Do you long to experience the abundant life that Jesus promises? We do too, and that’s why this podcast exists. In the commands of Christ, we find unshakeable, immovable truths that are foundational to experiencing abundant life. Beyond just a to-do list, the commands of Christ reveal the heart of God, show us what true discipleship is, and provide a pathway to deeper relationship with God Himself. Join us on a weekly journey through the commands of Christ
Deny Yourself - Part 4
Often when we think of denying self, we think of abstaining from things that are obviously “bad.” We need to be aware that there is also a “lust of the flesh” that looks good - it is a desire to be good in our own strength and by our own efforts. We must deny this dependence on the flesh because even though it looks good, it keeps us from dependence on Christ. Simply put, to deny self is to look away from self and look to the Lord Jesus Christ. We were made for Him. Our lives don’t work when we live for ourselves. This command is an invitation to turn away from self and all the things that distract us, and enter into the life God made us to live. Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
2/26/2024 • 17 minutes, 30 seconds
Deny Yourself - Part 3
Does our behavior define our identity or is our identity supposed to define our behavior? Often we wrestle with our identity in Christ because we still wrestle with old patterns and behaviors. It is paramount to our Christian life that we learn to bring our behavior in line with who we are in Christ. In this episode, Nate and Gabe share that this mentality is a key in learning to walk out the command to Deny Yourself. Denying self is just learning to walk out the reality of who we are in Christ.Simply put, to deny self is to look away from self and look to the Lord Jesus Christ. We were made for Him. Our lives don’t work when we live for ourselves. This command is an invitation to turn away from self and all the things that distract us, and enter into the life God made us to live. Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
2/19/2024 • 15 minutes, 50 seconds
Deny Yourself - Part 2
What does it mean to deny yourself? And what does it look like to deny yourself daily? Listen as Nate and Gabe discuss the freedom that comes when we forget ourselves and our own interests and begin to live for the Lord’s purposes. At the core of this command to “Deny Yourself” is that we learn to say “no” to ourselves and “yes” to Jesus every time.Simply put, to deny self is to look away from self and look to the Lord Jesus Christ. We were made for Him. Our lives don’t work when we live for ourselves. This command is an invitation to turn away from self and all the things that distract us, and enter into the life God made us to live. Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
2/12/2024 • 20 minutes, 52 seconds
Deny Yourself - Part 1
Do you ever hear the words “deny yourself” and interpret them to mean something austere and lifeless? In this episode, Nate and Gabe will challenge you to think about the lifegiving implications of Jesus’ command to Deny Yourself. Where living for self brings bondage, depression, and darkness, you will see that turning from self and following Jesus brings life, and joy and peace.Simply put, to deny self is to look away from self and look to the Lord Jesus Christ. We were made for Him. Our lives don’t work when we live for ourselves. This command is an invitation to turn away from self and all the things that distract us, and enter into the life God made us to live. Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at Study guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleship
2/5/2024 • 16 minutes, 49 seconds
Bonus - Nathan Johnson: Intimacy vs. Information
We can know a lot about God, but information doesn’t change us. One of the Greek words used in Scripture for the word know is “ginosko.” The meaning is deep and beautiful and refers to something beyond just knowing information — it is an experiential knowing, a knowing that changes us. In this episode, Nathan Johnson testifies to the fact that your Christian life will change dramatically once you grasp the difference between the informational knowing about God and experiential knowing of God.We are delighted to have guest Nathan Johnson join us on the Commands of Christ podcast! Nathan is a writer, teacher, and communicator with an overwhelming passion for Jesus Christ. Along with teaching at the Ellerslie School of Discipleship in Colorado, he seeks to encourage Christians of all ages through his ministry called deeperChristian.Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleship
1/29/2024 • 28 minutes, 53 seconds
Beware of Leaven - Part 4
How are we to deal with the compromise, the hypocrisy, the unbelief (i.e., the leaven) in our lives? In this episode, Nate and Gabe give encouragement on how to allow the Lord to search our hearts, expose us, and bring us back into fellowship and communion with Him in every area of our lives. As we humble ourselves under His Word, He will replace the leaven with His truth.Do you seek to keep certain things hidden so people will have a good opinion of you? Do you care more about looking good on the outside than you do about having a heart that is without compromise before God? This is called hypocrisy and it is something Jesus took very seriously. As you listen, allow the Lord to search you and bring His light to the hidden areas of your life. God longs to reveal Himself to you through a personal and intimate relationship; what will you allow to stand in the way?Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
1/22/2024 • 17 minutes, 35 seconds
Beware of Leaven - Part 3
It has been said that “Sin will take you farther than you want to go, keep you longer than you want to stay, and cost you more than you want to pay.” Beware of the lie that “little things” are not a big deal. In this episode, Nate and Gabe will expound on the fact that, “A little leaven leavens the whole lump.”Do you seek to keep certain things hidden so people will have a good opinion of you? Do you care more about looking good on the outside than you do about having a heart that is without compromise before God? This is called hypocrisy and it is something Jesus took very seriously. As you listen, allow the Lord to search you and bring His light to the hidden areas of your life.God longs to reveal Himself to you through a personal and intimate relationship; what will you allow to stand in the way?Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
1/15/2024 • 21 minutes, 3 seconds
Beware of Leaven - Part 2
Jesus said that the leaven of the Pharisees was hypocrisy. They loved the praise of men, they looked good on the outside, they did and said all the right things, but inwardly they missed the mark! Hypocrisy is very connected to pride - “I want to look better than I am.” In this episode, Nate and Gabe exhort us to ask ourselves the question, “Is there leaven in me?”Do you seek to keep certain things hidden so people will have a good opinion of you? Do you care more about looking good on the outside than you do about having a heart that is without compromise before God? This is called hypocrisy and it is something Jesus took very seriously. As you listen, allow the Lord to search you and bring His light to the hidden areas of your life.God longs to reveal Himself to you through a personal and intimate relationship; what will you allow to stand in the way?Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
1/8/2024 • 18 minutes, 4 seconds
Beware of Leaven - Part 1
What is leaven? And what are its effects? In this new study on the command of Christ to “Beware of Leaven”, Nate and Gabe will take a deeper look into the metaphorical “leaven” in our own lives. Leaven is something very small that grows in secret, and ends up permeating the whole. Do you seek to keep certain things hidden so people will have a good opinion of you? Do you care more about looking good on the outside than you do about having a heart that is without compromise before God? This is called hypocrisy and it is something Jesus took very seriously. As you listen, allow the Lord to search you and bring His light to the hidden areas of your life. God longs to reveal Himself to you through a personal and intimate relationship; what will you allow to stand in the way?Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at Study guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleship
1/1/2024 • 19 minutes, 53 seconds
Honor Your Parents - Part 4
The question needs to be addressed: how do we honor parents or in-laws who are difficult? If we really want to honor our parents, we need to walk in forgiveness toward them. This episode is packed with encouraging truth! Listen as Nate and Gabe give encouragement on how God desires to free us from bitterness toward our parents and enable us to honor them even in difficult situations.In a day where it is culturally acceptable to dishonor parents and those in authority, it is so important for us to be reminded of the command to “Honor Your Parents.” Sadly this attitude of dishonor is something that has been disregarded and excused even by Christians. The honoring of those over us is something very close to the heart of God. As you listen, be exhorted to turn your ear away from what is culturally “normal” and give weight to what the Word of God says about this area.Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
12/25/2023 • 20 minutes, 27 seconds
Honor Your Parents - Part 3
It is important to see that not only does Scripture address those under authority - it also addresses those in authority. Being in a position of authority is a weighty responsibility. Parents are accountable before God for how they lead their children. Listen as Nate and Gabe discuss how one of the greatest ways to encourage your children to honor you is by living and walking in an honoring way.In a day where it is culturally acceptable to dishonor parents and those in authority, it is so important for us to be reminded of the command to “Honor Your Parents.” Sadly this attitude of dishonor is something that has been disregarded and excused even by Christians. The honoring of those over us is something very close to the heart of God. As you listen, be exhorted to turn your ear away from what is culturally “normal” and give weight to what the Word of God says about this area.Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
12/18/2023 • 20 minutes, 30 seconds
Honor Your Parents - Part 2
It is all too common for us to have a list of excuses for why we don’t have to honor our parents. While there may be situations in which we need to “obey God rather than men”, most often we are just looking for an excuse because honoring them is hard and uncomfortable. It all boils down to our heart - if our heart is to honor our parents, we will look for ways to do it.In a day where it is culturally acceptable to dishonor parents and those in authority, it is so important for us to be reminded of the command to “Honor Your Parents.” Sadly this attitude of dishonor is something that has been disregarded and excused even by Christians. The honoring of those over us is something very close to the heart of God. As you listen, be exhorted to turn your ear away from what is culturally “normal” and give weight to what the Word of God says about this area.Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
12/11/2023 • 19 minutes, 51 seconds
Honor Your Parents - Part 1
Honor is not just an outward action; it is something generated in a heart that is humble before God. Honoring our parents will flow from a heart that is honoring God. In this episode, Nate and Gabe will share important truths from the Word of God on this often overlooked command. As we humble ourselves before God and choose to give honor to our parents, we will see His blessing on our lives.In a day where it is culturally acceptable to dishonor parents and those in authority, it is so important for us to be reminded of the command to “Honor Your Parents.” Sadly this attitude of dishonor is something that has been disregarded and excused even by Christians. The honoring of those over us is something very close to the heart of God. As you listen, be exhorted to turn your ear away from what is culturally “normal” and give weight to what the Word of God says about this area.Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at Study guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
12/4/2023 • 18 minutes, 58 seconds
Take My Yoke - Part 4
Have you ever pondered the meekness, lowliness, and humility of Christ? In this episode, Nate and Gabe open up several scriptures revealing the humility of Jesus. As you listen, your heart will be moved to yield more fully to the One who’s description of Himself was “meek and lowly in heart.” One of the marks of a person who is walking yoked to Jesus is this same humility and meekness.What is the fruit of a life that has come to Jesus, taken His yoke, and is walking with Him? The fruit of being yoked with Christ is rest and peace. In contrast, when we are walking in our own strength and effort, we are burdened down with anxiety, worry, and fear. Be encouraged as you listen to these episodes to come to Jesus and learn of Him.Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
11/27/2023 • 19 minutes, 40 seconds
Take My Yoke - Part 3
The key to walking the Christian life is learning that it is not about me - it’s not about my effort, my abilities, my strength. It’s about yielding and surrendering to the ability and strength of Christ. Join Nate and Gabe as they explore more of the beauty of allowing our weakness and inability to be yoked to the power of Christ. What is the fruit of a life that has come to Jesus and taken His yoke? The fruit of being yoked with Christ is rest and peace. In contrast, when we are walking in our own strength and effort, we are burdened down with anxiety, worry, and fear. Be encouraged as you listen to these episodes to come to Jesus and learn of Him.Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
11/20/2023 • 17 minutes, 21 seconds
Take My Yoke - Part 2
How is it that Christ’s yoke is easy and His burden is light? The key is realizing Who we are being yoked to. As we are yoked together with the Lord Jesus, He does the heavy lifting - He is the One who carries the weight and responsibility of fulfilling God’s commands. He does in and through us what we could never do on our own. What is the fruit of a life that has come to Jesus and taken His yoke? The fruit of being yoked with Christ is rest and peace. In contrast, when we are walking in our own strength and effort, we are burdened down with anxiety, worry, and fear. Be encouraged as you listen to these episodes to come to Jesus and learn of Him.Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
11/13/2023 • 13 minutes, 48 seconds
Take My Yoke - Part 1
Have you ever considered what it means to be yoked to Christ? The picture is a beautiful one – an immature, inexperienced ox being yoked together with a mature ox full of experience and strength. Join Nate and Gabe as they explore the precious implications of being yoked with Christ. This command is an invitation to rest and relationship. What is the fruit of a life that has come to Jesus and taken His yoke? The fruit of being yoked with Christ is rest and peace. In contrast, when we are walking in our own strength and effort, we are burdened down with anxiety, worry, and fear. Be encouraged as you listen to these episodes to come to Jesus and learn of Him.Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at Study guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleship
11/6/2023 • 17 minutes, 29 seconds
Hear God’s Voice - Part 4
Have you ever asked the question, “How do I know if God is speaking to me?” This is a very important question! Sometimes we can get confused by our own thoughts, our own desires, or our own feelings. Listen in on this episode as Nate and Gabe discuss key truths we can employ to confirm the Lord’s speaking and direction in our lives.One of the biggest things that will motivate us to turn aside from the busy things of life in order to hear God’s voice is the realization that God wants to speak to us! In order to hear from Him, we will have to turn aside from other things - entertainment, music, activities, busyness, etc. But let us be encouraged to know that as we spend time in His Word, as we make seeking Him a priority, He will give us listening hearts - He will give us “ears to hear” His voice. Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
10/30/2023 • 20 minutes, 17 seconds
Hear God’s Voice - Part 3
We know from Scripture that God wants to speak to His children. But what hinders us from hearing God’s voice? Join Nate and Gabe as they share key hindrances that block our ability to hear from God. We may feel like God doesn’t speak to us, however often the problem is that we cannot hear Him because we are listening to something else.One of the biggest things that will motivate us to turn aside from the busy things of life in order to hear God’s voice is the realization that God wants to speak to us! In order to hear from Him, we will have to turn aside from other things - entertainment, music, activities, busyness, etc. But let us be encouraged to know that as we spend time in His Word, as we make seeking Him a priority, He will give us listening hearts - He will give us “ears to hear” His voice. Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
10/23/2023 • 19 minutes, 42 seconds
Hear God’s Voice - Part 2
Have you ever wondered “How do I learn to recognize God’s voice?” or “How do I know what God’s voice sounds like?” In this episode Nate and Gabe share encouraging truth on this topic. If you were to hear your parent’s voice over a phone, you would know in an instant who it was. But how? Because you’ve spent time listening to them! It is the same with God — as we take time to listen to His Word, we will learn to recognize His voice.One of the biggest things that will motivate us to turn aside from the busy things of life in order to hear God’s voice is the realization that God wants to speak to us! In order to hear from Him, we will have to turn aside from other things — entertainment, music, activities, busyness, etc. But let us be encouraged to know that as we spend time in His Word, as we make seeking Him a priority, He will give us listening hearts — He will give us “ears to hear” His voice. Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
10/16/2023 • 20 minutes, 16 seconds
Hear God’s Voice - Part 1
There is a big difference between hearing with your ear and perceiving with your heart. When Jesus said, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear,” He wasn’t just talking about physical ears. God doesn’t just desire for us to hear with our ear and understand with our mind. He desires that His truth would enter our hearts and transform our lives.One of the biggest things that will motivate us to turn aside from the busy things of life in order to hear God’s voice is the realization that God wants to speak to us! In order to hear from Him, we will have to turn aside from other things — entertainment, music, activities, busyness, etc. But let us be encouraged to know that as we spend time in His Word, as we make seeking Him a priority, He will give us listening hearts — He will give us “ears to hear” His voice. Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at Study guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleship
10/9/2023 • 18 minutes, 5 seconds
Bonus - Bob Fu: God's Double Agent
Imagine growing up in a poverty stricken family in Communist China, having financial and political aspirations, taking part in the Tiananmen Square protest, being labeled an “instigator of unrest” by the government, then being brought to public shame that led to despair and almost suicide. All this was the backdrop for young Bob Fu’s life, and became the means that led him to open his heart to the living God whose Word says that “if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.”Upon coming to Christ, Bob Fu’s life only became more adventurous! As told in his book God’s Double Agent, he became a teacher in the communist schools by day and a leader in the underground church after hours. After he and his wife were thrown into prison for “illegal religious activity”, God miraculously made a way for them to escape China. His burden for his persecuted brothers in China led him to start ChinaAid - an organization that brings help and awareness to those who are being persecuted in China. Bob Fu is one of the leading voices in the world for persecuted faith communities in China.Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleship
10/1/2023 • 1 hour, 8 minutes, 50 seconds
Fear Not - Part 4
From Daniel who continued to pray openly to David who ran toward Goliath, Scripture gives many examples of those who lived boldly and confidently in the midst of fearful circumstances! The strength that these men demonstrated in the face of fear was because they kept the gaze of their soul on God and Him alone. If we as believers walk in the fear of the Lord, our lives will not only be free from compromise, but we will also embolden other believers to fear God and stand for the truth.In a day of political correctness and pressure to conform, we need more than ever to be free from fear of man. But how? By fearing God! What we fear becomes our focus. It is our focus that determines the direction our life takes and the fruit it bears. If you see negative fruits of fear in your life, ask yourself this question, “What has my focus?” As we take the gaze of our soul and place it on Christ, we will experience freedom from the fear of man as well as the peace that comes from fearing God alone! Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
9/25/2023 • 24 minutes, 55 seconds
Fear Not - Part 3
In this encouraging episode, Nate and Gabe expound on several Scriptures that address fear. This episode paints a beautiful picture of how treasuring the Word of God in our hearts is directly connected with learning to live in the fear of God. His words hidden in our heart becomes a shield that protects us from the fiery darts of the enemy. It is when we forget the words and works of God that fear creeps into our lives.In a day of political correctness and pressure to conform, we need more than ever to be free from fear of man. But how? By fearing God! What we fear becomes our focus. It is our focus that determines the direction our life takes and the fruit it bears. If you see negative fruits of fear in your life, ask yourself this question, “What has my focus?” As we take the gaze of our soul and place it on Christ, we will experience freedom from the fear of man as well as the peace that comes from fearing God alone! Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
9/18/2023 • 20 minutes
Fear Not - Part 2
Have you ever been confused by the fact that we are commanded to “fear not” while also being commanded to “fear God”? In this episode, Nate and Gabe give beautiful descriptions of what it means to fear God while maintaining a proper view of Who He is - a God Who loves us and cares for us, but also a God Who is righteous and holy. As we gaze upon God and know Him for Who He truly is, we are delivered from all our fears.In a day of political correctness and pressure to conform, we need more than ever to be free from fear of man. But how? By fearing God! What we fear becomes our focus. It is our focus that determines the direction our life takes and the fruit it bears. If you see negative fruits of fear in your life, ask yourself this question, “What has my focus?” As we take the gaze of our soul and place it on Christ, we will experience freedom from the fear of man as well as the peace that comes from fearing God alone! Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
9/11/2023 • 18 minutes, 22 seconds
Fear Not - Part 1
Fears plague us - fear of the future, fear of the unknown, fear of man, fear of financial loss, fear of the opinions of other people. Is it even possible to be free from fear? Listen as Gabe and Nate share from the very words of Jesus telling us how we can walk in trust of our loving Heavenly Father and be free from fear.In a day of political correctness and pressure to conform, we need more than ever to be free from fear of man. But how? By fearing God! What we fear becomes our focus. It is our focus that determines the direction our life takes and the fruit it bears. If you see negative fruits of fear in your life, ask yourself this question, “What has my focus?” As we take the gaze of our soul and place it on Christ, we will experience freedom from the fear of man as well as the peace that comes from fearing God alone!Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at Study guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleship
9/4/2023 • 20 minutes, 5 seconds
Be Wise as Serpents, Harmless as Doves - Part 4
In this episode, Nate and Gabe share stories from the Bible of ones who exemplified this command being “wise as serpents and harmless as doves”. From Gideon to Moses to Stephen to Paul, the Bible has countless illustrations of how this command can be applied, how it should impact our lives and the lives of those around us.Throughout scripture, Jesus made it clear that He would send His followers into hostile environments - “as sheep among wolves.” The purpose of this is to further His Kingdom. But how is it possible for sheep to make a positive impact among wolves?! First we must walk in complete dependence on our Shepherd, Jesus Christ. The Shepherd is able to impart to us His wisdom and peace just like it is demonstrated through the serpent and dove. Possessing these vital qualities is paramount to our effectiveness in displaying the love and tenderness of Jesus not only to the lost, but even to our persecutors!Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
8/28/2023 • 18 minutes, 54 seconds
Be Wise as Serpents, Harmless as Doves - Part 3
Our human tendency is to fight “fire with fire.” But in God’s kingdom, this is not how things are to work. God wants our lives as believers to be marked by the disposition of a lamb and a dove. Listen as Nate and Gabe discuss how this command is not insinuating that we be “wimpy” as believers. But on the contrary, it is learning to walk in total dependence on the life of Jesus allowing Him to love the wolves through us. We overcome the wolves by laying down our lives in surrender to the Shepherd.Throughout scripture, Jesus made it clear that He would send His followers into hostile environments - “as sheep among wolves.” The purpose of this is to further His Kingdom. But how is it possible for sheep to make a positive impact among wolves?! First we must walk in complete dependence on our Shepherd, Jesus Christ. The Shepherd is able to impart to us His wisdom and peace just like it is demonstrated through the serpent and dove. Possessing these vital qualities is paramount to our effectiveness in displaying the love and tenderness of Jesus not only to the lost, but even to our persecutors! Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
8/21/2023 • 17 minutes, 29 seconds
Be Wise as Serpents, Harmless as Doves - Part 2
What does it look like to be a “sheep among wolves” and to respond as a harmless dove? In this episode Nate and Gabe delve into what Jesus meant when He spoke of the harmless attributes of a dove. As believers, our attitude toward the “wolves” should be one of love, tenderness, and compassion, desiring that they too would become sheep following Jesus as their Shepherd.Throughout scripture, Jesus made it clear that He would send His followers into hostile environments - “as sheep among wolves.” The purpose of this is to further His Kingdom. But how is it possible for sheep to make a positive impact among wolves?! First we must walk in complete dependence on our Shepherd, Jesus Christ. The Shepherd is able to impart to us His wisdom and peace just like it is demonstrated through the serpent and dove. Possessing these vital qualities is paramount to our effectiveness in displaying the love and tenderness of Jesus not only to the lost, but even to our persecutors! Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
8/14/2023 • 20 minutes, 59 seconds
Be Wise as Serpents, Harmless as Doves - Part 1
In Jesus’ command Be Wise as Serpents, have you ever wondered what wisdom and snakes have in common? Snakes usually have a negative connotation, right? Even in scripture, they are very rarely referenced in a positive way. In this episode, Nate and Gabe will share fascinating insights into the positive characteristics of snakes that Jesus intends for us to emulate.Throughout scripture, Jesus made it clear that He would send His followers into hostile environments - “as sheep among wolves.” The purpose of this is to further His Kingdom. But how is it possible for sheep to make a positive impact among wolves?! First we must walk in complete dependence on our Shepherd, Jesus Christ. The Shepherd is able to impart to us His wisdom and peace just like it is demonstrated through the serpent and dove. Possessing these vital qualities is paramount to our effectiveness in displaying the love and tenderness of Jesus not only to the lost, but even to our persecutors! Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at Study guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleship
8/7/2023 • 18 minutes, 27 seconds
Bonus - Dean Kershner Part 2: What's a Missionary?
What do you think of when you hear the word “missionary”? Do you need to go to a foreign country? Do you need to have formal training? Or do you need to learn a foreign language? Unfortunately, we tend to stereotype missionaries leading us to define mission work unbiblically. In this episode, you won't want to miss what Dean Kershner has to share as he biblically defines mission work, shares precious stories and gives practical insight on learning to be a missionary as God defines it!It is a blessing to have Dean Kershner as a guest on the podcast. While many may know Dean for his gifted ability to impersonate historical heroes of faith, such as Vanya, he has also had the opportunity to invest in God’s Kingdom through ministry overseas. Dean’s international work began in Moscow, Russian in 1992 where he served for five years. In 2002, the Lord led Dean and his wife to begin working with Gospelink, a ministry that supports indigenous preachers financially, educationally, and practically. Dean is now a field director and has a contagious passion for the gospel and incredible stories from his experiences! Be encouraged as you listen!Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleship
7/31/2023 • 33 minutes, 40 seconds
Bonus - Dean Kershner Part 1: “Cooking Class,” Culture Class, or God’s Class?
“Listen to them! Listen to them! They’re right! I will spend the rest of my life searching for this God!” Dean couldn’t have been more shocked to hear these exclamations coming from a Russian professor of the high school he was visiting that day. The setting: the 1990’s post communist country of Russia. The country was filled with millions of people who had never heard the gospel; this would become Dean’s mission field! Listen as Dean shares his unforgettable experience that would lead him to serving 5 years as a missionary in a land steeped in communism! It is a blessing to have Dean Kershner as a guest on the podcast. While many may know Dean for his gifted ability to impersonate historical heroes of faith, such as Vanya, he has also had the opportunity to invest in God’s Kingdom through ministry overseas. Dean’s international work began in Moscow, Russian in 1992 where he served for five years. In 2002, the Lord led Dean and his wife to begin working with Gospelink, a ministry that supports indigenous preachers financially, educationally, and practically. Dean is now a field director and has a contagious passion for the gospel and incredible stories from his experiences! Be encouraged as you listen!Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleship
7/31/2023 • 34 minutes, 50 seconds
Pray for Laborers - Part 4
Even if we can’t personally meet a need, we can pray for God to send laborers to meet it! In this episode Nate and Gabe exhort us to take time to allow God to share His heart of love and compassion for others with us. How is God stirring your heart? Has He given you a burden for a specific area? As He moves on your heart, pray!Our natural response when we see needs is usually to summon our human energy and attempt to “do something” to meet the need. But we will see in this command that the first thing we are instructed to do is to “pray to the Lord of the harvest.” As we pray, the Lord is not only able to give us His heart and perspective, but our prayers also enable Him to move in people and circumstances in ways that we never could!Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
7/24/2023 • 16 minutes, 9 seconds
Pray for Laborers - Part 3
One of the greatest things we can do for others is to pray for them. As Oswald Chambers said, “Prayer isn’t preparation for the greater work; prayer is the greater work.” In this encouraging episode, Nate and Gabe cover practical questions such as, “How do we pray for laborers?” And “What are we to pray for laborers?” Through prayer, we can actually play a huge role in the labors of other people!.Our natural response when we see needs is usually to summon our human energy and attempt to “do something” to meet the need. But we will see in this command that the first thing we are instructed to do is to “pray to the Lord of the harvest.” As we pray, the Lord is not only able to give us His heart and perspective, but our prayers also enable Him to move in people and circumstances in ways that we never could!Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
7/17/2023 • 19 minutes, 6 seconds
Pray for Laborers - Part 2
A huge aspect of this command is found in John 4:35, “Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest.” We are often so busy and so focused on ourselves that we miss what God is doing in the lives of people around us. Join Nate and Gabe as they exhort God’s people to “lift up our eyes” and participate with the Lord of the harvest in what He is doing in our day.Our natural response when we see needs is usually to summon our human energy and attempt to “do something” to meet the need. But we will see in this command that the first thing we are instructed to do is to “pray to the Lord of the harvest.” As we pray, the Lord is not only able to give us His heart and perspective, but our prayers also enable Him to move in people and circumstances in ways that we never could!Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
7/10/2023 • 19 minutes, 6 seconds
Pray for Laborers - Part 1
God desires all to enter into the Kingdom - He desires that all would enter into relationship with Him! When we begin to see God’s heart and desire for all people, then we begin to have compassion for people as Jesus did. Listen as Nate and Gabe share how this heart of compassion lays the foundation upon which Jesus commands us to pray for laborers.Our natural response when we see needs is usually to summon our human energy and attempt to “do something” to meet the need. But we will see in this command that the first thing we are instructed to do is to “pray to the Lord of the harvest.” As we pray, the Lord is not only able to give us His heart and perspective, but our prayers also enable Him to move in people and circumstances in ways that we never could!Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at Study guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleship
7/3/2023 • 18 minutes, 39 seconds
Beware of False Prophets - Part 4
What is the truth “litmus test” for everything we hear? First, is it exalting Jesus? Second, is it exalting the Word of God? The goal of a true teacher ought always to be to point others away from himself and to the Lord Jesus Christ. In this episode, Nate and Gabe explore Biblical examples and descriptions that often accompany false teachers. Join them as they conclude this four part series on the command of Christ, Beware of False Prophets! In our day, there is a growing need for us to be able to discern between what is true and what is false. With so much teaching from so many sources available at our fingertips, we can see that Jesus’ command to Beware of False Prophets is just as applicable and needful for us today! For this reason, may we daily saturate our hearts and minds in the Word of God! As we do, we will know the Truth and be able to discern what is not of God through the power of His Holy Spirit.Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
6/26/2023 • 19 minutes, 15 seconds
Beware of False Prophets - Part 3
How do we learn to recognize what is false? We might think that the best way to learn to spot falsehood is by studying counterfeits. Surprisingly this is not true! We actually learn to spot a counterfeit by immersing ourselves in the real thing! This principle holds true in our walk with the Lord as well. As we saturate our lives in Him and His Word, He sharpens our discernment to be able to distinguish truth from error.In our day, there is a growing need for us to be able to discern between what is true and what is false. With so much teaching from so many sources available at our fingertips, we can see that Jesus’ command to Beware of False Prophets is just as applicable and needful for us today! For this reason, may we daily saturate our hearts and minds in the Word of God! As we do, we will know the Truth and be able to discern what is not of God through the power of His Holy Spirit.Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
6/19/2023 • 18 minutes, 52 seconds
Beware of False Prophets - Part 2
Why do we fall for false teaching? Why do we get misled by them? In this episode, Nate and Gabe explore characteristics of true and false teachers. This is an exhortation and admonition to all of us - are we listening to people who are telling us what we want to hear? Or are we listening to those who are glorifying Jesus and drawing us to the truth of His Word?In our day, there is a growing need for us to be able to discern between what is true and what is false. With so much teaching from so many sources available at our fingertips, we can see that Jesus’ command to Beware of False Prophets is just as applicable and needful for us today! For this reason, may we daily saturate our hearts and minds in the Word of God! As we do, we will know the Truth and be able to discern what is not of God through the power of His Holy Spirit.Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
6/12/2023 • 21 minutes, 58 seconds
Beware of False Prophets - Part 1
How do we identify a “false prophet”? And how do we identify one who is speaking the truth? It can be confusing because outwardly they can look the same! Jesus gives us the key: “ you will know them by their fruits.” Fruit is the outward manifestation of what is inside a person’s heart. In our day, there is a growing need for us to be able to discern between what is true and what is false. With so much teaching from so many sources available at our fingertips, we can see that Jesus’ command to Beware of False Prophets is just as applicable and needful for us today! For this reason, may we daily saturate our hearts and minds in the Word of God! As we do, we will know the Truth and be able to discern what is not of God through the power of His Holy Spirit.Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleship
6/5/2023 • 19 minutes, 49 seconds
Bonus - Eric Ludy: Position, Position, Position
In real estate the motto is: “Location. Location. Location.” In Christianity the motto is: “Position. Position. Position.” As a Christian, one of the most important things for you to know and understand is your position in Christ. Being in something is very different from being on, around, or near something. In this engaging episode, Eric helps bring fresh perspective and clarity to this life-defining topic. We are thrilled to have Eric Ludy as a guest on the HDN Podcast again! Eric and his wife Leslie are the directors of the Ellerslie Discipleship Training in Windsor, Colorado where Eric also pastors the Church at Ellerslie. Eric has a gift and passion for presenting timeless truths of Christianity in a fresh way!Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleship
5/29/2023 • 31 minutes, 3 seconds
Choose the Narrow Way - Part 4
It gives us a lot of perspective when we consider the end of our choices. The world (i.e., the broad way) promises life and happiness and pleasure now, but it ends in death. Whereas God’s way (i.e., the narrow way) starts with death - death to self and embracing the cross, but it ends in life and peace and rest. The choice to walk in the narrow way isn’t just a one-time choice, but one we must make daily to have our actions and even our thoughts be in agreement with God. Whether you are going strong in your walk with the Lord or needing some encouragement, this study on the command Choose the Narrow Way will encourage you to choose and keep choosing deeper fellowship with Christ over anything else!Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
5/22/2023 • 21 minutes, 40 seconds
Choose the Narrow Way - Part 3
How would a woman feel on her wedding day if her husband was saddened because his focus was on all the other women that he could not marry? When pondering the command to Choose the Narrow Way, we can often get hung up on all that we have to give up. But choosing the narrow way is not just an invitation to turn from the things of the world; it is an opportunity to turn wholeheartedly to the Lord. The focus of this command is not on what we are turning from, but Who we are turning to!The choice to walk in the narrow way isn’t just a one-time choice, but one we must make daily to have our actions and even our thoughts be in agreement with God. Whether you are going strong in your walk with the Lord or needing some encouragement, this study on the command Choose the Narrow Way will encourage you to choose and keep choosing deeper fellowship with Christ over anything else!Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
5/15/2023 • 20 minutes, 32 seconds
Choose the Narrow Way - Part 2
Even as a Christian, do you find yourself struggling with the same thoughts, choices, and actions that you had before you were saved? This can be discouraging! But it helps to understand that there is a difference between the gate and the way. The gate is how we enter into new life with Christ; the way is how we learn to walk in this new life. Don’t be discouraged by the process! Learning to walk in the narrow way is allowing God to retrain our habits and thinking so that while we are still in the world, we are not part of the world. The choice to walk in the narrow way isn’t just a one-time choice, but one we must make daily to have our actions and even our thoughts be in agreement with God. Whether you are going strong in your walk with the Lord or needing some encouragement, this study on the command Choose the Narrow Way will encourage you to choose and keep choosing deeper fellowship with Christ over anything else!Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
5/8/2023 • 19 minutes, 9 seconds
Choose the Narrow Way - Part 1
Throughout Scripture God only gives two choices for how to live our lives — as He said in Deuteronomy 30, we can choose life or we can choose death. In this new command, we will see that Christ gives the same two choices: we can either choose the narrow way (i.e., life) or we can choose the broad way (i.e., death). This choice doesn’t just apply to salvation. A huge part of learning to walk in the narrow way is learning to “choose life” by choosing to put our relationship with the Lord first and to turn from anything that hinders our relationship with Him.The choice to walk in the narrow way isn’t just a one-time choice, but one we must make daily to have our actions and even our thoughts be in agreement with God. Whether you are going strong in your walk with the Lord or needing some encouragement, this study on the command Choose the Narrow Way will encourage you to choose and keep choosing deeper fellowship with Christ over anything else! Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleship
5/1/2023 • 19 minutes, 3 seconds
Do Unto Others - Part 4
Do you ever have the subtle thought that you are better or more important than others? Do you ever overlook other people's needs or perspective? Do you tend to focus on others' faults and excuse your own shortcomings? In this convicting episode, Nate and Gabe will expose the great need for us to walk in humility and sensitivity. We need to daily ask the Holy Spirit to cultivate in us a sensitivity to the needs of other people.There is no room for selfishness in the Christian life. As we examine what we commonly refer to as “The Golden Rule”, may our hearts be stirred to see our selfish focus and shallow pursuits for what they are, and turn to Jesus. He has given Himself to us, and only by His life in us are we able to lay down ourselves to our Father’s will for the sake of others.Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
4/24/2023 • 16 minutes, 41 seconds
Do Unto Others - Part 3
All people have needs - the need to be loved, the need to be protected and provided for, the need to be known and cared for, and even deeper spiritual needs. In this episode, Nate and Gabe discuss how making ourselves available to the Lord to meet the needs of others, often opens a door to meet their spiritual needs. As He does this in us, the world will not see merely an attempt at being Christlike, they will actually see Christ Himself living and operating through us!There is no room for selfishness in the Christian life. As we examine what we commonly refer to as “The Golden Rule”, may our hearts be stirred to see our selfish focus and shallow pursuits for what they are, and turn to Jesus. He has given Himself to us, and only by His life in us are we able to lay down ourselves to our Father’s will for the sake of others.Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
4/17/2023 • 17 minutes, 15 seconds
Do Unto Others - Part 2
What do you want others to do for you? How do you want people to treat you? What kindness do you desire from family or friends? Jesus makes it very clear - whatever you want others to be doing for you, you should do for them. This is not something passive - it is something active. Listen as Nate and Gabe exhort us to allow Christ to actively love others through us!There is no room for selfishness in the Christian life. As we examine what we commonly refer to as “The Golden Rule”, may our hearts be stirred to see our selfish focus and shallow pursuits for what they are, and turn to Jesus. He has given Himself to us, and only by His life in us are we able to lay down ourselves to our Father’s will for the sake of others.Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
4/10/2023 • 15 minutes, 56 seconds
Do Unto Others - Part 1
It is so easy to live for me - my wants, my needs, and my goals. How wonderful and freeing when the Lord opens our eyes to see that life is not about me! Life is about God - living in relationship with Him and being filled with the life of His Son. In this study on the command Do Unto Others, we will take a deeper look into the beautiful calling we have to be channels of His life to those around us.There is no room for selfishness in the Christian life. As we examine what we commonly refer to as “The Golden Rule”, may our hearts be stirred to see our selfish focus and shallow pursuits for what they are, and turn to Jesus. He has given Himself to us, and only by His life in us are we able to lay down ourselves to our Father’s will for the sake of others.Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleship
4/3/2023 • 17 minutes, 6 seconds
Ask, Seek, and Knock - Part 4
There are three promises Jesus gives in this command: 1) if we ask, it will be given. 2) if we seek, we will find. 3) if we knock, it will be opened. If these incredible promises are true (and they are), then they would beg the questions: Why are we not consistently asking? Why are we not faithfully seeking? Why are we not eagerly knocking? So often our asking, seeking and knocking are as big as our view of God.God is a Father Who is good and does good. In commanding us to ask, seek and knock, He is not trying to dangle a carrot in front of us or make things complicated for us. It is actually an invitation to draw closer in our relationship and communion with Him. Will we respond to this invitation and pursue intimacy with Him?Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
3/27/2023 • 17 minutes, 59 seconds
Ask, Seek, and Knock - Part 3
In this encouraging episode, Nate and Gabe address questions we all may have about the command to Ask, Seek and Knock. Questions such as: What about Jesus’ words “ask what you will and it will be done to you”? What if I asked and nothing has happened? How do I grow in faith? God is a Father Who is good and does good. In commanding us to ask, seek and knock, He is not trying to dangle a carrot in front of us or make things complicated for us. It is actually an invitation to draw closer in our relationship and communion with Him. Will we respond to this invitation and pursue intimacy with Him?Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
3/20/2023 • 21 minutes, 2 seconds
Ask, Seek, and Knock - Part 2
Do you have a 911 relationship with God? Are you only seeking God when you’re in a “tight spot”? Or is your asking, seeking, and knocking motivated by a desire to consistently pursue fellowship and intimacy with your Heavenly Father?God is a Father Who is good and does good. In commanding us to ask, seek and knock, He is not trying to dangle a carrot in front of us or make things complicated for us. It is actually an invitation to draw closer in our relationship and communion with Him. Will we respond to this invitation and pursue intimacy with Him?Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
3/13/2023 • 18 minutes, 36 seconds
Ask, Seek, and Knock - Part 1
The command Ask, Seek and Knock reveals the depths of God's love as our Heavenly Father towards us. He wants us to come to Him and ask! However, Jesus gives a parable in Luke 11:5-11 that unlocks an even greater dimension to this exciting command…a dimension of meeting the needs of others! God is a Father Who is good and does good. In commanding us to ask, seek and knock, He is not trying to dangle a carrot in front of us or make things complicated for us. It is actually an invitation to draw closer in our relationship and communion with Him. Will we respond to this invitation and pursue intimacy with Him?Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleship
3/6/2023 • 15 minutes, 21 seconds
Do Not Cast Pearls - Part 4
There is a tendency in Christianity today to try to win the world but use the world's methods. This always leads to compromise. In this episode, Nate and Gabe highlight the importance of not watering down truth in order to make it appealing to the world. As Keith Daniels said, “You don’t win the world by becoming like the world. The world will win you - that’s all that will happen.”A wonderful summation of this command can be found in the story of the prodigal son. There was a season of life where the son would’ve been characterized as “swine“ – he did not value the things of his father. It would have been a waste to try to reason with him. However his loving father waited patiently, and, at the right time, his son was ready to hear the truth and repent. May we be encouraged to pray for those in our lives who are resistant, and to look to the Lord for His perfect timing to share truth.Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
2/27/2023 • 19 minutes, 55 seconds
Do Not Cast Pearls - Part 3
It is so important for us to be walking closely with God. We need the Lord‘s wisdom and discernment when to share truth and when not to share it. The Lord knows the hearts of people, and He knows when the timing is going to be the most fruitful and most effective.A wonderful summation of this command can be found in the story of the prodigal son. There was a season of life where the son would’ve been characterized as “swine“ – he did not value the things of his father. It would have been a waste to try to reason with him. However his loving father waited patiently, and, at the right time, his son was ready to hear the truth and repent. May we be encouraged to pray for those in our lives who are resistant, and to look to the Lord for His perfect timing to share truth.Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
2/20/2023 • 17 minutes, 53 seconds
Do Not Cast Pearls - Part 2
Just as pearls are precious, so is the work of God in the life of a believer. It should be the heart of every Christian to share with others the Word of God and the work He is doing in their lives. But we must recognize that not everyone values these and sees them as treasures. Join Nate and Gabe as they discuss being dependent upon the Lord for His perfect timing in sharing our testimony and God’s Word with others.A wonderful summation of this command can be found in the story of the prodigal son. There was a season of life where the son would’ve been characterized as “swine“ – he did not value the things of his father. It would have been a waste to try to reason with him. However his loving father waited patiently, and, at the right time, his son was ready to hear the truth and repent. May we be encouraged to pray for those in our lives who are resistant, and to look to the Lord for His perfect timing to share truth.Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
2/13/2023 • 18 minutes, 58 seconds
Do Not Cast Pearls - Part 1
To be “swine“ or “dogs” is in part referring to the attitude and actions of people who don’t value what Christ values. The command Do Not Cast Pearls can initially seem ambiguous, however a deeper study will reveal something that is very close to God‘s heart: the preciousness of His truth. In this episode, Nate and Gabe will talk about the great need for discernment to be able to share truth in the way that God desires.A wonderful summation of this command can be found in the story of the prodigal son. There was a season of life where the son would’ve been characterized as “swine“ – he did not value the things of his father. It would have been a waste to try to reason with him. However his loving father waited patiently, and, at the right time, his son was ready to hear the truth and repent. May we be encouraged to pray for those in our lives who are resistant, and to look to the Lord for His perfect timing to share truth.Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleship
2/6/2023 • 19 minutes, 9 seconds
Bonus - Roger Helle: Embracing An Enemy
From fighting in the dense jungles of Vietnam to embracing the ones that tried taking his life, listen as Roger Helle shares his unforgettable testimony of God’s mercy, love and grace! As a highly decorated veteran, Roger was searching to find acceptance, value and meaning in life. It was not until God brought him to “rock bottom” that he found what he was searching for!Just because someone has achieved success in the world's eyes does not mean that they have found the peace, joy and contentment they are looking for. In this guest episode, Roger shares the rejection, hurt and pain he faced in his life. All to find that within himself, he didn’t have the hope he was searching for. Join Gabe Cleator and Roger Helle as they discuss how God can use tragic experiences to help us discover the love and fulfillment only found in Christ!
1/30/2023 • 55 minutes, 6 seconds
Judge Not - Part 4
Do you desire to “fix” those around you or do you desire to come alongside them? In this episode, Nate and Gabe share how allowing God to first deal with us enables us to actually help others. As God reveals our own issues and deals with them, it brings humility in us and a heart of mercy toward those in our lives. When we take it on ourselves to cast judgment on others, we are putting ourselves in the place of God. There IS a good and righteous Judge, and it is vital for us to allow Him to re-calibrate our inner sense of justice according to His heart, His Word, and His law. Then He is able to use us to restore those around us.Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
1/23/2023 • 23 minutes, 18 seconds
Judge Not - Part 3
In this episode, Nate and Gabe discuss practical aspects of the command to “Judge Not.” It is so easy for us to judge quickly and harshly (I.e., to judge with unrighteous judgment). It is key for us to learn to walk in humility and to seek the Lord’s mind and perspective.When we take it on ourselves to cast judgment on others, we are putting ourselves in the place of God. There IS a good and righteous Judge, and it is vital for us to allow Him to re-calibrate our inner sense of justice according to His heart, His Word, and His law. Then He is able to use us to restore those around us.Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
1/16/2023 • 21 minutes, 39 seconds
Judge Not - Part 2
Have you ever considered the fact that we are best at identifying in other people what is actually in ourselves? Oftentimes the wrong we see in other people is a mirror that is reflecting the wrong in our own lives. Join Nate and Gabe as they discuss the “me first” principle - God wants to deal with the wrong in me first before I try to fix it in others. When we take it on ourselves to cast judgment on others, we are putting ourselves in the place of God. There IS a good and righteous Judge, and it is vital for us to allow Him to re-calibrate our inner sense of justice according to His heart, His Word, and His law. Then He is able to use us to restore those around us.Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
1/9/2023 • 21 minutes, 52 seconds
Judge Not - Part 1
It has been said that “things are as God sees them, and not as they seem to me.” And John 7:24 says, “Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.” One key aspect of this command to “Judge Not” is that we are not to judge things from our own point of view or preferences, but we are to allow God to bring us into agreement with His perspective.When we take it on ourselves to cast judgment on others, we are putting ourselves in the place of God. There IS a good and righteous Judge, and it is vital for us to allow Him to re-calibrate our inner sense of justice according to His heart, His Word, and His law. Then He is able to use us to restore those around us.Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleship
1/2/2023 • 19 minutes, 32 seconds
Seek God's Kingdom - Part 4
Have you ever considered that the primary responsibility of provision rests on our Heavenly Father? While God does lead us to have jobs and work hard, our trust should never be in ourselves or in a paycheck. Join Nate and Gabe as they discuss how we can truly trust and lean on our Heavenly Father to provide for us.Do you really believe that your heavenly Father cares for you? And with that, do you really believe that He knows about the needs that you have? And do you really trust that if you make it your top priority to seek first God’s Kingdom that He will provide for your every need? He has promised to! We can trust Him.Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
12/26/2022 • 21 minutes, 20 seconds
Seek God's Kingdom - Part 3
What are you setting your mind on? It is so easy to get caught up in the cares and anxieties of “normal life.” However Romans 14:17 says, “the kingdom of God is…righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit”. Setting our mind on the Lord and His word produces “kingdom thoughts” in us - and these thoughts are characterized by peace, joy, and rightness with God!Do you really believe that your heavenly Father cares for you? And with that, do you really believe that He knows about the needs that you have? And do you really trust that if you make it your top priority to seek first God’s Kingdom that He will provide for your every need? He has promised to! We can trust Him.Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
12/19/2022 • 18 minutes, 54 seconds
Seek God's Kingdom - Part 2
When we hear “kingdom of God,” our minds tend to think of the future reign of God in the new heavens and new earth. While that is a wonderful aspect of it, the Kingdom of God isn’t just relegated to the future. God’s Kingdom is today! Join Nate and Gabe as they share about seeking God’s Kingdom today through His rule and authority in every area of our lives.Do you really believe that your heavenly Father cares for you? And with that, do you really believe that He knows about the needs that you have? And do you really trust that if you make it your top priority to seek first God’s Kingdom that He will provide for your every need? He has promised to! We can trust Him.Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
12/12/2022 • 19 minutes, 2 seconds
Seek God's Kingdom - Part 1
A kingdom is a jurisdictional area where a king reigns as king! So when Jesus commands us to “seek first the kingdom of God'', He is casting a beautiful vision for our everyday lives. Our lives are not meant to be consumed by anxiety and worry, but rather, to be consumed with seeking the will of the King! As we do this, He promises to take care of even the most basic needs of our lives.Do you really believe that your heavenly Father cares for you? And with that, do you really believe that He knows about the needs that you have? And do you really trust that if you make it your top priority to seek first God’s Kingdom that He will provide for your every need? He has promised to! We can trust Him.Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleship
12/5/2022 • 19 minutes, 15 seconds
Lay Up Treasures - Part 4
What is one of the most valuable treasures that we have? Join Nate and Gabe as they talk about the treasure of our time. What we spend our time on both reveals what we love and becomes what we love.At the heart of this command is the question: will I have an eternal mindset or will I have a temporal mindset? Our mindset will determine what we see is valuable (i.e., what we treasure). In this command we will explore Jesus’ encouragement to invest our lives in that which cannot be destroyed or taken away.Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
11/28/2022 • 18 minutes, 24 seconds
Lay Up Treasures - Part 3
Are we to “follow our heart“ or does our heart follow where we lead it? Join Nate and Gabe as they unpack the truth that “where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”At the heart of this command is the question: will I have an eternal mindset or will I have a temporal mindset? Our mindset will determine what we see is valuable (i.e., what we treasure). In this command we will explore Jesus’ encouragement to invest our lives in that which cannot be destroyed or taken away.Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
11/21/2022 • 20 minutes, 16 seconds
Lay Up Treasures - Part 2
We are all investors - we are all investing our lives into something! The most ideal investment is one that will give you the largest return for the longest amount of time. In light of this, consider the opportunity God gives us to make eternal investments as you listen to Nate and Gabe share on Jesus’ command to lay up treasures!At the heart of this command is the question: will I have an eternal mindset or will I have a temporal mindset? Our mindset will determine what we see is valuable (i.e., what we treasure). In this command we will explore Jesus’ encouragement to invest our lives in that which cannot be destroyed or taken away.Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
11/14/2022 • 18 minutes, 37 seconds
Lay Up Treasures - Part 1
What do you see as valuable and does it determine your identity? If we let the Lord search us, often we will find that we place a wrong focus on temporal things - our job, our position, our possessions, even our clothes! God desires us to be free from the bondage of an earthly mindset and have our focus set on eternity.At the heart of this command is the question: will I have an eternal mindset or will I have a temporal mindset? Our mindset will determine what we see is valuable (i.e., what we treasure). In this command we will explore Jesus’ encouragement to invest our lives in that which cannot be destroyed or taken away.Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleship
11/7/2022 • 16 minutes, 34 seconds
Bonus - Lew Sterrett: The Search for Approval
Have you ever sought to fill a void in your life by trying to gain the approval of others but found the void only became greater? In this guest episode, Dr. Lew Sterrett shares how God used a tragic experience in his early childhood to set his life on a course of finding complete acceptance and approval in His Heavenly Father.One of the greatest needs mankind possesses is to find the acceptance of someone who genuinely loves, cares and receives them. God has graciously met this need, and He has done so through providing a way that all mankind can know Him! Listen as Gabe and our guest, Dr. Lew Sterrett, discuss the keys of finding our approval, love and affirmation in God through a personal relationship with Christ.Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleship
10/31/2022 • 39 minutes, 12 seconds
Practice Secret Disciplines - Part 4
What we set our focus on will determine how we live. A temporal focus will rob us of that which really matters. Are there areas of your life in which you have a temporal focus? Listen as Nate and Gabe give encouragement on how to walk with an eternal focus and thus treasure what God values. In Matthew 6, Jesus commands us to give, pray, and fast in secret. Why in secret? When we practice these disciplines in secret, it cultivates an intimate relationship with our Heavenly Father and a mature focus of living to please Him alone. In this command we see a beautiful aspect of the heart of God - He desires to draw us into a relationship with Himself and to free us from the bondage that comes from living for the recognition of men. Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
10/24/2022 • 19 minutes, 39 seconds
Practice Secret Disciplines - Part 3
Colossians 3:23 says, “And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men.” God‘s heart is that we would do everything as unto Him. In this episode, Nate and Gabe delve into practical aspects of the disciplines of giving, praying, and fasting and how these are a call to prioritize relationship with God. In Matthew 6, Jesus commands us to give, pray, and fast in secret. Why in secret? When we practice these disciplines in secret, it cultivates an intimate relationship with our Heavenly Father and a mature focus of living to please Him alone. In this command we see a beautiful aspect of the heart of God - He desires to draw us into a relationship with Himself and to free us from the bondage that comes from living for the recognition of men. Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
10/17/2022 • 21 minutes, 43 seconds
Practice Secret Disciplines - Part 2
Join Nate and Gabe as they dig into the nature of God as a God who desires to reveal Himself to those who seek Him. When we seek Lord and we find Him, there is an intimacy cultivated between us and Him that couldn’t come any other way.In Matthew 6, Jesus commands us to give, pray, and fast in secret. Why in secret? When we practice these disciplines in secret, it cultivates an intimate relationship with our Heavenly Father and a mature focus of living to please Him alone. In this command we see a beautiful aspect of the heart of God - He desires to draw us into a relationship with Himself and to free us from the bondage that comes from living for the recognition of men. Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
10/10/2022 • 16 minutes, 35 seconds
Practice Secret Disciplines - Part 1
Who are you living for? Join Nate and Gabe as they unpackage Christ’s command to Practice Secret Disciplines. Our response to this command will expose who we are living for. Am I being motivated by a desire to impress men? Or am I being motivated by a relationship with my Heavenly Father in which I know I am loved and accepted.In Matthew 6, Jesus commands us to give, pray, and fast in secret. Why in secret? When we practice these disciplines in secret, it cultivates an intimate relationship with our Heavenly Father and a mature focus of living to please Him alone. In this command we see a beautiful aspect of the heart of God - He desires to draw us into a relationship with Himself and to free us from the bondage that comes from living for the recognition of men. Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleship
10/3/2022 • 17 minutes
Be Perfect - Part 4
What is irritating you? How are you responding to it? Are you resisting it or are you receiving it? Join Nate and Gabe as they encourage us how to receive all hardships from the Lord as something He is using to perfect and mature us.In this exploration of the command “Be Perfect”, you will be deeply encouraged as you see God’s desire to mature His children. One of the ways He does this is by increasing our level of training, one step at a time, to become more dependent upon Him. Irritations, hardships, and difficult people are “classrooms” God gives us. As we become more dependent on Him, we become channels of His life and His love to others, and we are seen as “children of our Father in heaven.”Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
9/26/2022 • 17 minutes, 43 seconds
Be Perfect - Part 3
It has been said that “the ground is level at the foot of the cross.” One of the wonderful things about the nature of God is that He is not a respecter of persons - He doesn’t play favorites or show partiality! One of the signs of God maturing us is that we will not see ourselves as superior to other people, but we will see them as ones whom the Lord loves just as much as He loves us.In this exploration of the command “Be Perfect”, you will be deeply encouraged as you see God’s desire to mature His children. One of the ways He does this is by increasing our level of training, one step at a time, to become more dependent upon Him. Irritations, hardships, and difficult people are “classrooms” God gives us. As we become more dependent on Him, we become channels of His life and His love to others, and we are seen as “children of our Father in heaven.”Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
9/19/2022 • 18 minutes, 25 seconds
Be Perfect - Part 2
Our human concept of maturity is that we start off completely dependent but that we grow into independence. However maturity in God’s kingdom comes as we grow in greater and greater levels of dependence on Christ. Growth doesn’t happen as we need Him less, but rather as we see our need for Him more.In this exploration of the command “Be Perfect”, you will be deeply encouraged as you see God’s desire to mature His children. One of the ways He does this is by increasing our level of training, one step at a time, to become more dependent upon Him. Irritations, hardships, and difficult people are “classrooms” God gives us. As we become more dependent on Him, we become channels of His life and His love to others, and we are seen as “children of our Father in heaven.”Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
9/12/2022 • 16 minutes, 8 seconds
Be Perfect - Part 1
The command to “Be Perfect” can initially be confusing because we associate the word “perfect” with the idea of sinless perfection. However “perfect” here has the idea of growing, maturing, and becoming complete. Join Nate and Gabe as they expound on God’s desire that we as His children would grow and mature becoming channels of His perfect love to others.In this exploration of the command “Be Perfect”, you will be deeply encouraged as you see God’s desire to mature His children. One of the ways He does this is by increasing our level of training, one step at a time, to become more dependent upon Him. Irritations, hardships, and difficult people are “classrooms” God gives us. As we become more dependent on Him, we become channels of His life and His love to others, and we are seen as “children of our Father in heaven.”Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleship
9/5/2022 • 17 minutes, 55 seconds
Bonus - Jim Schettler: The Root of Bitterness
In this special guest episode, you will be both convicted as you listen to how easily bitterness infects our lives, and you will be encouraged as you hear that the diagnosis has a cure. God desires to set us free from bitterness toward Him and other people.Bitterness is one of the most effective traps of the enemy. If allowed to take root in our lives, it will trouble us, defile others, and hinder us in our walk with God. Listen as Gabe and our guest Jim Schettler share the cause, the consequences, and the cure for bitterness in our lives!Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleship
8/29/2022 • 40 minutes, 58 seconds
Love Your Enemies - Part 4
Romans 12:21 says, “Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.” This is what loving our enemies is doing - overcoming evil with good! Listen as Nate and Gabe share on the rewards God has for us as we obey Him in this way.What does love look like? What is love? A better question is, who is love? Love isn’t a thing we are to try to do. Love is a Person: Jesus Christ. When Jesus’ life fills us, His love fills us, and we become a channel of that to others.Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
8/22/2022 • 18 minutes, 40 seconds
Love Your Enemies - Part 3
In order to love our enemies, we need a correct perspective of what love really is. So much of what we’ve understood love to be is actually selfish - what can we get out of it? But the love that comes from God is selfless! Join Nate and Gabe as they discuss how to cultivate a love for our enemies.What does love look like? What is love? A better question is, who is love? Love isn’t a thing we are to try to do. Love is a Person: Jesus Christ. When Jesus’ life fills us, His love fills us, and we become a channel of that to others.Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
8/15/2022 • 18 minutes, 32 seconds
Love Your Enemies - Part 2
Is there anyone in your life who you’ve given yourself an excuse to not love? When Jesus said, “love your enemies”, He didn’t give us an exception clause. Join Nate and Gabe as they discuss how God’s call to love our enemies is not a matter of feelings, but a matter of obedience.What does love look like? What is love? A better question is, who is love? Love isn’t a thing we are to try to do. Love is a Person: Jesus Christ. When Jesus’ life fills us, His love fills us, and we become a channel of that to others.Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
8/8/2022 • 18 minutes, 50 seconds
Love Your Enemies - Part 1
Jesus’ command to “love your enemies” is not a suggestion. However, loving an enemy is impossible…for us. If we surrender to the Lord, He is able to do the impossible in us. The love of God is the only love that is strong enough to love even our enemies.What does love look like? What is love? A better question is, who is love? Love isn’t a thing we are to try to do. Love is a Person: Jesus Christ. When Jesus’ life fills us, His love fills us, and we become a channel of that to others.Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleship
8/1/2022 • 17 minutes, 9 seconds
Go The Second Mile - Part 4
Have you ever considered what would’ve happened if Paul and Silas had fled with all the other prisoners when the prison was shaken? Because they stayed (i.e., “went the second mile”), God was able to save the prison guard and his entire household! Going the second mile creates an opportunity for God to meet a need in the life of our enemies.As you reflect on this command, it is key to understand that God desires to use us as channels to minister His life to our enemies. How amazing it is that as we lay our lives down to the Lord, He is able to replace our attitudes of selfishness and self-protection with the life of His Son! Only through Him is it possible to overcome evil with good.Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
7/25/2022 • 19 minutes, 6 seconds
Go The Second Mile - Part 3
God desires to “grow us up” - His will is to mature us so that we grow beyond our natural response to offenses. One of the first steps is that we allow Him to change our mind and give us a new perspective on offenses. As we respond correctly to the tests and pressures that come, this brings maturity in our lives.As you reflect on this command, it is key to understand that God desires to use us as channels to minister His life to our enemies. How amazing it is that as we lay our lives down to the Lord, He is able to replace our attitudes of selfishness and self-protection with the life of His Son! Only through Him is it possible to overcome evil with good.Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
7/18/2022 • 18 minutes, 37 seconds
Go The Second Mile - Part 2
“Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good” (Romans 12:21). We will all be offended. But offenses can become opportunities for us to turn away from our natural reactions and to receive the Lord’s response in the situation. Listen as Nate and Gabe share the dangers of reacting in our flesh - instead of overcoming evil, we become part of the evil.As you reflect on this command, it is key to understand that God desires to use us as channels to minister His life to our enemies. How amazing it is that as we lay our lives down to the Lord, He is able to replace our attitudes of selfishness and self-protection with the life of His Son! Only through Him is it possible to overcome evil with good.Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
7/11/2022 • 20 minutes, 3 seconds
Go The Second Mile - Part 1
If you squeeze an orange, what should come out? Orange juice! If you “squeeze” a Christian, what should come out? The character of Christ! In this convicting episode, Nate and Gabe open up the command to “Go the Second Mile” shedding light on the life-changing application this can have on our lives.As you reflect on this command, it is key to understand that God desires to use us as channels to minister His life to our enemies. How amazing it is that as we lay our lives down to the Lord, He is able to replace our attitudes of selfishness and self-protection with the life of His Son! Only through Him is it possible to overcome evil with good.Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleship
7/4/2022 • 16 minutes, 53 seconds
Keep Your Word - Part 4
How are we to handle situations where we’ve broken our word? And what are we to do when we are bound in a habitual pattern of breaking our word? Listen as Nate and Gabe share about God’s solution for our problem. As we keep His Word, God enables us to keep our word!In a day where deception is commonplace, consider the weight of this truth: God always keeps His word! This is part of His character and nature! God’s desire for us, as those who have God Himself living in us, is that we accurately represent Him by keeping our word as well.Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
6/27/2022 • 17 minutes, 6 seconds
Keep Your Word - Part 3
A relationship with God touches every area of our lives! The more we walk with Him and are filled with His Word, the more we will see His truth touch our relationships, our business, etc. In this episode, Nate and Gabe talk about the value of dealing with honesty in all aspects of our lives.In a day where deception is commonplace, consider the weight of this truth: God always keeps His word! This is part of His character and nature! God’s desire for us, as those who have God Himself living in us, is that we accurately represent Him by keeping our word as well.Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
6/20/2022 • 17 minutes, 35 seconds
Keep Your Word - Part 2
All relationships are built on trust. And trust is built as a person proves himself trustworthy. When we keep our word, trust is built; when we break our word, trust is broken.In a day where deception is commonplace, consider the weight of this truth: God always keeps His word! This is part of His character and nature! God’s desire for us, as those who have God Himself living in us, is that we accurately represent Him by keeping our word as well.Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
6/13/2022 • 17 minutes, 43 seconds
Keep Your Word - Part 1
Oftentimes it is easy for us to belittle our words – to make excuses for not keeping our word or to justify ourselves for why we didn’t do what we said we would do. However, God calls us to a higher way of living. As Christians, we need to be as good as our word! Listen as Nate and Gabe expound on Jesus’ command in Matthew 5 to “let your yes be yes and your no be no.”In a day where deception is commonplace, consider the weight of this truth: God always keeps His word! This is part of His character and nature! God’s desire for us, as those who have God Himself living in us, is that we accurately represent Him by keeping our word as well.Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleship
6/6/2022 • 14 minutes, 47 seconds
Bonus - John Van Gelderen: The Way of Escape
In this riveting episode, John Van Gelderen and Gabe uncover some of Satan’s tactics in bringing temptation into our lives. To counter these attacks, they share a life changing truth God has given to overcome! You will be encouraged as you see God’s provision in Christ as “THE way of escape.”Temptation comes in different forms – there is temptation caused by the physical realm and temptation caused by the spiritual realm. God has made a way for us to escape – and it comes as we understand our position in Christ! What does it mean that Christ is in us? And what does it mean that we are in Christ? This message is perhaps one of the most practical you will ever hear on how to “appropriate” our position in Christ!Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleship
5/30/2022 • 38 minutes, 10 seconds
Do Not Lust - Part 4
Listen as Nate and Gabe share from the example of Achan how lust plays out in our lives. In life we will be faced with things we can’t always control, but by the grace of God, we don’t have to turn our heart toward those things. If we let Him, God can train us to look away from those things to Him! This is the way of victory!Listen and be encouraged that victory in the area of lust doesn’t come from our effort, but rather from dependence on the Lord. God's way to overcome lust is by way of replacement - when we pursue intimacy with the Lord and fill our mind with His Word it replaces us and pushes everything else out!Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
5/23/2022 • 21 minutes, 31 seconds
Do Not Lust - Part 3
Galatians 6:7 says, “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” One key to overcoming lust in our lives is to realize that every thought we think is a seed planted, and it will bear fruit. Join Nate and Gabe as they share how this principle is true not only a wrong thoughts but also of planting God’s Word in our hearts!Listen and be encouraged that victory in the area of lust doesn’t come from our effort, but rather from dependence on the Lord. God's way to overcome lust is by way of replacement - when we pursue intimacy with the Lord and fill our mind with His Word it replaces us and pushes everything else out!Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
5/16/2022 • 21 minutes, 12 seconds
Do Not Lust - Part 2
Moral freedom is not a status to be obtained, it is a Person to be depended upon. And that Person’s name is Jesus! As we pursue intimacy with Jesus and are filled more and more with His Word, we will see Him increase our lives, and thus be set free from the bondage of lust!Listen and be encouraged that victory in the area of lust doesn’t come from our effort, but rather from dependence on the Lord. God's way to overcome lust is by way of replacement - when we pursue intimacy with the Lord and fill our mind with His Word it replaces us and pushes everything else out!Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
5/9/2022 • 18 minutes, 51 seconds
Do Not Lust - Part 1
Lust is a matter of the heart. This is what makes lust so serious. What we set our hearts upon determines the course of our lives. This episode will leave you with the important question: am I setting my heart on anything outside the bounds of what God has for me?Listen and be encouraged that victory in the area of lust doesn’t come from our effort, but rather from dependence on the Lord. God's way to overcome lust is by way of replacement - when we pursue intimacy with the Lord and fill our mind with His Word it replaces us and pushes everything else out!Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleship
5/2/2022 • 21 minutes, 49 seconds
Be Reconciled - Part 4
Proverbs 13:10 says “Only by pride cometh contention.” And James 4:6 says “God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble.” In this conclusion of the command to Be Reconciled, Nate and Gabe share how being reconciled (as well as avoiding offenses altogether) comes down to humbling ourselves before God and allowing Him to transform every aspect of who we are.The foundation for being reconciled to our brother is realizing that God has reconciled us to Himself through Christ. God desires to be one with mankind! It is only when we understand the value of this that we can grasp the full weight of being reconciled to each other. God’s desire is that we not only enter into reconciliation with Him, but that we also become channels of it! Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
4/25/2022 • 18 minutes, 19 seconds
Be Reconciled - Part 3
It has been said that the eight most difficult words in the English language are, “I was wrong. Will you forgive me?” Often the cause for offense is our pride. When pursuing reconciliation with others, humility is key. Listen as Nate and Gabe share practical aspects of pursuing reconciliation.The foundation for being reconciled to our brother is realizing that God has reconciled us to Himself through Christ. God desires to be one with mankind! It is only when we understand the value of this that we can grasp the full weight of being reconciled to each other. God’s desire is that we not only enter into reconciliation with Him, but that we also become channels of it! Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
4/18/2022 • 20 minutes, 18 seconds
Be Reconciled - Part 2
Often we try to deal with our offenses on our own – just between us and God. But God tells us that if we’ve caused an offense, we need to pursue the one we’ve offended to make it right. God designed us to function in harmony together. If one part of your body is out of alignment, your whole body has trouble functioning. While this is true of our physical bodies, we often forget it is true of us as the Body of Christ!The foundation for being reconciled to our brother is realizing that God has reconciled us to Himself through Christ. God desires to be one with mankind! It is only when we understand the value of this that we can grasp the full weight of being reconciled to each other. God’s desire is that we not only enter into reconciliation with Him, but that we also become channels of it! Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
4/11/2022 • 16 minutes
Be Reconciled - Part 1
Christ’s command to Be Reconciled reveals that an important aspect of walking rightly with God is walking rightly with our brother. The word reconcile is a financial term. It gives the picture of two accounts that are at odds and needing to come into agreement with one another. Listen as Nate and Gabe discuss the weight of this command and how it practically applies to our lives.The foundation for being reconciled to our brother is realizing that God has reconciled us to Himself through Christ. God desires to be one with mankind! It is only when we understand the value of this that we can grasp the full weight of being reconciled to each other. God’s desire is that we not only enter into reconciliation with Him, but that we also become channels of it! Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleship
4/4/2022 • 16 minutes, 54 seconds
Honor God's Law - Part 4
Have you ever felt like there is a discrepancy between the God of the Old Testament and the Christ of the New Testament? This “discrepancy” is based on the wrong assumption that God did away with His Law when Christ came. Thus, we have the wrong and dangerous assumption that God has changed! Join Nate and Gabe as they talk about how the Old and New Testament are beautifully interwoven and both reveal the same thing – the nature of God and the person of Christ!In a day and age where rules are subjective and there are no absolutes, the church needs more than ever to learn to “honor God’s Law.” As we treasure and value the Law of God, our eyes will be opened to the nature and character of God, and to the wonderful gift that He gave us in His Son.Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
3/28/2022 • 16 minutes, 53 seconds
Honor God's Law - Part 3
There are two common responses we have to the Law of God: we summon our will power to try to do the Law; or, we assume it “doesn’t apply to us”, and we throw it out. But what is God’s purpose for the Law? Join Nate and Gabe as they talk about the purpose God has for His Law and how it applies to us in our day!In a day and age where rules are subjective and there are no absolutes, the church needs more than ever to learn to “honor God’s Law.” As we treasure and value the Law of God, our eyes will be opened to the nature and character of God, and to the wonderful gift that He gave us in His Son.Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
3/21/2022 • 16 minutes, 1 second
Honor God's Law - Part 2
It’s been said, “You can’t save someone who doesn’t want to be saved.” A huge part of God’s purpose for His Law is that it exposes us. We need to be exposed! If we didn’t have the Law of God to expose us, we wouldn’t know that we were sinners, and we wouldn’t know our need for a Savior!In a day and age where rules are subjective and there are no absolutes, the church needs more than ever to learn to “honor God’s Law.” As we treasure and value the Law of God, our eyes will be opened to the nature and character of a God, and to the wonderful gift that He gave us in His Son.Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
3/14/2022 • 17 minutes, 19 seconds
Honor God's Law - Part 1
What comes to your mind when you think of the Law of God? Is it the rulebook of a harsh task master to His slaves? Or is it an expression of the love and nature of God to a people who He desires to know Him? Join Nate and Gabe as they talk about how your view of God will determine your view of His Law.In a day and age where rules are seen as subjective and absolutes are disregarded, the church needs more than ever to learn to “honor God’s Law.” As we treasure and value the Law of God, God will open our eyes afresh to His nature and character, and to the wonderful gift that He has given us in His Son.Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
3/7/2022 • 17 minutes, 24 seconds
Let Your Light Shine - Part 4
Missionary C.T. Studd wisely stated, “The light that shines farthest shines brightest nearest home.” The light that shines in our public life will be greatly determined by whether or not our light is shining in our private life. Can those in your home testify to seeing the light of Jesus in you?In scripture we see that God is Light and Jesus is Light. It is almost shocking then when we hear Jesus say to His disciples, “You are the light of the world”! How does this work? Just like the moon can only be light as it reflects the light of the sun, so we as disciples of Christ can only be light as we reflect Christ. We have no light in ourselves. It is the very life and light of Jesus that is to shine through us!Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
2/28/2022 • 15 minutes, 32 seconds
Let Your Light Shine - Part 3
One of the most important aspects of letting our light shine before men is this: in order to be light, we need to first be filled with light. Consider a lamp in the Bible times – in order to give light, it needed to first be filled with oil. In the same way, we were not designed to produce light; we were made to simply contain light. As we walk in relationship with the God who is Light, we are filled with light and can then be the “light of the world”!In scripture we see that God is Light and Jesus is Light. It is almost shocking then when we hear Jesus say to His disciples, “You are the light of the world”! How does this work? Just like the moon can only be light as it reflects the light of the sun, so we as disciples of Christ can only be light as we reflect Christ. We have no light in ourselves. It is the very life and light of Jesus that is to shine through us!Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
2/21/2022 • 18 minutes, 17 seconds
Let Your Light Shine - Part 2
One of the most important aspects of letting our light shine before men is this: in order to be light, we need to first be filled with light. Consider a lamp in the Bible times – in order to give light, it needed to first be filled with oil. In the same way, we were not designed to produce light; we were made to simply contain light. As we walk in relationship with the God who is Light, we are filled with light and can then be the “light of the world”!In scripture we see that God is Light and Jesus is Light. It is almost shocking then when we hear Jesus say to His disciples, “You are the light of the world”! How does this work? Just like the moon can only be light as it reflects the light of the sun, so we as disciples of Christ can only be light as we reflect Christ. We have no light in ourselves. It is the very life and light of Jesus that is to shine through us!Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
2/14/2022 • 16 minutes, 38 seconds
Let Your Light Shine - Part 1
Does our behavior determine our identity? Or does our identity determine our behavior? Ephesians 5:8 says that we were darkness, but now we are light! It follows that by saying “Walk as children of the light.” Join Nate and Gabe as they discuss the exchange of identities that we have been given in the Lord, and how this exchange ought to impact our behavior!In scripture we see that God is Light and Jesus is Light. It is almost shocking then when we hear Jesus say to His disciples, “You are the light of the world”! How does this work? Just like the moon can only be light as it reflects the light of the sun, so we as disciples of Christ can only be light as we reflect Christ. We have no light in ourselves. It is the very life and light of Jesus that is to shine through us!Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
2/7/2022 • 15 minutes, 58 seconds
Rejoice - Part 4
Have you ever wondered what would have happened to Paul and Silas if they had not chosen to rejoice during that dark night in prison? In view of their circumstances, they could have sat back and complained. But in this story, we see that the power of rejoicing in suffering is great and glorious! When we rejoice, we invite God's presence into a situation. When we do this, not only are we set free, but those around us are set free as well! To rejoice in suffering and persecution is not a natural response to us. But the good news is, this response is natural to Jesus! This is the way He responds, and this is how He will respond through us if we allow Him to. When trials come, God calls us to step into Jesus' supernatural response and respond with rejoicing. In this, our display of joy in trials is how we can showcase Jesus's life to the world!
1/31/2022 • 15 minutes, 54 seconds
Rejoice - Part 3
As we engage with God in the classroom of rejoicing, one of the first things He will do is change our perspective on suffering and persecution. From our human perspective, suffering and persecution threaten our happiness and comfort. They don’t feel good. However, joy is not a feeling. Joy is a choice. In trials, we can choose to rejoice, despite our feelings. God longs to mature us so that instead of following our feelings, we follow Jesus, our mighty Savior Who endured trials with joy! To rejoice in suffering and persecution is not a natural response to us. But the good news is, this response is natural to Jesus! This is the way He responds, and this is how He will respond through us if we allow Him to. When trials come, God calls us to step into Jesus' supernatural response and respond with rejoicing. In this, our display of joy in trials is how we can showcase Jesus's life to the world!
1/24/2022 • 18 minutes, 32 seconds
Rejoice - Part 2
How do we prepare for suffering and persecution? Consider how you would train for lifting weights – you would start with small weights and increase from there. In the same way, God desires to train us in the small things. The best preparation for rejoicing in the bigger tests and trials in life is by rejoicing in our day-to-day lives. By rejoicing everything right now, we will be prepared to rejoice when faced with greater trials. To rejoice in suffering and persecution is not a natural response to us. But the good news is, this response is natural to Jesus! This is the way He responds, and this is how He will respond through us if we allow Him to. When trials come, God calls us to step into Jesus' supernatural response and respond with rejoicing. In this, our display of joy in trials is how we can showcase Jesus's life to the world!
1/17/2022 • 19 minutes, 7 seconds
Rejoice - Part 1
Have you ever thought of joy as being a part of persecution and suffering? In this command, it is. As ironic as this sounds, the command to rejoice is an invitation to hope and courage during trials. Enduring persecution and suffering for the sake of Christ conforms us to His image, and secures eternal rewards. Join Gabe and Nate as they explore the rich treasures of the command of Christ, Rejoice. To rejoice in suffering and persecution is not a natural response to us. But the good news is, this response is natural to Jesus! This is the way He responds, and this is how He will respond through us if we allow Him to. When trials come, God calls us to step into Jesus' supernatural response and respond with rejoicing. In this, our display of joy in trials is how we can showcase Jesus's life to the world!
1/10/2022 • 17 minutes, 22 seconds
Bonus - Ken Bevel: Meeting Christ in a Walmart Parking Lot
While he’s best known for his role in the movies Fireproof and Courageous, Ken Bevel's story goes far beyond these films. Growing up in Jacksonville, Florida, Ken’s family did not have a lot of money, but they were happy. This all began to change when Ken’s dad started to drink. Alcohol led to drugs and things began to spiral downward in his home. By age 17, Ken found his life heading toward disaster as he sought love and affirmation in all the wrong places. After a failed attempt to improve his life by changing locations, he finally came to the “end of his rope” and cried out to God. This desperate plea began a journey of learning to surrender and say “yes” to God no matter the circumstance. Join host Gabe Cleator and guest Ken Bevel as they walk through Ken’s story and what God has done in his life.Ken Bevel is a graduate of the University of Memphis with a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Engineering Technology and a graduate of the Naval Postgraduate School with a Master of Business Administration degree in Logistics Management. After 20 years of active service in the United States Marine Corps, including tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan, Ken retired to serve in the ministry. Associate Pastor of Assimilation and Events" at Sherwood Baptist Church. Ken and Lauana have been happily married for 16 years and two children, Kyra and Kaleb.
1/3/2022 • 25 minutes, 1 second
Follow Me - Part 4
Our focus determines our effectiveness. Just as a sheep will only follow one shepherd, so we as believers in Christ can only follow one Lord. It is easy to think we are following Jesus when, in reality, many other things compete with how we follow Him. These can include relationships, possessions, or even ministry. Following Jesus with all our hearts means that He is our central focus. In this, our supreme love for Him governs all other relationships and priorities.As we follow Christ, we find that the key to reaching others for Him is being filled with Him! When we give God the right to guide, lead, and direct our lives, Christ’s life within us will bless and minister to those around us. The more Christ increases in our lives, the more we can invest in the lives of others for eternity. This is how we can walk as "fishers of men."Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
12/27/2021 • 29 minutes, 13 seconds
Follow Me - Part 3
Are we willing to follow Jesus wherever He leads? Or do we say that we trust Him while we reserve the right to make our own decisions? Following Jesus means trusting Christ to determine the direction of our lives -- even when it doesn’t make sense. Join Nate and Gabe as they talk about following the Shepherd Who is trustworthy.As we follow Christ, we find that the key to reaching others for Him is being filled with Him! When we give God the right to guide, lead, and direct our lives, Christ’s life within us will bless and minister to those around us. The more Christ increases in our lives, the more we can invest in the lives of others for eternity. This is how we can walk as "fishers of men."Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
12/20/2021 • 30 minutes, 45 seconds
Follow Me - Part 2
Following Jesus is about getting to know and listening to His voice. Listening takes time — and it competes with the many noises and distractions of a busy life. But if we take the time to still our hearts and listen to God’s voice, we will learn to trust Him and follow where He leads. Join Nate and Gabe as they share examples of what it means to follow Christ.As we follow Christ, we find that the key to reaching others for Him is being filled with Him! When we give God the right to guide, lead, and direct our lives, Christ’s life within us will bless and minister to those around us. The more Christ increases in our lives, the more we can invest in the lives of others for eternity. This is how we can walk as "fishers of men."Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
12/13/2021 • 29 minutes, 58 seconds
Follow Me - Part 1
When Jesus approached two fishermen with a life-changing call, they embraced the call wholeheartedly. To these men, following Jesus meant a complete change of identity and purpose. Jesus gives the same invitation to those who desire to follow Him today.As we follow Christ, we find that the key to reaching others for Him is being filled with Him! When we give God the right to guide, lead, and direct our lives, Christ’s life within us will bless and minister to those around us. The more Christ increases in our lives, the more we can invest in the lives of others for eternity. This is how we can walk as "fishers of men."Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleship
12/6/2021 • 26 minutes, 29 seconds
Bonus - Eric Ludy: Grace and the Kitchen Sink
Used over 150 times in Scripture, "grace" is perhaps one of the most important words in the entire Bible! But what is the grace of God, and how does it function in our lives as believers? In this episode, Gabe Cleator and Eric Ludy dig deep into the vital topic of grace. Just as a diamond has many facets, the grace of God has many different aspects. When we just take one aspect of grace and claim it as the totality of grace, we miss out on much of the riches of God's amazing grace. More than just a divine smile from heaven, grace is the mighty power of God in Christ working in us to will and to do His good pleasure. In short, when God gave us His grace, He gave us everything we need for life and godliness. In this episode, come marvel with us at the amazing grace of God!Eric Ludy is the president of Ellerslie Mission Society and the bestselling author of eighteen books on Christian thought and living. Eric functions as the director of Ellerslie Discipleship Training in Windsor, Colorado, and serves as the teaching pastor at Ellerslie’s campus church.For more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
11/29/2021 • 38 minutes, 53 seconds
Repent - Part 4
How would you describe the vibrancy of your love for the Lord? Is it more vibrant now than when you first got saved, or has it grown cold? Join Nate and Gabe as they discuss how the goal of repentance is restoration of our relationship with the God of the Universe.One way that we can lose our intimate relationship with God is by becoming too focused on our serving and losing focus on the God Whom we are serving. The Church of Ephesus in Revelation 2 had this exact problem. What was God’s message to them? Repent! In this passage, God called the church to repent and return to doing the “first work” — making their relationship with Him preeminent over all other things in their lives. As we see in this passage, there are tragic consequences for missing this as a priority.In relationships, we are either growing closer or we are drifting further away — there is no in-between. So where is your relationship with God—are you pursuing Him?Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
11/22/2021 • 25 minutes, 15 seconds
Repent - Part 3
“Sow a thought, reap an action; sow an action, reap a habit; sow a habit, reap a character; sow a character, reap a destiny.” — Stephen Covey. Do you realize that the thoughts you think actually determine the destiny of your life? We may assume that our thoughts are harmless and don’t affect our lives much, but the exact opposite is true! Join Gabe and Nate as they talk about how our thoughts lead to the outcome of our lives.Have you ever gotten into a “rut” of negative thinking? Are you struggling with detrimental habits that you can’t seem to break free from? The command to repent not only gives us the keys to walking in freedom from these things, but also gives us hope and purpose in the One who has set us free from these things!The power of repentance does not lie within my ability to change my actions or in possessing an attitude of remorse. The secret lies within the power of the living Word of God to change me from the inside out. Genuine change begins when the Word of God is abiding within me, transforming the way I think and determining what is in my heart and ultimately what I will do!Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
11/15/2021 • 32 minutes, 21 seconds
Repent - Part 2
Have you ever wondered where a desire to seek the Lord and a longing to abide in His Word comes from? Do you long to experience these desires? Listen as Gabe and Nate explain how the command of Christ to repent answers these crucial questions.In the command repent, we see our desperate need for the Word of God to dwell preeminently in our minds and hearts. Why? Scripture tells us that God’s Word is living, powerful, sharper than a two-edged sword, and has the ability to change and renew our minds and hearts (Heb. 4:12). When the Word of God does its work in our minds and hearts and minds, it gives us the desire to walk closer with Jesus every day.In summary, the more we saturate our minds and hearts with God’s Word, the more God increases our desire to seek after Him. As Gabe says on this episode, “True change happens with God first changing our mind, and changing our heart. Then He changes our whole life as a result of that."Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
11/8/2021 • 25 minutes, 5 seconds
Repent - Part 1
So often, when we think of repentance, we think of “cleaning up our lives” or “getting our acts together.” We tend to “try harder” to change our lives by building better habits. This may work for a time, but it always ends in defeat.Sorrow or grief over sin is another aspect of repentance that we often focus on. When the Lord convicts us of sin in our lives, it is all too easy to fall into depression or discouragement while thinking that this is repentance. This can become a vicious circle of discouragement, depression, and defeat.While repentance does lead to a change of behavior and involves sorrow over sin, Biblical repentance is much deeper than that. True repentance begins as we saturate our minds and hearts with the Word of God. This internal change is then worked out in a person’s life, resulting in a change of their actions. Jesus’ call to repentance is an invitation to exchange our mind for His!Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
11/1/2021 • 20 minutes, 40 seconds
Abide in Me - Part 4
In this episode, we focus on a liberating truth: when we abide in Christ, and His Words abide in us, this gives the Holy Spirit the ability to produce His fruit in and through us.Why is this so liberating? It’s liberating because God's calling for believers is not to produce fruit. His calling is that they bear fruit. It’s important to note that fruit is not a byproduct of self-effort; fruit is the outflow of the life of God Himself living and operating within us. To sum it up: producing fruit is God’s job, bearing fruit is the believer's job. Contrary to how it first seems, the believer does not need the fruits of the Spirit to be added to his life. Instead, he needs more of the Holy Spirit that bears that fruit. In summary, the Christian life isn’t about trying harder. It is about us recognizing our total inability to produce fruit and instead, embracing Christ’s ability through the power of His Spirit!Want to go deeper? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
10/25/2021 • 23 minutes, 56 seconds
Abide in Me - Part 3
Do you walk in fellowship with the Lord throughout the day? In reality, as we face hectic workweeks and busy weekends, how do we abide in Christ?In this episode, we discuss how abiding in Christ is more than simply reading a chapter of Scripture and having a quick prayer time in the morning. It is maintaining a constant connection with Christ that revitalizes us and gives us purpose all day long. An important question we ask is, what hinders us from abiding in Christ? One thing that hinders us is our values. The progression of our values is powerful, because where we spend the most time is actually where we abide. And where we spend our time is ultimately what we love. Join us as we explore the command “Abide,” and find in it the strength to stand against Satan's temptations, and find fullness of joy as we abide in Christ.Want to go deeper? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
10/18/2021 • 21 minutes, 31 seconds
Abide in Me - Part 2
Does your spiritual productivity seem constricted and fighting to flourish? In this episode, we discuss how the only way to experience an intimate relationship with God the way He intended, is by making Christ Himself our source of life. In our world today, there are so many competing things to do that can quickly become the most important thing to us. These things can crowd out our relationship with the Lord if we are not vigilant. This episode addresses the dangers of these competitions while emphasizing the only way to find true fulfillment in Jesus. Along the way, we’ll discover that God’s goal in pruning distractions out of our lives is not to make us better people. His goal is to replace us with His life. Is this a difficult or painful process? It can be. But it is filled with beauty and hope. When we allow God to take things out of our lives, He replaces those things with Someone, and His name is Jesus. Join us as we look at how God removes competition from our lives so He can live more fully in us — as we abide in Him.Want to go deeper? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork
10/11/2021 • 21 minutes, 36 seconds
Abide in Me - Part 1
Are you tired of trying to live the Christian life in your own strength and failing? Is your spiritual life dry and fruitless? In this episode, learn how abiding in Christ is all about receiving the life and work of Christ, so that He can live through us and our lives can be a reflection of Him.The basic definition of the word “abide” means “to dwell.” Our dwelling place is not where our physical address is; our dwelling place is determined by what we treasure the most and where the deepest desires of our heart lie. God Himself desires to dwell preeminently in us, consuming our affections and producing His fruit of our lives.In this podcast, we dive into what it means to “Abide” in Christ and how His Words must abide in us. We find that to live fruitful and abundant lives in Christ is not an issue of self improvement or greater personal resolve, it is simply a byproduct of treasuring the Word of God within our heart. It is as God’s Word and a personal relationship with Him become the single most important priority of our lives, that the fruit of our lives will express Christ Himself. Fundamentally, abiding in Christ is about receiving the life of Christ, the Vine, so that He can live through us.Learning to abide in Christ is the cornerstone of understanding how we live out all the other commands. Obedience to the commands of Christ is not a work of our own. It is the natural outflow of Christ living and operating within us.Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.comStudy guide includes: Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayerFor more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleship
10/4/2021 • 16 minutes, 56 seconds
Journey into the Commands of Christ
In this pilot episode, we dive in deep with several questions: What are commands? How do we keep them? And, are Jesus’ commands for us just more sets of impossible to-do lists?We invite you to listen with hope, because the commands of Christ go beyond being only a to-do list — they are an invitation to an intimate relationship with the God of the universe, and a pathway to true discipleship. In John 8:31, Jesus defines a true disciple as one who abides in His Word, meditating on it, and living it out in their lives. Jesus’ words are powerfully applicable today. We believe that His words are essential — they are our life! Join us on this journey through the commands of Christ!Produced by The Home Discipleship Network. Visit us online at www.homediscipleship.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork