A faith-based Christian podcast where we talk about faith, life, and our journey as Believers? Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/thejrne/support
Getting Out of an Identity Crisis Through Christ
A lot of us are in a space right now where we're learning our identities or if we should even be identifying ourselves with one thing. One thing I've learned about identity is that it's a lot easier to know who you are when you know Who's you are. Since God created us that means He also created our identities. If you've been feeling purposeless then this episode is your reminder that God is too strategic to put you here without a plan for you!
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4/23/2023 • 32 minutes, 11 seconds
Sisters in Christ Talk Freedom, Healing, and Peace in Christ | Lauren's Testimony
In this episode we have a special guest! Welcome Lauren to The JRNE as she shares her testimony and her journey as she navigates healing and finding peace in Christ. I hope y'all can find some relatability in her story because I know I did!
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4/9/2023 • 1 hour, 3 minutes, 54 seconds
How to Find BALANCE in Life | Mental, Physical and Spiritual Health
Finding balance when it comes to maintaining mental, physical and spiritual health can be a bit overwhelming. Especially with our flesh and spirit at war with each other daily. As I navigate my 20s I’m realizing not one is more important than the other. God wants us to have peaceful minds, strong bodies, and He wants us to have eternal life by staying connected to Him every day of our lives. All three of these work together, and without one in order the others fall apart. There’s a balance we must all find as we strive to be more like Christ. There is a way to put God first, have a good social life, build a nice career, sustain a healthy body, AND do it all with a sound mind. We just have to find it.
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3/5/2023 • 38 minutes, 27 seconds
21 Day Social Media Fast TESTIMONY | new apartment, new relationships, business blessings + more !!
I gotta testimony to give y’all! I had been avoiding doing a fast for the longest but God gave me no choice last month. I’ve made prayers that seemed to have gone unanswered but during this fast so many things I had been praying for just fell into my lap! To whom much is given much is required, I should’ve never hesitated to start fasting but we live and we learn. It was starting to feel like God ran out of testimonies but He showed up when I thought all hope was lost! I hope this encourages you to stay faithful to God and keep your belief in Him as your provider.
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2/13/2023 • 42 minutes, 42 seconds
The Gift of Salvation is Free.
This episode we’re going back to the basics! Salvation and deliverance do not end after you say “the prayer”. It is our job to work out to show the results of our salvation by dying to self daily. Following Christ is not a hobby that means you just go to church on Sunday, it’s a way of life and it is not easy. I didn’t really want to talk about this because it’s not one of the “fun” messages but it needs to be said in full truth (not the half truth that the church often gives us about salvation). Stay ready so you don’t have to get ready!
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1/29/2023 • 54 minutes, 55 seconds
Christian Girl Talk | Black Girl Edition | Lexi's Testimony, Modesty, Judgement In Church, Church Hurt, White Man's Religion
This anointed woman of God gave me chills during our conversation! In this episode Lexi (@itsbeenlexi) gets vulnerable and shares her testimony and her views as a black Christian woman on topics like modesty, church hurt, judgement in church, and christianity being the "white man's religion". She definitely has a "Job" story that you need to hear.
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1/22/2023 • 34 minutes, 20 seconds
Overcoming Lust + Quitting Porn as a Christian | The Spirit Behind Hookup Culture, Sexual Assault, and Over - Sexualization
Sex is a beautiful and intimate thing created by God for a man and his wife. However the enemy has perverted it into hookup culture, sexual assault, and over sexualization. His biggest tool is pornography and when we watch it a lustful stain is left on our hearts. If we don’t want to live in a society that is driven by pleasure, indulgent in hookup culture, growing assault cases, and lacking love then we have to get to the root of the problem. Lust.
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1/16/2023 • 34 minutes, 31 seconds
This is Why You're Not Growing with God | You Become What You Listen to
The media is trying to poison our minds. Specifically, the enemy is using the media to control our minds and we’re allowing it but senselessly scrolling for hours with no boundaries. We are called to be set apart in this world and that includes what we consume. Maybe what you’re battling has nothing to do with the enemy attacking you… it could just be the fact that you allowed so many things into your spirit that had no business being there. In this episode I’m a little all over the place but trust me I’m going somewhere.
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1/8/2023 • 28 minutes, 26 seconds
How to Persevere When You Want to Quit| Long Suffering Matters
Getting through life requires long suffering and there will be extended periods of time where things feel beyond overwhelming. The only way to get through them is to rely on the Spirit of God for patience and strength. There’s not always an easy way out when you’re walking by faith and not by sight… but don’t let your lack of long suffering stand in the way of God’s plan for you.
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1/1/2023 • 13 minutes, 30 seconds
New Year New Mind New Spirit | Renewing Yourself for 2023
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! We should already be doing this daily, but as we walk into this new year we are leaving the old behind and preparing for the new. This episode is for those who are ready for a positive change that comes from within. Before we enter 2023 let's heal our hearts, get rid of toxic ways of thinking, and simply do better for ourselves and for God!
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12/25/2022 • 13 minutes, 9 seconds
How I Knew He Wasn't The One | Did God Send Him to Me?
It's so easy to be blindsided by looks, lust, or potential when dating and not actually consider if the person would be a good fit for you or not. Especially when you're feeling desperate or lonely. Here's your wake up call! Choosing a person to be in a relationship with shouldn't be taken so lightly! Don't ignore those red flags...
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12/18/2022 • 14 minutes, 27 seconds
God Will Hold You Accountable | When Life Calls You Out | Evaluate Thyself
Accountability is scary. It’s never fun to face the wrongs we’ve done in life, but it’s required in order to grow from them. There are things you will not be able to move forward in without taking accountability first. Today’s episode is all about how God calls us out in order to take accountability, and what we should do when it happens...
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12/11/2022 • 11 minutes, 27 seconds
Peace Doesn't Have to be Boring | Don’t Go Back to Sin | Avoiding Lukewarmness
No matter how deep you get into this walk, you may get tempted to go back to your old life. This is the reason we have to die to our flesh DAILY. This peace is more than awesome, but we too often mistake it for “boring”. Here’s your reminder that peace doesn’t have to be boring! Stay focused and most importantly don’t go back! Not even back to the lukewarm stage… God will give us strength.
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12/4/2022 • 16 minutes, 55 seconds
Feeling Distant? | | 1 Habit that will Bring you Closer to God
Our journeys through life will go up, down, and side to side. Sometimes we’ll even go through seasons where we feel far from God. If you’ve been sensing some distance between you and God this episode is for you. Getting closer to God is easier than you may think. Don’t overthink it! Today I’m sharing “one” tip on how to get closer to God.
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11/27/2022 • 26 minutes, 54 seconds
We are MORE than Conquerors | Spiritual Warfare | Getting through Storms
Life is hard and unfortunately there’s no way to get around that. It’s especially hard for Believers because we walk around with targets on our backs to be defeated by the enemy. When that warfare comes we’re either gonna let our battles defeat us, or walk in our identity as MORE than conquerors and get through them. Here’s your reminder that God is always on your side… and your battles may be tough but they will not defeat you. We don’t take L’s in the Kingdom of God.
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11/21/2022 • 32 minutes, 4 seconds
Developing Intimacy with God | He leaves the 99 | Are you the Samaritan woman?
There's this rumor going around that Christians need a "middle man" or a Pastor to get to God, but last time I checked the only way to get to the Father is through the Son. So if you've been missing out on the intimacy of knowing God for yourself, then this episode is for you! His spirit is within you and there is nothing more intimate than that. He's waiting for you to go deeper with Him. So much that He'd go out His way to grab you like He grabbed the Samaritan woman, and so much that He'd leave the 99 "sheep" to bring you back home. Again... what is more intimate than that? He's chasing us down!
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11/6/2022 • 28 minutes, 19 seconds
There's No Lack in the Kingdom | Overcoming Envy and Worry | Tearing Down Modern Day Idols
As young adults it's so easy to go from worrying about our future to envying the lives of others. This episode is a reminder that there's no lack in the kingdom and that the success of others does not equal your failure. Here are some practical tips to overcoming envy and worry, starting with tearing down modern day idols.
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10/30/2022 • 28 minutes, 22 seconds
Let's Talk about PURPOSE. | Special Guest: Minister Jerome Banks
In this episode we have another special guest from my church Minister Jerome Banks. We deep dive into purpose, calling, and more!
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10/23/2022 • 26 minutes
God Doesn't Care About Me. | The Importance of Full Submission to God
This episode is for those who feel like God has kicked you to the curb. We’ve all been in the place where it feels like God doesn’t hear our prayers or like He’s forgotten about us. We’ll also evaluate what it means to be in submission to God and why it’s so necessary when developing an intimate relationship with Him. This is definitely one of my favorites :)
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10/16/2022 • 31 minutes, 16 seconds
Becoming "That" Woman of God with Ucari Morris
Today we welcome Ucari Morris onto The JRNE to share some words of wisdom on passion and purpose in Christ! Forget becoming "that girl". Let's focus on becoming "that" woman of God!
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10/9/2022 • 22 minutes, 14 seconds
Dear Black Girl, You're Beautifully and Wonderfully Made | Why I Big Chopped My 4C Hair
This episode is dedicated to the black girls, tall girls, 4c girls, and anyone who is dealing with insecurity because of the standards of society. Here's your reminder that you are beautifully and wonderfully made in God's eyes. Validation from the world does not compare to real confidence in Christ!
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10/2/2022 • 26 minutes, 25 seconds
Testimonies, Relationships, Overspiritualizing Life + More with Miss Ruby
In today's episode we welcome Miss Ruby on to talk about her testimony, relationships, overspiritualizing life + more !
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9/25/2022 • 30 minutes, 3 seconds
Godly Relationship Development, Identifying a Man of God, Worldly Relationships | Gabby Amari
Let's welcome another guest onto The JRNE Podcast, my sister in Christ, Gabby Amari ! She'll be sharing some of her experiences being in a God-centered relationship for a year and what God had to develop in the two of them before they got together. She also shares a little bit of her testimony, how she met her current boyfriend and more!
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9/18/2022 • 18 minutes, 21 seconds
Pastor's Perspective | False Prophets, Why Men Have Left Church, Mega Ministries + More
Today we had a wonderful conversation with Pastor Mark L. Greenhouse of At the Cross Ministries in Riverside, CA sharing his perspective on false prophets, why men have left the church, mega ministries and more!
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9/11/2022 • 31 minutes, 41 seconds
How Being a Christian Affects The College Experience | Social Life, Dating, Adulting, + more
This one's for all my fellow College Christians. In this episode, we're talking about how being a Christian can affect the "College Experience". Believe it or not, you can have a good time in College without compromising your character while living for Christ. We dig into dating, partying, adulting, loneliness, comparison + more!
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9/4/2022 • 32 minutes, 6 seconds
Testimony from Zha Zha. | Overcoming Bi-Sexuality, Depression, Weed Dependency, Church Hurt, + More
In this episode my older sister Kiazha walks us through her transformational testimony and how she went from "Ki" to "Zha Zha". She touches on overcoming church hurt, bi-sexuality, depression, weed dependency and more all through Jesus Christ Himself!
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8/28/2022 • 30 minutes, 50 seconds
10 Misconceptions about Christianity from a Non-Denominational Christian
In this episode we're talking about 10 misconceptions I always hear about Christianity from my point of view as a Black, Non-Denominational Christian. We'll talk about misogyny, the idea that Christianity is a "white man's religion" and more!
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8/21/2022 • 19 minutes, 6 seconds
Exposing My Forbidden Fruits | Why I Let Go of Weed, Porn, and New Age Spirituality
In this episode we're getting real! I'm exposing my own forbidden fruits from the past, talking about why I "ate" from them, and why God had me let them go.
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7/31/2022 • 20 minutes, 13 seconds
Are we an Entitled Generation? | First World Problems
In this episode we dig into 2 Timothy and evaluate ourselves and where we stand when it comes to the character of the younger generations in the last days.
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7/24/2022 • 13 minutes, 11 seconds
Healing Church Hurt | Finding a Church Home
How do we move forward with God after being hurt by a fellow Believer or Church? What are we supposed to look for when trying to find a good church to attend? Find out in this episode!
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7/17/2022 • 13 minutes, 14 seconds
How to Love | Uprooting Toxic Love
Let's break down the do's and don'ts of healthy love in Corinthians, talk about healing heartbreak, and learn how to love in a Godly way.
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7/3/2022 • 14 minutes, 33 seconds
faith. work. wait. repeat.
In this episode, we talk about the value of faith, work, and waiting on God... and how powerful they can be when working together.
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6/26/2022 • 5 minutes, 57 seconds
What about them? | Navigating Discipleship
In this episode we're talking about being more vulnerable about our faith for the glory of God and for the benefit of others.
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6/19/2022 • 16 minutes, 36 seconds
Defeating Self Defeat
In this episode we talk about letting the spirit lead us out of self defeat.
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6/12/2022 • 9 minutes, 55 seconds
Some encouraging verses for those that just need some reassurance from God.
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6/5/2022 • 4 minutes, 44 seconds
The Narrow Path.
In this episode we're talking about how lonely the narrow path can get and how we can stick it out.
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5/29/2022 • 8 minutes, 48 seconds
How to Get Out of a Slump + Weariness or Laziness?
In this episode we're talking about those times when we become weary in doing good, and how to get out of the slumps.
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5/22/2022 • 13 minutes, 23 seconds
Introducing JRNE
Let’s talk Faith, Life, and our “journey” as Believers 🌱
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