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Talk To Me In Korean

English, Education, 1 season, 166 episodes, 1 day, 14 hours, 7 minutes
The key to learning Korean is how easy it is to stay motivated to learn the language. At, we provide a systematic curriculum of easy-to-follow lessons, and a wide selection of self-study Korean-learning books!
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Recovering From a Cold

Here are the words we talk about in this episode! For a more systematic learning experience, please visit us at 감사합니다! 감기 / 열 / 열이 나다 / 미열 / 고열 / 삼십육 점 오 도 / 섭씨 / 화씨 / 증상 / 두통 / 머리가 아프다 /  편두통 / 기침 / 재채기 / 에취 / 기침이 나오다 / 헛기침을 하다 / 콜록콜록 / 콜록거리다 / 아침부터 콜록거리네. 어디 아파? / 까딱까딱 / 까딱거리다 / 식욕이 없다 해열제 / 진통제 / 두통약 / 기침가래약 / 링거 / 링거 맞았어요. / 수액 / 주사기 / 주사 / 주사 맞다 / 영양 주사 / 비타민 주사 / 생강차 / 꿀물 / 쌍화차  백신 / 예방 접종 / 예방 주사 / 면역력 / 빨리 나아. 빨리 나으세요. / 푹 쉬세요. / 일 생각하지 말고 푹 쉬세요! / 빨리 회복하세요. / 빠른 쾌유를 빕니다.
1/26/202428 minutes, 5 seconds
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House Tour In Korean

Here are the words we talk about in this episode! For a more systematic learning experience, please visit us at 감사합니다! 가구 / 방 / 침실 / 안방 / 안주인 / 거실 / 리빙 룸 / 침실 / 아이들 방 / 애들 방 / 침대 방 / 공부방 / 서재 / 주방 / 부엌 / 베란다 / 발코니 / 책상 / 높이 조절 책상 / 모션 데스크 / 스탠딩 데스크 / 화장대 / 전자 제품 / 세탁기 / 건조기 / 건조대 / 밥솥 / 전기 밥솥 / 반찬 / 냉장고 / 냉장실 / 냉동실 / 닭 가슴살 / 전자레인지 / 욕조 / 찜질방 / 목욕탕 / 빌라 / 아파트 / 고층 아파트 / 단지 / 커뮤니티 시설 / 세대수 / 오피스텔 / 다세대 주택 / 단독 주택 / 전원 주택 / 복층
1/19/202421 minutes, 25 seconds
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How do you say a car's "steering wheel" in Korean?

Here are the words we talk about in this episode! For a more systematic learning experience, please visit us at 감사합니다! 자동차 / 차 / 자동문 / 자동으로 / 차 온다. / 차 조심해. / 전기차 / 내연 기관차 / 운전 / 운전 면허 / 면허증 / 주차 / 주차장 / 바퀴 / 휠 / 와이퍼 / 핸들 / 사이드 미러 / 백미러 / 룸 미러 / 창문 / 차창 / 앞 유리 / 전면 유리 / 썬팅 / 틴팅 / 노틴팅  변속기 / 1단 기어 / 2단 기어 / 3단 기어 / 기어를 3단에 놓다 / 좌석 / 앞좌석 / 뒷좌석 / 조수석 / 운전석 / 주유 / 주유하다 / 주유소 / 충전 / 충전소 / 세차 / 세차장 / 신차 / 신차를 사다 / 새 차를 뽑다 / 중고차 / 출고 / 초보 운전 / 전면 주차 / 평행 주차 / 페리
1/12/202430 minutes, 13 seconds
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Beauty and Make-up in Korean!

Here are the words we talk about in this episode! For a more systematic learning experience, please visit us at 감사합니다! 뷰티 / 화장 / 헤어 / 뷰티 산업 / 뷰티 업계 / 뷰티 유튜버 / 아름답다 / 아름다움 / 메이크업 / 메이크업을 받다 / 오늘 화장했어? / 오늘 제 화장 어때요? / 화장 잘 어울려요. / 화장 잘됐어요. / 미용 / 미용실 / 이발소 / 바버샵 / 목욕탕 / 화장법 / 화장법을 바꾸다 / 유행하는 화장법 / 화장실 / 파우더룸 / 탈의실 / 피팅룸 / 립스틱 / 립스틱을 바르다 / 립스틱을 지우다 / 립스틱이 지워지다 / 립스틱이 묻다 / 립스틱 자국 / 아이섀도 / 파운데이션 / 파운데이션을 바르다 / 블러셔 / 볼터치 / 마스카라 / 아이라이너 / 퍼스널 컬러 / 피부 / 기름기 / 유분 / 건성 / 지성 
1/5/202422 minutes, 3 seconds
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Let's Talk About Language Learning!

Here are the words we talk about in this episode! For a more systematic learning experience, please visit us at 감사합니다! 언어 / 외국어 / 영어 / 프랑스어 / 불어 / 스페인어 / 공부하다 / 학습하다 / 배우다 / 학습자 / 능력 / 실력 / 초능력 / 능력이 있다 / 능력이 없다 / 저는 날 수 있는 능력은 없어. / 내 능력 밖의 일이야. / 실력이 좋아지다 / 실력이 나빠지다 / 수학 능력 / 듣기 / 읽기 / 말하기 / 쓰기 / 문법 / 단어 / 발음 / 언어 교환 / 물물 교환 / 교환, 취소, 환불 / 초급 / 중급 / 고급 / 원어민 수준 / 식은 죽 먹기 / 단어가 생각이 안 나다 / 말문이 막히다 / 어이가 없다 / 말을 더듬다 / 다른 뜻으로 오해하다 / 오류 / 오타 / 공부를 해도 실력이 늘지 않는다 / 언어를 구사하다 / n개국어 / 0개국어 / 언어를 배울 때 중요한 것 / 꾸준함 / 동기 / 동기 부여 / 임무를 부여하다 / 역할을 부여하다 / 학습법
12/29/202327 minutes, 7 seconds
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Celebrating Christmas in Korea!

Here are the words we talk about in this episode! For a more systematic learning experience, please visit us at 감사합니다! 크리스마스 / 겨울 방학 / 산타 (클로스) / 산을 타다 / 등산하다 / 굴뚝 / 산타 할아버지 / 루돌프 / 썰매 / 선물 / 선물 주고받으세요? / 캐롤 / 캐롤송 / 한국에서 가장 유명한 캐롤은? / 메리 크리스마스 / 미리 크리스마스 / 미리 메리 크리스마스 / 크리스마스 잘 보내세요. / 크리스마스 재밌게 보내세요. / 즐거운 크리스마스 되세요. /  크리스마스 트리를 꾸미다 / 장식하다 / 꾸미고 나왔어요. / 불금 / 크리스마스 마켓 / 화이트 크리스마스 / 성탄절 / 연인과 보내는 시간 / 크리스마스 음식 / 크리스마스에 사귄 지 100일 기념 / 봉숭아 물 들이기 
12/22/202328 minutes, 18 seconds
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How do you celebrate the New Year?

Here are the words we talk about in this episode! For a more systematic learning experience, please visit us at 감사합니다! 시간이 빠르다 / 연말연시 / 연말 / 주말 / 월말 / 학기 말 / 기말 고사 / 월말 고사 / 월초 / 학기 초 / 연초 / 시작 / 연말 분위기 / 연말에 특별히 하는 거 있으세요? / 연초에 특별히 하는 거 있으세요? / 연말 파티 / 한 해 / 일년 / 일년이 지나갔다 / 한 해가 끝나다 / 선물 / 선물을 주고받다 / 새해 결심 / 다짐 / 목표 / 송년회 / 신년회 / 운동 / 다이어트 / 공부 / 회고 / 기부 / 기부금 / 주위 사람들에게 감사한 마음을 전하다 / 제야의 종 / 불꽃놀이 / 소원 / 소원을 빌다
12/15/202319 minutes, 57 seconds
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Common Mistakes by Korean Learners

✨ TTMIK Course Yearly Subscription Sale ✨ (Ends Dec 14 at 11 a.m. KST) Enjoy the first year of an annual subscription at only $61!❣️ Here are the words we talk about in this episode! For a more systematic learning experience, please visit us at 감사합니다! In this episode, we are introducing some common mistakes that Korean learners make. This episode is based on our book "Common Mistakes Korean Learners Make" and you can get your copy at
12/8/202320 minutes, 4 seconds
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Korean Words You Love!

✨ TTMIK Course Yearly Subscription Sale ✨ (Ends Dec 14 at 11 a.m. KST) Enjoy the first year of an annual subscription at only $61!❣️ Here are the words we talk about in this episode! For a more systematic learning experience, please visit us at 감사합니다! 권태기 / 권태기를 겪다 / 권태기를 겪고 있다 / 떡볶이 권태기 / 얼태기 / 얼태기를 극복하다 / 외모 / 여유 / 배터리 여유 있어요. / 시간 여유 / 시간적 여유 / 여유를 가지다 / 여유를 가지고 책을 읽었어요. / 여유를 가지고 한국어 공부를 했어요. / 여유가 없다 / 금전적 여유 / 타다 / 탈 것 / 자전거를 타다 / 추위를 타다 / 눈물 / 물고기 / 손목 / 눈물을 흘리다 / 눈물을 흘리고 있었어요. / 눈물을 흘렸어요. / 눈물이 고이다 / 눈물이 나다 / 눈물이 앞을 가리다 / 아무튼 / 아... 그렇구나. / 아, 그렇군요. / 아무튼 그랬어.
12/1/202315 minutes, 13 seconds
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Social media - How are you using it for your benefit?

Here are the words we talk about in this episode! For a more systematic learning experience, please visit us at 감사합니다! 소셜 미디어 / 소셜 미디어 많이 하세요? / 너무 많이 한다고 느낄 때도 있나요? / 친구들이 어떻게 지내는지 알 수 있어요. / 아이디어 내는 데에 도움이 많이 돼요. / 인스타그램 '탐색' 탭에서 '관심 없음'을 눌러서 관심 없는 포스트를 가려요. / 연예인 뉴스를 안 봐요. / 소셜 미디어를 너무 많이 쓰면 시간 낭비를 하게 돼요. / 언어 공부에 소셜 미디어를 활용해요. / 이용하다 vs. 활용하다 / 소셜 미디어를 얼마나 쓰면 너무 많이 쓴다고 생각하세요? / 건강한 소셜 미디어 사용 / 생산적이고 교육적인 콘텐츠 / 소셜 미디어를 쇼핑에 활용하다
11/24/202314 minutes, 39 seconds
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How do you manage your work-life balance?

✨ TTMIK BOOK SALE ✨ (November 1 - 21) Finally! Our book shipping just got much cheaper! Start shopping now! Thank you for listening to our podcast to learn more Korean! Here are some essential keywords and expressions mentioned in this episode. 워라밸 / 워라밸을 유지하다 / 애매한 영역 / 대상포진 / 충격을 받다 / 경고 / 내가 즐기는 것 / 심심하다 Please visit us on our website at for our full systematic Korean curriculum!
11/17/202313 minutes, 32 seconds
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Save up to 15% on our books right now!

Finally! Our book shipping just got much cheaper! Start shopping now!
11/13/20231 minute, 53 seconds
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How do you make big decisions?

✨ TTMIK BOOK SALE ✨ (November 1 - 21) Finally! Our book shipping just got much cheaper! Start shopping now! Here are the words we talk about in this episode! For a more systematic learning experience, please visit us at 감사합니다! 큰 결정을 어떻게 내리나요? / 결정을 내리다 / 결론을 내리다 / 생각을 많이 하다 / 한꺼번에 / 결정을 빨리 내리다 / 장점, 단점 / 부작용 / 표를 만들다 / 후회하다 / 신중하다 / 결혼 / n년 단위 / 계약을 깨다 / 최고의 결정을 내리려고 하기보다, 결정을 좋은 것으로 만들면 된다. / 한두 푼 하는 것이 아니다.
11/10/202313 minutes, 36 seconds
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What's on your mind?

✨ TTMIK BOOK SALE ✨ (November 1 - 21) Finally! Our book shipping just got much cheaper! Start shopping now! Here are the words we talk about in this episode! For a more systematic learning experience, please visit us at 감사합니다! 고민 요즘 생각하는 것 내가 바라는 하루 일과   바라다 일찍 일어나다 운동하다 회의 저녁을 먹다 아이들과 놀다 불평할 여지가 없다 시간 관리 포기하다  자기 계발 아이들 교육 용기 예쁘게 봐 주다 내 주변에는 어떤 사람들이 있나?  친절하다 다른 사람을 욕하다 특이한 직업 기업가 소셜 미디어  시간을 정해 두고 보다
11/3/202320 minutes, 15 seconds
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Hyunwoo didn't know these body part names in Korean?

Here are the words we talk about in this episode! For a more systematic learning experience, please visit us at 감사합니다! 신체 부위  몸 머리카락 머리  손톱 발톱 톱 전기톱 손톱을 자르다 손톱을 깎다 네일 케어, 네일 아트  네일 하다 손 손바닥 발바닥 손등 발등 손목 발목 무릎 팔꿈치 발꿈치 주름 팔자 주름  눈가 주름  주름 잡다 굳은살 애교 살 볼살  입술산 동공 지진  간  간이 크다 간이 콩알만 해지다  눈에는 눈, 이에는 이 발끝에도 못 미치다
10/27/202323 minutes, 22 seconds
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Competing for the Gold Medal

Here are the words we talk about in this episode! For a more systematic learning experience, please visit us at 감사합니다! 메달 금메달 은메달 동메달 메달을 따다 이기다/승리하다 지다 비기다, 동점 선수 코치 감독 경기 경기장 종목 관중 응원 관중석 국가 대표 국대 승부 진땀 승부 명승부 승부를 가르다 하계 올림픽, 동계 올림픽 겨울 스포츠 졌잘싸 경기 내용  연패(연달아 지다, 연달아 이기다) 매매 손에 땀을 쥐다 경기가 흥미진진하다
10/20/202321 minutes, 32 seconds
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Let's Go Grocery Shopping

Here are the words we talk about in this episode! For a more systematic learning experience, please visit us at 감사합니다! 식곤증  장보기  장 보다 일(을) 보다 / 볼 일이 있다 애를 보다  슈퍼마켓 마트 대형 마트 카트 장바구니 가격 할인 / 세일  코너 식품 코너 육류 / 고기  과일  야채  유제품  해산물 시식 코너  시음 / 시승 / 시착  생활 용품 코너 주류 코너 잔 / 오프너  유통기한 소비기한 유기농 원산지  국내산  무인 판매점 무인도 / 무인기  1인 가구  밀키트 무인 카페 무인 문구점 무인 아이스크림 가게 새벽 배송 일반 배송 새벽 배송 안 함
10/13/202318 minutes, 44 seconds
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K-Drama Vocabuarly in "Moving"

Here are the words we talk about in this episode! For a more systematic learning experience, please visit us at 감사합니다! 초능력 superpowers 초감각 / 시력 / 청력 (enhanced senses / vision / hearing)  하늘을 나는 능력 / 비행 (flight)   투시 능력 (x-ray vision)  괴력 (superstrength)  회복 능력 (healing)  재생 능력 (regeneration) 전기 (electricity) 사이코메트리 (psychometry) 요원 (agent)  안기부 (Korean Central Intelligency Agency; 국가안전기획부)  국정원 (National Intelligence Service)  중앙정보부(1961~1981) → 안기부(1981~1999) → 국정원(1999~현재)  북한말 (North Korean accent)  능력자 ➝ 기력자 초능력자 ➝ 초인민  -겠 = -갔 (알겠지? - 알갔디?) 
10/6/202319 minutes, 30 seconds
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Fruitful Conversation

Here are the words we talk about in this episode! For a more systematic learning experience, please visit us at 감사합니다! 과일 사과 바나나 껍질  껍질을 까다  농약 배 포도 참외 수박 상큼하다 새콤하다 달다 스윗하다 당도 당이 떨어지다 혈당 당도가 높다 신선하다 과육 과즙 씨  껍질째  통째, 통째로  아삭아삭하다 아삭하다 바삭하다 톡톡 터지다 부드럽다 물컹하다 물복 = 물컹한 복숭아 딱복 = 딱딱한 복숭아 열대 과일 열대 지방 수입 과일 수출 제철 과일 건조 과일 말린 과일 건조기 음식 건조기 건망고 건블루베리
9/29/202321 minutes, 55 seconds
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What's Your Favorite Animal?

Here are the words we talk about in this episode! For a more systematic learning experience, please visit us at 감사합니다! 개 강아지 고양이 너구리 비둘기 호랑이 사자 수컷 암컷 암수 새끼 뿔 꼬리 꼬리를 치다 꼬리가 길면 밟힌다 깃털 비늘 발톱 날개 부리 반려동물 가축 야생 동물 육식 동물 초식 동물 잡식 동물 멸종 위기 먹이 사슬
9/22/202321 minutes, 32 seconds
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Parenting Essential Vocabulary

Here are the words we talk about in this episode! For a more systematic learning experience, please visit us at 감사합니다! 육아  아이를 키우는 것  부모가 된다는 것 양육  조카  아기  갓난아기  신생아  어린이 청소년  사춘기  중2병 어린이집 어린이집에 보내다 유치원 얼집   키즈 카페 키카  맘 카페 독박 육아 육아 스트레스  육퇴 (육아 퇴근)  육아 휴직
9/15/202322 minutes, 2 seconds
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All About Social Media

Here are the words we talk about in this episode! For a more systematic learning experience, please visit us at 감사합니다! 소셜 미디어 인스타그램 / 인스타 인스타 하세요? SNS 계정 계정을 만들다 계정을 지우다 인스타 계정 알려 주세요. 좋아요 '좋아요'가 달리다 팔로우 언팔로우 프로필 인플루언서 포스트 Check out our book, "My First Writing Practice In Korean": 공유하기 알림 알림 설정 구독하기 구독, 좋아요, 알림 설정 잊지 마세요. 알고리즘을 타다 = 바이럴되다 터지다 차단하다 차단 당하다 좋댓구알 인친 인스스 중독 도파민 중독 디지털 디톡스
9/8/202321 minutes, 53 seconds
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Essential Hanja Words

한자  [Book] Your First Hanja Guide  자 - 여자, 남자, 제자, 자식, 의자, 액자, 탁자, 왕자  중 - 중심, 중단, 집중, 중간, 중독, 중급  다 - 다양하다, 다행, 다정, 다수, 다수결, 다급  지 - 지구, 지하, 지하실, 지상, 지하철, 지진  특 - 특별하다, 특집, 납량특집, 독특하다, 특권, 특기, 기특하다 점 - 점수, 좋은 점, 나쁜 점, 장점, 단점, 강점, 약점, 원점
9/1/202324 minutes, 48 seconds
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Binge-watching Korean Dramas

Here are the words we talk about in this episode! For a more systematic learning experience, please visit us at 감사합니다! 드라마를 보다 시험을 보다 면접을 보다 드라마를 시청하다 시청자 웹 드라마 막장 드라마 본방송 재방송 발연기 주인공 주연 주연 배우 여주인공 여주 남주인공 남주 조연 오프닝 곡 엔딩 곡 예고편 뻔한 결말 뻔하다 정주행하다 감초 참신하다 진부하다 신파 신파극
8/25/202316 minutes, 18 seconds
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Do you know these K-Pop terms?

Here are the words we talk about in this episode! For a more systematic learning experience, please visit us at 감사합니다! 아이돌  연습생 안무 안무가 최애 차애 방송 라방 (라이브 방송)  첫방 막방 컴백 굿즈 덕질 떼창 칼군무 역주행 (차트 역주행)  성덕 (성공한 덕후)  조공 역조공 월클 (월드 클래스) 
8/18/202320 minutes, 54 seconds
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Powerful Korean Idioms!

Here are the words we talk about in this episode! For a more systematic learning experience, please visit us at 감사합니다! This episode is based on our popular book, Everyday Korean Idiomatic Expressions. Check out the book to learn useful idiomatic expressions more systematically:  발이 넓다 귀가 얇다 입이 짧다  배가 아프다  반반 짬짜면 (짬뽕 + 짜장면)  Check out our "반반 한국어 – Half in Korean & Half in English" course here: 김칫국부터 마시다  매운맛을 보여 주다 눈이 높다  눈을 낮추다 모르는 게 약이다 분위기에 휩쓸리다 손꼽아 기다리다 가슴에 와닿다  앞뒤가 막히다
8/11/202321 minutes, 36 seconds
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I Am Bad With Directions!

Here are the words we talk about in this episode! For a more systematic learning experience, please visit us at 감사합니다! [location name]에 가려면 어떻게 해야 돼요?  [location name]에 가려면 어떻게 가야 돼요? [location name]에 어떻게 가요?  쭉 가다  직진 직진하다 꺾다 왼쪽으로 꺾다 오른쪽으로 꺾다 빨대를 꺾다 목을 꺾다 꽃을 꺾다 나뭇가지를 꺾다 신호등 신호 저 앞 신호에서  사거리 네거리  삼거리  오거리  로터리 회전 교차로  길치  음치 방향치  내비게이션 인간 내비 내비를 찍다  길막  길이 막히다  지도를 보다 현 위치  목적지  동서남북 OO분 소요 예정 경로 음소거 경로가 변경되었습니다. 경로를 이탈하였습니다. 지도를 재설정하다
8/4/202323 minutes, 4 seconds
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Fun Korean Slang Expressions!

Here are the words we talk about in this episode! For a more systematic learning experience, please visit us at 감사합니다! Get our book Korean Slang Expressions on our website! (Fast international shipping available)   개고생 개웃기다  개나소나 당근 아점 점저 야식 강추 뺨 치다 눈이 맞다 득템 개판 오분전 갑질 낚이다 빡세다 쩔다
7/28/202322 minutes, 10 seconds
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It's Only a Matter of Time.

Here are the words we talk about in this episode! For a more systematic learning experience, please visit us at 감사합니다! 시간 시간이 가다 시간이 흐르다 시간의 흐름  시간이 빠르다 시간이 느리다  시간이 약이다 시간이 금이다  시간 가는 줄 모르다 시간이 지나다  시간이 경과하다 시간을 때우다 시간 싸움 시간 문제  시간에 쫓기다  시간이 촉박하다  시간에 맞추다 시간이 남아돌다 시간을 끌다  시간 개념이 없다
7/21/202317 minutes, 36 seconds
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Let's Talk About Feelings

Here are the words we talk about in this episode! For a more systematic learning experience, please visit us at 감사합니다! 슬프다 기쁘다 화나다  화재 방화 방화범 화내다 짜증 나다 짜증 내다 즐겁다 행복하다 마음이 쓰이다 마음이 안 좋다 마음이 좀 그렇다 마음이 이랬다저랬다 하다 Learn more idiomatic expressions including the word "마음" on our website: 답답하다 Check out our YouTube video about "답답하다":  서운하다  킹받다 (slang) 양가감정 감정 쓰레기통
7/14/202320 minutes, 36 seconds
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Important Changes to TTMIK Podcasts

안녕하세요! We are making some changes to our podcast feeds, and our Korean grammar lessons are now only available on our website at Our current on-going podcast show will continue to be published here, so stay tuned for more episodes!
7/7/20233 minutes, 20 seconds
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How Do You Relieve Stress?

Here are the words we talk about in this episode! For a more systematic learning experience, please visit us at 감사합니다! 스트레스 OO가 스트레스다 OO 때문에 스트레스다  OO 때문에 스트레스를 받다  OO 때문에 스트레스가 쌓이다 스트레스를 주다 스트레스를 풀다 문제를 풀다 문제를 해결하다  신발 끈을 풀다  스트레스가 풀리다 스트레스를 날려 버리다 스트레스를 푸는 방법 매운 음식  맛있는 거 먹기 단 거 먹기 당 충전 폭식 쇼핑  금융 치료  스트레스성 스트레스성 복통 스트레스성 탈모 스트레스성 폭식 스트레스성 위염 신경성 신경성 두통 신경성 위염 만병의 원인
7/7/202316 minutes, 37 seconds
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I Love Summer!

✨ TTMIK SUMMER SALE ✨  TTMIK Yearly Subscription is 50% off & Books are up to 15% off now! Here are the words we talk about in this episode! For a more systematic learning experience, please visit us at 감사합니다!   여름 빙수  팥빙수 아이스크림 막대 아이스크림 소프트 아이스크림  아이스크림 콘 젤라또  콩국수 냉면 물냉면 비빔냉면 수박 참외 삼계탕 초복, 중복, 말복  초여름 늦여름 한여름 더위 땀 땀을 흘리다 땀이 나다 습도 장마 여름 휴가 여름 방학 모기 무더위 불볕더위 폭염주의보 발령  폭염 후텁지근하다 열대야 
6/30/202319 minutes, 58 seconds
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Going to My Friend's Wedding in Korea

Here are the words we talk about in this episode! For a more systematic learning experience, please visit us at 감사합니다! 결혼식 결혼식장 웨딩홀 웨딩 컨벤션 식장 신부 신랑 신랑 신부 결혼반지 예비 신랑 예비 신부 예비 식량 예비비 예랑 / 예신  상견례 한정식 파혼 웨딩 사진 웨딩 촬영 청첩장 초대장 축의금 청첩장 모임 청모 모바일 청첩장  사회를 보다  사회자 주례 주례 선생님 축사 축가 축하 공연
6/23/202320 minutes, 9 seconds
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How Often Do You Go to the Movies?

Here are the words we talk about in this episode! For a more systematic learning experience, please visit us at 감사합니다! 영화를 찍다  영화를 촬영하다 OO 배우가 OO 영화를 찍었어요 영화 촬영지 영화를 보다 영화관 영화가 나오다 영화가 개봉하다 영화표  영화가 흥행하다 흥망 흥행작 손익분기점 천 만 영화 천 만 배우 영화가 망하다 망작 주인공 주연 / 주연 배우  남자 주인공 남주 여자 주인공 여주  조연  조연 배우 영화평론가 리뷰어 호평 혹평 호평일색 혹평일색  작품성 손익분기점
6/16/202313 minutes, 41 seconds
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How Do You Manage Your Money?

Here are the words we talk about in this episode! For a more systematic learning experience, please visit us at 감사합니다! 돈  돈을 벌다 돈을 쓰다  돈을 모으다 돈을 아껴 쓰다  아끼다  카드 체크 카드 현금 카드 신용 카드 신용 점수  카드를 쓰다/사용하다 카드를 긁다  등을 긁다  현금 지폐 동전 오락실 재테크 재테크 하다 재테크 잘하다  투자 투자하다 저축  저축하다  저축해 두다  돈을 펑펑 쓰다 돈을 물 쓰듯 쓰다  티끌 모아 태산 표어  티끌 모아 티끌  경제관념이 좋다/뚜렷하다/있다 경제관념이 없다 돈을 낭비하다 통장 텅장
6/9/202320 minutes, 11 seconds
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[My First Korean Phrases] 20. 보고 싶어요.

Learn Korean in slow & easy Korean! Today's expression is "보고 싶어요." If you want full transcripts, translations and review quizzes for this episode, click here: This course, My First Korean Phrases, is designed for Korean beginners who aim to learn Korean in Korean! Let's have another fun lesson with Seung-wan and Yeji! 승완 선생님, 예지 선생님이랑 재밌게 한국어 공부해 봐요!
6/7/20235 minutes, 29 seconds
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Do You Have a Green Thumb?

Here are the words we talk about in this episode! For a more systematic learning experience, please visit us at 감사합니다! 식물  심다 동물 물 흙 사랑 해 햇빛 물 바람 꽃 열매 과일 열매를 맺다 뿌리  뿌리를 내리다 줄기 잎 나뭇잎 잎사귀 이파리 꽃이 피다 꽃을 피우다 쑥쑥 자라다 실력이 쑥쑥 늘다 머리(카락)가 쑥쑥 자라다 키가 쑥쑥 자라다 꽃이 시들다 꽃이 죽다 화분을 죽이다 식물을 죽이다 생화 꽃다발 조화 인조 식물 인공 인공 지능 인조 잔디 반려 식물 식물 집사 병충해 과습 직사광선
6/2/202318 minutes, 46 seconds
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[My First Korean Phrases] 19. 헷갈렸어요.

Learn Korean in slow & easy Korean! Today's expression is "힘들어요." If you want full transcripts, translations and review quizzes for this episode, click here: This course, My First Korean Phrases, is designed for Korean beginners who aim to learn Korean in Korean! Let's have another fun lesson with Seung-wan and Yeji! 승완 선생님, 예지 선생님이랑 재밌게 한국어 공부해 봐요!
5/31/20235 minutes, 55 seconds
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How Do You Stay In Shape?

Here are the words we talk about in this episode! For a more systematic learning experience, please visit us at 감사합니다!   건강 건강하다 건강해지다  운동 튼튼하다  건강을 지키다 건강을 잃다  건강이 좋아지다 건강이 나빠지다  건강을 챙기다 잘 먹다 삼시 세끼를 챙겨 먹다  영양제 잠을 잘 자다 숙면 수면 체력 체력이 좋다 체력이 안 좋다 숙면을 취하다 숨이 차다  걱정 염려 건강 염려증  홈 트레이닝 홈트  정신 건강  명상 인바디  몸의 성분 체지방 근육량  비만 지수  인바디를 하다 인바디를 재다
5/26/202318 minutes, 38 seconds
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[My First Korean Phrases] 18. 힘들어요.

Learn Korean in slow & easy Korean! Today's expression is "힘들어요." If you want full transcripts, translations and review quizzes for this episode, click here: This course, My First Korean Phrases, is designed for Korean beginners who aim to learn Korean in Korean! Let's have another fun lesson with Seung-wan and Yeji! 승완 선생님, 예지 선생님이랑 재밌게 한국어 공부해 봐요!
5/24/20235 minutes, 44 seconds
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Let's Go to the Market

Here are the words we talk about in this episode! For a more systematic learning experience, please visit us at 감사합니다! 시장 시장이 반찬 장 보다 먹자골목 길거리 음식 꽃 시장 수산 시장 야시장 전통 시장 재래시장 백화점 마트 주식 시장 교육 시장 떨이 덤 인심 정   흥정 바가지 바가지를 씌우다  눈탱이 맞다 폐업 세일
5/19/202319 minutes, 19 seconds
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[My First Korean Phrases] 17. 잘 부탁합니다.

Learn Korean in slow & easy Korean! Today's expression is "잘 부탁합니다." If you want full transcripts, translations and review quizzes for this episode, click here: This course, My First Korean Phrases, is designed for Korean beginners who aim to learn Korean in Korean! Let's have another fun lesson with Seung-wan and Yeji! 승완 선생님, 예지 선생님이랑 재밌게 한국어 공부해 봐요!
5/17/20235 minutes, 14 seconds
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Here are the words we talk about in this episode! For a more systematic learning experience, please visit us at 감사합니다! 자기계발 개발 계발  독서 책 읽기  자기계발서  운동 요가  일찍 일어나기  일찍 자기  외국어 공부  글쓰기  My First Writing Practice In Korean:  동기 동기 부여 동기 부여를 하다 동기 부여를 받다 동기 부여가 잘 되어 있다  꾸준함 꾸준히 목표 목표를 세우다 목표를 설정하다 목표를 이루다 의지 의지력  의지력이 강하다/약하다 의지가 있다/없다 노력  자기 관리 피부 관리 시간 확보 갓생 갓생을 살다 취미 부자 아들 부자 딸부자 자격증  인강 
5/15/202319 minutes
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[My First Korean Phrases] 16. 너무해요.

Learn Korean in slow & easy Korean! Today's expression is "너무해요." If you want full transcripts, translations and review quizzes for this episode, click here: This course, My First Korean Phrases, is designed for Korean beginners who aim to learn Korean in Korean! Let's have another fun lesson with Seung-wan and Yeji! 승완 선생님, 예지 선생님이랑 재밌게 한국어 공부해 봐요!
5/10/20236 minutes, 24 seconds
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University Festivals In Korea

Here are the words we talk about in this episode! For a more systematic learning experience, please visit us at 감사합니다! 축제  대학 축제  전 지역 축제 축제가 열리다  축제에 참가하다 축제를 구경하다 싸움 구경 싸움을 말리다 강 건너 불구경 잔치 마을 잔치 생일잔치 파티 페스티벌 돌잔치 머드 페스티벌 / 머드 축제  주최하다 주최자 후원사  스폰서  진행자 [Course] Bibimchat: One-stop Korean Listening Source 인파가 몰리다 인파 시끌벅적하다 축제 분위기
5/7/202318 minutes, 28 seconds
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[My First Korean Phrases] 15. 어땠어요?

Learn Korean in slow & easy Korean! Today's expression is "잘 지내요?" If you want full transcripts, translations and review quizzes for this episode, click here: This course, My First Korean Phrases, is designed for Korean beginners who aim to learn Korean in Korean! Let's have another fun lesson with Seung-wan and Yeji! 승완 선생님, 예지 선생님이랑 재밌게 한국어 공부해 봐요!
5/3/20234 minutes, 52 seconds
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Are You a Night Owl?

Here are the words we talk about in this episode! For a more systematic learning experience, please visit us at 감사합니다! 밤 밤하늘 밤바다 밤거리 밤바람 밤을 새우다 밤 새다  올빼미  올빼미족  Korean Verbs with Multiple Meanings:  심야  야간 심야 영화 심야 데이트  야간 데이트 야간 열차 야간 근무 야근 야식 야경  야시장  밤낮없이 밤이나 낮이나  주경야독  정주행  할증 심야 할증 
4/28/202316 minutes, 42 seconds
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[My First Korean Phrases] 14. 의외예요.

Learn Korean in slow & easy Korean! Today's expression is "의외예요." If you want full transcripts, translations and review quizzes for this episode, click here: This course, My First Korean Phrases, is designed for Korean beginners who aim to learn Korean in Korean! Let's have another fun lesson with Seung-wan and Yeji! 승완 선생님, 예지 선생님이랑 재밌게 한국어 공부해 봐요!
4/26/20235 minutes, 31 seconds
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Spring Is Here!

Here are the words we talk about in this episode! For a more systematic learning experience, please visit us at 감사합니다! 봄 여름 가을 겨울 꽃 꽃이 피다 봄꽃 벚꽃 벚꽃 놀이 불꽃놀이  봄비 봄바람 새 학기 소풍 나들이 피크닉 결혼식  꽃샘추위 황사 미세 먼지 꽃가루 꽃길을 걷다 봄 맞이 OO 봄 맞이 대청소 봄 맞이 할인 입춘 절기 청춘 춘곤증 춘추복  -해 봄
4/21/202316 minutes, 33 seconds
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[My First Korean Phrases] 13. 오랜만이에요!

Learn Korean in slow & easy Korean! Today's expression is "오랜만이에요!" If you want full transcripts, translations and review quizzes for this episode, click here: This course, My First Korean Phrases, is designed for Korean beginners who aim to learn Korean in Korean! Let's have another fun lesson with Seung-wan and Yeji! 승완 선생님, 예지 선생님이랑 재밌게 한국어 공부해 봐요!
4/19/20236 minutes, 27 seconds
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National Holidays In Korea

Here are the words we talk about in this episode! For a more systematic learning experience, please visit us at 감사합니다! 공휴일 휴일 어린이날 (5월 5일) 어버이날 (5월 8일)  스승의 날 (5월 15일) 선생님 가정의 달  어린이 어리다  어른  선물  놀이공원 용돈 / 용돈을 주다 / 용돈을 받다 한글날 세종대왕 빨간 날  크리스마스 성탄절 루돌프 말을 잘 듣다 설날 새해 첫날  새해 복 많이 받으세요 차례 세배  세뱃돈  복돈 삼일절  태극기  부처님 오신 날  석가탄신일  연꽃 연등 대체 휴일  대체 공휴일  연휴  황금 연휴  샌드위치 휴무 징검다리 휴일  국경일  제헌절 (7월 17일)  헌법  광복절 (8월 15일) 개천절 (10월 3일) 한글날 (10월 9일) 
4/14/202323 minutes
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[My First Korean Phrases] 12. 잘 지내요?

Learn Korean in slow & easy Korean! Today's expression is "잘 지내요?" If you want full transcripts, translations and review quizzes for this episode, click here: This course, My First Korean Phrases, is designed for Korean beginners who aim to learn Korean in Korean! Let's have another fun lesson with Seung-wan and Yeji! 승완 선생님, 예지 선생님이랑 재밌게 한국어 공부해 봐요!
4/12/20236 minutes, 16 seconds
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Who's Your Favorite Celebrity?

Here are the words we talk about in this episode! For a more systematic learning experience, please visit us at 감사합니다! 연예인 인플루언서 방송 가수 아이돌 배우 개그맨, 개그우먼 코미디언 예능 예능인 방송인 팬 [Course] Korean Drama Phrases: 연예 기획사 / 엔터테인먼트 / 엔터사  방송국 본방송 재방송 본방사수 시청률 녹화 방송 생방송 시청자 방청객 방청하다 출연자 출연진 제작진 열애설 열애설을 부인하다 열애설을 인정하다 좋은 감정을 가지고 알아가는 사이 결별설  바쁜 스케줄로 인해 결별 성격 차이 뜨다 그 드라마가 뜨면서, 주인공으로 나왔던 신인 배우도 같이 떴다. 섭외하다 출연자를 섭외하다 연기파 배우 실력파 가수
4/7/202318 minutes, 2 seconds
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[My First Korean Phrases] 11. 잘 잤어요?

Learn Korean in slow & easy Korean! Today's expression is "잘 잤어요?" If you want full transcripts, translations and review quizzes for this episode, click here: This course, My First Korean Phrases, is designed for Korean beginners who aim to learn Korean in Korean! Let's have another fun lesson with Seung-wan and Yeji! 승완 선생님, 예지 선생님이랑 재밌게 한국어 공부해 봐요!
4/5/20234 minutes, 8 seconds
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What Are You Wearing Today?

Here are the words we talk about in this episode! For a more systematic learning experience, please visit us at 감사합니다! 옷 졸라맨 옷을 입다 옷 입어. / 잠옷 입어. 옷을 입다 / 옷을 입고 있다 벗다 옷을 갈아입다  갈다 / 타이어를 갈다 / 전구를 갈다  상의 / 하의  티셔츠  셔츠 후드티 니트 / 스웨터  바지 치마 외투 Real-life Korean conversations for beginners:  모자를 쓰다 신발을 신다 양말을 신다 반지를 끼다  안경을 끼다 선글라스를 끼다 시계를 차다  귀걸이를 하다  목걸이를 하다 / 차다  착용하다 마스크를 착용하다 점원 착용샷 벗다 탈의하다 탈의실  빈티지 / 구제  보세  핏 / 핏이 좋아요 / 핏이 잘 맞아요 / 옷 핏이 좋은 사람  스타일  캐주얼  포멀 / 정장  포인트를 주다  매치하다 옷을 장만하다 옷을 한 벌 해 주다 입고 나갈 옷이 마땅치 않다  옷이 날개다  얼죽코 = 얼어 죽어도 코트  -룩 / 밀리터리 룩 / 30대 남자 룩 / 출근 룩 / 오피스 룩
3/31/202326 minutes, 38 seconds
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[My First Korean Phrases] 10. 음… 글쎄요.

Learn Korean in slow & easy Korean! Today's expression is "음… 글쎄요." If you want full transcripts, translations and review quizzes for this episode, click here: This course, My First Korean Phrases, is designed for Korean beginners who aim to learn Korean in Korean! Let's have another fun lesson with Seung-wan and Yeji! 승완 선생님, 예지 선생님이랑 재밌게 한국어 공부해 봐요!
3/29/20234 minutes, 55 seconds
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You Don't "Go See a Doctor" in Korea

Here are the words we talk about in this episode! For a more systematic learning experience, please visit us at 감사합니다! 병원 의사 간호사 간호  환자 약 약국  약사 변호사 / 판사 / 통역사  응급실 응급 상황 급하다 응급실에 실려 가다 119 구급차 중환자실 입원하다 퇴원하다 주사 수액 / 링거 [Course] The Korean Jigsaw Puzzle : Hanja 이비인후과 안과 피부과 양치 / 충치 / 치아 / 이  치과 산부인과 소아과 성형외과 접수 진찰 치료 진료 / 진료 진단 / 진단서 처방 / 처방전
3/24/202318 minutes, 10 seconds
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[My First Korean Phrases] 9. 괜찮아요.

Learn Korean in slow & easy Korean! Today's expression is "괜찮아요." If you want full transcripts, translations and review quizzes for this episode, click here: This course, My First Korean Phrases, is designed for Korean beginners who aim to learn Korean in Korean! Let's have another fun lesson with Seung-wan and Yeji! 승완 선생님, 예지 선생님이랑 재밌게 한국어 공부해 봐요!
3/22/20235 minutes, 15 seconds
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[My First Korean Phrases] 8. 반가워요!

Learn Korean in slow & easy Korean! Today's expression is "반가워요!" If you want full transcripts, translations and review quizzes for this episode, click here: This course, My First Korean Phrases, is designed for Korean beginners who aim to learn Korean in Korean! Let's have another fun lesson with Seung-wan and Yeji! 승완 선생님, 예지 선생님이랑 재밌게 한국어 공부해 봐요!
3/17/20235 minutes, 29 seconds
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What Are Your Bad Habits?

Here are the words we talk about in this episode! For a more systematic learning experience, please visit us at 감사합니다! 습관 좋은 습관 나쁜 습관 관습 일찍 자다 일찍 일어나다   습관을 만들다  습관이 생기다  시간이 생기다 돈이 생기다 남자 친구/여자 친구가 생기다 문제가 생기다  나쁜 습관이 생기다 습관을 고치다  습관을 버리다 손을 뜯다 피가 나다 습관적으로  지각하다 습관을 없애다 Come visit our website and make your Korean learning 습관! 습관을 들이다 습관이 몸에 배다  냄새가 배다  손톱을 뜯다 손톱을 깨물다/물다 다리를 떨다 눈을 비비다 다리를 꼬다 손가락을 꺾다 손가락 관절을 꺾다 루틴 버릇 나쁜 버릇 말버릇이 안 좋다 버릇이 없다 습관성 습관성 거짓말  습관성 기침  언어 습관  식습관  세 살 버릇 여든 간다
3/17/202319 minutes, 32 seconds
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[My First Korean Phrases] 7. 심심해요. 지루해요.

Learn Korean in slow & easy Korean! Today's expression is "심심해요. 지루해요." If you want full transcripts, translations and review quizzes for this episode, click here: This course, My First Korean Phrases, is designed for Korean beginners who aim to learn Korean in Korean! Let's have another fun lesson with Seung-wan and Yeji! 승완 선생님, 예지 선생님이랑 재밌게 한국어 공부해 봐요!
3/10/20236 minutes
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Environmental Pollution

Here are the words we talk about in this episode! For a more systematic learning experience, please visit us at 감사합니다! 환경 오염  땅 강 바다 공기  자연 자연스럽게 환경 업무 환경  보호 / 보호하다 자연을 보호하다 / 환경을 보호하다 환경 보호 캠페인 아껴 쓰다 시간을 아끼다  종이를 아껴 쓰다 아껴 먹다 낭비하다 쓰레기  쓰레기통 일회용품 일회용 컵 일회용 접시 일회용 렌즈 다회용  재활용 재활용하다 분리수거 분리배출  오염 오염시키다 [Course] Reading Comprehension: News In Korean: 폐수 폐지 폐차 매연 대기 오염  수질 오염 토양 오염 공해 빛 공해 소음 공해  층간 소음 생태계 
3/10/202321 minutes, 26 seconds
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[My First Korean Phrases] 6. 잘 먹겠습니다. 잘 먹었습니다.

Learn Korean in slow & easy Korean! Today's expression is "잘 먹겠습니다. 잘 먹었습니다." If you want full transcripts, translations and review quizzes for this episode, click here: This course, My First Korean Phrases, is designed for Korean beginners who aim to learn Korean in Korean! Let's have another fun lesson with Seung-wan and Yeji! 승완 선생님, 예지 선생님이랑 재밌게 한국어 공부해 봐요!
3/3/20235 minutes, 4 seconds
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Let's Talk About Marriage

Here are the words we talk about in this episode! For a more systematic learning experience, please visit us at 감사합니다! 결혼 결혼하다  약혼 약혼 반지  프로포즈 링  신랑, 신부  남편 와이프, 아내 신혼부부 신혼여행 [Course] Bibimchat: One-stop Korean Listening Source  시집가다 / 장가가다 유부남, 유부녀 / 유부 유료, 무료 미혼 / 기혼 / 비혼 배우자 혼인 신고 혼인 서약  평생을 함께하다 비가 오나 눈이 오나 검은 머리 파뿌리 될 때까지 부부 싸움은 칼로 물 베기 깨가 쏟아지다 / 깨 볶는다  눈에서 꿀 떨어지다
3/3/202320 minutes, 53 seconds
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[My First Korean Phrases] 5. 신기해요!

Learn Korean in slow & easy Korean! Today's expression is "신기해요!" If you want full transcripts, translations and review quizzes for this episode, click here: This course, My First Korean Phrases, is designed for Korean beginners who aim to learn Korean in Korean! Let's have another fun lesson with Seung-wan and Yeji! 승완 선생님, 예지 선생님이랑 재밌게 한국어 공부해 봐요!
2/24/20234 minutes, 22 seconds
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The Show Is About to Start

Here are the words we talk about in this episode! For a more systematic learning experience, please visit us at 감사합니다! 뮤지컬 공연 연극 극장 콘서트 연주회 연주하다 길거리 공연 버스킹 마술 춤 공연 무용 현대 무용 전통 무용 무대 / 무대에 오르다  조명 / 조명을 비추다  자리 / 자리에 앉다  표 구매하다 사다 취소 환불 [Course] Korean Particles Party: Similarities and Differences 관객 승객 예매 예지몽  예약  매진  취소표  소극장 티켓팅 취켓팅 피켓팅 떼창 떼빙 매표소 현장 수령 시야가 좋다 경치가 좋다 진행자 출연자
2/24/202320 minutes, 19 seconds
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[My First Korean Phrases] 4. 다녀올게요.

Learn Korean in slow & easy Korean! Today's expression is "다녀올게요." If you want full transcripts, translations and review quizzes for this episode, click here: This course, My First Korean Phrases, is designed for Korean beginners who aim to learn Korean in Korean! Let's have another fun lesson with Seung-wan and Yeji! 승완 선생님, 예지 선생님이랑 재밌게 한국어 공부해 봐요!
2/17/20234 minutes, 25 seconds
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It Tastes So Good!

Here are the words we talk about in this episode! For a more systematic learning experience, please visit us at 감사합니다! 도시락 맛 맛없다 맛있다 달다 시다 짜다 쓰다 몸에 좋은 약이 입에 쓰다 맵다 비리다 짠맛 쓴맛 인생의 쓴맛 매운맛 단맛 신맛 [Course] 10 Korean Expressions for Flavors with Various Meanings 달다 → 달달하다, 달콤하다, 달짝지근하다 짜다 → 짭짤하다 시다 → 시큼하다 맵다 → 매콤하다, 칼칼하다, 얼큰하다 쓰다 → 씁쓸하다, 쓰디쓰다 싱겁다 → 밍밍하다, 슴슴하다 구수하다 고소하다 된장 떫다 감칠맛 입맛 입맛이 있다 입맛이 없다 손맛 제맛
2/17/202322 minutes, 14 seconds
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[My First Korean Phrases] 3. 수고하세요.

Learn Korean in slow & easy Korean! Today's expression is "수고하세요." If you want full transcripts, translations and review quizzes for this episode, click here: This course, My First Korean Phrases, is designed for Korean beginners who aim to learn Korean in Korean! Let's have another fun lesson with Seung-wan and Yeji! 승완 선생님, 예지 선생님이랑 재밌게 한국어 공부해 봐요!
2/10/20234 minutes, 25 seconds
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Where Do You Work?

Here are the words we talk about in this episode! For a more systematic learning experience, please visit us at 감사합니다! 회사 회 출근 퇴근 출퇴근 휴가 방학 가족 휴가 연차 반차 연차 휴가 입사 퇴사 휴직 육아 휴직 신입 신입 사원 선배 후배 회의 미팅 회의실 미팅룸 워라밸 파이어족 월급 루팡 동기 대표 담타 일잘러 (일 잘하는 사람) 자율 출근제 복지 제도 유연 근무제 탄력 근무제 알잘딱깔센 (알아서 잘 딱 깔끔하고 센스 있게 하는 것) 승진 팀원 팀장
2/10/202317 minutes, 2 seconds
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[My First Korean Phrases] 2. 안녕히 가세요. 안녕히 계세요.

Learn Korean in slow & easy Korean! Today's expression is "안녕히 가세요. 안녕히 계세요." If you want full transcripts, translations and review quizzes for this episode, click here: This course, My First Korean Phrases, is designed for Korean beginners who aim to learn Korean in Korean! Let's have another fun lesson with Seung-wan and Yeji! 승완 선생님, 예지 선생님이랑 재밌게 한국어 공부해 봐요!
2/8/20235 minutes, 15 seconds
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[My First Korean Phrases] 1. 어서 오세요.

Learn Korean in slow & easy Korean! Today's expression is "어서 오세요." If you want full transcripts, translations and review quizzes for this episode, click here: This course, My First Korean Phrases, is designed for Korean beginners who aim to learn Korean in Korean! Let's have another fun lesson with Seung-wan and Yeji! 승완 선생님, 예지 선생님이랑 재밌게 한국어 공부해 봐요!
2/3/20234 minutes, 53 seconds
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I Need a Haircut

Here are the words we talk about in this episode! For a more systematic learning experience, please visit us at 감사합니다! 미용실 머리 = 머리카락 머리를 자르다 머리를 하다  이발하다 미용사 / 미용사 선생님 / 쌤 드라이 머리를 말리다 머리를 감다 머리를 감겨 주다 샴푸 하다 머리숱 / 많다 / 적다   숱을 치다 / 숱 치기  미용 가위 바리깡 커트 층 / 층을 내다 / 층을 치다 투블럭  파마 파마 약 염색 뿌리 염색 (뿌염) 살짝만 다듬어 주세요 앞머리 자르다 = 앞머리 내리다 = 앞머리를 새로 만들다 머리가 잘되다 / 머리가 망하다 머릿결이 상하다  어떻게 해 드릴까요? 물 온도 어떠세요? 길이 이 정도 괜찮으세요?
2/3/202322 minutes, 9 seconds
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It's Too Cold!

Here are the words we talk about in this episode! For a more systematic learning experience, please visit us at 감사합니다! 겨울  마찬가지 춥다  추워요 눈 눈이 오다 눈이 내리다 눈사람 눈싸움 첫눈  모자 털모자 장갑 목도리 털모자를 쓰다 장갑을 끼다 목도리를 두르다 [Course] 10 Korean Words you Might Have Misunderstood 고드름 붕어빵 호빵  호떡 계란빵 풀빵  풀이 죽다 풀을 먹이다 귤  딸기 군고구마 추위 강추위  한파 한파 주의보 몰려가다 몰려오다 한파 경보 핫팩 손난로 롱패딩 내복 겨울잠 추운 데서 자면 입 돌아간다 전기 매트  전기장판  온돌
1/27/202323 minutes, 19 seconds
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How Do You Introduce Yourself?

Here are the words we talk about in this episode! For a more systematic learning experience, please visit us at 감사합니다! 자기소개 / 자기소개 하다 이름 나이 직업 취미 특기 장래희망 / 꿈 과학자 119 구급대원 MBTI Korean Dictation Test (Easy / Normal / Hard) -(이)라고 하다 성격 내성적인 생활 신조 사교적인 방해받다 취향 사는 곳 잘하는 것 좋아하는 것, 싫어하는 것 자기소개서 존경하는 인물 가정환경, 자라 온 환경 장점, 단점 강점, 약점 가치관 1분 자기소개
1/20/202317 minutes, 55 seconds
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What Kind of Friend Are You?

Here are the words we talk about in this episode! For a more systematic learning experience, please visit us at 감사합니다! 친구 남자 친구 여자 친구 남친 여친 친구를 사귀다 친구를 사귀어요 친구를 사귀었어요 사귀는 사람 친구가 많다 친구가 없다  친구의 친구 아는 사람 모르는 사람 [Course] Korean Sentence Building Practice 친한 친구  베프 찐친 ‘기간제 베프’ 친해지다 사이가 멀어지다 오해가 있다 동네 친구  학교 친구 남사친  여사친 아는 선배 아는 후배 아는 동료 사이가 나빠지다 절연하다  절교하다 동갑 동갑내기 십년지기
1/13/202319 minutes, 39 seconds
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College Life

Here are the words we talk about in this episode! For a more systematic learning experience, please visit us at 감사합니다! 졸업하다  대학교 대학 4년제 2년제 전문 대학 전문대 초등학교 중학교 고등학교 캠퍼스 캠퍼스 커플 선배 후배 선배님 교수님 선생님  강사 강사님 전공  동아리 The Korean Jigsaw Puzzle : Hanja 입학 신입생 새내기 신입생 환영회, OT MT (“membership training”) 축제 휴학 복학생 기숙사 개강/개학 종강 방학 과제/숙제 학식/급식  학점 수강신청 복수 전공
1/6/202326 minutes, 7 seconds
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스포츠에도 유행이? (in 100% Korean)

Here are the words we talk about in this episode! For a more systematic learning experience, please visit us at 감사합니다! 필라테스 1:1 레슨, 개인 레슨 그룹 레슨 헬스 홈트레이닝 (홈트) 골프 테니스 실내 테니스장 클라이밍 원데이 클래스 서핑 스케이트보드 스노보드 스키 강습 러닝 마라톤 러닝 동호회, 러닝 크루
12/30/202217 minutes, 55 seconds
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What's in The Kitchen?

Here are the words we talk about in this episode! For a more systematic learning experience, please visit us at 감사합니다! 주방 / 부엌  숟가락 / 젓가락 / 수저 냉장고 냄비 프라이팬 국자 식탁 / 탁자 냉장고 / 김치냉장고 / 와인 냉장고 / 화장품 냉장고 그릇 / 밥그릇, 국그릇 반반 한국어 – Half in Korean & Half in English 설거지 수세미 주방 세제 / 퐁퐁 고무장갑 기름때 때를 밀다 식기건조대 행주 싱크대 식기 세척기 금수저 / 은수저 / 웃수저 자수성가 젓가락질하다 젓가락질 잘해야만 밥을 먹는 건 아니다 살림은 장비빨 사진빨 / 조명빨
12/23/202219 minutes, 13 seconds
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Looking For a Job

Here are the words we talk about in this episode! For a more systematic learning experience, please visit us at 감사합니다! 구직 취득하다 취직 구직 중 취업 취업 준비 = 취준 취업 준비생 = 취준생  직장 직업 직장을 구하다 면접 스펙 스펙이 높다, 스펙이 좋다, 고스펙 오버 스펙 스펙을 쌓다 취업 스터디 이력서 포트폴리오 Korean Culture Talk with Cassie [upper-intermediate] 서류 합격 1차 합격 2차 합격 대면 면접 비대면 면접 최종 면접 최종 합격 자기소개서 / 자소서 자소설 압박 면접 압박 붕대 광탈 광클 백수
12/16/202221 minutes, 45 seconds
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I Commute By Subway

Here are the words we talk about in this episode! For a more systematic learning experience, please visit us at 감사합니다! 지하철 철로 철도 전철 역 지하철역 벽 바닥 출구 1번 출구 2번 출구 3번 출구 홍대입구역 공항철도  연트럴 파크 -행 인천행 검암행 의정부행 호선 1호선 2호선 3호선 신림선 신분당선 첫차 막차 Situational Dialogues in Korean [Audio Course]  개찰구 일반 열차 급행 열차 지하상가 콩나물 시루 지옥철 지하철 빌런 빌런 악당 무임승차 환승 환복 환승 연애 환승 이별
12/9/202222 minutes, 51 seconds
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Blue Skies, Fat Horses

Here are the words we talk about in this episode! For a more systematic learning experience, please visit us at 감사합니다! Must-Know Words in Korea 가을 단풍 단풍놀이 불꽃놀이 벚꽃놀이  소꿉놀이 낙엽 은행나무 은행 옆에 있는 은행나무 추수 추수하다 추석  독서  독서의 계절 야외 독서의 계절 선선하다 쌀쌀하다 쌀쌀하게  쌀쌀맞게 (굴다) 쓸쓸하다 옆구리가 시리다 이가 시리다 손이 시리다 가을을 타다 추위를 타다 천고마비 가을은 천고마비의 계절 입추 입추 매직
12/2/202219 minutes, 57 seconds
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Yeji will be in San Francisco this week! (Korean conversation)

Yeji is on her first overseas trip in a very long time this week. She is visiting San Fransisco in the US, and we recorded this short conversation in Korean about how she feels about her upcoming trip!
11/25/20223 minutes, 27 seconds
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Personality Types

Here are the words we talk about in this episode! For a more systematic learning experience, please visit us at 감사합니다! 성격 성격 유형 E예요? I예요? E세요? I세요?  저는 진짜 E예요.  저는 진짜 I예요. 외향적 내향적 내성적 착하다 조용하다 시끄럽다 시끄러워요! 차분하다 활발하다 활발한 학생 다정하다 친절하다 다혈질 똑 부러지다  이기적이다 자기중심적이다 이타적이다 타인 개인주의적이다 우유부단하다 고지식하다 상냥하다 느긋하다 현실적이다 사람은 고쳐 쓰는 게 아니다. 바늘로 찔러도 피 한 방울 안 난다. 법 없이도 살 사람
11/25/202221 minutes, 42 seconds
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Home Sweet Home

Here are the words we talk about in this episode! For a more systematic learning experience, please visit us at 감사합니다! 아파트 건물 아파트 단지 꿀단지 동 호 101동 101호 1304동 3510호  빌라  나 홀로 아파트 주택 가구 원룸 투룸 쓰리룸 1.5룸 동네 이웃 윗집 위층 아랫집 아래층 옆집 월세 전세 매매 자가 전세를 구하다 대출 전세 대출 집 나가면 개고생 독립하다 부동산 부동산 중개소 분양을 받다 청약 분양권 구축 신축 구축하다
11/18/202224 minutes, 41 seconds
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Food Delivery

Here are the words we talk about in this episode! For a more systematic learning experience, please visit us at 감사합니다! 음식 배달 배달 음식 집밥 배달 배달하다 배달시키다 음식을 배달하다 시키다 주문하다 음식을 시키다 시켰어요?  배달 앱 배달 어플 배달의 민족 민족 한민족 배달의 겨레 배민 요기요 쿠팡이츠 배달비 포장 리뷰 후기 리뷰 이벤트 뇌물 야식 아침 식사  조식 점심 식사 중식 저녁 식사 한강 치맥 10분 컷 옵션 선택 직접 전달 직접 전달해 주세요. 문 앞에 놓고 초인종 누르기 문 앞에 놓아 주세요. 문 앞에 놓고 초인종도 누르지 않기  초인종 방금 출발했습니다. 기사님이 방금 출발했습니다.  라이더 기사님이 음식을 가지고 가고 있습니다.  실시간 배달 현황 배달 현황 현황 주가 현황 주식 현황
11/11/202216 minutes, 23 seconds
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This Is My Family

Here are the words we talk about in this episode! For a more systematic learning experience, please visit us at 감사합니다! 가족 친척 친한 척 형제 남매 자매 외동 외동딸 외동아들 언니 동생 아이 아이들 애들 어린이들 자녀 자녀분 애가 몇 살이에요? 자녀가 있으세요? 자녀 계획 가족 회의  대화 가족 여행 가족 사진 가족 모임 장남 장녀 막내 늦둥이 쌍둥이 한 쌍 막둥이 연년생 두음법칙 줄줄이  주말 부부 맞벌이 외벌이  가정 식구 가구 엄빠 엄마 아들 딸 바보 아들 바보 조카 바보
11/4/202226 minutes, 31 seconds
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Happy Birthday To You

Here are the words we talk about in this episode! For a more systematic learning experience, please visit us at 감사합니다! 생일 생신 생일 축하합니다. 생일 축하해요. 생일 축하해. 생신 축하드려요. ➝ 생신 축하드립니다. 답변 답변해요. 답변드려요. 생축 생일 파티 생파 깜짝 파티 케이크 촛불 초 폭죽 폭죽 놀이 생일 선물 생선 (노래) 생일 축하합니다. 생일 축하합니다. 사랑하는 ____의 생일 축하합니다.  초 몇 개 드릴까요?  초를 꽂다 초에 불을 붙이다 방에 있는 불을 끄다 노래를 부르다 박수를 치다 폭죽을 터뜨리다 촛불을 끄다 케이크를 불다 케이크를 하다 미역국 철분 산후조리원 기프티콘 배달이 되는 상품 매장에 직접 가지러 가야 되는 상품 생일자 오늘 생일자 앞으로! 오늘 생일인 사람 생일빵 돌 돌잔치 환갑 육십갑자 칠순 팔순
10/21/202226 minutes, 21 seconds
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Train to Busan

Here are the words we talk about in this episode! For a more systematic learning experience, please visit us at 감사합니다! -행 부산행, 서울행, 광주행, 대전행 우리 열차는 16시 15분에 부산으로 가는 KTX 열차입니다. KTX ITX-청춘 SRT 무궁화호 새마을호 기차 기관차 내연 기관 증기 기관 열차 기차 여행 열차 여행  칙칙폭폭 일반석 특실 입석 승차 하차 상행선 하행선 역무원 근무하다 승무원 기차 승무원  탑승하다 ㅇㅇ 열차 탑승 기차 화통을 삶아 먹다
10/14/202218 minutes, 34 seconds
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What Kind Of Books Are You Reading?

Here are the words we talk about in this episode! For a more systematic learning experience, please visit us at 감사합니다! 종이책 서점  냄새 도서관 곰팡이 오디오북 전자책 전자 전자 제품 이북 이북 리더기 책을 읽다 책을 보다 독서하다 책갈피 갈피를 잡다 갈피를 못 잡다 북마크 속독 정독 다독 문학 비문학 실용서 에세이 수필 산문집 자기계발서 개발  계발 전기 자서전 책거리
10/7/202219 minutes, 1 second
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I Am Hungry

Here are the words we talk about in this episode! For a more systematic learning experience, please visit us at 감사합니다! 요리 레시피 요리법 조리법 밀키트 장보기 장을 보다 일을 보다 1인분, 2인분, 3인분, … 그릇 밥그릇 국그릇 접시 칼 가위 주방 가위 식가위 냄비 국자 재료 식재료 재료를 준비하다 재료를 다듬다 시금치 콩나물 머리카락을 다듬다 오디오를 다듬다 눈썹을 다듬다 손톱을 다듬다 굽다 생선을 굽다 생선 구이 튀기다 치킨을 튀기다 감자를 튀기다 감자 튀김 볶다 볶음밥 삶다 썰다 으깨다 전자레인지 데우다 돌리다 요리천재 요잘알 요알못 간 간을 하다 간을 보다 조미료 MSG MSG를 치다 MSG가 첨가되다 
9/30/202224 minutes, 18 seconds
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150 Korean Sentences for Beginners - Listen to Korean on Your Commute

Listen to 150 useful Korean sentences for beginners in this 30-minute audio track. It's also available in video form on our Talk To Me In Korean YouTube channel.
9/28/202230 minutes, 13 seconds
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470 Essential Korean Words for Beginners - Listen to Korean as You Get Ready

Listen to 470 essential Korean vocabulary words for beginners in this 1-hour audio track. It's also available in video form on our Talk To Me In Korean YouTube channel.
9/26/20221 hour, 1 minute, 57 seconds
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What Are You Listening To?

Here are the words we talk about in this episode! For a more systematic learning experience, please visit us at 감사합니다! 음악 음악을 듣다 음악을 감상하다 감상하다 그림을 감상하다 그림을 보다  미술 감상 이어폰으로 음악을 듣다 헤드폰으로 음악을 듣다 타이틀곡 무슨 노래 들으세요? 무슨 노래 듣고 계세요? 무슨 노래 듣고 있어요?  무슨 노래 들을까?  랜덤 재생 무작위로  랜덤으로  랜덤하게 뮤비 (뮤직 비디오) 브금 (BGM) 코노 (코인 노래방) 혼코노  노동요 최애 최애곡 애정 막귀 막입 띵곡  숨듣명
9/23/202222 minutes, 35 seconds
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Let's Go to the Airport

Today's topic is "Airport" and some related Korean words and expressions! We hope you enjoy listening : ) Please let us know what you thought of this episode! Leave us comments on Twitter and YouTube!  
9/16/202216 minutes, 40 seconds
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Weather Report

Today's topic is "Weather" and some related Korean words and expressions! We hope you enjoy listening : ) Please let us know what you thought of this episode! Leave us comments on Twitter and YouTube!  
9/9/202218 minutes, 24 seconds
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I'm So Good At This

Today's topic is "Good At Something" and some related Korean words and expressions! We hope you enjoy listening : ) Please let us know what you thought of this episode! Leave us comments on Twitter and YouTube!  
9/2/202219 minutes, 29 seconds
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Dogs or Cats?

Today's topic is "animals" and some related Korean words and expressions! We hope you enjoy listening : ) Please let us know what you thought of this episode! Leave us comments on Twitter and YouTube!  
8/26/202217 minutes, 43 seconds
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I Need a Coffee Break

Today's topic is "Coffee & Tea" and some related Korean words and expressions! We hope you enjoy listening : ) Please let us know what you thought of this episode! Leave us comments on Twitter and YouTube!
8/12/202221 minutes, 50 seconds
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Why Am I So Popular?

Today's topic is "dating" and some related Korean words and expressions! We hope you enjoy listening : ) Please let us know what you thought of this episode! Leave us comments on Twitter and YouTube!
8/5/202221 minutes, 37 seconds
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Where Do You Exercise?

Today's topic is "exercise" and some related Korean words and expressions! We hope you enjoy listening : ) Please let us know what you thought of this episode! Leave us comments on Twitter and YouTube!
7/29/202221 minutes, 25 seconds
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Can't Wait to Travel Again

Today's topic is "travel" and some related Korean words and expressions! We hope you enjoy listening : ) Please let us know what you thought of this episode! Leave us comments on Twitter and YouTube!
7/22/202215 minutes, 48 seconds
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I'm a Fan!

Today's topic is "being a fan" of something or someone and some related Korean words and expressions! We hope you enjoy listening : ) Please let us know what you thought of this episode! Leave us comments on Twitter and YouTube!
7/14/202213 minutes, 6 seconds
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[Pilot episode] All About Spicy Things

Something new for our Talk-Talk's! Listen to this pilot episode and please share your thoughts about it with us on Twitter or on YouTube : ) 감사합니다!
7/8/202217 minutes, 16 seconds
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‘Many’ is ‘많은'...? Well…

9/7/20215 minutes, 32 seconds
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11 ways to practice speaking Korean without anyone to practice with

8/11/20217 minutes, 39 seconds
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매일 조금씩 (A little bit every day): Song for Korean learners

The ultimate mood booster for Korean learners. The perfect way to start your day. The best way to get your mind ready for a new Korean study session. Yes. The rumors were all true. We have been Korean teachers by day and secretly K-Pop trainees at night for the past 12 years… and we are finally ready to step up our educational music game and share our first digital single with their world. We may not be K-Pop 아이돌(idols) (because some of us are more like 어른돌s in our 40s) but our music will inspire a sense hope, or in more fancy words, a sense of ITCRASICSKT (= If They Can Release A Song, I Can Speak Korean Too!). Take a listen to this song now and dive into the world of TTMIK-Pop! Full lyrics: 어디서든지 한국어를 배울 수 있어. 톡투미인코리안과 함께라면. (그래서 이 노래를 준비했습니다. 시작하겠습니다.) 어디서든지 한국어를 배울 수 있어. 톡투미인코리안과 함께라면. (라면?) 봄 여름 가을 겨울, 아침 저녁 평일 주말 봄 여름 가을 겨울, 아침 저녁 평일 주말 집 학교 회사에서, 버스 지하철 자동차에서 (빵빵!) 카페 식당 공원에서, 도서관 화장실 거리에서 매일 조금씩 배워 10분도 괜찮아, 5분도 괜찮다구! 학교에 안 다녀도, 한국에 안 살아도 티티믹이 있으면 어디서든 배울 수 있어 (그럼 이제 우리 그동안 배운 걸 복습해 볼까요? / 네. 좋아요.) (아주 간단해요. / 그냥 이 노래를 따라부르면 돼요.) 물건을 셀 때는 (한 개, 두 개, 세 개, 네 개) 사람을 셀 때는 (한 명, 두 명, 세 명, 네 명) 한 개 두 개 (세 개 네 개) 한 명 두 명 (세 명 네 명) 한 장 두 장 (세 장 네 장) 한 권 두 권 (세 권 네 권) 한 마리 두 마리 세 마리 (어?) 곰 세 마리가~ 한 시 두 시 세 시 네 시, 일분 이분 삼분 사분 Let’s 기린! 사자! 코끼리! 어디서든지 한국어를 배울 수 있어. 톡투미인코리안과 함께라면. (라면?) 봄 여름 가을 겨울, 아침 저녁 평일 주말 봄 여름 가을 겨울, 아침 저녁 평일 주말 집 학교 회사에서, 버스 지하철 자동차에서 (빵빵) 카페 식당 공원에서, 도서관 화장실 거리에서 매일 조금씩 배워 학교에 안 다녀도, 한국에 안 살아도 티티믹이 있으면 어디서든 배울 수 있어 어디서든지 한국어를 배울 수 있어. 톡투미인코리안과 함께라면. 봄 여름 가을 겨울, 아침 저녁 평일 주말 집 학교 회사에서, 버스 지하철 자동차에서 카페 식당 공원에서, 도서관 화장실 거리에서 하루 10분 하루 5분 매일 조금씩 배워 이상으로 노래를 마치겠습니다. 오늘 하루도 톡투미인코리안과 함께 즐거운 시간 보내시기 바랍니다. 다? 다리미 미? 미용실 실? 실수 수? 수영장 장? 장미
4/2/20213 minutes, 19 seconds
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Lesson 17. It is more of a... than... / -(ㄴ/는)다기보다, -(이)라기보다

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Lesson 17. It is more of a... than... / -(ㄴ/는)다기보다, -(이)라기보다

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Lesson 16. Various Usages of the Ending -게

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Lessno 15. Question Ending: -니?

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Lesson 14. Expressing Reactions / -다니/라니

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Lesson 12. Sharing What You Have Seen or Heard / -던데요, -다던데요

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Lesson 13. As a result of / -는 바람에

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Lesson 11. Expressing Assumptions / -(으)ㄹ 텐데

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Lesson 10. Sentence Building Drill 18

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Lesson 9. Various Usages of the Ending -걸(요)

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Lesson 8. While Keeping the Current State / -(으)ㄴ/는 채로

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Lesson 7. Listing Possible Scenarios / -거나, -(ㄴ/는)다거나

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Lesson 6. Advanced Idiomatic Expressions 13 / 일 (Work)

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Lesson 5. To decide to, To agree to / -기로 하다

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Lesson 4. Suggesting Choices / -(이)나, -(이)라도

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Lesson 3. I know it is... but it is still... / 아무리 -(이)라지만, 아무리 -(ㄴ/는)다지만

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Level 10 Lesson 3 / I know it is... but it is still... / 아무리 -(이)라지만, 아무리 -(ㄴ/는)다지만

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11/16/202010 minutes, 55 seconds
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Level 10 Lesson 2 / To go/come and do something / -(으)러 가다/오다

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11/13/20209 minutes, 12 seconds
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Level 10 Lesson 1 / Advanced Idiomatic Expressions 12 / 얼굴 (Face)

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11/12/202024 minutes, 29 seconds
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Korean Future Tense Song

Make a free account and start learning more Korean at! 
9/23/20201 minute, 50 seconds
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Korean Past Tense Song

Make a free account and start learning more Korean at! 
8/11/20202 minutes, 2 seconds
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Sing & Learn Korean - 몇 시에 볼까? (What time shall we meet?)

Learn Korean at with fun & systematic lessons! 
7/23/20201 minute, 59 seconds
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Korean Present Tense Song by Talk To Me In Korean

Learn to speak Korean at ❤️🇰🇷
7/9/20201 minute, 22 seconds
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How I Learned Korean - Theresa (Jamaica) & Justine (France)

Previous interview (with Min-gyu from the USA) Theresa from Jamaica and Justine from France share how they learned to speak Korean fluently. 자메이카에서 온 테레사 씨와 프랑스에서 온 저스틴 씨가 그동안 한국어를 어떻게 공부했고, 어떤 방법을 이용해서 실력을 키웠는지에 대해서 주연 선생님과 이야기를 나누었어요.
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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary (book 2)

My Weekly Korean Vocabulary (book 2)
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Máster del Hangeul

Máster del Hangeul
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Hangeul Master WordAudio

Hangeul Master WordAudio
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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary (book 1)

  If you are tired of memorizing vocabulary and seeing very little progress, this book offers an alternative way to learn and apply Korean vocabulary words and sentences to your life at whatever level of Korean you are comfortable with so you actually learn the words rather than simply memorizing. Each day you have one new keyword, and built upon that keyword are 20 additional phrases and sentences that get progressively longer.
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Ask Hyojin - How To Address Your Friends in Korean

Want to sound more fluent in Korean? The trick is, if you know how to address people properly, your Korean will sound not only much more fluent but also more polite as well than when you just call or address people by their names.  In this episode of Ask Hyojin, Hyunwoo and Hyojin explain how to address people in Korean.  Since there are many different ways to address people depending on the age difference between you and them, their gender, and/or how close you two are, we separated this video into two parts. In the first part, we are going to explain how to address your friends or someone you know in Korean. In the second part of the video, we will be introducing some terms that you can use to address strangers. 
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TTMIK Workbook Level 1 Dictation

TTMIK Workbook Level 1 Dictation
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TTMIK Level 9 Lesson 3

Welcome to another lesson in the Advanced Situational Expressions series. Throughout this series, we go over common situations and some of the advanced Korean expressions you can use in each of them. In this lesson, we will introduce various expressions you can use when you are unhappy or upset about something or a particular situation.  1. 오늘 기분이 너무 안 좋아요.  [o-neul gi-bu-ni neo-mu an jo-a-yo.] = I’m feeling terrible today.  = I’m so upset today.  2. 지금 그럴 기분 아니에요.  [ji-geum geu-reol gi-bun a-ni-e-yo.] = I’m in no mood to do that. 3. 지금 이야기할 기분 아니에요. 말 시키지 마세요. [ji-geum i-ya-gi-hal gi-bun a-ni-e-yo. mal si-ki-ji ma-se-yo.] = I’m not in the mood to talk now. Please leave me alone. 4. 진짜 열 받는 일이 있었어요. [jin-jja yeol bat-neun i-ri i-sseo-sseo-yo.] = Something really upsetting happened. = I’m so upset now because of what happened earlier. 5. 사람이 어떻게 그래요?  [sa-ra-mi eo-tteo-ke geu-rae-yo?] = How can someone be so mean?  = How can they do that to me? 6. 진짜 어이가 없네.  [jin-jja eo-i-ga eop-ne.] = I don’t even know what to say. I’m so mad. 7. 저 지금 너무 화 나는데 참고 있는 거예요. [jeo ji-geum neo-mu hwa na-neun-de cham-gi it-neun geo-ye-yo.] = I’m so upset now but I’m trying not to show it.  8. 진짜 속상해요.  [jin-jja sok-sang-hae-yo.] = I’m so upset.  = I’m so sad.  9. 너무 서운해요.  = I’m so disappointed.  10. 이번에는 믿고 있었는데 완전 실망했어요.  = I trusted them this time but I am really disappointed. 
12/3/201214 minutes, 29 seconds
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TTMIK Level 9 Lesson 2

In this lesson, we are going to take a look at the grammar structure, -아/어/여 버리다. This structure is used to express the completion of a certain action. In addition to the fact that an action is completed, this structure also includes the speaker’s feeling, which can be 1) a happy feeling about finally completing a task and getting rid of a burden, or 2) a sad feeling that something happened in a way that the speaker did not want or expect.  Construction: Verb stem + -아/어/여 버리다  Ex) 끝나다 = to finish; to end → 끝나 버리다 = to finish; to come to an end → 끝나 버렸어요. = It ended (and I am sad about it). / It ended (and it’s completely over).  Although the construction is fairly simple, it will take some time to get used to the actual meaning behind this grammar structure, especially when you want to determine whether the feeling contained in the sentence is a happy one about completing a task or a sad one about something ending. Examples of a happy feeling attached to -아/어/여 버리다  1. 다 끝내 버렸어요!  = I’ve finished everything! 2. 고민하다가, 사 버렸어요!  = I was hesitating, but I’ve (finally) bought it!  Examples of a sad feeling attached to -아/어/여 버리다  1. 잃어 버렸어요.  = I’ve lost it (and I’m not happy about it). 2. 떨어져 버렸어요.  = It dropped (and I didn’t want it to). Sample Sentences 1. 어제 산 핸드폰을 잃어 버렸어요. = I lost the cell phone I bought yesterday. (And I didn’t want that to happen.) 2. 안 좋은 일은 다 잊어 버렸어요. = I’ve forgotten all the bad things. (I am done with them.) 3. 빨리 끝내 버리세요. = Get it over with quickly.  = Finish it quickly and be done with it already. 4. 벌써 다 말해 버렸어요.  = I’ve already told them everything. (It’s done. It’s over.) 5. 10분 더 기다려도 안 오면 저 혼자 가 버릴 거예요. = If I wait for 10 more minutes (and) you don’t come, I will just go by myself.  6. 어제 쓴 글이 마음에 안 들어서 다 지워 버렸어요. = I didn’t like what I wrote yesterday, so I’ve erased it all.  7. 효진 씨한테 기다려 달라고 했는데, 그냥 가 버렸어요. = I asked Hyojin to wait, but she just left.   8. 컴퓨터가 멈춰 버렸어요. = My computer has stopped. (And it’s causing me trouble.) 9. 시작한 김에 오늘 다 끝내 버리는 거 어때요? = Now that we’ve started it, why don’t we just get it all done today? 10. 영화가 벌써 시작해 버렸어요.  = Oh, no! The movie has already begun! 
11/26/201215 minutes, 38 seconds
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TTMIK Level 9 Lesson 1

This is an Advanced Idiomatic Expressions lesson related to 손, the hand. In order to fully understand and use the expressions introduced in this series, it is essential that you understand the grammatical structure of the sentences. When you come across a grammar point that you are unfamiliar with, please go back and review the related TTMIK lessons. Keyword: 손 = hand 1. 손에 익다 = get accustomed to something (익다 = to be ripe, to be experienced) → You might be familiar with the word 익숙하다, which means “to be used to” something. Here, the verb 익다 has the same meaning as 익숙하다, but with the word 손, the expression is always used in the form 손에 익다. Think of it as a task or skill being “comfortable” or “accustomed” to the hand. Ex) 아직 일이 손에 익지 않아서, 시간이 오래 걸려요. = I haven’t become accustomed to the work yet, so it takes me a long time. 2. 손을 씻다 = to be through with something (bad); to quit doing something (bad) (씻다 = to wash) → The verb 씻다 means “to wash,” so the literal meaning of 손을 씻다 is “to wash one’s hands.” While it really is used in that sense, the expression 손을 씻다 can also be used to mean “to quit doing something bad,” such criminal or illegal acts. Ex) 저는 그 일에서 손 씻은 지 오래 됐어요. = It’s been a long time since I quit doing that. 3. 손이 크다 = to have an open hand; to be very generous (usually with food that one cooks) (크다 = to be big) → When someone tends to make a lot of food when cooking, you can say that the person is 손이 크다. When this expression is used in an idiomatic way, it has nothing to do with the actual size of the person’s hand. 손이 크다 is often, if not always, used to refer to mothers always cooking more food than necessary. Ex) 저희 어머니는 손이 커서 항상 음식을 너무 많이 하세요. = My mother has an open hand, so she always cooks too much food. 4. 손에 땀을 쥐다 = to be thrilled (while experiencing or watching something) (땀 = sweat, 쥐다 = to grab) → Literally, 손에 땀을 쥐다 means to “grab sweat in one’s hand.” The actual meaning of this phrase is that you are so excited and thrilled that your hands start sweating, therefore you have some sweat in your hands. This expression is commonly used in the forms 손에 땀을 쥐고, meaning “while being very thrilled,” and 손에 땀을 쥐게 하는, meaning “to be thrilling.” Ex) 축구 경기가 너무 재미있어서 정말 손에 땀을 쥐고 봤어요. The soccer match was a lot of fun, so I felt really thrilled while watching it. The soccer match was a lot of fun and I was really on the edge of my seat. 5. 손에 안 잡히다 = can’t concentrate on something (usually work) (잡히다 = to be grabbed, to be caught) → When you say that something is 손에 안 잡히다, it literally means that something is “not caught by one’s hands” but the actual meaning behind it is that you can’t get your hands on some task or can’t concentrate on something because you are distracted by other worries or exciting things. Ex) 걱정돼서 일이 손에 안 잡혀요. = I can’t concentrate on work because I am worried. 6. 손을 놓다 = to stop working on something; to get one’s hands off something (놓다 = to let go) → When you have your hands off something, it means you are not working on it anymore. You can say 손을 놓다 when you are either distracted or discouraged and not working on something anymore. Ex) 요즘 비디오 만드는 것에 손을 놓고 있었어요. = Recently, I haven’t been making any videos. 7. 손이 닳도록 빌다 = to beg as if one’s life depended on it; to beg and plead (닳다 = to be worn down, 빌다 = to beg, to plead) → 빌다 is to beg or to plead, and 손이 닳도록 means “to the point where your hands will be worn out”, so all together, 손이 닳도록 빌다 means to plead or beg as if your life depended on it. Ex) 손이 닳도록 빌었는데도, 안 된다고 했어요. = I begged and begged, but he still said no. 8. 손을 떼다 = to pull out of something (떼다 = to detach) → 떼다 means “to detach something off another thing.” So, when you say that you detach your hands off something, it means you’ve stopped doing something. Whereas 손을 놓다, 손을 떼다, and 손을 씻다 have similar meanings, 손을 씻다 usually means to stop doing something that is bad or illegal, 손을 놓다 means “to be too distracted or tired to continue working on something,” and 손을 떼다 means “to decide to stop being involved in something from a certain moment.” Ex) 저는 이 일에서 손 뗄게요. = I will pull out of this. = I will stop being involved in this project.
10/22/201216 minutes, 16 seconds
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TTMIK Level 8 Lesson 3

We have already introduced how to say “as soon as” or “right after” in Korean through a previous lesson, but there is more than one way to say these phrases in Korean. In this lesson, we are introducing a more advanced and more figurative way of saying “as soon as”.1. Verb + -기가 무섭게The word 무섭다 literally means “to be scary” or “to be scared”, but -기가 무섭게 has nothing to do with being scared or scary in its translation. When you say that something happens right after you do something,  or even “as” you are doing it, you can say “verb + -기가 무섭게” and then say what happened.Ex)수업이 끝나기가 무섭게= as soon as the class ended(using -자마자) = 수업이 끝나자마자말이 끝나기가 무섭게= as soon as he finished talking(using -자마자) = 말이 끝나자마자2. Verb + -기가 바쁘게-기가 바쁘게 and -기가 무섭게 are almost always interchangeable and are used depending on personal preferences. Some people say 무섭게 more often, some say 바쁘게, and others may not use either of them at all and could just use -자마자 for everything.Ex)문을 열기가 바쁘게= as soon as I opened the doors(using -자마자) = 문을 열자마자밥을 다 먹기가 바쁘게= as soon as he finished eating(using -자마자) = 밥을 다 먹자마자Sample Sentences1. 아침에 눈을 뜨기가 무섭게 집에서 나왔어요.= 아침에 눈을 뜨기가 바쁘게 집에서 나왔어요.= As soon as I woke up in the morning, I left the house.2. 문을 열기가 무섭게 손님들이 들어왔어요.= 문을 열기가 바쁘게 손님들이 들어왔어요.= As soon as we opened the door, customers came in.3. 음식이 주문하기가 무섭게 나왔어요.= 음식이 주문하기가 바쁘게 나왔어요.= The food came out as soon as we ordered it.4. 수업이 끝나기가 무섭게 학생들이 교실 밖으로 나갔어요.= 수업이 끝나기가 바쁘게 학생들이 교실 밖으로 나갔어요.= The students left the classroom as soon as the class was over.5. 사람들은 공연이 끝나기가 무섭게 밖으로 나갔어요.= 사람들은 공연이 끝나기가 바쁘게 밖으로 나갔어요.= As soon as the performance was over, people went outside.
4/9/201212 minutes, 3 seconds
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TTMIK Level 8 Lesson 2

This is part 2 of the Advanced Idiomatic Expressions lesson related to 눈, the eyes! In order to fully understand and use the expressions introduced in this series, it is essential that you understand the grammatical structure of the sentence. When you come across a grammar point that you are unfamiliar with, please go back and review the related lessons.Keyword:눈 = eyeIn Part 1, you learned the following expressions. (See Level 8 Lesson 1)1. 눈이 높다 = to be picky2. 눈 밖에 나다 = to get on one’s bad side3. 눈을 붙이다 = to get some sleep, to take a nap4. 눈빛만 봐도 알 수 있다 = can know with just one glance (at someone’s eyes)5. 눈 앞이 캄캄하다 = to not know where to start; to not have hope6. 눈썰미가 좋다 = to learn things fast; to pick up things fastPart 27. 눈에 넣어도 아프지 않다 = to be the apple of one’s eye(넣다 = to put in, 아프다 = to hurt)→ 눈에 넣다 literally means “to put something into one’s eyes”, which is not a very common thing to do, but it is just part of “눈에 넣어도 아프지 않다” which means “someone is so precious that it won’t hurt even if you put him/her into your eyes”. It might be a bit scary to think about the literal meaning of this sentence, but think of it as “wanting to keep the person in one’s sight all the time”. This is usually used toward children.Ex) 아이들은 그 나이 때 정말 귀여워서 눈에 넣어도 아프지 않아요.(= Kids at that age are so cute that they are the apple of your eye.)8. 눈에 띄다 = to be difficult to miss; to stand out(띄다 = to be spotted)→ The verb 띄다 itself means to be spotted, but it’s almost always used with the noun “눈” to form the phrase “눈에 띄다”. When you say that something or someone is “눈에 띄다”, it not only means that it catches your eyes and is remarkable, but it can also mean that something is difficult to miss because it’s either very good or terrible. When someone’s fashion stands out because it’s either amazing or weird, you can say “눈에 띄는 패션”, and when someone’s Korean speaking skills have gone up impressively, you can say that the person’s Korean has “눈에 띄게 늘었어요”.Ex) 한국어 어떻게 공부해요? 실력이 눈에 띄게 늘었어요.(= How do you study Korean? Your Korean skills have improved so much!)9. 눈을 마주치다 = eyes meet(마주치다 = to run into each other; to bump into each other)→ 마주치다 means “to bump into” or “to run into someone” by chance. When you use this verb with 눈, it means that two people’s eyes meet. When you say “눈을 마주치다”, 눈 is the object of the verb 마주치다, and you can also say “눈이 마주치다”, with 눈 as the subject of the verb 마주치다.Ex) 그 사람하고 눈이 마주쳤는데, 창피해서 고개를 돌렸어요.(= My eyes met with his, and I felt embarrassed so I looked away.)10. 눈이 멀다 = to be blinded by something(눈이 멀다 = to go blind)→ Here, the verb 멀다 sounds the same as the verb for “to be far away”, but when 멀다 is used with 눈, it means that your eyes are either blind or temporarily blinded by something. This expression is often used along with what caused you to be blinded in the form “Noun + -에 눈이 멀다".Ex) 그 사람은 욕심에 눈이 멀었어요.(= He is blinded by his greed.)11. 눈이 부시다 = to be radiant(눈이 부시다 = to be dazzling; to be too bright)→ 눈이 부시다 means that something is so bright that you can’t open your eyes to see it directly. You can use this expression to talk about light, but you can also say this about someone’s beauty.Ex) 눈이 부시게 아름다워요.(= Your beauty is dazzling.)12. 눈 하나 깜짝하지 않다 = to not bat an eye(하나 = one, 깜짝하다 = to blink)→ When someone is not surprised or affected by a threatening or shocking remark or action, you can say that the person doesn’t even blink at it, by using the expression 눈 하나 깜짝하지 않다. A similar expression is 눈 깜짝할 사이에, which means “in the blink of an eye”.Ex) 그 사람은 그런 말을 들어도 눈 하나 깜짝하지 않을 거예요.= Even if you tell him that, he wouldn’t bat an eye.
4/2/201213 minutes, 6 seconds
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TTMIK Level 8 Lesson 1

Welcome to the first lesson in the Advanced Idiomatic Expression series! By studying with this series, you will learn many idiomatic expressions that are based upon a certain Korean word and used in everyday Korean conversation. In order to fully understand and use the expressions introduced in this series, it is essential that you understand the grammatical structure of the sentence. When you come across a grammar point that you are unfamiliar with, please go back and review the related lessons.Keyword:눈 = eye1. 눈이 높다 = to be picky(높다 = to be high)→ 눈이 높다 literally means that your “eyes are high”, but in Korean, if you say that your eyes are 높다, it simply means that you have high standards for things or people. When someone is very picky about the type of person they want to date or the kind of things they want to buy, you can say “눈이 높다”.  Ex) 저 눈 안 높아요. 저는 그냥 성격 좋은 사람이면 다 좋아요.(= I’m not picky. Anyone who has a good personality is fine for me.)2. 눈 밖에 나다 = to get on one’s bad side(밖에 = outside of something / 나다 = to get out, to be out)→ When you have done something to make a person upset with you and that person doesn’t like you very much any longer, you might have some disadvantages compared to other people. In that case, you can say that you are “outside” someone’s eyes, meaning that the person will not be happy to help you or give you any benefit.Ex) 저는 지각을 많이 해서, 선생님 눈 밖에 났어요.(= I am frequently late, so my teacher doesn’t like me.)3. 눈을 붙이다 = to get some sleep; to take a nap(붙이다 = to paste; to glue things together)→ When you take a nap, you can use the expression “눈을 붙이다”. The literal translation is “to glue one’s eyes together”, but it is actually closer in meaning to “gluing one’s eyelids shut”, meaning that one sleeps. This is not very commonly used to refer to sleeping at night.Ex) 피곤하면 눈 좀 붙여요. 나중에 깨워 줄게요.(= If you are tired, get some sleep. I’ll wake you up later.)4. 눈빛만 봐도 알 수 있다 = can know with just one glance(빛 = light, 보다 = to see, 알다 = to know)→ When you automatically know what a person wants or wants to tell you just by looking at his/her eyes, you can say 눈빛만 봐도 알 수 있다. The word 눈빛 doesn’t literally refer to light that comes out of one’s eyes, but rather the way someone looks at something, or the emotion that you can feel from the eyes.Ex) 말 안 해도, 눈빛만 봐도 알 수 있어요.(= Even if you don’t say it, I can know just by looking at your eyes.)5. 눈 앞이 캄캄하다 = to not know where to start; to have no hope(앞 = front, 캄캄하다 = to be dark; to be pitch black)→ When it’s dark in front of your eyes, it means that you can’t see; when you can’t see, you will panic. When you are confronted with a situation where you don’t know what to do or you can’t think of a way to get out of it, you say 눈 앞이 캄캄하다.Ex) 눈 앞이 캄캄했었는데, 석진 씨가 도와줬어요.(= I was in panic because I didn’t know how to solve the problem, but 석진 helped me.)6. 눈썰미가 좋다 = to learn things quickly; to pick up things fast(좋다 = to be good)→ 눈썰미 refers to the ability to learn or understand how something is done just by looking at someone else doing it. For example, when someone can learn how to cook a Korean dish mainly by watching others, or when someone can pick up a dance move very quickly by imitating what they saw, you can say that the person has good 눈썰미.Ex) 한 번만 보고 어떻게 따라해요? 눈썰미가 좋으시네요.(= How do you follow the moves just by looking at them once? You pick up things very fast!)
3/29/201214 minutes, 43 seconds
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TTMIK Level 7 Lesson 3

In this lesson we are looking at the structure -(으)ㄹ 만하다. This structure has a variety of meanings and it is very important to pay close attention to the context in order to understand what kind of meaning is intended.Generally, -(으)ㄹ 만하다 means that there is enough reason or justification for a certain situation or that something is doable or possible, but mainly in the sense of being "bearable" to do.Examples가다→ 갈 만하다 [gal man-ha-da]= to be possible to go= to be worth going (and checking out the place)= there is enough justifiable reason for one to go먹다→ 먹을 만하다 [meo-geul man-ha-da]= to be edible= to taste okay (the taste is bearable)= the taste is acceptable늦다→ 늦을 만하다 [neu-jeul man-ha-da]= to be forgivable for being late= there is enough reason for being late놀라다→ 놀랄 만하다 [nol-lal man-ha-da]= to be natural to be surprised/shocked= there is enough reason for being surprisd/shockedSample Sentences1. 그럴 만해요.[geu-reol man-hae-yo.]= It’s understandable to be so.= It’s possible.= There is enough reason for it to be so.2. 그 사람은 인기가 있을 만해요.[geu sa-ra-meun in-gi-ga i-sseul man-hae-yo.]= There is enough reason that he is popular.= It’s understandable why he is popular.3. 이 책 읽을 만해요?[i chaek il-geul man-hae-yo?]= Is this book worth reading?= Is this book good?= Do you recommend this book?4. 괜찮아요. 참을 만해요.[gwaen-cha-na-yo. cha-meul man-hae-yo.]= I’m okay. It’s endurable.= I’m okay. It’s bearable.5. 가족끼리 한 번쯤 갈 만해요.[ga-jok-kki-ri han beon-jjeum gal man-hae-yo.]= (The place) is worth visiting once (or twice) with family.
11/3/201117 minutes, 23 seconds
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Level 7 Lesson 2

In this lesson, we look at how to say “to pretend” to do something in Korean. The key words that you need to know are 척 [cheok] and 체 [che]. They are a little bit different in usage, but they can be basically used in the following form.Verb stem + -(으/느)ㄴ 척 하다orVerb stem + -(으/느)ㄴ 체 하다In the structures above, both 체 and 척 have the meaning of “the act of pretending” or “acting as if”. Therefore the part before 척/체, which is -(으/느)ㄴ has the role of changing a verb into the adjective form, and the verb 하다 means “to do”.1. -(으/ㄴ)ㄴ = adjective ending2. 척/체 = the act of pretending3. 하다 = to do→ -(으/느)ㄴ 척/체 하다Examples1. 알다 = to know→ 아는 척 하다 = to pretend to know→ 아는 체 하다 = to pretend to know** Here, 알다 is a ㄹ irregular verb so ㄹ drops.2. 자다 = to sleep→ 자는 척 하다 = to pretend to sleep→ 자는 체 하다 = to pretend to sleep3. 예쁘다 = to be pretty→ 예쁜 척 하다 = to pretend to be pretty, to act as if one was pretty→ 예쁜 체 하다 = to pretend to be pretty, to act as if one was prettyYou can use -(으/느)ㄴ 척/체 하다 with past tense and present progressive too.Examples1. 알다 → 알고 있다 (present progressive)→ 알고 있는 척/체 하다 = to pretend to be aware of something2. 자다 → 자고 있다 (present progressive)→ 자고 있는 척/체 하다 = to pretend to be sleeping/asleep3. 하다 → 한 (past tense adjective form)→ 한 척/체 하다 = to pretend to have done something4. 먹다 → 먹은 (past tense adjective form)→ 먹은 척/체 하다 = to pretend to have eaten something** You can’t use -(으/느)ㄴ 척/체 하다 with future tense. In that case you need to different structures, such as -(으)ㄹ 것처럼 행동하다, etc.Difference between 척 and 체척 and 체 are almost the same and almost always interchangeable, but only 척 can be followed by verbs other than 하다, which is usually 행동하다 (to behave) or 이야기하다 (to talk). You can also use the part “-(으/느)ㄴ 척” (without finishing with sentence with 하다) as a clause.Ex)모르는 척, 조용히 나갔어요.= (While) Pretending as if they didn’t know, they went out quietly.Sometimes, 척 and 체 will be followed by verbs that are not 하다, but even in those cases, those verbs are mostly “related” to the verb 하다.For example, when you want to say “Stop pretending you know.” you can say 아는 척 하지 마세요 but also 아는 척 그만하세요. Here, 그만하다 means to stop, but it basically comes from 하다.Sample Sentences1. 모르는 척 하지 말고 빨리 말해 줘요.[mo-reu-neun cheok ha-ji mal-go ppal-li mal-hae jwo-yo.]= Please don’t pretend you don’t know and tell me quickly.2. 자는 척 그만하고 일어나요.[ja-neun cheok geu-man-ha-go i-reo-na-yo.]= Stop pretending to be asleep and get up.3. 술 마신 척 하지 마세요.[sul ma-sin cheok ha-ji ma-se-yo.]= Don’t pretend that you drank.4. 그 사람은 예쁜 척을 너무 많이 해요.[geu sa-ra-meun yeo-ppeun cheo-geul neo-mu ma-ni hae-yo.]= She behaves (too much) as if she’s pretty.5. 아는 척 하지 마세요.[a-neun cheok ha-ji ma-se-yo.]= Don’t pretend to know.= Don’t be a know-it-all.
10/31/201116 minutes, 58 seconds
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TTMIK Level 7 Lesson 1

In this lesson, we are looking at the sentence ending -(는)구나 and -(는)군요. -(는)구나 is used in 반말 (casual, informal language) and -(는)군요 is only used in 존댓말 (polite, formal language). When are they used?You use -(는)구나 and -(는)군요 when you just realized or found out about something for the first time, mainly to express your realization. You can sometimes use them to show that you are surprised, but this depends on the intonation of your sentence. Let's compare some sentences using the -(는)구나 or -(는)군요 ending with some plain sentences.1. 여기 있었어요. [yeo-gi i-sseo-sseo-yo.] = It was here.(존댓말) 여기 있었군요. [yeo-gi i-sseot-gun-yo.] = (I see that) it was here.(반말) 여기 있었구나. [yeo-gi i-sseot-gu-na.] (same meaning as above)2.  생각보다 비싸요. [saeng-gak-bo-da bi-ssa-yo.] = It's more expensive than I thought.(존댓말) 생각보다 비싸군요. [saeng-gak-bo-da bi-ssa-gun-yo.] = (I see that) it is more expensive than I thought.(반말) 생각보다 비싸구나. [saeng-gak-bo-da bi-ssa-gu-na.] (save meaning as above)3. 여기 살아요. [yeo-gi sa-ra-yo.] = I live here. She lives here. They live here. etc.(존댓말) 여기 사는군요. [yeo-gi sa-neun-gun-yo.] = (I see that) you live here. (반말) 여기 사는구나. [yeo-gi sa-neun-gu-na.] = (same meaning as above)Construction[Past Tense] Verb stem + -았/었/였군요 Verb stem + -았/었/였구나[Present Tense]- Action Verbs: Verb stem + -는군요/는구나 - Descriptive Verbs: Verb stem + -군요/구나-(는)군요 and -(는)군Generally, when you drop the -요 at the end of a Korean sentence, it becomes a 반말 sentence and it is the same with -(는)군요. Therefore, instead of saying -(는)군요, if you say -(는)군, it becomes the same level as -(는)구나. Even though the basic meaning is the same, however, -(는)구나 is more commonly used in spoken language and among females than -(는)군. Sometimes people would say -(는)군, but saying this will make your sentence sound a bit like written language and more masculin. Ex)이거 맛있구나. [i-geo ma-sit-gu-na]= (I didn't know before but I just realized that) this is delicious!이거 맛있군.[i-geo ma-sit-gun.]--> This sentence has the same basic meaning as the one above, but it sounds a litte more masculin and like written language. Nouns + -군요/구나 When you want to say "Noun + -이다", if the noun ends with a consonant, you keep the -이 and add -군요 or -구나. Ex)학생이군요. / 학생이구나. But if the noun ends with a vowel, you drop the -이 and just add -군요 or -구나. Ex)이거군요. / 이거구나. More Sample Sentences1. 여기 진짜 넓구나! [yeo-gi jin-jja neolp-gu-na!]= This place is so big!2. 이게 그거였군요! [i-ge geu-geo-yeot-gun-yo!]= So this was what you were talking about!3. 이렇게 하는 거군요.[i-reo-ke ha-neun geo-yeot-gun-yo.]= So this is how you do it!4. 벌써 11월이구나![beol-sseo si-bi-rweol-i-gu-na!]= (I didn't realize before but) it's already November!5. 어제도 만났군요. [eo-je-do man-nat-gun-yo.]= (I didn't know before but I just found out that) you met yesterday too.
10/27/201114 minutes, 24 seconds
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TTMIK Level 6 Lesson 3

TTMIK Level 6 Lesson 3 - One of the most … / 가장 ~ 중의 하나In this lesson, we are taking a look at how to say “one of the most …” in Korean. After studying with this lesson, you will be able to say things such as “He’s one of my closest friends.”, “It’s one of the most popular places in Seoul.”, etc.Now before we talk about how to say this in Korean, we’d like to point out that this expression actually started being used as a result of many Korean people being exposed to the English language. At first there were some people who tried not to use this expression because it sounded too much like a “translated” sentence, but now it is so commonly used that not many people actually care.One of the most … = 가장 ~ 중의 하나First of all, let’s break down the phrase word by word.1. one = 하나 [ha-na]2. of = ~의 [-ui]3. “The” is not translated into Korean in this case.4. most + adjective + noun = 가장 + adjective + noun** If you’d like to review on 가장 (= most), go back to Level 4 Lesson 18.Word order difference between Korean and English around “-의 / of"In Korean, -의 [-ui] is the particle that makes possession, belonging, origin or characteristics, and it basically means “of”. The word order, however, is very different around -의 or “of” in these two languages. If you say “A of B”, in Korean you need to switch it to “B의 A”. To make it simpler, you can just think of “-의" as , as in “my friend’s house”, “my teacher’s name”, etc.So in English, the word “one” comes at the beginning of this expression, but 하나 (= one) comes at the end of it.하나 can be replaced by other words하나 is the most basic form of saying “one” but depending what you are counting, you can use different counting units. Let’s take a look at some of the most commonly used ones.Person = 한 사람 [han sa-ram], 한 명 [han myeong], or 한 분 (honorific) [han bun]Place = 한 곳 [han got], 한 군데 [han gun-de]Thing, Kind, Type = 한 가지 [han ga-ji]* Go back to Level 2 Lesson 9 to review a lesson on counters.Using 가장 with adjectives or verbsTo understand how to use this, there are three lessons that you need to have studied.- Level 4 Lesson 18 (on how to say “best” or “most” using the superlatives “가장" and “제일")- Level 3 Lesson 13 + 14 (on how to make adjectives out of descriptive and action verbs in Korean)Examples가장 + 예쁘다 → 가장 예쁜가장 + 좋다 → 가장 좋은가장 + 괜찮다 → 가장 괜찮은1. 가장 예쁜 친구[ga-jang ye-ppeun chin-gu]= the prettiest friend2. 가장 좋은 책[ga-jang jo-eun chaek]= the best book3. 가장 괜찮은 카페[ga-jang gwaen-cha-neun ka-pe]= the best cafeHow to use 중 as “among” or “of”중 [jung] literally means “middle” or “center” but used after a noun and followed by -의 [-ui], it means “among” or “(one) of (the …)”.→ Noun (plural or singular) + 중Examples1. 가장 예쁜 친구들 중(의)= 가장 예쁜 친구 중(의)2. 가장 좋은 방법들 중(의)= 가장 좋은 방법 중(의)가장 ~ 중의 하나Now let us look at some examples of the entire structure.1. 가장 좋은 방법들 중의 하나= 가장 좋은 방법 중의 하나= 가장 좋은 방법 중 하나= one of the best methods2. 가장 빠른 길들 중의 하나= 가장 빠른 길 중의 하나= 가장 빠른 길 중 하나= one of the fastest ways/paths3. 가장 자주 만나는 친구들 중의 한 명= 가장 자주 만나는 친구 중의 한 명= 가장 자주 만나는 친구 중 한 명= one of the friends that I meet most oftenSample Sentences1. 여기가 제가 제일 자주 오는 카페 중(의) 하나예요.[yeo-gi-ga je-ga je-il ja-ju o-eun ka-pe jung(ui) ha-na-ye-yo.]= This is one of the cafes that I visit most often.2. 제가 가장 좋아하는 가수들 중(의) 한 명이에요.[je-ga ga-jang jo-a-ha-neun ga-su-deul jung(ui) han myeong-i-e-yo.]= He/she is one of my favorite singers.= He/she is one of the singers I like the most.3. 한국에서 가장 인기 있는 영화 중(의) 하나예요.[han-gu-geo-seo ga-jang in-gi in-neun yeong-hwa jung(ui) ha-na-ye-yo]= It’s one of the most popular movies in Korea.
7/18/201119 minutes, 59 seconds
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TTMIK Level 6 Lesson 2

TTMIK Level 6 Lesson 2 - What do you think about ...?In this lesson, let us take a look at how to say “What do you think about …?” in Korean. In our previous lesson, we introduced the expression 어때요? [eo-ttae-yo?], which means “How about …?”. Sometimes this expression, 어때요?, can also be used to mean “What do you think?”.어때요? [eo-ttae-yo?]= How is it?= How about …?= What do you think? But when you want to add more details to the sentence and say “What do you think about + NOUN?” or “What do you think about + VERB-ing?”, you need to use different expressions.There are various ways to say “What do you think?” in Korean, but here let us take a look at the two most commonly used expressions.1. 어떻게 생각해요?  [eo-tteo-ke saeng-ga-kae-yo?]= What do you think?2. 어떤 것 같아요?[eo-tteo-ke saeng-ga-kae-yo?]= What do you think? The word “what” is used in English because you ask “what” is on someone’s mind or “what” are their thoughts about a certain topic, but in Korean, you use the word for “how” because you are asking about “how” someone looks at the matter or “how” they think something is. The basic verb for “to be how” is 어떻다 [eo-tteo-ta] and when you change it to the adverb form, it becomes 어떻게 [eo-tteo-ke]. 어떻게 생각해요? is literally translated as “HOW think?”어떤 것 같아요? is literally translated as “HOW it seems?” or “What kind of thing it seems like?”(**To review on the -(으/느)ㄴ 것 같다, go back to Level 3 Lesson 9.)What do you think ABOUT + NOUN?The expression for “about” in Korean is -에 대해서 [-e dae-hae-seo]. About school = 학교에 대해서About me = 저에 대해서 (formal language), 나에 대해서 (casual language)About what = 뭐에 대해서 What do you think about _______?= _______에 대해서 어떻게 생각해요?= _______ 어떤 것 같아요?What do you think ABOUT + VERB-ing?In order to use “about / -에 대해서" after it, the verb needs to be changed to the noun form of -는 것 [-neun geot]. 이렇게 하다 = to do it like this→ “이렇게 하는 것”에 대해서 = about doing it this way물어보다 = to ask→ “물어보는 것"에 대해서 = about asking Sample Sentences1. 이 책에 대해서 어떻게 생각하세요? [i chae-ge dae-hae-seo eo-tteo-ke saeng-ga-ka-se-yo?]= What do you think about this book?이 책 어떤 것 같아요?[i chaek eo-tteon geot ga-ta-yo?]= What do you think about this book?2. 어릴 때 유학을 가는 것에 대해서 어떻게 생각하세요? [eo-ril ttae yu-ha-geul ga-neun geo-se da-hae-seo eo-tteo-ke saeng-ga-ka-se-yo?]= What do you think about studying abroad at a young age?어릴 때 유학 가는 거, 어떤 것 같아요?[eo-ril ttae yu-hak ga-neun geo, eo-tteon geo ga-ta-yo?]= What do you think about studying abroad at a young age?3. 제 아이디어에 대해서 어떻게 생각하세요?[je a-i-di-eo-e dae-hae-seo eo-tteo-ke saeng-ga-ka-se-yo?]= What do you think about my idea?제 아이디어 어떤 것 같아요?[je a-i-di-eo eo-tteon geot ga-ta-yo?]= What do you think about my idea?
7/15/201117 minutes, 30 seconds
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TTMIK Level 6 Lesson 1

TTMIK Level 6 Lesson 1 - How about ...?Welcome to Level 6 of TalkToMeInKorean. You have already come a long way in learning the Korean language and we are really looking forward to helping you take your Korean to the next level. From Level 6, we will be introducing more “sentence patterns” than in the previous lessons, as well as still introducing some new grammar points. In “grammar point” lessons, we start from a Korean grammar point and introduce how it is used, but in “sentence pattern” lessons, we will start from an English sentence pattern and explain how to say that in Korean. In this lesson, let us take a look at how to say “How about …?” in Korean. There can be many ways to say this, but the most basic and common translation is “어때요?”. How about …? = Noun + 어때요?= Verb stem + -는 거 어때요? 어 때요? comes from the verb 어떻다 [eo-tteo-ta], which literally means “to be how”. Therefore when you want to say phrases such as “How about this one?”, “How about that one?”, “How about eating here?”, etc, you can use this verb, 어떻다. Examples (with nouns)1. 이거 어때요?[i-geo eo-ttae-yo?]= How about this?2. 생일 선물로 카메라 어때요? [saeng-il seon-mul-lo ka-me-ra eo-ttae-yo?]= How about a camera as your/his/their birthday present?3. 내일 어때요?[nae-il eo-ttae-yo?]= How about tomorrow? Examples (with verbs)1. 다시 하는 거 어때요?[da-si ha-neun geo eo-ttae-yo?]= How about doing it again?2. 다른 사람한테 물어보는 거 어때요?[da-reun sa-ra-man-te mu-reo-bo-neun geo eo-ttae-yo?]= How about asking other people?3. 안으로 들어가는 거 어때요?[a-neu-reo geu-reo-ga-neun geo eo-ttae-yo?]= How about going inside?Sample Sentences1. 이거 싫어요? 이거(는) 어때요? [i-geo si-reo-yo? i-geo(-neun) eo-ttae-yo?]= You don’t like this? How about this one?2. 내일 만나서 이야기하는 거 어때요?[nae-il man-na-seo- i-ya-gi-ha-neun geo eo-ttae-yo?]= How about meeting and talking about it tomorrow?3. 이렇게 하는 거 어때요?[i-reo-ke ha-neun geo eo-ttae-yo?]= How about doing it this way?Word contractions-는 거 + subject marker (이/가) → -는 것 + 이 → -는 것이 → -는 게-는 거 + topic marker (은/는) → -는 거 + 는 → - 는 건 이렇게 하는 거 어때요? [ Neutral ]= How about doing it this way?이렇게 하는 게 어때요? [ + Subject Marker ]= How about doing it this way? * The meaning is almost the same as the neutral sentence.이렇게 하는 건 어때요? [ + Topic Marker ]= (Since you aren’t too sure about the other ideas,) how about doing it THIS way (then)?
7/11/201117 minutes, 22 seconds
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TTMIK Level 5 lesson 3

TTMIK Level 5 Lesson 3 - “수고"Welcome to the 3rd lesson in Level 5 at TalkToMeInKorean! After studying the lengthy previous lesson on the honorific suffix -시- (Level 5 Lesson 2), it is time to take a little break from grammar rules and have a light lesson. In this lesson, we are going to look at an expression that Koreans say very often that is somewhat difficult to be translated into English.The keyword is 수고 [su-go].Literally, the word 수고 itself is a noun that means “trouble”, “effort” or “hard work”. But 수고 is rarely used on its own and is usually used inside some fixed expressions. These expressions using 수고 are used in everyday Korean conversations so often that we decided that they need a separate TalkToMeInKorean lesson on them. Fixed expressions using 수고1. 수고하세요. [su-go-ha-se-yo.] This expression literally means “continue working hard”, “keep up the effort”, “keep doing the work you are doing” or “continue taking the trouble to do it” but it is not taken as such meanings. When you want to comment on the fact that someone is makinf a lot of effort to do something, and you want to show either your appreciation or your support for that person by saying something as you leave the place or see someone leave, you can say 수고하세요. Sometimes 수고하세요 almost means “Good-bye” or “See you”. ** To someone younger than you, you can say 수고해요 [su-go-hae-yo] or even 수고해 if you are close friends with that person. 수고하세요 is much more polite than 수고해요. Possible situations- You received a parcel or a letter from a mailman. You want to say “thanks” but add something after that meaning “Thank you for the effort. Keep it up!”. - You visit or pass by someone who is working at the moment. As you walk away, you want to say “See you again and I know you are working hard. Continue doing what you do.” Inappropriate situations- When you are talking to someone much older than you or someone you need to show respect toward, it is inappropriate to say 수고하세요. If you are much younger than the other person, he or she might think that you are rude and arrogant. 2. 수고하셨습니다. This expression literally means “you made a lot of effort” or “you went through a lot of trouble doing this”. You can use this expression to someone who just finished doing some work. If you are the one who made that person work, 수고하셨습니다 could mean “Thank you for the great job you did”. If you are just commenting on the fact that this person worked hard and has just finished something, it means “Good work” or “Congratulations on finishing it”. ** To someone younger than you, you can say 수고했어요 [su-go-hae-sseo-yo] or even 수고했어 if you are close friends with that person. But if you are not the oldest member of the group, it is still better to say 수고하셨습니다.Possible situations- You worked with other people as a group on a task or a project. The work is now finished. You want to casually celebrate the fact that the work is over and lightly thank the others for working so hard.- Other people did some work and you became aware of it. You want to say “I know you put a lot of effort into it. It’s finished now.” as a gesture of acknowledgement.3. 수고 많으셨습니다. / 수고 많았어요. This expression literally means “your effort has been a lot”. You can use this expression in situations similar to those where you would say 수고하셨습니다, but 수고 많으셨습니다 is more specifically said in order to appreciate the effort. After finishing a task as a group, you would say 수고하셨습니다 all together, but individually, you can go up to someone and say 수고 많으셨습니다.
4/4/201115 minutes, 53 seconds
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TTMIK Level 5 lesson 2

TTMIK Level 5 Lesson 2 - -시- (honorific)Welcome everybody to the 2nd lesson of Level 5. In this lesson we are going to introduce how the honorific suffix -시- [-si-] is used in "politer" and "more formal" situations. Even if this is the first time you have heard about this "honorific suffix", you probably have already seen some expressions before that have this word -시- in them, such as 안녕하세요, 안녕히 가세요 or 주세요.What is -시-?- 시- is a "suffix" so it is never used on its own. When combined with other verbs, -시- makes a sentence "honorific", which means that the speaker is showing respect for the person that he or she is talking about. If the speaker wants to show respect for the other person talking with him or herself, he or she can show respect for that person, too, by using this honorific suffix, -시-.How is it used?-시- can be used in any tense. You add -시- between the verb stem and other verb endings.PLAINPresent tense: verb stem + -아/어/여요Past tense: verb stem + -았/었/였어요Future tense: verb stem + -ㄹ 거예요HONORIFICPresent tense: verb stem + -시- + -어요Past tense: verb stem + -시- + -었어요Future tense: verb stem + -시- + -ㄹ 거예요** When the verb stem ends with a consonant, you need to add 으 [eu] in front of 시 to make the pronunciation easier. Examples1. 보다 [bo-da] = to seePresent tense[plain] 보 + -아요 = 봐요 [bwa-yo] [honorific] 보 + -시- + -어요 = 보셔요 [bo-syeo-yo]Past tense[plain] 보 + -았- + -어요 = 봤어요 [bwa-sseo-yo][honorific] 보 + -시- + -었- + -어요 = 보셨어요 [bo-syeo-sseo-yo]Future tense[plain] 보 + -ㄹ 거예요 = 볼 거예요 [bol geo-ye-yo][honorific] 보 + -시- + ㄹ 거예요 = 보실 거예요 [bo-sil geo-ye-yo]2. 웃다 [ut-da] = to laugh, to smilePresent tense[plain] 웃 + -어요 = 웃어요 [u-seo-yo][honorific] 웃 + -으시- + -어요 = 웃으셔요 [u-seo-syeo-yo]Past tense[plain] 웃 + -었- + -어요 = 웃었어요 [u-seo-sseo-yo][honorific] 웃 + -으시- + -었- + -어요 = 웃으셨어요 [u-seu-syeo-sseo-yo]Future tense[plain] 웃 + -을 거예요 = 웃을 거예요 [u-seul geo-ye-yo][honorific] 웃 + -으시- + -ㄹ 거예요 = 웃으실 거예요 [u-seu-sil geo-ye-yo]Honorific subject markerYou already know what subject markers are. They are 이 [i] and 가 [ga] and they show “WHO” did the action or “WHO” is the subject of the verb. Ex)A: 누가 했어요? (Who did it?)B: 제가 했어요. (I did it.)In honorific sentences, the subject markers change to 께서 [kke-seo]. You can only use 께서 after subjects that you are being honorific to, showing respect toward and lowering yourself against. Ex) A가 → A께서Often times, the word for the subject itself can change accordingly. For example, the word 선생님 is already in the honorific form because it has the word “님" but in casual situations you can use 이 or 가 as subject markers. But other words need to change forms when they are used in honorific sentences. Ex) 친구가 → 친구분께서 (adding the word 분 [bun])사장이 → 사장님께서 (adding the word 님 [nim])현우 씨가 → 현우 님께서 (changing the word 씨 [ssi] to 님 [nim])But in everyday conversations, if you are talking with people that you are somewhat close to, you can drop 께서 while still keeping the basic honorific forms using -시-.Ex) 1. 현우 씨, 언제 오실 거예요? = Hyunwoo, when are you going to come here?2. 선생님이 주셨어요. = My teacher gave it to me. 3. 아빠 오셨어요. = My father is here. Irregular verbs exampls1. 듣다 [deut-da] = to listen → [honorific] 들으시다 [deu-reu-si-da] 2. 팔다 [pal-da] = to sell→ [honorific] 파시다 [pa-si-da] 3. 먹다 [meok-da] = to eat → [honorific] 드시다 [deu-si-da]4. 마시다 [ma-si-da] = to drink→ [honorific] 드시다 [deu-si-da] (** the same as 먹다)Fixed expressions (noun + 하시다)There are some nouns that are only used in honorific situations. They are used with 하시다 to form utmost honorific and polite expressions. 말 [mal] = talk, speech, story, speaking→ 말씀 [mal-sseum]→ 말씀하시다 [mal-sseum-ha-si-da] = to talk먹다 [meok-da] = to eat → 식사 [sik-sa] = meal→ 식사하시다 [sik-sa-ha-si-da] = to have a meal-셔요 becoming -세요Originally, when -시- is combined with -아/어/여요, the present tense ending, it becomes -셔요. But over time, people have started pronouncing it and even writing it as -세요 because it’s easier to pronounce. This is only found in present tense sentences and imperative sentences. Present tense:Ex) 어디 가셔요? → 어디 가세요?(어디 가셔요 is still correct, but people say 어디 가세요 more commonly.)Imperative:Ex) 하지 마셔요. → 하지 마세요.(하지 마세요 is still correct, but people say 하지 마세요 more commonly.)
3/31/201128 minutes, 48 seconds
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TTMIK Level 5 Lesson 1

TTMIK Level 5 Lesson 1 - almost did - -(으)ㄹ 뻔 했다Welcome to Level 5!!! In the first lesson of Level 5, we are going to look at how to say that you “almost did” something or “nearly did” something. This is used both in situations where you “wanted” to do something (but only almost did it) and in situations where you “didn’t want” to do something and fortunately didn’t do it but almost did it.Ex) I almost lost my keys.Ex) I almost passed the exam!ConjugationVerb stem + -(으)ㄹ 뻔 했다The word 뻔 is a noun that describes “nearly getting into a situation where something happens” and in order to use a verb with 뻔, you need to change the verb into the future tense conjugation and add 뻔 after that.Examples사다 [sa-da] = to buy→ 살 뻔 했어요. [sal ppeon hae-sseo-yo.] = I almost bought it.믿다 [mit-da] = to believe→ 믿을 뻔 했어요. [mi-deul ppeon hae-sseo-yo.] = I almost believed it.울다 [ul-da] = to cry→ 울 뻔 했어요. [ul ppeon hae-sseo-yo.] = I almost cried.Sample sentences1. 무서워서 울 뻔 했어요. [mu-seo-wo-seo ul ppeon hae-sseo-yo.]= It was scary so I almost cried.= I almost cried because I was scared.2. 무거워서 떨어뜨릴 뻔 했어요. [mu-geo-wo-seo tteo-rreo-tteu-ril ppeon hae-sseo-yo.]= It was heavy and I almost dropped it.3. 돈을 잃을 뻔 했어요. [do-neul i-reul ppeon hae-sseo-yo.]= I almost lost money.4. 죽을 뻔 했어요. [ju-geul ppeon hae-sseo-yo.]= I almost died.5. 갈 뻔 했는데, 안 갔어요. [gal ppeon haet-neun-de, an ga-sseo-yo.]= I almost went there, but I didn’t go.
3/24/201110 minutes, 27 seconds
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TTMIK Level 4 Lesson 3

안녕하세요! In this TalkToMeInKorean lesson, we are looking at how to say "it's impossible that..." or "No way ..." in Korean! Listen in to find out how to use this -(을) 리가 없어요 ending in natural context and be sure to practice with us by leaving us comments! Thank you!
12/9/201015 minutes, 30 seconds
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TTMIK Level 4 Lesson 2

안녕하세요! Welcome to another lesson brought to you by! This lesson is about the verb ending -(으)ㄹ래요. This is a very useful verb ending to know because you can ask your friends what they want to do, and also express what you want to do. Listen in and find out how to use it in natural context and as always, if you have any questions, feel free to ask the teachers in the comment! Thanks for studying with us!
12/2/201014 minutes, 46 seconds
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TTMIK Level 4 Lesson 1

안녕하세요! Welcome to Level 4! In this lesson, we look at how to say "the more [A], the more [B]" in Korean. The key expression/verb ending we will be using is "을수록". Listen in to learn how to use it, and be sure to practice with us through comments!
11/25/201020 minutes, 29 seconds
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Level 3 Lesson 3

안녕하세요! In this lesson, we are looking at how to ask someone where someone or something is and also how to talk about relative locations like "in front of" "behind" "next to" "on top of" and "under". Listen in to find out more! And when you memorize new words in a foreign language, what do you do to help the words stick? We tried giving you some mnemonic tips for the words toward the end of the lesson. Let us know what you think!
8/9/201012 minutes, 38 seconds
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Level 3 Lesson 2

안녕하세요! Welcome back to another exciting lesson at! Today in this lesson we are going to look at how to 'link' two or more verbs together in one sentences. There are many different ways of doing this, but we are going to start from the most commonly used form, which is -고 (-go). Listen in to find out more!
8/5/20108 minutes, 1 second
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Level 3 Lesson 1

Welcome to Level 3, everyone! And congratulations on finishing Level 1 and Level 2. In this lesson, we are introducing an expression that is very commonly used, and in two opposite meanings, too. The expression is 너무 [neo-mu] and it can be used to mean both "very" in positive sentences and "too much" in negative sentences. Listen in to learn more about how it is used!
8/3/20107 minutes, 25 seconds
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TTMIK Level 2 Lesson 3

Hello everyone, we are back with another lesson! Like many languages in the world, there are many conjuctions in the Korean language. In this lesson we are introducing two of them: 그리고 and 그래서. 그리고 [geu-ri-go] has the meaning of “and” and “and then”, depending on the context. 그래서 [geu-rae-seo] has the meaning of “therefore” and “so”. If you have any questions, please feel free, as always, to leave us a comment! 감사합니다.
4/3/20109 minutes, 48 seconds
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TTMIK Level 2 Lesson 2

안녕하세요. ^^ In this lesson, we are looking at the object marking particles. As we mentioned a few times through our previous lessons, there are different types of particles in Korean, and these particles (subject marking particles, topic marking particles, location marking particles, and so on) are what make it easy to understand Korean sentences, even when the word order changes. If you have any questions, please feel free, as always, to leave us a comment! 감사합니다.
4/2/201016 minutes, 41 seconds
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TTMIK Level 2 Lesson 1

Congratulations on finishing Level 1 and advancing to Level 2! You have already learned a lot, but you can't stop there, right? Stay with us and don't forget that practice makes perfect and we are always here to talk with you in Korean! Level 2 Lesson 1 introduces the future tense. Future tense is very easy to use once you learn how, so let's get right into it! Listen to the audio podcast and be sure to check out the PDF as well! Thank you! 감사합니다!
4/1/201011 minutes, 43 seconds
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TTMIK Level 1 Lesson 3

TTMIK Level 1 Lesson 3 After listening to this lesson, you will be able to say good-bye in Korean. Do you remember how to say “Hello.” in Korean? 안녕하세요. [an-nyeong-ha-se-yo] If you remember 안녕하세요, that is fantastic. And if you even remember that “안녕” in 안녕하세요 means “peace” and “well-being”, that is even more fantastic. 안녕 [an-nyeong] = well-being, peace, health And in Korean, when you say “Good-bye” in formal/polite Korean, 존댓말 [jondaetmal], there are two types of expressions, and both of these expressions have the word 안녕 [an-nyeong] in them. One is when you are the one who is leaving. And the other is when you are the one who is staying. If you are leaving, and the other person is (or the other people are) staying, you can say: 안녕히 계세요. [an-nyeong-hi gye-se-yo] If you are staying, an the other person is (or the other people are) leaving, you can say: 안녕히 가세요. [an-nyeong-hi ga-se-yo] For now, don’t worry about the literary meaning of the expressinos and just learn them as they are, but if you are really curious and if we were forced to translate these greetings, they would be translated like this. 안녕히 계세요. = Stay in peace. 안녕히 가세요. = Go in peace. But again, don’t worry about the literal meaning of these greetings JUST YET! ** One tip Hyunwoo would like to give you: When Korean people say 안녕하세요 [an-nyeong-ha-se-yo], 안녕히 계세요 [an-nyeong-hi gye-se-yo] or 안녕히 가세요 [an-nyeong-hi ga-se-yo], they don’t always pronounce EVERY single letter clearly. So often times, what you would hear is just the ending part, “세요” [se-yo]. So you can deliberately sound more fluent by just saying 세요 [se-yo] for all of these occasions.
12/17/20095 minutes, 5 seconds
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TTMIK Level 1 Lesson 2

After listening to this lesson, when you are asked a YES/NO question, you will be able to answer that question with either YES or NO in Korean. 네. [ne] = Yes. 아니요. [aniyo] = No. But in Korean, when people say “네”, it is not the same as saying “Yes.” in English. The same goes for “아니요” too. This is because the Korean “네” expresses your “agreement” to what the other person said. And “아니요” expresses your “disagreement” or “denial” to what the other person said. Please read more about it in the PDF file attached to this lesson.
12/15/20096 minutes, 22 seconds
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TTMIK Level 1 Lesson 1

Learn to speak Korean at! - TTMIK Level 1 Lesson 1 - 안녕하세요. [an-nyeong-ha-se-yo] = Hello. / How are you? / Good morning. / Good afternoon. / Hi. 감사합니다. [gam-sa-ham-ni-da] = Thank you. ** Please feel free to ask us any question at !
12/14/20097 minutes, 6 seconds