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Chinese, Education, 1 season, 215 episodes, 12 hours, 49 minutes
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对我和学生英语思维训练实录:What is language

5/4/20152 minutes, 25 seconds
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和我的学生训练实录:Mandy, what is time?

5/4/20151 minute, 26 seconds
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忐忑英语(TenTenEnglish)将在4月21日(周二)通过YY语音1240950834(频道:65690148)和QQ群(OurEnglish,452034089)举办第三场免费英语思维英语口语讲座:训练的英语表达都是你最需要、你想说但没想到会是这么说的。一经点拨:英语原来是这样说的!太容易!太过瘾了!学过就太难忘记了!!把你学过的英语词汇用起来,培养你的英语思维。不要错过哟!I am right there waiting for you!
4/20/20152 minutes, 18 seconds
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【免费英语口语培训预告!】4月21日(周二)晚8点,将在YY语音继续开班免费英语思维英语口语培训,欢迎加入。我的YY号:TenTenEnglish(1240950834),房号65690148。请原来的学员改进或注册YY,原来的Q群语音效果太差,故改为YY,请谅解。Right there waiting for you. 今后每周至少开办一次免费讲座 关注我的新浪微博(英语口语老师冠平),加入我的微薄粉丝群,即时收听我朗读的英语文本关注我的微信公众号:TenTenEnglish关注我的微信:TenTenTalk用你学过的英语说英语,说过瘾!说上瘾!
4/18/20151 minute, 38 seconds
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What do you know about the airport?

把你的英语词汇用起来! 加入新浪微博(英语口语老师冠平)、微信:TenTenTalk,或微公众号:TenTenEnglish,获得英语口语的实效突破。
4/15/20151 minute, 27 seconds
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4/11/20157 minutes, 39 seconds
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balance(平衡)importance ambulance clearance ignorance nuisance
4/9/20151 minute, 48 seconds
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since(自从)convince coprince evince mince princeprovince quince reconvince wince yince
4/9/20151 minute, 54 seconds
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4/2/20156 minutes, 37 seconds
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观察与归纳: 观察以下单词,找出它们共同的音节。expensive(贵的)abusive adhesive aggressive allusiveapprehensive comprehensive compulsiveconclusive defensive depressive digressiveevasive excessive exclusive impressiveimpulsive inclusive intensive massive offensive oppressive passive progressive responsive successive 音节划分训练: 先自己划分音节,然后对比下面音节,检测自己划分音节的能力 。a-bu-sive ad-he-sive ag-gres-sive a-llu-siveap-pre-hen-sive com-pre-hen-sive com-pul-sivecon-clu-sive de-fen-sive de-pres-sive di-gres-sivee-va-sive ex-ces-sive ex-clu-sive im-pres-siveim-pul-sive in-clu-sive in-ten-sive mas-sive o-ffen-sive o-ppres-sive pas-sive pro-gres-sive res-pon-sive su-cces-sive
3/31/20154 minutes, 52 seconds
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观察与归纳: 观察以下单词,找出它们共同的音节。momental(短暂的)developmental elemental fundamental mental monumental sentimental 音节划分训练: 先自己划分音节,然后对比下面音节,检测自己划分音节的能力 。de-ve-lop-mental e-le-mental fun-da-mental mental mo-mental mo-nu-mental sen-ti-mental
3/31/20151 minute, 20 seconds
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观察以下单词,找出它们共同的音节。moment(一会儿)apartment argument advancement appeasement department development element engagement environment experiment fragment government improvement installment instrument judgment movement ornament refreshment 从这组单词中我们发现很多英语单词都带有-ment这个固定音节。出现在所有单词里的-ment音节都是同样的读音,举一反三就能掌握。它也是典型的“音形合一”音节,见到就能读,会读就会写,很容易掌握。“拼写”和“读音”之音差别并不大。要把-ment看成一个固定音节,看成一个整体来拼读和记忆,不可再拆分。音节划分训练: 先自己划分音节,然后对比下面音节,检测自己划分音节的能力 。a-part-ment ar-gu-ment ad-vance-ment a-part-ment a-ppease-ment ar-gu-ment de-part-ment de-ve-lop-ment e-le-ment en-gage-ment en-vi-ron-ment ex-pe-ri-mentfrag-ment go-vern-ment im-prove-ment in-stall-mentin-stru-ment judg-ment mo-ment move-mentor-na-ment re-fresh-ment
3/31/20152 minutes, 37 seconds
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Dialogue Booking a Hotel Room(A tour guide is making a reservation face to face at the reception desk.)Receptionist: Good morning, madam. May I help you? Tour guide: Morning. I&`&d like to reserve some rooms for a tourist party.Receptionist: All right. We have various types of rooms. What kind of room would you like? Tour guide: Would you please give me some detailed information about your rooms first?Receptionist: It’s my pleasure.We have single rooms,double rooms,suites,deluxe suites,etc.Well, here is an introduction to our hotel,including the room category, and room rate Tour guide: That&`&s great. I&`&d like to book three single rooms, five double rooms and two suites.Receptionist: All right, madam. Can I take your name,please? Tour guide: The name is Susan.Receptionist: For which dates do you want to book the rooms? Tour guide: From tomorrow till October 28. That&`&s five days in all.Receptionist: Just a minute, madam. You should pay a deposit of 800 yuan beforehand. Tour guide: No problem. Here you are.Receptionist: Thank you. Please keep this receipt and check in tomorrow morning. Tour guide: Thank you. By the way, is there any preferential rate for the party?Receptionist: Yes, there is a 15 percent discount. Tour guide: That&`&s wonderful. Thank you very much.Receptionist: You are welcome. I hope all of you will have a good stay here.
3/28/201523 minutes, 38 seconds
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【从prom night学英语思维】prom night是美国中学应届毕业生举办的晚会

【从prom night学英语思维】prom night是美国中学高中生应届毕业生举办的毕业舞会(中国还没有这个习惯)。男女生皆穿着隆重漂亮,还会选出prom king和prom queen来。我们的问题是不仅只是用中文认得这个英语词,我们要考查的是你能用英语描述prom night吗?看看从中使用到哪些词汇,记住哪些英语思维?Well I know in the United States, graduating high school students will hold a prom night. A prom night is a formal dance or gathering.Well ,this event is usually held near the end of the senior year, that is, the last year of high school.At the prom night, boys and girls usually dress in their best. Boys will have formal black or white wear, a colored tie, or a bow tie and a vest. Girls wear traditional ladies&`& dresses or evening gowns.把这些英语词汇记住,就可以形成对prom night的“英语思维”,而不仅仅只是记住中文“毕业舞会”了。
3/28/20151 minute, 58 seconds
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3/26/20154 minutes, 2 seconds
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【简易英语思维500条(13):离婚的英语是什么?】Say divorce

3/26/20152 minutes, 50 seconds
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【简易英语思维500条(12):结婚的英语是什么?】Say marry

3/26/20152 minutes, 31 seconds
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【简易英语思维500条(11):树和植物的英语是什么?】Say tree and

3/26/20152 minutes
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【简易英语思维500条(10):狗的英语是什么?】Say dog

3/26/20151 minute, 47 seconds
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【简易英语思维500条(9):昨天的英语是什么?】Say yesterday

3/26/20152 minutes, 5 seconds
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【简易英语思维500条(4) :字母的英语是什么?】Say letter.But what is lette

3/18/20151 minute, 59 seconds
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【简易英语思维500条(3) :A的英语是什么?】Say A. But what is A?

3/18/20152 minutes, 27 seconds
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【简易英语思维500条(2) :数字的英语是什么?】Say number. But what is num

3/18/20152 minutes, 15 seconds
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【简易英语思维500条(1) :10的英语是什么?】Say ten. But what is ten?

3/18/20153 minutes, 21 seconds
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【简易英语思维500条(8):明天的英语是什么?】Say tomorrow

3/17/20152 minutes, 6 seconds
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【简易英语思维500条(7):小时的英语是什么?】Say hour

3/17/20152 minutes, 40 seconds
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【简易英语思维500条(6):时间的英语是什么?】Say time.

3/17/20153 minutes, 15 seconds
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【简易英语思维500条(5):谢谢的英语是什么?】Say thank you!

3/17/20152 minutes, 58 seconds
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【WiFi英语怎么说?】Say WiFi. But what is WiFi?

英语思维训练We should not learn and remember English in Chinese alone. We must learn and remember English in English. That’s more important.Or in other words, we should not learn and remember the meanings of English words in Chinese, we must try to learn and remember their meanings in English. That’s the way should be.英语是用中文学中文记的,英语更是用英语学英语记的。你还在用中文学英语、用中文记英语吗?你把所有的英语单词都变成用英语学用英语记,结果会怎样?我们耗费在用中文学英语,用中文记英语的时间和精力太多太昂贵了。以同样的时间精力换取更大的收获,是到了该换个学法的时候了。拜托,以后不要老是想中文或是只能说中文了!【WiFi英语怎么说?】Say WiFi. Well I know it&`&s WiFi. But what is WiFi?
3/15/20154 minutes, 27 seconds
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【火车英语怎么说?】Say train. But what is train?

英语思维训练We should not learn and remember English in Chinese alone. We must learn and remember English in English. That’s more important.Or in other words, we should not learn and remember the meanings of English words in Chinese, we must try to learn and remember their meanings in English. That’s the way should be.英语是用中文学中文记的,英语更是用英语学英语记的。你还在用中文学英语、用中文记英语吗?你把所有的英语单词都变成用英语学用英语记,结果会怎样?我们耗费在用中文学英语,用中文记英语的时间和精力太多太昂贵了。以同样的时间精力换取更大的收获,是到了该换个学法的时候了。拜托,以后不要老是想中文或是只能说中文了!【火车英语怎么说?】Say train. Well I know it’s train. But what is train?
3/14/20154 minutes, 36 seconds
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【公交车英语怎么说?】Say bus. But what is bus?

英语思维训练We should not learn and remember English in Chinese alone. We must learn and remember English in English. That’s more important.Or in other words, we should not learn and remember the meanings of English words in Chinese, we must try to learn and remember their meanings in English. That’s the way should be.英语是用中文学中文记的,英语更是用英语学英语记的。你还在用中文学英语、用中文记英语吗?你把所有的英语单词都变成用英语学用英语记,结果会怎样?我们耗费在用中文学英语,用中文记英语的时间和精力太多太昂贵了。以同样的时间精力换取更大的收获,是到了该换个学法的时候了。拜托,以后不要老是想中文或是只能说中文了!【公交车英语怎么说?】Say bus. Well I know it`s bus. But what is bus?
3/14/20154 minutes, 38 seconds
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【黄色英语怎么说?】Say yellow. But what is yellow ?

英语思维训练We should not learn and remember English in Chinese alone. We must learn and remember English in English. That’s more important.Or in other words, we should not learn and remember the meanings of English words in Chinese, we must try to learn and remember their meanings in English. That’s the way should be.英语是用中文学中文记的,英语更是用英语学英语记的。你还在用中文学英语、用中文记英语吗?你把所有的英语单词都变成用英语学用英语记,结果会怎样?我们耗费在用中文学英语,用中文记英语的时间和精力太多太昂贵了。以同样的时间精力换取更大的收获,是到了该换个学法的时候了。拜托,以后不要老是想中文或是只能说中文了!【黄色英语怎么说?】Say yellow. Well, I know it’s yellow. But what is yellow ?
3/12/20153 minutes, 2 seconds
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【红色英语怎么说?】Say red. But what is red ?

英语思维训练We should not learn and remember English in Chinese alone. We must learn and remember English in English. That’s more important.Or in other words, we should not learn and remember the meanings of English words in Chinese, we must try to learn and remember their meanings in English. That’s the way should be.英语是用中文学中文记的,英语更是用英语学英语记的。你还在用中文学英语、用中文记英语吗?你把所有的英语单词都变成用英语学用英语记,结果会怎样?我们耗费在用中文学英语,用中文记英语的时间和精力太多太昂贵了。以同样的时间精力换取更大的收获,是到了该换个学法的时候了。拜托,以后不要老是想中文或是只能说中文了!【红色英语怎么说?】Say red. Well, I know it’s red. But what is red ?
3/12/20154 minutes, 10 seconds
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【秃头英语怎么说?】Say bald. But But what is bald?

【跟Champion恶补英语口语英语思维:秃头英语怎么说?】Say bald. Well I know it&`&s bald. But what is bald? Well I know bald
3/11/20154 minutes, 34 seconds
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3/11/20159 minutes, 45 seconds
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【数字53英语怎么说?】Say fifty-three. But what is fifty-three?

英语思维训练We should not learn and remember English in Chinese alone. We must learn and remember English in English. That’s more important.Or in other words, we should not learn and remember the meanings of English words in Chinese, we must try to learn and remember their meanings in English. That’s the way should be.英语是用中文学中文记的,英语更是用英语学英语记的。你还在用中文学英语、用中文记英语吗?你把所有的英语单词都变成用英语学用英语记,结果会怎样? 我们耗费在用中文学英语,用中文记英语的时间和精力太多太昂贵了。以同样的时间精力换取更大的收获,是到了该换个学法的时候了。拜托,以后不要老是想中文或是只能说中文了! 【数字53英语怎么说?】Say fifty-three.Well I know it`s fifty-three. But what is fifty-three?
3/11/20154 minutes, 9 seconds
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【数字52英语怎么说?】Say fifty-two. But what is fifty-two?

英语思维训练We should not learn and remember English in Chinese alone. We must learn and remember English in English. That’s more important.Or in other words, we should not learn and remember the meanings of English words in Chinese, we must try to learn and remember their meanings in English. That’s the way should be.英语是用中文学中文记的,英语更是用英语学英语记的。你还在用中文学英语、用中文记英语吗?你把所有的英语单词都变成用英语学用英语记,结果会怎样?我们耗费在用中文学英语,用中文记英语的时间和精力太多太昂贵了。以同样的时间精力换取更大的收获,是到了该换个学法的时候了。拜托,以后不要老是想中文或是只能说中文了!【数字52英语怎么说?】Say fifty-two.Well I know it`s fifty-two. But what is fifty-two?
3/10/20153 minutes, 42 seconds
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七律 长征 毛泽东

七律 长征 毛泽东 演唱 贾世骏 红军不怕远征难,  万水千山只等闲。  五岭逶迤腾细浪,  乌蒙磅礴走泥丸。  金沙水拍云崖暖,  大渡桥横铁索寒。  更喜岷山千里雪,  三军过后尽开颜。
3/10/20152 minutes, 44 seconds
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【薪水英语怎么说?】Say salary. But what is salary?

英语思维训练We should not learn and remember English in Chinese alone. We must learn and remember English in English. That’s more important.Or in other words, we should not learn and remember the meanings of English words in Chinese, we must try to learn and remember their meanings in English. That’s the way should be.英语是用中文学中文记的,英语更是用英语学英语记的。你还在用中文学英语、用中文记英语吗?你把所有的英语单词都变成用英语学用英语记,结果会怎样?我们耗费在用中文学英语,用中文记英语的时间和精力太多太昂贵了。以同样的时间精力换取更大的收获,是到了该换个学法的时候了。拜托,以后不要老是想中文或是只能说中文了!【薪水英语怎么说?】Say salary. Well I know it&`&s salary. But what is salary? 订阅微信公众号:TenTenEnglish(优化英语口语控),输入“薪水、工资、工钱”都可以查阅单词优化的文本哟。
3/10/20153 minutes, 36 seconds
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【预定预留英语怎么说?】Say reserve. But what is reserve ?

英语思维训练We should not learn and remember English in Chinese alone. We must learn and remember English in English. That’s more important.Or in other words, we should not learn and remember the meanings of English words in Chinese, we must try to learn and remember their meanings in English. That’s the way should be.英语是用中文学中文记的,英语更是用英语学英语记的。你还在用中文学英语、用中文记英语吗?你把所有的英语单词都变成用英语学用英语记,结果会怎样?我们耗费在用中文学英语,用中文记英语的时间和精力太多太昂贵了。以同样的时间精力换取更大的收获,是到了该换个学法的时候了。拜托,以后不要老是想中文或是只能说中文了!【预定预留英语怎么说?】Say reserve. Well, I know it’s reserve. But what is reserve ?订阅微信公众号:TenTenEnglish(优化英语口语控),输入“预留、预定、预订”可以查阅单词优化的文本哟。
3/10/20154 minutes, 21 seconds
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【身高英语怎么说?】Say height. But what is height?

英语思维训练We should not learn and remember English in Chinese alone. We must learn and remember English in English. That’s more important.Or in other words, we should not learn and remember the meanings of English words in Chinese, we must try to learn and remember their meanings in English. That’s the way should be.英语是用中文学中文记的,英语更是用英语学英语记的。你还在用中文学英语、用中文记英语吗?你把所有的英语单词都变成用英语学用英语记,结果会怎样?我们耗费在用中文学英语,用中文记英语的时间和精力太多太昂贵了。以同样的时间精力换取更大的收获,是到了该换个学法的时候了。拜托,以后不要老是想中文或是只能说中文了!【身高英语怎么说?】Say height. Well, I know it’s height.But what is height?订阅微信公众号:TenTenEnglish(优化英语口语控),输入“身高”可以查阅单词优化的文本哟。
3/9/20153 minutes, 44 seconds
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【长相英语怎么说?】Say looks. Well, I know it’s looks.But what is looks?

英语思维训练We should not learn and remember English in Chinese alone. We must learn and remember English in English. That’s more important.Or in other words, we should not learn and remember the meanings of English words in Chinese, we must try to learn and remember their meanings in English. That’s the way should be.英语是用中文学中文记的,英语更是用英语学英语记的。你还在用中文学英语、用中文记英语吗?你把所有的英语单词都变成用英语学用英语记,结果会怎样?我们耗费在用中文学英语,用中文记英语的时间和精力太多太昂贵了。以同样的时间精力换取更大的收获,是到了该换个学法的时候了。拜托,以后不要老是想中文或是只能说中文了!【长相英语怎么说?】Say looks. Well, I know it’s looks.But what is looks?订阅微信公众号:TenTenEnglish(优化英语口语控),输入“长相”可以查阅单词优化的文本哟。
3/9/20154 minutes, 48 seconds
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【数字51英语怎么说?】Say fifty-one. But what is fifty-one?

英语思维训练We should not learn and remember English in Chinese alone. We must learn and remember English in English. That’s more important.Or in other words, we should not learn and remember the meanings of English words in Chinese, we must try to learn and remember their meanings in English. That’s the way should be.英语是用中文学中文记的,英语更是用英语学英语记的。你还在用中文学英语、用中文记英语吗?你把所有的英语单词都变成用英语学用英语记,结果会怎样? 【数字51英语怎么说?】Say fifty-one.Well I know it`s fifty. But what is fifty-one? 订阅微信公众号:TenTenEnglish(优化英语口语控),输入“数字51”可以查阅单词优化的文本哟。
3/8/20153 minutes, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork

【云英语怎么说?】Say cloud. But what is cloud?

英语思维训练We should not learn and remember English in Chinese alone. We must learn and remember English in English. That’s more important.Or in other words, we should not learn and remember the meanings of English words in Chinese, we must try to learn and remember their meanings in English. That’s the way should be.英语是用中文学中文记的,英语更是用英语学英语记的。你还在用中文学英语、用中文记英语吗?你把所有的英语单词都变成用英语学用英语记,结果会怎样? 【云英语怎么说?】Say cloud. Well, I know it’s cloud. But what is cloud?订阅微信公众号:TenTenEnglish(优化英语口语控),输入“云”可以查阅单词优化的文本哟。
3/8/20153 minutes, 49 seconds
Episode Artwork

【风英语怎么说?】Say wind. But what is wind?

英语思维训练We should not learn and remember English in Chinese alone. We must learn and remember English in English. That’s more important.Or in other words, we should not learn and remember the meanings of English words in Chinese, we must try to learn and remember their meanings in English. That’s the way should be.英语是用中文学中文记的,英语更是用英语学英语记的。你还在用中文学英语、用中文记英语吗?你把所有的英语单词都变成用英语学用英语记,结果会怎样? 【风英语怎么说?】Say wind. Well, I know it’s wind. But what is wind?订阅微信公众号:TenTenEnglish(优化英语口语控),输入“风”可以查阅单词优化的文本哟。
3/8/20154 minutes, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork


3/8/201511 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork

【数字50英语怎么说?】Say fifty. But what is fifty?

英语思维训练We should not learn and remember English in Chinese alone. We must learn and remember English in English. That’s more important.Or in other words, we should not learn and remember the meanings of English words in Chinese, we must try to learn and remember their meanings in English. That’s the way should be.英语是用中文学中文记的,英语更是用英语学英语记的。你还在用中文学英语、用中文记英语吗?你把所有的英语单词都变成用英语学用英语记,结果会怎样? 【数字50英语怎么说?】Say fifty.Well I know it`s fifty. But what is fifty? 订阅微信公众号:TenTenEnglish(优化英语口语控),输入“数字50”可以查阅单词优化的文本哟。
3/7/20153 minutes, 21 seconds
Episode Artwork

【钱英语怎么说?】Say money. But what is money?

英语思维训练We should not learn and remember English in Chinese alone. We must learn and remember English in English. That’s more important.Or in other words, we should not learn and remember the meanings of English words in Chinese, we must try to learn and remember their meanings in English. That’s the way should be.英语是用中文学中文记的,英语更是用英语学英语记的。你还在用中文学英语、用中文记英语吗?你把所有的英语单词都变成用英语学用英语记,结果会怎样? 【钱英语怎么说?】Say money. Well, I know money. But what is money? 订阅微信公众号:TenTenEnglish(优化英语口语控),输入“钱”可以查阅单词优化的文本哟。
3/7/20153 minutes, 55 seconds
Episode Artwork

【数字49英语怎么说?】Say forty-nine. But what is forty-nine?

英语思维训练We should not learn and remember English in Chinese alone. We must learn and remember English in English. That’s more important.Or in other words, we should not learn and remember the meanings of English words in Chinese, we must try to learn and remember their meanings in English. That’s the way should be.英语是用中文学中文记的,英语更是用英语学英语记的。你还在用中文学英语、用中文记英语吗?你把所有的英语单词都变成用英语学用英语记,结果会怎样? 【数字49英语怎么说?】Say forty-nine.Well I know it`s forty-nine. But what is forty-nine? 订阅微信公众号:TenTenEnglish(优化英语口语控),可以查阅单词优化的文本哟。
3/6/20153 minutes, 17 seconds
Episode Artwork

【数字47英语怎么说?】Say forty-seven. But what is forty-seven?

英语思维训练We should not learn and remember English in Chinese alone. We must learn and remember English in English. That’s more important.Or in other words, we should not learn and remember the meanings of English words in Chinese, we must try to learn and remember their meanings in English. That’s the way should be.英语是用中文学中文记的,英语更是用英语学英语记的。你还在用中文学英语、用中文记英语吗?你把所有的英语单词都变成用英语学用英语记,结果会怎样? 【数字47英语怎么说?】Say forty-seven.Well I know it`s forty-seven. But what is forty-seven? 订阅微信公众号:TenTenEnglish(优化英语口语控),可以查阅单词优化的文本哟。
3/5/20153 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork

【数字48英语怎么说?】Say forty-eight. But what is forty-eight?

英语思维训练We should not learn and remember English in Chinese alone. We must learn and remember English in English. That’s more important.Or in other words, we should not learn and remember the meanings of English words in Chinese, we must try to learn and remember their meanings in English. That’s the way should be.英语是用中文学中文记的,英语更是用英语学英语记的。你还在用中文学英语、用中文记英语吗?你把所有的英语单词都变成用英语学用英语记,结果会怎样? 【数字48英语怎么说?】Say forty-eight.Well I know it`s forty-eight. But what is forty-eight? 订阅微信公众号:TenTenEnglish(优化英语口语控),可以查阅单词优化的文本哟。
3/5/20153 minutes, 16 seconds
Episode Artwork

【元宵节英语怎么说】Say Chinese Lantern Festival

英语思维训练We should not learn and remember English in Chinese alone. We must learn and remember English in English. That’s more important.Or in other words, we should not learn and remember the meanings of English words in Chinese, we must try to learn and remember their meanings in English. That’s the way should be.英语是用中文学中文记的,英语更是用英语学英语记的。你还在用中文学英语、用中文记英语吗?你把所有的英语单词都变成用英语学用英语记,结果会怎样? 【元宵节英语怎么说】Say Chinese Lantern Festival. Well I know it&`&s the Chinese Lantern Festival. But what is the Chinese Lantern Festival?订阅微信公众号:TenTenEnglish(优化英语口语控),输入”元宵节“可以查阅单词优化的文本哟。
3/5/20154 minutes, 40 seconds
Episode Artwork


3/4/20158 minutes, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork


3/4/20151 minute, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

【数字47英语怎么说?】Say forty-seven. But what is forty-seven?

英语思维训练We should not learn and remember English in Chinese alone. We must learn and remember English in English. That’s more important.Or in other words, we should not learn and remember the meanings of English words in Chinese, we must try to learn and remember their meanings in English. That’s the way should be.英语是用中文学中文记的,英语更是用英语学英语记的。你还在用中文学英语、用中文记英语吗?你把所有的英语单词都变成用英语学用英语记,结果会怎样? 【数字47英语怎么说?】Say forty-seven.Well I know it`s forty-six. But what is forty-seven? 订阅微信公众号:TenTenEnglish(优化英语口语控),输入“数字47”,可以查阅单词优化的文本哟。
3/4/20153 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork

【数字46英语怎么说?】Say forty-six. But what is forty-six?

英语思维训练We should not learn and remember English in Chinese alone. We must learn and remember English in English. That’s more important.Or in other words, we should not learn and remember the meanings of English words in Chinese, we must try to learn and remember their meanings in English. That’s the way should be.英语是用中文学中文记的,英语更是用英语学英语记的。你还在用中文学英语、用中文记英语吗?你把所有的英语单词都变成用英语学用英语记,结果会怎样? 【数字46英语怎么说?】Say forty-six.Well I know it`s forty-six. But what is forty-six? 订阅微信公众号:TenTenEnglish(优化英语口语控),输入“数字46”,可以查阅单词优化的文本哟。
3/3/20153 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork

【数字45英语怎么说?】Say forty-five. But what is forty-five?

英语思维训练We should not learn and remember English in Chinese alone. We must learn and remember English in English. That’s more important.Or in other words, we should not learn and remember the meanings of English words in Chinese, we must try to learn and remember their meanings in English. That’s the way should be.英语是用中文学中文记的,英语更是用英语学英语记的。你还在用中文学英语、用中文记英语吗?你把所有的英语单词都变成用英语学用英语记,结果会怎样? 【数字45英语怎么说?】Say forty-five.Well I know it`s forty-five. But what is forty-five? 订阅微信公众号:TenTenEnglish(优化英语口语控),输入“数字45”,可以查阅单词优化的文本哟。不过,将音频和文本分开也是对听力的很好训练。
3/3/20153 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork

【数字44英语怎么说?】Say forty-four. But what is forty-four?

英语思维训练We should not learn and remember English in Chinese alone. We must learn and remember English in English. That’s more important.Or in other words, we should not learn and remember the meanings of English words in Chinese, we must try to learn and remember their meanings in English. That’s the way should be.英语是用中文学中文记的,英语更是用英语学英语记的。你还在用中文学英语、用中文记英语吗?你把所有的英语单词都变成用英语学用英语记,结果会怎样? 【数字44英语怎么说?】Say forty-four.Well I know it`s forty-four. But what is forty-four?
3/2/20153 minutes, 41 seconds
Episode Artwork

【金钱英语成语】什么时候说 a gold digger?

【这里是英语成语Idioms帮:金钱英语成语】什么时候说 a gold digger?从会用英语说一个女人是 She loves his money only,到会用英语说 She is a gold digger! 英语idioms,分类学,双语学,同义词串学,听着学。我们是学英语的,假如在你我的生活当中有一天听到或看到你家隔壁某某天生丽质女,谁都不嫁,却偏偏跟了个有钱但已垂垂老矣的男人,你会冒出什么样的一句英语来说这女的?Well, I dont think this pretty girl really loves that old man. She loves him for nothing at all, but for his money! She loves his money only!哈哈!你“飚”的英语,估计也就只能走这么远为止了,就是说 love his money, love his money...你知道吗?对于这样的“拜金女、傍大款女”,我们除了用 She loves his money only来说外,我们还可以用一个英语成语来说同样的意思。这个英语成语是什么呢?我们下次不说She loves money only了,换个同样意思的词就是:Well I think she is a gold-digger!钱谁不爱? Everybody loves money!但动不动开口就说人家 Well the girl loves the old man for his money only,是不是表述 得太直白,太“俗气”了呢?money这个词都白纸黑字出现了!Gold-digger不是字面“淘金人”的意思,而是专门只那种专门傍有钱的男人,只爱人家钱袋子,不爱他那个人的女人!不过,就算按字面理解也说得通,gold-digger还真跟一个“淘金者”没多大区别:只爱这块土地下埋藏者的金子,可不是连那块地也爱。刨出金子,拍屁股走人,刨过的地扔身后了,又瞄准下一块埋着金子的土地。。。。。。这就是从she loves his money 到She is a gold-digger 表达同一个意思用词不同的转变。记得下次再说这样的女人时,既可以说 She only loves his money,又可以说 She is nothing but a gold-digger 哟!这样说英语,表达就丰富起来了。当然,这个被人只爱钱不爱人的男人,英语也有一个除a rich man, a wealthy man以外的词汇,叫着monry-bags,也就是钱袋子的意思,加不加个s都可以,加的话动词也还是用单数动词,如说 He is a money-bags.我想了半天,觉得money-bags就是我们今天的流行语“土豪”吧,“土”字已经成了赘词,“豪”才是实义。得!a gold-digger和a money-bags也算是一对一个愿打一个愿挨的活宝,或冤家。最后,gold-digger是名词,叫“淘金者”,但英语动词“淘金”,却不是 to dig gold,而是 to dig for gold,也就是加个for字。这个和中文表达又有区别,使用时注意就是。好了,现在赶紧把Sh is a gold-digger这句新学的英语成语大声反复喊几遍吧,不然,过两天又忘得一干二净,白白学了。
3/2/20157 minutes, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork

【全名姓名怎么说?】Say full name. But what is full name ?

英语思维训练We should not learn and remember English in Chinese alone. We must learn and remember English in English. That’s more important.Or in other words, we should not learn and remember the meanings of english words in Chinese, we must try to learn and remember their meanings in english. That’s the way should be.英语是用中文学中文记的,英语更是用英语学英语记的。你还在用中文学英语、用中文记英语吗?你把所有的英语单词都变成用英语学用英语记,结果会怎样? 【全名姓名怎么说?】Say full name. Well, I know it’s full name. But what is full name ? 订阅微信公众号:TenTenEnglish(优化英语口语控),输入“全名姓名”可以查阅单词优化的文本哟。不过,将音频和文本分开也是对听力的很好训练
3/2/20153 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

【介绍英语怎么说?】Say introduction. But what is introduction?

英语思维训练We should not learn and remember English in Chinese alone. We must learn and remember English in English. That’s more important.Or in other words, we should not learn and remember the meanings of english words in Chinese, we must try to learn and remember their meanings in english. That’s the way should be.英语是用中文学中文记的,英语更是用英语学英语记的。你还在用中文学英语、用中文记英语吗?你把所有的英语单词都变成用英语学用英语记,结果会怎样? 【介绍英语怎么说?】Say introduction. Well, I know it’s introduction. But what is introduction? 订阅微信公众号:TenTenEnglish(优化英语口语控),可以查阅单词优化的文本哟。不过,将音频和文本分开也是对听力的很好训练。
3/1/20154 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork

【问候英语怎么说?】Say greeting.But what is greeting?

英语思维训练We should not learn and remember English in Chinese alone. We must learn and remember English in English. That’s more important.Or in other words, we should not learn and remember the meanings of english words in Chinese, we must try to learn and remember their meanings in english. That’s the way should be.英语是用中文学中文记的,英语更是用英语学英语记的。你还在用中文学英语、用中文记英语吗?你把所有的英语单词都变成用英语学用英语记,结果会怎样? 订阅微信公众号:TenTenEnglish(优化英语口语控),可以查阅单词优化的文本哟。不过,将音频和文本分开也是对听力的很好训练。【问候英语怎么说?】Say greeting.Well, I know it’s greeting.But what is greeting? 订阅微信公众号:TenTenEnglish(优化英语口语控),可以查阅单词优化的文本哟。不过,将音频和文本分开也是对听力的很好训练。
3/1/20153 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

【早上好英语怎么说?】Say good morning. But what is good morning?

英语思维训练We should not learn and remember English in Chinese alone. We must learn and remember English in English. That’s more important.Or in other words, we should not learn and remember the meanings of english words in Chinese, we must try to learn and remember their meanings in english. That’s the way should be.英语是用中文学中文记的,英语更是用英语学英语记的。你还在用中文学英语、用中文记英语吗?你把所有的英语单词都变成用英语学用英语记,结果会怎样? 【早上好英语怎么说?】Say good morning. Well, I know it’s good morning. But what is good morning? 订阅微信公众号:TenTenEnglish(优化英语口语控),可以查阅单词优化的文本哟。不过,将音频和文本分开也是对听力的很好训练。
3/1/20153 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork

【电梯英语成语】什么时候说elevator surprise

【这里是英语成语Idioms帮:电梯英语成语】什么时候说elevator surprise?英语idioms。分类学,双语学,同义词串学,听着学。在我们日常生活中,电梯并不陌生。电梯,即elevator,指那种安装在多楼层里直上直下的运输工具,不是商场里那种斜坡上下的自动扶梯(escalator)哟。Elevator这个单词可能认识,但怎么用elevator这个词恐怕就不一定了。有两个:1)按那个上下按钮让电梯上来或下来让你乘坐,英语叫什么? 哈哈!英语是说 call the elevator back, call it up or call it down. 当然,你可以说Press the Up button, or press the Down button啦,但press the up or press the down干什么? To call it back呀!2)当你在电梯里有屁要放时,你怎么“处理”?忍?还是一放了之?管它响不响,臭不臭的? 放屁,英语里本是to fart, or to break wind,这个表达字面也太直接了,字面上都有“屁”字出现了。不好! 说elevator surprise吧,字面是“电梯吃惊”,很含蓄哟。 什么是elevator surprise?你在电梯里fart, or break wind了一回,然后走人。里面空气不流通,第二个人一进电梯,味道不对?是不是“咦”一声?这就是elevator surprise了! 你既可以是elevator surprise的施放者give an elevator surprise,也可以是此举的承受者receive an elevator, or受害者victim of an elevator surprise哟。 如你是一放走之,英语可以说: I left an elevator surprise so bad that when I called the elevator back I can still smell my own farts. 我在电梯里放的屁那么臭,在我按电梯回来时还可以闻到臭味在那不散。。。。。。 放心,美国人少,不要用中国电梯人满为患的景象想象美国。常常就你一个人坐电梯上上下下。所以,所以呀,你进可以大胆放心 leave an elevator surprise就是 别回头有问自己臭屁就是! 此词俗,忌在大庭广众里满嘴跑火车的。闺蜜间(不分男女)斟酌使用。
2/28/20157 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork

【鱼英语怎么说?】Say fish. But what is fish?

英语思维训练We should not learn and remember English in Chinese alone. We must learn and remember English in English. That’s more important.Or in other words, we should not learn and remember the meanings of english words in Chinese, we must try to learn and remember their meanings in english. That’s the way should be.英语是用中文学中文记的,英语更是用英语学英语记的。你还在用中文学英语、用中文记英语吗?你把所有的英语单词都变成用英语学用英语记,结果会怎样? 【鱼英语怎么说?】Say fish. Well, I know it’s fish. But what is fish? 订阅微信公众号:TenTenEnglish(优化英语口语控),可以查阅单词优化的文本哟。不过,将音频和文本分开也是对听力的很好训练。
2/28/20153 minutes, 17 seconds
Episode Artwork

【数字43英语怎么说?】Say forty-three.Well I know it`s . But what is forty-three

英语思维训练We should not learn and remember English in Chinese alone. We must learn and remember English in English. That’s more important.Or in other words, we should not learn and remember the meanings of english words in Chinese, we must try to learn and remember their meanings in english. That’s the way should be.英语是用中文学中文记的,英语更是用英语学英语记的。你还在用中文学英语、用中文记英语吗?你把所有的英语单词都变成用英语学用英语记,结果会怎样? 【数字43英语怎么说?】Say forty-three.Well I know it`s . But what is forty-three? 订阅微信公众号:TenTenEnglish(优化英语口语控),可以查阅单词优化的文本哟。
2/28/20153 minutes, 12 seconds
Episode Artwork

【数字42英语怎么说?】Say forty-two.But what is forty-two?

英语思维训练We should not learn and remember English in Chinese alone. We must learn and remember English in English. That’s more important.Or in other words, we should not learn and remember the meanings of english words in Chinese, we must try to learn and remember their meanings in english. That’s the way should be.英语是用中文学中文记的,英语更是用英语学英语记的。你还在用中文学英语、用中文记英语吗?你把所有的英语单词都变成用英语学用英语记,结果会怎样? 【数字42英语怎么说?】Say forty-two.Well I know it`s . But what is forty-two?订阅微信公众号:TenTenEnglish(优化英语口语控),可以查阅单词优化的文本哟。不过,将音频和文本分开也是对听力的很好训练。
2/28/20153 minutes, 17 seconds
Episode Artwork

【数字41英语怎么说?】Say forty-one. But what is forty-one?

英语思维训练We should not learn and remember English in Chinese alone. We must learn and remember English in English. That’s more important.Or in other words, we should not learn and remember the meanings of english words in Chinese, we must try to learn and remember their meanings in english. That’s the way should be.英语是用中文学中文记的,英语更是用英语学英语记的。你还在用中文学英语、用中文记英语吗?你把所有的英语单词都变成用英语学用英语记,结果会怎样? 【数字41英语怎么说?】Say forty-one.Well I know it`s forty-one. But what is forty-one? 订阅微信公众号:TenTenEnglish(优化英语口语控),可以查阅单词优化的文本哟。不过,将音频和文本分开也是对听力的很好训练。
2/28/20153 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

【周末英语怎么说?】Say weekend. But what is weekend?

英语思维训练。We should not learn and remember English in Chinese alone. We must learn and remember English in English. That’s more important.Or in other words, we should not learn and remember the meanings of english words in Chinese, we must try to learn and remember their meanings in english. That’s the way should be.英语是用中文学中文记的,英语更是用英语学英语记的。你还在用中文学英语、用中文记英语吗?你把所有的英语单词都变成用英语学用英语记,结果会怎样? 【小时英语怎么说?】Say hour. Well, I know it’s hour. But what is hour? 订阅微信公众号:TenTenEnglish(优化英语口语控),可以查阅单词优化的文本哟。不过,将音频和文本分开也是对听力的很好训练。
2/28/20152 minutes, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork

【小时英语怎么说?】Say hour. But what is hour?

英语思维训练。We should not learn and remember English in Chinese alone. We must learn and remember English in English. That’s more important.Or in other words, we should not learn and remember the meanings of english words in Chinese, we must try to learn and remember their meanings in english. That’s the way should be.英语是用中文学中文记的,英语更是用英语学英语记的。你还在用中文学英语、用中文记英语吗?你把所有的英语单词都变成用英语学用英语记,结果会怎样? 【小时英语怎么说?】Say hour. Well, I know it’s hour. But what is hour? 订阅微信公众号:TenTenEnglish(优化英语口语控),可以查阅单词优化的文本哟。不过,将音频和文本分开也是对听力的很好训练。
2/27/20152 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork

【天日英语怎么说?】Say day .But what is day?

英语思维训练。英语是用中文学中文记的,英语更是用英语学英语记的。你还在用中文学英语、用中文记英语吗?你把所有的英语单词都变成用英语学用英语记,结果会怎样? 【天日英语怎么说?】Say day .Well, I know it’s day.But what is day? 订阅微信公众号:TenTenEnglish(优化英语口语控),可以查阅单词优化的文本哟。不过,将音频和文本分开也是对听力的很好训练。
2/27/20153 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork

【时间英语怎么说?】Say time.But what is time?

英语思维训练。英语是用中文学中文记的,英语更是用英语学英语记的。你还在用中文学英语、用中文记英语吗?你把所有的英语单词都变成用英语学用英语记,结果会怎样? 【时间英语怎么说?】Say time.Well I know it's time.But what is time?订阅微信公众号:TenTenEnglish(优化英语口语控),可以查阅单词优化的文本哟。不过,将音频和文本分开也是对听力的很好训练。
2/27/20152 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

【字母B英语怎么说?】Say B. But what is B?

英语思维训练。英语是用中文学中文记的,英语更是用英语学英语记的。你还在用中文学英语、用中文记英语吗?你把所有的英语单词都变成用英语学用英语记,结果会怎样? 【字母B英语怎么说?】Say B. Well, it’s B. But what is B?Well,I know B is a letter. B is an alphabetic letter. B is one of the 26 alphabetic letters in English and B is the second letter. There is a capital letter or upper-case letter B and a small-letter or lower-case letter B.
2/26/20153 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

【字母A英语怎么说?】Say A. But what is A?

英语思维训练。英语是用中文学中文记的,英语更是用英语学英语记的。你还在用中文学英语、用中文记英语吗?你把所有的英语单词都变成用英语学用英语记,结果会怎样? 【字母A英语怎么说?】Say A. Well, it’s A. But what is A?I know A is a letter. A is an alphabetic letter. A is one of the 26 alphabetic letters in English and A is the first letter. There is a capital letter or upper-case letter A and a small-letter or lower-case letter A.
2/26/20153 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

【字母英语怎么说?】Say letter. But what is letter?

英语思维训练。英语是用中文学中文记的,英语更是用英语学英语记的。你还在用中文学英语、用中文记英语吗?你把所有的英语单词都变成用英语学用英语记,结果会怎样? 【字母英语怎么说?】Say letter. Well, I know it’s letter.But what is letter? Well I know letter is a,b c,d,and so on.Well that’s letter.
2/26/20152 minutes, 49 seconds
Episode Artwork

【数字40英语怎么说?】Say forty. But what is forty?

英语思维训练。英语是用中文学中文记的,英语更是用英语学英语记的。你还在用中文学英语、用中文记英语吗?你把所有的英语单词都变成用英语学用英语记,结果会怎样? 【数字40英语怎么说?】Say forty.Well I know it`s forty. But what is forty? Well I know fortyis a number. forty is the thirty-nineth number in 12345678910, and so on. fortyis the number that follows thirty-nine, and thirty-nine is the number that goes before forty-one.That`s thirty-nine.
2/26/20153 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork

【数字39英语怎么说?】Say thirty-nine.But what is thirty-nine?

英语思维训练。英语是用中文学中文记的,英语更是用英语学英语记的。你还在用中文学英语、用中文记英语吗?你把所有的英语单词都变成用英语学用英语记,结果会怎样? 【数字39英语怎么说?】Say thirty-nine.Well I know it`s thirty-nine. But what is thirty-nine? Well I know thirty-nine is a number. Thirty-nine is the thirty-nineth number in 12345678910, and so on. Thirty-nine is the number that follows thirty-eight, and thirty-nine is the number that goes before forty.That`s thirty-nine.
2/26/20153 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork

【香蕉英语怎么说?】Say banana.But what is banana?

英语思维训练。英语是用中文学中文记的,英语更是用英语学英语记的。你还在用中文学英语、用中文记英语吗?你把所有的英语单词都变成用英语学用英语记,结果会怎样? 【香蕉英语怎么说?】Say banana. Well I know it’s banana. But what is banana?Well I know banana is fruit. Banana is the favorite food of the monkey. Banana has yellow skins. That’s banana.
2/25/20153 minutes, 21 seconds
Episode Artwork

【橙子英语怎么说?】Say orange. But what is orange?

英语思维训练。英语是用中文学中文记的,英语更是用英语学英语记的。你还在用中文学英语、用中文记英语吗?你把所有的英语单词都变成用英语学用英语记,结果会怎样? 【橙子英语怎么说?】Say orange. Well I know it’s orange. But what is orange?Well I know orange is fruit. Orange is a sweet, and sometimes sour fruit. Orange has yellow skins and has many vitamins. That’s orange.
2/25/20153 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

【苹果英语怎么说?】Say apple. But what is apple?

英语思维训练。英语是用中文学中文记的,英语更是用英语学英语记的。你还在用中文学英语、用中文记英语吗?你把所有的英语单词都变成用英语学用英语记,结果会怎样? 【苹果英语怎么说?】Say apple. Well I know it’s apple. But what is apple?Well I know apple is fruit. Apple is a delicious and sweet fruit. Apple has many vitamins. That’s apple.
2/25/20154 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

【水果英语怎么说?】Say fruit. But what is fruit?

英语思维训练。英语是用中文学中文记的,英语更是用英语学英语记的。你还在用中文学英语、用中文记英语吗?你把所有的英语单词都变成用英语学用英语记,结果会怎样? 【水果英语怎么说?】Say fruit. Well I know its’ fruit. But what is fruit? Well I know fruit is the ripen product of a plant. We eat fruit as food. Fruit is apple.Fruit is orange. Fruit is bananas. That’s fruit.
2/25/20154 minutes, 40 seconds
Episode Artwork

【数字38英语怎么说?】Say thirty-eight. But what is thirty-eight?

英语思维训练。英语是用中文学中文记的,英语更是用英语学英语记的。你还在用中文学英语、用中文记英语吗?你把所有的英语单词都变成用英语学用英语记,结果会怎样? 【数字38英语怎么说?】Say thirty-eight.Well I know it`s thirty-eight. But what is thirty-eight? Well I know thirty-eight is a number. Thirty-eight is the thirty-eighth number in 12345678910, and so on. Thirty-eight is the number that follows thirty-seven, and thirty-eight is the number that goes before thirty-nine.That`s thirty-eight.Ok, that`s all for today`s training, and I hope you all enjoyed it. I am your host Champion, and good bye till next time.
2/24/20153 minutes, 28 seconds
Episode Artwork

【数字37英语怎么说?】Say thirty-seven. But what is thirty-seven?

英语思维训练。英语是用中文学中文记的,英语更是用英语学英语记的。你还在用中文学英语、用中文记英语吗?你把所有的英语单词都变成用英语学用英语记,结果会怎样? 【数字37英语怎么说?】Say thirty-seven.Well I know it`sthirty-seven. But what is thirty-seven? Well I know thirty-seven is a number. Thirty-seven is the thirty-seventh number in 12345678910, and so on. Thirty-seven is the number that follows thirty-sIX, and thirty-seven is the number that goes before thirty-eight.That`s thirty-seven.Ok, that`s all for today`s training, and I hope you all enjoyed it. I am your host Champion, and good bye till next time.
2/24/20153 minutes, 44 seconds
Episode Artwork

【数字36英语怎么说?】Say thirty-six. But what is thirty-six?

英语思维训练。英语是用中文学中文记的,英语更是用英语学英语记的。你还在用中文学英语、用中文记英语吗?你把所有的英语单词都变成用英语学用英语记,结果会怎样? 【数字36英语怎么说?】Say thirty-six.Well I know it`s thirty-six. But what is thirty-six? Well I know thirty-six is a number. Thirty-six is the thirty-sixth number in 12345678910, and so on. Thirty-six is the number that follows thirty-five, and thirty-six is the number that goes before thirty-seven.That`s thirty-six.Ok, that`s all for today`s training, and I hope you all enjoyed it. I am your host Champion, and good bye till next time.
2/24/20153 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

【软饮料英语怎么说?】Say soft drink.But what is soft drink?

【软饮料英语怎么说?】Say soft drink. Well, it’s soft drink.But what is soft drink? Well I know soft drink is a kind of drinks. Soft drink has only soda in it. Soft drink does not have any alcohol. You will not get drunk when you drink a soft drink. Soft drink is Coca-cola,or Coke, or the Pepsi Coke.That’s soft drink..
2/22/20154 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

【可口可乐英语怎么说?】Say Coca-cola, or Coke.But what is Coca-cola or C

【可口可乐英语怎么说?】Say Coca-cola, or Coke.Well, it’s Coca-cola or Coke.But what is Coca-cola or Coke? Well I know Coca-cola is a kind of soft drink. Coca-cola a very popular soft drink all over the world. Coca-cola comes from the USA. That’s Coca-cola.
2/22/20153 minutes, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork

【快餐英语怎么说?】Say fast food. But what is fast food?

【快餐英语怎么说?】Say fast food. Well, I know fast food .But what is fast food? Well,I know fast food is the McDonald’s. Fast food is the Kentucky Fried Chicken. Fast food is hamburgers, the fried potato chips and the Coke. Fast food is the food we can order and serve very quickly. We do not have to wait for a long time to order fast food and serve it.That’s fast food.
2/22/20153 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

【麦当劳英语怎么说?】Say the McDonald’s. But what is the McDonald’s?

【麦当劳英语怎么说?】Say the McDonald’s. Well I know it’s the McDonald’s.But what is the McDonald’s?Well, I know the McDonald’s is a fast food restaurant.The McDonald’s is a very popular fast food restaurant all over the world. The McDonald’s comes from the USA. The McDonald’s serves hamburgers, fried potato chips and Coke. Oh,yes, the McDonald’s is junk food. That ‘s the McDonald’s.
2/22/20154 minutes, 39 seconds
Episode Artwork

【数字35英语怎么说?】Say thirty-five. But what is thirty-five?

【数字35英语怎么说?】Say thirty-five.Well I know it`s thirty-five. But what is thirty-five? Well I know thirty-five is a number. Thirty-five is the thirty-fifth number in 12345678910, and so on. Thirty-five is the number that follows thirty-four, and thirty-five is the number that goes before thirty-six.That`s thirty-five.Ok, that`s all for today`s training, and I hope you all enjoyed it. I am your host Champion, and good bye till next time.
2/21/20153 minutes, 9 seconds
Episode Artwork

【数字34英语怎么说?】Say thirty-four. But what is thirty-four?

【数字34英语怎么说?】Say thirty-four.Well I know it`s thirty-four. But what is thirty-four? Well I know thirty-four is a number. Thirty-four is the thirty-fourth number in 12345678910, and so on. Thirty-four is the number that follows thirty-three, and 27 is the number that goes before thirty-five.That`s thirty-four.Ok, that`s all for today`s training, and I hope you all enjoyed it. I am your host Champion, and good bye till next time.
2/21/20153 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork

【数字33英语怎么说?】Say thirty-three. But what is thirty-three?

【数字33英语怎么说?】Say thirty-three.Well I know it`s thirty-three. But what is thirty-three? Well I know thirty-three is a number. Thirty-three is the thirty-third number in 12345678910, and so on. Thirty-three is the number that follows thirty-two, and thirty-three is the number that goes before thirty-five.That`s thirty-three.Ok, that`s all for today`s training, and I hope you all enjoyed it. I am your host Champion, and good bye till next time.
2/21/20153 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

【数字32英语怎么说?】Say thirty-two. But what is thirty-two?

【数字32英语怎么说?】Say thirty-two.Well I know it`s thirty-two. But what is thirty-two? Well I know thirty-two is a number. Thirty-two is the thirty-second number in 12345678910, and so on. Thirty-two is the number that follows thirty-one, and thirty-two is the number that goes before thirty-three.That`s thirty-two.Ok, that`s all for today`s training, and I hope you all enjoyed it. I am your host Champion, and good bye till next time.
2/21/20153 minutes, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork

【数字31英语怎么说?】Say thirty-one.But what is thirty-one?

【数字31英语怎么说?】Say thirty-one.Well I know it`s thirty-one. But what is thirty-one? Well I know thirty-one is a number. Thirty-one is the thirty-first number in 12345678910, and so on. Thirty-one is the number that follows thirty, and thirty-one is the number that goes before thirty-two.That`s thirty-one.Ok, that`s all for today`s training, and I hope you all enjoyed it. I am your host Champion, and good bye till next time.
2/21/20153 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

【航空邮件英语怎么说?】Say airmail.But what is airmail?

【航空邮件英语怎么说?】Say airmail.Well, I know it’s airmail.But what is airmail?Well, I know airmail is letters. Airmails are letter that are delivered by airplanes in a quick way. That's airmail.
2/20/20153 minutes
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【邮递员英语怎么说?】Say postman? But what is postman?

【邮递员英语怎么说?】Say postman? Well, I know it’s postman.But what is postman?Well, I know postman is a man or a woman. Postman is a man or a woman who works for a post office. Post man collects letters from a letter box and delivers letters to our homes.That’s postman.
2/20/20154 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork

【邮局英语怎么说?】Say post office?But what is post office?

【邮局英语怎么说?】Say post office?Well I know it’s post office.But what is post office?Well, I know post office is a place. Post office is a place where you can buy stamps and envelopes. Post office is a place where you can mail letters.That’s post office.
2/20/20153 minutes, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork

【博彩英语成语】什么时候说pass the buck?or the buck stops here

【这里是英语Idioms帮:博彩英语成语】什么时候说pass the buck?or the buck stops here? 英语idioms。分类学,双语学,同义词串学,听着学。在美国历史上的西部拓疆时期,扑克牌(poker,or playing cards)盛行并成为赌博工具(games, or gaming)。游戏中用到一种叫buck的工具(后演变成美元dollar的代称)作为围桌而坐的赌博者的发牌工具(dealer),轮到谁发牌(to deal),buck就到谁跟前,如果你不想要牌,可以pass the buck,把发牌权转到下家。这就是to pass the buck, or do the buck passing的来源。由此引申为to dodge your responsibility, or to attribute your rseponsibility to others,也就是推卸责任,把麻烦的事转给别人。它也带有中国成语“鹬蚌相争,渔翁得利”的意思,也被西方政客作为国家之间争斗的策略,典型案例莫过于二战时英美法在处理对德关系时的策略。它们纷纷和德国签订合约,就是要把责任推卸,让苏联和德国打个两败俱伤,自己好坐收战后控制欧洲的“鱼利”。所以,以后想对人说,别推卸责任时,可以直接用do not avoid your duty, your job, your obligation, or your responsibility等直接的词,也可以变成高大上的表达:Do not pass the buck! No buck passing here!美国总统Trumen(杜鲁门)把pass the buck做了引申,把句子变成一句名言: The buck stops here(发牌权到此为止)。意思是发牌权到我这里为止,我不会把发牌权推给别人了,也就是我要承担起责任的意思,I take the responsibility.他还把这句话做成小牌匾摆放在自己的办公桌上,文字正对着坐对面的人。在你的工作中,你有多少次有过 The buck stops here的念头的? 你遇到过多少个说The buck stops here的敢担当之人呢?
2/15/20158 minutes, 21 seconds
Episode Artwork

【数字30英语怎么说?】Say thirty. But what is thirty?

Hello, welcome to tentenenglish, I am your host champion at 每日英语优化。【数字30英语怎么说?】Say thirty.Well I know it`s thirty. But what is thirty? Well I know thirtyis a number. thirtyis the thirtith number in 12345678910, and so on. thirty is the number that follows twenty-nine, and thirtyis the number that goes before thirty-one.That`s thirty.Ok, that`s all for today`s training, and I hope you all enjoyed it. I am your host Champion, and good bye till next time.
2/14/20153 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork

【数字29英语怎么说?】Say twenty-nine.But what is twenty-nine?

Hello, welcome to tentenenglish, I am your host champion at 每日英语优化。【数字29英语怎么说?】Say twenty-nine.Well I know it`s twenty-nine. But what is twenty-nine? Well I know twenty-nine is a number. Twenty-nine is the twenty-nineth number in 12345678910, and so on. Twenty-nine is the number that follows twenty-eight, and twenty-nine is the number that goes before thirty.That`s twenty-nine.Ok, that`s all for today`s training, and I hope you all enjoyed it. I am your host Champion, and good bye till next time.
2/14/20153 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

【数字28英语怎么说?】Say twenty-eight.But what is twenty-eight?

Hello, welcome to tentenenglish, I am your host champion at 每日英语优化。【数字28英语怎么说?】Say twenty-eight.Well I know it`s twenty-eight. But what is twenty-eight? Well I know twenty-eight is a number. Twenty-eight is the twenty-eighth number in 12345678910, and so on. Twenty-eight is the number that follows twenty-seven, and twenty-eight is the number that goes before twenty-enine.That`s twenty-eight.Ok, that`s all for today`s training, and I hope you all enjoyed it. I am your host Champion, and good bye till next time.
2/14/20153 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

【数字27英语怎么说?】Say twenty-seven.But what is twenty-seven?

Hello, welcome to tentenenglish, I am your host champion at 每日英语优化。【数字27英语怎么说?】Say twenty-seven.Well I know it`s twenty-seven. But what is twenty-seven? Well I know twenty-seven is a number. Twenty-seven is the twenty-seventh number in 12345678910, and so on. Twenty-seven is the number that follows twenty-six, and twenty-seven is the number that goes before twenty-eight.That`s twenty-seven.Ok, that`s all for today`s training, and I hope you all enjoyed it. I am your host Champion, and good bye till next time.
2/14/20153 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork

【文具店英语怎么说?】Say stationery store.But what is stationery store?

【文具店英语怎么说?】Say stationery store.Well, I know it’s stationery store.But what is stationery store? Well I know stationery store is a shop or a store. Stationery store is a place where you can buy pens, writing papers,or noteboks. That’s stationery store.
2/14/20153 minutes, 34 seconds
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【图书馆英语怎么说?】Say library.But what is library?

【图书馆英语怎么说?】Say library. Well, I know it’s library.But what is library? Well I know library is a place in the school. Library is a place where you can borrow some books, Library is a place where you return some books or renew some books. Library is the place where you can read newspapers and magazines in the reading room.That’s library.
2/14/20153 minutes, 49 seconds
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雅思口试P1:What is life like in the countryside in your country

Q: What is life like in the countryside in your country?A :Well, it just depends. Life is different from villagers of different ages. For the older villiagers, they still lead a very traditional and agricultural life. Their life is tranquil and not so bustling. They get up early and sleep early. For the younger villagers they have to get up early and work hard on their farm for a good autumn harvest.
2/13/201557 seconds
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雅思口试P1:What other activities you enjoy in the countryside?

Q: What other activities that you could enjoy in countryside?(词汇题)A: Well, if it is the summer time, most of them are outdoor activities like camping, hunting, hiking ,or even swimming in the river and you name it!
2/13/201547 seconds
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雅思口试P1:Do you like visiting the countryside?

Q. Do you like visiting the coungtryside?A: Oh, yes, I do. And actually I enjoy it very much. Well I usually visit the countryside on the weekend, along with my family members, of course, and we usually go there in our own car, and spend one or two nights there. In the countryside, I usually have lots of things to do.For example,I will spend long hours in the afternoon or even the whole afternoon doing nothing but just fishing in a lake nearby. Well I donot care very much whether or not I get any fish as long as this is a good time for me to have a good rest or get relaxed after a long week&`&s hard work back in the city.
2/13/20151 minute, 9 seconds
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雅思口试P1:Do you like visiting the countryside?

Q. Do you like visiting the coungtryside?A: Oh, yes, I do. And actually I enjoy it very much. Well I usually visit the countryside on the weekend, along with my family members, of course, and we usually go there in our own car, and spend one or two nights there. In the countryside, I usually have lots of things to do.For example,I will spend long hours in the afternoon or even the whole afternoon doing nothing but just fishing in a lake nearby. Well I donot care very much whether or not I get any fish as long as this is a good time for me to have a good rest or get relaxed after a long week&`&s hard work back in the city.
2/13/20151 minute, 41 seconds
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【航空英语成语】什么时候说point of no return?

【这里是英语Idioms帮:航空英语成语】什么时候说point of no return? 英语idioms。分类学,双语学,同义词串学,听着学。1. 什么是point of return ?point of no return的字面意思就是“不能再折返回去的那个点”。它本是航空用语,指航空器在航线上飞行,一旦超过某个点后油箱里的储油量已经不够飞回出发的机场了,飞机只能继续往前飞。这样的情形就叫the point of no return,表示做事达到某种程度后就再也不能停下来,只能继续进行下去。point of no return一般跟动词reach, pass, go beyond, 或 be beyond搭配,说reach the point of no return, pass the point of no return, go beyond the point of no return, be beyond the point of no return等。2. 除了它的本义外,什么时候用point of no return呢? 比如,有人一直不努力学习,一直玩到高三快毕业了,人就开始着急到处找人帮把成绩拉上来。这种情形,你会说的英语是什么?Well, it is too late. 这是你会用来表达的简单的英语词,现在为什么不换成 Well, I am sorry, I think you have passed the point of no return.来表达一样的意思呢?这样表达,你的英语意思不变,但立马高大上起来了。又如,《开门大吉》这个节目里有人的奖金已经累加到一万元,主持人就问他还要不要继续开门?如果要,歌曲猜不出来,前面的奖金就全部归零。这时就可以说:Well, you will go beyond the point of no return. 以后,当我们想对人表达“生米做成熟饭、开弓没有回头箭、为时已晚”等意思时,就不要再用too late, you cannot cancel it等普通英语,改用go beyond the point of no return好了。@微信公众号TenTenEnglish, or 新浪微博:优化英语口语控
2/13/20155 minutes, 52 seconds
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【借记卡英语怎么说?】Say debit card.But what is debit card?

Hello, welcome to tentenenglish, I am your host champion at 每日英语优化。We should not learn and remember English in Chinese alone. We must learn and remember English in English. That’s more important.Or in other words, we should not learn and remember the meanings of english words in Chinese, we must try to learn and remember their meanings in english. That’s the way should be.英语是用中文学中文记的,英语更是用英语学英语记的。你还在用中文学英语,用中文记英语吗?【借记卡英语怎么说?】Say debit card. Well, I know ti&`&s debit card. But what is debit card? Well I know debit card is a bank card. When you withdraw money, you can withdraw as much money as you have in the card. That’s debit card. You can not overdraw money from your car. That is debit card.That is credit card.Ok, that`s all for today`s training, and I hope you all enjoyed it. I am your host Champion, and good bye till next time.
2/13/20153 minutes, 19 seconds
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【信用卡英语怎么说?】Say credit card. But what is credit card?

Hello, welcome to tentenenglish, I am your host champion at 每日英语优化。We should not learn and remember English in Chinese alone. We must learn and remember English in English. That’s more important.Or in other words, we should not learn and remember the meanings of english words in Chinese, we must try to learn and remember their meanings in english. That’s the way should be.英语是用中文学中文记的,英语更是用英语学英语记的。你还在用中文学英语,用中文记英语吗?【信用卡英语怎么说?】Say credit card. Well I know it’s credit card. But what is credit card? Well, I know credit card is a small bank card. When you withdraw money, you can withdraw more money than you have in you card. That is credit card. Credit card allows you to overdraw money from your card.For example, you have only 100 dollars in your card, but the bank allows you to take 110 dollars from you card. That is credit card.Ok, that`s all for today`s training, and I hope you all enjoyed it. I am your host Champion, and good bye till next time.
2/13/20154 minutes, 34 seconds
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【每日一译】hit the jackpot和“踏破铁鞋无觅处”

【每日一译】hit the jackpot和“踏破铁鞋无觅处”I really hit the jackpot when I ....I really hit the jackpot when I bought this book in the book storeThe company really hit the jackpot when it found the manager on the labor market.The man hit the jackpot when he found the house he has been looking for.exactly the right place, or right thing ,or right people you are looking for.
2/13/20154 minutes, 41 seconds
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【银行英语怎么说?】Say bank. But what is bank?

Hello, welcome to tentenenglish, I am your host champion at 每日英语优化。英语是用中文学中文记的,英语更是用英语学英语记的。你把所有的英语单词都变成用英语学英语记试试,你的英语会有怎样的变化?【银行英语怎么说?】Say bank. Well I know it’s bank. But what is bank ? Well, I know bank is a place. Bank is a place where you can keep your money. Bank is a place where other people will take good care of your money. Bank is a place where you can deposit your money into your account or you can withdraw your money from your account.That is bank.Ok, that`s all for today`s training, and I hope you all enjoyed it. I am your host Champion, and good bye till next time.
2/12/20154 minutes, 26 seconds
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【“中国春节”英语怎么说?】 Say Chinese Spring Festival

Hello, welcome to tentenenglish, I am your host champion at 每日英语优化。英语是用中文学中文记的,英语更是用英语学英语记的。你把所有的英语单词都变成用英语学英语记试试,你的英语会有怎样的变化?【“中国春节”英语怎么说?】 Say Chinese Spring Festival. Well I know it’s Spring Festival. But what is Spring Festival?Well, I know Spring Festival is the Chinese New Year in China. Spring Festival is usually in February or March every year. Spring Festival is the most important traditional national holiday in China, just like Christmas in the West. Spring Festival is the time for family reunion.Ok, that`s all for today`s training, and I hope you all enjoyed it. I am your host Champion, and good bye till next time.
2/12/20155 minutes, 17 seconds
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【学校英语成语】考试说pass with flying colors什么意思?

【英语Idioms帮】学校的英语成语,考试说pass with flying colors什么意思?英语成语idioms,分类学,双语学,同义词串学,听着学 作为学生考试是免不了的,而考试就有考好考砸的时候。如果考试及格了或考出好成绩时,大家首先想到的英语是什么? Yes, pass the examination. I passed my examination. I did not pass my examination or I failed in it.这是在中国教室里学英语都会学到的表达。那么,pass the examination不说pass the exams,说别的表达,该怎么说?你说: I passed (my examination )with flying colors flying colors,飞扬的色彩,可能来自海军用语,即全舰挂满旗。这个英语成语的表达就非常具有表达的视觉效果,很形象。它的意思就是考试不仅考过了,不仅是pass the exams,而且考出的成绩杠杠的。这就让我们表达考试结果如何多了一些选择,从I pass my exams 到 I pass it with flying colors.用英语来理解就是to pass with flying colors is you not only pass your exams, you also pass and get high scores.现在把pass the exams, fail in my exams 和pass with flying colors放在一起记忆,让你的考试表达丰富起来!
2/11/20154 minutes, 25 seconds
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【学校英语成语】说play hooky什么意思?

【英语Idioms帮】学校英语成语,说play hooky什么意思? 英语成语idioms,分类学,双语学,同义词串学,听着学。 作为学生免不了是不是有厌学,不想上学的情绪及导致的行为,这就是无故不去学校了,正规一点的说法叫“逃学”。The boy played hooky yesterday from his school to go see his favorite singer when he came to town for a song show.这就是这男孩昨天为了看自己的偶像歌手演唱而逃学了。所以,下次你也有这种违反校规行为时,你就说 I will play hooky, I will play hooky, I will play hooky.Play hooky你可能一开始不会说,你只会说简单的 I do not want to go to school.再难一点的表达是I will avoid school. 然后还有 I will be absent from my school的比较熟悉的用词。现在,我们把“逃学”从最简单的说法到比较“高大上”的说法做个排列,放到一起记忆,丰富我们今后的用词。do not want to go to school = to avoid school = be absent from school = to play hooky.hooky意思是hide-and-seek(躲和找,即捉迷藏游戏)。Play hooky还有另外两个同义词,to play traunt和to skip school(skip是跳绳游戏,一skip skip的躲过那根绳子,用于skip school很形象),不过traunt可能很多人不容易记住。Play hooky也罢,play traunt也罢,skip school也罢,意思都是you avoid school or be absent from your school without an excuse.这个absent重在without an excuse,即unexcused absence,以别于excused absence(请假)。所以,逃学,你说play traunt, play hooky, or skip school都可以。注意,逃学和旷课不同。逃学是连学校也不去。旷课这是人在学校,但不去教室上课。逃学=skip school,旷课这是cutting class. You play hooky when you do not even go to school. You cut class when you do not go to class or attend class, but you are in your schhol.在西方学校,逃课可是要承担严重后果的,包括不准毕业(not being able to graduate),拿不到学分(not being able to receive credit),除非该学生事后通过放学留校(detention),罚款(fines)或参加假期学校(summer school)将功补过(In some schools,[clarification needed] truancy may result in not being able to graduate or to receive credit for class attended, until the time lost to truancy is made up through a combination of detention, fines, or summer school.)你敢be absent from school for no reasons吗?你敢play traunt吗?你敢play hooky吗?你敢skip school吗?你敢cut class吗?从简单到高大上,让我们的逃课表达丰富起来!更多训练@微信公众号TenTenEnglish,新浪微博:优化英语口语控
2/11/20158 minutes, 34 seconds
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【“情人节”英语怎么说?】Say Saint Valentine’s Day. Well I know

Hello, welcome to tentenenglish, I am your host champion at 每日英语优化。英语是用中文学中文记的,英语更是用英语学英语记的。你把所有的英语单词都变成用英语学英语记试试,你的英语会有怎样的变化?【“情人节”英语怎么说?】Say Saint Valentine’s Day. Well I know it’s Saint Valentine’s Day. But what is Saint Valentine’s Day? Well I know Saint Valentine’s Day is a traditional Western holiday on February 14 every year. Saint Valentine’s Day is a holiday of love and romance for young people. Young people celebrate Saint Valentine’s Day by expressing love and affection for each other. They send tokens of love or gifts of love to each other. That’s Saint Valentine’s Day.Ok, that`s all for today`s training, and I hope you all enjoyed it. I am your host Champion, and good bye till next time.
2/10/20154 minutes, 38 seconds
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【冬天英语怎么说?】Say winter. Well I know it's winter

Hello, welcome to tentenenglish, I am your host champion at 每日英语优化。【冬天英语怎么说?】Say winter. Well I know it's winter. But what is winter? Well I know winter is one of the four seasons of the year. Season the the last season of the year. Winter is very cold. That's winter.Ok, that`s all for today`s training, and I hope you all enjoyed it. I am your host Champion, and good bye till next time.
2/9/20152 minutes, 42 seconds
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【季节英语怎么说?】Say season. Well I know it's season.

Hello, welcome to tentenenglish, I am your host champion at 每日英语优化。【季节英语怎么说?】Say season. Well I know it's season. But what is season? Well I know season is one of the four parts of the year. Season is spring, summer,autumn and winter. That's season.Ok, that`s all for today`s training, and I hope you all enjoyed it. I am your host Champion, and good bye till next time.
2/9/20152 minutes, 33 seconds
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and(和) angel annals annual answer ant anticipate antibody
2/9/20152 minutes, 41 seconds
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active(活跃的) adjective associative creative effective executivenative negative selective suggestive
2/9/20154 minutes, 22 seconds
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expensive(贵的)abusive adhesive aggressive allusiveapprehensive comprehensive compulsive successive conclusive defensive depressive digressiveevasive excessive exclusive impressiveimpulsive inclusive intensive massive offensive oppressive passive progressive responsive
2/9/20155 minutes, 47 seconds
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momental(短暂的)developmental elemental fundamental mentalmonumental sentimental
2/9/20154 minutes, 16 seconds
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【数字26英语怎么说?】Say twenty-six.But what is twenty-six?

Hello, welcome to tentenenglish, I am your host champion at 每日英语优化。【数字26英语怎么说?】Say twenty-six.Well I know it`s twenty-six. But what is twenty-six? Well I know twenty-six is a number. twenty-six is the twenty-sixth number in 12345678910, and so on. Twenty-six is the number that follows twenty-five, and twenty-six is the number that goes before twenty-seven.That`s twenty-six.Ok, that`s all for today`s training, and I hope you all enjoyed it. I am your host Champion, and good bye till next time.
2/9/20153 minutes, 26 seconds
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【数字25英语怎么说?】Say twenty-five.Well I know it`s twenty-five

Hello, welcome to tentenenglish, I am your host champion at 每日英语优化。【数字25英语怎么说?】Say twenty-five.Well I know it`s twenty-five. But what is twenty-five? Well I know twenty-five is a number. Twenty-five is the twenty-fifth number in 12345678910, and so on. Twenty-five is the number that follows twenty-four, and twenty-five is the number that goes before twenty-six.That&`&s twenty-five.Ok, that`s all for today`s training, and I hope you all enjoyed it. I am your host Champion, and good bye till next time.
2/8/20153 minutes, 15 seconds
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【数字24英语怎么说?】Say twenty-four.Well I know it`s twenty-four

Hello, welcome to tentenenglish, I am your host champion at 每日英语优化。【数字24英语怎么说?】Say twenty-four.Well I know it`s twenty-four. But what is twenty-four? Well I know twenty-four is a number. Twenty-four is the twenty-fourth number in 12345678910, and so on. Twenty-four is the number that follows twenty-three, and twenty-four is the number that goes before twenty-five.That&`&s twenty-four.Ok, that`s all for today`s training, and I hope you all enjoyed it. I am your host Champion, and good bye till next time.
2/8/20153 minutes, 14 seconds
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【数字23英语怎么说?】Say twenty-three.Well I know it`s twenty-three

Hello, welcome to tentenenglish, I am your host champion at 每日英语优化。【数字23英语怎么说?】Say twenty-three.Well I know it`s twenty-three. But what is twenty-three? Well I know twenty-three is a number. Twenty-three is the twenty-third number in 12345678910, and so on. Twenty-three is the number that follows twenty-two, and twenty-three is the number that goes before twenty-four. That&`&s twenty-three.Ok, that`s all for today`s training, and I hope you all enjoyed it. I am your host Champion, and good bye till next time.
2/8/20153 minutes, 24 seconds
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【数字22英语怎么说?】Say twenty-two.Well I know it`s twenty-two

Hello, welcome to tentenenglish, I am your host champion at 每日英语优化。【数字22英语怎么说?】Say twenty-two.Well I know it`s twenty-two. But what is twenty-two? Well I know twenty-two is a number. Twenty-two is the twenty-secon number in 12345678910, and so on. Twenty-two is the number that follows twenty-one, and twenty-two is the number that goes before twenty-three.. That&`&s twenty-twoOk, that`s all for today`s training, and I hope you all enjoyed it. I am your host Champion, and good bye till next time.
2/8/20153 minutes, 36 seconds
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【数字21英语怎么说?】Say twenty-one.Well I know it`s twenty-one

Hello, welcome to tentenenglish, I am your host champion at 每日英语优化。【数字21英语怎么说?】Say twenty-one.Well I know it`s twenty-one. But what is twenty-one? Well I know twenty-one is a number. Twenty-one is the twenty-first number in 12345678910, and so on. Twenty-one is the number that follows twenty, and twenty-one is the number that goes before twenty-two.That&`&s twenty-one.Ok, that`s all for today`s training, and I hope you all enjoyed it. I am your host Champion, and good bye till next time.
2/8/20153 minutes, 21 seconds
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【数字20英语怎么说?】Say twenty.But what is twenty?

Hello, welcome to tentenenglish, I am your host champion at 每日英语优化。【数字20英语怎么说?】Say twenty.Well I know it`s twenty. But what is twenty? Well I know twenty is a number. Twenty is the twentith number in 12345678910, and so on. Twenty is the number that follows nineteen, and twenty is the number that goes before twenty-one.Ok, that`s all for today`s training, and I hope you all enjoyed it. I am your host Champion, and good bye till next time.
2/8/20153 minutes, 18 seconds
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【数字19英语怎么说?】Say nineteen.But what is nineteen?

Hello, welcome to tentenenglish, I am your host champion at 每日英语优化。【数字19英语怎么说?】Say nineteen.Well I know it`s nineteen. But what is nineteen? Well I know nineteen is a number. Nineteen is the nineteenth number in 12345678910, and so on. Nineteen is the number that follows eighteen, and nineteen is the number that goes before twenty That&`&s nineteen.Ok, that`s all for today`s training, and I hope you all enjoyed it. I am your host Champion, and good bye till next time.
2/8/20153 minutes, 11 seconds
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【数字18英语怎么说?】Say eighteen.But what is eightteen?

Hello, welcome to tentenenglish, I am your host champion at 每日英语优化。【数字18英语怎么说?】Say eighteen.Well I know it`s eighteen. But what is eighteen? Well I know eighteen is a number. Eighteen is the eighteenth number in 12345678910, and so on. Eighteen is the number that follows seventeen, and eighteen is the number that goes before nineteen.That&`&s eighteen.Ok, that`s all for today`s training, and I hope you all enjoyed it. I am your host Champion, and good bye till next time.
2/8/20153 minutes, 15 seconds
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【数字17英语怎么说?】Say seventeen.But what is seventeen?

Hello, welcome to tentenenglish, I am your host champion at 每日英语优化。【数字17英语怎么说?】Say seventeen.Well I know it`s seventeen.But what is seventeen? Well I know seventeen is a number. Seventeen is the seventeenth number in 12345678910, and so on. Seventeen is the number that follows sixteen, and seventeen is the number that goes before eighteen.That&`&s seventeenOk, that`s all for today`s training, and I hope you all enjoyed it. I am your host Champion, and good bye till next time.
2/8/20153 minutes, 23 seconds
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【数字16英语怎么说?】Say sixteen.But what is sixteen?

Hello, welcome to tentenenglish, I am your host champion at 每日英语优化。【数字16英语怎么说?】Say sixteen.Well I know it`s sixteen.But what is sixteen? Well I know sixteen is a number. Sixteen is the sixteenth number in 12345678910, and so on. Sixteen is the number that follows fifteen, and sixteen is the number that goes before seventeen.Thats sixteenOk, that`s all for today`s training, and I hope you all enjoyed it. I am your host Champion, and good bye till next time.
2/8/20153 minutes, 26 seconds
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【数字15英语怎么说?】Say fifteen.Well I know it`s fifteen

Hello, welcome to tentenenglish, I am your host champion at 每日英语优化。【数字15英语怎么说?】Say fifteen.Well I know it`s fifteen.But what is fifteen? Well I know fifteen is a number.Fifteen is the fifteenth number in 12345678910, and so on. Fifteen is the number that follows fourteen, and fifteen is the number that goes before sixteen.Ok, that`s all for today`s training, and I hope you all enjoyed it. I am your host Champion, and good bye till next time.
2/8/20153 minutes, 10 seconds
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【数字14英语怎么说?】Say fourteen.Well I know it`s fourteen

Hello, welcome to tentenenglish, I am your host champion at 每日英语优化。【数字14英语怎么说?】Say fourteen.Well I know it`s fourteen.But what is fourteen? Well I know fourteen is a number.Fourteen is the fourteenth number in 12345678910, and so on. Fourteen is the number that follows thirteen, and fourteen is the number that goes before fifteen.That&`&s fourteen.Ok, that`s all for today`s training, and I hope you all enjoyed it. I am your host Champion, and good bye till next time.
2/8/20153 minutes, 17 seconds
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【数字13英语怎么说?】Say thirteen.Well I know it`s thirteen

Hello, welcome to tentenenglish, I am your host champion at 每日英语优化。【数字13英语怎么说?】Say thirteen.Well I know it`s thirteen.But what is thirteen? Well I know thirteen is a number.Thirteen is the thirteenth number in 12345678910, and so on. Thirteen is the number that follows twelve, and thirteen is the number that goes before fourteen. That&`&s thirteen.Ok, that`s all for today`s training, and I hope you all enjoyed it. I am your host Champion, and good bye till next time.
2/8/20153 minutes, 26 seconds
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【数字12英语怎么说?】Say twelve.Well I know it`s twelve

Hello, welcome to tentenenglish, I m your host champion at 每日英语优化。 【数字12英语怎么说?】Say twelve.Well I know it`s twelve.But what is twelve? Well I know twelve is a number.Twelve is the twelfth number in 12345678910, and so on. Twelve is the number that follows eleven, and twelve is the number that goes before thirteen.Ok, that`s all for today`s training, and I hope you all enjoyed it. I am your host Champion, and good bye till next time.
2/8/20153 minutes, 11 seconds
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【数字11英语怎么说?】Say eleven.Well I know it`s eleven.But what is eleven

Hello, welcome to TenTenEnglish, and I am your host Champion at 每日英语优化。 【数字11英语怎么说?】Say eleven.Well I know it`s eleven.But what is eleven? Well I know eleven is a number.Eleven is the eleventh number in 12345678910, and so on. Eleven is the number that follows ten, and eleven is the number that goes before twelve.Ok, that`s all for today`s training, and I hope you all enjoyed it. I am your host Champion, and good bye till next time.
2/8/20152 minutes, 58 seconds
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【数字10英语怎么说?】Say ten.Well I know it`s ten.But what is ten

Hello, welcome to TenTenEnglish, and I am your host Champion at 每日英语优化。 【数字10英语怎么说?】Say ten.Well I know it`s ten.But what is ten? Well I know ten is a number.Nine is the tenth number in 12345678910, and so on. Ten is the number that follows nine, and ten is the number that goes before eleven.Ok, that`s all for today`s training, and I hope you all enjoyed it. I am your host Champion, and good bye till next time.
2/8/20152 minutes, 53 seconds
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【数字9英语怎么说?】Say nine.Well I know it`s nine.But what is nine

Hello, welcome to TenTenEnglish, and I am your host Champion at 每日英语优化。 【数字9英语怎么说?】Say nine.Well I know it`s nine.But what is nine? Well I know nine is a number.Nine is the ninth number in 12345678910, and so on. Nine is the number that follows eight, and nine is the number that goes before ten.Ok, that`s all for today`s training, and I hope you all enjoyed it. I am your host Champion, and good bye till next time.
2/8/20152 minutes, 46 seconds
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【数字8英语怎么说?】Say eight.Well I know it`s eight.But what is eight

Hello, welcome to TenTenEnglish, and I am your host Champion at 每日英语优化。 【数字8英语怎么说?】Say eight.Well I know it`s eight.But what is eight? Well I know eight is a number.eight is the eighth number in 12345678910, and so on. Eight is the number that follows seven, and eight is the number that goes before nine.Ok, that`s all for today`s training, and I hope you all enjoyed it. I am your host Champion, and good bye till next time.
2/8/20152 minutes, 59 seconds
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【数字7英语怎么说?】Say seven.Well I know it`s seven.But what is seven

Hello, welcome to TenTenEnglish, and I am your host Champion at 每日英语优化。 【数字7英语怎么说?】Say seven.Well I know it`s seven.But what is seven? Well I know seven is a number.Seven is the seventh number in 12345678910, and so on. Seven is the number that follows six, and seven is the number that goes before eight.Ok, that`s all for today`s training, and I hope you all enjoyed it. I am your host Champion, and good bye till next time.
2/8/20152 minutes, 52 seconds
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【数字6英语怎么说?】Say six.Well I know it`s six.But what is six

Hello, welcome to TenTenEnglish, and I am your host Champion at 每日英语优化。 【数字6英语怎么说?】Say six.Well I know it`s six.But what is six? Well I know six is a number.Six is the sixth number in 12345678910, and so on. Six is the number that follows five, and six is the number that goes before seven. That&`&s six.Ok, that`s all for today`s training, and I hope you all enjoyed it. I am your host Champion, and good bye till next time.
2/8/20152 minutes, 57 seconds
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【数字5英语怎么说?】Say five.Well I know it`s five.But what is five

Hello, welcome to TenTenEnglish, and I am your host Champion at 每日英语优化。 【数字5英语怎么说?】Say five.Well I know it`s five.But what is five? Well I know five is a number. Five is the fifth number in 12345678910, and so on. Five is the number that follows four, and five is the number that goes before six.That`s five.Ok, that`s all for today`s training, and I hope you all enjoyed it. I am your host Champion, and good bye till next time.
2/8/20153 minutes
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【数字4英语怎么说?】Say four.Well I know it`s four.But what is four

Hello, welcome to TenTenEnglish, and I am your host Champion at 每日英语优化。 【数字4英语怎么说?】Say four.Well I know it`s four.But what is four? Well I know two is a number. Four is the fourth number in 12345678910, and so on. Four is the number that follows three, and four is the number that goes before five.That`s four.Ok, that`s all for today`s training, and I hope you all enjoyed it. I am your host Champion, and good bye till next time.
2/8/20153 minutes, 9 seconds
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【数字3英语怎么说?】Say three.Well I know it`s three.But what is three

Hello, welcome to TenTenEnglish, and I am your host Champion at 每日英语优化。【数字3英语怎么说?】Say three.Well I know it`s three.But what is three? Well I know three is a number. Three is the third number in 12345678910, and so on. Three is the number that follows two, and three is the number that goes before four.That`s three. Ok, that`s all for today`s training, and I hope you all enjoyed it. I am your host Champion, and good bye till next time.
2/8/20152 minutes, 40 seconds
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【数字2英语怎么说?】Say two.Well I know it`s two.But what is two

Hello, welcome to TenTenEnglish, and I am your host Champion at 每日英语优化。 【数字2英语怎么说?】Say two.Well I know it`s two.But what is two? Well I know two is a number. Two is the second number in 12345678910, and so on. Two is the number that follows one, and two is the number that goes before three.That`s two.Ok, that`s all for today`s training, and I hope you all enjoyed it. I am your host Champion, and good bye till next time.
2/8/20152 minutes, 33 seconds
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【数字1英语怎么说?】Say one.Well I know it`s one.But what is one

Hello, welcome to TenTenEnglish, and I am your host Champion at 每日英语优化。【数字1英语怎么说?】Say one.Well I know it`s one.But what is one? Well I know one is a number. One is the first number in 12345678910, and so on. One is the number that follows zero, and one is the number that goes before two. That&`&s one.Ok, that`s all for today`s training, and I hope you all enjoyed it. I am your host Champion, and good bye till next time.
2/8/20153 minutes, 29 seconds
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【数字英语怎么说?】Say nmuber.Well I know it`s number

Hello, welcome to TenTenEnglish, and I am your host Champion at 每日英语优化。 【数字英语怎么说?】Say nmuber.Well I know it`s number.But what is number?Well, I know uumber is something like 1234567890, and so on. That is number. Ok, that`s all for today`s training, and I hope you all enjoyed it. I am your host Champion, and good bye till next time.
2/8/20152 minutes, 24 seconds
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【每日Inspirational励志名言】 We do not remember days, we remember moments.—

【每日Inspirational励志名言】 We do not remember days, we remember moments.—Cesare Pavese我们心中没有时日,只有分秒。(Cesare Pavese)
2/8/201535 seconds
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【每日Inspirational励志名言】Life's most persistent and urgent question

【每日Inspirational励志名言】Life's most persistent and urgent question is, 'What are you doing for others?'—Martin Luther King, Jr.人生最需要反复自问和最紧迫的问题是:你在为他人做些什么?(马丁 路德金)
2/8/201544 seconds
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【Inspirational励志名言】 In the end, it's not the years in your life that

【每日Inspirational励志名言】 In the end, it&`&s not the years in your life that count. It&`&s the life in your years.—Abraham Lincoln最终重要的不是你生命中的岁月,是你岁月里的生命。(林肯)
2/8/201543 seconds
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【“妈妈 ”英语怎么说?】Say mother. Well I know it's mother

Hello, welcome to TenTenEnglish, and I am your host Champion at 每日英语优化。 【“妈妈 ”英语怎么说?】Say mother. Well I know it&`&s mother. But what is mother? Well I know mother is a woman. Mother is a parent. Mother is the daughter of my grandfather and my grandmother. That&`&s mother. Mother is the wife of my father. That&`&s mother.Ok, that`s all for today`s training, and I hope you all enjoyed it. I am your host Champion, and good bye till next time.
2/7/20152 minutes, 57 seconds
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【“爸爸 ”英语怎么说?】Say father. Well I know it's father.

Hello, welcome to TenTenEnglish, and I am your host Champion at 每日英语优化。 【“爸爸 ”英语怎么说?】Say father. Well I know it&`&s father. But what is father? Well I know father is a man. Father is a parent. Father is the son of my grandfather and my grandmother. That&`&s father. Father is the husband of my mother. That&`&s father.Ok, that`s all for today`s training, and I hope you all enjoyed it. I am your host Champion, and good bye till next time.
2/7/20152 minutes, 53 seconds
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【“爷爷奶奶 ”英语怎么说?】Say grandfather and grandmother.

Hello, welcome to TenTenEnglish, and I am your host Champion at 每日英语优化。 【“爷爷奶奶 ”英语怎么说?】Say grandfather and grandmother. Well I know it&`&s grandfather and grandmother. But what is grandfather and grandmother?Well I know grandfather is the father of my father or my mother, and grandmother is the mother of my father or my mother.Ok, that`s all for today`s training, and I hope you all enjoyed it. I am your host Champion, and good bye till next time.
2/7/20153 minutes, 8 seconds
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【“ 妻子”英语怎么说?】Say wife.Well I know it's wife

Hello, welcome to TenTenEnglish, and I am your host Champion at 每日英语优化。 【“ 妻子”英语怎么说?】Say wife.Well I know it&`&s wife.But what is wife ? Well I know wife is a woman. Wife is a married woman .Wife is the spouse of her husband.That&`&s wife.Ok, that`s all for today`s training, and I hope you all enjoyed it. I am your host Champion, and good bye till next time.
2/7/20152 minutes, 27 seconds
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【“ 丈夫”英语怎么说?】Say husband.Well I know it's husband

Hello, welcome to TenTenEnglish, and I am your host Champion at 每日英语优化。 【“ 丈夫”英语怎么说?】Say husband.Well I know it&`&s husband.But what is husband ? Well I know husband is a man. Husband is a married man .Husband is the spouse of his wife.That&`&s husband.Ok, that`s all for today`s training, and I hope you all enjoyed it. I am your host Champion, and good bye till next time.
2/7/20152 minutes, 27 seconds
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【岛屿英语怎么说?】Say island. Well I know it is island.

Hello, welcome to TenTenEnglish, and I am your host Champion at 每日英语优化。 【岛屿英语怎么说?】Say island. Well I know it is island.But what is island? Well, I know island is a piece of land. Island is a piece of land that is surrounded by water or by the sea on all sides. Island is a piece of land that has water on its four sides. That’s island.Ok, that`s all for today`s training, and I hope you all enjoyed it. I am your host Champion, and good bye till next time.
2/7/20153 minutes, 10 seconds
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【日本英语怎么说?】Say Japan?Well I know it is Japan.

Hello, welcome to TenTenEnglish, and I am your host Champion at 每日英语优化。 【日本英语怎么说?】Say Japan. Well I know it is Japan.But what is Japan? Well, I know Japan is a country. Japan is a small island country in East Asia.Japan is close to China and Korea. That&`&s Japan.Ok, that`s all for today`s training, and I hope you all enjoyed it. I am your host Champion, and good bye till next time.
2/7/20153 minutes, 14 seconds
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【“母校”英语怎么说 】Say alma mater? Well I know it's alma mater.

Hello, welcome to TenTenEnglish, and I am your host Champion at 每日英语优化。 【“母校”英语怎么说 】Say alma mater? Well I know it&`&s alma mater. But what is alma mater? Well I know alma mater a school, a college or a university. Alma mater is the school, the college or the university that you attended, where you studied for many years ,and where you graduated. That&`&s alma mater.Ok, that`s all for today`s training, and I hope you all enjoyed it. I am your host Champion, and good bye till next time.
2/7/20153 minutes, 30 seconds
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【订婚英语怎么说?】Say engagement . Well I know it`s engagement

Hello, welcome to TenTenEnglish, and I am your host Champion at 每日英语优化。 【订婚英语怎么说?】Say engagement . Well I know it`s engagement. But what is engagement? Well, engagement is a man and a woman promise to marry each other, but they are not a couple yet. That&`&s engagement. Ok, that`s all for today`s training, and I hope you all enjoyed it. I am your host Champion, and good bye till next time.
2/5/20153 minutes, 44 seconds
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【离婚英语怎么说?】Say divorce. Well I know it`s divorce.

Hello, welcome to TenTenEnglish, and I am your host Champion at 每日英语优化。 【离婚英语怎么说?】Saydivorce. Well I know it`s divorce. But what is divorce? Well,divorce is a marriage ends. Divorce is the man and the woman are no longer husband and wife. Divorce is a family breaks up. Divorce is love between husband and wife dies. That&`&s devorce. Ok, that`s all for today`s training, and I hope you all enjoyed it. I am your host Champion, and good bye till next time.
2/5/20153 minutes, 22 seconds
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【结婚英语怎么说?】Say marry. Well I know it`s marry. But what is marry?

Hello, welcome to TenTenEnglish, and I am your host Champion at 每日英语优化。 【结婚英语怎么说?】Say marry. Well I know it`s marry. But what is marry? Well, marry is a man and a woman become husband and wife to make a family.That`s marry or marriage. Ok, that`s all for today`s training, and I hope you all enjoyed it. I am your host Champion, and good bye till next time.
2/5/20153 minutes, 6 seconds
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【教授英语怎么说?】Say professor. But what is professor?

Hello, welcome to TenTenEnglish, and I am your host Champion at 每日英语优化。 【教授英语怎么说?】Say professor. Well I know it`s professor. But what is professor? Well, I know professor is a man or a woman. Professor is a man or a woman who works in a university or a college and teaches university students in the classroom.That`s professor. Ok, that`s all for today`s training, and I hope you all enjoyed it. I am your host Champion, and good bye till next time.
2/5/20154 minutes, 46 seconds
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1. stadium1. 低效记忆:stadium 对应其中文意思记忆 2. 上下文依托式记忆(记义):a football stadium (football 什么?) a large sport stadium (a sport 什么?) 3. 视觉化记忆(记音形):a football stadium a football stadium a football stadium, stadium, stadium, stad-ium, stad-ium,s tad-ium, stad-ium, stadium, stadium 4. a football stadium a sport stadium 2. cafeteria1. 低效记忆: cafeteria 对应其中文意思记忆 2. 上下文依托式记忆(记义): my breakfast in our school cafeteria (哪里的breakfast?) many students eating in the cafeteria (many students eating 在哪里?)3. 视觉化记忆(记音形):my breakfast in our school cafeteria, my breakfast in our school cafeteria,cafeteria, cafeteria, cafe-teria, cafe- teria, cafe-teria,,cafeteria, cafeteria my breakfast in our school cafeteria many students eating in the cafeteria 3. lucent1. 低效记忆:lucent 对应其中文意思记忆 2. 上下文依托式记忆(记义):the lucent moon at night (at night 什么moon?) a lucnet sky with many stars(什么sky with many stars?) 3. 视觉化记忆(记音形):the lucent moon at night, the lucent moon at night, lucent, lucent, luc-ent, luc-ent, luc-ent, lucent, lucent, luc-ent, luc-ent 4. the lucent moon at night a lucnet sky with many stars
2/4/201519 minutes, 51 seconds
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【学生英语怎么说?】Say student. Well I know it`s student. But what is student?

Hello, welcome to TenTenEnglish, and I am your host Champion at 每日英语优化。 【学生英语怎么说?】Say student. Well I know it`s student. But what is student? Well, I know student is a boy or a girl. Student is a boy or a girl who goes to school from Monday to Friday every week. Student is a boy or a girl who learns from a teacher in the classroom.That`s student. Ok, that`s all for today`s training, and I hope you all enjoyed it. I am your host Champion, and good bye till next time.
2/4/20152 minutes, 21 seconds
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【老师英语怎么说?】Say teacher. Well I know it`s teacher.

Hello, welcome to TenTenEnglish, and I am your host Champion at 每日英语优化。 【老师英语怎么说?】Say teacher. Well I know it`s teacher. But what is teacher? Well, I know teacher is a man or a woman. Teacher is a man or a woman who works in a school. Teacher is a man or a woman who teaches students in the classroom.That&`&s teacher. Ok, that`s all for today`s training, and I hope you all enjoyed it. I am your host Champion, and good bye till next time.
2/4/20151 minute, 55 seconds
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【学校英语怎么说?】Say school. Well I know it`s school. But what is school?

Hello, welcome to TenTenEnglish, and I am your host Champion at 每日英语优化。 【学校英语怎么说?】Say school. Well I know it`s school. But what is school? Well, I know school aplace. School is a place where teachers work. School is a place where students go to study from Monday to Friday every week. That&`&s school. Ok, that`s all for today`s training, and I hope you all enjoyed it. I am your host Champion, and good bye till next time.
2/4/20152 minutes, 22 seconds
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【每日一句Inspirational正能量】Life isn't about finding yourself.

【每日一句Inspirational正能量】Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.—George Bernard Shaw 生活不是要找到自我,生活是塑造自我—肖伯纳
2/4/20151 minute, 10 seconds
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【每日一句Inspirational正能量】 Positive anything is better than negative nothin

【每日一句Inspirational正能量】 Positive anything is better than negative nothing—Elbert Hubbard 与其万事想歪,不如事事看开(Elbert Hubbard)
2/4/201553 seconds
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【每日一句Inspirational正能量】 Always remember that you are absolutely

【每日一句Inspirational正能量】 Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else—Margaret Mead. 切记,你是绝对独一无二的。正如每一个人都如此一样。(Margaret Mead)
2/4/201553 seconds
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【每日一句Inspirational正能量】 I can't change the direction of the wind,

【每日一句Inspirational正能量】 I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination—Jimmy Dean. 我虽然改变不了风的方向,但是我却可以调节我的风帆,肯定可以抵达我的彼岸。(Jimmy Dean)
2/4/20151 minute, 12 seconds
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【每日一句Inspirational正能量】 Happiness is the absence(庄子)

【每日一句Inspirational正能量】 Happiness is the absence of the striving for happiness——Zhuangzi. 快乐就是千万别绞尽脑汁找快乐。(庄子)(庄老有说过这句话吗?)无为而治 也!
2/4/201559 seconds
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1、什么是音节重读或重读音节? 学习英语语音和音标学得不是很好的人一定会有过被从教师嘴里很随便说出的一些语音专业术语弄得一头雾水不知所云的切身经历。其中,音节的重读就是一个。 到底什么是英语音节的重读或重读音节?这到底是个什么东东?应该怎样通俗易懂地弄明白什么是重读音节呢? 对于什么是重读音节,其实我们可以这样反过来问一个问题,即,我们不问什么是重读音节,我们相反要问问英语的单词里为什么要有重读音节?是啊,英语单词里为什么要有重读音节呢?这个问题你想过没有?你只想过什么是重读音节吗? 其实,我应该让这个为什么的问题在你的脑子多停留一些时间再给你提供答案,因为一个问题在大脑里想的时间越久,印象也就越深,等问题解决之后,也就越不容易忘记。 我再问一遍,想想英语单词里为什么会有和要有重读音节呢?我们还是从复习一下对英语单词的认识开始吧。 我们都知道,从一开始我们都是以“字母”为单位认识英语单词的,也就是说,我们都是说某某英语单词里是有什么什么英语字母或由什么什么英语字母组成,比如,mother这个英语单词里,就有字母m,o,t,h,e,r这几个字母组成。在学习英语语音后,我们开始从字母过渡到音节去理解同样的英语单词,也就是说,我们不再说字母了,我们开始说音节,不说一个英语单词里有什么字母,而是说一个英语单词里有几个音节。说的还是一件事,还是同一个英语单词,但表述的角度不同了。我这么说,相信大家都不会再觉得难理解了。 讲到这里,学习的关键点也就出来了。刚才我们说我们是用英语单词里是有几个音节或有多少个音节来说某个英语单词的。这“几个”或“多少个”就是关键点。如果一个单词里出现两个音节以上的话,情况会怎么样呢? 所谓一山不容二虎,如果一个单词里出现不止一个音节,如bus就是只有一个音节,这里情况好办。这个音节当然是只能重读的了。而mother去有两个音节,一个是mo,一个是ther,这两个音节你不可能都同时重读它,或同时都轻读它吧?这样的话,你肯定就没有办法读单词了。不信你就试试,如何可以把两个单词都同时重读?所以,一山还容二虎,也就是在出现两个或以上的音节的时候,就只能做到只有其中一个音节是重读的,剩下的音节就是轻读的。 说到这,再回过头去看什么是音节的重读或英语单词里为什么必须要有重读的问题就容易理解了吧? 你想的没错。这是因为英语单词构成的特点所决定的,因为英语单词一般都很长。这是外行话,内行话应该说成是:因为英语单词里都有不止一个单音节,而是出现两个或两个以上的音节,我们叫多音节词。所以,要把这个多音节词读出来,就只能选择其中一个音节作为重读,其它的只要轻读就行了。只有这样,才能把一个长单词顺利读出来。 你看,tomorrow这个单词三个音节(to-mo-rrow三个音节),你不可能把三个音节都同时给重了呀,Sunday这个单词有两个音节(sun-和-day音节)。我们只有一个重读音节名额,也就是只做了一桌的饭菜,现在去来了三桌的人,这饭怎么吃?当然就必须在这好几个音节中选择其中一个作为重读音节了。 什么是重读音节或者显什么有重读音节的道理就在这里了。2、怎么知道和记住哪个音节该重读呢? 最后一点,在理解了什么是重读音节之后中,剩下的问题就是,怎么知道和记住哪个音节该重读呢? 其实,这个问题很好办。你不用去刻意死记字典上的重读音节标注。你拿过一个英语单词,自己读一读,自己亲身体会一个问题就解决了。你看mother这个单词有两个音节。理论上两个音节中的任何一个都可以作为重读音节处理。但是你读重读mo音节听起来好听呢?还是重读-ther音节觉得单词好听好读一些? 当然是把mo音节作为重读音节好读也好听一些!这就是决定哪个音节重读的最简单的法则。自己读一读不就清楚了? 再看Wednesday,它有三个音节,理论上三个都可以作为重读音节,但是Wed-音节重读好听呢?还是nes-音节呢?还-day音节呢?当然是wed音节好读好听一些啦。
2/4/201512 minutes, 7 seconds
Episode Artwork

【学外语英语怎么说?】Say to learn a foreign language.

Hello, welcome to TenTenEnglish, and I am your host Champion at 每日英语优化。【学外语英语怎么说?】Say to learn a foreign language. Well it'sto learn a foreign language. But what is to learn a foreign language? Well, to learn a foreign language is to learn a foreign language is to learn the grammar of the language, to learn its pronunciation and to listen to , speak , read it, write it and translate it.Ok, that`s all for today`s training, and I hope you all enjoyed it. I am your host Champion, and good bye till next time.
2/3/20151 minute, 39 seconds
Episode Artwork

【韩语英语怎么说?】Say Korean. Well it's Korean.

Hello, welcome to TenTenEnglish, and I am your host Champion at 每日英语优化。【韩语英语怎么说?】Say Korean. Well it's Korean. But what is Korean? Well, I know Korean is a language. Korean is the mother tongue of the Korean people. Korean is the language used and spoken by the Korean people.Ok, that`s all for today`s training, and I hope you all enjoyed it. I am your host Champion, and good bye till next time.
2/3/20151 minute, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork

【英语用英语怎么说?】Say English. Well it's English.

Hello, welcome to TenTenEnglish, and I am your host Champion at 每日英语优化。【英语用英语怎么说?】Say English. Well it's English. But what is English?Well I know English is a language. English is a language that is used and spoken by the people in the UK and in the USA. English is one of the most important international languages in today’s world.That's English.Ok, that`s all for today`s training, and I hope you all enjoyed it. I am your host Champion, and good bye till next time.
2/3/20152 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork

【日语英语怎么说?】Say Japanese. Well it's Japanese.

Hello, welcome to TenTenEnglish, and I am your host Champion at 每日英语优化。【日语英语怎么说?】Say Japanese. Well it&`&s Japanese. But what is Japanese? Well, I know Japanese is a language. Japanese is the mother tongue of the Japanese people.Japanese is the language used and spoken by the Japanese people.Ok, that`s all for today`s training, and I hope you all enjoyed it. I am your host Champion, and good bye till next time.
2/3/20151 minute, 39 seconds
Episode Artwork

【中文英语怎么说?】Say Chinese. Well it's Chinese.

Hello, welcome to TenTenEnglish, and I am your host Champion at 每日英语优化。【中文英语怎么说?】Say Chinese. Well it's Chinese. But what is Chinese? Well, I know Chinese is a language. Chinese is the mother tongue of the Chinese people. Chinese is the language used and spoken by the Chinese people.Ok, that`s all for today`s training, and I hope you all enjoyed it. I am your host Champion, and good bye till next time.
2/3/20151 minute, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork

【 实用逆向英语音标】3、什么是重读音节?

1、什么是音节重读或重读音节? 学习英语语音和音标学得不是很好的人一定会有过被从教师嘴里很随便说出的一些语音专业术语弄得一头雾水不知所云的切身经历。其中,音节的重读就是一个。 到底什么是英语音节的重读或重读音节?这到底是个什么东东?应该怎样通俗易懂地弄明白什么是重读音节呢? 对于什么是重读音节,其实我们可以这样反过来问一个问题,即,我们不问什么是重读音节,我们相反要问问英语的单词里为什么要有重读音节?是啊,英语单词里为什么要有重读音节呢?这个问题你想过没有?你只想过什么是重读音节吗? 其实,我应该让这个为什么的问题在你的脑子多停留一些时间再给你提供答案,因为一个问题在大脑里想的时间越久,印象也就越深,等问题解决之后,也就越不容易忘记。 我再问一遍,想想英语单词里为什么会有和要有重读音节呢?我们还是从复习一下对英语单词的认识开始吧。 我们都知道,从一开始我们都是以“字母”为单位认识英语单词的,也就是说,我们都是说某某英语单词里是有什么什么英语字母或由什么什么英语字母组成,比如,mother这个英语单词里,就有字母m,o,t,h,e,r这几个字母组成。在学习英语语音后,我们开始从字母过渡到音节去理解同样的英语单词,也就是说,我们不再说字母了,我们开始说音节,不说一个英语单词里有什么字母,而是说一个英语单词里有几个音节。说的还是一件事,还是同一个英语单词,但表述的角度不同了。我这么说,相信大家都不会再觉得难理解了。 讲到这里,学习的关键点也就出来了。刚才我们说我们是用英语单词里是有几个音节或有多少个音节来说某个英语单词的。这“几个”或“多少个”就是关键点。如果一个单词里出现两个音节以上的话,情况会怎么样呢? 所谓一山不容二虎,如果一个单词里出现不止一个音节,如bus就是只有一个音节,这里情况好办。这个音节当然是只能重读的了。而mother去有两个音节,一个是mo,一个是ther,这两个音节你不可能都同时重读它,或同时都轻读它吧?这样的话,你肯定就没有办法读单词了。不信你就试试,如何可以把两个单词都同时重读?所以,一山还容二虎,也就是在出现两个或以上的音节的时候,就只能做到只有其中一个音节是重读的,剩下的音节就是轻读的。 说到这,再回过头去看什么是音节的重读或英语单词里为什么必须要有重读的问题就容易理解了吧? 你想的没错。这是因为英语单词构成的特点所决定的,因为英语单词一般都很长。这是外行话,内行话应该说成是:因为英语单词里都有不止一个单音节,而是出现两个或两个以上的音节,我们叫多音节词。所以,要把这个多音节词读出来,就只能选择其中一个音节作为重读,其它的只要轻读就行了。只有这样,才能把一个长单词顺利读出来。 你看,tomorrow这个单词三个音节(to-mo-rrow三个音节),你不可能把三个音节都同时给重了呀,Sunday这个单词有两个音节(sun-和-day音节)。我们只有一个重读音节名额,也就是只做了一桌的饭菜,现在去来了三桌的人,这饭怎么吃?当然就必须在这好几个音节中选择其中一个作为重读音节了。 什么是重读音节或者显什么有重读音节的道理就在这里了。2、怎么知道和记住哪个音节该重读呢? 最后一点,在理解了什么是重读音节之后中,剩下的问题就是,怎么知道和记住哪个音节该重读呢? 其实,这个问题很好办。你不用去刻意死记字典上的重读音节标注。你拿过一个英语单词,自己读一读,自己亲身体会一个问题就解决了。你看mother这个单词有两个音节。理论上两个音节中的任何一个都可以作为重读音节处理。但是你读重读mo音节听起来好听呢?还是重读-ther音节觉得单词好听好读一些? 当然是把mo音节作为重读音节好读也好听一些!这就是决定哪个音节重读的最简单的法则。自己读一读不就清楚了?再看Wednesday,它有三个音节,理论上三个都可以作为重读音节,但是Wed-音节重读好听呢?还是nes-音节呢?还-day音节呢? 当然是wed音节好读好听一些啦。
2/3/201512 minutes, 7 seconds
Episode Artwork

【雪英语怎么说?】Say snow.Well I know it's snow.But what is snow?

Hello, welcome to TenTenEnglish, and I am your host Champion at 每日英语优化。【雪英语怎么说?】Say snow.Well I know it's snow.But what is snow?Well, I know snow iswater, snow is very cold water or freezing water falling from the sky in the winter. That is snow.Ok, that&`&s all for today&`&s training, and I hope you all enjoyed it. I am your host Champion, and good bye till next time.
2/3/20151 minute, 28 seconds
Episode Artwork

【雨英语怎么说?】Say rain.Well I know it's rain.But what is rain?

Hello, welcome to TenTenEnglish, and I am your host Champion at 每日英语优化。【雨英语怎么说?】Say rain.Well I know it's rain.But what is rain?Well, I know rain is water, rain is the water falling from the clouds in the sky. That is rain.Ok, that&`&s all for today&`&s training, and I hope you all enjoyed it. I am your host Champion, and good bye till next time.
2/3/20151 minute, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

【温度英语怎么说?】Say temperature.But what is temperature?

Hello, welcome to TenTenEnglish, and I am your host Champion at 每日英语优化。【温度英语怎么说?】Say temperature.But what is temperature?Well, I know temperature is how hot something is, or hot cold something is. That is temperature.Ok, that&`&s all for today&`&s training, and I hope you all enjoyed it. I am your host Champion, and good bye till next time.
2/3/20151 minute, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork

【冷英语怎么说?】Say hot .But what is hot?

Hello, welcome to TenTenEnglish, and I am your host Champion at 每日英语优化。【冷英语怎么说?】Say hot .But what is hot?Well, I know cold is the temperature is falling, or the temperature goes down or drops to a lower degree. That is cold.Ok, that&`&s all for today&`&s training, and I hope you all enjoyed it. I am your host Champion, and good bye till next time.
2/3/20151 minute, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

【热英语怎么说?】Say hot .But what is hot?

Hello, welcome to TenTenEnglish, and I am your host Champion at 每日英语优化。【热英语怎么说?】Say hot .But what is hot?Well, I know hot is the temperature goes up or the temperature rises to a higher degree. Hot is the temperature is high. That is hot.Ok, that&`&s all for today&`&s training, and I hope you all enjoyed it. I am your host Champion, and good bye till next time.
2/3/20151 minute, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork

【天气英语怎么说?】Say weather .But what is weather?

Hello, welcome to TenTenEnglish, and I am your host Champion at 每日英语优化。【天气英语怎么说?】Say weather .But what is weather?Well, I know weather when it is raining, when it is snowing, when it is a very hot day or a very cold day, or when it is a very comfortable day. That is weather.Ok, that&`&s all for today&`&s training, and I hope you all enjoyed it. I am your host Champion, and good bye till next time.
2/3/20151 minute, 36 seconds
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【“餐厅”英语怎么说?】Say restaurant. Well I know

Hello, welcome to TenTenEnglish, and I am your host Champion at 每日英语优化。【“餐厅”英语怎么说?】Say restaurant. Well I know it&`&s restaurant. But what is restaurant?Well, I know restaurant is a place or a room where waiters and waitresses work and where you can buy or order your breakfast, your lunch and you dinnerThat's restaurant.Ok, that&`&s all for today&`&s training, and I hope you all enjoyed it. I am your host Champion, and good bye till next time.
2/2/20151 minute, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

【“晚餐”英语怎么说?】Say dinner. Well I know it

Hello, welcome to TenTenEnglish, and I am your host Champion at 每日英语优化。【“晚餐”英语怎么说?】Say dinner. Well I know it&`&s dinner. But what is dinner?Well, I know dinner is supper. Dinner one of the three meals of the day. Dinner is the third meal and the last meal of the day in the evening. Dinner is the meal in the evening.That's dinner.Ok, that&`&s all for today&`&s training, and I hope you all enjoyed it. I am your host Champion, and good bye till next time.
2/2/20151 minute, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork

【“午餐”英语怎么说?】Say lunch. Well I know

Hello, welcome to TenTenEnglish, and I am your host Champion at 每日英语优化。【“午餐”英语怎么说?】Say lunch. Well I know it&`&s lunch. But what is lunch?Well, I know lunch one of the three meals of the day. Lunch is the second meal of the day at noon. Lunch is the meal at noon.That's breakfast.Ok, that&`&s all for today&`&s training, and I hope you all enjoyed it. I am your host Champion, and good bye till next time.
2/2/20151 minute
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【“早餐”英语怎么说?】Say breakfast. Well I know

Hello, welcome to TenTenEnglish, and I am your host Champion at 每日英语优化。【“早餐”英语怎么说?】Say breakfast. Well I know it&`&s breakfast. But what is breakfast?Well, I know breakfast one of the three meals of the day. Breakfast is the first meal of the day in the morning. Breakfast is the meal in the morning.That's breakfast.Ok, that&`&s all for today&`&s training, and I hope you all enjoyed it. I am your host Champion, and good bye till next time.
2/2/201558 seconds
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【“一日三餐”英语怎么说?】Say meal. Well I know it&`&s meal.

Hello, welcome to TenTenEnglish, and I am your host Champion at 每日英语优化。【“一日三餐”英语怎么说?】Say meal. Well I know it&`&s meal. But what is meal?Well, I know meal is your breakfast, your lunch and your dinner.. That&`&s meal.Ok, that&`&s all for today&`&s training, and I hope you all enjoyed it. I am your host Champion, and good bye till next time.
2/2/201552 seconds
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【“肚子饿”英语怎么说?】Say hungry. Well I know it's hungry

Hello, welcome to TenTenEnglish, and I am your host Champion at 每日英语优化。【“肚子饿”英语怎么说?】Say hungry. Well I know it&`&s hungry. But what is hungry?Well, I know hungry is you do not have any food in your stomach any more, or your stomach is empty and you want to eat something. That&`&s hungry.Ok, that&`&s all for today&`&s training, and I hope you all enjoyed it. I am your host Champion, and good bye till next time.
2/2/20151 minute, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

【“食物”英语怎么说?】Say food. Well I know it's food.

Hello, welcome to TenTenEnglish, and I am your host Champion at 每日英语优化。【“食物”英语怎么说?】Say food. Well I know it&`&s food. But what is food?Well, I know food is something or anything you eat to stop your hunger, such as bread, rice, noodles, fruits and vegetables. That&`&s food.Ok, that&`&s all for today&`&s training, and I hope you all enjoyed it. I am your host Champion, and good bye till next time.
2/2/20151 minute, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork

【 实用逆向英语音标】2、怎么划分音节?

2、 怎么“音节划分”? 一个单词有长有短,但单词只要出现两个音节以上,就出现所谓的“多音节词”,也必然产生“划分音节”问题,把一个长长的单词变成一个个的音节。平时我们所说的“划分音节”的意思就是这么来的。当教师对你说“给单词划分音节”时,教师的潜台词就是:这个单词太长了,请你把它划分成一个一个单独的音节。 怎么划分音节? 规律:除少数特殊情况外,你先数数单词里有几个“元音”,你就基本可以确定这个单词里有几个“音节”。 划分音节最简单的方法:按照“辅音+元音”的字母组合,基本就可以划定一个音节。1.development,划分成de-ve-lop-ment(-ment是我们后面专门学 习的固定音节) 2. element,划分成e-le-ment (e-单独成一个音节)3. liberation,划分成li-be-ra-tion (很规则的“辅音元音”组合,-tion 是我们后面专门学习的固定音节) 4. computer,划分成com-pu-ter5. information,划分成in-for-ma-tion(in-是后面专门学习的固定音节)6. security,划分成se-cu-ri-ty (很规则的“辅音元音”组合)7.revolution,划分成re-vo-lu-tion 8. population,划分成po-pu-la-tionTo be continued
2/2/20157 minutes, 55 seconds
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【 实用逆向英语音标】1、什么是音节?

1、什么是音节?1. 音节的困惑 对于英语语音不过关的学习者而言,对他们使用“音节”一词,比如说某某英语单词里有多少个音节,由多少个音节构成、某个音节读什么音、把这个单词的音节划分出来、这个音节要重读等。这是属于无效沟通的。 对于英语语音不过关的人来说,即使音节本来只是个很普通的专业术语概念,明白人一听就懂,但因为他们不懂音节是什么,所以,使用一些专业术语进行交流沟通,当然只能是无效沟通。他们听不懂。这是学习者对音节的最大困惑。2.从实用角度理解什么是音节 我们不要从太过于理论的角度去讲去记音节是什么。我们只从通俗易懂又实用的角度理解就好。 mother(母亲)这个单词我们都认识的。 但一般情况下,我们都是从“字母”的角度表达英语单词的构成,也就是说,英语单词mother是由m-o-t-h-e-r这几个英语字母构成的。这是认识英语单词最常用的方法,从字母去看单词。这种方法相信大家都不成问题,也非常熟悉。 那么,我们现在也可以从“语音”的角度去描述同样一个英语单词,也就是可以把“字母”说得再清楚具体一些。怎么说呢?我们可以在“字母”一词前面加上一些更加明确的字眼加以描述。同样清寒是mother这个单词,现在我们可以这么说:英语单词mother是“由辅音字母m、元音字母o、辅音字母th、元音字母o和辅音字母r构成的”。你看,现在我们把原来的“字母”二字分别拓展成了“辅音字母”和“元音字母”。有了这个基础,学习起音节就好懂多了。3.音节的通俗表达 按照上面“辅音字母”和“元音字母”的说法,英语语法规定:多数情况下,把一个或多个辅音字母和一个或多个元音字母组合在一起或划分在一起(辅音在左、元音右),我们就给这样的“组合”起了个专业名字或专业术语,我们不叫它“字母组合”,我们就叫它“音节”。 这就是英语“音节”的通俗易懂的理解。有这样的理解,其它的理论知识我们就没有必要过多学习了。实用为主。4.会把单词划分成“音节”了吗? 根据上面的学习,现在我们就不再用某某单词是有多少个英语字母构成这样的说法了。我们现在改成用“音节”来说同样的东西。 还是以单词mother为例子吧。 在英语单词mother中,mo-(一个辅音m+一个元音o),就是一个音节;-ther(两个辅音th+一个元音e+一个辅音r)又是一个音节。也就是说,英语单词mother里有“两个音节”。 再以father(父亲)这个单词为例子。 英语单词father里有fa-这个音节,还有-ther这个音节。也就是说father一词同样是由两个音节构成。 现在,我们再去听别人说“音节”二字,是不是就会明白人家是在讲什么了。 结论:我们不仅只习惯于以单个的英语字母为单位去看单词,我们更要以音节为单位去看一个英语单词。 所以,要想学好英语语音,你脑子里只有英语26个字母的概念是不够的。作为学好英语语音的基础,你脑子里没有“元音、辅音”的概念,没有英语“音节”的概念,你根本不可能把英语语音学好。(未完待续)
2/2/201510 minutes, 49 seconds
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1)-ment音节 观察以下单词,注意看它们共同的音节。moment(一会儿)apartment argument advancement appeasement argument department development elementengagement environment experiment fragmentgovernment improvement installment instrument judgment movement ornament refreshment
2/2/20154 minutes, 33 seconds
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【“昨天”英语怎么说?】Say yesterday. Well I know it's yesterday. But what i

Hello, welcome to TenTenEnglish, and I am your host Champion at 每日英语优化。【“昨天”英语怎么说?】Say yesterday. Well I know it's yesterday. But what is yesterday?Well I know yesterday is the day that goes before today, or yesterday is the day before today. That's yesterday.Ok, that's all for today's training, and I hope you all enjoyed it. I am your host Champion, and good bye till next time.
2/1/201546 seconds
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【“明天”英语怎么说?】Say tomorrow. Well I know it's tomorrow.

Hello, welcome to TenTenEnglish, and I am your host Champion at 每日英语优化。【“明天”英语怎么说?】Say tomorrow. Well I know it&`&s tomorrow. But what is tomorrow?Well I know tomorrow is the day that goes before today, or tomorrow is the day before today. That&`&s tomorrow.Ok, that&`&s all for today&`&s training, and I hope you all enjoyed it. I am your host Champion, and good bye till next time.
2/1/201547 seconds
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【“今天”英语怎么说?】Say today. But what is today?

Hello, welcome to TenTenEnglish, and I am your host Champion at 每日英语优化。【“今天”英语怎么说?】Say today. Well I know it&`&s tomorrow. But what is today?Well I know today is the day before tomorrow, and today is the day after yesterday. Today is the day now. That&`&s today.Ok, that&`&s all for today&`&s training, and I hope you all enjoyed it. I am your host Champion, and good bye till next time.
2/1/201548 seconds
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一堆朋友出去玩,如果有人行为乖张,屡屡引人侧目,大家就会齐声讨伐说:“别在这儿丢人现眼了!” 咱们今天来看看这句话的好多种英文表达方式,改天可以用英文讨伐这样的家伙。1. Don&`&t make a fool of yourself. 别丢人现眼了!2. Don&`&t play the fool. 别丢人了。3. Don&`&t make an ass out of yourself. 别现眼了。4. Stop acting like a fool. 别傻了。5. Think about where you are. 请注意场合。6. You should consider where you are. 请注意场合。7. Act your age. 你也不看看你多大了。8. You should act your age. 你也不看看你多大了。9. Behave in accordance with what is expected of your age! 你的行为举止应该跟你的年龄相符。10. You should behave more maturely. 你该表现得更成熟些。11. You shouldn&`&t act like a child. 别像个孩子似的。12. You should get your head out of the clouds. 你的想法太离谱了。13. Don&`&t make such stupid mistakes again! 别再犯这种愚蠢的错误了。@【优化英语口语控】公共微信号:TenTenEnglish栏目口号:英语首先是有声语言,英语是用耳朵听懂的,不是用眼睛看懂的
2/1/20156 minutes, 31 seconds
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01. You’re really killing me! 真是笑死我了!02. Are you by yourself? 你一个人来吗?03. Are you kidding me? 跟我开玩笑啊?04. Back in a moment! 马上回来!05. Boys will be boys! 本性难移!06. Come to the point! 有话直说!07. Do I have to? 我一定要做吗?08. Don't count on me! 别指望我!09. Don't fall for it! 别上当!10. Don't get me wrong! 你搞错了!11. Don't give me that! 少来这套!、12. Don't let me down! 别让我失望!13. Don't over do it! 别做过头了!14. Drop me a line! 要写信给我!15. Easy come easy go! 来得容易去也快!16. Get a move on! 快点吧!17. Give me a break! 饶了我吧!18. Glad you like it! 很高兴你喜欢!19. Great minds think alike! 英雄所见略同!20. He always talks big! 他老是吹牛!21. He's a double crosser! 他是个骗子!22. I cross my heart! 我发誓是真的!23. I just made it! 我做到了!24. I watch my money! 视财如命!25. I'll be right back! 我马上回来!26. I'll check it out! 我去查查看!27. I’ll see to it! 我会留意的!28. I'm down and out! 我穷困潦倒!29. I’m in a hurry! 我赶时间!30. I’m not that bad! 我没那么差吧?31. I’m short on cash! 我缺钱!32. I’ve got the blues! 我很郁闷!33. If I were you...=if I were in your shoes 如果我是你...34. It kills my eyes! 太好看了!35. It’s Greek to me! 我完全不懂!36. It’s no big deal! 没什么大不了的!37. It’s worth a try! 值得一试!38. Just wait and see! 等着瞧!39. Know what I mean? 明白我的意思吧?40. Let’s change the subject! 换个话题吧!41. My mouth is watering! 我要流口水了!42. No pain no gain! 吃一堑长一智!43. None of your business! 没你事!44. She’s under the weather! 她今天很忧郁!45. So far, so good! 还过得去!46. Speaking of the devil! 说曹操,曹操到!47. Stay away from me! 离我远点!48. That makes no difference! 不都一样吗?49. The walls have ears! 隔墙有耳!50. We better get going! 最好马上就走!51. We’re all for it! 我们都赞成!52. What’s on your mind? 你在想什么?53. You are the boss! 你是老大!54. You asked for it! 你自讨苦吃!55. You have my word! 我保证!56. You want a bet? 你敢打赌吗?@公共微信号:TenTenEnglish
2/1/201520 minutes, 48 seconds
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【超级实用的有声英语口语,快来听快来背呀】【优化英语口语控】微信公共号:TenTenEnglish1. Shut up! 闭嘴!2. Get up. 起床。3. Hurry up. 快点!4. Eat up. 吃光!5. Stand up. 站起来!6. What's up? 怎么了?7. Wake up. 醒来,起床。8. Speak up. 说大声点。9. Stay up. 熬夜,不睡觉。10. Clean up! 清理干净!
1/31/20151 minute, 59 seconds
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【超级实用的英语口语,快来听快来背呀】(1) 【优化英语口语控】微信号:TenTenEnglish 01. clock in 打卡   Don‘t forget to clock in, otherwise you won’t get paid. 别忘了打卡,否 则领不到钱。 02. come on to 对...轻薄;吃豆腐   Tanya slapped Bill after he came on to her. Tanya在Bill对她轻薄之后打了他 一巴掌。 03. come easily 易如反掌   Languages come easily to some people. 语言学习对有些人来说易如反掌。 04. Don’t have a cow 别大惊小怪   Don’t have a cow! I’ll pay for the damages. 别大惊小怪的!我会赔偿损失 的。 05. push around 欺骗   Don’t try to push me around! 别想耍我! 06. keep one’s shirt on 保持冷静   Keep your shirt on. He didn’t mean to offend you. That’s just the way he talks. 保持冷静。那只是他说话的惯常方式,他并非有意要冒犯你。 07. cool it 冷静一点   Cool it. You are making me mad. 冷静一点。你快把我逼疯了。 08. joy ride 兜风   Let’s go for a joy ride. 让我们去兜兜风。 09. rap 说唱乐   Do you like rap music? I have trouble understanding the words. 你喜欢说 唱音乐吗?我听不太懂其中的歌词。 10. red-letter day 大日子   This is a red-letter day for Susan. She made her first sale to a very important client. 今天是susan的大日子。她和一个非常重要的客户做成了第一 笔生意。 11. go up in smoke 成为泡影   Peter’s vacation plans went up in smoke when a crisis arose in the office. 办公室出了问题,peter的假期泡汤了。 12. hit the road 上路    We should probably hit the road. It’s going to take us two hours to get home. 我们可能该上路了吧?到家的两个小时呢! 13. shape up 表现良好,乖   You’d better shape up if you want to stay on. 如果你还想留下来的话最好 乖一点儿。14. scare the [脏话,已过滤] out of someone 吓死某人了   Don’t sneak up behind me like that. You scared the [脏话,已过滤] out of me. 不要那样从后面突然吓我。你吓死我了。 15. pull strings 运用关系(源于“拉木偶的线”)    He pulled some strings and managed to get us front row seats for the concert. 他运用关系替我们拿到音乐会前排的位子。 16. come again 再说一遍   Come again? I didn’t quite understand what you said. 再说一遍好吗?你 刚说的话我不明白。 17. come clean 全盘托出,招供   The criminal decided to come clean. 罪犯决定供出事实。 18. spring for 请客   Let me spring for dinner. 我来请客吃饭吧。 19. spill the beans 泄漏秘密   Don’t spill the beans. It’s supposed to be a secret. 别说漏了嘴,这可是 个秘密哦! 20. stick in the mud 保守的人   Cathy is such a stick in the mud. She never wants to try anything new. Cathy真保守,她从不想尝试新事物。 21. john 厕所   I have to go to the john. Wait for me in the car. 我要去厕所。在车里等我一 下。 22. keep in line 管束 He needs to be kept in line. He’s too wild. 他太野了,要好好管束一下。 23. jump the gun 草率行事   Don’t jump the gun. We have to be patient for a while. 不要草率行事。我 们应该耐心等一会儿。 24. jump to conclusion 妄下结论   Don’t jump to conclusion. We have to figure it out first. 不要妄下结论,先 把事情搞清楚。 25. lemon 次   This car is a real lemon. It has broken down four times.这辆车真次,已经坏 了四次了! 26. fishy 可疑的   His story sounds fishy. We should see if it’s really true. 他的故事听起来可 疑。我们应该看看到底是不是真的。 27. flip out 乐死了   Chris flipped out when I told him that we won the game. 我告诉克里斯我们 赢了时,他乐歪了。28. fix someone up 撮合某人   I think Xixi and Macaulay would make a perfect couple. Let’s fix them up. (Haha,just kidding 我想习习和 macaulay 会是理想的一对,我们来撮合他 们吧。(呵,开个玩笑,习习和macaulay不会生气吧?:) 29. take a shine to 有好感   He really likes you. There are very few people he takes a shine to right away. 他真的喜欢你。他很少对人一见面就有好感的。 30. third wheel 累赘,电灯泡   You two go on ahead. I don’t want to be a third wheel. 你们两个去好了, 我不想当电灯泡。 31. ripoff宰客、 骗人的东西   What a ripoff! The new car I bought doesn’t work! 真是个骗人货!我买的 新车启动不了! 32. rock the boat 找麻烦   Don’t rock the boat! Things are fine just the way they are. 别找麻烦了,事 情这样就够好了。 33. blow it 搞砸了,弄坏了   I blew it on that last exam. 我上次考试靠砸了。 hot water 有麻烦   He is in hot water with his girlfriend recently. 近段时间他跟女友的关系有点 僵。 35. put one’s foot in one’s mouth 祸从口出   Wally is always saying such stupid thing. He has a real talent for putting his foot in his mouth. 沃力尽说这种蠢话。他真有惹是生非的本事。   36. flop (表演、电影等)不卖座,失败   The movie was a flop. Nobody went to see it.这部电影卖座率奇低,没有人去 看。 37. drop in/by/over 随时造访   Feel free to drop in anytime. I’m usually home and I’d love the company. 欢迎随时来坐坐。我通常在家,也喜欢游人做伴。 38. drop a line 写信   Drop me a line! 给我写信!
1/31/201513 minutes, 13 seconds
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cafeteria 餐厅1. my breakfast in our school cafeteria (哪里的breakfast?)2. my breakfast in our school cafeteria, my breakfast in our school cafeteria, cafeteria, cafeteria, cafe-teria, cafe-teria, cafe-teria,,cafeteria, cafeteria my breakfast in our school cafeteria
1/31/20154 minutes, 27 seconds
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stadium 体育馆1. a football stadium (football 什么?)2. a football stadium a football stadium a football stadium,stadium, stadium, stad-ium, stad-ium,s tad-ium, stad-ium, stadium, stadium a football stadium
1/31/20154 minutes, 18 seconds
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【每日Inspirational名言】 Keep your eyes on the stars,

【每日Inspirational名言】 Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground.—Theodore Roosevelt双眼要紧盯住天上的星星,脚下则要踏稳坚实的土地。(美国前总统罗斯福)
1/31/201538 seconds
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【爱因斯坦 的“相对论”】When you are courting a nice girl

【爱因斯坦 的“相对论”】When you are courting a nice girl an hour seems like a second. When you sit on a red-hot cinder a second seems like an hour.That&`&s relativity—Albert Einstein当你和美女谈恋爱时,一小时好像只有一分钟。当你坐在火炉上时,一分钟好像一小时。这就是相对论。(爱伯特 爱因斯坦)
1/30/201548 seconds
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【Wisdom智慧正能量】Do not go where the path may lead, go instead

【Wisdom智慧正能量】Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.—Ralph Waldo Emerson不要跟着有现成的路的地方走。相反,走没有路的地方,留下你的足迹。(R.W.爱默生)
1/30/201537 seconds
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【Inspirational励志正能量】 A good head and a good heart are

【Inspirational励志正能量】 A good head and a good heart are always a formidable combination.—Nelson Mandela头有睿智,心有善良,这永远是坚不可摧的一对组合。(纳尔逊 马德拉)
1/30/201535 seconds
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【Wisdom智慧名言】 Discipline is the bridge

【Wisdom智慧名言】 Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.—Jim Rohn训练有素乃连接目标和达成两岸间的那座大桥。(Jim Rohn)
1/30/201536 seconds
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【林肯名言】You may fool all the people some of the time.

【林肯名言】You may fool all the people some of the time. You may even fool some of the people all the time. But you can never fool all the people all the time—Albert Lincoln. 你也许可以做到把所有的人都愚弄于一些时段。你甚至可以做到把一些人愚弄于所有的时段。但是,你做不到把所有的人都愚弄于所有的时段。(林肯)
1/30/201551 seconds
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【贝多芬名言】I shall seize fate by the throat; it shall certainly

【贝多芬名言】I shall seize fate by the throat; it shall certainly never wholly overcome me.I shall seize Fate by the throat; it shall certainly not bend and crush me completely."—— Ludwig v Beethoven 我要紧紧扼住命运的咽喉,它绝不能让我屈服(贝多芬)(原话为德语,因此英语也有多种用词)
1/30/201541 seconds
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【英语里的中国成语】Failure is not falling down.Failure is refusing to get up.

【英语里的中国成语】Failure is not falling down.Failure is refusing to get up.-Chinese proverb 失败,不是跌倒。失败,是不愿意再爬起来。(中国成语)
1/30/201553 seconds
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澳大利亚老歌《羊毛剪子咔嚓响 Click Go the Shears》

Down by the board the old shearer stands Grasping his shears in his thin bony hands (瘦骨嶙峋的两手)Fixed is his gaze on a bare-bellied "joe" (光肚皮的老羊)Glory if he gets her, won&`&t he make the ringer goClick go the shears boys, click, click, clickWide is his bow and his hands move quick The ringer looks around and is beaten by a blowAnd curses the old snagger with the bare-bellied "joe"
1/30/20153 minutes, 44 seconds
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Billy Boy, Billy Boy

Oh where have you been Billy Boy Billy BoyOh where have you been charming BillyI have been to seek a wife She is the joy of my life She is a young thing and can not leave her motherDid she bid you to come in Billy Boy Billy Boy?Did she bid you to come in, charming Billy?yes, she bid me to come inThere’s a dimple on her chin,She is a young thing and can not leave her mother
1/30/20152 minutes, 1 second