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The Conversation with Amanda de Cadenet

English, Cultural, 6 seasons, 35 episodes, 1 day, 2 hours, 16 minutes
The Conversation with Amanda de Cadenet is a groundbreaking series of one-on-one interviews featuring candid conversations with women and non-binary individuals. Host, Amanda de Cadenet , provides a platform for raw and honest discussions on topics that need to be addressed right now. Each week, these incredible guests share their personal journeys,the insights they’ve gained and often hard lessons they’ve learned along the way. Past guests include: Alicia Keys, Lady Gaga, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, Zoe Saldana, Gwyneth Paltrow, Sarah Silverman, Elle Fanning, Kamala Harris and many more.
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The Power of Unplugging with Tiffany Shlain

What does technology amplify in your life, and what does it amputate? In her book, 24/6: The Power of Unplugging One Day a Week, Tiffany Shlain shares how her family unplugged one day a week and how you can achieve digital wellness. Terms like “digital detox” and “internet addiction,” were developed to identify the problem a device can play. In addition, Tiffany explains what her family calls a “technology Shabbat.” So, where do you want to place your time and attention? IN THIS EPISODE:  [04:05] Tiffany shares a quote from Marshall McLuhan, a media theorist. “Does technology amplify and what does it amputate?” and she discusses the impact of the tech world in our lives [05:15] Taking a technology Shabbat. Tiffany explains what Shabbat is and how it applies to screen time [09:26] The history of spending time without technology and a plan to achieve digital wellness in today’s world [18:26] Your screen can rob you of creativity and restful “me” time. Structure, organization and rituals are positives choices [22:48] Your role as a  parent is to set device boundaries [26:40] Screen addiction can cause a dopamine rush. Often people use their devices to escape. Internet addiction is real [37:08] Inappropriate content is available via the screen, and the average age of children viewing is nine [40:28] Disengaging from a screen creates a “me” network; however, the flip side is allowing validation of what you post frame who you are KEY TAKEAWAYS: The default mode network frees your mind to think creatively and recall events of the day or week without the “noise” of a device Unfortunately, some parents use the internet as a babysitter, training their child to get validation from posts, etc., and the child doesn’t learn how to feel their disappointment, which we all need to be able to do. Screen addiction is so prevalent that treatment centers focus on that particular addiction. RESOURCES: Amanda de Cadenet LinkedIn Amanda de Cadenet Instagram Tiffany Shlain - Instagram Tiffany Shlain - Facebook 24/6: The Power of Unplugging One Day a Week - Book ABOUT THIS PODCAST: The Conversation with Amanda de Cadenet is a groundbreaking series of weekly interviews featuring candid conversations with impactful thought leaders. Host Amanda de Cadenet provides a platform for raw and honest discussions on a wide variety of topics, from porn to politics. Visit to learn more and sign up for her newsletter. Follow Amanda on Instagram @amandadecadenet. QUOTES: “The concept of one day a week is profound. Many people have read it from different backgrounds, and it’s like yoga and meditation. These ancient ideas were brought to the west and popularized, and people now understand yoga and medication make your life better.” -  Tiffany Shlain “The best thing I’ve ever done as a parent is ‘technology Shabbat’ because the boundary is clear. The idea of Shabbat is a temple in time; we are talking about time and attention. For one day, your home is sacred.  The outside world can’t get in.” - Tiffany ShlainSee for privacy information.
6/27/202349 minutes, 48 seconds
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As Sick As Your Secrets: Recovery From Addiction with Jamie Lee Curtis

The lifelong path of recovery from addiction is a shared theme in the lives of actress Jamie Lee Curtis and host Amanda de Cadenet. The duo shares their sobriety stories and spiritual journeys from a place of sisterhood, mutual trust, and empathy. Join us today on this episode of The Conversation, where Jamie Lee Curtis truthfully shares her journey through addiction to the light of sobriety. Jamie Lee discusses the three events that were her wake-up call to the destructive nature of her addiction to Vicodin. IN THIS EPISODE: [00:30] Jamie Lee Curtis and Amanda discuss their friendship and sisterhood [03:14] Jamie Lee shares how she became comfortable talking about recovery from addiction [07:26] How the article, Vicodin, My Vicodin, by Tom Chiarella, opened her eyes to the knowledge that she wasn’t in this struggle alone [09:47] Jamie Lee discusses her family history of addiction and alcoholism  [15:49] Jamie Lee discloses how she obtained her drugs  [20:28] Three wake-up calls she experienced to climb out of her addictive lifestyle [25:47] The understanding of who the problem was, the feeling of how the community felt, and the personal tenants she ascribes to have kept Jamie Lee sober [32:19] How trauma can lead a person to a life of addiction [38:37] Jamie Lee shares her career choices and her dreams and goals for future projects KEY TAKEAWAYS: Talking about your substance abuse with others who share your same experiences, feelings, and struggles opens the door to healing and reveals the path to recovery from addiction. We learn through the addictions we want to hide; if you talk about it, you can’t control it. So, instead, we hide it and become who we think people want us to be. Addiction can happen to anyone, and generational addiction is challenging to escape. QUOTE: “We have a phrase in recovery, ‘When I’m looking in the mirror, the deep, dark, truthful mirror, I’m looking at the problem.’ It’s not my mother, father, husband, sister, or friend.  It’s me. That changed my life.”  - Jamie Lee Curtis RESOURCES: Amandadecadenet.comAmanda de Cadenet LinkedInAmanda de Cadenet InstagramJamie Lee Curtis - Facebook Jamie Lee Curtis - LinkedInJamie Lee Curtis - Instagram ABOUT THIS PODCAST: The Conversation with Amanda de Cadenet is a groundbreaking series of weekly interviews featuring candid conversations with impactful thought leaders. Host, Amanda de Cadenet provides a platform for raw and honest discussions on a wide variety of topics from porn to politics.Visit to learn more and sign up for her newsletter. Follow Amanada on Instagram @amandadecadenet.See for privacy information.
6/20/202347 minutes, 2 seconds
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The Sexualization of Girls and Women with Sarah Jones

Today, Sarah Jones and Amanda discuss the sexualization and disempowerment of women. Sarah, writer, actor and filmmaker, brings to light aspects of the sex industry through her film Sell/Buy/Date.  We delve into topics that should not be taboo and issues that require a conversation that for all too long have been ignored, denied or sadly even justified, like why women should not be shamed and stigmatized for expressing their sexuality. IN THIS EPISODE:  [01:27] Sarah shares her thoughts on how the oldest profession in the world needed an authentic voice [04:56] Girls are at risk from age 12. The unfair treatment between the sexes because of draconian laws [08:19] Sarah describes the changes she would like to see and the removal of the stigma from women choosing this work [15:27] Sarah reveals her thoughts about the perception of women and how a male-dominated industry like Hollywood categorizes women. What are the ramifications if the film, Sell/Buy/Date, isn't a blockbuster [20:17] Boys are also wounded and can account for growing into men who dominate [24:37] Sarah expresses ways she wants her film to impact the public  [27:10] Do these problems stem from economic realities in western or even global culture [29:20] Sarah explained the cancel culture she experienced when announcing the film KEY TAKEAWAYS: Women are vilified and jailed for prostitution, while the Johns get a slap on the wrist and are on their merry way. Sex trafficking is as much about money as it is about the degradation of women and girls.  Hollywood is a male-dominated industry that still views women as a commodity.   RESOURCES: Amanda de Cadenet LinkedIn Amanda de Cadenet Instagram Sarah Jones - Facebook Sell/Buy/Date - The Film Sarah Jones - Instagram ABOUT THIS PODCAST: The Conversation with Amanda de Cadenet is a groundbreaking series of weekly interviews featuring candid conversations with impactful thought leaders. Host Amanda de Cadenet provides a platform for raw and honest discussions on a wide variety of topics, from porn to politics. Visit to learn more and sign up for her newsletter. Follow Amanda on Instagram @amandadecadenet. QUOTES: “I’m not here to bash anybody. I’m here to remind straight white men that they are not in danger.  You are not an endangered species; you still run all the studios. I know there are a couple of figureheads, but guess what? The only black women, brown women, and non-binary folks who get through still have to be vetted by Hollywood's larger white patriarchal establishment.” - Sarah Jones  “We need to have a larger conversation about the sex industry that pulls up to a drone-level view and says, ‘Wait a minute, capitalism, racism, colonialism, all of this history is what explains why there is a disproportionate number of black and brown girls and native women in the sex trade today.”  - Sarah JonesSee for privacy information.
6/13/202336 minutes, 5 seconds
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The Real Truth About Using Psychedelics For Mental Health with Lucy Walker

Are the tides turning on psychedelics? What once was considered a dangerous experiment might now be the answer to PTSD, depression, anxiety and other mental health problems. Lucy Walker, the documentary filmmaker of How to Change Your Mind, has studied the effects of various psychedelics and is convinced of the favorable treatment they provide. It may seem counterintuitive, but Lucy cites examples of how these drugs can lead to long-term sobriety. Tune in to hear about the studies and the existing roadblocks.    IN THIS EPISODE:  [03:00] Lucy describes why she produced the documentary, her experience with drugs and how she obtained the rights to Michael Pollan’s book [10:12] How the illness of Lucy’s sister spurred Lucy to delve deeper into research as she produced her film. Amanda and Lucy discuss the need for more discussion about death and dying [17:13] Lucy discusses her cancer and the misdiagnosis and how her recovery reframed her thinking about life [24:30] Lucy explains what components are necessary for her to choose a film project [26:55] A drug called ibogaine is showing promise with opiate addiction, and yet it is still illegal [30:18] The story of a friend who struggled with depression and trauma and fatally went on to use heroin and cocaine and died [34:54] The status of FDA approval and the decriminalization movement. The use of MDMA for PTSD patients and how it will be available in psychotherapist's offices    KEY TAKEAWAYS: There are drugs used for cancer treatments and depression; hence the buzz phrase “nature’s antidepressant” was born.  Clinical trials suggest that psilocybin can provide remission from depression and anxiety. Ibogaine has anti-addictive properties suggesting promise in treating alcohol use disorders.   RESOURCES: Amanda de Cadenet LinkedIn Amanda de Cadenet Instagram Lucy Walker - LinkedIn Lucy Walker - Facebook Documentary - YouTube Lucy Walker Directing Ibogaine Feature Doc ‘Of Night & Light’   ABOUT THIS PODCAST: The Conversation with Amanda de Cadenet is a groundbreaking series of weekly interviews featuring candid conversations with impactful thought leaders. Host, Amanda de Cadenet provides a platform for raw and honest discussions on a wide variety of topics from porn to politics. Visit to learn more and sign up for her newsletter. Follow Amanda on Instagram @amandadecadenet.   QUOTES:  “I was given a second life. I had twelve days of suffering, thinking that it was the end of my life, and somebody gave me a new life. So I had renewed determination to use the time I had to be of benefit. “ - Lucy Walker   “The fact is that psychedelics now are shown incredible promise for alcohol use disorder and all kinds of addictions, including smoking. Ibogaine has this specific property for opiate withdrawal, but lots of these other compounds, including psilocybin, are tools showing incredible promise. Couldn't we just use them in our world? It's so counterintuitive that something that's got this scary reputation, like psychedelics, could actually be helpful for anxiety and that a drug that we think of as an illegal, bad drug could actually be really helpful to combat, for example, drug addictions and drug use disorders.” - Lucy WalkerSee for privacy information.
6/6/202343 minutes, 31 seconds
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How to Connect to Your True Calling with Jeff Brown

Embarking on our personal growth journeys can sometimes feel overwhelming and confusing especially when faced with some of the profound ideas discussed in spiritual communities. That’s why I’m thrilled to be speaking with Jeff Brown on this week’s episode of The Conversation. Jeff is the brilliant author behind Hearticulations, one of my absolute favorite books dedicated to making spiritual growth accessible to everyone. If you’re seeking to work on self-improvement, this episode is the perfect starting point to familiarize yourself with Jeff Brown’s remarkable insights on spiritual growth. Tune in now on your favorite podcast platform and remember to subscribe.    IN THIS EPISODE:  [00:31] Jeff Brown shares how after an emotional cleansing, he began to write [02:19] Jeff tells about his journey between practicing law and writing and how going to Harbin Hot Springs Retreat Center pressed him into writing full time [05:51] Facing the struggles of leaving law for an unknown future but following the voice inside  [08:43] Staying true and grounded to what called Jeff to write and publish his books and the importance of protecting your calling [14:51] Jeff assists people in excavating their calling but acknowledges their economic realm needs to be solid. Achieving recognition that you are on the right path requires patience and persistence [18:32] Clearing emotional debris and dealing with unresolved trauma are the first steps to recognizing your path  [22:01] How much of the material we carry emanates from our ancestry and generational trauma? You never reach a plateau; you continue to work it out [26:41] Jeff reveals where his next body of work will be focused and discusses the abuse of power and who benefits  KEY TAKEAWAYS: When people are overwhelmed with the economic realm they must live in to survive, they don’t take time to analyze the path they have taken. Before dealing with trauma, you must be willing to pull those skeletons out of the closet. Some of the trauma we carry is generational.  We must deal with that as well. RESOURCES: Amanda de Cadenet LinkedIn Amanda de Cadenet Instagram Jeff Brown - Instagram Jeff Brown - LinkedIn Jeff Brown - Facebook ABOUT THIS PODCAST: The Conversation with Amanda de Cadenet is a groundbreaking series of weekly interviews featuring candid conversations with impactful thought leaders. Host Amanda de Cadenet provides a platform for raw and honest discussions on a wide variety of topics, from porn to politics. Visit to learn more and sign up for her newsletter. Follow Amanda on Instagram @amandadecadenet. QUOTES: “If we were all walking our truest path in this life, nobody would be harming anybody because we'd just be so bloody gratified at every moment and so desirous of bringing that offering to the world that we wouldn’t see so much of the craziness that we now see.” - Jeff Brown “I think it’s important to recognize we are pioneering consciousness just in the fact that we’re recognizing that we’re holding all this material that emanates from our ancestry and not just from our individual life experience.” - Jeff BrownSee for privacy information.
5/30/202340 minutes, 8 seconds
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Human Connection Through Coupledom with Sabrina Elba

In this episode of The Conversation Podcast, we are joined by model and activist, Sabrina Elba. She discusses the podcast, Coupledom, that she and her husband, Idris, co-host together. They created this podcast during the pandemic as a reminder of the importance of human connection and nurturing relationships. On their podcast, they visit with couples of all types, even the creators of Ben and Jerry’s famous ice cream. We discuss topics surrounding marriage and family like, when are you ready for children, does an age gap in a relationship matter, and is couples therapy essential before marriage?  Tune in for your daily dose of human connection with Amanda and Sabrina.   IN THIS EPISODE:  [00:00] Amanda and Sabrina catch up and discuss the effort needed to have your posts noticed on social media [05:20] Sabrina shares her childhood, discusses parenting, having a family and the sacrifices you make for your children [11:12] Age gaps between married couples, are they even significant, and role models for marriage  [15:16] Sabrina reflects on why she and her husband, Idris, started the podcast Coupledom [18:04] How important is couples therapy before marriage, and are there other ways of knowing your partner [20:50] Sabrina’s reaction to being a celebrated couple and discusses high profile vis-a-vie low profile status KEY TAKEAWAYS: Sabrina and Idris share their life and ask questions of other couples on their podcast, Coupledom. They created their podcast during the pandemic as a way to connect people and as a reminder to ourselves the importance of human connections and nurturing relationships. Age difference in a marriage isn’t relevant.  It’s the relationship dynamic, morals, beliefs, and communication that make a good marriage Children can change the amount of focus you place on your career.  You can have it all, but not all at the same time. RESOURCES: Amanda de Cadenet LinkedIn Amanda de Cadenet Instagram Sabrina Elba/S’ABLE Labs - Website Sabrina Elba - Instagram Sabrina Elba - LinkedIn ABOUT THIS PODCAST: The Conversation with Amanda de Cadenet is a groundbreaking series of weekly interviews featuring candid conversations with impactful thought leaders. Host Amanda de Cadenet provides a platform for raw and honest discussions on a wide variety of topics, from porn to politics. Visit to learn more and sign up for her newsletter. Follow Amanda on Instagram @amandadecadenet.   QUOTES: “The relationships around me are so important. Not only do they affect my mental state, but they also affect time spent and productivity, how I live my life, and how I dream. Those are the relationships we need to talk about.” - Sabrina Elba “People used to throw out comments when we first got together. ‘Why does she have something to say? She’s just a wife or a girlfriend.’ My mom told me, ‘Don’t let anyone make you think that your voice isn’t important because it’s the strongest thing that we have.’ She’s right. I’m always going to speak for what I believe in and for what I stand for.”  - Sabrina Elba See for privacy information.
5/16/202327 minutes, 7 seconds
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Reclaiming Your Sunshine with Julianna Margulies

“No one has the power to fix anyone but themselves,” is one of many impactful pieces of wisdom shared by actress and author Julianna Margulies in this episode. Host Amanda and Julianna cover a wide range of topics: the joy of a second chance at love, measuring how much hovering over our teen children helps, raising children, and how eager we are to watch a tv series that explores how women over 50 navigate this chapter of life. Don’t miss this episode of The Conversation! IN THIS EPISODE:  [01:00] Julianna explains why her childhood nickname formed who she was as an adult and why she named her book after Sunshine Girl [05:02] A people pleaser as a child and a problematic relationship from age 25 to 35 was the spark that started Julianna’s journey to a woman who knew what she wanted [12:39] Julianna discusses the way she was raised, raising her child and the importance of saying your sorry  [16:20] Julianna shares the guilt she felt while working on the Good Wife and why mothering too close can handicap your child [25:32] Meeting the right guy and how that changes you and your life expectations. What is essential and what is not [33:17] Julianna talks about the concept of her next project KEY TAKEAWAYS: When you say sorry to your child, it teaches them that you aren’t perfect. Saying I’m sorry will be easier for them because they have experienced it firsthand.  When you have a dysfunctional childhood, you often gravitate to unhealthy adult relationships. It is freeing to be an adult woman and permit yourself to go without makeup! RESOURCES: Amandadecadenet.comAmanda de Cadenet LinkedInAmanda de Cadenet Instagram Sunshine Girl - An Unexpected Life - The BookJulianna Margulies - FacebookJulianna Margulies - InstagramInside Amy Schumer “Last F**kable Day” - YouTube link HERE ABOUT THIS PODCAST: The Conversation with Amanda de Cadenet is a groundbreaking series of weekly interviews featuring candid conversations with impactful thought leaders. Host, Amanda de Cadenet provides a platform for raw and honest discussions on a wide variety of topics from porn to politics.Visit to learn more and sign up for her newsletter. Follow Amanada on Instagram @amandadecadenet. QUOTES: “When you nickname your kids, they live up to those expectations, and it might be just one thing they do, and that’s why you nickname him grumpy. They grow up thinking everyone expects them to be grumpy.  I’ll be grumpy.” - Julianna Margulies “When it came to men, I clammed up, shut up and shut down that part of me because I was afraid of scaring them away or that I was too strong or capable. God forbid you were too strong. So it was a good juxtaposition between therapy, knowing well enough that I needed to go and work on this stuff and working out my things and my past.” - Julianna MarguliesSee for privacy information.
5/9/202340 minutes, 18 seconds
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She Quit Being Porn Hub’s #1 Porn Star, Now She’s Living Her Best Life

Lana Rhoades and Amanda explore Lana’s life as Porn Hub's #1 porn star. What may seem glamorous to young, naive girls is often a life of abuse, exploitation, and disappointment. Lana does not sugarcoat her story but explains how she became involved, how she escaped, and the remaining scars she lives with today. It is hard to hear, but it is told through the honest lens of a woman who lived it. Lana shares her journey, so other girls don’t follow in her footsteps. Don’t miss this episode of The Conversation.    IN THIS EPISODE:  [00:52] Lana reveals her early childhood experiences [06:05] Dropping out of school in eighth grade, Lana ends up being arrested [12:45] Exploitation and the realization that men were sexualizing her [13:30] Recruitment into the porn industry and Lana’s thoughts about the life she chose and still cannot accept what she did [15:22] The fallout with her agent. Lana discusses the type of porn she was willing to do  [20:32] Brainwashing, the isolation she felt, and crossing boundaries she regrets.  [21:28] Lana is drawn back into working in the porn industry and realizes she is a commodity. She explains how she quit for good [24:30] Becoming a YouTube Influencer and the reaction from her parents when finding out about her life in the industry [30:58] What is Lana’s dating life?  [34:56] Why does Amara go by Lana?  She talks about her hopes and dreams and how she views her body KEY TAKEAWAYS: The porn industry preys on young girls presenting the glamorous side, not the reality. Children exposed to porn on the internet will come away with an unhealthy view of sex. Many porn stars suffer from mental health issues because of the degradation they experience.  RESOURCES: Amandadecadenet.comAmanda de Cadenet LinkedInAmanda de Cadenet Instagram Lana Rhoades - FacebookLana Rhoades - InstagramLana Rhoades - LinkedIn ABOUT THIS PODCAST: The Conversation with Amanda de Cadenet is a groundbreaking series of weekly interviews featuring candid conversations with impactful thought leaders. Host Amanda de Cadenet provides a platform for raw and honest discussions on a wide variety of topics, from porn to politics. Visit to learn more and sign up for her newsletter. Follow Amanda on Instagram @amandadecadenet. QUOTES: “Talking about these experiences can help other women who are naive or came from a shitty situation, a broken home or trauma to see the downsides and not glamorize the sex industry. I just want them to draw from my experience.  That’s why I talk about it; otherwise, I would prefer not to. “ - Lana Rhoades “A lot of people say, “Self-care and love yourself.” But really, self-care, love yourself, work on yourself. There’s a thousand other ways to make yourself more amazing besides changing your exterior.” - Lana Rhoades See for privacy information.
5/2/202339 minutes
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Balancing a High-Intensity Career as a War Journalist with Normcore Homelife with Clarissa Ward

Through her on-location reporting, war journalist Clarissa Ward has put herself at risk to make sure we’re informed on some of the most important, global issues of our time. Clarissa explains her job's emotional ups and downs when returning from a war zone, other hazards that go along with the job, her experience as a female reporter. In this episode, Clarissa shares with Amanda how her instincts are just as important as learning the shorthand language between teams on the ground and how she handles high-stress, deadly work situations.   IN THIS EPISODE:  [00:00] The discussion begins with women who claim to support other women but, in reality, many don’t, and the concept of women in the news industry 04:39] The advantages of being a female reporter. How people view a professional woman [08:48] Clarissa discusses how 9/11 forged her career, what that path looked like, and how Baghdad played a significant role [14:25] What is neutrality, and how does a journalist achieve it [20:57] Clarissa explains her job's emotional ups and downs when returning from a war zone and other hazards that go along with the job [26:29] The war correspondent job will take you away from your family at inconvenient times. Can your family fully accept the danger it involves? [33:14] Clarissa reflects on close calls, death, the language of a war zone and the value of security consultants [41:10] Clarissa shares her desire to keep stories on the front page   KEY TAKEAWAYS: A crisis happening in one part of the world will always directly impact other countries. However, it may not be evident at the time.  Journalists should not inject their opinion when reporting. Instead, they should be telling the story. Being on Twitter frequently does not make you a journalist. One hazard of being a war correspondent is the emotional and physical effects on your body and soul.   RESOURCES: Amandadecadenet.comAmanda de Cadenet LinkedInAmanda de Cadenet InstagramClarissa Ward - InstagramClarissa Ward - Facebook   ABOUT THIS PODCAST: The Conversation with Amanda de Cadenet is a groundbreaking series of weekly interviews featuring candid conversations with impactful thought leaders. Host, Amanda de Cadenet provides a platform for raw and honest discussions on a wide variety of topics from porn to politics. Visit to learn more and sign up for her newsletter. Follow Amanda on Instagram @amandadecadenet.   QUOTES: “Journalism is when I’m in Ukraine, and the Russian invasion begins.  Journalism can hold people accountable. It can be a number of different things, but it’s definitely not sitting on Twitter thousands of miles away spatting off your opinion about things; there isn’t anything wrong with that, it’s just not journalism.” Clarissa Ward “I believe in truthfulness rather than neutrality, and so the idea that you constantly try to give the same amount of gravitas or import to a false narrative coming from one side as you do from the reality on the ground on the other side; I’m uncomfortable with that.” Clarissa WardSee for privacy information.
4/25/202344 minutes, 16 seconds
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Defining the Language of Friendship and Getting Ghosted With Elizabeth Day

Elizabeth Day is the author of Friendaholic: Confessions of a Friendship Addict, available now in the UK. Today Elizabeth and Amanda share a down and dirty look at friendship, what is a true friend, getting ghosted, friend break-ups, and experiences they have shared in this murky area of friendship. Is losing a friendship always a bad thing; does it make you a bad friend, or can you heal and be better off without that friend? Find out in this episode..  IN THIS EPISODE: [02:56] Elizabeth analyzes friendships – superficial and genuine, and how she came to re-evaluate friendships through the eyes of covid [08:58] Coming to terms with friendships that are not active and how those can be viewed healthily. Experiencing grief when friendship disappears  [14:21] You may be fulfilling a role in a friendship, whether you know it or not. The friendships we establish could be a result of a dysfunctional upbringing  [20:08] Surviving by making friends, being ghosted and making peace with losing a friend  [30:00] Statistics and the number of sustainable friendships possible. Establishing friendship barometers and the term non-consensual friendship [35:40] Some friends bring chaos continually, and at what cost to you KEY TAKEAWAYS: Defining the language of friendship is not done when you first get to know someone. However, it should be to maintain the friendship you both enjoy. A friend may cast you in a role you neither want nor are aware of, making you an emotional hostage. The language of addiction speaks to that friend who is always in crisis and takes you with them. You are enabling them. RESOURCES: Amandadecadenet.comAmanda de Cadenet LinkedInAmanda de Cadenet Instagram Elizabeth Day - Website Book: Friendaholic: Confessions of a Friendship Addict QUOTES: “True friendship empowers, enables and embraces the change and the evolution and the growth of both people.” - Elizabeth Day “A non-consensual friendship is where you find yourself in a dynamic where you never wanted to commit to being this person’s full-blown friend.  You were just being nice.  Not trying to be rude. My book is an attempt to rectify the language of friendship.” - Elizabeth Day ABOUT THIS PODCAST: The Conversation with Amanda de Cadenet is a groundbreaking series of weekly interviews featuring candid conversations with impactful thought leaders. Host, Amanda de Cadenet provides a platform for raw and honest discussions on a wide variety of topics from porn to politics.Visit to learn more and sign up for her newsletter. Follow Amanda on Instagram @amandadecadenet.See for privacy information.
4/20/202344 minutes, 52 seconds
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Waking Up Woke Culture With Africa Brooke

What do you consider to be the difference between self-censorship and having a social filter? Host Amanda de Cadenet examines that question with consultant, mentor, writer and Queen of all things cancel culture; Africa Brooke. Diversity of thought should not produce public shaming; however it often results in just that. Withholding one’s beliefs out of fear is not only self-censorship; it can be self-sabotage. Join Amanda and Africa as they discuss these topics in a way that will enlighten the listener and, hopefully,  not invoke the “Cult of Wokeness”. Don’t miss this episode of The Conversation.  IN THIS EPISODE: [03:23] Africa Brooke defines the difference between a social filter and self-censorship and what part fear plays  [05:16] What are my intentions for what I say? Anti-social behavior is evident in cancel culture and bullying, and they are only achieved by a group effort [09:18] Africa speaks about being a black woman and how skin color has enabled people to overlook the content of what is said because of the focus on identity. Public shaming is not the correct tool for change [12:44] Africa sites the George Floyd incident as the pivotal point when the conversation of race and racism came to the forefront [14:54] Amanda reflects on establishments that want to talk the talk and not walk the walk [16:06] Africa states the importance of speaking in specific terms because not doing so may fuel the very fire you are trying to avoid [24:30] The importance of giving yourself and others grace. Africa believes it will take time to heal division and polarization. Diversity of thought, when accepted, can bring races together [31:44] Africa speaks of compassion for those changing their ways of thinking. What should redemption look like [34:42] The benefits of waiting to put out a public apology, being true to yourself, and recognizing your “truth” can be shared or not; it’s up to you KEY TAKEAWAYS: Terms like social filter, self-censorship, intention, doxing, and cancel culture are all terms one should explore, define and not exploit when expressing oneself on social media. Division and polarization have been with us since the beginning of time. We just call it a different thing, magnified because of social media. Be sure when it comes to expressing your thoughts that you have the proper intention and are in a good place mentally, emotionally, etc.; if you aren’t, wait.  It may not be the time for that conversation.   RESOURCES: Amanda de Cadenet LinkedIn Amanda de Cadenet Instagram Africa Brooke - Website Africa Brooke - Instagram Quotes: “Self-censorship is driven by fear. Having a social filter is a good thing because you’re not supposed to say every single thing that comes into your head , it’s not always useful or appropriate.”  - Africa Brooke “Whenever you say words like counterculture or wokeness, what I’ve realized is that it actually fuels the divide, which is why I intentionally like to stay away from those terms.” - Africa Brooke  ABOUT THIS PODCAST: The Conversation with Amanda de Cadenet is a groundbreaking series of weekly interviews featuring candid conversations with impactful thought leaders. Host, Amanda de Cadenet provides a platform for raw and honest discussions on a wide variety of topics from porn to politics. Visit to learn more and sign up for her newsletter. Follow Amanda on Instagram @amandadecadenet.See for privacy information.
4/13/202343 minutes, 40 seconds
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Jamie Lee Curtis: On Her Oscar Journey and Career Triumphs

Get ready for an incredible episode of The Conversation Podcast! Today, my dear friend and iconic actress Jamie Lee Curtis joins me to discuss the announcement of the Oscar nominees, all the way to her eventual win for Best Supporting Actress in the film Everything Everywhere All At Once. Jamie Lee has been in the acting game since the age of 19, and she takes us through the emotional rollercoaster of the nomination process and the unforgettable night of the Oscars. You'll be blown away by her humble perspective on this incredible achievement, and you'll love hearing about her amazing career, her wonderful friends, and the exciting opportunities that lie ahead. IN THIS EPISODE:  [00:42] Jamie Lee reflects on the moment she was named an Oscar winner and the expectations and realizations that brings [05:36] A humble winner and Jamie Lee’s friendship with Michelle Yeoh [11:20] Women supporting women should be the norm [13:30] Jamie Lee describes herself as a “Promoter,” and the over-exposure when you win an Oscar [21:23] Deborah Oppenheimer’s friendship during the process of learning of the nomination through the night of the Oscars [26:57] Jamie Lee’s closing thoughts on the experience of her nomination and subsequent win of the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress KEY TAKEAWAYS: Winning an Oscar is a game-changer in Hollywood. Over-exposure can result in your showing up as a skit on Saturday Night Live. Women supporting women is a concept that some women talk about but do not walk, unfortunately. RESOURCES: Amanda de Cadenet LinkedIn Amanda de Cadenet Instagram Jamie Lee Curtis - Facebook Jamie Lee Curtis - Instagram Jamie Lee Curtis - Twitter QUOTES:   “The point is that we're in this together, and that to me is what's missing. The fact that this is unusual. That a woman would support another woman, that hype women would be an anomaly.” - Jamie Lee Curtis “I couldn't ever even allow myself the possibility that it would happen. The nomination itself was such a game-changer for me because that was never in my thought pattern. It was never in my mind that that would happen for me.” - Jamie Lee Curtis ABOUT THIS PODCAST: The Conversation with Amanda de Cadenet is a groundbreaking series of weekly interviews featuring candid conversations with impactful thought leaders. Host Amanda de Cadenet provides a platform for raw and honest discussions on a wide variety of topics, from porn to politics. Visit to learn more and sign up for her newsletter. Follow Amanda on Instagram @amandadecadenet.See for privacy information.
4/6/202329 minutes, 42 seconds
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Empathy with Prabal Gurung

If you love fashion you already know about Prabal Gurung and his legendary career dressing some of the world’s most famous women including former First Lady Michelle Obama and the Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton. But, it’s not often that we hear his thoughts on our rapidly changing culture. The world might feel tense these days but as Prabal tells Amanda in this latest episode of her special series, The Conversation: About the Men, “True empathy is employed during time that is difficult, when you're challenged, when it's the toughest time.” We couldn't agree more. See for privacy information.
11/21/202259 minutes, 57 seconds
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Overcoming Trauma with Dr. Gabor Maté

Dr. Gabor Maté's literary triumph is called "The Myth of Normal"... ten years in the making...and well worth the wait. The author uncovers the wounds of childhood trauma and explains how they frame the rest of our lives if we let them.Learn why we connect with people suffering from similar pain...and how that brutal bond can either tear us apart or help in our healing.Trauma is not a "One Size Fits All" affliction, so join 'The Conversation: About the Men' as we explore the remedies available to us all.See for privacy information.
11/14/202242 minutes, 14 seconds
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Insight and Wisdom from Yung Pueblo

Modern-day scholar Yung Pueblo has gained a tremendous following thanks to his inspirational messaging on social media and New York Times best-selling books. Come along as we dive deep into the well of experiences that led him to become a celebrated wordsman with the help of meditation. From the brink of death to the pinnacle of's been a bumpy ride for Yung Pueblo, but well worth the journey.See for privacy information.
11/7/202245 minutes, 41 seconds
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Marriage with Dr. Terry Real

Here’s what it all comes down to according to marriage therapist Terry Real, women have spent the last several decades reimagining what and who they can be. Men on the other hand…not so much.  “You ask young girls nowadays, what makes a good woman and you'll get anything,” Real says, “I mean, ‘I'll be president, I'll be an astronaut. I'll be whatever.’ You ask boys to this day and you're gonna get the same stereotypical images of what makes a man that you would've gotten 50 years ago. It hasn't changed a bit.” It’s no wonder that men, Real argues, find it increasingly difficult to navigate a world of changing gender roles and cultural norms. That’s why host Amanda de Cadenet gets into the weeds with Terry on issues including: relationships, vulnerability, coping with past sins, and liberation from intergenerational trauma. It’s all a part of Amanda’s special series, “What about the Men?”    Real, a world-renowned therapist, whose celebrity clients have included Bradley Cooper and Bruce Springsteen, typically charges $1000 dollars for his time. But all we ask is that you have the courage to tap play because this episode just might change your life (for free!)See for privacy information.
10/31/202254 minutes, 12 seconds
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Courage with Kal Penn

Like many children of immigrants, Kal Penn had to have 1000 times more tenacity and grit to get to where he is today. In this latest episode of Amanda de Cadenet’s special series, “The Conversation: About the Men,” she talks to the actor about his early influences, how he got the courage to pursue acting, as well as a really funny story about how he landed a job at the White House (pro-tip: get in front of Michelle Obama to make your case). Along the way, Amanda learns from Kal about what he means when he talks about the “white diversity” of his childhood in New Jersey as well as “The Brown Catch-22,” that South Asian actors of his generation had to navigate in Hollywood.  To talk about this and every episode please head to: See for privacy information.
10/24/202254 minutes, 6 seconds
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Authenticity with Yungblud

In this episode of our special series, “The Conversation: About the Men,” Amanda speaks with English musician, Yungblud. His music has been streamed millions of times by his adoring fans and for good reason, he actually has something to say! No topic was off limits for this raw interview where Yungblud spoke with Amanda about his love life, his struggle with suicidal thoughts, and his desire to live an authentic life. As Yungblud sings in one of his hit songs, “Everybody wants to feel love, everybody wants to be adored.” We couldn’t agree more.   To talk about this and every episode please head to: www.amandadecadenet.comSee for privacy information.
10/17/202241 minutes, 27 seconds
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Recovery with Zachary Levi

Have you ever stopped and wondered, "Do I love myself?" That's a question that the actor Zachary Levi had to ask not long after he seriously contemplated suicide. Thanks in large part to therapy and self-care Zach has come out from under his dark days to tell his story of survival and he wants you to know this: no matter who you are, no matter how you feel about yourself, you are worthy of love, too.  In this episode of The Conversation's special series, "About the Men?," Amanda speaks to Zach about the difficult journey he took to find inner peace. It's a topic that he writes about with great passion in "Radical Love," his memoir about his struggles with overwhelming depression and anxiety. A warning to listeners, this episode deals with themes of depression and suicide. If you are contemplating suicide, help is just a free call away. Just dial 988 from any phone in the United States to get the help you need.  www.amandadecadenet.comSee for privacy information.
10/10/202245 minutes, 25 seconds
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Coupling with Nick Viall

Sure, we get it, you might think reality tv shows like The Bachelor are staged, but if you were to ask Nick Viall who starred in both The Bachelor and The Bachelorette he'd say otherwise. The world of reality tv might be a setup, but the emotions, Nick says, are real. And, when you stop and think about that for a minute, you might start to see that shows like The Bachelor aren't that different from single life on the dating apps. Fortunately, Nick has some advice for you, he's taken away a lot of hard earned lessons from his adventures in love -- he's even written a new book about it -- and that's why he's Amanda's guest for her continuing series "The Conversation: About the Men?" A rose to you dear listener for pressing play on this one! To talk about this and every episode please head to:      See for privacy information.
10/3/202247 minutes, 16 seconds
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Metamorphosis with Charlamagne (tha God)

Amanda de Cadenet talks to Charlamagne tha God about his journey toward self-awareness, how he credits therapy for transforming his mental health and why he’s actively encouraging everyone who will listen, especially Black men, to follow in his path. He shares about his complicated relationship with his father, how he survived childhood sexual abuse and why raising daughters and listening to women has changed his understanding of rape culture.See for privacy information.
9/26/202243 minutes, 15 seconds
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Trust (w/Matthew McConaughey)

'The Conversation About the Men' was created to provide an opportunity to show another side of men that we may not always get the chance to see…and this has never been on display more than when Amanda sits down with Matthew McConaughey.  Matthew talks about growing up in a household of domestic violence, being victimized at a young age and how he refuses to allow his emotional baggage to drag him down. It's apparent that his inspirational attitude serves as self-motivation as he explains how his own childhood has paved the way he and his wife raise their children and how he continues to come from a place of trust with everyone he meets. To talk about this and every episode please head to:  community.amandadecadenet.comSee for privacy information.
9/19/202248 minutes, 18 seconds
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Introducing: The Conversation: About The Men

See for privacy information.
9/14/202259 seconds
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How to navigate the complexity of loss and grief with Rebecca Soffer from Modern Loss.

Amanda de Cadenet and Rebecca Soffer. Grief and loss have become words synonymous with the last few years.Whether it is a personal loss in the form of a person or dream or the global collective loss that so many are feeling. This episode with Rebecca Soffer from Modern Loss gets into the complex feelings and some insightful tools .See for privacy information.
7/28/202221 minutes, 48 seconds
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Amanda de Cadenet and Holly Whitaker

 In this special episode of The Conversation, Amanda de Cadenet invites Holly Whittaker, author of the bestselling Quit like a Woman: The Radical Choice to Not Drink in a Culture Obsessed with Alcohol,  on for a frank discussion about their active recovery. Together, they discuss one of their hardest years yet, Holly’s experience with psychedelics, and whether alcoholism is, in fact, a gendered disease.See for privacy information.
1/25/202243 minutes, 10 seconds
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Amanda de Cadenet and Meghan McCain

In this episode, Amanda de Cadenet sits down with political commentator, author and former co-host of “The View,” Meghan McCain. Together, Amanda and Meghan discuss their shared experiences with miscarriage, tackling sexism and misogyny in the media, and what it’s like to live with grief. Along the way, they confront their opposing views on everything from abortion to Brett Kavanaugh, finding new ways to better understand each other’s perspective.See for privacy information.
1/13/20221 hour, 51 seconds
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Amanda de Cadenet and Jillian Turecki

Amanda de Cadenet invites relationship coach Jillian Turecki on to The Conversation to talk about all the ways we can build healthier relationships in the new year. A strong believer that every relationship begins with the self,  Jillian gives Amanda and her listeners tangible tools when it comes to understanding boundaries, embracing vulnerability, and protecting your self worth. A must-listen for anyone looking to bring more love into their life in 2022.See for privacy information.
1/5/202255 minutes, 18 seconds
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Amanda de Cadenet, Jodi Kantor and Megan Twohey

The Conversation with Amanda de Cadenet welcomes Pulitzer Prize winning, New York Times journalists Jody Kantor and Megan Twohey.Together they are responsible for publishing the groundbreaking article on Harvey Weinstein in 2019, which led to his arrest and being convinced of multiple sex crimes.Jodi and Megan reflect on the progress we have and haven’t made over the last 3 years since their article was published, as well as sharing stories from their latest book “Chasing the Truth” a A Young Journalist's Guide To Investigative Reporting.See for privacy information.
12/20/202159 minutes, 27 seconds
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Amanda de Cadenet and Lynsey Addario

In this episode of The Conversation with Amanda de Cadenet, Amanda reunites with her close friend and inspiration, war journalist Lynsey Adarrio. Together, Lynsey and Amanda discuss balancing war journalism with motherhood, Lynsey’s multiple kidnappings, and how decades in the field have left Lynsey with physical evidence of PTSD.See for privacy information.
12/6/202144 minutes, 3 seconds
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Amanda de Cadenet and Paulina Porizkova

The Conversation with Amanda de Cadenet returns with model, actor and writer Paulina Porizkova. Together, Amanda and Paulina have a candid discussion about their experiences with teenage fame, losing yourself in a marriage, and what it’s really like to recover from betrayal.See for privacy information.
11/20/202147 minutes, 43 seconds