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English, Technology, 1 season, 100 episodes, 3 days, 12 hours, 57 minutes
A weekly podcast about the business of cloud computing, artificial intelligence and data science. Hosted by Derrick Harris.
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Bringing usable AI to the enterprise (with Igor Jablokov, Pryon)

Pryon founder and CEO Igor Jablokov explains how his company makes it easier for enterprises to access their important data by utilizing augmented intelligence and efficient language models. He also discusses where AI is headed both in the enterprise and in our personal lives thanks to advances in models, chip architectures, and more.
12/9/202036 minutes, 44 seconds
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Bridging the last mile in data science (with Barry McCardel, Hex )

Hex Technologies co-founder and CEO Barry McCardel talks about how his company is attempting to simplify the data science workflow—notebooks, collaboration, storytelling, sharing, you name it. And with a focus on security, something for which the founding team developed an affinity during their time at Palantir. McCardel also discusses the (hopefully) novel experience of growing an early-stage startup during a pandemic.
11/19/202037 minutes, 53 seconds
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Bringing the sexy back to data integration (with Tim Delisle, Datalogue)

Datalogue co-founder and CEO Tim Delisle discusses how his company is trying to remake data integration for large enterprises, by taking advantage of Kubernetes, good UX, and a focus on performance and security. Delisle also shares his take on why the big data movement might have missed the boat.
10/27/202036 minutes, 44 seconds
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Fast, effective mental health care for employees (with Adam Chekroud, Spring Health)

Spring Health co-founder and chief product officer Adam Chekroud explains his company's platform for helping employer's offer quality mental health care to their employees. Chekroud, who's professionally trained in the field, also discusses how employers can do more to encourage mental health, how social media can affect mental health, and how COVID-19 and recent civil rights movements are causing effects both good and bad.
8/8/202042 minutes, 49 seconds
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Kubernetes-Off-the-Shelf Software (with Grant Miller, Replicated)

The Architecht Show returns (!) with Replicated co-founder and CEO Grant Miller talking about how his company is enabling KOTS, or Kubernetes-Off-the-Shelf software. We dive into a number of topics around this, including the pitfalls of relying too heavily on SaaS, the popularity of Kubernetes itself, and how laws like Europe's GDPR are forcing companies to rethink how and where they manage user data.
7/17/202041 minutes, 2 seconds
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Ep. 84: Apptio CEO on where enterprises are really spending their money in the cloud

In this episode of the ARCHITECHT Show, Apptio CEO Sunny Gupta explains the economics of cloud computing and IT, in general -- based on what he's seeing from Apptio's large collection of enterprise users. While cloud spending is still relatively low as a piece of the overall pie, it's increasing fast as a result of SaaS adoption, and trends such as digital transformation and even artificial intelligence. Aside from sheer usage, Gupta also discusses the effects of complexity on IT budgets, as companies struggle to figure out how efficiently they're utilizing services and get control of zombie or credit-card subscriptions.
12/26/201847 minutes, 50 seconds
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Ep. 83: Talking data privacy -- GDPR and beyond -- with Talend's Jean-Michel Franco

In this episode of the ARCHITECHT Show, Jean-Michel Franco, a product marketing director at data-integration vendor Talend, joins host Derrick Harris to talk about the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation. Franco and Harris discuss the controversial data-privacy law, which was enacted in May 2018, and how enterprises are dealing with its requirements around data usage, locality and security. 
12/20/201849 minutes, 22 seconds
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Ep. 82: Kelsey Hightower on keeping up with cloud-native and helping companies make smart choices

In this episode of the ARCHITECHT Show, Kelsey Hightower -- Google staff engineer, senior developer advocate and all-around cloud-native superstar -- talks about his journey into cloud-native computing techniques and how he uses what he's learned to help companies make the right decisions for their needs. Among many other topics, Hightower gives his thoughts on open source startups, Kubernetes, serverless computing, and the importance of spending time with technologies (even competitive ones) before offering opinions on them.
12/13/201855 minutes, 53 seconds
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Ep. 81: Diffbot's Mike Tung drops knowledge on knowledge graphs

In this episode of the ARCHITECHT Show, Diffbot CEO Mike Tung talks all about the value, workings and business of knowledge graphs, and how Diffbot grew its graph to around 1 trillion interconnected facts. Knowledge graphs are critical to many aspects of our digital lives -- including smart assistants and web web search -- and have value across industries ranging from retail to intelligence. Tung also explains the relationship between knowledge graphs and AI, and why crawling and structuring the web's countless facts is a compute-intensive job.
12/6/201859 minutes, 37 seconds
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Ep. 80: Malong CTO on China, AI talent and doing deep learning with less data

In this episode of the ARCHITECHT Show, Malong Technologies CTO Matt Scott discusses a wide range of artificial intelligence issues, including AI adoption in China and whether the AI talent crunch (and associated sky-high salaries) is a long-term thing. Primarily, though, Scott talks about his company's work on weakly supervised learning, which is helping it not only win computer vision contests, but also scale its computer vision products more easily across customers and industries.
11/29/201847 minutes, 40 seconds
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Ep. 79: Packet CTO on building infrastructure for edge computing

In this episode of the ARCHITECHT Show, Ihab Tarazi -- CTO of cloud computing startup Packet, and former CTO of Equinix -- discusses architectures and applications for edge computing. Among other things, he explains why it makes sense to build compute infrastructure at the city level, or even business level inside plants, malls or arenas (it's about data volume as well as latency). And, of course, Tarazi tackles the upcoming 5G rollout and how compute and network providers will need to work together to marry their innovations in a useful manner.
11/21/201843 minutes, 27 seconds
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Ep. 78: IaaS, edge, Kubernetes: Why cloud adoption is still early and still evolving

In this episode of the ARCHITECHT Show, Capital One vice president of cloud strategy Bernard Golden and AVOA strategic adviser Tim Crawford discuss the current state of cloud computing and the trends driving companies to -- and away from -- the public cloud. Golden suggests cloud adoption today is, to use a baseball analogy, in the second inning, with many changes still to come. Among the topics they cover as part of this debate are edge computing, private cloud, Kubernetes and the opportunities for large cloud providers to expand their presence. This episode is sponsored by Capital One.
11/14/201858 minutes, 50 seconds
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Ep. 77: Joe Hellerstein on making enterprise data usable, and why there's always room for database innovation

In this episode of the ARCHITECHT Show, Trifacta co-founder, UC-Berkeley professor and overall database guru Joe Hellerstein talks about the state of enterprise data -- from wrangling it to analyzing it. Hellerstein hits on a number of topics, including his work with Trifacta and the ongoing data-prep issues that inspired it; why the world keeps getting new types of databases; and how cloud computing is reshaping database architecture and adoption. Hellerstein also explores open source software and why Trifacta made the decisions it made around commercializing the Data Wrangler project.
11/8/201853 minutes, 51 seconds
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Ep. 76: Cockroach Labs CEO on building a database for a cloud-native world

In this episode of the ARCHITECHT Show, Cockroach Labs co-founder and CEO Spencer Kimball talks all about CockroachDB, his company's open source take on the Google Spanner database, and the experience of building an enterprise software company in today's IT landscape. Among other things, Kimball discusses how SQL keeps evolving to meet changing needs (such as geographically distributed transactions); taking advantage of Kubernetes, containers and cloud-native; figuring out the right open source license; and whether the company's name scares people away.
10/31/201859 minutes, 57 seconds
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Ep. 75: Waleed Ayoub on putting AI into production and helping retailers compete with Amazon

In this episode of the ARCHITECHT Show, Rubikloud CTO Waleed Ayoub tackles a wide range of artificial intelligence issues, including how his company uses the technology to help retailers make their operations more efficient. Ayoub also discusses choosing reliable and scalable machine learning techniques over sexy ones; working with customers' legacy data systems; how Rubikloud uses the cloud to scale and standardize its engagements; and how Canada, where the company is based, can become the epicenter of AI.
10/25/201850 minutes, 51 seconds
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Ep. 74: Google's Oren Teich on why serverless matters, and how we got here from PaaS

In this episode of the ARCHITECHT Show, Oren Teich, Google's director of product management for serverless, discusses how we evolved to a world of functions-as-a-service and how developers should think about using this new capability. Teich, who was previously COO at Heroku and whose product responsibilities include Google App Engine, also talks about the recent history of abstractions -- from IaaS to PaaS to containers -- including mistakes that were made, and why they're all still important tools.
10/18/201850 minutes, 14 seconds
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Ep. 73: Tim Hwang on the challenges and opportunities for ethical AI

In this episode of the ARCHITECHT Show -- recorded live at the Capital One campus in Richmond, Va. -- Tim Hwang, director of the Ethics and Governance of AI Initiative, discusses a broad range of topics related to building ethical artificial intelligence systems. Issues range from avoiding algorithmic bias and doing smart data collection to specific concerns for areas such as banking, criminal law and consumer applications. Hwang's project is a collaboration between Harvard's Berkman-Klein Center and the MIT Media Lab, and Hwang himself previously led public policy for AI and machine learning at Google.  This episode of the ARCHITECHT Show is brought to you by Capital One.
10/11/201846 minutes, 9 seconds
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Ep. 72: Cloudflare CEO on unbundling the cloud by freeing data

In this episode of the ARCHITECHT Show, Cloudflare CEO Matthew Prince and Backblaze CEO Gleb Budman explainn the Bandwidth Alliance -- a Cloudflare-led initiative to slash the cost of moving data from one cloud service to another. The duo discuss the downfalls of so-called data egress fees, and how eliminating or drastically reducing them between mutual Cloudflare and Bandwidth Alliance members can help users take advantage of all the cloud has to offer. Of particular note are the smaller players that benefit, such as Backblaze, Packet and DigitalOcean, but also the involvement of Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud.
10/4/201848 minutes, 42 seconds
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Ep. 71: Sunil Dhaliwai on technical founders and the art of enterprise IT investment

In this episode of the ARCHITECHT Show, Amplify Partners' Sunil Dhaliwal discusses a wide range of issues, starting with his firm's new $200 million fund focused on investing in technical founders. In addition to highlighting the opportunities and risks of that strategy, Dhaliwal also tackles a wide range of issues, including: the state of the database market; identifying good artificial intelligence startups; how big data became went from ideas to infrastructure; and the ongoing evolution of open source business models.
9/27/201854 minutes, 51 seconds
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Ep. 70: Joe Beda on creating Kubernetes and Compute Engine, and where it's all headed

In this episode of the ARCHITECHT Show, Heptio co-founder and CTO Joe Beda discusses a litany of cloud-native topics, including his roles helping to create Kubernetes and Compute Engine while at Google. Aside from going in depth on those two projects, Beda also shares his thoughts on where the container space is headed; the role of serverless computing; the still-tricky art of doing open source right; and straddling the lines between developers, operators and executives when it comes to building, marketing and selling enterprise software.
9/20/201853 minutes, 26 seconds
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Ep. 69: IBM makes the case for doing deep learning on Kubernetes

In this episode of the ARCHITECHT Show, IBM's Jason McGee (VP and CTO, IBM Cloud) and Ruchir Puri (chief architect, IBM Watson) explain why Kubernetes can be an ideal platform for running deep learning and AI workloads. Among other topics, the two go into detail on an open source project called FfDL (Fabric for Deep Learning), how businesses are taking advantage of advances in AI and application architecture, and ever-expanding set of hardware platforms targeting AI.
9/13/201843 minutes, 5 seconds
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Ep. 68: Dan Kohn and Sarah Novotny on Kubernetes, multi-cloud and the rush to serverless

In this episode of the ARCHITECHT Show, Dan Kohn (executive director of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation) and Sarah Novotny (head of open source strategy for Google Cloud Platform) discuss some recent Kubernetes news and CNCF survey results. Among other topics, the two also share their insights into how and why companies are adopting cloud-native technologies in 2018, break down the different definitions of multi-cloud, and consider which projects will ultimately emerge from a crowded serverless computing space.
9/6/201847 minutes, 44 seconds
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Ep. 67: Hilary Mason on data ethics and figuring out what's real in AI

In this episode of the ARCHITECHT Show, Hilary Mason -- now GM of machine learning at Cloudera, and formerly founder of Fast Forward Labs, chief scientist at Bitly and more -- discusses a breadth of topics related to artificial intelligence, including what's exciting today in enterprise AI and machine learning, and how to discern the wheat from the chaff in AI research. Mason also goes into depth on the topic of data ethics, explaining why we're at a day of reckoning and how companies and data scientists can go about getting their ethics in order.
8/29/201847 minutes, 44 seconds
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Ep. 66: ILM head on how open source, AI and internet fandom are reshaping the movie industry

In this week's episode of the ARCHITECHT Show, Rob Bredow -- SVP, executive creative director and head of Industrial Light & Magic -- discusses how technology is changing the way that special effects and production are done in the movie industry. Bredow discusses the recently launched Academy Software Foundation, which is a joint open-source effort between the Motion Picture Academy and the Linux Foundation, as well as artificial intelligence, large-screen televisions and frame-by-frame analysis of trailers by online fans. He also talks about some of his favorite movies to work on during his decades-long career.
8/23/201832 minutes, 47 seconds
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Ep. 65: Cloud pioneer Jason Hoffman on where edge computing will shine

In this episode of the ARCHITECHT Show, Jason Hoffman discusses all things edge computing -- from the business of operating cellular infrastructure to the applications where it really makes sense. Hoffman is currently the CEO of Deutsche Telekom subsidiary MobileedgeX; he previously led cloud efforts at Ericsson and was co-founder and CTO of early cloud computing provider Joyent. He also gives his take on the role of the large cloud providers as the edge shapes up, and shares a vision of an augmented reality future that doesn't involve being tethered to a headset or looking through your phone.
8/16/201858 minutes, 42 seconds
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Ep. 64: Talking cloud with Tom Krazit: Hybrid, hardware and competing in China

In the episode of the ARCHITECHT Show, GeekWire cloud and enterprise editor Tom Krazit joins host Derrick Harris to talk about a busy few weeks in the cloud computing world. Among other things, they discuss Amazon's rumored data center switch, Alibaba's rising status and Google's complicated relationship with China.
8/9/201838 minutes, 15 seconds
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FYI: ARCHITECHT Show is on break for the next couple weeks

I'm taking a little time to do summer-y things (mostly relax), so there won't be a new ARCHITECHT Show episode until early August. In the meantime, you can visit or (for SoundCloud embed and other player links) to catch up on anything you might have missed. Be back soon!
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Ep. 63: Microsoft's Gabe Monroy breaks down the cloud-native world

In this episode of the ARCHITECHT Show, Gabe Monroy, head of product for cloud-native computing at Microsoft Azure, goes deep into the world of cloud-native computing. Monroy discusses his time in the PaaS space at Deis and EngineYard (and how that evolved into the container movement), and how the Kubernetes/CNCF communities are able to play nice with each other given all that's at stake. He also discusses the art of building managed Kubernetes services, Microsoft's GitHub acquisition, the role of serverless computing and more.
7/12/201843 minutes, 54 seconds
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Best of the ARCHITECHT Show: Elastic CEO Shay Banon on growing from side project to ubiquity

This episode originally aired on Aug. 17, 2017: In this episode of the ARCHITECHT Show, Elastic founder and CEO Shay Banon talks about the evolution of Elasticsearch—from an open source side project (the first iteration was a recipe-search app for his wife) to popular big data tool to the core of a company worth nearly a billion dollars. He also shares his thoughts and strategies on the growth of Elastic, which, somewhat under the radar, has expanded to include multiple products and employ hundreds of people around the world.
7/4/201850 minutes, 25 seconds
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Ep. 62: Doing cutting-edge in the enterprise: AI, blockchain and containers

In this episode of the ARCHITECHT Show, IBM Cloud general manager Don Boulia and Forrester analyst Lauren Nelson share their insights into how enterprises and mainstream companies are adopting technologies such as cloud computing, containers and artificial intelligence. The pair also weigh in on blockchain and its applications beyond cryptocurrency, including protecting the food supply chain. This week's episode is sponsored by MongoDB, Neo4j and Replicated.
6/28/201849 minutes, 41 seconds
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Ep. 61: Hortonworks CEO on the shifting nature of big data, from edge computing to GDPR

In this episode of the ARCHITECHT Show, Hortonworks CEO Rob Bearden discusses the changing nature of big data technologies and business models, particularly as architectural models like IoT, edge computing, cloud computing and containers impart their influence on data processing. Bearden also explains how these trends and others are reshaping open source business models, and how GDPR has customers looking for answers. This week's episode is sponsored by MongoDB, Neo4j and Replicated.
6/21/201853 minutes, 4 seconds
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Ep. 60: GitLab CEO on competing with Microsoft, betting on Kubernetes and learning to scale

In this episode of the ARCHITECHT Show, GitLab co-founder and CEO Sid Sijbrandij discusses his company and the open source project behind it, both of which received a lot more attention lately on the heels of Microsoft announcing its acquisition of GitHub. Sijbrandij explains the evolution of GitLab into a full devops platform, and also shares his thoughts on the GitHub acquisition, the power of Kubernetes as an infrastructure platform, managing serverless applications, and what the company learned after a prolonged database incident in 2017. This week's episode is sponsored by MongoDB, Neo4j and Replicated.
6/14/201846 minutes, 52 seconds
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Ep. 59: Streamlio founders on why the world needs a new streaming data platform

In this episode of the ARCHITECHT Show, Streamlio co-founders Karthik Ramasamy and Matteo Merli discuss their company's new streaming data platform, which is built atop Apache Heron, Apache Pulsar and Apache BookKeeper -- technologies the two helped develop while at Twitter and Yahoo, respectively. They explain how the underlying technologies differ from more well-known open source projects -- including Apache Kafka -- and the ideal use cases for the type of performance Streamlio claims. Additionally, GeekWire cloud and enterprise editor Tom Krazit is on to discuss Microsoft's $7.5 billion acquisition of GitHub. Tom and host Derrick Harris analyze why the deal happened and what this might mean for Microsoft, it cloud competitors and the world of GitHub alternatives. This week's episode is sponsored by MongoDB, Neo4j and Replicated.
6/6/20181 hour, 6 minutes, 36 seconds
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Best of the ARCHITECHT Show: founders on the state of deep learning and the real threat of AI

This episode originally aired on Aug. 18, 2017. The news segment has been edited out, so it is just the interview. The episode seems particularly timely now given the ongoing discussion about AI and the economy, but also because of the current debate over the limitations of deep learning. In this episode of the ARCHITECHT AI Show, Derrick Harris speaks with Jeremy Howard and Rachel Thomas of, where they teach popular online courses aimed to get students up and running with deep learning. Among other things, Howard and Thomas discuss the promise of deep learning and early student successes (including Hot Dog, Not Hot Dog app from Silicon Valley), as well as the threat of job losses from AI and how seriously we should take Elon Musk's AI warnings.
5/30/201838 minutes, 2 seconds
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Ep. 58: Timescale founders on time-series data for IoT and so much more

In this episode of the ARCHITECHT Show, Timescale founders (and TimescaleDB creators) Ajay Kulkarni and Mike Freedman discuss their company, which began life as an internet of things platform, and the popular time-series database that serves as its foundation. And while time-series data certainly has a place in IoT, Kulkarni and Freedman explain how developers and companies across many industries are using TimescaleDB for everything from monitoring to security. Other topics include data privacy, GDPR and succeeding commercially with an open source database. This week's episode is sponsored by MongoDB and Replicated.
5/24/201847 minutes, 44 seconds
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Ep: 57: Condé Nast CTO on pretty much everything, including Node.js, deep learning, and paywalls

In this episode of the ARCHITECHT Show, Condé Nast CTO Ed Cudahy discusses a wide array of topics, ranging from standardizing development across 20+ publications (thanks in part to Node.js and Amazon Web Services) to how the publishing giant is using computer vision to step up its game for consumers and advertisers -- especially for its fashion titles. Cudahy also talks about Condé Nast's use of the open source Presto technology for analyzing data, getting the paywall right financially and technologically, and much more. This episode begins with an introduction to a new artificial intelligence startup called AI Reverie (disclaimer: I am an adviser), which is generating synthetic data for training deep learning models, by building photo-realistic environments. I speak with co-founder and CEO Daeil Kim, who was previously a data scientist at the New York Times.
5/17/20181 hour, 4 minutes, 52 seconds
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Ep. 56: Atlassian infrastructure head on moving to the cloud and Kubernetes

In this episode of the ARCHITECHT Show, Atlassian head of infrastructure Mike Tria discusses the company's years-long effort to re-architect the hosted versions of its JIRA and Confluence applications using Kubernetes and Amazon Web Services. Interestingly, however, while Tria says AWS was definitely the right choice for Atlassian when it began this migration, he has seen Google make very big strides in the past few years and it is on his radar as Atlassian's cloud usage evolves. He also talks broadly about the idea of multi-cloud architectures and how microservices and Kubernetes can make that a reality. This week's episode is sponsored by MongoDB and Replicated.
5/9/201844 minutes, 3 seconds
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Ep. 55: Gremlin CEO on the role of chaos engineering inside Amazon, Netflix and your company

In this episode of the ARCHITECHT Show, Gremlin co-founder and CEO Kolton Andrus discusses the company's approach to chaos engineering, a practice he helped pioneer during his years at Amazon and Netflix. Andrus also explains how chaos engineering is now catching on inside many smaller startups and mainstream enterprises that recognize the importance of keeping their applications online -- a goal that can be complicated by the unique failure patterns of cloud and microservices architectures. This week's episode is sponsored by MongoDB and Replicated.
5/2/201843 minutes
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Ep. 54: Zillow analytics boss on making better predictions thanks to data and deep learning

In this episode of the ARCHITECHT Show, Zillow Chief Analytics Officer Stan Humphries discusses about a wide range of topics, including his unique path from policy scholar to web analytics exec, and how an explosion data helped Zillow grow into the business it is today. Humphries, who helped create the company's Zestimate tool for predicting home values, also shares some insights into how deep learning -- and computer vision, in particular -- helps Zillow further improve its accuracy. It does this in part by analyzing images to extract richer information (e.g., how well a home is maintained, price of appliances, etc.) than simply relying on square footage, neighborhood and standard home-buying data. This episode is sponsored by Datadog and MongoDB.
4/25/201850 minutes, 44 seconds
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Ep. 53: Jay Kreps talks cloud-native, Kafka competitors and a resurgence of enterprise IT innovation

In this episode of the ARCHITECHT Show, Apache Kafka co-creator (and Confluent co-founder) Jay Kreps returns to talk about a wide range of topics, including an uptick in Kafka alternatives both open source and commercial. Among a range of other things, Kreps also shares his thoughts on "big data" IPOs, what type of open source project makes a good business, and why enterprise IT is becoming a driving force in software innovation. This episode is sponsored by Datadog and MongoDB.
4/18/201848 minutes, 1 second
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Ep. 52: How SWIM.AI fuses AI, edge computing and 'gray data' to power smarter cities and industries

In this episode of the ARCHITECHT Show, SWIM.AI co-founder, Chris Sachs, and CTO, Simon Crosby, discuss their new company that just emerged from stealth mode and is bringing artificial intelligence to edge devices. Sachs and Crosby explain how they're able to train and run deep learning models on distributed networks of low-power processors, and how they use unsupervised learning to make sense of "gray data" -- data streaming off of sensors that might not have clear value, except for helping to predict future events in those systems. 
4/11/201846 minutes, 57 seconds
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Ep. 51: Neo4j CEO on graph databases and the 5 ways to compete against cloud platforms

In this episode of the ARCHITECHT Show, Neo4j founder and CEO Emil Eifrem discusses the sustaining value of graph databases, more than a decade since the first release of Neo4j and terms like "social graph" and "knowledge graph" became commonplace. Eifrem also talks about the business of NoSQL and details the 5 factors -- focus, pervasiveness, ecosystem, data, vertical integration -- he believes can help infrastructure companies compete against similar offerings from large cloud providers. Before the Eifrem interview, host Derrick Harris speaks with Backblaze founder and CEO Gleb Budman about his company's new partnerships with Packet and ServerCentral to provide cheap, fast, and decentralized cloud storage and compute resources. You can listen to  / read about earlier interviews with Budman and Packet CEO Zachary Smith here: Backblaze CEO on the economics of cloud storage and the business value of blogging Packet CEO Zachary Smith on the business of a bare metal cloud
4/4/20181 hour, 7 minutes, 3 seconds
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Ep. 50: Apache Flink creator Stephan Ewen on stream processing and making a name in open source

In this episode of the ARCHITECHT Show, Stephan Ewen discusses the open source stream-processing system Apache Flink (which he helped create) and the commercial platform data Artisans (of which he's co-founder and CTO) is building around it. Ewan covers some of the major use cases for stream processing and some of Flink's biggest users -- including Alibaba -- and the challenges of standing out against, and sometimes working alongside, established projects such as Apache Spark, Apache Storm and Apache Kafka.
3/28/201846 minutes, 16 seconds
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Ep. 49: Red Hat's Brian Gracely on the business of Kubernetes

In this episode of the ARCHITECHT Show, Red Hat's director of OpenShift product strategy Brian Gracely discusses a range of issues around Kubernetes and containers, including the company's recent acquisition of CoreOS. Among other topics, he also covers the rise and future of serverless computing, the nature of enterprise IT adoption, and the enduring importance of the operating system.
3/22/201843 minutes, 17 seconds
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Ep. 48: Stacey Higginbotham on edge computing and IoT infrastructure

In this episode of the ARCHITECHT Show, internet of things expert Stacey Higginbotham joins host Derrick Harris to discuss a wide range of topics regarding edge computing and the evolution of IoT infrastructure. Higginbotham discusses Cloudflare's edge computing plans, the blurry nature of the actual edge, who stands to win and los from custom AI chips, and why 5G might not be the IoT savior it's made out to be.
3/16/201844 minutes, 58 seconds
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Ep. 47: Stitch Fix chief algorithms officer on when and why to use AI

In this episode of the ARCHITECHT Show, Stitch Chief Algorithms Officer Eric Colson discusses the company's pervasive use of algorithms to power everything from recommending outfits to optimizing warehouse logistics. Colson, who was previously VP of data science and engineering at Netflix, also shares his definitions of statistical analysis, machine learning and artificial intelligence, and his take on when each one should be applied. Stitch Fix is also using machines to actually help design new clothing, and Colson weighs in on the limits of machine creativity.
3/7/201841 minutes, 40 seconds
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Ep. 46: Etsy CTO Mike Fisher on balancing tech innovation with user experience

In this episode of the ARCHITECHT Show, Etsy CTO Mike Fisher talks about Etsy's technology footprint and how the company uses it to optimize the experience for buyers, sellers and the Etsy's developers. Among other things, Fisher discusses how Etsy's unique data and user behavior influence its machine learning methods; why the company is looking at cloud and microservices after years of resistance; balancing convenience and safety in security practices; and the importance of understanding your users.
12/7/201743 minutes, 8 seconds
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Ep. 45: Sara Crowe of Polaris on data in the fight against human trafficking

In this episode of the ARCHITECHT Show, Sara Crowe -- the data analysis program director for non-profit Polaris -- discusses how that organization is using data analysis to help combat human trafficking. Crowe discusses some of the techniques Polaris uses to untangle what can be complex networks of abuse, and how it then works with law enforcement to act on what is discovered. She also explains how Polaris partners with the tech industry on both tools and training, the double-edged sword of the internet, and need for better methods of gathering and formatting web text.
11/30/201731 minutes, 59 seconds
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Ep. 44: Google's Deepti Srivastava on multi-region Spanner and case for cloud databases

In this episode of the ARCHITECHT Show, Deepti Srivastava, lead product manager for Cloud Spanner at Google, discusses that service's new multi-region capabilities and Google's promise of 99.999% availability. She also shares some thoughts on the best use cases for Spanner and other cloud databases; the importance of database options in choosing a cloud provider; and the evolution of database technology that got us here -- "here" being geographically distributed, ACID-compliant SQL databases configurable with just a few clicks.
11/16/201739 minutes, 24 seconds
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Ep. 43: Pieter Abbeel on taking AI from the lab to the workplace, and training robots via VR

In this episode of the ARCHITECHT Show, Embodied Intelligence co-founder and chief scientist Pieter Abbeel talks about the newly launched company's mission to simplify the training of industrial robots using an artificial intelligence software layer and virtual reality headsets. Additionally, Abbeel, who's also a professor at UC-Berkeley and has worked at OpenAI, discusses the benefits of different research models and the economic effects of automation, and gives some guidance for companies trying to make sense of the fast-moving AI landscape.
11/10/201740 minutes, 56 seconds
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Ep. 42: IBM Fellow Bala Rajaraman on building hybrid clouds and finding the right abstraction

In this episode of the ARCHITECHT Show, IBM Fellow Bala Rajaraman discusses the company's new IBM Cloud Private offering, which leverages Kubernetes in order to help customers containerize and manage their legacy applications. Rajaraman also discusses the value of cloud-native architectures in general, and walks listeners through the differences between platforms like Kubernetes, Cloud Foundry and serverless, and where each one shines.
11/2/201739 minutes, 5 seconds
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Ep. 41: HashiCorp CEO doing open source in the age of cloud computing and Kubernetes

In this episode of the ARCHITECHT Show, Hashicorp CEO Dave McJannet discusses his company's recent $40 million funding round, a result he credits to a maniacal focus on building specific products and making users happy. McJannet, who previously led marketing efforts at companies including SpringSource and Hortonworks, also shares his thoughts on evolving open source business models over the last decade, and on what it's like to both compete with and capitalize on the growing excitement around Kubernetes.
10/26/201739 minutes, 36 seconds
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AI Show, Ep. 17: Carnegie Mellon's Aaron Steinfeld on building trust between people and machines

In this episode of the ARCHITECHT AI Show, co-host Signe Brewster speaks with Carnegie Mellon robotics researcher Aaron Steinfeld on the intricacies of human-machine interaction. Steinfeld's work covers a wide range of areas, from autonomous cars to robots that assign blame and credit when working alongside people. In the news segment, co-hosts Brewster, Derrick Harris and Chris Albrecht discuss DeepMind's new AlphaGo Zero system, San Francisco's ban on robot deliveries, and Blade Runner 2049. If your Roomba looked like Ryan Gosling, would you treat if differently?
10/20/201739 minutes, 28 seconds
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Ep. 40: Confluent CTO Neha Narkhede on Kafka's role in modern applications

In this episode of the ARCHITECHT Show, Confluent co-founder and CTO Neha Narkhede talks about the Apache Kafka's evolution from a scalable message bus into a critical component of modern application architectures. This includes everything from feeding data into machine learning pipelines to analyzing streaming data using the new KSQL feature. Narkhede also discusses the importance of cloud-native architectures and how platforms from AWS to Kubernetes are influencing how Confluent thinks about its business.
10/19/201749 minutes, 7 seconds
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AI Show, Ep 16.: Intel AI boss Naveen Rao on the wide open world of AI hardware (and why software really matters, too)

In this episode of the ARCHITECHT AI Show, co-host Derrick Harris speaks with Naveen Rao, VP and GM of the AI Products Group at Intel. Rao, who previously co-founded Nervana Systems, discusses Intel's broad base of AI business lines -- from driverless cars to data centers -- and where the company sees the biggest opportunities to capitalize on the technology. If you're into the nitty gritty of chip architectures and AI frameworks, Rao also drops a lot of knowledge on how they've changed and where they're headed.
10/13/201737 minutes, 59 seconds
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Ep. 39.: Alluvium CEO Drew Conway on industrial AI and the evolution of data science

In this episode of the ARCHITECHT Show, Alluvium co-founder and CEO Drew Conway shares his thoughts on the state of AI in industrial settings, and how his company is tackling that opportunity. Conway, who was also an early voice in the data science movement after starting his career in the intelligence community, also discusses: the the importance of utilizing experts and build trust in AI; the growth of data science as a profession; and the evolution of data technologies over the past decade.
10/12/201742 minutes, 54 seconds
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AI Show, Ep. 15: SRI's Nahid Sidki on the state of the art, and what comes next, in military robots

In this episode of the ARCHITECHT AI Show, co-host Signe Brewster speaks with Nahid Sidki, head of SRI's Robotics Center, about the state of the art in military robots. Sidki explains the potential benefits of robots for everything from bomb removal to situational intelligence, and from logistics to the battlefield. While machines are already being deployed in some areas, there's still a lot of AI between today's capabilities and real autonomy.
10/6/201739 minutes, 49 seconds
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Ep. 38: Malong Technologies CTO on commercializing computer vision

In this episode of the ARCHITECHT Show, Malong Technologies co-founder and CTO Matt Scott discusses path from Microsoft Research to starting a computer vision startup in China. Among other topics, he shares some of the cutting-edge (weakly supervised) techniques his company is using to do product recognition at scale, and the power of practicality when it comes to putting deep learning into production. In the news segment, co-hosts Derrick Harris and Barb Darrow talk Oracle's new cloud products (and swagger), Google's nested VMs, and the impact of a recent Microsoft Azure outage.
10/5/20171 hour, 3 minutes, 22 seconds
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AI Show, Ep. 14: Silicon Valley Robotics' Andra Keay on the tricky economics of robotics

In this episode of the ARCHITECHT AI Show, Signe Brewster speaks with Andra Keay, managing director of Silicon Valley Robotics, about the current state of, well, robotics. Keay shares some deep insights into the question of what it really means to be a "robot" in 2017, as well as the trickier aspects of robotics economics (fundraising and monetizing) and the relationship between robotics research and the broader field of artificial intelligence. In the news segment, co-hosts Brewster, Derrick Harris and Chris Albrecht discuss the recent O'Reilly AI conference; the potential for Slack to streamline communications (or test privacy boundaries) using AI; the responsibility of Facebook's humans to fix their algorithms; Intel's move into neuromorhpic processors; and the creepy effectiveness of robots that can get up after being pushed down.
9/30/201751 minutes, 46 seconds
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Ep. 37: All things AWS (and serverless) with the Cloud Gurus

In this cross-continental discussion, brothers Ryan and Sam Kroonenberg speak with Derrick Harris about A Cloud Guru, the online AWS training platform they launched in 2015 that has now served more than 300,000 people. It's an interesting tale of job hunting, learning AWS from scratch, starting a business, and becoming so enamored with the idea of serverless computing that you launch the popular series of Serverlessconf events, as well.  In the news segment, co-hosts Derrick Harris and Barb Darrow (Fortune) talk all about cloud computing—including the tit for tat of features and pricing among AWS, Microsoft and Google, and the rise of Alibaba Cloud.
9/28/20171 hour, 1 minute, 37 seconds
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AI Show, Ep. 13: IBM Fellow Hillery Hunter on designing deep learning systems

In this episode of the ARCHITECHT AI Show, Hillery Hunter—IBM Fellow and director of the Accelerated Cognitive Infrastructure group at IBM Research—speaks about the state of the art in deep learning systems design. She discusses some record-breaking results that IBM recently achieved in distributed deep learning; ideal use cases for state-of-the-art image recognition; andthe pros, cons and advancements in everything from GPUs to cloud-specific hardware such as Google's TPUs. In the news segment, co-hosts Signe Brewster and Chris Albrecht discuss the benefits of using drone for disaster recovery, Knightscope's new ATV security robot, and whether nanorobots are really robots at all.
9/22/201747 minutes, 31 seconds
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Ep. 36: Hilary Mason on the state of big data and AI in the enterprise

In this episode of the ARCHITECHT Show, data scientist extraordinaire Hilary Mason covers a wide range of topics, including her path from Bitly to Cloudera—where she's now VP of research after the company acquired her applied research firm, Fast Forward Labs. Among other topics, Mason also discusses the state of AI readiness and adoption within large enterprises; the importance of getting "big data" pieces in place before jumping into AI; and who will actually do AI inside the companies that adopt it.
9/21/201741 minutes, 21 seconds
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Sponsored episode: ScaleFT CTO on global networks and zero-trust security

In this special, sponsored episode of the ARCHITECHT Show, ScaleFT co-founder and CTO Paul Querna discusses his company's unique approach to improving cybersecurity using the "zero trust" approach. Modeled after Google's BeyondCorp initiative and built with today's cloud computing models in mind, ScaleFT's platform takes the friction out of identity and access management for both users and security teams. You can find out more about the company at
9/18/201735 minutes, 2 seconds
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AI Show, Ep. 12: Savioke CEO on how robots are remaking room service

In this episode of the ARCHITECHT AI Show, Signe Brewster interviews Steve Cousins, CEO of Savioke, about the business of building robots optimized for in-building delivery. The robots currently operate inside hotels, where they can deliver goods from the front desk to guests' rooms, but are also designed for areas such as offices, warehouses and other indoor spaces. Cousins, who co-founded Willow Garage, also discusses the state of human-robot interaction and the slim chances we'll have general-purpose robots anytime soon. In the news segment, co-hosts Brewster, Derrick Harris and Chris Albrecht discuss the new iPhone X AI features, Amazon's claim that robots haven't displaced workers, and the market for robots that interact with our pets.
9/15/201735 minutes, 24 seconds
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Ep. 35: Packet CEO Zachary Smith on the business of a bare metal cloud

In this episode of the ARCHITECHT Show, Packet co-founder and CEO Zachary Smith explains his company's attempt to carve out its own cloud computing niche by offering "unopinionated" access to bare metal resources. Among other things, Smith discusses Packet's audience of tinkerers and DIYers; the unique benefits of custom hardware as a service; the challenge of trying to bootstrap a business in world of cloud giants; Packet's plan to power the advent of edge computing; and Smith's own journey from Juilliard to cloud hosting. In the news segment, co-hosts Derrick Harris and Barb Darrow (Fortune) discuss Rackspace buying Datapipe, Cloudera buying Fast Forward Labs, and Amazon's search for a new HQ.
9/14/20171 hour, 17 seconds
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AI Show, Ep. 11: SigOpt CEO on the art of tuning AI models and doing 'optimization as a service'

In this episode of the ARCHITECHT AI Show, SigOpt co-founder and CEO Scott Clark talks about the how and why his company is delivering "optimization as a service" to machine learning models. While deep learning models are powerful, for example, achieving optimal performance can require tuning hundreds of hyperparameters—a time-consuming process when done manually. Clark also discusses the business of selling into the AI workflow; the very-necessary gap between academic research and production systems; and his time kicking off the Yelp Dataset Challenge. In the news segment, co-hosts Derrick Harris, Signe Brewster and Chris Albrecht cover John Deere's acquisition of Blue River Technology;'s partnership with Lyft; Facebook and Microsoft new AI standard; and what to make of the new MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab.
9/8/201756 minutes, 6 seconds
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Ep. 34: Usermind CEO on the still-rising cloud tide and the power of building for UX

In this episode of the ARCHITECHT Show, Derrick Harris and Barb Darrow speak with Michel Feaster, co-founder and CEO of Usermind. Feaster shares some great insights into the current state of cloud computing—from the power of IaaS cloud platforms like AWS to playing the fremeny role with increasingly large SaaS platforms like Salesforce—and the importance of user experience in the age of the app store.
9/7/201739 minutes, 34 seconds
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AI Show, Ep 10: Marynel Vazquez on social integration for robots and people

In this episode of the ARCHITECHT AI Show, Signe Brewster interviews Marynel Vazquez—a recent Carnegie Mellon Ph.D student and soon-to-be Yale professor—about building robots that understand humans' social cues, and that give their own in return. Among other things, Vazquez discusses the importance of body language, facial expressions, and the promise of deep learning to teach robots about new environments and interactions. In the news segment, co-hosts Brewster, Derrick Harris and Chris Albrecht discuss the importance of natural language when speaking with robots as well as business software, the need to monitor the state of AI research, and why millennials don't appear too afraid of machines taking their jobs.
9/1/201740 minutes, 35 seconds
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Ep. 33: Upskill CEO on the undying promise of Google Glass in industry

In this episode, Derrick Harris speaks with Brian Ballard, co-founder and CEO of Upskill, about the company's mission to make customers more productive via augmented reality. Ballard discusses why the original Google Glass disappeared but never really went away, and why Glass Enterprise is poised to succeed where the consumer version failed. He also talks about the broad ecosystem of Glass competitors, applications and users, and why the network is a critical component of industrial AR architectures. In the news segment, Harris and co-host Barb Darrow (Fortune) discuss Amazon Web Services' big week—from gaining a major partner in VMware to seeing more retail companies flee AWS due to increasing retail competition from Amazon.
8/31/201757 minutes, 31 seconds
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AI Show, Ep. 9: Shaper co-founder Alec Rivers on building smart power tools

In this episode of the ARCHITECHT AI Show, Signe Brewster speakers with Alec Rivers, co-founder of Shaper—a company who makes a woodworking system that straddles the line between automation and personal achievement. Rivers describes the system, called Origin, as "Guitar Hero for woodworking. Because you feel you're shredding it up, but in reality the device is making it a lot easier on you." He also shares some good reasons—from pride to the flexibility of our bodies and minds—why robots should be used to augment rather than replace humans. In news segment, co-hosts Brewster, Derrick Harris and Chris Albrecht discuss Apple opening up on how it built Siri's new voice, Microsoft's new Brainwave chip, the idea of a tax on industrial robots, and the emergence of "soft" robots that play on human emotions.
8/25/201743 minutes, 30 seconds
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Ep. 32: GitHub SRE on why the company moved to Kubernetes, and what it means for engineers

In this episode of the ARCHITECHT Show, Derrick Harris speaks with Jesse Newland, principal site reliability engineer (SRE) at GitHub, about the company's recent move to re-platform one of its key pieces onto Kubernetes. Newland talks about why GitHub made the move; the benefits it has reaped in terms of flexibility and self-service; and how today's levels of automation and orchestration are streamlining processes from development to SRE. In the news segment, Derrick and co-host Barb Darrow (Fortune) discuss Databricks' $140 million funding round, the impact of Microsoft's new AI chip on cloud competition, and untimely demise of cloud-storage startups.
8/24/20171 hour, 19 seconds
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AI Show, Ep. 8: Jeremy Howard and Rachel Thomas (

In this episode of the ARCHITECHT AI Show, Derrick Harris speaks with Jeremy Howard and Rachel Thomas of, where they teach popular online courses aimed to get students up and running with deep learning. Among other things, Howard and Thomas discuss the promise of deep learning and early student successes (including Hot Dog, Not Hot Dog app from Silicon Valley), as well as the threat of job losses from AI and how seriously we should take Elon Musk's AI warnings. In the news segment, co-hosts Derrick Harris, Signe Brewster and Chris Albrecht tackle Andrew Ng's new course, OpenAI's "controversial" Dota 2 bot, Gartner's latest Hype Cycle, and some positive predictions about how many jobs will be lost to automation.
8/18/20171 hour, 9 minutes, 20 seconds
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Ep. 31: Elastic CEO Shay Banon on growing from side project to ubiquity

In this episode of the ARCHITECHT Show, Elastic founder and CEO Shay Banon talks about the evolution of Elasticsearch—from an open source side project (the first iteration was a recipe-search app for his wife) to popular big data tool to the core of a company worth nearly a billion dollars. He also shares his thoughts and strategies on the growth of Elastic, which, somewhat under the radar, has expanded to include multiple products and employ hundreds of people around the world. In the news segment, co-hosts Derrick Harris (ARCHITECHT) and Barb Darrow (Fortune) discuss Amazon Web Services joining the Cloud Native Computing Foundation, MongoDB filing for an IPO, and Microsoft buying cloud-HPC specialist Cycle Computing.
8/17/20171 hour, 11 minutes, 13 seconds
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AI and Robot Show, Ep. 7: Stefanie Tellex (Brown U.)

In this episode of the ARCHITECHT AI and Robot Show, Signe Brewster speaks with Brown University researcher Stefanie Tellex about the state of the art in human-robot interaction. Tellex explains recent advances in building robots that can better understand natural language and interact intelligently with people to accomplish tasks. She also shares a vision of a household-robot future, powered by current research in deep learning and robotic manipulation. In the news segment, co-hosts Brewster, Derrick Harris and Chris Albrecht discuss Elon Musk v. Mark Zuckerberg (aka Muskerberg), Roomba's plan to map your house and share your data, and the new Lego Boost build-your-own-robot kit.
7/28/201743 minutes, 5 seconds
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Ep. 30: Ion Stoica on how RISELab is pushing the envelope on real-time data

In this episode of the ARCHITECHT Show, Ion Stoica talks about the promise of real-time data and machine learning he's pursuing with the new RISELab project he directs at UC-Berkeley, along with some other big names in big data. Stoica previously was director of the university's AMPLab, which created and helped to mature technologies such as Apache Spark, Apache Mesos and Alluxio. Stoica is also co-founder and executive chairman of Apache Spark startup Databricks, and he shares some insights into that company's business and the evolution of the big data ecosystem. In the news segment, co-hosts Derrick Harris (ARCHITECHT) and Barb Darrow (Fortune) discuss Microsoft (and possibly AWS) doubling down on Kubernetes, Google's cloudy cloud revenue, GoDaddy getting out of the cloud business, and the possibility of Meg Whitman as Uber CEO.
7/27/20171 hour, 6 minutes, 22 seconds
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AI and Robot Show, Ep. 6: Sharan Narang (Baidu)

In this episode of the ARCHITECHT AI and Robot Show, Derrick Harris interviews Baidu Research engineer Sharan Narang about the state of deep learning hardware performance. Narang discusses Baidu's DeepBench framework for benchmarking various Nvidia, Intel and ARM-based platforms on various workloads, and shares insights on how Baidu buys hardware and where the space is headed. In the news segment, co-hosts Derrick Harris, Signe Brewster and Chris Albrecht talk about the pros and cons of automation, including Elon Musk's controversial comments, the return of Google Glass, a few useful new robots and one that drove itself into a water fountain.
7/21/201758 minutes, 38 seconds
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Ep. 29: StackRox founders on making microservices secure

In this episode of the ARCHITECHT Show, StackRox co-founders Sameer Bhalotra and Ali Golshan break down the state of container security and the new technology they have built to solve it. Bhalotra and Golshan have deep histories doing cybersecurity everywhere from startups to Google to the White House, which they draw on to discuss the security threats and opportunities that microservices present, as well as best practices for cybersecurity in general. This week, StackRox emerged from stealth mode after building the product and company for nearly 3 years. 
7/20/201741 minutes, 49 seconds
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AI & Robot Show, Ep. 5: Adam Gibson (Skymind)

In this episode of the ARCHITECHT AI and Robot Show, Derrick Harris interviews Skymind co-founder and CTO Adam Gibson about selling artificial intelligence to large enterprises. Gibson, who's based in Japan, also discusses, among other things, the differences between doing AI business in Asia and the United States; the popularity of industrial data among Skymind's customers; the necessity of working with existing data technologies and business processes; and why automation could be a good thing for rural America. In the news segment, co-hosts Derrick Harris, Signe Brewster and Chris Albrecht discuss human-computer interaction and the science behind how people relate to robots and other types of AI, as well as the ongoing AI news coming out of Microsoft and Google.
7/14/20171 hour, 8 minutes, 22 seconds
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Ep. 28: Buoyant CEO on building better applications, and conquering the fail whale, with microservices

In this episode of the ARCHITECHT Show, Buoyant co-founder and CEO William Morgan talks about reasons for building cloud-native applications and how the barriers to adopting those technologies have fallen away over the past few years. He also discusses Linkerd, Buoyant's flagship technology; the company's recent $10.5 million funding round; his time helping scale Twitter to overcome its infrastructure woes; and how Buoyant plans to monetize its open source foundation. In the news segment, co-hosts Derrick Harris (ARCHITECHT) and Barb Darrow (Fortune) discuss Microsoft's new AI group and collection of AI efforts; Intel's continued data center dominance; and IBM's new Watson-powered approach to managing data center networks.
7/13/201757 minutes, 27 seconds
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AI & Robot Show, Ep. 4: Drone Racing League CEO on 'raising a generation of pilots'

In this episode of the ARCHITECHT AI and Robot Show, Signe Brewster speaks with Drone Racing League founder and CEO Nicholas Horbaczewski about the fast-growing sport he created, where pilots race drones at speeds up to 85 miles per hour. Among other things, Horbaczewski discusses the sport's evolution from idea to nationally televised event watched by 33 million people last year; how drone racing is pushing the industry to create better components for mainstream drones; and why he thinks the first iterations of drone package delivery and other commercial applications will actually be piloted by people. In the news segment, co-hosts Derrick Harris, Signe Brewster and Chris Albrecht talk about Baidu's new self-driving car project; commercial robots for helping hospital patients and playing bartender; and what DeepMind's new Canadian research center says about the dispersement of AI talent.
7/7/201746 minutes, 3 seconds
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Ep. 27: IBM Watson Data CTO on the evolution of cloud databases and data science

In this episode of the ARCHITECHT Show, IBM Fellow and Watson Data Platform CTO Adam Kocoloski talks about the evolution of big data—from his days as an MIT physicist and co-founding Cloudant, to the application design trends dictating today's cloud data platforms. In between, Kocoloski touches on a variety of topics, including the fate of Hadoop, the promise of quantum computing, the role of specialized hardware for AI and big data, and the effects of marketing on selling the Watson technologies. In the news segment, co-hosts Derrick Harris (ARCHITECHT) and Tom Krazit (GeekWire) talk about Baidu's rise in the cloud (and Nvidia's growing footprint), the cost-benefit analysis of data privacy re: DeepMind's recent troubles, and why any IPOing web company would still run on a single data center with no backup.
7/6/20171 hour, 5 minutes, 13 seconds
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The AI and Robot Show, Ep. 3: Rishi Bhargava (Demisto)

In this episode of the ARCHITECHT AI and Robot Show, Derrick Harris speaks with Demisto co-founder Rishi Bhargava about the state of cybersecurity, and how machine learning can help bring order to the chaos. Bhargava discusses current threat vectors and the shortcomings of many response tactics, and explains how Demisto's technology uses ChatOps to analyze response behavior, suggest courses of action, and give security personnel a single point of interaction across dozens of tools. In the news segment, co-hosts Derrick Harris, Signe Brewster and Chris Albrecht discuss, among other things,'s big funding round for driverless cars; how municipal infrastructure will change to accommodate driverless cars; the challenges around robot-gripping (even in space); and whether we've reach the tipping point where AI is here to stay.
6/30/201755 minutes, 37 seconds
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Ep. 26: All you want to know about Cloud Foundry, with Abby Kearns

In this episode of the ARCHITECHT Show, co-hosts Barb Darrow and Derrick Harris speak with Cloud Foundry Foundation executive director Abby Kearns about running one of the biggest, and still growing, open source projects in the cloud world. Among other things, Kearns discusses Cloud Foundry's history and evolution; where it fits into today's world of containers and Kubernetes; how the foundation works with leading cloud providers; and how she's been able to manage lots of large enterprise vendors without losing control of the project. In the news segment, Barb and Derrick discuss Red Hat's increasingly cloudy (and containery) revenues, and why IBM should let its tech do the talking with Watson.
6/29/201748 minutes, 41 seconds
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The AI and Robot Show, Ep. 2: Melonee Wise (Fetch Robotics)

In this episode of the AI and Robot Show, Signe Brewster speaks with Fetch Robotics CEO Melonee Wise about the state of the art in automation. Wise, who was also employee No. 2 at robotics pioneer Willow Garage, shares some details on how Fetch's warehouse robots functions and also goes into depth on, among other things, human-robot interaction; how consumer demands and practices have influenced warehouse processes; the immense value of open source robotics libraries; and why the future of home automation might look more like the Roomba than like Rosie. In the news segment, co-hosts Derrick Harris, Signe Brewster and Chris Albrecht discuss how artificial intelligence might start and fight future wars; Tesla's new AI director; and why urban settings pose challenges for self-driving cars but provide a prime opportunity for delivery robots.
6/23/20171 hour, 32 seconds
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Episode 25: How Apache Spark's creator is now tackling AI's data problem

In episode 25(!) of the ARCHITECHT Show, Matei Zaharia  and Peter Bailis discuss how the DAWN project at Stanford University is trying bring the power of AI and machine learning to a broader set of users. The project's initial focus is on making it easier to collect, process and analyze enough high-quality data to take advantage of today's leading models and algorithms. Aside from the technologies, the Zaharia and Bailis also discuss how they're working with industry on this project and the right path for moving academic research into the real world. It's an area Zaharia knows well, having previously helped create Apache Mesos and Apache Spark, and having co-founded Databricks, where he's still CTO. In the news segment, co-hosts Derrick Harris (ARCHITECHT) and Barb Darrow (Fortune) talk all about Amazon, and how its $14 billion purchase of Whole Foods is having competitive repercussions even in its cloud business.
6/22/201759 minutes, 5 seconds
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The AI and Robot Show, Ep. 1: Geordie Rose (

In the inaugural episode of The AI Show, Derrick Harris speaks with co-founder and CEO Geordie Rose about a wide range of issues in artificial intelligence and quantum computing (Rose also co-founded D-Wave Systems in 1999). Among the topics Rose covers are how is seeking to build artificial general intelligence and the importance of a physical embodiment in that quest; the commercial viability and challenges of different approaches to quantum computing; the ethics of human-AI interaction; and whether his Canadian homeland can really become the world's AI epicenter. In the news segment, co-hosts Derrick Harris, Signe Brewster and Chris Albrecht discuss Element AI's $102 million funding round; the AI showdown between the U.S. and China; what the Tertill weed-cutting robot says about the state of consumer robotics; Facebook's negotiating bots; and the robot the could be flipping burgers at a restaurant near you.
6/20/20171 hour, 25 minutes, 2 seconds
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Episode 24: So much Kubernetes: CNCF director Dan Kohn / Deis co-founder Gabe Monroy

In this week's rare two-interview episode, Derrick Harris talks Kubernetes with Cloud Native Computing Foundation executive director Dan Kohn, who discusses the Kubernetes ecosystem and adoption, as well the purpose for foundations like CNCF and where they fit into the open source landscape (e.g., in relation to the Apache Software Foundation). Derrick also speaks with Gabe Monroy, who was co-founder and CTO of container startup Deis, which Microsoft acquired in April. Monroy talks about how Deis came to be and the technologies it developed, and how everything is working now that they're part of Microsoft. In the news segment, Derrick and co-host Barb Darrow (Fortune) discuss Amazon's non-compete lawsuit against a former exec, Intel's veiled threat to would-be x86 emulators, and fun—and hopefully useful—AI research out of Microsoft and Facebook.
6/15/20171 hour, 11 minutes, 10 seconds
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Episode 23: Chef CTO on building software that customers want

In this episode of the ARCHITECHT Show, Chef co-founder and CTO Adam Jacob talks about the evolution of his company and its product as user demands have evolved (or not) over the past decade. He tackles the benefits and shortcomings of technologies such as containers and cloud computing, as well as the difficulty of doing security right and nailing the open source business model. In the news segment, Derrick Harris (ARCHITECHT) and Barb Darrow (Fortune) discuss Apple new HomePod smart speaker, IBM's next big thing in chip design, and the cratering server market.
6/8/20171 hour, 25 seconds
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Episode 22: CoreOS CEO Alex Polvi on how containers will reshape the cloud

In this week's episode, Derrick Harris (ARCHITECHT) speaks with CoreOS CEO Alex Polvi about why containers are so big right now, and why they're only going to get bigger. He also discusses the rise of Kubernetes, including why CoreOS decided to embrace it and why he thinks it will reshape the relationships enterprises have with their cloud providers by providing an open, portable platform. In the news segment, Harris and co-host Barb Darrow (Fortune) talk about Steve Ballmer's foray into data for sports and politics, and whether or not there's really a competition among countries to "win" at artificial intelligence.
6/1/20171 hour, 6 minutes, 35 seconds
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Episode 21: Merlon Intelligence CEO on banking, bot overload and where's the money in AI

In this episode of the ARCHITECHT Show, Merlon Intelligence founder and CEO Bradford Cross talks about his new startup, which uses artificial intelligence to help banks root out money laundering and other regulatory issues. Cross, who's also a partner at Data Collective Venture Capital, an experienced machine learning entrepreneur (with media-curation startup Prismatic), and a hedge fund veteran also discusses the unnecessary proliferation of bots, the real opportunities for AI startups, and why cloud providers might be chasing a dead end with general-purpose AI services. in the news segment, Derrick Harris (ARCHITECHT) is joined by guest co-host Tom Krazit (GeekWire) to discuss LinkedIn's Open19 Foundation, Java creator James Gosling joining AWS, the necessity (or lack thereof) of more AlphaGo matches, and the disappointing state of big data for farming.
5/25/20171 hour, 22 minutes, 25 seconds
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Episode 20: Las Vegas CIO says, 'Get ready for a tech-fueled weekend in Sin City!'

In this episode of the ARCHITECHT Show, Derrick Harris speaks with Mike Sherwood, CIO of the City of Las Vegas. Sherwood explains the security threats that keep him up at night, as well as how the city is using AI software to help identify potential threats. He also talks about how Las Vegas plans to become a hub of innovation, ranging from smart stoplights to connected trash cans, and from open data to cloud computing. In the news segment, Derrick and co-host Barb Darrow (Fortune) discuss why the big three cloud providers are falling over themselves to host SAP workloads, how cloud could help prevent the IoT version of WannaCry, and Cisco's acquisition of AI startup MindMeld.
5/18/201751 minutes, 39 seconds
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Episode 19: Google VP Eric Brewer on the future of cloud infrastructure

In this episode of the ARCHITECHT Show, hosts Derrick Harris (ARCHITECHT) and Barb Darrow (Fortune) speak with Google VP of Infrastructure Eric Brewer about all things, well, infrastructure. Brewer shares his thoughts Kubernetes, Spanner, TensorFlow and other Google projects, as well as on open source and the cloud market, in general. He also discusses the future of machine learning processors and the architectural effects of edge computing. In the news segment, Derrick is joined by Tom Krazit (GeekWire) to talk about news from a busy week with Microsoft Build, Dell EMC World, OpenStack Summit and Nvidia GTC.
5/11/20171 hour, 9 minutes, 57 seconds
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Episode 18: Honeycomb CEO on complexity, OSS and learning to love MongoDB

In this episode of the ARCHITECHT Show, Derrick Harris speaks with Honeycomb Co-founder and CEO Charity Majors across a broad spectrum of issues, ranging from what Honeycomb does (it helps users debug complex systems very fast) to why open source business models still aren't well understood. In between, she discusses her time at Parse, Facebook and Linden Labs; the problems and limits of containers; and why most people should stop hating on MongoDB. In the news segment, Derrick and co-host Barb Darrow (Fortune) discuss Docker's new CEO and Red Hat's cloud-and-container play, and touch on last week's strong cloud earnings reports.
5/4/201758 minutes, 41 seconds
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Episode 17: Kaggle CEO on joining Google and the rise of deep learning

In this episode of the ARCHITECHT Show, co-hosts Derrick Harris (ARCHITECHT) and Barb Darrow (Fortune) speak with Anthony Goldbloom, co-founder and CEO of machine learning competition platform Kaggle. Goldbloom discusses Google's recent acquisition of Kaggle and how that affects the company, as well as a wide variety of machine learning topics. Among them: the rise of deep learning and AI, the best machine learning techniques for certain jobs, and the evolution of data science since Kaggle began. In the news segment, Derrick and Barb discuss AWS's 5,600 open positions, Google boss Diane Greene's claim that her company can overtake AWS in 5 years, and the state of OpenStack and the private cloud.
4/27/20171 hour, 6 minutes, 13 seconds
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Episode 16: The economics of cloud storage, with Backblaze CEO Gleb Budman

In this episode of the ARCHITECHT Show, Derrick Harris speaks with Backblaze founder and CEO Gleb Budman about the economics of cloud storage, including his company's recent 60 percent reduction in download pricing. Backblaze—which is known for its open sourcing its high-density, low-cost storage "pods" and for detailed analyses on the reliability of the consumer-grade hard drives it uses—now stores over 300 petabytes of data.  In the news segment, Harris and co-host Barb Darrow (Fortune) discuss Oracle-vs.-AWS on data center scale, the past week's container acquisitions and DockerCon, and the rush for cloud providers to tackle offensive content with AI APIs.
4/20/20171 hour, 8 minutes, 10 seconds
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Episode 15: Segment CTO on how his company slashed its AWS bill ...

In this episode of the ARCHITECHT Show, Calvin French-Owen, co-founder and CTO of data-integration startup Segment, explains how his company saved $1 million a year by troubleshooting its AWS environment and learning to do more with fewer servers. He also discusses how Segment is able to capture data from SaaS products, and shares his thoughts on why cloud computing is so valuable for startups and why he doesn't foresee data centers in Segment's future.
4/13/201739 minutes, 54 seconds
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Episode 14: Jay Kreps on streaming data, the power of Kafka and a whole lot more

In this episode of the ARCHITECHT Show, Derrick Harris speaks with Apache Kafka creator and Confluent co-founder Jay Kreps about a wide range of topics including, obviously, Kafka and Confluent. Kreps also tackles digital transformation and real-time data in enterprises; Microsoft's LinkedIn acquisition; the importance of network infrastructure in microservices and data-centric environments; the limitations of big data frameworks; and more. In the news segment, Harris and co-host Barb Darrow (Fortune) cover VMware selling its cloud business, Cloudera going public, and the promise and potential perils of AI in medicine. Also, the Boston Red Sox being on pace to go 162-0.  
4/6/20171 hour, 6 minutes, 13 seconds
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Episode 13: Bonsai CEO on abstracting AI and letting developers teach rather than code

In this episode of the ArchiTECHt Show, Derrick Harris speaks with Mark Hammond, founder and CEO of artificial intelligence startup Bonsai, about how his company is helping enterprises take advantage of AI today. Hammond shares the tricks to Bonsai's methods (compilers and abstractions, broadly speaking); talks about the strengths and weaknesses of other approaches to AI software (including APIs and TensorFlow); and predicts the path of AI integration into everyday software. In the news section, Harris and co-host Barb Darrow (Fortune) discuss a number of topics, including the LinkedIn-Microsoft merger; Amazon's new Connect call center service; Elon Musk's new AI startup; and the Las Vegas Raiders.
3/30/20171 hour, 11 minutes, 36 seconds
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Episode 12: Talkin' containers with Kubernetes creator Brendan Burns

In this episode of the ArchiTECHt show, Derrick Harris speaks with Brendan Burns, one of the creators of the hugely popular Kubernetes technology, and current director of engineering for Microsoft's Azure Container Service. Burns details Microsoft's current container offerings and vision; why container technologies will remake both infrastructure and application development; and the process of turning Kubernetes from a mere idea into one of the world's most popular open source communities. In the news segment, Harris and co-host Barb Darrow (Fortune) discuss AI head Andrew Ng's departure from Baidu, and what it's like for Docker to live in the shadow of Kubernetes. They also recap IBM's big cloud conference and try to wade through the marketing to determine what's for real with Big Blue.
3/23/201758 minutes, 56 seconds
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Episode 11: DataDog documents the rise of Docker

In this episode of the ArchiTECHt Show, Derrick Harris speaks with DataDog co-founder and CEO Olivier Pomel about the trends his company is seeing from monitoring hundreds of thousands of customer servers. Among them are the rapid rise of Docker for production workloads, the shift toward multi-cloud environments, and the stronger-than-expected state of private clouds— ranging from Kubernetes to OpenStack. In the news segment, Derrick and co-host Barb Darrow (Fortune) finish their discussion of Google's big cloud conference, consider Cloudera's rumored 2017 IPO, and dive into Intel's big spending on Mobileye and Altera in its quest to win new workloads.
3/16/201750 minutes, 2 seconds