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The Conversation Hour

English, Interview, 1 season, 330 episodes, 6 days, 13 hours, 25 minutes
Expect engaging discussions with real people and inspiring stories connecting communities across the state, on The Conversation Hour with Richelle Hunt and Warwick Long.
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What's the alternative to shopping at the supermarket?

As the ACCC investigate supermarket pricing – in this edition of The Conversation Hour the team explore what the alternative is to shopping at the supermarkets actually are. While farmers markets and green grocers offer another option how difficult is it to change consumer behaviour and habits?
2/2/202452 minutes, 31 seconds
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How do we stop tanning culture?

There is nothing healthy about a tan, so what is the best way to educate a new generation about the dangers of tanning? In the 80s the Slip Slop Slap ad campaign was a game changer, but how much to does the power now rest with influencers?
2/1/202451 minutes, 54 seconds
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Have you had to wait a long time to get your car fixed?

Have you been to your mechanic lately only to be told there is a long wait to have any repairs done? With the uptake of electric vehicles what will the future of mechanics look like?
1/31/202451 minutes, 44 seconds
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Why there is a call for a slow flower movement

In this edition of The Conversation Hour we delve into the slow flower movement – which aims to encourage sustainable farming practices by reducing flower miles, and encourage consumers to buy from the many local small-scale producers.
1/30/202451 minutes, 9 seconds
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Why we need reduce the stigma around illegal steroid use

This year's Global Drug Survey throws a spotlight on understanding illegal steroid use. So, what are the risks, what drives people to take them and how much does stigma prevent people getting the help they need.
1/29/202444 minutes, 20 seconds
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How can we prevent road deaths

From early driver education to the condition of our regional roads, Nic Healey speaks with a range of guests on how we are best placed to prevent road deaths.
1/25/202449 minutes, 49 seconds
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How do we create better access to mental health services?

A little over a year ago, the Federal Government halved the number of subsidised visits you can make to a psychologist ere are calls to re-instate the number of subsidised visits. There are also calls to reduce the gap fee. In this edition of The Conversation Hour we ask how do we make visits to mental health professions affordable and accessible?
1/24/202450 minutes, 19 seconds
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What would make the cycling commute easier and safer?

Each week, across the country, there's an activity that nearly 3.9 million Aussies share – and that's riding a bike. In this edition of The Conversation Hour we look at what needs to change to get more people on bikes in 2024 — from infrastructure to understanding what bike is best for you.
1/23/202450 minutes, 59 seconds
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What does the future look like for regional papers?

In this edition of The Conversation Hour we look at the health of the regional and rural paper — and what it means to the health of regional communities
1/19/202451 minutes, 38 seconds
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Exploring food waste innovations

From using viruses to preserve food, to utilising left over vegetables from farms enrich meals with nutrients to re-purposing bread – in this edition we explore the cutting edge innovations to prevent food waste and what we can learn from our ancestors and their observations of the natural world.
1/18/202450 minutes, 42 seconds
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So, you are thinking of changing careers?

What does it take to change careers later in life? And what support is available to help people hoping to do just that? From preventing age discrimination,  to offering better support to mature age students in this edition of The Conversation Hour we speak to the experts about what you need to do to make the leap.
1/17/202450 minutes, 42 seconds
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Have you overcome a fear of flying?

There have been some dramatic images in the media recently of airline incidents,  how much does seeing these pictures exacerbate a fear of flying?
1/16/202452 minutes, 9 seconds
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How do we make dental care affordable?

Are you working through your new year 'to-do list' ? For many of us a dental check up is on the list – but how likely are you to actually cross dental visit off the list? In this edition of The Conversation Hour Nic Healey filling in for Richelle Hunt speaks with a range of guests on how we are best placed to make dental care affordable and accessible.
1/15/202450 minutes, 58 seconds
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The challenges and rewards of running a caravan park

Caravan parks can offer an affordable holiday option, especially for those looking to holiday with the extended family — but with significant increases in insurance premiums some operators are concerned about their financial viability into the future.
12/15/202350 minutes, 24 seconds
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How do we get kids back into sport?

Kids aren't playing sport as much as they used to, so what underpins this trend and how do we get young people active again? 
12/14/202352 minutes, 2 seconds
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Why more needs to be done to support people with arthritis

There is an estimated four million people living with arthritis in Australia , it affects people of all ages, and the pain can be excruciating. So,what needs to happen to ensure that people with arthritis get the support and treatment they need?
12/13/202351 minutes, 16 seconds
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How does a parking spot impact you?

From cost, availability to accessibility in this edition of The Conversation Hour the team talk parking
12/12/202351 minutes, 42 seconds
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How to talk to kids about bushfire risks

In this edition of The Conversation Hour the team discuss how to talk to kids about bushfires, from understanding the warning system to looking after their wellbeing.
12/11/202352 minutes, 4 seconds
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Do we place too much importance on ATAR results?

As students across Victoria nervously await the release of their ATAR results next week, The Conversation Hour looks at what options are out there for students beyond a high ATAR.
12/8/202351 minutes, 12 seconds
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What does your local pub mean to your community?

As the cost of living rises so does the cost of a meal at a pub, in this edition of The Conversation Hour the team talk the place of pubs in local communities and what it takes to keep them running.
12/7/202351 minutes, 27 seconds
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Is it ok to give pets as Christmas presents?

In this edition of the Conversation Hour the team talk pets at Christmas, from how to find a reputable breeder and not get scammed to why some are urging you to 'adopt — not shop' – to keeping the tinsel out of reach on Christmas Day.
12/6/202351 minutes, 50 seconds
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Genetic testing can save lives but how do we ensure it accessible to all who need it and free from discrimination?

In this edition of The Conversation Hour the team talk genetic testing. While it can be a game changer in disease prevention there are concerns that it could lead to discrimination, particularly when it comes to life insurance and there are calls for greater regulation around this.
12/5/202352 minutes, 38 seconds
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Combating false nutrition claims in toddler food

 Do you find toddler food confusing- do you feel like you are being health washed? 
12/4/202352 minutes, 14 seconds
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Snakes: your questions answered

From protecting your pets, through to the importance of staying calm if you have been bitten – In this edition of The Conversation Hour our favourite snake experts to answer your questions.
12/1/202350 minutes, 55 seconds
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How much food do you waste?

We all need to waste less, for both environmental and economic reasons and in this edition of The Conversation Hour the team look at how to stretch your leftovers
11/30/202351 minutes, 24 seconds
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Should people living with dementia be eligible for voluntary assisted dying?

It's been four years since Voluntary Assisted Dying was made legal in Victoria and some are calling for the scheme to be expanded to include people with dementia. In this edition if the Conversation Hour the team speak with a range of guests about what safeguards would need to be put in place and hear the story of someone living with dementia who explains why she would like to have access.
11/29/202353 minutes, 41 seconds
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What does it take to be a security guard?

More and more public and private businesses are hiring private security guards to try and improve safety, in this edition of The Conversation Hour the team look at how effective this is and ask whether it potentially creates a whole new level of problems.
11/28/202347 minutes
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How do we better support GPs working in the mental health space?

Mental health related consultations are increasingly becoming a significant proportion of a GPs day and in this edition of The Conversation Hour the team look at what needs to be done to better support GPs to do this work and whether it is indicative of a lack of access to mental health specialists more generally.
11/27/202351 minutes, 27 seconds
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ChatGPT has turned one, have you used it yet?

It's been a year since ChatGPT was launched – so how is it actually being used? From education to the health sector the team look at how the technology is being utilised and explore some of the greater concerns from bias to what it might do to our brains.
11/24/202351 minutes, 8 seconds
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Do you know what your rights are if you are injured at work?

If you get injured at work or if you get sick and can not work for a period of time- do you know what to do- what your rights are? In this edition of The Conversation Hour we look at how to navigate workers compensation and look at whether there is some way it can be made easier for those who need to access it.
11/23/202352 minutes, 39 seconds
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How do we educate teens on what constitutes a healthy relationship?

Recent data shows nearly one-third of Australian teenagers aged 18-19 have experienced intimate partner violence in the past year. In this edition of The Conversation Hour the team discuss how to ensure teens understand what it means to have a healthy relationship.
11/22/202353 minutes, 17 seconds
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Why finding the right words to say to someone who is grieving matters so much

In this edition of The Conversation Hour the team talk grief and why words matter in recognising someone's loss.
11/21/202353 minutes, 21 seconds
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How much does your postcode determine your health?

From access to green spaces, to even a proper footpath, in this edition of The Conversation Hour the team look at what role infrastructure plays on our health and wellbeing
11/20/202351 minutes, 36 seconds
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How much does a child's sporting opportunity depend on the school they attend?

From the sporting facilities available to where recruiters search – do private schools have an advantage of public school?
11/17/202353 minutes, 23 seconds
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Inside the SecondBite warehouse

In this edition of The Conversation Hour we take you behind the scenes at the SecondBite warehouse as part of the  ABC Gives appeal. 
11/16/202353 minutes, 29 seconds
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Why access to art matters

Renowned artist David Bromley and his wife lawyer Yuge Bromley join The Conversation Hour to talk about importance of making art available to all. The team are also joined by music education advocate Anita Collins and Susannah Day from The Torch who discuss what it means to make art.
11/15/202353 minutes, 39 seconds
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Does our attitudes towards forever renting need to change?

Is it time to shift the dial attitudes to renting? While most Australians might hope to own their own home one day, how realistic is that now? And is it time to put stronger policy into place that support long term renting options?xploring the issues that affect all Victorians.
11/14/202352 minutes, 8 seconds
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Would you like to see a change to paid parental leave for parents of premature babies?

In this edition of The Conversation Hour the team look at the importance of follow up care and support for parents after a premature birth.
11/13/202352 minutes, 34 seconds
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Why have we become so angry on the roads?

The number of Victorians dying on our roads is increasing. In this edition of The Conversation Hour the team talk road safety and how we can change driver attitudes and behaviours.
11/9/202351 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Optus outage: what happens when a network goes down?

 From hospitals to banks to our transport network – the impact of the Optus outage was wide reaching.
11/8/202350 minutes, 35 seconds
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What mountain bike trails mean for regional tourism

Australian Sports Commission data shows that participation in mountain biking has increased more than 100 per cent over the last five years. In this edition of The Conversation Hour the team look at how a growing number of regional towns are looking to the sport as the next big tourist attraction.
11/6/202335 minutes, 35 seconds
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What does it take for a restaurant to be sustainable?

In this edition of The Conversation Hour the team discuss what actually constitutes as sustainability in the restaurant business – from where the food is sourced to how the staff are treated to who is driving the trend. Are sustainable restaurants a fad or here to stay?
11/3/202351 minutes, 57 seconds
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Why are more kids in early adolescence using skin care?

In this edition of The Conversation Hour the team look the role social media is playing in tweens using unnecessary beauty products and discuss the impact it has on their skin
11/2/202351 minutes, 31 seconds
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How has being a shift worker impacted your life?

In this edition of The Conversation Hour the team explores what shift work can do to your body and speak with a researcher who has looked specifically at the impact of shift work on pregnant women.
11/1/202351 minutes, 7 seconds
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How much does it cost to get cancer?

There are two shocks that happen when you are told you have cancer. One is being diagnosed with a life-threatening disease, the other is all the costs associated with the disease. With the rising cost of living, cancer is fast becoming a disease that some simply can't afford to have.
10/31/202352 minutes, 12 seconds
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Are dating apps becoming to risky?

As life online becomes increasing fraught with the risk of being scammed The Conversation Hour looks at whether match makers are making a comeback.
10/30/202352 minutes, 25 seconds
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Could fast rail help the housing crisis?

Some have suggested that fast trains could be one measure to solve the housing crisis. but others argue it could lead to further disadvantage with regional towns becoming dormitories for city folk.
10/27/202348 minutes, 55 seconds
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When parents push their kids too hard in sport

In this edition of The Conversation Hour the team look at what constitutes controlling behavior in sport and the potential harm it can do to kids.
10/26/202351 minutes, 24 seconds
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Do we really know what's in our breakfast cereal?

We are told that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but how many of us have time for a healthy breakfast? In this edition of The Conversation Hour the team explore how much are our breakfast cereals are loaded up with sugar and whether a rating system could be an effective measure in ensuring we are eating healthier breakfasts.
10/25/202351 minutes, 48 seconds
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Are motels making a comeback?

From Kyneton to Aireys Inlet, there has been a number of refurbished motels across the state. In this edition of The Conversation Hour we look at the history of the motel and delve into their enduring appeal.
10/24/202351 minutes, 38 seconds
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EV ownership: your questions answered

Last week electric cars were thrown into the spotlight with the high court ruling on EV ownership tax. This highlighted the growing number of people who own an EV or who plan that their next car will be electric. For a long time, EV advocates have believed that Victoria is behind the rest of the world when it comes to embracing and supporting electric vehicles.
10/23/202350 minutes, 11 seconds
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Why understanding the UV index matters in preventing skin cancer

In this edition of The Conversation Hour we talk the measures you can take to avoid skin cancer and why the UV index plays such an important role in staying safe in the sun.
10/20/202352 minutes, 43 seconds
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Would you put Granny flat in your backyard to rent out?

In this edition of The Conversation Hour we talk granny flats and look at whether they could be an effective measure in mitigating the housing crisis.
10/19/202349 minutes, 46 seconds
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Supporting regional and rural schools

In this edition of The Conversation Hour we look at why schools matter to regional and remote communities and discuss what needs to happen to ensure they attract and retain teachers.
10/18/202351 minutes, 24 seconds
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Sleep: your questions answered

In this edition of The Conversation Hour we speak with sleep specialists about sleep hygiene, sleep disorders and answer your sleep related questions.
10/17/202350 minutes, 58 seconds
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How can we support carers better?

In this edition of The Conversation Hour you'll hear the experiences of people caring for loved ones as well as the support groups advocating for improvements to carer wellbeing.
10/16/202348 minutes, 22 seconds
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The fascinating world of shipwreck discovery

Did you know there are over 600 historic shipwrecks around the Victoria coast but only 330 have been found? In this edition of The Conversation Hour we meet the maritime archaeologists at the forefront of shipwreck exploration – and find out the role you could play in assisting the search.
10/13/202352 minutes, 20 seconds
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Why green spaces matter

From nature strips to roof tops, in this edition of The Conversation we delve into the importance of green spaces. We talk what it can mean for our sense of well being and what needs to happen to ensure there is equity of access to these spaces.
10/12/202351 minutes, 32 seconds
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How do we prevent young people from gambling?

In this edition of The Conversation Hour Kirsten Diprose , filling in for Richelle Hunt, looks at why teenagers are gambling and what measures can be taken to prevent these behaviours.
10/11/202351 minutes, 35 seconds
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What do you do when your pet dies?

From pet cemeteries to pet cremation services , in this edition of The Conversation Hour the team look at how the way we mark the end our pets life is changing along with a greater recognition of the grieving process.
10/10/202352 minutes, 28 seconds
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What role should ChatGPT play in education?

Late last week it was decided artificial intelligence including ChatGPT will be allowed in all Australian schools from 2024, after education ministers formally backed a national framework guiding the use of the new technology
10/9/202351 minutes, 44 seconds
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How fire ready are you?

In this edition of The Conversation Hour the team look at what practical measures you can take now to stay safe during this fire season.
10/6/202346 minutes, 25 seconds
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Getting divorced in later life

In this edition of The Conversation Hour we explore why more people are getting divorced in later life, the challenges associated with grey divorce and what discussions and resources we need to have to make the transition easier.
10/5/202347 minutes, 42 seconds
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Do you donate blood?

From understanding blood types to growing blood outside the body, in this edition of the Conversation Hour the team go deep on blood.
10/4/202348 minutes, 33 seconds
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How important is your local pool?

By 2030 forty per-cent of Australia’s public pools will have reached the end of their lifespan and replacing them will cost a staggering $8 billion. In this edition of The Conversation Hour the team look at the vital role local pools play and what the future holds for local public pools. 
10/3/202349 minutes, 57 seconds
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Why are some music festivals being cancelled?

From cultural enrichment, to jobs creation, to bringing tourism to regional towns in this edition of The Conversation Hour the team look at why music festivals matter and what is at stake when they are cancelled.
10/2/202350 minutes, 28 seconds
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What does it mean to be a Collingwood supporter?

In this edition of The Conversation Hour the team explore the history of the Collingwood Football Club and ask why the clubs supporters are among the most maligned.
9/28/202352 minutes, 12 seconds
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What is the best way to keep wildlife off the roads?

Recent discussions have focused on how effective road signs are for keeping wildlife safe. In this edition of The Conversation Hour the team look a number of different measures taken to keep wildlife off the road.
9/27/202351 minutes, 21 seconds
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Are you caring for a loved one with dementia?

In this edition of The Conversation Hour we delve into what it means to care for someone with dementia — what support is available and how to prevent discrimination.
9/26/202351 minutes, 7 seconds
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When was the last time you caught a bus?

Over 80 per cent of Melburnians live within a 5-minute walk of a bus stop, yet only 1 in 3 consider occasionally travelling by bus.
9/25/202350 minutes, 33 seconds
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Why aren't more Victorians learning a second language?

In this edition of The Conversation we look at the value in learning a second language and look at what needs to happen to enable more people to engage with languages.
9/22/202351 minutes
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What can manufacturers and retailers do to reduce plastics?

A few months ago the state and federal governments agreed to impose mandatory packaging rules to force industry to reduce packaging waste and boost recycling. There’ll be public consultation on that before the end of the year, so you’ll get a say.
9/21/202351 minutes, 57 seconds
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Why regional airports matter

Regional Capitals Australia has warned that 60 per cent of Australia's regional airports are running at a loss. In this edition of The Conversation Hour we look at what regional airports mean to local communities.
9/20/202351 minutes, 44 seconds
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Preventing school disruption

Australia's classrooms are amongst the most disruptive in the world — why?
9/19/202351 minutes, 29 seconds
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Understanding migraines

The Conversation Hour delves into the debilitating impact of migraines and explores the treatment options in managing them.
9/18/202352 minutes, 41 seconds
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What does it take to be a good junior coach?

In this edition of The Conversation Hour the team look the significance of junior coaches and the complexities involved in the role.
9/15/202351 minutes, 14 seconds
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Dogs in public spaces

There has been heated discussion over where dogs should and should not be allowed to go. In this edition of the Conversation Hour the team look at how and why our relationship with pets is changing and evolving.
9/14/202351 minutes, 17 seconds
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Are plant-based meat and milk products a healthier option?

In this edition of The Conversation Hour the team look at plant based food. Are they good for us and the environment or just good marketing and packaging?
9/12/202351 minutes, 51 seconds
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Do you spend too much time on your smartphone?

What underpins that endless scroll, how do we prevent ourselves from wasting time on our phones, and is being on our phones continuously really a waste of time? In this edition of The Conversation Hour the team delves into the someone fraught relationship we can have with our phones.
9/11/202350 minutes, 18 seconds
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Why tech schools matter

One in five teenagers dropped out of high school before finishing Year 12 last year, as retention rates fell to the lowest level in a decade. In this edition of The Conversation Hour the team look at what role tech and other alternative schooling options could play in boosting engagement.
9/8/202352 minutes, 12 seconds
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How are farmers preparing for a drier summer?

In this edition of The Conversation Hour the team look at what impact a drier hotter summer will have on agriculture and what farmers are doing to prepare.
9/7/202352 minutes, 55 seconds
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How do we keep motorcyclists safe on the roads?

Spring time means more motorcyclists back on the roads and in this edition of The Conversation Hour we look at what sorts of advancements we have see in motorcycle safety over recent times and delve into why it remains such an appealing pursuit for many.
9/6/202350 minutes, 48 seconds
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Are you shy?

In a world that celebrates the loud, what does it mean to be shy?
9/5/202351 minutes, 42 seconds
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Supporting young people to prevent youth crime

In this edition of The Conversation Hour the team look at what role youth workers can play in curbing youth crime.
9/4/202350 minutes, 50 seconds
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What role do we all play in our biosecurity?

In this edition of The Conversation Hour, Richelle Hunt and Warwick Long discuss how biosecurity works in Australia, and the role we all play in protecting industries, livelihoods and consumers from the impacts of disease.
9/1/202352 minutes, 9 seconds
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Is underquoting rife in the real estate industy?

Underquoting is when a real estate agent lists a property with an unrealistically low-price guide to lure buyers in. The Conversation Hour delves into how to best combat it and what impact it is having on homebuyers. 
8/31/202351 minutes, 6 seconds
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The curious things about snakes

Did you know dead snakes can still deliver venom through their fangs and that some snakes are cannibals? In this edition of The Conversation Hour snake experts Dr Andrew Watt and Dr Timothy Jackson answer all your snake related questions,  and share some insights about the creatures that may surprise you.
8/30/202351 minutes, 53 seconds
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Why are more people shoplifting?

Shoplifting is on the rise from supermarkets to department stores, retailers are reporting hits to their bottom line because of an increase in theft. In this edition of The Conversation Hour the team delve into what is underpinning this trend.
8/29/202351 minutes, 7 seconds
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Do mothers need better support in prison?

The number of women going to prison is rising. In Victoria if a woman is pregnant or has a dependent child under the age of five, she can apply for her Living with mum program. In this edition of The Conversation Hour the team explore how best to support mothers and their children in the prison system.  
8/28/202352 minutes, 6 seconds
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How much do you understand about your hormones?

There is a lot of advice on hormones at the moment, so what is a trend and what is the truth?
8/25/202352 minutes, 42 seconds
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Are emails and meetings a waste of time?

Ok, maybe not all of them but with productivity growth in decline some are suggesting emails and meetings could be a key culprit.
8/24/202352 minutes, 10 seconds
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What is the future of the snow season?

In this edition of The Conversation Hour the team look at what impact climate change and the cost of living is having on the Victorian ski season.  
8/23/202350 minutes, 54 seconds
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Why is steroid misuse on the rise?

When you think about the pursuit of the perfect body and the extreme measures and risks some people take, you might think about restrictive eating and calorie counting – but a growing number of Victorians are turning to illegal steroid use. 
8/22/202351 minutes, 38 seconds
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Are tiny home villages a good idea?

Could tiny house communities offer a way of combating the housing crises or do they risk creating ghettos filled with marginalised and lower socio-economic Australians?
8/21/202352 minutes, 37 seconds
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Is the line between booze and soft drink becoming blurred?  

The launch of a new alcoholic version of a popular soft drink brand has sparked demand for tighter regulations around booze being marketed to underage drinkers.
8/18/202351 minutes, 11 seconds
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Can other women's sports capitalise on the Matildas' success?

The Matildas' dream of lifting the FIFA Women's World Cup might be over, but the legacy of their incredible run to the semi-finals now begins - one that could shape Australia's sporting landscape for decades to come. 
8/17/202353 minutes, 34 seconds
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'Disbelief and anger' at proposed cuts to visiting teacher service 

Advocacy groups, families and teachers of children living with a disability say they haven't been consulted. Why is the service so vital?
8/16/202352 minutes, 44 seconds
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'Postcode matters': Air pollution contributing to the deaths of 'hundreds' of Australians each year a 'conservative estimate' 

From trucks belching exhaust in Melbourne's west, to the plumes of smoke which blanketed the state after the Black Summer bushfires, air pollution is described by scientists as a "silent killer". Is it time to take a deep breath and clear the air? 
8/15/202353 minutes, 29 seconds
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With breast reduction surgery becoming increasingly commonplace, how can the procedure be made more affordable?

On this edition of the Conversation Hour, we examine the barriers preventing women from accessing a potentially "life changing" procedure, and why according to many who have undergone breast reduction surgery: "it's the best thing you'll ever do". 
8/14/202352 minutes, 30 seconds
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Australia's Diamonds are World Cup champions for a 12th time. So why does netball continue to receive 'the minority of coverage'?

The national team's success casts a long shadow across the sporting landscape at home, where netball's professional and amateur clubs continue to play second fiddle to more dominant, profitable sporting codes.
8/11/202351 minutes, 50 seconds
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'They're amazing little animals': Demystifying Australia's 'most misunderstood' native mammal

In towns and cities across Australia, a war of words is raging over our native bats. Some argue they are destroying valuable and rare trees, while others say bats are simply part of the urban ecosystem. Can we learn to co-exist with them? 
8/10/202352 minutes, 17 seconds
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Restore, rebuild or raze? Debate rages over the fate of our grand old buildings 

From the Murtoa Stick Shed in the Wimmera, to the Curtin Hotel in Carlton, Victoria's architectural landscape is awash with heritage-listed buildings saved from demolition. But for every success there are stories of demise.
8/9/202352 minutes, 22 seconds
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'The system has failed': Parents, clinicians demand better access to eating disorder support

Rates of anorexia were already on the rise before the pandemic hit - now numbers have exploded, especially for young people. What support is needed to help those suffering from one of Australia's deadliest mental illnesses? 
8/8/202352 minutes, 49 seconds
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More PSOs, conductors or physical barriers? The keys to making public transport safer

Armed guards or 'PSOs' were introduced in 2011 and began patrolling Victorian train stations in 2014. But is more security the best solution for safer train and bus travel?
8/7/202352 minutes, 5 seconds
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'It was rejected as a sub-culture': The changing attitudes around skating as a lifestyle & Olympic sport 

Skateboarding's popularity is growing rapidly in the rest of the world, and with that growth is a shift in attitude that has been years in the making.
8/4/202352 minutes, 24 seconds
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How can Australian communities better help new arrivals live, learn, work and play? 

From language barriers to unfamiliarity with Australia's legal system, life can be difficult for someone newly arrived in either the city or country. 
8/3/202353 minutes, 9 seconds
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Having survived droughts, blackwater and invasive pests, what's next for Australia's iconic Murray Cod? 

As the federal government admit the $13 billion Murray-Darling Basin Plan will not be completed on time, the Conversation Hour explores the changing fortunes of the Murray Cod - and how a fine-dining renaissance might help its survival.
8/2/202351 minutes, 4 seconds
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Pursuing the sound of silence: When does noise harm your health?

We’ve all heard the warnings about turning down the volume on our headphones or wearing ear plugs at gigs to protect our hearing, but what do you do when everyday noise becomes too much? 
8/1/202353 minutes, 43 seconds
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'I'm already looking at what else can I do': Can artists afford to be creative in Australia?

As industrial action brings Hollywood's immense television & film industry to a grinding halt, Australian-based artists and writers reflect on the challenges of living and working as a "full time" creative. 
7/31/202351 minutes, 9 seconds
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'A new century for Scouting': Does the world's largest youth organisation have a place in modern Australia?

Badgework, hiking, camping and the teaching of life-skills are synonymous with the Scout Movement's iconic uniform and trademark salute. But in recent years, the organisation has also been plagued with scandal. 
7/28/202348 minutes, 58 seconds
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Is the northern hemisphere heatwave an omen for a brutal Aussie summer?

Extreme weather has caused havoc across much of the planet, with record temperatures in the United States, Europe and North Africa sparking forest fires, water shortages and a rise in heat-related hospital admissions. Is Australia ready for similar conditions? 
7/27/202352 minutes, 17 seconds
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'We purchased an old mini-golf course': How Victorian businesses are going DIY to solve their staff housing solutions

With the Victorian government committing to a $150 million regional worker accommodation package, what should the future of worker housing look like?
7/26/202351 minutes, 15 seconds
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Australia prides itself on providing a 'fair go', but what about 'fair pay'?

Dissecting Australia's pay structure is no simple task. From businesses that rely on trainee or youth wages, to executives earning millions of dollars, deciding what is 'fair' differs from every individual employer and employee.
7/25/202353 minutes, 15 seconds
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Are 'game-changing' weight loss drugs a silver bullet in tackling obesity?

A drug commonly used to treat type 2 diabetes has become a popular weight loss medication. But with "inadequate" access and regulation provoking criticism from some experts, who is set to benefit from a pill-popping boom?
7/24/202352 minutes, 36 seconds
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Finding a cure for Australia's 'epidemic of loneliness' by celebrating friendship, platonic love and Wham!

With new research showing Australians are spending less time with friends and family than ever before, what are the keys to forming - and sustaining - true, meaningful friendships?
7/21/202351 minutes, 4 seconds
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'It's a really challenging time': What does the future hold for Australian small businesses? 

As Australians juggle a cost of living crisis and are choosing to spend less, one of the biggest victims are our small businesses. The Council of Small Business Organisations Australia fears many small retailers and services will soon decide they have had enough.
7/20/202352 minutes, 29 seconds
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'You can't be what you can't see': Will struggling women's soccer clubs benefit from the World Cup's 'Matilda Effect'?

Many women involved in soccer have pointed to the disparity in funding and support that exists compared to the men's game, both at an amateur and professional level. Can the World Cup be the catalyst for change?
7/19/202345 minutes, 21 seconds
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Victoria's abandonment of Commonwealth Games leaves regional communities 'devastated'

The state government has announced it will cancel the 2026 Commonwealth Games, just one year on from taking on hosting duties.
7/18/202352 minutes, 58 seconds
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Over troubled waters: why some Victorian bridges may never reopen

For more than a century the responsibility of maintaining and repairing bridges has been passed between local, state and federal governments like a political football, splitting communities by removing a key piece of physical connection.   The very real question of whether some of these dilapidated older bridges may ever reopen is front and centre in this edition of the Conversation Hour.
7/17/202352 minutes, 51 seconds
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Why are women being discharged from hospital so soon after giving birth?

Women are being sent home as early as six hours after giving birth.  In this edition of The Conversation Hour we ask how we can better support new mothers after giving birth.
7/14/202352 minutes, 59 seconds
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Is there a way to make downsizing a bit easier?

Downsizing isn't as simple you might think, financially, emotionally or just even finding the right place can be challenging. The edition of The Conversation explores if there is a way to make it all a bit simpler.
7/13/202351 minutes, 22 seconds
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Do you still buy bottled water?

In this edition of the Conversation Hour the team look into what it actually takes to make bottled water. Once marketed as a healthy life style choice, is it now just a convenience. And what impact does this convenience have on the environment?
7/12/202350 minutes, 35 seconds
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Is screen time preventing us from connecting with our family and friends?

The Conversation Hour looks at what impact screen time has on our on personal connections and meets some young adults who are taking active steps to reconnect.
7/11/202352 minutes, 46 seconds
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Is treatment for heroin addiction in Victoria falling behind other states?

Recent data shows that Victoria has the higher rates of heroin consumption than other Australian states. In this edition of The Conversation Hour the team explores how to remedy better access to treatment and how much the issue of stigma underpins the issue.
7/10/202352 minutes, 45 seconds
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Would you donate your organs?

In this edition of The Conversation Hour we hear the stories of people whose lives have been directly impacted by organ donation, from a mother who received a lifesaving liver transplant to the daughter of a farmer who donated his lungs, kidneys and eye tissue which went to eight different people.
7/7/202353 minutes, 2 seconds
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A Songs and Stories NAIDOC special

In this edition of The Conversation Hour we bring you a special Songs and Stories NADIOC special presented by Brian Nankervis and featuring Just conversations about music and life with Cathy Freeman , Ken Wyatt, Rachael Maza, Corey Tutt and Dr Lois Peeler.
7/6/202340 minutes, 52 seconds
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How do we make online ticket sales fair and accessible?

From long digital queues to scalping dramas and more, the Taylor Swift ticket debacle has highlighted the confusing way online ticket sales work -- does it need changing?
7/4/202348 minutes, 57 seconds
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Is adventure travel becoming too risky?

In this edition of the Conversation Hour we delve into why some are so drawn to frontier tourism – from Everest to Antarctica. What is it in our nature that seeks adventure and does there need to be stronger international legislation to keep people out of danger?
7/3/202351 minutes, 22 seconds
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Do we need better infrastructure for cyclists in regional towns?

While there might be great options for recreational cyclists visiting regional towns such as rail trails and mountain bike tracks – what is the actual state of commuter bike paths in regional Victoria? In this edition of The Conversation Hour we look at what the state of cycling infrastructure in in regional communities.
6/30/202351 minutes, 52 seconds
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Are primary care nurses an under utilised resource in our health care system?

This edition of Conversation Hour explores the the role of primary care nurses in the healthcare system and asks whether drawing on their full skill base could create better access to health care for Victorians and ease the pressures on GPs
6/29/202352 minutes, 53 seconds
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Do we need rent control in Victoria?

Nearly every expert will agree that the solution to Australia's housing crisis is a complex one and in today's Conversation Hour we delve into whether caps on rents is a viable solution.
6/28/202351 minutes, 35 seconds
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The changing face of our libraries

From libraries that have a social worker on staff to travelling libraries, in this edition of The Conversation hour we look at how this long established institution stays current and their evolving roles in local communities. 
6/27/202351 minutes, 13 seconds
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Do we need stronger regulation around liquor deliveries?

The number of us people in Australia  who are reaching out to alcohol treatment services is at its highest in a decade and has prompted calls for a "safety pause" between when people can order liquor and have it delivered to their home. In this edition of The Conversation hour we ask will stronger regulation work.
6/26/202351 minutes, 45 seconds
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How much do tourist destinations rely on short stays?

Many locals have nowhere to live and there is zero availability of long term rentals in many tourist towns and communities. But some short stay owners and those in the tourism sector say that these play a role in the important tourism sector. In this edition of The Conversation Hour the team look at if there is a way to strike the balance.
6/23/202353 minutes, 20 seconds
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Do supermarkets have a place in health care?

Retail group Woolworths announced a move into health-care delivery with a new online portal, but should commercial enterprises be filling the gap in our healthcare system?
6/22/202351 minutes, 10 seconds
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How are we best placed to support our emergency service volunteers?

Emergency service volunteers play such an important role in the community, but issues such as increasing levels of bureaucracy are becoming something of a barrier for some. In this edition of The Conversation Hour we look at the critical role emergency volunteers play and discuss how emergency services are best placed to attract and retain them.
6/21/202351 minutes, 58 seconds
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Is the age of inheritance entitlement over?

In this edition of The Conversation Hour the team discuss what needs to change to ensure older people feel comfortable holding onto their money to lead a comfortable retirement.
6/20/202352 minutes, 27 seconds
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Is it time to ban harmful advertising in kids sport?

We know that grass sports clubs survive on the smell of an oily rag but what would happen if clubs banned advertising and sponsorship from junk food and other forms of  harmful advertising like gambling and alcohol?
6/19/202351 minutes, 28 seconds
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Is exercise loaded with ableism?

 In this edition of The Conversation Hour the team discuss to what extent everyday exercise - from going to the gym, the pool or yoga is created with unconscious ableism?
6/16/202353 minutes, 15 seconds
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Can we design better public homes for the future?

Today people gathered in Port Melbourne to save a public housing complex that is due to be pulled down. It’s part of Victoria’s Big Build where many public homes will be pulled down and re-built, but some argue it is better to redesign and renovate for a number of reasons.
6/15/202352 minutes, 38 seconds
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When is it ok to be drug and alcohol tested at work?

In this edition of the Conversation Hour the team talk drug testing in the workplace. When is it a breach of civil liberties and when is it a necessary safety measure?
6/14/202352 minutes, 20 seconds
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Supporting LGBTQIA+ young people in regional communities

In this edition of The Conversation Hour the team discusses what happens if a young person doesn't feel safe to be themselves in their home town and what can be done to foster a more inclusive community.
6/13/202353 minutes, 3 seconds
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Do protests work?

South Australia has recently passed laws to crackdown on protests, so what is the future of protesting in Australia? And what role to protests play in changing minds? In this edition of The Conversation Hour the team look at the significance of protests in generating change.
6/9/202352 minutes, 15 seconds
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Taking the taboo out of periods and sport

From getting rid of white sport uniforms to understanding how to train during the menstrual cycle – in this edition of The Conversation Hour the team discuss periods and sport.
6/8/202348 minutes, 41 seconds
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Are you worried about where your next meal will come from?

In this edition of The Conversation Hour the team look at what underpins the increasing demands on food charities in Victoria and discuss whether the Government could be doing more to prevent people going hungry.
6/7/202351 minutes, 29 seconds
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The school lawyer programs providing students with access to justice

Did you know that some schools in Victoria currently offer legal services to students? In this edition of The Conversation Hour the team look at whether lawyers have a place in schools.
6/6/202352 minutes, 27 seconds
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Why is there a construction crisis?

From cost of materials to finding workers in this edition of The Conversation Hour the team look at what factors are contributing to the construction crisis and discuss what needs to happen to turn things around.
6/5/202351 minutes, 28 seconds
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So, you think you might be suffering from burnout?

How much will the resignation of WA premiere Mark McGowan citing exhaustion change the dial on how we view burnout? The Conversation Hour looks at how we identify the condition and whether it is time for society to take it a little more seriously. 
6/2/202348 minutes, 59 seconds
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Mount Everest: looking after the safety of the climbers and the mountain itself

From the impact on the environment to the safety of the climbers and sherpas – in this edition of The Conversation Hour the team look at just how sustainable climbing Mount Everest is and what measures can be taken to ensure the health and safety of the climbers and the mountain itself.
6/1/202352 minutes, 32 seconds
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Would you take a boarder into your home?

As the cost of living goes up and the rental crisis worsens could boarding be one way of easing some the pressures we currently face in Victoria?
5/31/202346 minutes, 43 seconds
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How do we prevent the rising number of deaths on regional roads?

Entire communities continue to be torn apart by terrible road deaths. In this edition of The Conversation Hour we ask why the number of regional people who die on regional roads continues to be higher than metro areas and what actions can be taken to prevent these tragic deaths.
5/30/202353 minutes, 7 seconds
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Transitioning workers out of the native timber industry

The native timber industry in Victoria will close at the end of this year. The government will provide around $200 million to help transition workers out of the industry to other jobs. In this edition of The Conversation Hour we hear from Orbost locals who will be impacted by this recent announcement.
5/29/202352 minutes, 32 seconds
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How can we better support people living with Dementia?

In this edition of The Conversation Hour we look at how we can better educate ourselves about the realities of living with Dementia and what we can do as a society to support people living with the condition.
5/26/202351 minutes, 40 seconds
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What happens when you can't afford to keep your pet?

The rising cost of living and the rental crisis are contributing to pet owners having to make tough decision to give up their pets.
5/25/202353 minutes, 16 seconds
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Making public spaces safe

Is a safe public space more than lighting and cameras? When and where do you feel unsafe where you live, and what changes could be made?
5/24/202348 minutes, 39 seconds
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Who should be responsible for bridging the digital divide?

In this edition of The Conversation Hour the team discuss the digital divide, with more people working from home the issue of access in regional and rural areas intensifies, but who should actually be responsible for fixing the connection woes?
5/23/202353 minutes, 12 seconds
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What do we really know about the health risks of eating processed food?

We are starting to learn more about the risks of eating too much processed food, from heart disease to obesity. In this edition of The Conversation Hour the team look at where we are at in our understanding of what the risks are and how to make consumers more aware of what we are potentially putting in our bodies.
5/22/202342 minutes, 51 seconds
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The magic of mushrooms

Did you know that harvested mushrooms continue to make vitamin D if you put them in sunlight?
5/19/202351 minutes, 54 seconds
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Death and the digital dimension

Technology is changing our lives, and also our deaths.
5/18/202352 minutes, 46 seconds
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Are you at an electric vehicle crossroad?

Is your next car going to be electric?  Are you holding on to your old petrol one for longer than you normally would?  And what does the future hold for the current generation of internal combustion engine vehicles, and the vintage cars that collectors love.
5/17/202352 minutes, 15 seconds
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Justice delivered differently: specialist courts in Victoria

Do specific crimes or specific offenders need specific courts to get the best possible outcome for everyone involved?
5/16/202351 minutes, 34 seconds
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Rehabilitating coal mines

As we start to retire coal mines around the state, what will Victorian communities be left with?
5/15/202351 minutes, 11 seconds
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Chronic Fatigue and Long COVID

Is Long COVID changing the way we respond to Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?
5/12/202348 minutes, 37 seconds
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How do we attract and retain volunteers in community sport?

Local clubs everywhere have always relied on volunteers to make sure the clubs can run, but is it always the same people stepping up? How do we share the load to ensure community sport continues to thrive?
5/11/202350 minutes, 27 seconds
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Has learning a music instrument become something only for the wealthy?

How possible is it at your local school to provide music education, from instruments to music teachers?
5/10/202352 minutes, 12 seconds
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Understanding obesity

In this edition of The Conversation Hour the team discuss how to reduce the rising rates of obesity in Australia.
5/9/202353 minutes
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Do Australians have a stereotyped view of someone who is unemployed?

In this edition of The Conversation Hour the team explores whether Australia has a history of viewing unemployment as some sort of moral failing that needs to be punished, rather than supported.
5/8/202352 minutes, 22 seconds
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The history of drag queens in Melbourne

With a Melbourne council this week cancelling a drag queen story time event following threats of violence, The Conversation Hour team takes a look at the rich history of drag in Victoria.
5/5/202352 minutes, 40 seconds
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Understanding Tourette Syndrome

What do people living with Tourette Syndrome want the rest of us to know?
5/4/202352 minutes, 34 seconds
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How do you feel about Mother's Day?

Is Mother's Day an uncomplicated celebration for you?  Do you think it's been hijacked by commercial interests?  Perhaps it's difficult for you because of your own circumstances.
5/3/202352 minutes, 8 seconds
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How do we build better to meet our housing needs?

To build more housing in Victoria without increasing urban sprawl we need to increase density.  But how do we build places where people want to live?
5/2/202353 minutes, 9 seconds
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Are we taking pet theft seriously enough?

Is animal theft on the rise? Are pure-bred dogs being targeted for sale on the black market?
5/1/202352 minutes, 29 seconds
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Are school camps still feasible to run?

Schools are facing big challenges in keeping school camps going. In this edition of The Conversation Hour the team look at what underpins these issues and the efforts parents, teachers and principles are going to keep the school camp alive.
4/28/202351 minutes, 45 seconds
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Preventing eating disorders in men

There is a concern that men are going undiagnosed and not coming forward because of the shame and stigma that comes with having an eating disorder.
4/24/202349 minutes, 9 seconds
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What governs your right to repair a product?

When you buy a new product how much do you think about how easy it will be to repair? How much will the fixes cost? Who has the skills need to make those repairs? Is it even physically impossible to repair because yes for some products that is a question you need to be asking.
4/21/202348 minutes, 58 seconds
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Do banks need to do more to protect their customers from scams?

A report from ASIC released today has revealed that customers of the major banks have reported over $550 million in scams. The corporate regulator is urging banks to do more to protect their customers. The Conversation Hour meets the people who have experienced being scammed and discuss the fall out.
4/20/202351 minutes, 53 seconds
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How do we ensure doctors can offer bulk billing to those who need it?

Are you holding off on medical check ups because of the costs? In this edition of The Conversation Hour Nic Healey looks at the decline in doctors bulk billing and what needs to happen to make it available to those who need it.
4/18/202350 minutes, 41 seconds
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Is cash making a comeback?

With the cost of living going up some are turning to cash as a tangible way of staying on top of their finances.
4/14/202350 minutes, 50 seconds
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Choosing to live your life childfree

The data shows a growing number of Australians are choosing to do just that. In this edition of the conversation hour we discuss what has underpinned that shift.
4/5/202348 minutes, 12 seconds
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Looking after the mental health of farmers

The National Farmer Wellbeing Report has found that an alarming 30 per cent of farmers have attempted self-harm or suicide. In this edition of The Conversation Hour we look at to support farmers who are struggling with their mental health.
4/4/202352 minutes, 44 seconds
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Women in aviation

 In this edition of The Conversation Hour you will meet the women changing what a career in aviation looks like for women.
4/3/202351 minutes, 27 seconds
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What changes to vaping laws would you like to see?

Over last fortnight there have been many suggestions from politicians, the TGA and the medical community on how to reign in what is currently out of control.
3/31/202353 minutes, 40 seconds
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Are school canteens a thing of the past?

Running a school canteen is becoming increasingly challenging, from stocking to staffing. In this edition of the Conversation Hour the team was what's the future of the school canteen.
3/30/202352 minutes, 30 seconds
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Why wetlands matter

Did you know that Wetlands are the world's most threatened ecosystem due to urbanisation, agriculture, pollution, invasive species, disrupted flows due to dams and water diversions, and a host of other reasons. In this edition of The Conversation Hour we look at what defines a wetland, how to care for them and what their role in the eco-system.
3/29/202350 minutes, 7 seconds
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Could prefab be a solution to the housing crisis?

Homes built off-site and trucked to the regions are being proposed as a quick solution to Queensland's housing affordability issue, is it a good idea?  would it work in Victoria ?
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As the deadline tightens for the Commonwealth Games how ready are we?

Do you live in a town that will host the Commonwealth Games, what are you looking forward to and what are you concerns?
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Human composting is being legalised in some places overseas – should we be considering it Australia?

It can be something of a confronting idea to think about, but as the we move towards more environmentally friendly burials is it time for us to think about human composting?
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How do we prevent customers abusing retail workers?

Some are calling for employers to provide better support and training and others say that there should be stronger criminal penalties for worker abuse. In this edition of the Conversation Hour the team look at just how prevalent the problem is ask what is underpinning these customer behaviours.
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What are the best ways to keep our homes warm over winter?

It’s getting harder to keep our homes warm as electricity prices increase. In this edition of The Conversation Hour asks whether there is an affordable and sustainable way to heat our homes.
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How much do you care about the types of fabrics you wear?

In this edition of The Conversation Hour the team look at what the fabrics of future are, from sustainability, innovation and manufacturing.
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Will the submarine deal mean more Australian jobs?

The Government recently announced that the AUKUS submarine program will create around 20,000 jobs in Australia, but some are questioning if we have the skills and resources to really back this up. 
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What are the best ways to re-purpose Victoria's unused rail lines?

From turning old railway stations into galleries and restaurants, through to old railway lines being turned as popular walking and bike tracks, rail trails are a huge tourist attraction. 
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What is the best way to prevent road rage ?

This week has seen a number of distressing road rage cases where people have ended up in hospital with serious injuries. In this edition of the Conversation Hour the team discuss what measures can be taken to reduce aggressive driving and hear your experiences of road rage.
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How do we protect young people from dark marketing on social media?

Dark marketing from harmful industries refers to ads that appear on someone's social media feeds and increasingly young people are being targeted by gambling, alcohol, and unhealthy food advertisements. In this edition of the Conversation Hour we look at just how prevalent it is and what can be done to mitigate it.
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Supporting multiple birth parents

This edition of The Conversation Hour looks at the raft of challenges multiple birth parents face and address what support would ease the difficulties they experience.
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How concerned to do we need to be about bird flu?

Bird flu has been causing growing concern in recent months, with hundreds of millions of birds around the world dying of the virus since October 2021 , in that time the virus has made its way to every continent except Australia and Antarctica.
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The solar eclipse, the eclipse chasers, and the small town at the centre of it all

Australia will be treated to a total solar eclipse in April. In this edition of the Conversation Hour we learn the significance of this incredible celestial event, meet the solar eclipse chasers, and visit the town at the centre of the action. 
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Supporting women with endometriosis

March is Endometriosis month and around 1 in 9 Australian women of reproductive age develop endometriosis, according to the federal health department, and on average it takes seven years to be diagnosed.
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Creating better access to the arts for people with a disability

There is nothing quite like being a part of a live music event, but for people who are living with a disability there are still so many barriers for attending or working at arts events. In this edition of The Conversation Hour the team discuss what needs to change to create better access.
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Meet the tree farmers

In this edition of The Conversation Hour the team talk tree farming, asking what are the benefits for the farmer, the consumer and the environment.
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When moving to the country doesn't quite work out

Have you ever moved to a regional or rural town? Did you feel welcome?
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Would you meet with someone who has caused you or your family harm?

Restorative justice is a process where perpetrators and victims crime meet for a facilitated interaction with the aim of decreasing recidivism and helping victims of crime heal.
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How important is it to have a bank branch in your community?

How has bank closures impacted you? Is going to a bank a thing of the past or do they still play an important role in your town?
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Cars in quarantine

Are you or someone you know waiting for a new car to arrive from overseas? Many Victorians have been waiting up to a year, in this edition of The Converation Hour the team explore what the hold up is.
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How do we ease traffic congestion woes?

Getting stuck in traffic was once something that only affected those living close to the city, but that is no longer case with communities across the state impacted by traffic jams. In this edition of The Conversation Hour the team delve into what role urban planning can play in reducing those times.
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Should aged care residents be able to keep their pets?

Elderly pet owners going into aged care face the tough decision of being separated from their pets,  and some are calling for better support in enabling people to hold onto them. 
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Are we going to see more employers providing accommodation for their workers?

In this edition of The Conversation Hour the team explore whether there will be an uptick in employers housing their staff, the benefits and concerns around the arrangement and also the history of corporations providing housing.
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What reduces homophobic attitudes in sport?

From Pride Games to ambassadors – what things work in mitigating homophobic attitudes in sport?
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Let’s go to Charlton!

'It's not utopia, but it's awfully good' shares Janet Stafford from the local CWA.
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Mardi Gras: A place to party or protest?

There are many questions and debates at the moment about who should be marching in the Mardi Gras, from our Prime Minister to corporate business. In this edition of The Conversation Hour the team discuss whether the Mardi Gras is a party or political statement.   
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Why we need to talk about concussion in contact sport

It can be quite shocking just how much a concussion can take it's toll on athletes and a Senate inquiry is currently underway to investigate the impacts of concussions and repeated head trauma.
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Kids in Australia could be the first generation in history to have a shorter life expectancy, how do we turn the ship around?

A new report suggests that kids in Australia could be the first generation in history to have a shorter life expectancy than their parents. This edition of The Conversation Hour looks at why prevention is more important than ever. 
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Are surfers the unofficial protectors of us in the ocean?

A survey of 500 Victorian surfers has recently been completed and has shown that 6 percent of surfers have had to help someone in trouble in the water and 3% of surfers have had to administer first aid. In this edition of The Conversation Hour Richelle Hunt looks at whether surfers have become the unofficial life savers.
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What can we do to create a safer cycling infrastructure?

With the tragic death of a 22-year-old cyclist at the West Melbourne Intersection and subsequent calls for an immediate ban on left turns in that particular intersection, this edition of The Conversation Hour looks at what needs to happen to ensure cyclists are safe on the road.  
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To shave or not to shave — why is body hair still taboo?

Have you ever been teased about your body hair? Growing up hairy can be a tricky thing.In this edition of the Conversation Hour the team discuss the social pressures to remove it, and ask whether it is time to throw the razor away and just embrace it.
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Understanding Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

There are many misconceptions about what OCD actually is, and people with the condition can feel shame and embarrassment about their thoughts and behaviours making getting help all the more challenging. In this edition of The Conversation Hour you'll meet people living with OCD and the mental health professionals treating the disorder.
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Is dental now only for the rich?

The average wait lit for public dental is around two and half years according to the latest Productivity Commission Report, in this edition of The Conversation Hour the team explore what needs to happen to create better access.
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What you need to know about preventing skin cancer

From understanding UV levels to ensuring you get maximum coverage from your sunscreen, The Conversation Hour looks at how to best protect yourself against skin cancer.
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Does architecture impact student learning?

With an increase in research into the impact of the physical school environment on student learning outcomes, the Conversation Hour looks at how much a built environment affects learning.
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Why we need to talk about birth trauma

Described as the 'dirty little dark secret of the birthing world' this edition of The Conversation Hour explores the importance of finally naming it and look at what can be done to support women who have had difficult births.
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Are dogs given too many freedoms to run off leash in public spaces?

From parks to playgrounds to beaches, debates are raging in communities across Victoria between dog owners, ecologists and parents of young children about when and where it is appropriate to have a dog off leash.
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Is it time to go paper free?

The Maryvale paper mill has recently suspended production of white paper, so what is the future of paper? In this edition of The Conversation Hour the team discuss what the alternate products to paper will be.
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Why health professionals are concerned about the future of telehealth

Telehealth plays a vital role in our health system but a new wave of start ups have some worried that it is becoming a business opportunity rather than health care provider.
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Just how plagued is the aviation industry?

With turn backs, delays, baggage going missing the Conversation explores what’s at the root of some of these problems and whether travellers are exploring other modes of transport.  
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Do landlords get a bad rap?

In this edition of The Conversation Hour Richelle Hunt and Bronwyn O'Shea discuss what it is to be a landlord and whether some of the stereotypes about landlord are really fair.
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Does the Great Ocean Road need saving?

It’s an iconic attraction but how we preserve it is a matter for debate.
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Are we losing our appetite for fine dining?

In this edition of The Conversation Hour Richelle Hunt and Jeremy Story Carter discuss whether fine dining holds the same appeal it once did.
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Celebrating regional architecture

In this edition of The Conversation Hour we look at the challenges and rewards of being an architect in a regional area, and what it means to be the only architect in town. 
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The ethical and legal conundrums of life with robots

In this edition of the Conversation Hour Richelle Hunt and Nic Healey delve into what our future with robots looks like. From use in domestic law enforcement and warfare to whether or not robots should have rites the team speak with a variety of guest about robot ethics.
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How is Antarctica changing and what will the greater impacts be?

In this edition of The Conversation Hour Richelle Hunt and Kirsten Diprose speak with a range of guests on how safeguard Antarctica’s biodiversity and discuss the impact of tourism on the region. 
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Staying sober in the silly season

Have you tried to dial back your drinking this summer?The Conversation Hour meets the people who have embraced sobriety. 
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Should Australia follow France's lead and make contraception free?

In France, women and girls under the age of 25 have access to free birth control and just this week, condoms have also been made free to those under the age of 25.
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How town planning affects our health

Urban planning can transform the conditions in which people live and work, such as their access to facilities and services and their ability to develop strong social networks, key determinants of the health, wellbeing and quality of life of citizens
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Everything you need to know about snakes heading into summer

What do you know about snakes in your local area? Do you know what to do if you see one? How many myths do we believe? And how much do we know about the science behind venom?
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The Bali Bonk Ban: Understanding local customs and laws when travelling

There was a strong reminder last week of Indonesia's conservative values when new laws were passed banning sex outside marriage and unmarried couples from living together.
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The history, evolution and future of garbage

From burning rubbish in incinerators in the backyard to having up to four different bins per household, we have seen the amount of waste we produce and how we get rid of it change over the years.
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How is Echuca looking for this holiday season ?

The local tourist industry in Echuca has had it tough over the last few years — from Covid lockdowns to the recent floods. In this edition of The Conversation Hour Richelle Hunt and Warwick Long explore what you need to know about heading to Echuca this summer
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A practical guide to dealing with death

Talking about death isn't easy and some of us are better at it than others. However, there is more to talking about death than the songs you want played at your funeral.
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Young worker rights

Have you noticed teenagers working at your local cafe, restaurant, or retail shops? In this edition of The Conversation Hour we look at whether we are seeing more young workers filling the worker shortages and what safeguards are in place to protect their rights.
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How do we make kids sport more affordable?

 In this edition of The Conversation Hour Richelle Hunt and Warwick long look at whether junior sport needs an overhaul to make sure any child who wants to play sport can.
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How do we deter drivers from using their mobile phones?

In this edition of The Conversation Hour Richelle Hunt and Daniel Miles delve into driver behavior and how to tackle phone distraction.
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How much influence do your kids have over who you date?

 In this edition of The Conversation Hour Richelle Hunt and Jane McNaughton discuss what role children play in deciding who you date
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Supporting people with long COVID

In this edition of The Conversation Hour the team look at what the plans are to treat long COVID into the future
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Do we need a national food security plan?

In this edition of The Conversation Hour Richelle Hunt and Jonathon Kendall delve into whether we need a national food security plan, and what it might look like.
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The future of third-party delivery apps

In this edition of The Conversation Hour Richelle Hunt and co-host Dani Valent talk food delivery apps and ask who really wins. 
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The future of philanthropy

In this edition of The Conversation Hour Richelle Hunt and co-host Nic Healey look at the future of philanthropy.
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Does Victoria need a car ombudsman?

In this edition of The Conversation Hour Richelle Hunt and co-host Matilda Marozzi look into the disputes process with cars and delve into whether a car ombudsman could be answer
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Is university accessible to everyone who wants to go?

From cost to geography, is university still seen as an achievable pathway or is the idea of a large student loan too much of a deterrent?
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Should pharmacists have more prescription powers?

A twelve-month trial has been announced in NSW giving pharmacists more prescription powers, in this edition of The Conversation Hour we ask should Victoria be doing the same?  
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School refusal: supporting students getting back in the classroom

With rates of 'school refusal' on the rise since COVID-19 lockdowns, how can struggling students again find joy in the classroom?
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Medicinal cannabis: what do we still need to know and learn

As medicinal cannabis becomes more common and more accepted, what do we still need to know and learn — and do some areas need tighter regulation to ensure that the market doesn't get flooded by cowboys who are more interested in profit then your health?
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So, you are thinking of going solar?

In this edition of The Conversation Hour Richelle Hunt and Daniel Miles are joined by a panel of experts to answer your questions about going solar.
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On the question of surrogacy

In this edition of the Conversation Hour Richelle Hunt and Bronwen O'Shea discuss the laws and ethics surrounding surrogacy and meet the people whose lives have been changed by it.
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The future work of the motor mechanic

As more and more of us are driving Electric Vehicles and the future of petrol cars comes to an end, what does that mean for auto mechanics.
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Separated couples that still live together

Another, less visible casualty of housing affordability and availability is the emergence of couples who have separated but continue to live together.
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Could prisoners be a measure in filling skills shortages?

Richelle Hunt and Jeremy Story Carter discuss whether a Swedish Prison model should be trialled in Australia – where 'open prisons' allow prisoners out during the day to work and earn a wage.
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What should we be putting into our compost and green waste?

In this edition of The Conversation Hour we explore what we should be putting in our composts and look at whether bio degradable plastics actually work.
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Floods and fish deaths

In this edition of the Conversation Hour the team explore how the floods have caused the fish deaths and the work being done to save them.
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The Conversation Hour: Your Move special

Do you know what food is healthy you? In this edition of The Conversation Hour we feature a Your Move special in conjunction with Magda's Big National Health Check . 
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Do cat curfews work?

In this edition of The Conversation Hour Richelle Hunt and Warwick Long delve into the issue of the impact of domestic cats on wildlife.
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Why we need more female truck drivers

Australia has a truck driver shortage which impacts on our entire supply chain. In this edition of The Conversation Hour Richelle Hunt and co-host Daniel Miles explore how to get more women drivers in the industry and meet the women getting behind the wheel.
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Creating local ecosystems

In this edition of The Conversation Hour Richelle Hunt talks to sustainability leaders about how to mitigate cost of living pressures by creating our own ecosystems.
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Improving regional aviation

In this edition of The Conversation Hour Richelle Hunt and Warwick Long discuss regional airports and whether we need to be utilising regional travel more.
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The uncomfortable relationship between sport and advertising

As players increasingly scrutinise what is they are wearing and tacitly endorsing – are we as fans also reconsidering what it is we are supporting?
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Breast reconstruction after cancer

There are two big conversations surrounding breast reconstruction: wait-times for surgery and providing woman with all reconstruction options, including the ability to 'go flat'.
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Floods and the future of food

In this edition of The Conversation Hour Richelle Hunt and Kirsten Diprose look at the future of where and how we grow our food in the face of climate change.
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What does it mean to be resilient?

For a word we throw around all the time, how much do we understand it?
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The importance of the Murray River – to all of us

In this edition of The Conversation Hour Richelle Hunt and Warwick Long meet the communities along the Murray and discuss the history and importance of the river.
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How do voluntary buybacks work?

In this edition of The Conversation Hour Richelle Hunt and Tim Lee look at how voluntary buybacks work and how much they help. 
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Understanding menopause

In this edition of The Conversation Hour Richelle Hunt is joined by Dr Elizabeth Farrell AM and Janet Hailes Michelmore AO from Jean Hailes for a wide ranging conversation about menopause with a special focus on medical menopause.
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Improving Victoria’s country roads

In this edition of The Conversation Hour Richelle Hunt and Jeremy Story-Carter look at dire state of the Victorian roads and the impact on flood affected communities
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How to better regulate ‘greenwashing’

From detergent to luxury holidays villas - the number of brands that advertise their products as eco-friendly is ever growing.
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Remembering the Bali Bombings 20 years on

In this edition of The Conversation Hour we share the stories of those affected by the Bali Bombing and reflect on the connections Victorians have with Bali 20 years on.
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Why it costs more to be poor

With the cost of living rising are we seeing a greater class divide?
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Sport and pregnancy

In this edition of The Conversation Hour Richelle Hunt and co-host Warwick Long discuss sport and pregnancy – and research into the impact and support available to athtleese women after having a baby. In this edition of The Conversation Hour Richelle Hunt and co-host Warwick Long discuss sport and pregnancy – and research into the impact and support available to athletes after having a baby.
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Would an "eco bonus" prompt you to buy an EV?

In this edition of The Conversation Hour Richelle Hunt and co-host Jane McNaughton discuss what it would take to get more people to switch to electric cars
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The freight debate: should we switch to rail?

From suburban Melbourne to regional Victoria can and should we try to shift our freight off the roads and onto rail?
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Reforming early childhood education and care

The Federal government tabled $4.5 billion in childcare reforms last week – but is it time to reimagine the sector?
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How will the closure Loy Yang A impact the local community ?

The Loy Yang A coal-powered plant in Victoria's Latrobe Valley is now scheduled to shut its doors in 2035. Richelle Hunt and co-host Jonathon Kendall look at the broader implications on the Latrobe community. 
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Preventing young people from vaping

With growing rates of young people vaping The Conversation Hour looks at why teenagers are taking the habit up and what the health impacts are.
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Diagnosing ADHD in adults

In this edition of The Conversation Hour  Richelle Hunt and co-host Jeremy Story-Carter look at what it means to get the diagnoses as an adult and how it can be  life changing.  
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The changing face of gaming

In this edition of The Conversation Hour Richelle Hunt and co-host Amber Irving-Guthrie look at how stereo-types about gaming is changing, with a greater emphasis of inclusive gaming.
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Addressing staff shortages in the hospitality industry

In this edition of The Conversation Hour Richelle Hunt and co-host Bronwen O'Shea discuss the issue of staff shortages in the hospitality industry and what can be done to bolster numbers. 
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Homespun 2022

Everyone has a story to tell, and ABC Radio Melbourne shared some of yours at the Melbourne Writers Festival along the theme of  'I have been meaning to tell you.'
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The rise of digital nomad

Has the opportunity of working remotely lead to the rise of the digital nomad?
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King Charles III and the Australian wool industry

King Charles has been a passionate advocate of the wool Australian industry; The Conversation Hour explores what that support has meant locally for wool producers
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Keeping wildlife safe around our roads

From 'glider poles' to 'tunnels of love' The Conversation Hour looks at how animal crossings are saving wildlife from dying on our roads. 
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The state of Victorian rivers

How much do you know about your local water way or river? In this edition of The Conversation Hour Richelle Hunt and co-host Beau Miles delve into why the health of rivers matters so much
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Preventing opioid deaths

New data shows that overdose deaths in Australia are being driven by opioids and prescription medications, The Conversation Hour looks at what strategies can be put in place to prevent these deaths. 
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Reviving the Victorian music industry

Music Victoria has recently released a white paper seeking to bolster the Victorian music industry post lock-down.The Conversation Hour looks at what some of these strategies might involve and delves into how the sector can lead on a international scale.
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How do we decide which places should be granted a heritage listing?

In this edition of The Conversation Hour Richelle Hunt and co-host Prue Bentley look at what factors contribute to a place being granted a heritage listing and ask can preservation and progress co-exist?
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How much do you know about the animals you eat?

With the recent release of the Australian Animal Welfare Standards and Guidelines for Poultry the lives of chickens are set to get better, but how much do you think about the animals and animal products you consume?
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When a school is more than a school

What changes could happen by opening the school gates? The Conversation Hour delves into how schools can unite communities. 
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How do we get people to see their apprenticeships through?

 Better conditions and pay for the apprentice or better subsidies for the employers? The Conversation Hour looks at how to  keep people in their apprenticeships.
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Meet the seafarers

Ever fancied hitting the high seas? Wondered what life on the ocean might be like? In this edition of The Conversation Hour we celebrate the work of seafarers.
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The worrying trend of families living in caravan parks

Caravan parks for many of us conjure up images of childhood holidays, but for a growing number of Victorians caravan parks have become home.
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The future of textile manufacturing in Victoria

Demand for Australian made clothes has gone up — but how do we keep supply going when there is a shortage of workers in the industry?
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How do we become more flood literate?

With the forecast of a 3rd La La Niña on the way – how flood literate do our communities need to be?
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Does Victoria need a minister for autism?

The South Australian government has appointed an Assistant Minister for Autism, The Conversation Hour looks at whether Victoria needs an equivalent minister and how the role can best serve the autism  community.
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The impact of mountain biking on local communities

There has been an explosion of popularity in mountain biking, which has come with a push for more trails. But balancing the appetite for tourism against the environmental concerns has been a complex issue for some Victorian towns.
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Supporting elite sportswomen

From menstrual cycles, pelvic floor and breast health, pregnancy – as well as barriers to leadership and inclusion at all levels of sort The Conversation Hour delves into how to best support women in elite sport. 
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Is there life on other planets?

Richelle Hunt and co-host Dr Graham Phillips explore the taboo question of whether there could be life on other planets. 
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Drinking alcohol while working from home

Stress, anxiety and boredom may have lead to a few of us reaching for a so called quarantini during lockdown – but what has been the ongoing impact been? How much has a change in work practice increased our propensity to drink?
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How do we get more women in construction?

With women only making up around thirteen percent of the construction workforce, Richelle Hunt and Jonathon Kendall explore how appealing for women. 
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Do we need stronger regulations for short-term stays in Victoria?

Richelle Hunt and Prue Bentley look at how we get more people into long term rental and continue to support local tourism. 
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Is it time for our fish and chips menus to change?

Today's Conversation Hour delves into whether consuming some of our waters overlooked fish species could be a step towards reducing overfishing. 
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Is buying organic really worth it?

As the cost of living increases, is buying organic produce still worth it?
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Would you come out of retirement to pick fruit?

Retirees are being encouraged to take up fruit picking work to fill job vacancies.
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Should 'Veticare' be introduced to help reduce costs of vet bills?

Animal shelters have noticed a rise in dogs being surrendered because their owners can no longer afford them.
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Why is a 'wellbeing economy' important?

Research is being done globally into into the idea of a wellbeing economy, starting with a wellbeing budget, and the concept is already being trialled.
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How productive lives turn into homelessness for Australian women

Women over the age of 55 are the fastest growing demographic of homeless people in Australia. What are the short and long-term solutions?
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What's the future of Australian wine?

Are "goon sacks" and canned beverages revolutionising the Australian wine industry?
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Will new laws fighting SMS scams work?

Scammers have been increasingly targeting Australians with dodgy malicious texts that employ a range of clever gambits to trick people into handing over sensitive information or even money.
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Is 10,000 steps a marketing gimmick?

Taking 10,000 steps every day has been one of the biggest public health messages this decade, but the rule didn't originate from much scientific evidence.
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How Victorian teachers are helping Ukrainians

It has been five months since Russia invaded Ukraine and there's no sign of the conflict ending. Here are some of the ways Victorians are helping Ukrainians feel at home, wherever they are in the world.
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Do interventions work for addiction?

ClubsNSW has unveiled a proposal which would allow family members of gamblers to ban their loved one from entering pokie venues. Should this be implemented in Victoria for addiction?
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Changing the conversation around bigger bodies

Changing the conversation around healthcare and bigger bodies has only started to gain traction as an issue among key healthcare organisations in recent years.
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Is monogamy becoming a thing of the past?

In the ABC's most recent Australia Talks survey, 29 per cent of people said marriage was an outdated institution. Is it just marriage that younger people are moving away from, or is monogamy also becoming a thing of the past?
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Should women run alone at night?

A TV advertisement showing a woman running after dark was nearly cancelled in the UK due to complaints it was encouraging unsafe behaviour, and experts say similar perceptions exist in Australia.
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Nurses at the frontline of the HIV/AIDs epidemic in Australia

The importance of nurses has been highlighted during the COVID pandemic, which is reminiscent of the 1980s at the beginning of the HIV/AIDs epidemic.
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Are viral good deed videos actually self-serving?

What protections are there for people being filmed without their knowledge, and do good deed videos stigmatise older Australians?
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What happens when society is collectively burnt out?

What are the ramifications to the economy if people are experiencing burnout en masse?
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Calls for pill testing to tackle synthetic drug use

A rise in synthetic drug use has renewed calls for pill testing or the decriminalisation of small amounts of illicit drugs.
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How varroa mite could empty supermarket shelves even further

Varroa mite has the potential to impact pollination of one third of Australia's locally produced food.
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What can prostate cancer learn from breast cancer fundraisers?

Prostate cancer has overtaken breast cancer as Australia's most common form of cancer.
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Making transport accessible for people with a disability

"Four strangers literally picked me up and lifted me on my chair off the tram. There was no other option, I was stuck," said disability advocate Akii Ngo.
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Airport chaos: Has the aviation industry lost too many workers?

Airport workers say the transition to self-check ins and automated airports may have contributed to delays for customers.
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Are concussion lawsuits the future for footy?

As more research becomes available on CTE and the impacts of concession, are football clubs moving too slow to enact change?
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Can food waste create energy to power a business?

An 82 year old brick business in Stawell is closing its doors due to high energy costs.  
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Year 12 students feeling forgotten after years of pandemic learning

Some parents who can afford to are cutting back their work hours to support their children in VCE.