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English, Arts, 1 season, 83 episodes, 8 hours, 5 minutes
We provide key insights from top nonfiction books in audio format.
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MONEY: Master the Game - Tony Robbins

Do you want to master money, and make it work for you? In this book you’ll discover the steps you need to take to achieve real financial freedom. Whether you're just starting your career or moving toward retirement, MONEY offers sound advice from seasoned professionals on saving and investing so you can live the life you want.
3/15/20233 minutes, 41 seconds
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Thinking, Fast and Slow - Daniel Kahneman

Thinking, Fast and Slow (2011) – a  recapitulation of the decades of research that led to Kahneman's winning the Nobel Prize – explains his contributions to our current  understanding of psychology and behavioral economics. Over the years,  the research of Kahneman and his colleagues has helped us better understand how decisions are made, why certain judgment errors are so common, and how we can improve ourselves.
3/15/20233 minutes, 12 seconds
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Daring Greatly - Brené Brown

Daring Greatly explores how embracing one’s vulnerability and imperfection is necessary for achieving real engagement and social connection. Through explaining our deep-seated reasons for shame, and showing how to embrace our vulnerability, the author aims to provide guidance for a better private and professional life and to initiate a fundamental transformation in our shame-based society which, according to the author, needs to adapt a new culture of vulnerability. Contact -  Website - Life With Data
3/15/20233 minutes, 27 seconds
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Emotional Intelligence - Daniel Goleman

Emotional Intelligence (1995) outlines the nature of emotional intelligence and reveals its vast impact on many aspects of life. By presenting the ways emotional intelligence evolves and explaining how it can be improved, it offers an alternative to the overly cognition-centered approaches to the human mind that formerly prevailed in the psychological establishment. Contact -  Website - Life With Data
3/15/20233 minutes, 30 seconds
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Never Split the Difference - Chris Voss and Tahl Raz

Never Split the Difference (2016) is your guide to getting what you want. Drawing on FBI strategies, it offers hands-on advice for how to negotiate your way to success – whether it’s in the office, the home,  or a hostage standoff. Contact -  Website - Life With Data
3/13/20234 minutes, 42 seconds
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Influence - Robert B. Cialdini

Influence (1984) explains in detail the fundamental principles of persuasion. How do you get people to say yes? How do other people get you to say yes? How are you manipulated by sleek salesmen, clever marketing folks, and sneaky confidence tricksters? Contact -  Website - Life With Data
3/13/20234 minutes, 54 seconds
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Making Ideas Happen - Scott Belsky

Making Ideas Happen deals with the obstacles that lie between your ideas and their implementation. It offers insight into the ways in which successful individuals and creative departments overcome these obstacles, by offering real-life examples from some of the world’s leading brands and creative minds. Contact -  Website - Life With Data
3/13/20233 minutes, 6 seconds
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The Upside of Irrationality - Dan Ariely

In The Upside of Irrationality (2011), Dan Ariely uses  behavioral economics to show us why we behave irrationally, how it affects our decision-making processes, and what we can do to make better choices. Contact - Website - Life With Data
3/13/20235 minutes, 21 seconds
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The Black Swan - Nassim Nicholas Taleb

The Black Swan (2010) offers insights into perceived randomness and the limitations we face in making predictions. Our over-reliance on methods that appeal to our intuition at the expense of accuracy, our basic inability to understand and define randomness, and even our biology itself all contribute to poor decision-making, and sometimes to  “Black Swans” – events thought to be impossible that redefine our understanding of the world. Contact -  Website - Life With Data
3/12/20232 minutes, 41 seconds
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Millionaire Success Habits - Dean Graziosi

Millionaire Success Habits (2016) condenses the wisdom of Dean  Graziosi’s world-renowned success courses, which teach that successful person have a more positive attitude to life and employ more productive habits than average people. But you too can achieve success, by  incorporating the habits that have carried others to prosperity before  you Contact -  Website - Life With Data
3/11/20232 minutes, 24 seconds
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Payoff - Dan Ariely

Payoff (2016) is all about the logic of motivation and how to make it work for you. This episode explains the different factors that drive people to achieve and shows why the most important factor of all is meaning. Contact -  Website - Life With Data
3/11/20232 minutes, 41 seconds
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The Imposter Cure - Dr. Jessamy Hibberd

The Imposter Cure (2019) provides strategies for increasing  confidence, overcoming fears and doubts, and learning to see oneself through the eyes of others.  Contact -  Website - Life With Data
3/10/20233 minutes, 25 seconds
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It's OK That You're Not OK - Megan Devine

It’s OK That You’re Not OK (2017) is a radical take on grief.  It deconstructs and recalibrates how we experience pain and support people who are grieving – and teaches us how to honor loss authentically. Contact -  Website - Life With Data
3/10/20232 minutes, 46 seconds
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The Brain that Changes Itself - Norman Doidge

How can stroke victims who become paralyzed start using a fork or buttoning their shirts again? Well, contrary to what was believed for so long, the brain is not hardwired. It can change, regenerate and grow.  Drawing on real-life cases of scientists, doctors, and patients, The Brain that Changes Itself (2007) shows us how, rather than relying on surgery and medicine, we can alter our brains through thought and behavior. Contact -  Website - Life With Data
3/10/20235 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Lucifer Effect - Philip Zimbardo

In an attempt to reveal the source of humanity’s capacity for evil, The Lucifer Effect (2007)  delves deep into the dark corners of the human mind. It shows how we walk a fine line between monstrosity and heroism daily – yet it isn’t our nature that determines on which side of the line we fall, but the numerous situational forces that permeate our lives. Contact -  Website - Life With Data
3/10/20236 minutes, 43 seconds
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Stop Overthinking - Nick Trenton

Stop Overthinking (2021) is an indispensable guide to breaking free from the negative thought patterns holding you back. Learn how to recognize your negative spiral triggers, overcome anxiety attacks, and declutter your mind to live a stress-free life. Contact -  Website - Life With Data
3/10/20235 minutes, 3 seconds
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Peak Performance - Brad Stulberg

Peak Performance (2017) employs success stories, case studies, and various examples of athletes, artists, and intellectuals to give you a  crash course in performance. Contact -  Website - Life With Data
3/10/20234 minutes, 56 seconds
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The Paradox of Choice - Barry Schwartz

The abundance of choices that modern society presents us with is commonly believed to result in better options and greater satisfaction. However,  author Barry Schwartz argues that too many choices can be detrimental to our psychological and emotional well-being. Through arguments based on current research in the social sciences, he demonstrates how more might actually be less. Contact -  Website - Life With Data
3/9/20234 minutes, 59 seconds
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Fooled by Randomness - Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Fooled by Randomness is a collection of essays on the impact of randomness on financial markets and life itself. Through a  mixture of statistics, psychology, and philosophical reflection, the author outlines how randomness dominates the world. Contact - Life With Data
3/9/20233 minutes, 7 seconds
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Social Intelligence - Daniel Goleman

Social Intelligence (2006) takes a look at a form of intelligence which makes the world go round but can’t be measured by IQ  tests: our cognitive ability to relate to others and accurately assess social situations. Understanding how social intelligence works isn’t just fascinating in its own right, as psychologists and neuroscientists are now realizing, it can also help us create happier and less stressful societies founded on stronger social bonds. Contact -  Website - Life With Data
3/8/20233 minutes, 14 seconds
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Emotional Detox - Sherianna Boyle

Emotional Detox (2018) is a guide to processing difficult emotions using the seven-step C.L.E.A.N.S.E. method (Clear, Look inward, Emit, Activate, Nourish, Surrender, and Ease).  Using practical exercises, it shows how to tackle negative emotions such as anxiety, anger, and fear in order to live a healthier and happier life. Contact -  Website - Life With Data
3/8/20233 minutes, 54 seconds
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Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing - Robert T. Kiyosaki

In Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing, Robert Kiyosaki lays out how rich people make investments. Drawing on the advice of his “rich dad,” a family friend who amassed great wealth, he shows that wealthy people make fundamentally different decisions from poor and middle-class people. Kiyosaki explains how you can change the way you approach financial decision-making and find the path to riches. Contact -  Website - Life With Data
3/8/20233 minutes, 4 seconds
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Smarter Faster Better - Charles Duhigg

Smarter Faster Better combines personal stories and business research to show that being productive isn’t just about managing your to-do list, but about making the right choices and maintaining the right mindset. In this episode, you will learn how to stay motivated, keep yourself on track, and work in teams effectively to maximize your creativity, productivity, and success. Contact -  Website - Life With Data
3/8/20238 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Art of Happiness - Dalai Lama

The Art of Happiness is based on interviews with His  Holiness the Dalai Lama conducted by the psychiatrist Howard C. Cutler.  The combination of Tibetan Buddhist spiritual tradition with Dr.  Cutler’s knowledge of Western therapeutic methods and scientific studies makes this a very accessible guide to everyday happiness. The book spent 97 weeks on the New York Times bestseller list. Contact -  Website - Life With Data
3/7/20236 minutes, 36 seconds
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Man’s Search for Meaning - Viktor Frankl

Originally published in 1946, Man’s Search for Meaning details the harrowing experiences of author and psychologist Viktor Frankl during his internment in Auschwitz concentration camp during the Second  World War. It offers insights into how human beings can survive unsurvivable situations, come to terms with trauma, and ultimately find meaning. Contact -  Website - Life With Data
3/7/20233 minutes, 20 seconds
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Eight Dates - John Gottman

Eight Dates helps couples navigate the ups and downs of a  relationship. Whether you’ve been married for years or have just met the love of your life, the bedrock of any relationship is quality conversation. Uncover your partner’s innermost needs and desires by going out on the eight-themed dates set out by the authors in this book.  But don’t stop there – the wisdom from these eight recommended dates can be applied to any date you and your partner go on. Contact -  Website - Life With Data
3/7/20235 minutes, 55 seconds
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Learn to Earn - Peter Lynch

Learn to Earn is a beginner’s guide to investing. It gives novice investors information about the history of capitalism and advice on how to pick investments and choose stocks. Contact -  Website - Life With Data
3/7/20233 minutes, 43 seconds
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Quiet - Susan Cain

"Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking" by Susan Cain is a groundbreaking non-fiction book that explores the strengths and challenges of introverted individuals in a society that often values extroverted qualities. Contact -  Website - Life With Data
3/6/20233 minutes, 30 seconds
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How Will You Measure Your Life? - Clayton M. Christensen

As a leading business expert and cancer survivor, Clayton M. Christensen provides you with his unique insight on how to lead a life that brings both professional success and genuine happiness. In How Will You Measure Your Life? Christensen touches on diverse topics such as motivation and how you can harness it, what career strategy is the best for you, how to strengthen relationships with loved ones, and how to build a strong family culture. Contact -  Website - Life With Data
3/6/20233 minutes, 40 seconds
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The Drama of the Gifted Child - Alice Miller

International bestseller and classic The Drama of the Gifted Child is about the ways in which our unhappy, repressed childhood memories come back to haunt us as adults. Everyone deals with negativity in their childhood, and if adults don’t confront these memories, they risk living unfulfilled lives or even passing their problems on to their  children. Overcoming these suppressed emotions will set you free. Contact -  Website - Life With Data
3/6/20232 minutes, 54 seconds
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The Mathematics of Love - Hannah Fry

Love is full of patterns – from the number of sexual partners, we have to the way we select potential mates from dating websites. In The Mathematics of Love, Hannah Fry sheds some light on these patterns and teaches you how to calculate your chances of finding The One, make a mathematical argument to justify approaching someone in a bar, and use a  mathematical trick to plan your wedding. Contact -  Website - Life With Data
3/6/20233 minutes, 16 seconds
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Macbeth - William Shakespeare

Macbeth (1606) is the Shakespearean tragedy of Scottish general  Macbeth and his doomed attempt to seize his country’s throne. His ambitions ignited by a prophecy spoken to him by three witches,  Macbeth’s path to power begins with anxiety and reticence and ends with callousness and cruelty. His story is a timeless exploration of guilt,  paranoia, madness, prophecy, and the evils of ambition. Contact -  Website - Life With Data
3/5/20232 minutes, 55 seconds
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To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee

To Kill a Mockingbird is one of the most influential  American novels ever written. Set in a small town in Alabama in the  1930s, it follows the Finch family over three tumultuous years as a  trial divides a community. Covering themes of love and hate, innocence and experience, and kindness and cruelty, Harper Lee’s book goes to the heart of human behavior. Contact -  Website - Life With Data
3/5/20233 minutes, 57 seconds
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Antifragile - Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Some things seem to improve if they are placed in environments of volatility and unpredictability. Antifragile analyzes why this is the case. It suggests that this quality has been vital for the progress of human civilization since ancient times. Nassim  Nicholas Taleb takes a critical look at modern society and its aim to smooth out life by interfering in systems like the economy. Far from making society a better place, this interfering nature is destroying the volatile environment essential for antifragility to take place. Contact -  Website - Life With Data
3/4/20233 minutes, 21 seconds
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The Tipping Point - Malcolm Gladwell

The Tipping Point discusses why certain ideas, products, and behaviors spread like epidemics and what we can do to consciously trigger and have control over such epidemics. Contact - Website - Life With Data
3/4/20234 minutes, 1 second
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Give and Take - Adam Grant

Give and Take offers a breath of fresh air to traditional theories of what it takes to be successful. Backed by ground-breaking research, Give and Take demonstrates how giving more to others, rather than competing against them, maybe the secret to profound success and fulfillment. Contact -  Website - Life With Data
3/4/20232 minutes, 53 seconds
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Nudge - Richard H. Thaler

The message of Nudge is to show us how we can be encouraged,  with just a slight nudge or two, to make better decisions. The book starts by explaining the reasons for the wrong decisions we make in everyday life. Contact -  Website - Life With Data
3/4/20232 minutes, 34 seconds
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The Relationship Cure - John M. Gottman

The Relationship Cure prescribes a surprisingly simple solution to the problems that ail many of our relationships. Drawing on psychologist John M. Gottman’s extensive research, its insights, and tips are equally applicable to relationships between romantic partners,  friends, family members, and coworkers. Contact -  Website - Life With Data
3/3/20232 minutes, 41 seconds
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Clever Girl Finance - Bola Sokunbi

Clever Girl Finance aims to help women take charge of their financial well-being-without feeling judged or pressured. It shows the best ways to manage your finances, get out of debt, saves money, and create wealth while staying true to your values and personality. Contact -  Website - Life With Data
3/3/20232 minutes, 48 seconds
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Mindless Eating - Brian Wansink

Mindless Eating explores the diverse messages and influences  that constitute our eating habits, which we tend to follow “mindlessly.”  It also offers practical solutions on how to exploit these subconscious influences in order to help meet our health or weight-loss goals. Please note that the validity of some of the research underlying the author’s work has since been called into question. Contact -  Website - Life With Data
3/3/20233 minutes, 11 seconds
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Why Marriages Succeed or Fail - John Gottman

Why Marriages Succeed or Fail (1994) is an insightful guide to creating successful relationships. It describes the four red flags to look out for in your relationship, and how to repair negative patterns and rediscover what made you fall in love in the first place. Contact -  Website - Life With Data
3/3/20234 minutes, 50 seconds
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How to Avoid a Climate Disaster - Bill Gates

How to Avoid a Climate Disaster is a guidebook to getting the world to an important milestone: zero greenhouse gas emissions. Bill Gates shares the knowledge he’s gained through his role on international climate commissions and as a go-to source of funding for climate solution startups. He pinpoints the ideas that show the most promise and explains the work that still needs to be done. Contact -  Website - Life With Data
3/2/20233 minutes, 26 seconds
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Predictably Irrational - Dan Ariely

Predictably Irrational explains the fundamentally irrational ways we behave every day. Why do we decide to diet and then give it up as soon as we see a tasty dessert? Why would your mother be offended if you tried to pay her for a Sunday meal she lovingly prepared? Why is pain medication more effective when the patient thinks it is more expensive? The reasons and remedies for these and other irrationalities are explored and explained with studies and anecdotes. Contact -  Website - Life With Data
3/2/20233 minutes, 39 seconds
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Starry Messenger - Neil deGrasse Tyson

Starry Messenger is about a way of looking at the world called the cosmic perspective.  It’s the view that opens up when we think about human life in its largest possible context – that of the universe itself. This isn’t an exercise in making our worldly affairs seem small and trivial, though.  It’s about unlocking insights that can help us live more happily and meaningfully on the cosmic anomaly we call Earth. Contact -  Website - Life With Data
3/2/20234 minutes, 22 seconds
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A Brief History of Time - Stephen Hawking

A Brief History of Time takes a look at both the history of scientific theory and the ideas that form our understanding of the universe today. From big bangs and black holes to the smallest particles in the universe, Hawking offers a clear overview of both the history of the universe and the complex science behind it, all presented in a way  that even readers who are being introduced to these ideas for the first  time will understand. Contact -  Website - Life With Data
3/2/20234 minutes, 6 seconds
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The Automatic Millionaire - David Bach

Automatic Millionaire (2003) is a highly practical and useful guide that shows how anyone can, over time, turn a modest income into a  fortune. Author David Bach proves that earning a million dollars doesn’t require any complicated financial wizardry or even a disciplined spending budget – all it takes is a simple one-step plan! Contact -  Website - Life With Data
3/1/20232 minutes, 10 seconds
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The Courage to Be Disliked - Ichiro Kishimi

The Courage to Be Disliked takes a look at the psychology of Alfred Adler, the famous twentieth-century Austrian psychologist. Adler argued that we should care less about what other people think and the authors show how Adler’s philosophy can continue to benefit us today. Contact -  Website - Life With Data
3/1/20236 minutes, 33 seconds
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Dollars and Sense - Dan Ariely

We use money every day to take care of bills and purchase the things we need to get by in life, yet rarely seem to think rationally about spending it. Dollars and Sense (2017) explores the irrational human nature that leads to bad spending habits, why we’re so bad at saving money, and how to resolve this all too human shortcoming. Contact -  Website - Life With Data
3/1/20234 minutes, 2 seconds
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To Sell Is Human - Daniel H. Pink

To Sell Is Human explains how selling has become an important part of almost every job and equips the reader with tools and techniques to be more effective at persuading others. Contact -  Website - Life With Data
3/1/20237 minutes, 4 seconds
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Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits - Philip A. Fischer

Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits give you all the information you need to make smart investments, regardless of your investment style. Whether you’re looking for huge profits or simply to maintain existing funds, this book shows you the path to success. Contact -  Website - Life With Data
2/28/20237 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Power of Habit - Charles Duhigg

The Power of Habit (2012) explains what important role habits play in our lives, whether they’re good ones, like brushing our teeth and exercising, or bad ones, like smoking. Filled with research-based findings and engaging anecdotes, The Power of Habit not only explains exactly how habits are formed, it provides easy tips for changing habits, both on an individual and an organizational level. Contact -  Website - Life With Data
2/28/20234 minutes, 31 seconds
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Deep Work - Cal Newport

Deep Work (2016) is all about how the rise of technology has wrecked our ability to concentrate deeply on tasks – and how to overcome this blockade. Contact -  Website - Life With Data
2/28/20232 minutes, 35 seconds
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10% Happier - Dan Harris

10% Happier demystifies the ancient art of meditation by explaining recent, cutting-edge scientific research into how meditation affects your body and mind. Importantly, it shows you just how valuable meditation can be in coping with the chaos and stress of modern life. Contact -  Website - Life With Data
2/28/20234 minutes, 4 seconds
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Mindset - Carol Dweck

Mindset (2006) discusses the differences between people with a  fixed mindset versus those with a growth mindset. Our mindset determines the way we deal with tough situations and setbacks as well as our willingness to deal with and improve ourselves. This book demonstrates how we can achieve our goals by changing our mindset. Contact -  Website - Life With Data
2/27/20235 minutes, 19 seconds
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13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do - Amy Morin

13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do explains how to develop great mental strength by taking control of your emotions,  thoughts, and actions. With useful tips, inspiring examples, and practical solutions, this book will help you overcome your fears and start living life to the fullest. Contact -  Website - Life With Data
2/27/202313 minutes, 24 seconds
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Ego is the Enemy - Ryan Holiday

Ego is the Enemy (2016) outlines the dangers of egotism and the strategies we can use to rein in our pride, using historical and cultural examples. Contact -  Website - Life With Data
2/26/20232 minutes, 29 seconds
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The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho

The Alchemist follows the story of a young Andalusian shepherd, who travels to the pyramids of Egypt to find a treasure he has recurrently dreamed about. On his journey, he has to overcome multiple obstacles – through which he learns valuable life lessons. Based on a  thirteenth-century folktale, it explores topics such as following your dreams, finding your destiny, and the nature of love. Contact Website - Life With Data
2/26/20232 minutes, 39 seconds
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The Innovator’s Dilemma - Clayton Christensen

"The Innovator's Dilemma" by Clayton Christensen explains how successful companies can be disrupted by new technologies and business models that emerge unexpectedly from smaller and less established competitors. Contact -  Website - Life With Data
2/26/20233 minutes, 27 seconds
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Outliers - Malcolm Gladwell

Outliers is an examination of individuals who achieve a level of success – in math, sports, law, or any pursuit, really – so extraordinary that it lies outside the realm of normal experience. We often think these outliers possess some mysterious innate ability that helps them rise to the top of their fields, but other factors, like family, culture or even birthdates, can have a huge effect on success, too. Contact -  Website - Life With Data
2/26/20235 minutes, 39 seconds
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This Is How We Do It - Kevin Hart

This Is How We Do It (2022) is the inspirational pep talk you never knew you needed. Entertainment icon Kevin Hart leads readers through his mental boot camp of fifteen essential tools for living your best life. Drawing from his own personal experiences – and adding a good dose of his signature humor – Hart suggests a new mindset based on positivity and personal growth. Contact -  Website - Life With Data
2/25/20235 minutes, 11 seconds
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The Snowball - Alice Schroeder

The Snowball offers a revealing look at the life and times of one of modern America’s most fascinating men: Warren Buffett.  Find out how this shy and awkward man earned his first million dollars and how following a few fundamental rules enabled him to become the world’s wealthiest man. Contact -   Website - Life With Data
2/25/20239 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Happiness Project - Gretchen Rubin

What is happiness and how can we bring more of it into our lives?  Gretchen Rubin asked herself this question because although she fulfilled all the prerequisites for a happy life – an intact family, a  good job, and enough money for a rainy day – she found herself frequently unhappy. During her year-long Happiness Project, she read about various techniques and theories on increasing happiness and tried to become happier with their help. Contact -  Website - Life With Data
2/25/20236 minutes, 41 seconds
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How to Talk to Anyone - Leil Lowndes

How To Talk to Anyone is an indispensable guide to improving your conversations and becoming more graceful and effective in your social interactions – no matter the situation. Leil Lowndes offers readers a treasure trove of techniques and tips that will help any socially awkward individual gain more confidence in workplace environments, meetings, their private lives, and at parties. Contact - Life With Data
2/25/20235 minutes, 44 seconds
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The Power of Regret - Daniel Pink

The Power of Regret (2022) is a rebuttal of the “no regrets”  worldview. Drawing from human psychology, it shares actionable steps for transforming emotion into action and using past disappointments to shape purposeful futures. Contact -  Website - Life With Data
2/24/20233 minutes, 5 seconds
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The Obstacle is the Way - Ryan Holiday

In The Obstacle is the Way, Ryan Holiday brings the age-old wisdom of Stoic philosophy up to date. By examining the struggles of historical figures of inspiring resilience, Holiday shows not only how obstacles couldn’t stop them, but more importantly, how these people thrived precisely because of the obstacles.  Holiday shows how we can turn obstacles to our advantage, and how we can transform apparent roadblocks into success, both in our businesses and our personal lives. Contact -  Website - Life With Data
2/24/20239 minutes, 32 seconds
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The Power Of Now - Eckhart Tolle

The Power of Now offers a  specific method for putting an end to suffering and achieving inner peace, living fully in the present, and separating yourself from your mind. The book also teaches you to detach yourself from your “ego” – a  part of the mind that seeks control over your thinking and behavior. It argues that by doing so you can learn to accept the present, reduce the amount of pain you experience, improve your relationships, and enjoy a  better life in general. Contact -  Website - Life With Data
2/24/20237 minutes, 16 seconds
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The Intelligent Investor - Benjamin Graham

The Intelligent Investor offers sound advice on investing from a  trustworthy source – Benjamin Graham, an investor who flourished after the financial crash of 1929. Having learned from his own mistakes, the author lays out exactly what it takes to become a successful investor in any environment. Contact -  Website - Life With Data Twitter - @bprasad26
2/24/20237 minutes, 51 seconds
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Think and Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill

In Think and Grow Rich (1937), Napoleon Hill investigates the methods of the 500 most successful people of his time, including the world’s richest men, top politicians, famous inventors, writers, and captains of industry. First published amidst the Great Depression, Think and Grow Rich has sold over 100 million copies. Contact -  Website - Life With Data
2/23/20235 minutes, 40 seconds
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The Psychology of Money - Morgan Housel

The Psychology of Money looks at the way money works in the real world. Financial decisions are rarely driven by the theories of economists and the neat spreadsheets of accountants. Instead, a myriad of factors, from personal history to pride and even envy, shape our decision-making. The results are often surprising– and always fascinating. Contact -  Website - Life With Data Twitter - @bprasad26
2/23/20237 minutes, 30 seconds
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12 Rules for Life - Jordan B. Peterson

12 Rules For Life provides readers with an inventory of life’s most pressing concerns and the issues that have been present in the human psyche since ancient times. Author Jordan B. Peterson has collected some of the most enduring philosophical and religious assertions, as well as the lessons from our most cherished tales, to provide us with 12 guidelines to ensure a life of meaning. Drawing on philosophy, psychology, history, and myth, these are clear and consistent principles that everyone can live by. Contact -  Website - Life With Data Twitter - @bprasad26
2/23/20238 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Everything Store - Jeff Bezos and the Age of Amazon by Brad Stone

The Everything Store is a book about the success story of Jeff Bezos and his company, Amazon. In 1994, Bezos quit his job at D.E. Shaw & Co. to launch an online company that would sell everything under the sun. He started in his garage in Seattle and limited himself to selling books in the beginning. This decision turned out to be a great success and Amazon became a household name. The book offers insights into Bezos' unique way of thinking and the secrets to Amazon's success, as well as some of the negative aspects of the company's story. Contact -  Website - Life With Data Twitter - @bprasad26
2/23/20237 minutes, 9 seconds
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The Happiness Advantage - Shawn Achor

The Happiness Advantage looks into the origins of happiness and the positive effects that happiness has on our productivity. Based on extensive research in positive psychology, the book offers concrete tips on how to increase your own happiness and thus your chances for success. Contact -  Website - Life With Data Twitter - @bprasad26
2/22/202317 minutes, 17 seconds
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The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari - Robin Sharma

The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari offers a remedy to the problems of modern life. A fable, it tells the story of the enlightenment of ex-lawyer Julian Mantle and gives advice on how to live a happier, more rewarding, and enlightened existence. Contact -  Website - Life With Data Twitter - @bprasad26
2/22/20239 minutes, 51 seconds
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The Millionaire Next Door - Thomas J. Stanley

Drawing from personal interviews, The Millionaire Next Door  (1996) reveals that many millionaires’ daily lives are a far cry from the stereotype of luxury cars, mansions, and private jets. Yet this book also disproves the belief that becoming a millionaire is difficult –  anyone can learn not only how to become rich but also stay rich. Contact -  Website - Life With Data Twitter - @bprasad26
2/22/20233 minutes, 46 seconds
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Atomic Habits - James Clear

Atomic Habits provides a practical and proven framework for creating good habits and shedding bad ones. Drawing on scientific research and real-life examples, it shows how tiny changes in behavior can result in the formation of new habits and help you achieve big things. Contact -  Website - Life With Data Twitter - @bprasad26
2/21/20237 minutes, 31 seconds
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Originals - Adam Grant

In Originals (2016), Adam Grant taps into the field of original thinking and explores where great ideas come from. By following unconventional rules, Grant gives us helpful guidelines for how we can foster originality in every facet of our lives. He also shows that anyone can enhance his or her creativity, and gives foolproof methods for identifying our truly original ideas – and following through with them. Contact -  Website - Life With Data Twitter - @bprasad26
2/21/20236 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Honest Truth About Dishonesty - Dan Ariely

In his book, author Dan Ariely conducts experiments to discover the underlying factors that drive people to cheat in everyday situations. He finds that certain anticipated motivators, such as money, do not play a significant role in our dishonesty. However, other unexpected forces, such as the social acceptability of cheating and our altruistic tendencies, strongly influence us. Contact - Website - Life With Data Twitter - @bprasad26
2/20/20236 minutes, 40 seconds
Episode Artwork

Freakonomics - Steven D. Levitt

Freakonomics applies rational economic analysis to everyday situations, from online dating to buying a house. The book reveals why the way we make decisions is often irrational, why conventional wisdom is frequently wrong, and how and why we are incentivized to do what we do. Contact -  Website - Life With Data Twitter -  @bprasad26
2/20/202313 minutes, 2 seconds
Episode Artwork

How to Win Friends & Influence People - Dale Carnegie

How to Win Friends & Influence People (1936) provides a  masterclass in managing and dealing with people. From making a good first impression to disagreeing effectively, it contains all you need to know about becoming skillful, pleasant, and assured in your personal and business dealings.  Contact -  Website - Life With Data Twitter - @bprasad26
2/20/202314 minutes, 9 seconds
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The 4-Hour Workweek - Timothy Ferriss

The 4-Hour Workweek describes the life of the New Rich,  people who’ve emancipated themselves from the slavery of office work and built a life centered around happiness in the here and now. If you want to lead such a life too, you’ll have to start by being more productive and finding a source of continuous – and almost entirely passive –  income. Contact -  Website - Life With Data Twitter - @bprasad26
2/19/202320 minutes, 50 seconds
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The Richest Man in Babylon - George S. Clason

The Richest Man In Babylon is a series of parables set in ancient Babylon concerning financial wisdom. In this episode, you’ll find these parables distilled into modern-day advice that can help you accumulate wealth. Buy on Amazon - The Richest Man in Babylon Contact - Website - Life With Data Twitter - @bprasad26
2/19/202313 minutes, 33 seconds
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Rich Dad Poor Dad - Robert Kiyosaki

Combining autobiography and personal advice, Rich Dad, Poor Dad (1997) outlines how you can become financially independent and wealthy. The author argues that what he teaches in this New York Times best-seller are things we’re never taught in society and that what the  upper-class passes on to its children are the necessary knowledge for  getting (and staying) rich. As evidence to support his claims, he cites  his highly successful career as an investor and his retirement at the  early age of 47. Contact -  Website - Life With Data Twitter - @bprasad26
2/17/202321 minutes, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork

One Up On Wall Street - Peter Lynch

One Up On Wall Street is the amateur guide to successfully investing in the stock market. From why professional investors fall short when picking stocks, to how to identify great investment prospects, One Up On Wall Street shares simple yet effective advice for achieving financial success. Contact -  Website - Life With Data Twitter - @bprasad26
2/16/202318 minutes, 55 seconds