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The Catholic Foodie Profile

The Catholic Foodie

English, Religion, 1 season, 277 episodes, 1 day, 20 hours, 49 minutes
The Catholic Foodie brings much more to the table than merely recipes and reviews. The show highlights how food - good food - can be a sign to us of God’s love and care for each of us and our families. The tagline, "where food meets faith," speaks volumes about the importance of family, which is so often developed around the kitchen table.
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Stranger Pilgrims: A Special Catholic Foodie Halloween Edition

I must confess that Halloween is my favorite holiday of the year. That might sound strange to you, since I’m the Catholic Foodie. But Halloween is a Catholic feast day and celebration. Not only is All Hallow’s Eve the vigil of the Solemnity of All Saints, it also kicks off a month dedicated by the Church to remembering and praying for the dead. Perfect time of the year for it… Fall… as we prepare to enter the death of winter. For me Halloween carries with it so many memories from my childhood and adolescence. Good memories. I have Halloween and all the spooky otherworldly trappings that surround it to thank for instilling in me a deep understanding that there is something more to life than meets the eye. There is a mystery just beyond the veil of visible life. And this time of the year the veil seems to thin between the visible and invisible.  So, see, not strange at all, right? Or is it?  Today, on Halloween, I bring you a special Halloween edition of The Catholic Foodie Show. So get ready. Turn on the lights and grab your rosary and holy water if you scare easily, and join me along with a couple of Sick Pilgrims – or perhaps today we should say Stranger Pilgrims – as we dive into the Catholic weirdness of Halloween.  Jessica Mesman Griffith and Jonathan Ryan of Sick Pilgrim blog join me today for this special Halloween edition of The Catholic Foodie Show! Full show notes available at
10/31/201648 minutes
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Finding Peace through Catholic Mindfulness

Dr. Gregory Bottaro of the Catholic Psych Institute joins me today to talk about Catholic Mindfulness and a new introduction course that he has available at The full course title is Introduction to Catholic Mindfulness: Learn how to get control of your mind by trusting God, letting go, and tuning in. I'm taking the course right now, and I am finding it immensely helpful! Do you find yourself frequently frazzled, anxious, worried? Do you try to trust in God but feel like you fail on a regular basis? Then this new Catholic Mindfulness course might just be for you. Listen to the Show Listen in to my conversation with Dr. Gregory Bottaro of the Catholic Psych Institute as he tells us what exactly Catholic Mindfulness is and more about the course that he has available. Full show notes can be found at
10/13/201648 minutes
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Sick Pilgrim: Out on a Limb

Jessica Griffith and Jonathan Ryan are pilgrims. Sick pilgrims, to be exact. And they are on a mission to remind us all that we are pilgrims here on earth. A major part of their mission is to equip and rally together what they call servant artists, artists who draw back the veil of the Mystery through their work, which they perform in the service of the world. Jessica and Jonathan join me around the table today to talk about Sick Pilgrim, Catholic Weird, Mystery and sacrament, October and ghost stories, and, of course, servant artists. This show in particular brought me great joy. I’m delighted to have had the opportunity to hang out with Jessica and Jonathan, and I hope we can do it again soon. [Hint. Hint.] Full show notes available at
10/7/201648 minutes, 1 second
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Louisiana Cookin' Magazine's Chefs to Watch 2016

Exciting show today on location at Cavan restaurant on Magazine Street in New Orleans. Joining me around the table are two lovely ladies: Caitlin Watzke from Louisiana Cookin' Magazine and Chef Ruby Bloch from Cavan, Meauxbar, and Sylvain in New Orleans. Chef Ruby is one of the six Chefs to Watch this year. In 2002, Louisiana Cookin' introduced Chefs to Watch as a way of recognizing talented up-and-coming chefs from restaurants throughout the state who show passion for traditions while delivering fresh, new concepts. This year's event is the 15th installment, and it will be hosted by Marché in the French Quarter. Caitlin talks about Louisiana Cookin' Magazine and this year's 15th Annual Chefs to Watch event: a special six-course dinner on October 20, 2016 at 6:00 PM at Marché in the French Quarter. The courses will be prepared by this year's six Chefs to Watch, including Chef Ruby Bloch who will be serving a Sweet Potato Spice Cake.  Chef Ruby talks food, cooking, creativity and inspiration with us today. And you might even hear a thing or two about desserts. ;-) She shares a bit of her story with us, and tells us how a New Jersey girl fell in love with the city and people of New Orleans.  Listen to the show for all the details. Full show notes can be found at 
10/6/201648 minutes
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Fall Festivals, the Olive Mass, and Fr. Leo Patalinghug

On The Catholic Foodie Show today we talk fall festivals in and around New Orleans (including the inaugural Fried Chicken Festival!) and the first-ever Olive Mass to celebrate food and bless the hands that make it. Fr. Leo Patalinghug (of Grace Before Meals) drops in to talk about the Olive Mass and the work of The Table Foundation. Full show notes available at
9/23/201648 minutes
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#TacoTuesday, St. Martha and the Spice of Life

On today's The Catholic Foodie Show... it's #TacoTuesday! We talk tacos and I give you recipe for fish tacos (and I tell you about the first time that I ever tried a fish taco!). I also share with you a reflection on St. Martha who was a dear, dear friend of Jesus. Her feast day was last Friday, but she is going to encourage us today in our own friendship with Jesus and in our efforts to our best in our daily lives without losing our minds. All this and more right here on The Catholic Foodie Show... where food meets faith!
8/2/201647 minutes, 56 seconds
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Wash Day Wonders and Red Beans and Rice

In this episode of The Catholic Foodie Show I announce the new daily show themes, and I explain what exactly I mean by Wash Day Wonders. I share my recipe for the New Orleans classic dish of Red Beans and Rice, give a shout out to my newly-minted Eagle Scout son Christopher, and reflect briefly on the amazing love that Jesus has for St. Martha. All this and more on The Catholic Foodie Show! Full Show notes available at
8/1/201643 minutes, 57 seconds
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Beach Food and Summer Vacations

On the show today: Beach food and summer vacations... including the need daily to carve out time for rest and relaxation. Trust in God, a "sound-seeing" trip to Joe Patti's Seafood, and beach recipes for Jalapeno Poppers and Boiled Shrimp also on the show. A Happy Father's Day to all you dads out there! Full show notes available at
6/17/201647 minutes, 56 seconds
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Heather King – Loaded: Money and the Spirituality of Enough

Heather King – author of Parched, Redeemed, Stripped, Stumble, Shirt of Flame, and Poor Baby – joins me on The Catholic Foodie Show today to talk about her latest book Loaded: Money and the Spirituality of Enough. Whether rich or poor, most of walk through our days wounded in the area of money and finances. We fear money. We fear not having enough money. We fear what would happen if we had too much money. We fear what people would think of us if they knew how much money we make and what we spend our money on. The way that we see and use money intimately affects the people in our lives. Most books about money are written to help you make more money. But what if more money isn't the answer? What if the real source of our fear is our relationship with money? In Loaded: Money and the Spirituality of Enough, Heather King shares her own story of recovery around money. In doing so, she opens a door of opportunity for us... an opportunity to examine our own relationship to money and to open that relationship up to healing by our loving God.  "So, as you’ve now assuredly figured out, unlike so many money books, mine is not about how to make more and consume more. It’s about how to detach from the idea that our identity could possibly lie in how much or how little money we make or have. It’s about discovering that money is a means of love and service. It’s about learning that the real economy is “As you give, so shall you receive.” We get to follow the deepest desires of our heart. The money will come. And we’ll want to share it. "That hasn’t happened for me by praying a whole bunch of rosaries, holing up in my room, and hoping for the best. The solution for me and many people I know has involved clarity around numbers—how much we spend, how much we earn. It has been clarity around how we spend our time. And it’s been community—meaning friends, a realistic acceptance of the fact that we’re not going to change overnight, and laughs."
5/18/201647 minutes, 56 seconds
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Katie Sciba: Finding God among the Pots and Pans... and Anxiety

Katie Sciba from joins me today to talk about how Jesus is right here with us in the midst of the pot, pans, and anxiety. Jesus does not shun the grime and grit of our lives, of our hearts. Listen as Katie shares her story of finding God – of being found by God – in the midst of the ups and downs of family life. Full show notes can be found at
4/21/201647 minutes, 55 seconds
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Amoris Laetitia and the Recipe for Joy

Pope Francis’ letter Amoris Laetitia (The Joy of Love), love and hospitality in the family, and Robin Davis’ book Recipe for Joy… all this and more on The Catholic Foodie Show! Full show notes available at
4/13/201647 minutes, 55 seconds
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French Quarter Festival 2016

The French Quarter Festival, known as the “largest free festival in the South,” is this weekend in New Orleans. Leading tourism officials call it the “kickoff to the festival season in New Orleans,” and it is referred to by many as the “World’s largest Jazz Brunch.” WHAT IS THE FRENCH QUARTER FESTIVAL? The French Quarter Festival is four days of live performances by local musicians that draws people from all over the world. On twenty-one of its twenty-two stages, only Louisiana musicians are featured. One stage is reserved as an “international stage” where traditional jazz bands from all over the world perform. This year the 33rd French Quarter Festival will feature more that 400 hours of live music and welcome more than 1700 local musicians to its stages. In addition to traditional jazz, attendees will also be treated to contemporary jazz, Cajun-Zydeco, world, brass band, blues, rock, and pop from some of New Orleans’ most well-known musicians. And accompanying the music, over 60 New Orleans restaurants will serve both classic and creative New Orleans food.  Listen to the show to hear more on the food, the music, and the event known as “the world’s largest Jazz Brunch!” Full show notes can be found at
4/9/201647 minutes, 56 seconds
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Dr. Paul Thigpen and The Saints Who Battled Satan

Have you ever noticed that sometimes it seems like everything in life conspires against us when we desire to draw closer to God? Dr. Paul Thigpen joins us today to share some hope and encouragement from the saints. Author of Saints Who Battled Satan, Dr. Paul Thigpen understands that just as the New Testament states, in our Christian journey we daily encounter three obstacles: the world, the flesh and the devil. With love and gentleness, Dr. Paul engages us with stories from the lives of seventeen saints... practical wisdom that can help me and you to draw closer to God no matter the struggles we encounter in our daily lives. I received a review copy of Saints Who Battled Satan. When I saw the title, I first thought of The Exorcist movie and stories of extraordinary encounters with evil… the kind of stories that make me feel uncomfortable to be alone at night. Well, happily, I can say that this book is so much more that than. I don’t know about you, but I have never encountered a demon in real life. But you know what I have encountered? What I do encounter every day of my life? Temptation. Saints Who Battled Satan is full of stories of saints who battled and overcame Satan in very real, practical ways. Not just extraordinary, sensationalized stories, but overcoming temptations in the nitty-gritty parts of life. This is a book I can use. A book that gives me hope and encouragement in my own journey with God. Full show notes can be found at
3/14/201647 minutes, 55 seconds
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Catching Up with The Catholic Foodie

Lent, the Jennifer Fulwiler Show, talking food and faith at Mater Dei High School, and visiting with friends old and new at the L.A. Religious Education Congress in Anaheim.Full show notes available at
3/11/201647 minutes, 56 seconds
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Thoth Sunday and Lundi Gras in New Orleans

On the show… join me in New Orleans for the Thoth parade for an on-the-street experience of Mardi Gras in New Orleans. We talk Lundi Gras (Fat Monday) and Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday). Peek behind the scenes of how the Mardi Gras floats are made, and find out what you absolutely need to know to parade like a New Orleanian at Mardi Gras! It’s a family event. Listen in to find out more.  Full show notes at
2/9/201647 minutes, 55 seconds
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Tami Kiser and the Catholic Conference for Moms

Tami Kiser, organizer of the Catholic Conference for Moms, joins me on The Catholic Foodie Show today with a message of hope and encouragement for moms this Lent. Not only does she make this conference available for a steal, but she also makes it imminently accessible. You can access it any time of the day or night, and you can even download MP3 versions of the presentations so you can listen on the go. Listen to hear more about this exciting conference... And don’t forget to use your coupon code (FOODIE) for a generous discount! Register now at Full show notes available at
2/2/201647 minutes, 56 seconds
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Dr. Brant Pitre and The Case for Jesus: The Biblical and Historical Evidence for Christ

Dr. Brant Pitre joins me today on The Catholic Foodie Show to discuss his new book (to be released February 2, 2016) entitled The Case for Jesus: The Biblical and Historical Evidence for Christ. In The Case for Jesus, Dr. Brant Pitre, bestselling author of Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist, taps into the wells of Christian scripture, history, and tradition to ask and answer a number of questions about the origins and validity of the Gospels as well as one big question: Did Jesus of Nazareth claim to be God? Though a seminary professor of Sacred Scripture, Dr. Brant Pitre is also a husband and father of five, and this book is written in plain language that everyone can understand. With his signature enthusiasm and with a deep love for both Jesus and the reader, Dr. Pitre offers compelling reasons for concluding that the four Gospels are first-century biographies of Jesus, written within the lifetime of the apostles and based directly on eyewitness testimony.  Buckle your seatbelt and get ready for an exciting ride to answer the question of a lifetime asked by Jesus, “And you, who do you say that I am?” Full show notes available at
1/29/201649 minutes, 48 seconds
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Pizza Dough, Instagram, and Murder Mysteries

On the show today… Nero Wolfe and food, a recipe for a 72 hour pizza dough from my friends at, and a new self-help group called the Husbands of Instagram. You won’t want to miss this one… it’s full of laughs, fun, and culinary inspiration. It’s The Catholic Foodie Show… where food meets faith! Full show notes available at
1/18/201647 minutes, 56 seconds
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Around the Table with Miss Kay Robertson

On the show today… reality TV, a gumbo-cooking priest, and we talk food and faith with Miss Kay Robertson of Duck Dynasty fame. All this and more on The Catholic Foodie Show… where food meets faith! Full show notes available at
1/14/201647 minutes, 55 seconds
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Why We Love to Read about Food

On the show today… still no King Cake in the Young household. Well… I haven’t made a King Cake, but I have eaten 3 slices from 3 different King Cakes so far. And, no, I did not get the baby. We are talking about why we love to read about food today as I share with you a wonderful article by Christie Purifoy at Listener feedback, married couples who are chefs and restaurant owners, Nero Wolfe, and more on The Catholic Foodie Show… where food meets faith! Full show notes available at  ***Featured image used courtesy of and can be found here:***
1/13/201647 minutes, 56 seconds
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Ordinary Time Ain't so Ordinary

On the show today… Why Ordinary Time might be a misnomer, Dr. Brant Pitre clues us in on what to expect in Ordinary Time, and Pope Francis and Eric Neubauer remind us of the importance of our Baptisms and why we might want to know the dates and celebrate it each year… kinda like a birthday. Also on the show, I talk about the movie Julie & Julia and dig into the first have of Chef Alon Shaya’s top 15 “must-try” restaurants in New Orleans. All this and more on The Catholic Foodie Show… where food meets faith! Full show notes available at
1/12/201647 minutes, 55 seconds
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Confession and the Year of Mercy

On the show today: a new special bakery doing good work in Bethlehem, Ordinary Time, confession and the Year of Mercy. I also share with you my secret weapon that makes every Monday a happy Monday for me. All this and more on The Catholic Foodie Show... where food meets faith. Full show notes available at
1/11/201647 minutes, 55 seconds
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Christmas, Carnival & King Cake

On the show today... It's still Christmas! The Christmas Season… post by Danielle Bean and video by Fr. Josh Johnson King Cake Making Redoux… with King Cake fun facts, and a cooking lesson from Chef Emeril Lagasse Full show notes available at
1/9/201647 minutes, 56 seconds
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King Cakes, Mardi Gras and the Epiphany

On the show today... King Cakes, Mardi Gras and the Epiphany... including the history of the King Cake, King Cake traditions, the Epiphany and how God meets us in the ordinariness of daily life AND does something extraordinary in us... AND my recipe to make a King Cake right in your very own kitchen. All this and more on The Catholic Foodie Show! Listen now!  Full show notes are available at!
1/7/201647 minutes, 55 seconds
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Resolve to Give Up... But You Gotta Try Shaya!

More resolutions, why I’m resolving to “give up” this year, and talk about Alon Shaya and his award-winning Israeli restaurant on Magazine Street: Shaya. All this and more on The Catholic Foodie Show today! Full show notes at Listen below!
1/5/201647 minutes, 55 seconds
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Happy New Year 2016!

Happy New Year!  I put together an exciting show for you today. It’s a new year and we talked New Year Resolutions and the feast of the Epiphany… AND, for all you perhaps newly health-conscious folks, I even shared a healthy recipe with you today: my Lebanese Lentil and Spinach Soup.  But first… I tackled the elephant in the room. You see it, right? You know the one I'm talking about, right? The big Epiphany elephant? No? Well, let me explain...  The Church in the United States celebrated the feast of the Epiphany yesterday, January 3rd. But traditionally the feast is celebrated on January 6. You know, the 12 Days of Christmas and all. [This might be the topic of tomorrow’s show, by the way. I’m thinking of calling it Moveable Feasts.] But for now, I’ll just point out the fact that the Church allows national bishop conferences to move certain feast days from their traditional dates to the closest Sunday so that more of the faithful can participate in the celebrations. Personally, I’m not a big fan of this. Truth be told, I’m really more of a liturgical purist… and a historical purist. I like keeping the how and the why of things intact. But you can hear more about that by listening to the show. ;-)
1/4/201647 minutes, 55 seconds
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Advent Expectations and the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe

Today's show features meditations on the meaning of Advent and how your family can enter more deeply into this holy season. I also share with you some stories about Our Lady of Guadalupe... including a recipe to celebrate the feast day. Full show notes are available at
12/14/201547 minutes, 57 seconds
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Colleen Mitchell and St. Bryce Missions on The Catholic Foodie Show

I'm joined by my friend Colleen Mitchell of St. Bryce Missions today. We talk about the missionary work that Colleen does together with her husband Greg and their five sons. And we'll be talking about this missionary work within the context of the call to hospitality. God might not be calling me and you to live a missionary's life with our families in Costa Rica or Tanzania, but God does call us to welcome him present in those we meet in our daily lives. Whether it's our spouse, our children or their friends, co-workers, or the guy or gal standing next to us in the grocery line, God is present and calls us to encounter Him with open hearts and open hands. Full show notes available at
11/2/201547 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Kiss of Jesus: Donna-Marie Cooper O'Boyle on The Catholic Foodie Show

I have wanted to have Donna-Marie join me here on The Catholic Foodie Show for quite a while, and the recent release of her new book provided the perfect opportunity. The Kiss of Jesus is the name of the book, published by Ignatius Press. In The Kiss of Jesus, Donna-Marie tell her story, the good and the bad. She doesn’t shy away from the dark corners. She tells her story because she knows that so many of us are suffering. We are hurting and we are trying to make sense of it all. We are trying to find God in the midst of it. Donna-Marie understand the power of stories, and she shares hers knowing that doing so might just give hope to you and to me. Listen now to our conversation. Full show notes are available at
10/30/201547 minutes, 55 seconds
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Chris Faddis with Bene Plates on The Catholic Foodie Show

Chris Faddis of Bene Plates ( joins me today on The Catholic Foodie Show to talk about how Bene Plates "provides high quality, great tasting, nourishing meals for [their] chronically ill clients to help sustain them during their disease." Bene Plates prepares "craveable," clean (non-toxic), micronutrient rich meals weekly and delivers directly to their customers' homes. Chis shares the story behind this endeavor and the importance of nutritious and delicious meals for the both the chronically ill and the walking well. Full show notes and links can be found at
10/23/201547 minutes, 56 seconds
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The Family Table with Marie Bellet | The Catholic Foodie Show

Marie Bellet joins me on The Catholic Foodie Show today. Singer, songwriter, mother of 9, a woman of deep faith, Marie shares her experiences with me on the importance of family meals. Pour a cup of coffee or tea and join us around the table for a delightful conversation that is sure to inspire you in your own family life. Full show notes are available at
10/19/201547 minutes, 55 seconds
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Chef Frank Brigtsen & Chef Paul Prudhomme | The Catholic Foodie Show

Chef Frank Brigtsen joins me on The Catholic Foodie Show today to talk about his New Orleans restaurant, Brigtsen's, which is celebrating 29 years in business this year, and the instrumental influence of his friend and mentor Chef Paul Prudhomme. Listen as Chef Frank shares some of his personal reflections on the life and good work of Chef Paul Prudhomme. Full show notes – and links to the restaurants and some recipes – can be found at
10/16/201547 minutes, 56 seconds
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Louisiana Cookin' on The Catholic Foodie Show

Daniel Schumacher, editor-in-chief of Louisiana Cookin' magazine, joins me on The Catholic Foodie Show today to discuss Louisiana Cookin' magazine and the release of its first cookbook, Louisiana de Mer. Also on the show, Daniel gives us an inside peek at the Louisiana Chefs to Watch event taking place on Monday, October 19. Be sure to listen for a chance to win a free copy of Louisiana de Mer! Full show notes available at
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Erin Franco – Humble Handmaid: Faith, Family, and Domestic Church | The Catholic Foodie Show

Erin Franco of joins me on The Catholic Foodie Show today to talk about faith, marriage, family, family dinner, and Domestic Church. We also marvel at the grace of God that touches hearts through "charitable vulnerability." I'm thrilled to share this conversation with you. You can find the full show notes at
10/12/201549 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Gospel of Happiness | The Catholic Foodie Show

Ever wondered how you can become more happier? What you can do to increase your joy, gratitude, and contentment? Dr. Christopher Kaczor, author of The Gospel of Happiness, joins me on The Catholic Foodie Show today to share with us key insights to how practicing our faith can make us happier. Listen in and enjoy! Full show notes can be found at
10/9/201547 minutes, 56 seconds
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Pope Francis, the Family, and Wasting Time | The Catholic Foodie Show

On The Catholic Foodie Show today: Pope Francis, the Family, and Wasting Time. What was it like to cook for – and serve a meal to – Pope Francis? We'll find out today! Also, we cover some of the Pope's comments on the family, and I share a recipe for Cajun Macaroni and Cheese! You won't want to miss this! Full show notes at
10/7/201547 minutes, 44 seconds
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Pope Francis in the US... and Argentinian Food | The Catholic Foodie Show

On the show today... Pope Francis is coming to the United States! We talk about the importance of this visit and the upcoming Year of Mercy. I also share with you 10 must-try foods from Argentina and ask YOU a question... If Pope Francis came to your house, what would you cook for him? Call me at 985-635-4974 and give me your answer and I'll be sure to play it on the show! Full show notes available at #PopeintheUS
9/21/201547 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Answer to Anxiety with Gary Zimak | The Catholic Foodie Show

Catholic speaker and author Gary Zimak joins me on The Catholic Foodie Show to talk about the answer to anxiety. Does anxiety have you by the throat? Are you worried or fearful about global crises... or even about "normal" things like paying the bills and putting food on the table? If so, listen in to The Catholic Foodie Show today as Catholic speaker and author Gary Zimak joins me to discuss the answer to anxiety. Full show notes available at
9/11/201547 minutes, 55 seconds
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Alton Brown, Skim Milk, and Shrimp Bisque | The Catholic Foodie Show

What exactly is skim milk? That, Alton Brown & Shrimp Bisque on The Catholic Foodie Show today. Full show notes can be found by clicking here:
8/21/201548 minutes, 29 seconds
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Goodbye Good Eats | The Catholic Foodie Show

Food Network began airing Good Eats back in July of 1999. That was 16 years ago! Since then, Alton Brown has produced 249 episodes over 14 seasons. In 2011 we said goodbye to one of my favorite cooking shows: Alton Brown’s Good Eats. Today we reach back into the archives of The Catholic Foodie podcast to listen to my tribute to the fun and quirky Good Eats. Full show notes can be found by clicking here:
8/19/201547 minutes, 56 seconds
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Back-to-School Recipe Ideas | The Catholic Foodie Show

Back-to-School #Recipe Ideas on the show today... including what to do with all those fresh summer tomatoes, how to pickle summer veggies, and several fun and new seasoning options for grilled or roasted chicken. All easy-peasy recipes to help feed your family healthy and delicious food during the busy back-to-school transition. Full show notes and recipes available by clicking here:
8/11/201548 minutes, 37 seconds
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Save Money: Regrow Your Veggies | The Catholic Foodie Show

On today's show we continue our conversation about the readings from Sunday's Mass – Jesus' Bread of Life discourse from John, Chapter 6 – and I share with you suggestions on how to make your grocery dollars stretch. You can save money by regrowing your vegetables... in water! That's right. Lettuces, green onions, cabbages and more can be regrown in containers of water in your kitchen. Full show notes are available by clicking here: http//
8/11/201547 minutes, 55 seconds
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Bread from Heaven and French Baguettes | The Catholic Foodie Show

Bread from Heaven and French Baguettes… Today on The Catholic Foodie Show we talk about the readings from yesterday’s Mass and what they could mean for me and you. We also talk French Baguettes with a recipe from my friend Craig Poirier. Full show notes, including the recipe, are available by clicking here:
8/3/201547 minutes, 56 seconds
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Feeding the Multitude... or just Your Neighbor - Part 2

PART 2 - Sunday's Mass readings were all about feeding and being fed. From Elisha's multiplying food and feeding 100 people in the Second Book of Kings to Jesus feeding the 5000 in the Gospel of John, we are reminded – as the Responsorial Psalm tells us – that "the hand of the Lord feeds us; he answers all our needs."  Full show notes can be found at
7/29/201548 minutes, 24 seconds
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Feeding the Multitude... or just Your Neighbor - Part 1

Sunday's Mass readings were all about feeding and being fed. From Elisha's multiplying food and feeding 100 people in the Second Book of Kings to Jesus feeding the 5000 in the Gospel of John, we are reminded – as the Responsorial Psalm tells us – that "the hand of the Lord feeds us; he answers all our needs." Full show notes can be found at
7/27/201547 minutes, 42 seconds
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More Amore: Pizza! | The Catholic Foodie Show

Feedback from Angela Sealana, the conclusion of my interview with Baking Steel founder and creator Andris Lagsdin, plus pizza topping combination suggestions! Listen to the show for all the details. Full show notes can be found by clicking here:
7/20/201547 minutes, 56 seconds
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Money-Saving Summer Tips and More | The Catholic Foodie Show

St. Bonaventure, Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Jesus, reviews and blog posts about The Catholic Foodie, AND money-saving tips for summer eats. All this and more on The Catholic Foodie Show today! Full show notes available by clicking here:
7/16/201548 minutes, 6 seconds
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Messed Up Mondays and the Love of Pizza | The Catholic Foodie Show

Technical difficulties, Monday morning foggy-headedness, and simply having too many things on my plate, make this one of the most challenging shows that I have done. Still, I think that the love of God and the goodness of pizza still shine through.  The second half of the show contains excerpts from an interview I did a couple of years ago with my friend Andris Lagsdin, the founder and creator of the Baking Steel. Lots of good info – and good stories – here, folks, for those of you who love to eat good pizza, and for those who like to make good pizzas at home. Full show notes can be found by clicking here:
7/15/201549 minutes, 28 seconds
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Grilling Tips and Stuffed Squash Recipe | The Catholic Foodie Show

I share some of my culinary catastrophes on the show today... at least when it comes to grilling. More talk of early culinary mentors, and I share a my recipe for Lebanese Stuffed Squash, also known as Kousa Mahshi. Full show notes are available by clicking here:
7/10/201548 minutes, 36 seconds
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Meatless Fridays Throughout the Year | The Catholic Foodie Show

Hot on the heels of my interview on Catholicism Live! last night we tackle the questions of gluttony, fasting and abstaining from meat on Fridays throughout the year on today's show. I also supply you with resources for your life of faith and your kitchen counter. Listen in! Full show notes are available by clicking here:
7/9/201548 minutes, 45 seconds
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Funky Food Combinations | The Catholic Foodie Show

What's your favorite "funky food?" You know, weird food combinations... Bananas and peanut butter, or as a friend of mine shared... anchovy paste on grapefruit! Got a funky food combination that you like? We're talking all about it today on The Catholic Foodie Show! Listen in! Full show notes available at
7/8/201549 minutes, 35 seconds
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Culinary Inspiration with Emeril Lagasse: Louisiana Real & Rustic | The Catholic Foodie Show

Emeril Lagasse is one of my earliest culinary inspirations. Today we talk about one of Emeril's earliest cookbooks, written with Marcelle Bienvenu: Louisiana Real & Rustic. Full show notes can be found at
7/8/201548 minutes, 59 seconds
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Tips to Reduce Food Waste at Home | The Catholic Foodie Show

The average American family wastes over $640 a year in food. Are there ways to reduce that number? You bet there are! And today we talk ideas on how we can better plan our meals, our shopping, and reduce food waste. Listen in! Detailed show notes are available at
7/7/201552 minutes, 39 seconds
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CF220 - 4th of July Recipe Ideas

Welcome to The Catholic Foodie Show on You-supported Real Life Radio. I’m your host Jeff Young, The Catholic Foodie and since the 4th of July is just a couple of days away, I think it’s appropriate that we talk 4th of July recipes.
7/1/201547 minutes, 59 seconds
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CF219 - Chef John Besh and My Family Table

Welcome to The Catholic Foodie Show on You-supported Real Life Radio. I’m your host Jeff Young, The Catholic Foodie and today I want to talk with you about one of my favorite cookbooks… My Family Table by Chef John Besh.
6/30/201548 minutes, 9 seconds
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CF218 - Catching Up with The Catholic Foodie... Plus Drop Biscuits

Today I catch you up on some recent happenings in and around my kitchen. We talk biscuits today… Drop Biscuits, and I give you a recipe for Drop Biscuits...
6/29/201548 minutes, 9 seconds
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CF217 - Five Years in Heaven with John Schlimm

Today I rebroadcast my interview with John Schimm on The Catholic Foodie Show on Real Life Radio. John and I talk about Sr. Augustine and how she helped...
6/25/201547 minutes, 56 seconds
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CF216 - Savor Your Faith with Ian Rutherford of Aquinas and More

Yesterday I had the pleasure of interviewing Ian Rutherford of Aquinas & More Catholic Goods about his Catholic cookbook sale. Not only is Ian offering 15%.
6/23/201548 minutes, 39 seconds
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CF215 - Summer Cooking with Marcelle Bienvenu

Chef and food writer Marcelle Bienvenu talks summer cooking with fresh vegetables and Gulf seafood, and I share with you a recipe for Shrimp and Okra Gumbo.
6/10/201548 minutes, 1 second
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CF214 - Chef Amy Sins on The Catholic Foodie Show

Chef Amy Sins of Langlois in New Orleans joins me on The Catholic Foodie Show today on Real Life Radio, and we talk food, family and following your passion.
6/9/201548 minutes, 5 seconds
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CF213 - Catholic Food Bloggers Talk Food and Faith

Catholic food bloggers talk about the intersection of food and faith. It was so much fun! And following yesterday's Catholic New Media Conference #CNMC15,
6/8/201547 minutes, 58 seconds
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CF212 - #RecipeFriday on The Catholic Foodie Show - Summer Shrimp Recipes

Recipe Friday featuring Summer Salads like the Sensation Salad, a Summer Tomato, Cucumber and Onion Salad, an Israeli Chopped Salad, and a Lebanese Fattoush Salad.
6/5/201548 minutes, 5 seconds
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CF211 - Summer Shrimp Recipes

Shrimp season is in full swing, so we are talking shrimp today. I share with you lots of ideas for fresh shrimp dishes this summer on The Catholic Foodie Show.
6/4/201548 minutes, 5 seconds
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CF210 - #RecipeFriday on The Catholic Foodie Show - Summer Salads

Recipe Friday featuring Summer Salads like the Sensation Salad, a Summer Tomato, Cucumber and Onion Salad, an Israeli Chopped Salad, and a Lebanese Fattoush Salad.
5/29/201547 minutes, 39 seconds
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CF209 - Media Nun Sr. Tracey Dugas on The Catholic Foodie Show

Despite technical difficulties, Sr. Tracey and I had an exciting conversation about media, evangelization, and the awesome work of the Daughters of St. Paul!
5/28/201545 minutes, 38 seconds
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CF208 - Family Meals Are Important!

The Sacramental Principle and the importance of family meals on The Catholic Foodie Show today. Also, 10 Shortcuts to Help You Cook Dinner in Record Time. Listen now!
5/27/201550 minutes, 21 seconds
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CF207 - How to Make Pizza at Home

Pizza is on the menu today on The Catholic Foodie Show on Real Life Radio! I love making pizzas at home! I think I was 10 or 11 when I made my first pizza...
5/26/201548 minutes, 31 seconds
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CF206 - Recipe Friday on The Catholic Foodie Show: Baklava

It's Memorial Day Weekend, so I thought I would fill today's show with recipes. We have Baklava, Greek Salad, and Grilled Kafta on the meun today...
5/22/201548 minutes, 31 seconds
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CF205 - New Orleans Greek Festival 2015

OPA! Gail Psilos joined me yesterday on The Catholic Foodie Show to give us an inside peek into what we can expect at the New Orleans Greek Fest this weekend.
5/21/201548 minutes, 31 seconds
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CF204 - Fr. Peter Preble on The Catholic Foodie Show

Orthodox priest and radio host Fr. Peter Preble joins me to talk food and faith on The Catholic Foodie Show. Listen in as we discuss fasting and feasting, among other
5/20/201548 minutes, 39 seconds
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CF203 - Lisa Schmidt on The Catholic Foodie Show

Lisa Schmidt of joins me to talk food, faith, family meals, new evangelization, and growing in faith around the table.
5/18/201548 minutes, 38 seconds
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CF202 - Kris Camealy on The Catholic Foodie Show

Kris Camealy of joins me on The Catholic Foodie Show to talk food, faith, radical hospitality, Compassion International, and loving our familes.
5/15/201548 minutes, 1 second
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CF201 - The Catholic Drinkie on The Catholic Foodie Show

Sarah Vabulas, the Catholic Drinkie joins me on The Catholic Foodie Show on Real Life Radio. We talk food, faith, beer, classic cocktails and more.
5/14/201547 minutes, 59 seconds
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CF200 - The Faithful Traveler on The Catholic Foodie Show

Diana von Glahn, the Faithful Traveler joins me on this inaugural broadcast of The Catholic Foodie Show on Real Life Radio.
5/13/201547 minutes, 49 seconds
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CF199 - Five Years in Heaven – An Interview with Author John Schlimm

Author John Schlimm joins us on the show today to talk about his latest book - Five Years in Heaven... The Unlikely Friendship that Answered Life's Greatest Questions.
4/29/201558 minutes, 23 seconds
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CF198 - Trucks, Trends and Friends

Middle Eastern food is trending in 2015, and for good reason. So are food trucks. Listen in to learn more: LOLA Deux, King Creole, and Eat St on the Cooking Channel.
4/19/201546 minutes, 51 seconds
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CF197 - Chef John Besh and Cookin' Good

I almost didn’t publish this podcast episode. But I decided to do it anyway. Why? Listen to find out. Plus, the future of the podcast, reality radio, and King Cake....
3/22/20151 hour, 2 minutes, 7 seconds
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CF196 - Driving and the Future of The Catholic Foodie Podcast

In this episode: Chefs Move! Scholarship by the Chef John Besh Foundation, how food and cooking bring people together – both communities and families – and is the.....
1/9/201542 minutes, 15 seconds
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CF195 - I'm Back! Plus the SQPN Podcast Marathon

The Catholic Foodie podcast is back! I join the SQPN crew today in the SQPN Podcast Marathon and I make 3 big announcements. Listen to get the scoop...
12/28/201453 minutes, 40 seconds
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CF194 - Around the Table with Leah Chase

Leah Chase was the inspiration behind the Disney movie The Princess and the Frog. She has cooked for presidents and dignitaries from across the world. Dooky Chase...
9/21/201428 minutes, 31 seconds
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CF193 - FARE Food Apothecary in New Orleans

Chef Matt Murphy and his wife Alicia join us today to talk about a new venture: FARE Food Apothecary. It's healthy. It's paleo. And it's for foodies in New Orleans...
7/26/201453 minutes, 58 seconds
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CF192 - Diana von Glahn, The Faithful Traveler and the Holy Land

Diana von Glahn, the Faithful Traveler, joins us today on The Catholic Foodie to talk about her recent trip to the Holy Land to cover the visit of Pope Frances...
7/21/201448 minutes, 36 seconds
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CF191 - Greek Fest New Orleans 2014

Greek Fest New Orleans celebrates 150 years of the Greek Orthodox Church in the Americas the same weekend as Pope Francis visits the Holy Land...
5/24/201447 minutes, 53 seconds
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CF190 - #2PopeSaints, Mary Matalin, and a Roman Holiday

Pope Saint John XXIII, Pope Saint John Paul II, Cardinal Dolan and Mary Matalin all on The Catholic Foodie...
5/15/201443 minutes, 39 seconds
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CF189 - Jazz Fest and Crawfish Talk

We're talking Jazz Fest and Crawfish today here in New Orleans, and a little bit about Lent too...
5/3/201440 minutes, 31 seconds
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CF188 - Easter Feasting... with Nuns!

Sr. Julia Darrenkamp and Sr. Tracey Dugas - Daughters of St. Paul join us to talk Easter feasting in a religious family...
5/2/201441 minutes, 24 seconds
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CF187 - Lent: Soup and Stories with The Practicing Catholics

Lisa Schmidt of The Practicing Catholic blog joined us on the Around the Table Food Show to talk about a new initiative she is taking on this Lent...
4/12/201434 minutes, 42 seconds
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CF186 - A Taste of Covington: Vintner's Dinner at LOLA

On-location at LOLA in Covington for the Vintner's Dinner, part of the A Taste of Covington event this weekend. So much fun!...
4/11/201448 minutes, 14 seconds
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CF185 - St. Joseph and the Italian Feast Day #BeshBox – AUDIO VERSION

The Feast of St. Joseph, St. Joseph Altars in New Orleans, Is St. Joseph Italian, and the Italian Feast Day BeshBox by Chef John Besh...
3/19/201418 minutes, 28 seconds
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CF184 - The Catholic Foodie Joins The Catholic Guy for Mardi Gras 2014

Lino Rulli, The Catholic Guy, returns to New Orleans for Mardi Gras. Jeff Young, The Catholic Foodie, joins Lino as co-host for Fat Tuesday and Ash Wednesday...
2/26/20141 hour, 6 minutes, 42 seconds
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CF183 - Catholic Food Bloggers Talk Food and Faith with Loyola Press

Dinner Lab, Supper Clubs, Pope Francis Documentary, Life Is Meals, Thai Food, quick way to peel garlic, and Alton Brown's Recipe for Turkey Gravy...
11/18/201339 minutes, 24 seconds
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CF182 - Dinner Lab and Supper Clubs

Dinner Lab, Supper Clubs, Pope Francis Documentary, Life Is Meals, Thai Food, quick way to peel garlic, and Alton Brown's Recipe for Turkey Gravy...
11/17/201357 minutes, 20 seconds
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CF181 - Part 2: Finding God in All Things, Including the Kitchen

We continue our conversation with Rosemary Lane of Loyola Press about the Food and Faith series, celebrating the ways that we...
11/10/201346 minutes, 31 seconds
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CF180 – Part 1: Finding God in All Things, Including the Kitchen

Loyola Press kicks off it's Food and Faith series today, celebrating the ways that we express our faith through the culinary arts...
11/10/201339 minutes, 23 seconds
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CF179 – Chris and Angela Faddis: It Is Well

Chris Faddis joins us today to encourage us to never forget that God is always faithful. After the death of his wife...
11/10/201354 minutes, 17 seconds
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CF178 – Table and Altar: The Blessing of Being Around the Table

A brand new episode of The Catholic Foodie where I discuss the importance of family meals and gathering around the table with...
11/9/201356 minutes, 26 seconds
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CF177 – Chef Anthony Scanio and Emeril's Delmonico

Cooking is about transformations, writes Scanio. It’s about taking simple ingredients, and, through various cooking processes...
10/24/201353 minutes, 40 seconds
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CF176 - Louisiana Kitchen and Culture Magazine at Emeril's Homebase

We joined Susan Ford, publisher of Louisiana Kitchen and Culture Magazine at Emeril's Homebase for the Holiday issue photo shoot...
9/28/201356 minutes, 47 seconds
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CF175 - Chef Matt Murphy and The Irish House in New Orleans

Miraculously healed of a deadly blood disease in 2009, Chef Matt Murphy went on to open The Irish House in New Orleans in 2011...
9/22/201353 minutes, 25 seconds
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CF174 - Ye Olde College Inn – Food, Faith, Family in New Orleans

Ye Olde College Inn is a classic New Orleans family-owned neighborhood restaurant. It's farm to table approach makes it one of the...
9/6/201354 minutes, 14 seconds
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CF173 - Back to School with Sherrí Hansen and Culinary Kids

The lazy days of summer are gone and school is back in full swing. But it is still possible to put good food on the family table...
8/30/201354 minutes, 32 seconds
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CF172 - Chef Joe Smith and Cafe Reconcile

Chef Joe Smith is passionate about cooking. He just celebrated 10 years of service at Cafe Reconcile in New Orleans. Listen as we...
8/12/201349 minutes, 13 seconds
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CF171 - Chef Justin Devillier and La Petite Grocery

We did not know it at the time, but Chef Justin Devillier was tapped by Bravo to compete on Top Chef New Orleans. Listen in as...
8/9/201353 minutes, 27 seconds
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CF170 - The Baking Steel Revolutionizes Home Pizza-Making

We are talking jazz brunches in New Orleans and jazz music with singer Kitty Cleveland. New Orleans is known as the birthplace of jazz...
7/28/201352 minutes, 42 seconds
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CF169 - Lisa Hendey - Catholic Mom and Catholic Tourist

Lisa Hendey is probably best recognized as the founder and editor of She recently started a new project:
7/26/201350 minutes, 7 seconds
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CF168 - Summer Cooking with Marcelle Bienvenu

On the show we talked with Marcelle about fishing and all the fresh Gulf shrimp and crabs that are available during the summer months.
7/23/201358 minutes, 27 seconds
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CF167 - A Classic New Orleans Jazz Brunch with Kitty Cleveland

We are talking jazz brunches in New Orleans and jazz music with singer Kitty Cleveland. New Orleans is known as the birthplace of jazz...
7/4/20131 hour, 12 minutes, 41 seconds
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CF166 - Cafe Reconcile and Greek Fest New Orleans

There are many ways to look at that statement, but Cafe Reconcile takes an approach to “Feed Your Soul!“ that is very similar to The Catholic Foodie and to...
6/21/201353 minutes, 19 seconds
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CF165 - Chef John Besh and Around the Table Food Show

Chef John Besh joins us to talk about the importance of family meals, healthy food, and his passionate plea for home cooking. Monsignor Christopher Nalty joins us too.
5/25/201355 minutes, 3 seconds
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CF164 - A Recipe for Joy

Recipe for Joy is an inspiring story, one that can help all of us find joy in the midst of a hectic life that often dishes out suffering and heartache when we are really hungry for love.
5/6/201343 minutes, 23 seconds
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CF163 - Around the Table Radio - Louisiana Seafood

This broadcast of Around the Table radio aired on April 19 2013. Guests join us to talk about Louisiana Seafood.
4/23/201347 minutes, 45 seconds
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CF162 - Debut Broadcast of Around the Table Radio Show

This is the debut of Around the Table radio show that aired for the first time last Friday. It will have its own podcast feed soon. Enjoy!
4/19/201345 minutes
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CF161 - Around the Table Radio and The French Quarter Festival

Around the Table radio show and the French Quarter Festival. The world's largest jazz brunch features over 60 local restaurants serving Cajun and Creole cuisine...
4/16/201357 minutes, 56 seconds
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CF160 - The Alligator and the Archbishop: A Lenten Tail?

Did You Hear the One About the Alligator and the Archbishop? It all started on Ash Wednesday. Archbishop Aymond clarified that it’s OK to eat alligator on Fridays in Lent. Included in this episode is an interview I did that aired on NPR.
3/14/201330 minutes, 30 seconds
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CF159 - Louisiana Caldo for Sunday Supper

Louisiana Caldo is a thick, nourishing soup that is traditional to the Isleños… settlers of St. Bernard Parish (outside of New Orleans proper) who came from the Canary Islands over 200 years ago. It’s not a gumbo, yet it is thick, hearty and nutritious. It features two unique ingredients: mustard greens and pickled pork.
2/25/201333 minutes, 22 seconds
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CF158 - Alligator, Chicken Stock, and Bacon Grease. Oh My!

The last few days the Louisiana alligator has been in the media spotlight. Again. But this time it’s not because someone is screaming, “Choot ‘em! Choot ‘em!” Instead folks are screaming, “Cook ‘em! Cook ‘em!” On Fridays in Lent, that is.
2/18/201333 minutes, 7 seconds
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CF157 - Bring Lent to Life: The CRS Rice Bowl

When I was a child Lent was all about ashes, fish sticks, the Stations of the Cross, and the Rice Bowl. In those days it was called “Operation Rice Bowl,” and I remember the excitement I had every Lent as I assembled my bowl and marveled at the fact that I could do something that would help suffering people...
2/15/201314 minutes, 54 seconds
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CF156 - Ash Wednesday, Lent, Fasting, and Pretzels

From Fat Tuesday to fat pretzels, carnival season and Mardi Gras are now over. Lent is here. And that is a good thing. Life if full of seasons and there is a time for everything. We turn now from our revelry and rejoicing to face our own shortcomings and sinfulness, and to acknowledge our deep need for a Savior.
2/14/201327 minutes, 31 seconds
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CF155 - Blood Orange Vodka Martinis for SundaySupper

The Blood Orange Vodka Martini recipe that I am going to share with you today is not, in the strict sense, a martini at all. It is so named solely because of the glass in which it is served. A Martini glass.
2/11/201320 minutes, 56 seconds
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CF154 - Braised Cabbage with Beer and Creole Mustard

This is cabbage season. Cabbage is usually available from late fall through the winter. Cabbage is abundant and cheap. It can be served as a side or as a main dish. That means cabbage is an excellent choice for Fridays during Lent too.
2/9/201333 minutes, 13 seconds
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CF153 - Grown-Up Grilled Cheese with Tomato Soup for Sunday Supper

The Grilled Cheese Sandwich: quick, easy, buttery, warm, filling. And coupled with a hot bowl of Campbell’s Tomato Soup sprinkled with black pepper… Oh my goodness! I loved that! Just thinking about it, I’m in 70s heaven! Wait! Is that the Bee Gees I hear?
1/21/201321 minutes, 47 seconds
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CF152 - New Orleans White Beans and Rice for Sunday Supper

Red Beans and Rice is like a staple down here. Believe me, I know. I also know that I really like Red Beans...
1/14/201325 minutes, 30 seconds
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CF151 - Cravings: A Refreshing Guide to Freedom in Christ

But what if it’s really not about food? What if, on the personal level at least, some of the “issues” we have with food really spawn from something deeper? Something… relational?
1/8/201319 minutes, 40 seconds
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CF150 - Emeril Lagasse: Columbia Street Grinder

There’s nothing like a good sandwich. And, lucky for me, New Orleans is the birthplace of a couple of legendary and world-famous sandwiches: the Po-Boy and the Muffuletta. But today we’re talking kicked-up sandwiches by Emeril Lagasse.
12/31/201224 minutes, 31 seconds
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CF149 - What's So Catholic About Food?

There’s one thing about being The Catholic Foodie that is not necessarily highlighted all the time. I guess you can say it is a secret of sorts. Maybe the secret. The Catholic Foodie, you see, is really not about the food. It’s about communion.
12/18/201212 minutes, 26 seconds
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CF148 - Mexican Lentil Soup for Our Lady of Guadalupe

Yesterday, December 12, was the feast day of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the Americas. But she is more than just the Patroness of the Americas. Our Lady of Guadalupe holds a special place in my heart.
12/14/201214 minutes, 51 seconds
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CF147 - How to Make Beef Stock from Bones

Beef stock is always a treat. This stock comes out deep, rich and dark, almost like coffee. It is nutrient-dense, and it is so good and delicious.
12/8/201216 minutes, 10 seconds
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CF146 - Beef Stew with Abita Turbodog

There’s just something good about beef stew. It’s hearty. It’s warm. It’s comforting, filling, and delicious. It’s comfort food for sure.
12/6/201216 minutes, 1 second
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CF145 - Thanksgiving and The Fullness of Truth

Thanksgiving talk with the folks from Baton Rouge Catholic Radio, Pepper-Stuffed Turkey, Creamed Spinach and Sweet Potato Pudding. Also an interview with author Jim Seghers about his new book, The Fullness of Truth.
11/21/20121 hour, 3 minutes, 10 seconds
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CF144 - Create The Crust You Crave: The Baking Steel Is The Answer For Home Pizza Baking

Do you like pizza with soggy crust? I don't either. Home ovens by themselves cannot produce the kind of pizza you find at your favorite pizza parlor. But with The Baking Steel you can have the crust you crave.
11/16/20121 hour, 1 minute, 2 seconds
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CF143 - The Year of Faith: 3 Ways To Grow In Faith This Year

FAITH IS A GIFT - We can’t earn it. We can’t buy it. We can’t make ourselves grow in it. We can only do things that dispose us to receive the gift of Faith from God. But, WHAT IS FAITH?
10/12/201216 minutes, 14 seconds
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CF142 - Chicken Stock: Dem Bones Are Good!

Chicken stock is an absolute necessity in our house. For years I bought cans of chicken stock at the grocery store. Then I discovered how easy and inexpensive it is to make a far better chicken stock right in my own kitchen.
10/9/201222 minutes, 18 seconds
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CF141 - A Louisiana Classic - Chicken and Andouille Gumbo

This is the real deal, folks. This is authentic gumbo. This isn’t store-bought. This isn’t frozen. This isn’t pre-packaged. This is something you make with your own hands in your own kitchen in your own house. Or maybe at a friend’s house. There’s nothing like the warm nuttiness of a roux pervading the rooms of a house in the late afternoon. Gumbo-making is a community event (which is something we’ll talk about a bit more later in this post). Not only can everybody smell it, but you need a big pot to make it in. I can still think back to my days as child of 7 or 8, and I can recall the smell of my mom making roux and the happiness that smell brought me. My mom used to make chicken and sausage gumbo regularly. umbo is a dish of smells. Roux. Sauteing onions, celery and bell pepper. Fresh garlic. And after all of those delicious smells comes yet another delicious smell: sausage cooking in a skillet (because you have to de-grease the sausage before adding it to the gumbo).
10/1/201226 minutes, 55 seconds
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CF140 - The Catholic Foodie - Lebanese Stuffed Squash: Kousa Mahshi

I hated squash as a child. And during the summers we used to get a lot of it. My grandfather grew it in his garden, along with corn, tomatoes, and string beans. I loved the corn and tomatoes, but you could keep the squash and beans. I am very happy to say that my palate developed quite nicely as I grew up, and I now enjoy both squash and beans. And this dish is one of my favorite ways to prepare squash. Kousa Mahshi has been handed down by generations of Lebanese families. The recipe here is our version of this classic dish. The mahshi (or mihshi… or filling) for this recipe is about the same as it is for the Lebanese Grape Leaves, except here we are using beef instead of lamb.
9/18/201215 minutes, 13 seconds
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CF139 - Shrimp Masala: A Delicious Experiment in Cajun-Indian Fusion

OK. I’m gonna say it… This dish is INSANE. So insane that I made it two weeks in a row. I just couldn’t help myself. Masala is a combination of dry and roasted spices, typical in Indian and Pakistani cuisines, and they are used to add spice and flavor. I call this a Cajun-Indian fusion because I used fresh Gulf shrimp and lots of cayenne (and crushed red pepper flakes!). And, of course, this Shrimp Masala was served over a bed of Louisiana Jasmine rice. This recipe is a keeper. If you try it, you just gotta let me know!
8/28/201218 minutes, 21 seconds
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CF138 - Gluten-Free Round Steak Grillades

I grew up eating round steak at least once a week. My dad used to buy the whole round steak and cut it up into small cutlets. Then he would dredge the cutlets in flour seasoned with salt and black pepper, fry them up in a pan, and then deglaze the pan and make a rich brown gravy that we would pour over rice. The look and the smell bring back so many memories for me. It wasn’t until I was almost married that I first had grillades (pronounced gree-yahds).
8/20/201233 minutes, 3 seconds
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CF137 - To Be Gluten-Free Or Not To Be Gluten-Free? That Is The Question.

On the show today… Today we are talking Shrimp and Okra Gumbo and the whole gluten-free phenomena. Are you gluten-free or not? Why or why not?
7/20/201229 minutes, 25 seconds
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CF136 - Kids in the Kitchen for #SundaySupper

On the show today… #SundaySupper and Kids in the Kitchen. What are the benefits of getting your kids into the kitchen? We will talk about that today. And what is the #SundaySupper movement all about? Join me as I talk about and the #SundaySupper movement… and as I reach into the archives of the Catholic Foodie to bring you an interview with Rebecca Lindamood of All this, and more, right here at the Catholic Foodie… where food meets faith!
7/7/20121 hour, 3 minutes, 12 seconds
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CF135 - Summer Salads: A Healthy and Delicious Way to Stay Cool This Summer

It’s HOT! I don’t know about you, but summer means two things to me: heat and busyness. Summer in south Louisiana is HOT! We definitely do not want to turn on the oven, if possible. Grill outside instead? Sure. But that's HOT too! How about fresh, cool, delicious salads for supper on those hot summer evenings? I love fresh veggies! There’s nothing like fresh summer tomatoes, cucumbers, and lettuces! On this episode I talk about a FREE eCookbook that contains a "family secret" recipe of one of our favorite salads… Tabouli! This episode also includes: a shoutout to Fr. Roderick and SQPN, a reminder abou the upcoming CNMC, and my recipe for Greek Salad with Fresh Spinach and Kalamata Olives. All this, and more, right here at the Catholic Foodie… where food meets faith!
6/30/201229 minutes, 51 seconds
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CF134 - Easter Crawfish and The French Quarter Festival

What exactly do I mean by “Easter Crawfish?” Well, crawfish season and Easter coincide each year since the high point of crawfish season spans the months of March, April and May. And, by the way, Easter is not over. Nope, not at all! We are now in the Easter Season… Looking forward to the Gift of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. Anyway, it’s no coincidence that there are crawfish boils all across south Louisiana on Easter Sunday… And on Good Friday too. But more on that later in the show. Why are crawfish are such a big deal down here? I tell you in this episode. I also have some tips for you on boiling your own crawfish and a quick tutorial on how to peel a crawfish. This past weekend was French Quarter Fest in New Orleans and we spent the day there Friday. I’ll tell you more about the history, the music and the food of what has been called the “kickoff to festival season in New Orleans.” All this and more right here, at the Catholic Foodie, where food meets faith!
4/19/201253 minutes, 23 seconds
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CF133 - Holy Week, the Eucharist, and the Sacramental Principle

Today is Holy Thursday. This evening the Triduum begins with the Mass of the Lord's Supper. I have to secretly confess that I often find myself more excited about tonight's celebration than I do about Easter. Don't get me wrong… Easter is the highpoint. It is the feast of feasts. But, for reasons you will hear later, I often experience Holy Thursday in a more real, intimate, and personal way than I do Easter. But, that's a secret, so don't tell anybody. Sarah Reinhard joins us today to talk about her experience of Holy Thursday. And we also discuss her new book, Catholic Family Fun: A Guide for the Adventurous, Overwhelmed, Creative or Clueless. In this episode I also share with you a Holy Thursday interview with Dr. Brant Pitre that I first recorded in 2009. All this and more right here at the Catholic Foodie… Where food meets faith!
4/5/20121 hour, 12 minutes, 3 seconds
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CF132 - St. Joseph Altars in New Orleans

On the show today… my recent guest appearance on Wake Up Baton Rouge on WPYR to talk about St. Joseph Altars and how they bring together food and faith… Sarah Reinhard's Mary in the Kitchen segment, and some great news about Sarah's most recent book… and I reach back in the Catholic Foodie archives to bring you an amazing story about the powerful ways that St. Joseph answers prayer, and how people show their gratitude to St. Joseph with special altars. All this and more right here at the Catholic Foodie… where food meets faith!
3/23/201242 minutes, 12 seconds
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CF131 - The Lenten Kitchen

On today's show… Why fish? Why can we eat fish on Fridays in Lent? Isn't fish a kind of meat too? I give you two spiritual explanations for the Church allowing us to eat fish on Fridays in Lent. Also, Celeste Behe of the "A Perpetual Jubilee" blog joins us to discuss her Lenten "40 for 12." Sarah Reinhard reflects on a Lenten experience of failure in her Mary in the Kitchen segment. All this, and more, right here at the Catholic Foodie… where food meets faith!
3/3/201251 minutes, 5 seconds
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CF130 - Thoth, Bacchus, and Orpheus... Oh My!

It's Mardi Gras, folks! What a busy weekend we had. And it was tons of fun! This year we hit Thoth and Bacchus on Sunday and Proteus and Orpheus on Monday. Then we went to a pig roast with some friends this afternoon. And I brought you along! It's a Mardi Gras "sound-seeing" tour!
2/21/201250 minutes, 37 seconds
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CF129 - King Cake and Mardi Gras in New Orleans

We’re in the middle of Carnival season down here in New Orleans. Only one more week before the parades start to roll! Can’t wait! You may have never been to Mardi Gras. You may not even have pleasant thoughts when you think of Mardi Gras… Maybe the only thing you know about Mardi Gras is what you have seen on MTV and the news channels. For those folks bad news is good news, so they like to portray the seedier side of things. But that’s not what Mardi Gras is all about. Believe it or not, Mardi Gras is Catholic through and through. And on today’s show, were going to talk about the Catholic roots of Mardi Gras and the delicious tradition of the King Cake. Sarah Reinhard joins us with her Mary in the kitchen segment, and today Sarah reflects on finding Mary in the hunker-down days of winter and discovering the kitchen as the heart of her home. All this and more right here, at the Catholic Foodie, where food meets faith!
2/4/201253 minutes, 41 seconds
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XTRA - The Catholic Foodie on Catholic Weekend: A Little Food For Thought

Since I am still recuperating from bronchitis, I decided to hijack an episode of SQPN's Catholic Weekend (with permission, of course) for you. I had the joy of joining the Catholic Weekend crew two weeks ago, and we talked about food, faith, Mardi Gras, King Cake, oysters, and more! Join us in the fun! I'll be back next week with a full episode talking about the history and tradition of the King Cake during Mardi Gras season. Until then… Bon appetit!
1/28/20121 hour, 4 minutes, 20 seconds
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CF128 - Louisiana Oysters

You may love ‘em, you may hate ‘em, but one thing is certain… the Louisiana oyster has a certain mystique and a large loyal following. Although many would argue that the best way to serve oysters is in the raw, there are so many ways to prepare them. In this episode we are going to talk about a few of those ways. Drago’s famous Chargrilled Oysters (and our variation of it). I have a few recipes for you too: fresh cocktail sauce for those yummy, slimy raw oysters, and sauces for grilled or BBQ oysters. Oh, and a special recipe for what I call the Bayou Mary Oyster Shooter. Sarah Reinhard joins us with her Mary in the Kitchen segment. and today Sarah reflects on resolutions, failure, and Our Blessed Lady. All this and more right here, at the Catholic Foodie, where food meets faith!
1/9/201248 minutes
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CF127 - Christmas in New Orleans

Christmas in New Orleans, Feast of the Seven Fishes, SQPN Giving Campaign, and @NOLAmaven (Susan Whelan) from Twitter joins us to discuss Reveillon dinners in New Orleans.
1/4/201247 minutes, 32 seconds
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CF126 - John Besh and "My Family Table"

John Besh. My Family Table cookbook. Real Food. Home cooking. Home cooks. Louisiana cuisine. New Orleans. Recipes.
12/21/201138 minutes, 45 seconds
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CF125 - "Mary in the Kitchen" - Thanksgiving 2011

A special Thanksgiving message from Sarah Reinhard, producer of "Mary in the Kitchen" and the "Just Another Day of Catholic Pondering" blog at
11/24/20112 minutes, 24 seconds
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CF124 - Alton Brown, This Bisque's For You

Welcome, Folks, to the Catholic Foodie, Where food meets faith! I’m your host Jeff Young and I have lots of goodies for you today. The family and I had the opportunity to meet two chefs two weeks ago: Chef John Besh and Alton Brown, and I can’t wait to tell you all about it! We have a question about skim milk, specifically, what makes it skim and how is it different than regular milk. And, of course, I have a recipe for you. Two actually. We’ll talk about shrimp stock and shrimp bisque. Sarah Reinhard joins us today. And in her Mary in the Kitchen segment we have food and faith thanks to the rosary on her kitchen windowsill. All this, and more, right here at the Catholic Foodie…. Where food meets faith!
11/11/201145 minutes, 32 seconds
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CF123 - Goodbye Good Eats

Alton Brown. Good Eats comes to an end after 13 years... The Egg Files, how to perfectly cook an egg. Over-easy or scrambles. Sarah Reinhard reflects canning tomatoes in Ohio.
9/23/201148 minutes, 44 seconds
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CF122 - Mama's Silver Moon Cafe

Mama’s Silver Moon Cafe in Baton Rouge... Recipes: spinach pizza crust, Cathy LeBlanc's pizza crust, & our recipe for Crawfish (or chicken) Etouffee. Sarah Reinhard reflects on the nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
9/5/201149 minutes, 22 seconds
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CF121 - Hurricane Food

Hurricane Katrina, Hurricane Irene, and the remaining three months of Hurricane Season. What does that have to do with food? Listen and find out! We gotta eat! Food safety, Marcelle Bienvenu, Sarah Reinhard, and more!
8/30/201130 minutes, 44 seconds
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CF120 - What Would Jesus Eat?

The typical diet at the time of Jesus, how they ate meals, and a recipe for whole wheat bread. Also Sarah Reinhard joins us with Mary in the Kitchen.
8/22/201131 minutes, 8 seconds
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CF119 - The Help

The Help movie, racism in the South, fried chicken, killing chickens in Mexico, simple recipe for roasting chickens, and Mary in the Kitchen with Sarah Reinhard.
8/15/201132 minutes, 20 seconds
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CF118 - Shrimp... The Fruit of the Sea

Shrimp, Ruby Reds, Royal Reds, Bloody Marys, Spotify, Google+, seafood, beach, Louisiana, Florida.
7/29/201131 minutes, 25 seconds
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CF117 - Super Simple Summer Salads

Salads, tips, Lebanese Convention, Carnival Cruise, Chef John Besh, Luke Restaurant, New Orleans, Green Goddess, family, celebration, joy.
7/19/201141 minutes, 8 seconds
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CF116 - The Catholic Foodie and the Pizza Capital of the World

Today we're talking about my birthday week. Yes, we even stretch out birthday celebrations as long as we can! It's not unusual for folks to celebrate birthdays with a meal, & that's definitely a big tradition in our family. I love going to my favorite pizza parlor. And boy do I have a story for you!
6/19/201142 minutes, 42 seconds
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CF115 - AUDIO ONLY - OPA! Well... Almost.

Next weekend is Greek Fest here in New Orleans, and I want to show you why we love it so much, even though we are not Greek. Wish I could say it was due to some ecumenical outreach of ours. But, it’s not. In this short episode I show you why we go.
5/24/201114 minutes, 42 seconds
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CF114 - Mercy Sakes Alive!

We talk about crawfish, devotion to Jesus and the Divine Mercy, the Wedding Feast at Cana and more. And Sarah Reinhard joins us today with her Mary in the Kitchen segment. All this and more right here, at the Catholic Foodie, where food meets faith!
5/2/201146 minutes, 15 seconds
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CF113 - Audio Only - Easter Crawfish 2011

Audio-only version of last episode: An Easter greeting to you from the Catholic Foodie. It's an Easter crawfish extravaganza! Laissez les bon temps roulez! Special thanks to our sponsor:
4/26/20118 minutes, 13 seconds
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CF112 - Po-boys & Penance

History of the po-boy, Catholic Foodie's top 5 types of po-boys & the top 5 po-boy establishments between New Orleans & Baton Rouge. Shout-outs to Dianna Kennedy, Craig Poirier, Lisa Hendey, and Fr. Seraphim Beshoner, TOR. Sarah Reinhard joins us too!
4/12/201153 minutes, 50 seconds
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CF111 - Pretzels & Beer For Lent

The Catholic history of the pretzel and a delicious soft pretzel recipe... And a guy who is fasting on beer and water all of Lent. Wow! Check it out right here on the Catholic Foodie, where food meets faith!
3/30/201144 minutes, 42 seconds
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CF110 - St. Joseph, Patron of the Universal Church

St. Patrick's Day Parades in New Orleans, St. Joseph's Day Altars, Evann Duplantier of & the Virtual St. Joseph Altar, Sarah Reinhard reflecting on St. Joseph, and my discussion of a really whacked out first week of Lent.
3/22/20111 hour, 4 minutes, 29 seconds
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CF109 - Lent. It's What's For Dinner.

Mardi Gras season is now over and Lent is here! Happy Lent! Today we recap Mardi Gras and talk about Lent and fasting and abstinence. Sarah Reinhard joins us with Mary in the Kitchen, and I give a few shout outs to listeners.
3/12/201151 minutes, 4 seconds
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CF108 - Laissez les bon temps roulez!

Let the good times roll! It's Mardi Gras time in New Orleans, folks! And I am so happy to share that with you. I'm also VERY happy to have my son, Christopher Young, on the show with me today. Laissez les bon temps roulez! Let the good times roll!
3/1/201148 minutes, 57 seconds
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CF107 - Will You Be My Valentime?

I am celebrating Valentime’s by spreading some of the great things that other folks doing in the Catholic media realm. Justin Combs of The Jacob's Well Experience joins me. Appropriately, Sarah Reinhard shares why she now loves Valentine’s Day.
2/15/201150 minutes, 50 seconds
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CF106 - Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution

Jamie Oliver and his Food Revolution... Kelly the Kitchen Kop joins us to chat about Jamie’s revolution. And Sarah Reinhard brings us another excellent Mary in the Kitchen segment. Today Sarah talks with us about Play-doh and prayer.
2/6/20111 hour, 6 minutes
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CF105 - Food Blogging 101

An extra-long episode this week. Making up for missing last week. Good stuff though. Food blogging! Sarah Reinhard joins us LIVE! And I share with you some awesome food blogging resources! Join me here at the Catholic Foodie, where food meets faith!
2/1/20111 hour, 28 minutes, 25 seconds
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CF104 - Grace Before Meals

Today we are going to talk about a dynamic priest who dons not only a Roman collar, but also a chef’s apron. I’m talking Fr. Leo Patalinghug, folks. You know, the priest who kicked Bobby Flay’s butt in a Throwdown in early 2010. Fr. Leo’s “cooking” ministry is called Grace Before Meals, and today I’d like to share a few thoughts with you about the Grace Before Meals movement. Also on the lineup today: - A wine recommendation - My recipe for Cajun Round Steak Parmesan - A healthy debate on food and business - And Sarah Reinhard joins us with her Mary in the Kitchen segment.
1/17/201159 minutes, 8 seconds
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CF103 - Soup is Good Food

Today we talk soup. Mmm-mmm, Soup is good food! And there are so many different kinds. We’ll talk about about a few of them. I share a couple of recipes with you: Cream of Chicken Soup, and Seafood Gumbo. We also talk about how to make a stock.
1/12/201138 minutes, 54 seconds
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CF102 - What? The Epiphany? Already???

You've heard of Despicable Me. Well, on this episode I'm Incredulous Me. I just can't believe that we are already celebrating the Epiphany. We talk Epiphany customs around the world, & Sarah Reinhard brings us another excellent Mary in the Kitchen.
1/4/201135 minutes, 47 seconds
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CF101 - St. Joseph & the Baby Jesus

This is a special episode of the Catholic Foodie, produced specifically for the Catholic New Media Advent Calendar at
12/18/201028 minutes, 3 seconds
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CF100 - Gaudete! Rejoice!

Episode 100! Char joins me to celebrate. We talk about Gaudete Sunday, Our Lady of Guadalupe, healthy eating. My new friend Emily joins us to talk health, nutrition, & Fr. Leo! And Sarah Reinhard is back!
12/13/20101 hour, 8 minutes
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CF99 - Just in the Nick of Time

The Feast of St. Nick, Puree of Pumpkin Soup with Fresh Kale and Italian Sausage, Advent and living liturgically, and a special baby announcement. Hint: There's no Mary in the Kitchen this week!
12/6/201045 minutes, 10 seconds
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CF98-2 - With a Grateful Heart

Voice feedback, an Advent preview, a reflection on gratitude (and a gratitude quiz!)... and Char's recipe for sweet potato pudding. All this and more on the Catholic Foodie, where food meets faith!
11/25/201043 minutes, 5 seconds
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CF98-1 - Special Announcement from

In this quick episode, Dane Falkner of shares some news about the new update on iTunes. He also announces a special price break on their apps (till November 26) & a chance to win an iPod Touch!
11/23/201016 minutes, 15 seconds
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CF97 - It's Beaujolais Day!

Sarah Reinhard focuses on Mary as Mother of Divine Providence. We talk a bit about Beaujolais Nouveau on this the third Thursday of November. And we welcome some special guests on the show: Kessie and Coby Thomas of
11/19/201052 minutes, 38 seconds
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CF96 - Keep It Simple, Y'all!

El Camino de Santiago de Compostela, wine, Spain, and new (gorgeous!) rosaries! Sarah Reinhard reflects on the Glorious Mysteries. Join us at the Catholic Foodie, where food meets faith!
11/11/201041 minutes, 59 seconds
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CF95 - Spirits & Souls of the Just, Bless the Lord!

A sunny Saturday lunch at Green Goddess restaurant in New Orleans (and a Bacon Sundae!), the Solemnity of All Saints, All Souls Day and prayer for the souls in Purgatory, & Sarah Reinhard reflects on the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary.
11/10/201050 minutes, 6 seconds
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CF94 - In the Middle of Things

Today we talk about the Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary. I also share with you the latest episode of In the Middle of Things. The Catholic Foodie... Where food meets faith!
10/25/201035 minutes, 48 seconds
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CF93 - Introducing... the Catholic Foodie Cookbook Project Podcast!

This is just a preview of the new cookbook project podcast. This episode will be episode 1 of that podcast. I am posting it here as an introduction. Bon appetit!
10/22/201025 minutes, 18 seconds
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CF92 - There's More Than One Way to Fall!

There are many different ways that you can fall... fall in love, fall away from the Church (hope not!), fall into sin (hope not again!), fall forward, fall backward. Or simply just fall. Like I did last week. Twice. And thank God it’s FALL!
10/16/201034 minutes, 45 seconds
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CF91 - You Can't Substitute Fall!

It is Fall! Way down here in Louisiana it's actually cool! Alleluia! Sarah Vabulas talks about her favorite fall brew. Sarah Reinhard chats with us about the Rosary in the Kitchen. And I have a few substitution tips for your next recipe.
10/4/201042 minutes, 44 seconds
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CF90 - Father Abraham... At Your Service

Today we talk about bar food, vinegar, & Father Abraham serving dinner to the poor man Lazarus. I share 12 things you can do with vinegar that you may not have thought of before. And a Mary in the Kitchen question: To apron, or not to apron?
9/27/201043 minutes, 26 seconds
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CF89 - Happy Chefs

I'm very excited! I bring you today an interview with the chefs of our favorite local restaurant, Ristorante Del Porto. I recap my experience as a guest blogger at last week, & we discuss the readings from Sunday's Mass.
9/22/20101 hour, 3 minutes, 35 seconds
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CF88 - Faith & Family Live

Today I bring to the table a special episode of the Catholic Foodie... just for you here at Faith & Family Live. Exaltation of the Cross, Mary in the Kitchen, and West African Peanut Soup!
9/15/201034 minutes, 58 seconds
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CF87 - Sheep, Coins, & Me!

Brought to you by the Divine Office iPhone / iPad app: On the menu today - and unappetizing appetizer, my new health kick (& rant!), and a reflection on Jesus' Parables of Mercy!
9/13/20101 hour, 10 seconds
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CF86 - Chicken, Boudin, and Sushi... At the Beach!

Brought to you by the Divine Office iPhone / iPad app, I bring to the table 7 Inspirational Quotes from Famous Foodies to inspire you in the kitchen. You also get my recipe for Jambalaya. Sarah Vabulas on Firefly Vodka & Sarah Reinhard on Mary & the 1st day of kindergarten.
9/6/201057 minutes, 38 seconds
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CF85 - Remembering Hurricane Katrina

Full menu today... on the 5th anniversary of the landfall of Hurricane Katrina. We are going to reflect on Hurricane Katrina and talk about her nemesis - Our Lady of Prompt Succor. Sarah Vabulas joins us for our aperitif (Bloody Marys!). And Sarah Reinhard graces us again with Mary in the Kitchen.
8/30/20101 hour, 10 seconds
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CF82 - Dinner, Divine Office, and Lino's Beer

Prayer before meals, great people that I met & dined with at the CNMC, the ingenious ideas of Dane Falkner, hitting the pub with Lino and friends... Plus a recipe for Abita Amber Beer Jerk Chicken. Good stuff! Feedback: 985-635-4974.
8/13/20101 hour, 1 minute, 35 seconds
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CF80 - A Feast Worthy of Babette... Sort of.

A special feast and a new beer are on the menu today, and I am very excited to share them with you! Last week Char and I had our good friends and fellow foodies, Danny & Christi Burns, over for dinner. It was more than just a meal. It was an experience. Even more, it was an experience of the JOY of God’s love. A truly remarkable dinner. In this episode I tell you why.
7/30/201054 minutes, 11 seconds
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CF79 - Into the KItchen

In today’s episode we invite you into our kitchen. What’s on the menu? Salmon, Basil Pesto, and Spanish wine and cheese. We also have lots of feedback and more. Join us at the Catholic Foodie, where food meets faith.
7/14/20101 hour, 5 minutes, 53 seconds
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CF78 - Bon Appetit, Y'all!

Bon Appetit magazine. Is Yelp (& other social networks) hurting restaurants? Top 10 best new burger spots, including a burger going for $26! I also bring you along for breakfast with Adolfo Rodriguez to Huevos restaurant in New Orleans.
7/5/201056 minutes, 45 seconds
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CF77 - Fourth of July, Hot Dogs, and Apple Pie!

A CNMC challenge from a longtime listener, traditional 4th of July fare... with an innovative twist, and Mary in the Kitchen. Join us at the Catholic Foodie... Where food meets faith! Call 985-635-4974 with your feedback.
7/3/201048 minutes, 53 seconds
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CF76 - El Camino

Exciting show. Sandy joins us from Spain. El Camino. Vino. Foodie. Awesome! Also, retreat with Immaculee & the French Quarter. Birthday & Father's Day. ***Sorry for the variation on sound levels. Will fix for ep. 77. Thanks!***
6/23/20101 hour, 4 minutes, 32 seconds
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CF75 - Opa! Greek Fest 2010

Char joins me today to recap the Greek Fest. We talk about grilling, feedback, and I talk Char into sharing her Tabouleh (tabouli) recipe. Sarah Reinhard joins us with Mary in the Kitchen. Bon appetit!
6/14/201048 minutes, 28 seconds
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CF74 - Interview with Immaculee Ilibagiza

Lots of voice feedback today. Grilling talk. Mary in the Kitchen with Sarah Reinhard, & an interview with Immaculee Ilibagiza.
6/7/20101 hour, 1 minute, 25 seconds
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CF73 - The Divine Office

This episode runs a little long, but it's well worth it! I feature a great interview with the crew behind the production of the Divine Office (online, podcast, & iPhone app). You're gonna love it! We also have Sarah Reinhard, & I spatchcock chicken.
5/25/20101 hour, 12 minutes, 54 seconds
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CF72 - Holy Cow!

On the menu today: We recap Grace's First Communion and the killer-kickin' party we threw after the Mass. Lots of good food! We talk about our day on the farm, and we enjoy Sarah Reinhard's "Mary in the Kitchen." Bon appetit!
5/17/201052 minutes, 47 seconds
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CF71 - Grilling Confessions

We start a new series on CF today: practical cooking tips. Since summer is approaching, we are going to start with grilling tips. And along those lines... I make a grilling confession. We also preview organic farming too. Bon appetit!
5/12/201041 minutes, 57 seconds
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CF70 - Hot Tamales de Mayo!

On the menu today: the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, Rockin' the Rails, sushi, Cinco de Mayo, hot tamales (traditional & New Orleans style), & the illustrious Sarah Reinhard with Mary in the Kitchen. The Catholic Foodie... where food meets faith!
5/3/201052 minutes, 10 seconds
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CF69 - Of Dates and Feasts

Lots of post-Easter feasting and... lots of dates recently. Yes, dates with my wife. We'll tell you all about it here on episode 69 of the Catholic Foodie, where food meets faith!
4/25/201050 minutes, 42 seconds
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CF68 - Jesus, I Trust in You!

Char joins me today on the show. We discuss devotion to the Divine Mercy, indulgences, gardening, and we make a BIG announcement!
4/12/20101 hour, 4 seconds
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CF67 - He is Risen! Alleluia!

On the menu today: Easter, the Resurrection, FREEDOM! He has risen to give us new life... Freedom! We also talk about the differences in altar bread between the East and West. And... Mary in the Kitchen with Sarah Reinhard.
4/11/201047 minutes, 5 seconds
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CF66 - Holy Week and Praying with the Church

On the menu today... Holy Week, praying privately and liturgically, St. Augustine on prayer, Sarah Reinhard on Holy Thursday, feedback, and our family Holy Thursday celebration.
3/28/20101 hour, 3 minutes, 57 seconds
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CF65 - St. Joseph: Husband of Mary, Foster-Father of Jesus, Terror of Demons

On the menu today: Devotion to St. Joseph, Husband of Mary, Foster-Father of Jesus, and Terror of Demons; Mary in the Kitchen with Sarah Reinhard, feedback from Anne in the UK and from Daniel. Also total consecration to Mary.
3/25/201045 minutes, 20 seconds
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CF64 - The Cross in the Kitchen

Lent, more fasting, bread (lots of bread! Including hot cross buns), a new segment on the Catholic Foodie (Mary in the Kitchen)... And Char and I take on more Lenten reflection questions... about Shawshank Redemption this time.
3/13/20101 hour, 3 minutes, 5 seconds
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CF63 - Fasting for the Feast

What's on the menu for episode 63? Well, today we fast... or, at least, we talk about fasting. And, you know, fasting makes sense only in the context of feasting. Have you ever thought of that before? I really hadn't until reading The Spirituality of Fasting by Msgr. Charles M. Murphy. Excellent book. I highly recommend it for your lenten prayer and reflection.
3/1/20101 hour, 4 minutes, 10 seconds
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CF62 - Who Be Rouxbe?

On the menu today...A conversation with Joe Girard, co-founder of You can get a free 14 day trial of the full online cooking school by going to Also on the menu: Lenten plans, Lino Rulli, Valentines, & Sarah Reinhard...
2/22/20101 hour, 36 seconds
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CF61 - Fat Tuesday

Today's Fat Tuesday... Mardi Gras, y'all! On the show we talk about the parades from the past week, & 2 special Catholic media events taking place today. We also delve into the Catholic roots of Mardi Gras. And I make gumbo! Laissez les bon temps roulez!
2/16/201056 minutes, 14 seconds
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CF60 - When the Saints Go Marching In

Join us today for the Super Bowl pre-game show! Adolfo Rodriguez joins me to talk about the Saints and lots of good N'Awlins food. Char joins me for the feedback segment. And all of this in front of a live audience! Bon Appetit!
2/8/20101 hour, 4 minutes, 11 seconds
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On the menu today... the WHO DAT! controversy, the SQPN Mardi Gras Mambo Marathon, LOTS of feedback, king cakes, and even more yummy stuff. Join us at the Catholic Foodie where food meets faith!
2/1/201058 minutes, 15 seconds
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CF58 - The Saints are Going to the Super Bowl!

On the menu today... the CF Saints pre-game show with Char & Jeff! We have an interview with Executive Chef Manny Augello, feedback, and lots of banter. Come join the fun... at the Catholic Foodie, where food meets faith! THANKS JORDAN!
1/25/201059 minutes, 50 seconds
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CF57 - The Wine of God's Joy

The symbol of the wine at Cana is apt: wine restores vigor to an exhausted man, warms him all through, brings color back to his face, gives him courage, softens his heart, takes away his sense of insufficiency, and sets him free.... The joy of God is a wine that changes the drab, cold, colorless, substance of human nature into the rich, crimson, warm vitality of supernatural life. It changes discouragement to hope, doubt to faith, it lights up the mind and in its light men see that the problems of the world today, which seemed insurmountable, are straws in the power of God, and in his name even a creature as little and weak as man can overcome them. - Caryll Houselander [This quote appeared in the most recent issue of Magnificat (Vol. 11, No. 12)] On the menu today... Chris Faddis and I talk about his new ministry outreach, Fast for Haiti. We have a bit of technology and social media talk too. And LOTS of feedback on this episode. It is GREAT to hear from YOU! What else is on the menu? Sushi, beignets, a 10 year old ministry dynamo (by the name of Anya Daneluk), a revival (of the home cook), and much, much more! The Catholic Foodie... Where food meets faith! Kate Daneluk, Anya Daneluk & Children of Care Inbetween Sundays Of Sound Mind & Spirit Manny - Manny's Home Cook Revival Chris Brogan (Fun video) - The Value of Fun To leave feedback for the Catholic Foodie, call 985-635-4974 and leave a message. You can also leave feedback for me at Download episode 57 here or listen to it below: If you like what you see and hear at the Catholic Foodie, please consider leaving a tip! $2, $5, $10, or any amount... Your tip is greatly appreciated! Thank you! You can find lots of cool stuff over at SQPN Gear: Catholic Foodie aprons, t-shirts, ladies tees, coffee mugs, tote bags. Show the world that you are a Catholic foodie! Head over to SQPN Gear now! Get new episodes of the Catholic Foodie by subscribing for free via iTunes or in another podcatcher. Find me also at You can also find the Catholic Foodie at: SQPN Connect the Catholic Foodie on Facebook the Catholic Foodie on Twitter
1/18/201059 minutes, 2 seconds
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CF56 - Kids in the Kitchen

Goodness, our kids love to eat! And they love to cook too! Today we discuss kids in the kitchen and how cooking together can strengthen family relationships. Join me and Rebecca Lindamood (of here, where food meets faith!
1/11/201057 minutes, 21 seconds
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CF55 - King's Day Anticipation

On the menu today... a mega seafood blowout with Big D, a long overdue date with my honey, our Lebanese New Year's Day celebration, and the Epiphany! Oh... and did I mention that Char co-hosts CF55 with me? Join us here at the Catholic Foodie, where food meets faith!
1/4/201056 minutes, 24 seconds
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CF54 - Dinners and a Movie

Char and I discuss the past week and all the wonderful meals that we have had. We also talk about an excellent movie that we watched last night: Julie & Julia. Join us for food, fun, and family here at the Catholic Foodie, where food meets faith.
12/29/200953 minutes, 14 seconds
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CF53 - Silent Night

On the menu today: a special Catholic Roundup Advent Calendar episode. God becomes Man... in silence. And silence becomes a hallmark of Jesus' life. What's in manger? And a delicious New Orleans treat: muffalettas.
12/23/200919 minutes, 25 seconds
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CF52 - Plus I Can Be Your Body Guard Too!

On the menu today: An interview with Fr. Larry Richards, author of Be A Man: Becoming the Man God Created You to Be. Also on the menu... A curry chicken and sweet potato soup, and a review of the wonderful Mac app 1Password.
12/20/200943 minutes
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CF51 - Time to Eat!

What does time management have to do with food and faith? Lots! And we have author Marshall Cook on the show to tell us why. And how about some delicious appetizers? I've got two of them for you, so come on in! Links and lots more info can be found at
12/14/20091 hour, 5 minutes, 49 seconds
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CF50 - The Anniversary Episode

Today we celebrate the 1 year anniversary of the Catholic Foodie. I am so excited because Char joins me for this episode as co-host! You can find full show notes at
12/8/20091 hour, 15 minutes, 2 seconds
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CF49 - Institute of Jesus the Priest

In this special episode of the Catholic Foodie I share some good news for the Pauline Family in the United States: the first profession of a priest in the Institute of Jesus the Priest of the Pauline Family in the US. Let us rejoice!
11/24/200937 minutes, 6 seconds
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CF48 - Appetizing Leftovers?

Appetizing Leftovers? Yep. That's what we have on the menu today at the Catholic Foodie, where food meets faith! See the full show notes at
11/23/200953 minutes, 2 seconds
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CF47 - Blessed are the Poor in Spirit

On the menu today... I share with you the renewal of our vows in the Holy Family Institute, we have feedback, a sweet potato pudding recipe, a contest winner, a movie review and... Char makes it back on the show!
11/16/200954 minutes, 48 seconds
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CF46 - Turkey Time

Thanksgiving ideas, turkey recipes, feedback, recipe hunt, food for thought, book review, the Holy Family Institute, and much more! Full show notes can be found at
11/8/200952 minutes
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CF45 - Soul Food

Soul Food! We are celebrating the Feasts of All Saints and All Souls. This is a time to remember that this earthly life is not the end. There is more waiting for us. This is a time to remember how important it is to pray for the dead. Full show notes can be found at
11/3/20091 hour, 10 minutes, 57 seconds
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CF44 - Trick or Treat?

Tricks, treats, Halloween goodies... Oh, and then there's death and life, the Souls in Purgatory, and an important comment on ABC's FlashForward. Full show notes available at
10/26/200953 minutes, 54 seconds
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CF43 - Healthy Meals On The Go

A question from Nick Padley of In Between Sundays podcasts leads us into a discussion about how to eat healthily despite our busy lives. I also share some feedback and make a few announcements (including a new contest!). Full show notes can be found at photo by
10/19/20091 hour, 59 seconds
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CF42 - Holy Meals

What has been the holiest meal you have ever shared? Outside the Mass, that is. I share some responses that I received, as well as my own answer to that question. Make sure you check out the full show notes over at
10/12/200955 minutes, 7 seconds
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CF41 - Invite, Inspire, Bloom!

LOTS of feedback today. Exciting! Also, I reveal to you the contents of a package I received this week from Bro Jerry. You're gonna love it! Got a great interview with the founders of as well, Mark & Katy Walker. For the full show notes, go to
10/5/20091 hour, 1 minute, 6 seconds
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CF40 - Music at the Table

We are blessed to have Kate Daneluk on the show. She is the founder (with her husband) of the Making Music, Praying Twice ministry ( What a wonderful show! Thank you for joining us here on the Catholic Foodie, where food meets faith! For full show notes go to
9/28/200958 minutes, 13 seconds
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CF39 - Java Cafe / Coffee Closure

Today we finish up our discussion of COFFEE! We have feedback, a bit of coffee history, and a surprise package from a listener and good friend, Shelly Kelly. Shelly and her sister Lisa are the blogging sisters over at Of Sound Mind and Spirit. If you have never seen their blog before, you might just want to pay them a visit. And what's inside the package? Well, you'll just have to listen to find out! Did you know that coffee started out as a Muslim drink? And at first Christian Europe was not too open to the Muslim's "Devil's drink." But a certain pope tried it, and... he like it! Suddenly coffee took over Christian society in the West. Which pope? Well, you'll have to listen to find out! Yes, again. I am "encouraging" you to listen to the show. Go ahead. You'll enjoy it! A few links from the show... Making Music, Praying Twice - Our guest on the next show (Sept. 27) is Kate Daneluk. Check out her awesome site, and call 985-635-4974 with your questions and comments BEFORE the show. Perhaps we can address YOUR question in our conversation. You can also email questions to By the way, Kate recently posted an article on the Catholic Foodie, Music at the Table. Kate will join us THIS Sunday at 3PM Central on our USTREAM broadcast. Join us! - a great new resource for Catholic young adults (By the way, Mark & Katy Walker, founders of iibloom, will be our guests on the October 4th show. Plan on catching that on USTREAM at 3PM Central). Oh, and the Catholic Foodie is an "expert" there on the site. Campbell's Coffe & Tea Lola Savannah coffee CDM - Cafe du Monde coffee Coffee history resources from National Geographic The Pope Who Popularized Coffee Of Sound Mind & Spirit Chichory I also share with you a bit of my own philosophical thought on coffee and coffee houses. And, believe it or not, I am actually able to work in oysters and Yogi Berra. Unbelievable! All this and more is on the menu at the Catholic Foodie, where food meets faith!
9/25/200938 minutes, 36 seconds
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CF38 - Coffee Talk with the Catholic Foodie

What's on the menu? COFFEE!!!! LOTS of voice feedback, an interview, more voice feedback, and just a bunch of happy talk about that wonderfully delicious daily treat... COFFEE! Check out the full show notes at Leave feedback for the Catholic Foodie at 985-635-4974... or via email at
9/21/20091 hour, 4 minutes, 53 seconds
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CF37 - Cookinary Arts

Lots of feedback, the winner of a Catholic Foodie t-shirt or apron, an interview with Dominic Catalano of, recap of the Confirmation retreat, jambalaya, Knights of Columbus, and a visit from Fr. Seraphim Beshoner, TOR. Join us here on the Catholic Foodie, where food meets faith! Check out the show notes at Send feedback to 985-635-4974 or Bon appetit! If you want to get a copy of Cookinary Arts, go to
9/13/200956 minutes, 18 seconds
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CF36 - That Foodie Football Tailgating Show Thing

What a full show! Though I was undecided how to call the episode, I was absolutely certain of what the episode was about: tailgating (LSU-style!). We also talk about new SQPN podcasters, lots of food... tailgating food and beer! What we really want to talk about is how to take you usual tailgating fare and "kick it up a notch!" I also announce a new contest... you could win a new Catholic Foodie t-shirt or apron! We have hamburgers, lots of hamburgers (and we ain't talkin' McDonald's, baby!). How about taking your Catholic Vitamins so you can be healthy and strong? Among Women, In Between Sundays, SQPN Gear (, Catholic Foodie t-shirts, aprons, coffee mugs... AND so much more! For more about this particular episode (and many more episodes as well!) go to!
9/7/20091 hour, 8 seconds
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CF35 - Back to School Lunches

On the menu today... School lunches. No, we not going to eat school lunches, we're just going to talk about them! Also on the menu: religious education and sacramental preparation for Confirmation, family meals and conversation, SQPN announcement, Grace Before Meals, and Catholic Foodie merch! Join us here on the Catholic Foodie, where food meets faith! SQPN SQPN Gear SQPN press release on three new affiliates the Catholic Foodie on SQPN SQPN Connect Grace Before Meals St. Paul's School St. Peter Confirmation Program Laptop Lunches How to Promote Family Communication at the Dinner Table You can download episode 35 here or listen to it below: You can get new episodes of the Catholic Foodie by subscribing for free via iTunes or in another podcatcher. ***Photo by bookgrl***
8/31/200953 minutes, 30 seconds
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CF34 - Benedicimus Domine!

What an awesome episode! We are so blessed to have Nick Padley of In Between Sundays ( with us on the show. We talk about so much: St. Benedict, food, wine, beer, prayer, blessings, the Eucharist, the blessing before meals, and St. Benedict's power over the devil. Wow! What an episode! Thank you for joining us here at the Catholic Foodie, where food meets faith!
8/24/20091 hour, 1 minute, 44 seconds
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CF33 - Give Me That Recipe!

"Hi I'm Sean McGaughey from the Catholic Roundup at This is Episode 33 of the Catholic Foodie Coming up on today's show. A roomful of Jeffs A Recap of the CNMC More about jalapeno poppers Taking your Catholic Vitamins Birthday Sushi A foodie Kid's eye view of Cooking Mama for the Nintendo DS and more listener feedback and recipes than you can shake a kebab at. Now heeeerree's your host: Mr. Jeff Young The Catholic Foooooddiie....." Thank you so much, Sean, for such a wonderfully fun and creative intro! We have so much fun on this episode of the Catholic Foodie! Come join us... where food meets faith!
8/17/20091 hour, 41 seconds
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CF32 - Take and Cook!

Today we talk about taking vitamins... Catholic Vitamins! We also talk about recipes. How should we use them? Where do we get them? And how can we send more of them to the Catholic Foodie? :-) I also share tips on finding great recipes. Bon appetit! You can find the show notes at
8/10/200947 minutes, 40 seconds
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CF31 - A Lunch With Friends

On the menu today... Lunch with Lisa Hendey, a conversation with @alwayscatholic from Twitter, and a sneak peak at the movie Julie and Julia. All this and more on the Catholic Foodie... Where food meets faith! Be sure to check out the show notes at Bon appetit!
8/3/200950 minutes, 24 seconds
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CF30 - Give Me That Louisiana Cookin'

On the menu today: Negative feedback (that is so good!), announcement of the winners of the jambalaya throwdown, and an interview with Marcelle Bienvenu. I even throw in a recipe. Goodness! Things are cookin' over here at the Catholic Foodie, where food meets faith! To learn more about Marcelle Bienvenu go to You can find the full show notes at
7/27/200935 minutes, 56 seconds
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CF29 - The Beach is Where It's At

I'm podcasting today from Perdido Key, FL where the sun is sun is hot, the sand is hot, the food is hot, and the water is warm (and the drinks are cold!)! So glad you're here to enjoy the beach with us. On the menu today: Jalapeno poppers, good food, a trip to Joe Patti's Seafood Market, and Zatarain's Jambalaya Throwdown. Oh, and I finally get Char back on the show! Exciting stuff here at the Catholic Foodie, where food meets faith!
7/20/200956 minutes, 21 seconds
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CF28 - Theology on Tap

On the menu today... feedback from a very special person, a discussion (inspired by Fr. Oscar Lukefahr, CM) about food and happiness, and interviews from Theology on Tap. Join us here on the Catholic Foodie, where food meets faith! Voice Feedback: 985-635-4974 Email: Don't forget to join the Catholic Foodie Facebook page and... follow the Catholic Foodie on Twitter at Bon appetit!
7/11/200939 minutes, 40 seconds
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CF26 - La Comida Mexicana

CNMC, salsa fresca, chilaquiles, more salsa, and an interview with Adolfo Rodriguez about social media in catechesis and youth ministry. We have a lot going on in episode 26! Check out the links and show notes at
7/7/200956 minutes, 24 seconds
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CF24 - Good Ol' San Antone

That's right. The Catholic Foodie is in San Antonio for the Catholic New Media Celebration. I arrived last night and so much has happened already! Just want to share a quick episode with you to bring you up to speed. Bon appetit!
6/26/200928 minutes, 46 seconds
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CF23 - Foodie Sites

God Help Me: How to Grow in Prayer... Jim Beckman's awesome book on prayer. Want to grow in prayer? Read this book! I talk a bit about Chapter 3 of this book. How about that red beans and rice recipe? I finally give it to you! Of course, I took some liberties with the recipe (which I got from Cooking Up a Storm: Recipes Lost and Found in Hurricane Katrina). I also share with you 3 popular foodie websites: Foodbuzz, Recipezaar, and Foodista. Do you have a favorite recipe or foodie site? Let me know! Don't forget the contest! You could win some Greek seasoning from the Greek Fest in New Orleans! How do you enter? Simple. Leave feedback! Let me know what you think about the podcast and / or the blog. Tell me what's going on in your kitchen. Share with me one of your favorite restaurants. Is there are particular topic you would like me to talk about on the podcast? Let me know! Leave feedback... especially via phone. Call 985-635-4974. Please check out the Catholic New Media Awards ( & vote for the Catholic Foodie. I was nominated in three categories (best new blog, best podcast by a man, and best new podcast). Please vote! You can download episode 23 here or listen to it below: You can get new episodes of the Catholic Foodie by subscribing for free via iTunes or in another podcatcher.
6/23/200942 minutes, 31 seconds
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CF22 - Who wants to go back to Egypt?

Egypt? That's right, Egypt, ancient Egypt. So, what does ancient Egypt have to do with us today? We'll consult Jim Beckman's "God Help Me" to find an answer. We talk more on prayer, and I announce a new contest. And don't forget to vote for the Catholic Foodie at As usual, I promise in the intro to talk about something, only to run out of time before closing the show. Sorry! No red beans & rice for you today! But check back soon! Also, the "website launch" announcement will have to wait until next week too. So, who wants to go back to Egypt? Do you? Bon appetit! or 985-635-4974 (voice feedback) Photo by
6/17/200947 minutes, 34 seconds
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CF21 - God, Help Me

On the menu at the Catholic Foodie... Prayer, and the book by Jim Beckman, "God, Help Me." Warning: this book causes me to get a bit personal. I hope you don't mind. Also, we look at "Cooking Up a Storm," & the kids share a bit about their summer. Please check out the Catholic New Media Awards ( & vote for the Catholic Foodie. I was nominated in three categories (best new blog, best podcast by a man, and best new podcast). Please vote! What else is on the menu? CNMC and a bit of feedback. What would YOU like to see (hear) on the Catholic Foodie? I can't wait to hear! And... What do you think about the new sound? I have a new audio setup and I am looking for some feedback. Do you like it? Or no? Let me know! Until next time... Bon appetit!
6/12/200946 minutes, 29 seconds
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CF20 - Opa! Greek Fest 2009

Opa! Be Greek for a day! Join us at Greek Fest New Orleans, an annual event that we never miss. We have a sound-seeing tour, a festival discussion with Duane Desroche, and an interview with Anastasi Giannopoulos, the owner of a vineyard in Greece who provided wine for the event. Food, faith, family... it the Catholic Foodie, where food meets faith! Opa!
5/31/200948 minutes, 9 seconds
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CF19 - SousChef!

Just a quick business lunch today. On the menu... SousChef!... the review I have been promising you for months! Also, I talk briefly about the upcoming CNMC and I play a fun song by Sean the "ductapeguy." Bon appetit!
5/26/200925 minutes, 36 seconds
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CF18 - Be Prepared!

Kitchen prep and sacramental prep are on the menu today. I share my recent culinary catastrophe... and a crock pot recipe. We also have feedback. All of this, and more, is on the menu today at the Catholic Foodie™, where food meets faith!™ Check out Lorraine's Chicken Teriyaki: The CNMC is June 27th. Find out more at
5/21/200947 minutes, 22 seconds
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CF17 - Abita Beer ROCKS!

On the menu today: an interview with Mr. David Blossman, President of Abita Brewing Company. I also taste and review another Abita Beer... Turbodog! All of this an more is on the menu at The Catholic Foodie, where food meets faith!
5/3/200937 minutes, 9 seconds
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CF16 - Easter, L'Angelus, and Abita Strawberry Harvest Lager

Holy Thursday dinner, Easter vigil, Easter Sunday, stuffed artichokes, Abita Strawberry Harvest Lager, L'Angelus Cajun Band, and feedback... all on the menu today at The Catholic Foodie™, where food meets faith!™ We also have a song from an excellent Louisiana Cajun band, L'Angelus. Please check out their link below. If you are looking for a fun, lively, exciting, foot-stompin' band, then L'Angelus is the one for you! And they're Catholic too! Check 'em out! Ponchatoula, Louisiana is known for its strawberries, and Ponchatoula strawberries are sold in supermarkets and fruit stands across South Louisiana and beyond. They are also found in Abita Strawberry Harvest Lager. A light, crisp lager, it is perfect for the warm summer days here in Louisiana. It is a very drinkable beer. Not heavy. Nice tingle from the carbonation. Best cold. As a matter of fact, when Char first tasted it she said it would be a perfect beer to accompany boiled crawfish. I couldn't argue with that!
4/19/200934 minutes, 23 seconds
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CF15 - Holy Thursday / Good Friday

Holy Thursday & Good Friday are on the menu today at The Catholic Foodie. We are blessed to speak with theologian Dr. Brant Pitre. Also, I am very excited about the voice feedback Fr. Seraphim Beshoner, TOR of Catholic Under the Hood.
4/10/200937 minutes, 43 seconds
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I confess... I love dem crawfish!

Confession and crawfish are on the menu today at The Catholic Foodie, where food meets faith! Also... be sure to catch episode 15 in just a couple of days... it will be a special Holy Thursday / Good Friday episode with Dr. Brant Pitre. Bon appetit!
4/8/200935 minutes
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CF13 - Fast food... Fast faith.

We hear a priest, a seminarian, and a full-time youth minister weigh in on youth ministry & vocation. We also get a special treat... music from the seminarian band Covenant 7. The Catholic Foodie, where food meets faith.
3/28/200950 minutes, 53 seconds
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CF12 - Go to Joseph.

Dedicated to St. Joseph, this episode is about devotion to St. Joseph... even a few quirky devotions. We also visit two St. Joseph Altars and speak with the organizers. We end with a song from Cat.Chat.
3/20/200945 minutes, 6 seconds
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CF11 - Lent: There's something fishy going on

Fish, feedback, public displays of religion, a cooking show recommendation, and a sneak peak at episode 12... All of this and more is on the menu at The Catholic Foodie, where food meets faith.
3/11/200943 minutes, 35 seconds
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CF10 - Have you seen the Zulu king?

We finish up the Mardi Gras season today by going to the Zulu parade to catch coconuts. And I make my last king cake of 2009. Also, a shout-out to Fr. Seraphim Beshoner, TOR.
2/25/200928 minutes, 56 seconds