&`&s program, thank you for your listening. If you like us, you can listen more in Official WeChat Account: VOE Radio or Litchi FM 22808.Welcome to join us, welcome to VOE.B:如果你喜欢我们的节目,欢迎您关注我们的时代之声Radio并收听我们的荔枝app调频:fm22808.欢迎加入VOE,欢迎加入墨海繁花!欢迎您对我们的节目点赞和留言,春风十里,我们一直都在等你!Both:bye!
11/22/20188 minutes, 51 seconds
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Nov.21,2018#Music Bang Bang#艾薇儿合辑

节目名称:Music Bang Bang 节目主题:艾薇儿合辑节目监制:朱子业编辑:窦雪菲 李嘉怡 左索超播音:李嘉怡 左索超制作:朱子业整合上传:陈子扬审核:侯泓锾开头曲 Head Above WaterLacy: Dear every listener, welcome back to our channel—— Music Bang Bang. Wishing you have a good time when you listen to our program. I ‘m Lacy.Charles: Hi everyone, I'm Charles. Currently I am fond of the singer Avril. Her songs can always shocked me.Lacy: Yeah, you are right! One of her's songs is well-known, it's Head Above Water. Have you ever heard about it?Charles: Of course! Let's go!Lacy: This song with a little heavy heart, cause this is composed for recording her experience of resisting the illness.插曲1 Innocence Charles: Aha, while her other song is positive. It's Innocence.Lacy: This song made me mind flashed back to my memorable happy experience of my lifetime. Charles: I think so, too.插曲 2 Here's to Never Growing Up.Charles: Lacy, as we know, she is a famous Canada singer, and She made an indelible contribution to the global music community.Lacy: Yeah, her music album was sold more than 30 million, and also was nominated Grammy Awards 8 times.Charles: Do you know Avril set up a Lavigne foundation to help more illness children !It is such a public welfare.Lacy: Wow, she is my goddess forever, and never grow up.Charles: So, you’re talking about Here's To Never Growing Up, right?Lacy: Yeah, you are smart, here we go.插曲3 Wish You Were HereCharles: The song really cheers me up and made my body can’t help moving Lacy: Certainly, do you know she had a song that shows the girl's sentimental mood?Charles: Really? Which song? I am looking forward to it.Lacy: OK, Wish you were here is coming right now!插曲5 Wish you were hereCharles: Avril, we will always stand by you through thick and thin. Thank you for listening and welcome to follow our official account with interests.Lacy: 感谢收听我们的节目。欢迎订阅荔枝FM22808.更多精彩等着你去发现,see you next time! 结束曲 Wish you were here
11/22/201811 minutes, 54 seconds
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节目组: 한류전선 韩流前线节目名称:《无论你选择什么样的人生我都为你加油》节目监制:李硕编辑:李硕&赵作章播音:赵作章&戴润洲&公雨婷整合上传:魏薇审核:侯泓锾(配乐 may be—yiruma)大家好,这里是韩流前线。我是主播赵作章,我是主播戴润洲,我是主播公雨婷안녕하세요.여기는 한류전선입니다.저는 아나운서 공우정입니다,저는 아나운서대윤주입니다.저는 아나운서 조작장입니다.今天想给大家推荐一本书。这本书非常适合想听关于人生的助言、需要温暖的安慰的人们去读。这本书是韩国著名的小说家孔枝泳的《无论你选择什么样的人生我都为你加油》。오늘은 여러분들에게 책 한권을 추천할건데요.이책은 삶의 조언을 듣고싶은 사람,엄마가 딸에게 얘기해주듯, 따듯한 위로가 필요한 분들에게 적합한 책입니다.바로 한국 유명한 소설가 공지영의《네가 어떤 삶을 살든 나는 너를 응원할 것이다》라는 책입니다.小说家孔枝泳时隔两年推出的这本书是以给主人公蔚宁写信的形式而构成。这里的蔚宁不单纯只是小说中虚构的人物,而是作者的女儿。한국 베스트셀러 작가 공지영이 고3인 딸 위녕에게 쓴 24편의 편지가 한국 천만의 젊은이들을 감동시켰으며 그들이 심야에 꼭 읽게 되는 책이 되였다.这24封信中写满妈妈对女儿的期许和理解,无限关爱,浸透信纸。既让迷茫中的年轻人受到启示,鼓起勇气重新出发,又让无数颗孤独的心灵得到有人在一旁加油的安慰 。이 24편의 편지중에는 엄마가 딸에 대한 기대, 배려,관심이 가득이다.막막했던 젊은이들이 용기를 얻어 다시 출발하게 했을뿐만아니라 수많은 고독하고 외로운 심령들을 위로해주었다.书中有一段话,每每想起就会感到温暖和鼓励“你现在还年轻,人生的道路还很漫长。你要相信妈妈的话,天使们的窃窃私语和世界上所有爸爸妈妈的加油助威声,还有上帝温暖的目光,你千万不要忘记。当你在奔跑的时候,当你停下脚步哭泣的时候,我都在默默的为你加油!”책속에 이런말이 있는데 생각날때마다 따뜻하더라구요.“넌 아직 젊고 인생의 길은 멀고도 멀어.엄마의 말을 믿어야해.천사들의 속삭임,그리고 세상 모든 부모들의 응원,하느님의 따뜻한 시선을 잊지마.네가 달리고 있을때,발걸음을 멈추고 흐느낄때 난 언제나 너를 응원할거야!”通过写信的方式,作者不仅仅是为女儿,而是为世上所有的人们加油。最重要的是以作为妈妈的那种温暖的心和视线为基础,所以这种安慰和激励才会更加贴近人心。이러한 메세지를 통해 작가는 딸 위녕을 비롯한 세상의 모든 사람들을 응원합니다.무엇보다 엄마로서의 따뜻한 마음과 시선이 밑바탕 되어있어 위로와 응원이 깊이 와닿는 것 같아요.이번 한류 전선은 여기까지입니다.本期韩流前线到这里就结束了感谢制作王飞다음 방송 기대해 보도록 하겠습니다.让我们一起期待下一期节目吧안녕~
11/20/20187 minutes, 33 seconds
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Nov.20,2018#Screen Age#The films which impress you most

节目名称:Screen Age 节目主题:The films which impress you most节目监制:毕鑫屹编辑:张舒涵 王雪莹播音:曹敏(BR)张舒涵(C)邓斐元(M)李一泓(E)刘甜(B)整合上传:魏薇审核:侯泓锾C: Hello, my dear audience. Welcome to the Screen Age on time. I am your friend, Chirsty.BR: Good afternoon. I’m Brittany.M: I’m Michelle.C: Recently, the weather is cold. Have you seen some heart-warming films?BR: Of course. Let me tell you.BR: Yeah, the film is named 超时空同居M: Okay, it sounds like a science fiction.BR: Well, it’s also a romantic comedy.M: Oh no. I feel hurt since I’m a single dog.BR: 哈哈!M: I can’t wait to know what it is about.BR: It is about Gu Xiao Jiao of 2018 and Lu Ming of 1999 live in the same room by accident due to space time overlap. They can go back and forth freely between the ages.M: I think it’s novel in romantic movies.BR: They go from disliking to cooperation. Finally, they fall in love with each other. However, Lu Ming of 2018 appears and controls everything.M: Two identical people?BR: Uhmm. In 19 years, Lu Ming has changed from a kind man to a bad man with ambition. After knowing the truth, Lu Ming of 1999 changes the decision and they have a happy ending.M: I think that kind and evil are in the blink of an eye.BR: At the same time, its theme song is appealing.M: OK. I will listen to it for a moment. M: Then, I will also introduce a romantic movie called “Titanic”.C: It is enough classic.M: This is a film directed by 詹姆斯·卡梅隆,starring by 莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥,凯特·温斯莱特. The story follows the Titanic hitting an iceberg in 1919, and it tells the love between a poor painter and a rich girl.C: I remember it has won the 70th Academy Awards, 11 awards.M: Yeah, 莱昂纳多plays Jack, he is a humorous, handsome and affectionate man. 凯特plays Rose, she is a socialist. At last, she lived bravely for Jack. Their action was well received by the audience.C: But it’s ending is tragic.M: Sometimes, tragedies are also enlightening.C: What a coincidence! I will introduce 悲伤逆流成河 to our listeners.BR: It’s also tragic.C: Do you know Campus Bullying?BR: I have heard before. It is so terrible.C: Yeah. The heroin, 易遥 is a victim. Because of aninadvertent infection with a venereal disease, after being exposed by唐小米. All of people laugh and bully her.BR: Does anyone help her?C: 齐铭and 顾森西help her. But they’re in different ways. I like the latter way. However, by accident, 顾森西’s sister顾森湘was murdered. Someone framed it to易遥.BR: No one trust her? Finally, I know, she threw herself into the river.C: But顾森西helped her because of love.BR: Wow. Youth film is so wonderful.C: Love is also.B: Hey, Emily. By the way, Marvel Comics great Stan Lee died a few days ago. After hearing that, I feel sorry for him.E: What a pity! I am a Marvel fans, too. So, now, let’s talk about a famous work, Wolverine.B: OK. Here we go!E: The film talks that in 1845, James Howlett, a boy living in Canada, saw his father killed by groundskeeper, Thomas Logan. The trauma activated the boy's mutation: bone claws protruded from his knuckles, and he killed Thomas, who revealed that he was James's real father. B: James fled along with Thomas's son Victor Creed, who is thus James's half-brother. They spent the next century as soldiers, fighting in the American Civil War, both World Wars, and the Vietnam War. In Vietnam, Victor killed a senior officer.E: James defended Victor and the two were sentenced to execution by firing squad, which they survived. Major William Stryker approached them in military custody, and offered them membership in Team X, a group of mutants including Agent Zero, Wade Wilson, John Wraith, Fred Dukes, and Chris Bradley. They have joined the team for a few years, but the group's disregard for human life caused James to leave.B: While Logan and Victor joined forces to fight off Weapon XI, Kayla was mortally wounded leading the captive mutants to Professor Charles Xavier and safety. After Logan killed Weapon XI, Stryker arrived and shot Logan in the head with adamantium bullets, rendering Logan unconscious. Before Stryker could shoot Kayla, she grabbed him and used her mutant power to persuade him to turn around and walk away until his feet bled. Logan regained consciousness but had lost his memory. He noticed his dog tags read "Logan" on one side and "Wolverine" on the other. He paused upon noticing Kayla's body, but did not recognize herE: The words touch me is that "Countless choices define our fate, each choice, each moment, a ripple in a river of time. Enough ripples and you change the tide, for the future is never truly set." B: It’s so touching. And, “Wolverine” has also a strong cast.E: Wow, what’s it?B: They're director Gavin Hood, actor Hugh Jackman, Liev Schreiber, Lynn Collins, Ryan Reynolds, Kdvin Durand, Taylor Kitsch, Scott Adkins, Troye Sivan and so on. E: The producer is the patriarch of American comics---Stan Lee, who is known to us. Its product company is Marvel Comics. What's more, it is shot at Texas, American Grand canyon, New York. B: The film consists of fantasy, science, love and action. Now let's see the behind-the-scenes look. E: “Wolverine” was shown on 5th March 2009 in China. That's to say: After “Spider-Man” “Iron Man”, it is the third time to import films concerning hero on May Day continuously.B: More interestingly, Gavin Hood explained why he wanted to direct “Wolverine”: “Partly because I need to prepare tuition fees for my daughter. Actually, I'm not expert at directing it.”BR: The happy moment passes so fast. It’s time to say goodbye.C: The weather is changeable. Pay attention to keeping warm, so that we can prevent cold.BR: And, the final examination is coming. Do you ready for it?C: Have a good review! And, see you next time!BR: Bye.
11/20/201811 minutes, 6 seconds
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Nov.16,2018# 한류전선 #内在美

节目组:한류전선 韩流前线节目名称:《内在美》 节目监制:李硕编辑:李硕&赵作章播音: 柳佳英& 闵首元& 司佩弘整合上传: 陈子扬审核: 侯泓锾(구름—rothy)大家好,这里是韩流前线.我是主播赵作章,我是主播戴润洲,我是主播公雨婷.안녕하세요. 여기는 한류전선입니다. 저는 아나운서 공우정입니다.저는 아나운서 조작장입니다.저는 아나운서 대윤주니다.(두려움) 你可曾想过,每天一觉醒来,就会变成另外一个甚至连性别也不同的人,你会感到惊喜,还是会感到恐惧呢?变换的样貌又能否守住永恒的爱呢? 여러분은 이런 생각이 든적 있나요?매일 아침 잠에서 깨어나면 다른 사람으로 심지어 성별도 바뀌게 되는거에요.여러분은 놀라움과 두려움 어느 감정이 더 앞설가요?또한 당신의 변한 모습은 영원한 사랑을 지킬수 있을가요? 最近热播的韩剧《内在美》因其独特构思刚一开播就受到无数人的追捧。而这部电视剧正是改编自2015年上映的,并且评价颇高的同名电影《内在美》。今天我们就来分享一下这部治愈系电影。 요즘 엄청 핫한 드라마 뷰티인사이드는 독특한 아이디어로 나오자마자 많은 사람의 사랑을 받았어요.이 드라마는 2015년 상영되였던 뷰티인사이드란 동명의 영화로 개편되였는데 오늘 우리 함께 이 영화에 대해 이야기를 나눠보도록 할가요. 电影通过温情文艺的风格讲述了男主禹镇在18岁那年得了一种怪病,每天早上醒来都会变成一个新的模样。不停变换的样貌让禹镇不得不孤独的生活,也让他找不到人生的意义。直到女主李秀的出现让禹镇有了人生的追求。但也因禹镇不停的变换让李秀承受着失忆般的折磨和身边人的流言蜚语。但最终李秀还是看清了自己的内心,并对禹镇说“有你的时候生活很折磨,但离开你之后才发现,没有你的日子太难熬了”。 이 영화는 남주인공 우진이 18살에 꾀병에 걸려 매일 아침 잠에서 깨어나면 다른 사람으로 되는 스토린데요.끊임없이 바뀌는 얼굴때문에 우진이는 할수없이 외롭게 살게되였고 인생의 의의를 찾지못하게 되였다.그리고 여주인공 이수의 등장이 우진이에게 인생의 추구를 안겨주었다.그러나 우진이의 쉴새없이 바뀌는 모습은 이수로 하여금 기억상실과도 같은 괴롭힘과 주변사람들의 비난을 받게하였다.하지만 끝내 이수는 우진이와 있을때도 힘들지만 우진이 없이는 못산다는 자기의 진심을 알게되였다. 爱与性别、年龄、颜值、种族无关,我爱你仅仅因为是你。人的样貌可能会变化,但愿我们都可以拥有内在美和始终如一的心。 사랑은 성별,나이,외모,종족과 상관없다.오직 그게 너라서 사랑한다.사람의 외모는 바뀌게 될 수도 있지만 내면의 아름다움과 한결같은 마음은 영원하길 바랍니다. 感谢制作王飞이번 한류전선은 여기까지입니다.本期韩流前线到这里就结束了다음 방송 기대해 보도록 하겠습니다.让我们一起期待下一期节目吧안녕~(구름—rothy)
11/16/20188 minutes, 8 seconds
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Nov.15,2018#Bloom In Ink#你是人间四月天

节目组:Bloom In Ink节目名称:你是人间四月天节目监制:李硕编辑:徐泽 陈子扬播音:徐泽 陈子扬制作:任家豪整合上传:魏薇审核:侯泓锾 A:Hello everyone, welcome to Bloom In Ink from VOE foreign languages radio station. I&`&m Summer. B:I&`&m Xavier.A:欢迎收听VOE时代之声外文广播电台,我是陈子扬B:我是徐泽 I Compare You to Lovely April DaysI compare you, my beloved, to lovely April days.When your giggling charm enlightens the breezes astray.Rising lightness be your dancing shapes,tiptoeing the gorgeous spring rays.You are my early April cloud;Eventide softness where winds linger in steps proudStarry sparkles, a careless note,Modest raindrops over the blooms in a whisper silently loud.Lightness, fairness, and freshness are your floral crest,Naive grandness is the embrace of your chestYou, every touch of a round moon holding my breath.Yellowish green is your budding blade,When the wintry snow fades;Tender rejoicing be your dreamy lilies in the rippling parade.Your are trees heavy with flowers merry and gay;Like keen swallows, under every roof, you gently chatter away,  In thy name of love and warm hopes, you are a lovely April day!我说 你是人间的四月天;笑音点亮了四面风;轻灵在春的光艳中交舞着变。你是四月早天里的云烟,黄昏吹着风的软,星子在无意中闪,细雨点洒在花前。那轻,那娉婷,你是,鲜妍百花的冠冕你戴着,你是天真,庄严,你是夜夜的月圆。雪化后那片鹅黄,你像;新鲜初放芽的绿,你是;柔嫩喜悦,水光浮动着你梦期待中白莲。你是一树一树的花开,是燕在梁间呢喃,--你是爱,是暖,是希望,你是人间的四月天! 垫乐:B:感谢制作任家豪!A:That&`&s today&`&s program, thank you for your listening. If you like us, you can listen more in Official WeChat Account: VOE Radio or Litchi FM 22808.Welcome to join us, welcome to VOE.B:如果你喜欢我们的节目,欢迎您关注我们的时代之声Radio或收听我们的荔枝app调频:fm22808.欢迎加入VOE,欢迎加入墨海繁花!欢迎您对我们的节目点赞和留言,春风十里,我们一直都在等你!Both:bye!
11/15/20187 minutes, 46 seconds
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Nov.14,2018#Music Bang Bang#Disney Theme Songs

节目名称:Music Bang Bang 节目主题:Disney Theme Songs节目监制:朱子业编辑:王思文 周鑫伶播音:王思文 周鑫伶制作:周鑫伶整合上传:魏薇审核:侯泓锾开头曲 Beauty and the BeastC:Hey, everyone. Here is Music Bang Bang from VOE. Glad to see you again.I'm Carrie.S:Hey, my dear audience, I'm your friend, Sivan.插曲1 Beauty and the BeastS:Hey, Carrie. Do you know The Walt Disney Company was chosen to be one of the most valuable worldwide brands this year? C:Oh, really? Disney is a part of my childhood! It still reminds me of some characters and they are all kind, lovely but different from each other. S:Yeah, when I was a little girl, I'm fond of 《Beauty and the Beast 》most. And my idol, Ariana Grande, performed its homonymous theme song with John Legend, attracting many fans to see the movie.C:Well, I haven't seen that movie but I've heard that song. Their voices are soft and slow, matching each other. S:And the lyrics show the romantic old song perfectly. C:This song as well as the story shows a true love of a plain but brave maid and an ugly but royal beast, their development made me touched. S: Yeah, you're right! Legends never die.插曲 2 You've Got A Friend in MeC:Here's another relaxing and interesting cartoon created by Disney, called Toy Story. They made toys alive, and displayed their previous relationship through so many adventures. S:So the song playing now is also called Toy Story? C:Of course not. It's 《You've Got A Friend in Me》. S:I've never heard it before. According to its warm name, I think it's a melodious and touching song. C:Emm, not quite right, It belongs to country music more than soft music. S:Wow, Its tone is fresh, like a breeze.So lively to fit Toy Story.插曲3 Try Everything C:诶,对了,我记得前年我们的朋友圈都被一只兔子和狐狸刷屏了。你知道那是哪部迪士尼动漫吗?S:It's not going to be Zootopia? C:Good job! And its theme song, 《Try Everything》, was a heat then!S:It was sung by Shakira, also my love. C:Yeah,Shakira's voice is magnetic, powerful and sounding.S:And the song itself is dynamic and motivative, it seems that it promoted the rabbit to explore unknown tomorrow.C:So when the rabbit, Judy, was leaving for somewhere unfamiliar, the song rose. Then she met the fox, Nick, and they fell in love at last.S:What a interesting story. I expect everyone who tries everything can gain what they desire. C:I also wish to. 插曲 4 Remember me(Dúo)PART 4: S:Accompanied by a beautiful male voice, let me introduce this song for you, it is the theme song of the animated movie “CoCo”.C: Oh, I've seen this movie , I was very touched after watching it.S: Me too. This is a song in English mixed with Spanish. Its melody made listeners relaxed. So, let’s enjoy this warm song 《Remember me》together.插曲5 ImmortalsS:Hey, Carrie. Do you know Baymax?C: Yeah, baymax is so considerate and cute. He looks like a super large cotton candy. And he is also my ideal boyfriend.S: Haha, I think no one doesn't like him. He won’t leave you alone until you’re well again.C: Yes, I agree with you.S: The 《Immortals》is the theme song of the movie Big Hero 6. It is sung by Fall Out boys. Fall out boys is a rock band from Chicago, America. It was founded in 2001. Their unique rock voice adds energy to this song.C:That’s true.S:Ok, here are some classic songs in Disney cartoon. May you all like them.And it's time to say goodbye! See you next time!C:欢迎大家关注荔枝fm,更多精彩内容等着你的发现,VOE等着你的加入。See you!Immortals
11/14/201811 minutes, 27 seconds
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Nov.13,2018# 한류전선 #内在美

节目组:한류전선 韩流前线节目名称:《内在美》 节目监制:李硕编辑:李硕&赵作章播音: 柳佳英& 闵首元& 司佩弘整合上传: 魏薇审核: 侯泓锾(구름—rothy)大家好,这里是韩流前线.我是主播赵作章,我是主播戴润洲,我是主播公雨婷.안녕하세요. 여기는 한류전선입니다. 저는 아나운서 공우정입니다.저는 아나운서 조작장입니다.저는 아나운서 대윤주니다.(두려움) 你可曾想过,每天一觉醒来,就会变成另外一个甚至连性别也不同的人,你会感到惊喜,还是会感到恐惧呢?变换的样貌又能否守住永恒的爱呢? 여러분은 이런 생각이 든적 있나요?매일 아침 잠에서 깨어나면 다른 사람으로 심지어 성별도 바뀌게 되는거에요.여러분은 놀라움과 두려움 어느 감정이 더 앞설가요?또한 당신의 변한 모습은 영원한 사랑을 지킬수 있을가요? 最近热播的韩剧《内在美》因其独特构思刚一开播就受到无数人的追捧。而这部电视剧正是改编自2015年上映的,并且评价颇高的同名电影《内在美》。今天我们就来分享一下这部治愈系电影。 요즘 엄청 핫한 드라마 뷰티인사이드는 독특한 아이디어로 나오자마자 많은 사람의 사랑을 받았어요.이 드라마는 2015년 상영되였던 뷰티인사이드란 동명의 영화로 개편되였는데 오늘 우리 함께 이 영화에 대해 이야기를 나눠보도록 할가요. 电影通过温情文艺的风格讲述了男主禹镇在18岁那年得了一种怪病,每天早上醒来都会变成一个新的模样。不停变换的样貌让禹镇不得不孤独的生活,也让他找不到人生的意义。直到女主李秀的出现让禹镇有了人生的追求。但也因禹镇不停的变换让李秀承受着失忆般的折磨和身边人的流言蜚语。但最终李秀还是看清了自己的内心,并对禹镇说“有你的时候生活很折磨,但离开你之后才发现,没有你的日子太难熬了”。 이 영화는 남주인공 우진이 18살에 꾀병에 걸려 매일 아침 잠에서 깨어나면 다른 사람으로 되는 스토린데요.끊임없이 바뀌는 얼굴때문에 우진이는 할수없이 외롭게 살게되였고 인생의 의의를 찾지못하게 되였다.그리고 여주인공 이수의 등장이 우진이에게 인생의 추구를 안겨주었다.그러나 우진이의 쉴새없이 바뀌는 모습은 이수로 하여금 기억상실과도 같은 괴롭힘과 주변사람들의 비난을 받게하였다.하지만 끝내 이수는 우진이와 있을때도 힘들지만 우진이 없이는 못산다는 자기의 진심을 알게되였다. 爱与性别、年龄、颜值、种族无关,我爱你仅仅因为是你。人的样貌可能会变化,但愿我们都可以拥有内在美和始终如一的心。 사랑은 성별,나이,외모,종족과 상관없다.오직 그게 너라서 사랑한다.사람의 외모는 바뀌게 될 수도 있지만 내면의 아름다움과 한결같은 마음은 영원하길 바랍니다. 感谢制作王飞이번 한류전선은 여기까지입니다.本期韩流前线到这里就结束了다음 방송 기대해 보도록 하겠습니다.让我们一起期待下一期节目吧안녕~(구름—rothy)
11/13/20188 minutes, 8 seconds
Episode Artwork

Nov.13,2018#Screen Age#Halloween

节目名称:Screen Age 节目主题:Different Films we like节目监制:毕鑫屹编辑:王雪莹 曹敏播音:张舒涵(C) 曹敏(BR) 邓斐元(M) 刘甜(B) 李一泓(E)整合上传:魏薇审核:侯泓锾 C: Dear friends, welcome to the Screen Age. This is Christy.BR: Good evening, my dear audience. This is Brittany, happy to see you again.M: Hello, my friends, this is Michelle. Double 11 is over. Have you got what you wanted?C: Today we will bring you four movies.C: I will bring you a science fiction adventure film, 头号玩家.BR: Wow,It’s cool. Who’re the characters?C: Well, 泰伊·谢里丹, 奥利维亚·库克, 西蒙·佩吉,本·门德尔森,马克·里朗斯,T.J.米勒. And this film’s director is 史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格. He is famous.BR: I think the film has a super line-up. We all know that director is the key to the success of a film.C: The following is a detailed explanation about this film for you. In2045, people at the border of chaos and collapse devoted their hopes and redemptions to the oasis of virtual games built by the wizard 哈利迪. And in this world, anything that’s impossible has become possible.M: Although it sounds free, but I can guess that people’s spirits could be numb.C: Yeah. The protagonist in this film is a big boy who has no place to play in real life. But with his deep analysis of game designers, he solved the riddle and found the eggs. At the same time, he gained his own love.BR: What a wonderful ending!C: The film focuses on creating a virtual world. Painting style novelty, goes with a swing, humorous are its characteristic. After you see this film, you will have a lot of inspirations.M: I think I already know. With the rapid development of science and technology today, smartphone addicts are increasing. Abandoning yourself to the Internet not only harms yourself, but has a bad influence on people around. Finally, you will miss the good years of youth.C: So, if you are interested in this film, what are you waiting for?BR: Take actions.BR: Today I want to bring you a bran-new movie Shadow.M: Wow, its name is special. Could you tell me more about this movie?BR: Sure. This film is directed by 张艺谋 and it was shown on National Day this year. Its screen colors are as simple as its name, only in black and white.C: Such visual impacts make me curious and interested. I think it looks like Chinese ink painting.BR: Well, it is worth mentioning its leading actor 邓超. He gave a lot for the film in which he played two roles alone. In order to play shadow, he gained 10 kilograms in three months. And then he lost 20 kilograms to play ziyu. After seeing the film, many people praised 邓超's acting skills.M: He is so dedicated! What’s the movie about?BR: In Pei, the king is snaky. The military commander faces trouble both inside and outside the palace. But he has a secret weapon: a shadow who looks like him. He uses the shadow to deal with the king and enemies. But, eventually it is found by the king. And then they battle face to face.C: Wow, that sounds good.BR: But the ending is open, which gives the audience a lot of imagination. Moreover, this is the sixth time Deng chao and Sun li cooperate with each other.C: I’m really interested in this film.M: Well, I want to watch it, too. M: Today I will introduce Grief grocery store to you.C: I know it. This is a movie directed by Hanjie. The show is starring by 王俊凯, 董子健, 成龙, 迪丽热巴.BR: Wow, the actors are all excellent. Could you tell me more?M: Well, 王俊凯plays Xiaobo who is an introverted, kind and sensitive person. Finally, he gained warmth.C: 董子健plays Jie. He looks like a violent person,but actually his internal character is vulnerable. Fortunately, he found the answer from the letters.M: 迪丽热巴 plays tongtong, a tomboy. And she dresses in the trendiest clothes, confident and impressive.C: Jackie Chan plays grandpa ease, mould into a selfless person.BR: Ok, what's the story of Grief grocery store?M: The film is mainly about Xiaobo and others inadvertently intruded but found the secret of the time tunnel. Only if you write your annoyance into the letter box and you will get an answer in the milk carton next day.C: They kept giving people advices. Meanwhile, people also made choices in their advices.M: They also found the direction of the heart and the answer to their own questions.C: It is really attractive.E: Today we will introduce a movie to you which I like most. It's about the human and vampire. Could you guess it?B: emmmmm, Is....twilight?E: Sure! You got it! The twilight is starred by Kristen Steward, Robert Pattison and Taylor Lautner and also welcomed by many people including me.B: The movie Twilight speaks about a pair of hard couple. Isabella Swan is a smart yet popular girl. Because of her mother's remarriage, she exiled herself to a remote town named Forks.E: In this town, she met a mysterious classmate named Edward Cullen, then she found out Edward came from a "vegetarian" vampire family. Bella's sweet scent attracted him -- made him want to drink her blood. But, at the same time, he suppressed his desire because he was deeply in love with her and wanted to protect her. B: The last part of the movie talked about Edward and his family fighting with the vampires that wanted to kill Bella. However, Bella knew what he is, and how dangerous it will be to be with him, but she is still controllably in love with him. The two lovers swang between love and danger, living each day with freshness and excitement, like the long gone sunshine, floating down to the city of Twilight.E: What impressed me the most is a part of line ''Alice, you have disappeared. Like everything else. But who else can I talk to? I'm lost. When you left...and he took everything with you. But the absence of him is everywhere I look...It's like a huge hole...has been punched through my chest. But in a way I'm glad. His pain is my only reminder that he was real...that you all were.'' Through the movie, I have a deep understanding of love.B: Let’s see the third one Eclipse of the moon. Bella is stuck with a dilemma after graduation: She will choose a lover between Edward and Jakub. E: This choice probably causes a bloody war of vampire and werewolf, though Bella is dying to be together with Edward.B: On the other hand, there is a rift in their love due to Jakub.E: Edward figures out a vampire stole something from her room. But nobody knows their purpose is Bella.B: Bella connects the accidents of the past, knowing Victoria is the mastermind who controls everything.E: It is a large threat to them.B: The Cullen family determines to fight against enemies with werewolf.E: On the balance of love and sacrifice, Bella finds what she needs to devote is not only soul.B: During the fourth one The break of dawn, through thick and thin, Bella and Edward step into the wedding chapel. Love like sun after rain nourishes their soul.E: Soon, Bella is pregnant and the fetus makes her rather painful. So as not to let her die, he changes her. But their daughter becomes an eyesore. The war is on the point.B: When Bella wakes up again, she is not only a mum but also a real vampire. With the guidance and protection of Edward, her strength and speed have made a great progress.E: Most incredibly, she has extraordinary self-control. However, Voltu thinks their daughter will be a damage to them. In the end, fortunately, Cullen family uses a peaceful way to avoid the war.B: I am deeply moved to their everlasting love. It is well worth of falling in love with someone, even keeping up with the unavoidable damage. Hope you all can find your love!E: How time flies. It’s time to say goodbye.B: Weather is getting colder and colder, please pay attention to preventing cold and keeping warm. See you next time. Bye!E: Bye!
11/13/201813 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

Nov.12, 2018 #日本语ドリームワークス# 姓氏

节目组:日本语ドリームワークス 日语梦工厂 节目名称: 姓氏节目监制: 梁远鹏 播音:赵子博&蔡晨露编辑:赵子博&蔡晨露制作: 张丽敏整合上传:陈子扬审核:侯泓锾 姓氏A:亲爱的听众朋友们,欢迎收听VOE外文广播电台,日语梦工厂,因梦而生。我是主播赵子博。B:我是主播蔡晨露。A:五月七日茴香,我妻由乃,家长加奈,我孙子武丸……大家在动漫、日剧里看见这些奇葩的姓氏时内心不免吐槽一句,这都是些什么乱七八糟的姓啊。B:实际上,这些姓氏并不是艺术作品的夸张,而是在现实世界中“确有其姓”的。当然,日本的姓氏并不全部都那么奇奇怪怪,有中规中矩的田中、佐藤,也有典雅动听的樱庭,千叶和古城。A :同样都是姓氏,为什么大家的画风不一样呢?B: 那么今天就让我们带领大家一起了解一下日本姓氏吧。A: 古代的日本人没有姓,只有名。后来随着社会的进步发展,才在统治阶级间诞生了姓。姓又演变分化为姓、氏、苗字等三个部分,作为统治阶级的权势象征。比较特殊的一点是,日本历史上的天皇也全部都没有姓。因为在古代,天皇被认为是天神的后代,具有至高无上的权利,因此没有必要拥有姓。而广大劳动人民则没有姓。直到1875年以前绝大多数的日本人都没有姓。也许听到这里大家不免好奇,今天日本的十万姓氏又是怎么来的呢?B: 其实在明治维新之后,日本废除了封建的等级制度,所有的平民百姓都可以给自己起姓,但是日本人对自己没有姓氏这件事已经习以为常了,并没有多加响应。直到1875年政府颁布了法令,强制国民必须拥有姓氏,大家才开始急急忙忙给自己取姓。于是各种各样的怪姓层出不穷。A: 有以日期为姓的,比如《翼·年代记》中的四月一日寻君、《中二病也要谈恋爱》中的五月七日茴香;有以地名为姓的高野、田中;有以职业为姓的服部、犬饲;有以建筑为姓的比如《魔卡少女樱》中的大道寺知世。有优美的,可以看见月亮的平原——“月见里”;最短的姓可以只有一个字,而最长的姓可以有五个。可以全是数字,“一二三”,“七五三”;也可以以植物为姓比如“仙人掌”;有霸气一点的,姓降魔,有搞笑一点的,姓蟋蟀。简直包罗万象,只有你想不到没有你找不到。B: 另一方面,日本人姓氏的可变性也很高。因 开创新家业、家族集团分支 或 收养关系 等原因都可以改姓,这也是日本姓氏数目众多的主要原因。虽然,日本人姓和名的排列顺序同我国汉族人的姓、名相同,都是姓在前,名在后。但是,由于日本人姓名字数的不统一,分辨姓和名带来不少麻烦。比如,歌手宇多田光就经常被误会成是 姓宇多 名田光,而伊能静其实是姓伊能,演员金城武也有时 会被认为是 姓金 名城武。闹出了不少乌龙。而太长的名字有时候也会让人记忆困难。A: 断起来困难也就算了,然而日本姓氏的读法也十分复杂。同一个读音可能对应了几十个汉字的写法,而同一组汉字又可能有好几种读法。以日本第二大姓氏铃木为例,同样读作suzuki,尚有寿寿木、铃树等八种。而同样的汉字,铃木又有十四种不同的读法。B:我们都知道日本女性结婚之后需要随夫姓,但现如今这样的习俗已经出现了松动。事实上,日本法律并没有明文规定必须妇随夫姓,只要夫妻双方姓氏一致就行。但在现实中,女性改夫姓占到压倒性比例。结婚改夫姓不只是改个姓氏那么简单,女性需要把类似于身份证与户口簿的My Number Card、住民票改成夫姓,接着护照、银行账户也都得改一遍,手续十分繁琐。A: .直到2017 年 7 月,日本政府向日本全国银行协会发出了协助请求,希望银行能够允许女性在婚后继续使用原有姓氏的银行账户。只要能确认是本人使用的银行账户,诸如三菱东京 UFJ 银行、三井住友银行等大银行已经不再强制要求女性婚后改姓。邮储银行、还有绝大多数日本地方银行则防止 以不当交易 为由,要求女性婚后必须更改姓氏。B: 除此之外,这些看似普通的姓氏背后也包含着特殊的含义。A :比如《火影忍者》中的日向雏田,其中姓氏“日向”就是“向着太阳”的意思,源于日本古分国之一的日向国,在火影中被作为姓氏读作ひゅうが(Hyuuga),它的日语训读是ひなた(Hinata),而“雏田”的发音也是Hinata,是个双关语,在日语中的意思可译作“充满阳光的地方”。不得不说是岸本的巧思。B:而在小说《龙族》中出场的角色源稚生与橘绘梨衣所拥有的姓“源”与“橘”则属于日本传统的贵族姓氏,与平,藤原,丰臣等共称为五大贵族姓氏。而日本首相安倍晋三与历史上大名鼎鼎的阴阳师安倍晴明共有的姓氏“安倍”则属于新贵族姓氏。A:快乐的时光总是如此短暂,我们又要和大家说再见了。最后为大家推荐一首好听的歌曲,同时感谢我们的后期制作。B:本期节目到此结束,我们下期再见。
11/12/20188 minutes, 56 seconds
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Nov12,2018 #The World Says#

节目组: The World Says 世界说节目监制:刘博编辑:李靖琳 李亦晨播音:谢雨欣 何晓明 李亦晨制作:程羊羊整合上传:陈子扬审核:侯泓锾
11/12/20189 minutes, 49 seconds
Episode Artwork


节目组:한류전선 韩流前线节目名称:《鬼怪》 节目监制:李硕编辑:李硕&赵作章播音:柳佳英&闵首元&司佩弘整合上传:陈子扬审核:侯泓锾(配乐----像初雪一样靠近你)大家好,这里是韩流前线.我是主播柳桂英,我是主播闵首元,我是主播司佩弘안녕하세요. 여기는 한류 전선입니다. 저는 아나운서 xx입니다.저는 아나운서 xx입니다.今天小编要为大家介绍的是一部于2016年上映的热播剧--《孤单又灿烂的神 鬼怪》오늘 저희는 2016 년 개봉한 한 편의 드라마'쓸쓸하고 찬란하신 - 도깨비' 를 소개하겠습니다.该剧由孔刘,金高银,李栋旭[xù],刘仁娜及陆星材主演。讲述了高丽时期的大将军金侁[shēn]因为受到王的猜忌而遇害,死后获得了诅咒般的能力——“永生”和强大的能力。拥有不死之身的“鬼怪”金侁,为了结束自己无限循环的生活必需找到一位人类新娘,却在寻找途中阴差阳错与失去记忆的阴间使者王黎开始了奇妙“同居”生活,两人在遇到了传说中的“鬼怪新娘”——一个“命中注定要死”的少女池恩倬之后,充满浪漫奇幻的故事。이 드라마는 공유, 김고은, 이동욱 , 유인나 및 육성재 등이 출연하엿고 .고려 시대의 대장군 김신이 왕의 기기를 받아 살해되고, 죽어서 저주 같은 능력을 때문에 '영생' 과 강대한 능력을 가지게 되엿다.불사체 의 몸 을 가진 '도깨비' 김신, 무한순환의 삶을 마무리하기 위해 꼭 필요한 인간 신부를 찾아내야 하며, 도중에 흐리고 기억을 잃은 저승사자 왕여를 찾다가 묘한 '동거' 생활을 시작했고, 두 사람은 전설의 '도깨비 신부' ---반드시 죽을 운명을 가진 소녀 지은탁을 만나 판타지한 로맨틱 이야기가 펼쳐진다.该剧笑点与泪点同在,你会因他们的日常生活情景而开怀大笑;也会因其中两对主演的坎坷感情而泣不成声。你不曾了解我为了遇见你,孤单又寂寥的在这世间过了多少个世纪。但幸运的是,我终是等到了你。即使再相遇时,你不再记得我。但没关系,余生还很长,我们慢慢来。웃음과 눈물이 함께 함께 하는 이 드라마는 그들의 일상생활 정경 때문에 크게 웃게 될 것이다. 또한 두 쌍의 주연의 간고한 사랑이야기로 흐느껴 울기도 한다.너는 내가 너를 만나기 위해 얼마나 쓸쓸하고 적막하게 이 세상에 몇 백 세까지 살았는지 알지 못한다.그러나 다행히도 내가 너를 만난다는 것.다시 만날 때 너는 나를 더 이상 기억하지 못해도 괜찮아, 아직 여생이 많이 남아 있기에, 우리 천천히 하자.愿所有离开都终究失而复得,人生来孤独,愿你可以在正确的时间里遇见那个与你同行的人,往后沿途的风景都是灿烂的人生。모든 잃음이 다 결국엔 소유되기를 바라며 ,인생은 원래 고독하기로. 정확한 시간에 맞는사람 만나서 동행할수잇기르 기원하고 그뒤의 풍경은 모두 아름다운 찬란한 인생이길 。이번 한류 전선은 여기까지입니다.本期韩流前线到这里就结束了感谢制作王飞다음 방송 기대해 보도록 하겠습니다.让我们一起期待下一期节目吧안녕~
11/9/20188 minutes, 58 seconds
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Nov.8,2018#Bloom in ink#再别康桥

节目组:Bloom In Ink节目名称:再别康桥节目监制:李硕编辑:安楠 杨璟琰播音:安楠 杨璟琰制作:任家豪整合上传:陈子扬审核:侯泓锾Saying Good-bye to Cambridge Again --- by Xu Zhimo轻轻的我走了, Very quietly I take my leave正如我轻轻的来; As quietly as I came here;我轻轻的招手, Quietly I wave good-bye作别西天的云彩。 To the rosy clouds in the western sky.那河畔的金柳 The golden willows by the riverside是夕阳中的新娘 Are young brides in the setting sun波光里的艳影, Their reflections on the shimmering waves在我的心头荡漾。 Always linger in the depth of my heart.软泥上的青荇, The floating heart growing in the sludge油油的在水底招摇; Sways leisurely under the water;在康河的柔波里, In the gentle waves of Cambridge我甘愿做一条水草 I would be a water plant!那榆荫下的一潭, That pool under the shade of elm trees不是清泉,是天上虹 Holds not water but the rainbow from the sky;揉碎在浮藻间, Shattered to pieces among the duckweeds沉积着彩虹似的梦。 Is the sediment of a rainbow-like dream?寻梦? 撑一支长篙, To seek a dream? Just to pole a boat upstream向青草更青处漫溯, To where the green grass is more verdant;满载一船星辉, Or to have the boat fully loaded with starlight在星辉斑驳里放歌 And sing aloud in the splendour of starlight.但我不能放歌, But I cannot sing aloud悄然是分别的笙箫; Quietness is my farewell music;夏虫也为我沉默, Even summer insects heep silence for me沉默是今晚的康桥! Silent is Cambridge tonight!轻轻的我走了, Very quietly I take my leave正如我轻轻的来; As quietly as I came here;我挥一挥衣袖, Gently I flick my sleeves不带走一片云彩。 Not even a wisp of cloud will I bring away B:感谢制作任家豪A:That&`&s today&`&s program, thank you for your listening. If you like us, you can listen more in Official WeChat Account: VOE Radio or Litchi FM 22808.Welcome to join us, welcome to VOE.B:如果你喜欢我们的节目,欢迎您收听我们的荔枝app调频:fm22808.欢迎加入VOE,欢迎加入墨海繁花!欢迎您对我们的节目点赞和留言,春风十里,我们一直都在等你!Both:bye!
11/8/20189 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork

Nov.7, 2018 #日本语ドリームワークス#雪女的故事

节目组:日本语ドリームワークス 日语梦工厂 节目名称:雪女的故事节目监制: 梁远鹏播音:刘羿良&刘钰编辑: 刘羿良&刘钰制作: 张丽敏整合上传:陈子扬审核:侯泓锾A:皆さん、こんばんは、VOE日本語ドリームワークスへようこそB:日语梦工厂A:为梦想起航,我是主播刘羿良B:我是主播刘钰A:时间过的真快,这转眼间五一小长假就结束了~时间过得真快啊B:话说,学了这么久日语,也没听说过日本有劳动节呀。A:大概因為在古代日本,人们很早就回家了,沒怎麼勞動就不過了吧。B:你是说在日本流传的晚上会有雪女出现的故事吗,记得小时候看动画片里有过,当时我还挺害怕的A:但是我们今天要讲的故事里的雪女,却是非常温柔哦むかしむかしの、寒い寒い北国でのお話しです。あるところに、茂作とおの吉という木こりの親子が住んでいました。この親子、山がすっぽり雪に包まれる頃になると、鉄砲を持って猟に出かけて行くのです。ある日の事、親子はいつもの様に雪山へ入って行きましたが、いつの間にか空は黒雲に覆われて、吹雪となりました。二人は何とか、木こり小屋を見つけました。这是很久很久以前,发生在寒冷北国的故事。在某个地方,住着一对叫做茂作和小野吉的樵夫父子。这对父子在山被大雪覆盖之后,会拿着枪出去打猎。有一天,父子俩像往常一样走进了雪山,不知不觉,天空被黑云覆盖,开始下雪了。两个人好不容易找到了一个樵夫的小屋。 「今夜はここで泊まるより、仕方あるめえ」「うんだなあ」“今晚就住这里吧,没办法”“运气不好啊”チロチロと燃えるいろりの火に当たりながら、二人は昼間の疲れからか、すぐに眠り込んでしまいました。風の勢いで戸がガタンと開き、雪が舞い込んできます。そして、いろりの火がフッと消えました。他们围坐在燃烧的炉子边烤火,因为白天太累了,所以很快睡着了。因为风势太猛,窗户突然被吹开了,雪飘了进来。炉子里的火被吹灭了。 「う~、寒い」あまりの寒さに目を覚ましたおの吉は、その時、人影を見たのです。“啊,好冷”被冻醒的小野醒来后看见了一个人影。 「誰じゃ、そこにおるのは?」そこに姿を現したのは、若く美しい女の人でした。“是谁,谁在那儿?”出现的身影是一个年轻的美丽女子。「雪女!」雪女は眠っている茂作のそばに立つと、口から白い息を吐きました。茂作の顔に白い息がかかると、茂作の体はだんだんと白く変わっていきます。そして眠ったまま、静かに息を引き取ってしまいました。雪女は、今度はおの吉の方へと近づいて来ます。“是雪女!”雪女站在睡着的茂作身边,口中吐出了白气。茂作的脸被白气包围,茂作的身体渐渐变白了。然后他还是安静地睡着,呼吸变得平静了。雪女向小野吉靠近过来。 「たっ、助けてくれー!」 必死で逃げようとするおの吉に、なぜか雪女は優しく言いました。“啊,救命!”雪女对拼命想要逃走的小野吉温柔地说。 「そなたはまだ若々しく、命が輝いています。望通り、助けてあげましょう。でも、今夜の事をもしも誰かに話したら、その時は、そなたの美しい命は終わってしまいましょう」“你还年轻,生命正是光辉的时候。”我就如你所愿,放过你。但是今晚的事不可以跟任何人提起,否则,我会当场要了你的命。そう言うと雪女は、降りしきる雪の中に吸い込まれ様に消えてしまいました。おの吉は、そのまま気を失ってしまいました。やがて朝になり目が覚めたおの吉は、父の茂作が凍え死んでいるのを見つけたのです。说着雪女像是被吸进了雪中,消失了。小野吉也失去了意识。第二天早上,小野吉睁开眼睛,看到父亲茂作已经被冻死了。それから、一年がたちました。ある大雨の日、おの吉の家の前に一人の女の人が立っていました。那之后过了一年。有一天下大雨,小野吉的家门前站着一个女人。「雨で、困っておいでじゃろう」“是被大雨困住了吧。” 気立てのいいおの吉は、女の人を家に入れてやりました。女の人は、お雪という名でした。おの吉とお雪は夫婦になり、可愛い子こどもにも恵まれて、それはそれは幸せでした。けれど、ちょっと心配なのは、暑い日差しを受けると、お雪はフラフラと倒れてしまうのです。でも、やさしいおの吉は、そんなお雪をしっかり助けて、仲良く暮していました。善良的小野吉把女人请到了家中。那个女人名叫雪。后来小野吉和雪结为了夫妻,生下了可爱的孩子,非常幸福。但是让人担心的是,雪被太阳光照射到的话就会昏倒。但是温柔的小野吉还是尽心照顾着雪,两个人美满地生活着。そんなある日、針仕事をしているお雪の横顔を見て、おの吉はふっと遠い日の事を思い出したのです。有一天,小野吉看着做针线活的雪的侧脸,忽然想起了很久以前的事。「のう、お雪。わしは以前に、お前の様に美しいおなごを見た事がある。お前と、そっくりじゃった。山で、吹雪にあっての。その時じゃ、あれは確か、雪女」“哦,雪。我以前见过一位和你一样美丽的女子”和你非常非常像。在山里,下雪的时候。那时候,对,我见到的是雪女。すると突然、お雪が悲しそうに言いました。「あなた、とうとう話してしまったのね。あれほど約束したのに」「どうしたんだ、お雪!」这时,雪突然很悲伤地说“你终于说出来了,我明明和你约定好了。”“怎么了?雪!” お雪の着物は、いつのまにか白く変わっています。雪女であるお雪は、あの夜の事を話されてしまったので、もう人間でいる事が出来ないのです。雪的和服瞬间变成了白色。变成雪的雪女听到了那晚发生的事,已经不能再假装人类了。「あなたの事は、いつまでも忘ません。とても幸せでした。子供を、お願いしますよ。・・・では、さようなら」“我不会忘了你。我们曾经很幸福,孩子就拜托你了。永别了。”その時、戸がバタンと開いて、冷たい風が吹き込んできました。そして、お雪の姿は消えたのです。这时,窗户突然打开,冷风吹了进来。之后,雪的身影消失了。A:好了今天的节目到这里就接近尾声了,感谢辛勤付出的后期制作张丽敏,更要感谢同学们长久以来的关心与支持。B:如果你有什么好的建议和想法,可以给我们留言,说出你的想法。A:让我们在优美的歌声中结束本期节目,我们下期再见,拜拜
11/8/201813 minutes, 7 seconds
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Nov.7, 2018 #Music Bang Bang#TS and KZ

节目组: Music Bang Bang 音乐大爆炸 节目名称:TS and KZ节目监制:朱子业编辑:廖露 姜雅娉 周宇琦播音:廖露 姜雅娉制作:朱子业整合上传:陈子扬审核:侯泓锾开头曲 Call it what you want – Taylor SwiftS:Hello everyone, This is Music Bang Bang from VOE foreign languages radio station. I'm your new friend,Sika.L:Hello,welcome back to our channel. I'm Lenne.Wow,this song is so sweet.S:Yeah! It was conducted by Taylor Swift,my favorite singer.L:Sounds great.How about telling me more about her?S:Of course.I cannot wait for that.插曲1 Blank Space – Taylor SwiftS:Yes. This is blank space which is in Taylor's fifth album,1989.She used to be a country music singer until the appearance of this album brought her into pop music.L:And this song had won the billboard top 1,right?S:Oh yeah!My idol is so excellent.插曲 2 Look what you made me do – Taylor Swiftyears Taylor has been in censure.There was a time when people were always abusing her,and this song was her counterattack.Her lyrics are her dairy,and she has shown her change and maturity as time goes by.L:Sometimes we don't need to care too much about other people.Just let the haters hate hate hate.S: That's right.The new Taylor is coming.插曲3 Rolling in the Deep - 谭定安L:Actually, one of my favorite female singers is from the Philippines,菲律宾。Her name is Kristine Zhenie and she also has a Chinese name,which is called 谭定安. S:I know her!她作为踢馆阵容参加了湖南卫视《歌手2018》.During that time ,the program was very popular and the QQ music often recommended her songs to me.She really made a deep impression on people.L:Yes,you are right. Have you ever heard the song she adapted about 'rolling in the deep'? She combined the song with electronic sound and rap. L:My soul gets trembling shock every time I listen to this song! She has an extraordinary voice!S:That's right.The music world needs this amazing voice!Her mastery and expressiveness are breathtaking,too.插曲 4 Labo - 谭定安L:In my heart,谭定安 is a powerful girl.She is not only likable but also has strength.S:I couldn't agree more.L:In 2018, she won the 3rd hope 107.5 music awards favorite performance of the year, while song "Lobo" won the urban song of the year award.S:This song is very rhythmic,love it so much!插曲5 Afraid - 谭定安S:她能够轻松的驾驭像爵士乐等诸多的曲风,其中的soul更是她最具威力的“杀手锏”,这两位迷人的唱将,带给我们太多的惊喜。L:Happy time always passes quickly.So that's all our music recommendation for today.Goodbye.S:感谢收听我们的节目,欢迎大家订阅荔枝fm22808, 更多精彩内容等着你的发现。ALL:See you next time.
11/8/201813 minutes, 3 seconds
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节目组:한류전선 韩流前线节目名称:《鬼怪》 节目监制:李硕编辑:李硕&赵作章播音:柳佳英&闵首元&司佩弘整合上传:陈子扬审核:侯泓锾(配乐----像初雪一样靠近你)大家好,这里是韩流前线.我是主播柳桂英,我是主播闵首元,我是主播司佩弘안녕하세요. 여기는 한류 전선입니다. 저는 아나운서 xx입니다.저는 아나운서 xx입니다.今天小编要为大家介绍的是一部于2016年上映的热播剧--《孤单又灿烂的神 鬼怪》오늘 저희는 2016 년 개봉한 한 편의 드라마'쓸쓸하고 찬란하신 - 도깨비' 를 소개하겠습니다.该剧由孔刘,金高银,李栋旭[xù],刘仁娜及陆星材主演。讲述了高丽时期的大将军金侁[shēn]因为受到王的猜忌而遇害,死后获得了诅咒般的能力——“永生”和强大的能力。拥有不死之身的“鬼怪”金侁,为了结束自己无限循环的生活必需找到一位人类新娘,却在寻找途中阴差阳错与失去记忆的阴间使者王黎开始了奇妙“同居”生活,两人在遇到了传说中的“鬼怪新娘”——一个“命中注定要死”的少女池恩倬之后,充满浪漫奇幻的故事。이 드라마는 공유, 김고은, 이동욱 , 유인나 및 육성재 등이 출연하엿고 .고려 시대의 대장군 김신이 왕의 기기를 받아 살해되고, 죽어서 저주 같은 능력을 때문에 '영생' 과 강대한 능력을 가지게 되엿다.불사체 의 몸 을 가진 '도깨비' 김신, 무한순환의 삶을 마무리하기 위해 꼭 필요한 인간 신부를 찾아내야 하며, 도중에 흐리고 기억을 잃은 저승사자 왕여를 찾다가 묘한 '동거' 생활을 시작했고, 두 사람은 전설의 '도깨비 신부' ---반드시 죽을 운명을 가진 소녀 지은탁을 만나 판타지한 로맨틱 이야기가 펼쳐진다.该剧笑点与泪点同在,你会因他们的日常生活情景而开怀大笑;也会因其中两对主演的坎坷感情而泣不成声。你不曾了解我为了遇见你,孤单又寂寥的在这世间过了多少个世纪。但幸运的是,我终是等到了你。即使再相遇时,你不再记得我。但没关系,余生还很长,我们慢慢来。웃음과 눈물이 함께 함께 하는 이 드라마는 그들의 일상생활 정경 때문에 크게 웃게 될 것이다. 또한 두 쌍의 주연의 간고한 사랑이야기로 흐느껴 울기도 한다.너는 내가 너를 만나기 위해 얼마나 쓸쓸하고 적막하게 이 세상에 몇 백 세까지 살았는지 알지 못한다.그러나 다행히도 내가 너를 만난다는 것.다시 만날 때 너는 나를 더 이상 기억하지 못해도 괜찮아, 아직 여생이 많이 남아 있기에, 우리 천천히 하자.愿所有离开都终究失而复得,人生来孤独,愿你可以在正确的时间里遇见那个与你同行的人,往后沿途的风景都是灿烂的人生。 모든 잃음이 다 결국엔 소유되기를 바라며 ,인생은 원래 고독하기로. 정확한 시간에 맞는사람 만나서 동행할수잇기르 기원하고 그뒤의 풍경은 모두 아름다운 찬란한 인생이길 。이번 한류 전선은 여기까지입니다.本期韩流前线到这里就结束了感谢制作王飞다음 방송 기대해 보도록 하겠습니다.让我们一起期待下一期节目吧안녕~
11/6/20188 minutes, 58 seconds
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Nov.6,2018#Screen Age#Cast Away

节目名称:Screen Age 节目主题:Cast Away节目监制:毕鑫屹编辑:王雪莹播音:刘甜(B) 李一泓(E)整合上传:陈子扬审核:侯泓锾B: Hello my dear audience, it’s time for Screen Age. I’m your old friend, Bella.E: Good afternoon, everyone. I’m Emily.B: Hey, Emily. During this week, which film have you seen?E: I was so busy a few days ago, so I didn’t have time to see the new one. Have you seen one?B: Yes. I have seen a film named Cast Away in the school auditorium.E: Wow. I have ever seen it before.B: What a coincidence! Let’s talk about it today.E: OK.E: Cast Away is a 2000 adventure film directed by Robert Zemeckis and starred by Tom Hanks. It awarded many prizes and was also nominated for an Oscar. B: The leading actor Hanks was nominated for Best Actor in a Leading Role at the 73rd Academy Awards for his critically acclaimed performance.E: The film describes an engineer named Chuck who worked in FedEx suffered in a storm through one assignment. He was trapped in an uninhabited island, losing everything about his contemporary life.B: Then, he initially tried to signal for rescue and made an escape attempt with the remnants of his life-raft, but he couldn’t pass the powerful surf. He searched for food, water, shelter, and opened the packages, finding a number of potentially useful items. E: He left one package, with a pair of wings painted on it, unopened. His sole purpose is tobe alive. He lost everything but had his "friend" Wilson through his rough days. He tried to escape the island day by day, year by year. Thanks to his belief, at last, he survived and had his own outlook on life and on love.B: It is so moving! After seeing it, I have also been deeply touched.E: Sure. If you are interested in this film, I think you are interested in what’s behind the scenes look too. B: You can talk some.E: For example, the volleyball in the film was under the hammer which cost 18400 dollars and contrary to the public’s opinions. However, FedEx didn&`&t pay the movie for one dollar.B: 哈哈. That’s amusing. E: It is really a wonderful film. It tells us so many truths as well as life enlightenments.B: Yeah. When I saw this movie, I&`&m deeply moved. I suppose it teaches us three truths. The first one is “There&`&s life, there&`&s hope”.E: After he strands on a desert island, he feels scared and hopeless. But he doesn&`&t give up. Instead, he searches for every possibility to escape from it and get the rescue. Eventually, he makes it. Because there&`&s life, there&`&s hope. B: The second one is “Use all resources around you”. He uses trunks to make a word “Help”, uses bud silk skirt of express which drops out of the lost plane, drills wood to make fire, catches crabs in the ocean and drinks coconut milk. SH: It has to say that he is a wise man. He almost uses everything around him to live.E: The third one and the most important one is “You should have a belief which can help you insist”. On the lonely island, his belief is his girlfriend. Every time he feels despairing, he will look at her photo. Then, he will be full of hope. B: In addition, he draws a smiling face on a volleyball and views it as his best friend. Also, he gives it a name “Wilson”. He talks with it day and night, so that he will not feel lonely.SH: But the film also leaves us some regrets. When Chuck returns home four years later, his girlfriend has been someone else&`&s wife and mother. That is to say: Time waits for no one.E: Like Chuck says: "I&`&ve lost her all over again".B: Maybe it is life, filled with challenges and unknowns. We must have belief and courage to “encounter” it.E: Bella, which line touches you the most? B: “The tide came in gave me a sail. I gotta keep breathing. Because tomorrow the sun will rise. Who knows tide could bring?”SH: It has no reason not to become a classic film. I think we should be like it. Whatever the difficulties we meet with, we will never give up and try everything, because who knows what tide could bring?B: Although I have seen it once, it will always be in my mind.E: Sure. It is so moving.B: How time flies! It’s the ending of this programme.E: If you want to hear something about your favourite film, you can recommend to us. See you next time.B: Bye.
11/6/20188 minutes, 11 seconds
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Nov.5,2018 #The World Says#Cherish the present people

节目组: The World Says 世界说节目主题:Cherish the present people节目监制:刘博编辑:李靖琳 李亦晨播音:邢朗 何晓明 谢雨欣制作:程羊羊整合上传:陈子扬审核:侯泓锾开头曲 journeyA:只要有人的地方就会有恩怨,有恩怨就会有江湖,人就是江湖。B:I've heard that before. C:It's a very good sentence, isn't it?This is one of my favorite words, a famous remark by Mr. Jin Yong.But unfortunately, Mr. Jin Yong died past away last week.The passing of Mr. Jin Yong is the end of an era.A:Hearing of the death of the Mr.Jin, the youth of our generation seems to have pass away together.B:Yes, Jinyong is not only the perpetual reminiscence to the older generation.To our youth, he is a great master.As a person who with multiple identity,He left not just many martial art fiction,In addition, feelings,complex,but with spirituality.Maybe these feelings will fade away after Jinyong's death.Jinyong made a lot of role that is wild oats,define authority.But all in all, it is a sentient being.The complex character which made his work appealings a lot of people.A:Jin Yong has been deeply rooted in the growth of generations since it was opened in 1955 as a pen name. With his wild imagination, he wrote 15 masterpieces in more than a decade.From the 1970s to the 1980s to today, there have been more than 100 kinds of Jin Yong martial arts dramas adapted from the three places on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, and almost every year there are reproductions. And Mr. Jin Yong's happy and gracious martial arts also became the common memory of Chinese people all over the world.Just one sentence, "wherever there is a Chinese, there must be a martial arts novel by Jin Yong" is enough to show his influence all over the world.垫乐:journey插曲 journey C:Forget who said that we will face the world of the fall of superstars in the future. A person's life is really not as long as you think.Time is not waiting for people, years of the river, time is long, and life is hasty! Whether relatives or love friends, cherish the time together now.B:Yes, :A lot of times, that's the way life is. There are a lot of people you think he would never leave, but suddenly he was gone, and there was no time to say goodbye. Just eight days before the show. The second bridge in Wangzhou District, Chongqing. A bus with ten people on board broke through the and rush into the river. At that time,one the victims of the car is a woman who is happy to take her mother and her two children to play together. No one could have imagined that it would end up like this. Many people are praying for a miracle, like 《a good show》 many years later. They're back. But life is not a TV show. Admit it, life is really not that long. A:The end of October is really a restless end There are too many celebrities, great people pass away suddenly, too many incidents and heartless accident suddenly occurred, so that we have no time to breathe, Just passed away a few days ago.,Li Yong, who said so in his micro blog four years ago邢:Life is very short, with the people you love and love you, you have worried about the people and worried about you, happy, but also drunk with the occasional. And four years later, the past has faded from public view of Li Yong once again appeared in front of the public, has been in such a sad way. His wife, Havan, posted just four words on Twitter: lost love forever. 垫乐:journey 插曲 journeyC:Yes, well, sometimes it's not death we're afraid of, it's the people we're afraid of losing forever. Really life is too short, So don't let go if you can hold tight, don't pull if you can hug.If time is a thief, then the various accidents in life is the bandits, he take away many of our beautiful things. Leave no trace .Therefore, we should cherish the present people and things.A:Life is limited! Just stick to what you want to do! Those who want to meet must hurry to meet! The person you like must find a way to confess! Don't forget to say what you want to say! Live seriously in the present, live up to life, live up to time, live up to yourself. Because you never know, tomorrow or an accident, which will come first.B:Birth, old age, illness, sudden disaster, has made many lives should not go away from the world, why do we have to use their own life knife? Everyone should cherish their fragile life, let her live every day, good life.C: Every ordinary difference should be a good farewell, every ordinary now have to love. Because you really don't know when they're going to leave you forever. I don't know how far the future will be or what will happen tomorrow, so just do the present and cherish every day.that's all of today's program . 垫乐:journey 结束曲 landing guy
11/6/20189 minutes, 9 seconds
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Nov.2,2018#Screen Age#Halloween

节目名称:Screen Age 节目主题:Halloween节目监制:毕鑫屹编辑:王雪莹播音:刘甜(B)李一泓(E)整合上传:魏薇审核:侯泓锾E: Hello, my dear audiences. The program you are listening to is Screen age from VOE. This is your old friend, Emily.B: Hi, I am your old friend, Bella. E: Hey, Bella. The Halloween is coming soon. As we all know, in western, on that day, children are often in special wearings, going door to door to ask for candies.B: Sure, trick or treat. This reminds me of an animated horror movie called Coraline & the Secret Door. Do you know something about this movie?E: Of course, it was so popular and had been awarded about nine prizes. It was also nominated for an Oscar.B: Yes! You can imagine that how welcome the movie was. So, today, I would like to introduce this movie to you.E: The protagonist of the story is a little girl named Caroline. For various reasons, her parents decided to move their family to another town to live. For adults, this is a rather tedious and tiring work. But for little Caroline, it seems to be quite an interesting experience. B: Similarly, this new arrival in town for the adults is quite gloomy and bizarre, but all in Caroline&`&s eyes are kind of interest. The magic was, although no one in the living room, there is one found in the door. This is the back door leading to where? E: Caroline is definitely a faction of action, and she is fully aware that the "Practice is the sole criterion for testing truth" is correct. So, she walked into the door ...B: At the back of the door is a real-world, exactly the same as the "mirror world". Though the world is a bit weird, it is very interesting. More importantly, in this world, there is a "Mom". This "Mom" for Caroline is also very good, but she has a pair of button eyes. E: She not only kidnapped the real parents of Caroline, but tried to sew the buttons on the eyes of Caroline. Therefore, she could be remained in this world. However, Caroline would not be lain down. With the help of her friends’ group, she went back to her ordinary life.B: Hey, Emily, do you like animated thriller?E: Oh, I am a little interested. Let’s say something about it.B: I want to introduce a cartoon named《The monster house》. Our main role DJ is a boy who loves fantasy and observation. Recently, he experiences a strange thing.E: What happens?B: He finds the house of his neighbor---an old man who is a big monster! When children make trouble at Halloween, the house will attack them! It can also swallow everything, including DJ&`& toys. But no one believes him, they only suppose he watches too many horror comics.E: Wow! Later?B: DJ&`&s friends Chowder and Jenny who are almost been eaten by the house trust his words. Although there are a great quantity of blocks, they finally unlock the secret of the monster house .E: What &`&s the secret they figure out?B: The person living in the house is his wife who is the giantess&`&s soul instead of herself. There&`&s a beautiful but sad love between them. After his wife died from an accident, the old man guards her soul all the time and fights against people next to it.E: How touching their love is!B: Yeah. Eventually, the old man agrees DJ to destroy it and her wife&`&s soul sublimes. Then they hold each other tightly.E: Wonderful! I think it is not only a cartoon but also a profound film. It makes me call back my childhood. As a kid, we often have strange thoughts about unknown damage and destructive power.B: So am I. What&`&s more, I am moved to their deep love. Though her wife is fat and giant, the old man still loves her and stays with her.E: I can’t wait to see it! B: The film above are all suitable for seeing with friends on Halloween. E: Sure. We can see it together.B: Let’s go. Thank you for listening. Goodbye our audiences.E: Bye.
11/2/20187 minutes, 33 seconds
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Nov.1,2018#Bloom in ink#致橡树

节目组:Bloom In Ink节目名称:致橡树 节目监制:李硕编辑:安楠 杨璟琰播音:安楠 杨璟琰制作:吴紫薇整合上传:魏薇审核:侯泓锾节目内容 A:Hello everyone, welcome to Bloom In Ink from VOE foreign languages radio station. I'm Andy. B:I'm Bryel . To The OakShu tingIf I love youI won't wind upon you like a trumpet creeperupvalue myself by your heightIf I love youI will never follow a spoony birdrepeating the monotone song for the green shadenot only like a springheadbrings you clean coolness whole year longnot only like a steepy peakenhances your height, sets off your straightnesseven sunshineand spring rainNo, all these are not enough!I must be a ceiba by your sideas a tree standing together with youour roots melt underneathour leaves merge in cloudswhen wind breezeswe greet each otherbut no onecan understand our peculiar wordsyou have your strong stem and brancheslike knives and swordsand like halberdsI have my red ample flowerslike heavy sighsand heroic torches as wellwe partake cold tide,thunder storm,firebolttogether we share brume,flowing mist,rainbowas if we separate all the timeactually we forever rely on each otherthis is great loveloyalty lives hereLovenot only your giant bodybut also the position you stand,the earth under your feet 致橡树舒婷我如果爱你——绝不像攀援的凌霄花借你的高枝炫耀自己;我如果爱你——绝不学痴情的鸟儿为绿荫重复单调的歌曲;也不止像泉源常年送来清凉的慰藉;也不止像险峰增加你的高度,衬托你的威仪。甚至日光。甚至春雨。不,这些都还不够!我必须是你近旁的一株木棉,作为树的形象和你站在一起。根,紧握在地下叶,相触在云里。每一阵风吹过我们都互相致意,但没有人听懂我们的言语。你有你的铜枝铁干像刀、像剑,也像戟;我有我红硕的花朵像沉重的叹息,又像英勇的火炬。我们分担寒潮、风雷、霹雳;我们共享雾霭、流岚、虹霓。仿佛永远分离,却又终身相依。这才是伟大的爱情,坚贞就在这里:爱——不仅爱你伟岸的身躯,也爱你坚持的位置,足下的土地。 B:感谢制作A:Dear Audence.That's today's program, thank you for your listening. See you next week.B:亲爱的听众朋友们,今天的节目到这里就要结束了,让我们下周四同一时间再会。 Both:bye!
11/1/201810 minutes, 12 seconds
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Oct.31, 2018 #Music Bang Bang#Grammys Music

节目组: Music Bang Bang 音乐大爆炸 节目名称:Grammys Music开头曲 HappyLacy: Hi everyone. I’m your new friend, Lacy.Lenne: Welcome to Voe, I’m Lenne.Lacy: Hey Lenne, have you ever heard about Grammy格莱美?Lenne: Yeah, I’m fancied with it. I listen to grammys every year.Lacy: Wow, my favorite song is a interlude of Despicable me 神偷奶爸2. Do you want to guess which song?Lenne: emmm, Happy?Lacy: Yeah! It’s right. Happy can brings me joy, its melody likes the name of this song, makes me cheerful and light-hearted. Every time I listen to it, my mood is so great.插曲1 Cheap ThrillsLenne: enhen, I like this song, too. But as for me, I’m fond of rock style.Lacy: Oh, I also like rock. So which song do you prefer?Lenne: Cheap Thrills from Sia and Sean Paul.Lacy: When I was preparing for the National University Entrance Examination last year, it always appeared on my play list, which encouraged and inspired me!插曲 2 My heart will go onLenne: I bet you have seen the 1997 version of Titanic. You must have heard its theme song' my heart will go on' Lacy: Yes. It is very classic. I think everyone has heard the song. Classical lines come to mind as soon as the song starts. ' You jump, I jump' Lenne: That' s right. In 1999, the song won the 41st grammy awards for ' production of the year' ' song of the year' and ' best pop female voice' . The song also topped the billboard hot 100' s music chart for weeks in the United States. Lacy: This song has great meaning and it is successful.插曲3 Lose YourselfLacy: This song is so cool. Is it also from the grammys? Lenne: Yeah. It was the finale of the 2003 grammys. The singer of this song is my favorite rapper. His name is Eminem . 中国粉丝们叫他姆爷。 He is an American rapper who won multiple grammy awards for best rapper and rap song. He was called the King of hip- hop. Lose yourself is his masterpiece. 插曲 4 Lose YourselfLenne: Okay. So much for our songs on the grammys today. Goodbye~Lacy: 欢迎大家订阅我们的荔枝fm22808, 更多精彩内容等着你的发现。 See you next time! 结束曲 Lose Yourself节目监制:朱子业编辑:窦雪菲播音:姜雅娉 李嘉怡制作:朱子业整合上传:陈子扬审核:侯泓锾
10/31/201812 minutes, 25 seconds
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节目组:한류전선 韩流前线节目名称:《惊险的亲家练习》 节目监制:李硕编辑:李硕&赵作章播音:柳佳英&赵作章制作:王飞整合上传:魏薇审核:侯泓锾TVN 新综艺《惊险的亲家练习》来啦!大家好,这里是韩流前线.我是主播柳桂英,我是主播赵作章안녕하세요. 여기는 한류 전선입니다. 저는 아나운서 입니다.저는 아나운서 조작장입니다.tvN 가상결혼 리얼리티 ‘아찔한 사돈연습’에서 커플들의 신혼생활이 눈길을 모았다.TVN的假想结婚真人秀《惊险的亲家练习》里面的cp的新婚生活非常吸引眼球。19일 방송된 tvN ‘아찔한 사돈연습’에서는 아침밥을 차려주기 위해 요리에 도전하는 장도연의 모습이 눈길을 모았다. 처음 시도하는 닭볶음탕에 장도연은 처음부터 멘붕에 빠졌고 이를 지켜보는 장도연의 어머니는 “누가 데려가냐”며 안타까워했다. 하지만 남태현은 맛이 없었음에도 “맛있다”를 연발했고, “자기야”라는 호칭으로 장도연을 설레게 했다.在19号播放的《惊险的亲家练习》里面,为了准备早饭,挑战料理的张度妍的样子受到视线关心。首次挑战辣炒鸡汤的张度妍,一开始就处于懵圈状态,看着她这个样子的张度妍母亲说“谁能带走呀?”表现出深深的遗憾,但是南太铉即使不好吃却还是连连回应“很好吃。”“亲爱的”这个称呼叫张度妍心动无比。이어 남태현은 장도연의 코빅회의에 따라가 장도연의 현실 절친인 양세찬을 만났다. 장도연은 실제로 남편을 소개하는 것처럼 노심초사하고 부끄러워했다. 남태현은 양세찬의 앞에서도 팔불출 면모로 웃음을 안겼고, 양세찬은 “이거 코빅 새 코너 아니냐”며 놀렸다.之后南太铉跟着张度妍,去了《喜剧大联盟》的会议,见到了张度妍的现实好朋友梁世灿,张度妍就仿佛介绍真的丈夫一样,很焦躁不安和害羞,南太铉在梁世灿面前却也是傻傻的面貌,带来得了笑料,梁世灿打趣说“这难道不是《喜联》的新环节吗?”권혁수, 미주 커플은 권혁수가 준비한 신혼집에 입성했다. 들어서자마자 흥부자 미주는 집을 마음에 들어 하며 적극적인 모습으로 권혁수를 당황케했다. 뿐만 아니라 이들 부부는 끊임없는 콩트를 선보였고, 권혁수는 미주 몰래 준비한 이벤트로 눈길을 사로잡았다.权赫秀和美珠cp一起入住了权赫秀准备的新婚房,一进门,兴富人美珠就因为对新家非常满意所以展现出积极的一面,叫权赫秀非常堂皇,不仅如此,这对夫妻一直不断地“演小品”,权赫秀还秘密准备了小惊喜,吸引视线。한편, tvN ‘아찔한 사돈연습’은 매주 금요일 저녁 7시 30분에 방송된다tvn《惊险的亲家练习》在每周周五晚间7点30分播放。着实吸引了不少观众朋友们的喜爱。感谢制作 王飞이번 한류 전선은 여기까지입니다.本期韩流前线到这里就结束了다음 방송 기대해 보도록 하겠습니다.让我们一起期待下一期节目吧안녕~
10/30/20187 minutes, 27 seconds
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Oct.30,2018#Screen Age#Halloween

节目名称:Screen Age 节目主题:Halloween节目监制:毕鑫屹编辑:王雪莹播音:刘甜(B)李一泓(E)整合上传:魏薇审核:侯泓锾E: Hello, my dear audiences. The program you are listening to is Screen age from VOE. This is your old friend, Emily.B: Hi, I am your old friend, Bella. E: Hey, Bella. The Halloween is coming soon. As we all know, in western, on that day, children are often in special wearings, going door to door to ask for candies.B: Sure, trick or treat. This reminds me of an animated horror movie called Coraline & the Secret Door. Do you know something about this movie?E: Of course, it was so popular and had been awarded about nine prizes. It was also nominated for an Oscar.B: Yes! You can imagine that how welcome the movie was. So, today, I would like to introduce this movie to you.E: The protagonist of the story is a little girl named Caroline. For various reasons, her parents decided to move their family to another town to live. For adults, this is a rather tedious and tiring work. But for little Caroline, it seems to be quite an interesting experience. B: Similarly, this new arrival in town for the adults is quite gloomy and bizarre, but all in Caroline&`&s eyes are kind of interest. The magic was, although no one in the living room, there is one found in the door. This is the back door leading to where? E: Caroline is definitely a faction of action, and she is fully aware that the "Practice is the sole criterion for testing truth" is correct. So, she walked into the door ...B: At the back of the door is a real-world, exactly the same as the "mirror world". Though the world is a bit weird, it is very interesting. More importantly, in this world, there is a "Mom". This "Mom" for Caroline is also very good, but she has a pair of button eyes. E: She not only kidnapped the real parents of Caroline, but tried to sew the buttons on the eyes of Caroline. Therefore, she could be remained in this world. However, Caroline would not be lain down. With the help of her friends’ group, she went back to her ordinary life.B: Hey, Emily, do you like animated thriller?E: Oh, I am a little interested. Let’s say something about it.B: I want to introduce a cartoon named《The monster house》. Our main role DJ is a boy who loves fantasy and observation. Recently, he experiences a strange thing.E: What happens?B: He finds the house of his neighbor---an old man who is a big monster! When children make trouble at Halloween, the house will attack them! It can also swallow everything, including DJ&`& toys. But no one believes him, they only suppose he watches too many horror comics.E: Wow! Later?B: DJ&`&s friends Chowder and Jenny who are almost been eaten by the house trust his words. Although there are a great quantity of blocks, they finally unlock the secret of the monster house .E: What &`&s the secret they figure out?B: The person living in the house is his wife who is the giantess&`&s soul instead of herself. There&`&s a beautiful but sad love between them. After his wife died from an accident, the old man guards her soul all the time and fights against people next to it.E: How touching their love is!B: Yeah. Eventually, the old man agrees DJ to destroy it and her wife&`&s soul sublimes. Then they hold each other tightly.E: Wonderful! I think it is not only a cartoon but also a profound film. It makes me call back my childhood. As a kid, we often have strange thoughts about unknown damage and destructive power.B: So am I. What&`&s more, I am moved to their deep love. Though her wife is fat and giant, the old man still loves her and stays with her.E: I can’t wait to see it! B: The film above are all suitable for seeing with friends on Halloween. E: Sure. We can see it together.B: Let’s go. Thank you for listening. Goodbye our audiences.E: Bye.
10/30/20187 minutes, 33 seconds
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Oct.29, 2018 #日本语ドリームワークス#樱花

节目组:日本语ドリームワークス 日语梦工厂 节目名称:樱花节目监制: 梁远鹏播音: 田岳枫&关岚锺编辑: 田岳枫&关岚锺制作: 张丽敏整合上传:陈子扬审核:侯泓锾
10/29/20189 minutes, 57 seconds
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Oct.29,2018 #The World Says#The intrigue of Yanxi

节目组: The World Says 世界说节目主题:The intrigue of Yanxi开头曲 音容恰如旧what's the most popular palace struggling stories in 2018? B I think it must be The intrigue of Yanxi which is not only popular at home,but arise people's passion abroad.Now let us have a further understanding over this topic. 垫乐:雪落下的声音插曲 看 A what's the most popular palace struggling stories in 2018? B I think it must be The intrigue of Yanxi which is not only popular at home,but arise people's passion abroad.Now let us have a further understanding over this topic. 垫乐:雪落下的声音插曲 看A As you can see,the hit drama, set in the court of Emperor Qianlong , is available in more than 70 markets globally, making it one of the most widely distributed period series produced by China.B 既然延禧攻略都火遍全球了那你觉得它到底有趣在哪里呢A Funny is that in Qianlong always thought someone was going to murder himself. Yue concubine always thought someone was going to murder the five emperor , noble concubine were always dancing, Er Qing was always arguing with Yingluo , Fu Heng was only a spare tire, Yuan Chunwang could only see Yingluo as a goddess, and Yingluo, of course, was the best debater in Qing Dynasty. 垫乐:雪落下的声音 B China' s rapid development in television industry has been regularly welcomed by the overseas markets.In the past,foreign buyers didn' t have many choices and they mainly focused on documentaries and animated productions,but now they also pay attention to Chinese historical themed dramasA Anyway,every coin has two sides.I hope Chinese famous directors can face their weaknesses and direct more valuable works.It is no longer an exception to make the The intrigue of Yanxi popular overseas. 结束曲 白月光节目监制:刘博制作: 程羊羊播音:李靖琳 李亦晨 何嘉欣编辑 : 李靖琳 李亦晨 何嘉欣整合上传:陈子扬审核:侯泓锾
10/29/20189 minutes, 54 seconds
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Oct.26, 2018 #Music Bang Bang#

节目组: Music Bang Bang 音乐大爆炸 节目名称:开头曲 Superstar 插曲1 Superstar插曲 2 Psycho 插曲3 你要的全拿走插曲 4 I Love Poland插曲5 Handclap结束曲 Handclap节目监制:朱子业编辑:窦雪菲 周宇琦播音:窦雪菲 周宇琦制作:朱子业整合上传:陈子扬审核:侯泓锾
10/26/201811 minutes, 52 seconds
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Oct.25,2018#Bloom in ink#匆匆

节目组:Bloom In Ink 墨海繁花节目名称:匆匆A:Hello everyone, welcome to Bloom In Ink from VOE foreign languages radio station. I&`&m Andy. B:I&`&m Bryel .A:欢迎收听VOE时代之声外文广播电台,我是安楠B:我是杨璟琰插曲1 Transient Days朱自清(张培基英译版)燕子去了,有再来的时候;杨柳枯了,在再青的时候;桃花谢了,有再开的时候。但是,聪明的,你告诉我,我们的日子为什么一去不复返呢?—— 是有人偷了他们罢:那是谁?又藏在何处呢?是他们自己逃走了罢:现在又到了那里呢?If swallows go away, they will come back again. If willows wither, they will turn green again. If peach blossoms fade, they will flower again. But, tell me, you the wise, why should our days go by never to return? Perhaps they have been stolen by someone. But who could it be and where could he hide them? Perhaps they have just run away by themselves. But where could they be at the present moment?我不知道他们给了我多少日子;但我的手确乎是渐渐空虚了。在默默里算着,八千多日子已经从我手中溜去;像针尖上一滴水滴在大海里,我的日子滴在时间的流里,没有声音,也没有影子。我不禁头涔涔而泪潸潸了。I don’t know how many days I am entitled to altogether, but my quota of then is undoubtedly wearing away. Counting up silently, I find that more than 8000 days have already slipped away through my fingers. Like a drop of water falling off a needle point into the ocean, my days are quietly dripping into the stream of time without leaving a trace. At the thought of this, sweat oozes from my forehead and tears trickle down my cheeks.去的尽管去了,来的尽管来着;去来的中间,又怎样地匆匆呢?早上我起来的时候,小屋里射进两三方斜斜的太阳。太阳他也有脚啊,轻轻悄悄地挪移了;我也茫茫然跟着旋转。于是——洗手的时候,日子从水盆里过去;吃饭的时候,日子从饭碗里过去;默默时,便从凝然的双眼前过去。我觉察他去的匆匆了,伸出手遮挽时,他又从遮挽着的手边过去,天黑时,我躺在床上,他便伶伶俐俐在从我身上跨过,从我脚边飞去了。等我睁开眼和太阳再见,这算又溜走了一日。我掩着面叹息。但是新来的日子的影儿又开始在叹息里闪过了。What is gone is gone, what is to come keeps coming. How swift is the transition in between! When I get up in the morning, the slanting sun casts two or three squarish patches of light into my small room. The sun has feet too, edging away softly and stealthily. And, without knowing it, I am already caught in its revolution. Thus the day flows away through the sink when I wash my hands; vanishes in the rice bowl when I have my meal; passes away quietly before the fixed gaze of my eyes when I am lost in reverie. Aware of its fleeting presence, I reach out for it only to find it brushing past my outstretched hands. In the evening, when I lie on my bed, it nimbly strides over my body and flits past my feet. By the time when I open my eyes to meet the sun again, another day is already gone. I heave a sigh, my head buried in my hands. But, in the midst of my sighs, a new day is flashing past.在逃去如飞的日子里,在千门万户的世界里的我能做些什么呢?只有徘徊罢了,只有匆匆罢了;在八千多日的匆匆里,除徘徊外,又剩些什么呢?过去的日子如轻烟,被微风吹散了,如薄雾, 被初阳蒸融了;我留着些什么痕迹呢?我何曾留着像游丝样的痕迹呢?我赤裸裸来到这世界,转眼间也将赤裸裸的回去罢?但不能平的,为什么偏要白白走这一遭啊?Living in this world with its fleeting days and teeming millions, what can I do but waver and wander and live a transient life? What have I been doing during the 8000 fleeting days except wavering and wandering? The bygone days, like wisps of smoke, have been dispersed by gentle winds, and, like thin mists, have been evaporated by the rising sun. What traces have I left behind? No, nothing, not even gossamer-like traces. I have come to this world stark naked, and in the twinkling of an eye, I am to go back as stark naked as ever. However, I am taking it very much to heart: why should I be made to pass through this world for nothing at all?你聪明的,告诉我,我们的日子为什么一去不复返呢?O you the wise, would you tell me please: why should our days go by never to returnB:感谢制作A:That&`&s today&`&s program, thank you for your listening. If you like us, you can listen more in Official WeChat Account: VOE Radio or Litchi FM 22808.Welcome to join us, welcome to VOE.B:如果你喜欢我们的节目,欢迎您关注我们的时代之声Radio或收听我们的荔枝app调频:fm22808.欢迎加入VOE,欢迎加入墨海繁花!欢迎您对我们的节目点赞和留言,春风十里,我们一直都在等你!Both:bye!节目监制:李硕编辑:安楠 杨璟琰播音:安楠 杨璟琰制作:吴紫薇整合上传:魏薇审核:侯泓锾
10/25/201811 minutes, 17 seconds
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Oct.23,2018#Screen Age#The film you like

节目名称:Screen Age节目主题:The film you like.S: Hello, my dear audience, this is Screen Age, I&`&m your friend, Emily, and this is my old partner, Sarah.SH: Hello, everyone. Today we are happy to welcome five new announcers.B: I want to bring you a romantic movie from Japan, "跨越八年的新娘". Although it has just been seen in Chinese cinemas these days, it was released in Japan last December and was very popular.SH: I&`&ve heard of it. It won three consecutive weeks at the box office and was nominated for four oscars by the Japanese academy of motion picture arts and sciences.S: It is thought to be one of the most touching films in Japan last year. It is said that every time the film is shown, the toilet will be full of girls doing make-up. Because, their makeup all disappear...SH: 男主西泽尚志,是个平凡(但360度散发帅气)乃至有些乏味的修车工。职业修车,爱好也是修车,哪怕难得参加一次联谊,也全程闷声不响,看上去对恋爱毫无兴趣。S: 与尚志相反,女孩中原麻衣却风风火火,快人快语,心里有啥事绝不憋着。SH: 第一次见面,她就把在联谊中“摆脸色”的尚志教训了一通,两人就此相识。B: As they become more familiar, two different personalities find a perfect fit, they begin to perceive each other&`&s importance, and fall in love even they get married.E: Sure enough, when love comes you can&`&t stop it. And yet, as unstoppable as love is diseaseB: 结婚前夕,麻衣被诊断患上的罕见病。发病时,她会出现认知障碍,且周身伴有不正常的抽搐行为;此后更陷入漫长的昏迷状态,躺在病床上,身体插满导管,并日渐臃肿……E: 可以说,疾病使得麻衣不复当初的甜美可爱,而被迫展现出最疯狂、最不堪的一面。SH: Faced with such a strange girlfriend, the average man is likely to be scared off, or secretly thinking about breaking up. But shangzhi&`&s attitude is different.S: Yes, he has always been with his lover, with the tenderest attitude to accept her most discomfited side, waiting for the day when the engagement comes true.SH:There are no noble reasons. According to shang zhi, it is just like his car repair: he loves repairing cars because he always believes that the car will be fixed. And accompany with mayi, also because believe, she is certain to get better.S: 苦命小情侣终于可以相拥缠绵从此携手走向人生巅峰了吗?Well, if you think that, you underestimate the weight of this love.SH: In fact, the revival of mayi brings another blow to love. Because, she lost all the memories related to shang zhi.S: But the end was good anyway.SH: The film was changed by the true story. On the wedding day, which was delayed for eight years, she was still in a wheelchair, and her father brought her to shangzhi.BR: 这段婚礼视频后来被传到网上,让全球无数网友感动泪奔。婚礼视频直接促成了电影的诞生。C: 可见,无论时代潮流如何发展,无论对于爱情有多灰心失望,人们对这种相濡以沫、至死不渝的爱情,永远是向往期盼的。BR: Until now, shang zhi and linen is still living a happy little life. They have stepped into a family of three from a two-person world.C: Because her character suffers from extremely rare diseases, the female lead four hours of special effects makeup. Tubes were inserted all over the face and body, it looks not so good.BE: More than a month before the shooting, the hero also went to the place where the story took place, to experience life, learn the local dialect and feel the character&`&s mental state. During that time, he never went back to Tokyo.BR: The success of this film is really inseparable from the dedication of the hero and heroine.B: Like "跨越8年的新娘", an upcoming movie I prfer to see is named" The predator ".S: Oh! I have seen that. In my mind, it&`&s an old movie and acted by 施瓦辛格.B: Sure. Although this film has the same name, but the content is different.S: What does it talk about?B: It talks that The sniper Quinn has a fierce battle with the alien iron blood warrior, after leaving tactically, he sent the alien&`&s advanced equipment home secretly. S: Was there person at home?B: Yes, but the accident happened.S: What&`&s the accident?B: Quinn&`&s son thought it was a gift from his father, so he opened it and played with it, but he touched the mechanism and attracted his fellow soldiers. S: That seems to be very danger. Then, what happened?SH: Quinn led a group of problem soldiers with biologists to stand up to an alien invasion. Meanwhile, the ultimate iron blood warrior of upgrade came the stage. The tripartite war of mankind, iron blood and ultimate iron blood is about to begin.S: After hearing the plot, it makes me curious. What other things about it do you know?SH: As two of Fox&`&s big alien IP, alien and the predator both make new launches in the new era. Compared to the complex system of alien, the predator persues the premitiveness.S: It is so bloody!B: The atmosphere of the whole film is in the bloody situation, but adds a lot of humor elements.S: It matches my condition. When it is on, we can see it together!B: Of course.E: Time always flies so fast and it&`&s time to say goodbye.S: Welcome our new partners again.E: See you next time.S: Bye.节目监制:毕鑫屹编辑:王雪莹播音:张桐珲(S)王雪莹(SH)刘甜(B)曹敏(BR)张舒涵(C)李一泓(E)邓斐元(M)毕鑫屹(BE)制作:魏薇审核:侯泓锾
10/23/201812 minutes, 37 seconds
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Oct.22,2018 #The World Says#Halloween

节目组: The World Says 世界说节目主题:Halloween结束曲 This is Halloween节目监制:刘博制作: 程羊羊播音:李靖琳 李亦晨 何嘉欣编辑 : 李靖琳 李亦晨 何嘉欣整合上传:陈子扬审核:侯泓锾
10/22/20189 minutes, 17 seconds
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Oct.17, 2018 #Music Bang Bang#ROCK N’ ROLL

节目组: Music Bang Bang 音乐大爆炸 节目名称:ROCK N’ ROLL开头曲 Long,Long Way to Go—Best of Def Leppard A:Hello everyone! Welcome back to Music Bang Bang from Voe foreign language radio station. This is Atlanta.M:And this is Mia.I've been hooked on rock music for some reason lately.A:Rock Music?Wow that’s cool.M:Yeah,there’re many kinds of rock music like Grunge,Hard Rock,Heavy Metal,Pop Metal and Punk.A:So which one do you prefer?M:The song we’ve just heard is Long,long way to go which is one of the Pop metal and my favorite.A:It’s really nice.And there’s a band I have to say.They could well represent rock music.I'm sure I don't need to say more.M:Yes!They are definitely Linkin Park!A:Today I’d like to recommend a softer song of them.Here we go,插曲1 Shadow of The Day—Linkin Park M:The song gave me a different impression of LinkinPark.A:Most of us just heard some I mpassioned songs of them.M:Yeah.As for me, Numb,In The End,Battle Symphony are always on my playlist.A:Except Linkin Park,who else do you like?M:Lana Del Rey!打雷姐!A:Summer time sadness!The most popular one!M:Others are also good to listen.A:She struggled for a long time in silence before she became very hot.M:And now,more and more people are addicted to Lana’s unique voice and her pleasing appearance.A:Can’t wait for your recommendation!M:Radio can give me a better feeling, sweet and salty.Let’s rock and roll!插曲2 Summertime Sadness—Lana Del Rey M:Don’t you cry tonight, I still love you baby.A:It reminds me of Gun N’ Roses.M:OH,I love them!And this Don’t you cry tonight appears so frequently .A: Guns N' Roses is an American hard rock band which was formed in Hollywood in 1985.M: They still remain the records of the highest album sales in American music historyA:Which is really amazing!It was 1980s-1990s is the peak period of the band.M:有评论认为:“他们带来了一个极端享乐主义的叛逆并复兴了硬摇乐界的朋克态度,让人想起早期的滚石。”A:This time we are bringing you a hard rock. It is named Sweet Child O’ MineM:Let’s come on closer to Gun N’ Roses ,together!插曲3 Sweet Child O’ Mine – Guns N’ RosesA: This song we just shared is kind of furious.M:The prelude sounds like the sun rising.It make my heart starts going wild.A:That’s cool! It recalled me that in their documentary,Slash said that this song was a casual exercise,.M:And then Izzy followed the rythem, and then the song formed.It was the instant I feel they are so merciless!A:Speaking of this, The Cranberries comes to my mind.M:Joe is the leading role now,it’s a sweet,emotional song.A:当年滚石评选世界上最好的情歌时,小红莓的Joe入选;评价精辟:最好的情歌都是硬式摇滚的柔情歌曲。M: Actually Joe is not a real love song,it’s written for her own grandpa:There was a time, I was so lonely…A: "People remember you after so many years, it sounds crazy," Dorothy said in an interview after her concert in China.M:It's not crazy. On January 15, 2018, all fans around the world are revisiting their familiar melody.A:They are smoothy,they are charming,they are the one in million.Just listen~结束曲 Joe - the cranberriesA:小红莓用硬式摇滚的柔情歌曲,诠释了最好的情歌。So many amazing songs today,which got me enchanted.Real Rock can be quiet ,but it has the most power.M:感谢收听我们的节目,更多精彩内容等待你的发现~.All:See you next time.节目监制:朱子业编辑:窦雪菲 周宇琦播音:窦雪菲 周宇琦制作:朱子业整合上传:侯泓锾审核:侯泓锾
10/19/201813 minutes, 58 seconds
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Oct.16,2018#Screen Age#Aamir Khan

节目名称:Screen Age 节目主题:Aamir KhanSh-Hello, everyone. Welcome to the Screen Age from VOE. I am your old friend, Sarah.S-I am Sara( without h ) Hey, Sarah. Which of the films you have seen has impressed you most?SH-Emm, I think, it should be " Secret Superstar".S-I have heard about it, but I haven&`&t had time to see that. Can you summarize the plots for me?SH-Of course.SH-This film talks that a girl named Insiya has a good born voice. She loves singing and dreams of becoming a singer. However, Insiya lives in a family which is not free. Her domineering father Farouk often fights her mother Najima, so Insiya knows that her father will not support h er music dream. S-Oh, that&`&s terrible. Then, what happens? Does she give up her music dream?SH-Of course not. One day, her mother bought a computer for her. Soon, she found that although she couldn&`&t realize her dream in reality, there was a wider stage on the Internet. So, she recorded a video of herself playing and singing with her face covered, and posted it on YouTube. Unexpectedly, it received a very enthusiastic response. S-That is to say, she had an overnight success. It&`&s so cool!SH-Then a famous musician Shakti also gave her a hand. Finally, she made her music dream come true.S-That&`&s an inspiring and touching story. I have seen the movie called "Dangal" whose hero is alsoAamir Khan. It is also moving and motivational.SH-What&`&s the plot of it?S-Mahavia is a former Indian national wrestling champion who is forced to give up wrestling because of his life. He hopes his son can help him accomplish his dream of winning a world gold medal. However, Results are always disappointing.SH-Does he have no sons?S-Sure. He had four daughters and accidentally found their talents, seeing the hope, he decided to train two daughters: replace skirt, cut off long hair, let them practice wrestling, and win another championship.SH-In their country, it seems to be a wonder.S-Yes. Eventually, his daughters became examples and inspired thousands of women.SH-Aamir Khan was born in mumbai, India, on March 14, 1965S-He is not only an Indian bollywood actor, but also a director and producer.SH-All of his works are classics, and some people say, "amir khan is a must."S-This is inseparable from his personality, 别的演员接作品的时候看片酬,他却是先看剧本。剧本不好,片酬再高也不出演SH-And he started early. At the age of 8, amir khan appeared in the first film "Yaadon Ki Baraat". But he was still studying and didn&`&t go on show business.S-He later practiced playing tennis and won the maharashtra tennis championship.SH-Not surprisingly, he was tough on himself and certainly good in other areas.S-There are many kinds of movies he is involved in, such as action movies, Romantic movies, inspirational movies and comediesSH-And not only has he played the decent role, he has been the villain.S-His works are often profound, exposing social problems, attacking the traditional education system and satirizing blind religious beliefs.SH-In 2007, amir began directing the film "stars of the earth", starring as an art teacher Nick, won the best director award and represented India in the Oscar race for best foreign language filmS-We talked about the"Dangal"has an inspiring story behind itSH-I knew he was going to play a role from young to old in the film, and the age range was huge.S-So he spent five months eating like a fat man, playing a middle-aged man in 50s, and then five months slimming down to look like a young wrestlerSH-It&`&s also been used as a motivational story, especially for someone who&`&s been trying to lose weight or is losing it, like meS-But why eat first and then lose weight?SH-Because if you go the other way around, you shoot the skinny part first, then you gain weight, the result is the movie is done, and he&`&s fat, then he has no incentive to lose weight, he saidS-In addition to the movie, let&`&s also gossip about amir. His love life can be made into a love movieSH-When amir was 21, he fell in love with his neighbor&`&s girl, Reena. But both parents firmly opposed the marriage for religious reasons, so amir decided to elope. This is a big challenge for traditional Indian culture.S-Later, the love was often used by the Indian government and political parties as a model of hindu-muslim harmony.SH-Amir khan is also passionate about public welfare. In 2011, amir khan became an ambassador for UNICEF.S-Amir khan is an excellent manSH-He is, of course, India&`&s national treasureS-I find I love him more after this showSH-Haha, our audience might be just like youS-That&`&s it. I&`&ll see you next time, byeSH-Bye节目监制:毕鑫屹编辑:王雪莹播音:王雪莹(SH) 张桐辉(S)整合上传:侯泓锾审核:侯泓锾
10/19/20189 minutes, 41 seconds
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Oct.11,2018 #Bloom in ink#咸咖啡

节目组: Bloom in Ink 墨海繁花 节目名称:咸咖啡A:Hello everyone, welcome to Bloom In Ink from VOE foreign languages radio station. I&`&m Andy . B:I&`&m Bryel.A:欢迎收听VOE时代之声外文广播电台,我是安楠。B:我是杨璟琰。 A:To see a world in a grain of sand. And a heaven in a wild flower .Hold infinity in the palm of your hand. And eternity in an hourB:Life is a chain of moments of enjoyment, not only about survival.Let’s write that letter we thought of writing "one of these days"A.I love you not because of who you are,Because of who I am when I am with you .B:No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is worth make you cry.A:The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can’t have them.B:To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.A:Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.B:Don’t waste your time on a man/woman, who isn’t willing to waste their time on you.A:Just because someone doesn’t love you the way you want them to doesn’t mean they don’t love you with all they have.B:Don’t cry because it is over, smile,because it happened.A:And forever has no end.A从一粒沙子看到一个世界,从一朵野花看到一个天堂把握在你手心里的就是无限,永恒也就消融于一个时辰.B生活是一串串的快乐时光,我们不仅仅是为了生存而生存.曾"打算有那么一天"去写的信,就在今天写吧.A我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的感觉.B没有人值得你流泪.值得让你这么所的人,不会让你哭泣.A失去某人,最糟糕的莫过于,他近在身旁,却犹如远在天边.B对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某个人,你是他的整个世界.A纵然伤心,也不要愁眉不展,因为你不知道是谁会爱上你的笑容。 B不要为那些不愿在你身上花费时间的人而浪费你的时间.A爱你的人如果没有按你所希望的方式来爱你,那不能代表他们没有全心全意地爱你.B不要因为结束而哭泣.微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有.A永永远远,永无止境 A:That&`&s today&`&s program, thank you for your listening.B:如果你喜欢我们的节目,欢迎加入VOE,欢迎加入墨海繁花!欢迎您对我们的节目点赞和留言,春风十里,我们一直都在等你!Both:bye!节目监制:李硕编辑:安楠 杨璟琰播音:安楠 杨璟琰制作:吴紫薇整合上传:侯泓锾审核:侯泓锾
10/13/20189 minutes, 3 seconds
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Oct.10, 2018 #Music Bang Bang#特辑

节目组: Music Bang Bang 音乐大爆炸 节目名称:特辑开头曲 无心J:Hello everybody, welcome back to our channel. This is music bang bang from VOE foreign languages radio station. I’m Jotta.L: And I’m your old friend Liz. Oh, Jotta, this time I wanna make something new.J: Tell me about it.L: We broadcast English songs for a long time, so how about make a special edition this time?J: Great idea!L: Do you have recommended songs?J: Of course. The song we played right now is called 无心(心做し). That&`&s a Japanese song. This time I want to broadcast a cover version and that&`&s covered by 双笙. 垫乐:无心插曲1 无心 L: The music sounds very familiar to me.J: This song has been popular recent days.L: The music sounds very familiar to me.J: This song has been popular recent days. 垫乐:无心插曲 2 爱的就是你 L: What&`&s the next song?J: A Chinese song!A very sweet one.L: Let&`&s enjoy it.插曲3 爱的就是你L: Now can you tell the name of it?J: I&`&m a little bit bashful. In English is... you are my love.L: Give me your phone and I will say it for you. OK...This song is called 爱的就是你. No wonder you are bashful.J: I know you&`&ve got a song for us.L: Yeah. You got me~Recently,I think ,maybe I fell in love with someone.J: Oh,really? Who’s that guy?L: His name is 欧瑞soulcore,and he is from mukdenbro ,the Chinese name is奉天组. He is a rapper.J: It’s amazing,why you love him so much?L: Cause his rap is deeply touching . And he is so nice. I’ve been his show at a live house in shenyang this term. When he said hi to me,I felt so happy. Maybe,I’m a little bit crazy about him.J: So you’ll bring us a song from him right?L: Yeah~ It’s called Sophie . 插曲 4 Sophie L: 对了,你有没有看明日之子第二季啊,你知道谁是最终的大魔王吗?J: I haven’t seen it yet.L: Alright,a boy called 蔡维泽 won the first prize.He has a band called fool and idiot.J: Sounds interesting.L: Yeah,and the name of his song is interesting too. It’s called 5:10am. 插曲5 5:10 am 结束语 L: So that&`&s all for today&`&s program.See you next time ~ 结束曲 5:10am节目监制:朱子业编辑:窦雪菲 周宇琦播音:窦雪菲 周宇琦制作:朱子业整合上传:侯泓锾审核:侯泓锾
10/10/201814 minutes, 47 seconds
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Oct.9,2018#Screen Age#碟中谍

节目名称:Screen Age 节目主题:碟中谍S:Welcome to the screen age. Thank you for listening, whether you are an old listener or a new one. Sh:At the beginning of the new semester, our radio station is also in the process of recruiting new members. Welcome students to sign up and join our exchange group. The group number is 874725800S:Well, we are not going to talk much, so let us start it. S:You may not have seen the film introduced today, but you must have heard of itSh:Wow, is it so famous? Tell me what is it.S:"Mission impossible", you must know.Sh:I know it, it has been on for a month, I believe there are many friends like me, have gone to the cinema to see it.S:This movie is really famous at home and abroad. The first one was released on May 22, 1996. I wasn't even born yet.Sh:And, while the director of each mission: impossible series is not exactly the same, its hero is always Tom cruise.S:Not only the American audience love him, but also the Chinese audience love him very much and gave him a lovely nickname "阿汤哥".S:Do you know what is the word I would most like to say about him?Sh:"Handsome"?S:No, guess again.Sh:Is that "humor"?S:No, I'm telling you. It's "deserve".Sh:"Deserve" ,why?S:He is 56 years old this year. Even ten years older than my father.Sh:He is quite old indeed, but still very handsome.S:But although he is 56 years old, he refuses the green screen effect and drives a helicopter himself in " mission impossible"for vivid visual effect.Sh:The helicopter driving requires great skill, and it is a stunt that no one had ever tried before.S:So he had to undergo rigorous training before filming to complete the driving standard.Sh:Even so, it is dangerous in real operation.S:That's why it's "deserve" . He deserves the audience's affection and admiration, and makes mission impossible worthy of its box office.Sh:Some of our domestic action film actors are also very dedicated, here, pay our respects to them.S: What about the plots?SH: It tells that The cia sent the special agent team headed by Jim an instruction that one of the agents had been a traitor and would steal the list of spies in eastern Europe from the consulate in Prague. Once the list fell into the wrong hands, the consequences would be unimaginable. S: Therefore, they were instructed to obtain evidence of the agent's theft and arrest him and the buyer. Soon, the first team, Ethan hunt, and several other members all join this activity following Jim, but at the time the plan was halfway through, all of a sudden, things went downhill.SH: What happens next?S: Including Jim, many agents gradually died. The intelligence was also missing. Only Ethan survived.SH: Oh! That's so terrible.S: Then, Ethan met with his boss, but he was accused of being a traitor because of his survival and the sudden increase of $120,000 in his account. He decided to find the traitor, and at this time, Jim's wife Claire, who also survived, reunited with Ethan. SH: After contacting Max, the buyer, Ethan promised that he would be able to get a list of agents, on the condition that he hand over the mole as well as $10 million. Ethan found two suspended cia agents, four of whom infiltrated langley headquarters to steal intelligence. Ethan, who arrived in London, suddenly met Jim. Under Jim's lies, Ethan gradually straightened out the plot. Jim and Claire were supposed to be the real criminals behind it. S: Soon after, Ethan, Max, Jim and the cia were fighting each other to the death as they gathered on the train to trade intelligence. After a thrilling exchange, Ethan finally got rid of the mole and returned to the secret service.SH: That is a happy ending! Meanwhile, this classic works beyond the James Bond series ushered in a new era of spy movies. The film's iconic music is even more widespread.S: It is so cool, I can't wait to see it!SH: Me too! We can see it together!S: Of course. If you are interested in it like us, you can enjoy it. And, if you are interested in other films, you can recommend to us.SH: See you next time, bye.S:Bye.节目监制:毕鑫屹编辑:张桐珲播音:张桐珲(S),王雪莹(Sh)制作: 刘柏霖整合上传:侯泓锾
10/10/20189 minutes
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Oct.8,2018 #The World Says#Iphone XS Max

节目组: The World Says 世界说节目主题:Iphone XS Max节目监制:刘博制作: 程羊羊播音:李靖琳 李亦晨 何嘉欣编辑 : 李靖琳 李亦晨 何嘉欣整合上传:侯泓锾审核:侯泓锾
10/10/20188 minutes, 25 seconds
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Sep.28,2018 #The World Says# Typhoon Mangkhut

节目组: The World Says 世界说节目主题: Typhoon Mangkhut 节目监制:刘博编辑:李靖琳 李亦晨 何嘉欣播音:李靖琳 李亦晨 何嘉欣制作:程羊羊整合上传:侯泓锾审核:侯泓锾
9/30/20187 minutes, 25 seconds
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Sep.27,2018 #Bloom in ink#咸咖啡

节目组: Bloom in Ink 墨海繁花 节目名称:咸咖啡A:Hello everyone, welcome to Bloom In Ink from VOE foreign languages radio station. I&`&m Andy . B:I&`&m Bryel.A:欢迎收听VOE时代之声外文广播电台,我是安楠。B:我是杨璟琰。 A:To see a world in a grain of sand. And a heaven in a wild flower .Hold infinity in the palm of your hand. And eternity in an hourB:Life is a chain of moments of enjoyment, not only about survival.Let’s write that letter we thought of writing "one of these days"A.I love you not because of who you are,Because of who I am when I am with you .B:No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is worth make you cry.A:The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can’t have them.B:To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.A:Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.B:Don’t waste your time on a man/woman, who isn’t willing to waste their time on you.A:Just because someone doesn’t love you the way you want them to doesn’t mean they don’t love you with all they have.B:Don’t cry because it is over, smile,because it happened.A:And forever has no end.A从一粒沙子看到一个世界,从一朵野花看到一个天堂把握在你手心里的就是无限,永恒也就消融于一个时辰.B生活是一串串的快乐时光,我们不仅仅是为了生存而生存.曾"打算有那么一天"去写的信,就在今天写吧.A我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的感觉.B没有人值得你流泪.值得让你这么所的人,不会让你哭泣.A失去某人,最糟糕的莫过于,他近在身旁,却犹如远在天边.B对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某个人,你是他的整个世界.A纵然伤心,也不要愁眉不展,因为你不知道是谁会爱上你的笑容。 B不要为那些不愿在你身上花费时间的人而浪费你的时间.A爱你的人如果没有按你所希望的方式来爱你,那不能代表他们没有全心全意地爱你.B不要因为结束而哭泣.微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有.A永永远远,永无止境 A:That&`&s today&`&s program, thank you for your listening.B:如果你喜欢我们的节目,欢迎加入VOE,欢迎加入墨海繁花!欢迎您对我们的节目点赞和留言,春风十里,我们一直都在等你!Both:bye!节目监制:李硕编辑:安楠 杨璟琰播音:安楠 杨璟琰制作:任家豪整合上传:侯泓锾审核:侯泓锾
9/30/20188 minutes
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节目组: 한류전선 韩流前线 节目名称:《电影中的告白情话》大家好,这里是韩流前线我是主播李硕,我是主播赵作章안녕하세요, 한류 전선입니다.저는 아나운서 이석입니다. 저는 아나운서 조작장입니愿有人与你共黄昏有人问你粥可温今天让我们一起来听听电影中的告白情话我们的恋爱很无聊也很累。但至少在那个瞬间, 我们是真心的。所以对我而言,那是我人生中,最像电影的瞬间。-电影《恋爱的温度》우리의 연애는 지루하고 힘들었다.그러나 적어도 그 순간, 우리는 진심이었다.그래서 내겐 인생에서, 가장 영화 같은 순간이되었다.- 영화 &`&연애의 온도&`&一爱情就那么消失了,还如何相信感情这种东西呢?如果想要寻求真爱,那就必须相信感情。一电影《蓝色情人节》사랑이 그렇게 사라지는데, 감정이란걸 어떻게 믿죠 ? 사랑을 찾으려면 감정을 믿는 수밖에 없다. 영화 《 푸른 밸런타인데이 》.爱情不会变,变的是人心而已。一电影《春逝》사랑은 변하지 않아,단지 사람의 마음이 뿐변했을 뿐이지 .영화 《 봄날은 세상을 떠나다 》.我曾想过,我是不是已经把我往后会感受到的情感都体验过了?那往后..我是不是就不会再有任何新的感受了...就只剩下那些真正感受过的情感缩小后的感觉....一电影《Her》)그런 생각이 들어.난 앞으로 내가 느낄 감정을 벌써 다 경험에 버린 게 이닐까. 그리고 앞으로 쭉.... 새로운 느낌은 하나도 없게 되는 건 아닐까...내가 정말로 느꼈던 그 검정에서 축소된 검정들 만남는 . 영화 &`&Her&`&?经常被男人伤害是因为即使我没错,但我总会去想是不是我做错了,或许他对我有什么误会,这样一遍遍地反复回想,将受伤害归咎到自己身上就是到最后还有这种错觉。一电影《恋爱假期》남자에게 상처를 받는 건 내쪽이면서도 내가 잘못한 게 없는지 혹시 오해한 게 앖는지.곱씹어가며 나를 상처주고는 내 탓인양 그래왔어요.끝까지 착각을 해가면서 말이죠.영화 我们痛苦的并非是爱情的结束,而是爱还在继续。就算爱情已经结束以后…-电影《触不到的恋人》우리가 고통스러운 것은 사랑의 끝은 아니다.사랑은 계속되고 있다.사랑이 끝났다고 해도...- 영화 最好的爱情是让你唤醒灵魂,让你有了更多期盼,心中充满了热情,让你的内心变得平和。我从你身上获得了那些,我也想让你永远如此。电影-恋恋笔记本가장 좋은 사랑 영혼을 불러일으키게 하고, 당신은 더 많은 기대감을 가지게 하고, 마음속에는 열정이 가득하고 당신의 마음을 평온하게 만들어 줍니다.내가 너한테서 그런 걸 얻었는데, 나도 너를 영원히 이렇게 하고 싶다.영화 - 연연책我们再见面会怎么样呢?听说断开的骨头愈合后会变得越发坚固,我们的关系也会变得更加坚固吗?还是再次说谎,唠叨,吵架,相互伤害,也有可能到最后厌烦了再永远的分开?忘了曾经有多么的想念,多么的后悔过。电影-六年之痒우리 다시 만나면 어때요?끊어진 뼈다귀를 합치면 더욱 견고해지고 우리 관계가 더욱 견고해질 것인가?아니면 다시 거짓말, 잔소리, 말다툼, 서로 상처, 또한 마지막에는 지루할 정도로 영원히 헤어질 수 있나요?얼마나 그리웠는지 얼마나 후회했는지 잊었어.영화 - 6 년의 가려움?本期韩流前线到这里就结束了欢迎订阅时代之声RADIO,荔枝FM22808让我们一起期待下一期节目吧~이번 한류 전선이 여기서 끝납니다.다음 방송 기대해 주세요.안녕节目监制:李硕 编辑:李硕&赵作章 播音:李硕&赵作章 制作:王飞整合上传:侯泓锾审核:侯泓锾
9/25/20188 minutes, 24 seconds
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Sep.25,2018#Screen Age#Story of Yanxi Palace

节目名称:Screen Age 节目主题:Story of Yanxi PalaceSH: Hello my dear audience, long time no see, do you miss us? Welcome back to the " Screen Age", I am your old friend Sarah.S: Hi, I am your old friend Sara( without h). Today, let's introduce a quite popular drama " story of Yanxi Palace " to you.SH: It is a TV series where many famous stars play the roles. The heroine Wei Yingluo is acted by a young actress Wu Jinyan. She is a new but hardworking girl who has graduated from Beijing Film Academy. In 2014, she has been nominated " the most popular actress" in Shanghai TV Festival. A few days ago, she had been to our school to recommend her new film.S: Yes! I have seen her in the venue. She is so beautiful! However, I love the hero better. He is the sixth emperor of the Qing Dynasty. The great actor Nieyuan plays this role. His acting is excellent because he has also graduated from the professional college, Shanghai Theatre Academy. He has taken a lot of acting and some makes him been awarded. SH: The reason why this drama rises to fame is not only these cast but the new tendency that scriptwriter follows. He has said that there will be many new things in this drama and now he succeeds. He finds the enthusiasm of youth and meets the requirement of the public.S: Sure. First, in sight, the gray deep walls are yellow tiles and red columns of the palace, they are probably more in line with the audience's imagination of the deep palace.SH: Secondly, on the clothing, huang fei's clothing uniforms use the simple style, even according to the different character, cuting the clothing.S: And, even the composition is also very particular. Instead of rapping on the face, there is a composition that highlights the depth of field and the background of the main character.SH: These changes above make this great show.S: Today's leading lady wei is born in an ordinary family but eventually become a respected imperial concubine.SH: In ancient China, it pays great attention to the hierarchy system. How do the ordinary wei become the imperial concubine step by step?S: Above all, let us talk about wei's coming, qianlong six years, maid wei, in order to seek elder sister death truth, enter the Forbidden City as a palace female.SH: So, wei comes to the palace as a maid instead of a xiunv, how the things go?S: Wei is just a little maid, at first,things do not go well, her forthright character in the harem also offend other people frequently.SH: But wei is clever and resourceful, and solve every difficulty.S: After several investigations, it is confirmed that the death of her sister is related to a brother of the emperor, wei determine to seek justice.SH: When wei was a maid, she met a woman who changed her life.The empress worry that wei go astray and try to give her warmth and help.S: I like the queen so much, she is just like a fairy, she is my " bright moonlight".SH: Under the careful guidance of the empress, wei gradually grew into a upright and strong court female officer, and put down resentment. S: But the queen lived under great responsibility and pressure, which causes the death of her at the age of thirty-sevenSH: Unfortunately, the queen's death leads misunderstandings of qianlong, the two people from mutual hostility to finally understand each other and support each other. The ending is good.S:In the show, wei is forthright, daring to love and hate. In the early stage, she had a love affair with the empress's brother, fu heng, but they failed to get together because of misunderstandingSH: I think it's a pity. After all, I'm "fuying girl".傅璎女孩S: But I think this is an inevitable result. Although fu heng is nice, he does not have the power needed for wei's revenge, which only the emperor hasSH: Well, wei and the emperor are very happy anyway.S: This is the end of our program. We hope you can keep your nature like wei and do not change it easily.SH: What do you think about the screen age? You can leave a message at the bottom. Maybe the next episode is what you recommend. See you next week. Bye.S: Bye. 节目监制:毕鑫屹编辑:王雪莹播音:王雪莹(SH) 张桐辉(S)整合上传:侯泓锾
9/25/201810 minutes, 15 seconds
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Sep.21, 2018 #Music Bang Bang#female rapper

节目组: Music Bang Bang 音乐大爆炸 节目名称:female rapper、开头曲 The Next Episode instrumentalJ:Hey bro.Welcome back to our channel.I'm Jotta.L:Yo.Whassup man?我是厉害的狗子 AKA Liz.J:This is music bangbang from VOE foreign languages radio station.Hey, Liz.Have you heard a song called Bodak Yellow whose rapper is Cardi B.L: Yep.I admire her courage and personality charm.J:Hey, Cardi B is coming...are you ready? 插曲1 Bodak yellow J:Liz.The first time I listened to this song,it makes me think of another female rapper.L:根据嗓音和写词手法的话,我猜,你想说的是Nicki Minaj吧?J:Yes.I have heard almost every song of hers.L:So you are a big fans.J:You got me.L:What's the name of this song?J:Chun-li. 插曲 2 Chun-li J:Wow,actually,I wanna have a try.L:Okay~ just listen!The song called U.N.I.T.Y.And the rapper is Queen Latifah.J:I think,the beats of this one is kind of chill.L:Yes,and I like its construction.The hook is comfortable yet powerful.J:I have to say the punchline is also very powerful.L:Yes.And her storytelling is so cool. 插曲3 U.n.i.t.y J:咱今天说这么多说唱歌曲,让我想到之前的中国有嘻哈了。一开始里面说的好多词我都不懂什么意思呢。L:You mean "punchline" "flow" or something?J:Yeah.How about introducing some jargon about rap music?Jargon 就是行话,专业术语的意思。L:Great!"Punchline"在有道里我查到的意思是:结尾警语;妙语如珠,在rap里指歌词中押韵完美、节奏等很有感觉的部分,放在古诗里就是那种人人皆知流传千古的名句。J:"flow"呢,包括语速,节奏,押韵,停顿,音调等,比较全面。You can understand as one's style.L:再来呢就是"hook"。J:这不就是钩子么?L:Yeah.As the literal translation of it ."hook"是指副歌,它通常是是一首歌最抓人的部分,很容易跟唱。J:诶我听吴亦凡经常说"verse".这是什么意思?L:是段落的意思。Generally Speaking ,Verse include 8 to 16 Bars.Some verse and hook make up a whole song.J:What about "bar"?You just mentioned that.L:You can translate as 小节.If there is a break then it's a bar. 插曲 4 Beg for it L:Now that we mentioned many female rappers.Jotta,你还知道哪个女说唱歌手吗?J:Do you know Iggy?L:Emm...I haven't heard this name.J:It's Iggy Azalea.You may listened Problem and Fancy.All above are her songs.L:Sorry I didn't notice her.But these songs are acoustic enjoyment.J:Now let's enjoy Beg for it.L:Time flies,that's all for today's program.See you next time ~ 结束曲 Beg for it节目监制:朱子业编辑:窦雪菲 周宇琦播音:窦雪菲 周宇琦制作:朱子业整合上传:侯泓锾
9/21/201811 minutes, 57 seconds
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Sep.20,2018 #Bloom in ink#品味现在

节目组: Bloom in Ink 墨海繁花 节目名称:品味现在 开头曲 A:Hello everyone, welcome to Bloom In Ink from VOE foreign languages radio station. A:Tucked away in our subconsciousness is an idyllic vision. We see ourselves on a long trip that spans the continent. We are traveling by train. Out the windows, we drink in the passing scene of cars on nearby highways,B:Of children waving at a crossing, of cattle grazing on a distant hillside, of smoke pouring from a power plant, of row upon row of corn and wheat, of flatlands and valleys, of mountains and rolling hills, of city skylines and village halls.A:在我们的潜意识之中隐藏着一派田园诗般的风景。我们仿佛处在一次横跨大陆的迢迢旅途之中。我们乘着火车,领略着窗外流动的景色:B:附近公路上驰骋的汽车、十字路口处挥手的孩童、远处山坡上吃草的牛群、不断从电厂排放出的烟雾、成片成片的玉米和小麦、平原和山谷、群山和绵延起伏的丘陵、天空衬托下城市的轮廓,以及乡间的庄园宅第。A:But uppermost in our minds is the final destination. On a certain day at a certain hour, we will pull into the station. Bands will be playing and flags waving. Once we get there, so many wonderful dreams will come true and the pieces of our lives will fit together like a completed jigsaw puzzle. B:How restlessly we pace the aisles, damning the minutes for loitering — waiting,waiting, waiting for the station.A:可是我们心中想得最多的却是最后的目的地。在某一天的某一时刻,我们的火车将会到站,迎接我们的将是演奏的乐队和飘舞的旗帜。一旦到了那儿,多少美妙的梦将成为现实,我们的生活也将变得完整,好像一幅拼好了的拼图。B:我们在车厢过道里烦躁不安地踱来踱去,咒骂火车的磨磨蹭蹭,等待着,等待着,等待着火车进站的时刻。A:“When we reach the station, that will be it!” we cry. “When I’m 18.” “When I get a promotion.” “When I reach the age of retirement, I shall live happily ever after!”B:Sooner or later, we must realize that there is no station, no one place to arrive at once and for all. The true joy of life is the trip. The station is only a dream. It constantly out distances us.A:“当我们到站后,一切就好了!”我们呼喊着。“当我到18岁的时候。”“当我升官晋职的时候。”“当我到了退休的时候,从此就可以过上幸福的生活啦!”B:可是我们迟早会认识到人生之旅并没有什么车站,也没有什么能够“一到就可永逸”的地方。人生的真正乐趣在于旅行的过程,而车站仅仅是个梦,它总是遥遥领先于我们。A:So stop pacing the aisles and counting the miles. Instead, climb more mountains, eat more icecream, go barefoot more often, swim more rivers, B:watch more sunset, laugh more and cry less. Life must be lived as we go along. Then the station will come soon enough.A:那么就停止在车厢过道里徘徊吧,别总惦记着你距离车站还有多远。何不换种活法,去攀爬更多的高山,多吃点冰激淋解解馋,经常光着脚闲游漫步,在更多的河流里畅游,B:多多欣赏夕阳西下,多点欢笑,少些泪花。生活要过在当下,车站会很快到达。 结束曲 B:感谢制作吴紫薇!A:That's today's program, thank you for your listening. If you like us, you can listen more in Official WeChat Account: VOE Radio or Litchi FM 22808.Welcome to join us, welcome to VOE.B:欢迎加入VOE,欢迎加入墨海繁花!欢迎您对我们的节目点赞和留言,春风十里,我们一直都在等你!Both:bye! 节目监制:李硕编辑:安楠杨璟琰播音:安楠杨璟琰制作:吴紫薇整合上传:侯泓锾
9/21/20189 minutes, 3 seconds
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Sep.19, 2018 #Music Bang Bang# classic TV series

节目组: Music Bang Bang 音乐大爆炸 节目名称:classic TV series开头曲 House of Cards-Tyler Shaw插曲1 I’ll be there for you-The Rembrandts插曲2 Skinny Love - Birdy插曲3 Top of the world - Carpenter结束曲 Leave out all the rest – Lincoln Park节目监制:朱子业编辑:窦雪菲 周宇琦播音:窦雪菲 周宇琦制作:朱子业整合上传:侯泓锾
9/21/201814 minutes, 5 seconds
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Sep.17, 2018 #日本语ドリームワークス#日本人喜欢泡完温泉喝牛奶咖

节目组:日本语ドリームワークス 日语梦工厂 节目名称:日本人喜欢泡完温泉喝牛奶咖啡A:皆さん、こんばんは、VOE日本語ドリームワークスへようこそB:日语梦工厂A:为梦想起航,我是主播田岳枫B:我是主播关岚锺A:在上期节目中我们讲了日本温泉文化中冷毛巾放在头上的作用。你们知道除了泡澡时在头上放条冷毛巾,还有一件事是日本人在泡温泉时必做的事。那就是在更衣室买一瓶咖啡牛奶。慢慢单手叉腰,仰头一饮…真是美味。不能是水或是茶。必须得是咖啡牛奶!…这么想的一定不只我一个人。A:しかし、人はなぜ入浴後にコーヒー牛乳を飲みたくなるのだろうか。調べてみると、「湯上がりの貧血防止になる」「発汗機能がアップする」「興奮を抑えて眠りやすくなる」など、牛乳に含まれる成分を由来とする様々な説があるようだ。B:但究竟为什么人在洗完澡后想喝咖啡牛奶呢?有调查称是因为“能防止洗完澡后贫血”“能促进出汗”“能抑制兴奋,安神催眠”等等,和牛奶中的成分有关。A:「たしかに、牛乳系飲料に含まれる(鎮静作用があるとされる)カルシウムや、(リラックス効果があるとされる)オピオイドペプチドなどの作用はありますね。ただ、一番の理由は湯上がりの火照った体が冷たい飲み物を欲するからで、そのうちのひとつがコーヒー牛乳なのではないでしょうか」B:“确实牛奶类饮料里含有(被称为有镇静作用的)钙质,还有(被称为有放松效果的)阿片肽等等。但最大原因还是洗完澡后身体发热想喝冷饮,刚好咖啡牛奶属于这一类。”A:さらに、メーカーにも聞いてみた。「ビン入りコーヒー牛乳は、ビンに直接口を付けて飲むため、飲み口の形状から香りとともに心地よい冷たさも感じられるかと思います。こうした特性から、湯上がりについ手に取ってしまうのでは」B:然后还询问问了制造商。“瓶装咖啡牛奶因为是直接揭盖喝,所以瓶口除了香味还有冰凉感。我想会不会是由于这些特性,大家洗完澡就禁不住拿上一瓶。”A:たしかに、ビンならではの飲み口の影響は大きいかもしれない。明確な結論は出なかったが、いずれにせよ、温まった体を冷たい飲み物でクールダウンさせるコーヒー牛乳の存在は風呂上がりに欠かせないB:确实,瓶装奶特有的瓶口功劳很大。虽然没有得出明确结论,但不管怎样,咖啡牛奶能让泡暖和的身体凉快下来,作为冷饮在泡完澡后不可或缺。A:ところで、日本乳業協会の相談員・加藤さんが面白いことを教えてくれた。「お風呂上がりに腰に手を当てて飲むポーズをよく目にしますが、あれはビンの口の形状のせいで、頭を後ろに反らさないと飲めないため、その際バランスを取るために手を腰に当てるという説を聞いたことがあります」B:另外,日本乳业协会的咨询员•加藤还说了一件有趣的事情。“洗完澡后叉腰喝牛奶的姿势很常见,听说这是瓶口形状的影响。因为必须仰头才能喝到,为了保持平衡就单手叉腰了。”A: 哦,原来在动漫和日剧里常常看到剧中角色泡完温泉都要喝一瓶牛奶,没曾想其中还有这样的小知识。总之,希望这个可爱的“瓶装咖啡牛奶”能今后永远生产下去。A:好了今天的节目到这里就接近尾声了,感谢辛勤付出的后期制作张利敏 ,更要感谢同学们长久以来的关心与支持。节目监制: 梁远鹏播音: 田岳枫&关岚锺编辑: 田岳枫&关岚锺制作: 张丽敏整合上传:侯泓锾
9/21/20189 minutes, 11 seconds
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Sep.18,2018#Screen Age#恐怖电影合集 Horror Movies Collection

节目名称:Screen Age 节目主题:恐怖电影合集 Horror Movies CollectionJ: Hello, my lovely audience, welcome back to our Screen Age. T: Hi, I'm xxx. what kind of films do you like during your leisure time. J: I usually choose some comfortable movies, such as affectional movies or some comedies. But some special days, when I feel bored, I will watch something terrifying.T: Oh, I think today's program will let you fell excited. Today, our melody is terrifying.J: Wow, I almost can't wait to hear it ! T: Now, let's start.D: Hey, Sarah. Which horror film you have seen is your favourite?SH:I think it must be"The Other". It talks aboutthat after the end of the second world war, Grace, the heroine ,who raised a couple of children alone on the British Isles, waited for the return of her husband, meanwhile, three new servants appeared suddenly and a series of strange things happened.D: Wow, I supposed that maybe I have seen it, too. In my opinion, it's more like phychological thriller. The film does not create a thriller in its own way, but in a somber atmosphere that brings the horrors to the hearts of the people. SH:Yeah, you're right. Until the end of the movie, itfinally forms the terror that are stirring and locksup at the same time to bring charges against the war and the human nature.D: Right. It is a work that makes you a shudder at last. The well-intentioned misdirection runs through from the beginning to the end, until the end of an anti-traditional bottom: people frighten theghosts. That is so cute! SH:Therefore, it deserves for the compliment.D:Yes. However, in my mind, it has some similarities with "The sixth sense". If free, you can try to watch it. You're supposed to like it.SH: OK. I will take a try! S:I watched a horror movie with my best friend a few days ago and it scared my best friend to death.T:You went to the horror movie again.What is?S:Yeah,it is“Happy Death Day”T:You are so interested in horror movie.But why is it called "Happy Death Day"S: It is a great movie and the name is very interesting.T:It's do interesting. What story does it tell?S: Terry was murdered on her birthday, woke up alive the next morning, and was murdered again and again until she found her killer.T:It is so amazing!Did she find the killer at last?S: She surely found it. You can't imagine who the killer is.Find out if you're interested.T:You know what? There is a new horror movie about to be released recently, which is called"A Quiet Place". Since you like horror movies, you should go to see it.S:It sounds very cool. What does it tell?T:The film tells the story of a family with two surviving children who come to the countryside to avoid the monsters.They communicate in sign language and spend their days carefully.S: And then, what happened to them?T:Ha-ha, then you can go to the movie theater yourself.S: It really succeeded in attracting my interest.T:The film was released in China on May 18, 2018.D: Have you ever seen the trailer of Blumhouse’s truth or dare, a new horror film directed by Jeff Wadlow? C : Of course I have. The film, obviously getting a trailer to go with Insidious. You play truth or dare, and if you refuse the truth or the dare you die. D: The rough plot is: Olivia, Lucas and a group of their college friends travel to Mexico for one last getaway before graduation. While there, a stranger convinces one of the students to play a seemingly harmless game of truth or dare with the others. C: Once the game starts, it awakens something evil -- a demon which forces the friends to share dark secrets and confront their deepest fears. The rules are simple but wicked -- tell the truth or die, do the dare or die, and if you stop playing, you die. D: If you want to know why horror was so huge in 2018, that’s my theory. These films are newish, mostly original and usually not targeted at nostalgic adults but rather at today’s kids. So, yeah, apples and oranges perhaps, but Happy Death Day is arguably more relatable to today’s kids than Transformers: The Last Knight. C: I think Happy Death Day and Blumhouse’s truth or dare fill a gap in terms of being seen at just the right (or wrong) age and inspire fandom accordingly. And I can’t wait to watch it in the cinema.Sh : Did you see the movie Player One? That’s amazing ! And the tributes to The Shining also reminds me of the feelings I had before.J:you have seen The Shining too? Of all the movies and tv shows which have featured on supernatural , the Shining is one of the most often mentioned and referenced. Sh : yes. It is a 1980 feature film by Stanley Kubrick based on the novel of the same title by Stephen King. J : Here is the story. Jack has taken his family to an isolated inn so he can finish his novel. His young son Danny , has creepy visions of past and future events at the hotel. Sh: And another character referred to this “gift” as The Shining, hence the title. Jack becomes influenced by a supernatural presence and descends into madness, eventually turning on his family in a murderous age. J: Kubrick’s genius on The Shining is to exploit everything artificial and awkward about film to create extreme tension. The performances are strange and artificial and uncomfortable , has none of the usual “horror” atmosphere. Sh: there’s also a documentary about it called Room 237 ,in case you don’t understand the “weird” spots in the film. That is also a masterful work.C: Hey, guy, how exciting it is!S: I can't agree with you anymore. We may feel bored sometimes in our lives, this time why not try some terrifying films to look for a stimulus ?C: Yes, it's a really good choice. By the way, we don't seem to have much time left.Maybe we'll say goodbye to our friends.S: Ok, see you next week, goodbye.C: Bye. 感谢制作梅嵩琳!节目监制:塞碧乐编辑:贾婧譞播音:张桐晖(S) 王雪莹(Sh)孟萌萌(C) 孙晨棣(D)贾婧譞(J) 杨名国 (T)制作:梅嵩琳整合上传:侯泓锾
9/21/20188 minutes, 31 seconds
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Sep.17,2018 #The World Says# seven-eleven

节目组: The World Says 世界说节目主题:seven-eleven开头曲 reforget The seven-eleven was born in America.Its predecessor was the southern continential ice making company.Because the fridge wasn&`&t invented at that time,the company saling ice was popolar among people.Later,the kind of commodity added like eggs,milk,bread.And people called it Totem stores.It&`&s opening hours were extended from 7:00am to 11:00pm,so it&`&s name changed into seven-eleven.And I think it&`&s a really good name that it&`&s easy to remember.But now its opening hours are 24 hours.This business model brings greater convenience to people.And the "24 hours" has been used in many movies like rush hour.Now it has 60000 stores in the world and it has four criteria which is great variety of goods,good service,fresh food and clean environment.As we know,the seven eleven is popular in Japan. 插曲 reforget Now I&`&ll introduce you some hot sales in 7-11.There are three commodities known around the world.The first one is Slurpee,a parcially frozen soft drink.The Slurpee machine has a seperate spout for each flavor at the front of a tumbler or freezer.The machine is always located behind thecounter.Common flavors are frozen Cherry,Coke and Mountain Dew,however,they were given novelty names such as Pink Fink,Adults Olny,Moonshine,kissin&`&Cousin.The sequent one is also a kind of beverage which names Big Gulf.These two are both known for their relatively large drink sizes.The last one is called Big Bite.As its name shows,it is a super big hamburger with cheese and a hotdog.Can you imagine that,a single weighs about a quauter pounds.If you want to eat it ,what you must do is open up your mouth and take a big bite.7-11 also sells all kinds of bentos that are especially popular in Japan and Taiwan .Fresh-made daily sandwiches,salads,bakery items are at sale as well. 插曲 reforget I think it&`&s just one of the reasons. Their advertisement in China is not enough. You reminds me of something, I once downloaded it&`&s APP, guess what? The homepage is made of Thai! But I remember it appears in America! I can&`&t even log in.Maybe the price is a little high? A bottle of water in America costs about 1 dollars, according to the rate, it&`&s about 7 yuan.I think another reason may be the 24 hours working system. Despite several cities, not many people would go to the convenience store after midnight. That&`&ll decrease the income. Their boss must not like this.They may look for the cities that can open 24 hours which is close to their faith.The cities with 7-11 have their features. People there lives a busy life. They go to work early and come back very late with a so-tired-only-want-to-die heart. The appearence of 7-11 excatly meets their needs. Because it has a full range of goods.Just as ... said. I come up with a new thought. 7-11 has many Bentos. Or we can think it as a Japanese lunch box. Have you girls tried it before? No, I only saw it in some TV programmes.Maybe this is exactly one of the reasons. We are not used to buying lunch box from the store. 结束曲 reforget 节目监制:刘博编辑:李靖琳 李亦晨 何嘉欣播音:李靖琳 李亦晨 何嘉欣制作:程羊羊整合上传:侯泓锾
9/21/20189 minutes, 12 seconds
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节目组: 한류전선 韩流前线 节目名称:我的ID是江南美人大家好,这里是韩流前线.我是主播李硕,我是主播赵作章안녕하세요. 여기는 한류 전선입니다. 저는 아나운서 이석입니다.저는 아나운서 조작장입니다.最近有一部非常受大家欢迎的韩剧我的ID是江南美人요즘 인기 있는 한국 드라마가 있는데, 맞아,제 ID 는 강남 미인입니다.该剧讲述的是从丑八怪摇身化为大美人的女子-姜美来! 自小因丑陋的外表惨遭霸凌的美来终于成功变身! 但她的美却再度成为众人的笑柄。虽然如此但我们完美的男主角总是会在美来受到欺负的时候挺身而出。추괴팔괴에서 미인으로 변신한 여자 - 강미래! 추한 외모로 무참한 아름다움에 마침내 변신 성공! 하지만 그녀의 아름다움은 다시 한 번 많은 사람들의 웃음거리가 될까. 그럼에도 불구하고, 우리 완벽한 남자 주인공은 항상 미라에서 당당할 때 버틸 수 있어요.看了原漫画最心动的地方就是庆硕的妈妈小时候对他说,长大以后喷一次香水去见喜欢的女孩子吧。然后庆硕真的喷了香水去见了美来。还有他自言自语地说“要是她喜欢我...该多好啊"원화를 보고 가장 설레는 곳을 본 것은 경석의 어머니가 어렸을 때 그에게 말하고, 커서 향수를 한 번 뿌려 향수를 뿌려라.그리고 경석은 정말 향수를 뿌려 아름다움을 만났다.그리고 그는 "만약 그녀가 나를 좋아한다면..." 라고 혼잣말로 중얼거렸다.얼마나 좋겠습니까?外在对人而言是一种很复杂的存在。美来因为不好看的长相被嘲笑被攻击,景硕的妈妈因为过分美貌被丈夫限制工作。不是每个人都有一副好皮囊,也不是只有拥有了美好的外在,才能遇见幸福。这部剧既玛丽苏又很现实~希望每个人都能找到即使见过你最真实的样貌却记得你闪闪发光之心的人바깥에 있는 사람은 매우 복잡한 존재이다.미래는 보기 좋지 않은 외모로 비웃음을 당했고, 경석의 엄마는 지나친 미모로 남편에게 일을 제한받고 있다.모든 사람이 좋은 가죽주머니를 가지고 있는 것은, 좋은 외재를 가지고 있어야 행복을 만날 수 있는 것은 아니다.이 드라마는 마리아, 현실적이야 ~ 누구나 다 찾을 수 있어 너의 가장 진실한 모습을 보면 반짝반짝 빛나는 너의 마음을 기억하는 사람.가능한 시간 딱 너 눈가에 웃음을 짓다 可能时间刚好, 你眼角带笑 。 빛이 있어 세상은 맑고 따뜻해.因为有光,所以世界明朗而温暖뭐든지 급하게 생각하지 말고 기회는 항상 당신이 제일 신경쓰지 않을 때에 당신에게로 다가오고 있을거예요.不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。(配乐-Love diamond)미래와 같은 여자 아이가 모두 그녀의 경석을 찾을 수 있었으면 한다希望每一个像美来一样的女孩都能找到属于她的庆硕이번 한류 전선은 여기까지입니다.本期韩流前线到这里就结束了다음 방송 기대해 보도록 하겠습니다.让我们一起期待下一期节目吧안녕~节目监制:李硕 编辑:李硕&赵作章 播音:李硕&赵作章 制作:王飞整合上传:侯泓锾
9/21/20188 minutes, 9 seconds
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Jun.7, 2018 #Music Bang Bang#summer

节目组: Music Bang Bang 音乐大爆炸 节目名称:summer
6/8/201813 minutes
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Jun.5,2018 #The World Says# Something About Sub-health

节目组: The World Says 世界说节目主题:Something About Sub-health开头曲 Live life 插曲1 Somero结束曲 Live life 节目监制:苗世钰制作: Irris播音:刘博 赵惠梓 霍雅薇编辑:刘博 赵惠梓 霍雅薇
6/5/20189 minutes, 2 seconds
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Jun.14,2018 #Bloom in ink#等一个人时光

节目组: Bloom in Ink 墨海繁花 节目名称:等一个人时光S:Welcome to Bloom In Ink from VOE foreign languages radio station. I'm Sakura. I'm Edwin.爱了很久的朋友 S:Up to this day ,there will be people still moved to start with love.But I remembered that no one can hold on straight on the end.It's not a period of time that you've missed.It's not a summer.It's someone.It was he who brought you something you could never forget.I remember that someone said:There are probably two misses in life.The first time is to miss what you love,The second time is missing the person you love.These are just like you love a lot of things.But then you probably don't want it anymore.Even if his world is wider, it has nothing to do with you.Time is a wonderful thing,It makes things grow deeper and deeper into your heart,At the same time, some things are getting shallower and shallower..At the beginning,Always thought that the coming days would be long,Everything has a chance.But life is subtraction.Fewer opportunities to meet each other.Tomorrow is not long.I've traveled through many cities and met a lot of people.Those who say they want to keep in touch,If you don't contact him, he won't contact you.Who said to accompany you for a long time, suddenly disappeared.Long time, short but fickle.But what do you do?Went a long way together, produced some memorable moments, not lived in vain.After all, everyone's story is not finished.Wait a second, someone will be in love with you, sometimes can turning your updates, listen to your music, also put you in the city to add in the weather in the list, you like to respond to each question, that every word you said is very interesting. Then he'll be with you for a long time.E: 时至今日还会有人依然感动于爱情怦然心动的开始,但我印象里记得的“后来”,没有人能把它坚持到底! 能让你一直怀念的不是某段时光,不是某个夏天,而是某个人。是他给你带来的让你难以忘记的曾经,还记得有人说:人生大概会有两次错过,第一次是错过心爱的东西,第二次是错过心爱的人。这些就好像你很喜欢的东西会有很多,但后来你也许不想再要了,即便他的世界再大,也会与你无关。 时间是一个很神奇的东西,会让深的东西越来越深,也同时会让浅的东西越来越浅。开始的时候总觉得来日方长,什么都有机会,殊不知人生是减法,见一面少一面,来日并不方长。走过不少城市遇到过很多人,那些说好要保持联系的人,你不联系他他就不会联系你,那些说要陪你走很久很久路的人突然就会消失。长不过时光 短不过善变。但,怎么办呢?一起走一段路,产生一些值得铭记的瞬间,就不算白活了。毕竟每个人的故事都还未完待续。再等一等,会有人在喜欢着你,有时会翻着你的更新,听着你推荐的音乐,也把你在的城市添加在天气列表里,愿意回复你的每个问题,觉得你说的每一句话都很有趣。然后和你长久的一起。E:感谢制作吴紫薇Bloom in ink will accompany you through every four seasons. Thank you for your listening, See you next week!All:Bye!节目监制:魏镜滟编辑:李硕播音:李硕 赵作章制作:吴紫薇
6/4/20187 minutes, 48 seconds
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Jun.1,2018#Screen Age#Animated movie

节目名称:Screen Age 节目主题:Animated movie C:Hello! My lovely audiences! This is Cynthia, welcome to screen age. Sh: Hello, I am Sarah. Well, do you ofen see cartoons?C: Yeah, do you remember a classical cartoon—Gourd brothers?Sh: Certainly, I do. When I was a little child, I liked watching it so much. And I often was criticized by my parents due to watching it before finishing my homework.C: Haha, you are so cute. I also liked it a lot, and I think it has some reasons so that letting us love it untill today. Sh: I agree with you. The unique style of characters and scene, antique Chinese flavor. The film is so delicate that every worm is different in shape and with good intentions.C: Especially, it's the era that Japanese and American animation has not yet invaded, and the animation has not been market-oriented. It's really hard to have such a cartoon.Sh: That's right. I hope there will be more and more good cartoon like it.C: So do I. Now, let's talk about some really good animated movies!Sh: At the mention of domestic films, my favorite one is " Big Fish&Begonia".S: I've heard that this is the great work of Chinese animation.Sh: Right! It is said that it had spent 12 years on the production.S: Yeah, every frame seems to try to restore the most Chinese faction.Sh: At the beginning of the film, to shape the film, the opening of "A Happy Excursion" is cited. It seems to propaganda that it's the original domestic products.S: And, a series of ancient architectural decorations, such as lantern, red brick and wooden steps, are also quite Chinese.Sh: Many Chinese elements are filled with this film. In my opinion, it can be the landmark work of Chinese animation.S: And, there're many precious emotion in this film. For example, the love, the friendship and the affection. I remember that I have cried when I saw it. Sh: Wow. You are so sensitive but it is certainly moving. Therefore, would you like to see it again?S: Sure! I think we can see it together.L: Well, today our topic is animated movie, and whenever you talk about animation you have to mention Japan, cause you know, Japan is pretty good at making cartoons. T: That's true. I have seen a lot of Japanese animated movies and I'm looking at them now. I think they're great. What about you? Do you like cartoons? L: I don't know beans about it, I only seen some classic ones when I was a kid. But that doesn't mean I don't like them. So what's your favorite? T: Maybe you heard of it, it's Spirited Away which chinese name is千与千寻. This movie was the winner of the 75th Academy Awards for best animated feature. L: Wow! That's really worth time to have a look! My friend told me about it but I haven't seen it yet. What story did the film tell?T: It told a story about humans and monsters. There was a monster hotel which only opened at night and a family strayed into the hotel. Parents were punished for doing wrong, their daughter had to work in the hotel. During her time there, a lot happened.L: That's really cool! And I know the animations of this movie are as smart as a new pin! I can't wait to see it! T: Right, it was made by Japanese animation master Hayao Miyazaki. His other works are also great.S: Do you remember our dubbing contest?T: Of course, you have attended it,right?S: Yes,although I didn't get the prize, but I got my favorite cartoon.T: Is it The Legend of LuoXiaohei?S: Yes, it's a light of Chinese cartoon and one of my favorite characters is a tiger.T: The tiger? You girls like tigers?S: No, this tiger is cute. It's a super cute tiger who speaks northeast words.T: Looks fierce inside lovely, the contrast is cute.S: Not only the character and plot is interesting, the picture and voice is very fine too.T: Wow, that sounds interesting. I have to see it.S: Unfortunately, it's very slow to update, and I'm sure you can finish it quickly, and then, like me, wait for its long update.D:Today I’d like to recommend The Nut Job to your guys.V: Is this the movie that you dubbed in the competition organized by us VOE radio station?D:Yep, I won the first prize. The Nut Job is an animated comedy following the animal inhabitants of a city park. When loner squirrel Surly selfishly foils the other animals' plan to swipe some nuts from a nut cart, the park leader, banishes him to the city. V: Well, I think this is a movie just for kids. It's clean. It's not meant to impress adults; it will impress young kids, especially boys. The movie has a happy ending, it's not scary, the bad guys get caught and life goes on better than it had before.D: Do you remember the old candy bar slogan? "Sometimes you feel like a nut? Sometimes you don't?" -- well let's just say you probably won't feel like this particular Nut, but if you take your kids, the very youngest will probably dig the silliness.V: That is because most kids of a particular single-digit age will like any thing that makes them laugh and has gross-out jokes about burping and flatulence. L: the animation I want to recommend is COCO. Coco is a 2017 American animated fantasy film. The film won two Oscars for best Animated feature and Best Original Song. It is also the 15th highest-grossing animated film ever. C: The story follows a 12-year-old boy named Miguel Rivera who is accidentally transported to the land of the dead, where he seeks the help of his deceased musician great-great-grandfather to return him to his family among the living.L: the movie was done with love, with hard work and with a tremendous amount of sensitivity. It was well informed, careful and respectful. The movie did not feel like it was made by a tourist. C: A mexican said that, I love that this movie brings something positive about Mexico to the world. It makes perfect sense to me that Coco is the highest grossing animated film in Mexico history.L: indeed, through watching this movie, I know more things about Mexico. Especially the Day of death, it is related to the Mexico folklore and connected to their legacy.C: maybe that is the meaning of movies, it’s not just a type of entertainment, it helps you to explore the world. V:I really like this topic of today's program,as in my free time,I like best is watching animated cartoon,especially funny ones.D:Well,I do not often animated cartoon,but now I become so interested in these wonderful animations mentioned above that I want to them immediately.V:Well,I bet you will fall in love with them and it is time to say goodbye again.D:OK.See you next time,感谢制作刘柏霖.
6/1/201810 minutes, 5 seconds
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May.29,2018 #The World Says# idioms and slangs

节目组: The World Says 世界说节目主题: idioms and slangs开头曲 I really like you 插曲 I really like you 结束曲 I really like you 节目监制:苗世钰编辑: 杜航 刘博 李佳琪播音: 杜航 刘博 李佳琪制作:张燚铭
5/30/20189 minutes, 4 seconds
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节目组: 한류전선 韩流前线 节目名称:《昆池岩》开头曲 Fish in the pool引语 A:친구들 안녕하세요 欢迎收听voe外语广播韩流前线 我是播音王芷筠B:만나서 반가워요 我是播音李奕萱插曲1 Assassin tango A:最近有一部电影,首周就打败了同期上映的《头号玩家》,拿下历届恐怖电影史上最高的单日票房记录,是近十年最快突破百万观影人次韩国恐怖片。요즘 새로 개편된 영화가 첫주만에 동기 영화 (ready palyer one)을 이기고 공포영화력사상 최고 방람 기록을 달승햇습니다.B:《昆池岩》最近的确引起了一阵强烈的轰动,能获得这么高的评价,也是名副其实的。那么究竟是什么样的剧情让人们提之一颤。내,바로높은 평가를 가진 (곤지암)입니다 A:《昆池岩》片名来自韩国地标:昆池岩精神病院。关于这个医院的恐怖传说,有很多。有人说,这是朝鲜日治时期,日军虐杀掩埋的地方。之后,为了让人找不到尸体,在上面建立了医院。(곤지암)은 한국 곤지암정신병원에서 온 제목인데요,병원에 관한 무서운 전설이 많답니다.B:还有人说,这里表面上看是精神病院,其实是70年代韩国秘密拷问场所。겉으로는 정신병원이지만 사실은 70년대 한국비밀고문하는 장소라는 소문도 있습니다.A:此地先是监狱,后建成精神病医院,位于京畿道附近,原名是叫“南阳神经精神病医院”。因一系列离奇的死亡事件和禁忌传说,现在成为了“世界最毛骨悚然的七大场所之首”。이곳은 감옥이 엿다가 정신병원으로 됫습니다.지금은 세상공포스러운7곳 의 탑입니다.B:除了背景的真实性,影片拍摄手法有种身临其境的代入感。演员们全部用真名出演,亲身上阵,现场收音,手电打光,不加滤镜,不加音效。直播视角+VR视角,你的视线时刻跟随主角,主角往左你往左,主角转身你转身。배경의 진실성외,촬영기술도 너무 좋아 진실감이 아주 드러납니다A:这些都只是荧幕背后的事情,真正荧幕上呈现的是什么内容呢?촬영뿐만아니라 영화본신은 어쩔까요?B:三个月前,两名青少年来此探险,结果在直播中遭遇诡异事件,下落不明。삼개월전 두 청소년이 이것에 탐험할라 왓는데 신기하게 사라졋답니다.A:网络广播节目招募胆大之士,前往昆池岩探险,他们将进行鬼屋探险直播,更试图打开备受诅咒的402室。 방송국에서. 인터넷방송을 통해 용감한 사람을 찾아 곤지암 정신병원으로 진출하려햇습니다.B:为了吸引更多人观看直播,主持人暗中设下陷阱。当他们越深入医院禁地却越来越失控,那些受虐致死的冤魂潜藏在黑影之中将对其伸出鬼爪...많은 시청자를 끌어오기위해 많은 함정을 설치가 mc ,그리고 어두운 곳에서 손을 내민 귀신들.... A:观看影片时大部分人的行为发生了一系列变化,1阶段:微微突然蜷缩,2阶段:略感惊吓看旁人眼色,3阶段:寻找同伴,4阶段:开始碎碎念,5阶段:浑身颤抖,6阶段:碎碎念症状加重,7阶段:灵魂出窍영화를 보면 많은 면화가 일어나는데요。B:介绍到这里,是否让你对此影片有了一定的了解,胆小的人还是慎入。소개는 여기까지.영화애대해 좀 알리나요?겁쟁이들은 보지않는걸로... 1.我们的广播马上就要结束了2.感谢大家的收听,感谢制作人王飞,我们下期再见。 结束曲 At the edge节目监制:金池 编辑:王芷筠&李奕萱播音:王芷筠&李奕萱制作:王飞
5/30/20189 minutes, 12 seconds
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May.28,2018#Bloom in ink# 当时光已逝,我一无所求

节目组: Bloom in Ink 墨海繁花 节目名称:当时光已逝,我一无所求开头曲 用开头 在这个世界相遇Welcome to Bloom In Ink from VOE foreign languages radio station.I&`&m Sakura.I&`&m Olivia .How romantic is tagore? His poems are like the face of an innocent angel; To see him, to know the meaning of all things, to feel peace, to comfort, and to know true love.-泰戈尔该有多浪漫呢?他的诗就好像天真烂漫的天使的脸;看着他,就知道一切事物的意义,就感到和平,感到安慰,并且知道真正相爱(说完配乐渐渐大几秒_后进入正文)I asked nothing, only stood at the edge of the wood behind the tree.我一无所求,只站在林边树后。Languor was still upon the eyes of the dawn, and the dew in the air.倦意还逗留在黎明的眼上,露润在空气里。The lazy smell of the damp grass hung in the thin mist above the earth.湿草的懒味悬垂在地面的薄雾中。Under the banyan tree you were milking the cow with your hands, tender and fresh as butter.在榕树下你用乳油般柔嫩的手挤着牛奶And I was standing still.我沉静地站立着。I did not come near you.我没有走近你。The sky woke with the sound of the gong at the temple.天空和庙里的锣声一同醒起。The dust was raised in the road from the hoofs of the driven cattle.街尘在驱走的牛蹄下飞扬。With the gurgling pitchers at their hips, women came from the river.把汩汩发响的水瓶搂在腰上,女人们从河边走来。Your bracelets were jingling, and foam brimming over the jar.你的钏镯丁当,乳沫溢出罐沿。The morning wore on and I did not come near you.晨光渐逝而我没有步近你。当时光已逝 When Day Is Done If the day is done ,假如时光已逝, If birds sing no more .鸟儿不再歌唱, If the wind has fiagged tired ,风儿也吹倦了, Then draw the veil of darkness thick upon me ,那就用黑暗的厚幕把我盖上, Even as thou hast wrapt the earth with The coverlet of sleep and tenderly closed ,如同黄昏时节你用睡眠的衾被裹住大地,The petals of the drooping lotus at dusk.又轻轻合上睡莲的花瓣。 From the traverer, 路途未完,行囊已空, Whose sack of provisions is empty before the voyage is ended ,衣裳破裂污损,人已精疲力竭。 Whose garment is torn and dust-laden , 你驱散了旅客的羞愧和困窘, Whose strength is exhausted,remove shame and poverty , 使他在你仁慈的夜幕下, And renew his life like a flower under如花朵般焕发生机。 The cover of thy kindly night . 在你慈爱的夜幕下苏醒。 结束曲 用结尾 TowersS:感谢制作吴紫薇!Bloom in ink will accompany you through every four seasons. Thank you for your listening, See you next week!All:Bye!节目监制:魏镜滟编辑:李硕播音: 李硕 李靖琳制作:吴紫薇
5/28/20188 minutes, 40 seconds
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Jun. 2, 2018 #日本语ドリームワークス#日本人喜欢泡完温泉喝牛奶咖

节目组:日本语ドリームワークス 日语梦工厂 节目名称:日本人喜欢泡完温泉喝牛奶咖啡A:皆さん、こんばんは、VOE日本語ドリームワークスへようこそB:日语梦工厂A:为梦想起航,我是主播田岳枫B:我是主播关岚锺A:在上期节目中我们讲了日本温泉文化中冷毛巾放在头上的作用。你们知道除了泡澡时在头上放条冷毛巾,还有一件事是日本人在泡温泉时必做的事。那就是在更衣室买一瓶咖啡牛奶。慢慢单手叉腰,仰头一饮…真是美味。不能是水或是茶。必须得是咖啡牛奶!…这么想的一定不只我一个人。A:しかし、人はなぜ入浴後にコーヒー牛乳を飲みたくなるのだろうか。調べてみると、「湯上がりの貧血防止になる」「発汗機能がアップする」「興奮を抑えて眠りやすくなる」など、牛乳に含まれる成分を由来とする様々な説があるようだ。B:但究竟为什么人在洗完澡后想喝咖啡牛奶呢?有调查称是因为“能防止洗完澡后贫血”“能促进出汗”“能抑制兴奋,安神催眠”等等,和牛奶中的成分有关。A:「たしかに、牛乳系飲料に含まれる(鎮静作用があるとされる)カルシウムや、(リラックス効果があるとされる)オピオイドペプチドなどの作用はありますね。ただ、一番の理由は湯上がりの火照った体が冷たい飲み物を欲するからで、そのうちのひとつがコーヒー牛乳なのではないでしょうか」B:“确实牛奶类饮料里含有(被称为有镇静作用的)钙质,还有(被称为有放松效果的)阿片肽等等。但最大原因还是洗完澡后身体发热想喝冷饮,刚好咖啡牛奶属于这一类。”A:さらに、メーカーにも聞いてみた。「ビン入りコーヒー牛乳は、ビンに直接口を付けて飲むため、飲み口の形状から香りとともに心地よい冷たさも感じられるかと思います。こうした特性から、湯上がりについ手に取ってしまうのでは」B:然后还询问问了制造商。“瓶装咖啡牛奶因为是直接揭盖喝,所以瓶口除了香味还有冰凉感。我想会不会是由于这些特性,大家洗完澡就禁不住拿上一瓶。”A:たしかに、ビンならではの飲み口の影響は大きいかもしれない。明確な結論は出なかったが、いずれにせよ、温まった体を冷たい飲み物でクールダウンさせるコーヒー牛乳の存在は風呂上がりに欠かせないB:确实,瓶装奶特有的瓶口功劳很大。虽然没有得出明确结论,但不管怎样,咖啡牛奶能让泡暖和的身体凉快下来,作为冷饮在泡完澡后不可或缺。A:ところで、日本乳業協会の相談員・加藤さんが面白いことを教えてくれた。「お風呂上がりに腰に手を当てて飲むポーズをよく目にしますが、あれはビンの口の形状のせいで、頭を後ろに反らさないと飲めないため、その際バランスを取るために手を腰に当てるという説を聞いたことがあります」B:另外,日本乳业协会的咨询员•加藤还说了一件有趣的事情。“洗完澡后叉腰喝牛奶的姿势很常见,听说这是瓶口形状的影响。因为必须仰头才能喝到,为了保持平衡就单手叉腰了。”A: 哦,原来在动漫和日剧里常常看到剧中角色泡完温泉都要喝一瓶牛奶,没曾想其中还有这样的小知识。总之,希望这个可爱的“瓶装咖啡牛奶”能今后永远生产下去。A:好了今天的节目到这里就接近尾声了,感谢辛勤付出的后期制作张利敏 ,更要感谢同学们长久以来的关心与支持。
5/26/20189 minutes, 11 seconds
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May.25,2018#Screen Age#TKoreanFilms

节目名称:Screen Age 节目主题:TKoreanFilmsL:Sara, you've been living in college for almost a year. Have you found any good friends who have the same interests?S:Yes,I join many clubs and make many friends. I also get along well with my roommates.L:Great, it will be a precious memory for you in the future. I wonder if you've ever heard of SUNNY, it's about funny stories between sisters.S:That sounds great. Could you tell me more about it?L:No problem. The film tells the humorous story of the middle-aged women who once called themselves "the seven princesses" and the middle-aged women in the "Sunny" group, reunited after 25 years.And they look for humorous stories of youthful memories.S:Seven girls must have fun together.L:Yes, everyone's personality is different, and specific needs you to explore.S:You have successfully aroused my interest. I will see it when I go back, and call my roommates with me!D: Hi guys, welcome to Screen Age! This is Didi.V: Thisis Vivian. Didi, you look not very well today, what’s going on?D: Well, have you heard the Korean horror movie 昆池岩, which is very popular recently. I watched it last night, and I couldn’t fall asleep the whole night.V: Oh, no! Don’t talk about it. I’m scared. But, since you mentioned Korean film, I have a question for you. D: Seriously? Okay, go on. V: Suppose we haven’t seen each other for 25 years and one day we get the chance to meet each other and come back to Screen Age to make a program, to relive memories in VOE as an announcer, will you?D: Why not? I know you are talking about Sunny阳光姐妹淘. Now, it’s my turn, if you are a 70 years old llady and suddenly turn into a 20-year old girl. What’ll happen?V: Sounds weird. But that would be a lot fun. Is it the Korean comedy Miss Granny奇怪的她D: Yeah, So on today’s show We’re gonna talk about these two Korean films. hope you enjoy it!Sh:Today we are talking about the korean movies. Actually, there is a good film which called "Miss Granny" .S: "Miss Granny"? What a strange name , isn't it? Is this movie about granny?Sh: Exactly, and its also a film about chasing dream.S: Wow! What did the movie say?Sh:It told a story about a granny who loved singing a lot but she was getting old that she cannot sing anymore, somehow she went to took a photo , after she took photos , magically, she became a youny lady! And, therefore, she could chase her dream, to became a singer.S: Okay, now you have my attention! How did she go for her dream?Sh: Ha-ha, that's very funny, she joined her grandson's band as a lead singer. And she was a big a banana at sing. S: I can't wait to hear her sing. But, when she turned young that means the old granny was missing , is there nobody wanna to find her? Doesn't anyone find out that the young girl is the missing granny? Sh: Well, those are good questions, but I won't tell you, leave a little mystery to you , make yourself clear!L:So now you know the imaginative plots of Miss Granny. It also have a strong cast. The director and two leading women, leading man all of them exhibit a professional level. C: yes, especially the director, Hwang Dong Hyeuk(黄东赫), a talented but low yielding director. He also directs movie SILENCED, described as the movie that changes the country. L: Shim Eun-kyung(沈恩京) , the leading actress is also striking. Shim made her acting debut at age 9 and subsequently made a career as one of the best child actresses of her generation.C: Although was born as the youngest daughter in her family, she has clear goal of the what she want to become. After graduating from elementary school she chose to study aboard. L: another leading actress is Na Moon-hee(罗文姬) who stars as a woman in her 70s. She had a prolific acting career in television and film spanning more than five decades and had won almost 30 big awards until now. C: Miss Granny was released in South Korea on January 22, 2014. It drew 850,000 admissions on its opening day, placing it second behind Hollywood animated film Frozen at the box office.C:Hey.Vivian,do you hear of 沈恩京V:Sure. she is my favorite actress.C:Oh! I like her, too.I have become her fan since I saw Sunny. As a famous actress, she has a high level of performance.V:Yes. In 2016, she won Grand Bell Awards, the most authoritative film festival in Korea.C:She has also got a lot of honors,such as the best actress award at Baeksang Art Awards and Chunsa film festival.V:It seems that she is pretty good!C:That's not all. She has started as an actress when she was ten. At the age of eighteen, she won the KBS Drama Awards.V:Wow. I can't believe that.C:She has been to America for three years to further her sight and fullfill her life. After studying abroad, she returned to Korea and continued to take her original acting career.V:It deserves us to learn from her attitude to life and career.Sh: How moving these two films are! My heart is filled with warmth after today's program.V: Of course they are. During our lives, friendship is one of the most important emotions, so having some loyal friends is a really lucky thing!Sh: I believe that if we can be a warm person, the people around will be effected by us.Then, we can have a happy life.V: Maybe it is. But I think good relationship between friends still needs careful care. Well, how time flies, now it's time to say goodbye to our dear audience.Sh: Ok, I'm looking forward to meeting you next time! Goodbye!V: Bye, see you next week! 最后,感谢制作刘栢霖!
5/25/201810 minutes, 51 seconds
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节目组: 한류전선 韩流前线 节目名称:《致忘了诗的你》开头曲阵雨-龙俊亨10cmA:친구들안녕하세요欢迎收听voe外语广播韩流前线我是播音柳桂英。B:만나서반가워요我是播音张梦玉。1.哪有一朵不摇晃而盛开的花儿,这个世界上任何美丽的花朵都摇晃着绽放,摇着摇着把花枝挺立起来,哪有一朵不浸透阳光而开的花儿,这世界里任何一朵绚烂的花儿,被雨淋湿了依然盛开,被风吹雨打,花瓣依然温暖绽放,哪有一个不淋湿而成长的人生。세상그어떤꽂을불문하고모두비물과바람을이겨내서야그아름다움을빛뿌릴수있습니다.인생도마찬가지로곤난과괴로음을격지않고서는인생의단맞을맞볼수잇을까요2.今天想要给大家介绍一部韩剧,叫做《致忘了诗的你》,由韩尚宰导演与明秀贤编剧携手打造,是一部以物理治疗师、康复治疗师、实习护士等医院工作人员为主角的医学题材剧。오늘은드라마(시를잊은그대에게)를소개합니다,물리치료사빙사선사실습생의일상을시와합계그려낸감성코믹입니다.插曲2WI ING WI ING-Hyukoh1.李侑菲饰演入职三年的理疗师禹宝英,她小时候梦想着成为诗人,但因为家境不好只能优先考虑生计问题,最终为了生活选择成为一名理疗师,是一个每天都拼命生活的现代小市民。她经常为了痛苦的病人,读一首诗,我喜欢这个女孩,喜欢她读诗的美好,喜欢她努力工作努力爱的勇气。이유비는 시인이되고싶엇지만 끝내 방사선사가된 여주인공 우보영 역을 맞탓습니다.2.李浚赫饰演理疗师艺在旭,他从大学医院的课长调任到综合医院当组长,是以超高速晋升的最年轻的组长。在剧中他的口头禅就是:我给你一个忠告吧。由于他的太过正直,背离了职场规则而被事业和爱情狠狠抛弃,后来他遇到禹宝英,他们互相欣赏,互相成为失意人生的慰藉。이주혁이 담당하는 남자주인공재훈이는 너무 정직하고직장에서의 여유로움을 모르는 젊은 도장으로 많이 힘드러엇지만 여주 우보아를 만나 서로 위로를 받게된이야기입니다.1.禹宝英是个有小女生情怀 ,那样青春,那样甜 美,那样 活泼可 爱的人。那点 天真俏皮 的小 心思 ,真的就是 偷偷 爱着一个人的状态 ,正如那 首诗《你并不一定非要爱》“独自热烈地爱着,就只是我自己成为爱情本身”,就 算爱情无法结果,她 也能独自热烈地绽放。这一 刻,与诗 歌相遇 的时间,是孤独 的,也是欢喜的,是一个人的,也是所有人的。우보아는소녀심이풍부한청춘스럽고달콤한이미지를가진활발한친구입니다.순진한마음으로한사람을조심스럽게사랑하는마음,결과를모르지만힘들고외롭지만. 그게바라사랑이아닐까요.2.每一 集里都 会发觉配角或者 主角 身上的小 故事 ,他们有一个 共同之处为生活 所累 ,默默隐忍着, 用不同方式存活着。编剧通过 这部剧 还有剧名 传达 给观众的大概就是那句很流行的鸡汤:生活不止眼前的苟且,还有诗和远方。매작은이야기하다알려준주인공들의작은이야기.모두생활땨문에힘들지만그래도참고이겨내는모습,작가님이이드라마를통해알리고싶은건아마생활은눈앞에비참한현실외에시도미래도잇다는것이아닌가싶습니다.插曲4我更坏-Heize1.这部剧 真的很温暖, 它告诉你, 周围 的人 没有那么坏心 ,并不是世界在欺负 你,而是你没有好好 地去了解一下这个世界。진짜따뜻하고아름다운드라마입니다. 세상의아름다움을보여주고희망을남겨주는드라마입니다.2.最后为大家读一首剧中的诗《崭新的出发》:解开了纠缠 的结,拔掉 了倒刺 ,不 留恋 ,不 后悔 ,集合在凌乱 的场所 ,送走 了纠缠 的所有, 舒畅 的情绪 ,明亮的心情,为了明天,忘记昨天。그럼마지막으로래일을위해어제를잊는것이또떳나요.1.好了,今天的节目到这里就结束了,感谢大家的收听,我们下期再见.2.是的 感谢制作人安城安,我们下期再见!节目监制:金池 编辑:柳桂英&张梦玉播音:柳桂英&张梦玉制作:王飞
5/25/201814 seconds
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May.22,2018 #The World Says# Icecream

节目组: The World Says 世界说节目主题: Icecream开头曲1984插曲1984结束曲Summer Vibe(Pegato Remix)节目监制:苗世钰制作: Irris播音: 何嘉欣 张依雪 赵惠梓编辑: 何嘉欣 张依雪 赵惠梓
5/22/20187 minutes, 32 seconds
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May. 19, 2018 #日本语ドリームワークス#雪女的故事

节目组:日本语ドリームワークス 日语梦工厂 节目名称:雪女的故事
5/19/201813 minutes, 7 seconds
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May.18,2018#Screen Age#West World

节目名称:Screen Age 节目主题:West WorldD: Hello, everyone, I’m Didi, welcome to the Screen Age from May 11th, 2018Sh: On today’s show we are gonna talk about West World. This is Sarah, your old friend. And Cynthia, Lucifer and Sara in Today’s program(C: hello, L: hello, S: hello~) , and our new family members, Timothy and Vivian.( T: Hi, what’s going on? V: hey, guys, new to the Screen Age. What’s up?)D: So it’s actually been a while since we have talked about TV series in our program. Do you remember when was it? Sh: To be honest, We haven’t discussed any kind of TV drama since we joined the Screen Age.D: Umm, well, that doesn’t matter! What’s kick off today’s show---West World is an American Sci-Fi TV drama, so our broadcast is full of splendid today. XX, have you ever thought about in the future world, all the people here are human-like robots, and you can do anything you like without punishment?Sh: Wow, that’s what I always dream of. I would be a king. D: Haha, That’s what this TV series is about. You must feel excited. Now, let’s start!T: Hey, do you know "The West World" has been in its second season?D: I don't know, I haven't seen the show's first season yet. But I've heard of it. How is it?T: Dude, you haven't seen it yet? It's fabulous! You should go to see it!D: Okay, I would like to know what the show is about?T: It's a science fiction show which told a story about humans and robots. People built a park full of robots, and the robots here were designed to satisfy humans' desires such as the desire to kill.D: Wow! Sounds great! I'm kind of interested. So the robots don't know they are robots, right? T: Right, they treated people like tourists and friends.D: What's next? Did the robots resist?T: Yes, they did. The robots were wake up, and started to realize what humans done to them.D: I must say, it's very attractive to me. I like science fiction movies and teleplays a lot, especially those about robots. I can't wait to see it!T: There were three turning points in the first season which made the show a masterpiece.D: Awesome! What about season two?T: See it by yourself !V:Well,you know many people are crazy fans of the Westworld including me.So we are all looking forward to the second seasonS:Me too.I will follow it as soon as it updates. And have you ever predicted the plot of the it after watching the first season?V:Of course.When I saw the first season,I really felt pitiful about the fate of the robots,that human care nothing about the life of them and their life even the way of death are designed by others .So I guess that more and more robots will know the truth about the west world , they will control their own fate and begin to revolt in the second season.S:Wow,sounds cool.Actually if the robots have their own thoughts,they are no difference from human,they have life,have love and hate and also the long for fair.V:I agree with you.And I think one of reasons why the west world is so popular is it can arouse people's thinking about the human nature.S:You mean most of the human become demons, and without the bondage of the human world, they release their desires and enjoy the feeling of killing them.V:Yes,it is really terrifiedS: "Western world" based on a science fiction writer Michael's movie, HBO version of the "western world"use the concept of theme park in the novel, the plot is by Jonathan Nolan and his wife , joey.V: "Western world" is a big capital of HBO series, only ten plays'production costs up to $100 million (672 million yuan), and the first play's production is $25 million (168 million yuan) with propaganda cost more than 40 million.S: It's certainly not disappointing, with 12 million views on all platforms, and it is the most watched TV series of first season in 2016.V: The first play of "westworld" won the story with a new, thoughtful and in-depth review.S: "Westworld", the new series of HBO in 2016 has the potential to become a national concern. L: You know the Westworld is produced by HBO, Home Box Office. That’s a big company with a history of more than forty years. It not only distributes TV series, but also movies, boxing and shows for kids. T: yep , of a wide range. But the series part is the most striking. Despite Westworld, there is still a lot of good works, like Sex and the City, Boardwalk Empire, and, of course Game of Thrones. L: you got me. Game of Thrones is my favorite show. From 2011 to now, it has already broadcast seven seasons, still remained a heated topic. T: The new season will be released in 2019, and it is said that some important roles will die. Just hope you’re prepared. L: that’s awful. But an attribute of American series is that they are not afraid to say anything. They go deep into humanity, deep into society ,raise tv series to an artistic height. T: It is worth noting that, there are no advertisements in HBO, which maybe means lower income. But it gives a more liberal creation environment to the directors and that always helps to become a high quality series. C: Do you know the director of West World?L: I just know him a little, but not very much. Would you like to tell something about him?C: Of course.Jonathan Nolan is a well-known name. He is the brother of famous director Christopher Nolan. As an editor and brother, he co-authored classic movies such as memory fragments, deadly Magic and Batman: the Dark Knight. He has always been a good writer of science fiction.L: Based on your introduction, I believe he is a really good director. Then, how about his action in Western World?C: Western World is an exciting work. Under the guidance of Nolan, who is good at telling stories, the series is logical and organized. Many flashes of detail need to be savoured. Like a fly that appears more than once in the play.L: The director made a great difference on it. It's highly expected that he will creat more exciting works.D: How cool this TV play is! It seems that human have been not content with online game but started to create the high-tech adult park. Meanwhile, the experience will be more exciting and more real.Sh: Yes. And, in this TV series, the robots also become different from the imagination in our traditional minds.D: In a word, it is so amazing! Although I haven't seen it, I seem to be the fan of it.Sh: Right. It deserves to recommend to our audiences.D: Sure. We can see it together and have a further discussion.Sh: OK. Now, It's time to say goodbye to our dear audiences. See you next week.D: See you. 感谢制作刘栢霖!
5/18/20189 minutes, 35 seconds
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May.17, 2018 #Music Bang Bang#Fantasy Novel

节目组: Music Bang Bang 音乐大爆炸 节目名称:Fantasy NovelY:Hello,everybody,welcome to music bang bang from VOE foreign languages radio station,I’m Alisa.Z:Hi,I’m Atlanta.How about the holiday,have you had a good time?Y:Although only three days,I reviewed the fantasy novels lately.It still moves me.Z:We can never forget the Hogwarts and the Mystery Falls.Y:Yes,They remind me of the time when I was in middle school.I miss the Hogwarts.Z:And I miss the Mystery falls.Y: The singer is Alex Band , This song must have appeared in the drama,isn’t it?Z:Yes,you are right.The Vampire Diaries carries my memories,I know some people are fans of Stefan and Elena,I’m the opposite one.Y: One heart to break, One soul to take us, 支离破碎的唯一心脏,救赎自我的唯一灵魂,而非舍弃一切.Z:I have thought a lot , which song to choose,this one accompied ,when Damon killed his witch friend with sadness.And then he took his jacket and leave away.Y:So many good interlude in Vampire Diaries,how about enjoy more?Y:This song is quiet,it’s Echo by Jason Walker.Z:We have known Down is well known in this drama.Echo is also his woks.Y:It appears in Season Three,Stefan got lost and they tried to find him.Z:Jason walker is a great singer,his voice and skill make it a superiority to become the top in billboard.Y:The most charming man in the drama maybe got the most tears.Z:You mean Damon?他曾对Elena 说:I don’t deserve you. But my brother does. God, I wish you didnt have to forget this…but you do.Y:So many good songs in it ,but it’s hard to find such song like that.Z:So many attractive charaters in it ,Klaus,Caroline,Bonnie,they are so alive.Y:This song is Echo,Don’t forget its name,let’s enjoy more.Z:It must be a great song as the opening song of the wedding.Y:I have loved you for a thousand years,It's so sweet.Z:A gentle rhythm,很有感觉,It feels happiness to listen to the song.Y:I have died.everyday waiting for youZ:Close your eyes and listen to the song.It seems to see someone playing the piano,accompanied by music,the bride appears in the eyes of the peopleY:I love three things in this world.sun,moon and you.sun for morning,moon for night,forever for you.Z:Let's enioy more.Y:The twilight Saga is my favourite novel.although the next films lineup are very luxurious.I still like the first film.Z:Me too.I like the love between them.Every time I listen to the song,I think of a word.although you are not the first person.I am in love,you are my first love.Y:I like the word.I watch the first movie and got touched by the romantic film.Z:A lazy singing,a gentle breeze,the song that suits a person to listen to Y:Whenever the melody rises.theres is always a limitless merry.这么多年过去了,我是否找到了你,破碎的梦想Y:最美的风景,不在终点,在路上……最美的人,不在外表,在内心……以诚相待,让所有的遇见,都成为一种美好All:See you next time.节目监制:韩平治编辑:温彦博周宇琦阎孝通播音:周宇琦阎孝通制作:阎孝通
5/17/201821 minutes, 9 seconds
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节目组: 한류전선 韩流前线 节目名称:《创造101》A:친구들 안녕하세요 欢迎收听voe外语广播韩流前线 我是播音付子芮B:만나서 반가워요 我是播音王芷筠插曲1 如果樱花掉落.mp3 A:《创造101》如今正在热播,很多人都在讨论其中的101个小姐姐。而这种类型节目的原始就是在2016年打造了国民女团IOI的《PRODUCE IOI》。这个组合的成员全部由国民制作人选出。요즘 화제속에 방영되고 있는 중국판 프로듀스101,여러분들 다 알고 계시죠.B:《PRODUCE 101》是韩国第一个“经纪公司企划女团”,透过这项计划,101名来自不同经纪公司的女练习生,将进行竞争比赛,最终成绩最优秀的前11名,会成为一个团体发行单曲,并以Mnet旗下艺人的身份进行为期一年的活动。프로듀스101은 시청자들이 유닛 걸그룹으로 데뷔할 멤버들을 직접 정하는 프로젝트입니다.A:张根硕作为主持人,朴嘉熙、裴允静、Cheetah、JeA、金圣恩分别作为舞蹈老师,唱歌导师,rap导师指导练习生。刚开始,成员出场介绍并自由选择排名1-101的座位,依照经济公司分组进行表演后,由主持人及导师群分配至最佳的A级到最差的F级。分级不受经济公司团队所限,每位练习生依表现得到相应的分级,再给予相应程度的练习课程。국민 프로듀서 대표 격인 진행자는 장근석이 맡았고 트레이너로는 가희,배윤정,치타,제아,김성은이 출연했습니다.B:《PICK ME》是这个节目的主题曲,同时由练习生们选出这个歌曲的中心-崔有情。从这开始,练习生们进行了一系列的训练,并且在每一段的时间都会发布排名,由全民制作人来投票,选出最喜欢的练习生出道。는 이 프로그램의 타이틀곡이자 처음으로 센터를 확정하게 된 곡이기도 합니다. 插曲3 PRODUCE 101-PICK ME.mp3 A:2016年4月1日,通过M-net选秀节目《PRODUCE 101》,确定最终获胜的全昭弥、金世正、崔有情、金请夏、金素慧、周洁琼、郑采妍、金度延、康美娜、林娜荣、俞琏静十一人以限定组合I.O.I成员名义和YMC Entertainment旗下艺人的身份进行为期近一年的活动。최종데뷔멤버는 전소미,김세정,최유정,김청하,김소혜,주결경,정채연,김도연,강미나,임나영,유연정으로 확정되였습니다.B:IOI一出道就受到了许多人的关注,并被称为国民女团,出的专辑大卖,上了很多的综艺节目,拍的各种各样的广告都受到了全民制作人的喜爱。국민걸그룹 아이오아이는 데뷔후에 활발한 활동을 하며 많은 사랑을 받았습니다. 插曲 4 A:1月29日,I.O.I组合正式解散,结束了一年的出道活动。I.O.I虽然在年底已经解散,但是她们仍然在韩国娱乐圈具有十足的话题性。除了开展各自新的组合外,她们之间的部分还会向SOLO,演员,综艺,MC等多领域发展,展现了各个领域的独特才能。B:出道前就拥有国民性的关注的I.O.I前途一片光明。即使节目结束,组合解散,他们依旧会向全民制作人展现他们会不断的努力,并继续走花路。 1.我们的广播马上就要结束了,2.今天就到这里了,感谢制作人王飞,我们下期再见。 结束曲 I.O.I-等一下.mp3节目监制:金池 编辑:王芷筠&李奕萱播音:王芷筠&李奕萱制作:王飞
5/16/20189 minutes, 24 seconds
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May.15,2018 #The World Says#Cross Talk

节目组: The World Says 世界说节目主题:Cross Talk开头曲Love mail (Nicoleta Matei)插曲1Love mail (Nicoleta Matei)插曲 2插入相声片段:郭德纲和于谦的“我要闹绯闻”结束曲探清水河(张云雷)节目监制:苗世钰制作:程羊羊 Arris播音:赵惠梓 张依雪 何嘉欣编辑:赵惠梓 张依雪 何嘉欣
5/15/20187 minutes, 53 seconds
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May.14,2018#Bloom in ink# 品味现在

节目组: Bloom in Ink 墨海繁花 节目名称:品味现在开头曲 1分32秒A:Hello everyone, welcome to Bloom In Ink from VOE foreign languages radio station. I&`&m . B:I&`&m .A:欢迎收听VOE时代之声外文广播电台插曲1 A:Tucked away in our subconsciousness is an idyllic vision. We see ourselves on a long trip that spans the continent. We are traveling by train. Out the windows, we drink in the passing scene of cars on nearby highways,B:Of children waving at a crossing, of cattle grazing on a distant hillside, of smoke pouring from a power plant, of row upon row of corn and wheat, of flatlands and valleys, of mountains and rolling hills, of city skylines and village halls.A:在我们的潜意识之中隐藏着一派田园诗般的风景。我们仿佛处在一次横跨大陆的迢迢旅途之中。我们乘着火车,领略着窗外流动的景色:B:附近公路上驰骋的汽车、十字路口处挥手的孩童、远处山坡上吃草的牛群、不断从电厂排放出的烟雾、成片成片的玉米和小麦、平原和山谷、群山和绵延起伏的丘陵、天空衬托下城市的轮廓,以及乡间的庄园宅第。A:But uppermost in our minds is the final destination. On a certain day at a certain hour, we will pull into the station. Bands will be playing and flags waving. Once we get there, so many wonderful dreams will come true and the pieces of our lives will fit together like a completed jigsaw puzzle. B:How restlessly we pace the aisles, damning the minutes for loitering — waiting,waiting, waiting for the station.A:可是我们心中想得最多的却是最后的目的地。在某一天的某一时刻,我们的火车将会到站,迎接我们的将是演奏的乐队和飘舞的旗帜。一旦到了那儿,多少美妙的梦将成为现实,我们的生活也将变得完整,好像一幅拼好了的拼图。B:我们在车厢过道里烦躁不安地踱来踱去,咒骂火车的磨磨蹭蹭,等待着,等待着,等待着火车进站的时刻。A:“When we reach the station, that will be it!” we cry. “When I’m 18.” “When I get a promotion.” “When I reach the age of retirement, I shall live happily ever after!”B:Sooner or later, we must realize that there is no station, no one place to arrive at once and for all. The true joy of life is the trip. The station is only a dream. It constantly out distances us.A:“当我们到站后,一切就好了!”我们呼喊着。“当我到18岁的时候。”“当我升官晋职的时候。”“当我到了退休的时候,从此就可以过上幸福的生活啦!”B:可是我们迟早会认识到人生之旅并没有什么车站,也没有什么能够“一到就可永逸”的地方。人生的真正乐趣在于旅行的过程,而车站仅仅是个梦,它总是遥遥领先于我们。A:So stop pacing the aisles and counting the miles. Instead, climb more mountains, eat more icecream, go barefoot more often, swim more rivers, B:watch more sunset, laugh more and cry less. Life must be lived as we go along. Then the station will come soon enough.A:那么就停止在车厢过道里徘徊吧,别总惦记着你距离车站还有多远。何不换种活法,去攀爬更多的高山,多吃点冰激淋解解馋,经常光着脚闲游漫步,在更多的河流里畅游,B:多多欣赏夕阳西下,多点欢笑,少些泪花。生活要过在当下,车站会很快到达。结束曲 1分16秒节目监制:魏镜滟编辑:安楠杨璟琰播音:安楠杨璟琰制作:吴紫薇
5/14/20186 minutes, 24 seconds
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May. 12, 2018 #日本语ドリームワークス#为什么日本人泡温泉要在头上

节目组:日本语ドリームワークス 日语梦工厂 节目名称:为什么日本人泡温泉要在头上盖毛巾A:皆さん、こんばんは、VOE日本語ドリームワークスへようこそB:日语梦工厂A:为梦想起航,我是主播田岳枫B:我是主播于小茹A:我经常能在日剧、动漫里看到这样的景象:日本人在泡温泉的时候会在头上放一条毛巾。你知道这是为什么吗?B:诶?泡温泉时在头上放条毛巾的这个习惯我也注意到了,但这原因我还真不知道。A:其实,这毛巾里面还大有学问呢!A:実は,タオルを濡らさないように頭の上に、というような単純なものではない。むしろ、タオルは乾いていては意味がない。濡れていないとダメなのだ。医学的にも意味があり、タオルの温度の使い分けも必要なのである。では、そのタオルの意味についてである。B:其实,并不是为了不把毛巾弄湿而放在头上,这样的解释也过于简单。不如说,毛巾干着是没有用的。毛巾必须要弄湿。这样做是有一定的医学根据,其次区分使用温度不同的毛巾也是很有必要的。那么接下来,将解释把毛巾放在头上的意义。A:まず原則として、入浴中に頭に載せるタオルは「冷たい水をしみ込ませたタオルを、頭を覆うように載せる」というのが基本である。これは「のぼせ」の防止になる。 入浴すると体が水圧を受けて血液が頭に集中しやすくなるため、入浴中は「のぼせやすい状態」であるといえる。そこで頭を冷やすために、冷たいタオルを頭に載せるわけである。「頭寒足熱」という言葉があるが、どちらか迷ったら冷たいタオルを載せる、と覚えておけばいい。A:首先,作为原则,泡澡的时候放在头上的毛巾基本上是“是用泡过冷水的毛巾覆盖头部”。这是为了防止了脑溢血。因为一进入浴池,身体就会受到水压,血液很容易在头部集中,这可以说是泡澡时“很容易引发脑溢血的状态”。所以为了冷却头部,在头上放一条湿毛巾。不是有“头凉脚热”这个词吗?如果不记得是“头凉脚热”还是“头热脚凉”,那么记住“把放冷水泡过的毛巾放在头部”就可以了。B:一方、冬の露天風呂などでは、冷たい外気と熱い湯との温度差で血圧が急上昇しやすいので、この場合は熱い湯に浸したタオルを頭に載せる。ただし、夏の陽射しの強い日の露天風呂などでは、やはり冷たいタオルを頭に載せたほうが良い。内湯でも、やはり冷たいタオルを頭に載せるA:另一方面,如果是冬天泡露天浴池之类的,因为寒冷的空气与热的池水之间的温度差容易造成血压急速上升,所以在这种场合要用热水泡过的毛巾放在头上。但是,如果夏天阳光照射强的日子泡露天浴池的话,还是用冷毛巾盖在头上比较好。室内浴场也是用冷毛巾。B:また、お風呂上がりには立ちくらみを起こしやすい。 これは下半身が水圧から開放されて、頭側から足側へ血液が急に移動するためである。この立ちくらみを防止するためには、冷たいタオルを頭に載せて、ゆっくりと湯船から上がるのがよい。 浴槽からザバッと立ち上がった瞬間にくらくらしてぶっ倒れるお年寄りって案外多い。 年配者に限らず、若くても油断ならないので、十分に気をつけて欲しい。A:另外,泡完澡立刻站起来很容易感到晕眩。这是因为下半身从水压中释放出来,血液急速从头部向脚部移动而造成的。为了防止站起来头晕,用冷毛巾覆盖头部,慢慢地从浴池中起来,这样会比较好。从浴池中一下站起来立刻感到头晕然后晕倒的老年人意外的多。不仅是年长者,年轻人也不可以疏忽大意,请务必十分小心谨慎。B:入浴中のタオルは、基本的に冷たく濡らしたタオルを載せるべし。ただし、冬の露天風呂などでは温かいタオルを載せるべし。A:泡澡时的毛巾基本上用湿冷毛巾覆盖头部。不过,在冬天泡露天浴池的话,还是应该用热毛巾。B:原来一个毛巾里竟有这么多的学问,大家以后泡温泉的时候可以尝试一下呢!A:好了今天的节目到这里就接近尾声了,感谢辛勤付出的后期制作张利敏 ,更要感谢同学们长久以来的关心与支持。
5/12/20189 minutes, 31 seconds
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May.11,2018#Screen Age#The Avengers: Infinity War

节目名称:Screen Age 节目主题:The Avengers: Infinity War
5/11/20189 minutes, 10 seconds
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May.10, 2018 #Music Bang Bang#采访外教Julia

节目组: Music Bang Bang 音乐大爆炸 节目名称:采访外教Julia
5/10/201814 minutes, 22 seconds
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节目组: 한류전선 韩流前线 节目名称:《王嘉尔》开头曲 islandA:친구들 안녕하세요 欢迎收听voe外语广播韩流前线 我是播音王芷筠B:만나서 반가워요 我是播音李奕萱插曲1 artist A:还记得《中国有嘻哈》这个节目吗?还记得唱着《Papillon》的那个酷炫男孩吗?前些日子他担任了《偶像练习生》,《热血街舞团》的导师,越来越多的人们认识了王嘉尔这个名字。혹시 한동안 핫했던 중국판 쇼미더머니를 기억하시나요.《papillon》 이라는 노래를 부르며 우리에게 강한 인상을 준 한 소년이 있었죠.B:大多数人知道他的衣品好,是个香港人,知道他是韩国的练习生,是GOT7男子组合里的rap担当,,可能再深入一点还知道他的耿直性格,但是他的标签远不止这些。대부분 사람들은 그가 스타일이 좋은 홍콩사람이란걸 알고되였습니다.또 그가 한국에서 활동하고 있는 아이돌이란것도 말이죠.插曲 2 papillon A:94年王嘉尔出生于一个体育世家,父母都是很优秀的体育运动员,而王嘉尔自己曾经也是亚洲顶尖的青年击剑运动员,曾获得多个金牌。잭슨은 국가대표출신 운동선수인 부모님의 영향을 받아 어릴때부터 펜싱을 하기 시작했으며 주니어급 대회에서 1등할정도로 월등한 실력을 갖추었습니다.B:他本可以参加奥运会,他本可以上香港大学,他本应接受斯坦福大学的邀请,不论哪个选择,未来的路都是很顺利的。但是当他决定踏上那班飞往韩国的飞机的时候,这一切就自动放弃了。잭슨은 jyp의 캐스팅이 아니었다면 런던올림픽에 출전할 계획이였다고 합니다.또 한 예능에서 한국에 오기전 홍콩대,스탠퍼드에서 오퍼를 받았다는 사실을 밝히기도 했습니다.A:他选择了这一条要付出很多辛苦的路,刚几天他就明白了,单纯的喜欢根本就不够,他要面对的竞争都太过激烈,他只有加倍努力,付出更多的汗水才能在众人之中脱颖而出。B:王嘉尔曾说“一生两梦,既然我不能两个都做好,那就先做好一个。”于是他放下手中的剑和以往的荣耀,孑然一身的走向未知与迷茫。 插曲3 okay A:王嘉尔可以算是个综艺人了,他和何炅一起主持过《拜托吧冰箱》,十分耿直,中文不是特别好,经常会闹成误会,十分可爱。잭슨은 예능인으로도 활동하고 있는데요.중국판 냉장고를 부탁해에서는 mc를 맡으며 우리에게 큰 웃음을 주었죠.B:他担任了《热血街舞团》的导师,在极为不利的情况下,严厉批评指导并带领大家逆风翻盘。还在《偶像练习生》里担任rap导师,在学员被淘汰的时候,王嘉尔说:“真的被淘汰了,也没什么大不了,谁说不在这里出道就不能出道?自己做自己的音乐,自己做自己想做的,以后还是可以在舞台上见。”또 중국의 두 프로그램에서 트레이너로 출연하며 그의 새로운 모습을 시청자들에게 보여주었습니다.A:既有可爱的一面,又有严厉的一面,可以说最近的他圈粉无数。 插曲 4 okay A:嘉尔不仅跟组合活动,还自己创作歌曲,大家所熟悉的《papillon》就是他所创作的,借此歌曲表达,只要有梦想都应该追求,只要努力过就不会后悔”的态度。B:最近还出了一首《dawn of us》,此次新单曲不仅仅是王嘉尔对粉丝“努力做好自己,不会让你们失望”的承诺兑现,更是一种对梦想的执着以及自我的蜕变,相信这样努力且用心的王嘉尔,会在音乐道路上一路驰骋,收获梦想。A:美好的时光总是短暂的,又到了和大家说再见的时候了。B:希望大家多多支持王嘉尔的新曲,感谢制作人王飞,我们下期再见。 结束曲 dawn of us节目监制:金池 编辑:王芷筠&李奕萱播音:王芷筠&李奕萱制作:王飞
5/9/201810 minutes, 46 seconds
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May.8,2018 #The World Says# WHY WE WILL GET SICK?

节目组: The World Says 世界说节目主题: WHY WE WILL GET SICK?开头曲Come Back For You插曲Come Back For You插曲 Come Back For You结束曲Come Back For You节目监制:苗世钰编辑: 何嘉欣 刘博 杨晏直播音: 何嘉欣 刘博 杨晏直制作:张燚铭
5/8/20187 minutes
Episode Artwork

May.7,2018 #Bloom in ink#热爱生活

节目组: Bloom in Ink 墨海繁花 节目名称:热爱生活开头曲 season in the sun 九秒入A:Hello everyone, welcome to Bloom In Ink from VOE foreign languages radio station. I'm Andy . B:I'm Bryel .E:I`m Edwin.插曲1 雪的梦幻A:this state is not about good performance, popularity, but a sense can let me look at the youth day gone, not confused, not disappointed, don't feel regret.E:上大学以后,最怕自己活不出一种状态,这种状态无关乎成绩优秀,人缘爆棚,而是一种能让我看着青春一天天逝去,不心慌,不失望,不后悔的感觉。B:College life is an impromptu speech without draft, in the grammar of the statement, sharply change life with boundless magic mix joy and loss, constitutes our four years without examination but also because it is not sure, days to rich.A:其实,大学生活就是一场没有草稿的即兴演讲,在语法欠妥的急速陈述中,生活以变化无穷的戏法将欣喜与失落混合,构成了我们未经推敲的四年,却也正是因为它的不确定,日子得以丰富,百味陈杂。B:Just hope that we don't go too far and forget why we started. I said that four years ago, I saw a novel written in tears, wrote an article about azaleas, and made an all-night experiment, and it was enough to be wrong with a man who was pleasing to the eye.E:希望身在其中的我们不要因为这条路走了太远而忘我们为什么出发。我说这四年啊,看过一部直戳泪点小说,写过一篇杜鹃啼血的文章,做过一个通宵达旦的实验,与一个赏心悦目的人擦肩也就够了。A:We allow past problems and future concerns to dominate your present moments, so much so that we end up anxious, frustrated, depressed, and hopeless. On the flip side, we also postpone our gratification, our stated priorities, and our happiness, often convincing ourselves that "someday" will be much better than today.E:我们听凭过去的麻烦和未来的担心控制我们此时此刻的生活,以至我们整日焦虑不安,委靡不振,甚至沮丧绝望.而另一方面我们又推迟我们的满足感,推迟我们应优先考虑的事情,推迟我们的幸福感,常常说服自己“有朝一日”会比今天更好.A:Unfortunately, the same mental dynamics that tell us to look toward the future will only repeat themselves so that 'someday' never actually arrives. John Lennone once saidE:不幸的是,如此告戒我们朝前看的大脑动力只能重复来重复去,以至“有朝一日”不会真的来临.B:"Life is what is happening while we are busy making other plans." When we are busy making 'other plans', our children are busy growing up, the people we love are moving away and dying, our bodies are getting out of shape, and our dreams are slipping away. In short, we miss out on life.E:约翰.列侬曾经说过:“生活就是当我们忙于制定别的计划时发生的事情.”当我们忙于指定种种"别的计划"时,我们的孩子在忙于长大,我们挚爱的人离去了甚至快去世了,我们的体型变样了,而我们的梦想也在消然溜走了.一句话,我们错过了生活。B:It is said that college is a time of joy and freedom. I agree, I just so happy and free must be have a foothold, at the time of start sailing, who know they can come back at any time, the journey will truly happy, because free behind also has a constant attachment, to become the real freedom.E:人们都说,大学是一个欢乐而自由的时代。我同意,只是所有的欢乐和自由都必须有一个据点,在扬帆出发的时候,知道自己随时可以回来,那样的旅程才会真正的快乐,因为自由背后也有一种不变的依恋,才能成为正真的自由。节目监制:魏镜滟编辑:安楠播音:安楠 赵作章 杨璟琰制作:吴紫薇
5/7/20188 minutes, 36 seconds
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May. 5, 2018 #日本语ドリームワークス#日本人和日本文化

节目组:日本语ドリームワークス 日语梦工厂 节目名称:日本人和日本文化A皆さん、こんばんは、VOE日本語ドリームワークスへようこそB:日语梦工厂A:为梦想起航,我是主播梁远鹏B:我是主播吉旭灵A:今天给大家介绍一本书,是关于日本人和日本文化的,非常有助于我们了解日本。书的名字是「日本人と日本文化」。此书区别于一般的介绍日本的书,是日本著名小说家司馬遼太郎先生和著名的研究日本文学的学者ドナルド・キーン先生的关于日本人和日本文化的对谈记录。B:司馬遼先生是日本国内非常有名的历史小说家,不只熟悉自己国家的历史,而且对中国的历史也颇有研究,而另一位キーン先生是来自美国,他以一个西方学者的观点来谈论日本,则让人更有耳目一新的感觉。A:司马辽太郎(しばりょうたろう),1923年8月7日出生。日本小说家,评论家。出生于大阪。代表作有《猫头鹰的都市》,《风的武士》,《关原》,《丰臣家的人们》等。其作品主要是围绕日本战国,幕府,明治时期为背景的历史题材小说。不幸的是司马辽太郎于1996年2月12日逝世。B:Donald Lawrence Keene(ドナルド・キーン),出生于1922年6月18日。美国纽约出身,是研究日本文学和日本的著名学者,作为日本文学评论家出版了多本著作。之后加入日本国籍。哥伦比亚大学名誉教授,日本学士院客员,文化功劳者。于2008年获日本文化勋章。A:全书从宗教意识、群体意识、审美心理等方面扼要地论述了日本人的精神世界;同时还从文化史的角度具体论述了日本文化的历史渊源以及历史上的日本与现代日本的关系,从中抽象出许多日本文化所固有的特点;最后就日本人的法律意识、独创性、家族关系诸多问题进行了探讨,提出了不少远见卓识。B:全书语言平实质朴,堪称大家手笔。这里我们为大家截取一段原文,下面是第一章节关于日本人的对外意识的原文内容。A:きょうは奈良にまいりまして、当時の日本といえば、わずかに水田があって、他に生産物がほとんどなく、いわば草っ原と雑木林だけの経済的に貧しい日本で、よくあれだけ大きな都を造ったものだという感じですね。しかしその目的といえば、いまでいえば万国博みたいなものでしょうな。B:今天去了奈良。说起当时的日本,仅有一点水田,几乎没有其他的生产物,也就是说在只有草原和杂树林,经济贫弱的日本,硬是造出了那样大的都城。但是谈到造都城的目的,现在说起来类似万国博吧。Aまあ、おそらくそうだったでしょうね。日本で初めてできた大きな寺は四天王寺ですが、これは外国人ーーーこの場合は中国人でしょう接待するためのものだったと思います。日本にも文化があるのだ、日本もこんな立派な寺を持っているのだ、そういうことを先進国の人たちに見せるために建てたものだろうと思うのですが、平城京の場合でも、そういう意味が大いにあったのではないですか。B:恩,大概如此。日本最初建造的大寺庙是四天王寺,我想这个是为了接待外国人而造的,当时外国人是中国人吧。日本也有文化,日本也有这样宏伟壮观的寺庙,为了把那样的事情显示给先进国家的人们看而建造的吧。即使平城京,在很大程度上也有那样的意思。A:总之,日本人非常注意外国人的想法,被外国人是如何看待的,被外国人当作傻瓜的话,是非常严重的,这样的考虑方式从古就有的。进入明治时代后,也有类同的事情吧。为了证明日本有并不输于外国的非凡的文化,如建造了鹿鳴館,还有一些维多利亚王朝风格的建筑等。即便平城宮,如果考虑当时日本的国内情况的话,估计如此大规模的都城是没有必要的吧
5/5/20188 minutes, 35 seconds
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May.4,2018#Screen Age#Classic Movies Collection

节目名称:Screen Age 节目主题:Classic Movies CollectionS: Hello, everyone. Welcome to the screen age. I'm your sweetfriend Sara.C: Hi, I'm Cynthia.Sara,youlook very excited.S: Yes, we are going to do something amazing today.C: Something amazing?What's meaning?S: Everyone has their own classic movie.C: So,wewill introduce some classic movies.S: Cynthia,I can't wait.C: Alright.Let's start it.Sh: When it comes to the classic movies, the first one which pops up in my mind is"Bathing Beauty". It is a famous musical comedy film.C:Wow, I know. It is a very old film that has been on in America in 1944. And, It is led by the famous actor and actress, Reid skelton and Esther Williams.Sh: Yes, you're right. It is recommended by my mum. When she was young, she had been influenced by its spirit.C: What's the spirit your mother got from this comedy?Sh: It is a famous line in a fragment. The hero, Steve elliot took the physique lesson with many beautiful girls, which made himself quite awkward. He felt unconfident and didn't know how to conquer this condition. At that time, the teacher told him to read the following words again and again in his mind. That is "I am so beautiful, everybody loves me. ".C: Uhh..What's the ending of the hero?Sh: The hero held his head up and became more confident.C: That sounds great. This line can help people who are not confident regain self-confidence.Sh: Yeah, it also adjusts my lifestyle and makes myself grow up.C: That's really nice!Sh: Hey, girl, do you.have some favorite films?C: Of course, which film I love most is Titanic.Sh: Oh, I know that. Would you talk about it to us?C: Ok. In my mind, Titanic has always been one of my best romantic films, not only to blur my eyes in the cinema, but also to let my tears flow first in front of the computer.Sh: It seems that Titanic is a very beautiful film. I want to know what the plots are of it.C: On April 10, 1912, the Titanic, known as the Miracle of the World's Industrial History, set sail from Southampton to New York.The unruly young painter Jack and rich girl Rose met in the boat to meet and fall in love.Tragic tragedy happened, the Titanic and iceberg collided, Jack gave the chance of survival to his lover Rose, he was frozen to death in the ice sea.Sh: It's so romantic. I can't help to feeling sad.C: It's a so moral feeling when people have heard or seen it.Sh: I believe the Titanic has touched many people's hearts. I can't wait to see it now.C: Wish you have a good time on it!S: you know I always want to see some suspense movies, but the choosing part is really difficult for me. You have seen a lot of suspense movies, right? Would you recommend some good ones for me?J: haha, you ask the right people. I’ll introduce you to one of my favorite movies, Primal fear. But if you don’t want to be spoiled, do not follow the break, I’m warning you now. It describes a story of a gruesome murder happened in Chicago. In the process of defense , however, defense lawyer Martin Vail found that the criminal suspect Aaron Stampler was multiple personality disorder. S: Well that’s a really amazing trailer. There are many movies focus on this theme. J: But turned out to bethat he was just pretending. Poor Martin. S: wow that’s dark... It is like you put all your energy into studying but it just don’t work out.J: it’s not like it! You have a clear understanding of the essence of studying, taking it seriously. But you can never have a clear understanding of a person’s heart. There’s no definition between good and bad and that’s why it’s called Primary Fear.S: Good! That’s it. J: By the way, which film is your classic? Shara?Sh: Today I highly recommend call me by your name, the best gay romance film in 2017. This film creates empathy in a spiritual way on me.J: I also had strong feelings after I watched it. What impressed me most is late in the film, the Professor sits with his son on a couch, smokes, and talks of what has occurred. Sh: We expect condescension, instead of which we hear a confession. “I envy you,” he tells Elio, adding, “We rip out so much of ourselves to be cured of things faster that we go bankrupt by the age of thirty.” J: And he once came near, he admits, to having what Elio and Oliver had, but something stood in the way, and he advises his child to seize the day, including the pain that the day brings, while he is still young: “Before you know it, your heart is worn out.” Sh: Desire is passed around the movie like a dish, and the characters are invited to help themselves, each to his or her own taste. Maybe a true love story has no time for types.J: Call Me By Your Name is a masterful work because of the specificity of its details. This is not a love story that “just happens to be gay”. The level of trust and strength these characters share brings a richness that is not necessarily known to a universal audience. S: The classic movies never get bored to see.C: Yes, and I still go over my favorites a few times a year.S: Surely our audience can't help but look some of the classics introduced today.C: That's all for today.goodbye.S: Bye!感谢制作梅嵩琳!
5/4/201811 minutes, 25 seconds
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May.3, 2018 #Music Bang Bang#年度混音

节目组: Music Bang Bang 音乐大爆炸 节目名称:年度混音J: Hey guys, welcome back to our channel. This is music bang bang from VOE foreign languages radio station .I’m Jotta.L: I’m Liz. Hey, Jotta. How is it going?J: I feel a little bit tired. But my life is colorful.L: So, what are you doing these days?J:我刚忙完配音大赛的事。L:那你最近听什么歌放松心情呢?J: Some year remix songs.L: Let’s enjoy.开头曲Shape of you插曲2017mashupL: It’s really different from often. Why?J: Yeah.L: I think, I have heard some parts of it, but, it’s just…like a man that looks like my friend, but he isn’t.J: 因为它是年度混音啊。L: Oh. I got it. So, do you have another one?J: Of course! The next song is a year mix of 2016.插曲 2Best Pop Songs of 2015 MashupJ: Cool. Actually, I have another way to relax.L:嗯哼?J: Play LOL!L: Interesting.J: And I’ll play that game a moment later.L: 在节目的结尾再给大家带来一首2017年的年度混音,希望大家喜欢。J:Time flies,that's all for today's program.See you next time ~ 插曲3United State of Pop 2014 (Do What You Wanna Do)节目监制:韩平治编辑:朱子业 马懿慈播音:朱子业 马懿慈制作:朱子业
5/3/201815 minutes, 32 seconds
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Apr. 28, 2018 #日本语ドリームワークス#为什么虾腰是弯的

节目组:日本语ドリームワークス 日语梦工厂 节目名称:为什么虾腰是弯的
4/28/201813 minutes, 30 seconds
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Apr.27,2018#Screen Age#Horror Movies Collection

节目名称:Screen Age 节目主题:Horror Movies CollectionJ: Hello, my lovely audience, welcome back to our Screen Age. T: Hi, I'm xxx. what kind of films do you like during your leisure time. J: I usually choose some comfortable movies, such as affectional movies or some comedies. But some special days, when I feel bored, I will watch something terrifying.T: Oh, I think today's program will let you fell excited. Today, our melody is terrifying.J: Wow, I almost can't wait to hear it ! T: Now, let's start.D: Hey, Sarah. Which horror film you have seen is your favourite?SH:I think it must be"The Other". It talks aboutthat after the end of the second world war, Grace, the heroine ,who raised a couple of children alone on the British Isles, waited for the return of her husband, meanwhile, three new servants appeared suddenly and a series of strange things happened.D: Wow, I supposed that maybe I have seen it, too. In my opinion, it's more like phychological thriller. The film does not create a thriller in its own way, but in a somber atmosphere that brings the horrors to the hearts of the people. SH:Yeah, you're right. Until the end of the movie, itfinally forms the terror that are stirring and locksup at the same time to bring charges against the war and the human nature.D: Right. It is a work that makes you a shudder at last. The well-intentioned misdirection runs through from the beginning to the end, until the end of an anti-traditional bottom: people frighten theghosts. That is so cute! SH:Therefore, it deserves for the compliment.D:Yes. However, in my mind, it has some similarities with "The sixth sense". If free, you can try to watch it. You're supposed to like it.SH: OK. I will take a try! S:I watched a horror movie with my best friend a few days ago and it scared my best friend to death.T:You went to the horror movie again.What is?S:Yeah,it is“Happy Death Day”T:You are so interested in horror movie.But why is it called "Happy Death Day"S: It is a great movie and the name is very interesting.T:It's do interesting. What story does it tell?S: Terry was murdered on her birthday, woke up alive the next morning, and was murdered again and again until she found her killer.T:It is so amazing!Did she find the killer at last?S: She surely found it. You can't imagine who the killer is.Find out if you're interested.T:You know what? There is a new horror movie about to be released recently, which is called"A Quiet Place". Since you like horror movies, you should go to see it.S:It sounds very cool. What does it tell?T:The film tells the story of a family with two surviving children who come to the countryside to avoid the monsters.They communicate in sign language and spend their days carefully.S: And then, what happened to them?T:Ha-ha, then you can go to the movie theater yourself.S: It really succeeded in attracting my interest.T:The film was released in China on May 18, 2018.D: Have you ever seen the trailer of Blumhouse’s truth or dare, a new horror film directed by Jeff Wadlow? C : Of course I have. The film, obviously getting a trailer to go with Insidious. You play truth or dare, and if you refuse the truth or the dare you die. D: The rough plot is: Olivia, Lucas and a group of their college friends travel to Mexico for one last getaway before graduation. While there, a stranger convinces one of the students to play a seemingly harmless game of truth or dare with the others. C: Once the game starts, it awakens something evil -- a demon which forces the friends to share dark secrets and confront their deepest fears. The rules are simple but wicked -- tell the truth or die, do the dare or die, and if you stop playing, you die. D: If you want to know why horror was so huge in 2018, that’s my theory. These films are newish, mostly original and usually not targeted at nostalgic adults but rather at today’s kids. So, yeah, apples and oranges perhaps, but Happy Death Day is arguably more relatable to today’s kids than Transformers: The Last Knight. C: I think Happy Death Day and Blumhouse’s truth or dare fill a gap in terms of being seen at just the right (or wrong) age and inspire fandom accordingly. And I can’t wait to watch it in the cinema.Sh : Did you see the movie Player One?That’s amazing ! And the tributes to The Shining also reminds me of the feelings I had before.J:you have seen The Shining too? Of all the movies and tv shows which have featured on supernatural , the Shining is one of the most often mentioned and referenced. Sh : yes. It is a 1980 feature film by Stanley Kubrick based on the novel of the same title by Stephen King. J : Here is the story. Jack has taken his family to an isolated inn so he can finish his novel. His young son Danny , has creepy visions of past and future events at the hotel. Sh: And another character referred to this “gift” as The Shining, hence the title. Jack becomes influenced by a supernatural presence and descends into madness, eventually turning on his family in a murderous age. J: Kubrick’s genius on The Shining is to exploit everything artificial and awkward about film to create extreme tension. The performances are strange and artificial and uncomfortable , has none of the usual “horror” atmosphere. Sh: there’s also a documentary about it called Room 237 ,in case you don’t understand the “weird” spots in the film. That is also a masterful work.C: Hey, guy, how exciting it is!S: I can't agree with you anymore. We may feel bored sometimes in our lives, this time why not try some terrifying films to look for a stimulus ?C: Yes, it's a really good choice. By the way, we don't seem to have much time left.Maybe we'll say goodbye to our friends.S: Ok, see you next week, goodbye.C: Bye. 感谢制作梅嵩琳!
4/27/201811 minutes, 25 seconds
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Apr.26, 2018 #Music Bang Bang#female rapper

节目组: Music Bang Bang 音乐大爆炸 节目名称:female rapperThe Next Episode instrumentalJ:Hey bro.Welcome back to our channel.I'm Jotta.L:Yo.Whassup man?我是厉害的狗子 AKA Liz.J:This is music bangbang from VOE foreign languages radio station.Hey, Liz.Have you heard a song called Bodak Yellow whose rapper is Cardi B.L: Yep.I admire her courage and personality charm.J:Hey, Cardi B is coming...are you ready?插曲1 Bodak yellow J:Liz.The first time I listened to this song,it makes me think of another female rapper.L:根据嗓音和写词手法的话,我猜,你想说的是Nicki Minaj吧?J:Yes.I have heard almost every song of hers.L:So you are a big fans.J:You got me.L:What's the name of this song?J:Chun-li.插曲 2 Chun-liL:Wow.Their music is so fashionable.But ,do you know the classical rap?It is different from them.J:Wow,actually,I wanna have a try.L:Okay~ just listen!The song called U.N.I.T.Y.And the rapper is Queen Latifah.J:I think,the beats of this one is kind of chill.L:Yes,and I like its construction.The hook is comfortable yet powerful.J:I have to say the punchline is also very powerful.L:Yes.And her storytelling is so cool.插曲3 U.n.i.t.yJ:咱今天说这么多说唱歌曲,让我想到之前的中国有嘻哈了。一开始里面说的好多词我都不懂什么意思呢。L:You mean "punchline" "flow" or something?J:Yeah.How about introducing some jargon about rap music?Jargon 就是行话,专业术语的意思。L:Great!"Punchline"在有道里我查到的意思是:结尾警语;妙语如珠,在rap里指歌词中押韵完美、节奏等很有感觉的部分,放在古诗里就是那种人人皆知流传千古的名句。J:"flow"呢,包括语速,节奏,押韵,停顿,音调等,比较全面。You can understand as one's style.L:再来呢就是"hook"。J:这不就是钩子么?L:Yeah.As the literal translation of it ."hook"是指副歌,它通常是是一首歌最抓人的部分,很容易跟唱。J:诶我听吴亦凡经常说"verse".这是什么意思?L:是段落的意思。Generally Speaking ,Verse include 8 to 16 Bars.Some verse and hook make up a whole song.J:What about "bar"?You just mentioned that.L:You can translate as 小节.If there is a break then it's a bar.插曲 4 Beg for itL:Now that we mentioned many female rappers.Jotta,你还知道哪个女说唱歌手吗?J:Do you know Iggy?L:Emm...I haven't heard this name.J:It's Iggy Azalea.You may listened Problem and Fancy.All above are her songs.L:Sorry I didn't notice her.But these songs are acoustic enjoyment.J:Now let's enjoy Beg for it.L:Time flies,that's all for today's program.See you next time ~ 节目监制:韩平治编辑:朱子业&马懿慈播音:朱子业 &马懿慈制作:朱子业
4/26/201811 minutes, 57 seconds
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节目组: 한류전선 韩流前线 节目名称:《高等rapper2》开头曲 EVERYDAY-WINNERA:친구들 안녕하세요 欢迎收听voe外语广播韩流前线 我是播音张梦玉。B:만나서 반가워요 我是播音李奕萱。1.近些年来,随着越来越多音乐节目的出现,人们逐渐了解了一种音乐体裁——Rap。Rap是一个黑人俚语中的词语,相当于“谈话”,中文意思为说唱,是一种有节奏的说话的特殊唱歌形式。랩은 미국의 흑인 젊은이들 사이에서 유행하기 시작한 음악 요소로 비트와 가사로 구성되며 멜로디보다 리듬에 기반을 둔 보컬 기술입니다.2.今天讲述的节目《高等rapper2》是由韩国Mnet制作组推出的首个高中青少年rap对抗赛,通过rap讲述学校生活,向大众展现Hiphop积极面,以高校之间的青少年对抗形式呈现目前的各种校园文化。오늘 소개할 는 고등학생들만의 이야기를 힙합을 통해 담아내며 건강한 힙합 문화를 전파할 고교 래퍼 서바이벌 프로그램입니다.插曲 2 Starry night-MAMAMOO1.“如今与憎恶,忧郁,悲观道别,因为将其孕育的是我,将其清除的也应该是我。”这是金夏温选手的一句名歌词,一个十几岁的少年,用自己的思考诉说着他的内心世界,真的就好像小王子里,那种纯粹而引人深思的感情。가장 주목받고있는 참가자중 하나인 김하온은 스무살도 안되는 소년이지만 매번 자신의 이야기를 짧은 가사에 녹여내어 인상적으로 전달하고 있습니다. 2.金夏温的出场也许并不引人注目,但是他一开口,大家就会明白他是个有故事的男孩。作为一个冥想系男孩,他有着属于自己的小世界,他讲着好像只有自己能够听懂的语言,但他却能够引起大家的共鸣,歌词句句入心,他是一个用言辞敲击灵魂的rapper。자신만의 작은 세계가 있는 김하온은 명상swag를 보여주고 있느데요.그가 쓴 가사들은 정말 추상적이지만 다른 래퍼들은 쓸수 없는 자신만의 가사입니다.1.接下来要讲的主人公叫做李炳宰,他与夏温有着截然相反的性格,自带黑暗气场,让人不敢靠近,也许正是这种不一样让他们成为了真心朋友。就好像天才与天才的碰撞,他们既年轻又优秀,同时拥有着自己的想法。正如歌词所说“比起一个人煎熬,两个人一起忧郁更好。”엄청 우울한 감성의 가사들이 인상적이였던 이병재는 김하온과는 전혀 다른 성격을 가진 참가자입니다.2.炳宰留着盖过眼睛的长发,也许是对这个世界的寒心,让他不想与这个世界交流,恰恰是十几岁的年纪,大人总是不认证少年的想法成就,因此他选择承受如此沉重的担子。用白和黑 ,光和影子,幸福和抑郁,理想和现实,极与极来形容他们恰好不过。이병재의 커튼같은 앞머리는 트레이드 마크라고 불릴만큼 화제였는데요.하지만 이병재를 만나 조금씩 변해가며 최근에는 머리를 깔끔하게 자르고 등장했습니다.插曲 4 那颗星星-Heize1.高中生就是阳光,积极,朝气的象征,节目中的所有人都是怀揣着真诚的心和那份热情来参加的节目,在这个十几岁懵懂无知的年龄,也许父母反对,也许违背周围人意愿,也许周围总有各种各样的目光,他们不惧怕不退缩,选择鼓起勇气挑战自己。2.他们可以在十几岁的年纪选择做这件有意义的事,这会成为他们人生中最精彩的阅历,也是他们花样青春最难忘的一段记忆,也许会输了比赛,但是会赢得友情和认可。1.好了,今天的节目到这里就结束了,感谢大家的收听,我们下期再见.2.是的,非常感谢制作人王飞,我们下期再见!节目监制:金池 编辑:张梦玉&李奕萱播音:张梦玉&李奕萱制作:王飞
4/25/20186 minutes, 16 seconds
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Apr.24,2018 #The World Says# Morally Hijacted

节目组: The World Says 世界说节目主题:Morally Hijacted开头曲 Life插曲 Life结束曲 Life节目监制:苗世钰制作: Irris播音: 何嘉欣 刘博 杨晏直编辑: 何嘉欣 刘博 杨晏直
4/24/20188 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork

Apr.23,2018 #Bloom in ink#Reading books

节目组: Bloom in Ink 墨海繁花 节目名称:Reading books开头曲 Once upon a time the colors of the world started to quarrel. All claimed that they were the best. 从前,世界上的各种颜色进行过一次争吵。每一种颜色都说自己是最好的。green said: "Clearly I am the most important. I am the sign of life and of hope. IWithout me, all the animals would die. Look over the countryside and you will see that I am in the majority."绿色说:“显然,我是最重要的。我是生命和希望的标志。没有了我,所有的动物都会死去。展望田野吧,你会看到,到处都有我。”Blue interrupted: "You only think about the earth, but consider the sky and the sea. The sky gives space and peace and serenity. Without my peace, you would all be nothing."蓝色打断了它的话:“你只考虑了地上,想想天空和海洋吧。天空包容大地、宁静和祥和,而水事实生命之源 。没有我的和平,你们将不复存在。”Yellow chuckled: "You are all so serious. I bring laughter, gaiety, and warmth into the world. The sun is yellow, the moon is yellow, and the stars are yellow. Every time you look at a sunflower, the whole world starts to smile. Without me there would be no fun."黄色咯咯地笑出了声:“你们都太严肃了。我给这个世界带来了笑声、欢乐和温暖。太阳是黄色的,月亮是黄色的,星星是黄色的,每一次你看向日葵的时候,整个世界都开始欢笑。没有我就没有快乐。”Red couldn't stand it no longer he shouted out: " I am blood - life's blood! I am the color of danger and of bravery. I bring fire into the blood. Without me, the earth would be as empty as the moon. I am the color of passion and of love, the red rose, the poinsettia.红色再也忍不下去了,他喊道:“我是血液——生命的血液!我是危险和勇敢的颜色。我把烈火带入血液。没有了我,地球会象月亮一样变得空虚。我是激情和爱的颜色,是红玫瑰、猩猩木。Finally Indigo spoke, much more quietly than all the others, but with just as much determination: "Think of me. I am the color of silence. You hardly notice me, but without me you all become superficial. You need me for balance and contrast, for prayer and inner peace."最后,靛青说话了,他的声音比其他人都轻,但却比其他人都斩钉截铁:“想想我吧。我是沉默的颜色。你们几乎注意不到我,但是如果没有我,你们全都会变得肤浅。你们需要我来平衡和比较,来祈祷和获求内心的安宁。”In the midst of the clamor, rain began to speak: "You foolish colors, fighting amongst yourselves, each trying to dominate the rest. Don't you know that you were each made for a special purpose, unique and different? Join hands with one another and come to me."在一片喧嚣声中,雨开始说话了:“你们这些愚蠢的颜色,彼此相互争斗,每个人都想支配别人。你们难道就不知道每个人都是天造地设,都是独一无二,彼此不同的吗?携起手来吧。”Doing as they were told, the colors united and joined hands. The rain continued: "From now on, when it rains, each of you will stretch across the sky in a great bow of color as a reminder that you can all live in peace. The Rainbow is a sign of hope for tomorrow." And so, whenever a good rain washes the world, and a Rainbow appears in the sky, let us remember to appreciate one another.颜色们按照着雨的话,团结在一起,携起手来。雨接着说:“从现在开始,每次下雨的时候你们都要变成一个巨大的彩色弓形横跨天空,以证明你们能够和平相处。彩虹就是未来希望的标志。”所以,每当大雨冲刷这个世界时,彩虹都会出现在天空,让我们记住彼此要珍惜。红色再也忍不下去了,他喊道:“我是血液——生命的血液!我是危险和勇敢的颜色。我把烈火带入血液。没有了我,地球会象月亮一样变得空虚。我是激情和爱的颜色,是红玫瑰、猩猩木。Finally Indigo spoke, much more quietly than all the others, but with just as much determination: "Think of me. I am the color of silence. You hardly notice me, but without me you all become superficial. You need me for balance and contrast, for prayer and inner peace."最后,靛青说话了,他的声音比其他人都轻,但却比其他人都斩钉截铁:“想想我吧。我是沉默的颜色。你们几乎注意不到我,但是如果没有我,你们全都会变得肤浅。你们需要我来平衡和比较,来祈祷和获求内心的安宁。”In the midst of the clamor, rain began to speak: "You foolish colors, fighting amongst yourselves, each trying to dominate the rest. Don't you know that you were each made for a special purpose, unique and different? Join hands with one another and come to me."在一片喧嚣声中,雨开始说话了:“你们这些愚蠢的颜色,彼此相互争斗,每个人都想支配别人。你们难道就不知道每个人都是天造地设,都是独一无二,彼此不同的吗?携起手来吧。”Doing as they were told, the colors united and joined hands. The rain continued: "From now on, when it rains, each of you will stretch across the sky in a great bow of color as a reminder that you can all live in peace. The Rainbow is a sign of hope for tomorrow." And so, whenever a good rain washes the world, and a Rainbow appears in the sky, let us remember to appreciate one another.颜色们按照着雨的话,团结在一起,携起手来。雨接着说:“从现在开始,每次下雨的时候你们都要变成一个巨大的彩色弓形横跨天空,以证明你们能够和平相处。彩虹就是未来希望的标志。”所以,每当大雨冲刷这个世界时,彩虹都会出现在天空,让我们记住彼此要珍惜。结束曲 D:OK. That‘s today’s programme, thank you for your listening. If you like today‘s programme, you can listen in WeChat Official Account: VOE Radio, Litchi FM 22808.E:Welcome to join us, welcome to VOE.D:欢迎您对我们的节目留言,点赞,春风十里,我们一直都在等你。E:感谢制作吴紫薇!D&E:bye!节目监制:魏镜滟编辑:唐敏嫣播音:杨璟琰 赵作章 安制作:吴紫薇
4/23/20188 minutes, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork

Apr.20,2018#Screen Age#Wes Anderson

节目名称:Screen Age 节目主题:Wes Anderson节目监制:赛碧乐编辑:贾婧譞播音:张桐珲(S)贾婧譞(J)王雪莹(Sh) 孟萌萌(C)孙晨棣(D)
4/20/201810 minutes
Episode Artwork

Apr. 21, 2018 #日本语ドリームワークス#便当文化

节目组:日本语ドリームワークス 日语梦工厂 节目名称:便当文化A:皆さん、こんばんは、VOE日本語ドリームワークスへようこそB:日语梦工厂A:为梦想起航,我是主播田岳枫B:我是主播于小茹A:不知道大家有没有吃午饭啊,忙了一中午饭都没有吃上。B:不吃饭哪行啊,正好,我带了便当要一起吃吗?A:便当?听起来不错,但你今天为什么会带便当呢?B:我今天啊是想要和室友们出去野餐,所以才带的这个便当。A:原来如此,我觉得现在小姑娘带便当一般都是爱心便当然后送给中意的男孩儿,你是要送给我吗?B:谁告诉你这是爱心便当了,,在日本,每天妈妈都会为自己的丈夫和儿女做好便当带去工作和学习。所以说便当有很多用处的,下面为大家介绍日本的便当文化。A:日本では古くから弁当の習慣が起こり、他の諸国では例を見ないほどの発展を遂げていった。これは、日本で一般的に食べられるジャポニカ米が他国のインディカ米などと比べ、炊いた後冷めてしまってからでもおいしいという特徴を持つ故であるとされる。伝統的な日本の弁当は、ご飯と魚介類や肉料理などのおかずを主に、付け合わせとして梅干しなどの漬物を付ける。おにぎりや稲荷寿司などを詰めた弁当も人気が高い。弁当の具材は持ち運びがしやすい容器に入れられるのだが、その容器は「弁当箱」という名で呼ばれる。このような習慣は外国人の目にはしばしば日本独特の文化に映るようで、英語ではそのまま「bento」と呼ばれている。日本很早以前就有做便当的习惯,且以他国前所未有的速度快速发展。据说这是因为日本米和其他国家的长粒香米不同,日本米煮成饭,冷了之后仍然很好吃。日本传统的便当是,米饭、菜以鱼类肉类为主,以咸梅等酱菜作为配菜。另外加了饭团和稻荷寿司(油豆皮寿司)的便当也很受欢迎。便当是装在易携带的器具里的,装便当的盒子被叫作“便当盒”。这种习惯在外国人看来是能反映日本独特文化的现象,在英语里就直接叫做“bento”。B:昭和末期から平成の時代にかけて持ち帰り弁当専門店(通称:ホカ弁)やコンビニエンスストアが台頭し始めると、これらで販売される市販品の弁当を利用する者も増えていったが、元来の弁当はそれぞれの家庭で拵えていくものであり、これは日本の伝統的な家事の一つとして重要な位置を占めていた。明治時代になると鉄道駅で駅弁が売られるようになり、戦後はスーパーマーケットや前述の販売店などでも販売され始めたため、以後は事実上外販の弁当が利用者たちの主となっている。コンビニエンスストアに納入する弁当の製造工場は24時間体制で操業しており、多いものでは日産数万食にも及ぶ規模となっている。団体旅行や法事など、弁当に大量かつ一定の豪華さが要求されるような状況に向け、これらの製造に当たる仕出し料理店や料亭なども多い。A:从昭和末期开始到平成时代,便当专卖店和便利店开始兴起。虽然购买这些店里出售的便当的人日渐增多,但本来是每个家庭自己做便当,且制作便当已经成为日本传统的家务事之一,占有重要地位。到了明治时代出现了在火车站出售的车站便当。战后,超市和前面提到的便当专卖店等都有便当出售,之后购买外卖便当的人占了绝大多数。为二十四小时便利店供应便当的制作坊是二十四小时工作的,生产量多的时候能达到日产数万份的规模。团体旅行和作法事时需要大量便当,并且要求菜式高级。为此出现了很多做外卖的料理店和日本式饭馆。B:幕の内弁当など現在主流の弁当は、ご飯を主食として食べる日本古来の食習慣を反映している。特に決まった様式があるわけではないが、一つの典型的な例として4:3:2:1を比率とする分量で作られている。4はご飯である。3は魚または肉からなるおかず。2は野菜、1は漬物、またはデザートとなる。A:幕の内弁当(内盛饭团和简单菜肴的便当)等现在主流便当,反映了日本自古以来以米饭为主食的饮食习惯。虽然没有特别规定便当的式样,但典型的例子是以4:3:2:1为比例制作的便当。也就是米饭、鱼或肉的做成的主菜、蔬菜、酱菜或甜点的比例为4:3:2:1 。B: 听了这么多,感觉做一个便当也是个精细活儿,所以我们一会要把它全部吃掉,一点也不能浪费。A:好了今天的节目到这里就接近尾声了,感谢辛勤付出的后期制作张丽敏,更要感谢同学们长久以来的关心与支持。
4/19/20189 minutes, 59 seconds
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Apr.19, 2018 #Music Bang Bang#Marvel Songs

节目组: Music Bang Bang 音乐大爆炸 节目名称:Marvel Songs节目监制:韩平治编辑:温彦博 周宇琦 阎孝通播音:周宇琦 阎孝通制作:阎孝通
4/19/201819 minutes, 10 seconds
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节目组: 한류전선 韩流前线 节目名称:广播罗曼史开头曲 ikon《Love Scenario》引语 A:친구들 안녕하세요 欢迎收听voe外语广播韩流前线 我是播音付子芮B:만나서 반가워요 我是播音金亨俊A:虽然已是阳春四月,天气却受寒流影响而丝毫没有转暖,不过最近一部高甜度的韩剧《广播罗曼史》却让许多人感受到了温暖,甜酥酥的,让人欲罢不能。B:추운 겨울에 감동과 달달함으로 우리의 마음을 따뜻하게 했던 드라마 가 최근에 종영했습니다.A:这部剧和这两年大热的鬼怪、检察官律师、灵魂互换题材不同,就是简简单单的爱情故事。剧情很简单,情节平淡节奏缓慢,哪怕分了心,也不会错过重要剧情。B:는 화제리에 방영했던 드라마 도깨비처럼 스펙터클하거나 스케일이 크기보다는 아기자기한 느낌의 드라마입니다.插曲 2 NCT U《Radio Romance》A:男主池秀昊是一位因为家庭关系复杂,从小被当做赚钱工具的巨星。看起来有非常完美的家庭,事实上爸爸情人不断,继母只关心他是否有利用价值。十几年以来,男主都按照父母安排好的生活来过,每天赶通告。B:남주인공 지수호는 복잡한 가족관계로 인해 어렸을적부터 돈버는 도구로 살아야만 했습니다.겉보기에는 완벽해보이는 가정도 사실은 그렇지 않았죠.A:女主宋可琳热情开朗,多才多艺,善良温柔,积极乐观。女主在青少年时期一直与电台为伴,学会很多东西,是电台的忠实粉丝。长大后成功进入电台工作,想要成为一名电台作家,却因为写作能力不被认可而一直在打杂,做除了写作的所有杂事。B:여주인공 송그림은 시력을 잃은 어머니와 함께 라디오를 들으면서 라디오의 따뜻함과 친절함을 알게 되였습니다.그래서 지금은 꿈꾸던 라디오 작가가 되기도하였죠.A:尹斗俊饰演的池秀浩这个角色吸引了很多目光。作为顶级演员的他演技出众,受到无数粉丝喜爱。乍一看十分完美的池秀浩却有着一个惊人缺点:他只会按照剧本生活。哪怕是日常生活里,也只能按部就班地做每一件事。失去了剧本的他就像开车没有方向盘,瞬间迷茫。在与女主录电台的时候发生了许多搞笑事故,令人哭笑不得。B:모든것이 완벽해보이는 지수호에게는 하나의 치명적인 결점이 있었는데요.바로 대본이 있어야만 말할수 있는 대본에 특화된 스타란거죠.B:이런 지수호가 송그림을 만나 절대로 대본대로 흘러가지 않는 라디오 DJ가 되면서 과연 어떤 일들이 벌어질지 궁금하지 않으세요.插曲 3 ikon《MY TYPE》A:“不哭不代表不伤心,就像笑着不代表一定开心”。这句话可以是贯穿全剧了。池秀浩日复一日的剧本人生,用演技封闭真心的墙,在可琳面前轰然倒塌。他开始遵从他的真心,为可琳吃醋,为可琳毅然违背母亲的安排…他看似闪耀实际上灰暗孤独的生活似乎添了一道彩虹。他专注于电台,深爱着可琳。B:“눈물 흘리지 않는다고 슬프지 않은 게 아니고 ,웃고 있다고 다 기쁜 것이 아니다”이 말은 이 드라마를 가장 적절히 표현한 말일 수 있습니다.지수호의 연기로 진심을 가린 채로 매일 각본대로 흐르는 삶이 그림을 만나 무너지게 되고 자신의 의지대로 그리고 그림을 위해서라면 고된 일들도 마다하지 않고 부모의 뜻도 거스르는 삶으로 변해가는 모습이…. 꼭 자신의 회색의 삶을 다채롭게 채워 나가는 것처럼 보이는데요.극중의 수호는 그럼으로 라디오 방송을 더욱 아끼게 되고 그림을 더욱 깊이 사랑하게 됩니다.A:整部剧盈绕着甜蜜的气氛,让人心动。随着春天的到来,玛丽苏的治愈系爱情剧吸引了更多人的目光,使人沉醉在甜蜜的故事里。B:이제는 날씨가 따듯 해지고 봄이 오는 것이 느껴지는데요. 그래서 인지 달콤한 사랑이야기가 많은 사람들을 끌어 당기는 것 같습니다. 그럼 이번 봄에는 드라마 전반에 달달한 분위기를 물씬 풍기는 한편 어떨까요?结束语 A:好了,今天的节目就到这里了B:感谢制作人王飞,我们下期再见。节目监制:金池 编辑:金池 金亨俊 播音:付子芮 金亨俊制作:王飞
4/18/20186 minutes, 48 seconds
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Apr.17,2018 #The World Says#Girls' Night

节目组: The World Says 世界说
4/17/20188 minutes, 51 seconds
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Apr.9,2018 #Bloom in ink#笑

节目组: Bloom in Ink 墨海繁花 节目名称:笑A: Welcome to Bloom In Ink from VOE foreign languages radio station. I'm Breyl.I'm SakuraHow long have you been without a laugh?When was the last time you laughed, do you remember?你有多久,没有放声大笑过了? 上一次开怀大笑是什么时候,你,还记得吗?You are my universe When did it begin? For you, even the smile from the heart became a luxury.And when did you start, even if you were chased by loneliness and nowhere to go, you didn't dare to accept a hug from someone else.Everyone says, you mature, you know, you learn to think for others.You've learned to stop being angry.You learned how hard it was to be alone.You've learned to hurt yourself.Day after day, year after year, you walk the same path every day, thinking of no possible people, living a life of repetition. You become numb and unhappy.Those who dare not talk to anyone about grievances, you dare to secretly hide under the bed cry;The man who dared not mention it in front of people, you can only dare to think of him carefully in the night.It's the habit of one person digesting a whole day's unhappiness at night and then waking up the next day pretending that nothing has happened and moving on without it.You almost forget that the burden is because you worry too much, you are afraid of failure, afraid of no result.You almost forgot to unload the burden, you are still the carefree teenager..Convergence abilities don't delay you to take, the life always want to smooth our edges and corners, but the original dream as long as we remember, as long as the sun is still bright tomorrow and cracks in existence, also can blossom.Vulnerability may be your Achilles' heel, but it can also be your exit. When all of you are out of breath, and everyone is trying to persuade you to give up, don't give up on yourself.I think you know, the good bad will pass, as long as have the courage to stand up again, tomorrow morning sun will be like the date, step on the morning the most warm wind, come to embrace the brand new you.You see, as long as you are free enough, the past is a bubble of nothingness, and more important than yesterday's regret is how to do well tomorrow. Fate can't let us beg for mercy on our knees, then keep running against the wind.It is better to shake hands with loneliness than to carry on with pain. No matter what kind of torture your life has given you, no matter what you've experienced in the past, treat yourself to the future, treat yourself well, live your life, whatever happens, don't forget to make yourself happy.B:是从什么时候开始的,于你而言,连发自内心的笑,都变成了一种奢侈;又是从什么时候开始的,哪怕被孤独追赶着无处可逃,你也不敢接受别人的一个拥抱了。S:大家都说,你成熟了,你懂事了,你学会为别人着想了。你学会了不再喜怒形于色;你学会了不管多难都一个人扛着;你学会委屈自己了。B:日复一日,年复一年,你每天走相同的路,想不可能的人,过重复的生活。你变的麻木,变的不快乐。那些不敢同任何人说起的委屈,你只敢一个人偷偷躲在被窝里哭;那个在人前不敢轻易提起的人,你也只能在入夜的时候才敢把他小心翼翼的想起。S:习惯在夜晚一个人消化一整天的不快乐,然后在第二天醒来的时候,假装什么都没有发生过,若无其事的继续生活。你差点就忘了,包袱是因为你顾虑太多,你怕失败,怕没结果。你差点忘了,卸下包袱,你还是那个自在如风的少年。收敛锋芒不耽误你韬光养晦,生活总想着磨平我们的棱角,但最初的梦想只要我们还记着,只要明天的阳光依然还亮着,夹缝中生存,也能开花结果。B:脆弱可能是你的软肋,但也可以是你的出口。所有苦难压的你喘不过气的时候,所有人都劝你放弃的时候,你都不要放弃你自己。我想你知道,好的坏的都会过去,只要有勇气重新站起,明天的朝阳一定会如约而至,踩着清晨最暖的风,赶来拥抱崭新的你。S:你看,只要你足够洒脱,过去的都是虚无的泡沫,比起昨天的遗憾,更重要的是明天如何好好过。命运无法让我们跪地求饶,那就逆着风继续朝前跑。与其和苦痛继续拉扯,不如与孤独握手言和。无论生活给了你怎样的折磨,无论过去你经历了什么,未来都请你,善待自己,好好生活,不管发生什么,你别忘了让自己快乐。S:Bloom in ink will accompany you through every four seasons. Thank you for your listening, See you next week!A:感谢收听我们的节目,每周一 晚,我们一直都在等你.All:Bye!节目监制:魏镜滟编辑:魏镜滟播音: 李硕 杨璟琰制作:吴紫薇
4/16/20188 minutes, 36 seconds
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Apr. 13, 2018 #日本语ドリームワークス#赏樱花的由来与常识

节目组:日本语ドリームワークス 日语梦工厂 节目名称:赏樱花的由来与常识A:皆さん、こんばんは、VOE日本語ドリームワークスへようこそB:日语梦工厂A:为梦想起航,我是主播田岳枫B:我是主播刘钰A:说到四月那一定会让人想起樱花吧?B:是啊!赏樱花对于日本来说是春天最喜欢传统习俗呀。看到樱花才能感到春天已经来了。A:那么今天我们就介绍一下赏樱花的由来与常识吧~花見とは、2月から5月にかけて満開となる桜を鑑賞しつつ、弁当やお酒を愉しむ日本独特の行事です。B:所谓赏花,即是指从2月至5月,边欣赏盛开的樱花边享受佳肴美酒,日本独有的活动。A:花見の起源については諸説ありますが、奈良時代から平安時代にかけて貴族の間で行われた花宴(はなのえん)が最も有力な説とされています。当時は桜でなく梅でしたが、満開の1本の梅を囲んで歌を詠み合う風流な歌会が行われていました。そのため、その時代の歌に詠まれている「花」という言葉は花全体を指すのではなく「梅」を指す言葉として使われていました。しかし、時代とともに花宴で用いられる花自体が梅から桜へと変わっていき、平安時代中期には「花」が「桜」を指すようになるほど、桜は中心的な存在となっていきました。このような経緯を経て、少しずつ形式を変えながらも桜を愉しむ風習が広く根付いていき、今の花見の形になったとされています。何をやるかB:关于赏樱花的起源有诸多说法,不过从奈良时代到平安时代的贵族之间举行花宴的说法是最有说服力的。当时赏的不是樱花而是梅花,大家围着盛开的一株梅树吟诗作对,举办风雅的歌会。因而,在那个年代吟诵的“花”一词,并不是指所有的花而仅表示“梅花”。A:花見では、桜の木の下や桜のある公園で、友人や家族同士で集まって食事やお酒を楽しみます。しかし、一人での桜を見ながらの散歩や、沿道に桜の咲いた道をドライブするのも、十分花見と言えるでしょう。B:所谓赏樱花,就是在樱花树下或有樱花的公园里,与朋友、家人一起开心地吃饭、喝酒。然而,一个人边散步边赏樱,或者沿着盛开樱花的道路开车兜风,也绝对是“赏樱”的另一种形式啦。A:花見の名物として、三色団子と桜餅があります。これらの名物を嗜みながら桜を愉しむと、いつもよりもと風流な花見となるでしょう。B:赏樱的名产有三色团子和樱饼。能吃着这些名产,享受樱花烂漫,更加是风流雅事一桩呀。A:基本的に海外では花見をする風習はありません。しかし、アメリカのワシントンD.C.においては、1912年に当時の東京市長が日米友好の証として贈った約6,000本の桜が春になると一斉に咲き誇ります。桜の季節になると、桜並木を散策したり、ドライブするなどしてその姿を愛でる人々が多く見られるようになります。B:基本上在国外没有赏花的风俗。不过在1912年,当时的东京市长赠送了作为日美友好象征的约6000株樱花树给美国华盛顿哥伦比亚特区,到了春天一齐盛放的美景成了他们的骄傲。到了樱花季节,越来越多的人喜欢在樱花道随意地散步、兜风。
4/14/20189 minutes, 14 seconds
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Apr.13,2018#Screen Age#One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

节目名称:Screen Age 节目主题:One Flew Over the Cuckoo's NestSh: Hello,everypassenger.Welcometotakethistrainnamed"ScreenAge".Ourtrainisabouttoarriveatthedestinationsoon,pleasekeepyourselfsafe.C: Thedestinationofourtrainis"OneFlewOvertheCuckoo'sNest"station.Pleasebepreparedtogetoff.Sh: Now,it'smyturntointroduceourdestination.Itissopopularthatithasbecomeanovernightsensation.Ithasbeenonin1975andawardedAcademyAwardsforBestPicturein1976.C: Yeah.ItwasadaptedbythenovelofthesamenamethatKenKeseywrote.Duetomanytalentedactorsandactresses,ithasgotthehighevaluation.Sh: Now,let'sentertheworldaboutwhatittalksaboutinparticulartogether.L:Flat,Suchagreatfilmitis.Iguessthedirectormustchoosecastsstrictly.F:Nope.Eachactorwaschosennotjustfortheirskill,butfortheirdistinctivephysicalcharacteristics.TheyshootandrehearseinarealmentalhealthhospitalinSalem,Oregon.Theinstitution'shead,DrDeanBrooks,allowedtheactorstoworkatthehospitalbecausehefeltitwouldgivetherealpatientsaformoftherapy.L:Andthen,whathappened?F:Well,Actorsspenttimewithpatients,andthenstayedincharacterduringtheirlunchbreaks.Manysleptattheinstitution.WhenNicholsonarrived,justaweekbeforeshooting,hecouldbarelytellthetwogroupsapart.F: Lynn,Whichactordoyoulikebest?L:Oh,IliketheWillSampson.heshowedimmenseskillandsensitivityintherole,notonlybyusinghissheerbodysize,butbylettinghisfeaturesbecomegraduallymorevividastheactionstarts.Whenhischaractercomesatthefilm'sclimax,buthisactingcomesintoitsownwiththemostsubtleofperformances,particularlyjustbeforethedisturbingelectroconvulsivetherapyscene,whenMcMurphyfindshehasbeenpretendingheisdeaf.F:Doyouknowthatsomeactorsonlyhadafewlinesornone,butpresentedtheirroleswithprecisionL:Yeah,itreallyimpressesme.Attheclimaxofthecigarettesscene,Bancini,playedbyJosipElic,comicallywandersintothegroupmuttering,"I'mtired,I'mtired".Andatthebeginningofthefilm,heiswokenandsaysheis"rested".F:Also,WhenMcMurphywasdesperatetowatchtheWorldSeriesbaseballgamesandneededtogeta"vote"fromtheotherpatients,itbecomestheperfectopportunityforeachminorcharactertodoaturn,fromballroomdancingEllsworth,tothedisturbinglylobotomisedEllis.C:Doyouknowthedirectorofthisfilm,MilosForman?Sh:Iknowalittleabouthim.Forexample,IknowthathehadwontwoAcademyAwardsforBestDirector.C:Yes,Iappreciatehimverymuch.Becausehehasdirectedmanycharmfulworks,likeOneFlewOvertheCuckoo'sNest,Mozartbiographyandsoon.Sh:Wow,it'sobviousthatheisareallysuccessfuldirector.MilosForman,asarepresentativefigureoftheCzechfilmNewWave,hisworksarecharacterizedbydeepunderstandingofhumannatureandshowingthetruenatureoflife,whichhaswonthesympathyofthegeneralaudience.C:Whatmattersmostishealwayspaintedmetaphorstomodernsocietywithamazingtalentandkeeninsight.Hisworksemphasizepersonalstyleandaregoodatdescribingpeople'sbehaviorandcharacters.Sh:Inmyopinion,whateversubjectMilosForemanshoots,heisabletounearthineachstoryahumannaturephilosophyworthyofreference,sothattheaudienceissofascinatedbyhisfilms.C:Iagreewithyou.Ihopehecanbringusmoreexcellentworkssothatwecanfindourselvesthroughhisfilm.Sh:Ibelievehewill.AndIreallyexpectit.L:If,Imean,ifonedayyougotoprisonwherethehardworkisgoingtomakeyousick,wouldyoulike to choosetobeafoolandbesenttoamentalhospital?F:No,goingintoamentalhospitalandgettingalongwiththosepatientsmightdrivemecrazy.L:Theherooftoday'sfilmissuchacrazyperson.F:Aha,Iknowwhatyou'retalkingabout,OneFlewOvertheCuckoo'sNest,right?L:Yes,it'saclassicprisonmovie.F:IfIremembercorrectly,it'saveryoldmovie.L:Yes,butitdoesnotmatter.F:However,it doesn't have a happyending.IthinkMcMurphyisapity.Hisenthusiasmandappealhavemovedeveryoneinthementalhospital.L:Beforehearrived,everyonebehavedlikeanormalperson.Butwithhiscoming,underhisdriving,thepeopleherereturn to themselves.F:Comparedwiththeshawshankredemption,itdidnothaveasatisfactoryendingandtheherowasforcedtobecomeareallunaticinsteadofescaping.L:Lafiteisanunpleasantcharacter,cold-blooded,anddoesnottreatpatientsashumanbeings.Shetreatspatientsinthementalhospitalaslivestockeveryday.F:Okay.Don'tgetexcited. Sh: Thankyoufortakingourtrain.It'sourpleasuretohaveagoodtimewithyoutogether.We will appreciate your understanding of all inconvenience that we broughtto you.C: Wish you have a good trip.I hope we can meet you next time.Sh: Goodbye.C: Ahh... Wait. I have heard that our Dubbing contest is going tobegin.Ifyouareinterestedinit,welcometojoinus!Sh: Waitforyou!节目监制:赛碧乐编辑:孟萌萌播音:赛碧乐(F)邹佳琳(L)王雪莹(Sh) 孟萌萌(C)
4/13/20188 minutes, 7 seconds
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Apr.12, 2018 #Music Bang Bang#Relax Music

节目组: Music Bang Bang 音乐大爆炸 节目名称:Relax Music节目监制:韩平治编辑:温彦博 周宇琦 阎孝通 播音:周宇琦 阎孝通制作:郭芸 李浩杰
4/12/20184 minutes, 17 seconds
Episode Artwork


节目组: 한류전선 韩流前线 节目名称:《机智的监狱生活》开头曲Moon Moon-飞机云1.친구들안녕하세요欢迎收听voe外语广播韩流前线我是播音张梦玉2.만나서반가워요我是播音王芷筠1.塔木德经有这么一句话:与其后悔已经结束的事情不如后悔那些想做却没能做的事情。人生虽然不可以恢复,但人生可以调整,人无法改变已经发生的过去,但可以决定尚未到来的将来。탈무드는&`&이미끝나버린일을후회하기보다는하고싶었던일을하지못한것을후회하라&`&라는명언을남겼습니다.2.今天想要给大家介绍一部韩剧,叫做《机智的监狱生活》,它是由《请回答》系列的导演申源浩执导,朴海秀、郑敬淏、郑秀晶、丁海寅等人主演。主要讲述超级巨星棒球选手金济赫一夜之间变成阶下囚,以及监狱里的人们一起生活的黑色喜剧。오늘여러분들께소개할드라마는&`&응답하라&`&시리즈의신원호PD의신작,박해수와정경호가주연배우로나오는&`&슬기로운감빵생활&`&입니다.插曲1脸红的思春期-初恋1.该剧虽然叫做《机智的监狱生活》,但男主金济赫却是一个愣头愣脑,只知道打棒球的十分单纯的人,可以说和机智没有半点关联,但巧妙的设计就在于这里,这个有点傻的人在监狱的生活却处处显示出“机智”,巧妙地举报了受贿的狱警等一系列让人惊叹的神奇操作,让人看不出他是傻还是机智,全剧也因为这点格外有趣。주인공김제혁은겉보기엔행동거지도느리고어리숙하지만결정적인순간마다곰같은여우의면모를보이며난관을극복해나갑니다.2.是的.本剧还采用了双男主的特色,另一位主人公李俊浩,就承担了外界的生活角色,他是金济赫的发小好友,又是一名精英狱警,对他而言金济赫是有些特别的囚犯,他们二人之间展开的一系列故事也颇有趣味。监狱也不是封闭的,一定是你在外界有了“因”才有了监狱的“果” 。또하나의주인공이준호는똑똑하고뭐든지빨리배우는엘리트교도관입니다.그런준호에게특별한수용자가생기는데요.바로초등학교시절부터알고지낸절친인김제혁입니다.1.该剧虽然讲述的是监狱生活,但并不无 聊,也绝不枯燥! 它不仅延续了请回答系列的温情,还多了黑色幽默 ,讽刺影射现实,揭露黑暗,展现 人性,剧情的 反转总 是让人 措手不及,却又在情 理之中,引人深思。드라마제목만봐서는감빵생활을보여주는무거운주제인것같지만코미더적인요소가섞여있는드라마입니다.2.一个 小小的监狱里,容纳着社会上形形色色的人物,你能在其 中窥见 人性,洞察 到人 心的黑 暗——但你无法 凭空猜测哪些人是 好是坏。人性的善恶 ,永远让人看不清。형형색색의사람들이갇쳐있는자그마한감옥속에서우리는그들의인성을볼수있었고인심의어두움을발견할수있었습니다.插曲2PUNCH-因为入夜了1.这个 世界, 并非无药可救,就算是监狱也是一样,有丑陋的罪恶 ,就有温柔 的善良 。男主这样一个人物,正是因为 善良才获得了机智,正是因为他的善良才获得了他人的尊敬和帮助。2.金济赫在剧中曾说过这 段话:“你已经尽力了,只是没有机会而已, 所以你就怪这个世界吧,应该更努力的是这个世界。”1.快乐的时光总是短暂的,今天的节目到这里就结束了,我们下期再见。2.非常感谢本次制作人王飞,我们下期再见!여러분 안녕节目监制:金池 编辑:金池 金亨俊 播音:张梦玉 王芷筠制作:王飞
4/11/20189 minutes, 7 seconds
Episode Artwork

Apr.10,2018 #The World Says#Marvel Comics

节目组: The World Says 世界说 节目名称:Marvel Comics开头曲SUBURBIA插曲1SUBURBIA插曲 2SUBURBIA结束曲SUBURBIA节目监制:苗世钰制作: Arris播音: 窦雪菲 何嘉欣 刘博编辑: 窦雪菲 何嘉欣 刘博
4/10/20188 minutes
Episode Artwork

Apr.9,2018 #Bloom in ink#声声慢

节目组: Bloom in Ink 墨海繁花 节目名称:声声慢A: Welcome to Bloom In Ink from VOE foreign languages radiostation. I'm Breyl.I'm SakuraHow long have you been without a laugh?When was the last time you laughed, do you remember?你有多久,没有放声大笑过了?上一次开怀大笑是什么时候,你,还记得吗?插曲1You are my universeWhen did it begin? For you, even the smile from the heartbecame a luxury.And when did you start, even if you were chased by lonelinessand nowhere to go, you didn't dare to accept a hug fromsomeone else.Everyone says, you mature, you know, you learn to think forothers.You've learned to stop being angry.You learned how hard it was to be alone.You've learned to hurt yourself.Day after day, year after year, you walk the same path everyday, thinking of no possible people, living a life of repetition.You become numb and unhappy.Those who dare not talk to anyone about grievances, you dareto secretly hide under the bed cry;The man who dared not mention it in front of people, you canonly dare to think of him carefully in the night.It's the habit of one person digesting a whole day'sunhappiness at night and then waking up the next daypretending that nothing has happened and moving on withoutit.You almost forget that the burden is because you worry toomuch, you are afraid of failure, afraid of no result.You almost forgot to unload the burden, you are still thecarefree teenager..Convergence abilities don't delay you to take, the life alwayswant to smooth our edges and corners, but the original dreamas long as we remember, as long as the sun is still brighttomorrow and cracks in existence, also can blossom.Vulnerability may be your Achilles' heel, but it can also be yourexit. When all of you are out of breath, and everyone is tryingto persuade you to give up, don't give up on yourself.I think you know, the good bad will pass, as long as have thecourage to stand up again, tomorrow morning sun will be likethe date, step on the morning the most warm wind, come toembrace the brand new you.You see, as long as you are free enough, the past is a bubble ofnothingness, and more important than yesterday's regret ishow to do well tomorrow. Fate can't let us beg for mercy onour knees, then keep running against the wind.It is better to shake hands with loneliness than to carry on withpain. No matter what kind of torture your life has given you,no matter what you've experienced in the past, treat yourselfto the future, treat yourself well, live your life, whateverhappens, don't forget to make yourself happy.B:是从什么时候开始的,于你而言,连发自内心的笑,都变成了一种奢侈;又是从什么时候开始的,哪怕被孤独追赶着无处可逃,你也不敢接受别人的一个拥抱了。S:大家都说,你成熟了,你懂事了,你学会为别人着想了。你学会了不再喜怒形于色;你学会了不管多难都一个人扛着;你学会委屈自己了。B:日复一日,年复一年,你每天走相同的路,想不可能的人,过重复的生活。你变的麻木,变的不快乐。那些不敢同任何人说起的委屈,你只敢一个人偷偷躲在被窝里哭;那个在人前不敢轻易提起的人,你也只能在入夜的时候才敢把他小心翼翼的想起。S:习惯在夜晚一个人消化一整天的不快乐,然后在第二天醒来的时候,假装什么都没有发生过,若无其事的继续生活。你差点就忘了,包袱是因为你顾虑太多,你怕失败,怕没结果。你差点忘了,卸下包袱,你还是那个自在如风的少年。收敛锋芒不耽误你韬光养晦,生活总想着磨平我们的棱角但最初的梦想只要我们还记着,只要明天的阳光依然还亮着,夹缝中生存,也能开花结果。B:脆弱可能是你的软肋,但也可以是你的出口。所有苦难压的你 喘不过 气的时候,所有人都 劝你放 弃的时候,你都不要放弃你自己。我想你 知道 ,好的坏的都会过去,只要有勇气 重新站 起,明天的 朝阳一 定会如 约而至,踩着清晨 最暖的风,赶来拥抱崭新的你。S:你看,只要你足够洒脱,过 去的都是 虚无的 泡沫 ,比起昨天的 遗憾 ,更重要的是明天如何好好 过。 命运 无法让 我们跪地求饶,那就逆着风继续朝前跑。与其和苦痛 继续 拉扯 ,不如 与孤独 握手 言和。无 论生活 给了你 怎样 的折磨,无 论过去你经历 了什么,未来都 请你,善待 自己, 好好 生活,不管发生什么,你别忘了让自己快乐。插曲2TOWERSS:Bloom in ink will accompany you through every four seasons. Thank you for your listening, See you next week!A:感谢收听我们的节目.All:Bye节目监制:魏镜滟编辑:魏镜滟播音:李硕 杨璟琰制作:吴紫薇
4/9/20181 minute, 54 seconds
Episode Artwork


节目组: 한류전선 韩流前线 节目名称:《机智的监狱生活》开头曲Moon Moon-飞机云1.친구들안녕하세요欢迎收听voe外语广播韩流前线我是播音张梦玉2.만나서반가워요我是播音王芷筠1.塔木德经有这么一句话:与其后悔已经结束的事情不如后悔那些想做却没能做的事情。人生虽然不可以恢复,但人生可以调整,人无法改变已经发生的过去,但可以决定尚未到来的将来。탈무드는&`&이미끝나버린일을후회하기보다는하고싶었던일을하지못한것을후회하라&`&라는명언을남겼습니다.2.今天想要给大家介绍一部韩剧,叫做《机智的监狱生活》,它是由《请回答》系列的导演申源浩执导,朴海秀、郑敬淏、郑秀晶、丁海寅等人主演。主要讲述超级巨星棒球选手金济赫一夜之间变成阶下囚,以及监狱里的人们一起生活的黑色喜剧。오늘여러분들께소개할드라마는&`&응답하라&`&시리즈의신원호PD의신작,박해수와정경호가주연배우로나오는&`&슬기로운감빵생활&`&입니다.插曲1脸红的思春期-初恋1.该剧虽然叫做《机智的监狱生活》,但男主金济赫却是一个愣头愣脑,只知道打棒球的十分单纯的人,可以说和机智没有半点关联,但巧妙的设计就在于这里,这个有点傻的人在监狱的生活却处处显示出“机智”,巧妙地举报了受贿的狱警等一系列让人惊叹的神奇操作,让人看不出他是傻还是机智,全剧也因为这点格外有趣。주인공김제혁은겉보기엔행동거지도느리고어리숙하지만결정적인순간마다곰같은여우의면모를보이며난관을극복해나갑니다.2.是的.本剧还采用了双男主的特色,另一位主人公李俊浩,就承担了外界的生活角色,他是金济赫的发小好友,又是一名精英狱警,对他而言金济赫是有些特别的囚犯,他们二人之间展开的一系列故事也颇有趣味。监狱也不是封闭的,一定是你在外界有了“因”才有了监狱的“果” 。또하나의주인공이준호는똑똑하고뭐든지빨리배우는엘리트교도관입니다.그런준호에게특별한수용자가생기는데요.바로초등학교시절부터알고지낸절친인김제혁입니다.1.该剧虽然讲述的是监狱生活,但并不无 聊,也绝不枯燥! 它不仅延续了请回答系列的温情,还多了黑色幽默 ,讽刺影射现实,揭露黑暗,展现 人性,剧情的 反转总 是让人 措手不及,却又在情 理之中,引人深思。드라마제목만봐서는감빵생활을보여주는무거운주제인것같지만코미더적인요소가섞여있는드라마입니다.2.一个 小小的监狱里,容纳着社会上形形色色的人物,你能在其 中窥见 人性,洞察 到人 心的黑 暗——但你无法 凭空猜测哪些人是 好是坏。人性的善恶 ,永远让人看不清。형형색색의사람들이갇쳐있는자그마한감옥속에서우리는그들의인성을볼수있었고인심의어두움을발견할수있었습니다.插曲2PUNCH-因为入夜了1.这个 世界, 并非无药可救,就算是监狱也是一样,有丑陋的罪恶 ,就有温柔 的善良 。男主这样一个人物,正是因为 善良才获得了机智,正是因为他的善良才获得了他人的尊敬和帮助。2.金济赫在剧中曾说过这 段话:“你已经尽力了,只是没有机会而已, 所以你就怪这个世界吧,应该更努力的是这个世界。”1.快乐的时光总是短暂的,今天的节目到这里就结束了,我们下期再见。2.非常感谢本次制作人王飞,我们下期再见!여러분 안녕节目监制:金池 编辑:金池 金亨俊 播音:张梦玉 王芷筠制作:王飞
4/4/20189 minutes, 7 seconds
Episode Artwork

Apr.3,2018 #The World Says#The Elephant In the Room

节目组: The World Says 世界说 节目名称:The Elephant In the Room开头曲Trivian - Unity (Original Mix)插曲1Trivian - Unity (Original Mix)插曲 2Trivian - Unity (Original Mix)插曲3Trivian - Unity (Original Mix)插曲 4Trivian - Unity (Original Mix)结束曲Trivian - Unity (Original Mix)节目监制:苗世钰制作: 张燚铭播音:刘 博 何嘉欣编辑:刘 博 何嘉欣
4/3/201810 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork

Apr.2,2018 #Bloom in ink#silence

节目组: Bloom in Ink 墨海繁花 节目名称: silence开头曲Season in the sun插曲1Season in the sun 22s结束曲Season in the sun 50s节目监制:魏镜滟编辑:安楠播音:安楠 杨璟琰制作:程羊羊
4/2/20189 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork

Mar. 31, 2018 #日本语ドリームワークス#赏花会

节目组:日本语ドリームワークス 日语梦工厂 节目名称:赏花会A:皆さん、こんばんは、VOE日本語ドリームワークスへようこそB:日语梦工厂A:为梦想起航,我是主播梁远鹏B:我是主播吉旭灵A:一个假期没见了,不知道大家都过的如何?有没有从两个月的寒假中调整过来?B:别人我不知道,到是你一个假期不见又胖了一圈呀。A:说的好像我瘦过一样。B:沈阳的气温真的是让我适应不了,本以为沈阳的三月应该是春暖花开,但现实却是在寒风中冻得瑟瑟发抖。A:其实日本的三月正是一个赏花季,每年3月中旬到4月中旬,是日本自南至北樱花开放的季节,们在樱花树下摆上丰盛的酒宴,或合家欢聚一堂,或邀请三五好友,一边吟诗作画,一边开怀畅饮,一醉方休。B:那今天就让我们好好为大家介绍一下日本的赏花季。A:日本で3月といえば、日本人が待ちに待った花見の季節でもあります。ということで、今日は皆さんに、日本の花見を紹介したいと思います。まず、花見とは、桜の花を鑑賞し、春の訪れをお祝いする日本独自の慣習のことです。一般的に、日本の桜開花時期は、3月から5月とされ、この時期に、桜の木の下で家族や友人と集まったり、または会社で行われる花見の宴会などがあります。B:3月份对于日本人来说,是翘首以盼的赏花季节。因此,本期节目向大家介绍日本的赏花活动。首先,赏花是观赏樱花、庆祝春天到来的日本独特的习惯。一般来讲,日本樱花开放的季节在3月至5月,这个时期,日本人会和家人朋友相聚在樱花树下,此外公司也会举行赏花会。A:花見宴会の飲食物で、人気な食べ物はおつまみやフライドチキン、唐揚げ、また、春の食材をいっぱい使った弁当、花見弁当など。飲み物では、ビールや缶酎ハイ、ソフトドリンクが主に花見をする際の人気・定番メニューとなっています。おいしいおつまみや料理を食べ、お酒を嗜んだり、皆でカラオケをしたりと、お花見会場は、いつも賑わっています。B:作为赏花会上吃的食物,比较受欢迎的就是炸鸡等油炸食品,还有用春天特有的食材制作的赏花便当等。受欢迎的饮料以啤酒、罐装果酒、软饮等为主,组成了赏花时节必备的人气菜单。吃着美味的小吃、料理,喝着美酒唱着歌,赏花的地方总是一片欢腾热闹景象。A:また、花見には花見団子もつきものです。とくにアニメが好きな方は花見団子を見たことがあるかもしれません。花見団子とは月見の時食べる月見団子とは違い、桜色、薄い赤色、白色、緑色などの華やかな色彩をした団子のことです。一つ一つ意味があり、桜色は桜を表して、春の息吹を、白は雪を表し、冬の名残を。緑はよもぎを表し、夏への予兆を表現しています。B:不得不说,赏花时“花见团子”也是必备食品。尤其是爱看动画的诸位,或许见过花见团子呢。花见团子和赏月时吃的“供月团子”不同,是包含樱花色、浅红色、白色、绿色等多种绚烂颜色的团子串。每个团子都有其意义,樱花色代表樱花,表现春天的气息;白色团子代表雪,表示对冬天的依依惜别;而绿色的团子代表艾蒿,表现夏天将临的预兆。A:また、花見宴会をする際、一番大変なのは場所取りです。特に、桜の名所や人気の場所だと、朝七時頃から場所取り合戦が行われます。夜の場合は、夜桜見物と呼ばれ、ライトアップされた桜の花を鑑賞して楽しむこともできます。昼とはまた違った幻想的な桜を見ることができるので、夜に桜を見に行く人も大勢いますよ。B:此外,在举行赏花宴会时,最艰辛的要数抢占赏花有利地势了。尤其是在赏樱花的名胜景点或受欢迎的赏花场所,早上7点开始“抢位争夺战”就开始了。晚上也有赏花活动,叫做“赏夜樱”,点上灯之后和白天一样可以观赏樱花。而且可以看到和白天不同的,梦幻般的樱花,因此也有不少人愿意晚上赏樱。A:人们在樱花树下吃菜喝酒,高谈阔论,唱歌跳舞,不亦乐乎!喜欢音乐的年轻人当然忘不了带上音响设备和心爱的乐器,他们在麦克风前引吭高歌,在乐曲声中翩翩起舞,欢快的空气充满着每一个角落。一向以环境宁静著称的日本,在这季节却一片欢腾;一向追求高效、快捷的日本人,也只有在这个时候,可以尽情地放松身心,缓解精神的压力,增进彼此的交流。B: 在这种“好花共赏”的全民共同参与的活动中,人人皆欢乐。樱花谢世时节,一阵风吹来满树的樱花纷纷飘落,树下便响起一阵欢呼声。日本人称这种缤纷落英为“花雨”。眼看著心爱的花儿随风飘逝,他们不仅没有黛玉葬花的伤感,还以沐浴在这种花雨中为幸福快乐。A:好了今天的节目到这里就接近尾声了,感谢辛勤付出的后期制作,更要感谢同学们长久以来的关心与支持。A:让我们在优美的歌声中结束本期节目,我们下期再见,拜拜。节目监制: 袁蕴宁 播音: 梁远鹏 吉旭灵 编辑: 梁远鹏 吉旭灵 制作: 胡捷
3/31/20189 minutes, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork

Mar.30,2018#Screen Age#The Shape of Water

节目名称:Screen Age 节目主题:The Shape of WaterC: Hello, my dear audience. Long time no see. Do you miss us?S: Ahh, I think they will. Now, which movie will be introduced to the audience?C: Do you like having a guess? But I can tell you it&`&s about a merman and a tongueless girl, and it has moved a large amount of people.S: The film you said is an old one or a new one?C: I&`&m sure it&`&s new enough.S: Let me guessIs it Dunkirk?C: Yes, you are right.S: I know this film has won the 2018 Oscar Nominations. And almost all assesses are liking it very much.C: Yes, and I think it deserves. Today we will tell this poignant story for our audience.S: Next, let&`&s appreciate this film together.S:youknow,Iamapersonwhodonothavepatience,Iusuallywatchmoviesdiscontinuously,amovieevenmaytakemeseveraldays,someevenareleftunfinished.C:Iknow,lasttimethemovieIrecommendedtoyoutookyouawholeweek,itseemsnotyourtype,right?S:ButIstillfinishit.Okay,today&`&sfilmisdifferentforme,fromthebeginningtotheendoftheplay,Ididnotfastforward,myeyesalsodidnotleavethescreen,itdeeplyattractedme.C:wow,areyousointerestedinit?S:let&`&stakealookattheBestFilmAwardofOscar.CIn1963,duringthecoldwarintheUnitedStates,elizawasamutegirlcommunicatingwiththeoutsideworldthroughsignlanguage.Sheworkedasacleanerinagovernmentagency.Oneday,amysteriouspotfullofwaterwasputin,alisashockinglydiscovery,potclosedastrangecreature.Butintheeyesofalisa,itisjustalonelylifelikeher.Astimewenton,therewasafeelingbetweenelizaandthemonster.S:Doyouknowwhatattractsmemost?C:I&`&dliketohearit.S:Eachcharacterintheplayhasanincompletepartindifferentaspects.C:Incomplete?Whatdoyoumean?S:Alizaisasargamunabletoproperlycommunicatewithothers.Theheroisanon-humanspecies.AgentRichard’stemperamentiscruelevenpsychopathic.Aliza’sfriend,alsocolleague,Zelda’sfamilyisunhappy.Alisa’sgayroommateisabusinessfailure.C:Beingincompletemakesthemmorelikelytoresonate.S:Iwonderifyourememberthispictureinthemovie.C:Whatisit?S:AliciarescuedthemermanandkepthiminabathroomtankC:Well,Iremember,hehastoberegularlygivenaspecialdrugtokeephimfromgettingsick.S:Yes,onedayAliciaturnsonthefaucet,fillsthebathroomwithwater,andswimswiththemermaninthewater.C:Andthentheyfloodedthetheaterdownstairs.AmIright?S:Don&`&tdestroytheatmosphere,thekindoflovethatcrossesraceisreallymoving.D:Hey,YouknowmanyfamousHollywooddirectorshavequirks.LikeWoodyAllenareobsessedwithbananas,DavidLynchiscrazyfordissectinganimals,andQuentinisafootfetish,I’mjustcuriousaboutGuillermodelToro,thedirectoroftheShapeofWater.Doeshehavesomespecialhobbies?Sh:YoumeanDelToro?IshethedirectorofPacificRim,thefamoussci-fifilm?I’mhissuperfan.Hisfilmsandbooksoftenblendreality,horrorandfantasyincharactersandthemesthatarebothcreepyandthought-provoking.Asafilmmaker,hehasaintenserelationshipwithmobsters.Youknow,hesaidhehadspentmostofhismoneyonmonsteractionfigures(据他说这辈子赚的大部分钱都用来买怪物手办了,看来“手办毁一生”真的是良心劝诫。)D:Wow,that’sincredible.Nowonderheincorporatedmonsterelementintoallhisfilms,includingtheShapeofWater.Itwashiszealformonstersandactors’wonderfulperformancesthatmadetheemotionalbetweenthemonsterandthewomansosmooth,whichbroughtaudiencesinnerpeace.Sh:ButyoumustgivespecialcredittoHawkinsandJonesfortheirtwoentirelydifferentkindsofsilentacting.Jonesinfuseshischaracterswithrealemotion,communicatingnotwithwordsbutwithmovementandtouch,WhileHawkinsiswithalleyesandhands.D:IknowaninterestingthingaboutJones.Whenheisonstreet,Ibetyouwouldn’trecognizehim.Sh:Really?But,why?D:Well,that’sbecausehe’susuallymaskedbylatex,siliconeandmakeup,playingsomeofHollywood’smostrecognizablemonsters.Sh:Yeah,hedoesactlotsofmonstercharactersinmanymovies.Sh:Ifit’struethateveryculturegetsthefairytaleitdeserves,it’shardtoseewhatwe’vedonelatelytomeritanythingaslovelyasGuillermodelToro’s“Theshapeofwater”.D:Yes,itisaColdWarparanoiathriller,aquasi-musicalcinematicnostalgiatripandafantasyinterspecieslovestorybetweenawomanandamerman.Sh:Itsoundsthatit’ssobrimmingwithromanceandadventurethatitseffectoverflowsthescreen,fillinguproomsandfloodingthecinemaandthreateningtoleakenoughtofloorbelow.D:Andyouknow,asanewfilmofGuillermodelToro,“Theshapeofwater”isquitemagnificent.Sh:Yeah,you’reright,especiallycomparedtoPacificRimandPansLabyrinth,twoofhisrepresentativeworks.Notonlyitisasimplyromanticstory,butalsothereisalotofhumanityinthisfilm.D:Great.Fromthefirstframes,wearedriftedawaybythestrongcurrentofthisextraordinarylovestory.Deprivedofspeech,SallyHawkinsisareceptacleofincredibleemotionsandturnsapotentiallyricketyexerciseintoabeautifulsilentsymphony.Insupportingroles,RichardJenkinsandOctaviaSpencerensurethetouchingandfunnysideoftheset.Andwhataboutthecreature,thatdistantcousinofthatoftheBlackLagoonof1954?Sh:AcreationintooartificialCGIisfortunatelyavoidedtoaccommodatealittlehumanoidjewelperfectlyintegratedintothestoryandthroughwhichtheemotionflowsfreely.Aniconicrepresentationoftheacceptanceofdifference,thekeystoneofthisadulttale,thecreatureamusesandmoves,withoutexcessandwithsurprisingaccuracy.D:Thesubject,daringinitslastface,couldhaveturnedtoshipwreck.Butthetalentandtheenergyofthewholecrew,thecaregiventoeachimage,toeachmovementofcamera,toeveryword,avoidstheridicule,findstherightbalanceandpropelstheShapeoftheWatertowardssummitsofpoetry.Sh:Thisisatruedeclarationoflovewithcinema,immersedinagreatbathofnostalgia.Thisisaterrificfilmwithwell-deservedsuccess.S:Whatabeautifulfilm!Ican&`&thelpbeingmovedbyit.C:SoamI.Inthisspring,Ithinksuchafilmcanmakeyouwarmenough.S:Nowadays,touchingourheartsbecomesmoreandmoredifficult.Soamovielikethisisarealgoodone.C:Ofcourse,becauseitcantouchusdeeply.Ireallyexpectmorebeautifulworkslikethis.S:Yes.Butmaybethetimeisout,It&`&stimetosaygoodbye.C:Ok,seeyounextweek,goodbye,everyone.S:Byebye.
3/30/201811 minutes, 28 seconds
Episode Artwork

Mar.29, 2018 #Music Bang Bang#失恋

节目组: Music Bang Bang 音乐大爆炸 节目名称:失恋节目监制:韩平治编辑:朱子业播音:朱子业 马懿慈
3/29/201814 minutes, 9 seconds
Episode Artwork


节目组: 한류전선 韩流前线 节目名称:Hot开头曲HOT《candy》A:친구들안녕하세요欢迎收听voe外语广播韩流前线我是播音付子芮B:만나서반가워요我是播音李奕萱最近无限挑战之《六六歌3》引发网友热议,“偶像全盛时代的始祖鸟”HOT时隔17年重聚于无限挑战,虽然HOT早已解散,但他们依旧在无数粉丝的心中。在节目中,我记得其中一位粉丝说:我从13岁等到了30岁,他们终于重聚了。HOT代表了一代人的青春,即使经历了17年,他们依旧和17年前一样,穿着白色雨衣,拿着白色气球为他们的偶像加油。최근무한도전'토토가3'H. O. T특집편이많은관심을받고있는데요.아이돌계의시조새로불리우는H. O. T멤버들이17년만에다시뭉쳐공연까지하는모습은두차례로방송되여큰반향을불러일으켰습니다.插曲2HOT《we are the future》即使不是HOT年代的人,没有听过他们的歌,但大部分人都知道HOT的影响力,不论是在综艺,电视剧,音乐节目,都会出现他们的身影。看以前的视频,高中生们逃课只为看他们的演唱会,为了买一张演唱会的票,当时银行卖演唱会的票,迷妹们穿着白色的雨衣,拿着白色的气球坐在银行口等着购票。这些都能看出HOT当时的影响力。几乎每个年轻人都有他们的磁带,CD。HOT전성기시절가요계영향력이얼마나대단했는지는그시절HOT팬이라면잘아실겁니다.예능,드라마,음악방송등모두그들의모습을볼수있었죠.他们的歌曲主要的特点是:反对一切暴力。让很多高中生从中得到了勇气,他们的非主流长刘海发型,肥肥的阔腿裤都成为了少男少女的最爱。总是尽力而为的安七炫,到如往昔一样具有超凡魅力的张佑赫,队长文俊熙,负责英语的Tony An和默默奉献的老幺李在元。时隔今日,他们依旧带着他们的独立个性让他们的歌迷心动。그들의앨범은사랑,학교폭력등십대들에게던지는메세지로가득차있습니다.십대들에게힘을부여하는,십대들의우상으로써주어진역할에다하는듯합니다.插曲HOT《你和我》他们义务反顾的走着属于自己 的音乐之路,他们 幸福而坦然地过着 自己想 要的生 活,做他们 喜欢的事。他们没有忘记17年前和歌迷的约定,即使时间晚了一点,但依旧满足 了歌迷们的愿望 。他们为了 展示给 歌迷们他们的新面貌,日夜排练 为了这个完美的舞台。그들은17년전팬들과한약속을잊지않았습니다.비록조금늦었지만팬들을위해완전체로돌아왔습니다.结束语快乐的时光总是短暂的,让我们下期再见!非常感谢制作人王飞,我们下一期再见여러분 안녕节目监制:金池 编辑:金池 金亨俊 播音:李奕萱 王芷筠制作:王飞
3/28/20183 minutes, 23 seconds
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Mar.27, 2018 #The World Says# Human Relationship

节目组: The World Says 世界说 节目名称: Human Relationship插曲:Shape of You节目监制:苗世钰制作: 张燚铭播音:刘 博 杨晏直 何嘉欣编辑:刘 博 杨晏直 何嘉欣
3/27/20189 minutes, 12 seconds
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Mar.26,2018 #Bloom in ink#Reading books

节目组: Bloom in Ink 墨海繁花 节目名称: Reading books开头曲D:Hello everyone,welcometo Bloom in inkfrom VOE Foreign Languages Radio Station ,I’m Don ,I’m Edwin.D:Edwin!Do you like to read book?E:Yeah!Must be !《Scarlet and Black》、《Womanin White》、《The old man and the sea》...And Ialso read 《Grief grocery store》by Higashinokeigo, my favorite writer!D:OK....I really know you love to readbooks. So today we will tell somethingabout read.垫乐E:好书常如最精美的宝器,珍藏着人生的思想的精华,因为人生的境界主要就在于其思想的境界。因此,最好的书是金玉良言和崇高思想的宝库,这些良言和思想若铭记于心并多加珍视,就会成为我们忠实的伴侣和永恒的慰藉。D: A good book is often the best urn of a life enshrining thebest that life could think out; for the world of a man’s lifeis, for the most part, but the world of his thoughts. Thus thebest books are treasuries of good words, the goldenthoughts, which, remembered and cherished, become ourconstant companions and comforters.D:A man may usually be known by the books he reads aswell as by the company he keeps; for there is acompanionship of books as well as of men; and one shouldalways live in the best company, whether it be of books orof men.E:常看一个读些什么书就可知道他的为人,就像看他同什么人交往就可知道他的为人一样,因为有人以人为伴,也有人以书为伴。无论是书友还是朋友,我们都应该以最好的为伴。A good book may be among the best of friends. It is thesame today that it always was, and it will never change. It isthe most patient and cheerful of companions. It does notturn its back upon us in times of adversity or distress. Italways receives us with the same kindness; amusing andinstructing us in youth, and comforting and consoling us inage.E:好书就像是你最好的朋友。它始终不渝,过去如此,现在如此,将来也永远不变。它是最有耐心,最令人愉悦的伴侣。在我们穷愁潦倒,临危遭难时,它也不会抛弃我们,对我们总是一如既往地亲切。在我们年轻时,好书陶冶我们的性情,增长我们的知识;到我们年老时,它又给我们以慰藉和勉励。D:Men often discover their affinity to each other by themutual love they have for a book just as two personssometimes discover a friend by the admiration which bothentertain for a third. There is an old proverb, ‘Love me,love my dog.” But there is more wisdom in this:” Love me,love my book.” The book is a truer and higher bond ofunion. Men can think, feel, and sympathize with each otherthrough their favorite author. They live in him together,and he in them.E:人们常常因为喜欢同一本书而结为知 已,就像有时两个人因为敬慕 同一个人而成为朋友一样。有句古谚说 道:“爱屋及屋。”其实“爱我及书”这句话蕴涵更多的哲理 。书是 更为真诚 而高 尚的情 谊纽带 。人们可以通过共同喜 爱的作 家沟通 思想,交流感 情, 彼此息息相通,并 与自己 喜欢的作家思想 相通 ,情 感相融 。Books possess an essence of immortality. They are by farthe most lasting products of human effort. Temples andstatues decay, but books survive. Time is of no account withgreat thoughts, which are as fresh today as when they firstpassed through their author’s minds, ages ago. What wasthen said and thought still speaks to us as vividly as everfrom the printed page. The only effect of time have been tosift out the bad products; for nothing in literature can longsurvive e but what is really good.书籍具 有不朽的本质,是为人类努力创造的最为持久的成 果。寺庙 会倒 坍,神像会朽烂 ,而书却经久长存。对于 伟大 的思想来说,时间是无关紧要的。多年前初次闪 现于作者脑 海的 伟大 思想今日依然清新如故。时间惟一的作用是淘汰 不好的作品,因为只有真正的佳作才能经世长存。Books introduce us into the best society; they bring us intothe presence of the greatest minds that have ever lived. Wehear what they said and did; we see the as if they werereally alive; we sympathize with them, enjoy with them,grieve with them; their experience becomes ours, and wefeel as if we were in a measure actors with them in thescenes which they describe.即使 在人 世间, 伟大杰出的人 物也永生不来。他们的精神被载入书册,传于四海。书是人生至今仍 在聆听的智慧 之声,永远 充满 着活力 。The great and good do not die, even in this world.Embalmed in books, their spirits walk abroad. The book isa living voice. It is an intellect to which on still listens.书籍介绍 我们 与最优秀 的人为 伍,使我们 置身 于历代伟人巨匠 之间,如闻其声,如 观其行,如 见其人,同他们情感交融,悲喜与共 ,感同身受 。我们 觉得自己仿佛 在作 者所描绘的舞台上和他们一起粉 墨登场 。结束曲D:OK.That‘s today’s programme, thank you for yourlistening. If you like today‘s programme, you can listen inWeChat Official Account: VOE Radio, Litchi FM 22808.E:Welcome to join us, welcome to VOE.如果你喜欢我们的节目,时代之声Radio,也可以收听我们的荔枝app调频 :fm22808.D:欢迎您对我们的节目留言, 点赞 ,春风十里,我们一 直都在等你。E:感谢制作吴紫薇!D&E:bye节目监制:魏镜滟编辑:唐敏嫣播音:唐敏嫣 赵作章制作:吴紫薇
3/26/20188 minutes, 18 seconds
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Mar. 24, 2018 #日本语ドリームワークス#羽生结弦

节目组: 日本语ドリームワークス 日语梦工厂 节目名称:羽生结弦
3/24/201811 minutes, 43 seconds
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Mar.23,2018#Screen Age#Harry Potter

节目名称:Screen Age节目主题:Harry Potter
3/23/20189 minutes, 58 seconds
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节目组: 한류전선 韩流前线 节目名称:防弹少年团开头曲:防弹少年团《春日》1.친구들안녕하세요欢迎收听voe外语广播韩流前线我是播音付子芮2.만나서반가워요我是播音张梦玉1.最近,不少韩国男团发布了新歌,其中防弹少年团更是携高人气回归,主打歌《DNA》更是得到了无数好评。“第一眼就认出了你,仿佛是互相唤来了对方”。V用他深沉迷人的嗓音唱出的第一句让无数歌迷喜欢不已。2.可不是,《DNA》中中毒性的口哨声和纯吉他的旋律,创造出与现有团队颜色明显不同的升级声音。虽然是防弹少年团的风格,但又与原本组合的歌曲色彩有差异化,带来更高一层的音乐。下面,让我们听听拥有无数好评的《DNA》吧。插曲2防弹少年团《DNA》1.去年,防弹少年团以《血汗泪》夺得了MAMA年度最佳艺人大奖,同时《血汗泪》歌曲一出便横扫各大音源榜,夺得第一位的位置。2.《血汗泪》采用的曲风跟之前防弹少年团强烈的形象相比,少一份力量,多一份性感。在MV里,成员们坐在房间里的沙发上,吊灯和古典的家俱营造出中世纪城堡一般的神秘氛围。歌曲唱到:나를부드럽게죽여줘.너의손길로눈감겨줘.어차피거부할수조차없어.더는도망갈수조차없어.插曲3防弹少年团《血汗泪》1.其实,让防弹少年团获得如此高人气是发表《INEED U》之后,该歌曲是为了向人们描写危险的青春以及为了挽救恋人关系中即将要结束的爱情而焦急的男人故事从而进行创作的歌曲。2.它的内容以讲述 少年的梦想,青春故事为主,是一首充满 感性的歌曲。这首 歌也是由成员Rapmonster,Suga,J-hope参与创作。那么,让我们听听这首让防弹少年团大火的歌曲吧。가사는기발한발상으로부터시작되었는데요, 우리의유전자는99%일치하다는걸모두알고계실겁니다. 그래서"이건필연이야, 운명을찾아낸둘이니까" 라는가사를만들어낸겁니다.插曲4防弹少年团《I NEED U》1.防弹少年团因出自小公司,所以刚出道并 不被大家所重视 ,但他们用他们的努力及实力获得了全世界的关注,同时也捕获了越来越多的粉丝。2.虽然他们拥有超高人气和来自全 世界的粉丝 ,但他们依旧保持谦虚的态度,出道四年仍保持初心,这也是他们能走的越来越远的原因吧。1.我们的广播马上就要结束了,但我们还是要继续支持防弹少年团的新歌。2.今天就到这里了,感谢制作人王飞,我们下期再见。여러분 안녕节目监制:金池 编辑:金池 金亨俊 播音:李奕萱 王芷筠制作:王飞
3/21/20185 minutes, 14 seconds
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Mar.20, 2018 #The World Says# The Enlightenment from PUBG

节目组: The World Says 世界说 节目名称:The Enlightenment from PUBG开头曲 Magical Forest--DimatisMute: Hello, everyone. Welcome to The World Says in this new semester. It's me again, Mute! I'm really glad to see you guys in this new semester, and in this new semester, hoping we can still discuss and share the hot topics! History: And thank you for your support and patronage to our program. Your support is the driving force of our program's development. History will always be with you. So what are you busy for recently?Mute: You won't believe that! I'm crazy about PUBG and not tired of getting the’ Winner Winner, Chicken Dinner.” *History: I have just heard the name. Can you tell me more about it?Mute: PLAYERUNKNOW'S BATTLEGROUNDS is a tactical competitive game. Each match has 100 players and all need to do is gathering weapons and medical kit, and survival to the end.History: Sound like brutal work.Mute: But, the game is not the only thing attracts me, it's the enlightenment I get from this game.History: That's awesome! Never thought you can get enlightenment from a game. Tell me! What is it?Mute: I can use one word to describe the whole enlightenment. That is ‘rapid’.History: Why?Mute: Look, at the first half of this year, MOBA is dominating the area of game. But only few months later , PUBG has took over the first place!History: Yep, that is really fast. I think that a game which is hot always hold for years. But now, half of the year is long enough.Mute: Because the people's taste is changing rapidly, people's cognition is in progress of interation.History: You bet, China has developed so much in just few years.Mute: The technology is an good example. You can see that, no matter software or hardware is updating rapidly in a short time. It's really hard to imagine that what is the future will be like.History: Indeed, VR is a good example. Although it is still in the stage of development, we already can do a lot with that now. Mute: Not only in technology, but also about this era. This society is growing in a rapidly way that is out of our imagination.History: That's true. But ,is that not a good thing for us?Mute: Well, it's really hard to say. If something changed so fast, it will bring people confusion. And make people so tired to catch up with newly sprouted things. This is one of the reasons that make modern people feel pain and anxiety. After all, this generation is experiencing the changes with few years while past generation took it for whole life. History: I had similar feelings too. But I don't understand where this kind of feelings come from. Today, seems like there is an answer for that.Mute: Maybe, I can give you an example to explain my thoughts. In the ancient time, only a few people choose to rise head and shoulders above others people with imperial Civil Examination System. The rest people can still do many other things for living. But with the time pass by, more and more people choose to receive education.History: Is that means our society is developing?Mute: At some point, this means this society is harder for us to living than before. Cause people need more and more time to receive education then they can get a position where they can live. History: Oh, an old saying comes to my mind. One is never too old to learn. It seems that this sentence really makes sense in this era.Magical Forest--DimatisPART 3: Mute: Now, rapid has become a most representative feature of the era. Everyone needs to keep adjusting to the era.History: But for some people like me who are suitable for slow rhythm, adjusting to the trend is not easy, because it changes too fast.Mute: Just like iPhone. The iPhone is being updated too quickly. Now, iPhone X appears in people's vision. And there is no doubt that it has attacked a rush of people. People can't wait to get the latest one even though the old one didn't last long.History: Obviously, I'm not that kind of people. I think it's unnecessary. Most people think adjusting to the trend means getting the latest phone.Mute: This may be a way of adjusting to the trend.History: But I still think it's sequacious. I think we should be ourselves in this era. The era changes so fast. Everything is changing, everything will disappear. So it's important to keep our true color.Mute: Everyone is different. But anyway, we are on the way forward. We all should have an positive attitude on the changes. Proper change will bring a better experience.History: It's really hard to imagine how fast these days are happening.Mute: Indeed. Every coin has two sides. In some ways, it can make us have fire-new feelings. But others, we may feel confused and despaired. This is also the inevitable process of the development of the era.History: The benefits of the era are still greater. In our country, high-speed train is everywhere. We don't need to bring cash when we're out. Maybe a few years later, we don't even have to work.Mute: This must be the voice of most people. But I think it does take some time.History: It also means our scientific and technological level will be high.Mute: The developing era has a great impact on our lives not only on the material side but also on the spiritual side. Just like PUBG.History: You are really a big fan of the game.Mute: Not just me, there are a lot of people who are crazy about the game.History: It arouses my curiosity. Can I join?Mute: Of course.History: But I really don't know much about the game.Mute: Don't worry. I will show you.History: That must be great.Mute: We still need to finish our program first. And today our keyword is rapid. History: And if you feel confused about the era, take it easy, you will find the way to adjust to the era.Mute: And this is the end our program today. Don't forget to checkout our WeChat official account时代之声 radio.我是播音刘博,this is Mute. See you on the other side.History:我是播音何嘉欣,I'm History. Look before you leap.我们下期见,bye. 节目监制:苗世钰编辑:刘博 何嘉欣播音:刘博 何嘉欣制作:张燚铭
3/20/201810 minutes, 22 seconds
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Mar..19,2018 #Bloom in ink#当你的才华还撑不起你的野心的时候

节目组: Bloom in Ink 墨海繁花 节目名称: 当你的才华还撑不起你的野心的时候开头曲:the song of doremi.A: Welcome to Bloom In Ink from VOE foreign languages radio station. I&`&m Andy.I&`&m Sakura.S:又是一个新的学期,接踵而来的是国二和四六级.时间不会停滞不前,而我们也要为了未来再努力一点点。It&`&s a new semester, and the National Computer Rank Examinationand College English Test Band 4 and Band 6 are coming.Timewon&`&t stop, and we&`&ll try more harder for the future.插曲1:Love lost...Love found.S:正如莫言所说:当你的才华还撑不起你的野心的时候,你就应该静下心来学习;当你的能力还驾驭不了你的目标时,就应该沉下心来历练。As Mo Yan said, when your talent can&`&t support your ambition, you should learn from it quietly. When your ability can&`&t control your goals, you should concentrate on your experience.A:梦想,不是浮躁,而是沉淀和积累。机会永远是留给最渴望的那个人,问问自己,想要怎样的人生,静心学习,耐心沉淀。这世上,总会有许多的不如意,也会有许多的不公平;会有许多的失落,也会有许多的羡慕。Dreams are not impetuous, but precipitation and accumulation. Opportunity is always left to the most eager person to ask yourself what kind of life you want, to learn and to be patient. In this world, there will always be a lot of dissatisfaction, there will be a lot of injustice, there will be a lot of loss, and there will be a lot of envy.S:你羡慕我的自由,我羡慕你的约束;你羡慕我的车,我羡慕你的房;你羡慕我的工作,我羡慕你每天总有休息时间。或许,我们都是远视眼,总是活在对别人的仰视里;或许,我们都是近视眼,往往忽略了身边的幸福。You envy my freedom, I envy your restraint; you envy my car, I envy your room; you envy my work, I envy you that you always have a break every day. Perhaps, we are short-sighted, often neglect the happiness around us. A:人,总会有智力、运气的差别;总会受环境、现实的约束;总会有人在你熟睡时,回想一天的得失;总会有人比你跑的快......参差不齐,才构成了这世界上一道道亮丽的风景。People always have differences in intelligence and luck. They are always constrained by environment and reality.There will always be someone who will remember the gains and losses of the day while you are sleeping. There will always be people running faster than you...The jagged edges make up the world&`&s beautiful scenery.It is a beautiful scenery in the world.S:卞之琳说:你站在桥上看风景,看风景的人在楼上看你。当你羡慕别人住着高楼大厦时,也许瑟缩在墙角的人,正羡慕你有一座可以遮风的草屋;当你羡慕别人坐在豪华车里,而失意于自己在地上行走时,也许躺在病床上的人,正羡慕你还可以自由行走......Bian zhilin said: you stand on the bridge to see the scenery, the people who see the scenery are upstairs to see you.When you admire someone living in a tall building, perhaps the person in the corner of the corner, is envious that you have a shelter that can cover the wind; When you admire people sitting in a luxury car, and you are frustrated when you walk on the ground, you may be lying in bed, admiring the fact that you are free to walk...A:有很多时候,我们往往不知道,自己在欣赏别人的时候,自己也成了别人眼中的风景。事实上,人生如一本厚重的书,有些书是没有主角的,因为我们忽视了自我;有些书是没有线索的,因为我们迷失了自我;有些书是没有内容的,因为我们埋没了自我......There are many times when we don&`&t know when we appreciate others, we become the scenery in others&`& eyes.In fact, life is like a heavy book, some books have no leading role, because we neglect ourselves;Some books have no clue, because we lose ourselves;Some books have no content, because we bury ourselves...S:与其在别人的辉煌里仰望,不如把握最真实的自己,更深刻地去解读自己......“你现在所有的轻松都是有人在替你负重前行”"所以,为了你自己和那些替你负重前行的人,请你变得更努力一点,更优秀一点"Instead of looking up in the glory of others, we should grasp the truest self and interpret ourselves more deeply..."All the relief you have now is someone who is carrying a load foryou.""So for yourself and for those who carry your burden,Please be a little bit harder and better."结束曲:TowerA:感谢制作任家豪!S:Bloom in ink will accompany you through every four seasons. Thank you for your listening, See you next week!A:感谢收听我们的节目,欢迎订阅微信公众号时代之声Radio,荔枝FM22808.每周一晚,我们一直都在等你.All:Bye节目监制:魏镜滟编辑:李硕播音:安楠&李硕制作:任家豪
3/19/201810 minutes, 24 seconds
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Nov. 30, 2017 #한류전선#《2017初雪》

节目组: 한류전선 韩流前线 节目名称:《2017初雪》A:친구들안녕하세요欢迎收听voe外语广播韩流前线我是播音李奕萱B:만나서반가워요我是播音金亨俊A:片片雪花零落,也许当时的你还沉浸在睡梦之中,也许你因为一些心事而失眠,正巧见证了初雪的到来,她是那样的纯净,以那样优雅的舞姿融进了大地的怀抱。清晨醒来,打开窗户,虽寒风有些刺骨,但相信当你看见雪的到来,一切已经没那么重要了,对你而言,初雪是冬天带来的最好的礼物。B:어제세벽올해의첫눈이내렸습니다. 모두가잠든사이내린눈이라내리는모습을본사람은많지않겠지만아침에눈앞에보이는눈덮인모습은겨울이우리에게주는가장좋은선물일것입니다.A:凡事以最初为美,像我们听过一见钟情,二人虽初次相见,却感慨相见恨晚。这种爱情实属不易,但是却可能是一些人所向往的,所以相比努力去争取她们选择静待缘分。B:사람들은모든일의처음이가장아름답다말합니다. 이말을들을때면우리가가장먼저떠올릴수있는게첫눈에반하는것인데요. 현실에서일어나긴힘들다는걸알고있지만하지만가끔사람들은그런인연을기대하고또기다리는것같습니다.A:再如第一次的经历,你或许还记得你学的第一个字,第一首诗,看过的第一篇文章,听过的第一首歌,结识的第一个朋友?这些都是生命中最宝贵的财富,凡事都是一点点累积的。B:여러분들은처음으로무슨일을했던것을기억하고있나요? 처음으로글을배우고처음으로책을읽고노래를들었다거나처음으로친구를사귀었던것이나그때그때가우리의삶속에서가장소중했던순간이아니었나생각합니다. 우리가매번경험했던"처음"이란것이모여가며지금의우리를이룬것이니까요.A:你可能因为那第一首诗而爱上文学,甚至决定了你以后身处何处。又或者因为结识的第一个朋友,让你相信了友谊,让你不再孤单,陪伴着你从稚嫩走向成熟。所以我们的内心并不贫穷,我们还在一点点的累积,还在一点点的成长。我们也并不是孤军奋战,因为我们还有亲情还有友情。A:我们经常会感慨自己变了,因为世界在变,人心在变,我们每天经历的事情在变,我们再也不是小时候的纯真可爱的孩童,可能丢失了最初的自我,我们在慢慢成长,在去适应这个世界,去肩负起自己的责任。B:우리는가끔우리가변했다고생각할때가있습니다. 하지만그것이우리가아닌우리의주변환경과우리가경험하고느끼는일들이변했기때문은아닐까요? 우리는항상천진난만한아이일수없고가끔은내자신이변했다고생각하겠지만그건변한게아닌환경에적응하고자기자신이어떤것에책임을질수있게된것이지안나생각이듭니다.A:有的人也许回到自己的家乡,回到自己原来生活的地方,去寻找最初的自我,因为他们想找回那个单纯的自己,这也正是好多人在工作之后还特意回到母校去上一节课,去感受学生时代无忧无虑的美好。B:가끔사람들은자신의고향으로돌아가거나예전의생활환경으로돌아가자신의순수했던모습을돌아보려할때가있는데요.. 사회에나가직장을다니다가끔은모교에돌아와예전의단순했던학창시절을떠올리는사람들도같은생각이지않을까생각해봅니다.A:所以说现在仍在校园的我们是幸福的,我们还在被保护着,我们还不会为了生活而四处奔波,我们不应该抱怨太多,守住最初的自我,坚持自己最初的梦想,不要让自己变成自己所讨厌的样子。B:앞으로사회에나가경쟁해야하는미래보다학교에서학생으로조금이나마순수할수있는지금너무많은것에불평하기보단학생으로서순수할수있는지금을잘보내며여러분들의꿈을이루길바랍니다.A:今天的节目到这里就 结束了,感 谢大家的收听,希望 能在寒 冷的季节给你带来心灵的慰藉 ,感 谢制作人王飞,我们下期再见!A&B:여러분안녕节目监制:金池 编辑:金池 金亨俊 播音:李奕萱 王芷筠 制作:王飞
11/30/201710 minutes, 55 seconds
Episode Artwork

Nov.29, 2017 #Bloom in Ink#Listen to silence from your heart

节目组: Bloom in Ink 墨海繁花 节目名称:Listen to silence from your heart 开头曲 艾莉娜之歌V:Hello everyone, welcome to Bloom In Ink from VOE foreign languages radio station. I'm Vanessa. B:I'm Bryel.V:欢迎收听VOE时代之声外文广播电台,我是魏镜滟B:我是杨璟琰插曲1 Oym-pfV:The sunglow covered the window curtains.It looks warm,but has riffle cold hint.Thinking about the annual autumn,that's the way it comes.Heart, like this autumn, without the joy of harvest.But there is a kind of earthly experience helpless.There's a disappointed feeling,It seems that we got It,we lost It, even seemed never get it.Years like cocoons, imagine the years of life, such as the changing seasons, again and again.My heart has a taste of metamorphosis......B:朝霞爬满窗幔,看似暖暖的,却有着阵阵凉意。想着一年一度的秋,就这样来临了。心如这秋,没了收获的喜悦。却有种尘世历练的无奈。更有种得到了,失去了,也似乎从来没有得到过的怅然。岁月如茧,想象着一生的岁月,如变幻的四季周而复始。我的心有种蜕变的味道…B:I like walking in the campus by myself, looking for a pure land, looking for a beautiful scenery...And then ask years for a quiet time, not too long, time for a cup of coffee is enough.V:喜欢一个人漫步在校园里,觅一方净土,寻一处美景… 然后向岁月讨一杯恬静的时光,不要太长,一杯咖啡的时间足以。V:Sit in a position near the window, outside the window is best covered with Wisteria lane.Medium rain on the fragmentation green slabstone, the coffee by hand spilled out faint fragrance, lingering in the air.If It can be a little more luxurious, I hope to see your light smile through the window.B:在一个靠近落地窗的位置坐下,窗外最好是爬满紫藤的小巷。不大不小的雨洒落在碎裂青石板上,手边的咖啡溢出出淡淡的香,萦绕在空气中。如果还能再奢侈一点,我希望透过窗户看到你轻浅微笑。B:Or break at an old house, watching the sun cast a little spot in the bamboo forest,holding a cup of tea, listening to the zitter, sitting anywhere. Close your eyes, and then take a deep breath..........Perhaps, I followed the life runing too fast, while looking back, the lights have been exhausted yeh. Suddenly I astonished to see that as for childhood, I have been drifting away!Those naivete thoughts gradually blurred ...... When did I grow up?There's no way to know,Vacation back, mom said that I grew up, but the growth did not give early youth and young people a clear boundary, so I think it is that moment that I grew up.Or I have been growing up all the time and just I did not perceive.V:或是在一座古老的房子下偷闲,看阳光在竹林下投下点点光斑,捧一杯清茶,听一曲古筝,随地而坐。闭上眼,深呼吸………或许,我跟着生活跑的太快,蓦然回首时,灯火都已阑姗。才惊恐的发现,孩童时期,我已经渐行渐远!那些天真烂漫的想法逐渐模糊……我到底是什么时候长大了呢?无从得之,放假回去,妈妈她说我长大了,但是成长并未给少年与青年以明确的界限,所以我想许是哪一瞬间我便长大啦吧?又或是一直以来我都在成长只是不曾察觉到罢了.V:Thinking is thoughts goes too fast, but the soul is still on the road around,I can't take me out of myself, stay out of time, standing on the ferry of life, watching the crowd surging, and the flowers bloom.I thought that It would be better to have a pocket of memories.Walk and pick up,When you get old, shake your rocking chair and nap,Suddenly remembered and open It again, I hope that my pocket was full of memories, let me count the passage of time in the old age.B:想是思想走的过快,灵魂却还在路上张望,我无法把自己抽空,置身在时间之外,站在人生的渡口,看着人潮涌动,花开花落。我想,若是有一个记忆的口袋该多好呀,边走边拾,等到年老摇着藤椅打盹时,忽而想起再打开,我希望到那时,我那口袋里载有着满满回忆,好让我在年老时细数流逝的光阴。B:A flash of thinking, but thinking again, is it the speed of my life? See the scenery on the road of life?Or a friend's intimate words, or a period of unforgettable love, even no words of affection.The noise will make life and discomposure miss too much, while the survival of the society let me continue forward......Under the tangled, I chose to let the noisy and quiet parallel, secular and transcendental synchronization……V:转瞬的思维却又在思考是不是该匀速我的人生?看看人生路上的风景呢?或是一个朋友的贴心话,或是一段刻骨铭心的爱情,亦或是不需言语的亲情。生活的嘈杂会让心乱而错过太多,而生存的社会又让我不断的向前……纠结之下,我选择了让嘈杂与恬静并行,世俗与超凡同步……V:However, the heart is long to make the world just calm down and slow down with my heart. The dawn,the sunset, the wind, the moon, the spring, the summer, the autumn, and the winter ... Everything is beautiful.B:然而内心却是多么想让世界也随我的心就这样静下来,慢下来!朝霞,夕阳,晓风,残月,春花,夏蝉,秋风,冬雪…无一不是美好景致。结束曲 Five Hundred MilesV:感谢制作任家豪!B:Thank you for your listening, see you next week!V:感谢收听我们的节目,欢迎订阅微信公众号时代之声Radio,荔枝FM22808,春风十里,我们一直都在等你!All:Bye! 节目监制:魏镜滟编辑:杨璟琰播音:魏镜滟 杨璟琰制作:任家豪
11/29/201713 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork

Nov.28, 2017 #The World Says#Travel Around The World

节目组: The World Says 世界说 节目名称:Travel Around The World开头曲 Moon RiverEsther:Hello,Mute,History!Long time no see.History:Comeon!Esther!Just a week!Mute:Eummm,how was you guys reviewing?History:No,my mind is off my way.The winter holiday is coming.So I'm going to have a trip,and can you recommend me some resorts?插曲1 ДайМнеМинутуСТоMute: Добропожаловать в москве(欢迎来到莫斯科). History: Wow, What is that? Sounds like Russian?Mute: Yes! So the next, let me introduce something about Moscow.Esther: The first one come to my mind is the Red Square.Mute: Yep, краснаяплощадь(红场). Ha-ha. In Russian, everything is radiating from Moscow to all parts of the country. And for local people, the Moscow is the center of whole world.History: That makes me thinking about the people living in Beijing. For them, the place where they live is the whole world.Mute: Hum, a sort of like that. And there is one more thing similar with Beijing which is in Moscow ,there also has the second ring of road, third ring of road like that.Esther: You know what? The ring road always give me the feeling that there is strong culture exist.Mute: You right! As we all know, in Russian , ballet, Vasily Church, metro.History: I know ballet, it is common for people now. VasilyChurch ,hum not interested, can you give us more details about metro in Moscow?Mute: Sure! The metro in Moscow is one of the most large metro in the world. It is generally accepted as the world’s most beautiful metro.History: Wow, that must be interesting! All the metro that I have seen almost same.Esther: But in Moscow, it’s goanna be different, imagine that, you are in a metro which is just like an art museum.Mute: So, only use one word, warmth to describe Moscow people is not enough, and don’t forget Vodka.Esther: Ah, liquor!Mute: Yep, have you guys try that?History, Esther: NO!Mute: Neither do I. Talking about the Vodka, there is a lot to say. водка means tiny amounts of water. Actually, in 1533, Vodka is used to disinfection or clean the wound. After that, someone try to taste that, he felt good. Until now, Vodka becomes a strong wine. However, it is just one of the origins.History: Oh, Blabla, you are really a talker!Mute: What?History: You dare let some else to tell history which History doesn’t know to “History”.Mute: Oh, my ….Esther: Ok, ladies let.Mute: I’m not a lady!Esther: Fine,shall we move to the next to stop?History: Okay, so where you wanna introduce to us?Esther: I can't hardly wait to talk about the best tourist destination which gains a lot of likes from the whole world.Mute:Wow,soundsattractive. It must be located in Europe with a long history.Esther: You guess wrong.Actually,it lies in southern China and is well-known as a globalizing metropolis插曲 2 粤语部分Mute:Wow,someone saying another bird language.I guess we arrive at HongKong.Esther:Congratulation!You got it right!I have to say it's a shopping paradise!Mute:Yeah,from international top brands to local feature goods,all of these could be purchased in HK at a lower price than the mainland because of no taxation.History:Are there any good places to go shopping you would recommend?Esther:Emmm..TsimShaTsui!(尖沙咀) It lies in the southern of Kowloon(九龙). It is no exaggeration to say that is the crucial commercial center and tourism destination.Mute:To be frank,shopping is not my cup of tea.Esther:Don'tworry,although there is not much room,it is not only a commercialized society.Mute:Goon!I need your travel guides!Esther:Bepatient!Please let me ask a question Have you see the movies of Karwai Wong(王家卫)?History,Mute:Of course!History:One of my favorite movie is his Chungking Express(重庆森林).Esther:Yeap,its main scenes comes from Chungking Mansions which located in Kowloon that I have mentioned before and LanKwai Fong(兰桂坊).History:According to the movie plot,they are completely opposite places.Esther:That's a good summary.One is a budget guest house where you could always meet southeast Asians and the other is upmarket area where you may meet white office workers.Mute:Sounds like the rich and the poor live in a small house.History:Or you could say people of all colors live in a "village".Esther:Anyway,HK is an amazing place and what it contains is forever foever over your head.Besides,the best way to know about it is to walk up to it.插曲3 Moon RiverHistory:But according to my last visiting experience,I think it is pretty significant to make a tourism strategy.Esther:That's it.Mute:And I wonder what do you mean by that?History:Just like scenic spot,transportation,accommodation and so on...Nowadays,people are tired of the uniform route,So we need to get well prepared to have an enjoyable tourism.Mute:Oh,I got it,but I think it is unnecessary.History:Excuseme,why you think it is unnecessary?Mute:I just mean if you prepared all the things perfectly,there won't be a lot of fun.And I think it is the process that really important.Esther:You must be mistaken.Why we do tourism strategy is to use time effectively instead of planning everything.Only in this way can we have more time to enjoy our tourism.Mute:OK,each to his own.History:Don't be so serious.Tourism is a wonderful thing,isn't it?Esther:Sure.Travelling with friends must be the best thing.History:Oh,everytime I travelled with my parents.I've never been out with my friends.It's a pity.Esther:You can go with me next time.History:Good idea!Mute:Wow!Wow!Wow!Have you forgot someone?Esther:You?Mute:Of course not.It's Sherlock.History:I think he will be glad to travel with us.插曲 4 Moon RiverMute:Oh,it's time to finish now.Just look back our big day dream,the first station is Moscow,there'smetro,Voldka.Esther:When talking about HongKong,I really want to go home where is near to HongKong.And the winter holiday is coming.I'm looking forward to traveling there once again.History:And I want to go to Japan to see the Sakura,the status of liberty in America and hear the sound of Big Ben in England,and I want...Mute:Wakeup,mykids!I don't care about what you wannado.Shall we finish our program firstly?We still have a lot to do now.History:Oh,it is time to finish now.Mute:Hope everyone can have a good trip.And if you enjoy our program,do visit our WeChat,official account,时代之声 radio.我是播音刘博。This is Mute.See you on the other side.Esther:我是播音张依雪,this is Esther.Keep the heart with all diligence;for out of it are the issues of life.History:VOE世界说欢迎你,感谢制作_,我是播音何嘉欣History.Look before you leap.我们下期见结束曲 Moon River节目监制:苗世钰编辑:刘博张依雪何嘉欣制作:张燚铭
11/28/201712 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork

Nov.27, 2017 #Music Bang Bang# The Bgm of Ads

节目组: Music Bang Bang 音乐大爆炸 节目名称:The Bgm of Ads开头曲 GoldL:Hello,everybody.Welcome to Music Bang Bang from VOE foreign languages radio station.I'm Liz. J:Hi,my lovely audience.This is Jotta.Hey,Liz.Lately I found some songs are pleasant to hear.L:I'm listening. 插曲1 Gold L:Is that the song called Gold?J:Have you listened this song before?L:I have watched an advertisement of iwatch.This is the background music of it.J:Wow.I didn't know that at all!L:This song is so interesting,Justin Bieber has taken a video about himself and sent it to his INS.The BGM was this song too.And he is really cute.J:Okay.Ok. You really know him. 一看你就是他的真爱粉啊!L:Yes, when I was in primary school,I began to pay attention to him.At that time,I was so young.L:Oh,here's a song that I have heard at that period.Let me recommend to you . 插曲 2 我在那一角落患过伤风 J:Oh,I know this song.It's the BGM of 步步高 mobile phone's advertisement.But,does it have a name?L:Of course.It's called 我在那一角落患过伤风.And the singer is 冯曦妤.She keeps a low profile,working behind the scenes and singing carefully.J:Her voice is clear and melodious.It makes me feel comfortable.And I remember that 宋慧乔 featured this advertisement.It was a good match.L:Yes,so,this advertisement impressed people a lot.By the way,she got married with 宋仲基 lately.She's still beautiful. 插曲3 Free loopJ:既然提起了因为广告而火的歌,那就不得不说一下free loop了。L:I think I haven't heard it.J:Actually,I had same feeling when my friend played this song to me.L:诶,这么一听,感觉是福特汽车的广告曲。J:You're right! 插曲 4 Dream It Possible J:Now,we will introduce today's last song.这是华为与好莱坞共同打造的国际版海外推广短片的背景音乐。It's called Dream It Possible.J:Liz,Do you have seen this short film? L:Yeah.It tells a girl called Anna,she has a dream of piano.Anna fought for it for 15 years,and finally,she became one of the best pianist who could show at The Gold Hall of Vienna.J:I was deeply touched by this video and I think this song is awesome!L: 是的,你什么时候见过一首企业的宣传曲可以上热歌榜?华为做到了!J:不单单是因为这首歌承载了无数追梦人的执着与信念,更代表了华为成为民族的顶梁柱而带给我们的感动与自豪。中华有为,华人可为!J:OK.It’s time to see goodbye again.J:欢迎大家订阅我们的微信公众号时代之声radio,网易云音乐music bang bang电台以及荔枝fm,更多精彩内容等着你的发现。See you! 结束曲 Dream It Possible节目监制:韩平治编辑:朱子业 马懿慈播音:朱子业 马懿慈制作:朱子业
11/27/201713 minutes, 31 seconds
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Nov. 25, 2017 #日本语ドリームワークス#日本的双十一

节目组: 日本语ドリームワークス 日语梦工厂 节目名称:日本的双十一A:皆さん、こんばんは、VOE日本語ドリームワークスへようこそB:日语梦工厂A:为梦想起航,我是主播梁远鹏B:我是主播吉旭灵A:今年的双十一我又是不出意外的一个人过的。B:哎呀,你不是都习惯了嘛,再说了不还有淘宝陪你嘛。A:别提了,过完双十一,我剩下的半个月只能吃土来度过。B:你还能吃土,我估计连土都吃不起了。A:其实在日本11月11日这天有许多纪念日。B:那都有什么纪念日呀。A:别着急请听我慢慢道来。B:欢迎回到日语梦工厂,今天我们将给大家介绍一下日本的双十一。A:特に日本人にとって一番認知されている11月11日の記念日は「ポッキー&プリッツの日」です!日本での大人気お菓子、ポッキーとプリッツはその形が数字の1に似ていることから記念日に認定され、今では広告やCMのおかげで知っている人は多いです!特に何をするわけでもなくみんなでポッキーやプリッツを食べたりしますB:尤其对日本人来说最熟悉的,11月11日是“百奇和百利滋” 的纪念日。因为在日本很受欢迎的零食百奇、百利滋的形状和数字1相似,所以被定为纪念日现在由于看板广告和CM的宣传被很多人知晓。这一天也并不是要做什么特别的事,大家只是一起吃pocky、百乐滋之类的。A:他にも11月11日は記念日が多い日ランキングでも2位となっており、とても良い縁起のいい日となっています。ポッキーの日以外にも、11月11日は麺の日(11月11日の1111が麺の細長いイメージにつながることから)もやしの日(1111がもやしくを4本並べたように見えることから由来)サッカーの日(サッカーが11人対11人で行うことから)B:此外,11月11日是个纪念日很多的日子,排名第二的是个很吉祥的纪念日。除了“pocky日"之外,11月11日还是荞麦面日(因为11月11日的“1111”让人联想到 细长 的荞麦面条) 豆芽日(“1111”看上去像4根豆芽 排列在一起)电池 日(由于把数字的 部分写成汉字“十一十一”,看上去像电池的正反极 )足球日(因为足球是11人对11人比赛的) 等等很多很多纪念日! A:などなど本当にもたくさんの記念日があります! ですがこんなにたくさんの記念日があっても 中国 のシング ルディ のようにとても大きなイ ベントはありません>< 日本では年々結婚しない人、できない人が増えており、未婚率が最高記録を更新しています。それにともない出生率も年々下がってきています。B:但是,即使有那么多的纪念日,像中国光棍节那样的大 型活动 是没有的。现在在日本,不结婚或者不能结婚的人不断增多,未婚率刷新了一个最高纪录。随着未婚率的增高,出生率年年下降。A: 今の日本の現状からみても11月11日を日本も中国のようにシングルディにして 楽しめる日をつくったらいいのになと思います!中国でも日本でもシングルの人にとって楽しい日になることを願っています!B: 从日本的现状来看,我觉得 日本也能把11月11日定 成像中国的光棍节 一样让单身们能感到快乐的日子就好了。 中国也好日本也好,希望对于单身的人来说这是个快乐的日子。A:ではみなさんに質問 です! 中国 の11月11日はどのようなイベントがありますか?また どういったことをしますか?^^ みなさんからのコメン ト待ってます~~!B: 接下来提 问咯 !中国 的11月11日有什么活动? 要做什么事呢?期待大家的回复!其实在日本双十一还有很多其他节日比如1993年开始日本袜子协会正式把11月11日定为 袜子日,日本的情侣会 在这一天互送袜 子来 表达爱 意,还有因为大 部分花生的壳中 都有 两粒果 实,因此日本花生协会,自1985年起将11月11日定为“花生 日”, 取“成双成对”之意,虽然节 日性质翻 天覆地,但核心思想完全没变,反正都是秀恩爱。A:双十一 没有抢到心怡商品的同学 不要着急,我们还有双十二,双十一没有脱单同学也不用担心,毕竟我们一直单着。B:双十一 忙着购物脱单的小伙伴 们,告 诉你们一个好消息 ,不要 忘了我们 已经接近考试了,希望大家能够考得一个好成绩A:好了今天的节目 到这 里就接近尾声了, 感谢辛勤付出的 后期制作于越,更要感谢同学们长久以来的关心与支持。B:如果 你有什么好的建议 和想 法,可以关注 我们的 微信公众号“VOERadi o”,来给我们留言,说出你的想法。A:让我们在优美的歌声中结束本期节目,我们下期再见,拜拜。节目监制: 袁蕴宁 播音: 梁远鹏 吉旭灵 编辑: 梁远鹏 吉旭灵 制作: 胡捷
11/25/20179 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

Nov.24,2017#Screen Age#Forrest Gump

节目名称:Screen Age 荧屏时代 节目主题:Forrest Gump开头曲I’m Forrest...Forrest Gump-Alan SilvestriD: Hello, my dear audience, welcome back to VOE. l am yourold friend. Hey, would you like to tell me your IQ .S: You&`&re so smart and you can guess it. Well, OK, let me tellyou. It is 115. But why are you asking this question suddenlytoday?D: Because the hero in our movie today is a man with low IQ.But you should not underestimate him. He has done many greatthings and received the President&`&s interview as a hero. S: Ah, I see. You&`&re talking about Forrest Gump. He&`&s a reallygreat man. D: Yes, especially he doesn&`&t forget the original heart whenevery eyes are for him and keep the pure goodness, which isalso my most admired quality.插曲1I’m Forrest...Forrest Gump-Alan SilvestriI: Forrest Gump is a simple man with a low I.Q. but goodintentions. He is running through childhood with his best andonly friend Jenny.SH: His &`&mama&`& teaches him the ways of life and leaves him tochoose his destiny. Forrest joins the army for service inVietnam, finding new friends called Dan and Bubba, he winsmedals, creates a famous shrimp fishing fleet, inspires peopleto jog, starts a ping-pong craze, creates the smiley, writesbumper stickers and songs, donates to people and meets thepresident several times. I: However, this is all irrelevant to Forrest who can only thinkof his childhood sweetheart Jenny Curran, who has messed upher life. Although in the end all he wants to prove is thatanyone can love anyone. SH: As we all know, the theme of this film is I’m Forrest...Forrest Gump. There is no doubt that it is really classical. It justlike the life of Gump’s, simple but gorgeous. At the beginningof the film, a feather floated in audiences’ view with thisfamous song.I: It also float in our hearts. It was composed by AlanSdlverstri, who composed some famous films’ themes, like TheBodyguard, Night at the Museum and so on. He won the 67theBest Original Song of the Academy Awards with this song.插曲2You’re No Different-Alan SilvestriD: Thomas Jeffrey Hanks, who played Forrest in ForrestGump, born in July 9th, 1956 in California.He is a two-timeAcademy Award-winning American film actor, Emmy-winningdirector, voice-over artist and movie producer. He had starredin family-friendly and screwball comedies before achievingnotable success as a dramatic actor in "Philadelphia" and"Forrest Gump". C: As of September 24, 2006, Hanks is the highest-grossinglead actor of all time, with a combined gross of over USD$3.3billion and a worldwide gross of nearly $6 billion. In ForrestGump, Hanks explained what appealed to him about the script:"When I read the script for Gump, I saw it as one of those kindof grand, hopeful movies that the audience can go to and feel ."D: I think Tom Hanks is a phenomenal actor! He has achievedremarkable success in his career. Even greater though, for me,is his contribution in supporting same-sex marriage. His effortspaid from the mundane, step by step, the hard way towards theidol is the real reason why people like them.C: Robin Gayle Wright, born in April 8, 1966, had playedJenny in Forrest Gump. She is an American actress anddirector. She starred as Claire Underwood in the Netflixpolitical drama web television series House of Cards, for whichshe won the Golden Globe Award for Best Actress – TelevisionSeries Drama in 2013, making her the first actress to win aGolden Globe for a web television series. Wright has alsoreceived consecutive "Primetime Emmy " nominations in theOutstanding Lead Actress – Drama category for "House ofCards" between 2013 and 2017.插曲3You’re No Different-Alan SilvestriSH: How brilliant the plot is! Due to many wonderful part, ithas a great influence in the society.S: Right. This movie is exposed to such a complex socialcontext, so the purity and insistence of humanity arehighlighted to be very valuable.This is why the audience aremoved by it and affects many people. In this movie, Jenny&`&sattitude to Gumpchanged with the variation of the society.Jenny went through thick and thin and back to Gump in theend. That shows what is true love.SH: However, it is not only a love story but also a powerfulcharming movie. It tells about an amazing story that teachesyou so much about life and the meaning of it.S: Yeah. As the classic line, "My mama always said life waslike a box of chocolates, you never know what you gonna get. "Gives many people strength. Like many other people, themeaning of this movie to me is that although life may throw ustrials and tribulations like a box of chocolates but we have tojust bite into it and get through it even if we do not like it.插曲4You Can’t Sit Here-Alan SilvestriD: How time flies! Today&`&s program is here. I hope you cankeep a pure heart in this floating world.S: That&`&s a simple also a hard thing to do. Well, we&`&ll see younext Friday. Bye~D: Bye bye.结束曲You Can’t Sit Here-Alan Silvestri节目监制:赛碧乐 编辑:毕鑫屹 邹佳琳 孟萌萌 孙晨棣 张桐珲 王雪莹 姜晓璐 播音:孟萌萌 孙晨棣 张桐珲 王雪莹 姜晓璐 制作:张宇航
11/24/201711 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

Nov.22, 2017 #Bloom in Ink#致亲爱的你

节目组: Bloom in Ink 墨海繁花 节目名称: To My Dear Love开头曲 伤情V:Hello everyone, welcome to Bloom In Ink from VOE foreign languages radio station. I&`&m Vanessa. E:I&`&m Edwin.V:欢迎收听VOE时代之声外文广播电台,我是魏镜滟E:我是赵作章C:我是陈璐(幸运听众)插曲 突然好想你 V:We live as usual everyday. Fetch water, cook and take medcines at time. We just like a piece of pericarpium citri reticulatae when cover with the warm sunlight, and drink chrysanthemum, lemon, rose and jasmine by turns. Those beautiful things lead me to the road of spring, so I restrained the pure,spring-like snow from the bottom of my heart, read your poems in a clean countryard, Love in mortal world just like a sparrow which suddenly went by, and I&`&m afraid I am not good at take my sorrow to read your poems in bright life. If I sent you a book, it will not be poetry anthology, but one about plant. It may tell you the difference between paddy and barnyard grass, and tell you how those barnyard grass be afraid in spring.E:每天一遍一遍的活着,打水,煮饭,按时吃药,像一块陈皮,把自己丢进刚好的阳光里。菊花,柠檬,玫瑰,茉莉,喝过几番也不烦腻。这些美好的事物仿佛把我往春天的路上带,让我一次次按住内心过于洁白过于接近春天的雪,在干净的院子里读你诗歌留下的感慨。我不适合肝肠寸断,而光阴皎洁,这人间情事恍惚如突然飞过的麻雀。若让我给你寄一本书,那不会是诗歌,我要给你一本关于植物和庄稼的,告诉你稻子和稗子的区别,告诉你一颗稗子提心掉胆的春天。V:Once think about these regrets in my life, the plum blossom fall down. Albeit the things full of danger are beautiful, just like see a girl swim across the river, or climb a ladder made of pine,both are not better than see a girl with a warm cheek, rides a horse comes back. I look down and respond the emperor, and that girl sits in the mirrow as before, looks outside from window. Every time, as I think about those regrats, plum blossom fall down from the south mountain.E:想起一生中的遗憾,梅花便落了下来。危险的事固然美丽,恰如登上松木梯子,或是看伊人游到河的彼岸。不,这都不如看她骑马归来,面颊温暖。我委身回应君主。而她坐到镜中常坐的地方望着窗外,只要想起一生中后悔的事,那梅花便落了南山。V:A storm occupied the river valley, a fish occupied the river, I made you big as my loneliness, to hide in this huge world. We know each other day and night, for nothing, but to see my imagination of you, to see the world both in your eyes. E:一场风暴占满了河谷,一条鱼占满了河。我把你造得像我的孤独一样大,整个世界好让我们躲藏,好让我们互相了解,只为了在你的眼睛里不再看到别的,只看到我对你的想象,只看到你形象中的世界,还有你眼帘控制的日日夜夜。:If you come like my recent autumn, I&`&ll sweep away the summer with a little smile. If you will come one year later, I will roll every months up and put in different drawers to avoid confuse. If……if that will be centuries of times, I&`&ll count by my finger, until they fall down. If we won&`&t meet in this life, I don&`&t mind to give up my life to taste the sweet of eternity. But I cannot concern now. The waiting confused me,just like a bee full of aggressivity.E:如果你如秋天般到来,我会以浅浅笑容和微微的排拒,轻轻将夏天掸开。若你一年后才来,我就將每个月份卷起,放在不同的抽屉里,免得混淆了日期。如果只不过是耽搁数个世纪,我就用手指来细数,直到指头都脱落,掉在蛮荒之地。假如确定我们会在生命之后相遇,我会挥掷生命同果皮,以品尝永恒的甜蜜。但是现在仍无法确定,这期间的等待困扰着我,如一只伺机又不肯扎刺的蜜蜂,蠢蠢欲动。V:I still remembered,when I first met you, you like an old warm light with deep-feeling face and the most soft smile. Those gave me an ability to love, just like a bright make this stygian world brighter.When you didn&`&t come to my world, my step was firm and my thought was wise. But now, I flurried, scared, as the ice melted into water,run into the direction you are stand in somewhere. Maybe one thing, I should tell you early, that is I love you.E:我只记得初次见你,你像一束古老温暖的光,有着最深情的面孔和最柔软的笑意,在炎凉的世态之中灯火一样给予我边走边爱的能力。你尚未出现时,我轩昂阔步行走,动辄料事如神,生命平静。而如今我惶乱,怯弱,像冰融的春水,流向不知在何处的你。或许,我早该告诉你,我是多么的爱你。结束曲 情书 E:感谢制作任家豪!A:Thank you for your listening, see you next week!E:感谢收听我们的节目,欢迎订阅微信公众号时代之声Radio,荔枝FM22808,春风十里,我们一直都在等你!All:Bye!节目监制:魏镜滟编辑:魏镜滟 赵作章播音:魏镜滟 赵作章 陈璐(幸运听众)制作:任家豪
11/21/201710 minutes, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork

Nov.14, 2017 #The World Says# the Victoria's secret

节目组: The World Says 世界说 节目名称:the Victoria's secret开头曲 TryL: hello everyone! Welcome back to our program. This is the world says ,I'm Lima.V: hi guys! I'm vivianM:I'm. mia.L: well, did you heard that the Victoria's secret are going to be hold in shanghai ? that’s the third time they hold aboard in 17 years.V:I've heard that. But, to be honest, I'm poor in this kind of showsM: did you? It's not ture! Everybody love the Victoria's secretL: look like you're a crazy fans .M: all right ,I am.crazy about the Victoria's secret show for many yearsV: sound's cool, Can you introduce Victoria's secret to us? 插曲1 TryM: I'd love to, In 1995, wimi held her first fashion show, which was reported by the global media as the "century underwear event". Every big show not only has the Victoria's secret angels wearing the dream wings, but also will have a diamond-studded dream bra to be displayedL:well,I have to say in addition to the show itself, the angels are also very beautiful M:yeah, Many models pride themselves on signing Victoria's secretV: the former Victoria's secret angels, such as Gisele、 Kerr are well-knownL: In addition to the Victoria's secret angels, other models for big brands are also great, Liu wen is one of the best supermodels in China right nowV: The fashion industry has been inseparable from good models and photographers M:you're right.L: Yes, we can take advantage of this opportunity to ummM:to show you the fashion industry hahahaL:So those are just warm up, right?V:yeahM:of couseL:fashion blends in every parts of our life, for instance , cosmetics and clothing.V: And that their brands are constantly updating different fashion elements for their products. Do you know some things about them?M:em…I just know some international brands such as Armani,Dior,Channel.Their bags and lipsticks are really beautiful!But I don't know a lot about the stories .L:oh~I have heard the originator of Dior.He is a French man named Christin Dior,who experienced a very hard time .He had neither a work nor a family .Fortunately,he had a chance to design .In the later years,Dior never give up,eventually,he created this famous brand .V:Wow,his spirit of insistence makes me feel respectable.M:Yeah,France deserves to be the country of fashion.V:Actually,there're so many fashion elements in our daily life.L:Yes,for example,this year's fashion mark is loose pants.M:Winter is coming,the wave of snow boots will be roled up.V:Speaking of snow boots,the most famous must be the UGG.It maybe have a new series of shoes this year.But at first snow boots are called “ugly sheepskin boots ”in Australia.L:Ugly!? I think it's so warm that we don't have to worry about the cold weather.M:In my opinion,fashion is supposed to be pretty and useful.V:What's more,fashion is beauty,prevalence and individuality. The style which fits you is the best.Going after fashion is also an art which can enrich yourself and fashion always keep pace with the time.L:But,in my view,some people have a false understanding of fashion.M:Yes,Now that we're here, let's talk about the real fashion industry, because there's a lot of confusion about fashion nowL:Some people always follow others' step,so they don't have their own opinion.As a result,they can't even find the best style which fits them best.M:It's true,and recently there's a worse situation that some people are doing unreasonable things which are harmful to themselves.V:So this is what we mentioned before that they are going after fashion in a wrong way .M:Yeah,nowadays,a common phenomenon is that when someone wears something that has not been seen before, soon after you will see many people wear the same clothes.I think it is unspoken. 插曲 2 The show V:I also notice it.And people are keen to buy something that appear in TV series and buy the same paragraph only because his favourite idol has worn it not because he likes it,which is irrational.L:Just like what you say,fashion means individuality not follow the footsteps of others.We should have our own style which is not influenced by others.M:You know,I often focus on entertainment news.Idols private dress is a hot topic The media often put what stars wear on the front page of entertainment.This leads to care more about what they wear.So you can see idols often wear all kinds of popular logo in public places.L:Then there will be a rush,this is also a way of spreading fashion.V:Oh,I have the same hobby as you.I have to say i really appreciate yangmi's style, a great match.And there was a joke that she had brought hundreds of private outfits.L:Wow,that is brilliant.Have you heard china fashion magazine,which is a very authoritative fashion textbook.If you want to be looked stylish,you can absorb the popular elements from the magazine.L:Sure,us college students should build up a correct view of going after fashion.M:That is great.In today's world,fashion is not limited and is diversified.And fashion can be up to you.V:Ok,that is all for today'show,it is time to say goodbye again.Do you have a new understanding of fashion through today's program?L:This is Shenyang agriculture university voice of era,foreign language radio.we are from the world says.i am Lima.M:欢迎大家关注voe 外语广播电台的微信公众号时代之声radio.感谢制作iris我们下期再见。LMV:Bye~ 结束曲 The show节目监制:苗世钰编辑:窦雪飞,马一冉,翟明慧播音:窦雪飞,马一冉,翟明慧制作:张燚铭
11/21/201711 minutes, 56 seconds
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Nov.20, 2017 #Music Bang Bang#Justin Bieber

节目组: Music Bang Bang 音乐大爆炸 节目名称:Justin Bieber开头曲I'm the one -Justin BieberY:Hello, everybody, Welcome to Music Bang Bang from VOE foreign languages radio station. I’m Alisa.Z:Hey,I’m Atlanta .It's such a good time,and it's so good to meet you all .Y:This evening is also impressing,we've heard such an euphoric melody just now.Z:Yes,Alisa.I have known that you like electronic music very much.It is exactly what you like.Isn't it?Y:Yeah,it's heated and energetic.Let's enjoy more.插曲Despacito (Remix)-Luis Afonso/Daddy Yankee/Justin BieberY:Wow,The music is so good,What is it?Z:Ah,it’s called Despacito.Y:It sounds like a forgeign language song.Some single syllable is difficult to understand.Z:Yeah,I think so.Some parts of it is sung in Spanish.It's mixed by a well-known singer,Do you know who is the composer?Y:It sounds like a remixed music ,where does the singer come from?Z:Canada.And his gossips shocked people lately in the newspaper and on line.Can you say who he is?Y:Canada?Gossips?May be Justin Bieber.Z:Yeah,smart you.The composers' fans must have already known.Despacito is written by Erika Ender ,Luis Fonsi and Daddy Yankee.Y: I've heard that Justin Bieber joined the song three months later.And the song he involved hit the music Stage.Z:You are right.On May 27 2017,the remixed version topped the billboard ,becoming the first spanish-language song to win the title in 21 years.Y:这首歌的创作始于2015年,Fonsi想写一首“旋律有趣、带着拉丁风情、唱起来很舒服又能让人跟着起舞的歌曲”Z:Justin first heard the song at Columbia Bar.He was impressed by it and he quickly contacted the producer.He wanna reproduce it.Y:He headed for their studio, and learned the Spanish Pronunciation for a long time.Z:Yeah,it is said that they just recorded for 1 hour,and only four days later,the song was officially launched.Y:Without further ado,let's enjoy it together!插曲Sorry-Justin BieberY:It's one of my favourite song of Bieber.It is included in Justin Bieber's fourth album.Z:Sorry is Justin Bieber's second single in the Billboard 100 singles list, winning the first place in2016.And the song was nominated for the Billboard Music Award “Best Selling Song”.Y:Yeah,the song was created by Julia Mike's personal experience.Julia wrote it before knowing him,but she knew that he is a very emotional person,who contacted things with a lot of emotions.She thought she could use his character to write songs for him.Z:The creation of sorry is to express a person in a certain moment suddenly realizing his mistake and determining to apologize to each other in his daily life.Y:You know what, when Justin first heard this song, he was so exited just like discovering a valued treasure.Because he felt that this was what he really wanted.Z:You got it.Now,let's enjoy it.插曲What do you mean - Justin BieberY:You know what,I love this rhythm,the special feeling belongs to Bieber.Z:Yeah,It's a popular song by Justin Bieber.His inspiration came from his puzzlement to girls,he wanted to know what the girls were really thinking.Y:So he wrote this song to express the confusion of the girls.And do you know the song also won the UK,France,Europe,Australia and other twenty regional music charts champion.Z:That's really great.Even if he has bad news,his talent is undeniable.Y:Well,bad boys have different ways.The song was a climax from the beginning to the end.Z:His own music has his own feelings.It looks like he was growing up and hopes him get better.Y:My legs can't stop shaking,this cute song for everyone.插曲Ernie Meenie - Justin BieberY:流水般的歌曲,铁打的Bieber,不愧是高产量的王者,现在Bieber的每首歌都很火也很好听,喜欢他唱歌时的自信和快乐,经历过巅峰也堕落过的他,音乐从来都很好,话不多说,让我们继续听歌。Z:Thank you for your listening, and welcome to join VOE, and welcome to join Music Bang Bang. See you next time.Y:感谢收听我们的节目,欢迎订阅微信公众号时代之声Radio,荔枝FM22808.Z:欢迎加入VOE,加入音乐大爆炸!春风十里,我们,一直都在等你。All:See you next time. 节目监制:韩平治编辑:温彦博 周宇琦 阎孝通播音:温彦博 周宇琦 阎孝通制作:李金声
11/19/201710 minutes, 31 seconds
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Nov. 18, 2017 #日本语ドリームワークス# 日文诗歌

节目组: 日本语ドリームワークス 日语梦工厂 节目名称:日文诗歌A:皆さん、こんばんは、VOE日本語ドリームワークスへようこそB:日语梦工厂A:为梦想起航,我是主播梁远鹏B:我是主播吉旭灵A:相信很多同学都没有听够我们的上期节目,今天,我们会继续我们的特别节目B:那么今天的节目就由我先来起个头吧不惧迅雨不畏疾风不避寒冬与酷暑吾有强壮身躯无贪欲 不动怒时常静处自乐日食半升粗米佐以豆酱与少许蔬菜世上诸事 置之度外细听查看 铭记于心草原松林旷野居于茅舍屋中东有疾病孩童 送药治病西有疲累老妪 背稻助耕南有将逝之人 慰藉安神北有口角斗殴 息事宁人逢旱落泪 冷夏忧心世人称吾愚昧不受赞誉 亦不受苦即使如此 我愿为之C:大家好,我是田岳枫,下面由我带感知我心D:我是吴鹏,雨ニモマケズごほう雨にも負けず風にも負けず雪にも夏の暑さにも負けぬ丈夫な体を持ち欲はなく決して瞋らずいつも静かに笑っている一日に 玄米4合と 味噌と少しの野菜を食べあらゆることを自分の勘定に入れずによく見聞きし分かりそして忘れず野原の松の林の蔭の小さな茅葺きの小屋にいて東に病気の子供あれば行って看病してやり西に疲れた母あれば行ってその稲の束を負い南に死にそうな人あれば行って怖がらなくてもいいと言い北に喧嘩や訴訟があればつまらないから止めろと言い日照りのときは涙を流し寒さの夏はおろおろ歩きみんなにデクノボーと呼ばれほめられもせず苦にもされずそういうものに 私はなりたいA: 下面我给大家带来日文诗 眠れず雨(あめ)がやんでしまった希望(きぼう)はいつも振り返る(ふりかえる)ときえてる 雾(きり)のように懐(なつ)かしい匂(にお)いだけ残(のこ)してこの町を离(はな)れていく谁かに、伝(つた)えるはずだった爱(いと)しさは仆の肺(はい)にすいこまれまた迷路(めいろ)みたいな宇宙(うちゅう)で苦(くる)しんでいく孤独(こどく)を黒(くろ)くぬりつぶしたいよ泥(どろ)だらけの水溜(みずたま)りに飞び降り(とびおり)ても汚(けが)れてゆくのは、真っ白(まっしろ)にスニーカーだけ仆はずっと本物(ほんもの)になれない今心は谁を求(もと)めて、谁の自由を探(さが)してるの世界(せかい)は梦になって仆だけが眠れずにいるB:小诸古城外,白云悠悠游子哀;繁缕无绿意,嫩草纤纤不堪席;银被盖山丘,日照融融淡雪流。虽有春晖暖,茫茫四野无花香;早春蒙薄纱,唯见麦色发嫩黄;结队几行商,田间来去步仓仓。浅间随暮去,忽闻草笛传衷曲;柔波千曲川,游子夜投傍岸宿;浊酒亦可酣,聊以慰我旅中愁。A:好了今天的节目到这里就接近尾声了,感谢辛勤付出的后期制作胡婕,更要感谢同学们长久以来的关心与支持入。B:如果你有什么好的建议和想法,可以关注我们的微信公众号“VOERadio”,来给我们留言,说出你的想法。A:让我们在优美的歌声中结束本期节目,我们下期再见,拜拜。节目监制: 袁蕴宁 播音: 梁远鹏 吉旭灵 田岳枫 吴鹏编辑: 梁远鹏 吉旭灵 田岳枫 吴鹏制作: 胡捷
11/19/20178 minutes, 53 seconds
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Nov.17, 2017 #Screen Age#Say something about LOVE

节目名称:Screen Age 荧屏时代节目主题:Say something about LOVEL: Hello, my dear audience. Welcome back to the Screen Age.This is Lynn.B: Hi, everyone,this is Shinskie. Hey, Lynn, the Double 11 justpassed. I think plenty of people went on massive Internetshopping sprees. Did you chop off your hands, Lynn?L: Well, I bought some books, milk, snacks, lipsticks and...B: Wait, wait, wait, I remember that you just bought a lipsticklast week.L: Yeah, but, haven’t you heard that boys can’t understand thepersistent of the lipsticks to a girl? It just like when having a artclass in the childhood. Other kids had 32 or 48 color watercolorpens, but what you had was only a 2B pencil. Nothing can beworse than this.B: OK. Don’t forget that the Double 11 is a day to celebrate thesingle one ordinary. What about introducing some love stories?L: Em, single and poverty clams me down. Seeing anaffectional film maybe a good choice. Let’s do it.B: How about the Double Eleven? As a single dog, how areyou feeling when you walk on the road.I: Life is already hard, so please don’t expose the truth. I justwant to change a topic. I have just seen a classic love movierecently.B: Wow, which one?I: Sliver Linings Playbook, directed by David O. Russellandthe film is staring by Jennifer Lawrence andRobert De Niro,and attracted a lot of fans when it was on show.B: What is the film mainly about?I: Well, it is adapted from a novel and the name is also comesfrom the main character’s mantra Every Cloud Has A SliverLining. The film tellsa story of two people who have brokenup and rebuilt their lives.B: Which point you considered is the most attractive point.I: Em, when I watched the film, what left me the most waswhen life gives you a powerful blow, bark out what the fuckthen go on fighting like a soldier. And I think the love view inthis movie is the most authentic portrayal of love. “You are justanother one and I was just like you. Even though you were awisdom and my wife betrayed me, it doesn’t matter! I am stilllove you”.B: It is amazing! This contrasts sharply with the Chineseattitude toward love.I: Yeah! This is admirable. I think the true love is “let her goand see if she would be return”.B: I just want to talk another style of love, Yes or no, it is aThailand’s classical lesbian film in 2011, the film mainly focuson the two heroines who are from resistance to close, finallybreaking through the description of the secular and falling inlove with each other.S: Yeah, Kim and Pie are roommates, but at the beginning, littlemisunderstanding let them get in terrible relationship. In orderto getting along with Pie, Kim changes her bad habitsgradually. No matter how Pie annoyed, Kim always be verygentle to Pie.B: I envy that! And I also want to have such a roommate!But what you can do is just think about it.S: Okay, let’s go ahead and see what will Pie does with Kim.Pie also moved by Kim’s blandness and begins to open herheart to Kim.B: But it was often worse than wish. When things were goingon the road, the story began to go somewhere disappointing.S: Pie and Kim’s admirers try to undermine their relationship.Fortunately with the help of the cafe’s hostess, these two littlegirls are reconciled and be together happily.D: After talking about some lesbian film, let’s talk about somegay film,"Maurice" is a gay romance film directed by JamesIvory. Two male English school chums found themselvesfalling in love at Cambridge. To regain his place in society,Clive gaveup his forbidden love--Maurice and married. Whilestaying with Clive and his shallow wife, Anne, Maurice finallydiscovered romance in the arms of Alec, the gamekeeper. L: What a beautiful sad love story! Maurice and Clive had aplatonic affair, but the fearful Clive subjugated his sexualityand married. After weathering this rejection, Maurice stayedtrue to his identity, and eventually was rewarded.D: Maurice's and Alec's main strain isn't sex but class.Forthright Alex was from the rural lower class, Maurice was astockbroker. They must met furtively -- in hotel rooms or the boathouse of Clive's country home. The potential for true loveseems limited. But Maurice, at least, was liberated.L:The subject is repressed homosexuality in pre-World War IEngland -- as adapted from E.M. Forster's autobiographicalnovel "Maurice." By showing nonphysical love betweenMaurice and Clive, the film prepares us for Maurice's laterphysical relationship with under-gamekeeper Alec. By the timeit happens, we are relieved for Maurice. The relatively mildsexual scenes seem inevitable and natural. Riching inatmosphere, its leisurely pace dwells on repressed passions inEdwardian society.SE: It's colder than before. Need you get warmth?L: Of course. The weather makes me a little cold. I require onenecessarily.SE: Recently, I have seen a movie which tells about the truthessence of love with ten stories made up. Every of them canmake people feel the temperature of happiness. With the Britishhumor it has, people can't help laughing. I think it's difficult forother ensemble film to be more successful and have no sense ofviolation.Maybe it's suitable for you to let your heart feelwarm.L: Woo, it heard great. Is it the famous film "Love Actually"?My roommate recommended it for me several days ago. Sheconsidered the world as a place filled with true love. Thefamous dialogue is "If you look for it, I've got a sneaky feeling,you'll find that love actually is all around." SE: You're right. The film indicates us to find the love aroundourselves. It's so warm-hearted.L: Sure.If having spare time, would you like to accompanywith me to see it again?SE: OK.D: Today I' ll bring you a warm story, which can comfort yourbroken hearts.垫乐:B: Wow, I'm looking forward to the story.D: There is a loyal dog named Hachikō, and no one knewwhere he came. One day, he was happen to be picked byDr.Parker. Later, their story began...Hachikō seemed to rely onParker, and Parker loved him very much. Such emotionsbetween Hachikō and Parker touched Kate, Parker's wife. B: Day by day, Hachikō grew up, every day he saw Parker offand waited Parker go home. Suddenly, one day, when Parkerwent to work. Hachikō behaved upset and strange. Hachikōstarted to play with the ball that he never played. Thisphenomenon pleased Parker very much.D: However, Parker died suddenly on that day. Parker'sfamilies buried him saddly and Parker's wife moved away. B: Then how about Hachikō ?D: The poor Hachikō still believed that his owner will comeback someday, so he waited for Parker every day on time tillthe end of his life.B: Wow, how loyal Hachikō is ! I am moved by Hachikō.D: So does anyone who has seen the film. B: That' s so moving! I think this film will warm us at coldwinter nights. And all of us should make sense of thearguements the story told.D: Yeah, you' re right. L: How time flies. That’s all for today’s programme. Hope youlike it.B: Well, don’t forget to consume reasonably. I hope you canbrought to your senses when you see an affectional film.L: 最后,感谢制作张雨航。Bye!B: See you~节目监制:赛碧乐编辑:毕鑫屹 邹佳琳播音: 邹佳琳(L) 毕鑫屹(B) 孟萌萌(C)孙晨棣(D)张桐珲(S)王雪莹(SH)姜晓璐(I)制作:张宇航
11/17/201713 minutes, 57 seconds
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Nov. 16, 2017 #한류전선# FTisland

节目组: 한류전선 韩流前线 节目名称:FTisland开头曲말이야--李弘基A:친구들안녕하세요欢迎收听voe外语广播韩流前线我是播音李奕萱B:만나서반가워요我是播音王芷筠A:这首歌大家一定很熟悉吧。친구들모두이노래가익숙할겁니다.B:没错,作为《继承者们》公开的第一首OST,演唱者李弘基也受到了广泛的关注。네,그렇습니다에서첫공개된ost로서가수인이홍기도많은주목을받게되였는데요.A:2007年,李弘基以乐FTisland主唱的身份正式出道。而今年,他们迎来了乐队的第十年。2007년,가요계혜성처럼등장한ftisland가올해십주년을맞이하게되였습니다.插曲HELLO HELL -FTislandB:FTisland是FNC Music于2007年推出的收个韩国流行乐队,由崔钟勋、李弘基、宋承炫、李在真、崔珉焕组成。2007年6月8日,发行首张正规专辑,同年年底,便获得金唱片人气奖和新人奖,并在08年5月14日获得SEED Award Asia最高人奖。5명의 멤버로 조성된ftisland는fnc엔터테인먼트 소속으로 한국 최초의 아이돌밴드입니다.A:FTisland全称“Five Tresture island”译为“五个珍贵的岛屿”,因此粉丝也亲切的成为“宝岛”。作为韩国少有的乐队组合,宝岛以他们独特的风格活跃在乐坛上。15年的正规五辑《i will》,全部由成员作曲,充满了“摇滚精神”也为k-pop为主流的韩国添加了一抹浓厚的摇滚色彩。ftisland의전칭은five tresture island 즉5개의진귀한섬이라는뜻입니다插曲사랑사랑사랑-FTislandB:2017年,宝岛迎来了属于自己的十周年。在偶像团体层出不穷的韩国,凭借主唱独特的嗓音及乐队特殊的音乐形式闯出了属于自己的天地。2017년,십주년을맞은ftisland는리메이크한사랑앓이를발표하며10년간동고동락한팬들과추억을나누었습니다.A:除了唱歌,李弘基的电台,电视剧,综艺以及成员各自的发展也为乐队增添了很大的魅力。他们 用不断的努力证明了自己的摇滚精神,令人着迷。그동안ftisland는노래뿐만아니라라디오방송드라마,예능등여러방면에서도큰활약을보여주었어요.插曲고백합니다-FTislandA:十年前,初出茅庐 的他们,凭借着对 音乐的 热爱站在大家面前;十年后,他们用实力证明了自己。B:今年6月,他们发行了十周年纪念专辑. 希望他们带着粉丝的爱以及对音乐的信念继续走下去。A:好了今天的节目到这里就要结束了B:感谢大家的收听,感谢制作人王飞,我们下期再见。여러분안녕节目监制:金池 编辑:金池 金亨俊 播音:李奕萱 王芷筠制作:王飞
11/15/201712 minutes, 5 seconds
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Nov. 15th, 2017 #Bloom in Ink#When you are old

节目组: Bloom in Ink 墨海繁花 节目名称: When you are old开头曲:张国荣-《追》D:Hello everyone. Welcome to Bloom In Ink from VOE foreign languages radio staion. I'm DonW:I'm William.赏过缤纷叶子的飘落,秋的色彩渐渐褪去,冬拖着缓慢的步子悄悄到来。衣服厚了,行人少了,原本热闹的街市也低沉了。但是寂静的冬夜并不感到孤单,因为有爱的人陪伴,有时间见证我们的点滴。D:The song《when you are old》sang in spring festival gala has touched everyone's heart,not only the old but also everyone with high aspirations,memories with sorrow ,yearning with warm.Today we will bring you a romantic love poetry from Yeats.春晚上献唱的《当你老了》触动了每一个人的心,不仅仅适于已老之人,有心之人都为之触动,回忆中带着感伤,怀念中带着温馨。今天我们给大家带来叶芝的一首浪漫的爱情诗《when you are old》。The writer of this poem is William Butler Yeats , who is generally acknowledged as the greatest poet and dramatist of Ireland , a famous mysticism , the leader of the“Irish Renaissance Movement”, one of the father of the Abbey Theatre.插曲《当你老了》W:《When You Are Old》William Butler YeatsWhen you are old and grey and full of sleep,And nodding by the fire, take down this book,And slowly read, and dream of the soft look Your eyes had once, and of their shadows deep;How many loved your moments of glad grace,And loved your beauty with love false or true,But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you,And loved the sorrows of your changing face;And bending down beside the glowing bars,Murmur, a little sadly, how love fledAnd paced upon the mountains overheadAnd hid his face amid a crowd of stars.《当你老了》当你老了,头发白了,睡思昏沉在炉火旁打盹,请取下这部诗歌慢慢读,回想你过去眼神的柔和回想它们昔日浓重的阴影多少人爱你青春欢畅的时辰爱慕你的美丽,假意或真心只有一个人爱你朝圣者的灵魂爱你衰老了的脸上痛苦的皱纹垂下头来,在红火闪耀的炉子旁凄然地轻轻诉说那爱情的消逝在头顶上的山上它缓缓地踱着步子在一群星星中间隐藏着脸庞插曲《thinking out louder》D:If you take out this poem and read it slowly and carefully,you will again see your soft and mild eyes you had when you were young. The sorrow and depth of your eyes will appear in your dream once again. The speaker imagines one day, when his beloved young lady is old, she will be reading this poem and feel the youth of herself again. 当你读起这首诗,慢慢的,仔细的,你将审视到你眼下的柔软而又 温柔,悲伤而又深沉。作者想象终有一天,他爱的女孩老了,拿起诗,将再次回想起自己年轻的时候。how many of your admirers love you are only because of your beauty and youth when you are graceful and elegant? Nevertheless, there is only有多少你的爱慕者只是爱你的美丽和年轻、你的 高贵 和优雅。而只有那一个,他爱你那高洁的灵魂、年 老的容颜,现实和想象终究有差距,只有真正的爱才能忠贞不渝。but in fact, the God just hides himself in the sky. We may notbe able to get married in the human world, but our soul canunite when we are in heaven. Although it is a pity that he and she cannot get married in the human world because the God of Love had left, they are still able to be together when theydie. True love is not about physical love, but about spirituallove.但事实上,上天总是爱和你开玩笑,你因为种种 原因并不能和那一个人长相思守,我们的灵魂只能在天堂重新组建。尽管上帝总爱和你开玩笑 ,但当你老了,死了,你将终究会实现你的 愿望 ,成 就你的人 生。真爱不只包括生理上的爱,它更是精神层面的。Only true love can stand the test of time ,If we can have suchmemorable experience, we will regard it as the best gift in ourlife.只有真爱能接受时间的考验,如果你的生命中出现那个人,那就请好好珍惜,他是你生命的珍宝。结束曲《Thinking out loud》E:感谢制作任家豪!A:Thank you for your listening, see you next week!E:感谢收听我们的节目,欢迎订阅微信公众号时代之声Radio,荔枝FM22808,春风十里,我们一直都在等你!All:Bye!节目监制:魏镜滟编辑:魏镜滟播音:唐敏嫣 王梓维制作:任家豪
11/14/201711 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

Nov.14, 2017 #The World Says# Double eleven

节目组: The World Says 世界说 节目名称: Double eleven开头曲 山水眩月——钢琴块Mute:Hello!Everyone,welcome to The World Says from the VOE foreign language radio station.This is Mute!Mute:Well,our program has begun.But Internet addiction girls,can you put down your cell phone?History:Wait a minute! 插曲1 山水眩月——钢琴块 Esther:Wow! Turn around! Let me have a look! You look so charming!History: Appreciated! I feel good all about this. It's unbelievable what I have been on only cost me 200yuan.Esther: Yeah I guess it owed to your faster speed.Mute: Wait! I totally don't know what you’re talking about. Is it any connections between her new look and faster speed?Esther:Sure! Faster connections to the internet mean sealing a deal earlier. So you could open your package ahead.History:Any chance I could get word in?Ithink what you say should summarized as "seckill".Mute:Eummm,can you explain it for me?History:well,as you can see ,umm Double eleven is always profitable.So, there is a new word born ,we call it seckill. well ,seckill which means kill in seconds.中文可译为秒杀。This word originated from a japanese game, acturally, you know,when associated with online shopping," seckill "refers to the quick sell out of newly-advertised goods. Mute: Holy! I have nearly forgotten that Saturday was Double 11! It's a magical day that makes everyone go on massive internet(疯狂购物).Hey are you listening to me History?History: Sorry I am tracking my orders. Go on!Esther: isn't that enough? You seems to have the Compulsive hoarding(强迫囤积症)The means of Compulsive hoarding is forcing yourself to store a lot of goods without consciousness.History: I'm not a hoarder.(囤货狂) I'm just frugal!(节俭的)Esther: Alright. It is indeed a good day to manage the budget because of huge discounts.Mute: Yeah I wonder who is so talented to turn a normal day into the country's biggest annual online shopping spree.History: Don’t you remember? We also called it Single's Day a few years ago. You know, number one represents singleness.Mute: So the question is, you mean the bachelors create it?Esther: What? You must be joking!She means Single's day first and then a national carnival. To be precise, this transformation has cut a figure(崭露头角) since November 11, 2009.And here the word group of cut a figure as the same as budding.Mute: I see, like the merchant's normal practice. They try to change every festival into promotion days !History: You've got to the point. And I bet it is more successful than ever before.Esther: Yup it avoided offline year-end sales promotion(线下年终大促销) successfully and it is at the turn of seasons when people need bulk buying.Mute: But I heard someone said shopping just for removing their loneliness instead of demands.History:Ha~ A fancy explanation. 插曲 2 山水眩月——钢琴块 Esther:Emm…Actually what you said maybe reveal that the lonely has stronger purchasing power. Seriously, with the number of singles increasing, single economic has developed rapidly. So it's not hard to understand why “Double eleven” becomes a social hot spot.Mute: Well I wonder another factor is that the social concept is changing. Nowadays, no one cares about whether you are a leftover women or a single dog. That's not a shame! We are all hands-chopping people(剁手族)!History: Yep, never mind yourself is a bachelor, just for fun. Mute, Esther: Haha~History:Well,to be serious,I've just found that there're more women prefer shopping than men.No matter whether he or she is single.Esther:Yeah,I've found that too.Almost all my male students have nothing to buy.But for girls,the situation is different.History:Ha,right.My best girlfriend told me that she has two dreams on Double eleven.One is to empty the shopping cart,and the other is to find a boyfriend.Mute:Well,maybe I'll be a good boyfriend.History:Eummm,just maybe.Esther:HaHaMute:Well,but I really want to know what's in your shopping cart.Esther:Oh,I've just bought a sweater,two pants,a wind coat,three lipsticks and...Mute:Wow!Wow!why you buy so many things?History:Is that a lot?Well,except for pretty clothes,I also bought a snack bar!Mute:You're crazy!Esther:History,don't forget to tell me where you got it!History:No problem!Mute:Oh,guys.You know what? Today we invited a special audience Alias. Say hello to everyone. Alias:Hello,everyone,I'm Alias.Mute:So Alias ,do you want share some experience of shopping on Double eleven?Alias:I'm going to buy promotional staffs,such as shoes,clothes.Although I want to buy more,I don't have enough money.I think it's important for us to stay up late until 0 o'clock ,even if it's a discount,we have to control ourselves.Esther:Thanks for your sharing.It seems that we stand in the same side.Mute: It’s seemed that we are not from the same world.Esther: oh~ don't worry, you won't be single forever.Mute: NO!!! That is not what I am saying. Here is the point, I just can't get it why you girls are so crazy about shopping no this Double 11.History: Hey, hey. Open your eyes, what is this word?Mute: Discount. So what?History: So what? It's huge discount! This will definitely save money.Esther: Hello! Seem like someone has something in common with you, History.History: I know.Mute: Oh, someone gets a huge shopping cart which is like a big garbage truck. *What is this? Kitty door mat, lucky luckly comb, Zombie instant noodles *with family-size and fluffy fluffy minion.History: Give me my phoneMute: What are these things? This is how you save your money? To enliven the market, so, you just buy these things which are not essential.Esther: Keep that old story for yourself*. That's what we do, hum I got a huge shopping cart, too.* By the way, not a garbage truck.Mute: Okay! You guys just a little carried away by this discount. When you come down to it, this Double 11 is just a promotion means. According to a survey show, 70% people purchased items which are not essential. What's more exaggerated is that some items still haven’t been use before throw away.History: Oh I see…. Your tone is just like my mom.Mute: Lord! I thought my Ideological work is work, but it’s obviously not.Esther: Mute, I know what you say is good for us, but the times is change, this is hum… just like a fashion. You, you share the crazy shopping experience with your ladies honey…Mute: (NO!) not mine, yours.Esther: oh, whatever… But you know what I mean.Mute: Completely sir! You just caught in a wrong place again.History: Oh…(Headache) Mom is back.Mute: Well, actually there is a lot problems behind this phenomenal shopping. Including the abnormal psychology of shopping. In other words, so many many people already forget what they want to buy. Instead, purchasing has become a way to release the pressure of modern people or a way to satisfy vanity which is cause by psychology of comparison.Esther: Sooo, what should we do?Mute: I mean there is still many ways to release the the pressure, like you can come and talk to me…..History: Listening your free boring 3course?Mute: ….or back to your shopping' night.History:Well,you'll never understand. It's women's nature to go shopping.Mute:Come on!You've just making excuses for your crazy shopping.History:Anyway,there is a crazy Double eleven waiting for me!But don't you really want to join us?插曲 4 山水眩月——钢琴块 Mute:Forget it!And...our program is going to the end.Let's review what we have learnt today.History:We knew the history of Double eleven,and got a new word "seckill" which means 秒杀。Mute:And what I learnt today is that If you want a girlfriend, you have to empty her shopping cart first.Esther&History:HahaMute:And if you enjoy our program,do visit our WeChat,official account,时代之声 radio.我是播音刘博。This is Mute.See you on the other side.Esther:我是播音张依雪,this is Esther.Keep the heart with all diligence;for out of it are the issues of life.History:VOE世界说欢迎你,感谢制作_,我是播音何嘉欣History.Look before you leap.我们下期见Mute,History,Esther:Bye bye~ 结束曲 山水眩月——钢琴块节目监制:苗世钰编辑:刘博 张依雪 何嘉欣播音:刘博 张依雪 何嘉欣制作:张燚铭
11/14/201711 minutes, 40 seconds
Episode Artwork

Nov.13, 2017 #Music Bang Bang#Sexy voices

节目组: Music Bang Bang 音乐大爆炸 节目名称:Sexy voices开头曲FetishA: Hello, my dear audience. Welcome to Music Bang Bangagain. I'm your old friend Armstrong. I am so happy to havenew blood in our family.L: Hello, I'm your new friend Lucian, 刘津阳Cl: Hi, I'm Clara, 王姝桥R: I'm Rubby, 邱月J: And this is Joy, 李佳怡A: Well, during our last meeting, I just noticed that we were alllistening to some sexy female voices recently. So today, weprepared a list of songs that are really tempting. Hope youguys love it!插曲1HypnoticCl: Have you heard about an American singer ZellaDay? The song you are listening to is sung by her.L: Oh, I know her. Her voice is identical to Lana Del Ray,but to my surprise, her voice is more attractive andintoxicating. Cl: 她的声线慵懒迷离但又清亮有力,像是古典油画里身穿轻纱的少女,同时总让你有一种宏大的画面感,但又总在不经意间回到性感迷离的状态。她就像是美国西部荒凉草场里隐匿的年轻女巫,供奉自己的灵魂和最随性的青春。J: Oh, I love her voice. Moreover, she is also asongwriter, who grew up in a small, desert town andbegan singing and playing guitar at the tender age ofnine in her family-owned coffee shop. R: Wow, so cool she is. In the song, Zella sings abouther lover's attraction are like hypnosis, everythingabout him is appealing and makes her want it more. Cl:意乱情迷的歌词配上性感梦幻的嗓音,在听到的一瞬间就俘获了我的双耳。插曲2Shape of YouJ: Speaking of sexy voices,the name of Maydilyn Bailey justcome to my mind .Though few people know her but actuallyshe is very well known on YouTube because of covering somefamous songs such asShape of You, Something Just Like This.Cl: Among all her covers, Shape of You is my favorite. I thinkthis song is familiar to everyone.But the version of Maddy is sodifferent from Ed Sheeran's. The rhythm of her version hasmore changes.She used lots of transitionbetweenreal voiceand falsetto. The characteristic lyric and her sexy voicetogether make this song pretty .插曲3I Am YouR: The next song l want to share with you is l Am You. ltwas sung by Kim Taylor, an American singer. Her huskyvoice is pretty distinctive. L: The whole melody is full of sluggish as if it is talkingabout a real story. As soon as l heard it, l wasimpressed by it. This song is suitable to listen when wewere in a leisure.R:Even though sometimes you don't know who I am, Iam you. 歌曲平静慵懒,但又使人不由自主地想起自己曾经的种种经历。插曲4Dark sideL: I've heard a song called Dark side a few days ago. It is so dulcet that I can’t listen other songs. And the lyric of this song is so attractive to me. “I am in love with your dark side”. How nice the sentence is.J:Because of dark side .We meet, we bear, and we like even love. Maybe it’s the reason that dark side appear. Because of this, I can hold all of you. L: You have left me alone, but even the whole worldabandon you, I would never leave you . But it's just a fantasy, you're gonna leave. So keep your eyes on your love without any hesitation. Cl: 如果你有所爱,勇敢的去吧,别顾那些小缺点,别顾那些阴暗面,哪怕直为伊人,不似当年少! Okay, that'sall for today's program, see you next time!R: 欢迎大家订阅我们的微信公众号时代之声radio”,网易云音乐“music bang bang”电台以及荔枝FM。感 谢制作李金声, see you ~结束曲Dark side节目监制:韩平治编辑:郭思婷 邱月 刘津阳 李佳怡 王姝桥播音:温彦博 刘津阳 王姝桥制作:李金声
11/13/201712 minutes, 33 seconds
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Nov.11,11日语梦工厂ドリームワークスへ ようこそ #voe台庆#

节目组:日本语ドリームワークスへようこそ日语梦工厂节目名称:日文诗会A:皆さん、こんばんは、VOE日本語ドリームワークスへようこそ,欢迎收听日语梦工厂,我是主播梁远鹏,最近正值VOE时代之声20周年台庆,我们日语梦工厂准备了一期特别节目。B:没错今天我们将给大家带了一场日文诗会,首先就由我这个新人来抛砖引玉辗转反侧雨已经停了希望总是转瞬即逝 像雾一样只留下让人怀念的味道我离开这个城市应该向谁表白吧这沁人心脾的爱意在迷途一样的宇宙中痛苦下去像打破了涂满黑色的孤独即使陷落在满是泥泞的水坑里弄脏了洁白的运动鞋我一直无法成为真我现在我仍在心里追求着谁 找寻着谁的自由整个世界都睡去了只有我独自无眠A:感谢刘钰的精彩表演,下面就由我这个老朋友给大家带来一首日文诗あなた、今元気,あなた、今何をしてるのか,今日はあなたの誕生日、俺たちが別れてから二番目のあなたの誕生日。あなた、今何をしてるのか,あなた、また大事にしまっておいてるのか, 三年前のあなたの誕生日、俺がとあなたあの美しい夜;あの赤いバラ;あのきれいな音楽;あの感動な愛の囁き…… あのとき、あなたのはずかしくて赤くなった笑顔を 俺はいつまでも忘れないんだ。 あなたもよく思いだしてるのか,二年前のあなたの誕生日、俺とあなたが行ってたあのにぎやかな遊園地;あの静かな川の堤;あのロマンチックなフランス料理店;あの大学の俺たちずっと一緒に行って……あのとき、あなたの興奮して赤くなった笑顔を 俺はいつまでも忘れないんだ。あなた、よくしってるのか去年のあなたの誕生日、俺は一人でずっと部屋の中にいてた;ずっとあなたのことを考えてた;ずっと心の中で泣いてた;ずっと自分を叱ってた…… あの日、頭の中にあなたの笑顔(えがお)がいっぱいあって、俺は夜明けまで眠れなくなってた。 多分、あなたは正しいんだ、 今俺も分ってるんだ。そうだ、俺たちもう別れたんだ、 あなたはあなたの人生の道に歩いてるが、 俺も自分の生き方をせんだ。 今日のあなたの誕生日、 俺が自分の心であなたとの最後のあなたの誕生日。これからは、あなたのことをだんだんにだんだんに、忘れて行く。C:我是于小茹,下面我为大家带来自分のためのノート作り仕事でも、生活スタイルでもアァッションでも、「あんなふうになりたいなあ」と、思うことがある。そんなふうに感じたことがあったら、とりあえず、ノートに書いてみよう、書き始めると、「どうすれば、そういうふうになれるのか」といったことや「こんなのもいいかもしれない」という新しい考えが浮かんできたりする、ほんの些細なことでも、実現していくことは、楽しいことだし、すぐにかなわないことでも、向っていく先が分かることは、自分にとってはラッキーなこと、夢や希望は、現実にしていくことが大切、文字にしてみると、見えてくることがたくさんある自分を確認するために、方法をみつけるために、迷っていることの答えを出すために、自分の思いをノートに書こう。A:化作千风请别站在我墓前哭泣我不在那里 并没有就此沉睡千风 我会化作千风吹越那片辽阔的天空秋天 我会化作照耀那稻田的阳光 冬天 我会化作钻石般闪烁的白雪 早晨 我会化作啼鸣叫你醒的小鸟 夜晚 我会化作一直守护你的恒星请别站在我墓前哭泣我不在那里 并没有就此沉睡千风 我会化作千风吹越那片辽阔的天空D:我是申济铭なぜめぐり逢うのかを私たちはなにも知らないいつめぐり逢うのかを私たちはいつも知らないどこにいたの生きてきたの遠い空の下二人の物語いつか誰かを温(あたた)めうるかもしれないなぜ生きてゆくのかを迷(まよ)った日の跡のささくれ夢追いかけ走ってころんだ日の跡のささくれこんな糸がなんになるの心許(もと)なくてふるえてた風の中縦の糸はあなた横の糸は私織りなす布はいつか誰かを傷をかばうかもしれない縦の糸はあなたh横の糸は私逢うべき糸に出会えることを人は幸せと呼びますA:好了今天的节目到这里就接近尾声了,没有听够同学请不要着急,我们下期节目还会继续我们的特别节目,感谢辛勤付出的后期制作于越,更要感谢同学们长久以来的关心与支持。C:如果你有什么好的建议和想法,可以关注我们的微信公众号“VOERadio”,来给我们留言,说出你的想法。A:让我们在优美的歌声中结束本期节目,我们下期再见,拜拜。监制: 袁蕴宁 编辑:梁远鹏 刘钰 于小茹 申济铭播音:梁远鹏 刘钰 于小茹 申济铭制作人:于越
11/11/201711 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork

Nov.10,2017#David Fincher& David Lynch#

节目名称:Screen Age 荧屏时代节目主题:David Fincher& David LynchL: Hey Guys! It’s time for the Screen Age. I’m your old friend, Lynn!B: Well, Lynn. Why are you so exited today.L: Because the film Murder on the Orient Express is going to be on the Chinese mainland. You know, I’m a stan of thriller. I’ve been waiting for it since the last year.B: Take it easy. I think that you would be interested in the director, David Fincher. He is the master of thriller. It’s just your cup of tea.L: Yeah, I know him. Some of his films are really classical. However, I mistake him with another famous director, David Lynch sometimes.B: They are similar in some way indeed. And today, Let’s just introduce David Fincher and David Lynch to our audiences.L: That’s cool!L: David Fincher was born in Colorado Denver of America, whereas, he grew up in California. When he was 18, he worked for Korty--a film company. Later, he changed his job several times. Till three other directors built up Propaganda with him in 1987, he turned his way to directing films.C: Oh, I get a little about what you said. Before his company had been built up, he has directed many advertisement with lots of famous brands: Coca Cola, Pepsi, Levis, Chanel and so on. And he also has cooperated with numerous well known singers, including Sting, Michael Jackson.L: Yeah, you&`&re right. And on no account can we overlook his biggest character as a director, do you know that?C: The biggest character? I think it is his unique directing style. Because what he really think most is the realism of human nature and society. Right?L: You are right. Due to this point, his films are always popular, I suppose.C:That’s it.L: Now, let&`&s learn about his films in detail.B: Fincher&`&s work, except "Alien 3", more familiar is "Seven Crimes" in 1996 (also known as "FireWire Chase Order") and "Fight Club" in 1999. In "Se7en", David Fincher shows the talent of a black thriller and cooperates with photographer, to create a detective films that are fascinating in both image and plot. The seven great Sins of the Old Testament: gluttony, lust, laziness, pride, greed, anger, jealousy ... S: Of course, chaos and darkness are the keynote of the film. The director said he deliberately emphasized the boldness of the uncoordinated. New York is filled with moisture, graffiti, and dark corners, and becomes the best place to interpret psychopathic murders. B: The plot is more difficult to get rid of the old mechanism, is still a fresh-blooded new detective cooperate with a old, stable, experienced police. Combat difficult criminals. But the layout of the story and the handling of the conflict are pretty good. It is a good-looking and style detective film.S: However, more exciting is the next work "Fight Club". This is a description of the people who divide the mind, the evil leader of a group of people, to fight each other as the emotional catharsis of the film, not only shows the modern people face the oppression of life, but also revealed that the brutal nature of the confusion will be confused, step by step to the destruction of the hidden worries, for the nature of modern society has a very good warning role.I: Only the subject is very innovative and interesting, and the director of imagination and the wild is also quite aware of convergence, so that the film in the logic and knowledge of experience can be resonance, the view of chilling. However, the director still does not forget the power of rational and love redemption, the drama and The Strange Woman&`&s love, faint become the later male lead reason awakening motivation, it is the most important meaning for the film.B: Like the Seven sins, the Fight Club has been criticized for its violence by some cheap critics. But it is in some ways a serious discussion of the difference between meaningful violence and senseless violence, making these attacks a slap in the face.I: The film&`&s Mirror is smooth and fast, the plot is strong and powerful, a runaway atmosphere full of splitting, tightly clasped the hearts of the viewer. In addition to the "Guess Train", "Tai Pin code", for the lens language application is very good work. "Fight Club" more than the connotation of "seven crimes", the form of use and depth beyond the general Hollywood film.L: It could be said that if David Fincher is a genius, David Lynch could be a lunatic. As a famous American director, who is addicted to the coffee, he made his own brand of coffee. He is the representative figure of the American non-mainstream film industry contemporary. Although he is in the Hollywood, he develops a school of his own. His film is famous for the gorgeous, gloomy and strange style with his black humor.SH: He grew up in the bottom of the society in Philadelphia. He lived in the dark side of citizens&`& life. The violent and corrupt he met has made a great influence on him. Although he is getting on for seventy years old, he has been devoting himself to reappear the nightmare in people’s pallium. L: He is so remarkable that he reveals the trauma which we do not want to face with his imagination. I am just a ordinary person like anyone else, he said, our greatest fear is from the death. It’s the source of the fear itself.SH: In the 1977, Lynch inspired his Philadelphia life, created the 5-year-old horror film "Rubber Head". In this film, he showed his fear and anxiety to the dark side of society from a father&`&s point of view and surrealism.D: Thanks to the famous producer Ben Barennoz’s efforts to finally be released, and a shot of popularity, has been widely affirmed in the commentary field, he pushed on the surreal film production at the forefront.SH: The success of "Rubber Head" attracted attention of the famous director Mel Brooks. In 1980, he invited Lynch to direct the drama "Elephant Man", the first mainstream film of Lynch&`&s creation. Tells the story of a distorted head-shaped "Elephant Man" John Merrick in British society in the 19th century. D: In 1984, Lynch directed the action sci-fi "Dune" for Dino De Laurentis, adapted from Frank Herbert’s "Dune" series of science fiction. At the pinnacle of his career, Lynch gave up the big screen film, and in 1990 he launched a music video "Heartbreak Dream" with longtime partner-composer Angelo-Dalmonti. In the same year, he filmed his most successful ABC TV series "Twin Peaks".L: Later, Lynch launched his 5th film, "My Heart Is Wild," and the next few years, he disappeared from people&`&s view. In addition to a 1994-year photo album, there are five of years, people can not hear any news about him. He changed his familiar bizarre themes, directing the road Plot "The Straight Story". More than one person commented: "David Lynch is back." L: That’s all for today’s program. Hope you enjoy it. I think I won’t confuse them anymore.B: Have a nice evening. 最后感谢制作张宇航。 See you next Friday.L:See you~节目监制:赛碧乐编辑:毕鑫屹 邹佳琳播音:邹佳琳 毕鑫屹 孟萌萌 孙晨棣 张桐珲 王雪莹 姜晓璐制作:张宇航
11/10/201713 minutes, 57 seconds
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Nov. 2, 2017 #한류전선# 留学生

节目组: 한류전선 韩流前线 节目名称:留学生开头曲 -脸红的思春期A:欢迎收听voe外语广播韩流前线 我是播音金池B:我是播音金亨俊A:오늘은 좀 특별한 손님을 모시고 방송을 진행할껀데요. 바로 한국에서 온 유학생 분입니다.今天的节目与往期有些不同,我们非常荣幸邀请到了校里的韩国留学生和我们一起录节目。首先让我们来打个招呼吧!안녕하세요 B:안녕하세요 。大家好,我是来自韩国的留学生金亨俊。A: 非常欢迎来和我们一起做这期节目。你听说过VOE吗?B:听说过,晚上在校园里偶尔会听到广播A:중국어 정말 잘하시네요. 언제부터 배우셨어요?B:(回答)A:중국어 배우기가 쉽지 않았을텐데, 이렇게 잘하려면 분명히 많은 노력과 시간을 들였을거라고 생각합니다. 그럼 중국에 유학 오게된 계기는 뭐에요?B:(回答)A:음식은 입에 잘 맞는지, 특별히 좋아하는 중식요리(식당추천), 학교한식당도 추천. 中国有很多美食,你最喜欢的是什么B:(回答)A: 이곳에 와서 혹시 특별히 기억에 남는 에피소같은건 있을까요? 那你来中国之后有什么难忘的事嘛B:(回答) A:아~ 네 지금 이 순갸이 특별한 에피소드라 하니,잘들었습니다。앞으로 형준씨의 모든 에피소드가 해피엔드이길 바람닙다 A:형준씨는 아버님의 추천으로 중국으로 오게되셨잖아요, 저희도 한국으로 많이들 여행을 가거든요. 대부분은 서울이거나 제주도로 가는데, 혹시 이 두곳 빼고 추천하고 싶은 여행지가 있나요? 那韩国除了首尔和济州岛之外 有什么好玩的城市嘛B:(回答) 插曲3 吃了香蕉就迷上我A:아~ 이렇게 들으니까 분위기가 뭔가 중국의 청도하고 비슷한갓같아요. 거기도 부산과 같이 바다도 있고 세련된 동네니까 씨도 기회가 된다면 꼭 가보셨으면 해요. B:네,알겠습니다.A: 자, 그럼… 또 이 질문은 저희가 빼놓을수가 없죠. 부산에서는 꼭 먹어야한다는 음식은 뭐가 있을가요? 能不能介绍一下釜山的美食B:씨앗호떡. A:아 씨앗호떡 알겠습니다. 추천 감사합니다.저도 한번 꼭 가봐야겠네요. 가이드 해주실꺼죠? B: A:요즘에 한국에서 유행하는 소래가 있나요. 最近有什么好听的歌嘛 B: (回答)A:그럼하나 추천해주실 수있어요? 可以推荐一首吗?B: Kisum的《잘자》。A:아...Kisum의.그럼 한번들어볼까요.让我们来听一下吧。插曲 4 Kisum-잘자A:아쉽지만 이만 헤어질 시간이 왔네요. 오늘 너무 즐거웠습니다. 바쁜 시간 내주셔서 감사드리고요, 마지막으로 저희 청취자 분들께 한 말씀 해주시죠.B:听说今年是VOE的第二十年,祝VOE 越办越好。A;네, 저희 방송부도 자주 놀러와주시구요。B:알겠습니다.A:네, 그럼 저희는 다음주에 다시 찾아 뵙겠습니다. 좋은 하루 되세요. 다:여러분 안녕~ A:네, 그럼 저희는 다음주에 다시 찾아 뵙겠습니다. 좋은 하루 되세요. 다:여러분 안녕~节目监制:金池 编辑:金池播音:金池 金亨俊制作:王飞
11/9/201710 minutes, 5 seconds
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Nov. 8, 2017 #Bloom in Ink# 心-随记

节目组: Bloom in Ink 墨海繁花 节目名称:心-随记A:Hello everyone. Welcome to Bloom In Ink from VOEforeign languages radio staion. I&`&m Andy.E:I&`&m Edwin .A:Autumn comes with freezing, and yellow leaves tell a sad story. In this melancholy season, there are always be a warmfuzzy cover your exhausted heart. Although time go fast without return, that warm has always been there. There are too many accidents in our lives, just follow and listen to thevoice of your heart.E:秋风瑟瑟起寒意,黄叶漫漫话别离。在这样一个忧郁而又伤感的季节里,总会有一丝温暖拥抱你饱经风霜的心。任沧海横流,万物变迁,那抹温暖始终不变。生活总会有许多意外,但请跟随你的心,听听这来自心底的声音插曲1淮古遗殇A:One year, then two years......I never wrote anything, or even left a note of the time and tide. I stood in this flourishing world covered with moon light, listened to the song of wind. I drank and immersed in the tune of my heart by the river side,then forgot the fetter of our natural world. The moon light full of tenderness,it has my concern. Even the world capsized,even the mountain fell down,nothing could change the fragrance of flowers in my heart. Just like a pot of aging, the longer it fermented,the better we will get.E:一年,两年......未曾落笔,未曾留下岁月的痕笺。繁华中,唯落一身琉璃,在喧嚣的尘世里静听风的声音。流觞曲水琴瑟应回。淡忘了凡尘的羁绊,唯将心里的那份牵挂交付于明月。纵使天地流转,山川倾没,亦无法改变心中那片馥郁,有如一坛陈酿,历久弥香。A:As the star fall down from the heaven, the man stood in the pavilion and the girl in his ink and wash both went by. If the life could be return in this silence world,I just wanna live with the wind and surround by greens.E:红尘倾落,朱亭碧瓦下那袭白衣早已消逝于云海,墨中山水里那抹娉婷,也在岁月轮回中消失殆尽。孤桐寂寂,落雁哀鸣,如若时光能回转,惟愿清风明月,松柏如昔。A:Where could I find a strain of hemerocallis,to forget my worries? Not only the history gathered dust for over thousand years,but also a clear mind. When fogs cross the mountainand the sunlight scratched the durance of long night,all annoyances followed the beautiful rainbow disappeared. I take off my straw or palm-park rain hat, with a piccolo to feel the change of light and the smell of nature in the matinal world.When glittering dewdrops streak across those fresh leaves, the blossom on the lake was not even silence, but also whispering in my dreams.E:焉得谖草,言以忘忧。尘封千年的不只是历史,还有一颗圣洁坦荡的心。当流岚萦绕雨后的山涧,朝阳划破 长夜的禁锢时 所有的烦恼都能伴着那揽虹霓烟消云散。匆匆摘下蓑笠携上一支短笛,在清晨的氤氲中感受光的变幻,体味自然的气息。当晶莹的露珠划过嫩绿的叶,绽放在寂静的湖面时,那绽放的不只是宁静,还有梦中的叮咛。A:I once loved the vast of green coverd thousands ofmountains, but now I focus on the poetry of autumn. Sittingunder those flowers and drinking with the moon, the sceneryis different, but the heart never changed. Even the world ischarming,even it changed not as it before, my heart is still,and as what I said.曾经独爱青 山缦翠 还幽谷 ,千里碧玉照高台的辽远,如今却钟情于月高夜凉寒风起,霜叶燃遍漫山红的诗。花下独酌,举杯邀月,不一样的是风,一样的却是心 境。纵浮华三千, 我心亘久不变。纵使沧海桑田 ,心依旧如言。A:Too many things have already passed, too many times disappeared with nothing. No matter how time goes by, the willows re luxuriant and the grass are still green. I take a beautiful lotus, walked in the silence woods just like the scene in my dream. This life, I wish years as before,and time won&`&tbetrayed; this life, I wish the wind as before, and we&`&ll be together,forever.....E:多少年月已成往事,多少时化为虚无。杨柳萋萋,芳草依依,撷一朵清莲,在如梦的林间漫步。此生,愿岁月静好,流年不负;此世,愿清风如故,你我如初。背景介绍:月影凉透了一地金黄,纷飞的蛱蝶带走了褪色的过往。如果艳阳依旧,潋滟波光,你可还记得,那夜玉色微怅,落地成殇......结束曲:风居住的街道:感谢制作任家豪!A:Thank you for your listening, see you next week!E:感 谢收 听我们 的节目,欢迎订阅微信公众号时代之 声Radio,荔枝FM22808,春风十里,我们一直在等你!All:bye!节目监制:魏镜滟编辑:魏镜滟播音:安楠 赵作章制作:任家豪
11/7/201710 minutes, 28 seconds
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Nov.7, 2017 #The World Says#Art Of Humor

节目组: The World Says 世界说 节目名称: Ginkgo Festival of SYAU "Mute ,History:hahahah~Esther:Wow!It's quite lively.What's so funny?(此处为郭德纲相声片段)Esther:haha~I get it.That's cross-talk which is called XiangSheng in Chinese.It's a great art of humor!History:Both of us grow in Dong Bei.So,for us,cross-talk is an essential mood regulator in our daily life." Poker Face 插曲1 Young For YouEsther:Well,but have you known about other performance forms of humor abroad?History:I have ever heard "Talk Show".Maybe talk show is a series of jokes out of mouth immediately without deep thoughts.Esther:No,No,No,that's not exactly.You have taken it literally!Actually,British also call it "chat show".Pay attention to the word of "chat"!So,we could guess its main part is dialogue.Mute:Wow!You seems to know it well.It is no exaggeration to say i watch America's TV programme day in and day night.But i am not familiar with their attribute.Could you go into more details?Esther:Why not!For example,someone declared he owns a "talk show" which suggests he has signed a contract with a TV station and then there would be a regular time for him to chat with someone called guest.History:So,is he a host of a TV programme about chatting?Esther:Absolutely right! But there are something confusing that a lot of hosts of talk show are accustomed to standing alone on the stage and attempting to let the topicality or the breakthrough comes as jokesMute:But,isn't it called stand-up comedy?Esther:Hmm...more properly,it's just a link.You know a part can't represent the whole.Mute:Hmm...i still feel puzzled.What's the difference between the content of talk show and stand-up comedy?Esther:In a nutshell,two person at least would appear in the talk show.And the host is in charge of throwing a sprat to catch a whale.History:So,you mean that the host and the guests are equal essential?Esther:It can also be said they are interdependent.Whereas,the stand-up comedian only rely on himself and what he says are component of a series of puns.So,in this sense,you could call him punster instead of host.Mute:As we all know,talk show comes at you as a TV programme.But,stand-up comedy is unfrequent in our daily life,where could we see it?Esther:Amateurish comedians would perform in local comedy clubs or restaurants.For the professional,their choices are more extensive.The main market includes universities,companies or upscale restaurant.History:Wait,excuse me,doth my ears deceive me?An upscale restaurant fulls of puns and jokes? I can’t image it!Esther:Don’t look so surprised!What i mentioned would not appear off-color jokes unless in the nightclubs.Mute:Oh!I get it ,just like “different places,different customs.”Ester:Yeah,a vivid metaphor! If you are real interested in it.Dayo Wong’s show is a good choice.He localized the stand-up comedy successfully.You could experience such kind of foreign cultures’s essence in our familiar language environment.History:Another well-known stand-up comedian flashed on me!Mute:I guess he is Joe Wong.History:Bingo!....Indeed.Literally,I appreciate his performance very much.Mute:So can you introduce him to us?History:Of course,he was born in Ji Lin,and graduated from Ji Lin University.Esther:Ha,he is also from north east.History:Sure,but he has a different way to humor.Unique language rhythm and way of thinking is his feature.He is humorous and introverted,but what impressed me most is that he is always telling something new with an ice face.Mute::Why is 6 afraid of 7?Because 7.8.9,like this?Esther:That's funny.History:Yeah,you are lively.Mute:But what program did he perform?History:Like《Is It Ture》,and it's worth mentioning that he was the champion of American comedy festival in 2010.Esther:Cool,I really wanna watch his performance now.History:Ok,I'll play a clip." Poker Face 插曲 2 黄西播放片段 Mute:Really nice.Esther:He makes people feel pleasant.History:And I have looked through his sina blog which is all about helping others.I think he is really a warm heart people.Esther:Well,I appreciate him now.So,what about you, Mute?You said you nearly watch America’s talk show on a daily basis.I guess you must know American humor very well.Mute: What about this one? What did the mermaid wear to her math class? The answer is an algae-bra. (LOL) What? It’s not funny?History: Humm, what is the point? Mute: OK, look. Algae-bra and algebra have the same pronunciation but they are referring to quite different things. Algae-bra (laughing) is a kind of bra with algae, while algebra is a subject. Is that clear now?Esther: Well, if you don’t explain for us, that’s quite difficult to catch the point of your joke.Mute: I have to say, you are right. From the angle of the Chinese, you almost cannot know what I am saying. But if you step in the side of English, you will find it’s ridiculous.History: So, is this the American humor that you talked about?Mute: Yes, it is. And this is a kind of wordplay humor which means one word with two meanings. Very typical in American humor.Esther: I don’t feel good about this, the Americans always have small talk like this?Mute: Oh, it’s fine. You just still haven’t used it. If you can master it, you will always enjoy it. And there is a nice talk show that I wanna recommend to you which is my favorite talk show.History: What is it? Weather forecast? (Laughing)Mute: What……. Couse not. It’s Ellen Show!" Poker Face 插曲3 艾伦秀播放片段 "Mute: What do you guys think?Esther: oh…..Have to say it is very interesting. So this woman here is Ellen?Mute: Couse! Ellen DeGeneres who is born in Metairie Louisiana. At the age of 13, her parents divorced, and Ellen moved to New Orleans with her mother. She worked as a waitress and saleswoman, after that, she finally decided to use her sense of humor to become a comedian.History: Wow, her story is so inspirational. But ,why I always feel the American humor is so funny like you say.Mute: Well, maybe you have a quite high laughing point. All right, I have to admit it, this kind of humor is not be accepted by everyone. Especially we are Chinese, so it will harder for us to understand it. I think this is what it called the Cultural difference. The different places, different customs.History: Good point!Anyway,there is no border between art as well as the art of humor." "垫乐:Poker Face 插曲 4 The Next Expisode Mute:Ok,shall we look back what we learnt today?And today,we talked about talk show and stand-up comedy.And if you wanted more about American humor,why not try the Ellen Show?Esther:Wait,have we forgotten another one?History:Of course. This is Huang Xi.And please visit his sina blog.Mute:After all this,I think you guys got my jokes,right?Esther:Ha.Algae-bra!History:Seven,eight,nine!Mute:Right.Finally,it is time to finish our funny program.If you enjoy our program,do visit our WeChat,official account,时代之声radio.我是播音刘博This is Mute.See you on the other side.History:VOE世界说欢迎你,感谢制作I ris,我是播音何嘉欣History.Look before you leap.Esther:我是播音张依雪,this is Esther.Keep the heart with all diligence;for out of it are the issues of life.Mute,History,Esther:Bye bye~" 结束曲 Not Afraid 节目监制:苗世钰编辑:刘博 张依雪 何嘉欣播音:刘博 张依雪 何嘉欣 制作:Arris
11/7/201711 minutes, 40 seconds
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Nov.6, 2017 #Music Bang Bang# 电子音乐

节目组: Music Bang Bang 音乐大爆炸 节目名称:电子音乐开头曲 China-AJ:Hello,everbody.Welcome to Music Bang Bang from VOE foreign languages radio station.I'Jotta. A:Hi,my dear audience.This is Armstrong温彦博!L:Hey, I'm Liz,懿慈。A:今天我们又迎来了两名新成员,先来让她们自我介绍一下吧!R:My name is 邱月.You can call me Ruby.Z:Hello,everybody.I'm Atlanta.I love cats and other cuties.It is so nice to meet you all.A:Welcome you two to join us!L:诶,Jotta,从一开始我就想问你了,现在放的歌是什么啊?J:Ah,It's called China-A.Z:Oh,what a pretty and heated song.L:It sounds like an instrumental music.This one must be one of the hottest these years.J:I love this song so much.Every time I heard this song,I just wanna stop and dance with the rhythm.R:Yeah,I think so.Actually, it's electronic music.Besides this feeling,I can also feel a sense of belonging, it contains Chinese classical sense.J:The composer's name is 徐梦圆,he is a really talented 24-year-old boy from Chengdu.R:He is famous as a EDM music producer.Besides this position,he is a Disc jockey and singer.A:Maybe most of our audiences have heard a song called 采茶纪 .He is just the composer of it.A:Oh,Jotta.I know you like playing LOL.Don't you?J:Yes.Ah,you just remind me that Xu was invited to The Opening ceremony of League of Legends Pro League.L:哇,你是说他在英雄联盟职业联赛的开幕式上演奏电音作背景音乐?能不能放一下听听?J:Sure! 插曲1 LPL remix , A:Oh,I have a question.Why he wanna be a DJ?J:According his own response to the reporter, he thinks that original musician are easy to be remembered.And DJ always are original musician.R:那他是怎么看待中国电音市场的呢?J:It’s gradually expand.And more and more people are starting to pay attention to electronic music.插曲 2 sorry R:Do you know tropical house style?好像是电音底下的一个小分支。L:Of course!You know that my male god Justin Bieber released “what do you mean”and“sorry” which are tropical house.And it put the craze of this style on the top!J:Yeah.Lazy,happy,and just are on holiday. They often make people relaxed.Z:说了这么多,有人能给我科普一下电音不?R: Haven't you ever heard about it? Or you didn't listen to a song about the electronic dance music?Z: Emm… Just like you said. I didn't learn about it.R: Now, let me introduce something about it to you.I often listen to songs related to electronic. It got popularity in 1950's.Z:Wow,so long it has been popular. What musical instruments is it usually played with?R: Well, it's played by most of electronic instruments, such as electronic guitar and so on. And the songs will be manufactured with technique tools. Z: That's so cool. Once I hear the electronic dance music, I will be spontaneous waving with it.R: That's the magic power it has. Most of electronic are rhythmed , attracting people to listen.J: Now let's listen the song named Lost & Found. After learning about electronic music, you may fall in love with it. 插曲 3 Lost & Found A:今晚的电音之旅就要告一段落了。听了今天的节目有没有激起对电音的热爱呢?Time flies,that's all for today's program.See you next time ~ J:欢迎大家订阅我们的微信公众号时代之声radio,网易云音乐music bang bang电台以及荔枝fm,更多精彩内容等着你的发现。 结束曲 Lost & Found
11/6/201713 minutes, 50 seconds
Episode Artwork

Nov.5th. 17, 2017 #走进西班牙# 美丽西语

节目组:走进西班牙节目名称: 美丽西语开头曲Lucenzo - Baila morenaA:¡Hola a todos! ¡Bienvenido llegas guapaespaña! Me llamo Don.大家好!欢迎来到美丽西班牙栏目!我是Don.B:¡Hola a todos! Me llamo burgess.大家好!我是burgess。诶!Burgess!你 听 过 贾 斯 丁 比 伯 的《despacito》嘛B:当然啦!《despacito》可是美国billboard榜21年以来第一首夺得冠军的西班牙语歌曲,并且其MV还是YouTube网站上第一个浏览量达到30亿次的视频。其旋律耳熟能详,我唱给你听啊,despacito~....emmmmmm...D:咦~brugess我承认你的声音好听,但你的西班牙语还是有待提高啊。B:那好,今天,就让我们在欣赏《despacito》的同时学习西班牙语吧。Depacito(Instrumenta)B:《Despacito》是波多黎各歌手路易斯·冯西(Luis Fonsi)和洋基老爹(Daddy Yankee)合唱的歌曲,由Erika Ender、路易斯·冯西、洋基老爹共同填词谱曲,发行于2017年1月13日。贾斯汀·比伯参与的混音版于2017年4月17日发行。D:Despacito es el primer sencillo del próximo álbum del cantante puertorriqueño Luis Fonsi en colaboración con Daddy Yankee, publicado el 12 de enero de 2017 a través del sello Universal Music Latino. Fue escrita por Fonsi, Erika Ender y Daddy Yankee, y producida por Aj Santos, Andrés Torres y Mauricio Rengifo (Dandee).La canción obtuvo un buen rendimiento comercial, logrando ubicarse en la posición número uno en más de 45 países. Adicionalmente, la versión con Justin Bieberllegó al número uno en la lista Hot 100 de Billboard.B:路易斯·冯西是一名波多黎各歌手,同时也担任作曲。从1998年出道以来,冯西赢得了包括拉丁格莱美奖等诸多奖项,在世界流行音乐界有自己一席地位,学历为博士。D:Luis Fonsi, es un cantante, compositor,actor y músico puertorriqueño.B:Daddy Yankee原名Raymond Luis Ayala Rodríguez,1977年2月3日出生在波多黎各,是一名reggaetón音乐歌手,演员,制片人,电台播音员,波多黎各企业家。D:Daddy Yankee, es un cantante, actor, productor discográfico, locutor de radio12 y empresariopuertorriqueño.B:贾斯丁比伯,想必大家就已经很熟悉了。JustinBieber,1994年3月1日出生于加拿大斯特拉特福,加拿大男歌手。D:Justin Bieber , mi Príncipe, es uncantante y compositorcanadiense.我的王子。D:歌名《despacito》中文释义“慢慢的”→de、e、ese、pe、a、ce、i、te、o(快速读),读作:Despacito- Luis Fonsi/ Daddy Yankee/ Justin BieberPart2D:Oh tú tú eres el imán y yo soy el metal.B:其中imán表示金属,metal表示金属,y则和英语中的and有异曲同工之处。在西语语法中,歌词作书面语时,可省略túy yo,直接使用其ser的陈述式现在时的变位。D:即eres el imán y soy el metal.B:你就是磁铁而我是被你吸引的金属。音乐放,放到↓D: Ya ya me estás gustando más de lo normal.B:现在这感觉非比寻常B:其中gustando表示喜欢第一人称的喜欢,原型为gusta,más则表示很多是个形容词。音乐放,放到↓D:Esto hay que tomarlo sin ningún apuroB:但这事情不能着急B:其中hay表示“有”的意思,tomarlo,"sin"表示“无”,"ningún"表示“任何”,"apuro"表示“匆忙”。这里的que是个代词,可以指人也可以指物,没有性数变化.在从句中可以担当名词的所有句法职能。D:Estás是个指示词中的指示代词,表示阴性复数的这或这些;esto是指示词中的指示形容词,表示阳性复数的这或这个。需注意的是指示形容词呵指示代词的区别:有重音符号的是指示代词,可以直接使用;没有重音符号的是指示形容词,后面需要加名词使用,如“这个朋友”就是“estaamigo”。B:《Despacito》给了那 些认为拉丁音乐没有全球影响力的人一记响亮的耳光。说道歌曲本身,《Despacito》唱的其 实就是很简单直白的追求女生的故事。歌中讲述一对男女看对眼,从紧张渐渐变得放开,接着展开温柔浪漫的亲密关系。这首歌的气氛很棒,让我们能够逃离日常繁琐,我想每个人都会产生共鸣,主要的歌词也很好唱......des-pa-cito[3]。D:而miPríncipe贾斯汀·比伯则给歌曲带来了截然不同的表现形式。他在第一段落加入了与任何拉丁艺人都完全不同的风格,更令人啧啧称奇的是,这种美式曲调与歌曲本身相得益彰[10D:This is how we do it down in Puerto Rico.Puerto Rico波多黎各是美国的自治区,以西班牙语和英语作为母语。波多黎各的拉美血统造就了这个地区美女帅哥众多,再加上生态保护完好,不同的文化韵味,适合需要尝鲜的游客们的需求。垫乐despacito(Instrumental)Part3B:bien,今天我们的歌曲欣赏和教学就到 此为止。最后,让我们赏一句《despacito》中的歌词来结束我们这次的节目吧!D:Ya me estás gustando más de lo normalTodos mis sentidos van pidiendo másEsto hay que tomarlo sin ningún apuroDespacitoDeja que te diga cosas al oidoPara que te acuerdes si no estás conmigoB:如今我正享受着行进的快感我身体的每个细胞都在祈求着更多我一定要义无反顾的到你身边轻轻地让我附在你耳边向你吐露真言让你牢记我的诺言哪怕我不在你身边片尾曲funnysongD:感谢您收听我们的节目,欢迎订阅微信公众号时代之声Radio,荔枝fm22808!如果 你喜欢小语种,对热情 的西班牙文化感兴趣,着迷板鸭语,就加 入我们吧!¡Estró en la españa!走进 西班牙!voe期待新鲜血液的注入!B&D:¡Adios!让我们下期再见吧!节目监制:孙天然编辑:唐敏嫣播音:唐敏嫣李金声制作:唐敏嫣
11/5/201712 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

Nov. 4, 2017 #日本语ドリームワークス# 温泉

节目组: 日本语ドリームワークス 日语梦工厂 节目名称:温泉A:皆さん、こんばんは、VOE日本語ドリームワークスへようこそB:日语梦工厂A:为梦想起航,我是主播梁远鹏B:我是主播吉旭灵A: 又到了起床靠毅力,洗澡靠勇气的季节了,我的世界也分成了两部分,被窝里的部分,和被窝外的部分B:得得得,都来沈阳一年了,还没适应沈阳的冬天呀A:唉,作为一个夏天怕热,冬天怕冷的珍稀品种,根本适应不了没有暖气的日子B:天虽然变冷了,但是我们可以去洗温泉嘛,又健康又放松A:温泉,这是个不错的选择,我还知道一些更有效的泡温泉方法呢。B:那你那你就快给大家介绍一下吧A: お湯の温度(おんど)に身体(しんたい)をならすため、湯船(ゆぶね)にはいる前にはねんいりな『かけゆ』をしましょう。湯船に入る前の『かけ湯』は、『これからお湯に入る』という身体へのサインです。『かけ湯』をすることで、身体への負担(ふたん)がかるくなり。かたちだけの『かけ湯』では意味がありません。もう一つ『かけ湯』には、身体のあせをおとすという意味もあります。シャワーやおけのお湯が、ほかの人にかからないよう、すわった状態(じょうたい)でしずかにかける、湯船にはしずかに入るということは、社会人(しゃかいじん)としての大切(たいせつ)なマナーです。B: 为使身体适应温泉的温度,进入温泉池前应该充分冲洗。入池前的冲洗是告知身体“马上就要进温泉”的信号。冲洗可以减轻对身体的负担,能够防止入浴后血压升高。只图形式上的冲洗就失去了意义。冲洗的另一层意义,还在于冲掉身上的汗水。使用淋浴头、水盆冲洗,注意不要溅到别人身上,坐着静静冲洗,轻轻进入温泉池。这是社会人的重要礼节。A: おんせんのすいあつは思っている以上に強(つよ)いものです。おんせんやすいあつによる急激(おも)な負担(ふたん)をさけるために、いきなり かたまでつかるのではなく。ゆっくりと湯船につかることによって、リラックス効果(こうか)も期待(きたい)できます。とくに高温(こうおん)の温泉の場合(おんせんのすいあつ)は、静かに入るようにしましょう。入浴(にゅうよく)時間は額(ひたい)などがばむ程度(ていど)が目安(めやす)です。あせがながれ、動悸(どうき)がするほどの長湯(ながゆ)はやめましょう。長湯はかえって湯ざめをする原因(げんいん)にもなります。 B: 温泉的水压比想象的要大。为避免泉温和水压造成的急剧负担,不要一下子就泡到肩部,理想的方式是先半身浴让身体适应温泉。缓缓在温泉池浸泡,能够放松身体、解除疲劳。特别是高温温泉,请务必缓缓入池。入浴时间以达到额头出汗程度为准。请不要进行造成大汗淋淋、心跳过速的长时间浸泡。长时间泡温泉反倒会引起浴后发冷。A: ねつめのお湯などの場合(ばあい)は短時間(たんじかん)つかるごとに湯船からでて、休憩(きゅうけい)をはさみながら入浴(にゅうよく)するようにして、無理(むり)はしないようにしましょう。温泉(おんせん)の入浴回数(かいすう)は、個人差(こじんさ)はありますが一度(いちど)の入浴につき3かいを目安(めやす)にしましょう。入浴じゅう、マッサージなどをとりいれると更(さら)に血行(けっこう)が良くなります。B:热温泉的情况,短时间浸泡,从温泉池出来,休息后再入浴。不要勉强。温泉入浴的次数,因人而异。一次泡温泉以3次为宜。入浴中,如果能进行按摩,会更进一步促进血液循环。A:湯船に入る時(とき)と同様(どうよう)、静かにあがりましょう。せっかくの薬効成分(やっこうせいぶん)も、シャワーなどえあがり湯をすると効果(こうか)が薄(うす)れるので、成分(せいぶん)を肌(はだ)になじませるために、しないほうが良いといわれます。また、ひざから下(した)に冷水(れいすい)をかければ湯ざめ防止(ぼうし)にもなります。さいごに、使用(しよう)した桶(おけ)や洗い場(あらいば)がけがれていないかもチェックしましょう。B:离开温泉池和入池一样,要安静、缓缓离开。珍贵的药效成分用淋浴冲洗掉,效果骤减。为使温泉成分与肌肤融合,最好不要冲洗。再者,用冷水冲洗膝盖以下,还可以防止浴后发冷。最后要检查一下,是否弄脏了用过的水盆、洗浴的场所A:洗完温泉,要饮用茶水、冰水、运动饮料等补充水分。泡温泉消耗能量,血压也会发生变化,浴后应该休息到身体状况平稳(30分钟左右)。休息期间,身体和头发都干爽,还能杜绝浴后发冷。B:好了今天的节目到这里就接近尾声了,感谢辛勤付出的后期制作胡婕,更要感谢同学们长久以来的关心与支持,尤其是刚刚步入沈农校园的17级小鲜肉们,如果你对VOE外文广播电台感兴趣我们期待你的加入。A:如果你有什么好的建议和想法,可以关注我们的微信公众号“VOERadio”,来给我们留言,说出你的想法。B:让我们在优美的歌声中结束本期节目,我们下期再见,拜拜。节目监制: 袁蕴宁 播音: 梁远鹏 吉旭灵 编辑: 梁远鹏 吉旭灵 制作: 胡捷
11/4/20179 minutes, 32 seconds
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Nov.3,2017#Screen Age#Halloween Collection

节目名称:Screen Age 荧屏时代节目主题:Halloween CollectionB: Hello, my dear audience. I am your old friend Shinskie. Today we have some new friends here,because it’s a special day!I:Hello everyone I&`&m Icey. Your friend ordinary but not flat this is me.C:Hello,everyone,I&`&m Cynthia,and we friend for you,I&`&m happy to be here,and I hope we can be come good friends in the future. SH:Hello,everyone. M name is Sarah.It&`&s my pleasure to join the VOE.S:Hello,everyone.This is Sara,who likes to swim and has a wider an geof interests.Nice to meet you in VOE. L: Welcome to VOE! Welcome to the Screen Age! Hope all of you guys could have a good time her.This Is Halloween(demo)——Danny ElfmanB: What about your Halloween?L: Well, trick or treat, Jack-o-Lantern, pumpkin pie.Em, I like pumpkin pie, you know I am a foodie.B: Well I also consider about bloodsucker but not food.L: You are right, in western countries, blood sucker always stands for a vital part.B: I still remember a movie called Hotel Transylvania.Ghost, Elf, and Bloodsucker. Hey Lynn, what do you think about this film?L: I think, in some way, it’s a cartoon version of The Twilight Saga. Because it tells a love story between human and bloodsucker, too.B: Right! And now we are going to give a short introduction of this film. The film talks about the bloodsucker king, Earl Dracula loves his daughter very much. In order to protect his daughter far from human’s dangerous world, he built a five-star hotel Transylvania.L: In the 118th birthday party of his daughter, a young man called Jonathan accidentally broke into the hotel.Dracula tried every way to drive him out, but his daughter and Jonathan fell in love at first sight.B: Some humor some sadness and happiness mixed together, give us a diverse enjoyment.The Party——Bruno CoulaisB: When I mention about the Halloween, the film which comes to your mind first must be The Nightmare Before Christmas. However, it is so popular that I ain’t interested in it. L:Although I think that it is a little bit dull, there is nod enying that its back ground music is classical. And today, we’re going to introduce you a niche short film called L’accordeur. B: This film tells us a story of Adrian, a piano tuner who pretended to be blind before witnessing a murder case. It won a prize of the César Awards for the short films. It presents the highest honor of French films.L: The main style of it is the suspense. Someone who likes the thriller (like me) can’t miss it. It is well worth seeing. B: The highlight of this film is not the blood or violent,but magnify the fear in your heart. There is much controversy is that whether the hero is alive or not in the end. L: But from my point of view, if you want him to die,he’s dead. It just a mirror which can reflect yourself inside.The Party——Bruno Coulais L: In some way L’accordeur is a tragedy, but now what we will introduce you is a sweet movie though it is related with ghost.B: Well, I believe that everyone would have some gooddreams, the dream world is always much better than reality. Would you like to stay in the dream forever?L:And now we are going to introduce you a wonderful film called Coraline strongly! Someone may fear thetranslated name which is like the Ghost Mother.However, it is about a story with love and warmth. It is adapted by a classical Gothic fairy.B: It mainly tells us that Caroline was a girl full of curiosity. When she found a strange and my sterious door in her new apartment, she got through in it and found that it was a parallel world. Although it was a world almost like the real world. She still found the family she just wanted in it. Everything inside was full of magic.L: Coraline was awarded for the Academy Award and the Golden Globe Award of the Best Animation Award.What attracts us more is that the single-frametechnology. With the computer 3D technology is moreand more popular, the direction Henry Selick is merelystill an old captital. In this film, he used moderns andpuppets and gave them new lives. What’s more, itmakes the single-frame film more true.B: The most mysterious thing in this film is a lovely cat. He paid no heed to Caroline’s laugh, and saved her in the end. He is so smart. It is said that in the filmCoralineII would tell about the live of that graceful cat.Let’s look forward of it. I have prepared the ticket in my hand already.Alice: Madness Returns Theme——Jason TaiB: This is all for today’s program. Although Halloweenis a western festival, but you can also enjoy it, like masquerade or go to a haunted house with your boy or girlfriend.L: Don not listen to him. You can also see a movie, it will be safer! Have a nice time, 最后感谢制作张雨航。See you, Bye~B: See you~节目监制:赛碧乐编辑:毕鑫屹 邹佳琳播音:邹佳琳 毕鑫屹 孟萌萌 孙晨棣 张桐珲 王雪莹 姜晓璐制作:张雨航
11/3/201711 minutes, 39 seconds
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Nov. 2, 2017 #한류전선# 鬼怪夜市

节目组: 한류전선 韩流前线 节目名称:鬼怪夜市开头曲 Rebey 乐童音乐家친구들 안녕하세요.大家好,欢迎收VOE外语广播韩流前线,我是播音孙鹏。만나서 반가워요.大家好,我是播音李奕萱今天我们来给大家介绍一部非常好看的韩国综艺《鬼怪夜市》。在这个史无前例的“不眠真人秀”中,节目成员要为了第二天早上在人气店铺、热门场所等获得一名而挑战熬夜不睡觉,对这个新概念综艺大家是否充满期待呢?밤도깨비는매주핫한장소와상품,먹거리를등으로얻기위해고군분투하는여정을담은프로그램이라고합니다.除了节目内容,出演阵容也同样受到关注。综艺界的大咖郑亨敦、李秀根、多才多艺的搞笑艺人朴成光,以及大势人气偶像李洪基和金钟炫,看到这五人帮在一起搞怪的模样就不禁令人发笑。졸린 눈을 비비고 늘 부스스한 상태로명소를 찾아가는 멤버들의 모습은 웃음을 아내기도하죠.插曲 2 dancingking拍摄“不眠综艺”听起来就不是个易事,因为最难的就应该是不睡觉了,因为摄像机一晚都在拍摄,没办法合眼,还要考虑到各种综艺效果。而且最近还赶上雨季,但是仍然冒雨熬夜进行了拍摄。방송콘셉트에따라1등을차지하기위해매주멤버들은밤을새서명소를찾아가는데보기만해도쉬운일이아님을알수있죠.朴成光则表示通过这个节目观众可以看到成员们内心很真实的一面:“熬夜到一定的时间段,人的真实本性就会展现出来,哥哥们有时会发火,有时还会不停的笑,观众看了会感到很有趣。”시청자들은이프로그램을통해멤버들의가장진실된모습도볼수있습니다.어느정도밤새다보면불같이화를내는멤버도있고미친듯이웃는멤버도있插曲3Beautiful鬼怪要说里面最有人气的那一定非李洪基和金钟炫莫属了 。导演说,我一直就想邀请李洪基,但是他之前日本活动太忙了,现在终于有时 间能 加入 节目 ,而 且钟现在人气特别高,在参加《Produce101》时展现了很真实的一面,拥有如宝石般的魅力。有他们的参加,真的很开心。프로듀스101을 통해 많은 인기를 얻은김종현씨는 이 프로그램에서도 그만의 보석같은 매력으로 시청자들의호감을얻고있습니다. 近来获得超高人气的金钟炫此次是首次固定出演综艺节目,对此他表示自己一开始很紧张,但每位前辈都非常照顾他,让他能很愉快的完成拍摄,而家人和成员们也很为他高兴,都有为他应援。김종현씨는 이번이 처음 고정하게된 프로그램이여서 처음엔 많이긴장했다고 합니다.하지만 선배님들의 배려하에 매번 유쾌하게 방송을맞힐수있었다고해요.今天的节目到这里就要结束了,感谢制作人,要记得收看鬼怪夜市偶, 感谢您的收听,我们下期再见。节目监制:金池 编辑:孙鹏 李奕萱 播音:孙鹏 李奕萱 制作:王飞
11/2/201710 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

Nov. 1, 2017 #Bloom in Ink# 安东尼写给不二的情书

节目组: Bloom in Ink 墨海繁花 节目名称:安东尼写给不二的情书开头曲:陪你度过漫长岁月There&`&s a rabbit named Bu&`&er and it&`&s Anthony&`&s.. When you&`&re sad, you want a rabbit, you can call it " Bu&`&er " or"dear", and it heals all the pain of Anthony. Do you need it ?Anthony&`&s love letter to Bu&`&er,and I&`&ll read it toyou.有只兔子叫不二,它是安东尼的。难过时候,想要一只兔子,你可以叫它不二或亲爱的,它能治愈所有安东尼的伤痛。你需要不二吗?安东尼写给不二的情书,今天念给你听The fish says to water: "in my life, am I the first fish?"" Water said: "you are not the first fish in the water, but it is the first in my heart." I am not a fish, you are not water, we are not the first in each other&`&s lives. But you were the first person I wanted to marry.鱼对水说:“在你一生中,我是第几条鱼?” 水说:“你不是在水中的第一条鱼,可却是我心中的第一条” 我不是鱼,你也不是水,我们都不是彼此生命中的第一个。可是你是我第一个想嫁的人。Everybody is looking for something. Looking for a job , looking for a place to stay , looking for love , looking for a piece of memory , or look for a dream. Some people are looking for someone else , and some are looking for themselves.Some are looking , but they can&`&t even tell what they are looking for. 城市里的人都在找东西找工作找住处找恋人找一段记忆找一个梦有些人在找另外一个人还有一些在找自己有些人在找东西但是也说不清楚自己在找什么Why do we trsvel? Maybe,it&`&s because that someone , something , or somewhere , once you leave behind you can never return. Or think that you won&`&t be able return我们为什么要旅行呢我想可能是因为有些人有些事有些地方一旦离就回不去了或者应该说总觉自己回不去了My mind is clear . No matter what happens,I will always walk towards you,unwavering,unhurried,and unhesitant. 是的我很清醒不论是公转还是自转涨潮还是退潮不论是暖流改变气温带来鱼群或者海水淹没岛屿失去踪迹.不论是我的世界车水马龙繁华盛世还是它们都瞬间消失化为须臾我都会坚定的走向你不迷惑不慌张不犹豫Since then ...every time once it is raining I will think about you. 和你相遇的那个午后我们本来在街上闲逛忽然下起大雨我拉着你在雨中跑...... 那次以后每次大雨的时候我就能想到你Sitting on the beach , my heart started raining side. The ocean is so vast , stetching all around the world. Everyone has a story ... finally I felt that I had to start myjourney. 忘记我在海边坐了多久视野里波涛反反复复心中却只是下雨的声音地球到底有多大世界到底有多宽阔是不是人们都带着爱的痕迹生活The future that we are curious and worrying zbout the same time , will be bright . Or so I sometimes feel in my heart.那些我们一直好奇而又有一些 惴惴不安的未来有时候在我心里隐隐约约感觉到它们是明亮的I hope everyone can find their Bu&`&er, to accompany you through the long years希望每个人都能找到属于自己的不二,陪你度过漫长岁月感谢制作任家豪 Thank you for your listening, and welcome to join VOE, and welcome to join Bloom In Ink! See you next week 感谢收听我们的节目,欢迎订阅微信公众号时代之声节目监制:魏镜滟编辑:李硕播音:魏镜滟 李硕制作:任家豪
11/1/201710 minutes, 40 seconds
Episode Artwork

Oct. 31, 2017 #The World Says# Ginkgo Festival of SYAU

节目组: The World Says 世界说 节目名称: Ginkgo Festival of SYAU开头曲 Skin Tight Mute: Hello! Everyone, welcome to The World Says from the VOE foreign language station. This is Mute, a recruit of VOE.History: And I'm history.Esther: Hey! I'm Esther. A desire of English broadcasting leads me to today’s stage. So, what are we going to talk about today? 插曲1 She Mute: Well, guys. I heard that the Ginkgo Festival of SYAU is wane to the end. That Ginkgo leaves turned yellow and falling down on the ground…The poetic scene is still appearing in my mind. It's recalled the days of childhood to me. What do guys think about that?Esther: To the whisper of the angles wings. Heart blossoms to Cupid's rampage. Time comes crossroads of autumn. To await in nakedness as a ginkgo tress.History: Oh… is that a poem? Well, I'm not that kind of girl with highbrow style. I'd better let “History” to introduce the history of Ginkgo Festival of our campus.Mute: Yep. It fits your name, go ahead.History: The Ginkgo Festival of SYAU held on this time is the Fourth session. It's started from 2013.During this four years, the Ginkgo Festival has been reported by a lot of famous media and press. At the same time, Ginkgo Festival has become a sign of our university.Esther: You… got a feeling of stuck in the history lesson.History: Why you use the word “stuck”, it's not funny?Mute: Maybe yes, maybe not. It depends, right? Talking about funny things, I can say for sure the ginkgo trees are not the only scene which is worth to enjoy. There are still many things attract your eyeballs. For instance, I just saw an accordion and violin performed a piece together on the side of the road…History: Yeah, right! I've saw that, too. I can feel the notes flying in the sky, that scene is wonderful and so romantic.Mute: Whoops, never thought you can use the word like “romantic”. I thought you are going to introduce the history of violin or something and tapping the blackboard at the same time.History: Move away! Exit in front of you.Mute: Kidding! 插曲 2 Look At Me Now Esther: You know, I heard someone say thefruit of ginkgo is nutritiousafter being cooked.History: Of course, although it smells like...before when is still raw. You guys know what I mean…..Mute, Esther: Yes, of course. (That's it).History: Actually, not merely ginkgo is in hot selling, but wine, raspberry, hazelnut and many things are special product of our university too.Mute: Certainly! We are in the agriculture university! Many experts will lead their students to research and develop now varieties which are much better than the normal products in the market. Esther: So these products make ours campus special undoubtedly logical. Actually, I also join in the troop of tourist.Mute: Wow! Have something impressed you?Esther: Yea, while I strolled along the path of gingko where filled with glorious views, suddenly, a shout abstract everyone's attention.History: Jesus! There must something terrible happened!Esther: Wait, Wait, and listen to me. What we saw was that a security shouted with a loud-speaker:" please leave there, have you seen the blockade line, that's a forbidden zone, that's a forbidden zone! We are civilized modern, please obey the rules. "Mute: That's quiet embarrassing. I'm really curious about what happened?Esther: Darn! I have to say such impolite adults setting a negative example which may lead to the kids following them to trample on the lawn and pick the leaves of ginkgo just for taking photos.History: They can't do that! How selfish they are!Esther: That's right, I'm on your side. In fact, according to my observation, this situation compared with last year has been improved.Maybe the selfish people didn't come this year.Mute: I appreciate your humor. But, seriously, could it be worse?Esther: Of course! Last year, some people even had a picnic on the lawn!What made my blood boiled was that they didn't leave anything on the lawn but various rubbish. What an awful disaster for the festival!History: We should rally together! We must take action instead of praying the impolite to do not come here!Esther: That's the point. As a member of our campus, we have duty andright to preserve its stake in any instance.History: Do you have any good ideas?Esther: Look, I've been thinking about it. First, we could increase the number of ash-bins and we did it this year! Hmmm, by the way, I'm not in favor of the way of preventing them by shouting at someone.Mute: I agree with you! It's so noisy that may affect our daily life.Esther: So it's our show time! Once we meet uncivilized behavior,don’t be a silent coward! Just go ahead and remind them not to do that again in a gentle voice.Mute: What's more, it's a scrumptious time to show our enthusiasm and hospitality. History:Finally,I would like to bring an appropriate quote to all audiences: Things are not black and white, there are many intermediate state.Esther:So guys,you know communication is the most difficult, but I still want to communicate more; with a smile, tolerant people.History: Oh, shall we talk about something relax? Like, I was a reporter during the ginkgo festival. 插曲3 EnoughMute: Reporter? It's really a nice job.Esther: umm...I think you do have the temperament to be a reporter.History: Ha, thank you. Well, I found most of these people coming here in a family.Mute: That's sounds like an autumn tour!History: Well, you're right. They're all photographed in standard tourist poses.But there are still many professional photographers among people. And each man carried a big canon!Mute: A big canon? What do you mean?History: Oh, I mean their camera.Esther: I know I know, professional photographers have professional equipment.History: And you think they value scenery or people?Esther: Scenery, I assume.Mute: Oh, I don't think so. I've found that some people are just novice. They must be coming for pretty girls.History: That's funny.Mute: No, I'm serious.Esther: Come on! I doubt it!Mute: Eum...whatever...History, have taken any pictures?History: Of course, I won never miss this chance. I've taken so many photos and posted them on my Sina blog.Esther: I'll give you thumb up.History: Thank you. But what impressed most is the photo that taken with a cute boy.Mute: Why?History: Because he says I was beautiful.Mute: Well, I appreciate the boy.History: Ha, anyway, it's an enjoyable experience for me. 插曲 4 Lighters Mute: Ok, let's review what we learnt today. First one is Ginkgo which is a genus of highly unusual non-flowering plants. Or it's just the English name of the trees at the main road of our university.Esther:Well,time flies!Our English programme has reached the end.It's time to say goodbye.So, that's it for our chat about of Ginkgo Festival for more do visit our WeChat official account, 时代之声radio.我是播音张依雪,Esther.History: V.O.E世界说,欢迎你。感谢制作张燚铭,I'm History.Mute:我是播音刘博。This is Mute.See you on the other side.合:Bye~~ 结束曲 Summertime Sadness
10/31/201711 minutes, 20 seconds
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Oct.30, 2017 #Music Bang Bang# 翻唱成英文的外文歌

节目组: Music Bang Bang 音乐大爆炸 节目名称: 翻唱成英文的外文歌开头曲 DespacitoA:Hello,my lovely audience. This is Music Bang Bang from VOE foreign languages radio. I'm you old friend Armstrong温彦博!Well, today, two new partners have came to our group .Now, let's get to know them.J:Hello everybody,I'm Jotta.Someone may call me "zhou ta".A:Never mind.J:Ha.I forgive you for your ignorance.A:So what kind of music do you like?I think you like hip-hop.Because you dressed like a hip-hop girl.J:Yes...but,actually,I have wide interests.A:Ok.The next one.L:Hi, I'm Liz懿慈 and my major is international economic and trade.I'm a little nervous now, because It's my first time to be here. Anyway,I'll give it my best shot.A: Don't be nervous Liz,just take it easy. And welcome you guys to music bang bang !相信在接下来的一年里在新鲜血液的加入下Music Bang Bang会给大家带来更好的节目!那么废话少说,一起来听歌吧!插曲1 Despacito英文版 A:Liz,you must have heard this song.L:Yeah,it's despacito by Luis Fonsi, Daddy Yankee and Justin Bieber!The Spanish song must be the hottest single this year.A:I love this song so much.Every time I hear this song,I just wanna move my body and dance with the rythm.But when I want to sing with music, all I can do is humming and repeating the single word depacito.L:Aha.Actually,There's an English part in Bieber's remix version. 也正是Justin Bieber的加入,让这首西语歌红遍全球,稳坐各大排行榜冠军宝座。A: Liz, do you know what the lyrics talk about?L:I don't understand Spanish, but I have heard a cover version which sings all by English.A:Honestly,I prefer the original one,the Spanish lyrics with the melody bring me an exotic atmosphere.And it's a little weird when it sings in English. 插曲 2 If U韩文版/if u & faded 1.05-1.26/英文版if u 1.43-3.15 J:Despacito都听过几百遍了,赶紧换首歌。我来放一首。A:Hey,zhou ta, ah , hey Jotta.Did you forget this is a English programme?Please find some English songs,ok?J:Ah ha,guess what,I actually have a English version.A:Play it!A:Don't fool me around.I've heard this song called《faded》.J:She just used the lyrics from it.If you want a pure English version...emm..maybe I have one.a:Hope so.J:Yes,this one.I remember that the first time I heard it was in an application named echo.The singer of this song is ...emm...should I call her Seventeen?Her name is十七.She likes G-Dragon very much so she wrote this English version to show her love.J:Alright.Let's listen the powerful part. 插曲3 李白(英文版)L :Wow,There's no doubt that Shi Qi is so ingenious.And her voice sounds beautiful.J:Definitely!Her version is extremely pleasent to hear.Oh,by the way,I also have some songs whose original version is Chinese and cover version is English.L:I'm listening.L:Oh I see.Don't tell me that the first one is Li Bai.J:There you go!This one is Li Bai.which was written by Li Ronghao.And he became hot after this song.L:The guy kissed her girlfriend at his vocal concert in Taiwan.And all the fans were screaming at that moment.J:I reckon the new version by Chen huan kept Lee's unruly style.And she also has her own point. She used the tequila ,whisky,and vodka to instead of several bowls of beer.Haha,maybe she has a really good sense of humor. 插曲 4 Emily L: It's interesting.I got it. The song covered Dongxiaojie which written by Song Dongye.He's my favorite balladeer.I love Anheqiao very much.When the prelude was sounded,I had my heart a little bit broken.J:What do you think of this English version?By the way,It's written by Alan who is a little mysterious.Because there was much lively debate about where he come from depends on his accent.L:Eh...This one is so warm that I can feel his deep warm love to Emily. It's suitable to listen in cold weather like these days, isn't it? Personally, Song's version is a little sad. J:You are right. I can pretty much understand what you are talking about. A:When a song was covered by another language, it always gave us a big surprise.Time flies.That's all for today's program,see you next time!J:欢迎大家订阅我们的微信公众号时代之声radio,网易云音乐music bang bang电台以及荔枝fm,更多精彩内容等着你的发现,voe等着你的加入。感谢制作李金声。See you! 结束曲 Emily
10/30/201714 minutes, 7 seconds
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Oct. 28, 2017 #日本语ドリームワークス# 解忧杂货铺

节目组: 日本语ドリームワークス日语梦工厂 节目名称: 解忧杂货铺A:皆さん、こんばんは、欢迎收听日语梦工厂。我是主播申济铭。B:大家好,我是主播冉莹。这一期节目为大家带来了《解忧杂货铺》。《解忧杂货铺》是作家东野圭吾所写的一本奇幻温情小说。该书讲述了在僻静街道旁的一家杂货铺,只要写下烦恼投进店前卷帘门投信口,第二天就会在店后的牛奶箱里得到回答。 A:物语は泥棒(どろぼう)からはじめて、泥棒たちは物を盗んで、でも遠くに行っていないのに車はストップしました、彼らが静かな通りに隠れて、廃棄(はいき)の古(ふる)い店(みせ)を見つけました。意外(いがい)にも時間の列車に乗って、気をつけない間に、いくつかの人の平凡な短い真実な生活(せいかつ)に入りました。 B:故事从几个小偷开始说起,小偷几人偷了东西,可是没走多远,车子却抛锚了,一行人只好躲进了僻静街道里,找到了一间废弃的老房子。没想到在无意间却搭上了时光的列车,于不经意间走进了若干人等的或平凡或短暂或匆匆但却真实的生命里。串联起了若干个看似毫无交集的人生。 A:間もなくオリンピックに参加する女の子は不治(ふじ)の病気にかかる彼氏のために、オリンピックに準備(じゅんび)して、心の中が様々で捨(す)てないで、愛情(あいじょう)と事業(じぎょう)の間でうろうろします。 B:即将参加奥运会的女孩为了给身患绝症的男友圆梦而备战奥运会,心里却种种不舍,在爱情和事业间徘徊。 A:音楽夢のために退学(たいがく)する男の子は家を遠く離れて、だけど大きな都市(とし)の中で進めはとても困難です、重症(じゅうしょう)の父は家族の店舗(てんぽ)の倒産の苦しい立場の中で、彼も支持(しじ)することにしました。 B:为了心中的音乐梦而退学的男孩,远离故乡,却在诺大的都市里举步维艰,而重病的父亲却在家族店铺倒闭的困境里义无反顾的支持他不要放弃。 A:優越(ゆうえつ)している環境(かんきょう)の中で成長したのはビートルズが好きな男の子には、家の中の異変(いへん)に遭遇(そうぐう)しました、父は家族を連れていて逃亡(とうぼう)してから、男の子は途中(とちゅう)で離れました。 B:优越环境里长大的热爱披头士的男孩,遭遇家中变故,负债累累的父亲带着全家潜逃,而男孩却在半途中挣脱了亲情的羁绊,义无反顾的离开。还有为了解决养父母的经济危机而选择白天公司坐班,晚上陪酒为生当的署名“小狗”的女孩。 A:彼らは悩みを牛乳(ぎゅうにゅう)箱(ばこ)に投(な)げ込んで、おじいさんの答えを期待しています。おじいさんは、人々が郵便物を投げる時、心の中の地図は空白(くうはく)のですが、回答(かいとう)がないとは限らなくて、多くの場合は、彼らはすべて支持を求めたいので、自分の決定(けってい)を確認するのは正しいです。泥棒たちの不器用(ふきよう)な回答(かいとう)は時間の回廊(かいろう)を横切って、いつの間にか、郵便箱(ばこ)のあの人生も変えました。 B:他们将烦恼投进牛奶箱,期待着隔天杂货铺老爷爷的回答。而浪矢老爷爷说,当人们投下信件的时候,心中的地图虽是空白的,却未必没有答案,很多时候,他们都是想寻求支持,确认自己的决定是正确的。隔着尘埃满满的光阴,小贼们收到了一封封来自于过去的信件,而他们笨拙写下的真诚回复穿过了时光的走廊,也在不知不觉的中改变了信箱那头的人生。 A:説の中に全部で5人の問い合わせ者があって、すべての問い合わせ者は1つのストーリを述べました。 ストーリは全部で呼応(こおう)して、その間にみんな気をつけないで選択と行動(こうどう)は投入(とうにゅう)の水面(すいめん)の石のように、持続(じぞく)的にいさざ波(なみ)をもたらします、これらのいさざ波(なみ)はもっと拡大(かくだい)して、だんだん深(ふか)い絆(きずな)になりました。 B:小说中一共有五位咨询者倾诉了他们的烦恼,每一个咨询者都讲述了一个故事。作者构思巧妙,每个故事前后呼应,其间每个人不经意间的选择和行为,都像投入水面的石子一样,造成了持续不断的涟漪,这些涟漪不断扩大,渐渐形成了牢不可破的羁绊。 A:《なみやざっかてんのキセキ》は東野圭吾が最も重さの作品ではなくて、そして推理小説ではなくて、しかし題材と書き方にとって、ところがそれは東野圭吾の最も特徴があって、最も温度がある作品です。 B:《解忧杂货店》绝不是东野圭吾最具分量的作品,甚至不是推理小说,但是就题材和写法而言,它却是东野圭吾最具特点、最有温度的作品。今天的节目就是这样啦,感谢听众朋友们的收听。 A:节目的最后为大家推荐一首好听的日文歌曲,同时感谢后期制作于越。我们下期再见。 节目监制: 袁蕴宁 播音: 冉莹 申济铭 编辑: 冉莹 申济铭 制作: 于越
10/28/20179 minutes, 33 seconds
Episode Artwork

Oct.27, 2017 #Screen Age# Life is Beautifu

节目组:The Screen Age 荧屏时代 节目名称:Life is Beautiful Y: Good evening my dear audience, here comes to our Screen Age. This is Yolanda. It has been raining this week. The moist air that follows a rain shower makes me feel refreshed. How beautiful rainy days are!I:I see, I like the air, always so pure and fresh ,deeply a breath ,the mood also subsequently. This is Ivy, your best friend. Yolanda, I feel rainy days often brings back my memories. I always think of my childhood.Y: Really? Me, too. I love rainy days since I was a child. I remember the first film that I had seen was Life Is Beautiful.I: You mean that Italian film which released in 1997? That was really a classical work. How about introducing this movie today?Y: It&`&s suits me fine.L: The Fascist regime is coming to the end, the Nazi concentration camp will be cleaned-up soon, what is the ending of Guido’s compiled to his son? Can they pass this dark age safely? Let’s walk in this movie.B: In 1939, the black clouds of the Second World War enveloped the whole Italy. Guido is a seemingly clumsy but kind-hearted and honest optimistic Jewish youth. He is full of life for a good yearning and his desire is to open a bookstore in their town, live a comfortable life. Through a barn tower, the young girl Dora accidently fell in his arm from the high tower. Guido immediately gave her a deep impression, and dealing with her wound warmly.F: Once Guido put a pot of flowers hit the signer’s head when he was writing an application, the signer ran behind and wanted to catch Guido. by accident, Guido hit Dora in a corner, twice meet ignited love flame of Guido. He recklessly expressed his feelings to Dora. No longer, they got married.I: After marriage, good things came one after another, Guido opened a bookstore which he dreamed day and night, they have a well-behaved lovely son Joshua. Guido leisurely played games with his son, a family lived with happiness knowing no bounds. But on his son’s fifth birthday, Nazis captured Guido’s uncle and his son, forcibly sent them to the Jewish concentration camp.Y: When liberation came, Nazis were ready to escape in the midnight, Guido hid his son in a metallic cabinet, and exhort repeatedly never come out. He was going to save his wife Dora, but unfortunately he was found by the Nazis, and when Nazis escorted Guido through the iron cabinet, he was still walked straightly, hint his son not came out, but soon, a gunshot Guido dead in German Nazi’s muzzle.A: At Dawn, Qiao Shuya from the iron cabinet to climb out, standing in the yard, then a real tank car rumbled open to his front, above a US soldier, hold him on the tank. Finally, Joshua and his mother reunited.M: The leading actor of this film is Remigio Benigni. He gets the style of comedy precisely. Most of the films he made are marvelous. Just because of language barrier, he lacked the opportunities to know the world. However, since the film Life is beautiful came out, he has been the most popular and best actor in Italy. In this film, he played a role who was a good father and a good husband. As a result, he won the international audience’s hearts. In addition, this film won the prize of Best Foreign Film Academy Awards. He has an excellent reputation of “Chaplin in Italy”. By the way, He won the worst director of the Razzie Awards with the comedy "Pinocchio" in 2002.L:Nicoletta Braschi is the leader actress of this film. She and Benigni are a couple in the film and even in the real world. She first met him in the film set, and he fell in love at first sight. Braschi is the heroine in the life of Benigni’s, but also played most of the actress in leading roles in the films Benigni directored. They are a famous couple in the filmdom. Her simplicity can not hide her dignity and grace. Her behavior has a hint of sexy in the details of her life. It is flat but charming. You’ll appreciate her from your inside unconsciously.A: Life Is Beautiful reflects world War Ⅱ in a very special way. A normal Jewish family was sent to Auschwitz Concentration Camp. A great father defended his son and wife from being killed. Although the movie tells the story in a humorous way, my heart was broken when Guido died from shot. How many people die?How many kids became orphans? I can&`&t imagine. The movie makes a complaint against World War Ⅱ powerfully. At the same time, it also shows the selfless love from parents. B: This is a movie that has a lasting effect on me. In my opinion, This movie is about love, optimism, courage and inner strength. Guido is a real hero. The movie also has great social response. It is one of the greatest movies in the world. Many people are moved by the black humor comedy. A: The movie wins 3 Oscars including best foreign language film, best actor film and best music awards in 1999. Besides, It gains another 66 wins and 51 nominations. It makes a real achievement. B: This is a movie worth watching. Although life is rough, it is beautiful if you just accept it, try you best to change it and love it. Please believe me, tomorrow will be better.I: Parents all over the world are great and altruistic. They give all their love to children unconditionally and protect their children from injury. I am moved a lot.Y: Yeah, I agree with you. Life Is Beauty is a touching film about love, optimism, courage and inner strength .To be honest, I can&`&t get this film out of my thoughts.I: So if you are free, I highly recommend you to see how parents love their children from this movie.Y:This is all for today&`&s program, enjoy it and see you next time.最后感谢制作张安康。节目监制:刘逸超 编辑:杨晨丹 赵艺薇 邹佳琳 毕鑫屹 播音:李梓彤 赛碧乐 杨旸 杨晨丹 赵艺薇 邹佳琳 毕鑫屹 制作:张安康
10/27/201713 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

Oct. 26, 2017 #한류전선# 韩文字的创造过程及韩语相关知识

节目组:한류전선 韩流前线 节目名称:韩文字的创造过程及韩语相关知识 1:听众朋友们大家好,欢迎收听voe外语广播电台韩流前线,我是播音张星宇。 2:오늘 하루도 잘 보내셨나요? 我是播音金池。 1:金池,你最近有没有读的书啊? 2:有啊,我在读一些关于韩国语的书呢。 1:你的韩语都已经那么好了,竟然还在学啊? 2:당연하지,学无止境嘛。배움에는 끝이 없다고. 你越是了解韩国文字的创造过程或是有关历史就会越发感到神奇。 1:是吗?那这样吧,今天我们就和大家讲讲韩国语吧。 2:좋은생각이야.1:那我们就先从韩文的发明开始讲起吧。 2:好的,大家都知道世宗大王是谁吧,세종대왕, 他就是韩国文字的发明者。 1:我知道,他是李氏朝鲜的第四代国王,也是李氏朝鲜最出色的国王之一。 2:没错,15세기이전에 조선은 명나라의 지배를 받았어요, 또한 귀족가문의 자제들과 일부 지식인들만이 교육을 받을 기회가 있었어요. 때문에 일반백성들은 대부분 어려운 한자를 읽을줄을 몰랐답니다.15世纪之前的朝鲜是由明朝所支配的,而且只有贵族和知识分子才有受教育的机会,平民几乎是不识字的。 1: 在韩文发明之前,老百姓平时就用韩语做口语的交流,但是对于平民来说汉字太难写,人们就很难进行文字交流。이를 안타깝게 여긴 세종대왕은 모든 백성들이 쉽게 배우고 쓸 수 있는 글자를 만드는데 온 힘을 기울였습니다.寝食难安的世宗大王为了创造出能让百姓们更容易学习和书写的文字可以说是倾尽了他的所有。 2: 훈민정음이라 일컫는 한글은 말그대로 백성을 가르치는 바른 소리라는 뜻을 가지고 있는데요, 훈민정음의 창제이유를 세종대왕은 이렇게 설명하고 있습니다. "나라의 말이 중국과 달라서 백성들이 나타내고 싶은 말이 있어도 바르게 나타내지 못하는 사람이 많다. 내 이를 딱하게 여겨서 새로 스물여덟자를 만들었으니 사람마다 쉽게 익혀서 편하게 사용하길 바랄 뿐이다. " 라고말입니다. 여기서 세종대왕이 백성들을 사랑하는 마음이 지극했다는 것을 알수 있죠? 1:被称为训民正音的韩文有着“教导百姓的正确的声音”的含义。说到训民正音的创造理由,世宗大王是这样解释的。“国之语音 异乎中国 与文字不相流通 故愚民有所欲言而终不得伸其情者多矣 予为此悯然 新制二十八字 欲使人人易习 便于日用矣”在这里可以看得出世宗大王爱民如子的品质。1:韩国文字的创制原理,借鉴了太极学说和阴阳五行学说,28个字母的字形是根据“象形”原理创制的, 基本辅音“ㄱ ㄴ ㅁ ㅅ ㅇ”就类似人的发音器官形状。比如说ㄱ 기윽 模仿了舌根堵住喉咙的形状, ㄴ 니은 模仿了舌贴在口腔上部的形状, ㅇ 이응模仿了喉咙的形状。 2: 三个基本元音的形状类似于“、” “ㅡ” “ㅣ” 点意味着太阳,也就是天, 横线形状的 ㅡ 是代表着平地,竖线形状的 ㅣ代表着站立的人的形象,这三个字母是按世上万物生成的“三才论”和“阴阳说”创制的。 1: 在这8个基本表音字母的基础上,按照“加笔划的原理”,共创制了28个字母,而现在使用是是14个辅音和10个元音,共计24个字母。 2:其中14个辅音分别是:ㄱ ㄴ ㄷ ㄹ ㅁ ㅂ ㅅ ㅇ ㅈ ㅊ ㅋ ㅌ ㅍ ㅎ 10个元音分别是:ㅏ ㅑ ㅓ ㅕ ㅗ ㅛ ㅜ ㅠ ㅡ ㅣ (음악3) 1: 哇~现在我知道为什么说韩国字是最科学的文字了。거의 모든 소리를 음절 몇개만으로 표시가 가능하잖아! 因为仅仅几个音节就几乎能够表示出所有的音嘛! 2: 맞아, 실제로 지금 많은 문자가 없는 일부 원주민들이 한글로 자신들의 언어를 표시하고 있대.对,事实上如今也有很多没有文字的土著们在用韩国字作为交流用文字。 1:真的很伟大啊。我之前都不知道韩国字的创造原来包含了这么深的哲学和智慧。 2:응, 처음에는 갑골문을 모방햇다는 설부터 문고리나 창살모양을 본땃다는 설까지 분분했대. 有人说韩文是模仿甲骨文的,也有人说是模仿窗格子的,真是众说纷纭啊。 1:그럼 어떻게 이런 창제과정을 알게 된거야? 那后来是怎么知道真正的创造过程的呢? 2:在接下来给大家介绍的“训民正音解例本”中会给大家说明它的创造过程。 1:解例本指的是记载着对训民正音的解析和使用方法等的说明书。在解例本发布之前有各种各样的对创造过程的臆说,但随着这本书的发布一扫而光了,并且说明了它的制字原理是发音器官象形说。解例本的执笔者是鄭麟趾,朴彭年,成三問等集賢殿学者们。 2:해례본 하니깐, 드라마 뿌리깊은 나무(树大根深)가 생각나. 세종대왕이 한글을 창제했던 과정에 픽션을 가미해서 만든 드라마 말이야. 提起解例本,我突然想起了电视剧“树大根深”。就是那个讲世宗大王创造韩国文字的历史剧。 1:아, 나도 봤었어. 我也看过。 讲述世宗大王在创造韩国字的过程中发生杀人事件的令人窒息的电视剧,是吧?虽然受到了各种挫折和反对,但最后在万千百姓前面发表解例本的场面真是令我记忆犹新。 2:너도 은근히 많이 알고 있단 말이지~ 没看出来你也知道挺多的嘛 1:当然了,我也很关注这些的。 2:한글창제과정을 더 재밌게 접하고 싶으신 분들에게 이드라마를 적극 추천 합니다. 如果你想更深入的了解这些的话向你强烈推荐这部电视剧。精彩的剧本和演员们惟妙惟肖的演出真的能让你目不暇接。 뛰여난 각본과 연출력이 당신을 한시도 눈을 뗄수 없게 만들것입니다. (插曲) 2:哎呀,说着说着就聊到这部电视剧了,都怪它太精彩了。那么回到主题,星宇,我们再给大家详细的讲一讲解例本怎么样啊? 1:没问题。 1:지금의 한글이 있기까지 많은 우여곡절이 있었어요. 오늘 들려드릴 이야기는 전형필선생과 해례본에 관한 이야기입니다. 韩国字发展到现在可谓是历经波折。今天要给大家讲的是关于全蓥弻先生和解例本的故事。可以说没有全蓥弻先生在日治时期所付出的努力,解例本就不会流传至今日了。 (背景音乐) 2: 1943년 6월, 간송의 눈에 빠른 걸음으로 서점 앞을 지나는 고서중개인이 보였습니다. 알고보니 훈민정음 해례본이 나타났는데, 책 주인이 1000원을 부르더랍니다. 때는 일본이 한글 사용을 철저히 금하고 있던시기. 만약 이 책이 발견됐다는 소식이 그들의 귀에라도 들어가면 큰일날 일이였습니다. 간송은 중개인에게 즉시 1만1천원을 건네며 꼭 책을 가져오길 부탁하면서 "훈민정음 같은보물은 적어도 이런 대접을 받아야 한다"고 말했다는 일화가 전해지고 있습니다. 당시 천원은 기와집 한채의 값이였습니다. 그는 기와집 열채나 되는 값을 지불하였던 것입니다. 1:1943年6月的某一天,涧松看见了一个匆匆路过书店的古书商人。仔细一看,原来他在以一千元的价格卖着训民正音解例本。当时正处于日本禁止人民使用韩文的时期,如果这件事传到日本人的耳朵里就大事不妙了。涧松即刻拿出了一万一千元,并说像训民正音这种宝物至少也值这些钱。在一千元钱就可以买到一座砖瓦房的年代,他以十座砖瓦房的价格买下了这本书。 2:그리고 1950년 발발한 6.25전쟁, 선생은 해례본만을 오동나무 상자에 넣어 챙겨갔고 혹시라도 잃어버릴가 낮에는 품고 밤에는 베개삼아 베고 자며 한순간도 몸에서 떼어내지 않았다고 전해집니다.일제 강점기와 6.25 전쟁 속에서도 지켜낸 훈민정음본은 마침내1962년 한국 국보 제70호로지정되고, 1997년에는 유네스코 세계기록유산에이름을1:지금의 한글이 있기까지 많은 우여곡절이 있었어요. 오늘 들려드릴 이야기는 전형필선생과 해례본에 관한 이야기입니다. 韩国字发展到现在可谓是历经波折。今天要给大家讲的是关于全蓥弻先生和解例本的故事。可以说没有全蓥弻先生在日治时期所付出的努力,解例本就不会流传至今日了。 (背景音乐) 2: 1943년 6월, 간송의 눈에 빠른 걸음으로 서점 앞을 지나는 고서중개인이 보였습니다. 알고보니 훈민정음 해례본이 나타났는데, 책 주인이 1000원을 부르더랍니다. 때는 일본이 한글 사용을 철저히 금하고 있던시기. 만약 이 책이 발견됐다는 소식이 그들의 귀에라도 들어가면 큰일날 일이였습니다. 간송은 중개인에게 즉시 1만1천원을 건네며 꼭 책을 가져오길 부탁하면서 "훈민정음 같은 보물은 적어도 이런 대접을 받아야 한다"고 말했다는 일화가 전해지고 있습니다. 당시 천원은 기와집 한채의 값이였습니다. 그는 기와집 열채나 되는 값을 지불하였던 것입니다. 1:1943年6月的某一天,涧松看见了一个匆匆路过书店的古书商人。仔细一看,原来他在以一千元的价格卖着训民正音解例本。当时正处于日本禁止人民使用韩文的时期,如果这件事传到日本人的耳朵里就大事不妙了。涧松即刻拿出了一万一千元,并说像训民正音这种宝物至少也值这些钱。在一千元钱就可以买到一座砖瓦房的年代,他以十座砖瓦房的价格买下了这本书。 2:그리고 1950년 발발한 6.25전쟁, 선생은 해례본만을 오동나무 상자에 넣어 챙겨갔고 혹시라도 잃어버릴가 낮에는 품고 밤에는 베개삼아 베고 자며 한순간도 몸에서 떼어내지 않았다고 전해집니다.일제 강점기와 6.25 전쟁 속에서도 지켜낸 훈민정음본은 마침내1962년 한국 국보 제70호로지정되고, 1997년에는 유네스코 세계기록유산에이름을 올리게 됩니다. 1:还有在1950年的6.25战争时期,他把解例本放进了一个梧桐树制的箱子里,为了防止它被人偷走,白天就抱着它,晚上就枕着它睡,可谓是寸步不离啊。终于在11:오늘은 여기까지, 今天就到这里了,感谢制作人闫丹丽。通过今天的讲述,大家是不是对韩国字有了初步的了解了呢? 2:마지막으로 여러분들께 악동뮤지의 "가다나같이"를 제외하고, 한글날을 기념하기 위해서 만든 다른곡 "시간과 낙엽"을 들려드릴 께요. 다같이 잔잔한 기타선율에 빠져보도록 해요. 1:最后给大家送上乐童音乐家的除了“与ganada一起”之外非常好听的一首歌曲”时间与落叶“。这首歌是专门为了纪念韩国字而创作的,大家来一起沉醉在它的吉他旋律之中吧。 2:다음에 또봐요 1&2: 안녕~ 节目监制:朴恩静 播音:金池 张星宇 编辑:金池 张星宇 制作:闫丹丽
10/26/201711 minutes, 49 seconds
Episode Artwork

Oct. 25, 2017 #Bloom in Ink#Trump’s TV speech

节目组: Bloom in Ink 墨海繁花 节目名称: Trump’s TV speech开头曲 memoriesV:Hello everyone,welcome to Bloom in ink from VOE Foreign Languages Radio Station , I&`&m Venessa , I&`&m Sakura , I&`&m Don ,D:Today we will bring you the speaks by Trump on TV every week, please enjoy.S:今天我们将给大家带来美国现任总统的每周电视讲话:祝贺所有的毕业生们,希望你能够享受这次的听觉体验。垫乐 久石让-summerV:My fellow Americans, confidence in the American economy has reached levels not seen in many, many years.Unemployment fell to its lowest level in nearly ten years last month, and we created 211,000 new jobs.Our economic progress is especially good news for the millions of young Americans who,at this time of the year, are putting on a cap and gown and receiving a diploma, certificate, or commission.So important, and we are so proud of them.This weekend, I am delighted to be participating first hand in the excitement by joining the students and faculty at Liberty Universityto celebrate the success of their graduates.I was invited to make the commencement address at West Point,but I will be away at the G7 – and I look forward to that – and will be at West Point, Annapolis, and the Air Force Academy.Come to think about it, a few days later, I will actually travel to New London, Connecticut, to speakto the graduating cadets of the United States Coast Guard Academy about their new roles serving our country.我的美国同胞们,现在,美国经济信心指数已达到多年未见的高水平。上月,美国失业率降至近10年来最低值,同时我们还创造了21万1千 个新工作。我们的经济进步,对部分美国人来说尤其是个好消息每年此时,这几百万人都将戴上毕业帽、换上毕业服,获得毕业证、结业证书或委任状。这如此重要,我们为他们自豪。本周,我很高兴地与利伯缇大学师生一道,庆祝毕业生完成学业。我被邀请为西点军校做毕业演讲,但我会在G7峰会期间离开——我一直期待着这个峰会——我还将前往西点军校、海军军官学校和空军军官学校。想想看,几天后,我会抵达康涅狄格州的新伦敦市,面向美国海岸警卫队学院的毕业军官们,谈论他们服务国家的新角色。S: So we&`&ll be with them very shortly.To young Americans at both schools, I will be bringing a message of hope and optimism about our nation&`&s bright future.That is a message that I want to extend to all young Americans today, especially those who are graduating this year and entering the labor force.We are also celebrating all of the Americans who learn the skills and trades that generations of workers have used to build, shape, and supply this nation.The people who construct, repair, and create with their own two hands are the people who make this nation run.And lots of those people voted for me.That&`&s also why, in my Administration, I am so deeply committed to technical and vocational education.I want you to know that my administration is working every single day to create new opportunities and to reverse years of stagnant growth,falling wages, and disappearing jobs.We are ending the sellout of American workers—and lifting the burdens on American industry, manufacturing, and businesses.We are also rolling back the job-killing regulations that make it harder for companies to grow and hire in America.因此,我们很快就会与他们会面。我会为这两所学校的美国年轻人,带对美国光明未来的希望与乐观的消息。而这也是我想给予今天所有美国年轻人的消息,特别是那些今年即将毕业、开始工作的人。我们也赞美习得技能和手艺的所有美国人——一代代劳动者用这些技能和手艺建立、塑造和支撑了这个国家。构建、修改、并用自己双手创造的人,是让这个国家运转的伟大人物。在大选中,许多这样的人为了投了票。这也是为何在本届政府中,我大力推动技能与职业教育的原因。我想让你知道,每一天,本届政府都在努力创造新工作机会,并扭转数年来增长疲软工资下降和就业紧张等问题。我们正在终结对美国工人的出卖,减轻美国工业、制造业和商业肩上的重担。我们还在逐渐废止有碍就业的条例,这些条例令公司难以在美国发展壮大、雇用员工。D: At the same time, we are unleashing American energy development to create thousands of new jobs on our soil and just off our shores.On trade, we have also taken historic action to protect American industry and bring back the kinds of high-paying jobsthat can support a middle class family – and in fact, most families.As a vote of confidence in these policies, business optimism is soaring and employment is rising.These are great signs for America&`&s future – the future that our new graduates will play with such a critical role in shaping our world and our country.I want every young citizen – regardless of education or geography – to be able to live out their American Dreams.So to all of America&`&s graduates, congratulations.And to all of America&`&s youth: we are here to help create the jobs and future you deserve.The brightest days are ahead of you.And I just look forward to seeing you at the Coast Guard Academy, and at Liberty University.Thank you. God Bless You. And God Bless America.同时,我们正为美国能源发展松绑,从而在本土和海外创造几千个新工作。在贸易方面,我们已经采取了有历史意义的行动来保护美国工业,并高薪工作带回美国,而这些工作能支撑中产阶层家庭即大多数家庭的生活。与对这些政策信心度投票结果一样,商业乐观一路飞涨,就业机会也是步步高升。对美国未来来讲这些是极好的信号。而未来,就是我们的新毕业生将在塑造世界和美国中,扮演至关重要的角色。我想让每位美国年轻公民,都能实现自己的美国梦——无论其受教育程度如何,无论他身处何地。因此,致美国所有毕业生:祝贺你们成功毕业。致美国所有年轻人:我们在这里为你创造你赢得的工作和未来。最光明的日子就在前方。我期待着在海岸警卫队学院和利伯缇大学与你见面。谢谢你,愿上帝保佑你,上帝保佑美国。结束曲 An unfinished life. V:After hearing trump&`&s speech, I believe you will have full energy today,see you next Wednesday!S:在听完了两首歌曲之后,希望你就有了今天份的好心情,让我们下周三再见!S: 感谢制作任家豪!D:Thank you for your listening, and welcome to join VOE, and welcome to join Bloom In Ink! See you next week!S:感谢收听我们的节目,欢迎订阅微信公众号时代之声Radio,荔枝FM22808.欢迎加入VOE,加入墨海繁花!春风十里,我们,一直都在等你。All:Bye!节目监制:魏镜滟 编辑:唐敏嫣 播音:唐敏嫣 李硕 魏镜滟制作:任家豪
10/25/201711 minutes, 24 seconds
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Oct. 24, 2017 #The World Says# What should we do to plastic bags?

节目组: The World Says 世界说 节目名称: What should we do to plastic bags?V: Hello everyone, I'm Vincent. Where you are hearing is the world says from the VOE foreign languages radio station, Today we are bringing you an interesting topic and some words. Sitting next to me was Sherlock, who had just finished his meal. Sherlock, as usual, please say hello to everyone.S: ah, it's good to see you everyone again, I'm Sherlock, and this time I actually want to tell you Vincent, This fried chicken takeaway is very delicious, it's amazing!V: well, takeaway which means a meal cooked and bought at a shop or restaurant,but taken somewhere else, often home, to be eaten. Umm…That's not what we're talking about today, but you just mentioned takeaway, don't you?S: yep! Takeaway is not only convenient but also delicious! I don't need to go to the cafeteria. I just need to operate my smart phone and go downstairs. Then I can get a big meal.V: Sounds interesting, but do you know? Always taking takeaway is indirectly damaging the environment!S: It sounds bad, Can you explain to me why?V: so, our 1st topic is we need to reduce the amount of plastic bags that we useS: Indeed, takeaway food does cause abuse of plastic products. In order to reduce the use of plastics, countries can say that they have their own way, such as in Kenyan, selling or even using plastic bags will risk imprisonment of up to four years or fines of $40,000, as the world's toughest law aimed at reducing plastic pollution came into effect.V: Oh, well, imprisonment which means to put someone in prison, and have to say Sherlock, It's really too mean. S: You know, there's something more that we think is go too far, Kenya's law allows police to go after anyone even carrying a plastic bag.V: actually, enforcement would initially be directed at manufacturers and suppliers. "Ordinary people will not be harmed.S: Anyway, it's a great thing to make a change to protect the environmentV: Similarly, businesses also made some change. Big supermarket chains have already started offering customers cloth bags as alternatives.S: In fact, I think it's a way for the government to introduce enforcement measures, but I prefer citizens to voluntarily raise their awareness of environmental protectionV: Let's listen to a couple of India Sisters Melati and Isabel is on a mission to ban plastic bags in Bali.S: It sounds very effective. V: In fact, plastic bags are expensive in Britain, and they do have a lot of ideas for saving money.S: Whether it's using gaffer tape to strap groceries to their bodies, stuffing items into prams or even filling up buckets and cycling helmets, some shoppers are going to bizarre lengths to avoid paying 5p for a plastic bag. V: Not only that, people is also good at sharing their savings detailsS: yep! People have been taking to social media to post pictures of themselves and the cunning alternatives that can be used to cart home their weekly groceries.V: cunning which means tricky, People's imagination is endless, is that is? As we can see, among the social media is an officer who piled a few snacks into his police helmet, a man who found some extra pockets by stuffing biscuits.S: I think it must have someone just carrying their shopping in their arms.V: And the source of all this is not only for environmental protection, but also for saving money. S: you are right, the latest statistics show that disposable plastic bag use in supermarkets has fallen by 80 per cent since the 5p charge was introduced in England few years ago. V: And Billions of the throwaway bags are no-longer being issued at tills to be used for just 20 minutes before being dumped.V: OK, shall we look back at the words we learned today?S: Of course, well, takeaway which means a meal cooked and bought at a shop or restaurant but taken somewhere else, often home, to be eaten.V:For your weight, I don't think take a takeaway is a good idea for you Sherlock. And next one is cunning, cunning which means tricky,S: I got it , we also learned imprisonment ,which means to put someone in prison.V: yes. Sherlock, if you break the law, you're going to imprisonmentS: Don't worry, I'm a law-abiding citizen V: Come on, you guy!V: Well, that's all for today's show, it's time to say goodbye again. We hope you can enjoy and get some useful things from today's program. S: Please join us again soon. And good news, Vincent, I'm glad that we got many new guys join us. Maybe the next one can hear them 世界说,欢迎你,我是Vincent (I'm Vincent )感谢制作iris,我们下期再见!我是播音杨晏直。S: And you also can find our program in our WeChat official account时代之声 radio.同时,也欢迎大家关注voe外语广播电台的微信公众号时代之声 radio. I'm Sherlock我是播音余若天 and I'll be waiting for you next Tuesday.Bye~节目监制:苗世钰 编辑:杨晏直 余若天 播音:杨晏直 余若天 制作:张燚铭
10/24/201710 minutes, 40 seconds
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Oct. 23, 2017 #Music Bang Bang# I don't believe in love, but I believe in you

节目组: Music Bang Bang 音乐大爆炸 节目名称: I don't believe in love, but I believe in you开头曲 A thousand years C: Hello, my dear audience. This is Music Bang Bang from VOE foreign languages radio。我是Christine, 郭思婷。A: I'm Armstrong, 温彦博。诶,思婷啊,今天的开场曲不是暮光之城的插曲嘛,我看你今天的选歌都这么温柔,难不成要出一个婚礼歌单?C: 没没没,只是最近很喜欢这几首超温柔的情歌,想介绍给大家听听。不过啊,听你这么一说…咱们这期节目的歌单确实也挺适合做婚礼背景音乐的。A: 哈哈,那咱们快开始听歌吧。 插曲1 Enchanted C: The first song is Enchanted, from Taylor Swift. Her new song, Look what you made me do has been a really hit recently. But, personally, I prefer the old Taylor much more.现在Taylor的歌曲确实流行度强了很多,以前的歌虽然不如现在的出名,但每首都写进了心里。就像这首Enchanted, 就是她为Adam Young 所做,字里行间都是小心翼翼的暗示和义无反顾。A: Adam Young is the founder and the only member of the band, Owl city. Adam has responded to her with his cover afterwards, but regrettably, there's never a reply by Taylor later. Yet some people think, it is just the no-end story that makes the song so beautiful, and this is the best interpretation of love at first sight. If you have a secret crush on somebody, it will be extraordinarily pleasant to hear. 插曲 2 Not today A: The second song is Not Today, from Imagine Dragons. It is an episode of Me Before You. 这部电影中其他的的插曲也都很好听呢,像是现在人气非常高的黄老板Ed Sheeran的两首歌Photograph和Thinking Out Loud都收录在其中。C: 每次听到这首歌啊,我都会自动脑补出电影最后Louisa穿着Will送的大黄蜂条纹裤坐在巴黎街头的咖啡桌旁读着Will的来信的那一幕。信的结尾写到:Don't think of me too often. I don't want you getting sad. Just live well. Just live. I'll be walking beside you every step of the way. 插曲3 Lucky C: The third song is Lucky, from Jason Mraz and Colbie Caillat. 这首歌描述了一对知己变为恋人的美丽故事。副歌部分男女声的相互搭配恰到好处,虽然简单但被他们的和声变为了极美的享受。这样自然舒服的声音让人觉得,真正的好音乐是不需要修饰的。A: By the way, there is a Spanish version named Suerte. The word also means lucky in Spanish..插曲4 How long will I love you A: The fourth song is How long will I Love you, from Ellie Goulding. It comes from a movie, too, which is named About Love. It has two versions, one by woman, the other by man. The version appears in the movie is the man's one. C: 很喜欢电影中因为一场大雨而兵荒马乱的婚礼。后来,男主问女主,有没有有点后悔没有把婚礼选在一个充满阳光的日子,女主说,没有,这就非常好。有些时候,不太完美的安排,顺其自然,只要有你,就可以给我带来幸福的新篇章。 插曲 5 Flightless Bird, American Mouth C: The last one is Flightless Bird, American Mouth. 这首歌收录于电影《暮光之城.暮色》以及《暮光之城 破晓 (上)》作为插曲。The first appearance is when they were dancing in Twilight. The second appearance is on their wedding in Breaking Dawn A: 这首歌真的太温柔了,仿佛就在你耳边轻声吟唱。听了本期节目,你有没有想要找个人结婚的冲动呢?如果没有,嗯…那我建议你再听一遍。Okay, that’s all for today's program. See you next time!C: 欢迎大家订阅我们的微信公众号时代之声radio”,网易云音乐“music bang bang”电台以及荔枝FM。感谢制作李金声, see you~ 结束曲 Flightless Bird, American Mouth 节目监制:韩平治 编辑:郭思婷 播音:温彦博 郭思婷 制作:李金声
10/23/201714 minutes, 43 seconds
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Oct. 21, 2017 #日本语ドリームワークス# 《魔卡少女樱》

节目组: 日本语ドリームワークス 日语梦工厂 节目名称:《魔卡少女樱》A:皆さん、こんばんは、VOE日本語ドリームワークスへようこそ B:日语梦工厂 A:为梦想起航,我是主播梁远鹏 B:我是主播吉旭灵A:暗の力を秘めし键よ。 真の姿を我の前に示せ。 契约のもとさくらが命じる。 レリーズ! B:隐藏着黑暗力量的钥匙啊,在我面前显现你真正的力量。曾与你定下约定的小樱命令你,解除封印! A:说到这,大家有没有想起来那个挥舞着魔杖,叫做小樱的女孩呢,B:那当然《魔卡少女樱》一定是很多人童年最美好的回忆之一。A:作为一个铁血真汉子,在我的童年时代也离不开这位魔卡少女B:时至今日,《魔卡少女樱》迎来了它的20周年纪念,官方将推出《魔卡少女樱》新企划,虽然不知道剧情会如何发展,但依然值得期待。A: 1996年6月号から2000年8月号にかけて月刊少女まんが誌「なかよし」にて連載。、累計発行部数は1,500万部を突破している。また1998年から2000年にかけてNHKでアニメ化され、数多くの関連グッズも発売された。2016年には16年ぶりとなる新編が始まり、大反響を呼んでいる。B: 从1996年6月号到2000年8月号,在月刊少女漫画杂志《好朋友》中连载。累计发行册数突破500万部。从1998年到2000年,NHK把这部漫画动画化,大量的相关商品也相继发售了。在2016年时,时隔16年新编再次开始连载,造成了极大的反响。A:木之本桜は、友枝小学校に通う小学4年生。父と兄との3人で暮らしている。ある日さくらは、父の書庫で不思議な本を発見する。その本に入っていたのはこの世に災いをもたらすという「クロウカード」! 世界に解き放たれてしまったクロウカードを回収するため、さくらは「カードキャプター」として奮闘することに…!B:木之本樱是一个友枝小学的四年级学生,和父亲还有哥哥3个人生活着。有一天在家不小心开启了放置在爸爸书房中的一本古书。那本书里封印着这个世界的的灾祸「库洛牌」!为了把散落各地的库洛牌再次封印起来,小樱成为「魔卡少女」而奋斗着…!A:11月2日、1999年に公開された劇場版アニメ「劇場版 カードキャプター(CC)さくら」が、2017年1月21日に新宿ピカデリー(東京都新宿区)ほかでリバイバル上映されることが明らかになった。2日発売のマンガ誌「なかよし」(講談社)12月号で発表されたB:在11月2日发行的漫画杂志《好朋友》的12月号上发表了,在1999年上映的剧场版动画《魔卡少女小樱》,将在2017年1月21日,新宿皮卡迪利重新上映。A:即使眼前困难重重,即使前方路途迷茫,这个小学四年级的可爱少女总是能握紧拳头,眼神坚定,面带微笑地说出:“绝对没问题的!”。是的,“绝不轻易放弃”,就是木之本樱向孩子们传递的温柔而又强大的魔法。B:这部作品可谓是集结了所有令女孩子们羡慕的元素。作为中国观众的我们都深爱着这部作品,每当与身边的朋友聊起来也大都是眉飞色舞异常兴奋。丰富的设定、有趣的情节,让这个充满了爱与希望的故事吸引了无数人,这部作品也绝对可奉为经典。就是这部大家时不时都要重温一下的神作,在去年,适逢连载20周年纪念之际,推出了全新企划——CLAMP开始全新连载!我们的小樱回来了!A:总之每个人心中都有一个或多个童年伴侣,他或许呆萌可爱,他或许富有英雄气概,他或许充满正义感,正是因为他们,才丰富了我们童年的美好时光,因为他们,一个个鲜活的人物形象,让我们的童年多了一分陪伴,多了一分向往。B:好了今天的节目到这里就接近尾声了,感谢辛勤付出的后期制作胡婕,更要感谢同学们长久以来的关心与支持,尤其是刚刚步入沈农校园的17级小鲜肉们,如果你对VOE外文广播电台感兴趣我们期待你的加入。A: 如果你有什么好的建议和想法,可以关注我们的微信公众号“VOERadio”,来给我们留言,说出你的想法。B:让我们在优美的歌声中结束本期节目,我们下期再见,拜拜。节目监制: 孙天然 播音: 吉旭灵 梁远鹏编辑: 吉旭灵 梁远鹏制作: 胡婕
10/21/20178 minutes, 38 seconds
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Oct. 20, 2017 #Screen Age# Chasing the Dragon

节目组:The Screen Age 荧屏时代 节目名称:Chasing the DragonS: Hello, my dear audience, here is Shinskie. Welcome back to our Screen Age.I: This is Ivy, long time no see, how was your holiday.S: I had a nice holiday that I can sleep for more than 10 hours each day.I: You were too lazy, such a good holiday you just sleep. S: Whatever you say, I am very glad to get up at 11:00 a.m.I: Why not see a movie?S: Actually I saw one movie, it called Chasing The Dragon.I: What is it talking about, this name is significant. Em, is it a science fiction movie?S: You are totally wrong, it’s a crime movie! Let us to tell you! S: Firstly, chasing the dragon means taking drugs. It's a slang in HongKong. The use of aluminum foil to heat the heroin will produce smoke, the smoke is a bit like the shape of the dragon, drug addicts will follow the direction of smoke and smoking it. So it is called chasing dragons. Now the pursuit of the dragon has become a synonym for drug use, in Hong Kong is very common, Hong Kong anti-drug campaign slogan is: Being full of vim and vigour but do not chasing the dragons.用锡纸加热海洛英会产生烟雾,烟雾形似龙,吸毒者会追随烟雾的方向来吸食,故称追龙。现在追龙已经成了吸毒的代名词,在香港应用相当普遍,香港反吸毒运动的口号是:生龙活虎莫追龙。F: The movie was a reality event in HongKong China in 1960s the great drug lords cripple Ho and 500 million chief inspector Reillo. At that time HongKong was colonized by Britain, the social was full of chaos. In 1963, the impoverished Young Ho smuggled to HongKong, holding a determination heart "life and death, wealth in the day".S: Ho with a few brothers, struggled in the bottom of the Kowloon Walled City, and finally climbed to the HongKong drug hegemony. In reactionary gang called "cripple-ho." And Reillo from a general inspector climbed to the top of the Hongkong chief inspector, commanding all police in HongKong, holding HongKong "unspoken rules." F: Cripple-ho and Reillo sworn as brothers to monopolize the three major economic industries of HongKong's pornography,Cripple-ho be the black and Reillo be the white ,they controlled the whole HongKong, power monstrous and wealthy.B: But in the end of this movie, cripple-ho was arrested by the Anti-Corruption Commission, and Reillo immigrate to Canada never came back to China again.F: Donnie Yen play cripple-ho in the film, he was born in July 27, 1963 in Guangdong, China, he is a HongKong film actor, director, HongKong film star, martial arts guidance.2006 won the 25th HongKong Film Awards for Best Action Design award by the movie "Kill the Wolf". 2007 to 2008 by the film "Fuse" won the 44th Taiwan Film Golden Horse Award for Best Action Design Award and the 27th HongKong Film Awards Best Action Design Award.S: Andy Lau born in Hong Kong, China who played as Reillo in the film . He is a actor, singer, songwriter and producer. Won the highest cumulative HongKong actor in HongKong in 2005, awarded to the UA Line, HK. 2006 won the Pusan International Film Festival Asia most contributing filmmaker Award. 2011 starring drama "Peach Sister", and by virtue of the film has won the Taiwan Golden Horse Award Best Actor Award, HongKong Film Awards for the Best actor award, the same year as the 49th Taiwan film Golden Horse Award jury. 2017 starring police and bandits action film "bomb expert".F: Xu Dongdong,was born in February 16, 1990 , I have to say she is a really sexy woman. In Chasing the Dragon she showed her perfect shape. Except actress she is also a model. In 2010 she play a role in drama "Bloody Aloes". May 27, 2014, the thriller film "Seal Village" he played released. 2015, starred in "Prenuptial contract", the Kii Wen rival. Then joined the Jing director of the film "Macau 3", great expectations.2016 years in Jing director of the film "Trump Ace", the same year in the hit network drama "Yu Sin".I:The revelation of "Chasing Dragons":1.the most profound strategy of the film is "I know that you know I know ..." the routine.2.Serious Jing still can play turn, unfortunately, the base line is no limit.3.Andy Lau is still very handsome ah, but really old.B: The standing man still stand, but not alive. Is it unfair to compare the classic works of "Chasing Dragon" with the same subject matter. However, this is actually to show my respect for the director of Jing. "Chasing the Dragon" is a worth seeingS: Well, it is time to say goodbye.I: That is all for today's movie. Hope you like it. Today's movie is very wonderful. I strongly suggest you to watch it . S: Yep, When preparing for the exam, be sure to relax yourself properly. Watching a fantastic movie is a great choice.I: Have a nice day. See you next time. 最后感谢制作张雨航。S: See you.节目监制:赛碧乐 编辑:毕鑫屹播音:赛碧乐 赵艺薇 毕鑫屹制作:张宇航
10/20/201710 minutes, 35 seconds
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Oct. 19, 2017 #한류전선# 孝利家民宿

节目组: 한류전선 韩流前线 节目名称: 孝利家民宿开头曲 You(=I) 1.여러분 안녕하세요.欢迎收听VOE外语广播韩流前线,我是播音王芷筠。2.만나서 반갑습니다.大家好,我是播音李奕萱。插曲1 初告白 A:随着综艺节目《孝利的民宿》的热播,李孝利一改以前形象,一下晋升为"国民姐姐"。B:平时因为大胆的发言,李孝利“强势欧尼”这一形象越发鲜明,在遇到年龄、职业、状况都不同的宿客时,又化身为知心大姐姐,给了他们许多安慰。A:这位国民欧尼在节目中可谓是金句不断,相信大家也是有所共鸣的。B:那么今天我就来听听孝利所提出的宝贵意见吧。 插曲 2 春风 播 A:经典语句一:不想让别人看到我渐渐跌落的样子。B:李孝利在和IU两人一起乘车移动时,表示专辑活动即将开始,自己非常害怕,没想到IU也有同感,“其实在掌声响起的时候直接离开就好,可是比起这个更难的是让粉丝看到自己慢慢跌落的样子" 아이유는 다음 작품에 대한 걱정 때문에 지금 현재의 인기를 제대로 누려본적이 없다고 밝혔습니다.A:李孝利说,即使是长江后浪推前浪,还是要有做自己喜欢的音乐和活动的勇气。她告诉IU,“智恩啊,想要那样的话,你也需要找到适合你自己的方法",并作为歌手前辈留下了几句实用的忠告。이효리는 아이유와 인기혹은 연예인활동에 대한 속마음을 공유하며 선배로서 몇마디 조언도 해주었습니다.B:总是像"女王"一样的李孝利说出自己的苦恼,让观众们产生了奇妙的共鸣。 插曲3 想要触及你 A:经典语录二:"我一直努力把自己变成更好的人。"B:对于好奇与李尚顺是怎样认识的IU,李孝利开玩笑地聊起了跟老公第一次的见面。并说,他既会给你甜蜜的暧昧,也会给你恋爱的遗憾,这样的人总有一天会出现的,你只要耐心等待就好。저녁노을을 바라보며 이효리는 아이유에게 자신의 러브스토리를 들려줬고, 아이유는 사랑을 하고 싶다고 말로 화답했죠.A: "如果为了遇见好的人而四处寻找的话,是找不到的。但是我努力把自己变成更好的人,他就来了。"李孝利这样说着,也付出着。“좋은 사람을 만나려고 억지로 찾으면 없다. 나 자신을 좋은 사람으로 바꾸려고 노력하니까 그런 사람이 나타나더라.” 이효리가 아이유에게 건넨 말입니다. 插曲 4 Tell me you love me00:07-00:58 A:这个综艺同时也让更多的人了解了IU。大家都知道她是个读书狂,在节目中也经常可以看到她在看书。也许是因为这样,她的歌词里总会出现那些我们耳熟能详的童话或者小说情节。例如,《曾经蔚蓝》歌词中,出现了黄顺元的《阵雨》中的一个场面描写;《粉红鞋》歌词中也联想了关于《绿野仙踪》里“多萝西”的故事。중간중간 아이유가 숙소에서 낮잠을 자거나 책을 읽으면서 노래듣고 있는 모습도 볼수있는데요.B:她之所以那么喜欢看书是受到她父母的影响。因为在她小时候,如果犯了错,她的父母不体罚她反而是让她看书。所以逐渐地,看书就成了她的习惯,成为如今的读书狂了。또한 매일같이 일기를 쓰는 아이유의 모습을 보면서 왜 아이유에게서 좋은 감성 음악이 나올 수 있는 지 조금이나마 알 수 있기도 했지요. A:《孝利家民宿》为我们呈现了明星们生活中的样子。B:让我们被李孝利温暖的安慰和眼神治愈,被IU安静读书的样子所吸引。A:他们过着与世无争的生活,如此美好,如此令人十分向往。B:今天的节目就到这里了,感谢大家的收听,感谢制作人王飞。再见。 结束曲 Just because I like you 节目监制:金池 编辑:王芷筠 李奕萱 播音:王芷筠 李奕萱 制作:王飞
10/19/201712 minutes, 15 seconds
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Oct. 18, 2017 #Bloom in Ink# 告白情书

节目组: Bloom in Ink 墨海繁花节目名称: 告白情书思念在这海洋里泛滥V: Welcome to Bloom In Ink from VOE foreign languages radio station. I'm Vanessa. I'm Sakura. I'm Don. S: “想要在冬日裹著大衣握着奶茶在路边等你,冬天又一次来了,你呢,是否有喜欢的人陪在身边?”如果可以就轻轻的告诉他,嗨我喜欢你.Maybe you want to wear an overcoat in the winter, holding milk tea on the side of the road,Winter is here again. What about you? Is there someone you like to stay with you?If you can, please tell him softly, "Hi, I like you."开头曲:思念在这海洋泛滥(韩国纯音乐) D: 比如美国乡村音乐歌手约翰尼•卡什是这样为妻子琼•卡特送上65岁的生日祝福 的:We get old and get used to each other. We think alike. We read each others minds. We know what the other wants without asking. Sometimes we irritate each other a little bit. Maybe sometimes take each other for granted. But once in awhile, like today, I meditate on it and realise how lucky I am to share my life with the greatest woman I ever met.我们日渐衰老,也早已习惯了彼此。我们想法相似、心灵相通。无需询问,我们便能知晓对方心意。偶尔我们也会惹对方生气,可能是偶尔我们太把对方视作理所当然。V: 两度出任英国首相的温斯顿•丘吉尔(Winston Churchill)向妻子克莱米•丘吉尔(Clementine Churchill)表达爱意时说:My darling Clemmie, in your letter from Madras you wrote some words very dear to me,about having enriched your life. I cannot tell you what pleasure this gave me, because I always feel so overwhelmingly in your debt, if there can be accounts in love.我亲爱的克莱米,你在马德拉斯给我写信,说我让你的生活更为丰富,这对我来说异常珍贵。我无法告诉你这些话给了我多大的喜悦,假如爱情有账户,我总能感觉到欠你的委实太多。S: 英国浪漫派诗人约翰•济慈(John Keats)告诉邻居芬妮•布朗(Fanny Brawne) 他不能没有她.I cannot exist without you - I am forgetful of every thing but seeing you again - my Life seems to stop there - I see no further. You have absorb'd me.没有你,我无法生存/我忘却了一切,除了能再见你一面/我的生活似乎就此止步/我不能看得更远。你已令我全神贯注。D: 美国文坛硬汉欧内斯特•海明威(Ernest Hemingway)向著名美国女演员玛琳•黛德丽(Marlene Dietrich)隔空传情.I can't say how every time I ever put my arms around you I felt that I was home.我说不清每次如何用手臂环绕住你,我觉得我就在家里。V: 理查德•伯顿(Richard Burton)称赞伊丽莎白•泰勒(Elizabeth Taylor)的美丽,两人后来成为好莱坞著名情侣.My blind eyes are desperately waiting for the sight of you. You don't realize of course, E.B., how fascinatingly beautiful you have always been, and how strangely you have acquired an added and special and dangerous loveliness.我目不见物,只愿再看到你。你当然感受不到,伊丽莎白,你总是那么的美丽迷人,你那独特而危险的可爱气息由内而外地散发,又是那么的不可思议。S: 都铎朝第二任君主亨利八世(King Henry VIII)承认他对第二任妻子安妮•博林(Anne Boleyn)的爱慕之情I beg to know expressly your intention touching the love between us. Necessity compels me to obtain this answer, having been more than a year wounded by the dart of love, and not yet sure whether I shall fail or find a place in your affection.我乞求你明白地告诉我你的心意,是否愿意与我相爱。我必须得到这个答案,爱神之箭射中了我,伤口已经一年有余,然而能否在你的心中占有一席之地,我仍然无从确定D: 吉米•亨德里克斯(Jimi Hendrix)鼓励他的"小女孩"展开翅膀Happiness is within you. so unlock the chains from your heart and let yourself grow like the sweet flower you are. I know the answer-Just spread your wings and set yourself FREE.幸福取决于你。解开你心灵的枷锁,你本就如同甜美的花朵,就让自己像花儿那样生长……我知道答案——只要展开你的翅膀,释放你自己。 结束曲:阳光明媚的早晨我迟到了S: "希望在你最美的青春 有一两个一直陪伴你的朋友 和一个盗不走的爱人" 感谢制作任家豪!V:Thank you for your listening, and welcome to join VOE, and welcome to join Bloom In Ink! See you next week!S:感谢收听我们的节目,欢迎订阅微信公众号时代之声Radio,荔枝FM22808.欢迎加入VOE,加入墨海繁花!春风十里,我们,一直都在等你。All:Bye!
10/18/20179 minutes, 46 seconds
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Oct. 10, 2017 #The World Says# Wrong ideas about faces

节目组: The World Says 世界说 节目名称: Wrong ideas about facesV: Hello everyone, welcome to the world says from the VOE foreign languages station, this is Vincent.S: Good evening, I'm Sherlock. In this program, we will explore an interesting topic; we're talking about first impressions and how they're often wrong.V: So let's start with the term first impression, it's the idea or opinion that you have about someone after meeting them for only a short time.S: It's very natural to make a quick judgement about someone based on their appearance or facial expression. V: We're going to be hearing about results of the research that has been researching our impressions. The tests asked people to decide whether they thought faces were dominant, competent, trustworthy or extroverted.S: Let's just look at those words for a second. Dominant means being strongest or most important. Competent means being able to do things.V: While if you're trustworthy it means people trust you – you are worth their trust. And being extroverted means you are energetic and enjoy spending time with others.如果你是trustworthy,就说明人们相信你,你值得他们信任。而extroverted就是说你精力充沛,乐意与他人交往。S: So what did the research find out? Faces that look happy and feminine, like a woman - were rated as more trustworthy. While faces that were more masculine – like a man – were seen as more dominant.V:And wider faces with big eyes were seen as more extroverted.脸庞较宽且眼睛比较大的人被认为比较外向。S: Now the important thing in the research says that these judgements aren't accurate. Someone who looks competent isn't necessarily competent!V: So, what does this mean in practice? S: Trustworthiness, dominance and attractiveness are the three big things that we form impressions of people. But interestingly we have done some work predicting the electoral success of politicians, and the judgement that is most predictive of who is going to win the election is perceived competence. And this is not random at all, because if you ask voters what is the most important attribute of a politician, competence is the one on the top. V: OK, so this is actually quite significant. People say that the most important attribute – or quality – for a politician is competence – the ability to do things.S: That sounds fair enough. But because we make judgements based on appearance – this can actually affect how people vote.V: If voters believe or perceive someone to be competent – they're more likely to vote for him or her. This applies especially to people who are less educated about politics – they are more likely to be influenced by appearance.S: And this applies to around 25% of voters – so the number of people who go with their gut is large enough to influence the outcomes of elections!V: Well, to go with your gut. That means to make a decision which isn't based on rational thought – it's based on instinct, on a feeling, on your gut.S: Yes – your gut is your stomach and the organs in your belly. So, can we tell nothing from a person's face?V: Faces carry useful information about things like a person's mental state, and whether they're tired or sick. But they don't tell you about a person's character.人的脸上有很多有用的信息,比如他的精神状态,是否疲惫或生病。但是不能告诉你他的性格。S: Indeed. It's not only elections where this counts, we also judge during job interviews and meetings.V: So what can we do to minimize the chances of being affected – should we just close our eyes when we meet people?S: Well, it's not such a bad idea! 美国波士顿交响乐团里就有个例子。大约在50年代,这个乐团里全部都是男性音乐家。后来他们进行了一次盲选试镜,也就是说,他们只听试镜者的演奏而不去看他们长什么样子。V: And what happened. I guess many more women were selected?S: Exactly – around 50%. Of course, gender and race are also huge factors in how we perceive faces. We tend to react most positively to faces that look like our own.V: Right, well, I guess we just need to take a deep breath and try not to judge too much.S: Easier said than done, I'm afraid. Especially when we judge so quickly! But do we do it in under a second, one second or six seconds?V: I said one second.S: In fact it takes under one second.V: I think it’s safe to say it's very fast. So, that's it for our chat about first impressions – for more do visit our WeChat official account, 时代之声radio. See you next time~S: Bye for now~节目监制:苗世钰编辑:杨晏直 余若天播音:杨晏直 余若天制作:张燚铭
10/17/20179 minutes, 53 seconds
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Oct. 16, 2017 #Music Bang Bang# 天作之合—歌手与DJ联合下的听觉盛宴

节目组: Music Bang Bang 音乐大爆炸 节目名称: 天作之合—歌手与DJ联合下的听觉盛宴开头曲 There for you C:Hello, my dearest audience,welcome back to music bang bang. I&`&m you old friend Christine 郭思婷.A:Hello everybody, did you guys miss me?I&`&m Armstrong 温彦博.Christine , how do you think about this song?C:Terrific!It&`&s There for you from Troye Sivan and Martin Garrix.戳爷温润如斯且略带朦胧、慵懒质感的嗓音,肆意的荡漾在马丁跳动的电符之间,撩动心扉,循环良久呢。A:是呀,我最近听了很多歌手与DJ合作的歌曲,他们默契的配合把歌曲淋漓尽致地展现在听众面前,在歌手独特的嗓音之下,这些幕后制作人更是起到了画龙点睛的作用呢!C:So,today we will introduce you some fantastic songs by famous singers and ghost producers.Hope you like it. C:The first song is 2U by Justin Bieber and David Guett. David Guett is a French DJ, record producer and remixer, who is among the first DJs to get into the EDM scene and is known as the Grandfather of EDM. A:EDM is the abbreviation of Electronic Dance Music. In simply terms,it means the music you want to move your body when you hear them.And Guett was voted as the number one DJ in the &`&DJ Mag Top 100 DJs&`& in 2011.C:As for Justin Bieber,I think we don&`&t need to have too much words on him, everyone on the earth knows him.He is definitely the most famous super star in the world.A:这两位的联手堪称王炸组合!比伯的性感嗓音加上塔叔的电子乐,让这首歌不须太过费力演唱就能营造歌曲的大器感简直完美!而这恰恰和谐出今年最棒的一首EDM单曲。 插曲 2 Rich Love A: The next song is rich love.Rich Love is a song by American pop rock band OneRepublic and Norwegian EDM record production trio Seeb.C:OneRepublic&`&s varied style of music has been described by the lead singer Ryan Tedder: "We&`&re no respecter of genre. nothing&`&s new under the sun, we&`&re a sum of a bunch of parts."A:从小众翘楚到主流砥柱,OneRepublic变幻着音乐的形态,不变的是求新求变的心态,此番融合seeB清新的EDM更是收获无数好评。前些天OneRepublic世界巡回演唱会来到中国上海,不知道有没有小伙伴前去观看呢? 插曲3 Hymn for the Weekend C:This one is Hymn for the Weekend by British rock band Coldplay. And it became popular after Alan Walker&`&s remix.A:Alan Walker is a Norwegian record producer and DJ,who is best known for the single "Faded", which received platinum certifications in over 10 different countries.C:In 2012, Walker was listening to a song by DJ Ness, and reached out to the Italian DJ to find out how he produced his music. He was inspired by many famous EDM producers.A:With the help and feedback from his fans online, he began pursuing his music production career and slowly began posting his music to YouTube.C:近两年凭借《Fade》等歌曲在全球引发了一阵电音狂潮。这位出生于1997年,喜欢穿招牌连帽衫的小鲜肉正成为全世界最受瞩目的乐坛新星。Let&`&s enjoy it. 插曲 4 Closer A:The last one is closer by American DJ duo The Chainsmokers and Halsey.And "Closer" became both The Chainsmokers&`& and Halsey&`&s first number one single on the Billboard Hot 100. The song stayed at the top spot for 12 consecutive weeks. C:The Chainsmokers is an American DJ and EDM-pop production duo consisting of Andrew Taggart and Alex Pall.Their music are blurring the lines between indie, pop music, dance music, and hip-hop.A:相比烟鬼组合早期的音乐,这首closer在轻快的节奏感中加入了抒情风格。歌曲节奏明快,仿佛耳虫一般在脑中回荡。Let&`&s enjoy it. C:当红歌手和音乐制作人联合出歌一直是欧美歌手青睐的合作方式,悦耳的歌声与电音完美契合,堪称天作之合。That&`&s all for today&`&s program,see you next time!A:欢迎大家订阅我们的微信公众号时代之声radio,网易云音乐music bang bang电台以及荔枝fm,更多精彩内容等着你的发现,voe等着你的加入。感谢制作李金声。See you! 结束曲 Closer 节目监制:韩平治编辑:温彦博播音:温彦博 郭思婷制作:李金声
10/16/201714 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

Oct. 14, 2017 #日本语ドリームワークス# 妖精的尾巴

节目组: 日本语ドリームワークス 日语梦工厂 节目名称:妖精的尾巴A:皆さん、こんばんは、VOE日本語ドリームワークスへようこそB:日语梦工厂A:为梦想起航,我是主播申济铭B:我是主播吉旭灵A:在我们这个次元,这个世界,猫有一个别称——「喵星人」。那在别的次元,别的世界呢?你知不知道?B:作为一名资深猫奴,这个我还真不知道。A:在真岛浩创作的漫画《妖精的尾巴》中,存在着两个平行世界。主人公所在的世界是阿斯兰特,另一个世界是艾德拉斯。在艾德拉斯,猫不是「猫」,而是地位崇高的「超越者」,是天使,是凌驾于人类之上的存在。B:说到妖尾,实在是带给我们太多太多的感动。A:是啊,这部漫画横跨了我们的青春。回顾漫画剧情,从剿灭暗黑公会寻找失踪的龙为主线,一路推进到如今干掉三大黑暗工会,直面黑魔导师杰尔夫与终焉之龙阿库诺洛基亚。一路上发生了许许多多的故事,丰满了一个又一个鲜活有趣的角色,秉承的意志即使在已经走出中二期的我的心里也留下了多多少少的感动和热血。B:为了封印戴迪欧拉,乌鲁牺牲于此。为了毁灭乐园之塔,西蒙无怨无悔。面对幽鬼的胁迫,所有人绝不屈服,胜利的一击奠定了一切。丰收祭的内战,最强者的归来,但公会上下无所畏惧,哪怕失去了能力,米拉依旧拼死一搏,回复了往昔的风姿。当在异国他乡发现已经逝去的亲人,这种感受我们体会不到,丽莎娜,感谢你的回归。阿库诺罗基亚对天狼岛的咆哮将岛屿毁于一旦,但妖尾众人同生死。七年以来苦苦地等待,不断的追寻,只是为了听到一句“我们回来了。”A:时钟的秘密,牵动着所有人的心,米歇尔长久的陪伴,是露西最大的慰藉。莫名的未来,使人心惊胆战,但是哪怕失去青春,能让世界免除末日的危机,乌鲁蒂亚心甘情愿。冥府的大门已缓缓开启,关闭的唯一钥匙竟是抹去夜空中那颗星,即使再也不能相见,为了大家,阿葵亚逼迫露西毁去自己。一年未见,纳兹的归来使露西感动不已,多少话语涌上心头,一句“过的好吗”代表了一切。B:故事讲完了,让我们来学习一下其中的经典台词吧!A:恐怖(きょうふ)は悪(あく)ではない、それは己(おのれ)の弱(よわ)さを知(し)るということだ。弱(よわ)さを知(し)れば人(ひと)は強(つよ)くも優(やさ)しくもなれる。B:恐惧并不是罪恶,那是明白了自己的弱小。只要了解自己的弱点,人就可以变得坚强和善良。A:不器用(ぶきよう)なものは人(ひと)よりも多(おお)くの壁(かべ)にぶつかるし、遠回(とおまわ)りするかもしれん。しかし明日(あした)を信(しん)じて踏(ふ)み出(だ)せば、おのずと力(ちから)が湧(わ)いてくる。強(つよ)く生(い)きようと笑(わら)っていけるB:笨拙的人也许比别人遇到更多的挫折,绕更远的路。但是只要坚信明天迈出步伐,力量自然而然会涌现出来。只要有坚强的生存下去的意志,就能够笑着走向未来。即使不用依靠这种笛子。A:妖精的尾巴讲述的是家的温暖,伙伴们的羁绊,就算被打得遍体鳞伤,内心也绝不会简单屈服。B:妖精是有尾巴还是没有尾巴,妖精是否真的存在,即为永远的谜团,永远的冒险。这是妖精的尾巴的真正含义。夏,露西,艾露莎,灰和温蒂并没有忘记,他A们向百年任务发起挑战。妖精的尾巴完结了,但他们的冒险,永不完结。A:好了今天的节目到这里就接近尾声了,感谢辛勤付出的后期制作于越,更要感谢同学们长久以来的关心与支持,尤其是刚刚步入沈农校园的17级小鲜肉们,如果你对VOE外文广播电台感兴趣我们期待你的加入。B:如果你有什么好的建议和想法,可以关注我们的微信公众号“VOERadio”,来给我们留言,说出你的想法。:让我们在优美的歌声中结束本期节目,我们下期再见,拜拜。节目监制: 孙天然 播音: 吉旭灵 申济铭 编辑: 吉旭灵 申济铭 制作: 胡婕
10/14/20178 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

Oct. 13, 2017 #Screen Age# Film Festivals and Awards

节目组:The Screen Age 荧屏时代 节目名称:Film Festivals and Awards开头曲 Queers(Main theme) S: Good evening, my dear audience. This is the time belongs to the Screen Age. I'm your old friend Shinskie Bee.L: This is Lynn. Well, Bee, Did you hear about some film awards like the Academy Award.S: Sure, it's too familiar to me.L: And today, it's a special program of the Screen Age. We'll introduce you some famous film festivals and awards.S: Wow, that's cool. I can't wait it. Let's get it started! 插曲1 Sol——Misha Mishenko S: In general. What is the most familiar to us is the Academy Award. It has a popular name, Oscar. This name came from an old librarian of the Academy of motion Picture and Sciences. One day, when she passed away from the golden status. She said surprisedly:” Wow, it's just looks like my uncle, Oscar. Occasionally, a reporter heard of her words and reported this the next day. The title of it is just the “the Academy of motion Picture and Sciences worker called the golden status, Oscar affectionately”. And then, the new name, Oscar has been more and more popular.L: The Academy Award was made by the Academy of motion Picture and Sciences. It's a American annual film award which commend film industry achievement. It could be a simple international standard to judge whether a film is good or not. It includes all kinds of films. It establishes more than 20 different awards.S:Besides, it is the oldest media awards in the world. It has become one of the most influential movie awards in the world. The annual awards ceremony will be lived in television in more than 100 countries. The position of it can be just like the Grammy Awards for music, the Emmy Award for TV dramas, the Tony Awards for plays in America. The Academy Award not only reflects the development and achievement of American film art, but also has great influence on film art in many countries in the world.L:The prize looks like a naked man whose hands fold on his chest and hold a sword. It stands in a ring disc which symbolize the important work department of each rings. They are represent the file's producers, directors, screenwriters, actors, and technical personnels.S:The winning list will be sealed. In the awards ceremony, no one has the right to know the results before the host opens it. This approach is an undoubtedly finishing touch of Oscar. It is a model for international film festival. Afterwards, it has become a model for many international film festivals.L:In the 89th the Academy Award ceremony, a famous own goal happened. The Best Motion Picture was announced as the La La Land at first. After that, When the media is in carnival, the organizing committee announced urgently that the Moonlight should win that prize. It's so funny that it happened in such an important film festival. 插曲 2 Sol——Misha Mishenko S: And now, we are going to introduce the three most famous international films festivals in Europe to you. They are Venice International Film Festival, Cannes International Film Festival and Berlin International Film Festival.现在让我来为大家介绍三个欧洲最著名的国际电影节,它们分别是威尼斯国际电影节,戛纳国际电影节和柏林国际电影节。L:First of all, Venice International Film Festival was found in 1932. 在1932年首届威尼斯国际电影节举行,另外他也是世界上第一个电影节哦!Because it is the first film festival in the world. It is known as the father of international film festivals. It could be said that it is a cradle to plenty of film masters. The highest award of it is Golden Lion Award. By the way, it is held in Venice in August or September every year. S:The main aim of it is to improve the art level of the films. Actually, most of the Golden Lion Award was given to the men directors. As we know, The representative film of ethnic Chinese director, Ang Lee is Brokeback Mountain. It won the Golden Lion Award in 2006. In this year the film which won that award is The Shape of Water. And it is a great fairy tale to the adults.威尼斯国际电影节最高奖项就是我们所熟知的“金狮奖”,而我国导演李安凭借着电影《断背山》获得2006年的“金狮奖”。L: Cannes International Film Festival is one of the most influential international film festival in the world today. It was held in May every year in Cannes.戛纳国际电影节每年五月会在法国戛纳举办,戛纳也是一个有着各种美食美景魅力之都,在参加电影节之余也可以在戛纳转上一转,领略一下这个地方的神秘与美丽。 It was found some special activity units. What is worth mentioning is “Un certain regard” and “La Quinzaine des Realisateurs”. They attract a lot of potential and achieved directors. Besides, the Golden Palm Award is the highest award of it. The trophy was made like a golden palm too.S:The difference with The Oscars is that it doesn't have distinguish between in the leading role and the supporting role in actor awards. What's more, the script to that award also doesn't have distinguish between original and adaptation. The Square won the 70th Golden Palm Award. It told about the daily life of the middle class. It discussed whether the middle class's embarrassment leaded to the individual's discontent or the whole environment's anomic.戛纳国际电影节的最高奖项是“金棕榈奖”,自由广场赢得了第70届金棕榈奖。L:The last one is Berlin International Film Festival. The Golden Bear is known as the highest award of it.最后一个当然就是我们的柏林国际电影节啦,它在每年的二月举办,奖项是一个超级可爱举着胳膊的小熊哦! It likes a bear raising one of its arms. The aim is to strengthen the communication with film workers. To avoid the Cannes International Film Festival, February is the new time to hold this film festival. From then on, although the audiences have to be wait coldly over there, they’d like to watch some better films. S:The most difference with others is that the best film decision is up to the common cinephiles. It wins great popularity because of it. The word ‘Berlinale’ is short for the “Berlin International Film Festival”. In fact , it was made by a funny actress. 插曲3 Distant Lights——Serhat Arslan L: There are also some important but unfamiliar film festivals. Like the Sundance Film Festival, Tokyo International Film Festival and Hong Kong International Film Festival.S: The Sundance Film Festival, which is dedicated to Robert Redford's independent filmmakers, is growing in recent years.圣丹斯电影节,也成之为日舞影展,专门为罗伯特•雷德福独立电影人而设,其影响近年来是越来越大。It is designed to encourage low-cost, independent production of the film, showing a great different interest with the Hollywood film. The Sundance Film Festival is organized by the Sundance Institute which consists of 25 members.L: Tokyo International Film Festival is a recognized by the International Film Festival, and it is as famous as Cannes International Film Festival, the Venice International Film Festival, the Berlin International Film Festival and other famous film festival, Asia's largest film festival.东京国际电影节是一个获得国际电影节联盟承认,和戛纳国际电影节、威尼斯国际电影节、柏林国际电影节等著名电影节比肩的的、亚洲最大的电影节。S: From the first session on, Tokyo International Film Festival have held 29 times, and the latest session will be held from October 25th to November 5th in Tokyo. 最近的一届东京国际电影节将在十月二十五日至十一月五日在东京举行,喜欢的小伙伴们可以去参加哦,也可以感受一下东京这座大都市。L: Hong Kong International Film Festival, founded in 1977 by the Hong Kong International Film Festival Association, is Hong Kong's largest film industry event, Asia's top non-competition international film festival, known as the "A Film Festival of Film Festival", usually Held in mid-March to early April.香港国际电影节,始创于1977年,由香港国际电影节协会主办,是香港最大型的电影界盛事,亚洲一流的非竞赛类国际影展,被誉为“电影节的电影节” ,通常于每年三月中旬到四月初举行。 插曲 4 Distant Lights——Serhat Arslan S: How time flies! It's time to say goodbye again.L: That's all for today's program. Hope you like this special one.S: And we're going to make more special ones for you. I'm too excited to do it.L: Yep. Have a nice evening. See you next time. S: By the way, VOE时代之声外语广播电台还在继续招新,欢迎关注我们的微信公众号VOERadio,VOER都是大写,adio是小写哦.L:最后感谢制作张宇航。S:See you! 结束曲 Queers(Main theme)节目监制:赛碧乐编辑:邹佳琳 毕鑫屹播音:毕鑫屹 邹佳琳制作:张宇航
10/13/201715 minutes, 12 seconds
Episode Artwork

Oct. 12, 2017 #한류전선# 韩国独立音乐介绍

节目组: 한류전선 韩流前线 节目名称: 韩国独立音乐介绍 开头曲: 给你宇宙 1:친구들 안녕하세요.欢迎收听VOE外语广播韩流前线,我是播音郭燕 2:만나서 반가워요.我是播音李可 1:韩国流行乐也算高度发达,但韩国摇滚、独立、爵士、民谣等等不太主流或者说商业价值不如流行乐那么高的音乐风格,则鲜少为我们所知。今天就让我们来为大家介绍一下吧 2: 해외에서도 인기를 얻고 있는 케이팝에 비해 한국의 락,인디 음악,재즈,민요등 상업가치가 높지않은 음악은 많이 알려지지 않았습니다.오늘은 바로 이런 음악에 대해 소개해볼까 합니다. 1:现在为大家带来的是韩国独立音乐的代表作来自韩国组合脸红的思春期的《给你宇宙》。曲调悠扬,节奏明快,你是不是也爱上了这首歌呢! 2: 현재 여러분들께 들려 드리고 있는 곡은 한국 그룹 볼빨간 사춘기의 입니다.전체적으로 서정적이고 잔잔하지만 러블리한 밝은 멜로디가 더해져 기분 좋게 하는 사랑노래인것 같아요.여러분들도 이 노래에 빠지지 않으셨나요. 插曲:嘟嘟嘟 1:现在正在为大家带来的是由三位成员组成的standing egg,两位作曲家和一位填词人,而成员们有著独特的称号 (1号蛋,2号蛋,3号蛋) 并获得大众的关注 2:이번에 여러분들께 소개할 음악 그룹은 세명의 멤버로 구성된 스탠딩 에그입니다.두명의 작곡가와 한명의 작사가로 이루어졌는데요.다소 독특한 멤버이름(에그1호,에그2호,에그3호)으로 관심을 끌기도 하였습니다. 插曲: Little star 1:很多人在问Standing Egg意义是什麼?原创者们想到的是[콜럼버스의 달걀(哥伦布的蛋)]而写下的。 是抱著[人们觉得不可能或是太困难而放弃的事,我想要来试试看](사람들이 보기에 불가능하고 어려워서 포기하고 싶은 일이지만 우리가 도전해보겠습니다.)这样心意而取的!当前音乐市场都被充满著刺激感音乐取代,一些感性的音乐反而不见了! 2:그럼 스탠딩 에그라는 이름은 어떻게 짓게 되였을가요?바로 콜럼버스의 달걀에서 따왔다고 합니다.아무도 세울수 없다고 하는 달걀도 정성과 시간을 들이면 세워진다는 의미라고 하네요.현재의 음악시장은 모두 시청자들에게 자극을 주는 음악으로 널렸습니다.반면 감성적인 음악은 찾기 힘들정도이죠. 1:正是出于这样的音乐理想,他们才执着而坚定的带给我们舒服又让心灵充实的音乐! 2:그들에게 이런 꿈이 있기에 우리에게 꿋꿋이 잔잔하고 감성적인 노래를 들려주고 있습니다. 1:感谢收听今天的韩语广播,感谢制作人胡婕,感谢制作人武晓鹏,我们下期再见 1&2: 안녕 节目监制:金池 编辑:李可 郭燕 播音:李可 郭燕 制作:胡婕
10/12/201712 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork

Oct. 11, 2017 #Bloom in Ink# Going home

节目组: Bloom in Ink 墨海繁花 节目名称: Going home开头曲 Lucenzo - Baila morena D:-Hello everyone,welcome to Bloom in ink from VOE Foreign Languages Radio Station , I'm Don ,I'mSakura.S:After during minor vacation of the national day and the mid-autumn festival,every student has to go back to school recently,however probably you will think of your home sickly.Today we will bring you a story-----going home.D:在度过了国庆和中秋的小长假,大家都陆续回到了学校,想必还对家感到些许甚至非常的不舍吧。今天我们将带给大家一个故事-----回家 插曲:张国荣 - 追 (纯音乐) (《金枝玉叶》电影主题曲) S: I first heard this story a few years ago from a girl I had met in New York's Greenwich Village. Probably the story is one of those mysterious bits of folklore that reappear every few years, to be told a new in one form or another. However, I still like to think that it really did happen, somewhere, sometime.They were going to Fort Lauderdale , three boys and three girls and when they boarded the bus, they were carrying sandwiches and wine in paper bags, dreaming of golden beaches as the gray cold of New York vanished behind them.  几年前我在纽约的格林尼治村从一位遇到的姑娘那儿第一次听到这个故事。它也许是那种隔几年就会改头换面地被重新传播一次的神奇的民间传说。然而我仍然愿意想象它是个某地某时真正发生过的事。  三个男孩和三个女孩带着纸袋装的三明治与葡萄酒,登车前往佛罗里达的劳德达拉要塞。他们向往着金色的海滩,将灰蒙蒙的寒冷的纽约甩在了身后。 D:As the bus passed through New Jersey, they began to notice Vingo. He sat in front of them, dressed in a plain, ill-fitting suit, never moving, his dusty face masking his age. He kept chewing the inside of his lip a lot, frozen into some personal cocoon of silence.  Deep into the night, outside Washington, the bus pulled into Howard Johnson's, and everybody got off except Vingo. He sat rooted in his seat, and the young people began to wonder about him, trying to imagine his life: perhaps he was a sea captain, a runaway from his wife, an old soldier going home. When they went back to the bus, one of the girls sat beside him and introduced herself. 当他们穿过新泽西州时,坐在前排的一个叫温格的男人引起他们的注意。他穿着一套不起眼亦很不合身的衣服,一动不动,满脸灰尘掩盖了他的年龄,他不停地咬着下嘴唇,陷入沉思中。  夜深了,汽车停在华盛顿郊外的霍华德约翰逊连锁餐馆,除了温格,其他人都下了车,他仍一丝不动地坐在那里。他引起这班年轻人的猜想:也许他是个船长,也许是从家出走的,或者是一个归家的老兵。当他们又回到车上时,他们中的一个女孩坐到温格的身边,并向他作了自我介绍。S: “We're going to Florida,” she said brightly.“ I hear it's really beautiful.”  “It is, ” he said quietly, as if remembering something he had tried to forget.  “Want some wine?” she said. He smiled and took a swig. He thanked her and retreated again into his silence. After a while, she went back to the others, and Vingo nodded in sleep.In the morning, they awoke outside another Howard Johnson's,and this time Vingo went in. The girl insisted that he join them. He seemed very shy, and ordered black coffee and smoked nervously as the young people chattered about sleeping on beaches. When they returned to the bus, the girl sat with Vingo again, and after a while, slowly and painfully, he told his story. He had been in jail in New York for the past four years, and now he was going home.“我们都是去佛罗里达的,”那个女孩轻快地说。“我听说那里很美。”“是的,”他静静地回答道,他似乎记起了过去曾试图忘却的往事。“来点葡萄酒吧?”那个女孩说。他微笑着喝了一大口,说声谢谢后又回到他的沉默中。后来她回到那班人中,温格则低着头睡着了。早上,他们醒来时汽车停在另一个约翰逊连锁餐馆前,这回温格也进去了。那个女孩极力邀请他参加他们的团体。但他看起来很腼腆,当那班年轻人谈论着在海滨该怎么过夜时,他则独自一人呆在一边喝黑咖啡,还不停地抽烟,显得有些局促不安。当他们回到车上时,那个女孩又坐到他身边,过了一会儿,温格才缓慢而且痛楚地诉说起他的经历。他在纽约的监狱里呆了四年,现在他假释回家了。D: “Are you married?”“I don't know.”“You don't know?” she said.“Well, when I was in jail I wrote to my wife,” he said. “ I told her that I was going to be away a long time, and that if she couldn't stand it, if the kids kept asking questions, if it hurt too much, well, she could just forget me, I'd understand. Get a new guy, I said she‘s a wonderful woman , really something and forget about me. I told her she didn't have to write me for nothing. And she didn‘t. Not for three and a half years.”“你结婚了吗?”“我不知道。”“你不知道?”那女孩很奇怪。 “是这样,我在狱中时曾给我妻子写过一封信”他说,“告诉她我要离开很长一段时间,如果她忍受不了,如果孩子不断追问,如果这使她非常痛苦,那么她可以忘了我,我会理解的。我叫她重新嫁人,我知道她是个很不错的女人,真的不一般。我让她忘了我,我让她别给我写回信,因为这没有用,她也真没回信,我已有三年半没有她的音信了。”S:  “And you're going home now, not knowing?”“Yeah,” he said shyly. “ Well, last week, when I was sure the parole was coming through, I wrote her again. We used to live in Brunswick, just before Jacksonville, and there's a big oak tree just as you come into town. I told her that if she'd take me back, she should put a yellow handkerchief on the tree, and I'd get off and come home. If she didn't want me, forget itno handkerchief, and I'd go on through.”“Wow,” the girl exclaimed. “Wow.”   She told the others, and soon all of them were in it, caught up in the approach of Brunswick, looking at the pictures Vingo showed them of his wife and three children. The woman was handsome in a plain way, the children still unformed in the much-handled snapshots.  “那么你就这样盲目地回家去?” “也不是,”他略带腼腆地说:“上周当我确知假释得到批准时,我又给她写过一封信。过去我们住在布伦斯威克,就在杰克逊维尔前面,在进城去的路上有一棵高大的橡树。我告诉她,如果她愿意我回来就在树上挂一方黄手帕,我就下车回家。如果她不要我就忘掉这件事,看不见手帕,我也就不下车了。”“噢,是吗?”那个女孩惊讶极了。她把这事告诉了同伴们,于是他们都盼着快点到伦斯威克。温格又给他们看了一张他妻子与三个孩子的照片。这是一张被摸旧了的照片:一个面容端庄的妇女与三个年岁还小的孩子。D:  Now they were 20 miles from Brunswick, and the young people took over window seats on the right side, waiting for the approach of the great oak tree. The bus acquired a dark, hushed mood, full of the silence of absence and lost years. Vingo stopped looking, tightening his face into the ex-con's mask, as if fortifying himself against still another disappointment. Then Brunswick was ten miles, and then five. Then,suddenly, all of the young people were up out of their seats, screaming and shouting and crying, doing small dances of joy. All except Vingo.  Vingo sat there stunned, looking at the oak tree. It was covered with yellow handkerchiefs20 of them, 30 of them, maybe hundreds, a tree that stood like a banner of welcome billowing in the wind. As the young people shouted, the old con rose and made his way to the front of the bus to go home. 现在他们离布伦斯威克只有20英里了,那班年轻人占据了车右边靠窗的座位,等待着那棵橡树的出现。汽车里一片阴暗和肃静。充满着所失去的岁月的沉重的气氛。温格则低下头,一副囚犯们所特有的绷紧的面容,不敢往外看,好象是防备着又一次失望的打击。离布伦斯威克只有十英里了,五英里了,突然,那班年轻人全都叫着从座位上跳了起来,高兴得手舞足蹈,只有温格例外。  温格目瞪口呆地坐在那儿,望着窗外的橡树,那上面挂满了黄手帕。20块,30块,也许有好几百块,这棵树站在那儿,就象一面欢迎的大旗,在风中飘扬。在年轻人的叫喊声中,那个往日的囚徒站起来,走到车门前,然后向家走去。 垫乐:张国荣 - 追 (纯音乐) (《金枝玉叶》电影主题曲) 结束曲 Lucenzo - Baila morena(用结尾) 结束语: D:Thank you for your listening, and welcome to join VOE, and welcome to join Bloom In Ink! See you next week!S:感谢收听我们的节目,欢迎订阅微信公众号时代之声Radio,荔枝FM22808.欢迎加入VOE,加入墨海繁花!春风十里,我们,一直都在等你。All:Bye! 节目监制:魏镜滟编辑:唐敏嫣播音:唐敏嫣 李硕制作:任家豪
10/11/201716 minutes, 40 seconds
Episode Artwork

Oct. 10, 2017 #The World Says# Is Fatigue driving very dangerous?

节目组: The World Says 世界说 节目名称: Is Fatigue driving very dangerous?开头曲 Gold V: Hello everyone, welcome to the world says from the VOE foreign languages radio station, I'm Vincent. Today we are bringing you two interesting topics. And in this episode, our Sherlock arrived on time. Sherlock, please say hello to everyone.S: ah, it's good to see you everyone again, I'm Sherlock, and this time I actually manage my time well, meanwhile, I've got ready for you! Moreover, we will also bring some interesting words and phrases at the bottom of our program.V: good job! Could share you secret of your punctuality?S: OK, well, punctuality which means on time, and I want show you, Vincent, there is no secret before my punctuality. Just because I've got my driver's license recently. Now, I drive to go anywhere. (Yawn)V: Ha-ha. Are you all right? You look very tired today.S: I'm fine; just I was driving for 5 hours today.V: so, our 1st topic is long periods behind the wheels could speed up the effects of age on the brain.S: oh no, OMG, please don't 插曲1 Gold V: Sherlock, Do you think you're remarkable?S: ObviouslyV: Oh, well, do you know that driving for more than two hours a day negatively affects your IQ levels?S: You know, after all, I just got my driver's license, I'm so excited! I think it feels great to run on the road with high speed.V: As a matter of fact, you should think about your health, like I just mentioned that long periods behind the wheel could speed up the effects of age on the brain. And by the way, your behavior is likely to have violated the road traffic safety law.S: ha-ha, don't be serious, perhaps the results could be explained by the fact that the mind is less active on long car journeys, like Drunk driving.V: let me show you the evidence, a mammoth project saw more than half a million Britons aged 37-73 studied over a period of five years. Out of these some 93,000 of them drove more than two or three hours a day.S: Well, mammoth which means big and enormous. And I know they found that their IQ score declined more rapidly over the course of the study than those who did little or no driving.V: Yes, it's very common to feel tired when you're driving, even our first drive, our IQ will drop.S: I know that regularly driving for more than two or three hours a day is considered to be bad for our heart. V: Yes, it also suggests to be bad for your brain, perhaps because your mind is less active in those hours. S: So we need to keep our brain active, our brain is in an inactive state for a long time. Can you give me some examples? Vincent.V: Well, at midnight, watch a boring TV show or kill the time.S: Wow, you're really bored. We know that long periods of inactivity has a detrimental effect on brainpower and we also know that similar results for those who is been watching for more than two hours of television a day from a research.V: So, listeners, friends. The results is obvious, driving can causes stress and fatigue. When you feel tired, be sure to have a rest. 插曲 2 time S: Well, what you just said is right. Although we are still young, health must be the first.V: uh, sounds like an old man S: And older topic than this -- Do you like red wine?V: If it were me, I'd prefer beer.S: I have to tell you-- a glass or two of wine every evening could cut your risk of developing various life-shortening diseases and illnesses by 25 percent. And those who regularly consume moderate amounts of alcohol lessen the likelihood of early death, is that amazing?V: Sounds interesting. Well, why is that?S: As you can see, heavy drinking is incredibly detrimental to our cardiovascular health and can increase the risk of early death over time.V: By the way, detrimental which means harmful. People in this area really have done their research well. I think.S: You are right, the research accounted for 333,247(three hundred thousand) participants between 1997 and 2009, during which time patients were regularly required to give details on their alcoholic consumption.V: I think, it will do no good to those alcoholics.S: The result is very scary, male heavy drinkers were 25 percent more likely to die early than those who drank more moderately. They were also 67 percent more at risk of dying from cancer.V: Sure enough, drinking is a good thing, but drinking too much is really troublesome. I think my creativity will improve after I finish drinking, which may be the reason why some artists drink too much.S: The truth is what you think, a moderate amount of alcohol can enhance the brain's ability. V: OK, shall we look back at the words we learned today?S: of course, mammoth which means big and enormous and it also means a big elephant V: and next one is likelihood, we can say Nearly all measures of injury likelihood were in the good rangeS: cool, we also learned detrimental, it is like harmful.V: yes. Sherlock, driving for a long time is detrimental.S: I will never forget that, moreover, from tomorrow evening, I'll have a glass of red wine before I go to bedV: Come on, you guys! 插曲 4 Seven nation army V: Well, that's all for today's show, it's time to say goodbye again. We hope you can enjoy and get some useful things from today's program. S: Please join us again soon. And good news, Vincent, I'm glad that we got many new guys join us. I'm looking forward to them, And everyone will hear them soon.V: This is Shenyang agricultural university voice of era, foreign language radio. We are from the world says. I'm Vincent. 欢迎大家关注voe外语广播电台的微信公众号时代之声radio。我是播音杨晏直,我是播音余若天。感谢制作iris张燚铭。我们下期再见!S:Bye~ 结束曲 Seven nation army 节目监制:苗世钰制作: 张燚铭播音:杨晏直 余若天编辑:杨晏直 余若天
10/10/20179 minutes, 50 seconds
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Oct. 09, 2017 #Music Bang Bang# Sia——不难看不漂亮不简单

节目组: Music Bang Bang 音乐大爆炸 节目名称: Sia——不难看不漂亮不简单开头曲 Rainbow C: Hello everyone! Welcome to music bang bang again! I'm Christine,郭思婷!A:I'm Armstrong, 温彦博。最近啊Sia为《小马宝莉大电影》献唱了主题曲,就是这首你们现在听到的Rainbow.C:不知道你们有没有看这首歌的封面和MV,这次Sia的标志黑白魔性假发也落在了彩虹小马的头上。A: Sia 之人,可以用一句话来形容,不难看不漂亮不简单。今天就来给大家介绍介绍这位不简单的洗牙姐。C: Let's begin today's program with her most representative song, Chandelier. 插曲1 Chandelier C: 这首歌一听便会给人一种惊艳的感觉。旋律走向不同寻常,在副歌里本来感觉旋律线要往下走,她却一直往上走,而且一点没有要下来的意思,高音越顶越高,就像一道惊雷,直接劈向你的内心。A: Sia sang this song on the 57th Grammy, but no one has seen her face. Because she was singing with her back to us in the corner all along. Many people are confused about her hiding face behavior. So why?C: She once said that she didn't want to be famous, or to be recognized, even her appearance being talked about. That made her feel as if she was a prey. She had written plenty of songs for those famous singers, looking what life they were living. But that's not the life that she wants.A: Oh, got it. So she just wants public to concentrate on her music purely. 也许正是因为对名利的淡泊,少了世俗的纷扰,Sia才能够保持本心,专注于音乐,唱出这许多震人心魄的歌曲。C: You bet. 而且时至今日,这也慢慢成为了Sia的一个独特标志。不管每一次隐藏在面具假发下是不想人们过多关注长相而是去关注她的音乐,又或者根本其实只是这张专辑的宣传噱头,我们每一次都随着sia音乐里体现出来的情绪和态度而感动,这就足够了。 插曲 2 Unstoppable C: If you want to evaluate Sia, then you have to know her experience first. During her global travel with her boyfriend, because of her stay at a place for a couple of days, her boyfriend arrived in London on his own in advance. The tragic thing was, he died in a car accident.A: It was really a heavy blow to her. She started a life with alcohol and drugs for 6 years. A double personality has been diagnosed as a result of her overuse of painkillers and antidepressants. To step out of the shadows, it really took a long time for her. But shortly, she suffered from Toxic Diffuse Goiter. She had to retreat again. 插曲3 Alive A: Parents' divorce, domestic violence,being forced to do drugs, boyfriend's death, cancer… maybe it's her personal experience that makes her voice so powerful. 她的歌曲从来不是无病呻吟,她的呐喊并不苍白无力,听她唱着生存,唱着蜕变,都令人有种信服感,有种绝地逢生的感觉,有种心底里油然而生的坚强。C: Sia的声音独特,音域宽广,底气十足,爆发力强,略有沙哑慵懒的嗓音,却能把低沉和高亢两种截然不同的歌都驾驭的近乎完美,情至深处的歇斯底里,也给人带来强烈的情感共鸣。 插曲 4 The Greatest A: Have to say, not everyone can appreciate her song, but to those who really love her, their love will get deeper and deeper as time goes on.多年来的经历让sia的歌曲时而悲惋时而坚定,时而轻松时而沉重,每一首歌都散发着独特的sia的味道。C: 个人认为,sia是小众和商业流行结合的最好的一位女歌手,也是近几年欧美流行音乐界最接近艺术家的一位歌手,现在的Sia的曲子虽然流行度强了很多,但是依然掩盖不住其中扑面而来的艺术气息。 插曲5 California Dreamin' A: 最后要给大家带来的这首压轴的California Dreamin'. It was an episode of the movie San Andreas. The original one is the background music in the film Forrest Gump when Gump wrote in the rain in Vietnam. 在王家卫导演的电影《重庆森林》中王菲摇头晃脑地哼唱的也是这首歌。这次是Sia翻唱。C: Sia的声音有股天生的枯槁和硬气,唱起歌来有种大刀阔斧的感觉。Sia的版本相对于原唱,不仅仅是华丽与高难唱法,更多的是个人强烈的情感,那种挣扎,渴望,内心中的暗流涌动,正是一个人对于美好生活之向往的极致表现。C: 听了这些歌不知道你有没有被Sia征服呢?Okay, that's all for today's program. See you next time!A: 欢迎大家订阅我们的微信公众号时代之声radio”,网易云音乐“music bang bang”电台以及荔枝FM。这里是VOE,我们等着你的到来。感谢制作李金声, see you ~ 结束曲 California Dreamin' 节目监制:韩平治编辑:郭思婷播音:郭思婷 温彦博制作:李金声
10/9/201712 minutes, 54 seconds
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Sept. 27, 2017 #Bloom in Ink# Flipped

节目组: Bloom in Ink 墨海繁花 节目名称: Flipped开头曲 true love Vanessa:Welcome to Bloom In Ink from VOE foreign languages radio station. I'm Sakura. I'm Don. I'm Vanessa. Sakura:Some of us get dipped in flat, some in satin, some in gloss. But every once in a while you find someone who's iridescent, and when you do, nothing will ever compare.有人住高楼,有人在深沟,有人光万丈,有人一身锈。世人万千种,浮云莫去求,斯人若彩虹,遇上方知有。   PART 1: Don: Read the passage for the first time,It's delicate and intellectual.Just as each of us walks in the world.We'll meet all kinds of people and so many things.No matter whether it's successful or not.We all find our location in a short life.Think carefully, this sentence is full of warmth and wisdom.People come and go in life.Some people meet by chance, some people brushed past us.However someone,Maybe the one you've been waiting for.He will be at an unknown corner.Even when you're not prepared,come into your life in the most unique way. Let you flipped.Like a rainbow, make your whole life brilliant.Vanessa:初读这段话,细腻,知性,正如我们每个人行走在大千世界里,会遇到形形色色的人,林林总总的事,无论功成名就,抑或平淡无奇,都会在短暂的一生里寻找属于自己的定位和归宿。细细思忖,这句话又充盈着温情,智慧,生命中的人来来往往,有些萍水相逢,有些擦肩而过,而某个人,或许是你一向在焦灼等待的那个人,会在某个未知的转角,甚至在你没有心理准备的时候,以最独特的方式走进你的生活,令你怦然心动,如同彩虹一般,绚丽你的整个人生。Sakura:This passage is from the movie《flipped》,and the plot is full of positive energy just like the lines. Love is the eternal theme of human beings and the constant pursuit.Warm and sunny, let we realize the first love of the green and beautiful.Let a man who grows old, relive the joys and sorrows of youth.It's a feeling of heartbeat when you meet someone .Don:这段话出自电影《怦然心动》,剧情正如台词一样,洋溢着温暖的正能量。爱是人类永恒的主题,是不变的追求。温暖,阳光,让花样年华的我们体悟初恋的青涩完美,让青春已逝的人们重温葱茏岁月的欢喜忧愁。怦然,有时并不仅仅仅是心动,或许那是一种,当你遇到那个人的时候,才能体会到的一种感觉。  Vanessa: In life there are always heavy traffic.There will be shyness.there will be looking for.But in fact, the ones that look best aren't necessarily the ones that love you the most.When the man you need most appears,Everything that you once cared for is no longer important.Perhaps, this is the real heart.If you haven't met, just wait quietly.If you are lucky to be together, cherish it.Please enjoy your youth, and realize a sincere feeling。Sometimes silence is better than a thousand words.Sometimes we make sacrifices in order to make choices.But it's better late than never.So, while you are young, love someone who like a rainbow.To light each other's lives.Sakura: 生命中总会有车如流水马如龙,会有人面桃花相映红,会有众里寻他千百度,但是其实那些外表最出众的并不一定是最爱你的,最爱你的也并不一定是最懂你的,反之当你最需要的人出现时,那些你曾在意的其他一切都化为浮云。或许,这才是真正的怦然心动。如未相遇,则静静等待;有幸与之,请好好珍惜。纵享青春,去体悟一番如木棉致予橡树的感情,独立内省而心灵相依.有时候沉默胜过千言万语。有时我们为了正确的选择,不得不做出牺牲。 但姗姗来迟总比没来好。 所以,趁着年轻,去爱一个如彩虹一样斑斓的人,让交错在一见钟情和日久生情的温暖常伴于心,粲然彼此的生命。 垫乐: Sakura:感谢制作任家豪!Don:Thank you for your listening, and welcome to join VOE, and welcome to join Bloom In Ink! See you next week!Sakura:感谢收听我们的节目,欢迎订阅微信公众号时代之声Radio,荔枝FM22808.欢迎加入VOE,加入墨海繁花!春风十里,我们,一直都在等你。All:Bye! 节目监制:魏镜滟编辑:魏镜滟播音:魏镜滟 唐敏嫣 李硕制作:任家豪
9/27/201710 minutes, 5 seconds
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Sept. 26, 2017 #The World Says# What if no clocks

节目组: The World Says 世界说 节目名称: What if no clocksV: Hello everyone, welcome to the world says from the VOE foreign languages radio station, I'm Vincent. Today we are bringing you an interesting topic. But … there should be two of us … and my co-presenter hasn't arrived … Sherlock? …. Sherlock! … You're late!S: Am I? What's the time?It's time to start the show. Do you actually own a watch?V: It's time to start the show. Do you actually own a watch?S: No. I rely on my internal clock – it's pretty good.V: No, it isn't – you're late!S: But I'm usually on time. And Good evening everyone, I am Sherlock. Now today, we're talking about what would happen to the world if all the clocks stopped.V: It seems like that wouldn't worry you much, Sherlock.S: You're right. I think we're slaves to time, we've got digital clocks on everything – smartphones, computers, microwaves, bus stops, and it's hard to get away from it. Did you know the word time is the most common nouns in the English language, according to the Oxford English Dictionary?你知道吗?根据牛津英语词典,time这个单词是英语中最常见的名词。V: Oh, well, I didn't know that, Vincent! But good timekeeping is extremely important – there are so many things to schedule in a day, and so many deadlines to meet…S: Tick… tock… tick… tock… Well, before we run out of time Vincent, and that means use it all up , I want to ask you a question, can you tell me what the word 'clock' originally referred to? V: I know several words refer to this; a pendulum is a stick with a weight on the end that swings regularly from side to side. And a dial is the round part of a clock, but there are dials on loads of things – they aren't just on clocks. And a bell… is… well… a bell!S: Well, hurry up, Vincent; you're wasting time with all these explanations!V: That's cheeky coming from you, Sherlock. I think the answer is probably ’bell’.S: Well, you could be right, because not all timepieces go tick tock. In fact, mechanical clocks and watches are quite recent in the history of timekeeping.V:倒是确实,如今的机械表和手表都没什么声音。Mechanical means to do with machines. So in the past, before people had mechanical timepieces, how did they know when to arrive at work, for example – or when to finish?S: They would have looked up at the sky, and observed how the position of the sun, the moon, and the stars changed as time passed.V: That doesn’t sound very precise! Precise means accurate or exact. It was precise enough for many people. S: We certainly gain precision but we completely get devolved or divorced from where time originally came from. The time we use was based on the movement of the sun and it's roughly still in sync but… for many societies it wasn't at all relevant to know that it's four o'clock.V:嗯,我们所利用的时间是基于太阳的运动,大体上都是同步的。但是,对许多群体来说,这与知道现在是4点钟完全不相干。S: They needed to know how much daylight have I got left, or when is the prayer time I need to observe for completely different reasons, and whilst precision is wonderful it's also very much a straitjacket.V:Exactly,everybody is dominated by… looking at the watch and smartphone all the time, when we observe people. So we basically became a slave to time.当我们观察人群的时候,每个人都一直看手表或手机。我们几乎成了时间的奴隶。V: Well, that's all for today's show, it's time to say goodbye again. We hope you can enjoy and get some useful things from today's program. S: Please join us again soon. And good news, Vincent, our voice of era, foreign language radio station is starting to recruit, we sincerely invite all English lovers to join us—the world says. If you want to express your views and opinions in English, come and join us, this platform is for you. 期待你的加入V: 我们诚挚的邀请所有的英语爱好者加入我们。如果你想用英语表达你的见解和看法,和我们一起侃大山,就来加入我们吧,这个平台就是给你准备的。V.O.E 世界说,欢迎你,我是Vincent (I’m Vincent )感谢制作张燚铭我们下期再见!S: And you also can find our program in our WeChat official account时代之声 radio.同时,也欢迎大家关注voe外语广播电台的微信公众号时代之声 radio. I’m Sherlock and I'll be waiting for you next Thursday. Bye~节目监制:苗世钰制作:张燚铭播音:杨晏直 余若天编辑:杨晏直 余若天
9/26/201710 minutes, 11 seconds
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Sept. 25, 2017 #Music Bang Bang# 那段缘,那些歌,那年情

节目组: Music Bang Bang 音乐大爆炸 节目名称: 那段缘,那些歌,那年情开头曲 The Scientist A:Hello everyone,This is Music Bang Bang from VOE foreign languages radio.I'm Armstrong.C:Hello everybody,I'm Christine.欢迎大家收听本期的专题节目:《那段缘,那些歌,那年情》。C:In March 2014, She announced that they had separated after eleven years of marriage, describing the process as "conscious uncoupling".A:They had been recognized as the best couple in the world. She was so in love with him and he was crazy about her.But now,It's gone forever.She is Gwyneth Paltrow,the 'pepper' in the film,and he is Chris Martin,the lead singer of Coldplay. 插曲1 Yellow C:Dating back to 2002,when they first came across each other,Martin was singing in a live house as an unfamous singer, and Gwyneth was siting in the auditorium listening quietly,however,she had been an Academy best actress.A:Yeah, Martin was just a rash and tactless boy without any experience of love.On the contrary, Gwyneth was engaged to Brad Pitt and was in relationship with Ben Affleck.C:A few months ago ,Gwyneth's father passed away at the age of 58 and her mental world suddenly collapse.She had been crying all day and night. A:At the hardest nights, Martine had been supporting and protecting her.He said:What can I do for you?I'll do everything if you could feel better.And he wrote a moving song for her.C:The girl with glory romantic history finally chose the silly boy with the brightest eyes who is 5 years younger than her.于是青涩的马丁写下了这首《yellow》表达了初恋时那种最简单纯粹的羞涩与美好。这首歌听起来就像害羞的不敢去跟自己心爱的女孩攀谈的内向小伙子的心声,饱含深情且自我陶醉着。A:Just like the lyrics says:Look at the stars,Look how they shine for you,And everything you do,Yeah, they were all Yellow. 插曲 2 something just like this A:生活日趋平静下来,就像童话故事的结尾那样:王子和公主过上了平淡幸福的生活。蜘蛛侠中,Tony Stark问助手Happy:你带我的戒指了吗?Happy说:从2008年就一直带着了。2008年第一部钢铁侠,他是她的superhero,而她是他的贤内助小辣椒,来自大佬的浪漫感动了无数观众。而在现实生活中,马丁就是小辣椒的superhero。C:Yeah,Martin and Gwyneth Paltrow married in 2003,in a quiet ceremony in the absence of their friends and family. Their daughter Apple Martin, was born in 2004.Coldplay's song "Speed of Sound" was inspired by Martin's experience and awe at becoming a father. Their second child, Moses Martin' name was inspired by a song, "Moses", that Martin wrote for Paltrow.A:Just like this song ,It talks about how a person can simply be him and be loved. No hero status, no higher state. Love is not the search of benefits, but the choice of accepting a person for who he or she is, the choice of loving continuously despite the flaws and the storms.C:Some superhero, Some fairytale bliss, Just something I can turn to, Somebody I can kiss, I want something just like this. 插曲3 Everglow A:This is their former days,everything seemed so good,they vowed to love each other forever.However,their relationship finally came to an end.They still love each other,but they were not the blessed couple anymore.C:This song is Coldplay 's ,feated by Gwyneth after their breaking up.Martin's tearful voice moved all of us.There is always a person with everglow in our lives.They brought a patch of sunlight at your hardest nights.But for some reasons, we finally had to take each other as a passer-by. All we can do is saying:'I'm gonna miss you' in my mind.A:They say people come, say people go.This particular diamond was extra special .The light that you give me will everglow.人言聚有时,散有期,而回忆却会永恒闪耀在漫漫星辰里。C:有些回忆舍不得,放不下,有些感情注定走散,有些所谓的坚持最终全被放逐在时光里。不是不爱,是爱不下去了。能相逢想必是因为有缘,未能如愿定是缘分太浅。于是有些人,只能安放在记忆里。 A:酷玩的音乐,是马丁的成长史,从青涩到沉淀。《Yellow》是热恋中的那颗徐徐划过天际,冲进海洋的流星。《TheScientist》是那滴纵我在你面前,却无力挽回的黑泪。而《Everglow》是那束照亮玻璃破碎的花纹,也留不下的光。C:欧洲巡演,马丁在德国演唱会上,一位粉丝在台下举了一个大牌子“Can I play Everglow for you?”前奏响起,全场沸腾,物是人非,很多人从听前奏就开始流泪,随后,标志性的马丁节奏颠开始了……A:欢迎大家订阅我们的微信公众号时代之声radio,网易云音乐music bang bang电台以及荔枝fm,更多精彩内容等着你的发现,voe等着你的加入。感谢制作李金声。See you! 结束曲 Everglow 节目监制:韩平治编辑:温彦博播音:温彦博 郭思婷制作:李金声
9/25/201713 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sept. 23, 2017 #日本语ドリームワークス# 《海贼王》

节目组: 日本语ドリームワークス 日语梦工厂 节目名称:海贼王A皆さん、こんばんは、VOE日本語ドリームワークスへようこそB:日语梦工厂A:为梦想起航,我是主播梁远鹏B:我是主播吉旭灵A:旭灵呀,一晃17级小鲜肉们都来了,我们也变成了没人理会的老腊肉,唉,真是一代新人胜旧人呐。B:得得得,您老就别感叹了,长了一张大叔的脸就别装嫩了。 A:什么叫装嫩,我也很年轻的好不好,我可是跟《海贼王》同岁。 B:说起《海贼王》今年已经20岁了,但我们的主角路飞却依旧在追寻梦想的路上前行。A:那我们本期节目就为大家好好谈一谈《海贼王》——《One Piece》B:欢迎回来,这里是VOE时代之声日语梦工厂,今天我们将为大家好好介绍介绍《海贼王》这部国民动漫。A: とみ、めいせい、ちから このよのすべてをてにいれたおとこかいぞくおう、ゴールド•ロジャ。 かれのしにさいにはなったひとことはひとびとうみへかりたてた オレのざいほうか?ほしけりゃ くれてやる。さがせ!このよのすべてをそこにおいてきた! おとこたちはグランドラインをめざし、ゆめをおいつづける よはまさに だいかいぞくじだい!B:财富,名声,权力,曾经拥有世界上一切的“海贼王”哥尔•D•罗杰,在临死前留下了一句话 让全世界的人们,趋之若鹜奔向大海:“想要我的财宝吗?想要的话可以给你,去找吧!把一切都放在那里了!”于是所有的人们开始起航,趋之若鹜的奔向大海,世界迎来了“大海贼时代”。A:海贼王にオレはなる!这是路飞刚踏上旅程时喊出的口号,也是整部动漫中最经典的台词。B:在《海贼王》这部动漫中还出现了许多这样经典台词,接下来我们就以排行榜的形式介绍给大家。A:5.「男(おとこ)にゃあ!!! どうしても・・・戦(たたか)いを避(さ)けちゃならねェ時(とき)がある・・・・・・!!! 仲間の夢を 笑(わら)われた時だ!!!!!」ウソップ B:5.“身为男人!!!有着无论如何也无法逃避战斗的时候…!!!那就是伙伴们的梦想被嘲笑的时候!!!!”乌索普A:4.海賊が名前を捨(す)てる時は死ぬ時だけで充分(じゅうぶん)だ!! おれの名前を一生(いっしょう)覚(おぼ)えてろ。おれは海賊王になる男だ!!!!」ルフィB: 4.对于海贼来说,舍弃掉名字的一刻就足够相当于死亡!!这一辈子给我记好我的名字。我是要成为海贼王的男人!!!!”路飞A:3. 「"女(おんな)のうそ"は許(ゆ)すのが男だ」サンジB: 3.“能够原谅女人的谎言才是真男人”山治A:2.「絶対(ぜったい)にもうおれは敗(はい)けェ!!!! 文句(もんく)あるか海賊王!!」ゾロB: 2.“我绝对不会再输了!!!!你有意见吗!海贼王!!!”索隆A:1. 「愛してくれて………ありがとう!!!」ポートガス・D・エースB: “谢谢你们………这样爱着我!!!” 波特卡斯・D・艾斯海贼王中有着的不仅仅是热血是冒险还有着眼泪,年幼的孩子,只是一味的向着往前跑。看不到远处的风和浪,只是想证明自己也可以很强。可在危难的时候却谁也保护不了,还要牺牲了别人的手臂才换来平安。那时流下的眼泪是害怕?是后悔?是愧疚?是感动?还是目标?A: 固执的孩子,守着对故人的承诺。即使面前是难以战胜的对手,就是浑身早已伤痕累累,可他却没有犹豫也没有后退。指向天空的长刀是他的誓言,随着泪水涌出的是他不会再输的决心。有时候勇敢不是忍着痛不叫苦,能在失败中重新站起来,反而会变得更加坚强。B: 孤独的孩子,一直靠着谎言填补寂寞的天空。平日里的琐碎被夸大成光怪陆离的冒险,隐藏在那背后的是他渴望飞扬的心。可累积起来的一点一滴并不是虚幻的想象,它们如同未发芽的种子,深埋在了每个人的心底。A:《海贼王》虽然只是一部动漫,但却折射出无数的道理。或许我们曾像路飞那样莽撞,但却一直奋斗在梦想的道路上,或许我们也曾像乌索普那样弱小,但却从未放弃心中的理想。从第一次接触《海贼王》到今天已经度过了13年,曾因为《海贼王》而结交新的朋友,也曾因为《海贼王》而被请家长谈话,感谢《海贼王》曾陪伴我度过那段青春岁月,《OnePiece》ありがとね!B:好了今天的节目到这里就接近尾声了,感谢辛勤付出的后期制作胡婕,更要感谢同学们长久以来的关心与支持,尤其是刚刚步入沈农校园的17级小鲜肉们,如果你对VOE外文广播电台感兴趣我们期待你的加入。A:如果你有什么好的建议和想法,可以关注我们的微信公众号“VOERadio”,来给我们留言,说出你的想法。B:让我们在优美的歌声中结束本期节目,我们下期再见,拜拜。节目监制: 孙天然播音: 吉旭灵 梁远鹏 编辑: 吉旭灵 梁远鹏 制作: 胡婕
9/23/201711 minutes, 13 seconds
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Sept. 22, 2017 #Screen Age# Spider-man Homecoming

节目组:The Screen Age 荧屏时代 节目名称:Spider-man HomecomingS: Piu-piu-piu~I: Hey, Bee. What's happened.S: Ivy have you seen Spider-man? I feel I am a spider-man now.I: You are not little brother Holland.S: Just kidding. I: Well, get it. So let's come to the business. F:The story takes place after the battle in the New York City. Salvage worker Adrian Toomes and his co-worker work on handling the damage of the Tony Star building. Soon, a van from the U.S. Department of Damage Control arrives. They order Toomes to shut down his operation.S:After learning that Tony Stark is behind Damage Control, Toomes gathers three of his co-workers to continue their work secretly. They find there are some mysterious materials which has amazing power. Eight years later, Toomes and his guys are still doing these things. And Toomes becomes a villain called Vulture.F:Because of the experience with the avengers, Peter Parker is so excited that he thinks he can be a real superhero. Tony Stark, as his new mentor, gives him a new suit which has many high technology with it. S: Peter returns to normal life, however he doesn't want to be normal. He notices that some people have special weapons and their boss is a man with mechanical wings who is Vulture. F:But on the contrary, he actually causes some troubles. And each time, Tony help him to solve problem.S: Peter tries to prove himself that he is not just a normal high-school student. But he just makes things getting worse.F: Eventually, Tony can't stand him, he takes back the suit. Peter says without the suit he cannot do anythings. While Tony tells him, "Then you don't deserve it."B: Peter is frustrated. Then on the homecoming day. He finds that the vulture is the father of his girlfriend. Instead of going to the dance party, he fights with Vulture.S: This time he proves himself. When Tony invites him to join the avengers, he refused and says he wants to be a friendly neighborhood Spider Man.B: Then he returns home, continue to keep a low profile. F:Let's get to know our lovely leading actor ,little brother Holland.Thomas Stanley Holland was born in Kingston-upon-Thames.Holland began dancing at a hip hop class at Nifty Feet Dance School in Wimbledon, London. After eight auditions and subsequent two years of training, he gave his first performance in the title role of Billy in 2008 .I:In two months after leaving Billy Elliot the Musical, Holland successfully auditioned for a starring role in the film The Impossible.The film premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival on September 9, 2012, and was released in Europe in October 2012.F:In December 2012, Holland received a number of nominations for his role in The Impossible. Such as, the 27th Goya Awards in the "Best New Actor" category, the "Best Young Actor category and so on.I:In 2015, Tom was cast as Peter Parker Spider-Man in Sony and Marvel's films. He played the role starting with Captain America: Civil War in 2016 and the Spider-Man: Homecoming in 2017.Suddenly,he becomes our "spider man next door",a young handsome and smart boy.I believe no one does not like him. S: I saw Spider-man Homecoming on the opening night of the movie, and its my favorite spider-man movie since the 2nd spider-man movie from the original series.I: Yeah, you are right. I have to say I am impressed by a dialogue in the film "friendly neighborhood Spider Man ", normal but meaningful.At the beginning of the film,little Peter Parker was eager to become a hero just like Iron man,and even better than him.He was very excited and really want to do something great,but felt he was always banging his head against a wall.S: He also tries to return to his normal daily routine-- distracted by thoughts of proving himself to be more than just a friendly neighborhood superhero.I: I must say that, as a Marvel Fan. I am deeply impressed with this new movie. I know that this little spider is not really in the line, but I have to admit that this movie has an outstanding story plot and the new idea bring a fresh blood to the classical Marvel Studio. S: I want to see it once again, that is really fantastic movie.I: You are too rich and wilful. My dear audience you may see it while it's showing.S: So it’s time to say goodbye. By the way, 时代之声外语广播电台正在招新,欢迎关注我们的微信公众号VOERadio,了解更多招新信息,VOE欢迎你的加入! See you!I: Bye~ 节目监制:赛碧乐编辑:赵艺薇 毕鑫屹播音:赛碧乐(F) 赵艺薇(I) 毕鑫屹(S)制作:张宇航
9/22/201710 minutes, 30 seconds
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Sept. 21, 2017 #한류전선# EXO

节目组: 한류전선 韩流前线 节目名称: EXO开头曲 Kokobop 1.여러분 안녕하세요.大家好,欢迎收VOE外语广播韩流前线,我是主播孙鹏。2.만나서 반갑습니다.大家好,我是主播王芷筠1.愉悦欢快的旋律,是否让你在炎热的夏天感受到一丝轻松与凉爽呢?今年七月,大势的exo又带着新专辑回归了。sm엔터테인먼트 남자아이돌그룹으로 으르렁,중독,콜미베이비,몬스터등등 다양한 히트곡으로 쭉쭉 상승세를 보이고있는 엑소가 이번 여름 시원한 레게팝으로 돌아왔습니다.2.是啊,期待了很久的专辑真的很不错,每次听都有一种激动的感觉呢。많이 기대했던만큼 이번에도 정말 좋은 앨범으로 돌아왔는데요.그럼 지금 바로 타이틀곡 코코밥을 함께 들어보시죠.1.那今天你我们就来回顾那些美妙动听的歌曲吧!1.kokoBop是exo今年回归专辑的主打歌曲,歌曲欢快明朗,让人一听就想跟着旋律一起舞动起来。其实KOKOBOP大部分有雷鬼音乐的因素。雷鬼是一种20世纪60年代末期诞生于牙买加的音乐种类,风格轻快,最初歌词常表现对社会的控诉和对变革的呼吁受牙买加文化影响,雷鬼的主打色为黄色、红色、绿色。타이틀곡 코코밥은 리드미컬한 레게 기타와 무게감 있는 베이스 사운드의 조화가 매력적인 에너제틱한 레게팝으로 엑소의 새로운 도전이기도 합니다.2.KoKoBop在预告的时候就可以说万分惊艳了,全曲出来忍不住将音量调到最大去仔细听伴奏,EDM元素的融入使得音乐的层次更加丰富,也是雷鬼音乐发展中新的探索。同时,和许多经典雷鬼音乐一样,KOKOBOP在前奏和音乐中间共有三段较长的没有人声的部分,强化了对节奏的表现。자메이카의 록스태디와 스카에서 발전한 레게는 아프리카 음악과 케러비안 음악 그리고 미국의 리듬 앤 블루스로부터 많은 영향을 받았는데요.이후 자메이카뿐만 아니라 영국, 미국에 퍼져 유행하게 되였죠. 插曲2 Love me right1.据悉,MV的灵感来自日本作家村上村树的小说《海边的卡夫卡》。导演说“有时命运就像沙尘暴”这句话是我们为您所有人都值得经历或迟早到来的时间,对于年轻的朋友们来说,或许我们正处在这样的沙尘暴中。&`&love me right&`&는 사랑하는 사람과 함께하는 드라이브의 설렘과 행복함을 담은 곡으로 기분좋은 에네지를 전합니다.2.歌曲突出Funky节奏和乐器特色的明朗感。歌词叙述与喜欢的人一起兜风时的心动和幸福,传达出好心情的无限能量。특히 뮤직비디오에서 엑소멤버들은 미식축구 복장은로 등장해 팬들의 이목을 집중시켰을뿐만아니라 복고적인 느낌을 강조한 퍼포먼스로 색다른 매력을 발산하였습니다. 插曲3 For Life 1.For Life的旋律婉转却又带着一丝伤感,它似乎在给我们叙述着一个凄美的爱情故事。结合MV和歌词来看的话,它代表的意思是“我的人生只有一件事,就是爱你。循此往复不止不休。假如重活一次我也会选择你从开始到最后 你是第一也是唯一。 &`&for life&`&는 평생 한사람만 바라보겠다는 내용을 가사에 담은 로맨틱한 팝 발라드곡입니다.2.曾经在这里爱上你,假如还能再次遇见你,哪怕你不在这里,我也会遵从着原来的记忆回到故事最初的起点,再一次爱上你。”从此我的每一生每一世都只剩下了一件事 那就是爱你。 11.让我们继续期待更加精彩的剧情吧,今天的节目就到这里了,我们下期再见吧!2是的,感谢制作人王。我们下期再见1&2:여러분 안녕~ 结束曲 前夜 节目监制:郭燕编辑:孙鹏 王芷筠播音:孙鹏 王芷筠制作:孙鹏
9/21/201711 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

Sept. 20, 2017 #Bloom in Ink# Exhausted Life Loving You ——Ode to love of Jacky Xue

节目组: Bloom in Ink 墨海繁花 节目名称: Love, Jacky XueSakura: Welcome to VOE foreign languages radio station. I'm Sakura. I'm Don. I'm Vanessa. Don: Ten years ago, when I had nothing at all, you saw me as a treasure. Now ten years passed, when I owned the whole world, I went round and round, just can't give up you. To much hurt when I turned away, contained to much unforgetting affections……Thus, please treasure the rest of our lives. Treasure the person that you worth. Welcome to Bloom In Ink, to listen the myth of love about Jacky Xue and Crystal Gao.Vanessa:十年前我一无所有,你却不离不弃;十年后我拥有了全世界,兜兜转转放不下的还是你。多少浅浅淡淡的转身,是旁人看不懂的情深……那么,还请珍重余生,珍重那些生命中,值得再爱一次的人。欢迎来到墨海繁花,与我们共同聆听薛之谦与高磊鑫的一段传奇佳话。 PART 1: Exhausted Life Loving You——Ode to love of Jacky XueSakura: Few days ago, when it was still early in the morning, Jacky Xue tweeted :”when you with me……I remembered……I had nothing……Now I don't wanna seek……we are not young as before……please let me give you all I have……and my love…… “ Only several words with full romance, I think maybe that is what for love. Even divided, even be separated by numerous rivers and mountains , but surely someday, your loved will travel over land and water for you, to come to your world. Just as what Crystal Gao responded:” To much hurt when we turned away, contained to much unforgetting affections…….” Thus, please love each other with all your life, once be a couple with love, always give him or her with trust.Vanessa: Ten years ago , Jacky has nothing ,but only his love. Now, ten years later, he has already owned the whole world, but lost his sweetheart. Whereas he never stopped love her. Every story of him is her, every song he sings is her; The tear he dropped during a program is about her, even the things he think when left are also about her. No matter how time goes on , even the stars fall into the heaven, the heart of him has never been changed. On the scene of his concert in Shanghai, he said :”There is a person, she didn't contact me, but I know she's here.” He took his guitar, and sang a song which moved many people's heart——《Ann and bridge》. Even Jacky and Crystal once divided and don't greet, but cannot forget each other. No need more words, if you well, I well.Don:Thanks to the karma that finally combined them together. They stood there hand in hand. With the romantic warm light under the street lamp, their shadow drought too many people to tears. Suffering at day and night, wish for time after time, we finally get the truth when crossed over the time. While you are still young, and I'm not old, please cherish each other during the short life. If there is afterlife, please be still and wait for me, I will find you as promise. If……if the time we have will never stop, I wanna hold your hand, forever……用尽一生去爱你——一段薛之谦式的深情Sakura:不久前的一个清晨,薛之谦在微博上写道:“我记得……你跟我时……我一无所有……我不想再寻觅了……请让我给你所有……反正我们也不再年轻了……那就再爱一次吧……”寥寥数语,尽透着似海深情。这或许就是爱吧。纵使千山万水,咫尺天涯,终有一日,那人也会跋山涉水而来,与你深情相对。正如高磊鑫的那句:“多少浅浅淡淡的转身,是旁人看不懂的情深……”那么,就请用余生去相爱,结发为夫妻,恩爱两不疑。Vanessa:十年前的薛之谦一无所有,可他深爱着高磊鑫。十年后的薛之谦拥有了全世界,可他兜兜转转放不下的,还是高磊鑫。他所有的故事是她,所有的歌唱的也是她,上节目流泪的理由是她,离开后的日子想的还是她。纵使千万年一去不复返,那么真心那么从一而终的男人心,却从未改变。上海演唱会上,薛之谦曾说:“现场有一个人,她没和我联系过,但我想她应该来了。”他拿出吉他,唱了那首《安和桥》,打动了无数人的心。纵使曾经分道扬镳,不问彼此,可最难忘记的,还是那个一直在原地默默等待的人。纵使没有万语千言,但你若安好,便是晴天。Don:缘分终究没有辜负这对相爱的人。昏黄的路灯下面,两人牵着手的影子,浪漫的让人想哭。多少个日夜的煎熬,多少次翘首的企盼,终于在时光的缝隙里有了完美的答案。趁你还年轻,我还未老,好好地珍惜彼此,珍惜这短暂的流年。如果有来生,请你在原地等我,等我去寻你。如果……如果有永远,我希望携子之手,与你,一直走下去……背景介绍: 有一种爱情,叫薛之谦与高磊鑫。携手风雨,相濡以沫,共享荣华。纵使曾经分别,许诺不再相见,但缘分的引线,还是兜兜转转,将两人带回了原点。时光荏苒,流年不再,一个转身,便已是沧海桑田。愿今生恩爱如初,岁月安好,愿今世执子之手,与子偕老。 结束语 Vanessa:感谢制作任家豪!Don:Thank you for your listening, and welcome to join VOE, and welcome to join Bloom In Ink! See you next week!Sakura:感谢收听我们的节目,欢迎订阅微信公众号时代之声Radio,荔枝fm22808欢迎加入VOE,加入墨海繁花,如果你拥有着对文学的和播音的热爱,就来与我们一起共赏文学的魅力吧!All:Bye! 节目监制:魏镜滟编辑:魏镜滟播音:魏镜滟 李硕 唐敏嫣制作:任家豪
9/20/201713 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork

Sept. 19, 2017 #The World Says# Management

节目组: The World Says 世界说 节目名称: Management开头曲 Pink Champagne 引语 S: Welcome to today's world says talk show! I'm Sherlock. V: Now, the position of you is SYAU and you are listening to the Voice Of Era foreign languages radio station, I'm Vincent. S: today we are going to talk about your time, Vincent. In the last episode we learned that your time is very messy.V: really, during that time I am really stressed, even sometimes I think I am nothing.S: Cheer up! For our "world says", you are a very important member, don't you.V: ok, thank you, so, what do you bring to us today? S: Oh, good question! Today we will share to you and everyone seven ways of making lists which could change your life.V: is that really amazing? such as?S: just make a plan! As you can see, Shopping lists, to-do lists, life goals, work tasks can be useful in so many ways.V: well, I think our audience is eager to our seven suggestions Now, boys and girls, join us in today's program! Learn as possible as you can. And We are curious about your thoughts. You can also send us message about the suggestions that you are interested in.S: dang-dang, so, the first is Set your thoughts free. Okay, so getting organised is the obvious one, but there's more to making a to-do list than you might think.V: 说的没错啊,凡事要三思而后行。 speak specifically, Writing out all the tasks you need to get done can help you prioritise and plan, structure your thoughts, manage your time and break bigger projects down into more manageable steps.S: yep! when a difficult task been separated to many small pieces, it looks like clearly and easy. Wait, I suddenly catch a good idea!V: you'd better write it down now, quickly. You see, taking that swirling mass of thoughts in your head and pinning them down on paper can actually calm you down. And crossing things off once they've been completed can bring a sense of…S: well, satisfaction and validation! By the way swirling mass of thoughts is meaning the thoughts which appear in your head.V: good job, but maybe our audience is still not convinced. S: Not convinced? There is a Neuroscientist says we can only hold four things in our heads at once, so we need lists to free up our thoughts.V: the second one is to Make you more successful.S: come on show me what you can do.V: Exactly, Lists can literally make you more successful and productive. Research into goal-setting has shown that students perform markedly better if they follow a process that involves reflecting on their past habits and make a list of concrete targets for the future. S: emmm, it's hard to understand, could you show me in a simple way?V: easy, now, you know structured long-term goal-setting has been shown to help people achieve their personal aspirations, yesS: so?V: So grab a pen and paper and start listing some big ambitions, please. S:嗯,你说的对没错,先定个小目标,一个亿!V: maybe you have to Save you money. Yes it is our third tips. For example, Shopping lists are more than just a way to make sure you don't overlook the loo roll in the supermarket: over time they can save you some serious money. By writing down everything you need before you hit the shops ,you can stop yourself making unnecessary purchases. Speak honestly Sherlock, I saw you buy too much food last night, isn't it?S: looks like it is really hard to earn 1 billion yuan. It must be that I didn't study well, OMGV: cheer up, don't be self-doubted, trust yourself.S: is that the fourth?V: cheer up, the fourth is If you ever feel like you’re not good enough or that life is passing you by, a list could come to the rescue.S: is that a joke?V: no, Writing down your achievements – large and small – can be a surprisingly simple way of reminding yourself just how excellent you actually are. For people struggling with low self-doubted, the mental health charity Mind recommends making a list of 50 things you like about yourself, even if it takes a few weeks to think of them all or you have to ask a friend for ideas. Then look at a different bit of the list each day to quietly comprehend your many great qualities. S: in fact, I am very handsome, right?V: emm, let's go to next topic, 5. Ensure you don't make mistakesS: come on, it's too hard.V: Yes, A particular type of list can help disaster: the checklist. Whether you're planning a wedding, organising a house move or preparing for a holiday, it's vital to have a thorough inventory of everything you need to do written out in advance. That way you won't forget to bring the rings.S: actually, recently, In hospitals, where it's easy for small mistakes to snowball into serious problem, checklists are saving people's lives every day. The first formal medical checklist in the US was introduced to ensure intravenous tubes were inserted into patients' chests correctly by following five simple steps. The result was a fall in infections from 4% to zero in just 15 months, saving almost 1,500 lives and $200 million.V: thanks to lists, there are too many people have been treated. The lists are really amazing yes?V: Sherlock ?V: Sherlock ?? what are you doing, focus, we are recording.S: oh, sorry for I 'm gone. But here is the sixth. Well, Psychologists say you should write down all those nagging unfulfilled aims in a big long list. so, your brain knows they're being dealt with, then you'll be better able to concentrate on the task in hand.V: fially the last. Face up to things you've been putting offS:Yes, put off is not a good habit, just like I should finish my homework right now.V:No, you can't finish your homework here, we're doing our jobs. V: So, that's the end of today's show, thank you for your listening.如果你喜欢我们的节目,欢迎关注voe外语广播电台的新浪微博和voe外语广播电台的微信公众号时代之声 radio. S:最后,再次诚挚邀请热爱英语的小伙伴们加入VOE电台~Bye~ 结束曲 Pink Champagne 节目监制:苗世钰编辑:杨晏直,余若天播音:杨晏直,余若天制作:张燚铭
9/19/201711 minutes, 44 seconds
Episode Artwork

Sept. 17, 2017 #走进西班牙# The Smile

节目组:走进西班牙 节目名称:The Smile开头曲 Lucenzo - Baila morena引语1 D:¡Hola a todos! ¡Bienvenido llegas mi reino de españa! Me llamo Don.大家好!欢迎来到走进西班牙栏目!我是Don.B:¡Hola a todos! Me llamo burugess.大家好!我是burugess。 引语2 D:前几天走寝有一个可爱的小学妹让我给她录一句西班牙语的“我爱你”,当时很急,真声可能也比较不亲切,为了弥补一下遗憾,在此我为小学妹和听众朋友们说一句“te quero” 插曲1 Memory PART 1: B:今天我们将带领大家扒一扒西班牙电影《吾栖之肤》和《潘神的迷宫》。D:咦!burugess!你喜欢看科幻电影嘛?B:¡ah sì!Cine de ciencia ficción.我很喜欢啊!D:哇!那好!今天我们将欣赏两部西班牙的科幻电影!D:《吾栖之肤》,《La piel que habito》是由Pedro Almodovar指导,Antonio Banderas、Elena Anaya主演的剧情片。P:该片讲述了一个外科医生Robert利用皮肤移植手术,给强奸犯变性,从而为女儿报仇的惊悚兼科幻的故事。D:En este trabajo hacemos una reflexión crítica sobre el sexo, el género y la identidad sexual, concretamente sobre lo que significa ser hombre y mujer en nuestra cultura a través de la película La piel que habito (Almodóvar, 2011).P:剧中男主角Robert是个外科医生。妻子外遇逃跑,遭遇车祸全身烧伤,最后不忍看到严重烧伤的脸而跳窗结束了自己的生命。女儿Nora看到母亲的死,受到惊吓,随后又被Vicente夺走了贞操,精神失常。于是,Robert开始了自己的复仇计划,抓住Vicente,将他变性成女人,并用自己的外科技术将他整形成妻子的的模样,经过各种波折,两人相爱,可偶然看到报纸上Vicente失踪的照片,唤醒了她的男性记忆。于是她用枪结束了Robert和他的仆人母亲的生命,找寻自己的母亲和妻子。D:爱是什么?是占有,是被需要,是一方成为另一方的奴隶,还是彼此自由呢?或许在我们披上另一个人皮肤的那一刻起,我们就注定不会成为那个看似值得被爱的那个人。眼眶最深处的那一位,你还在卑微地索求某人的爱恋吗?还是选择逃离,找回自己呢?D:《潘神的迷宫》《El Laberinto del Fauno》是由Guillermo Del Toro指导的奇幻电影,Doug Jones(美国人)、Ivana Baquero、Sergi López等主演的奇幻片。P:该片以1944年二战期间的西班牙为背景,讲述12岁的奥菲丽娅在百无聊赖之际,却意外打开了另一扇魔幻之门,并要完成三个考验的故事。D:我的一个阿根廷朋友给我写了这段影评:El laberinto del fauno trata sobre una princesa que su reyno era bajo la tierra pero allá quería conocer el mundo de afuera quería conocer las flores el sol . Pero un día ella salió afuera de su reyno a conocer el mundo pero la luz del sol la dejo ciega y murió y desde entonces su padre la tato de traer de vuelta hasta que ella reencarna y regresa con su padre a su reyno otra vez es una película muy bonita ami me gustó mucho mucho.P:12岁小女孩Ofelia的继父Vieta上尉是个凶暴的法西斯军官。面对着世间的残酷和冷漠还要照顾身怀六甲的母亲,爱幻想的Ofelia在内心虚拟出一个世外桃源般的世界。一天,奥菲莉娅在自家屋后偶然发现了一座废弃已久的古老迷宫,见到了迷宫的守护者——半人半羊的潘神,他揭示了小女孩奇幻公主的真实身份。随后女孩坎坷的完成了潘神给的任务,回到了奇幻王国,同时也死在了现实世界。D:作者完美地融合了小女孩烂漫的天真幻想和纳粹分子惨无人道的严刑和虐杀,酝酿着一种叫做道德和人性的冲突,令人深思,堪称神作。插曲 2 葉加瀬太郎 (はかせ たろう) - 風の向こうに (风的彼方) Part2 P:bien,今天我们的电影欣赏就到此为止。最后,让我们赏一句美文来结束我们这次的节目吧!D:¿Acaba de salir el sol?,o ¿me has sonreido?P:是刚出的太阳吗?还是你予我的嫣然一笑? 结束语 D:感谢您收听我们的节目,欢迎订阅微信公众号时代之声Radio,荔枝fm22808!如果你喜欢小语种,对热情的西班牙文化感兴趣,着迷西班牙语,就加入我们吧!¡Estró en la españa!走进西班牙!voe期待新鲜血液的注入!P&D:¡Adios!让我们下期再见吧!节目监制:孙天然编辑:唐敏嫣播音:唐敏嫣 李金声制作:唐敏嫣
9/17/201712 minutes, 35 seconds
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Sept. 16, 2017 #日本语ドリームワークス# 日本人と日本文化

节目组: Music Bang Bang 音乐大爆炸 节目名称: 日本人と日本文化A皆さん、こんばんは、VOE日本語ドリームワークスへようこそB:日语梦工厂A:为梦想起航,我是主播梁远鹏B:我是主播吉旭灵A:今天给大家介绍一本书,是关于日本人和日本文化的,非常有助于我们了解日本。书的名字是「日本人と日本文化」。此书区别于一般的介绍日本的书,是日本著名小说家司馬遼太郎先生和著名的研究日本文学的学者ドナルド・キーン先生的关于日本人和日本文化的对谈记录。B:司馬遼先生是日本国内非常有名的历史小说家,不只熟悉自己国家的历史,而且对中国的历史也颇有研究,而另一位キーン先生是来自美国,他以一个西方学者的观点来谈论日本,则让人更有耳目一新的感觉。A:司马辽太郎(しばりょうたろう),1923年8月7日出生。日本小说家,评论家。出生于大阪。代表作有《猫头鹰的都市》,《风的武士》,《关原》,《丰臣家的人们》等。其作品主要是围绕日本战国,幕府,明治时期为背景的历史题材小说。不幸的是司马辽太郎于1996年2月12日逝世。B:Donald Lawrence Keene(ドナルド・キーン),出生于1922年6月18日。美国纽约出身,是研究日本文学和日本的著名学者,作为日本文学评论家出版了多本著作。之后加入日本国籍。哥伦比亚大学名誉教授,日本学士院客员,文化功劳者。于2008年获日本文化勋章。A:全书从宗教意识、群体意识、审美心理等方面扼要地论述了日本人的精神世界;同时还从文化史的角度具体论述了日本文化的历史渊源以及历史上的日本与现代日本的关系,从中抽象出许多日本文化所固有的特点;最后就日本人的法律意识、独创性、家族关系诸多问题进行了探讨,提出了不少远见卓识。B:全书语言平实质朴,堪称大家手笔。这里我们为大家截取一段原文,下面是第一章节关于日本人的对外意识的原文内容。A:きょうは奈良にまいりまして、当時の日本といえば、わずかに水田があって、他に生産物がほとんどなく、いわば草っ原と雑木林だけの経済的に貧しい日本で、よくあれだけ大きな都を造ったものだという感じですね。しかしその目的といえば、いまでいえば万国博みたいなものでしょうな。B:今天去了奈良。说起当时的日本,仅有一点水田,几乎没有其他的生产物,也就是说在只有草原和杂树林,经济贫弱的日本,硬是造出了那样大的都城。但是谈到造都城的目的,现在说起来类似万国博吧。Aまあ、おそらくそうだったでしょうね。日本で初めてできた大きな寺は四天王寺ですが、これは外国人ーーーこの場合は中国人でしょう接待するためのものだったと思います。日本にも文化があるのだ、日本もこんな立派な寺を持っているのだ、そういうことを先進国の人たちに見せるために建てたものだろうと思うのですが、平城京の場合でも、そういう意味が大いにあったのではないですか。B:恩,大概如此。日本最初建造的大寺庙是四天王寺,我想这个是为了接待外国人而造的,当时外国人是中国人吧。日本也有文化,日本也有这样宏伟壮观的寺庙,为了把那样的事情显示给先进国家的人们看而建造的吧。即使平城京,在很大程度上也有那样的意思。A:总之,日本人非常注意外国人的想法,被外国人是如何看待的,被外国人当作傻瓜的话,是非常严重的,这样的考虑方式从古就有的。进入明治时代后,也有类同的事情吧。为了证明日本有并不输于外国的非凡的文化,如建造了鹿鳴館,还有一些维多利亚王朝风格的建筑等。即便平城宮,如果考虑当时日本的国内情况的话,估计如此大规模的都城是没有必要的吧B:好了今天的节目到这里就接近尾声了,感谢辛勤付出的后期制作于越,更要感谢同学们长久以来的关心与支持,尤其是刚刚步入沈农校园的17级小鲜肉们,如果你对VOE外文广播电台感兴趣我们期待你的加入。A:如果你有什么好的建议和想法,可以关注我们的微信公众号“VOERadio”,来给我们留言,说出你的想法。B:让我们在优美的歌声中结束本期节目,我们下期再见,拜拜。节目监制: 孙天然 播音: 吉旭灵 梁远鹏 编辑: 吉旭灵 梁远鹏 制作: 胡婕
9/16/20178 minutes, 35 seconds
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Sept. 15, 2017 #Music Bang Bang# 干了这碗鸡汤

节目组: Music Bang Bang 音乐大爆炸 节目名称: 干了这碗鸡汤开头曲 Galway Girl 引语 C: Long time no see, my dearest audience! This is Music Bang Bang again! I'm Christine!A: I'm your old friend, Armstrong! A new semeter has come, with new faces appearing on campus.唉这一转眼啊,我都成大二老学长了。C: 可不嘛,咱们学校今年开学,2000年以后出生萌新共有180名,最小的萌新出生于2002年7月。这让我以后还怎么好意思说自己还是小学妹啊。A: 哈哈别慌别慌,那就当一个称职的好学姐啊。For freshmen, we do have tons of words to say. So today, we prepared a playlist especially for you guys.C: 那咱们今天就来聊一聊大学的那些事~ 插曲1 Free PART 1: A: The first song for you is Lenka's Free. Even when I was in high school, people around me kept talking about how much freedom you may have got in university. It was really tempting to me in which condition the only thing I was allowed to reckon with is study.C: But ever since you walked into the campus, everything has changed. The life that is always scheduled by parents, by teachers, by schools has gone. All at once, you have plenty of time to spend, to manage, to do things you really want. 插曲 2 Try Try Try PART 2: C: The second song is Try Try Try, from Jason Mraz. College is a whole new begining. Nothing is impossible. You never know what you are capable of without trying. To make the youth not be wasted, just try try try!A: Many freshmen are aimless about their vacant schedule. They play games and watch TV series all the time. But what I would like to say is, try to do something that can literally enrich you. Reading a book, joining some organizations, competing in a contest, working out at the gym…these are all pretty cool things to do. 插曲3 Lucky PART 3: A: The next one is Lucky, from Lenka. Everything you've gone through, everyone you've met, every where you've been, should be cherished. They made up your being, they recorded your track. They glow diversely in your sky. C: As the song said, "I must have rolled one hell of the dice, to have you walking into my life." We're so lucky that we're here, we're so lucky that we've met you, we're so lucky that we're still having each other. 插曲 4 Young Wild &Free 结束语 C: The last song is Young Wild & Free. So what we get drunk? So what we don't sleep? We're just having fun, we don't care who sees. So what we go out? That's how it's supposed to be, living young and wild and free.这正是青春的样子啊,恣意,随性,young and reckless.A: 趁青春,放手做,不论你选择了哪条路, just carry on.不要等到头发白了后 还有任何遗憾,不要等到心跳放慢了 才去开辆跑车,不要每天都挂在网上,结交虚拟朋友。C:梦想容易被遗忘,珍惜每一分钟,趁年轻去实现每个梦想证明自己,珍惜 每一分钟,生命才会变与众不同。 Okay, that's all for today's program. See you next time!A: 欢迎大家订阅我们的微信公众号时代之声radio”,网易云音乐“music bang bang”电台以及荔枝FM。这里是VOE,我们等着你的到来。感谢制作李金声, see you ~ 结束曲 Young Wild &Free 节目监制:韩平治编辑:郭思婷播音:郭思婷 温彦博制作:李金声
9/15/201711 minutes, 35 seconds
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Sept. 14, 2017 #The World Says# The new semester 新学期

节目组: The World Says 世界说 节目名称: The new semester 开头曲 No roots 引语 S: Welcome back, everyone!V: Obviously, What you are listening to is the Voice Of Era foreign languages radio station, I'm Vincent. Welcome our old friend IrisI: ya! Here is Iris. And the column you are listening to is the world says! S: forgot to introduce myself~ I'm Sherlock. today we are going to talk about…… Come on, Guess what, Vincent.V: I think it must be related to new semester.S: In a sense, yes!Iris, could you do me a favor :just tell me please, where are we from?I:Of course we are from Shenyang Agriculture University. S: We're also broadcasters for the world says, don't we?V: A moment, you're not going to tell us what we're going to talk about today, are you?S: NO, you're right, so, our topic can be anything. V: I finally know why the script says "anything" I: Now, boys and girls, join us in today's program! You can also send us message about the topics that you are interested in.I: The new term begins, and all the students go back to school, Sherlock, I have to say, you have really been fatter after this summer vacation.S: Keke~ that's not the point. Let's talk something about the new semester. For example, Vincent, could you tell me something about your view of the new semester? For example, we have many freshmen girls and boys, you know, who don't know our school much.V: It reminds me of the scene which is from one year ago, at that time, we were freshmen. Time really flies. We're already sophomores.I: by the way, a student in the second year of college or high school was called sophomore. Well, sophomore Vincent, do you know how this word came from?V: I remember it was from Greece, which is made up of two words. In Greek, the first half means "pedantic man", while the other half means "fool."S: 嗯,其实 这个词用中文来讲更像是半瓶子醋的意思。 插曲 2 no roots I:When I look at these freshmen in military training, just like I have returned a year ago, and became a member of them. S: Yes, What reminds me most is that... the weather is sunny every day. And Because of this damn military training, I tanned.V: Tan, which means someone's skin getting darker. By the way, black and white are used to describe skin tone, it doesn't equal to tan.I:清了清嗓子,well, did you guys fail any exams last term? S: No, no, no, I didn't. I feel proud that I safely sailed through all my subjects.I: Good job, Sherlock. What about you Vincent? Why are you looking so pale?V: Iris, you really stab my wound… I failed my advanced mathematics last semester, and I had just done my make-up exam few days ago, and I earnestly hope I can pass it this time!I:Haha, I'm sorry Vincent. I'll pray for you passing it!V:In fact, I really get learn a lesson this time, I could had pass it last term, although I attended the school dancing competition and went to Beijing for enactus China, which nearly took my two month time.I:How?S:Emmm, I think you got your time management a mess at that time, am I right?V:Exactly, that's just what I want to talk about, everyday after being busy doing those things, I gave myself a long blank time, doing useless things and leaving my lesson away, while others were devoted to studying. How stupid was I!S: Yeah, time management is really of vital importance. It's been two weeks after term beginning, our freshmen are about to begin their studying time, maybe we should give them some suggestions about time management.I:I agree, 作为一个大二学姐,ha-ha, I still get excited talking about this.清了清嗓子. So , about controlling our time, one thing we must keep in mind is that never forget to set a priority out of everything.一定要为你的事情的优先级做计划。S: Yes, human being is an interesting species. If you want to meet your friend, you will take out a time for it for sure, however if you get something to do which is only related to yourself, for instance, review your lesson or go to work out, there will be a great probability for you not setting it in your schedule well.I:是啊,类是种很有趣的生物,如果你要去见朋友,你得安排一个确定的时间去看他,但是如果你有一些事情恰恰是和你自己有关系,比如写一本书,或者去健身房,那么你却不会安排好日程。V:So to avoid this circumstance from happening, we may try this, treat your priority as a flight to catch up, and set a time for your flight, then say no to all the things that stop you from catching your flight. 把你优先级最高的事情视作你要赶上的航班。约定好时间,然后对所有阻挡你的航班的事情说不S: That's really sound like a good idea Vincent.I: Yeah, it's a brilliant idea, seems like you've really got a lesson from y0ur failure. V: Oh, don't mention it again please. 结束语S:OK, It's high noon!I: excuse me?S: sorry, I mean we are running out of time.S:Thank you for listening, and don't forget we are from the world says, the Voice Of Era foreign languages radio station, I'm Sherlock thank you for listening again! I: 感谢大家的收听,不要忘记我们是时代之声外语广播电台的世界说栏目组,我是 Iris欢迎新生小伙伴的加入~S:Also, you can find our programs on Lizhi FM and our WeChat Official Accounts.——V.O.E radioV: 欢迎广大小鲜肉们关注VOE电台微信公众号,时代之声radio,VOE期待你的加入! 结束曲 No roots 节目监制:苗世钰编辑:杨晏直 余若天 张燚铭播音:杨晏直 余若天 张燚铭制作:张燚铭
9/14/201710 minutes, 41 seconds
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Sept. 13, 2017 #Bloom in Ink# Stillness Speaks

节目组: Bloom in Ink 墨海繁花 节目名称: Stillness Speaks 开头曲 诉说——钢琴曲 Vanessa:Welcome to Bloom In Ink from VOE foreign languages radio station, I'm Vanessa. I'm Sakura.Sakura: Nearly a month ago, there was an infusive audio talked about life、thoughts、emotions、sense perceptions and whatever you experience was really famous on the internet. It was read by Liu Yifei, selected from the book《The Power Of Now》. It was written by Eckhart Tolle, a spiritual teacher of life. Now let's share it together.Vanessa:流年在时光中飞逝,转眼已是逾月光景。那动人心弦的关于人生的声音却还是那么轻柔地萦绕在耳畔,那么深刻地印衬在尘封的书页里。《当下的光景》诉说着的不只是刘亦菲心中那片《无声胜有声》的静谧,更有作者埃克哈特.托利对人生的哲理。接下来,让我们一起走进《无声胜有声》的世界,激扬人生,净涤心灵。 PART 1: Stillness SpeaksBy Eckhart TolleSakura: Thoughts, emotions, sense perceptions, and whatever you experience make up the content of your life. “My life” is what you derive your sense of self from, and “my life” is content, or so you believe. You continuously overlook the most obvious fact: your innermost sense of I Am has nothing to do with what happens in your life, nothing to do with content. That sense of I Am is one with the Now. It always remains the same. Vanessa:In childhood and old age, in health or sickness, in success or failure, the I Am–the space of Now–remains unchanged at its deepest level. It usually gets confused with content, and so you experience I Am or the Now only faintly and indirectly, through the content of your life. In other words: your sense of Being becomes obscured by circumstances, your stream of thinking, and the many things of this world. The Now becomes obscured by time. And so you forget your rootedness in Being, your divine reality, and lose yourself in the world. Confusion, anger, depression, violence, and conflict arise when humans forget who they are. Yet how easy it is to remember the truth and thus return home: I am not my thoughts, emotions, sense perceptions, and experiences. I am not the content of my life. I am Life. I am the space in which all things happen. I am consciousness. I am the Now. I Am.无声胜有声埃克哈特.托利Sakura:思想,情感,感知,与你所经历的一切组成了你的生活内容。“你的生活”是你自我意识的衍生,因而你十分笃定地告诉自己:我满足于“我的生活”。而你一直忽略了一个最明显的事实:那就是在你内心深处“我是谁”的答案与生活中发生的事情无关,与满足与否也无关。那个关于“我是谁”的感知与当下有关。Vanessa:它是恒久不变的,不论年幼或年老,不论健康或疾病,不论成功或失败,“我是谁”在当下的时空下,都保持着它最富有深意的含义。人们总将它与满足感混于一谈,因此在你的生活中,关于“我是谁”或是关于当下的经历总是模糊又间接的。换句话说:你对于“存在” 的感知因周遭环境、你的万分思绪还有这个世界上很多其他的东西而变得模糊不清,“当下”的概念也在岁月流逝中变得模棱两可,你也因此忘记了自己存在的根本,忘记了自己拥有的美好现实,在世界中迷失了自我。困惑、愤怒、沮丧、暴力和冲突在人们忘却自我时伺机产生。然而要回忆起真相,要重返家园又是多么的容易:你不是你的思想、情绪、感知和经历。你不是你的过去和将来,你就是生活。你是一切事情发生的空间。你是你的意识,你是当下,你是。背景介绍:埃克哈特.托利,灵性导师。努力将自己的心灵启迪实践传授给世界各地的人。他的畅销书《The Power Of Now》改变了一个又一个人的生活,启迪着人们找到真正的力量,找到获得平和与宁静的入口 结束曲 诉说——钢琴曲 用结尾 Sakura:感谢制作唐敏嫣!Vanessa:Thank you for your listening, and welcome to join VOE, and welcome to join Bloom In Ink! See you next week!Sakura:感谢收听我们的节目,欢迎订阅微信公众号时代之声Radio,荔枝FM22808.欢迎加入VOE,加入墨海繁花,如果你拥有着对文学的和播音的热爱,就来与我们一起共赏文学的魅力吧!All:Bye! 节目监制:魏镜滟编辑:魏镜滟播音:魏镜滟 李硕制作:唐敏嫣
9/13/20179 minutes, 38 seconds
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Jun. 24, 2017 #Campus Interview# 留学生采访

F: Good evening, my dear audience. Welcome to Campus Interview of VOE Station. I'm Flat.Y: I'm Yolanda. 欢迎收听本期的校园访谈录。今天来到我们演播室的是我校巴基斯坦籍留学生Ansar. Hi, Doctor Ansar, nice to meet you. Could you please introduce yourself to us?F: Wow, that's a new place to me! Could you please tell me more about it?F: That's really different from our country. So, as a foreign student, I wonder what's the major are you studying here?Y: So, why do you choose to study abroad?Y: What are the differences of biotechnology between here and your country?F: How do you like the food in our school?Y: Speaking of the taste, what’s the typical taste of food in your country?F: Have you made any Chinese friends here?Y: When you studying in China, do you celebrate the Chinese festivals?Y: Would you like to introduce the festivals of your country?Y: Except Shenyang, have you travelled to other places in China?F: It seems like you like Yangtze River very much. Is there any large rivers in your hometown?Y: Do you know there is a popular running software among our students. It helps us to do sports in our spare time. By the way, do you like any sports? Are there any popular sports in your hometown?F: You know, the winter in the northeast of China is pretty cold, so I think you must very like the summer here.F: It might relate to your major.F: How's the weather of your country compared with Shenyang's weather?F: What kind of plant do you plant?F: In my opinion, the music of your country is very exotic. Could you recommend some good music?Y: Wow, thank you! That's so nice. Is this your national song?F: You know, this is a foreign language station, and I think we shoulder the responsibility to help others to improve the capacity of speaking foreign language. So what's your advice on learning foreign language?Y: Ok, one last question. Could you please give some advice on nature science studying as you're already doing PhD?Y: At the end of the programme, may I ask you to say hello in Chinese?Y: Thank you!F: That's all for today's interviewY: 最后让我们再次感谢Doctor Ansar的到来。Bye.F: Goodbye!节目监制:刘逸超 编辑:李梓彤 赛碧乐播音:李梓彤 赛碧乐
6/24/201712 minutes, 37 seconds
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Jun. 23, 2017 #Music Bang Bang# 毕业季—青春不散场

节目组: Music Bang Bang 音乐大爆炸 节目名称: 毕业季—青春不散场开头曲 The Sound Of Silence C:Hello my dear audience, you are listening to Music Bang Bang from VOE foreign languages radio.I'm Christine.A:Hello,everybody,I'm Armstrong!This is the last program of Music Bang Bang in this term.And we manage to invite our producer Lampson who devoted his three years to VOE.L:Hey,guys,I'm your old friend Lampson and perhaps this is my last show in VOE.Hope you like it!C:With our last program processing, summer holiday is coming and it is nearly the end of this session.Many seniors would graduate and leave the campus,so let's see them off cordially in today's program.L:伴随着这首The Sound Of Silence,让我们一起进入今天的特辑节目:毕业季--青春不散场。 插曲1 Youth C:The first song is Youth from Troye Sivan.Sivan said "'Youth' is a song about the joy in naivety and being lost. It's about dropping everything, running away, making mistakes, and loving too hard, and how that's okay. "A:Yeah,Youth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind. It is the most precious period in our lives. Live beautifully, dream passionately, love completely,This is our youth.L:What if we run away? What if we left today?What if we said goodbye to safe and sound?What if we're hard to find?What if we lost our minds? What if we let them fall behind and they're never found?This is my youth,and my youth is yours. C:青春就如一场大雨,即使感冒了还想再淋一回。总以为毕业还遥遥无期,转眼就各奔东西。 插曲 2 Pedalo L:This one is Pedalo from The Heart Strings.Listening to this song,it's just like walking on soft clouds in the sky,step by step.A:I totally agree with you.And the lyric "It's a long long way to go on a pedalo "just repeated and repeated in my mind.In fact,our lives are long long ways to go.C:You are right.I don’t know if we each have a destiny, or if we’re all just floating around accidentally —like on a breeze. But no matter what it is,we all have a wonderful brilliant long way to go.L:Just like Jack Kerouac wrote in his book :I was a young writer and I wanted to take off. Somewhere along the line I knew there would be girls, visions, everything; somewhere along the line the pearl would be handed to me. 插曲3 B what U wanna B C:The next song is B what U wanna B from Darin.歌曲以超强的节奏感与童声的伴唱,给人一种独特且耳目一新的感觉。L:This song just inspired me.You got a dream, you gotta protect it. People can't do something themselves,they wanna tell you you can't do it.If you want something, go get it. I don't regret the things I've done, I regret the things I didn't do when I had the chance.A:Yeah,Just like the lyrics says.We may have different ways to think, but it doesn't really matter, we all caught up in the steam of this life. focus on every little thing, that's what does really matter.You can be just the one you wanna be. 插曲 4 Never Grow Old A:The last one is Never Grow Old by The Cranberries,and I wanna give this song to our adorable producer--Lampson.As a senior of grade three,you always make fun of yourself as an old man.But in our minds,you are just a little brother,you'll be always young and passionate, and never grow old.C:Some memories are destined to be everlasting, just like some people can never be replaced. Your humor,your responsibility,your leadership,we’ll never forget.All of us are grateful for your helping and devotion to VOE. Forever young ,forever weeping,that is the Lampson we all recognize.L:Thank you,Christine.I also feel very proud of each members of this year’s music bang bang.Wish all of you and me a better future! C:又是一年毕业季,有人说,毕业是“青春兵荒马乱,我们潦草离散。”毕业意味着回不去的青春。还有人说,毕业是“我有故友抱剑去,斩尽春风未肯归。”踏入社会的大门,从此义无反顾。而对于大多数人而言,毕业意味着“今日一别,有的人或许死生不复相见。”匆匆一别,从此各奔东西。L:At present,we still cherish the memory of the cheerful dormitory,the professor who always calls the roll and the endless lessons.A:Looking back on the green days,with the growth of experience ,the ignorant boy has passed.The astringency has been replaced by maturity,the rebellion has been replaced by leisure. Dignified, confident, capable becomes our new labels.L:毕业不说再见,青春永不散场。让我们永远年轻,永远热泪盈眶的在路上。好了,本期music bang bang到这里就要结束了.See you next time, Bye ~ 结束曲 Immortals 节目监制:刘仁邦编辑:温彦博播音:刘仁邦(L)郭思婷(C)温彦博(A)制作:张雨航
6/23/201714 minutes, 37 seconds
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Jun. 22, 2017 #The World Says# The differences between some words

节目组: The World Says 世界说 节目名称: The differences between some words开头曲 ID J:Hello everybody, welcome to the world says from the VOE foreign language station, this is Jotta.V:And I'm Vincent.F:Hi dear audience, I'm your old friend, Francis.J: So today, we gonna talk about some words in English. 插曲1 ID F: OK. First, Could you please tell me the differences between 'say', 'speak', 'talk' and 'tell'?J: As we all know,动词 say 的意思是“说话”,而动词 tell 的意思是“告诉某人信息”。V: For example: Tell me about your holiday.J:And we can also say:“talk about your holiday”或“speak about your holiday”。F:所以在使用动词 tell 的时候,它后面紧跟的应该是“被告知信息的那一方”。V: Right. Such as: “I told you he would let you down.”And: “She told her mother she passed all her exams.”J: 大家需要记住的是:you say something TO someone, but you tell someone something。V:不过在日常生活中,说“She told her mother she passed all her exams”要比“She said to her mother she passed all her exams”更自然。J:So here, Francis ,I have a question for you.我说两句话,你听听哪句话对。F: Okay, I’m listening.J: One is” She said hello to her mother.”The other one is that.“She told her mother hello.”F: Um…I choose first one.J: Exactly. 因为与人打招呼是我们用行动“表达、表述”的事情,所以不能用“tell ”而应该是“say hello”。F: I get it. 那say和tell还有其他的用法吗?J: Yeah. Here is a sentence:“The teacher told me to write an essay on birds.”V:在这里tell就表示命令和吩咐。J: The next. “I can tell if she’s pleased.” “How do you tell if a cake is ready?”V: In here the word “tell” means discern or comprehend.J: 动词 say 也同样有一些不显为人知的意思,比如,say 可以表达“认为或相信”。Could you give us some examples, Vincent?V: Sure. “I say we should move to the countryside this year.”“They say it’s best to get eight hours sleep.”F:So what is the difference between talk and speak?J:我先给你两句话,你体会一下。We need to sit down and talk about this. The second one is ‘We need to sit down and speak about this’. F: 我觉得speak 用在上面的这个语境中比 talk about 显得更严肃些。V:You are right, Francis. In this sentence: I need to speak to Michael about his timekeeping.这里用“speak to”暗示说话人对Michael的不守时行为不满意,并会对这个行为做出批评。J:Since you know a lot about these words .你知道talk 也可以做名词来使用么?V: Of course. say 也可以作为名词呢。F: Oh please do give me some examples, Vincent.V: OK.OK. “I gave a talk about the US economy. ”“I want to have my say on this.”意思是:我想在这件事上发表自己的意见。J:我来补充一个。“The boss always has the final say.” Final say means final decision.F: 我还有个问题。Career、occupation、vocation 和 job 这四个词都和“工作”有关,那么咱们应该怎么准确、恰当地使用它们呢?V: 首先我来给你说一段一位名叫 Smith 的房地产经纪人介绍自己的工作时的话。I’m an estate agent. It’s a good job. But it’s not my vocation. I really want to be a personal trainer. I love working out and teaching people. I know, I badly need to change careers. Francis,你听到了哪几个单词?F: Smith 先说他是一个 estate agent 房地产经纪人,接着说“It’s a good job. 这个工作挺好的”。J: 这里用了单词 job – job 是最常见的,使用最广泛的表示“工作,职业”的单词。F: 他又说“but it’s not my vocation”,这句话实际表达的意思是“我不觉得这是真正适合我的职业”。J: 我们常用 vocation 来突出强调一个真正能给我们带来使命感的、又很适合我们的职业。F: And he said, he loves working out and teaching people. He knows, he badly need to change careers.V:“Estate agent 房地产经纪人”and “personal trainer 私人教练”are not just different jobs,they are different careers,所以 Smith 最后说“I badly need to change careers.”F:Now I have learnt job、vocation and career. So how about “occupation”?J: 通常 occupation 是表示“工作,职业”的一个正式用语。比如,在填写各类正式表格时,“职业”一栏相对应的英文名称就是“occupation”。在正式的上下文中我们也多用 occupation 这个词。V:名词 occupation 的动词形式是 occupy,意思是“使某人忙于做某事”,occupation 所指的“工作,职业”比单词“ job”所覆盖的面更广。举个例子来说,假如你的职业 occupation 是教师,就算你换了一个 job 工作 – 比如,到一个新学校去教书,可最终你的职业 occupation 没有变,还是教师。J:This is a good example, but ,Vincent, do you know “job” has other meanings? For example, It’s your job to tell him. I can’t do it for you.F:I know it means responsibility.V: 我知道“a job”的意思是“一个活儿,一件工作”。举个例子:I did a job for a newly married couple last month - they asked me to paint their bathroom red.意思是:上个月我接了一对新人的活儿,他们让我帮忙把卫生间刷成红色的。 结束语 J: So that’s all for today’s show.V:Hope you guys can enjoy our program .See you next time.F:感谢制作苏鑫。V:如果你喜欢我们的节目,请关注我们的微信公众号VOE Radio和VOE外语广播电台的新浪微博,那里有我们往期的作品All: Bye. 结束曲 ID 节目监制:周宸聿编辑:杨晏直 朱子业 夏茂航播音:杨晏直 朱子业 夏茂航制作:苏鑫
6/22/201710 minutes
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Jun. 21, 2017 #Bloom in Ink# Excellence is not an act, but a habit

节目组: Bloom in Ink 墨海繁花 节目名称: Excellence is not an act, but a habitExcellence is not an act, but a habitOur character, basically, is a composite of our habits. “Sow a thought, reap an action; sow an action, reap a habit; sow a habit, reap a character; sow a character, reap a destiny,” the maxim goes.人的品德基本上是由习惯组成的。 俗语说;思想决定行动,行动决定习惯,习惯决定品德,品德决定命运。Habits are powerful factors in our lives. Because they are consistent, often unconscious patterns, they constantly, daily, express our character and produce our effectiveness or ineffectiveness.习惯对我们的生活有绝大的影响,因为它们是一贯的。 在不知不觉中, 经年累月影响着我们的品德,暴露出我们的本性,左右着我们的成败。  As Horace Mann, the great educator, once said, “habits are like a cable. We weave a strand of it every day and soon it cannot be broken.” I personally do not agree with the last part of his expression. I know habits can be learned and unlearned. But is also know it isn’t a quick fix. It involves a process and a tremendous commitment.美国著名教育家曼恩曾说:“习惯就仿佛是一条缆绳,我们每天为他缠上一股新索,不要多久就会变得牢不可破。”这句话的后半段我不敢苟同,我相信习惯可以养成,也可以打破,但绝不是一蹴而就,而是需要长期的努力和无比的毅力。Those of us who watched the lunar voyage of Apollo 11 were transfixed as we saw the first men walk on the moon and return to earth. But to get there, those astronauts literally had to break out of the tremendous gravity pull of the earth. More energy was spent in the first few minutes of lift-off, in the first few miles of travel, than was used over the next several days to travel half a million miles.宇航员搭乘阿波罗11号太空船,首次登陆月球的刹那,的确令人叹为观止。但宇航员得先摆脱地球强大的引力,才能飞往月球。由此在刚发射的几分钟,也就是整个任务一开始的几英里之内,是最艰难的时刻,所耗的力量往往超越往后的几十万英里。 Habits, too, have tremendous gravity pull- more than most people realize or would admit. Breaking deeply imbedded habitual tendencies such as procrastination, impatience, criticalness, or selfishness that violate basic principles of human effectiveness involves more than a little willpower and a few minor changes in our lives. “Lift off” takes a tremendous effort, but once we break out of the gravity pull, our freedom takes on a whole new dimension.习惯也是一样,它具有极大的引力,只是许多人不加注意或不肯承认了。想要革除因循苟且,缺乏耐心,吹毛求疵或自私自利等不良习性,若是缺乏意志力,不能大刀阔斧的改革,便难以实现目标。“起飞”需要极大的努力,然而一旦脱离重力的牵绊,我们便可享受前所未有的自由。节目监制:曹睿姝 编辑:孙天然 于汶铎播音:孙天然 于汶铎制作:任家豪
6/21/20178 minutes, 14 seconds
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Jun. 20, 2017 #한류전선# 夏季清凉的歌曲

节目组: 한류전선 韩流前线 节目名称: 夏季清凉的歌曲开头曲 睡不着 A:친구들 안녕하세요 欢迎收听VOE外语广播韩流前线,我是播音王芷筠。B:만나서 반가워요 我是播音郭燕。A:어느덧 성큼 다가온 여름, 무더운 이 계절을 어떻게 나고 계신가요? 夏天如约而至,在这炎热的季节,你是如何缓解浮躁的内心的呢?B:여름 분위기가 물씬 나는 시원한 음악을 들으면서 편안한 마음을 가져보는건 어떨까요? 在舒适的环境配一首清新的歌曲,自然会使心清凉安静下来。A:那我们今天就来给大家推荐几首解暑歌曲吧! 插曲1 啊 真凉快 A:冰镇果汁,甜美冰淇淋,只是听着歌词都是让人感觉到凉爽了,又配以冰块落入水中的轻快声音,不由得让我们身临其境,仿佛周围的热风都被冰冻,清凉极了。B:얼음을 동동 띄운 쥬스, 달콤한 아이스크림. 가사만 들어도 시원해 지는것 같지 않나요? 마치 한줄기의 상쾌한 바람이 가볍게 스치고 지나간 기분이 듭니다. 插曲 2 Lovin IceCream A: lovin ice cream, 这是一首so sweet 歌曲,甜蜜的果子露配以可爱的你,即使是在炎炎夏日,只因与你相伴,温馨浪漫,幸福而快乐,让你忘却一切烦恼。B:너무 달콤한 노래죠? 상큼한 오렌지 샤베트에 사랑스런 그사람과 함께라면, 나를 짓누르고 있는 고민은 잠시 뒤로한채 이 무더운 여름도 행복하고 즐겁게 보낼 수 있을듯 싶네요. 插曲3 桃子 A:甜甜的水蜜桃在夏季抚慰了不少人的内心,桃子也是IU最喜欢的水果,就像说出 ‘桃子’ 这个单词时欣喜的心情一样,这首歌隐含了少女想呼唤恋人爱称的心情。清新的歌词与IU感性的声音相辅相成,让人们在夏日里拥有宁静心境。B: 아이유의 감성 가득한 복숭아를 듣고 있는데요, 복숭아는 아이유씨가 가장 좋아하는 과일이기도 합니다. 감미로운 반주와 그녀의 청아한 목소리가 나른한 여름을 떠올리게 하는 노래입니다. 插曲 4 夏天夜海 A:夏天的夜晚吹着海风,沿着岸边散步,听着海浪翻滚拍打,这时候空气已经与白天的截然不同,是凉爽的,充满着咸咸的味道。B: 바람부는 여름 바닷가, 가슴을 일렁이는 파도소리, 고요한 산책.. 두사람의 추억가득한 그날 여름 밤입니다.A:享受着这样的夜晚,内心想必是极其平静的,自然而舒适。지금 이곳, 이 음악과 함께 편안한 밤 되시길 바랄께요.A:今天的节目到这里就要接近尾声了,不知道我们的歌曲有没有让你在炎热夏日体验到那一丝丝清凉。오늘 이 노래가 여러분들의 여름에 시원함을 더해주었으면 합니다. B:들어주셔서 감사합니다. 感谢大家的收听,感谢制作人胡婕王飞。我们下期节目再见, 여러분A B : 안녕 结束曲 夏天夜海 节目监制:金池 编辑:王芷筠 郭燕播音:王芷筠 郭燕制作:胡婕
6/20/201713 minutes, 53 seconds
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Jun. 19, 2017 #Screen Age# Scent of a woman

节目组:The Screen Age 荧屏时代 节目名称:Scent of a woman开头曲 Por Una Cabeza-Thomas Newman B: Hello, my dear audience, Welcome back to the Screen Age. This is BobBee.L: Hey, friend. I'm Lynn. Well, BobBee, I saw a classical American movie last night. It's so excellent that I stayed up for watching it at midnight. And now, I'm keen to recommend it for you strongly!B: That's great! What's its name?L: It's Scent of a Woman.B: Oh, I've seen it. It's well worth watching it indeed. When the theme song Por una Cabeza sounded, my hot blood is boiling.L: Yeah, the pet phrase “Hooah” of Colonel is also charming.B: It'’s so interesting. Let's talk about it today.L: Great! 插曲1 Por Una Cabeza-Thomas Newman F: Young student Charlie has inadvertently witnessed the process of several students preparing to tease principal, the principal asked him to tell the mastermind of mischief, otherwise he will be punished. Charlie came to the veteran's home to do part-time job. Lieutenant Colonel was the head of President Linden Baines Johnson, who had experienced war and many setbacks, but was blinded in an accident. B: Blind makes Frank Colonel got a very sensitive auditory and smell sense, and even can identify its height, hair color and even the color of the eye by smelt other women's perfume. In fact, this is derived from his deep understanding of life and sentiment.F: He did nothing at home all day, lost his courage and confidence in life. He is ready to exhaust the last energy to enjoy a wonderful life. He traveled with Charlie, eating nice food, driving fast Ferrari, jumping tango with nice girl, live luxury hotel, and then want to end his own life.B: Charlie tried to stop the school's suicidal behavior, since the initiation of their feelings as father and son. So that Frank also recovered the courage and strength to live. The film finally Frank in the school Lecture Hall passionate speech, saved Charlie's future, satirical school hypocrisy. The two guys were reborn in each other. 插曲 2 Main Title-Thomas Newman L: One of the leader actor in this film is Al Pacino. In 1969, he first appeared in the film screen. Because of the perfect performance in the film The Panic in Needle Park, he was selected to be the leader actor of the film The Godfather. And it was such a great success. After four consecutive years, he won the Oscar for best actor or best supporting actor nomination. In 1993, he won the 65th Oscar Award for Best Actor Award and the 50th Golden Globe Award for Best Actor with the film Scent of a Woman.M:The other leader actor in this film is Chris O'Donnell. He played McDonald's fast food television advertising in his high school era. He is famous for the role of Robin in the film The Batman. Before playing Robin, he played a lot of roles in famous films, such as "Scent of a Woman", in this film he won the Golden Globe nomination. His brave and strong performance was showed in the film The Three Musketeers completely.L: In addition, the leader actress is Gabrielle Anwar. She tangoed with the best actor Al Pacino in this film. It is only a glimpse, but impressive. Her star road has widened since then. And she has gained high exposure among the new generation of actress. She is so charming in many films like The Three Musketeer. 插曲3 Main Title-Thomas Newman M: Movies often have lines that become part of our culture. The line from this one is hoo-ha! I don't know why for sure Pacino says that. He does though and it's great. Whenever I ask anyone about this movie, those who have seen it 99% of the time answer with a hearty hoo-ha!F: As for the performances: Pacino, I dare say, gave his best performance ever. It was also the riskiest. We're not supposed to like him, but we do. We can tell he doesn't think that Charlie is a moron. We can tell that he likes him in fact as a son. It strikes us as sad though. We can sense that this man has always been lonely. But then he lost his sight because of his mere stupidity and fondness for booze. He became even more lonely and sarcastic. Mean in fact, but funny.M: This movie once again proves that Pacino is one of the greatest actors of our time and that we all should be very glad he choose to portray Colonel Frank Slade in 'Scent of a woman', no one else could have done it. The story of 'Scent of a woman' stands and falls with Pacino's acting and the bringing alive of his character. It's touching and makes you smile and leaves you behind with the feeling that you've just have had the pleasure of meeting Colonel Frank Slade, a crazy but interesting man.B: I first saw this movie when I was staying with my grandma at her cabin. I was blown away. The story is great, the acting is perfect, and you can't help but get attached to the characters. The relationship, trust, and love that develops as the story unfolds is nearly unparalleled in modern cinema. One of Pacino's BEST performances. Not like some of his other roles. Chris O'Donnel actually puts in probably his best performance of his career. 插曲 4 Fleurs De Rocaille-Thomas Newman B: This is all of our program today, hope you like it.L: Don't forget to see the film Scent of a Woman!B: How time flies! The end of this period is coming. Never fail an exam.L: It's time to say goodbye. 最后感谢制作张安康。See you next time!B: Bye~ 结束曲 Fleurs De Rocaille-Thomas Newman 节目监制:刘逸超编辑:邹佳琳 毕鑫屹播音:赛碧乐(F) 杨旸(M) 邹佳琳(L) 毕鑫屹(B)制作:张安康
6/19/201712 minutes, 8 seconds
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Jun. 17, 2017 #日本语ドリームワークス# 日本诗歌

节目组: 日本语ドリームワークス 日语梦工厂 节目名称: 日本诗歌A:みなさん,こんばんは。欢迎收听VOE外文广播电台,日语梦工厂。我是主播梁远鹏。 B:我是主播吉旭灵 A:我羡慕春风得意马蹄急,一日看尽长安花的得意,我钦佩我自横刀向天笑,去留肝胆两昆仑的豪情,我惋惜君生我未生,我生君已老的无奈。B:那么作为我们的邻国日本,在诗歌方面与中国诗歌又有着什么异同呢?就让我们用本期节目为大家一一剖析。A:中国古代文化对日本产生了极大的影响,日本今天的文字也很大程度上来源于中文。在众多影响之中,诗歌是非常重要的一部分。从最初的日本汉诗对中国古代诗歌完完全全的模仿与套用,到后来两国文化融合与发展形成的和歌、俳句,日本的诗歌中总能找到中国诗歌的影子。B:汉诗——发展初期全面模仿中国最早的诗歌集诞生于公元前45年,而日本第一部与之相似的、拥有日本诗歌特色的和歌集《万叶集》诞生于公元759年。在此之前,盛行的是全面模仿中国诗歌的汉诗;日本第一部诗集《怀风藻》(公元751年)便是收录了完全用汉字书写、韵脚意象等均模仿中国的汉诗。比如“结宇南林侧,垂钓北池泽。人来戏鸟没,船渡绿萍沈。苔摇识鱼在,络尽觉潭深。空袋芳饵下,独见有贪心。”这首诗,表面上完全看不出是中国人还是日本人所作。事实上这就是日本汉诗模仿中国诗歌的一例。 A:和歌——中日诗歌的融合从《万叶集》到《古今和歌集》到《小仓百人一首》,诗集的演变见证了日本自己独有的诗歌的成熟。这一时期已诞生“五七五七七”的形式,内容与中国也稍有不同。和歌类似于我国《诗经》中的诗歌,可以被吟唱,主要写恋爱和自然风光。《万叶集》中还用汉字,不过已经是用汉字表示读音了。后来才发展成今天的平假名。《古今和歌集》的时代,才标志着和歌取代汉诗,成为日本主要的诗歌。下面我给大家带来一首好听的日文诗《あなたが好きなの》A:あなたの瞳(ひとみ)が好き。春の银河(ぎんが)のようにきらめく瞳(ひとみ)が、春の日差(にっさ)しのような优(やさ)しい眼差(まなざ)しが好き。あなたの髪(かみ)が好き。微风(びふう)にひらめくシルクのような、さらさらの髪が好き。あなたの声(こえ)が好き。高(たか)くて甘(あま)い、心(こころ)に沁(し)み込(こ)む、澄(す)み切(き)った声(こえ)が好き。 でも、一番好きなのは、あなたの心。好きよ。大好き。あなたのすべてが爱しくてたまらないの。あなた以外(いがい)のものなんかもう何もいらない。ただあなただけが欲(ほ)しいの。B: 喜欢你。喜欢你的眼睛。那如春天的银河般闪烁的双瞳、如春日的阳光般温柔的眼神。喜欢你的头发。那如在微风中飘荡的丝绢般柔滑的长发。喜欢你的声音。那高亢而美丽、沁入心脾的清澈声音。可是,我最喜欢的是你的心灵。喜欢你。最喜欢你。我爱你的一切,爱得不得自已。我不需要你以外的任何东西,只是想要你。 A:同样是表达爱意,《见与不见》是这样表述的你见,或者不见我我就在那里不悲不喜你念,或者不念我情就在那里不来不去你爱,或者不爱我爱就在那里不增不减你跟,或者不跟我我的手就在你手里不舍不弃来我的怀里或者让我住进你的心里默然 相爱寂静 欢喜B:两首诗相比较,日文诗的表达爱意方式更加的直白,而是《见与不见》一诗更加内敛,不止听众朋友们更喜欢哪一种风格。A:跟大家说了这么多,想必大家对中日两国的诗歌一定都有所了解,但是快乐的时光总是如此短暂,今天的节目要和大家说再见了,节目的最后为大家推荐一首好听的音乐。B:感谢观众朋友们的收听,也要感谢辛勤付出的后期制作甄惠萍同学,我们下期节目见。 节目监制: 袁蕴宁 播音: 吉旭灵 梁远鹏 编辑: 吉旭灵 梁远鹏制作: 甄慧萍
6/17/20179 minutes, 56 seconds
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Jun. 09, 2017 #Music Bang Bang# The Bright Side

节目组: Music Bang Bang 音乐大爆炸 节目名称: The Bright Side开头曲 Unique C: Hello, lovely audience! This is Christine! Welcome to Music Bang Bang again!A: Hello, I'm Armstrong! Wow, this song is fantastic! It just takes all the upset away!C: I totally agree. This song is Unique from Lenka's album, The Bright Side, which was released in 2015. The whole album is like a mild summery breeze that will dust your shoulders off.A: 属于夏天的好声音:甜而不腻,轻巧舒服,清新爽朗,绝对讨好你挑剔的双耳,让人不忍随乐摇摆。So, we are gonna talk about this album today. Welcome to Lenka's fantastic world! 插曲1 The Bright Side A: The name of this song is the same as the album, The Bright Side. It's hard to accept that Lenka is nearly 40. Her voice and style is still like a little girl! C:她就像是一位古灵精怪的小女孩,脑中充满天马行空的七彩画面转由音符输出,邀大家一同进入她多样的音乐异想世界。A: Even if you're the type to be down in the dumps and gloomy, take a new look and take it from me. There's room over here on the bright side. 插曲 2 Get Together C: This one is Get Together. You want to download it as soon as you hear the prelude! 她的歌总是有着这种近乎小女孩儿的清新天真,无忧无虑,简直拯救每个人的少女心! 插曲3 The long way home A: No matter what trouble you are facing, you can always take a long way home, which is your harbor forever. You are listening to The Long Way Home. 插曲 4 Blue skies A: I bet this is the most familiar one to you, Blue Skies. Afer a pouring rain, Lenka was looking at the blue sky with her son in her arm, when the melody came to mind.C: 正如Lenka所言,“这首歌是关于对未来的希望、对一切终将如愿的信心,以及和自己所爱的人一起穿越黑暗和迷雾的那些时光。 插曲5 Free C: This one is Free. Say goodbye to yesterday. Let go of every way. I held myself under. Cause I'm free i'm free free free. And all I see is the open road in front of me. I'm free I'm free free free. And I want to be the happiest that i can be. 插曲 6 We are powerful C: Everytime I hear this song, I feel I am filled with power. Just like its name, We Are Powerful.A: We are invincible. We are unique. We are incredible. We are free. We are beautiful. We are a dream. We are wonderful. You and me, we are powerful.C: 我们回肠荡气 我们宇宙唯一,我们不可思议 我们自由不羁,我们如此美丽,我们如梦奇异,我们奇妙难喻。我和你,我们天下无敌。A: 最直白的句子,给你最直接的力量。Time flies,that's all for today's program.See you next time!C:欢迎大家订阅我们的微信公众号时代之声radio,网易云音乐music bang bang电台以及荔枝fm,更多精彩内容等着你的发现,感谢制作张雨航。See you~ 结束曲 We are powerful 节目监制:刘仁邦编辑:郭思婷播音:郭思婷 温彦博制作:张雨航
6/16/201713 minutes, 30 seconds
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Jun. 15, 2017 #The World Says# information security

节目组: The World Says 世界说 节目名称: information security S: Hey guys welcome to the world says from the Voice Of Era foreign languages radio station, I'm SherlockI: This is Iris. Welcome to listen to our program! I: Well, Sherlock, we all rely on computers in our everyday lives. From buying travel tickets in the morning to researching homework at night, our lives would be a lot more difficult without them. So what happens when you can't use them?S: OMG! I can't imagine that! If I cannot use my computer, almost everything can't be completed, for example, our today's show.I: You seem to have missed something.S: Keke~ you know, I'm not always play computer games. Just sometimes, and I can sure you, for me, work is still more important than the game. Let's go back to today's topic. I:Well, Sherlock, today the topic that we bring to everyone is information security.S: maybe you still don't know what we say. That's no matter; you only need to listen to us.I: OK, I think you know this news: Since May 12, a computer virus named WannaCry has infected more than 300,000 computers in over 150 countries.S: Of course I know. Come on; when I heard this news I was so scared! I am very afraid of my data is encrypted, and then never can't be decrypted.I:Yes, It actually scared me too. Because Once the virus gets into the computer, it locks all the documents and asks for money from the user to unlock them. At first, it asks for $300 (2,068 yuan), but if the user doesn't send the money in 72 hours, the price doubles. Documents are locked forever if the user doesn't pay in seven days.S: Yes that's it. I used to think that the hackers are a cool job, but now I really hate hackers. Because they only brought destruction and chaos to this society.I: Yes, those hackers use the network to spread the virus, destructive power amazing. And WannaCry is spread by taking advantage of a weakness in Microsoft's Windows operating system. It can quickly infect an entire network, locking hundreds of computers within minutes.S: In the UK, the virus left the country's National Health Service in chaos. Some hospitals had to cancel outpatient appointments and tell people to avoid emergency departments unless necessary. Doctors even warned that the cyber-attack could cost lives. You know, they actually invaded the hospital network, It makes me simply can't tolerate.I: but don't worry Sherlock. If you weren't affected, there's no need to panic. Unaffected users can install (安装) a software update released by Microsoft to fix the weakness.S: That's it! There really is no full defense against these kinds of viruses, as this cat and mouse game will continue forever. The best option for most users is to take care online and always install software updates.I: Similarly, for network information security issues, the password is often a headache.S: Oh? Really? I didn't feel it.I: Let me hazard a wild guess: the system of passwords you use on the internet – for accessing online banking, email, shopping sites, Twitter and Facebook accounts – is a mess.I: And things are getting worse: these days, you find yourself forced to choose passwords with both upper- and lower-case letters(大小写), and what normal human being can remember multiple combinations of those? S:Let's hear the Lorrie Faith Cranor, who studied thousands of real passwords to figure out the surprising.I: Last month, an analysis of leaked pin numbers revealed that about one in 10 of us uses "1234"; and thousands of users' passwords were either "password", "welcome", "123456" or "ninja". People always choose terrible passwords S: In fact, we have to understand that is Password hacking takes many different forms. I:Yes, and this is where the length of your password makes an almost unbelievable difference. For a hacker with the computing power to make 1,000 guesses per second, such as "FPQZY", would take three and three-quarter hours to crack. Increase the number of letters to 20, though, and the cracking time increases, just a little bit: It is 6.5 thousand trillion centuries.S: so, maybe I think I have got a clever system for coming up with passwords; the chances are that hackers are already familiar with it. Too dangerous!I: Don’t worry too much Sherlock, One day, we may not have to worry about any of this: there are development that might replace passwords entirely. Touchscreens(触屏) could be configured to detect subtle aspects of your interactions with your computer.S:Maybe just like the distances between my fingers, the speeds at which my tap and scroll. I: OK, we are running out of time.S:Yes, and I think I shall change my password now! Because I have use the password like 123456 for ten years! I: You better harry! That's all for today's listening. Goodbye. S: 感谢所有收听节目的小伙伴,祝大家考试顺利.I: 如果你喜欢我们的节目,请关注VOE外语广播电台的微信公众号V.O.E radio和VOE外语广播电台的新浪微博,那里有我们往期的作品。感谢制作苏鑫!bye 监制:周宸聿编辑:张燚铭 余若天播音:张燚铭 余若天制作:苏鑫
6/15/20179 minutes, 56 seconds
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Jun. 14, 2017 #Bloom in Ink# If you can dream it, you can do it

节目组: Bloom in Ink 墨海繁花 节目名称: If you can dream it, you can do itIf you can dream it, you can do it.梦想还是要有的,万一实现了呢I don't know what that dream is that you have. I don't care how disappointing it might be as you're working toward that dream. But that dream that you're holding in your mind – it's possible. Some of you already know that it's hard. It's not easy. It's hard changing your life. In the process of chasing your dreams, you are going to incur a lot of disappointment, a lot of failure, a lot of pain.我不知道你有什么样的梦。我也不在乎你在逐梦之时它曾令你有多沮丧。但我要告诉你,你心中所坚持的那个梦,它是有可能实现的。你们中有的人应该也已经知道要实现它很难。的确并不容易。要改变你的人生,这很难。在逐梦的过程中,你们会遇到各种各样的困难,沮丧,失败,痛苦。There will be moments when you are going to doubt yourself. You'll say, “Why? Why is this happening to me? I'm just trying to take care of my children, and my mother. I'm not trying to steal or rob from anybody. How did this have to happen to me?” For those of you who have experienced some hardships – don't give up on your dream. The rough times are gonna come, but they will not stay, they will come to pass.有时候你会怀疑你自己。你会问:“为什么?为什么这事会发生在我身上?我只是想照顾我的孩子,我的母亲。我并没想过要去偷和抢。为什么这事一定要发生在我身上?”遭遇过困难的你们,请别放弃你们的梦。糟糕的日子总会来,但不会停留太长,并终究会过去。Many of you fail to seek your purpose in life and you should. You dream and then follow it up with a list of all the reasons why the dream is unachievable. You fill your life with excuses and "I can't." Many great companies were conceived [kənˈsi:v]from a dream, nurtured in a garage or basement and grew to be traded on the New York Stock Exchange. Why not you? Why not your dream? The only true limits you experience in life are those you create or those you allow others to impose upon you. If you can dream it, you can do it!你们许多人在一生中或许会有找不到人生目标的时候,这很正常。你追求自己的梦,跟着出现一大堆告诉你这梦不可能实现的理由。你开始为自己的人生找各种借口,告诉自己“我不行。” 很多大公司都是由一个梦演变而来,从车库或地下室里发展成为纽约交易所的上市公司。为什么不是你?为什么不是你的梦?你在人生路上所遇到的那些障碍都是你自己设置的,要么就是你让他人施加在你身上的。梦想还是要有的,万一实现了呢!Dreaming is the easy part. Acting on the dream is harder. Recognize that a dream is a journey. On the simplest level, it takes commitment, time, desire, and courage. But rarely is something great easily realized. Dreaming is recognizing and embracing the potential for greatness and seeking it in all areas of your life. Believe in your dreams and your ability to accomplish them. Keep your dreams in front of you. I'm here to challenge you to reach for your dream. Do not be afraid to dream. Never forget, if you can dream it, you can do it!有梦想很容易,为梦而行才难。要知道,一个梦就是一段旅程。最简单地说,这梦需要你做出承诺,付出时间,坚定渴望,以及拥有勇气。道理很简单,却很少有人懂。梦就是要你意识到并拥抱生活中所有可能的美好。相信你的梦,相信自己能实现它。让它带领你。不要忘记,梦想还是要有的,万一实现了呢!节目监制:曹睿姝 编辑:聂行 杜雨晨播音:聂行 杜雨晨制作:任家豪
6/14/20178 minutes, 13 seconds
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Jun. 13, 2017 #한류전선# produce101

节目组: 한류전선 韩流前线 节目名称: produce101开头曲 是我呀 是我 1:친구들 안녕하세요. 大家好,欢迎收听voe外语广播韩流前线,我是播音孙铭舆2:만나서 반가워요.我是播音李奕萱.1:如果看多了电视剧烧脑的剧情,感觉疲乏,如果欣赏多了音乐,听到喜欢的旋律渐渐枯燥,不如让我们一起来看看综艺节目放松一下自己吧。오늘 소개할 예능도 많이 기대해주세요. 2:在介绍了众多韩剧,音乐之后,今天我们想要为大家介绍的这部韩综,一定不会让大家失望,它就是《produce101》,一个集齐一群不但有超高颜值还有不俗实力的人的节目。프로듀스 101, 다들 들어보셨을 꺼에요. 시청자의 손에서 탄생한 최초의 아이돌 그룹이라는 취지로 많은 화제를 낳은 프로그램이죠? 插曲1 shape of you 1:《PRODUCE101》是韩国Mnet推出的选秀节目,101名来自不同经纪公司的练习生进行比赛,通过韩国国民亲自参与选拔,最终成绩排在前11名的会成为一个团体发行单曲,并以Mnet旗下艺人的身份进行活动。2:지난 시즌이 성공적으로 막을 내림에 따라 이번 시즌의 남자버전 아이오아이에도 많은 관심과 기대가 쏠리고 있습니다. 매회마다 이슈를 낳고 있는 프로듀스 101 시즌2, 다같이 그 쇼타임을 즐겨보실까요? 《PRODUCE101》是韩国首个打破娱乐公司界线的竞争类真人秀,由于第一季的节目受到广泛好评,在强烈呼声下,2017年3月,《PRODUCE 101 第二季》开启,不同的是,第一季主打女团,所以第二季的选秀将以男团为主,并在播出之前就成为了热门话题。 插曲3 oh little girl 1:既然说到《produce101》是选秀综艺节目,那就不得不提到一些比较火的成员了。首先要介绍的这位被称为wink男,朴智勋。가장 먼저 소개할 우리의 윙크남 박지훈.拥有超高人气的他曾在节目中连续四周排名第一,而且是第一个投票数超过百万的人。除了以朴智勋为代表的以人气赚得眼球的,还有拥有不俗实力的雍成宇。그리고 잘생긴 외모로 자꾸만 개그캐릭터를 자처하는 우리의 옹성우군이 있겠습니다. 想知道他是如何收获超人气的,不如直接去节目中看看他的表现吧。2: 이번 시즌 참가자 중에도 중국인 연습생이 있습니다. 정정, 저스틴, 라이관린 그리고 김용국인데요. 라이관린은 인기몰이가 그야말로 상당합니다. 김용국 또한 감미로운 발라드로 여심을 사로잡으며 인기를 누리고 있습니다. 虽说这是一个韩综,值得关注的是,还有几个来自中国的大男孩儿在舞台闪耀。他们分别是朱正廷,Justin黄明昊,赖冠霖和金龙国。其中赖冠霖是目前在四人中人气较高的,英文和rap都很出色的他,出道的可能性也很大。来自吉林的朝鲜族男孩金龙国也在最新的第九期节目中大放光彩,快速的成长和进步也是让人惊喜。 插曲 4 pick me (piano ver.) 1: 무대위의 화려한 퍼포먼스는 그들의 피나는 노력의 결과물입니다.除了成员们在舞台上带给我们的精彩表演,我更欣赏节目在舞台背后所呈现的一切。不但有导师们的耐心指导,关心着每一名成员的表现。而且成员们也懂得互相帮助,每个人都在为了自己的目标去努力,不断的提升自己。看到这些情景总会让人感到暖心,我想这就是这部综艺吸引我看下去的原因吧。2: 끝나지 않을것만 같은 막막한 연습기간에도 오직 데뷔를 꿈꾸며 하루하루 견디어냈을 그들에게 꼭 햇살 가득한 꽃길이 펼쳐질 날이 왔으면 좋겠습니다. 2: 节目还在继续,但值得一提的是,7月1日-2日两天将在首尔奥林匹克公园举行《produce101》第二季的终映纪念演唱会,并根据相关者透露,练习生在准备比赛的同时也在为演唱会做准备,会努力呈现给观众一个完成度较高的舞台,希望他们的努力也会换得属于他们更好的未来。 结束语 1:今天的节目到这里就要跟大家说再见了2:感谢大家的收听,感谢制作人胡婕,王飞,我们下期再见。 结束曲 never 节目监制:金池编辑:孙铭舆 金池播音:孙铭舆 李奕萱制作:胡婕 王飞
6/13/201711 minutes, 28 seconds
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Jun. 12, 2017 #Screen Age# Shutter Island

节目组:The Screen Age 荧屏时代 节目名称:Shutter IslandL: Good evening, my dear audience. Welcome back to Screen Age. This is Lynn, happy to see you again. We are so happy to talk movies together. So, what is today's movie?A: This is Alice. This week we bring you a fantastic movie. And I am a great fan for the movie's hero. He is Leonardo. L: Leonardo has many great works. Shutter Island is one of them.A: What do you waiting for? Let's talk about it. B: An isolated island, 66 psychiatric criminals were there. Under a heavy guard, a female prisoner, Rachel who killed three kids on her own was missing unexpectedly. Federal investigators were ordered to investigate on the island, but they were faced with a great deal of danger and mystery. The doctor, Corleone assisted them in this investigation responsibility. L: However, Ted came here with a secret purpose. It was to look for a murderer called Ledis, who killed his wife with fire. In the process of investigation, more and more evidence suggested that he was right. The No.67 psychiatric criminal exited. However, others insisted on denying it.A: Ted was convinced that the No.67 was the murderer of his wife, and there must be a big conspiracy. At this time, his partner Chuck reminded him that this may be a secret test of the government. Things became complicated. Ted was in the survey with more and more serious symptoms of migraine pain. He began to have hallucinations and nightmares about the cruel tortures in a Nazi concentration camp.B: In a hidden cave, Ted found the missing female prisoner, Rachel. She told him that she was a psychiatrist here. She couldn't accept the fact that the government was so cold-blooded to have a vivo experiment here. At the same time, she told him that he would know everything when he went to the lighthouse. And then he got there with serious headache, he found that the doctor in charge of the island had been waiting for his arrival, He said the cause of all the things to Ted, and his partner Chuck was his chief therapist. Ted shocked about that.L: It turned out that everything happened was Ted's dream. The mysterious No.67 patient was himself. Actually, his wife was suffering from mental illness and killed her own three kids. She also killed herself after that. To avoid the pain this affection brought. He created new memory under the subconscious. And the nightmares he had was his real life. They were his original memories. A: The leading actor is Leonardo Wilhelm DiCaprio who was born on November 11th, 1974 in Los Angles, California. Dicaprio began attracting the attention of producers, who cast him in small roles in a number of television series, such as Roseanne in1988 and The New Lassie in 1989, but it wasn't until 1991 that DiCaprio made his film debut in Critters 3 which was a low-budget horror movie.I: While Critters 3 did little to help showcase DiCaprio's acting abilities, it did help him develop his show-reel. Then in 1997,he starred in a movie about doomed lovers, Titanic, which became the highest grossing movie of all time and cemented DiCaprio 's reputation as a teen heartthrob.A: In 2010,he starred in the film Shutter Island and Christopher Nolan's Inception, which was the most influential film in that year. Dicaprio is an outstanding actor who finally won an Oscar in 2016.I: Besides, Dicaprio is passionate about environmental and humanitarian causes, having donated 1,000,000 dollars to earthquake relief efforts in 2010, the same year he contributed 1,000,000 dollars to the Wildlife Conservation Society. B: This film gave us an excellent theme to talk about schizophrenia. As for which is true and which is mew. I think Zhuang-zi can give us some enlightenment. While a man was dreaming, he didn’t know he was dreaming. He will divine the dream if good or not in his sleep: After awaken, he just know that was a dream. People who are wise know they are dream when lucidum. But fools consider themselves always right.L: 庄子中说:“方其梦也,不知其梦也。梦之中又占其梦焉,觉而后知其梦也。且有大觉而后知此其大梦也,而愚者自以为觉,窃窃然知之。”人们在梦中不知道自己是在做梦,反而在梦中去占卜这个梦是好是坏。醒了之后才知道是一个梦。智者在清醒的时候才知道自己是在做梦,而愚笨的人却自以为很清醒。B: From the look of the trailer, Martin Scorsese's "Shutter Island" looks more like a horror film… This is a dangerous place where isolation rules under fascist control. A U.S man is sent to an asylum to investigate a missing patient but discovers so much more. A demon? A ghost? Something more? Is this going to be as disappointing as I think it is?L: When the tragedy occurs, you couldn’t face it, you can be crazy, or choose crazy out. If you do not choose crazy, you will be crazy. In fact, it is so simple.Many times people are confused: those criminals, those who are scourge, those hypocrites, how do they face their own evil every day and continue to live in this world? L: That is all for today's movie. Hope you like it. A: How time flies. Today's movie is very wonderful. I strongly suggest you to watch it. L: Yep, When preparing for the exam, be sure to relax yourself properly. Watching a fantastic movie is a great choice.A: Have a nice day. See you next time. 最后感谢制作张安康。L: See you. 节目监制:刘逸超编辑: 赵艺薇 杨晨丹 毕鑫屹 邹佳琳播音:杨晨丹(A) 赵艺薇(I) 毕鑫屹(B) 邹佳琳(L)制作:张安康
6/12/201713 minutes, 5 seconds
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Jun. 10, 2017 #日本语ドリームワークス# 解忧杂货铺

节目组: 日本语ドリームワークス 日语梦工厂 节目名称: 解忧杂货铺A:皆さん、こんばんは、欢迎收听日语梦工厂。我是主播申济铭。B:大家好,我是主播冉莹。这一期节目为大家带来了《解忧杂货铺》。《解忧杂货铺》是作家东野圭吾所写的一本奇幻温情小说。该书讲述了在僻静街道旁的一家杂货铺,只要写下烦恼投进店前卷帘门投信口,第二天就会在店后的牛奶箱里得到回答。A:物语は泥棒(どろぼう)からはじめて、泥棒たちは物を盗んで、でも遠くに行っていないのに車はストップしました、彼らが静かな通りに隠れて、廃棄(はいき)の古(ふる)い店(みせ)を見つけました。意外(いがい)にも時間の列車に乗って、気をつけない間に、いくつかの人の平凡な短い真実な生活(せいかつ)に入りました。B:故事从几个小偷开始说起,小偷几人偷了东西,可是没走多远,车子却抛锚了,一行人只好躲进了僻静街道里,找到了一间废弃的老房子。没想到在无意间却搭上了时光的列车,于不经意间走进了若干人等的或平凡或短暂或匆匆但却真实的生命里。串联起了若干个看似毫无交集的人生。A:間もなくオリンピックに参加する女の子は不治(ふじ)の病気にかかる彼氏のために、オリンピックに準備(じゅんび)して、心の中が様々で捨(す)てないで、愛情(あいじょう)と事業(じぎょう)の間でうろうろします。B:即将参加奥运会的女孩为了给身患绝症的男友圆梦而备战奥运会,心里却种种不舍,在爱情和事业间徘徊。A:音楽夢のために退学(たいがく)する男の子は家を遠く離れて、だけど大きな都市(とし)の中で進めはとても困難です、重症(じゅうしょう)の父は家族の店舗(てんぽ)の倒産の苦しい立場の中で、彼も支持(しじ)することにしました。B:为了心中的音乐梦而退学的男孩,远离故乡,却在诺大的都市里举步维艰,而重病的父亲却在家族店铺倒闭的困境里义无反顾的支持他不要放弃。A:優越(ゆうえつ)している環境(かんきょう)の中で成長したのはビートルズが好きな男の子には、家の中の異変(いへん)に遭遇(そうぐう)しました、父は家族を連れていて逃亡(とうぼう)してから、男の子は途中(とちゅう)で離れました。B:优越环境里长大的热爱披头士的男孩,遭遇家中变故,负债累累的父亲带着全家潜逃,而男孩却在半途中挣脱了亲情的羁绊,义无反顾的离开。还有为了解决养父母的经济危机而选择白天公司坐班,晚上陪酒为生当的署名“小狗”的女孩。A:彼らは悩みを牛乳(ぎゅうにゅう)箱(ばこ)に投(な)げ込んで、おじいさんの答えを期待しています。おじいさんは、人々が郵便物を投げる時、心の中の地図は空白(くうはく)のですが、回答(かいとう)がないとは限らなくて、多くの場合は、彼らはすべて支持を求めたいので、自分の決定(けってい)を確認するのは正しいです。泥棒たちの不器用(ふきよう)な回答(かいとう)は時間の回廊(かいろう)を横切って、いつの間にか、郵便箱(ばこ)のあの人生も変えました。B:他们将烦恼投进牛奶箱,期待着隔天杂货铺老爷爷的回答。而浪矢老爷爷说,当人们投下信件的时候,心中的地图虽是空白的,却未必没有答案,很多时候,他们都是想寻求支持,确认自己的决定是正确的。隔着尘埃满满的光阴,小贼们收到了一封封来自于过去的信件,而他们笨拙写下的真诚回复穿过了时光的走廊,也在不知不觉的中改变了信箱那头的人生。A:説の中に全部で5人の問い合わせ者があって、すべての問い合わせ者は1つのストーリを述べました。ストーリは全部で呼応(こおう)して、その間にみんな気をつけないで選択と行動(こうどう)は投入(とうにゅう)の水面(すいめん)の石のように、持続(じぞく)的にいさざ波(なみ)をもたらします、これらのいさざ波(なみ)はもっと拡大(かくだい)して、だんだん深(ふか)い絆(きずな)になりました。B:小说中一共有五位咨询者倾诉了他们的烦恼,每一个咨询者都讲述了一个故事。作者构思巧妙,每个故事前后呼应,其间每个人不经意间的选择和行为,都像投入水面的石子一样,造成了持续不断的涟漪,这些涟漪不断扩大,渐渐形成了牢不可破的羁绊。A:《なみやざっかてんのキセキ》は東野圭吾が最も重さの作品ではなくて、そして推理小説ではなくて、しかし題材と書き方にとって、ところがそれは東野圭吾の最も特徴があって、最も温度がある作品です。B:《解忧杂货店》绝不是东野圭吾最具分量的作品,甚至不是推理小说,但是就题材和写法而言,它却是东野圭吾最具特点、最有温度的作品。今天的节目就是这样啦,感谢听众朋友们的收听。A:节目的最后为大家推荐一首好听的日文歌曲,同时感谢后期制作于越。我们下期再见。节目监制: 袁蕴宁 播音: 冉莹 申济铭编辑: 冉莹 申济铭制作: 于越
6/10/20179 minutes, 33 seconds
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Jun. 09, 2017 #Music Bang Bang# 始于颜值 陷于才华—欧美小鲜肉

节目组: Music Bang Bang 音乐大爆炸 节目名称: 始于颜值 陷于才华—欧美小鲜肉开头曲 There's nothing holding me back C:Hello my dear audience!Welcome back to music bang bang from VOE foreign language radio.我是你们最爱的小仙女Christine!A:Hi,everyone!我就是当红的炸子鸡--小鲜肉Armstrong!C:This is sheer daydreaming!Be a dreamer but don't live in a dream world,ok?不过说到小鲜肉啊,近几年,乐坛涌现出很多90后甚至95后的小鲜肉男歌手,他们凭借自己的青春活力与音乐实力在乐坛势如破竹,声势越来越浩大。A:是啊,不禁让我这个即将成为大二老学长的老腊肉感慨:有颜又有才,想不红都难啊。So,in today's program,let's introduce some handsome young hunk with gifts to our audience!C:I can't wait! 插曲1 There for you A:The new single is There for you from Troye Sivan and Martin Garrix.The magnetic attractive voice of Troye mixed with the electro POP of Martin's style.It really satisfied our long-range expectations.It seems like a cup of lemon tea in summer.C:Yeah,Troye Sivan,born in 1995,is a South African-born Australian singer, songwriter and actor.Sivan's musical beginnings first started when he sang at a telethon in 2006.And he came out publicly via a YouTube video in 2013.A:Martin Garrix,born in 1996, is a Dutch DJ, record producer and musician.And he is ranked number 1 on DJ Mag's Top 100 DJs list for 2016.Garrix learned to play guitar at age 8. In 2004, he expressed interest in becoming a DJ after seeing Tiësto perform at the Olympic games in Athens.C:此歌一出,戳丁组合正式上线,其实啊,光是冲着二人的这两张美颜,这首歌就值得循环起来了吧! 插曲 2 The Other C:This one is Lauv and his single The Other.Lauv was born in 1994 and started his music creation when he was in middle school.Lauv,the rebellious boy who was obsessed to music,made a "I Hate School "comment when he was 16.A:You are right.He said:"I have NO TIME for anything except homework these days! How do i build a successful life if i'm busy waisting my time on shit that i literally will NEVER FUCKING USE! Music is my Life!"C:这种“我不管我不管我就是要做音乐”的中二少年既视感真是太萌了。Lauv的音乐基于R&B与电子音乐,迷幻却又清新不腻,一起来欣赏吧。 插曲3 Attention A:The next song is Attention from Charlie Puth. Charlie is an American musician, singer, songwriter and record producer, best known for his 2015 song "See You Again", which he wrote, co-produced, and performed with Wiz Khalifa for the Furious 7 soundtrack as a tribute to the late Paul Walker.C:Puth has perfect pitch, a rare auditory phenomenon that enables him to identify or recreate music, without a reference note.And as he was two years old, Puth's right eyebrow was permanently scarred in a nearly fatal dog-bite incident.网友们也戏谑地称他为断眉。A:嗓音干净悠扬,高音透彻,低音沉稳,再加上出众的创作才能,即便在更新迭代迅猛而无情的欧美乐坛,这样的音乐才子也实为不可多得啊。 插曲 4 Heartbeat C:The last one is Heartbeat from Christopher.Christopher Nissen born in 1992 is a Danish singer.He won an award at the Danish Music Awards 2012. He was awarded New Thinker of the Year, given by Spotify as an innovation prize.A:Christopher has not only a charming face like an Ancient Greek hero,but a voice like a nightingale as well.He expresses his own understanding to music freely.He is literally confident to his music talents,and his genuine enthusiastic to music push him to present his music gifts to the whole world.C:从圆滑的假声,细腻的歌词,极具感染力的节奏和舞步都可窥见其实力。Christopher以其炫目出众的形象气质与兼具灵巧深度的唱作才华,迅速征服了整个“童话王国”丹麦。 结束语 A:Youth means limitless possibilities.Hope all the young idols have great expectations!Time flies,that's all for today's program.See you next time!C:欢迎大家订阅我们的微信公众号时代之声radio,网易云音乐music bang bang电台以及荔枝fm,更多精彩内容等着你的发现,感谢制作张雨航。See you! 结束曲 Youth 节目监制:刘仁邦编辑:温彦博播音:温彦博(A) 郭思婷(C)制作:张雨航
6/9/201713 minutes, 54 seconds
Episode Artwork

Jun. 08, 2017 #The World Says# Circadian Rhythms

节目组: The World Says 世界说 节目名称: Circadian Rhythms开头曲 Gemini 引语 V: Hello everyone, welcome to the world says from the VOE foreign languages station. I'm VincentJ:Hello everybody, I'm Jotta. And I feel terrible!F:Hi my dear audience, I'm Friances.J:I feel terrible!F:You really look terrible, Jotta,if you don't mind me saying so!J:It's because I had to get up really early this morning.V:Oh dear! What time did you have to get up?J:Eight o'clock.F:Oh, Jotta! That isn't early!V:Yeah! It's not early at all. I get up at six every day. It's so peaceful early in the morning.J:Hmm. Well, some people are morning people and others… aren't!V:Well,yes. Today we're talking about the biological reason for this – it's all about circadian rhythms. 早起的生理原因,和昼夜节律有关。 插曲1 Gemini J:Right!They are produced by a so-called body clock in our brains that regulates our body functions:our body temperature, sleepiness and alertness, hunger, and hormone levels.Plants, animals, and many microbes have circadian rhythms. 昼夜节律由大脑中所谓的生物钟产生,控制着我们的躯体功能,如我们身体温度、睡眠、警觉、饥饿和荷尔蒙水平。植物、动物和许多微生物都有昼夜节律。F:You know a lot about circadian rhythms.昼夜节律方面你懂很多嘛~JottaJ:Ha Ha, yeah. Now let's talk about circadian rhythms and our internal clock.V:I want to say why do our bodies need an internal clock to tell us where we are in the day? Isn't it obvious?J:No, it isn't – take jet lag, for example.We rely on the predictable cycle of light or dark in a 24-hour period to synchronise – or adjust – our body clocks to the environment – and if we mess about with the light and dark cycle by flying into a new time zone, it makes us feel really bad!如果你飞越一个新的时区,白天黑夜的循环就会紊乱,这会让我们感觉非常糟糕!V:Good point – jet lag is the disruption of our circadian rhythms caused by high-speed travel across different time zones,which can cause tiredness and sleep problems. But Jotta, if we rely on day turning to night to adjust our body clocks, what happens to blind people? Because I assume their body clocks can't do this.J:Blind people who have some light perception are able to synchronise their circadian rhythms to the light-dark cycle, and about those who have no light perception at all, a professor have explained that totally blind people – they've lost that connection between the light-dark circle and the clock, so there isn't anything wrong with the clockbut the clock ticks and oscillates at its own endogenous period. V:Oh I get this. So if you're totally blind – or able to see but living in a dark cave – you have a ticking clock but with no connection to the outside world.The clock oscillates at its own endogenous, or internal, period.J:Do you think my endogenous clock ticks faster than yours, Vincent?V:It isn't a competition, Jotta .And actually, mine probably ticks faster than yours since I'm a morning person. Anyway, the normal range in humans is between 23.8 to 24.8 hours.And this is also true for totally blind people.J:But their clocks are free-running – they don't get cues from the outside environment telling them when to wake up, when to eat, when to feel sleepy.So that means they might feel sleepy at the wrong time of day – for example, when they’re at work.Or alert in the middle of the night when they should be asleep.F:I think it's worth talking about people who do shift work– which means work that takes place outside the traditional 9 to 5 day.也就是工作时间并非传统的朝九晚五的人。J:Yeah ,shift workers may suffer similar problems to blind people because they are trying to sleep against the clock. They might sleep in the day and work at night for example – which goes against the light-dark pattern.V:There are indeed some long-term health problems associated with shift work – certain cancers, heart disease, and obesity. 插曲 2 Despacito F:所以人们应该怎么做使昼夜节律适应夜班的节奏?V:We do think that exercise and food, caffeine, may be able to modulate in some way,so has some influence on circadian timing, but not as strongly as the light-dark cycle.So the strongest influence over our circadian rhythm is the light-dark cycle. We can't alter night and day, after all!J:And other cues such as food and exercise will modulate – or adjust – the body clock. So eating three well-balanced meals at regular times each day can help your body clock adapt to an unusual schedule.V:Such as taking naps – or short sleeps – just before you start a night shift can help you feel more alert. And keeping to the same sleep schedule every day will also help.And don't forget caffeine – my old friend! A cup of coffee works wonders for me in the morning. J:Yeah! 早上一杯咖啡让我感觉非常好! V: So, that's the end of today's show, thank you for your listening.如果你喜欢我们的节目,欢迎关注voe外语广播电台的新浪微博和voe外语广播电台的微信公众号voe radio. F:感谢制作苏鑫。J:See you next time~ 结束曲 Despacito 节目监制:周宸聿编辑:杨晏直 夏茂航 朱子业播音:杨晏直 夏茂航 朱子业制作:苏鑫
6/8/201710 minutes
Episode Artwork

Jun. 07, 2017 #Bloom in Ink# Who moved my cheese

节目组: Bloom in Ink 墨海繁花 节目名称: Who moved my cheese开头曲 Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra - Symphony No. 6 in F Major (F大调第6号交响曲) 引语 -Hello everyone,welcome to Bloom in ink from VOE Foreign Languages Radio Station , I'm Don , -I'm Sakura.-I 'm Dominic.-And our new friend Armstrong. Ok, come, introduce yourself.-Hello my dear audience! It's me again! I'm your coolest Armstrong from Music Bang Bang and this is my first show in Bloom in ink, hope you like it. -So next let's begin today's new type of bloom in ink——broadcasting play ,please enjoy~ PART 1: Once, long ago in a land far away, two were mice named ''Sniff'' and ''Scurry'' and two were little people beings who were as small as mice but who looked and acted a lot like people today. Their names were "Hem" and "Haw". They are all looking for cheese to nourish them and make them happy. One day ,in the paradise——Cheese Station C ,They each found their own kind of cheese.从前,在一个遥远的地方,住着四个小家伙。有两个小家伙是老鼠,一个叫“嗅嗅”,另一个叫“匆匆”。另外两个家伙则是小矮人,和老鼠一般大小,但和人一个模样,而且他们的行为也和我们今天的人类差不多。他俩的名字,一个叫“哼哼”,另一个叫“唧唧”。他们都在寻找一种叫做“奶酪”的黄橙橙、香喷喷的食物。 在奶酪C站的天堂,他们都找到了自己想要的奶酪。 Part2 Hem:This is great , there's enough cheese here to last us forever!”Haw:All of them are us, by the way,why not moving our home to be closer to this secure place to build our social life around it.”Sometimes Selfish little people beings would take their friends to see their pile of cheese.Haw:Pretty nice cheese . huh?”Hem:We deserve this cheese.Haw:Yes , we certainly had to work long and hard enough to find it! 唧唧:“真是太好了!这里有这么多的奶酪,足够我们享用一辈子了。”哼哼:“这些都是我们的,这里很安全,我们应该把家搬到更靠近奶酪C站的地方,开展我们的社交生活。“有时自私的小矮人们还带朋友们来炫耀他们成堆的奶酪。哼哼:“非常漂亮的奶酪,嗯?“唧唧:“我们应该得到这奶酪!”哼哼:“说得对,我们花了很长时间才找到它!“ Part3 One morning Sniff and Scurry arrived at Cheese Station C and discovered there were no cheese. They weren't surprised because they were prepared for the inevitable and knew instinctively what to do. Later that same day , Hem and Haw arrived at cheese station C as usual, So they were unprepared for what they found, Haw:What? No cheese? No Cheese? No Cheese?!(louder and louder slowly)Hem:Who moved my cheese?!Haw: By the way, where are Sniff and Scurry? Do you think they know something we don't?”Hem: What would they know?Haw: Why did they do this to me? What's really going on here?Hem: They're just simple mice. They just respond to what happens. We're little people. We're special. We should be able to figure this out. And, besides, we deserve better.Haw: This should not happen to us, or if it does, we should at least get some benefits.Hem: Why should we get benefits?Haw: Because we're entitledHem: Entitled to what?Haw: We're entitled to our Cheese. Hem: Why? Haw: Because, we didn't cause this problem. Somebody else did this and we should get something out of it.”Hem: Maybe we should stop analyzing the situation so much and get going and find some New Cheese.” Haw: Oh no, I'm going to get to the bottom of this.一天早上,当嗅嗅和匆匆到达奶酪C站时,发现这里已经没有奶酪了。对此,他们并不感到吃惊,因为他们早已察觉到,对这种不可避免的情况早有心理准备,而且直觉地知道该怎么办。同一天的晚些时候,哼哼和唧唧也像往常一样地来到奶酪C站, 想当然地以为他们的奶酪还在那里, 而面对新的情况,他们毫无准备。哼哼: 什么?没有奶酪了?没有奶酪了?没有奶酪了?! (嗓门慢慢变大)谁动了我的奶酪?!斯妮夫和斯卡瑞呢?你认为他们知道一些我们不知道的东西吗?唧唧: 他们能知道什么呢?哼哼: 他们为什么对我做这些?”他问道“这里到底发生了什么?”唧唧: 他们只是简单的老鼠,他们只是对变化做出反应而已,我们是小人,我们比较特别,我们肯定有能力弄明白是怎么回事,另外,我们理应得到更好的生活。哼哼: “这不可能发生在我们身上的,就算发生了,我们至少应该得到一些好处的。”唧唧: “为什么我们应该得到好处?哼哼: “因为我们有这个权利。” 唧唧: “有什么权利?”哼哼: “我们有得到奶酪的权利。”唧唧: “为什么呢?”哼哼: “因为我们没有造成这个麻烦。是别人做的,我们应该得到一些东西。”唧唧: “或许我们应该停止一味地分析情况,而是继续去寻找一些新的奶酪。”哼哼: “嗯,不!我要把事情的原委弄清楚。” 垫乐 Part4 While Hem and Haw were still trying to decide what to do, Sniff and Scurry were already well on their way. They didn't find any for sometime until they finally went into an area of the maze where they had never been before: Cheese Station N,more bigger than Cheese Station C.Hem: Let's go!Ham: No, I like it here. It's comfortable. It's what I know. Besides it's dangerous out there.Hem: No, it isn't. We've run through many parts of the maze before, and we can do it again.Ham: I'm getting too old for that, And I'm afraid I'm not interested in getting lost and making a fool of myself. Are you?Maybe, we should just sit here and see what happens. Sooner or later they have to put the Cheese back.当哼哼和唧唧仍然在决定做什么的时候,斯妮夫和斯卡瑞已经进展很顺利了。他们有一段时间一无所获,直到他们最后到达迷宫中从来没有去过的地方,比奶酪站C更大的奶酪站N。唧唧:让我们出发吧!哼哼:不!我喜欢这里,很舒适,我只知道别的地方是很危险的。唧唧:不是的。我们以前已经穿过了迷宫的很多地方,我们还可以这么做。哼哼:我变得太老了。我怕走失而使自己像个傻子一样,你呢?也许,我们应该坐在这里看会发生什么,迟早他们将不得不把奶酪放回去。” Part5 By now the little people were growing weak from hunger and stress. Hew was getting tired of just waiting for their situation to improve. He began to see that the longer they stayed in their Cheese less situation, the worse off they would be. He knew they were loosing their edge.Hew:”Hew, Hew, look at me. I keep doing the same things over and over again and wonder why things don't get better. If this wasn't so ridiculous, it would be even funnier.”” Where did we put out jogging suits and running shoes?”Haw: “You're not really going out into the maze again, are you? Why don't you just wait here with me until they put the Cheese back?”Hew: “Because, you just don't get it , I didn't want to see it either, but now I realized they're never going to put the old Cheese back. That was yesterday's Cheese. It's time to find New Cheese.Ham: “But what if there is no Cheese out there? Or even if there is, what if you don't find it?”Hew: “I don't know…” “Sometimes, things change and they are never the same again. This looks like one of those times, Hem. That's life! Life moves on. And so should we. ”It's maze time!”/Pause/Hew: “To Change or to die.“现在,两个小人儿由于饥饿和压力,变得越来越虚弱。唧唧对每天只是等待情况改变感到厌倦。他发现他们在没有奶酪的站里呆的时间越长,情况就会变得越糟糕。他知道他们正在失去优势。有一天唧唧开始嘲笑自己:唧唧:”唧唧呀唧唧,看着我,我一遍又一遍地做着同样的事情,想知道事情没有变好。如果这不是如此的荒诞,那它肯定会更加有趣。”” 我们把运动衣和运动鞋放在哪里了?”哼哼:你不会真的又要去迷宫吧,是吗?为什么不和我一起在这里等他们把奶酪再放回来呢?”唧唧:“因为你没有如愿,这也是我不愿意看到的,但是现在我意识到他们再也不会把老奶酪放回来了。那是昨天的奶酪,是时候去寻找新的奶酪了。”哼哼:“但是如果外面没有奶酪怎么办呢?或者即使有,你没有发现呢?”唧唧:“我不知道…”“有时,事情变了以后就再也回不来了,这就是生活,生活在继续,我们也应该这样。” “现在就去迷宫。”/停顿/唧唧:“如果你不改变,你就灭亡”结束曲 Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra - Symphony No. 6 in F Major (F大调第6号交响曲) 用结尾结束语 -感谢制作唐敏嫣。-Thank you for your listening.-Bye~节目监制:曹睿姝 编辑:唐敏嫣播音:唐敏嫣 温彦博 李硕 于汶铎制作:唐敏嫣
6/7/201715 minutes, 45 seconds
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Jun. 06, 2017 #한류전선# 新婚日记

节目组: 한류전선 韩流前线 节目名称: 新婚日记开头曲 打造情侣A:친구들 안녕하세요 欢迎收听voe外语广播韩流前线,我是播音李奕萱B:만나서 반가워요 我是播音王芷筠 A:刚才这首音乐,大家一定都很熟悉吧!B:没错,是《花样男子》的主题曲啊.A:这部剧可以用火爆来形容了,秉承着传统韩剧风格,梦幻浪漫的爱情,灰姑娘童话般的剧情令观众深陷不能自拔.而具惠善饰演的金丝草更是万千少女向往的对象.B:今天我们就来介绍由具惠善和她的丈夫安宰贤出演的,在前段时间刷爆朋友圈的甜蜜综艺《新婚日记》吧. 插曲 2 good morning--李珍雅(piano solo) A:《新婚日记》由韩国著名PD罗英锡打造,突破了假象恋爱和假象结婚的限制,记录明星夫妇的真实婚姻生活.신혼일기는 실제 연예인부부의 알콩달콩 신혼 생활을 있는 그대로 담아낸 프로그램이예요.나영석 피디가 연출한 작품이니만큼 또 한번 재미있는 이야기가 이어집니다.B:打造过《两天一夜》《花样姐姐》《三时三餐》等热播综艺的罗英锡PD无疑是这部综艺收视的保证,而具惠善安宰贤这对牛奶夫妇的加盟更是令人期待.가상 결혼 프로그램이 익숙한 시청자들에게 신혼일기에서 실생활이 공개되는건 낯선 일이지만 이미 이 부부의 동반 출연만으로 엄청난 관심을 받았는데요.A:在节目中,具惠善和安宰贤夫妇将日常生活包括日常交流,家务分配等等毫无保留的展现在观众面前.이 프로그램에서는 현실적으로 부부의 아주 사소한 갈등까지 디테일하게 공개하며 어떻게 하면 해결할수 있는지 서로 고민하고 맞춰가는 모습을 볼수있습니다.B:甜蜜的新婚生活以及独特的交往方式令人羡慕.安宰贤毫不掩饰对妻子的喜爱,表示妻子做什么都是美丽的,而具惠善也极力赞美老公,表示安宰贤很绅士.가끔 달달한 모습도 보이고 가끔 싸우는 모습도 보이고 하지만 그래도 서로 잘 맞춰주고 잘 사는 모습을 보면서 아마 많은 시청자들이 부러워했을거예요 插曲3 reboot--Henry Jackman A:小森林式的甜蜜日常,与宠物爱人一起的幸福时光,冬日牵手赏雪的美好,具大人的花样食谱.....这大概就是嫁给了爱情的样子.사소한거에도 서로 붙어있고 얘기 들어주려고 하고 서로가 서로에게 이벤트를 해주고 헤어짐이 없다는게 신혼의 꿀 아닐까 싶네요.B:第一集中,面对妻子准备的一后备箱的零食礼物,安宰贤毫不掩饰的开怀大笑,这不禁让我们想起他向具大人求婚时一后备箱的荠菜花,看着害羞的妻子频频发出이뽀,이뽀的感叹,幸福而温馨.1화에서 안재현씨의 트렁크 프로포즈에 이어 이번엔 구혜선씨가 시크한 트렁크 과자 이벤트를 했습니다,입꼬리가 올라가는 안재현씨를 보면서 흐뭇해하는 구혜선씨.역시 이벤트는 이 맛에 하는거겠죠, 插曲 4 사랑이 뭔데--徐贤真/刘承宇 A:在远离城市的小村子里过着自给自足的生活.有爱人和宠物的陪伴,用应季瓜果做出的各种美食,偶尔的奇想也会得到意想不到的收获.B:这大概就是爱情的样子,平淡却幸福. 结束语 A:好了,今天的节目到这里就要结束了.B:들어주셔서 감사합니다 ,感谢制作人胡婕,王飞,我们下期再见.여러분 안녕 结束曲 节目监制:金池 编辑:李奕萱 王芷筠播音:李奕萱 王芷筠制作:胡婕 王飞
6/6/20179 minutes, 17 seconds
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Jun. 05, 2017 #Screen Age# Ghost in the Shell

节目组:The Screen Age 荧屏时代 节目名称:Ghost in the Shell开头曲 Reawakening Y: Hey, friend. How are your weekend?M: Not very good, I have a lot of terrible homework, advanced mathematics, linear algebra and the most important is I have lab experiment to do. So busy I am.Y: Seconds silence for you. Recommending a movie for you.M: What type is it?Y: Take it easy, I'll tell you right now. Ghost in the shell. 插曲1 Reawakening M: Our story took place in the future of Japan. At that time everything in the world were connected by a huge digital network.L: Wait, wait, wait. Everything? That is to say human beings were informationized inevitably?M: Bingo! That’s it. Let’s talk things through first.OK, go on.L: A variety of tissues and organs can be man-made. Biochemical people, bionic man, human existence on earth, it cannot be recognized by the naked eye. At the back of the neck are connected to the huge network, body became a vessel which hold the people’s soul. In such a background, the crime is a new trend, the secret of Japan's national public safety commission action group "Ghost in the Shell" is specially set up for dealing with such crimes.M: I haven’t seen yet, but after hearing what you said I want to see it right now. L: It’'s really a good movie. After work I’ll give you the link, but now we have some work to do. Let’s go on our business. 插曲 2 Reawakening B: The special effects in this film are brilliant. The slow motion that Major broke the glass to shoot enemies is classical. And the beginning and ending motions which Major leaps form the tall buildings are complement each other. What amazed us is the world created by the technology. 3D ads are everywhere. Strengthen bodies with machines is easy. The total atmosphere created is gorgeous but void.A: This film is revised by the famous Japanese animation. Someone may think that this film is not as same as the original work. But this film aims at introducing a new story for new audience. This film changes the characters built in super blockbuster. A woman becomes the protagonist. This anti repertoire of science fiction commercial blockbuster is not only making efforts with the special effects but also in its story and characters. B: Yep, even if you have not read the original work, you can be interested in the story. Ghost in the Shell is a successful integration of Hollywood film industry and Oriental Culture. With a deep emotional connotation and universal feelings of the work, it can move us forever. And Ghost in the Shell did it. A: Through this film, it reminds us the problem that how to coexist with robots. It is worthDpondering deeply over by everyone when watching this film. 插曲3 Reawakening Y: The leader actress, Scarlett Johansson is familiar to us by her famous sexy role, black widow. The role she played is charming, too. In addition, she was regarded as one of the most 10 sexy female stars by British women's fashion weekly magazine 《Glamour》.I: Fans like calling her, Tomboy. Because Scarlett was burned her mouth by Shanghai's tomboy when she first came to China. But for her marvelous acting, she won the nomination of Best Actress for British Independent Film Awards by Under the Skin. Y: What's more, she got the prize for Best Actress in the International Rome Film Festival by Her She has become the first actress who wins this prize by the voice.I: The actor who crushes Major in the film is Johan PhilipAsbeak. He played in Lucy, too. In LUCY, he played a role who was the ex-boyfriend of Scarlett. It's very coincident.Y: What Kitano Takeshi played in this film is vital. He is almost the best actor in Japanese. While he is silent in the film, but still profound and unpredictable. For that he got the medal of honorary chamberlain by French Knights Of Champagne in 2015. 插曲 4 Reawakening Y: These are our program today, hope you like it.M: Don't forget see the movie Ghost in the Shell.Y: Oh, please wait a minute, we have a question for this film. Talk about your own feelings about this movie, you can answer on our Wechat platform.M: 今天的问题是谈论一下你看完电影攻壳机动队的感受。Y: It's time to say goodbye. 最后感谢制作张安康。See you next time!M: Bye~ 结束曲 Reawakening 节目监制:刘逸超编辑:毕鑫屹 邹佳琳播音:杨旸(M)刘梓彤(Y)赵艺薇(I)毕鑫屹(B)杨晨丹(A)邹佳琳(L)制作:张安康
6/5/201710 minutes, 41 seconds
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Jun. 04, 2017 #The World Says# The Emoji

节目组: The World Says 世界说 节目名称: The Emoji开头曲 Stay V: Hello everybody, welcome to the worls says from the VOE foreign languages radio station.I'm Vincent.F: Hello everyone,I'm Francis.J: And I'm Jotta. We' ll be discussing the rise of those little graphics we call emojis and emoticons. 插曲1 Stay V: You know, I think emojis are a vital tool for communication. And actually, they' re not that new, either.F: Oh really? V: Well, that' s the perfect opportunity to ask you a question. When was the first emoticon used?J: Eh.... maybe around 1982?V: Well, in fact, a witty speech Abraham Lincoln reprinted in a newspaper as far back as 1862 included a semi colon with a close brackets.F: Like a winking face?V: Exactly. Though people think this was sadly just a typographical error–or what we normally call a typo.J: A typo–a spelling mistake made when typing too fast or carelessly.The official birth of emoticons is usually given as 1982, when a US professor instructed his students to use smiley faces to indicate jokes - in a digital communication.V: So they're over 30 years old. Maybe I should start using them. Let's round up with another look at today's words. You know, I think we should clear one thing up before we go any further: what's the difference between an emoticon and an emoji?J: Good point. Emoticons came first. They' re the images made using normal keys on a keyboard–usually punctuation, letters and numbers. F:例如一个冒号加一个括号组合起来就是。。。V: A smiley face. Something you use in way too many of your emails!J: Well, thanks! Whereas an emoji is something completely different. It's an actual image. It could be a simple, yellow, smiley face; or something like a Jcing lady; or even a bowl of noodles… 插曲 2 Something about you V: Ah yes, all those little images we have in our phones. But you'll have to convince me–why do people use them so much?J: Well, I've read a book called The Emoji Code, and book tells that it enable us to express emotion and empathy in digital communication. Increasingly, what we're finding is that digital communication is taking over from certain aspects of face-to-face interaction. In the UK today, for example, adults spend 22 hours online on average each week. V: So after your introducing, I can tell one of the reasons emojis are so interesting is that they really do enable us to express our emotional selves much more effectively. And you used a very useful word - empathy. It means the ability to show you understand someone else' s feelings’. OK–tell me more Jotta.J: Yes–adding an emoticon can show you understand and express emotion, and show empathy–more clearly. In digital communication we lack the visual signals we have in face-to-face interaction–as Francis says.V: Interaction, meaning when people or things communicate with each other. We can also interact with things like machines, computers and social media.J: Yes, Professor Evans says 60% of information when we're talking to each other comes from non-verbal cues.V: Wow, that's a lot. A cue is a signal that you need to do something.J: For example, an actor goes on stage after their cue.F:演员按指令上台。V: And non-verbal means 'without using spoken language. So, here in the studio there are lots of other non-verbal signals about how we're feeling - non-verbal cues. For example my facial expression, my body language, the look in my eyes J: There's a glint of rage in there somewhere, V. Ok, so let's apply this to digital communication. Imagine I sent you a text saying I hit my finger with a hammer–how would you respond?V: Well, it depends. Did you hurt yourself badly?J: If I followed it with a sad face emoji, then…?V: Then I guess I' d know you hurt yourself. Poor you.J: But if I followed it with a laughing emoji–the one with the tears coming out because I' m laughing so much?V: Then I' d probably reply saying how stupid and clumsy you are!J: Exactly–without adding the emoji–it' s hard to know my emotional state. The emoji is the non-verbal cue–like my facial expression.V: By the way, is there an emoji meaning clumsy? Clumsy, means 'physically awkward’–someone who's clumsy falls over a lot and drops things.Anyway, you were saying emoticons aren't as new as I think?J: Sure. The first word we had was empathy. Do you have a lot of empathy, V?V: Yes, I think I'm quite good at understanding other people's feelings. My friends tell me that, anyway! It's important to empathise with your colleagues too.J: That's not what I saw in your eyes! Yes, empathy is an important part of all human interaction.V: Nicely done. If two people interact, it means 'they communicate with each other and react to each other'. It's a pretty broad term.J: We could also talk about how the way children interact with the internet.V: Way too much! Next up, we had non-verbal, meaning ‘without spoken language’. When I first travelled to Poland, I used a lot of non-verbal communication to get my message across. Hand movements, counting with fingers, things like that. Next word, J?J: Next word… that is my cue to say the next word–which is in fact–cue. A cue is a signal to do something. A commander could give his officer a cue to attack. Or I could give you a cue to… sing a song?V: No thanks. I'll stick with defining words, thank you. Like clumsy–meaning ‘physically awkward’. I'd have to say J, you're a sporty guy, a talented footballer - you’re not clumsy at all. J: That's what I thought until I broke my leg–after a clumsy opponent ran into me…V: Ouch. Finally–we had type. No hang on, that's not right. It should say typo. A typo is a mistake in a written document, or a digital file or message.J: Always check your scripts for typos before reading them, Vincent. And, that's the end of today's show, see you next time.F:如果你喜欢我们的节目欢迎关注VOE外语广播电台的公众微信号VOE radio 和 VOE外语广播电台的新浪微博,那里有我们往期的作品。我们下期再见。V:感谢制作苏鑫 结束曲 Something about you 节目监制:周宸聿编辑:杨晏直 夏茂航 朱子业播音:杨晏直 夏茂航 朱子业制作:苏鑫
6/4/201710 minutes
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Jun. 03, 2017 #日本语ドリームワークス# 日本端午节

节目组: 日本语ドリームワークス 日语梦工厂 节目名称: 日本端午节A:みなさん,こんばんは。欢迎收听VOE外文广播电台,日语梦工厂。我是主播吉旭灵。 B:我是主播梁远鹏 A:当夏日的风薰得路人醉时,端午就要来了。在很多地方,端午节是一个比较重要的节日,这一天,人们要挂艾草、吃粽子、赛龙舟等。今天我们来给大家介绍一个不一样的端午节。 B:中国的端午节大家想必都很熟悉了,其实啊,日本也有端午节的。日本平安时代(794—1192)的贵族阶层首先引进了中国的端午节。后来,这个节日传入民间。江户时代,端午节的各项要素已经普遍存在于日本民间生活之中。 A:日本主要的端午习俗包括:吃粽子和柏叶饼。有些地区把菖蒲和艾蒿插在屋檐上,或放在房顶上。有些地区喝菖蒲酒,用菖蒲水沐浴。传统的日本浴池在端午都要把菖蒲切成段放进水池中。这些都与中国端午节习俗基本一致。B:鹿儿岛五月五日的时候,母亲背着不到一岁的小女孩出门,在外边跳一种名叫“幼女祭”的圆圈舞。类似于中国南北方普遍存在的带孩子回外婆家“躲端午”的习俗。 A:日本冲绳有端午竞渡习俗,称为“哈利”。长崎的“爬龙”活动就是竞渡。这都是从中国传入的。当然,与中国一样,日本的竞渡活动并不都是在端午节进行。像对马、岛根等地区的竞渡日期不是端午节,内容也是日本特有的神社祭祀仪式之一,这些恐怕是日本文化固有的。 B:日本端午节的独特之处是,挂鲤鱼旗,摆武士偶人。在日本,端午节主要是男孩子的节日,三月三是女儿节。所以,每到端午节,有男孩子的家庭要挂出鲤鱼形状的旗子,有一个男孩挂一条。从鲤鱼旗的数量可以知道此户人家有多少个男孩子。家里还要摆出相应数量的武士偶人,表示孩子未来能成为武士。不过,有的日本学者认为:原始的武士偶人可能是用来转移污秽和灾难的,就是把它们扔到江河大海里。这和中国民间的“躲避灾星”、“扔灾”习俗是一致的。 A:日本的端午节又称儿童节,是男孩子的节日。这一天有男孩子的家庭,竖起鲤鱼旗,吃粽子和柏叶饼来祝贺。竖鲤鱼旗是希望孩子像鲤鱼那样健康成长,有中国“望子成龙”的意思。从下面看鲤鱼旗,浮现在蓝天下的鲤鱼很像在水中健壮地游。另外,为了避邪,把菖蒲插在屋檐下,或将菖蒲放入洗澡水中沐浴。B:说到避邪,还有着这么一段传说:从前,有个叫平舒王的君主,诛杀了一个不忠之臣,这个奸臣死后化为一条毒蛇,不断害人。有个有智谋的大臣,头戴红色的蛇头,身上洒满菖蒲酒与之激战,最终制服了毒蛇。 A:从此,在端午节时,插菖蒲、熏艾叶、喝菖蒲酒,就流传开来,成为传统的风俗,日本人称“艾旗招百福,蒲剑斩千邪”。 端午的习惯是在日本的平安时代以后由中国传入日本的。到现在,与中国的意义大不相同了。中国是在阴历五月初五这一天为纪念屈原而吃粽子和举行赛龙舟活动的;在日本,主要是为了避邪而吃粽子和柏叶饼。菖蒲因为叶子的形状像剑,被用来避邪的。其实依我看,菖蒲是中药,能够消除病魔倒是真的。B:在日语中“菖蒲”和“尚武”是谐音,因此日本端午节又渐渐地变成了男孩子的节日。至于为什么端午节定在5月5日,我们就不得而知了。或许是从中国传过来变了样也未可知。 虽说中日两国的端午节意义已不相同了,但中日两国的文化还是源远流长。就说端午节吧,中国有插艾蒿避邪风俗,日本有插菖蒲避邪之说;中国有鲤鱼跳龙门的故事,日本有挂鲤鱼旗的风俗。A:跟大家说了这么多,想必大家对中日两国的端午节都有了了解,但是快乐的时光总是如此短暂,今天的节目要和大家说再见了,节目最后为大家推荐一首好听的音乐。B:感谢观众朋友们的收听,也要感谢辛勤付出的后期制作甄惠萍同学,我们下期节目见。 节目监制: 袁蕴宁 播音: 吉旭灵 梁远鹏编辑: 吉旭灵 梁远鹏制作: 甄惠萍
6/2/20179 minutes, 55 seconds
Episode Artwork

Jun. 02, 2017 #Music Bang Bang# Songs that accompany your study

节目组: Music Bang Bang 音乐大爆炸 节目名称: Songs that accompany your study开头曲 Certainty C: Hello everybody. Welcome to Music Bang Bang. I'm Ciel. L: Hi. I'm Lampson. Long time no see. I miss you very much, my dear audience. C: What have you been up to recently? I haven't seen you for nearly a month. L: Yes, I'm a little busy these days. My final exams are coming. I'm a little nervous, so I study hard everyday recently. C: Wow. You must be very upset when you review. How do you relax yourself? L: I will listen to some songs while I'm reviewing. Some will make me feel relaxed, some will let me have the motivation to continue learning. C: It's really a coincidence. I also like to listen to songs when I review. Let us share some songs with our dear audience. 插曲1 L: This song is sung by Christopher. He is a male singer in Denmark. He formally debuted in Denmark in September 2011. C: Since the release of the first album in 2012, Christopher has harvested 6 highly rated Danish Music Awards, winning numerous list titles. L: With outstanding musical talent, appearance condition and affinity, Christopher attracted a lot of fans in China.This song is about seizing opportunities, about trust, hope, love, compromise, and how to seize the opportunity. C: With countless failures, you can still have the courage to believe in yourself. The song "free fall" is a description of confusion and fear when you are at an intersection.L: In many cases, it is a matter of courage to truly believe that you are not so easy to do, and to rely entirely on others is a more frightening thing to do.C: At this time, the leap of faith is especially valuable, almost the only access to spiritual freedom and the future.L: OK. Let's enjoy it together. 插曲 2 L: This song is Purpose. It’s the title song of the eponymous album. Purpose is the fourth studio album by Canadian singer and songwriter Justin Bieber. It was released on November 13, 2015. C: The album was created over a period of two years, in which Bieber struggled to find a musical direction for recording, scrapping each of these tracks many times. L: The album debuted at number one on the US Billboard 200, giving Bieber the largest first-week sales of his career and his sixth number-one album in the United States. C: The lyrics are about keeping in mind and in tune with what's going on with Justin. Come on. 插曲3 L: Hypnotised is a song recorded by British band Coldplay for their upcoming EP Kaleidoscope (2017). C: The song was released ahead of the EP on 2 March 2017, by Parlophone as an excerpt from Kaleidoscope instead of as a standalone single.[4] L: The song was written by all four members of Coldplay, and produced by Rik Simpson and Bill Rahko.C: The lyrics say They just see it from different viewsAnd threading the needle. L: Under the interpretation of the voice of Chris Martin, the full power of the lyrics can definitely make people who are at a low point or full of doubts about life regain confidence, find the world's "temperature", such as rebirth.C: Listen this song and feel the strength of the world. 插曲 4 L:The next song called As I Moved On, which is the one that I must recommend. This song is in the style of Trip-hop. Trip-hop is dance music.C:It makes rhythm of hip-hop slower. Adding the element of illusion, Trip-hop is more psychedelic. With the feeling of Jazz, It is belongs to break beat music.L:Apart from the general dark and depressed feeling in the Trip-hop. This song is very fresh and lovely. At the beginning of it, the leader singer, Kir, song it with the feeling of flying. Her abnormal performance is really charming especially. The sound of her could be described as delicate.C:So, this wonderful song must be a very important reason for your relax at tonight.L:Well, let's enjoy it! C: The good times always go quickly. It is time to say goodbye again. We will stay with you at this beautiful night. See you next time.L: 本期Music Bang Bang 节目到这里就要结束了。欢迎大家关注我们的微信公众号“时代之声Radio”,网易云音乐“Music Bang Bang”电台以及荔枝FM。更多精彩节目等着你的发现哟。See you. 结束曲 节目监制:刘仁邦编辑:石悦播音:刘仁邦 石悦制作:张雨航
6/2/201714 minutes, 14 seconds
Episode Artwork

Jun. 01, 2017 #한류전선# 悄悄话

节目组: 한류전선 韩流前线 节目名称: 悄悄话开头曲 《除了春天爱情和樱花》 1.大家好,欢迎收VOE外语广播韩流前线,我是今天的主播孙鹏。2.大家好,我是主播孙铭舆。 插曲1 《Love lane》 1. 2017년 드라마 트렌드는 아마 달달한 사랑이야기에 판타지 요소를 섞은 로맨틱코미디가 아닌가 싶습니다. 하지만 상층부 비리와 맞서 싸우는 통쾌한 이야기 장르의 인기도 여전히 식을줄 모르고 있습니다. 2017年的韩剧似乎依然执着于走出小清新谈恋爱的套路,除了男主角从外星人到神鬼等越来越超乎想象的设定外,在剧中安插心理变态的邪恶反派和描述政商勾结等上层腐败现状的暗黑系韩剧也是越发流行。2. 그래서 오늘은 "귓속말"이라는 드라마를 소개해 볼까합니다. 거대한 법률회사 '태백'을 배경으로 한 두 남녀가 인생과 목숨을 건 사랑을 통해 법비를 통쾌하게 응징하는 이야기, 다같이 빠져보시죠. 所以,今天我们就来给大家介绍一部不一样的韩剧《悄悄话》。他打破传统,采用了拉锯战式的全新剧情叙述法则。剧情以李宝英饰演的刑警申瑛珠的父亲被诬杀害记者金成植,并被李尚允饰演的法官李东俊判决入狱为源头,牵出案件真正凶手太白律师事务所的王牌律师姜正日和其代表崔日焕之女崔秀妍。一个是为父报仇的申瑛珠,一个是被迫娶了崔秀妍在太白走马上任的李东俊,男女主角先是互相展开了一番威胁和撕扯,才在患难之中决定携手反击。 插曲 2 《星期五见面》 1. 드라마에서는 남자주인공 이동준의 시련이 끊이지 않고 있습니다. 태백의 압박과 영주의 협박사이에서 그가 마침내 각성을 합니다. 세상의 부조리와 맞써 싸워야한다는걸 깨닫는거죠. 李宝英在剧中身手利落,办事果断,总能在看似绝境的复仇之路中走出柳暗花明,也是在每次权力斗争僵局出现之时打破势力平衡的关键人物。剧中李尚允却惨成“最懵男主角”。事务所的明枪暗箭已经让他应接不暇,这边李宝英饰演的申瑛珠又找上门来威胁他帮助自己为父亲洗清冤屈,身体与心灵上的打击也着实让人捏了一把冷汗。2. 이 드라마의 남녀주인공은 한때 엄청난 인기를 끌었던 국민주말극 "내딸 서영이"에도 함께 출연한 적이 있었죠? 该剧的男主角是曾和李宝英合作过超高收视的国民家庭剧《我的女儿素英》的李尚允,两人的再度合作也是让人有展开追剧的极大动力。《悄悄话》也是李宝英产后复出的新作品,首播收视率即高达13.9%拿下当周月火收视冠军,剧情走向跌宕起伏反转不断,正反两派之间关乎生死的拉锯战也是你来我往,招招见血。 插曲3 《REBYE》 1. 극은 점점 고조에 다가가면서 정의와 불의가 끊임없이 몇번의 판을 뒤집습니다. 그 치열한 싸움속에서 이제 4회를 앞두고 있는 귓속말은 과연 어떤 결말로 우리에게 반전을 선사할까요? 随着剧情的逐渐推进,李东俊身不由己卷入旋涡,从只求自保的懦弱到被李宝英饰演的申瑛珠所感染开始为正义而战,几次精心布局都打得对手慌乱不已,角色的转变与成长都缓慢点起观众心中的燃点。现在,《悄悄话》加上延长的1集的话还剩下4集的分量。剩下的这几集中,观众们所希望的有力反击是否真的会出现呢?2: 귓속말은 픽션이라고는 하나 사회의 부조리한 단면을 통쾌하게 비판하면서 시청자들의 호응을 많이 얻고 있는데요. 그 결말이 한없이 궁금해지는 드라마 이기도 합니다. 善与恶相互撕咬的脑力之战,让人无法移开眼球的明刀暗箭,还有演员们的魔性演技连日来收获的称赞。特别是朴庆秀作家严厉地抨击现实社会的锐利笔力更是让观众心里沉甸甸的。但是过分沉重的额剧情会不会引发反效果呢? 插曲 4 《REBYE》播放完毕 结束语 11.让我们继续期待更加精彩的剧情吧,今天的节目就到这里了,我们下期再见吧!2是的,感谢制作人胡捷,王菲。我们下期再见。 结束曲 《REBYE》播放完毕 节目监制:金池 编辑:孙铭舆 孙鹏播音:孙铭舆 孙鹏制作:胡婕 王飞
6/1/201711 minutes
Episode Artwork

May. 31, 2017 #Bloom in Ink# Love

节目组: Bloom in Ink 墨海繁花 节目名称: Love开头曲 雨的印记(钢琴演奏)-纯音乐 引语 -Welcome to Bloom in ink from VOE Foreign Languages Radio, I'm Crystal , -I'm Sakura.-Today we will lead you to a different place of poems.Let's share it together.-今天,小编为大家带来两首诗歌,让我们一起领略诗歌的美妙世界吧! PART 1: Number One  The most distant way in the world  By Tagore 世界上最远的距离作者:泰戈尔  The most distant way in the world  is not the way from birth to the end It is when I sit near youthat you don't understand I love you.世界上最远的距离不是生与死的距离   而是我站在你面前  你不知道我爱你 The most distant way in the world  is not that you're not sure I love you.  It is when my love is bewildering the soul but I can't speak it out世界上最远的距离   不是我站在你面前   你不知道我爱你  而是爱到痴迷   却不能说出我爱你The most distant way in the worldis not that I can't say I love you.  It is after looking into my heartI can't change my love.世界上最远的距离   不是我不能说我爱你   而是想你痛彻心脾   却只能深埋心底 The most distant way in the world  is not that I'm loving you.It is in our lovewe are keeping between the distance.世界上最远的距离   不是我不能说我想你   而是彼此相爱   却不能够在一起 The most distant way in the world  is not the distance across us.It is when we're breaking through the waywe deny the existence of love.世界上最远的距离   不是彼此相爱   却不能够在一起  而是明知道真爱无敌   却装作毫不在意 So the most distant way in the world  is not in two distant trees.It is the same rooted branchescan't enjoy the co-existence.世界上最远的距离   不是树与树的距离   而是同根生长的树枝   却无法在风中相依 So the most distant way in the world  is not in the being separated branches.It is in the blinking starsthey can't burn the light.世界上最远的距离   不是树枝无法相依  而是相互了望的星星   却没有交汇的轨迹 So the most distant way in the world  is not the burning stars.It is after the lightthey can't be seen from afar.世界上最远的距离   不是星星之间的轨迹   而是纵然轨迹交汇   却在瞬间无处寻觅 So the most distant way in the world  is not the light that is fading away.It is the coincidence of us is not supposed for the love.世界上最远的距离   不是瞬间便无处寻觅   而是尚未相遇   便注定无法相聚 So the most distant way in the worldis the love between the fish and bird.One is flying at the sky,the other is looking upon into the sea.世界上最远的距离   是鱼与飞鸟的距离   一个翱翔在天际   一个却深潜海底 Number TwoTo the Oak Tree By Shu Ting致橡树 作者:舒婷If I love you --I will never be a clinging trumpet creeperUsing your high boughs to show off my height If I love you --I will never be a spoony birdRepeating a monotonous song for green shade我如果爱你—— 绝不像攀援的凌霄花 借你的高枝炫耀自己 我如果爱你—— 绝不学痴情的鸟儿 为绿荫重复单调的歌曲 Or be a springBringing cool solace all year longOr be a steep peakIncreasing your stature, reflecting your eminence也不止像泉源 常年送来清凉的慰藉也不止像险峰 增加你的高度,衬托你的威仪 Even the sunlightEven the spring rain No, all these are not enoughI must be a ceiba tree beside youOur leaves, touching in the clouds 甚至日光 甚至春雨不,这些都还不够 我必须是你近旁的一株木棉 叶,相触在云里 With each gust of windWe greet each other But nobody can understand our wordsYou'll have your copper branches and iron trunkLike knives, like swords, like halberds, tooI'll have my crimson flowers, Like heavy sighsAnd valiant torches每一阵风过 我们都互相致意 但没有人 听懂我们的言语 你有你的铜枝铁干像刀、像剑,也像戟我有我的红硕花朵 像沉重的叹息 又像英勇的火炬 We'll share cold spells, storms and thunder We'll share mists, hazes and rainbowsSeemingly always apartBut also forever interdependent我们分担寒潮、风雷、霹雳 我们共享雾霭、流岚、虹霓 仿佛永远分离 却又终身相依 Only this can be great loveThe loyalty is hereLove --I love not only your strapping statureBut also your firm stand, the earth beneath you 这才是伟大的爱情 坚贞就在这里 爱—— 不仅爱你伟岸的身躯 也爱你坚持的位置,足下的土地 背景介绍:爱情是美好的,也是伟大的。有泰戈尔式依依惜别,难舍难分的浪漫,也有舒婷般共担风雨,不卑不亢的柔情。终有一天,我们也会经历那份纯真与美好,但请记得,不要在恋爱的蜜意中,迷失了最初的自己。 结束曲 雨的印记(钢琴演奏)-纯音乐 结束语 -感谢制作唐敏嫣。-Thank you for your listening.See you next week.-Bye~ 节目监制:曹睿姝 编辑:魏镜滟播音:魏镜滟 李硕制作:唐敏嫣
5/31/201712 minutes
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May. 27, 2017 #日本语ドリームワークス# 只是这样的一个小故事

节目组: 日本语ドリームワークス 日语梦工厂 节目名称: 只是这样的一个小故事开头音乐:しあわせのことば插曲:冬日宅居A winter piano piece结束曲推荐:ちょっと出かけてきますA:皆さん、こんばんは、欢迎收听日语梦工厂。我是主播申济铭。B:大家好。我是主播董玉莹。A:誰でも悩みがあって、できるだけ自分らしく生きたいと思います。B:说起青春,想必谁都会有自己的烦恼,无论是学业的压力,还是生活的焦躁,亦或是青春的触动。那些时候的那些经历,都在对我们说着 “做好自己就好”,今天的节目也正是这样的一个,与青春有关的小小的故事。A:少年は傘をさして、一人きりで歩いていました。6月のことですが、霧のような雨の日でした。少年は携帯を開けて、電話番号を探していました。それは大切な人の電話番号です。少年のズボンは湿っていましたが、雨はますます強くなってきました。携帯の音は雨音に消されました。少年は知っています。しかし、彼女に声をかけることさえできませんでした。少年は傘を持ちながら、走りました。B:少年撑起伞,一个人在走着,走着。故事发生在朦胧细雨的六月里。少年打开手机,想找一个电话号码,她可是一个很重要的人呢。雨势丝毫没有减缓的感觉,反倒越来越大,电话的 “滴滴” 声被雨声覆盖了。以后再也没法见面了,就连她的声音也没办法再听到了。少年这么想着,撑起伞在雨中跑了起来。A:冷たい夜には、道に誰もいませんでした。少年は雨の中で泣きました。そのことは誰も知りませんでした。クラスメートは最後のパーティーに参加しています。どうして泣きますか、それは少女と会えなかったから、それとも、みんなにお別れを言えなかったからですか、その理由は少年自身も分かりませんでした。B:漆黑的夜里,路上不见来往的行人。少年在雨中哭了起来,至于为什么哭呢,就连少年自己也不太清楚。是没有勇气对正在参加最后一场派对的同学们告别呢,还是因为以后再也见不到她了呢。亦或者两个原因都有吧。A:さあ、終わりにしよう。少年はそう思いながら、バスに乗りました。バスには人が少なく、座席もたくさんが空いていましたが、少年は隅に立っていました。もしかして、彼女はその町を出てしまったかもしれません。少女と一緒にいたことを思い出します、少女は本当にかわいいです。でもスポーツは全然だめです。そして猫がとても好きです。彼女と出会ったことは本当によかったです。B:那,就这样结束吧。少年缓缓上了一辆巴士。没有几个人的巴士显得空荡荡的,但少年还是选择站在巴士的一个角落里。因为家庭的原因,女孩早已离开这座城市了吧。少年在极力回想着与她相遇的瞬间,相处的所有喜怒哀乐。她真的是一个很可爱的女孩,但是运动是一点也不擅长啦,很喜欢猫的她,自己就像一只猫。能遇到她真的太好了,少年心想着。A:ずっとこの少女のことが好きです。でも、少女は私を弟のように思っていました。ただそれまでのことですね。卒業の最後の日、少年は自分が一番気に入った洋服を着ていました。少女のことを探しました。ずっと話したい言葉を話すつもりでした。猫のように賢い少女は全部知っています、彼女は少年を傷つけたくありません。だから、最後のその日、彼女は来なかったのです。B:少年一直都很喜欢这个女孩,但是女孩却不一样,她早已把少年当成了自己的弟弟。只是这样而已。毕业季的最后一天,少年穿上了自己最满意的西服,打扮成了自己最满意的模样。打算在今天,把一直隐藏在自己心底的话说出来。女孩仿佛早就猜到了少年的心思,她不想伤害少年,所以,刻意在最后的一天选择不出现在大家的视野里。A:ついに、少年もその町を離れてしまいました。新しい生活を始まりました。しかし、少女のことが全然忘れられませんが。彼女は今どこにいますか。何をしていますか。彼氏はいますか。いったいどうなりますか。B:最后的最后呢,少年也离开了这座城市,开始了自己新的生活。不过,再怎么样也无法忘记那个女孩。她现在怎么样了呢,在做什么呢,有了喜欢的男生吗,变成什么样子了呢。也许,有的人错过了就是一辈子,也许,有些事错了就没办法弥补。青春对每个人来说,都是一段回忆中最美的时光吧,校园,也是青春最后的舞台吧。A:好了,今天的节目就要和大家说再见啦,如果你也喜欢我们的节目,就请多多关注VOE日语梦工厂吧,我们会在今后的日子里为大家呈现更多精彩的节目。B:节目的最后为大家推荐一首好听的歌曲。同时感谢我们的后期制作,我们下期再见。节目监制: 袁蕴宁 播音: 申济铭 董玉莹编辑: 申济铭 董玉莹制作: 于越
5/26/201710 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork

May. 26, 2017 #Music Bang Bang# OneRepublic's songs

节目组: Music Bang Bang 音乐大爆炸 节目名称: OneRepublic's songs开头曲 B:Hello I am Brendan. C:Hello I am Ciel. Welcome to Music Bang Bang. B:Long time no see. Last time we broadcasted was two weeks ago. How is it going? C:I am good, the class is hard. Especially the math. It gives me a lot of hard time to suffer. B:Math is hard for me, too. I know math is like an art. But I can't enjoy it. I always prefer language. I like communicating. C:I like language, too. But I have to learn math because there is an exam waiting for me. B:Then you must have a lot of pressure. Let us listen to some music and relax ourselves. C:So who is today's super star? B:Today's super star is a band called OneRepublic from America. C:I like band with handsome guys. B:They are very handsome and the singer's voice is very magnetic. C:Can't wait to listen. 插曲1 B:This song is called feel again. C:The lead singer of OneRepublic is Ryan. He is also the soul of the band. B:When Ryan was in high school, he started a band with his friends and named it this beautiful mess. And they had some small performance at their school. C:When he was in college. He always failed his exam because he always miss his class for making songs. B:He become this success is for his passion in music. He learned piano since he is three. And he sung everyday for two hours. At high school he learned more music instrument such like guitar and drum. C:Feel again is talk about love. He don't feel passion for a long time. And he think his hear is numb and will never feel love again until he met her. B:I think some part of this song is very suitable for me. I also think my heart is numb and don't stay in love for such long time and almost forget how to love, it is sad. C:Relax yourself and listen to our next song. 插曲 2 B:This song is called I lived from the album native. C:From this song's lyrics we can know it is an encouraging song. B:When you upset when you feel you are going to lose, try this song. It will encourage you to run forward. C:There is something more in this song . You will know if you have watched their music video. You will think this song is the most noble song ever. B:People in this music video are suffering from some kind of disease. Ryan feel very upset about what is happening on their body, so he make this work to encourage them and try to make more people in this world to know about their disease. C:We love this band is more because of their sensitive. That makes them more alive. B:Also I want all of my friend who is listening to our program stay healthy and always be in love. 插曲3 C:The next song is Secrets. This is the song of . B: Today life is too much pressure. More and more people are unwilling to talk to others about themselves. More and more secrets exist between people. C: The song is about people wishing to pour out their secrets. Just like lyrics says: I need another story, Something to get off my chest, I'm sick of all the insincere, So I'm going to give all my secrets away. B: I hope we can remain sincere in life and stay away from falsehood. 插曲 4 C:This song makes was OneRepublic's breakout hit and first number one hit. It was released as the lead single of the album Dreaming Out Loud. B:The song was a major hit internationally, reaching number one in 16 countries, including Australia, Canada and so on.C: It also staying at number one for eight consecutive weeks on the Billboard Hot 100.B: This song is a story about a woman who apologizes to the man, but everything is beyond redemption.C: I hope all of you always do the right thing and don't regret it. C The good times always go quickly. It is time to say goodbye again. We will stay with you at this beautiful night. See you next time.B:本期Music Bang Bang 节目到这里就要结束了。欢迎大家关注我们的微信公众号“时代之声Radio”,网易云音乐“Music Bang Bang”电台以及荔枝FM。更多精彩节目等着你的发现哟。See you.C:感谢制作张雨航 结束曲 节目监制:刘仁邦编辑:尚博健 石悦播音:尚博健 石悦制作:张雨航
5/26/201713 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork

May. 25, 2017 #The World Says# 星座

节目组: The World Says 世界说 节目名称: 星座S: Hey guys welcome to the world says from the VOE foreign languages radio station, I'm SherlockJ: And I'm JottaI: Good evening everyone I'm Iris and this is Francis.F: 大家好,我是Francis 插曲1 one S: So today we are going to talk about the astrology, or horoscope, or zodiac signs.J: Wow, I love magic most! Well there are lots of words in English to describe it. So, what's the Chinese mean of them?F: 嗯,这些词在中文里就是星座的意思。I: So in today's program we will bring you some knowledge about Astrology, and hope you like it.S: Okay, so the astrology is more like western thing, and I guess a lot of people think is like a superstition.F: 哦,像是一种迷信。S: Yeah Yea, but the other way, you know, in China is also popular among our students, especially girls.I: Yeah, I see this stuff in the Wechat all the time, talking about astrology. Speaking about this, do you know how to ask people their astrology in English?F: Isn't it….. What's your astrology?S: No… no is not, the astrology here is a little bit like.. a subject, like… the process how a planet move or something..J: 所以 astrology 这个词还是代表星象学多一点,而不是星座。 I: Right, so here you cannot just say What's your astrology, the one is What's your sign.S: Right, horoscope, what about horoscope, can we just use what's your horoscope?I: Neither, cause horoscope is like. You are reading a newspaper, I mean, like today, my luck is low..J: Oh I get it, wow, looks like somebody has done lots of work in it.I: You bet~S: I'm so glad we do this program with you Iris, cause, ya’know boys like Francis and I really don't know this a lot. And, for our today's show, I also check out some information.F: Just say it.S: Speaking of constellations, in fact, there are two levels of meaning, one is astronomy, the other is astrological.I: Come on, it's hard to understand.J: Constellation, which means a group of stars that forms a particular pattern and has a name.F: 并且zodiac的意思是黄道带,也就是太阳、月亮和行星构成的假想带。S:The conclusion is that, astrology and horoscope is more inclined to superstition. I've always been against superstition about the constellation. I do not think there is a supernatural power to control the will and behavior of mankind.I: Yes, fate is in our own hands. But sometimes we use it to have some fun is also good.S: I agree. So, could you say something about your constellation?I: Pisces pets are the most empathetic. You could have shared a past life experience with these lovely critters, they have excels in the art of listening.J: just iris is like that, lovely!F: 没错,双鱼座擅长倾听,他们还喜欢和人分享过去的经历。S:And Pisces can handle many different tasks at once and be successful in all of them. Come on, could I say:It's impossible?I: You can't. Pisces is often a very sensitive, very mystical, and very misunderstood sign. They're highly sympathetic. Ok. It's your turn.S:They just like me, Lance, Adam, Terry, Kenny, Abel, Thomas and Austin.J: Can't imagine that, but it was just an if.I:So you're a Aries. Sounds like my name. Ha-ha. I know that Aries people have the qualities of being impulsive, of being leaders, of being very...impatient.J:They also are natural-born entrepreneurs. They wanna do things. They don't wanna just sit here. They wanna just go and do things. Ok, it's time to talk about my star sign.I: What's your sign, Jotta?J: Capricorn, that's the Goat.S: The mountain goat—highly, highly ambitious. They wanna climb the mountain.J: You get the idea here. It's an earth sign. They're very practical, really organized.F:而且他们通常在生意上以及任何种类的建构上都表现得很好,因为他们是由土星管辖。I: Wow, it seems you know a lot about Capricorn.F: Yeah. Because I'm a Scorpio. They are similar.J: But there's two different types of Scorpios, they say: the ones that are very high with moral standing, and the other ones that go down.S: So, when you're thinking about a Scorpio, though, you're thinking about someone who's very intense, who is very driven, and who can very much wanna be a part of your life and merge.F: This is somebody who doesn't take anything light-heartedly.J:Oh,Iris,do you know what characteristic of a Gemini?S: Oh? Whose sign is Gemini?J: know...I: Oh, I know. Ha-ha.F:I know that they are always changing their mind.I: Yes, and qualities of Geminis—they are endlessly curious, very social, friendly people, intellectual, too. And they like a lot of stimulation.J: Thank you Iris. Ah, it's time to say goodbye.F: Hope you enjoy our program .See you next time.S:感谢制作苏鑫。I:如果你喜欢我们的节目,请关注我们的微信公众号 VOE-radio 和VOE外语广播电台的新浪微博,那里有我们往期的作品。 节目监制:周宸聿编辑:朱子业 夏茂航 张燚铭 余若天 播音:朱子业 夏茂航 张燚铭 余若天制作:苏鑫
5/25/201710 minutes
Episode Artwork

May. 24, 2017 #Bloom in Ink# Love is just a thread 爱如丝线

节目组: Bloom in Ink 墨海繁花 节目名称: Love is just a thread 爱如丝线 Love is just a thread 爱如丝线Sometimes I really doubt whether there is love between my parents. Every day they are very busy trying to earn money in order to pay the high tuition for my brother and me. They don't act in the romantic ways that I read in books or I see on TV. In their opinion, “I love you” is too luxurious for them to say. Sending flowers to each other on Valentine's Day is even more out of the question. Finally my father has a bad temper. When he's very tired from the hard work, it is easy for him to lose his temper.有时候,我真的怀疑父母之间是否有真爱。他们天天忙于赚钱,为我和弟弟支付学费。他们从未像我在书中读到,或在电视中看到的那样互诉衷肠。他们认为”我爱你”太奢侈,很难说出口。更不用说在情人节送花这样的事了。我父亲的脾气非常坏。经过一天的劳累之后,他经常会发脾气。One day, my mother was sewing a quilt. I silently sat down beside her and looked at her.一天,母亲正在缝被子,我静静地坐在她旁边看着她。“Mom, I have a question to ask you,” I said after a while.过了一会,我说:”妈妈,我想问你一个问题。”“What?” she replied, still doing her work.“什么问题?”她一边继续缝着,一边回答道。“Is there love between you and Dad?” I asked her in a very low voice.我低声地问道:”你和爸爸之间有没有爱情啊?”My mother stopped her work and raised her head with surprise in her eyes. She didn't answer immediately. Then she bowed her head and continued to sew the quilt.母亲突然停下了手中的活,满眼诧异地抬起头。她没有立即作答。然后低下头,继续缝被子。I was very worried because I thought I had hurt her. I was in a great embarrassment and I didn't know what I should do. But at last I heard my mother say the following words:我担心伤害了她。我非常尴尬,不知道该怎么办。不过,后来我听见母亲说:“Susan,” she said thoughtfully, “Look at this thread.Sometimes it appears, but most of it disappears in the quilt. The thread really makes the quilt strong and durable. If life is a quilt, then love should be a thread. It can hardly be seen anywhere or anytime, but it's really there. Love is inside.”“苏珊,看看这些线。有时候,你能看得见,但是大多数都隐藏在被子里。这些线使被子坚固耐用。如果生活就像一床被子,那么爱就是其中的线。你不可能随时随地看到它,但是它却实实在在地存在着。爱是内在的I listened carefully but I couldn't understand her until the next spring. At that time, my father suddenly got sick seriously. My mother had to stay with him in the hospital for a month. When they returned from the hospital, they both looked very pale. It seemed both of them had had a serious illness.我仔细地听着,却无法明白她的话,直到来年的春天。那时候,我父亲得了重病。母亲在医院里待了一个月。当他们从医院回来的时候,都显得非常苍白。就像他们都得了一场重病一样。After they were back, every day in the morning and dusk, my mother helped my father walk slowly on the country road. My father had never been so gentle. It seemed they were the most harmonious couple. Along the country road, there were many beautiful flowers, green grass and trees. The sun gently glistened through the leaves. All of these made up the most beautiful picture in the world.他们回来之后,每天的清晨或黄昏,母亲都会搀扶着父亲在乡村的小路上漫步。父亲从未如此温和过。他们就像是天作之合。在小路旁边,有许多美丽的野花、绿草和树木。阳光穿过树叶的缝隙,温柔地照射在地面上。这一切形成了一幅世间最美好的画面。 The doctor had said my father would recover in two months. But after two months he still couldn't walk by himself. All of us were worried about him.医生说父亲将在两个月后康复。但是两个月之后,他仍然无法独立行走。我们都很为他担心。“Dad, how are you feeling now?” I asked him one day.有一天,我问他:“爸爸,你感觉怎么样?”“Susan, don't worry about me.” he said gently. “To tell you the truth, I just like walking with your mom. I like this kind of life.” Reading his eyes, I know he loves my mother deeply.他温和地说:“苏珊,不用为我担心。跟你说吧,我喜欢与你妈妈一块散步的感觉。我喜欢这种生活。”从他的眼神里,我看得出他对母亲的爱之深刻。Once I thought love meant flowers, gifts and sweet kisses. But from this experience, I understand that love is just a thread in the quilt of our life. Love is inside, making life strong and warm..我曾经认为爱情就是鲜花、礼物和甜蜜的亲吻。但是从那一刻起,我明白了,爱情就像是生活中被子里的一根线。爱情就在里面,使生活变得坚固而温暖节目监制: 曹睿姝 播音: 孙天然 刘慕春编辑: 孙天然 刘慕春制作: 任家豪
5/24/201712 minutes, 12 seconds
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May. 23, 2017 #走进西班牙# 西国文化

节目组:走进西班牙节目名称: 西国文化开头曲1 Lucenzo - Baila morena引语1 D:¡Hola a todos! ¡Bienvenido llegas mi reino de españa! Me llamo Don. 大家好!欢迎来到我的西班牙语王国!我是Don.P:¡Hola a todos! Me llamo Pyro.大家好,我是Pyro。 引语2 P:今天是voe的特别节目——走进西班牙,我们将带领大家扒一扒西班牙以及西班牙语。 插曲 1 西班牙斗牛士进行曲 PART 1: P:众所周知,西班牙是一个热情奔放的国度,这也形成了他们独特的作息规律以及一天五顿的用餐频率。除了特有的作息时间,这个有趣的国家还有许多有趣的节日和习俗。那么Don,西班牙语中的的节日是哪个单词呢?D:节日就是“fiesta”,接下来我就为大家介绍几个西班牙的特殊节日吧。P:Bien. 插曲 2 Las Escarlatinas - Submarinos En 3D D:Feria de AbrilSe celebra en Sevilla, en abril, y dura una semana. Hay atracciones para niños y adultos y casetas y puestos ambulantes donde se puede comer y beber. Muchas mujeres visten el traje tradicional llamado traje de flamemca. Las sevillanas son el cante y baile típico de esta fiesta.P:四月节Feria de Abril四月节于四月份举行,在塞维利亚,西班牙称塞维利亚为sevilla。活动持续一周。有一些提供给小孩和大人的活动,也有一些售货棚或者流动的货摊提供吃喝。很多女人身着传统被称为弗拉门戈裙的传统服饰。塞维利亚舞曲是这个节日传统的歌舞节目D: La Noche de San JuanSe celebra el veiticuatro de junio. Por la noche, en muchos lugares de España, son típicas las hogueras en la calle y las verbenas.P: 圣胡安夜这个节日在六月24号举行。到了晚上的时候,西班牙的许多地方,街上和露天营地都有特色篝火。D:San JorgeEn Cataluña se conmemora la muerte de San Jorge ( San Jordi en catalán ) y se celebra el día de los enamorados el 23 de abril. El hombre le regala una rosa a su pareja y ésta le regala un libro.P:圣乔治节在加泰罗尼亚,为了纪念圣•乔治,情侣们在四月二十三号这天庆祝。男人赠女人一只玫瑰花,女人回赠男人一本书。D:Semana SantaEn primavera se celebra en España esta festividad con la salida a la calle de manifestaciones de fe conocidas como procesiones. En cada procesión figuran pasos, que son imágenes religiosos.P:圣周圣周是在西班牙春季以信徒们在街上游行的方式举行。在每一个游行队伍中展现的都是一些宗教的形象。 插曲 3 西班牙斗牛士进行曲 PART 2: P:看来西班牙人民真是充满幽默感呢,接下来再让我们扒一扒西班牙语español!按照第一语言使用者数量排名,约有4.06亿人作为母语使用,为世界第二大语言,仅次于汉语。按照官方语言使用国家数量排名第二,仅次于inglés英语。西班牙语是联合国六大官方语言之一。甚至连前任美国总统奥巴马的竞选也要准备一份西班牙语的演讲稿。D:很多说西班牙语的人把他们的语言称为西班牙语(español),说英语的人称西班牙语为Spanish,就是Español的英译。而很多说其他方言的西班牙人称西班牙语为Castellano。有许多国家将西班牙语作为官方语言,我们熟知的有:México墨西哥、Puerto Rico波多黎各、Uruguay乌拉圭、Chile智利、Argentina阿根廷。 插曲 4 Shakira -《Waka Waka (Esto es Africa)》 Part 3: 说到Argentina,我们就会想起女星Shakira,她分别在2010年和2014年在巴西足球世界杯闭幕式上献唱《Waka Waka (Esto es Africa)》和《La La La》,让全世界为之沸腾 插曲 6 Las Escarlatinas - a todo colorPart 4: P:最后,让我们以一碗鸡汤来结束我们这次的快乐旅行吧!D:Si no te esfuerzas hasta el máximo, ¿Cómo sabrás dónde está tu limite?P:如果你未尽最大努力,如何知道自己的极限在哪里?结束曲 Viva la Vida结束语 P&D:¡Adios!D:让我们下期再见吧! 感谢制作唐敏嫣 节目监制:刘逸超编辑:唐敏嫣播音:唐敏嫣 刘逸超制作:唐敏嫣
5/23/201712 minutes, 39 seconds
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May. 22, 2017 #Screen Age# WALL-E

节目组:The Screen Age 荧屏时代 节目名称:WALL-EY: Hello, everyone. Long time no see, I'm your friend Mico. Alice, I have a question, what do you think about environment like after 700 years?F: Let me see. I think air won't be clear and pollutions will get worse.Y: Have you ever think we during that period, we can't live in the Earth.F: Crazy. How do you say that?Y: What we will talk today is about this.B: In 2,700 AD, the Earth have been became a huge landfill by human's destruction. So human beings have to left away from the Earth because the inhospitable environment, and people could only move to other planets, and then commission robots to clean up the company until the earth's environmental system renew to achieve ecological balance.I: After the mankind left, the garbage cleaners sent the robot WALL-E to the Earth in batches and gave them the only command - the garbage dispenser. However, as time goes by, the robots broke one by one, and finally the only one left, continually work at this forgotten corner.B: Blink of an eye on the past few hundred years, desolateness and loneliness become to a timeless theme to him. However, a sudden spacecraft broke the peace here, it also brought a full-time search mission robot Eve, when WALL-E experienced hundreds of years of loneliness, as he saw another robot, he fall in love with her, I: After search, Eve found a green plant and brought it to the spacecraft in outer space. WALL-E followed Eve, launched a crossing through the whole Milky Way galaxy, start an exciting and imaginative fantasy journey. After several twists and turns, mankind eventually returned to Earth and began to transform the earth's ecological environment.A: WALL-E is a very classic Disney movie. It is a movie full of entertaining, thrilling, moving and satisfying. It makes a refreshing change from the 'go green' campaigns we're all so used to. The movie gives robots emotion like human beings. The robots even save the earth eventually.L: Yep, it is actually a creative movie. The characters suit me fine. Thumbs up for Wall-E, he is such a cute and adorable robot, you will fall in love with him immediately, so does EVE. I am also impressed by their sweet love. My heart feels warm when they holding each other's hands.A: WALL-E is also a film with practical significance. In the past decades, environmental pollution is becoming more and more serious. The earth is in a very dangerous situation. To some degree, the movie warns people to protect the earth. L: In deed, WALL-E is a successful movie. It wins one Oscar for Best Animated Feature Film in 2009. Besides, it gains another 87 wins and 85 nominations.A: WALL•E is directed by Andrew Stanton. He was educated at The California Institute of the Arts in Los Angeles. And, where he studied character animation there. I: After graduation, Stanton began working as a writer on the TV series Mighty Mouse, the New Adventures . In 1990, he became only the second animator and ninth employee to join Pixar Animation Studios.A: He went on to write and direct such worldwide hits as A Bug's Life, Finding Nemo and and WALL•E , the latter two both won Oscars for Best Animated Feature. ApparentIy, Stanton is a great animator.Y: We should to protect our living environment, not only for ourselves but also for our inferiors.F: That's all for today's program. Y: 最后,感谢制作张安康!See you next week~F: Bye!节目监制:刘逸超编辑:毕鑫屹 杨晨丹播音:杨旸(M)赛碧乐(F)毕鑫屹(B)杨晨丹(A)制作:张安康
5/21/201710 minutes, 14 seconds
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May. 20, 2017 #日本语ドリームワークス# 黑泽明

节目组: 日本语ドリームワークス 日语梦工厂 节目名称: 黑泽明A:皆さん、こんばんは、VOE日本語ドリームワークスへようこそ。我是主播梁远鹏。B:我是主播冉莹。A:有这样一位人物,他一生获奖无数,被誉为电影天皇、电影界的莎士比亚,他就是黑泽明。B:1934年,26岁的黑泽明进入PCL电影公司,师从山本嘉次郎学习导演和编剧;1936年发表首篇剧本《达摩寺里的德国人》;1943年首次独自执导处女座《姿三四郎》;1951年,凭借《罗生门》在威尼斯影展上获得金狮奖,成为金狮奖历史上第一位亚洲人;1954年执导的第一部真正加入西片趣味的时代剧《七武士》受到广泛关注,后被美国导演约翰・斯特奇斯重拍;1975年,执导的日俄合资电影《德苏乌扎啦》莫斯科影展金牌奖和奥斯卡最佳外语片金奖。1990年,在第62届奥斯卡颁奖礼上获得终身成就奖。A:作为受到东西方全面肯定的导演,影响着无数的后来人,受其惠泽的影人同样不少。电影《教父》的导演科波拉曾经说过“如果能和一位大师一起拍电影,我宁愿当一个助理。这位大师就是黑泽明。”被称为“电影织梦者”的斯皮尔伯格曾经说过:“黑泽明就是电影界的莎士比亚。”,如此赞誉,可谓在上品之外。更何况出自驰骋商业和艺术的斯皮尔伯格之口。就连中国第五代导演的代表人物——张艺谋、陈凯歌也深受黑泽明电影的影响。那究竟是何种原因使得黑泽明能被称为“电影天皇”呢?B:一、人性黑泽明的电影深刻地刻画出人性的弱点、残酷甚至狰狞(虽然在不多的场合下也偶尔显露一下人性的光辉)。《七武士》结局处山岗上四座武士坟上的寒冷刀光,游荡耳边的悲伧乐曲,以及残存武士那句富有禅意的“胜利是那些农民的,我们又失败了”,无不折射出导演对于日本民族独特性的感悟。黑泽明的片子充斥着欲望的张力,其中的人物往往被内心中无法了解的疯狂所驱使并毁灭,表现敏感而激烈。爱欲、性欲、权力、征服、倾慕、羞耻、惊诧、恐惧、绝望等微妙、敏感、颤动不安的主观情绪得到无休止地放大,最后又全部归结为破坏和毁灭。A:二、自然自然肆虐成为以后许多黑泽明影片的主题。他的影片大量使用自然景色和气候现象,仿佛威力无穷的大自然也成为表现影片主题的主要形象。如《蜘蛛巢城》中的“蛛脚森林”被黑泽明人格化了。有时,这种肆虐的自然还起到烘托故事情节发展的作用。在《乱》中,随着秀虎父子之间由分裂、对立终致骨肉相残的情节发展,影片向我们展现了一系列预兆吉凶的云:影片开头“浓云漫卷,奔涌不已……远处已出现雷雨的征兆,远远传来雷声”的画面,预示着将有不寻常的事件发生;B:当秀虎将大权交与太郎、又赶走真心爱他的三郎时,“暮云将掩落日,残阳如血,甚至使人感到是不祥的预兆”;而当惨剧终于发生时,“黑云象条吞噬人的龙一般扑来。然而转瞬之间那黑云被撕成碎片,翻滚与狂奔。大颗的雨点打来,电闪雷鸣。”这一组浓淡不同、变幻莫测而又极富隐喻色彩的云,同明暗交错的阳光及辽阔而沉寂、荒凉而寥落的草原一起,构成一种上苍也在俯视这幕人间惨剧的效果。这种雄浑苍劲的质朴的美“同企图用单纯线条的力量表现超自然的伟大力量的某种日本美术传统,有着一脉相承的联系。”A:三、绘画黑泽明影片的民族化风格还体现在日本传统美术的影响上。黑泽明后期作品的特征之一,就是他十分热爱日本的传统视觉文化,他有意让影片的服装、美工、造型更接近于美术作品,这一时期的影片是利用简单布景表现出日本传统美的意识的最好范例。为了达到美轮美奂的效果和禅意,他甚至使用大面积手绘的布景。他对日本传统美术有独特见解——“最大的单纯之中有最大的艺术”,曾是画家的黑泽明影片画面构图上受日本传统美术的影响也是明显的,日本美术所特有的构图方式是留一大片空白,而把人和物画在很有限的一小块地方。B:许多影片他都是先画好图,如《乱》一片画了好几百张,而且都是以油画的画法画的。他在拍摄时对人物的姿势也有严格的指示,因为如果演员进入一个不正确的位置,出了画格,那么画面就会失去均衡。将画面的角落留成空白,人物盯着虚无的空间,这与中国和日本的古代风景画中人物的传统姿势相同。A:形容黑泽明最好的一个词语就是固执,他曾为了可以拍好一个镜头,而让整个剧组停下来等云,这可能是因为他爱电影有热情而固执,才会这么认真,才能拍出这么多优秀的电影。B:节目到这里就接近尾声了,感谢大家长久以来的关心和支持,如果有什么好的想法可以关注我们的微信公众号“VOERadio”,来给我们留言。A;最后还要感谢我们辛勤付出的后期制作甄慧萍同学,我是梁远鹏。B:我是冉莹,我们下期再见,拜拜!节目监制: 袁蕴宁 播音: 冉莹 梁远鹏编辑: 冉莹 梁远鹏制作: 甄慧萍
5/20/201710 minutes, 33 seconds
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May. 19, 2017 #Music Bang Bang# Acoustic Version

节目组: Music Bang Bang 音乐大爆炸 节目名称: Acoustic Version开头曲 Cheap Thrills C: Hello lovely guys, this is Christine!A: And it's me, Armstrong! Welcome to Music Bang Bang again!C: I bet you must have heard Cheap Thrills before, but apparently not this version. So, how do you like it?A: Oh, I enjoyed it actually. You know what, every time I heard the mixed version, and I was like " Can this man just be quiet for a little while?" Of course, it's just my opinion.C: Ha, in fact, I just have the same feeling. But anyway, tastes differ. As for me, the plain accompany is just enough for Sia’s perfect voice.A: There are also many other acoustic versions of songs we may be familiar with. 先来跟大家解释一下,所谓的acoustic,也就是“不插电”,即表示不含电子合成音乐,而是由纯乐队演奏的版本,非MIDI合成音乐。C:So in today's music tour, you may hear Katy Perry, Justin Bieber and even Taylor Swift in the way you may have not heard before. Let's start now! 插曲1 Black Magic A: The first song is from Little Mix, named Black Magic. 这首歌空降了英榜冠军并且连冠三周。Most people may have not heard this version. I think the original version is rather clumsy. Without the heavy drumbeat, the vocal sounds fresher. C: Yeah, 我也觉得这个版本要更轻快、更俏皮,联系到歌词更有那种为了追到心仪的男孩使点小心计的小女生的感觉。The simple brisk arrangement is just perfect. 插曲 2 The one that got away C: The song you just heard is The One That Got Away. I really love this song. I heard its original version many years ago when I was still in junior middle school. 原版中,强烈的鼓点,配上水果姐干脆利落的唱腔,削弱了这首歌原本的感伤。A:I literally didn't consider it as a heartbroken stuff until I watched the MV. You may feel like crying when you read the lyric once you have watched the MV. C: 如果说原版让你感受到的还只是隐隐的钝痛,那么这版不插电则是让你从一开始就陷入那绵密的哀伤与叹惋。 插曲3 As long as you love me A: I think almost everyone has heard this song before, As Long As You Love Me, but obviously the version both by Justin Bieber and Big Sean. Now you're listening to the version only by Justin Bieber. C: Similarly, Bieber's solo acoustic version conveys much more emotion than the original one. It is like an innocent boy is playing guitar and singing carefully and secretly just for you. 干干净净,简简单单,却又直抵人心。A: There is a rap part by Big Sean in the original version, while in this one, Bieber sings it all in his own way, which is super attractive. 插曲 4 Wildest Dreams C: The last one comes. Wildest Dreams by Taylor Swift. I think the difference between the two versions is that the original version emphasizes more on wildest, while the acoustic version emphasizes on dreams. The acoustic version is like a girl's sweetest daydream.A: May be all the acoustic versions have this thing in common that is being poured more emotion. Wondering which version do you prefer my dear audience?Time flies, that's all for today's program. See you next time!C: 欢迎大家订阅我们的微信公众号“时代之声radio”,网易云音乐“music bang bang”电台以及荔枝FM。感谢制作张雨航,王紫丞,see you ~ 结束曲 Wildest Dreams 节目监制:刘仁邦编辑:郭思婷播音:郭思婷 温彦博制作:张雨航
5/19/201713 minutes, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork

May. 18, 2017 #The World Says# The usages of sorry

节目组: The World Says 世界说 节目名称: The usages of sorry开头曲 SorryJ: Hello everyone welcome to the world says from the VOE foreign languages radio station, I'm JottaV: Hey guys I'm Vincent~J: The music we just heard is my favorite singer Justin Bieber’s song, “sorry”V: Yeah, so today we are going to talk about the word “sorry”, and, don't be shocked. Because there are lots of usages that most of our students didn't knowJ: Right, so we can talk regrets; we can talk pity; we can talk disappointment 插曲1 sorry V: So, today's program is a little special, is to open the world of the simple English knowledge that you did not realize before. I think is a eye-opener? Anyway, if you enjoy our program, you can search VOE radio in your Wechat and follow us, we will show you a lot interesting foreign culture.J: Okay, Vincent, I think we should just start taking about “sorry” in the standard usage first? It means apologizeV: Right, so if you do something wrong, you should say I'm sorry.J: I’m sorry, em… but if there are something specific, or I have this feeling of something, like, bring you some inconveniences, when it comes, how to say that?V: Ah… Sorry for the inconvenience?J: Oh, sorry for the inconvenience, actually, the preposition, 介词 is really matters. So here, the preposition we are using is…V: ForJ: Right, we say sorry for the inconvenience.V: And, as you can see, in the foreign states, if they're fixing the road… they’re fixing… anything, they tend to put up a sign says:’ Sorry for the inconvenience’J: Sorry for the inconvenience or apologize for the inconvenience…V: RightJ: But what if we use it in our daily lives? Like, what if I knock you, I mean, the one we just talk is too officialV: We can say, I'm sorry about that. And it's just like you push somebody or you unconsciously step one's feet, you can use “I’m sorry about that” J: Cause that's not really, conscious inconvenience, it's just ….. You know, an accidentV: Anyway, It's not I'm sorry for that but I'm sorry about that, the preposition here is different. Okay, so the basically usage is over, now, let’s see the widen usage of it that you may not aware of.J: And the first one I wanna look at, is, like if someone tell you that he or she is going through a tough time our they're in a bad situation. You can use the word “sorry” even if the mishap he or she is facing is not caused by you.V: Absolutely, not caused by you , that’s the key, so Jotta, give us some examples.J: Oh.. Vincent, that's just made me feel so sad, Ah…. Well death? I mean, if somebody dies, it's common to say, like, oh I'm sorry to hear thatV: Right, if there is something about death and ill, when a person tells you that his family member just passed away, in this situation, you can say: I'm sorry to hear thatJ: Even though their preposition is different, like, I'm sorry to hear that. And I think in our country, is difficult to understand it, why you say sorry? So the sorry here is a kind of sympathy, or more like empathy. It's say that I feel similar to you. 插曲 2 all we know V: What's more, there is a little bit of pity in it. I'm sorry for your loss, and it doesn’t just need to be death though. I mean, maybe you lost anything else, maybe you’ve lost your healthJ: Oh that's right, when a person is ill, not feeling very well, having a fever or a cold, you can say I’m sorry to hear that, are you okay? And even lost a job, you can also say I'm sorry to hear that.V: Or a break-up, J: RightV: Going through a break-up. Sorry to hear that, and this sorry is very thoughtful, very sweet.J: The second one , if you say you feel sorry for some , it has two separate meaningsV: In the positive one, It shows your sympathy of a person, but don’t say this sentence face to face.J: Right, cause that can turn it into negative meaning, I feel sorry for you, also canShow your disdain, that you look down upon him or herV: And I think the tone is vital in these situationsJ: Sure, and the third one is feel sorry for oneself. V: Yeah, It’s kind of feeling when you go home after you having some failure or being criticized by your teacher, you probably would say, like “ I cannot do anything” Is a very negative feeling, that when you can say “I feel so sorry for myself”J: But you need to move on right? There is a sentence I’ve just read “ chest out chin up”就是挺胸抬头的意思。V: Em… It's very down to earth, there is also a usage when you are a job interviewer, you can say to the candidates who did not get the job.J: Oh what’s that?V: Its I’m sorry to say thatJ: So it’s a expression of pity right, So we have talked about so many sad things about sorry , could you come up with a happy sorry?V: There is actually one usage I know isn’t that bad, is “sorry to sorry”J: It mean I'm sorry for I don't feel sorry right?V: Right, It's widely used in twitter, in young groups, or in teenagers. And I think it show a sense of confidence to life 插曲 4 apologize J: So, that's the end of today's show, thank you for your listening.如果你喜欢我们的节目,欢迎关注voe外语广播电台的新浪微博和voe外语广播电台的微信公众号voe radio. J:感谢制作苏鑫。V:see you next time~ 结束曲 apologize节目监制:周宸聿编辑:杨晏直 朱子业 夏茂航播音:杨晏直 朱子业制作:苏鑫
5/18/20179 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork

May. 17, 2017 #Bloom in Ink# The unseen power of love

节目组: Bloom in Ink 墨海繁花 节目名称: The unseen power of loveThe unseen power of love无形的爱的力量I will greet this day with love in my heart.我要用全身心的爱来迎接今天。For this is the greatest secret of success in all ventures. Muscle[ˈmʌsl] can split[splɪt] a shield[ʃi:ld] and even destroy life, but only the unseen power of love can open the hearts of men and until I master this art I will remain no more than a peddler[ˈpedl] in the market place. I will make love my greatest weapon and none on whom I call can defend against its force.因为,这是一切成功的最大秘密。强力能够劈开一块盾牌,甚至毁灭生命,但是只有爱才具有无与伦比的力量,使人们敞开心扉。在掌握了爱的艺术之前,我只算商场上的无名小卒。我要让爱成为我最大的武器,没有人能抵挡它的威力。My reasoning they may counter; my speech they may distrust; my apparel[əˈpærəl] they may disapprove[ˌdɪsəˈpru:v]; my face they may reject; and even my bargains may cause them suspicion [səˈspɪʃn]; yet my love will melt all hearts liken to the sun whose rays soften the coldest clay.我的理论,他们也许反对;我的言谈,他们也许怀疑;我的穿着,他们也许不赞成;我的长相,他们也许不喜欢;甚至我廉价出售的商品都可能使他们将信将疑,然而我的爱心一定能温暖他们,就像太阳的光芒能溶化冰冷的冻土。I will greet this day with love in my heart.我要用全身心的爱来迎接今天。And how will I do this? Henceforth will I look on all things with love and I will be born again. I will love the sun for it warms my bones; yet I will love the rain for it cleanses my spirit. I will love the light for it shows me the way; yet I will love the darkness for it shows me the stars. I will welcome happiness for it enlarges my heart; yet I will endure sadness for it opens my soul. I will acknowledge rewards for they are my due; yet I will welcome obstacles for they are my challenge.我该怎样做呢?从今往后,我对一切都要满收爱心,这样才能获得新生。我爱太阳,它温暖我的身体;我爱雨水。它洗净我的灵魂;我爱光明,它为我指引道路;我也爱黑夜,它让我看到星辰、我迎接快乐,它使我心胸开阔;我忍受悲伤,它升华我的灵魂;我接受报酬。因为我为此付出汗水;我不怕困难,因为它们给我挑战。I will greet this day with love in my heart.我要用全身心的爱来迎接今天。And how will I speak? I will laud mine enemies and they will become friends; I will encourage my friends and they will become brothers. Always will I dig for reasons to applaud; never will I scratch for excuses to gossip. When I am tempted to criticize I will bite on my tongue; when I am moved to praise I will shout from the roofs.我该怎样说呢?我赞美敌人。敌人于是成为朋友;我鼓励朋友,朋友于是成为手足。我要常想理由赞美别人,绝不搬弄是非,道人长短。想要批评人时,咬住舌头,想要赞美人时,高声表达。Is it not so that birds, the wind, the sea and all nature speaks with the music of praise for their creator? Cannot I speak with the same music to his children? Henceforth will I remember this secret and it will change my life.飞鸟,清风,海浪,自然界的万物不都在用美妙动听的歌声赞美造物主吗?我也要用同样的歌声赞美她的儿女。从今往后,我要记住这个秘密。它将改变我的生活。And how will I act? I will love all manner of men for each has qualities to be admired even though they be hidden. With love I will tear down the wall of suspicion and hate which they have built round their hearts and in its place will I build bridges so that my love may enter their souls.我该如何行动呢?我要把爱奉献给所有的人,因为每个人都有令人钦佩的优秀品质,虽然有时不易察觉。我要用爱击垮阻碍人们心灵自由沟通的怀疑与仇恨之墙,同时,我要用我的爱在人们之间搭建一座桥梁,使我的爱能自如地进驻他们的灵魂。I will love the ambitious for they can inspire me! I will love the failures for they can teach me. I will love the kings for they are but human; I will love the meek for they are divine. I will love the rich for they are yet lonely.我爱雄心勃勃的人,因为他们能激励我!我爱失败者,因为他们能教育我。我爱王侯,他们也是凡人。我爱弱者,他们也是天才。我爱富人,他们更寂寞。I will love the poor for they are so many. I will love the young for the faith they hold; I will love the old for the wisdom they share. I will love the beautiful for their eyes of sadness; I will love the ugly for their souls of peace.我爱贫者,因为贫者甚多。我爱少年,因为他们纯真。我爱长者,因为他们睿智。我爱貌美的人,因为他们有忧郁的眼神。我爱丑陋的人,因为他们有颗平静的心。But how will I react to the actions of others? With love. For just as love is my weapon to open the hearts of men, love is also my shield to repulse the arrows of hate and the spears of anger. Adversity and discouragement will beat against my new shield and become as the softest of rains.我该他们的行为做出怎样的反应呢?爱吧。因为爱不仅是开启人们心灵的钥匙,而且也是低档仇恨之箭与愤怒之矛的盾牌。有了爱,即使逆境与挫折如锋利的长矛攻击我的心盾,也都会变得如细雨般温柔。And how will I confront each whom I meet? In only one way. In silence and myself I will address him and say “I love you”. Though spoken in silence these words will shine in my eyes, unwrinkled my brow, bring a smile to my lips, and echo [ˈekəʊ] in my voice; and his heart will be opened.我该如何面对与我不期而遇的每个人呢?只有一种办法,就是默默地祝福他,并说“我爱你”。那闪现在我的眼神中的无言的爱,会舒展我紧缩的眉头,让我会心的微笑攀至嘴角,在我的声音中回荡;于是,他将向我敞开心扉。节目监制: 曹睿姝 播音: 聂行 李硕编辑: 聂行 李硕 制作: 任家豪
5/17/201712 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork

May. 16, 2017 #한류전선# 心里的声音

开头曲 《mirror》A:친구들 안녕하세요.欢迎收听voe外语广播韩流前线 我是播音孙铭舆B:만나서 반가워요.我是播音孙鹏 插曲1 《mirror》 A: 그동안 뻔한 감정선과 가족분쟁같은 소재에 신물이 나셨죠? 오늘은 색다른 코미디 "마음의 소리"를 준비해봤습니다. 在看了众多有关情感纠葛、家族纷争等题材的韩剧后,我猜大家或多或少都会有些视觉疲劳了吧。所以今天我们要为大家介绍一部喜剧《心里的声音》,来放松一下疲惫的大脑。B:没有浮夸的演技、脱线的剧情,也不用因为婆婆妈妈的剧情拉快进度条,更不用耗尽无数脑细胞思考背后的寓意,我想这就是《心里的声音》吸引我继续看下去的原因吧。A:单集片长不超过二十分钟,每集剧情也并不十分连贯,可以让你不受时间限制,用这部剧的快乐打发掉原本无聊的时光。 插曲 2 《설레》(心动)B: 이 드라마는 웹툰 마음의 소리를 원작으로 한 시트콤으로 조석과 상상이하의 가족들이 펼치는 일상이 어드벤처인 요절복통 이야기입니다.该剧讲述了男主角赵石孤独的坚持着自己画漫画的梦想,可是他笔下的人物脱离了一般漫画中梦幻优美的固有形象,配色也多少有些夸张。通常这样的漫画很难被常人认可,所以满怀希望的送去出版社,却被编辑嘲讽。就连自己的父母和哥哥也觉得赵石的漫画并没有意思。A:但是,不断受挫的赵石并没有因此放弃自己的梦想,直到自己重逢了学生时期的初恋爱凤。被所有人称为无趣的作品却让爱凤笑到不能自已。一直不被肯定的赵石也因此获得了希望。B:最终,赵石的作品被越来越多的人赞赏,甚至到了因为读者的期盼不能随意休假的地步,受到喜爱的赵石也有了被人气所困的烦恼,但是当他不忘初心,想到自己一直持续画下去的动力就是希望自己的漫画能给人带来笑声,让赵石有了继续前进的动力。 插曲3 《딱좋아》正好从8-27秒,之后做垫乐 A:说起一部喜剧能否成功获得大家的称赞,一部分取决于剧情的内容,但我觉得更多取决于演员能否将这些笑料包袱抖响。이 드라마는 아시아프린스 이광수씨가 주연을 맡았는데요. 그가 예능에서의 활약을 보셨다면 절대 실망하지 않으실겁니다.在这部剧里,大家完全不需要有这种顾虑。因为主角是由我们的长颈鹿同学李光洙出演,看他在《runningman》里面的表现就知道,这部剧一定不会令你失望。B:조연들 또한 주연 못지 않습니다. 털털한 애봉이, 파란 난닝구의 조준, 미운 쉰일곱살 아빠, 집안의 정권을 쥐고있는 엄마까지 모두 시청자들의 사랑을 받았죠. 또한 까메오로 김종국, 송중기 등 스타들이 출연하기도 했습니다. 主角可以算是本色出演,配角们也是丝毫不差,郑素敏演绎的有男子气概的爱凤,金大名饰演的哥哥还有金美京饰演掌管财政大权的妈妈和金秉玉饰演的爸爸都受到了大家的喜爱。而且剧中不时还有像宋仲基,金钟国这样的人气明星的客串,更是值得一看。 插曲 4 《너만의소리》只有你的声音A: 마음의 소리는 우리에게 필요한 색다른 치유물이 아닌가 싶습니다. 如今快节奏的生活,太需要愉悦的调剂和治愈了,如果说阅读一本心灵鸡汤是一种治愈,那么看《心里的声音》是另一种意义上的治愈。这部情景剧是韩国人气漫画家十年累计的漫画作品,并不是那种为了赚钱的产物,所以说光是这种对待戏剧的态度就值得让人尊敬。B: 매번 비슷한 패턴의 수많은 예능과 드라마속에서도 마음의 소리는 본연의 독특함과 엉뚱한 상상력이 만들어낸 새로운 장르의 개그로 우리 삶의 또다른 이면을 바라보게 했습니다. 在各种应接不暇的综艺梗包装下,《心里的声音》另辟蹊径绕开了鸡毛蒜皮,用搞笑和想像力让我们看到了生活的另一种可能。 A:不知听了今天的介绍大家是否也对这部剧感兴趣呢。B:今天的节目到这里就要结束了,感谢大家的收听,感谢制作人胡婕 结束曲 《너만의소리》 节目监制:金池 编辑:孙铭舆 孙鹏 播音:孙铭舆 孙鹏 制作:胡婕
5/16/20179 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

May. 15, 2017 #Screen Age# The Mask

节目组:The Screen Age 荧屏时代 节目名称:The Mask开头曲 Carnival -Randy Edelman F: Hello my dear audience. Here comes to our Screen Age. This is Flat , your honest friend.B: Good evening everyone, this is Lynn. Midsemester is around the corner, have you prepared well for the exam?F: I think midsemester means busy. All sorts of things make me feel tired, but when I solved the problems all, I feel good.B: I agree with you. I was busy for the mid-term exam. But I think rest is also important to allow your body to recover from overwork and tiredness.F: Yeah, so I reviewed a comedy named The Mask in my spare time. I think it's really a funny movie.B: The Mask? I remember the first film I had seen was The Mask. It reawakened my childhood memories. And I think it's really a classic work. Let's introduce this movie today! 插曲1 Carnival -Randy Edelman Y: Stanley, a bank teller who was ordinary and conservative. One day, when he was working to see the charming female client Tina Karel, he was tempted to fall into a trap which was made by a criminal gang. Everything he wanted was to be rich and win the beauty’s heart. It was a pipe dream, though. Because of this, he was upset.L: One day, When walking by the sea at night, he found something like face floating on the water surface. He thought someone had fallen into the sea and then he rushed to the sea. However, all the things he picked up was a mysterious mask. After asking, he learned that this mask belonged to the legendary mischievous Loki But he didn’t know how this mask would affect his life. Y: In his own apartment, a loyal partner Stanley - his pet dog Miro found that the atmosphere here was weird. Then, Stanley found that all of this was that mask worked. When he picked up the mask and observed it carefully, it stuck stubbornly in Stanley's face suddenly.L: After a spinning whirlwind, it was amazing that Stanley turned into a monster with a green head and powerful magic. The most outstanding thing was his bright and white teeth,. He revenged on those who had looked down upon him, and made all kinds of tricks to make fun of others. 插曲 2 Tina -Randy Edelman Y: The Mask was adapted from a cartoon. The crazy and funny character with a green face which Jim Carrey played was incisively and vividly. The high-energy Jazz dancing in a nightclub, the Latin music which made the police swing played on the road was amusing. L: In addition, what attracted us more is the marvelous voice Jim Carrey showed. It can be said that Jim Carrey showed off his acting talent totally in this film. This is also a basic reason that Jim Carrey can be prosperous in is this comedy field. Y: The Mask is the maiden screen work Cameron Diaz made. She won the nomination of MTV Movie Awards for the best breakthrough performance award. Her charming smile and graceful figure are difficult to refuse for the male fans.L: Although the plots of this film is ridiculous, it can also make people recognize something they just lack of. The important things we just need are showed. There are plenty of classical scenes in this film. Such as that the goddess was like a puppy licking his face when he dreamed to kiss her. It is so funny. As well as the cigarette smoke rings in the park are also vivid. What's more, an important supporting actor is a lovely puppy, it won the audiences' hearts successfully.Y: Actually, we would take our mask of hypocrisy naturally when facing the life. However, The Mask is the opposite behavior of that. The leading actor became a hysterics hero when he took the magical mask. The exaggerated body language and the fantastic imagination make this film funnier. On the other hand, this film shows the desire and the hypocrisy when a human facing the benefits realistically. 插曲3 Tina -Randy Edelman F: Jim Carrey, a Canadian-born and a U.S. citizen since 2004.He is an actor and producer who is famous for rubbery body movements and flexible facial expressions. Carrey made his stand-up debut in Toronto after his parents and siblings got back on their feet. He made his professional stand-up debut at Yuk-Yuk's, one of the many local clubs that would serve as his training ground in the years to come. B: He dropped out of high school, worked on his celebrity impersonations, and in 1979 he worked up the nerve to move to Los Angeles. Carrey also worked on breaking into film. He scored the male lead in the ill-received Lauren Hutton vehicle Once Bitten and had a supporting role in Peggy Sue Got Married in 1986, before making a modest splash with his appearance as the alien Wiploc in Earth Girls Are Easy .F: In 1990, Carrey joined the cast and quickly made a name for himself with outrageous acts .Following his time on In Living Color.Next up was the manic superhero movie The Mask , which had audiences wondering just how far Carrey's features could stretch. Finally, in December 1994, he hit theaters as a loveable dolt in the Farrelly brothers. Then in 1998, he traded in the megabucks and silly grins to star in Peter B: Weir's The Truman Show , playing a naive salesman who discovers that his entire life is the subject of a TV show, Carrey demonstrated an uncharacteristic sincerity that took moviegoers by surprise. He won a Golden Globe for the performance, and fans anticipated an Oscar nomination as well. 插曲 4 Tango in the Park -Randy Edelman 结束语 F: Mid-term is coming and that means summer is coming too. Temperature is rising and sky is turning into blue. Oh I think summer is my favorite season. How about you BobBee?B: Me, too. I like summer and I can eat ice cream. I like to stand in seawater and sports in summer. Nothing could be happier.F: Summer is beautiful and study is important. Cheer up my dear friend. Let's fight for our study in this summer. This is all for today's program. Hope you like it.B:最后感谢制作张安康。See you next week!F:Bye~ 结束曲 Tango in the Park -Randy Edelman
5/15/201712 minutes, 53 seconds
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May. 13, 2017 #日本语ドリームワークス# 村上春树

节目组: 日本语ドリームワークス 日语梦工厂 节目名称: 村上春树A亲爱的听众朋友们大家好,欢迎收听voe外文广播电台日语梦工厂,我是主播吉旭灵 B :我是主播冉莹 A: 每个人都有属于自己的一片森林,也许我们 从来不曾去过,但它一直在那里,总会在那里。迷失的人迷失了,相逢的人会再相逢。 B:听着好耳熟呢。哦~我想起来了,出自挪威的森林。 A:说到挪威的森林,就不能不提村上春树。这位有名的小说家可谓无人不知无人不晓。B:确实如此,那今天我们就给大家细细介绍一下吧。A:村上春树,日本现代著名小说家,生于京都伏见区。毕业于早稻田大学第一文学部演剧科,亦擅长美国文学的翻译,29岁开始写作,第一部作品《且听风吟》即获得日本群像新人奖,1987年第五部长篇小说《挪威的森林》上市至2010年在日本畅销一千万册,国内简体版到2004年销售总量786万,引起“村上现象”其作品风格深受欧美作家的影响,基调轻盈,少有日本战后阴郁沉重的文字气息,被称作第一个纯正的“二战后时期作家”,并被誉为日本80年代的文学旗手,其作品在世界范围内具有广泛知名度。B:2006年年初,村上春树凭借着《海边的卡夫卡》入选美国“2005年十大最佳图书”。而后,他又获得了有“诺贝尔文学奖前奏”之称的“弗朗茨•卡夫卡”奖。A:从其作品本身的内容和风格,以及读者接受的角度、不同国家的各方面因素来看,村上春树的作品都是极其流行的。而这又是什么原因呢?想必大家也很好奇。B:一是共鸣。“能够产生共鸣”可以说是村上春树的作品(特指小说作品)往往得以跻身畅销书之列的主要原因。他喜欢描述的孤独、迷惘和矛盾已经是一种极为普遍的个人体验,普遍到成为了一种人尽皆知的现象:那些小说不尽如人意的结局给人的怅然若失感,与读者们在深夜每每产生的迷惘与感伤在本质上十分相似。A:二是社会性。很多人说村上的作品往往太过私人化、注重个体经验而忽略了人在社会中的形象,其实是有失偏颇的;他对个人经验的描述的确是其大部分小说所主要描写的对象,但这决不意味着他从未思考过更为广深的问题。村上春树本人如今能够成为一种流行现象,甚至在每年诺贝尔奖颁奖时被大炒一番,决不仅仅是因为他给人的共鸣。B:三是文笔。这一点放在最后说,是因为目前大陆的译本质量并不太令人满意——尽管其行文方式的确也成为了吸引读者的一部分原因。村上本人“西化”的文风是否有同样吸引人的魅力,在此按下不表(待我有能力读原文再说……只对比过英译本,差别还是明显的),但毋庸置疑的是,仅从内容看,他的小说中瑰丽的想象和比喻的确引人入胜。A:最喜欢的是描写与唯一朋友的永泽和女朋友分手后,渡边和初美的那段相处,以及他多年后回忆起当初,一种迎面而来的夕阳的感觉。初美虽然不是渡边命中的女人,但那应该是一个女子的最高境界。B:如果我爱你,而你也正巧的爱我。你头发乱了时候,我会笑笑的替你拨一波,然后,手还留恋的在你发上多待几秒。但是,如果我爱你,而你不巧的不爱我。你头发乱了,我只会轻轻的告诉你,你头发乱了喔。这大概是最纯粹的爱情观,如若相爱,便携手到老;如若错过,便护他安好。A:村上春树用他的作品告诉我们:我们的心不是石头。石头也迟早会粉身碎骨,面目全非。但心不会崩毁。对于那种无形的东西—无论善还是恶—我们完全可以互相传达。B:快乐的时光总是如此短暂,我们又要和大家说再见了。最后再为大家推荐一首好听的歌曲。同时感谢我们的后期制作。 A:本期节目到此结束,我们下期再见。 节目监制: 袁蕴宁 播音: 冉莹 吉旭灵 编辑: 冉莹 吉旭灵制作: 于越
5/13/201710 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork

May. 12, 2017 #双偶咖啡馆# 法国电影赏析

节目组: les deux magots 双偶咖啡馆节目名称: 法国电影赏析A: Bonjour tous le monde.S: 大家好,欢迎收听les deux margots。A: Je suis Aurélie, 我是播音Aurélie。S: je suis Sandrine, 我是播音sandrine。 今天我们来围绕电影话题来谈一谈.不同于中国电影的含蓄,美式电影的奔放,法国电影有着独具一格的魅力,让我们一起来领略法国电影中浓浓的法式风情!A:Sandrine, est-ce que tu peux recommander quelques bons films pour nous ? Sandrine,你可以为我们推荐一些好的法国电影吗?S:bien sûr ! As-tu vu le film 《la vie en rose 》 ? C`est un très bon film. 当然啦~你看过"玫瑰人生"吗?这是一部非常棒的电影A:euh, c`est vrai ? Il s'agit de quoi ? 是吗?它讲了些什么?S:《玫瑰人生》讲述了法国女歌手édith Piaf跌宕起伏的传奇人生,有些人在这个世界上,仿佛注定是要燃烧的,Piaf的故事也正是如此,她在最美好的年纪里,燃尽了自己。在童年尝尽了时间的苦难辛酸,在最美好的年纪经历了爱人的空难、车祸、毒品、神经质的性格,这一切让她在四十多岁便佝偻如老妇,听众朋友们可以亲自观看此部影片,领略当年piaf的风华绝代。A:ca semble très bien, je vais voir ce film !好像不错诶~我要去看一看这部电影! la vie en rose S: Aurélie, est -ce que tu as vu le film 《JEUX D`ENFANTS》 ? Aurélie,你看过《两小无猜》这部电影吗?A: Ah ouais ! Bien sûr ! C`est un film célèbre ! 当一个人问另一个人敢不敢的时候,另一个人必须说敢,这就是游戏的规则,小男孩Julian和小女孩Sophie的相遇即开始于这样一场孩童的闹剧,说脏话,扰乱课堂,随便拉过来一个人练习表白,一个游戏两个人一玩就是十多年,把世界当成了巨大的游乐场,他们什么都敢,除了承认彼此相爱。CAP OU PAS CAP DE M`ADORER TOUTE UNE VIE ?S:Tu te souvenis les dialogues dans ce film ? 你还记得这部电影里的台词吗?A:ouais!嗯呐!Tu crois au coup de foudre ? 你相信一见钟情吗?S: Bah ouais!相信啊!A: NAÏVE !幼稚S: il a bien fallu grandir.Quand on est grosse, on croit naivement que grandir,ca se fait tout doucement… des nèfles,ouais!人总是要长大的,当你是一个孩子的时候,你天真的以为长大之后的一切都会变好,想的美!A: tu sais, il y a 2 ou 3 trucs que tu m`as jamais demandé et que je regrette,J`aurais été cap.你知道,有两三件事很想和你赌,但你从来没提过,我后悔了,我应该提出来的。S: genre ? 比如A: manger des fourmis, insulter les chomeur qui sortent de L`ANPE,t`aimer comme un fou ! 吃蚂蚁,辱骂失业者,还有,疯狂地爱你! S: 这两部的电影的女主角都是Marion Cotillard,她在法国影坛上扮演过许多富有挑战性的绝色,《两小无猜》中精灵古怪的sophie,《玫瑰人生》中的传奇歌手Piaf,《盗梦空间》中让Leonardo魂牵梦萦的妻子,《蝙蝠侠》中米兰搭•泰特连蝙蝠侠都拜倒在她的石榴裙下。A: 她还在《两小无猜》中找到了自己的真爱,和男主角Julien扮演者Guillaume Canet在现实生活中结为夫妻。2008年,Marion Cotillard凭借《la vie en rose》中的表演获得了金球奖最佳女主角。Marion Cotillard和Sophie Marceau一样是电影的法国美女,和Sophie Marceau的冷艳不同,Cotillard更是机智,敏感与热情的象征。S: C`est tout ! 感谢谢收听A: 最后,感谢制作赛碧乐S: MERCI~A: A LA PROCHAINE ! 下期见 节目监制:刘逸超编辑:陈炯佳 曹梦圆 播音:陈炯佳 曹梦圆制作:赛碧乐
5/12/201710 minutes, 50 seconds
Episode Artwork

May. 11, 2017 #The World Says# Don't get too friendly with Siri

节目组: The World Says 世界说 节目名称: Don't get too friendly with SiriS: Good day everyone, you are listening to is the world says from the VOE foreign languages station. As usual, Sherlock is coming!I: This is Iris. Welcome to listen to our program! 插曲1 No Vacancy S: Well Iris, Do you know what I love to do recently?I: umm, let me think it over. Come on, You always talk to me about a TV-drama which was called in the name of people. I think is that! S:You are right! 《人民的名义》绝对是一部令人惊喜的反贪大剧,老戏骨汇聚一堂,集体飙戏。I: 开头两集中侯勇老师的表演就让人感觉很过瘾。S: But do you know how to use a word to describe an experienced actor?I: If it is me, I just say experienced actor.S: let me show the other way of how to say an experienced actor which can be say like this--veteran actors.Just like I said that drama, with an ensemble cast led by seasoned veteran actors Lu Yi and Zhang Fengyi, is built around a complex corruption case brought to light by conflicts at a factory in a fictional province.I: In the history of China's TV drama, This drama can be said have a groundbreaking significance.S: Not only that, they also use many play opposite, which the plot is very twists and turns, by the American audience called China's card house.I: when you say the play opposite, I have an interesting thing to tell you. Wu Gang starred opposite his wife Yue Xiuqing, who also played his wife in this drama.S: 随着《人民的名义》的热播,吴刚凭借炉火纯情的演技,成功塑造李达康书记一角,圈粉无数。I: 听说达康书记的GDP、大长腿还有双眼皮都有大量迷弟迷妹守护了……S: Wu Gang shows off his acting skills in new drama In the Name of People.I: And Ding Yizhen shows off his wealth and power by wearing a LV leather belt. 插曲 2 The cure I:Oh,oh,oh,wait a minute , in the name of people isnot our today's main topic. remember that we have already decided what we are going to talk about last week~siri~. S: oh I remember that .sorry, I took the wrong direction. All right, let's come back to today's topic: Don't get too friendly with Siri.I:oh, wait, Siri just like a lovely robot boy. what's wrong with him?S:by the way,do you often molest the siri on the phoneI:haha maybe S:But a recent study shows that such a play may affect your normal socialI: When we talk to human-like devices (设备) can be great fun – just ask Siri to tell you a joke. S: It may also lead to problems which you're not aware of them. A recent study by scientists from the University of Kansas (KU) in the US found that human-like devices keep people from seeking out normal human interaction (互动) when they feel lonely.I :During a series of experiments, Taken one of them for example,Participants were introduced to human-like products, including a vacuum cleaner (真空吸尘器) designed to appear as if it were smiling. They were also asked to think about their phone in human-like terms, considering questions like “how much does it help you?”S:The results showed that the participants were happy with the comfort they got from the machines and didn't need to seek out normal human interaction.S:Generally, when people feel socially excluded (排斥), they seek out other ways to reduce the feeling of loneliness.I: Normal ways include increasing their number of social media friends or engaging in (参与) behaviors to seek out interaction with other people.S:But it wasn't all bad news, as the team found that there were limits to how far this effect would extend (扩大). “As soon as we tell people we know that it looks like the [vacuum cleaner] is smiling, they seemed to realize it was a machine and not a person,”. “The effect goes away. This seems to be happening on a very subconscious (潜意识的) level.”I: well,Researchers believe the results are important for consumers to realize how these types of products could affect their social interaction with real people, especially because so many new products feature interactivity.S: so,If you notices you are talking more toSiri lately, maybe that has something to do with feeling lonely,then, it's important to be aware of it.I: why can't The study help companies design products that can increase the well-being of people who feel lonely, without sacrificing (牺牲) normal social interaction.?S: Even so, you'd better take a break from screen time and focusing on developing your real personal connections.I: ok, I'll keep it in mind, so are you. S:Yes,I will, well, That's all for today's listening. Goodbye. I: BYE.如果你喜欢我们的节目,请关注VOE外语广播电台的微信公众号VOEradio和VOE外语广播电台的新浪微博,那里有我们往期的作品。感谢制作苏鑫! 节目监制:周宸聿编辑:张燚铭 余若天播音:张燚铭 余若天制作:苏鑫
5/10/201710 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

May. 10, 2017 #Bloom in Ink# The Smile

节目组: Bloom in Ink 墨海繁花 节目名称: The Smile开头曲 Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra - Symphony No. 6 in F Major (F大调第6号交响曲) 引语 -Hello everyone,welcome to Bloom in ink from VOE Foreign Languages Radio Station , I'm Margret Don , -I'm.-Today we will bring you a story as before, which called The smile今天我们将同样给大家带来一篇故事,名字叫做微笑 PART 1: I was sure that I was to be killed. I became terribly nervous. I fumbled (摸索) in my pockets to see if there were any cigarettes, which had escaped their search. I found one and because of my shaking hands, I could barely get it to my lips. But I had no matches. They had taken those.“一想到自己明天就没命了,不禁陷入极端的惶恐。我翻遍了口袋,终于找到一支没被他们搜走的香烟,但我的手紧张得不停发抖,连将烟送进嘴里都成问题,而我的火柴也在搜身时被拿走了。 I looked through the bars at the guard. He did not make eye contact with me. I called out to him “Have you got a light?” He looked at me, shrugged and came over to light my cigarette.“我透过铁栏望着外面的警卫,他并没有注意到我在看他,我叫了他一声:‘能跟你借个火吗?’他转头望着我,耸了耸肩,然后走了过来,点燃我的香烟。As he came close and lit the match, his eyes unconsciously looked with mine. At that moment, I smiled. I don't know why I did that. Perhaps it was nervousness, perhaps it was because, when you get very close, one to another, it is very hard not to smile. In any case, I smiled.“当他帮我点火时,他的眼光无意中与我的相接触,这时我突然冲着他微笑。我不知道自己为何有这般反应,也许是过于紧张,或者是当你如此靠近另一个人,你很难不对他微笑。不管是何理由,我对他笑了。In that instant, it was as though a spark jumped across the gap between our two hearts, our two human souls. I know he didn’t want to, but my smile leaped through the bars and caused a smile on his lips, too. He lit my cigarette but stayed near, looking at me directly in the eyes and continuing to smile. 就在这一刹那,这抹微笑如同火花般,打破了我们心灵间的隔阂。受到了我的感染,他的嘴角不自觉地也现出了笑容,虽然我知道他原无此意。他点完火后并没立刻离开,两眼盯着我瞧,脸上仍带着微笑。I kept smiling at him, now thinking of him as a person and not just a guard. "Do you have kids?" he asked. “Yes, here, here.” I took out my wallet and nervously fumbled for the pictures of my family. He, too, took out the pictures of his family and began to talk about his plans and hopes for them.我也以笑容回应,仿佛他是个朋友,而不是个守着我的警卫。他看着我的眼神也少了当初的那股凶气,“你有小孩吗?”他开口问道。 “有,你看。” 我拿出了皮夹,手忙脚乱地翻出了我的全家福照片。他也掏出了照片,并且开始讲述他对家人的期望与计划。My eyes were filled with tears. I said that I feared that I'd never see my family again, never have the chance to see them grow up. Tears came to his eyes, too. Suddenly, without another word, he unlocked my cell and silently led me out. Out of the prison, quietly and by back routes, out of the town. There, at the edge of town, he released me. And without another word, he turned back toward the town.这时我眼中充满了泪水,我说我害怕再也见不到家人。我害怕没机会看着孩子长大。他听了也流下两行眼泪。 突然间,他二话不说地打开了牢门,悄悄地带我从后面的小路逃离了监狱,出了小镇,就在小镇的边上,他放了我,之后便转身往回走,不曾留下一句话。 "My life was saved by a smile." Yes, the smile - the unaffected, unplanned, natural connection between people. I really believed that if that part of you and that part of me could recognize (认可) each other, we wouldn't be enemies. We couldn't have hate or envy or fear。 一个微笑居然能救自己一条命。是的,微笑是人与人之间最自然真挚的沟通方式。如果我们能用心灵去认识彼此,世间不会有结怨成仇的憾事;恨意、妒嫉、恐惧也会不复存在。Background:《Smile》is written by the French writer Anthony Sanashbury ,who was a pilot , killed in againsting the Nazis twice . According to this experience of finding in the Spanish civil war against the fascists , he wrote the fascinating story -- 《smile》. 背景介绍:《微笑》是法国作家安东尼•圣艾修伯里的作品,圣艾修伯里是名飞行员,二次大战对抗纳粹时被击落身亡,之前他也曾参加西班牙内战打击法西斯分子。他根据这次经验写了一篇精彩的故事-《微笑》。 结束曲 Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra - Symphony No. 6 in F Major (F大调第6号交响 曲) -感谢制作唐敏嫣。-Thank you for your listening.-Bye~ 节目监制:曹睿姝 编辑:唐敏嫣 孙天然播音:唐敏嫣 孙天然制作:唐敏嫣
5/10/201712 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

May. 09, 2017 #한류전선# 大力女都奉顺

节目组: 한류전선 韩流前线 节目名称: 大力女都奉顺开头曲 heartbeat A:여러분 안녕하세요.欢迎收听VOE外语广播韩流前线,我是播音王芷筠B:만나서 반가워요.我是播音孙铭舆 A:韩剧虽然多的数不胜数,但有些从简介剧情上看,大都有所雷同,使得很多人觉得剧荒,不过这时候一部笑果堪比韩综的《大力女都奉顺》出现了。B:听说这部剧讲的是霸道总裁和怪力萝莉的故事,这种带有超能力的设定会不会有些普通呢?A:虽说套路依旧,但这部剧成功做到了收视口碑双丰收,那我们就一起来看看这部剧脱颖而出的绝妙之处吧。 插曲1 扑通扑通 B:这部剧讲的是天生力大无比的都奉顺爱上天马行空的男子之后发生的一系列搞笑事件。女主由朴宝英饰演,天生拥有怪力的大力萝莉,力气大,胃口好,性格棒,身为网瘾少女的她梦想是开发一款以自己为原型的网游,却意外成为了游戏公司代表安敏赫的女保镖。她一直记着母亲的教训,即使是看见有些不公事情,也努力隐藏着自己的超级力量。이 드라마는 선천적으로 어마무시한 괴력을 타고난 도봉순이 세상 어디에도 본적없는 똘끼충만한 남자를 사랑하게 되면서 벌어지는 좌충우돌 하드코어 로맨스입니다.A:男主由朴炯植饰演,这是个不一样的富二代,被指定为家产继承人,却非要自己创业,成了大型游戏公司的BOSS。但因为敌对势力的存在,一直被跟踪威胁,一次偶然看到奉顺的神力后,决定雇佣她为私人保镖。게임회사 대표 안민혁역은 배우 박형식씨가 맡게되였습니다.까칠한 성격때문인지 이름모를 괴한에게 협박을 당하고 미행을 당하는 등 신변의 위협을 느끼고 있던 안민혁은 봉순이를 자신의 개인경호원으로 발탁하게되죠. B:剧情简介十分简单,听起来似乎期待值不是很高,但是女主朴宝英有着收视率不败神话的美称,这使得本剧很早之前就备受期待。同时这部剧也是朴宝英时隔两年回归黄金剧场的回归之作,从名字就能看出这是一个非比寻常的角色,一直看起来软弱可爱的朴宝英,却用强硬的拳头惩恶扬善,这种反差给观众带来了很多惊喜,还有很多像漫画一样夸张的情节,自然地戳到了观众笑点,营造了搞笑轻松的氛围。 插曲 2 庭院 A:除了搞笑情节,这部剧还加入了惊险刺激的破案故事,那么男女主在这种环境下,关系是如何发展的呢?在故事的开始,奉顺的暗恋对象是国斗,在女主心中男主安敏赫的设定是同性恋,当男一男二斗气拼酒,喝醉了却搂在一起跳舞时,奉顺的内心应该更加认可自己的设想。但随着国斗一次次地不懂奉顺的真心,加上男主以真心温柔相待,奉顺的内心开始驶向敏赫,但却没完全敞开心扉。안민혁과 도봉순 그리고 인국두가 보여주는 세 남녀의 로맨스와 함께 싸이코 패스같은 범인의 연쇄 납치감금 스토리가 평행선상으로 나란하게 이어지면서 이야기가 전개되고 있는데요.앞으로는 어떤 방향으로 전개될지 궁금하지 않으신가요.B:不过敏赫依然不放弃,帮她完成设计游戏的梦想,为她挡突袭的凶器,帮助她找失踪的朋友等等,一系列的暖心之事一点点敲打着奉顺的内心。更加深入了解敏赫的家庭和孤独的生活之后,他们终于在一起。他的那句:“从朋友变成爱人很容易,只要其中一个人靠近一步就可以了。这一步,会改变两个人的关系。”相信很多人都印象深刻吧,我想在说这番话时,男主的心情应该是十分复杂,他一直在努力着靠近,只求得到女主的真心相待。도봉순이 마음을 열지않음에도 불구하고 안민혁은 결코 포기하지 않았습니다.도봉순이 꿈을 이루도록 게임 시나리오를 개발하는것을 도와주는가 하면 실종한 친구를 찾아주는등 관심이 끊기지 않았는데요.이런 안민혁의 따뜻한 행동들은 도봉순의 마음을 녹일수밖에 없죠. 插曲3 会怎么样 A:在大部分人专注于男女主爱情的时候,也会有人注意到男二这个木讷的人,他其实是喜欢奉顺的,但当他看清自己的内心之时已经太晚了。他的这份爱太深沉,伪装得让女主以为是朋友之间的关心。不禁让观众为他的爱情惋惜。도봉순의 오랜 짝사랑 상대인 동창 인국두,여자친구 희지가 있던 그는 항상 봉순에게 무뚝뚝하게 대하지만 안민혁이 나타나자 그에게 묘한 질투심을 드러냅니다.B:一部剧要想出色我想一定也离不开配角的助力。女主父母十分搞笑,鲁莽的妈妈搭配唯唯诺诺的爸爸,也是奇特的组合。更有金元海饰演的两个角色见到奉顺都瑟瑟发抖也是为这部剧增添笑料。수많은 시청자들의 사랑을 받는 명품드라마 뒤에는 항상 명품조연들이 존재하죠.세도 너무 센 황진이여사와 이런 황진이 여사한테 기 한번 못 펴는 도칠구가 최강의 콤비를 이루어 이 드라마에 한층 더 재미를 더하죠. A:在一句:“我一直在等你的心完全靠近我,不过等待的时候也非常幸福,而且我也很有自信,因为我们是命中注定的人......”中剧情尾声来临,结局是美好的,有情人终成眷属。B:如此一部爱情喜剧是否满足了你的内心,戳中了你的笑点让你忍俊不禁呢?A:希望大家会喜欢宝英和炯植的搭配,期待他们再一次的合作。B:美好的时光依旧短暂,今天的节目到这里就要结束了A:感谢大家的收听。感谢制作人胡捷王飞。 节目监制:金池 编辑:孙铭舆 王芷筠 播音:孙铭舆 王芷筠 制作:胡婕
5/9/201712 minutes, 38 seconds
Episode Artwork

May. 07, 2017 #Bloom in Ink# If I rest, I rust

节目组: Bloom in Ink 墨海繁花 节目名称: If I rest, I rustThe significant inscription found on an old key - “If I rest, I rust” - would be an excellent motto for those who are afflicted with the slightest bit of idleness.Eventhe most industrious person might adopt it with advantage to serve as a reminder that, if one allows his faculties to rest like the iron in the unused key,they will soon show signs of rust and, ultimately, cannot do the work required of them.在一把旧钥匙上发现了一则意义深远的铭文——如果我休息,我就会生锈。对于那些懒散而烦恼的人来说,这将是至理名言。甚至最为勤勉的人也以此作为警示:如果一个人有才能而不用,就像废弃钥匙上的铁一样,这些才能就会很快生锈,并最终无法完成安排给自己的工作。Those who would attain the heights reached and kept by great men must keep their faculties polished by constant use, so that they may unlock the doors of knowledge, the gate that guard the entrances to the professions, to science, art, literature, agriculture - every department of human endeavor.有些人想取得伟人所获得并保持的成就,他们就必须不断运用自身才能,以便开启知识的大门,即那些通往人类努力探求的各个领域的大门,这些领域包括各种职业:科学,艺术,文学,农业等。Industry keeps bright the key that opens the treasury of achievement. If Hugh Miller, after toiling all day in a quarry, had devoted his evenings to rest and recreation, he would never have become a famous geologist. The celebrated mathematician, Edmund Stone, would never have published a mathematical dictionary, never have found the key to science of mathematics, if he had given his spare moments to idleness, had the little Scotch lad, Ferguson, allowed the busy brain to go to sleep while he tended sheep on the hillside instead of calculating the position of the stars by a string of beads, he would never have become a famous astronomer.勤奋使开启成功宝库的钥匙保持光亮。如果休•米勒在采石场劳作一天后,晚上的时光用来休息消遣的话,他就不会成为名垂青史的地质学家。著名数学家爱德蒙•斯通如果闲暇时无所事事,就不会出版数学词典,也不会发现开启数学之门的钥匙。如果苏格兰青年弗格森在山坡上放羊时,让他那思维活跃的大脑处于休息状态,而不是借助一串珠子计算星星的位置,他就不会成为著名的天文学家。Labor vanquishes all - not inconstant, spasmodic, or ill-directed labor; but faithful, unremitting, daily effort toward a well-directed purpose. Just as truly as eternal vigilance is the price of liberty, so is eternal industry the price of noble and enduring success.劳动征服一切。这里所指的劳动不是断断续续的,间歇性的或方向偏差的劳动,而是坚定的,不懈的,方向正确的每日劳动。正如要想拥有自由就要时刻保持警惕一样,要想取得伟大的,持久的成功,就必须坚持不懈地努力。This the last rose of summer 这是夏日最后的玫瑰Left blooming alone;独自绽放着;All her lovely companions 所有昔日动人的同伴Are faded and gone;都已雕落残逝;No flower of her kindred,身旁没有同类的花朵,No rose-bud is nigh,没有半个玫瑰苞,to reflect back her blushes,映衬她的红润,Or give sigh for sigh.分担她的忧愁。I&`&ll not leave thee, thou lone one!我不会离开弧零零的你!To pine on the stem;让你单独地憔悴;Since the lovely are sleeping,既然美丽的同伴都已入眠,Go, sleep thou with them.去吧!你也和她们一起躺着。thus kindly I scatter 为此,我好心在散放Thy leaves on the bed 你的丽叶在花床上Where thy mates of the garden 那儿,也是你花园的同伴Lie scentless and dead.无声无息躺着的地方。Soon may I follow,不久我也可能追随我朋友而去,When friendships decay,当友谊渐逝,And from Love&`&s shining circle 像从灿烂之爱情圈中The gems drop away.掉落的宝石。When true hearts lie withered,当忠诚的友人远去,And fond ones are flown,所爱的人飞走,O! who would inhabit 啊!谁还愿留在This bleak world alone? 这荒冷的世上独自凄凉?节目监制: 曹睿姝 播音: 聂行 杜羽晨 编辑: 聂行 杜羽晨 制作: 胡婕
5/7/201710 minutes, 39 seconds
Episode Artwork

May. 06, 2017 #日本语ドリームワークス# 白夜行

节目组: 日本语ドリームワークス 日语梦工厂 节目名称: 白夜行开头音乐:夏恋花火背景音乐:the treasure结束曲推荐:僕らのあしあとA:皆さん、こんばんは、日本語ドリームワークスへようこそ!欢迎收听日语梦工厂,我是主播申济铭。B:哈喽,大家好。我是主播董玉莹。A:今天给大家带来的是东野圭吾的作品《白夜行》。B:相信大家对东野圭吾并不陌生,喜欢悬疑小说的人更是热爱他的笔风,大家有没有很期待呢,那就一起来跟我走进今天的节目吧。A:東野圭吾(ひがしのけいご)の創作(そうさく)生涯(しょうがい)の中で、『白夜行』は各(かく)方面(ほうめん)がすべてとてもいい作品(さくひん)です、小説(しょうせつ)は、日本のバブル経済(けいざい)期(き)を舞台(ぶたい)に、多くの人物(じんぶつ)の視点(してん)を運用(うんよう)してから創作(そうさく)します、1973年から1992年まで、19年もかかります。B:在东野圭吾的创作生涯中,《白夜行》莫过于是一本各方面都好到无可挑剔的作品,小说以日本泡沫经济时期为背景,通过诸多人物的视角并运用多条伏线创作出来的长篇巨制,时间跨度从1973年到1992年,长达十九年之久。A:作品(さくひん)は男性(だんせい)主人公(しゅじんこう)桐原亮司(きりはらりょうじ)とヒロイン唐沢雪穂(からさわゆきほ)の物語(ものがたり)は、数(すう)年(ねん)前(まえ)の事件(じけん)を背景(はいけい)に、犯人(はんにん)も被害(ひがい)者(しゃ)の主人公(しゅじんこう)2人で、悲惨(ひさん)な境遇(きょうぐう)も経験(けいけん)しました、彼らの一生も平凡(へいぼん)にできません。B:作品讲述的是男主人公桐原亮司和女主人公唐泽雪穗的故事,通过多年前的案件为背景,讲述了 凶手同时也是受害者的男女主人公所经历的悲惨遭遇,他们人生也因种种原因变得不再平凡。A:小説の中で人間関係が複雑で,作者(さくしゃ)は相対(そうたい)に隠(かく)れた方法は,人物の身分(みぶん)を説明しません,非(ひ)平叙(へいじょ)で,読者(どくしゃ)にとっては別の読書体験があります。普通の小説と違うのは、『白夜行』は犯人を探している小説ではありません、私達を読んだときから半分が最後の答えを知ることができます。しかし、作者は素晴らしいストーリーで読者をびっくりさせました。彼らは本の中で1つの対話(たいわ)もありませんけど、読者は本当に二人の絆を体得(たいとく)することができます。B:小说中人脉关系错综复杂,作者用相对隐蔽的方法对人物的身份进行说明,而非平铺直叙,对读者来说是一种不同的阅读体验。与一般小说不同的是,《白夜行》不是一本寻找真凶的推理小说,我们在读到一半的时候就能推断出最终的答案。但是,作者用精彩的情节使人难以释手。男女主人公在书中没有过一句对话,但读者却能深深的体会到两人的羁绊。A:最後に,亮司は雪穂の派手な店(みせ)の階段(かいだん)から落ちて,「その人は誰?」雪穂は人形のような表情(ひょうじょう)で「私は知らない。」これは小説では殺人事件の後で亮司と雪穂が一度だけが同じ場所にいて、でも生死(せいし)に分(わ)けました。「雪穂がエスカレータに沿(えん)て、背中は白い影のように。」「彼女は一度も振(ふ)り向(む)いていない。」亮司は雪穂の幸福を払(はら)って、自分の命で雪穂を成就(じょうじゅ)してきました。「千人の読者の目には千人のハムレットがいる。」一体、雪穂は亮司の最後の保護(ほご)を受けましたのか、それとも雪穂は亮司を放棄(ほうき)しましたのか、これらは読者自分の見方です。B:小说结尾,亮司从雪穗华丽的新店楼梯上跃下。当警察笹垣问雪穗:“这个人是谁?”雪穗像人偶般面无表情地答道:“我不知道。”这是小说中在那场杀人案后亮司和雪穗唯一一次出现在同一场景中,却是生死两隔。“只见雪穗正沿扶梯上楼,背影犹如自色的影子。”“她一次都没有回头。”亮司一直在为雪穗的幸福付出,甚至宁愿用自己的生命成就雪穗的新生。正所谓“一千个读者眼中就有一千个哈姆雷特。”究竟是雪穗接受了亮司的最后一次保护还是雪穗放弃了亮司呢,这些都是读者自己的看法了。A:「容疑者」(ようぎしゃ)は1冊がありますし、「白夜行」はたくさんがあります。『白夜行』は本当に成功している部分(ぶぶん)は豊(ゆた)かな物語と人物の表現(ひょうげん)のイメージです、本の中では現実の批判(ひはん)や、物質(ぶっしつ)の追求(ついきゅう)も、無責任(むせきにん)も、虚栄(きょえい)など。高度(こうど)成長(せいちょう)を求(もと)める現実社会は間違って。深い教育の意味を持ています。B:《嫌疑人》只有一本,而《白夜行》却有很多部。《白夜行》真正成功的部分在于故事的丰富度和人物的表现形象,以及书中对现实的抨击,迷恋物质,不负责任,扭曲的虚荣心等等。讽刺了一味追求高速发展的现实社会,具有深刻的教育意义。好啦,今天的节目就要和大家说再见啦,如果你也喜欢我们的节目,就请多多关注VOE日语梦工厂吧,我们会在今后的日子里为大家呈现更多精彩的节目呢。A:节目的最后为大家推荐一首好听的日文歌曲《僕らのあしあと》我们下期节目再见!节目监制: 袁蕴宁 播音: 申济铭 董玉莹 编辑: 申济铭 董玉莹 制作: 于越
5/6/201710 minutes, 24 seconds
Episode Artwork

May. 05, 2017 #Music Bang Bang# Air Supply

介绍:节目组: Music Bang Bang 音乐大爆炸 节目名称: Air Supply 开头曲 Even the nights are better L: Hello, everyone. Welcome to Music Bang Bang .I'm your old friend, Lampson. J: Hello, my dear audience. My name is Jane. Hoping that we will have nice musical journeys together. L:Contrary to my identity of a new player, I'd like to share a team who is very classic and has the irreplaceable value of the light rock. J: That sounds great! Let me guess, is the singer of the former song we just heard?L: Bingo! Air Supply is these geniuses' name. A fantastic band founded in 1976 in Australia and then came into the world of pop music in 1980.Maybe you are not familiar with the last song because it is not their master work. But I'm pretty sure you have heard the next song, for the reason that it is just so classic. 插曲1 Making love of nothing at all L: YEAH~ It's” making love out of nothing at all”. I have heard it in the famous live show "I'm a singer" by Terry Lin. Love is really something that hard to explain clearly.J: You are right. Terry dug out this treasure to us. But this song was just so popular in 1990s. It gave them a number two hit on the U.S. Billboard Hot 100 for three weeks.L: Wait a minute, this song also appeared in Mr. &Mrs. Smith as an episode. Whenever I heard this music, I seem to see the person who was struggling with love and tears. This is one of my favorite songs. I can't believe that I don't know its singer before. J: Don't bother. It is never too late to know something wonderful! Here are also some touching music from Air Supply that I wanna show you guys. I name it as the eternal love journey. 插曲 2 Every woman in the world J: It is also a famous song of Air supply which is used to be US Top 5 singles called ‘Every woman in the world ’. That was included in their first album” lost in love” .What do you think of this song?L: It sounds like a man who used to live in a depressed life until a girl delight his life. At the beginning, this rhythm is light and the voice is lazy till the climax appears. It still have the power and passion. The lyrics is precise and the voice is affectionate. J: You are must talking about the creation Graham Russell and lead singer Russell Hitchcook. They are the spirits of Air Supply. There is no doubt that you can feel their earnestness since the music light their lives in the same way. 插曲3 Lost in love L: ‘Lost in love’ comes from the album of the same name from it which we just mentioned before. This album was a massive success on international charts of their bands. In addition, It’s the second part of the love journey. If we say, the former one is the symbol of initial excitement in love, then…J: Then the last one is more likely to describe the anxiety and confusion in the breaking period of love. The words ‘It started so easy and you want to carry on‘ sounds like the period that every relationship will carry on. L: When you lost in love, you also lost in a sweet torture. 插曲 4 Never fade away L: As we all know, everything hath an end. Since the sales of keeps in a low level, Air Supply was dissolved in the same year. What a pity! In this ” Never Fade Away” , Russell' s deep feeling depending on some ridiculous obsession make it more pitiful. This is the last stop of this love journey.J:I don't think so. Nothing will eternal without love and dream. I prefer to believe that this song means even air supply will not exist forever, their love for music will last till the end! L: Well~Finally, we come to the end of today's program. Hope you enjoy. Air Supply is definitely a wonderful soft rock band! J: Lampson, thank you for taking me to have this nice trip ! You have waked up my passion for light rock. L: Oh, It is my honours. I am also happy to talk music with you. Some of opinions are amazing! 另外欢迎大家订阅我们的微信公众号“时代之声Radio”,网易云音乐“Music Bang Bang”以及荔枝FM。更多精彩节目等着你的发现。 Goodbye, my deer audience. See next timeJ:See you. 结束曲 Goodbye 节目监制:刘仁邦编辑:王滋锐 李金声播音:刘仁邦 韩平治制作:李金声
5/5/201715 minutes, 40 seconds
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May. 04, 2017 #The World Says# Why is The Fast and the Furious so popular

节目组: The World Says 世界说 节目名称: Why is The Fast and the Furious so popular开头曲 Love yourself S: Dear audience, you are listening to is the world says from the VOE foreign languages station. This is your old friend Sherlock. I: And your old friend Iris here is. S:The World Says, Always bring you the most fashionable, most avant-garde topic. 插曲1 Moves like jagger I:Oh, Sherlock, could you slow down for a moment? Maybe our audience knows nothing about what you say. S:No, control my speed is a sin. Especially when I was excited.I: no, Sherlock, whatever happened, just please slow down now!S: Let me ask you two questions, when we finished our questions, you will know what happened! The first one is here: What is the most important thing for a filmmaker?I: I think it is honor!S: well, iris, we shall be more realistic. The answer obviously is box office.I: And The second one is?S: that definitely is our today&`&s quiz question.iris, Which of the following movies is the largest of the box office revenue?A) American captain 3 B) World of Warcraft and C) The Fast and the Furious I: That&`&s an interesting one. Let me think. It must be The Fast and the FuriousS: Iris, you got the right answer. Maybe you wanna know why.I:Don&`&t keep us guessing , I already knew what the theme of today&`&s play is. But as far as I know, When The Fast and the Furious appeared in 2001, it seemed unlikely that the movie would be the opening chapter of one of the greatest success stories of contemporary movies.S: Yes, However, the action movie became a franchise that has made Universal Pictures billions of dollars.I: So, to break the box office record is not difficult, right?S: Really. The eighth movie in the series, The Fate of the Furious (2017), sped past a global box office record after it came out on April 14.I: That must earn a lot of money!S:Extremely clever,According to Variety, it “drove off with a $190 million (1.3 billion yuan) opening weekend win at the Chinese box office, breaking lots of records in the country.” However, I do not know much about this movie, So what is so special about the Fast and Furious series?I: Have you seen the Avengers? Like the Avengers movies, fans love the spectacle of teams of heroes, each individual with a special skill, as well as the group dynamic that develops when they work together.S: As movie review site Screen Rant put it, Fast and Furious is a “superhero franchise in disguise. Well, I see.I: You may ask, this movie is all human. But, although the Fast and Furious heroes are only human, the movies attract the same kind of audiences as Marvel&`&s superhero stories. 插曲 2 GOOD Time I:Another important reason is racialS: amazing! I do really notice that : The franchise is about teams of male and female heroes drawn from every major ethnic group in the US: Latinos, African-Americans and Asians.I: Yep! the main difference that sets the Fast and Furious series apart is the diversity of its cast; . In 2011, Boston Globe film critic Wesley Morris wrote: “The most progressive (进步的) force in Hollywood today is the Fast and Furious movies.”S: He pointed out that the series “features race as a fact of life as opposed to a social problem or an occasion for self-congratulation .Yep! We just need this, the positive energy!I: that&`&s Right. S: The last important point is: Its multi-cultural cast is much like its audiences. Everyone who goes to see one of these movies sees someone like themselves on screen. According to Entertainment Weekly, the film franchise is doing a much better job of reflecting (反映) its audience than others in Hollywood.I:Such a high rating is really rare, As US actor Vin Diesel, one of the series&`& stars, told Entertainment Weekly: “It doesn&`&t matter what nationality you are.S:and he says: As a member of the audience, you realize you can be a member of that ‘family’. That&`&s the beautiful thing about how the franchise has developed.I: I now agree with your point of view, The message is clear, “Multiculturalism sells.” Box office receipts certainly don&`&t lie.S: To be honest, Our program is really impressive.I: It is Indeed so.S: Do you like to play with siri? The Apple&`&s phone voice assistant.I: I always play with it ; don&`&t you find it is fast, amazing and sexy ?S: I will talk to you in the next episode. the next episode is Don&`&t be too friendly.What did siri bring to us? We&`&ll see you next timeThat&`&s all for today&`&s listening. Goodbye. I: BYE.如果你喜欢我们的节目,请关注VOE外语广播电台的微信公众号VOEradio和VOE外语广播电台的新浪微博,那里有我们往期的作品。感谢制作苏鑫! 节目监制:周宸聿编辑:张燚铭 余若天播音:张燚铭 余若天制作:苏鑫
5/4/201710 minutes
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May. 01, 2017 #Screen Age# Life is Beautiful

节目组:The Screen Age 荧屏时代 节目名称:Life is BeautifulY: Good evening my dear audience, here comes to our Screen Age. This is Yolanda. It has been raining this week. The moist air that follows a rain shower makes me feel refreshed. How beautiful rainy days are!I:I see, I like the air, always so pure and fresh ,deeply a breath ,the mood also subsequently. This is Ivy, your best friend. Yolanda, I feel rainy days often brings back my memories. I always think of my childhood.Y: Really? Me, too. I love rainy days since I was a child. I remember the first film that I had seen was Life Is Beautiful.I: You mean that Italian film which released in 1997? That was really a classical work. How about introducing this movie today?Y: It&`&s suits me fine. L: The Fascist regime is coming to the end, the Nazi concentration camp will be cleaned-up soon, what is the ending of Guido’s compiled to his son? Can they pass this dark age safely? Let&`&s walk in this movie.B: In 1939, the black clouds of the Second World War enveloped the whole Italy. Guido is a seemingly clumsy but kind-hearted and honest optimistic Jewish youth. He is full of life for a good yearning and his desire is to open a bookstore in their town, live a comfortable life. Through a barn tower, the young girl Dora accidently fell in his arm from the high tower. Guido immediately gave her a deep impression, and dealing with her wound warmly.F: Once Guido put a pot of flowers hit the signer’s head when he was writing an application, the signer ran behind and wanted to catch Guido. by accident, Guido hit Dora in a corner, twice meet ignited love flame of Guido. He recklessly expressed his feelings to Dora. No longer, they got married.I: After marriage, good things came one after another, Guido opened a bookstore which he dreamed day and night, they have a well-behaved lovely son Joshua. Guido leisurely played games with his son, a family lived with happiness knowing no bounds. But on his son’s fifth birthday, Nazis captured Guido’s uncle and his son, forcibly sent them to the Jewish concentration camp.Y: When liberation came, Nazis were ready to escape in the midnight, Guido hid his son in a metallic cabinet, and exhort repeatedly never come out. He was going to save his wife Dora, but unfortunately he was found by the Nazis, and when Nazis escorted Guido through the iron cabinet, he was still walked straightly, hint his son not came out, but soon, a gunshot Guido dead in German Nazi’s muzzle.A: At Dawn, Qiao Shuya from the iron cabinet to climb out, standing in the yard, then a real tank car rumbled open to his front, above a US soldier, hold him on the tank. Finally, Joshua and his mother reunited. M: The leading actor of this film is Remigio Benigni. He gets the style of comedy precisely. Most of the films he made are marvelous. Just because of language barrier, he lacked the opportunities to know the world. However, since the film Life is beautiful came out, he has been the most popular and best actor in Italy. In this film, he played a role who was a good father and a good husband. As a result, he won the international audience’s hearts. In addition, this film won the prize of Best Foreign Film Academy Awards. He has an excellent reputation of “Chaplin in Italy”. By the way, He won the worst director of the Razzie Awards with the comedy "Pinocchio" in 2002.L:Nicoletta Braschi is the leader actress of this film. She and Benigni are a couple in the film and even in the real world. She first met him in the film set, and he fell in love at first sight. Braschi is the heroine in the life of Benigni’s, but also played most of the actress in leading roles in the films Benigni directored. They are a famous couple in the filmdom. Her simplicity can not hide her dignity and grace. Her behavior has a hint of sexy in the details of her life. It is flat but charming. You’ll appreciate her from your inside unconsciously. A: Life Is Beautiful reflects world War Ⅱ in a very special way. A normal Jewish family was sent to Auschwitz Concentration Camp. A great father defended his son and wife from being killed. Although the movie tells the story in a humorous way, my heart was broken when Guido died from shot. How many people die?How many kids became orphans? I can&`&t imagine. The movie makes a complaint against World War Ⅱ powerfully. At the same time, it also shows the selfless love from parents. B: This is a movie that has a lasting effect on me. In my opinion, This movie is about love, optimism, courage and inner strength. Guido is a real hero. The movie also has great social response. It is one of the greatest movies in the world. Many people are moved by the black humor comedy. A: The movie wins 3 Oscars including best foreign language film, best actor film and best music awards in 1999. Besides, It gains another 66 wins and 51 nominations. It makes a real achievement. B: This is a movie worth watching. Although life is rough, it is beautiful if you just accept it, try you best to change it and love it. Please believe me, tomorrow will be better. I: Parents all over the world are great and altruistic. They give all their love to children unconditionally and protect their children from injury. I am moved a lot.Y: Yeah, I agree with you. Life Is Beauty is a touching film about love, optimism, courage and inner strength .To be honest, I can&`&t get this film out of my thoughts.I: So if you are free, I highly recommend you to see how parents love their children from this movie.Y:This is all for today&`&s program, enjoy it and see you next time.最后感谢制作张安康。 节目监制:刘逸超编辑:杨晨丹 赵艺薇 邹佳琳 毕鑫屹播音:李梓彤 赛碧乐 杨旸 杨晨丹 赵艺薇 邹佳琳 毕鑫屹制作:张安康
5/3/201713 minutes, 18 seconds
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Apr. 29, 2017 #日本语ドリームワークス# 日本美食

节目组: 日本语ドリームワークス 日语梦工厂 节目名称: 日本美食A:みなさん,こんばんは。欢迎收听VOE外文广播电台,日语梦工厂。我是主播梁远鹏。 B:我是主播吉旭灵。 A:今天我们要给大家讲一讲日本的一些特色小吃。 B:喜欢美食的小伙伴们可要注意听了呢。 A日本饮食一般可分为主食和副食。米是主食,蔬菜及鱼等为副食。随着经济的成长,由于西方文化的不断渗透,肉类和乳制品等的摄取也大幅增加。再加上速食食品的普及,使日本人的饮食生活愈发多样化。 B:说到日语特色美食,大家应该都会想到日本寿司吧。寿司可谓是日本的国菜,市面上各种档次、不同风味的寿司店一应俱全。因为全国靠海,原料新鲜丰富,日本的普通连锁的回转寿司餐厅和中国比较价格也不算昂贵,食材普遍很新鲜。 A: 日本人常说“有鱼的地方就有寿司”,寿司是日本人最喜爱的传统食物之一,主要材料是用醋调味过的冷饭,再加上鱼肉,海鲜,蔬菜或鸡蛋等作配料,其味道鲜美,很受日本民众的喜爱。 B: 用面粉、鸡蛋与水和成浆,将新鲜的鱼虾和时令蔬菜裹上浆放入油锅炸成金黄色。吃时蘸酱油和萝卜泥调成的汁,鲜嫩美味,香而不腻。大家猜一猜这种小吃是什么呢 A:当然是日本四大传统美食之一天妇罗咯。据说天妇罗是江户时期从葡萄牙传到日本的舶来菜肴,经过几百年的改良后,已经成为了日本料理中最为有代表性的菜肴。 B:除了在居酒屋和海鲜餐厅能吃到外,日本各地不乏吃天妇罗的专门餐厅。好的天妇罗口感酥脆,入口丝毫不觉得油腻,食材以虾、贝和各种蔬菜为主,佐以店家配置的蘸料和萝卜泥调节口味。讲究的店家会按照顺序,一道一道上炸好的天妇罗,让客人像吃手握寿司一样品味菜肴。 A: 估计知道铜锣烧都是哆啦a梦的功劳吧!因为这是它的最爱!铜锣烧,又叫黄金饼,因为是由两块象铜锣一样的饼合起来的,故而得名铜锣烧。它是一种烤制面皮、内置红豆沙夹心的甜点,也是日本的传统糕点。而对于中国人来说,其实就是我们更为熟悉的豆沙饼。 B: 大阪铜锣烧采用纯手工制作,配方源于日本料理大师,为了适合中国人的口味,除了传统的原味红豆,又开发出肉松、牛奶、绿豆、蓝莓、草莓、奶油等口味,新鲜纯正的浓郁口感值得机器猫迷们细细品尝。 A: 日本生鱼片称为刺身,一般都是用新鲜海鱼、海贝制作,蘸以酱油、山葵泥等,是日本菜中接近最清淡的菜式。生鱼片虽然起源于中国,但是现在俨然已是日本的代表食物。生鱼片的营养价值很高,它含有丰富的蛋白质,而且是质地柔软、易咀嚼消化的优质蛋白质。它也含有丰富的维生素与微量矿物质,脂肪含量低,称得上是营养丰富且容易吸收的好食物。 B:确实如此,不过跟刺身比起来,还是章鱼烧更适合我们中国人的口味。章鱼烧又名章鱼小丸子,是一种街头流行的快餐,主要成分是章鱼、章鱼烧粉、柴鱼片、海苔等。其做法是将面粉加入汤和调味料,然后再将小块的章鱼和碎姜、碎葱等配料掺在一起,最后煎烧成丸状,具有皮酥肉嫩、味美价廉之特点,成为日本家喻户晓的国粹小吃。A: 在食用章鱼烧的时候,不要以为外皮不热了就一口放进嘴里,这样一定会被烫到,要慢慢的吃,品尝它特有的新鲜美味。如果你把章鱼烧带回家,用微波炉加热后再食用,它会变的很粘,口感和味道就差远了,还是即买即食比较好。 B: 汤豆腐,豆腐冰淇淋,京都人用他们特有的智慧,把豆腐这一营养价值极高的食物和“美味”这一要求相结合,成就了独具一格的豆腐料理。无论是在寒冬看到的豆腐锅里的氤氲蒸汽,还是在烈夏手里拿着的纯白色豆腐冰淇淋,都让人不由得对这一最简单不过的食材涌出一种崇敬的态度。所以,来到这里,就千万不要错过可以从这最简单料理中品味京都风韵的机会。 A:说到这里大家有没有垂涎三尺呢?给大家推荐一部动漫《食戟之灵》,可以让大家更深刻的领略日本那让人眼花缭乱的特色美食哦。 B:快乐的时光总是如此短暂,我们又要和大家说再见了,感谢辛勤付出的后期制作,最后,再给大家带来一首好听的歌曲。 A:本期节目到此结束,感谢您的收听我们下期再见。 节目监制: 袁蕴宁 播音: 梁远鹏 吉旭灵 编辑: 梁远鹏 吉旭灵 制作: 于越
4/28/201710 minutes, 6 seconds
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Apr. 27, 2017 #The World Says# How much sleep we need

节目组: Music Bang Bang 音乐大爆炸 节目名称: How much sleep we need开头曲 down V: Hello everyone, welcome to the world says from the VOE foreign languages station. I’m VincentJ:Hello everybody, (打哈欠)I&`&m Jotta.V: So Jotta, did you sleep well last night?J: Um, yes, thanks. Why do you ask?V: Today we&`&re talking about how much sleep we need. 插曲1 down J: I like a good eight hours myself – ten at the weekend. How about you?V: Six is enough for me. But did you know this? Humans sleep around three hours less than other primates like chimps, who sleep for about ten hours. So you&`&re a chimp, Jotta – at the weekends, at least! Are you ready for the quiz question?J: Haha.V: OK, I&`&ll assume that means yes. Right. So what keeps you awake at night, Jotta?J: Not much, to be honest. I usually sleep like a log – and that means very heavily indeed! But sometimes my own snoring wakes me up, and then I can find it hard to get back to sleep. Snoring, for those of you who don&`&t know, means breathing in a noisy way through your mouth or nose while you&`&re asleep. [snores] … like that… How about you, Vincent?V: Very good, yes. Well, that&`&s quite ridiculous! Anyway, for me, it&`&s drinking too much coffee during the day. It&`&s the caffeine in coffee – a chemical that makes you feel more awake – which can stop you from sleeping at night. But there are so many things that can keep us awake these days.J: Oh yes. Radio, TV… techy stuff like 24-hour internet, computers, smart phones. I love my phone and it&`&s never far from me!V: Well, a professor from the University of California, found when he studied the sleep habits of three different hunter-gatherer communities who have very little contact with modern society. They don&`&t have artificial light, electricity, batteries, or any of the gadgets that we rely on today.J:He said,Their sleep was not that different from ours. The range of sleep period was about 6.9 to 8.5 hours. If you actually measure sleep in current populations in the United States or in Europe they&`&re definitely at the low end of what&`&s been reported. They certainly don&`&t sleep a lot less than we do but they clearly don&`&t sleep more.V: He found that people in these communities don&`&t go to bed until several hours after sundown – just like us! But one big difference is that very few of them suffer from insomnia – which means having difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep.J: Now, I don&`&t have a problem with insomnia. And hunter-gatherers – people who live by hunting animals and gathering plants to eat – don&`&t either – probably because they take a lot of physical exercise during the day. V: Yes, that&`&s right. Taking exercise is an important factor in sleeping soundly – or well – at night. But these days our minds can be so active that it becomes very difficult to fall asleep. J:Professor Kevin said,If you have a train of thoughts which would otherwise keep you awake one way of dealing with this is to block those thoughts. What I&`&d like you to do is repeat the word &`&the&`& in your mind at irregular intervals – what you&`&ll find that the mind space required to do this blocks out almost everything else.V: So Professor Kevin suggests saying one word over and over again at irregular intervals – irregular in this context means not spaced out evenly. J:Doing it can help to block out the thoughts that are stopping you from getting to sleep. It sounds like a very simple solution. I wonder if it works?V: There&`&s one way to find out, Jotta. Try it yourself!J: I will. 插曲2 i really like you V: OK. And cognitive behavioural therapy by the way is a treatment for mental health problems that tries to change the way you think.J: Well, I usually count sheep if I can&`&t get to sleep. Do you do that, Vincent?V: No, not usually. No. OK, Do you know what&`&s another word for sleepwalking? J:It&`&s somnambulism – the roots of this word come from Latin.Right?V:Wow.You are so clever.Somnus means &`&sleep&`& and and ambulare means &`&walk&`&. Narcolepsy is a condition where you can&`&t stop yourself falling asleep, especially during the day.J: Narcolepsy… (says in a sleepy way)V: And restless legs syndrome is a condition that makes you desperate to move your legs around, especially when you&`&re sitting quietly or trying to get to sleep. 插曲 3 little talks J: … get to sleep… (murmuring)V: Jotta! Wake up!J: Oh, hello Vincent! Sorry.V:My god! You really need to adjust your state now!J:I know I konw. Okay.It&`&s time to say goodbye again. V:Hope you enjoy our program .See you next time.V:感谢制作苏鑫。如果你喜欢我们的节目,请关注我们的微信公众号VOEradio和VOE外语广播电台的新浪微博,那里有我们往期的作品。 结束曲 little talks 节目监制:周宸聿编辑:杨晏直 朱子业播音:杨晏直 朱子业制作:苏鑫
4/27/201710 minutes
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Apr. 19, 2017 #Bloom in Ink# Run through the rain

节目组: Bloom in Ink 墨海繁花 节目名称: Run through the rainRun through the rain 1 雨中的记忆She had been shopping with her Mom in Wal-Mart. She must have been 6 years old, this beautiful brown haired, freckle-faced image of innocence. It was pouring outside. The kind of rain that gushes over the top of rain gutters, so much in a hurry to hit the Earth, it has no time to flow down the spout.她和妈妈刚在沃尔玛结束购物。这个天真的小女孩应该6岁大了,头发是美丽的棕色,脸上有雀斑。外面下着倾盆大雨。雨水溢满了檐槽,来不及排走,就迫不及待地涌涨上地面。We all stood there under the awning and just inside the door of the Wal-Mart. We all waited, some patiently, others irritated, because nature messed up their hurried day. I am always mesmerized by rainfall. I get lost in the sound and sight of the heavens washing away the dirt and dust of the world. Memories of running, splashing so carefree as a child come pouring in as a welcome reprieve from the worries of my day.我们都站在沃尔玛门口的遮篷下。大家都在等待,有人很耐心,有人很烦躁,因为老天在给他们本已忙碌的一天添乱。雨天总引起我的遐思。我出神地听着、看着老天冲刷洗涤这世界的污垢和尘埃,孩时无忧无虑地在雨中奔跑玩水的记忆汹涌而至,暂时缓解了我一天的焦虑。Her voice was so sweet as it broke the hypnotic trance we were all caught in, “Mom, let's run through the rain." she said.小女孩甜美的声音打破了这令人昏昏欲睡的气氛,“妈妈,我们在雨里跑吧。”她说。"What?" Mom asked.“什么?”母亲问。"Let's run through the rain!" She repeated.“我们在雨里跑吧,”她重复。"No, honey. We'll wait until it slows down a bit." Mom replied.“不,亲爱的,我们等雨小一点再走。”母亲回答说。This young child waited about another minute and repeated: "Mom, let's run through the rain."过了一会小女孩又说:“妈妈,我们跑出去吧。”"We'll get soaked if we do." Mom said.“这样的话我们会湿透的。”母亲说。"No, we won't, Mom. That's not what you said this morning," the young girl said as she tugged at her Mom's arm."“不会的,妈妈。你今天早上不是这样说的。”小女孩一边说一边拉着母亲的手。"This morning? When did I say we could run through the rain and not get wet?"“今天早上?我什么时候说过我们淋雨不会湿啊?”"Don't you remember? When you were talking to Daddy about his cancer, you said, If God can get us through this, he can get us through anything!"“你不记得了吗?你和爸爸谈他的癌症时,你不是说‘如果上帝让我们闯过这一关,那我们就没有什么过不去。’”The entire crowd stopped dead silent. I swear you couldn't hear anything but the rain. We all stood silently. No one came or left in the next few minutes. Mom paused and thought for a moment about what she would say.人群一片寂静。我发誓,除了雨声,你什么都听不到。我们都静静地站着。接下来的几分钟没有一个人走动。母亲停了一下,想着应该说些什么。Now some would laugh it off and scold her for being silly. Some might even ignore what was said. But this was a moment of affirmation in a young child's life. Time when innocent trust can be nurtured so that it will bloom into faith. "Honey, you are absolutely right. Let's run through the rain. If get wet, well maybe we just needed washing." Mom said. Then off they ran.有人也许会对此一笑了之,或者责备这孩子的不懂事,有人甚至不把她的话放在心上。但这却是一个小孩子一生中需要被肯定的时候。若受到鼓舞,此时孩子单纯的信任就会发展成为坚定的信念。“亲爱的,你说得对,我们跑过去吧。如果淋湿了,那也许是因为我们的确需要冲洗一下了。”母亲说。然后她们就冲出去了。We all stood watching, smiling and laughing as they darted past the cars and. They held their shopping bags over their heads just in case. They got soaked. But they were followed by a few who screamed and laughed like children all the way to their cars. And yes, I did. I ran. I got wet. I needed washing.Circumstances or people can take away your material possessions, they can take away your money, and they can take away your health. But no one can ever take away your precious memories. So, don't forget to make time and take the opportunities to make memories every day!我们站在那里,笑着看她们飞快地跑过停着的汽车。她们把购物袋高举过头想挡挡雨,但还是湿透了。好几个人像孩子般尖叫着,大笑着,也跟着冲了出去,奔向自己的车子。当然,我也这样做了,跑了出去,淋湿了。我也需要接受洗礼。环境或其他人可以夺去你的物质财富,抢走你的金钱,带走你的健康,但没有人可以带走你珍贵的回忆。因此,记得要抓紧时间,抓住机会每天都给自己留下一些回忆吧To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven. I hope you still take the time to run through the rain.世间万物皆有自己的季节,做任何事情也有一个恰当的时机。希望你有机会在雨中狂奔一回节目监制: 曹睿姝 播音: 刘慕春 刘冲 编辑: 刘慕春 刘冲 制作: 任家豪
4/25/201712 minutes, 16 seconds
Episode Artwork

Apr. 11, 2017 #한류전선# 青龙影帝—刘亚仁

节目组: 한류전선 韩流前线 节目名称: 青龙影帝—刘亚仁开头曲 찾았다-jyj A:친구들 안녕하세요.欢迎收听voe外语广播韩流前线 我是播音李奕萱B:만나서 반가워요.我是播音孙舆铭 插曲1 찾았다-jyj A:说起韩国影视圈,很多人首先想到的便是宋仲基 金秀贤 李敏镐这些当红偶像,但今天我们要为大家介绍一位不可忽视的演员--刘亚仁. 하지만 오늘 소개해 드릴 이분도 여러분들이 꼭 기억하셨으면 합니다.B:2003년 반올림으로 데뷔한 유아인씨는 연기하는 인물에대한 투철한 이해력과 연기력으로 많은 사람들의 주목을 받았습니다.刘亚仁,2003年因出演电视剧《玉林的成长日记》而已演员身份出道.2007年,首次接触影坛,并摘得第28届青龙最佳新人男演员奖.此后,他凭着对剧本人物透彻的理解和精湛的演技斩获了众多奖项. 插曲 2 그댄가봐요-金宝静 A:2015년,흥행작 베테랑에서 유아인씨의 연기는 사람들이 입에 침이 마르도록 칭찬일색이였죠.특히 어이가없네라는 대사는 많은 시청자들이 인상 깊었을겁니다.B: 2015年,刘亚仁出演电影《老手》,首次挑战反派角色,票房达到韩国影史第三位; 同年9月16日,电影《思悼》上映.影片中刘亚仁带给了观众揪心般的疼痛.他不光动用到语言与肢体的演技,更是以嗓音的变化来诠释思悼世子的成长,展现出更为深层次的演技,他也因此将青龙最佳男演员奖这一奖项收入囊中,成为韩国史上最年轻的影帝. 而且在 2016年6月3日,凭借电视剧《六龙飞天》韩国第52届百想艺术大赏电视部门最佳男演员奖。A:드라마와 영화를 넘나들며 멋진 연기력을 보여주고 있는 유아인씨,앞으로의 행보도 기대가 됩니다.影帝视帝的双丰收让刘亚仁成为韩国影坛不可或缺的人物.在属于自己的忠武路上越走越远! 插曲3 really really--winner B: "꿈은 꾸는 자의 것이다". 이것은 2016년 마마에서 유아인씨가 한 말입니다. “梦想,是属于梦想着的人”这是2016年mama上刘亚仁演讲中的一句话,送给所有努力中的后辈,也送给他自己.A:이 말은 후배들에게 전하는 말이며, 또한 본인한테 하는 격려의 메세지였을 겁니다. 복잡다양한 연예계에서도 유인씨는 늘 자신만의 개성과 매력을 뽑내고 있습니다.虽然在深似海的娱乐圈中打拼,但刘亚仁仍保持自己的本性,勇于表达不满,乐于慈善事业.虽然由于身体等种种原因引来一些不必要的争议,但相信乐观的他定会化解 A:好了,今天的节目到这里就要结束了,我们下期再见B:들어주셔서 감사합니다. 感谢大家的收听,感谢制作人胡婕,王飞。여러분 안녕. 结束曲 really really 节目监制:金池 编辑:李奕萱 孙铭舆 播音:李奕萱 孙铭舆 制作:胡婕
4/24/20179 minutes, 8 seconds
Episode Artwork

Apr. 24, 2017 #Screen Age# Pans Labyrinth

节目组:The Screen Age 荧屏时代 节目名称:Pans LabyrinthM: Hello dear audience! Welcome to the Screen Age again! I'm your old friend Mico. I'm happy to have a new friend here today!C: Hello guys! I'm Christine. Feeling so excited to spend time with you!M: Christine, what do you think the difference between magical stories and fairy tales is?C: Well, I think, fairy tales are mostly for children. They are pure, hopeful, and easy to understand. But magical stories always mean much more than they present on the surface.M: What you said is exactly what I think. I want to share this magical movie today, Pans Labyrinth.C: Cool! Can't wait to start! F:Including the Spain, the majority of southern European countries were still affected by Franco fascist dictatorship in the late of the Second World War. The Spanish army was still searching and killing the communists and democrats. A twelve- year- old girl, Ofelia lost her father in the war. She and her mother who was pregnant had to converge with her stepfather in the north.L: Actually ,the stepfather, Vinda was a cruel fascist officer. He only wanted to monitor the birth of his son instead of enjoying the happiness of his family. On the way to find her stepfather, Ofelia met a little elf which was like a by accident. The elves followed her to the Vinda's headquarters. F:With her own eyes, she witnessed her cruel stepfather and his henchmen had taken pleasure in doing evil every day. Her mother was sick in bed. Suffering the pain of loneliness, she began to imagine to comfort herself. Only coming into the magic world, she could escape from the reality of the helpless.L: The Dnaliens fahoum told her that she was the lost princess in the underground kingdom. To return to her kingdom, she had to accept three challenges in the maze. He gave Ofelia a book and let her do it alone as the book said . However, the accident occurred in the final test. In order to protect her younger brother, Ofelia was dead in her wonderful magic world with smiling in the end. B: First, I should to relieved my excited emotion—— I stand on my knees, lower my head, keeping my chest slightly inward, clench my fist, then suddenly stand up “Oh, my god! It's so miraculous! The yearning in slaughter and bloodiness can actually show by this way.”C: In view of my preference to Floral Fantasy style. When I heard the name of this movie, I can't stop my mouth-watering. What is Pan? Don't need to tell, everyone knows that. For his love, he became a merman. Later called him Capricornus. I'm a Capricorn!B: It can bring you pain and sadness, scariness and happiness. I never expected that the director would use these materials to support this theme. Deep and clear, true but mew. He used amazing black accordatura to combine magic and reality world.M: Latin American magic realism of the image product, audio-visual language polished like a maze; devoid of human violence out of the maze, brave good ideal fell on the road, the former death is a one-way ticket, the latter death is field death cycle.B:This film got three nomination of The 79th Oscar Awards in 2007—— The Best Original Screenplay, The Best Foreign Language, The best Original Soundtrack. Except the Oscar Awards, it also obtained The Golden Palm Award of the 59th Cannes Film Festival in 2006. L:The leader actress of this film is Ivana Baquero. She was a Spanish star. She was starred at the age of ten. She participated the audition of Pans Labyrinth in 2006. She leaned on her reaction and wise acting. For more than 3 months’ audition process., she in talent showed herself.B: Because of the rolled she played in Pans Labyrinth, she won the prize of the Best Leading Actress in the Goya Awards. Goya Award is a Spanish film award which is just like the Academy Award in the world. She had become the youngest winner of this prize in history. She is a beautiful and acting actress.L:Sergi López who is the leader actor of this film is a famous Spanish star. Depending on his marvelous acting, he created a cruel character of an officer. He won the nomination for best actor in the Goya Award and Saturn Awards. C: That's all for today's program. Do you get refreshed after the minor vacation? Wish you have an energetic week~F: In addition, it is so lovely for Christine's participation. C: 最后,感谢制作张安康!See you next week~F:Bye! 结束曲 I Will Return 节目监制:刘逸超编辑:毕鑫屹 郭思婷 邹佳琳播音:杨旸(M)赛碧乐(F)毕鑫屹(B)郭思婷(C)邹佳琳(L)制作:张安康
4/23/201712 minutes, 16 seconds
Episode Artwork

Apr. 22, 2017 #日本语ドリームワークス# 高仓建

节目组: 日本语ドリームワークス 日语梦工厂 节目名称: 高仓建A:风起的时候便会有暗香盈袖 雨落的时候便会有真情溢出 B : 寒冷的地方总会有阳光 有爱的地方就会有花香 A亲爱的听众朋友们大家好, 欢迎收听VOE外文广播电台,日语梦工厂。我是主播吉旭灵 B:我是主播冉莹 A:今天我们要给大家介绍一位日本著名的男演员,他的名字叫作高仓建。大家有没有听说过呢。 B:也许大多数小伙伴们,不知道高仓健是谁,但在70年代,他凭《追捕》中冷峻硬朗的表演,成为了妈妈那一代的梦中情人。 A: 高仓健原名小田刚一,1930年出生于日本九州岛的福冈,父亲是码头工人,母亲是教师,还有个妹妹。 B: 高仓健初涉影坛并不顺利,当时日本电影武侠片风靡一时,他入道时主演的几部时装片并未引起反响,自身潜力也没有挖掘出来。 A: 到了1956年,高仓健终于凭借《日本侠客》出色演技一鸣惊人,成功塑造一位坚韧不屈、侠肝义胆的硬汉形象,这给当时“阴盛阳衰”的日本影坛刮起一股阳刚雄健风暴,使得默默无闻的高仓健声名鹊起,一炮走红。 B: 1978年,高仓健主演的《追捕》作为“文革”之后登陆中国的第一部外国电影,在中国大陆引起了巨大的轰动,高仓健本人也成为中国大陆一代人的偶像。迄今,高仓健已拍摄了205部电影。 A:高仓建与中国有着很深的情缘,他在中国“大红”过两次。第一次是因为《追捕》,第二次是和中国导演张艺谋合作《千里走单骑》。 B作为“文革”之后登陆中国的第一部外国电影,高仓健主演的《追捕》在中国引起了轰动,许多青年开始模仿那个孤独沉默的“杜丘”。高仓健由此成为中国大陆一代人的偶像。高仓健在银幕上塑造的冷峻男子汉形象成为一种东方硬汉的标准,曾经风靡的“奶油小生”形象在他的对照下黯然失色。《追捕》中为真由美配音的丁建华在当时也提出了要求丈夫要像高仓健的要求;日后与高仓健达成合作的导演张艺谋则养成了学他竖衣领的习惯,一直保持至今。A: 张艺谋电影《幸福时光》在日本首映,高仓健特意前往观映,而且派人送上鲜花。张艺谋见到了他最尊重的巨星,立即表达了合作的意愿,高仓健对张艺谋影片一向评价颇高,两人一拍即合。在接连拍摄两部商业大片《英雄》、《十面埋伏》之后,张艺谋开始为高仓健量身打造新片《千里走单骑》,并决定除了高仓健之外,全部起用非专业演员陪衬高仓健。 B: 已经息影多年的74岁的高仓健应自己的“影迷”张艺谋之邀,在《千里走单骑》中演绎了一个孤独自悔的父亲在中国寻找“亲情”的故事。 A: “高仓健是一位古代的谦谦君子。我们去形容一位君子的所有词放在他身上,谦让、坚忍、高迈、温厚……都绝不过分。”张艺谋说。张艺谋跟高仓健说:“老高,今天的戏结束了,请先回去休息吧。”高仓健答应,行礼走了。张艺谋自己拍了半天戏,正要收工,一扭头,发现高仓健在远处站着,看着片场。张艺谋急了,高仓健当年已经七十多了,这一站至少俩多小时。高仓健远远朝大家鞠了一躬,上车走了。张艺谋赶紧找翻译:“不是早就让回去了吗?有什么问题吗?”翻译说,高仓健觉得,大家都在工作,他也不能离开。不过高仓健不愿意打搅大家,就在不起眼的地方陪着,也不坐,就这么站着。 B:张艺谋在日本的王子酒店咖啡厅和高仓健坐着谈话,高仓健侧背对着大厅,而张艺谋斜对着大厅。在他们谈话的一个多小时里,张艺谋注意到,来往的人,只要认出了高仓健,都站定,隔着十几二十米的距离,向高仓健鞠躬后走开,而高仓健根本看不见。张艺谋感叹:“他在日本是电影皇帝级的人物,地位极尊。虽然你知道这些,但你亲眼看到,无论是电影后辈,还是普通路人对他溢于言表的尊重,还是震动的。”A:至今还记得《追捕》那段经典台词:“杜丘你看,你看这么蓝的天,跳吧,跳下去,你就会柔化这蓝天里,走吧,一直走向前,别忘两边看”。B:高仓健精湛的演技与可贵的品质永远镌刻在我们心中。A快乐的时光总是如此短暂,我们又要和大家说再见了,最后,再为大家推荐一首好听的歌曲 B:本期节目到此结束,我们下期再见。 节目监制: 袁蕴宁 播音: 冉莹 吉旭灵 编辑: 冉莹 吉旭灵 制作: 于越
4/21/201710 minutes, 53 seconds
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Apr. 21, 2017 #Music Bang Bang# Years&Years

节目组: Music Bang Bang 音乐大爆炸 节目名称: Years&Years开头曲 Desire C: Hello my lovely audience! It's Christine! Welcome to Music Bang Bang again.A: And this is your handsome Armstrong!C: Alright, 不过说到颜值啊,近两年的欧美乐坛可是涌现了一大波又有颜又有才的小鲜肉们。 Armstrong, can you name some of those gorgeous guys?A: Ah, I know. You girls are crazy about Troye Sivan, and Shawn Mendes and else.C: Yeah, do you know Olly Alexander? A: Oh, I know. He's the lead singer of Years&Years, the band from England.C: Yeah, 我最近超喜欢他的~今天我们就来介绍介绍这支正当红的电音乐队吧! 插曲1 King C: The first song I want to share is King. This song is definitely their most representative song, which reached the top of the UK single chart.A: This is a song that you can hum once you hear it. I watched their music video. It's original. On account of the lyric," I was a king under your control.", Olly behaves like a huge puppet.C: 也是因为这句歌词,网易云评论区有人调侃道,这首歌实际上是光绪帝对慈禧太后的声声控诉。A: Aha, now I feel like listening again. 插曲 2 Meteorite A: The second song is Meteorite. This is one of their recent songs. I like it a lot. It just catch me at the beginning. It is another catchy song.C: Did you watch this music video?A: Not yet. C: Oh, you really need to watch it. Olly is so enchanting in it. I know it is not an appropriate word to describe a man, but even I am a girl, I have to admit that he is foxy.A: It sounds so comical at the words you use. Anyway, I’ll watch it. C: Olly was an actor before. His way becoming a singer sounds a little bit random.A: Why do you say that?C: Well, one day, the base player heard Olly singing while bathing, then he invited Olly to join them. This is it.A: Sounds so hilarious! 插曲3 Shine C: So, here comes the third and my favorite one, Shine.A: And I kept shaking my leg while I was listening to it!C: I notice that many songs about love will mention this word,shine. It's like when we fall in love with somebody, the one will shine brightly like a diamond, like a shooting star.A: I guess this song was written by the time when he was in love.C: Probably! 也许这首歌的本意其实就是秀恩爱闪瞎你! 插曲 4 Eyes Shut C: Well, do you think that is the only style of their music? If you do, you are completely wrong. Today's last song is totally different from those above.A: The song is Eyes Shut, beginning with a piano melody. This song has two version and this is the second one. The former particularly emphasize on the rhythm, while the latter pays more attention on smooth melody. C: That's all of today's program. So, my dear audience, which side of Years & Years do you prefer? Do you have a crush on Olly?A: 欢迎大家订阅我们的微信公众号“时代之声radio”,网易云音乐“music bang bang”电台以及荔枝FM。感谢制作张雨航,王紫丞,see you next time~C: Bye~ 结束曲 Eyes Shut 节目监制:刘仁邦编辑:郭思婷播音:郭思婷 温彦博制作:张雨航
4/21/201710 minutes, 52 seconds
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Apr. 20, 2017 #The World Says# Talk with foreigners scientifically

节目组: The World Says 世界说 节目名称: Talk with foreigners scientificallyS: Dear audience, you are listening to is the world says from the VOE foreign languages station. This is handsome Sherlock. I: And this is cute lovely Iris. I:After last week's program, have you guys know more about foreigners?S:Yes, this week we are going to learn more about foreigners. Come on, I can't wait for no longer, your quiz question.I:As you said,Sherlock, I have a question to ask you first. According the last UK census taken in 2011, what percentage of the British population speaks a first language that is not English?A) 1.7% B) 7.7% C) 14.7%S: That's an interesting one. My first guess is c) 14.7%.I: enhen~we'll find out if you are right or wrong later. S:(打断) Iris, Consider the times you've hopped on a subway, boarded a plane or entered a waiting room. I:Chances are, you probably avoided engaging with any fellow commuters or patients. So, never…S: Yes, But contrary to what we might think, we'd be happier if we did strike up a conversation with a total stranger.I: really?S: Really. In a study, commuters in Chicago were asked to either talk with a stranger on a train, or sit quietly alone, or just do whatever they'd normally do on their commute. Then, they responded to a survey about how they felt.I: how does it going?S:Turns out those who engaged with strangers had the most pleasurable experience and those who remained solitary had the least enjoyable experience.I: Wow ,unbelievable,Why?S: Well, according to a follow up study it's because we think, wrongly, that strangers don't want to talk with us.I: Right, maybe we should practice reaching out-who knows, commuting could become more enjoyable.S: That's good. Now, let's play a game named Communicate with the British need to step by step startling! step by step startling, which means need to be careful.I: What does it mean?S: just guess what the British thinking is.I'll ask you first: When the British says "I hear what you say.”I: They mean "He accepts my point of view."S: no! It's “I disagree and do not want to discuss it further." I: oh, their perspective is so strange. Well, let me text you: When the British says "With the greatest respect... “What do they mean? S: They mean "He is listening to me."I: no no no! This means “I think you are an idiot"S: An idiot! Ha-ha the greatest respect which means an idiot! It reminds me of another habit of talking to the Englishman.Listen, when the British say "That's not bad.” what does they mean I: en… They mean "That's poor."S: oh, come on, with the greatest respect. the mean of not bad is “That’s good."I: wait, with the greatest respect? Are you using that word to laughing me? Let me ask you the last question. Ready?S: With the greatest respect, I 'm ready.I: When the British say "That is a very brave proposal.” …S: (打断)They mean "You are insane. “Right?I: Right! Well, you really know much thing.S: It seems that I know much, you should call me Master Sherlock.I: Save your laughing for the end of the race.S: ok, When the British say "I almost agree. " what does they meanI: ha-ha this is easy they mean "I don't agree at all." S: ya, that's not bad.I:Take that! When the British say "Very interesting.”en? The answer?S: Well, "They are impressed."I: obviously, they mean "That is clearly nonsense." You shall do more research on it.S: Seems that died to a tie! Have to say, you've done a lot of work.I:Sherlock,let's leave some questions to our audience, to let them join in~S: ok, the first one is-When the British say "I'll bear it in mind.” what does they meanI: Sounds like I will remember it forever! But it's not that simple. And the second one is: When the British say "I'm sure it's my fault.” what does they mean?S: I have to say, these questions are really interesting. If you want to check your answer, landing VOE foreign language radio station WeChat public number VOEradio, select our program, then you will see the answerI: that's Right. S: But now Iris, I need to know if I got today's question right.I:Yes. I asked you, according the last UK census taken in 2011, what percentage of the British population speaks a first language that is not English?S:I said 14.7%.I: You were wrong. The census found 7.7% per cent of people in the UK have a first language that is not English. That's 4.2 million people.Well, that's it for today.S: At the end of the program, we give you a few words to talk to foreigners.听你的!你说了算!You are the boss!毋庸置疑No doubt about it.我是认真的。I mean it.与您合作很愉快。it's a pleasure working with you.钱乃身外之物。Money will come and go.我非常想见到你。I've been dying to see you.很高兴与你聊天。Nice talking to you.一切顺利。Things couldn't be better.S: Sounds simple, right?That's all for today's listening. Goodbye. I: BYE.如果你喜欢我们的节目,请关注VOE外语广播电台的微信公众号VOEradio和VOE外语广播电台的新浪微博,那里有我们往期的作品。感谢制作苏鑫! 节目监制:周宸聿编辑:张燚铭,余若天播音:张燚铭,余若天制作:苏鑫
4/20/201710 minutes, 4 seconds
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Apr. 19, 2017 #Bloom in Ink# Poems of romantic

节目组: Bloom in Ink 墨海繁花 节目名称: Poems of romanticSaying Good-bye to Cambridge Again By Xu Zhimo 再别康桥徐志摩  Very quietly I take my leave  As quietly as I came here;  Quietly I wave good-bye  To the rosy clouds in the western sky.  The golden willows by the riverside  Are young brides in the setting sun;  Their reflections on the shimmering waves  Always linger in the depth of my heart.  The floating heart growing in the sludge  Sways leisurely under the water;  In the gentle waves of Cambridge  I would be a water plant!  That pool under the shade of elm trees  Holds not water but the rainbow from the sky;  Shattered to pieces among the duckweeds  Is the sediment of a rainbow-like dream  To seek a dream? Just to pole a boat upstream  To where the green grass is more verdant;  Or to have the boat fully loaded with starlight  And sing aloud in the splendor of starlight.  But I cannot sing aloud  Quietness is my farewell music;  Even summer insects heap silence for me  Silent is Cambridge tonight!  Very quietly I take my leave  As quietly as I came here;  Gently I flick my sleeves  Not even a wisp of cloud will I bring away    轻轻的我走了,  正如我轻轻的来;  我轻轻的招手,  作别西天的云彩。  那河畔的金柳,  是夕阳中的新娘;  波光里的艳影,  在我的心头荡漾。  软泥上的青荇,  油油的在水底招摇;  在康桥的柔波里,  我甘做一条水草!   那榆荫下的一潭,  不是清泉,是天上虹;  揉碎在浮藻间,  沉淀着彩虹似的梦。   寻梦?撑一支长篙,  向青草更青处漫溯;  满载一船星辉,  在星辉斓里放歌。  但是我不能放歌,  悄悄是别离的笙萧;  夏虫也为我沉默,  沉默是今晚的康桥!   悄悄地我走了,  正如我悄悄的来;  我挥一挥衣袖,  不带走一片云彩。ChanceBy Xu Zhimo偶然徐志摩  I am a cloud in the sky,  A chance shadow on the wave of your heart.  Don't be surprised,  Or too elated;  In an instant I shall vanish without trace.  We meet on the sea of dark night,  You on your way, I on mine.  Remember if you will,  Or, better still, forget  The light exchanged in this encounter.   我是天空里的一片云  偶尔投影在你的波心  你不必讶异  更无须欢喜  在转瞬间消灭了踪影  你我相逢在黑夜的海上  你有你的  我有我的方向  你记得也好  最好你忘掉  在这交会时互放的光芒。   You Are the April of This World  ——Ode to Love  Lin Huiyin你是人间的四月天  ——一句爱的赞颂  林徽因  I think you are the April of this world,  Your laughter has lit up all the wind,  So gently mingling with the spring.  You are the clouds in early spring,  The dusk wind blows up and down.  And the stars blink now and then,  Fine rain drops down amid the flowers.  So gentle and graceful,  You are crowned with garlands.  So sublime and innocent,  You are a full moon over each evening. The snow melts, with that light yellow,  You look like the first budding green.  You are the soft joy of white lotus  Rising up in your fancy dreamland.  You’re the blooming flowers over the trees,  You’re a swallow twittering between the beams;  Full of love, full of warm hope,  You are the spring of this world!  我说你是人间的四月天;  笑音点亮了四面风,轻灵:  在春的光艳中交舞着变。   你是四月早天里的云烟,  黄昏吹着风的软,  星子在无意中闪,  细雨点洒在花前。  那轻,那娉婷,你是,  鲜妍百花的冠冕,你戴着,  你是天真,庄严,  你是夜夜的月圆。  雪化后那片鹅黄,你像;  新鲜初放芽的绿,你是;  柔嫩喜悦,  水光浮动着你梦期待中白莲。  你是一树一树的花开,  是燕在梁间呢喃,  ——你是爱,是暖,是希望,  你是人间的四月天!节目监制: 曹睿姝 播音: 魏静滟 李硕编辑: 魏静滟 李硕 制作: 任家豪
4/19/201711 minutes, 40 seconds
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Apr. 17, 2017 #Screen Age# Beauty and Beast

节目组:The Screen Age 荧屏时代 节目名称:Beauty and BeastY:Hello my dear audience, welcome back to the Screen Age. This is your friend Yolanda.I: Hi. This is Ivy. Long time no see, do you miss me? Well, today, a new partner has came to our group .Now, let's get to know him.A:Hello everyone, I'm Armstrong from Music Bang Bang. You may have heard my voice before, but this is my first show in the Screen Age.Y:Welcome Armstrong, I am sure we will have a good time together. So Ivy, Qingming Festival had just gone, did you go for a spring outing?I:Yes of course, I find that peach blossoms are blooming and spring is coming. The whole city is vivifying. By the way ,I had seen a fantastic film which satisfied my romance of girls.It is Beauty and the Beast.Y:What a coincidence, I have seen it too, and it really moved me a lot. How about introducing this movie today.I:I can't wait. I:Beauty And The Beast is a classic French fairy tale which was created in 18 century. The beast was an arrogant prince who used to judge people just because of their appearance. One day, he met a witch and ridiculed her. The witch was angry and she turned him into a beast. Only when he found true love could he become human again. This is a cruel curse.Y:On the other side of town, there was a pretty and special girl named Belle, she was so knowledgeable that people disliked her. Belle had an adventuresome father. In one of his adventures,he came to the forest where the beast lived. Unfortunately, the Beast imprisoned her father. But this was a transition that beauty and the beast met each other.A: For saving her father, Belle came to the forest and barged in the castle. Kind-hearted Belle made her mind living in the castle instead of her father. At the beginning of their story, the beast was vary atrocious and bantered ,as long as Belle talked to him ,he would be mad. But Belle was the one who could arouse the Beast's feeling.Y:Gradually,they found that they have same interests and hobbies ,they hung out together, ate together, read together and laughed together. Belle influenced the Beast. In the end, the Beast became a kind and gentle man, and fell in love with Belle. However, everything was not such smooth. They had been through a lot of obstacles together... A: The heroine of beauty and the beast is Emma Watson, who is known for the series movie, Harry Potter. She continued to play the role of Hermione Granger for nearly ten years in Harry Potter. And because of this, She becomes one of the most well–known actresses in the whole world.Y: Emma was burn in France in 1990. And she wanted to be an actress when she was a little girl. And by the age of ten, she had performed and taken the lead in various Stagecoach productions and school plays. Her great success depends on her interest and insistence. I: Yep, If you want to do something better, you must insist on it and never give up. Emma also plays as Belle perfectly. Her amazing appearance and pure, kind heart impressed me deeply. The beauty is my screen goddess.Y: The beast is acted by Dan Stevens,also a world famous actor. He was born on 10th October 1982. He graduated from Cambridge and trained in acting at the National Youth Theatre of Britain. Dan Stevens not only has brown hair, deep blue eyes and strong body, but he still has excellent professional qualities. I: When I first see the beast, I was astonished by his look. It was a very great revivification of the animated movie. And Dan Stevens played as beast perfectly.A: Great movie can't exist without charming songs. The same name song, beauty and the beast is an amazing song with beautiful lyrics and appealing melody.I: The film received generally positive reviews and has grossed over $900 million worldwide on a $160 million production budget, making it the highest-grossing film of 2017.Adoring fans of the original will surely not be disappointed. Disney have cast their magic spell once again, creating a modern romantic fable with a magnificent visual and wickedly entertaining performances.Y: Yeah, and Times praised the performances of both Watson and Stevens, and wrote: "It looks good, moves gracefully and leaves a clean and invigorating aftertaste. I almost didn't recognize the flavor: I think the name for it is joy."A: The movie actually inspired me a lot. No matter how cruel the destiny treats one with tribulation and misfortune, it will correspondingly treat him with happiness and sweetness. And the people that are there for you on darkest nights are the ones worth spending your brightest days with. Y: This is today's movie. Hope you like it.A: How time flies. I really enjoy talking movie with you. I feel so fresh and so exciting.Y: Oh, Armstrong, we also very happy to cooperate with you. You are really a great partner.A: Thank you. I am looking forward to talk with you next time.Y: It's my honors. See you next time. 最后感谢制作张安康!Goodbye.A: Bye 节目监制:刘逸超编辑:李梓彤播音:李梓彤 赵艺薇 温彦博制作:张安康
4/17/201712 minutes, 56 seconds
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Apr. 15, 2017 #日本语ドリームワークス# 青春与高考

节目组: 日本语ドリームワークス 日语梦工厂 节目名称: 青春与高考A:繁华的都市,疲惫了你我,错综的手心,握不住美好。B:精彩的大学,成就了明天;灿烂的星途,这里是起点。A:亲爱的听众朋友们晚上好,欢迎收听日语梦工厂节目,我是主播梁远鹏。B:我是主播吉旭灵。A:今天给大家带来一碗正经鸡汤,这碗鸡汤,鸡肉无污染,汤汁纯天然,我干了你们随意。好了书归正传,今天给大家带来一部励志电影——ビリギャル,中文名字叫做垫底辣妹。片子的主题其实并不算新,一个差生的逆袭史,只不过这一次差生是个辣妹,一个你读书时候校园里总会出现的裙子短发型潮化着妆扭着腰不读书不学习的小太妹。B:她在年级里最差的那个班,身边都是和她一样的同学;或是班级最后排的某个角落,是被老师放弃的那一类。老师眼里她是一个渣滓,考大学是不可能实现的事,想要考好大学更是妄想。父亲呢,把所有希望寄托在唯一的儿子身上,希冀有一天他能成为职业棒球手,延续自己年轻时候的梦想。家里的弟弟认为这个大姐不过是个没有什么出息不配谈理想和奋斗的姑娘。然而就是这样一个妹子,在补习老师的帮助下,在妈妈的鼓励下,通过自己的努力,考上了那个原以为不可能的大学。A:细数垫底辣妹中那些感动的瞬间:一、 母爱看着女儿在坪田老师的教育下一步步找到前进的目标,挑灯夜战不眠不休,母亲既心疼也欣慰着。当从坪田老师口中知道女儿的进步不如意,需要再多开课程,增加巨额学费时,母亲坚定地说感受到女儿参加补习之后整个人变得快乐有冲劲,哪怕不能如愿考上理想的大学,也要支持女儿继续补习。随后母亲暗暗和小女儿商量,今后要经常加班,赚取学费给姐姐增加额外的补习课,小女儿非常懂事地允诺会自己照顾自己,让母亲放心工作。这里,我深深为这对母女感动了,家人的爱和支持比什么都重要。当然被感动的不仅仅是我,还有客厅外不小心听到的沙耶加。她冲去找坪田老师,问增加课程需要多少钱,坪田老师叹了口气将母亲送过来的沉甸甸的一沓钱递给她。沙耶加双眼通红,泪珠在大大的眼眶里倔强地回转却不掉下来----“这么多钱啊”。我想此刻她感受到的是沉甸甸的爱,还有不能服输的劲头。B:二、拼搏沙耶加努力学习的镜头是极具感染力的。当她一次次骑着脚踏车往返于补习教室和家的时候,她嘴里念叨着复习的内容,脚下越踩越快,兴奋而投入,落日的余晖洒落在她身上,画面很燃,说不出的美好。台灯下,伏案疾书的身影,用彩笔做着各式标记的书本和笔记,码得高高的书堆,念念有词忘记周遭的一切,满脑子的公式、单词,不放过一点点零碎的时间。画面是不是异常的熟悉,忍不住带入青春年少的自己,也曾经为着学业奋不顾身,全力往前冲。沙耶加说自己曾经过得混混沌沌,没有目标,如果说现在有什么梦想,那么就是成为像坪田老师那样的人,为了他人的未来而奋斗的人。一个人,有了梦想,步伐就会变得坚定,每一个踏实的努力意味着朝着梦想的方向又迈进了一步,内心的充实,身体中迸发的能量,令自己都惊讶。A:三、友情沙耶加有着一帮同样垫底着的闺蜜,以前和她们玩乐在一起,每天都很开心,当开始补习,逐渐知道学业的紧迫性之后,她依然会参与朋友的聚会,只是边唱K,边低头复习功课。在多次聚会之后,朋友们终于下定决心约沙耶加去泡温泉私聊。借着昏暗温暖的灯光,朋友们小心翼翼地说,希望最近不要一起玩了,沙耶加很难过地表达是不是自己脱群了,被大家排斥了。朋友们非常诚恳地说,正是她的努力学习感染到了大家,不能再拖累她,希望她接下来能全心全意地好好学习,真心希望她能及格,等考上大学以后再一起尽情玩耍。沙耶加哽咽了,友情在氤氲的温泉池中升华。没想到一群不学无术的小太妹在沙耶加的带动下,也开始积极地面对学习和生活。B:四、挫败然而,成功从来都不是简简单单,一帆风顺的。在日以继夜的苦读,背负着母亲辛勤加班供给学费的压力,再怎么拼似乎仍然得不到很大长进,在模考中仍然失利。挫败感压倒最后一根稻草,瞬间击倒了沙耶加。倾盆大雨中,她一边哭泣一边狂奔。被泪水和雨水裹挟着的可怜孩子,像只湿淋淋的受伤的小动物,跑到母亲加班的工厂,寻求慰藉。母女俩紧紧拥抱,沙耶加在母亲的怀里哭得像个泪人儿。这样的画面实在让人心疼得不得了。回到家,母亲用温暖的毛毯包裹着沙耶加,递给她暖手的温水,母女俩坐在地上谈心,谈小小的沙耶加给母亲的能量,妈妈看到她的令人欣慰的进步等等,促膝长谈令两人的心贴得更紧。A:五、重新出发在坪田老师的指引下,母女俩来到梦想的庆应大学参观。充满学术气氛的殿堂,自信地讨论会心微笑的大学生们,多姿多彩的大学生活。校园在明媚的阳光下仿佛插着梦的羽翼,梦幻而吸引。母亲说,这里的学生看上去都自信满满的不觉得吗,希望沙耶加能在这里读书。沙耶加终于一扫雾霾,振奋起来,发誓要考上庆应大学,这是一个改变命运的地方,在这里深造能成为自己想成为的人。B:影片的结局也是很励志的,沙耶加考上了第二志愿,来到了自己梦想的高等学府深造,一家人在她的成长和改变中也共同成长,整个家变得更有凝聚力了。真人真事改编,淳朴而真实,影片的感人之处还有很多,无论是缅怀青春,还是自我勉励,亦或是学习家庭教育的经验,本片都是一个不错的选择。A:好一部高中学生励志片!好一碗能量十足的热鸡汤!梗老么?老!感动么?哭了!励志么?相当!之所以感动是因为有情怀,而情怀不过是那些年我们奋斗过的高考。其实说青春是个文艺的说法,我们的青春是被狠狠束缚住的,千军万马过的独木桥把我们勒得紧紧,高考这东西,只要经历过就会一生难忘。课桌上几近遮住视线的书山题海,表决心的小纸条,满脑都是打了鸡血一样意欲扭转乾坤的狂热信念。B:其实对于大多数人来说,青春里最重要的事,不是爱情,是学习,是高考那件事。经历过的人,自会懂得其中的辛酸苦辣。沙耶加被录取的那刻,观片的我的眼泪也没能止住,这些种种,一如昨日,那些付出,终有回报,真好。谁都要感谢那段时光,为了成为那个更好的自己,还在咬牙坚持的自己。A:回忆起来除了永远做不完的试卷,就是感觉困,凌晨四五点惺忪的睡眼,上课时硬撑着眼皮也无法遏制地打盹,午夜写字台上暗黄的台灯下昏沉的脑袋,父母轻轻带上门时心疼却又无奈的目光。感觉怎么也睡不够,当时高考完最大的愿望不是去哪里玩哪里嗨,而是痛痛快快的睡它个三天三夜!!!B:最后用把垫底辣妹中的一句话送给大家“人生路上本来就少不了困难挫折,对于这些挫折,不再逃避勇敢面对才是最好的方法。我为了能成为比原来更好的人,就算再苦再累也会努力。”再次感谢大家对VOE外语广播电台的关心与支持,如果你有什么好的建议和想法,可以关注我们的微信公众号“VOERadio”,来给我们留言,说出你的想法。最后还要感谢辛勤付出的后期制作,我是吉旭灵。A:我是梁远鹏,让我们在优美的歌声中结束本周的节目吧,下期再见喽!节目监制: 袁蕴宁 播音: 梁远鹏 吉旭灵编辑: 梁远鹏 吉旭灵制作: 于越
4/15/201713 minutes, 22 seconds
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Apr. 14, 2017 #Music Bang Bang# Bob Dylan

节目组: Music Bang Bang 音乐大爆炸 节目名称: Bob Dylan 开头曲 Knocking on heaven's door Good afternoon I am Brendan. Good afternoon I am Alice. I am lampson. I am jane. How are you doing? My dear friend Alice. Is this your first time come to music bang bang? I am all good thank you very much. And this is my very first time come to music bang bang I am very glad to be here. Thank you! And how was your qingming festival? Oh it is very good. Thank you for asking. Ok cut to the chase, let me introduce you today's shining star. He is a singer who got lots of nomination and finally won the Nobel prize in literature Wow that is not a common thing that ever happened. How could a musician won the Nobel prize. Who is he? He is bob dylan, he won the Nobel prize is for his amazing poem. Oh, then his song must be very charming,isn't it? Yes, let us listen to his melody. 插曲1 Knocking on heaven's door PART 1: Jane, since you are a big fan of movies , do you familiar with this name? Yes, I know a film share the same name. It is directed by Thomas Jahn. Yes, they share the same name. And this song is also the theme song from the movie Pat Garret & Billy The Kid. Maybe the next music bang bang I will write something about this movie. Bob dylan's song always have a lot of guitar strumming. And that make it very fresh. It is true, in this song I can hear the fresh guitar strumming. And I like it very much. I search on the Internet about the song's background, and I find out there is a lot of deep thoughts in this song. First of all, it is an anti-war song. Secondly, bob want to tell us that the killing shouldn't exist. At that time when the song was written in USA, there was a lot of military battle against other country, and plenty of people against this action of the US government, many artists and song -writers have works about the way how thay against it. Bob Dylan is one of them. Knocking on heaven's door is a famous one. 插曲 2 Like a rolling stone PART 2: This is a long song with over six minutes. And it struggled for Its first release just because of Its length. Wow, this song is very long. The lyrics is also a long story about how life changed. Bob is a poet, he once said "I consider myself a poet first and a musician second. I live like a poet and I will die like a poet. " He got a poetic soul and a mind full of story. Yes. The song like a rolling stone was written in 1965 after his travel back from England. At this travel, he suffered from some pain inside and he finally wrote this song. And that is where he got the hostility lyrics. There are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand people's eyes. So you can have a try and listen to this great poet. Yes let us listen. 插曲3 You belong to me PART 3: It is also an extremely old love songs. it was composed by 3 song writers Pee Wee King, Redd Stewart and Chilton Price in 1952. Bob Dylan coverd the song in the movie, Nature born killers. Although the movie is violet, the song is peaceful. Bob Dylan's voice is very special. When I first listened to the song, I was attracted by his deep, magnetic voice. oh I really agree with you. in my mind, the song is a very special one of his songs. We hardly ever can hear so peaceful song from him. Yeah, Whenever I hear the song, I feel so relaxed and I will keep a great mood.Can't wait to listen it. 插曲 4 Blowing in the wind PART 4 Blowin' In the Wind is one of the important works in the history of American folk songs. Yep, it reflected the social situation at that time. In 1957,Vietnam War broke out. The US spent lots of manpower and material resources to Vietnam. However, the War caused heavy casualties. An anti-war was booming in America. At the same time, the folk music was popular in compus. The song was catered to the trend in that society, and quickly spread worldwide. The lyrics impressed me deeply. People lost their life, became homeless because of war. So, I feel so lucky to stay in a peaceful country. So do I. with no doubt, This song is Bob's most excellent, most famous song. OK, let's enjoy it. 结束语 Hope you like Bob Dylan and his song. Today's program is over. Happy time is always short. Alice, I really enjoy talking with you. I am looking forward to working with you in next time. Oh, It is my honours. Happy to come to Music Bang Bang. I am also happy to talk music with you. 另外欢迎大家订阅我们的微信公众号“时代之声Radio”,网易云音乐“Music Bang Bang”以及荔枝Fm voe 外语广播电台。更多精彩节目等着你的发现。 Goodbye, my deer audience. See next time See you. 结束曲 Blowing in the wind 节目监制:刘仁邦编辑:尚博健 杨晨丹播音:刘仁邦 韩平治 尚博健 杨晨丹 制作:张雨航
4/13/201711 minutes, 45 seconds
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Apr. 13, 2017 #The World Says# How to communicate with foreigners

节目组: The World Says 世界说 节目名称: How to communicate with foreignersS: Good day everyone, you are listening to is the world says from the VOE foreign languages station. This is cool kid Sherlock. Welcome everybody!I: This is Iris. You're excited today ah!S: Well Iris, I have just finished my English exam. I:How does it feel? No wonder you stayed so late last night.S:Not really difficult, I think that communication on spoken English is more important. So when the exam is over, I'm coming here for our program.I:Well, How to communicate with foreigners is our today' show. You reminded me of today's quiz question. In our nation, which country has the most people except China as of 2010? Is it: A) The south Korea B) the U.S Or C) Japan?S: Umm, I think the answer is A, must be Korea, and South Korea is closed to us, I think the number is the most.I: OK, we'll find out if you got the answer right or not later on in the show. No matter which country, English must be the most practical tool in the communication. S: So, how can we talk with foreigners, I always run out of topics, I often don't know what to talk to foreigners about, very embarrassed.I:Every time we just talk about the obvious stuff: the weather, how long have you been here.S: Yes, I had the courage to talk to our school an American foreign teacher yesterday, but I was asking some strange questions like you said. I could see from his expression that he was a little tired. Whoops, It's time to make an utterly change.I: In fact, many topics you can say. Many Americans have a local sports team that they support which they love talking about. For a simple example, the NBA (National Basketball Association). You should say something more about their culture, rather than put your focus on they are foreigner.S:Yes, I know that, Some foreigners find the word "laowai" disparaging: They don't want to be labelled as "laowai", the outsider. They don't want to be treated like an outsider all the time. They want to fit in.I: Like you go abroad, you want to make friends with them, into them, we should learn to empathy. So, what is your main purpose that you want to be good friends with foreigners?S: well, the truth is pure and simple, I want them to teach us English!I: oh stupid Sherlock, Do you know what they think? Just because I'm a foreigner and I speak English, it doesn't mean I want to teach English or know someone who teaches English.S: In fact, I think they are not very willing to teach us English.I: Not all is, If you meet an English teacher or a young foreigner, they might be interested in teaching. But if they have their own job and career, chances are they are not interested in teaching.S: oh, brilliant, Come on, I got a good topic.I: Say it.S: We can talk to them about the topic of American TV shows. Even if the popular shows in China might not be as popular in America. For example, Big Bang Theory and Two Broke Girls are mostly watched by tweens.I: In fact, Americans is very like these shows: such as: Game of Thrones, House of Cards etc. S: And the program from the world says!I: Come on, stop your day dreaming.S: Our programs are always interesting, right? I:Of course, In fact, you could make some talk about Talk shows. The point is not to understand every joke, but to know what's going on in AmericanS: Yes, You can really understand how Americans think and feel about these issues from watching talk show, which is a great entry point to understanding American humor.I:That's right! There are many forms of talk show, like: Afternoon talk shows, Late night talk shows. I recommend to you and everyone this two talk show: The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon and Late Show with Steven Colbert. They both air on major networks.S: To be honest, they just want you to be honest! Foreigners are always interested in finding more about China, the real China. If you want to make real friends, let them know who you really are and show your true colors. Approach it like a long-term, ongoing process.I: Little by little, As you improve your English, you will naturally be able to talk about your life, your work and interesting things happening in China with foreigners. When you understand their culture and their way of thinking better, you'll also find there's a lot you can talk about, Sherlock.S:Yes, Of course, make friends who I click with, and the one who have Common hobbies and interests.I: You learn very fast!S: Because I am the wise Sherlock. I: OK, we are running out of time so let's go to today's quiz question. I asked you: In our nation, which country has the most people except China as of 2010? Is it: A) The south Korea B) the U.S Or C) Japan?S:And I said the answer is A, because I think the South Korea is closed to us.Come on, tell me my answer is correct.I: And you were…right! As of 2010, More than 7,000 foreigners accepted the survey, 71 of whom lived in China and were quite satisfied with the results of the survey. Of these expatriates, 56% said China's education was of higher quality, two-thirds said it was easy to make friends in China, and nearly three-quarters said their children were more secure in China.S: Sure enough, my motherland is the best, I love China. At the end of the program, we give you a few words to talk to foreigners.一切顺利。Things couldn't be better.那真是了不起!That's really something.我提议干杯!I'd like to propose a toast.时间会证明的。Time will tell.闭嘴!Zip your fly!你觉得你的新工作怎样?How do you like your new job?我看起来怎么样?How do I look?S: Sounds simple, right?That's all for today's listening. Goodbye. I: BYE.如果你喜欢我们的节目,请关注VOE外语广播电台的微信公众号VOEradio和VOE外语广播电台的新浪微博,那里有我们往期的作品。感谢制作苏鑫! 节目监制:周宸聿编辑:张燚铭 余若天播音:张燚铭 余若天制作:苏鑫
4/13/201710 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

Apr. 12, 2017 #Bloom in Ink# Be yourself Never give up

节目组: Bloom in Ink 墨海繁花 节目名称: Be yourself Never give up开头曲 Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra - Symphony No. 6 in F Major (F大调第6号交响曲) 用开头(谢谢大兄弟) 引语 -Hello everyone,welcome to Bloom in ink from VOE Foreign Languages Radio Station , I&`&m Margret Don , -I&`&m Livia. 插曲1 葉加瀬太郎 (はかせ たろう) - 風の向こうに (风的彼方) PART 1: -Today we will bring you a story as before, which called Be yourself Never give up今天我们将同样给大家带来一篇故事,名字叫做保持自我 永不放弃The adolescent girl from Tennessee [ˌtenə&`&si:] is standing on the stage of a drama summer camp in upstate New York. It&`&s a beautiful day. But the girl doesn&`&t feel beautiful. She&`&s not the leggy [ˈlegi], glamorous Hollywood type. In fact, she describes herself as dorky. Since she was six years old, Reese Witherspoon has wanted to be a country singer. And Dolly Parton is her idol. But this flat-chested wisp of a girl is no Dolly Parton. Nevertheless, all of this summer she&`&s been acting, dancing and singing---giving it her best.一名少女由田纳西州来到纽约北部,她站在戏剧夏令营的舞台上,虽然天气是那么好,她的心情却一点也不好。因为她不是那种身材颀长、丰腴美艳的好莱坞式美女,实际上她形容自己是“土里土气,还有点傻”。 从六岁开始,瑞茜•威瑟斯彭就梦想着成为一名乡村歌手,多莉•帕顿是她心中的偶像。但她可一点都不像多莉•帕顿,她胸部扁平,身材纤细。然而,整个夏天她都在尽全力地表演,跳舞和唱歌。发挥长处。如果想在这一行发展,不要走自己不擅长的性感路线。更好地专注于自己的特长,为自己喝彩。Play to your strengths. If you&`&re going to make it in this business, it&`&s not going to be on sexy—that&`&s not who you are. Better focus on what you&`&re good at. Celebrate yourself.Despite three years of lessons, at the end of camp her coaches tell her to forget about singing. They suggest she think about another career. If Reese did have talent, it was hiding under her skinny, mousy frame and her Coke-bottle glasses.发挥长处。如果想在这一行发展,不要走自己不擅长的性感路线。更好地专注于自己的特长,为自己喝彩。她已经上了三年的声乐课程,但夏令营结束时,老师们还是告诉她应该忘掉唱歌这件事儿,另谋出路。如果里斯确实有天分的话,那也是给她纤细的身材和厚如可乐瓶底儿的眼镜遮盖住了。Still, she takes their words to heart. After all, why shouldn&`&t she believe the professionals? But back at home in Nashville [ˈnæʃˌvɪl], her mother — a funny, happy, upbeat person — wouldn&`&t let her mope. Her father, a physician, encouraged her to achieve in school. So she worked hard at everything and was accepted at Stanford University. And at age 19, she got a part in a low-budget movie called Freeway. That led to a substantial role in the movie Pleasantville. But her big break came with Legally Blonde.虽然心有不甘,可她还是听从了建议,毕竟,她有什么理由怀疑专业人士呢?但回到位于纳什维尔的家里,她的妈妈—— 一名风趣、快乐、乐观的儿科护士——可不会让里斯感到丝毫的沮丧。她的爸爸是一名医生,他鼓励女儿在学业上有所成就。于是,她凡事努力,终于被斯坦福大学录取。19岁那年,她出演了一部低成本电影《极速惊魂》。这为她后来在《欢乐谷》中争取到真正重要的角色奠定了基础。而她真正的破冰之作是影片《律政俏佳人》。Well, she decided, "if you can&`&t sing and you aren&`&t glamorous, play to your strengths. If you&`&re going to make it in this business, it&`&s not going to be on sexy — that&`&s not who you are. Better focus on what you&`&ve good at. Celebrate yourself." And then came the offer that took her back to her Nashville roots — playing the wife of tormented [ˈtɔ:mentid] country star Johnny Cash. A singing role.她暗下决心:“既然自己没有歌唱天分,又不是光彩照人,那就尽力演出。要想在这行做下去,就不要在性感上做文章了——自己不是那种类型的。最好在自己擅长 的方面下功夫。要展示自己。”这时,她接到片约,邀她出演约翰尼•卡什——一个饱受折磨的乡村歌手——的妻子,这是个需要演员有唱功的角色,该片约又把她 带回到纳什维尔的家乡。All of a sudden, the old fears were back. She was so nervous on the set, a reporter wrote, she "kept a sick bucket" nearby and admitted she "would go backstage after a singing scene and shake." But she didn&`&t give up on the movie or herself.突然,旧时所有的恐惧感又回来了,一名记者报道说,她在台上实在是太紧张了,甚至在一边“准备了呕吐时要用的痰盂”,她自己也承认“每唱完一幕回到后台,自己都在发抖”。但她没放弃那部电影,也没放弃自己。The humor and drive she learned at home overcame the self-doubt learned on that summer stage. She spent 6 months taking singing lessons again. She learned to play the Autoharp. And the hard work built up her confidence. Last March, Reese Witherspoon walked up on another stage, the Kodak [ˈkəudæk] Theatre in Hollywood, and accepted the Oscar as Best Actress for her heartbreaking, heartwarming singing role as June Carter Cash in Walk the Line.她用六个月的时间重新开始学习声乐。她还学会了演奏竖琴。不懈的努力让她重拾信心。2006年3月,瑞茜•威瑟斯彭走上了另一个舞台——好莱坞的柯达剧院。凭借在影片《一往无前》里饰演的琼•卡特•卡什这一歌唱角色,她获得了奥斯卡最佳女演员奖,她在片中饰演的角色令人心碎,但也让人心暖。Finally, as you read these accounts of Reese Witherspoon, consider the obstacles [&`&ɒbstəklz] she met. The lesson of the story, I suppose, is that instead of making dozen excuses why you cannot realize your dreams, think about this story, just hold on to your dream and never give up.最后,当你读瑞茜•威瑟斯彭的故事时,想想她遇到的挫折。我认为,这个故事告诉我们,与其找借口解释梦想为什么不能实现,不如想想这个故事,坚持你的梦想,永不放弃。插曲 2 久石譲 (Joe Hisaishi) - Summer PART 2: -After hearing the story, let&`&s enjoy a poem and finish our today&`&s program.-听完这篇故事,让我们最后再欣赏一首小诗来结束我们今天的节目。 .Never give up hopeLife doesn&`&t always give us the joys we want.We don&`&t always get our hopes and dreams, and we don&`&t always get our own way.But don&`&t give up hope, because you can make a difference one situation and one person at a time.Look for the beauty around you--in nature, in others, in yourself--and believe in the love of friends, family, and humankind.You can find love in a smile or a helping hand, in a thoughtful gesture or a kind word. It is all around, if you just look for it.Give love, for in giving it you will find the power in life along with the joy, happiness, patience, and understanding.Believe in the goodness of others and remember that anger and depression can be countered by love and hope.Even when you feel as though there isn&`&t a lot you can do to change unhappiness or problems, you can always do a little--and a little at a time eventually makes a big difference.永远别放弃希望生活并非总是如你所愿。希望有时会落空,梦想有时会破灭,我们不能一切随心所愿。但别放弃希望,因为事物并非一成不变;不同时间,不同场合,你会呈现不同的面貌。处处留心你身边的美吧--自然中的,别人中的,你自己的--请相信,美来自朋友、家庭乃至全人类的融融爱意。一个微笑,援助之手,关心的举止,友善的话语,无不传达着爱。爱无所不在,如果你有寻找的话。奉献爱心吧,从中你会发现生活的力量,感受生活带来的幸福快乐,学会忍耐和理解。相信人性本善。记住,爱心和希望能化解一切愤怒和沮丧。 结束曲 Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra - Symphony No. 6 in F Major (F大调第6号交响曲) 用结尾(好好做大兄弟) -感谢制作任家豪。-Thank you for your listening.-Bye~ 节目监制:曹睿姝 编辑:唐敏嫣播音:唐敏嫣 刘冲 制作:任家豪
4/12/201714 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

Apr. 11, 2017 #한류전선# Kill Me Heal Me

节目组: 한류전선 韩流前线 节目名称: Kill Me Heal MeA:여러분 안녕하세요.欢迎收听VOE外语广播韩流前线,我是播音李可。B: 만나서 반가워요.我是播音王芷筠。A:又是一年假期结束,我们又开始了紧张的校园生活,这个假期相信大家都有补剧吧。B:没错,最近又出了很多新剧,像《明天和你》,《被告人》,《花郎》等等。A:但是最近有一件引起热议的事就是2015年收视率可观的《Kill Me Heal Me》将要被翻拍。B:没错,中国版的叫《柒个我》,可能有很多人还并不知道这部剧,那我们就先来了解一下。많은 사람들이 아직 이 드라마를 모를수 있으니까 먼저 간단히 소개해보도록 할까요 A:这部剧讲述的是因小时候受刺激的财阀二世与他的秘密精神科医生的治愈故事,是一部以多重人格障碍及虐待儿童现象为题材的韩剧B:这类治愈系题材并不是空前绝后,在它之前有不能有唾液接触的都教授,有幻想症的精神分裂作家张宰烈,一说谎就打嗝的匹诺曹记者,之后又有玄彬的海德哲基尔式双重人格,但没想到池城竟然身负七重人格。A:池城在这部剧中的七重角色变换自然,有身为副社长的主人格车度贤,有危险霸气的打架高手申世期,有满嘴方言的炸弹专家佩里朴,有想要轻生的高能画家安耀燮,有追星少女安瑶拉,有忧郁少女NaNa,有身份不详的疑问人格xB:女主吴俐珍由黄正音饰演,第一集中她就展现了她收放自如的演技,在机场与哥哥吴俐温互相揪扯打架,在医院淡定地处理精神病患者。在这之后她更是展现了多样魅力,她不拘谨大大咧咧地展现着自己,没有偶像包袱与男主发生许多带给观众欢乐的故事。A在这部剧里无论是男主还是女主都需要有一定的演技实力,男主的人格变换自然有很大难度,但女主要应对七个不同性格的人也是着实不易,为了不让其他人格扰乱主人格的人生,她也是使出了浑身解数,不禁让人惊叹! B:就在大部分医生都置之不理之时,车度贤遇见了独特的吴俐珍,几次的巧合邂逅,两人开始慢慢敞开心扉。即使知道心里的那个他是个危险的存在,俐珍却还坚持一点点打破度贤的防线,真正地走到他的心中,两人的爱情虽然没有像传统模式的家庭阻挠,却也是十分坎坷。为了让俐珍不被坏人置于死地,不想起儿时所经历的痛苦,度贤几次忍痛割爱赶走俐珍。儿时的记忆真的折磨了两人太久了,当申世期看着手表说了那句,记住下午十点整,我被你迷住的瞬间,那份被封存的记忆开始浮现了,两人小时约定时间,度贤偷偷跑来见俐珍,不论度贤犯了什么错误,受惩罚的都是俐珍,度贤被这份记忆折磨着,错把自己当成了那个受害者。每当申世期见到会长的时候,总会强调那句话,如果没有施暴者和旁观者,就不会有受害者。A:他的话并没有错,其实有时候旁观者的不作为反而显得更加罪恶。我们可以不原谅别人的恶,但仍要怀揣着爱去生活。两人正是秉承着这种信念,释怀了,不念了,治愈了。主人格的治愈,也就意味着其他人格的离去,留着泪看完离别的场面,其中安耀燮的那句바라미 분다,살아야겠다.纵有疾风起,人生不言弃。仿佛揭示了整部剧的主题,两人面对困境,并没有对人生轻言放弃,这也显得两人的爱情是那么珍贵,那么令人感动。 B:观众穿梭于男主七种角色的变换,感受男女主带来的浪漫和欢乐,更被哥哥吴俐温的付出所打动。吴俐温与女主吴俐珍并非亲兄妹,妹妹从小在哥哥的呵护下长大,与其说呵护也可以理解为相爱相杀。当妹妹找到了一生所爱,他只留一句:”嗯,我只做你的哥哥。””응,난 너의 오빠만 할께”如此全身而退,怎能不令人感动。A:真实且治愈,如此脍炙人口的经典好剧,华策影视又将如何诠释呢?B:《柒个我》讲述的是神话集团的继承者沈亦臻,拥有罕见的七重人格,在精神科女医生白欣欣的帮助下,慢慢治愈的故事。A:剧情可能看似与原版没有多少区别,但观众总是怀揣着先入为主的想法,所以这就考验演员的实力和彼此的默契。B:华策选择了张一山为男主,蔡文静为女主。俊男美女的组合也让人期待,希望能将原剧更好地诠释出来。 A:相信无论是《Kill Me Heal Me》还是《柒个我》,都会是值得留恋的存在。B:美好的时光总是如此短暂,今天的节目到这里就要接近尾声了。A:感谢大家的收听.들어주셔서 감사합니다感谢制作人胡捷A&B再见 节目监制:金池 编辑:李可 王芷筠播音:李可 王芷筠制作:胡婕
4/11/201711 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

Apr. 10, 2017 #Screen Age# The Imitation Game.

节目组:The Screen Age 荧屏时代 节目名称:The Imitation Game.开头曲 Alan A: Good evening, my dear audience. Welcome back to the Screen Age, This is Alice. Recently, National Computer level 2 test has come. Lynn, I have heard that you had taken the examination last Saturday.L: Yep, I am a little bit nervous now. I have prepared it for a long time. I really hope that I can pass the examination. A: Don't worry to much. I believe you can do it.L: Thank you. So, Today we will introduce a movie about computer science--The Imitation Game. 插曲1 Alan H: The Imitation Game tells a story of computer genius--Alan Turing's legendary life. He is one of the greatest British mathematicians and logicians. And he was honored as the “father of computer science".L: The movie includes 3 periods of Alan Turing's life,they are mixed together. The first scene in the movie is that Turing tells a policeman about his experience during the world war II. M: In his early years, Professor Turing worked in Cambridge. When the world war II broke out, he came to Manchester and was hired as a cryptographer. He worked with some other cryptographers, but they didn't like him because of his independence. He designed drawings of a computer while others were trying to break out the code.A: If the British could break the German Enigma Machine, they would get useful intelligence. However, it's said to be unbreakable. Alan was trying to create a machine to break the code. At first, few people understood him. After many difficulties, he got the financial support and 4 new partners. H:His new partners included a lady named Joan Clarke, she was a person who can understand him and support him. With the help of Joan, Alan gained the trust from the other 3 partners. They were willing to help him create the machine. Finally, Alan And his team broke the Enigma. The first computer, Christopher was burn. Because of the existence of the computer, anti-Fascist war ends up earlier. M:In order to retain Joan, Alan decided to marry her. Because Joan's parents wanted her to get married. However, Alan was a homosexual. So, he didn’t marry her at last. And Alan was sentenced for homoerotism. As a punishment, he took medicine for chemical castration. A: When Alan was in middle school, he wasn’t popular with his classmates. They bullied him in a very cruel way. Christopher Morcom was the only one who was kind to him. They were positively inseparable. And Alan fell in love with him. However, Christopher was dead of bovine tuberculosis. And maybe this is the reason why the computer named after Christopher.L: In 2014, lots of scientists signed a letter to the queen of the UK for absolve Alan Turing. from then on, the law in the UK allows gay. 插曲 2 Crosswords L:The Imitation Game is involved inference,the unique romance,British classic architecture and the Second World War popular elements.This film uses the technique of flashback to develop plots.It records and narrates the true history of the Second World War.H:Sometimes,it's the very people who no one imagines anything of,who do the things that no one can imagine.Turing believed that machines would become so powerful that they would think just like humans one day.A:His outstanding contribution is not only on the passwords but all had changed the development of science and intelligence.In the next hundred years, it has been made progress in its speed and method.The essence of it is still Turing's invention.Unfortunately,his identity of homosexuality couldn't be accepted at that time.Although he is talented,he is alone aside.L: Actually, the greatness of a man is in the greatness not in his sexuality.Many great men had been forced by their ignorance.In December 24,2003,in order to salute Turing,the British Queen issued a royal pardon to him finally.The great men don't need to be understood,all they need is respect. 插曲3 Crosswords M:The back ground music of this film makes it more marvelous.It was composed by Alexandre Desplat.Although it is without lyrics, it's full of affection. With the elements of Gothic, intangibility and dark, it implied the misfortune life of Turing's.A:The leading actor of it is our old friend, Benedict Cumberbatch who is a handsome man with curly hair.Therefore,we call him"Juan Fu"in Chinese.Many people adore him because of his remarkable performance. I am also one of his honest fans. I love him, not only because his excellent acting, but also the efforts he made to achieve his dream. Because of this film,he was rewarded Academy Award,Annual Hollywood Film Awards, Golden Globe Awards and British Academy Film Awards for Best Actor in a Leading Role of nominations.In addition,he was selected for Time 100 in the same year.He was given the CBE by British Queen in 2015.Where there is a will, there is a way.L:The leading actress Keira Knightley is also brilliant.She was starred in the Disney movie Pirates of the Caribbean for the heroine.She won a prize for the nomination of Academy Award for Best Actress.She has played a lot of famous films like Pride and Prejudice,Anna Karenina,Atonement and so on. 插曲 4 The Imitation Game A: This is today's movie, Hope you like it. L: There must be a lot of people busy in preparing National Computer 2 test like me. I wish you can get good grades.A: See you next time. 最后感谢制作张安康!L: See you. 结束曲 The Imitation Game 节目监制:刘逸超编辑:杨晨丹 邹佳琳播音:杨旸 张洁川 杨晨丹 邹佳琳制作:张安康
4/10/201711 minutes, 4 seconds
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Apr. 08, 2017 #日本语ドリームワークス# 日本旅游资源简介

节目组: 日本语ドリームワークス 日语梦工厂 节目名称: 日本旅游资源简介片头曲:久石让---spring背景音乐:shall we talkA:亲爱的听众朋友们晚上好,欢迎收听VOE外文广播电台日语梦工厂,我是主播梁远鹏。B:大家好,我是主播冉莹。A:艳丽的四月,精彩的季节,无疑是出行的好时机,走在路的两傍感受桃花沁人的蜜香,芳香的味道似乎总能给人以一种美好的感受。B:沈阳的四月格外的美丽,不知日本的四月也是否有这样的好光景那?大家有没有一点小期待的感觉那,快随主播去感受一下吧。A:谈到日本,那一定则数日本的樱花最为吸引人了吧,而美丽的四月那,则又是观赏樱花的好季节。在日本,最早观赏樱花的地点大概就数冲绳岛了吧,最迟的观赏地点则是日本的北海道了。B:位于冲绳岛名护市内的“名护城公园”,有超过2万株以上樱花树,其中大部分为绯寒樱,会在1月中旬至2月中旬期间盛开,而每年的1月尾,这里都会举行一个樱花祭,赏花之余,又可观赏各种不同歌舞表演,故成为冲绳岛中一个人气赏樱地方。位于冲绳岛名护市内的“名护城公园”,有超过2万株以上樱花树,其中大部分为绯寒樱,会在1月中旬至2月中旬期间盛开,而每年的1月尾,这里都会举行一个樱花祭,赏花之余,又可观赏各种不同歌舞表演,故成为冲绳岛中一个人气赏樱地方。A:北海道的“松前城”是日本著名的观赏樱花胜地,更被日本樱花会授予“樱花之乡”称号。北海道是全日本最寒冷、回暖最迟之地,岛上樱花当然也迟开,这里的樱花平均开花时间都在5月下旬,是日本樱花最迟开花的地方。另外,到北海道别忘了尝尝冰激凌,春天可以试试樱花口味,颜色是诱人的淡粉,口感清甜,还透着清雅的樱叶香味。B:日本那是秀丽的岛国风光,高山深谷,河流瀑布,特别是火山和温泉,都为日本的旅游业发展提供了良好的条件。可以松岛、宫岛和天桥立等“日本三景”为代表。日本还是是丰富多彩的历史文化遗产。全国著名的历史古迹不胜枚举,尤以奈良、京都和镰仓三大古城闻名于世。日本既保留着自己的民族传统,同时也积极吸收外来文化,致力于将其现代化发展。A:所以接下来我们将会简单地为大家介绍一下日本的主要旅游城市,敬请期待吧。 东京是日本的首都,位于本州关东平原南端,东南濒东京湾。它是全国最大的工商业城市、文化中心和重要港口,是世界上人口最多的城市之一。第二次世界大战后,建成为现代化大都市,全城公园和花园多达800多处,著名的上野公园以樱花蜚声国内外。市中心有天皇居住的皇宫城。 附近的赤坂离宫,是接待外国贵宾的国宾馆。东京西北部新建的60层大厦——“日光城”,高度达240米,是日本最高的建筑物。东京地处内港区,芝公园内的东京塔,是世界上最高的独立铁塔,其高度为333米,在250米高处,有展望台,可以在此俯瞰全市景色。塔下部有科学馆、商场、蜡像馆、摄影棚等。此外,还有明治神宫、新宿御苑等游览胜地。 B:在距东京10公里的千叶县浦安市,有东京迪斯尼乐园。这是日本最大的游乐场,也是亚洲唯一的迪斯尼风格游乐园。1983年开始接待游客。这个在填海造出的土地上建成的乐园,呈五角形,以“灰姑娘”故事中的古老城堡 为中心划分为“西部世界”、“冒险世界”、“奇异世界”、“世界市场” 和“明日世界”五个部分,人们在此可以回顾和体验当年美国拓荒年代的西部生活,也可以进入童话世界的奇异境界。A:鎌仓,是日本著名古城之一,位于本州中南部神奈川县,三面环山一面临水,地势险要。公元12~14世纪期间,曾为鎌仓幕府所在地,是重要的文化区,故此一时期称为“鎌仓时代”。城内有许多寺庙和其他名胜古迹,如建长寺、觉园寺、高德院、日莲宗的本山妙本寺、净土宗关东总本山光明寺等。高德院的“镰仓大佛”是日本“第二大佛”。该佛像铸于1252年,为铜 铸的如来佛,高11.3米,重121吨,形态生动,铸艺高超,是日本著名国宝。B:简单的介绍了日本的一些旅游城市你是否有些倦怠了那?我们欣赏了桃花儿的美,是否需要去让疲惫的身心感受一顷刻的放松那,没错奥,你们猜对了,就是想给大家推荐下日本的温泉圣地,往期的节目里我们也推荐了相似的旅游地点,这一期那主播们想自作主张给大家推荐下我个人比较喜欢而且在日本圣明的温泉圣地,由于时间有限,我们就推荐一个棒棒的地点喽~A:草津温泉是位于东京200公里一个能享受四季自然景色的山区观光小城镇。人口虽约7000人、但观光游客年间却高达300万人以上。位于中心、是最知名的日本三大名汤之一。这也是草津温泉连续12年蝉联该榜单的首位的原因了吧。草津温泉的自然涌泉量为日本第一。泉质为全国屈指可数的强酸性、大部分的细菌和杂菌都无法繁殖、拥有极强的杀菌力。当然也可以美丽我们的肌肤啦。推荐来日本时间有限的你们一定要去参观一下哟,B:听了这么半天大家是否疲惫了那,快快献上我们的美妙乐曲,还意犹未尽的朋友们,记得关注我们的VOE的官方微信,喜欢我们的记得帮我们点赞哟,最近感谢我们所有后期制作的伙伴们,特别感谢后期制作——于越。A:我是梁远鹏B:我是冉莹,欢迎各位的聆听。 结束曲: move on节目监制: 袁蕴宁 播音: 冉莹 梁远鹏 编辑: 冉莹 梁远鹏 制作: 于越
4/8/20179 minutes, 30 seconds
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Apr. 07, 2017 #Music Bang Bang# The ethereal voice

节目组: Music Bang Bang 音乐大爆炸 节目名称: The ethereal voice开头曲 Listen M: Hello, guys. I'm Melody. Welcome to the latest issue of Music bang bang. It's been a week that we didn't meet each other, and we miss you very much.B: Hello, everybody. I'm burgess. Maybe we all listened to the ethereal [ɪ'θɪriəl] female voice. But today we will share you with some special male voice.M: The opening song is Listen from Japanese band ONE OK ROCK and Canada singer Avril Lavigne. B: 在本期的music bang bang节目中 我们将会为你推荐一些来自嗓音空灵迷人的男歌手的歌曲。 插曲1 1984 B: Now, you're listening to the song with brisk tempo and clean voice/ which named 1984, it was song by Charlie Puth on 2014 as a single. Maybe you have never heard the song before, but you must heard about See You Again. M: In his early life, he just covered other's song, but at last he was so popular in the internet as a result of his talent. And more than that, he was discovered by the famous presenter [prɪ'zɛntɚ] Allen and invited to her program.B:今天介绍的这首1984是他早期发行过的单曲之一,轻盈的节奏配上他迷人的声线,使得整个歌曲让人流连忘返,接下来就让我们一起来欣赏吧! 插曲 2 Please don't go M: Welcome back! Now you're listening to the song named Please Don't go from Joel Adams. The song was published in 2015, the handsome look and perfect voice are all searching the heart. He also get the favorite comment ['kɑmɛnt] from the judges of the draft [dræft] show.B:Ethereal voice and special arrangement make the song so relaxed and it's easy to take us in his song and his world. The song said that the singer didn't want to keep away from his girlfriend, so it also can said that he wanted to detain her..M:Ok, let's enjoy together. 插曲3 The story never ends B: The song The Story Never Ends is mainly made by piano. So, the song is really moving and relaxed. The song was song by Lauv. He started his music life when he was in the middle school. He was careful and persistent to his music. He is also an honest boy, he said that he hate school and music is his life when he was 16.M: His song was based on R&B and electronic music, and they are psychedelic ['saɪkə'dɛlɪk] but again fresh. But he changed his style to composed this piano accompaniment [ə'kʌmpənɪmənt]. He wanted to tell us a touching tune can speak out the real emotion.B: lauv 一改平日的电音风格,只是用了简单的钢琴伴奏,写出了一首令人感同身受的歌曲。这首歌讲述了他与另一半之间的误解与分开后的不舍。让我们一起来欣赏。 M: Time flies so fast, we're going to say goodbye. If you like today's music bang bang or you have something want to tell us, please leave us a message. Looking forward to seeing you next Friday.B: 今天的music bang bang 到这里就要结束了,欢迎大家订阅我们的微信公众号时代之声radio,网易云音乐 musicbangbang 电台 以及荔枝FM22808,更多好听的歌曲等待着你的发现。M: See you~~ 结束曲 The story never ends 节目监制:刘仁邦编辑:李金声播音:王璇 李金声 制作:张雨航
4/7/201713 minutes, 39 seconds
Episode Artwork

Apr. 06, 2017 #The World Says# Earworm

节目组: The World Says 世界说 节目名称: Earworm开头曲 Don't wanna know J: Hello everybody, welcome to the world says from the VOE foreign languages station. I'm Jotta.V: Hello everyone, I'm Vincent.J:Hey, Vincent!What tune are you humming, there?V:Was I humming? Oh, I woke up with it in my head. It's that song – you know [hums a song]J:No idea, what you're talking about, Vincent, but it's very annoying, so could you just stop it please.V:That's my problem. I can stop humming it out loud, but it keeps on repeating in my head [more humming]. Did you know there's a name for that, Jotta? When a song keeps repeating in your head?J:There's a name? I don't know what it is – but I'm sure you're going to tell me.V:You're right! It's an earworm.中文是耳虫,也就是音乐幻听。 插曲1 Don't wanna know J:Sounds nasty – is there a cure for that?V:Cure?! Why do you say so! I enjoy the feeling when there's music in my mind, which makes me inspired, and have energy to do things. And let's move on. In this programme ,we're talking about music – and how it influences us.J:A professor told us how music affects what we choose to eat and drink.V:He said,imagine you're going to the bar and thinking about a glass of wine. There's French music playing behind the counter – more than likely you'll go for a glass of French wine. J:German music behind the counter – your likelihood of choosing German wine goes way, way up.If they're playing classical music you might be tempted to spend that little bit more.V:What's the likelihood of you spending more, Jotta?J:Quite likely, actually Vincent – and likelihood means the chance of something happening. I love a good glass of wine.V:Me too. But why do we spend more when there's classical music playing?J:Good question. It makes us feel a bit classy.因为古典音乐会让我们有一种优越感,给我们一种潇洒精致的感觉。V:I’m guessing hip-hop doesn’t have the same effect. Am I right?J:You’re always right, Vincent. So, the professor is saying that bars and restaurants use music to manipulate their customers.V:And that means to control or influence them. J:Argh! Earworms! They're messing with our minds!V:I know, I know, and it doesn’t stop there. Restaurants also use the tempo – or speed – of the music to change people's behaviour.A fast tempo gets customers in and out quickly at busy times.On the other hand, if there aren't many customers, the restaurant might want to keep people in the place for longer.J:So they put on music with a slow tempo to create a more relaxed atmosphere.V:And atmosphere, in this context, means the mood or tone in a place or situation. 插曲 2 Why would I ever J: Now music is also used to create atmosphere in films.And Debbie Wiseman had talked about music in the movies.V:She said,a director might come to me and say “look, can you help bring the romance to this scene with the music”, and so I might write something beautifully romantic and lyrical working with what I've got and suddenly the scene will feel much more romantic, much more tender, much more sexy, whatever it needs to feel, and the music has the power to do that, to achieve that effect.J:Sexy, tender, lyrical, romantic – that's all emotional stuff!And lyrical actually means expressing strong emotions. So what's your favourite romantic moment in a film, Vincent?V:Oh, there are so many.My mom is a sucker for romance.Once the violins start playing, she starts blubbing – and yes, Jotta – that means she has a good cry!J:So sweet! Now, if you're a sucker for something, for example romance, it means you can't resist it. I'm more of a sucker for horror myself…V:And music is crucial – or extremely important – in creating atmosphere in horror films.J:That's very true. Music is often used to create tension and suspense – or feelings of anxiety and excitement.V:你能想象没有小提琴伴奏,希区柯克的《惊魂记》是什么样子么?J:Oh, let’s not have a shower scene here in the studio, Vincent. You’ll give me nightmares! V:OK,OK.You know that I've been learning dancing for a while, which is popping, whenever I hear a piece of dance music no matter where I am, I will subconsciously make some pop and wave to it, as I can see, this is the magic of music!J:Yeah, you're right~. V:Well, that brings us to the end of today’s show. J:It's time to say goodbye again.V:We hope you enjoyed humming along to today’s programme. J:Please join us again soon.V:感谢制作王紫丞。J:See you next time. 结束曲 Flashlight 节目监制:周宸聿编辑:杨晏直 朱子业播音:杨晏直 朱子业制作:苏鑫
4/6/20179 minutes, 49 seconds
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Apr. 05, 2017 #Bloom in Ink# Poems of love

节目组: Bloom in Ink 墨海繁花 节目名称: Poems of loveYou Come to See Me or NotBy 仓央嘉措 见或不见仓央嘉措 You come to see me or notRight there I amNeither sad nor glad你见,或者不见我我就在那里不悲不喜You miss me or notRight there my feelings areNeither rising nor falling你念,或者不念我情就在那里不来不去You love me or notRight there my love isNeither more or less你爱,或者不爱我爱就在那里不增不减You accompany me or notIn yours my hands areNeither clinging nor giving up你跟,或者不跟我我的手就在你手里不离不弃Be here in my armsOr let me stay in your heartWe love each other in silenceAnd rejoice with serenity来我的怀里或者让我住进你的心里默然 相爱 寂静 欢喜 An Unfamiliar BeachBy 北岛陌生的海滩北岛1The sails have been lowered.  A winter forest of masts  contains unexpected sights and sounds of Spring.  风帆垂落。  桅杆,这冬天的树木,  带来了意外的春光。2  The ruins of a lighthouse  still hold the great beams from the past.  You lean on the remaining stairs,  on the rusted banisters,  beating the same rhythm over and over.  冬天的废墟,  缅怀着逝去的光芒。  你靠着残存的阶梯,  在生锈的栏杆上,  敲出一个个单调的声响.3  In the dignity of high noon  our shadows look for temporary lodging.  All over the place  salt rock glistens, condensed and  sparkling with memories.  正午的庄严中,  阴影在选择落脚的地方。  所有的角落,  盐粒凝结昔日的寒冷,  和一闪一闪的回忆之光。4  In the distance  there is a vast, white expanse.  The blue horizon  is like a moving deck.  How many nets have been cast?远方  白茫茫。  水平线  这浮动的甲板,  撒下多少安眠的网?5  A scarf,  like a red bird,  waves over the Sea of Japan.  It flings its imitation of fire  at this grey end of the world,  and at your fixed gaze.  An absence of storms is fine,  but there is also no direction and no wind.  Perhaps in answer to a call,  its wings thrum like a bowstring.  头巾,  那只红色的鸟,  在日本海上飞翔。  火焰的反光,  把和你分离的影子,  投向不属于任何人的天幕上。  没有风暴就够了,  然而也没有固定的风向,  也许是为了回答召唤。  翅膀发出弓的鸣响。 6  The ebbing tide  wave after wave,  spills on a golden carpet,  spills a night suffused with foam,  a lost rope, a broken oar.  Fishermen bend their naked backs  and repair the temple the storm collapsed.  落潮  层层叠叠,  在金色的地毯上,  吐下泛着泡沫的夜晚,  松散的缆绳,折断的桨。  渔民们弯着光裸的脊背,  修建着风暴中倒塌的庙堂。7  Children chase a crescent moon.  A sea gull flies right for you,  but doesnt light on your outstretched hand.  孩子们追逐着一弯新月。  一只海鸥迎面扑来,  却没有落在你伸出的手上。 Sleep, ValleyBy Beidao睡吧,山谷 北岛Sleep, valleywith blue mist quickly cover the skyand the wild lilies’s pale eyesSleep, valleywith rainsteps quickly chase after the windand the anxious cries of the cuckoo睡吧,山谷 快用蓝色的云雾蒙住天空 蒙住野百合苍白的眼睛 睡吧,山谷 快用雨的脚步去追逐风 追逐布谷鸟不安的啼鸣 Sleep, valleyhere we hideas if in a thousand-year dreamtime no longer glides past blades of grassstopped behind layers of clouds, the sun’s clockno longer swings down evening glow or dawn睡吧,山谷我们躲在这里 仿佛躲进一个千年的梦中 时间不再从草叶上滑过 太阳的钟摆停在云层后面 不再摇落晚霞和黎明 Spinning treestoss down countless hard pine conesprotecting two lines of footprintsour childhoods walked with the seasonsalong this winding pathand pollen drenched the brambles旋转的树林 甩下无数颗坚硬的松果 护卫着两行脚印 我们的童年和季节一起 走过那条弯弯曲曲的小路 花粉沾满了荆丛 Ah, it’s so quiet and stillthe cast stone has no echoperhaps you are searching for something--from heart to hearta rainbow rises in silence--from eye to eye啊,多么寂静 抛出去的石子没有回声 也许,你在探求什么 -----从心到心 一道彩虹正悄然升起 ------从眼睛到眼睛 Sleep, valleysleep, windvalley, asleep in blue mistwind, asleep in our hands睡吧,山谷 睡吧,风 山谷睡在兰色的云雾里 风,睡在我们手掌中 节目监制: 曹睿姝 播音: 魏静滟 杜羽晨编辑: 魏静滟 杜羽晨 制作: 任家豪
4/5/201712 minutes, 46 seconds
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Apr. 01, 2017 #日本语ドリームワークス# 日语的特点

节目组: 日本语ドリームワークス 日语梦工厂 节目名称: 日语的特点A:繁华的都市,疲惫了你我,错综的手心,握不住美好。B:精彩的大学,成就了明天;灿烂的星途,这里是起点。A:亲爱的听众朋友们晚上好,欢迎收听日语梦工厂节目,我是主播梁远鹏。B:我是主播吉旭灵。A:旭灵呀,来电台这么久了,你的日语学的怎么样了呀?B:哎,别提了,学日语我本来以为背五十音图和单词就行 ,但是现在就很懵,特别是遇到日语里的汉字的意思跟中文里的不一样。A:这可能初学者都会遇到的问题,日语和其他语言相比有着自己独有的特点,无论是语言的黏着性,还是表达上的委婉性,都体现了日本这个国家的人文习惯。今天我们就给大家好好谈一谈日语的特点以及日语汉字和中文汉字意思的不同。B:日语的黏着性是怎么体现的呢?还有表达上的委婉性又是什么意思呢,说半句留半句吗?A:别着急听我给你慢慢道来,日语的黏着性主要体现在日语依靠助词或者助动词的粘着来表示每个单词在句中的机能。因此,要想学好日语,掌握其助词和助动词的用法极为重要。B:日语的助词和助动词也像英语那样只能和别的动词一起构成谓语,表示时态、语态、语气等,或表示疑问或否定吗?也受时态、数量、所有格的影响吗?A:虽然日语的动词、形容词、形容动词和助动词虽然有词尾变化,但并不受时态等的影响。同时日语中还有着许多不表达意思的虚词,一般只附在实词之后起种种语法作用或增添某种意义的词。 B:是像汉语中的嗯、啊之类的口头语吗?A:没有错,日语中经常使用じゃ あの之类的来作为句子的开始,当然日语中也会用这些虚词来引起别人的注意。B:日语的语序好像也和中文不同,我发现日语中的谓语都在后面,而宾语却在前面,这和中文的主谓宾完全不同。A:日语的主语或主题一般在句首,谓语在句尾,其他成分在中间,即日语的一般语序为:主语(——补语)——宾语——谓语。日语句子成分多数没有严格的次序,可以灵活放置,有些成分则经常可以省略。B:还有日语中的汉字没说呢,写做勉强的意思是学习,还有切手是邮票的意思,这真的让人很搞不懂。A:中国和日本都是使用汉字的国家,两国在自己发展基础上都发展出各种不同的汉字词汇,其中有些词汇大同小异,有些词汇则就风马牛不相及了!B:那日语的委婉性呢?不会真的是说一半留一半吧。A:其实差不多,日本人在回答别人的提问或者在命令其他人的时候,很少时候使用命令式的强烈用语,转而使用委婉建议的话,所以有的中国人刚学日语的时候会说日语好磨叽呀。B:日语不仅仅委婉,而且还会模糊其词,模棱两可日本人提问的时候往往会绕着弯子去问,避开断定语气,还有就是他们会省略句子的成分,有的句子只用简单的几个词来表示。A:这就像外国人学中文一样,他们往往学的是普通话,而我们说的时候都会带有一些方言,这正是语言的魅力,它会反应一个国家一个地区的人文和环境。B:那你给大家分享一下学习日语的好方法吧。A:首先选择适合自己的日语教材,如果是初学者我推荐标准日本语初级,其次端正学习态度,在快乐中学习日语,然后可以通过观看适当的日本电影或者动漫来辅助学习,最后也是重要的就是要有足够的耐心和恒心,因为在学习过程中会遇到很多的困难和障碍尤其是接触到语法变形的时候,这更需要耐心的把难题逐个击破。B:说了这么相信听众朋友们一定大有收获,再次感谢大家对VOE外语广播电台的关心与支持,如果你有什么好的建议和想法,可以关注我们的微信公众号“VOERadio”,来给我们留言,说出你的想法。最后还要感谢辛勤付出的制作于越,我是吉旭灵, A:我是梁远鹏,让我们在优美的歌声中结束本周的节目吧,下期再见喽,拜拜!节目监制: 袁蕴宁 播音: 吉旭灵 梁远鹏编辑: 吉旭灵 梁远鹏制作: 于越
4/1/20179 minutes, 45 seconds
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Mar. 29, 2017 #Bloom in Ink# Kisses and Love

节目组: Bloom in Ink 墨海繁花 节目名称: Kisses and Love-Hello everyone,welcome to Bloom in ink from VOE Foreign Languages Radio Station , I'm Margret Don .-I'm Livia. -Today we will bring you a story as before, which called: A box full of kisses-今天我们同样给大家带来一篇故事装满吻的盒子-The story goes that some time ago, a man punished his 3-year-old daughter for wasting a roll of gold wrapping paper. Money was tight and he became infuriated when the child tried to decorate a box to put under the Christmas tree. Nevertheless, the little girl brought the gift to her father the next morning and said, "This is for you, Daddy.”-从前,一位父亲惩罚了自己5岁的女儿,因为她用光了家里仅有的一卷昂贵的金色包装纸。家中用钱紧张,在圣诞节前夜,父亲变得更加心烦意乱,他看到了圣诞树下的一个鞋盒,女儿原来把金纸贴在了这个鞋盒上做装饰。 圣诞日的早上,小女孩满是兴奋地把这个圣诞礼盒拿给了父亲,说道:“爸爸,这个送给你!” -The man was embarrassed by his earlier overreaction, but his anger flared again when he found out the box was empty. He yelled at her, stating, "Don't you know, when you give someone a present, there is supposed to be something inside? The little girl looked up at him with tears in her eyes and cried, "Oh, Daddy, it's not empty at all. I blew kisses into the box. They're all for you, Daddy."-当父亲拿到礼盒时,他为自己先前的过激反应而倍感尴尬。 但是当他打开盒子后,发现里面是空的。他的怒火再次爆发了:“你不知道吗,小姐,”他严厉地说,“当你送礼物给别人时,盒子里面应该是有东西的!” 小女孩抬头看着气头上的父亲,泪水在她的眼眶中打圈:“爸爸,它不是空的。我的吻,这里面装满了我的吻。” -The father was crushed. He put his arms around his little girl, and he begged for her forgiveness. Only a short time later, an accident took the life of the child. It is also told that her father kept that gold box by his bed for many years and, whenever he was discouraged, he would take out an imaginary kiss and remember the love of the child who had put it there.-爸爸感动极了,他搂住女儿,恳请她的原谅。然而之后不久,一场事故夺走了小女孩的生命。据说,父亲便将那个小金盒子放在床头,一直陪伴着他的余生。无论何时他感到气馁或者遇到难办的事情,他就会打开礼盒,取出一个假想的吻,记起漂亮女儿给予自己的那特殊的爱。-In a very real sense, each one of us, as humans beings, have been given a gold container filled with unconditional love and kisses... from our children, family members, friends, and God. There is simply no other possession, anyone could hold, more precious than this.-从一个非常真实的意义上说,我们每个人都被赠与过一个无形的金色礼盒,那里面装满了来自子女,家人,朋友及上帝无条件的爱与吻。而人们所能拥有的最珍贵的礼物也莫过于此了。 -After hearing the story, let's enjoy a poem and finish our today's program.-听完这篇故事,让我们最后再欣赏一首小诗来结束我们今天的节目。 .How Do I Love Thee?---by Elizabeth Barrett BrowningHow do I love thee? Let me count the ways. I love thee to the depth and breadth and heightMy soul can reach, when feeling out of sightFor the ends of Being and ideal Grace.I love thee to the level of every day'sMost quiet need, by sun and candlelight.I love thee freely, as men strive for Right;I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise.I love thee with the passion put to useIn my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith.I love thee with a love I seemed to loseWith my lost saints. I love thee with the breath,Smiles, tears, of all my life! and, if God choose,I shall but love thee better after death.我是多么爱你?---伊丽莎白•巴雷特•勃朗宁我是怎样的爱你?诉不尽万语千言:我爱你的程度是那样地高深和广远,恰似我的灵魂曾飞到了九天与黄泉,去探索人生的奥妙,和神灵的恩典。无论是白昼还是夜晚,我爱你不息,像我每日必需的摄生食物不能间断。我纯洁地爱你,不为奉承吹捧迷惑,我勇敢地爱你,如同为正义而奋争!爱你,以昔日的剧痛和童年的忠诚,爱你,以眼泪、笑声及全部的生命。要是没有你,我的心就失去了圣贤,要是没有你,我的心就失去了激情。假如上帝愿意,请为我作主和见证:在我死后,我必将爱你更深,更深! -感谢制作唐敏嫣。-Thank you for your listening.-Bye~ 节目监制:曹睿姝 编辑:唐敏嫣播音:唐敏嫣 刘冲 制作:唐敏嫣
3/29/201711 minutes, 5 seconds
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Mar. 28, 2017 #한류전선# 防弹少年团

3/28/201711 minutes, 36 seconds
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Mar. 27, 2017 #Screen Age# Léon

节目组:The Screen Age 荧屏时代 节目名称:LéonY: Hello my dear audiences! Welcome back to the Screen Age, this is your friend Yolanda.I: This is Ivy. So How was your weekend Yolanda?Y: Great, I saw a fantastic movie named Léon and it really moved me a lot.I: You mean that affectional film which released in 1994?Oh that's my favorite movie.Y: Yeah,and it's really a classic work.How about introducing Léon today?I:It couldn't be better! I: Léon,was one of the best Italian professional killer.He lived in New York alone.A lovely potted [ˈpɒtɪd] plant was his only friend.I like his famous lines :"It is much kinder than people.It is as silent as me.It's my best friend.Always happy.No questions.It is as same as me,without root."L: Although he was a man that had superior skills,he was lack of sense of security inside very much.He would rather sleep on the chair than sleep on the bed.What's more,his gun was always with him.I: One day,a twelve years old girl in the neighborhood,Mathilda was back home.She saw a bloodbath in her room when she passed the porch.As smart as she is,Mathilda kept her countenance with severe pain in heart.L: She knocked Léon's door and asked him to save her.With the care of Léon's,she begun to teach him literacy.In return,Léon taught her some skills of killers'.They started to grow up a relationship between father and daughter.Sometimes,it makes complex feelings of lovers gradually.I: Afterwards,Mathilda was caught when she traced Phil to avenge.Fortunately,Léon saved her in time.However,Phil caught her finally.Then,he decided to end Léon in death.In the end,Léon perished themselves together to save her and his lovely potted plant.L: After the death of Léon's,Mathilda moved the potted plant which was the only friend in Léon's life from the small flowerpot to the ground.Léon could settle down peaceful in the paradise finally.I:Léon was rewarded seven nominations of César Awards in 1995.César Awards represent the highest honor in Franch.In addition,it won the nomination of the 19th Japanese Academy Prize in 1996.L: "Mathilda,after I met you,everything had changed."When the killer, Léon said to his girl. Such a hefty man with a thick woolen coat and a heavy bag could not look like a cool killer anymore.I:When all the man are drinking,Léon is still drinking milk two cups a day to ensure nutrition. He kept a plotted plant. It was always happy, no questions. When he watched a film alone,he laughed like a rabbit in the dark shadow hall.His two teeth liked a child who just replaced the front teeth.He craned his neck to look at the screen to experience the difficult emotions called love awkward.M:All painted killers' shots,I think this is the most moving part.The kind of sympathetic curiosity is a contradiction between a cool killer and a childlike heart.These details makes us touching.It makes us know that life is always this hard.What's more,there is no limitation to justic and evil.Someone said that this film let him start to drink pure milk everyday.This custom didn't stop until the melamine incident happened a few days ago.Y:A fragile eighteen years old girl who looks like a child flats as a pancake.A strong,beared uncle who looks like her father is a cool killer.These two lonely souls love each other.It would make me feel that they're so fit,so simple.The relationship of them proves that love is omnipresent and love is I:Natalie Portman starred in film,she is a very refined woman who has acquired many awards of acting.When she was 14,she made her powerful film debut [deˈbju, ˈdeˌbju] in the movie léon,following this role,Natalie won roles in such films as Black Swan,Beautiful Girls and Mars Attacks.She is the first millennial [mɪ'lenɪrl] to have won the Academy Award for Best Actress.L:The actor is also remarkable.Jean Reno,a Spanish man,was born on 1948. He became a actor when he was 22.In1994,he inroaded into the Hollywood by the movie Léon.Then he started in many famous films like Mission Impossible,The Da Vinci Code.He won two Oscar nominations for best actor and Outstanding European Achievement in World Cinemas.Jean Reno is my favourite actor .M:So this is today's program.Hope you could enjoy itL:Well,everything is on the right track now.Have you invested in your study life?Cheer up my dear friends,wish you could spend a meaningful semester.M:最后感谢制作张安康。See you next time.L:Bye! 节目监制:刘逸超编辑:杨旸 李梓彤播音:杨旸 李梓彤 赵艺薇 邹佳琳制作:张安康
3/27/201713 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork

Mar. 25, 2017 #日本语ドリームワークス# 留下来的都是梦

节目组: 日本语ドリームワークス 日语梦工厂 节目名称: 留下来的都是梦A:风起的时候便会有暗香盈袖 雨落的时候便会有真情溢出B : 寒冷的地方总会有阳光 有爱的地方就会有花香A亲爱的听众朋友们大家好,欢迎收听voe外文广播电台日语梦工厂,我是主播吉旭灵B :我是主播冉莹A:今天我们要介绍的是一位在日本动画界占有重量级地位的动画导演,迪尼斯称其为动画界的“黑泽明”大家猜一猜他是谁呢?B:这还用猜吗,除了宫崎骏还能有谁。他可是日本动画界的一个传奇。A:没错,当宫崎骏讲述梦境的时候,就连壁炉里的灰烬也会重燃。2013年9月,这位白胡子老人。日本动画电影史上最伟大的造梦师宣布不再造梦。隐退江湖—龙猫踌躇彷徨,狸猫放声痛哭,千与千寻返乡,移动城堡驻足,幽灵公主成绝响,世间再无风之谷。B:是啊。作为一个很出色的故事创作人,宫崎骏很自然地便能把心中的故事告诉大家。这种才华使他成为一个让人难以忘怀的导演。他的动画如同造梦,每个人的梦境都是独一无二的,但不是每个人都可以完美地把它讲出来,就像宫崎骏做到的那样。A:可是在许多人看来,宫崎骏的谢幕并不完美。他的最后一部作品《风起了》由梦幻叙事转向现实析述。冒犯甚至伤害了他的追随者。事实上《风起了》与以往的动画不同,没有魔法也没有童话,但它美丽,温暖,矛盾,悲哀并充溢着宫崎骏承远的主题—梦想。还记得崛越二郎那句话吗?“我只是想设计出优美的飞机”B:除了梦想,宫崎骏还有一个特点,就是在全球动画界兴起用电脑作画的年代,他依然坚持“老掉牙”的手绘方式。A:这就是最打动我的地方了。他的手绘,简单清晰,适合回忆。就如枕头适合瞌睡,星空适合眼睛,水彩水粉的感觉用来描画无边无际的蓝天,大海,森林,田园。真是妙不可言。B:确实是一种视觉享受。不如我们挑一部作品给大家介绍一下吧。A:好呀,还记得《千与千寻》中胆小瘦弱却很坚强的千寻吗?B :当然 少女千寻随父母搬家到另外一个城市。途中迷路,误入了一个人类不应该进入的灵异小镇。千寻父母由于贪吃遭到惩罚变成猪。千寻为了拯救父母。在汤婆婆助手小白的帮助下,获得了一份工作,得以留下。作为代价,她被汤婆婆夺走了名字,成了千。在工作过程中,千逐渐成长,变得坚强能干。面对各种困难和危险,千寻也一次次做出了自己的选择。最终从巫婆的诅咒下救出了爸妈并找到了回家的路。A : 少女千寻终究收获了勇气与友情。B:记得结尾的那段经典台词,千寻问“我们还会在那里相逢吗?”小白回答“一定会的,你去吧,记得别回头哦”不知打动了多少人。A:不只千寻,还有《风起了》中“唯有努力试着生存”的崛越二郎;《悬崖上的金鱼姬》中“生在这世上,真好”的波妞,《幽灵公主》中那个命中注定忧郁的阿席达卡。每一次都带给我们不一样美丽与温暖。B:如今,那些美好的作品他已经画完,那些美好的仗他也已经打完。现在,造梦大师谢幕,但梦不会谢幕。A:是啊,宫崎骏的离去,让每一个热爱他的孩子都感到酸楚。而这酸楚,再将来必会融入回忆,与甜蜜合体。宫崎骏用他的作品告诉我们“无论我们如何想象未来,都要勇敢面对,凭着孩子时代的信念,凭着梦想出发的起点。最后,像他一样放手做梦去吧。尽管梦有其伪装,有时也单调易碎,但它,犹如春风吹着的童话,仍是这个世界美丽的唯一证明B:快乐的时光总是如此短暂,我们又要和大家说再见了,最后,再为大家推荐一首好听的歌曲《いつも何度でも》永远同在。这是千与千寻的主题曲哦。A:再次感谢大家对voe外文广播电台的关心与支持,如果你有什么好的建议和想法,可以关注我们的微信公众号voeRadio来给我们留言,说出你的想法,我是吉旭灵。B:我是冉莹,本期节目到此结束,我们下期再见。节目监制: 袁蕴宁 播音: 吉旭灵 冉莹 编辑: 吉旭灵 冉莹制作: 于越
3/25/201710 minutes, 14 seconds
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Mar. 23, 2017 #The World Says# Is Student life All Good

节目组: The World Says 世界说 节目名称: Is Student life All GoodCherry: Hello and welcome to world says from the voe foreign language station. I'm CherryFrancis:Good evening everyone, I'm Francis...Jotta: ... and I'm Jotta, Hello.Cherry : Hello, Francis. What's your feeling about the first semester in our college?Francis: I think - they are the best days of my life. I made fantastic friends, went to great parties...Jotta:Did some work?Francis:Well, yeah, I did some work, but probably not enough.Cherry:Well, the subject of today's show is student mental health. So, Francis, do you think you're looking back at your first semester days through rose-tinted spectacles? And that means looking at a situation as being better than it really was.Francis:I did feel out of my comfort zone when I arrived. Yes, everyone seemed to know everyone... knew where to go.Jotta: Yes, well, being out of your comfort zone means being in a situation that you aren't familiar with and which makes you feel nervous. Did you talk to anyone about your feelings, Francis? Did you get any counselling? And that means professional help with personal or psychological problems.Francis: What? No, not me. I'm one of those men who isn't good at talking about their feelings, Jotta. I just felt a bit homesick that's all - I missed my friends and family. But let's move on, shall we! Why don't you ask me today's quiz question?Jotta: Alright then. So here it is: In a survey of students at Imperial College London, how many students said they suffered from high levels of stress or a mental health condition during their time at college?Francis: Well, Maybe 3 out of 4, because I do think that university life can be more stressful than people realize.Cherry: Yes. And stress means pressure or worry caused by a difficult situation. OK, we'll find out if you're right or wrong later on. Now in the UK, there has been a rise in students using counselling services.Francis: Why's that, Cherry?Cherry: Well, let's listen to Kirsty, a student at Exeter University, talking about why she has had problems. And here's a question for you while you listen: Did she enjoy her first days in college?Francis: Kirsty McMurron, student at Exeter UniversityHere she said:No. The thing is... it... is a real balancing act. When I first got to university I don't think I'd really realized that I'd forgotten how to make friends you know, I'd been with the same school friends for seven years, and so I was trying to balance you know social success with academic success whilst learning how to look after myself at quite a young age. And I think that's the experience of a lot of young people. And people really struggle with it.Francis: So....what's a balancing act,Jotta?Jotta: It's where you try to give your attention to two or more things at the same time. So here, Kirsty is trying to balance making new friends with doing her academic work and learning to look after herself.Francis: What does Kirsty mean when she says she's learning to look after herself?Cherry: Well, to look after someone means to protect or take care of someone - and in this case, Kirsty's learning to take care of herself - for example doing her own shopping and cooking.Francis: OK, let's listen to Dr Ruth Caleb of the counselling service at Brunel University in London talking about what practical stuff students could learn before leaving for university that might make life easier for them.Jotta:He said Certain things that he think it would be very very helpful for students to have put in place are an ability to do the practical things of life - to do the washing, to do the cleaning and so on - being able to cook. Budgeting is extremely important in university life. And also spending time on our own comfortably.Francis: Yes, that's excellent advice. I couldn't boil an egg when I arrived at uni.Cherry: Oh, really? Can you do it now, Francis?Francis: Just about, just about.Cherry: Yeah? Great. And what about budgeting? This means planning how much money you have and how you will spend it.Francis: I'm still pretty bad at that. However, I am very good at spending time on my own comfortably.Jotta: Yes, I can believe that - feet up, watching TV with a takeaway.Francis: Takeaway, of course a takeaway cause I can't cook anything...Jotta: No.Francis: ... not even an egg. You know me so well. So how about the answer to today's quiz question, Alice?Cherry: Alright then. I asked: In a survey of students at Imperial College London, how many said they suffered from high levels of stress or a mental health condition during their time at college?Francis: And I said 3 out of 4.Cherry: Yes. And you are correct - well done, Francis! The survey, completed by over a thousand students, also found that almost 70% of those that suffer from stress do so at least once a week, and 9% of students feel stressedconstantly. Stressed means anxious and worried.Francis: Well, that brings us to the end of today's show. We hope you've had a stress-free time.如果你喜欢我们的节目,请关注VOE外语广播电台的微信公众号VOEradio和VOE外语广播电台的新浪微博,那里有我们往期的作品,see you next time~Jotta&Cherry:Bye~节目监制:周宸聿 编辑: 苗世钰 朱子业 夏茂航播音: 苗世钰 朱子业 夏茂航制作:苏鑫
3/23/20179 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

Mar. 22, 2017 #Bloom in Ink# What is Love

节目组: Bloom in Ink 墨海繁花 节目名称: What is LoveWhat is Love?爱是什么?What is Love? The eternal [ɪˈtɜ:nl]question we all carry around deep within our heart. Love is the eternal search. Love is eternal when we find it. But do we really ever find it ? When we define it do we negate[nɪˈɡet] it? When we set limits on what we believe to be love, do we begin to destroy it by hoping to understand or own it for ourselves? We offer it through all of our relationship we vary our giving, often by what we hope to receive in return. But is this really love?爱是什么?这是所有人心底一个永恒的问题。爱,是永恒的寻觅。爱一旦被找到,它也将变为永恒。但是我们真的找到过爱吗?当我们定义爱的同时,是否也在否定爱呢?在给我们所认为的爱加种种限制的同时,我们试图按自己的方式理解它,或想将其据为己有时,我们是否也在破坏它呢?我们将爱施与周围的所有人,而如何给予是由期望的回报来决定的。但这是真正的爱I recently overheard someone say in a conversation that there is no such thing as “ unconditional love .” I would have to agree, although for different reasons. Love within itself is unconditional. Anything else is only an attempt to love, a learning to get us nearer to the one true knowing of love. It may be honorable, well-intentioned, passionate [ˈpæʃənɪt] desiring[dɪˈzaɪr], courageous and pure. It may be felt as temporary, but if lost easily it may not have been love at all. Love cannot be thwarted [θwɔ:rt]and often fall short of what we hope love will be. This is where we learn we are human.最近,我无意间听别人说,世上没有所谓的“无条件的爱”。在此,我不得不表示同意这一论断,尽管理由不尽相同,但爱本身确是无条件的。其他一切都仅仅是爱的一种尝试,通过它们去逐渐地理解爱的真谛。爱可能是高贵善意的,是充满热情和渴望的,是勇敢和纯洁的;爱是势不可挡的,而且,常常达不到我们的期望值。由此我们可以透察人性。Love has been experienced as a life of living poetry[ˈpoʊətri]. Love has been experienced as being the very notes of song, up lifting and generous to the wanting ear. Love has been experienced as the final act of giving one’s life for another in battle. Love has been experienced as an endless passionate over flow of emotion in the arms of waiting lover.爱的经历就像一首鲜活灵动的诗;爱的经历就像一个个美妙动听的音符,让企盼的双耳得到振奋、满足;爱的经历就像战场上舍己救人的一幕;爱的经历就像赋予人新生的选择;爱的经历就像依偎在期盼已久的爱人臂弯时所流露出的无尽爱意。What do you do with the love granted to you each day? How many times do we deny[dɪˈnaɪ] its expression for others because we fear what our own expressions will bring? Are we not denying our creator every time we deny the expression of love?你是怎样对待每天给予你的爱的呢?有多少次由于害怕被拒绝,我们未能向他人表达爱意?在每次拒绝爱的表白之时,难道我们不是拒绝造物主的恩赐吗?Lost, empty, alone and searching. As individuals who have experienced separation[sɛpəˈreʃən] or divorce[dɪˈvɔ:rs], or even the loss of a loved one to death, the separation can be the most traumatic [traʊˈmætɪk] experience we live through. The heart-wrenching[renfʃɪŋ] pain that seems to never really go away, the enormous [ɪˈnɔ:rməs]waves that hit us daily, the times we hit the wall right after a strong and uplifting experience reminds us that we are learning. We are learning about strength, passion for our own life, about our own sincerity [sɪnˈsɛrɪti]in our beliefs, about our loyalty [ˈlɔɪəlti]to who we are, and certainly about our own genuineness. We search for that day when love will come again. We search everywhere, everyday, almost every hour.迷茫、空虚、孤独、寻觅。对于那些经历过分别、离异,甚至失去过爱人的人来说,这样的离别乃是生命中最大的伤痕。揪心的伤痛永无此境;生活中的挫折和磨难无时无刻不在提醒我们:我们正处于认知的过程中。我们正在认识自己生命的力量和激情,认识对信仰的虔诚,认识对自己的忠贞,认识自己的本性。我们期待真爱重回的那一天,我们每时每刻都在每个角落寻觅。It has been said for centuries that “ love is where the eyes meet with passion, for the eyes cannot hide what the heart feels.” So we have learned to look outward for this eternal love that will fulfill us, forgetting that it must first fill our own hearts. Perhaps that is why we fall into such pain and agony [ˈæɡəni]and sorrow when a love affair fails. It is at that moment that we realize we did not fail the other person we expressed love to , but we have somehow not fulfilled ourselves once again. We combat failure with a misunderstood, unfulfilled [ˌʌnfʊlˈfɪld]promise. We lade it, not knowing if we will ever find it again. The emotion tides life and fall ,crash and settle, then lift again.几个世纪以来,我们一直说:“爱就是充满激情的目光相遇,因为眼睛掩饰不住内心的真实感受”。因此,我们都学会了向外看,去寻找那份永恒的能使自己充实起来的爱,却忽略了它首先应占据我们自己心灵的领地。或许,这就是当一段恋情受挫时,我们会如此地痛苦和悲伤的原因所在。此时,我们才意识到,我们并未负于曾向我们示爱的那个人,只是我们认为它没能让我们充实、完整。我们用误解且无法兑现的承诺来抑制失败。我们失去了爱,不知是否能再次找回它。感情的潮水起伏不定,时而汹涌,时而平和,继而会再次澎湃。No one else, no matter how much we talk or cry, can pull us through the anxious hours of soul repair and growth. It is our own fire within that needs rekindling, guarding [gɑ:rd]against the winds that would blow it out and leave us dark, cold and helpless. It is at this time that we find the lobe that binds us together with every other being that surrounds us on the planet. Eventually we find the sun still rises to meet in the morning and the stars continue to show us the way each night. The rivers still flow downstream into oceans that will never turn them away. The trees still reach upward every day praising the God that made them. We stand up straight and take a lesson from it all.无论我们说了多少话,流了多少泪,无人能帮助我们过心灵修复的阴霾与成长过程中的绵绵阴雨。我们的心灵为火需要再燃,需要呵护,不致让风将其吹灭,不致让自己被黑暗、阴冷和无助所包围。此时,我们便找到把我们与周围的每一个生命维系在一起的那份爱。我们终会发现,太阳依然长期升起,来迎接黎明的到来;星光依然闪烁,来指引我们夜行的方向;江河依然流向下游,归入广纳百川的大海;树木依然日日向上生长,歌颂赋予其生命的上苍。我们挺直身躯,从这一切中汲取教训。What if you woke up one morning and realized that you were the only person left on the face of the earth? Who would you love? Why do we wait so long to start the journey that begins in the same place that it ends?Love, in all its endlessness, unboundedness and failed definitions is this experience.如果某天早上,当你醒来,发觉这个世界只剩下你一人,你当如何应对?你去爱谁?我们为何要等如此长的时间,才在终点重新形开始新的旅程?这是一次无边无尽、无从定义的爱之旅。Love doesn't ask why. It doesn't come. It doesn't go. It just is. It is not only in our hands, it is our hands. It isn't only in our heart, it is what makes our heart beat every beat. It wraps itself around us so securely that all we need to do to survive against all odds is to recognize it as the very breath we just drew, and the last breath we just let go.爱不问理由。它不会走近你,也不会远离你。爱始终存在着。它就在我们的手中,在我们的心里,确切地说就是我们的双手,就是我们每一次心跳的动力。爱将我们安全地包围着,我们把它当成每一次真切的呼吸,时刻与爱同在,是我们克服一切困难有秘诀。节目监制: 曹睿姝 播音: 聂行 杜羽晨 编辑: 杜羽晨 制作: 任家豪
3/22/201714 minutes, 21 seconds
Episode Artwork

Mar. 21, 2017 #한류전선# 举重妖精金福珠

节目组: 한류전선 韩流前线 节目名称: 举重妖精金福珠1::여러분 안녕하세요. 欢迎收听voe外语广播韩流前线,我是播音孙铭舆2:만나서 반가워요. 我是播音郭燕 1:前一段时间,有三部韩剧赚足了观众的眼球,超能力的人物设定和罗曼蒂克的剧情发展,让观众猝不及防的开启了追剧的节奏2:今天我们想要为大家介绍的这部剧在其他两部玄幻题材剧作的氛围中,算是一股清流,是一部相当单纯的爱情剧,不烧脑,有内容1:话不多说,让我们赶紧为大家介绍一下《举重妖精金福珠》吧 지금 바로 여러분들께 드라마 에 대해 소개해보도록 하겠습니다. 1:这部剧以韩国举重选手张美兰的故事为原型,讲述了21岁的体育大学举重部学生金福珠,一个努力向着梦想和目标奔跑的女孩,虽然看起来开朗乐观,但却有一颗柔软的玻璃心。在机缘巧合之下,她遇到同校游泳部的男同学郑俊亨,一个不太走运的游泳天才,由此展开一段充满罗曼蒂克的初恋故事。2:이 드라마는 역도 금메달리스트 장미란선수 이야기에서 영감을 얻은 스토리로 스무살 역도선수 김복주의 첫사랑과 꿈과 목표를 향해 달리는 체대생들의 인생 성장기등을 그린 감성 청춘 드라마라고 합니다.한평생 역도밖에 모르고 살던 천생 운동선수 김복주가 비운의 천재수영선수 정준형을 만나서 펼쳐지는 로맨스틱한 첫사랑이야기입니다.1.如果说《鬼怪》是一眼惊艳,那《举重妖精金福珠》就是日久生情,其真实不做作的特点,极大的引发了观众的共鸣,犹如清新的风拂面吹过,这种简单而有美好的感觉真是久违了。2:男主可爱又帅气,女主也是长相甜美。不论从剧情的丰富度,还是剧中男女主的高颜值,都值得一看 1:举重妖精中的感情线也是非常细腻,从青梅竹马到最后大学中相爱,并不是上来就提起往事一见钟情,而是经过福珠的单恋,俊亨的陪伴,通过不断地了解,最终喜欢上彼此。当福珠遭到暗恋对象的拒绝时,俊亨会立马出现帅气的告白,一辈子不正经的聊天,唯一一次的严肃就是在说喜欢的时候 2: 죽마고우로부터 시작해서 사귀기전까지 그들의 연애는 마냥 순탄하지는 않았습니다.안타깝게도 김복주는 비오는날 자신에게 우산을 씌워주고 도와준 정준형의 사촌형 정재이에게 반해버리죠.하지만 초등학교때 자신을 구해준 뚱이 바로 김복주란걸 알게된 남주혁은 복주를 옆에서 지켜주기로 결심합니다.김복주가 힘들때 심심할때 즐거울때 모든 나날에 정준형이 있었습니다.후에 복주가 형에게 거절당하자 그는 타이밍을 보다가 멋있게 고백해버리죠.항상 티격태격대던 둘이 유일하게 순간이였을거예요.1. 告白那段话现在想想还是很动人,俊亨对福珠说"要不试试和我在一起,试用期一个月,不行的话可以退货"。主动照顾,主动喜欢,主动告白,主动帮忙完成福珠的愿望,并在福珠忙于训练时帮她照顾生病的父亲,我想这也是俊亨打动福珠的原因吧 2.该片自上映以来,在微博上也是引起了广泛的讨论,泥石流一样的男主不仅上了热搜,二人不时出现搞笑剧情,也被人们津津乐道呢1. 这对恋人不但很有趣,而且能互相鼓励共同进步,两人共同的运动员身份,也让他们更加了解彼此内心,懂得如何陪伴,如何去照顾对方,所以我们看到不论开心还是失落受伤,两人都会有一个温暖的抱抱2. 이 커플은 풋풋하고 귀여울뿐만아니라 서로 영향을 주고 받으며 같이 성장하죠.또 둘 다 운동선수여서 그런지 서로의 마음을 더 잘 리해하고 서로 어떻게 지켜주고 챙겨주어야 하는지를 잘 아는것같습니다.그래서 우리는 그들이 기쁠때나 슬플때나 항상 따뜻하게 포옹을 하는 모습을 볼수있죠.1:看到她们感觉整个人都被治愈了,我想这也是这对情侣受人喜爱的原因吧 이 두사람만 보고 있으면 완전 힐링 되는것 같아요.이것이 이 커플이 많은 사랑을 받는 원인이 아닐까요.2:不知听了今天的介绍你有没有想看或重温剧情的冲动呢1:最后祝大家也能早日找到属于你们的甜蜜爱情吧合:我们下期再见 여러분 안녕 节目监制:金池编辑:郭燕 孙铭舆播音:郭燕 孙铭舆制作:胡婕
3/21/201710 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork

Mar. 20, 2017 #Screen Age# Sherlock

节目组:The Screen Age 荧屏时代 节目名称:SherlockF: Hello, my dear audiences. Welcome back to the Screen Age. This is your old friend, Flat.Y: This is Yolanda. Flat, have you seen the fourth season of Sherlock? In this season, Moriarty returns. And Sherlock and Watson are going to have more difficulties.F: Yes, of course. I'm very fond of this series. But it is so hard to chase it, because it only updates three or four sets every season.Y: So pity for the fans. So, in today's programm, we'd like to introduce all the four seasons to our audiences.F: Now, let's review from the beginning. M: Sherlock Holmes lives in 21st century London, a city filled with mystery, crime and deceit. The back streets are alive with robbers, blackmailers, smugglers and serial killers. When the police are desperate they call upon Mr. Sherlock Holmes and his unconventional methods of deduction to shed light on the matter.L: Ably assisted by Doctor John Watson, a recently returned Afghanistan vet, Sherlock attempts to solve some of the country's most intriguing puzzles. Then, in 2012, the second season came. In this season, the story contained. When Moriaty and Sherlock were fight with their lives, Moriaty's cellphone rang. He received a mystery phone call, which made him end the fight between him and Sherlock.M: But at the other side of the phone was a mystery woman. It seems that she was holding something really important to Moriaty. Sherlock returned to Baker Street, dealt many simple little cases. Until one day, a failed man brings him a strange case. In this case, they accidently stuck in some scandal about a high- powered man.L: This man had an obscure photo in a woman called Irene Adler. He wanted this picture back safely. So Sherlock and John went to the woman's house, tried to find the picture out.M: As for the third season, the whole story begins with Anderson's hypothetical imagination: Sherlock played dead with a verisimilitude mask using on a corpse, which was rejected by Inspector Lestrade. Actually, Sherlock was under torture treating as a spy. Ultimately, he was saved by Mycroft who needs him to deal with the underground network of terrorist activities. At the same time, Sherlock returned to London once again.L: Two years after the devastating effects of The Reichenbach Fall, Dr John Watson had got on with his life. New horizons, romance and a comforting domestic future beckon, but, with London under threat of a huge terrorist attack, Sherlock Holmes was about to rise from the grave with all the theatricality that came so naturally to him.I: What attracting fans in the latest season is imagining himself back in the 1890s, Sherlock was visited by Inspector Lestrade after newlywed Emelia Ricoletti, having apparently killed herself in public, murders her husband Thomas in front of witnesses before vanishing. Some months later Holmes was approached by Lady Carmichael, who told him that her husband Sir Eustace had been threatened by Emelia, who then seemingly did away with him.M: With an intrusive Moriarty crossing him, Holmes attempted to solve the enigma, with unexpected help from Watson's wife Mary and evidence of a conspiracy involving half the population of the country. I:The leading actor is Benedict Cumberbatch who is a handsome man with curly hair, therefore we call him "Juan Fu" in Chinese. Many people adore him because of his remarkable performance .I am also one of his honest fans. I love him, not only his excellent acting, but also the effort he made to achieve his dream .B:Benedict Cumberbatch was born and raised in London. His parents are both actors. Cumberbatch attended Brambletye School and Harrow School . It's also where he began acting. After he finished school, he took a year off to volunteer as an English teacher in a Tibetan monastery in India. On his return, he studied drama at Manchester University.I:Cumberbatch has worked in theatre, television, film and radio. In 2010, he became a household name as Sherlock Holmes on the British television series Sherlock. In 2011, he appeared in two Oscar-nominated films -War Horse and Thinker Tailor Soldier Spy.B:Furthermore, he portrayed Alan Turing in The Imitation Game which earned him a Golden Globe, and another 4 nominations for Best Actor in a Leading Role. In 2016,he started in the film "Doctor Strange ",which was swept the world.I: In 2010, Martin Freeman became popular with the BBC TV drama Sherlock as part of Watson and was nominated for the Best Supporting Actor of the Emmy Mini or TV movie category. He also played the series movie Hobbit.B: You know he is a great actor, but you may don’t know he born in an art family. When he was youth, he was an excellent squash player. Few years later ago, he enrolled in Central School of Speech and Drama. During this time, he worked as a dubber. L: The great success of Sherlock can't live without its famous original works. The greater the original works is, the harder creativity will be made. The cast makes original time from the 19th century to the 21st. Sherlock's intelligence and John's emotional intelligence are combined to complement each other.B: The storyline is very fascinating with every catching figure as well as the plots. It's a unique UK TV series for that British humor inside always makes people belly laugh. For instance, the sentence: “You lower the IQ of the whole street” is one of the classical lines said by Sherlock.F: High-end level of production is one of the essential elements to make it successful. Also, excellent background music, photography, editing and items are high-quality.Y: What's more, gay love is also a big selling point. In the latest episode, someone said that the existence of Mary is to make a lovely daughter for Sherlock and John. That's so interesting! All of these make people look forward for new episodes.F: Without doubt, Sherlock is a masterpiece. Every season gains good reputation. It focuses on bringing the experience Sherlock's world to the other one we live in, but not acting performance. Moffat and Gattis recreate a Victorian detective's views in a brand new setting and do it superbly.Y: Different strokes for different folks. Some parts of people hold the opposite idea compared to the mainstream evolution. Anyway, Sherlock is an influential television series. Y: So, this is today's program. Hope you like it.F: Finally, the real spring is coming. I like the temperature now.Y:And we hope whoever enters the exams and National Computer Rank Examination can get a good score.F:最后感谢制作张安康。See you next time.Y: Bye. 节目监制:刘逸超编辑: 赛碧乐播音:李梓彤 杨旸 赛碧乐 毕鑫屹 赵艺薇 邹佳琳制作:张安康
3/20/201715 minutes, 33 seconds
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Mar. 18, 2017 #日本语ドリームワークス# 数字和寒暄语

节目组: 日本语ドリームワークス 日语梦工厂 节目名称: 数字和寒暄语片头音乐:さだまさし - 明日咲く花背景音乐:石川さゆり - 花は咲く推荐音乐:残酷天使的行动纲领A:繁华的都市,疲惫了你我,错综的手心,握不住美好。B:精彩的大学,成就了明天;灿烂的星途,这里是起点。A:亲爱的听众朋友们晚上好,欢迎收听日语梦工厂节目,我是主播梁远鹏。B:我是主播吉旭灵。A:说起数字,中国自古以来就有“好事成双”的说法,也许我们喜欢双数就是来源于此吧!那么,与中国有着一衣带水关系的日本,他们的数字观是不是与我们相同呢?日本人的数字观又是怎样的呢?B:在日本,数字也是分三六九等的,和中国人不同,日本人比较喜欢奇数,讨厌偶数。A: 第一位:3,3在日文中读作さん如果你看到,日本人在送礼物的时候是三个的时候,请不要感到奇怪!那是因为在日本人眼中,3是等级最高的数字,也是最吉利的数字。因为它既是奇数又是基督教中的吉利数字。B:第二位:5,5在日文中读作ご五是没有什么毛病的奇数,吉利得正常。五日元的硬币是祭祀时候最好的用钱,因为它的发音(ごえん)在日本类似敬语的“缘”。A:第三位:7,7在日文中有两个读音一个しち是另一个是なな七的情况比较复杂,它本来可以和三争夺第一吉利数字的称号(因为它既是奇数,又是基督教的吉利数字),但可惜的是七有个毛病——它的发音“(しち)”和日语的“(し)死”有些相近,因此七的位置就只能靠后了。现在,迷信的日本人说七的时候,还往往用它的另一个发音“(なな)”来回避。B:第四位:8,8在日文中读作 はち八虽然是偶数,但日本却并不讨厌它,因为从汉字的八的字形来看,底部向外扩张,被看作将来会更加兴隆,会更有发展前途的象征,所以受到日本人的喜爱。同时,从中国文化中传来对八代表“发”的含义,也被日本人所接受。A:第五位:1,1在日文中读作いち日本人既不讨厌它,也不喜欢它,日本人对1的感觉可以用一个词来形容,那就是“没感觉”。B:第六位:9,9在日文中同样有两个读音く和きゅう它虽然是奇数,但是他的发音“(く)”与“苦”相同,谁都都希望自己可以轻松快乐,而讨厌苦累烦恼,所以日本人认为9是不吉利的,由于9是奇数,所以它的等级比偶数要高一些。A:第七、第八位:2和6,2在日文中读作に,6在日文中读作ろく虽然它们没有那些不好意思,但就是因为它们的偶数性质,就被日本人否定了。B:第九位:4,4在日文中也有着两个读音し和よん4可以说是等级最低等了,被日本人认为是最不吉利的数字,除了它的偶数天生不吉利外,它的发音“(し)”和“死”的发音相同,这双重的不吉利就使得4彻底的被日本人讨厌。A:在日本,只要是与4相关的都会被列入忌讳之列。比如:“42”,它的发音(しに)是死的动词形。再如,13这个数,因为1加3等于4,所以13也被认为是不吉利的,所以在日本,不管是在医院还是在饭店、旅馆,都没有4和13楼层,没有4、13和42号房间。B:另外,日本人虽然忌讳4喜欢3,但饭桌上却有个例外,比如菜喜欢设四个碟而不是三个,为什么呢?因为日本人在祭奠先人的时候,习惯用三个碟,所以吃饭的时候是绝对不可以设三个碟的!A:仅仅是介绍些关于数字的读法和偏好是远远不能满足听众们的胃口,就让我教大家几句常用的寒暄语,你看如何?B:这个想法不错,那不就简单的早上中午晚上好和谢谢对不起A:おはようございます。B:这句话的意思是早上好,一般用于上午十点之前。A:こんにちはB:这句的意思是你好,一般是白天时使用,同时也一种比较正式的打招呼方式,有时也用与询问屋内是否有人时使用。A:こんばんはB:这句话的意思是晚上好。A:すみませんB:这句话的意思是对不起,日本人在说对不起的时候一般会伴有30度左右的鞠躬,其实这句话有的时候也用于麻烦了,拜托了的意思。A:ありがとうございますB:这句话的意思是非常感谢A:说了这么相信听众朋友们一定大有收获,再次感谢大家对VOE外语广播电台的关心与支持,如果你有什么好的建议和想法,可以关注我们的微信公众号“VOERadio”,来给我们留言,说出你的想法。B:我是吉旭灵, A:我是梁远鹏,让我们下期节目再见,拜拜!节目监制: 袁蕴宁 播音: 吉旭灵 梁远鹏编辑: 梁远鹏制作: 于越
3/18/20179 minutes, 30 seconds
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Mar. 17, 2017 #Music Bang Bang# The music brighten you up

节目组: Music Bang Bang 音乐大爆炸 节目名称: The music brighten you up开头曲 Dust my shoulders off B: Hello everyone, welcome to listen to the new issue of Music bang bang, I'm your old friend, Burgess M: Hello everyone, I'm Melody. Thank you for waiting for us , we will give you the best program in this new spring.B: The opening song is dust my shoulders off from Jane Zhang. The song is very popular and be the top ten of the iTunes chart successfully. 说了这么多,不如让我们一起来听听看今天特别推荐的歌曲吧。 插曲1 Paris M: The song you listen to is Paris from The Chainsmokers. This group can be said the hottest in the DJ circle. They got the 59th Grammy Award of electronic dance music and their songs be the top 10 of so many chart. 如果烟鬼组合在舞曲风格中算不上顶尖的话,那其他的组合就更不值得一提了。他们的歌在公告牌单曲榜取得12连冠的好成绩,并且在2016年获得了全美音乐奖的“最受欢迎电子舞曲歌手”奖。B: Today's song “Paris” is published as a single on January 13th 2017, the song talked about a couple moved to Paris in order to escape the vulgar to find their true love. With the crisp rhythm, we can feel the feeling as if we were in Paris. Let's cut the cackle and enjoy it! 插曲 2 Lean on B: Welcome back! The next song is Lean on from American electronic music group Major Lazer and French producer DJ Snake, taken from the former's third studio album, Peace Is the Mission, featuring vocals from Danish singer MØ. C: "Lean On" was a critical and commercial success, peaking at number four on the US Billboard Hot 100 and at number two on the UK Singles Chart. They won the good reviews liked the flood in the whole world. The fantastic arrangement is one of the factors why the song is so popular.B: I can't wait to share with you! Let's enjoy it together! 插曲3 Shape of you C: Now you listen to the song is Shape of you from English singer Ed Sheeran. The song is a pop and dancehall song with "tropical house effects and strummy acoustics. Through the pedal loop background , recombining the modern music and be the standard healing work successfully.B: That's right, Ed Sheeran was invited to play it on the 59th Grammy, he formed a band of his own and gave us an amazing show, leaving a deep impression on everyone's heart, making the scene boiling.C: OK, let's feel the magical feeling together. 插曲 4 Find you B: Find you is a song by Russian-German musician and producer Zedd for the soundtrack for the film Divergent. Although it's a dance music, it's really moving and gives you the strong sense of find someone's real personality. C: Sure, with the magnetic sounds of Zedd and Swedish young singer Miriam Bryant, we are easily taken into the moving storyline. All right, just relax yourself now. B: Happy time is always short, it's time to say goodbye. Do you like today's music? Do you feel liberated? Leave us a message and tell us what you want to say or your favorite music.C: 今天的music bang bang节目就要结束了,欢迎大家订阅荔枝FM 22808 VOE外语广播电台,网易云音乐music bang bang 电台 以及我们的微信公众号时代之声radio,更多精彩的内容等着你的发现。 结束曲 Find you 节目监制:刘仁邦编辑:李金声播音:李金声 王璇制作:李金声
3/17/201713 minutes, 15 seconds
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Mar. 16, 2017 #The World Says# Is time passing quickly or slowly

节目组: The World Says 世界说 节目名称: Is time passing quickly or slowly开头曲 B a noBodyV: Hello everybody, welcome to the world says from the VOE foreign languages station. I'm VincentI: Hi dear audience, I'm Icey.L: And I'm Louisa. Did you have a good weekend, Vincent?V: Yes, but it flew by ,which means it went quickly, and here we are again, back at work!I: Hm. I know what you mean. Though I must say, time really dragged for me, and that means it went slowly. I was on a train, which broke down.V: Oh dear!I: And it felt like it took forever to arrive, though actually it was only delayed only by one hour.V: Well, today we're talking about our perception of , or the way we see – time. 插曲1 B a noBody I: It's true that when we're busy doing lots of things, time flies by. And when we're bored or have nothing to do, it drags. And I didn't have anything to do on the train. Do you think time flows at the same rate for everyone – even animals?V:My sister's little cat doesn't get bored doing nothing all day. I wonder if time drags for her sometimes?L:Good question! Did you know, Vincent, that, according to a new study, smaller animals perceive time as if it is passing in slow motion?V:That sounds weird. Do you think they hear us like this: t…a…l…k…i…n…g s…l…o…w…l…y…?L: Don’t be silly, Vincent !What I meant was that small animals such as insects and small birds can observe more detail in a certain period of time, for example, a second,than larger animals.V: But how does this help them, exactly? It sounds like the day would really drag if every second got stretched out like that!L: Well, it helps them by giving them time to escape larger predators.Now, small animals can typically process more visual information than we can. But in a dangerous situation our brains can work in overdrive to process information more quickly .And overdrive means a state of extreme activity.V: Yeah, a very obvious example is that when we're taking an exam, we are in a more efficient state than ordinary times.L: Ha Ha, Of course, that's because our brain is pushed to be more productive for getting a satisfied mark. 插曲 2 Heroine V: And there is another situation in which the brain can work in overdrive, that is when we are facing an dangerous situation.L:Have you ever been in a dangerous situation where your brain went into overdrive, Vincent?V:Yes, I was ten years old and I fell backwards out of a big tree in our garden.L:Oh no! That's terrible. I'm sorry to hear that.V:Yeah. I have a vivid memory of the sun flashing above me, and the clouds moving across the sky, and the leaves rustling in the tree above me, my mum was screaming through the kitchen window as she saw me fall .I experienced so much in the space of just a few seconds.L:Yes. A vivid memory, by the way, is clear and detailed. Oh, poor Vincent! Did you hurt yourself?V:Some big bruises, but no broken bones. No serious.L:Glad to hear it. Now, it's a strange trick of memory that in a scary situation your brain starts to record everything in great detail. And the more memory you have of an event, the longer you believe it took. This idea explains why children often feel that time is passing slowly – because their experiences are new, and they are creating lots of new memories.V:However, boring adults are following routines that don't require new memories because they're so familiar. I:But let's listen to Claudia Hammond, author of Time Warped, talking about how we can stretch time and make our days feel longer – in a good way! He says If we can spend our weekend filling it with lots of new different activities, it'll go fast, at the time, because we're having fun. But when we look back, say, on Sunday night, and we've got to go to work next day, it will feel as if our weekend was long, because we filled it with new memories. 插曲3 Broken over youV:We should do that, this weekend, Icey. What do you think?I:Definitely. I'm going to buzz around like a fly, creating lots of new memories.V:Flies have eyes that send updates to the brain at much higher frequencies than our eyes, because they can process the information more quickly. This speed illustrates the impressive capabilities of even the smallest animal brains.I:Right, animals are great Maybe we can't do like flies. But we can arrange our spare time properly. Time had past as soon as we joined more activities.V:Of course, We should take part in more activities, read more books and do something that is good for us.I:Arrange our new term, we also can gain full of new memories.V:The new term is coming . I'm busy preparing the examination for MS office this month these days, and in my new term, I'll try my best improving my English level, especially my oral English. 插曲 4 Broken over you L:What's your plans, my audience? Have you decided what will you do? What's your new target?Remember never let your laziness drive your precious time!V:As the show has proceeded here. It's time to say goodbye to you all. Thank you for your listening. See you next time, bye. 感谢制作苏鑫、王子丞。 结束曲 Broken over you节目监制:周宸聿 编辑: 杨晏直 刘芳宇播音: 陶麓伊 杨晏直 刘芳宇制作:苏鑫
3/15/201710 minutes
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Mar. 15, 2017 #Bloom in Ink# Spring

节目组: Bloom in Ink 墨海繁花 节目名称: SpringHello everyone, welcome to Bloom in Ink from VOE foreign language radio station. I'm……Today we'll bring you an essay called In Springtime Each spring, the urge to plant something—a flower or vegetable or anything that would blossom and produce—pulled at her. It must have been a legacy from her grandmother who had, long ago, kept a garden of small and neat proportions. There had been cabbage-sized roses and delicate white pea blossoms. And in the fertile earth hid golden carrot spears and round white onions, layered and pearly. The garden gave forth its best from early spring, when the frost still powdered the ground, until late autumn amidst the flaming leaves. And Alice came to believe her grandmother had found the secret to life itself buried deep in the soft black earth. There had been space and light for things to grow at her grandmother’s house—unlike here in the city where even weeds had a difficult time breaking through the ever-present asphalt. There was no place for Alice to grow even a single flower—not in front of the brownstone building, where angled cracks only hinted at the earth below, not inside her small dark apartment where the life-giving sunlight would have to traverse an impossibly long distance just to reach her grimy windows. She had tried, that first year she had come to the city, when hope blossomed in her heart and the future seemed filled with promise. She had carried to her rooms a red clay pot of patio tomatoes, guaranteed to produce scarlet globes hanging in abundance from the dark green stems. But the lack of sunlight and fresh air turned the green to faded brown, and by summer's end, the tomatoes themselves were shriveled and misshapen—a nightmare version of what nature intended. Alice threw the plant away, and never brought home another. Instead, every spring, when the desire for life burned in her, she would stop at the flower sellers waiting patiently outside the subway entrance and buy armfuls of freesias and roses and carnations. Tenderly, she would carry the paper-wrapped bundle home, to arrange the fragrant rootless blossoms in a crystal vase to die.春天每到春天,艾丽丝便渴望种点什么——鲜花,或蔬菜或一切能开花能生长的东西。很久以前,从她祖母那儿遗留下来一个整洁的小花园。 那里,春季的时候,簇簇洋白菜大的玫瑰和丛丛散发着幽香的雪白的豌豆花竞相开放。肥沃的土地下埋藏着金色的胡萝卜的幼苗以及珍珠样又白又圆的洋葱。 早春的花园冲破严寒霜冻,把最美的景色带给人间,晚秋时节则呈现在一片火红的树叶中。艾丽丝确信祖母已经发现深埋在柔软的黑色土地下的生命本身的秘密。 祖母的房屋外面有足够的空间和阳光适合植物的生长,不像这城市里,种子要从布满沥青的地上破土而出非常艰难。 在城里,爱丽丝找不出一点地方哪怕是种一株花,褐石房屋外面不行,那里只是从房屋之间的夹缝中透进少许的阳光,在她狭小而黑暗的公寓更不行,哺育生命的阳光不可能穿过那么远的距离,最多只能到达昏暗的窗户。 来到城里的第一年,她曾努力去尝试,那时她心中充满希望,对未来似乎也有点盼头。她种了一砵西红柿放在房间外的露台上,里面盛满红色的粘土,指望那深绿的枝桠上定会挂满又圆又红的果实。 但是因为缺乏阳光和新鲜空气,绿叶褪变成了褐色,直到夏末,西红柿也变得干瘪且畸形,当初的美好愿望成了一场空。 爱丽丝扔掉西红柿,从今往后不往家里带任何其它的植物了。然而,每当春天来临,她的心里依然充满对生命的渴望,她耐心地等在地铁入口处,流连于卖花人面前,买了一大束小苍兰、玫瑰和康乃馨,抱在臂弯里。 她小心翼翼地捧着这束用纸包装好的花回了家,把这芬芳的无根的鲜花插在水晶瓶子里,直到枯萎。 节目监制: 曹睿姝 播音: 孙天然 刘慕春编辑: 孙天然 刘慕春制作: 武晓鹏
3/14/20179 minutes, 42 seconds
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Mar. 13, 2017 #Screen Age# 3 idiots 三傻大闹宝莱坞

节目组:The Screen Age 荧屏时代 节目名称:3 idiots 三傻大闹宝莱坞开头曲 We found love引语 M: Hello, my dear friends. Welcome back to the Screen Age. This is your old friend, Mico. PY: This is Hertzfeld. Surprisingly, we have left home for one week. How much I miss the time that has just past. Well, Mico, how about your winter holiday?M: Missing deep as our audience. At the end of the holiday, the only affair which swarmed in my mind was reminiscence of travelling with my friends. And also, the warmness with my relatives in Spring Festival can't fade away.PY: I can't agree more. It seems to lots of people that winter is a season which is not only filled with family affection, but also friendship just like today's movie we introduce.M: I have watched it for many times and was moved every time. I believe we can get lots of insights. PY: Not much to say, so now, let's begin our first program in new term, 3 idiots. 插曲1 Behti Hawa Sa Tha Woh PART 1: F: It is an Indian comedy movie presented by Bollywood. The whole story begins with Farhan's recall to one of his companion, Rancho acted by Aamir Khan in his college life.Y: The whole story is a process of searching for our protagonist, Rancho. Stemming from a bet initiated by Chatur, another student, Farhan and his another bosom friend, Raju were pleasantly surprised for meeting the long lost friend. I: The film lasts for nearly 3 hours using the technique of interleave. It conveys friendship, innovation, education, love through recalling life in college. His college, Imperial College of Engineering is the highest ranking one in the country. The student there have to bear the great pressure for future.B: Chatur was a typical case who blindly chases for success measured by wealth. In contrast of him, Rancho majored in engineering purely for passion and love. He regarded traditional pattern of education as something for nothing.F: Rancho looked at the issue beyond convention. He inspired his two roommates, Farhan and Raju to think differently. He zapped a Senior's private at the first night to avoid a campus tradition, taking off trousers and being sealed as well as fingered Director in the day.Y: Professors kept Rancho mostly out for his undiscipline. However, when thrown out one class, he'd slip into another. He was not alike any of other students. They fought for a shower every morning, but he'd bath wherever he finds water.I: Friendship is one of strengths in the film. Raju was from a poor family with a paralyzed father, an unawed sister and a 24 hour supply from the leaking roof which causes Raju's reply to lord. B: Under the great pressure of dropping out for bad scores, Raju committed suicide. At that time, Rancho and Farhan did everything they could to awaken Raju. Surprisingly, for their great efforts, Raju, ultimately revived.F: Rancho even blamed educational system on Director which accumulated Director's bitterness to him. Dramatically, after delivering Director's grandson in a storm with unrealistic conditions, Director was deeply impressed by him and sent him a pen which symbolized the highest honor.Y: At the end of the movie, they found Rancho, now a hot scientist while stayed in a school to teach children on science. The old college friends met again. 插曲 2 A Sky Full of Stars PART 2: PY: The famous Indian actor, Aamir Khan acted as Rancho in the movie. He was born on March 14, 1965 in Mumbai in a conservative Muslim family which has been part of Hindi Film Industry for a long time. M: Since she belonged to a Hindu family and he from devout Muslim family, they faced opposition and therefore they married secretly, later they revealed it to the world after his debut movie as lead Qayamat Se Qayamat Tak in 1988. The film was a run-away success and he achieved instant stardomA: Aamir is said to be the actor who first started the trend of actor's working in one film at a time, when the others worked in four or five at the same time. He is also known to shun popular film trade magazine awards like Filmfare, Star Screen, etc.L: His range of characterizations remains unparalleled and because of this diversity and his ability to portray different characters believably on screen, today he is regarded as not only one of the biggest Superstars but also one of the finest actors of Indian Cinema. 插曲3 Give Me Some SunshinePART 3: L: “Whatever the problem in life is just say to yourself ‘Aal Izz Well’ This won’t solve your problems but it will give the courage to face it.” The golden rule which 3 idiots teach us in a very light and entertaining way. A: The movie deals with the present education system in India that whether getting more marks and better grades is better than gaining knowledge and is mugging up everything more useful than understanding it.M: Film's music sounds mediocre but when viewed on the screen then the music sounds perfect. Cinematography is awesome and so is the direction. PY: Aamir does it again. What a movie, from start to the end, hilarious moments. Aamir and Hirani have delivered the best movie of 2009. Do ourselvies a favour by seeing this highly emotional and feel good comic entertainer. 插曲 4 Give Me Some Sunshine 结束语 Y: So this is today's movie, hope you like it.F: The new term has begun, cling to your dream, we hope everyone can make great progress and live for the better one.Y: See you next time, 最后感谢制作张安康,Bye.F: Bye. 节目监制:刘逸超 编辑:刘逸超 赛碧乐 毕鑫屹 杨旸 李梓彤 邹佳林 杨晨丹播音:刘逸超 赛碧乐 毕鑫屹 杨旸 李梓彤 邹佳林 杨晨丹制作:张安康
3/12/201714 minutes, 4 seconds
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[往期回顾] Jun. 07, 2014 #Campus Interview# 采访托福高分学长阮伦博

现场即兴采访原经济管理学院学长:阮伦博采访之际,伦博学长已拿到托福102分的高分,并正在积极地准备GMAT考试。在获得 Babson College 的 Management in Entrepreneurial Leadership 硕士学位以后,如今即将开始在 哈佛大学 攻读 生物医学 博士学位。让我们一起来了解一下伦博学长吧!节目监制:刘子含编辑:杨理程 吴 渝播音:杨理程 吴 渝制作:刘子含
3/12/20179 minutes, 50 seconds
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Mar. 10, 2017 #日本语ドリームワークス# 《日本妈妈家规十则》

节目组: 日本语ドリームワークス 日语梦工厂 节目名称: 《日本妈妈家规十则》片头音乐:茅野愛衣、戸松遥、早見沙織 - secret base ~君がくれたもの~背景音乐:μ's - 僕たちはひとつの光A:皆さん、こんばんは、日本語ドリームワークスへようこそ!欢迎收听日语梦工厂,我是主播袁蕴宁B:我是主播冉莹今天带给大家的是《日本妈妈家规十则》。在大家的印象中,耳熟能详的家规家训有《颜氏家训》《傅雷家书》等等。我们知道我国家风家训文化的形成是受到中华传统文化中家庭观念的深层影响,日本先民在借鉴我国传统文化的同时也发展了极具本民族特色的家规文化。那么它们与我国的家规文化有哪些区别呢,让我们来一同走进日语梦工厂,感受《日本妈妈家规十则》中所体现的日本家规文化吧!A:会った人に先に挨拶し、他人に助けてもらった後は口頭または文書で感謝し、他人に迷惑をかけたら、直接会って素直に謝ります。B:第一则:必须对见到的人先打招呼,受到别人任何恩惠和帮助必须口头或者书面表示感谢,做了给别人添麻烦的事情一定要当场道歉。日本文化中对于礼节的要求十分严格,在教育孩子礼仪的过程中,日本妈妈时刻体现着从小事做起、严谨礼让的风格。A:公共の場では、第三者に迷惑をかけないように、できるだけ静かに話します。(思いっきり遊べるところは別)B:第二则:公共场合(除了可以放开玩儿的地方以外)说话音量控制在不让第三个人听到。这看似是一件微不足道的小事,却体现了一个人的道德和修养,更能从这件小事中学会尊重他人。A:お父さんに教えたくないことはお母さんに教えればいい、お母さんと話したくないことなら、お父さんに話せばいいです。ただ、誰にも話さないのはだめです。 B:第三则:不愿意告诉爸爸的事情,你可以只告诉妈妈;不愿意告诉妈妈的事情,你可以只告诉爸爸。但是不能对两者都不说。日本文化中具有的包容性在这一则中便有所体现。成长的路上总会有坎坷迷茫,这个时候父母会是最好的倾诉对象,他们会更加理性全面的并站在我们的角度上为我们提出建议。A:嘘をつくのは友人と家族から信頼されなくなりますので、一生後悔します。B:第四则:不许撒谎骗人,否则你会失去朋友家人最宝贵的信任,让你后悔一生。中国有句古话叫做人无信而不立,人的一生无论做什么也不能触碰诚信高压线,日本妈妈对于诚信的重视可见一斑。A:凶器や牙を使ったり、目を突き付けたりすることがなければ、殴り合いが避けられない場合は、勝ってほしいとお母さんが思っていますよ。B:第五则:如果不能避免打架,不许用工具和牙,也不许戳眼睛,除此以外可以狠狠的打,而妈妈则希望你能打赢。从小到大我们的父母老师都教育我们不能主动打架,但当我们人身安全受到侵犯的时候,更应该做出自我防护,把自身安全放在首要位置。A:地面に落ちたコインを拾って貯めてもいいですが、財布を自分のものにしてはいけませんよ。B:第六则:掉在地上的硬币可以拣起来拿回家积攒起来,但是钱包却不能据为己有。拾金不昧是应该具有的品德,然而对于硬币来说,找到失主并不容易,积攒起来之后也可以献爱心、做好事,物尽其用。但是钱包中大多会有失主的证件等重要信息,一定要物归原主。A:他人にご馳走されて、苦手なものを食べたくないとき、「腹いっぱいです」と言っていいですが、「まずいです」と言ってはいけません。B:第七则:别人真诚款待你吃东西,如果你不喜欢的话可以说“我吃饱了”,但是绝对不能说“很难吃”。为他人着想是难能可贵的,委婉含蓄的表达对自己与他人都是有好处的。这一则中也可以看出日本妈妈对于孩子在待人接物上格外用心。A:食べ物も命があります。たとえ食べたくないとしても、無駄にしてはなりません。B:第八则:任何食物和东西都是有生命的,绝对不能想吃就吃,想扔就扔。勤俭节约的重要性是不言而喻的,在教育孩子的时候,早养成节俭的习惯也会使孩子更好地理解他人、珍惜他人劳动果实。A:時には集団やトップの意見を尊重しなければならないときがありますが、自分の考え方を安易にあきらめてはいけません。B:第九则:必要时遵从集体和权威的意见,但是内心一定要保持自己的想法。日本妈妈会培养孩子的集体意识,团队意识。但是与此同时也教育孩子不可盲目跟从,时刻保持本心。A:誰も特有の名前や自分なりの顔つきがあるのと同じように、何もかも他人と比較する必要がありません。B:第十则:每个人都和他的名字长相一样都是不同的,用不着和别人比较。不攀比、不盲从,做最好的自己是每一位妈妈对孩子的期望,养成正确的比较心态,学会如何面对竞争,这是母亲对孩子成长殷切的期待。A:介绍了日本妈妈的家规十则想必听众朋友们一定收获颇深。时间总是这么快,又到了该说再见的时候了,感谢同学们对VOE外语广播电台的关心与支持,如果你有什么好的建议和想法,可以关注我们的微信公众号“VOERadio”,来给我们留言,说出你的想法。我是冉莹。B:我是袁蕴宁。节目的最后为大家推荐一首好听的日文歌曲,新垣结衣的《小さな恋の歌》我们下期再见!结尾音乐:小さな恋の歌节目监制: 袁蕴宁 播音: 袁蕴宁 冉莹编辑: 冉莹制作: 于越
3/11/201710 minutes, 33 seconds
Episode Artwork

[往期回顾] May. 17, 2014 #Campus Interview# 采访外教 Gary Wright

Sheldon: Hello my audience, welcome to today’s Campus Interview from VOE Foreign Language Radio. I’m your old friend Sheldon.Latisha: Hi 大家好,欢迎翻开今天的校园访谈录,我是你们的老朋友费丹力。今天来到我们演播室的是又一位来自美国的朋友,他将和我们谈谈在中国六个月里的所闻所感。Sheldon: Hello Sir! Welcome to China! And may I have your name?Gary: Sure, my name is Gary Wright.Sheldon: And where do you come from? Gary: I came from Missouri in the United States, which is central of United States.Latisha: 哦~原来你的家乡在密苏里州啊。那最初是什么原因让你来到中国的呢?And What brought you to China in the first place?Gary: Well, I came to China for many reasons. Umm…mostly because I want to familiar eyes myself with Chinese culture Chinese history and most importantly is the Chinese people. Latisha: Oh it’s nice. 说到中国文化你对它了解多少呢? Gary: Unfortunately very little. I’ve been here about 6 months and my friends do enjoy educating me. Regarding Chinese culture, but unfortunately I have not really learned as much as I would like yet.Sheldon: Oh it’s doesn’t matter. We Chinese people are willing to share the culture with you. And could you tell us which part of China culture do you like best and you want to learn? The literature the art the food or the martial art… (文学、艺术、食物、武术)oh you know there are many areas.(嗯,还有很多) Gary: All of it! It’s not possible to really to say this is what I want to learn or that is what I want to learn. That’s not possible because there are so many areas that are fascinating. I can’t just limited one or two. I want to learn as much as I can learn in the time that I’m here. Umm…because of that I planned to stay in China for a long time.Latisha: Wow, 希望你在中国能度过一段美好的时光! (Thank you) And live in China, you must have eaten some Chinese food, so do you like it?Gary: Ah…I’m extremely picky eater. I don’t eat vegetables so it is incredibly difficult for me to find food that I really enjoy here. But I’ve found some unfortunately. But to be honesty I typically tend to what more eat western food because of that.Latisha: 这样啊,我听说许多外国人都很喜欢中国菜的啊… Gary: Yes! My entire family love Chinese food. I’m the only one who doesn’t like vegetables.Sheldon: OK… What sort of food do you like? Gary: Red meat. Red meat, yes, like steak beef pork… chicken duck lamb. I enjoy most meat or bases meat foods. Latisha: How about fruit? Gary: I love fruit! Sheldon: OK, another question, how many cities have you been to in China? Gary: I so far have only been to two cities, here obviously and Dandong it’s very close train ride but beautiful place. I really enjoyed it. Umm… I didn’t its as much as I enjoy Shenyang than though. This is… I love the city.Sheldon: And what is the reason that you like the city? Gary: Part of is the sights. I love the good sights city. Part of is also the people. Since I been here I have encountered countless very friendly very easy-going people who really take the time to help me out. Umm… educate me and become my friend.Latisha: 嗯,那你一定交到不少中国朋友吧?Do you have any close Chinese friends? Gary: Yes, I have several close Chinese friends. As matter fact I would say I have more Chinese friends than I do foreign friends.Latisha: Wow虽然我知道探听别人的隐私不好但是我还是很好奇诶~在你的several close Chinese friends 中是不是有一个女生已经变成了你的girlfriend? You’ve found a Chinese girlfriend yeah? Gary: YES! YES, I did.Sheldon: Oh cool! And could you tell us how you met each other? Gary: We met at a pizza restaurant but I can’t remember the name… Oh Green Mile. We met at Green Mile.Latisha: 哦!原来是在沈阳和平区的那个绿里酒吧啊! Gary: Yes in Shenyang. And we started to talking and really well. So we start to seeing each other.Latisha: Wow那你有没有和你的女朋友讨论有关英语学习的问题啊?今天也和听众朋友们一起分享一下学习英语的好方法吧~ Gary: Well, I honestly say the most important thing to practice speaking it. Umm.., many students try to get better just by watching television or listening to music and that dose work? But nothing work better than just getting together with your friends and speaking English to each other. That is the best way to learn. Even if you don’t have any native English speakers around. It doesn’t matter. Just get one of your friends who also speak little English and speak to each other. You will get better quickly.Sheldon: So practice makes perfect? Gary: Yes much better than more passive approaches which is like I said watching shows or movies or listening to music.Sheldon: So do you mean speaking is more significant than reading writing and listening? Gary: Well listening is obviously huge of importance whenever you are speaking. Without listening ,there is no speaking. As far as what’s more important? That’s depend on what your goal is. If you want to develop friendships with using English prominently. Then speaking and listening are more important. If you are wanting to develop yourself academically then reading and writing is more important.Latisha: 的确,在不同的目标下听说读写有着不同的重要性。那你觉得通过听外语广播来学习英语的这个方法怎么样呢? Gary: I think it is a good way. Especially practicing the listening ability, broadcasting gives more students opportunity to listen to English been spoken, which is a huge of importance. As matter facts, today this week we’ve been practicing our listening skills in class and broadcasting plays an important part on that. Sheldon: Oh, that’s great! In addition, you know nowadays in China more and more students choose to study abroad. So do you want to say something to the students who are going to study to America? Gary: Well I think the most important advice I could give is forget what you think you know about Americans. Everything you think you know is probably wrong. Just like my thoughts regarding China was completely wrong. For the most part have fun! Go to America study and learn but don’t forget to make friendships don’t forget to have fun because without those things it’s not all about hard work about rewarding friendships and have a good time.Latisha: 没错,出国留学,不能让学习成为你的全部,广交挚友也是必不可少的一部分。Well that’s almost today’s questions. Thank you very much. Gary: Thank you.Sheldon: Bye节目监制:刘子含编辑:刘子含播音:刘子含 费丹力制作:刘子含记者:周 熠 杨理程 刘子含
3/10/201710 minutes, 7 seconds
Episode Artwork

Mar. 10, 2017 #Music Bang Bang# Wildcat!Wildcat!

节目组: Music Bang Bang 音乐大爆炸 节目名称: Wildcat!Wildcat!开头曲 SentimentalA: Hello guys! Welcome to Music Bang Bang! I'm still your ______.C: Hello, I'm Christine! A, what do think about the song we've just heard?A: Um...I think it’s... intangible and makes me feel gossamer.C: Yep, ditto. This song is from a mystery band I found recently. (故作神秘的) And today, I'm just going to introduce the band.A: Sounds interesting. What's the name?C: Well, it is a band called Wildcat!Wildcat! from Los Angeles. It was formed in 2012 by three young men. There is no single information about it in China. I've only found pieces of words on Google.A: So, in other words, they are mystery because they're really, really unfamous.C: can say that. A: Okay, honestly, I was unexpectedly a little bit look forward to them. Let's begin today's program! 插曲1 Marfa C: Okay, this is the first song Marfa. Marfa is a town in Texas, southwest in America. Weeds, wilderness, desert and a cross-town railway constitute a characteristic original western scenery. Most of the local resident are cowboys and artists. So maybe Marfa is a representation of free and a Utopia to them where they can get away the situation right now for a break.A: But at the half of the song, the tune is changed. It is repeated several times that you don't have to be alone. At first, it was like a helpless person's comfort to himself, but as the music getting stronger, it seems more like a firm belief that things gonna be alright. 插曲 2 Up & Beyond A: This one is a little bit different from the last song. It's warmer. Although the lyric is not inspiring and the tune is not powerful, it is really comforting. He sings,” Wait, I think I'm falling in the deepest sleep.” I really have the feeling that he's just lost in his dream. It must owe to the ethereal voice.C: I find they can always choose a suitable album art. Like this one, a crowd of people are igniting fireworks. All you see is colorful lights and sparks glowing in the dark night. It's quite match for the song. 插曲3 The Chief A: The next one is The Chief. l like the beginning of the music but I dislike the beginning of the vocals which a little bit let me down. But when the refrain came, it really surprised me. I am thoroughly infatuated with that kind of voice.C: The album art of this song is also very clever. It's a leaping girl in the upper air. Do you have the feeling like floating in the infinite sky when you hear the song? I do. It just feels like I'm reaching for the sky and the free breeze is blowing gently on my body... 插曲 4 Garden Grays 结束语 C: Here comes the last and my favorite one, Garden Grays. I fell in love with this song as soon as I heard the first tone. I think it's the most mainstream song of theirs. The whole song is smooth and I like each piece of it.A: I find that all of their songs are like being recorded in a huge empty house and that make them heard intangible. All their songs seem have one thing in common that is a slight feeling of loneliness which make them fascinating.C: That's all of today's program. Thank you for you guys following us!A: 另外,欢迎大家订阅我们的微信公众号“时代之声radio”,网易云音乐“music bang bang” 电台以及FM22802.C: 感谢制作刘冠辰,感谢制作王紫丞。See you next week~A: Bye~ 结束曲 Garden Grays 节目监制:刘仁邦编辑: 郭思婷 播音:郭思婷 尚博健 制作:刘冠辰
3/10/201711 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork

Mar. 09, 2017 #The World Says# Sherlock returns

节目组: The World Says 世界说 节目名称: Sherlock returnsI: Hello everyone, welcome to the world says from the VOE foreign language station. This is Iris.I: Hey, Sherlock, you look very tired today.S: Of course, like you, I probably enjoy my holiday.I: What do you mean,you just said me?S: Yes. (Hold)Obviously, your eyes have bloodshot, indicating that you are likely to stay up all night. And I observed that cocoon on your right middle finger.Are you staying up late to study?I: Half right, but you are still far from a detective. After having watched Sherlock for four seasons, I think there is a huge difference compared with the first quarter.Sherlock, do you remember the scene that Holmes' first met with Dr.Watson?S: Yes, of course, Sherlock is capable of judging a person's past, present and their future only by observing.:He has a word: As ever you see but not observe. To you the world remains an impenetrable [ɪmˈpenɪtrəbl] mystery whereas to me it is an open book. Hard logic versus romantic whimsy. I: Well,it's hard to understand.Maybe some audience know nothing about this.S:let's play a scene which in this drama.Could you do a role play with me, Iris? You are Dr. Watson, and I am Sherlock.J: let me be Stanford.I: Okay! 3, 2, 1, action!J: This is an old mate of mine, John Watson.S: Afghanistan or Iraq?I: Afghanistan. Sorry, how did you know?S: How do you feel about the violin?I: Sorry, what?S: I play the violin when I'm thinking. Sometimes I don't talk for days on end. Would that bother you? Potential flat mates should know the worst about each other.I: Oh, you told him me about me?J: Not a word.I: Then who said anything about flat mates?S: I did.I told Mike this morning that I must be a difficult man to find a flat matefor. Now here he is after lunch with an old friend clearly home from military service in Afghanistan [æf'ɡænɪstæn]. It wasn't a difficult leap.I: This is their first meeting.It is amazing, isn't it?S:Let me explain the reason for his inference.Tanned face, but no tan above the wrists. That meansDr.Watson have been abroad, but not sunbathing.I: And his haircut and the way he hold himself said military.The conversation when he entered the room bit different from day which says trained at Bart's. So he is an army doctor, obviously.I: His limp is really bad when walking, but don't ask for a chair when hestands, like he already forgotten about it. That means the limp is at least partly psychosomatic[ˌsaɪkəʊsəˈmætɪk].S: That says the original circumstances of the injury were traumatising. Wounded in action then. So, where does an army doctor get himself a suntan and wounded in action these days? It must be Afghanistan or Iraq.Let's go on say something about Dr.Waston.In Sherlock ways to say,he is my best friend.I: agreed.We can observe this in season4,when his sister ask him using pistol to kill his brother or Dr.Waston,this choice is difficult for him, and finally, had to choose suicide.S:Have to say that the fourth quarter tells a lot of their friendship.I waited for two years.Thanks to God, they returned.S:I was really happy when I heard the news. en-I think there is quite a lot of differences between this fashion sherlock and the classical one.He is fashion,he use blackberry,sent masagers.He takes taxi instead of gharry.He writes blog,he even became a hit on twitter.I: But the same thing is that he is thin and tall,sagacious and shouws quick first response all the time.He is also good at biology and his incredible outsight shocks the audience all the time.S: The change of the new sherlock dosen't make us fell uncomfortable, but the quick plot and the mixture of many stories of the novel in every episode makes an impression to Holmes fans.All of the changes show that this Holmes belongs to our times.I: That's right, but many Chinese fans were in a fever after they saw the first episode premiere on the BBC's official website. S: I've heard that. According to the BBC's official website, the titles of the three episodes in season 4 are “The Six Thatchers,” “The Lying Detective” and “The Final Problem.” After the debut of “The Six Thatchers,” disappointing voices emerged on Chinese review platforms such as Douban slid to 8.7 from a 9.3, and then to 8.5 in the next day. I: But why? I think it's still very amazing and surprising.S: Disappointment mainly stemmed from the lack of an appearance from the series big villain Moriarty, whose death was broght into question after the end of season 3, and the death of a major character. After Dr Watson's wife Mary dies after taking a bullet for Sherlock (Benedict Cumberbatch), Chinese netizens took to social media to express their disappointment : “Sure enough, there is no place for an actress in this UK TV series.”I: Although most Sherlock fans in China love the relationship between Sherlock and Watson and joked that the character of Mary was an "interloper" at first, they later found themselves falling for her smart and humorous personality S:In the eyes of many Chinese fans, the character's abrupt death was assurance that the UK TV series "really hates heterosexuality."I: it's funny!S: The Sherlock series has long had a large fan base in China. When David Cameron visited China in late 2013, some netizens left comments on his Weibo account asking him to urge the BBC to produce more episodes of Sherlock.And iris what's the reply?I:"I know that Benedict is hugely important in China. He's a big star. Sorry I can't tell them what to do. It's an independent company," then the UK Prime Minister replied.S: Chinese President Xi Jinping listed Sherlock as an example of an outstanding British production along with the Harry Potter series and TV drama Downton Abbey during his visit to London in 2015.I: Let's review some classic linesThe wheel turns, nothing is ever new. 时过境迁,烂事依然。S: You, don't talk out loud.You lower the IQ of the whole street.You, face the other way. You are putting me off. 你,不要说话,你拉低了整条街的智商。你,转过去,你影响我思考了。I: All lives end,all hearts are broken.Caring is not an advantage! 生命终有尽头,人心终要破碎,太在意可不是什么优点!S: Love is a dangerous disadvantage.(爱是种危险的劣势)I: Every fairy tale needs a good old-fashioned villain. 每个童话都需要一个经典大反派。S: That's all for today's listening . Goodbye. 感谢制作苏鑫感谢制作王紫丞节目监制:周宸聿 编辑: 张燚铭 余若天 播音: 张燚铭 余若天 制作:苏鑫
3/9/201710 minutes, 50 seconds
Episode Artwork

[往期回顾] Dec. 14, 2013 #Campus Interview# 采访外教 Michael Qintain

Sheldon: Hello, I’ m Sheldon. Welcome to Campus Interview of VOE StationLatisha: 大家好,我是费丹力,欢迎收听本期的校园访谈录。今天来到我们演播室的是来自我校外语教学部的美籍英语教师Michael Qintain。下面让我们一起来谈谈有关语言学习的经验和方法。Sheldon: Now we&`&re here with Michael who comes from the United States and now works at the Foreign Language Teaching Department of our school. And we&`&re to talk to him about experiences and methods of learning English.Michael: Hi I’m Michael. Happy to be in here. I come from the United States.Latisha: 你好Michael,欢迎来到VOE外文广播电台。在美国,人们也都热衷于学习外语吗?Michael: Although it varies by location, most universities offer a foreign-language curriculum.Sheldon: Well, How do they learn English, or other languages?.Michael: In the past, much emphasis was put on grammar. The new trend tends towards natural methods of language acquisition, such as role play, in which the students become very proactive in the language acquisition process.Latisha: 的确,角色扮演是一个不错的学习外语的方法。那么,你觉得我们通过收听电台节目来学习外语的这个方法怎么样呢?Michael: Listening to TV or radio is a great tool in learning language. I recommend listening to favorite channels and stations with pad and pen and write down any interesting words or phrases. Songs are a great way to expand your knowledge linguistically. That is why children learn songs. They inculcate the linguistic patterns of the language, naturally, without effort.Sheldon: What do you think of the VOE broadcasting station? Do you find it to be a useful platform to improve English language skills?Michael: Yes, I think it is useful because it makes students and teachers aware of what other valuable members of the community are thinking, and together we can make a positive change. As for the individuals that work at the station, I have found you to be extremely cordial and helpful.The VOE broadcasting station is incontestably an excellent platform to improve English language skills. It is good for those who are preparing the materials to be broadcast, as well as for the participants and listeners.Latisha: 哇,看来你还是挺了解外文电台的工作嘛,的确,电台是一个展示自我的平台,我们的播音员会在播音的过程中潜移默化地提升自己的外语水平以及其他多项综合能力,例如稿件的选择、节目的设计与搭档的配合等等。那么除此之外你觉得电台还会给我们带来什么样的益处呢?Michael: The other benefits are that the station provides a forum for discussion, a place for like-minded people to come and socialize, and a voice for the student body at Shenyang Agricultural University.Sheldon: I understand that you were a judge at the First Postgraduate English Public Speaking Contest of Shenyang Agriculture University on November 30th. What are your thoughts about the contest? Could you comment a little on the English proficiency of our contestants?Michael: I loved the competition. I really enjoy seeing what the students have to offer. No matter the proficiency level, the most important thing is to have fun making an effort. The competition is a great forum to elicit the very best out of each student. When we try at something, we begin to realize our fullest potential.The proficiency of the students ranged from average to excellent. The aspects that need most work with certain students are pronunciation and grammar. Several students had excellent pronunciation, and a fewer number were able to showcase good grammar skills. That said, I was impressed with everyone’s efforts. It took courage to get on that stage, and you wonderful participants made my day a very pleasant one. Never give up.Latisha: 看来你对各位参赛选手的评价还是蛮高的嘛。Sheldon相信你作为大赛的英文男主持也收获良多吧?(yes definitely, All the contestants are brilliant. And I have learned that how to express myself in English more naturally)。嗯,真羡慕你啊!那么,Michael您对本次大赛和各位选手还有什么意见或建议吗?Michael: Future contestants, make it a game. If you have the mentality of having fun, you will be less likely to be nervous. Forget it’s a competition. Forget about the audience. Forget about the judges.Sheldon: Yes, you’re right. Just be relaxed and enjoy the contest. And then maybe I&`&m going to ask you some personal questions. First one is What made you decide to come to China? Michael: I had a job opportunity to work at this university, Shenyang Agricultural University. What’s more is that I love culture, travel and languages.Sheldon: Yeah, I love culture and travel too. And the another question is What do you think of us Chinese students?Michael: Chinese students are awesome! They rock! The students have been so kind and helpful. They are a large part of the reason why I know I made an excellent decision in accepting to teach here at Shenyang Agricultural University.Latisha: 嗯,我也看出你非常喜欢中国学生啊,跟您聊天真是太有意思了,但是我们的节目时间有限。最后还是想问一个中国大学生都比较关注的问题:您作为一个English native speaker对中国学生学习英语有什么建议吗?Michael: When you undertake learning a foreign language, make it fun. What is fun is never boring. It is also important to keep at it, and progress will come like a rising sun. Reading interesting books and listening to favorite songs will help you make breakthroughs. I suggest also that you keep a journal of new expressions. Review them in your spare time. Last, use what you know. The more you use what you know, the more the linguistic patterns and new words and phrases will become natural and spontaneous.Sheldon: Well, we are so glad to talk with you today, thank you very muchMichael: Thank you very much, thank you, my pleasureLatisha: 再次感谢Michael的到来,相信大家对英语学习都有了一个新的认识。希望我们的节目对大家的英语学习能够起到一定的帮助,如果大家有什么意见或建议欢迎联系我们。Latisha: 感谢记者周熠,编辑金楷宁。下期再见。Sheldon: We are looking for you. Goodbye.节目监制:刘子含编辑:周 熠 刘子含 播音:刘子含 费丹力制作:金楷宁 刘子含记者:周 熠
3/8/20178 minutes, 40 seconds
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Mar. 08, 2017 #Bloom in Ink# Three poems

节目组: Bloom in Ink 墨海繁花 节目名称: Three poemsYou Who Never ArrivedBy Rainer Maria Rilke从没遇到的你里尔克You who never arrived in my arms, Beloved,who were lost from the start,I don't even know what songs would please you.I have given up trying to recognize you in the surging wave of the next moment.我的爱,一开始就从我的怀里迷失我甚至不知道什么样的歌能让你喜欢,我虽然已经放弃在下一个时刻的波动里辨认你但却把所有的美丽珍藏在心底All the immense images in me the far-off, deeply-felt landscape, cities, towers, and bridges, and unsuspected turns in the path,and those powerful lands that were once pulsing with the life of the godsall rise within me to mean you, who forever elude me.那些遥远却触动我心灵的风景、城市、塔楼、桥梁,还有那些漫不经心的小道的弯曲那些曾经伴随神灵的脉搏跳动的沧海桑田所有这一切都触发我想到我永远梦寐以求的你You, Beloved, who are all the gardens I have ever gazed at, longing. An open window in a country house-- ,and you almost stepped out, pensive, to meet me.你,我的爱,是我凝视,向往过的花园是乡间房舍里敞开的一扇窗而且你差点儿就若有所思地走出来,和我相遇、Streets that I chanced upon,you had just walked down them and vanished.And sometimes, in a shop, the mirrors were still dizzy with your presence在我徜徉过的街道上你悄然路过,消失在远方,甚至有时候,在一家店铺里你的身影仍在镜子里游荡and startled, gave back my too-sudden image. Who knows? Perhaps the same bird echoed through both of usyesterday, separate, in the evening...但我看到的却只是冒昧的自己也许,昨夜,你我天各一方同一只鸟的叫声却在你我心中同时回响…… Life, thin and light-off time and time againFrivolous tireless生如夏花 泰戈尔oneI heard the echo, from the valleys and the heartOpen to the lonely soul of sickle harvestingRepeat outrightly, but also repeat the well-being ofEventually swaying in the desert oasisI believe I amBorn as the bright summer flowersDo not withered undefeated fiery demon ruleHeart rate and breathing to bear the load of the cumbersomeBored我听见回声,来自山谷和心间以寂寞的镰刀收割空旷的灵魂不断地重复决绝,又重复幸福终有绿洲摇曳在沙漠我相信自己生来如同璀璨的夏日之花不凋不败,妖治如火承受心跳的负荷和呼吸的累赘乐此不疲TwoI heard the music, from the moon and carcassAuxiliary extreme aestheticism bait to capture mistyFilling the intense life, but also filling the pureThere are always memories throughout the earthI believe I amDied as the quiet beauty of autumn leavesSheng is not chaos, smoke gestureEven wilt also retained bone proudly Qing Feng muscleOccult我听见音乐,来自月光和胴体辅极端的诱饵捕获飘渺的唯美一生充盈着激烈,又充盈着纯然总有回忆贯穿于世间我相信自己死时如同静美的秋日落叶不盛不乱,姿态如烟即便枯萎也保留丰肌清骨的傲然玄之又玄ThreeI hear love, I believe in loveLove is a pool of struggling blue-green algaeAs desolate micro-burst of windBleeding through my veinsYears stationed in the belief我听见爱情,我相信爱情爱情是一潭挣扎的蓝藻如同一阵凄微的风穿过我失血的静脉驻守岁月的信念FourI believe that all can hearEven anticipate discrete, I met the other their ownSome can not grasp the momentLeft to the East to go West, Gu, the dead must not return toSee, I head home Zanhua, in full bloom along the way all the wayFrequently missed some, but also deeply moved by wind, frost, snow or rain我相信一切能够听见甚至预见离散,遇见另一个自己而有些瞬间无法把握任凭东走西顾,逝去的必然不返请看我头置簪花,一路走来一路盛开频频遗漏一些,又深陷风霜Five   Prajna Paramita, soon as soon as   life be beautiful like summer flowers and death like autumn leaves   Also care about what has般若波罗蜜,一声一声生如夏花,死如秋叶还在乎拥有什么 Destiny宿命Amazing to pour out the differenceThe joy and peace you bring to lifeLike a rosy angel, flying to summer dew.Like a twinkling star, shinning in the misty skyTuneful is your beautiful voice.That echoes in whispering nightSoft and tender like breezeThat carries us away in straight.怎样倾诉这无以言状的不同你带来的喜悦和宁静如玫瑰色天使降临于夏露如薄雾夜空中的星子闪烁你美妙的声音悠然悦耳在低语的夜里久久回荡如微风般舒缓轻柔将我们的心带向远方Long, languishing days of waiting,To see you in strong desire.Each moment with you like dreaming,As a glossy feather In the airFascinated and melt in your smile.Passion in you with every thought,等待的日子煎熬漫长想见你的心强烈渴望和你的每一刻犹如梦中如生辉的羽毛在空中飘扬沉醉融化在你的笑容里思恋你的每一刻日益汹涌At dawn , yearning hearts shall fillSweet memories and mute delight.Searching for the footprint you left behind, The halo, the glamour, the beautyMy princess, an eternal April to ground,Meeting you, I admit it my destiny.每个清晨,渴望的心充满着甜蜜的回忆和静默的欣喜回味着你留下的每一足迹你的光华,你的魔力,你的美丽我们的公主,永远的四月天与你相遇,是我此生的宿命节目监制: 曹睿姝 播音: 魏静滟 李硕 编辑: 魏静滟 李硕 制作: 武晓鹏
3/7/201715 minutes, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork

Mar. 07, 2017 #한류전선# 综艺《新西游记》推荐

节目组: 한류전선 韩流前线 节目名称: 综艺《新西游记》推荐1.친구들 안녕하세요? 欢迎收听voe外语广播 韩流前线,我是播音李可。2.만나서 반가워요. 我是播音郭燕。 插曲1 心术 PART 1 1:短暂的假期生活过去了,又迎来了崭新的一个学期,新的一年,新的一周,我们继续要为大家分享最前线的韩流文化,不知道听众朋友们在这个假期里又遇到了哪些有趣的故事呢?2:今天我们要为大家分享一个有故事的搞笑综艺,假期里它可是陪伴我度过了许许多多的闲暇时光,它就是《新西游记》。1:提起这个名字大家可能会觉得陌生,但我要提起《两天一夜》大家定不会觉得陌生,相信在很多人心中,《两天一夜》有着不可替代的位置,是让人最欲罢不能的综艺,那些名场面,名片段,甚至奠定了韩国真人秀综艺的基石。2:但好景不长,第一季的几位成员在事业最得意的时候闹不和、逃兵役、逃税、婚内劈腿、赌博等等,这些观众最喜欢的综艺人,渐渐被观众放弃了。1:但是好在罗石英pd没有放弃他们,将第一季的成员们重新聚起来,开始了新的旅行。《新西游记》的第一集只有三十多分钟,而且只在网络投放,就像是一种试探,怯生生的告诉大家,《两天一夜》回来了,带着救赎的心,一半兴奋、一半愧疚的站在家人的面前,太久不见了,能原谅我们吗?太久不见了,带着又想念又抱歉的心,甚至完全没有办法集中精神,关注其制作是否精良。하지만 나PD는 그들을 포기하지 않고 제1기의 멤버들을 다시 모여 새로운 여행을 시작하였습니다. 插曲 2 Wonder girls PART 2 1:但后续节目变得越发引人入胜,我们渐渐明白《新西游记》另外一层意思,代表向西旅行。因《西游记》中取经的起点在中国西安,节目本着尊重原著的精神选择在西安录制节目。西安在韩国以西,因此为西游记。而节目模式为游戏通关,游戏设定参考日本漫画《七龙珠》。四名成员需在西安市内完成各种任务,收集齐七颗龙珠,召唤出神龙,实现最终的愿望。四名成员形象分别被设定为唐僧,孙悟空,猪八戒,沙僧。除了李秀根因为“罪孽”最重,被指定为孙悟空,其它角色需通过游戏决定。2:원작을 존중하기 위하여 첫 여행지는 서유기의 시작이자 끝인 산시성 시안 으로 선택했다고 합니다.신서유기의 진행방식은 한 마디로 “아케이드 게임”이라고 생각하시면 됩니다.게임을 한판씩 클리어 하며 최종 목표를 향해 가는건데요.게임설정은 일본 만화 “드래곤볼”을 참고로 네명의 멤버가 시안시에서 각종 미션을 완성하여 드래곤볼 일곱개를 다 모으면 용신이 나타나 소원을 들어준다고 합니다.네명의 멤버는 각각 삼장법사,손오공,저팔계,사오정으로 설정되는데요.그중에서 “죄”가 가장 많은 이수근씨는 손오공으로 확정되고 기타 캐릭터는 게임을 통해 결정되였습니다.1:但对于节目时长仅有三十分钟,罗PD解释道:“《新西游记》的策划宗旨是制作人们在短暂的休憩时间也能看完,并且得到快乐的节目”。所以视频剪辑成了很多短小的片段,方便人们在短暂的休息时间一次看完。这是与原来电视台播出,需要人们坐定1小时观看的综艺完全不同的新综艺形式。是一次大胆的尝试。”2:30분밖에 하지 않는 이 프로그램에 대해 나PD는 “짧은 휴식시간에도 시청자분들에게 에너지를 줄수 있지 않을까 그런 생각이었다”고 말했습니다.그래서 사람들이 편히 보기 위해 모든 영상은 짧게 짧게 잘려있다고 합니다. 이 예능은 한시간씩 앉아서 보아야하는 기존의 예능과는 완전 다른 새로운 형식이죠.插曲3 Zion t PART 3: 1:目前节目已播出三季,与一开始的网络尝试《新西游记》有了较大的变化,但不变的一直都是综艺人想要逗笑观众的初心。希望曾经喜爱他们的人们能体谅也原谅他们的过往曾经,也希望不熟悉他们的人能喜欢欣赏这份不断挑战进取的决心。2:현재 방송하고 있는 세번째 시즌은 처음에 인터넷으로만 방송하던 제1기에 비해 큰 변화가 생겼지만 여전히 변하지 않은것은 출연자들이 시청자들에게 기쁨을 주려는 마음이 아닐가요.이 프로그램을 보고 많은 시청자들이 그들이 전에 지었던 “죄”를 용서하고 이젠 좀 더 그들의 끊임없이 도전하는 정신을 봐주셨으면 좋겠습니다.PART 4 1:最后希望《新西游记》成员们取经一路不论是笑语欢歌还是降妖除魔,都能像原著《西游记》中的师徒四人一样,永远的不畏艰险团结一心。最后也希望听了我们推荐收看《新西游记的朋友们,都能拥有一段愉快的时光。2:들어주셔서 감사합니다.1&2:여러분 안녕 节目监制:金池 编辑:郭燕 李可播音:郭燕 李可 制作:苏鑫
3/7/201710 minutes, 3 seconds
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Mar. 06, 2017 #Screen Age# Rogue One: A Star War Story

节目组:The Screen Age 荧屏时代 节目名称:Rogue One: A Star War StoryF: Hello, everyone. Welcome back to the Screen Age. This is your old friend Flat.B: This is Bob Bee. Flat, did you see any good films recently? I heard that there are many star-studded films.F: Oh, I don't quite like those kinds of movies,it's just meaningless commercial films with embarrassing point.B: I agree with you. Even the science fiction movie, Arrival, is so boring that I almost fall asleep when I saw it.F: But I would like to recommend to you the prequel of Star War, Rogue One. I almost became fans of Star War.B: So, why not introduce it to our audiences.F: Sure, let's begin.F: The story begins in the early years of Galactic Empire. Orson Krennic, a high-ranking Imperial military officer and a group of people come to find Galen Erso. His aim is to get Galen to come back to the work for the Empire.B: In order to protect his daughter, Jyn Erso, Galen tells her to run away. Jyn's mother is killed when she tries to stop Orson and Galen is taken away.F: Then, fifteen years passed, the Empire is plan to create a weapon capable of destroying entire planets.Meanwhile, on the planet Jedha, a pilot who has defected from the Empire and wants to join the Rebels. He escaped from the empire and carries a message from Galen which is really important.B: On the planet Wobani, Jyn is being transferred with other prisoners, but suddenly Rebel forces break in and free them. And then they go to the moon Yavin 4, the location of Rebel base of operations.F: The Rebels think that finding Saw Gerrera and the captured pilot is paramount to find out what the Empire is plotting. So they go to Jedha. On the way finding Saw, they meet Chirrut Imwe, a blind warrior and Baze Malbus, they help them to find Saw.B: After they find the pilot, Jyn gets the information form a hologram sent by her father. In the message, her father says that there is fail-safe in the weapon, Death Star, explode it and the entire thing dies.F: Knowing the important message, Jyn and a dozen other rebel fighters head to Scarif to find the Death Star plans. And they named their ship as Rogue One.B: After a furious war, they finally get the plan and send it to the Rebels. However the planet Scarif is destroyed and all the fighters are sacrificed.F: I must say, I'm impressed by the performance of Wen Jiang and Donnie Yen. To be honest, before seeing this film, I think that if Chinese actors go to play Hollywood film, it will be embarrassed. Not only the language but also the performance style. But in this film, the two Chinese actors really did a good job. Their English is good and the two characters played by them are really cute.B: Donnie Yen also show his wonderful action performance in this film. Seems like he is carrying the Chinese kongfu to the galaxy.F: The main actress is played by Felicity Jones, who also played the wife of Hawking in The Theory of Everything.B: This young actress really got a talent. And her two front teeth really drew my attention.B: It is said that in a good prequel, everyone should die in the end of the movie. So Rogue One is a good prequel. It had everything required to make a great movie.F: Indeed. Even I haven't seen the previous Star War movies, I can feel the excitement. When I heard the sentence, “May the force be with you”, I was as excited as the die-hard SW fans were.B: It's better than The Force Awakens, without too many light sabers and Skywallkers.F: Time flies, so this is today's movie, hope you like it.B: And may the force always be with you.F: 最后感谢制作张安康。See you next time, Bye.B: Bye.节目监制:刘逸超 编辑:赛碧乐 毕鑫屹 播音:赛碧乐 毕鑫屹 制作:张安康
3/6/20178 minutes, 52 seconds
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Mar. 04, 2017 #俄语摆渡人# 字母和单词介绍

节目组: 俄语摆渡人节目名称: 字母和单词介绍 А:Здравствуйте,大家好,Меня зовут Андрей,我的名字叫安德烈。Е:大家好,МенязовутЕлена。我是叶妮娜。插曲:Sad AngelА:Елена,Мы в москвие我们现在到莫斯科了。мы我们,由字母мы组成мы我们。Е:Андрей,这里好冷啊。 холодный冷,冷的,由字母хлодный组成,холодный冷的。А:Да。莫斯科位于北纬55°~56°、东经37°~38°之间。1月平均气温-10.2℃(最低-42℃),7月平均气温18.1℃(最高37℃)。Е:莫斯科的环保工作做的很好。整个城市的绿化面积大约占总面积的三分之一。面积площадь由字母площадь组成,площадь面积。А:Елена,我们先去看看我们上期提到的大剧院吧。Е:хлошо好。我们拿出地图看看应该怎么走吧。А:да,我们现在在谢列蔑契娃机场,大剧院在我们的东南方。东восток由字母востк组成,南юг由字母юг组成。Е:Андлей我们离大剧院太远了,我们还是坐地铁去吧。地铁метро。由字母метро组成,метро,地铁。А:хлошо。Елена。你知道我们应该准备多少卢布么?Е:知道,我提前用手机查了一下,是40卢布。40сорок。由字母сорок组成сорок。А:тымолодец。你做的很好。地铁来了,我们上去吧。Е:对了,Андлей。如果在俄罗斯要向别人问好应该怎么说呢?А:同辈之间打招呼我们一般用привет。跟长辈,为表示尊敬,我们要用:Здравствуйте。跟多个人同时表示你好的意思也可以用这个。Е:那表示感谢的呢?А:спасибо。如果要表示非常感谢我们可以说оченьспасибоЕ:那对不起应该怎么说呢?А:Извините。如果别人给你说对不起的话你可以回答Ничего没关系。Е:我记住了,Андрей, Е:今天我们一共学了19个字母和11个单词,那现在让我们一起来复习一下。А:字母有м х л о д н й п щ а д с т б ю г р З ь单词有холодный冷的Е: мы我们А: площадь面积Е: юг南,南方А: восток东,东方Е: сорок四十А: метро地铁Е: привет你好А: Здравствуйте您好或是大家好的意思。Е: спасибо谢谢А: Извините对不起Е: Ничего没关系 Е:其实俄语还是蛮简单的,不知不觉我也学会了这么多字母和单词,Андрей我现在越来越期待接下来的莫斯科红场之旅了А:那我们下期红场见吧АЕ:再见 结束曲 俄语字母歌节目监制:王柳编辑:张传博 李硕播音:张传博 李硕制作:王紫丞
3/4/20176 minutes, 38 seconds
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Dec. 23, 2016 #Music Bang Bang# Christmas songs for you

节目组: Music Bang Bang 音乐大爆炸 节目名称: Christmas songs for you开头曲 Christmas WishL: Well,dear audience,I'm's the end of the term,how about your exam prepraration? And, it's also our final show of this term's music bang bang. Tonight, all the music bang bang members are here and hope you guys a memorable night.S:As everyone expects,Christmas is coming soon.We have already chose some Christmas songs for you in today's program.Hope you like it~Here I'd like to ask a question, which gift do you think is most people want at Christmas?Maybe different person has different answers. But I believe for those who fall in love,all they want is a lover's company.Right?So here's today's first song--- 插曲1 All I want for Christmas is you C:Here's the version both by Mariah Carey and Justin Bieber. Some people joked that this song is Mariah Carey's endowment assurance as it will return to charts every Chrismas. Some said it is sort of like 难忘今宵 to us Chinese. Since first realeased in 1994, it has many versions till now. What is worth mentioning is that there is a version sung by a little girl in a movie named Love Actually. The whole movie is sending a message that you must speak out your inner feelings to your love on Christmas Day. Love is everywhere. Often it's not particularly dignified or newsworthy but it's always there. Fathers and sons, mothers and daughters, husbands and wives, girlfriends boyfriends, old friends. and so on. If you look for it you'll find that love is actually all around. 插曲 2 Santa tell me C:Armstrong,we all know you are always active,I wonder have you ever dressed as Santa Claus to bring with some sweets to others?A:Not yet.Maybe I will have a try this year,I really like to bring happiness for others.C:Yeah,and here goes the second song .The pleasant chorus is the reason why people love it after listening to it only once. Now let's listen this song together. And I hope you're not alone in the following days. 插曲3 That's Christmas to me A: Speaking of chorus, the song is probably a masterpiece in a cappella style. Unlike general Christmas songs,this song pass a sorrowful sense to us .Maybe you are going to be alone on Christmas this year,so you may feel a bit loneliness when hearing this song.To be lonely is not because you have no friends, but there is no one in your heart. S: Life is too short to wake up with regrets. So,in the next year,love the people who treat you right and forget about the one who don't.No hurry, the best always appears accidentally. Just like the lyrics says, that's the love that Christmas can bring, and that's Christmas to me. Best wishes! 插曲4 A love letter Christmas B:If a R&B song can warm your heart,it must be from the king of R&B R.Kelly, just like the name of it,it's a love letter from Christmas. Did you get my heart. Did you read my love letter. Did it touch your heart. It perfectly showed the boy's heart to a girl, why don't we add some love at Christmas night, let's enjoy it! 插曲 5 Winter Wonderland W:Heard about lots of R&B songs,let's enjoy this jazz music. Winter Wonderland is an old song composed by Felix Bernard,and Richard B. Smith gave the Words to it. It first released at 1934. Since then, the song keep being covered by plenty of different singers.B:This version surprises me a lot,because this is the first time I hear LadyGaga sing Jazz. This song is like a real picture right in front of your eyes. When you listening to the song you will feel like as if you can really see a snowman on the meadow. The vibe of Christmas day is very strong in the song. So,let's enjoy it! 插曲 6 Last Christmas L:Here's the song.I think I don't need to introduce so much.Because every year at Christmas Day, almost all the stores on streets will play it the whole day to celebrate the festival and enliven the atmosphere. So you guys can tell how popular it has been through the past 32 years.Also, the lyric reminds us of treasuring every happy time.C:That's all for today's program.All the music bang bang members wish you a merry Christmas day in advance!L: 在这里提前祝大家圣诞节快乐~感谢制作刘冠辰,感谢制作王紫丞。欢迎大家订阅我们的微信公众号“时代之声radio”,网易云音乐“music bang bang”电台以及荔枝FM查阅更多节目信息。让我们明年再见~S: See you in the next year's spring! Bye~ 结束曲 Last Christmas 节目监制:刘仁邦编辑:刘仁邦 郭思婷 石悦 温彦博 李金声 尚博健 播音:刘仁邦 李紫琳 郭思婷 石悦 温彦博 李金声 尚博健 杨柳制作:刘冠辰
12/22/201612 minutes, 55 seconds
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Dec. 22, 2016 #The World Says# The Big data 大数据

节目组: The World Says 世界说 节目名称: The Big data 大数据I: Hello everyone, welcome to the world says from the VOE foreign language station. This is Iris.L:Hey guys,I am Louisa.I: What are you doing,sherlock? Focus! Don't play your computer.S:Wait,wait oh oh.OK.I'm browsing my Taobao. It can always be combined with most people's purchase and it will launch the most fashionable things.I: Yes,that's the big data for you today.As we know the core of big data is predicting, to predict what will happen and the risk of what has happened. We use big data to understand customers’ favorites and meet their demand.L:But you know,big data are not always works. Now American depend on data to solve the problems in life. But recently unexpected results and presidential condidate let them realized that data is less reliable.S:Well,Cubs win the World Series.Donald Trump wins the White House.What do those two epochal events have in common? Both were considered highly unlikely. And both happened.Many Americans therefore judge predictions, with more skepticism. They've learned an important ,even comforting lesson about the limits of polling and other measures: Big Data is not destiny.I: In fact, Sherlock, people's mind is good. Survey responses to pollsters, consumer buying habits, internet site visits, can be plugged into computer models to suggest people’s future behavior. The understandable hope is always that if you start with knowable measurements and crunch them through well-constructed formulas, you'll produce a reliable preview of what will happen.L:But.Not necessarily.Computers don't read minds. Nor do pollsters. People don't always say what they think. Or they change their minds. People can be convinced and unconvinced.I:Some people say one thing but do another. You will never write a program to take into account all those nuances and many others.S:As you say,Big Data can lead to Big Mistakes. Google Flu Trends, for instance, sought to use data from internet searches to estimate when influenza season would peak and at what level. I:But it drastically overestimated peak flu levels in the 2012-13 season That failure “doesn‘t erase the value of big data,” “What it does do is highlight a number of problematic practices in its use-what we like to call ‘big data hubris’”L:Should we toss out data and rely only on experience, or on anecdotes, or on what we hear ( true or false) frome people with whom we agree?I:That would be a dangerous overreaction to the election flub. If people believe the data cannot be trusted, they may turn instead to “ trusting anecdotes friends, family and tribe,” Someone writes in the New York Times. “Policies will be based on what people think are good ideas, not what data show. This will potentially … further segment an already divided nation,” he warns, aptly.S:In a conclusion,humans embrace Big Data because we live in an unpredictable universe that is often capricious. People fell comforted when thwy think they know what is going to happen. They see patterns in random chance. L:And they purge from their thought the reality that a 74 percent chance of victory is a 26 percent chance of defeat. Superstition endures.S:Reality is elastic. Every moment brings new possibilities. That's what makes life intriguing. Okay, we are going to talk about the big data security,Louisa.Imagine being talked about behind your back. Now picture that conversation taking place covertly in your own sitting room, with you unable to hear it.I: That is the modus operandi of SilverPush, an Indian start-up that embeds inaudible sounds in television advertisements. As the advert plays, a high-frequency signal is emitted that can be picked up by a mobile or other device installed with an app containing SilverPush software.S:And this “pairing” — currently targeted at Indian consumers — also identifies users' other nearby devices and allows the company to monitor what they do across those. All without consumers hearing a thing.L: Well, that sounds terrible, but it actually exists. This “cross-device tracking technology”, being explored by other companies including Adobe, is an emblem of a new era with which all of us — governments, companies, charities and consumers — will have to contend.S:In fact, the Royal Statistical Society hosted a conference at Windsor castle to ponder the challenges of Big Data — an overused, underexplained term for both the flood of information churned out by our devices and the potential for this flood to be organised into revelatory and predictive rivers of knowledge.L:Have to say, the ethics and governance surrounding the growing use of data are a right royal mess. Public discussion about how these vast quantities of information should be collected, stored, cross-referenced and exploited is urgently needed. There is excitement about how it might revolutionise healthcare — during outbreaks of disease.S:Such as, search data can be mined for the greater good. Today, however, public engagement largely amounts to public outcry when things go wrong.S: And here is our first problem: most of us click unthinkingly.It is thus questionable whether we have given informed consent to all the ways in which our personal data are subsequently used.L: To demonstrate this, a security company set up a public WiFi spot in the City of London and inserted a “Herod clause” committing users to hand over their firstborn for eternity. Within a short period of time, several people unwittingly bartered away their offspring in return for a free connection.S:so, you say they hand over their firstborn for eternity,this is ridiculous.I:A second challenge arises from the so-called internet of things, when devices bypass humans and talk directly to one another. So my depleted smart fridge could automatically email the supermarket requesting replenishment. But it could also mean my data become a network of electronic spies that can paint a richly detailed picture of my prandial,raising privacy concerns.S:Therefore, the EU adopted the data protection rules,but alongside the new EU rules on data protection, we need something softer: a body of experts and laypeople that can bring knowledge, wisdom and judgment to this fast-moving field. 现在,美国已有了一个由律师、哲学家和人类学家组成的大数据、伦理与社会委员会.I: We have wearable devices that, like Santa, see you when you are sleeping and know when you're awake. It is possible that a company will find a way of deducing — through sentiment analysis of social media postings, visits to charity websites, checks on your bank balance and fitness tracking — if you've been bad or good.L: This is the big data, bring convenience while there are a lot of privacy issues.S:Now, let's hear the words we learned today. They are:Epochal 划时代的 Skepticism 怀疑态度Crunch 处理 Algorithms 算法Nuances 细微差别 Influenza 流行性感冒Hubris 傲慢 Flub 搞错Anecdotes 轶事,奇闻 L: Ok, that's all of today's program.please don't forget to join us soon!see you next time感谢制作苏鑫,感谢制作王紫丞!节目监制:周宸聿编辑:陶麓伊 张燚铭 余若天播音:陶麓伊 张燚铭 余若天制作:苏鑫
12/22/201611 minutes, 44 seconds
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Dec. 21, 2016 #Bloom in Ink# A gift of love 爱的礼物

节目组: Bloom in Ink 墨海繁花 节目名称: A gift of love 爱的礼物A gift of love爱的礼物"Can I see my baby?" the happy new mother asked.“我可以看看我的宝宝吗?”初为人母的她开心地问道。When the bundle was nestled in her arms and she moved the fold of cloth to look upon his tiny face, she gasped. The doctor turned quickly and looked out the tall hospital window. The baby had been born without ears.裹着的婴儿被放到她的臂弯里,她轻轻掀开裹着婴儿的布,当看到他的小脸时,她不禁倒吸了一口气。医生快速地转过身,透过医院的高层窗户向外看去。婴儿生下来就没有耳朵。Time proved that the baby's hearing was perfect. It was only his appearance that was marred. When he rushed home from school one day and flung himself into his mother's arms, she sighed, knowing that his life was to be a succession of heartbreaks.时间证明婴儿的听力毫无问题,只是没有耳朵,有损他的相貌。一天,当他匆匆从学校跑回家,扑向母亲的怀抱时,她叹了口气,意识到他的生活注定会受到一连串的打击。He blurted out the tragedy. "A boy, a big boy...called me a freak."他脱口诉说遭到的不幸:“一个男孩,一个大个子男孩……他喊我怪胎。”He grew up, handsome except for his misfortune. A favorite with his fellow students, he might have been class president, but for that. He developed a gift, a talent for literature and music.他长大了,虽然不幸但还是长得蛮帅。颇受同学的欢迎,要不是有缺陷,他很可能当了班长。他对文学和音乐有极大的天赋和潜质。"But you might mingle with other young people," his mother reproved him, but felt a kindness in her heart.“但你可能会和其他年轻人一样。”母亲责备地说,但却从心底里觉得很欣慰。The boy's father had a session with the family physician... "Could nothing be done?"男孩的父亲与家庭医生商量……“难道真无法补救吗?”"I believe I could graft on a pair of outer ears, if they could be procured," the doctor decided. So the search began for a person who would make such a sacrifice for a young man.“我认为可以移植一双外耳,如果能够找到的话。”医生做了决定,于是他们开始寻求一个愿意为这个年轻人做出牺牲的人。Two years went by.Then, "You're going to the hospital, son. Mother and I have someone who will donate the ears you need. But it's a secret." said the father.两年过去了。父亲对儿子说,“孩子,你要住院了。我和你妈找到愿意为你捐献耳朵的人了。但对方要求保密。”The operation was a brilliant success, and a new person emerged. His talents blossomed into genius, and school and college became a series of triumphs.手术获得了巨大成功,一个新人诞生了。他的潜力让他发展成一个天才,在中学和大学都取得了一连串的成功。Later he married and entered the diplomatic service. "but I must know," he asked his father, "Who gave me the ears? Who gave me so much? I could never do enough for him."后来他结婚了,进入外交行业工作。一天,他问父亲:“是谁给我的耳朵?谁给了我那么多?我做多少都无法报答他/她。”"I do not believe you could," said the father, "but the agreement was that you are not to know...not yet."“我也这样认为,”父亲说,“但是协议上说你不能知道……现在,还不到时候。”The years kept their profound secret, but the day did come. One of the darkest days that ever pass through a son. He stood with his father over his mother's casket. Slowly, tenderly, the father stretched forth a hand and raised the thick, reddish brown hair to reveal taht the mother had no outer ears.他们的秘密遵守了很多年,秘密揭晓的一天终于来了,但这却是儿子度过的最黑暗的日子。他和父亲站在母亲的棺材前,慢慢地,轻柔地,父亲向前伸出一只手,掀开母亲浓密的、红褐色的头发:母亲竟然没有耳朵!"Mother said she was glad she never let her hair be cut," his father whispered gently, "and nobody ever thought mother less beautiful, did they?"“你母亲说过她很高兴,她从不愿意理发,”父亲轻柔地低声说,“但没人觉得母亲没以前美丽,是吧?”节目监制: 曹睿姝 播音: 聂行 杜雨晨 编辑: 聂行 杜雨晨 制作: 武晓鹏
12/21/201612 minutes, 7 seconds
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Dec. 20, 2016 #한류전선# 韩国独立音乐第二辑

节目组: 한류전선 韩流前线 节目名称: 韩国独立音乐第二辑 Standing Egg开头曲 因为时间不同1:친구들 안녕하세요.欢迎收听voe外语广播韩流前线,我是播音郭燕。2:만나서 반가워요.我是播音李可1:听了上一期的韩语广播你是否对韩国独立音乐产生了一些兴趣,今天我们来继续为大家详细介绍一下吧!2:上一期的韩语广播为大家推荐了两首Standing Egg的歌曲,今天我们继续为大家推荐好听的歌曲。插曲:仲夏夜的我们2:成立于2010年的韩国音乐团体Standing Egg ,以创作让心灵充实的感性的舒服音乐为目标,洗刷这个被充满著刺激感音乐时代,近期发布歌曲《仲夏夜的我们》,甜蜜的旋律夹带出清新明亮的曲风,聆听起来舒适畅快。1:2010년에 데뷔하여 꾸준히 활동을 하고있는 스탠딩에그는 인디밴드입니다.스탠딩에그의 신곡"여름밤에 우린"은 단번에 귀에 꽂히는 후크송도,화려한 편곡의 댄스곡도 아닌 한껏 힘을 빼고 편하게 사랑을 노래한 곡이예요.서정적인 느낌에 호소하면서도 평범한 감성이 그대로 담겨있는 노래,소소한 일상에 따뜻한 정서가 녹아있는,그래서 소박한 음악입니다.하지만 이 곡은 쟁쟁한 아이돌 그룹들의 신곡을 제치고 이틀째 차트 정상에 오르는 이변을 일으켰습니다.2:他们能独自写曲, 填词和制作自己的音乐, 并强调个性,思想, 观念和理念的重要。运用这四种慨念,他们已制作出一个完美的程式, 用作一个新鲜和创新的基础曲调。与当代年轻人敢想敢做的心产生共鸣!1:스탠딩에그의 노래는 모두 그들이 작사,작곡에 프로듀싱까지 한것입니다.그들은 감성 노랫말,편안한 멜로디,어쿠스틱한 사운드,호소력있는 보컬로 든든한 팬덤을 헝성하였습니다.스탠딩에그는 매일 출퇴근하는 마음가짐으로 곡을 쓰고 음악작업에 몰두한다고 하네요.그것이 일상이고 목표라고 합니다.2:下期节目我们将为大家介绍韩国4人韩国独立乐队,由吴赫 오혁/ Oh Hyuk林贤帝 임현제/ Hyun Jae任童健 임동건/Dong Gun李仁雨 이인우/ In Woo四名成员组成。一个低调且深具实力的组合1:다음주에는 4명의 멤버로 구성된 인디밴드, 혁오를 소개해볼가 합니다.4명의 멤버는 바로 오혁,임현제,임동건,이민우입니다.혁오밴드도 스탠딩에그에 못지 않는 실력파그룹이예요.2:最后给大家分享一首好听的歌曲《once again》。1:今天的韩语广播就到这里了,愉快的时光总是过得飞快,希望今天的节目大家能喜欢。2;感谢听众的收听,感谢制作人胡婕,感谢制作人武晓鹏,我们下期再见节目监制:金池 编辑:郭燕 孙鹏 播音:郭燕 孙鹏 制作:胡婕
12/20/201612 minutes
Episode Artwork

Dec. 19, 2016 #Screen Age# Amelie 天使爱美丽

节目组:The Screen Age 荧屏时代 节目名称:Amelie 天使爱美丽开头曲 East of Eden引语 M: Hello everyone! Welcome back to the Screen Age. This is your old friend Mico.L: This is a freshman, Lynn. Hi!M: I think everyone has watched lots of films, and there must be a favorite one in our heart.L: Yes. Today we're going to introduce a film which has the greatest significance in French film history called Amelie.M: Now,it's time for the quiz show. As the winter holiday is just around the corner. What do you friends want to do? Please send your plans to our wechat. 马上就要到寒假了,假期你们有什么计划呢?请发送你的计划至微信平台。 Ok, that's it. Let's get to today's programme. 插曲1 La Valse D'Amelie PART 1: F: I believe the name of the film is familiar to the most of us. And now, let’s get to the story line with our introduction.B:A French girl, Amelie did never feel the warmness of her family. When she was examined by her unfamiliar father, she was a little bit excited .So he thought she had heart trouble. I:So Amelie was deprived the right of playing with the peers. Her mother prayed every day for a son, but she was killed by a tourist who leaped to her own death. Because of this, her father got the infantile autism. In this sad home, the goldfish in the tank even tried to commit suicide itself.A: However, Amelie was not depressed by this. After she grew up, she became a waitress in a coffee bar. Everything started in a summer, 1997. Unfortunately, Diana princess was killed by a car accident. This made Amelie knew the frangibility and shortness of our life. L:So she decided to affect everyone around her with her help. She did bring happiness to them. The cool grocery store boss, the teased mate, the sad doorkeeper were really changed by her little means and tricks. Unexpectedly, these were not useful to a strange man. She thought that he was her Mr. Right. Finally, all shall be well, and Jack shall have Jill. 插曲 2 L'autre Valse D'amelie PART 2: Y:The director of the film, Jean-Pierre Jeunet said: “I hate the color of wide variety .Choosing the representative color will produce a brilliant result. Hence, he used a pure and high saturation color to build the sprightly fairytales atmosphere. It’ll definitely catch our eyes.I:Yep. What deserves to be mentioned the most is a French humor in the film. When Amelie wanted to give some coins to a cadger in the subway as usual. The cadger showed tender care for his dog and said: “No, thanks. I don’t go to work at the weekend.” This is really funny.F:The French humor involves an intelligence, satire, exaggeration and so on. Film comes from the life.And this film won a lot of prizes,including 5 academy awards. 插曲3 Bitter Heart PART 3: M: Some people think this film is a little bit realistic. At the beginning, it uses liking something and disliking something to introduce someone. Like the feeling of putting hands into a bean bag, using the soup spoon to tap the creme brulee lightly.L: Everyone does have some strange hobbies. For myself, I love the sound when I trample the fallen leaves in fall. Maybe these lovely details are the essential points which make this film successful.B: Without you, who should I admire all the beautiful things with? This film appeals us to be optimistic to help everyone around us. It's full of positive energy. 插曲 4 Everybody PART 4: Y:As time is flying by, it's time to be over. Finally, let's use the novel beginning and ending of the Amelie to finish today's theme.F:On October 12,1969.18:28:32 pm. A flying which wings could vibrate 14670 times in a minute stopped on the road. Tablecloth and wine glasses were blown by the wind. An old man deleted a dead friend from his contacts.Y: On December 28, 1997.At the amusement park. Anyone even the nuns had great changes; Amelie and her lover were included. They laughed on the motorcycle. The temperature is 20℃. The humidity is 70%. The air pressure is 9999.F:最后感谢制作张安康。Don't forget our question.See you again.Y:Bye. 结束曲 Mr Kill 节目监制:刘逸超编辑:李梓彤播音:赛碧乐 杨旸 李梓彤 邹佳琳 赵艺薇 杨晨丹 毕鑫屹制作:张安康
12/19/201612 minutes, 18 seconds
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Dec. 17, 2016 #日本语ドリームワークス# 日本与尼日利亚的文化交融

节目组: 日本语ドリームワークス 日语梦工厂 节目名称: 日本与尼日利亚的文化交融片头曲:I wonder why.背景音乐:secret baseA:听众朋友们大家好,欢迎收听VOE外文广播电台,日语梦工厂。我是主播,董玉莹。B:我是主播吉旭灵。A:旭灵啊,你觉不觉得我们应该换一种形式来给听众朋友们眼前一亮的感觉。B:这个啊,可以有。A:如你所料,我们今天有幸请到了留学生代表AB,AB跟大家打声招呼吧。C:Hello,everyone.I am ABdul(大家好,我是ABdul)B:很高兴你能来参加我们的节目,那接下来的时间里就交给你来介绍一下吧。C:Within it's vast area, Nigeria has over 250 different ethnic groups, all with their own languages and heritageThe largest groups are the Hausa in the north, the Yoruba in the southwest and the Igbo (or Ibo) in the southeast, who account for around a fifth of the population each. The languages of these three groups can therefore be used in government.The Nigerian culture is therefore every bit as diverse as you would expect from a country which is a melting pot of people from so many different backgrounds.Generally speaking, Nigerians can seem very emotional to people of other cultures, as big shows of emotion in public are commonplace and perfectly acceptable. This may make it seems that people are having an argument or a shouting match, when in fact they are merely having a discussion or a friendly conversation, so try not be put off by this.A:作为承载了一片许多人的辽阔区域,尼日利亚有着250个不同的特色民族,而且每个民族都有着自己的语言和传统文化。人数最多的民族则数北方的豪撒族,西南部的约鲁巴人,东南部的伊博人,占总人口数的1/5,,因此这三种民族语言被政府所采用。尼日利亚的文化多种多样,正如像你期待的来自同不同国家背景文化大熔炉一样。总的来说,大家都认为尼日利亚人的情感似乎十分的丰富,这就就好像当她们发生争吵时或者在观看比赛时而出现的大声喝彩,这些在公共场合展现出来的情绪是非常普遍而且可以接受的。但是事实上他们只有这样一次深入的交谈,所以大可不必为这些分心。B但:与之不同的是,日本的民族构成则比较单一,但不能简单地将其称作“单一民族国家”。所以这样说,是因为日本列岛上除了人们熟知的“大和人”以外,还生存和繁衍着别具民族特征的阿依努人和琉球人,大和人亦称“和人”,是日本民族的主体,约占总人口的98%以上。阿依努人则具有蒙古人种的基本特征,他们不仅拥有自己的语言——阿依努语,而且还具有独特的文学和独特的音乐和舞蹈。日语是日本的国语,全国通用。虽然还存在阿伊努语,但使用人数极少,实际上只作为一种文言存在。C:In most urban areas, and particularly in the south of the country, both men and women tend to wear standard western-style clothing. Therefore, in a business context, stylish suits for men and smart dresses or trouser suits for women are the norm. Nigeria does also have a rich heritage of traditional dresses, which is worn in more casual contexts. Women will often been seen wearing long flowing robes and headscarves in bright colours. The most popular style of traditional dress is called "Buba". For men this entails a long, loose-fitting shirt which comes down to halfway down the thigh, and for women a loose-fitting blouse that comes down to just below the waist. Men can also be seen wearing a traditional cap, known as a "Fila".B:在大部分地区,尤其是国家的南部地区,男人和女人们都倾向于标准的西方服饰。因此,在商务环境下,对于男士来说那些时尚套装以及女士裙装,裤装都是符合规范。尼日利亚也有着在众多正式场合下穿着裙装的传统习俗,女士们着长长的裙子带着的头巾,大多数传统裙装被称为 BUba,对于男士来说,则是下衬到腿部的一半的宽松衬衫,女士则是宽松下衬到腰部左右,男士的传统帽子称为Fila.A:日本的传统服饰则是称为和服,和服是日本人的传统民族服装,也是日本人最值得向世界夸耀的文化资产之一。和服的穿着技巧,乃是随着时代的风俗背景,经过琢磨考验,蕴育而生。衣上高雅而优美的图案,源自日本民族对山水的欣赏及对风土的眷恋,乃至于对人本精神与情境的细腻感受。B:那了解了民族的服饰以后,我们还想了解下尼日利亚的语言分布,AB可否为我们介绍一下尼日利亚的语言那。C:Sure,the make-up languages in Nigeria is hugely diverse. Over 250 languages are spoken in the country , according to recent estimates.The official language of Nigeria is English, the former colonial language. English was chosen in an attempt to try and promote cultural and linguistic unity within the country, although only around 75% of the population actually speak "pidgin" English, which is a slightly simplified form of the language which also include elements. The other primary languages spoken in the country include Hausa, Yoruba, and Igbo.A:嗯,尼日利亚的语言也是多样化的,据最近的预测得出,整个国家中所涵盖了250多种语言,尼日利亚的语言是英语,英语这门语言的选择尝试和促进了整个国家的多文化和多语言的统一。尽管75%的人口说的都是混杂型的英语,这是一个包括了稍微简化元素的多样性语言,在尼日利亚还有其他几种主要的语言分别是Hausa,Yourba,lgbo.B:说了这么多,A是否可以用尼日利亚的语言给我们展示一下那,很是期待呀。C:show the time of the language. A:旭灵,我们在之前为大家介绍了日本的用餐文化,想不想来了解下尼日利亚的一些用餐习俗和礼节那?B:好啊,请AB为我们来介绍下吧。1. During a meal it is not uncommon for men, women and children to eat separately, with the men being served first.A:用餐期间对于男士来说是不同的,女士和儿童要分别吃,而男士要首先被服务。2. When sitting down to eat, the honoured guest will be served first, and you should not start eating until they have started.B:当有人做客时,客人应先被服务,知道客人开始吃饭,我们才可以。3. Avoid eating or passing food with your left hand and do not position yourself so that your feet are pointing toward the foods.A:要避免用左手吃饭和递食物,也不要在自己的位置上用脚指向食物。4. At the end of a meal, a small burp indicated that you are full and have enjoyed the food. Better out than in!B:用餐结束后,打嗝则表示你自己饱了,而且非常享受本次的用餐,5. If you are eating out in a restaurant, you should also be aware that you may be seated at a table with strangers. If this happens, then do not feel obliged to start a conversation with them, but continue with your meal as if you were at your own table.A:如果你在餐馆吃饭的话,你有可能会和陌生人坐到一起,如果有此种情况发生,不要迫使自己和对方交谈,你只需要继续用餐就可以啦,6. Normally the person who invites other people for a meal will also be the one paying.B:一般来讲,邀请他人共餐的人也理应主动买单。A:今天非常感谢AB给我们普及了这么多的知识,很高兴你来我们本次的录制,最后一句用一句尼日利亚的语言来结束我们本周的节目吧节目监制: 袁蕴宁 播音: 董玉莹 吉旭灵 ABdul编辑: 董玉莹 吉旭灵制作: 于越
12/17/201612 minutes, 49 seconds
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Dec. 16, 2016 #Music Bang Bang# Alan Walker

节目组: Music Bang Bang 音乐大爆炸 节目名称: Alan WalkerS: Hello, dear audience! It's Music Bang bang again. I feel so good to meet my friends and talk about music!B: Yeah, I found it interesting that although music can't be ranked, it really has a trend. Have you noticed that electronic music has been very hot in recent years?W: Oh yes, I have. At first, it's only prevalent overseas. But now some of our native singers are also in this trend.C: Speaking of the electronic music, the most popular one recently must be faded. I think Alan Walker who produced this song is a genius as he was only 18 when he released his first song Fade.S: So come with us to feel his attractive music today!插曲1:FadedS:Many of you must have heard the melody we've played just now.But actually we want to recommend the version with lyrics.W:Yes,it is Faded,one reflects the character's fear. The lyric of this song have been repeated "Where are you now?" right ? The character thinks there is a great gap from what he expect.Because of this he is sad .S:is the adaptation of the pure music .It is on the base of with Iselin Solheim's voice. He thinks the accompaniment can concentrate for three and a half minutes of pop music and can also add the lyrics to it.W:The whole song is on the basis of the original song with a female voice, ethereal female voice with electronic music, make the song more perfect.S:The rhythm of the song with the emotional lonely trance music, and like a ghost "where are you now?" let songs reveals the endless loneliness.W:So is the MV.It tells a sad story that a man who take a photo to find his hometown.It is nearly couldn't be achieved any longer .插曲2:Move your bodyB: Hey Christine, I was wondering that who is the person that sings best currently in your point?C: Oh, it must be Sia. Her singing skill is very, very good.B: Can you imagine the cooperation between the one sings best and the genius in house music?C: That must be great! As I know, downtempo is a form of Sia's style, which is very close to chill-out which Alan Walker is good at. The combination must be unexceptionable.B: I have heard Sia's solo version. It's hard to say which one is better. Sia's version is still in her original style — quick rhythm, powerful vox, but depressive. C: Yeah, her songs never made me feel brisk. But remixed by Alan Walker, the heavy rhythm before becomes a little lighter.B: You are right. The solo and the remix are in two style. Maybe fans of Sia prefer the original one but I have to say that the remixed version made me more feel like dancing to it.插曲3:Hymn Of The WeekendB: I have read your favorite song list in your moments. And I find out there is song named Hymn Of The Weekend which is also my favorite song! W: My only gripe of this song is no gripe. The original song is sung by Coldplay feat Beyonce. But I like this version better. It's sung by Alan Walker feat Coldplay. B: Alan Walker is an electronic music genius. He added more enthusiasm into the music, making the song more colorful. I think he made the song more active.W: What a genius! I also think this love song has adorable lyrics. It's full of passion, full of love. The lyric said love is like drug and love make the star comes out. B:It's so romantic! I think girls all over the world will say yes if he ask her to marry him when he sing this love song to the girl! Believe it or not, I wanna marry him myself! W: wow! That's funny. There is always tons of fun talking with you! Let's go back to the song~插曲4:Sing Me To SleepS:After listening to the three songs we played just now,have you fall in love with Alan Walker?He still has many other brilliant songs.C:Well,the last song we want to share is Alan Walkers another hot production after Faded.It's also sung by Iselin Solheim.S:That is《Sing Me To Sleep》.Its title seems to tell us that it is a song of sweet love but it isn't.Iselin uses her ethereal and mysterious voice sings out continuing steps to explore mystery and the eager to seek comfort in the corner of the world. C:Alan Walker's production is an excellent electronic dance music while Iselin's singing give soul to the song.S:When Iselin's heavenly voice meet with Allen's amazing electronic music, it must be a perfect combination!C:Alan Walker's team has worked for this song for a long time and won his satisfaction.He hopes his fans will like the song as he does. Let's listen~C:Today's program has come to an end,but Alan Walker's gorgeous music will never end.W:Do you like Alan Walker's music ?B:Which of his songs do you like best ?Welcome to share with us.S:感谢制作刘冠辰,感谢制作王紫丞,Here is Music Bangbang,see you next time~节目监制:刘仁邦编辑:李紫琳 郭思婷 尚博健 杨柳播音:李紫琳 郭思婷 尚博健 杨柳制作:刘冠辰
12/16/201612 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork

Dec. 15, 2016 #The World Says# World interesting highlights

节目组: The World Says 世界说 节目名称: World interesting highlights 世界搞笑新闻I: Hello everyone welcome to the world says from the VOE foreign language station.This is Iris.F:And I am handsome Francies.I: This week we will talk about some world interesting highlights.F: Sounds interesting .What's the detail?I: Now I'll give you 4 interesting world news, and you will point out which one is the false~F: Ok.~I itch to tryI: Selection A. Russia news . One day evening, a man was having a drink with his friend in a restaurant . Suddenly, 35 unknown masked men rushed in and fight against each other. Everyone run away except for the drinking man .He stay there still drinking like watching a theatre.J: Selection B. Britain news. Recently, a British company published a new invention, that is a air sac in the tie .men can drink the alcohol through the straw connected with the air sac when they are working. This accessory is inconspicuous. Your boss and colleagues can hardly discover you are drinking with it.F: Selection C. Hong Kong news. One day afternoon, in Mong Kok a tea cafeteria , two drunkards had drunk too much and they had a very pleasant talk. With the more they talk , the more they like brothers and both of their family name is Chen ,and they live in the same district! Afterwards, when two men were highly excited,they asked for the restaurant owner to witness them go for brothers. The restaurant owner at last can't stand them , so he call the police. After the police's research 原来他们真是亲兄弟I: Selection D. German news . A 24 years old college student come from Munster cause drink driving bicycle was published 500 euro fine by the police and was sentenced not to ride a bike on the road for 25years.F: en... I 'll choose D.I: wing wing wing wing ,you are wrong. The correct answer is C.F: My goddess! Foreign countries are so strict to the drink driving.J: Yes. In America, the police will install a ignition lock on the car of who has drink driving record. Everytime when you want to drive the car, you have to blow to the lock to detection alcohol wheather is excess. If it was found that you have drink the wine before driving , the car can't be open.I: And in Thailand , if you drink driving, you will be in jail at most for 10 years and the fine will be published at most to 20 thousand yuan. The drink driving people also should do volunteer 's work like cleaning the toilet, doing some society work and so on.F: 酒驾真是个很严重的事情. F: Jane, are you a sophomore?J: Yeah, what's the matter?F: Have you ever think of how to spend the time in your future schoolies week ? Would you do something crazy?J: No, I will do as the same cause I'll take postgraduate entrance exams.F: 你真是个学霸...My friend study in Australia told me that (响指)I: Now schoolies week it's a big problem and you know why? Because more and more people attending this. Every year we have students from the world, coming to this one spot on the Gold Coast. The authorities have finally cottoned on to this and they've invented a new concept of the "Party Pass", where by you have to prove that you actually are a student that has graduated. Is this going to curb the problem? I don't think so, because most of the people are doing nudie runs, and the plunge into the sea, which is something I have no idea what is all about. J: Well, we have discussed so much, but it is not over, following we are going to bring you some small, funny, Stories that happened recently.F: Okay, let's check out what else. Wowhoho,there is a man who sneak into the kindergarten six times just for stealing kids' biscuits and was convicted for one year after being arrested. 吃货的人生不需要解释I: Nowadays, bike-riding is becoming more and more popular, but, can you imagine someone ride from Beijing down to Africa? According to the report, a young man in 佛山 ride to Africa without a stop just because he wants to give vent to his anger due to the argument with his girlfriend.F: One hundred dollar can do lots of things such as buying some clothes, having a good dinner, and you probably don't know that it can also wake up a vegetative patient. After being unconscious for two hundreds day or so, Lee, a young man who was passed out as a result of stayed up a whole week, was able to move his arms when his mother putting out one hundred dollar from her purse. I: Other news, the Chinese star Zhao Wei is being accused recently, and the reason of it is that the accuser can't bear Zhao Wei staring at him in television, and he wants the compensation for moral damage, which is incredible and makes the judge confused so muchF: A woman hasn't been passed the Driving license test for fourteen years,and when facing with the emergency situations, she just throw away the steering wheel and use her hands cover her face ! Finally, the driving school refund all the money and invite her to have a dinner.l: Also about the car, one criminal in HuBei use the ID card to take a vehicle to run away but it happened that the ID card's owner is a criminal too, so he was put into jail, with a ten-galen confused face.F: Oh, what a shame. Next one, one woman frightened a thief away in the midnight. Do you guys know what she did?J: It is hard to say. Just tell us Francis.F: Okay, actually, she did nothing, but she is watching a TV program and burst out into laughter, which freaked the poor thief out and nearly fall off when escaping.I: I can't imagine how terrified her voice sounded. Do you believe our pursuit of love won't fade away as years pass by?J: Why did you said that, let me see your news.I: No hurry, I will tell you, a old man have to move away many times beacause he was disturbed by a woman aged 70's endless confessions about her love to him. And every time he moved away, the woman always can find him few days later. And she even broke a window to draw the attentions.F: 天呐,听得我又相信爱情了.J:That's crazy, So here is a tip,handsome guys need to be careful when walking on the street and don't forget to draw the curtains when staying at home. Speaking of the love, next news will definitely pulls you into realistic,,A man left his younger brother and drive away without noticed it until he has driven 20 miles away.F: what? You know, I happened to have a twin brother, if he do this to me, I will remember him in the rest of my life.I: Sorry to interrupt,but is time for us to say goodbye.F: Yeah, see you next time.感谢制作苏鑫,感谢制作王紫丞. Bye~节目监制:周宸聿 编辑:张燚铭 苗世钰 夏茂航播音:张燚铭 苗世钰 夏茂航制作:苏鑫
12/15/201610 minutes, 28 seconds
Episode Artwork

Dec. 14, 2016 #Bloom in Ink# Christmas Love 圣诞之爱

节目组: Bloom in Ink 墨海繁花 节目名称: Christmas Love 圣诞之爱Christmas Love 圣诞之爱Each December, I promised to make Christmas a relaxed and peaceful experience.I didn't spend too much time on card writing, endless cooking and decorating.Yet still, I found myself tired, unable to enjoy the valuable family moments, and of course, to understand the true meaning of christmas 每年的十二月,我发誓去过一个放松平和的圣诞节。但是我并没有花太多时间在写卡片,无尽的烹饪和装饰上。因为,我发现自己累了,无法享受家庭时光的宝贵,当然也无法了解圣诞节的真正含义。Christmas came again. My son, Nicholas, was in primary [ˈpraɪməri]school that year. For a six-year-old boy,it was a very exciting season For weeks, he'd been memorizing songs for his school's “Winter Celebration.” All the parents were invited to be present at their show.在我的儿子尼古拉斯小学的那一年,这是让一个六岁非常激动的季节。几个星期以来,他一直听着他学校“冬季庆典”这首歌。表演的晚上,所有的家长都被邀请参加他们的节目。我不忍心告诉他我有工作,不愿错过他的光辉的一刻,所以我与他的老师打电话,她告诉我有一次彩排在演出的早晨。所有当天晚上无法出席的父母都被邀请到早上参加。 I didn't have the heart to tell him I'd be working. Unwilling to miss his shining moment, I spoke with his teacher. She told me there'd be a dress rehearsal [rɪˈhɜ:sl](彩排) the morning of the presentation. All parents who unable to be present that evening were welcome to come then. So, on the morning of the dress rehearsal, I arrived ten minutes early. Around the room, I saw several other parents. Because the public school system had long stopped referring to the holiday as “Christmas”, I didn't expect anything other than fun. but, when my son's class rose to sing “Christmas Love”, I was a little bit surprised by its title. 因此,在彩排的上午,我早到了十分钟。在房间里,我看到了一些其他的父母。因为公立学校体制早已禁止类似“圣诞节”之类的活动,所以我并不对其他的一些娱乐活动抱有任何的期望。可是当我儿子的班开始唱“圣诞之爱”这首歌时,我有点惊讶。Nicholas was excited, as were all of his classmates. Those in front of the row held up large letters, one by one, to spell out the title of the song. As the class would sing “C is for Christmas,” a child would hold up the letter C. Then, “H is for Happy,” and on and on until all the children presented the complete message “Christmas Love”. 尼古拉斯和他的同学都很兴奋,坐在前排的人一个接一个地举起大字母,拼出这首歌的标题。当班级一起唱“C是圣诞节”时,一个孩子会把字母C举起来。然后,“H是快乐”,直到所有的孩子都提出了完整的信息“圣诞之爱”。The show was going smoothly, until suddenly, a small, quiet, girl in the front row held the letter “M” upside down — totally not knowing her letter “M” appeared as a “W”. The audience(观众) laughed at this little girl's mistake, But she had no idea why they were laughing at her, so she stood tall, proudly holding her “W”. The laughter continued until the last letter was raised, and we all saw it together. A sudden silent came over the audience and eyes began to widen [ˈwaɪdn]. At that moment, we understood why we were there and why we celebrated the holiday. 表演很顺利,突然,一个安静的坐在前排的小女孩将字母“M”举颠倒了,完全不知道她的字母变成了一个“W”。观众嘲笑这个小女孩的错误,但她不知道为什么观众们会哄堂大笑,所以她的更加挺拔,更骄傲的举着自己的字母“W”。观众们一直笑到最后一个字母被举起。我们一起看着她,突然间,全场陷入了深深的寂静。观众们也都陷入了沉思。在那一刻,我们明白了为什么我们为什么要在这里庆祝这个节日。For when the last letter was held high, the message read loud and clear: “CHRIST WAS LOVE”当最后一个字母被高高举起,大家一起清晰并且大声的读出了上面的字:“基督的爱”。节目监制: 曹睿姝 播音: 聂行 杜雨晨编辑: 聂行 杜雨晨 制作: 武晓鹏
12/14/20169 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork

Dec. 13, 2016 #한류전선# 韩剧主题曲介绍

节目组: 한류전선 韩流前线 节目名称: 韩剧主题曲介绍开头曲 你现在-李宝蓝1 친구들 안녕하세요.欢迎收听voe外语广播韩流前线,我是播音孙鹏。2 만나서 반가워요.我是播音郭燕。1 大家是否还记得曾经看过的韩剧吗,这么多年过去了,或许他们已经慢慢淡出了我们的记忆,但是我相信,他们却时常能够给我们带来许多感动与美好的回忆。비록 오랜 시간이 지났지만 분명 우리에게 많은 감동과 아름다운 추억을 안겨주었죠.2那么今天我们就来以歌曲的形式给大家找回一些从前的回忆,一起回顾一下那些年,我们追过的韩剧。1还记得04年的浪漫满屋吗,在那个温暖的夏天我们见证了“韩智恩“与”李英宰”的爱情,李宝蓝的《你现在》用舒缓而深情的声线,表达出诚挚动人的感情,经过波折让两人终于认清自己的心,虽然开始的邂逅仅仅是交易,最后没想到到最后一刻终于认清了自己的内心,现在才知道,或许当初的相见,就早已经爱上彼此。2혹시 2004년에 방영했던 풀하우스를 기억하시나요?그해의 따뜻한 여름에 우리는 "한지은"과"이영재"의 사랑이야기를 지켜보았습니다.이보람씨의 는 사랑에 빠진 여자의 느낌을 주는 포근하고 마음 따뜻한 노래입니다.이영재와 한지은의 수 없는 싸움과 화해 끝에 둘의 사이에는 사랑의 감정이 싹트게 되고 풀하우스에서 둘의 사랑이 완성되죠.2再过不久就要把你送走,可是我真的没有自信能做到,我要回到过去的位子这不过是回到原点而已,是理所当然的事,为什么会那么心痛呢,1조금후면 그댈 보내야 할텐데 그럴 자신이 없죠.나 홀로 있던 그 자리를 찾아 이제 돌아갈 뿐인데 당연한 일인데 왜 마음이 아프죠.插曲:呼唤1是的,你没有听错,这就是03年韩国非常著名的电视剧大长今的主题曲《呼唤》,这首歌很有韩国本土音乐的特点,婉转而悠扬,优美的旋律,让我们深切的体会到对盼望与爱人长相厮守的渴望,大长今也让我们见证了一个善良美丽的韩国女子的坚强与成长,也体现出了韩国女子的精神。2그렇습니다.여러분이 지금 듣고 있는 곡은 바로 2003년에 한국에서 히트를 친 걸작드라마 대장금의 주제곡입니다.이 노래는 임금을 향한 궁녀의 애절한 마음을 표현한 노래인데요.정말 들으면 들을수록 아름다운 곡이라 생각되는 곡입니다.1伊人欲来,何时归来。伊人欲去,何时离去。我欲乘风飞翔,却不寻伊人踪迹,伊人你若不归,请带我一起离去。插曲:你的全部瞬间1 最后给大家介绍的是成时京的《你的全部瞬间》,熟悉的旋律是否让你想起了2013年红遍亚洲的韩剧《星你》吗,我们都被来自外星的都教授疯狂的吸引了,剧中二千与教授的爱情真的很有感染力,我们见证了一段穿越时间与空间,两个不同性格的情侣的奇缘,剧中,成时京的歌曲也多次出现,听到这首歌,在脑海中,似乎又想起二千与教授爱情生活的温暖点滴。2:마지막으로 여러분들께 소개할 곡은 성시경씨의 "너의 모든 순간"입니다.2013년 우리에게 도민준앓이로 설레임을 가득 안겨주었던 드라마 "별에서 온 그대" OST에 수록된 타이틀곡인데요.성시경만의 감미로운 보이스와 애절한 감성으로 도민준과 천송이의 애틋한 사랑이 가득 담겨져 드라마의 내용을 한층 더 깊이 있게 가슴으로 느끼게 해주는데요 2:当你呼吸时,就像温暖的微风拂过当你微笑时,就像耀眼的阳光般灿烂因为有你在那里,1:니가 숨 쉬면 따스한 바람이 불어와 니가 웃으면 눈부신 햇살이 비춰 거기 있어줘서 그게 너라서1好了,带着留恋与不舍,又要与大家说再见了2是的,今天的节目到这里就要结束了,感谢大家的收听,我们下期再见。节目监制:金池 编辑:郭燕 孙鹏播音:郭燕 孙鹏制作:胡婕
12/13/20169 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork

Dec. 12, 2016 #Screen Age# Your Name 你的名字

节目组:The Screen Age 荧屏时代 节目名称:Your Name 你的名字M: Hello, my dear audiences. We haven't seen for a long time. Welcome back to the Screen Age. I'm Mico.Y: I'm Yolanda. First, let's congratulate a lucky audience called Alice and now let's share her excellent reply. 首先我们要公布上期的幸运听众Alice。然后来让我们欣赏一下她的精彩回答。Talking of the reasons of movies popular. In my view, movies display different kinds of lives, well, especially, some are exactly the men looking forward to. Today we will change our former styles that talking about western films. We'd like to recommend a Japanese film which is called Your Name.M: It's an impressed film and tears sprout in my eyes at the end of the story. It's a film that suits lovers, but, you know, on the other side, it's also a film that strikes damn singles like many of us.Y: That's really brilliant! I can't agree more. Anyway, we hope all of you can find a companion to see the movie. F: What's more, it's time for the quiz show. Recently, many apps offered a Your Name style for taking pictures. So if you're interested in, please take a photo in that style and send it to our wechat. 另外,最近许多相机应用推出了“你的名字”风格的滤镜,如果你感兴趣的话,请拍一张这样的照片并发给我们的微信公众号。Y: Now, let's begin our story.A: The film tells a story about love between a boy and a girl exchanging their bodies and falling in love as they, gradually getting to know each other better. F: Mitsuha is the heroine of the film who lives in a small mountain town. She's a high school girl living with her sister and grandmother. She has always been dreaming of leaving the boring town and trying her luck to discover another world. H: Taki is our hero who is a high school boy studying in Tokyo as well as doing a part-time job in a Italian restaurant. They’re two unrelated individuals, however, something marvellous happen to them. L: Every night Taki has a strange dream in which he becomes a high school girl in a small mountain town. At the same time, Mitsuha dreams that she becomes a boy in Tokyo! As time goes by, they used to live in each other's body in dreams.I: However, one day, Taki realized that he would never meet Mitsuha only in dreams. He decided to find his lover faced with the block that he even didn't know where she lived. F: He walked across the mountains in search of her with the memories of the town scenery. When he struggled to find the town, only to find that the small town disappeared three years ago because of comet hitting. More strangely, he found that Mitsuha had died in the disaster.H: With grief sweeping through, Taki suddenly thought of chewing wine is half part of Mitsuha, he decided to travel through time to save her. After drinking wine, he woke up in her body once again. Mitsuha and her partners conceived an escape plan and succeeded to save the life of the whole town. F: Although they tried their best to recall each other's names, they forgot her and him after they returned to normal life.B: Satisfactorily, at the end of the story, when they meet in Tokyo 5 years later, they look into each other with tears and call out his and her names.M: If you are interested in Japanese cartoon, you may familiar with the director of this animated film, Makoto Shinkai. Another famous film of his is Byousoku 5 Centimeter, which is a very touching and classical film.Y: He was born in 1973 in Nagano, Japan as Makoto Niitsu. He is a writer as well as director. His mostly works are sad but beautiful. M: He is good at telling stories. Once he said, “The first thing you make is a story. Then you decide where the location of the story will be, and how the story will develop. Y: And then when you think how the visuals will be in this process, then you finally think about how you take something from the setting and use it, how to depict it, and how to make the setting beautiful.” In his mind, story always comes first.M: Maybe that's why his movies always attract us. He really knows how to play with our emotion. Whats 'more, he is really funny. He says, if a girl and a boy go to see the movie and they don't become lover after seeing it, they don't fit.Y: It looks like he has much confidence in his work. But indeed, he did a good job in this work.H:The movie wins a great success both in Japan and world. It has grossed $ 6 million released only for two days. This year, in October, the film received The 8th Newtype animation award for First Prize and The 18th South Korea Fuchuan International Animation Festival long race department special prizes for outstanding and audience.F: What deserves to be mention is Director Makoto Shinkai. His works had always been criticized due to the thin plots, but right now, something changeable has not only reflected in the level of wallpaper frame, but also being accepted by people of all ages.B: The director has created a journey in a world breathing with atmosphere, mystery and visual wonder. A journey about growth and resilience in the face of overwhelming odds. A journey about human emotion that transcends space and time.I: The film explores the nature of life and relationships in quiet ways rarely seen or discussed, which is why most of them are not fast-paced or action packed and why they are so beautiful. Without spoiling, what mainly drives this film's story is the dynamics of our main characters' relationship. H: The way these two interact is just so unique and lovable. The premise itself allows them to bond on a more personal level, far more intriguing than the usual teenage love story. Eventually, you become so invested in their strange relationship, that when all the action goes down, it's no longer just suspenseful, it's almost heartbreaking.A: Editing and sound design also play a huge role in this immersion. There's rarely a single dull moment because of how gripping and emotionally driven the timing of every cut is. L: It's no doubt that Your Name has stricken to many hearts ever since Spirited Away. We highly recommend you to go to cinema, recently or later.M: Many of you may have seen the film, recently and the plots make your tears course down the cheek. Y: It doesn's matter whether you are damn single or not, because what you are experiencing is youth just like Mituha and Taki. M: Many of us are stroke a chord when we saw this film, because we could find something similar in our daily life. So this is today's program, hope you like it.Y: By the way, wish all of you can find the true love and happiness in life. F: At last, don't forget our quiz show: take a photo in Your Name style and send to us. 最后别忘记发照片给我们的微信公众号。M: 最后感谢制作张安康。See you next time, bye!Y: Bye!节目监制:刘逸超编辑:张洁川播音:杨旸 李梓彤 赛碧乐 张洁川 杨晨丹 邹佳琳 赵艺薇 毕鑫屹制作:张安康
12/12/201614 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

Dec. 10, 2016 #日本语ドリームワークス# 日本传统节日

节目组: 日本语ドリームワークス 日语梦工厂 节目名称: 日本传统节日开头音乐 天空之城背景音乐 TRIPLANE - Dear friends推荐音乐 いきものがかり - ブルーバードA:大家好,欢迎收听VOE外文广播电台日语梦工厂,我是主播梁远鹏。B:我是主播董玉莹。A:好开心 还有一个月就要过年了。B:是呀 又到了全家欢聚一堂 共度新春佳节的日子了。A:其实呀 我期待的不是春节 而是寒假。B:汗...... 你的人生也就这一点追求了。A:学生嘛 上学的时候想放假,放假的时候想上学嘛对不对?B:行行行 你说的都对 对了 日本有多少个传统节日呀?A:日本共有三十个传统节日,其中十五个法定节日和十五个民间节日。B:那今天的节目就挑几个给大家介绍介绍吧。(天空之城钢琴版)A:欢迎继续收听voe电台日语梦工厂节目,今天就给大家介绍一下日本的传统节日。B:提到传统节日,首推的当然就是新年了。日本新年指的是公历1月1日至1月3日,相当于其他东亚地区的春节,是一年当中最重要的节日。日本新年又称“正月”,一般认为始自飞鸟时代,当时的推古天皇从中国唐朝引进元嘉历,仿效中国农历计算公元,并仿效唐人习俗庆祝新春(也有说法认为日本在六世纪前已有庆祝正月的习俗)。但明治维新之后,全盘西化,1872年12月3日开始使用西方太阳历,不但开始重视起圣诞节,连新年也提前到了西历元旦。改用的公历将每年1月1日定为新年,截至1月31日都被称为正月。A:中国的春节吃饺子吃鱼,那日本呢?是不是也吃些特殊意义的食物呀?B:你这个吃货 年饭中最不能少的是黑豆,与“辛苦、认真”谐音。还有一种小鱼的名字叫Tasaku,谐音“多作、丰收”,也是年饭中必定出场的一道菜。祈望发财,在哪个国家都一样。用栗子或者是红薯煮好并捣碎,堆出一个小山头,日语称为“金山”,吃在嘴里甜甜的,又有“金山”之意,自然也是每餐必备。A:既然你介绍了新年,那我就介绍一下属于我们男孩的节日——男孩节。每年5月5日,是日本男孩节。人们会悬挂鲤鱼旗迎接男孩节。期盼孩子健康成长。为了祝福家中的男孩健康、快乐,这一天日本家家户户都会用纸或布做成色彩鲜艳、形状像鲤鱼的彩带,然后把这些彩带串在竹竿上,并和金色的风车绑在一起,挂在屋顶上。之所以这样做,是因为日本人相信鲤鱼最有精神和活力,希望家中的男孩都像鲤鱼那样,因此这一天又称为“鲤鱼日”。B:男儿节的由来是因为5月份是害虫破坏农作物的时期,农民们往往要扎一些形象凶猛的稻草人,插在田埂地头,以 消除虫害,到江户时代,这种习俗逐渐演变成了5月5日的男孩节。人们制作一些大鲤鱼,高悬于立在屋前的长竿上,迎风飘扬,意在保佑男孩们健康成长。A:又因鲤鱼逆水而上,象征着勇猛顽强,激励男孩子们在人生的征途上不畏艰难,勇往直前。在房间的壁龛内,家长还为男孩子们准备了盔甲、精致的小军旗、弓箭和装饰讲究的军刀之类的东西。传统的家庭还会在这一天吃年糕和粽子,全家用菖蒲水洗澡,祛灾除病。B:既然说了男儿节,那又怎能不说女儿节。3月3日是日本的女儿节。有女孩子的家庭,这一天会摆上做工精湛造型华美的宫装人偶(日语为“雛人形”)、桃花、菱餅等,以祝福女儿健康成长并获得幸福。本文为大家介绍日本生活中的女儿节。“女儿节”在日语中写作“雏祭”。“雏”原是幼鸟之意,在“雏祭”一词中指的是女性的人偶,因此女儿节也被称为“人偶节”。三月又是桃花盛开的季节,又有“桃花节”一说。A:我知道为什么要摆人偶,平安时代,在贵族子女间盛行一种“人偶”的游戏。最初仅仅是种玩具,与节日仪式毫无关系。而当时三月的“上巳节”有净身去污的习俗,据说是从中国流传而来。到日本后,将身上的污秽转移到一种用纸制作的“人形”上,并放到河里冲走,寓意是驱邪去污。到了江户时代,“人偶”游戏与“上巳节”的习俗相结合,不再将人偶放进河中,而是装饰在家,便有了现在“女儿节”的雏形。B:女儿节人偶很多是长辈赠送的,甚至成为女性出嫁时重要的嫁妆。以前,从女儿节的人偶规格往往可以判断出某个家庭的富庶程度和社会地位,如果祖先是声名显赫的世家,家中摆放的人偶甚至有几百年的历史。而现如今,人们的住宅空间变小,尤其对于住在公寓的家庭,没有足够的空间来摆放和收纳人偶与雏坛,于是就简化了摆放。倒是不少商家会在女儿节期间,摆出超豪华人偶展台,吸引顾客。A:时间总是这么快,又到了该说再见的时候了,感谢同学们对VOE外语广播电台的关心与支持,如果你有什么好的建议和想法,可以关注我们的微信公众号“VOERadio”,来给我们留言,说出你的想法。合:日语梦工厂 为梦想起航! B:我是董玉莹。A:我是梁远鹏 就让我们在歌声中结束本周的节目吧,我们下周再见吧 拜拜!(dear friend)节目监制: 袁蕴宁 播音: 董玉莹 梁远鹏编辑: 董玉莹 梁远鹏制作: 于越
12/10/20169 minutes, 25 seconds
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Dec. 09, 2016 #Music Bang Bang# The Maroon 5 you haven’t known

节目组: Music Bang Bang 音乐大爆炸 节目名称: The Maroon 5 you haven’t known开头曲 Harder To BreatheC:Hello everyone,I'm Ciel!Welcome to Music Bang Bang! A:Hey,my dear audience, I'm Armstrong.L:Hello,I'm your old friend Lampson.B:Hi,I'm Burgess!C:How's the world around you,Armstrong?A:I have been listening to songs by American pop-rock band Maroon 5 all the week,and I think I have fallen in love with them.How do you think about them, Lampson?L:Personally,their songs tend to be very guitar-heavy.It often accompanied by piano or synthesizer. Burgess,What is it with you?B:In my opinion,the theme in most of their songs is love, which the frequently lost love.And the is my cup of tea!C:Sorry to butt in.But it's totally cheesy!Everyone in the world have listened to ,,and so on.A:Oh,I get it.So,how about share some different styles of songs by Maroon 5 to our dear audience?L:You are right!So,let's enjoy the music and acquaint ourselves with the Maroon 5 you haven't known. 插曲:Sunday Morning C:The first song we want to share with you is .It was released in 2004 as the fourth single from their debut studio album,. After released,it became a huge international success,and topped the album charts in many countries.A:The lyrics are inspired by Levine's relationship with his ex-girlfriend, Jane. Just like Levine notes, "I wrote a song about her and played it in the store where she worked. It was an awful song. But she found out about this relatively psychotic boy. She was my muse for years. . . . And then it kind of faded away.L:Yeah,I think it is the classic Maroon 5 song,which is minor, and it has some funk, Nile Rodgers-style guitar and the lyrics are probably about getting your heart broken.B:Yeah,Minor, funk and heartbreak -- that is the Maroon 5 formula.And what catches my eyes is the moving story behind the music.I can't wait to listen to it,let's enjoy it! 插曲:Won’t Go Home With You B:The second song is ,which is a ballad and the third single released from Maroon 5's second album, in 2007.The song was nominated for Best Pop Performance from a Duo or Group with Vocals at the 51st Grammy Awards.C:This song is not based on one specific relationship, as in , and also have a different sound to their first album, being more electric and drawing inspiration from such artists as Talking Heads and Michael Jackson .A:You are right. Every time I listen to this song,a scene always bursts in my mind:five unruly rockers walk wildly in the streets with hands in jeans's pockets and cigarettes in mouth,and say:'This is my music,you can listen to it or not. I don't care!'L:I can't agree with you more!And that's the spirit of rock and roll ,right?Liberty, intransigence and rebellion,Maybe that is what make rock music so attractive and why people chase after it.Hey,guys,Let's ignite your passion and rock and roll! 插曲:SadB:The next song is .It is the ninth track from Maroon 5's fourth studio album Overexposed in 2012.L: is a song on which Levine achingly declares the end of his relationship and his heartbreak.And it was inspired by the singer's break up with a Victoria's Secret model.B:You are right.It is the most special song of Maroon 5.Without magnificent lyrics and gorgeous singing skills,this time the lead singer Levine just wanna sang a plain song for himself,sang a simple song for his lost love.L: I totally agree with you. The song begins with the lyrics, "Man, it's been a long day stuck thinking about it."The chorus is simple and consists of Levine singing "I'm so sad".B:Oh,poor Levine,I even wanna rush up and give him a big hug ,saying:'There,There,all is well,don't be so sad.'L:Aha!I strongly suspect your sexual preference!No kidding,without further ado,let's feel the sorrow together! 插曲:One More Night C:Armstrong,have you ever heard of ?A:Absolutely! How can I forget it!In 2012 when the PSY's Gangnam Style swept around the world and became the most-watched YouTube video of all time, it was blocked heartlessly on American Billboard by Maroon 5 and their .C: Yeah!The song spent nine consecutive weeks at number one on the Billboard Hot 100.It defended the respect of American rock music and some of the Americans even regard him as a national hero!A:Haha.Do you know?The song's lyrics are about a man who feels guilty about staying in a relationship only for sex.The chorus finds Levine bewitched by someone he knows he shouldn’t be with.C:Yeah,it was one of those things that the instant we heard it as a group, we thought, 'Wow.'I can hardly wait for a second!let's enjoy it! L:Time flies,that is all for today's program and the conclusion is .See you next time!A:We hope we can share your joy and sorrow,but most important of all,no matter what happens to you,please remember,we will always be there with you.C:又到了该跟大家说再见的时候了,虽然我们无法阻拦时间的流逝,但是我们可以主宰自己的心情,愿动人的旋律带给您一份美丽心情!最后将为大家送上一首,感谢您收听今天的“Music Bang Bang ”,下周同一时间别忘记和我们一起分享好音乐!Bye bye !B:欢迎大家订阅我们的微信公众号“时代之声radio”,网易云音乐“music bang bang”电台以及荔枝FM22802。更多精彩内容等着你的发现。感谢制作刘冠辰,感谢制作王紫丞,see you next time~ 结束曲:It was always you节目监制:刘仁邦编辑:温彦博播音:刘仁邦 石悦 李金声 温彦博制作:刘冠辰
12/9/201614 minutes, 28 seconds
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Dec. 08, 2016 #The World Says# The relationship between mobile phone addiction and lonelin

节目组: The World Says 世界说 节目名称: The relationship between mobile phone addiction and loneliness 手机孤独症开头曲:for youJ: Hello everybody, welcome to the world says from the VOE foreign language station, this is Jotta.V: I'm Vincent.(低沉音)C: I'm ....Oh,wait a minute.. I've just received a message,let me check...OK ..Hi, everyone, I'm Cherry.J: How was your weekend, Vincent? Your voice seems a little weird.V: Well, not great - I hadn't got anything planned, so I didn't see anyone for two days. And to be honest, I felt very lonely! There was a real physical feeling in the pit of my stomach.J: Poor Vincent! You do sound really down in the dumps. Well, the subject of today's show is the relationship between mobile phone addiction and loneliness. C:And lonelinessis sometimes described as a social pain - a pain that tells us that we're isolated- or lacking contact with others - which motivates us to seek out guys go on for more, I'll do with some of my things first on my phone.V: All right..Jotta,how does being sociable help us, as a species, then?J: It's all about cooperation- or working together to get something done - for example, finding food.V: Well, I suppose I cooperyated with the pizza delivery guy for a shared outcome.J: You paid him and he gave you the pizza?V: Exactly. J: But it wasn't a socially enriching experience.C: emm ..yeah.. It isn't easy to meet people you really like - so often you might as well just on your own.J: Finish texting?C: Not yet..I just can't help saying it. Because I'm suffering from the loneliness.V: No wonder you keep chatting on QQ.J: While in some situations being lonely may be a good thing, because it encourages you to be sociable, in other situations it may be useful to tolerate- or put up with - loneliness.V: That's a good point.C: Does all the tweeting, messaging, and chatting online that we do make us lonelier, because we're getting out less and meeting fewer people? Or do virtual connections stop us from feeling lonely?J: Those are good questions. 插曲:RiversideV:Sociologist Eric had ever talked about it: We just don't have great research showing that we are significantly more lonely or isolated today than we were ten or twenty or thirty years ago.J: That means critics who say that Facebook or the internet or whatever device you carry with you, is making you lonelier and more miserable - they just don't have that much evidence to back it up.C: So there isn't enough evidence to back up- or support - the claim that social media is making us feel lonelier.V: No, there isn't.J: But did you know that loneliness is contagious?V: You mean you can catch it from somebody like a cold?J: Yes. There are environmental factors involved in loneliness too. For example, if somebody you talk to every day is always unfriendly towards you, this makes you statistically more likely to be negative in your interactions with somebody else.V: Well, let's try and stay friendly towards each other. oh, Cherry, what are you doing ?It's work time now.C: I see. Hang on a minute. I just need to tweet something and… Done!V: I suppose social media has had quite a big impact on our life. What do you think, Jotta? Jotta?J: Hey, I'm here. Just replied a message...sorry...C: Well… interrupting conversations to check your phone has become a social norm, hasn't it, Jotta?V: I don't agree. Social norms are the rules of behaviour considered acceptable in a group or society. C: I didn't mean to ask you.J: Well,...emm...I do get wound up about people constantly checkving their devices. C:Professor Sherry Turkle of Massachusetts Institute of Technology also have got some opinions about social norms amongst students. He interviewed hundreds of college students and what they talked about was what some of them called 'the rule of three'. J: And what is “the rule of three”?C:That is...if you go to dinner with friends, you don't want to look down at your phone until you see that three people, let's say you're six at dinner, are looking up in the conversation. So there's a new etiquette where you don't look down unless three people are looking up kind of to keep a little conversation alive. J:I got it.V: Yesterday, I was in a café and two girls came in. They sat down and started chatting away – but not to each other – they were tapping away at their devices. And there was no face-to-face conversation at all! C: But you can have moments of connection using your devices, you know? If you have a connection with someone you engage emotionally. V: And physiologically we're changing, that almost the neck muscles are tipped over to look down. But it isn't only muscles that might change as a result of our techie habits 使用手机不仅使我们的肌肉发生改变,– it's the way we interact – or engage with each other too. 同时也改变了我们互动的方式,也就是彼此交流的方式。 J: Yeap.Let me sum up today's show. First,there isn't enough evidence to support the claim that social media is making us feel lonelier.Then,孤独感是会传染的, let's try and stay friendly towards each other. The last point,mobile phone addiction do harm to people.插曲:Gotta Have YouC:Okay.It's time to say goodbye again. V: Hope you enjoy our program .See you next time.J:感谢制作苏鑫,感谢制作王紫丞。节目监制:周宸聿 编辑:苗世钰 朱子业 杨晏直播音:苗世钰 朱子业 杨晏直制作:苏鑫
12/8/201610 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

Dec. 07, 2016 #Bloom in Ink# 生命的过客

节目组: Bloom in Ink 墨海繁花 节目名称: 生命的过客 生命的过客When he told me he was leaving ,I felt like a vase which has just smashed. There were pieces of me all over the tidy, tan tiles. He kept talking, telling me why he was leaving, explaining it was for the best, I could do better, it was his fault and not mine. I had heard it before many times and yet somehow was still not immune; perhaps one did not become immune to such felony. 当他告诉我他要离开的时候,我感觉自己就像花瓶裂成了碎片,跌落在茶色瓷砖地板上。他一直在说话,解释着为什么要离开,说什么这是最好的,我可以做得更好,都是他的错,与我无关。虽然这些话我已经听上好几千遍了,可每次听完都让我很受伤,或许在这样巨大的打击面前没有人能做到无动于衷。   He left and I tried to get on with my life. I filled the kettle and put it on to boil, I took out my old red mug and filled it with coffee watching as each coffee granule slipped in to the bone china. That was what my life had been like, endless omissions of coffee granules, somehow never managing to make that cup of coffee. 他走了,我尝试着继续过自己的生活。我烧开水,拿出红色杯子,看着咖啡粉末一点点地落入骨灰瓷的杯子里。这正是我自己的鲜活写照,不断地往下掉咖啡粉末,却从来没有真正地泡成一杯咖啡。  Somehow when the kettle piped its finishing warning, I pretended not to hear it. That's what Mike's leaving had been like, sudden and with an awful finality. I would rather just wallow in uncertainty than have things finished. I laughed at myself. Imagine getting all philosophical and sentimental about a mug of coffee. I must be getting old. 水开了,水壶发出警报声,我假装没有听见。迈克的离去也是一样,突如其来,并且无可挽回。要知道,我宁愿忍受分与不分的煎熬,也不愿意以这样的方式被宣判“死刑”。想着想着我就哑然失笑,自己竟然为一杯咖啡有如此多的人生感怀,我自己一定是老了。  And yet it was a young woman who stared back at me from the mirror. A young woman full of promise and hope, a young woman with bright eyes and full lips just waiting to take on the world. I never loved Mike anyway. Besides there are more important things. More important than love, I insist to myself firmly. The lid goes back on the coffee just like closure on the whole Mike experience.  可是镜子里回瞪着我的那个女孩还是那么年轻啊!明目皓齿,充满了前途与希望,光明的未来在向她招手。没关系的,反正我也从来没有爱过迈克。何况,生命中还有比爱更重要的东西在等待着我,我对自己坚持说。我将咖啡罐的盖子盖好,也将所有关于迈克的记忆尘封起来。  He doesn't haunt my dreams as I feared that night. Instead I am flying far across fields and woods, looking down on those below me. Suddenly I fall to the ground and it is only when I wake up that I realize I was shot by a hunter, brought down by the burden of not the bullet but the soul of the man who shot it. I realize later, with some degree of understanding, that Mike was the hunter holding me down and I am the bird that longs to fly. The next night my dream is similar to the previous nights, but without the hunter. I fly free until I meet another bird who flies with me in perfect harmony. I realize with some relief that there is a bird out there for me, there is another person, not necessarily a lover perhaps just a friend, but there is someone out there who is my soul mate. I think about being a broken vase again and realize that I have glued myself back together, what Mike has is merely a little part of my time in earth, a little understanding of my physical being. He has only, a little piece of me.  那天晚上,出乎意料的是,他并没有入到我的梦中。在梦里,我飞过田野和森林,俯瞰着大地。突然间,我掉了下来……醒来后才发现原来自己被猎人打中了,但是令我坠落的不是他的子弹,而是他的灵魂。我后来才渐渐明白,原来迈克就是那个使我坠落的猎人,而我是那只渴望飞翔的小鸟。到了第二天晚上,我仍然做了类似的梦,但是猎人不见了,我一直在自由地飞翔,直到遇上另外一只小鸟和我比翼双飞。我开始意识到,总有那么一只鸟,那么一个人在前面等我,这个人可能是我的爱人,可能只是朋友,但一定是知我懂我的人,这令我感觉如释重负。我想起曾经觉得自己像花瓶一样裂开了,才意识到原来自己已经把自己修理好了。迈克只是我生命过程中的小小过客,他仅仅了解我的表面,他仅仅是我生命中的小小一部分。felony: ['fɛləni] n. 重罪kettle : ['kɛtl] n. 壶 granule:['grænjʊl] 颗粒omission:[ə'mɪʃən] n. 疏忽, 遗漏finality:[faɪ'næləti] 结局, 定局wallow:['wɑlo] vi 打滚,沉迷 n. 堕落,泥坑sentimental:['sɛntə'mɛntl] adj. 多愁善感的,感情用事的节目监制: 曹睿姝 播音: 孙天然 于汶铎编辑: 孙天然 于汶铎制作: 武晓鹏
12/7/201612 minutes, 5 seconds
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Dec. 06, 2016 #한류전선# 韩国国民MC刘在石

节目组: 한류전선 韩流前线 节目名称: 韩国国民MC刘在石开头曲 very very very-ioiA:친구들 안녕하세요? 欢迎收听VOE外语广播韩流前线,我是播音王芷筠。B:.여러분 잘 지냈어요? 我是播音金池。A:今天我想介绍一位特殊的韩国艺人,他是主持人,是演员,还是搞笑艺人,他还是RM的固定成员。B:通过这么多的限定词,我想一定是刘在石吧? 단서로 보면 분명 유재석씨 일꺼에요, 맞죠?A:没错,就是这位亲民艺人. 맞아요. 바로 유느님이라 불리는 그분이랍니다. 那今天就给大家介绍一下国民MC刘在石吧! 그럼 빨리 소개해 보도록 할까요?插曲: face to face A:2001年他开始主持综艺节目。凭借2003年-2007年主持SBS的《X-Man》和2005年起主持的MBC的《无限挑战》获得了观众的关注。B:유재석씨는 참 국민엠씨라는 타이틀에 걸맞는 분같아요. 他主持的节目都是值得一看的,的确配得上国民MC的称呼。 A. 그렇습니다. 평소에도 후배들을 자주 챙기는 모습도 볼수 있는데요. 另外,在节目中经常能看到作为长辈的他,照顾这些弟弟妹妹们,尤其是对宋智孝这RM中的一点红,可见大神是一个热心,细心,有耐心的国民大神!B:유재석씨는 별명 또한 다양하죠?值得一提的是,如此好脾气的大神,外号自然是很多的。A:没错,例如在RM中,他是蚂蚱,是大神,是刘鲁斯•威利,是刘姆斯邦德,是舞王刘赫,是前任画片王,是空间支配者。还和宋智孝组成糖果联盟。插曲: I'm coming to you B: 유재석씨와 녹화를 진행하면서 서로 얼굴을 붉히는 일은 거의 없다고 합니다. 예의범절의 교과서라고 불리우는 그는 프로그램을 재치와 순발력으로 이끌어 나가는 중심입니다.매 하나하나의 방송마다 열정과 성의를 아낌없이 쏟아붓습니다.그는 카메라가 켜져있든 꺼져있든 항상 친절함을 잃지 않는 비타민같은 존재죠. 지금껏 구설수 하나없이 좋은 이미지를 유지하는 연예인은 아마 흔하지 않을겁니다. 그가 바로 유일하게 안티가 없는 연예인, 한국에서 가장 인기가 많은 연예인, 우리의 유느님입니다.A:和他一起录节目的几乎没有人会生气,大神是一个零差评的人。他是待人真诚的礼仪教科书,是在节目中机智幽默的放送支柱。他对每一个节目都倾注精力与热情,全力以赴,他说能为观众带来欢乐就是他的幸福,他是不管镜头是否开着,都会展现亲切温暖笑容的阳光般的存在。他的优秀不仅仅是在主持综艺方面。大家应该都从未见过有这样一个艺人,他除了上节目,就是回家,过着清道夫的生活。也从来没有桃色绯闻,也没有负面新闻缠身,他是韩国少数没有anti的明星之一,他会因为弟弟们的过错郑重其事的道歉。B: 지금은 유느님이라 불리며 높은 인지도를 갖고 있는 유재석씨이지만 그에게도 “메뚜기”로 불렸을때가, 8년간의 힘든 무명시절을 보냈을때가 있었습니다. 강호동씨와 엑스맨을 같이 찍을때에도 먼저 국민엠씨의 자리에 오른이도 그가 아닌 강호동씨였어요. 현재 그는 모든이가 우러러보는, 모든이가 갈망하는 그 자리에 올라섰습니다. 성공은 결코 쉽게 얻어지는게 아니라 바로 끊임없는 노력의 피땀이 만들어낸 결과에요. 그가 고소공포증이 있다는건 누구나 다 알고 있을겁니다. 그럼에도 불구하고 한번 또 한번 고공미션에 도전하는 그 정신, 그 열정이 우리에게도 필요합니다.A:我们现在看到的大神名声大震,知名度很高,可是刘大婶在未成神之前,是个蚂蚱的时候,有过很辛苦的一段时间。直到xman时期,先刷上国民度的也不是他而是姜虎东。如今他成功了,成为了万众瞩目的人,成为了他想成为的人。成功不是一蹴而就,贵在坚持,也许坚持可以让你触碰到成功的彼岸。就像刘在石,作为一个恐高症患者,在面对高空任务之时,他无数次地选择了坚持,这份坚持的力量就像是他的踏板,助他成功完成那看似不可能的任务。如此的勇气,如此的坚持,大神怎能不成功?插曲:바람꽃(风之花)B:누군가에게 짙푸렀던 열입곱살적의 비오는 계절이 있었다면, 아득하고 흐릿한 스무살의 고민도 존재하는 법입니다. 매일마다 쌓여가는 수많은 고민과 난제들을 마주해야만 하는 그 시절. “말하는 대로”라는 이 곡은 이적씨가 무한도전 가요제때 유재석씨가 들려주었던 자신의 20대시절의 이야기에 영감을 받아서 만든 노래에요. 이건 그의 추억이였고 그의 고뇌였고 불안감이였습니다. 그 감정들이 고스란히 담긴 이 노래를 부르면서 어느새 그의 눈시울이 붉어집니다. 그 이야기에 공감을 한 시청자들의 눈가도 촉촉하게 젖어듭니다.A:如果说真有那么一个雨季叫作“17岁的雨季”,那更有一种迷茫,被称作“20岁的苦恼”。从各种意义上来说皆如此。不得不把一生的难题堆砌在那一个时间点,“言之命至”,这首歌是刘在石与李笛演唱的。在创作《言之命至》的歌词中,刘在石把他20多岁时的感情包含在歌词里,那是他的回忆,是他所面临的苦恼与不安。在演唱时,刘在石流下了眼泪,网友们也被歌词和旋律所感动,红了眼眶。插曲:言之命至A:就像歌词里说的那样挑战是无限的,人生是永恒的,言之命至。刘在石所给我们展现的是他的成功之路,他取得成就的不易。B:希望大家能通过我们的介绍更加了解刘在石,了解这个国民MCA:즐거운 시간은 항상 빨리 지나가는것 같아요.愉快的时间总是过得很快,又到了和大家说再见的时候了B:들어주셔서 감사합니다. 感谢大家的收听,感谢制作人胡婕,感谢制作人武晓鹏,我们下期节目再见。All:여러분 안녕节目监制:金池 编辑:金池 王芷筠播音:金池 王芷筠制作:胡婕
12/6/201611 minutes, 12 seconds
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Dec. 05, 2016 #Screen Age# Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them

节目组:The Screen Age 荧屏时代 节目名称:Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them 神奇动物在哪里F: Hello, my dear audiences, long time no see! Did you miss us? Welcome back to the Screen Age! I'm Flat.H: This is Hertzfield. Are the recent exams driving you mad? Anyway, I'm going be crazy! F: Forget it! Why not see a movie to release anxiety? There is a splendid film just on show. It is called as the companion volume of Harry Potter.H: Yeah! I have heard it. It is indited by J.K. Rowling. It's a fantastic candy for fans of Harry Potter worldwide. You know, I have been loving him for 15 years.F: I can't agree more. So now, let's introduce the movie, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them for our audiences and arouse our childhood memories again.H:Besides, today's question is which one in Harry Potter series do you like best and why? Please give us your opinions.另外,今天的问题是,你最喜欢哈利波特系列电影的哪一部作品以及你喜欢它的原因。请在微信平台参与话题讨论。M: Talk about the storyline of this movie, you should know an important information; this movie was the only one which was wrote by JK Rowling. Because of this, the storyline won’t be bad at all.L: In fact, it was excellent. Just like Harry Potter, this movie showed us a new wonderful world. This movie was all start from a young activist wizard from England. A: Holding a mysterious leather suitcase in his hand, Newt Scamander, , visits New York while he is on his way to Arizona. Inside his expanding suitcase hides a wide array of diverse, magical creatures that exist among us, ranging from tiny, twig-like ones, to majestic and humongous ones. M: At the same time, by a twist of fate, Newt's precious suitcase will be switched with the identical one of an aspiring No-Maj baker, Jacob Kowalski, while demoted Auror, Tina Goldstein, arrests Newt for being an unregistered wizard.H: To make matters worse, with the suitcase in the wrong hands, several creatures manage to escape to unknown directions. Before long, this situation will catch Senior Auror Percival Graves' attention who will target both Tina and Newt amid panic caused by an invisible.M: Is there a hidden agenda behind Graves' intentions and ultimately, what will happen to the remaining magical creatures still loose in the streets? You must go to the cinema and watch it! Trust me, you won't be disappointed!F: Although I cannot see the actors and actresses that we are familiar with in Harry Potter in this film, it still attracts me. Because the leading role is played by Eddie Redmayne. I like him very much for his handsomeness and talent.B: Me too, and he has a nickname, little freckle. I first got to know him in the musical film, Les Miserables, in which he played a young man who comes of noble stock but dedicated in revolution. F: He also played Stephen Hawking in the biographical drama film The Theory of Everything and he won an Oscar for Best Actor. As such, he became the first man born in the 1980s to win an acting Oscar.H: What's more, Ezra Miller, who played Credence, is a young as well as talented actor and is one of my favorite actors. In 2012, he acted as a handsome gay in The Perks of Being a Wallflower. I was attracted by his beautiful appearance first, but soon I discovered his excellent performing.F: Colin Farrell, who played Graves, is also a handsome actor. He played the leading role in the famous film, Miami Vice, with Li Gong and Jamie Foxx.H: Oh, how could I forget to mention, Johnny Depp also participated. He acted as Grindelwald. Although he only appeared for a while, he left a deep impression. Even if he is old, he is still the Jack Sparrow in my heart.Y: This film won a good reputation. Media and audiences both thought it was another good piece of film from that magic world. Though people may see it for the publicity stunt of Harry Potter, it is not just the copy of the Harry Potter world. It enriches the magic world in its own way.L: Its origin is not for HP fans only, but also for those audiences who just are curious about it. This film respects everyone and it did an outstanding work in modeling the new world and characters with pithy and fascinating story.Y: As Yates delivers a refreshing and whimsical film. Sure, it doesn't have the characters we've come to love, but with the creatures you encounter and with the added humor of J.K Rowling, you will come to grip with the fact that this movie will leave an impression.M: This film seems to show a message that the series, J.K Rowling's magic world is far away from ending, it can be just the first of possibly many films in the magic universe. And fans say they can't wait for some other wonders J.K Rowling and Warner Bros will show.Y: No wonder the Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them has been ruling the box office for weeks. If you haven't seen this film, don't miss it.M: This is today's programme. We hope you can like it. Y: May be you're tired of frequent exams, recently, so why not see a good movie in free time to balance your life. M: Welcome to participate in our topic discussion, actively in Wechat. We'll choose lucky one from the participators and send our gifts.Y: Fighting in final exams! 最后感谢制作张安康。See you next time, bye!M: Bye!节目监制:刘逸超编辑:李梓彤播音:赛碧乐 杨旸 李梓彤 张洁川 邹佳琳 杨晨丹 毕鑫屹制作:张安康
12/5/201612 minutes, 24 seconds
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Dec. 02, 2016 #Music Bang Bang# Conquest Of Darkness

节目组: Music Bang Bang 音乐大爆炸 节目名称: Conquest Of Darkness 征服黑暗开头曲 Fight SongS:Hello dear audience,Welcome to this week's Music Bangbang.I'm Shirley.C:I'm Christine.B:I'm Brendan.L:I'm Lampson.S:It's been a long time since we share songs with you.The topic of today's program is "Conquest of Darkness".B: So today, we are going to bring you a playlist of inspiring music.C:Yes,are you ready for it? Let's begin our music tour. 插曲: Try Everything S:If you never try you will never know and "Try Everything" is what we should do.If you have watched the movie Zootopia,you must know the theme song Try Everything.It's a song recorded by Colombian singer Shakira for the 2016 Walt Disney Animation Studios film.The song debuted and peaked at number 69 on the Billboard Hot 100,which was really a success.It's a dynamic and lively style song and the lyrics are also full of power.I really like the lyric "I keep falling down.I keep on hitting the ground".I think it's a kind of spirit that all of us need.Now let's enjoy the song together. 插曲: Dream it possible L: MaYun said that "We are going to have a dream,it maybe acheiveed!" I think all of us should have a dream,and what we should do is try our best to acheive it!The next song we want to share is《Dream It Possible》.The song is Huawei BG consumer brand song. Carrying high Huawei brand spirit: believe in yourself, dare to challenge, chasing the dream.The Chinese singer Zhangliangying released them in Chinese and English double single 《My dream》and 《Dream it possible》.Dream needs through the grinding time, ravaging experience, may also experience confusion.Some peple say that no matter how the Huawei mobile phone is ,the beautiful song is deeply in my heart !The lyric‘Never quit and never stop’ passes on the power and hope. 插曲: Get Ready for It C:If you don't go after what you want,you'll never have it.If you don't ask,the answer is always no.If you don't step forward,you are always in the same place.The next song we're listening to is Get Ready For It,sung by a great Engish group Take That.But to be frank,I don't know about it so much,on account of it's early establishment in 1990 and early break-up in 1996.But,I do know the movie Kingsman,of which Get Ready For It is the end song.The movie relates a story how a problem guy achieved his dream to be a kingsman and saved the world.The encourage lyric of the song is also related to the movie for instance,You are a fool or a king's man only you know.The whole arrangement is of great momentum.It just catch your ears at the first tone. 插曲: 3 things B:3 Things is a song from Jason Mraz, it's like a breath of fresh air that can make you comfortable. The song talk about 3things he will do if he feel depressed.And the song is like a mental doctor who can heal our broken heart. The lyrics is full of positive energy.Such as this beautiful sentence---I know above the clouds the sun is shining.I know beyond the dark the sun is rising.that's who Jason Mraz really is. He is a positive man and most of his song is brilliant and fresh. If you listen to his song in the morning,your mood will be lightened up for the whole day. L:Time flies,it's time for us to say goodbye again.S:如果你喜欢我们今天的节目,如果你也有给你力量的励志英文歌曲想要分享。C:欢迎关注我们的微信公众号时代之声Radio,在11月25日Music Bangbang的节目下方留言你想要分享的歌曲和你的故事。B:感谢制作刘冠辰,感谢制作王紫丞,下周同一时间Music Bangbang 与你不见不散!Bye! 节目监制:刘仁邦编辑:李紫琳 郭思婷 尚博健 杨柳播音:李紫琳 郭思婷 尚博健 刘仁邦制作:刘冠辰
12/2/201612 minutes, 21 seconds
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Dec. 01, 2016 #The World Says# old tech 怀旧

节目组: The World Says 世界说节目名称: old tech 怀旧开头曲 Turn my world aroundI: Hello everyone, welcome to the world says from the VOE foreign language station. This is Iris.S:(whisper a song♬)And I'm Sherlock.I: You listen to your Walkman here again.S: oh sorry. Well, I'll be serious. Please continue.I: We're talking about old technology today, Sherlock. Did you use to have any old tech, you know, a Walkman, back in the1990s? Before music went digital?S:No.I didn't have a Walkman...But I do have a record player.专门用来播放我的黑胶唱片。I:I know you like flared trousers, but I didn't realize you were that retro. A record player, for those of you who don't know, is a box with a turntable or turning plate that you put your vinyl records on to play them.S: And retro means going back to styles and fashions from the past. Well,I love my record player.I have a large collection of vinyl records, as well as cassette tapes that I inherited from my parents...I: Vinyl is the plastic that records are made from. And cassette tapes came after records which are these small plastic cases with audiotape on reels inside them. Well, I don't understand your fondness for out-dated stuff, Sherlock.S: Don't be so quick to dismiss old tech, Iris. There's been a resurgence-or new rise in record sales recently there in the UK, and in the US.I: Some DJs have gone back to using them, and new record stores have opened to meet the demand for vinyl.I: Really?S: Yes, really. Infact, I have a question for you, Iris. Guess how many records were sold in the UK in 2014? Was it...A)10,000? B)100,000? Or B)1 million?答案看起来相差不小。I: Well, I think it's B)100,000.S: We'll find out if you're right or wrong later in the show. For me, I just think vinyl sounds nicer than digital-has a warmer quality.插曲: yesterdayI: It sounds a bit technical, Sherlock! Don't you think this retro trend has more to do with nostalgia for the past?S: Nostalgia means thinking about the past with a mixture of warm feelings and sadness. 怀旧就是用一种温暖又夹杂着些许悲伤的心情去回想过去。C: Well, yes, I think people who grew up with the old technology probably are nostalgic about it.S: Oh, Cherry, could you tell me what cassette tapes means to you?C: They were audio love letters. They were ways in which you started to carve out your own identity so you know when I have asking people we talk about. We talk to musicians about their impressions and, you know, and their influences, and invariably it was siblings or parents. And you would raid those vinyl albums and you would self-select.I:So you call cassette tapes audio love letters because people often compiled-or put together their own collection onto tape, and gave them to the boy or girl they liked. And it seems that this process helped create then musical and social identity.S: Yes. I identified with The Tchaikovsky and Beethoven when I was a kid, well, it looks very old-fashioned in my peers. How about your musical identity, Cherry?C: Well, I was in love with all the boy bands from the 1990s, such as West life, Back street Boys, TakeThat.S: Unbelievable! I can see I need to make you some decent tapes of music from the 90s, Cherry.C: I didn't say I still like boy bands, Sherlock. I'm not nostalgic for my lost teenage years-unlike you.S: Old tech is everywhere. Did you know that the US nuclear weapons force still uses a computer system dating back to the 1970s with 8-inch floppy disks?C: Floppy disks? You mean those flexible plastic computer disks used for storing data magnetically. Well, I can't believe the guys in The Pentagon are nostalgic about floppy disks.S: Well, a Pentagon spokesman said it would be extremely expensive to update the system and it still works. They plan to do it by 2020 and save a lot of space for sure. You would need more than 130,0008-inch floppy disks to store 32GB of information.插曲: heroC: Wow! This is the equivalent of an average memory stick!S:Yes. But there are more people out there keen on old tech. For example, the radio is a good one.I:Yes, I always can see there still some old one use a radio listening to the broadcast everyday. In their view, it is still advanced.S: Sounds interesting. The Walkman, VCD and DVD gradually replaced the outdated products, mobile phones and computers can now replace almost all audio and video players. But I still have a retro heart. HaHa I also love the old player, like VCD and DVD.I: Well, How do you think a DVD rental store survives in this era of online movies streaming, Cherry?C:They have survived because of the experience of coming into this store. Umm, It's a very human experience. It's human interaction. People come here because they want to talk to somebody who's really knowledgeable about film.I: In other words, like-minded people together to do what they want to do, isn't it?C: They want to have a recommendation or a conversation about the films they just watch. You know, they really want to discuss those things.S: So it's back to the idea of human contact. We like compiling lists of music and sharing them with our friends and loved ones. Sharing a play list through itunes or Spotify isn't cluite the same, though. We like talking people about the films we watch.I: You can always talk to me, Sherlock. Now how about giving me the answer to today's quiz question?S: I asked:How many records were sold in the UK in 2014?Was it...a)10,000 b)100,000? 0r c)Imillion?I:I said b)100,000.S:And,iris,you were infact totally wrong(iris is very depressed and say:Oh.) The answer is cS:Vinyl is booming-in 2014,sales passed 1 million albums in the UK for the first time since1996.C:The format has been steadily increasing,thanks in part to the popularity of guitar bands,traditionally associated with records.But the vinyl record is very old and not practical products, why would some people keen on it?S:Because the kind of empty inspiration and sense of the scene is now the CD can not be replaced. If you've ever listened to LP, you will not be able to tolerate the sharp, crude digital sound of the CD nowadays.C:LP is a vinyl record, 33 and one-third turn, each side can be recorded about 6 songs.S:Now let's hear words we learned today. They are:recordplayer电唱机 turntable转盘retro复古的 vinyl乙烯基casset tetapes盒式磁带 resurgence再现nostalgia怀旧之情 compiled汇总floppydisk软盘插曲: Moon riverC:Ok, that's the all of our today's program. At last: What obsolete technology are you keen on ? And don't forget to join us again soon.I:感谢制作苏鑫,感谢制作王紫丞。Goobye~All :Bye!节目监制:周宸聿编辑:余若天 苗世钰 张燚铭播音:余若天 苗世钰 张燚铭制作:苏鑫
12/1/201611 minutes, 19 seconds
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Nov. 30, 2016 #Bloom in Ink# Poems By Xi Mu rong

节目组: Bloom in Ink 墨海繁花节目名称: Poems By Xi Mu rong我愿为莲作者:席慕容我愿为莲,在暮风中轻轻摇曳,尘世的喧嚣对我而言,只是过眼云烟,我愿立于半亩方塘之中,淹没于婷婷莲藕之间,心如明镜;我愿用一生的时间守着一池清水,风也罢,雨也罢,只求无尘无埃,无愧无怨,平静,明澈,如无风的一池秋水,只为一片云淡风清,只为一份圣洁坦荡;月色朦胧,影中有形,水中有影,一朵莲静观天宇,不事喧嚷,是星沉荷池的古典;入泥三分,出水三分,只把临水的姿势,淡泊成纯洁的写意,粉红,嫩白,一束寄香,淡淡的一笔,从唐诗宋词的意境中片片逸出;清新的风撩出一湖静谧,月光比荷茎更瘦,看一痕水翻阅着褪色的季节,我愿为莲,沾着氤氲的香,等待一阵风慢慢拉长身姿;我愿为莲,尽情展开婉约的柔软,妩媚的线条在水面上浮着,我的美丽一次次起舞,鼓点打在风上,袅娜的音符突然间开始鲜艳;有人说高山上的湖水,是洒落大地的一颗眼泪,那么,蓝天碧影间的笑靥,就是挂在我心尖上的一汪湖水;我愿为莲,我盈盈的笑语,是涟涟波心里的招摇,牵引着迷离的水草,随时光快意的轻吟沉眠,枯萎不是我的凝望,憔悴不是我的心愿,弯曲的,却是我的无言;我愿为莲,即使最终残荷听雨,也以千年不变的情怀安居我的家园;我愿为莲,亭亭地站在碧影之间,微绽笑靥,有朝一日,能听懂高山流水的那人会涉水而来,携一支短笛,和一曲雨打莲叶......I'm willing to be a lotusBy Xi Mu rong I'm willing to be a lotus, swaying gently in the evening breezeFor me, the hustle and bustle of the world is as transient as fleeting cloudsI'd like to stand in a pond of half an acreSubmerged by the elegant lotuses, with my heart as clean as a mirrorI'd like to guard a pond of clear water with my lifetime, regardless of wind and rainAsking nothing but spotless and dustless, calm and lucid, without regretAs if I'm a pond of autumn water, only for pale cloud and light wind, only for a holy honestyIn the dim moonlight, a figure is hidden in the shadow while a shadow is floating on the waterA lotus gazing at the sky is quiet, as classical as stars sinking into a lotus pondOne-third of mine is embedded in the mud while another one-third sticks out of water,Only making the gesture of overlooking water into an indifferent and pure freehand brushworkHues of pale pink and white, a breath of sweet scent and a light touch of inkEscape one by one from the scenes in the poems of Tang and Song DynastiesFresh wind teases out a quiet lake while moonlight is slimmer than the lotus stalkView a spray of water browsing the fading seasonI'm willing to be a lotus, stained by thick scent and waiting for a gust of wind to slowly stretch my figureI'm willing to be a lotus, to enjoy the stretched graceful slendernessCharming lines are floating on the surface of waterMy beauty dances again and again, playing the drum in the windWillowy notes suddenly start to beat brightlySome say the lake on the peak of the mountain is a teardrop falling on the earth,So the smiling face in the blue sky is a lake hanging in my heartI'm willing to be a lotus. My sparkling laughterIs the glittering ripple in my heartLeading the strayed weedsAnd whispering delightfully along with TimeWilt isn't my gaze and nor is haggardness my wishBut bending is my silenceI'm willing to be a lotus. Even if eventually withered and hit by raindropI'll also enjoy my home in feelings unaltered by millenniumI'm willing to be a lotus, standing elegantly amid green shadows and blossoming smilesOne day, the person who understands the tune of ‘Mountain stream’ will come by wading across the waterBringing a piccolo and a tune of ‘Rain hitting the lotus leave’...... 一颗开花的树作者:席慕容如何让你遇见我在我最美丽的时刻为这我已在佛前求了五百年求佛让我们结下一段尘缘佛于是把我化做一棵树长在你必经的路旁阳光下慎重地开满了花朵朵都是我前世的盼望当你走近请你细听那颤抖的叶是我等待的热情而当你终于无视地走过在你身后落了一地的朋友啊那不是花瓣那是我凋零的心A Blooming TreeBy Xi Mu rongMay Buddha let us meet in my most beautiful hours,I have prayed for it for five hundred years.Buddha made me a treeBy the path you may take.In full blossoms I'm waiting in the sunEvery flower carrying my previous hope.As you are near,Listen carefullyThe quivering leaves are my waiting zeal,As you pass by the tree without noticing me.My friend,Upon the ground behind youIs not the fallen petalsBut my withered heart.节目监制: 曹睿姝播音: 魏静滟 李硕编辑: 魏静滟 李硕制作: 武晓鹏
11/30/201612 minutes, 56 seconds
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Nov. 29, 2016 #한류전선# 韩国独立音乐介绍

节目组: 한류전선 韩流前线节目名称: 韩国独立音乐介绍开头曲: 给你宇宙1:친구들 안녕하세요.欢迎收听VOE外语广播韩流前线,我是播音郭燕2:만나서 반가워요.我是播音李可1:韩国流行乐也算高度发达,但韩国摇滚、独立、爵士、民谣等等不太主流或者说商业价值不如流行乐那么高的音乐风格,则鲜少为我们所知。今天就让我们来为大家介绍一下吧2: 해외에서도 인기를 얻고 있는 케이팝에 비해 한국의 락,인디 음악,재즈,민요등 상업가치가 높지않은 음악은 많이 알려지지 않았습니다.오늘은 바로 이런 음악에 대해 소개해볼까 합니다. 插曲: 给你宇宙1:现在为大家带来的是韩国独立音乐的代表作来自韩国组合脸红的思春期的《给你宇宙》。曲调悠扬,节奏明快,你是不是也爱上了这首歌呢!2: 현재 여러분들께 들려 드리고 있는 곡은 한국 그룹 볼빨간 사춘기의 입니다.전체적으로 서정적이고 잔잔하지만 러블리한 밝은 멜로디가 더해져 기분 좋게 하는 사랑노래인것 같아요.여러분들도 이 노래에 빠지지 않으셨나요.插曲:嘟嘟嘟1:现在正在为大家带来的是由三位成员组成的standing egg,两位作曲家和一位填词人,而成员们有著独特的称号 (1号蛋,2号蛋,3号蛋) 并获得大众的关注2:이번에 여러분들께 소개할 음악 그룹은 세명의 멤버로 구성된 스탠딩 에그입니다.두명의 작곡가와 한명의 작사가로 이루어졌는데요.다소 독특한 멤버이름(에그1호,에그2호,에그3호)으로 관심을 끌기도 하였습니다. 插曲: Little star1:很多人在问Standing Egg意义是什麼?原创者们想到的是[콜럼버스의 달걀(哥伦布的蛋)]而写下的。是抱著[人们觉得不可能或是太困难而放弃的事,我想要来试试看](사람들이 보기에 불가능하고 어려워서 포기하고 싶은 일이지만 우리가 도전해보겠습니다.)这样心意而取的!当前音乐市场都被充满著刺激感音乐取代,一些感性的音乐反而不见了!2:그럼 스탠딩 에그라는 이름은 어떻게 짓게 되였을가요?바로 콜럼버스의 달걀에서 따왔다고 합니다.아무도 세울수 없다고 하는 달걀도 정성과 시간을 들이면 세워진다는 의미라고 하네요.현재의 음악시장은 모두 시청자들에게 자극을 주는 음악으로 널렸습니다.반면 감성적인 음악은 찾기 힘들정도이죠.1:正是出于这样的音乐理想,他们才执着而坚定的带给我们舒服又让心灵充实的音乐!2:그들에게 이런 꿈이 있기에 우리에게 꿋꿋이 잔잔하고 감성적인 노래를 들려주고 있습니다.1:感谢收听今天的韩语广播,感谢制作人胡婕,感谢制作人武晓鹏,我们下期再见1&2: 안녕节目监制:金池编辑:李可 郭燕播音:李可 郭燕制作:胡婕
11/29/201612 minutes, 13 seconds
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Nov. 28, 2016 #Screen Age# Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk

节目组: Screen Age 荧屏时代节目名称: Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk 比利·林恩的中场战事Y: Hello, my dear audiences. Welcome back to the Screen Age! I'm Yolanda.M: This is Mico. Well, exam week is coming soon. Are you ready for those exams?Y: Don't mention it. I have 10 subjects and each of them is very hard to recite and review. I've been reviewing for few days. It's so difficult. M: So pity for you. You should have some relaxation. Did you see the latest Ang Lee's film, Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk?Y: No, but I heard it's very worth to see. And some people even cried when they saw it.M: It's indeed a profound movie. So let's introduce to our audiences and maybe you can see it in the weekends to have a rest. By the way, today we add a new part to our programme, The Quiz Show. We will ask a question and you can reply us on the wechat. In next week's programme, we will choose a lucky one and read his reply. What's more, we will also prepare a surprise gift for him. So today's question is why are movies so popular. 从今天起我们会新增一个问答环节,我们将会问一个问题,你可以在微信后台参与我们,在下一周的节目中我们会挑选一位幸运听众并且阅读他的回答,我们还会额外为他准备一份惊喜的小礼品。所以今天的问题是:为什么电影如此受欢迎呢?Y: Ok, let's do it.H: The film tells a story about love, courage and faith. It is told from the point of view of 19-year-old private Billy Lynn acted by Joe Alwyn. Lynn's sister Kathryn Lynn acted by Kristen Stewart is disfigured in an accident. While recovering in hospital, she is dumped brutally by her boyfriend.F: Hard to restrain his anger at the shameless attitude, Billy tears this ruthless man off a trip. Because of his impulse, he faces a difficult situation, going to jail or being banished to the Iraq battle. He chooses the latter, ultimately and steps on a road he will never think about.H: Billy is assigned in Bravo Squad with his fellow soldiers. Being trained rigorously in the army, Billy is filled with awe-inspiring, increasingly. Every time he think of the pain in the past life, Sarge Dime, will enlighten him with soldier's will which promotes him to hold the belief, he will never leave the battleground.F: After he and his comrades barely survive a tense battle that receives broad news coverage, they are, unexpectedly celebrated as heroes and are brought home by the Department of Defense, temporarily for a victory tour. B: In the United States, they go on a promotional tour across the country that ends at the halftime show of the Dallas Cowboys' traditional Thanksgiving home game. There, Lynn recounts the tragic memories of the war and losing his sergeant in a firefight.H: Feeling guilty about Lynn's choice, Lynn's sister hopes he can take the chance and return to normal life. Conversely, the big boss, fans and common people take the understanding to the war for granted. Lynn and his comrades step on the long Halftime walk with heaviness and anxiety.B: Finally, Lynn determines, resolutely to return to the front. In spite of sister's opposition, meager income as a soldier, massacre in the war and even death whenever and wherever possible, Lynn is bound to defend the faith as a soldier.M: This movie's director is Ang Lee. Lee is a well-known director who directed many good movies. Like Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Brokeback Mountain and Life of Pi. F: He is a thoughtful director. He always has wonderful different ideas, so he can always give us good movies. During his life, he has already won many awards, including three Academy Awards, five British Academy Film Awards, and four Golden Globe Awards two Golden Bear and so on.M: Just according to these awards you can see some of his knowledge and talent. In this movie, he also did a good job. As he always is, he makes his movie thoughtful like himself. In this one, he shows us the hurt of wars and made us think about it after seeing it.L: As the life of pie, the leading man in this movie is an infamous actor called Joe Alwyn. This man used to be a stage play actor. He was graduated in Royal Central School of Speech & Drama, which is the biggest and most comprehensive professional drama association in Britain. So this may be able to explain his good act on Billy Lynn.F: But the leading woman in this movie is really famous. Kristen Stewart, the beautiful girl who used to won an Oscar award. This time she acted as Billy's sister. She showed everyone a good sister who is really worried about her brotherY: The reviews of Billy Lynn's Long Halftime reform a polarization. Some people reckon it's emotional and moving. And it will be go down as the one of the best films in this year. Besides, it's effective and insightful anti war. Some effective contrasts show great just through those flash backs.H: Moreover, to some extreme lovers, they see this film as a far more than anti war movie. Because it is not a rich story, but a rich truth and an emotion. It doesn't want to give you an opinion about what war is, but show you an emotion about a young man and a war. A so-called hero came back from Iraq, how is his life?Y: In the real world, the truth and emotion are complicated. So it's hard to say what the theme is. They hold an idea that this movie is boring only because you don't have sensory substitution.I: This opinion, which is opposite to the views of the other side. Other people think Ang lee paying too much attention to the shooting art and technique rather than a good story. They say this film wants to tell something about noble emotion but it lacks a good story to support it.Y: Though I would like to agree this, I still got deeply moved after I saw it.Y: So this is today's programme, hope you like it. And don't forget our question: Why are movies so popular?最后不要忘记我们的问题:为什么电影如此的受欢迎呢? M: Wish all of you do the best in every exam and be careful of the ice surface in our campus.最后感谢制作张安康。See you next time, bye!Y: Bye!节目监制:刘逸超编辑:赛碧乐播音:杨旸 李梓彤 赛碧乐 张洁川 邹佳琳 毕鑫屹 赵艺薇 杨晨丹制作:张安康
11/28/201611 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork

Nov. 26, 2016 #日本语ドリームワークス# 幕府时代

节目组: 日本语ドリームワークス 日语梦工厂节目名称: 幕府时代开头音乐:永恒回响背景音乐:S-aveA:みなさん、ニんだんは,欢迎收听voe外文广播电台,日语梦工厂。我是播音董玉莹B:我是吉旭灵A:今天,我们要给大家讲的是日本的幕府时代。幕府是古时日本一种权力,曾凌驾于天皇之上的中央政府机构。常以挟天子以令诸侯的方式来进行对国家的统治。日本历史上共经历了镰仓幕府,足利幕府,江户幕府历史时期。B:但是日本当时最高的权力者并非天皇吧,而是征夷大将军,同时他也经常被人称为幕府将军A:对的,谈到日本幕府时代的将军,最让人印象深刻的就属常做蠢事,但心地并不坏的足立义满将军了。真实的足立义满和一休几乎没有交集,所以日本历史上是否存在过这样开明随和还有点傻气的将军无从而知,但在日本的幕府时代,将军绝对是一个令人生畏的存在。在当时大多数国民只知将军,而不知天皇。B:那拥有这样的权势,将军大人的日子应该很令人羡慕吧。A:这点你就错了!将军都只在一个叫做申奥的类似于办公室的地方进膳,而他的妻妾是不能够进入这个地方的。按幕府的规矩算的话,妻妾进去此地就算是干政。所以将军们吃饭时都是一个人,没有家人朋友的陪伴。B:可是将军能够享受整个日本的供奉,从早餐开始就可以吃到盐烧稠鱼这样的好东西,只有在每一代将军的生卒日,每月皇历的忌日等这样特殊的日子时。将军才会吃些清淡素雅的食物。A:对于这样清淡的食物,将军家也有很特殊的做法。B:嗯,怎么说?A:就拿米饭来说,将军家的米饭蒸法很特殊。米要先在开水中煮过,煮的快没味了再移至蒸锅蒸成米饭,这样的米饭跟我们平常见到的粘在一起的米饭很不一样,每一粒米都是分开的老百姓都能吃到蒸的粘粘的香喷喷的白米饭,不知此味者,整个日本国唯将军与夫人也。据说这也是幕府的规矩,让将军不沉于美味,从而提高对政务工作的积极性。B;:なるほど。看来在拥有着国民无法拥有的权势和享受的同时,将军也承受着比国民更大的压力,肩负着更重的责任。A:这是肯定的。除了幕府的将军之外,幕府的家风也十分严谨。你知道幕府的家风突出的几点特征吗?B:嗯。。女性不仅要剃眉,还要盘头和染黑齿。A:确实,幕府的妻妾们会把眉毛剃掉,刮掉脸上的汗毛,画成殿上眉但是剃眉并不单单只有女性。在当时有资格在幕府议政的男人们也要把眉毛剃掉,然后用墨笔画两个圆点代替眉毛,这就是所谓的殿上眉。B:但是盘头就只有女性,并且还是高级女官。高级女官都会盘成椎茸头,形状就像蘑菇一样。而染黑齿呢,就是日本古代的女性在成为少妇之后须把牙齿染黑。A:完全正确。唐代有一位猛将叫黑齿尚之,据记载,黑齿尚之属于黑齿氏,来自朝鲜半岛。由此看来,日本黑齿的习惯可能还是大陆传过去的。B:但是在日本历史上却有一个例外。A:对,当时有一位和宫公主,不肯画殿上眉,不肯盘头,也不肯染黑齿。家茂将军与之成婚的时候竟对她一见钟情。显然这和他平日里见到的敷着厚厚白粉的女官形象大相径庭,给了家茂极大的视觉冲击,。B:这就好比吃惯了大鱼大肉,突然来了个胡萝卜,自然让人耳目一新。A:可日本人对白粉怎么那么着迷呢,抹上去也不算美啊,且不说美丑的事,这样日本式的画妆是很可怕的。江户时代的化妆用的白粉,原料富含铅和水银。B:所以啊,每个时代都有自己的不同,它们都有些各自的魅力,吸引着后人去探索。幕府时代同样如此,至今还有许多学者研究者日本的幕府时代。A:如果大家对幕府时代感兴趣的话,大家可以去找>,这本书。其中详细记载了源平之战、关原之战等日本历史上具有决定性意义的事件,并且还有独到,深入的见解哦。非常值得大家一看。B:那我们回去可要好好拜读一下,好了,今天节目到此结束啦。节目的最后要给大家推荐好听的音乐>同时感谢voe后期伙伴的制作,希望各位多多支持日语梦工厂,我们将继续为大家呈现精彩的节目。感受收听节目监制: 袁蕴宁播音: 袁蕴宁 董玉莹编辑: 袁蕴宁 董玉莹制作: 于越
11/26/20168 minutes, 52 seconds
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Nov. 25, 2016 #Music Bang Bang# Billboard Top10 this week

节目组: Music Bang Bang 音乐大爆炸节目名称: Billboard Top10 this week开头曲: Perfect IllusionL:Here's this week's Music Bang Bang, all the members are here tonight showing Billboard top11 songs for you. I'm Lampson and others are…M: Melody. J: Jack S: Shirley. B: Brendan. W: Willow. A:Armstrong. C:Ciel. B:Burgess. L:and… C:Christine!C: So, are you ready for tonight's special music trip? Ok, Here we go! 插曲1: Don't Wanna Know L: Top 10-------Don't Wanna KnowA: is a new song recorded by the hot band Maroon 5. The rhythm accompanying with the soft voice of Adam is really pleasant and charming. The lyrics seems a little grief, however, with a rapid pace of melody ,it still presents a cheerful feeling to audience. Maybe this is the unique impact of music. 插曲2: Fake Love L:Top9----Fake LoveC:The song was sung by Drake. It is from the upcoming album in December.Drake himself says it is not a mixtape ,nor the studio album,but a playlist of original work,which has not appeared.So we can understand why he's so seriously. Now let's listen. 插曲3: Black BeatlesL:Top8-----Black BeatlesW: Black Beatles is sang by American hip hop duo Rae Sremmurd. On September 22,2016,the music video for “Black Beatles”was released on Rae Sremmurd's Vevo account on You Tube.It was directed by Motion Family.The song was one of the last tracks recorded and a big part of the reason for delaying the original June album release datet. Now let's enjoy the song! 插曲4: 24K magic L:Top7---24K magicB: The No.7 is 24k Magic from the American singer and songwriter Bruno Mars.The song was released on October 7th 2016,which was influenced by the west coast hip-hop culture in the United States. Bruno Mars found the inspirations from some hip-hop artists.When people listen to it, they can't help dancing with the music. So,are you ready?let's enjoy the magic show together which was made by 24karat gold!插曲5: Side to SideL:Top6----Side to side插曲6: BroccoliL:Top5---Broccoli插曲7: Let me love youL: Top4---Let me Love youC: The fourth is Let Me Love You, produced by DJ Snake and Justin Bieber. Bieber's style transition started from the album named Purpose which was released last year.It really gave us a new appearance. From his first try What Do You Mean to this new song Let Me Love You ,we can feel that he is becoming more and more proficient. 插曲8: HeathensL:Top3-----HeathensHeathens, released as the single for the motion picture soundtrack for the film Suicide Squad on June 16 this year,was recorded by American musical duo---Twenty one pilots.The hope of resonating with their fans and making sense at their show has come true. So, just enjoy this satisfactory work now~插曲9: StarboyL:Top2----StarboyB:Starboy is a cool song produced by Canadian singer and songwriter---the weekend. He had a funny haircut which seemed like a flower on his head. But now, he changes it, this song is also different from his old songs.The starboy is fixed in a lot of electrical sound elements, which make it more contemporary.Maybe not all of us can see the beauty in this song. However, it can diversify our mind inside.插曲10: CloserL:Top1----CloserS:Number one,Closer by The Chainsmokers and Halsey.It's an electronic dance music which has achieved the top of the US billboard in August and it became both The Chainsmokers and Halsey's first number one single on the Billboard Hot 100. The lyrics are full of the protagonists' regret and sorrow while the cheerful and light-hearted rythm let us feel the youthful spirit of contemporary youths. After listening to this song, "We ain't ever getting older" keeps echoing in my mind.Hope you guys like it too,let's listen~结束曲:The GreatestM:Well, that's all of today's program,for more information of our program, please subscribe our wechat official account.S:对没错,欢迎大家关注我们的微信公众号:时代之声Radio,更多精彩的节目等着你。L:感谢制作刘冠辰,感谢制作王紫丞,Music Bang bang期待与你的下一次相遇,再次感谢你的收听,Bye~节目监制:刘仁邦编辑:刘仁邦 李紫琳 李金声 郭思婷 杨柳尚博健 石悦 温彦博播音:刘仁邦 李紫琳 王璇 李金声 郭思婷 尚博健 杨柳 石悦 温彦博制作:刘冠辰
11/26/201610 minutes, 42 seconds
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Nov. 24, 2016 #The World Says# penicillin: breaking the mould 青蒿素

节目组: The World Says 世界说节目名称: penicillin: breaking the mould 青蒿素I:Hello everyone, welcome to the world says from the VOE foreign language station. This is Iris.S:And I'm Sherlock(trattles a bottle of pills)I:What have you got there,Sherlock?S:Antibiotics.I had a blister on my big toe,and it got infected.My whole toe swelled up like a balloon!The swelling has gone down now with these little wonder drugs.Look,I'll show you.I:No,Sherlock.Please keep your socks on.Thank you.Now,the subject of today's show is penicillin,which was one of the first antibiotics to be discovered.So,Sherlock,can you tell me how many lives penicillin has saved since its first use as a medicine in1942?Isit...a)20million?b)200million? Or c)2billion?S:Well,I'll say b)200 million.That sounds like a good number.MUSICI:OK,well,we'll see if you're right or wrong later on in the show.Now,penicillin is a common antibiotic-or substance that kills microorganisms.S:And it was discovered in 1928 by a Scottish scientist called Alexander Fleming who noticed some mould growing on apetridish of bacteriain his lab,which had a halo-or circle-around it where no bacteria were growing.Mould,by the way,is the soft green fuzzy stuff that grows...for example,in the bottom of my coffee cups when I forget to wash the mup,iris.I:We didn't need to know that,SherlockS:OK,well,moving on,it took decades before scientists learned how to successfully manufacture penicillin.But they got there just in time to treat huge numbers of soldiers in World War Two.where so many men were dying from infected woundsI:And you could have died from your infected toe,Sherlock,before penicillin!S:That is a sobering thought,isn't it cherry?Well,cherry,could you talking about how penicillin has been a game changer in the field of medicine.I:Easy.The sort of cancer chemotherapy which we currently use,which immunosuppress people,we couldn't possibly consider that without the use of antibiotics.So not only has penicillin opened the door for treating people with infection,it's also essentially paved the way for modern interventional medicine that we benefit from now.Chemotherapy is a chemical treatment used to kill cancer cells that also suppresses-or stops-the body's immune system from working.S:The immune system is our body's defence against infection and disease.So cancer patients have to take antibiotics to prevent infections that the body can't fight off by itself.I:And the discovery of penicillin paved the way for chemotherapy and other types of medical treatment.-S:umm. to pave the way means to make something possible.But,surely,iris,there are some bacteria that penicillin doesn't kill?I:You are right.It only works against bacteria with proteins that are sensitive to penicillin.Other types are less sensitive,and also have systems built into the structure of the cell that sweep out harmful compounds,such as penicillin.S:And what about that superbug,what's it called...MS...MR...MSR...?I:MRSA,SherlockThis bacterium was sensitive to penicillin but has developed a resistance to it,and to other antibiotics,meaning the drugs can't harm it any more.S:Are we returning to the past,then,iris,where people like me might die from an infected toe?I:Well,it's possible,Sherlock.But drug-resistance isn't new.cherry,penicillin in the contemporary must be a new invention, after all,it saved so many lives.C:Penicillin is not new.It's been around for millions,probably hundreds of millions of years in the soil.And it's because the moulds protect themselves with it.And infact you find resistance to penicillin in the most unlikely places.You find it for example in corpses from before Columbus in the New the way,Sherlock,have you ever use the penicillin before?I:umm,I remember When I was a kid, I was infected by some terrible bacteria.I feel very bad.So,the doctor gave me a prescription for a week of penicillin, in the way of intravenous injection,then I was cured.But when I heard the report of a large number of drug resistance to antibiotics is very worried.C:Well, you have this awareness is a good thing.But there is not much resistance to bacteria.Long term use of an antibiotic can cause drug resistance. No matter how to eat antibiotics, there will be drug resistance, drug resistance is inherent in bacteria or in the survival of the nature of the variability, it is an objective existence.I:thank you cherry,wonderful explanation. So penicillin was discovered in 1928 but it's actually been around for hundreds of millions of years.S:Yes.And scientists have been able to test bacteria present in very old corpses-or dead bodies-discovered in the new world.-that's North and south America-and found that some of it was resistant to penicillin.But penicillin resistance is growing,isn't it?I:Yes.These days we over use penicillin both in agriculture and human medicine,which has given bacteria the chance to adapt and fight back.S:So it's almost out of effect, is it.I:Not yet.So it's now up to scientists to adapt penicillin to extend its lifespan,and to search for new types of antibiotics.S:But prevention is better than cure,isn't it?We should all wash our hands more and it's a fantastic way of killing bacteria.I:Yes.Good point,Sherlock,but washing your hands didn't cure your toe,did it?Now,remember I asked you earlier:How many lives has penicillin saved since its first use as a medicine in 1942?Was it...a)20 million,b)200 million or c)2 billion?S:And I said b)200million.I:And you were right!Penicillin became the most effective life-saving drug in the world,conquering diseases such as tuberculosis,gangrene,pneumonia,diphtheria,and scarlet fever它可以治疗肺结核、坏疽、肺炎、白喉和猩红热。S:And made Alexander Fleming an international hero for discovering it.Well,you know,cherry,Alexander Fleming is a great man.But I heard other people have some criticism on him.C:Due to penicillin have saved the lives of millions of people, and the future will surely save more lives, so there is no importance to Fleming who invented the question.S:So do you think it's important for him to have a place in history?I:His exact position in a list, such as in the book of the location, nature depends on how many people think the credit should work in Florey and chain.S:florey and chain is the improvement and purification of penicillin.C:I think the main credit should be attributed to Fleming, because he made a major discovery. Without him, it might have been a lot of years before he could invent penicillin. And his results were published, sooner or later will be the production and purification of penicillin advanced technology, which is natural.S:Now,let's hear the words we learned today.They are:antibiotic抗生素halo光圈mould霉chemotherapy化疗suppresses抑制immune system免疫系统pave the way铺平道路resistance抗性corpses尸体C:Ok, that's the all of today's program. At last, I urge everyone to use antibiotics discretely.S: Goodbye everyone ,wish everyone health感谢制作苏鑫 感谢制作王紫丞all: Bye~节目监制:周宸聿编辑:余若天 苗世钰 张燚铭播音:余若天 苗世钰 张燚铭制作:苏鑫
11/25/201612 minutes
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Nov. 23, 2016 #Bloom in Ink# 我理想中的你

节目组: Bloom in Ink 墨海繁花节目名称: 我理想中的你It doesn&`&t interest me what you do for a livingI want to know what you ache forand if you dare to dream of meeting your heart'slonging我不关心你以何为生计只想知道是什么让你的内心焦灼你是否有敢于追随心之向往It doesn&`&t interest me how old you areI want to know if you will risk looking like a foolfor love, for your dreamfor the adventure of being alive我不关心你的年龄只想知道你会不会像傻瓜一样奋不顾身为了爱,为了理想为了活着所必须经历的种种冒险It doesn&`&t interest me what planets are squaring your moonI want to know if you have touched the center of your own sorrowIf you have been opened by life&`&s betrayals or havebecome shriveled and closed from fear of further pain我不关心是什么磨圆了你的棱角只想知道你可曾发自内心地感到悲伤遭遇了生活的背叛,你是变得豁达还是为了免受更多的伤害而紧闭心扉I want to know if you can sit with pain, mine or yourown without moving to hide it or fade it, or fix it我关心的是,面对各自的痛苦你是去承受,而不去掩饰或试图挥去I want to know if you can be with joy, mine oryour ownIf you can dance with wildness and let the ecstasy fill you to the tips of your fingers and toeswithout cautioning us to be careful, to be realistic, to remember thelimitations of being human我关心的是,面对各自的喜悦,你能安然享受你是否能放纵地舞蹈,享受从头到脚的狂喜把那些‘要小心、要现实、要记住自己的局限’这样的告诫抛在一边It doesn&`&t interest me if the story you are tellingme is trueI want to know if you can disappoint another to betrue to yourselfIf you can bear the accusation of betrayal and notbetray your own soulIf you can be faithless and therefore trust worthy我不关心你的故事是否真实只想知道,你是否能无愧于本心,哪怕让别人失望不出卖自己的灵魂,哪怕承受指责只想知道,你是否忠心耿耿,从而值得信赖I want to know if you can see beauty even when it&`&snot pretty every dayand if you can source your own life from its presence我关心的是,你是否能从平凡事物中发现美并从中汲取生命的灵感I want to know if you can live with failure,yours and mineand still stand on the edge of the lake and shout tothe silver of the full moon, "Yes"我关心的是,你能否承受失败的打击,不论你的还是我的就算在低谷,仍能站在湖畔对月色大喊“真美”It doesn&`&t interest me to know where you live or how much money you haveI want to know if you can get up after the night ofgrief and despair, weary and bruised to the bone and do what needs to be done to feed the children我不关心你身处何方,拥有多少财富只想知道,在经历或彻骨的悲伤、绝望、精疲力竭之后你还能否振作,尽应尽的责任It doesn&`&t interest me who you know or how youcame to be hereI want to know if you will stand in the center of thefire with me and not shrink back我不关心你是谁,是如何来到我面前只想知道,你是否会同我在一起站在烈焰的中心,毫无畏惧It doesn&`&t interest me where or what or with whomyou have studiedI want to know what sustains you, from the inside,when all else falls away我不关心你在哪里,和谁一起受到了什么样的教育只想知道,当一切都背弃你的时候是什么样的力量从内心支撑着你I want to know if you can be alone with yourselfand if you truly like the company you keep in theempty moments我关心的是你是否能直面孤独即使在空虚寂寞的时候,仍能去结交真心的朋友 节目监制: 曹睿姝 播音: 孙天然 于汶铎 编辑: 孙天然 于汶铎 制作: 武晓鹏
11/23/201610 minutes, 46 seconds
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Nov. 22, 2016 #한류전선# Running man

节目组: 한류전선 韩流前线节目名称: Running man1:친구들 안녕하세요.欢迎收听VOE外语广播韩流前线,我是播音郭燕2:만나서 반가워요.我是播音李可1:近日热搜榜被一条“GARY告别跑男”的热搜新闻占据了头条,该话题一经发起,便引起了轩然大波。2:韩媒报道Gary将录制完10月31日最后一期running man之后,退出节目,专心于音乐工作,新闻经确认属实。也就是说在running man呆了将近七年的狗哥Gary真的要下车了。개리씨가 10월 31일 촬영을 마지막으로 7년동안 함께했던 런닝맨에서 하차한다고 합니다.하차 이유는 음악인으로서의 삶에 더 집중하고 싶어서라고 해요, 1:개리씨와 송지효씨는 “월요커플”로 무려 7년이란 시간동안 활동하면서 많은 사랑을 받았습니다.하지만 아쉽게도 “월요커플”은 “7년고비”를 넘기지 못했네요.송중기씨가 하차할때 까지만해도 개리씨는 송지효씨를 위로하고 있었죠.하지만 이번에는 그가 먼저 떠나가네요.그것도 하필 “월요커플”의 기념일인 10월 31일에 말입니다.2:开播了这么多年,Gary和智孝组成的“周一情侣”圈了不少粉,可惜的是,“周一情侣”没能熬过“七年之痒”。当初宋仲基离开的时候,Gary还在安慰智孝,但是这次却成了他先走,还偏偏选择了“周一情侣”的纪念日10月31离开。1:2010년에 “월요커플”이 탄생하였습니다.당시 완전 다른 세계에 살던 두사람이 런닝맨에서 우연히 만나게 되였죠.초반에 유독 낯을 가리는 두사람이 단둘이만 있으면 어색해서 말도 안할 정도였습니다.”월요커플”이라는 애칭은 개리씨가 숨박꼭질을 할때 송지효씨를 놔준것이 놀림의 대상이 되면서 멤버 하하가 “두분 월요일마다 사귀기로 했다”라는 말을 계기로 나왔습니다.이후에도 개리씨와 송지효씨가 러브 라인을 형성하자 런닝맨동료들이 “월요커플”이라 부르면서 이 별명이 탄생하였죠.”1:9지효의 심장을 뛰게 하라”미션에서는 심지어 개리씨의 “사랑한다”는 말 한마디가 송중기씨의 볼키스보다 더 높은 심박수를 찍었습니다.2:2010年"周一情侣"诞生了,那时候两个人完全没有生活交集的人在RM里相遇了,初期害羞的俩个人单独呆在一起都尴尬到不说话,中间还夹个花美男情敌宋仲基,直到Gary开始说智孝可爱说她擅长爱情,两人互动越来越多,开场智孝亲口承认的周一男友,于是从2010年10月31起,“周一情侣”就这么诞生了!那次的1vs9心跳模拟测试,Gary对智孝说"我爱你"胜过了宋仲基的亲额头,智孝心脏跳动达到最大值!1:2011년,1년이라는 시간을 통하여 어느새 송지효씨는 개리씨를 자기의 남자로 받아들이고 개리씨의 최고의 여친이 되였습니다.2012년,즉 월요커플 3년째,두 사람은 런닝맨에서 손발이 가장 잘 맞는 사이가 되였죠.2013년,개리씨는 성공적으로 한국 소녀팬들의 마음을 사로잡은 대세가 되였습니다.하지만 그가 송지효씨에 대한 마음은 변함이 없었습니다.이 한해는 다른 때보다 더 핑크빛 기류가 맴도는 한해였던것 같아요.2:2011年,"GARY是智孝的男人"1年的爱情经营后,智孝已经成功把狗哥当做自己的男人,而她做了世界上最好的女朋友。2012年,"你说咱们交往吧"周一情侣的第三年,分分合合又在一起,Gary继续粉红攻势,两个人的默契感也早已成了RM之最。2013年,"我想拥有你,姜GARY"13年的时候,Gary早已不是当初的Gary,早已成功虏获韩国一片少女心成为了Ga大势,但是他还是那个一心只爱智孝的狗哥,这一年是周一情侣最粉红的一年!1:”지효공주쟁탈전”에서 개리씨는 여신 같은 모습으로 등장한 송지효씨에게 뽀뽀까지 시도하여 재미를 주었습니다.2014년,현실속의 남친이랑 헤여진 송지효씨는 런닝맨에서 여전히 개리씨와 달달한 분위기를 자랑하였는데요.이런 두 사람의 달달한 케미로 인해 팬들은 개리씨와 송지효씨가 진짜 사귀였으면 하는 마음을 감출수가 없었습니다.두 사람은 팬들의 마음을 알기라도 한것처럼 점점 부부같은 모습을 보여주었는데요.2:“智孝公主争夺战”,在GD的见证之下,狗哥勇敢的亲吻了他最爱的公主智孝。2014年"Gary你在哪儿?在你的心里"现实中已经和男票分手的智孝,在RM里还是跟Gary甜蜜爆棚,两个连八字都特别配的人,让粉丝们忍不住希望他们俩能够在一起,而他俩也越来越像老夫老妻。外星人特辑,在跑步机吃虾条游戏里,俩人认真地摆虾条,被成员们笑在玩过家家。1:2015년,많은 팬들이 월요커플분량이 적음으로 인해 서운해 할때 우르르 다가가는 팬미팅으로 중국 팬들의 서운한 마음을 달려주었습니다.무대에서 송지효씨는 개리씨의 손을 잡고 가장 좋아하는 노래 “TV를 껐네”를 불렀다고 합니다.2:2015年"全世界宋智孝最了解我"当大家都在为节目里周一粉红片段变少难过时,一大波的综艺广告见面会给中国粉丝们发足了糖。在舞台上,懵智牵着狗哥的手一起唱着她最喜欢的那首《关掉TV》2016年"如果有一天你结婚了,我们周一还是情侣"1:周一情侣就这样陪我们度过了整整6年,并且即将开启第7年,两人的“爱情回忆“即使是”节目效果“也依旧打动人心,GARY的新歌MV终于让懵智当了女主角。2:现在狗哥要提前离开节目,去做自己喜欢的音乐了,多么希望和上次一样,闯了祸的男人,还会拿着苹果汁羞愧的回来,成员们会“威胁”他,发誓再也不会分开,不过,这次连最后录制的日子都定下来了,大概真的不会再回来了,只不过“周一看不到周一情侣,周二周三周四周五都过的比较艰辛”2:如果你要走,请一定带着你想做的、最帅气的音乐回来!정말 힙겹게 내린 결정이니만큼 꼭 성공하셔셔 멋진 음악을 들고 돌아오세요.1:7012,我们永远都是一家人2:今天的节目就到这里了,感谢大家的收听,感谢制作人胡婕,感谢制作人武晓鹏,我们下期再见!1&2:안녕节目监制: 金池播音: 李可 郭燕编辑: 李可 郭燕制作: 胡捷 武晓鹏
11/22/201611 minutes, 49 seconds
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Nov. 21, 2016 #Screen Age# Doctor Strange 奇异博士

节目组:The Screen Age 荧屏时代节目名称:Doctor Strange 奇异博士 Y: Hello everyone! I’m Yolanda.F: I’m flat .This is screen age again! Did you miss us?Y: Recently, marvel made a big new, Flat, do you know it?F: You mean the new movie for the new character?Y: Yeah, the doctor strange! We all set a high value on him because this was marvel’s last character.F: And another reason! He was acted bye Benedict Cumberbatch. Y: I guess at least a quarter of the audiences went to see the film because him!F: So what’s the story mainly about? What kind of magic was in this movie? Did Benedict done a good job?Y: Just listen to us and we will tell you!Y: Dr. Stephen Strange, an arrogant neurosurgeon as well as a surgical specialist, has made his mark in his profession. However, he couldn’t hold his scalpels and continue his doctor career because of a car accident. He escaped death in this accident; however, he was caught in a bigger problem.H: To end this nightmare, to cure himself, he tried his utmost. After experiencing lots of bitterness and sorrow, he finally found The Ancient One in Nepal. He started to put ego aside and learn the secrets of a hidden world of mysticism and alternate dimensions.Y: Based in New York City's Greenwich Village, Doctor Strange must act as an intermediary between the real world and what lies beyond, utilizing a vast array of metaphysical abilities and artifacts to protect the Marvel Cinematic Universe.H: There are some amazing plots that being talked by audience for a time. First one is about epiphany. The Ancient One let Dr. Stephen to feel the measurement of everything, made him see the high-dimensional universe in a second. Y: When Dr. Stephen went through the time and space, he suddenly realized that it’s time to give everything up. This plot makes many people recall their curiosity of the world beyond earth, beyond the galaxy. And it gave audience some inspirations as well.Y: For many girls, one of the big bright spots is the protagonist, Benedict Timothy Carlton Cumberbatch. The length of his name has always been a joke as well as his face. Actually, he’s a quite charming and great man.H: I can’t agree more. The first I was attracted to him for his performance in Sherlock Holmes. His intelligent and personable image walked my heart. Just unlike the most performers, Benedict is excellent as the characters he plays in real life.F: Now, let me bring you into the part of today’s figure. Cumberbatch was born and raised in London, England. His parents, Wanda Ventham and Timothy Carlton are both actors. He is a grandson of submarine commander Henry Carlton Cumberbatch, and a great-grandson of diplomat Henry Arnold Cumberbatch CMG.M: Cumberbatch attended Brambletye School and Harrow School. Whilst at Harrow, he had an arts scholarship and painted large oil canvases. It's also where he began acting. A:After he finished school, he took a year off to volunteer as an English teacher in a Tibetan monastery in Darjeeling, India. On his return, he studied drama at Manchester University.F:He continued his training as an actor at the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art graduating with an M.A. in Classical Acting. By the time he had completed his studies, he already had an agent.L: He has worked in theatre, television, film and radio. His breakthrough on the big screen came in 2004 when he portrayed Stephen Hawking in the television movie Hawking. In 2010, he became a household name as Sherlock Holmes on the British television series Sherlock.I: In 2011, he appeared in two Oscar-nominated films, War Horse and Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy. He followed this with acclaimed roles in the science fiction film Star Trek Into Darkness, the Oscar-winning drama 12 Years a Slave, The Fifth Estate and August: Osage County in 2013. Y: Well, in 2014, he portrayed Alan Turing in The Imitation Game which earned him a Golden Globe, Screen Actors Guild Award, British Academy of Film and Television Arts and an Academy Award nomination for Best Actor in a Leading Role. B: The next year, Cumberbatch was appointed CBE by Queen Elizabeth II in the 2015 Birthday Honours for his services to the performing arts and to charity.M: So, this is another film of Marvel Studios. Compared to the previous movies, doctor Strange is a very unique super hero, because he is not a product of some kind of technological armor, he is not a Nordic god and he doesn’t get his power from super serum or gamma rays. He once was a neurosurgeon, but after the accident he found a mysterious eastern power and become stronger.F: As a Marvel fan, this movie did not let me down. The plot, action, humor and adventure throughout the film made a success. It is truly one of the best marvel movies.M: I must say, the visual effects of this movie blew my mind. In the beginning, where the ancient one fights with her talented student, Kaecilius, the scene is really amazing and fantastic. Those amazing visual effects remind me of the Inception.F: Indeed, it made me dazzled. What’s more, when the ancient one shows Doctor Strange “the magic”, it shows audiences the colorful universe and it’s so marvelous that I don’t know how to describe it.M: If you let me rate for it, I’d give this movie an 8 for its fantastic visual effects.F: Me too. Besides, the cast is amazing. They embody their characters instead of trying to act like the character. Many people like this film for the excellent performing of Benedict Cumberbatch.M: Overall, I highly recommend all of you to see it in IMAX 3D. You will have a visual feast.F: Well my audiences, it’s time to say goodbye. M: After all, we think doctor strange is a good film. Well at least we should know one thing from it, be modest. F: Yes, and don’t forget believe in yourself too.最后感谢制作张安康。See you next time, bye~M: Bye!节目监制:刘逸超播音:杨旸 李梓彤 赛碧乐 张洁川 邹佳琳 毕鑫屹 赵艺薇 杨晨丹编辑:杨旸制作:张安康
11/21/201613 minutes, 21 seconds
Episode Artwork

Dec. 18, 2015 #한류전선# 她很漂亮

节目组:한류전선 韩流前线节目名称:她很漂亮背景音乐-Butterfly-防弹少年团1.친구들 안녕하세요? 欢迎收听voe外语广播韩流前线,我是播音金池。2.여러분 잘 지냈어요? 大家过得好吗? 我是播音李可。背景音乐-Butterfly-防弹少年团2:又到了给大家推荐韩剧的时间了。不知道最近有什么优秀的电视剧可以为大家推荐呢?1:我最近在看一部叫作《她很漂亮》的韩剧,是由黄正音和朴叙俊主演的一部浪漫爱情喜剧哦,2:我知道我知道,他们两个在kill me heal me中饰演了兄妹,我对他们的印象颇深呢。1:没错,这是两个人的第二次合作,在剧中饰演一对情侣对起戏来感觉很有默契呢。2:那就快来讲讲这部剧都讲了什么内容吧!(无插曲)1:在介绍之前我要先问你一个问题,너는 아직도 너의 첫사랑이 기억나니? 你还记得你的初恋吗?2:嗯……这个当然记得了,初恋总是最美好最纯真的一段记忆,恐怕没有人能轻易忘怀吧。(背景音乐- Childhood-(V.A 电视剧 kill me heal me ))1:그렇습니다. 첫사랑은 언제나 가장 순수하고 아름다운 기억으로 남아있죠? 아마 그 기억은 누구나 다 소중하게 간직하고 있을꺼에요. 다들 이런 생각 한번쯤은 해봤을 껍니다. 만약 내가 첫사랑을 다시 만나게 된다면, 그렇다면, 나는 그냥 스쳐지나 가야할가, 가슴이 아프거나, 눈물이 흐르거나. 아니라면 다시 시작하고 싶어질가. 그녀는 예뻤다 이 드라마에서는 첫사랑과 재회한 이야기를 담고 있습니다.2:是啊,初恋,在很多人心中有着无法撼动的地位。人们偶尔会在脑海里有这样的念头,如果哪天你与初恋再次相遇,是面对ta以沉默?抑或是眼泪?你会不会贪心的想继续陪伴彼此呢? "그녀는 예뻤다",《她很漂亮》这部剧就向我们讲述了一个与初恋再续前缘的故事。开始播背景音乐- 지금 내가 좋아하는 사람(现在我喜欢的人) &찾았다! 나의 우산(找到了!我的雨伞)1:드라마의 제목처럼 주인공 김혜진은 예뻤습니다. 예뻤었죠. 과거에는요. 어릴때의 그녀는 예쁘장한 외모와 우수한 성적으로 모든 아이들의 선망의 대상이였어요. 거기다 착하기까지한 그녀는 뚱보지성준한테도 늘 친절했답니다. 그녀는 성준의 마음속에 첫사랑으로 자리잡고 있었습니다. 하지만 15년이 지난 지금, 그녀는 많은 변화를 겪어야 했습니다. 어른이된 혜진은 홍조에 주근깨 투성이에, 바쁜 일상에 어느덧 자신을 가꾸지도 않고 있었어요. 그야말로 비쥬얼 쇼크였죠. 성준도 그녀를 지나쳐갈 정도였으니까요. 2:正如电视剧的韩文名一样,金慧珍她很漂亮,但要加上过去式来修饰,小时候的慧珍外形靓丽,学业优秀,这使她在同学中具有极高的人气,善良的她对池成俊这个小胖子倍加关心,她那完美的公主气质更是让成俊始终铭记在心。而从那之后的十五年,慧珍的人生开始了漫长的水逆,长大后的慧珍满脸雀斑,不再精心的打扮自己,这样颠覆的形象或许会让初看本剧的观众难以接受,而男主也在时隔多年后终究没认出他那时的公主,并与之擦肩而过。1:한때 예뻤던 혜진과 지금 너무나도 멋있어진 성준, 그들의 앞에 놓여진 길에는 앞으로도 수많은 적막함이 숨어 있을것이지만, 따스함도 깃들어 있겠죠. 때론 깜짝 놀랄만한 일들도 종종 숨어있을 것이고요, 또한 가슴따뜻한 순간도 분명히 있을것입니다. 다같이 이 둘의 사랑을 응원해 볼가요?2:曾经美丽的慧珍与逆袭成功的成俊,穿行在寻觅的这条路上有落寞,有温情,有惊喜也有感动。即使时间是个江洋大盗,初恋的记忆也是他们珍藏于心的宝藏。看了这部剧,你是否也想起了你的初恋?“얘, 우리 다시 시작할수 있을가?”插曲-너뿐이야(只有你)-崔始源 背景音乐 너뿐이야(只有你)<inst> 崔始源 1:이 드라마는 주인공 김혜진이 변해버린 자신의 외모에 기죽어 성준을 만나는 자리에 대신 친구를 내보내는것으로 시작되는데요, 하지만 이 드라마는 우리에게 계속 이런 말을 들려줍니다. 너는 너자신일때가 가장 아름답다고. 사실 이 드라마가 우리에게 전해주고자 하는 도리는 아주 간단해요, 사람은 자기가 하고싶은걸 할때가 가장 아름답다는것. 타인의 눈에 비친 모습이 아닌, 자기자신한테 말입니다. 또한 현세대의 가장 큰 문제점도 꼬집습니다. 바로 외모지상주의죠, 이런 사회현상은 우리로 하여금 점점 진정한 자아를 잊어버리게 합니다. 실은 당신도 당신인생의 주인공이라는 사실을요. 2: 本剧的一大亮点就是剧中女主人公因对自己外形自卑,而选择让好友代替自己去和男主人公见面,从而发生了一系列的阴差阳错的故事,在剧中总被提及的有这样一句话:“做你自己就最美”其实也是在告诉我们一个道理,人在做自己真心想做的事情时,才最漂亮,不是在别人眼中,而是在自己看来。本剧也同时反映了一种社会现象,如今人们越来越在乎外貌的同时往往失去了最本真的自我,”你是你人生的主人公”插曲-너뿐이야(只有你)-崔始源背景音乐-너뿐이야(只有你)-崔始源1:不知不觉我们的节目又到了尾声了,愉快的时光总是过的飞速。2:是啊,希望我们这期推荐的韩剧大家能够喜欢!1:今天为大家送上的歌曲也是"她很漂亮"里面的主题曲,쿵쿵쿵 , 让我们一起欣赏一下吧。开始播放音乐-쿵쿵쿵(Thumping) 金民胜节目监制:朴恩静播音:金池 李可编辑:金池 李可制作:闫丹丽
12/18/201520 minutes, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork

Dec. 12, 2015 #Screen Age# 007:spectre 幽灵党

节目组:The Screen Age 荧屏时代节目名称: 007:spectre 幽灵党E: Hi, dear audience. Nice to see you again. Welcome back to the Screen Age. I'm Elisabeth.P:I'm Pearl. Py: Wish you have a nice week day, I'm Pyro.插曲:SkyfallE: So, it's another work in the 007 series.P: Exactly, it's the 24th work since it first released in 1962.E: In this one, the director Sam Mendes chose more attracting countries to make his movie. Such as Mexico, Austria, Morocco, UK and Italy.P: Sounds great. So what does this work talk about?E:Bond is back. He is in Mexico pursuing a hit man. He kills the man but not after making a scene. When he returns to England his boss M is not happy because C is trying to shut down the 00 network P: Wait a moment please. But who is C?E: He is a government man.P: Ok, well, what happened next?M: C is trying to shut down the 00 network and replace it with a new surveillance system which will essentially put an end to privacy. M tells Bond to stand down and he has Q inject him with a tracking device. Y: Q? You said Mr Q who is acted by Ben Whishaw?M: Yes. Do you know more about this character?Y: Branch Q, The Armorer Division of HMSS, has long been a position of pride for its head, which goes by the codename of Q. It is within this division that the cutting edge of British defense technology is developed and refined for the purposes of espionage.P: How intelligent he is! So, what happened to Bond next?E: Bond reveals to Moneypenny why he was In Mexico. He asks her to help him by getting some info on certain people. He asks Q to make sure no one knows he left the UK and went to Italy to talk to the hit man's wife. After talking to her he goes to meeting of an organization and when he's discovered they try to kill him but he escapes. M: And then Moneypenny tells him who the person he is looking for is and it turns out to be someone he knows. He goes to him and asks him to tell him about the organization. P: Sounds exciting. So does Bond made it?Y: He initially refuses till Bond realized he is in fear for his daughter so Bond promises to protect her. P: So it's must be another love story.E: I'm sorry to tell you it's may disappoint you. He tries to do but she doesn't want him around. But when someone tries to grab her he saves her. Finally she agrees to help him.插曲:200 BopPy: Unoriginal I know, but whether you like Daniel Craig as Bond or not, you can't deny he has been an integral part of the series' highest points. B: Exactly. Following the magnificent Skyfall, Spectre had some huge shoes to fill, and for the most part, it delivers exactly what you'd want. An attention-grabbing, tense opening fight scene, a lovely title sequence (whether the song is good is debatable), and an elaborate sinister plot surrounding James Bond that puts him up against his inner demons more than ever. Does it surpass Casino Royale or Skyfall? J: I don't think so, but as far as reintroducing the villainous organization spectre into Bond canon after more than 40 years, the film hits the nail on the head, pulls it back out, then slams it in even harder.Py: But spectre is revealed to have been affiliated with some of Bond's biggest threats - Mr. White, Le Chiffre, Raoul Silva - all under the control of one puppeteer, the head of spectre and one of the most iconic villains of all time, Ernst Stavro Blofeld. P: It isn't much of a spoiler, as speculation was rampant ever since the first trailer (and hell, when the name of the movie was released). What's important is its execution, and Spectre leaves breadcrumbs for you to follow all the way through the belly of the beast. F: For not only is Bond under SPECTRE's crosshairs, but MI6 itself is experiencing a merger led by Max Denbeigh who wants to eliminate the 00 division and focus solely on global intelligence. It's apparent early on that Blofeld has eyes everywhere.Py: while he works primarily in the shadows, he poses a looming threat to Bond because of his sheer cunning and a past secret that unravels itself when the two finally meet.插曲:Time will tellPy: Many parts of the film feel like a throwback to classic Bond. The icy environments, the car chase and gadgetry, the use of a massive threatening henchman, a train fight that is heavily reminiscent of From Russia With Love, and of course the modern birthing of Bond's greatest adversary. P: In my opinion, the acting all around is fantastic, with Craig continuing to impress as the suave womanizing secret agent. Thomas Newman turns in another wonderful musical score. But perhaps the most impressive feature is Sam Mendes' directing. The shots in this movie are absolutely gorgeous - the action scenes are incredible to watch and easy to follow, the landscapes are fresh and vibrant, and even the simplest of scenes - Bond and Blofeld walking up to each other for the first time - are quietly introspective yet palpably tense. E: Tension lingers throughout every moment of Spectre even when not much is happening, and the suspense is high enough to hold your interest for the full 2-and-a-half hours.P: Spectre is not perfect. Much of what happens narratively is predictable, and a few lines of dialogue don't go over too well, but that's just being nitpicky. E: What you want in a James Bond movie is over-the-top action surrounding the world's greatest spy who's up against unbeatable odds thanks to a brilliant charismatic villain, and this is precisely what Spectre delivers in spades. Py: Daniel Craig may or may not return as Bond, and if he doesn't, this movie would serve as a perfect send-off. P: But as the series constantly reminds us, "James Bond will return...," and Spectre is just another chapter in the immense story of everybody's favorite super spy.E: So, my dear audiences. It's time to say goodbye.P: Wish you enjoy our introduction and opinions on 007 Spectre.Py: 最后感谢制作王泽华。E:See you next time. Bye.P, Py: Bye.结束曲:Pacific Rim节目监制:高佳宁播音:刘思媛 王敏 刘逸超 赛碧乐 寿婧瑶 李梓彤 杨旸 李昂编辑:刘思媛制作:王泽华
12/12/201511 minutes, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork

Dec. 10, 2015 #The World Says# Tourist Around The World

节目组:The World Says 世界说节目名称:Tourist Around The World音乐:Perfect –One DirectionG: Hello everyone, welcome to our todays the world says, I'm GeorgiaC: Hello, I'm CherryG:hey cherry, don't you think it's so cold since winter comes? I can't bear the cold any more .C: really? On the contraryI love winters cause they make the world full of snows and white.G: I see, some people like Snowing days, so Cherry, how do you know Iceland?C: Iceland? It's an island covered with ice all around!G: Hey! Are you serious?.C: A yeah. just kidding. We all know it is a country.Iceland is the most Western European countries,is located in the central North Atlantic,near the Arctic Circle,the glacier area of 8000 square kilometers,second of Europe's big island.G: Although you are kidding just now, for many people who know it for the first time, it is easy to regard this country as a cold and deserted land. ButIceland is not only closer than you think,but far different than you ever imagined.C: Yeah, summers are surprisingly warm and winters not as cold as you might expect here.There are thousands of glaciers shaping our landscape on earth, but it's the combination of glacier and volcano that makes Iceland truly unique.地球上有几千处冰川刻画着我们这个星球的地貌,但冰岛的地貌却由于兼有冰川与火山而变得与众不同。Deep below the ice of the national park, molten lava burns at over one thousand degree Celsius.G: The heat is so extreme, it melts large portions of the glaciers and results in melt water forms lakes above and below the glaciers.C:Elsewhere in the Arctic, glaciers only melt in summer. But Iceland's geothermal heat means these subglacial (冰川下的) rivers flow year-round.在北极地区,冰川只会在夏季融化,但冰岛的地热使这里的冰川河流终年流动。G:These small streams merge together into powerful rivers which in turn form the waterfalls for which Iceland is so famous.soif you guys want to visit Iceland , then you can’t miss the waterfalls there.C:The capital of Iceland is Reykjavik, the world’s northernmost capital. Home to just a little over 100,000 people, it's hardly a giant among cities. But don't be fooled by its sleepy appearance, there's a lot more bubbling just beneath the surface.Old accounts say the ancient gods named the place Reykjavik, a pollution-free energy source that leaves the air outstandingly fresh, clean and clear. 古代的神给了冰岛首都这个名字,表示纯净,干净和清透。G: Many people thought that the Icelanders would all be fishermen, and wear wooly hats and funny boots, instead they're party animals.The Icelandcapital is, without doubt,one of the world's wildest party towns, and for a night out the good folk of Reykjavik are hard to beat.毫无疑问,冰岛首都是世界上最狂野的派对城镇之一。快乐的雷克雅未克人晚上玩得很疯狂,无人能及.C: Oh, that makes me amazed. I think the Icelanders must be very old fashioned, just because this country is so far from othersG: So, do you want to have a trip to there?C: Of course! You have arousedmy interest.G: well, let's see what something else are there in Reykjavik .C: Beautiful salmon river runs through the city limits ofReykjavik, and so do fine parks and even wild outdoor areas. But against this backdrop of nature, Reykjavik has a packed program of familiar city joys too: art museums, several theaters, an opera house, a symphony orchestra And concerts/live music spanning the whole spectrum of age and taste. 也包括了艺术馆,剧院等G: wow, I can imagine that walking distances are short downtown, and everything worth seeing outside the city center can be quickly and conveniently reached by bus. Sounds like it's a good city worth of visiting.C: How about eating? You know, Georgia I am a foodieG:foods will come at once. First is delicious seafood. Visitors must go to the local specialty restaurantand have a taste.C: yeah, Ocean-fresh from the morning catch, highland lamb and unusual varieties of game. It is purely natural food imaginatively served to delight the most discerning of diners. 所有去旅游的人不可错过的是美味的海产品G:A full range of accommodations is available in Reykjavik, from international-standard hotels with good conference facilities, through smaller hotels and cozy guesthouses, to a campsite in the city's biggest park. 各种住宿的地方在首都都能找到。C: You are right! It seems that I canpreparedfor my winter vocation to Iceland!G:hah…having a good time.C: HAHA. Ok, that's all for today program, thank you for your listening! 感谢技术武晓鹏 Good bye~G: Bye~ 插曲:Sugar-MartoonE: Hello, my dear audience, welcome to the world says . I'm your friend, Elvis.And here is my partner ,Jane.J: Hello everyone,I'm your new friend Jane.E: I hear you are planning to travel abroad. That will be lovely.Where are you going?J:Yes, I'm going to the United States for travel. However,I think it is too hot for me. What else do you recommend? E: What about Europe? There are many contributors offer enticing options for both big spenders and budget minded in six favorite destinations,including Madrid, Copenhagen and Moscow.J: Florence? Stendhal wrote in the 19th century with Florence is so richly endowed. “Everything spoke so vividly to my soul.”E: It's true.Florence has a long history. At the southern end of a street, in a grand shop,which is opened in 1937 documents the life of the shoemaker who created trendsetting designs for Hollywood stars .J: Sounds great! Truly great deals were once easy to find in its markets. But a little risk at the market can still yield great rewards。当然啦,价格也很重要,所以这么高档次的购物不适合我。E: OK, it's up to you. What about Rome? It is known for romance,delicious food,beautiful people and inspiring fashion. Walking around this vibrant city as a woman alone allows you to feel full present.J: It's in Italy where is so far from us! Why not choose some Asia countries?Chiang Mai is a safe city to walk around the back street discovering hidden temples and healthy restaurants.E: When you feel like meeting others hop on a single for some bamboo rafting, elephant riding and a visit to long neck villages. To get your shopping fix don't miss the Sunday night market!J: Sounds like great!E: You may consider those three places also.J: I also like Australia. Melbourne is a safe, interesting , and lively city for women traveling alone. Take advantage of the city's efficient public transport system. Get your shopping fix at Chapel Street in it. January watch the tennis live at the Australian Open.E: Do you like crowded?J: Certainly not!I prefer to a free,relax atmosphere。E: A little outside the more popular destinations, these new or newly improved resorts in the Latin America can provide privacy,beauty and a sense of discovery.J: The sheer effort of flying to destinations with few direct flight or enduring bumpy overland routs just a few clicks beyond standard tolerance often rewards the traveling faithful with fewer crowds. But they need money and time.E: Where are you really want to go? Nowthat you're going to America.What about Hawaii?J: As a safe and laid back island,it has a lot of adventures women can embark on alone.E: Load up on healthy food at groceries in it. Drive the senic road to Hana and indulge in waterfalls and swimming pools on the way.Set your alarm clock and get up early to watch the sunrise from Crater. J: Boost my fitness by renting a road bike some place and explore the sights in more intimate ways.E: Amsterdam,in the Nethelands. Why not on a bike to visit the city?J: Do as locals do and hop on a bike while I explore some history at the museum. E: You can explore the city by water on a canal cruise, smell some beautiful tulips at the museum, and hit the city center shops for some retail therapy.J: What an amazing news!The US State Department has issued a worldwide travel warning to US citizens that runs until nearly the end of February.E: They believe there are “increased tettorist threats”.J: It’s not the all. It tell travellers to exercise particular caution during the holiday seasons and at festivals or events.E: Despite all the extra measures introduced in airports and increased screening of passengers.The accident may not avoid.J: What a bad news! What places in safe do you recommend?E: In my opinion,there are several places you mustn't miss,like Washington D.C,Las Vegas,New York and Los Angeles.J: Someone suggests that I should go to Hawaii.E: Yes,you may consider those two places also. Seattle,for example,is worth visiting and there’s a very famous museum called Museum of Flight.J:OK. It's time to say goodbye to you.I still have a lot to say..E:This is ending ,thank you for listening.感谢制作武晓鹏节目监制:吴渝播音:周宸聿 苗世钰 王嵩云 韩平治编辑:周宸聿 苗世钰 王嵩云 韩平治制作:武晓鹏
12/10/201514 minutes, 47 seconds
Episode Artwork

Dec. 05, 2015 #Music Bang Bang# Friendship 友谊

节目组:Music Bang Bang 音乐大爆炸节目名称:Friendship 友谊背景音乐:《友谊天长地久》E:welcome to music bangbang And I&`&m Edward.S:Hello,这里是音乐大爆炸I&`&m your friend shirley.E:shirley,as a freshman, you must experience many different thing since you come to collegeS:Of course.for example ,making friends.And I think friendship is an eternal theme .E:yes, you must have a firm friendship,even if you haven&`&t a love .相信在大学中你可能没有获得爱情,但是你一定会获得一份真挚的友谊S:At the very first begining of the whole program we will talk about friendship.E:A life without a friend is a life without a sun. 是这样的,人生没有了朋友就犹如失去了阳光。Then I would share you a beautiful song with all you gays there,anyway,you will find out later.插曲:《see you again》S:within the huge commercial success the film fast furious 7 速度与激情7 has carried not only so much espectation but also the grave and memorys about one of the main characters paul walker who accident pass away in a car crash before the movie was offcial distributed from million of fans all over the world 这首歌see you again成了电影主题歌曲中,电影还未上映,歌曲已经被大家广泛熟知的最好例子了,许多的观众在电影的最后一刻,落下了泪。 E:随着旋律陷入我们喜爱的poul worker 带给大家的无限精彩中,也有无数的观众是因为这首歌,甚至仅仅为了纪念保罗的片段掏腰包走进电影院。 Without words, in friendship, all thoughts, all desires, all expectations, are silent joy and sharing.纪伯伦曾经说过:在友谊里,不用言语,一切的思想,一切的愿望,一切的希冀,都在无声的欢乐中发生而共享了。插曲:《fix you》E:the very beautiful another background song you&`&ve been lisening called fix you by coldplay a very successful rock band in a main stream of music industry一个在主流音乐中非常出名的摇滚乐队 酷玩乐队 maybe you remember a music called a totally classic music.this yellow make coldplay famous.S:fix you seems a romantic song.but in my opinion , the song discripe friendship. fix我们都知道有修理,安装的意思 but in the daily conversation.fix you means &`&to make you feel better to comfort you.E: everyone has his own comprehension of friendship,as for me,Its not the one&`&s who drink the whole might with you,maybe the one’s who stay up with you to talk about life,but the one can play a story lisener when I feel bad.插曲:《友谊天长地久》S:Its said that A man should keep his friendship in constant repair. 只有经常“浇灌”,方能保持友谊天长地久。E:yes,friendship needs patience,hope you have a foever friendship ,the last , I will show you guys a melody song long live friendship 友谊天长地久节目监制:吴渝播音:王泽华 李紫琳编辑:王泽华 李紫琳制作:王泽华
12/5/201511 minutes, 16 seconds
Episode Artwork

Dec. 04, 2015 #Bloom in Ink# keep walking in sunshine 一直走在阳光里

节目组:Bloom in Ink 墨海繁花节目名称:keep walking in sunshine 一直走在阳光里Hello ,everyone。Welcome to Bloom in ink from VOE Foreign language radio station .I am Christina .I am Tony .Today,we will share you an article which is called Dear, keep walking in sunshine!"不论人生如何,开心抑或悲伤,我们总要记得一直走在阳光里。 Years of storms had taken their toll on the old windmill. Its wheel, rusted and fallen, lay silent in the lush bluegrass. Its once animated silhouette was now a tall motionless steeple in the twilight sun. 多年的风雨毁坏了古老的风车。车轮已经锈了,倒了,静静地躺卧在茂盛的六月禾丛中。在落日的衬托下,曾经散发着生气的风车如今如耸立的尖塔般冰冷、生硬。 I hadn't walked across our old farm in fifteen years. Yet the sensations came flooding back. I could smell the freshness of new mown alfalfa. I could feel the ping of the ice cold summer rain, and the sun's sudden warmth on my wet shoulders when it reappeared after a brisk July thunderstorm. 我已经有十五年没有走过我们的农场了。然而,那些感觉又汹涌而至。我仿佛闻到了新割的苜蓿的清新气息,感觉到了冰冷夏雨敲打在身上,还有七月的雨后阳光照射在湿漉漉的身上骤然传来的暖意。 Rain or shine, I used to walk this path each day to see Greta. She always made me smile, even after Sis and I had just had a big squabble. I would help Greta with her chores. Then we would visit over a generous helping of her delicious homemade chocolate cookies and ice cream. Being confined to a wheel chair didn't stop Greta from being a fabulous cook. 无论雨天或晴天,我曾经天天沿着这条小径去探望葛丽塔。即使我刚和姐姐大吵了一场,她也总能使我舒怀微笑。我会帮葛丽塔做些家务。然后,我们会大快朵颐,品尝她亲手做的巧克力曲奇饼和冰淇淋。以轮椅代步并不妨碍她成为一名出色的厨师。 Greta gave me two of the greatest gifts I've ever received. First, she taught me how to read. She also taught me that when I forgave Sis for our squabbles, it meant I wouldn't keep feeling like a victim. Instead, I would feel sunny. Mr. Dinking, the local banker, tried to foreclose on Greta's house and land after her husband passed away. Thanks to Pa and Uncle Johan, Greta got to keep everything. Pa said that it was the least he could do for someone talented enough to teach me to read! 在葛丽塔的丈夫去世后,当地的银行家丁肯先生曾经要收取她抵押给了银行的房子。幸亏有爸爸和约翰叔叔的帮忙,葛丽塔才保住了一切。爸爸说,对一位聪明得能教会我认字的人,这只是他力所能及的一件小事! Soon folks were coming from miles around to buy Greta's homemade cakes, pies, breads, cookies, cider, and ice cream. Hank, the grocery store man, came each week to stock his shelves and bring Greta supplies. 很快,方圆数英里的人们都来买葛丽塔做的蛋糕、馅饼、面包、曲奇饼、苹果酒和冰淇淋。每周,杂货店老板汉克都会给她送来材料,并从她那里进货。 Greta even had me take a big apple pie to Mr. Dinking who became one of her best customers and friends. That's just how Greta was. She could turn anyone into a friend! 葛丽塔甚至让我给丁肯先生送去一个大苹果馅饼。他也成为了她的顾客和朋友。这就是葛丽塔。她可以把任何人都变成朋友! Greta always said, "Dear, keep walking in sunshine!" No matter how terrible my day started, I always felt sunny walking home from Greta's house-even beneath the winter starlight. 葛丽塔常说:“亲爱的,记得要走在阳光里!” 每天,不管一开始怎么糟糕,从葛丽塔的小屋走回家时,即使是披着冬夜的星光,我都会感觉心情舒畅。 I arrived at Greta's house today just after sunset. An ambulance had stopped a few feet from her door, it's red lights flashing. When I ran into the old house, Greta recognized me right away. 这天,太阳刚下山我就来到葛丽塔家了。她门前几尺外已然停着一辆救护车。车上的红灯闪烁不停。当我冲入那所旧房子时,葛丽塔立刻认出了我. She smiled at me with her unforgettable twinkling blue eyes. She was almost out of breath when she reached out and softly touched my arm. Her last words to me were "Dear, keep walking in sunshine!" 她冲我微微一笑,令人难忘的那双蓝眼睛闪着光芒。当她伸手轻抚我的手臂时,她已经奄奄一息了。她最后对我说的话是:“亲爱的,记得要走在阳光里!” I'm sure that Greta is walking in the brightest sunshine she's ever seen. And, I'm sure that she heard every word I read at her memorial service. 我肯定葛丽塔此时正漫步在她所见过的最明媚的阳光里。我也肯定她听见了我在她的追悼仪式上所念的每一个字。 I chose a beautiful verse by Leo Buscaglia. It's one that Greta taught me to read many years ago… 我选了利奥•巴斯卡格里亚的一首优美的诗,正是那首葛丽塔多年前教我念的诗。 "Love can never grow old. Locks may lose their brown and gold. Cheeks may fade and hollow grow. But the hearts that love will know, never winter's frost and chill, summer's warmth is in them still." “爱能历久常新。华发或会失去原有的光彩。双颊或会日显消瘦黯淡。然而,有爱的心中,从无寒冬霜冰,只有夏之温热。节目监制:查蓓蕾播音:吴琼 丁琦编辑:吴琼 丁琦制作:武晓鹏
12/4/201510 minutes, 44 seconds
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Nov. 29, 2015 #한류전선# 韩文字的创造过程及韩语相关知识

节目组:한류전선 韩流前线节目名称:韩文字的创造过程及韩语相关知识1:听众朋友们大家好,欢迎收听voe外语广播电台韩流前线,我是播音张星宇。2:오늘 하루도 잘 보내셨나요? 我是播音金池。1:金池,你最近有没有读的书啊?2:有啊,我在读一些关于韩国语的书呢。1:你的韩语都已经那么好了,竟然还在学啊?2:당연하지,学无止境嘛。배움에는 끝이 없다고. 你越是了解韩国文字的创造过程或是有关历史就会越发感到神奇。1:是吗?那这样吧,今天我们就和大家讲讲韩国语吧。2:좋은생각이야.1:那我们就先从韩文的发明开始讲起吧。2:好的,大家都知道世宗大王是谁吧,세종대왕, 他就是韩国文字的发明者。1:我知道,他是李氏朝鲜的第四代国王,也是李氏朝鲜最出色的国王之一。2:没错,15세기이전에 조선은 명나라의 지배를 받았어요, 또한 귀족가문의 자제들과 일부 지식인들만이 교육을 받을 기회가 있었어요. 때문에 일반백성들은 대부분 어려운 한자를 읽을줄을 몰랐답니다.15世纪之前的朝鲜是由明朝所支配的,而且只有贵族和知识分子才有受教育的机会,平民几乎是不识字的。1: 在韩文发明之前,老百姓平时就用韩语做口语的交流,但是对于平民来说汉字太难写,人们就很难进行文字交流。이를 안타깝게 여긴 세종대왕은 모든 백성들이 쉽게 배우고 쓸 수 있는 글자를 만드는데 온 힘을 기울였습니다.寝食难安的世宗大王为了创造出能让百姓们更容易学习和书写的文字可以说是倾尽了他的所有。2: 훈민정음이라 일컫는 한글은 말그대로 백성을 가르치는 바른 소리라는 뜻을 가지고 있는데요, 훈민정음의 창제이유를 세종대왕은 이렇게 설명하고 있습니다. "나라의 말이 중국과 달라서 백성들이 나타내고 싶은 말이 있어도 바르게 나타내지 못하는 사람이 많다. 내 이를 딱하게 여겨서 새로 스물여덟자를 만들었으니 사람마다 쉽게 익혀서 편하게 사용하길 바랄 뿐이다. " 라고말입니다. 여기서 세종대왕이 백성들을 사랑하는 마음이 지극했다는 것을 알수 있죠?1:被称为训民正音的韩文有着“教导百姓的正确的声音”的含义。说到训民正音的创造理由,世宗大王是这样解释的。“国之语音 异乎中国 与文字不相流通 故愚民有所欲言而终不得伸其情者多矣 予为此悯然 新制二十八字 欲使人人易习 便于日用矣”在这里可以看得出世宗大王爱民如子的品质。1:韩国文字的创制原理,借鉴了太极学说和阴阳五行学说,28个字母的字形是根据“象形”原理创制的, 基本辅音“ㄱ ㄴ ㅁ ㅅ ㅇ”就类似人的发音器官形状。比如说ㄱ 기윽 模仿了舌根堵住喉咙的形状, ㄴ 니은 模仿了舌贴在口腔上部的形状, ㅇ 이응模仿了喉咙的形状。2: 三个基本元音的形状类似于“、” “ㅡ” “ㅣ” 点意味着太阳,也就是天, 横线形状的 ㅡ 是代表着平地,竖线形状的 ㅣ代表着站立的人的形象,这三个字母是按世上万物生成的“三才论”和“阴阳说”创制的。1: 在这8个基本表音字母的基础上,按照“加笔划的原理”,共创制了28个字母,而现在使用是是14个辅音和10个元音,共计24个字母。2:其中14个辅音分别是:ㄱ ㄴ ㄷ ㄹ ㅁ ㅂ ㅅ ㅇ ㅈ ㅊ ㅋ ㅌ ㅍ ㅎ10个元音分别是:ㅏ ㅑ ㅓ ㅕ ㅗ ㅛ ㅜ ㅠ ㅡ ㅣ(음악3)1: 哇~现在我知道为什么说韩国字是最科学的文字了。거의 모든 소리를 음절 몇개만으로 표시가 가능하잖아! 因为仅仅几个音节就几乎能够表示出所有的音嘛!2: 맞아, 실제로 지금 많은 문자가 없는 일부 원주민들이 한글로 자신들의 언어를 표시하고 있대.对,事实上如今也有很多没有文字的土著们在用韩国字作为交流用文字。1:真的很伟大啊。我之前都不知道韩国字的创造原来包含了这么深的哲学和智慧。2:응, 처음에는 갑골문을 모방햇다는 설부터 문고리나 창살모양을 본땃다는 설까지 분분했대. 有人说韩文是模仿甲骨文的,也有人说是模仿窗格子的,真是众说纷纭啊。1:그럼 어떻게 이런 창제과정을 알게 된거야? 那后来是怎么知道真正的创造过程的呢?2:在接下来给大家介绍的“训民正音解例本”中会给大家说明它的创造过程。1:解例本指的是记载着对训民正音的解析和使用方法等的说明书。在解例本发布之前有各种各样的对创造过程的臆说,但随着这本书的发布一扫而光了,并且说明了它的制字原理是发音器官象形说。解例本的执笔者是鄭麟趾,朴彭年,成三問等集賢殿学者们。2:해례본 하니깐, 드라마 뿌리깊은 나무(树大根深)가 생각나. 세종대왕이 한글을 창제했던 과정에 픽션을 가미해서 만든 드라마 말이야. 提起解例本,我突然想起了电视剧“树大根深”。就是那个讲世宗大王创造韩国文字的历史剧。1:아, 나도 봤었어. 我也看过。 讲述世宗大王在创造韩国字的过程中发生杀人事件的令人窒息的电视剧,是吧?虽然受到了各种挫折和反对,但最后在万千百姓前面发表解例本的场面真是令我记忆犹新。2:너도 은근히 많이 알고 있단 말이지~没看出来你也知道挺多的嘛1:当然了,我也很关注这些的。2:한글창제과정을 더 재밌게 접하고 싶으신 분들에게 이드라마를 적극 추천 합니다. 如果你想更深入的了解这些的话向你强烈推荐这部电视剧。精彩的剧本和演员们惟妙惟肖的演出真的能让你目不暇接。 뛰여난 각본과 연출력이 당신을 한시도 눈을 뗄수 없게 만들것입니다. (插曲) 2:哎呀,说着说着就聊到这部电视剧了,都怪它太精彩了。那么回到主题,星宇,我们再给大家详细的讲一讲解例本怎么样啊?1:没问题。1:지금의 한글이 있기까지 많은 우여곡절이 있었어요. 오늘 들려드릴 이야기는 전형필선생과 해례본에 관한 이야기입니다.韩国字发展到现在可谓是历经波折。今天要给大家讲的是关于全蓥弻先生和解例本的故事。可以说没有全蓥弻先生在日治时期所付出的努力,解例本就不会流传至今日了。(背景音乐) 2: 1943년 6월, 간송의 눈에 빠른 걸음으로 서점 앞을 지나는 고서중개인이 보였습니다. 알고보니 훈민정음 해례본이 나타났는데, 책 주인이 1000원을 부르더랍니다. 때는 일본이 한글 사용을 철저히 금하고 있던시기. 만약 이 책이 발견됐다는 소식이 그들의 귀에라도 들어가면 큰일날 일이였습니다. 간송은 중개인에게 즉시 1만1천원을 건네며 꼭 책을 가져오길 부탁하면서 "훈민정음 같은보물은 적어도 이런 대접을 받아야 한다"고 말했다는 일화가 전해지고 있습니다. 당시 천원은 기와집 한채의 값이였습니다. 그는 기와집 열채나 되는 값을 지불하였던 것입니다.1:1943年6月的某一天,涧松看见了一个匆匆路过书店的古书商人。仔细一看,原来他在以一千元的价格卖着训民正音解例本。当时正处于日本禁止人民使用韩文的时期,如果这件事传到日本人的耳朵里就大事不妙了。涧松即刻拿出了一万一千元,并说像训民正音这种宝物至少也值这些钱。在一千元钱就可以买到一座砖瓦房的年代,他以十座砖瓦房的价格买下了这本书。2:그리고 1950년 발발한 6.25전쟁, 선생은 해례본만을 오동나무 상자에 넣어 챙겨갔고 혹시라도 잃어버릴가 낮에는 품고 밤에는 베개삼아 베고 자며 한순간도 몸에서 떼어내지 않았다고 전해집니다.일제 강점기와 6.25 전쟁 속에서도 지켜낸 훈민정음본은 마침내1962년 한국 국보 제70호로지정되고, 1997년에는 유네스코 세계기록유산에이름을1:지금의 한글이 있기까지 많은 우여곡절이 있었어요. 오늘 들려드릴 이야기는 전형필선생과 해례본에 관한 이야기입니다.韩国字发展到现在可谓是历经波折。今天要给大家讲的是关于全蓥弻先生和解例本的故事。可以说没有全蓥弻先生在日治时期所付出的努力,解例本就不会流传至今日了。(背景音乐) 2: 1943년 6월, 간송의 눈에 빠른 걸음으로 서점 앞을 지나는 고서중개인이 보였습니다. 알고보니 훈민정음 해례본이 나타났는데, 책 주인이 1000원을 부르더랍니다. 때는 일본이 한글 사용을 철저히 금하고 있던시기. 만약 이 책이 발견됐다는 소식이 그들의 귀에라도 들어가면 큰일날 일이였습니다. 간송은 중개인에게 즉시 1만1천원을 건네며 꼭 책을 가져오길 부탁하면서 "훈민정음 같은 보물은 적어도 이런 대접을 받아야 한다"고 말했다는 일화가 전해지고 있습니다. 당시 천원은 기와집 한채의 값이였습니다. 그는 기와집 열채나 되는 값을 지불하였던 것입니다.1:1943年6月的某一天,涧松看见了一个匆匆路过书店的古书商人。仔细一看,原来他在以一千元的价格卖着训民正音解例本。当时正处于日本禁止人民使用韩文的时期,如果这件事传到日本人的耳朵里就大事不妙了。涧松即刻拿出了一万一千元,并说像训民正音这种宝物至少也值这些钱。在一千元钱就可以买到一座砖瓦房的年代,他以十座砖瓦房的价格买下了这本书。2:그리고 1950년 발발한 6.25전쟁, 선생은 해례본만을 오동나무 상자에 넣어 챙겨갔고 혹시라도 잃어버릴가 낮에는 품고 밤에는 베개삼아 베고 자며 한순간도 몸에서 떼어내지 않았다고 전해집니다.일제 강점기와 6.25 전쟁 속에서도 지켜낸 훈민정음본은 마침내1962년 한국 국보 제70호로지정되고, 1997년에는 유네스코 세계기록유산에이름을 올리게 됩니다. 1:还有在1950年的6.25战争时期,他把解例本放进了一个梧桐树制的箱子里,为了防止它被人偷走,白天就抱着它,晚上就枕着它睡,可谓是寸步不离啊。终于在11:오늘은 여기까지, 今天就到这里了,感谢制作人闫丹丽。通过今天的讲述,大家是不是对韩国字有了初步的了解了呢?2:마지막으로 여러분들께 악동뮤지의 "가다나같이"를 제외하고, 한글날을 기념하기 위해서 만든 다른곡 "시간과 낙엽"을 들려드릴 께요. 다같이 잔잔한 기타선율에 빠져보도록 해요. 1:最后给大家送上乐童音乐家的除了“与ganada一起”之外非常好听的一首歌曲”时间与落叶“。这首歌是专门为了纪念韩国字而创作的,大家来一起沉醉在它的吉他旋律之中吧。2:다음에 또봐요 1&2: 안녕~节目监制:朴恩静播音:金池 张星宇编辑:金池 张星宇制作:闫丹丽
11/29/201522 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork

Nov. 28, 2015 #Music Bang Bang# Pitbull 皮普保罗

节目组:Music Bang Bang 音乐大爆炸节目名称:Pitbull 皮普保罗音乐:Singer-PitbullHello again.this is the singer campsite this week. I'm Andy .I'm Melody.The big man this week is pitbull.-TIME OF OUR LIVESThe mere mention of the worldwide rapper,we should have to mention the great Pitbull.He is the king of Denon,so he call himself Mr.worldwide.中文意思是世界先生.Mr. Worldwide or Mr. 305(three o five),Pitbull says at the beginning of his each song.Pitbull is a Cuban American,but it is hard to imagine that he is an MC firstly.His songs are some hot great madden dance music.He likes to create melody about flashy life.Of course,he has the fans cheer grand and high popularity.The most nightclubs almost play Pitbull's original music all the time.As everyone knows,he is a talented super rapper!May after Melody's intro, you guys may still not familiar with him,that's Okay,who knows?But after the next song,you may see the light suddenly and may say:ah! That was him![we are one] this song is a theme song of the worldcup of 2013 which held in Basile It’s NOT HARD TO CONCOUR—it's a song about southern-America,after you listen to the tune of this song. FIFA claimed that the theme song of this year's worldcup will inherit the Latin style last year.And when the came to Latina style,they come to the one ---Pitbull.So as the song came out which performed by Jennifer Lopez and Pitbull.I don't know you guys,but song make me renmind of the night's that I'd been stay up late watching games.What a precious memory!插曲:Timber-------Pitbull Ke$haHe has so many masterpieces in music,such as “Celebrate”,”we are one”,”wild wild love”,and so on. 有粉丝戏称,听其他欧美歌手的歌曲,第一件事就是寻找“feat Pitbull.”So well,i must introduce one of his songs for you.That is “Timber”!Wow!It is played by two superstars, the mr.worldwide and the party queen!The announcement of this song is sweeping dancing floor all around the world!Topping Billboard three weeks in a row,runner-up for five weeks.The brilliant achievements prove Pitbull's talent and strength.Right?I think,if you listen this song, we will dance together certainly.That sounds so crazy,do you think so?插曲:FireballWe sat that pitbull is a this song –fireball,he proves it.Fire ball is created by pitbull,feat by American singer John Ryan.Ant it's released on 23 July,and peaked at 23 at billborad US HOT 100. It has sold 1 M copies in the US as JAN 2015.I think all the pitbull's song is pasionate,including this song called fireball which full of Latin element, the fast speed abd tunes feels like a Latin Girl dressing in red dancing in front of me .It's really a Hot song.节目监制:于慧佳播音:王紫丞 王璇编辑:王紫丞 王璇制作:王紫丞
11/28/201510 minutes, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork

Nov. 27, 2015 #The World Says# New Two-Child Policy 新二孩政策

节目组:The World Says 世界说节目名称:New Two-Child Policy 新二孩政策音乐:Levi blues-dalaE: Hello everyone, I'm your old friend, Elvis. And here is my partner, Georgia, and Value.G: Hello, My dear audience. V: HelloE: Well, Georgia, long time no see, you looks prettier than ever before.G: Thanks, but we met last week. It's only a week away.E: Okay, I just want to say that I miss you.G: Come on, Elvis. I don't want to misunderstand your girlfriend. So what's our topic today?E: Just kidding. By the way, when do we have a subject? We are the world says, and we are just talking, don't we?G: Okay…Yeah, you are right. You are always right.E: Thanks. E: So… Georgia, you know what, my mother had talked with me about the New Two-Child Policy.G: New Two-Child Policy是新出台的那个二胎政策么? Why do your mom talk with you about it? Do your mom want a baby as you bro or sister?E: Yeah…maybe. In fact, my mother actually want a daughter. There is an old says going:” daughter is the apple of mum's eye”. Do you know that?G: Of course I know. I'm a girl.E: Wow, I forget it.G: Go away…So, I also have heard about the New Two-Child Policy.It's reported that Official Chinese media reported last month that all couples will be permitted to have two children.The change in policy is expected to create new investments and increased demand for goodsand services. The move comes as China's economy is slowing. However, the change also may increase for higher pay and increase labor costs.E: 所以说现在的政策允许夫妇生育两个孩子。而这一政策的发出有望转变开创新的投资领域,扩大对商品以及服务的需求。此项政策的出台正值中国经济放缓之时。因此,这一新政策也可能会引起薪水上调,劳动力成本上涨。G: So…What's the impact does the policy will bring?E: Well, I don't know. But according to the reporting,Speaking at a press conference Tuesday, Chinese officials predicted that the new policy wouldraise economic growth by about half of one percent. They said it would provide China withabout 30 million laborers by 2050.G:就是说这一新政策将会为经济带来0.5%的增长率。而且,到2050年,中国还将会产生3千万左右的劳动力么?E: All right. And more children will mean "more maternity homes, hospitals, kindergartens andschools. It will certainly result in massive investment in these areas."G: Yeah…E: Well, the two-child policy will also lead to more spending on the second child, and thus contribute to economic growthG: 这就意味着新的消费力量和消费水平啊,通过这样的政策,我们国家的经济在长期又会实现一个增长,也会带动相关产业的快速发展啊。E: 嗯哼…G: But, Limited health care and educational centers in rural areas and small cities have long been aproblem in China. The government will have to make new investments in these areas to providequality centers for families with two children.E:是的,政府确实需要在这些地区开发新的投资领域,为生育二胎的家庭提供健全的医疗服务以及教育资源插曲:One thing-one directionG: Wow…all in all, it looks like it's a good policy. E: Can't agree more! When I was a child, I fell very lonely. I have no brother and sister, and my parents are too busy to play with me. Well, that's too bad.G: Elvis….E: So…I think it's really a good policy for our family.G: Well, you have agreed with your mother's idea to getting a sister?E: Of course, why not?G: haha, well… maybe I will not accept a new sister.E: Well, up to you. You'd better talk about it with your mother~E: Okay, how time flies! Well… this is all for today's program. I hope you felt at home with us on today's program! Thanks for listening, goodbye.G&V: Bye… 节目监制:吴渝播音:王嵩云 周宸聿编辑:王嵩云 周宸聿制作:武晓鹏
11/27/201515 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork

Nov. 22, 2015 #日本语ドリームワークス# 日本的民间小故事和传说

节目组:日本语ドリームワークス 日语梦工厂节目名称:日本的民间小故事和传说A:皆さん、こんばんはB:こんばんは,日本語ドリームワークスへようこそ A:我是李金峰B:我是吕春洁A:今回私たちは一緒に昔話と伝説を紹介します 这期节目为大家介绍日本的民间小故事和传说B:はい、昔話は、語り(かた)始めが‟昔 昔“、語り(かた)納め(おさ)が”、、、であったとさ“のような一定の形式をもったものをいう。 是的,民间故事是以“很久很久以前。。。”为开头,以”据说是如此“为结尾的固定形式的故事A:出てくる時代、場所、人物を特定せず、空想(くうそう)的である点が伝説(でんせつ)と異なる(こと)。 日本の昔話の研究は、まだ数十年にしかならないか、昔への関心は強く、すでに、何万という昔話が収集(しゅうしゅう)され民俗学(みんぞくがく)、文学など各(かく)分野からの研究が進められている B: 与传说的不同之处在于它没有特定的时代,场所,人物,内容几乎全属虚构日本对于民间故事的研究不过才数十年之久,但对于民间故事的极度关心,至今已搜集了数万篇的民间故事,分别从民俗学,文学领域进行研究。 次は、私たちはみんなに“狐と山羊”という昔話をはなします。次の話は今まで日本人によく知られています。A:狐が井戸に落ちましたが、どうしても上がれなくて、困っていました。そこへ、喉が渇いて困っている山羊がやって来ました。そして、井戸の中に、狐が入っているのを見つけると、その水はうまいかと聞きました。狐狸掉到了井里,怎么也上不来,十分苦恼。这时,来了一只口渴的山羊。看到狐狸在井里,就问水好不好喝。B:狐は、困っているのに平気な顔をして、水のことをいろいろ褒めたて、山羊 に下りてくるように勧めました。山羊は、水が飲みたいばっかりに、うっかり下りて行きました。狐狸虽然很苦恼,但却做出一副若无其事的表情,对水大家赞赏,劝山羊下来。山羊太想喝水了,就稀里糊涂地下去了。A:さて、山羊(やぎ)は喉の渇(かわ)きが収(おさ)まったので、上に上がる方法を、狐に相談しました。すると、狐は、両方とも助かるうまい方法を思いついたと言って、「あなたの前足を壁にと突っ張って、角を前にやってくださいよ。そうすれば、私が背中に乗って飛び出し、そして、あなたを引き上げましょう。」を言いました。B:等山羊不再口渴了,就跟狐狸商量上去的办法。狐狸说他想出了一个两全其美的方法,“你把你的前脚靠在墙上,角向前伸。我踩着你的背跳出去,然后就可以把你拉上去。”狐狸这样说A:そこで、山羊は、今度も狐の言うとおりにしました。狐は、山羊の足の方から飛び上がって、その背中に乗り、そこから、角を踏み台にして、井戸の口まで上がりました。そして、そのまま行ってしまおうとしました。于是,这次山羊又照狐狸的话做了。狐狸顺着山羊的脚跳上去,踩着他的背,垫着角,跳上了井口。B:山羊が狐に、約束が違うじゃないかと、文句を言うと、狐は、振り返って言いました。「ねえ、山羊さん。あなたに、もう少し知恵があれば、出る道を調べるまでは、そんな所下りなかったでしょうね。」山羊抱怨说,你违反约定。狐狸回过头说:“我说,山羊老弟,你只要稍微聪明点,就不会在不知道怎么出去之前,就冒然下去了。”A:はい、日本の昔話に狐がよく見えますね。次の話も狐に関して,タイトルは狐とカラス B: ある日、狐が出てきて食べ物を探していました。カラスが口に一切(ひとき)れを銜(くわ)えているのを見つけて、悪い考えを起こしました。有一天,狐狸出来找吃的,它看见乌鸦嘴里叼着一块肉,就想出一个 坏主意,A:狐はにこにこしながらカラスに「こんにちは!」と言いました。カラスは取り合いません。狐はまた言いました「子供は元気かい?」カラスはそれでも取り合いません。它笑着对乌鸦说:“你好!”乌鸦不理它。狐狸又说:“您的孩子好吗?”乌鸦还是不理它。B:狐はまた言いました「みんな言ってるよ、君の歌うのが一番うまいって、君の歌が好きさあ、一曲やってくれよ!」狐狸又说:“大家都说您唱歌唱得最好听,谁都爱听您唱歌,您唱一首吧!”A:カラスは狐の話を聞くと、とても嬉しくなって歌い出しました「カー」カラスが口を開いたとたん、肉が落っこちてしまいました。狐は肉を銜えると逃げていきました。乌鸦听了狐狸的话,高兴极了,就唱起来,“哇——”它刚一张嘴,肉就掉下去了,狐狸叼起肉,就跑了。B: この話は私たちにとってその意味を理解することはあまり難しいです。 这个小故事对于我们来说,理解起来很困难呢A:はい、そうです。でも最近では、ユング派(は)分析家(ぶんせきか)の河合速雄(かわいはなお)が,その深層を分析して、日本人は”女性の意識“とする説(せつ)を発表して注目された。 是的,近几年来,少壮派分析家河合速雄对日本民间故事做了深层的分析,发表了日本人的自我是女性意识的学说,备受瞩目。B:はい、次は、私たちはみんなに伝説を話しましょう。伝説は、具体的な事物と結びついていて、真実と信じられている言い伝えである。 是的,接下来,我们来说说传说吧,传说是与具体事物结合而让人信以为真的故事体裁。A:伝説は自然伝説、歴史伝説,信仰伝説(しんこう)と三部分と分けました。 传说分为自然传说,历史传说,信仰传说三个部分。B:传说不同于民间故事,他没有固定形式,内容也不具有幻想性和娱乐性,日本的传说和民间故事一样丰富多彩。次は、金太郎という伝説をみんなに送ります。 A:金太郎は相模国(さがみのくに)の足柄山(あしがらやま)で、山うばにそだてられ、猿(さる)などを友(とも)とした。 金太狼在相模国的足柄山由山姥养育长达成人,从小就与猴子等动物为伍。B:怪力(かいりき)で全身赤く、まさかりをもち、腹掛け(はらが)をした子供の姿でえがかれる。 传说中金太郎被描述成力气极大,全身通红,手拿斧头,腹围肚兜的小孩模样。A:成人して金頼光に仕えて、四天王(してんのう)の一人となた。今でも、金太郎にあやかって強くなるようと、5月5日の端午(たんご)の節句(せっく)には、金太郎の像を飾る風習がある。 长大后效命于金赖光,而后被封为四天王中的一个人。现在每逢5月5日端午节,民间仍有在家里摆设金太郎像的习俗B:いろいろ面白い話があります。みんなが好きならインターネットや本などいろいろ調べられますよ。 有许多许多有意思的小故事。大家如果喜欢可以通过因特网和书籍做更深入的研究A:はい、今日の放送はこれで終わると思います、みんな来週 また。  我想今天的广播到这里就结束了。节目的最后让我们感谢一下技术部的同学。B:じゃ、みんなさようなら A:さようなら节目监制:李金峰播音:李金峰 吕春洁编辑:李金峰 吕春洁制作:闫丹丽
11/22/201520 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

Nov. 21, 2015 #The World Says# Air Pollution Around the World 世界中的空气污染

节目组:The World Says 世界说节目名称: Air Pollution Around the World 世界中的空气污染音乐:Cuckoo-Adam LambertG:hello my dear audience, welcome to today's the world says, I’m Georgia.V:hello, I'm your old friend value.E: hello, this is elvis.G: value, elvis, have you two bought masks on line during 11.11 since the haze weather so serious in Shenyang.V: of course, I have bought two dozen of anti- haze masks, people all call them n95 mask.G: cool, hope that anti-haze masks will work.E: hey, Georgia value, since the haze so serious, who can tell me how the haze was formed?G: Fog and haze came originates from the horrible air quality and heavy industrial pollutions. The tail-gas from cars, residual heater gas, and industrial waste all contributes to this. V:Fog and haze does not only cause pollution, but are also harmful to people. When inhaled, it could cause serious damage to the human body. In worst cases, it could even result in death. G: oh my gosh! It’s so horrible! E:In addition to China, are there the haze weather occurred to any other country? G: sure, and haze was called smog during Industrial Revolution. Over several Centuries, human have struggled with haze. In the early 19th century, people call London the foggy city cause the air in London is full of smog.V: Smog is a type of air pollutant. The word "smog" was coined as a portmanteau of the words smoke and fog to refer to smoky fog.G: Result from Industrial Revolution, not only England but also American suffered from haze.V: Modern smog, as found for example in Los Angeles, is a type of air pollution derived from vehicular emission from internal combustion engines and industrial fumes that react in the atmosphere with sunlight to form minor pollutants that also combine with the primary productions to form photochemical smog. G:Since 1991, haze has been a particularly severe problem in Southeast Asia. The main source of the haze has been fires occurring in Sumatra and Borneo. V:In2002,all ASEAN countries except Indonesia signed the Agreement on Transboundary Haze Pollution, but the pollution is still a problem today. E:but we all know that the environment in European countries and north America. How did they deal with haze?V: In 1306, concerns over air pollution were enough for Edward I to ban coal fires in 1661, John Evelyn's Fumifugium suggested burning fragrant wood instead of mineral coal, which he believed would reduce coughing. G:but it seems no use. The Great Smog of 1952 darkened the streets of London and killed approximately 4,000 people in the short time of 4 days. Originally a flu widespread was blamed for the loss of life.V: In 1956 the Clean Air Act started legally enforcing smokeless zones in the capital. There were areas where no soft coal was allowed to be burned in homes or in businesses, only coke, which produces no smoke.G: It was after this that the great clean-up of London began.V:yes, now let’ see how do American deal with haze.E: ok ~for example, Los Angeles and the San Joaquin ValleyG:Because of their locations in low basins surrounded by mountains, Los Angeles and the San Joaquin Valley are infamous for their smog. V: Though Los Angeles was one of the best known cities suffering from transportation smog for much of the V0th century, so much so that it was sometimes said that Los Angeles was a synonym for smog.G: strict regulations by government works overseeing this problem, including tight restrictions on allowed emissions levels for all new cars sold in California and set regular emission tests of older vehicles, resulted in significant improvements in air quality.V: For example, air concentrations of volatile organic compounds declined by a factor of 50 between G96V and V0GV. Concentrations of air pollutants such as nitrous oxides and ozone declined by 70% to 80% over the same period of time.G:wow, so Effective! Now China's haze is like the original London, we must take methods to control it.插曲:《What Do You Mean》V: you know guys, When it comes to PM2.5 pollution—tiny,grungy particlesdischarged into the air by factories, boilers and motor vehicles, which damage respiration—the Chinese government says 35 micro-grams per cubic meter is a healthy maximum.E: really?! But over the weekend, Shenyang endured PM2.5 readings that exceeded 1000,even1400 micro-grams per cubic meter at some measuring stations, according to Xinhua. 在中国,顽固的雾霾已经引发了像“末日空气”(airpocalypse)和“糟糕透顶”(crazybad)这样夸张的说法,但即使在这样一个国家,沈阳的PM2.5数字也不免令人惊惧。V: Pictures from the city showed hardy residents plowing on bicycles througha gray atmospheric soup that cut visibility to just a few dozen feet.Andeven XinHua scolded the city government,accusing it of failing to enforceemergency measures to cut smog and to warn citizens to stay indoors.G:“有人提出质疑,面对如此重度雾霾污染,政府应急预案为何‘梗阻’?”新华社写道。E:“A plan seems to have covered every angle,but in practice how workable is it?” asked Bi Deli,an environmental researcher in Shenyang, according toXinhua. “Channels of communication are blocked, and instructions are not really implemented.”V: The smog enveloped much of northeastern China, perhaps puzzling at a time when a slowing economy has reduced industrial production across the region. But the burst of pollution has coincided with the onset offwinter, when boilers fire up to heat buildings, and a similar pall of smog arrived at about the same time last year and the year before.E: 但沈阳市环保局信息公开处处长乔旭在接受电话采访时表示,这次雾霾的罪魁祸首,很可能是农民在收获庄稼之后焚烧秸秆和残茬的做法。V: Further chemical tests of the smog would give investigators clues to what caused it, but it didn't show heavy concentrations of sulfur dioxide,which usually accompanies smog from coal burning, she said.E: “This pollution was not restricted to Shenyang.The entire northeast hassbeen affected,” Ms.Qiao乔 said. “That shows that Shenyang’s local pollution has not played a decisive role.”V: But wherever the pollution comes from,Chinese people appear increasingly impatient with toxic air.Leaders have repeatedly promised to reduce pollution,and citizen shave become much more aware of the threat to health from smog. 笨重的口罩曾让人觉得新奇,是外籍人士喜欢用的,现在却变得很普遍。在网上,人们对最近这一轮空气质量危机也发出了抱怨。E: “What have you been doing about it?”one person wrote on the microblog of the Sheyang Bureau of Environmental Protection.“You just send outa microblog and that’s it? Wait for the wind to blow it away?”V:“When the smog is off the charts, you, the environmental authorities, can only tell residents to protect themselves,” another wrote.“Incompetent shameless, useless.”E:Ms. Qiao, the environment official, in turn,criticized Xinhua for its report on Shenyang, but she did not deny that the pollution measure had surpassed 1,400.V:“The Xinhua reporter had the contact information for the Bureau of Environ mental Protection,my office and me personally,” she said, adding that she has not been contacted by the reporter.“I will not offer comment on their report.E: By Monday, measures of PM2.5 in Shenyang had dropped to below 300, before rising again in the evening, and the city government downgraded its warning to residents.到了周一,沈阳的PM2.5指数降到了300以下,但到傍晚再次升高。该市政府调低了对民众的警告。V: European and American countries of atmospheric governance case involves public participation and promote. Especially in the Los Angeles atmospheric governance, it is the direct result of public opinion to participate in and promote.It need higher national quality on one hand, on the other hand,you need to have unobstructed channels of public participation.E: yes, that's true.But in our country,national quality is much less than the European and American countries. Now able to form a science of fog is not much,most people still ignore the status, even what is the haze is unknown, how is it possible to take action?V:ok, that's all for our topic today. Thank you all.插曲:《Whataya want from me》E: Oh, It's a beautiful evening, nice weather, fresh air, and the pretty campus. All in all, everything looks well tonight.G: I think your comfortable feeling owed to the Shopping day--double eleven. And it’s just the shopping makes you happy.E: Yep, I had gotten the things which I wanted. I'm so excited!G: So…How much do you pay for the Alibaba-马云E: Well… just a little. What about you?G: Oh…I just wanted all of the clothes over the internet. 我估计这个月剩下的这十几天我就只能吃土了…….E: haha, not so bad~G: So What's our topic today? The shopping online?E: No, no. I want to talk America with you guys. As a matter of routine.G: Okay. E: So I want to talk about the America's food in the beginning.G: Oh! No! I have not eaten the dinner! I'm so hungry! Don't talk food! Help me! Georgia.E: Obviously, she has no food.G: Yeah… you get it.E: 放弃吧,Value,让我们先来一起为大家介绍下美国G: Well, go on…E: Okay, my dear audience. Tonight , we are talking about the American food. So…Refer to the American food, what’s your first thought, Value?G: Well...the KFC? And ...the McDonald's? There are so many fast food restaurants settled down China. Do you like it? Such as hamburgers and French fries and so on.E: Well…Just ok. Maybe all of us will in mind of the KFC and the McDonald's for the first thought. So Value, do you know that whether they are also popular in the United States?G: may be. I have heard the foreigner who called Mathew said he likes KFC from our English corner.E: Wow…So is it represents the main melody of the American diet? G: What do you mean? E: I mean… do you agree with that Fast food is the typical American diet culture, it is very popular. We can draw a conclusion that the theme of the America food is fast and convenient.G: What? Can you prove that?E: Yeah…There is a question. How to prove the conclusion? I think we'd better study in a day from the Americans. So… Geogre. What's your regular meals?G: e… I have eaten a bread, two eggs and a gruel for my breakfast.E: Wow, 那可真不少G: Well, it's smaller than you, ok?E: Yeah, you get it. I'm eating more than you. So you can go on your words.G: Well, my lunch is just a bowl of noodle.E: Anything else? G: no! E: Come on, Value! We are taking the program! Please!V: Okay, may be a steamed bun. E: One?V: One! E: Okay…那么大声干嘛,震的我耳朵都疼了You eaten the noodles every day?G: Well, I would like to eaten the rice and some stir-fry.E: Wow, I get it. So what about your dinner.V: Dinner? Well, you know, we girls always eat very little for the dinner. We have to keep the body. So... may be just a gruel.E: Okay, I get it. But do you know what's the American meals?V: I don't know. So you can talk more about that.E: Ok. American breakfast is mainly about bread, milk, eggs, fruit juice, cereal, coffee, sausage, etc… Well, the lunch. As far as I know, they have fast food for lunch in working place, Usually have a sandwich, fruits, coffee, hamburgers, hot dogs, etc...And dinner is the most important of all, there are usually two dishes, such as steak, pork chops, roast pork, Fried chicken, with bread, butter, vegetables, fruits, snacks, etc… Well, there are also many people in the restaurant for E: Okay, That's all for today's program.节目监制:吴渝播音:王嵩云 王柳 周宸聿编辑:王嵩云 王柳 周宸聿制作:武晓鹏
11/21/201521 minutes, 40 seconds
Episode Artwork

Nov. 20, 2015 #Bloom in Ink# Five Balls of Life 生命中的五个球

节目组:Bloom in Ink 墨海繁花节目名称:Five Balls of Life 生命中的五个球Imagine life as a game in which you are juggling some five balls in the air. You name them work, family, health, friends and spirit and you’re keeping all of these in the air. You will soon understand that work is a rubber ball. If you drop it, it will bounce back. 想象生命是一场不停丢掷五个球于空中的游戏。这五个球分别为工作、家庭、健康、朋友和心灵,而且你很努力地掷着这五个球,不让它们落地。很快地你会了解工作是一个橡皮球。如果你不幸失手落下它,它还是会弹回来。But the other four balls family, health, friends and spirit are made of glass. If you drop one of these, they will be irrevocably scuffed, marked, nicked, damaged or even shattered. They will never be the same. You must understand that and strive for balance in your life. How?但是家庭、健康、朋友和心灵这四个球是用玻璃做成的。一旦你失手落下,它们可能会少了一角,留下无法挽回的记号、刻痕、损坏甚至碎落一地。它们将永远不会跟以前一样。你必须了解这个道理,并且为平衡你的生命而努力。但要怎么才做得到呢?Don’t undermine your worth by comparing yourself with others. It is because we are different that each of us is special.    别拿自己和他人比较,这只会降低了你原有的价值。因为我们都是独一无二的,因为我们每一个人都很特别。Don’t set your goals by what other people deem important. Only you know what is best for you.别人认为重要的事不一定是你的目标。只有你才知道什么最适合你。Don’t take for granted the things closest to your heart. Cling to them as they would be your life, for without them, life is meaningless.    不要将贴近你的心的人、事物视为理所当然的存在。你必须将他们视为你的生命一般好好地抓牢他们。没有他们,生命将失去意义。Don’t let your life slip through your fingers by living in the past or for the future. By living your life one day at a time, you live ALL the days of your life.  别让你的生命总在依恋过去种种或是寄望未来中逝去。如果你活在每个当下,你就活出了生命中的每一天。Don’t give up when you still have something to give. Nothing is really over until the moment you stop trying.  当你还能给予的时候别轻言放弃。只要你不放弃,就有无限延伸的可能。Don’t be afraid to admit that you are less than perfect. It is this fragile thread that binds us to each together.  别害怕承认你并非完美。正因如此,我们才得以藉由这脆弱的细丝紧密地串绑在一起。Don’t be afraid to encounter risks. It is by taking chances that we learn how to be brave.   别害怕遇到危险。正因如此,我们才得以藉由这些机会学习勇敢。Don’t shut love out of your life by saying it’s impossible to find. The quickest way to receive love is to give it; the fastest way to lose love is to hold it too tightly; and the best way to keep love is to give it wings.  别以爱太难作为借口而紧闭你的心扉。找到爱的最快方法就是给予你的爱;最快速失去爱的方法就是紧紧地守着你的爱不放;维持爱的最好方式就是给爱一双翅膀。Don’t run through life so fast that you forget not only where you’ve been, but also where you are going. Don’t forget, a person’s greatest emotional need is to feel appreciated.Don’t be afraid to learn. Knowledge is weightless, a treasure you can always carry easily.Don’t use time or words carelessly. Neither can be retrieved.  莫要匆忙地度过你的一生,那匆忙让你忘了曾经到过哪里,也让你忘了你要去哪里。  莫忘记,人类情感上最大的需要是感恩。  莫害怕学习。知识没有重量,它是可以随意携带的珍宝。  莫漫不经心地蹉跎光阴或口无遮拦。时间与言词两者都是一放便收不回来。 Life is not a race, but a journey to be savored each step of the way. Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is a mystery and Today is a gift: that’s why we call it‘The Present’  生命不是一场赛跑, 而是一步一个脚印的旅程。  昨天已是历史,明天还是未知,而今天则是一个上天的礼物:那就是我们为什么称它为“现在”(Present)的原因。节目监制:查蓓蕾播音:曹睿姝 魏镜滟编辑:曹睿姝 魏镜滟制作:武晓鹏
11/20/20159 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork

Nov. 15, 2015 #한류전선# 无限挑战

节目组:한류전선 韩流前线节目名称:无限挑战音乐:《Just you and me》2:听众朋友们大家好,欢迎收听voe 外语广播电台韩流前线, 我是播音张星宇。1: 오늘 하루도 잘 보내셨나요? 我是播音金池。(5s)1:요새 중국에서 한국예능을 참 많이 사들이는것 같아요. 最近韩国的综艺节目真的是火遍了中国的大江南北啊。2:맞아요, 런닝맨, 아빠어디가로 부터 우리 결혼했어요 등등, 많은 예능들을 중국어로 접할수 있게 되였어요.没错,比如“跑男”,“爸爸去哪儿”还有“我们相爱了”等等都买了韩国的版权。1:네,갈수록 예능에 대한 관심도가 높아지고 있는 추세를 보이고 있는데요, 음, 그럼 성우씨는 어떤 예능을 즐겨 보나요?大家对综艺节目的关注度越来越高了,星宇,那你喜欢看哪个综艺节目啊?2: 음.. 위에서 언급한 예능도 가끔 보긴 하는데 매주마다 챙겨보는 예능은 당연히 무한도전이죠! 恩。。刚才说到的综艺节目我偶尔也看一看,但我每周必看的节目当然是最近人气爆棚的“无限挑战”了!1: 아 역시~. 저도 즐겨보는 프로중의 하나인데요, 무한도전을 두고 사람들은 대중문화의 트렌드를 이끌어 가는 프로그램이라고 하잖아요. 我猜到了~这个节目我也很喜欢, 因为“无限挑战”这档节目带动了大众文化演变的趋势嘛。2:那么今天我们就来介绍一下比较具有代表性的韩国综艺节目——“无限挑战”怎么样啊?1:좋은 생각입니다.1:星宇,在这么多的主题当中你最喜欢什么样的主题呢?能给大家介绍一下吗?2: 我喜欢歌谣祭这个主题,가요제, 2年一举行的歌谣祭自打2007年播放的“江边北路歌谣祭”강변북로 가요제, 举行到了2015年的第五届“岭东高速公路歌谣祭”。영동고속도로 가요제.매번 음원이 공개될때마다 차트를 휩쓸고 있는 무한도전의 영향력은 가히 파격적이라 할수 있겠습니다. 每次音源公开时横扫榜单的“无限挑战”的影响力可以说是前所未有的。1:没错,가요제의 가장 큰 수혜자는 그동안 언더에서만 활동을 하고 있었던 가수분들이 아닐가 하는 생각이 들어요, 실제로 이런 가수분들은 대중들에게 한발 더 다가서는 계기가 되였죠. 我认为歌谣祭最大的受惠者是标榜独立的乐队或活动于大众文化之外的地下音乐家们,无限挑战成为了这些歌手们能够更进一步的契机。2: 이번해에 개최한 영동고속도로 가요제는 그야말로 초호화 캐스팅이였는데요, 아이유, 지디와 태양 등 내노라하는 스타가수들의 총출동이였습니다. 今年举行的“岭东高速公路歌谣祭”请来的歌手们真可谓是超豪华的,IU,GD和太阳等一线歌手们都参与了进来。1:하지만 그중에서도 대중들의 시선을 확 사로잡은 밴드가 있었습니다. 바로 밴드혁오 입니다.但是另外还有一个乐队吸引了所有人的视线,那就是hyukoh乐队。那么现在就让我们一起欣赏hyukoh的歌吧。2: 혁오(hyukoh),是2014年5月成立的4人韩国独立乐队,그들은 독특한 음악적 장르를 내세워 대중들의 귀를 사로잡았습니다.他们创作的独特的音乐类型吸引了所有人的耳朵。1: 혁오도 물론 좋았지만 저는 이번 가요제를 통해서 아이유씨의 뛰여난 작사작곡 실력을 다시한번 느끼게 되였어요.(开始播放 leon)虽然hyukoh也很不错,但令我印象最深的还是IU在歌谣祭中展现的惊人的作词作曲能力。2: 没错,和朴明秀先生相呼应的曲子leon是以电影”这个杀手不太冷“为主题创作的曲子,这首蓝调复古风的曲子真的能够让人沉醉在其中。2: 除了这次的歌谣祭以外,上次的歌谣祭当中也诞生了很多动听的名曲。其中我最喜欢的曲子是刘在石和李笛先生一起唱的“言之命至”。말하는 대로.1:저도 그곡 알아요, 我也知道那首曲子。유재석씨의 이십대시절을 담담하게 적어낸 가사는 많은 젊은 층들의 공명을 일으켰죠?.刘在石先生本人淡然的记下了20几岁时的感受后所改编而成的歌词引起了很多人的共鸣。(开始播放말하는대로)1: 어느 날 내 맘에 찾아온 작지만 놀라운 깨달음, 사실은 한 번도 미친 듯 그렇게 달려든 적이 없었다는 걸. 힘들었던 나의 시절, 나의 20대 ,멈추지 말고 쓰러지지 말고 앞만 보고 달려서 너의 길을 가는거야. 도전은 무한히, 인생은 영원히 말하는 대로. 2: 一天,来到我身边的微小却惊奇的领悟。其实我一次都没有奋不顾身过。 曾艰难的岁月,我的20岁,不要停止,不要倒下,向着我的路勇往直前。挑战是无限的,人生是永恒的言之名至2: 除此之外,非人气项目中的运动挑战,历史学习,选举投票等令人受益匪浅的活动给观众带来了更多的乐趣,并且使观众更容易接受。1: 是的,希望以后的节目也能给大家带来欢声的同时带来很多收获。并且祝愿无限挑战的收听率也越来越高。1:무한도전, 오늘 여기까지 소개하도록 할께요. 끝으로 여러분께 들려드릴 곡은 역시 무한도전의 대표 꼬꼬마 하하씨가 가요제에서 자신의 이야기를 쓴 곡 "키작은 꼬마 이야기" 입니다. 여러분들도 가사속에서처럼 키가 작지만 그래서 모든걸 우러러 볼수 있다는 마음가짐을 가질수 있길 바래요2:最后给大家带来的是无限挑战的代表矮个子小鬼哈哈先生在歌谣祭上写进了自己的故事的曲子”矮个子小鬼的故事“希望大家也能拥有正如歌词当中所说的因为个子矮所以瞻仰一切的心境。1:金池,국경절 휴식은 잘했니?前一阵子的国庆长假休息的怎么样啊?2:어휴, 말도마, 화끈하게 논것도아니고, 충분히 휴식도 못하고 엉망이야. 你可别提了,我可是休息也没休息好,玩也没玩好啊。1:怎么会没休息好呢?去旅旅游啊,여행, 放松一下心情多好啊?2:是啊,假期本来想去短途旅行来着,结果在路上整整堵了一天。最后여행就没去成。1:噢,我去的是长途旅行,坐飞机一点也不堵。2비행기를 탔다고? 어디로 갔었는데? 坐飞机啊,去哪里了啊?1:한국 韩国。2:哇 你去韩国了? 어디로 갔었는데? 都去什么地方了?1:엄청 많이 돌아다녔지! 转了好多地方呢。要不我们今天就介绍一下韩国的旅游景点吧2:좋은 생각이네~1:我先介绍一下我旅行的第一个目的地 제주도 济州岛吧。济州岛是韩国第一大岛,它是由120万年前火山活动而形成的,是一座典型的火山岛。济州岛 제주도 제주도2: 그럼 제주도에가면 어떤 재밌는 곳들이 있는데? 那济州岛上有什么好玩的地方呢?1:有很多啊,比如汉拿山,한라산, 汉拿山是韩国三大名山之一,它是韩国最高的山,在济州岛的任何一个地方都能看见汉拿山。冬天下雪的时候,这里的雪景是一级棒的。겨울에 설경이 그렇게 멋지대.2:我想起来了,还有 성산 일출봉 城山日出峰也是一个不错的去处,在这里观看日出,你可以观察到令人叹为观止的美丽和庄严,一定会让你终身难忘。城山日出峰 성산 일출봉 성산 일출봉1:说的太好了。还有泰迪熊博物馆也不错,在这里你可以见到世界各地生产的玩具熊。2:쇼핑을 좋아하는 나같은 사람한텐 면세점이 최고지. 如果你喜欢购物,那就不妨到新罗免税店 신라면세점, 去逛一逛,这里经常搞一些促销活动,你能在这里买到很多物美价廉的东西。1:是的,另外还有龙头岩,城邑民俗村,涉地可支等著名景点,언제 기회가 되여서 제주도에 가게되면 꼭 잊지마세요. 大家去济州岛绝对不要错过啊。1:我的第二站是 부산 釜山,釜山是韩国第一港口和韩国第二大城市。釜山 부산 부산 2: 그럼 수산물이 엄청 풍부하겠네?既然是韩国第一港口,那一定有很多水产品了?1:당연하지,釜山最著名的海鲜市场是札嘎其市场,这里能买到各种各样的水产海1:我的第二站是 부산 釜山,釜山是韩国第一港口和韩国第二大城市。釜山 부산 부산 2: 그럼 수산물이 엄청 풍부하겠네?既然是韩国第一港口,那一定有很多水产品了?1:당연하지,釜山最著名的海鲜市场是札嘎其市场,这里能买到各种各样的水产海鲜,新鲜那是肯定的了。海鲜 해물 해물2:성우야, 부산에 가봤으면 당연이 해운대를 가봤겠지?星宇。既然你去了釜山,那就一定去了海云台了?1:那是必须的,我们曾经介绍过海云台,海云台是釜山最具标志性的景区了。很多韩国明星都来过这里,我当然也不能错过了。听说这里的温泉还能治疗肠胃疾病呢。온천은 각종 위장질병들을 치료하기도 한대.1:그래? 그건 난 또 처음 듣네. 是吗,那倒是第一次听说过。2:另外,如果你对电影感兴趣,那就一定不要错过 부산영화제광장 釜山电影节广场。釜山电影节广场 부산영화제광장 부산영화제광장1:是的,前一阵子不是又举行过第20届釜山国际电影节吗,얼마전에 제20회 부산국제영화제가 성황리에 개막되었잖아. 这里有一条手摸大道,大道上印满了诸多影星的手印。另外釜山电影节广场也是釜山最热闹的购物区之一。영화제광장은 또한 가장 인기있는 쇼핑구역중에 하나이기도 해요.1:我的最后一站是 서울 首尔,首尔市韩国的首都,也是韩国最大的城市。首尔的景点可真是太多了。明洞。景福宫,N首尔塔,青瓦台,乐天世界。。。数都数不过来啊。首尔 서울 서울2:但我觉得最好玩的地方要属乐天世界了, 롯데월드,它是世界最大的室内主题公园。세계에서 가장 큰 테마파크잖아요. 不光有凉爽的溜冰场,巨大的散心湖,各种表演场,还有很多娱乐场所。스케이트장은 물론 놀이기구도 아주 많죠.1:그럼요, 롯데월드에는 특이한 놀이기구가 정말 많아요. 乐天世界有许多特殊的娱乐设施,比如70米自然落体和旋转探险 ,公园建议游客脱了鞋子玩游戏,可见有多么惊险。2:만약에 야경을 즐기신다면 N서울타워를 추천합니다. 엔서울타워는 세계에서 두번째로 높은 타워입니다.如果你喜欢欣赏夜景,那么你绝对不能错过N首尔塔,N首尔塔是世界第二高塔。在塔的底部,建有广场空间,不需要收取任何费用就可以在露天的广场上欣赏到整个首尔的夜景。1:金池,我考考你啊,한국에서 제일 유명한 쇼핑거리는 어디일까요?韩国最有名的购物街是哪条街啊?2:太简单了,엄청 간단하네. 当然是 명동 明洞了,这里简直就是吃喝玩乐的天堂。1:是的,这里不光可以买到各种中高档的商品,还有各种各样的餐厅。我们以前推荐过刀削面和炸猪排店。2:이번 국경절 휴식기간에 정节目监制:朴恩静播音:金池 张星宇编辑:金池 张星宇制作:闫丹丽
11/15/201521 minutes, 50 seconds
Episode Artwork

Nov. 14, 2015 #Music Bang Bang# Bryan Adams 布莱恩·亚当斯

节目组:Music Bang Bang 音乐大爆炸节目名称:Bryan Adams 布莱恩·亚当斯A:Welcome to Music Bang Bang .Glad to meet you again ,I'm your friend ArielJ: Hello everyone,I'm Jack.欢迎收听本期的music bang bang .It's time for us to share you a brilliantly singer.I believe you will be addicted to his voice.Ah,Ariel I remember you enjoy listenning the male singer's songs,right?A;Yeah ,I really love the voice which is raucity and magnetic,because once I heard its voice,it makes me feel he must be a man with abundant experience.J:Wo`I believe you will like the singer who we introduce today.Because not only he has charming voice,but also has a meaningful life.不仅如此,他还置身于慈善事业,2010年获得在纽芬兰颁发的朱诺杯人道主义奖,Can you guess who he is? Ariel.A: Certainly,I know him.He is Bryan Adams!J:Right! Let's listen his wonderful songsA: Wo~It's brilliant!我记得就是因为这首歌发布后取得了巨大的反响,于是他成为了一名国际巨星。J:Yes,because of his rock style and full of emotions way to annotate ,a number of fans fall in love with him.A:Bryan Adams,he is a famous singer born in Canada Kingston,his parents are the diplomatist in the UK. So it is a good chance to travel around the world.He has been to England ,Israel,France and Portugal.This life should be interesting and meaningful.However,He drop out of the school for his music dream.虽然年纪不大,但亚当斯已把自己所有的精力放在了音乐上,辍学后,他加入了乐队,开始在酒吧里演出。1977年,他所在的乐队Sweeney Todd发行了一张名为"If Wishes Were Horses"的专辑,并由他担任主唱。但是他的生活依然是艰苦的,他不得不经常靠打零工维持生活。可正是在温哥华的一家唱片店打工时,他遇到了Jim Vallance,并与其开始了歌曲创作。回过头来看,这次偶然相遇成就了乐坛上的一对黄金搭档,为我们奉献了"Summer Of 69" "Heaven"等多首金曲.J:He was considered to be a singer with aristocratic and free.You can find different qualities in his songs.Which because he also goods at photography and guitar.It’s obviously to see his talent.虽然他16岁就辍学追寻音乐梦想,也并没有上过音乐学院,但出于其非同寻常的天赋,他成为了上世纪90年代世界范围内最具有影响力的摇滚巨星之一,加拿大以他为荣,地球以他为荣,作为一个天王级的乐坛常青树,他的音乐值得每个人用心体会。小马王主题曲《Here I am》A:Jack,Have you ever seen the animation film? The theme music is B.A's works.It's really a good song!J:Yeah,this a unforgetful story.它讲的是一匹充满野性的不驯的小马,在它的印第安人朋友克里克的帮助和自己顽强的努力下,在那遥远的美丽的西部成为一名伟大的英雄的故事。A:It's necessary to say B.A's song really match to the film.他那沙哑又充满野性的声音真的太适合这部电影了,仿佛斯比尔特就在我面前奔跑一样!J:It's same to me .Time really flies.Program is drawing to a close,让我们在最后来聆听B.A的歌曲《Here I am》Goodbye!A:See you next week ,bye!节目监制:于慧佳播音:张婧文 刘冠辰编辑:张婧文 刘冠辰制作:王紫丞
11/14/201511 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

Nov. 13, 2015 #Bloom in Ink# what is love 爱是什么

节目组:Bloom in Ink 墨海繁花节目名称:what is love 爱是什么What is Love? 爱是什么?What is Love? The eternal question we all carry around deep within our heart. Love is the eternal search. Love is eternal when we find it. But do we really ever find it ? When we define it do we negate it? When we set limits on what we believe to be love do we begin to destroy it by hoping to understand or own it for ourselves? We offer it through all of our relationship we vary our giving, often by what we hope to receive in return. But is this really love?爱是什么?这是所有人心底一个永恒的问题。爱,是永恒的寻觅。爱一旦被找到,它也将变为永恒。但是我们真的找到过爱吗?当我们定义爱的同时,是否也在否定爱呢?在给我们所认为的爱加种种限制的同时,我们试图按自己的方式理解它,或想将其据为己有时,我们是否也在破坏它呢?我们将爱施与周围的所有人,而如何给予是由期望的回报来决定的。但这是真正的爱I recently overheard someone say in a conversation that there is no such thing as “ unconditional love .” I would have to agree, although for different reasons. Love within itself is unconditional. Anything else is only an attempt to love, a learning to get us nearer to the one true knowing of love. It may be honorable, well-intentioned, passionate and desiring, courageous and pure. It may be felt as temporary, but if lost easily it may not have been love at all. Love cannot be thwarted and often fall short of what we hope love will be. This is where we learn we are human.最近,我无意间听别人说,世上没有所谓的“无条件的爱”。在此,我不得不表示同意这一论断,尽管理由不尽相同,但爱本身确是无条件的。其他一切都仅仅是爱的一种尝试,通过它们去逐渐地理解爱的真谛。爱可能是高贵善意的,是充满热情和渴望的,是勇敢和纯洁的;爱是势不可挡的,而且,常常达不到我们的期望值。由此我们可以透察人性。Love has been experienced as a life of living poetry. Love has been experienced as being the very notes of song, uplifting and generous to the wanting ear. Love has been experienced as the final act of giving one’s life for another in battle. Love has been experienced as an endless passionate over flow of emotion in the arms of waiting lover.爱的经历就像一首鲜活灵动的诗;爱的经历就像一个个美妙动听的音符,让企盼的双耳得到振奋、满足;爱的经历就像战场上舍己救人的一幕;爱的经历就像赋予人新生的选择;爱的经历就像依偎在期盼已久的爱人臂弯时所流露出的无尽爱意。What do you do with the love granted to you each day? How many times do we deny its expression for others because we fear what our own expressions will bring? Are we not denying our creator every time we deny the expression of love?你是怎样对待每天给予你的爱的呢?有多少次由于害怕被拒绝,我们未能向他人表达爱意?在每次拒绝爱的表白之时,难道我们不是拒绝造物主的恩赐吗?Lost, empty, alone and searching. As individuals who have experienced separation or divorce, or even the loss of a loved one to death, the separation can be the most traumatic experience we live through. The heart-wrenching pain that seems to never really go away, the enormous waves that hit us daily, the times we hit the wall right after a strong and uplifting experience reminds us that we are learning. We are learning about strength, passion for our own life, about our own sincerity in our beliefs, about our loyalty to who we are, and certainly about our own genuineness. We search for that day when love will come again. We search everywhere, everyday, almost every hour.迷茫、空虚、孤独、寻觅。对于那些经历过分别、离异,甚至失去过爱人的人来说,这样的离别乃是生命中最大的伤痕。揪心的伤痛永无此境;生活中的挫折和磨难无时无刻不在提醒我们:我们正处于认知的过程中。我们正在认识自己生命的力量和激情,认识对信仰的虔诚,认识对自的忠贞,认识自己的本性。我们期待真爱重回的那一天,我们每时每刻都在每个角落寻觅。It has been said for centuries that “ love is where the eyes meet with passion, for the eyes cannot hide what the heart feels.” So we have learned to look outward for this eternal love that will fulfill us, forgetting that it must first fill our own hearts. Perhaps that is why we fall into such pain and agony and sorrow when a love affair fails. It is at that moment that we realize we did not fail the other person we expressed love to , but we have somehow not fulfilled ourselves once again. We combat failure with a misunderstood unfulfilled promise. We lade it, not knowing if we will ever find it again. The emotion tides life and fall ,crash and settle, then lift again.几个世纪以来,我们一直说:“爱就是充满激情的目光相遇,因为眼睛掩饰不住内心的真实感受”。因此,我们都学会了向外看,去寻找那份永恒的能使自己充实起来的爱,却忽略了它首先应占据我们自己心灵的领地。或许,这就是当一段恋情受挫时,我们会如此地痛苦和悲伤的原因所在。此时,我们才意识到,我们并未负于曾向我们示爱的那个人,只是我们认为它没能让我们充实、完整。我们用误解且无法兑现的承诺来抑制失败。我们失去了爱,不知是否能再次找回它。感情的潮水起伏不定,时而汹涌,时而平和,继而会再次澎湃。节目监制:查蓓蕾播音:于小雯 曹睿姝编辑:于小雯 曹睿姝制作:武晓鹏
11/13/201511 minutes, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork

Nov. 07, 2015 #日本语ドリームワークス# 动漫赏析

节目组:日本语ドリームワークス 日语梦工厂节目名称:悬崖上的金鱼公主(悬崖上的金鱼公主主题曲)A:みなさん、こんばんは,欢迎收听VOE外语广播电台,日语梦工厂,我是主播袁蕴宁。B:我是主播董玉莹A:时间过得真快啊,不知不觉又要到冬天了,我们也已经上了一个多月的课了。感觉怎么样啊?B:大学学习与高中相比更强调自主性,我的同学们早起占座积极学习的态度真是让我钦佩啊,于是我也成了占座大军的一员。(笑)哎,听说你们课业繁重,连周末都不休息,是这样吗?A:是啊,毕竟是专业需要嘛,那你课余时间都会做些什么呢?B:我嘛,一般就是看看电影、日剧、动漫什么的。A:那宫崎骏和吉卜力工作室推出长篇动画电影《崖の上のポニョ》,不知道你看过没有?B:当然啦,我可是宫崎骏的铁杆粉丝呢,况且这部电影还获得了东京动画大赏、亚洲电影大奖、日本电影学院奖呢。A:那今天我们就给大家介绍这部《悬崖上的金鱼公主》吧。B:好吧。(藤木先生的主题《悬崖上的金鱼公主》)A:海に住む,桜の子,ポニョ,ある日,クラゲに乗って家出(いえで)をし、人间の住む港(みなと)に近(ちか)づいたが、渔船(ぎょせん)の底(そこ)引き网(あみ)と海底(かいてい)のゴミにぶつかってしまい、瓶(かめ)に頭をつかえて覚れてしまう。崖(がけ)の上の一轩家(いっけんや)に住む少年・宗介(そうすけ)は海岸に打ち寄(よ)せられたポニョを见つけ、瓶(かめ)から救出(きゅうしゅつ)する。B:可想而知,波妞就是被废玻璃瓶困住的小金鱼,她是人鱼女王的女儿,波妞是在偷偷驾着水母溜出来玩的时候撞进了那个废玻璃瓶子里的,之后宗介把波妞带回了自己家里,养在了一个绿色的塑料水桶里。A:二人は互いに好意を抱(いた)くも、ポニョは、藤本によって、海に连(ず)れ戻されてしまう。しかし人间になって宗介と一绪に暮らそうとするポニョは、妹たちの力を借(か)りて父の魔法を盗(ねす)み出すと宗介の元へと戻る。B:两个人相互之间怀有好意,可对于波妞的父亲来说,波妞和人类生活在一起,这是万万不可的,于是将波妞带回海里关了起来。后来凭借波妞的妹妹们的力量,盗得了父亲的魔法,将波妞放了出来,波妞回到了宗介的身边。A:ポニョの母・グランマンマーレは、ポニョの想いを知り、古い魔法(まほう)で人间にしてやることを考える。それは、もし宗介(そうすけ)の心が揺(ゆ)らぎ失败(しっぱい)すれば、ポニョが泡(あわ)となってしまうものであった。ポニョと宗介(そうすけ)は旅(たび)の末(すえ)に、グランマンマーレの元(もと)にたどりつき、(「ポニョの正体(しょうたい)が人鱼(にんぎょ)でも好きか」「人间になることで魔法を失(うしな)ってもよいか」)という质問に答えた。宗介(そうすけ)のキスで古い魔法は成功(せいこう)し、ポニョは人间になった。B:看完电影,我感到这是一部给人以温暖,表达爱的电影,和宫崎骏以往的片子的主题是一致的呢。不仅是宗介和波妞之间纯真的爱,更是一种博爱,即人与自然的关系必须达到和谐统一。宫崎骏的动画片总是让人心里面隐隐作痛的,从熊猫家族,到龙猫,再到悬崖上的金鱼公主,那些简单的,孩子的幸福,让人觉得,其实世界就应该是那般一尘不染。 A:確かにそうだね,最後は宫(み2や)の永远(えいえん)の话题(わだい1)は「环境(かんきょう)」、彼の个人(こじん)の人间の环境破壊(はかい)にマイナスの感情(かんじょう)は、藤本(ふじもと)の口から出たが、「人间はとても邪悪(よこしま)、危険(きけん)な生物」この点(てん)については言うまでもなく、海から山のごみ、多分皆とっくに分かったと思う。B:没想到这部电影还挺有深意的,我回去一定要再看一遍重温一下当时它带给我的感动。 (插入朝日の中の旅立ち) B:接下来给大家介绍的影片是改编自英国作家玛丽·诺顿的奇幻小说《地板下的小人》,将原作舞台从1950年代的英国迁移至2010年的东京都小金井市,讲述生活在郊外房子地板下身长10厘米的14岁少女,与来此疗养的少年相识的故事。电影名叫《借东西的小人》A:那让我们来认识一下这部《借りぐらしのアリエッティ》吧A:父ポッドと母ホミリーに囲(かこ0)まれ三人で静(しず)かな暮(く1)らしを営(いとな3)む14歳の少女アリエッティ。彼らは、郊外(こうがい2)のある広大(こうだい0)な古い屋敷(や2しき)の床下(ゆかした0)に住み、一家(いっか)の生活に必要なモノを床上(ゆかうえ4)に住む二人の老婦人(ろうふじん2)に気づかれないようにこっそり借(か)りてきて暮らす、“借りぐらし”の小人(こびと0)たち。B:14岁的少女阿莉埃蒂与父母亲一家三口过着恬静的生活。他们居住在郊外一所宽敞而古老的房子地板下,一家人的生活必需品需要偷偷地到地板上的人类世界中借回来才能生活,而在此过程中不能被居住在房子里的两位老妇人发现,因此他们又被称为“借东西的小人”。A:彼らの日常(にちじょう3)には危険がいっぱい。とくに人間は要注意(ようちゅうい2)。もし見られたなら、そこから引っ越(こ)さなければならない。それが彼らの掟(おきて0)。そんなある夏の日、アリエッティは、病気療養(りょう2よう)のためにやって来た12歳の少年・翔(しょう)にその姿(すがた1)を見られてしまう。しかし、好奇心旺盛(おう2せい)なアリエッティは、父親(ちちおや0)の心配をよそに、次第(しだい1)に翔に近づこうとするのだが…。B:他们的日程生活总是充满着危险,尤其是要注意不能被人类发现。如果被人类看到了,那么就必须搬离原来生活的地方。这就是他们的戒律。某一个夏日,阿莉埃蒂被前来姨婆家养病的12岁少年翔看到了。但是,好奇心旺盛的阿莉埃蒂不顾父亲的担忧,和翔渐渐地亲近起来……A:その結果(はって0)かえってアリエッティたちの生活の基盤(きばん1)を破壊してしまい、一家は現在(げん1ざい)の住み家を捨(す3)てて移住(いじゅう0)する決断(けつだん1)を余儀(よぎ1)なくされる。そんな中、勘(かん2)だけは鋭(するど3)くて詮索(せんさく2)好きの家政婦(かせいふ)のハルが好奇心からアリエッティの母ホミリーを捕獲(ほかく2)するという事件(じけん1)が起こる。アリエッティは翔に助けを求め(もとめ2)、翔はそれに応じ(おうじ2)、二人で協力(きょうりょく2)した末に母ホミリーの救出に成功する。そして、一家が移住(いじゅう0)する当日(とうじつ2)、翔の飼(か)い猫ニーヤの引き合わせで再(ふたた0)び顔を合わせることが叶(かな)ったアリエッティと翔。互(たが0)いに言葉を交(こ)わし、そして別(わか2)れを告(つ)げる0・・・。B:一块糖一个夹子一颗心的约定,跳进他的手心站在他肩上钻进他的心里,一部明丽清新的电影,一个简单纯洁的梦,在优雅的配乐声中,宫崎骏的吉卜力工作室为我们娓娓讲述了一个关于信任、尊重与爱的故事,看完有一种从心底处升起的温馨感觉,不管他们之间是爱情,或是友情,那一句“你是我心的一部分,我不会忘记你,永远。。。。”真的很令人感动的,而最后当艾莉缇收下浆果,土著小正太咧嘴笑的样子很可爱、很令人欣慰。很感动。那么节目的最后,就让我们来享受一下来自剧中的动人歌曲,为大家推荐《Arrietty’s Song》A:感谢收听本期节目,我们下期节目再见。(歌曲《Arrietty’s Song》)节目监制:李金峰播音:袁蕴宁 董玉莹编辑:袁蕴宁 董玉莹制作:闫丹丽
11/7/201520 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

Nov. 06, 2015 #Music Bang Bang# Jason Mraz

节目组:Music Bang Bang 音乐大爆炸节目名称:Jason MrazE:hello,every one. This is music bangbang of voe station,Im your old friend Edward.S:hi,audience,Im your new friend shirley.E:shirley,make a brief introduction about yourself,让大家来认识一下你吧!S:mummmm,my name is 李紫琳,Im majored in food quality and safety.and I like music and I derive much pleasure from listening to music and singing along in my daily life.E:waoo,first,I will play a famous and wonderful music(music)S:waaoo.....E:could you tell me something about this song?S:of course,this music called 'Im yours'sang by jason mraz.Im really really familiar with it.这首歌曲在美国公告牌单曲榜上停留76周,全球销量超过810万,想必观众朋友们也认为这是一首非常好听的歌曲吧E:yes,Im yours is the first single released by jason mraz from his third studio album we sing,we dance,we steal things.through mraz's live performances of the song,it gained in popularity with fans.E:I suppose you also familiar with jason.let more audience know him.S:ok,jason mraz is an American singer-songwriter 他获得第51届格莱美“年度歌曲”提名,第52届格莱美最佳流行男歌手奖2012年开启“Tour is a four letter word”巡回演唱会。2014年12月与华语歌手林俊杰合作歌曲《I Am Alive》S:listen,it sings out my feelings, if we just try try try just to be nice then the world would be a better place for you and I 如果我们能不断地尝试,试着变得友好,那世界对于你我都将变得更加美丽E:if we just live our lives putting our differences aside oh~ that would be so beautiful to me 如果我们能平等地生活 把歧视都抛开 噢~ 那对我来说该是多么美好的事啊S:the lyrics is so beautiful,lets continue enjoy it.S:jason lives a health-conscious lifestyle and he has said that he eats mostly raw vegan foods,his vegan diet has influenced his musicE:yeeh,his character also influence his music 正在播放的wordplay文字游戏,是Jason的神曲之一。轻松的曲调,饶舌的歌词,独特的唱法以及个性化的内涵,让你在第一遍听这首歌时就觉得酣畅淋漓S:everytime,I listen jason's music,I seem fly in the sky around the world.his song always encourage me,especially,in difficult period.E:是的,媒体评论他没有绯闻,没有炒作,杰森的专辑总是如同阳光般和煦温暖,文艺范十足S:私下的他也如同他的歌一样,热爱阳光,热爱大自然,热爱生命;温暖的旋律、永远的主E:hope you always happy in the coming winter.that's all for todayS:感谢制作王泽华,感谢您的收听,byebyeE:bye节目监制:于慧佳播音:王泽华 李紫琳编辑:王泽华 李紫琳制作:王泽华
11/6/201511 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

Nov. 05, 2015 #The World Says# what affects our health in modern society

节目组:The World Says 世界说节目名称:what affects our health in modern societyV: Good evening everyone, I'm value.E: hi, dear audience, this is Elvis.G: hello, it's Georgia here.V: You know what, a study shows that our daily life is surrounded with so many electronics now. As a result, it becomes a fact that affects our health.E: yep, I really agree with that. Although I think electronics are very important to me. G: So can you guys list some facts why they do harm to our health?V: Of course, for example, trouble sleeping isn't helped by a smart phone buzzing through the night because you forgot to set it to silent and that is only the tip of the iceberg. Even if you seem to get enough sleep during the night, using bright electronics like phones, tablets, and e-readers right before bed can really mess with your body.E:对了,哈佛医学院做了一项研究,让人们连续五天在睡前阅读一本真正的书,接着换成连续5天睡前使用iPad。在iPad上阅读后人们更难以入睡。一旦他们真的睡着后,他们会经历更少的快速眼动睡眠期并因此在早晨更没精神。On a cellular level, participants who used an iPad before bed were found to have delayed the release of the sleep hormone melatonin by around 90 minutes.V: The specific kind of light given off by electronic devices confuses our internal clock by affecting the circadian pacemakers in our brains. According to PEW Research, 61 percent of Americans aged 18–29 reported keeping their cellphones next to the bed. 如果你确实在睡前需要什么学习工具,放下手机,选择像kindle之类的原始的东西吧,它不会发出光线。 G:Actually, I always do that in order not to miss updates, calls, or texts during the night.V: ha-ha~ that's you, George!E: I think it's very important for us to keep a good mood. Anger may also affect our health indeed. We must learn to suppress it.V: yes,you’re right.Being unwilling to engage in a constructive argument about something that's bothering you can wreak havoc on your health. Holding in anger increases stress, which in turn shortenslifespans. E: There is such a thing as healthy anger and it can be an effective coping mechanism. Anger is also an adaptive trait that can encourage risk-taking. On the other side, chronic anger expressed in explosive bursts is linked to high blood pressure, a weak immune system, strokes, cancer, heart disease, and digestive issues. 密歇根大学的一项研究发现抑制住怒气的夫妇比针对问题吵架的夫妇有更高的死亡率。G: WOW, that's amazing. Learning to manage anger and conflict effectively is vital to our health, but many people don't understand how to deal with their anger.V: They repressing it and effectively punishing themselves for their feelings. Psychologists say that it is not uncommon for people to experience low self-esteem because they deal with anger ineffectively—which can in turn have disastrous consequences for relationships, work performance and mental health.E:Oh my god, what's that noise?! My ears are exploded! I just want to say another factor that affects our health is noise pollution. V:Obviously, a sudden loud noise could damage your hearing, 那么每天包围我们的持续不断的噪音呢?旋转的硬盘,过往的车辆,远处的警报器,回旋的风扇——在现代社会里几乎不可能逃离噪音污染。 Every year, around 30 million Americans are exposed to dangerous levels of noise aspart of their job. But even people who don't experience occupational noise hazards suffer from second hand noise pollution.G: Hearing loss can lead to communication issues, discrimination,poor performance at work and school, loneliness, and depression.E: Low-frequency sounds can have a direct effect on health. People living in areas with elevated noise levels have correspondingly high levels of stresshormones, and the WHO has warned that noise pollution is a risk factor in developing heart disease.V: Studies have also shown that high levels of noise can badly impact young children,having a significant negative effect on cognitive performance.噪音污染也能引起高血压、失眠、呼吸困难、心血管问题、提高心率、甚至引起大脑变化。E:还有人因为工作压力大引起身体不适,其实适度工作是很重要的,并且健康的选择中包含了工作与休息的平衡。E:Hello my dear audience, welcome back to the world says from the VOE foreign language station. I'm Elvis, here is my partner, Georgia and Value.G: Good evening everyone. I'm GeorgiaV: Hi, honey, I'm Value.E: You know, George, I want to say that you are always having roses in your cheeks. Congratulations.G: Oh! Thanks! You are sweet.E: Well, pleasure~V: Wow, It's always so tired to be your partner.(无力的)E: Why? Everybody knows that I am a gentleman.V: Come on, you'd better look into the mirror.E: Oh, that's really a bad evaluation. Oh, Value, you ... you just hurt me. You are so... Oh, George help me please.V: Oh! I am so sorry for that.(夸张的)E: Well, take it easy. Okay...the routine game stop here, let’s come back to our topic.G: 你总算想起来了...(幽幽的语气)E: Well, George, know, today is a good day.(底气不足的)G:Okay...Everything in moderation, as the old adage goes.As it turns out, that couldn't be more accurate, aresearch continues to shed light on how the modern world is damaging our healthE:老话说得好,凡事都有个度。事实证明,这句话十分准确,研究正持续揭露出现代社会是如何伤害我们的健康的.We might be living longer today than our ancestors did, but the currentera isn't as health-friendly as we might think.V: So...What's hell that damaged our health?(气愤的)E: Attention to your words!G: Oh, Elvis! You know, Value, Feeling Guilty Can Damage Your HealthE: Just as you hurt me then you will be guilty, and your health will be damaged.G: Sounds like that~Well...Every January, people around the world resolve to leave their bad habits behind and embarkon a journey of self-improvement as the new year begins. Then, a few weeks later, everyone starts to feel a little guilty for not following through.E: Yep, 每年1月,全世界的人们都决心丢下他们的坏习惯并且在新年伊始时开始一场自我提升的旅程。接着,几周以后,每个人都会为没能做到而开始感到些许愧疚。G:But while a little guilt can encourage someone to make positive changes, too much guilt is a different story.E: Can you talk more about that?G:Feeling guilty isn't just unpleasant—it could be causing damage to your immune system. Researchers from Hull University found that people who felt guilty about their favorite activities had decreased levels of the antibody in their saliva.E: Wow! I get it.真没想到身体健康和愧疚感还有关联,所以...还有什么是我们需要注意的么?G: Of course! There are lots of things that we should pay attention to, such as sleeping.E: Sleeping?G: Yes. Do you know that lacking of sleeping will damage your health?E: What? I think everyone will be anxious about their health when they hear about this.G:Right.Infact, men with chronic insomnia who sleep less than six hours per night are substantially more likely to die young than normal sleepers. In one study,51.1 percent of male insomniacs were dead within 14 years, as opposed to just 9.1 percent of regular sleepers.E:也就是说有51.1%的男性失眠症患者在14年内死亡,与此相对照的是只有9.1%拥有正常睡眠的人死亡。Wow, that’s really a horrific state. G: So... you wanna stay up ever more?E: Come on. I just want to live longer.G:what are you doing value?V: I'm watching a documentary of the life of a koala. G: a koala? Wow, it's so cute! I wish someday I can go to Australia and see koalas by myself.V: yep, there are so many unique animals in Australia, such as koala, kangaroo and platypus.G: oh, platypus! they are really a kind of magical animal, It has webbed feet and a large, rubbery snout; these features appear closer to those of a duck than to those of any known mammal.V: yes, so interesting right? Australia just like the variety of animals in the country, freely and Multivariate.E: wow, sounds like Australia is a good place to visit?G: of course, Australia is a land of exceptional beauty, many of its world-renowned attractions are specific, such as the great barrier reef, ayers rock, kakadu national park, and Sydney opera house.V: but if I want to visit Australia during my vacation, should I be careful of some Cultural differences?G: oh it doesn't matter. The culture of Australia is essentially a western culture influenced by the unique geography of the Australian continent. So Australia is a Immigrant country of multiple cultures. V: oh by the way, you gay must go to Australia on your winter vocation. By then, is the summer in Australia, the most charming season in the country.E: 说了这么多,Georgia,value,你们可以详细的为我们介绍澳洲的旅游业,tourism吗?G:Tourism is an important industry for the Australian economy. In the financial year 2010/11, the tourism industry represented 2.5% of Australia's GDP at a value of approximately A $35 billion to the national economy. V:For the year ending April 2015, there was 7.1 million visitor arrivals. Wow it’s a big Digital, isn't it? Then let us introduce you some famous visitors attractive.G: ok, first you can't miss The Great Barrier Reef . The Great Barrier Reef attracts up to two million visitors every year. Careful management, which includes permits for camping and all commercial marine tourism within the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, has so far ensured that tourists have a very minimal impact on the reef.V: Uluru, Kakadu National Park and Fraser Island are major natural attractions. Another Destination is Hervey Bay . it is a popular tourist town with ample opportunities for whale watching, although there are plenty of other places along the Australian coastline to see whales. G: then you must appreciate some big cities like Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne. Nearly half the people live in Sydney and Melbourne.V: do you guys know Sydney opera house? Shopping and casinos are a major drawcard for wealthy Chinese visitors. Wine, indigenous culture and nature tourism also generate travel in Australia. G: yes, value you get the point. While Chinese go visiting mainly focus on shopping, we actually need a place to relax our tired heart.E:没错,旅游的确是为了放松自己,不过话说回来,Australia is rich in minerals and developed agriculture. You guys do want to say something about that?G:in pastoral, you can see crowds of sheep and cows everywhere. As a result, Australia is called the country riding on the sheep's back. V: animal husbandry productions and its expot play a dominate role in GDP. And Australia is the world's largest exporter of beef and wool. G: Not only that, lanolin,which has a good effect on skin moisture, cashmere ouilt, which is very soft, warm in winter and cool in summer, all of those products are extremely popular around the world.V: well, thanks for Georgia and Elvis, this is all the programs for today. G:感谢制作武晓鹏。See you next week,good bye.E:bye.节目监制:吴渝播音:王柳 王嵩云 周宸聿编辑:王柳 王嵩云 周宸聿制作:武晓鹏
11/5/201521 minutes, 8 seconds
Episode Artwork

Oct. 31, 2015 #한류전선# 새로운시작을나에게 给自己一个新的开始

节目组:한류전선 韩流前线节目名称:새로운시작을나에게 给自己一个新的开始垫乐:《爱 无限》새로운 시작을 나에게给自己一个新的开始내 머리속의 생각들은 실타래처럼 복잡하게 엉켜있었다.내가 마치 스스로 고치실을 만들어 자신을 옭아매는 누에 같다든가 혹은 거대한 숲속에서 길잃은 개미같다는 생각이 들었다. 복잡한 이 세계에 속해있는 난 그저 우두커니 서있을 수밖에.杂乱的思绪就像一堆乱麻一样缠绕着我,感觉自己像一只蛹,作茧自缚。又好像自己是一只在森林里迷路的蚂蚁,面对复杂的世界不知所措。해자의 이런 시구절이 있다. "내일부터, 행복한 사람이 될 것이다. 말을 먹이고, 장작을 패고, 세계를 떠돌아 다닐 것이다.나에겐 집 한채가 있어, 바다를 향하고 따뜻한 봄 꽃이 핀다." 나도 나 자신에게 진정한 생활을 선물하고 싶다. 하나의 "새로운" 시작말이다. 내일부터 행복한 사람이 되어야지. 고민거리, 우울한 생각 같은건 잠시 놔둔채 자유롭게, 다시 시작하는거다. 모든 나쁜 기억은 버리고 기쁜 마음만을 간직한 새로운 내가 되길 바래본다.海子说:“从明天起做个幸福的人,喂马、劈柴、周游世界。面朝大海,春暖花开。”我也想给自己享受生活。“一个新的开始。”从明天起做个快乐的人,烦恼、忧愁,全都抛掉。自由自在,每天给自己一个新的开始吧,把一切不快全都抛掉,做一个崭新的自己,一个快乐的自己,一个自由自在的自己。복잡한 고민들 앞에서 나는 언제나 새로운 시작을 갈망했다. 밑바닥부터 시작해도 좋았다. 그런것 따윈 하나도 두렵지 않으니까. 내가 진정으로 두려운건 혹시나 단단한 껍질을 깨고 나올 용기가 없을가봐. 우리는 아직 벗어나지 못한 번데기에 불과하다. 용기를 내서 그 고치실을 뚫고 나오는 자만이 나비가 되여서 날개짓을 할 수 있다. 그때의 새로운 시작이란 마치 태양처럼 눈부신 빛을 발할것이다. 하지만 그 햇살이 비칠수 있는 전제는 당연하게도 우리에게 어둠마저도 쫓아낼 수 있는 힘이 있는것이겠지.面对烦恼,我渴望一个新的开始,哪怕只是从零开始,从零开始并不可怕,可怕的是你没有勇气摆脱烦恼这个茧,我们每个人都像蛹,只有勇于冲破烦恼这层茧的人才能美丽化蝶,体验飞翔的快乐。新的开始就像崭新的太阳一样,光芒四射,当然,朝阳的升起需要你有足够的力量将黑暗驱逐。어느 노래가사속의 한구절이 참 좋았었다. "승패는 나의 호방함에 달려있어요. 아니라면 다시 시작하면 되요." 매번 마음이 복잡할때마다 그렇게 나를 위로해 왔었다. "이런것쯤은 아무것도 아니야. 그 어떤 복잡한 일도 다 해결될꺼야. 안되면 처음부터 다시 시작하면 되지". 어린날의 나는 얼마나 단순했던가. 그때는 진정한 고민이 무엇인지 미처 깨닫지 못했던것 같다. 단지 무지했었기에 고민이 없었던 것일지도 모르겠다. 시간을 되돌려 순수하던 그시절로 돌아갈수만 있다면 좋을텐데. 그때는 노래를 흥얼거리는 것만으로도 복잡한 머리속이 어느정도 정리가 되였었는데. 그 많던 고민거리들도 어느새 노래소리와 함께 저 멀리 날아가버린곤 했었는데.总喜欢一首歌里的一句话“看成败,人生豪迈,只不过是从头再来。”每次烦恼时总是安慰自己:“没什么大不了的,天大的麻烦也会解决,大不了重头再来。”想想当时的自己还真是单纯,体会不到到底什么是真正的烦恼。也许就是因为单纯,所以才没有烦恼,多希望时光能倒退,回到那个纯正的年代。以前遇到烦恼的事情听听音乐就会好很多,烦恼就会伴着音符随风而逝。现在却是没那么简单。도연명의 시구절이 항상 머리속에 맴돈다. "동쪽 울 밑에서 국화를 꺾어 들고, 멀리 남산을 바라본다" 우리 맘속엔 언제나 고요한 공간이 남아있다. 어디에도 오염되지 않은 오직 나에게만 속해있는 곳. 그곳엔 걱정따윈 없는 기쁨만이, 속박따위가 아닌 자유만이, 이 세계에 "속"해있는 내가 아닌 오롯이 나만을 바라볼수 있는 초연함만이 존재한다. 언젠가 가장 평온할 때에야 비로소 진정한 자신을 마주할수 있을런지. 그때가 되면 나는 아주 가볍게 기쁘게 말할수 있을것이다. 오직 나에게만 속해있는 이 세계에서, 이 곳에서 나는 행복하다고.总是不忘陶渊明的诗句:“采菊东篱下,悠然见南山。” 我们的心中总会有那么一片净土,一片只属于我的净土。在那里,只有快乐,没有烦恼;只有自由,没有束缚;只有真正的我自己,没有隶属于这个世界的我。也许只有在最平静的时候才能够真正的认识自己,才能找回真正的自己。那个时候,我会是轻松的,自由的,快乐的。我在那片这个世界上唯一属于我,也只属于我的净土上是幸福的。插曲:《雨伞》매일매일은 새로운 시작입니다. 살아가면서 늘 개인 날만을 기대할수는 없습니다. 과거를 포용하고 미래를 받아들인다면 당신의 인생은 더욱 아름답지 않을가요. 마치 피어나는 봄처럼 말입니다. 每天都是一个新的开始,生命亦非只有一处灿烂辉煌。包容过去,融通未来,创造人生新的春天,你的人生将会更加明媚和迷人,就如绽放的春天。最后为大家送一首歌, younha 唱的"第22条路"。正在走向哪里 可以走向哪里 随着时光流逝 却不知何去何从的朋友们 希望可以找到目标 走在自己的第二十二条路上 那么 亲爱的朋友们 我们下期再见 다음에 만나요.垫乐:《22条路》节目监制:朴恩静播音:张星宇 金池编辑:张星宇 金池制作:闫丹丽
10/31/201511 minutes, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork

Oct. 30, 2015 #Music Bang Bang# 2015 44th billboard TOP15&All Hallow's Day&Lily Allen

节目组:Music Bang Bang 音乐大爆炸节目名称:2015 44th billboard TOP15&All Hallow's Day&Lily Allen 1. Hills -The Weeknd2. Hotline bling-Drake3. What do you mean-Justin Bieber4. 679-Fetty Wap5. Stiches-Shawn Mendes6. Wildest Dreams-Taylor Swift7. Can’t Feel My Face-The weeknd8. Locked away -R.City feat.Adam Levine9. Watch Me –Silento10. Good For you-Selina Gomez11. Lean on-Major Lazer,DJ snake12. Downtown-Macklemore&Ryan Lewis13. Jumpman-Drake&Future14. Cheerleader-Omi15. Hit The Quan -@iheartTop 3 is very stable staying where they used to.And this week is Candian’s harvest again!Four Canadians in the top5 theother non-Canadian is a black.What’s wrong with you Americans?Beside,the rank dominater leading by Drake,who is taking 13of 100 on the Hot 100 which made chinese followers saying:”Drake随便写几句,叨咕几句就能上榜。“除Drake之外Billboard的宠儿还有Fetty Wap(7)The Weeknd(3)The Big Three take the one fifth place on billboard .What a poplarityNext let me introduce some in detail1.Hotline bling.-Drake. Two word expresion:有毒。Repeated lyrics, background Music which is slow and lazy..If you don’t like it when you first heard it.May be some of you guys think”why on earth does this normal song get its high place?Don’t be Rush to make that comment after a few times of replay.You will find this song have kinda of poison that make you wanna listen it over and over..This song is widely considered as Drake wrote for Nicki Manaj,something happened in their relationship,but nobody know what is turely.2.Stiches-Shawn Mendes.“Shawn Mendes” is a Canadian singer-songwriter. He attracted a following in 2013, when he began posting song covers on the popular video sharing application Vine. The following year, he caught the attention of artist manager Andrew Gertler and Island Records A&R Ziggy Chareton which led to him signing a deal with the record label.Mendes went on to release his debut single "Life of the Party", which become successful in his native Canada. Following the release of his first single, he has released both an EP and a studio album, and has headlined a solo tour.This song is really astonishing.If you are interested you can see t he MV of stiches online.这段MV 被中国网友戏称为[世界花式碰瓷锦标赛冠军比赛回放]So I recommand you guys to focus on this new star,cause he can be shine in the future.So this is today’s program hope you guys like it(First Edition)S:The new semester is begin! Gald to meet you all again. Sunny is back!E: Edward is coming too. Nice to see you~S: And another thing makes me even more excited, can you guess what it is.E: Let me think… Oh,it is All Hallow's Day. The Halloween is coming!S:Yeah, I just can't wait! Halloween is a traditional festival in western countries. This night is one of the most "haunted" in the night, so it is called "halloween". E: Also,Halloween is one of the most attractive festival among children.Because they can wear costumes,masks,and from door to door to collect candies.S: That's great! Let me show you the magical Halloween now.插曲:《Halloween》S: Edward,I'm a little scared. The coversation between the little girl and the bad guy is full of fear and mystery.E: Haha… That's real Halloween.But,don't worry.Listen,the melody has changed.The scary atmosphere has gone and it turned bright.S:How strange! I can't believe that a song has two styles. The beginning is mysterious,but the girl 's voice is without fear later. On the contrary,it is sweet and happy.E:That's a fact.This is why the song called Halloween is so popular.S:Absolutely, it is so hot.Let's continue to enjoy it.插曲:《This is Halloween》E:Hey,Sunny.A more terrible songThis is Halloween came,I'm really exciting.S: Oh ,no. You are a bad guy. why not try a light song.E: I think this kind of muic matches Halloween well.and you can try to understand the real meaning of it.S: Alright. I just try to taste.I can not believe the singer is a man with a girl's dress! Marilyn Manson is almist abnormal.E:Marilyn Manson, formerly known as Hugh Warner Brian, was born in the midwestern state of Ohio.The cause of his character was his grandfather,I think. When he is a child,he find that his grandfather likes girl's dress.S:Oh my god.That's unbelievable. The influence of family scared me.E:Yes,but any way,this song is suitful to Haloween.插曲:《Knock Knock trick or treat》S:Edward, let me show you a cute song—Knock Knock Trick or treat. It is a kind of children song and I want to ease the feaful atmosphere.E: Haha… And I hope all my dear audience keep youny forever.S:That's great! My dear audience,I wish you a happy and meaningful Halloween. The most important point is that I want this song can bring you a good mood.Maybe,you haven't spended a day even an hour enjoying this kind of children's festival for a long time. It doesn't matter. This time,I will take you to your childhood.E: What are you waiting for? let's dance and have fun.L:Welcome to music bang bang,I’m Lampson.A:I’m August.It’s our time to share all of you an excellent singer…hope you like her.欢迎收听本期music bang bang节目,在上一期我们介绍了大众偶像贾斯汀比伯,那么本期我们介绍的这位相信许多人也会喜欢上她的。L:Yeah,She is not just a singer,but also a talent talk show host…August,what would you like to say when referred to a talk show host?Y:Well,first,I would think that it must be a knowledgeable and funny man like David Michael Letterman…L:Maybe he is much older , today’s leading role is a young and pretty girl.大卫莱特曼的确是一个出色的脱口秀主持人,不过本期我们介绍的这位在相比之下要比他年轻许多,她可是一位年轻漂亮的美女。Y:Of course,and I’m a fan of her.L:That sounds great.Can we announce her name now?Y:I can’t wait anymore…She is Lily Allen!插曲:《Our Time》L:Lily Allen,a famous singer-composer,was born in a performing family in London,her parents worked for film-making.She first performed when she was only three years old. And when she was fifteen,she left school and studied by herself. Lily Allen 1985年出生于伦敦的一个演艺家庭,她的父亲是一名演员,她的母亲是一名电影制作人,3岁时,她在一个电视节目The comic strip presents亮相,15岁时,她离开了学校,开始自我进修。A:She doesn’t care much about her dressing,even herappearance.However,she do have a good temperament,and she really works hard in order to give us better works.At the beginning of this year,she was nominated for the Best Female Singer of UK in Brit Awards. 作为演艺人物,莉莉•艾伦不在意身材,不在意仪表,她有着演艺家庭里出生的孩子所必备的好气质,2015年1月16日,第35届全英音乐奖揭晓全部奖项的提名名单,莉莉•艾伦获得最佳英国女歌手奖提名。插曲:《air balloon》A: "Air Balloon" was premiered on BBC Radio 1 on 13th January 2014 and was released on 2nd March 2014, as the second single from Allen's third studio album, Sheezus . Allen wrote the song in collaboration with Shellback, who has also worked for Taylor Swift and One Direction. “Air Balloon” 歌曲曲风轻快、欢乐。歌曲MV中的Lily Allen更是活泼、俏皮。Allen与Shellback共同完成歌曲的制作。L:the song received positive reviews from music critics, who praised the song for being catchy, although some criticised its similarity to that of the work of other artists.这首歌曲在刚发布的时候便得到了高度的专业认可,所以听众朋友们也赶紧把它收藏到自己的歌单里吧!插曲:《littlest things》A:After obtaining success with first two singles, "Smile" and "LDN", Allen decided to promote the album by releasing "Littlest Things". The song was composed in New York, where Allen travelled after she had met producer Mark Ronson when at lunch with her then boyfriend. 这首Littlest things收录在2006年她的首张唱片之中,这首歌曲的创作背景缘于一次和制作人共同吃饭的时候。L: She told him she was a singer and gave him a copy of her demo CD. He was impressed by her song "Smile" and asked her to work together. Mark Ronson十分欣赏Allen,便开始决定与她进行合作,也就成就了这一首非常好听的歌曲。插曲:《smile》A:This is an very energetic song,I like it very much. the song was released as the lead mainstream single of the album in July 2006. 她的单曲《Smile》于2006年7月在英国单曲排行榜排第一位。在2007年,她的专辑《Alright,Still》曾获提名全英音乐奖“最佳专辑奖”。2008年,此专辑亦获得第50届格莱美奖“最佳另类音乐专辑”提名。L:the song has a silky verse melody that just barely conceals allen’s spite while it sounds like she's singing about how ice cream or puppies or being in love makes her smile.甜美的曲风令人陶醉其中,这也是歌曲大获成功的重要原因。插曲:《somewhere only we know》L:好了,本期music bang bang节目到此就要结束了,goodbye everyone!A:See you next time!bye!节目监制:于慧佳播音: 于慧佳 刘仁邦 冯媛 王紫丞 王泽华编辑:刘仁邦 王紫丞制作:王紫丞 王泽华
10/30/201537 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

Oct. 29, 2015 #Screen Age# Mission Impossible:Rogue Nation 碟中谍5:神秘国度

节目组:Screen Age 荧屏时代节目名称:Mission Impossible:Rogue Nation 碟中谍5:神秘国度E:Hi, dear audience. Welcome back to the Screen Age. I’m your old friend Elisabeth. It’s very nice to see you again. Now let’s meet another old friend Pearl.P: Hi, I’m Pearl. Did you enjoy your good holiday? There will be new atmosphere in the new semester. So we will bring you more enjoyment on movie. Just expect it!E: Great! There must be more adventure in the Screen Age! Now let us meet our new friend Pyro. Pyro, introduce yourself please.O: Hello, everybody. I’m pyro. It’s my pleasure to meet you here. Movies are one of my favorites. Let me show you something special this year. Counting on me please!P: Ha ha, enjoy yourself in the program, Pyro.E: Exactly, let’s give our audience more visual feast.P/O: Of course.插曲:《light the fuse》E: Don’t you feel familiar with this song? O: Of course. It’s a symbolic song in the movie mission impossible. We can hear it at the beginning. Also in tense and exciting moment.这首歌绝对是碟中谍系列电影经典歌曲P: Oh, really. Even every moment the TV program want to tense audience, they may use this classical song to attend their purpose.E: Yeah, it’s really a tense song. Once I hear it, I will think of Tom Cruise dashing face. Ha, of course he is over 50 years old. But this does not stop us from enjoying his fight scene and adore his handsome face.P: But I have never seen this movie. Although I have seen the first to the forth. Have you seen it, Pyro?O: Yep, but I saw it at home. I know Elisabeth saw it in the cinema? How exciting!E: Ah ha, although it is 2D film, I saw it in IMAX. So it’s really a visual feast. P: Oh, come on. Don’t beat me. Tell me something about the story.快让我也了解碟中谍系列这部最新的大片E: Ok. Don’t worry. Our audience must want to know abut this new movie in this series. 下面让我带领大家领略这部谍战大片。IMF agent Ethan Hunt is looking for a group of rogue agents known as the Syndicate. When Ethan foils one of their operations, they capture him. Ethan escapes because one of them, a woman, helped him. Ethan then contacts Brandt but Brandt tells him that IMF has been shut down. So Ethan goes out and tries to find them on his own. P: Sounds exciting. So does he make it?O: Of course. Months later Brandt and Benji are working at the CIA under the man who shut down IMF, Hunley. Benji gets a trip to Vienna and when he goes he meets Ethan. They attend an opera wherein the Chancellor attends. Ethan sees that someone is about to shoot the Chancellor but he stops him but he sees the woman who helped him there too and with a gun too but she helps Ethan.P:Oh, and what happens next?E: And the the Chancellor is evacuated but when he gets in his car it explodes. The woman who says he name is Ilsa tells Ethan who the leader of the syndicate is and Ethan lets her go. Ethan then goes to try and find him. Hunley upon learning if what happened in Vienna and thinking Ethan is involved tells Brandt to get him.插曲:《Kremlin With Anticipation》P:How brilliant. Tom Cruise did a great job in this movie as usual. But I have never seen his other movies. O: Maybe I don’t know too much about him but I thought there can’t be anyone around me who know Cruise better, for Elizabeth is his big fan.P: Wow, really. I thought you like Hugh Jackman.E: That is true, however, I became one of the Cruisers since I watched the movie Mission: Impossible when I was 10! As He showed himself on the screen, I almost had a crush on him! One word – handsome! That was much ahead of I knew Hugh Jackman.O: Undeniable, he is the “pretty boy” for girls, and his fans call themselves Cruisers but what makes him real popular and successful is his first-class acting skill.E: Exactly, born in New York, the Us, and raised in a family full of hardships, he doesn’t get to much gift on performance, yet , that gave Tom Cruise his own secret, spirits of studying intensivel, persistent ang unyielding, for his finally success as the men who has been nominated for three Academy Awards and has won three Golden Globe Awards. O: Well, how about the Aquarius? You know my birth is on February.E: So…Aquarius? Oh come on, I’m not a astrologer. After all, even Tom Cruise ever said” I’m passionate about learning. I’m passionate about life.” Therefore you should focus on your major subject instead of considering which star can brings you good luck. Just practice more!O: Practicing…You mean like Tom in his movie Edge of tomorrow?E: Well, sort of. I like that movie too.P: Wait, so edge of what… is also Cruise’s movie? What is it about?O: Edge of tomorrow. It tells a story that the world in future gets into a panic because of the invading of aliens, and colonel Cadge, portrayed by Tom Cruise, is miss-sending to the war with team-G to pretending the aliens which endows him the ability of resetting time after his dead. With this amazing ability, Cadge chastens himself by died every day and finally leading team-G win the war against the aliens.P: So it kind like the movie Mission: Impossible V’s end, Cruise leads his special team to the ultima victory?O: Right and I thought here comes the key word for today: team.P: Absolutely, teamwork is so important. A team means a group of people who not only do something together, but also are about each others more like a family, as the letter T stands for “together”, E for “equality” and A for associate…O: And M is for the word “mate”!P. You got it. Look like the fast and the furious, Inception, and the Italian Job, all of them show how crucial of being unite together for people who try to achieve their great goal. Even for the super heroes, The avengers or X-men or Guardians of the Galaxy, they also need to be like a truly team.插曲:《Moon India》P: I&`&m not a fan of Tom Cruise as a person and that sometimes influences my opinion on a film. Even with this point in the back of my mind I must say that Tom Cruise still got it.E: Oh, really? I’m a big fan of him. I have been seeing Mission Impossible for many years. I like the forth most.O: I know, I know. 名字叫做幽灵协议。I like the scene when he climb the glass window outside Khalifa tower which is the highest building in Dubai even in the world. How exciting the scene is!P: He&`&s a fantastic actor who doesn&`&t even chose to have a stunt double in Mission impossible 4. I couldn&`&t even think of trying any of these. Now according the main film. You may think it&`&s going to be just like all the other action movies and all the other Mission: Impossible parts.E: No no no, of course not. Each new part of the series gets even more spectacular: the equipment is beyond imagination, the locations are mind blowing, the secret plans are super clever, the characters are cool and smart.P: Also the trailer was so good that I just wanted to see this at the theatres. I haven&`&t seen any MI film at the theatres and this was definitely a great decision. O: I have never seen these movies in the cinema as well. How about you Elisabeth?E: I have seen the forth one in theatre. What impress me most is Tom Cruise climb outside the building. And I should give a high appraise to dazzled high-tech and tense, exciting, twists and turns plot.P: I can’t agree more, but what scratch your eyes in MI5?插曲:《今夜无人入眠》O: This is a classical opera sung by the most famous tenor Luciano Pavarotti.P:我知道这首歌,这是帕瓦罗蒂的经典曲目《今夜无人入眠》。这是根据童话故事改编的歌剧《图兰朵》中最经典的一段。E:Oh, really. I know the song but I didn’t know much about it.O: Isn’t it a famous scene when heroine want to kill the president of Austria who is see the opera in the opera house?E: Yes, this is the song they act about.P: I like this song very much, it’s must be a lightspot in MI5. So is there any breathtaking scene?E: You know we stated in an interview that it was his intention to do the stunt hanging onto the Airbus A400M in a way to outdo himself after the Burj Khalifa climb stunt in the previous film. However, his idea raised objections by the crew due to safety. Being a certified pilot himself, he wanted to get the feel of being out on the wing or on the side of the airplane.O: By the way major obstacle to filming would be bird strikes and wind resistance on the runway. To capture the action, a wind-resistant custom frame for the camera was built and mounted onto the left wing of the plane.E: The other major problem would be keeping Cruise&`&s eyes open in the presence of fast wind and runway particles, so his eye specialist designed a special lens that can cover the entire eyeball. Eight takes of the stunt were filmed.P: You mean eight takes when fly in the 1500 meters high in the sky. Oh, how dedicated Tom is! I know the directorwas very concerned that the actor might panic suddenly, but was assured by Cruise to not stop filming until the stunt had been finished.O: But he was struck in the body by a small pebble while filming one of the takes hanging from the plane. Cruise claimed that the impact hurt so badly he was certain he had been badly injured and was afraid to look once the take was over. Fortunately the pebble merely embedded in his clothing and he was amazed by how small it was.P: How dedicated Tom is. So, how do other people think about this fantastic film?O: Just look at this part which is written by a young people in Australia. Where to begin? The film possible contains the biggest, and possibly best, story out if all the other installments. It is fascinatingly complex and dynamic – moving from country to country, dealing with characters who have questionable allegiances – all on top of Ethan Hunt trying to outrun the CIA while trying to get to the bottom of what the Syndicate really wants. It may seem like a lot, but the script is really well structured and paced. Even though the film does take a few liberties with how some of its characters will ultimately act in the end, the plot isn&`&t nearly as predictable as one would make it out to be. Writer/director Christopher McQuarrie also manages to squeeze in some surprisingly silly moments at the most random of moments.E: How about this one? The action scenes in this film are also some of the best in this franchise. Soon after showing Ethan Hunt take off on the side of an airbus, the film kicks it into overdrive and delivers an adrenaline rush packed with really well done car chases, okay hand-to-hand combat scenes (they&`&re kind of choppy), and one very suspenseful, pulse-pounding scene involving multiple snipers. McQuarrie&`&s direction over the editing of these sequences is incredibly nuanced – so much so that I found myself repeatedly leaning over the edge of my seat with excitement.P: But I think people who weren&`&t fans of the cheese factor (forced romances, convenient gadgets, and the overuse of face masks) of the previous films would be glad to know that it&`&s been done away with in this film. And for people fearing that this is a film that takes itself too seriously, let me be one of the first to say: it doesn&`&t. One may draw parallels between the events that have happened in this film to some of the recent events in our world, but I see it as a clever way for the franchise to keep up with our times.节目监制:高佳宁播音:刘思媛 王敏 刘逸超编辑:刘思媛制作:张巧玉
10/29/201525 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

Oct. 24, 2015 #日本语ドリームワークス# 日本人の一生

节目组:日本语ドリームワークス 日语梦工厂节目名称:日本人の一生 日本人的一生A:皆さん、こんばんはB:こんばんはA:  私ででですB: 私白ですA:白チャン,人の一生は長いか、それとも短いか。どう思いますが。B:ええど、虫に比べてずっど長いですが、木に比べると短いですね。A:ええ、そうです。人のいっしょはいろいろなことをすることができます。国によって人の一生は同じではない。では、私たちはみんなに日本人の一生を紹介します。 人的一生能够做许多的事情,由于国家的不同人的一生也不尽相同,接下来我们为大家介绍日本人的一生。 B:はい、人生80年。男は28歳、女26歳で結婚し、結婚して2、3年の間子供を1人か2人作り、こともが成長して結婚するのが男女とも50代後半。60歳か65歳ぐらいで夫は仕事をやめ、そのあとは夫婦だけの老後を送る。 人生80年。男性28岁,女性25岁的时候结婚,婚后两三年生下一个或两个孩子,等孩子长大结婚时,父母已经是五十好几岁了。六十或65岁左右时丈夫退休,然后夫妻俩人携手共度晚年。A:はい、これは大体現代の日本人の大まかなライフスタイルでありますね。1950年代後半の経済成長時代には、外国人からエコノミック、アニマルと評価されたように、仕事に打ち込むにはある程度、家庭を犠牲(ぎせい)にもかまわないと考えるモーレツ型(かた)がサラリーマンの主流だったが、現在ではこじん生活を大切にしたい、自分の興味にある暮らした方をしたいとする マイホーム型 が多数(だすう)を占めているB: 这大概就是现代日本人的大致生活模式。在二十世纪五十年代后半期的经济成长期,正如外国人品论的经济动物那样,为求专心工作而觉得在某种程度上牺牲家庭也无所谓的拼命型成了工薪族的主流,然而现在重视个人生活的以自己兴趣生活的家庭至上型则占了多数。A:その家庭での中心は、やはり子供である。3歳と5歳の男の子、3歳と7歳の女の子の祝いである11月15日の七五三(しちごさん)のほかに三日の年、3月3日の桃の節句(せっく)には女の子の、5月5日の端午(たんご)の節句には男の子の、無事な成長を祝う。 是的 家庭的中心仍然是孩子。除了11月15日七三五节有祝福3岁和五岁的男孩,3岁和7岁的女孩的仪式外,每年3月3日的桃花节,5月5日的端午节,都是祈求祝福孩子平安成长的节日B:日本は高学歴社会で、大学へも二人に一人の割合で進学している。こういう高学歴社会を反映して、多くの親は子供を少しでもいい学校へ入れようと、小学生のころから塾か通いをされる。その費用は親にとっては痛い問題だ。 日本是高学历社会,两个人中就有一个能够进入大学。在这样的高学历社会的影响下,家长为了让孩子入一个好的学校,从小学就开始让孩子去补习班上课。像这样的费用对家长而言也是一个痛疼的问题。A:子供が20歳になって成人式を终えると、一応、親の責任を果たしたになる。ようやく夫婦二人して、趣味に生きたり、旅行を楽しんだりして生きるというのが、日本人の一生の理想の姿ある。孩子到了二十岁举行过成人仪式后母的责任大致就算完成了。终于渐渐地夫妇俩懂得在生活中从事有兴趣的活动 或是外出旅游度过余生,这就是日本人一生的理想写照。B:但也有的年轻人20岁以后还是要依靠父母的补助,甚至有不少年轻人连结婚的费用也要依赖父母。就这一现状来看父母想要从孩子处获得解放恐怕要等到孩子就业,结婚,有自己的家庭之后,但此时才惊觉丈夫的退休迫在眉睫,而孩子们则尽情的享受自己的生活,并不太关心父母的事情,便变得有些寂寞。A:这与中国的父母相似,中国的父母等到退休后大多也不会为自己而生活。选择继续为儿女分忧,帮儿女照顾孩子,一辈子也没有自己的时间。苦労ですね。B:親のおかげで、私たちは毎日楽しんで生活できて、親を大切してくださいA:节目得最后我们感谢一下技术部的同学B:はい、今日の放送はこれで終わると思います、みんな来週 また。A:じゃ、みんなさようなら B:さようなら节目监制:李金峰播音:吕春洁 王婷婷编辑:吕春洁 王婷婷制作:闫丹丽
10/25/201511 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

Oct. 23, 2015 #The World Says# 德国,美国和韩国的美食

节目组:The World Says 世界说节目名称:The Cates of German,America and South Korea 德国,美国和韩国的美食G: hello, my dear audience, welcome to today’s the world says. I&`&m Georgia E: hello, I&`& m Elvis。V: I&`&m valueV: hello everyone! Welcome back to the world says! It&`&s value here.E: Hello , this is Elvis here. G: Elvis, value, today we will talk about the cate in three different countries . The united states, south Korea and German. First let’s come to German. How do you guys think German? E: um… of course is beer .when people speak of German, the Germany beer appears to my mind at once.V: I’m a super football fans, I like Bayern Munich.1: wow, seems like you guys know German very well. Now we will discuss sausage and beer. Do you know there are more than 1500 sorts of sausage in German, and on The restaurant menu, intestines also account for the absolute superiority, sausage salad, agriculture type of sausage, Bavarian white, Frankfurt sausage, black pudding, Nuremberg sausage..., etc. Plenty of flavor characteristics around and around.V: wow, then what about the history of the sausage?E: Munster all sorts of stall in the square, where selling Fried sausages, is a very lucrative business, as long as the weather isn&`&t too bad, there is always filled with people. Just opened in the morning, buy sausage bread is nearby workers to work, mostly in tooling and sausage boss chat over dinner, they are there to repeat;V:then what will happen.G:With the increase of the sun, the man who bought sausage is also more and more, having their own food and bought for their families to eat .Day to noon, Munster square market is about to end, is the top of the sausage business, several sausages lined up front, both tourists and locals, procurement, after visiting and hungery., 1.80 Euros a bread and sausage to go Fried Onions, delicious, simple, full, ate and appreciate the humanities landscape around the munster square, rich cultural history unique feeling! V:And it also comes with a thick national ethnic customs and cuisine culture.E: Germans are worthy of the name "large pieces of meat and drank deeply" national drinking beer - eat pork. News reports, according to world luxury German pork consumption of 65 kilograms per person per year, the highest in the world. V:wow that’s amazing G: of course . Due to the preference of pork, most famous dish is pork products in Germany. Germany&`&s food one of the most famous sausage, sausage and ham. There were at least more than 1500 types of sausage they made, and are all pork products. E: One of the most famous "in the black forest ham" sold to all over the world, can be sliced as thin as paper, taste very fragrant. G: Germany&`&s national dish is covered sour cabbage with all kinds of sausage and ham. Sometimes a whole pig hind legs instead of sausage and ham. It can cooked a whole pig leg, V: now I want to know some tips of eating sausage.E: In the German, eating sausage have bread with matching. German bread powder, fine powder mixed with grains together maslin, taste good.G: well, the sausage comes to an end.V: hello everyone! Welcome back to the world says! It&`&s value here.E: Hello , this is Elvis.V: As we’ve just learnt something about German food. I can’t wait to have a taste. However, very disappointing, Germany is too far away from us and its food can’t be very cheap. I suggest that we move our line of sight to Asian countries. For example, South Korea.那么说起韩国美食,你们首先想到的是什么呢?G: Absolutely Kimchi!V: Yeah, that’s true. Speaking of south Korean dishes, what we first think of is kimchi. Kimchi is a Korean pickle or Korea pickle&`&s nickname, can also be called South Korea pickle, northeast China is called "fresh ethnic mix vegetables". So we called it "kimchi" is not correct indeed.G: sounds like 咸菜 in China. They’re very alike! do u know what is the difference between two of them? V:Well, Actually "kimchi" refers to the partial provinces and cities in southwest China region by the popular a kind of lactic acid bacteria in fermented food, has the obvious difference with Korean pickle in the production process, the emphasis on a "bubble". E: aye, I get it. so for two kinds of food. there should be the difference.V:yes, it is. Do u know that kimchi can be benefit to our health. What have u learnt?G:嗯,我了解到腌制成熟的泡菜每克含有一亿个左右的乳酸菌,最高能达到相同重量乳酸的四倍。乳酸菌不仅对肠道有好处,还能给泡菜带来抗菌性。E: WOW, that&`&s cool.V:really. Survived severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) epidemic in Asia, South Korea, people think that is a function of kimchi, kimchi so won popularity in the whole east Asian region.and Pickled vegetables also contain rich vitamin A and C, calcium, phosphorus, iron and other minerals, and the fiber can also help food and digestive enzyme good fusion, improve digestion and absorption, had A good effect to prevent constipation and colon cancer.G: 由此可见,适当的吃一些泡菜还是很好的。另外,小吃街有一家韩国菜叫吗哪还是很好吃的,建议大家有机会去试一试啊。Elvis: Okay, girls, we have discussed for a long time…Wow(打哈欠), I feel just a little tired, and you?V: Oh…come on.我是一个有节操的播音员,才不会在节目里打哈欠E: Well, we talked much about the food, then it makes me feel very hungry! 我强烈建议boss在晚上录音之前给咱们加餐!V: Okay, you can you up, no can no bebe.E: Well, let’s pay attention to the next item. Then we&`&ll talk about a new country&`&s food…V:(抢)切,还不是怂啦。E: Okay, my dear audience, tonight , we not only talked about the Korean customs and food, but also compared the diet differences between Germany and China. Then it&`&s American time.V: So you want to talk about the American food?E: Yeah…Refer to the American food, what&`&s your first thought, Value?V: Well...the KFC? And ...the McDonald&`&s… there are so many fast food restaurants in China. Do you like it? Such as hamburgers and French fries and so on.E: Yep. Although hamburgers and French fries are called junk food, I like them very much. Fast food is the typical American diet culture, it is very popular. As we all know, the theme of America food is fast and convenient.V: Can you speak more details? What do they often eat every day?E: Of course. American breakfast is mainly about bread, milk, eggs, fruit juice, cereal, coffee, sausage, etc…V: As far as I know, they have fast food for lunch in working place, Usually have a sandwich, fruits, coffee, hamburgers, hot dogs, etc...E: And dinner is the most important of all, there are usually two dishes, such as steak, pork chops, roast pork, Fried chicken, with bread, butter, vegetables, fruits, snacks, etc…V:Well, there are also many people in the restaurant for dinner.E: What’s your point of the American food , Georgia?G: 说到这个,我可是知道好多呢。Americans like to eat sweet and sour fish, sweet and sour pork, Fried, Fried beef steak, Fried pork, Fried chicken, Fried chickens and other meat dishes, love with iced water, mineral water, Coca-Cola, beer, whisky, brandy and other drinks, like to add ice drink, In contrast to the Chinese, they don&`&t like to drink tea.E: Wow… 你知道得比我都多,应该让你来介绍美国。。。那说了这么多,你们有感受到中美饮食文化得差异吗?V: Of course! I have found that there are lots of differences between America and China.E: For example?V: Americans like meals a day, 每餐适量, but the Chinese traditional diet habit is have three meals a day. G: Yep, many Chinese people used to buying fresh food daily cooking, but Americans tend to be one-time purchase a week of food stored in the refrigerator.E: 确实,许多中国人习惯每日购买新鲜食品烹饪;美国人往往一次性购买一周的食品贮存在冰箱里,每日食用冷冻食品。V: And Americans have a dinner party without waste. 中国许多家庭逢年过节时菜肴特别多,应酬也特别多。而美国人宴客或过节,从不铺张,连总统宴请外国元首也是五菜一羹,更不劝酒。E: Wow, tonight we learned much about the food culture, so what&`&s your feeling now?V and G: Very very hungry!E: Yep, me too. E:So I think it&`&s time to say goodbye to our dear audience. Right?V: Yeah…Well, that&`&s all for today&`&s program. Thanks for listening, goodbye~E: Bye. G: Bye.节目监制:吴渝播音:王柳 王嵩云 周宸聿编辑:王柳 王嵩云 周宸聿制作:武晓鹏
10/24/201510 minutes, 19 seconds
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Oct. 22, 2015 #Music Bang Bang# Justin Bieber 贾斯汀 · 比伯

节目组:Music Bang Bang 音乐大爆炸节目名称:Justin Bieber 贾斯汀 · 比伯插曲:《Boyfriend》L:Hi,everyone,welcome to music bang bang, I’m your new friend,Lampson.R:I’m Rita, we are pretty excited here about introducing a young popstar to you.各位听众晚上好,今天我们将介绍一位年轻的歌手,通过接下来的描述,相信你们的心中应该能有答案了。L:As we all know,he is a real idol of many young people.His sunny smiles and bright eyes make lots of fans get crazy about him.他是众多年轻人心目中的偶像,许多粉丝为他着迷。L:He has won lots of prize and has got over ten millions of fans all around the world.Faced with such a high international fame,He just work hard and be calm.“狂热”两个字可能已经不足以形容他在流行乐坛掀起的潮流,年轻的他在名利诱惑面前却能够表现的谨慎和冷静。R:He never give up,but go ahead and do himself better.他不想 做昙花一现的“流星”,而是去做能在乐坛立足的明星。R: So,it’s time to announce his name,Lampson!L:Okay, he is Justin Bieber.插曲:《what do you mean》R:Justin Bieber is not a strange name among many young people.His songs spread widely. 提到Justin Bieber,相信很多年轻朋友一定不会觉得陌生,今天我们将对他和他的歌曲做介绍。L: ‘What do you mean’ took the crown of the Billboard as soon as it came out, and this is Bieber’s first champion single of America. 大家现在听到的这首What do you mean是他的最新作品,该曲在美国Billboard榜 首周空降冠军,成为历史第23首空降冠军单曲。并且,这也是他在美国的首支冠军单曲。R:Justin bieber表示,这首歌曲的创作灵感来自情侣间亲密的沟通,诠释男孩无法了解女孩前一刻热情拥吻下一刻就气愤将对方推开的百变情绪。L:Oh,it’s amazing!插曲:《Baby》R:Baby was first recorded in 2010.As the song came out,his sweet and clear voice in this song let more and more people know him as well as fond of him. 2010年,Justin Bieber的首张录音室专辑中的单曲《Baby》得到了很高的好评,许多人开始了解并喜欢上了这个加拿大男孩。L:What deserve to be mentioned is that Ludacris-----a singer known as his excellent RAP, helped Justin Bieber finish this song together.值得一提的是,Justin Bieber和他的制作人邀请了一位优秀的说唱歌手Ludacris来参加这首歌曲的编曲工作。插曲:《Latin Girl》L:Let’s talk about his daily life.Although he has been popular for many years,he is still young with a rebel heart…R:Yes,it’s no wonder he sometimes make mistakes.When he did something wrong,he could make an apology.L:As you mentioned, during the beginning of this year,he made a video to express how he felt and from that video he let us know more about his inside world.R:I think most people can understand his pressure and forgive him.年轻的Bieber有着比同龄人更大的压力,我们应该去理解和支持他。L:I can’t agree more.Next part,let’s look back at his Almost Famous.接下来的环节,让我们来一起回顾他的成名之路。插曲:《Mistletoe》L:During his childhood, Bieber was interested in hockey, soccer, and chess; he often kept his musical aspirations to himself. As he grew up, Bieber taught himself to play the piano, drums, guitar, and trumpet.When he was twelve, Bieber sang for a local singing competition in Stratford and placed second. Bieber小时候有着广泛的兴趣和爱好,他试着去自学许多乐器的演奏。在12岁的时候,他在斯特拉特福德当地的歌唱比赛中获得了第二名。R:His mum posted a video of the performance on YouTube for their family and friends to see. She continued to upload videos of Bieber singing covers of various R&B songs, and Bieber&`&s popularity on the site grew. Bieber的妈妈在Youtube网站上传了许多他的表演视频,为Bieber赢得了很高的人气,从此他便开始了歌唱之路。插曲:《what do you mean》L:本期节目到此结束,感谢各位的收听。R:See you next time!节目监制:于慧佳播音:杨雨婷 刘仁邦编辑:杨雨婷 刘仁邦制作:王泽华
10/23/201512 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

Jun. 20, 2015 #한류전선# 백상예술대상 百想艺术大赏

1.친구들 안녕하세요? 大家好,欢迎收听voe外语广播 韩流前线,我是播音 金池。2.만나서 반가워요. 我是播音 张星宇。마음(心)-IU1.너 지난 26일에 열린 백상예술대상 봤어? 星宇,你看了26日的百想艺术大赏颁奖典礼了吗?2. 음.. 생방송으로 보지는 못했지만 누가 수상했는지는 알고 있어. 매년 이때만 되면 백상예술대상이 가장 큰 이슈잖아? Uh.. 虽然我没看直播,但我知道谁获奖了。每年这个时候,百想艺术大赏不都是最热门的话题吗!1. 네, 그렇습니다. 우리 청취자 여러분은 백상예술대상에 대해서 알고 계신가요? 오늘 이시간에는 백상예술대상에 대해서 알아보도록 할께요. 是的,各位听众们有没有听过百想艺术大赏呢? 今天就让我们大家一起来了解一下吧。remember(inst)2.百想艺术大赏是韩国历史最为悠久的唯一综合类艺术奖项, 백상예술대상은 한국의 유일한 종합예술 시상식이에요. 号称“韩国金球奖”,是韩国最具影响力和权威的电视电影颁奖礼之一。百想艺术大赏是韩国电视界的最高奖项,与韩国青龙电影奖"청룡영화제" 和韩国电影大钟奖"대종상영화제"并称韩国三大影视奖。1.시상식하면 빼놓을수 없는게 또 레드카펫의 여배우들의 드레스죠。 颁奖典礼中可不能错过女明星们穿着华丽的礼服走红毯的环节。 어떤 여배우가 가장 눈에 띄었나요? 哪一位女明星让你印象深刻呢?2.저는 시스루의 흰색 드레스를 입고 여신 자태를 뽐냈던 박신혜씨가 가장 인상깊었어요. 我觉得穿着白色透视礼服的朴信惠最好看,她当时的姿态就像个飘逸的天使。1.맞아요, 진짜 예쁘긴 했어요. 是啊,的确很漂亮呢。 박신혜씨와 이민호씨는 또 인기상도 받았잖아요. 她和李敏镐还获得了电影人气奖呢。2.박신혜씨는 이번해에 드라마 피노키오랑 영화 상의원에 출연했던건 알겠는데, 음.. 이민호씨는 어떤 작품을 했죠? 我知道朴信惠今年演过电视剧匹诺曹和电影尚衣院, 呃… 李敏镐演过什么电影啊?1.他和金来沅一起演了江南1970,"강남1970 " 。이영화는 70년대의 강남을 배경으로 한, 권력과 욕망으로 가득찬 세계의 중간에 놓인 두남자의 거친 이야기를 다룬 영화에요. 这部电影以上世纪七十年代的江南为背景,讲述了在充斥着权力与欲望的江南地产界,发生在两个男人之间的恩怨情仇的故事。2.아, 분위기가 많이 어두운 영화네요,看来是一部氛围比较阴暗的电影啊。 除了这部作品外,还有哪些作品被提名了呢?1.电影部门中,《走到尽头》끝까지 간다 和《道熙呀》도희야 获得了最多提名,在电视剧部门,tvN的《未生》미생、MBC的《Kill me Heal me》获了最佳作品的提名。2.啊, 我看过未生, 这部电视剧讲述了年幼时完全投身于围棋的张可莱落选后,成为了综合贸易商社的实习员工,为了成为正式职员而展开的孤军奋斗记,没错吧?1. 맞아요, 이 드라마가 지금시대에 살고 있는 모든 직장인들의 심금을 울렸었잖아요. 저도 이 드라마를 보면서 매일마다 보이지않는 전쟁을 치루는 직장생활에 좀 놀랐었어요. 未生打动这个时代所有职场人的心灵,看了这部电视剧,发现每天的职场生活就像战场一样,这真的让我感触颇深。2.미생은 이번 시상식에서 TV연출상, 남자최우수연기상, 남자신인상 등 세개부문의 수상을 안은 영광도 누렸었잖아요. 未生在这次百想艺术大赏当中荣获了电视剧最佳作品奖, 扮演工作狂吴科长的李圣旻获得了最优秀男演员奖, 主人公任时完还获得了最佳男子新人奖对呢1.확실히 이 드라마를 보면서 많이 공감하고 용기를 얻을수 있는 좋은 작품이라는 증거죠.连获三个奖的未生无不在表明这是一部既让人同感又让观众们得到勇气的好作品呢。remember(inst)2.이외에도 극본상을 수상한 펀치나, 영화 감독상을 수상한 끝까지 간다 등 다양한 작품들도 기대해 볼만합니다. 除此之外,获得剧本奖的punch,电影部门荣获最佳导演奖的《走到尽头》等作品也值得期待呢。1.다음해에 열릴 제52기에는 또 어떤 신선한 작품들이 수상후보에 오를지 많이 기대되시죠?听到这儿,是不是更加期待在明年的52届白想艺术大奖上会得到提名的精彩作品呢?2.한국의 예술을 사랑하시는 분이라면 모두 백상예술대상을 주목해주세요. 喜欢韩国影视剧的人,都关注一下韩国百想艺术大奖吧!心动-伯贤1.时间过得好快啊,又到了和大家说再见的时候了,最后为大家送一首歌曲,exo 伯贤唱的두근거려 (心动),我们下期节目再见!1.2 여러분, 안녕~
6/22/201510 minutes
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Jun. 19, 2015 #Music Bang Bang# OST of Home 《疯狂外星人》配乐

S: Hello, audience. Nice to see you again. This is music bang bang. I’m your friend Sunny.T: I’m Taylor. Hi, Sunny, have you ever seen Home?S: Of course I have. It’s really hot recently and many people around me like it. The character is so lovely and lively that I lost myself in it.T: En.. So do I! It attracts me a lot. So today, let’s go through some music of Home.S: Come on, I can’t wait. 垫乐:Rihanna-As Real As You and Me T: It’s my favorite singer Rihanna!S: Yes, can you make a brief introduce of your super star?T: Rihanna is not only a singer, but also a actor and a model. She was born in Barbados and developed in American.S: Actually. is a gentle one with her appealing voice. It decorates the movie. It seemed that the sad melody is not match the cute aliens, but the music appeared suitably. Also, Rihanna’s voice is throughout the whole movie, because she dubbed for a girl.Kiesza-Cannonball S: Wow, It’s extremely passionate right?T: Yes, the fire is burning. It’s… It’s just like a cannonball. And the atmosphere is high enough.S: You’re right! How did you know that cannonball is just the name of the song. I think this kind of music is proper for Home. You guess, the aliens are crazier with the 《Cannonball》rang. During the music, they run faster, laugh louder, live happier.在浩瀚的宇宙中,四处漂泊的波波星族群,躲避瓜星人的追击,经历了种种搞笑的遭遇,终于发现地球是个完美的家园,于是便占领了地球。S:It’s Rihanna again!T: You are right! The song is called “Dancing in the dark”, it’s kind of Dance-pop music. Rihanna with Jim Parsons and Jennifer Lopez also stared as the lead role in “Home”. Rihanna even created a concept album for the film! S: Wow, they are all world-famous stars, by the way, I think they did well in the film! They are perfect for the role!T: Absolutely! But I like Jim’s dubbing best! I love him since he acted “the Big Bang Theory”, I saw the movie because of him!S: Well, ok, just calm down, let’s continue to shake with the song!Dancing in the dark T: The song you are listening to is from Jennifer Lopez, the name is “Feel the light”, It is a ballad song and the lyrics is so positive, can let people full of hope, “there’s no more waiting ,we’re still worth saving, feel the light, shining in the dark of night, remember what we forgot, I know it’s a long shot, but we’re bringing it all back.” I think it’s also the theme of the film.S: Yeah, all the roles in this film are full of positive energy. Bianca Gracie of Idolator wrote, “the featherlight tune is a beautiful and delicate mid-tempo that can be enjoyed by children and adults alike.”Jennifer的声音轻柔空灵,但是这首歌却能深深地烙印在我们的心里,实在是一首佳作Feel the lightT: Ok, it’s all for today’s program, see you next week, bye byeTowards the sunT: The last song we will share with you is “Towards the sun”, it’s also from Rihanna. The song is a mid-tempo pop ballad with R&B music influences and features positive and optimistic lyrics.S: I like this song very much, it also received positive reviews from critics. Commercially the song was a moderate success peaking at 76 on the UK Singles Chart and 22 on the French singles chart.T: What an excellent performance! Let’s enjoy it!
6/19/201510 minutes, 35 seconds
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Jun. 18, 2015 #The World Says# Toys of the rich-better than yours

V: Hello everyone, welcome to the world says for this week, I’m Value.L: Guten Abend, I’m your old friend Leonahr.V: Leo,前几天儿童节你收到了什么礼物了?L: A Baymax toy from my newphew. It’s really a sweet gift since Baymax is my favorite.V:Oooops.L: What?V:我只是没想到你真的过了儿童节而且还收到了儿童节礼物!L:You are so old fashioned. 就算是成年人也有颗童心的不是!况且我只是没有过儿童节的年龄,却有着过节的身高和智商。V: Yeah, it sounds really make sense. I can tell that adults really enjoy the Children’s more, especially the rich ones. L: So let us open our eyes to see what have the rich people done with their toys.V: To begin with, there is a Toyland for the wealthy. The things we dreamed of as children — the desire to explore the undersea world of Jules Verne’s Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea or the longing to have the powers of a superhero — are often fascinations that stay with us our whole lives.L: It’s no wonder, then, that no one really outgrows toys. The difference is that the toys get bigger, better, more expensive and more high-tech as people get older and richer. And no one needs mum’s permission.V:有钱人的玩具在我们看来极尽奢华,完全意想不到,但有钱人自己觉得稀松平常。L: It’s just so cool. I’m a Verne’s fan. And Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea is my favorite. If I had the next one, I swear I could fly. Submarine: the deep blue sea深蓝色海洋里的潜水艇The world of deep-sea exploration enchants many people as children. And when they can play it out on their own as adults, many do. V:企业家理查•布兰森爵士就是一位出名的潜艇主人。他曾计划让游客乘坐潜水艇游览太平洋的马里亚纳海沟,还将“内克尔仙女号” 潜水艇留在了他的私人岛屿上。电影导演詹姆士•卡梅隆把他的潜艇“深海挑战者号”捐给了科研小组。L: Triton Submarines based in Florida specialises in small personal luxury submarines, which run on high-tech batteries and are custom built for each client. The Triton 3300/3 is the company's most popular model, according to Harley O'Neill, Triton's manager of sales and marketing, and is used for recreational diving, exploration, research endeavours and filming. It fits three people and can travel to a depth of 1,006m (3,300ft, hence the name).V: "It used to be helicopters and now it's submarines," O'Neill said. "Now everyone is asking if you have one." One prerequisite for owning the sub? A superyacht for the docking station, says O'Neill.L: Value, have you ever dreamed of flying?V: Yeah, of course, I believe everybody has dreamed of flying though I have acrophpbia. So the next toy is for flying?L: Yep, and it’s name is Hydro Powered Jetovator喷水飞行器Blame Peter Pan but even as grown-ups, many of us still wish we could fly. As kids, we ran down the garden flapping our arms or leapt from a low tree branch in a bid to take off, sometimes even bruising or breaking a limb in the process. In adulthood, achieving that free-flying feeling is a must for some adrenaline-seekers, whether through means like skydiving or base jumping.V: But take heart. You don't need a plane or bridge to fly. Hammacher Schlemmer's Hydro Powered Jetovator, a flying jet-ski like water craft, lets riders shoot 7.6m (25ft) into the air and corkscrew, back flip and barrel roll mid-air, while hovering above the water. Riders can even plunge a little over 3m (10ft) below the water, while still seated on the craft, for a quick undersea view.L:你还记得当年我们看过的四驱兄弟吗?V:恩,讲的是两个玩具赛车手兄弟的故事。当时我还买过一个小赛车呢。L: 有钱人可比我们更会玩。They just level up Off to the racesThese aren't the matchbox cars and electric toy racetracks most kids play with. The custom raceways from Slot Mods USA are painstakingly handcrafted to a client's specifications, including sections that precisely replicate real-life tracks whether that be the Le Mans circuit or the Monaco Grand Prix, said David Beattie, the company's founder and president.V:The tracks he builds often are anywhere between 3.7m to 9m (12ft to 30ft) long and 3m to 6m (10ft to 20ft) wide and can include structures such as grandstands and features including skid marks airbrushed on the tracks. Depending on the size, scope and detail of the track, they can take anywhere between three to six months to build.L:Slot Mods赛道的拥有者包括很多汽车爱好者,他们的车库里收藏着各种豪华轿车。著名车手博比•拉哈尔(Bobby Rahal)也是Slot Mods赛道的主人。贝迪目前正在为美国电视名人杰伊•莱诺(Jay Leno)制作赛道。这些客户的一个共同点,就是他们对赛车永恒的爱。“收到我们的赛道模型,他们就像圣诞节早上的孩子,收到了让他们重返童年的旅行车票。”V: Leo,明明都是好玩的玩具,为什么我这么悲伤呢?L: 那是因为我们没有钱啊。V: 说多了都是泪啊,马上就考试了,我还是去看书吧!L: So let’s end up here today.V: 感谢吴晓鹏的精彩制作,see you next weekL: Bye bye!
6/18/201510 minutes, 16 seconds
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【特辑】#Music Bang Bang# Maroon 5 魔力红乐队

节目名称:Maroon 5节目类型:乐队推荐开头曲【Moves Like Jagger】&【Give A Little More】This is a magical band. Their songs are enthusiastic and the lyrics are hot. Some people said that they are the represent of the new-soul rock. They are the rock band from L.A. of the new generation. People call them—Maroon 5Hello my dear audiences, I’m your DJ Andy and this is SP of Music Bang Bang. Today our spotlight is on my favorite band-Maroon 5.I suppose that Maroon 5 is so popular nowadays that each of you should know, may be not but at least their popular songs may familiar to you guys. 那么今天我们就一起来了解一下魔力红乐队吧。【插曲1】少年よ我に帰れPART 1In 1994 L.A. five childlike senior high school students who loves rock music got together and founded a band called KARA flower. They are popular among their peers in their senior years. But not for long, their senior high years were over. they have to move on their band have to move on .As They grew up they were still running their band but change their former name to the famous new one-Maroon 5. Right after they graduate from high school they got through their darkest times, they created lots of songs but thing were running in a slow process, they were still sing in bars, singing for their living, their first album【Songs About Jane】 also seemed to be invisible in the record shop. No one knows them at the time.But as the old saying goes:"Chances are always left to those who have prepared. After ten years’ insistence on music they finally took off by right of the song 【She Will Be Loved】and get the Grammy award of rookies that year. The year their band was founded for ten years. 【插曲 2】She Will Be LovedPART 2Aggressive. Aggressive? “Yes” said the lead singer Adam, After the success of our music more aggressive... other: but maybe someone will…” “I don’t care we got to keep our music in our ways, come on buddies I got rhythm in my head let’s rock them out.It turns out he was right only after two years preparation, the second album released. The aggressive style and dynamic rhythm. Along with the high-pitched resounding voice of Adam swept the field of music at that time and Maroon5 was praised by the crazy lovers as the ace of the new soul rock music.下面带来的是他们的二专【IT WON’T BE SOON BEFORE LONG】中我比较偏爱的一首歌【Wake Up Call】【插曲3】Wake Up CallPART 3It’s 2010 I first heard about Maroon 5, I can remember clearly that the first song I heard about is【Stutter】也就是结结巴巴的意思。THIS SONG describe a shy boy saw a beautiful and hot girl who make him stutter, the repeatedly lyric acting like a real stutter, portray a boys shyness exquisitely.Gradually I got to know this magical band and addicted to it. I found that I’ve had listened their songs not before long. I tried my best to recall some lyrics :“move like ..” and found it easily b by online searching it’s called: Moves Like Jagger.Ah, I remember the record shop nearby always play it loudly and repeatedly these days, no wonder I can recall some of it. You can say that this brain washing song is the reason I like Maroon 5 that much now.歌曲节奏明快 具有魔力红一贯的风格,却又不像歌厅里的歌一样俗套,歌曲后端的女声更是熊健有力 非常带感。 Maroon 5 中的 Maroon 原以为红褐色,或者流浪者的意思,中文译作魔力红,我认为这个译名真的很贴切,他取原意中的红作为一种情感基调表明魔力红乐队的歌曲有着红色般的激情和魔力一般让人不停重放的欲望 很好的概括了Maroon5的曲风和特色 。又一次的获奖单曲【One More Night】【插曲4】One More NightPART 4It tell us a sad story with emotions I think this song is the signal of the era of Maroon 5 has come, it’s on the 1st place on Billboard for 9 weeks. 完美的旋律和富有韵律的饥饿而走都向我们展示着一个成熟的有天赋的乐队的成熟作品的霸榜 和他们的成功一样 都是并非偶然的。Unlike some other band, after getting famous Maroon 5 didn’t got loosen and still try their best last year their album is getting better every other year, like their inspiration never dies out as long as they still together they can continuously create more better songs for us, trust them.Here’s the new title songs –【Animals】and【Maps】【插曲 5】AnimalsPART 5We fall in love sometime just at the first sight of each other so our story begins in the song【Animal】. Treasure everything you got you will only feel regret when you lose them. Maps tells us a sad story Start with a little misunderstanding his girlfriend have a quarrel with him. He thought wasn’t a big deal, only to find his girlfriend was dead in an unexpected car accident.It’s time to say goodbye to today’s special edition of Maroon 5. Hope they can create more masterpieces of them.节目监制:刘子含播音:王紫丞编辑:王紫丞制作:王紫丞 刘子含
6/15/201527 minutes, 5 seconds
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Jun. 13, 2015 #日本语ドリームワークス# ドラえもん 哆啦A梦

A:皆さん、こんばんは、我是主播袁蕴宁B:我是主播张玉蕾。相信各位对上面的歌并不陌生吧,哆啦A梦带给我们的欢乐,是无法用语言来形容的。最近一部伴我同行勾起了多数人的回忆,那只没有耳朵的机器猫是多少人小时候梦想拥有的玩伴。主要是叙述一只来自22世纪的猫型机器人——哆啦A梦,受原本主人野比世修的托付,回到20世纪,帮助世修的高祖父野比大雄的故事。漫画自1969年开始连载,为第一届手冢治虫文化赏的漫画大赏得奖作品。哆啦A梦的创造要追溯到1969年的某个截稿日,大师藤子不二雄的家里突然闯进了一只小猫,虽然很快就要截稿了,但大师还是和小猫玩了起来,还替小猫挠虱子,而这一挠就是几个小时,等大师发现时间不够用的时候,已经来不及完成稿子。这时老师像热锅上的蚂蚁走来走去,突然踢到了女儿的不倒翁玩具,藤子灵光一现,把猫和不倒翁结合起来,就创造了带给我们欢乐的哆啦A梦A:ドラ猫からの連想で「ドラ」です、それは生前作者がいっていた。起き上がりこぼしとドラ猫を見て、起き上がりこぼしの形から ドラえもんの体型、ドラ猫から猫型ロボットの発想につながったようだ。「えもん」については、不明ですが、昔の名前によくついた、「右衛門」を思いつぎで付けたと思われる。日本を代表するキャラクターのドラえもんは、誕生から40年たった今も、全く人気が衰えない。B:有着大头小身特征的“哆啦A梦”,总是那么天真无邪,待人接物以乐观、谦虚的态度且对人毫不怀疑,能变出“秘密武器”的四次元口袋,为孩子们实现了许多梦想。有几个世代的孩子们跟着“哆啦A梦”一起成长,时空穿梭器与任意门成为孩子们美好的回忆。“哆啦A梦”的漫画书在全世界发行了约2亿册,动画作品有2000多集,剧场版也有30多部。A:大きな顔と小太りの体が特徴のドラえもんはいつも、あどけなく、楽観的な態度と腹を探り合うようなことはしない謙虚な態度で人に接し、四次元ポケットから「秘密の道具」を出して、子供達の夢をかなえてくれる。幾世代にも渡る子供達がドラえもんと共に成長し、タイムマシーンやどこでもドアなどは子供達の良き思い出となっている。ドラえもん関連の漫画本は世界で約2億冊発行され、作品数は二千話以上、劇場版は三十作以上となっている。B、在日本有无数的动画角色,为什么“哆啦A梦”能如此人气超群且长盛不衰呢?答案就在“哆啦A梦”的“性格”里。“哆啦A梦”有着平易近人、丰富的想象力和包容力、讲义气等特征,这些都是无论哪个时代的人都喜闻乐见的人格魅力。A:日本には無数のキャラクターがあるが、なぜドラえもんの人気は突出し、長続きするのだろう?その答えは、ドラえもんの「性格」にある。ドラえもんには親しみやすく、想像力や包容力に富み、友達には義理がたいなどの特徴がある。これらは、どんな時代の人にも受ける人格だ。B:相对来说,曾经风靡一时,现在却几乎不被提及的角色并不在少数。例如比“哆啦A梦”早20年出现的“铁臂阿童木”,它被称为日本电视动画的“鼻祖”,以原子能为能量源,用10万马力勇敢地与恶势力对抗,也曾引起全世界的追捧。然而在当下,以“强大武器战斗”的魅力因素大大被削弱,而且在东日本大地震时发生的福岛县原子能发电所的事故,令“铁臂阿童木”相继受到日本国内的批判声。A:それに対して、かつては人気だったが、今ではほとんど取り上げられることがなくなったキャラクターも少なくない。例えば、ドラえもんより約20年早く登場した「鉄腕アトム」は、日本のテレビアニメの「元祖」とも呼ばれ、原子力をエネルギー源とした10万馬力のパワーで、敢然と悪に立ち向かっていく姿が、世界中で人気となった。しかし、今では、「強い力を武器に戦う」というのは魅力的な要素ではなくなってしまった。また、東日本大震災の際に、福島県で原子力発電所事故が発生し、日本国内では「鉄腕アトム」への批判的な意見さえ相次いだ。B:“哆啦A梦”和平、可爱的角色,为战后日本形象的再建发挥了重要的作用,甚至可以说是展示了日本的软实力。“哆啦A梦”在世界范围内的人气爆棚,也正好回应了国际社会对日本建立和平形象的期待。A:ドラえもんの平和で愛らしいイメージは、戦後の日本のイメージ構築に大きな役割を果たし、日本のソフトパワーの実力を示しているとさえ言えるだろう。ドラえもんは世界で人気となり、国際社会が期待する日本の平和なイメージにも応えている.B:今天的节目就到这里,感谢大家的收听,我们下期节目再见。
6/13/201510 minutes, 22 seconds
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Jun. 12, 2015 #Bloom in Ink# 桐花半亩 静销一庭愁雨

To me, it was supposed a fine day. The sunshine in May warmly embraced the earth in her arms. It was already the time when the Spring was approaching to its end and flowers were fading away; nevertheless, in the courtyard, a tung tree was still in full blossom. The light pink flowers hung on all the branches like the windbells in a dreamland, with a silky faint fragrance filled in the air all over the yard. Out with a small chair, I seated myself leisurely under the tung flowers. 我以为这是一个晴好的天气,五月的阳光热情的拥抱着大地。虽然已是春尽花残时,但院落里的一棵桐树花开的正艳。粉白的花朵如梦幻中的风铃挂满枝头,清幽的香气如丝如缕地弥漫在整个院落。我搬过一个小椅子,在桐花下闲坐。 A small breeze stole in, slightly and gently at first, with the light pink flowers flying and falling softly in the light blue sky, like the elegant melodious sound of Guzheng(a kind of Chinese traditional musical instrument), and the fragrant poetic lines, and the colurful butterflies flying and dancing. I was fascinated in the scene of the dance of the falling flowers. Only after a while, however, the wind was growing stronger, scraping and swinging the beautiful dresses of tung flowers to and fro in the air, and stirring up the fallen flowers and dust spreading all over the street. 不知什么时候起风了,开始还是细细的微风,粉白色的花朵在天空淡蓝色的素笺上轻轻飘落,感觉象典雅清悠的古筝声悠悠入耳。象清香的诗页,仿佛有彩蝶振羽飘舞。一时陶醉在这落花飞舞的情节中。但只一会儿,风就大了起来,撕扯着桐花美丽的衣裙凌乱摇摆,风搅起地上的落花和沙尘,弥漫了整个街道。Soon came down the raindrops, as big as beans, dropping onto my skin, cool and painful. I hurried back to my room and wached on the balcony. The branches were rustling in the wind and rain, and the flowers on the tree were swaying and falling in succession, which occurred to me the verse that "The wind blows the autumn leaves falling onto the ground, which again are blown up by the wind."有豆大的雨点落下来,砸在皮肤上凉凉的疼。我赶快回到房间,在阳台上观望,树枝在风雨中哗哗作响,满树的桐花晃晃荡荡,纷纷坠落。突然想起那句"风吹秋叶落地,落地风又吹起",但此时带给我的不是那优美的意境,却是怜惜。A long time passed before the rain stopped. I walked out of my room, back to the yard, seeing fallen flowers in pieces scatter here and there. I stepped over the broken flowers lightly, when I couldn‘t help thinking of the sentimental mood of a poet in Song Dynasty , standing behind the curtain and chanting the verse:"A half mu (unit of land measure in China) of tung flowers melt a yard of the worrying rain quietly." 过了很久,雨才停了下来。我走出房间,重新回到院落。满院落花零乱,红绡香残,我轻轻地踏香走过。此时遥想宋人伫立帘后,吟诵着"桐花半亩,静销一庭愁雨"的惆怅之情,心中亦是浮想联翩。And a mass of melancholy fancy thronged my mind as well. After the baptism of wind and rain, the sky appeared cleaner. The few tenacious flowers left on the tung trees appeared brighter and more gorgeous. And the newly growing leaves now also looked even tender and greener. As the warm sunshine cast onto the earth again, I got feeling bright too. 经过风雨的洗礼,天空愈发显得纯净,满树桐花已所剩无几,但剩下的几朵顽强的花,却愈发鲜亮,新发的枝叶也更柔嫩青翠,温和的阳光又重新洒向大地。此时心情也明媚起来。 The secret of flowers, I think, is to present spring with a fragrant posture, to display her born beauty at the cost of life during each life cycle, to fade away and turn into spring mud silently when conceiving fruits, and to foster new lives with the maternal gentleness. That is why flowers will whirl down so indifferently and elegantly, and smile so peacefully and tranquilly after the wind and rain. 我想花的秘密,是要带给春一个芬芳的身姿,是要在每一个岁月轮回中,倾尽生命绽放属于她的美丽。是要在孕育果实的时刻,悄然将自己隐去,化作春泥。用母性的温柔,抚慰新的生命。所以她才会这么淡然优雅地飘落,在风雨之后静谧微笑。
6/12/201510 minutes
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Jun. 11, 2015 #Screen Age# Léon 这个杀手不太冷

LéonE: Hi, dear audience! Welcome to Screen Age from VOE foreign language radio. I’m Elisabeth. (I’m Bob.)Recently, high- tech visual films bomb our eyeballs. So this time, let us bring you to the classical period to enjoy this love story. The name is Leon.B: Leon, are you talking about that classical movie released in 1994? 翻译成中文就是这个杀手不太冷。E: Exactly. This movie was filmed in New York and was permeated all around the world. So, Bob, introduce this movie to our audience please. B: ok. Mathilda, a twelve-year old New York girl, is living an undesirable life among her half-family. Her father stores drugs for two-faced cop Norman Stansfield. Only her little brother keeps Mathilda from breaking apart. One day, Stansfield and his team take cruel revenge on her father for stretching the drugs a little, thus killing the whole family. Only Mathilda, who was out shopping, survives by finding shelter in Leon’s apartment in the moment of highest need. Soon, she finds out about the strange neighbor’s unusual profession - killing - and desperately seeks his help in taking revenge for her little brother. Leon, who is completely inexperienced in fatherly tasks, and in friendships, does his best to keep Mathilda out of trouble - unsuccessfully. Now, the conflict between a killer, who slowly discovers his abilities to live, to feel, to love and a corrupt police officer, who does anything in his might to get rid of an eye witness, arises to immeasurable proportions - all for the sake of a little twelve-year old girl, who has nearly nothing to lose.E: What a pity! Leon died in the final. After his death, the little girl said, I know the best love is to live your life. You know with enough blood and gore to please any fan of action movies, and a unique love story to please the ladies, this is a great movie for couples to watch together. However, to truly comprehend the beauty of this film, you must see the European Cut.B: I agree with you. I think the U.S. version is still a great movie, but it cuts out 24 minutes which contain much of the heart of the movie and most of what makes the film a work of art instead of the usual action fodder. Elements of the story which are only hinted at in the U.S. cut become the centerpiece of the story when the un-cut version is seen.E: But the cut one is still attractive and classical. Now let’s hear some reviews.B: Luc Besson's movie Léon (The Professional) gives us an intense story which is maximized in potential by the casting of the movie done by Todd Thaler. Every aspect of the movie delivers to the audience and makes an impressive overall package. Jean Reno plays a character named Léon who has learned to repress his emotions in order to perform his job as a "cleaner", or hit-man. His secluded world is shattered by the young girl named Mathilda who lives on the same floor as he does in an apartment building. When she turns to him for help, he learns about living a normal life, even if the circumstances which unite them are far from normal.E: The performance delivered by the eleven-year old Natalie Portman as Mathilda is nothing short of brilliant. Her ability to relate to others with body movement and facial gestures is matched by few, she really brings raw emotion and believability to a difficult role. Mathilda and Léon are unexpectedly thrown together, but learn to value life from their chance encounter, and how valuable a friendship can be.B: Jean Reno as Léon gives us a solemn and calculated character that sets all of his energy on his assignments until her is given something else to care about. Mathilda gives him the daughter that he never had, while Léon serves as a father and friend to her. Gary Oldman, as the corrupt DEA Agent Norman Stansfield, offers the viewers an amazingly wired and electrical performance which pushes the envelope. He moves the story along by his actions. Oldman offers us a memorable portrait of a sadistically obsessed man who stops short of nothing to get what he wants.E: The Professional is what movie-making is all about. Without the overuse of special effects, a large shooting location, or a commercially star studded cast, we are given all that could possibly be asked for in a movie. Portman, Oldman, and Reno, along with Danny Aiello as the hit-contractor Tony remind us that there is no substitute for great acting. There are elements of comedy, drama, and action, and great original music by Eric Serra adds to the energy the film already encapsulates. The most impressive thing about the movie is its story which is basic but is maximized by all the other elements which go into the making of the movie. Simply put, an intense and impressive movie.B: What a nice story. The heroine of Leon-- Natalie Portman was discovered by an agent in a pizza parlor at the age of 11. She was pushed towards a career in modeling but she decided that she would rather pursue a career in acting. She was featured in many live performances, but she made her powerful film debut in the movie Leon.E: You know she graduated with honors, and her academic achievements allowed her to attend Harvard University! She even received an Academy Award and a Golden Globe Award for Best Actress in Black Swan (2010). She is a winner in life.B: I agree with you. Have you enjoy our movie today? It’s time to say goodbye. 感谢制作人张巧玉。See you next time. I’m Bob.E: I’m Elisabeth. Bye~
6/11/201510 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

Jun. 06, 2015 #日韩风情 • 한국어# 韩剧《看见味道的少女》

介绍:한창 인기리에 방영중인 드라마ㅡ냄새를 보는 소녀! 박유천과 신세경의 매력적인 케미~ 지금부터 우리 다같이 달달한 힐링 로맨스에 빠져보아요.插曲:우리 만난적 있나요(我们见过面吗?)1.친구들 안녕하세요? 欢迎收听voe外语广播日韩风情时间韩语篇,我是播音金池。2.여러분 잘 지냈어요? 大家过得好吗? 我是播音张星宇。背景音乐:우리 만난적 있나요(我们见过面吗?)1.星宇,你觉得最近热播的韩剧的特点是什么?2.呃…我想想, 应该是在浪漫喜剧当中还添加一些其他要素的吧?比如说,男主是双重人格,像Kill me, heal me。还有,有些韩剧中主人公有特殊的能力,像听见你的声音 너의 목소리가 들려 和来自星星的你별에서 온 그대。1.와, 너 정말 많이 아는구나.你知道的真多啊。 2.也没什么,大部分都是从你们这些韩剧迷那儿听来的。1.好吧,那今天我要再推荐一个韩剧,这里的女主也有特殊的能力,여주인공이 냄새를 볼수 있어. 她能"看"见味道。2.看见?味道也能用眼睛看到吗?1.没错,剧名也是"看见味道的少女" 냄새를 보는 소녀. 它可是悬疑搞笑复合体裁的浪漫喜剧故事噢。2.哇 听众朋友们一定也像我一样对这部电视剧充满好奇吧,那么赶快让我们来介绍吧。背景音乐: 아리송해 (confusing-jubi.张理正)1."냄새를 보는 소녀"는 동명의 웹툰을 원작으로 한 작품인데요, 3년 전 바코드 살인사건으로 여동생을 잃은 무감각적인 형사 최무각과 같은 사고를 당하고 기적적으로 살아났지만 이전의 기억을 모두 잃은 냄새를 눈으로 볼수 있는 초감각 소유자인 오초림의 이야기를 다루고 있습니다.2.《看见味道的少女》改编自韩国网络同名漫画,该剧讲述了三年前因条形码杀人事件而失去妹妹的麻木男刑警崔武恪与在该事件中奇迹生还却失去记忆、拥有能用眼睛看到气味的少女吴初琳之间发生的故事。1.냄새를 보는 소녀와 감각 없는 남자라는 캐릭터는 신세경과 박유천 매력을 한껏 살렸어요. 오초림은 개그우먼 지망생인 만큼 활달한 성격이 돋보였는데요, 앞서 어두운 캐릭터를 주로 연기했던 신세경의 연기 변신이반가웠습니다. 2.看见味道的少女和毫无感觉的男人的人物形象充分突出了申世京和朴有天的魅力。吴初琳是笑星志愿生,性格非常活泼。之前一直演艺的阴郁形象的申世京的此次演技变身倍感新鲜。申世京通过搞笑装扮和声音等为观众带来欢笑,展现了可爱魅力。1.최무각이라는 캐릭터가 살아나는 데는 박유천의 연기가 한 몫하죠. 여동생을 잃은 측은함 부터 복수를 위해 강력계에 들어가는 무대포, 여기에 무감각 대식가로서 선보이는 먹방과 오초림 만담개그 파트너로 펼치는 바보연기까지. 그야말로 시청자들을 울리고 웃긴답니다. 2.演活了崔武恪一角的朴有天演技爆表。从失去妹妹的悲伤,还有为了报仇而变得强大巡查时的冷峻,以及由于大胃口而展现的吃货放送,到作为吴初琳搞笑相声搭档的傻瓜演技。每一瞬间都融入角色的朴有天的演技引起了观众的共鸣,逗笑了观众。插曲 우리 만난적 있나요(我们见过面吗?)2.본 드라마의 흥미로운 전개 이외에도 달달한 음악도 많은 화제가 되였습니다. 그중 "우연히 봄"이라는 노래가 듣기 좋았어요.除了剧情吸引观众之外,本剧的取景画面非常美丽,音乐也很甜美。其中有一首叫做"偶然的春天" 的插曲特别好听。1. 嗯,其中有一部分的歌词是:우연히 내게 오나봐. 봄 향기가 보여. 너도 같이 오나봐. 저멀리서 니 향기가. 설레는 코끝에, 나의 입술에 괜찮은 느낌, 이 떨림 나도 몰래 우연히 봄.偶然间朝我靠近,看见了春天的香气,你也一同出现了,远远看到你的香气, 悸动在鼻尖, 我的唇边, 美妙的感觉, 这份心动, 不知不觉, 偶然的春天。歌词处处流露着剧中的甜美爱恋。2.嗯,歌词确实很可爱。听众朋友们,让我们一同期待接下来的剧情吧。背景音乐:우연히 봄 (偶然的春天-Loco,俞宙)1.时间过得好快, 又到了和大家说再见的时候了。我们以偶然的春天这首甜美的歌曲结束今天的节目吧。2.对韩国文化,韩剧感兴趣的同学们千万不要错过我们的节目噢,我们下期节目再见。여러분.1&2 안녕
6/6/201510 minutes, 24 seconds
Episode Artwork

Jun. 04, 2015 #The World Says# Makes Me Think 见微知著

L: Good evening, my dear audience. Welcome to The World Says. I’m Lynn.C: Hello everyone. I’m Carol.L: Today our topic is “ Makes me think.”C: Today, Lynn will share some little stories we select from the net, which makes you think. Just like the idiom 见微知著 in Chinese.L: Is it suitable for 见微知著 used in this way?C: Er… Whatever. Go on your fist story.L: OK. Today, my 8-year-old son hugged me and said,” You are the best mom in the whole entire world!” I smiled and sarcastically replied,” How do you know that? You haven’t met every mom in the whole entire world.” My son squeezed me tighter and said,” Yes, I have.” You are my world.”C: So, what do you think?L: Everyone in that age thinks his or her mommy is the greatest person in the world. It isn’t wired.C: But I wouldn’t say to my mom like that. In another way, I couldn’t say those words. L: Yeah, I was a naughty girl who could just shout to my mom,” Mom, I want that!”C: I think hug is my extremely way to explain my love.L: You see the boy in the story. This is the gap between he and us.C: Lynn, I decided. I will have a boy. And he will say every sweet word to his mom.L: Carol, you can’t decide it. Come to the real world and listen to my next story. L: Today, I sat down with my tow daughters, ages 4 and 6, to explain to them that we have to move out of our 4 bedroom house and into a 2 bedroom apartment for awhile until I can find another job that pays well. My daughters looked at each other for a moment and then my youngest daughter turned to me and asked,” Are we all moving into the apartment together?” “Yes,” I replied. “Oh, so no big deal then,” she said.It’s a little bit long. Can you translate it to our audience, Carol?C: No problem. 今天我坐下和4岁和6岁的两个女儿解释我们为啥要从一个4间房的大屋搬到只有2间房的小公寓,我们要一直住到我找到一份薪水不错的好工作为止。两个女儿对视了一会儿小女儿转过来问我:“我们是一起搬么?”我说是的,“喔,只要我们一起住就行了,那没啥”,她回答道。L: You see. Your girls can also be sweety.C: Don’t you think that foreign children’s EQ are below ours?L: It’s none of the nationality’s business, OK? It decides by the education of their parents! Is that what you really think after listening to the story?C: Definitely not. Come back to the story itself, the kids want the family, the parents want the big house. The things in kids’ mind always are so easy. It’s the point that adults forget. You know, they care the substance more.L: Yeah, but what does the kids care are the thing lost gradually. C: 我们的节目什么时候变的那么深沉?L: 我们一向标榜有文化有深度你忘了吗?C: The third story!L: Today, my dad turned 91. He barely has enough strength to speak. But every time my mom (she’s 84) walks into the room to check on him, he says, “Hello beautiful.”C: 今天我爸就91岁了,他现在几乎连说话的力气都没有,但是每次我妈(84岁)进房看他的时候,他都会说:“你好啊美人儿。“L: Wow. C: I love this story. 这是在用生命演绎浪漫.L: Seems like, you are looking forward to a romantic love story, aren’t you?C: Yes. Who ever not? The writer’s dad used his only energy to flirt with his wife. It’s enough. L: When you turned 91, I will say to you,” Hello beautiful” every day. Do you want that?C: Lynn, go on your story.L: Today is the 14th day in a row that my nursing home patient’s grandson has come to visit her. Two weeks ago I told him that the only time I see his grandmother smile all week is when he visits her on Sunday mornings.C: 我们疗养院有个老人的孙子现在每天都来看望她,今天已经是第14天了。2周前我告诉她孙子,每周我唯一看到他奶奶面露微笑的时候就是每周日早上他来看望她的时候。L: It’s a big problem nowadays.C: What is the problem?L: Leaving the olds home alone.C: It’s also a contradictory. The young have the work to do. How could they have spare time to take care of the olds?L: The things are very easy, Carol. You shouldn’t go their home to clean up or water the flower. You just give the olds a call. They will be happy like children when they heard your voice and your care.C: It’s no matter what you have done for them. 只要你有心去关心老人。L: That’s I really want to say.
6/4/20159 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

May. 30, 2015 #日韩风情 • 日本語# 猫の恩返し 猫的恩返

あ:みなさん、こんばんわ。い:こんばんわ。あ:voeにっかんすタイルへようこそ。私王ててです。い:私白です。あ:ねい、白ちぁん、最近何か面白いアニメを見ましたか。い:ああ、もちろんあります。前日また宮崎駿の『猫の恩返し』を見ましたが、さすが経典ですね、何度も見ても不足だとおもいます。あ:そうですね、わたしも中学校の時『猫の恩返し』をみたことがあります。今では思い出したらやはりすごく面白いですね。い:でしょう~ 私中のバロンが大好きです。たとえ危険があっても落ち着いて処理できますし、難しい問題に遭っても冷静にぶんせきできますし、特に春ちぁんをひっしにまもりますなんて、本当にかっこいいなあ~とおもっています。あ:そうですね、私もバロンが超好きですよ。そういえば、白ちぁんが知っているかどうか分からないけれど、『猫の恩返し』は『耳をすませば』の番外編でありますよ、実はね、バロンは『耳をすませば』の中の猫人形で、それにトトも中の真っ白くて太い猫ですよ。みんな見る時注意していましたか。い:ああ、なるほど、だから見る時そんなに見覚えがあります。さあ、こんなおおくはなしましたが、このアニメがいったい何を述べていますか早くみんなに紹介しましょうか。あ:はい、このアニメは春と申す高校二年生の女の子が、放課後帰り道で一匹の猫がもうすぐ車にぶつかる場合、必死に猫を助けました。その可愛い猫は意外に猫国の王子でありますなんて、信じられないほどです。い:そうです。春ちぁんを答えるために、猫王は国民を連れて、恩返しの行動をあげますした。例えば、球拍を何個もおくったり、庭をーーーがいっぱいにさせたり、ネズミをたんすにいれたり、本当に面白いですね。あ:そうですね、これらの猫たちは非常に可愛いとおもいます。でも春ちやんがそうとは思えないようですよ。こんな場合では、春ちゃんがひどく驚きました。それは、猫王が春ちゃんを王子姫になってほしいためです。春ちゃんがとてもずつうがします。い:ああ、そうですね、猫と友達になったらまあいいけれど、王子姫になるなら、恩返しにしてもちょっとひどいですね。しかし、こんな困った時、バロンが出た!バロン、ムタ、トトと一緒に春ちゃんに猫国を逃げるのに助けます。もし猫国に夜が明けるまでいるなら、本物猫になってしまうからです。本当に危ないですよ。あ:そうですね。猫国でいろいろな面白いことが発生しました。特にあのずるい子供のような猫王が思いっ切って春ちゃんを残したがって、そこで、バロンにちょうせんして、結局まけてしまいました。それに、身の毛もおちました。い:ええ、恩返しにしても、相手の意思に従わなければなりませんよ、もし、きょうせいに相手にあげるなら、いいことも悪事になってしまうおくれがあります。春ちゃんはいつの間にか勇敢も自信もあるようになって、猫王の無理な要求に抵抗できますなんて。あ:そう、最後に、バロンの保護で、春ちゃんがとうとう現実世界へもどってきました。それに、当時ちょうど授業が始まるとこほだった。バロンと別れる前に、春ちゃんはバロンに「君が大好き」と告白でした。なんかあたたかい感じがしますね。い:ええ、そうですね、それは、バロンが本物の紳士だからね。春ちゃんにダンスをおしえたりして、振る舞いまで礼儀正しいです、。以後また再会したらいいなあとおもっています。あ:ええ、きっとできると思います。あれから春ちゃんも遅刻しないよう、さまざまな好みの紅茶を作るように変わってきました。插曲い:すべてのことが実現可能性があるものです。えっ、テテちゃん、アニメに、いろんな心を打たれる画面がありますよ。例えば、猫国から逃げようとした時、空からおちてしまいました。その時、トトは町の鳥を集めて、橋を作って、春ちゃんたちを安全にこぞうしました。春ちゃんたちは一歩一歩歩く様子を見て、なんかあたたかい感じがしますね。あ:そうですね、わたしもそうかんじますの。それに、猫国のパーティでは、猫王は春ちゃんを笑わせるために、何かとして、えんもくを多くしましたが。春ちゃんはなかなか嬉しくないんです。最後、またバロンが出て、春ちゃんを連れて、ダンスを踊っている時、微笑みがやっと春ちゃんの頬に浮かべてきました。その画面も美しいですね。い:そうそう、これは、みやざきはやおの作品に含んでいるせいずいだからです。あっという間の笑顔でも、温情も体現することができます。あ:だから、みんなもみやざきはやおのアニメを見るのが好きですね。い:そうです。彼のアニメが全部生活から取られてきます。実は、普通の物事ひいつも偉い物を含んています。あ:ええ、実はね、主人公春ちゃんは普通の高校生ですよ。春ちゃんは私達と同じで、怒ったり喜んだりして、春ちゃんはまるで平日の私たちのようですね。い:そうですね。自分のことが発見できるからこそ、現実にふさわしいです。さあ、こんな多く紹介しましたが、みんな早く見に行きましょう。あ:そうですね、最後にvoeの技術のみなさんもお疲れ様です。最后还要感谢我们的技术部小美女闫丹丽同学,辛苦啦!さようなら!い:さようなら!
5/30/201510 minutes, 47 seconds
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May. 29, 2015 #Bloom in Ink# what is the most important part of the body 肩膀

My mother used to ask me what is the most important part of the body.Through the years I would guess at what I thought was the correct answer. 我母亲以前常常问我,身体中什么部位最重要。许多年来,我一直在猜测我所认为正 确的答案。   When I was younger, I thought sound was very important to us as humans, so I said, "My ears, Mommy." 在我很小的时候,我认为声音对人类而言很重要,因此回答:“是耳朵,妈妈。”   She said, "No. Many people are deaf. But you keep thinking about it and I will ask you again soon." 她说:“不对,世界上有许多人是聋子。不过你还要继续想这个问题,以后我再问你。”   Several years passed before she asked me again. Since making my first attempt, I had contemplated the correct answer. 当她再次问我时,已经是好几年以后了。自从第一次没有回答正确之后,我就一直在琢磨答案。   So this time I told her, "Mommy, sight is very important to everybody, so it must be our eyes." 于是,这次我对她说:“妈妈,视觉对每个人都很重要,所以应该是眼睛。”  She looked at me and told me, "You are learning fast, but the answer is not correct because there are many people who are blind." 她看着我,说:“你学的很快,但答案还是不对,因为有很多人是盲人。”   Over the years, Mother asked me a couple more times and always her answer was, "No, but you are getting smarter every year, my child." 以后的几年里,她又问了我几次,但她总是回答:“不对,不过,孩子,你一年比一年聪明了。”  Then last year, my Grandpa died. Everybody was hurt. Everybody was crying.My Mom looked at me when it was our turn to say our final good-bye to Grandpa. She asked me, "Do you know the most important body part yet, my dear?" 去年我祖父去世,大家都悲痛不已。每一个人都在哭泣。轮到我们向祖父做最后的告别时,妈妈看着我,问我:“孩子,你知道身体最重要的部位了吗?”  I was shocked when she asked me this now. I always thought this was a gamebetween her and me. She saw the confusion on my face and told me, "This question is very important. It shows that you have really lived your life." I saw her eyes well up with tears. She said, "My dear, the most important body part is your shoulder."她在这时候问我这个问题,吓了我一大跳。我一直以为这是我和她之间的小游戏。她看我一脸迷惑,对我说:“这个问题很重要,它是你真正开始生活的标志。”我看她热泪盈眶。她说:“亲爱的,你身体最重要的部位是你的肩膀。” I asked, "Is it because it holds up your head?" 我问道:“是因为它能支撑头吗?” She replied, "No, it is because it can hold the head of a friend or loved one when they cry. Everybody needs a shoulder to cry on sometimes in life, my dear. I only hope that you have enough love and friends that you will have a shoulder to cry on when you need it." 她回答道:“不,是因为我们的朋友、我们所爱的人哭泣的时候,它可以让他们把头靠在那儿。亲爱的,每个人在一生中都会有需要一个可以靠着哭泣的肩膀的时候。我只是希望你有足够的爱心和朋友,这样在你需要的时候,你总可以找到一个倚靠着哭泣的肩膀。”   Then and there I knew the most important body part is not a selfish one. It is sympathetic to the pain of others.  从那时起,我知道身体最重要的部位不是利己的部位,而是能感受得到别人的痛苦的部位。
5/29/201510 minutes, 45 seconds
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May. 28, 2015 #Screen Age# The Iron Man 钢铁侠

E: Hi, my dear audience. Welcome to the Screen Age. I’m Elisabeth. (I’m Bob.) Have you enjoyed The Avengers? This time let us introduce the key role of this movie. He is Iron man. Bob, tell our audience about this great hero. B: Ok, I shall introduce The Iron man 3 to you. Marvel's "Iron Man 3" pits brash-but-brilliant industrialist Iron Man, who is acted by Tony Stark, against an enemy whose reach knows no bounds. When Stark finds his personal world destroyed at his enemy's hands, he embarks on a harrowing quest to find those responsible. This journey, at every turn, will test his mettle. With his back against the wall, Stark is left to survive by his own devices, relying on his ingenuity and instincts to protect those closest to him. As he fights his way back, Stark discovers the answer to the question that has secretly haunted him: does the man make the suit or does the suit make the man?E: Excellent. You know this is the first film in the series not to be directed by Jon Favreau, who turned down the offer for Iron Man 3 in order to direct Magic Kingdom and Jersey Boys . He later admitted that not directing allowed him to have more fun with his character Happy Hogan, saying that he was like "a proud grandfather who doesn't have to change the diapers but gets to play with the baby."B: Sounds interesting. And I knew many young guys like this film. Now let’s look at this interview.E: OK. This is my first review and I'm writing it because the critics are all praising this film so much.Let me tell you, if you like Iron Man in any way and/or are familiar with the mythology, do not pay to watch this film. This is a poor excuse of a plot that outright spits in the face of fans and destroys one of Marvel's most powerful villains. Seriously, the Mandarin is Tony Stark's antithesis; their conflict was always the symbol for magic vs. science. Like Joker's insanity contradicts Batman's great use of logic. B: In Iron Man 3 they ruined him so bad only a reboot could save the character (and believe me, I hate reboots as much as everyone). The Mandarin is now used as a joke character with the main twist just playing for laughs (or in my case, tears). This guy should have ten powerful magical rings that alone could rival the Avengers' powers combined. Was this "adaptation" really the best thing to do? Magic CAN be done on the big screen, they've done Norse Gods! Ten Rings are nothing compared to that...E:Other than that, the film still wouldn't be good. Shane Black writes comedy action films, only this time the comedy is much more cringe worthy and not really funny, and the action probably sums up about 20% of the film. The main plot-device for armor malfunctions, power-downs and or stupid failures is so overused I was wondering how could they ever fill up 120 minutes without it. The actual Iron Man suit is so underused that you'll think this is Bourne or Bond you're watching. Also noteworthy: If a film relies on poop jokes for a quick laugh, it got as low as it'll ever get.B: Also, I must say Rhodes (War Machine) needs a plot arc. He's a tool. I love Don's work in the role and think he's charismatic (as are RDJ and Gwyneth), but he needs to have some kind of a story.E: Other new characters' besides the Mandarin are really hit and miss. This series' villains really have become one-note. We all know the bad guy is the one wearing the fancy suit that wants corporate power and tries to take over. Special mention goes to Maya, that one person who changes her mind all the time and leaves the film never having stepped in in the first place.B:Wait, I'm not done yet. There's also a kid "side-kick" and you guessed it. He's in an hostage scene! Well, that's some good innovative writing right there! All in all, this is as bad or even worse than X-Men: The Last Stand. Beware of the actual ending that retcons everything about Tony's back-story. I don't know how Marvel green-lighted this script, I really don't! I know any fan could have done it much better!E: Exactly! I can’t agree more! You know this film was originally budgeted at $140 million, but after The Avengers (2012) became a huge hit, Marvel Studios and Disney upped it to $200 million in order to allow Shane Black to make the best movie he could.B: Really? I like some connecting films to Iron man. Such as Thor, Captain America: the first Avengers and the most famous one: The Avengers.E: Yes, the actor of Thor is a good friend of Robert Downey junior—the actor of Iron man. B: Robert Downey junior evolved into one of the most respected actors in Hollywood. With an amazing list of credits to his name, he has managed to stay new and fresh even after over four decades in the business.E: Yes, I can’t agree more. I’m a big fan of him. He has been nominated the best actor and the best supporting actor in action movies in 2013 and 2014. And he won the best fight in 2014 for the Avengers.B: He is a great actor in the Hollywood. Iron man is a great movie. We all love Robert Downey Junior!E: I agree with you. And now it’s time to say goodbye.感谢制作人张巧玉。 See you next time. I’m Elisabeth.B: Bye! I’m Bob.
5/28/201510 minutes, 38 seconds
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【特辑】#Screen Age# Avengers: Age of Ultron 复仇者联盟2:奥创纪元

节目名称:Avengers: Age of Ultron节目类型:电影脱口秀PART 1:剧情简介J:When Tony Stark tries to jumpstart a dormant peacekeeping program, things go awry and Earth&`& s Mightiest Heroes, including Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, the Incredible Hulk, Black Widow and Hawkeye, are put to the ultimate test as the fate of the planet hangs in the balance. As the villainous Ultron emerges, it is up to the Avengers to stop him from enacting his terrible plans, and soon uneasy alliances and unexpected action pave the way for a global adventure.JW: 这个剧情怎么有种似曾相识的感觉。B:Um, I can smell the flavor from my childhood.J:Well, I think most of the heroics movies are the same in script. Anyway, we will leave the comments to the audiences. Let’s hear a cinecism from imdb.PART 2:影评B: There’s no one word that can some up this movie. I won’t use ‘eh’ because that’s a bit too vague, and I think it’s a bit better than that. But things like ‘good’ or ‘amazing’ are too crazy to use. Welcome to my review.JW: Age of Ultron opens to a fine start -in fact, an amazing start- with a fresh, intense, action-packed sequence. The Avengers are introduced for the sequel, and so are two new characters: Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver. These ended up being my favorite characters in this movie. Unfortunately, they get tossed aside a bit. Considering they’re new characters, and considering one is in an upcoming movie and the other dies, they should have gotten more development. I adored Scarlet Witch and her powers, at least in the parts that she’s ACTUALLY IN.J: After the opening, everything goes downhill, at least SLIGHTLY. Ultron’s introduction is quite terrible. Can anyone explain to me how this invisible force can suddenly SPEAK inside a whole load of technological material? I don’t know... It just felt pretty dumb to me. If this was how it was in the comics, then I suppose I can’t really complain much. But I guess I could say that it doesn’t translate to screen very well. B: After that, the movie becomes kind of dull. I kept twitching in my seat various different times. If I can say one thing, it’s that the action sequences were fantastic, and they’re the only things that hold this movie up. Ultron was nothing like he was in the teaser trailer that got me hyped, nor was the movie. I wanted a dark, gritty, intense, heart-breaking, half-horror movie! The advertising for this movie is false, almost to the point where I could sue. Remember Scarlet&`&s gut-wrenching scream, or maybe Ultron saying "There&`& s no strings on me" in the teaser trailer? Well guess what? Nowhere to be found.JW: But there&`& s one last thing that makes me feel at least a bit satisfied with the movie, and that was the last act. When Ultron&`& s plans were finally revealed, everything turned amazing. The CGI effects were absolutely incredible, and there are shots in the trailers that would reveal his plan if they were extended by a few seconds, so keep an eye out...J: By the end of this review, I can finally figure out one word to sum this up. “Overrated.”B: You can mark this review as unhelpful, but I don’t care. It’s my opinion. This movie is definitely NOT a must see, but I guess it is for any fans of the comics.JW: Just be prepared for a completely different film to the film marketed in the trailers.. Thank you for reading, and I know that at least somebody will agree with me.JW: 一千个人眼中有一千个哈姆雷特。J: 总之大家只有在看过电影之后才会有不一样的感想。B: But I was recently concerned that many people who haven’t seen a lot of Marvel’s movies are not very aware of the relationship between the characters.J: 比如我在看电影的时候就比较吃力,因为不太了解漫威宇宙的故事,所以珠儿你可不可以给大家讲一下漫威电影的观影顺序。JW: 不可以J: 那么珠儿你马上给大家讲一下观影顺序。JW: 你看你们关键时刻还得靠嘉宾吧。PART 3:观影顺序 JW: Be ready for watching the Avengers: Age of Ultron, we can firstly begin with The Iron man I (Um, Tony) then The Incredible Hulk (Bruce Banner) The Iron man II (oh, Tony again) Thor (the one with a hammer) Captain America: The First Avenger (Steven Rogers) The Avengers (Yeah) Iron Man 3, Thor: The Dark World, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, and Guardians of the Galaxy which was just released last year.插曲 Soundgarden-Live To RisePART 4:含义讲解PART 5:Brian TylerPART 6:翻译问题PART 7:电影原声【文稿全文请关注我台官方微信公众平台 搜索:VOERadio】节目监制:刘子含播音:周 熠 高佳宁 杨理程编辑:杨理程 高佳宁 周 熠制作:刘子含
5/25/201526 minutes, 22 seconds
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May. 22, 2015 #The World Says# Keep Pursuing 追逐的快感

H:Hello,everyone, welcome to what does the world say from VOE learning English, and here with me is Lily. Hi, lilyL:Hey, Hellen, are you on a diet these days?H:On a diet, why do you say that, don’t forget I’m living to eat.L:But you do look thinner than last week.H:Never mind, I’m taking a part time job these days and on a busy schedule, really tired to death everyday.L:You lack of money at the beginning of a month?H:Well, it’s a long story. You know that I went to Tianjin to spend my holiday, the Labor day, and there was something wrong with our tickets, worse more, it’s out of date when we found the silly truth.L:I see, it means you bought a useless blank paper with much money once it out of date. Then how did you deal with it?H:We had to book the available tickets immediately, not too bad, we got it.L:There a silver lining that on a situation where it’s even difficult to book it two month ahead of time while you got it only several hours before.H:Yeah, but we had to suffer from exhaustion and waited for the train until 3:00 a.m. It’s a torment, can you understand we didn’t dare to sleep with our baggage and money.L:Exactly I really feel for you in all these troubles.H:But that’s not the end, you know disasters pile up on one another, after we reach in Shenyang station, I found my money lost.Maybe it was taken out when I was taking my phone out of my pocket. Grief without tears.L:I’m sorry to hear that, poor kids.H:Yeah, thanks to the coins I put in my purse before leaving, we could buy ice-cream console ourselves in that tough time.L:Live to eat! Didn’t you tell this to your parents for some help? Don’t make yourself a poor dog.H:I think I need to pay for my mistake this time. A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit. The money was used to pay for this prized lesson, which can always remind of this silly experience.L:Em……As for your special situation, I have a fast track which can bring you money quickly. Just need some little skill.Do you want to know. H:Of course, come on.L:It’s easy to a degree that you just need to work out a problem to get the treasure while there was nobody able to do it so far.H:Can you go straight and stop playing me along? L:Follow you, isn’t it? Do you have the encourage to work out?H:Absolutely, those who didn’t work it out are not as clever as I am. Also, they are not as poor as I am.L:Okay, later I will read a poem for you, the poem consist of nine clues all you need. You can make a huge fortune overnight as long as you have the intelligence to break the code in the poem.Okay, I’ll begin and our listener can listen to it and have a try, too.H:It seems that the huge fortune are waving at me, I can see their smile.L:Don’t be silly. I’ll begin.As i have gone alone in there,and with my treasures bold, I can keep my secret where, and hint of riches new and old.Begin it where warm waters halt, and take it in the canyon down, Not far, but too far to walk. Put in below the home of Brown. From there its no place for the meek, the end is ever drawing nigh; There’ ll be no paddle up your creek, just take the chest and go in peace.So why is it that I must go and leave my trove for all to seek? The answers I already know, I’ve done it tired and now I’m weak.So hear me all and listen good, your effort will be worth the cold, If you are brave and in the wood. I give you title to the gold.H:So long a poem, how can I remember it? I was totally mystified.L:I will consider to tell you a second time after our program if you bribe me.H:Do you know anything about the author? Maybe I can know something from the author himself, such as his experience, his intention.L:The author and owner of this huge fortune is a 84 millionaire named Forrest Feam, who is a Vietnam vets before. And a mischance happened to him in 1988, he was eventually diagnosed as suffering from terminal cancer.H:But why didn’t he devote to the charity instead of give them out by this way.L:Who knows, maybe its because of his special experience make him distinctive thoughts.H:So where he put them, I mean his fortune, surely I should have a probable direction.L:Rocky Mountains. Five years ago, Two million was buried there.consist of 200 ducats, hundreds of bullion, gemstone, jade even antiques.H:Sounds attractive! I have to bribe you later.L:Yeah,but do you really think you are able to reach it? During these years, thousands of people tried it without anyone succeeded. Also, though many e-mail sent to ask him about the clue, he kept his mouth shut.H:Maybe I’m the one, haha , maybe.L:Alright, maybe. He said it might be found tomorrow or never, It can’t be predict who would be the lucky dog, the final winner. Oh, he published a new clue recently.H:What’s that?L:The fortune concerns nothing with the building, so don’t dig in the buildings.H:Okay, that’s our today’s program, I want to know the poem.L:Alright, thank you for listeningH:Bye
5/22/201510 minutes, 22 seconds
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May. 16, 2015 #日韩风情 • 日本語# 美文赏读

A:皆さん、こんばんはB:こんばんはA:voeにっかんすタイルへようこそ 私白ですB:私ででですA: 人間というものは世の中に合わせて生きているうちに、いつの間にか、自分を見失ってしまうことがよくある。 人们在适应这个世界并在这个世界生存的过程中,不知不觉就会迷失自己。B: 自分を見失うと、外側にある刺激に振り回されたり、他人に感化されたりしやすくなる。 人一旦迷失了自己,就很容易受到外界的刺激或是他人的影响,从面随波逐流。 A: 自分らしい人生を送りたければ、自分で自分の演出家に成らなければならない。 所以,如果你想活出自己的精彩,那你就必须成为自己人生剧目的导演,来演绎自己的人生。B:ただし、演出家といっても、役者の個性をあまり考えず、役者を自らの構想を実現するためのコマとしか見なさないような演出家もいる。そのような演出家になってしまうと、あなたの個性は抑圧されてしまう。 但是,也有一些导演,他们从不考虑演员的个性,而是把演员当成自己手中的棋子,让演员按照自己的意志去演自己构想出的场景。如果你变成了这样的导演,那么你的个性也会受到抑制。A: 個性を引き出す演出家になるには、自分の中の才能をよく観察してみなければならない。 要想成为一个能够引导自己个性的好导演,你就必须用心观察自己潜在的才能。 B: 観察するだけではなく、実際にいろいろと挑戦してみることも必要だろう。而仅仅靠观察还是不够的,还有必要进行各种各样的实际挑战。 A: 人生を何度でもやり直しがきく舞台稽古だと思えばよい。 人生这个舞台是允许你不断跌倒再不断爬起来的。 B: やりやすい役だけをしていたのでは、役者としての成長はなく、せっかくの個性も花開かない。 如果一味地只是扮演简单的小角色,演员就得不到锻炼成长,有些可贵的个性也就无法得到发挥。A: 個性を引き出すには多少、難しい役を与えてみることも必要(ひつよう)なのだ。 因此,要想引导自己个性的发挥,还有必要扮演一些有难度的角色。B: 逆境という試練は、まさにいろいろなことが要求されるだけに、演出家としての腕を見せどころであり、役者として成長するよいチャンスでもある。身处逆境,的确需要面对各种各样的考验,也正因如此,才能够显示出导演的水平,同时也是演员成长的最好时机。A:不同的人会有不同命运,人们总是抱怨自己不够幸福,其实幸福无时无刻不在身边,只是每个人的体会不同而已。这次让我们一起感受平凡人的幸福吧 突然、訪れる至福感B:あなたはどんなときに幸せを感じるだろう?恋人と一緒にいるとき、好きな音楽を聴いているとき、おいしい料理を食べているとき、踊っているとき、趣味に没頭しているとき……まあ、人によって、どんなことに幸せを感じるかは、違うのが当然かもしれない。 A: 你在什么时候会感到幸福?和恋人在一起的时候,听着喜欢的音乐的时候, 吃着可口饭菜的时候,舞蹈的时候,埋头于自己的爱好的时候…… 嗯,什么时候感到幸福,大概也因人而异吧。A:次のような回答を送ってよこした三十代の主婦がいる。「朝日が射し込んでくるダイニングのテーブルを囲んで、夫と子供たちが私の作った朝食を食べていました。 有一个三十多岁的家庭主妇做了这样的回答。“那天早上,温暖的朝阳围坐在餐桌前,吃着我做的早餐。B:毎朝見る、見慣れているはずの光景でしたが、その日はなぜか違っていました。子供たちの清潔な身なり、生き生きとした顔、光を受けて輝く食器、夫のほころんだ顔、そういったものを見ているうちに、突然、おなかのそこから至福感がこみ上げてきたんです。 A: 这原本是每天习以为常的情景。但是那一天,不知道为什么我却感觉有点不一样。 孩子们穿戴得整整齐齐,神采奕奕,餐具映着朝霞闪闪发光,老公的脸上带着迷人的微笑……看着这些,我突然从心底里涌起一种难以言表的幸福感。B:私たちはそれ以上にないほど幸せでした。人が幸せになるのに、条件などないのだ。 看来,人们对于幸福的感知,是无须刻意条件的。A:みんなきっと幸せにしてください  节目得最后我们感谢一下技术部的同学B:はい、今日の放送はこれで終わると思います、みんな来週 また。A:じゃ、みんなさようなら B:さようなら
5/16/20159 minutes, 39 seconds
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May. 14, 2015 #Music Bang Bang# Meghan Trainor 梅根 · 特瑞娜

开篇曲 Your Lips Are MovingA: Hello everyone this is our Thursday Music Bang bBang again I’m August D: I’m Andy A:Toady I want to recommend a singer who I recently crazy about D:Ah I know who she is, it’s Meghan Trainlor isn’t it? I’ve been seeing you mumbling her songs these days.A:Yeah, you are right! She is Meghan! Are you familiar with her, Andy?D:A little bit she was born in US in 1993 and got famous last years, by right of her well-known song I love that song as soon as I heard it, kind like magic.It stays in the 1st placec for 8 weeks on billboard, and dominate music charts in many countries A: I LIKE that song too, I listened it over and over last year. Well I searched online about Meghan, she is born in a music family, and wrote songs at her early 11 years old, got a computer at 13 from her father who want her to show her talent by creating songs on computer and tunrs out, she is truly promising, released her first album at her 17 and got famous later rely on the hot song-D:whoa, you really know a lot about MeghanA:Thank you, I’m really a fan of her, let’s enjoy her songs shall we?插曲1 All About That Bass3.ALL. ABOUT. THAT. BASS 丰满宣言If you want to describe this song with one word I suggest you "strange ". All about that bass has broke the inherent pattern of pop music and has shown special charm. At the first time you listen it, you will desparate it from others, every second is strange, and it&`&s also one of the reasons of it&`&s success. Likewise, in this period of slim, Meghan&`&s strange view of beauty also makes us feeling different. She appeals us to know ourselves correctly, being confident, don&`&t appreciate those girls who are to thin. You are the most beautiful girl. 梅根的这首歌讽刺了人们追求所谓好身材误区,呼吁大家正视自己的身材,胖也是一种美,而自信的人是最美的。插曲 2 3AMD:This song called 3AM is one of my favourite in her album though it is a narrative song and a little bit slow, but the background music has a great sense of rhythm present the story smoothly.A: What is this song all about?D:This song is about a girl is wating for her boyfriend come home, until 3am in the midnight, he still didn’t come back, so as the lyric goes:”3 am, yup I’m cursing you once again, some told me that’s some other girl was hugging you .” The plain lyrics reflect her inner feelings thoroughly, makes you wanna giggle but pay your sympathy to her in her current situation. I really like the light rhythm and lyrics of it.A:这首歌以它富有节奏而又缓慢的曲风,向我们展示了一个女孩子在晚上等待她男友回家似的心理变化,细腻的心理描写和上口的曲子 无不向我们展示meghan 她独有的音乐才华。插曲3 Walk a shame Well, now I&`&d like to recommend you a cute song. You know, Meghan grown in a music family, and she has began to writing songs since 11. Meghans works usually described teenagers mental activity, WALKASHAMED is just one of them. When we were still young, have you ever did something makes you feeling embarrassing or ashamed, and you even want to cover your face and walk away? The protagonist in it is just a young girl who went home in dawn with her trousers out, thinking everyone envies her sexy hair. She was drunk, sipping in on with the bad head. But please don&`&t judge seems madaleine. Just like the lyric "We all make mistakes in the drunk world ", "Everyone here is on the walkadhame ". 每个人都想抹去羞愧,但是谁的青春没有犯过错呢?Today we introduce Meghan Trianlor to you guys, but not much she is really talented and still a fresh man in the music filed, let’s hope that she will creat more work for us, follow her track and witness her progress together. That’s all for today’s music bangbang bye(D), bye(A)
5/14/201512 minutes, 11 seconds
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May. 10, 2015 #Essays and Speeches# 妈妈我想对你说——

母亲节:妈妈我想对你说——有一种爱,叫付出;她不用你任何的回报。有一种爱,叫无私;她愿把所有的爱都给你。有一种爱,叫伟大;她愿用自己的一生去爱你,这个人叫“母亲”!这种爱叫“母爱”。母亲是世界上最爱你的人,母爱是世界上最博大最无私的爱。缕缕的青丝变银发,满脸的皱纹刻画着岁月的痕迹。她们的手粗了,腰弯了;岁月无情,斑驳了谁的容颜。她们把青春给了儿女。母爱是世界上最暖的亲情。无论时间怎样流转,岁月如何变迁。在我心中,母亲永远是最美的。I don't know how God looks like but I am cent percent sure he can't be better than you mom.我不知道上帝是什么样,但是我肯定他不会比妈妈您更好。I asked God for a flower and he gave me a garden; I asked God for a mom and he gave me the best one. I just wanna tell you mom that you are everything to me. May the Lord keep you under His wings always.我请求上帝给我一朵花,他却给了我一座花园;我请求上帝给我母亲,他就给了我最好的一个。妈妈,我只想告诉您,您就是我的一切。愿上帝永远将您呵护在他的羽翼下。You may have tangible wealth untold; Caskets of jewels and coffers of gold. Richer than I you can never be - I have a mother who reads to me.也许你有数不尽的财产;几匣子珠宝,几箱子金子。但是你绝对没我富有——因为我有个给我念故事的母亲。You mean a lot to me mom. You are the friend who lend me a hand whenever I'm down and hurt. You are a wise person who advice me and lead me the way when I'm lost. You are the lap that keeps me warm whenever I'm cold. You are the shelter that I turn to whenever I'm in trouble. You are everything I can't live without and everything that I want to be in the future. I'm proud to say to everyone that you are my mother.妈妈,您对我意味着太多。当我失落受伤时,您是给我帮助的朋友;当我迷失方向时,您是给我意见、为我指路的智者。当我感到寒冷时,您给我温暖的双膝;当我遇到麻烦时,您是我庇护的港湾。生活中我不能没有您,在未来我希望成为您。我可以骄傲地告诉每个人,您是我母亲。Mom, do you know that a man loves his sweetheart the most, his wife the best, but his mother the longest? To me there's no need for Mom's Day because every day to me is Mom's Day.妈妈,您知道吗?男人爱情人最痴,爱妻子最深,但是爱母亲最长久。我并不需要母亲节,因为对于我每天都是母亲节。Mom, you are the place I came from, my first home, my first love, my first friend, even my first enemy, but nothing on earth can separate you from me. Not time, not space...not even death!妈妈,我从您这儿降生,您是我的第一个家、第一个爱人、第一个朋友,甚至第一个敌人。但是,世界上没有任何东西能把我们分开,时间不能,距离不能,死亡也不能!Though I have not seen you mom for the last 7 years, you are always in front of my eyes. My one eye bears your picture, while the other looks on to the world to which you brought me in. I hope one day I will meet you, and tell you how much I have missed you. I will be reborn again, when I put my head on your lap and fall asleep, like you used to put me to bed during my sleepless nights.虽然我已经有7年没见到妈妈,但您的身影始终在我眼前。我一只眼中浮现着您的画面,另一只眼注视着世界——这个您带我来到的世界。希望有天能见到妈妈,告诉您我深深的思念。如果能再次枕着您的膝盖入睡,就好像从前您总在我晚上睡不着时将我轻轻抱上床,那我就会感觉自己仿佛重生了一样。If tears could build a stairway and memory a lane, we would walk right to heaven and bring you home again.如果眼泪能筑成阶梯,回忆能铺成道路,我们就会直奔天堂将您带回家。The second Sunday of May is Mother’s day ,so here is a poem for you -----my dearest mother.T o the world’s best mom;给世界上最好的妈妈Here’s a little token of my appreciation for all that you have done for me over the years.这是我一点小小的心意,感谢您这么多年来所付出的一切。Sometimes it may not seem like it, but I really do love you. 有时候好像不是这样,但是我真的爱您。全世界也许到处都有妈妈,但您是我惟一最在意的 Thank you for everything over the years, mom. 妈妈,谢谢您这些年来所做的一切。Though it is hard to tell you sometimes, I do love you dearly, mom.虽然有时要告诉您并不太容易,但是我真的非常爱您,妈妈。I may not often say it, but I do love you.我也许并不常挂在嘴上,但我真正爱您。There are little things that I should have said and done to show my gratitude, but it is appreciated what you do.  尽管我为表示谢意所说的和所做的都那么少,但同样也是表达对您所做一切的感激之情。  I don’t take the time to tell you this often, but I love you, mom.  虽然我经常没有时间告诉您,但我真的爱您,妈妈。  Sometimes I cry and make you sigh, but you know that I love you so.  有时候我哭泣而使您叹息,但您却知道,我是如此地爱您。  To mother on Mother’s Day: Thank you for all of the wonderful things that you h ave done for me.  母亲节给妈妈:谢谢您为我做了那么多奇妙的事。  Mom, thank you for being you.  妈妈,谢谢您的一切。  You are the one that we love the most. Have a happy Mother’s Day.  您是我们最爱的人。祝您有一个快乐的母亲节。
5/11/201511 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork

May. 09, 2015 #日韩风情 • 한국어# 韩语教学

1:听众朋友们大家好,欢迎收听VOE外文广播日韩风情时间韩语篇 ,我是播音**。2:大家好,我是播音**。1:여러분 잘 지냈어요? 大家过的好吗?(背景音乐)2:在进入今天的教学之前,我们先带着大家回顾一下上期节目学过的单词吧。1:高等数学 고등수학 고등수학2:普通化学 보통화학 보통화학1:英语 영어 영어2:线性代数 선형대수 선형대수1:有机化学 유기화학 유기화학2:概率论 확률론 확률론1:期中考试 기중시험 기중시험2:大家都学会了吗?(背景音乐)1:春天来了,学校里到处都是一片欣欣向荣的景象啊。2:是啊,学校里的树都变绿了,花也开了,燕子也飞回来了。1:没错,不光是花草树木,学生们也是啊,学习的热情都很高啊。2:可能是因为挂科挂怕了吧。1:厄,不是这样吧,应该是大家都明白“一年之计在于春”的道理吧。2:~哦,是这样啊。诶?**,봄 是春天的意思没错吧。1:恩,没错。2:那你知道“一年之计在于春”用韩语怎么说吗?1:这个不算太难,是 일년의 계획은 봄에 있다 一年之计在于春 일년의 계획은 봄에 있다2:哇,这都知道啊,好厉害啊。1:厄,不至于,不至于,还行吧。(背景音乐)1:**,你觉不觉得最近越来越热了呢?2:是啊,感觉春天没过几天,夏天就要到了。1:没错,沈阳的春天向来很短,那你知道夏天用韩语怎么说吗?2:这个很简单,是 여름 夏天 여름1:没错,**,你喜欢夏天吗?2:不喜欢,因为夏天实在太热了,热得我只想在寝室呆着。1:那你可以去游泳啊,夏天去游泳是多爽的一件事啊。游泳 수영 수영2:厄,你是不是忘了我是个旱鸭子啊?1:哦,对对对。抱歉啊。2:诶?**,我们夏天有游泳课没错吧?1:恩,没错,你一定要趁这个机会学会啊。2:好的,我一定会学会的。(背景音乐)2:**,除了游泳你还喜欢在夏天干什么呢?1:我喜欢吃着冰激凌读读书什么的。读书 독서 독서2:读书?我平常怎么没见你读过书?1:那是因为你从来不去图书馆。2:好吧,你老是揭我老底。1:厄,抱歉抱歉,我又说漏嘴了。2:算了,我已经习惯了。1:**,你在夏天喜欢干什么呢?2:我喜欢去公园逛一逛,因为那里有树还有水,比较凉快。凉快 시원하다 시원하다(背景音乐)1:我觉得夏天最爽的事情还是和几个好朋友一起去打网球了。2:打网球?你还会打网球啊?1:那当然了,我体育课选的就是网球。体育 체육 체육 **,你呢?2:我选的是篮球 농구 농구1:厄,一个弱女子还打篮球?2:我哪里弱了?1:没事没事,你一点都不弱。2:**,你会打篮球吗?1:我当然会了,我可是男生啊。2:真心没看出来。1:什么意思?2:看身材。1:好吧,我忍了,我一定会瘦下来的。(背景音乐)1:时间过得好快,又到了和大家说再见的时间了,在结束之前我们先回顾一下今天学到的单词吧。2:一年之计在于春 일년의 계획은 봄에 있다 일년의 계획은 봄에 있다1:夏天 여름 여름2:游泳 수영 수영1:读书 독서 독서2:凉快 시원하다 시원하다1:体育 체육 체육2:篮球 농구 농구(背景音乐)2:好的,同学们,今天的节目就到这里了,最后为大家送上K.Will的花开,我们下期节目再见!1&2:안녕~(背景音乐)
5/9/201510 minutes, 14 seconds
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May. 08, 2015 #Screen Age# The Flash 闪电侠

5/8/201510 minutes, 34 seconds
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Apr. 25, 2015 #日韩风情 • 日本語# 日本大佬

A:みなさん、こんばんわ。B:こんばんわ。A:voeにっかんすタイルへようこそ。欢迎来到voe外文广播电台,这里是日韩风情时间日语篇,我是播音婷婷。B:我是播音小白。A:しろちゃん、私は最近ギャング映画を見るのが好きです。ビーとたけしのボスという映画を聞いたことがありますか。 小白 我最近迷上了警匪片,你听说过北野武的电影《大佬》吗?B: ええ、聞いたことがありますよ。ビートたけしはあの映画にはヤクザを演じて,とてもかっこいいですね 是的,听说过,北野武在电影里饰演一位黑帮老大,非常帅呢。A:ええ、そうです.この映画をきっかけに私は日本のギャングを了解します。日本は唯一のヤクザの合法性を認める国家です 是的,以这部电影为契机,我也了解了日本的黑帮。日本是唯一承认黑帮合法性的国家呢B:山口組は日本に認める合法民間組織で今年は設立してから100年になる。山口组作为日本承认的“合法性民间组织” 自设立以来今年已经是第100周年了呢A:ええ、山口組の管理はとてもきびしいです。彼らは自分のサイトを創立して、また新聞を創設します.地震救援を参加するだけでなく、ハロウイン時、こともたちにお菓子をあげます。 是的,山口组的管理十分严格,他们不但建立自己的官网,还创办报纸,不但参加抗震救灾,还在万圣节的时候给孩子们发糖果 B:2013年山口組創設した新聞<山口新報>は、市長の文章と三代目組長の生誕100年,囲碁試合などいろいろなニュースを載せります。山口組の団結を強化するためです。 2013年山口组创设的报纸《山口新报》上面刊登了市长的文章和三代目组长的诞辰100周年 ,围棋比赛等等各种各样的新闻,其目的就在于强化山口组的团结。A:山口組は正しい力をみんなに伝えた、われわれと想像したヤグザは同じではありません。 山口组向我们传递着正能量,与我们想象中的黑帮不太一样呢。B:ええ、日本のヤクザはとても優しくて、人々の間にも人気がありますね、 是的,日本的黑帮非常和蔼,在人们之中也有很高的人气A:ねえ、Bさん、”ボス”という映画には一つのプロットは山口組の実際の出来事です。 对了B,大佬这部电影中的一个情节是依据山本组真实发生的事情拍摄的B:本当か、どんなプロットですか 真的吗是哪一个情节A:山口組の第四代の長は車に乗って愛人が住んでいるマンションへ行く途中でキラーに射殺されました。 山口组的第四代组长在去爱人居住的高级公寓时,被杀手射杀B:こんなプロットは15年前実際に発生したことですね。ビートたけしはそのままスクリーンに載せました 这样的情节在十五年前的现实生活中真实的发生过,北野武导演就那样原封不动的把它搬上的大荧幕A:ええ、記者はびーとたけしにこんな問題に聞きました。“ボス”という映画は焦点はなんですか 是的,记者有问过北野武这样的问题。大佬这部电影重点讲述了什么B:ビートたけしはどういいまうか 北野武导演是怎么回答的呢A:この映画はしんぎを反映するだけでなく、ヤクザの障害にも反映しています.彼達は自分の妻がある自信がないです。その原因は彼達は自分の命がいつでもなくなる可能性があるということをはっきり知っています。 这部电影不仅反映了黑帮的信义道德,还表现了黑帮的无奈,他们不敢有自己的妻子,因为他们深深的知道,自己的生命随时都有可能丢掉。B: ヤクザたちの信義は人々に感動させますね。彼達の心の中にも柔らかいところがありますね。 黑帮们的信义很让人们感动,他们心中也有柔软的地方A:はい,私たちも信義がある人間をやりますね。 是的 我们也要做一个有信义的人B:はい、今日の放送はこれで終わると思います、みんな来週 また。  我想今天的广播到这里就结束了。A:じゃ、みんなさようなら B:さようなら
4/26/20157 minutes, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork

Apr. 24, 2015 #The World Says# Campus Love 校园爱情

E: Hello my dear audience, welcome to the world says. I’m your new friend, Elvis. And here is my partner,Carol. Hello,Carol.C: Good evening, Elvis. How’s your small holiday? E: Great! Well, You know, the weather is warmer and warmer than ever before. So...C:The spring is coming.E: Yeah! The spring is coming. And carol? Do you know the meaning behind the word “spring”?C: Of course I know. When the weather is getting warmer, the winter is going away. We boys and girls will turn off their thick jackets and dressed up in a slight way. And most important thing is, they will begin to look forward to a campus love.E: A sweet love. If they are lucky enough.C: Agree with you. A pretty sweet love actually needs a few luck. You know, I love to update the weibo(微博) sometimes.E:嗯哼~C: There is a short paragraph and what it says really move me on.E: Really? What’s that?C: When I was young and having what I thought was serious relationship talk with my first real SO, I told her that I just wanted to find the right person.Without missing a beast she said, “Everybody is looking for the right person, and nobody is trying to be the right person.”That stopped me in my track.E:每个人都在寻找人生里对的那个人,但却没有人试着成为对的那个人。C: So just as you say, a pretty sweet love actually needs a few luck.E: Okay. Let’s make this a program all about campus love, shall we? And I know a lot of campus love stories. Some of them are the stories, which showed in movies, and sometimes there are also lots of beautiful stories surrounded by ourselves.C:你说的是《那些年,我们一起追的女孩》,《匆匆那年》还有《同桌的你》那类电影吗?E: Yes. Ah...By the way, have you watched those movies?C: Of course, I think they are really good ones. But it’s universal to find the story’s ending sad. In another word, the lovers always said good-bye in the end of the movie.E: Wow...I find that, too. That’s too bad.C:所以,校园恋情有着太多的不确定性了。E: But, carol, you can’t deny its pretty beauty. And so many people remember their campus love forever.C: So we still look forward to our campus love.E: To welcome the”spring”.C: Well,well.E:你知道吗?Carol, 其实,也有一些虽然没有结果但是却很有趣的校园“恋情”。C: Wow, funny and interesting love stories?E: Ha ha...ah...a question. If a boy says that you are fat, what’s your reaction?C: Go to the hell. If it is possible, a punch may be better.E: Well, a girl called Manning from The Oxford University had suffered from the situation. When she was a junior middle school student, the boy called her fat. And his friend also talked a lot about her weight.C: Oh my god, they are really wicked.E: So the girl remembered him, and she started to lose her weight. Then seven years later, in a beautiful evening, they meet at a party.C: Did the girl bite him?E: No! In fact, the boy can’t recognize of her. She changed a lot!C: Wow, then how does Manning revenge the boy?E: Ha ha,她放了这个讨厌的男生鸽子,并且给他写了一封嘲讽的信,最后,Manning 把这一切都放在了她的脸书上,这条状态收到了1.7万个赞。C: Bravo!E: So, boys, never laugh at the girl surrounded by you.C: 女大十八变,千万别急着打自己的脸。 E: A belle!C: Ha ha, At last, we heartily hope you can take a happy spring! E: Expect you can get a beautiful girl friend or boyfriend.C: This is all for today ‘s program.E: Thanks for listening.C&E: Bye~
4/24/20158 minutes, 53 seconds
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Apr. 23, 2015 #Screen Age# Furious 7 速度与激情7

Fast and Furious 7B: I think you definitely know the hottest film these days right?J: Sure! fast and furious VII right? This is a movie that is every movie at once. It’s the uber-film. It’s got explosions, romance, stunts, cars, thrills, fights, chases, guns, jiggling buns, cars, fights, questionable gender politics, guns, heists, intrigue, mystery, terrorism, The Rock. Cars.It is every movie that ever was and ever will be. So now I’m done. I’ve seen it all.It’s also a two-hour love letter to one of the greatest bromances in cinema history. It kinda destroyed me.B: OK plot.B: Dominic Torretto and his crew thought they left the criminal mercenary life behind. They defeated an international terrorist named Owen Shaw and went their seperate ways. But now, Shaw's brother, Deckard Shaw is out killing the crew one by one for revenge. Worse, a Somalian terrorist called Jakarde, and a shady government official called "Mr. Nobody" are both competing to steal a computer terrorism program called God's Eye, that can turn any technological device into a weapon. Torretto must reconvene with his team to stop Shaw and retrieve the God's Eye program while caught in a power struggle between terrorist and the United States government.J: By about 2009 when 'Fast & Furious' was released, the franchise had slowly began to veer away from its focus of street racing and instead began to turn its attention to the action genre.B: However along with this change of style, the franchise was actually getting better and better with each film. 'Fast & Furious 7' is a no-holds, over- the-top and mindless action film, but this aside, it is an extremely entertaining and fun film to watch.J: Yes. With an all-star cast and some brilliant action sequences, 'Fast & Furious 7' is proof that certain franchises can continually make great movies.B: The most notable moment however in the entire film is the emotional and respectful ending during the send-off of Paul Walker, the film finishing with a montage of Walker in the previous six films, finishing with just two words, 'For Paul', this is the first time a Fast and Furious film has affected me emotionally, and it is arguably the best in the franchise.J: we want to talk about the director James WanB: Maybe James is not familiar to everyone, but the director once directed one sequels of the franchise film SAW.J: 'It’s time for me to move on to other things and I’m thrilled that Universal and Neal have selected James Wan to lead the franchise into its new chapter.' the young director noted.B: Director James Wan faced lot of challenges finishing Furious 7 after Paul Walker died in an unrelated car accident, but sticking his film's ending was, perhaps, the biggest.J: Since Furious 7 is Wan's first film in the franchise, he only really got to know Walker once he'd signed on for the job. But that barely mattered. "When you hear rumors around Hollywood of, like, whether a person is cool, or whether a person is a dick, those are usually true. Paul's reputation is that of a really good human being and a great guy, and just so down to earth,"B: Paul Walker had only completed about half of the film before he died and they doubled him with his brothers and digital effects and such. I remember you saying after that you didn't notice.J: Nope because I am a simple gal who moved to a big city and doesn’t understand digital floating faces.B: I guess I was looking for it. There were a lot of scenes where he was turning away from the camera in the background or playing with his child, and picking the kid up so it obscures his face.J: And you could tell a large part of the opening of the film had been rewritten, just because not many of the scenes had Paul Walker in. It was characters talking about him, sort of setting up this ending to his part in the franchise.B: There was a definite line in the sand moment when the film went from PLOT AND EXPLOSIONS to remembering Paul Walker. But it didn’t jar. It was welcome. This is a character we’ve spent six films with, and an actor we lost far too young. J: What they did was a sendoff to Paul/Brian, having him drive off into the distance in a white Toyota Supra, the car he drove in the original film. It was lovely moment. A lovely, soul-crushing, messy-crying moment. The montage, and the song, and the real look of mourning on Vin Diesel’s face as he says good-bye.B: I was pretty emotional at the ending and I didn’t even know why. J: I’m still not over it. I’ll never be over it. The song. See you AgainB: yes, I have to tell you that this song is so touching and I bet most furious fans would cry for itJ: Absolutely, the song is performed by the famous rap artist Wiz Khalifa and singer Charlie Puth, and as the ending of our programme today we bring you the song.
4/23/201511 minutes, 59 seconds
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Apr. 18, 2015 #日韩风情 • 한국어# 美文赏读

预告:4월의 봄비처럼 우리의 마음을 적셔줄 따뜻한 가족이야기 한편을 소개하려 합니다. 여러분의 마음속에도 잔잔한 감동의 물결이 흐르기를 바래봅니다. 今天我要向大家讲述一篇 如4月的春雨一样能让我们的心都暖暖的亲情故事。希望能在大家的心中也感受到那暖暖的感动。背景音乐ㅡ그렇게 너와 꿈꾸고 싶어 (想和你一起做梦) morrie1.亲爱的同学们,下午好。这里是voe外语广播日韩风情时间,韩语篇。很高兴又在这充满活力的春天与你们相会。오늘 하루도 잘 보내셨나요?我是播音金池。배경음악ㅡ그렇게 너와 꿈꾸고 싶어 (和你一起做梦) morrie1.一个完美人生必不可少的三种"情",既:友情,爱情和亲情。其中 有一种情,迟了就无法再来,走了就无法追溯,它就是亲情。亲情是无形的,没有人能够说清楚它是什么样子,但亲情又是无尽的,你的一生无时无刻不在体会到它的存在。 接下来我为大家讲述一个温暖的亲情小故事。배경음악ㅡmoonlight-yiruma세상에서 가장 아름다운 모습 (世界上最美丽的人)시장통 작은 분식점에서 찐빵과 만두를 만들어 파는 어머니가 있었다.어느 일요일 오후, 아침부터 꾸물꾸물하던 하늘에서 후드득 비가 떨어지기 시작했다. 소나기였다.그런데 한 시간이 지나도 두 시간이 지나도 그치기는커녕 빗발이 점점 더 굵어지자 어머니는 서둘러 가게를 정리한 뒤 큰길로 나와 우산 두 개를 샀다.在市场的一个角落里,有一个小店,在那里有一位母亲靠着卖馒头和蒸包子来为生。某个周日下午,早上就开始乌云密布,阴沉沉的天,到了下午,就开始下雨了。是阵雨可是过了一小时,两小时,雨没有停,反而越下越大,母亲急忙关了店铺,到大路边买了两把雨伞。그 길로 딸이 다니는 미술학원 앞으로 달려간 어머니는 학원 문을 열려다 말고 깜짝 놀랐다. 작업복에 낡은 슬리퍼, 앞치마엔 밀가루 반죽이 덕지덕지 묻어 있었기 때문이였다.안그래도 감수성 예민한 여고생 딸이 상처를 입을까 두려운 어머니는 건물 아래층에서 학원이 파하기를 기다리기로 했다.母亲一口气来到女儿学画的美术学院三楼画室门前,正要推开门,母亲突然愣住了,她发现自己穿着拖鞋,围着围裙,围裙上还到处沾着面粉,怕正在青春期,又有一些敏感的女儿见到母亲狼狈的身影会伤心,母亲决定在楼下等女儿。한참을 서성대던 어머니가 문득 3층 학원 창가를 올려다봤을 때, 마침 아래쪽의 어머니를 내려다보고 있던 딸과 눈이 마주쳤다.어머니는 반갑게 손짓을 했지만 딸은 못본 척 얼른 몸을 숨겼다가 다시 삐죽 고개를 내밀고, 숨겼다가 얼굴을 내밀곤 할 뿐 초라한 엄마가 기다리는 걸 원하지 않는 것 같았다.슬픔에 잠긴 어머니는 고개를 숙인채 그냥 돌아섰다.不知过了多长时间,母亲向上看了一眼学院窗口,正好看到了女儿从三楼看着她的样子。母亲高兴地向女儿挥手,但女儿却视而不见,立即躲到门窗后面,随后又伸出脑袋看窗外,看着总是躲躲闪闪的女儿,母亲就觉得女儿不愿意见自己这番样子。无奈的母亲只好低着头,伤心地离开了。그로부터 한달 뒤, 어머니는 딸의 미술학원에서 학생들의 작품을 전시한다는 초대장을 받았다.딸이 부끄러워할 것만 같아 한나절을 망설이던 어머니는 저녁이 다 되여서야 이웃집에 잠시 가게를 맡긴 뒤 부랴부랴 딸의 미술학원으로 갔다."허~끝나 버렸으면 어쩌지……."다행히 전시장 문은 열려 있었다.之后,过了一个多月,美术学院送来了一份学院学生美术展的邀请函。母亲怕女儿觉得有些丢脸,犹豫了半天,到了傍晚才将店铺交给邻居帮忙照看,匆匆忙忙赶到女儿的美术学院。“呵~要是结束了该怎么办..…….”不过幸好美术展还没有结束。벽에 가득 걸린 그림들을 하나하나 훑어보던 어머니는 한 그림 앞에서 그만 가슴이 덜컹 내려앉았다.'세상에서 가장 아름다운 모습'.비, 우산, 밀가루 반죽이 허옇게 묻은 앞치마.그림 속엔 그녀가 학원 앞에서 딸을 기다리던 날의 초라한 모습이 고스란히 담겨 있었다. 그날 딸은 창문 뒤에 숨어서 우산을 들고 서 있는 어머니의 모습을 화폭에 담고 가슴에 담았던 것이다.모녀는 그 그림을 오래 오래 바라보았다. 세상에서 가장 행복한 모습으로.看着墙上挂着的一幅幅的美术作品,忽然母亲在一幅作品名为“世界上最美丽的女人”的作品前,心里咯噔了一下。雨伞,沾满面粉的雪白的围裙。画中的人就是那天在美术学院门口,雨中等待女儿的狼狈的母亲。那天女儿在窗后将母亲拿着雨伞的样子留在了画布上,更留在了心里。母女俩久久地用无比幸福的眼神凝视着那幅画。배경음악ㅡ자꾸자꾸(反反覆覆) 요조(yozoh)세상에서 가장 달콤한건 사탕이 아니라 가족간의 정입니다. 세상에서 가장 매력적인건 물질상의 풍요로움이 아니라 아낌없이 주는것 입니다. 세상에서 가장 행복한건 가족들과 함께 누리는 시간입니다. 오늘저녁, 멀리 있는 가족들에게 안부전화나 따뜻한 문자메세지를 보내는건 어떨가요?世界上最甜蜜的不是糖果,而是亲情的滋味,世界上最动人的事不是物质上的慷慨,而是默默无私的奉献,世界上最幸福的亦是与亲人相处的时刻…… 今晚让我们给自己的亲人打一个电话,发一条短信怎么样呢?今天的节目就到这里了,我们以 요조(yozoh) 唱的"자꾸자꾸 (反反覆覆)"来结束今天的韩语美文鉴赏吧。 다음주에 다시 만나요. 안녕
4/18/201510 minutes
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Apr. 16, 2015 #Screen Age# Cinderella 灰姑娘

E: Hello, dear audience, welcome to the movie’s world! It’s a lovely day to see you again. I’m Elisabeth. P: I’m Pearl.E: So, Pearl, what are you doing these days?P: Me? I have been practicing dancing for a couple of days! It’s so grace when you dance in a circle with your company’s hands on your waist.E: Sounds great! So you are learning court dance for the time being. But why do you want to learn it suddenly? You know it’s really hard to learn for me.P: In fact, I have seen a movie last week and was deeply impressed by their elegant steps.E: Oh, I see. You must have seen the movie Cinderella! It’ a fantastic movie. I have been longing to see. I knew it is adapt from a European folk tale in Grimms' Fairy Tales . And the little glass slipper’s name Cinderella has been changed for many times. Finally, they fix this name as English-language folklore character name.P: Yes, and you know The word "Cinderella" has, by analogy, come to mean one whose character were unrecognized, or one who unexpectedly achieves recognition or success after a period of low ebb and neglect. E: Well, actually this story continues to influence popular culture internationally, lending plot elements and tropes to a wide variety of media.P: Brilliant! When is the release day?E: Well, this is a 2015 American romantic fantasy film directed by Kenneth Branagh. Cinderella had its world first run on February 13, 2015 at the 65th Berlin International Film Festival. It was released on March 13, 2015. The film received positive critical reviews and has grossed over $337 million worldwide.P: Really? That’s amazing!E: Yes! And I want to know what have you seen?P: A girl named Ella (Cinderella) has the purest heart living in a cruel world filled with evil stepsisters and an evil stepmother out to ruin Ella's life. Ella comes one with her pure heart when she meets the prince and dances her way to a better life with glass shoes and a little help from her fairy godmother of course.E: Oh, it’s just like the fairy tale. In the next, a live-action retelling of the classic fairytale about a servant step daughter who is abused by her jealous stepmother and stepsisters after her father had died, for she was forced to be a servant in her own house yet through it all she did not let anything or anyone crush her spirit as she meets a dashing stranger in the woods.P: Yes. You can’t miss it. Whether from the production, background or clothing, producers have invested a lot of energy. Each have seen the film are deeply impressed and attracted by the magnificent scene, beautiful produced, gorgeous costumes and lovingly pathetic Cinderella.E: Yes, it must become a dream of each girl. I can’t wait to see it! So, just come with me, my dear audience. Let’s enjoy this amazing film! And, what a pity, it time to say goodbye. I’ m Elisabeth.P: I’m Pearl.E: Bye, my dear audience. See you next time.P: Bye.
4/16/20159 minutes, 49 seconds
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Apr. 11, 2015 #日韩风情 • 日本語# 魔女の宅急便

4/11/201511 minutes, 42 seconds
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Apr. 10, 2015 #Essays and Speeches# Life comes in a package 有种旅行叫作人生

Hanle Life comes in a package有种旅行叫作人生Life comes in a package. This package includes happiness and sorrow, failure and success, hope and despair. Life is a learning process. Experiences in life teach us new lessons and make us a better person. With each passing day we learn to handle various situations.人生好似一个包裹,这个包裹里藏着快乐与悲伤、成功与失败,希望与绝望。人生也是一个学习的过程。那些经历给我们上了全新的课,让我们变得更好。随着每一天的过去,我们学会了处理各种各样的问题。LoveLove plays a pivotal role on out life. Love makes you feel wanted. Without love a person could go hayward and also become cruel and ferocious. In the early stage of our life, our parents are the ones who shower us with unconditional love and care, they teach us about what is right and wrong, good and bad. But we always tend to take this for granted. It is only after marriage and having kids that a person understands and becomes sensitive to others feelings. Kids make a person responsible and mature and help us to understand life better.爱爱在生活之外扮演了一个关键的角色。爱使你想要得到些什么。没有爱,一个人将走向不归路,变得凶暴、残忍。在我们最初的人生道路上,我们的父母给予了我们无条件的关爱,他们教会我们判断正确与错误、好与坏。然而我们常常把这想当然了,只有等到我们结了婚并且有了孩子之后,一个人才会懂得并注意别人的感受。孩子让我们变得富有责任心、变得成熟稳重,并且更好的理解人生。Happiness and SorrowMaterialistic happiness is short-lived, but happiness achieved by bringing a smile on others face gives a certain level of fulfillment. Peace of mind is the main link to happiness. No mind is happy without peace. We realize the true worth of happiness when we are in sorrow. Sorrow is basically due to death of a loved one, failure and despair. But these things are temporary and pass away.快乐与悲伤物质上的快乐往往是短暂的,然而,当你给予他人一个微笑的时候,那种满足却是无与伦比的。心灵的平静往往是快乐的源泉。没有平和的心态就没有快乐的心情。在伤心的时候,我们往往能够体会到快乐的真谛。悲伤基本都来自于一个爱人的去世、失败还有绝望,但是这样的事情都是暂时的,总会过去的。Failure and SuccessFailure is the path to success. It helps us to touch the sky, teaches us to survive and shows us a specific way. Success brings in money, fame, pride and self-respect. Here it becomes very important to keep our head on out shoulder. The only way to show our gratitude to God for bestowing success on us is by being humble, modest, courteous and respectful to the less fortunate ones.失败与成功失败是成功之母。它让我们触及蓝天,它教会我们如何生存,它给予我们一条特殊的路。成功给予我们金钱、名誉、骄傲和自尊。这里,保持头脑清醒便显得尤为重要。唯一能让我们感激上帝给予的成功便是始终卑微、谦虚、礼貌并且尊重没有我们幸运的人们。Hope and DespairHope is what keeps life going. Parents always hope their children will do well. Hope makes us dream. Hope builds in patience. Life teaches us not to despair even in the darkest hour, because after every night there is a day. Nothing remains the same we have only one choice keep moving on in life and be hopeful.希望与绝望希望是人生动力之源。父母总是希望自己的孩子能够做得很好。希望使我们有梦想。希望使我们变得有耐心。人生教会我们即使是在最困难的时候都不要绝望,因为黑暗之后终将是黎明。没有什么事一成不变的,我们惟有充满希望地继续生活。Life teaches us not to regret over yesterday, for it has passed and is beyond our control. Tomorrow is unknown, for it could either be bright or dull. So the only alternative is work hard today, so that we will enjoy a bettertomorrow.人生教会我们不要对过去的事感到后悔,因为过去的终究是过去了并且我们已无法控制。没人知道明天会是怎样,因为它可以是光明的同样也可以是无趣的。所以,唯一的选择便是在今天努力工作,这样才能让我们去享受更美好的明天。
4/10/20159 minutes, 54 seconds
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Apr. 09, 2015 #Music Bang Bang# Billboard TOP 10 this week

Hello everyone, this Music Bang Bang I’m Andy I’m August here we meet again on Thursday .Today we will lead you to the billboard this week and see what’s new in there.Billboard TOP10NO.10. GDFR-FloridaNO.09. Time of Our lives-Pitbull Ne-YoNO.08 Trap Queen-Fetty WapNO.07 Style-Taylor SwiftNO.06 Earned it –The weekendsNO.05 Four Five Second-Rihanna KanyeWest Pual McCartneyNO.04 Love Me Like You Do-Ellie GouldingNO.03 Think Out Loud-Ed SheeranNO.02 Sugar-Maroon5NO.01 Uptown Funk-Bruno Mars Mark RonsonANDY:听完前十名之后,我们来一起来关注一下这周的前5名吧.Four Five Second-RihannaRihnna is a successful singer, actress and fashion lady, she has enjoyed a great reputation in many countries around the world. At the beginning of the song, there is not prelude but started by Rihanna’s high-pitched voice, and there’s still rhythm guitar guitar set the tune and rihanna’s voice complete each other since the rhythm to listen to her worry. I think I have had enough, I might got little drunk and suddenly the whole lyric slow down and change the instrument, it just like when you are praying in the church.这首由RIHANNA 和 KANYE 的四五秒 中途两次转换曲风 给人以与众不同的感觉。Love me like you do-Eille Goulding.I love her music style and her trumble and intangible voice it caught my attention tightly the first time I heard her voice. Her voice is really like talking us a story. This song is from a love movie called fifty shapes of grey. The movie is a little dark, so that it’s wasn’t on in China. But we can’t ignore that the movie and the theme songs of it were big successes. It also interlude song like was on the 6th place on billboard. They both set a groom mood for a tragic but beautiful love story.那我们就一起通过这首歌来感受这段凄美的爱情故事吧。Thinking Out Loud-Ed SheeranYou know Edward is a focus singer his songs is full of special characteristic. You think it is a song, however in my mind it more like a piece of poetry, a love poem. It just like your closest lover whispering by you earth his wide voice.歌颂爱情是永恒不变的主题,而艾德锡兰这首 Thinking Out Loud 则像是一首情诗回忆绵长。 Sugar-Maroon5Maroon5 is my favorite band, and the single is on its peak the 2nd place on Billboard. I think Adam is a attractive man his voice is so special and high pitched that can be easily recognised. In fact when they first released this album, this single didn’t give me much impression, until the MV comes out, the song become popular and easily landing on the 8th place on billboard, and hit the 2nd place now. The MV is totally a big success it’s worth casting for 6 weeks in this 6 weeks the number of the Maroon5 crushed into some wedding secretly without the bride and groom noticing, give the whole guests a big surprise, by sending people to set the curtain as soon as no one know what is happening along with the creaming and applause they appear. After the wedding all the brides are so excited and twisted and say the have the time, of there life. 这真是一个甜蜜的意外啊,难怪这只MV会获得巨大的成功,那就让我们一起欣赏这首甜美的爱情歌曲吧。Uptown Funk-Bruno Mars & Mark RonsonWe can call it a miracle, Uptown Fuck is created by a American song writer Bruno Mars .It has made great effect as soon as this single was released. And got great performance in Canada, Euro, American. As Taylor Swift’s blank space has stayed the champion of billboard for 7 weeks .And then Uptown Funk broke her dominate and got 1st place for 12weeks until now. After listening it, I realized it deserved this. As soon as you open this song in your radio, you will attracted by its strong rhythm and fall in it.
4/9/201515 minutes, 56 seconds
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Mar. 28, 2015 #日韩风情 • 日本語# 动漫《你看起来很好吃》

A: 皆さん、こんばんは,B:こんばんは、A:VOE日韓スタイルへようこそ 欢迎来到voe外文广播电视台,日韩风情日语篇 我是播音小白B:我是播音婷婷A:てちゃんも日本語を勉強していますね。最初どうして日本語を勉強する原因はまだ覚えているか。 婷婷也是学日语的呢。最初学习日语的原因还记得吗。B:最初の原因はとても簡単で、日本のアニメはとてもおましろくて、いつか字幕(じまく)をみないでアニメを見らればいいと思っています。 最初学习日语的原因很简单,日本的动漫很有意思,心里想着什么时候不看字幕就能看懂动漫就好了。A:ねええ、たぶんみんなが日本語を勉強の原因は同じだろう。私もその原因です。日本語を勉強し初めてまだ六年でしたね。Bさんはいまアニメを見る時字幕がなければならないだろうか。 是啊,好像大家最初开始学习日语的原因都是相同的呢,我也是因为这样开始学习日语。现在已经学习日语六年了,B现在看日本动漫还需要字幕吗。B:はい、大体の意味が分かられますけど、全部の内容を理解することはとても難しいね。日本語の変化はあまりにも多いです。でも、アニメのおかげで日本語に対する興味がもっと深くなります。 是啊,能够明白大体的意思,要理解全部的内容还是很困难啊,日语真的是有许多的变化。但是拖了动漫的福对日语有了更深层次的理解。A:てちゃん一番好きなアニメはなんですか。 婷婷最喜欢的动漫是什么呢。B:しろちゃんはお前うまそうだなというアニメ映画がきいたの? 小白你听说过你看起来很好吃这部电影吗A:聞いたことはありますが、見たことはないんです。タイトルはとてもおましろいですね。どんな映画ですよ。 听是听说过 但是没有看过呢,电影名字很是有趣呢,到底是什么样的电影呢B:ねええ,お前うまそうは真情を中心に恐竜(きょうりゅう)のことを述べます。あるきっかけで肉食恐竜(にくしょくきょうりゅう)は草食竜(そうしょくりゅう)の養子(ようし)となった。時間にわたって肉食恐竜は自分の違いを覚えます。 恩,你看起来很好吃是以亲情为中心讲述了恐龙的故事。机缘巧合一只霸王龙被食草类恐龙所收养。随着时间的推移霸王龙发现了自己的不一样A:次は、肉食恐竜はどうなった。悪くなるの? 接着呢,霸王龙怎么样了呢,它变坏了吗。B:彼は草食竜の母に離れまして、自分の生活を始めます。ある日、彼は草食竜の卵を拾って食べる間に恐竜の赤ちゃんが生まれます。 他离开了食草龙母亲,开始了自己的生活。有一天,他捡到了一个食草龙的蛋,在要吃它的时候龙宝宝诞生了A:面白いですね。それから、赤ちゃんがどうなるの。たべられましたが。それとも、ともだちになれましだが。 很有趣呢!那么接下来龙宝宝怎么样了?他被霸王龙吃掉了还是成为了好朋友 B:赤ちゃんがかわいくて恐竜の心を打ちますし、だんだん分けませんでしだ。最後に赤ちゃんの父親になりましだ。龙宝宝十分可爱,逐渐和霸王龙不能分开,他打动了霸王龙的心,最后霸王龙成了龙宝宝的父亲A:結局は、なんですが。赤ちゃんがどうなるの。 结局呢,龙宝宝怎么样了B:いろいろ話しまして、残った内容はみんな自分で見てください。 说了很多剩下的内容,大家自己看电影吧A:じゃ、どうしてタイトルは お前うまそうだ となりめしか。 那么影片的结局为什么叫做你看起来很好吃呢B:それは、初面の時、恐竜は赤ちゃんに お前うまそうだ といいましだ。 那是因为,他们的第一次见面,霸王龙对龙宝宝说了你看起来很好吃A: 楽しみにしていますね。 很期待结局呢B:はい、Aさんはどんなアニメ映画がすきですが。 A喜欢什么样的动画电影呢A:私は感動的なアニメ映画がすきますよ。アニメを見て、わんわん泣き後気分がよくなれますよ。ストレスはすっかりなくなっていくと思いします。B: お前うまそうだという映画は感動的なアニメですよ。 我比较喜欢感动一点的动画电影。看完动画,痛快的哭一场之后心情会变得很好,也会释放很多压力A:よかった、時間があったら、ぜひみます。 太好了如果有时间一定看这部电影。B:はい、今日の放送はこれで終わると思います、みんな来週 また。  我想今天的广播到这里就结束了。A:じゃ、みんなさようなら B:さようなら
3/28/20159 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork

【特辑】#Classic Film# Becoming Jane 成为简 · 奥斯汀

节目名称:Becoming Jane节目类型:电影鉴赏PART 1. 剧情介绍Jennie: The year is 1795 and young Jane Austen is a feisty 20-year-old and emerging writer who dreams of doing what was then nearly unthinkable - marrying for love.Bob: It may be very common to marry for love in nowadays, but it is precious and undoable at that times. In fact, her parents are searching for a wealthy, well-appointed husband to assure their daughter&`&s future social standing. They are eyeing Mr. Wisley, nephew to the very formidable, not to mention very rich, local aristocrat Lady Gresham, as a prospective match. Jewel: 这就相当于我们中国古代的包办婚姻。Jennie: 看来包办婚姻也是全球化的,globalization.Bob: 一般电影中的包办婚姻都是受反抗的,Jane 也如此。When Jane meets the roguish and decidedly non-aristocratic Tom Lefroy, sparks soon fly along with the sharp repartee. Jewel: At first his intellect and arrogance raise her anger – but later knock her head over heels. Now, the couple, whose flirtation flies in the face of the sense and sensibility of the age, is faced with a terrible dilemma. If they attempt to marry, they will risk everything that matters - family, friends and fortune.Jennie: Meanwhile, she turns down the affections of other men, including Mr Wisley, the nephew and heir of the wealthy Lady Gresham. Wisley proposes but Jane ultimately rejects him due to lack of affection.Bob: That’s the plot and now let’s enjoy a part of the movie.下面是我们的嘉宾Jewel精心挑选的两个片段PART 2. 片段讲解Jewel: 这一片段是Gresham夫人在得知自己的外甥向Jane求婚被拒后找到Jane谈话的一番场景。在这个片段中,声名显赫而且非常富有的Gresham 夫人说了这样一句话:Let us simply say my nephew’s wishes are close to my heart, however extraordinary they may be. Do you know the meaning of the phrase close to someone’s heart?Jennie:我们要知道的话干嘛还请你过来,还付车票钱?其实我明明知道你是走来的。Bob: 那我来讲好了我不用报销车票钱。(Sure!)Close to my heart 和它直译成中文的意思其实差不多,就是对某件事非常上心。让Jennie给大家造个句子吧。Jennie: 一般大家想要表达对某件事情很上心的时候可以用这个句子,I think this matter is close to my heart.Jewel: 大家表白的时候不要再说俗套的I love u了,要换成I want you to know that I will always carry you close to my heart.对了,我前两天看咱台发了条微博是我爱你的十种说法,具体内容欢迎关注VOE外语广播电台的官方新浪微博账号啊。Bob: Em,get~Jewel: 下面再普及一个高逼格的词汇,出现在Gresham夫人的另一句话当中。My nephew, Miss Austen, condescend far indeed in offering to the daughter of an obscure and impecunious clergyman.这句话中的condescend是屈尊的意思。Jennie: Right, it spells c o n d e s c e n d, condescend,那就让Bob来造个句子吧。Bob: 啊?!为什么这么看得起我把难词都留给我了?!这没个3秒钟还真想不出来!duang,想到啦~(bravo!)一般一般~We expect a love probably, sympathize with, these the precious emotion condescend to come.Jennie:今天我们的老周讲英语就到这里(Actually it’s called The World Says.)类似的英语教学节目还请大家继续关注VOE外语广播电台。And there is a theme song we want to share with you. It’s called sometimes when we touch. Please enjoy~插曲:sometimes when we touch(女声版)Jewel: Oh my God, this is amazing!Jennie: Ew, what’s wrong with you?!Bob: There, there. And welcome back to Classic Films and just leave the psycho.Jennie: The next part is the part we all fancy. And we also dub the part.PART 3. 主旨分析Jennie: Being a Jane Austen fan I may be a bit biased. Overall I really enjoyed the film, although I am not sure if it is historically correct in regard to Miss Austen&`&s romantic life. Anne Hathaway gave an excellent portrayal of Austen, who in the film seemed more like a Miss Elizabeth Bennett; the main character of her book Pride and Prejudice, a book she writes throughout the movie. James McAvoy fits the role of Tom Lefroy brilliantly, giving a roguish charm and depth to the character. James Cromwell and Julie Walters portray Austen&`&s parents with a Bennett air, being in a money problem and wishing their daughter to marry a wealthy man. Maggie Smith gives great depth to Lady Gresham, a wealthy women living near them who is looking for a wife for her nephew, who is to inherit her estate. The script is well written and has a good, if not average, romantic story line with moments of humor.Bob: From a filmmakers point of view the most appealing aspect of the film is its artistic direction and cinematography. there is a wide range of angles and transitions used throughout the film, as well as inventive setting of cameras and lighting. The area of Ireland that the film was shot in is magnificent and beautiful and emerges the viewer into the world of Jane Austen.Jewel: Actually I don’t know if you guys have the same feelings with me. This film seemed to be a parallel of 2005&`&s Pride and Prejudice, starring Keira Knightley and Matthew MacFadyen initially. I would recommend this film to Jane Austen fans and romantics alike, possibly even to those who do not care for 18th century English life. Then I think the film transport the audience to another time when the main form of transportation was carriage and horses, and women were expected of no more than to marry and care for the household and children. Add a dash of romance, a love triangle and a cast of excellent ensemble characters and Becoming Jane is born. It is a inspiring film that gives us insight to the woman who was Jane Austen.接下来是我们为大家带来的配音节目,付出了很多的心血。Hope you’ll like it.PART 4. 配音节目结束语节目监制:刘子含播音:周 熠 高佳宁 杨理程编辑:杨理程 高佳宁 周 熠 制作:刘子含
3/27/201526 minutes, 9 seconds
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Mar. 27, 2015 #Essays and Speeches# Get a Thorough Understanding of Oneself 悟透自己

In all one's lifetime it is oneself that one spends the most time being with or dealing with. But it is precisely oneself that one has the least understanding of.人生在世,和“自己”相处最多,打交道最多,但是往往悟不透“自己”。When you are going upwards in life you tend to overestimate yourself. It seems that everything you seek for is within your reach; luck and opportunities will come your way and you are overjoyed that they constitute part of your worth.人生走上坡路时,往往把自己估计过高,似乎一切所求的东西都能垂手可得,甚至把运气和机遇也看做自己身价的一部分而喜不自胜。When you are going downhill you tend to underestimate yourself, mistaking difficulties and adversities for your own incompetence. It's likely that you think it wise for yourself to know our place and stay aloof from worldly wearing a mask of cowardice, behind which the flow of sap in your life will be retarded.人在不得意时,又往往把自己估计过低,把困难和不利也看做自己的无能,以至把安分守己,与世无争误认为有自知之明,而实际上往往被怯懦的面具窒息了自己鲜活的生命。To get a thorough understanding of oneself is to gain a correct view of oneself and be a sober realist -- aware of both one's strength and shortage. You may look forward hopefully to the future but be sure not to expect too much, for ideals can never be fully realezed.透自己,就是正确认识自己,也就是说要做一个冷静的现实主义者,既知道自己的优势,也知道自己的不足。我们可以憧憬人生,但期望值不能过高。因为在现实中,理想总是会打折扣的。You may be courageous to meet challenges but it should be clear to you where to direct your efforts. That's to way so long as you have a perfect knowledge of yourself there won't be difficulties you can't overcome, nor obstacles you can't surmount.悟可以迎接挑战。但是必须清楚自己努力的方向。也就是说,人一旦有了自知之明,也就没有什么克服不了的困难,没有什么过不去的难关。To get a thorough understanding of oneself needs selfappreciation. Whether you liken yourself to a towering tree or a blade of grass, whether you think you are a high mountain or a small stone, you represent a state of nature that has its own raison detre.要悟透自己就要欣赏自己。无论你是一棵参天大树,还是一棵小草,无论你成为一座巍峨的高山,还是一块小小的石头,都是一种天然,都有自己存在的价值。If you earnestly admire yourself you'll have a real sense of self-appreciation, which will give you confidence. As soon as you gain full confidence in yourself you'll be enabled to fight and overcome any adversity.只要你认真地欣赏自己,你就会拥有一个真正的自我。只有自我欣赏才会有信心,一旦拥有了信心也就拥有了抵御一切逆境的动力。To get a thorough understanding of oneself also requires doing oneself a favor when it's needed. In time of anger, do yourself a favor by giving vent to it in a quiet place so that you won't be hurt by its flames; in time of sadness, do yourself a favor by sharing it with your friends so as to change a gloomy mood into a cheerful one; in time of tiredness, do yourself a favor by getting a good sleep or taking some tonic. Show yourself loving concern about your health and daily life. As you are aware, what a person physically has is but a human body that's vulnerable when exposed to the elements. So if you fall ill, it's up to you to take a good care of yourself. Unless you know perfectly well when and how to do yourself a favor, you won't be confident and ready enough to resist the attack of illness.要悟透自己,就要心疼自己。在气愤时心疼一下自己,找个僻静处散散心,宣泄宣泄,不要让那些无名之火伤身;忧伤时,要心疼一下自己,找个三五好友,诉说诉说,让感情的阴天变晴;劳累时,你要心疼一下自己,为自己来一番问寒问暖,要明白人所拥有的不过是一个血肉之躯,经不住太多的风力霜剑;有病时,你要心疼一下自己,惟有对自己的心疼,才是战胜疾病的信心和力量。To get a thorough understanding of oneself is to get a full control of one's life. Then one will find one's life full of color and flavor.悟透了自己,才能把握住自己,你生活才会有滋有味!
3/27/201510 minutes
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Mar. 26, 2015 #School Talk Show# Some Interesting TV Shows

V: hello, dear audience, welcome to our school talk show, I’m Value.W: Hello, everyone, I’m your old friend Leonor 。V: Hi Leo, what kind of TV shows do you like to watch? L: I really love situation comedy. 也就是情景喜剧。Do you?V: Oh yeah, me too. And it's great that there are so many shows now to choose from!L: 哈哈,I know! There are so many TV programs that I can't keep them straight!V: That’s right. Leo, you know what my favorite show is? It’s RM.L: RM? What’s that?V: Ok, Let me explain. RM stands for Running Man. It’s a reality show from South Korea. Did you ever hear about it? L: Oh, yeah, 因为中国《奔跑吧兄弟》节目的上映,我了解了一点Running Man. V: Well, you know, Leo. Running Man is very successful. It has been on 5 seasons, and has made more than 230 episodes. L:Wow, Value, you remember that so clearly! I really don’t know it has been on 5 seasons, more than 230 episodes?! It’s that popular.V: 是啊, 而且我几乎每集都看过,并且一直在追。L: Why do you like this program so much? Do you have any special reasons?V: yeah, It brings us so much fun. The 7 hostsPlay many games in the show. All of them will try their best to win. And during those games, they maybe betray each other and cheat the enemies. That plot entertains us a lot.L: Sounds interesting! So, what kind of games will they play there? V: 比如有一期,他们要玩这样一个游戏,两人一组,一个人坐在飞椅上,另一个人和对方猜拳,如果输了的话,飞椅上的人就会被“嘭”的一声扔进水里,每当这时候,RM成员们就会搞怪的唱到“干爽啊,干爽,今天要干爽的回家。”L: wow, How funny they are! V:You bet! I really like watching reality TV. 你刚才说喜欢看情景喜剧,我看过《六人行》,那算吗?L: I used to watch Friends religiously! I cried when it went off the air in 2004.V: Oh yeah.L: Friends was a really popular sitcom. They are fashionable for a time.V: But wasn't it pretty unrealistic? None of the characters worked very often, but they had a huge apartment in New York city. L: Who cares? Sitcom追求的是搞笑、好玩儿,谁会在乎情节的真实性啊! V: Okay, Why did you like Friends so much? Did you think it was really funny?L: Yeah, it was really funny, but it also had a great storyline. All the different episodes were part of the same plot.V: That's true. I also thought that the dialogue was really good too. 每集的内容相互联系,使整个节目有一个完整的故事埂概。L: Oh yeah, the dialogue was great. I thought everything the characters said to one another was really funny.V: The other thing that made Friends so good was the cast. All the actors were perfect for their characters.L: 是啊,我也觉得演员阵容选得很好。The actor who played Ross did a great job. He was hilarious!V: Really? I didn't think he was the funniest. My favorite character was Joey.L:Joey was pretty good, but not as funny as Ross. And the relationship between Ross and Rachel was really romantic too.V: It was kind of romantic, but it got old. 因为这些情节老演老演,就变得没劲了。L: What about you, Value? Do you like sitcoms?V: Not anymore. Ever since the series finale of Friends, I haven't found any other sitcoms that I really like.L:是吗?那你现在都看什么电视节目啊?Do you only focus on your running man? V: Of course not. Lately, I've gotten really into more serious shows, like crime dramas.L: So, you like crime dramas, huh? Why are you so into them?V: I really want to become a lawyer one day,所以看一些这样的节目,我可以从中学到关于司法系统的一些知识。L: Oh come on.... That show is so boring. Each show has the same plot. The police arrest someone for a crime, and then he goes to trial.V: No way! It's totally interesting the way it shows how the American justice system works. If it were so boring, why would there be so many spinoffs?L: Well that's one thing we can agree on. There are definitely a lot of cookie-cutter spinoffs.就是千篇一律的东西。 Well what are some of the other crime dramas you like?V: Do you know the show Crime Scene Investigation? We usually call it CSI. It's about a team of police investigators solving crimes in Las Vegas.L: Sure, I've heard of CSI. What other shows do you like?V: 还有好多犯罪类型的电视剧啊。还有CSI New York 和 CSI Miami.L: value ... can't you see that those are all the same show! They just happen in different cities!V: No way! They're all totally different. And besides, they all get really good ratings and rave reviews.L: You know, all this talk reminds me that CSI Miami is coming on pretty soon. Do you mind if I cut our date short so I can get to dorm to watch it?Jane: ha-ha, okay. Well I hope you enjoy it.V: OK,that’s all for today’s show, see you next time.L: bye bye~
3/26/20159 minutes, 52 seconds
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Mar. 21, 2015 #日韩风情 • 한국어# 春天

1:听众朋友们大家好,欢迎收听VOE外文广播日韩风情时间韩语篇 ,我是播音张星宇。2:大家好,我是播音朴恩静。1:여러분 잘 지냈어요? 大家过的好吗?(背景音乐)2:在进入今天的教学之前,我们先带着大家回顾一下上期节目学过的单词吧。1:你好 안녕하세요 안녕하세요2:下雨了 비가 내려요 비가 내려요1:没关系 괜찮아 괜찮아2:日记 일기 일기1:教室 교실 교실2:粉笔 분필 분필1:桌子 책상 책상2:大家都学会了吗?(背景音乐)1:我最近真的好开心啊。2:怎么了?1:这不是春天马上就要来了嘛,春天可是我最喜欢的季节了。春天来了 봄이 왔어요 봄이 왔어요2:我也很喜欢春天,因为燕子会从遥远的南方飞回来。燕子 제비 제비1:是啊,而且还会看到开得漫山遍野的桃花。樱花 벚꽃 벚꽃2:最主要的是,我们可以脱下厚厚的棉袄,换上漂亮的春装了。1:厄,原来如此啊。我觉得春天最幸福的事情莫过于和朋友们一起去春游了。春游 봄놀이 봄놀이2:是啊,春天是万物复苏的季节,能给我们带来新的希望和快乐的心情。1:说的真有道理,赞一个。(背景音乐)2:星宇,你知道春天到来的标志是什么吗?1:恩。。。应该是开花吧,春暖花开嘛。开花 꽃이 피다 꽃이 피다2:错,应该是天气变暖和了。暖和 따뜻하다 따뜻하다1:厄,是吗?那我也问你个问题吧。2:说吧,来者不拒。1:你知道春天在哪里吗?2:厄,难道是小朋友的眼睛里吗?1:错,答案是沈阳农业大学。春天的沈农多美啊,遍地都是艳丽动人的花朵。沈阳农业大学 심양농업대학 심양농업대학2:对对对,说得太对了。我们学校的春天是最美的。(背景音乐)2:时间过得好快,又到了和大家说再见的时间了,在结束之前我们先回顾一下今天学到的单词吧。1:春天来了 봄이 왔어요 봄이 왔어요2:燕子 제비 제비1:樱花 벚꽃 벚꽃2:春游 봄놀이 봄놀이1:开花 꽃이 피다 꽃이 피다2:暖和 따뜻하다 따뜻하다1:沈阳农业大学 심양농업대학 심양농업대학(背景音乐)2:好的,同学们,今天的节目就到这里了,我们下期节目再见!1&2:안녕~(背景音乐)
3/21/201510 minutes, 5 seconds
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Mar. 20, 2015 #School Talk Show# Studies About Women

3/20/201510 minutes, 15 seconds
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Mar. 19, 2015 #Pop Music# Marry You

The first song by American recording artist Bruno Mars. He is not only a singer but a songwriter, a record producer and a voice actor. He was born and raised in Hawaii by a family of musicians. “Marry you” incorporates influences of reggae and R&B. Lyrically, the song sees Mars singing about a spontaneous marriage idea. It received generally mixed reviews from most of the critics with some complimenting its production and Mars’ vocals on the song. The song charted at number 85 on the Billboard Hot 100. It also peaked within the top twenty of the charts in the United Kingdom .当我去听这首歌时,我能感受到音乐的律动。Is it the look in your eyes or is it this dancing juice who cares baby, I think I wanna marry you .是因为你的眼神迷离或是你的舞跳的太翩跹,这些都无所谓宝贝,我只想和你在一起。Now let’s enjoy this beautiful song with me.The music you are listening to is “say something”. It was a song by American indie pop duo a great big world from their debut album. The song was originally recorded by Axel for his solo album. This is the new year. It was later released as a single by the duo on Sep 3,2013, by Epic Records. The song is a slow-tempo indie pop piano ballad which talks about a breakup ,where the lover is implored to make a statement that could potentially reverse plans, with the singer expressing humility, sadness and regret. I think the song is full of emotion, slow melody creates a sad atmosphere. Now let’s begin our travel.Well, I can't wait to recommend you , which is a meaningful song sang by Dana Winner. Feel extremely dense, somewhat sad piano prelude, then elegant voice floating. It makes people forget worldly sorrow.琴声交错着Dana透明的声音,仿佛看到她在月色朦胧的湖边飘动着、吟唱着...Mike Oldfield is the writer of Moonlight Shadow. In an interview, when asked about whether the song refers to John Lennon, he responded:"It is not so....of course, when I look back, maybe."“它最初灵感来自于我喜爱的电影——托尼·柯蒂斯主演的《胡迪尼》,这是通过灵媒联络死去的胡迪尼……歌曲原来的影响本该如此,而这其他影响却是我未曾想到的。”No matter who is the song in honor of, Moonlight Shadow is still a meaningful existence. Let's enjoy it.
3/19/20159 minutes, 59 seconds
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Mar. 14, 2015 #日韩风情 • 日本語# 《象の背中》

3/15/201510 minutes, 56 seconds
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Mar. 13, 2015 #Essays and Speeches# The Person I'm Supposed to Be 我本是我

3/14/201510 minutes, 22 seconds
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Mar. 12, 2015 #English Gas Station# Some English Proverbs

3/12/20159 minutes, 50 seconds
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【特辑】#Pop Music# Ed Sheeran 艾德 · 希兰

British singer and song writer Ed Sheeran以一种舒缓的节奏向大家分享英国著名歌手、创作人——艾德·希兰 的经典之作!节目监制:程怿明(辽宁广播电视台瓢虫台监制) 刘子含 编辑:高佳宁播音:高佳宁 刘子含制作:刘子含
1/16/201525 minutes
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Jan. 03, 2015 #日韩风情 • 日本語# 歌舞伎

1/3/201511 minutes, 40 seconds
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Jan. 02, 2015 #School Talk Show# ​Refuse Waste

Hello and welcome to school talk show from VOE learning English. I’m Hellen…… and I’m Astrid. Hello. In today&`&s programme we will talk about food waste. Yeah, Astrid, you like food don’t you?Yes, I do.But how much of it do you actually throw away?Probably too much although I’m trying to get better at that, Hellen.I’m asking you this because many people around the world throw away food that’s still good enough to eat –this food waste could feed millions of other people. That’s what we’re talking about today as well as looking as some related vocabulary.Yes, food waste is a big problem. We stock up on food that we don’t really need, and we’re often tempted by supermarkets to consume – or to eat – more.Before we talk more about this, let’s find out what you know about food waste. So, do you know, according to the United Nations Food and Agricultural organization, what percentage of food is actually wasted?a) 25%b) 33%c) 50%50%, I seem to remember that. I might be wrong.We’ll find out if you’re right or wrong later on. But now, here’s another figure for you: In Europe, people throw away 100 million tonnes of food every year.Wow, such a waste. Most of this food just ends up rotting in landfill sites and that adds to another problem –it creates greenhouse gases.It does. But the problem isn’t just us throwing away leftovers in the fridge or cupboard, as we can hear now from BBC reporter Caroline Hepker. What are the other reasons that lead to food being wasted? Typically, supermarkets demand that onions are about two to two-and-a-quarter inches in diameter. This one will get pretty close to it but this one is too small, although it is perfectlyedible.The question is, what happens to it then? Food waste is a huge issue in America –40% of all food goes uneaten and it’s a problem that starts long before you get to the dining-room table.Another staggering figure there Hellen – 40% of all food in America goes uneaten –it doesn’t get eaten.And she explained that supermarkets are partly to blame.Yes. We all love the convenience, the price and the choice of food that supermarkets offer –but a lot of food is binned – thrown out – long before it reaches the shelves.The reporter gave the example of onions: if they’re the wrong size, they can’t be sold; they’re thrown away even though they’re good enough to eat – or edible.There are many other types of fruit and vegetables that are discarded –or thrown away – because of their shape and size. And that’s our fault really, because we often think food that looks good is better quality.Another issue is the' sell by' and' use by' dates printed on food packaging. They confuse customers. Anything older than the' sell by' date makes us think it' s old and the food has gone off,but in fact this is just the date supermarket wants to sell it by.And there is another reason why some of us are encouraged to buy too much food. Have a listen to working mum, Tara Sherbrooke, about her shopping habits and see if you can hear what the problem is.Also, see if you can hear what she does to try and minimise food waste.I try very hard to meal-plan because as a working mum and having a busy family, I really try to make sure that there’s enough food at the beginning of the week. I find it very difficult to walk pass two-for-one offers especially on things that we use. I even find it hard to walk past them when they’re items I've never purchased before – I stop and look!So she is a busy working mum and she tries to meal-plan –she plans the family’s meals for the week and works out what to buy.But she still gets tempted by the two-for-one offers. That’s when you buy one item and you get another one of the same item for free.Buy-one-get-one-free – or as it’s sometimes known, BOGOF! You can get a bargain but it also means we sometimes buy too much of something. If it’s fresh produce, it might go off before you get to use it all.But in other parts of the world people struggle to buy even the most basic food. A report by the UN’s Food and Agricultural organization found that there is enough food for everyone, just a lot of inefficiency. So what can be done?Well things are being done.Apps and websites that distribute excess food are becoming more popular.And food banks are being set up too. These are charitable organizations people donate food to.It’s then distributed to those who have difficulty buying their own food. And one trial project in New York requires the city’s restaurants to stop sending food waste to landfills by 2015. But at the moment, globally, there’s still a lot of food being thrown away. And Astrid, I asked you how much? Is it 25%, 33% or 50% of all food produced?I said half – 50%.according to the United Nations Food and Agricultural organization, the answer is 33%. Still not good. It also found the amount of land needed to grow all the food wasted in the world each year would be the size of Mexico. Well, before the end of today's programme, could you remind us some word we heard?stock up onbuy a large quantity ofconsume(here) to eatlandfill siteslarge holes in the ground where people&`&s waste or rubbish is buriedleftoversfood that is not eatenconvenienceease of doing somethingediblesafe or good enough to eatdiscardedthrown awaygone offno longer freshBOGOF(acronym) buy one, get one freedistributeto give something out to several peopleThat&`&s the end of today&`&s programme, thank you for joining us.bye
1/2/201510 minutes, 41 seconds
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Jan. 01, 2015 #Pop Music# Steal My Girl

Hello audience, welcome to pop music of VOE Radio Station. I'm August. I'm .I'm glad to share you three songs for this week. Let's begin our journey. The first one, Steal My Girl by British famous band- One Direction. One Direction, we can also call it 1D, comes from Britain and Ireland, and all members are males. Especially, on August, 2012, they performed their magnum opus What Makes You Beautiful and showed their talent. In addition, the song Steal My Girl is quite amusing. It's different from other love songs, it's an exquisite feeling that a young couple loves each other deeply and the boy was so cherish the girl that is afraid of her being stolen every second. 少年时时担心自己心爱的女孩被他人“偷走”,这种纯美的情怀令我们在忍俊不禁的同时也深深陷入少年的美好回忆中去。The second song you're listening to is If I were A Boy.This song is sung by Beyonce, an American singer and actress. She performed in various singing and dancing competitions as a child,and rose to fame in the late 1990s as lead singer of R&B gril-group Destiny’s Child.歌曲中,高音很高,低音很低,伴奏缓慢抒情,高潮部分碧昂斯强有力地唱出了歌曲的灵魂:“If I were a boy/I think I could understand/How it feels to love a girl /I swear I'd be a better man.讲述了当失去爱人时,男孩儿们应该怎样去保护心爱的人。 And last, I'm desire to recommend you the song Superheroes by Ireland band The Script. This song is little different from those that are about love, friendship. It’s a paean for father. Others may says, he'll always ordinary during his life, but in our life, he is our superheroes. When the sun rises, he puts up his uniform, kisses kid’s forehead, and fights for his family, for his dear daughter. Every time he working in moonlight, you are his impetus. 当女儿还在甜美的梦中,他已穿上西装,轻吻女儿的额头。他或许将一生辛劳平凡,但在我们的世界里,他是我们的超级英雄。Well, It’s all for today’s pop music. We have recommended three songs. They’re Steal My Girl, If I Were A Boy and Superheroes. Do you like them? See you next week .Bye~
1/1/201510 minutes, 3 seconds
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Dec. 27, 2014 #日韩风情 • 한국어# 教室

1:여러분 안녕하세요 ,欢迎大家来收听VOE外文广播日韩风情时间 韩语篇。我是播音 金池。2:大家好,我是播音 张星宇。(背景音乐)1:여러분 잘 지냈어요? 大家过的好吗?2:在开始今天的节目之前,让我们和大家一起来复习一下在上一期节目当中学到的单词吧。1:好的2:大家还记得上一期学到的韩语吗?1:在上一期节目当中我们学习了关于旅游的韩语哦,旅游 여행,여행。2:公交车, 버스 ,버스1:火车 기차,기차2:飞机 비행기,비행기1:船 배,배2:地铁 지하철,지하철1:自行车 자전거,자전거2:复习一下是不是能记得更牢固一些? 要记得去复习哦。1:同学们,上一期的内容回顾完了,那我们在这一期节目里面会学到什么韩语呢?马上开始我们今天的韩语学习吧。(背景音乐)2:金池,你说我们平时接触的最多的事物是什么啊?1:Em。。。应该是教室吧? 因为我们上课就要去教室,而且期末复习的时候还要去教室自习,所以我觉得教室是我们接触的最多的了2:嗯,对,所以我在想,我们在这一期节目当中是不是可以教同学们一些和教室有关的韩语。1:想法很好啊,那我们今天就教大家一些和教室有关的韩语吧(背景音乐)2:首先我们先教大家 教室 用韩语怎么说吧。1:好,教室在韩语中念作 교실2:교실 ,교실。 那教室里面会有一些什么东西呢?1:教室里不能少的就是黑板了吧。黑板 칠판,칠판2:当然,有黑板就不能没有粉笔了, 粉笔 분필,분필1:在黑板上用粉笔写了字以后想要擦掉的话就要用到黑板擦了,黑板擦在韩语里是 칠판지우개,칠판지우개2:这个词是由黑板和橡皮擦的韩语组成的,后面的 지우개 是 橡皮擦的意思。지우개1:还有讲台呢,讲台 강단,강단2:老师在讲台前讲课,我们就是在书桌前听课了, 书桌 책상,책상1:还有,我们上课的时候都是坐着听课的,我们坐的凳子也是教室里不可缺少的一部分哦,凳子,걸상,걸상。 2:除了我们教同学们的这些物品外,教室里不只是有这些,还有门窗的1:对哦,其实我们生活当中 门是非常常见的,进到什么地方的时候都会通过一扇门,门在韩语里念作 문,문2:窗户在韩语里是 창문,창문1:是不是教室和教室里面物品的韩语 都教完了呢?2:应该是吧,如果有漏掉的物品,我们会在以后的节目当中再教大家的。1:嗯,对韩语感兴趣的同学一定不要错过我们的节目哦(背景音乐)2:今天的节目又要结束了,让我们和大家一起回顾一下今天学到的单词吧,教室 교실 교실1:黑板 칠판 칠판2:粉笔 분필 분필1:黑板擦 칠판지우개 칠판지우개2:讲台 강단 강단1:书桌 책상 책상2:凳子 걸상 걸상1:门 문 문2:窗户 창문 창문1:今天学的有点多呢,同学们要好好复习了哦~(背景音乐)2:同学们,今天的节目就到这里了1:最后送给大家一首非常好听的歌曲 Got7 的 > 1&2:여러분 안녕~
12/27/201410 minutes, 5 seconds
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Dec. 26, 2014 #Campus Interview# BLCU to USC 北语斗牛士(下)

Sheldon: Hello my audience, welcome to today’s Campus Interview from VOE Foreign Languages Radio. I’m your old friend Sheldon.Latisha: Hi 大家好,欢迎翻开今天的校园访谈录,我是你们的好朋友费丹力。今天我们将继续采访来自北京语言大学的梁黎民,他将与我们分享他周游欧洲的经历以及他对未来的的打算Sheldon: Limin, last time we mainly talked about your school BLCU. In today’s program, would you like to talk some details of your life in Europe? For example, when you first arrived in Spain, did you adapt to the new environment? Especially the weather, as far as I know, the weather in Spain is quite different from that in China.黎民: You may think that the weather in Spain is the Mediterranean style for example they have sunshine they have the beach the sea but the weather in Santiago is not that type at all. Because we were at the western coast of the ?? of Spain. The weather there was very much like the Britain style. So there was raining everyday and the wind was really strong. So I was there for one year and I never adapt to the weather. Latisha: 黎民谈到圣地亚哥的气候并不是典型的地中海气候而是英国式的气候,几乎天天下雨同时伴随着强风,这样的天气对于我们来说确实不好受啊~Sheldon: That’s true, so in this condition, what do you usually do in your spare time? I know football in Spain is very popular and you’re also a big fan of it. Did you watch the Spain La Liga?黎民: Yeah, I went to many matches of the Spanish Primera League. I went to Santiago Bernabéu to watch a ? and there were 80,000 people there and the atmosphere inside the Santiago Bernabéu was incredible. And also watch some matches of other small teams for example ? something like that. So I think you have to watch a football game if you go to Spain. This is most important culture there. Latisha: 哇,能在世界著名的伯纳乌球场观看西班牙甲级联赛,这样的经历恐怕是终生难忘的吧!Sheldon: Exactly! Spain is one of the leading footballing countries. Thus, the football matches shouldn’t be missed. And moreover, I hear that you travelled the Europe during the year. But I wondered you sure you have that much time to travel? Anyway, could you share the experiences of travelling with our audience? That must be fantastic! Latisha: 对啊,我一直好奇周游欧洲是一番怎样的体验啊?你旅行的起点是哪里呢?黎民:It was really a pity but I still got some time to travel around the Europe. To begin with, I went to Portugal because the city I live in was only 300 kilometers away from Porto the second biggest city in Portugal. From then, I also went to France Germany and Austria and many other countries. The best thing I found out about Europe is that there are many famous cities there and every 3 or 4 hundred kilometers you will find one very important city in Europe for example you can go to Berlin from Munich in just 5 or 6 hours and this is really a good way of travelling, comparing to travelling to China, you know, we need to travel more than 10 hours from the North side to the South side. My favorite country had to be Spain. Because first of all the people were very nice in Spain. The Spanish people will always try to help you when you have any question or you have any problem while travelling. Secondly, you will always find many kinds of delicious food. Over the streets, the squares there are many Spanish ??. That is why I like Spain best.Sheldon: That’s fabulous! Latisha: 是啊,欧洲是西方文化的发源地,欧洲国家的一个重要特点就是虽然各国国土面积都不很大,但各国的历史文化却不尽相同。这就能让我们在短途短时的旅行中领略到不同的社会文化、风土人情。有机会我也一定要去多彩的欧洲走一遭!Sheldon: Well, that would be a memorable experience. And Limin I can see you loved the life in Spain even in Europe. However you will graduate in a year. Have you ever thought about your future? Do you intend to return to Spain for graduate study or study in homeland or find a job in somewhere?黎民: Ok so I’m going to graduate in a year and I have to find myself a job. Now I have many kinds of jobs to choose from. But I want to go to South America as you know there are many Spanish speaking countries in South America for example Argentina Columbia Venezuela or many countries. I think there are 20 countries speaking Spanish in total. So I’m going to develop some oversea markets for our country and for those companies controlled by the country. And I think I will go to South America for 3 or 4 years so-so. Then I want to work in Beijing. Sheldon: No matter where growing up per se is difficult, I think. Latisha: 没错,但如此丰富的阅历也一定会使你在今后的工作和生活中游刃有余。未来的南美之行相信又将会是你记忆中浓墨重彩的一笔!Sheldon: How time flies! Our program is about to come to an end, unconsciously. At the end, Limin, would you like to teach the audience some simple words in Spanish as a concluding remark? 黎民: OK OK, I will teach you three phrases in Spanish. The first one is “Good morning”. So every time you see some Spanish person in the morning and you want to say good morning to him you should say “Buenos días“. If you want to say “Goodbye” to him you should say “Adiós” . And if you want to say “thanks” or “many thanks” as we often do in Spanish you should say “Muchas gracias”. So I think that’s all. Sheldon: Wow, that’s interesting! I have gotten it! Finally, thank you so much for your time and I wish you will have a bright future.黎民: Thank you very much. I will try my best. So I wish your VOE will get better and better and and have more and more audiences. 节目监制:刘子含编辑:刘子含播音:刘子含 费丹力制作:刘子含
12/26/201410 minutes, 11 seconds
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Dec. 25, 2014 #Campus Interview# BLCU to USC 北语斗牛士(上)

Sheldon: Hello my audience, welcome to Campus Interview from VOE Foreign Languages Radio. I’m your old friend Sheldon. 黎民:“大家早上好,我叫DIEGO,我刚刚在西班牙学习了一年,我现在在北语读大四,我的专业是西班牙语言文学,希望有机会能认识大家,谢谢!”(西班牙语) Latisha: Hi 大家好,欢迎翻开今天的校园访谈录,我是你们的好朋友费丹力。不知道亲爱的听众朋友们是否能听得出刚刚的那位神秘嘉宾所说的是哪种语言。子含你知道吗? Sheldon: Of course I do! That is a self-introduction in Spanish, isn’t it? (Right!)Well, today, we take a step outside our tiny little campus, all the way to the Beijing Language and Culture University. Latisha: 没错,今天我们采访到的是一位目前就读于北京语言大学并有着一年西班牙圣地亚哥大学交换经历的西语学生。那么在接下来的时间里,我们的这位嘉宾将与听众朋友们一起分享一下北语的风采以及留学欧洲的传奇经历。 Sheldon: Hello 黎民 Could you please introduce yourself again in English to our audience? 黎民: Hi everyone. I’m Limin and I have a Spanish name Diego. So I’m now studying in BLCU and my major is Spanish. And now I’m in the forth year of this University. Sheldon: Well, thank you for join me today. Before we officially begin our today’s interview, I got a news of our Diego that he is a child prodigy especially in languages and he went to college at the age of 16. Latisha you know? Latisha: 当然知道,采访前我也有做功课的哦,除了你说的内容,我还了解到黎明在高三的时候就考取了雅思7.5分的好成绩及其中阅读和听力都是满分,大学英语四级同样拿到了662分的高分! Sheldon: Exactly! So 黎民 could you share the experience that how did you get admitted to BLCU? Considering your achievements in English, I don’t think that is difficult for you. 黎民: Ok, I came into this university with a type of recruitment called independent recruitment. It means that you have to go to the ?? exam but you also need to take another little exam in the university about half year before the ?? exam. And if you get pass that exam you will get a 20 or 30 points for your final exam. So I passed that exam and I got my major Spanish. This major was my dream major since primary school or something. So it was really dream came true and I definitely chose to study in this university. Latisha: 能够学习自己从小梦想的专业是多少大学生的愿望啊,祝贺你啊~ Sheldon: Yeah, and then would you like to tell the impression of your school? 黎民: The atmosphere in this university was fantastic. When I first came into this university, I found out that there were so many foreigners there. And you could find any type of language in that university. Whenever I do anything, I play football basketball or tennis. I can always find some friends from Spanish speaking countries. And I can practice my spoken Spanish with these guys. And another important feature about this university that is this university is very small. Because we use to be alongside the big university but in 1964 the government decided that we should be given independent place for our university. So we got half the campus of Beijing Geography University or something. So to be honest, we are a very very small university but we have the people from every country in the world. Latisha: 在北语能接触到世界各地的大学生着实令人羡慕啊,正如黎民所说,相比有这样国际化的人文环境,校园面积不大的问题也就不算什么了。 Sheldon: Indeed, and Latisha we have talked with Limin for sometime, I believe that it is not difficult for you to find that he speaks English with a Spanish accent. (yes, obviously) And Limin I heard that you have been to Spain for one year. I wondered how you got the chance to study in Spain? I think there are must many people competing with you for it. 黎民: Yeah, I got this weird Spanish accent in Spain. I didn’t get admitted to the university on my own. It is because we have some exchange program with 3 or 4 Spanish universities. Well, I was in the second grade, our teacher gave us 3 or 4 choices and also we had the choice of going to Mexico. But eventually I chose to go to Spain. I went to the University of Santiago. Santiago is a very very small city but it is of very important cultural importance because we have a very important cathedral at the centre of the city. It is called the Cathedral of Santiago. It is said that one of the students of Jesus was buried there. So Santiago has now become the second most important Catholic city all over the world. Sheldon: Wow, it seems that you just seized the opportunity. And studying in Spain must be a wonderful experience! Latisha: 那是一定的,黎民所说的圣地亚哥大教堂我曾在有关欧洲建筑的记录片中看到。圣地亚哥大教堂气势恢宏,始建于1748年,祭祀着基督12门徒之一的雅各,是西班牙重要的标志性建筑之一。时间过得真快,今天的校园访谈录就到这里啦,明天我们将继续采访黎民,他将与我们分享他周游欧洲的奇幻经历同时还会教大家简单的西班牙语哦! Sheldon: Yeah, that’s all for today’s campus interview. Thank you for your listening. And see you next time. Bye.
12/25/20149 minutes, 58 seconds
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Dec. 20, 2014 #日韩风情 • 日本語# 龙猫

(背景音乐:風のとおり道童声版)A:みなさん、こんばんわ。B:こんばんわA:voeにかんすたいるへようこそ。欢迎收听voe外文广播电台这里是日韩风情时间日语篇。我是主播A。B:我是主播B。ところでAさん,以前にほんの《隣のトトロ》を見たことがありますか?これは相当すぐれたアニメ映画ですよ。小时候看过日本宫崎骏的龙猫吗?这可是一部相当优秀的动漫电影!A:ええ、もちろん見たことがあります。《隣のトトロ》は宫崎骏( みやざき はやお)が有名になった作品ですね。また何度も見直したこともあります。かめんもやさしく音楽もすばらしくて、なかなか忘れませんね!是啊,龙猫可以说是宫崎骏的成名作。后来后来还不止一次的重温呢!它温馨的画面,经典的音乐,让人怎么也忘不了呢!B:そうですね、《龙猫》当中的核心角色龙猫在日本儿童之间就像小熊维尼对于英国儿童一样知名。《独立报》认为龙猫是历史上最伟大的卡通角色之一,并形容它是“纯洁且令人敬畏,龙猫比任何宫崎骏创作的其他生物更能吸引儿童的无邪心灵与魔法。”A:そうですね、11歳の月と4歳の妹の梅は、病気になった母ちゃんが田舎にもどって静かに暮らしているため、夏休み、父ちゃんといっしょに田舎に帰りました。是啊,影片讲述的是11岁的女孩小月和妹妹小梅要看望因为生病而在乡下静养的妈妈,和爸爸一起到乡下生活。B:そうです、その間、女の子たちはトトロと知り合い、しだいに友達になります。是的,就是在这期间,两个纯真的小女孩与龙猫相识,并成为了好朋友。A:そうですね、彼女たちいろんな面白いことができました。たとえば、トトロといっしょに雨の中で父ちゃんを待ち、くすのきを生じさせ、とうもんころを母ちゃんに送りなど。是啊,她们之间发生了许多有意思的事。比如,和龙猫一起在雨中撑伞等爸爸回家、一起等橡树发芽长大、寻找走失的妹妹小梅、送妈妈玉米黍等等。B:トトロがいてくれて、大都市の生活に慣れていた彼女たちは本物の大自然を知って、魅力も感じました。在龙猫的陪同下,习惯了城市生活的她们真正认识了大自然,也感受到了自然的魅力。A:そうですね、甘い会話を聞いて、何とか心をあたたかくしました。4歳のめいさんがいつも姉のそばに付き、姉の真似をして、おじょもたくしいやどんぐりさえ梅さんの目を引けます。是的,听着她们稚嫩的对话总让人感觉很温馨,年仅4岁的小梅总是跟在姐姐身边,姐姐说的每一句话都想要去模仿,连小溪里的蝌蚪、一颗橡树果都会吸引小梅的注意力,真是体现了孩童最天真浪漫的一面。B:Áさん、映画の背景音に気づいたの? A,有没有注意影片中的背景音乐呢?A:ええ、もちろん。背景音は久石让(ひさいし じょう)から出て、聞いてみると本当にすばらしいですね。嗯,当然了。背景乐来自久石让,淡淡扬起的旋律配上大自然的清新,让整个身心都放松了呢!B:そうですね、背景音までうまく感心させました。その映画は、非常にへいぼんな物語を述べていますが、われわれの最もかける面を反映しています。是啊,连背景乐都让人很感动呢!影片讲述的虽然是一个很平凡普通的小故事,但其反映的却是我们生活中最真实也最缺失的一面。A:はい、そうです。みなさんもし暇があったら、ぜひ見てください。没错,大家如果有时间,一定要看一下哦!B:さあ、最後は『隣のトトロ』と言う音楽をみんなに贈ります。节目最后为大家送上龙猫主题曲 (我的邻居龙猫) さようならA:さようなら
12/20/201411 minutes, 46 seconds
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Dec. 19, 2014 #Essays and Speeches# Father

Dear son…孩子 The day that you see me old and I am already not, have patience and try to understand me …哪天你看到我日渐老去,身体也渐渐不行,请耐着性子试着了解我…… If I get dirty when eating… if I cannot dress… have patience. 如果我吃的脏兮兮,如果我不会穿衣服……有耐性一点…… Remember the hours I spent teaching it to you. 你记得我曾花多久时间教你这些事吗? If, when I speak to you, I repeat the same things thousand and one times, do not interrupt me,listen to me 如果,当我一再重复述说同样的事情…不要打断我,听我说…. When you were small, I had to read to you thousand and one times the same story until you get to sleep… When I do not want to have a shower, neither shame me nor scold me… 你小时候,我必须一遍又一遍的读着同样的故事,直到你静静睡着……. 当我不想洗澡,不要羞辱我也不要责骂我…… Remember when I had to chase you with thousand excuses I invented, in order that you wanted to bath,When you see my on new technologies, give me the necessary time and not look at me with your mocking smile… 你记得小时后我曾编出多少理由,只为了哄你洗澡….当你看到我对新科技的无知,给我一点时间,不要挂着嘲弄的微笑看着我 I taught you how to do so many things,to eat well, to dress well, to confront life… 我曾教了你多少事情啊,.如何好好的吃,好好的穿.如何面对你的生命…… When at some moment I lose the memory or the thread of our conversation… let me have the necessary time to remember… and if I cannot do it;do not become nervous… as the most important thing is not my conversation but surely to be with you and to have you listening to me…如果交谈中我忽然失忆不知所云,给我一点时间回想…如果我还是无能为力,请不要紧张….对我而言重要的不是对话,而是能跟你在一起,有你的倾听…. If ever I do not want to eat, do not force me. I know well when I need to and when not. 当我不想吃东西时,不要勉强我.我清楚知道该什么时候进食 When my tired legs do not allow me walk, give me your hand,the same way I did when you gave your first steps. 当我的腿不听使唤,扶我一把,如同我曾扶着你踏出你人生的第一步…. And when someday I say to you that I do not want to live any more… that I want to die, do not get angry, some day you will understand… 当哪天我告诉你不想再活下去了.请不要生气.总有一天你会了解…Try to understand that my age is not lived but survived. 试着了解我已是风烛残年,来日可数. Some day you will discover that, despite my mistakes, I always wanted the best thing for you and that I tried to prepare the way for you. 有一天你会发现,即使我有许多过错,我总是尽我所能要给你最好的…当我靠近你时不要觉得感伤,生气或无奈 You must not feel sad, angry or impotent for seeing me near you. You must be next to me, try to understand me and to help me as I did it when you started living. Help me to walk, help me to end my way with love and patience. I will pay you by a smile and by the immense love I have had always for you. 你要紧挨着我,如同我当初帮着你展开人生一样的了解我,帮我.扶我一把,用爱跟耐心帮我走完人生,我将用微笑和我始终不变无边无际的爱来回报你 I love you son… 我爱你孩子 you father 你的父亲
12/19/201410 minutes, 59 seconds
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Dec. 18, 2014 #English Gas Station# white collar & Chinese typecross the road

Lily:这周我们来谈谈白领--white collar. Because previously, we had a topic talking about the new standard for white collar. Apparently, it’s so complicated. It includes salary, where you live, how you travel, things like that. Jewel: Yeah, I think it really does show a fundamental difference between the way the world white collar is used in Chinese versus the way it’s used in English and in most of the rest of the world. Typically, white collar work is performed in an office or cubicle. And so a white collar worker is a person who performs professional, managerial, or administrative work.Lily:其实白领的定义在西方和我们所说的白领新标准是非常不一样的。White collar 指的是从事专业方面,管理或者行政方面的工作。典型的白领就是坐在办公室的小隔间里工作的人。Jewel: There are other types of workers, which I’m sure our listeners are already aware of. For example, blue collar whose job usually requires manual labor. Something that our listeners might have never heard of is pink collar worker, usually related to customer interaction, entertainment, sales, or other service oriented work that was typically associated with what a female would do and we’re seeing more and more men take up these roles. And then, also, there’s something called a green collar worker. Most of you guys can guess what that means. It’s basically just someone who works in a green industry.Lily:蓝领大家都知道,指的一般是体力劳动者。还有更新的词汇,比如pink collar,粉领,是指一些传统由女性所从事的工作,或者一些服务业领域的从业者。另外还有一个新词就是green collar,绿领,一般指的是在环境产业或环保业工作的人。Jewel: Looking at white collar first. Sometimes they’re actually called a knowledge worker as well; someone who uses their brains more than their hands. The actual term, white collar worker, refers to the white dress shirts of many male office workers common through the 19th and 20th centuries. The term white collar is actually credited to Upton Sinclair, an American writer in relation to contemporary clerical, administrative, and management workers during the 1930s.Lily:先说说白领吧。白领又被称作是脑力工作者。白领这个词汇首次出现实在二十世纪三十年代一位美国作家的书里。Jewel: The blue collar worker is a working class person who performs manual labor in terms of United States usage. Interestingly enough, industrial and manual workers usually wear durable canvas or cotton clothing. Navy and light blue colors can conceal potential dirt or grease on the workers’ clothing and so that’s why we see that most manual laborers wear blue. Thus, the word blue collar.Lily: 蓝领为什么是叫蓝领呢?体力工作者一般会穿一些禁脏或者非常耐穿的蓝色制服。That’s why there’s the word blue collar.Jewel: And even white collar jobs these days, most people don’t even wear white dress shirts anymore. They might wear blue. They might wear red or black or whatever they want. Lliy: 虽然我们用颜色区别这些不同领域的工作者,但是到了今天很多白领都不见得会穿白色的西装衬衫上班。而很多的蓝领也不会穿蓝色的制服了。Lily:这个礼拜我们还要聊一聊jaywalking, “jaywalking”中文应该叫“中国式过马路”,我觉得这个把意义传达的非常的直接。Jewel: Right, so Chinese crossing the street. In English, “jaywalking” is the illegal or reckless pedestrian crossing of a roadway. So, for example, people crossing between intersections without yielding to drivers or starting to cross at a crosswalk at a signal intersection without waiting for a permissive indication to be displayed.Lliy: Well, that’s nicely put. 几乎每天都会发生,我们看到在路上不看红绿灯直接闯马路,而且还有一个很有中国特色的一点就是一大窝峰的人一起过马路。Jewel: And interestingly enough, the earliest use of the word “jaywalker” in print was in the Chicago Tribune in 1909 whereas the earliest citation was in the Oxford English Dictionary in 1917. And, so it was actually originally used as part of a deliberate effort by people trying to automobiles to redefine streets as places where pedestrians do not belong.Lily: 我们可以看到这个词的背景。Jewel: So, actually, the word “jaywalk,” that’s J-A-Y-W-A-L-K, is actually a compound word derived from the word “jay,” which in this case means an inexperienced person, and the word, of course, “walk.”Lily: Ah, OK. “jay”这个词看来还有表达没有经验的人的意思,虽然对于我们的中国听众来说,很多时候一说到 “jay”,我首先想到的就是周杰伦,或者是Modern Family 里面的那个老爷爷,他也叫Jay, 不过这里还有其他的含义。Jewel: Yes, exactly. So “Jay” is actually a very old word that’s not used in at least American English. I’m not quite sure about in the UK, but Looking at jaywalking in other countries, so in the United States usually state laws require that drivers yield to pedestrians at crosswalks and at many other locations. However, there are sometimes when pedestrians are supposed to yield to cars.Lliy: When you say yield, you mean by giving way to the other party. Yes. 但是在中国的话,车子给人让路的这种情况还是比较少的,所以从某种含义上讲,也可以说中国式过马路就是因为车子都不让人,那人又过去,怎么办呢?只好寻求互相的帮助然后一起冲过去。Jewel: Interestingly enough, in the United Kingdom and many other countries do legally recognize jaywalking. They do not actually have any formal regulations for drivers and pedestrians, except for Zebra, Pelican, and Puffin crossings.
12/18/201410 minutes, 31 seconds
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Dec. 13, 2014 #日韩风情 • 한국어# 旅游

1:여러분 안녕하세요 ,欢迎大家来收听VOE外文广播日韩风情时间 韩语篇。我是播音 朴恩静。 2:大家好,我是播音 崔效溢。 (背景音乐) 1:여러분 잘 지냈어요? 大家过的好吗? 2:在开始今天的节目之前,让我们和大家一起来复习一下在上一期节目当中学到的单词吧。 1:首先是日记 일기,일기 2:第二个单词是写,也可以翻译成苦, 쓰다,쓰다 1:下一个单词是 기쁘다, 是开心,高兴的意思 기쁘다,기쁘다 2:第四个单词是不好,坏的意思 나쁘다,나쁘다 1:最后一个单词是 싫어,是 不,不要,不喜欢的意思,싫어,싫어 (背景音乐) 2:恩静,你喜欢旅游吗? 1:当然喜欢啊 2:我也很喜欢旅游呢 1:说到旅游,我们今天就教大家一些关于旅游的单词吧 2:好啊。 (背景音乐) 1:既然是要教大家关于旅游的韩语,那就先教大家旅游用韩语怎么说吧。韩语中旅游是 여행,여행。 2:旅游的时候最重要的就是交通了,交通工具有很多,我们就教大家一些比较常见的交通工具吧。 (背景音乐) 1:我们生活当中用到的最多的交通工具应该就是公交车了。在韩语中公交车念作 버스,公共巴士就是 공공 버스。 是不是和英语很像呢? 其实就是英语音译过来的。버스,这个词应该都会了吧。 2:还有一种很常见的交通工具是火车。我们学校应该有很多的同学需要坐火车来学校吧?火车用韩语说是 기차,기차 1:应该有一些同学家住的很远,他们就要坐飞机来学校了,那飞机用韩语怎么说呢? 2:飞机在韩语中是 비행기,直译过来就是飞行机,也就是飞机了。飞机 비행기,비행기 1:我们出门旅游的时候,船也是一种交通工具哦,船在韩语中是 배,배 2:배 在韩语中还有两种意思,一种翻译是 梨,就是我们吃的水果,梨; 还有一种翻译是肚子。所以 배 一共有三个意思,分别是 船,梨,肚子。 1:效溢啊,你坐过地铁吗? 2:当然坐过了 1:自从沈阳也有了地铁以后,我们的生活当中又多了一种交通工具,为我们带来了很多方便呢。 2:是啊,交通工具当中当然不能少了地铁了,地铁在韩语中是 지하철,지하철 1:对了,除了远距离的交通工具,我们还有一种交通工具没有教给大家。 2:是什么呢? 1:这个交通工具非常方便、实用。我们周围的很多同学都有一个呢 2:啊! 是不是自行车啊? 我同学就有一辆呢 1:对啊,就是自行车,生活当中非常常见呢,在韩语中自行车是 자전거,자전거 2:我们今天把交通工具教的差不多了吧? 1:是的,生活中常见的都教给大家了呢。 2:一下子学的太多,不太好记忆吧? 让我们带着大家回顾一下今天学到过的交通工具吧。 (背景音乐) 1:旅游 여행,여행。 2:公交车, 버스 ,버스 1:火车 기차,기차 2:飞机 비행기,비행기 1:船 배,배 2:地铁 지하철,지하철 1:自行车 자전거,자전거 (背景音乐) 2:今天的节目又到了尾声了,大家都记住今天学到的新单词了吗? 1:在今天节目的最后送给大家一首 Epik High 的新歌吧,《Spoiler》,是一首冠军歌曲哦。여러분,다음기회에 또 뵈요~ 1&2:안녕~
12/13/201411 minutes, 20 seconds
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Dec. 12, 2014 #Essays and Speeches# Share a story about our attitude toward life

Welcome to listening and speeching progerm.If you look around you, you will see that people with a positive attitude enjoy life more and are generally happier and more successful than those who walk around grumpy and pessimistic. Our attitude is the driving force in our lives—it can either push you to do great things or pull you down to your demise. 是啊, “我们对生活的态度决定了生活对我们的态度。” 我们都听说过态度的力量,也知道正是我们的态度决定了我们在生命中会有多成功。Today, let’s share a story about our attitude toward life.An elderly carpenter was ready to retire. He told his employer contractor : “I plan to leave the house building business and live a more leisurely life with my wife enjoying my extended family. I would miss the paycheck, but I needed to retire. “The contractor was sorry to see his good worker go and asked if:” Could you build just one more house as a personal favor?”一位年迈的木匠准备退休了。他告诉他的老板他准备离开建筑业的打算,他说他想和他的妻子过一种更休闲的生活,享受天伦之乐。他还说他会怀念这里的薪水的,但他必须退休了,他的离职他们慢慢就会适应的。老板对他的这位优秀员工的离去感到非常遗憾,于是问他是否可以盖最后一栋房子作为私下里的帮忙。The carpenter said yes, but in time it was easy to see that his heart was not in his work. He resorted to shoddy workmanship and used inferior materials.这位木匠答应了,但显而易见他做事的时候是心不在焉的,他的手工做得毛毛糙糙,用的材料也是次品。It was an unfortunate way to end his career. When the carpenter finished his work and the builder came to inspect the house,the contractor handed the front door key to the carpenter.这样结束他的事业是不幸的,当木匠最后完工,老板来看房子时,他把前门的钥匙交给木匠说,"This is your house,"he said,"my gift to you." What a shock! What a shame!If he had only known he was building his own house,he would have done it all so differently. Now he had to live in the home he had built none too well.如果他早知道他是在盖自己的房子,他肯定会做得截然不同的,现在他不得不住在自己建的糟糕透顶的房子里面。So it is with us. We build our lives in a distracted way,reacting rather than acting,willing to put up less than the best. At important points we do not give the job our best effort. Then with a shock we look at the situation we have created and find that we are now living in the house we have built.这个道理同样适合我们,在营造生活时,我们的精力被分散到太多的地方,我们只是被动地适应而不会主动行动,而我们自己也不愿意去尽心尽力地营造我们的生活。时刻我们也没能尽自己最大的努力做好工作。然后我们吃惊地看到自己所做的一切:发现自己就处在自己营建的房子里。If we had realized that we would have done it differently. Think of yourself as the carpenter. Think about your house.如果我们早意识到这一点的话,我们的做法就会完全不同。 把你自己当成那个木匠。想想你的房子。Each day you hammer a nail,place a board or erect a wall. Build wisely. It is the only life you will ever build.每天你都会钉个钉子,放块木板或砌一面墙。明智地营造你的房子。这是你唯一可以营造的生活。Even if you live it for day more that day deserves to be lived graciously and with dignity. The plaque on the wall says,"Life is a do-it-yourself project." Who could say it more clearly?即使你只可以再活一天,你也要活得优雅、有尊严。墙上的匾写着,“生活就是一个自己动手的项目”。谁能比这个说得更明白?To be able to hurtle through all the difficulties that lie ahead of you in your journey towards self betterment, you need to figure out exactly what this supposed change could bring to your life. Will changing your attitude mean a happier family or social life? Will a change in your attitude mean a more successful career or business? Fix your mind on the things that would come as a result of your attitude change and you will have a greater chance of reaching your goal.在你想要变得更好的旅程中,想要度过所有的困难,你必须正确认识这些改变会对你的生活带来什么。改变你的态度是否意味着更幸福的家庭或社交生活?态度的改变是否意味着事业或生意的更成功?将注意力集中于能让你的态度带来改变的事上,你会有更多的机会达成你的目标。Your life today is the result of your attitudes and choices in the past. Your life tomorrow will be the result of your attitudes and choices you make today.你今天的生活就是你过去的生活态度和所作选择的结果。你明天的生活就是你今天的生活态度和所作选择的结果。That’s all for today. Thank you for your listening.
12/12/20149 minutes, 42 seconds
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Dec. 11, 2014 #Pop Music# Young and beautiful

The song that you heard is better with me from Kris Allen, who is an American singer-composer. He is not well-known as other man singers, like pitbull, backstreet boys and so no. But his emotional tunes and soft lytics are deeply appealing to me. To be honest, Kris’s songs full of stories and are filled with his energy. He allwas has a manner of modest That’s the point I like him. Kris 这位创作型歌手,曾去过西班牙,泰国,缅甸等许多国家进行音乐表演,与观众分享那些影响人们信心和激励人们意志的歌曲,而这首歌Better with me 则表达他对恋人的思念与追求,句句真切,委婉动听。 “Young and beautiful” is a song by American recording artist Lana Del Rel for the soundtrack to the drama film “The Great Gatsby”Contemporary music critics landed the single,calling it “haunting” and “somber” Lyrically,”Young and beautiful”follows a young lover’s apprehension about weather love can last .歌词中这样写道:”Will you still love me when I’m no longer young and beautiful /Will you still love me when I got nothing but my aching soul.当韶华逝去,容颜不再,你是否爱我如初,任地老天荒?当一无所有,遍体鳞伤,你是否爱我如初,任地老天荒? At the end of the pop music.I want to share you a fair-sounding song.It’s “Soledad” By Westlife.还记得S.H.E.的那首《紫藤花》么?没错,Soledad 就是《紫藤花》的英文版,比起中文版的清新、自然,英文版更多了份悲情与忧郁。Westlife were an Irish boy band ,formed in July 1998 and disbanded in June 2012.Their song have always been our teeneger’s favorite.So when they dissolved,we are so sad.Over years of their career,Westlife’s music had evolved from teen pop to a pop sound.这首Soledad 虽没有红极一时,但却能为欣赏它的人带来一丝感动。
12/11/201410 minutes, 9 seconds
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Dec. 06, 2014 #日韩风情 • 日本語# 茶文化

(背景音乐:夕风街) A:皆さん,こんばんは B:こんばんは A:Voeにかんスダイルへようこそ欢迎来到voe外文广播电台日韩风情时间 我是播音a B:我是播音b ,今回,わたし達は一緒に日本文化を了解します・ A:はい、日本は文化が長い国とは言えないけれど 2000年の間には確かにいろいろな特別な文化が出来上がって,例えば、日本の茶道,日本并不算是有着悠久文化的大国,在两千年的发展过程中,也确实成立了许多特有的文化,比如说茶道 B: はい そうですね、日本の茶道は最初中国から入ったと言われています、でも、長い時間にわたつて,今の茶道は中国と同じではありません、日本の茶道は自分の特別なところができます、 日本的茶道最初是从中国引进过去的,但是经过很长一段时间的沉淀,现在的日本茶道已经与中国茶道不太一样了,日本的茶道已经有了自己独特的风 味 A:はい、そうです。茶道を求めたのは日本の英知(えいち)ではありますが、特に禅とのふれあいの中でどうは深まり、茶禅一味,和静清寂の精神がきようちよう さ れるようになりました。对茶道的探求,体现了日本的睿智洞察力,特别是禅于人心灵深处的沟通,渐渐的使日本的茶道变得强调茶禅一味 和静清寂的精神 B:中国にもこんな言い方がありますね、お茶はひとの心を表して、人の性格を表現した。中国茶道也有这样的说法,茶是表达人心的东西,能体现人的性格。 A:日本の茶道の「クリーン・寂しそう」と中国のいわゆる「クリーン・寂や」は、お茶でも同じである境地に食べる茶や禅学なじむ姿も中日茶文化の共通点の一つだ 日本茶道的“和静清寂”和中国所谓的“清净寂和”在喝茶意境上基本也是一样 将吃茶和禅学融入在一起 也是中日茶文化的共同点之一 Bそうですね、日本の茶道では,お茶は人の心を豊かにするものですから。生活にはお茶がないなら素晴らしい生活とは言えない。是的在日本的茶道中茶是能丰富人心的东西,生活中如果没有了茶,那么生活也不能算完美 Aええ,日本では女性は結婚する前に茶道を習う必要があります,そして、茶道のしようしよを持たなければならない,これは,女性は丁寧がある表现です。在日本,女性结婚之前必须学习茶道,而且要拿到茶道的专业证书,这也是女子贤惠有礼的表现 Bしかし中国人としての私たちは日本人に茶道をされる時が何に注意すべきなんだろう 但是 作为中国人的我们 在接受到日本人为我们做茶道时 应该注意些什么呢 A、私たちが手をカップで受け取って まずありがとうと言います、そして三回に茶碗にをぐるぐるして、ゆっくりお茶を飲んで、最後にコップを返します。我们应该双手接过茶杯,致谢,让后使茶杯转三圈,慢慢的喝茶,最后把杯子返还 B本当に多く注意することがありますね、日本の茶道は普通抹茶に使って、抹茶が苦くて マナーの後いつも甘いお菓子が付いています 真的有许多需要我们注意的事情啊,日本的茶道一般使用抹茶,由于抹茶味苦,礼仪过后总会吃些甜的小点心 Aそれに,茶を終え、慣習によってお客様の様々な茶器を鑑賞、賛美1番。最後に、平伏客主人に別れを告げて 饮茶完毕,按照习惯,客人要对各种茶具进行鉴赏,赞美一番。最后,客人向主人跪拜告别 B 本当にたくさんの礼儀がありますね、多くのものを学びました、今度,日本人に茶道をされる時きっと正しい礼儀がとられます 有好多的礼仪,这期节目真的是学到了好多知识 下次接受日本人茶道时 一定能表现得很有礼貌 B:はい、最後に 桜の花びらたちと言う 歌をみんなに贈ります,最后为大家送上一首桜の花びらたち 。 さようなら A:さようなら
12/6/201410 minutes, 40 seconds
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Dec. 05, 2014 #Classic Film# Interstellar 星际穿越

Interstellar Hello my dear audience, welcome to M&M from VOE foreign languages Radio. I’m _____.This time, we are going to show you a movie, Interstellar, which is nowadays a hit all over the world. It is a 2014 science fiction adventure film directed by Christopher Nolan. Will the end of Earth be the end of us? Let’s hear the plot. Plot summary: A group of explorers make use of a newly discovered wormhole to surpass the limitations on human space travel and conquer the vast distances involved in an interstellar voyage. In the future, governments and economies across the globe have collapsed, food is scarce, NASA is no more, and the 20th Century is to blame. A mysterious rip in spacetime opens and it's up to whatever is left of NASA to explore and offer up hope for mankind. 每一部电影都有许多经典的台词,现在,请欣赏星际穿越中那些令人难忘的声音。 Lines:(此处电影原声) 同样的场景,每个人心里所翻滚的情感是不一样的,脑海里所浮现的场景是独一无二的。And now, let’s enjoy the reviews. Reviews: First of all, it is incredibly beautiful to watch. Honestly, it was so beautiful that I felt like I was sucked into the movie. The way Nolan decided to show some scenes really remind me of 2001 A Space Odyssey. We can feel the talent of Christopher Nolan, just by looking at the way it is filmed. The techniques he used contribute to create that visual environment in a believable way. The sound environment is just mesmerizing. It is a very important part of the movie, because some scenes take place in space, and Noland just found the right way to use sound. The soundtrack is breathtaking, epic, amazing, unreal. I could find a lot more adjectives to qualify it, but you have to hear it to understand how epic they are. These two important parts create a stunning atmosphere. You will forget you are in a movie theater, and you will be lost in space, sucked into the adventures of this new Space Odyssey, begging for more. It is a truly unique experience. I can say that I have never felt something like that in a movie theater. A Visually Monumental And Thoughtful Sci-Fi Epic I was extremely lucky to get the chance to see this film upon its first day release, before entering the cinema, my expectations were already high, after all, this was a film from the cinematic genius who brought us the likes of 'Inception' and 'The Dark Knight', to summarise the following review in a single sentence: I left the cinema in extreme awe from the visual masterpiece I had just viewed. A film that explores the psychological and emotional state of a man whose life revolves around his family, 'Interstellar' is a thrilling and thought-provoking film that boasts an intellectual story masterfully written by the Nolan brothers. Whilst there seems to have been influence from films like '2001: A Space Odyssey' and 'Apollo 13', 'Interstellar' is unique in its own way. Whilst the subject may be hard to comprehend at times, it can't be denied how visually monumental and thoughtful Christopher Nolan's epic science fiction masterpiece is, and can easily be named the best film of this year and possibly one of the greatest science fiction films to have ever graced the screen. A sheer brilliant feat of cinema. That is all for today’s program, thank you for listening, bye~
12/5/201410 minutes, 20 seconds
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Dec. 04, 2014 #Campus Interview# The champion of the second PEPSC 研究生口语冠军

Carol: Hello my audience, welcome to Campus Interview from VOE Foreign Languages Radio. I’m your old friend Carol.Hi 大家好,欢迎翻开今天的校园访谈录,我是你们的老朋友Carol。And today, our view is focus on our campus.刚刚落幕的沈阳农业大学第二届研究生口语大赛广受同学们的热议。今天我们有幸采访到了大赛中一等奖的获得者纪笑晗学姐,那么在接下来的时间里我们就一同与大家分享一下她成功背后的故事。Carol: Hello Miss纪! Could you please make a brief self-introduction to our audience first?笑晗: Hi Carol, Hi, everyone, my name is Ji Xiaohan, and my English name is Becky. My majoy is electrical engineering and automation.Carol: eh…as we all known, The Postgraduate English Public Speaking Contest of Shenyang Agricultural University is a not only famous but influential contest in our campus. So I wondered how did you get the admission to the first prize winner of the contest, you know, which is not an easy road? 笑晗: That is really not easy. I passed two qualification trials. The first one is from my college, we have two rounds. The first round is a three minutes speech, our topic is “English and my major”, after that, two judges asked some questions. The second one is from Foreign Language Teaching Department. We have one and a half minutes speech, the topic is still “English and my major”. Two teachers asked me two questions after that, one is “ what do you benefit from your major?”, the other is “what is your plan about your future?”After the second trial, my score ranked about 16 or 20 in the 72 contestants, which means if I still have that score, I just can own the third prize, not the first prize. So about the mood, I feel very calm after I know the result, cause I never think I can get the first prize. That is really lucky.Carol: WOW, such an intelligent girl! ENVY YOU~Are you satisfied with your performance in the contest? What do you think is the hardest part of the contest and what the most suitable part? 笑晗: I am very satisfied about my performance, I think I tired my best and I showed myself. So I am satisfied with my performance. I think the hardest part is no preparation and have to speak directly and logically. That is really hard to me, and it is my weak part.And the suitable part, I think to me, as I was one of the host of the first postgraduate English public speaking contest, I am familiar with the rounds and not afraid of the stage. I think this is my advantage.Carol: Do you have any opinions or Suggestions for the contest 笑晗: I have two suggestions.The first one is time problem. Lots of contestants said they cannot see the time remind. I noticed that too. In the first round, I am too focus on the dialog with my partner, and didn’t notice the time, so my time ran out first, but my partner still have time. But thank god, before I finished ,I left a question to her.The second one is, mu…, I really want to watch others performances. But I think if I want, I can’t concentrate on my preparation, maybe can’t show myself that good. So I hope I can have a CD and watch others performances.Carol: Ok, I believe the contest will become increasingly perfect, let&`&s wait and see. What do you get from the contest? And what brings you strong feels during the contest?笑晗: I met some new friends who bring lots of energy to me. We practice together, and share our ideas with each other. We argue and we improve ourselves together. I really like this feeling. And I never attend the competition before. So I really want to know my ability and test my reaction capacity. So after this contest, I know myself and improve myself. I think I want to thank my college and foreign language teaching department here. They give me the chance. Carol: Besides,Can you introduce several methods to practice speaking?笑晗: I have two methods recommend to you. The first one is join VOE broadcasting station. I joined VOE when I was a freshman, and I think this is one of the best choice I ever made. I made friends here, we all have the same interest, we like English, we practice English, we build a English environment for ourselves and one of my best friends 刘斯文 is who I met here. I love here and thank here.The second method I want to recommend is practice with foreigners. I think lots of student think talk to foreigners is very difficult, cause our vocabulary is small, we can’t talk to them very well, but I want to say give you and foreigners some chance, just say it. Here, I want to thank my Australian sister Cass, I met her during my college life. We talk a lot and help each other, we go out for dinner, we hang out together. After that, I can use the easiest word to show myself fluently.If you like English, give yourself more environment to practice.Carol: 真是受益匪浅啊! Have you ever thought about your future? Do you have a plan to go abroad? Or in domestic? 笑晗: I already have a job in Shenyang, so I will stay in domestic. But I really want to have a chance to go abroad, to feel the western culture. Maybe one day I will travel abroad. I think I will create more English chance for myself, cause I like English very much.Carol: No matter where growth is difficult, I think. How time flies! Our program is about to come to an end, Well, thank you so much for your time and I wish you will have a bright future.笑晗: Thank you very much and VOE give me this chance to talk myself and share these with all of you. I believe you will have more light future than me. I really look forward seeing you and hearing your good news!Carol: Bye笑晗: Bye 节目监制:刘子含编辑:吴 渝播音:吴 渝制作:金楷宁记者:袁 琪
12/4/201411 minutes, 4 seconds
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Nov. 29, 2014 #日韩风情 • 한국어# 短语学习

1:여러분 안녕하세요 ,欢迎大家来收听VOE外文广播日韩风情时间 韩语篇。我是播音 崔效溢。 2:大家好,我是播音 朴恩静。 (背景音乐) 1:여러분 잘 지냈어요? 大家过的好吗? 2:在开始今天的节目之前,让我们和大家一起来复习一下上一期节目的句子吧。 1:在上一期节目当中,我们学到了 外套 외투,외투 2:围脖 목도리,목도리 1:口罩 마스크,마스크 2:多穿一些衣服 옷 많이 입고 다녀,옷 많이 입고 다녀 1:小心感冒 감기 조심해,감기 조심해 2:开玩笑的 장난이야,장난이야 (背景音乐) 1:은정, 너 혹시 일기 써? 2:응, 자주 쓰는건 아니고 가끔씩 써 1:아, 그래? 뭐 쓰는데? 2:하루에 일어났던 기쁜 일이나 나쁜 일 그런거. 1:아~ 그렇구나 2:근데 왜 갑자기 이거 물어봐? 1:그냥, 어제 친구가 일기 쓰는걸 봐서 2:아~ 너도 써? 1:아니, 일기 쓰는 거 너무 귀찮아 2:뭐가 귀찮아? 써봐 1:됐어, 싫어. (背景音乐) 2:同学们,以上的对话里 有以前学过的句子 也有今天要学习的 新单词和新句子哦。 1:下面就让我们来为大家翻译一下上面的对话吧。 (背景音乐) 1:恩静,你写日记吗? 2:嗯,不是经常写,只是偶尔写一写。 1:啊,是吗? 都写什么啊? 2:就是一天发生的开心的事或不好的事情啊 1:啊~ 这样啊 2:不过怎么突然问这个? 1:没什么,就是昨天看到朋友写日记了 2:啊~ 你也写吗? 1:不啊,写日记太麻烦了 2:有什么麻烦的啊? 1:算了吧,不要。 (背景音乐) 2:今天要学习的新单词是 일기,쓰다,기쁘다,나쁘다,싫어。 1:下面就让我们来教大家说这些词语吧。 (背景音乐) 2:在韩语里日记念作 일기,不知道大家有没有写日记的习惯啊,有的话就学一学这个词吧,日记,일기,일기 1:平时同学们的作业是不是很多啊? 写作业的写 在韩语里是 쓰다,把这个词语和刚刚学的日记这个词搭配就是写日记了。일기를 쓰다, 写,쓰다,쓰다。 2:一天就要过去了,今天各位有没有过得很开心啊? 想不想学用韩语说的高兴呢? 기쁘다,在韩语里就是高兴的意思。 如果你过得很开心就可以说 기쁘다,기쁘다 1:나쁘다,这个词语的翻译有两种,一个是 不好,另一个是 坏。不好的事情就可以说成是 나쁜 일。坏人就是 나쁜 사람。 不好,坏,나쁘다,나쁘다。 2:我们有的时候需要去拒绝一个人或者一件事情,当我们拒绝的时候,可以尝试着用韩语来拒绝哦,在韩语里 不,不要,不喜欢的表达是 싫어。是韩剧里常出现的一种表达哦。不,不要,不喜欢,싫어,싫어 (背景音乐) 1:今天的新单词都学会了吗? 都很实用吧? 大家回去要好好的复习哦~ 2:好了,今天的节目就到这里了,送给大家一首好听的歌曲 Hi Suhyun 的 《我不同》 1:同学们,我们下期节目再见~ 1&2:여러분,안녕~
11/29/201410 minutes, 47 seconds
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Nov. 28, 2014 #Pop Music# My First Kiss etc.

Hello, everyone. Welcome to pop music of VOE radio. I’m your music guide, Mercy I’m August. Today, we will share you three songs. Now, let’s go into beautiful music world. My first kiss of Ke$ha and 3oh!3. As an electronic pop song, my first kiss combined the style of Power pop and Electro. When you hear it, you will feel the sound of kiss run through the whole song. 这首歌曲“我的初吻”是钱妞与电子组合3OH!3联手创作的,曾在Billboard单曲榜上榜数周。契合于歌曲名,这首歌是关于你和你喜欢的那个女孩,为了让你们的感情更深入一步而打算为彼此献上初吻的故事。Ke$ha, my first favorite American singer-songwriter is well-known now. When she was a kid, her mother took her and her brother to the recording room and encourage Ke$ha to sing. Live up to expectations, Ke$ha relied on her song’ Tik Tok” hitting the whole music industry. Thanks to her efforts, she is famous and wins lots of people’s heart. Now, let’s continue to share it. Well, now I will recommend you the second song, jealous, which was wrote by Nick Jonas, the lead singer of band Jonas Brothers. There used to be an interview invited Nick. During the talking, Nick told us his own understanding of this song, and I think it's the best explanation for it. He said, "it's about When someone checkin ' out your girl and you are out, and it's that whole experience I think a lot of men relate to but don't actually talk about. "And he also added, the song jealous was inspired by a feeling that he thought a lot people have but are afraid to meet. And he recorded it. 嫉妒是我们不愿面对的感情之一,我们试图否定它的存在。但是Nick 将它记录下来,用略带紧张,慌乱,但坦诚的乐曲将嫉妒的心情公之于众,让我们面对自己的心灵。 Today, the last song I will share you is Innocence by Avril Lavigne. This song Innocence (纯真)is Recorded for her album The Best Damn Thing. The melody of this song is light and sweet. And the Lyrics is pure, at the same time, it make me positive and full of vitality.” This innocence is brilliant/ I hope that it will stay/This moment is perfect/please don’t go away”此刻就让我们一起感受艾薇儿的这一份innocent —— 纯真吧~let’s enjoy it. Well, that’s all for today’s pop music, do you enjoy it? See you next time. Bye~
11/28/201410 minutes, 27 seconds
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Nov. 27, 2014 #School Talk Show# ​Dealing with boredom

Dealing with boredom Astrid: Hello I'm Astrid. Welcome to VOE school talk show. I'm joined today by Helen. Hello Helen. Helen: Hi Astrid. You know, I'm happy you called me to present this programme with you because I was there by my desk feeling a bit bored (yawns loudly). Astrid: Okay. Let's make this a programme all about boredom, shall we? And I'll start by stimulating your imagination. Helen: Thank you, but how are you going to make me excited and interested in something, Astrid? Astrid: How about I challenge you to a question you might not know the answer to? Helen: Okay, well, you can try. Go on then. Astrid: Well, I know you like the theatre. Helen: I do. But it has to be an exciting play or I get restless. Astrid: Restless, you mean unable to sit still because you get bored or worried even. Okay. I wonder how you'd feel watching the longest continuous play recorded? Helen: That's quite an offer. What do you mean? Astrid: According to the Guinness Book of Records, the longest continuous dramatic performance was held in New Jersey, in the US, in 2010. But do you know how long the cast for The Bald Soprano by Eugene Ionesco, was on stage for? Was it for about: a) 8 hours b) 17 hours c) 23 hours Helen: Wow! They're all pretty long. I'll say b) 17 hours, Astrid. Astrid: Goodness! Right. Okay. I'll let you know the answer by the end of the programme. Now, let's talk more about boredom. I think this is a feeling we have to learn how to cope with. Helen: Yes, we have to learn to deal with this situation successfully – to cope with it. But people often feel they want to change their life, to change their job. They might feel stuck in a rut. Astrid: That's a good phrase - stuck in a rut. So you mean you've become too fixed in one kind of job? Helen: Yes. You know Astrid, even I sometimes dream of something a bit more exciting like being a professional diver or maybe even a pilot of a really fast plane. Astrid: Well, guess what: even pilots get bored, you know? Helen: Not when they are flying anyway. Astrid: Wrong. When they're up in the air! Helen: No way! Really? I don't believe you! Astrid: Well, Missy Cummings, an American, was a fighter pilot. Listen to the phrasal verb she uses meaning to stop being bored, at least for a while. Is there ever time for a fighter pilot to get bored? Missy Cummings , former fighter pilot: Oh my gosh, sure, for the same reasons that commercial pilots get bored. These fighter jets are very automated when it comes to just holding altitude and heading. So you turn everything in autopilot and I pAstridably listened to more Oprah Winfrey TV shows on the high-frequency radios… And so you get good about using the technology to figure out how to stave off that boredom. Helen: Ah, so she listened to a show hosted by the American presenter Oprah Winfrey on the radio to stave off her boredom. Now, to stave off means to stop or to keep an unpleasant feeling away. In this case she means boredom. Astrid: Yes, indeed. Astrid: But some experts think there's something good about feeling bored. Helen: Really? Astrid: Let's hear what Tiffany Watt-Smith has to say. She works for the Centre for the History of Emotions at the Queen Mary University of London. Pay attention to the word she uses to describe what boredom does to people. Tiffany Watt-Smith, Queen Mary University of London: On the one hand people are worried about being under-occupied and bored. On the other there's a set of anxieties about us having any more downtime, you know. We can constantly check our phones at the bus stop. Everything is to be filled and what does that do to our minds? I think boredom is a very useful emotion. It's an emotion which spurs people on to change something about their environment. If you're bored that gives rise to creativity. Helen: So boredom spurs people on to change something. To spur on means to stimulate or to encourage someone to do something. Astrid: So what are you going to do, Helen? How will you change your life? Helen: Change my life? Okay. Two things. The first one is: I want to know if I got that question right! Astrid: Well I said at the beginning of the programme that the longest continuous dramatic performance was held in New Jersey, US, in 2010. And I asked you how long was the cast on stage for to play The Bald Soprano by Eugene Ionesco. Helen: Yes. The options were 8 hours, 17 hours and 23 hours, I think. And I said 17. Was I right? Astrid: You were not! Helen: Oh, no! Astrid: It was even longer. Helen: Wow! 23! Astrid: According to the Guinness Book of Records, the play lasted 23 hours, 33 minutes and 54 seconds. It was achieved by The 27 O'Clock Players who performed The Bald Soprano at Belmar, New Jersey, USA, on 27 July 2010. Anyway Helen, what's the second thing you're going to do to stave off your boredom? Helen: You know what, Astrid? I'm going to book myself a fantastic holiday! Maybe I could start with a visit to Patagonia in Argentina to see the penguins… Astrid: Yeah, it sounds very exciting. But before you head off to Patagonia, could you remind us of some of the English words we've heard today? Helen: We heard: 1. to yawn 打呵欠 2. stimulating 令人兴奋的 3. restless 焦躁不安的,坐立不安的 4. to cope with 处理,应付 5. stuck in a rut 一成不变,原地踏步 6. to stave off 挡开,避开,延缓 7. to spur on 驱使,鼓励,鞭策 Astrid: Thanks Helen. That's it for this programme. I hope you didn't find it boring. Helen: Not at all. I loved it! Astrid: Please join us soon again for school talk show from VOE radio station. Both: Bye.
11/27/20149 minutes, 54 seconds
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Nov. 22, 2014 #日韩风情 • 日本語# 沈农银杏节

Aみなさん、こんばんは。日韓スタイルへようそろ、私はアナウンサーの王梓です。どうぞ、お願いします。 A:大家晚上好,欢迎收听日韩风情时间日语篇。我是播音王梓,请多关照。 B私はアナウンサーの屈玥婷です、お願いいします。 B:我是播音屈玥婷,请多关照。 A屈さん、昨日、聴衆のみなさんから最近、学校の観光客がどんどん増えつつあるということを聞きましたが。この件って 知っていますか。 A:屈さん,昨天从听众那里听说最近咱们学校的游客变多了。你知道这件事吗? Bもちろう。今は銀杏を観賞する季節だから、人が増えるのは当たり前のことだと思います。 B:当然知道了。现在正值银杏的观赏季节,游客当然会变多呀。 Aそうですね。うちの学校の銀杏って、瀋陽でもずいぶん人気があるというわけですね。 銀杏の葉が黄金色になる時はとても見る価値が多いです、私、その光景は今でも忘れられません。 A:是呀,我们学校的银杏在沈阳也是很有名的。当银杏的叶子变成金黄色的时候才是最具观赏价值的。我无法忘记那样美丽的景色。 Bええ、観光客はほとんどカメラを持って、銀杏とか自分の家族とかいろいろ取って。みんな幸わせな顔をしています。 B:游客们都在拿着照相机给银杏和自己的家人照相,大家一脸幸福的样子。 Bそして、学生たちは木の下で活動を行っていました。ダンスをしたり、琴を弾いたり、武術を終演したりしていました、とてもにぎやかだそうです。屈さんは見に行きましたか。 A:而且,我们学校的学生在银杏树下举行了各种各样的活动。有跳舞的,有弹古筝的,还有表演武术的,据说当时非常热闹呢。屈さん,你去看了吗。 B:ええ、雰囲気はとてもいいですよ。王さんは行けばいいのに。 B:恩 气氛相当不错呢 王梓你要是去了就好了呢 A:ええ、確かに残念ですね。今度ぜひ見に行きたいと思います。ところで、銀杏の実はとても大きい価値があります。その実をよく利用したら、健康にもいいです。 A:对呀,真的是太可惜了呢。下次要是举行的话我一定会去的。话说,银杏的果实,白果,有着非常大的药用价值呢。如果好好利用的话,对人的健康也很好呢。 B:どんな効果がありますか。例を挙げてくれませんか。 B:有什么样的效果呢? 给我举点例子吧。 A:ええと 例えば 正しい方法で 銀杏の実を毎日てつずつ食べたら、記憶力を増強できるとか、銀杏の葉をずっと飲め心臓を若くできるとかいろいろあって、一つ一つ話せないので、みんなもし興味があったら、あと自分で調べてみてください。 A:恩 比如说,用正确的方法每天吃两个白果会增强我们的记忆力,将银杏的叶子做成茶每天坚持喝会使心脏变年轻。这样的例子有很多,今天就不一一举例子了。大家如果有兴趣的话可以以后去查一查。 B:ああ、分りました。 最後 みなさんに気かれてほしい曲は和田光司の≪Butterfly ≫です。この曲はデジモンのテーマソングです。みんな聞けばきっと小さい頃の夢を思い出されるでしょう。では、聞いてくだい。 B:好的,我知道了,谢谢。 最后我给大家推荐一首歌,是和田光司的《Butterfly》。相信大家听过这首歌以后一定会回忆起小时候的美好时光的。那么请欣赏这首歌吧。 A:今日の日韓スタイルはこれで終わりたいと思っています。では、また来週。 A:今天的节目马上就要和大家说再见了,让我们下周不见不散。
11/22/201410 minutes, 50 seconds
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Nov. 21, 2014 #Essays and Speeches# 幸福是一段旅程,而不是终点站

Hello my dear friends, welcome to Essays and Speeches from VOE Foreign Languages Radio. Today we’d like share you an essay named Happiness is a journey, not a destination. I’m Sheldon.听众朋友们大家好,欢迎收听今天的美文赏读节目。在这期的节目里,小编为大家呈上的这碗鸡汤名叫《幸福是一段旅程而不是终点站》。(音乐)For a long time it seemed to me that life was about to begin, real life. But, there was always some obstacle in the way, something to be gotten through first, some unfinished business, time still to be served or a debt to be paid. Then life would begin. 长久以来,生活——真正的生活,好像立刻就要开始了。然而总是有些障碍,有些事需要先处理,有些工作还没有完成,时间像是一位要侍奉的主或者是一笔要偿还的债,然后生活才能开始。 At last it dawned on me that there is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way. So treasure every moment that you have and treasure it more because you share it with someone special, someone special enough to spend your time with. 最后,我终于明白了,没有通往幸福的路,幸福本身就是这条路。因此,好好珍惜你拥有的每一个瞬息,尽量多地去珍惜,因为你正在和一些特别的人、那些足够特别的人一起分享你的时刻。 (音乐)Make the most of your time. Don’t waste too much of your time studying, working, or stressing about something that seems important. Do what you want to do to be happy but also do what you can to make the people you care about happy. Remember that time waits for no one. 珍惜你的时间。别浪费太多到学习、工作或是为一些并不重要的事情而烦恼。做你想做的事来让你自己开心,做你能做的事来让在乎你的人开心。记住时间不会为任何人停下脚步。 So stop waiting until you take your last test, until you finish school, until you go back to school, until you have the perfect body, the perfect car, or whatever other perfect thing you desire. Stop waiting until the weekend, when you can party or let loose, until summer, spring, fall or winter, until you find the right person and get married, until you die, until your born again, to decide that there is no better time than right now to be happy. 于是,在你结束最后一场考试之前,在你毕业前,在你返还母校之前,在你拥有完美的身材,漂亮的车子或者任何其他你梦寐以求的美好事物之前,不要等待。直到那个你可以参加派队放松一下的周末,直到春夏与秋冬,直到你找到合适的人结婚,直到你死去而后重生。认定最美好的时光莫过于此时此刻的快乐,在此之前,不要等待。认定再没有一个更好的时间比当下更能使你快乐了。 Happiness is a journey, not a destination. 幸福是一段旅程而不是终点站。 (音乐)So work like you don’t need the money! Love like you have never been hurt! And dance like no one’s watching! 所以,工作吧,就像不需要金钱一样! 去爱吧,就像从未受过伤害一样! 跳舞吧,就像没有人注视一样!(音乐)以上就是这碗鸡汤的全部内容,亲爱的朋友,你的心灵是否得到了一点的滋养呢?亦或是受到了一丝的启迪呢?在当今快节奏的生活里,有太多的朋友来不及感受、来不及体会、来不及回味;以至于斑斓的世界我们感受不到快乐,多彩的生活我们体会不到幸福,因此,仿佛我们也就没有什么可以回味的了。但其实正如文章中所说的那样,幸福是一段旅程而不是终点站,所以不要再纠结于旅途的尽头现在是否正下着倾盆大雨,相反看看车窗外的美景,即使有雨点滴落也会画出最美的弧线。Yes, life isn’t about how to survive the storm but how to dance in the rain. And remember: Happiness is a journey, not a destination. Please relax and enjoy it.Well, that’s all for today’s program. Thank you for your listening. Bye.Bye.
11/21/20149 minutes, 45 seconds
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Nov. 20, 2014 #English Gas Station# 异地恋 & 闺蜜

jowel在沈阳学汉语,她的中国朋友要是遇到了不知道用美语怎么说的词,就会来请教她。今天是lily要问的是:异地恋。 Jowel: Lily,what's your plan for the weekend? LL; I'll be out of town! 我得坐4个小时飞机去看我男朋友! Jowel: Boy! That's a long flight! 你真是个好女朋友。 LL: 没办法啦。异地恋就是这么辛苦。Jowel, 异地恋用美语要怎么说呢? Jowel: That's long-distance relationship. So, how long have you guys been long-distance? LL: We've been dating for a couple of years now. I miss him so much, and I don't know if we can survive the long-distance! Jowel: Don't be sad, Lily! I know dating over long-distance can be hard, but you got to have faith in the relationship! Hmm, tell me, what do you like about your boyfriend? LL: 他啊,最大的优点就是真诚,不做作。 Jowel: So he's a blue-collar kind of guy! LL: blue collar? 那不是蓝领工人么? Jowel: Yes. But if you say a man is a "blue collar kind of guy", it doesn't necessarily refer to his job. Rather, it's about his down-to-earth, unpretending character. LL: I see. My boyfriend is a blue-collar kind of guy. 我就喜欢他这纯朴劲儿。 Jowel: So what does he like about you? LL: 哈哈,他也喜欢我清纯,亲切,不做作。那我就是blue-collar kind of girl了?怎么听着这么别扭。 Jowel: Hmm, you can use the phrase "the girl next door". LL:The girl next door? 哦,就是邻家女孩! 没错,My boyfriend says I'm nice and attractive, just like a girl next door! 不过,这次去找他,I don't want to be the girl next door anymore! 我要打扮得艳丽一些,给他个惊喜! Jowel : I hope he likes it! Now tell me what you've learned today! LL: 第一:异地恋是long-distance relationship;. 第二:形容男孩质朴老实,可以用blue-collar kind of guy; 第三:亲切可爱的邻家女孩是the girl next door. Jowel;ok , lily , you are the girl next door . And, you are my BFF . LL:BFF ? 什么是BFF?! Jowel: Actually in English, when you have a best friend , you can call her your BFF. BFF stands for Best Friend Forever. People use this term to refer to their best friends. LL 原来BFF就是永远的好朋友! Yes,you are definitely my BFF! We were college classmates and once lived in the same dorm for our high school time . 我们特别铁,无话不谈。咦,这个"铁"用英文要怎么说呢? Jowel: You can say: we are tight! Tight是关系紧密的意思,也就是说我们关系特别铁! LL: 可不! 话说来跟我们一块吃饭的还有另外一个人! 我们吧,也挺好的, 不过吧, She's super competitive. She always wants what I have! 你说这种人该怎么说? Partial BFF? Partial tight? Jowel: 哈哈.... that sounds like a frenemy of yours. Frenemy consists of friend and enemy, it is basically half friend and half enemy! LL: 原来如此! This girl is a frenemy. 我们俩表面不错,但是暗地里好象老是在明争暗斗的。 Jowel: Sounds like a love-hate relationship to me! LL: That's so true, 我对她绝对是又爱又恨,你看,今天我跟我闺蜜见面,她又跟来了! 哎... Jowel 哈哈,开心点!Before you go, tell me what you've learned today! LL: 今天我们学到的内容包括: 第一,闺蜜是best friend forever, 也就是BFF, 第二,关系很铁可以用 tight; 第三,亦敌亦友,叫做frenemy; 第四,爱恨交加是 a love-hate relationship!
11/20/20149 minutes, 34 seconds
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Nov. 15, 2014 #日韩风情 • 한국어# 单词造句

1:여러분 안녕하세요 ,欢迎大家收听VOE外文广播,日韩风情时间 韩语篇。我是播音朴恩静。 2:大家好,我是播音崔效溢。 (背景音乐) 2:同学们,在今天的节目中我们邀请了一位特别嘉宾和我们一起为大家带来今天的节目哦~ 1:这位嘉宾,是一位汉族的同学哦,那就让我们和她一起走进韩语吧~ (背景音乐) 2:在开始今天的节目之前,让我们先来复习一下在上一期节目当中学到的句子吧。 1:需要,필요해 ,필요해 2:有课, 상과 있어, 상과 있어 1:怎么办? ,어떡해? ,어떡해? 2:会等你的, 기다릴게, 기다릴게 1:明天见, 내일 봐,내일 봐 (背景音乐) 1:同学们,有没有很好奇今天的嘉宾呢? 让我们的嘉宾先来自我介绍一下吧。韩语的,可以吗? 3:可以,여러분 안녕하세요, 저는 오산산 입니다. 오늘 여기에 올수 있어서 너무 기쁩니다. 2:是韩语的自我介绍呢。大家听懂了吗? 1:应该有人没有听懂,为同学们翻译一下吧。 3:好的,大家好,我是吴姗姗,今天能够来到这里很高兴。 (背景音乐) 1:今天让我们和姗姗一起学习韩语吧。 姗姗,听说你很喜欢学习韩语啊。 3:对啊,我很喜欢的。 2:那你知道“喜欢”用韩语怎么说吗? 3:“喜欢”。。。好像是 좋아해。对吗? 1:是的,就是这个。좋아해,좋아해。姗姗,你能不能用 좋아해 来造一个句子啊? 3:嗯。。。我想想啊,인형을 좋아해。 我记得在韩语里名词是放在动词前面的,这么造句对吗? 1:很正确,刚才姗姗造的句子是 我喜欢玩偶的意思。인형 是玩偶的意思。인형을 좋아해,인형을 좋아해。 2:我们在 좋아해 前面可以加很多的东西,比如说,蛋糕,冰激凌,花 等等。都可以加在前面来表示喜欢这个东西。 3:效溢,你能告诉我在韩语里音乐怎么说吗? 2:音乐啊? 音乐是 음악。 3:음악,음악。 那我要是想说我喜欢音乐呢? 2:应该是 음악을 좋아해。음악을 좋아해。 3:哦~ 是这样的啊。 1:姗姗,你是不是看过很多的韩剧啊? 3:是啊,我看过继承者们,来自星星的你,。。。 1:哇,看的好呢,韩剧里的男主人公们都很帅,那你知道“帅”用韩语怎么说吗? 3:帅啊。。。好像是 멋있다。 1:是的,在韩语里 멋있다 是帅气的意思。你可以对你的男神说 你好 멋있다 哦。 3:吴世勋 멋있다! 我这么说对吗? 1:对,吴世勋用韩语说是 오세훈。所以下次你见到了吴世勋的话,你可以对他说 오세훈 멋있다。 如果想说非常帅的话,在 멋있다 前面加 너무 就可以了。너무 是非常,很,的意思。너무 ,너무。 加上 너무 以后就是 오세훈 너무 멋있다。 3:멋있다,멋있다, 这个词太有用了,我要好好记牢了。 2:其实在韩语里帅还有一种说法,就是 잘 생겼다,直译过来就是长的好,也就是长得帅了。 3:잘 생겼다,잘 생겼다。原来帅还有两种说法啊。那学完了帅的韩语,我还想学漂亮的韩语,教我漂亮怎么说,好不好? 2:当然好啦,漂亮用韩语说是 이쁘다.可以形容女生,也可以用在物品上,形容物品好看。 이쁘다,이쁘다。 3:이쁘다,那我是不是可以说 手表 이쁘다 ? 2:可以,手表用韩语说是 시계,你可以说成是 시계가 이쁘다。 3:시계가 이쁘다,시계가 이쁘다。嗯,我学会了。 (背景音乐) 1:聊了这么多,我们的节目也到了尾声了。姗姗,今天的韩语学习有没有收获啊? 3:有啊,收货很大呢。 2:那让我们一起回顾一下今天学到的单词吧。 1:从今天学到的名词开始吧。我们今天一共学习了三个名词。分别是玩偶,音乐,手表。玩偶是 인형,인형 2:音乐,음악,음악 3:手表,시계,시계 2:然后是一个副词,这个词有 很,非常的意思。是 너무,너무。 3:最后 是四个形容词,分别有 喜欢,帅,漂亮。喜欢是 좋아해,좋아해 1:今天学的帅有两种说法,第一种,멋있다,멋있다 2:第二种,잘 생겼다,잘 생겼다 3:漂亮,이쁘다,이쁘다。 (背景音乐) 1:好了,我们该和同学们说再见了。 3:啊?时间过得好快呀。。。 2:对啊。 1:姗姗,今天的学习就到这里了,谢谢你来参加我们的韩语学习,希望今天的学习可以帮助你提高韩语水平。 3:也谢谢你们邀请我来参加,今天我的韩语又有了一点提高呢。 2:让我们用一首好听的歌曲来结束今天的节目吧,乐童音乐家的《Galaxy》送给大家。 1&2&3:안녕~ (音乐- 《Galaxy》)
11/15/201410 minutes, 44 seconds
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Nov. 14, 2014 #Pop Music# Pompeii etc.

Pop music Hello, audience, welcome to pop music of VOE radio station. I’m April, I’m Mercy, I’m August .This week we’ll share you three wonderful songs. I’m sure you’ll like it. Pompeii of Bastille Bastille is a band founded in 2010, it become the newest favorite in Britain Bastille’s fresh and strange music, attracted a great number of fans.庞贝城保留了大量古罗马帝国的历史文物,成为世界上最著名的古城遗址,而是庞贝出土的一幅壁画中写到,“没有任何东西可以永恒”Nothing is eternal. Pompeii is the name of an ancient city near Naple, Italy. It used to be the center of economy, polity and religion in Roman Empire. Nevertheless, Pompeii suffered severe Volcanic eruption in 1BC and the whole city destroyed in 18 hours. And until 18 century, it was still buried. The second song I’ll share you is heart by heart by Demi Lovato.这位九零后以她的创作才华一直吸引并激励着我。During her musical career, Lovato has made a number of concert tours. In March 2009 Lovato said,” My first passion is music, because it comes naturally to me. Acting has been like a hobby.”而这位年轻的singer-songwriter用她独特的嗓音演绎了这首heart by heart,感情真挚,歌词更是叩击人心。”You love lifts me out of time/ And you know my heart by heart”你的爱托举我逃脱时间的漩涡/你用心读懂了我的心。I really want to play this song at this moment. In fact, I had my heart set on it. So haer it is,heart by heart by Demi Lovato. This motivating and rhythmed song is called All About that Bass. It is from Meghan Trainor, an American woman singer. This popular song is included in alum ‘Title-Ep’ which was published in June this year. Up to now, this song successfully ranked first in the singles chart in American, Australian, New Zealand and Denmark. 梅根 特瑞娜出生于1993年12月22日,是词曲作者和唱片制作人。这首歌所讲的是歌手想通过音乐来表达胖也是一种美。正如歌曲所唱:我就像那重低音贝司,超重低音拒绝瘦身。没错这非常明显,我一点也不苗条。但我依然能够摇摆,随着节奏上下左右。 Meghan Trainor is grown in a musical family. She ranked writing song at the age of 11. When she was 13, her parents sent her a computer then she began to product her own songs. Later, she picked up with the famous producer in once travel and began to creative with him. This song is their achievement. Now, let us begin to share it.
11/14/201410 minutes, 29 seconds
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Nov. 13, 2014 #School Talk Show# The hot social issues

school talk show 2014.11.5 C: Hello my audience, welcome to the school talk show. I’m Carol, and here is my new partner Lynn. L: Good evening everyone. I’m Lynn. C: You know Lynn, it’s really a fresh felling to cooperate with you. L: Relax. I am looking forward to see the privity we will make. C: Well, I do find a common on something. L: What? C: You see the two telephones on the table have the same color and size! L: OK, Carol. 我不否认我们用同一款iphone是我们通向默契的第一步.But do you know how many people use the same telephone as we do? C: Although I can’t count the number of people accurately. I know the great influence that Apple make. Apple has topped a global ranking of the world's 50 most innovative companies for 9 consecutive years, Business Insider reported. L: 连续九年夺冠?! C: Yeah. 美国波士顿顾问集团访问了全球1500名年营收逾1亿美元大企业的创新技术主管,评比他们心目中的优良企业,得出该排名. L: How about the other companies? C: The list is led by technology groups, with Google, Samsung, Microsoft and IBM in spots 2 to 5, respectively. They are followed by Amazon, Tesla Motors, Toyota, Facebook and Sony in positions 6 to 10.值得一提的, the Chinese phone maker Xiaomi makes it all the way to 35th. Frankly, many students use Xiaomi in our scool. L: Yeah, though Samsung and Apple dominate the smartphone business globally, the technology superpowers are being squeezed in China by aggressive local manufacturers. Statistics show that over 100m smartphones were sold in the 2nd quarter in China, accounting for over 1/3 of global sales and making China the world's largest market. C: 所以中国手机真的要挺进世界了嘛!? L: Maybe. Now Chinese firms are increasingly eyeing lucrative foreign markets. C: Xiaomi’s top-notch performance and low price 的确能赢得年轻人的青睐。 L: As for students, the low price is the most attractive point. You know thereis a popular Chinese Internet term that means underprivileged losers ,who call themselves 屌丝. C: Yep. L: Xiaomi 等一系列的国产手机的问世简直是他们的福音。 C: 说起这个,recently a report of the life of the underprivileged losers was announced. L: My god , '屌丝'生存报告都出炉了 C: According to a new report, the average monthly wage of a diao is RMB2917.7. The report on the life of diaosi, the first of its kind in China, was published by Peking University's Center for Market and Media Studies Wednesday. The paper also reports that 21.7% of diaosi work overtime, daily. L: Stop, I just wanna cry. C: Come on. You see, 72.3% of diaosi feel they are living an unhappy life, and 37.8% believe they suffer from psychological problems and haven't received proper counseling. L: How do they get rid of the pressure? C: Most of them turn to sleeping, talking about their troubles, and drinking to relieve stress. L: In my mind, drinking is always the way to solve the question of love. C: Well. As for 屌丝, Love is their another big trouble. L: Don’t worry about. If I can’t find my charming, I would give myself a solo wedding. C: Seriously? L: Of course. Kyoto-based company Cerca Travel has set up a "Solo Wedding" for women unwilling to get married, foreign media reported.Women can have the full wedding day experience without actually having to get hitched. C: 单身婚礼, sounds embarrassing. L: It can’t be! 据悉,该服务提供2天的体验,顾客在酒店过夜,由专业人士为她们挑选婚纱,设计花束、发型和妆容以及拍婚纱照. Each of these services is handled by a professional as if it were a real wedding ceremony. C: I don’t think you could have the day when you wear the wedding clothes alone. And you could never be one of the underprivileged losers L: You do? C: After all , you are the one who use Iphone! ————分割线———— L: This is all for today’s show. C: Thank you for listening. L&C: Bye~
11/14/201410 minutes, 12 seconds
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Nov. 08, 2014 #日韩风情 • 日本語# 纪念火影忍者完结特辑

11/8/20149 minutes, 35 seconds
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Nov. 07, 2014 #Campus Interview# Cornell University 情系康奈尔(下)

本期我们继续采访美国康奈尔大学留学生杨思羽,她向我们分享了她在康奈尔的成就,高中模联对她的影响并向我们展示了她有趣的配音技能。思羽: In terms of my great achievements in Cornell, I&`&ll say that coordinating Asian Night is my great achievement. Since junior year, I became the vice president for Cornell Asian Pacific Islander Student Union. And for student union, our the biggest one of the year is the Asian night. So basically we have all the Asian and the Asian interest to come together for like a culture fair, for like 艺术节 type of scenario but only with Asian clubs. And there was performances there was food there was booths. I think it was attended by.. like the last year&`&s Asian night the one that I directed was attended by a thousand and 3 hundred Cornell students and faculties. It&`&s a lot of work. I did the most operations and the marketing job. it was so much work. And at the Asian night something I really proud of is that I designed a poster, which was really cute. Everybody loved it and we made the poster out into a series of stickers. Even until now, if you walk around Cornell, you see people using that sticker to stick it behind their laptop. I&`&m really proud of that. I&`&m really proud to do something that has contributed to the Cornell general culture, to be a part of the Cornell culture even to have a legacy to leave behind me. I was dreaming going back to Cornell like after three four years and still see that sticker being used and I&`&ll be really really happy.思羽: So for model UN, I think it wouldn&`&t be an overstatement to say that model UN literally changed my life. Six years ago, wow such way back.. six years ago I&`&m a just regular high school student. I don&`&t want to go anywhere. I just want to do my 高考 and get admitted to a college. Then, opportunity came up and this one girl her name is 赵仪 she was the president of the 太原五中 Model UN back then and she told me that hey there is this thing called 北大模联. Do you want to go? I said yeah totally sounds like a wonderful idea get to know a lot of different people and I get travel and I don&`&t have to go to school. It&`&s perfect! It was overwhelming because it was the first time that I figured there is so much I don&`&t know. All the students from Beijing and Shanghai they know a lot they know everything! I was overwhelmed I was really scared. I got to know a lot of people who are actually planning to go to United States to study and basically drag me to the path. Don&`&t stay in China there is all the horrible things. Chinese colleges will make you waste 4 years of your life and you wouldn&`&t get to a job. You will be addicted to DOTA and LOL and all these horrible computer games just waste your life away. And I said oh my god sounds so scary. That is one of the points and the other point is some of the seniors that I found that I really adored that is really respected they went to the United States and got into really good colleges and I saw their pictures from the United States. WOW, that&`&s sounds so cool. And I talked to my parents they were totally down for the idea so that is how the Model UN totally put me on the path of going abroad.思羽: Well, first of all, I don&`&t really have a lot of spare time. If you go to the United States as a Chinese student, you normally find yourself to have two radically different groups of friends you hang out with. There is American friends and there is Chinese friends. For me, with my American friends, all I do is party. I dress up. I go out. I drink a lot. I pass out. And I wake up in the morning with a headache and try to study. And with my Chinese friends, there are a lot of different things we do. We also party a lot, we drink a lot. And there is something really fun that we do is we dub a lot of animes. We tried to do dubbing for a Chinese student New Year gala. It like a小品. It was just a fun 视频 to show on the Chinese New Year Gala. And what we did was like 平田的世界. With accents, I didn’t do the one with the accent part. I did the main body part.I don&`&t actually remember a whole part of it. Something I remember was…brace yourself:Yeah, and I did the whole thing myself and there is somebody else who did with like a 东北 accent. Like:Just like that. It was really funny. People loved it.思羽: Future is a million dollar question. There are a lot of things I can do with a government and math double major but like my problem is that I have to choose what to do. I also stay.. that is I&`&ll try me best to gain some job experiences in United States. I mean I am already here so why… It will be better if I not only have some experiences and school but also experiences work place. I mean in the long term I can see myself maybe going to law school and in and ideal case scenario I will be working for an American firm in China. That&`&s it.思羽: Yeah, thank you, thank you so much for inviting me. It&`&s a lot of fun talking to you. I wish VOE the brightest future. I hope all you guys have a great semester. Thank you.节目监制:刘子含编辑:刘子含播音:刘子含制作:刘子含
11/7/201410 minutes, 42 seconds
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Nov. 06, 2014 #Campus Interview# Cornell University 情系康奈尔(上)

本期节目我们有幸采访到的是目前就读于美国康奈尔大学主修Government 和 Mathematics的留学生杨思羽,她将与我们分享她的留美经历,包括出国申请、语言测试、文化差异以及在美国的小故事等,她还展示了她的配音技能哦!还在等什么呢?一起来领略一下常青藤名校生的风采吧!思羽: Thank you, thank you for inviting me. I&`&m from Taiyuan Shanxi. And so far I spent 3 years in Cornell University, which is in east coast of United States.思羽: Well, definitely not. So say if you are a high school student and you want to be admitted to a US university as an undergraduate. If you’re an international student, there are two tests you have to prepare yourself for. The first is TOEFL, and the second one is SAT. So basically TOEFL is a language test and SAT is basically the 高考for US student. But there are two SATs the first one is basically about we say it&`&s an IQ test because you don&`&t really have to study for it you just prepare yourself for the English language and go to take the test. It&`&s basically a lot of reading a lot of logic problems and some really easy math problems. And the second one is SAT 2 which is more academic. You choose from a whole a lot of SAT 2 courses and you submitted 3 grades in general. I chose mathematics physics and chemistry but you can also do bio you can also do a language. It&`&s basically the academic 高考 for the US student. And after you take all of the each tests there are of a bunch of other things you have to do. First of all you have to prepare a personal statement, which is like a really really long essay about yourself. We call it like a love letter to the US college saying “oh my god, I&`&m like so awesome and look at such an awesome person I am and it would be so stupid for you to not admit me. So basically I did pretty well in both TOEFL and the SATs. And if there something I didn&`&t do well I think I wrote a horrible personal statement. There was a whole bunch of grammatic mistakes and looking back 3 years later. I don&`&t know. I want to shoot myself. It is a really bad essay. But really fortunately Cornell still admitted me despite been rejected by all the other Ivy Leagues. I still very happy and I&`&m… Cornell is a good school. I&`&m satisfied思羽: Well, definitely is a culture shock. Basically I remember the first night in my freshman year, every single person in my dorm went to party and I am the only person in my suite who was not partying and I was really sad. But everything got better. I made a lot of friends both Chinese, American, and Korean people. And I think I became more open-minded after I spend one year in United States. In terms of Cornell, I feel like Cornell lied to me when they try to get me to apply because they say "oh Cornell is in Ithaca, which is between 3 national parks. it&`&s such a beautiful place." In the end, it was actually 4 hours away from the nearest city. It&`&s very cold. It snows 10 month every single year. The other side of story is people such like atrocity environment. People get really close to each other and Cornell became like a really good community. Well, you have to hang out with your friends school because there is nobody else can hang out with. We became a really tight community and everybody become really close to each other.So the first thing that I found unexpected when I came to the United States that Cornell is in the middle of nowhere. Imagine like a really prestigious university in the middle of 内蒙古大草原. Just bad.. like I was 4 hours bus ride to the nearest airport and there is absolutely no malls there was no nothing around our region. The climate was ok. It was ok in the first place because it was summer when I first landed but after one month. In October start to f**king snow. And it was snowing lot for 10 month straight and the last snow that we got was in May. It was really bad really cold. It has a beautiful summer but everything else is pretty bad. The people. Cornell people are general really nice but very over achieving. A lot of people start to plan for their career even the first day in their freshman year. They spend a lot time doing work and they join a lot of clubs, trying to build up their resume. Just a lot of stuff. They do a lot of stuff try to get themselves to a good job. Food. I think Cornell has one of the best cafeterias in the country. All the cafeterias are in buffet style. You never get tired of it.Yeah I mean I love Cornell. Everything is pretty good. Cornell is very academically challenging a lot of professors are very bitchy about grade So yeah! Cornell is awesome! I love it.思羽: In Cornell, I do a double major in government and mathematics and I have a minor in business.思羽: I think it&`&s pretty general for Cornell students you have more than one major. I think the more popular combination is a lot of people do economic major and was like politics or was mathematic major and economics that is some of the most popular combinations… or government and history. For me, I&`&ll say that I did a horrible job in terms of planning my college life because going to Cornell I really want to be a math major and I want to study math. And I took a lot of math classes. But during sophomore year, I took one really interesting class called Introduction to International Relations. The professor is really good. He is one of the most prestigious international affair scholars out there. And he influenced with me a lot and for that class I find my passion in government and political sciences especially international relations. From that I figure doing government major also be a good idea.And for the business minor, because everybody is doing the business minor it&`&s for the job. It will be a lot of year for you get a job if you are taking financial accounting. It&`&s just general.节目监制:刘子含编辑:刘子含播音:刘子含制作:刘子含
11/6/201410 minutes, 59 seconds
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Nov. 01, 2014 #日韩风情 • 한국어# 日常短语

需要,有课,怎么办,会等你的,明天见。 五个实用性超强的日常短语,让你日常交谈韩范十足!
11/1/201410 minutes, 10 seconds
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Oct. 31, 2014 #Classic Film# Guardians of the Galaxy 银河护卫队

Guardians of the Galaxy is a fictional superhero team appearing in comic books published by Marvel Comics. The 2014 film based on the 2008 comic book version. 作为漫威有史以来最有趣的电影,《银河护卫队》绝对是传统超级英雄电影版图中的异类。影片讲述了一群废柴阴差阳错组成联盟,共同拯救宇宙的故事。影片着墨突出这些角色的人性化特征,力图在“英雄”和“废柴”两种身份属性中构成平衡。现在让影片带我们走进废柴英雄笑料百出的奇妙世界。
10/31/201410 minutes, 12 seconds
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Oct. 30, 2014 #English Gas Station# down with that & to pay through the nose

Do you know the meaning of down with that and to pay through the nose? What circumstances would you use these two phrases? Let us learn them! 大家知道“down with that”和“to pay through the nose”这两个常用短语的含义么?什么语境中适用呢?让小编为你解惑吧!
10/30/20149 minutes, 7 seconds
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Oct. 25, 2014 #日韩风情 • 日本語# 数词

10/25/201410 minutes, 56 seconds
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Oct. 24, 2014 #Classic Film# The Fault in Our Stars 星运里的错

一起欣赏经典电影 The Fault in Our Stars
10/24/201410 minutes, 58 seconds
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Oct. 23, 2014 #Pop Music# Three songs from Billboard

10/23/20149 minutes, 46 seconds
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Oct. 18, 2014 #日韩风情 • 한국어# 家属称谓

10/18/201412 minutes, 20 seconds
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Oct. 17, 2014 #Campus Interview# Duke University 杜克风采(下)

本期怡舟向大家分享了写Essay的经历以及在美国的小故事节目监制:刘子含编辑:杨理程 于慧佳播音:杨理程 于慧佳
10/17/201410 minutes, 6 seconds
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Oct. 16, 2014 #Campus Interview# Duke University 杜克风采(上)

美国杜克大学(Duke University)的中国留学生蒋怡舟来到VOE,本期一起来谈谈对进入美国顶尖大学的经验和看法。节目监制:刘子含编辑:杨理程 于慧佳播音:杨理程 于慧佳
10/16/201410 minutes, 6 seconds
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Oct. 11, 2014 #日韩风情 • 日本語# 人称代词

10/11/201410 minutes, 56 seconds
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Oct. 10, 2014 #Classic Film# Inception 盗梦空间

10/10/201410 minutes, 46 seconds
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Oct. 09, 2014 #Pop Music# Five songs from Billboard

10/9/201411 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork

Sept. 27, 2014 #日韩风情 • 한국어# 开学迎新

Part 1. 新闻视野,播报两条国内外新闻Part 2. 韩语开学迎新用语
9/27/201410 minutes, 41 seconds
Episode Artwork

Sept. 26, 2014 #School Talk Show# 2 BROKE GIRLS 破产姐妹

Part 1. 新闻视野,播报两条国内外新闻Part 2. Talk about 2 BROKE GIRLS
9/26/201411 minutes
Episode Artwork

​Sept. 25, 2014 #English Gas Station# Gardening 园艺

Part 1. 新闻视野,播报两条国内外新闻Part 2. 英语加油站,园艺在英国
9/25/201411 minutes, 29 seconds
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English Gas Station 教你两个常用语a pretty penny 和 sure-fire School Talk Show 一起讨论coffee addiction Movie and Music 分享经典电影Flipped 日本語 and 한국어 教你用韩语说“五味”
6/29/201429 minutes, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork


English Gas Station 谈谈足球在巴西的地位学学有关足球的英语单词 School Talk Show 分析了几个极受人们关注的世界杯代表队 Movie and Music 回顾了近三届的世界杯主题曲 日本語 and 한국어 介绍几个日语里的足球术语
6/22/201432 minutes, 15 seconds
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How to Say American English 教你用美语说“放我一马”和“火爆脾气” Movie and Music 分享经典电影《国王的演讲》 Essays and Speeches 通过墓志铭一同缅怀流行音乐天王Michael Jackson 日本語 and 한국어 介绍几个高频韩语常用语
6/15/201428 minutes, 14 seconds
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Campus Interview 采访我校经济管理学院大三学生阮伦博,他已在托福考试中取得102的好成绩,现在正在积极准备GMAT,与我们分享了有关英语学习和留学申请的宝贵经验 English Gas Station 教你两个常用语To keep an eye out for sth 和 push one's luck Movie and Music 分享好莱坞新鲜出炉的电影大片《超凡蜘蛛侠2》 日本語 and 한국어 日语教学之家属称谓
6/8/201431 minutes, 36 seconds
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English Gas Station 一起来看看为什么现在越来越多的年轻人不喝酒了 School Talk Show 讨论如何避免白天犯困 Essays and Speeches 分享文章《去经历去体验 做最好最真实的自己》 日本語 and 한국어 教你用韩语问天气
5/25/201430 minutes, 55 seconds
Episode Artwork


Campus Interview 采访美籍外教Gary Wright,分享了他在中国六个月的所见所 感以及一些学习英语的方法 How to say American English 教你用美语说纠结、八卦绯闻等相关短语 Movie and Music 继续分享欧美流行音乐排行 日本語 and 한국어 教你“晚安”等日语常用语
5/18/201430 minutes, 35 seconds
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English Gas Station 带你走入自摘农场(Pick you own farm) School Talk Show 讨论脸型与智商的关系 Essays and Speeches 分享文章Starting a new book is a risk 日本語 and 한국어 教你几个韩语常用语
5/11/201430 minutes, 50 seconds
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News Horizon 盘点一周国际、国内、校园新闻 English Gas Station 教你两个常用语wild goose chase 和 face the music Movie and Music 分享一期美国流行音乐排行 日本語 and 한국어 教你几个简单的日语常用语
4/27/201431 minutes, 34 seconds
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English Gas Station 教你用美语说开夜车和夜猫子 介绍两个常用语 to cut something 和 open minded Movie and Music 分享歌曲Nothing's Gonna Change My Love For You Essays and Speeches 外教Michael带你走入大连医科大学
4/20/201428 minutes, 42 seconds
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English Gas Station 带领大家参观英国福尔摩斯博物馆 How to Say American English 教你用美语说软柿子和直觉 Movie and Music 重温美国著名女歌手泰勒斯威夫特 分享歌王陈奕迅的歌曲Shall We Talk
4/13/201429 minutes, 52 seconds
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English Gas Station 介绍两个常用语have a full plate & to kill time 教你用美语说团购和路痴 Movie and Music 带你走入007的惊现世界 Essays and speeches 分享励志短文《生命中一件出乎意料的事》
4/6/201428 minutes, 40 seconds
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1.English Gas Station 介绍英国牛津大学 2.News Horizon 盘点马航失踪事件 3.Popular English 介绍两个美语常用语 4.Essays and Speeches 介绍美国著名演说家奥普拉
3/30/201428 minutes, 40 seconds
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Part1. News Horizon 揭示iPhone和海豚的秘密 Part2. English Gas Station 介绍新闻中Road map的用意 Part3. Movie and Music 分享电影《恶灵骑士》 Part4. Wonderful Ranking 首期欧美音乐排行榜
12/8/201331 minutes, 4 seconds
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Part1. English Gas Station 讨论噪音的影响 Part2. Movie and Music 介绍歌手泰勒斯威夫特 Part3. School Talk Show 分享旅行的乐趣 Part4. Essays and Speeches 推荐一篇名为《失望源于希望》的文章
11/22/201330 minutes, 56 seconds