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U.S.-China Dialogue Podcast Cover
U.S.-China Dialogue Podcast Profile

U.S.-China Dialogue Podcast

English, Political, 1 season, 33 episodes, 1 day, 5 hours, 44 minutes
From 2019 to 2020 the Georgetown University Initiative for U.S.-China Dialogue on Global Issues hosted a podcast series that captures the profound and candid reflections of ambassadors, cabinet secretaries, and senior officials whose actions have shaped and are shaping the course of ties between the United States and China through the many twists and turns in what arguably is the most complex relationship in international diplomacy today.These former officials help explore the negotiating history of every facet of the issues under the initiative: peace and security, business and trade, economic and social development, climate change, and global health. At this critical juncture in history, where both sides are rethinking the trajectory of the bilateral relationship, a project of this nature and scope contributed to mutual understanding and provided ideas and lessons learned to successfully manage U.S.-China ties to advance peace and security in the rapidly evolving international order. Former Senior Fellow James Green, a longtime China expert who has worked for over two decades in and out of the U.S. government on China, was the host of this podcast series.The initiative is deeply grateful to people who provided generous support and advice to the podcast project. Please read more on the acknowledgements page.
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Introducing Season Three: China's Global Footprint

This season of the U.S.-China Nexus looks at China’s expanding global footprint.
10/25/20235 minutes, 48 seconds
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Introducing Season Two: Taking Stock of a Global China

This season of the U.S.-China Nexus looks at China’s expanding global footprint and the country’s outlook vis-à-vis different parts of the world.
10/5/20223 minutes, 20 seconds
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Introducing the U.S.-China Nexus

The U.S.-China Nexus podcast features conversations with a scholar or policy expert on dynamics in China and Sino-American relations. This is an excerpt from our first episode.
2/15/20225 minutes, 4 seconds
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Yang Guohua

Former Chinese Commerce Ministry official Yang Guohua talks with host James Green about intellectual property rights protections in China and as a point of friction in trade negotiations with the United States.
8/17/202040 minutes, 9 seconds
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Gao Xiqing

Former China Investment Corporation president and securities regulator Gao Xiqing talks with host James Green about his journey from railroad construction worker to Duke Law School to Hong Kong and beyond.
8/10/202047 minutes, 59 seconds
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Zhou Wenzhong

Zhou Wenzhong, former Chinese ambassador to the United States and former vice minister of foreign affairs, explains Beijing's positions on establishing and maintaining U.S.-China relations over four decades.
8/3/202035 minutes, 19 seconds
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Robert Zoellick

Former United States trade representative and deputy secretary of state Robert Zoellick tells U.S.-China Dialogue Podcast host James Green about overseeing China's entry into the World Trade Organization in 2001 and coining the phrase "responsible stakeholder."
7/29/20201 hour, 5 minutes, 29 seconds
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Paul Haenle

Former U.S. Army officer and National Security Council director Paul Haenle addresses North Korea's nuclear program in the Six Party Talks and China's military modernization with host James Green.
7/15/202057 minutes, 42 seconds
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Ira Kasoff

Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Commerce Ira Kasoff talks with host James Green about changes in China over the last four decades, commercial diplomacy, and comparisons between the Japanese economy of the 1980s and China today.
7/8/202057 minutes, 15 seconds
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Robert Suettinger

Former senior intelligence analyst and National Security Council staffer Bob Suettinger discusses Taiwan, human rights, leadership struggles, and the role of the intelligence community with U.S.-China Dialogue Podcast host James Green.
5/11/20201 hour
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Madeleine Albright

Madeleine Albright tells U.S.-China Dialogue Podcast host James Green about her decades working on China, including how building a working relationship at the UN with her Chinese counterpart was key to diffusing tensions when in 1999 U.S. missiles mistakenly hit the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade.
4/27/202049 minutes, 47 seconds
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Dennis Wilder

Dennis Wilder explains to U.S.-China Dialogue Podcast host James Green watching the growth of the People's Liberation Army, analyzing Beijing policies from Hong Kong to Taiwan for the CIA, and handling presidential visits as the senior director for East Asia under President George W. Bush.
2/26/20201 hour, 20 minutes, 1 second
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David Shear

Ambassador David Shear explains to U.S.-China Dialogue Podcast host James Green the U.S. military's response to Chinese assertiveness in the South China Sea, and his diplomatic career handling China.
2/5/202051 minutes, 49 seconds
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Charlene Barshefsky

Former USTR Ambassador Charlene Barshefsky explains the WTO negotiation history to U.S.-China Dialogue Podcast host James Green as well as when China moved off the liberalization and reform track in 2006 and 2007.
1/29/202054 minutes, 58 seconds
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Joseph DeTrani

Former senior CIA officer Joe DeTrani talks with host James Green about Chinese diplomacy in the six party talks and negotiating with North Korea on its dangerous nuclear weapons program.
1/10/202049 minutes, 59 seconds
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Jim Keith

Ambassador Jim Keith discusses with U.S.-China Dialogue Podcast host James Green the inherent contradictions of Hong Kong as a separate territory, the importance of human rights in U.S. policy, and why China's place in the world remains unresolved.
11/25/20191 hour, 28 minutes, 54 seconds
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Charles Freeman III

Charles Freeman III explains to U.S.-China Dialogue Podcast host James Green challenges within the Chinese system that drove trade negotiations during his time as assistant United States trade representative (USTR) for China in the early 2000s.
11/12/201943 minutes, 50 seconds
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Winston Lord

Ambassador Winston Lord explains to U.S.-China Dialogue Podcast host James Green his unique experience negotiating with China: from secret negotiations in the 1970s to the 1989 Tiananmen crackdown to the link between trade and human rights in the 1990s.
10/23/20191 hour, 20 minutes, 10 seconds
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Richard Bush

Richard Bush talks to U.S.-China Dialogue Podcast host James Green about the democratization process on Taiwan, the high-profile murder of a Taiwanese dissident on U.S. soil, and the effect on U.S. policy towards the People's Republic of China.
10/4/20191 hour, 7 minutes, 32 seconds
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Gary Locke

Governor Gary Locke explains to U.S.-China Dialogue Podcast host James Green about dealing with Chinese officials high and low on pollution, market barriers, and human dignity as commerce secretary, then as U.S. ambassador.
9/20/20191 hour, 1 minute, 50 seconds
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Roy Kamphausen

Retired Lt. Col. Roy Kamphausen explains to host James Green how the U.S. military has interacted with the Chinese People’s Liberation Army over the last three decades, including the accidental 1999 bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade.
9/10/201954 minutes
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Todd Stern

Climate Special Envoy Todd Stern explains to U.S.-China Dialogue Podcast host James Green how an initially reluctant Chinese leadership began to engage the United States and change policies to limit emissions and pervasive pollution.
8/26/20191 hour, 5 minutes, 4 seconds
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Susan Shirk

Professor Susan Shirk talks with U.S.-China Dialogue Podcast host James Green about her breakthrough meeting with Premier Zhou Enlai in 1971, her participation in President Jiang Zemin’s 1997 U.S. visit, and all the history in between and since.
7/26/201956 minutes, 57 seconds
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Robert Einhorn

Arms control expert Bob Einhorn explains to host James Green how over the course of the 1990s, Chinese policies shifted to control dangerous technologies that threatened regional peace and stability.
7/18/201959 minutes, 21 seconds
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Jeffrey Bader: Part Two

Longtime U.S. official Jeffrey Bader discusses with host James Green the real benefits to the United States of China's 2001 WTO accession, the strategy behind President Barack Obama's Asia policy, and how public messaging is critical to handling presidential summitry.
6/20/20191 hour, 6 minutes, 13 seconds
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Jeffrey Bader: Part One

Jeffrey Bader explains to host James Green key events with China from the 1980s-1990s: the 1982 Communiqué under President Ronald Reagan, the 1989 Tiananmen crackdown, curbing Chinese nonproliferation behavior, the 1995-1996 Taiwan missile crisis, and President Bill Clinton's 1998 visit to China.
6/19/201958 minutes, 50 seconds
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Doug Paal

Doug Paal discusses his experience as the senior director handling East Asia in the White House in the run-up to, during, and after the June 4, 1989 Tiananman Square massacre.
5/27/201955 minutes, 54 seconds
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Wendy Cutler

Former acting Deputy United States Trade Representative (USTR) Wendy Cutler explains how the United States handled trade enforcement after China joined the World Trade Organization in 2001.
5/15/201953 minutes, 11 seconds
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Joseph Prueher

Former United States Ambassador to China and retired Admiral Joseph Prueher discusses U.S.-China military ties and the 2001 collision of military aircraft that nearly brought the two countries to conflict.
5/6/20191 hour, 27 minutes, 12 seconds
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Stapleton Roy

Stapleton Roy is interviewed for the U.S.-China Dialogue Podcast. Ambassador Roy discusses his lifetime of experiences dealing with China and offers advice to U.S. officials looking to get things done.
4/19/20191 hour, 11 minutes, 24 seconds
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Susan Thornton

Susan Thornton is interviewed for the U.S.-China Dialogue Podcast. Thornton addresses Chinese cyber hacking, setting up the summit between the U.S. and Chinese presidents in Florida, and how career officials handle political transitions.
3/31/20191 hour, 2 minutes, 36 seconds
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John Negroponte

John Negroponte is interviewed for the U.S.-China Dialogue Podcast. Ambassador Negroponte discusses his various U.S. diplomatic and leadership positions, and five decades of interacting with Chinese officials.
3/30/201941 minutes, 9 seconds
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Michael Froman

Michael Froman is interviewed for the U.S.-China Dialogue Podcast. Ambassador Froman discusses summitry, trade negotiations, and how he shaped China's choices to align with the United States.
3/29/201945 minutes, 44 seconds